#[I want him in Ravenclaw because we don't have enough of those but Gryffindor also really suits him]
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I never understood all the fuss surrounding the choice of a House by some magical talking hat, so let me tell you this: I'm keeping my House a secret ;) It is more fun that way, I enjoy people interpreting my words, actions, hobbies, and aspirations! I think I could've been sorted anywhere, really. I've met plenty of people that didn't seem to fit in with the typical traits. 
There's been a long discussion concerning this topic among some students, maybe you know Elizabeth and her friends? Such observant young ladies! Sometimes it feels like they know me better than I know myself! But let me take you through some of my thoughts. Once again, not naming my House ;)
Ravenclaw: my smarts! Need to solve a puzzle? I'm your man ghost! I'm also rather curious. As you know, I've travelled the world, have decades worth of learning behind my shoulders. Some argue that I am not that smart (which is, first of all, ouch?) but do I really have to have perfect grades for that? So what if I don't know the difference between French, Latin, and Greek? I am sharp at what I find interesting and what I might need in the future. And what about emotional intelligence? Plus, I think wearing blue would rather suit me! If all Ravenclaws were academically inclined — Ravenclaws would've won every since House Cup ever! 
Some people might want to put me in Slytherin for, er... Well, stealing a wand during my apprenticeship at Olivander's. To which I have to say: I doubt things like that have anything to do with a specific House, Slytherins are not bad people! I had my reasons and I am not proud of stealing anything. I should probably visit the current Mr. Olivander and explain myself... Most of the Slytherin traits do not fit me. Self-preservation especially, Merlin's beard, if only I hadn't gone to that cave alone! 
Gryffindor sounds like a good fit! I was described more than chivalrous on multiple occasions. And once again, bravely going into the cave alone, and then having the nerve to deal with the spiders, determined to get to the end... Although a lot of that was done because Anne never showed up. I was rather upset and now that I think about it, initially I didn't even want to go there alone at all... I am so glad I managed to track down that Auror that somebody mentioned a while ago, hoping to get Anne out of Azkaban. We are just waiting for the Ministry's reply at this point. But I digress.
And then Hufflepuff... I suppose that with trying to get Anne out we can speak of fairness and justice? But patience? Oh no. I might work hard on the things that I like but not everything else! Modesty and Loyalty? Oh, well... Those do not sound reassuring either...
My point is: there is no need to try and sort me into any of the House. I will be in whatever House you guys want me to be~ Speaking of which... If there is anybody who is willing to let me borrow their extra robes for when Thursdays come around when I am corporal — please, let me know! I do not want to alert the staff to my... visits, and since I still look like a 7th year, I think I can pass! 
*Richard writes this letter specifically without naming anybody just yet. He passes the letter to his Scribe, and as per their agreement earlier, the Scribe casts Geminio on the paper, successfully duplicating it. Satisfied, Richard proceeds to do separate introductions for both Indi and Anon on two different parchments, finishing with:*
With much appreciation for your question,
Richard Jackdaw
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islandtarochips · 1 month
Harry Potter x COD
I REALLY love watching the Harry Potter Movie! Trying to read books about it but we don’t have it and I can’t order it because shipping from off-island to here is EXPENSIVE these days so I have to live off of the movies…
And also, I JUST remembered about an artist putting the COD characters into that AU! And I will show the list of those characters! (I only remembered SOME since I saw it like...last year? I think. And I forgot the name of the artist too...)
So here is what I remembered for the COD Characters being in Harry Potter AU:
Soap - Gryffindor/Senior (7th Year) Gaz - Hufflepuff/Senior (7th Year) Ghost (or Simon) - Ravenclaw/Senior (7th Year) Farah - Gryffindor/Senior (7th Year) Alex - Hufflepuff/Senior (7th Year) Price - Slytherin/Professor (Defense Against the Dark Arts) Graves - Slytherin/Senior (7th Year)
And…that’s about it. That’s who I just remembered. I’ll let you guys know if there’s more!
Anyway! I am DYING to share these ideas with you about this one! Let me list down my COD OCs in this Universe!
Tiala - Student/Senior (7th Year)/Ravenclaw: Because of her smartness of planning something ahead. I think that Tiala will likely be fitting in the Ravenclaw house! She also plays quidditch for the Ravenclaw! Which I know we didn't SEE one of the Students from that house actually PLAY but I'm gonna put Tiala in there anyway. She'll be playing as a Chaser or a Beater!
Kanoa - Professor (Defense Against the Dark Arts)/Gryffindor: I see Kanoa being: 1) VERY confident 2)Wants to protect his friends and 3) Causes ALL the problems (Well...most of it). And I know that teaching that kind of subject is...kind of dangerous to learn but when you have Kanoa around! He'll make it somehow...FUN??? I don't know how this man got the students attention of teaching these subject. I'm sure if Hogwarts are doing the "Teacher of the Month". Kanoa will be taking the spotlights! HA!
Agnes - Student/Junior (6th Year)/Gryffindor: As always, Agnes being a chaotic girl and getting into trouble. Causing some explosions during Potions Class (Trying to make something explosive with it). But she will help and protect her friends from dangers. With her BOMBS!
Nigel - Student/Junior (6th Year)/Hufflepuff: I was thinking that Nigel has that LOYAL personality and since Hufflepuff is loyal. Why not put him there? I know he worked hard to help others as much as he can! Wanting to satisfy them! He plays in Quidditch as being the Chasers or the Seekers!
Aelan - Nurse: Aelan is a smart gal and she knows what she is doing. She used to be in the Ravenclaw House. And when she graduated, she decided to be in the nursing office to help and heal the students.
Callie - Student/Senior (7th Year)/Slytherin: I know she got that attitude from Graves and Graves IS a Slytherin too. So you bet that these two will be annoying ANYONE to death. (Her rivalry is with Tiala while Graves' rivalry is with Soap in this AU)
Rosa - Professor (Potions)/Ravenclaw: I believe Rosa will be fitting for Ravenclaw. Think of her as a smart gal with charms. Always a quick-thinker of going against her opponent! And also quite creative while teaching her students to get their attention!
Alana - School Counselor/Gryffindor: Making sure to help students and getting them out of trouble. AHEM- Agnes and Nigel- AHEM- 
Koa - Professor (Flying lesson)/Coach for the Gryffindor/Gryffindor: I see this hunk of a man being the coach. And I know he's brave enough to face anyone or any creatures to make sure that anyone is safe. So Gryffindor for him! And oh! He's also the coach for the Gryffindor House obviously! Lol.
And now! For my mutuals OCs that I have been asking them! And I’m also still waiting for my other mutuals to respond so I’ll reblogged this post once they send it to me!
@revnah1406 OCs in Harry Potter AU:
Sparrow - Student/Senior (7th Year)/Gryffindor: I see this hunk of a woman is a Senior student. And knows how to play quidditch! I don't know if Rev will agree for her to be a BEATER because seeing how strong she looks. I KNOW she'll knock those chasers DOWN with one throw!
Amara - Student/Senior (7th Year)/Hufflepuff: I most definitely see it! Amara being a hard working student and always be fair with others! And I KNOW she's loyal to her best Girlfriend! Sparrow! You could see her cheering her lover on during the Quidditch match!
Abby - Student/5th Year/Slytherin: Abby is a smart gal for a Slytherin and I KNOW she'll be sassy towards others. She's also confident! Which I like it! So I guessed this DOES fits her!
Now for @alypink OCs in Harry Potter AU:
Aly - Professor/Gryffindor: I could DEFINITELY see Aly being in that house! She's a very brave one! I know she is! And has that determination sparks inside of her! But haven't decided of which subjects she'll teach.
Aleks - Student/7th Year/Ravenclaw: I could see it so CLEARLY! This smart gal being part of the Ravenclaw house? Fits pretty well! With her smartness and great ideas. She's gonna knock the house's roof off with it! Lol.
@deeptrashwitch OCs in the Harry Potter AU:
Alicia - Professor (Defense Against the Dark Arts)/Gryffindor: YES! YES! Both her and Kanoa teaching the SAME subjects and is in the SAME house?! No wonder they're both BEST of FRIENDS! Hahaha! And I could definitely see it and I LOVE it!
Luke - Professor (Muggle Studdies)/Slytherin: I don't know if there IS a subject about teaching Muggle. It's been a long time that I've watched Harry Potter so I don't know much. But for this AU! We'll pretend that existed! And I would LOVE to know more about Luke being a Slytherin! This is getting too much fun! Lol.
And lastly that I got respond from. Is @welldonekhushi OCs:
Arjun - Professors (Transfiguration)/Gryffindor: Since I JUST remembered that @welldonekhushi did draw Arjun as being no a PROFESSOR. Soooo….thinking that he’ll be teaching Transfiguration. Doing something to change objects like that. Him being a professor is a WIN-WIN🥴AHEM- Anyway, I could see him teaching that subject!
Scarlet - Student/7th Year/Hufflepuff: This is really sweet to see Scarlet being a Hufflepuff! I wonder if she likes animals. And being a hard worker is her style if she wants to get the job done! Loving it!
And I think that's about it! But for my mutuals! If you are interested to join in, you can DM me! And for those who already ANSWERED the ask the I sent in your inbox and I didn't add it in here. Do let me know in my DM as well! Thank you all and I MIGHT write a fic about this AU too! But maybe later on after me writing the OTHER stories! Ok! Thank you for reading this far and I love ya, peles! 😚❤️
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anybody else notice how convoluted and honestly bad the Hogwarts housing system is? I've been thinking a lot about it lately, and there are some things that really don't sit right with me.
first, the sorting hat supposedly decides a person's house by which one will bring a person to their greatest potential, whether bad or good being decided by the individual, completely ignoring if a person values happiness over success or vice versa. for example, snape. the man would have done just fine in ravenclaw (and he had the mind for it), and he would have been happier as he wouldn't have fallen in with the death eaters, thereby wouldn't have been influenced into their bloodpurists views, subsequently keeping his friendship with Lily all the while not forming a rivalry with the marauders. this is not to say he wouldn't have found bad influences in racenclaw or wouldn't ever have found himself on the marauders' bad side, but I think we can all agree his social network wouldn't have been nearly as toxic had he been placed in ravenclaw. nevertheless, the sorting hat saw the potential slytherin offered him as a future spy and dumbledore's right hand man, resulting in snape losing all chance of a happy life in which he didn't bully innocent children because they might've saved his obsession's life in another timeline. with that in mind, the marauders would have done incredibly well as slytherins. they were cunning, enough to figure out how to become animagi before they were even halfway through school, without anyone figuring it out (besides McGonagall, i refuse to believe she didn't know). they also created the marauders' map, a stunning mosaic of advanced spellwork and potions. they kept remus' werewolf secret for their whole lives (except for The Prank obviously). they spent countless hours creating pranks specifically designed to screw with people they didn't like. this seems a bit familiar, yes? draco malfoy, goblet of fire, those stupid badges he made about harry and cedric, and then later "weasley is our king" in ootp. now, while the other pranksters of the wizarding world were certainly just as smart and creative in their pranking, there is one important difference. the weasley twins mainly just wanted to cause chaos and a bit of fun in an otherwise boring (at least to them) environment. the marauders and draco often specifically targeted someone or a group of people (*cough* slytherins *cough*) whether obvious or not. while Peter is the outlier in this example, he was not without cunning. he spent a significant part of the war betraying his best friends just to make sure he would come out on top, again, without anyone realizing. the marauders may have been courageous, but I think that their cunning overshadowed their bravery by a long shot, but the sorting hat saw the path Gryffindor offered them: direct ties to the greatest hero known to the wizarding world. the only excuse for these housing mistakes is that the sorting hat is dumbledore's dramatic little weasel.
speaking of the sorting hat, its blood status bias is off the charts. how else can we explain the uneven distribution of purebloods and muggleborns? are there no cunning muggleborns? we know that's not true because of hermione, who also would have been a great candidate for slytherin. also, regulus. I can't imagine he would have done any worse in ravenclaw than he did in slytherin. the biggest reason he was in slytherin was cowardice born from fear of disappointing his parents as his older brother did. this only ruled him out of gryffindor, though, not ravenclaw. however, as the "pure blood" house, the sorting thought it a better fit for him. in slytherin, he suffered, and his cowardice continued to be nurtured along with pureblood ideals until the moment his conflicting character traits went head to head and he died at the tragic age of 18, estranged from his brother and stuck in a war he had no choice but to join but finally having let his conscience win. this is the great potential the sorting hat gave him. if the sorting had ignored his blood status, he could have been a hero of the war alongside his brother, or, more than likely, he would've still died young in a war he had no choice but to join. despite this, the sorting hat placed yet another pureblood in slytherin while keeping other more deserving characters such as Hermione and Remus in gryffindor. yet another example is Neville. he would have done so much better in Hufflepuff where he would have been nurtured instead of mocked. snape wouldn't have hated him as much because of the rivalry. and he would have had better access to the greenhouses with sprout as his head of house. instead, the sorting hat put him in Gryffindor where so many other purebloods had been put before because it is one of the two "main" houses where people are more likely to be noticed.
finally, distribution. there is no way to place people evenly and equally in the houses as first years while still doing justice to their potentials and personalities. if the sorting hat were to give an equal number of students to each house every year, there would absolutely be kids in houses completely unfit for them. this is not a slight against the sorting hat; this is plain fact. there is just no way that each year of students could be evenly distributed between houses. however, if one house gets say 12 students and another gets 2, that isn't fair to each house. the house that gets more students would have more responsibility to keep their kids in line, keep their grades up, stuff like that, but they would have a better chance of winning the house cup (more kids to win house points) and quidditch cup (more kids to choose from with a greater variety of skills). meanwhile, the smaller house could have two super smart kids, bringing up their yearly average, but they would be less likely to win house points, and it would be difficult to be picky about who was on the quidditch team. another danger would be if there was only one kid in a house in one year. the kid would be more isolated and would have a hard time making friends. it would be a very lonely 7 years. beyond that, what if there were no kids sorted into a house in one year? one seventh of house points are lost, and that whole grade loses an entire section of people who are meant to help them develop. either way, equal distribution with bad housing placements or unequal distribution with unfairness, many kids each year suffer.
in conclusion, while funky and fun on paper, the housing system has many flaws, including but not limited to potential prioritized over happiness, obvious bias, and bad distribution management. this is not even accounting for the stereotypes and prejudices that come with each house, yet another mark that people have to live with but get no choice in. it would be far better if the kids were sorted by age with specific interests being available through clubs and allowing kids to choose their roommates as they grow up. however, no system will ever be perfect, but we can at least try to minimize the negative effects kids have to deal with because of a choice they didn't even get to make.
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whetstonefires · 1 year
What is your Hogwarts house?
I don't think that's considered a question in good taste anymore lmao.
And, actually, I never liked it much even as a kid, because sorting discourse did not adhere to the framework shown in the text. It consistently drifted to rigorous application of the ruleset laid out by the hat in its little song, which was blatantly called out as a convenient simplification about one page after the formula was originally presented.
Like. The fact that each cohort is broken down into four roughly equal pods and lineage is clearly a major determining factor, as is personal preference, is made clear very early. This is a cultural institution, that shapes the characters who grow within it quite as much as it's assigned based on their innate traits, and within the framework of which people actively look for identity elements to define themselves by.
People in my high school would be sorting adult fictional characters and doing elaborate balancing of their True Natures as revealed by their various plot events and defining life choices and patterns of behavior in their own generally dramatic canons and I'd be like. Okay, what do you think they were like when they were eleven though.
What were their values at eleven? What parts of their potential to be Like That were developed enough to show up on a psychic scan by a sapient hat, at eleven? What backstories are we assuming they're coming into this from; this man is a duke from fantasy medieval europe are we going to analogize him to a posh normie family, or the magic snobs, or are we dimensional-teleporting his baby self into wizard school?
Look, assigning Hogwarts houses to grown-ass adults on the basis of their adult developed identities doesn't make sense, that is very clearly not how anything works, this is a child-sorting algorithm. You have to apply it to children or it's invalid.
...also I was a Ravenclaw. I knew this. Everyone who had ever met me knew this. Any and every online quiz I was convinced to take knew this. I was so boring. I could not even make a serious case for my being one of the people who'd argue my way into another category I was minorly qualified for, or get there on family values or something, because I didn't want to not be a dumb nerd and my family is also dumb nerds. I was such an easy sort it was no fun at all, I was a walking stereotype.
It was embarrassing, is what it was. I was a flat character with no depth, rip child me. It was like if you could fail astrology by adhering precisely to your horoscope.
(My younger sisters wanted to be Gryffindor but consistently tested Hufflepuff and vice versa respectively, and I do not at this time remember which was which. The tests that gave you percentile rankings did give them minors in the ones they wanted tho.)
Anyway looking back on this in reaction to your ask, I find myself reflecting that House affiliation actually worked very much like gender, in that the way it was assigned was treated in-story as being based on absolute inherent qualities that defined a whole person, but quite clearly per the text actually worked by finding a schema you had an acceptable percent overlap with at a young age, and then setting you up to be perceived and instructed through that filter for the rest of your life.
The affiliation had meaning! But it was mostly meaning derived from the affiliation, and its social weight.
The ability of characters to find the sometimes deeply hidden Potential to live up to the person they aspired to be, thereby retroactively justifying the Sorting they had cajoled their way into, is like a major story element, you know?
I feel like this is yet another one of those places where rowling is a fairly gifted drawer of engaging caricatures; where when she was drawing on her actual lived experience (as opposed to hearsay and stereotype) to create something imitating that thing (in this case Belonging To Category) by intuition, the result would have nicely proportioned parts and some solid symbolic details, and work on an internal level more-or-less consistently, if not necessarily according to any strict logic.
Rather than being realistic it had a feeling of reality, which is in itself a perfectly reasonable way to approach light fiction. I often find myself wishing I could work in this more gestural manner sometimes, instead of drilling relentlessly down to detail.
The trouble is that things like those verisimilitudinous gaps between what people do and how they interpret their own doing, which lend the setting a great deal of dynamism, are only sometimes intentional, and the longer she extends any one bit and the more seriously she attempts to take it, the more likely she is to fall into the gaps and loudly deny that she has done any such thing, while digging herself into a pit of stupid.
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freedomaddict · 1 year
my own personal opinion on the rottmnt turtles in hogwarts houses:
Miguel: Ravenclaw. Mikey is SUPER creative, it's kind of his thing. Ravenclaws also value wit, and all of Mikey's jokes are well-timed, he's got a mental sharpness and has an inventive way to make a joke. He's also really smart - the episode with the mystic metal? he says to raph "we're not saying you never have good ideas, we're just saying that sometimes we do to!" he's got street smarts and creative smarts, and strategic smarts. (he could really be any house, i think
Ravenclaw would be the best fit tho) he's the ravenclaw who you think doesn't belong there, but once you get to know the house you'd never be able to imagine him anywhere else.
Big Red: Hufflepuff! Raph is like ... the definition of Hufflepuff. Loyalty, patience, trust, strong sense of justice, hard-working. Literally Raph. I think he could be in Hufflepuff and Gryffindor, but Hufflepuff would suit him best (in my opinion.) Plus, he's always trying to better the team by doing team building exercises (at least i think he does that often, seems like something he'd do) and teamwork is a big part of the hufflepuff house. he's the stereotype of the house - looks open and friendly, who's hugs are warm and safe.
Von Ryan: Slytherin. Before anyone yells, I'm both a donnie kinnie and a slytherin. Donnie belongs here lmao. The way he always tries to improve himself and is extremely goal-oriented. Slytherins value resourcefulness, and Donnie has had to learn to be resourceful when living in the sewers. He gets all of his stuff from a junkyard. Plus, dry humor? perfectionist? big on cost/benefit analysis? donnie fr. he seems like the stereotypical slytherin, the one who's quiet and everyone thinks is evil. (he'd also excel at potions.)
Leon: Tbh, he's pretty hard. I think he could either be gryffindor or slytherin, but also ravenclaw and fit almost perfectly in those houses, but I think he belongs in slytherin. im also a leo kinnie (heh) and honestly? Sarcastic humor, confident (or pretends to be,) competitive and charismatic? literally both signs of gryffindor and slytherin? it's so hard but he has a practical eye and the ability to quickly adapt when needed. he also has a lot of common sense, instead of taking on things he knows he can't do he results in something achievable (paper theives) and he's incredibly persuasive, a trait valued by slytherins. he seems like the slytherin who thinks they're better than everyone else, and once you get to know them you realize they actually are.
April: Hard one! She's so spunky and full pf personality (i love her so much) but i think she belongs in gryffindor. The first episode alone shows me that. Gryffindor traits are bravery, honor, loyalty, boldness and have strong moral centers. I think this is mostly shown in her interactions with the boys. (which is like the only interactions she has ok i know) She's willing to dive head-first into a conflict if it meant she could help her family somehow. There's no doubt that she would go to the ends of the earth for them, and if you think she'd turn her back her boys, you're crazy.
Cassandra: Gryffindor. Don't argue. When reading her wiki (it describes the characters way more in depth than i could) it talks about how much she values being loyal to the foot clan and how energetic/enthusiastic she is. She's courageous and stands up for what she believes is right, just like a gryffindor. She's always wanting to better herself and is quite stubborn.
Casey Jr: I know what house he's in, but i almost didn't want to sort him because it meant someone would be alone...he's a hufflepuff, through and through (i feel bad for leaving mikey alone, but he'll make friends soon enough.) Casey is hard-working and loyal, as we can see in the movie - taking on the mission leo told him to, and not once complaining, just worried about how he could complete it. He has honest the whole way through, not sugar coating anything to beating around the bush. and unafraid of being direct. He's also very polite and kind (i love him guys) and listens to other's input and ideas.
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neonscandal · 7 months
I know this been asked before, but can I ask again? So if you sort your top fav characters or fav ships from to Hogwarts houses, which houses will they be (in your opinion)? Why?
I'm excited to know your answer like for eruri, asheiji, matchablossom, destiel, horimiya, sasamiya, etc.....
Sorry if I ask too much, thx if you want to answer.....
I asked because just found your post about JJK & BNHA character if they were in Hogwarts houses.....(And I love it)
I'm gonna be honest, I love these - little character head canons, asks in general, all of it. So don't apologize for asking! I hope you always feel comfortable to do so. I also hope all my anons woke up today with clear skin and found money in an old jacket or something. ✨
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Same disclaimer applies as before. Without further ado, to the Sorting Hat!
Starting with the low hanging fruit 🥁
Kojiro "Joe" Nanjo (SK8 the Infinity) - All brawn, questionable brains but unquestionable talent that makes him a big name around "S". This himbo would of course plinko his way into Hufflepuff but, if we take starting S into consideration and how that translates into the wizarding world, I'd say Gryffindor with Hufflepuff underpinnings.
Kaoru "Cherry" Sakurayashiki (SK* the Infinity) - I am conflicted. Cherry, disciplined calligrapher, renowned skater and member of the S founding fathers is very obviously a Ravenclaw. I'm really just having trouble reconciling his superiority and condescension against what I imagine would be more in line with Slytherin. Also supports the notion of every Hufflepuff having a Slytherin bestie haha but, truly, that's adult Kaoru. Teenage Kaoru was rebellious and genuinely awe inspired by greatness (but still whip smart). Gryffindor with Ravenclaw underpinnings. Bonus: Ainosuke would round the trio out as the Slytherin primary, obviously. May have started out sweet like our dear Sirius but live long enough in a family like that and I suppose it'll get you twisted.
Levi Ackerman (Attack on Titan) - Levi Ackerman is no stranger to Knockturn Alley. He was raised from the darkness, plucked from its depths to attend school and seemed a bit bothered by the whole to do when he had a perfectly decent operation going, small time stuff of course. A loyalist to those he suffered with, Hogwarts gave him purpose beyond what he could imagine and the Sorting Hat was the first... thing(?) to see his potential. Legacy Slytherin, largely unbeknownst to him, but sorted into Gryffindor assured he'd do great things there.
Erwin Smith (Attack on Titan) - Whew. I know the deciding factor for Cherry was young Kaoru vs. adult Kaoru but Erwin Smith is a Ravenclaw. An idealist, but a bit too cavalier with lives of the canon fodder that made up his command. Incredibly intelligent and dedicated which would make you think Gryffindor but Erwin is an "any means necessary" type of leader. Come to think of it, Dumbledore was a Gryffindor so perhaps there's hope there but I defer to your opinion.
Ash Lynx (Banana Fish) - Self taught genius? Ravenclaw. He had Dino's tutor's for a time, sure but uh... I doubt they taught him how to hack computers. He's a self motivated intellectual frequenting the library for a sense of peace. May the halls of Hogwarts provide that to him in the way the city of New York could not. Does not negate how lethal of a threat he can be, if anything, now this kid is strapped all the time, wand at the ready. I can appreciate if someone thinks he should be in Slytherin but I'm sticking to my initial assumption.
Eiji Okumura (Banana Fish) - This 👏🏾 is 👏🏾 a 👏🏾 Hufflepuff 👏🏾. Brazenly lacks fear in the face of gangsters and recognizes, instead, their inherent humanity and that they can need nurturing and help, perhaps more so than others? Oblivious Hufflepuff energy.
Kyouko Hori (Horimiya) - I feel like Hori is a pretty textbook Ravenclaw but I'd consider Gryffindor with a Ravenclaw primary a la Hermione. Part of me is like... Hori would never be as deep in the shit as Hermione got but let's be for real. She'd follow Miyamura into hell if she wasn't already dragging him there.
Izumi Miyamura (Horimiya) - Considering Miyamura's backstory, I'd understand if you disagree but mans is a Hufflepuff. He had no community, nothing to take hold of. But as its' built around him, he appreciates how precarious it is and holds onto it so dearly, even threatened by Yanagi's immersion into the group. Also, he has so many Hufflepuff moments that are so dear to me. Like memorizing the boys' scents so he can recognize if they've been near Hori despite the fact that it is empirically evident that he's more likely to get stolen away from her by one of the guys. Well meaning simpleton, I love him.
Shuumei Sasaki (Sasaki to Miyano) - SHOUTING Hufflepuff. Don't get me wrong, he's no slouch. Sasaki is straight up fearsome when someone gets a little too close to Miyano but we also know his moral code isn't tied specifically to Miyano. Miyano might have been an indirect impetus to help Kuresawa, but I feel like Hirano validates that Sasaki finds himself in fights regardless of "not being good at them" 👀. Gentle giant and will use his size to the advantage of those in need. I saw a post earlier re: succumbing to Sasaki's rizz and how Miyano is like... god tier for not caving sooner. Imagine if this man had access to love potions 😂 kidding, he wouldn't be the type to use them, even the silly ones from the Weasley's but still. Sasaki + magic would simply be too powerful.
Yoshikazu Miyano (Sasaki to Miyano) - IMAGINE MIYANO PERUSING THE RESTRICTED AREA ON THE HUNT FOR BL. I just cackled aloud at the thought. Then you have hulking Sasaki looming over him drawing attention to the intrusion. Like, "sorry, I'm not seeking out unforgivable curses, just two fictional boys in love." Please. Moving along, Ravenclaw. Easy, and he'd be a Prefect. Sasaki would, of course, frequently be caught using Prefect facilities and trotting along behind Miyano relentlessly. Talk about scary dog privilege.
I had to break these two away to provide an additional disclaimer to the fact that... these legit stumped me. With 14 seasons of background and the radical character development for both of them, it's hard to pick one house and commit to it for either of them. Especially since they, at different points in their development, are interchangeably fitting into the same houses. I never thought about their development in that way before. Upon my deliberation, please see below. Just know, if you disagree, you're probably right and I probably considered your alternative as well.
Castiel (Supernatural) - Cas spends a great deal of his time locked in his Slytherin era, loyal to an antiquated moral system and acting with impunity which is very much giving Death Eater. But, losing his religion, his direction and beneath the weight of all that presumed obligation is a Hufflepuff. In the absence of a belief system, he begins to consider humanity with an unencumbered curiosity, seeks community with the Winchesters and to help those who are plagued by the Supernatural.
Dean Winchester (Supernatural) - Dean starts out as a Hufflepuff. He's all saving people, hunting things, family business. Intrinsically, does seeking out monsters not meet the immediate criteria of "Finder"? Dean protects family, friends and strangers and, at times, critically balances out Sam's Ravenclaw pragmatism that sends him down weird Slytherin shaped holes (hello, demon blood). This with nothing but an 8th grade education, Baby and a comforting slice of pie. But, as the story progresses, his desperation to protect and keep hold of the people he holds dear pushes him deeper and deeper into Slytherin territory where his individual loyalism can justify jeopardizing the natural order, the fate of the world, anything really as long as he and his brother are both still breathing. Subsequently, his previous impulse to always do the right thing becomes clouded with a bias of the right thing if it doesn't impede protecting Sammy. His willingness to leave Adam to ruin is yet another example of this.
Okay, so I'm noticing a trend here... Do I just like a dynamic of Idiot x Genius (or sometimes nefarious manipulator) or am I just sorting people all wrong? Either way, it feels like I'm revealing wayyyy too much about myself here. What do you think?
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f1inl3ey · 2 years
SO LIKE HOGWART HOUSES HEADCANONS (I will try my best to ignore all the headcanons that the fandom created, even tho I love them, and stick to canon) Finney- Gryffindor (i swear this would make sense don't eat me up yet) or Ravenclaw. Throughout the whole movie we are lead to believe that Finney just has this fire in him, even when he gets bullied or reprimanded by his abusive father. Gryffindors are brave, stubborn and loyal too, which I think suits Finney just perfect, even tho I hate the "protagonists are always griffindors" stereotypes. We can also compare him to Neville, that was also seen as a 'coward' until he got up there and killed Nagini. He's a Gryffindor I will die on this hill. Griffin- He gives me severe Ravenclaw or Slytherin vibes, I know most people would say slytherin, but I just like him better in Ravenclaw. He was also a loner, wich is normally attributed to Ravenclaw and I like to compare him to Luna (both of them have no friends lmao /j). When he appears to Finney as a way to alert him without using the phone because it can possibly wake up the grabber, big brain. Going for the more fanon side, Ravenclaw have this more unhinged side of them (Luna in the books is such an icon) and I just feels like he loves learning and is very curious towards everything (music, books, bugs/animals).
Robin- Is either gryffindor or hufflepuff, im in doubt. But, I will say hufflepuff, sorry. Always fighting for what he believes right, and protecting people that are important to him (like the bathroom scene), cheering others up and being there for them, always trying his best and not being arrogant/prideful while asking for help (asking Finney to explain mathematics for him). Bruce- Slytherin. It just- he has ambition on him, just look at his reputation 'Golden boy', as public image can be seem as a slytherin characteristic. He also seems very competitive to me ("You almost got me"), and a charmer (that scene where he's smiling at the girls).
Billy- Slytherin, maybe? I'm confused because his canon and fanon personalities are just so distinct lol. He seems calm and collected when he first appear, and while we dind't get to know him much for me he gives me those slytherin vibes. And the thing about him not recognising himself as Billy after death just made me go hmmm. Anyways by some reason he reminds me of Draco when he was all emo about becoming a death eater. His fanon personality is quite dramatic too, slytherin or gryffindor trait haha.
Vance- I. DON'T. KNOW. This man confuses me, and his canon and fanon personalities are just too tangled in my brain for me to know who is who. Weirdly enough, I will say Hufflepuff but not for the normal conventional reasons, just because this house has the motto of "Accepting who doesn't fit/belong tho anywhere else. He seemed quite clever in his short appearance, but sadly his bad temper kinda stole all the attention. Inclining to the more fanon side, I think Ravenclaw is more fit? Don't know
Gwen- Gryffindor. No questions asked. Donna- She gives me slytherin vibes, but who knows? She also reminds me of Cho lol. She seemed quite interested in sports and also didn't seemed to mind Finney's status, however, she only actively talked to him after he escaped the Grabber (for what I recall). Idk Slytherin.
Anyway, sorry for this whole essay. What is your opinion on the matter? Please remember that I tried making these with the little content we got from the movie (the 1 minute screentime Billy, Donna and Griffin got). Just want to know if other people agree <3
SO LIKE HOGWART HOUSES HEADCANONS (I will try my best to ignore all the headcanons that the fandom created, even tho I love them, and stick to canon) Finney- Gryffindor (i swear this would make sense don't eat me up yet) or Ravenclaw. Throughout the whole movie we are lead to believe that Finney just has this fire in him, even when he gets bullied or reprimanded by his abusive father. Gryffindors are brave, stubborn and loyal too, which I think suits Finney just perfect, even tho I hate the "protagonists are always griffindors" stereotypes. We can also compare him to Neville, that was also seen as a 'coward' until he got up there and killed Nagini. He's a Gryffindor I will die on this hill. Griffin- He gives me severe Ravenclaw or Slytherin vibes, I know most people would say slytherin, but I just like him better in Ravenclaw. He was also a loner, wich is normally attributed to Ravenclaw and I like to compare him to Luna (both of them have no friends lmao /j). When he appears to Finney as a way to alert him without using the phone because it can possibly wake up the grabber, big brain. Going for the more fanon side, Ravenclaw have this more unhinged side of them (Luna in the books is such an icon) and I just feels like he loves learning and is very curious towards everything (music, books, bugs/animals).
Robin- Is either gryffindor or hufflepuff, im in doubt. But, I will say hufflepuff, sorry. Always fighting for what he believes right, and protecting people that are important to him (like the bathroom scene), cheering others up and being there for them, always trying his best and not being arrogant/prideful while asking for help (asking Finney to explain mathematics for him). Bruce- Slytherin. It just- he has ambition on him, just look at his reputation 'Golden boy', as public image can be seem as a slytherin characteristic. He also seems very competitive to me ("You almost got me"), and a charmer (that scene where he's smiling at the girls).
Billy- Slytherin, maybe? I'm confused because his canon and fanon personalities are just so distinct lol. He seems calm and collected when he first appear, and while we dind't get to know him much for me he gives me those slytherin vibes. And the thing about him not recognising himself as Billy after death just made me go hmmm. Anyways by some reason he reminds me of Draco when he was all emo about becoming a death eater. His fanon personality is quite dramatic too, slytherin or gryffindor trait haha. 
Vance- I. DON'T. KNOW. This man confuses me, and his canon and fanon personalities are just too tangled in my brain for me to know who is who. Weirdly enough, I will say Hufflepuff but not for the normal conventional reasons, just because this house has the motto of "Accepting who doesn't fit/belong tho anywhere else. He seemed quite clever in his short appearance, but sadly his bad temper kinda stole all the attention. Inclining to the more fanon side, I think Ravenclaw is more fit? Don't know
Gwen- Gryffindor. No questions asked. Donna- She gives me slytherin vibes, but who knows? She also reminds me of Cho lol. She seemed quite interested in sports and also didn't seemed to mind Finney's status, however, she only actively talked to him after he escaped the Grabber (for what I recall). Idk Slytherin.
Anyway, sorry for this whole essay. What is your opinion on the matter? Please remember that I tried making these with the little content we got from the movie (the 1 minute screentime Billy, Donna and Griffin got). Just want to know if other people agree <3
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braveclementine · 4 months
Chapter 23
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Warnings: None. However, future chapters will contain sexual content so readers that are under the age of 18 may have to skip those chapters (Please keep note of the warnings).
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝕴 𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖊 Hospital wing. Trang was sitting in a chair, holding Remus who was fast asleep. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were both sitting by Bill, Fleur wide awake in a nearby chair. Neville was still asleep though Luna was nowhere to be seen. I supposed she'd gone back to the Ravenclaw tower.
Dad and Tonks were still at the far end of the room, talking. Ron, Hermione, and Ginny were gone, probably back at the Gryffindor Tower. Madam Pomfrey came bustling over once she saw that I had returned.
"Good, now I can finish healing these burns." She started plastering paste all down one leg and wrapping it. "Your robes were ruined, I threw them out."
"How did you get burned?" Trang asked, somewhere behind me, "No one else showed signs of burns."
"Bellatrix Lestrange." I said aloud, "She set Hagrid's cabin on fire. I think Greyback pushed me in, I don't really remember."
"You shouldn't have fought." Trang said.
"Yeah there's a lot of stuff I shouldn't have done apparently, thanks!" I snapped, my temper rising. Madam Pomfrey pursed her lips.
"Just because Harry and everyone else here thinks you're an evil person doesn't mean I do." Trang said.
"What do you mean everyone?" Dad asked sharply, turning from Tonks. Mr. Weasley, Mrs. Weasley, and Fleur were looking up in interest and confusion.
"Oh puhlease." Trang snapped, "Say what you want Mr. Lupin, but I saw the look on your face."
"Trang that's enough." I said softly. "Doesn't matter."
"Obviously it does!" Trang started, "It's not your fault!"
"I never said it was!" Dad said hotly.
"No?" Trang flared, "I didn't hear you saying a word in defense as Harry was beating Elizabeth down! Or as he kept attacking her repeatedly, over and over. I'm really good at reading expressions and your face had a mixture of hate and disgust and regret on it, so excuse me for calling you evil!"
Remus started to cry again.
"Trang, stop." I said sharply, "Give me Remus."
"You should change his name." Trang said hotly, meanly, but she handed him over all the same. I forgot how cruel Trang could be if someone had hurt her friends or family.
Mr and Mrs. Weasley's mouths were open in shock, looking back and forth between Trang and I and Dad. Tonks looked hesitant, sitting by Dad, but looking from him to me like she wanted to say something.
"What did we miss?" Mr. Weasley asked in something that sounded like amazement.
"Nothing." Dad said shortly.
Trang launched into the whole story, adding details that including how much Dad apparently hated his daughter and how Harry was incorrect and other slightly (hugely) biased details. I sighed, putting my face in my hands. Trang could be extremely hot tempered and I was so glad that I wasn't her enemy.
"There." Madam Pomfrey said a few minutes after Trang had finished her story to which neither Mr. or Mrs. Weasley had anything to say. "You should stay over-"
"No thanks." I said quickly, getting to my feet, "I'll be fine."
I beckoned to Trang and the two of us left the room. "Where are you sleeping tonight?" Trang asked as we covered the hallways.
"Severus' room." I said softly. "Just going to lock myself in and put Remus to sleep and sob my heart out. I'll see you in the morning, okay?"
"Sure." Trang said sadly, putting an arm around me. I let her hug me and then she headed for the Ravenclaw tower with heavy feet. I went to the Defense Against the Dark Arts office, opening the door and closing it softly behind me.
I slid down, my back against the door and wept, not even making it to the bed. I reached up, blindly reaching around for the lock and turned it. Remus was crying too, the only incentive that made me get to my feet so that I could reach the bedroom and put him in his crib.
I half expected Severus to be sitting on the bed waiting, but the room was empty, the bed made from this morning. I turned back around, thinking maybe I'd missed him. He'd be standing in the corner of the shadows, waiting to envelop me in his arms so that I could sob into his chest. I could feel his hair on my cheeks and I touched my cheek with my hand, finding that nothing was there.
His desk was clear, all homework graded and in neat stacks. Quills in ink pots, slimy things in jars on shelves, an art easel in the corner, the curtains pulled over the window, Harry's detention boxes collecting dust in the corner. Harry would never finish them.
I went back into the bedroom, closing that door and locking it too. I turned off the light, climbing under the covers. I reached for the pillow, getting ready to stuff it under my neck when my fingers touched parchment.
I flipped the light back on and reached under the pillow, pulling out an envelope. My name was handwritten on the outside of it with Severus' handwriting. With trembling fingers and a few papercuts, the letter was finally out of the envelope.
I unfolded the parchment and read:
Elizabeth, The love of my life, I know you know what's going to happen, that's an under- statement. You know far more than what I know. But I had to write this, just in case, you understand? It's a letter to you in case I never see you again and it's a letter to Remus in case I never see him again. You'll give it to him when he can read. I wish I'd been a better man, someone Remus could be proud to call his father. I don't know when I'll see you again. I won't say if ever because I believe I will see you again, it's the only thing that's keeping me on this path. Chances are you won't ever read this of course. It could be to painful for you to sleep in this bed ever again. Someone else could easily find it, but I have a good feeling about this so I'm writing it. I want you to realize that I know I'm leaving you in a terrible
position. It can't be easy, knowing the future. Someone might
blame you for Dumbledore's death, even though both you and I know that it was inevitable, that you could do nothing to persuade either of us from the plan. For that, I am sorry, it should not be your burden to carry. I'm even afraid (I hope I'm wrong and you curse me for it later) that your father will find you guilty. He's close with Dumbledore. I hope I'm wrong.
But despite what people say, despite what people might
think, I want you to know that I love you. Maybe that's not enough. Maybe you need the love of your friends. I know you care very much for your father. But I know you, and I know that you are strong. I know that you will be able to move past people's thoughts about you. I know that you will be the better person. I love you, I love you, I love you. I never thought I was a romantic, but I cannot seem to be able to write those words enough to know that you will know that I mean them. Perhaps I should've run away with you to Australia when we had the chance. I love you. I love Remus. I love you.
𝕭𝖊𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝖒𝖞 𝖈𝖗𝖞𝖎𝖓𝖌 and Remus' crying, I didn't get much sleep that night. It was foolish, I knew that. Severus wasn't the one who had been lying dead under the Astronomy tower. Severus was fine- for now- and I would see him again next year.
But the weight of what had happened last night seemed to pierce right through my heart. In a way, Harry was right. I should've done more to save Dumbledore, but in a way, I thought I was more right. Dumbledore was okay with what happened, he asked Severus to do it.
I wondered, had I kept my mouth shut last night, would I feel so terrible this morning? Would Harry and I have had a fight? Would dad still feel repulsed by me still?
I lay in bed for a long time, watching the hands on the clock in the bedroom tick past, occasionally getting out of bed to feed or change Remus and then climbing back into bed in a sullen depression.
There was a knock on the door of the office but I didn't fee like leaving the bedroom. I heard the door open and knew someone must've used the Alohomora spell. Strangely, I didn't care you entered: student, Professor, dad, Tonks, friend, foe, Death Eater, Voldemort. It didn't really seem to matter anymore.
It wasn't the voice that I was expecting and I slid off the bed, and unlocked the bedroom door and pulled it open. Severus had never closed the bedroom door before, we'd always left it open so that it felt that the main room and the bedroom were one.
"Ginny, hi." I said softly.
"You look horrible." She said, coming in through the door. "How are you?"
I just stared at her.
"Right, stupid question. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with Ron, Hermione, Harry, and me." Ginny said. She went to the crib, peering over the edge, "You can bring your baby with you if you want."
"Right and have another shouting match with Harry? I don't think so." I said softly, climbing back into the bed, pulling the sheets around me.
Ginny turned from the crib to look at me. "Did you even eat anything today?"
"No." I whispered, "I can't go out."
Ginny sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Hermione chewed out Harry last night."
"Why?" I asked.
"For what he said to you. It wasn't fair at all." Ginny said softly. "He shouldn't have said any of that."
"The damage is done." I whispered but I didn't cry. My tear ducts seemed to have dried up, "Dad already hates me."
"Lupin doesn't hate you." Ginny said kindly. "He's really broken up about what happened last night. Trang and him had it out again this morning. He wants to talk to you."
I sighed, "It doesn't matter. I mean, people say what they want you to think, don't they? I'm not really his daughter, you know? He isn't going to love me the same way he would love his own child. There's a gap. He admired Dumbledore. I could've. . . well I really couldn't. Dumbledore believed the only way for the future to unfold the way I told him was if he died. Maybe he's right, maybe he's wrong. Personally, I think he was right. Severus. . . well, I can't explain it, but Dumbledore was going to die anyways."
"Because another Death Eater would have killed him?" Ginny asked softly.
"No." I said, shaking my hand and letting the blankets drop a little bit, "His black hand was cursed. He only had a few more days to live anyways. If he hadn't died last night. . . well we still would be having a funeral, but probably after your O.W.L.s instead."
"Why didn't you tell anyone that?" Ginny asked. "Then there would've been an understanding-"
I shook my head, "Dumbledore wanted it to play out that way. Eventually, Harry will find out that Severus only killed Dumbledore because he asked him to. But until then, that little secret remains between you, me, and Trang, Ginny. Harry cannot know until he finds out on his own, do you understand?"
"Yes." Ginny sighed. "Trang knows then?"
"I tell her everything because she keeps every secret." I said softly. "And because she isn't part of the future. But you are and so is Harry and Hermione and Ron and everyone else here. I shouldn't have told you what I have and I did, and maybe that'll alter the future somewhat, but if Harry finds out what I've told you, the future could alter hugely, and that could end up being a very bad thing."
We sat in silence for a minute and then Ginny said, "There's something else you should know."
"And what's that?" I asked.
"The entire school knows you have a child, but- they don't know who the father is." Ginny said. "I just thought you should know before you go out there."
"Yes." I said sarcastically. "Because knowing everyone knows I have a child definitely makes me want to go out there."
Remus started to cry. Ginny hopped up from the bed, "Can I get him?"
I nodded. Ginny went over to the crib and picked Remus up and held him close to her. After a few minutes of bouncing her arms, he fell asleep again. "What's his name?"
"Remus Sirius Snape." I said.
"I'm surprised Snape even let you name him that." Ginny said lightly, obviously not wanting to start a fight. "Considering how much he hated Sirius."
"He understood it was something I had to do." I said and then I smiled a little and said, "I think the way he put it was 'at least you didn't name him James'."
Ginny laughed lightly.
I got out of bed, smoothing the covers over. I was wearing school clothes and I grabbed my robes to throw over them. I smoothed down my hair and used a little makeup to fix the red eyes and blotchy face.
"Elizabeth?" Another voice asked at the door.
"Hi Susan." I said unenthusiastically.
She came into the room and squealed with delight, "You do have a child!"
"Yeah his name is Remus Sirius." I said, not letting out the last name.
She smiled at me, " Can I hold him?" I motioned to Ginny to let Susan hold him.
"I think I'm going to go down to Hagrid's." I said to Ginny. "I'll take Remus with me. I don't really want to go into the Great Hall though."
"I'll get you food." Ginny said, "I'll meet you in the entrance hall." She left the room quickly.
"I'll go down with you, if you want." Susan said softly.
I nodded, my throat tightening. "I just hope I don't see a lot of people."
Susan and I went down the stairs. I wondered if the fact that she knew where to find me meant that she knew Severus was my husband or whatever the rumors were but she didn't let on.
"Was anyone seriously hurt last night?" I asked.
Susan shook her head, "I'm disappointed in Zacharias for not showing up but I never had time to confront him. His dad escorted him off the school property today."
I sighed, "I thought he might stay for the funeral."
"Me too." Susan said sadly. "Padma and Parvati Patil are both gone, their father picked them up before breakfast. They had a row, tried to stay at Hogwarts, but their dad refused. I heard he was livid that they had fought the Death Eaters. Seamus had a huge row with his mother in the entrance hall. She'll let him stay for the funeral though."
"They won't be the last students to have rows or leave." I said. "Parents aren't going to want their students in the school anymore, not that they'll have a choice next year."
Much to my relief, the hallways we were using had almost no students in them and the students we did see were first or second years and paid us no attention whatsoever because they didn't know us.
"Next year?" Susan asked.
I shook my head, "You'll find out sooner or later. Just stay safe next year."
"You won't be coming back?" Susan asked.
I hesitated, "I don't know yet. We'll see."
We passed the Great Hall and students were more abundant here. Ernie and Justin came running out of the Great Hall to join us, both of them showing exclamations of surprise at Remus, but no hard feelings were between us. I really did belong in Hufflepuff. It was ridiculous it had taken me six years to believe that.
Ginny was in the Entrance Hall, holding a basket of food which she thrust into Ernie's arms. "I'm going to go with Ron, Hermione, and Harry, we're going to see Bill in the hospital wing."
"Tell him I told him to get better." I said lightly. Ginny nodded and hurried up the marble staircase.
"Where are we going?" Ernie asked, staggering under the weight of the picnic basket. Susan giggled.
"If it's too heavy for you, you can always use magic." She teased.
"I was going to Hagrid's cabin." I said, "But we can have a picnic in the pumpkin patch. I should say hi to Buckbeak anyways."
"Buckbeak?" Ernie asked.
"Oh right, sorry, I meant Witherwings." I said with a grin, hoisting Remus higher up on my shoulder. He was blinking up at the bright sun, and waving his hand in the breeze.
There were lots of students outside and they all pointed as the four of us made our way down to Hagrid's cabin. The girls squealed and oohed and aahed from a distance about the baby. The boys seemed almost impressed for some reason.
Rose broke away from her group of friends to come and join us. I spread the blanket out in the pumpkin patch, petting Buckbeak's nose, holding Remus up so he could pet Buckbeak too. Buckbeak nuzzled Remus and then we went and sat down with the others.
Rose was delighted with Remus and asked to hold him. He was only a few weeks old and I was suddenly slightly worried about all the dangers that were outside but I let Rose hold him anyway and then produced a small umbrella and cradle out of a pumpkin so that he could fall asleep in the shade and also not be sunburned.
I had undone the spell on my wedding ring, making it visible to everyone. I figured now that everyone knew I had a child, they could all know I was married too. They just wouldn't know who I was married to.
Hagrid joined us some time later with his own food which we managed to avoid. He told us stories of old and of Dumbledore and of Hogwarts and battles and dragon trades and Acromantula and many other things.
Over the next couple of days, there were many people that we'd either seen before, or hadn't seen before but nobody I wanted to talk to.
I visited Bill in the hospital wing when the only person there was Fleur and Madam Pomfrey. He gave me a one armed hug and asked how I was doing, if it was true that I'd had a child with Severus, and what the child's name was.
But unlike many of the other people who were disturbed about the child and even more disturbed I'd had it with a Professor (like Bill's mother), Bill was quite pleased with the idea, and asked me if he could see Remus.
I brought my baby too him and he held him on his lap and said to Fleur, "We should have one of these."
"But of course!" Fleur exclaimed and went onto a long rant about how her and Bill would have about seventy children and half of them were name Gabrielle.
Neville hadn't been discharged yet, and Luna sat by his side quite frequently. Luna and Neville were also people who quite liked Remus and of course, Luna took the most unusual side of things that made someone want to hit her and laugh with her at the same time.
"You must have a case of Stranger's Aching." Luna said over a new edition of the Quibbler, "It's where people fall in love with their soulmate, but then fate intervenes and something happens and-"
Ginny started to giggle and I flushed. Bill looked confused and looked between Ginny, Fleur, and I for help understanding. Fleur hadn't been paying attention. Neville looked embarrassed for me.
"Thanks, Luna." I said, trying not to laugh. "I'll work on that."
Ginny giggled harder. Trang cracked a smile.
"So." Trang said, pulling something out of her bag. "I've done my research." She handed me a sheaf of paper.
I flipped through the pictures. They were stationary- Muggle candids of apartments and houses. "These are relatively cheap." She said. "But this one is near a park." She said, pointing to a small blue house with yellow shutters and a white porch. "It's older than the apartments but like I said, I did the research. It's perfect."
"Your moving?" Bill asked, frowning which contorted his face into more of a scowl.
"Of course." Trang said before I had a chance to even open my mouth. "Where else is she supposed to go?"
Bill moved uncomfortably in his bed. Fleur contributed this to being restless, and Trang and I left them alone.
"I don't know where to move to..." I said hesitantly, walking down the hallway. We were going to go outside with Remus. "I-"
"But where else can you possibly go?" Trang asked.
"Home." A different voice said from behind us. Trang scowled and I turned around hesitantly.
Dad stood there with Tonks. "Elizabeth, you should come home."
I swallowed hard. I wasn't ready for this conversation. I clutched Remus just a little tighter in my arms. "I. . ."
"Just come home." Dad repeated, almost pleading. My heart wrenched.
Trang was gritting her teeth loudly but she said nothing. This was my choice, she knew that.
"I don't. . . I think it'd be easier. . . for you if I-"
"No it wouldn't!" Dad said fiercely. "I want you to come home."
"It's not going to be the same." I whispered.
"Why?" Dad demanded. "Because I was upset with Dumbledore's death?"
"Because you blamed me for his death!" I protested, close to crying.
"I didn't." Dad denied. "I was trying to wrap my head around a difficult situation. That's not an excuse and in some aspects, Trang was right. I didn't stand up for you, and you don't know how much I regret not doing so. I should've told Harry off, I know that, and I didn't, and there is nothing I can do to change that, I can't turn back time! But I love you and I want you to come home and I want you to introduce me to my grandson and I want you to be there for Tonks and mine wedding and I want you to know that I'm always going to stand up for you, no matter what."
But he wouldn't. He was going to die and so was Tonks and Fred and Severus and Lavender and Colin and Uncle Moody and who knew how many other people.
"His name's Remus Sirius Snape." I whispered, holding him out for dad to hold. Dad took him gingerly in his arms and smiled down at him. Tonks smiled at me. I smiled back.
"I'm sorry." Trang said in a hard voice, not looking at dad. "I shouldn't have shouted at you."
"You put me in my place and though you were wrong about some things, you were also right about others. I just needed to hurt for a little bit." Dad said softly, waving a finger in Remus' face.
"I'll see you later." Trang whispered, putting a hand on my shoulder and then walked off.
"How old is he?" Tonks asked.
"A few weeks, about a month almost." I said. "June 4 was his birthday."
"Eliza!" A voice squealed and turned, nearly getting knocked over as Hermione threw her arms around me. Ginny was on her heels. Ron and Harry were much slower in following.
"Hi- Hermione- can't breathe."
Hermione let go of me quickly, smiling and said, "Oh, I'm so glad we ran into you! We were just on our way to go see Bill."
"Yeah, he's awake." I said. "At least he was when I left. Fleur's with him."
Ginny let out a dramatic sigh. Ron hurried past us and left with Ginny. Harry stopped in front of me, hesitating.
I didn't know who did it first, but in a moment we were both hugging each other and whispering that we were sorry and for each other to forgive the other and how stupid we were, yada yada.
Hermione was positively beaming.
From that day on, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Trang, and I were always together, almost always accompanied by Remus either asleep or crying and sometimes an extra friend from Hufflepuff. And even though I'd made up with Harry I did not forget the sense of acceptance that had come from Hufflepuff. I'd always belonged in Hufflepuff. I did not have to be my parents or Lupin.
I just had to be myself.
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indigobackfire · 2 years
💜 for Rosalyn with maybe Duncan
(I hope you don't mind me adding a random barnago fankid that only exists in an AU 🙈)
Rosa opens the door to the artifact room with a sigh. "What is it now-"
And though Rosalyn was expecting trouble, rarely Oberon called anything an emergency, those usually came from Teddy, the scene is a tad weirder than she had expected, on the corner of the room sat a boy with a pumpkin over his head with two unevenly sized holes for eyes and only his loose Ravenclaw tie and white skin for characterization, yet she didn't have to ask to know who it was.
In the centre, her cousin paced in the constricted space, coming to a stop when he sees her. "Oh, great, you came- Why you have a toad on yer head?"
"I was taking him out on a walk when I received your owl."
Oberon pokes the toad who seems to be sleeping, gripping her hair for stability. "You take your toad on walks?"
"Is that Rosalyn!?" The boy exclaims, the German accent clear even with his voice muffled by the pumpkin. "I can't believe you called her!"
"Well, well, I'm glad I'm welcomed!"
"I said I called help! You're often the one with these types of ideas, I thought you might have an idea on how to solve it."
"Seriously, Obby? It's such a silly spell, I bet you can undo it yourself!"
"The problem is, this isn't Melofors! If that was the case, I could just smash his head against the wall and it'd all be fine-"
"Excuse me-"
"-but this dumbass is wearing an actual pumpkin!" He finishes knocking on it. "Which he made near indestructible."
"I adapted a shielding spell, I can teach you later if you get me the fuck out of this!"
Rosa knows it'll be for nothing, but for her amusement takes the fruit and shakes it just for the fun of it. "Indeed, it's stuck."
He waves her hands away. "What a keen eye!"
"How did you get it in there in the first place?"
"I shrunk my head and waited for the spell to wear out while inside the pumpkin, otherwise it would slip out."
"May I ask why you did it?"
"I wanted to see if I'd be able to make a helmet combining a breakable pumpkin and a shielding spell. And it worked."
"Can you ever use your head for something reasonable? You could change the world, but nooo."
"Will you bully me or will you help?"
"Can't you just shrink him again?"
"I dinnae ken what spell he used to make this thing indestructible, but it's also working as a barrier on him. Just look."
Oberon takes a stance perfectly before performing a Flipendo that deflects from Duncan's chest and hits the wall above their heads with a smoke stain. He also tries an Incendio that ends in mere sparks.
"See? Nothing."
"Awesome right!? I'd keep this on forever, the problem is I can't eat, I can't perform spells for some reason, and oh, I am close to suffocating."
"Perhaps, we should just allow natural selection to do its job, don't you think?"
Oberon takes her arm. "Rosa, please. Flitwick must cry at night because of him and this week was going so well..."
"I'll give you all the candy I get from Hallowen!"
"You hate candy."
"And I could give it to anyone else!"
She rolls her eyes.
"Please, Murk, think of something, it's starting to get slimy and gross in here."
She taps the toad on her head with a laugh. "That's it! Slimy and gross!"
"Ha, I don't like the sound of that..."
"Me neither."
"What's more slimy and gross than your animagus form, huh? The octopus must be small enough to fall through."
"First, I am offended, second, that's a great idea." He rubs his hands together. "Okay, Onion, hold it for me."
Oberon does so with a eye roll and within a heartbeat they watch him fall to the ground with a blobbery sound, the brown octopus almost camouflaged against the wooden floor. The scene is bizarre as they watch him turn back into a boy, head covered with remnants of slimy pumpkin guts.
"Ha! It worked!"
She holds her hips and looks at her cousin. "See? Us Gryffindors aren't as stupid as you claim."
"I never said Gryffindors were stupid, if I did mum would have some things to say."
Duncan wraps his arms around her, kissing her cheek loudly and making pieces of pumpkin fall on her. "You're the smartest, Murk."
"Get off me!"
"C'mere! Let me thank you!"
She hold out her hands. "Keep your promise and that'll be enough. Ugh, you get me some good candy."
The two Ravenclaws watch as she walks out, taking her toad in her hands checking if any pieces of guts had fallen on it.
"Thanks for not telling her it was me who called," Duncan says.
"You played the part quite well. But maybe you should just be sincere, lassies like when you consider them important."
"They do, but not when you have yourself stuck inside a pumpkin!" He taps Oberon's cheek. "Oreo, you might have the face but I have the technique."
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slytherbun · 3 years
pairing: cedric diggory x hufflepuff!reader
summary: you weren't too sure what to think when a new eye candy transfers to hogwarts and becomes the new seeker of the hufflepuff's quidditch team but you realize in time that he is all of what you hoped for.
word count: 3.7k
tags: @specialagentsoftie
note: so this is all just a bunch fluff. i'm not sure how i feel about it in terms of cringey and hope y'all like it! figured i'd post this anyways either way though lol. i made up the way reader and cedric met at hogwarts so, it's non-canon from the movie.
another note: italics are flashbacks! :)
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it was cold.
you could see everybody’s breath in the air outside and knew it was a crime to be out and about now with freezing and chilly weather.
the snow outside coated the ground by inches and the black coats zippered up and wrapped around you only helped so much. you were the type to freeze easily and the climate at hogwarts didn't help your situation at all.
minutes ago before you walked outside, you knocked on the door to his dorm after surveying the hufflepuff’s common room and noticed there weren't very many people around. and when cedric opened the door after you rapped on it a few times—he took in the view of your body wrapped around your blanket before pulling you into his room.
pathetically enough, you were shivering in the halls even with your mitten covered hands stuffed in the pockets of your coat. you weren't about to admit the doubled up socks on each of your feet either underneath the knee-length boots you wore today.
"are you cold?" cedric successfully taunted you when you reached your arm out of the pocket of your jacket and then under the blanket to slap his arm. he hissed and glared your way playfully while rubbing his arm dramatically.
you shrugged with a smirk on your lips and he plopped down onto his soft bed. “don’t get too comfortable.” he suggested when noticing you trying to sneakily get underneath his covers. 
“what i’d do for one of those thermal blankets the muggles use.” you sighed dreamingly while watching him walk towards his closet.
“imagine having a postal company deliver the package to hogwarts? dumbledore would have an aneurysm.” cedric replied and you couldn’t help yourself when imagining the scenario playing out in your mind. 
he turned to the side to admire your smile while you were a little distracted while pulling out a coat. then he closed the closet up and walked back over, holding it in your direction to offer an extra to put over your body. you gladly took it with a smile. "thanks ced."
cedric backed up a few steps and brushed a hand through his brunette hair. not being able to help himself he joked, “can’t have you walking around with your blanket wrapped around you. your height already makes you look so adorable.”
you got off from the bed when he exaggerated with your blanket in hand and scoffed. cedric bit his lip nervously while continuing to back up before he felt the wall pressed against him.
he rubbed the back of his nervously while you held the blanket up to his height and above your own head. “i’m just kidding.” he gulped before you took it and put it over his face.
when he tugged it down from his face he spotted you innocently standing by the door with his jacket around you. “i was going to leave it here anyway. just put it on the bed and i’ll come get it later after we get back.”
while you zippered it up you noticed this particular jacket was the one that you often saw him wearing before he ended up buying a new one for the upcoming winter that you were suffering in now.
and it was longer than the one you had previously put on about twenty minutes ago so, you couldn't argue with him on that steal.
"alright.” he laughed and added with a more serious tone. “oh and by the way—you don't need to thank me. you're my best friend, wildflower."
today was the first quidditch match of the season and you were sitting at the edge of your seat in anticipation. the hufflepuffs didn't score well last season and you were hoping they wouldn't come out with last place again for the year.
y/g/b/f (your girl best friend) sat down on the stands next to you with an umbrella in her hands. you turned and looked at it with a confused face. but she just smiled at your contemplating thoughts and looked up at the sky once before supplying you with an answer.
“well it looks bright now but i have a feeling it’ll rain later.” she always had a suspicion for when it was going to rain or snow and you never second guessed her because every single time she was right.
“did you know we’re having a new seeker play on the team today? i believe he’s going to be captain too if he plays his cards right this game.” she asked. you didn’t know that.
“wait is he the new guy everybody is talking about? i heard the rumors but you know how they are. i didn’t want to take it seriously until i saw it with my own eyes.” you stated and she nodded. 
“yeah he’s a transfer i think but i’m not too sure. his name is cedric diggory though.” after her reply, you glanced around the stands to see if anybody had diggory signs for the game but with no avail you sighed. before you could respond you felt a few droplets on your shoulder. 
your friend gave you a smart-ass grin and popped out the umbrella to hold it over the both of you. “guess we’ll see how good he is.” you mumbled before seeing the players come up to the playing area with their brooms.
butterbeer was pretty popular during the winter season. many students from school usually went and got some to help regulate their body temperature and keep warm.
everybody else must have gotten the same memo because you were inside the three broomsticks now for some butterbeer and it was crowded.
almost every table was filled with peers and that’s probably why you didn’t see many people in the school. with just one glance around the area, you could already tell the divided area’s of where each school was seated right away. 
your tables were to the left area, the slytherins must have come earlier because they grabbed the back ones, some of the ravenclaw’s were off to the right, while harry and the other gryffindor’s had the middle area.
cedric nudged your side to grab your attention and nodded towards the hufflepuff area. “want to grab us some seats and i’ll get the drinks?” he asked and you nodded. “sure, could you get me a snack too if you don’t mind?” 
he smiled and tucked his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “i suppose i could.” cedric walked away with a wink and you shook your head knowing he was just humoring you.
little did you know he already had planned to get you something else even before the two of you left the dorms. it had gotten to the point where asking him for little things hadn’t bothered you because you reciprocated all of the time.
but sometimes cedric would give you little excuses when it was your turn to pay, just so he could end up paying for whatever you guys were having or getting. he always spoiled you.
"ah the golden girl is here." hermione scoffed and watched you walk towards the hufflepuff area. your other best friend was seated already and started talking to you when you sat.
the brunette from the red colored house didn't particularly dislike you since you were always nice. sometimes you chatted with her while working on a project that you were paired for. then other times you gave her a soft smile when catching her eye while walking in the halls towards your next class.
she definitely couldn’t help but respect and admire you.
but the reason she didn’t put herself out there and try to befriend you was because you were one of the girls known in school for your smartness, quick reflexes, and witty attitude. 
when people from school talked about you and referred to you as the golden girl instead of your name most of the time—it wasn’t that you were golden per-say but the fact that it matched up perfectly with the school’s color that you sorted it.
hufflepuff was known for its represented yellow color.
and there’s no doubt about it that hermione was also known around the school. but, she felt it was for all of the wrong reasons. despite not having it any other way as one of harry's best friends, she wondered if not for him that in an alternate lifetime that she would be you. 
“why is she wearing cedrics jacket?” ron asked after following hermione’s stare. harry thumped him on the back of his head and then shook his own. “why does it matter?” the one with a thunderbolt on his forehead replied.
“well it is interesting, isn’t it?” the brunette said in defense of ron’s question. the one who didn’t seem curious at all took a sip of the butterbeer in front of him.
he licked his lips, thinking then replied to them with a response. “i mean it’s not our business but it is an odd find now that you pointed it out. maybe he’s just being friendly?”
“as if! cedric has had a crush on y/n since he met her. she’s just oblivious to it all,” she paused and tapped her chin. “—or is she?” ron gasped at her accusation but took a sip of his own drink before she could hear his outburst.
harry noticed her getting riled up once again and sighed. “well i don’t know what else to say. maybe you should just introduce yourself already and ask her instead of me.” he shrugged and hoped to end the conversation there.
you knew exactly who cedric diggory was when he swiftly passed by the hufflepuff area during the game. of course, he was wearing yellow. 
the game has been going on for a decent amount of time now and he was stacking up the scores on the quidditch board—easily passing by the score of the gryffindor’s team.
cedric was undoubtedly the new eye candy for the whole school with the gasps and ‘awes’ from the other girls sitting in the stand. your friend was so busy watching harry that she didn’t catch the commotion.
you didn’t really pay attention to him to get a good glance at his face so, you thought he was just another arrogant rich boy and rolled your eyes.
what you didn’t notice was the way it was like a slow-motion love at first sight situation for him when he went by. since it stopped raining through the middle of the game he was able to catch a quick view of you. 
the week wasn’t done yet so it was possible he’d be seeing more of you in another class he hadn’t had yet. and cedric hoped you were because he couldn’t help but look over in your direction throughout the game to catch another glimpse of your face.
it was still humid outside and you tried wiping your makeup a few minutes ago since it was under your eyes now, but you only smudged it further. your robe was drenched with your wavy and half-dried hair now lying down the back of it. 
but he didn’t care what you thought about yourself because he knew without a doubt that you were the prettiest girl there.
“cedric’s looking pretty good today.” y/g/b/f voiced for the first time today. you played with the napkin in your hand while trying to get a glimpse of cedric. 
“i don’t think you would know even if he was—since you spend all your time looking at harry.” cedric was up to the counter now waiting for your butterbeer and food.
“uh huh. don’t think i haven’t admired cedric before from afar though.” after a moment of not answering her, y/g/b/f noticed that you weren’t paying attention. you knew exactly what she was hinting towards.
cedric did look good.
his hair had that ‘just woken up’ style to it and he always managed to look even more attractive then he should have. the yellow scarf wrapped around his neck was the one that came with every hufflepuff’s supplied uniform clothing.
he usually wore it when you sat with him in potions on a chilly morning and you caught yourself wanting to take it off of him and wear it sometimes.
he always smelled good and it comforted you in ways a best friend shouldn’t have the ability to.
you seemed to have let your guard down and stared longer then you should have which confirmed what y/g/b/f already knew. “i knew it!” she chuckled and stated more loudly than the last comment to snap you out of the zoned out state you were in. 
“know what?” you asked while placing the napkin back down on your table.
cedric was reaching the table and you wanted the conversation to end quickly. you usually dragged out conversation topics like this so you had time to think of another one to distract her with. but, she always found a way to circle it back around again. 
you had to shut it down before he could hear, already knowing exactly what she wanted to talk about again.
“i’ll tell you later before our curfew.” y/g/b/f smirked and you sighed knowing she would in fact take the time out of her night to find you before bed. lucky you.
“hey y/g/b/f. how has your day been?” he asked your other friend while sitting down and placing your refreshments in front of you and then doing the same with his. 
she grinned at you then glanced over at him, “pretty good i guess if it wasn’t for this weather i would say great. how about you? and how’d you manage to get this one out?” she gestured towards you, causing you to roll your eyes. 
here we go again.
you were walking down the path back to the hogwarts dorms with y/g/b/f and some others. there was going to be a small celebration in the hufflepuff’s common room and other students were trying to hurry back without raising suspicions with any professors nearby.
“hey, i’ll be right back y/n/n. i see luna and i’m going to go ask her if she has a hair tie.” she said and pointed to the curly knots that she had on her shoulders.
you nodded and continued along the path while she walked over to the other side. it was quiet for a moment and you surveyed the peaceful area, a few feet over in the grass was a small patch of flowers.
you were about to take a quick look at them before feeling someone tap your shoulder. it was sudden and you couldn’t help but quickly move to the side and form a fist. you were about to throw it but stopped when you stared wide-eyed at the person who scared you.
cedric felt awful and only after he startled you did he realize that you were looking off in the distance of the area. the way you jumped though seemed that you were quick on your feet and he couldn’t help but smirk at the new name he had for you. 
“hey i’m sorry for startling you wildflower but i just wanted to introduce myself. i’m cedric diggory.” he introduced with a panty-dropping smile.
you weren’t sure if it was some kind of joke so you treaded carefully. “uh it’s okay, it’s my fault really for not paying attention but i’m y/n y/l/n. nice to meet you ced.”
cedric held out his hand for you to shake and you took it, giving him a firm shake. after you let go he smirked and questioned. “ced, huh?”
he crouched down to pick up a flower that you were looking at earlier and it reminded you to ask, “wildflower, huh?” you met his statement equally and folded your arms together so they were across your chest to look more tough.
his cheeks tinted a minor shade of pink and tried to hide his embarrassment by ducking down and ignoring your question. instead he glanced back up to tuck a hair behind your ear and then placed the flower there.
“yes, wildflower.” 
and how could you argue with him when he was being so sweet?
the two of you made it back to the common room after an hour of eating, then chatting with cedric and your other best friend. he was sitting on the bed with you sitting next to him.
you’ve been sitting for only about a minute or so—only enough time to shrug off your jackets and place them on the desk chair between that time after walking back to his dorm.
“would you like to lay down for a few minutes?” cedric asked when he noticed the tiredness shown clear as day on your face.
“sure” you agreed and you laid down while he shook your blanket out for the two of you to use. his eyebrows scrunched together when he realized it wouldn’t make much of a difference in comfort with how small it was.
you chuckled watching him trying to maneuver it around and he glanced your way with a smirk of defeat. “hmm, seems this blanket is a little small. would you like to go under the covers?”
cedric was giving into what you wanted earlier before the two of you left and he knew that too. the three broomsticks' food was delicious as always and you just wanted to relax for a few minutes after getting teased by your friend.
he grinned watching you get comfortable after the both of you were situated under the sheets and yellow comforter. there was a hufflepuff patch ironed onto it and you rubbed your thumb over it while laying down.
it wasn’t that awkward since you’ve fallen asleep in his arms a couple of times before already. class exams were frustrating and took a lot out of the students so he took comfort in you and vice versa when there was some down time during the weekends throughout the school year.
with an arm around you—he pulled you close to the point where you could feel his warm breath along your neck. “i don’t think you realize how much i treasure these moments y/n/n.”
he spoke breathlessly and you gulped slowly. you were dumbfounded with how seriously he said that. as if it had some kind of hidden meaning behind it. “me too.” you agreed and wondered if he would leave it at that.
but you knew better and cedric never left well alone when he wanted to get a point across. he turned your body slowly with the arm he had around your middle and you faced him with confusion.
he glanced down once before looking back up and continued on with his confession while staring into your doe eyes—a color he deemed his favorite the day that he met you.
“i’ve been fighting myself for a while on whether or not i should tell you this because i didn’t want my feelings to ruin our friendship. i’d rather be your friend than not be a part of your life at all. and i always look forward to seeing you e-everyday.” he paused when his voice cracked.
after cedric cleared his throat he continued, “and i totally understand if you don’t share the same feelings with me but i just couldn’t go on another day without telling you how i—” you cut him off by leaning in and brushing your lips against his.
he moved closer on the bed, so his skin was touching yours. cedric wanted to get as close to you as he possibly could. your hand swept through his brunette curls and you surprised him by tugging it.
he never knew what you were going to do and his friends teased him that you were a wildcard, to which he’d correct them and say you were his wildflower.
cedric smirked into the kiss and you groaned knowing he was being a smart-ass. but in return, he shocked you when he placed a hand delicately on your cheek to cup it rather softly.
he rubbed your cheek while your hand massaged his curls and then moved them downwards to the nape of his neck.
cedric pushed the hair back from your neck with his hand and then placed it back so his thumb splayed across on your cheek in a loving gesture. and you only wanted him closer after feeling sensitive about the whole astonishment that still had you stunned to the core.
you tugged the collar of his shirt and he pulled away with puffy, red lips and a smile. “what’s wrong?”
“i don’t know, i’m just emotional.” you voiced squeakily and full of embarrassment about it. cedric shook his head and before patting his chest, he held up the comforter over the both of you and let the minimal cold air in.
“oh, baby it’s okay. come here and let's cuddle a little before curfew.”
you bit the bottom of your lip and nodded, giving him a smile in return to the one he gave you and then crawled onto him. “i think i like baby better.” you voiced and laid on his chest with your head over his heartbeat.
he let go of the comforter when he noticed you were settled and tugged it firmly around both of your bodies. “better then what?” he asked.
“wildflower.” you admitted and hummed nervously while awaiting his response. you felt cedric shake his head and he put his arms around your body so you were pressed firmly against him before he kissed your forehead.
“you’ll always be my wildflower.” you closed your eyes after giving him a quick kiss on the cheek in response.
after a moment of laying back down you could feel his chest rising up and down in an odd pattern so, you put your head up to see him laughing again at you.
“what now?” you questioned trying to keep a serious facial expression but failing when he grinned.
“guess you got what you wanted, hmm?” cedric said—referring to the fact that you were finally under the comforters and you smirked.
“of course i always do. including finally getting you, ced.”
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rogue-durin-16 · 4 years
Summary: After having little to no interest on girls for five years, Fred suddenly feels the need to nag the shit out of a certain witch, completely oblivious to the reason behind it.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Slytherin!Reader
Genre: fluff (+ enemies to lovers)
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog
Warnings: none
A/N: I'm currently going through a Harry Potter fever ('tis the damn season), so I thought I'll write something. I might write more of this story, (maybe turn it into a multipart) we'll see. If you'd like to be tagged in this, let me know.
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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I had always supposed that reaching the sixth year at Hogwarts meant subjects would get way more demanding and complex, and I to be proven right, only two weeks in were needed.
Added to the usual difficulties, we would be hosting The Triwizard Tournament. Having the castle be almost twice as crowded as the other years, when all you crave is a quiet spot to study, wasn't ideal.
As I said, the first two weeks were already hard enough.
During the third week though, believe it or not, things got even worse —and our guests hadn't even arrived yet.
The Slytherin common room was quieter than the library these days, that's the sole reason why, at 3:35 pm, my best friend and I were already making our way there.
To our luck, we arrived just in time to see the two redheaded troublemakers par excellence high-fiving each other besides my common room's entrance.
"What on Merlin's beard are you two doing here?!" Both of them jumped at the sight of two Slytherins.
"The question is what are YOU doing here?" One of them questioned back, probably attempting to distract us. "You two should be in the library."
"What did you do?" I squinted my eyes at them and, while one raised his hands in surrender, the other just shrugged.
"Nothing." He motioned at our door nonchalantly. "If you don't believe me, check it yourself."
My friend and I shared a reluctant look, and before I could say anything, she was heading to the door.
"Mathilda wait—" I gasped when she sunk into what appeared to be the stone floor.
"Okay now, I wasn't expecting her to actually do it." When I attempted to step forward, a hand on my forearm prevented me from it.
"Don't step further." He warned. "Just in case."
"I'm not stupid." I hissed before grabbing my wand, which made the tall redhead back off. "Revelio." Slowly, a swamp was revealed to be where the entrance hall to the Slytherin common room was supposed to.
Now that it was visible, both twins hurried to get my friend out of their giant prank.
"Get rid of this." I ordered as they pulled her up, her bottom half covered in mud.
"Pffft... no?" One of them scoffed, walking away from Mathilda and stepping closer to me. "It's a masterpiece. It stays."
"If it stays, I will throw you into your masterpiece." I threatened, putting my wand back in my pocket.
"Oh, I'd love to see you try."
I glared at him, partially because I hated that cocky attitude these two —specially him— always exhibited, but also because I had to look up in order to make eye contact.
"Listen Weasley,"
"It's Fred." Oh what would I give to wipe that stupid grin off his face.
"I don't care." Refusing to step back as he clearly wanted to achieve by towering me, I stepped forward, lightly pushing him back with one hand. "You will remove this from here or I will walk right now to the Potions Classroom and split on you."
The twins seemed to have a silent conversation with their eyes only. After a moment of silence, the one with my friend spoke. "We'll get rid of it right now and you won't say anything." I nodded, my eyes still fixed on Fred's. "Just so we're clear, this was not set up for you."
"The next one will be, though." Fred assured me with an almost wicked smile. "I'll make sure you can't use the revelio on it."
"Is that a promise, Weasley?" I asked in an unconsciously defying tone.
"You can be sure of it, Y/l/n."
"It's Y/n." I retorted, mocking him.
"I don't care." I rolled my eyes when he did the same, finally breaking eye contact with him.
"C'mon Thilda," I held out my hand to her "let's see if someone can sneak us into the Ravenclaw common room."
"You think Fred meant it?" Mathilda inquired, the worry slipping through her words as she played with her breakfast.
"I doubt so." Angelina, who was sitting in front of us, replied without even looking up from her quidditch history book. "They seem more trouble than they are, really." I scoffed; it was easier for her to say that; she was a Griffindor after all. "Deep down they're nice sort, Y/n. They won't pick up on you for ruining a prank."
"I don't trust them."
"I'm not saying you have to—" Angelina jumped slightly when a wad of paper hit my face.
"You were saying?" I grunted, making eye contact with the red haired boy waving at me from the Griffindor table.
When I opened the wad, it read:
'miss me? —Fred ;)'.
"Look at his smug face." I hissed. "I'm gonna-"
"Ignore him. You're gonna ignore him." Angelina finished, fairly unconcerned. "I assure you he'll get bored in less then two days if he can't get a reaction out of you."
For the sake of having breakfast in peace, I only dedicated him a fake smile and did as my friend said. It seemed to work, until it was time to leave for class.
"We should get moving." Mathilda spoke, putting her plate aside and picking up her things as I did the same.
"I have a free period now." Angelina informed us. "Or as free as it can be. You?"
"Divination. Y/n?"
"Charms— Fuck." I whined as something dawned on me. "Those gits are in my class." I spared them a glare. "If they ruin my favorite subject I'm gonna—" a sudden splash of water on my face left my shirt soaked for at least the next hour. "You got the nerve—!" I yelled at the guy who was already making eye contact with me.
"I do, indeed!" He cut me off, winking at me from across the table, his chin resting on the palm of his hand with a teasing grin dancing on his lips as he asked, "what are you gonna do now, Y/l/n?" His twin brother, though I could only see his back, was clearly not enjoying this behavior.
Mathilda checked my gaze, dreading the worst. "Y/n, don't. You're gonna make Slytherin lose points." She knew the warning wouldn't do much, but at least she had tried.
Angelina, instead of backing our friend and try to calm me down, got up and walked to the table where the Weasleys sat.
"I hope you know you're dead." Angie stood in front of me, before using her book to tap my brother's arm. "George, move."
The three of us spared a look at Y/n, who had, ignoring McGonagall yells, stepped over her table to get to us.
"Move. Now."
"Ssshit." My brother moved just in time for Y/n to repeat the same forward move on our table.
It's not as if I didn't have the time to move and run away, she hadn't rushed; on the contrary, she walked calmed and composed, and still I did not move an inch.
I guess a part of me wanted to know what she'd do to me.
"Look at you." I began to wind her up again when she climbed off the table on my side, sitting down on its surface with her shoes over the bench. "Doing the impossible to be near me, how romant—"
My sentence died off abruptly as a handful of scrambled eggs was mashed against my face.
I heard a burst of laughs around me. "Blimey! I'm sorry, Fred," she feigned worry, smearing what I assumed were the remaining rests of my breakfast all over my chest. "I hope you're not late to Charms because of this." She whispered near my ear, making a shiver go down my spine when her breath hit my neck. "See you there, yeah?"
Her hand squeezed my shoulder and her fingers ran over my shoulder blades as she walked away.
I felt a napkin placed in my hand and I was quick to remove as much scrambled eggs as possible from my face, just in time to see Y/n exiting the Great Hall with McGonagall jogging after her.
"You know?" Lee asked, drawing my attention. "Picking up on the girl you fancy is kind of a toddler strategy."
"Yeah, Fred," my brother agreed. "you're not an eighth year-old anymore."
"And you chose the wrong girl to nag" Angie added," if you keep it up, she will surely kill you." She held back a teasing smile. "And you should be careful" she nudged George. "I don't think she can tell you both apart, you can end up as collateral damage."
"But you wouldn't let that happen, would you?" I rolled my eyes when George scooted closer to our quidditch chaser.
"Depends on how annoying you are." She faked indifference as my brother searched for her eyes.
"I don't fancy her." I not-so-randomly stated. "But I can't stop pranking her now that she ruined my breakfast."
"You can and you will, Weasley." I jolted at McGonagall's voice behind me. "Twenty points from Gryffindor." At least I'm not grounded, I thought. "And you're grounded for the rest of the week."
"But Y/n— Ouch!" my brother kicked me under the table so I would shut it.
"Y/l/n has received her fair share of punishment, too, Weasley." The professor gave me a poorly masked, disgusted look. "Go and..." She waved her hand "Clean yourself up, Y/l/n will inform professor Flitwick about this incident. And Weasley," She stared at my brother. "Aren't you supposed to be heading to Charms too?"
"Yes ma'am." He replied, throwing everything into his bag, getting up and rushing out of there, not before grabbing his robe.
"The day's promising." I groaned, handing my things over to Angelina so I could go to the bathroom.
"You made the day promising by messing with a Slytherin, you twit." She pointed out, putting my things over hers. "Now go clean those eggs from your shirt."
"Aye, mother!" I headed off before Angie could add anything else to the conversation, loosening my tie as I moved forward.
As I cleaned off everything I could in the nearest bathroom, a random thought slipped into my mind.
Had Y/n been punished too? And if so, would we fullfil the punishment together? It seemed logical that if one of us got grounded, the other one would get grounded too; consequently, it would only make sense for us to—
Shut it. I mumbled to my own mind.
I didn't care. I did not care if she was punished or not. It was none of my business.
I don't fancy her, I thought to myself once again.
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joaquinwhorres · 3 years
hoax (Ch. 1) {Sirius Black x F!OC}
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SUMMARY ››››› It started out as a simple bet: who could get the girl chosen for them first? After four years of half-hearted attempts, Sirius decides it’s time to make a concerted effort to win over the notoriously undateable Florence Saise.
WORD COUNT ››››› 4,100-ish
WARNINGS ››››› Pretty much every chapter is going to have mentions of sex. Including this one.
A/N ››››› I'm so thankful to every single person who responded to my incessant "does this line make sense?" or "can you read this to tell me what you think?" Without you guys this never would have been uploaded, and I'd never already have the start of a second chapter.
Series Masterlist | Read on ff.net | Read on AO3
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Florence Saise was rather convinced that she was the only person not excited to find themselves back at Hogwarts. Everyone else seemed to be coping with the looming start of the school year just fine, if the laughter and shouts that greeted her as she flung open the carriage door was any indication. It was, by all accounts that mattered, (which is to say, hers) not fair.
The blonde haired girl jumped down from the horseless carriage, landing with a heavier thump than might have been expected from her small frame. Before her, masses of students cursed up the hill chattering to one another with smiles on their faces. Not one had the same little crease between their eyebrows that threatened to turn into a full-on scowl.
It was as if every single one of them had either forgotten the bullshit that came along with living amongst their peers or were still blissfully unaware of the curse that was adolescence. Even her friends, who hopped down out of the carriage behind her, seemed too entrenched in the debate that had stretched from the train compartment to the carriage, to fully register what being back at Hogwarts meant.
"You've been quiet, Lory, what do you think?" Marlene asked, throwing an arm around Florence's shoulder as the small group of girls joined the throng of students.
"If Sebastian doesn't know what to do with his tongue when kissing, there's not much hope for him using it elsewhere. You'd do better with Roger."
"Aha!" Marlene cried out triumphantly, pointing a finger at Mary. "That makes it two for Roger, one for Sebastian, and one for giving up on boys all together," she tallied as Florence shrugged out from under her arm. Lily appeared on Florence's other side, trapping Florence in the middle of the group.
"You can't just use physical stuff as the metric for whether or not a relationship will be any good," Lily asserted. "There's more to dating than snogging and sex."
"Says the person who's never properly snogged anyone," Marlene stage whispered to Mary.
"Exactly," Lily said, perhaps a little too passionately. "And look how fulfilled I am."
Marlene shot Florence a skeptical look, and Lily reached across her to smack at Marlene's arm. This started another round of fierce debating, Lily reminding Mary that Sebastian had written her once a week all summer whereas Roger had only written four times, Marlene reminding Mary that she didn't want to die a virgin, and Dorcas reminding Mary that she never had any of these problems with her girlfriends.
Florence felt a dull needling, like a knuckle digging into the side of her head. At this rate, she was going to have a headache before they even reached the castle.
The Gryffindor strode ahead of the group, near enough that she wouldn't catch any flack for abandoning them but far enough that she could more easily drown out their bickering. She would give anything for just a single moment of peace today. Between her father and brother waking her up with their argument to Lily and Marlene's stupid battle over who Mary should date, all Florence wanted was ten minutes where she didn't get roped into playing referee.
But as she looked up ahead on the path, her eyes landing on James Potter and his crew, it seemed like peace was not in the cards for her today.
The group of boys were laughing amongst each other as they subtly enchanted trees to tap students on the shoulder or grab an unsuspecting second year. It was, objectively speaking, rather funny to witness the reactions of their various victims. One boy let out a startled shriek so loud, Florence would have expected it to come from a banshee. Another girl was attempting to fight off a branch that kept pulling at her plait. The problem with Potter and them's joke was not so much the unrest it caused amongst the students ahead of Florence.
The problem was Lily.
"You have got to be kidding me," Lily sighed, cutting Marlene off mid sentence. "What's even the point in making Remus a prefect if he's going to let his friends get away with everything?"
Before any of the girls had a chance to talk Lily down, the prefect marched up the hill with impressive speed, her hair billowing behind her.
"I am not missing this," Marlene said eagerly, grabbing Mary by the hand and tugging her up the hill with her. Dorcas and Florence shared a look and a sigh, before following them after Lily.
"Potter!" Lily shouted, and the group of boys came to an abrupt stop, nearly causing the group of Ravenclaws behind them to collide with their backs.
"Ah the dulcet tones of Lily Evans," James Potter said as he turned around to face the fuming redhead, a smirk set firmly in place.
Lily pulled up right in front of him, chest heaving from her quick trip up the hill. "You are to stop using magic at once or else I'll be forced to give you detention."
"I'm not sure what you mean," Potter said, tilting his head and allowing confusion to overtake his features. Lily's scowl deepened, clearly not buying the act. "I think you and I are both aware that it's against the rules to use magic before term starts, and we're not even at the castle yet."
Behind him, Pettigrew and Black snickered. The sound seemed to bolster James Potter's already rampant egotism as the smirk returned once more to his face.
"Unless of course, you're saying that I've enchanted you. Do you find me bewitching, Evans?" Potter asked, wiggling his eyebrows at her.
"I think I've made it quite clear what I think of you, James Potter," Lily snapped, her hands balling into fists at her sides. "10 points from Gryffindor."
"Ah, Evans," Potter tsked, as if regretting the fact that he would have to share bad news with her. "Prefects can't take points until the start of term. Learned that fourth year," he added on, dropping the sympathetic act.
Marlene nudged Florence with her elbow and held out her hand expectantly. Florence's eyes moved from the open palm to her friend's gaze, raising an eyebrow.
"I believe you owe me a hundred galleons," Marlene informed her, a smile tugging at her lips even as she fought to remain serious. "As James Potter has just confirmed that he has, in fact, learned something in his past five years here."
"That doesn't count," Florence said dryly, slapping Marlene's palm down even as Marlene grinned at her winningly. The stare off between a seething Lily and smug James was looking very much like it was about to end in a murder. Remus Lupin must have also caught onto this because he shook his head and finally stepped forward.
"Come on, let's at least make it to the castle this year before you and Lily have a row," he appealed, making a half-decent attempt at Prefect-like behavior.
Potter turned to his friend with a magnanimous smile. "Since you asked so kindly, Moony," Potter paused, shooting Lily a look. "I'll make sure there is no more confusion about whether or not we might have been doing magic. Watch carefully, Evans. I'm putting my wand in my back pocket. Feel free to track its progress up the hill," he added with a wink.
Lily let out a disgusted noise as Marlene snorted, and Potter turned to continue back up the hill with his friends, Sirius Black playfully pushing him as he rejoined the group.
"What a wanker," Lily murmured, watching the boys go.
"Maybe, but he's looking well fit," Marlene noted, taking Potter up on his offer to make sure his wand stayed in his back pocket. "You could do a lot worse than James Potter."
Lily whirled on Marlene, emitting a scandalized,  " Marlene! "
The dark haired girl laughed and shook her head. "Oh come off it, Lils, he's smart, funny, attractive, all of which is important to you, and," she looked around before leaning forward conspiratorially. "I've heard his wandwork isn't the only magical thing he can do with his hands." Marlene wiggled her fingers at Lily, who pulled back looking so pale that for a moment, Florence thought she might actually be sick.
Which was far too hilarious not to laugh at. So she did, earning a dark look from Lily and a shiteating grin from Marlene.
Lily rounded back on Marlene before shaking her head and starting back up to the castle.  "He's not funny; he's cruel. And he's only half as smart as he thinks he is."
"So you agree he's attractive?" Marlene asked, raising an eyebrow, and Lily's face turned bright red before she managed to sputter out a:
"Looks don't mean anything!"
"She's right," Dorcas added. Contributing to the conversation for the first time with the decisiveness that the girls had come to expect from her.  "Looks don't mean anything. But being good with his hands, well…"
Lily emitted a strangled sound somewhere between disbelief and mild outrage as the rest of her friends laughed at her and moved past on their way to the castle. A small feeling in Florence's chest loosened as she walked with them, the conversation alternating between teasing Lily and debating between Roger and Sebastian. Maybe this year wouldn't be quite as bad as the past five.
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Naturally, the hope of a better year was squashed the very next day.
This, of course, should have been expected. After all, the first day of classes was primarily meant for overloading students with work they weren't yet prepared for and reminding them that their very futures depended on the mastery of the material. However, those spiels were not the giveaway that this year would be more or less the same in terms of teenage bullshit as the years prior. What it really came down to was her Defense Against the Dark Arts class.
The death of her hope began the moment she walked into the classroom and was faced with an obscenely tall and lanky man, dressed in a smart tweed suit with his chin length hair tucked behind his ears. A name was written in halting cursive on the chalkboard behind him.
Oleander Fernsby.
It was a ridiculous name for what was, by all indicators, a ridiculous man.
Although, as Florence watched the way his eyes darted around the classroom, shooting away every time a student got too close to making eye contact, she began to think that perhaps ridiculous was the wrong word. It suggested a certain confidence that this man in front of her was severely lacking.
It was painful to watch really, seeing him hoist the corners of his mouth up just to seem to lose his grip and have the smile come crashing down again. Both of his hands were shoved into his pants pockets, the right one fiddling with something it found in there so that the pocket almost seemed to flutter with his nervous energy. Even as she sat down next to Marlene, Florence couldn't take her eyes off of this clear disaster waiting to happen.
"This is going to be interesting," Marlene noted with raised eyebrows as she tapped her quill tip on the desk. "Reckon he'll make it the whole year?"
"Reckon he'll make it to the end of the month?" Florence returned, and Marlene snorted.
The last of the students shuffled into the room, claiming desks next to their friends and casting skeptical looks up at the unusual choice for professor. Even Remus Lupin looked unsure about Dumbledore's choice as he sat with eyebrows raised and a slight frown on his face.
The professor cleared his throat, which was completely ineffective when it came to quelling the murmurings of students sizing him up.
"Excuse me," he said, his voice dipping down into a mumble on the last syllable. As could be expected, the class' attention remained on their own conversations.
" Merlin's beard," Dorcas muttered under her breath from behind Florence. The professor furrowed his brow, a look of resolve on his face before trying again.
"Good morning." He had added a bit of volume and force assertiveness to his voice, but it wasn't until Potter hit Black on the shoulder and gestured with his head to the professor that the talking in the room tapered off. Faced with a room of quiet students, he succeeded in finally managing a weak smile.
"Good morning," he repeated, his voice soft but steady at least. "I'm Professor Fernsby, and I'll be teaching you Defense Against the Dark Arts this year."
It was hard to imagine this particular wizard ever standing up against the dark arts. He looked like he could hardly manage a boggart let alone a hag or Lethifold. Even faced with a room full of bored teenagers, he was crumbling under the pressure. Across the room Peter Pettigrew snickered, and Fernsby's expression faltered.
"I know that I am a new face here, and you've had five other professors, but I hope that together we'll have a good year this year and learn a lot."
Florence snorted and either Lily or Dorcas (probably Lily) jabbed a finger into her back in scolding.
Fernsby's smile flickered, and he paused. "Erm, yes. I know that this is your second class of the day, and it's early. The first years were all practically asleep at their desks this morning, but this is an NEWT-level class, so we will be covering rather complicated and dark material--oh! Yes, you there," Fernsby said, gesturing towards a student in the back. Florence turned, watching as Cassius Avery lowered his hand, a self-satisfied smirk already twisting at his lips.
"Can you explain what you mean by 'dark,' professor?"
The classroom went so still even Fernsby seemed to notice, his pocket fluttering once more.
"Well, we'll learn about the Unforgivable Curses. How to battle Inferi--"
"Will we be learning more about the Dark Arts themselves?" Avery interrupted, tilting back his chair so that it leaned against Thaddeus Nott's desk.
Fernsby's eyes flicked around the classroom as if looking for help from one of the students, but everyone remained still and quiet, watching to see what would happen. Florence set her jaw as she looked back at Avery who was looking rather smug. Beside him there was a glint in Thomas Mulciber's eye as if he were watching an animal fall into a trap.  "I'm not sure that would be entirely appropriate--" Fernsby started.
"I was just thinking that we should know how the Dark Arts work and such so we can properly defend ourselves?" Avery clarified and beside him Mulciber smirked. Florence's hand curled into a fist on her desk. "I mean, you want us to be prepared, don't you, professor? We need to know--"
"Avery you smarmy little git, would you shut up?" Florence snapped, and the eyes of the class shot over to her. But she was just looking at Avery whose eyes flashed angrily. "Even he's not thick enough to teach you how to curse someone. Go ask your dad. Or is he too busy shagging his cousin--I'm sorry, your mum."
There was a beat of silence as the whole class seemed to collectively hold its breath before across the room, Sirius Black broke out into a loud barking laughter, muffling whatever Avery snarled at Florence.
"Pardon?" she asked, arching an eyebrow, and though he opened his mouth to say it again, it wasn't Avery's voice, but Fernsby's she heard next.
"That is--that is quite enough," the professor finally interjected, and Florence turned around, ready for her detention or points to be docked, but as Fernsby's eyes landed on her and she met them with a fierce unrepentance, he wet his lips and moved on.
"Merlin's beard," Marlene whispered to Florence. "Been holding onto that for a while, haven't you?"
"After what he and Mulciber did last year to Mary, he's lucky I haven't set him on fire," Florence mumbled. "Last thing we need is that lot learning about the Dark Arts so they can practice on muggleborns."
Marlene nodded her agreement, and the two focused back on Fernsby who was presently taking attendance.
Class continued and with it the growing feeling that someone was attempting to stare daggers into the back of her head. When she finally turned with a raised eyebrow, she found that not only was Avery glaring at her, but Mulciber and Nott had also joined in their friend's effort. She gave the three of them the most saccharine smile she could muster and lifted a middle finger towards them. When she turned back to Fernsby, he was in the middle of listing his credentials and previous places of employment..
He had just finished on how formative his time in the Azkaban processing unit was when James Potter began to loudly pack up his bag. "And erm..." Professor Fernsby stopped, watching as Potter corked his inkwell and dropped it into his bag. "Mr….Potter was it?"
Potter looked up, "Oh, I'm sorry, Professor," he said, his face genuinely apologetic. "I thought you were about done."
"Done?" Fernsby asked. While the word might have cracked like a whip from McGonagall or Kettleburn, instead it came out rather helpless as he looked appealingly to Potter for an explanation.
"It's just that usually professors keep class short the first. To get us acclimated to the school schedule again, you know."
Fernsby said nothing, looking out over the class to see nods of assent. Even Dorcas kept quiet.
"He's right," Marlene said from next to her, and Florence's attention whipped to her friend. "Although usually they make us stay at least half the block," she added with a reproachful look to James.
"Ah, well, I suppose here is as good a place to stop as any," Professor Fernsby said. "Come ready to learn, as I will be picking up the pace as the year progresses."
He seemed rather proud of himself, Florence thought as she along with her classmates scurried to pack up their books before anyone could possibly grow a guilty conscience. He probably thought the early dismissal was a sign of kindness and not what it really was: blood in the water.
Shouldering her bag, Florence headed out behind Lily and Dorcas into the hallway.
"We're not going to learn anything all year," Dorcas moaned, tossing her head back to stare miserably at the ceiling.
"It's going to be an easy O at least," Lily sighed. "And besides, next year it'll be someone new. Maybe they'll be able to catch us up."
Dorcas wilted a little, head coming back down to face forward with a pout tugging down her lips. "I suppose."
Marlene looked disbelievingly at the group. "Are we really not going to talk about Avery?"
"Do we have to?" Mary asked with a shudder. "He's so creepy. "
"That whole group is destined for Azkaban," Lily murmured, shaking her head.
"Not if Lory gets to them first," Marlene countered, smirking.
Florence shrugged, "I already told you I didn't think Fernsby had the backbone to tell him no."
"Right, but going after his dad like that?" Marlene pressed, raising her eyebrows at Florence as if to prompt an explanation.
"Everyone knows the Sacred Twenty-Eight's inbred," a voice drawled from behind the group. Lily rolled her eyes, letting out an annoyed sigh through her nose as Potter, Black, Remus, and Pettigrew interspersed themselves amongst the girls. "After all, you're looking at someone whose father shagged his cousin. Thankfully all of the negative effects of my parents' decision to procreate saved themselves for Regulus. Florence snorted at this, and Marlene barked out a laugh. Even Lily's lips quirked up into a reluctant half smile. "I have to say, Saise, that was a thing of sheer beauty in there. I think I might have even fallen in love with you a little," Black grinned.
Florence rolled her eyes and shook her head, even as the grin stayed on her lips. "I hope you're prepared for heartbreak then. Pettigrew, I'd start collecting chocolate frogs now, he's going to need them."
A quick confusion crossed Pettigrew's face as he darted a glance at Black, as if to ask if Florence was serious. But his friend was too busy throwing a hand over his heart and staggering back as if wounded.
"Should I get some chocolate frogs too, Evans? Or are you planning on sparing my heart this year?" Potter asked, grinning winsomely at Lily.
She gave him a tight lipped grin back, tilting her head towards him. "You should get as many as you can and stick them in your bag. That way, every time you have even the faintest impulse to ask me out, you can take one out and shove it in your mouth to save us both the trouble."
With that, Lily brushed her hair over her shoulder and moved forward to link arms with Florence, turning them both around to march down the hallway and away from their heartbroken boys.
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"I think there was progress," James said, piling potatoes onto his plate once the boys had sat down for lunch. The past forty-five minutes that they should have spent in Defense Against the Dark Arts had been devoted instead to James' eternal pining over Lily Evans. "She didn't call me any names."
"Didn't need to, mate," Sirius said, snagging the serving spoon from James. "Her face and tone of voice largely did that for her."
"Yeah? What'd it say?" James asked, raising an eyebrow as he watched Sirius spoon potatoes next to his sausage.
Sirius straightened up in his seat, pointing the spoon at James. "It said, James Potter, you are a complete tosser," he said, mimicking Lily's high voice, much to the amusement of both Remus and Peter.
James looked down the table to where Lily tossed her head back laughing at something Mary Macdonald said. The lack of outright animosity had been progress, but she still didn't look at him with even a fraction of the warmth she gave to everyone else. Lily caught sight of him and the smile slid from her face, settling into a look of pure disdain before she turned back to her friends and said something that made Marlene McKinnon almost spit out her pumpkin juice.
"Well at least I can say I'm trying," James protested, turning back to face Sirius.
"Trying what? To get Lily Evans to hex your arse halfway 'cross the country?" Sirius asked. "Because that is about the only thing you're set to succeed at with her."
James scoffed before growing serious.  "I'm trying to win the bet."
Sirius raised his eyebrows at his best friend, and even Peter seemed to have checked back in to the conversation. Remus however let out a groan and set down the book he'd been reading so he didn't have to listen to James going on about Lily. "I thought you two had given that up."
"It was just on hiatus for a while," Sirius dismissed, picking up his fork to dig into his lunch. "Because unlike Prongs, I don't have to spend years just to get Saise to tolerate being in the same room as me."
"And yet," James said, picking up his own fork. "You still haven't won."
"Well, I've been a bit too busy with other matters to be worried much about the birds?"
"Like what?" Remus asked, picking his book back up.
"Largely, being the family disappointment," Sirius remarked with some finality as he bit into his sausage.
James just laughed at this. "Please, you have about as much interest in dating as Saise does. One of you is going to call it quotes before you can even go public--let alone last two weeks."
"All I'm saying is that at least Saise doesn't actively detest the very sight of me," Sirius shrugged, taking another bite of his food.
"I'm making progress."
"Of course you are, mate," Sirius nodded, navigating the words around the mouthful of food.
James shook his head at Sirius, "Padfoot, when it comes right down to it , I don't even think you could get Saise out of her knickers, let alone date you."
Sirius scoffed. "Everyone can get her out of her knickers. Everyone practically has gotten Saise out of her knickers."
Remus looked up from his book, a frown tugging at his features. "That's an ugly thing to say Sirius," he scolded, but Sirius looked completely unrepentant.
"It's not like it's a secret that practically our entire year has shagged Florence. Everyone knows what she's like," Peter shrugged.
"Exactly. Thank you, Wormtail," Sirius said. "But if you're so certain I can't do it, Prongs, then you'd have no problem making a little add on to our bet. Right?"
"No problem at all," James said, smugly.
"Great," Sirius said, leaning forward on his elbows. "Let's talk terms."
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thornfield13713 · 2 years
Character game: Jim Jimenez
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life 
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
best quality: I mean, it’s probably not their objective best quality, but I love the way that Jim is just...constantly undercutting their own drama by getting into Muppety shenanigans. Like- I love that their idea of a distraction is knocking something off a table like a bored housecat. I love that their attempt at a grand standoff with Spanish Jackie turns into them going for drinks! It’s just so enjoyable to watch, and they always seem pretty delighted by the Muppety shenanigans. People call Izzy the one human in a Muppets movie, but...honestly, I think Jim is also an emigrant to the Muppetverse. They’re just a very specific Tim Curry breed of token human who is ABSOLUTELY down for joining in the Muppetry.
worst quality: I think that Jim...knows what they want, but isn’t secure enough in it to defend what they want in the face of pressure. And, to their credit, they get over this after a conversation with Spanish Jackie, and I do think their plotline isn’t over yet (we still need to find out what happened to their brother), but Jim...doesn’t seem to want to carry on with the revenge quest, but gets pressured into it anyway out of a sense of obligation fostered by Nana, despite the fact that their first kill clearly deeply affected them even knowing that the man deserved it. I feel like Jim needs to get a bit better at defending their choices and desires in the face of pressure, just for the sake of their own happiness.
ship them with:  Oluwande. I mean, look at them, they're adorable. More than that, though...these two handle their relationship in probably the best way out of anyone on this show. They do their best to support each other, when Jim leaves to handle their business with the Siete Gallos, they communicate about it maturely, even when it hurts them both to part, and they understand each other so well that Jim can sign a complex concept like 'when you kill someone, part of you dies as well' and Olu can get it perfectly without missing a beat. Honestly, these two are couple goals and Ed and Stede should aspire to get on their level where communication is concerned if they want to make their relationship work.
brotp them with:  Lucius. Yeah, I know, the start was rocky, but...I kind of love everything about it, from Lucius reaching out to Jim about their secret using his experience of being closeted, to him retrieving their knife for them not even days after being locked in a trunk...I want to see this developed further when Lucius is living in the walls in season 2, because I absolutely believe that a) he is doing that and b) Jim is going to be part of the conspiracy keeping those in charge from finding out.
needs to stay away from: I mean...not as a forever thing, but I feel like maybe they need to work on themselves and their ability to stand up for what they want to do with their life other than revenge before they go and see Nana again. Other than that...no, don't really have any people they ought to stay away from. If people are unkind to Jim, I am entirely confident in their ability to make said people regret it.
misc. thoughts: I have a lot of feelings about Jim and 'when you kill someone, you die too'. Like- A lot of the fandom portrays Jim as a lot more murder-happy than that line would imply. And, while Jim is shown more surrounded by violence than the rest of the cast even if it was technically Jackie who killed Geraldo...I keep thinking back to this line. Because it adds a whole new painful context to their stopping at just one murder, and then the decision to go back and finish the task even knowing that they will be facing a sort of death of the soul every time. I just- I would like to see Jim and their relationship to violence get explored more.
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slyttherins · 3 years
Unexpected flame (part 6) | Fred Weasley x Sirius Black's daughter
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Believe it or not, but Gryffindors were known to have great parties. And, unlike Slytherin, they weren't too strict about who could enter the party. Everyone was welcomed, as long as they didn't damage their common room or picked fights - which was a basic rule.
Music blasted as Juliet danced with Luna, showing the blonde more modern moves. Ginny, on her end, was looking for Harry, thinking the small bit of alcohol she drank would be enough to ask the Chosen One to dance with her.
''Has any of you seen Harry?'' she asked, stumbling over to two girls with alcohol on her breath.
Juliet spotted him in a corner of the common room, looking at Cho Chung the way Ginny wished he was looking at her. ''I saw him going that way with Ron,'' she said, pointing in the opposite direction. ''Perhaps they went to get drinks.''
''If you see him, tell him I'm looking for him, okay?''
On that, she disappeared in the crowd.
''Should we tell her about Cho?'' Juliet nodded at the fellow Ravenclaw sitting with Marietta Edgecombe on a couch.
Luna followed her friend's gaze. ''Unless there's a possibility Cho and Harry might get together, I say no.''
Luna was right. Why crush Ginny's hopes when nothing was even close to be official? As far as Juliet knew, Cho was still hung on Cedric - his tragic loss still fairly recent - and grieving. She had seen her crying in front of his memorial by Hufflepuff's common room last week and she didn't look like she was ready to move on to another boyfriend anytime soon. Sorry harry.
''Do you think there is a chance that Harry might like Ginny back?''
''Perhaps. For now, I think he sees her more as his best friend's little sister than a love interest.''
''Hopefully he'll open his eyes and see how amazing she is.''
''Hopefully,'' Juliet agreed.
Over Luna' shoulder, Juliet caught sight of Fred who was looking rather hot in his button up with the first top buttons undone. It was a nice change from the sweaters. He was laughing with Lee Jordan and some other friends, a red cup on his right hand.
''Until summer is over,'' they had agreed, back in her bedroom at Grimmauld Place as Fred slipped her cami over her head, hands caressing the newly uncovered skin.
Back then, it had seemed to be a good agreement, but two month had passed since Juliet had last had a taste of the redhead's lips and she was craving him.
''I'm gonna get more beer. Would you like anything?'' Juliet asked, hoping Luna would say no so she didn't have to actually get beer. Juliet didn't really want beer. She just needed an excuse to wander away and go talk to Fred.
Luna declined her offer and kept dancing. She twirled on herself while making odd fly catching movements with her hands. Juliet shook her head. She really was one of a kind.
Juliet smoothed down her dress before walking over to the twins.
''Hey, Black,'' George greeted, seeing her approaching their way. ''Having fun at our party?''
Upon hearing her name, Fred had turned around, feeling his stomach tighten as she stopped before them. His eyes went up and down, from her sparkling eyes and lightly flushed cheeks to the thin straps on her shoulders, exposing a lot of skin up there. There was no denying, she looked hot.
''Very much,'' she replied with a grin. Around them, colorful lights were flashing in the room from some muggle device someone had brought, giving it a club-like ambiance. ''Ravenclaws have parties too, but nothing like this.''
''I think I saw Ginny by the fireplace,'' Fred said, assuming she was looking for his sister.
''Actually, it's you I was looking for. Fancy a dance, Weasley?'' Juliet asked boldly, biting down her bottom lip as she stared right at Fred.
''I can dance with you if he doesn't want to go-'' one of the twins' friends proposed, but his words were interrupted by an elbow nudge from Fred.
Fred put down his empty cup and followed Juliet to the dancing area of the common room, admiring how the black dress hugged her curves the right way as they walked.
Juliet knew what she was doing to him. She had put this dress on purpose, knowing it would get Fred's attention, missing how things were during summer.
Once they reached the dancing area, Juliet snaked her arms behind his neck and Fred pressed his forehead against Juliet's and followed her moves, not wishing to lose body contact with her.
''This is very different than the last time we danced together,'' Fred said, his breath tickling your neck.
Very different, indeed.
At the Yule Ball, Juliet was only looking to make good memories with her friends, but tonight, she was hoping to lure herself in Fred's arms - and bed.
She hummed.
As they danced, Juliet could smell Fred's cologne - which she had dearly missed. She could also smell the firewhiskey on his breath, the appetizer for a good night.
Known as the party-er one, it wasn't surprising that Fred Weasley wasn't a bad dancer - the guy had moves - and Juliet would be lying if she said she didn't like it. Fred's hands moved down her sides, easily following her moves.
They were probably giving a show to their classmates, but they certainly weren't the worst. Someone was most certainly making out in a corner with their hand under a skirt. Parties at Hogwarts were wild.
Feeling hot from dancing, Juliet flipped her hair over her shoulder as she turned around in his hold and began grinding her hips against Fred. The older boy smirked, enjoying this new position.
After a few songs, they parted ways and Juliet sat on a couch with Ginny, listening to her hating on Cho Chung.
''I don't see what he sees in her.''
She wasn't wrong.
''They have nothing in common!''
''Beside quidditch, but they aren't on the same team.''
''I like quidditch too,'' the redhead recalled. ''I just made it to the team. I'm only a substitute seeker, but that's a start, right?''
Juliet abstained to tell her that Cho was the official Ravenclaw seeker.
''And Harry needs spice in his life. Not someone bland like Cho.''
''Look at my hair, I'm spice.'' Ginny flicked a piece of her ginger hair and Juliet brought her lips to her red cup.
Juliet's fun was cut short and replaced by jealousy as she watched Fred and Angelina dance together by the drink table. They weren't dancing the way she and him had been earlier, but it still fuelled her stomach with jealousy. How could he?! Juliet's jaw clenched, but she reminded herself that Fred wasn't hers.
''Do you want a refill? I'm gonna get more beer.'' Ginny said, getting up from the couch. She stumbled a bit, but regained her balance.
Hours later, Juliet was still on the couch, but Ginny was no longer by her side. Her eyes were feeling heavy and she was getting sleepy.
Before she could pass out, George found her. ''Juliet? Merlin's beard,'' he said under his breath, concerned about her. ''How much did you drink?''
She shrugged, not responding to his question and George sighed. He glanced around for his sister or Luna, but none of them were in sight. He couldn't leave her there. Not knowing what else to do, George slid her arm around his neck and brought her up to his dorm with Lee's help.
He couldn't get her to her dorm because of the stupid old-fashion protection rule for the girls' dormitory and it would also require getting into the Ravenclaw headquarters - and George had no idea how to do that. Their passwords were stupid riddles and they weren't his forte.
The boys put her down on Fred's bed, George's having Weasley Wheezes samples on it. Why hadn't he put it away before going down in the common room to party?
''Is she okay?'' Lee asked George before going to the bathroom to get ready for bed.
''Yeah. She just needs sleep.''
''Freddie?'' Juliet asked drowsily, eyes barely open.
George smiled apologetically. ''Wrong one,'' he told her gently. He sat on the bed and removed her shoes, thankful it wasn't one of those complicated, lace up ones.
She nuzzled in the pillow and closed her eyes again. Why had she drank this much?
George was about to tuck her in when the door opened and Fred walked in, still in a party mood. He had only come up to get some sweets to sell downstairs, but he stopped abruptly when he saw Juliet laying on his bed, looking knocked out.
''Finally, you're here.''
''Why did you bring her here? I'm not her boyfriend.'' He sounded bitter and a little drunk too.
''What was I supposed to do? Leave her on the couch? I know I'm the responsible twin, but I assumed you had common thinking.''
Fred sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. George was right. Taking her to their room was smart. Gryffindors weren't wrong-minded, but when alcohol was involved, anyone could've taken advantage of her. Fred felt sick at the idea.
''Sorry. I just...I had a long night.''
''You're not the only one, as you can see.'' George nodded at Juliet.
She reached out and grabbed at one of the twins' arm. ''Freddie? Is that you?''
''Yeah, it's me,'' he replied and sat on the bed, giving his attention to the raven haired girl.
''Can you stay with me?''
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magicalfxgirl · 3 years
Lore Olympus Hogwart Houses Part 2 Eros's family
Next up is the Lore Olympus most stable family, Eros's family. I wish this family had a spinoff webtoon that was basically done in the style of a sitcom. Side note I am not doing his younger siblings as some are literally babbies. Others barely spoke during their introduction. Still wish we saw more of them, but enough of that. Lastly I, this is part of a blog series I originally posted on Amino months ago. Enough talk let's begin.
💄Aphrodite: Slytherin💄
Just cause she is slytherin does not mean she is evil. Its because she is cunning, ambitous and loves the better things in life. Aphrodite knows she has no true power and dependent on her beauty. Its why she will do anything to stay on top, such as ordering Psyche to be married off or trying to ruin Hades perception of Kore. She also knows how to utilize leverage, her beauty to achieve her goals. Her actions are not always evil as seen with deal with Zeus in order to save her son from punishment. Hiding Psyche in plain sight as nymph the list goes. Her main mission in life is self preservation and the preservation of her family, another trait associated with Slytherins. Again more proof that being a Slytherin does not mean your evil. It just mean you know how to get things done.
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⚔Ares: Gryffindor ⚔
Ares is Gryffindor like his father was before the transfer. Ares has both the positive and negative traits of a Gryffindor. The first being rash as he often acts without thinking which at times can lead to others getting hurt. For example his mom being hurt when trying to stop him from trying to fry Zeus. Although no one would have blamed him. Another example when he used his powers on Persephone, not realizing doing so would severly weaken Persephone. Unlike his dad, Ares was extremely remorseful for his the pain he caused. He is quick tempered like most Gryffindors, but that is to be expected of the god of war and wrath. Ares despite his appearance is extremely chilvalrous and clearly fights for justice. The exception being when he first Persephone, but it seems he has grown since then. Probably out of fear of beaten again by Demeter. His heroic side can be seen by how he attacks Zeus for trying to hurt Eros and forcing Ares's partner in bed with him in order to save Eros. He also shot an arrow at Zeus, when the king came at Hera for trying to get justice for Kore. Ares is loyal to those he loves and will do anything to protect them. He even breathes fire, the element associated with Gryffindor. If Zeus represented the worst of Gryffindor then Ares represents the house at its best.
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💗Eros: Ravenclaw💗
Let me be honest Eros is on my list of characters who would cause a hat stall meaning he could fit in mutiple houses. He is cunning and prideful like a Slytherin. Bold, brave and Daring like a Gryffindor. Mother hen like a Hufflepuff. Still at the end of the day I realized that Eros is a Ravenclaw. This may seem surprising, but it makes alot of sense. First off he is the most unique character in LO. Not letting things like gender norms or stereotypes dictate who he is. His fashion sense is one of a kind. Eros also happens to be wise beyond belief. He can see through people's actions. The biggest thing that sets him appart from a Slytherin is that he does not care about self preservation something Slytherins are known for. This is seen when he go against his mom to save Psyche and again when goes against Zeus' orders by not turning Kore in. It also explains his closeness to his mom as Slytherins and Ravenclaws are like peas in a pod. It also explains why he has no patience for dad's buffoonary while at the same time being worried about Ares' safety.
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💜Psyche: Hufflepuff💜
Psyche also known as the nymph Ampelus is an easy decision. She is a Hufflepuff, she cares about everyone around. Psyche is also easily fooled or manipulated like many a Hufflepuff. Her nuturing nature just seems to fit the house. She is also hard working as she learned to read and write while living with Eros. Psyche also is always on her feet acting as Aphrodite's assistant, be it helping with errands or working with Eros's siblings the girl barely rests. For that reason its a no brainer that Psyche is a Hufflepuff.
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🐹Storge Hufflepuff🐹
Okay I couldn't help myself Storge is Hufflepuff as he is such a precious cinnomon roll. He is too precious for the harsh world and could easily be torn appart by the other more competitive houses. He is carring and kind. Storge's love for creatures would make him adord by Hagrid. As the giant would take the boy under his wing and protect him no matter the cost. Then again who wouldn't want to protect Storge.
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📱Agape: Slytherin📱
Despite her name meaning Charitable love, this child is not charitable to the uniformed like Kore. In fact she already acts like annoyed teenahe girl who thinks adults are idiot. Her witty breakdown of Kore's profile picture makes it clear that this apple did fall far from the tree. Agape is destined for her mom's house which is fitting since her skin matches her houses colors. She is a Slytherin in the making no doubt about it. The fins/gills on her head furthur show that this house is perfect for her. As the element of Slytherin is water.
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Hope you enjoyed part 2 of LO Hogwarts houses part 3 will be wierd as its centered on the other gods. That means, the members of TGOEM, Hermes and the worst person ever Asspollo. Don't worry hogwarts alumni, he will be getting for a very unique placement that I think we can all agree with. After that we have the Nymphs, The employees of the Underworld and ending it of course Kore's family. So in the end this blog series will be five parts. This is done for ease of reading, my own time restrictions and etc. Thank you again and I will see you guys soon.
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acciocriativity · 4 years
Yule Ball|| Harry Potter
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader // Harry Potter x Reader
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Summary: It's been a year since you had a huge crush on Fred Weasley, but you never had the courage to confess it to the redhead. What will change when the Winter Ball takes place at Hogwarts? 
Word Count: 3.2k 
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 The fifth year of Hogwarts couldn't be more confusing and crazy, the students from Beauxbatons and the Durmstrang students had just settled in the Great Hall, when the principal made the announcement that it was going to be the joy / despair of all the girls. That's right, with no middle ground. 
- Along with the Triwizard Tournament, the Yule Ball will also take place, just as it is in tradition - he said calmly as always, with a smile on his face. 
 Professor McGonagall explained the details but my mind was already far away, obviously my case is one of despair, not for lack of confidence but for opportunities. There was only one boy I would like to invite, but how would I do that if not more than one word we have already exchanged? I would not like to go with a stranger, a friend at the very least. 
I was already 5 years old at Hogwarts, why haven't I done anything yet? This is easy, two very simple reasons. We are from different houses, as a Ravenclaw I don't have many Gryffindor friends, unfortunately. It is very comfortable to form a social circle restricted to the home itself and I was a shy child, can anyone judge me ??  
I clearly remember the day I saw him the first time, it was the same day that I got my first Gryffindor friend. 
 I was hurrying up the stairs to the first floor, where the library is. It wouldn't be a surprise to anyone, but this time it was more urgent, it was two weeks before the 4th grade exam season and I didn't feel ready for the Arithmancy exam. 
I had barely stepped into the hall when I heard two excited voices talking, I didn't have to look more than once to find out who they were. The Weasley twins had quickly formed their own fame at Hogwarts, the only ones who didn't like them were the targets of their pranks, I still haven't had that bad luck, and probably their Slytherin opponents. 
It was the first time that I had a chance to see them without a circle of people around wanting to buy their limited products or their own friends around, and I didn't imagine what that little moment would do to me.
Although they were identical, one in particular had caught my attention. I didn't know what his name was and I didn't even have time to ask, as they walked to another corridor, opposite where I was. 
It was his warm smile and bright eyes, that enchanted me at that moment and even though neither was for me, I couldn't forget it and I tried. 
Later that day, I was trying to find a specific Arithmancy book when I noticed Angelina, a gryffindor and a year older than me. Difficult not to recognize since she is also popular, being on the Quidditch team but we never really spoke to each other, until that moment. 
- Are you in 5th year ?? I never saw you in any of the classes - I remember her saying looking at my hand, in which I was carrying an advanced potions book.
- Oh no, I like to advance some subjects when I finish studying - I replied calmly with a small smile as I took my book, right next to her head. 
- So are you good at potions? - she asked looking at me and I just nodded before she continued - and could you help me? It's a little difficult to pay attention to the class, when Fred and Jorge are there - she finished with a giggle, as if remembering something. 
From then on, we met at the library when they had no training and during those two weeks we got close enough, but not to the point of mixing our social circles and going out together. 
 I turned to face Angelina, even though she was away she met my gaze and smiled, she knew I felt something for Fred Weasley but I never said how deep those feelings were or she would have managed to help me a long time ago. 
I noticed that she made one of the signs that we invented to communicate when we were far from each other, that one meant that we were going to talk later in my dorm and I just nodded before I started eating. Too bad I didn't notice the attention of a certain redhead, because of my silent conversation with the girl.
 In the months that followed, because Harry's name came out in the Goblet of Fire and the first task was around, the atmosphere became extremely tense within the school and the animosity with the ball cooled. People commented on all sorts of nonsense and I did what I could when something like that happened in my presence, because it bothered me a lot. The whole school was against Harry, basically and I had made it clear that it was ridiculous, even though I didn't know the boy well. 
Because of that, I ended up getting away from some friends who disagreed with me and thought that Potter wanted to get attention again, but the good part is that I ended up spending a lot more time with Angelina in the Gryffindor Common Room, she always told me the password although the Fat Woman didn't like it that much. 
Today is Saturday and one of those days, I left my dormitory early because I had nothing to study and walked unhurriedly through the almost empty corridors. It seems like a rule, teenagers don't leave bed before 9 am. I saw the girl alone in the middle of the Gryffindor table so I walked right over there, sitting next to her. 
- Good morning Angie - I greeted with an excited smile while taking a look at the already full of food table  
- You dreamed of the 10 N.O.M.S. today, didn’t you? - she smiled at me before completing - or was it with a certain someone? 
I felt my face heat up as she laughed at me, the mornings when we are in a good mood usually start with these morning teasing and then we move on to the same topic…
- When are you going to invite Fred to the Ball? You know that when it comes to perceiving feelings, he is slow - she insisted just like every day that I should do something.
- He must have been invited already, It’s almost a month away- I gave her my most common answer, there are some days that I say I would invite him, but that never happened. 
- He is still available but at some point he will be not! Do you really want to see him dancing with another girl? - She looked at me defiantly even knowing the answer.
- If I promise that this time I will ask him to come with me, will you let me eat in peace ?? - I asked, holding her gaze and received a satisfied smile in return. 
 Sometimes I didn't even understand the reason for all this nonsense, at times I just wanted to be able to confess my feelings and if I was rejected, I would just move on. But then I got close to him and couldn't, at least that way I had hope. The gryffindor in me will have the courage today, thanks to Angelina and my stupid promise. 
Gradually the students arrived and among them were our friends. Alicia Spinnet, Dino Thomas, Olivio Wood and Lino Jordan. Soon the trio, Harry, Hermione and Ron came down and then Fred and Jorge with the usual good humor. 
- Good morning girls - they both winked at us at the same time with a smile from someone who’s up to no good.
- Good morning - we answered together but with different reactions, Alícia simply ignored it, I controlled myself not to blush and Angelina just smiled more.
 Fred sat two chairs to the left in front of me and Jorge beside him, there was no way I could talk to him during breakfast and I thanked him for it, but I regretted it soon after.  
- And haven't you became a man yet to ask someone to the Ball, Ron ?? - I heard Fred's super discreet voice, interrupting my conversation with Lino.
 Obviously everyone there turned to pay attention, the teasing between them was always fun, especially in the morning. 
- You didn’t ask anyone too, where's YOUR courage Fred? What are you afraid of ?? - I never had seen Ronald Weasley with such a satisfied smile on his face or an expression so outraged on the elder. 
- I'll show you the courage, look and learn Ronald - he had made a point of getting up and I held my breath when I saw him looking in my direction, it couldn't be ...
- Hey Johnson, do you want to go to the Yule Ball with me? - He asked without realizing my expectations and a piece of my heart breaking after that. 
 She replied an yes after looking at me quickly, I didn't mind her accepting it. They are friends and I already knew that she wanted to go with Jorge, the reason why she had not accepted any invitation until now. I had already thought about what it would be like if this situation happened, in my head it was much worse. 
The next few days followed with little change about Fred, at all times if I could avoid him, I would. Not out of anger or anything, I wanted to take my focus off him. I had declined 2 invitations because I hadn't imagined myself with another guy, and that was going to end. 
Alicia and I had just returned from London, we went to look at some new dress options, as many girls would go to the witch shops nearby. We barely stepped into the Great Hall when Hermione walked out furious and a little upset, she didn't even greet us as she always did.
- What did you do to make her so upset ?? - I asked facing Harry and then Ron, before sitting down next to Harry.
- I just said that she could come with one of us to the Ball - explained the redhead while devouring the food on his plate.
- Now? It’s a month away, I would have been angry too - they both looked at me without understanding and I had to take a deep breath - you don't understand anything about girls, do you?
- She felt like the last option, nobody would like to feel that way, obviously, you should have invited her long before - Ali replied without patience, while the realization seemed to hit their faces. 
 Ron seemed to reflect for 3 seconds before eating again as if nothing had happened, so there were only the three of us left to talk.  
- And your partner Harry? Mcgonagall is going to freak out if you have to open the Ball alone - I commented while getting me some soup. 
- I haven't found the right girl yet ... - he replied a little uncomfortable and looked to the side as if he had remembered something. 
- Not wanting to intrude, but already intruding, you two could go together. Just as friends - she completed as soon as she saw the boy look at us petrified but relaxed shortly thereafter.
- No problem for me, I was thinking about not going, but at least it could be fun - I spoke with a small smile and he nodded. 
 For the rest of the month, I ended up getting closer to him and consequently to the most unbearable couple that ever existed. I love Hermione and Ron, but how can two people be so stubborn? I don't know, it's a mystery but at the same time, it was good entertainment and I managed to disconnect from my feelings for Fred. 
It was getting close to the time to start the Ball and I had barely stopped to think that I would be forced to deal with Angelina and Fred dancing together, even though I had never been jealous of the two before, the scene didn't seem pleasant. 
I took one last look in the mirror analysing my dress, a long red velvet dress with sleeves and a slit up to my thigh that defined my body in the right measure. I was feeling incredibly beautiful the way I was and nothing could ruin my good mood, not even my unrequited crush. 
I agreed to meet my friends near the stairs and there they were, Hermione in a pink pretty dress talking to Vítor Krum further away, Ron was about to explode at any moment and Harry, as usual, seemed to be trying to find an excuse to get out of there and I preferred to help with that. . 
- Hi boys - I said quietly standing on the first step of the stairs and as they had their backs to me, they jumped and I couldn't help laughing.
- You can't come like this and scare others, I almost had a fit… - the redhead put his hand on his heart dramatically, it seems that the hatred has vanished too.
- Everyone will go down the stairs, you should be gossiping in a more discreet place. It's about Hermione again, right? - I asked shamelessly without caring about the complaints about my comment. 
- And why would I waste my time talking about a traitor? - his face went from white to red in a few seconds, it seems that the anger had returned.
- I only know one thing, we can't be late, right Harry ?? In fact, I need to talk to you quickly - I didn't even let him agree and I pulled his arm and walked to a spot nearby without anyone
- Did something happen? - he said while adjusting his glasses and I just denied it with a smile, making him even more confused. 
- I just wanted to give you a break from Hurricane Ronald Weasley but if you want to go back there, I don't mind - I said looking behind his shoulder and there it was, a clear image of the redhead fighting with an innocent student.
- In fact, a few minutes without having to listen to his rudeness is great, not that he's a bad friend, but sometimes it's a little ... too much - he replied with a small smile of thanks.  
 We talked for a few more minutes before Mcgonagall officially announced the start of the party, where we would have to dance first. We had rehearsed a few times, so we weren't ashamed, although I wanted to laugh at the memories that came to mind and I could see the same in Harry's eyes. 
After that moment, the other champions also danced with their partners and then the party really started. I preferred to avoid dancing more than necessary, because that would be shameful but it doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it. 
I was sitting at a table with Harry and Ron because apparently his partner was not very happy, but I decided not to go into that. Until I see Angie approach and place her hand on my bare shoulder.
- Can we talk for a moment?? - She said and by her expression, it seemed to be important. 
 I nodded and as the two continued talking to each other, I preferred not to interrupt and just went with the older girl to a corner with fewer people. 
- Did something happen? - I asked calmly and noticed that she looked towards the direction where Fred and Jorge were with another girl.
- Yes, I already knew it would be a complete mess, since you wanted to come with one person and I with another, but I think you can fix it in time - she said looking back at me.
- I don't know Angie, just with a Time-Turner and a little bit of luck, then I would be able to ask him to come with me. 
- It was wrong but I just overheard him saying something to Jorge, he said he wanted to invite you. I was noticing for a while, I was pretty sure he liked you and I just had the proof - she said with a small smile and then immediately took my hand and continued - I don't want to see you two suffering.
 I barely knew what to say so I preferred to demonstrate it in the best way I could, that is, with a hug even though it wasn't much of a hug most of the time. 
- Thank you for telling me but I think I'll be forced to steal your date now - I replied with a small smile and stepped back from her. 
- Someday I'll forgive you for that, but this conversation is for later - she winked at me and walked away to the other side of the party. 
 I took a deep breath and as soon as I looked back in the direction where the twins were talking, I realized that there was no one there anymore and I couldn't help being disappointed. 
- Looking for me, love?? - a voice well known to me spoke at a minimum distance from my back and I immediately turned around.
- Actually, yes, but you came here, so it must be important - I replied with a smile without being affected by his proximity, since it was not uncommon for him to try to frustrate me with this type of provocation.
- Since when is something I have to say unimportant ?? - he spoke in an indignant voice but his smile denounced him - let's go for a walk, what do you think? It’s too full here - he said and then held my hand, how could I refuse such a request? 
 I just nodded and then we left the Hall, walked, still holding hands, to the garden. I am sure that did not fail to pass through the attentive eyes of my friends, but it was not the time to think about that. 
- I know we've only really known each other this year - he started talking and then stopped walking - but I really started to like you a lot - his voice were softer and even a little uncertain. 
- Of course, we all became fast friends - I replied with a satisfied smile, maybe it was mean but I was loving this moment and I didn't want it to end so quickly.
 He looked away and took a deep breath before looking back into my eyes with a lighter expression.
- You're having fun, aren't you? It's pretty funny, isn't it? - He asked and I could see his eyes shine, the kind of glow that appears when he has just made a prank. 
- Yes I am. How could I not be when I left Fred Flirt Weasley frustrated? - I replied holding the desire to laugh, for the situation and the new nickname I invented. 
- I had a much more fun idea, love, you'll like it - he said confidently.
 Before I could ask what it was, one of his hands found my face and the other on my waist, pulling me closer. A second later we were giving our first kiss, the first of many to come.
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