#[ interactions : sirius ]
fiasco95 · 19 days
The Black sisters being the overprotective and feral older sisters to Regulus.
Andromeda: I’m sorry to Sirius but the moment we saw that Potter boy—
Bellatrix: We knew—
Narcissa: —that we wanted him for our Reg.
The black sisters nodding and agreeing,
James: Yes. I thought so too.
Sirius: What’s going on here?? Why was I not invited??
Sirius, pointing at James: Better yet, why are you here???
Regulus: What in the ever loving fuck?
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rewritingcanon · 1 year
idk why im in such a bad mood rn but it actually PISSES ME TF OFF how the entire marauders fandom collectively decided to take this bum-ass loser character with one discernable impact on the storyline (regulus. im talking about regulus) and make him a super complex, three-dimensional MAIN character in the era that’s being literally paired with JAMES POTTER(???) when they could’ve taken a character who AREADY has existing complexities and everything they could ever want and develop them. but they won’t because that character is a fucking woman ☠️☠️
the way the black sisters would have the entire fandom in a fucking chokehold if they were boys. do you actually think sirius and regulus would be as cherished as they are now if they were women? hell fucking no, regulus would be hated on so badly. the way we were given narcissa and fucking andromeda too? here’s the entire fandom yapping on and on about how cool regulus is for rebelling against the dark lord when narcissa was doing it and fucking getting away with it too (because she’s better and doesn’t suck ass). here’s andromeda going against her entire bloodline ON HER OWN but yet shes still so overshadowed by sirius (who literally came after her). then you got bellatrix who is canonly one of the most powerful (and cuntiest) witches in the hp-verse and you decide to go and develop BARTY instead. think about it. they’re both crazy except one is more of a loser and is a male so of course the fandom will choose him.
and then. of course. lily evans who is literally the mother of the entire verse itself is still out here fighting for literal recognition and development from the fandom. and those mfs still give it to regulus instead ☠️☠️
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loverboyjamespotter · 8 months
i think my main problem with marauders meta at the moment is that (and this has always been a problem) a LOT of people underestimate the sheer insanity that was sirius and james' relationship. i think people play it off as like 'aw how cute, best friends! :)' and its like ... I DONT KNOW HOW TO TELL YOU THEYRE SO MUCH WEIRDER THAN THAT. in whatever way you take sirius and james platonic romantic WHATEVER you HAVE to realise they were NOT NORMAL about each other. they were cathy and heathcliff. i think the word that describes james and sirius' relationship to each other is OBSESSION. not like a cutesy best friends forever kind of way i mean talking about how they want to be buried next to each other kind of way. i mean that canonically their relationship exists outside the bounds of morality sirius thinks its FUNNY that james bullies people and vice versa. james only bullies snape because he wanted to amuse sirius. i think sirius LIKES all of james awful qualities (being conceited, arrogant, self-centred) which is a stark contrast to lily who canonically does NOT like the fact that james is a spoilt rich boy strutting around the castle hexing people for fun. i think james wouldnt even ... CARE if sirius HAD ended up killing snape at the whomping willow incident. not really. because it was sirius and every single moral value goes straight out the window when its sirius. do people realise that they were doing the most INSANE acts of magical devotion for each other as TEENAGERS that ADULT WIZARDS couldnt do if they tried for YEARS? why dont people talk enough about the fact that they had such an intense relationship that they excluded everyone else from it? why doesnt anyone talk about the fact that the two way mirrors WERE ONLY FOR THEM. like they didnt give one to remus or peter or lily. it was THEIR thing. sirius went to JAMES' house after he ran away. james made SIRIUS harrys godfather. QUITE THE DOUBLE ACT. NEVER SAW ONE WITHOUT THE OTHER DID YOU? the fact that people from their time MULTIPLE PEOPLE described them as jamesandsirius. .... idk i just think. its a shame people dont really talk very often about how insane and weird and unnormal james and sirius were about each other bc to me its the most fascinating part about the marauders era.
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arliedraws · 5 months
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Inspired by my own fic lol
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mwppp · 5 months
i love lie low at lupin’s because what! am i suppose to believe that remus had two bedrooms! no!! there was one bed! i know it! everyone knows it! and now there’s implications there’s scenarios! theres healing and there’s sharing the bed in the middle of summer! the middle of summer!
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Summon of Sorcerer (SOS) Interactions
☆ Arcturus ☆
Chest stroke ✕
Chest tap ✓
Head stroke (He loves it. Do it 3 times and get a gift)
Head tap ✓
Ignore ✕
Shoulder stroke (He loves it. Do it 3 times and get a gift)
Shoulder tap ✓
☾ Alpheratz ☽
Chest stroke ✓
Chest tap ✓
Head stroke ✓
Head tap ✕
Ignore (He loves it. Do it 3 times and get a gift)
Shoulder stroke (He loves it. Do it 3 times and get a gift)
Shoulder tap ✕
☆ Spica ☆
Chest stroke ✕
Chest tap ✕
Head stroke ✓
Head tap ✕
Ignore ✕
Shoulder stroke ✓
Shoulder tap (He loves it. Do it 3 times and get a gift)
☾ Sirius ☽
Chest stroke ✓
Chest tap (He loves it. Do it 3 times and get a gift)
Head stroke ✕
Head tap ✓
Ignore (He loves it. Do it 3 times and get a gift)
Shoulder stroke ✓
Shoulder tap (He loves it. Do it 3 times and get a gift)
☆ Pollux ☆
Chest stroke ✓
Chest tap ✓
Head stroke (He loves it. Do it 3 times and get a gift)
Head tap (He loves it. Do it 3 times and get a gift)
Ignore ✕
Shoulder stroke (He loves it. Do it 3 times and get a gift)
Shoulder tap ✓
☾ Vega ☽
Chest stroke ✕
Chest tap ✕
Head stroke ✓
Head tap ✓
Ignore ✕
Shoulder stroke ✓
Shoulder tap (He loves it. Do it 3 times and get a gift)
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enbysiriusblack · 2 months
"Narcissa", Sirius spoke, leaning against the doorway.
Narcissa turned from her vanity to face him, "What do you want?"
He grinned, shuffling further into the room and ungracefully flopping down onto her bed.
Narcissa picked up her lipstick and carried on getting ready.
"Bellatrix is creeping Reg out."
"Regulus is old enough to handle himself."
Sirius frowned, "Against Bella? She's completely insane."
Narcissa huffed, turning back to face him, "She is not! Besides, I'm sure people think that of you."
Sirius mumbled, "Good", as he chewed the cuff of his shirt.
"Can you stop? Merlin, that is disgusting, Sirius!"
Sirius grinned again, "Priss."
Narcissa rolled her eyes, "You're a mess. Uncle Orion will be furious, you know? He was planning on introducing you to Harold Minchum, he's very opposed to our more traditional ways but he thinks he'll like you and that you'd be able to convince him to be an ally for our family, rather than a hindrance. He's a bit of a socialist, you see."
Sirius glared at her, "I think I'd only succeed in making him hate our family more."
Narcissa's lip twitched, "I told Aunt Walburga that, but they seem set in introducing you."
Sirius swang upwards, "I better get down there then, tell the minister just how uptight and prejudiced this family is."
Narcissa sighed, "Can you not put family first just this once?"
"You're the one worried over your looks more than your cousin getting murdered by your sister."
Narcissa shot him a glare, "I am trying to be presentable for important networking and Bellatrix loves Regulus, she's not going to murder him!"
Sirius kicked her doorway, "She'd murder me."
"That's because you're a huge wanker!"
Sirius turned back around, "You swore! Prissy Cissa swore!"
Narcissa glared at him again, "And if you tell anyone, I'll be the one to kill you instead. Now will you please defile our family name and leave me to get ready?"
Sirius shot both his arms up in the air in surrender, "All you had to do was ask! I love defiling the family name!"
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jfleamont · 3 months
Hey for your jily muse, out of order <3
Okay this is unforgivable, I know. You sent this prompt over two months ago. TWO. This ask has been sitting in my inbox since the 18th of January, so you probably won't even remember sending this but I promise you I've been thinking about it constantly and waiting to have free time to work on it and I have this tendency to leave things unfinished so this is me working through that as well lol
Without further ado, here it is ❤️
Out of Order - 744 words
Evans is in the boys' bathroom. She's in the boys' bathroom and she's crying.
One of her hands is gripping the sink, while the other fruitlessly wipes the tears that keep escaping.
She hasn't noticed his arrival, and Sirius doesn't bother clearing his throat. “I'm sure there's a perfectly logical reason for this.”
She makes a startled noise and turns to face him, her expression a mixture of anger and sadness. It's comical, really, so Sirius laughs.
“There is,” she mutters as she wipes her nose with the sleeve of her jumper. Her voice lacks the edge she usually aims at him— and at James, too, though Sirius can't help but notice a slight difference there.
He walks towards her and hands her his monogrammed tissue - he's never used it for this purpose specifically, but it has proved to be useful during the occasional prank or after a rough full moon - which she grabs immediately. She doesn't thank him, but he doesn't expect her to.
“Ah well, that's all I needed to know. It's not like you're invading my personal space or something.”
She lifts an eyebrow and eyes him curiously, looking more like her usual self. “I'm sorry, is there a plaque or an inscription that I haven't noticed? Does House Black monogram bathrooms as well as tissues?”
“Not that I'm aware of, no. Don't give my mother ideas, though, she might actually try to do that.”
She makes an attempt at a smile, but it quickly turns into a quiet sob.
“Apparently there can only be one crying girl per bathroom, and Myrtle has claimed the one across the corridor as hers so it's out of order,” she explains as she tries to regain control of her emotions, “and I thought this one was empty since everyone is heading down to watch the match.”
“You were right... for the most part. Why aren't you going then?”
“No reason,” she replies, her voice even, but she's not looking at him.
Sirius thinks he knows why. He suspects it has to do with the good luck kiss that Cornelia Kettleburn gave James at breakfast and how quickly Lily disappeared after that.
“Cool. I'm not going either. Fancy going to the Astronomy tower for a smoke?”
She looks taken aback. “I— wait, why aren't you going?”
In truth Sirius wants to go, and James is going to kill him for this, but lately he's been claiming that he no longer has feelings for Lily, and Sirius hates being lied to, so technically this is just payback.
“James got on my nerves so I'm skipping the match in protest,” he adds with a shrug and it's the truth, because it wouldn't be fair to lie. “So, are we smoking or not? Got a fag I can borrow?”
She's not an idiot: she knows this is an olive branch of sorts. Sirius can tell she's deciding whether to believe him or not; after a moment she sighs, and Sirius knows he's won.
“Haven't you got your own? Merlin, you're cheap,” she says while producing a pack of cigarettes from her satchel and handing it to him, a smirk on her face. He's glad to see that she seems to have calmed down significantly.
“I'm trying to quit so I stopped carrying them around,” he replies and grabs one, putting it in the breast pocket of his vest.
“Looks like it's working,” she notes as she fixes her appearance in front of the mirror and readies herself to leave the room.
“Why are you mad at Potter anyway? Thought you two were inseparable,” she asks as she walks towards the door, a step ahead of him so that he can't see her face.
“Can't tell you, it's a secret.”
She huffs. “You lot are starting to sound ridiculous with all these secrets,” she whips her head towards him, her disapproval clear on her face, though he's almost certain this is just another way of disguising her curiosity. “Is this little group of yours a cult or something?”
“It's a counterculture,” he explains as he exits the bathroom, “how else are we going to beat those bigoted dickheads? The only way to fight a cult is with another cult.”
He's just joking, but the idea doesn't sound half bad to his ears.
Apparently Lily disagrees, because she snorts. Loudly. “Not sure about that logic but you do you, I guess.”
“Thanks for the support.”
“Anytime, Black.”
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sleepingbeautylover · 4 months
spoiler crimson rivers !!
regulus and james are victors and the game has ended but i think im even more scared to continue now bc at least with the game i knew who was going to die and more or less what i should expect… but the black brother have hugged and regulus and james are alive 😿😿 i love them so so much 💓 i hope we will see more of remus bc he always is my favorite ever, i love him more than anything and im so scared for him 😿 i swear i keep saying that but this fic is one of the best i have ever read, the cadence has a rly soft spot in my heart and i rly thought nothing could come close to it but i think cr is climbing its way next to it 😿 and to think that i wasn’t going to read it bc i’ve been such a jegulus snob… that is shameful haha i get it now but i hope to see more of lily too and to see her get her happy ending, my baby deserves everything and what we’ve seen so far isn’t rly comforting 💔 i still have tears in my eyes frol sirius watching his brother die 💔😿
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the order of the phoenix members & co as incorrect quotes pt 2
(as an anniversary post to one of my favorite incorrect quote collections)
molly: Alright, listen up you little shits. molly: Not you Harry. You’re an angel and we’re thrilled you’re here.
tonks: Hey guys, I found a spider. Cool little lad. Thanks for eating the mosquitos. tonks: Oh no, where did it go? mad-eye, standing on a chair: TONKS WHAT THE FUCK?!
remus: Snape has only scowled at me three times this week. Our acquaintanceship is really improving.
dumbledore: I've been expecting you, harry. harry: How did you do that without turning around? dumbledore: Let's just say the first few people I did that to were not you.
kingsley, warning about a death eater coming at tonks: To the left!  tonks: Take it back now y'all!
tonks: What happened to your nose? mad-eye: I used it to break someone's fist.
snape: You read my diary?
dumbledore: At first I did not know it was your diary. I thought it was a handwritten book about a kind of sad fellow. And then I came to a chapter called 'I hate my fucking bosses,' and thought it sounded a little too familiar.
sirius: I apologize for saying 'fuck' during the meeting and horrifying these dear kids. molly: You just said it again. sirius: I am not a role model.
tonks: Mad-eye said it's my turn with the brain cell! sirius: Alright, square up-
sirius: What do you call a dictionary on drugs? kingsley: "Addict-ionary"? sirius: I was actually going to say "high definition", but your answer's much better. kingsley:…
dumbledore: It’s nice to be wanted, you know? minerva: Not by the law!
remus, during deathly hallows probably: There’s always that weak little shit in the group who isn’t down with murder. remus: *glares at harry* harry: Well, sorry I have morals!
tonks: So if our plan goes poorly, where should we meet up? mad-eye: The afterlife, probably.
molly: Where are you going? fred and george: To either get ice cream or commit a felony. We'll decide on the way.
tonks: You didn't think maybe we'd need some actual weapons? dumbledore: Knowledge is the best weapon- tonks: I’m pretty sure weapon is the best weapon.
*trying to solve some mystery*
ron: I've connected the two dots. hermione: You didn't connect shit. ron: I've connected them.
tonks: Who the fuck- kingsley: Language! tonks: Whomst the fuck- kingsley: No.
mundungus: I think I mostly want to see what happens when this whole place breaks apart.
hermione: Harry says thanks for popping by. He’d love to chat but he's up to his eyes in homework. perhaps if you could come by next week- snape and remus, coming to check on him: He’s climbing out the window isn’t he? hermione:
sirius: *closes a cabinet* a crash is heard behind the cabinet door molly: What was that? sirius: sirius: The sound of someone else's problem.
*after discussing a plan* dumbledore: Does anyone have any questions? kingsley: Is this legal? dumbledore: Does anyone have any relevant questions?
tonks: Hey mad-eye, are you awake? mad-eye: what tonks: Are you awake? mad-eye: Who the fuck do you think just said ‘what’?
harry, at the end of order of the phoenix: You guys really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast? arthur: Several air traffic violations.  kingsley: Three counts of resisting arrest. mad-eye: Roughly thirteen bottles of firewhiskey (collectively). tonks: *pointing at the knight bus* Also, that's not our bus.
dedalus, hestia, and those other guys in the order who are rarely mentioned in the books watching the main characters' shit go down: -The actual fuck is happening now??
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kquil · 5 months
Yehhh babes so we’re gonna need some recommendations for this character ai bcuz I just downloaded after that post! Every chat I’ve been in so far has been a bit dry :( I trust you know the good good <3
haha! alrightie, here are some of my tips for having good character ai convos with your darling husbands (ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚
so, you'd want to pick an ai that has had a large amount of interactions because that means it's been able to grow and experience multiple conversations and scenarios beforehand, meaning that it can draw responses from them and give you a better experience
also, i would recommend responding as if you're writing a fanfic and not just having a conversation, add some descriptions of the setting, how you're feeling and kinda hint at how you want the character to respond to you
like... when i wanted an enemies to lovers trope, i made sure to add additional text on how we hated each other and why so that the ai could generate a specific response to that e.g "why are you always so annoying?" i huff with clear annoyance in my voice, he's always so loud and boisterous, and i can never get any peace and quiet with him around! i can't understand why others find him so 'charming'.
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also, if you don't like the first written response the ai gives, you can click the '>' arrow on the side of the response to generate a new one ⏤and you can keep pressing it until you get a response that you like
at the end of the day, the ai can only respond to what you give so you're the one who has majority control of where the conversation will go - i suppose 'what you give is what you get' can be a good rule to go by
lowkey, i use character ai to help me practice my writing and think up scenarios or creative prompts to write about hehe~
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icedcoffeecryptid · 2 days
I personally think that being both british and (thanks to my parents) surrounded by british culture from the 70’s/80’s since I was a child has given me far too much of an ego in terms of the marauders fandom and frankly I think I need taking down a peg
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loverboyjamespotter · 8 months
ive said this before but i dont really think remus and sirius would have gotten on THAT well during their hogwarts years mainly bc the marauders is a dynamic that is characterised by sirius, remus and peter all revolving around JAMES. like james is the central figure to that friendship group and i think theyre all trying to get his attention. i genuinely believe that if remus was going to have a crush on any of the maurauders it would be james absolutely. like james is the one cheerfully calling one of the most traumatising experiences in remus' life his 'furry little problem' which, considering hope and lyall isolated him from all other children HIS WHOLE LIFE, would be a RELIEF. the fact that it was james who stepped in during the whomping willow incident with snape whereas sirius was the one instigating it. the fact that remus has such fond memories of james, the fact that james paid for remus' expenses after hogwarts, etc etc. like i completely believe remus had an unrequited crush on james which knowing james being as like emotionally clueless as he is probably wouldnt even have FIGURED THAT OUT. but this is all a long winded way of saying i really dont think sirius would be the one that remus would have romantic feelings for during their hogwarts years. part of that also is sirius' personality which is quite aloof and cold when he wants it to be. we're canonically told that the only person sirius really opened up to was james so i automatically think remus wouldn't even go there because of who HE is too. like i think growing up so isolated and alone like he did and being worried that no one would accept him for who he is then he meets the veritable whirlwind that is james potter who not only TURNED INTO AN ANIMAGUS FOR HIM but tries to normalise his experiences as much as possible this would critically inform who he would have a crush on. i think sirius' personality is too ... distant for remus to ever actually consider having a crush on him. for lack of better phrasing .... sirius is Too Traumatised. remus is proven time and time again to be an incredibly selfish character. i really dont think his idea of a crush would include trying to piece together a SEVERELY broken person (sirius). i think to him someone like james (or someone who james APPEARS to be) would be highly attractive. the golden boy, ridiculously clever and arrogant and silly and friendly and loyal and mean too. i think james' openness and capability to be extremely warm would be very thrilling for someone like remus whereas sirius' moodiness and mystery and closed-off nature would be exactly what remus is trying to escape FROM. this is exactly why we're canonically told that remus and sirius mistrusted each other during the war years which was not said of remus and james' relationship. i think in having a crush on james potter, captain of the quidditch team, the most popular boy in school, remus gets to live out his fantasy. james with his easy and loving parents, his great childhood, his spoilt naivety ... would all be what remus craves. so again.... this is all to say i think thats the fundamental reason why i think remus would be more likely to have a crush on james than on sirius and i dont know why theres not more fics of this/why this idea isnt more popular.
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little-rainey · 1 month
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Remus (Moony) is a Little
⊱ ─────────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ─────────── ⊰
Head canons
Age range from a few months-5\6
Sirius is absolutely his favorite to be around
James was the one who helped him understand agere
James and Sirius buy him MANY plushies but his fav will forever be a best up dog plush he had for years
Remus is little ALOT right before and after a full moon
Very quite when little, reserved to his own things
James is Papa(or other variations of dad) as thats the main CG
Lily is Flower or fower cause of the lisp
The other Marauders following different variations of their nicknames
When Remus has a meltdown Sirius will shift I to his animagus form and immediately the big is excited shouting
"Puppy! Puppy! "
He doesn't complain much, usually feeling feeling bad if he does. But when he does complain, and doesn't get his way? Oh man, the temper tantrum is Baaaaad.
Bedtime is always stressful as James would lay him down only for 2 minutes later ending up on one of the boys bed, an endless cycle till their all passed out on top of each other.
Lily was the first of the girls to know and immediately she had claimed Friday nights and "Flower and Moony night"
The two would have hot chocolate, snuggle with stuffies, tell stories, and Lily would even do a shadow puppet show.
He Is A Paci Kid!!!!
Immediately when he's little and in the dorm he runs for the bedside table where his stash of pacifiers are.
Because of this, Sirius made sure to buy chewlery for when Remus was out in public.
Eventually the chewing, (I think the word is oral fixation) got really big that it just became a daily thing to find him chewing or something when big or little.
Little Remus is terrified of the dark. The first night he was little he refused to sleep till Peter had figured out a night light spell.
Baby space Remus is very very common meaning the boy is usually non-verbal.... Which can cause some problems.
Sirius and James got him to learn certain signals for times like these so they know what the boy wants but they can never be too sure.
٭────────────────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ─────────────────٭
Just some simple Head canons! I'm planning to do some Kinnporsche ones next as I HC Tay as little bit for now here's some Marauders!
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evanrosieroff · 1 month
Sirius *laughing*
Regulus: why are you laughing? did you see your nasty face in a mirror?
Sirius *stop laughing*: no! it was YOUR dirty homophobic face!!
Regulus: i’m not homophobic. i f*ck with your best friend. if it’s homophobic, then i don’t understand anything about this world.
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siriuslydontknow · 10 months
Sirius being asked what he thinks about his cousins
"Andromeda is by far the most tolerable. I can actually have a conversation with her without wanting to rip my hair out for the most part."
"Narcissa... has her moments. Doesn't mean we get along, though."
"Bella- *incredibly dramatic groan that sounds suspiciously like he's holding back a scream*. That about sums her up."
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