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fanficmaniatic · 2 years
Ha ha… what if… I wrote Cars 3 Fanfiction?? Just kidding… Unless 👁👁
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evilgoodguys · 20 days
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he’d forgotten how much he missed that smile.
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hazemsuhail · 1 month
Emergency: Help my family survive and start a new life
Hello everyone, I hope you take a minute to read our story.
I’m Hazem Shawish, trying to save my family from the war
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We’re a family of 8 members, me, my mother, and I have 4 brothers and two sisters. And their kids
Islam (30) years old ( @eslamsuhail )
Samer (29)
Hashem (31)
Mohammad (35)
Nisreen (37) ( @nisreensuhail )
Noor (36).
Amal (12)
Kenzy (17) ( @kenzish )
Zoheer (19)
TikTok video link
In the shadow of conflict, our family has faced unimaginable hardships. The passing of my father, a victim to the cruel grasp of hunger and inadequate healthcare, left a void in our lives, underscoring the fragility of our existence here. My brother, Samer, battles bipolar disorder, a condition exacerbated by the ongoing war and the severe shortage of essential medications. Without access to the necessary treatment, his life is at risk, and we live in constant fear for his well-being amidst the chaos that surrounds us. These personal tragedies have deepened the urgency of our situation.
My brother Samer
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Every day is a struggle for survival, and each night is filled with prayers for a brighter tomorrow. Yet, amidst the darkness, we hold onto hope, seeking solace in the belief that one day, the clouds of war will dissipate, and we will find the peace and stability we so desperately crave. Until then, we endure, clinging to the threads of our resilience, and nurturing dreams of a safer, healthier future for us all.
Our home, once a sanctuary of love and warmth, was destroyed, displacing us into a life of uncertainty and fear. The laughter of my children and my sister's daughters, once the music of our home, is now silenced by the echoes of conflict. They deserve a future where education and happiness are not just dreams but realities.
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Our entire neighborhood In Gaza Before and after
we had a supermarket that helped as to live and earn money, but it was bombed and we have nothing now, pic of our supermarket
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But our challenges are not just physical; they are emotional and psychological. The loss of my father and the imminent threat to my brother's life weigh heavily on us. My mother, who has endured so much, faces the unimaginable fear of losing another child. For her, for my brother, for my children, and for the future of our family, we seek a new beginning.
We dream of a place far from the sounds of war we want to be safe with my family we dream to move to Egypt to save ourselves
This journey is more than a physical relocation; it is a quest for dignity, for normalcy, for the very essence of what makes life worth living. We seek to restore what conflict has stripped from us: our home, our health, and our hope.
We turn to you, not just as donors, but as fellow humans who understand the power of compassion and community. Your support, in any form, is a beacon of hope in our darkest times. It represents solidarity and a shared belief in the sanctity of life and the right to a safe and peaceful existence.
Our dream is simple yet seems a world away:
to escape to Egypt .
for children to pursue education and a life unshaded by conflict, and for us to honor my father's memory in a land of peace.
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However, this dream bears a significant cost, one that is beyond our reach. For each of us to make this journey, to cross borders towards a life of safety and dignity, we estimate the need for at least $5,000 per person. This sum covers the complex tapestry of legal, travel, and initial resettlement expenses.
All of our important links are here
Thank you for hearing our story, for your empathy, and for considering standing with us as we embark on this journey to a new life.🇵🇸🍉❤️‍🩹🙏
With heartfelt gratitude,
Hazem Shawish
Note: My account vetted by :
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haifaaziz98 · 3 months
I am consumed by fear that my mother might die in Gaza while I am far away, unable to help her. The thought of her suffering alone in such a dangerous place breaks my heart. I feel so helpless and terrified, knowing I can't be there to protect her or bring her to safety. Every day is filled with anxiety and dread, as I hope and pray for her survival amidst the chaos.
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micewithknives · 2 months
I let myself rest and now I'm daydreaming about academia and academic research and writing again
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ahmed-ziad · 3 months
Urgent 🚨 🚨
My mother makes us bread despite the difficult situation and the lack of necessities of life 😔
The war has entered its ninth month and everything is getting worse 💔
Please help me get my family out of there and protect them from war and bombing🙏🙏
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abuadam86 · 16 days
Emergency: Help save my children's lives
Dear humanity,
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I am Habib from Gaza. I am married and have four children: Menna, 12 years old, Adam, 10 years old (suffering from quadriplegia), Maria, 6 years old, and Ezz, one year old. Although they are young, they have survived previous wars, but this current war is the most difficult of all. This is a war of genocide, and the difficulty of the war lies in the inability to meet the needs of my son Adam, who needs special care.
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Over the past ten months, we have been caught in the crossfire of the ongoing conflict in Gaza. Our once peaceful home in Khan Yunis has been reduced to rubble, and now we find ourselves displaced in Deir al-Balah, living in squalid conditions in a makeshift tent on the streets. The devastation not only deprived us of our physical shelter, but also destroyed my livelihood - the once thriving business that supported our family's well-being, is now in ruins. The daily struggle for survival is exacerbated by the scarcity of basic necessities such as clean water, adequate sanitation and basic medical supplies
Our home was the place where we found hope and safety, and where we made precious memories. Losing him was like losing years of our lives.
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Not only that, they destroyed my source of livelihood, burned it, and demolished it with bulldozers, and today I am without a home and without a job. I was working in a store I owned that met the needs and expenses of my family
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Living in tents is miserable. There is a lack of drinking water, hot sun rays, and strange insects that have terrified my children. What hurts me most is my young son Ezz, who I see growing up in an unclean environment and with no healthy food for him. I believe he has not received his right to life.
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At this stage, my husband and I decided to go to you and create an account on the Go Fund Me website and ask you to help us in these difficult times until we get out of Gaza, from the land of war to the land of peace. All we need from you is to support us and help us to get out of the war, even if you cannot help. You should spread the word. This campaign is everywhere and among your friends. We thank you for your stance and support for us. Thank you, my friends
The amount that will be collected from this campaign :
We will spend it by paying the amount to coordinate entry through the Rafah land crossing, which connects Gaza to the State of Egypt, since, as I mentioned, they charge an adult $5,000, but depending on the pressures, crises, and waiting, the amount may reach $7,000 per person, and children $2,500 to $4,000.
We will also use it for the rest of the travel and safe transportation expenses to provide for all family members.
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A picture of my children's life before the war
A video of my children's lives living the war
May God reward you with all the best and may God bless you
Best wishes with sincere gratitude,
Habib's family
My Instagram account link
My account vetted by:
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alaakhateeb-gaza · 1 month
🚨Trapped Family in Gaza Appeals for Help to Survive
A Plea for Help from Gaza: A Family Seeking Safety
My account Was verified & it’s listed as No. 99
Hello, I'd like you to publish my story. I'm from Gaza, Palestine, I live with my parent's , wife & three brothers.
Suffering from the scourge of war in GAZA 10/2023 to Now that's 338 Days.
Words can't describe the life we ​​live & the pain. It's like a horror movie, & death grabs us from every side.
Many of our Children & Women, died due to the war.
The sewage is drained into the Drinking Water & sea. Many of people infected with hepatitis & the deadly polio virus.
Therefore, Please help us by sharing or donating to travel from Gaza & build a new life.🕊🕊🕊
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Thank you❤️
GoFundMe Campaign Link ♥️ :
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@ibtisam @alaaalkhateeb @apollonaire @nabulsi @el-shab-hussein @northgazaupdates2 @gazafundraisers @gaza-evacuation-funds @usatoday @palestine @palipunk @stil-macher @gofundmereach-blog @gofundme-ourhouse @gofundcapital @gofundmesharing @helpfamily @helpingg @supportgaza @support @fundersandfounders @commissions4aid-international @communistshitapples-blog @pollo-con-vodka @peoplemag @worldhistoryfacts @palestine @palipunk-blog
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samerpal · 3 months
"First, I would like to thank everyone who supported me.🙏🌹
This is my new platform, friends, after my old platform was deleted for reasons unknown to me.
I ask for your help in sharing my story again to keep hope alive for me and my family, friends.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.♥️
My family and I appreciate your cooperation and hope to reach the desired goal and save us.🙏
Attached are the verification links for the old account from the supporters.
Link vetted by @ibtisams
Link vetted by @el-shab-hussein and @nabulsi
Link vetted by @sar-soor
My approved number by the families in need and endorsed by the supervisors is 196."
@90-ghost @ibtisams @nabulsi @aces-and-angels @sar-soor @sayruq @fairuzfan @palestinegenocide @vakarians-babe @northgazaupdates @northgazaupdates2
Trapped Family in Gaza Appeals for Help to Survive 🕊️🇵🇸🙏
I Samer Abu Ras, am reaching out to you with a heartfelt humanitarian appeal, after the ongoing war in Gaza has cast its dark shadow over my life and the lives of my family. Our lives were once filled with peace and stability before the onset of this catastrophe, but now, we find ourselves living in a situation described as nothing short of tragic.
Please note that the conversion rate is 1 USD =10 SEK
10$ = 100 SEK
50$= 500 SEK
100$= 1000 SEK
200$= 2000 SEK
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My wife, Shurooq, our three children, and I are now homeless, without a source of income, and without hope for the future. My family and I have lost our businesses and our home due to the war, and we now have nothing left but the cold streets and troubled hearts.
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My children are suffering greatly as a result of these horrific events. They have lost the security and stability they once enjoyed and are now facing new health and psychological challenges that threaten their lives. As a father and husband, I feel powerless in my ability to provide adequate protection and care for them.
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My child, who is a year and a half old, is experiencing hardships far beyond his tender age. Since the war broke out, we had to flee our home and seek refuge in a tent in a displacement camp. My child lives in extremely difficult conditions, deprived of safety and stability. The tent does not provide adequate protection from harsh weather, and food and medicine are scarce. My child suffers from malnutrition and illness, lacking basic healthcare. He cannot play or grow in a healthy and suitable environment. My only dream is to see him grow up in a safe place full of opportunities
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In the face of difficult circumstances, Samer Abu Ras and his family find themselves facing serious challenges in their daily lives. They reside in a modest tent lacking comfort and security, suffering from a shortage of clean water and food, and encountering difficulties in accessing necessary healthcare. Despite these challenges, they continue to express hope and resilience in confronting adversity, holding onto hope for a better tomorrow and a return to a more stable and secure life.
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I appeal to you today, dear friends, to extend to me a helping hand in escaping this hell. Regardless of the size of the donation, every drop of generosity will contribute to alleviating our suffering and rebuilding our lives anew.
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We need your help to secure the funds necessary to travel away from these destructive wars and seek a safe and stable environment where we can build a better future for our children
Let us stand together in these difficult times and let hope triumph over despair by providing support and assistance to those in dire need. Let us be part of the solution and build a better future for ourselves and future generations.
Thank you for listening and for the potential generosity of your giving, and for your generous donations that will change the lives of my family for the better.
With sincere gratitude and appreciation
‏Samer Abu Ras and family.
@heba-20 @soon-palestine @marnota @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @i-am-aprl @nabulsi @sayruq @communistchilchuck @palipunk @palestinecharitycommissionsassoc @faggotfungus @ghost-and-a-half @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness @three-croissants @interfacefox @appsa @akajustmerry @feluka @flower-tea-fairies @90-ghost @victoriawhimsey @ficsforgaza @aria-ashryver @mangocheesecakes @humanvoicebox @plomegranate @queerstudiesnatural @commissions4aid-international @palestinegenocide @ghost-and-a-half @bibyebae @heritageposts @norrriey 🍉🌹🍉✍️
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kairenn-n · 5 months
the thing is that i do wholeheartedly believe hannibal would be a good husband. not a good person at all but you dont need to be a good person to be a good husband
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thatscreamingrat · 2 months
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it's READY! :')
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endyfwend · 1 month
Just found a Batman quote, and it sounds like an “incorrect quotes” sorta thing. It’s not. Batman, THE Batman, has actually said “Ya basic”
… I’m crying
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tacticaltaxonomist · 1 year
Declutter Tumblr
The new layout it a whole mess. Thankfully Xkit can already help with a bunch of this! I'm sure it'll give more options soon.
Vanilla Tumblr:
(I have marked in red what can be removed. The tabs can be set not to stick, so you will really only see them at the top of your dash. Empty box on the left for hidden notifications and shop sparkle, i just didn't have any. I'm EU so no Live for me).
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Xkit Rewritten Tumblr:
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The settings I use:
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scottishmushroom · 1 year
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Sitting here watching s2xe5 and it’s the scene where Crowley is asking Aziraphale why his French is so bad and he says “I went to Monsieur Rossignol’s night classes in 1760”.
I decided to Google if this was a real person since the name wasn’t familiar to me, and instead I had my giant gay heart stomped on by Neil Gaiman once again.
The French word for nightingale: Rossignol
It’s the language of romance and Aziraphale took night classes with a Mr. Nightingale. I CAN’T BREATHE.
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huda-yousef · 14 days
Save What’s Left of My Family in Gaza
Donation Link
In the heart of Gaza, where daily life has become a constant challenge amidst the siege and continuous bombing, we experienced unforgettable moments, filled with love and hope despite the pain. This is my story, and the story of my family, which may not differ from hundreds of other families in Gaza, but it holds special memories that will forever be etched in our minds.
Yazan, my dear nephew, was always a symbol of courage and joy in our family. Since childhood, he loved to wear his elegant blue suit, always made sure his hair was neatly styled, and smiled at the world as if to tell us that tomorrow would be better. On the day of a family member’s wedding, Yazan stood proudly beside us, radiating happiness, sharing his smiles with everyone, as if he knew that these moments would be among the last memories we would have of him. Just a few days later, in a merciless airstrike, we lost Yazan. He left us while dreaming of a tomorrow filled with peace and joy, leaving behind a void and indescribable pain.
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As for Suheir, my beloved niece, she is the sun that rises in our lives every day. Suheir is still with us, full of life and hope, dreaming of wearing her white dress on her special day and living a life filled with joy and success. Despite the harsh circumstances, Suheir carries the spirit of childhood and is the source of hope that we cling to amidst all this pain. Every time I see her, I feel that life still offers us a chance to witness its beauty and happiness.
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We lost Yazan, but we thank God that Suheir is still with us. She is a symbol of hope and resilience. Although life has become more difficult and harsh, I believe there is always light at the end of the tunnel. We have endured these bitter experiences together as a family, but we still carry in our hearts a passion for life, seeking safety and the opportunities that can grant us a new beginning.
For this reason, I have launched a fundraising campaign to help my family escape this harsh reality. My goal is to secure a better future for those of us who remain, especially the children who deserve to live their lives without fear of bombings and airstrikes. All I ask for is a chance to give them a future filled with peace and opportunities, far from wars and destruction.
With hope and faith, I ask everyone who reads these words to contribute to our cause. Together, we can build a better future for our children, keep Yazan’s memory alive as a symbol of courage and hope, and continue to support Suheir so that she can live the life she dreams of, filled with safety and happiness.
Sorry for mention you
@claudiasescapesubmarine@neptunerings @malcriada@timetravellingkitty @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness @northgazaupdates2 @rhubarbspring @watermotif @kyra45-helping-others @gaza-evacuation-funds @appsa @emathystg @transmutationisms @lonniemachin @retvolution @rairikka @a1m3v @bookn3rd-cartoons
@chronicschmonic @feluka @halalchampagnesocialist @ihavenoideashelp @irhabiya @jezior @kordeliiius
@komsomolka @kit-today @laurapalmerss @mushroomjar@mahoushojoe@mothblossoms
@orchidvioletindigo @pcktknife @planetgraves @vetted-gaza-funds @turtletoria @the-bastard-king @three-croissants @tortiefrancis @sleevesareforlosers @grapejuicedragoon @girlinafairytale @lovewontfindherwayhome @rooh-afza
@unfortunatelyuncreative @vakarians-babe @wellwaterhysteria @xinakwans @hametsukaishi
@appsa @a-shade-of-blue @a1m3v
@transmutationisms @nightydraws@mimiqyu
@grapejuicedragoon @boostpOwer @ohwarnette
@mothblossoms@zigcarnivorous @xzbat-loverzx
@degenderates @briarhips @bunnie-the-idiot
@brutaliakhoa @claudiasescapesubmarine
@commissions4aid-international @doug-dimmadumb
@deepspaceboytoy @feluka @flower-tea-fairies
@girlinafairytale @halalchampagnesocialist
@hametsukaishi @irhabiya @kordeliiius @killaltrock
@kyra45-helping-others @kit-today @laurapalmerss
@lovewontfindherwayhome @malcriada
@mushroomjar @neptunerings @planetgraves
@pocketsizedquasar-2 @queerstudiesnatural
@rhubarbspring @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @s8n66
@strawberrysnipes @schoolhater@sawasawako
@the-bastard-king @three-croissants @tortiefrancis
@wellwaterhysteria @xinakwans @postanagramgenerator @appsa @ethanscrocs @gryficowa @bilal-salah0 @ot3 @prinnay @ethanscrocs @schoolhater @kpiva
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nina-azarovas-blog · 6 months
I want to thank my laggy computer for this glitch:
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