#[and i'll work on things in between doing that]
vivwritesfics · 3 days
Water Proof
Bucky Barnes is pretty sure that his arm is water proof. He'd been in water with it before. Turns out his arm can handle water, but not pussy juice
Warnings: smut, fingering
This is so silly and goofy lmao
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It was so damn rare to see Bucky walking through the compound without his arm attached. But there he was, marching through the compound with a long case in his flesh hand and his metal arm gone.
It was rude to stare, everybody in the compound knew as Bucky walked towards Tony's workshop. The workshop that was meant to just be for Avengers stuff, but Tony did whatever the hell he wanted in there.
The damn thing was meant to be waterproof. He'd been in the water with his arm when it was less advanced, and it had been fine. He'd showered with this arm, he knew. (It wasn't something he liked to do often, but shower sex made him nervous and he liked holding his girl with both hands.)
The arm was definitely water proof, so why wasn't it working now?
He strode into Tony's workshop and threw the case down onto the workbench in front of the billionaire.
Tony didn't look up from his work. "Frosty, what can I do for you?" He asked as he looked at the wiring of something through a magnifying glass.
Bucky opened the case and spun it on the workbench to face Tony as he looked up from the wiring. "It's broken," Bucky said, voice gruff and clipped. But it always was with Tony.
Tony picked up Bucky's arm from the case. "What's wrong with it?" He asked as he observed it.
"Fingers stopped working."
Tony eyed him with suspicion. "Which fingers?" He asked and Bucky held up his middle and index fingers.
A grin split across Tony's face. "Winter Soldier, you dog!" He barked out a laugh. But then he put down the arm. "I'll get to it," he said and went back to his wiring. Yeah, he didn't want to be touching the arm that had been broken by bodily fluids.
The moment Bucky returned to the apartment, she was on in, wrapping her arms around him. "Is your friend going to fix it?" She asked, face against his chest.
Bucky wrapped his arm around her and squeezed. "Yeah, Babydoll, he's gonna get it fixed."
But she kept her face buried against his chest, hands gripping his shirt. "I'm so sorry, Buck," she mumbled.
He released a laugh from his lips and kissed the top of her head. "It's okay," he insisted. "It wasn't your fault."
He had her beneath him, body writhing as she kissed down her body. She was already so damn sensitive, but, then again, she always was for him.
Bucky pulled her underwear down her legs and let his tongue swipe through her folds. The noises that she released from her throat were like fucking music to him. He groaned as he looked up at her from between her legs.
He kissed her thigh almost sweetly.
His cool, metal fingers touched her and she clamped her thighs around him. "Buck," she gasped, reaching for his hair.
"Open up for me, babydoll," he whispered, and she let her legs fall open, releasing his hand from her thighs.
He ran his fingers through her folds before concentrating on her clit. She was already so damn wet for him.
His index finger breached her hole. She whined as his flesh hand settled on her hip, thumb brushing across her skin. "I got you," he whispered as his finger pumped in and out of her.
She was positively soaking him. Her breath hitched when she felt a second finger pushing in alongside the first. Her cries were so damn sweet and the way she was pulling at his hair. He placed a kiss to her hip and began moving his fingers.
She chanted his name over and over and over again as he fucked her on his fingers. He didn't much care as her slick ran down his fingers. He kept working her, thumb against her clit until she was clenching around him, legs shaking as she came with a cry.
His fingers stopped moving, stopped obeying his commands, maybe five minutes after this.
"What did you tell Tony?" She asked as she looked up into his baby blues.
"He worked it out," he answered, and she buried her face against his chest, hiding from him.
Bucky's chest shook as he gently laughed. "I can never show my face around the compound ever again," she mumbled and let go of his shirt. But she just wrapped her arms around them, slipping them beneath his shirt to touch his solid back.
"Baby, it's okay," he said and pulled away from her hip to grab her chin and tip her face towards him. "Nobody knows about us. They don't know I broke my arm making you see stars," he said with a grin. "But, I want them to know."
He leaned down and kissed her, effectively cutting off anything else she was going to say. But then she pulled away slightly, arms reaching up to wrap around his neck. "Think you can ask Tony to make it cum proof?" She asked, almost shyly.
Bucky kissed her again, walking her back until she hit the couch. "I can definitely do that," he said and pushed her back. He didn't need metal fingers to make her see stars.
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When They Call You Clingy So You Distance Yourself PT. 3 | Hyungline
Warnings: Cursing, Mentions of Suicide
You ran your fingers through your hair as you walked up to your front door.
The past week had already been stressful enough. After arriving at the airport, you realized that somewhere between you getting off the plane and getting to your parents' car your phone had fallen out of your pocket. You had to attend a funeral, your flight home had been pushed back by a day, and you still had a shit ton to do before you moved. Not to mention it ate at you the entire week that you were gone all you could think about was the argument you and Chris had.
Overall you felt absolutely shitty and you just wanted to crash.
You unlocked your door and slipped your shoes off and walked into the kitchen and set your purse down. You had left your luggage in the foyer, and were contemplating how nasty it would be just to leave your things in there until you unpacked at your new place.
You made your way into your room and flicked on your light and gave out a quiet yelp when you noticed someone in your bed.
Your heart slowed slightly when you realized that it was Christopher in your bed, hugging the bear he bought you in Europe when he was on tour.
He was curled in a fetal position, and knowing his nature, you knew he must have been staying in your room the entire week you were gone.
Your heartbeat sped up as you walked over to him, knowing what confrontation awaited.
He whimpered quietly in his sleep. Sadly.
"Christopher." You whispered, shaking his shoulder slightly. He whimpered again and you could swear you heard him say your name.
He must be having a nightmare.
"Baby." You said shaking him awake, harder this time.
Chris startled awake and looked at you. He stared for a moment as if you weren't real.
"Y-Y/N?" He asked quietly.
His chest collided with yours as he pulled you into an embrace, and you immediately felt his tears wet your shoulder.
"I-I'm s-sorry b-babe. I didn't m-mean any of it- I didn't pl-please d-don't l-leave me. I'll do any-anything. I'll qui-quit wo-working so I won-won't be stressed an-anymore. A-Anything I-I mean it-"
"Love, shhh. I'm not leaving you." You said as you stroked his hair. It felt gross, and he smelled a little stale, and he looked worn out overall. You could tell that he probably hadn't moved much all this week.
"Did you really stay in my bed waiting for me to come back?" You asked quietly. He let out a whine into your shoulder refusing to let you go.
"Chris, I promise I'm not leaving you."
"But the boxes..."
You chuckled and stroked his hair again. "I'm moving, yes. But not away from you. The neighborhood I live in isn't the safest, and I figured you would like it better if I moved closer to the dorms, so you didn't have to travel as far in the opposite direction of your home." Chris still held onto you, and you could feel the downturn of his lips pressed into your shoulder like a soft kiss.
"You didn't answer my calls...I thought you broke up with me..."
You sighed and pushed him away from you slightly and you could see his heart sink a little until you kissed the edge of his lips, his slight stubble exfoliating your own.
"While I will admit, what you said wasn't very kind of you...I know that isn't you." You murmured, caressing his cheek. His brown eyes were wide and sad but filled with hope. "I understand you were stressed, and I understand I can be clingy at times, but that's only because I have so much love and affection for you, I have to get it out in a physical way. Or else I might actually explode." You giggle as you pinch his cheek.
His eyes widen slightly, and he opens his mouth to speak but you press your finger to his lips.
"Let me finish. I didn't answer your calls because I lost my phone at the airport when I went home. My cousin's spouse took her life so I went to go attend the funeral. I wasn't informed until a few days before, so I went to the studio to tell you I was leaving." You let out a breath. "I also wanted to ask you while I was there is you could help me finish packing since I have to be moved out in two days."
Chris looked at you. "I'm sorry for your loss, baby. I'm also so-"
"Shhhhhh." You said placing a quick yet super soft kiss on his lips. "Thank you for your condolences. But don't apologize for snapping at me Chris. I already forgave you the minute you did it."
His bottom lip trembled, and he started to cry, little hiccups coming through as he still apologized, even though you knew he meant it when you said he didn't. He repeatedly apologized.
"You're too good for me." He said once he calmed down, his quiet sniffles and hiccups infrequent.
"And you're too handsome for me." You said as you kissed the tip of his nose.
"You're beautiful though. Way more than me." He said staring holes into you. "When we get married and have kids I want them to look exactly like you."
You laughed and shook your head. "They need your smile though, which I have yet seen you give since I arrived." Your voice held mock sternness as you tried to look serious but ended up letting out a loud chuckle.
He was finally able to give you and actual smile, and his adorable little giggle finally peeked through. You poked your pinkie in his dimple and he giggled again.
You ruffled his hair once and then made a face.
"You need to go shower, love." You said your nose wrinkling.
He pouted and wrapped his hands around you, laying his head on your stomach. "Mmmm, just a couple more minutes. Let me hold you."
You sighed, a smile on your face as you looked down at the boy you knew you would spend the rest of your life with. You scratched his head affectionately.
"Who is the clingy one now?"
"Y/N!" Minho had been running around for almost an hour. His voice was hoarse and the wind was biting at him through his coat as he ran. Knowing your stubborn ass you had probably only left the hotel in a thin jacket, with one or two layers at most.
He took a second to catch his breath and looked around. "Y/N!"
He was about to start off in a different direction when his phone buzzed in his pocket.
"Did you find her?" Minho asked when he picked up a call from Jisung. All the members of both Stray Kids and TWICE were looking for you.
"Sort of? She asked me to go pick her up from in front of the Louvre - she said she lost track of time but she's too scared to-"
Minho started running again. "Thank you! I'll call you when I have her-" He hung up and felt his legs move faster than he thought was humanly possible.
Please God...Universe...whoever please just please let her be okay.
He arrived and he looked around for you. When he didn't see you he started to panic until he noticed your figure swamped in one of is hoodies hunched over on a bench dozing off.
You perked your head up and saw your boyfriend running towards you, his long coat nearly flying off his shoulders.
He stopped in front of you and you braced yourself for him to start yelling at you after he caught his breath.
But instead of yelling at you his pants turned into desperate weeps.
He fell down on his knees and you quickly joined him on the ground.
"You-you scared me I tho-thought..." He couldn't even look at you.
"I'm sorry Minho, I didn't mean to...I..." Your voice was wobbly. You hadn't ever seen Minho cry before in the entire time you had been together. You didn't know how to comfort him, or what to say to get his cries to stop.
It made you want to cry how vulnerable he sounded. How weak and broken.
"Its not safe here. Anywhere. Thats why I was so scared." He whispered looking up at you, his eyes rimmed red. "One of the girls said they couldn't find you and I panicked. I've been running around for almost three hours."
You felt a pang of guilt strike you in your heart.
"I-I'm so-sorry..." You began to tear up as the pain of being mad at Minho seemed to hit you like a ton of bricks. You missed your boyfriend. "I'm sorry for being clingy too. I thought you wanted to be alone so I hung out with the girls...but I felt like maybe they'd think I was clingy too so I thought I would just spend today alone-"
"Y/N stop. First off the girls will never and I mean never find you clingy." He wiped his face and chuckled, a small smile forming on his face. "We were in a meeting last week and they were playing rock paper scissors over who gets to marry you. I told them that you were mine and Tzuyu said 'did you guys hear something?'"
He licked his lips and took a breath. "Secondly you don't need to apologize, Jagiya...all of this...this was my fault. I shouldn't have called you clingy. Because your clinginess...its something I love. Adore even. You know how to respect boundaries when needed as well. But it's obvious I have work to do on that, because I crossed a line I never should have crossed. So I am so, so, sorry Y/N. I'm sorry that I can't manage my frustrations in a way that won't hurt you. And I'm sorry that I'm horrible at communicating. I'm sorry that I say things that never should come out of my mouth."
You look at your boyfriend and the sincerity in the words his is saying. You swallow as he continues.
"I'm sorry that I cause more trouble than it's worth sometimes. That I make things a little more stressful than they need to be as well. I'm sorry that I can't express my love in the way you need either." He takes a shaky breath and he looks at you; your hear thumping in your chest at his apology.
"I love you. I love you. So much, Y/N. But I struggle to express that love and affection properly...which isn't fair to you." He lets go of your hand and you instinctively reach out for the warmth of it again. He lifts up one of his knees from the ground.
"So please be patient with me. Be patient with me so you understand the depth of my love for you. It is going to take a long time...if I had to guess..."
He pulled out a navy blue velvet box from his coat pocket. You watched as he opened it and a dainty but elegant ring was placed in there.
"It will the take the rest of my life to be able to show you." His voice trailed off and he trailed his eyes up to yours as he waited for you to say something...anything.
"I love you Y/N L/N."
You shook your head. Minho felt his heart start to shatter until you giggled and wiped away your tears.
"You idiot, it's Lee. Not L/N. Lee." You held your hand out and Minho slid the ring on your finger, his own trembling.
"I'm sorry I ruined your elaborate proposal."
Minho cocked his head as he helped you up, pulling you as close as humanly possible to his side so he could wrap you up in his coat as well.
"How did you know about that?"
"Jisung told me when I called him earlier..."
Minho chuckled as you guys walked along.
"Thats why we should probably wait to tell him about our engagement." You admired your ring with a bright smile.
Minho shook his head. "I'm gonna tell him when we get back. Because I want the world to know."
You looked at each other and immediately bursted out laughing because you both had the same thought.
"And that will be the quickest way for them to know."
Changbin had sped past three red lights to get here.
He would not lose you. He couldn't. The past couple of weeks had been grueling for him.
Your presence was something he was missing in his life. And that furthermore showed him how much he needed you.
How desperate he was to keep you.
He pulled into the lot illegally and ran into the small coffee shop. All the memories he had with you flooded his mind, since this was you and his favorite coffee shop. He had just been so busy that you guys never had time to come here anymore. It was more than half an hour away from your house and his dorm. And even further from the studio.
He scanned the small area and almost immediately pinpointed you with another person. A guy.
He was in a nice outfit as well. Very clean and put together. Lean and tall.
He watched as you both got up and hugged each other and watched as you smiled brightly at the guy and laughed at something he said.
"Alright I'll see you Wednes-"
"No! You will not see her Wednesday!" Changbin said as he pulled you from the guys embrace. "Listen, I don't know who you think you are but I'm her boyfriend! And she hasn't properly broken up with me yet so you can't have her! And if even if she did I wouldn't allow it!" He stared the guy down. Or rather up.
Damn he's even taller than he looked.
"Y/N-ie did you not tell-"
"I'm the only one who can call her that! Well...me and the guys but you're not the guys so you can't." Changbin mumbled angrily like a frustrated toddler.
"Changbin! Quit being such a fucking dumbass!" You said smacking him above the head lightly. You turn to guy and apologize profusely. "I'm sorry, Bin is a little...possessive." A nervous laugh escaped you. "Like a Chihuahua...but not the kind quiet sweet ones more like the ones who have a bark bigger than themselves." You said looking at your boyfriend with frustration in the lines of your face.
He looked down as you apologized to the guy once more.
"It's okay Y/N-ie...I think this is a memorable meeting. I'll definitely bring it up in my speech when you guys get married." He laughed. "I'm Justin Kim. Y/N's brother-in-law." He held his hand out and Changbin looked between the two of you. Justin had a smile on his face while you were looking at Changbin with annoyance.
"Ah! I'm so sorry...uh..."
"I think I'm older than you but I didn't grow up using honorifics so you can just call me Justin."
Changbin bowed and apologized, but held his hand out to shake.
"My wife and I are moving here settling down here soon. She's back home but will be here next week with the last of our things. She was stationed here for a little bit when she was in the military and loved it and since her only sister found love here and doesn't have much time to come see her since she's dating an idol, she thought it would be nice to move here. I agreed since it is beautiful, and this where our family is." He motioned his head towards you.
"Although she might be a little upset that I met you before she did. Especially since she'll be entrusting you too take care of her little sister...although I feel like its more so because she's quite a big fan of you guys. Ever since Y/N-ie said she was dating an idol she's been keeping up with culture and your band, so she can better understand."
Justin smiled and looked over at you. "I'll uh...let you guys talk though. Y/N-ie I'll have your sister call you when I get home. She might be a little flippy floppy though because she went through the stock of pregnancy cravings I bought her." He hugged you one last time and pulled Changbin into a hug as well before walking off.
"Changbin are you really that idiotic?" You looked at your boyfriend and he tried to sputter out a response, but you interrupted him befroe he could form coherent words. "I think you are, I fear." You let out a defeated sigh as you slunk back into your chair. You looked tired.
"Jiwon, can you grab me my usual. And do you remember Binnie's?" Changbin turned to see a barista nod at you and start to prepare your order. He sat down across from you and quickly realized that he was mistaken about a lot of things.
"Binnie I would never break up with you. I may break your head open because sometimes my God I want to slap you upside it so hard, but I would never break your heart." The sigh you let out was deafening. "If you were so jealous about me talking and hanging out with Minho so much why didn't you tell me? You really think flirting with a barista to make me jealous is a good idea, babe? Really?" Jiwon placed two drinks in front of you guys. "Chan told me. I think he spotted it pretty quickly, and noticed how you were turning down her advances when I wasn't around. Also, rather rudely too apparently - because Seo Changbin what do mean to tell me when Chris said you made a gagging noise at the poor girl!"
Changbin's eyes widened, and his lip popped out in a small pout. "I'm sorry Y/N."
"It's okay Binnie. But there isn't a need to be jealous baby. I'm not leaving you for Minho, he's just an extremely close friend. I'm not leaving you for anyone else period. And I'm sure as hell not going on any dates. I had to dress nicely because we were doing a photoshoot." You gestured to the cafe you guys were currently sitting in. "Justin and I are going to be co-owners. I thought it would be nice to have a location closer to where we live so we can go more often, and that one little restaurant closed down so I thought it would be a good opportunity." A soft smile painted your face. "And it's partially selfish reasons...I can't help but think of us when I think of this place."
Changbin's heart swelled with affection. So much affection that it hurt him.
"So while I have been upset with you for the past three weeks I'm over it Binnie. I miss you so much." Changbin got up and moved next to you.
"You mean it?"
You chuckled and placed a kiss on his lips. "100%." You said connecting them again, a little bit more passionately, but pulling back when you felt a mass amount of messages come through your phone, and then it immediately started ringing. Changbin pouted as he stared at your lips as they turned into a nervous grin.
"Although...you might have a shit show in store when it comes to my older sister."
You sat with Hyunjin the couch as you two watched your favorite series together. Today was your yearlong anniversary. You had been in bright spirits for the occasion as you guys went out and did things together.
Hyunjin slowly ran his long fingers through your hair, and he felt you slowly dozing off.
"Baby..." Hyunjin whsipered, "Are you sleepy?"
"Hmm, just a little..."
"Can we talk?" Hyunjin paused the show, not giving you a choice.
You sat up and you felt your heart thump in your chest.
"Yeah we need to."
Hyunjin nodded. "You go first."
"No you"
You both spoke at the same time.
"Marry me-"
"We should break up-"
You looked at Hyunjin dumbfounded and he looked at you with utter digust.
"First off... that is utterly disgusting that you would even consider breaking up with me? What are you some sadist? Deriving pleasure from my pain and humiliation?" He said putting a hand to his chest dramtically.
You looked at him with wide eyes. "W-Well are you some sort of crazy person?! What the hell do you mean marry me?!"
Hyunjin pouted. "Well you can call me crazy all you want I'm being serious." He ran a hand through his brown bangs. "We've been together a year. And I know I want to be with you for the rest of my life. And I know for a fact you do because how the heck could you not want to marry me? I mean we'll quite literally be the most beautiful couple God has ever put on this earth." He said rolling his eyes in a joking manner.
You didn't see amused, rather your lip was shaking slightly and your eyes watering.
Hyunjin bit his cheek and pulled out a little ring from his pocket.
"It's a little cliche, I know. And some will probably say too soon. But I know what I want." He said quietly.
He took a breath and spoke slowly, switching to his native language.
"Cling to me Y/N. For the rest of your life. Ask me how you look. Let my eyes cling to you when I admire you. Let my words cling to you when I say just how beautiful you are. Cling yourself to me every night before we fall asleep, and let me cling to you every morning when we wake up. Let yourself cling onto me when you feel like you aren't enough, and let me cling onto you so I can show the world that you are enough-that you are more than enough; and you will always be more than enough. Let me cling to you in the times where I feel you need reassurance, and I'll let you cling to me the times where you feel like I'm not sufficient enough. We may not be perfect but Y/N no couple is. I don't care what people think about us. We can be perfectly imperfect together. I'll let you cling to me so those hateful words have no room to stick. I'll let you cling to me so everyone around us knows that I am not me without you. That you're the one who completes me. Cling to me so tightly that if God forbid you ever leave you would take everything of me with so no o that no one else could ever cling to me. Because I won't let anyone else do that. No matter how much they claim to know what is best for me, they don't. Because if they did, they would know that it's you. And it will always be you. Thats why I'm so sure of this."
He slid the ring on your finger, as you watched him admire it on your hands. He didn't look up as he murmured quietly.
"Cling to me Y/N...I'm begging you."
You looked at Hyunjin and felt a few tears fall onto your hand as he held it with both of his own.
"You...you knew?"
Hyunjin shook his head. "Not when I said what I said. But Y/N I swear I didn't mean it in a mean way." He looked up at you helplessly. "In retrospect now I realize they meant it in a vicious way but...I genuinely thought that clinginess was a good thing. Isn't that how it's supposed to be when you love someone? Aren't you supposed to want to be with them?"
His brown eyes searched your face. "Because that's how it is for me. How it will always be. I don't want it to be any other way."
You felt your eyes prick up with tears.
"Did you really mean it when you said you want to break up?" He whimpered.
You shook your head aggressively. "No, Hyunjin no- I was just feeling insecure. I see how everyone reacts at us and sometimes I feel like I'll never be accepted as being your girlfriend."
"Fiancée." He corrected. "If they won't accept you as my girlfriend then I'll make them accept you as my fiancée. And if they want to be asses after that than tough luck because if anyone dares to not accept you as my wife than I'll find a way to deal with them." He said in complete seriousness.
You couldn't help but laugh as you moved your hands to cup Hyunjin's cheeks.
"Hyunjin I haven't said yes." You said quietly.
He gives you a determined look. "But you will say yes..."
He waited patiently for you to say yes.
"Jagiya. Three letters. Y-E-S. You just have to move your mouth to say it." He said stubbornly.
You shook your head.
"I'm not going to say yes Hyunjin."
His eyes widened and he opened his mouth to protest but instead you kissed him lightly, resting your forehead against his own.
"You won't say yes?" He whined.
"Why not...do you not want to say yes? Can you give me a straight answer Jagiya? Because I won't accept it until you say no. Until then I'll assume you are just being stubborn."
You smiled as your eyes met. Hyunjin looked at you waiting for you're answer. Which was so much more than a yes.
"I'll cling to you Hyunjin. Always. As long as you promise to do the same."
@hardladytale @yaorzu-blog @viola-celine @jiminssluttyminx @pearl-monkeys @wave2ivy @keshet2k @dreammix88 @mysticalhumano @hannahlolo @periodpoops @m1rroh @seungmyynie @beebee18 @theodorenottgf @qrstarz @xocandyy @stay-tiny-things @vixensss @bo-fairykim @conwunder @parisanmorovati @lovesunshinefelix @hyunjins-dimples @ka0ila @imperfectlyperfectprincess1 @chuuyaobsessed @dollschan @katexstay @lisunny2 @abovenyx @adrisiwiris @dontwannaexist @minsungsthirdwheel @ray0magdalene @maaayytyroshka @ddiidi
(if I missed you I'm so so sorry <3)
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coff33andb00ks · 1 day
Rule Breaker - Pt 4
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max Verstappen x single mom!reader (with logan sargeant)
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warnings: cursing, minimally proofread, masturbation (m), lando gives wisdom Summary: Max has it all...right? Besides, he's too busy collecting trophies and completing side quests for anything else. Until... You moved across a whole ass ocean to start over, uprooting you and your son's lives to become social media admin for cars that drive in circles. word count: 5682 auth.note: logan girlies frighten me but i love y'all :) spotify: i made a playlist
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The alarm started ringing and Max sighed, reaching over to turn it off. It wasn't as though he was asleep. Sitting up on the side of the bed he rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands, groaning when Jimmy gave a sleepy mew and jumped off the bed. "Ja, early morning," he sighed, switching on the lamp and getting to his feet. His cat didn't care, already slipping from the bedroom with his tail high. Sassy glared at him from the foot of the bed and he sighed again, grabbing his phone and turning off the lamp.
He grabbed jeans and a white t-shirt to put on before leaving the room, wondering again why he'd agreed to do this. It was stupid. No one cared what a day in his life was like, he was sure of that, no matter how many comments y/n had shown him on Checo's video asking when they'd get one of him. But it was too late to back out now—
His phone screen lit up and he stood in the bathroom, staring at her message.
-Good morning, I'll be there in ten minutes.
Crisp and professional. Just as it was supposed to be. Just as she had been for a week. When he'd messaged her the day before to bring Kevin over for another Disney movie she'd said yes, and had sat as far from him as physically possible while still being in the same room.
-I'll be ready. I'm up. Ok.
Eight minutes later she was at the door, looking maddeningly well-rested and relaxed and he didn't know why but that only annoyed him even more. He took the camera bag from her, noticing she was wearing baggy pants and an oversized sweatshirt instead of the usual jeans and Red Bull team shirt.
"I'll change before we go to the track," she told him.
He hated that the first few moments he was around her now were a little awkward. "What do you want to get first?" he asked, reaching up to smooth his hair and freezing when she moved to stop him. "What?"
"A day in the life, Max. Let your hair be messy. And you said you have coffee first thing right? So we'll do that – I've got the list you made." She took a sip from the to-go cup in her hand and he smelled coffee. "Kevin said to tell you good morning, have a great practice, and he had fun yesterday."
"I did too," he said. It was the truth. They'd watched a movie, and when that was over y/n had still been working on her laptop so he'd given Kevin a tour of his game room, letting him see and hold his trophies and helmets and even giving him a couple laps in his racing sim. She'd joined them, and for a little while it had been comfortable and easygoing, with her teasing him about his fridge of Red Bull within reach and having so many trophies he was running out of room to put them. He'd been about to suggest dinner, the words on the tip of his tongue, when she'd said it was time for them to get going.
She had the camera out, and so he started his day, answering her questions about trying to keep to a routine. The sun was coming up and she joined him on the balcony, asking about daily habits that stuck with him from childhood. He drank his coffee, watching out the corner of his eye as Sassy, his antisocial cat, jumped up into her lap and settled in for a cuddle.
"She's sweet," y/n said, and though there was a gap of at least six feet between them he could hear the cat's purring.
He made a face. "She hates being held."
Y/n looked at him, then down at Sassy. "Is that true?" she asked softly, running one hand over Sassy's fur.
As though intent on making him a liar, Sassy let out a squeaking purr and stretched, headbutting y/n's chin. Max scoffed, finishing his coffee. "She usually hates being held."
"Maybe you just don't know how to hold her properly," she said, turning her attention fully on the cat.
"I hold her just like I hold Jimmy," he said with a roll of his eyes.
"But you're not Jimmy, are you, darling?" she cooed, rubbing Sassy behind the ears and kissing the top of her head.
Max waited, knowing how much Sassy hated that sort of attention. And, traitor that she was, Sassy leaned into the touch, purring almost ecstatically. "You're making me look bad."
Y/n snorted, lavishing Sassy with affection for a few more moments. She set the cat down and stood, and the cat stayed close to her throughout the rest of the morning, calling and winding between her ankles as she got shots and video of Max doing his morning stretching.
"You do this every morning?" she asked, and Max exhaled with a nod while she got on her hands and knees next to him.
"It keeps me focused," he said after leaning on his knees. "Plus this is just a warmup. I'll do training with Rupert before lunch."
"Strength and cardio, right?"
"Will you be doing that with me too?" he asked, resuming his plank.
"Only if I'll get tequila at the end of the day like I did last week."
He chuckled. "I can do a gin and tonic."
"I've never had one of those," she said, trying the plank again.
"You have to lift your hips up a bit more," he pointed out. "And keep your back straight."
She tried again and he pushed himself back, turning to kneel next to her. His hands were on her hips, guiding them up, one hand moving to rest on her back, before he realized what he was doing. Hearing her shaky breath he paused.
"No, you're fine, I want to do it. Or at least be able to say I tried."
He nodded, adjusting her form, somehow able to focus on the exercise and not the sudden fantasies that were flashing in his mind. Swallowing hard, he wondered if they'd start invading his daily life and not just his dreams now. "Keep your head down, otherwise you might strain your neck."
"How long do I hold it?"
"It's your first time?" he asked, finally moving his hands from her.
"Doing a plank or having a guy manhandle me?" she huffed.
"Sorry, haven't had all my coffee. Yes, it's my first time."
"Then as long as you can."
"How long do you hold them?"
"Two minutes usually."
"Fucking showoff," she muttered, stretching out her arms and relaxing completely.
"I've been doing them for years," he chuckled. "C'mon, time for breakfast."
He was glad she ate with him, glad he'd picked up a few things from the shop the evening before that he'd remembered she liked. It seemed so normal, chatting with her while he cooked, Jimmy by his feet and Sassy by hers. But it made him homesick, nostalgic for something he'd never had.
"I only cook when I'm home," he said. "During preseason I have my meals prepped for me to get me back on track – turn on the kettle?"
She reached over to switch it on. "If you could have anything for breakfast without worrying about training or meal plans, what would it be?"
"This is where I say a cold Red Bull," he joked. When she rolled her eyes and laughed, he grinned. "Waffles. A stack this high." He held his hand several inches above the plate by the cooktop. "With bacon, the kind you can only get in America. And a large glass of milk."
"Butter and maple syrup?" she asked.
"Lots of butter, and the good maple syrup." Looking at the eggs on toast he was plating, he sighed. "I'll have it during our summer break."
"Two weeks off, right? Do you already have plans?"
"Last year I went to South America. I think this year I'll go home, yeah? Spend some time with my mum." Seeing that she was already fixing their tea, he carried the plates to the table and then fed Jimmy and Sassy. "What about you?"
"I'm not sure yet. I'm hoping to get to go home for a few days." She handed him a cup of tea and sat down. "My family usually gets a cottage at the beach for a couple weeks in the summer, and the break starts the second week they're going this year. Kevin misses his Nana, so I've got to get him back for a visit."
"You're close to your mum?" he asked once they'd started eating.
"Pretty close. We had a falling out when I graduated high school. She wanted me to stay near home and go to the local college, but I wanted to go to a school that had a good program. That led to a fight, especially when I was accepted and announced I was going halfway across the country…" She sipped her tea. "Then I graduated and came back home and… It was weird for a little while? But we both apologized and then Kevin came along, and well. She would have forgiven anything, I think, to be able to be in his life."
He nodded, understanding what that was like. Hadn't he done the same with his father? "Can I—" he stopped when her phone buzzed loudly on the table.
Y/n picked it up with a murmured apology, smiling slightly at the screen before answering. "Hey…"
Max's toast turned to cardboard in his mouth when he saw the name on the screen.
"Yeah, I'm at Max's. Day in the life thing. Yeah." She laughed.
He forced the last of his food down his throat and drank his tasteless tea, carrying his dishes to the sink while she talked to Logan.
"No, Ellie's bringing him. Probably around noon?" She paused and he knew she was smiling even though his back was to her. "You're sweet. I'll see you in a little bit? Yep. Okay, I promise. Bye."
"All good?" he asked, forcing himself to sound as casual as possible. Taking her plate when she brought it to the sink, he saw she was still smiling.
"Yeah, it was Logan. He wanted me to bring Kevin to the track. I'll do the dishes since you cooked," she insisted, waving him away.
He stepped aside, opening his mouth to point out the dishwasher but, knowing she would just wash them by hand anyway, he closed it. Leaning against the counter, he folded his arms over his chest. "How was your dinner with him last week?"
She looked at him in surprise. "It was nice."
He nodded. "About—" The timer he'd set on his phone went off and wanted to send his phone through the window. Snatching it up, he silenced it and ran a hand over his face. "I've got to shower, then we can head to the track."
"Sure thing." She tipped her head. "Alright if I change in your room while you shower?"
"Of course." He pushed away from the counter. "No photos of my closet."
She laughed at that, and he felt the awkwardness drift away. "No photos of the closet, promise. But I can get one of the Red Bull pillow on the bed?"
"Absolutely not," he snorted, her laugh following him from the kitchen. He went to the foyer to check his backpack, making sure all his necessities for the day were packed in it. Leaving his phone beside it, he thought about the upcoming practice, mind on the adjustments made in anticipation of the race. He pushed open his bedroom door so he could grab clothes, lurching to a stop at the sight of the nearly nude woman by his bed.
Y/n whirled around, one arm crossing over her bare chest, eyes wide.
"S-sorry," he blurted, quickly looking away even though it was too late for that. "Just need to grab something."
She turned her back to him, and he saw her hand shoot out to snatch her hoodie off the bed, holding it to her. "I thought you were showering."
"I had to get my things ready," he explained, wondering why he felt the need to defend his movements in his own home. "I thought you were washing dishes."
"It was a skillet, two forks, two plates, two mugs, and a spatula. Hardly a big job."
He quickly grabbed clothes, muttering a few more apologies. About to leave, he saw her turning to look over her shoulder and felt his knees weaken. His hip slammed into the corner of the bureau and he winced, cursing, snatching his gaze from her bare skin and leaving the room as quickly as he could, making sure to close the door behind him.
"Fuck me," he groaned, nearly tripping over Sassy, who was of course waiting right outside the door. Stepping around her, he went straight to the bathroom, trying with all his might to focus his mind on practice. The car. The track. Anything but her, because if he let himself think of her he would only think of how badly he'd wanted to—
No. Not allowed. He couldn't kiss her, he damn sure couldn't lay her down in his bed and learn all the secrets of her body. Couldn't find out how her lips tasted, whether she preferred to be held gently or grabbed roughly. Would never learn if she moaned and gasped or whined and squealed. Could never have the taste of her on his tongue or know how wet she could get.
His body craved her like water and he felt nothing but intense desire as he stood under the showerhead, not even trying to deflect his arousal. Giving in, he set the soap down and grasped his cock. He closed his eyes, letting the fantasies run wild. His hand was a sad substitute for what he truly craved. His mind replayed the split second view of her breasts he'd gotten over and over and he was almost ashamed of how quickly he came, gritting his teeth to keep from moaning loudly while his cum splashed on the tile.
Panting, still craving her, he washed himself, trying and failing to push thoughts of her to the back of his mind. Mad at himself for not being in control of his own body, he dried off and dressed, realizing he was taking more concern with his appearance than usual when he smoothed the pomade Charles had given him months ago through his hair. Cursing, he ran a comb through it, scowling at his reflection as he sprayed cologne. "Stupid," he muttered, pulling his shirt on and snatching the bathroom door open.
"No team shirt? I thought you weren't allowed to wear anything else," she teased when he entered the living room.
He looked down at the white tee, unconsciously smoothing it. "I don't live in team clothes," he muttered. He finally looked at her, clenching his jaw to stop his eyes from dipping to her chest.
She'd put on a bra. Pity.
"It looks good. Jeans and a white t-shirt are classic. Very James Dean."
"Who?" Was that some other idiot asshole talking to her? He knew about Logan—
"Actor from the 50's. According to my grandma, all the women wanted him and all the men wanted to be him." She smiled as she zipped up her camera bag. "I watched his movies. If I'd been alive back then I'd have wanted him, too. Ready?"
He nodded, grabbing a jacket. Said goodbye to the cats and watched her get more affection from Sassy in thirty seconds than he had in all the time he'd owned her. Another fantasy formed, and he wondered what it said of him that he was imagining her in his bed. Instead of a sexual slant, the fantasy was her cuddling his cats. Not used to the warmth it filled him with, he let the fantasy play out while they gathered their things, liking the mental image of Kevin and a faceless little girl joining them for morning snuggles.
The elevator ride was interminable, cramped, and he tried to remember what normalcy was while he breathed in perfume and shampoo and pretended she wasn't touching him.
"Are you wearing cologne?"
"A little." The doors open and he breathed clean air with utter relief. Did she like it? Did it bother her? Had he put too much? Should he—
"Smells nice," she murmured as she stepped into the lobby.
Max exhaled harshly, letting his head fall back against the wall, glancing up at the ceiling. "You've got a terrible sense of humor," he muttered to whatever gods might be listening.
"Did you say something?" Y/n asked.
"No," he lied, pushing away from the wall and exiting the elevator. "Just thinking about practice."
She asked him more questions, about the track, if he considered it at least a little his home track since he lived there. Nodded and listened to his answers as they walked to the dock. And it was all almost normal on the boat ride over, her filming clips to post later and getting photos. Then more normal once they stepped onto the trackside dock, surrounded by people now.
Once they reached the paddock she touched his arm to get his attention, not that she really needed to.
"I'll meet you at the garage? I'm gonna run see Kevin for a minute," she said.
"Of course." He reached for her camera bag and backpack. "You can bring him back for a visit—"
He swung his head around, smiling at the sight of Kevin through the crowd. His expression soured when he saw who was carrying him, but he managed to keep the smile on his face as Logan walked up, greeting him with a nod.
God, he hated this. Hated the way she smiled up at Logan, hated their easy, familiar conversation while he handed Kevin over and told her Ellie had stopped to chat with Oscar. He hated that he hated it and cleared his throat. "See you in a bit, I've got to meet with Christian."
She nodded, and he made sure to speak to Kevin before walking off. Barely two seconds later Lando fell into step next to him.
"Aw, look at 'em. Like a family, yeah?"
Max had nothing but respect and admiration for Lando, but he would have gladly shoved him off the dock if they'd been close enough. "Who?"
"Your social media girl and Logan." Lando grinned, glancing back. "Should've seen her kid like thirty minutes ago. He worships Logan."
"Of course he does, the guy has the mindset of a three-year-old," Max muttered.
Lando exploded with laughter. "The fuck?" He followed Max into the Red Bull motorhome. "Is that jealousy I hear?"
"Ah c'mon, it's me. Your buddy. Your mate."
"Don't you have things to do?" Max muttered, waving to people milling about as he made his way to his driver's room.
Lando was close on his heels, and the door hadn't fully closed before he started in again. "So you like her?"
He set her bags down and shrugged off his backpack. "Who?"
"She's my colleague."
"Colleague. You sound like a pretentious dickhead." Lando dropped into a chair and shoved his feet on the corner of the table. "Tell Lando about it, mate. I'm your friend, I won't judge you, just give you advice."
"I don't need your advice," he snorted, kicking Lando's feet down.
"But it's good advice!"
He groaned. "What is it?"
"First you need to tell me the problem." Lando leaned forward, looking far too excited. "You're down bad for her, aren't you?"
Max stared at him, unblinking.
"She gets you all fired up? Got you picturing her doing nasty, freaky things with you? Leaves you bricked and fighting for your life?"
"Jesus," he muttered, looking away.
"Oh, you're desperate," Lando said.
"I am not desperate," he scoffed.
"You're all dressed up. Isn't today when she spends the whole day with you?"
"I'm not dressed up." He wasn't sure what was worse, how he was feeling or hearing Lando describe them in his ridiculous way. "And yes, for the day in the life."
"You did something to your hair, you're wearing your pussy magnet cologne, and you're not wearing Red Bull." Lando ticked off his fingers. "You. Are. Desperate."
"And what if I am?" he asked.
"Mate… Just fuck her and get it over with it."
He laughed. "Life changing advice, mate, I never thought of that."
"See? I'm good—"
"I can't."
Lando's face twisted in confusion. "What do you mean, you can't?" His eyes widened. "Are you – You know you can get medicine for that? No shame in it nowadays. Happens to a lot of guys. Not me, but—"
"What the hell—" Max groaned, throwing a Red Bull at his friend. "I'm not impotent, asshole."
"Oh. Good, because really I'd be worried. You're not that old—" Lando sent the can back. "So why can't you? Because of Logan? They're not official. Just a few dates. He went to see her at her place, but I think they're just friends."
"How do you know all this?" Max asked, checking the time.
"He tells Osc everything and I have a knack for finding out by asking leading questions."
"You mean you're nosy."
Lando waved one hand. "Yes."
"It's not because of him," he finally said after opening a can and taking a swig.
"Then…" Lando threw up his hands and let them fall dramatically. "Why aren't you putting kids in her?"
Max almost choked on his drink. "Mate—"
"She's a fucking milf—"
"Don't say that—" Max held up a hand. "Stop. I can't."
"Again, why?" Lando gasped. "Mate," he whispered. "Did you try and she turned you down?"
"No, she didn't – I – we work together." He rolled his eyes when Lando snorted. "It's in the contracts, mate."
"You're joking."
"Do you want to see a copy?" he finished the drink and crumpled the can.
"No, I mean, you can't be serious? That kind of stuff is only for doing shit in public." Lando shook his head. "It's an easy workaround. Just do it in private."
"What, like I'm ashamed?"
"No, no, c'mon! Stolen looks? Carefully brushing her hand when you're walking together? Sending her a filthy text before an interview? Then as soon as you're back home you bend her over and fuck—"
"It'll be your dirty little secret. You'd have to make sure the kid doesn't notice but as long as you keep it to hotel rooms and when he's asleep that wouldn't be a problem." Lando smiled, expression smug, as though he'd just solved all the world's problems. "As long as you don't say in an interview that you're fucking her, you're good."
"You're insane," Max muttered with a shake of his head. "I can't—"
There was a knock on his door. "Mister Max!"
He was opening it in an instant, grunting when Kevin ran into him. Y/n was behind him, gently chastising him for being so impatient, and Max waved off her concern, catching the boy and lifting him up for a hug. "You having a good day, kleine maat?"
"Yeah! I got my scooter! Can we ride?" Kevin asked hopefully.
"Of course we can." He met y/n's eyes over the boy's head. "Just a little ways down the track?"
She looked ready to say no, but finally nodded. "I've got to get some posts up. Ellie's getting a migraine so she'll probably want to leave soon—"
"Well then we can have fun without her, can't we mate?" he asked Kevin, who giggled. Ruffling his hair, he set him down and looked at her. "Go ahead and do your work, yeah? I'll keep an eye on him."
Her eyes softened and he knew she wanted to insist he didn't have to. That Kevin could go back to the hotel with Ellie. But she smiled. "Thank you."
"Let's go get your scooter, mate," Lando said suddenly.
"Stay with Lando, yeah?" Max told Kevin, looking at his friend. "Don't let go of him."
"He's such a dad," Lando sighed to the boy, taking his hand and leading him from the room. "Does he tell you to eat your vegetables?"
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● It's not contagious. Just her migraines are bad right now. I think it's the change in environment. She's not used to the English weather. ● She's going to a doctor tomorrow? ● Yeah but I don't think they'll have a miracle cure. ● Just bring him, y/n. The whole team loves him. We can keep an eye on him when you have to work, and he can stay in the motorhome when it's busy. ● Christian said the same thing. ● Sometimes he's smart. ● You're terrible. Okay, I'll bring him. ● Good. Tell Ellie I hope she gets some relief. Is she getting rest? ● She just went to bed even though it's only 7. She took a pill that doesn't help the pain but helps her sleep. ● She'll be okay, y/n. They'll have something to help her. ● Thanks, Max. See you in Montreal. ● Safe travels, y/n. Give little mate a hug for me? ● Every day. :)
Y/n smiled over the messages and then returned to the messages with Christian. After telling him she would have Kevin with her for the Montreal and getting his assurance that it was okay, she locked her phone, sighing. "Well, buddy, looks like you're coming to Canada."
Kevin looked up from the hot wheels he was lining up on the rug. "Really?"
"Yep. But Mama's gonna be working a lot so we'll be at the track all the time." She hoped this wasn't a mistake. There were countless ways he could get hurt. "You'll have to stay where I tell you."
Kevin nodded. "Okay Mama." He rubbed his nose. "Is Mister Logan coming?"
The duality of child, she thought with another sigh. "Yeah, he'll be here soon. Remember to keep it down, though. Ellie's sleeping." She got to her feet and stepped over his cars so she could get the popcorn ready. "Can you get the movie ready?"
"He said Cars is his favorite," her son reminded her.
"He did."
"Mister Max likes it too. But his favorite is Aladdin."
"I thought his favorite was Tiana?"
"His favorite princess." Kevin followed her into the kitchen, pushing his stool to the counter and climbing up. "But he loves Aladdin."
"Why does he love Aladdin?" she asked, taking down the packets of microwave popcorn.
"He says the genie."
"Well, he has a point." She put a packet in the microwave and moved to get a bowl.
"He likes Tiana because she works for what she wants." Kevin spoke slowly, and y/n knew it was because he wanted to make sure he repeated Max verbatim. He even, probably unintentionally, copied Max's slight lisp.
And so it was that when Logan arrived, she and Kevin were in a debate over the work ethic of Disney princesses.
"I'm not saying she held down two jobs, but Cinderella worked," she insisted while she opened the door. "She cooked and cleaned and dealt with everything in the castle – Hey, c'mon in – and you need to remember it was set like two or three hundred years ago, of course she didn't have a job"
"But she only danced," Kevin said as he greeted Logan with a hug. "Tiana turned into a frog, Mama."
"Are we arguing?" Logan asked with a chuckle.
Y/n rolled her eyes. "I'm trying to defend my girl Cindy and he's showing misogyny."
"Am not," Kevin huffed. Tugging on Logan's shirt, he waited for him to lean down before whispering. "What's miss… That mean?"
"I think it means when a man expects a woman to stay home and cook and clean and raise babies," Logan whispered back.
"That's stupid."
"There's my sweet boy again. Go pick up your cars," she told him, laughing when he ran off to do so. Taking Logan's jacket, she draped it over the hook by the door. "Hey."
"Hey," he murmured, smiling.
His kiss wasn't unexpected. He'd kissed her plenty of times since their dinner in Italy. But there was something added in, something she couldn't quite identify but knew she liked. Leaning into him, she hummed softly when his hand lightly cradled her neck, pulling back at the sound of Kevin throwing his cars into the bin.
"Date in Montreal?" Logan asked.
She opened her mouth to say yes, then bit her lip. "I don't know. I have to bring Kevin with me."
"Oh. I thought he was staying here with Ellie?"
"He was, but she's been having really bad migraines since Monaco. She's going to the doctor tomorrow, but I can't just expect her to deal with him and all that."
"We'll still do something fun."
"We will," she promised, leaning to kiss his cheek. "Go on, I'll get the popcorn."
They parted, and she heard him talking to Kevin while she got the popcorn and drinks. When she brought it out he was already on the couch, remote in hand and following Kevin's directions to find the movie, like he hadn't used their TV half a dozen times by now.
"This is his favorite movie that he watches every other day, so he'll be talking along with it," she warned him with a smile once they were settled and he'd hit play. She could already tell that Kevin would be out before the movie was finished, recognizing the way he rubbed his eyes as he snuggled between her and Logan. Picking up her phone so she could check her email, she half paid attention, frowning when a text from Ellie popped up.
● Is your boy toy here? I want water.
She rolled her eyes.
● He's not my boy toy but yes. I'll bring you some.
"Be right back," she whispered to Logan, pushing herself off the couch and going to the kitchen to fix a cup of water for her friend. Slipping into the bedroom, she closed the door and approached the bed. "Hey," she whispered, setting the cup down.
Ellie groaned, slowly sitting up. "Thanks."
"Pill hasn't kicked in yet?"
"Almost. Logan here?"
Y/n smiled. "Yeah. Watching Cars."
"Romantic." Ellie breathed deeply. "Water?"
Handing it to her, she sat on the edge of the bed. "You're drugged so you'll be honest…"
"Yes, I think you should sleep with him."
She blinked, pressing her hands to her face. "Thanks, El."
"Welcome." Ellie pushed the cup to her. "He's cute and he likes you. And it's been years since you had some good dick. Sleep with him."
She stood and leaned to kiss her friend's head. "Go to sleep, babe."
"Loves you," Ellie mumbled sleepily.
"Love you more." Leaving the cup on the nightstand, she tiptoed from the room.
She didn't want to sleep with Logan, did she? Just because he was cute – which he was, but she preferred the term handsome – and liked her? She did like him. He was good with Kevin, and he was nice. He hadn't been pushy at all since their not-a-date dinner date, but she wasn't blind. She could tell he wanted more than the quick, stolen kisses.
Just as she'd known he would, Kevin was asleep before the movie was halfway through, and she pried him from Logan's shoulder to go tuck him in. When she returned, he'd turned off the movie and put on Netflix, and she reclaimed her spot.
"Is it okay for me to hang around?" he asked, pushing the popcorn bowl onto the coffee table.
"Of course." Smiling, she laughed when he flopped back, one arm draping around her and dragging her close. She barely paid attention to the show he'd turned on, letting herself enjoy the physical closeness. His hand rubbed her arm and she shifted closer, resting her head on his chest.
"Hm?" She tipped her head back, surprised – but not really – when he took the opportunity to kiss her. His arm tightened around her, other hand coming up to cup her cheek and she sank into the kiss, whining a little when he pulled back. "Okay?"
"Y-yeah," she breathed, nodding, shifting so she was kneeling, hands gently grabbing the front of his shirt as their lips met again.
"So we can be more than friends?" he asked between kisses.
Y/n exhaled shakily, wondering how he could ask that question when his hand was sliding under her shirt. Or was he expecting her to determine their relationship? "I mean… Yeah? We can just…" It was hard to concentrate with his hand creeping closer to her breast. "Figure it out as we go?"
"I like that," he whispered.
His fingers brushed the outer curve of her breast and her mouth went dry, feeling the flames of yearning in a long time. "I like that, too," she whispered, threading her fingers through his hair. She pulled back just when her lips brushed his again, slightly panicked at the thought of having sex on the sofa. "B-but we don't have to go all the way tonight, do we? I don't—"
I don't want to tarnish the couch my son naps and watches TV on.
"No, no, it's okay. I'm good with just kissing you," he promised.
"We can make out," she suggested, because she needed a little more than kissing. Just the training wheels until she remembered what to do and what she liked.
"Hands above the waist?" he asked while slowly guiding her down.
"Good idea." She had the distinct impression that if his hands went below her waist she'd be begging for more. And she wasn't ready for that. Not yet.
Maybe not ever, and as she started to lose herself in his kiss she wondered if he'd be okay with that, too.
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@spookystitchery | @halleest | @lyannesworld | @llando4norris | @kravitzwhore | @younxii | @silentreader128 | @samantha-chicago | @mrsbrxkkxr | @cmleitora | @jasons-little-princess | @toldyouitwasamelodrama | @aundercover | @kiwi43-81 | @awritingtree | @voidsfics | @manicpixiemom | @misartymis | (i think i got everyone)
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oncomingnight · 2 days
The Best of You, Belongs To Me.
yandere! death metal singer x fem reader
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Andrew is the farthest thing from shy when it comes to showing you affection in public. He'll pull your chair closer to him as the two of you sit in a practically barren cafe, using the closed off distance between the two of you to his advantage in order to kiss you with so much passion that it feels as if he's attempting to rob you of all your breath. His inked hands are constantly interlinked with yours, gently leading you towards the end of never ending crowds, pulling you closer to his side, bringing your buttery smooth hand up to his lips in order to press sugar flavored kisses onto the surface.
He's also a huge fan of standing behind you with his hands planted on your shoulders + hugging you from behind as he nuzzles his head into the ivy scented crook of your neck.
What you're about to read may seem weird but Andrew is absolutely obsessed with the way you smell. He finds himself within the very realm of heaven when he catches a whiff of your jasmine scented perfume, pomegranate body wash accompanied with hints of cherry. He'll write down the names of your most used fragrances and make it a mission to always stock them back up for you.
He is constantly wearing his silver chain with your name as the charm dangling from it. He is never seen without it.
Andrew's skin is almost completely covered with tattoos and he found a way to incorporate his love and obsession for you in this artistry. He has your name displayed across the side of his neck along with a depiction of your angelic-like eyes on his forearm.
He loves partaking in activities that have to do with the outdoors and would love it even more if you were to join him. Andrew is the absolute best when it comes to planning the perfect hiking/camping day out. He grabs a little backpack for you and fills it to the brim with your favorite snack bars and makes sure to have your favorite beverage in clutch within a thermos. He takes an insane amount of photos and videos of the two of you going on these little outdoor adventures.
Gets on one knee to re-buckle your heels or tie your shoes.
holds your bags when he takes you on a little shopping spree.
Andrew hardly ever lets you pay for things yourself, he will somehow always pull out his card faster than you can manage. One day, you accidentally let slip that you paid for a case of lipstick with your own money after he complimented you on how the shade 'made you look like an angel'.
He keeps a careful eye on you as you apply the cherry shade of lipstick onto the sultry outline of your lips before asking you, "when did you get that, princess?"
"oh, just the other day when you took me to the mall!" "why...wait why didn't you just ask me to buy it for you?" you giggle for a split second before replying with, "baby, you were already carrying all of my bags I didn't want you to do another thing by-"
"I don't care what I was doing. Plus, I wanted to carry your shit. Just ask me next time, okay? You already know I'll say yes just don't do that again."
He somehow convinces you to quit your job as that'll be beneficial in you being able to accompany him when his band goes on tour. This is a bit toxic but what else did you expect from reading this? Andrew would never want you to have to deal with a hostile work environment, faltering pay checks or mentally challenging hours. So, of course he succeeds in getting you to drop your job no matter if it's something you enjoy doing or not.
He manages to remind you that he's always there for you no matter what life throws at the two of you. He makes sure you know he cares even if it's through the little things, ordering breakfast & dinner to your apartment door when he isn't able to be home and is spending extra hours in the studio. He sends you voice messages throughout the day/night telling you all about his day, whining on & on about how much he's missed you and how he can't wait to feel you in his arms again.
"I'm almost home, cutie, do you want a coffee?"
says, "there you are, my sleepy head", every time you come out of your shared bedroom after a long night's rest.
Andrew is incredibly talented when it comes to knowing how to comfort you in the most efficient manner possible. He'll gently caress your face, placing his hand on your cheek for a second longer before leaning in to kiss your forehead. "baby, hey, can you please look at me? What's gotten you so upset?" He would never allow you to feel as though the reason for your sadness is stupid or irrelevant because "if it hurts you, it hurts you". He'd practically force you into getting into the bath with him, allowing for the two of you to be engulfed within lavender scented bubbles and the feeling of him threading his fingers through your hair. Then, he'd have you step within the comfort of a fluff filled blanket, resulting in a drowsy appearance to find a home upon your features.
He'd take your newly found calmness to his advantage as he's now able to get a clear cut story on what made his little angel's face fill with such sadness.
Listens to your ramblings with a look of nothing but pure adoration and listens to you talk about your interests while storing all of the topics you're so infatuated with within his schema.
"oh, that's a shirt from her favorite show. I'll go ahead and get that."
Takes a bunch of screenshots of you while the two of you are on face time.
You're his lock screen
Whenever his mother calls him she'll never fail to ask about you and questions him on how you're doing, if you've eaten, etc. She'll eventually ask him to pass the phone to you and it'll take hours for the call to end at that point because she's convinced you're the one for her son, and why wouldn't she want to speak to her future daughter in law for hours on end?
Andrew takes photos of the two of you in every single destination him and his band stop at while they're on tour. He has tons and tons of Polaroids showing you and him having the best time together in various cities inside of Asia, Europe and the US. They're all titled something along the lines of, "Me and the Mrs in __, "Me and my one and only."
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abiatackerman · 2 days
Everything for peace, for humanity
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Warnings: Angst
"You look.... Nice."
You smile sadly as you watch Levi in his wedding suit.
"You'll scare the guests off if you're gonna keep that scowl on your face. Try to smile. It's your wedding day. Don't ruin your soon to be wife's day at least."
You say as Levi’s eyes flicker to meet yours, his usual stoic expression unwavering. That is a look you know all too well. Still, you know you are right, he has to at least try to look the slightest bit happy, even if he clearly doesn’t want to.
"I actually didn't want to come here today... To your wedding."
You chuckle as you speak even though your heart is bleeding.
"But we're colleagues, we've been working together for a long time. As a member of the Survey Corps, I had to come."
You smile as you look at him dreamily, leaning on the door.
Oh how bad you imagined that how he would look on his wedding day. You knew he would look handsome. And he's looking handsome too. More than you imagined.
But the difference is he's marrying a beautiful girl from a powerful family of Marley instead of you. To make a truce between the Paradise island and Marley.
For peace. For humanity.
Levi slowly takes a few steps closer to you, his eyes fixed firmly on yours, his voice is low and rough.
"And yet, you still came here."
The sight of you leaning against the door, smiling at him with that look in your eyes, is too much to handle. His heart is pounding painfully in his chest, a feeling he knows all too well.
"I just wanted to see the grumpy-rude-scary captain, who is known as humanity's strongest soldier, to get married."
You say still smiling as your eyes tears up.
"Anyway... You didn't want me to come?"
You say blinking your eyes as Levi’s expression hardens. At the sight of the tears beginning to form in your eyes, his jaw tightens. He can practically feel his heart beginning to crack.
He can’t stand the sight, nor can't he stand the thought of you thinking he didn’t want you here. Which is true... He didn’t want you to be here. It hurts to see you.
"Of course I don’t want you here."
He says, his voice is cold, harsh. You chuckle sadly.
"Don't worry, I'll leave before you get married then. I was just hoping to see you in your wedding dress actually. I wanted to take a peek at you."
You try to sound funny like you always used to. You point at his tie.
"You're used to wearing cravats. You shouldn't be wearing a tie. Look, it's messed up."
Levi’s eyes flicker down to look at the messed up tie, the tie that his fiancé and her family had insisted he wear for the occasion. He hates it. He hates the way it feels around his neck, he hates the way it looks like it is being strangled around his throat, he hates to wear it. He lets out a quiet scoff.
"I’d much prefer to wear a damn cravat but apparently this is what she wanted."
You feel jealousy hitting you like a brick of a truck. You never once told Levi to change his appearance or anything just because you thought he'd look good in that way. You never wanted him to change. Now he's already changing himself for another girl... Who's not you?
"You should have told her to teach you how to wear it then. It's messed up."
You say in a jealous tone as Levi's chest aches in response. He knows this is difficult for you, he knows you are unhappy with his decision, but what can he do? The deal had already been done. There is no going back now.
Everything is for peace. For humanity.
"She did teach me, but it doesn’t matter."
He says, his voice comes out as a grumble as he undoes the tie, tossing it on the nearby desk instead.
"I hate these damn things. Stupid useless pieces of fabric."
You smile softly hearing his curses.
You'll miss it. You'll miss his grumpy behaviours, his rude-insulting words... His glare to the every male cadet who wanted to be close with you. His scent, kisses, touches, bites, thrusts, whispers, "I love you"s.... Calling you doll, Y/N, brat...
You'll miss him... Everything about him.
"I have one final request."
You clear your throat to prevent your voice from cracking and speak professionally.
"And that is?"
Levi looks at you, his expression is cold and stoic as usual but his eyes are filled with pain.
A part of him is selfishly happy to see you suffering, the other part of him wants to pull you into his arms and never let you go, to tell you that he wants you, he loves you. But that isn’t something he can't do now. He has to watch you walk away.
"I want to be your child's godmother. And I want your wife to be my patient when she gets pregnant. I want to be the doctor and the first person who'll pull your child out of your wife's ovary into this world."
You say calmly as Levi’s eyes widened. Not only do you want to be the godmother of his child with another woman who isn’t you, but also you do want to be the one to deliver his child.
A pained expression crosses his face as he realizes what you are asking for. He takes a step towards you, his eyes searching your face.
"You’re asking me... To let you witness me having a happy family... With another woman?"
You roll your eyes, desperately trying to stop your tears from falling.
"I just want to see your kids growing up and want to be the first person who'll see your kid's face. That's it."
Levi is silent for a few moments, his eyes never leaving your face. Despite how badly he wants to lash out, to be angry, he can’t. The way you are looking at him, the raw emotions behind your words... He can’t be angry at you. With a sigh, he takes another step closer to you and slowly reaches out and grabs your waist, pulling you closer.
"You’re masochistic. You know that?"
You pull yourself back from him, pushing his hand away.
"The last thing I want you to be a cheater, Levi."
You say with a soft tone as you look up to him. Levi’s eyes flicker over your face as you pull his hand away from you, his fingers slightly curled as he tries to reach out for you but manages to restrain himself. He wants to reach out for you, to take you back into his arms but he knows he isn’t allowed.
"Watching me raise a family, watch another woman have my children, you truly want to subject yourself to that kind of torture?"
He tries to keep his expression neutral, but the coldness of his eyes fades slightly. You shake your head.
"No... It definitely won't be painful for me to watch your kids growing up."
You smile softly looking up at the ceiling as you lean on the door completely.
"I just want to be a part of their life. That's it. Though it totally depends on you to accept my request."
Levi’s gaze softens slightly at your response, his eyes watching as you look up to the ceiling, he wants to reach out for you, to grab you and pull you into his arms, to lean his head down and press kisses along your neck and whisper soothing words in your ear.
But he can't....
He lets out a soft sigh, his expression darkens again as he spoke.
"Of course it depends on me to accept your request, you idiot. And you’re crazy if you think I’m going to say yes to you basically being the third wheel in my family."
You feel his words stabbing your bleeding heart making you hurt more. Bleed more. Third wheel? Your face twitches at his insults.
"Ok... As you wish."
You smile fakely as you open the door.
"Congratulations to your marriage, Levi Ackerman. I hope you'll have a happy life."
You say smiling softly as you take your last look at him again. Last look at him as "Your Levi" And everything starts to flash in front of your eyes.
Your first meeting, funny fights, him saving you from death, you treating his wounds, your first kiss, first confession, first time making love, the amazing time you two have spent with each other.
Tears start to fall on your cheeks as you close the door slowly. You sigh as you start to walk away with heavy breaths.
But if you would have looked back once again.... Maybe you could have seen the drop of tear falling from his dry eyes.
Just like you, he's not happy with his marriage. He never will.
But both of you are the previous members of the survey corps. You guys know very well what the pain of sacrifices is... You all have sacrificed a lot. And that's why neither Levi or you opposed to this marriage.
Because humanity means everything to you. If peace will be ensured by sacrificing love... You both will gladly accept that. No matter how much that's gonna hurt you both.
Everything is for peace.... For humanity...
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morallyinept · 2 days
Adrift With You - A Frankie Morales Series - Chapter 19
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Summary: Heading away on a work re-location, Frankie embarks on a flight, but unbeknownst to him, his life is about to change forever. For starters, he will need to fight for it; harder than he's ever fought for anything else before.
Marooned on an isolated island in the middle of the ocean, still recovering from an addiction, his chances of survival are bleak; but he’s not alone on the island, and soon he’s running towards a different kind of life - a life with fellow survivor, Jude, fighting right beside him every step of the way.
And if they can both survive the island together, they can survive anything, right?
Pairing: Frankie Morales x OFC Jude
Chapter word count: 7.3k
☝🏻See Series Masterlist for full smut warnings & triggers in this story. Chapters that contain smut or triggers will be highlighted in the chapter notes below. 👇🏻
Chapter notes: Frankie takes a brave step and Jude suspects Frankie is keeping something from her. Chapter contains smut.
Enjoy! 🖤
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Chapter 18
Before the crash…
“Hola, hermanita. (Little sister) Hey. I need to talk to you. It's... important. Yeah, I'm okay. Well, kinda. I just... I just found out I'm pregnant… Ya sé, noticias grandes. (I know, big news) Yeah, I’m positive… It's positive! There are two lines, I’m staring right at it now…
"Shit, I don’t know what to do. Dios mío, no sé qué hacer. (God help me, I don’t know what to do) I just… Yeah. I know… I... I don't think now is the right time to tell him. Things have been so strained between us lately. I don’t even know if we… if we’re going to make it… No, I know it’s stupid, but I just feel… I’m losing him… No, I am. He-He’s not been the same since the overdose, and I-I don’t know if I can go through that again… I don’t think I could bring a baby into that situation either, right?
"I just don't know how he'll react. What if he doesn't want this? What if he leaves?... Maybe it would be too much for him, right? He needs to get better and a baby would just mess all that up!… I'm so scared, what do I do, hermanita?... Yeah, I know I have options, but, I can’t- that’s not… wait. Listen, I have to go. He's just got home. I'll call you later, okay? Kiss abuela for me...” (grandma)
Carla ends the call and quickly slips her phone into her pocket, standing up. She glances her weary and pallid reflection in the mirror and wipes under her mascara heavy eyes.
She can hear Frankie in the kitchen and pauses at the bathroom door, taking a deep breath in. 
She can still smell it as she breathes, the harsh, sterile smell of hospital disinfectant. Can hear the steady beep of the heart monitor pulse in her ears, a rhythmic reminder of his fragile state.
She tries not to see it but it barges its way in, haunting her all over again. 
Frankie lying unconscious, his face pale and gaunt, a stark contrast to the vibrant man she’d once known and fallen in love with. She reaches out, her fingers gently brushing against his hand, cold and unresponsive.
Tears well up in her eyes as she takes in the sight of him, hooked up to tubes and machines. It’s a scene she’d dreaded, one that she’d feared might become a reality ever since she’d learned about his struggle with addiction. But seeing it, the reality was more crushing than she could’ve imagined.
She’d been at work when she received the call from Will. The rush to the hospital, the panic, the fear - it all felt like a blur now. 
But the image of him, lying motionless on that bed, was seared into her mind forever. Carla had thought they were making progress, that he was getting better. But the overdose had shattered that illusion, bringing her crashing back to the harsh reality of his addiction - he would never get better, not really. Sure, there would be bouts of time where he would be sober, but that fear of him relapsing would always be there. A shadow lingering behind her back waiting. 
How could she bring a baby into that chaos? How could she raise a child when the father was fighting a battle that could end in a quick moment? 
“Estoy en la cocina," (I’m in the kitchen) Frankie calls up, his voice carrying up the stairs.
She can feel the distance between them, the unspoken words hanging in the air like a dark cloud. The weight of her discovery presses down on her, but she pushes it aside, hiding the test and focusing on the moment at hand. 
Whatever happens next, Carla’ll face it - she has to.
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Present day…
He’s been standing there for what feels like hours, gathering the courage to move forward.
The air is thick with the scents of an early summer - saltwater from the nearby Gulf, blooming magnolias, and the faint tang of spiced seafood that consummates in the Floridian air - but to Frankie, it carries an undercurrent of fear and regret.
The small house, with its open windows, cracked awning and the heavy silence from inside, seems to pulse with a heartbeat that mirrors his own anxious rhythm.
His heart is racing and palms feel slick with sweat. The sun casts a warm glow over the neighbourhood, but Frankie only feels the cold bite of anxiety.
The island has stripped him to his core, forcing him to confront his darkest fears and deepest cravings. Yet the challenges of survival seem minor compared to the emotional ordeal he’s about to face.
The world around him seems to blur, the house and suburban street dissolving into a stark, unforgiving landscape. Finding himself back on the island, the relentless sun beating down on him, the smell of salt and decay in the air, he sees himself at his lowest, shaking and sweating as the need for cocaine claws voraciously at his mind.
The sunlight casts clear, sharp shadows that seem to dance and mock his hesitation. He takes a deep breath, feeling the warm air fill his cracked lungs, and forces his feet to move.
He climbs the tiny, singular step up to the door, a mountain that seems impossible to peak, yet fighting the battle against the urge to turn and run. 
Frankie raises his hand to knock but freezes, his fist inches from the wood. He lowers his hand and stares at the swirling grain, feeling the crushing weight of his doubts. The sunlight seems to swamp closer, the whispers growing louder.
He closes his eyes, summoning the strength he’d found on the island, the resilience that had kept him alive. He drifts to Jude, her unwavering support, and the love they’d discovered amidst the chaos. He thinks of how she’ll take this news, her face twisting into bitter disappointment.
He thinks of the promise he’d made to be a better man. But not even Jude's strength could protect her from the island's cruel whims. He remembers the day she lost their baby, an event that shattered them both and still continues to do so in some twisted way, giving him a chance at parenthood when it was ripped from her. The grief and helplessness had been overwhelming, a pain deeper than any he’d ever known.
Frankie clenches his fists, digging his blunt nails into his palms until the sharp pain grounds him in the present. He can't afford to be weak, not now. 
With a final, resolute breath, Frankie knocks on the door. The sound deafening on a quiet day. The seconds stretch into an eternity. Then, the door creaks open, fluttery eyelashes greet him and that familiar tinny jangle from her wrist fills his ears. 
“Hey,” he all but croaks. 
“Es bueno verte de nuevo." (It’s good to see you again.) Carla smiles thinly. 
A small crook of his lips under the shadow of his cap convinces her of the same, as she steps aside, the scent of him flouts itself so uncouthly as he passes her. 
Her expression is a mix of surprise and guarded hope, and despite the small amount of time that’s passed them - what’s in a year? - she looks worn and tired around her almond eyes that used to be buoyant and keep him afloat. 
“We’ll need to be quiet, he’s sleeping,” she murmurs as Frankie follows her to the kitchen, pausing momentarily to glance upward at the stairs. 
“You want some coffee?” She asks casually as he sets himself down at the table. 
“Uh, yeah.” He says, as he spies piles of folded baby clothes in a basket on the floor by the dryer. 
His fingers wrap around a warm cup of coffee and Carla sits across from him, her hands cradling her own mug, her eyes studying him with a mixture of curiosity and caution.
The silence between them is palpable, punctuated only by the distant hum of the refrigerator and the occasional creak of the house settling. Frankie's gaze drifts to the ceiling, imagining the tiny form of his child asleep up there.
The thought sends a shiver down his spine, a potent mix of fear and anticipation as it bottoms out in his gut. 
Frankie takes a tentative sip of his coffee, the bitter warmth grounding him momentarily as it scalds his lips. He glances at Carla, noticing the subtle changes in her face - the faint lines of worry and the traces of sleepless nights scattered purple and weary in her sockets.
He wants to ask her so many things, to understand what she’s gone through in his absence, but the words feel trapped in his throat, heavy and cumbersome to swallow down or bring up. He wants to ask her the whys and hows, but he knows it’s fruitless. The stark reality is here and he has to face it head on, whether he likes it or not. 
"How’ve you been?" Carla finally breaks the silence, her voice gentle but probing. 
Frankie hesitates, searching for an honest answer. "It's been... hard," he admits, his voice barely above a whisper. 
“Of course it has, shit. Lo siento, that was stupid. I can't even imagine," she says, her eyes reflecting a deep empathy. (I’m sorry)
He looks down at his hands, the coffee cup trembling slightly in them. The ripples in the dark liquid remind him of the waves that had battered the island's shores, each one a reminder of nature's unyielding power and him being nothing but a slave to it.
The rhythmic crash of the waves echo in his mind. The sensation of being adrift, caught between the past and the present, consumes him for a few moments.
He sees Jude, her face etched with pain, as they bury their hopes and dreams in the sand. The ocean had seemed both a barrier and a saviour, holding them captive, yet offering a taunting promise of escape.
Frankie can feel the rough texture of the island's ground beneath the hardened-over skin on the balls of his feet, and smell the brine in the air. The tremor in his hands grows stronger, the coffee sloshing precariously close to the rim of the cup.
"Are you okay?" Carla’s voice cuts through the fog of his thoughts, pulling him back to the shores of the present.
She reaches out, placing her hand tentatively over his, steadying the trembling cup. 
"I'm... I'm fine. How are you? I mean, how-”
She sighs and settles back into her chair, taking the once familiar and comforting touch with her. “I was planning on telling you, but… we ended, and then the plane and-”
“Yeah.” Frankie nods, averting his gaze.
“I just couldn’t believe it when Benny told me you called him. That you were alive.”
“I still can’t believe it myself.” He runs his hand around his neck, feeling the ribbing of the scars that mottle there. It’s all too real and visceral. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
He closes his eyes, but the darkness behind his eyelids only intensifies the sensation.
He sees the plane crash in vivid detail - relives through the moment of impact, the chaos, the feeling of helplessness as he struggled for breath in the water.
“Can we talk about… the baby?” He says, hesitating. 
Caral nods and begins to tell him everything. How it had been a week since she and Frankie had broken up, a painful but necessary decision given his ongoing struggles with addiction, and the fact he was adamant it was over, even if she would’ve fought for him.
She was pleased he was getting help and had Eddie to guide him, but he was still pulling away. She was trying to move on, to rebuild her life piece by piece without him, moving in with her sister across town.
A news alert had popped up on her screen on that fateful day: Plane Missing Over the Pacific. She’d skimmed the headline, feeling a pang of sadness for the people involved but not thinking much of it. Plane crashes were tragic, but they were also rare, distant events - stories that happened to other people.
She’d put her phone down and went about her day, trying to keep herself busy and weighing up her options about the pregnancy the more she discussed it with her sister. As much as she didn’t want to consider it, her mind swayed into confusing and guilt heavy thoughts of a possible termination. 
It wasn't until late afternoon that her phone had rung. The caller ID showed it was Will, one of Frankie's closest friends, or at least before he’d pushed them all away. She’d hesitated for a moment before answering, a knot forming in her stomach. Perhaps he was calling because he’d heard about the split. But then as he spoke down the line, Carla’s world had stopped turning.
The kitchen seemed to spin around her, and she’d gripped the edge of the table to steady herself. She doesn't remember much after that. The hours and days, and soon months that followed Frankie’s disappearance were a blur of emotions - fear, hope, guilt, and overwhelming sorrow.
Each passing minute that Frankie was gone and wasn’t coming back, felt like an eternity. She’d thought about their last conversation, the pain and frustration that had driven them apart. She’d hoped that some time apart would help Frankie find his way back to sobriety - and to her - but the longer time wedged itself in, she feared that time had finally run out. The thought of him out there, somewhere, possibly hurt or indeed dead, was unbearable. 
She hadn't told him about the pregnancy, unsure if it was the right thing to do, but then her mind had been made up after the funeral - she’d raise their son alone, a last connection to Frankie and allow him to live on, for everyone that would miss him. 
His addiction had always been a constant shadow over their relationship, and Frankie feels the grip of culpability as he thinks about the pain he’s caused her as she speaks. She’d stood by him, supporting him even when things seemed hopeless.
Carla had loved him deeply, but his demons had often gotten in the way. He realises how much she’s endured, and it makes him admire her even more. She’s strong, resilient, and compassionate - qualities that had drawn him to her sparkle in the first place.
"Carla. I'm so sorry for everything," Frankie says, his voice trembling. "I-I know I messed up before, but I wanna make things right.”
Carla’s eyes shimmer with unshed tears. "Francisco,” she only uses his full name when she’s serious, he notes, “the fact that you're here, willing to try, means more than you know. I know you’ve been through a lot, and I know this has come as a shock. No es así como quería que esto fuera. But we'll take it one step at a time. He’s your son, and he deserves to know his father." (It’s not how I wanted this to go)
Frankie nods, feeling a tendril of hope unfurl from a tight bud somewhere inside of him.
“But…” Carla begins, “you have to stay clean. That’s the condition. You can spend as much time with him as you want, I won’t get in the way of that. But if you can’t… then you won’t be allowed to-”
“I know.” Frankie swallows thickly and holds her eyes. “I won’t let him down.”
And he believes those words as they crawl out from under his tongue. He wants to believe them so badly. The feeling of worry is an opaque heavy fog, seeping into every corner of his consciousness. It’s a weight pressing down on his chest, making it hard to breathe.
Carla nods, picking up her mug. His thoughts drift, unfocused and chaotic. Images of the past few months playing out in a disjointed sequence - Jude’s face etched with concern, the eerie quiet of the island at night, the baby boy he has yet to meet.
“Can I see him?” The words feel alien as they pour out of his mouth. 
“Are you ready for that?” Carla asks, scrutinising him carefully.
“Honestly, no.” Frankie takes off his cap and runs his hand through his mussed curls.
She remembers the feel of them, sliding through her own digits once upon a time.
“I’m fuckin’ terrified.” He admits timidly as he puts his trusty cap back on his head. “I just... I want to be a good father," he confesses, his voice tinged with bubbling emotion. 
“You're not alone in this, Frankie," she says, firmly.
"Gracias," he murmurs sincerely. "For giving me a chance. I know I don’t deserve it, especially from you.”
"I loved you Frankie, it is what is, I guess."
She wipes her eyes and looks away momentarily. They sit in silence, the weight of their conversation hanging between them until she looks at him again and smiles softly. 
“Come on.” Carla sways as she stands. 
Frankie’s gaze falls upon the crib, where his baby boy lays asleep, his tiny chest rising and falling with each peaceful breath.
Frankie's breath catches in his throat, and he feels a rush of emotions he can't quite name. The baby is perfect. Fine wisps of dark hair crowns his head, and his chubby cheeks are flushed with the warmth of sleep. Frankie approaches the crib hesitantly, his hands trembling uncontrollably. 
“It’s okay,” Carla whispers, encouraging him. “He’ll sleep through anything.” 
He leans over the crib, watching his son with wide, tear-filled eyes. The baby's tiny hands are curled into soft fists, and his mouth moves slightly as he dreams.
Frankie marvels at the delicate features, the smallness and fragility of him. He feels an almost physical ache in his chest, a swell of something so intense it’s almost painful and he struggles to breathe through it.
The enormity of it all hits him - he’s a father. He has a son. This little boy is a part of him, a piece of his heart made flesh. Frankie feels a surge of pride, but it’s quickly followed by a salty tasting wave of crushing fear.
“How do I do this?” He murmurs.
Carla steps beside him. “You be there.” She says as if it's simple, and of course it is. Such a simple, yet daunting thing. 
Frankie’s brows furrow with uncertainty. He wants to understand, to grasp the simplicity she speaks of, yet it feels elusive, intangible.
"Be there." He repeats, exhaling slowly, the tension in his shoulders easing slightly.
The concept seems deceptively straightforward yet filled with profound implications. The ease of being present is daunting, a responsibility he isn't sure he’s fully prepared for. Thoughts race through his mind, a jumble of plans and uncertainties. 
Carla squeezes his shoulder gently, her touch grounding him in the moment.
He reaches out, gently brushing his fingertips against the baby's soft hand. The warmth of the sensation sends a shiver through him, and he swallows hard, trying to keep his emotions in check. It’s all too much. 
“What’s his name?” Frankie asks softly.
The baby stirs slightly, his tiny hand curling around Frankie's finger in his sleep. He lets out a shaky breath, his legs feeling like they might collapse under him at any moment.
“Frankie.” Carla replies. 
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The absence of him is growing, mutating, and it’s been so hard to get through the days without him. 
Jude can’t sleep; tossing and lying awake for hours staring up at the ceiling and at the empty spot in her bed where Frankie ought to be; his long limbs wrapping around her like a spider devouring its prey.
The heavy bouts of tiredness have seemed to appear out of nowhere over the passing days, evidently the effects of arduous life on the island catching up with her. But it’s not enough to keep her still; she’s undeniably restless.
There’s something ansty picking at her scalp, gnarled fingers raking at the soft flumpy jelly of her brain. She can’t put her finger on it, perhaps it’s the stupid self-imposed distance she’d put between them. Her insistence that they sort their lives out individually, when all she wants to do is spend every waking moment in Frankie’s arms. 
Since their departure, watching him drive away, each time Jude had closed her eyes, the vivid images of the tsunami rising on the horizon flashed through her frontal lobe, keeping her tense and wrought.
To add to that, she’d be accosted outside her parent’s house during her comings and goings to the point that that she soon had to fight her way through the small crowd of paparazzi expanding as the days wore on; hounding her as soon as she stepped foot out of the front door to tend to piecing her life back together again. 
“Please, leave me alone,” she’d say to them as they crowded her until she got into her car and drove away, fraught and wrangled at their infecting presence now in her life.  
At night the news broadcasts would still replay the moment they came through the arrivals together at JFK; Frankie clutching his arm around her and holding her tightly against his body whilst she shut her eyes and got through it.
She would watch it over and over like a zombie, unable to look away. Remembering how those arms felt around her and how much she missed them. 
Life back here was hard, and Jude found herself missing the peace on the island, closing her eyes and breathing in deeply to calm herself, imagining she could hear the crash of the waves rolling up on the beach, the water splashing over her ankles and knees.
Headlines didn’t exist on the island, in fact nothing did. Just her and Frankie existed in their own confined and safe bubble away from the brutish realities that life harboured. Life that she’d been so desperate to get back to at one point, but now that she’s here, living in it, it’s just... well, it’s not like Jude remembered at all. 
She’d reach for her phone and scroll through, searching for sounds of the ocean waves. Pressing play she’d slouch back into the pillow as the familiar, comforting sounds of the waves filled her room and she could finally sleep for a while.
But it wasn’t enough to quell that irritating picking. 
One night she’d decided to get up, and soon found that she was running, in the middle of the night. Running until she was exhausted and her legs were screaming at her to stop. 
Jude had eventually stopped, miles from home and threw up on the sidewalk; choking on catching her breath through the heaving, and it tasted like putrid sea water.
She’d cough it up, plumes of it coming out of her and swirling around her feet as she stood horrified, zoning out at the waking nightmare that seemed to plague her. Feeling as real as the water sinking into her sneakers.
The lumpy puddle of vomit stared back at her as she calmed her mind, trying to convince herself it wasn’t real.
It’s not real... you’re home now, you’re safe. 
But home was strange, unsettling the way the city skyline twinkled in the distance, the towering buildings looking like giants against the backdrop of the dark sky. The sight should have brought comfort, a sense of familiarity and security. Instead, it only heightened Jude’s unease. The vastness of the urban landscape stretched out before her, a stark contrast to the confined space of the island that had been her world for so long.
Jude had proceeded to walk home in the breaking dawn and the sun was almost fully up by the time she’d stepped through the door. Her parents regarded her with an anxious look at the early hour, and Jude brushed it off to them that she was fine. 
But the trend had continued every night; Jude would get up and run.
She would run until her body was on the verge of collapse, her feet bloody with blisters, and then when she would return home, she would pass out from exhaustion and sleep for only a few hours until the nightmares began to resurface again. She’d ply herself with coffee to stay awake, anything to not go there, and the cycle would repeat itself. 
The one thing that was getting her through was the thought of seeing Frankie again.
And on the same evening after Frankie had seen his son for the first time, he and Jude are indeed talking on the phone, confirming the final details for his visit.
Jude feels instantly relaxed when she hears Frankie speak or breathe or chuckle down the line. Like every plague of angst swilling around her is instantly washed away.
But there’s something in his voice, a slight hesitation, a dimming of the light. Something she can’t put her finger on, so she changes the subject. 
“There’s been a few members of the press hanging outside the house.” Jude almost whispers.
“Yeah, I guess they’ve figured out where I live.” She sighs. “They won’t leave me alone.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Frankie enquires, his voice changing further down the line.
“What can you do about it?”
“Well...” he trails off, “nothing, I guess, but that’s not the fuckin’ point.” He bites down on his lip. “Maybe it might be good to tell our story. Maybe it might offer some closure?”
“Closure?” Jude baulks.
“Yeah. I think we kinda need it,” he pauses. 
“Mom says I should talk to someone, a therapist.” Jude says quietly.
She knows her mother means well, always the pragmatic voice of reason in their tiny family. But the suggestion stings somewhat, reopening wounds Jude is trying to bury. But in the back of her mind, perhaps that’s what the prickling is.
Frankie frowns. “You can talk to me, y’know.”
“I know I can. I keep having nightmares. It’s like I can’t get it outta my head, you know? It’s keeping me awake at night, the insomnia is pretty bleak right now.” She looks down at her blistered feet and winces.
Frankie goes quiet on the phone. He remembers all the times the sea water has chased and tried to drown him too.
“I hate knowing that you can’t sleep.” Frankie remarks sourly.
“It’ll be better when you’re here tomorrow. I miss you so much.” Jude says, her voice going quiet. 
“I miss you too, hermosa.” 
“I gotta tell you something… I bumped into Nate.” She waits when there’s an obvious pause on the line. She hears him take in a slow, steady breath. 
“You did?” Frankie asks, freezing on the spot.
“Well, tell me what happened, what did he say?”
“Nothing much, same old Nate. He seemed convinced that we could get back together.” She snorts in repugnance.
“I see.” Frankie hums quietly.
“You have nothing to worry about. I love you. I told Nate he didn’t stand a chance and that I didn’t want to see him ever again.”
“Kinda hard when he lives in your fuckin’ neighbourhood.” Frankie bites.
“Yeah, I know, sorry.”
“You okay? You seem distracted?” 
He sighs hard down the line, running a hand through his hair. He knows he’s being guarded, but he can’t help it. The events of the past year, hell the past day, have left him with walls he doesn’t know how to dismantle.
“I’m okay, really. Just tired. I just... I fuckin’ hate this. I hate being away from you like this.” Frankie explains, the pulling in his gut subsiding a little. 
“I do too. Was a stupid idea...”
“Yeah, not your finest.” He smirks down the line and she can hear it. Hear the fragments of the sun gleaming.
But Jude’s intuition tells her otherwise. She can sense the barrier between them, an invisible but palpable divide that his words don’t bridge.
“Frankie, you know you can talk to me, right? About anything.”
“I know,” he says, but the words feel hollow, knowing she deserves more than the half-truths he offers, as if they’re spoken from a distance.
The silence between them stretches out, taut and uncomfortable. He can sense Jude’s concern, her need for reassurance, and he knows he’s failing to provide it. He shifts in his seat, searching for something to bridge the gap.
“I’ve, uh, been looking at some apartments today. Here, in Florida.”
“Oh.” Jude says, her voice small and unsure.
He pauses. “You don’t like the sound of that?” He’s trying to keep his tone light, but unable to mask the underlying anxiety.
“No, I just... I mean, New York is my home and-”
“Yeah?” Realising how his announcement must have sounded to her, he pauses.
He’d intended to steer the conversation away from the emotional minefield of his pick n' mix of feelings, but instead, has inadvertently introduced another layer of unseen complexity.
“Well, my parents are here, and my work and-”
“You can visit them whenever you want. Your parents can come visit us too, it’s just a flight away.” Frankie says, sounding agitated.
“You mean you want me there, in Florida?”
“We love each other and want to be together, right?”
“Of course,” Jude confirms. 
“I guess I’m just trying to figure things out, and Florida seems like the best place for me to be right now.” He grits. 
“Why Florida specifically? You can figure things out anywhere, Frankie.”
“I just think it’s the best option right now for me to be here.”
“For what?” Jude is silent for a moment, her breath heavy on the line.
“Why are you so against it?”
Jude baulks. “I’m not, I’m just… have you really thought about this? It seems kinda rash all of a sudden, to be looking at apartments there.”
“Yes. I don’t understand what’s so fuckin’ difficult about it!” Frankie snipes, his tone flat and sharp.
“Woah, Frankie. What’s gotten into you?”
He hears her sigh heavily down the phone and she doesn't say anything else, waiting for him to respond.
“I’m sorry... Mierda, I just got in my head about it.” (Shit) Frankie replies, running his hand through his hair. “I thought maybe you’d wanna be here with me.”
“I want nothing more than to be with you,” she says, her voice softer but no less resolute. “But we need to find a way to do this together. We can’t make decisions in isolation, Frankie. We need to talk, really talk, about our future together, and where that might be.”
“Yeah.” Frankie confirms. 
“We can talk about it more tomorrow, okay?”
“Sure,” Frankie replies, the words feeling both a relief and a heavy responsibility. “Listen, I’m gonna go. I’m tired, okay?”
“Okay.” Jude says, feeling deflated. 
“I’ll call you in the morning, before my flight.” He replies bluntly.
“I love you,” Jude says.
 “You too. Night.”
Instead of going for her run, Jude curls up into a ball on her bed, hugging her pillow and stares out at nothing.
The phone call with Frankie has left her feeling more unsettled, a gnawing worry twisting in her stomach. Her mind races with thoughts of the changes he’s proposing. Big changes moving to Florida to live with him? It seems so drastic, so sudden.
She understands his intentions, but the idea of him making such a significant move without fully discussing it with her feels like a betrayal somehow.
She tries to tell herself that perhaps she’s worrying over nothing, but her gut, the same gut that alerted her to Nate and his devious ways, convinces her all is not right with Frankie. 
When he ends the call, Frankie tosses his phone down on the coffee table in Benny’s apartment and sits contemplating for a long time. Thinking and his mind whirring until the sounds of the water starts filling his ears again.
Irritated, Frankie rifles through some drawers until he finds a blank notebook and a pen. 
He sits with the notebook on his knee and begins to write. 
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The landscape of silvery skyscrapers and the concrete jungle of the Big Apple are getting closer.
The turbulence that had once been a minor inconvenience now feels like a personal assault, each bump and shake magnifying his anxiety.
The cockpit had once been his sanctuary, a place where Frankie felt invincible. But ever since the crash, flights feel different.
The familiar hum of engines, the routine safety announcements, the very sensation of being airborne - everything that once brought him comfort now fills him with a creeping dread.
The announcement for descent breaks through his reverie, and Frankie braces himself for the landing. The plane dips and sways slightly, and his heart pounds in his chest.
He grips the armrests, white knuckling and closing his eyes, counting down the minutes until the plane touches down. The plane eventually hits the runway safely and begins its journey to the terminal. 
Frankie’s booked another Air Bn’b for their reunion and Jude’s already there as he enters the apartment door, standing up and rushing to him, locking lips with him almost immediately that it makes him unsteady on his feet.
And he melds instantly around her. It blocks everything out, quietens the tornado of his mind and stifles that ache he’s felt since he watched her shrink in the distance.
Her lips are the same softness they’ve always been, her tongue tasting of longing and desire. He grips her tight, unable to let her go and fathom truly that she's back in his arms.
Frankie looks at her, pulling back whilst holding onto her arms, and regards her, taking her in all over again. She’s cut her hair and he weaves his fingers through it, smiling at the new length and how it changes her face.
She looks a little less gaunt, beginning to get those supple curves back that he remembers from the early days, filling out her clothes a little better and not having to hold up her jeans as she walks.
She wears a small smattering of make-up and he thinks she looks beautiful regardless - and that he’s wholly undeserving of her.
Jude reaches up and runs her fingers through his significantly shorter curls peeking out from under his cap, and marvels at how soft they feel.
His eyes are still that muddy swamp that swallows her whole. Those heart shaped lips are still a pink rosy splash of intense colour on his face that she longs to taste again and again. 
The welcome and anticipated feel of her fingers grazing behind his ears hair whilst she’s stood on tip toes is an indescribable relief. 
Frankie stares back at her with those piercing eyes and she’s held there under the spell of his gaze unable to refute him. Breathing never used to be so hard, but she has to constantly remind herself to do it whenever he looks at her like this.
The mastery of him leaves Jude breathless.
“Hey hermosa,” he smiles into her lips as he tastes her again.
“Hey Catfish” she says, kissing over his lips with a heated fervour. 
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He’s here with her and it feels like she can finally breathe again - he’s finally home. 
Her fingers are delicately circling up and down his chest; pulling him out of sleep, dipping into the softness of his hips, trailing across to the slot of his belly button.
He lays there for a few sweet, oneiric moments quietly enjoying the patterns Jude makes on his skin and how it makes his nipples awaken with him too. 
It’s been the first full night’s sleep he’s had in over a month, since he’d parted ways with her and left her in New York. Frankie doesn’t wake with a sweaty jolt from a torrid nightmare of drowning, or burning and instead feels more rested than he’s ever been. 
Holding her in his arms all night, after they’d made intense love for hours beforehand, she’s managed to sleep too and isn’t lying awake trying to calm herself with ocean sounds as insomnia strangles her. Nor does she feel the need to run until she can’t feel her feet anymore.
Jude's forehead is resting against his cheek and is tickled lightly by the graze of his scruff reaching out of his pores, and his lips glue themselves to her temple now and again kissing against it, signalling he’s there with her in the land of the conscious.
Frankie lusts for the feeling of her making swirly tracks over his epidermis and leaving little shivers as she glides over his hips and sides of his waist. 
Frankie runs his fingers down her spine and up again; he hears her breathe out contentedly.
He’s soft and relaxed; his warm cock resting languidly against the top of his thigh, and her breasts are squashed into the side of him, her leg hooked over his left leg.
Waking up together slowly through sleep-filled eyes and enjoying the warmth of the day as the sun pools in through the window, with those breathy sighs and stretches around one another’s limbs.
“Mmm,” Frankie hums out into her crown, ghosting his nose into her hairline and indulging in the scents of her hair. 
Jude shadows her fingers gently in return over his groin, down onto the plump circumference of his balls and gently massages them; tiny pitter-patters of her fingertips against the skin that bunches around them.
Enjoying the firmness of them through the somnolent comfort of their hazy bliss, she rolls them gently between her thumb and fingers squeezing softly. 
She begins cupping him gently and squeezing, kneading as she makes his breath hitch further in his throat. His fingers are felt crawling at her neck, scratching away at the nape delicately. 
He reaches for her chin, tipping her face up to meet him and plants a delicate smooch on her that soon morphs with its vivid passion. His other hand goes to the skin around her back and slips, clutching onto her bare ass, squeezing her pliant meat in his tender grip. 
She rolls over his balls and up the length of him that’s hardening, waking up fully to the sensual feel of her touching on him again. 
Frankie draws his right leg up and out of the duvet, resting it back down as he opens his legs a little wider as Jude starts pumping his now awake cock gently. Up and down slowly and with her grip tightening around him. 
He grunts out; a delicious sound escaping his mouth and nose as though he chokes.
He strokes down her back again, making her nipples hard as her skin tingles cold from his touch. His fingertips dance and create little convulses as he drags them up her body making her ripple softly against him.
He rests his hand on his waist; a splayed giant starfish as she looks up at him, and he looks back into her eyes through that hooded desire that’s clouding them into a milky latte in the morning light. 
“I love it when you touch me like this,” Frankie whines, enjoying the feel of the relaxed jerk session she’s giving him in the early morning dawn. 
“I love touching you like this,” Jude confirms. 
They’re spread together in the puffy sheets of the bed, warm and content from one another’s skin, touching and stroking and feeling one another.
He reaches for her breast, running his knuckles against her pebbled nipple, making her groan equally into his mouth as he kisses her again. That nub of each jolt through it sends sparks up her thighs and into her pussy that’s flooding for him. 
He grunts out again, a deep hum on his larynx, drawing his knee up and holding onto his thigh as she works him tighter and little more rhythmic now. 
The slick feel of his hard cock inside her hand is paramount as she licks her palm and runs it over him, squelching him through her saliva. 
His eyes roll into the back of his head at the feel of it; so wet and sensitive right on the tip of him that it makes his legs judder with a spasm. 
Frankie breathes in, grunting and pursing his lips out, bucking his hips slowly into her grip.
“Fuck,” he drowns inside of her hair; feeling her fingers dancing around his balls and massaging as she strokes his cock up and down.
Running her thumb over his frenum and making the delicious pull wind tighter under the muscles of his abs.
“Feels so fuckin’ good,” he drones, biting down onto his plumpy bottom lip and closing his eyes as they roll back into his lids. “You make me wanna come so bad...”
His hips are trembling and his hand is reaching for her chin again as he swallows her in a swamping kiss. 
He groans out with a hissed snuffle; his teeth clenched together and his cheeks blown out, his eyes shut and lost somewhere between rational thinking and pure unadulterated bliss.
His hips wind as Jude pumps and jerks him off tighter, harder, faster - tugging on his balls now that are aching wonderfully through it all. 
“Fuck, yeah…" His breath vibrates in the back of his throat as he sucks in little gasps in succession
“Come for me, Frankie,” Jude whispers into his chin. 
Frankie tenses his ass, his cheeks rising from the mattress slightly as he feels everything in his body rush towards the end of his cock. 
“Fuck!” His head contorts back into the pillow. 
He covers her fingers in warm, plentiful glops, some of it spraying up his chest as he comes. 
She strokes him gently through his sticky come down as he reaches for her, kissing her deeply and pulling back to look at her as she smiles at him with sleepy, dream filled eyes.
“I love you,” she whispers. “I’m glad you’re here.”
“Should we… should we maybe talk about Florida?” Jude probes gently as she reaches for a tissue from the box on the bedside table. 
“I love you too, hermosa.” He moans back into her mouth. “There’s nowhere I’d rather be.”
He holds her tightly, closing his eyes as he breathes out in sweet relief.
Frankie wipes his chest down as she hands it to him, and she notices he avoids her gaze. He screws it up in his fist and turns to her. 
He hesitates, the words catching in his throat. This is the moment he’s been dreading since he found out himself. How can he tell her? How can he shatter all her illusions?
“I know you said Florida's the best place for you right now, but is it really, considering how much…” she chooses her words carefully, “... pain, is there?”
His eyes soften at her and he feels the catch in his throat. Of course she would worry about his addiction. That’s just who she is, always wanting the best for him.
Jude had been his rock during his darkest days on that damned island. She had seen him at his worst - angry, desperate, afraid - and she had never given up on him. Her unwavering support had been a lifeline, a beacon of hope when everything else seemed lost at sea.
Jude had believed in Frankie when he couldn’t believe in himself, and now, even with the weight of his past mistakes and the uncertainty of his future, she’s still here, still caring. Still loving him even though he knows he is far less than deserving of her. 
Frankie swallows hard, emotions swirling sickly inside him. He feels a mix of gratitude and guilt. Gratitude for her steadfast love and support, and guilt for the pain and worry he’s caused her. He can see it in her eyes as they peer carefully back at him, a slight spark of trepidation and confusion. 
“Frankie, you’re worrying me, please talk to me.”
He can see the concern etched on her beautiful face, the worry that perhaps he’s back on the drugs. It’s an unspoken fear that lingers within her, a cariogenic shadow from the past that refuses to fade completely.
Frankie knows she has every reason to be anxious, to be fearful of a relapse because, God, he is. It's a struggle that he faces every single day now he's back here.
She squeezes his hand, her eyes brimming with concerned empathy, and a touch of something else. Something that threatens to fall down her face like jagged glass. 
Frankie takes a deep breath and looks at her. 
He realises in that moment just how much he needs her, how much he needs her belief in him. How much he can't lose her.
Fuck, he loves her more than anything. He just hopes that its enough.
“Jude, I… I have a son.”
To be continued...
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[Something, something, Dew is like a computer without a fan. RainDrop. Some mild angst/brief mentions of sickness, but nothing too crazy.] Below the cut.
Dew heaves a sigh that seems to take all the energy from his body; He sags deeper into his chair, tired, but not overly so, though still too worn out to right himself as he slips deeper into the faux leather.
One too many long nights of tinkering with his equipment, working on his own projects not associated with the band or the church -while also doing everything asked of him for the band and the church- has left him beyond drained, to the point that he can't even bring himself to be mad about it, just...
With a yawn, and slightly watery eyes, Dew settles further, into a pose that doesn't look terribly comfortable, but feels amazing on his aching joints, and lets his vision narrow down to what can be seen between his lashes.
It's not long before he begins to slip into unconsciousness, nearly passed out in his chair, head tilted awkwardly to the side in yet another painful looking position, but it feels nice... at least for now.
He knows he should probably get up, go to his room, to his bed to sleep, but thinking about all the notes and guitar parts and all the other bullshit he'd have to remove from it -with care so he doesn't lose any of the mess he's made- has him set firmly in place.
Short of being carried to bed, he's not moving.
At some point, one of his packmates comes along to prod him, to see if he's awake, or simply checking to see if he's feeling alright, but Dew can barely keep his eyes open, and his response to being touched is to lean away from them, not liking the warmth of their skin on his already hot body.
He overheats quite easily when he's tired, unable to pool enough of his magic to keep his temperature in check, and it leaves him feeling a tad feverish... which also makes it quite difficult to motivate himself into moving.
The next thing he feels -shocking him into opening his eyes wide- is the press of an icepack to his exposed neck.
He doesn't have the energy to full-on yell, and instead lets out something between a bark and a yelp, an undignified reaction overall, but an honest one.
He follows the the arm holding the offending object to his neck up and up until he makes hazy eye contact with a frowning Rain.
"C'mon, let's get you cooled down." he says, shifting the icepack to the center of Dew's chest, lifting his arm up with his free hand to make the other ghoul hold it for himself.
Dew obliges as best as he can, making a contented chirping sound as he feels the coolness spreading through his body.
Cooling down after a flare up like this always leaves Dew feeling a little off-kilter; In a lot of ways, it feels like the aftermath of being drunk, not quite into the hangover stage, but definitely headed that way, and even though he wants to remain stagnant, Rain is right to get him cooled down before it does get to that point.
Leaning against Rain's cold shoulder, Dew lets himself be guided back to his bedroom, and then further still into his bathroom, where Rain makes him sit on the floor while he cleans off his bed.
The tile is cold, and Dew finds himself splaying himself out upon it, pressing himself into it and once more contorting himself into a pose that is outwardly uncomfortable, but soothing to his aching body.
"...Gotta put it away in the..." he mumbles, trying to tell Rain how to tidy up his mess, but with his cheek pressed to the ground as it is, he isn't making terribly much sense.
"I'll put everything together, don't worry." Rain assures him, shaking his head as Dew eyes him from the floor, "Don't look at me like that."
"Can't look at you any other way..." he says, curling into a ball for a second before deciding the sudden warmth from his own body tucking into himself is too much and flopping over again.
"You have to stop overworking yourself." the other chastises, finally joining him in the bathroom once more, "You're going to cook yourself at this rate."
Dew closes his eyes.
"Mn, gotta stay busy, Rainy... Can't..."
"You can." Rain says, "You can take a break."
Dew frowns.
He'd argue some more, except he can feel Rain's fingers weaving through his hair, and the soothing circles he draws against his scalp have him drifting off again.
"I'm gonna turn the shower on." he informs him, slipping his hands under his armpits to hoist him up again, "I don't trust you in here alone, so I guess we're sharing today."
Rain rolls his eyes, or at least Dew feels like he does, his own are still closed, but the mood shift is palpable.
"You worry me..." he sighs, pressing a little kiss to the side of his forehead, "It's not kinky, it's practical. Can't have you slipping and falling and cracking your head on the faucet, now can we?"
Dew makes a noncommittal sound in the back of his throat, letting out a soft hiss when the first droplets of water hit him.
"I know, baby, you'll get used to it." Rain placates, pecking his overwarm cheeks, "Just want you to stop being so hot, yeah?"
"'m not hot, 'm cold..." Dew pouts, but even he can feel the steam rolling off his body.
Rain holds him still, and as Dew comes back to himself enough to feel cold, he wraps himself around him to shelter him from the water just enough to start working on cleaning him up a little.
Dew grumbles through much of the process, unused to the water ghoul handling him quite so roughly, or perhaps it just feels rougher because he's so achy to begin with, but when he lets out a noise of genuine hurt, Rain is quick to cease his scrubbing and instead moves onto rinsing him off.
"Well, you don't feel nearly as warm, but you're still running a bit hotter than I'd like..." Rain announces after dressing Dew in just enough clothing to protect his modesty -not that he had much of that to begin with- and laying him down on the bed, "...I'll talk to Aether and have him come up here to make sure you're not coming down with something..."
"'m fine... Just sleepy..." Dew yawns, "Wanna sleep..."
"Okay, baby, you get some rest, but if you start to feel sick-"
"If you're worried..." Dew opens his eyes, peering up at him in an almost coy manner, "You should just stay with me."
Rain snorts.
"I would if I could, you know that, but I have to help Papa set up the practice stage, and I know for a fact you won't sleep if I'm here." he comments, brushing Dew's hair out of his face, "Rest up, yeah?"
"Love you."
"...Mn, love you, too..."
89 notes · View notes
mustainegf · 2 days
can you do some kind of monster era james edging and teasing you with his fingers for hours and the moment he puts his dick inside you, you just cum ?
skom James pls let me ride you
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To say James was stressed with this documentary, was an understatement. So it's a good thing he had me to unwind, it always made him feel better, fingering me for hours until I simply couldn't take it a second more.
He was propped up in bed, holding my back to his chest with my legs flung to the sides. His free hand wrapped around my stomach, holding me tight as he whispered into my ear, his fingers plunging into me.
My mind flooded with thoughts of his huge cock and how much I wanted it. I had to get off on his fingers just so he'd let me have the real deal.
"You're driving me mad, baby," he growled against my neck. I could feel his lips kissing my neck and behind my ear. "Such a tight girl, gonna have to stretch you out huh?" He hissed, curling his fingers precisely at the right moment, making me squirm in his grasp.
His fingers were thick and unforgiving, the callouses on his hand roughly brushing my clit each time he worked his two fingers into me.
I whimpered as he continued his rhythm. The feeling was indescribable, having his rough hands plunge into my wetness. There wasn't anything else in the world like it. "So fucking close."
He moaned in my ear as I started bucking against him. "Not yet. I need to hear that you love my fingers." I whined, pushing myself against his hard fingers.
I was so close; I felt like I would explode any second. "Tell me," he bit out through clenched teeth. "I want to hear it. Tell me how much you love my fingers inside you. I want to hear you say it."
He continued his movements, slow and torturous, not allowing me to cum. I couldn't hold it in anymore. "Please! Please!" I begged, my fingers digging into the sheets. He knew what he was doing.
He knew how to make me beg. "Say it," he growled in my ear, his voice low and deep. "I... I love your fingers inside me," I whispered out.
"That's a good job.." He cooed. "No cumming yet though, you can take it a little longer," he greased into my ear, adding a third finger into my sopping heat.
"Fuuuuck," I groaned, shoving my ass against him.
I needed more. I wanted him to fill me up completely. I reached down and rubbed my dit, pinching it between my thumb and forefinger.
"Mmmm," he hummed, continuing his rhythm. I could feel his dick pressing into my ass and I wanted nothing more than for him to slide in and fuck me rather than his fingers.
My hips twitched, my body thrashing as I pleaded to cum. "Convince me." He demanded.
I pushed my hips harder against him, squeezing my muscles around his fingers. "Pleeeease." I whimpered. "Come on," he crooned, wiggling his fingers deeper inside me. "Make me lose control," he challenged.
I decided to give him every once of dirty talk I could muster up, anything to cum.
"Jamie... Please let me cum, please, I'll be a good girl, Jamieeeee..." I whined.
"Alright," he snickered, pulling his fingers out of me and slapping them against my clit. I screamed from the sensation, the shock shooting straight through me.
James shifted, and before I knew it, I was being stretched to my limits, his cock bottoming out inside of me in seconds.
He didn't even need to thrust, I was immediately suffering and crying. I came just at the feeling of him buried inside of my dripping heat. "JAMES!" I yelled, his arms holding me tight as he gave a few gentle thrusts. He was clearly amused with my instant orgasm.
"Holy fuck," he grunted, pumping his hips into me.
"Are you okay?" He asked, as if he didn't know. I nodded, bucking my hips to meet his. He was so big.
I laughed softly, shifting slightly to kiss him, his hands still around my waist. "Yeah, god you're a tease..." I smiled against his lips.
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trueebeauty · 2 days
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It's a regular afternoon at U.A., and you're in the training grounds with your boyfriend, the one and only Bakugo Katsuki. He's been working on a new move, all explosive power and razor-sharp precision. You, on the other hand, have been practicing your own quirk, pushing your limits.
Maybe you pushed a little too hard.
"Shit!" you hiss as your quirk backfires. A sharp pain lances up your arm, and you look down to see a nasty cut, blood welling up in crimson beads.
Bakugo's head snaps around at your curse. His crimson eyes widen a fraction - to anyone else, it would be imperceptible, but you know him well enough to see the flash of concern. "Oi!" he barks, stomping over. "The hell did you do?"
You wince, both at the pain and his volume. "Pushed too hard, I guess."
He scowls, but it's his worried scowl, not his angry one. Roughly gentle, he takes your arm, inspecting the cut. "Tch. Dumbass. You're supposed to go beyond your limits, not break yourself."
The cut stings, and honestly, you're feeling a bit shaken. Training accidents happen, but still...
"It's just a scratch," you say, trying for nonchalance.
Bakugo snorts. "That's not a fucking scratch, you idiot." But his touch is gentle as he takes your arm, inspecting the wound. "Recovery Girl's gonna have a field day with this."
You wince, not just from the pain but at the thought of another lecture on caution. Bakugo notices - of course he does, he notices everything about you - and his scowl deepens.
"C'mon," he grunts, tugging you up. "Let's get this cleaned up before you bleed all over the damn place."
“Recovery Girl's probably busy with the other extras. I've got a first aid kit in my room."
You nod, letting him lead you back to the dorms. His grip on your good hand is firm, grounding. This is Bakugo's way of comfort - not soft words, but solid presence.
In his room, he sits you on his bed and kneels in front of you. The first aid kit appears from a drawer, and he gets to work.
"Stay still," Bakugo grunts, rummaging through the kit. "And don't bleed on my sheets."
You snort. "Sorry, I'll try to control my involuntary bodily functions."
"Tch. Smartass." But there's a twitch at the corner of his mouth, almost a smile.
He pulls out an antiseptic wipe, tearing the packet open with his teeth. "This'll sting," he warns, his rough voice softening.
"I can handle it," you say bravely. But when the antiseptic touches your wound, you can't help but hiss. "Ow!"
"Crybaby," Bakugo mutters. But his movements slow, his touch becoming feather-light. "Thought you could handle it?"
"Shut up," you grumble, but there's no heat in it. You're too busy marveling at how gentle he's being.
His hands, so destructive in battle, are surprisingly deft as he cleans every inch of the cut. You watch him work, mesmerized by the contrast. These hands that can level buildings are now treating you like you're made of glass.
"What?" he asks, noticing your stare.
"Nothing," you murmur. "Just... you're good at this."
He shrugs, but you catch the pleased glint in his eyes. "Can't have my boyfriend bleeding out because they can't dress a damn wound."
"Your boyfriend, huh?" you tease. It's still new, this thing between you, and every time he acknowledges it, your heart skips.
Bakugo's cheeks dust pink. "Don't," he growls, but there's no bite. He's too focused on wrapping your arm in a clean bandage.
"Not too tight?" he asks, voice gruff but eyes soft.
You flex your fingers. "It's perfect. Thanks, Katsuki."
He nods, sitting back on his heels. His thumb brushes over the bandage, a touch so light you almost think you imagined it. But then he looks up at you, and the raw emotion in his crimson eyes steals your breath.
"Don't do that again," he says quietly. "Getting hurt. It's... it pisses me off."
You understand what he's not saying. In Bakugo-speak, 'it pisses me off' means 'it scares me'. You reach out with your good hand, cupping his cheek. He leans into it, just a fraction.
"I'll be more careful," you promise. "Can't have the great Katsuki Bakugo worrying about little old me, right?"
"Damn right," he mutters, but he's leaning in now, forehead resting against your knee. It's as close to vulnerable as Bakugo gets.
You card your fingers through his spiky hair, marveling at how soft it is. For a moment, the world shrinks to just this: you and Bakugo, his hands now resting gently on your thighs.
"Hey, Katsuki?" you whisper.
He grunts in response, not moving.
You hold out your newly bandaged arm. "Kiss it better?"
Bakugo freezes. He looks up at you, one ash-blond eyebrow arching high. "That's not my fucking quirk," he says, voice dry as the desert.
But you see it - the faintest tinge of pink on his cheeks, the way his eyes soften just a fraction. You've got him on the ropes, and you both know it.
"Please?" you whine, pouting for extra effect. "It really hurts, Kacchan."
He glares at you, but there's no real heat in it. "You're such a damn baby," he mutters. But he's already lifting your arm, his calloused fingers achingly gentle.
Bakugo brings your arm to his lips. He presses a kiss to the bandage, feather-light. Then another, and another, trailing up your arm. His lips are warm, a bit chapped from his quirk. Each kiss feels like a tiny spark, but the good kind, the kind that lights you up inside.
"There," he grunts, cheeks now definitely red. "Happy now?"
You hum contentedly, but you're not done yet. Leaning in, you whisper, "You know... I think I've got a scar on my lips too."
Bakugo's eyes widen, then narrow. "You little shit," he breathes, "You planned this, didn't you?"
"No," you admit, grinning. "But I want it."
He knows you're playing him, but oh, does he want to be played. "You're pushing it," he growls, but he's already leaning in.
"You love it," you whisper against his lips.
He doesn't deny it. Instead, he kisses you, and it's nothing like the gentle pecks on your arm. This is pure Bakugo - fierce, passionate, a little bit explosive. His hand cradles your face, thumb brushing your cheek, while the other pulls you against him.
When you part, you're both breathless. Bakugo rests his forehead against yours, eyes closed. "You're gonna be the death of me," he mutters, but there's no heat in it. Just a grudging acceptance that yes, he'd let you lead him anywhere.
You grin, nuzzling into his neck. "I love you too.”
He snorts, but his arms tighten around you. 
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heejake-hoon · 4 hours
Enhypen hyung line when you ask them to spit in your mouth (mdni)
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Heeseung: You're on your knees, Heeseung's cock heavy on your tongue as you look up at him through your lashes. He's got one hand fisted in your hair, the other braced against the wall as he fucks into your mouth shallowly, jaw clenched tight as he tries to savor the feeling of your warmness around him. Pulling off with a filthy pop, you nuzzle into his groin, mouthing at his balls before licking a stripe up the underside of his shaft. "Heeseung," you rasp, voice already wrecked. "Want you to spit in my mouth. please…" His hips jerk at your words, eyes shooting open, a low groan rumbling up from his chest. "fuckkk" Heeseung rasps, fingers tightening in your hair almost painfully. "You can't just say shit like that, jesus." But he's already hauling you up, gripping your jaw before forcing his mouth into yours. You whimper into it, clutching at his shoulders for balance as he licks into you possessively, tongue fucking deep and dirty. And then he's pulling back,letting you fall again on your knees before angling you how he wants , gathering saliva in his mouth before letting it drip past his lips and into yours. You chase it immediately, moaning at the depraved intimacy of it, swallowing it down greedily. Heeseung curses, his hand coming up to grip your throat, tilting your chin up so he can watch your mouth work. "So fucking filthy" he marvels, voice low. "So fucking filthy, Fuckk." He groans, taking in your flushed face as you lean on his hand. "Please, Heeseung," you whimper, nails biting into his shoulders. not sure yourself of what you are begging for. "More, want more" He snarls, walking you back towards the bed with intent. "Oh, sweetheart,I'll use you alright," Heeseung promises, already shoving at your clothes. "Gonna paint your tongue with my cum." he says as he shoves his fingers on your mouth, pressing them on your tongue as he watched you with hunger in his eyes.
Jay: "You want me to what?" Jay asks incredulously, sure he must have misheard you. There's no way you just asked him to- "Spit in my mouth," you repeat, chin tilted up defiantly even as a pretty blush stains your cheeks. "I want you to spit in my mouth while you fuck me, Jay." your eyes looking at him innocently as if you didn't ask him to do the filthiest thing in his life. He stares at you for a long moment, shock warring with arousal in his gaze. "Fuck, Y/N," Jay finally grits out, hands flexing at his sides like he's physically restraining himself from reaching for you as he studies you expression, hissing when he saw no hesitation in your eyes. "fuckk, baby. You really want me to do that?" In answer, you step into his space, nimble fingers working at the button of his jeans. "Yes baby, please" you whine, leaning up on your toes to ghost your lips over the shell of his ear. "I want you to own me, Jay. In every filthy, degrading way you can think of." Jay's control snaps like a rubber band. With a low growl, he fists a hand in your hair, yanking your head back and exposing the long line of your throat to his hungry gaze. His other hand palms roughly at your breast, tweaking your nipple through your blouse and making you gasp. "You want me to claim you, baby?" he asks, voice pitched low and dangerous, jaw clenched in a way that has heat pooling between your thighs. You nodded, arching into his touch wantonly. "Yes, Jay, please- want you so fucking bad-" He kisses you then, hard and deep and filthy, teeth catching on your bottom lip and tongue delving past the seam of your mouth demandingly. You clutch at him, moaning as he grinds his hardness against your core. Jay gentles the kiss gradually before pulling back, a string of saliva connecting your lips for a heated moment. Holding your gaze, he gathers the wetness in his mouth and leans in slowly, letting it drip past his lips and onto your waiting tongue. You shudder at the taboo thrill of it, swallowing his spit down eagerly before surging up to lick into his mouth, chasing the taste of him. Jay groans lowly, his dick twitching hard,hands already working at your clothes with clumsy fingers. "Fuck, the things you do to me," he rasps, walking you back towards the wall and pinning you there with the weight of his body.
Jake: "Y-you want me to spit… in your mouth?" Jake stammers, eyes wide with shock even as his throat bobs on a hard swallow. You nod shyly, looking up at him through your lashes as you palm him through his sweats, feeling the way his cock twitches at the suggestion. "I want all of you, Jakey," you murmur, leaning in to press a line of teasing kisses along his jaw. Jake groans, head tipping back as his hips jump into your touch. "Fuck, baby" he rasps, fingers tangling in your hair almost desperately. "You can't just- fuck. You're serious?" In answer, you tug down his waistband just far enough to free his aching erection, giving it a long, slow stroke from root to tip, making him throw his head back in ecstasy "Dead serious," you breathe, thumbing over the leaking slit and making his breath hitch. With that, you drop to your knees, gazing up at him with heavy-lidded eyes as you stick out your tongue invitingly. Jake swears colorfully, the hand in your hair tightening convulsively as he stares down at you in awe. "You're going to be the death of me," he mutters, his heart beating so fast at the sight of you this submissive and needy for him. He gathers saliva in his mouth,slowly, giving you time to change your mind, before he leans down and parts his lips, letting the wetness drip onto your waiting tongue. You moan at the first touch of it, the depraved intimacy sending heat pulsing between your thighs. You swallow his spit down eagerly, making him curse under his breath before taking his cock into your mouth, suckling at the tip as your hand works the base. "Oh god" Jake gasps, hips bucking forward involuntarily. "bab-by, you're so- ah-" You hum around him, taking him deeper and swirling your tongue along the underside of his shaft, his groans and whimpers only encouraging you to go harder. When you pull off, it's only to kitten lick at his slit before looking up at him with pleading eyes. "More," you rasp, nuzzling into his groin and nosing at his balls. "Jake, please- want more, use me like- like your own personal fucktoy-" He makes a strangled noise, torn between arousal and disbelief. But in the end, his desire wins out and Jake is hauling you up, spinning you around and bending you over the back of the couch. "You want me to use you, baby?" he asks lowly, yanking your shorts down and smacking your ass hard enough to leave a handprint. "Want me to fucking ruin this greedy little cunt?" "Yes," you moan wantonly, wiggling your hips in invitation. "Yes, Jakey, please- do whatever you want to me-" He curses again, lining himself up and sliding home in one long, hard thrust. You keen at the sudden fullness, walls clenching down around him greedily as he starts to move, setting a deep, rolling rhythm that has your toes curling. Leaning over you, Jake spits on his fingers before reaching around to rub tight circles over your clit, the filthy sound of it joining the obscene slap of skin on skin making you head spin"This what you wanted, right?" he pants, snapping his hips faster, harder. "Wanted me to fucking defile you like the dirty girl you are?" "Yes," you sob, pushing back to meet his thrusts as the pressure inside you builds to an impossible height. "Yes, Jake, more, fucking ruin me, I'm so close-" "Gonna come on my cock like a good little slut?" he demands raggedly, pinching your clit almost painfully, making you let a scream. Your release threatening to hit you like a truck. "Do it, Y/N. F-fucking soak me"
Sunghoon: "Spit… in your mouth?" Sunghoon repeats slowly, eyebrows raised as he stares at you, somehow not surprised from your command but still asking you nonetheless "You want me to- fuck, Y/N. That's…" "Filthy?" you finish for him, crawling into his lap and looping your arms around his neck. "Dirty? Degrading?" He swallows hard, hands coming up to grip your hips almost reflexively. "Well… yeah. All of the above." he nods to himself, watching as you lean in close, lips brushing the shell of his ear as you grind down pointedly against his growing hardness. "What if I want to be degraded?" you breathe, reveling in his sharp inhale. "What if I want you to fucking defile me, Hoonie? To use me, ruin me, claim every part of me in the dirtiest way possible?" you whisper, feeling him growing under you. Sunghoon groans lowly, fingers digging into your skin hard enough to bruise. "Fuck, Y/N," he grits out, hips rocking up to meet yours, his eyes are already blown black with lust. You smirk, tangling your fingers in his hair and tugging just shy of painful, the way you know makes him crazy. "Show me," you challenge breathlessly. "Show me exactly what I'm asking for, Sunghoon. I want it. Want you, any way I can get you. Please…" He stares at you for a long, charged moment before his eyes goes dark and hungry in a way that has heat pulsing between your thighs. And then he's flipping you over, pinning you to the mattress with his hips as his mouth comes down on yours in a brutal kiss. Sunghoon licks into you filthily, fucking your mouth with his tongue in a hungry way, one of his hands coming to wrap around your throat before pulling back just far enough to gather saliva between his lips. You know what's coming but it still makes you jolt when he lets it drip past his teeth and onto your waiting tongue. The sheer dirtiness, has you arching up into him with a needy whine, already aching for more. Sunghoon chuckles darkly as you swallow his spit down eagerly, chasing the taste of him. "Fuck, look at you," he marvels lowly, fingers coming up to trace your slick, swollen mouth. "So desperate for it, aren't you baby?" he mocks "Love being used,huh? love letting me do filthy shit to this perfect body." his other hand squeezed one of your boobs tightly, as if to emphasis his words You gasp at the action as he leans down to bite at the hinge of your jaw, marking you. "Yes, Hoonie, want it- want you to fucking wreck me, shit-" He growls, a sound of pure animal hunger, and then he's yanking at your dress roughly, tearing the fabric in his haste to get you naked. "Gonna fucking ruin you," Sunghoon promises, his own shirt joining yours on the floor. "Gonna spit on this pussy before I eat it, suck my cum out of your dirty little cunt and feed it back to you-"
fuck is it just me or is it hot in here *fanning myself* Please leave some feedback *_*
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pookietv · 2 days
moving in | george clarke
i love the idea of moving in with someone so :,)
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four years into your relationship, you had decided it was time: between the two of you, you were a little sick of the lack of privacy in your relationship, despite the hilarity of kissing in the kitchen for a second and the awkward moment of arthur hill walking in on you, or being in your flat and falling asleep on the sofa together to the amusement of your flatmates, you figured it had been long enough now. so you were moving in together.
and you were so sure it was going to go smoothly...
until you actually had to move in, that was - between a sea of cardboard boxes that made no sense to you, making george carry everything (because what's the point of having a man around if not for manual labour?) and slight confusion of what furniture still needed to be ordered, you had decided that george could be left to try and build a tv stand in the front room whilst you tackled the bedroom.
however, what you had failed to realise is how awful you were at building flatpack furniture from ikea yourself, the double bed frame you were trying to build still laying in pieces on the floor like it was half an hour ago, your hands fiddling with screws and a feeble attempt to read the instructions for what seemed like the 100th time, so engrossed in your efforts that you barely heard george come into the room.
"need a handyman?" he teased, and you groaned jokingly as you looked up and turned your body slightly to face him.
"turns out i'm useless, george, i cannot even build the bedframe," you laughed to yourself, and he grinned and poked you slightly, asking you to move along.
"well, if you like, i can finish, or... you know, start, to build the bed if you start sorting out the clothes in the cupboard? you can manage that, right?" he said cheekily, and it was your turn to nudge him with a slight smile in return.
"okay, fine, you can live out your handyman dreams and i'll start on clothes," you smiled back, standing up to go to one of the many other brown boxes, opening one that george had packed, and beginning to get to work, folding jeans into draws and hanging up jumpers and t-shirts into an organised section for him in the wardrobe, occasionally looking back at george, who had made more progress on the bed frame in ten minutes then you had made in half an hour, and you had to admit that you were staring at him a little, 'cause he just made something as simple as building flatpack furniture look good.
when you got near to the bottom of the second box of georges clothes, you found a shoebox labelled 'sentimental' and giggled to yourself, causing george's head to turn and look at you.
"what's so funny?" he asked, as you smiled and pulled it out, showing it to him.
"what's hidden in here?" you asked with a grin playing on his face, and his face went slightly red, though he shrugged and tried to act nonchalantly.
"just old pictures and stuff, i don't know," he said, turning his attention back to the building in front of him in hopes his face would go a little less red.
you sat down cross legged next to him, putting the box in front of you, "can i look?" you asked with a hopeful head tilt, and he groaned a little and agreed.
so when you opened the box to what was practically a memorial for everything to do with your relationship, you looked back up at him with the biggest smile, lightly pushing his shoulder.
"george! you soppy boy," you grinned as you pulled out pictures of you guys from both when you started dating to recently, an old cinema ticket, a small lego man you had given him after making it at the lego factory after telling him very convincingly that it looked just like him, a small note you wrote him explaining why you had to leave his flat early one morning, and a collection of many other things.
his face was still a little red as he looked up, but he was grinning before he shrugged again, "just felt like i should keep that stuff, i like having it all in one place,"
at the bottom of the box, there was a small velvet bag, a black one, and you pulled it out with a quizzical look.
"what's this?" you asked curiously, and george's eyes widening with an even more bashful look made you giggle.
you opened it slightly, tipping it out into your hand to see a small pendant necklace, with a small golden sun at the bottom of it, and you look back up to george, your eyebrows slightly scrunched up.
"i, um... got it a little bit ago, never really knew when to give it to you, i just saw it and thought it looked pretty, and i thought it would look nice on you, then i just felt a bit awkward every time i was going to give it to you,"
a slight warmth spread through you, and your bottom lip stuck out slightly at the adorable gesture, "well, seems like the right awkward moment is now?" you laughed slightly, and he nodded.
"well, it's not a candlelit dinner but it'll have to do, right?" he joked back, and you nodded. "do you like it?" he asked, and you nodded.
"it's really pretty, george," you looked back down at the small pendant in your hand before looking back up at him, "can i put it on?" you asked, and he smiled with a nod.
"well, that's what necklaces are for, right?" he grinned.
"well, does it come with a lifetime commitment to building ikea furniture?" you laughed back, and he mockingly pretended to be thinking for a while before looking back at you with a feigned look of reluctant agreement.
"well, i suppose so, i mean god forbid if i had let you build the bed," he teased, "i have the fear the bed would collapse the second we got in it if i had left you to build it,"
you were just thankful that george was surprisingly helpful, putting everything together with no complaint, checking the water and the gas, pottering around and doing odd jobs with a content look on his face.
"george?" you pottered into the kitchen after finishing unpacking the bathroom toiletries, where george was unpacking a kettle and microwave, and he looked up at you and confirmed he was listening with a small 'hm?'
"should we order a takeaway? 'm thinking maybe we deserve it after all the hard work building furniture and moving?" you said with a smile, and he rolled his eyes playfully at you.
"our hard work?" he teased, and you gave him a small grin.
"hey, i built a quarter of the wardrobe!" you laughed back, and he nodded his head.
"oh, yeah, of course you did babe," he curled his lip in amusement, standing up and pressing a kiss to your forehead, "takeaway sounds good, just let me finish up quickly getting these in the boxes and we'll leave the rest for tomorrow? most of it is done anyways,"
"sounds good to me," you smiled, and walked into what was now the living room - a little bare still, but it had a sofa and a tv, and it would obviously feel more homely the more you were there. but right now it was still kind of surreal - you lived with george.
once the food had came and you had put on some tv show you both knew far too well in the background for noise, whilst you were eating you looked at george with a small smile.
"weird that we, like, live here now. like.. we live together," you said, and he laughed.
"yeah, i get no more late night cuddles with arthur and chris," he mockingly frowned, and you giggled at him, playfully putting your hand on his shoulder, feigning support.
"it must be so hard to move out from your boyfriends' house," you grinned, and he nodded, playing along.
"it is... and now i'm just stuck with you," he said with an amused look on his face, "being your live in handyman."
"oh, shut up, you wouldn't have it any other way," you jabbed him playfully before leaning into his side.
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bluestdai · 11 hours
Imagine the morning after rough sex with Noah
He’s about to go down to the studio to work while you’re practically paralysed in bed
You: 💀💀💀
Noah: you ok babe??
You: *wheezing* y e a h
Noah would offer to stay and take care of you, but you know that if he does stay, it will result in another round of sex
so for your sake, you have to kick out puppy eyed Noah
Noah: you sure you don’t need me to take care you?🥺🥺
You: I will not be fooled by those eyes. Now leave, I cannot afford a wheelchair
this made me giggle cause
he wakes up way to bricked up so wakes up with a soft "can i pull down your panties?" in your ear with his hand on your belly slowly finding its way under your pants and you're like yes you can so he does. one of your legs is still in your panties leg band and the other is on his thighs while he plays with your inner thighs and occasionally rubs your folds and kisses your neck at the same time. when he feels your arousal coming out of your hole he starts spreading it on your pussy and fingers the rest back in. two fingers inside an his thumb on your clit is how he always makes you cum. "i want another one" you tell him, "of my fingers? are you sure?" he asks and you nod yes so he pushes the third one inside your hole and you moan as you feel your stretch around his fingers. "if i knew you'd sound so pretty i'd give it to you sooner" he tells you and starts putting pressure on your clit with his thumb while he fucks your hole slowly with his fingers. you cum after a few minutes of him playing with you and making your arousal drip on the sheets under you. then gets on top of you -while you're still breathing the aftershocks out of your body- kisses you and starts living little strokes with his tongue till he gets to your core again, spreads your legs open, strokes his dick a few times and slides it inside you -he loves how smoothly it goes in after you've just came and have cum all over you- you think he's gonna be gentle with you cause he made you cum gently too but no that's not what about to happen. you're slippery wet and he's so hard he can't even start slowly, the first two or three thrusts are gentle but after that his pace gets so fast that you start to move on the bed and few minutes later your head is touching the bed frame and the pillows are covering your face but he doesn't stop, an kiss every few seconds is all you get from him. you try to keep yourself from moving and hold the bed frame with both hands, you moan his name but that just makes things worse cause the more he hears you moan the faster he's gonna fuck you. "you know you're mine right?" he asks between his thrusts but you're too busy keeping yourself from folding that you can't answer, "im not stopping till you say it" and if he doesn't stop soon you will definitely need help walking for the rest of the day, "yes yes yes" you say "yes what??" he goes harder "yes im yours yes" you answer. his forehead is sweaty and his dangling chain touches your face when he lowers himself to kiss you, this time he kisses your shoulder and stays there. you feel his breaths on your skin, they start getting heavier and his rythm gets messy and messier the more you moan his ear, then you feel a warmness inside you and his dick twitching and pulsing inside you. he takes a deep breath like he's out of oxygen and rests his head on your chest with his dick still in you, "i love you" he says quietly, "i love you too and i cant feel my legs" you tell him, "do you want me to stay and take care of you? maybe a massage will help?" he looks at you like he's waiting for a yes, "no noah stop looking at me with those puppy eyes. go to work, i rather be able to walk today" you say "okay then i'll run you bath before leaving" he kisses you forehead.
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in-another-april · 3 hours
spencer being a menace and distracting his s/o while they're working because he's clingy and wants attention hehe
summary/prompt + genre - Spencer misses you while you're working :( | fluff
warnings - none
wc - 505
notes - aaaaa cute cute cute :( this got so longgg, im experimenting with different formats since i got kinda tired of just blurbs and hcs but if this flops i'll stick to what i know!!
In Spencer's defense, he really does try to give you your space. He's spent the majority of the day on the couch, reading book after book to keep himself busy, while you've been holed up in the bedroom working.
He's a few pages into his 8th (or was it his 9th?? 10th? He's lost count at this point) book, when he reads something that makes him think of you. Smiling, he turns to your usual spot on the couch to share it with you, only then remembering that you're not there. Then it hits him.
He misses you.
He quickly decides to check in on you, just to see how it's going and make sure you're not overworking yourself. Yeah, that's it. No ulterior motive there at all, he swears.
He makes his way to the bedroom and knocks gently on the doorframe, shuffling in after hearing your "come in." Wordlessly, he climbs onto the bed next to you, leaving just enough space to not distract you while also satisfying his need to be close. He places a hand on your knee, entirely self-indulgent.
You ask him what's up, eyes never leaving your papers, and he pouts at the lack of attention. A part of him knows he should feel silly for being so clingy, but another, bigger part of him is too wrapped up in his love for you to care.
He only supplies a "missed you," casually shrugging his shoulders like it's the simplest thing in the world. You bite your lip, trying (and failing) to hold back a smile. Cute. He's so cute, and you're so tired, and god, a break does sound nice...
But, you really do have to finish this.
"Missed you, too, angel." You concede, placing your hand on top of his. "Just give me a few more minutes, then I'm all yours." You offer, and he nods quickly in return, eagerly awaiting the moment where he'll have you all to himself again. Your eyes shift back to your work, continuing where you left off,
His thumb brushes along your knee, hand trailing up just slightly, and you feel your resolve crumbling. Still you make a feeble attempt to stay responsible.
"Spencer." You warn, weakly glaring at him
"What?" He feigns innocence, voice soft. "I'm not doing anything." It's a lie, you know it, and he knows you know it. As much as you'd hate to let him win, one look into his soft, lovesick eyes makes you decide that if this is what defeat entails, you guess you wouldn't really mind losing.
You sigh dramatically, pushing your books aside and opening your arms for him. His doesn't miss a beat, moving to close the gap between you almost instantly.
He falls unceremoniously into your lap, wrapping his arms around your middle and burying his face in your neck. You give in, reaching to brush your fingers through his hair. You feel his victorious smirk against your skin and roll your eyes fondly.
Your work can wait, you’re sure.
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taglist - @lover-of-books-and-tea @maskysluvr @aurorsworld @wisteriaspencer @radioactiveinvisible @mandarinmoons @spencereidapologist @lyd14k4y @luvkatryna @khxna @flow33didontsmoke (send an ask or message to be added/removed!)
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kuunaslut · 2 days
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buckle up! suguru geto + satoru gojo + reader
warnings: swearing, smut, dom!suguru soft dom?! satoru, use of pet names, heavy degradation, rough fingering, slight choking, use of toys, cum play, suguru is very mean, reader is a brat, jealousy, mentions of alcohol, dacryphilia
summary: being a personal assistant to two hot ceo's may seem chaotic but does come with its advantages if both of them were head over heels with you and didn't bother fighting over it, after all two is better than one right? however, you test their limits when you flirt with one of their associates... but you're far too deep in ur ass to realise that indeed..it was a bad idea.
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it was supposed to be all fun and games! 
well, it’s always supposed to be - but this time, it was mostly because you were bored and needed something to do that would at least keep you entertained! what made them think that you out of all people would be interested in some dumb business dinner with stuck-up disgustingly rich snobby businessmen?       
and so, because of that 'stunt', you were sat on a sink, the cold marble touching your bare ass that made u hiss, satoru’s hands wrapped around your neck firmly.
"baby, what were you trying to achieve back there?" he asked, tilting his head to the side a little.
"i don't get why you're mad, all i did was go on my phone," you replied, rolling your eyes before you heard him click his tongue.
"don't roll your eyes at me, if you just went on your phone - i wouldn’t have cared, but sighing every two fucking minutes and tapping your feet on the ground so fucking hard was not necessary," he spat, gritting his teeth as you realised he was actually angry.
"i was bored okay? I don't even get why you guys bought me here in the first place! it's so boring...can i just call a taxi and head home first, pretty please?" you begged, making him inhale sharply before glaring at you.
"no y/n, you're staying here until we're done," he shot back, making you sigh.
“look, suguru and i have serious matters to discuss with a possible business partner, you should know how important this would be for us so i advise you, to stay put and enough with the bratty attitude."
"fiiiine, can you at least let me get my earphones from the car?" you asked, making him sigh angrily.
"no, look, if it helps...we'll finally be having dinner so you can stuff your mouth so you won't be bored anymore."
"i’d rather have my mouth stuffed with something else though," you whispered, leaning up to peck the side of his lips with a smirk.
"well maybe if you behave well for us, you'll get what you want after we're done," he says, giving you a smirk.
"okay, i’lll be good until then," you replied cheekily, a smirk spread across your face.
"good, now come, suguru is probably waiting for us."
both of you exited the bathroom and made your way back to the bustling restaurant where the company had rented out for the night in hopes of networking with other organizations.
"hey," suguru greeted you with a big smile, as you sat between him and satoru
you smiled at him, before bowing slightly to the man opposite you.
"so this must be your assistant? i’ve heard a lot about you," the man said, making you smile.
he looked around your age, and you had to admit he was pretty good-looking.
"well I hope good things," you said, a chuckle leaving your lips.
"nothing but good, i’ve heard you're excellent at your job, care to come work at my company instead? my assistant is still learning and he's a bit...well, slow in his work plus, it'll be nice to have a such a pretty girl walking around," he chuckled.
"well that wouldn't be too bad, i'll think about it," you joked, as you instantly felt suguru’s hand grab your thigh under the table. you hear satoru clear his throat to send a message to you to shut the fuck up. 
“let's order before we get into business, what do you say yuuji?" satoru asked, making you smile.
yuuji… what a cute name.
"yes of course, ill call over the waiter," yuuji said, before winking your way.
you smirked, suddenly having an idea in my head. how dumb
after everyone had ordered their food, they started chatting about their accomplishments at their respective companies, which to you just seemed like boastful comments.
you yawned softly as suguru drew slow circles on your thigh, something he usually did unconsciously while talking or resting. 
"would you really move to his company?" satoru whispered in your ear, making you smile.
"i don’t know… might be a nice new change of scenery," you whispered back cheekishly, as you heard the white haired man chuckle.
“if only he knew how much of a cock-hungry slut you are that you can’t even get a job done without getting filled up,” he chuckled lowly, making you clench around nothing.
"fuck off."
"language princess, you would be in a great deal amount of trouble if suguru heard you," he whispered, before pulling away.
you cleared your throat, before turning your attention to whatever suguru and yuuji were talking about.
the food finally arrived after a while, making you sigh happily as you looked down to the only familiar thing you had seen all night 
you almost moaned with how good it tasted, as you were glad you could eat since most of the reason you were bored was because you were hungry.
"you like it?" suguru asked, making you nod contently.
"yo y/n! we ordered the same thing!" yuuji pointed out, making you chuckle at how energetic and laid back he was.
"we did, it's so good right?" you asked him, giving him a sweet smile.
"it is, I would say I might order it the second time but the portion is so huge," yuuji said, laughing as you joined him.
"let's stay on track, yeah?” suguru said, a smile on his face as you felt his fingers grip your thigh tightly.
"ahh right yes, that is why we are here."
you sighed internally as you realized that was your queue to back out since you wouldn't understand as it wasn't your place to join their conversation.
and either way, it was boring.
"toruu," you whispered in satoru’s ear, while he was busy listening.
"later y/n, we're busy," he mumbled, his eyes darting between suguru and itadori as they discussed an important matter.
"but toruu this is important," you whined, feeling his hand make it's way to your thigh.
"y/n stop," he warned, gripping your thigh harshly, making you squirm in your seat a little.
once it was satoru’s turn to speak, you turned to your darling dark-haired boyfriend.
"sugu, can i go to the bathroom?"
"later," he whispered, as he didn't even bother glancing at you.
you sighed angrily, pushing their hands off your thigh before speaking out loudly.
"satoru would you be kind enough to move as i need to go to the bathroom?" you asked, tilting your head to the side as satoru stopped talking to look at you.
he hesitantly nodded, before standing up to let you get through.
you gave him a big smile before walking towards the bathroom area, your lips turning into a smirk as you knew you probably ticked them off. 
after you were done you opened the bathroom door, about to walk out before you saw someone push you back in quickly before they were pinning you to the door.
you looked up, your lips curving into a smile when you saw suguru’s angry eyes.
"what are you trying to do?" 
"i don't know what you mean?" you replied, looking at him cluelessly as he gritted his jaw.
"satoru spoke to you about staying put and being obedient before right? so what’s your problem now?" suguru drawled, as you shifted your legs, his deep voice not doing any good for your already wet panties.
"i’m already so bored...and you both were completely ignoring me," you sulked, pouting as you looked up at him with your big eyes.
"we both told you that you could go to the bathroom later right? so why did you still decide to ask again?"
"it's just the bathroom! i was so bored i was reapplying my mascara and lipgloss again just to avoid your boring conversations."
"pull up your dress," he suddenly spat, making you look up at him in confusion.
"not ‘huh’ i know a big reason why your so bored is because your needy little cunt is probably dripping right now...you think i didn't notice the way you keep shifting?" he asked, chuckling as he watched you slowly pull your dress up.
"tell me baby, what has you so needy right now?" suguru whispered in your ear, one of his hands moving down your body before he was cupping your heat.
you instantly let out a whine as you let go off your dress to hold onto his broad shoulders.
"i-i.....just wanted," you stuttered, bucking your hips up into his touch.
"you wanted what? attention?" he asked, as he slowly rubbed you over your panties, the thin material already sticking to your skin.
you nodded your head, making suguru chuckle darkly.
"you're always so needy for us aren't you? constantly need someone showing you attention...but you really couldn't go a few hours without being cock hungry huh? didn't satoru fuck you a few times this morning while i was out?" he asked, making you quietly moan as he drew circles on your covered clit.
you nodded once again, making suguru click his fingers.
"use your words, baby."
"mmhm...yes he did," you quickly said, as you felt him move your panties to the side before his fingers were pushing flush against your entrance.
"fuuuck your so wet," he groaned, bringing his coated fingers up to his lips.
"so tell me, you're still needy even after satoru fucked you only a few hours ago?" 
you nodded your head feverishly.
"suguuuuu....touch me please," you whined, making suguru chuckle.
he plunged two of his fingers into your seeping entrance without warning, making you throw your head back as you moaned loudly.
"quiet down, we don't need all our employees knowing how much of a dirty little slut you are for me now do we?" 
he started at a fast pace, nothing you weren't used to as he was normally rough with you in comparison to satoru, not that you cared anyways.
"cum niiice and sweet on my fingers okay?" he whispered, adding a third finger before he was curling them when he knew he hit your sweet spot.
your toes curled as you leaned into his shoulder to muffle your sounds.
"your such a fucking needy little girl baby, you've been fucked all morning and now your still so needy when we haven't even gone home yet," suguru whispered, lightly pecking your shoulder blade as his fingers pumped in and out of you.
"s-s-uguru....need...more," you whined, making your boyfriend laugh.
“nah princess....you're not getting dick that easy. you'll have to wait until we get home, so until then...hopefully this shuts you up," he whispered, as you felt your release edge closer as you clenched down on his fingers.
"that's it baby, cum now," you heard suguru say, as you felt your release wash over you, making you moan quietly, as you shivered.
he pulled his fingers away from you before bringing them up to his lips to suck them clean. you watched as you suddenly felt empty, making you whine softly.
"I have to go now, make yourself look a bit more presentable and come back soon okay?" suguru said, pulling your dress down before leaning in to peck your cheek.
"you were so good for me, i'll consider rewarding you when we get home," he whispered, winking at you before he was moving you away from the door so he could leave.
"and baby? enough with the flirting, don't think we haven't picked up on that....don't let me find you warming up to yuuji again," he warned, making you smile at him.
"i won't, pinky promise."
"oh your back, i thought you went missing," yuuji joked, as you sat in between suguru aand satoru again.
you laughed a little, before reaching forward to grab a glass of water.
the night progressed as the men around you continued to converse about their companies and what both of them could bring to the table if they were to affiliate.
soon it was time for drinks, making your ears perk up as satoru offered to get the drinks for everyone.
"what do you want to drink?" suguru asked you, as his hand on your thigh slowly rubbed circles into your skin.
"champagne is fine," you replied, making him nod before he was walking towards the bar after taking the others order as well.
"so y/n....have you thought about my offer from before?" yuuji asked you, making you crease your eyebrows at him.
"offer....what offer?" you ask innocently, tilting your head to the side a little.
"to come work with me....these two surely can do things without you i mean...they have each other! but my assistant is downright a rookie and pretty useless so...if you're down too, i'd love to have you," yuuji said with a smirk playing on his lips.
"i'll think about it, maybe....what do you think?" you directed the question to satoru, your faux innocent eyes shining at him as you felt his hand grip your thigh tightly.
"sorry yuuji..." satoru trailed off, before his eyes were on the man across him.
"but i can't give away our most trusted employee, she does her job well, so no, we will not be giving her away to you."
yuuji chuckled as his eyes fell to yours
"well isn't that a pity... i was looking forward to appointing you as my personal assistant," he said, extenuating the ‘personal assistant’ using it as some sort of euphemism, before suguru came back with our drinks.
"so...what have we been talking about?" suguru asked, as he handed me my glass of champagne before sitting down.
"yuuji wants me as his assistant, thought it would be fun but satoru thinks i do my job so well," you say, smirking as suguru's eyes darkened.
"is that so? well if you'd like, i can send through a list of capable people who could fill in the role if you're hiring?" suguru asked, as you felt satoru’s hand on your thigh move up higher.
"ah no, i really was joking...but i will comment, you both are very lucky," yuji said with a smile, as you playfully winked at him.
now that, ticked the both of them off completely.
suguru stifled next to you as he eagerly changed the topic, as he soon conversed with yuuji about business, while satoru leaned in to your ear.
"you've really done it now princess, spread your legs," he whispered, his warm breath hitting your cheek as you took another sip of your drink.
"and if i don't?" you dared to ask, as satoru simply smiled at you before leaning in closer.
"spread your legs," he repeated, making you gulp.
you hesitantly spread your legs as you felt satoru's fingers instantly press against your sticky clothed core.
"did suguru make you cum earlier in the bathroom? you're so wet," he whispered as you bit back a whimper.
you answer with a nod, as he scoffed.
"and your still acting bratty? hm..." he trailed off, before you saw a few other men come to join the table.
"suguru?" satoru called out to him, as he turned to look at you both.
"yeah?" he asked, his eyes trailing down to you.
"try to keep her still while you talk," he muttered, as your heartbeat accelerated.
"w-what are you g-going to do?" you stuttered, as satoru smiled at you.
"you want to wink at a man in front of us? then let's show him how much of a whore you are for us in front of him," he chuckled, as you felt suguru's hand grab your thigh tightly before you felt satoru's fingers push your panties to the side, his fingers making direct contact to your heat.
your body jolted instantly, as you tried your hardest not to throw your head back from the delicious contact, and if you thought that was painful, when two of satoru’s fingers plunged inside of you, you knew it was only going to get worse for you.
“stay still, eyes open...more investors have joined now so we'll be conversing more, stay quiet and take what i give you, or you won't like what happens next," satoru spat near your ear, making you nod feverishly.
your eyes flew to yuuji, who was too busy talking to the middle aged man next to him to notice you, as you suddenly took in the fact that everyone around you were too busy to even pay attention to you both.
satoru's fingers stilled in you, making you instantly slump in your seat as you looked towards him. 
he was smiling like a little bitch, so into a conversation with an unfamiliar guy next to him that no one would even think he was doing something so dirty and sinful under the  table.
your eyes darted towards suguru who was looking through an important document, his eyebrows furrowed as his hand was gripping your thigh tightly so your legs were spread enough for satoru to access.
"suguu," you called out, your voice coming out almost in a whine making him look at you.
"what?" he spat irritatedly, making you frown.
"when can we leave?" you whisper, as you heard his jaw clench tightly.
"didn't I warn you earlier not to be a brat?" he shot, his eyes throwing daggers at yours.
"toru won't please me properly, i can't take it anymore," you whine back boldly, as you felt his fingernails dig into the skin of you thigh in anger.
"yeah?" he responded, his eyes falling on suguru.
"move your fingers, and give her what I gave you earlier, she doesn't seem to know how to follow orders," he spat, making satoru excitedly nod.
"what?" you ask cluelessly, before you felt the sudden emptiness as Jeonghan withdrew his fingers from your sopping entrance.
maybe you should just behave
"toru wait...i-im sorry i'll stay still from now on," you quickly mumbled, making satoru chuckle lowly.
"ask suguru, you should know he doesn't tolerate your shit but here we are," satoru said, before you felt something hard and long poke your entrance.
a fucking vibrator.
your eyes widen before turning to look at suguru who was listening to a conversation intently, that was until you started tapping his arm.
"suguru n-no.... i-i'll be good I promise, please," you whispered.
"have it on medium setting, we'll see how she takes it," he said, his words obviously being directed to satoru as he completely ignored you.
your heartbeat accelerated as you felt satoru slowlly ease the dildo into your entrance, the cum slick from earlier providing an easy slip as he pushed it right into you, making you grab the table tightly.
knuckles turning white and thighs clamped together, you sat there for what felt like hours with the quiet buzz of the vibrator making you feel as if the entire room was spinning. it was perfect to ease the ache you had, but it wasn't enough to get you to cum, especially since their hands weren't on you anymore.
your head lolled towards satoru, soft pants leaving your pretty glossed lips as your long manicured nails taps against his white dress shirt eagerly.
“hm?" he hummed, glancing at you only for a second.
"i-it's too much...i wanna...c-c–"
"y/n." suguru suddenly called out, making you stop talking.
you turned to looked at him, lips pouty and eyes filled with need as it took suguru his all not to grab you by the hair and fuck you on the table in front of everyone.
which he would eventually get around to doing tonight, but just not now.
"can you go get me another glass of champagne, please?" he asked sweetly, making you shake your head softly.
"i-i can't...g-get up–"
suguru chuckled softly, cutting you off as he leaned in to your ear, his hand on your thigh once again.
"I wasn't really asking, get up and go get me what I asked for, slut," he spat, making you squirm in your seat.
"you're such a dick," you whimper out, before standing up shakily.
with all the strength and self control you could muster, you pushed past satoru before carefully walking towards the bar.
walking around in heels with a fat dildo snuggled in your pussy? this was definitely not how you saw the night going but here you were.
"o-one...g-g champagne," your words slur as the bartender looks at you in concern.
"miss are you okay?" he asks in concern, making you nod feverishly.
"mhm...just get...champagne," you mumble as he nods before pouring a glass on the sparkling liquid.
"here have a glass of water...you look flushed...are you gonna be sick?" he asked.
"no..no...but thanks for the water," you finally say a sentence without stuttering, so you pat yourself on the back mentally.
"no worries miss, please do sit down until you finish your water though," he said, making you hesitantly nod.
you slowly sat down on the barstool, sucking air through your teeth as you felt the vibrator nuzzle into you more.
"would you like anything else?" the bartender asked, giving you a glass of water.
"n-no....i’m good with...with water," your words spoke with a slight slur while you brought the glass up to your lips with shaky fingers.
"are you here alone?" the bartender suddenly asked, as you realized he had been staring at you this entire time.
"n-no i'm...i'm here with a few business people...i'm sorry for stuttering i just don't feel so good," you babbled on, completely unaware of the pair of eyes burning into your back in rage.
"that's completely understandable, you don't need to say sorry but i do think you should go rest," he said, before leaning over the counter to touch your forehead.
"you're burning up miss I don't think you should be drink–"
"get up we're going home."
you shakily turn around to see an angry suguru standing in front of you, his top two buttons undone as his eyes leave yours briefly to look at the confused bartender in front of you.
"yeah she's had a bit too much to drink," he spat shortly, before grabbing you by the wrist and yanking you off the bar stool.
"suguu careful i'm in heels," you whine out, but he doesn't seem to hear or care as he walks out of the restaurant, his grip on your wrist never faltering.
"w-what about satoru," you hiccup, trying to keep up with suguru’s pace in your painfully high heels.
suddenly you felt the vibrator's speed increase, making you buckle your hips as a moan left your lips, causing suguru to laugh. 
he opened the passenger seat door before practically throwing you in, as you heard the door shut loudly before he got into the driver's seat.
"you've actually done it today princess....you've found numerous ways to push our buttons and now i'm gonna make sure this type of behavior will never be repeated from your end, ever again," he spat.
"sugu… too much," you whine breathlessly, spreading your legs shamelessly as your hands come down to pull the dildo out of you.
"ah, ah...that’s staying in there since you decided to act like such a fucking stuck-up baby today i had to leave an important conversation early and now satoru has to do all the work....why do you think so?" He asked, turning to look at you.
"mm.....i-i don't know," you whimpered, making his eyes darken.
"how many times did i tell you to stop being a brat today, hm? i even went out of my way to please you to get you to shut up...so why did you continue to piss me off in front of everyone? and then when i told you to go get me a drink, i found you shamelessly eye fucking that bartender like a whore," he growled, grabbing your jaw tightly as you whimpered, clenching down on the dildo.
"i w-wasn't–" your words were ripped out of your throat when his hand landed down on your aching pussy harshly.
"don't fucking lie to me, you think i wouldn't notice the way you were talking to him? and the way he wanted to fuck you so bad," he chuckled, as he pulled up your dress so he could eye your soaked underwear.
"take it off, come on."
you bit down on your bottom lip as you came hard almost quietly, your head lolling to the side as soft pants left your mouth.
“ did you just cum?"
"sugu i-im sorry…," you mumble out, grabbing onto his hand for some sort of forgiveness as your lips parted as suguru removed your underwear.
"your being so so disobedient today y/n...why's that? i was talking to you about something and you decided to cum? is that what i've taught you?" he spat lowly, as you watched him bunch your underwear into a ball before pushing it into his pocket.
"m' sorry....c-couldn't help it," you whimper out, tears spilling from your eyes at the overstimulation.
"s-s-uguruuu...the v-vibrator please....too m-much," you hiccup again, as his hand threads through your hair.
"we're alone now baby...that's not my name," he spat into your ear
"although I'm starting to think i should make you call me that in public, so everyone around you including you remember who you belong to."
his voice was ten times deeper than usual, which only made you ten times wetter than you already were.
"would you like that baby?" he asked, his free hand resting on your thigh as you whined.
"take it out p-please," you beg, making suguru sigh. 
"answer my question first doll,” he groaned, his hand in your hair rubbing your scalp slowly.
"no that's embarrassing," you scoff, as he chuckled lowly. 
"why's that? you love disobeying us in public so maybe that will help you remember your place, what do you think?" he asked, eyes narrowing on you as you hesitantly shake your head.
"sugu- daddy no...please," you whine, as you feel his grip on your hair tightens painfully.
"hmm...i'll think about it..now, spread your legs and be good," he spat, making you instantly comply as you wanted nothing more than to have that damn vibrator out of you.
suguru's fingers circled the part of the vibrator that was sticking out of you, causing you to whine as your eyes pleaded with him to remove it from you.
"you want me to take this out baby? too much?" he asked with a faux pout, tilting his head to the side as you nodded eagerly.
"you know what was too much? your attitude with us today, so take what i fucking give you okay princess?" he asked, making you nod your head as he smiled.
your body jolted suddenly as suguru grabbed the dildo, roughly thrusting it into you as you choked out a moan.
"hold up your dress," he shot, as you whimpered from his rough ministrations, but obeyed.
your shaky fingers moved your long evening dress out of the way, bunching it up to your chest to give suguru a better view.
"sssuguru please slow down, i-i can’t ," you managed to make out, as suguru scoffed.
"you don't make the demands here princess, i do, so why don't you sit here and take it...understand?" he spat, removing the dildo out of you before turning it off.
you breathed out a sigh of relief, your eyes closing only for a second before you felt three of suguru’s thick long fingers push into you without warning.
"fuck suguru....fuck!" you screeched out, your body jolting as his fingers only went rougher at your words.
"what have i said about swearing?" he spat angrily, making you whimper out a weak apology he wasn't going to accept anyways. 
"you use this pretty mouth of yours for all the wrong reasons baby," he added, fingers pinching your bottom lip.
"i-i'm sorry daddy," you whisper meekly, making him hum.
"don't swear again, okay?" 
"o-okay," you whisper back, as his fingers are stilled in you.
"okay what?" he spat as you whined, clenching down on him.
"okay daddy," you muttered quickly before suguru resumed the rough pace he had set for his fingers.
"i'm gonna c-cum daddy," you pant, throwing your head back as suguru pulled on your hair.
"you don't cum until I say so," he drawled, making you shake your head as a smirk played on your lips.
"i want to cum...it's t-too much," you bite back, looking up at suguru’s amused face.
"oh so you're still being a brat?... i'm not satoru baby, you know i won't give you any chances so watch what you say to me," he shot, fingers pulling at your hair making you wince.
"it hurts stop," you whine out, wishing satoru was here to help soothe you like he always did.
every time you did something wrong, it was suguru that would get furious and punish you until dawn, but satoru preferred to teach you in much more gentle ways.
"then learn to behave," he spat, stuffing two more fingers into you before curling them up.
the stretch was incredibly delicious, as your eyes rolled to the back of your head before a long moan left your parted lips.
"daddy please...I need to cum," you desperately whined out, as suguru’s fingers didn’t falter.
"nah, you're not allowed to cum until i tell you to," he spat, all four of his fingers curling in you as you felt the heat rush to your throbbing pussy.
"please i c-can't," you whine, the soft pants and squelching sounds coming from you only urging suguru on as it took all of his self-control not to drag you into his lap and fuck the living daylights out of you until you were reduced to nothing but tears.
before you could even warn him, or yourself, you felt the knot in your stomach snap as you came hard all over his fingers. 
you moaned out in bliss, the feeling taking over your senses as your body spasmed.
"are you fucking serious?" he spat angrily, yanking his fingers out of your soaking entrance with a loud pop.
“i couldn’t help it, you kept pushing it a-and–“
“i’m not gonna take any of your bullshit, you should know that by now. i’m not satoru to listen to your pathetic little excuses,” he growled, pushing his soaked fingers into your mouth roughly, causing you to gag and whimper in pain.
“suck them clean whore,” he spat condescendingly, as you softly suckled on his fingers before he was pulling them out.
“now sit back properly, pull your dress down, and put your seatbelt on, we’re leaving,” he spat, pulling away from you completely as he started the car.
“no i wanna to wait for toru, you’re mean,” you whine out, refusing to put your seatbelt on.
“don’t make me repeat it, y/n….you either put it on yourself or i do it for you,” he growled making you huff.
“can we at least go back in to get dessert? i didn’t get to try the strawberry cake, sugu please,” you whine, holding onto his arm as your tits pressed into him.
he sighed angrily before grabbing your jaw tightly, slightly pushing your cheeks together as his burning eyes bore into yours. 
“tonight was my last fucking nerve. you know i’m not gentle like ‘toru’, so you should’ve realized what you were doing before you acted like a slut, buckle up princess, tonight gonna be a looooong night. 
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omg hey guys this is my first writing on this account since ii deleted my old account!!! i hope u guys love this <3
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crystallizsch · 2 days
tinkerbell oc tinkerbell oc tinkerbell oc tinkerbell oc tinkerbell oc tinkerbell oc---
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(rambling about them below the cut ;;;)
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he’s been rotting in the drafts for months bc im still not 100% about their design 😭
i’ve been back and forth between making them a 3rd yuu or just an oc but i finally settled with the latter
anyways some work-in-progress facts about them that may change:
his name is yuuyu laya (he/they) (he’s not yuu/mc but a 2nd year ramshackle student who transferred from diasomnia)
double yuu,,, “w”???
he’s also somewhat inspired by peter pan and wendy
doubleyu was fascinated by the infamous prefect who almost had the same name as them and wanted to keep up with their shenanigans and then just transferred to ramshackle in his second year
(yuu/mc “went home” after the first year and ramshackle’s current prefect/housewarden is grim <- lore i still need to figure out)
gets compared to the “original yuu” a lot
w is mute (he doesn’t choose to be, he literally has no voice) so he only makes whatever noises he can make with his body (whistling, finger snaps, tongue-clicking, etc.) or maybe he uses things like small bells to get other people’s attention (in relation to the fact that fairies sound like little bells to humans in the movies)
human raised by fae but sucks at magic (it was a miracle they got into diasomnia)
quite the macgyver, able to craft things seemingly out of anything but he’s insecure about it thinking it’s stupid that’s the only “good” thing he can do
spelldrive club bc flying??? (maybe loves the thrill and competition bc at least that’s something to be “worth” recognized for especially that he’s terrible at magic)
unique magic would be something like “faith, trust, and pixie dust” or something about the tinkerbell fairy movie lore about the baby’s first laugh giving birth to a fairy
also something something oc x canon with either floyd or silver
i'll get a feel for him first once i draw him more then I can finally settle on an intro post :0
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whiskeyskin · 3 days
Educating Gale: an intro to hatefucking
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Thanks to @waterdeepwhiskey for this especially juicy piece of eye fucking 👀😫
Inspired by a lovely anon from @naughtybg3confessions.. behold dear ones!
Well fuck. This came out real fucking quickly - ha ha. Literally within an evening so apologies for any mistakes!
Premise: (See picture for prompt)
Gale x gn!tav • 18+ • MDNI • E rating
Tav POV, gn!tav, intro to hatefucking, mean, teasing, insults, cruelty to wizards, descriptions of rough sex/overstim/anal/etc, handjob, gn!description of genitals, no kissing, hot and heavy, mild choking, two fingers up to Mystra, consent, checking in
1.3k words
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"Just stop fucking talking." Tav growled through their teeth, pushing Gale's robes down his arms as his back hit the wall.
"Excuse me, I think you'll find that one of a Wizard's greatest talents is their comprehensive lexicon," Gale objected, fumbling with Tav's belt, "but our mouths are good for more than just conversation." He added with sinful grin, leaning in for a kiss.
Tav flinched away, scruching their nose as his robes hit the floor, "Uh, no kissing. That's not what this is, Gale." They sneered at him, "We're just letting off some repressed emotion. Pure and simple." Tav stepped out of their camp trousers and swept them out of the way with a flick of their leg.
"I don't understand, then what exactly is this?" Gale asked, breath huffing out unevenly, as Tav attacked his belt buckle, "I thought this was to bury the animosity we've been harbouring for each other. We're clearly not the best of friends, Tav."
They sighed exasperated, apparently hatefucking was not a thing taught in his esteemed Blackstaff Academy.
"This," they began, sliding a hand down the front of his pants and gripping his thick, throbbing cock. Gale gasped and bunched their sleep shirt in his fist, "is just sex, Gale. Nasty, hateful sex."
They began pulsing his tip with two fingers, lightly squeezing against the sensitive part on the underside. Gale moaned and looked down to see them touching him.
"This is "I don't like you and you don't like me, but I still want to fuck you despite that" sex. Because of that sex. Because because I don't like you, I'll do things to you that I wouldn't do to someone I liked."
Precum began leaking from his slit; it hit Tav low in their belly. Taking it as a non-verbal cue, their grip tightened on his member, and increased in fervour.
"The kind of things that I couldn't do to anyone else."
Gale shuddered and bucked against their palm, consciously bringing desperate hands to push his trousers further down his thighs, to afford Tav more room.
"Like?" He asked, breathless and trembling, his hold returning to the hem of their shirt.
Tav flicked their tonuge over their bottom lip and roughly gripped his jaw with a swiftness that made him gasp, bringing him an inch from their face.
"Like trapping that pretty, never-ceasing mouth between my thighs and riding it until I was satisfied it wouldn't start talking again." Tav purred with a dagger-sharp edge.
Gale moaned and pressed against their grip on his jaw, trying again to kiss them. He dug his fingertips into their hips deep enough to potentially draw blood, rocking them against him. They swallowed his gruff pants against their lips, as they worked him faster.
Fuck this was hot.
"I'll fuck your face to almost suffocation and I wouldn't care beause I despise you, Gale of Waterdeep."
Gale grunted and huffed, "I detest you.. you.. arsehole." He managed with great difficulty.
"Once more with feeling, dear." Tav jeered, "You can do better than that, surely? With your large.. vocabulary," Tav squeezed his thrumming length and Gale hummed, "I'm sure you can."
They slowed their rhythm against his cock to gently palm him, occasionally swirling the tip.
Gale scowled and twisted his face, gasping for words.
"You're vile and selfish.. and you do things for all the wrong reasons. You'd rather see a reward than do something philanthropic for your fellow man." He threw at them, curling his lip.
Tav scoffed, "Pathetic. I can already see that look into your eyes, Gale." They wound their fingers around his aching member and began pistoning once more. He let out a sharp yell he tried to silence and thud his head back against the wall.
Tav hummed in smug amusement, a wide smirk on their face.
"You're enjoying this. You know you've never felt anything quite like this before. That even though this is wrong and it feels dirty, it feels really. fucking. good." They punctuated their point by firmly pulsing his head in their grip.
Gale nodded desperately, leaning forward again, trying to press his lips to theirs. Tav gave him a withering look and he stopped, looking embarrassed.
"I can't wait to see the look on your face.." Tav snaked their hand to palm into his long hair, and pressed their wet mouth against the shell of his ear, "when you realise just how much you hate yourself because I made you come so hard your Goddess heard you scream my name."
"Fuck you." Gale spat, gripping a fistful of hair and yanking their head back. Tav moaned through their teeth and cackled.
Gale's body gave him away, even if he tried to deny it; the orb was glowing a radiant amethyst through his white, cotton undershirt. He was sweating and gasping, he was so tense and coiled to explode, he wouldn't take 30 more seconds to come in their hand.
Tav roughly grabbed onto the back of his neck, sweat slick from exertion.
"I'll make you cry from overstimulation.. from too much pleasure because you're nothing but an arrogant, self important arsehole that thinks he's a God's gift. When in reality, you're nothing but a picked over little slut who had everything and lost it all. Now you're just a sad, shit-eating, glorified Librarian who couldn't take care of a Kobald without help." Tav ridiculed and dropped his cock, sharply pushing off his stomach, stepping backwards to the table they knew was behind them.
Gale stood breathing heavily, utterly dumb-founded and painfully erect.
A sheen of sweat clung to his muscular frame, reminding them of how Gods damned tasty he'd looked in the Grymforge. What they wouldn't have given to licked, bitten and sucked every single inch of him.
Tav sat against the table and tilted their head to the side, leaning back to expose themselves fully to him.
Gale swallowed thickly, his erection twitched with desire, as his mouth hung open.
"Now you," They proffered with a gesture, "or do you need some more lessons on what it is we're doing here?" Tav smirked, narrowing their eyes at him.
It took a few seconds, before thoughts eventually flashed behind his eyes.
"So, by these new measures, I could.. push you against a window and fuck you against it from behind, so that everyone could see what a disgusting, lecherous whore you are?" He spat, a darkness across his face.
Tav grinned wide and filthy, "Now you're getting it."
"That I could spread your arsehole wide and fuck you raw and unyielding until your sobbing underneath me?" He rumbled, his brown hair falling in curtains to shade his beautiful face, as he stalked towards them.
Now it was Tav's turn to swallow hard.
"Give it your worst, Wizard. Make it hurt." Tav snarled though a rough whisper, as they lay back flat against the table.
Gale's luminous chest heaved as he seized the collar of their shirt and ripped it apart, buttons scattering, pattering to the floor. He loomed over them, placed a hand on their throat and began to squeeze, "Oh trust me, I intend to." He threatened, as Tav's nerve-endings buzzed.
A deliciously, disgusting smile erupted between the two of them, the tension between them electric.
Gale bit his bottom lip and groaned, as he bent down to gather the back of their knees in the crooks of his arms. He spread them aloft and viciously spat on their eagerly awaiting hole. He blindly rubbed his cock against the length of their saliva spattered sex and threw his head back, growling a whimper to himself.
He snapped his gaze back to theirs, uncertainty in his eyes, "Are you sure? You're sure you want this-want it like this?"
Tav softened - just a little bit, "You have my most enthusiastic consent. The safe word can be Elminster." Tav grinned, reaching up to pat his head, "That should kill the mood enough, right?"
Gale rolled his eyes and laughed, "Undoubtedly so. I mean, even before his unbidden visit to camp begrudgingly delivering Mystra's missive to use the orb to end myself and the Absolute. I can assure you that-"
"-Gale.." Tav began reaching between themselves to align his cock to their pleading entrance, "Do shut the fuck up."
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