#[ i will now commence ugly crying over them ]
lovefail · 8 months
❛ You have conquered me, I am yours. ❜
@richardxoliverxmayhew BOOK STARTERS VOL.11     ANNA KARENINA
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Richard could not know that he had conquered Maurice in kind; that he had utterly and completely took possession of him—heart, mind, body and soul. For Maurice's clumsy tongue did not bear the words with which to express such a profound and joyous sentiment. Yet he held Richard in his arms, as a man would hold onto a rock amidst a hurricane, and kissed his lips again and again.
❝—And now, I shall never let you go. We will make our own life, and to hell with others. All we ever needed was the two of us.❞
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uglycryinglawyer · 4 months
heyyy tumblr,
class of 2024 law student here. no offense but you know things are bad when i take it to tumblr. law school really does something to your psyche and i hate to say it but despite this whole movement on social media to be more transparent, i don't believe anyone will be completely honest about their experience when their words can be traced back to them. being believable as 100% genuine & honest while being anything less than to followers that cling to every syllable of yours does more damage than good imo.
ill start this page with some honesty that i would label as a 6/10 on the "how embarrassed would i be if someone from my post-grad job were to see this" scale i just made up.
my first semester i felt like the smartest version of myself i had ever been because i got 1 online award from a fake company (seriously what business does this "computer-assisted legal education" company have hosting awards for schools around the country & why are they receiving our grades to begin with) for having the highest grade in my class. mind you, this company/award is not at ALL affiliated with my school, its literally made up. but its something that is made PUBLIC (as in if you knew my name you could google me and this stupid award shows up), and so many schools still acknowledge it to, idk, create further divisions between students that i guess the whole system of making everyones grades 100% based on their finals and curved (not in a good way) doesn't do enough for?
now here i am, having finished my 6th semester & walked the commencement stage a few days ago ugly crying over a grade because i might have just lost my honors status. when in actuality .... ~ kim, there are people that are dying ~ why does any of this matter?? this is what 6 semesters of slowly having your confidence in your own intelligence chipped away at does to a person.
its not over yet though - bar prep starts last week :). actually it starts on may 20th officially, but no ones being honest about the fact that they really started studying the day after their finals ended, if not earlier.
so i've decided to document my experience for you all here. with bar prep & my foray into big law (you know this field was meant for babies because that's what we unsarcastically call a career at a top law firm) on the horizon, & 6 semesters of pure chaos behind me, i have a lot to say!
im not sure who this is going to reach because, again no offense tumblr, but i doubt this site has the reach it once did. maybe this will just end up being a time capsule for myself, which i would love. or maybe this will help 1 person cope, which i would love even more.
regardless, if you read this far, thank you & tttys. going to throw some random hashtags in now don't mind me.
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apollostears · 10 months
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↠︎ warning(s) + request: angsty-ish, fluff, hurt/comfort, might be ooc aki, devil!reader. Just wanna say that u are really talented (idk what vocab should i use since english is not my first language) in writing i love ur fic so much <33 what i wanna add is the snow devil herself have pastel blue from hair root to pastel purple ends gradient hair color, mint green left eye and sky blue right eye, the snow devil would be so insecure about her looks. The snow devil also was the adoptive elder sister to Makima. Thats all ty if u did write this. Its ok if u dont tysm <33
↠︎ pairing: aki hayakawa x devil!reader
my sweetest love @missshinazugawa, i offer you the humblest of apologies for how long this took :( pls forgive me!! <3 thank you for the support bookie
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as the snow devil angel, your looks always stand out
with pastel blue and purple hair and heterochromatic eyes, attention was inevitable and growing up you were picked on a lot for the difference
makima was your younger sister via adoption but she always defended you like she was the eldest
the devil hunting society was cruel and people’s comments on your appearance had gotten worse
everything took a turn when someone vandalized your desk, with words like ‘demon’, ‘freak’, ‘useless’, ‘ugly’, etc. 
and usually you could tough it out but the fact that smth like that was able to happen so casually to you in the workplace, you couldn’t help but become overwhelmed with emotions.
embarrassed, you left the building and went to the roof. 
aki, makima’s most competent leader, had found you
unbeknownst to you, aki was beginning to fall for you and found you stunning! 
he had surprised you by sitting next to you on the ledge of building, letting you cry into his shoulder
aki cursed the people who vandalized your things and vowed to find out who did it (he did)
you weren’t expecting this from someone who vehemently hates devils
his presence and conviction to defend your image were calming and allowed you to see him in a different light
from there, the two of you began a friendship  that is now a relationship!
with makima as your sister and aki as your boyfriend, you don’t get picked on at work anymore
but sometimes people in public get too obvious in their stares and disgust with a devil being around them
aki matches them with a stare of his own, one just as mean. he always has an arm around you but it tightens whenever you get uncomfortable
usually people get the hint but every once in awhile, you’re shielding your eyes from witnessing your lover beat the shit out of another person thats overstepped
he’s fiercely protective of you and loves you downnnnnnn 
aki would rather speed up his death than hurt you/allow someone else to hurt you
if you’re ever feeling bad afterwards or just in one of those moods where your insecurities are overwhelming, aki commences ‘self-care with aki day’
its where he takes care of you and pampers you, making sure you feel at least half as beautiful 
you guys are usually  sleeping in, reading, cuddling, watching tv/movies, eating your favorite foods, and doing some skin care when these things happen
he also posts affirmations all over the house and packs your bentos with them all the time 
calls you ‘pretty’, ‘gorgeous’, ‘beautiful’, ‘lovely’, and ‘angel’ pretty much every second he breathes
this man works overtime to protect your body from the negative thoughts of others and yourself
he loves staring into your eyes and saying “sorry, they’re so mesmerizing angel” whenever you scold him for looking too long
is 100% your biggest fan
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒. @kennyackermanswhore @chaoticevilbakugo @indiecursor @gabzlovesu @desiray562 @brownmochii @knjkitten @sweeneyblue1 @namjoonswifeyy @nyxeclipse @rubinocore @somerandompipzsxh @dabilovesme @histarean @hannas16 @caribbeanwifey19 @emonaculate @po3ticb3auty @waka-umm @wilsonsbuck @ctrlstar @jealousfuckingcunt @savagemickey03 @dukina @saintblk @sisnot @littlemochi @hoohoohope @ruubric @tor-tor8 @beautyfairykei @lilvampirina
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genshin-impact-fics · 3 years
Streamer!Genshin Reacting to Character!(Y/N) Dying in Game
!Warning!: Major character deaths & angst
Characters: Diluc, Venti, Childe, & Zhongli
It was a race to get inside one of the bases of the Abyss Order to put a stop to whatever plans they were in the process of executing that could potentially put many lives in danger. Diluc was rather calm while playing though it would be a lie to say that it wasn’t a bit annoying that the route to the domain was timed
It was once inside the domain did things pick up fast as it seemed to be a fighting wave system which after beating the first two rooms there was a short scene where in the end Lisa and Amber stayed behind to hold off the incoming enemies so the rest of the group could go further. It seemed like forever doing some of the puzzles to unlock the doors to reach the next fight
In that fourth room after the defeat of hilichurls and abyss mages did suddenly a short cut scene appear to show the appearance of an Abyss Lector. As remembering how much he hated fighting this guy in the spiral abyss he already knew what he was in for; however that was until your character stepped forward with your weapon ready. Diluc was actually sad to have to leave you behind as he was hoping that you’d be one of the characters that went with him to the very end
“I think I’ve watched enough shows and movies to know what this could be leading up to.” He’d comment to his viewers as he finally reached the destination where the Abyss Herald was. Finishing the fight triggered another cutscene as the traveler’s sibling appeared and was making their small speech, asking if the lives of the “friends” the traveler made were worth losing
Diluc is watching with a straight face as he kinda expected this but the who was what he wasn’t sure about and truthfully the only one he’d be truly heartbroken about is your death, but they wouldn’t kill you now of all times right? Wrong; soon the cutscene finally came across where they had left you and you were leaning against the wall extremely injured with your weapon laying beside you. Diluc is frowning cuz he has to watch you die now
Listening to your final words as you spoke to no one Diluc would sulk in his chair a little. In the last moment before your eyes closed, if you mentioned something about not getting to tell his character your true feelings it is visible that Diluc looks like he wants to cry(but he doesn't). Once the screen showed the mission complete he’d grab the plush he had of your character and hold it looking at his camera. “Of all the characters I thought were going to die, I wasn’t ready for it to be (y/n).” At that point he’d probably call it a day from there but he’d still talk to his viewers as he probably would watch the tribute videos that fans had already made
Everything was in chaos as it looked like archon war 2 was going to be taking place, but this time it was a war between the Abyss Order and the Archons. He was heading to Mondstadt to help and to check on you. Dvalin was flying around sending attacks at the abyss members. “Ah traveler there you are!” The sound of your voice as you landed before him; as weird as it was to see you in your archon robes was odd but you looked so good! After a short conversation you had gone flying off and it was time to get back to fighting
Things were looking good as it seemed like they were winning against the abyss order though it wasn’t over yet. It was until up in the air did a cutscene starting showing you and the traveler’s sibling fighting going at it. Venti is so captivated by how serious and cool you look fighting, but it all changed when the sibling landed a blow that caused you to fall from the sky ending up falling into the Whispering Woods
Venti couldn’t run fast enough to get to the woods to check up on you but when he did the first thing he saw was the sibling standing before you. He’s already sad and yelling at the sibling for hurting you though it seemed that now he was there the sibling went and disappeared revealing the real condition you were in. “No, no, no! This better not mean (y/n)’s dying.” He’d say in denial as he’s already starting to cry a little
“A-Ah Windblume h-haha… Sorry you have to see me like this.” Even in a moment like this you gave him such a cheesy grin until you seemed to grimace in pain. “Unfortunately it seems like… This is it for me. As long as the winds blow I will always be with you, so please watch over Mondstadt for me.” Your words were making Venti cry as it was like back in your story quest but only ten times worse. And to think it was already painful as it was your next words that did him in. “Maybe in another life we will find each other again and maybe then we can be together.”
Watching you start to glow until you turned into partials of light till nothing of you was left, Venti is devastated. The chat is crying with him as he’s saying how awful it was that his sibling had killed the love of his life! His viewers are going to send him fanart and fics to look at that was an alternative that you lived in the game
It was a big fight with the confrontation of the Fatui Harbingers, facing off against one of the other stronger members that blocked the path to proceed to seeing the Tsaritsa. The boss’ first stage was fine; however during the second stage it seemed after losing a certain amount of health the damage that Childe was dealing significantly decreased.
It was when the cutscene started that Childe was already dreading the foul legacy form he’d be facing this time. You suddenly came out of nowhere and already in your foul legacy form yourself Childe is going crazy over how cool you look; he’s also swooning at the fact that you’ve come to his rescue. The fighting progressed until you landed a successful hit that weakened the other harbinger; however, at that same time the other harbinger managed to hit you with a powerful attack
Childe is screaming at the sight of your mask breaking while you fell to the ground. He’s so glad that his character is running over to check on you instead of the fight picking right up, but he’s already feeling the feels hit him hard cuz he hates seeing you hurt. Seeing you back to normal, the damage you sustained was really bad; then the worst thought came to his mind. “This-This better not be what I think it is,” he’s saying not looking away from the screen listening to you weakly talk
“Haha don’t give me that look sweetie, I couldn’t just let this be where your journey ends.” Hearing those words and the nickname you used for his character was sad. “To think we’d be able to travel together more, but hey… Promise you won’t stop fighting and could you look after my siblings for me.” Childe is literally crying now that the reality of the situation is clear. If he gets a choice of dialog to choose from he is going to pick the choice that says that he pinky promises
If your character smiled at the choice he wanted to smile but he’s also just sad, you were dying in his character's arms. If you had given a small love confession in the little bit of life that was in you, he’s going to ugly sob and once the fight was starting again he needs to pause by going into his bag
Immediately he goes getting his big plush of you and coming back to hug it and cleaning his tears with his sleeve before looking at the camera. “I wasn’t ready for this, my baby!” He was not expecting to be losing you; he figured that some characters would possibly die but you were the last character he thought would be killed off in the game. There’s Fs in the chat all around and the crying emote; it’s sad boi hours in this chili’s. He doesn't wanna do the fight but also he gotta avenge you so this last stage fight was for you. Afterwards he’s gonna go look at fanart and video edits
After helping some of the other nations and their archon’s fend off the abyss order it was time he headed to Liyue to find you. Of course as usual it wasn’t going to be as easy as running around the harbor until he got word from Xiao that you were in Cuijue Slope. So he headed over to help you before anything seriously bad could happen to you
Getting to the open area there you were fighting against the sibling as you were even in your archon robes. Going in and interrupting the fight his sibling clearly looked annoyed and proceeded to try to get him to side with them which of course he didn’t. A Herald appeared to allow the sibling to get away which the fight with the Herald commenced
Just when Zhongli finished up the fight thinking he had won it strangely went to a cutscene as his character and you started to talk; however it was when the fallen Herald came out of nowhere about to attack his character but must to his surprise you shielded him not only taking the hit, but also using your elemental burst to finish off the enemy. Zhongli is frowning at how badly you were hurt as he already has a bad feeling this wasn’t going to end good; the traveler was helping you sit up after having fallen over
“I’m glad to see that you aren’t hurt my friend.” You said as you certainly have seen better days. “Sadly I believe my time has come… Do not be sad dear friend, I have lived many many years… As knowing you has been life changing. Though rocks change from erosion, know that no time will change how I felt about you.” Your words broke his heart as you had such a soft expression on your face as your body began to glow and before he knew it you turned into particles of light and disappeared. He probably wouldn’t cry at most maybe a tear but he is clearly upset about your passing in game and would take a break to talk to his viewers and maybe look at the fanart that surprisingly had been put out already
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englishknightsky · 3 years
Thomas: Honey the news just said teenagers under the influence of drugs aren't happy, vibrant or involved! Do you think Craig-
Laura: Thomas, Craig has never been happy, vibrant or involved.
Thomas: Oh, right.
Eric: Look, these are the shelves I was talking about.
Kyle: Are those the same shelves from that Nazi's house? You want Nazi shelves?
Eric: No, if anything those shelves were Nazi-occupied.
Stan: I finished the memorial for Pip.
Kyle: One problem, you misspelled both his first and last name.
Stan:... Eh, he's dead, he's not gonna notice.
Clyde: Tweek's new boyfriend is a secret, that means he's ugly.
Craig: Asshole! I'm Tweek's new boyfriend!
Token: Guess you were right, Clyde.
Richard: I quit using meth for good, now I'm only using it for evil!
Craig: Where are my pants?
Tweek: You threw them out of the window in a fit of passion. You said you were never gonna need them again.
Kenny: My medical alert bracelet warns first responders that I kiss back during CPR.
Damien: Aw, were you beaten as a kid?
Pip: Yeah...
Damien: Well you're still annoying, so clearly they didn't hit you enough.
Cartman: I get my snack ideas from 600lb Life, those people have some bomb ideas for dinner.
Kenny McCormick added Wendy Testaburger, Bebe Stevens, and 23 others to a group chat.
Kenny: Damn girl you look fine
Kenny: Wow they ain't send separately
Kenny: Bye
Kenny McCormick left
Timmy: Did you just call yourself a Nintendo console?
Jimmy: No, that's a Nintendo Switch, I called myself a crippled bi-biii-bitc- bitch!
Tweek: Do you wanna get married?
Craig: Well, we're already engaged so yeah.
Tweek: In Stardew Valley, you goof.
Craig: Oh! Yeah.
Tweek: Dad, will you read to me?
Richard: Who the hell are you?
Mars: Dads, I'm supposed to fight some kid at school tomorrow.
Tweek: Oh god.
Craig: Try to not to fall in love with them.
Clyde: See Token, I told you they could deep fry my shirt!
Token: I didn't say they couldn't, I said you shouldn't.
Craig: I need some space.
Tweek: Are you breaking up with me?
Craig: No, I'm falling off the bed, move over!
Stan: Check out this animal, it's called a kinkajou.
Cartman: A kinky jew? Where?!
Craig: Um, so. Stripe got outside, but luckily we caught him. Points camera at Stripe in his cage But if that's Stripe... who the fuck is this? Points camera at Tweek holding an identical guinea pig.
Kenny: Once I was jogging and found a corspe, and I was glad, because that meant I could stop jogging.
Pip: My nickname is Pip.
Damien: What's Pip short for?
Eric: 'Cause he's a twink.
Butters: Hi can I have a happy meal with extra happy, please? :)
Kyle: No, you hang up first!
Cartman : No you hang up first!
Kyle: Okay.
Cartman:... He hung up on me!
Jimmy: Is that why you opened a cafe? To get people to like you?
Tweek: You want to talk about getting people to like you, funny man?
Stan: Agent Raven approaching the site, operation 'sleepy time' commencing, over.
Wendy: Stan, stop playing with the baby monitor. Over.
Token: Craig, got any cleaning tips?
Craig: Never fall in love, have any friends or pets or family, then they won't make a mess.
Craig: Good morning babe.
Tweek: Die.
Craig: I got you a triple espresso, but I'm gonna hold it just out of reach so you have to get up if you want it.
Tweek: Die twice.
Butters: Well, it doesn't have a tail so I'm pretty sure it's a hamster.
Tech Support: Okay fine, right click the hamster.
Jason: So is this thing between Tweek and Craig a secret?
Token: Hardly. The only people who don't know that Tweek and Craig are in love with each other are Tweek and Craig.
Mr. Mackey: I heard children screaming, and as a counsellor I know that screaming can be a cry for help.
Tweek: Do you think Clyde will like the new cookies?
Craig: He'll eat anything you put in front of him. He's like a dog.
Tweek: Hm, that's true. I saw him eat a receipt once.
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beesparlour · 3 years
denki kaminari headcanons
a/n: sorry for the late post everyone! ive just been really tired and relaxing i completely forgot lolz
if you want him to do your hair. too bad. that man can’t do figure out your hair for the life of him, he tried he really did but it just didn’t work. when he’s unsuccessful he’s extremely supportive and just buys you hair products now <3
“ow! denki ok stop. STOP-“
“nah babe stop wiggling around i got this.” denki said smugly, his tongue stuck out in concentration.
“nigga if you don’t get your hands off of me i’m going to pop you between your eyes-“ you grumbled, you were struggling to get the words out as your brown arms were grasping blindly behind you, attempting and failing to grab at his arms.
swatting your arms away, denki grabbed your face that was in between his legs and turned it up to him. he leaned down towards you and said “babyyy, honeyyy, schnookums, just trust me.” ending off his cheesy sentence with a wink and a kiss to your forehead, before letting go of your face to resume his work twisting your hair.
20 minutes or so passed and your butt was starting to hurt. you started to open your mouth widely to commence whining until you stopped at the sound of a….sniffle?
“is he-“
“baby are you crying?” you asked softly.
“nO-“ was his choked out response as you gently removed his hands from your coiled hair and turned to face him.
his eyes were red and tears were falling out of his eyes in big dollops, and his lips were pouring outwards in a big pout. you immediately got up from your position to sit next to him.
“denki my love why are you crying”, you asked slender fingers wiping at his face. he immediately started breaking down at your soft touches that you flinched a bit from shock.
“it just looks so ugly, i ruined your pretty face , i cant do this i was so confident too and-“
“baby baby it’s ok! i really don’t care. we can always find other ways to bond over my hair ok?” you whispered and brought his form into your own, smiling softly at the way he immediately nuzzled into your neck.
he helped you take the failed twists out and was surprisingly gentle! he was really good and you encouraged him every time he did it so gently and his chest swelled with pride. the biggest blow to his ego was when you fell asleep between his legs and left him to take out the rest.
now he just helps you buy hair products and take your hair down, braids, twists, box braids, my man has got it down!
hands are always on you! cause he knows you like it and it gets you all embarrassed.
grabs you by the waist to kiss you
always grabbing your hand in some form to kiss it. kisses your palms when they turn red
puts his hand on one side of your shoulders, rests his head on the other side, and he lets his other hand trail down your arm really slowly so you get goosebumps then finally holds your hand when he’s done teasing you
whenever you guys are sitting in the common room his hand is always resting on your thigh. a bit too high tho🧐 not that you mind of course
in class if you guys sit with each other he’s always fiddling with your fingers, loving how they’re bigger than his own and how long your fingers are (we don’t get enough y/n’s with big hands like me so here u go)
when you have braids or when you take them out he likes to massage your head, relishing in your appreciative hums and groans
little spoon!! he likes how your arms wrap so easily around him and just pull him in cause you’re so strong and seggsy
you were lying in bed on your phone after finishing all the homework aizawa gave you. that man was really always doing the most.
you jumped in your bed slightly, your bonnet that you just put haphazardly on your braids almost sliding off from your sudden movement.
your boyfriend kaminari was standing at your door, panting heavily.
“first of all hey love, second of all don’t slam my door ope-“
your sentence was interrupted by your own screaming as denki started charging at you before launching himself into the air right above your bed. he landed on it with a soft thud since your bed had a lot of padding and thick blankets.
“WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT?” you screamed
he merely giggled and climbed under your blankets, he wiggled around to the top until his face met with yours and he smiled big. you let out a sigh before your full lips stretched into a toothy smile of your own, you couldn’t stay mad at him for long.
“let’s cuddle shawty.” he said making kissy noises at you. you rolled your eyes, amused before shifting over so he could move into the bed. he turned away from you and wiggled closer until you were in a comfortable position to wrap your long brown arms around him.
light snoring could be heard from him and you kissed his cheek, whispering a goodnight before drifting into sleep as well.
idk i feel like denki likes biting you. not in a sexual way, like he’ll just go chomp and then hang on for a bit until he feels like letting go. when he first did it you were shocked but now you’re just used to it.
denki slithered his arms around your waist and rested his head on your shoulder. he pressed a kiss at the dip of where your shoulder and neck met and nuzzled into your neck.
you reached behind you and stroked at his hair and said “hello my love.”
you were about to turn around to give him a hug but then he just bit your neck. and stayed there. you were frozen in position cause you didn’t know how to react.
seeing, well feeling your stunned reaction denki immediately pulled away. you slowly turned to face him and raised an eyebrow in question. he shyly rubbed at his neck and his face was red.
“sorry i just felt like biting it.” yall stayed in silence for a while and it felt so prolonged that denki brought his hands down to fiddle with the rings around his fingers. you burst into laughter and denki looked up confusion written all over his face.
“it’s ok bro, i was just a bit weirded out is all!” you said patting his shoulder.
“so you don’t despise me” he whispered giving you the biggest puppy dog eyes ever. you giggled lightly and shook your head.
“how could i ever hate my sweet boy” you said pulling him in for a hug.
he sighed contently and wrapped his arms around you in return.
“so can i keep biting you”
“uh, sure”
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Welcome To The Bunny Cult Writing Event!
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What's The Bunny Cult Writing Event?
The Bunny Cult Writing Event is celebration of Black Bunny Mask (Also known as Ghost/Bell) hitting 400+ followers!
What's In The Event?
This event will allow Yandere DSMP writers to write from one of the many AUs and Prompts.
How Can I Join The Event?
You'll have to tell me in my inbox (Not as a anom) and tell me which AU/Prompt you'll be doing and which characters will be in the story.
And once the story is finished you have to tag me so I can add you to the list of people who participated
Will There Be Winners?
Nope! This is mainly for fun for people in the Yandere DSMP community and the DSMP community in general. You can be competitive with your friends if you want to though.
1: You can't do a prompt someone else already took
2: If you don't want to be in the event anymore, please DM me in my inbox so I can take you take you off of the list
3: NO SMUT (Smut can be implied, but not full on smut, and can only be done with people who are ok with smut) OR PREGNANT READERS
4:Don't be toxic or bring in drama, this is all for fun and I don't want negativity during this celebration
5:Please don't make fun of others writings or grammar.
6:Polyamorous relationships are allowed and encourages
7: No yandere Philza
8: AUs are reusable, if someone chose the Purge AU you can still do it
Royalty AU
High School AU
Mafia AU
Cult AU
God AU
College AU
Boy/Girl Band AU
Fantasy AU
Murder Mystery AU
Apocalypse AU
Coffee Shop AU
Angel and Demons AU
Dystopian AU
Sea Creatures AU
Mythology AU
Pirate AU
Medieval AU
Purge AU
Aggresive/Harsh Prompts
The ones below are by @dearyscribbles
•"You act like you hold any control over me. If you try to run, I'll make sure the only way you'll be able to eat is through a feeding tube"
•"What? What will you do help them? Beg me not to go? Scream at me to leave them alone? Fight me? The best thing you can do is behave, just like the pathetic bitch you are"
•"You know, maybe, just maybe, if you LISTENED to me, maybe we would've have to go through this. Maybe I wouldn't have to come home so bloody, maybe your friends would still be alive. It's all up to you, and you still manage to fuck everything up"
•"What are you crying for, GOD I can't stand when you do this. Why are you upset, huh? Because you looked at someone else when I told you not to? Because you broke the rules, and now you have to face the consequences of your own actions?"
•"YOU wouldn't have ANYTHING without me. Not this house, not the food, the clothes off your back, hell, not even that damn phone you're threatening me with. Do you want me to show you how good you have it? Maybe it's time I start playing the bad guy you think I am" Taken by @bookoffandoms
The ones below are by @animeyanderelover
“Do you want me to break your legs or lock you in a cage to prevent you from running away?”
“One more chance! I’m giving you one more chance to fucking stop resisting!”
“I can end all of your pain. You just have to say these three words.”
“If you don’t kiss me back, I’ll slit someone’s throat.” Done by @grrrrr-dsmp
“Listen, I’m giving you two choices. Either you start eating willingly or I’ll force you. There’s no way I’m letting you starve yourself to death.”
"You can’t find your clothes? That’s a shame. But you can wear mine. They look better on you anyways.”
70. “Hearing you say that makes me want to fuck you so badly.”
71. “Your body, your heart, your soul. It all belongs to me." Taken by @god1ngs
Soft/Toxic Comfort Prompts
“You think you’re ugly? Who told you so? Tell me so I can give them an agonizing death for making you think that. And after I’m finished with them, I’m going to worship you in bed until you see how beautiful you really are.”
“Please stop crying. You make me feel even worse. But you need to understand, if I wouldn’t have chained you to the bed, you would have tried to run away again.”
"Babe…! Shit! I’m sorry you had to see this, but please believe me! He deserved it! No,no,no, don’t be scared of me. You know I would never harm you.” Taken by @aungel
Desperate/Obsessed Prompts
The ones below are by @animeyanderelover
“Can you at least pretend to love me? Just for tonight?”
“You don’t understand! If you accept me now, I’ll be your slave!”
“Stop giving me that look! Stop looking at me as if I’m a monster!”
“I desire any physical touch with you so please hit me more.”
“What I am doing? I’m punishing myself. Why? Because I upset you earlier.”
“Hate me, scream at me, hit me. Do whatever you want with me, but please stay with me.”
“…You are telling me that I can live with my life without you, but you don’t seem to understand that YOU are my life.”
"You had a nightmare about me? That’s great! That means you think of me even when you dream. Even though I hope your next dream about me will be more pleasant.”
“Use me however you want too. My body is yours.”
Now let the meeting commence...
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2-cute-4-school · 4 years
NCT Dream reaction : another member scares you
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Tw : near drowning scare, lots of bugs??
Mark Lee
donghyuck loves teasing mark
you’re mark’s s/o
results : donghyuck loves bullying you
congrats you get a free pass to cry with me cuz donghyuck is ruthless
but you learnt to live with it so it’s okay most of the time
until his friendly teasing involved a quite deep pool and your unprepared form being swung violently into it
so when you submerged underwater and didn’t come back up, mark forgot everything else and dove head first into the pool
his spiderman senses kicked in thank god
donghyuck saw his life flash before his eyes ⊙△⊙
when mark dragged you to the surface and hoisted you out of the water with donghyuck’s help, you took your sweet time before coughing violently
you gotta suck the life out of that dramatic effect ya know
mark coddled you the entire day, embracing your trembling form and keeping hyuck away despite his attempts to apologize to you :<
this man would spend an entire lifetime just taking care of you and smothering you with no complaints i swear cause you became like the centre of the universe for him ಥ_ಥ
writing music? thinks of you ; eating watermelon? y/n would like it ; showering? we could have some fun
but once he tucked you safely into bed and made sure you comfortably fell asleep after a scare that shortened both your lives by 10 years
WWIII commenced (ノ♯`△´)ノ~’┻━┻
markhyuck summer fight pt.2
Huang Renjun
there’s ONE(1) thing you and renjun totally agree on
scary movies can suck your di- └( ͡° ︿ °͡ )┘
but the other devil spawns ( read dreamies ) decided you deserve suffering their enjoyment blame them
so you’re settled on the couch between china line with renjun trying to keep his macho man facade give up jun we know you’re babie (♥ω♥*)
but still feeling you tremble like a leaf beside him melted his lil heart :((((
so he kept a hand on your knee the entire time, rubbing random patterns on your leg in an attempt to soothe your nerves
the atmosphere became so tense, any hint of conversation dying once everyone was immersed in the movies, an eerie silence enveloping you
but when dear angel chenle decided to shriek in your ears and dig his fingers in you sides let me tell you gals
you jumped out of your skin
and spoiler alert : didn’t land back on the couch
cue dolphin noises
but when you looked up at renjun, a deep pout settled on your lips and glassy puppy eyes ( つ᷄.̯σ̣̥᷅ ) he saw red before his eyes
no one dares to scare/hurt his baby and escapes unharmed no exceptions sorry
after he taught chenle the lesson of his life, it’s cuddle time!!! (۶* ‘ꆚ’)۶”
he spoons you protectively and smothers you in a TON of kithes until he’s content with hearing your giggles  :>
Lee Jeno
you made it your personal mission to find a way to eradicate all bugs
no cap
and jeno just nodded along to your endless rambling about your strong dislike towards them
let’s be honest here, he was internally gushing at your cuteness like your biggest supporter ( ◠ ◡ ◠ )
so when renjun dangerously nears you without a common garden bug  he found during your picnic with the dreamies in between his fingers and sticks it in your face with the hugest shit eating grin (ര̀ᴗര́)و ̑̑
you let out the loudest screech and scramble to throw yourself in jeno’s arm who acted like your comfort blanket by now i’m so soft for jeno can you tell????
and he just 「(°ヘ°)
‘my baby?? scared?? the nerve of some people?? gotta!!!show!!them!!no one!!!NO ONE!!!messes with my baby!!!’ (`Д´)
so he just pats you head lovingly and rubs your back until you calm down enough to let go of him
and then he leaves the cutest *smooch* on your forehead and gets up
he walks calmly towards renjun who was pretending to occupy himself with smoothing down a blanket and just...cracks his knuckles kaneki style
jeno just grabs the biggest bug he was able to find and grips the hem of renjun’s sweats harshly
wanna know what this gangsta beach does?? he frickin throws the bug down poor renjun’s pants
and then just leaves his unfortunate victim thrashing and shrieking for his life and retreats back in your arms like the terrifying baby he is
don’t mistake his softness for you as weakness!!1! he becomes ruthless when it comes to you :<
Lee Donghyuck
he’s already ruthless enough
so please PLEASE for the love of God don’t give him a reason to become even more of a devil spawn
but poor jisung didn’t get the gist bless his pure soul 🐣
you weren’t even that scared when you opened your phone to an remarkably ugly image of a cockroach (basically the same prank that was done to fetus jisung some time ago)
but you still let out a shriek loud enough to alert haechan
and while haechan seemed silent while he smothered you, his mind was going highwire which is NEVER good  ( ̄ェ ̄;)
*time skip to the next day*
3 times
so when he barges in the living room where sweet innocent hyuck is seated on the couch with you cradled in his lap while feeding both you and himself and watching netflix 
jisung has a fit it was damn time baby chick
“you put cockroaches in the shower, in my cup AND on my pillow, do you want me to die young??!!?”
“they’re fake tho”
eventually jisung retreated to put some shoes on and leave the dorm for a breath of fresh air after the near-death experience he encountered
“i feel bad for him” you took pity on the kid alright
“don’t worry your pretty head”
and he just kithes the heck out of you and automatically deleted all your worries once immersed in his sweet lips who could resist him tho
until another scream echoes
Na Jaemin
we all know jaemin enjoys photography
and you’d be a fool to believe his camera roll is not ABSOLUTELY FULL of pictures of you both candid and not
he always insisted he takes photos of things he loves or are beautiful and you’re both and even more ✿♥‿♥✿
that’s how some of your hangouts turn into mini photoshoots whenever jaemin was in the mood
and that’s how you found yourself modeling for jaemin while the other dreamies were lunging around
“i’m frying over here, can you hurry up?”
“not my fault my baby is the prettiest unlike you gremlins, hyuck”
“what’d you say?!!?!?!!” lowkey ready to swing
jaemin doesn’t spare him a second glance, he can only focus on you :>
“hey honey can you climb on that ledge for me?”
he helps you like the gentleman he is to climb the stone ledge, one hand clutching yours and the other gripping your waist softly (๑°꒵°๑)・*♡
so you’re posing, focusing on the camera when you feel a hand tightly clasp over your ankle
and jeez do you scream so loud hyuck was left fried, insulted and deaf
and you can’t even step away from the ledge before jaemin envelops you in his arms and clutches you tightly to his chest
“aigoo aigoo~ my baby it’s okay, nana is here”  in the softest voice possible (๑´ω`๑)
he smooths down your hair, petting it affectionately and as he leans down to smooch your forehead he meets eyes with a sheepish jeno who peeks over from behind the ledge
and jaemin just stares him down with that disappointed mom look 
and jeno just knows he won’t be getting any dinner tonight
but jaemin’s head is full of you you you did i mention you? so he can only coo at you and smother your entire face in little kithes :<
“you’re the absolute cutest and all mine, my cute baby” *bursting uwus* *fake gagging noises in the background from hyuck*
“so candidate no. 2 without dinner tonight huh?” hyuck: “wait no pls”
Zhong Chenle
power napping is your favorite kind of date with chenle
just curling up against each other wherever you two could fit and spooning or just cuddling or even just holding hands if the weather was too hot
okay but just imagine chenle holding someone’s hand while he sleeps i’m ded just imagining it x.x
so it’s already understood that you’re a sleep lover who isn’t tho
and while you fell asleep, chenle still had to wash the dishes after a meal with the dreamies
jaemin being the affectionate person he is cooed over your cuteness and couldn’t help himself from throwing himself beside you on the bed and jumping on it while screaming your name (basically the same thing he did to chenle :)))) )
but unfortunately you were a quite light sleeper and easily startled when woken up suddenly and not so gently  ( ͠° ͟ʖ °͠ )
so you let out a chocked noise that immediately alerted chenle who returned to see you staring at jaemin like a deer caught in headlights 
“ah hyung why would you do that? you scared them like that”
chenle whined as he pushed jaemin away who retreated with slumped shoulders and a pout don’t worry jaems we love you
and chenle just slips under the blanket and brings you closer to lay down together and soothes you ༶ඬ༝ඬ༶
and he just embraces you, tangling your legs together and hiding your face in the crook of his neck while he runs his fingers through your hair comfortingly chenle would make the best cuddle buddy no take-backs
“shh it’s alright, just go back to sleep, i’ll stay with you” (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
with chenle’s assurance and tight grip on your body to bring you as close as humanly possible, you fall back asleep as chenle stares fondly at you
and that’s how chenle escaped washing dishes *ha suck it losers*
Park Jisung
jisung blames mark
mark is his oldest hyung and the supposedly most responsible debatable among them
so how could his leader scare you to tears and then dump your shaking figure for him, the baby, to take care of (ノ-_-)ノ ~┻━┻
jisung could only stare at you as he hovered above your curled up form
“y-y/n, come on, there’s nothing to cry about, hyung didn’t mean it”
*mark facepalms* *sm building facepalms* *the white house facepalms*
mark just motions aggressively to jisung to rub your back 
and jisung pales as if mark suggested going to a haunted house *sigh* jisung you absolute clueless baby
he SUPER HESITATINGLY pats your back awkwardly, but you only curl up into yourself even more
mark pushes jisung to sit down beside you and prompts him to comfort you properly and jisung gulps
“sooo, how are you feeling?”
*well done jisung take a guess you sharp tool* (-‸ლ)
mark is just boiling with worry you might just dump jisung after his worryingly poor attempt when your small voice cuts through
“can you please hug me, sung?” (●´^`●)
jisung.exe has shut down please retry in a moment
“s-sure, yeah, just-”
but you just slot yourself in his lap and bury your face in his shoulder 
jisung.exe is overwhelmed by your cuteness pls spare him
but he eventually wraps his arms around you too and just rubs up and down, occasionally massaging the nape of your neck gently
“this is actually nice, can we stay like this please?” (⺣◡⺣)♡*
you just tighten your grip on him in response
and jisung rests his head on top of your head to hide his reddening face away but also to hold you even closer because despite his shy demeanor he cherishes you so so much so please have patience with this baby
mark just shakes his head from the doorway with a fond smile knowing that you’re just right for each other (︶ω︶)
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bakubabes-tatakae · 3 years
For The Love Of Humanities Strongest (Part One)
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A/N: This is a rerelease of the series that I’ve been doing for a little while now. I’ve made some changes and changed up the wording to make it more of an x reader piece for you all, so I really hope that this new version of it will be a lot better for you guys. I’ve been saying that I’m going to revamp all of my series for a while now, so I’m finally getting to that for you all. I’ll be starting my series up again and will be releasing a schedule for a weekly piece to them very shortly. ☺♥
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Yeager!Reader
Summary:  When all seems lost Y/N knows that she can count on one person to always be there for her brother, Eren Jaeger, and herself. Can humanity’s strongest not only keep Eren in line, but keep his relationship alive as well?
Warnings: angst, character death, titan attack, family arguments
Word Count: 3.1k
Masterlist (only part one is rereleased so far)
Five Years Ago
As the Scout Regiment walked back through the gates of Shiganshina you were all greeted by many worried faces. You stuck as close to Erwin as you could, you knew that everyone was disappointed in the Scouts. Another failure in the books was how the citizens behind the wall would see this. And you knew that your little brother would be out there watching. He would smile on as the remaining Scouts made their way through the gates. He would be filled with happiness as he watched his favorite group of people return. 
The mumbling started as soon as they saw your faces. You walked next to Erwin’s horse, trying to hide your shame as you tried to ignore the words and whispers that circled you. 
Erwin had always been like a brother to you, he was your best friend, your shoulder to cry on. He had been the main reason why you had even joined the Scout Regiment. 
You looked over to your right shoulder and saw his smiling face. This boy had no idea what was really happening outside those walls. Keeping his innocence was going to be your number one priority. You and Erwin both looked over at him and upon seeing his smile you couldn’t help but hang your heads. 
So many of your comrades had lost their lives. So many people that you had spent so much time with were gone in a blink of an eye. You could never unsee the things that you had seen… and this was only your second time outside the walls. You were officially scared, to say the least. 
As you listened to the chaos around you, you couldn’t help but let tears slide down your face. “They’ve sure taken a hit, haven’t they?” “The rest of them got eaten.” “That’s what happens when pride takes you outside the walls.”
None of that was why you did it. Pride had absolutely nothing to do with it. You wanted to make a better world for the people that we still around after the titans appeared. Emotions flooded you as you tried to ignore the whispers once again. 
You felt a hand grasp your wrist and you looked up, a startled expression filling your features. You met the blue eyes of the one that had your affections. He put his hand on your face and wiped away the tears while looking back at the crowd around you. You hadn’t even noticed that you had let them slip. 
He looked over and saw your brother as well, but his face was different this time. There was no smile spread across it, just worry.
An older woman came out of the crowd and stopped the whole regiment from walking. She was shouting, shouting out someone’s name. You braced yourself again. You knew exactly what was about to happen. “Moses! I beg your pardon, where is my son? He should be with you all. Oh please, tell me he made it.” The woman reached forward and grabbed the front of Commander Shadis’s cloak. You turned and buried yourself in your lover’s arms.  You couldn’t bear to watch the heartache again. 
The Commander had no emotion on his face as he spoke to her. You had all seen too much, you were all exhausted. “I wish I had better news… Give it to her.”
Another man next to him handed her an object wrapped up in a blanket. Her cries broke your heart more than it was already breaking. “I’m sorry. That’s all there is left of him.”
The woman dropped to her knees and you pulled away from your boyfriend’s grip, running to her. If it had been you in the situation you had hope that someone else would do that same. 
Erwin tried to grab the back of your clock as you run by, but he was unsuccessful. 
You knelt down with her and wrapped her into your arms. You didn’t even know this woman, but you just couldn’t help yourself, and she held you without even thinking twice. You had to help as much as you could. She hugged what was left of her son to her and leaned against you. 
The Commander knelt down and she spoke to him once again. “He did good, yes? He was brave? Tell me my son stood his ground until the bitter end.” You had to turn your face from you, you could feel the tears coming again. “Tell me that his death meant something! Tell me his sacrifice gave us a better chance!”
None of you knew what to say to her. You all sat there in shock. You could now feel your brother’s piercing eyes on you. This was one of the last things that you wanted him to see. The Commander stood back up and his emotions got the best of him. “He was brave… But his sacrifice meant nothing.”
The woman went stiff in your arms. 
“As it is with all our losses, it’s all the same.” His screaming could probably have been heard all the way to Wall Sina. “The day was lost! We have nothing! Your son died because of me! I sent him to his death!” The Commander was losing himself, you had never seen him this emotional before. “I sent them all to their deaths and there’s nothing to show for it.” It was now that you wished you had covered your ears. “ALL OF IT AMOUNTS TO NOTHING!” 
Another group of men from the scouts grabbed our Commander and pulled him away from the woman. And with that the Scouts began to walk again, clearing the way of the road. 
As they reached you, Erwin jumped off his horse. “Y/n, let’s go. We have things to attend to. You had a family to get home to that’s worried.”
The woman looked over at you and with a weak voice that tore your heart in two. “Thank you for your kindness.”
* * * * * * 
You walked through the doors of your parent’s home to find your mother doing dishes and your father sitting at the table, looking through his medical journals. As they heard the door open both of them stopped, worried about whether it would be you walking through the door, or your other half there to tell them the bad news. 
When she saw it was you, your mother dropped the plate she was washing and ran to you, Carla Yeager had always been a huge family woman. “Oh Y/n, I’m so glad you’re okay.” Her hug was crushing, but you welcomed it, being outside the walls always reminded you of how much you loved your family. “There were rumors going around that a majority of the Scouts had been wiped out. I prayed that the two of you weren’t part of that.”
You gave her a weak smile. “I’m fine, mom.” You walked to your father and wrapped him in a hug. “Hey daddy,” He kissed the side of your head and sat back down, getting back to his work, the Grisha thing to do. You sat at the table and barely thirty seconds later after you sat down the door opened again. 
Your little brother stood before you with a huge smile across his face. He ran to you and jumped into his arms. “Y/N!”
You smiled the same weak smile you had given your mother again. “Hey, Eren.”
A little girl stood behind him and walked slowly over to give you a hug as well. “I’m glad you’re okay, Y/n.”
“You guys aren’t getting rid of me that easily, Mikasa.” You ruffled her hair as she stepped back from your hug. 
Eren jumped into the chair next to your father, the one that you had just occupied. Carla set bowls down in front of all of you and dinner commenced. Eren questioned your father about where he was headed next and the conversation went on as normal. That was until Mikasa spoke again, causing your mother to completely lose it. “So... Uhm, Eren’s thinking about joining the scouts.”
Everyone froze and Carla whipped herself around faster than she had when you had walked through the door. Eren’s face? He was pissed. “Way to keep a secret, you mouthpiece!” 
Carla ran to him and scolded him. “You get that thought out of your head right now, young man.” You hadn’t seen your mother this irate since you had told her Erwin had gotten you into the Scout Regiment. “No son of mine is going to be fodder, do I make myself clear?” She looked over at you and her eyes welled with tears. “It’s bad enough that that Erwin character roped your sister into it.” Carla took the towel from her hand and tossed it to the ground. “If she had told us she was going to do it before she did, I would never have let her leave the house.” 
“Stop yelling at me!” Eren had always had a temper, and he had no fear of hollering back at his parents. 
Carla looked over at you again, you knew that she had never meant the words that she said, but it didn’t make them hurt any less. “This is your fault. If you had never joined that stupid regiment we wouldn’t have this issue.” Her eyes welled up even more as she reached to grab the towel she had thrown. “You never listen to me, just like your brother isn’t now.” 
You opened your mouth to speak, but Grisha interrupted. “It’s a nightmare, Eren. The outside… you really have no idea.” 
“Yea, I get it, okay?” Eren put his head in his hands and tugged at his hair. “But it’s gotta be better than this life. I’m not stupid. I know it’s ugly out there. I know there’s death around every corner, but I just can’t give up on it.” Eren looked up at your parents and the emotions behind his eyes made you proud in a sense, despite not agreeing with his actions. “Otherwise this nightmare is never gonna end.” 
Grisha stood from the table, not wanting to argue about this anymore. “Excuse me, I’ll be late for the ferry.” 
Your mother ran after him as he walked away. “Darling wait,” She reached for his arm and tried to stop him. “Scold the boy for heaven's sake.” 
“Scold him? Dear, please, think this through. Mere words won’t hold back the boy's curiosity.” Grisha chuckled slightly but stopped as he watched her face. He turned to Eren and tried to reason with him. “Eren, behave while I’m gone and I'll let you in on what I’ve been doing in the cellar.” Grisha pulled at the key that was always hanging around his neck and showed you all. “Agreed?” 
Eren was smiling again as he jumped from his chair. “Yes sir, you got it.” As Grisha made his exit you all followed him, watching him as he left. Eren hollered after him, still writhing with excitement. “Have a good trip!” 
Once your father was out of earshot, Carla spoke to Eren again. “I meant what I said.” 
Eren was confused. “What?” 
“This whole idea is just irresponsible.” 
“Huh? Irresponsible? So what? It’s more responsible to live in fear and hide behind some wall your whole pointless life?” And with that, Eren turned around and ran.
“Eren!”  Carla turned to you and Mikasa, grabbing each of your arms and forcing you to look at her. “The boy needs to be protected from himself. Promise me that whatever happens, I can count on the two of you to have his back.” 
Mikasa nodded and you gave Carla a hopeful look. “Of course mom. I’ll always be there for him.” She let you both go and Mikasa ran for Eren. 
“Can you please go after your brother for me?” She pulled you into a hug. “Tell him to come home, please.” 
You nodded to her in an attempt to calm her. “I have to go back to my place anyway, so I’ll go find him.” 
And with that, you left your parent’s house for what you had no idea would be the last time. 
* * * * * * 
As you stood in your apartment you gazed around. It felt like it had been so long since you had seen your stuff. He wasn’t home yet, probably still at the office with Erwin, that wasn’t an uncommon occurrence. As you reached to pick something up from the floor a huge bang that sounded like a shot from the cannons rang through the air. The force shook the entire apartment, sending you to the floor. You put your arms out to catch yourself as you hit the floor and nearly regretted it, twisting your wrist on the way down. You stood up and looked around you as chaos ensued. 
You grabbed your ODM gear and ran from your apartment as fast as your legs could carry you. People were starting to build up in one area as they all stared into the distance. You turned around to look behind you and couldn’t believe what you were seeing. A hand was holding onto the wall that stood before you. Wall Maria is fifty meters high, there’s no way a titan could just be holding onto it. A second later it stood, the titan was taller than the wall and was staring straight at everyone below. You were frozen in fear. 
With one fierce blow, the titan kicked. Debris flew everywhere as that spot of the wall crumbled before you. Houses were being smashed, people were screaming. Flashbacks from your mission ran through your head. Boulders were crushing people everywhere you turned. Eren flashed through your head and your legs were moving before you had even realized it.
You knew your brother, he would be headed back to the house and you lived farther than where he had probably gotten. You had to move fast. Titans were flooding the streets. 
You ran through Shiganshina looking at everything around you, your heart pounding out of your chest. You hollered his name as you ran, not worried about the titans hearing you searching for him. There was already so much going on around them. 
As you got closer to your parent’s house, you heard a scream. You knew who it was the second you heard it. Eren. 
You turned the corner of the building to your left and stopped dead in your tracks. Eren and Mikasa were trying to lift some a wooden beam, that’s when you realized who was underneath it. Your mother screamed at the two of them. It had been their house that had fallen on her. When she saw you she focused on you. “Y/n, you have to get them out of here. Now!”
You couldn’t even think straight, so many things were running through your head. You ran to her and started to pull on the beam that the kids were pulling on, hoping that maybe your strength would be enough. Carla continued to scream at you. “You three need to run, even if you get me out I can’t walk. We’ll never get away from here.” 
A titan was coming toward you, those footsteps were something you were fine-tuned to listen for now. Soon it would be at your group. 
Eren shouted at her. “Y/n and I can carry you.”
“I’m not leaving you behind mom!” You pulled with all your might, this board had come loose.
Carla lost her temper, trying as hard as she could to save her children’s lives. “Will you two just shut up and listen to me for once in your lives. One thing I’m asking you to do, just one thing! Mikasa, make them, be strong.” She calmed a little, trying to get you to listen to her. “Do you want all four of us to die?”
You could hear ODM gear behind you and you hoped and prayed that it would be Erwin and your other half. Maybe the extra strength would be enough to lift it. 
“Hannes!” You turned to look at him as your mother said his name. “Take the three of them and get them out of here.”
With Hannes there, you knew what you had to do. “Hannes, help Eren and Mikasa, get out of there. I’ll take care of this ugly bastard.” Your anger was starting to get the best of you. Through your tears, you could barely see, but you grabbed your blades from your canisters and got your ODM gear ready. 
Hannes tried to talk you out of it. “Y/n, don’t be insane. You can’t take that thing down by yourself. It’s huge compared to the others.”
You ignored him and started to walk forward. Carla started to panic. “Y/n, don’t do this! Your brother and Mikasa need you!”
You had to focus. You saw Hannes talking to your mother more before following behind you. “I’m going with you. We’ll take this thing down together.”
You nodded to him and as you started to move forward he didn’t follow. Hannes froze. You hit the button for your grappling hooks and shot them toward the building next to the titan. 
As you got into the air and almost to the titan you felt yourself get snatched. You closed your eyes and panicked, it had to be its fist, there was nothing else that could have grabbed you. Your entire body said not to open them again. 
When you finally realized you weren’t in the first of a titan, you slowly opened your eyes. The sound of ODM gear had brought you back to the world. You were in the arms of none other than Levi Ackerman. Levi landed on a building a good distance away from the action and hollered to Hannes, holding you back from going after the titan again. “Take the kids and run!”
You could see Eren fighting and screaming as Hannes picked him and Mikasa up from the ground. Levi held you back and your mother began yelling again. “I love you three, stay alive.”
As you saw the titan bend down and start moving debris around you shouted at Levi, punching him in the chest. “The two of us can take him down! I know we can! Levi, we have to do something!” The titan picked up your mother and before you could even blink, he dropped her into his mouth. 
You buried yourself into Levi’s arms and screamed as the sound of teeth on bones filled the area. “NOOO!”
And just like that, everything changed. 
Taglist: @monic00l​ @strangeinternetwasteland​ @rowley-with-ackerman​ @kyu-pine​ @ellechanwrites​ @bonnisimpparker​ @impinthecloset​ @nikiniki743​ 
©bakubabes-hatake’s original content, please do not repost/modify without my permission
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nalu4emily · 4 years
The Unexpected Reward - Chapter 13
Summary:  Natsu and Lucy go on a job together, but what they bring home is something neither anticipated. Forced to make a life changing decision, they have to adapt quickly, but that's never easy, especially given the circumstances. As they work together on their toughest adventure yet, they find themselves drawn to one another, in ways they never realised. Nalu/cute/fluff/multi-chapter.
This chapter contains mature content (at the beginning)
Let the angst commence!
Along the murky path, a dragon slayer and his flying cat made their way back to the city they called home. It'd been a long trip, the boy, tired and achy, couldn't wait to finally get back to what was familiar to him.
It'd been a mission like any that requested him specifically, explosive with lots of fire and usually it would have been right up his alley. This time, however, the sense of longing had deterred his mind and in the end it'd just been one incredibly long and tedious job, he couldn't wait to finish.
His thoughts on this dark night always lead back to the one person that mattered most to him, his best friend and partner, Lucy Heartfilia, who he missed dearly. Going on missions just wasn't the same without her. Through the dark nights he often found himself awake, wondering how she was doing? How she was coping with the baby? What they'd both been up to in his absence?
A whole three weeks it had been since he'd seen her, smelt her fresh scent, or touched her soft skin and the yearning in his heart had grown stronger with each passing day.
Being away from them for this long had really brought home to Natsu just how much everything had changed. It was hard to remember a time before Lucy, a time where it had been just him and Happy going on adventures, scouring Fiore for Igneel. But it was in doing just that, that lead him straight to Lucy.
Years had passed since then and lots had happened in that time, some good, some bad and some horrifically ugly… But they were still going strong, stronger than ever and Natsu often wondered what else the future would bring their way? What would be next in store for them?
Disrupting his thoughts, a sense of relief flowed through him and Happy at the sight of their home in the distance and picked up the pace until they were outside the wooden front door. Quietly creeping in, Happy's first port of call was the kitchen to look for some fish, which he gratefully found and started munching on. Natsu, ignoring his growling stomach, laid his bag down on the chair in the living area and bid Happy goodnight before making his way up the stairs.
Once he got to the top, he saw that Haru's bedroom door had been left ajar and ever so quietly peeked in, smiling at the little one who was tucked into his comforter and sleeping soundly. Natsu had missed his little boy whilst he was away and couldn't wait for morning to come so that he could greet him properly and see his sweet face.
Reaching his own bedroom, Natsu's nose was flooded with that intoxicating scent he'd missed so much and the sight that graced his eyes took his breath away. There she was, the beautiful blonde was fast asleep, covered by one of the many blankets she'd insisted upon having, cuddled up to the pillow that he usually slept on.
After undressing, Natsu ever so carefully got into bed next to her, removing the pillow and replacing it with himself. Sighing contently, he cuddled up to her and inhaled her scent, before settling down and falling into a restful sleep.
The wintry sun peered through the bedroom window, blaring it's brilliance over the two young adults who were still cuddled up to one another, revelling in each others warmth.
Blurry and unfocused eyes opened to glance at the not so squishy pillow she thought she'd been cuddling, only to be met with chaotic pink hair, hard, ripped muscles and beautifully tanned skin that she envied so much. A rush of excitement ran through her, Natsu was home! She'd missed him so much and she was having a hard time containing herself. Taking in his impressive body, she lightly traced her fingers over a few new scuffs and bruises along his chest and abdomen, concluding he'd probably gone overboard again.
Her eyes drifted further until it reached that tantalising 'V' in between his hips leading down underneath the blankets where she could no longer see. A little idea popped into her mind and she smirked wickedly as she made her way under the blankets, coming to rest between Natsu's legs. He was still fast asleep, exhausted no doubt from his trip, but she knew of a way to help him relax.
Wetting her hands, she grasped his morning wood and ever so slowly moved her hand up and down, anticipating his reaction when he woke up. After a few movements of her hand, Natsu's eyes shot open and immediately looked down to the area he felt something touching him.
"Lucy?! What're you-?"
Stopping mid sentence as she tensed her hand at the base, trapping the blood pulsing through his cock, creating such delicious pressure. What a sight that was to wake up to, his beautiful and sexy girlfriend jerking him off with her hand, making him feel amazing first thing in the morning.
"Shh… Just lay back and enjoy it. I'm sure after such a long mission, you've been desperate for this…" She crawled up to his face, and kissed him fervently, foot manoeuvred over his leg to keep rubbing his shaft as she used both hands to hold her weight above him. "…I know I have."
"Is that so?" A lazy smirk played on his still drowsy but handsome face, eyes concentrated on hers while her foot continued to do wondrous things to his nether region. "By all means, continue… I'm not gonna stop ya!"
"Good." She said, returning to her original spot between his legs, replacing her foot with her hand once again and slowly began to tease him with long, soft strokes, never taking her eyes off his. "Hmm… I think I'd like to taste you now."
Without any hesitation, she encased her juicy lips around him, pushing forward as deeply as she could without gagging and pulling back up again. Satisfied to hear a quiet moan escape his lips, Lucy increased her speed, watching his face contort into one of pure pleasure, gritting his teeth and grunting every time she used her tongue to swirl around the tip before delving back down.
Natsu certainly hadn't expected any of this. Seeing Lucy's mouth wrapped firmly around his cock after three weeks of no contact with her whatsoever, made his hair stand on edge. She was so good at pleasuring him, she knew exactly what he liked and what he didn't and took great care in making him feel good.
"Lucy… You're amazing…" He trailed off, the tension increasing and fastening that coil that was raring to force itself out.
Lucy could see he was getting closer and wanted to take him over the edge, to release all that tension from weeks of build up. Turning herself on just thinking about it, she reached down to her own core and began to touch herself, moaning onto his cock, giving Natsu a full show.
"Fuck me, you're so hot!" He growled, wanting to touch her and share the amazing feeling she was giving him.
"Fuck you? Is that what you want, Natsu?" She smirked, not waiting for an answer as she came to straddle his hips, grinding her soaked core against his hardened member. His only answer a groan, his hands going straight to her thighs and hips, wanting to touch every inch of her sexy body. "Where should I put this?" She teased him, wiggling her hips on his erection.
"Inside you, Lucy…" His voice rasped, straining to get the words out. Natsu's dark eyes were hooded but they never left hers as she carefully positioned him with her hand and pushed down all the way to the hilt.
Groaning in unison, Lucy's head fell back, relishing in the intense feeling of his penis pulsing against her velvety walls, stretching her to the point where it stung slightly. It wasn't unpleasant though, if anything it added to her pleasure, making her mouth fall open and letting out a guttural moan. She enjoyed this position, it allowed her to take control and please herself at her own speed.
"So good…" She mewled, raising up before coming back down again, then repeating it until she found a rhythm that worked for her. "Oh, I've missed you, Natsu!"
Lucy was other-wordly, Natsu thought as he watched her ride him. Her voluptuous chest had begun to spill free of the confines of her slinky night dress, and her hardened nipples were peaking through the thin fabric.
Not being able to stop himself, he reached up to tweak them, knowing it was one of Lucy's sweet spots. She grunted and gasped, placing her hands on his chest and began to grind down on him, the friction building up a storm inside them both.
Wanting to feel more of her sultry body on him, Natsu pulled Lucy forwards and attacked her mouth, making her groan loudly from the harshness of his teeth biting her bottom lip.
It was easy in times like this to forget that they weren't alone in the house and with his sensitive ears picking up on one tiny whimper from the bedroom down the hall, signalling a certain little someone was about to wake up.
Taking matters into his own hands, they would need to finish this quickly and the speed Lucy was going, as incredible as it was to just lay there and watch, wasn't going to be quick enough. Smirking up at her, he grabbed both of her ass cheeks and stilled her movements, finding her unimpressed pout just too cute.
"My turn now." He growled into her ear and bent his legs behind her to give himself better leverage.
He held Lucy down to his chest and ever so slowly raised his hips to make sure it was comfortable before pulling back out. Welding their lips together he thrust into her, hard and fast, causing her to cry out into his mouth. Luckily, it muffled the loud yell of ecstasy that was enough to wake the whole of Fiore, let alone anyone within the perimeters of the house. Tangling his hands into her hair, he held her head against his, taking in the euphoria that filled her eyes with each thrust of his hips.
"You feel so good, Natsu!" She was breathless, and could feel her own end approaching, tensing tightly around him to create even more friction. He reached his hand down to her small clit and began to stimulate it whilst fucking her rampantly from underneath. Her eyes began to water, rolling into the back of her head as the pressure became almost too much.
"Finish with me, Lucy…" He groaned, on his last legs he couldn't hold back much longer, and within seconds was cumming deep within her, gripping her hips as the ecstasy took over his form, emptying himself with slow, small jerks.
"Yes, fill me up…" The wind being knocked out of her lungs as he suddenly thrust hard one last time, snapping the cord that had wrapped it's way around her sanity.
Arching her back and gripping the sheets beside Natsu's head, Lucy pushed her ass down onto him and rode out her high, clamping around his sensitive tip until she flopped onto his front. Breaths were heavy, but that didn't stop her from reaching his lips once more, melting against him in a softer, sweeter kiss than before, filling her heart with such warmth and comfort to have him home at last.
"Welcome home, Natsu!" She said between kisses, making him chuckle.
"By the way, I missed you too, Lucy." He said, grinning like an idiot, remembering what she'd said amidst the passion, making her blush slightly. Sighing, he felt all the tension in his body melt away with her back in his arms.
An incoherent babble reached Natsu's ears from down the hall, making him smile. "I think Haru's awake?"
"He is? Good, we've gotta surprise for you! You're gonna love it! Wait here!" She said excitedly, hopping off of him and running out of the room. Natsu looked to the door she'd just gone out of quizzically. 'A surprise? Hadn't the way she'd woken him up been surprise enough?' He wondered, sitting himself up and waited patiently for her to return.
A few moments later, Lucy re-entered the room with Haru in her arms with wild hair and a toothy smile, he grinned in a way that strangely resembled Natsu and reached out for him. Natsu's matching fanged grin spread wide across his cheeks as he took Haru from Lucy and gave him the biggest cuddle.
"Hey, buddy! Did ya miss me?" Natsu held him up so he was eye level with Haru and continued to ask random silly questions to the little one, receiving little babbles as answers.
"Haru, tell daddy what you've learnt while he was gone?" Lucy said, trying to encourage the baby. Haru giggled then looked to his curious father who was waiting for him to do something. "Go on, tell daddy!"
"Da… Da…"
Two little words came out of the baby's mouth and Natsu's own mouth fell open in shock. Did he hear that right? Had Haru just said his first word? His sensitive hearing had never failed him before, so why would it now?
"Did you just say Dada? Your first word is Dada?!" Natsu went silent for a moment, conjuring his thoughts.
"Da Da!" The baby said excitedly, clapping his hands together.
Natsu's face lit up when he heard it again, he definitely heard that right! "Ha! I win, Luce! He said my name first!" He jeered, turning to Lucy and sticking his tongue out at her, sniggering at his triumph over his partner.
Lucy deadpanned initially she hadn't realised it was a competition, but quickly began to chuckle, it was a typical Natsu reaction, she should have known better. "He started saying it not too long after you left actually, maybe it was because he missed you." She stated, smiling at the beaming grin on Natsu's face, clearly delighted Haru had said his first word, regardless of what it was.
"I'm sorry I wasn't here to hear it, little guy. But I promise I'll be here for the next one! Maybe your next word could be Happy?" He said, laughing at Lucy's unimpressed face.
"Happy?! What about Mama?! Mama's much easier to say than Happy!" Natsu was sure he saw a vein pop in her head, she was so easy to wind up, he didn't really need to try sometimes.
"Aw, come on, Lucy, you'd be pleased all the same if it was!" Natsu did have a point, but she was about to put that to the test.
"Well, then you'd be fine if it was, say… Gray or ice then?" She teased, raising her eyebrows at him as he went silent, not liking the sound of that.
"No son of mine would ever speak such filthy words!" Natsu held the baby close to his chest as if to hide him and covered his ears, offended she could ever suggest such a thing.
Lucy shook her head and chuckled, standing up to go downstairs. "You're such an idiot sometimes!" She said turning to walk out of the door, "You hungry?" She asked, not needing the boy to answer, knowing he'd follow her if food was involved.
Happy, who was already awake, was sitting on the table with his freshly caught fish laid out in front of him, his mouth watering and about to chow down when his seemingly sex-crazed companions and sprog emerged from the stairwell. "So you finally decided to stop touching each other and get up?" Happy said, clamping his jaw down on a slimy fish.
"It was Lucy's fault, she made me do it!" Pointing directly at the poor girl who was glowing a bright red.
"Natsu! Don't say it like that, not in front of Happy! You don't know who he might tell!" She couldn't help but hide her face in her hands as she made her way into the kitchen, distracting herself from the embarrassment obvious in her cheeks.
"Anyone who bribes me with fish, usually…" Happy shrugged nonchalantly as Lucy's mouth dropped open. If that was the case, then the whole guild probably knew the details of her and Natsu's sex life. "Speaking of which, I'm outta here!" He chirped, flying out of the window, giggling at Lucy's even redder, flushed face. She was going to kill that cat, that she knew for certain!
Natsu had lost interest in that conversation ages ago, more engrossed in catching up with Haru instead. However, the longer he tried to interact with him, the more he realised something seemed a little off.
"Hey, Luce?" Gaining the blonde's attention from the kitchen, "Something's wrong with Haru, his face just went all red and I think he's gonna-" And then it happened, vomit everywhere… "…Puke…"
The horrific stench of baby vomit invaded Natsu's nose, almost making him gag. The substance splattered all over the floor and table looked and smelt like congealed, off milk mixed with whatever else was sitting in the little one's stomach.
Not understanding why he suddenly felt so terrible, the baby began to cry. Tears flooded down his puffy cheeks and his high pitched wailing rung through Natsu's ears, getting louder and more shrill every time he retched and brought up more vomit.
"Whoa! Where did all that come from, little guy?" Stunned by how much had just been ejected from the little one's mouth, the dragon slayer turned him around and aimed his head towards the bowl that Lucy had placed in front of them to catch the vomit that seemed to keep flying out, upsetting Haru even further. "I know it's not nice, but there's no need to cry. It'll pass soon." Natsu spoke soothingly next to the baby's ear, stroking his back tenderly to try and comfort him.
"I don't understand, he was supposed to be getting better, not worse! Wendy even used her healing spell on him, so why hasn't it worked?" Lucy had walked over to where Natsu was sitting and placed her hand on the baby's forehead, feeling his temperature rising again. "Maybe I'll take him to Porlyusica this time?"
"Hold on… What do you mean Wendy's healing spell hasn't work? Was Haru sick while I was gone?" Natsu asked, trying to work out what had gone down in his absence, while still occupied with trying to catch the contents of Haru's stomach.
"Yes, Haru has been sick for nearly a week now. I tried at first to help him on my own but because his symptoms were getting worse, I asked Wendy to come and heal him yesterday. His symptoms improved instantly and I thought whatever sickness it was had gone." She said, pointing to the little one who was still retching, however, only bile was coming up now that he'd emptied his stomach completely. "But obviously not…"
"Oh… I still don't understand why you kept that to yourself, I could've helped." Natsu looked at Lucy in shock, confused about why she wouldn't tell him something like that.
"You were on a job, remember? And I didn't know when you'd return so I just got on with it." She stated, tilting her own head in confusion while attempting to clean up the mess on the floor. It's not like she had any way of contacting him so she'd dealt with it on her own. "As I said, he's been completely fine since yesterday, so I didn't think there was any need to worry you."
"That's not the point, Lucy! If he's been this sick for that long, then you could've sent someone to come and get me, I would've returned home in a heartbeat." He expressed, feeling saddened that his son had been unwell and he'd not known about it or been there for him.
"I wasn't going to do that over a little sickness bug. You can't just abandon a job because of something like this, it would ruin Fairy Tail's reputation, you know that!" Lucy could feel herself getting a little bothered by the situation. She'd tried her hardest to look after Haru on her own and now it felt like Natsu was disregarding her efforts. "And for your information, I was perfectly capable of looking after him on my own!"
The tone of her voice was sharp and defensive, enough to make Natsu stop in his tracks and think carefully about what he would say next. His intention was not to upset Lucy, that's for sure. He simply wanted to understand why she'd decided to do this on her own, why she hadn't asked for help and kept him in the dark.
"Lucy, I never said you weren't, that's not what I'm getting at here…" Natsu's voice turned low and soft, barely a croak. He reached out his hand to grasp hers and squeezed firmly, caressing the soft skin of her palm. "Haru is my son too and I should have been there to help. I would go to the ends of Earthland for him, so one measly job can stuff it for all I care. As for Fairy Tail, Gramps would understand. Family always comes first, Luce… Always."
Lucy stared at him, trying to find a way to justify her actions but she couldn't argue with that. He was right, family did come first, but she simply hadn't wanted to bother him. She felt the responsibility had landed on her shoulders and she needed to deal with it. Now, looking back, maybe she had needed help. Having not fully recovered from all those sleepless nights spent trying to comfort the unwell infant, it'd been a difficult week for the both of them.
It'd definitely taken its toll, her mind had a hazy feel to it, like a dense fog was clouding her better judgement and the exhaustion making her irritable and grouchy. The initial excitement and adrenaline rush of Natsu being home had settled now and after their little morning fun, she felt more tired than ever.
"Forgive me, Natsu, I didn't mean that. I'm just a little tired, this past week has been difficult to say the least. Last night was the first time I'd gotten any real sleep since Haru became sick." She said, leaning down to kiss him, showing her sincerity.
Natsu accepted her greedily, placing one hand to rest on the base of her hairline, he put his forehead to hers and smiled. "No need to apologise, I'm home now so we can work this out together." He looked down to Haru, who had stopped crying but was now just letting out small whimpers, obviously still in a lot of distress. "Let's go see Porlyusica, she'll know what to do!"
"You're having a shower first! You have puke all over your legs and it stinks!" She chuckled half heartedly at his predicament. He looked down and realised the smell that was making him feel queasy was coming from him and gagged. He jumped up and ran to the shower while Lucy got herself and the baby ready to visit Fairy Tail's medical advisor.
Practically sprinting all the way to the guild hall, hoping Porlyusica would be there, they crashed through the door, out of breath and panting, gaining the attention of everyone present. The baby's wails thundered through the hall and Lucy just couldn't get him to settle, no matter what she tried.
"Is everything okay, guys? What's wrong with Haru?" Mira asked, walking over to them.
"He's sick Mira, really sick. Is Porlyusica here?" She breathed, struggling to catch her breath still.
"Yes, I'll go and get her, wait here." The take over mage was quick to fetch the old woman, before returning to the bar with Porlyusica following behind.
"What do you both want? I was in the middle of something." She scorned, a scowl ever present on her wrinkled face.
"Sorry to bother you, but Haru is sick and we didn't know who else to go to." Lucy pleaded, hoping the healer wouldn't turn them away as she'd been known to do. The blonde was prepared to get on her hands and knees and beg in front of everybody if she had to.
"Bring him to the infirmary and I'll take a look at him." The older woman sighed, immediately taking Haru out of Lucy's arms once they entered the room and laid him on the bed.
At first glance she could see just how sickly the child was with pale, mottled skin and flushed cheeks that were hot to the touch. His breathing was heavy like he'd just been for a run and he had little beads of sweat trickling down from his hair line. There was no doubt that he was in some sort of pain too if his cries were anything to go by.
"When did this start?" She asked, getting to work with her different instruments set out beside her.
"A fever came on about a week ago, then gradually more and more symptoms showed up. When Wendy came to heal him, it seemed to disappear for a day or so, then about an hour ago he vomited and now he's like this." Lucy said in a bit of a panic as she took a seat next to the bed with Natsu, grabbing hold and squeezing his wrist until it turned red, causing him to wince.
"If Wendy wasn't able to heal him, then this is no ordinary ailment. I imagine her spell simply treated some of his symptoms for a little while, but didn't actually cure him." Porlyusica said, as she finished checking the little one over. She had an array of potions and medicines in the cabinets behind her, it was what she specialised in after all, and retrieved a few to show to the anxious parents. "These potions will help relieve some of his symptoms much like what Wendy's healing spell did, but they are not a cure, just a temporary measure until I can figure out what's wrong with him."
"But what is wrong with him? If it's not a normal illness, then what the heck is it?" Natsu asked, completely baffled by what could be causing Haru so much discomfort.
The healer straightened herself up and placed her thumb and forefinger on her chin. "He's showcasing symptoms of an infection or virus, but without actually having either. Then I can only conclude that there is something else that has invaded his body, causing his immune system to fight back like this." She picked the baby back up and handed him over to Lucy. "From what I can tell, it's most likely to be too much magical energy overwhelming his system."
"Wait, what? Excess magic? But he can't use magic yet!" Natsu's face grew more and more confused the longer he thought about it. Her diagnosis really hadn't explained anything. "How did you come to that?!"
Perplexed as well, Lucy's usual sharp mind had been fogged by weariness, a better explanation than that was needed if there was going to be any hope of her or Natsu understanding. "Um, I don't get what you're trying to say either, do you mind elaborating, please?" She asked, rubbing the babies back as he started to grumble whilst trying to get comfortable.
"It's simple really." The healer walked back over to the table to start clearing away what she'd used. "We live in a time where there is an abundance of ether-nano all around us, and as part of a very complex system we absorb and expel that ether-nano keeping a steady flow of magical energy within us, your body does this automatically. But, some babies are born without that automatic system, causing them to absorb more ether-nano than they should, which slowly overwhelms their small bodies, making them sick. It isn't all that common and can have serious consequences if not dealt with efficiently, but it is something that the body will learn to do over time. All you have to do is help him expel it."
"Er… I only really understood the last part of that to be honest..." The slayer smiled sheepishly, a hand rubbing at the back of his neck. "Do you mean like train him or make him jump or something? Scaring him works when he has hiccups!"
"No, Natsu that isn't what she meant! And how the hell do you train a baby to use magic? He's not even one yet!" Lucy facepalmed her hand at his comment. Trust Natsu to come up with the 'sensible' idea… "Isn't there some sort of medicine you can give him?"
"No, although Natsu wasn't too far off with his scare tactics suggestion." The healer said with her poker face.
"Seriously?!" Lucy's face scrunched into one of disbelief, while Natsu just grinned at her.
"I'm always serious and you should be too with what I'm about to tell you. This isn't something to take lightly and neither of you are going to like it, but you must remember this is no ordinary sickness that you can treat with some potion…"
Stopping dead in their tracks, both of their faces dropped at her warning, neither liking the sound of that. Returning their attention back to the healer, she continued. "You'll have to force it out of him. In the right circumstances, a child with enough magical energy gathered within them can be forced to expel it as a way of protecting themselves from danger. All you have to do is-"
"Put him in danger…" Natsu finished for her, hearing Lucy gasp in horror. He could feel her eyes burning into the side of his head. "Am I right?"
"Yes, Natsu. It's the only way. The quicker you do it, the sooner Haru will recover."
The slayer had a feeling it was going to be something like that, how else would you force it out? Lucy could barely believe her ears, how on Earthland did that old woman expect them to do that? Did she realise what a tall order that was? With nothing more to say on the matter, they left the infirmary and walked back outside, stopping just a little ways from the guild.
Holding the baby close to her, Lucy remained quiet, she didn't have any words right now that could convey how hopeless she felt. Her mind was all over the shop, they would have to put poor Haru in danger and essentially scare the magic out of him. How were they going to do this? And just how much danger? Lucy didn't really want an answer to that, Porlyusica had said it wouldn't be easy and now she understood why.
Natsu's voice pierced through her erratic thoughts and she looked over to where he was standing. He looked just as troubled as she was, his own internal battle taking place. They'd gone to Porlyusica for answers and that's exactly what she'd given them, but neither had expected this sort of outcome. What were they going to do?
"I don't know if I can do this, Natsu! How're we supposed to pull this off? Why couldn't he just have a cold or something?" She whimpered, her worry becoming too much too bare.
Poor little Haru was sick enough, he didn't need his own parents to put him through any more. It wasn't fair, he was just a baby! Tears entered Lucy's eyes and began streaming down her pale cheeks, the panic setting in.
"Hey… we'll figure this out, I promise." Natsu cupped her cheek and wiped her flowing tears away, her head nestling into his warm hand. "I know it's hard, Lucy, I'm not going to pretend it isn't, but Haru needs us to be strong for him right now. He's counting on us to make him feel better." He moved his hand down to rest on her collar bone and stroked it reassuringly, an empathetic smile playing on his lips.
She couldn't help the sniffles and whimpers that slipped out as she tried to smile back at him. Lucy was surprised by his maturity, she certainly hadn't expected him to take it so well, considering what they had to do. Natsu's words rung true though, this was for Haru's sake and the sooner they did it, the sooner he would be back to normal and that's what mattered.
"You're right, he's suffered long enough, let's get this over with." She said, tired and strained eyes locking onto Natsu's, the fear still prevalent.
A pang of guilt settled in Natsu's chest as he thought about how tired Lucy looked. She'd dealt with this far longer than he had and she'd done it alone. He admired her courage to pull through such a task with barely any sleep, but then that was Lucy for you.
"I guess, the question now is how are we going to execute this? Obviously we can't put him in any real danger, just enough to get him to react to it." Lucy knitted her brows together as she tried to push passed the worry to think of a plan.
"I have an idea, but you're gonna have to put your faith in me, Lucy. Regardless of how much you want to run to him, you must stay out of the way." Natsu's face turned serious, all light from his eyes had gone and had been replaced with the fire burning within him to get this right. "My magic is more aggressive than yours, so it'll work better for this."
"I-If you're sure, Natsu. Lead the way." She spoke timidly, following behind him.
Deciding it best to do it while they were still outside, Natsu woke Haru gently and placed him on a nearby tree stump. Standing out of sight of the baby with Lucy not far behind, the slayer took a deep breath, then used his dragons roar to blow fire a few metres away from the infant. The idea was if Haru could feel the heat of the flames, it might spur him to protect himself from the oncoming danger.
They waited to see if they could get a reaction from the child, but there was nothing. It seemed after being around his destructive fire dragon slayer father, Haru had become accustomed to seeing flames, and barely took any notice of them.
Clenching his teeth, Natsu could kick himself, he should have known better than to believe it would be that easy. He could feel his body tense and his heart pick up speed as he took it one step further. Using his roar once again, he blew flames around the tree stump, trapping the baby in and reluctantly watched as the little one attempted to escape his blazing prison.
Lucy's eyes widened and instinctively took a step forward, but Natsu held out his arm to stop her from coming any closer. This needed to work, he didn't want to have to keep doing it, upsetting Haru over and over again until the infant was too weak and sick to defend himself.
"Isn't that a little close, Natsu?" Lucy uttered her concern from behind the fire mage, trying to control her own rattling nerves.
Unable to find a way out, Haru finally began to cry, escalating quickly to loud wails of distress, begging for his mommy and daddy to come and save him. But that's all it was, just lots of tears, he made no real attempt to protect himself and now it was starting to really worry Natsu. Would a baby as young as Haru know even how to defend himself? And how much further could he go without actually burning his son? He had impeccable control over his magic but fire was still fire and it was dangerous.
"Dammit! It's not working!" He didn't want to have to do this, but with only one option left, it was their last hope. "They need to be closer!"
"Closer?! But they'll be on top of him, surely you don't mean-?" Her voice quivered with each word spoken, her eyes wide with horror as she realised what Natsu was about to do.
"It's the only way, Lucy." He sighed, turning a little in her direction but not meeting her eyes. He didn't want to see her expression, to see how much this was hurting her because it was hurting him just the same.
With nothing more to say, Natsu looked back to the baby and extinguished the flames around him. Hearing his cries turn back to soft whimpers, Haru darted his little head around in search of his parents, but he couldn't see them anywhere. His bottom lip was quivering, frightened and alone, Haru let fresh tears fall from his eyes, rubbing them with his fists until they were red and sore.
Lucy felt her heart break little by little with every pained tear that slipped down her sons face. This was the most horrific thing she'd ever had to endure. All she wanted was to run over and give him a cuddle, to let him know that they were right there and that he wasn't in any real danger, but for his own sake she couldn't, she had to just stand there and watch.
"Please, let this work!" Natsu whispered to himself as he let flames slowly creep along the ground, making their way towards the scared baby.
As soon as Haru saw them again, his wails returned, even louder and full of anguish this time, making it even harder for Natsu to keep his resolve. It pained him to see what his flames were doing to his son, the terror in his eyes as they got closer, the urgency in his cry when they began to lick at his delicate skin. Hearing his heart pound loudly in his ears, the determined father pressed forward before he changed his mind, encasing the baby in his flames. The cries of the petrified infant began to sound more like an agonising screech, haunting Natsu to his very core.
If this didn't work, the pink haired boy didn't know what he was going to do. How much more danger could he put Haru in before it had any serious lasting affects on him or worse, it caused him actual harm?
Lucy was still trying to fight every fibre of her being not to run over there and rescue the little boy. She felt her legs go weak from hearing his desperate pleas for help and trembled from seeing the fear in his bloodshot eyes.
She'd said she trusted Natsu and she did, with absolute certainty, but being witness to him doing this was painful, it was physically hurting her in a way she'd never been hurt before. How much longer could he keep this up? How much more could little Haru take before he wiped himself out?
"Natsu… Please…" She whispered, his ears had picked up her quiet plea, but chose to ignore it for now. They were so close, he wasn't about to give up! She took a step forward, towards the dragon slayer, not willing to watch any more of this, she spoke a little louder this time. "You can stop now, it's too much…"
"Lucy, we can't give up yet, this needs to work!" He said, determined to see this through, determined to make Haru better.
She let hot tears fall freely down her cheeks, as she turned back to the little one who looked just about ready to give up. Enough was enough, she couldn't watch any more of this. With her heart racing and her body quaking, she put one unsteady foot in front of the other and pushed herself as fast as she could to the tree stump, scooping the baby up into her arms and held him to her chest. The fire still present, began to burn her clothing through to her skin, and as much as it hurt, she didn't care. She would take it for the sake of comforting Haru.
Natsu, so focused on the task at hand, had been too slow to react to the flash of blonde hair that'd shot passed him. Lucy had run straight into the fire, his fire and by the time he'd extinguished them, it was too late.
She was on her knees grimacing, trying to remain strong for the teary baby in her hold. Unable to move, Natsu just stared. Stared at the girl who'd grunted out in pain as his flames charred her skin, stared at the baby who was crying in sheer terror from the flames that had engulfed him. Was he wrong to have done that? He'd been so certain it would work and now it'd gone so horribly wrong.
When he reached them both, the overwhelming guilt punched him straight in the gut at the sight of singed skin across her chest, along both arms and up to her chin. The horrific smell of burnt flesh permeated the air and the burns that decorated her tender skin looked incredibly painful and would begin to blister and scar if not treated soon. Haru, however, didn't have a scratch on him, which Natsu was thankful for.
"N-Natsu… I'm s-sorry, I-I just, I couldn't bare…" Her voice wavered through gritted teeth, wincing from the movement of looking up at him. "...I-It hurts so badly…"
"I know it does, Luce, hold on and I'll take you to Wendy." He bent down and ever so carefully picked her up, carrying her trembling body and the little one back to the guild.
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living-dead-parker · 5 years
New Girl
Summary: Request - Can you do an imagine where your Tony’s daughter and there’s this new girl intern whose trying to outdo you so u feel like the avengers don’t really need you because you think she’s smarter and prettier than you .. thanks :)
What? I actually wrote something??
Warnings: cussing probably, slight angst, real ooc shit but idc man
Word Count: 4.5k ooh she long
You're not a jealous person. Really, you'd always felt jealousy was an ugly color. Unfortunately for you, everybody would describe you as such at the moment. Though in your defense, it's not jealousy. It's a case of fraud!
"Good job, Ally," your dad congratulates the intern. she'd originally been a temp. A seasonal temp for the Spring. Well, spring was over three months ago. In fact, Fall is approaching and it seems like she'll still be here for at least another three months. You scowl inwardly, tired of hearing her name. " We're all meeting in20 to discuss the Halloween charity event," Tony says and your eyes widen. She was definitely not invited to that meeting! "Meet us in conference room B, please?"
It's not that you don't like temps or interns. In fact, you've become great friends with a lot of them over the years. It's just something about Ally. She's a total suck up and she's totally stealing your place. Before she came along, the team would come to you for suit and tech upgrades. They'd go to you for advice on combat in regards to their suits or tech. But ever since Ally came around, she's taken over that. The team goes to her now and they seem to like her better for it as the last person to have stepped into your lab was your dad, three days ago to ask you if you could consult with Ally. Before that was Peter about a month and a half before that to hang out. It's been a while. Then you'd been placed to work on some SI renewable energy source project but then that responsibility went to Ally as well. Ultimately, you didn't have much to do, so you started, unknown to anybody but yourself, dabbling in the fashion industry and took up witchcraft because you have the time.
Before you even hear her response, you turn around and head out towards the elevators. Along the way, you find yourself bumping into Peter. He's quick to apologize despite the fact that you were the one not watching where you were going.
" Peter?" you call out confused. Why he's even on that floor, to begin with taking you by surprise. He has his own lab on the same floor you, your father, and Bruce do. Nowhere near this floor. "What are you doing here?"
" Uh," he pauses, nervously scratching his neck. "I was gonna meet with Ally. Gonna ask her if she can help me repair my web shooters, hang out a bit too."
You almost visibly deflate at that. Great, even your crush would rather go to Ally for something than you. You've helped Peter with his web shooters before, and he'd usually always hang out with you. What the hell? " Oh," you finally respond. "I can help you! After the meeting, I mean."
" It's fine, Y/N," Peter responds. "Don't wanna put a lot on your plate. Go work on your pitch."
Before you can say anything, Ally is walking out with your dad. The two are laughing like they've known each other for years. She calls out to Peter and he tells you he'll see you in a few. You watch him walk up to Ally and you pick up on how she bites her lip, tucking a strand of her long, black, straight hair behind her ear. Her green eyes stare into Peter's and you suddenly feel self-conscious as Peter stares at her.
"Hey Y/N," your dad calls out, walking next to you. "Why are you down here?" He presses a button and the elevator opens, allowing both of you to step in.
"Oh, you know," you start, waving him off. " Just practicing for the meeting. you know how I am."
Tony nods as the elevator goes up two floors to the conference floor. Upon arrival, your phone dings, showing an email notification. You open it and see it's from someone named Alex Gianni. A fashion designer on the come up. Not too unknown as his clothing is all the rage with teens and internet influencers. However, the biggest thing about him is that his father, Arlo Gianni, is one of your father's biggest critics. The two have a mutual dislike for each other and it's kind of hilarious. Nonetheless, you're acquaintances with Alex.
' Y/N Stark, It's in my interest to ask you if you're available to direct my winter line's fashion show. I'm well aware of your eye for design and fashion as well as the mixture of applied sciences into your practices. In short, I grant you creative freedom over the show, based on the looks should you decide to accept this offer.'
Initially, you didn't think much of the email and decided to ignore it for the time being. You'd decline his offer later, for the sake of your dear old dad. However, the offer is very tempting. You've been wanting to do a show before, but you never really got the chance. Nonetheless, you push the thought behind and decide to focus on the subject matter of the meeting.
"Where's Parker?" you find yourself asking, seconds before the meeting is set to start. Everyone shrugs but Tony says to just start without him, that he'll fill him in on the information. So you commence the meeting. Most of your bit is the introductory stuff. Pepper would begin discussing the meat of it all. Halfway through your speech, Peter and Ally walk in, laughing obnoxiously loud. Their eyes widen when they see you and your upset face. Being the professional you are, you continue like that never happened. However, as you continue, you notice the unprofessionalism of the others in the room. They all managed to start some kind of conversation with Ally and even Pepper and your father managed to ignore you and to join in. Peter couldn't seem to keep his voice down and that was the final straw. "And I have a big announcement to make!"
The loudness of your voice gained all thin attention. With a smile used to hide the anger and the heartbreak, you speak up. "I've decided to drop out of the charity event organizer committee. Pepper will be fine on her own, I know she will be."
With that, you head out the conference room and into the elevator. Once the doors shut, you let the tears fall. The anger and the sadness of having everybody forget about you and Choose the seemingly smarter and prettier girl finally coming out. Through teary eyes, you unlock your phone and decide to email Alex back.
' Hey Alex, I would be honored to direct your show! I'm so glad you chose me, please let me know when you'd like to meet to discuss plans.'
Two days passed before you got a sudden response. You'd spent those two days in bed crying and listening to a lot of Fleetwood Mac. No one even tried looking for you or talking to you for those two days given that you haven't gotten a single knock on your door, nor a text or call, not even a message from FRIDAY. When you opened the response, you saw that it was a text from Alex asking if you could meet in two hours. You were quick to respond, jumping up to get ready. For the first time in 48 hours, you were up and smiling.
You were quick to throw on some jeans, a top, and a coat over that. You asked FRIDAY to do a scan where everybody was so that you could avoid them all for now. Deep down, you feel like you're exaggerating, but at the same time, you know you're not. Everyone has been forgetting about you, often ignoring you for Ally for the past six months. Some you've gone that amount of time not seeing. It's depressing. Their unprofessionalism was just the thing that made you break. So, FRIDAY gives you the best route to take so you don't have to see any of them and you take it. You're in a car withing ten minutes and you're driving off toward's Alex's house to meet up.
That's how the next couple of weeks went, without anyone noticing. You'd wake up at 9 AM, get ready for your day and head out as soon as you were ready. You'd go to the nearest cafe, get some breakfast, and eat. Then, you'd get to Alex's house by 10:30. Then, you'd both convene for a while, bouncing ideas off each other, and get to drawing or writing plans. You'd try on the clothes, feel it, look at it. He'd take you to the stores, spend some time with the die-hard fans of his and his brand. You truly delved into the world of the clothes. By the time you were done, it'd be dinner time. You'd have dinner with Alex's family, and it was those moments that you got the familial attention you'd been craving for some time now. Sure, Arlo made comments about your dad, and usually, you'd refute them, but not this time around. Instead, you ignored them and just pretended they were never said. It felt wrong but it felt nice to have someone actually ask you how your day was despite spending the day around you. On days where you weren't over at Alex's house, you'd spend some time watching videos or pictures from influencers who wore his stuff. You'd be in your own rabbit hole for hours on end, listening to music that could serve as a possible soundtrack. You'd even go into your lab and find ways to improve on the show through engineering and science.
Then it all came crashing, in a sense, one day. There were about three weeks until showtime, and you were at home in your lab. You'd gotten the notification. You were expecting the news to come out, it had to at some point before the show. However, you weren't really expecting the backlash from those around you. It started with Alex's brand posting the picture on the brand's account. It was a black and white picture of you, Arlo, and Alex standing in Alex's office. You're all looking at a rack of the new clothes and you're all smiling and laughing. A candid picture. Around it had the words 'Lexicon Couture x Y/N Stark Fall and Winter 19.' It had the date of the show and the time it would happen. The caption read, 'Something big is coming. #LexiconxStark #GiannixStark'
Everyone was freaking out in the comments, the post becoming one of the brand's most liked. Next, came Alex's post. It was the same thing, except he tagged you in the post and he even added a red heart emoji. A most exclusive emoji. Then finally came Arlo's post. It was a repost of Alex's and he added something along the lines of 'my basically new daughter has teamed up with my son for his line.'
Not too long after the posts went viral, you got the email from the company to repost the pictures to gain even more viewership, so you did, leaving the caption as simple yet ominous as the brand's caption. Not too long after you posted it was there a knock on your door. You were too busy adding some finishing touches to the design to care that it could be something not good, so without hesitation, you tell the person to come in.
"You're working with Arlo Gianni?" your dad asks, bursting through the door. You look up from your tablet, seeing Tony's totally devastated look. Without thinking about it, you nod, looking back down at the sketches on your tablet. "The Arlo Gianni? The one who's one of my many enemies? Y/N, how could you do this to me?"
"It's not that serious-"
"Not that serious? He called you his daughter, in his post, Y/N. I take offense to that."
"Look, I didn't take offense to you calling Ally 'like a daughter' okay? Plus, he's not that bad once you get to know him. I was only working with Alex at the beginning but much like all his other kid's ventures, his dad got involved because he cares. Plus Arlo feeds me and asks me how my day has been. I'm just finally trying to set foot into the fashion world like I have been for the past couple of years and my good friend Alex is offering me an outlet to do just that by allowing me full artistic and directorial creativity over his line's show."
Tony stays quiet, noticing how you don't look up at him. "Well, Peter seems devastated that you're so close to Alex. He ranted to Ally the other day that the girl he likes, you know you, has disappeared for days and suddenly she's shown hanging out with Alex Gianni. So...."
"I don't know what you want me to say, dad," you respond, hoping he gets the hint that you're upset now. Hoping he'll react in one of two ways; leave you alone, or apologize for being a dick. "I'm just chasing my dreams here since I have nothing to do here. So, if you're gonna keep chastising me, please go away."
Without another word, he exits your room. When the door shuts, you ask FRIDAY to lock it, feeling the tears come out. Suddenly, you're friends with the enemy and that's when Peter and Tony decide to come around to realizing that they want you? That's when they decide to come around? All for the wrong reasons too? Well, now you plan on rubbing it in that you don't really need them. Yeah, sure it's mostly spite speaking, but deep down you're pissed. How dare they think that they can cast you out and then get mad when you find something of your own to do?
So the next day when Alex asks you if you want to go on his family's vacation for the week, you're quick to respond yes. They'd claimed it would be a celebratory trip to Italy for finishing the show ahead of time. You'd spent the next week teasing your father, the Avengers, and Peter by making them jealous. A post about how Alex is your most handsome best friend at the moment for Peter to see, an Instagram post with Alex's whole family, calling them the best and most supportive team on earth aimed at all the Avengers, and a Snapchat post with Arlo pouring you a glass of champagne to stab your own father in the chest the way he did to you. It was petty, it was ridiculous, and it was everything you felt like doing at the moment. Then at some point in the week, your intentions became sort of clear to Alex, who found it rather amusing. He admitted that he wasn't attracted to you in that way because he's gay, but he'd help you in the part of making Peter jealous by posing with you in various promising poses.
The week was over and you were back home. Now there were only two weeks until showtime and it was time to do some press. Alex had been in interviews all day and you were meant to be working on a guest list for the show, and you weren't so sure if you wanted to invite your dad or the Avengers. On one hand, you've worked on this on your own. This was your thing and you wanted to enjoy it as such. However, you do want them there, even if you currently are upset with every one of them. Plus, it could be a good way to rub it in their faces.
So with that, you add them all to the list. You go on about your business for the next couple of hours, until you see that Alex has sent you a link to a video of one of the interviews he did. In the interview, he reveals that he wanted you to do the show because you inspired the line. He'd based most of the line on your style but gave it a more urban and even modern spin for the youth to wear, as he claimed. Essentially, you were his muse. It all kind of made sense why it all came easy to you. It was based on you. You found it flattering and that made your heart skip a beat, joy filling every fiber of your being. Someone did notice you when everybody else did not.
So, you did some press and eventually, the show came around. You'd been at the venue all day, helping prepare and get everything accounted for. You were running this thing and it was a tight ship, so nothing could go wrong. Everyone got there in time, everything got put together in time, and by the time it was an hour until showtime, you were beyond tired. You had a total of thirty models, a great variation of everything and you felt proud. You cooled down before the show, deciding to get yourself sort of ready for post-show pictures and interviews. When the show started, the sound of Rico Nasty's Roof began to play and the crowd began to cheer. Then the first model walked out; donning a pair of acid-washed distressed jeans with a cropped multi-color jacket, a white Lexicon tee, and some platforms. Her hair was in messy space buns and she wore some neon-pink sunglasses to match the jacket. Right as she reached the end of the runway, another model came out, wearing more from the fall line. You watched from behind the walls of the facade to see the Avengers, your dad, Pepper, and Peter all sitting front and center. Nowhere in sight was Ally. Good.
People seemed to enjoy the fall portion of the show, and it was probably the most fun part to direct. The fall line was more of a modern urban thing, something the cool kids are wearing today and it's very in your face. It's very 'break shit and rage' as you've explained before and you've always had a knack for alternative dress styled. It was punk meets hood and you've always thought that was a cool style. Eventually, after a good twenty minutes, that portion of the show was over. Alex came out and announced a short five-minute intermission, wanting to prepare and transition into the second portion smoothly. In that time, you ran around making sure everyone was good to go. Once the five minutes were over, the sound of Fleetwood Mac's The Chain begins to play. This was the fall portion, which to you was a more formal style. It was warmer in tone and in use, and it was more sophisticated. It still had a youthful feel, but it was more formal than the other stuff. Nonetheless, everyone at the show seemed to dig it. By the time the show was over, everyone was giving the models a standing ovation. At the end of it, you and Alex came out, earning the loudest cheers of all.
At that moment, you felt the rush you'd been searching for. You found your calling and it was everything you expected it to be and more. Once the crowd silenced, Alex wrapped an arm around your shoulder and hugged you close as he took the mic and took the time to address the audience. You watched him proudly as he spoke, one of the biggest smiles on your faces.
"I especially want to thank my best friend, my partner, my muse, Y/N Stark," he speaks, looking back at you as the crowd cheers. "For taking up the job as director of the show. She did an amazing job with everything and through this process, we became closer. She's so creative and I'm glad she agreed to this. My show wouldn't have been the same, and it probably would have failed if it was anybody else."
He hands you the mic and you take it, watching as everyone silences down. You begin your speech, just saying thank you to everyone and it makes you feel emotional deep inside.  "I also want to thank the Gianni's for taking me in during this process, making me feel like family and taking care of me during all the long nights and early mornings," you say, taking your father by surprise. "I also want to thank my father Tony Stark and the Avengers for unknowingly fueling my necessity for this show, otherwise, I don't know if I would have done it," you continue. "Most of all, I wanna thank Alex," you pause and notice the way Peter looks jealous as you turn to Alex. "For putting me on this project, for trusting me to do this, and for being the best friend a girl could ask for. For encouraging me to do my own thing after this and for helping me realize some things. Anyways, thank you all so much!"
By the time everyone is off stage, all sorts of people are coming up to you and to Alex, asking you all sorts of questions. All you want to do at this time is get to the afterparty and get a drink or something. Maybe get a burger or some tacos on the way, but you just want a meal and a drink. So, you get through it all as quick as possible and by the time you're done, the only people left are your dad and the Avengers. They're all standing together, some of them holding flowers, others holding cards. You chuckle, feeling a little nervous to approach them. However, you do it anyway, because you can only ignore them for so long. Apparently that limit was about two months. So with that, you walk up to them, a small smile on your lips.
"I have a feeling we're all in for a lecture," Tony speaks up, handing you some flowers. Your nod, eyes wide and words ready to go.
"Yeah, thank you, you whole bunch of actual assholes," you say, making them all go wide-eyed and gasp at your bluntness. "For ignoring me for nearly eight whole months over some intern who was just supposed to be a temp. I don't know if any of you notice, but Ally? I hate that bitch! And I rarely hate anybody! So, the fact that you all ignored me for her at some point in time? That's kind of annoying."
"We didn't ignore you for her-" Steve begins.
"Yeah, we didn't mean to, at least." Natasha comments.
"Hm, let me think," you say, letting it all out now. "Natasha the last time we talked was literally four months ago. Steve, you haven't talked to me in six. Peter, you've ditched me for Ally, which was kind of heartbreaking because I liked you and I kind of thought you liked me back, but ya know, and she's so much prettier than me, so that doesn't help either," you ramble. "Pepper, you basically wanted me off that project and then you got Ally's help, so that was fun. Bruce, Thor, Sam, Bucky, and Wanda, all of you immediately ditched me for Ally, so that kind of sucked. And most of all, my dead old dad. That little argument with you kind of hurt because you were so betrayed that I was working with Arlo Gianni, but behind closed doors, he'd been taking care of me better than you had for the past couple of months since Ally came around. Plus, you only ever talked to me to tell me that Ally would be taking over one of my projects or that I'd have to cover for you in a meeting."
"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Tony asks, mirroring everyone's guilty frown.
"I wanted you guys to realize you were shutting me out," you say, the tears you'd been holding in for the better part of eight months now finally coming out. "I was always initiating interactions with you because no one paid me the time of day. But then I finally decided to stop, see if it made an impact, and apparently, it did not, because no one sought me out for so long. But that day of the Halloween Charity meeting, Alex emailed me right before it, asking me to direct this for him. I was initially going to decline, but once the meeting was in full swing and then Peter was walking in laughing with Ally, and then everyone began to tune me out to start talking with her, that was what caused me to snap. You all shut me out, so I took the hint and fucked off. I accepted Alex's offer and for the first time in months, I'd felt happy. I felt happy, I felt needed, I wasn't alone, I wasn't someone's second or last choice. And it felt good."
"Y/N," Tony whispers, stepping closer. "We're so sorry, sweetie," he says sincerely, pulling you into his arms. Everyone begins piling around, hugging you as well. "I'm sorry we didn't realize that earlier. I didn't know we made you feel that way, it wasn't anyone's intention to make you feel worthless or anything. I just told everyone to back off a bit because I didn't want you thinking that SI or Avengers stuff was all you had to do all the time."
"But did I ever complain?" you ask, and everyone goes silent. "I didn't mind helping with that. I loved doing all that work because it meant that I was always hanging out with one of you guys. So you can only imagine how shitty I felt when suddenly, no one was talking to me. Trading me in for Ally."
They all stay silent for a few seconds. Then the wave of apologies came around and you find yourself laughing.
"Look, it's fine. I'm over it now, my grudge has gone away because I found my calling, I found my thing and I'm happier now. I found my best friend in this world, and I found my group of people away from my initial group of people and I'm just over it. But please from now on, no ignoring me? Or else I'll pick up a new passion out of spite."
Everyone is quick to agree, hounding you in another giant group hug, assuring you that they all still cared. After that day, Ally didn't become much of a problem. She still worked at SI, still in her current position, but you managed to stay away from her. Everyone would talk to you like normal and Peter went back to hanging out with you again, making sure to always comment on how he likes you and not Ally. You'd hold it over him for some time, opting to torture him with his crush just a bit longer, just because you're a sadistic spiteful person. In the end, it all worked out as you began to take the fashion world by storm.
Leave feedback, requests, and asks, please!!
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borealis-strange · 4 years
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Chapter 3: Space Oddity
Ground Control to Major Tom (ten, nine, eight, seven, six) Commencing countdown, engines on (five, four, three) Check ignition and may God's love be with you (two, one, liftoff)
Notes: This has been in my mind for almost a year. Finally I managed to write a little fragment.
 I don’t know if this story counts as fanfiction, I guess it tacnically does because is based of Space Oddity, 39′ and Rocketman. Who knows?
With this story I may write the whole thing.
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I took a deep breath, letting the air fill my lungs. One last mission, one last mission and I can go home. Leave this life in space behind and live like an ordinary person.
It was an easy mission on Jupiter. We had to send resources to a space station. It would not take more than three months to finish this mission.
For this mission I was assigned with two other companions. Starman, the mission leader and pilot. Rocketman, the engineer and maintainer of the ship. And I was in charge of communication for the ship.
I closed my eyes waiting for this to end. The first part of the journey was always the heaviest; At least for me, it always made me sick to travel this way.
An awful beep filled the ship and my eyes snapped open. The ship was flooded with red light. That was not a good thing.
Rocketman was doing his best to find out what the problem was and stabilize the ship. Starman was watching the ship's heading. I could see how Rocketman was practically crying. How not to do it was the poor boy's first mission.
I felt like my heart was beating strongly. I connected to the communication channels to ask for help, there was no signal.
Fortunately it was only a few seconds. As unexpected as the emergency was, it left as if nothing had happened. The three of us were able to breathe.
This has never happened to me. An emergency that only lasted a couple of seconds. There had to be something else.
— 39 ' — Starman caught my attention — What’s the report —
— It was just a technical failure — I said between breaths. I really didn't know what had happened.
— Then why isn't the ship moving !? — Starman yelled, hitting the control console.
First, the ship nearly collapsed and now I had to put up with this man yelling at me. He couldn't wait a minute for us to calm down.
— I don't know, maybe we have to check the engine, also why are you asking me? I'm not the engineer — I snapped annoyed.
—I wanted to see if you were paying attention — he said mockingly. I just rolled my eyes —Rocketman, what's the matter? —
— I ... I don't know sir. I have to check the system and the engine — Rocketman said hesitantly. He took off his helmet so he could wipe the tears from him.
— And why haven't you done that? —
Rocketman nodded nervously as he unbuckled his belt and got up from his seat, leaving his helmet on the chair. He left the room without saying anything else.
Starman rolled his eyes and snorted.
— Can you believe it? What a lack of professionalism. It seems that it’s his first mission— Starman commented as he crossed his arms and dropped into his seat.
— It is his first mission — I stressed.
Starman's eyes widened in surprise. He did not know, He did not know it? They told us when we started the mission. That’s why they left us something so simple.
— Well ... we better supervise him, don't you think? —
Starman got up from his seat. I followed him.
The entrance to the reactor room was a simple hatch in the ground. I had never entered that place, it did not correspond to me, although I had heard several say that it was a gloomy place. They said that it was easier for a monster to hide there. I never paid much attention to them. They surely said it to scare newbies.
I took off my helmet to breathe a little better and fixed my curly hair. That's why I didn't like wearing the helmet all the time, my hair got in the way.
Starman also took off his helmet. It was the first time he had seen him, at least in person. His hair was light brown. His features were long and somewhat skeletal. And what most caught my attention: his scar. A scar that ran all over the left side of his face and whose shape reminded me of lightning. I had to admit that it was a pretty ugly scar, in the sense that it seemed that, at the time, it hadn't healed quite well.
There was a long silence between the two of them, where you could only hear whatever Rocketman was doing down there. I hoped it was nothing serious, just a little flaw and that's it. I can't afford to have delays on this mission. I just prayed to whoever would listen to me that they will get us out of here as soon as possible.
— Why do people call you 39'? — Starman asked to break the silence.
— I don't know — I said while I shrugged — It was after a mission on Mercury.
Starman didn't look satisfied with my answer.
— And what's your name? —
I sighed heavily.
— I don't have to say it — I answered a little annoyed.
It was a tradition, strange but a tradition nonetheless. For nothing in the world did you have to say your name to the other crew members, they said it was bad luck and that you put the entire mission in danger. I was never very superstitious, but it was better to be safe. And less would I do that while we were stranded in nowhere.
— And why do they call you Starman? —
—What do you mean why? — He said offended — I spend my life traveling among the stars. That's my life, and what everyone expects the rest of it to do. — He replied with exaggerated hand movements.
"How dramatic" I thought.
— Although this would be my last mission. — Starman said sadly and looking down - I met a girl and well ... we got married. I decided that I would no longer dedicate myself to this so that I could spend my life by her side. —
— This was also going to be my last mission. I didn't want to come but they practically forced me. —
Starman laughed lightly, as if he had already passed by that.
— And why did you paint your helmet? — I asked not to let the conversation die. That was a question I always had but no one at the station could tell me for sure.
The helmet was the most recognizable thing about him, after his scar. Everyone knew him at the station, and it was what gave Starman a legendary status. His helmet was like any other but on the left side glass a red lightning was painted with a blue line.
— To honor this — He said while pointing to his scar — I did it on a mission in Saturn. It was a horrible wound, it almost left me blind in that eye —
— Is that why your pupil is always dilated? —
Starman nodded proudly.
— Not everything is bad, I can see very well in the dark! — Starman exclaimed.
Before I could say anything else, the small gate to the reactor room opened. Rocketman came out. He looked worried.
— What is the problem? — Starman asked impatiently.
— Almost everything is in order. Oxygen, light, and water work well. The only problem is the engine. I don't know what happened toit, it seems it was some hit that damaged it. — Rocketman adjusted his glasses.
Starman frowned and lightly stroked his chin.
"This is bad. This is bad ”I repeated over and over in my head. I felt like my heart was beating faster and faster.
— A hit? It's strange, we haven't even passed the asteroid belt. And the emergency capsule?
—It's damaged too — Rocketman muttered.
— And you can't repair it !? — Shouted Starman frustrated.
Rocketman shrugged and shook his head. I covered my face with my hands. I didn't even want to hear the rest.
— I don't have the equipment to do it. Plus I'm not sure what would have caused it—Rocketman spluttered.
—That means…—Starman started to say.
—We are stranded in space — I completed.
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amarabliss · 5 years
Oaths and Hearts - 16 (Ignis Scientia/Reader)
So this is a crossover between FFXV and Dragon Age Inquisition.
You fell through a rift into the fade fighting the demons you swore to protect your world from. When you popped out you were no longer in the lands of Ferelden instead trapped in Insomnia. The gracious king allowed you to say recognizing power when he saw it. One thing led to another and now you were part of the procession of the prince to his wedding years later. Before the final battle, after years of fighting, losses, and love…your friend…your king…Noctis has asked you to change it all…
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11  Part 12  Part 13 Part 14 Part 15
(IT WAS A STRUGGLE! but here it is, hope you all enjoy!)
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Ignis felt your hand in his gently squeezing as this bewildered man stared at you. You gave him a small smile as you introduced him, “This is Hawke.”
Recognition flashed through his eyes as they met Hawke’s, “Your Hawke? The one told you me about.”
“Hey, there is only one me.” Hawke smirked a little looking between the two of you.
“Yes, that Hawke.” You rolled your eyes a little, “But this isn’t a place to talk…”
Ignis looked back to Hawke as he spoke, “She’s right, we need to get you-”
He was cut off as a dark energy way struck him across the chest. Ignis’ eyes widened as the same creatures before strode toward them. He moved in front of you as the hideous one began to speak, “I see now…love… it always gets in the way.”
“Be quick!” The other hissed at her, “The infernal one approaches.”
He heard you take in quick breath before whispering to him, “Move!”
Reacting to the word he dove toward Hawke as you let out a cry green energy shooting forth from your hands. You hit the purple one directly. Its cry faded to the wind as its form disintegrated. The other one began rushing toward him and Hawke.
He reached out trying to summon forth his daggers, but nothing came. Raising his arm to block the screaming creature he watched as it froze. Literally…
He looked at Hawke whose hand was raise slightly, a small shimmer fading away, “What an ugly bastard…”
“Thank you.” Ignis looked at him before standing and helping him up.
Hawke groaned holding his side as he got to his feet, “Just another day…don’t mention it.”
“You’re hurt.” You walked over to them looking down to Hawke’s side, “Move your hands.”
“It’s fine.” He brushed your hands away as you reached for him.
“Hawke.” You sounded cross, something that Ignis was not used to.
“Inquisitor.” He smirked before reaching down for his staff, “We have more important things to worry about. Getting you both home for one. We shouldn’t waste any more time…your dear friend sounds like he’s on his way.”
“Friend?” Ignis whispered to you as Hawke took a few steps away to get a better idea where to head.
You looked at him a bit of fear lacing your eyes. He found himself distracted momentarily watching the way your lips tightened before you spoke. He missed you desperately and desired to crash his mouth against yours until breath escaped the both of you.
It was your voice that made the daydream disappear and the name you spoke made his anxiety shoot through the roof, “Ardyn…he’s here and…”
When you didn’t go on Ignis pressed you, “And what?”
“And he’s seeking revenge against me for putting him here.” You shut your eyes, “Ignis…”
“We need to move. Now.” Hawke stepped back toward them as he pointed behind them, “That, is what I followed when I found you.”
Ignis followed his hand and saw a dark cloud. Almost like the nightmare, but denser. His eyes widened a little before he looked at you, “Miasma…”
Your eyes widened and Hawke stared at you both, “What, what is that?”
“Another way to make demons…” you frowned looking at them both, “Andraste, what have I done?”
“This is not your fault.” Ignis took your hands in his, “But I agree that we mustn’t linger here longer than necessary.”
“Your way home is this way…” Hawke turned slightly and began walking.
Ignis stayed close to you as you walked silently next to him. His one hand gently came to rest on you back, “You’re thinking quite hard about something…”
“When isn’t she? She’s a problem solver, but you should know that.” You scowled glaring at Hawke as he laughed a little.
“I do know, but I also know she doesn’t share the burden of her thoughts enough.” Ignis smiled at you a little, “The weight gets heavy, you needn’t carry alone anymore.”
You looked into his eyes as they began to water up, “When we get out of here…”
“I will be right beside you. Don’t be afraid.” He squeezed your arms before he spoke again, “We’re so close to waking up, what’s troubling you?”
You looked back to Hawke before you spoke, “Come with us.”
Hawke stopped and turned to you as you went on stepping toward him, “Eos could offer you so much. Please don’t stay here…”
Ignis watched a range of emotions fly through Hawkes eyes before he shook his head, “You might have given up on Thedas…but I haven’t.”
“The chance of us physically coming to the Fade was infinitesimal…finding a door home…less. The rifts are closed, the veil only thins on specific days and I couldn’t even tell you what time of the year it is there anymore.” You told him your frown deepening, “Hawke please…”
“9:51…” He looked into your eyes intensely as he shook his head, “the year is 9:51 and it’s the 12th day of Pluitanis…approximately…I have not lost count. Like I’m sure you know they exact amount of days you’ve been away from you lover here. I will go home, Y/N, don’t lose faith in me.”
“I can’t leave you here again.” You shook your head shutting your eyes, “You’ve suffered enough.”
“Yes! I have, but it’s my choice! It’s always been my choice!” Hawke raised his voice, “I followed you, I didn’t have to. I volunteered to stay; you didn’t pick me! Now stop wasting valuable time, if you die here then there’s blood on my hands and not just yours, but your child’s.”
“Enough.” The both of them looked at Ignis, “Isn’t this what this place does? It takes everything you feel and twists it into something ugly.”
Ignis watched you both take a deep breath in before nodding. He sighed shaking his head, “I can’t imagine the decisions you both have had to make in a world ripped apart at the seams…”
He didn’t get a chance to finish saying how he felt the both of you were smarter then this situation. Dark miasma particulates rushed around him taking you out of his view. He shouted for you taking a step forward falling to his knees. It was like he was in windstorm.
He groaned pushing himself up a bit of panic welling up in him, “Y/N!”
“Yes…” His blood ran cold at the sound of Ardyn’s voice, “Hear your lover’s voice as he worries for you.”
A flash gave Ignis a direction to follow. He heard the sound of Hawke crying out in pain as Ardyn began to speak again, “No, no, no…no interruptions from you this time.”
“Leavuhh…leave him…” He moved closer seeing to silhouettes as you struggled to get out the words.
“You care for this man too…interesting…How many others are there?” Ignis finally came into the eye of the storm seeing Ardyn holding you up by your throat. You were clawing at his hand as you struggled to get air.
“Let her go!” Ignis shouted getting Ardyn’s attention snapped to him. Ignis’ eyes widened seeing the scourge that had taken over is body. Black ooze dripped from his eyes and mouth.
“Oh good…I can commence with the theatrics now.” Adryn’s eyes glowed an amber hue as he smirked.
“I said let her go.” Ignis squared off with him preparing himself for the worse.
“I have no intention of doing that.” A painful gasp escaped you he squeezed harder, “Far from it. She’ll dangle here as I slowly kill you. Then I’ll throw her into another dream until she breaks and I’m able to get what I need to get out of this hellscape.”
Ignis threw up his arms to block the sword that came toward him, but it never came. He lowered his arms slowly seeing a shield similar to one Noctis would use. Kneeling before him a hooded figure daggers shimmering away from his hands. A glaive?
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(Art credit to @kantonliu​)
“What now?!” Ardyn hissed dropping you to the ground.
Ignis watched look at the figure in front of him, eyes widening as your hand went to your neck, “…Nyx…”
The figure stood up slowly reaching up for his hood as the shield faded away. The fade haircut was practically a signature for the man in front of him, but his voice was different, “This ends now…”
Ardyn made a move to attack but stranger moved in a blur, the same shimmer of kings, up to him. His hand landed firmly against Ardyn’s chest flinging him backwards and away from you. Ignis stood momentarily paralyzed by what was unfolding in front of him.
As he began to process the man knelt down to you helping you to your feet, “Are you okay?”
Ignis stepped forward as you stared up at this mans face. Another groan drew his attention away for a moment. He saw Hawke getting to his feet looking worse then before. He met Ignis gaze waving him off.
Ignis nodded as he turned back to you and this man. Everything began to catch up with him. He didn’t have the dark hair of Nyx Ulric, nor was it the same length. In fact he wasn’t even the same build as him.
“Who’s this guy?” Hawke asked stepping next to Ignis as he watched you reach up to his face. A very intimate gesture.
“You don’t know?” Ignis felt the crease in his brow grow.
“No…never seen him before.” Hawke looked at Ignis who’s eyes were trained on you.
The man put his hands over yours as you began to shake your head eyes filling with tears, “No…No you can’t be here…”
“Everything has always led here.” He took your hands between his giving them a kiss, “Always…”
“I’ll find a way.” You let out a sob before he pulled you into a hug gently turning slowly so he was facing them.
Ignis felt his breath leave him as he met his eyes. Green pools full of conviction as he spoke, “I know you would…if you remembered…”
“Wha…” You pulled away as his hand came up to your cheek.
“Sleep…” You began to fall back. He easily scooped you up looking at your face a small smile on his face before looking at Ignis, “Take her home, the way should be clear for you now.”
He stepped forward placing you in Ignis’ arms brushing his hand over your hair one last time. Ignis looked at his face seeing the familiar features. His eyes shifted to him again and Ignis felt his lips part slightly as he took a step away.
“Go.” He nodded summoning a set of daggers to his sides, “I’ll finish this once and for all, you don’t need to worry about Ardyn anymore.”
Ignis watched him turn away, quickly he turned to Hawke passing you to him before he stepped toward him, “Ulric…”
He stopped and turned to Ignis before he tilted his head a little smiling. He had your smile, “Guess I shouldn’t be surprised…I knew she’d recognize me…was iffy about you.”
“Why are you here?” He looked toward where Ardyn was before looking at Ignis again, “Ulric…”
“It doesn’t matter…” He wiped a hand over his mouth, that was when Ignis saw the Lucii Ring, “you won’t remember. You need to go. Now.”
He turned again and Ignis felt a lump grow in his throat, “I hope you know, that I love you and I’m proud of you.”
Ulric stop once more before nodding and turning around as tears formed in his eyes, “Every day, dad…I knew every single day.”
Ignis felt a well of emotions wash over him as Ulric stepped back throwing his arms around. He pressed his own arms around the young man, “You’re a Scientia…more then that you’re a Trevelyan and named after a strong man…you do everything you can do survive and go home.”
“Yes sir.” Ulric squeezed him one more before letting go, “Now go, I’ll finish this.”
Ignis nodded watching his son turn one final time heading away to fight the impossible. He wiped a hand over his mouth before forcing himself to turn and walk toward you and Hawke. Each step was agony and desire to turn around and help his son, but if they didn’t leave now…perhaps he’d never exist.
“Everything in order?” Hawke asked as he repositioned you into Ignis’ arms.
Ignis nodded looking at you resting in his arms, “Yes…we don’t have much time…”
“I’ll take point and clear anything out of the way.” Hawke nodded stepping forward.
Ignis followed quickly hearing explosions and roars behind them growing with each passing moment. He forced himself not to look back even as the ground shook beneath his feet. Soon Hawke was pointing ahead to a crack a head. It was bright and shining, and bits of Insomnia could be seen through it.
“There you go…the door home.” Hawke smiled at Ignis.
Ignis looked back seeing a bright light explode in the distance. He choked looking down to you, “Oh Six…”
“That was your boy wasn’t it?” Ignis looked at Hawke as he pulled his staff off his back, “Hmm…I suppose I still have a little fight left in me…”
“What will you do after?” Ignis asked him quietly.
“I suppose what I have been…” Hawke looked at him thoughtfully, “I remember being really foggy when I woke up from the fade…but if you can try to hold on to this…tell her I’m fine, that I found my way.”
Ignis followed him as he began walking away, “I do hope you find your way back to Fenris…”
“Did she tell you everything?” Hawke smirked looking back at him before nodding, “Thank you.”
Ignis smiled at him before taking a deep breath looking back to Insomnia. He looked down to you when you moved a little, “Almost home…”
Your eyes opened looking up a bright white sheet. You felt heavy as you began looking around. Blurry visions of people came into view to the right as familiar voices began flooding your ears.
“Well we can’t just let them fight alone.”
“Prompto…Ignis told us to stay with Noct, so that’s what we’re going to do.” Gladio’s deep voice tried to be reassuring.
“Guys…” Noct spoke up suddenly, “Look…”
You looked over to where he was pointing. In a bed next to yours was Ignis. He smiled at you before he began to sit up.
“Whoa hey hey!” The boys began to rush over as he sat up all talking at once, “Iggy slow down…wait…you shouldn’t be…”
Ignis held up his hand to silence them as he swung his feet off the bed and stood up taking a step toward you. You watched him lean down to you pressing his forehead against yours. You reached up touching his face as his one hand rested against your belly.
“I had strangest dream…” You whispered getting him to laugh. You nudged his nose with yours, “You’re here…”
“I am…and I’m not going anywhere.” He smiled at you as you both heard the other three giving sounds of victory.
“Alright…Happy moments over.” Dr. Reed broke up the party looking at the couple, “There’s been way too many close calls in the last couple of hours and I want to make sure all three of you are healthy.”
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mercifuldeaths · 6 years
What Do You Wanna Wear This Season?
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What Do You Wanna Wear This Season?
Michael Langdon x Reader 
Fashion AU
Warnings: smut, impact play, cum play (kinda?), handcuffs.......Gucci, of course.
Summary: It’s been a long fashion week and with your collection debuting tomorrow, you’re feeling a little stressed. Michael, your muse, is more the=an happy to help you calm down.
Notes: Thank you anon! This shook me to the goddamn core. Fashion hoe smut prevails on this blog! I wrote this in like....a few hours. Also unedited. I just had to get it out there. Hope you enjoy this concept as much as I do. Xx.
Word Count: 2.3K
It had been fashion week, of course, it was. New York was impossibly more crowded, full of models, designers, celebrities, other show guests. It was horrendous. But it also meant that Michael would be back in town. One of the more famous models, Michael Langdon was already well known and even starting to branch out into design. In fact, his first collaboration with you was debuting the next day. Which was exactly why you were sitting in your studio, piles of the discarded fabric around you, holding your head in your hands...crying.
You’ve only been in the industry for a few years, still a fresh face and trying to make a name for yourself. You figured with Michael, it would be possible. But some of the garments weren’t perfect and it killed you a little. You managed to start the ugly sobbing that commenced the second you ushered Michael out to go get more coffee for the two of you. He really was a big help, despite your reluctance to admit it.
His perchance for velvets, leathers, saturated colors offset by onyx black was the center of your inspiration and your pieces delivered. They were created for men or women or anyone, really- walking that line of masculinity and femininity. All of the pieces were beautiful, you knew. But what if they just weren’t enough.
Michael’s footfalls were heard through the hallway leading to the studio. You felt a little better knowing he held your cappuccino, the only way you were going to make it through this night, still having to fix the stitching on that one blazer and maybe inlay the string of pearls around the collar and maybe….
“Y/N?” Michael’s voice rang out. You were still sitting facing away, cross legged on the floor. “Oh, come here,” he said as he set the coffees down on the table and made his way to you looking ever so dejected in your pile of black and red velvet. He kneeled next to you and his hand went to your thigh, something he had been doing of late. You won’t lie...there was something of a spark between you two and you both knew it.
“I’m just really worried, Michael. What if it doesn’t go well-you know the Ford show and Oscar de la Renta are scheduled for the same day and people are obviously going to go there because I mean, they’re icons and nobody’s going to show up and the pieces probably aren’t even that good and--” you rambled but he cut you off.
“Stop that.”
You looked at him with wide eyes, nervous of his sharp tone.
“It’s going to go flawlessly. You’ve made it perfect. Every last detail. You’re doubting yourself-something you should never do,” he said, a little more empathy in his voice.
“I’m just...I’m just nervous,” you stuttered out, still feeling the pit in your stomach.
“What can I do to make it better?” he asked, both hands now resting on your thighs, splayed out to be sitting crosslegged.
A scrap of velvet found its way into your hand and you rubbed your nimble fingers along the luxe texture. You shook your head. No. That would be completely inappropriate. He was your partner, your collaborator.
“I saw that Vogue interview you did...Now I don’t know if you were playing at something, but I remember you like to ‘have the stress fucked out of you’? Was that it?” He leaned in and you could feel his breath ghosting over your neck. A blush rose to your cheeks and you let out a nervous laugh. You had said that...mostly as a joke...but it wasn’t. “Maybe I can do something about that.”
You felt the wind knock out of your lungs when he tugged on the velvet under you, causing you to slip back against the floor, his large hand caught your head in a gentle cradle. Attacking your neck and jaw with sloppy open mouth kisses, you wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him in closer to grind against your center. You were already wet, having just spent time around the man was something of a sexual experience.
“Mmmm..Michael,” you managed to slur out, his mouth now closer to yours. You were originally going to protest, but feeling his hardness against you, already seeking friction, had you thinking other things...mostly about how you wanted him to absolutely wreck you right there in the middle of the discards from your designs.
He made quick work of your leather leggings, something he had designed and a favorite of yours-so much so that you were wearing it before they had debuted. You felt your tee shirt rise over your breasts and his hand going to cup one. You shivered, exposed to the brisk temperature of the room, but the fabric under you insulating the hard floor.
Your fingers knotted in his blonde hair, slipping out of the bun he had thrown it in earlier in his stressed-out state. You’d never seen him more unkempt and something about that just made you more desperate for him. Michael’s lips made their way lower over your stomach, nipping and biting-the little tease.
“Make a move, Langdon. We have a collection to finish,” you gritted out between your teeth, starting to feel the stress rising again.
“All too right, as usual,” he mumbled against the line of your lacy panties. Pulling them to the side, he nuzzled his face into your center. “Already so wet...you’ve been wanting this, you little minx. You thought I didn’t see the way your hands lingered when tailoring the jackets to fit me? How you always wanted me shirtless for measurements. I’m not just some dumb model, darling.” His tongue slid into your wet folds, but it wasn’t enough and it wasn’t fast enough.
“God Michael, come on.” You grabbed him by his blond locks and pulled his face back to meet yours, crashing your lips together. You could taste yourself on him. Untangling one hand, you reached lower into his low slung slacks and palmed his cock, already hard and ready for you. Without hesitation, he slid them down to his knees and pressed all his body weight onto you. You felt his cock press into your cunt and the pressure made your eyes roll.
You sighed and he started slipping himself through your wetness. A gasp fell from your lips. Suddenly, all pressure and warmth was removed. “Michael?” you cried out, confused, as he stood and walked over to the table that held some of the accessories you had planned for the show. Because it was yours and Michael’s collaboration, of course, there were some more...risque elements. One being that the models accessories were whips, chains, paddles. The most iconic being a set or vintage Tom Ford for Gucci handcuffs. Something out of Michael’s personal collection.
The silver gleamed in the dim light of the studio menacingly. Before you could even react, they were around your wrists, tight enough to leave bruises. Unable to stop him, with your hands now behind your back, he flipped you over onto your stomach and lifted your hips up, pressing your front into the floor. Your cheek and tits pressed into the red velvet under you, back arched to allow your ass to be presented to him obscenely.
“Now that’s quite the view. Considering I had to watch you waltz around in those leather leggings, I imagine I should get rewarded for my patience.” Out of nowhere, he pulled out the YSL paddle, something from your personal collection. You were an interesting pair, that’s for sure.
You couldn’t see clearly, him being behind you and all, but you felt his hand tease your cheek, gently rubbing it in soothing circles. You did expect it, but the crack of the paddle against you still caused you to lurch forward and let out a small shriek. His hand went back to rubbing small circles, soothing the blushing skin.
The velvet, as soft as it was, started rubbing into the side of your face that he had roughly pushed into the ground. The definition of face down ass up. Another loud crack echoed and you lurched again, this time a whimper escaping. You could feel your wetness start to seep onto your thighs and Michael chuckled. His long fingers started to tease your entrance, slipping one inside but it wasn’t nearly enough.
“Michael, please. No more teasing,” you choked out, completely desperate and at his mercy.
“If I fuck you good, you’ll finish the collection nice and relaxed?”
“Yes, yes, please-I’ll be so good.”
He slid into you so slow you felt yourself push back onto him, eager to take all of him. When he was buried in you, you felt his hands move to your hips, having to still you as you were still grinding back onto him. It was perfect, the stretch, how he fit in your cunt so wonderfully tight.
“Well then, we have no more times to waste.” And with that he was relentlessly pounding into you, your gasps and ragged breaths escaped into the fabric, still under you but now slipping from the movement. He bottomed out each thrust causing a moan to fall from your lips with every single one, unable to help yourself.
You knew you wouldn’t last long. The stress had gotten to you and yeah, when overworked, you were always more horny...and plainly a slut for Michael Langdon. “Fuck, fuck, Michael-I can’t-please I gotta.”
“Okay, I’ve got you,” he said and you felt a hand reach around to stroke lazy circles into your clit, a sharp contrast to the relentless pace he kept that was keeping you breathless. “So fucking tight, look at how well you take me, god.”
His thrusts were becoming more sloppy, you felt his pace falter. Obviously, the stress was getting to him, too-both of you in a desperate need for release, not taking the time to savor each other like you really wanted- To take him apart piece by piece.
Your back was jerked up, him using the cuffs to maneuver you, causing him to shift angles and hit that spot few other men have managed to get right. He rested back onto his heels and pulled you back to sit on his cock, him practically impaling you onto him. He pressed the cuffs down further, making your back arch against him, him practically holding your entire upper body with a goddamn designer sex toy.
He stopped his movements, despite his desperation but you picked up the slack, working yourself over him, hard and reckless. “Fuck, Fuck Y/N I’m gonna-”
“Go ahead, babe.” You could feel the spiral of heat pooling, as well, All you needed was just a few more expert circles against your pulsing clit.
You felt yourself uncoil first. “Michael, Michael-Oh god, oh god, oh god,” you practically screamed, hoping the other studios next door were long empty. You couldn’t help the clenches your cunt gave, needing more of him inside you always. While you were coming down, you could feel him losing himself in you, wanting the pull of your core to make him cum but he did have other ideas.
Pulling out he took himself in hand and pumped just a few times. With the memory of your walls pulsing against him in mind, he came with a grunt and a few gasps. You felt him paint your ass cheeks, still red and burning from the spanking he gave. Taking a few deep breathes to calm himself he took your ass in hand, still presented to him like you were his. But you really already were.
He hummed as he smeared some of his cum into the red welts that he left behind, soothing the burn, his thumb circling one of the more intense ones. “Hmmm, that’s beautiful.”
“What? Me covered in your cum?” you asked, trying to swivel around to face him but he held you in place. He took one of the black velvet swatches in hand and gently wiped his essence off your pert cheek.
“Well, that of course. But also the pattern of my cum dripping out of your cunt makes on the fabric,” he leaned in close and flipped you onto your back, cuffs digging into you and making your back arch awkwardly. “I think I just got an idea for our next collaboration,” he smirked, his voice lilting and looking all too pleased with himself.
“God, Michael,” you signed out, feeling his cum continue to drip off you in the most obscene manner. Your head fell back against the floor in resignation, despite the awkward angle created with your hands still pinned behind you back.
A rustle of fabric piqued your interest, as Michael moved to reach behind him. “Michael?” He turned to you, a devilish glint in his eyes and he lazily swung the YSL paddle around his finger.
“Yes, Y/N?” He smirked
“Don’t do it-” You practically read his mind.
He took the paddle and landed one last smack, this time against your soaked cunt, open to the air with your legs still spread before you. The impact in addition to your overstimulation tore a moan from your chest, eyes rolling back, feeling like all too much at once but never enough.
“Come on, there’s plenty of work to do. And your cappuccino has probably gone cold,” he said, back to business as he tucked himself back into his slacks and attempted to help you up onto shaking legs. “Maybe if you finish the trim on that cloak we talked about, I’ll let you ride my thigh like the little whore you are while I’m in those velvet trousers, hm?”
Expensive Hoes: @ccodyfern @michael-langdon-appreciation @starwlkers @sojournmichael @americanhorrorstudies @lovelykhaleesiii @wroteclassicaly @aveiangdon @langdonsrapture @langdonsinferno @langdonsdemon @i-will-die-for-jim-mason
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streamacademe · 5 years
Week 106, Day 735.
My trip to Scotland was a success and I managed to collect some samples! But, I don’t want to talk about that this week. As my 3rd year has officially commenced, I would instead like to dedicate this post to lessons I’ve learned as a 2nd year PhD student and reiterate over my coping strategies.  So, without further ado... 10 lessons I learned as a 2nd year PhD student:
Be prepared to face some dark times with your mental health - I won’t lie to you, it can, and probably will get pretty ugly. At times it will feel like the entire world is on your shoulders and you can’t breathe. I have had countless mental breakdowns this year, which usually involve bawling my eyes out and hyperventilating, before passing out from the exhaustion of it all, then coming around and crying again. Not fun. I have also suffered from insomnia, and, on the flip side, have had many days where I couldn’t get out of bed. I have included some coping strategies for set backs with mental health at the end of this post. 
It will get hard and you’re going to want to quit - I’m sorry to be a bit of a downer, but it’s the truth. For me, giving up is not an option, but even I have had days where I’ve wanted to quit. It’s probably in the terms and conditions of a PhD to feel like this sometimes, but no one ever reads those. How you keep the love for your project glowing is for you to figure out. I always think of the finish line and of how far I’ve come. Or neck a glass of wine, that also helps...
Find a balance between feeling terrified and apathetic, and stupid and self-assured - PhD’s are terrifying, which I appreciate can be exhausting and can lead to feeling apathetic. However, apathy is both a blessing and a curse. It may make you feel calmer and more able, but it sure as hell won’t motivate you to try harder and do better. The same applies for feeling self-assured; yes, you’re clearly a clever bean for getting this far and you should acknowledge and celebrate that, but feeling stupid pushes us to seek knowledge, which is what science is all about. 
Focus on genuine priorities - Procrastination/dedicating your time to non-essential tasks are your no.1 enemies. PhD’s are extremely unpredictable and you have to try and be ahead of the game or you risk falling too far behind. So make sure you know exactly what your priorities are and treat them as such. 
To do lists and GANTT charts are life savers - On your worst days,  refer to these to reorient yourself and stay on track. Make sure they’re always up to date, kept neat, and, most importantly, realistic. 
Self-care is critical - And no, I don’t just mean bubble baths with scented candles every night, although those are definitely helpful. Self-care is looking after your mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Pushing yourself too hard can end really badly. Use me as an example, I pushed myself too hard physically and damaged my spine, which resulted in me taking a week off work. I won’t even mention the amount of mental health set backs I’ve had. So, do whatever it is that allows you to rest your bones, de-frazzles your mind, makes you happy, helps you feel better, and makes you feel like you can keep going. 
You have to learn to say ‘no’ - This will probably be something you’re not used to or are comfortable doing, but I have learned from personal experience that this is literally the most important thing when it comes to  looking after yourself and avoiding burnout. 
Your personal growth is impossible to ignore - Who you are when you start your PhD is definitely not the person you will be at the end. You never stop learning and developing in a PhD, but like, at an accelerated rate. I find it fascinating looking back at my progress reports; something that may have felt impossible 6 months ago is now the norm. 
Rely on your supervisors for help - THIS IS SO IMPORTANT. You DO NOT have to do everything alone. Ask questions, talk to them about your problems, seek their advice. And if they make you feel inferior, uncomfortable, stupid, or make themselves unavailable to you, contact your student support office/r, because a supervisor should NEVER do that. Furthermore, don’t be afraid to voice your opinions and stand your ground with your superiors, they are only human, just like you, and if you feel like they are misguiding or misunderstanding you, tell them. This is your PhD, not anybody else’s. 
Remember that your PhD is your work not your life - As hard as that may be. That is all. 
My ways of coping with the challenges of doing a PhD:
Spend time with animals and in nature - Honestly, if I had to choose just one bit of advice, it’d be this. Animals are the definition of joy, and being in nature always reminds me how beautiful the world can be, irrespective of how dark and rubbish mine may feel at times. 
Sleep - Getting enough sleep makes my anxiety more manageable, my mood better, and means I have more energy to deal with what life has to throw at me. Don’t listen to how much sleep you “should” have, instead listen to your body and work with it. Personally, I aim for at least 8 hours a night. 
Minimalism - I have mentioned minimalism many times on my blog. The benefits of this lifestyle are countless. With respect to my PhD, living with less allows me to have more room to breathe and think. It also means I spend more time on experiences instead of material things. Minimalism also allows me to live intentionally and aligns with my personal values. This in return means that I am more at peace with the life I lead outside of my PhD. 
Save money - Not only do savings mean a sense of security, but having money set aside can be really helpful if you are in need of a getaway or simply want to treat yourself without getting into debt. Furthermore, as there is no guarantee of a job straight after your PhD, or if your funding runs out before you finish, it is essential to have some savings as a safety net to fall on if need be. 
Read - I use books as a form of escape from reality, typically reading either before bed or in the morning before work. It helps take my mind off  the stresses that clutter my brain.
Exercise, eat healthy, and drink plenty of water - I know you’ve heard it all before, but here it is again. It works.
Red Bull (as a last resort) - There are many things in life that have impacted my ability to focus this year, including long drives, bad news, sleepless nights, and mental health issues. However, life doesn’t stop when you want to and so when I’m really struggling I turn to Red Bull for help, and it really does help me. (I don’t drink coffee and tea doesn’t cut it). I always ensure not to drink more than one can a day or drink alcohol within the same 24 hours that I’ve drank Red Bull in. 
How I try to cope with mental health set backs: Disclaimer: ‘Try’ is a critical word here as it is not always easy or straightforward to do the below, and, sadly, sometimes none of these suggestions work. 
Talk about it - I HATE talking about my mental health issues to people as I don’t want to burden my friends, upset my family, or appear weak at work. However, there are times where I’ve had to, and it’s helped. I mainly talk to my boyfriend about it, but should probably see a therapist. Hey ho, small steps. If you really can’t talk about it, write about it, either publicly or privately. 
Perspective - I have been watching a show called ‘New Amsterdam’ recently, which has really helped me see how insignificant some of my problems are. That’s not to say you’re not allowed to feel like crap just because you’re not having open heart surgery, of course you are, but trying to do things that change your perspective can be very helpful in coming out of a mental health episode. Geddit?
Give back - There is always someone having a worse time than you and nothing helps to snap you out of your pity party like lending a helping hand. Whether it’s volunteering at a homeless shelter, running a marathon for charity, or simply donating what you can to a cause you believe in. Give back. 
Headspace - I’m sure you’ve heard of this app/website, if not, here it is. Personally, I don’t like Andy Puddicombes voice, or listening to a human in general, so I don’t use the platform for meditation, but they do have a great range of sleepcasts and sounds, which I use to combat my insomnia. 
Calming medication (natural) - I use an essential oil aromatherapy roller ball to help me overcome an anxious episode or get me off to sleep. Personally, I use Tisserand for these. I also use Rescue Remedy drops for the same reason (these contain alcohol so aren’t for everyone). 
Get the F off of social media for a while - Honestly, your phone isn’t an essential organ, take a break from it, see what wonders it can do for you.
Cut out toxic/negative people - Fill your life with wholesome people, get rid of anyone that makes your recovery impossible, or your life difficult. Be as harsh as you need to be, cry about it, drink about it, but do it, and don’t go back. Here’s a great song to support you through this.  
That is all folks. It took me all day to write this, so I hope it’s at least somewhat helpful. ❤ Peace. 
Photo: A photo of a sunset that made me feel better after an especially difficult day. Source: My camera.
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Scene 5
The same night at Cutie Baby’s Pizzeria
(Rusty is back in the elevator listening to Unit)
Unit: Welcome back. Tonight, I promise you things will be a little more difficult and different, but that doesn’t mean you can quit your job.
Unit: You are committed to working here and I am committed to be your helper, unfortunately, and part of my commitment is making sure you don’t get tired of this voice. Use the keypad to select a new voice.
(the floor opens up and the keypad rises in front of Rusty)
Unit: Press 1 for male, press 2 for female, press 3 for other options.
Rusty:(accidentally presses the wrong button)Dang it!
Unit: It looks like you are having trouble and I see what you are trying to type. Thank you for choosing Sassy Teen Girl.
Rusty: Oh no.
Unit: Stop complaining.
(the elevator stops)
Unit:(as Sassy Teen Girl)The elevator, like, just stopped. Now, get out, or just stay here. I don’t care.
Rusty:(opens the elevator and walks out into the hall to Peanut and Ray’s Corner)
Unit:(as Sassy Teen Girl)Hey, funny true story, there were actual dead bodies found in this hallway once.
Rusty:(disturbed)Um, ok?
Unit:(as Sassy Teen Girl)Jk!
Rusty:(relieved)Phew!(is now in the control room for Peanut and Ray’s corner)
Unit:(as Sassy Teen Girl)So, you should, like, get started with your nightly chores. Let’s check on Peanut and Ray and, like, make sure they are on their stage. If they aren’t, oh well. Who cares?
Rusty:(shines the light and Peanut and Ray aren’t on their stage)
Unit:(as Sassy Teen Girl)Eh. Guess they had better things to do. You should, like, zap them.
Rusty:(to himself)Man, I hate this voice.(presses the shock button)
Unit:(as Sassy Teen Girl)Ok, let’s go check on Funtime Star and make sure she is ready for tomorrow.
Rusty: I hate taking orders from a dumb, sassy, teenaged girl.
Unit:(as Sassy Teen Girl)You’re stupid!
Rusty:(walks back into the hall and goes into the control room for Funtime Castle. He presses the light button and Funtime Star isn’t on her stage)
Unit:(as Sassy Teen Girl. in a deep voice)Good. Good. Good.(in regular voice)Dang nammit! This happens every single time! Stupid voice synthesizer!
Rusty: What happened?
Unit: There is a problem with the voice synthesizer. The default settings have been restored. Please go to Cutie Baby’s Playroom down the hall.
Rusty:(walks out of the Funtime Castle control room, walks down the hall, and into the control room for Cutie Baby’s Playroom. Lil Baby, Tiny Baby, Teeny Baby, and Bitty Baby are in the room on the desk)
Unit: Today was a busy day for Cutie Baby. Let’s shine the light to see if she’s on her stage and is in good working condition.
Rusty:(shines the light and Cutie Baby is not there)
Unit: Let’s try to encourage her to come out by giving her an electric shock.
Rusty:(presses the shock button, but it doesn’t work)Huh?
Unit: Let’s try another electric shock.
Rusty:(presses the shock button again, but it still doesn’t work)Why isn’t this thing working?
Unit: I swear, this happens every f*cking time! It looks like there is a power malfunction that is preventing you from motivating Cutie Baby. Please wait while I reboot the system. I will be offline temporarily in the process of doing this. Other systems may be offline as well like security doors, vent locks, and oxygen, so you might suffocate-
Rusty: Wait what?!
Unit: Nothing! I didn’t say anything! Commencing system restart.
(it is now dark)
Lil Baby/Tiny Baby/Teeny Baby/ Bitty Baby:(get off the desk and walk over to Rusty)
Rusty:(looks down at them and backs away from them. He is slightly creeped out)
Lil Baby: Cutie Baby told us not to come in here-
Bitty Baby: Because we might scare you.
Lil Baby: You let me finish the sentence, b*tch!
Teeny Baby: We’re sorry.
Rusty:(slightly creeped out)I-i-it’s o-ok. Now, you guys just g-go back over there away from me!(points to the desk)
Cutie Baby:(walks in through a door right beside the desk)There you are! You four are not supposed to be in-(sees Rusty)Oh, hey! You must be the new technician here. I’m Cutie Baby and these are my sisters Lil Baby(points to Lil Baby)
Lil Baby:(smiles)
Cutie Baby: Tiny Baby(points to Tiny Baby)
Tiny Baby:(waves)
Cutie Baby: Teeny Baby(points to Teeny Baby)
Teeny Baby: Hi.
Cutie Baby: And Bitty Baby.(points to Bitty Baby)
Bitty Baby: Meh.
Cutie Baby: Hey, you look familiar. Have I seen you before?
Cutie Baby: Oh, wait! You’re Rusty Brady!
Rusty: How do you know me?
Cutie Baby: Don’t you remember?
Rusty: Remember what?
Cutie Baby: You used to come here when you were younger.
Rusty: Oh yeah, now I remember.
Cutie Baby: So, when Unit-
Rusty: Unit is an a**hole.
Cutie Baby: Yeah, she can be a butthole sometimes, but she’s a great help. Anyway, when she comes back online, she will tell you that she wasn’t successful. Well, see ya later!(to Lil Baby, Tiny Baby, Teeny Baby, and Bitty Baby)Come on, girls.(all five of them go back into Cutie Baby’s Playroom leaving Rusty alone)
Unit:(very, very frustrated)Uggggggghhhhhh!!!!! Why does this happen?!(sighs)You are now required to walk through Peanut and Ray’s Corner to get to the breaker room. I recommend that you get to the other side as quickly as possible so you don’t disturb Peanut and Ray. I will deactivate myself so I don’t make an auditory disturbance. Deactivating.
Rusty:(walks out of the control room for Cutie Baby’s Playroom, down the hallway, and into Peanut and Ray’s Corner. He is carrying a flashlight with him)
(Peanut and Ray are off the stage)
Peanut:(whispering)Ray, look. He’s in here.
Ray:(whispering)Yes, Peanut, I see him. Let’s go talk to him.
Peanut:(whispering) No, I don’t want to.
Ray:(whispering)Why not?
Peanut:(whispering)I’m too scared.
Ray:(whispering)You’re always scared, Peanut. Now, let’s just go say hi.
(they walk towards Rusty)
Rusty:(hears footsteps to his right and turns to see Peanut)Ahhhh!
Peanut: Ahhh!(crouches and puts his hands on his head)Please don’t hurt me!
Ray: Peanut, he is not going to hurt us. Just relax and stay calm.
Rusty:(turns to see Ray standing in front of him)
Ray: Hello, mate!
Rusty: Ahhh!
Ray: Relax. We are not going to hurt you. The name is Ray. His name is Peanut.
Peanut:(is now standing up. Nervous)H-hi.
Ray: And over there on the stage are Pea, Nut, Peanut Jr., and Nutty.
Rusty:(looking at Pea, Nut, Peanut Jr., and Nutty)Which one is which?
Ray: We don’t know.
Rusty: My name is Rusty Brady and I have to get to the breaker room now.
Ray: Alright, mate. Bye.
Peanut: Bye.
Rusty:(runs to the door to the breaker room and walks inside, closing the door behind him. He turns his flashlight off)
(now in the breaker room. It is very dark)
Unit: Now, you can interface with the breaker control box. While using the interface, you might disturb electronics nearby. If you feel like you are in danger, feel free to disconnect the interface until you feel like it’s safe enough to reconnect it.
Rusty:(tries to get the job done, but he feels like he is being watched)Hello? Is someone there?
Funtime Smokey: Hey, Lil Cutie, I think we have a new friend here. Let’s go say hi.
Lil Cutie: Sat hi to who? I don’t see anyone.
Funtime Smokey:(points to Rusty)Him.
Lil Cutie: Oh, now I see him. He’s a hottie!
Rusty: Where are you two?
Funtime Smokey: Over here.(a light shines on him for a second then goes off)
Lil Cutie: You’re hot!
Rusty:(disturbed)Uhhhhh...thanks, I guess?
Funtime Smokey: Lil Cutie, that’s just sick.
Lil Cutie: Well, last year you had a crush on that ugly, b*tchy, fat technician lady. That was even sicker.
Funtime Smokey: She was not b*tchy and fat! Anyway, I’m over her now.
Lil Cutie: Then how come you cried when Fern bit her hand off at the beginning of the year?
Funtime Smokey:(embarrassed)I did not cry!
Lil Cutie: You did to cry! You cried six times!
Funtime Smokey: You shut up!
Lil Cutie: Make me!
Rusty: Hey guys, I have a job to do. I don’t have time for this.
Funtime Smokey: Ok. We’ll leave you to it. Bye.(goes into his room)
Rusty:(finishes the job and leaves)
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