#[ i did this out of boredom but it was p interesting ]
messrmoonyy · 6 months
- The gilded cage
Arthur Morgan x Fem!reader
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Request- how about some of the girls going along to the mayors party in Saint Denis. Have you seen the cut content of Molly when she was meant to be at the party? So Dutch takes Molly along, Arthur takes reader? And what if Arthur gets a a little jealous of reader mingling and then they sneak away for some smutty time together…
A/N- this is my first Arthur fic so he may be a lil out of character whilst I get to grips with writing him. I also have not written straight smut in like 2 years. But we vibe. Enjoy
Also shoutout to @devnmon for supporting and enabling my rdr2 brainrot. You’re a real one
Warnings- 18+ | smut: unprotected p in v, semi public sex ( wc - 7.7k )
Masterlist / AO3
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Saint Denis was a little too rich for your blood. You’d only ventured into the city a handful of times, but the times you had you’d decided you didn’t really like it. You felt too… common. You never had liked the wealthy, flaunting their security and safety that was wrapped up in dollars and gold. 
But. You loved money. God did you love money. And as much as you hated the residents of the city, you sure loved robbing them blind. You always had had a knack for making the rich mysteriously lose their dollars and their watches, it had been the sole reason you’d ended up in Dutch’s gang in the first place. 
You’d even tried picking his pockets at first.
But you were on best behaviour tonight. Under Dutch’s orders. And you figured as boring as that sounded, you’d oblige. Simply because the men rarely let the girls get involved with any of the interesting stuff in camp. There was only so much laundry you could do before your brain truly went numb from boredom. Only so much listening to Miss Grimshaw nagging at you to do some work or Micah antagonising someone over something stupid. 
So even with Dutch’s strict orders to behave and your dislike of the city, you had jumped at the chance to come along to the party. 
“ i can practically smell the money “ you sighed as you took Arthur’s hand to step down from the coach, already hearing the bustle of the party happening somewhere out the back of the mansion in front of you “ you sure I can’t go pickin? Just a lil “ you were half joking, half not. On the times you had wandered into the city, the stuff you’d gathered picking your way around the saloons and back alleys had been a decent haul. The stuff some of these people carried around on the average day was enough to fund the food for the whole of camp for a couple days or more. 
Who knew what kind of goodies they’d have on them in their finery. 
“ no miss “ Dutch’s stern voice sounded, but he was sporting a small look of amusement “ keep those talented hands of yours to yourself. This is about business. We steal nothing. That goes for all of you. Steal. Nothing. Unless it’s information “ 
“ don’t worry. I’ll keep her in check “ Arthur spoke with a small chuckle, placing a hand lightly to your back. 
“ this is why we shouldn’t have brought the women. They always cause trouble “ Bill complained, as he stepped out of the second coach with Hosea, making you scowl. 
“ I hope you aren’t grouping me into that Mr Williamson “ Molly piped up with a disapproving scowl of her own as she stepped out of the coach, seemingly more mad at Dutch for not helping her out more than at Bill though. Arthur offered her his hand instead, helping her step onto the path without breaking her neck in her extravagant dress. 
Always the gentleman. 
She looked wonderful and you had begun to wonder if she had owned that dress all along or had gone out and got it special. Maybe Dutch had picked it up for her. It wouldn’t surprise you if she had been lugging it around from place to place, waiting for some perfect moment to pull it out. She always did look more put together than the majority of camp. Though you really didn’t understand how she could walk in the dress she was currently wearing, skirts full and you guessed pretty heavy too. 
“ no need to bring you “ Bill continued. 
“ I ain’t even causin’ trouble “ you piped in, throwing your own scowl Bills way again “ When did you last contribute to the box anyways huh Bill? I don’t see you doin’ nothin’ but sit around all damn day. No need to bring you I say. Jus’ cause you ain’t got no lady on your arm you’re complainin’ bout me and Molly “ 
“ what? A lady like you? I should be damn lucky I ain’t “ 
“ why you- “
“ Bill I suggest you leave it “ Arthur murmured lowly, planting himself between you and Bill before you did in fact cause some trouble. Bill grumbled something, spitting on the floor with a look of disgust and turning away from you. 
Dutch sighed heavily, looking increasingly pissed off at the group in front of him and held his arm out to Molly. 
“ Miss O’Shea “ It pained you a little to know he was probably only being nice to her tonight for appearances sake. He’d been practically ignoring her recently. And wasn’t doing Molly any good. You hoped a night out of camp would do her well “ now would you all just calm. Down. We, are simple distinguished gentleman, here for business. So start damn acting like it “ you scoffed at that, making a pointed look in Bills direction as you did 
“ distinguished my ass “ 
“ play nice now “ Arthur said quietly, but you heard the smile in his tone as he did. He then offered you his arm as Dutch had done to Molly. But unlike Dutch the act didn’t feel performative, a way to blend in and appear far higher class than they actually were. Arthur actually was a gentleman. For the most part anyways. 
“ why thank you mister “ you said in a cheery tone, throwing him a coy smile and slipping your gloved hands into the crook of his elbow. 
It did feel a little funny to be walking beside him like that. All dressed up and in clothes that weren’t smeared with gun oil, dust or god knows what else. It made your mind drift a little to what life could’ve been like. 
Your group crossed the street, promptly being stopped at the gates 
“ gentleman “ the guard greeted, taking the invitation from Dutch’s hands “ the mayor doesn’t allow guns at official functions “ the way he looked at Dutch and the others was almost demeaning. Like he knew you were all riff raff and of course would be the sort to attend such an event armed “ Not after last years incident “ none of the boys seemed particularly thrilled to be handing over their firearms. Arthur in particular sighed heavily beside you as he handed his pistol over. 
He didn’t like being unarmed. Especially when he was out with you. You usually also had your gun belt permanently fixed at your waist. But it wasn’t exactly fitting with your current attire. 
Though you did note the guards didn’t even spare a glance to you or Molly, which in turn made you all the more smug knowing you had your knife tucked into your boot. Just in case of course. 
“ Luca here will take you gentleman to Mr Bronte. I believe he is expecting you “ 
“ I know you got that knife in yer boot “ Arthur said lowly so that no one else would hear. 
“ he ain’t said anythin’ about knifes. Only guns “ Arthur smiled and shook his head slightly, placing his hand over yours for a moment. 
“ that’s my girl “ 
You walked up the neat cobbled path to the mayors house then, unable to do anything but look in awe at the huge house in front of you. You’d thought Shady Belle was something spectacular, had walked around every room imagining what it had looked like in all its glory. Amazed at the vastness of the place and all the rooms it had. 
And yet it was nothing compared to this place. This was real money. 
“ I look okay? “ you asked, suddenly feeling ever so slightly nervous, smoothing your hand over your skirts. Even in your attempts to look as clean and put together as you did, some part of you felt like everyone would see you were a walking sham. 
All in all you knew you probably did look fine. The dress was the most lavish thing you’d ever owned, you didn’t even want to guess how much it had cost Arthur. It was still on the simpler side, skirts not quite as full as Mollys and not as detailed. But it was beautiful. Pale pink and ruffled shoulders and details on your skirts, gloves up to your elbows in a material so soft you’d sighed when you’d first pulled them on. 
It all made a nice change from the usual simple clothes you wore, hips weighted by skirts rather than your gun belt. And skirts that didn’t have a million holes darned over. 
And Arthur had picked it all out. Had picked it himself especially for you. 
It did make you smile to imagine him in the tailors, completely out of his depth when it came to women’s fashion but determined to find you something nice. Your big, tough cowboy staring blankly at fabric swatches and fancy hats. 
“ gonna be the prettiest girl here “ you smiled warmly at his words, hand smoothing over your dress again. 
He’d turned up that morning into your shared room of shady Belle, finding you hiding away from Miss Grimshaw on the balcony, the dress draped over his arm along with some fancy suit and tie get up for himself. He’d looked almost sheepish as he’d shown you it, promising to go get you something else if you hated it. Which of course you hadn’t. 
You’d practically jumped with joy at being able to go out on a job. The boys so rarely let the girls do anything meaningful other than tend to camp. Though this particular outing you knew Dutch had only brought you and Molly along because it would make your group seem a little more agreeable. Something about women making them look a little less intimidating. And of course Dutch and Arthur’s partners were the most obvious of choices. 
Much to Mary-Beth and Karen’s dismay. Though they had very quickly changed their mind at the idea of having to hang off Bills arm all night. 
It wasn’t exactly the reason you wanted to be brought along. But you took it. 
The inside of the mansion was as glorious as the outside, it almost made you angry that people had such wealth. That these people could sleep in a new room each night of the week if they felt like it, when people were starving outside of their gates. 
“ Hosea, Bill. Take the ladies out and enjoy the party. We’ll join you after we pay our respects to signor Bronte. Arthur, with me “ Arthur gave a curt nod 
“ I won’t be long “ he assured, hand slipping down around your back and leaning down to your ear “ hands to yourself “ you scoffed as he said it, looking up at him as he stepped away from you. 
“ I can’t promise “ you caught his smile as he walked over to Dutch and the staff. Disappearing up the stairs. 
“ it’s just this way “ one of members of Lemieux’s staff spoke, gesturing the four of you in the direction of some doors leading out into the party. 
“ let’s go ladies. You fancy a drink? “ Hosea said cheerfully, following closely behind you and Molly as you headed outside. You were ushered out into gardens, a mass of the rich and wealthy of Saint Denis all crowded around. Drinking and laughing at things you were sure were not as remotely funny as they were making it out to be. 
Bill quickly made himself scarce, disappearing into the crowds to do lord knows what, much to your joy. 
“ right. Champagne? “ Hosea excused himself to collect some drinks and you stood on the back porch looking down at the groups of people. 
So far removed from what you were used to. You wondered how they’d react knowing you and your little group were currently sleeping in a barely standing plantation home, half of you out under the stars. That you were frauds. Not glamorous and wealthy like them. 
In your experience the rich liked to pretend the poor didn’t exist. Unless they were hiring them as help. 
“ oh I missed this “ Molly said beside you, almost dreamily in tone. And seemingly more to herself than to you. It was quite possibly the happiest you’d seen her look in days. 
She fit right in. Her gorgeous dress rivalling that of some of the other woman down in the courtyard, her hair piled up on her head and her fancy jewellery that was actually hers. Not something stolen from an unsuspecting lady in town. This was Molly. Money and wealth. It still baffled you how she had ended up with Dutch, how she could leave that all behind for a life wandering. 
“ you go to party’s like this a lot? Before Dutch I mean “ she gave a small shrug, searching in her small purse for a moment before placing a cigarette between her lips. You could imagine an even younger Molly, a bright eyed teenager done up all fancy and weaving her way through a party just like this one. 
“ sometimes “ her eyes were scanning the crowds, practically sparkling at being surrounded by the upper class again “ wonder what kind of people are here “ she seemed to be talking more to herself than you again and very promptly dismissed herself, heading down the stairs and gliding between the guests. Like some true social butterfly, decked out in her finest. 
Hosea returned with three glasses of champagne and a slightly confused look noticing Molly had vanished. 
“ eh more for me “ he said with a smile, handing you your glass before promptly finishing his own and moving onto what would’ve been Mollys “ I’m going to do some snooping. You’ll be alright? “
“ I’ll be jus’ fine Hosea “ you said with a smile and watched him too disappear down into the crowds. 
It was interesting to watch them, to see them behave as if this entire event was a normal evenings activity. Maybe for them it was. But it all felt so… false. People who appeared to be friends but didn’t seem to even really like each other, some silent competition between everyone to have the better dress. The better hat. The biggest house. 
You’d take your creaky cot under the stars with Arthur any day, would much rather sit around the campfire getting tipsy and singing. Surrounded by real family. Real friends. Relationships built on loyalty and protection. Not on trying to out do each other. 
You walked between the small crowds, eavesdropping on conversations in hopes to find something useful. Something to take back to Dutch to prove bringing you along wasn’t a useless endeavour. But it was mostly women discussing their elaborate hats, sharing stories of the terrible jobs their maids did, or complaining about their husbands poker habits. Or gossiping about how they had heard one of their friends was in delicate condition. 
You heard mentions of Leviticus Cornwall, but nothing concrete enough to warrant telling anyone about. 
You tried hunting down Molly, simply to have a friend to stand beside and not feel so…out of place. But she had vanished into the crowds somewhere. So you planted yourself on the side of an ornate water fountain, simply hoping Arthur would return soon. Maybe he’d dance with you, or take you walking around the vast garden laid out ahead of you. 
You two never really got the chance to do things like that. Romantic things. Arthur had his ways, of course. He’d take you out riding or sit with you on his lap by the fire, telling you about whatever interesting thing he’d discovered that day. He’d bring you flowers he’d pick from time to time, find you interesting things when he went wandering, let you read aloud to him with the excuse he wanted you to get better at it. When in reality you had seen him confess to his journal that he simply just liked to listen to your voice. 
He was far softer than he appeared. With you anyway. And as much as you didn’t like the kinds of people in attendance, you thought it might be nice to pretend for the night. To be two wealthy young oil tycoons, dancing and drinking champagne together, gushing about your money and your jewels. 
You made your way through another flute of champagne before he returned, interrupting your frivolous daydreaming. 
“ there she is “ you turned your head with a beaming smile at his voice, relief at a familiar face “ been lookin for ya “ he sat down beside you, looping an arm around your waist “ you behavin’? “
“ course I am. Ain’t took as much as a pearl “ you said quite proudly, though decided not to mention that the temptation had truly been hard to deny. Not only were these people rich, they were getting drunker by the second. They were practically begging to be robbed. 
“ good girl “ 
“ it go okay with ugh.. what’s his name? “ you asked, turning to face him. He looked just as uncomfortable with the entire situation as you did. This wasn’t his scene. It never had been. He’d grown up just as poor as you had. 
Arthur robbed the rich, he didn’t fraternise with them. 
“ Bronte. Yeah. Fine. Dutch he’s tryna find the mayor or somethin “ he ran a finger between his neck and collar of his shirt, clearly growing uncomfortable with it. It made you laugh a little. 
“ you ain’t cut out for the finer life “ 
“ no. I ain’t “ he was looking around at the guests in a similar way to you. With a mild sense of disgust “ saw some woman back there, hat so big she were topplin over “ you smiled and leant your head against his shoulder, he tucked you in closer to his side and dropped a kiss to the top of your head. 
“ was daydreamin whilst you were with Dutch “ you mused. 
“ yeah? About what? “ 
“ playin’ pretend. Bein’ fancy for the night. Y’know dancin’ and pretendin’ we got buckets of money “ the small sigh Arthur let out made you wonder if he thought that was a life you pined for. It wasn’t. Not really. Yeah, you liked money but.. you just wanted to be comfortable. Little ranch or a cabin some place quiet. Not poor. Not rich. Just. Existing happily “ ain’t us though “ 
“ you and me we… we ain’t like these people. We ain’t ever gonna be like these people “
“ we don’t gotta be. Me, you. Some pokey lil farm someplace out west? Now that’s the dream cowboy “ he chuckled and nodded, dropping another kiss to your head 
“ that’s the dream darlin’ “ you both sat quietly for a short while longer, watching the rich get drunker and more foolish. The odd person acknowledged your presence, greeting you as they passed or tipping their hat. But mostly they left you alone. It was at the point that one man drunkenly stumbled into a bush a few feet away that made you speak up again. 
“ never thought I’d miss that damn swamp. But lord above… these people “ Arthur scoffed as he too watched the fool try and right himself again, leaves sticking to the pomade in his hair 
“ yeah. I think I need a drink “ he patted your side lightly so you’d stop leaning on him and stood up “ champagne? “ 
“ oh well ain’t you just so kind sir “ you said in your best attempt a dramatic upper class drawl “ and you gonna dance with me after mister? “ you asked with a teasing smile and he rubbed a hand at the back of his neck for a moment looking almost sheepish. But he was smiling, the sweet genuine kind he only really seemed to show around you. 
“ sure darlin’. But I’m definitely gonna need that drink for that “ he ventured back into the crowds then and you stayed put, continuing to watch the guests laugh and talk about how incredible their lives were. 
“ I don’t recognise you “ an inquisitive voice spoke, tinged with that accent that the wealthy had started latching on to in some attempts to make themselves sound more superior. Smarter. Whatever. You thought it was quite ridiculous. You turned your head to look at the man, seeing if he was in fact talking to you. 
“ talkin’ to me mister? “ he was eyeing you up and down like he was somewhat intrigued but amused by you at the same time. A stupid top hat on his head adored with plumes and the chain of a pocket watch hanging from his pocket. It almost made you laugh at how your brain immediately began thinking about how you could steal it and how much it was worth. 
“ I am indeed miss “ he stepped closer, puffing on his cigar and not taking his eyes off of you for a second “ I have frequented many of the mayors parties but you… I do not remember you “ a small wave of panic flushed your skin but you remained calm. Not recognising you was far easier to work your way out of than if he had recognised your face. 
“ I’m new in town. My… uncle. He’s friends with Mr Bronte “ the man hummed, sitting himself down beside you. 
“ so you’re here with your uncle? “ you shifted slightly at his closeness but remembered you needed to keep up appearances so forced a smile onto your face 
“ yeah. And my husband. He’s around here someplace “ the man’s eyes immediately darted down to your gloved hands, probably noting the lack of a ring on your finger. You and Arthur weren’t married. But you may as well have been. He often referred to you as his wife, and he as your husband. 
He’d ask you one day. 
“ a lucky man “ the man said, blowing smoke in your direction and still looking you up and down. You decided at that moment you very much wanted to steal his watch. Dutch be damned. Having to put up with the likes of slimy rich men for more than ten seconds… well you figured that warranted you at least getting something shiny in return. 
“ oh well ain’t you just a charmer “ you said with a smile, placing a hand to his arm “ you here with your wife mister? “ the man laughed and shook his head, scooting a little closer to you.  
“ I’m more of a… free spirit “ you gave a small laugh, trying not to crinkle your nose at the smoke blowing in your face again. 
Arthur often smelt of fresh smoke, both cigarette and fire, and that fresh air smell that clung to your clothes after being out in the open air for hours. And you loved it on him, because it was well… him. The smoke from this man was far from appealing. But that watch…
“ ohh I see. You ain’t one to be tied down huh? “ your fingers inched closer to the man’s pocket, wrapping lightly around the chain. 
“ everythin’ okay here? “ Arthur appeared behind you, a glass in each of his hands.  
“ ah is this the fine man that brought you along? Well aren’t you lucky sir “ the man spoke and you noted he didn’t even glance in Arthur’s direction as he spoke, you were now looping the chain of his watch around your wrist. Just one small tug…
“ Mr Callahan “ Arthur murmured, handing you a glass and standing behind you with a hand to your shoulder
“ wonderful to meet you sir. Me and your wife were having a delightful conversation weren’t we dear? "The pressure of Arthur’s fingers increased as he spoke the sweet name, though you weren’t entirely sure it wasn’t because he’d noticed the man’s watch was now safely hidden in the fabric of your skirt. 
“ oh yes. Wonderful mister “ the watch discreetly made its way into your boot and you were ready to get away
“ where’d you find a beautiful thing like this sir? I may need to frequent the place myself “ he placed a hand onto your arm and finally looked up at Arthur rather than at you. He made your skin crawl. You didn’t hold a single ounce of remorse for the stolen watch 
“ oh no where you’d like “ his tone was a little snippy, the kind when someone was starting to piss him off but he was trying to keep his cool. And Arthur kicking off in the middle of the mayors party wasn’t exactly a part of Dutch’s plan. 
“ now I am so sorry but i believe my husband did promise me a dance “ you rose to your feet, sipping your champagne before placing the glass down and taking Arthur’s from his hands “ ain’t that right my love? “ 
“ yeah… need ya to come with me “ he said lowly, offering you his arm. His face had gone slightly dark, not entirely able to read him, you frowned slightly. But let him lead you away from the man, completely bypassing the area with couples twirling to the music. 
“ where we goin? “ you asked with a small laugh, latching onto his arm again and having to take quick steps to keep up with his purposeful strides “ Arthur?”
He didn’t answer immediately, simply led you away from the crowds and around the side of the mayor's house. 
“ You mad cause I took that watch? Look he deserved it- “
“ ain’t mad “ he mumbled, still leading you along. 
“ okay… so we stealin’ somethin’ else? “ you asked with excitement filtering into your words, already trying to figure out what it could be “ need me to act like a maid? I can do that real good y’know. Is it money? Papers? Oh, is it jewellery? Gold? “ Arthur chuckled at your excitement and shook his head, bringing you to a halt between some elaborately trimmed bushes and trees in planters. 
“ we ain’t stealin’ a thing “ you pouted with a mild disappointment and he chuckled again, advancing on you and backing you up against the wall behind you “ don’t gimme that look “ he tucked his fingers under your chin, nudging your face upwards to look at him. He was a god few inches taller than you, but he always made you feel ten times smaller when he looked down at you like that. 
“ what’s gotten into you? “ you asked with a giggle, hands slipping under his jacket to slide over his waist. 
“ just wanted some time alone with you is all “ 
“ behind some trees? You are a strange man sometimes Arthur Morgan y’know that? “ he gave a heavy sigh and brushed his thumb across your cheek softly, watching you intently. He always looked at you like you like you were the only woman on the planet “ you sure you ain’t mad about the watch? “ 
“ no. I ain’t mad. Feller flirtin’ with my woman and only loses his watch sounds like a good deal to me “ he grumbled, leaning forward to press a kiss to your lips. 
And a light bulb suddenly pinged on in your head. 
“ are you jealous? “ you asked, unable to hide your complete utter joy and amusement as the realisation hit you. He grumbled some kind of an answer and tried to kiss you again but you turned your head to the side, so he settled for your neck instead “ why Arthur Morgan. You are jealous “ 
He didn’t answer you again, simply tilted your head so he could get at your neck more, his other hand splaying over your lower back to tug you close against him. A mischievous streak ran through you and you chewed on your lip for a moment deciding whether or not to push his buttons. 
“ he was kinda nice to me y’know. He seemed a nice feller “ Arthur’s teeth grazed your skin at your words and your smile grew bigger “ kept me from bein’ so lonely with you gone “ 
“ he wanted to do more than keep you company “ your fingers ran through the long strands of his hair, sighing softly as he continued to kiss your neck 
“ you think? You gonna keep me company now? “ 
“ oh I’ll keep you company “ you had said it only really to tease. Thinking that actually, a sordid little moment with your lover behind the bushes would be an incredible improvement on the evening. 
But it was hard to simply just kiss Arthur. He had wandering hands, had lips as addictive as whiskey. Even when you assumed he wasn’t particularly trying to work you up, he did. But the way he was tugging at your body to keep you pressed against him, the way his lips were burning a trail along your neck and across your jaw…
“ Arthur… y’know anyone could come round here “ 
“ stay quiet then and they ain’t gonna be none the wiser “ your skin prickled with heat at his words and your hips involuntarily rolled against him. Maybe it was the thrill. Maybe it was the fact that he was so… needy. Desperate to remind himself that you were his and not some stupid rich man in an equally as stupid hat.
He groaned against your hot skin as you pressed against him, the sound igniting something deep in your bones. Flaring up through your veins and cursing like lava through your veins. 
Your hands found themselves back under his jacket, fingers tugging at his shirt to free it from where it has been neatly tucked into his pants. You knew you couldn’t get it off of him but you still wanted to feel. 
You hummed softly when your fingertips met his skin, as hot as you knew yours must be. He loved to feel you touch him, loved when dragged your nails across his back, sunk your teeth into his shoulder to quiet your moans when you were dangerously close to other members of camp. 
You wished you could do it in that moment. Wished you were back in your room, truly the only good thing to come out of Shady Belle was the fact that you had a room. 
But Arthur didn’t seem keen on waiting. Seemingly having some point to prove to himself. And you were more than happy to let him. 
His hands drifted down to the floaty material of your skirt, reluctantly pulling himself away from your neck to frown at the material in front of him. 
“ why you gotta have so many damn skirts? “ he grumbled, fumbling with the layers of fabric hanging from your waist. 
“ you picked the dress “ you reminded him with a smile, chasing after his lips again. Desperate to kiss him properly now that he had stopped his assault on your neck. He kissed you with a energy that demanded your attention, that drew you in and locked you in place. Hot. Wet. Addictive “ least it ain’t as big as Mollys “ you said when you let yourself pull away. 
“ yeah well I weren’t plannin’ on keepin’ you in it when we- god damn there’s enough fabric here to dress the entire camp “ you couldn’t help the giggle that fell past your lips, watching him try to figure out how he was going to play out whatever sordid thoughts were running through his head. 
Your own mind had quite ungracefully fallen into the gutter itself, realising exactly what Arthur wanted. And your constant desperation for the man in front of you overruling all your concerns at the location. 
He seemed to be getting a little agitated with your dress and you held back the urge to giggle at him. Instead opting to try sooth the frown lines worrying at his forehead, reaching forward to palm at him through the material of his pants. In hopes it would be some kind of incentive for him to hurry up as well. 
As much as you needed him as badly as you needed air, you were also still aware of exactly where you were. And how long it would take until Dutch came looking. 
“ c’mon Arthur “ you whispered, desperation beginning to fill your words “ ‘fore they notice we’re gone “ it had been his idea to take you away, and yet you were seemingly the more desperate of the two of you now. But how could he or anyone else blame you? When he was all gussied up like he was. In truth you liked his normal attire a little more. Liked him a little more… rugged. But lord did he look handsome in his suit, his hair and beard all neat and tidy. 
Arthur’s breath audibly caught in his throat from your touch and it seemed to effectively spur him on. 
“ yes ma’am “ He spun you around with strong hands to your waist, your own hands bracing yourself against the wall. The next moments were a flurry of his hands hitching your skirts over your hips, grabbing at your undergarments before a strong arm looped around your waist to pull you back against him. 
His hand disappeared under your bunched up skirts making you gasp softly as his fingers dipped into the warmth between your thighs. 
“ this all for me darlin? “ you could hear the smirk in his words, feel it as he brushed his nose against your cheek. The short stands of his beard tickled at your skin, sending a shiver snaking along your spine. 
“ course it is “ the sound of a lady drunkenly laughing a little too close by made you freeze, hand reaching around to grab at Arthur’s arm. 
He didn’t seem discouraged by the idea of someone stumbling upon you both, simply moved his hand up to grasp gently at your jaw, turning your face towards his to kiss you. His other hand was still between your thighs, and you sighed softly against his lips as he drew a thick finger between the wetness of your folds “ oh Arthur…“ 
Your cunt clenched around nothing. As if silently begging for his fingers to just push inside of you, take you in a way you had always found so much more personal than just sitting on his cock. His fingers that held his guns, that he used to beat people to death more times than either of you could care to count. Those same fingers working you open, covered in the slick evidence of your desire for him instead of gun oil. Fingers that cause pain and damage, but also sent you spiralling into mind blowing pits of pleasure. 
And paired with the current location? It just felt… dirty. Erotic. You felt no better than a common whore loitering in a saloon for custom. You wanted him so desperately, needed him. 
“ Arthur “ you sighed, pushing your self against his hand as he toyed with your swollen clit. 
“ tell me what y’need pretty girl “ he said softly, tickling your skin with his beard and dragging his tongue across your neck before sinking his teeth into the flesh, making you whimper. 
“ you- Arthur. You. Please “ his hand continued its gentle movements as he worked at your neck. You pushed your hips back against him, grinding against the hardness still trapped by his pants in a way that couldn’t be comfortable. His breath shuddered against your skin as you did, holding you flush against him to let you wiggle your hips in a silent invitation to just take you already. 
A smashing glass drew your attention briefly away from him again. And as much as you could let him do that all evening, you were still hyper aware of your surroundings. 
You silently wished he’d just waited until you were back at camp, could take his time with you on that shitty little bed in the privacy of your room at Shady Belle. 
But there you were. And there were hundreds of others only a few feet away too. 
“ stop teasin we ain’t got the time “ at any other time he’d have worked you into a mess with his fingers, even dropped to his knees and disappeared under your skirts, have you coming on his tongue over and over again just because he wanted to. But he hadn’t planned the situation well at all, and you weren’t exactly in the best of locations. If anyone so much as peaked around the corner of the building a little too far you were certain you’d be spotted. 
And wouldn’t that be a tale. 
“ ain’t you bossy “ you opened your mouth to snip back at him, but your words evaporated into nothing but a soft whimper as Arthur followed your demands, pushing past his desires to take his time with you. Truly it was his own fault that he couldn’t though, as he withdrew his fingers and fumbled with the buttons on his pants. 
“ Arthur “ you whimpered softly, breath stuttering at the feel of his swollen tip brushing between the wet folds of your cunt. 
“ quiet now darlin’ “ He pushed in slowly, in the way he so often did. Making sure you felt every single devastating inch, your back arching against his chest as your body flushed with warmth. Even after so many times the stretch was still a lot, a deep burning ache that eventually melted away into a blinding hot pleasure that burnt its way through your veins. 
He pressed on until he was flush against you, the material of his opened pants scratching against your soft skin as he held you there a moment. He exhaled slowly, his breath warm against your skin. 
It was never fucking with Arthur. Not very often anyways. It was love making. Soft. And slow. And a brutal pace that made sure you remembered he’d been there the next morning, but oh so drawn out. He was gentle. Tender. It had always shocked you how violent he could be and yet become so careful and soft with you. And even there, concealed by a few perfectly trimmed bushes and planters, he was taking his time. Reminding you that you were his. And maybe reminding himself of the fact too. 
Reminding himself that maybe there were men only a few feet away that wanted you. That would pay for the pleasure of your company. But only Arthur could have it, that he was the only one you would ever offer it too. 
That this deep rooted instinct to protect what was his wasn’t entirely necessary but god was it wanted. That his desire made your blood boil with lust, skin burn under his touch. 
“ That’s my girl “ he whispered, tone low and steady as he set himself into a bruising pace, still tightly holding onto you as he did. His face had fallen to your neck again, lips latching onto every inch of exposed skin they could. 
You were certain you were going to walk back into the party looking like you’d taken a dip with some leeches. 
You tried your best to be quiet, teeth sinking into your bottom lip in some hopes that mixed with the sounds of the party happening only a few feet away you wouldn’t be heard. But it was so hard to be silent when he was fucking you like that. So determined, so strong, pulling out almost completely before pushing back in hard. 
Your hand was still gripping at his arm, blunt fingernails digging at his skin through his jacket. His pace increased a little, settling into a steady rhythm that carved a devastating stretch inside of you. 
“ y’know I think that feller- that feller back there. He wanted you like this “ you couldn’t help the smile that pulled its way onto your face, still flushing with joy at his jealousy. You knew Arthur desired you carnally. Always had done and always would. But a reminder like the present one was always nice. 
“ y’think so? “ 
“ I know “ he grumbled, his pace increasing a little more, clearly attempting to take out his frustrations with the handsy man. But also maybe simply trying to assure himself in the process too. 
Arthur didn’t like to admit it but he was a little self conscious. You’d heard him talk down to himself in the mirror countless times, had seen the way he spoke about himself when you peaked over his shoulder at his journal. Had an almost crippling fear of abandonment that sometimes he did need to be reminded that you wanted him. 
“ poor feller “ you said with a small sigh before pushing lightly at Arthur’s arm so he’d let you go. You winced slightly as he pulled out, immediately missing the heavy feel of him there, and spun around tugging him back towards you by the lapels of his jacket “ ain’t got nothin on you “ you hitched your skirts up in your arm and wrapped your spare hand around the now slick length of his cock making him stutter a breath. 
His face was flushed, bottom lip shiny from kissing you. You wanted to absolutely devour him, strip him of his fancy clothes and remind him just how much you wanted every part of him. 
The look in his eyes was almost primal. Desire and lust burning so brightly it made your chest ache, to feel so wanted. To feel so desired. 
To have a man so usually controlled and put together, be reduced to not being able to even wait until you got home. That he had to have you there. Right there in that moment. He couldn’t wait. 
You needed him to pull you apart. To worship every inch of you in the way he so often did. 
But the side of the mayor's house was truly not the place for such a thing. 
“ no one could make me feel the way you do “ you whispered, stroking him softly in your hand as you tried to stoke the fire under his ego. Make him realise he truly had no reason to be jealous “ and him back there? He thought he could huh? Poor feller “ 
“ poor feller “ he echoed, sliding a hand over your leg and hitching it over his hip, sliding back into you with a welcome ease that made your head fall back against the wall. 
“ Thinks he could fuck me better than this? Man must be damn crazy “ you said with a smile, breathless as he fucked into you. You were practically dripping around him, the lewd sounds between you enough to make your skin flush. 
“ you’re mine darlin “ you nodded immediately. Not a single doubt in your mind on the matter. You were his. And he yours. That was how it would always be “ all mine, you hear? “ 
“ all yours Arthur. Ain’t no man in this whole damn country could replace you” 
He moved with more determination, thrusting into you harder in a way you knew was going to bruise your back from rubbing against the wall. His all too familiar deep, hard pace. You pulled him down by the back of his neck, muffling your whimpers with his mouth cautious again that you were getting a little reckless. 
“ that good? Makin me feel so good darlin’ such a good girl “ the entire thing felt almost animalistic. Desires so strong they couldn’t be withheld. Dirty. Filthy. Perfect. 
“ God Arthur “ the look on his face alone made you clench around him, never wanting him to leave, needing to feel the heavy bruising sensation as he split you apart for the rest of your life. He hitched your leg higher, hitting some new devastating part inside of you that made you see stars. Eyes rolling to the back of your head and unable to contain the sounds escaping your throat any longer. 
“ There she is, jus’ like that darlin I got ya” his grip on your leg grew restless, fingers dancing over your skin and trying to pull you as close to him as he could get you. He always wanted you close. Always wanted to feel your skin against his own. A moment later his thrusts became sloppier and you knew he wasn’t far off. Though quite frankly neither were you “ so pretty for me like this ain’t ya? My girl “ his words only pulled you closer to the edge, knot twisting tighter. 
“ Arthur I- “
“ I know. I know darlin, can feel it “ he almost cooed, lifting a hand to cup your face gently “ that’s it look right at me. That’s a girl right at me “ with his gaze so intense you couldn’t hold it any longer, biting down on your lip as you attempted to conceal your sounds of ecstasy as you came over his cock. 
He was barely a second behind you, a stuttered groan of a sound leaving him as he dropped his forehead against yours, painting your slick walls with rope after rope of come as you clenched around him. Holding him in place so that not a single drop of him would go to waste. It was a risky business letting him finish inside of you, truly it was. But in your sex drunk haze you didn’t care, couldn’t give a damn because it simply felt too good to give up. 
He nudged his nose against yours, brushing his lips against your own and kissed you softly. So tender and gentle, his hand carefully lowering your leg back down, slipping his softening length out of you making you wince. He kissed the crinkles it caused to show at the corners of your eyes, whispering a gentle sorry. He soothed his hands over your waist with a care very few men had for women those days. 
“ my girl “ he murmured, littering kisses across your cheeks and nose. 
When he pulled back you couldn’t help but smile. The dopey, soft kind. He was looking far less put together than he had done when you’d arrived, the pomade in his hair no longer serving its purpose after your fingers had gotten to it. He’d broken a sweat too, his forehead shiny. His skin flushed. 
The smugness was overwhelming though, could see it in his eyes. In the small smirk pulling at his lips. He seemed incredibly proud of himself. 
“ you are somethin’ else “ he mumbled as he finished readjusting his clothes, reaching forward to slip the ruffled strap of your dress back up your shoulder from where it had slipped. Pressing a kiss to the skin there for good measure. 
“ I ain’t the jealous one “ you teased as you combed your fingers through his hair in some attempt to tidy it. 
“ ain’t jealous. No idea what you talkin about girl “ he said with a small clear of his throat in some attempt to hide the obvious lie, you simply smiled again and pressed a kiss to his cheek 
“ mhm sure “ 
There was something about having to go back out into the party with the light ache between your legs, with the evidence of Arthur’s jealousy slowly dripping down your thighs. And Arthur seemed to think so too 
“ now. I believe you wanted to dance? “
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satorusugurugurl · 3 months
The Headboard
Summary: when you find yourself in a compromising position, you’re lucky that you’re a hot neighbor who just so happens to be a firefighter, is just next door.
Pairing: firefighter!Toji Fushigurux AFAB!Reader
Word Count: 2,935
Warning: Language, smut, p-in-v, mentions of sex toys, degradation, name calling, unprotected smut.
A/N: A genuine fear I had often thought about when people tell me this is what they do. Plus, the DILF vibes were strong today.
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Fushiguro Toji had no complaints about having you as a neighbor. You’re kind and quiet; you even watched Megumi for him if he needed a sitter. You would invite him and his son to your apartment for dinner, or he would do the same for you. The whole of being neighbors became friendship, and friendship turned into longing. Toji hated it when you would bring home someone who wasn’t good enough for you. He would spoil you rotten but didn’t want to ruin your friendship.
Nothing would be worse than an interaction after an awkward one-night stand that ended with you both not talking to each other because he would be the first to admit that he liked having you over for dinner. He enjoyed it when you came over with cookies or watched a movie with him and his son. If things were to become awkward or standoffish with you, that might be one of the worst things to happen to them in a very long time.
So, he would wait a bit to see how things would progress with you. Maybe once the lingering glances and the accidental brushes of your hands would turn into a little bit more. Perhaps once he better understood you and how you might feel, consider telling you he wanted to be more than friends.
Those thoughts ran through his mind as he sprawled out on his couch, not paying any attention to the movie on the television. Megumi was at a sleepover with his best friend Yuuji. He was all alone, not being stuck at the firehouse on call, filling his quiet evening with boredom.
Maybe he should call and ask if you want to come over; you could both watch a movie to make the most of a boring night. Just as he reached for his phone to call you, your name and profile picture popped up on his phone. Toji answered the phone with a slight grin, holding it against his ear.
“Hey, I was just about to call you. Do you wanna come—”
“Toji, you’re a firefighter, right?”
Your voice sounded breathless, almost with a hint of timidness. “Yeah, you know that. Why did you start a grease fire next door? Do not try to put it out with water; smother it with some flour.” You laughed only to be cut off with a whine.
“Uhm, uh—no, not that.” you sighed, “Y-you've seen some weird stuff, right? Like helped people?”
“Yeah, despite the title firefighter, I’m also medically trained and have helped many people in different scenarios. Why, what happened?”
The silence for a long moment told you to think that maybe, just maybe, the line disconnected before he heard him wince. “I-I need your help. But you have to promise you’ll never tell a soul about this.” A mixture of different emotions currently course through every nerve of his body. He’s concerned that you’re hurt, and his interest is peaked as to what you got yourself into this time.
“Of course, you have my word. I promise I won't say anything.”
“Good,” cloth rustles in the background, “you can come over right now. You still have my spare key. You still have my spare key.”
“Yeah, you gave it to me to water your plants that always die.”
“I don't have a green thumb sue me! Now please grab your medical bag and get your ass over here!”
The tone of your voice had him getting off the couch in a snap.” Alright, be there in a sec.” without you even having to ask, Toji grabbed his medical bag and your spare key.
You're nowhere to be found when he steps inside your apartment. “Hey?” He calls out, smirking slightly. “Fire department.” A squeak resonates from the bedroom.
“In here!” you call out, voice shaky, “b-but before you come in, I will emphasize that if you tell anyone! And I mean anyone about this, I will rip your balls off and shove them down your throat!”
Toji almost tells you not to threaten him with a good time, but he knows you from the whine that leaves the room. You were obviously in pain, and we’re taking this very seriously. Instead of making lighthearted jokes and conversation to push your buttons, he put on the best professional face before entering your room. The second he looks at your bed, his jaw drops to the floor in shock.
You’re naked from the waist down, your body bent forward, your ass pressed against the headboard. Your knee must’ve gotten stuck between the headboard and your mattress from how you're bent. Making it impossible for you to move in the predicament you found yourself in. Your cheeks are flushed as you averted your gaze, not daring to look at him. Toji was a smart guy; he was able to put two and two together.
Someone was having some alone time, and things had taken a terrible turn.
“What happened?” Toji clears his throat as he trots forward, opens his medical bag, and slips on some black latex-free gloves.
You want to crawl under your bed and cry out in embarrassment. How could you have put yourself in such an embarrassing situation? It was bad enough that you had gotten yourself stuck, and it was ten times worse now that the man you’ve had a crush on since you moved into the building was here helping you! But you would rather him find out what a size queen you were than call the fire department.
“I uhm, the uh—” you motion back to your headboard where your thrusting toy was stuck to your headboard. “It hit—my cervix hard, and I jumped, and my knee slipped between my mattress and my headboard.”
“Huh—okay, just try to relax a bit. I will look into getting that knee out first.” He gets on the bed behind you before gently grabbing your knee. As he does, the movement causes you to slide further down the toy, causing it to hit your cervix for a second time. The sharp, pleasurable pain can be felt from the tips of your toes to your head as you let out a pained moan. “Sorry.” Toji’s voice sounds more profound and more fierce. That you had never heard before; it was a voice that made every nerve in your body slowly awaken with lust.
“I-It’s okay—”
He gently moves your leg again, freeing it slightly. “So,” he goes with the questions when you were sure he was going to ask, “your boyfriend busy or something?” His question held no humor to it; instead, it was pure curiosity, and his voice made the nerves that reignited tingle with anticipation.
“What boyfriend? Who said I had a boyfriend?”
Toji glances at the curve of your ass, admiring the arch of your back, before he goes back to gently moving your leg. “Oh, I just assumed a pretty thing like you had one.” His hand gently grumps your ass as he maneuvers your leg a little bit more to the left, freeing it another inch.
“Do you honestly think if I had a boyfriend, I would’ve stuck a dildo to my headboard?”
“Hey, to each their own. So, no boyfriend?”
“Yep, single and ready to mingle. I let my friend convince me to try this position. She said it would liven up my solo sessions.” For as long as you can remember, the only way you masturbated was on your back. When you had mentioned this to your friends, they had been mortified, telling you there was more than one way to get yourself off. You so stupidly let them talk you into buying this stupid, expensive dildo and decided to give it a shot. That shot ended up with your knee stuck between your mattress and the wall and having to rely on your neighbor to help you.
“Hm,” Toji gave your ass a firm squeeze before gently pushing you forward off the toy a couple of inches, drawing out the sweetest sounds from your throat. “Would now be an inappropriate time to ask you out?”
A choked sound of shock cut off the moan that had begun to rise in your throat. There was no way he had just asked you out on a date—your hot neighbor. The sexy firefighter next door asked you on a date. Was this a prank? Oh god, why did he have to ask you out now, of all times? Despite the searing embarrassment, you can’t help but giggle, turning to look back at the massive man.
“Yeah, I think you’re hot and good with my kid; plus, I can make you feel so much better than this stupid toy.”
Heat began to pool in your abdomen as you continued to watch him carefully. “Oh, is that so?” he pulls his hand away from the fat of your ass, only to bring it back down, slapping it, making you help in pleasure and surprise.
“It's a fucking promise.” The tip of his pink tongue runs over the scar on his lip. “So, dinner?”
You laugh breathlessly, throwing your head back as he massages the sting out of your ass. “Would you be opposed to me counteroffering that?” Toji hand on your leg gently moves another inch, freeing you from the abyss you had been stuck in.
“Well, that depends on what your counteroffer is?”
The muscles in your leg burn with relief as you stretch it out, getting the blood flowing to it. Toji watches with dark eyes as you slowly in yourself off of the 9-inch toy that’s coated in your slick arousal. The sight of the coral-colored silicone covered in your wetness has his throat so dry it hurts.
“My counteroffer is that we skip the first date, and you help me with my current problem. You are a firefighter. It’s your job to help people.”
“Oooh, are you asking me to fuck you right now?”
“Maybe~ if I were to ask you to do just that, what would you say?” When you turn your head to look at him, your face is quickly snatched in his hands. His hand grips your chin tightly towards his mouth.
“I would say it’s about fucking time.”
His lips slam against yours in a symphony of desperation and need. He quickly shifts behind you, pushing you towards the center of the bed and away from the cavern you had found yourself trapped in moments before. The entire time he moves you, his lips never leave yours. It’s a messy open-mouth kiss, with tongue and groping hands as he releases his grip on your face, panting heavily as a string of saliva connects your lips.
“Do you know how hard it’s been trying to control myself? I try so hard to be a good, friendly neighbor. One that doesn’t come off as a creep.” he positions himself behind you down his gray sweatpants, spraying his thick fat cock. “Let me tell you, it’s been fucking hard; you are so goddamn fucking beautiful. Smart, funny, a great cook.”
You grip the sheets underneath you as he continues his confession. He told you how much he admired your strength and beauty. The pure admiration and raw need that’s in his voice makes your pussy clench, your arousal seeping out of your twitching hole. God, you knew you liked him, but knowing he was so damn bad for you, made you want him even more.
“I need you to fuck me.” There’s no doubt in your words that's precisely what you wanted. The word ‘want’ isn’t even included in your sentence! You didn't like this, and you needed it on a physical level.
“Yeah~? Need me to fuck that tight slutty hole?” His hands connect with your ass again, so smacking it hard, leaving a faint hand print in its wake. “Is that what you need, baby~?”
“Yes!” you shake your ass in front of him, dropping down low, revealing your wet hole to him as if trying to convince him to hurry the fuck up.
“Mhmm, that's a good little slut; tell me exactly what she wants; no, wait, I’m sorry, what she needs.” he grabs his thick cock in one hand. Toji held his cock, smacking it over your pussy. “And she claims that she needs my cock.”
You rock your hips back, fingers digging into the sheets as your chest heaves in anticipation of being filled to the brim by human flesh and not cold silicon. “Yes, please.” Toji tsks behind you giving your pussy, another sharp slap with his cock, the tip snagging at your entrance before he rubs it over your clit.
“Nah, I think you could do better than that. Try again to tell me what it is that you want.”
“I need you!” you cry out loud this time, shutting your eyes and anticipation of him thrusting inside of you, just feeling the head of his cock snag over your clit for the second time. “Please, Toji! Please, please, please.”
Grabbing the base of his thick, heavy cock, he gently presses it over your entrance over your slick hole. “Please, what baby girl~? Use your words, big like pretty little slut you are.” this was an absolute tort. Having your kit in your pussy, teased with nothing but finger-like touches, have you jerking and writhing against the bed.
“Please fuck me, Toji!” you screamed, not having to worry about your next-door neighbor complaining about the noise.
“That's a good girl.” Toji slapped your ass with a snarl, gripping the skin and spreading your cheeks. “I always knew you were a good girl. Always so sweet and friendly, the perfect innocent neighbor next door. but who would’ve thought that you would be fucking a toy against your headboard.” He spits his words before suddenly burying his cock fully into you.
You screamed out loud as his cocked stretched you like you'd never been stretched red d before, sending your eyes rolling back. "Nnngh~! Mmph~ Toji!"
“Fuck-Ngh.” Toji moaned, feeling your walls convulse around him. "You feel so good, baby. Fuck—baby, baby! Shit—being inside of you was so worth the wait!”
“Oooh fuck~!” Toji’s hands press into the middle of your back, pushing your shoulders down further into the mattress, allowing your back to be pushed down, beautifully showing the curves of your body for him. “Just like that, Toji, fuck, don’t stop, please don’t stop!”
“Oh, I’m not stopping until you’re crying. Your in need a good dicking down since you weren’t able to finish, I’m assuming.”
“Y-Yes!” You cry out, gripping the sheets tighter as you rock your hips back into his. “Yes, I want to cum so bad~!”
“Oh, I know you do, baby,” Toji smirked as he pushed you by your shoulders down into the bed, thrusting deep and hard.
His cock continues to hit your g-spot and your cervix, but his warm hot tip is nothing compared to the silicone. You had been using it earlier. So your eyes roll back. "Oh fuck! ~!" At this rate, you weren't going to last very long.
“Hoooly fuck.” Toji moaned, feeling your walls flutter around him as your legs started to tremble. "Fuck-Ngh. You’re about to cum. Fuck—baby, baby! Shit--I’m going to fucking fill you up. Is that okay?” he didn’t give you much time to answer as he angled his hips, thrusting precisely against that sponge spot inside of you. The one that had you seeing stars as your orgasm hit you like a freight train.
You whimpered loudly, turning to desperately kiss Toji as you squirted all over cock. "Ah~! Nnngh!!" your eyes rolled back as your body convulsed with the waves of your orgasm.
"Fuck! Fuckfuck—M’ cumming, I—Ahhh ahah—nngh!" Toji doubled over, his forehead pressing into your back as he kept cumming, releasing the months of pent-up desire into you.
He collapsed on top of you quickly, putting his arms out on either side of your smaller frame, bracing his weight upon them in an attempt not to crush you. You painted happily, grinning as you turned your head to stare up at the flushed, sweat-coated man who had fucked you thoroughly. He smirked, his scar stretching as his lips curled up.
His smirk, however, is short-lived as you push back against him, causing him to slip out of you as his back lands against your mattress. As he blankly waters, it allows you to straddle his hips, dribble, drop combined cum, and rub all over his dick as you so lewdly rub your pussy up and down on him. “I hope you have more where that came from because I’m far from being done with you, sir.”
“Hey,” he smirked, putting both his hands behind his head as he watched your position, his cock at your entrance. “Im a firefighter have pretty good fucking stamina. Let’s see what you got.” Little did he know you were a fire that could not so easily be put out. Not that he was complaining.
Forever Tag List:
@darkstarlight82 @pandoness @nealeart @simp-plague @sugurubabe @chilichopsticks @reap3erslov3
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goldfades · 4 months
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❪ requested -> "Hey! Just wanted to request a Paige Bueckers story where it’s a compilation of TikTok pranks, like calling her your wife, asking for help with the tampon being stuck, etc. thank you" ❫
─ pairing | paige bueckers x fem!reader
─ warnings | literally nothing but fluff!
⇨ missing out on updates? check out my wcbb masterlist!
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You propped up the camera on your water bottle, ushering Paige toward you. She was confused for a few moments before she glanced down at your phone, a smile curving her lips.
"What are you doing?" Paige asked as she glanced at the camera, checking herself out for a few seconds as you laughed.
"Just a TikTok," you reply, grinning as you pressed record. Paige's hands immediately pulled you closer to her chest as she smiled at the camera.
"Hey guys, uh... I don't know what this is-" Paige started as you began to laugh, shaking your head.
You can't help but chuckle at her adorably awkward introduction. "Hey so we're doing that trend where you guess your wife's favorite food, so uh..."
Paige's smiled widened as she glanced down at you, realizing what you were doing. However, she didn't miss a beat, playing along as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
"Let's see if my wife can actually figure it out, it's a hard one for sure," Paige pulled you closer into her chest as you laughed, feeling yourself blush under her gaze.
You feigned a moment of deep contemplation, squinting dramatically as if trying to read her mind. "Hmm, let me think... Chipotle?"
"Hey, that's a not a food-" Paige spoke before you scoffed, laughing.
You playfully interrupted, "Oh, come on, it counts!"
Paige couldn't hold back her laughter, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Okay, you win, wifey. Cause you know she's the best, she knows me so well."
"Yeah, I do." You grinned proudly at the camera before you clicked the recording, stopping the TikTok.
Paige watched you with admiration before she pulled you in for a sweet kiss before pulling away. "I'm actually gonna make you my wife one day, okay?"
"I'll hold you to that, P." You smile warmly at Paige, feeling a rush of affection for her before she pulled you in for a deeper kiss.
You were laying on your bed next to Paige as you scrolled through Instagram, your boredom growing with each passing moment. The day outside seemed to beckon with its warm sunlight, yet you found yourself stuck indoors, yearning for something to break the boredom.
"Hey, what's up?" Paige's voice rang throughout the bedroom but you kept your eyes glued on the screen. "Oh, shit yeah, I'm down for Chick-fil-a, who else is going?"
Your interest was suddenly peaked as you glanced toward your girlfriend, your excitement palpable as you mouthed 'yes' to her. She put her pointer finger up as she continued talking. "Yeah, then we can hit up Target too, I've been cracing a Redbull."
"Paige," you whispered as she glanced toward you, a smirk playing on her face. "I wanna come too, please. Let me come, I want a Redbull too,"
Paige laughed softly before she continued talking on the phone, ignoring your pleas. "I'm down," she quickly glanced at you. "Nah, she's tired, she had a long day."
You immediately gasped in hurt as you shook your head, earning a laugh from Paige. "I'm not tired!" You shouted as Paige's laughter fills the room, and you can't help but playfully pout at her teasing.
"Can I come?" You spoke softly as Paige's expression softened, before sighing heavily. "Please?"
"Yeah, come on, let's go," Paige stopped recording as you rolled your eyes, a smile on your face as you realized Paige had been teasing you all along.
With a smile, you hop up from the bed, feeling a surge of excitement. "I knew it was that stupid trend,"
"Oh did you now?" She wrapped your arms around your waist as you nodded.
You chuckle, nodding as Paige wraps her arms around your waist. "Yeah, you had me going for a moment there. I was going to be really mad,"
Paige leans in, planting a soft kiss on your cheek. "I couldn't resist you though, it's actually embarrassing how quickly I caved."
You grin at Paige's admission, feeling a warmth spreading through you at her affectionate gesture.
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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sexydoffyman · 13 days
genre: fluff
characters: König
A/N: P.2?
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You had known him since his early childhood. No one would believe you if you said that he was once shorter than you. You went to the same little kindergarten and the same school. You were always taller than him until you both turned 13 his growth-spurt hit and you were never able to outgrow him ever again.
You even went to the same high school together. You were so excited to be there with him. The first few weeks were great, but for some reason, he started distancing himself away from you. You never understood why, and even after years of trying to reach out to him, it was pointless. Gradually, you stopped contacting him at all.
It has been 20 long years since he last talked to you. A normal man would forget about everything that happened between him and someone who he hasn’t talked to in 20 years, but König never forgot. He remembered everything. Every little detail about you. You were the only one in his life that he ever cared about. How could he forget?
He got bullied a shit ton in high school. He never let you know that he was hurt. He always bottled it up inside. He felt as if he would put so much weight on your shoulders if he did. At that time he was still talking to you as if nothing was happening. He thought of you as his best and only friend. That’s why he got so angry at himself when he realised he had fallen in love.
All the insults he got were getting to him. He looked at himself one day and decided to never talk to you again. He wouldn’t be able to change his feelings for you. He thought that you deserved someone better. He thought you deserved someone who could stand up for themselves, someone who had something interesting about them that wasn’t just their height.
For 20 whole years, he has been thinking about you. Every day he wondered, what you looked like now, have your interests had changed, have you found a partner, have your dreams gotten shattered or have you managed to pursue them. Every damn time he wasn’t thinking about work, he was thinking about you. How would life be if he never left?
He wasn’t supposed to get deployed for another few months. This left him constantly deep in his thoughts. He was walking around his hometown like he always did when he had free time. He loved to look at the trees. Every season had its ups and downs, but the trees were always so beautiful.
He kept walking around only to be met with an “Excuse me.” He turned around to see a familiar face. “Hey, I just moved here and I have a lot of free time. Do you know if there will be anything exciting happening or if there are any places that could cure one's boredom?”
“There’s a pond where I’m heading right now. I go there to feed the ducks and swans.” He responded. “Can I tag along?” He thought for a moment still shocked to see you after such a long time. “Yeah, why not.”
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neosexuals · 5 months
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— date night !
Pairings/warnings:: bf!jaehyun , non idol au , oral (f) , fingering???, unprotected (wrap itt). Nicknames (baby, slut…), couch sex, Jaehyuns a bit rough . Not proof read
Summary :: a cute date night turns out to be hellishly boring until jaehyun felt the need to entertain you
A/n: I had a lil fun with this one not proof read btw🧍‍♂️ @p-inkbunny
Jaehyun and you have been planning a movie date for weeks whether at your place or his and it finally happened but, the movie you two picked out to watch was not that interesting.
The both of you blankly staring at the characters moving their mouths yapping on and on, his hand wrapping around your waist mid movie which was probably the most interesting part of your night. His hand caressing your abdomen, pulling you to lay on his chest.
It turned you on a bit, but it wasn’t something you paid attention to a lot trying to keep your attention on the movie. His hands roam your body throughout the movie, distracting you each time. His hand now underneath your (his) shirt, squeezing the side of your abdomen.
“Baby” the nickname freeing you from your boredom (hopefully). You look up at him in response “do you like the movie?” His tone monotone, looking down at you.
“It’s okay...” Your mouth moulds into a pout, it’s okay was clearly,horrendous.Jaehyun's grip tightens slightly on your waist, pulling you closer into his chest as he chuckles softly.
“Well, if you're bored doll. I can suggest something more….interesting” his hands trailing from your waist to your thighs, using them as a leverage to move down, positioning himself between your legs,Your stomach sinks at the sight.
He looked back up at you, his eyes pleading for approval. You knew what this was going to lead to, but god you wanted it so bad, you nodded in response. His fingers were hooked onto the band of your shorts, bunching up your underwear along with it, getting rid of them in a swift motion.
“Awe so wet for me already?” His tone dripping with faux sweetness. His hands now planted on your thighs,holding them apart. Your eyes flew shut as his tongue met your wetness, licking a slow stripe along your folds.
You let out a frail cry of his name causing a smirk to form onto his face and he leans down, running his tongue along your slit before diving in, tasting your arousal. his tongue flicks against your clit, teasing and driving you wild as he continues to lap at you unforgiving.
Your moans only driving him causing him to increase the pace, alternating between licking and sucking on your clit. With the strong desire to see you , to taste you on his tongue, he pulls you closer, your ass sitting on the edge of the couch Causing you to squirm. Your moans getting louder as his tongue roams your pussy roughly, he was just as desperate as you. All you could do was grip his hair, moaning like this was the last time,Letting out frail curses.
jaehyun was enjoying this, the way you would squirm and roll your hips onto his tongue. Your moans only got louder when he introduced his middle finger into the mix, pumping his finger into you as he laps at your clit. You were close, your walls clenched around his one finger, your legs threatening to close around his head.
His tongue no longer lapping at your cunt, he inserts another digit into you. Your eyes watery begging to cum “it’s okay baby you can cum.” His tone much sweeter now ,his free hand caressing your face as he deviously increased the pace. Your eyes squeezed shut, unable to control how your body responds. Your hips bucking into the air as you find release, your arousal now coating his long fingers.
“So good for me” he whispers against your lips before locking them with his, the kiss passionate your taste still lingering on his tongue but you didn’t care enough.his fingers still slowly pumping into you as he helps you out your high, you let out sweet moans causing jaehyun to move away from the kiss and removing his fingers.
"you did so well" he whispered once more before picking you up on your feet, you knew what was coming next. Jaehyun isn’t always the sweetest during sex, he was rough. His arms wrapped around your waist making your stomach turn, his lips moulding with yours.
His body guides yours to the side of the sofa, bending down to sit on the handrest. Jaehyuns hands move to grip the leather, one remaining on your waist before he broke away from the kiss. "Turn around for me yeah?" His house low and husky, only adding to the arousal. Your skin sticking to the leather as you move around, trying not to laugh at the squeaky noise the couch makes under you. Your legs now dangling over the edge, ass on full display for jaehyun.
He lands a small slap onto your ass, kneading it as his thumb glides over your slit. You whimpered at him shaking your ass slightly in desperation earning a smack right on your ass "needy are we?" His voice thick coated in honey.
Jaehyun wasn’t short of mercy however, his cock long enough to spring up onto his stomach. He teased his tip sliding along the length of your slit, your whines moving in and out of his ears. His eyes plastered onto your pussy, the way he hissed at the sight of your arousal coating his cock.
“Please-” your pleads going in and out of his ears, right now all he could think about is your pussy devouring his cock as he pushed it inside “fuck baby look at you”
He instantly bottomed out, his hands caressing your hips moving up to your neck. His hands wrapped around it, using the pressure to push you into the leather of the couch. Thrusting his cock into you rather slow than usual, it was unbearable for you.
Letting out a long string of whines jaehyun, sooner than later, listened and moved at a rash pace. His balls slapping against your clit, along with his hand against your ass. His teeth gritted “fucking slut” you’ve never heard such profanity come from jaehyuns mouth before. But you loved it, your hands pulled behind,pinned behind your back.
Moaning louder as he pulls out leaving his tip inside before slamming back in, grinding into you. Balls deep at this point “god I love this pussy….” You clench around him hearing his praises “yeah? Like when I say that slut? You’re my slut yeah?”
The words he spew only tightened the coil inside your stomach, his cock hitting your sweet spot rougher each second. “Jae cum-” you could bearly finish the slurred messages you let out before jaehyun would move the hand, his thumb slowly inserting into your cunt, “shit- wait for me baby” slamming his cock into you over and over, groaning due to the friction created by the thumb. All you could do was moan his name into the pillow, his cock twitching inside you not to later.
You couldn’t handle it, milking his cock of all he had “cum” was all it took for your legs to get shaky from the orgasm, twitching as you feel his own thick ribbons of cum spilling into you. “Shit-”
Curses let out of his mouth as he realised he was…harsher than usual, his cock sliding out of your slippery cunt “so pretty….” He groaned looking at the mess he made, he was always messy.
Pulling you back into your feet, hugging you tightly, it was odd sure but sweet. “sorry baby” was all he said before pecking your lips.
“It’s okay I liked it….you should call me your slut more often” you giggled.
“Sure baby” kissing your forehead before leading you to the shower.
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wholoveseggs · 10 months
Extra-Extraordinary {two}
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18+ ---- {Masterlist}
Just a quick ménage à trois with the boys … but it's round two.
7k words - Warnings: Just as smutty as the first one 😈 with even less of a plot!
{Part One}{Part Three}
If you rather read this on Ao3- Link is here
"It's okay to love fucking them both. I did." ---Kathy P
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Perched on the courtyard sofa, a book rested on your lap, yet its pages remained untouched. Boredom had taken a firm grip, the kind where nothing could hold your interest. The day began with you waking up to an eerily empty compound. Curiosity tugged at you, wondering where everyone had vanished to, and you found yourself anxiously waiting for someone to return.
Klaus and Elijah walked in, looking mildly disheveled and covered in blood. You looked from one to the other, your expression one of concern.
"What happened?" you inquired as they approached.
Elijah settled down beside you, his reassuring hand finding its place on your thigh. Without hesitation, you moved to your knees on the sofa, leaning forward to inspect the dried blood on his face. Pulling Elijah's handkerchief out of his pocket, you began to wipe his face. He responded with a gentle smile, savoring your sweet affections.
"Nothing to worry yourself over, darling," Klaus chimed in, taking a seat on the other side of you. "I have blood on my face that needs cleaning too," he teased, a smirk playing on his lips.
With a casual glance over your shoulder and an eye roll, you dismissed Klaus's jest. "I've been terribly bored all day and you won't even tell me where you've been," you complained. 
You focused on cleaning Elijah's face, the touch of your fingers gentle against the smudged blood. "I just wish I knew where you both disappear to," you admitted, a mix of curiosity and worry in your tone.
Elijah, ever the diplomat, offered an explanation. "We had a situation to handle, but it's nothing for you to worry about, my love," he assured, his fingers lightly roaming your thigh.
You finished cleaning Elijah's face, and he gently took the handkerchief from you, pressing a soft kiss to your hand. "Thank you, my dear.”
Klaus, amused, added, "We're here now, and all is well. Maybe you can find a way to entertain yourself with us."
Your eyes shifted between the two, a playful glint replacing some of the concern. "What exactly are you suggesting, Klaus?" you replied, a mischievous smile playing on your lips.
"Oh, I think you know. We all know you are not as innocent as you pretend to be," Klaus responded, reaching out and pulling you onto him.
A surprised gasp escaped your lips as you found yourself on Klaus's lap. Glancing at Elijah, you expected his usual possessive nature to surface, but to your surprise, he responded with a slow, sensual grin that made your heart skip a beat. 
"Elijah?" you questioned, reaching out to him, unsure of his reaction.
Elijah took your hand and gave it a gentle kiss, his gaze intense and filled with a mix of desire and amusement. He didn't rush to intervene, allowing the playful tension to linger in the air.
Klaus, holding you on his lap, grinned mischievously. "What do you say, love? A little excitement to cure your boredom?"
You shot a questioning look at Elijah, who finally spoke, his voice low and teasing. "Indulge Klaus if it pleases you. I'm here for whatever you desire."
You blushed at his words, feeling a combination of embarrassment and excitement. You unconsciously rubbed your thighs together, your arousal not escaping their notice.
"You know, I've been thinking," Klaus began, his fingers tracing the hem of your skirt. "Maybe it's time for another thrilling adventure, the three of us."
"Is that so?" you replied, playfully meeting Klaus's gaze before shifting your eyes to Elijah. The pounding of your own heart echoed in your ears, aware that the two vampires could hear it as well.
He nodded, a smile playing on his lips. "Indeed," Klaus murmured, his fingers moving from your hips to the waistband of your panties.
You intercepted his hands, preventing his advance, a teasing smile gracing your face. "I might be interested, but I do have a request,"
Elijah's eyes met yours, his expression expectant. Klaus, still reveling in the tension he had created, raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "And what might that be, love? More blindfolds?" Klaus asked, his voice dripping with amusement.
You took a deep breath, trying to steady your nerves. "You can tie my wrists," you said quietly, your cheeks turning a dark shade of pink.
Klaus let out a low whistle, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oh, that's rather tame. I was thinking of something more thrilling, perhaps I can compel you to do what I please."
Elijah's demeanor instantly changed. He pulled you off Klaus's lap, settling you on his own. He pressed a possessive kiss on your neck, his voice a low growl, "Watch your tongue, Klaus."
"Oh, I plan on using my tongue," Klaus replied with a cheeky smile. He moved close to you, his hands roaming up your exposed legs, dipping below your skirt. "It's nothing you wouldn't enjoy," he added softly.
"W-what would you compel me to do?" you asked Klaus nervously, your hands pressed into Elijah's shoulders. Heat was pooling between your legs and Elijah gave you a gentle smile, sensing just how turned on you were.
Klaus leaned in, his lips brushing against your ear as he whispered, "Oh, love, the possibilities are endless. Perhaps a little strip show. And then we'll see where the evening takes us." His warm breath sent shivers down your spine.
You looked into Elijah's warm, dark eyes, trusting him completely. The idea of surrendering your body to them was incredibly intriguing. You knew Elijah wouldn't let you be humiliated or harmed in any way.
"Let's do it," you said softly, still looking at Elijah, a silent exchange of love and trust passing between the two of you. You then looked at Klaus, giving him a sweet smile. "Do what you desire."
You let out a surprised giggle as Elijah immediately lifted you into his arms. He carried you with a steady grace up the staircase to his bedroom. Klaus, a playful smirk on his face, followed closely behind, eager for the unfolding scene.
As Elijah entered the room, he gently put you down, the atmosphere charged with anticipation. Klaus sauntered in, his gaze fixed on you, the air thickened with a potent mix of tension and desire as the brothers exchanged a glance, silently agreeing on the next moves.
Klaus approached you, his hand cupping your cheek as he looked into your eyes, compelling you. "Take off your clothes, love. Nice and slow."
You felt a strange shift in your mind as you automatically began to unbutton your shirt. Watching the two men sit on the bed as you slowly stripped, your cheeks flushed red with a mix of embarrassment and arousal. 
"You are so beautiful," Elijah said softly, giving you a warm smile.
Klaus chuckled appreciatively, his eyes never leaving your form. "Quite a view," he remarked, his gaze intense and hungry. Elijah's expression remained one of admiration, a silent affirmation of the trust and connection you shared.
Klaus, with an impish grin, gestured for you to come closer. "On your knees, love." The compulsion in his voice guided your movements, and you gracefully knelt before them.
"Now, run your hands along your body," Klaus instructed, mischief gleaming in his eyes. You complied, feeling vulnerable and excited beneath their watchful gaze.
Your hands traced over your breasts, your eyes closing as a soft moan escaped your lips. With your thumbs, you gently brushed your nipples, exploring the curves of your body. You opened your eyes to look at them, both of their eyes dark with desire.
Klaus leaned back with a pleased expression. "Touch yourself," he commanded, a playful glint in his eyes.
You hesitated for a moment, your cheeks flushing red as a surge of nervousness and arousal coursed through you. Glancing at Elijah, you found a reassuring and loving gaze that spurred you on. Your fingers traveled down, gradually exploring your core, touching your clit in slow, gradual circles.
Klaus's eyes gleamed with satisfaction as he observed the scene unfolding before him. Elijah, his usual stoic demeanor giving way to a raw intensity, watching you with hungry eyes.
You let out a moan as your touch intensified, Klaus's voice cut through the charged air, "Now, don't stop until you come," His tone was both commanding and playful, urging you to surrender to the growing wave of desire.
As you continued, the room filled with the sounds of your soft moans and the low hum of their satisfaction. Your body responded to the building pleasure, and you felt yourself approaching the edge. You surrendered to your climax, your body trembling, as waves of pleasure washed over you, Klaus and Elijah exchanged a satisfied glance, reveling in the shared experience. 
"You make such pretty sounds. Now come sit," Elijah commanded, gesturing for you to join them on the bed. You approached, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. His fingers intertwined with yours, offering reassurance as you sat on his lap.
"Now take off our clothes," Elijah commanded softly, his hand gripping your waist.
You complied and slowly undressed Elijah, your hands moving over his chest and stomach, kissing each bit of skin you revealed as you unbuttoned his shirt. Klaus, an amused smirk playing on his lips, watched the intimate scene unfold.
Once Elijah was exposed, you shifted your attention to Klaus, your fingers tracing the contours of his body as you pulled off his shirt. The room echoed with the rustle of fabric and the palpable tension of escalating desire.
Elijah, his gaze unwavering, reached for his tie that you had discarded. He held it up, a clear invitation for you to extend your wrists. You nodded, and extended your arms, offering yourself to him. He looped the soft fabric around your wrists, careful not to constrict your circulation. Your heart beat faster as you imagined the possibilities. 
Elijah's voice, low and commanding, broke the charged silence. "Lay back," he instructed, his eyes locking onto yours with intensity. Klaus, equally captivated, watched with a predatory smile.
You moved back, and leaned against the pillows, your wrists bound above your head. Klaus moved closer, his fingers tracing patterns along your inner thighs.
Elijah leaned down and kissed a trail from your collarbone to the sensitive curve of your breasts. Klaus, not one to be left out, joined in, a hand moving up your thigh, parting your legs and gently swirling your clit.
You let out a soft moan, your hips jumping from the contact. Klaus began to kiss your neck, leaving marks and soft bites. "So wet for us already," he said in a low voice. 
Elijah continued his exploration, his lips tracing a path down your abdomen, leaving a trail of heat in their wake. Klaus, reveling in your responses, pushed two fingers inside you, pumping you slowly as he maintained his focus on your neck.
The sensations intensified as Elijah's tongue danced over your skin, inching further downwards. You writhed and moaned beneath their combined touches, surrendering to the rising tide of pleasure.
As Elijah's mouth neared your center, his fingers replaced Klaus's. Klaus licked his fingers with a wild gleam in his eyes, watching Elijah suck your clit into his mouth. 
The room was filled with the soft, wet sounds of Elijah’s mouth on you, his fingers pushing further into your core as he tasted you, the intensity of his movements causing you to cry out. Klaus's hands gripped your thighs, his eyes never leaving yours.
Your back arched and you struggled in the restraints, it wasn’t tied very tight and your hands came loose. Your hands immediately went down to weave through Elijah's hair, tugging as the pleasure increased, feeling yourself rapidly approaching the edge.
With a low growl, Elijah gripped your hips, his fingers digging into your skin as he pushed his tongue deeper.
Klaus took your arms and guided them back, refastening the restraints, the soft fabric looped around your wrists.
"Stay just like this until we tell you," Klaus commanded, his compulsion sinking into your mind. You immediately stopped straining, and fell back into the pillows, a loud moan escaping your lips as Elijah's tongue worked its magic.
"Tsk, Elijah, you are usually better at tying someone up," Klaus teased. 
"I do not wish to hurt her," Elijah replied, his tongue continuing its journey across your pussy. He swirled his tongue, eliciting a soft moan, before returning his attention to your clit.
Klaus's gaze returned to you, and he gave a satisfied grin, noting the pleasure reflected on your face. "Sometimes a little pain can heighten the pleasure," he murmured, his fingers gently brushing against your cheek.
You let out a low whimper, arching into his touch. His fingers drifted to your breasts, caressing the sensitive skin. He then began to play with your nipples, alternating between licking and biting. Elijah let out a low hum of approval as he flicked his tongue against your clit, sending a thrill of pleasure through you. The sensations were overwhelming, and you could feel your climax building steadily.
As you moaned and trembled beneath their touch, Klaus's voice cut through the charged atmosphere. "Not yet," he commanded, his compulsion echoing in your mind. The building climax subsided, leaving you on the edge of ecstasy.
Klaus leaned in, his lips brushing against yours. "You're ours to command," he whispered.
"P-please," you began to beg, your whole body shaking as your desire for release overwhelmed you. "Please, let me come," 
Klaus's compulsion held you in its grip, preventing the release you desperately sought. Elijah, his tongue still working its magic, glanced at Klaus with a hint of amusement. The room buzzed with an electrifying tension as your pleas hung in the air.
Klaus, a wicked grin on his face, finally relented. "Now," he commanded, releasing his compulsion. The dam of restraint broke, and the climax you had been denied rushed over you in a wave of ecstasy. You let out a loud, involuntary moan, as pleasure consumed every inch of your being. 
Elijah and Klaus, watched with intense satisfaction, their hands all over you, roaming your warm skin. You laid there in the aftermath, trying to catch your breath, looking at both men with a smile on your face.
"Now, get on all fours, my love" Elijah commanded, rising from the bed. You quickly obeyed, turning and kneeling before them. The position brought an entirely new sense of exposure, as you felt Elijah's gaze on your ass. A low hum of approval from him and a mischievous chuckle from Klaus made your cheeks burn. A surprised gasp escaped you as Elijah grabbed your hips, pulling you to the edge of the mattress.
Elijah leaned over you, his hand gently pushing your head down onto the sheets. A playful smack on the ass elicited a giggle from you as you swayed your hips in anticipation.
"Do you enjoy it when my brother fucks you from behind?" Klaus asked in amusement. "I thought you were more of a missionary sort of girl," he teased.
Elijah's deep voice rumbled behind you, his hands firmly gripping your hips. "You seem to enjoy a bit of variety, don't you, my love?" he remarked, a teasing lilt in his tone.
Klaus chimed in with a mischievous grin, "Well, let's give the lady what she likes." He got off the bed and approached you from the other side, leaning down near your face. "Spread your legs wider," Klaus commanded, a playful glint in his eyes.
You complied, your heartbeat quickening from the vulnerability of the position. Elijah's hands on your hips steadied you as Klaus circled around, his gaze intent on your exposed form.
Klaus lightly traced his fingers over the curve of your ass. "Tell me, darling, would you prefer Elijah or me taking you from behind?" he asked, giving your ass a light smack.
"Elijah," you replied, sitting up on your knees and looking over your shoulder at both of them, giving Elijah a sweet smile.
Elijah returned the smile and stepped forward, gently cupping your neck and pulling you in for a passionate kiss. His arms wrapped around your waist, pressing your back against his front. He let out a soft hum as his tongue dipped into your mouth.
Klaus let out an amused chuckle, getting back on the bed in front of you. "Who would have guessed," he said sarcastically.
Elijah skillfully released the tie, guiding your hands behind you, his hands moving slowly down your arms before securing them once again. You closed your eyes, relishing the sensation of being entirely under his control, and a soft moan escaped you as his lips met your shoulder.
Klaus moved closer, capturing your lips in a rough, passionate kiss. As he kissed you, Elijah's hands massaged your breasts, his thumbs gently running over your nipples. Sandwiched between them, the mix of their bare skin, steady breathing, and intertwined scents heightened your arousal.
Elijah, his breath hot against your ear, his hands firmly holding your waist, spoke in a low voice. "You look so beautiful like this, tied up and ready to take me." He gently guided you forward, your head finding a comfortable spot on Klaus's shoulder. 
"Let's see if you enjoy this position as much as Klaus seems to think," he teased, his low chuckle adding to the charged atmosphere.
You felt Elijah's cock pressing against you, and he entered you slowly, letting out a low groan as he savored the moment. He began a slow rhythm, each movement sending waves of pleasure through you. Klaus, his hands cupping your cheeks, watched intently. His thumb brushed over your lips, parting them.
"Look at me, love," he murmured, a soft smile on his face. You complied, and a low moan escaped you, the intensity of his gaze and the feeling of Elijah's cock deep inside you was intoxicating.
Klaus pressed two fingers against your tongue, his eyes locked onto yours. Your lips wrapped around them, and you sucked his fingers, your tongue swirling around them. Klaus watched, his gaze filled with lust and desire.
"Such a pretty mouth," Klaus said appreciatively, pulling his fingers from your lips. He ran his thumb over them, a smirk on his face. 
Klaus's hand wrapped around your neck, restricting your breathing; his eyes held a dangerous spark, and his lips curved into a wicked smile. His breath was hot on your face as he spoke, "Show me what else it can do," his voice laced with a hint of danger.
Klaus let go of your neck and you let out a soft gasp. He kissed you roughly as his fingers tracing the line of your jaw, his gaze never leaving yours. He tugged at your hair and guided your head down. You gazed up at him, a hungry expression on his face, watching you intently.
"Don't stop until I tell you," he ordered, a playful tone in his voice.
"Be gentle with her," Elijah warned him as he continued his slow rhythm.
Klaus looked into your eyes as you licked the tip, slowly swirling your tongue around him. He let out a soft sigh and his hands gripped your hair, guiding you to take more of him.
You were completely at his mercy with your hands tied behind your back and you could feel his cock harden as he hit the back of your throat. Klaus watched with fascination, his breathing becoming more ragged. He started thrusting harder and deeper into your mouth, his hand gripping the back of your head. You were struggling to breathe, tears forming in the corner of your eyes as he pushed himself all the way down your throat. You began to gag and sputter, unable to push away. 
Elijah arms snaked around your waist, pulled you back against his chest and off of Klaus.
"Are you okay?" Elijah asked in concern, his lips pressing soft kisses on your shoulder.
"Mhmm," you nodded as you caught your breath, you moved your hips against him, urging him to continue his rhythm. 
Elijah released your wrists and rubbed the red marks left by the tie. He moved your arms back in front of you, massaging them, helping the blood flow to return.
Klaus, his expression softer than normal, stroked your cheek, wiping away the saliva and pre-cum from the corners of your mouth.
"I'm sorry, love, I got carried away," he apologized, his tone gentle and caring. He leaned in, placing a soft kiss on your lips. "I'll make it up to you," he whispered, reaching down and grazing your clit with his fingertips.
Klaus’ movements were slow and deliberate. You let out a gasp as his thumb circled the sensitive bundle of nerves, waves of pleasure coursing through you.
You let out a low moan and your head fell against Klaus's chest, the sensation of his fingers working their magic. Your breathing became erratic, and you gripped Klaus' shoulders, digging your nails into his skin.
"Don't hide those pretty sounds," Elijah whispered in your ear, his hands gripping your hips as he increased his pace. Soft huffs escaped your lips as your breathing became irregular, each thrust hitting your sweet spot.
"Going to come again?" Klaus teased, his fingers circling your clit faster.
You nodded in response, your eyes tightly shut as pressure built inside of you. You arched your back into Elijah and his lips traveled along your neck, and you could feel his fangs grazing your skin. 
"May I, my beautiful one?" Elijah whispered in your ear, his lips grazing along the sensitive skin.
"Yes," you breathed, feeling the sharp pinch as his fangs broke your skin.
The mixture of pain and pleasure heightened the experience, and you moaned louder, no longer able to stifle the sounds. 
The sensation of your blood being drawn pushed you over the edge, and you climaxed with a low groan. Elijah, savoring the taste of your blood, continued his rhythm, prolonging your orgasm before he released himself deep inside of you.
Your blood ran down your chest and Klaus gave you a wide smile, leaning down to lick it off your skin. You moaned as his tongue trailed along the curve of your breasts, leaving bloody kisses as he made his way up, stopping to lick and suck your nipple.
As the climax subsided, Elijah withdrew his fangs, licking the wounds with a tenderness that contrasted the primal act. You were left breathless, realizing you were caught between two predators in a dance of desire and possession.
"Thanks for the taste," Klaus said darkly, his lips glistening with your blood, his hybrid form peeking through.
Elijah withdrew from you, his hands holding you upright by the waist, your body still trembling from your climax. He turned you around and pressed a soft kiss to your lips, before helping you settle back on the bed.
Elijah leaned against the headboard and positioned you between his legs, your back against his front. He kissed along your shoulder and neck, his hands gripping your waist, pressing you against him. "Are you doing okay?" He whispered in your ear.
You nodded with a soft smile, your eyes on Klaus as he kneeled in front of you. His eyes, now a vibrant gold, held a dangerous intensity. He grabbed your hips and pulled you forward a bit so you were under him, he spayed a hand across your stomach, pushing you into the bed, parting your legs with his knee. The back of your head rested against Elijah's chest, intimately pressed between both men.
Klaus licked the remaining blood off your breasts and neck, his gaze focused on yours, and you could feel Elijah's grip tighten on your waist. Klaus moved his lips along the sensitive skin, kissing and sucking a trail down your chest. You moaned as he nibbled along your skin, a low growl coming from him.
Klaus, his fangs grazing against your skin, spoke in a low growl. "What a pretty sight," he purred, a wicked gleam in his eyes. "Look at you, spread out for me like a meal, your heart pounding in your chest," he taunted, 
Elijah, sensing your fear, leaned down and whispered in your ear, "You're safe with me, my love.”
Klaus' hand reached up and gripped your neck, a soft pressure, and his lips curled into a feral smile. "Do you want me to fuck you, sweetheart?" he asked, a dark look in his eyes.
"Y-yes," you said breathlessly, squirming beneath him, and letting out a low whimper as the tip of his cock grazed your clit.
Yes, what?" he growled, tightening his grip on your throat.
"Yes, please," you replied, desperate for more.
"Good girl," he said, giving you a pleased smile.
Elijah's hands, which were holding you securely against him, slid down to your thighs, parting them wider.
"Let's see how well you behave for me," Klaus growled, pushing the tip inside of you.
You gasped as his cock sank into you, his movements slow and steady. Your hands gripped his shoulders, and he began a deep, teasing pace.
Elijah, his hand between your legs, began to rub your clit. The sensation sent a rush of pleasure through you, and you arched your back, your hips rising to meet Klaus's.
"What a perfect pussy," Klaus remarked, his grip tightening on your neck, "listen to the sound, so wet for us.”
Elijah, his voice low, whispered in your ear, "Do you want Klaus to fuck you harder?"
"Yes, please," you pleaded, moaning loudly as Klaus continued his rhythm.
Klaus leaned over, his lips capturing yours in a passionate kiss, his tongue exploring your mouth. He let out a low groan and quickened his pace, his cock moving in and out of you, hitting your sweet spot with each stroke.
The soft, wet sounds of your bodies colliding and your soft moans filled the room, the combination of noise making Klaus smile in satisfaction. He leaned back and pushed your thighs up, delving deeper inside you. 
You wrapped your arms around the back of your thighs, holding them in place. Klaus's pace increased, and his cock slid deeper into you. He began to pant, his breathing becoming labored.
"Fuck, such a tight little cunt," he growled, his thrusts becoming more erratic. "Come for me, love, I want to feel you squeeze my cock," he ordered.
You felt the wave of pleasure build inside of you, and Elijah's fingers moved faster against your clit. You moaned from the intensity, Klaus's grip tightened on your hips as he let out a guttural groan, climaxing with a force that sent you over the edge as well. Your body trembled with pleasure as Klaus emptied himself inside you.
Klaus, savoring the aftermath, leaned down, giving you a dark smile as he kissed you roughly. "Who does this pussy belong to?" he asked, his lips hovering over yours. 
"Elijah," you replied playfully, casting a teasing smile at Klaus while reaching behind to touch Elijah’s arms. Klaus gave you a wicked grin, then he lowered his head to your chest, kissing and massaging your breasts.
Klaus looked up at Elijah with a triumphant smirk. "And yet, it was mine just now," he said, his tone smug.
Elijah rolled his eyes and let out a sigh, a mix of amusement and irritation. "Don't be petty," he chided.
"Me? Petty? Never," Klaus retorted.
You couldn't help but laugh at their antics. "Actually, It's all mine, you just get to share it sometimes," you said, teasing them.
Klaus emitted a low, throaty chuckle, his lips delicately nibbling at your breasts while his fangs grazed along the sensitive skin. A hushed gasp escaped your lips as he skillfully scratched your skin, coaxing a subtle trickle of blood.
"Klaus!" you scolded, your eyes fixed on him as he licked up the blood with a sheepish grin.
Elijah shot his brother a disapproving look before leaning down to press a gentle kiss to your forehead. He graced you with a warm smile, and you reciprocated by reaching up to tenderly touch his cheek.
“We need bourbon!” Klaus declared, moving off the bed and heading for the door, confidently striding out of the room.
Elijah, with a contented smile, pulled you into his lap. He turned you sideways, gracefully draping your legs over him. "You truly are extraordinary, my love. I'm endlessly grateful to have you by my side," he murmured, planting a soft kiss on your forehead.
Klaus returned with a bottle of bourbon, a smug grin on his face. "Here we go, the elixir of choice for an evening of delightful company."
Klaus grinned, pouring generous amounts of bourbon into three glasses, then raised his glass in a playful toast. "To Elijah, the epitome of generosity, for sharing this exquisite beauty with me," he declared, his smirk turning into a mischievous grin.
Elijah, in his turn, lifted his glass with a sweet and sincere smile. "To the woman who has stolen my heart and brought immeasurable joy into my existence. I am truly blessed to call her mine." he said, his gaze locked onto you. You blushed, feeling a warmth in your chest as you shared a fond smile with him.
You decided to add your own toast, raising your glass between them. "To both of you for being exceptional in bed," you teased, earning a chuckle from Klaus and an appreciative smile from Elijah. The clinking of glasses followed, sealing the lighthearted moment.
Klaus, always the provocateur, couldn't resist asking, "So, who's the better lover, darling?"
You smirked back, "Well, it's probably the one who doesn't need constant reassurances," earning a laugh from Elijah and a mock offended gasp from Klaus.
Elijah, with a sly grin, whispered into your ear, "Shall we give him a little reminder?"
You playfully nodded, running your fingers through Elijah's hair as you turned to face Klaus. "Perhaps a demonstration is in order," you suggested, a playful gleam in your eyes.
Elijah shifted you his lap, turning you to face him. Offering a gentle smile, he kissed you softly and inquired, "Are you up for more?"
You nodded and pressed your hands into his chest, feeling his cock growing hard underneath you. He delicately positioned your legs on his thighs, guiding your movements as you sank onto him. A soft moan escaped your lips, mingling with Elijah's own sigh of pleasure.
Elijah began moving slowly, his hands gently resting on your hips, guiding you into a steady rhythm.You could feel Klaus shifting his position behind you, his hands cupping your breasts as he rested his head on your shoulder. "Show us how much you love it," he whispered in your ear.
Elijah's eyes were filled with lust and affection as you started rolling your hips back and forth. His hands gripped you firmly, encouraging you to continue. You could feel the pleasure building with each movement, and Elijah's breathing quickened.
Klaus's voice cut through the charged air, "You can do better than that, darling. Ride him properly, now." His command spurred you to quicken your movements, riding Elijah with a passion that fueled the desires of both men. 
Klaus trailed his hands down your arms, deftly pulling them behind your back and securing them together with the tie. He pressed against you, his chest flush with your shoulders, his hips rolling against your ass, and his cock pressing into your back, brushing against your bound hands.
Klaus' fingers trailed down to your clit, rubbing in slow circles as you continued riding Elijah. "You are so quiet," Klaus said softly, his lips grazing your ear. "Tell us how you feel, describe it to us," Klaus commanded, his compulsion forcing you to speak.
Your cheeks flushed red as the words came pouring out of your mouth. "I love it so much, I never want this feeling to end," you moaned as the sensations overtook you.
"Is that so?" Klaus whispered, his lips pressing against your neck, his tongue tracing the path of the fresh bite mark. "Do you love the way Elijah's cock fills you up, hitting that spot inside you, or the way I'm touching you."  
"I love all of it," you moaned breathlessly, your eyes closed in pure bliss.
"Do you desire to have both of us again?" Klaus inquired, delicately pinching your clit, prompting a loud moan to escape your lips.
"Yes," you replied, arching your back. "Please, I want more."
A devilish grin appeared on Klaus' face. "Elijah," Klaus said, leaning over your shoulder. "Should we make her beg for it?"
Elijah looked up, a dark smirk gracing his features. He grabbed your hips and stopped you from moving. Your eyes shot open as you pleaded, "Elijah, please." 
He was still buried deep inside you and his gaze locked onto yours. "Tell us what you want, beautiful one," Elijah said softly, his fingers digging into your skin. 
Klaus pulled on bound wrists, causing you to arch back into him, "Tell us how badly you want it."
You tried to move but couldn't, both of them firmly holding you still. Elijah's smirk grew, seeing your struggle. "Please, I want it, both of you."
You could feel Klaus’ breath on your ear, "Tell us what you want us to do." he purred, pulling harder on your wrists, as his teeth grazed your skin.
You were panting, your cheeks flushed, trying to find the right words, "I want both of you inside me. Please."
Elijah's eyes darkened with lust, his grip tightening on your hips. "Tell us, how good did we make you feel last time? Having both of us filling every inch of you?" He asked as he began to move your hips agonizingly slow. 
Klaus pressed a kiss to the nape of your neck, whispering, "Don't be shy, love, or we won't give you what you desire."
"So full," you breathed, closing your eyes and trying to focus. "I felt so full, and the pleasure was like nothing else. I couldn't get enough.”
The desperation in your voice was apparent, causing both of their eyes to grow dark. "Good girl," Elijah replied.
Klaus released your arms, gently guiding you forward to rest on Elijah's chest. Elijah pressed his lips to your forehead, offering a reassuring touch as Klaus pushed a finger into the tight muscle. "Now, my sweet," Klaus purred, "we'll give you what you want."
Your hands, freed from the bindings, grasped at Elijah's chest, the pleasure intensified by Klaus' finger working to stretch you out.
"That's it, sweetheart, relax," Klaus whispered, placing soft kisses along your back. "Relax and let me take care of you."
Elijah placed his hand under your chin, raising it to meet his gaze. "Open your eyes, beautiful," he commanded. "Look at me."
You opened your eyes, meeting his dark, lustful gaze. "You are absolutely stunning," he murmured, his thumb brushing against your cheek.
Klaus took his time preparing you, applying the lube and ensuring you were ready. Elijah kept his gaze locked on you, observing your reaction. His lips ghosted across yours, offering kisses to soothe any discomfort.
"Are you ready, darling?" Klaus whispered, his lips pressing a tender kiss against the curve of your neck.
You nodded, unable to speak as Elijah's lips captured yours.
Klaus guided his cock to your ass, slowly pushing into you. You moaned into Elijah's mouth, clinging to his shoulders, your nails digging into his skin.
"Are you alright, my love?" Elijah inquired, his gaze searching your face.
"Yes," you moaned, biting your lip. Klaus' movements were slow and deliberate, ensuring not to cause any pain.
"Is this what you desired?" Elijah whispered, his lips brushing against yours.
You nodded, and he gave you a gentle kiss, his tongue slipping into your mouth. His hands cupped your face, his thumbs caressing your cheeks as he deepened the kiss.
Klaus continued his gradual movements, allowing you to adjust. Your eyes were closed, focused on the sensation of their hands on you and the feeling of their intimacy. It was almost overwhelming, but in the best way possible.
You broke the kiss, resting your forehead against Elijah's as you panted. His hands traveled down your body, settling at your waist. "You are doing so well," he praised, his eyes meeting yours.
"You feel incredible," Klaus growled, his grip tightening on your hips.
They slowly increased their pace, their movements becoming more coordinated. You could hear their breathing quicken as they moved inside of you, and their soft moans mixed with yours.
You closed your eyes again, enjoying the feeling of them filling you up. It was intoxicating, having both of them so close, knowing they were just as turned on as you were. They both groaned as they found the perfect rhythm, the sensations of both lovers moving within you intensified your pleasure. 
Elijah whispered soft reassurances in your ear, kissing your neck tenderly. His lips found yours again, hungry and passionate, matching the intensity of the shared experience. The room echoed with your moans and the wet sounds of their movements. The feeling of fullness combined with the powerful pleasure made your whole body tremble.
In the charged atmosphere, Elijah's voice cut through the sounds of passion, "Look at me, my love," he whispered, his eyes locked onto yours, sharing a connection that transcended the physical.
As the intensity of pleasure peaked, Klaus's and Elijah's movements synchronized, each thrust sending shockwaves through your body. Elijah maintained his gaze, his expression one of pure bliss. "You are so beautiful," Elijah murmured, his breath coming in ragged gasps. "I could watch you like this forever." 
Elijah began to lift you up and down, bouncing you on both of their cocks. Your stomach tightened as they chased their own release, breathing heavy and their bodies slick with sweat. Their moans were deep and primal, reverberating through the room. 
Elijah buried his face in your chest, his fingers digging into your hips. He moved you up and down at a rapid pace, synchronizing with Klaus thrusting deep into your ass. Elijah’s breath was hot and damp against your skin as he struggled to maintain his composure. You felt him begin to pulse and throb inside of you, his fingers pressing deeper into your flesh. His breath became more ragged, and his muscles contracted beneath your fingertips.
You closed your eyes and focused on the feeling of their bodies against yours, the way their fingers dug into your flesh. You were overcome with an almost euphoric feeling, the combination of both of them inside of you.
"That's it, beautiful," Elijah breathed. "Let go for us."
Your walls began to clench around them as the pressure built up. Their rhythmic thrusting and their bodies pressed tightly against yours sent you tumbling over the edge.
"So good," you moaned, unable to form a coherent thought. A prolonged, strangled groan escaped your lips as they held you in place, extending the duration of your orgasm. It felt like you were floating, completely lost in the bliss. Your entire body convulsed as the most intense orgasm you've ever had washed over you.
As you climaxed, they each found their own release, their moans joining yours in a symphony of passion.
Their movements gradually slowed, their bodies collapsing against yours. The sensation of their cocks pulsing inside of you, filling you with their warm cum, caused another wave of pleasure.
Klaus' face was buried in the crook of your neck, his teeth grazing against the sensitive skin. Elijah's forehead pressed against yours, his eyes closed and his breathing ragged. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, holding him close.
Pressed in-between them, their hands roamed over your trembling body and your head fell to Elijah's shoulder, exhausted and content. He kissed your forehead, his thumb brushing against your cheek.
Klaus withdrew from you and sprawled out on the bed beside you, a broad smile gracing his face as he basked in the afterglow. You remained seated on Elijah, who gently examined the bite mark on your neck.
"I hope we didn't take it too far," he said softly, searching your eyes for any sign of pain. 
"No, it was wonderful," you replied, giving him a tired smile. "Thank you."
He brushed a stray strand of hair away from your face and gently helped you off his lap. You laid in between them, the three of you comfortably cuddled together. They both took turns showering you with tender kisses, whispering their praise and appreciation. Your body was spent and sore, but it was the most exquisite feeling. 
Elijah's arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you close to his chest. Klaus propped himself up on his elbow, looking over at the two of you with a sly smile. "Are you still bored?"
"Absolutely not," you replied with a soft laugh. Your hand intertwined with Elijah's as he rested his head against yours. As the exhaustion started to set in, your eyes became heavy, and you felt yourself drifting off.
After you drifted into sleep, Klaus got up and dressed himself, watching you and Elijah. "Lovely creature you've found, brother," Klaus remarked with a smirk, appreciating your naked form on the bed.
Elijah exchanged a knowing look with Klaus, covering you with a blanket. "Indeed, she is," he replied, his voice carrying a depth of affection. "I love her deeply."
Klaus grinned. "Well, Elijah, if she ever needs another hand—or tongue—I'm always here to assist. Just a phone call away."
Elijah shook his head in amusement, and Klaus took his leave. His attention then shifted back to you, his fingers grazing the bite mark on your neck. He delicately punctured his own finger with his fangs, a small bead of blood forming and he used it to heal your wound. You began to stir, your eyes fluttering open and a tender smile graced his lips as you looked up at him.
Elijah gave you a soft kiss, the warmth of his lips meeting yours in a passionate exchange. The two of you lost yourselves for a while in the lingering intimacy, kissing with a tenderness that contrasted the earlier intensity.
Elijah's affectionate gaze held yours. "Come, my love," he murmured softly, lifting you effortlessly into his arms. Carrying you with ease as he walked towards the shower.
The warm water cascaded over both of you, cleansing away the remnants of the passionate night. Elijah, with deliberate care, ran his hands over your body, the touch gentle and loving. The water mingled with the soft sound of his kisses, each one a promise of tenderness and devotion.
Elijah then carried you back to bed, where the sheets welcomed you with their comforting softness. You nestled into each other's arms, the quiet of the room accompanied by the steady rhythm of your shared breaths.
In the warmth of Elijah's embrace, you drifted back into a peaceful slumber. He watched over you with a profound affection, marveling at the extraordinary connection you both shared. 
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{Part One}{Part Three}
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chrissdollie · 1 year
I have a request if you are interested? :)
A teen!dad jess. He has a best friend from New York (she can have a name or it can be Y/N, you can choose) (they are endgame, jess never had feelings for Rory but she has feelings for Jess, it won't go anywhere) Jess and his best friend have a kid, they co-parent (whether they are dating already or in the future is up to you) Jess gets sent to Stars Hallow, she ends up moving to stars Hallow to, to be close to Jess and so their kid can be with him too (she is emancipated, plus Jess knows she's coming because they keep in contact) if anyone reading this would like to turn this into an actual story, I'm totally down for reading it :) if you choose this request, I look forward to reading it. Thank you!!
hi noonie!! this is my first requests omg wowowow i think this is a great idea! im sorry if its kinda sloppy and not how u wanted! but i hope u enjoyy ! wc: 1.7k also i saw how you said that jess knew she was coming, but whats more fun than a suprise? ;) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As your best friend grabbed his bag and walked towards you and your one-year-old son, you forced yourself to keep your composure. You didn't know how you were going to okay without him. You'll still see him when he comes back to visit for holidays and such, but it won't be the same. You didn't want Jess to leave and neither did he, but he had no choice. He walked over to you and S/N. Reaching out for his father, S/N cooed and Jess took him from you. Jess held him preciously like it would be the last time. "Be good for your mom kid." He kissed his head.
He put down S/N into his crib before walking over to you and grabbed both of your hands. "I'm going to call you twice a day. Morning and night, okay? If there's anything you need, I'm there for you." He explained clearly. You nodded your head as you chewed on your lip, unable to form words. You wrapped your arms around his neck in a tight hug. Jess Mariano was your best friend. Having S/N was an accident, but you and Jess both believed that everything happens for a reason, so you kept him. And neither of you regret it. Your relationship is a little odd, but you love him nonetheless. You pulled away and kissed his cheek. "You'll be okay." You whispered, wiping a tear from your cheek. "And so will you, Y/N. You're the strongest person I know." You smiled softly at his words and gave him a picture of the three of you. He grinned and held it tightly. "Don't miss your bus, buddy." You joked. He ruffled your hair and waved goodbye.
A year later, you still feel the same as you did before. You know, the same day the two of you created a child, the same day you gave birth, and the same day he left. And you were panicking. "Oh, S/N, I'm so excited!" You jumped around making S/N giggle. He bounced along with you. "But I'm nervous too. What if he found someone else?" Then you gasped. "What if he cut all of his hair off?" You exaggerated just to see S/N's goofy smile. "This isn't about me though. This is all for you!" You tickled him (ugh, he's so darn cute). You grabbed your luggage, held S/N on your hip, and left the apartment. Stars Hollow was a cute name, you had to admit. You were thrilled to live in a small town! When you arrived, you stepped off the bus and looked around. Just as you imagined, it looked great! But maybe you should’ve told Jess you decided to be spontaneous and move to Connecticut. On the other hand, Jess could be on the verge of dying from boredom, so a surprise is the perfect thing to cheer him up.
“Thoughts, S/N?” You asked, clenching your hand into a fist as a pretend mic to his mouth. Your adorable son stared at you with his gorgeous eyes. Damn he looks just like his mother. Kidding, he’s an exact replica of Jess. Anywho, you accepted his answer and began to explore.
45 minutes later, you realized that you didn’t plan this out well enough like you thought. Even after talking to Jess everyday on the phone for an entire year, you didn’t know where exactly he was located. Fortunately, you took notice that people often went into a cute little diner called “William’s Hardware Store”, so you followed the crowd into the diner a little bit confused because this didn’t look like a hardware store. You walked in and almost immediately, people started turning to look at you. But atleast S/N enjoyed the attention.
You cleared your throat awkwardly and walked over to the stools at the counter and sat next to a girl around your age. You placed S/N in your lap and took in your surroundings. The girl you were sat next to turned around and gave you a bright grin. “Hi! You’re the new girl, aren’t you?” Her voice was sweet like candy (in the best way possible). “That I am! I’m Y/N. And this dude here is S/N.” You grabbed his hand making him give a little wave. She giggled. “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Y/N. And you too, S/N.” She tickled his belly quickly and perked up to you. “I’m Rory!”
You looked to where a boy was coming out of a hidden room and THERE HE WAS IRJAHDJWHS
Thank goodness he didn’t cut all of his hair off. You suddenly felt butterflies in your stomach, which you hated. Rory turned to face where you were looking and scoffed. But he was right out the door as quickly as he came. “Not the best of friends?” You asked, jokingly. “Jess? It's.. kind of weird right now. But yeah, no.” She informed you. You nodded. Weird? Like romantic weird?
“Hey, what can I get you?”
You turned away from Rory and looked in front of you. This looks EXACTLY like who Jess explained to be his uncle, Luke. You remember seeing a sign saying “Luke’s” bellow the hardware store sign. Backwards baseball cap, plaid shirt, scruffy facial hair, this must be him. “This is Luke, Y/N. Luke, Y/N just moved here from.. where?” Rory introduced and then turned to you. “New York.” You replied. “Oh, welcome. What part? My nephew Jess is from New York also.” Luke smiled. “Same as him.” You responded. Rory and Luke looked confused and you felt awkward again. Not the right choice of words.
That was until Luke’s face changed from “what is she talking about?” to “ohhh THAT Y/N!” You're glad you didn't have to explain.
“Y/N! It’s great to meet you! How are you? Is this S/N?” Luke looked below to see S/N’s cute lil chubby face. “Yup, this is him!” You held S/N up higher so Luke could see him better. “Wait you know Jess?” Rory asked. “Father of my kid. It wasn’t planned, but things happen, you know? Anyway, he’s my best friend. We’ve know each other since childhood, actually.” You explained. “Wow, this is amazing! So- so you live here now?” Before you could answer Luke, he rushed up and walked to a phone, dialing a number. “I'm gonna get him to come back right now, don't worry."
“Oh, uh. Well sure, I suppose.” You muttered. “Um, well I have to go home to my mom, but it was great meeting you! See you around!” Rory waved goodbye and left. You mentally smacked yourself on the forehead. You were never good at first impressions, EVER. Just a few seconds after Rory left, the door opened again to reveal a sweaty Jess with a panicked expression. “Where’s the fire? Why’s everyone so calm?” He ran over to Luke. “Here, lemme show you.” Luke placed his hand on Jess’ shoulder and guided him to your seat. You fixed your hair as quickly as possible.
Jess stood and stared. “Wh-What are you doing here?” He brightly smiled. He looked down at S/N, who stared into his eyes. He took him from you and rocked him slowly. “Hey, kid.” Jess kissed S/N’s head. “Hi, Jess.” You spoke shyly.
He then turned his attention back to you. “Hey,” He gazed. You stood up quickly and wrapped your arms around him. Luke took S/N from Jess so he could hug you back fully. “I can’t believe you’re here.” He whispered in your neck. “I missed you.” You told him, pulling away. Although Jess always had trouble expressing his feelings into words, it was a little tense when he didn’t respond back to you.
Luke awkwardly turned to you. “Sorry, Y/N, I gotta get back to work.” He apologized, giving S/N back to you. “It was nice meeting you.” You smiled. He winked and walked back to the kitchen.
"Sooo, how have you been?" You asked, trying to start a conversation while bouncing S/N in your lap. "I've been alright." He put his hands in his pockets and began to speak when a blond chick wrapped her arms around him. "Hey. Where were you? I thought we were gonna go to my place." She prodded. She then turned to face you. "Aw, cute baby."
Of course he had a girlfriend. He was always cool and popular in school, so why wouldn't he be here? You were terribly mistaken to think otherwise. But now you felt a weird pit in your stomach. This was a bad move. You shouldn't have come here. But no, your son needs his father. So, you decide to be brave for S/N.
"Can we do this later?" He mumbled to her. "So you expect me to be okay with this? Ugh, what's the matter with you?" She stormed out of the diner before Jess could respond (not that he wanted to). "Trouble in paradise?" You questioned wholeheartedly. Although you were disappointed, you weren't going let this get in the way of your friendship. He scoffed. "Shane is definitely not my paradise. Look," He got serious for a moment and sat down on a stool next to you. "I'm happy you're here. Really, I am! But you came at a bad time." He told you. "Love triangle?" You joked, thinking back to how Rory said things were weird between them two. "How'd you know?" Jess' eyebrows furrowed. Oh. "Lucky guess." You shrugged. Well, this can't get any better can it? "It was nice seeing you. I should go start unpacking though." You stood up and switched S/N to your other hip. "Listen, let me get things sorted out and I promise I will be with you." He grabbed your hand. "Sorted out? Jess, you shouldn't feel forced to be with me. It's okay, I promise." You tried to reason with him. Why did he make it seem like he had no other option but you? Clearly he has choices.
"No, no. I need to be with you. Remember a few weeks ago when I told you I was gonna go back home?" He asked. You nodded. "That's because I wanted to be with you and my son. But you stopped me and I listened. So, now you're here and I'm gonna be the best damn father I can, alright?" He let go of your hand and ran behind the curtain. All of a sudden, S/N began to cry.
a/n: i'm gonna do a part two dont worryy! im just tired rn but i will try and draft something later tonight and maybe post it tmr xx this was a little hard for me to write since jess would be more mature as a father (atleast i think so) and he wasnt alone like in the show yk? but i had fun nonetheless :)
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liliewrites · 1 year
a/n : hi, this is a smut. hshehshss this has been in my drafts and has been on my mind lately, that's all. anyw enjoy! i was supposed to follow a different plot, but i just kinda went with this because well-- go with the flow ig.
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- warning/s : NSFW (mdni), a little degradation. strap-on. mistress kink. not proofread. - pairing/s : yae miko x fem!reader. (men dni)
in which : you're the lady guuji's favorite little maiden.
oh, you sweet innocent little thing.
many would kill just to be in your place,. what a dream it'd to be the lady guuji's focus of interest but little did they know, you weren't just miko's favorite shrine maiden. to her, you were also her favorite plaything.
everyone glared at you with envy as the lady guuji kept you close at all times, it even seemed like you were being pampered and given special treatment-- and you were. you really were. you were exempted from daily routines, chores and services. you slept within her chambers. you were dressed in the most beautiful robes made by the most finest materials found all over teyvat.
all this, just to satisfy the lady guuji's needs and boredome when there was nothing to do and that was all what you were now. her plaything, her pretty little shrine maiden on display.
in public, you were not to stray away from her more than a meter. you were to appear like the ideal shrine maiden. clean, pure and pristine. you would look perfect and obedient. all dolled up and beautiful for her to flaunt like you were the most prized possession she had owned.
in private however, it was the complete opposite. you were a mess, all for your lady. you were dirty and sinful sounds escaped your mouth as she gripped onto your neck and pounded into you. you were her plaything after all, you had to do everything the guuji asked you although you were quite disobedient.
-- and the lady guuji liked it, oh she loved it how bratty and sarcastic you were, saying things like "make me" or "why would i?"
and she definitely loved it when you were all broken and breathless beneath her after defying her, looking so helpess as you begged for sweet release. it made her feel powerful. it boosted her ego to see you go from "make me" to "please, let me" all because of her doing.
"m-mistress, i'll be a good girl, p-please let me cum please please" you whined.
it was music to her ears. it pushed her even further to go harder in you, completely destroying your insides. it made you even more desperate to cum, tears started to stream down your face as you couldn't even form proper words. all you could do was whine and mewl, wanting to let out the built up tension in your lower regions. "you wanna cum, hm? wanna come for your mistress?" she mocked you, stroking your cheek as she stared at your desperate expression. you could only nod, so she slapped you and looked at you with a stern gaze.
"answer me with words, slut"
after saying that, she slowed down. the friction lessened, the feeling of that sweet release slowly fading away. "y-yes mistress, i wanna cum! 'mm a good girl, please!" you moaned out, desperate to feel that heavenly release. miko chuckled at you, leaning closer to you and kissing your forehead.
"mm, such a good girl, that's it baby, use your words. go ahead, cum for me"
she grinned at you, her fangs showing. it scared you, but you could care less. all you wanted was to cum already, you needed it.
"you're so fucking hot when you beg, little one"
she growled, thrusting in you faster. it made you scream and miko loved every noise that came out your mouth, your dirty little sinful mouth. so much for being a shrine maiden, she thought.
"m-mistress-- mm cum--!!"
you couldn't even finish your words as it was soon replaced with a shriek of pain as she sunk her teeth into your shoulder. the pain only made you orgasm harder. miko let you slowed down, letting you ride out your high. you closed your eyes, tired and chest heaving. she hasn't pulled out yet and you paid no mind to it, too fucked out to have think about anything.
"m-mistress?? n-no please i-"
she suddenly started ramming herself into you again and she grinned at your surprised expression. "oh, what's the matter baby? i thought you wanted to cum?" she teased you, knowing full well how sensitive you were down there. she smiled at your cumdrunk expression and leaned close to your ear. giving it a little lick before nibbling on it as she whispered ;
"you're going to be making a mess on this dick all night, little one, and you can't do anything about it so just shut up and take it"
-- and she was right, you knew she was right. so you just made pretty sounds and bent to her will, all for your mistress and only for her, because that's all what you are now.
yae miko's pretty plaything. all for her to use.
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mxcnliight · 2 years
baby, can you meet me tonight in detention? (cyj)
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Choi Yeonjun your longtime bully has finally had enough of your and puts your in your place, but the teacher catches you guys. so you get to sent to detention with him. when you’re all alone with him, what will happen? ♫ I can feel your blood pressure rise, fuck this tension ♫
Paring: Bully!Yeonjun x Fem!Reader
Theme: One shot; SMUT, PWP, fluff (?)
Word Count: 2.8K
Warings: sexual tension; dirty talk; degradation; swearing; breath play(?); oral sex (f receiving); p in v penetration; unprotected sex + creampie (use a CONDOM)
You yawn as boredom hits you, waiting for your math class to start. You have never been good at math nor were you ever interested in it, so you always just hope the teacher won’t call on you. 
You look out the window and see the sun shining, it’s a nice day today. No rain or clouds! You know you have to do something after school, maybe go to the ice cream shop with your friends or get a tan by the pool. 
Whatever it is, you know, you just can’t waste a day like this. Suddenly, you hear a jingle, right on time. You look over, and see your bully, Choi Yeonjun, walk into the classroom. 
He wore his signature black leather jacket with a white undershirt paired with black pants and black boots. His crimson red hair catches attention, so everybody can tell it's Choi Yeonjun. 
His eyes meet yours as you hold eye contact until he sits down at his desk. Looking away, you roll your eyes and wonder what torture you’ll be experiencing today. 
From the time you were a freshman, Yeonjun was your designated bully. He would slam your locker in your face, throw paper airplanes at you with nasty words in them, make you trip, etc. 
You didn’t know why he was bullying you, but you found out one day and it was the stupidest thing ever. You became best friends with a girl named Yuna and the reason why Yeonjun was bullying you was because he had a crush on her and you were "taking her away from him".
It was so dumb that you wanted to punch him for his stupidity, but you never got the chance (or strength). When Yeonjun first started bullying you, you were frail and fragile. 
You didn’t know how to handle him, but now as a senior year in high school, you have gotten used to his antics. You know how to handle him and protect yourself from him. 
You thought he would have stopped years ago, but he told you, “I’m not stopping until either I get caught or you go and be a little bitch and tattle tale on me, got it?” You still remember the cold glare he gave you that day. 
You would have told the school counselor, but you just felt too guilty to. Speaking of feeling guilty. Another thing Yeonjun did to you was manipulate you, but you wonder after you both graduate what he’s going to do? 
He’s not going to have another doll to play around with, unless he still keeps in contact with you, and you hope to god he doesn’t. Just then you feel something hit your head as you look down at a paper airplane now in your lap. 
You give Yeonjun a disappointed look as he gestures for you to open it. Rolling your eyes, you open it and it reads ‘You look like a witch with that makeup on you, did you even try this morning?’ You look back up at Yeonjun and he's stupidly smirking now. 
You roll your eyes and scoff before crumpling the paper airplane into a ball and throwing it in the trash can. Not cool Choi. You cross your arms and look up at the board. 
“Wanna piece of gum?” You look over and see Yuna holding out a piece to you. You nod and take it into your mouth before chewing. “Thanks.” She hums as you both look back at the board. “Alright class… let’s get started, shall we?”
Forty minutes later and class is finally done, thank god. You barely understood any of the material, so you know you’ll need Yuna to explain to you later when you get home. 
You look to your left and see Yuna putting her folder in her bag. “Hey, could you explain the notes to me tonight?” You ask her. “I would love to, but I have a cheer meeting after school” she frowns. 
“I can teach it to you during study hall before class tomorrow?” “Yeah that’s fine, thanks.” She nods and smiles at you as you smile back at her. You begin to gather your things when you jump in your seat from hands slamming down on your desk. 
You look up and see Yeonjun towering over you and you frown. “What do you want, Choi?” “Did you do my English homework?” You smirk and scoff at him before laughing. 
“What’s so funny bitch?” He asks as you deadpan him. “Oh, I’m so sorry, Yeonjun, does it look like I’m your little servant? No.'' You begin to sling your bag over your shoulder when Yeonjun suddenly chokes you as you widen your eyes. 
Your hands go over his neck trying to pry them off of your neck. “What’d you say to me, you little bitch?” He says in a dark tone, staring dead into your soul. “I-i’m not your little servant… bitch.” You say, stuttering as he becomes enraged. 
As he was about to do something, he was interrupted. “Choi Yeonjun and Y/N L/N!” You both look over at your teacher who is fuming with anger. “I will not be having this type of ruckus in my classroom! Detention for both of you!” Yeonjun’s hand leaves your neck as you both look at each other and sigh. 
It felt like forever to walk to the principal's office because Yeonjun was staring at you the whole time. You’re now sitting outside the principal's office waiting for him to get done with Yeonjun. If he hadn’t started this, you wouldn’t be here right now. You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms; this was not the time to do something Choi. 
Out of the corner of your eye you see a lady walking towards you. “Here’s an ice pack, sweetie.” Your eyes widen at her kind gesture as you take the ice pack.
You thanked her as she left. You then put the ice pack around your neck. Just then you hear the door open as you look to your left and Yeonjun comes out with the secretary. 
Yeonjun sits beside you as the secretary lady squats down to your level before taking off her glasses and rubbing her forehead.“Alright so we have come to the conclusion that Yeonjun was the person that was responsible for this ruckus, but you were still involved, Y/N, so I will need both of you to report to Mrs. Hans’ room after school, is that understood?” 
You both nod as she puts her glasses back on and gets up. “I will write both of you passes for your next class.” She goes back into her office while you turn your head to match Yeonjun’s deathly stare.
Once the end of the day hits, you go straight to Mrs. Hans’ room, not wanting to be late. Once you arrive in her room, you see Yeonjun isn’t here yet, which isn’t a shocker. 
You make your way over to a desk and sit down. You then put your bag in your lap, waiting for the period to start. A minute before the bell rings, Yeonjun arrives, looking angry as ever. 
You see him take a seat only 2 desks away from yours. You look back at the board before getting your lip gloss from your bag and applying some to your lips. 
You then smack them before putting the lip gloss back into your bag. The bell rings as Mrs. Hans sighs. “Alright, since both of you are here now, we can start. Welcome to detention, Yeonjun is a regular here, so I’m not surprised, but for you Mrs. L/N, I’m rather disappointed.” She gives you a side eye as you look away. 
“Anyways, you all know the drill. Phones in the basket,” she says, holding out a small basket. You look over at Yeonjun, who is getting out his phone, and so do you. 
You both get up and put your phones in Mrs. Hans’ basket. Once you sit back down, you put your bag on the floor next to you. “Now, silence for the next forty-five minutes.” You see her open her book as you roll your eyes; this can’t get any better, can it. 
Minutes pass as you are extremely bored; you get so bored that you count the tiles on the ceiling. You occasionally sneak glances at Yeonjun, but he is just as bored as you are. He is just staring at his hand; you wondered what was on there. 
Just then you hear a teacher come by Mrs. Hans’ room. Mrs. Hans then looks over at the teacher, then back at us. She sighs before grabbing her keys. “I’ll be right back,” she says before leaving. 
That's easy, huh? Now it is just you and Yeonjun both sitting in silence. “Why do you have to be such a bitch?” You look over at Yeonjun, oh, he’s starting this now? “Oh, so I’m the bitch? Says the guy that has bullied me for four years straight,” you say, before rolling your eyes. 
“I wouldn’t be sitting here if it wasn’t for you,” he replies. “Oh no Yeonjun. I wouldn’t be sitting here if it wasn’t for your selfish, greedy, egotistical self! I have done nothing wrong, it’s all your fault, Yeonjun!” You raise your voice as you stare at him. 
He clenches his jaw and balls his hand into a fist. “No, it’s all you, Y/N. You’re the selfish egotistical bitch, you always have been!” “For what?! For taking your girlfriend?! If you really wanted her, you should have just asked her out!” He goes silent as you sigh until you suddenly get slammed into the desk next to you. 
You look up in confusion as Yeonjun wraps his hand tightly around your neck. “Who told you I liked that little bitch?” You look at him confused. “You do like her, don't you?” He then does something unexpected: he kisses you. 
Your eyes widen as he roughly makes out with you. You whimper, trying to pry Yeonjun’s hand from your neck because you can hardly breathe. He breaks the kiss and stares at you intensely. “I like you, you little brat” Your eyes widened; he did not just say that. 
“W-what?” You say as he flips you around and your hands meet the cold service of the desk. “Yeonjun, let’s talk about this-'' Just then he rips your patines off from underneath your dress and throws them away. 
He then wraps one of his hands around your mouth. “Be a good girl and keep quiet, okay?” He then removes his hand and goes down between your legs, holding them open. Your face heats up as you can feel his breath on your pussy. 
You whimper, “Y-yeonjun… what are you doing?” He then chuckles as his hands meet the sides of your thighs, “I want your slutty fucking pussy in my mouth.” You moan at his words. “But Yeonjun, we can’t… not here.” “Yes we can and you are going to give it to me.” 
You feel his tongue on your clit as you whimper; you put your hand around your mouth trying not to moan. He licks back and forth up your slit as you're trying so hard not to moan. 
He flattens his tongue on your clit and begins to kiss at it. You whimper a bit, but not too loud. You could get caught at any moment, but it feels so good. Along with him making out with your pussy. You’re still trying to process that Yeonjun apparently likes you. 
His tongue moves to your hole, slowly teasing it. “I want your fucking pussy cream on my tongue,” he demands as you moan at his words. He then slaps your thigh with his free hand and you let out a yelp. “What did I say about keeping quiet?” He growls as he begins to flick his tongue along your hole. You close your eyes in pleasure. 
“You like that?” He asks as you hum, still trying so hard not to moan. “This pussy’s fucking mine. I own it.” He growls as he starts to sloppily kiss your hole. You whimper at his words as he growls on your pussy. 
“Don’t you fucking cum yet,” he demands as he increases his tongue movements as you try not to moan. His fingers then move up to your clit, slowly circling around it, sending you more pleasure. 
“Yeonjun, please,” you cry out as you can feel him smirk. He moves two fingers to your hole and slowly pumps them inside as you moan. He continues to lick your pussy while his fingers are fucking in and out of your wet hole. 
“Shit… you feel that? My fingers in your pussy and tongue on your clit?” You whimper at his words as you nod. “I just want you to give in to me. Give it to me, yeah? Push your pussy in my fucking face.” You push your hips down a bit at him as you feel him growl at your pussy sending vibrations up your back. 
“Fuck baby, I need you inside of me.” He then gets up and puts his hand on your chin, forcing you to look at him before he kisses you. His hands sneak up your body to meet your clothed breasts, slowly massaging them. 
He then breaks the kiss and takes his pants off along with his boxers. You look back in anticipation for his cock to be inside you. “Fuck baby, are you ready?” You nod as he lifts your dress up with one hand and uses the other to slowly push his thick cock in.
You both moan at the feeling of him stretching you out. “So tight, only for me right?” “Mhm, all for you,” you say as he completely bottoms you out. You whimper at the feeling as his hands meet your hips. 
One of his hands reaches up and wraps around your mouth; again, he gets close to your ear and whispers. “Be quiet” Before he starts thrusting into you, you throw your head back in pleasure.
It feels so good, you have never felt anything like this before. “You’re mine, alright? Mine. Nobody’s else’s. You belong to Choi Yeonjun.” You moan into his hand as you feel tears in your eyes.
He then grunts out, “Oh fuck baby pussy’s so fucking good, who knew it would only take a dicking down for you to shut up?” You whimper at his words as his thrusts increase, pounding into you. 
It feels so good, yet you feel a wave of embarrassment hit you with Yeonjun fucking you in detention. “Mhm, fuck baby,” he lets out a low chuckle. “You’re going to be my dumb little bitch, hm? Gonna take all of my cum in your tight little pussy mhm?” He mumbles in your ear as your eyes close, you are so close to your orgasm. 
“Oh baby, you close? I can feel you fucking clench around me. You wanna cum hm?” he says as you nod vigorously, wanting to release the tension building up in your body. 
You feel Yeonjun smirk as he kisses your cheek. “Nobody's  stopping you Y/N. Cum for me.” His thrusts increase as you almost yell into his hand around your mouth as if it is so much pleasure. 
You then feel Yeonjun’s free hand move down to your clit, rubbing to the pace of his thrusts. “Come on baby. You don’t want to get caught, do you? So then fucking cum for me,” he growls into your ear. 
His words give you the final push, and your orgasm shoots through your body as your eyes roll into the back of your head. “Fuck yeah baby! Just like that, mhm, you’re going to make me cum too,” he says as he releases his hand from your mouth as you crash onto the desk while Yeonjun’s still trying to chase his orgasm. “Oh shit-“ He says as his cum shoots into your pussy, filling you right up.
You both try to catch your breath as you’re still lying lifeless on the desk. You feel Yeonjun slip out as he breathes heavily. “Who knew a brat like you had a good pussy?” You roll your eyes at his comments and turn around to kiss him. 
His thumb rubs on your jaw as you kiss. You break it and huff out at him, “I hate you.” He chuckles, “Says the one who just came on me.” You roll your eyes when you hear something as you both scramble to get your clothes on. 
You then return to your seats like normal as Mrs. Hans comes back in. “You two didn’t do anything while I was gone?” She asks as you look back at Yeonjun, then look back at her to nod. Once detention is done, you both finally get your phones back as you are about to walk out the door. Yeonjun stops you as you look back up at him in confusion. “Could I have your number, baby?”.
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megumi-fm · 8 months
☆ little changes in my routine with big positive impacts ☆
sleep schedule: after years of trying to make the regular 10pm-6am sleep cycle work for me, I have decided to stop. time is a construct and there is no reason to sleep or wake up at 'conventional time' if my body clock is different. recently I've been going to bed at around 12:30pm/1:00am and I wake up at around 7:30am- which seems to be my body wake time. because of this, I wake feeling refreshed although I'm getting lesser hours of sleep. in fact, I wake up before my alarm rings on most days, and it's always a joy to learn that I get to spend ten more minutes in bed before my clock rings xD
night showers: another thing that has greatly helped my sleep is taking a shower a bit before bed. I find it really calming and as a way of actively processing the day and clearing my head before going to bed. I can also skip morning showers on days I need to get to work early. Plus, clean clothes and clean sheets help me sleep better. the only disadvantage to this is that I'm a shower singer and I tend to get in the feels and belt out notes to my favourite songs, which I can't do anymore considering the fact that my shower is around 11am and I shouldn't be disturbing the neighbors :P
switching out social media: deleting social media apps was the easy part. the real challenge was trying to find things to do in those spark moments of boredom when I find myself on the phone. I tried reading ebooks, but I wasn't able to focus. so I started bookmarking links I find interesting so that I can check them out whenever I get the urge to doomscroll. a lot of studyblr link cool videos or articles on their dop posts often, but most of my links come from the Tom Scott Newsletter. unlike the tiredness that comes with doomscrolling, I always feel refreshed and smarter when I use my phone lately. the urge to use my phone has weaned off as well.
digital journaling: when I first started journaling several years ago, it just did not work for me. I think I was more focused on writing everything in a certain way and implementing trackers and spreads that weren't functional for me. but I switched to notion for the past few months and stripped down the journalling process to it's bare essentials. I add a to-do list for the day, a cute picture I either took or found on the internet, and a note on how my day went and how I felt. there's also a checkbox for sleep, water, and exercise. sometimes I add notes on stuff I watch or read, but for the most part it's just this. it takes me just 15min, and I can update it as and when I like because of the phone app, and it helps me stay productive and motivated for the whole day. sometimes I embed gifs of my fav blorbos and go on about them 🤭
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strixcattus · 1 month
Right I'm feeling about up to a proper STHeroine route I analysis post on this fine day (author's note: not enough to do it in one go it seems. I'm finishing up the second half the day after.)
I already mentioned how it seems that the Heroine may have a measure more agency than the Princess, putting her in a position where she can actually push back against us and act on her own accord instead of being passively molded by our decisions. The chapter was introduced as the "Sharp Damsel"—our choice to trust her unconditionally did not create a Heroine solely shaped to be someone we can trust unconditionally, but instead her distrust gave her the added wrinkle of "Sharp." Sharp seemingly as in "wary" or "clever." She knows more about the workings of the world than the Princess is supposed to. She can tell that the Narrator is exerting some control over us, even if it's unclear that she knows who He is.
(The Sly Spectre lead-in seems to reinforce the idea that the Heroine contains "agency," but we're not talking about the Sly Spectre right now.)
The rest of the chapter itself doesn't largely have much to discuss. What is interesting is this post and the art of this one. (That's the mirror sequence in reverse order, if you'd rather save the time of rereading.)
The Long Quiet appears the same as it's supposed to be in the one panel where it's actually drawn, and it's even referred to as such by Not!Shifty. From this we can assume that the Long Quiet continues to exist as normal, and that it's probably us. Probably, but not certainly, because of two points.
Most obviously, the arms that take away the Sharp Damsel are not human arms, but versions of ours. (She also seems visibly panicked at the appearance of the arms, clearly able to see them, while the Princesses all appeared more fatigued than scared, and commented on the cold rather than the arms. Another point towards the Heroine understanding more about the workings of the Construct than she's supposed to?) We can be sure that they're our arms because we see our own arms, both earlier in the route and in the art at the mirror. Which I, er, brightened to get a better look at it and confirm this:
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As we can see from this image, our arms in the mirror and in the real world are the same as they are normally. The protagonist doesn't seem fully convinced, however, as the text accompanying this image reads a hesitant "It's you?" instead of a confident "It's you." There's very little clarity of the silhouette, but the other detail that seems to deserve mention is that the eyes of the reflection have two points of shine, instead of the one that the normal mirror image has. Of course, there's no way to know how much any small visual detail actually matters, but in light of the doubt cast on the reflection, it's worth pointing out.
Lastly, we have Not!Shifty's dialogue (Not!Shifty because there is very clearly something different between her and the normal Shifting Mound, even if it isn't yet obvious what). Most of what she says is the same as her counterpart, but there are a few distinctions:
Instead of saying we "bring her the gift of a fragile vessel," this one says we "grace her with a new, fragile vessel"
She refers to herself as "threads of something bright that had been torn and unwound." The thread metaphor continues throughout the conversation, replacing the Shifting Mound's water metaphor.
When we say we don't know what we are, she responds with empathy ("it is nice to know I am not alone"), rather than confidence ("I think you are like me").
She shows some level of recognition of the Narrator (!)
When asked if we know each other, she responds with a positive "maybe" (!!)
Instead of insisting that we will have to return to the Construct eventually due to boredom, she acknowledges the possibility of continuing as we are forever
Definitive analysis: Not!Shifty seems more passive than the Shifting Mound, which sits in contrast to the way the Heroine seems to have more agency than the Princess. She never tries to tell us anything about ourselves, and seems comfortable in the fact that she doesn't yet know anything about herself. She's got a different personality entirely, and it's not yet clear whence that comes.
Theory-space: Her recognition of the Narrator and acknowledgement of the possibility that we may know each other somehow seem to imply that this is not the first time we have gone through the Construct, and that there was once a time where she was the one being guided by the Narrator to kill us. Perhaps this is a world where we and her managed to become one again, and then were torn apart improperly? It would explain our identity issues and the matching arms, as well as... no, I'll save Route II analysis for the Route II analysis post.
Of course, it's too soon to tell exactly what has changed in the division between us and Not!Shifty. I'll stand by my "merging and being torn apart again" theory for now, but I'm not ready to hold fast to it. The next route will probably shed some proper light on things, as much as it can that is.
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥Filthy Billy (Billy Lenz x Male! Reader)˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
Here with a new fic feat. Billy Lenz from Black Christmas. Shorter fic, please be careful with the theme on this one, read the warnings.
Warnings; Suggestive language (mention of feminine and masculine genitalia), suggestive activity [no smut], blood mentions, non-consenual grinding, no graphic assault
While this fic will not be NSFW, however, it is suggestive so please proceed with caution. Preferably 15+, please.
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It was a wintery night, the air nipping at your cold skin. You exhaled into the darkness, a wisp of silvery air exiting your puffy lips as you approached the door of the old sorority house. It wasn't used for sororities anymore, it was your home now, but you couldn't help but feel nervous. You had heard the stories of the murders, of the calls, but that was ages ago. You walked up to the front door, heart thumping as you twisted the doorknob and entered. It was cold in the house, but better than outside in the snow. You walked deeper into the home, making your way over to the living room. You collapsed onto your old couch, dust particles swirling in plumes around you in the dimly lit room. You let out a sigh of boredom and displeasure, your sluggish state being almost too much to stay awake. As you felt yourself drift to sleep, your landline began to ring. Loudly. You groaned as you rose from your laying position, rushing over to the obnoxious phone. Your cold hand wrapped around the receiver, lifting it groggily to your ear with a gruff, "Hello?"
The caller made a mass of noises, mumbling indistinct phrases and making high-pitched noises. The noises quieted into heavy breathing, the caller's breath straining the phone speaker.
"Hello, who is this?" you asked, your curiosity peaking at the anonymous person on the line.
"P-Pretty piggy..." the caller groaned, their voice deep and raspy, "such a p-pretty piggy...filthy piggy..."
"I'm sorry, do you have the wrong number?" you asked in confusion, your brows furrowing at the myriad of phrases on sounds coming from the other end of the call.
"P-pretty piggy...I want to t-taste....pretty p-piggy pussy...." they growled, making your eyes widen in surprise at the language of the caller.
You slammed the receiver down, shock causing your body to go rigid at the call. You hurriedly returned to your spot on the couch, trying to calm your nerves after the jarring call. You drifted back to your restful state, eyes lidded as the overwhelming sensation sleep lulled you to bed.
You awoke to the phone ringing, your heart jumping at the loud sound. You rubbed the sleep from your eyes, slowly and tiredly making your way to the landline. You lifted the receiver, your voice hoarse and tired, "Hello?"
Noises similar to those you'd heard from the night were heard again, loud screams and giggles ringing in your exhausted ears. "Pretty piggy...F-Filthy Billy....let me lick it....let me lick your pretty piggy pussy..." they whinged, voice more scratchy than it was last night.
"S-Stop calling this number," you hissed, your hands shivering in fright.
"Pretty piggy w-wants to suck...s-suck my f-fat cock...cho-choke on my j-juicy cock, piggy..." they giggled, causing your stomach to lurch in both shock and a hint of interest. You hated your curiosity but you couldn't help the small pool of heat reaching the bottom of your stomach.
"P-Please! Don't ca-call me," you whispered, grip tightening on the receiver, "don't call me a-again."
"Pretty pi-piggy...r-ride my fat, j-juicy cock," they breathed heavily, causing your thighs to tremble and your knees to buckle. You hung up the phone hard, falling to your knees and panting. Your heart pounded, face red with shame for staying on the line as long as you did.
You shakily stood, hands gripping out for anything you could find. Your head felt light as air, lights hitting your eyes more intensely than you realized. Your throat felt tight and you couldn't breathe, was this anxiety? You made your way (slowly) to your bedroom, head pounding as you collapsed against the sheets. You broke into a sweat, eyes closing tightly as you begged your nerves and joints to rest. You were terrified.
Opening your eyes after what felt like ages made you feel sick. You breathed loudly as you woke, keeping your body down. You inhaled and exhaled heavily, the pain in your head still sharp. The room was dark, your hands trying to locate your lamp. You reached for the switch for your light, nothing happening when you clicked it. Your chest shuddered as you sat up, rubbing at your eyes again. As you leaned to your bedside desk, you heard a small giggle in front of you. Your muscles froze in fear, body paralyzed as your eyes attempted to adjust in the dark.
"P-Pretty piggy," the darkness growled, a creak in your floorboards making you gasp, "pr-pretty piggy all alone...i-in the dark." You heard heavy footsteps reach the very front of your bed, your mattress sinking under new weight.
"W-Who are you?!" you shrieked, your shivering body attempting to scramble from the intruder, "P-Please, don't hurt me!"
"P-Piggy wants f-filthy Billy," they rasped, their weight thumping closer to your curled form, "f-filthy piggy...w-wants Billy...s-stupid whore."
You sobbed out as a hand gripped your ankle, fear striking your heart as you tried to kick your tired legs, "Let go! Let go of me! Please!"
The intruder breathed closer to your face, their hands reaching the back of your thighs as they shuddered and groaned. You felt them lift your legs and twist your hips sideways, grinding hungrily against your mattress.
"Get off!" you screamed, your foot colliding with the person's head, a sharp cry leaving the other's body. You jumped up and ran from the room, tears spilling from your eyes as you heard the familiar voice call out, "Stupid bitch piggy! S-Stupid boy! I'll kill you!"
You fled from the house, face covered in spit and tears, sweat dripping down as you ran through the snow in the dead of night.
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enbyleighlines · 6 months
Ugh I am so uncomfortable right now
I have a sinus infection and I haven’t been sleeping well the past couple of nights, so I’m tired, but no matter how hard I try, I cannot seem to fall asleep
But I’m also too tired to do anything else, so I’m just stuck in this state of absolute boredom
So I just binged a bunch of anime today
Finished Dungeon Meshi and loved it. Absolute banger of a show. And so many attractive character designs. Laios? Kabru?? Daya??? The other female dwarf???? That evil elf twink????? The female orc??????
All it needs is a super femme, super bitchy queen bee type character, and it will have satisfied ALL of my types
Also Falin and Marcille are so yuri coded, love that friends to lovers schoolgirl energy
I also watched the first episode of that omegaverse anime. It was p good. I was confused why they decided to make alpha/omega relationships the taboo one, since typically that is the most common one. Because they wanted the characters to face adversity without directly including homophobia, I suppose?
Then why not make them an alpha/alpha or omega/omega pair?? That’s something I haven’t seen before, and it would better align with the whole metaphorical homophobia thing!
I mean, I know why they didn’t, but idk. It would have been more interesting in my opinion.
Additionally, I had a hard time focusing on the anime due to the way they portrayed the child, Hikari. They said he was 1 going on 2, so as someone who works with that age group, I couldn’t help but notice every time Hikari wasn’t acting his age.
I won’t bore anyone with details, but basically, his gross motor movement is pretty behind for a boy who is almost 2. Meanwhile, his cognitive and emotional development is quite advanced for that age group. His ability to speak in nearly full sentences is not entirely out of the realm of possibility (I’ve taught 1 year olds with advanced vocabularies before) but his ability to still access his vocabulary during moments of emotional distress is less convincing.
I wish it was that easy to communicate with toddlers in the midst of an emotional meltdown. It would make teaching so much easier.
However, I did think it was a cute touch that after being compared to a star, Hikari spent the rest of the day pointing out every star he saw and calling it his own name. And I appreciate that they didn’t bother showing us the 20 more times he did the same exact thing the following two weeks.
Toddlers will 100% become obsessed with a tiny detail they overhear, and talk about it almost exclusively for weeks afterwards.
So be careful about what you say around toddlers. You never know what they will internalize and repeat like a broken record for the next 14 days straight.
Anyway, that’s basically my day in a nutshell.
I’m tired of watching anime, so if anyone wants to ramble about something to me to keep me entertained while I ride out this sinus infection, please do so.
You could tell me about one of your ocs, or the last anime you watched, or gush to me about your otp, whatever suits your fancy.
Also, please do contact me if you have thoughts on which cuties from Dungeon Meshi should kiss. So far the only ones I’m shipping are Marcille and Falin, so I am open to learning more about the popular ships of the fandom.
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How would the turtles react, when they realize that they're gay for the male reader?
Hehehe!!OFC!! Tmnt x Male!Reader all different versions
90’s-Once he was done training with Splinter aka.his dad he saw you sitting on a couch in boredom. He asked you out to go on the rooftop parkour. You say yes as he was smiling he walked out of the sewer as he and you sat on the rooftop as he looked at your jawline and your handsome face his heart fluttered and stomach is feeling strange or anxious. His face was red realised…….he is a homosexual.
2003-You always sat down next to him doing his yoga as opened his eyes you were meditating next to him. He stared at you for an hour until he was interrupted by your voice. Oh boy….he walked out as he ate his dinner he was in his bedroom thinking about you. Oh god. He liked a boy.
2007-Ok…..after he was arguing his brother you reassured him and you would talk to him about his comfort. He explained as you hugged his saying that “Your gonnna be ok Leo….you can….do this….your a brother” you lefted the room. After he lied down on the bed…..he realised he was gay.
2012-You sat next to him as he talked about Space heroes and his interest you giggled of how how cute he is talking about his interest as you say “Tell me more!” His were big and he smiled as his face were red he hears you laughing as he stop in mid sentence…..oh my gosh….he is inlove
Bayverse-He was hanging out with his brother as he met when you crying on the rooftop 3 months ago. He walked behind as you flinched he raised his hands up telling he is no harm so he sat down as you explained that you came out to your parents. He comforted you as you hugged him. After meeting his brother,his father and his friends you were always walked in when he is meditating. You greeted him like always as he ate pizza with you. He stared at you until…he is inlove-
Rottmnt-Leo tells a jokes with a red curtain and a light while holding his microphone created from Donnie his brother always groans as you laughed and giggled at his jokes. His eyes were now stars as he tell more jokes as he stops in mid sentence telling the cischet jokes as he stares at you more with your happy face realising……HES GAY!!He ran off after he had a crush on you.
90’s-He is listening to you talking about your nerdy favourite heroes as he sighs in boredom. He stared at you as you were rambling his were sparkling and he smiled dreamily as you poked his face he flinched as he sits up from his couch and walked away to his bedroom he sat on his bed that he realised he had a crush on you.
2003-Ok so your covered in bruises and blood as he was playfully punched by you as you walked back home he stares at you
2007-He was driving his motorcycle as you raced next to him as you approached him revealing your face to him he looks and stares at you behind his helmet as you tried to talk to him you gave him your phone number as you leaved him…..lovestrucked by you.
2012-He was talking to his pet tortoise bestie Spike you sat next to him staring at Spike as well he looked at your mesmerising face he looked away face flushed as you looked at him in confusion. Mikey tease him that he has a crush. Your ears were covered in headphones which you cannot understand what they were saying. Raph was shouting as he fists rubbing his head like all sibling’s do.
bayverse -He was punching his bag to hard until you arrived seeing if he was hurt while you holding his hand. He stares at it when you put the cream on his scarring bloody knuckles . His eyes widen as you leave the room he realised that he has a crush right now.
Rottmnt-Well….he was playing sport with his brother and you as you cheered for him for his victory. You ran up to hug him as he hugged you too. “Great job Raph you did great out here bud!!”
“W-what pffftt!!No p-problem Y/N!!!I am strong!!”
“Hahahha!OK whatever you say big boy”
“Hahaha!! See ya!!”
His brother were saying like ‘Why is he acting weird around Y/N’ or ‘Did he hit his head?’
He looked at them in confusion as he hit his head and his cheeks were red……UH OH….HES INLOVE WITH YOU!!
90’s-You were both at the library reading a books at midnight as you were to focused he stared at you as you snapped your fingernails to his ears? He looked at you with a red face as he continued to read he covered his faces with a book confusing his sexuality……he realised he had a crush on you.
2003-When he invited you at his home known as the sewers you were both talked about interest he was in a trance .He realised he is gay as he sat up quickly causing you to flinch in surprise.
2007-Donnie tries to grab his snack as you tried to steal snack as well…..as you stared at him you apologise as he gave you a snack. Oh boy….he is inlove immediately.
2012-You patted his back telling him that he is cool and ‘great job on your invention keep up the good work!’ as he would admire the words in his head as he falls asleep he woken up realising he had a crush on you.
Bayverse-(I am sorry but Donnie is a trans female non binary in my headcanon but that was before she finds out they are transgender in my headcanon also the reader is trans male) Donnie explain the technology hacks she does as you sat next to them Donnie stared at you as you kept rambling about your interest they looked away as you looked at her in confusion.
Rottmnt-You were both a science rivals competing eachother like always as you two done with the competition. He tried to leave as you held out in handshake of respect he handshake of respect you back as you walked away like a drama queen. He thinks about you as he realises he had a boy crush. Oh what the shell…..this is gonna be so hard.
90’s-You were both roller skating as you showed him your skills he does a coolest tricks. You patted his shoulders as you ran up to your friends his eyes were sparkling and he’s smiled. And he stopped realising he is a homo.
2003-He parkour,skating,messing around with you as you laugh at his jokes his heart pumping and….he feel….hungry….stomach ache….? No…..he’s inlove
2007-He watched a movie with you as he looked at your face and accidentally touched hands when getting a popcorn…..after he finished the movie he looked at your peaceful face. Welp congrats!You made him gay!
2012-You were playing Mario kart with him and his brothers as he loose you cheered in victory as you hugged Mikey. You said you are getting your drinks he realised….he’s inlove with his bestie.
Bayverse-He asked you if you could sing as you begin to sing he sigh dreamily and….realisation hits him. He is gay!
Rottmnt-He is an energetic and the youngest in the group you gives compliments to him as he smiles his heart begins beating faster he gasps as he realised he is inlove.
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fanby-fckry · 7 months
Who’s Who of The Little Demon AU:
Hi, I wanted to brainstorm and share it with you guys, so here’s my (very rough) running list of who’s who in my Hazbin Hotel/The Little Mermaid Chaggie AU.
Charlie -> Ariel
Charlie is mostly still herself, except instead of her impossible dream being to redeem Sinners, it’s to go find the angel that she saved.
Vaggie -> Eric
Vaggie is an angel who got injured while in Hell. I haven’t quite figured out why she was in Hell, because idk whether or not I want the extermination to still be a thing.
Angels still need to present a sense of danger, but it feels a little wrong for Charlie to have a love-at-first-sight reaction to Vaggie while fully aware that she’s an exorcist and was just slaughtering Charlie’s people, ya know?
Alastor -> Ursula
The one we’re all here for. Alastor, AKA the Radio Witch, once terrorized Hell… But he’s turned over a new leaf! Or, so he says.
He’s fairly open with Charlie about the fact that he started helping poor unfortunate Souls because Sheer! Absolute! Boredom! but he’s less open about the fact that his entertainment comes not from watching them achieve their goals, but from orchestrating their failure and taking their Souls as collateral.
Of course, like Ursula with Ariel, he has a vested interest in obtaining Charlie’s Soul in particular. I haven’t quite hashed out the details on why he’s so interested in Charlie’s Soul.
It could be because she’s just a very powerful demon and a nice pawn to have, or Alastor could have history with Lucifer and/or Lilith. Maybe Alastor has a grudge against one of them the same way Ursula does with Triton? Just not in a familial way. Might work the Lilith Holds the Leash theory in there, idk.
Husk and Niffty -> Flotsam and Jetsam/Poor Unfortunate Souls
Husk and Niffty are largely unchanged.
Husk sold his Soul to save his power, and he’s just as resentful and done with Alastor’s BS as in he is canon.
His Poor Unfortunate Souls parallel is the mermaid who, “longs to become thinner,” except I’m using, “longs to be winner,” or “longs to save his power.” Unsure which.
I like the idea of Alastor throwing around the word “winner” both because it rhymes with the original lyric and because it references Loser, Baby. Alastor is taunting him for trying so desperately to cling to the minor victory of saving his power and winding up a loser anyway.
Alastor aquired Niffty’s Soul while she was human; this is a headcanon of mine that I’ll be exploring in the UHverse and generally extends to most of my Niffty portrayals.
She did it for a man, as a parallel to the merman referenced in Poor Unfortunate Souls, who “wants to get the girl.”
Unlike Husk, though, Niffty has no regrets. She’s arguably just as crazy as Alastor and she’s happy to be along for the ride.
Where is her husband? Idk. I assume he either lived a normal life and went to Heaven or hurt Niffty and faced Alastor’s wrath. Reader’s choice, ig.
Angel Dust and Sir Pentious -> Flounder and Sebastian (Blurred Roles)
Flounder and Sebastian’s roles and qualities are split between Angel Dust and Sir Pentious.
Angel Dust:
Angel has Flounder’s role in that he’s Charlie’s friend in more of a peer way than a hired mentor way. He has Sebastian’s STREET SMARTS! and at least one of Sebastian’s musical numbers: Kiss the Girl.
Both Sebastian and Flounder are fiercely loyal, and I’d say Angel takes the lion’s share of their combined protective nature in this AU. Charlie got him out of his Deal with Valentino, and now they’re ride or die.
Sir Pentious:
Pentious has Sebastian’s job and Flounder’s cowardice. He was hired by Lucifer to keep an eye on Charlie and maybe tutor her in inventing or something, idk.
I’m 90% sure he gets Sebastian’s role in Les Poisson, because I can’t put Angel through that.
Sorry, Sir Pentious fans. Or, I guess, depending on how pathetic/covered in blood/running for their lives you like your blorbos, you’re welcome.
Lucifer -> Triton
This one feels pretty self explanatory.
Lilith -> ???
I can’t decide whether I want to leave Lilith out of this entirely or if I want to make her a major plot point. Either way, I don’t think she has a direct parallel to The Little Mermaid.
She’s definitely not comparable to Ariel’s idolized dead mom, Queen Athena.
Adam -> Chef Louis
I want him to sing a version of Les Poisson with the “excuse my french” kinda french.
Which is to say, I want him to chase Pentious around with his axe while singing about how much he fucking loves killing and dismembering demons with a kind of vulgar, sadistic, vaguely sexual (did anyone else get those vibes from the chef?) glee that makes you question how the fuck this man is still in Heaven.
Lute -> Grimsby???
In sort of a personality-swapped but serves a similar narrative purpose way. I’m not turning Lute into a no-nonsense old fuddy duddy.
I like the idea of Lute and Vaggie having been friends before Vaggie Fell – or rather before Lute pushed her.
Now, imagine something happens to Vaggie while in Hell, Lute finds her, and she’s talking all sorrs of nonsense about remembering a woman singing after pulling her out of danger. Ok, weird, Lute thinks. “You clearly hit your head. Come on, girl, let’s get you back Upstairs.”
Then, Vaggie shows up with an angel no one has ever seen before, claiming, “I might be going crazy, but I think this is the angel who saved me down in Hell!”
Uh, yeah. Lute is absolutely gonna think Vaggie’s crazy. The whole thing was crazy to begin with, but the one thing Vaggie remembered about her mysterious savior was her voice. And this bitch can’t speak let alone sing. So Lute is incredibly suspicious and does not trust Charlie one bit.
Lute’s role is the skeptic who adheres to tradition, like Grimsby.
Lute’s core beliefs in this AU are:
All demons are evil.
Vaggie was clearly having some kind of head trauma-induced hallucination regarding her mysterious singing savior.
The girl without a voice who showed up out of nowhere is not to be trusted.
Grimsby’s corresponding beliefs are:
Merfolk don’t exist.
Eric was clearly having some kind of oxygen depravation-induced hallucination regarding his mysterious singing savior.
The girl without a voice who showed up out of nowhere is not to be trusted.
They way they present these beliefs is very different, of course, but the parallels are there.
Bonus points if Lute has been trying to play matchmaker for Vaggie but is just really bad at it, and it becomes a small point of tension between them.
Lute: Why are you so obsessed with this new bitch? Come on, how’d the date with Sheila go?
Vaggie: Sheila was a nightmare, tbh. And before you ask, so was Tit. I swear, the only thing worse than your matchmaking is Adam’s names for us. How are you even finding these women? What are you setting me up with your ex-girlfriends?
Lute: …no…
(That is exactly what Lute was doing.)
People I Might Include, but Have Literally No Idea What To Do With:
Cherri Bomb
All of this is subject to change, of course. :3
I’m in the very early stages of planning this AU, and I don’t think I’ll be posting anything besides snippets and brainstorming for a while.
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tc-doherty · 7 months
Book One | Chapter Six
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Elizabet had a yawn behind her fan.
"If you find it so distasteful, why bother coming year after year?" Asked Patrice. "Surely handsome young knights are not so interesting as to outweigh your boredom now."
She didn't think her comment was a funny one, but that did not stop the countess from laughing. "To keep track of the pulse of court, my dear." She paused to smooth a wrinkle out of her skirt. "Which ladies support which knights can tell you a great deal, and the feast can tell you even more. Everyone is already sounding out alliances for next season. Only a fool would allow herself to be left behind."
Patrice had to wait a moment for the announcer to finish rattling off the names of the current fighters - a Sir Bruce and Dame Mordecai - before she could continue the conversation. Before she had tried to ignore Elizabet, and that hadn't deterred the woman any. If the woman was determined to talk, at least Patrice might be able to get some relevant information out of her – if she could drag the conversation away from the personal lives of people she had no interest in. It was certain to be more useful than the repetitive jousting down below was interesting.
"What is the season?" She asked again.
"Runeria is disgustingly hot in the summer," Elizabet said, and fanned herself for emphasis. "New Iber even more so, with its close-packed walls. We all flee to the countryside until fall. The season is the time between fall and spring where we live here and important business is taken care of."
Patrice nodded and looked around. Most of the people she could see were engaged in their own private conversations. Only a few seemed to be watching the joust with any interest. If she listened closely, she could hear multiple mentions of the country, summer homes, parties, alliances, and marriages surfacing out of the sea of chatter.
She turned back to Elizabet. "Why did you invite me to go with you?"
"If you are to thrive in court, my dear, you'll need a mentor," the countess said. "Someone to teach you who's who and what's what, what to do and what not to do. I do happen to know all that information. It could be mutually beneficial, you would learn everything you need to learn, and I would be able to keep a much closer eye on current happenings."
Patrice said nothing. At least the old woman was honest about her intentions. That was something. But Patrice had no interest in allowing herself to become bound to this human court and their nonsensical traditions. She wasn't really sure what she did have an interest in, but it certainly wasn't that.
As before, her silence did nothing to dampen Elizabet's spirits. "You'll have to let me know your decision before the party starts," the countess said, then snapped her fan shut and used it to gesture to the far end of the field. "That's your little knight over there, isn't it?"
Patrice followed the motion.
Felisjyta stood at the edge of the sand, leaning on Vasya's saddle as she laughed and joked with the squire carrying her lances. Earlier she had still been dressed in loose trews and tunic. Now she looked just like the Runerian knights, decked in armor over a heavy gambeson. The little mountain mare was turned out in matching caparison and barding, with blue and green ribbons woven into her mane and tail.
Both the knight and mare seemed unconcerned. Felisjyta had not even spared a glance for her opponent, and Vasya was idly lipping the grass that grew at the edge of the sand.
Patrice frowned. Her end of the field held a high-strung dark bay courser. The gelding pranced and tossed his head, and danced sideways when his knight tried to mount. Felisjyta swung easily into Vasya's saddle and put her helm on before taking the field.
"Serzeks really don't produce much in the way of knights, do they?" Countess Elizabet asked.
"She looks a knight to me," said Patrice, unamused.
"Of course, dear, of course."
The announcer spoke, saving Patrice from having to make a reply. "An interesting development," he said. "Sir Braiden Collens, fighting for Lady Suzan Greenheld. Dame Felisjyta of Fellveer, fighting for Lady Patrice Drake."
A titter of surprise ran through the crowd. A few nobles in the box turned to stare, but Patrice ignored them. After a moment of silence, scattered applause began. It grew stronger as it went on, but not as strong as it had been before the other matches.
"So you see," said Countess Elizabet punctuating her words with waves of her fan, "breaking tradition is no way to make friends at court."
Patrice had just about enough of this. "Dragons," she said," do as they please."
As Elizabet opened her mouth to speak, the announcer lowered his arm and called out the order to start. The joust gave Patrice a very convenient reason to ignore the countess.
Both horses began to move, jumping directly to a gallop that sped them towards their opponent. Patrice held her breath as they drew closer to one another. Already she had seen one knight carried off the field bleeding when a match went badly, and Felisjyta was much smaller than her opponent.
Lance met shield with a crash.
Both knights wobbled but kept their seats. Vasya came to a stop on her own, but Braiden had to jerk his gelding back around. Neither lance was broken, but each knight took a fresh one before regaining their spot. They charged a second time.
Lances lowered.
Patrice watched with bated breath and clenched hands.
On the third pass, Braiden's lance hit the upper half of Felisjyta's shield. She wavered under the force of the hit. Her own strike went wild, sliding off the shield to hit him on the left side of his chest. Braiden reeled too – and fell.
The crowd cheered wildly, no longer concerned about anything except the action in the arena.
Patrice let out the breath she'd been holding and began to clap as well. On the field the two knights bowed to one another. Felisjyta rode off, Braiden led his horse away on foot.
Compelled by the twin desires to gloat and defend Felisjyta's honor, Patrice turned to the countess. "See, she's not nearly so bad a knight as you imply."
Elizabet clapped politely. "So it seems. The Serzek duchess arrived a year ago, but her knights have always kept to themselves in practice. Your Felicity is the first one we've ever seen in a tournament."
"My Felisjyta? I would not think I had any claim to her success. She's the knight after all," Patrice said. She did not look at the countess as she said it. She was examining her gown. She hadn't realized her temperature was up, but the dress now had two lines of scorch marks on it where she had rested her arms. She wouldn't be able to wear this one again. Maria would be quite cross with her.
Elizabet laughed. "Oh come now, she's fighting under your favor, so she accepts you as her inspiration, so to speak."
Patrice shrugged and ran her palm over the ruined fabric. "She was only doing me a favor." She turned away from the other woman, determined to ignore the countess once and for all. She had no intention of getting dragged into court politics!
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Patrice found the tournament to be enjoyable, much to her surprise. She began to appreciate the jousting, or at least watching certain knights progress farther and farther to the top. She could understand why people would wager great sums of money on such a sport – as she heard them do all around her – and she still found the duels to be strangely beautiful. Although, the more of the tournament she watched, the more she could see just how much Johan and Rothert had altered their performances. Most of the duels that she saw lasted less than two minutes, with the fastest one being over in fifteen seconds. Nothing at all like the extended sword fight the two of them had performed.
The jousts stopped at noon for a two hour break during the hottest part of the day. Maria came to fetch Patrice from the stands. The maid tsked over the state Patrice's dress, and whisked her off to the city of tents to do some shopping.
Patrice could only follow along behind, bemused. Maria knew more about fabric and color and fashion than she did, so she merely stood by while the maid haggled and bargained with her money and came away with armful after armful of fabric to be sent to the castle.
"Am I really going to need so much?" Patrice asked.
"You will if you keep destroying your gowns like that!" Maria scolded. "Dragons probably can't help being hot-blooded but please try to control yourself." She held up a roll of red silk to inspect. "You'll also need gowns if you intend to join the court to a greater degree. Ladies tend to frown on wearing the same four dresses to every occasion."
Maria put down the red silk and pulled out a roll of dark violet instead. "We'll have to find a way to spruce them up a bit. A little embroidery here and there, maybe with pearls and semi precious stones. And we'll have to get you some more jewelry as well."
"I know you prefer simple clothing but they won't let you get away with it, even if you are a dragon." Maria set down a roll of gold mirrored silk next to the purple and gave the vendor measurements to cut.
Patrice gave this particular battle up for lost. "If you insist," she said with a sigh. "But if I'm to let you and the others dress me up in this ridiculous frippery, I demand that you also purchase me some boots, or at least shoes like yours. I hate wearing these things."
It was Maria's turn to sigh, but she didn't even look up; she had already moved on to studying another type of fabric in a deep blue. "Fine, fine. I'll see what I can do. But you'll need to have a proper gown matching Dame Felicity's colors for the feast at the end of the festival. With Anna and Elaine helping me, we ought to be able to come up with something. As long as you agree to actually wear it."
"A bargain is a bargain. If you keep your end, I'll keep mine. Dragons are creatures of their word, after all." Patrice turned and began to watch the crowd instead, a chaotic sea of colors and sound whirling from booth to booth. All around were men and women just like Maria – shopping and gossiping and talking about the court. There was no one there who did not look utterly thrilled to be there, save for the occasional protesting child. Patrice folded her arms and tried to contain her impatience.
Maria must've read something in her body language. The maid shook her head. "Why don't you go visit with Felicity? I can work here by myself as long as you trust me."
"You're the only one here who understands all these confounded rules, you'll make far better choices than I would," Patrice said, relief evident in her voice. She left Maria alone and made her way towards the northwest corner of the estate.
Patrice was not surprised to find Felisjyta tending to her horse. The Serzek knight had stripped out of her armor and gambeson. Vasya too was temporarily divested of armor. Sweat plastered Felisjyta's hair to her head and turned the mare's coat from gray to black.
Patrice slowed as she neared the pair, but this time the mare did nothing more than flick one ear forward in interest as she approached. Encouraged, Patrice walked right up and stroked Vasya's damp neck.
Felisjyta looked up from where she was brushing the mare's flank. "Back again?"
"I wanted to congratulate you," said Patrice, "and also to escape from shopping. Maria is determined to spend as much of my money as possible."
"I didn't realize you were as well-off as that," Felisjyta said. She ran a wooden comb across Vasya's back with long, even strokes.
Patrice shrugged. "When I first came here, the court steward returned to me all of my mother's gold which had been stolen. They also gave me custody of the land in the Old Kingdom – though as far as dragons are concerned, land and treasures both are up for grabs so long as no one is there to defend them."
"Humans see things differently," Felisjyta said. "No one here seems to have much interest in the Old Kingdom, they say it's cursed. So it didn't cost them much to give it back to you. They were probably just hoping that doing such a thing would appease your anger." She shrugged, then switched topics. "Are you going to stay and watch the rest of the tournament?"
"Do you think you'll win?" Patrice asked.
The knight laughed. "Win? Who knows. I'd like to." She tossed the wooden brush down onto the grass and tapped the mare's shoulders. Vasya followed her to a water trough in the middle of camp, where several other horses were drinking.
Patrice followed them, careful to keep her distance from the other animals.
Only after Vasya had begun to drink did Felisjyta speak again. "I'm doing my best. Rozhalea wants at least one of us in the finals, so we're all trying for it."
Vasya pulled her head out of the water and wandered off toward the patch of grass next to the blue and green tent. Felisjyta let her go. She scooped up a bucket of water and doused herself down, causing her loose linen clothing to stick to her body.
"Would you like to sit in the shade?" Patrice asked.
Felisjyta grinned and wiped water off her face. "That obvious? You look cool enough."
"I am a dragon, after all," Patrice said. “The Great Dragon in the Sun does not turn his fangs on us.” She walked back to Felisjyta's tent and settled down on the far side, where the nearby trees caused a large patch of shade.
The knight followed. "Our legends say that we're descended from dragons," she said, "though I think we'd handle the heat better if that was true. In any case, we've long thought of dragons as good luck symbols."
"I didn't know humans would think such a thing. Is that why you agreed to accept my favor?"
Felisjyta gave Patrice a look that the dragon couldn't even begin to interpret. "The fact that you gave me your favor heartened my fellow knights, and I'm hardly immune from the feeling myself. But I accepted it because you offered, and because I'd like to think that we might be friends."
"I see," Patrice said. She wasn't really sure what to say about that. She'd never had any friends before other than her mother, and she had never really thought about wanting any either. She glanced around the camp looking for inspiration. "I noticed that almost everybody in Runeria wears their hair long, and your hair is quite short. But looking around the camp, the other Serzek knights also have much longer hair than you. Why?"
Felisjyta laughed. "You're a bit of a strange one are you?" She asked, and ran a hand through her wet hair. "Some lessons are hard learned. I cut my hair off to remind myself not to get involved with people who want more than I can give them. I've been growing it back out since then. It was about two years ago."
The explanation made sense to Patrice, but Felisjyta's comment did not. "I don't see why it's so strange. Maria and everyone else here always say that I can't do this or that because it goes against human customs, and human customs are what they are, and everyone follows them. So naturally I'd be curious."
Felisjyta laughed and leaned back on her hands. "There are a lot of people like that in Serze too. Rather more of them, I'd say. People in Runeria might be concerned with appearances and always being at the very height of fashion, always fitting in with their equals and betters, but their culture progresses much faster than ours. It's the only thing I admire about them. Times are changing, but the systems that we have in place in Serze don't change easily."
"The wisdom of dragons is that things always change around us, and we change with them," said Patrice. Her mother had reminded her that, just a few short weeks ago. "Even so, I don't think dragons change as much as we think. We are always creatures who value freedom over everything. All of this," she gestured around, "is a lot. Humans-"
"-are complicated," the knight finished her statement. "Although you are quite good at complicating things yourself."
Patrice huffed and crossed her arms. "Only because humans do so many things that don't make sense."
Felisjyta laughed again. "I agree. How old are you anyway? Sometimes you seem quite young."
Patrice thought she probably could've taken that as an insult, and graciously decided not to. "Dragons don't measure things in years the way humans do," she said. She spoke a word in the dragon language, and groped for human words to describe it. "I think you would call this 'little unwise bright scales' in your language."
"Little unwise?"
Patrice couldn't help but smile at the sound, and the concept. It made sense in dragon, but sounded ridiculous translated to human tongue. "It means I'm old enough to breed, but shouldn't, because I'm not full-grown yet," she explained.
"I see." Felisjyta nodded. "I'm twenty-three. Certainly much younger than you, but in terms of physical maturity you're the younger."
"Perhaps." Such things didn't really matter to her.
In the distance, a trumpet sounded. It was almost time for the jousting to begin again. Felisjyta stood up and offered Patrice a hand to do the same.
Patrice elected to stand up on her own. "I will stay for the rest of the tournament today," she said. "Good luck."
Felisjyta gave her a mocking bow. "I will do my best not to disappoint you, my lady." She laughed when Patrice rolled her eyes.
It was such a silly thing, but Patrice decided to play along with it. "You should always endeavor to not disappoint a dragon. I might just decide to eat you up."
Felisjyta shook her head and walked over to Vasya. Patrice left them to it, and made her way back to the stands.
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