#{He'd definitely love it but at the same time he'd complain and question it about why angels have anything to do with it}
angelforcas · 5 months
{I think Forcas would probably lose his mind over angel food cake. That's all <3}
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byechristopher · 8 months
pleaseee a fic where chris and reader meet for the first time (she's lowkey sad or some shit like that idk) and he's all starstruck by her 😞
lucky you.
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Author's note: hey y'all. I got the idea from this lovely anon (thank you for the request!🤍) and combined it with something that actually happened to me. Fate truly works in mysterious ways – so take this long, sappy story (based on true events, pft). I hope you like it! Do not copy/steal my work. :)
Warnings: long, sappy fluff. Very slight angst if you squeeze, but nothing crazy. Very long, didn't proofread!
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My mom used to always say – "that's life; when one door closes, another door opens". And if I still lived in the same house with mom, she'd know; I haven't seen an opened door in a long while. It is unfair but it is what it is and I had no intention of succumbing to tears in the solitude of my nightly despair.
Seated on the chilled bench, I instinctively drew my knees towards my chest in a desperate bid for warmth. The sheer elegance of my black tights, though adorning my legs, proved futile against the biting cold. Unfazed, I refrained from complaining; after all, they were my cherished favorites. Mascara was most likely smudged from my previous ugly crying, yet I ignored it, taking solace in my sweater's embrace.
Leaning my head against my knees, my fingers absentmindedly engaged with the laces of my shoes – a subconscious act of distraction. In the midst of this self-imposed solitude, a sudden exclamation pierced the quietude.
"Shit!" I heard a voice, someone angry. The mysterious guy threw his hat on the pavement and scoffed, his hair nearly as messy as mine. His gaze shifted towards me, a thorough assessment from head to toe, "care if I sit next to you?" he asked quickly. Without much ado, I responded with a nonchalant shrug. I didn't care, I had way more things to worry about.
I could feel him rummaging through his pockets, trying to find God knows what, he seemed upset, anxious, "want a cig?" I didn't see him, but I saw his extended arm in front of me. I don't think he was looking at me either.
"Sure." I murmured under my breath, taking a cigarette from him half-empty packet.
"Why does life have to be such a fucking bitch?" I chuckled in response, treating it more as a statement than a question. Offering another shrug, I watched as he scanned the area, likely in search of his lighter.
"If I had the answer to that, I'd probably murder this bitch." I chuckled, he chuckled too.
He held the lighter in front of me and only then did I turn my head to look at him – he was definitely not what I expected to see from what I've heard. While I didn't dwell on it for long, it seemed he did, as seconds passed without his lighter igniting. His intense pale blue eyes remained fixed on mine, and I briefly removed the cigarette from my mouth.
"Hello?" was my mascara that smudged that I scared the guy? He hasn't uttered a word.
"Oh.. sorry." he shook his head, as though attempting to shake off the reverie that had consumed him in the past few moments in his own world, "I just.. didn't expect you to be here?"
"Well.. I'm pretty sure we haven't met before. So how come you didn't expect me?.." I was confused.
"No, I mean.. you are very beautiful." he almost whispered but I caught that, and if I was just a little disconnected from reality, I probably would've blushed.
"Oh. Thank you." my lips turned into a thin line – I put the cigarette back into my mouth, grabbing his lighter instead.
He chuckled, "and I thought I didn't know how to take a compliment." he took his lighter back, taking a puff of his own cigarette.
"Don't you hear like a thousand compliments on a daily basis?" with my knees still pulled up to my chest, I embraced them tightly, resting my head against the comforting curve of my legs.
"Hm. And yet this was the best compliment anyone has ever given me." he placed a leg on the bench, just so that he'd be able to have his whole body face me.
I couldn't help but laugh, "yeah, I'm good at giving things. Not receiving."
He nodded, his hat still on the ground although he didn't seem to care, "understood.." he smiled and wow, he had a nice smile, almost contagious, "a fellow people pleaser, nice to meet you. I'm Chris."
I reciprocated with a nod and a quick smile. My name slipped off my lips swiftly, echoed by him, and I couldn't help but notice how much better it sounded when it rolled off his tongue.
"Will I ever see you again?" he looked me dead in the eye.
"Probably not." I pursed my lips, looking back at him.
He nodded as if he understood and dropped his burnt cigarette to the ground. Chris grabbed his hat and got up, offering another smile, "I believe in fate."
"I don't." I teased, smiling.
"You probably should." he shouted, already far away from me to speak normally.
What an interaction.
It had been quite a while since said interaction. Not that I thought about the guy a lot, but he definitely was in the back of my mind. Even when I was outside, he'd still cross my mind every now and then, like a nice, distant memory.
I chuckled as I gulped down my whiskey – the music was too loud for my own liking but it was a Saturday night and it'd be a pity if I stayed home once again; my friends begged and I actually like hanging out with them. I watched as my friends danced with each other, not too far away from me, as I rummaged through my purse to find the money so I could pay and leave.
"Fucking.. shit.." I cursed under my breath, turning my phone's flashlight on because the lights in that bar were bright as fuck, but apparently not enough to actually help me see.
"D'you need any help?" I heard a somewhat familiar voice shouting behind me. I turned around and my eyes widened when I saw him.
"I.. you!" I was beyond surprised, to say the least, because I was truly convinced I'd never see him again. Not because I didn't want it; but because I had enough on my plate already.
"Shit.." he whispered, and if I wasn't already looking at his lips, I wouldn't be able to know what he said, "..see, I told you fate works in mysterious ways."
"This was just a coincidence." I convince myself.
Was it, though?
"This was no coincidence and you know it.." he grinned and I let my eyes travel down his body for a few seconds – he looked best in black, ".. I need to see you again.." he muttered.
"Well, it seems you will indeed see me again." I smiled.
"Does that mean you'll give me your phone number?" he grinned and I saw his eyes do the same thing mine did to him; check me out.
I hummed, "..hmm.. no. We'll see if fate actually works." I smiled.
"You can't be serious.." he tilted his head, looking at me in disbelief, "I found you again, how can I leave when I don't know if I'll ever see you again?"
"You said you believed in fate."
I found him undeniably attractive and intriguing. However, at that moment, I realized I wasn't emotionally equipped to entertain the idea of liking someone or embarking on dates. The weight of my personal struggles loomed large, and I couldn't shake the fear that if he discovered the extent of my problems, he'd likely reject me. Hence, I concluded it was better to distance myself now rather than risk inevitable disappointment later on.
It's not like I'd see him again.
Truly, it's been more than a month since I last saw him; I did think about him way more often than usual but he still remained a nice, distant memory. A memory that was in the past and would never be in the future.
"Yo, we're leaving already? It's 2AM." my friend whined, although we were already walking down the stairs, toward the exit, with our jackets on and bags in our hands.
"No, love, we're just taking our fucking bags for a little walk." another friend replied, rolling her eyes and I couldn't help but laugh at their bickering.
Immediately after departing from the bar, he made his way out of the restaurant located directly beneath it. You have to be fucking kidding me.
"You.." he whispered, his eyes widened.
My mouth hung open, my eyes as wide as his; I really couldn't believe it this time. This couldn't be a coincidence, right?
"What.. are you doing here?" there was nothing else that could leave my mouth at that time.
"I work here.. now, you can't tell me this is a coincidence." he walked closer to me, although still keeping a distance to be respectful.
It definitely wasn't but I was still in the same mood I was back then.
"I can't tell just yet." I teased him; deep down I wished I could give him way more. But I knew I couldn't.
"Don't.. tell me.. are you not gonna give me your phone number? Again?" he chuckled in disbelief once again. I nodded.
"He better be a murderer, bitch; that's the only valid reason for you not giving him your phone number yet." shit, I completely forgot that my friends were literally behind me, staring at us; they knew nothing about this.
"Stop." I whispered to my friend and I don't think she heard me but she definitely saw the expression on my face.
"Please?" he said and I almost gave in when I saw those eyes.
I have always been self-destructive but this wasn't it, this time. It was realistic, right? I really couldn't do this; I knew he wouldn't be able to keep up with my lifestyle so I was just doing me a favor by saving myself from possible heartbreak. Right?
"I promise you now; if we meet again, I'm opening up to you. Fully. My phone number, my likes, my diskikes." I gave him a teasing smile, which he seemed happy to receive.
"Pinky promise. Now. I trust fate but not you." he chuckled and so did I.
"But you trust my pinky?" I laughed but he seemed serious, despite his playful stare. I sighed, still smiling, wrapping my pinky around his, "..promise."
This would probably never happen. It's fine.
This time, I really thought about him; dreamed about him even. That was very unlike me but it happened either way. I seemed to be doing lots of things that were unlike me lately – like going to this bar again. I wasn't going to see him but I was hoping to.
The whiskey was cold against my lips, my black dress hugging my hips as I sat down on the couch.
"Third time's the charm."
I turned my head and saw Chris speaking to the friend group that were sitting next to ours; I saw them getting up and leaving, Chris replacing them.
"Oh God.. what did you tell them?" my grin was wider than usual, I really wanted to see him after all.
"That.. I needed to sit next to you. And that it was a matter of life and death." he smiled, taking a sip of his own drink.
"You're crazy."
"For you." he said, searching for something.
Before realising, I saw his phone in front of me, signaling me to dial my phone number. And of course, I did.
"So. Start. Tell me everything."
"Do you have free time?" I tilted my head, still looking at him.
"For you? Always." he chuckled.
I cupped his cheeks and pulled him closer, looking into his eyes to make sure he wanted to kiss me as well. And as soon as I felt him leaning towards me, I placed the softest kiss on his own soft lips.
"Take me home?"
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vixcynn · 4 months
Okay so fyi I'm a white girl with long blonde hair so if this is odd that may be in play 🤷 ps reader of course doesn't have to look like that
HC with the phantom troupe:
I was wondering if you could do something with a reader that does a new hairstyle like every day.
Bonus points if you can include some insecurities about being a outfit repeater.
I have so many magazines and an endless Pinterest board of hair styles, but can never pick one 😮‍💨. My "friend" ( were not that close) tried to down play it like I don't lose sleep over it and said "I never noticed so stop complaining about it, idc." I was talking about how I needed to go to sleep early so I could have extra time to do my hair.
After that I'm feeling kinda down, so what better than fictional characters comforting you or helping you ? Idk that why I'm here.
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first request im trying real bad nawt to geek omggg😭😭 also this isn't odd at all to me nonnie i have the same struggle esp w clothes + ur friend's a dick for dismissing u like that. hope u feel better ma🙏🏾 contains: gn/afab reader, 0.6k wc, might be a bit ooc + this wasnt proofread
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Makes a little game with himself to try and anticipate what your next style will be
Will your hair be up? In braids? It's really a mystery to him
Honestly with this man you never have to worry about repeating an outfit
If you're out shopping with him and he catches you looking at any article of clothing for more than a second he's getting it no question
I feel like Feitan is just.. indifferent about it
Will probably quietly comment on your hair being different but he probably doesn't care much
And honestly you could wear the same outfit 1000 times and he genuinely would not care. This man couldn't recognize drip even if it was falling in his eyes anyway
He would die before admitting it but he's curious to see how you'd style his hair
Thinks your hair always looks super cute and will occasionally ask you to do hers
She definitely keeps a hair tie on her wrist just incase you ever need one
However she will have no issues telling you to your face that being worried about repeating outfits is dumb
Tough love tough love🥲
She means well she's just a bit blunt that's all !!
He's definitely recommending you hairstyles to do
Poor baby probably wanted to help you do your hair one morning but walked in on you on the cusp of a mental breakdown because your hair just wouldn't cooperate
Yea he's backing away slowly and not returning...
But being real he's showering you with compliments because your hair and your clothes
He adores your style and probably gifts you different hair accessories and jewelry
Doesn't really get why you consistently do something different when it comes to hair and clothes but she's intrigued
Will sit quietly and watch you do your hair
Probably won't be much help unless you ask her to be
I can see her practicing on you though, Shizuku's can be really gentle with her hands if she's mindful about her strength
Something about this man just screams hair expert
Like that man has inches (not like that) you cannot tell me he doesn't have a bomb ass hair care routine
If he wakes up around the same time as you he's definitely helping you do your hair
Is also your biggest hype man when it comes to how you dress
You could be wearing a dingy t-shirt and some sweats and this man will still act like a professional model has graced his presence
Now unlike Nobunaga, I think Illumi just was blessed with freakishly good genetics when it comes to hair
This man has probably washed his hair with dish soap and seen no issue with it
He'd probably try to support you in hair and fashion but the things he buys makes you question if you're being punked
The hair products are not suited for your hair type and the clothes he buys makes you feel like you're being dressed by your mom all over again
He's trying though please be patient with this man
If you value the health of your hair do not let him near it 💗
Jokes aside (I'm not joking) I can see Uvogin letting you practice different styles on him. He lovessss it when you play in his scalp
Love Uvogin but he is the last person you'd want to bring your fashion concerns too
Literally anything looks good to this man, he will have you outside dressed like a literal clown and think the fit is fire
She is for sure helping you out whether it be with picking an outfit or doing your hair
Paku absolutely loves it when you come to her for advice
However she hates seeing you stressed out about wearing the same thing :((
She's always reassuring you that you look amazing regardless of the effort put into your outfit for the day
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© VIXCYNN. — please don’t plagiarize my work. all rights reserved.
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the-pixelated-pirate · 4 months
General relationship hcs for Goro Majima and/or Guzma ?? :) could be either one or both in seperate posts, I don't mind ^^
(Also, maybe a mix of sfw & nsfw ? If possible <3)
Decided to choose Guzma for this post, be on the look out for Majima's post on my acct! (Posting at the same time)
Romantic Guzma HCs ♡
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NOTES/WARNINGS: NSFW under the cut, gender neutral reader w AFAB anatomy,
• Despite his tough guy attitude, Guzma is secretly a big ole softie. He doesn't like anyone except you seeing that side of him. He's a sucker for bear hugs, and suffocation in his chest + broken ribs can be a possibility w him
• Secret romantic at heart, but his sense of romanticism is a little different from the norm
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• Loooves back massages. He may complain if you ask for one, but he'll do it for you ofc. Everytime you touch his back it sounds like bang-snaps
• Post game(s) he takes up gardening, Plumeria said it would help with his anger issues. She was kind of right? The flowers bring bug types to his house so he isn't complaining
• Speaking of, while Whimpod/Golisopod is his buddy, he's got a soft spot for Grubin and Cutiefly. His first experience with Snom was almost biblical
• Suffers from insomnia, lots of late nights, lots of warm milk. He'd really appreciate it if you decided to stay up with him, even if he acts otherwise <3 he wants you to get your full 8 hours
• Very rarely talks about his feelings, but when he does it's a sure fire sign that he trusts you completely. He works better as a shoulder to lean on, tbh. He isn't good with his words, but he's a good ear to vent to. He'll suggest if you wanna go out and throw rocks at old buildings or something
• Prefers sweet malasadas
• Totaaalll family man. The grunts and Plumeria are all like family to him, and he does his best to take care of them (plus you). He loves kids, always has candy in his pockets, and really just acts like the fun uncle. If a child asks he WILL throw hands with them. Wether or not he'll take it easy on them is another question
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• Speaking of kids 👀👀
• Yes he'll definitely prefer to have a few. Or if you're unable to have kids or just plain don't want them, he understands. He plain just enjoys the motions of it.
• High-key a switch, and loves to bottom. But he's sooo fucking bratty, and the biggest pillow prince
• Praise, giving or receiving. He laps that stuff up, and when he's spitting praises there's a lot of cursing thrown in there.
• He can top too... he can be a mix of a mean dom or a soft one, depends on his mood.
• He loves soft sex, though. Getting to curl up around you, hold you close, whispering about how hot you are.... ♡
• Very vocal, on top or bottom. Like I mentioned, very bratty when he's got his legs in the air, but when it's you his plowing into, he's swearing like a sailor, buttering you up talking about how much he just loooves you
• Craazy head game, loves giving.
• Pain play is a toss up, he isn't too hardcore, but he'll slap you or throw you around. Like I'll give it to my man he is a little kinky but he prefers to keep the pain out of it, for the most part.
• Lovess being on the receiving end of aftercare, not the best at giving it. He'd prefer for you to just snuggle up into his arm so you can both fall asleep. Sex really helps him conk out so he enjoys finishing every night with a little woo-hoo >:3
• Fuck it. I'm throwing away my morals. He's packing. I know it. Big dick energy. You see him slouching? You know why
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mattslolita · 3 months
Can you do Matt angst ?
the greatest - m. sturniolo ( 001. )
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in which ... you realize your boyfriend has fallen out of love with you, causing you to break down. ( boyfriend!matt x black!fem!reader )
warnings ; mentions of alcohol, fighting, crying, angst, not a happy ending
"𝒊 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊 𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒅𝒐."
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰
things were amazing when you first started dating matt.
of course, in the beginning not all of the fans were so accepting of your relationship, some even making it known but after getting clocked by other fans, the hate comments and death threats to you calmed down.
matt seemed happier in the beginning — he was happy to flaunt you, never skipping the opportunity to show his affection for you or show how much he loved you. the amount of times nick and chris used to complain about how you both were practically attached to the hip and how matt would hog you, was insane.
but things were different these last few months.
matt had grown distant with you — the same way you had been inseparable in the beginning, it was now lacking. he stopped inviting you over to hang out, as well as reaching out to you to hang out. you understood youtube was a job that demanded a lot of his time, so you tried to brush it off.
but when he started lying about places he'd be at or was going to, you knew something was wrong — did matt find you too controlling? maybe that's why he felt it necessary to do those things. you wanted to talk to him about it, to fix things.
then matt stopped making love to you. now, you get that because of the stress with work he wasn't always in the mood, so you completely understood that. but even nights when you both were free and he either decided to go out without you or just not touch you at all? there was definitely a problem.
a lot of fans had even speculated the growing distance between you and matt. whenever you went live, you tried your best to ignore comments on it, always seeing things like, "how are you and matt?", "is it true you and matt will breakup?", "do you still love matt?".
you loved matt, and you still do without a doubt. but you definitely questioned if he still loved you.
you knew things were inevitably different once you started spending your night alone, or with nick and chris instead of with matt. or when matt ignored your presence entirely, opting to either go up to his room alone or spend the night elsewhere.
sadly you can count on more than two hands the amount of days and nights you cried in nick or chris's arms about your dying relationship with the man you loved. the man you thought you saw a future with.
which led you to were you currently are right now, on the dance floor of some random influencer party — you had come with matt, chris, and nick, but of course, matt had gone off somewhere without even letting you know where he was headed to.
nick offered to stay with you, but there was no way you would have him babysit you whilst you sulked in some corner since your boyfriend decided not to hang out you.
you didn't even realized how many drinks you had really downed until you caught yourself stumbling as you threw yet another red solo cup in the trash. your eyes felt bleary as they scanned the scenery around you, everyone seemingly having the best time ever whilst you felt miserable.
it wasn't until your eyes landed on a familiar set of brown locs that you ran the back of your hand across your eyes as they settled on matt — he was impossibly closer to another brunette girl, she was leaning daintily on his shoulder whilst he whispered sweet nothings into her ear causing her to giggle.
you don't know where the sudden burst of anger came from ( it had to be the alcohol ), but now at least you knew why matt was so distant with you.
your feet moved before your mind even registered it, leading you storming into the direction matt and the girl he was with — your eyes were stinging with tears threatening to spill as you bumped her shoulder harshly, sending her tumbling backwards.
"y/n, what the fuck's wrong with you?" matt hisses at you, grabbing your shoulder harshly.
you look at him is disbelief, scoffing. "what's wrong with me? how the fuck can you ask me that, matthew?"
you never called matt his full name. it always matt, unless you were trying to be funny you called him by his middle name — but your anger was clouding your judgement, and it was almost as if it was a wake up call to matt too, because he furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head.
"what's your problem, bitch?" the brunette girl hissed at you, regaining her balance as she walked towards you.
"you," you spit towards her, taking a step until you're right in front of her, "all up on my fucking boyfriend."
she shakes her head and laughs at this, giving you a mock look of pity. "well he certainly didn't mention you, now did he?"
a lump forms in your throat at this — multiple people have stopped partying as they were watching the scene in front of them. embarrassment and hurt blossomed in your chest as you fought the tears threatening to escape — you turned to matt with an incredulous expression, biting the inside of your cheek.
"didn't tell her, huh?" you say icily, your voice barely above a whisper. a sarcastic laugh leaves your lips as you brush past matt harshly.
you needed to leave — you didn't know where you were going, all you knew was that you felt suffocated and you needed to get out of that party. matt's voice rang out after you, but you didn't bother to stop walking. your feet were getting tired from with the speed you walked, but the adrenaline made you push forward.
"y/n, can you please slow the fuck down!" matt's voice was clear now, as he'd caught up to you.
your blood pumped in your ears as hot, angry tears spilled forth from your eyes as you refused to turn around and look at him. but you stopped walking — the breeze from the cool, night air would've felt nice, comforting even, if it weren't for the current circumstances.
"turn around, y/n," matt tells you.
you turn slowly, as the man you once called the love of your life takes slow strides until he reaches you. your eyes dart over all the features you used to once adore, but now you felt sick looking at him.
"why do you keep lying to me, matt?" your voice trembles, and he chews the inside of his lip guiltily. "it's evident, at this point. everyone can see you don't want to be with me anymore."
"i didn't know how to tell you without hurting you," matt admits, finally looking at you. his expression is a mix of guilt and pity, and you hate it.
"you understand lying to me and making me feel like a fucking fool hurts worse?" you tell him, looking into his blue irises.
"it's hard y/n, okay?" matt swallows, running a hand through his hair, "breaking your heart was the last thing i wanted to do."
"a little too late for that," you laugh sarcastically, shaking your head as you bite the inside of your cheek.
"i don't know what you expect me to say," matt says quietly, looking anywhere but you.
"what did i do," you ask shakily, wiping away the tears from your eyes.
"what do you mean?" matt retorts, his eyebrows furrowing as he scans your face.
"what did i do to make you not love me anymore?"
your question caught him off guard and truthfully? he didn't have an answer. all he knew was that he no longer felt the chemistry between you both. those same warm, fuzzy feelings he once felt in the beginning of your relationship, the spark, it fizzled out a long time ago.
"you didn't do anything," matt answers softly, and you can hear the truth in his voice, "i just don't love you anymore."
you felt your heart begin to hammer in your chest, and you felt as if it'd jump out — the truth hurt. alot. but he had finally been honest with you after all these months. there was nothing you could do to reverse the way matt felt about you and quite frankly? you were done trying.
tears are re-built in your waterline, and you nod your head at this, scoffing bitterly. you look down at the m necklace that adorned your neck, before you yanked if off, not caring if it hurt or not.
matt watches you with a somber expression, when you motion for him to hold his hand out — you drop the necklace into his hand then close his fingers around it, patting his knuckles as the tears slipped from your eyes.
"sorry i wasn't good enough for you," you tell him bitterly, "maybe that girl in there could be, yeah?"
without waiting for a response from him, you turn on your heels once again and start your journey walking towards wherever, not having a set destination.
at the time you had clearly forgotten that nick and chris were at the party too — chris saw the whole thing unfold before his eyes, and he watched your heart shattering expression when the girl told you matt didn't mention his girlfriend. you.
and it angered chris to his core. matt didn't even realize how amazing you were — the way you loved, how you cared for those around you, matt truly had taken you for granite.
if it was up to chris, he would've done anything in his power to make you realize you deserved so much better than his brother.
( lilly's section 💌 )
when i tell y'all i had this hoe BREWINGG ! anyhow stay tuned for a possible part two ? w chris ? 😳 love y'all & hoped you enjoyed <3
@luverboychris @muwapsturniolo @mrssturnioloo @mattsturniolosleftnut @sturnprime @thenickgirl @guccifrog @nickgetsmewetter @eyeliketoeatpoosay @e1ias3 @sp3aknaur @middlepartmatt @summerssover @riasturns @sturn777 @l0akkzz @hysteria-things @pinksturniolo @chrissturniolossidehoe @chris-slut @hoesformatt @raysmayhem-72 @lanas-doll @chrisssluttywaist @mbbsgf @jetaimevous @chaossturns @inkyray
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sant-riley · 1 year
Hi! I'm new here! I've come to bombard you with the idea of a parent of the reader's(most likely dad) showing up to the base out of nowhere.
Secret admirer,
Omg I have my first ever emoji anon, Hi!! And yes absolutely I love this. I'm gonna try and be neutral with the parent in question so it's open to anyone :)
P.S idk how I used to format this shit I'm not checking Lmfao
[Task force 141 reacting to your parent/s showing up out of nowhere to visit]
If we're taking into account that this Simon and the og Simon have the same backstory,, its safe to say he doesn't have fond memories of his dad, though he has some for his mother.
Depending on your relationship between you and your parent/s, Ghost is either gonna point blank tell them they're not welcomed here. While Price IS above him, he isn't afraid to pull the intimidation and rank card to get them to get the hell out of there. Ghost was abused by his dad, God fucking forbid you were EVER treated poorly and he finds out.
However, even if your parent is kind, he still is uncomfortable by them being there. It makes his chest feel heavy watching you interact and it just brings up bitter memories he much rather not think of, so he won't linger around and instead go to the gun range and wait it out. He cares for you, and unfortunately, it won't ever really transfer over to your parents. Best he'd do is a stern nod and be on his way.
Soap, however, is very happy to introduce themselves and your parent swoons over his accent and likes him immediately, even if they're not the greatest of parents, Soap will make it a point to put his best foot forward and ask them if they'd want a tour.
If your mom is present she immediately likes him and isn't afraid to give you a look with an eyebrow raise saying "why aren't you dating him?". Don't get me wrong, though. He's not afraid to make smart comments and then joke it off. He's protective but not in your face kinda way.
He's definitely the type to sigh with relief when they're gone, complaining about small things he disliked about them to you openly (a lil bit of a hater but his mom raised him to not be rude to his elders okay.)
Doesn't matter who your parents are, Price intimidates them. He's the captain, and from what you've told them, he is extremely good at his job and he's a no nonsense leader, but you also mention that he's kind and he'd never leave one of his own behind.
Price talks EXTREMELY highly of you, he isn't afraid to clasp a hand on your shoulder and smile that stupid smile of his while he looks down at you in admiration.
It'd be most likely that he himself would have invited your parents without your know how, he has the ties and the authority but trust and believe if you expressed any discomfort with it, he'd rectify it and send them on their way.
Your parents may not like how particularly you close you are with such an older man but it's obvious he cares so much for you and your safety, so they take peace in that.
Gaz is probably the most easy going out of the 4, casually making conversation and if your parents are the type to play match maker, he's their #1 choice I'm not sorry, it's the truth.
Gaz sings your praises, mentioning time and time again that you've been such a good help on base and a good comrade and friend and he will thank your parents for raising you. (Imagine him taking off his hat and holding it to his chest or tipping it what if I swooned)
You KNOW he's invited to family dinners if he's ever in the area, or if he has no plans for the holidays, he's welcome at the family home. (You tell him later that he doesn't need to feel pressured but he just ruffles your hair and asks what kind of alcohol your family prefers)
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scrollonso · 6 months
First Kiss (Race 6)
A strollonso AU where 18 year old rookie Lance Stroll falls helplessly in love with the notoriously mean world champion. (1.3k words, angst at first? idk, it gets fluffy) [@v3lnys @biancathecool] {I kept getting ideas while writing this so I stopped like 4 times to write another chapter}
last part - masterlist - next part
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Lance made his way onto the paddock, his dad having driven him instead of Nico. After waking up in Fernandos bed after his DNF in San Marino he'd unintentionally avoided the Spaniard for the past week. He didn't remember much past him complaining about Coulthard, all he knew was he woke up in an unfamiliar hotel room with Fernando Alonso asleep peacefully beside him.
He looked gorgeous, obviously, his long hair slightly covering his eyes, chest rising and falling slightly as he breathed, he looked peaceful, Lance could've stayed and stared for hours if reality didn't hit him suddenly.
He was in bed with Fernando. Alcohol was out on a table a few feet away and he could tell he'd had too much to drink the night before, without thinking he collected his things and left as if he was some sex worker the world champion had taken back to his room the night before.
He'd managed to ignore all of the older mans texts, a part of him feeling bad and longing for him while another part was busy worrying about how badly he must've embarrassed himself.
After a week of putting it off there was no way to now, if Fernando didn't speak to him before Quali he most definitely would after.
He walked alone through the paddock, answering short questions here and there before he found a swarm of people who all called his name.
"Lance, Lance Stroll, How do you feel about what Red Bull and David Coulthard have had to say about you this past week?"
Lance thought for a second, wondering if it was a wise choice to answer the question, in the end he decided it couldn't hurt too much "I honestly couldn't care less, I don't care what Red Bull or Coulthard thinks about me, thank you" He nodded slightly before leaving, not having much more to say and not wanting to elaborate on the whole thing
Somehow he'd managed not to run into Fernando even as Quali came to an end, he was set to start the race in 11th, somehow stopping himself from checking where Fernando was starting from.
His luck didn't last long before he was greeted by the same voice as always
"Lancito, will you avoid me forever?" Fernando asked, Lance wasn't sure whether the Spaniard was joking or was truly hurt by what Lance was doing
"Sorry, I've been busy" He lied, not even turning around to look at Fernando
"What is wrong? Did I do something? I am not sure how to fix it if you do not tell me, mi sol" He spoke softly, just like he always did with lance, he entered the Racing Point garage, just trying to get closer to the Canadian, trying to get him to meet his eyes
"It's nothing, I'm just busy" Lance tried to convince Fernando, he wasn't very good at it
"Too busy to talk to me but before I was the only one you'd talk to" Fernando teased, trying anything to figure out what was wrong
Lance tried to hide his embarrassment as he finally looked at Fernando, the only thing he could think about was the morning after the Europen Grand Prix.
"Is this about last week?" Fernando guessed, Lance couldn't help but be slightly annoyed at how the older man was always right "All we did was drink, Lancito, you were upset so I thought you would like drinking alone, no?"
"Yeah, sorry, I- I don't know why I freaked out" He forced out a laugh, trying to make himself feel less awkward talking to Fernando for the first time in a week
"Is okay, Lancito, are you embarrassed because of what you said?"
"What I said?" He echoed, now he was embarrassed, what did he say for Fernando to bring it up so many days later
"About the crash, you were very upset, mi sol" Fernando didn't exactly lie but he knew that wasnt what he meant. If Lance really didn't remember what he had begged of Fernando than maybe he didn't mean it, Fernando was sure his emotions were just hightened.
"Oh" Lance laughed, feeling relieved after Fernando confirmed nothing else was talked about "I'm not embarrassed, I kinda feel like you"
Fernando smiled, patting the Canadians shoulder "Feels good, eh? Getting in a little trouble?"
The two continued talking, both felt as though a weight had been lifted of their shoulders except Fernandos was replaced with another. While he spoke to Lance as if nothing had happened he couldn't help but hear Lances words replaying in his head.
His eyes stayed glued to Lance as he rambled on, the Spaniard wondered if he really did need him, if he truly felt that way, or if it was just drunken words influenced by how he was feeling earlier that day.
The two spoke for a while longer, just catching up as if much had really happened in seven days.
Lance felt better walking into the paddock the next day, arriving with Nico again as if he hadn't spent the last week moping and ignoring everyone (besides his dad, it proved to be harder to ignore your dad-boss than your coworker-friends.)
"Let's hope coulthard keeps his distance today" Nico spoke, breaking the silence between the two
"God, the next time I hear his name I think I'm gonna explode." Lance whined, having been asked about him all week
"Cmon, you know no press is bad press" Nico added, reminding Lance of his dad
"Yeah, yeah. Let's just get ready" The two entered the garage, both almost going straight to their drivers room to get in their fireproofs and race suit
This week was better, David Coulthard qualified last so there was almost no chance in a collision with him, Lance was thankful.
Lance managed to overtake a few times in the race, going from 11th to 9th by the end but he knew it wasn't good enough, neither drivers securing points for the team.
He wasn't upset though, he decided to go to the podium for the first time after the race, excited for Fernando since he just won his home Grand Prix
Fernando looked gorgeous on top, practically beaming as the Spanish anthem played. Fernando was basking in it, the win, his home country, his fans supporting him so loudly with flags and signs, though none of it made him smile as bright as seeing Lance in the crowd below, the Canadians smile shining brighter than anyones.
He stood out, whether it was because Fernando couldn't help but search for him in every crowd or because of his bright pink suit, Fernando didn't care. All that mattered was that he was there, celebrating the Spaniards win as if he hadn't had a disappointing race.
Once he got off the podium he went straight to Lance, not letting him speak before trapping him in a tight hug, he wasn't sure why, he just wanted to.
"Good job, Nando" Lance laughed, hugging the Spaniard back
"Gracias" Fernando spoke into Lances shoulder, feeling as though the pair were on the people in the world. He wasn't sure why he was so happy knowing Lance came down to congratulate him, it just felt good, earlier in the week he was scared it would never be the same between the two because of the past week but he'd managed to save it perfectly, leading to the two in one anothers arms once again which was exactly what the pair wanted.
"You did good, great, amazing, seriously, you led 55 laps and just won your home Grand Prix, you're brilliant" Lance gushed, Fernando raising his head to look at the Canadian
"Is this how you feel when I come to you?" Fernando asked, a smile still plastered on his face, not able to imagine a better end to the race week.
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undreaming-fanfiction · 2 months
Done Asking
Written for @steddieangstyaugust prompt 5 - "Please Please Please, Let Me Get What I Want" – The Smiths.
Warning: Difficult relationship with religion for Eddie
When Eddie was young, he used to pray.
He never truly believed, you see - he wanted to, but he just couldn't understand why there was so much wrong in his life, why his mom wouldn't come back home, why his dad wouldn't attend a single important thing for Eddie. Why would he keep getting beaten up and spat on when he did nothing evil, yet his rich bullies would go home every day to loving parents and a warm meal. Hard to believe there was a plan that made it all make sense. Still, Eddie tried. He thought that if he was good enough, he'd earn that too. But it was difficult. His dad didn't care at all, and Eddie was hungry. "Thou shalt not steal" is much easier to follow when your stomach is rumbling, your insides are collapsing in on themselves and instead of noticing that something is wrong, your PE teacher just yells at you for being sluggish. It appeared to young Eddie that being good was a privilege reserved for wealthy people. Or at least those who had someone to lean on.
When praying didn't work, Eddie tried bargaining. "I swear I'll be good if you get me out of this mess," he'd promise before sleep. "I won't steal ever again if dad comes home and brings something to eat. I swear."
But Al Munson never did. And so Eddie wouldn't stop stealing.
There was a period in his life when he went from bargaining to questioning. "Why are you doing this to me?" he asked when he finally had a warm bed and a good meal with Wayne, he finally felt happy, but then his heart gave a treacherous squeeze when he saw a pretty boy in a locker room. "Why did you make me this way? I'm trying so hard not to fuck up, but it's like you want me to. They say you don't make mistakes, but then what am I, huh?"
Like his prayers, even his questions went unanswered.
Years went by, the sky and ground split open and Eddie Munson found himself praying again. "I don't care if you're in the mood to listen, but if you're there, I could really use a hand right now," he muttered as he drove a bike faster than ever in his life, with a swarm of demobats on his heels. "We've already established you don't give a damn about me, that's cool, but don't let Dustin get caught up in this. If someone needs to go, let it be me."
That was the first prayer that came true for Eddie Munson.
What he never prayed for was for Steve Harrington, of all the people in bloody Hawkins, to stop the bleeding as best as he could, toss Eddie's body through the gate, and force the Hawkins Hospital to admit him. He didn't pray for Steve Harrington to cover his hospital expenses, threaten with his family's expensive lawyers to keep Eddie safe and unharmed, and then stand guard in his room despite his own wounds. He never prayed for Steve to hold his hand while Eddie was unconscious, muttering lots of nonsense, but also so many doubts, questions. The same ones that Eddie had. He never prayed for Steve Harrrington to whisper, definitely under heavy dosage of pain medication, "back in the forest, I didn't think about Nancy at all. I wondered what it would be like, to be with someone like you." Yet it all happened.
Waking up after the world almost ended, with Steve holding Eddie's hand from the neighboring chair, with Wayne napping on the way too small couch, and tons of get well letters on his bedside table, Eddie turned his eyes upwards, beyond the ceiling and the once again blue sky of Hawkins.
"So..." he whispered, "I guess I'm done asking and complaining for now. Maybe it's time for me to start thanking you instead. Just for a bit, don't get used to it."
There was silence, as always, but that was fine. This time, Eddie could fill it with the things he was thankful for.
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writingpei · 1 year
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felix | 필릭스: soulmates
when your friends from college were shocked to discover that you had never, ever been attracted to anyone you've met before, you realized that maybe there was something wrong with you.
you hadn't lied. you were out at night, a couple drinks in your system, and when they looked at you with wide eyes and itchy throats from so many questions, you were taken aback.
“not even when you were much younger?”
“but what about high school? everyone gets a crush in high school!”
the last thing you thought about in high school was romance, not because you forbade yourself from it, but because it never crossed your mind at all.
“not even in college? this is crazy…”
much less in college. work was piling up on your desk, and you didn't even have time to sleep properly, let alone pay attention to someone else.
that conversation haunted your mind for many days. you had never thought much about your (non-existent) love life, and how weird and abnormal it seemed to those around you, an anomaly in the form of a person.
the hustle and bustle of the city was overwhelming, but it was just another day for you. your head was down, avoiding unnecessary conversations with anyone, those conversations roamed your mind for many days.
the path to your regular coffee shop where you always got a latte was already memorized in your head, taking the same path and stepping where you always stepped every day.
your head was full, and minho seems to have realized that days before he actually asked you anything.
“what is wrong with you these days?” he asked in his usual tone of voice, sassiness escaping his lips as his hands worked quickly to make your order.
minho was your barista, he had always made your coffee since the day you first stepped inside the place, a few months before.
“i’m very, very confused” you confessed, sitting on the stool at the counter, on the opposite side of him.
“about what?” he asked, sliding the warm cup with the good smell that always brings you comfort and the fog that rises from it.
“is never being attracted to absolutely anyone i've ever met normal?” you asked quietly and looked around quickly to see if anyone had noticed.
minho stops for a few seconds and blinks, deep in his thoughts.
“i don't know. how old are you, twelve?” you roll your eyes as soon as he says this, throwing your arms up on the counter and sighing.
“20…” you whisper back, putting your hands over your face to hide the shame gnawing at you.
“oh” he says, and even without seeing him, you can tell he's holding back a smile. “that’s… that’s different”
“is it weird?” you ask, desperately wishing he'd say no, but when you take your hands from your face and see him, his slouched posture propping himself up with his elbows on the counter, you know he's going against what you expect.
“kinda, yeah” he replies. “but have you really, really never been attracted to anyone at all? no one ever stood out to you?”
it is then that the brown hair you know so well appears in your memory. cheeks washed by a sea of ​​freckles and red lips you could never escape.
you are in an almost state of shock for a few seconds, mind completely dominated by the inherent figure of the boy inside your memory.
“have you thought of anyone?” minho questions, but even with open eyes, you can't see him. it was like you were in a trance, coming to a conclusion you definitely didn't want to come to, feeling your heart beat faster for something you didn't want it to.
“hum” you begin, trying to pull yourself together within reality. “if you thought what i asked you was weird… this is even weirder…”
“minho!” someone behind the counter calls out to you loudly, taking their attention away from you.
“what is it, jisung?” he asks, already irritated.
“we have more orders, you need to help me” the dark haired boy complains, steaming some milk nervously.
“can’t you see i’m busy right here?” minho retorts, offended frown etched on his face. “go on, i’m free to listen”
“um…” you look at him and then at the boy who was now making shots of espresso at a speed you couldn't imagine was possible. “sure…” you says uncertainly, then taking a deep breath and thinking about where to start. “there is this guy”
when you suddenly stop talking, minho approaches with his arms on the counter, as if you're telling him a secret.
"ok…?" he encourages you to continue.
“i know him since i was a kid”
“wow, that’s cute” minho says, putting his face in his hands. “like a puppy love or something?”
“no, no” you say. “i… i never met him, like, ever”
minho is visibly confused again, eyebrows rising.
"what do you mean?"
“i’ve never met him in my life”
“but that’s not possible. how do you know him then?”
“through my dreams” you try to explain yourself, but the words being said out loud make you extremely self-contious and realize the craziness that was spewing from your mouth.
after a few seconds of silence and awkward looks, minho finally responds. “well, that’s unusual”
“don’t you think i’m weird?” you ask, taken aback by his lack of reaction.
“because of this? not much. because of the amount of sugar you put on your coffee sometimes? hell yeah”
“i really like sweets…” you slump back in your chair and he just crosses his arms, rolling his eyes slightly.
“tell me more about this guy of your dreams. what's he like?" minho's interest had images of the boy popping into your head so quickly you felt dizzy.
the shy smile that appeared on his pink lips, the low voice when he spoke to everyone, the false and treacherous memory of his house, his bedroom, his school, his clothes.
his name was felix, and you don't remember exactly when or why you started dreaming about him every night, but you know it was when you were very young.
he lived with his grandmother in a large but simple house in the middle of an open field, and he had to walk a long way on a completely empty road to get to school. he was shy but not aloof; he cared too much about everything, actually.
the dreams were very strange, it was like you entered his body and lived in his skin. the warm sweatshirts he liked to wear warmed you up, and his grandma's food that was so delicious that it seemed too real to be just a dream, coming from your imagination. you soon found out that he had the same birthday as you, and every year the dream of that night was the most awaited one, the taste of the birthday cake his grandmother always made became a concrete memory in your head.
by your teenage years, you thought you were going crazy. he could only be a figment of your brain. you never told your parents out of shame, it was like those imaginary friends you have when you are a kid, but yours appeared too late in your life. it didn't make any sense, the dreams were extremely real, the feelings too. you never managed to talk to him, because it was in him that you resided, inside his body and his mind, in an unbelievably strong connection. you tried several times to write small messages in notebooks or walls that you were trying to channel everything you wanted to say, but in the next day's dream, their presence had already been erased, washed away by time.
the moment things took a different turn and you were sure it was real was when a communication began to exist between the two of you. well, sort of, at least. it all started when you woke up one day with tears running like waterfalls down your cheeks, a huge heart ache. you couldn't understand what was going on and what had upset you so much, having just woken up from a dream, but the feeling was so raw and present that it couldn't be anything. he had to be sad and it canalized on you too.
it went on. at completely random times of the day, you would feel an intense urge to laugh, cry, smile, sleep. it was as if his strongest feelings crossed a threshold and flew straight to you.
it wasn't uncommon for dreams you had just sitting in front of a mirror, staring at felix's complex. your fingertips tentatively touching everywhere on his face, feeling the soft, delicate skin beneath your skin. the constellation of freckels on his cheeks made something inside you bubble.
with time you decided to let it go. the strange feeling that consumed you every time you saw him or thought about him started to scare you, that's why lately you refrained from looking in any mirror during the dreams, and also avoided talking, not wanting the thick and deep voice to reach your ears more than it should. you tended to pull away from him even if he didn't know it. whenever you woke up, you tried to keep your mind off felix's memory as much as you could.
that's why you never considered looking for him. the burning fear that maybe he really didn't exist always scared away the idea of ​​looking for him. you knew where he lived, where he studied, you knew everything he liked from the posters spread across the walls, the books in his shelves, and the video games in his room. but you also knew that you couldn't bear the weight of the truth of knowing that he wasn't real, that the boy never existed, so you closed yourself off from him, starting to sleep less every day so that your dreams would be cut short, and that's how you met minho, the need for coffee that entered your life from the exhaustion and fear that dominated you.
“he, well… he's…” you started to say, but couldn't finish, intending not to let your mind linger on him any longer than it should. “better let it go, minho. guess I'll be a weirdo forever then"
minho sighs and walks over to the pastries counter, pulling out a cookie and holding it out to you.
“take it here,” he says, and you take it from him reluctantly.
“are you feeling sorry for me?” you ask, feeling slightly offended.
“no, definitely not…” he trails off, but you know he's lying.
“thanks for the free cookie” you shrug, biting into the candy.
“anytime” he answers and starts making espressos.
in the following days after this conversation the world appeared to be moving in slow motion. the clouds hung low in the gray sky as if they were weighed down by the heaviness of the gloomy days. the dreams were brief and impersonal as you were sleeping less and less. all you wanted was to be able to escape his life, the deep feelings that invaded your heart without your permission, the melancholic hue of the days that passed slowly.
that was a day like any other, classes were endless and you felt a sense of lethargy settle over your head like a heavy and slow clock. all you wanted was to get back to the comfort of your own home, but when the teacher asked for a few more minutes after class to explain an assignment, you knew you were going to miss the subway.
when class finally ended, your steps were dashed down the street, heavy drops of rain hitting your skin until you found shelter inside the subway tunnels, running to catch the one that was coming. your luck was clouded like the weather outside, the sound of rain echoing like an endless song.
your effort was in vain, as when you arrived the train had its doors closed, the sound of metal on metal emerging as it began to move. a weight was somehow lifted off your shoulders, a sense of being a spectator, watching the world move around you without really being a part of it.
everything suddenly went quiet, and your eyes were unconsciously drawn inside the train, when you see a pair of eyes you never imagined you would see.
your heart raced and burned in your chest as his eyes lock with yours. you feel unable to move or breath, dizziness taking over your body. in that moment, it was as if time stood still and all that existed was the two of you. he seems to have been surprised as much as you, but he wasn't frozen, on the contrary, he took steps to get closer to the train window, but it was too late. the starting noise became deafening, and it felt like it was being pulled away from you.
maybe you were imagining things, the lack of good nights sleep finally catching up to you making you hallucinate. your mind raced with questions and your emotion were a jumbled mess. you couldn't get your mind off his brown hair that he started to grow out, or his cheeks adorably rosy and covered in freckles, his favorite gray sweater that looked more comfortable and handsome than ever, seen on his body.
when the train passes again after a few wasted minutes, you have to force yourself out of the seat and onto it before you miss this one too. the drive home is consumed by a stunned silence, and you think you've finally lost your mind.
when you leave the station, the rain starts to wet you quickly doesn't bother you. you're too in shock to worry about getting soaked, and now more than ever you want to get back to the safety and comfort of your home.
out of nowhere, the rain stops all over your skin and a shadow looms over your head. being pulled out of your thoughts, your gaze rises to see an unfamiliar umbrella being held over your head, and when you turn your back to see who was protecting you from the rain, your thoughts almost gave out.
it was one thing to see felix in the mirror, through a filter, a thin line that separates what is possible and what is not. it's another thing to see him so close, this time inside his own body. he blinks at you several times, as if trying to check if he's seeing correctly or not.
“excuse me, um…” he starts to say and scratches the back of his head with his free hand. his deep voice cuts through your chest like a blade, that velvety voice that has sent a shiver down your spine more times than you can remember. “i know this might sound crazy, but have we met before?” he asks, but you don't answer, you can't. it's like your lips are glued together. “in my dreams, i mean” he explains.
his big, hopeful eyes wait for an answer, he unconsciously leans in closer to look at you more closely. you give in to your instincts however and your fingertips fly out to touch him on the cheek, the familiar soft skin coming into contact with your skin.
the truth of his existence is overwhelming, and you can't stop the tears shyly welling up in your eyes. “you're real…” is the only thing you manage to get out, and your other hand comes up to his face, cupping his cheeks.
a look of relief appears on her delicate features, and he snuggles into her touch.
“you're real. i cant believe it. I've dreamed about you my whole life,” you whisper to him, voice muffled by the raindrops hitting the umbrella over your head.
“i never thought i'd actually find you in real life, it's surreal” he speaks softly too, a smile that wasn't able to be repressed appearing on his lips. “i came looking for you here because i remembered your address from the dreams. i also dreamed of you my whole life, i just… i just couldn’t keep imagining you and not being able to see you in front of me”
discreet tears run lightly down your face, and he gives you a weak smile.
"it's like all the pieces of the puzzle are finally falling into place" he says, placing his free hand on your cheek the same way you placed it on his earlier. "i don't know how to explain it, but being near you feels like coming home"
you finally crack a big smile in his direction, and you could have sworn you saw his eyes light up with it.
“i feel the same” you say, and the feeling of the rain hitting your face quickly appears.
felix lets go of the umbrella that was in his hand and snakes his arms around your waist, pulling you into a warm, tight hug.
“that's nice” he whispers in your ear, and you don't hesitate to hug him back. “because to me it feels like all my dreams came through”
skz as romantic tropes masterlist
taglist: @leeknowinggg @vumiixlyy
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nxathyx · 9 months
Help I love your work so much omg- it's literally my type of thing like a little bit of Crack but in a yk😁 way. Anyways are your requests open? If so, and if your comfortable hb giving bsd men (such as fyodor, dazai, at sushi etc whoever you can) the silent treatment for a day. It can be nsfw or just crack your wish. Love you bye!! ⋆˙⟡♡
Okay okay!!
Tw: nothing but the usual cursing, and mentions of sex and intimacy
Atsushi Nakajima
°why would you do that to him 🤨 🤨
°personally I headcannon that Atsushi has stopped dwelling as much on his emotions (around the s3 timeline due to Akutagawas words)
°that being said I doubt he'd cry but it's quite obvious he's upset or just confused why you're giving him silent treatment
°overthinks a lot
°bro is almost fucking harassing you cause he's desperate to know what he did wrong 😃😃
°definitely goes to Dazai or Kyouka for advice
°can't focus that much on work and ends up getting scolded by Kunikida
°you better fucking apologise.
°definitely no like sexual "punishment" cause he genuinely thinks it's morally wrong to punish someone through sex and it should be an act of love and affection or some shit like that (same though)
°he'd definitely be confused and might be afraid to fuck up for like the next 3 months so he needs a bit of reassurance after that
Dazai Osamu
°he knows but will play oblivious and just stick to you like a literal fucking magnet
°he will just annoy you till he gets what he wants (which is for you to snap and break the treatment)
°makes a sexual joke or few but doesn't mean them
°finds it entertaining when you try not to snap at him
°however he would probably prefer to sit down and just question why the fuck you were acting like that
°definitely suggested a lot of intimacy as a form of making up for it but it's fully up to you whether you want to or not
Akutagawa Ryuunoske
°he cried cause he's a little bitch (/j)
°gives you the silent treatment for twice as long cause he's a dick (fails after 5 hours and starts complaining about everything)
°deffo calls you pathetic and then literally nags you for like 10 minutes and then goes back to doing his work (he legitimately doesn't know what to do in his spare time now
°he sleeps on the couch that night (or throws you out on the couch)
Chuuya Nakahara
°just leaves you to it and patiently waits till you have calmed down and then you two sit down and decide on a mutual agreement
°(he's starting to doubt himself but will just keep it to himself until it's "the right time to talk about feelings")
Fyodor Dostoevsky
°I'm sorry but he doesn't give a fuck
°"ah yes this is all according to plan😈😈" (he didn't plan shit)
°give him silent treatment till he treats his lice💋💋
°he will just sit in his discord moderator cave being a sugar daddy on roblox or something I don't fucking know
°after a while he'll legitimately get annoyed why you're acting like this "what did did I do wrong, baby girl ☹️👿😕😕
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animedaddymilkers · 1 year
╰⊰✿´ your first time with them
╰⊰✿´ characters: Erwin Smith, Levi Ackerman, Eren Yeager, Zeke Yeager, Reiner Braun
╰⊰✿´ tags: nsfw, smut, first times, loss of virginity, gn!reader
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Most would think your first time sleeping with Erwin would be planned out and thoughtful. But the reality is that Erwin is a busy man. The first time you sleep with him, it's a spur of the moment decision, like you both realized neither of you had any plans to tear you away. Erwin worships your body and takes his sweet old time to ensure you're also enjoying everything he has to give you. It's definitely vanilla and passionate, but Erwin will ensure you're both satiated and sweaty by the time he's done with you.
He's so close that you can feel his breath fan over your skin, but you still try to pull him closer. "You look heavenly," Erwin says under his breath, a husky grumble to his voice. Those powerful thighs you drooled over showed their true strength as they refused to slow in pleasuring you. Erwin groaned low and deep, and in between the kisses that he pressed along your neck, he lamented about just how enthralled he was with you and your body.
Levi is confident in all areas of his life. Though matters in the bedroom do give him a run for his money. It's not that he isn't skilled. Even when he's inexperienced, he's attentive and listens to exactly what your body needs. It's always the first time that trips him up. He's so afraid of doing something wrong or hurting you.
"Is this okay?" He questions, his voice coming out more harsh than he intended. The shake in his hands refused to go away as they ghosted across your skin. Levi had to keep reminding himself that you wanted to do this with him, that you wanted his touch and genuinely cared for him. The look in your eyes reminded him of just that and he felt his chest tighten and cock throb simultaneously. Before he touched you any further, he had to lean in and kiss you again. Levi took a moment to process how lucky he was to be sharing such an intimate moment with you, and he intended to drag it out as long and as pleasurably as he could make it.
Eren's personality is loud, and he comes into your life fast, a lot like a tornado. His love is the same, too. He loves fast and hard, although you can rest assured that his fast love is whole and thoroughly felt to his bones. Eren isn't nervous the first time your heated make-out sessions start to lead to more. If anything, he's more than eager to fully show you how much he loves you.
His kisses are quick and deep, and his hands feel like they're everywhere on your body all at once. Eren wants to please you as much and as fast as he can because he can't wait to have that more of a connection with you. The depth that sharing a bed together creates between two people is one of his favorite things about it. "I'm going to burn this image into my memory." Eren muttered under his breath as he rid you of the last of your clothes and took in the sight of your body. He may move fast, but it by no means will be overwith quickly.
Zeke acts rather casual about your first time together, like it's no big deal, no sweat off of his back whether it happens or not. But secretly, he's freaking out. What if you don't like what he does? What if he can't please you? Of course, Zeke's going to do everything in his arsenal of knowledge in order to please you, but sometimes people just don't click in the bedroom! If you two didn't end up working out he wasn't sure if he'd recover from that...
Zeke's heart rate is quickened as he feels you grind against him, and he nearly loses his mind. The way that you look, your face, your moans, and the way your chest heaves towards his had him dizzy. Zeke's hands wandered up your sides, groaning when you pressed yourself closer to him. Truly, he couldn't comprehend how you two made it to this point, but he wasn't about to complain. He tried to push his insecurities to the back as he pressed kisses into your skin, trailing down your body, intent on giving you the night of your lives.
Reiner is the gentle giant that wants to put off having his first with you. Not because he doesn't WANT to have it, but because he wants it to be perfect. He wouldn't plan the night but he would make sure that it was set up romantically. It'd be on a night after you went out to dinner and took a calming walk by the water, then after you two returned back to your place, Reiner would shower you in kisses.
Praises fall from his lips as he slowly strips you, making sure to worship every inch of your skin. His large hands massage through any knots in your muscles and he picks you up to lay you on the bed. Reiner looks at you with eyes full of adoration as he pleasures you and without saying it, it's obvious that the night will be all about you. Reiner is focused on you and the way your body reacts until you're nearly begging him to let you reciprocate.
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lemonhemlock · 2 years
"Rhaenyra didn't have a choice; she was married to a homosexual man and they had to produce heirs somehow!"
Let's see what Rhaenyra could have done differently to secure her claim, ranging from the most ridiculous to the most advantageous.
Rhaenyra / Aegon
Otto puts this proposal forward to Viserys in order to combine the two rival claims.
I don't blame Viserys for refusing; the age difference is too big and I doubt 17(?)-year-old Rhaenyra would appreciate being betrothed to a toddler. It would also place her towards the twilight of her reproductive years by the time Aegon could be reasonably expected to consummate the marriage.
It's a good idea on paper, but just too damn weird, I'll grant you.
Rhaenyra / Jason Lannister
Rhaenyra acts so offended that Jason Lannister has the audacity to propose to her, but why wouldn't he?
He is conceited and aloof, but he's the lord of a very powerful, very rich house that has been sidelined by the Targaryens ever since the Conquest. They're just itching to receive some attention. He has the means to build her a Dragonpit at Casterly Rock if she so wishes, he has the resources to back up her claim financially and militarily and he would definitely press for her to become Queen.
Marrying Jason would also rob the Hightowers of a powerful ally and leave them more isolated.
Betrothal tour
If it's marrying for love Rhaenyra wanted, she had a reasonable chance for that, too!
There's no reason she couldn't have married Harwin, if she wanted. They were both at court at the time. She could have easily made a list of eligible young men starting with the Red Keep and the Crownlands and assessed each possibility. It's not terribly romantic, but imagine having this level of freedom.
Viserys was super permissive with her and told her to pick whomever she wanted (I presume he'd have to be of noble birth, at least).
He even organizes a royal progress for her with this very purpose in mind. This was a one-in-a-lifetime opportunity that no other woman or man in Westeros has ever had. To journey through Westeros, be feted by the lords, go to feasts and balls organized in your name... ! No wonder Alicent considers Rhaenyra ungrateful.
All she does is huff and complain and insult her suitors. She is seen exasperating Boremund Baratheon with her antics.
Viserys only forces her to marry Laenor Velaryon after the brothel debacle with Daemon. It's suggested that he doesn't believe her to be a maid any longer by the fact that he sends her moon tea. In his mind, he has to marry her as soon as possible to prevent her from making any more rash decisions.
The match is not a bad one, politically-speaking. The Velaryons are a another rich, powerful house that could provide Rhaenyra with a fleet, money and even dragons to secure her claim.
Rhaenyra & Laenor
Jace and Aemond are about the same age. Realistically speaking, how hard did Rhaenyra and Laenor actually try to conceive?
I realise that they both suffer from the trappings of patriarchy here, but they seemed to get along fine and could have had a reasonable partnership. With the risk of sounding crass, Margaery proved more inventive than them.
In any case, Rhaenyra and Laenor didn't need to have children. Viserys already provided enough heirs. Rhaenyra could have just named Aegon as her heir and be done with it, instead of creating a future succession crisis by having bastard children.
Corlys wouldn't have been pleased by this and could have threatened not to support her, since he seems really pressed to become grandfather to a king, but by compromising on Green heirs to succeed her, the question of a succession war becomes less likely. And what's Corlys going to do, not support his son, the royal consort?
Laenor doesn't need heirs either. Laena exists and has her own children. They can get Driftmark after him. If Corlys is really hung up on male primogeniture, he can take it up with his wife, daughter and son-in-law.
Absolutely do not marry Daemon and make people think you killed your husband.
Of course, it would also help tremendously if Rhaenyra didn't alienate the green faction by completely ignoring her siblings and acting hostile towards them whenever the occasion permitted. If she maintains a good relationship with Alicent, she is less likely to collaborate with Otto.
Of course, Viserys messed up his own succession when he took a second wife from a prominent family and fathered younger sons that could challenge his eldest daughter's claim. But there are also actions that Rhaenyra could have taken on her own to secure her own position and even prevent future wars. She wasn't a powerless, hapless victim in all of this.
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raye01010 · 1 year
𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐮 𝐑𝐃𝐑𝟐 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
(might do another one for the girls in the gang idk and if this doesn't exactly match the characters were going to pretend it does so don't come for me)
Characters ~ Arthur, John, Javier, Dutch, Hosea, Sean, Charles, and Kieran (this is not in order lol)
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Arthur Morgan
Ok, as we said in another post he's definitely a truck driver.
He always has his dog with him no matter where he goes and he most likely has one of those giant bloodhound dogs or a bird dog. Maybe even a stray cat he found in a parking lot, who knows with him?
He probably pulls over on the side of the road to sketch some of the scenery he sees and it most likely causes him to be late to places he needs to be but oh well.
LOVES to put different stickers on his truck and to blow the horn for little kids that wave at him sometimes.
His dog is absolutely spoiled, having a giant bed in the passenger seat and probably over 20+ toys because Arthur can't help himself when he sees new toys or treats.
He's always uploading poorly taken selfies of him and his dog onto facebook (lets be real he's almost 40, he's most def uses facebook)
Dutch Vanderlinde
Let's be real, Dutch owns one of those fake gold shops that try to scam you and sell you fake jewelry, I don't make the rules that's just how it is.
But Dutch is good at his job, even if what he's selling you is fake he'd probably be able to convince you it was real by the end of the conversation.
Takes major pride in his business
Actually makes pretty good money considering he's a good liar lmao.
He def talked John into buying a fake diamond necklace for Abigail, John didn't realize he'd been scammed until Arthur pointed it out lol
Probably would give his S/O fake jewelry from his shop because he is cheap
"It's the thought that counts," he would tell his S/O when they point out that the ring he gave them wasn't real.
Somehow has managed to avoid countless law suits, no one really knows how though
He probably uses his shop as a cover up for money laundering ngl
Hosea Matthews
This ones difficult
lowkey feel like he'd work in a bank
Doesn't question where the large sums of money Dutch deposits comes from because he doesn't want to know lol
Has a picture of John and Arthur hanging up in his office
always having to lecture John on not falling for internet scams because this is like the 5th time he's had to freeze his bank account for fraud.
Always turning Dutch away because he tries to take out loans for stupid things that he doesn't need
Has to help John get back the money Dutch scammed from him ofc
Hosea likes his job though, it pays well and he gets his own office so what is there to complain about? 
John Marston
I wanna say he works in a zoo and has to deal without wolves just to be funny but I honestly see him being a mechanic
Always working on Arthur's truck when something happens to it.
Likes to teach Jack how to work on cars also, he considers it their "father, son bonding time"
Buys Jack the nicest truck when Jack is old enough to drive.
Has had to fix Sean's car after he drove it into a tree because he thought it was a good idea to drink and drive.
Drives around a classic car that no one else is allowed to touch or he'll have a stroke right there and then.
Everyone in the town comes to him when they need work done on their car, he even opened up his own show eventually
Javier Escuella
Ok, so I see him working as a singer in a bar, like with a cover band or something
he even performs his own songs that he wrote some nights
people love him
he actually has a lot of followers on social media from posting his music and videos of him playing guitar
if him and his s/o have a kid he definitely teaches them how to play guitar from a young age.
writes songs for his s/o
all the guys come and watch him perform some nights when they are all in town at the same time.
makes youtube tutorials on how to play songs on the guitar.
the other guys are convinced that he's going to become famous one day
Charles Smith
I see him working in an animal sanctuary for endangered animals or hurt animals
Definitely becomes best friends with a literal bear and treats it like your everyday normal pet.
Forms strong bonds with every animals he works with, something about his aurora is calming to be around
Doesn't allow John near the wolves when he visits.
Has had to stop Sean from trying to climb into the lion enclosure more times than he can count
He lets Dutch, Arthur, and Kieran come to visit some of the horses he takes care of.
He does volunteer work with animal shelters and other things like that.
Major animal lover in general, probably dog sits Arthur's dog whenever Arthur can't bring him somewhere
Sean Mcguire
This man CANNOT hold a job
Its not that he's lazy (he is) he just gets bored quickly and hops from job to job.
No one actually knows how he affords his apartment, Hosea is convinced he's selling drugs
He usually works in fast food places for a little bit just to make some quick cash.
Has shown up to work drunk a few times ngl
if he has an s/o he probably shows up to their job whenever their working to annoy them
Tried to get hired at a bar but that most definitely didn't last long considering he got plastered on the first night of the job
He probably is selling drugs but I mean, money is money?
Kieran Duffy
We already know the answer to this, he works at a stable
Tried to get a job with Charles but they didn't hire him :(
LOVES working at the stable, he basically gets to play with horses for most of the day
If him and his s/o have a kid he's definitely teaching them how to ride a horse before they can even walk
is always showing his s/o pictures of different horses he gets to work with
probably is in facebook groups for horses
he's a horsegirl
he owns his own horses too and always makes sure they look pristine and perfect
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chiimeramanticore · 9 months
Mike isn't sure exactly why he took this job. Maybe a haunted house based on Freddy's isn't exactly worth his time. That is, until he sees a familiar face during his shift.
Mike and Springtrap meet for the first time and it sucks lol. 3859 words, slight TW for references to child abuse/neglect and gore 👍
Read it on AO3!
Mike isn't really sure what he expected taking this job. Sure, a haunted house about Freddy's. Real respectful. It's probably not even going to help him get any evidence on his father. But the dude that hired him swore up and down they'd gotten "real authentic shit, y'know?" for the attraction. It's possible, he figures. Mike knows well enough about the teenagers that try to raid the closed Freddy's locations for proof the rumored murders really happened. He also knows well enough that if he hasn't been able to find any solid evidence yet, they definitely haven't. Maybe there isn't any evidence at all. Maybe he's just going crazy.
Sitting in the office now, Mike definitely feels crazy. This is a waste of time... The whole building feels like it's held together by glow-in-the-dark paint, duct tape, and good luck. The ventilation in here is awful. He can't go two seconds without something breaking. Night shifts are supposed to be easy, damn it.
What's worse, Mike finds himself hallucinating a lot more when he's here. When he complained about seeing stuff that wasn't actually there, his doctor handed him a slip of paper with a schizophrenia diagnosis and a prescription for antipsychotics. Mike brought the pills home, but didn't last long actually taking them. He knows whatever he's got, it's not a disorder. It's from that damn gas his dad used to love messing with when he was a kid. He'd inhaled enough of that garbage to probably give him permanent brain damage, he figures. And the stuffiness of this office often makes Mike feel like he's back home, breathing it in again. Whatever it is, his doctor wouldn't be happy about it.
Mike sighs, eyeing the new cassette left on his desk, labeled "Tuesday." His employers are way too committed to the retro thing– they can just call him or talk to him in person. Surely this is more work than it's worth, right? Whatever. He pops it into the player and hits play.
"Hey man– okay, I have some awesome news for you!" His employer's voice begins. "First of all, we found some vintage audio training cassettes. Dude, these are like pre-historic! I think they were, like, training tapes for, like, other employees or something like that. So I thought we could, like, have them playing, like, over the speakers as people walk through the attraction. Dude, that’d make this feel legit man." Mike groans. He isn't sure what's more annoying, this guy's voice, or the prospect of having to listen to Freddy's training tapes every night on loop.
"But," the voice continues, "I have an even better surprise for you, and you’re not gonna believe this! We found one. A real one." Mike furrows his brow hearing this. A real... what? There's no way it's what he thinks it is.
"Uhh, gotta go man. Look, i-it’s in there somewhere, I’m sure you’ll see it. Okay, I’ll leave you with some of this great audio that I found. Talk to you later man!" The casette goes quiet for a moment before a new track starts playing, one of the training tapes in question.
"Welcome to your new career as a performer-slash-entertainer for Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. These tapes will provide you wi–" Mike stops the tape. He's not interested.
"What the fuck do you mean, 'a real one'?" He mutters to himself. He looks to the security monitor to his right. Everything looks exactly the same as it did yesterday and last week. Mike switches between cameras quickly but deliberately, scanning each room for discrepancies. There's no way they found a real animatronic, right? There's no way. They were all dismantled and scrapped. Mike knows they're haunted, or at least were at some point. Maybe if he can just find it on the cameras, he can assess if it's actually going to be a danger to him.
He clicks over to the last camera, eyes flicking around the screen. Nothing's different. Maybe he's freaking out over nothing.
But right as he clicks back to the start, Mike sees something move in the bottom left corner of the screen.
He clicks back over.
If there was anything, it's gone. And he's not sure there ever was anything. Maybe he's going crazy. Maybe he's just crazy. That'd be the most reassuring thing to learn, he figures.
Mike realizes his heart's beating at a mile a minute right now. He leans back in his chair, trying to breathe slower. He's just hallucinating, he tells himself. It's fine. He's fine. The panel to his left beeps, signaling the ventilation needs to be reset. See? He's just freaking out. He turns his attention to the panel, waiting the seconds it takes to reset the ventilation.
It doesn't take him long after this to settle back into the routine he's found in the few days since he started this job. Check the cameras idly, get spooked by something that isn't actually there, fix something that inevitably broke, repeat. He continues like this for about an hour, still somewhat puzzled by what he was told on the tape. Maybe he wasn't even referring to an animatronic– it could be anything, really. And these cameras are so grainy, it's not hard to miss something small.
Mike stares idly at the static on Camera 04, feeling like his mind is turning to fuzz, too. It definitely takes him too long to notice, but... there, on the left side of the screen. A pinprick of light that Mike knows for sure doesn't belong. Is that... an eye? It's dark, but he swears he can make out the right half of a head surrounding it. He blinks a few times, unsure if he's making it up, but the half-hidden face remains. And it looks like it's looking at him.
The panel beeps at him. Mike doesn't want to look away, but he does, resetting the ventilation once again. When he gets the chance to look back again, the face is gone.
"Sssshit," he hisses. "Shit. Shit." He clicks through the cameras again, trying to find the thing in here with him. It's too dark to recognize it easily, but the shape of the head seemed like an older mold. Even then, he's not really sure. He just wants to see it again. But there's nothing on the cameras that looks like it. He sighs, sitting back in his chair to refresh his eyes.
When he looks up at the window to his office, the animatronic is there. Staring at him.
Mike's blood runs so cold it damn near freezes over. He's paralyzed– all he can do is stare back. He recognizes this animatronic, or at least he thinks he does. It's so worn down now, but... it's Springbonnie. How could he ever forget Springbonnie...? His father's favorite.
The rabbit moves. It shifts its weight, then slowly starts to shamble to the left of the window. Mike doesn't know what to do– it's not like he's got a door to shut on the thing. He watches it appear in the doorway, using a hand to brace itself on the frame. It struggles to move, not unlike how Mike's seen the haunted animatronics move, but this feels different. It's not bound by its mechanics. But... the only way it'd move organically like this is if someone was inside.
Even if he's just being fucked with, he's not about to gamble on it. He'd much rather get laughed at for falling for it. He grabs a screwdriver from his desk, just in case he needs to defend himself against it. He presses himself up against the back of the chair he's in as the creature gets even closer, far too close. Like it's curious about him, too. It smells awful– like death and mold. From here, Mike can see clearly that it's not in costume mode. Tears and rips in the fabric expose its mech, which he wouldn't be able to see if it was in walk-around mode. He isn't sure what he's dealing with, but his heart is pounding so hard he's sure it can hear the sound too.
The rabbit puts its face mere inches from Mike's, and makes an odd noise, somewhere between a wheeze and a moan. Mike grips the armrests of his chair tightly, certain he's moments from death.
Then, with another wheeze, "...M... Michael," it says in his father's voice.
Mike doesn't wait for anything else to happen. Almost automatically, he springs out of his chair, pushing the thing over, and bolts for the door. He doesn't care what it is. It's not a hallucination. It's not an animatronic. It can't be his father. Please, don't let this be his father. It won't matter if he can just get out of here. Leave and never come back.
Mike hears the thud of footsteps behind him, still somewhat slow but much faster than before. He doesn't dare look back at it.
He refuses to lose speed as he whips around a corner, but he doesn't look where he's going– he crashes into a prop mannequin, bringing both tumbling to the floor. Mike scrambles to stand again, but he's not fast enough. The rabbit has caught up to him. He tries to take off again, but it grabs him by the wrist with an iron, mechanical grip. Mike strains against it, frantic, like a trapped animal, to no avail.
"Calm... down," the rabbit says sternly.
"No! No, you– You're not real!" Mike shouts, still struggling to escape.
"You're being...!" The rabbit stops to cough and wheeze some more, but the grasp he holds on Mike is unwavering. "Y– You're being ridiculous," he says finally.
"N- no, you–" Mike pulls again, and the rabbit presses his mechanical claws into his arm, just enough to hurt. Only now does he remember he's still holding the screwdriver. He swings it at the rabbit, unsure which parts of him are flesh over metal. He gets lucky, the metal tip landing in his upper arm and hurting him enough to let go of Mike. Mike takes this chance to tackle the rabbit, pinning him to the floor and wielding the screwdriver over him.
"You–!" The rabbit says. "Y– you won't kill me."
"Oh yeah? Give me one good reason I shouldn't stab you in the fucking throat right now!" Mike says, though the way he's trembling betrays his attempt at sounding menacing.
"Language," the rabbit says. "You won't kill me, b- because... I have information. I have... the answers you've been looking for." The way he speaks is labored. His voice is raw and tired, like he hasn't used it in ages, and he sounds continually out of breath. He sounds pained... Mike knows he's weaker now. Mike knows it would be easy to kill him in this state. But he also knows he's right. Everything Mike has been working toward has been for this– for information like this. Information enough to convict his father for the murders he knows he committed. Could they even convict him looking like this...?
"What happened to you?" Mike asks. That's never been what he'd envisioned asking his father.
"Take me back to your office," he says. "I'll talk there."
Mike's suspicious, but... an interrogation while he's still got him pinned to the floor isn't exactly comfortable for either of them. "Fine," he says, moving off of him. "You walk ahead of me."
"Scared?" the rabbit asks, a teasing tone in his voice. Mike doesn't grace it with a response. He watches him stand, then start to move back toward the office. He walks with a limp. Mike studies him from the back, trying to parse what's come of him. It's hard to tell where exactly the man ends and the machine begins. His hands and feet seem metal, but between the crossbeams and wires he can see in the torso, there's what looks like flesh inside. Old, rotted, disgusting flesh, but flesh nonetheless.
They re-enter his office, and Mike sits down in his chair. The rabbit finds a place to sit on the desk. Mike doesn't move his eyes from him for a second.
"What happened to you?" He asks again.
"I had a... lapse of judgement," his father says. "I couldn't get my mind off the old place... the pizzeria. I had left it standing all those years... I wanted to go back. Put... put an end to everything. I meant to dismantle the– the animatronics." Mike isn't sure how much of this is truth, but he lets him continue.
"This... old thing," he says, looking down at himself. "I'd almost forgotten about it. I just wanted to... put it on again. Old time's sake." He chuckles, it sounding just as terrible as the rest of him. "I'd forgotten safety protocol. It was old... wet, moldy."
"You–" Mike hadn't wanted to believe he'd springlocked himself, but that's exactly what he's telling him, isn't it?
"I know," he says. "What a fool I was."
"You didn't," Mike says. "There's no way."
"I did," he insists. "What would I gain from... lying to you about this?"
There's usually something– even if Mike doesn't know what it is. Regardless of how it happened, though, it's undeniable what's happened to begin with. He definitely got springlocked, whether by his own hand or someone else's. And these things usually were mistakes. He just never thought he'd... be so stupid about it. If anyone would remember how to avoid a gruesome death in one of those suits, it should be his father. What could've caused him to forget? There's something he's keeping from him, he's sure of it.
"If you were springlocked, you'd be dead," he says finally.
"But I'm still here," William says.
The rabbit shifts in place, as if he's considering whether to tell Mike this. "I found it," he tells him. "The secret to eternal life."
"Bullshit," Mike blurts.
"Language," William says. "Don't act like... you don't want to know."
"Just tell me."
William sighs. "I call it Remnant," he says. "It's... a lot of explanation. It can bind a soul to metal. It can..." He tries to laugh again, doing slightly better this time. "...It can make a man immortal, Michael."
"Is that what you'd call yourself?"
"No," he says. "It's what I almost was. I had... been building up enough, still. But what was in me already was enough... enough to save me when this happened."
Mike studies him a moment longer before finally asking. "How much of you is even human anymore?"
William seems to ponder this for a moment before answering. "Does it matter much?" He responds. "I am more than human now. More than machine. I'm... something new. I am the two combined."
"But your body is still in there, isn't it?"
"I am not just the body. I am not just the suit. I'm not just the metal. I'm it all, Michael. All of it." He seems proud of this, proud of the monster he's become. At least he's finally got a look to match him.
"...All because of this Remnant stuff," Mike mutters. He wonders if, somehow, that's the reason the animatronics were haunted, too. Remnant kept their souls there. But how would he have made that happen? How long has been working on this?
"Last time I saw you, Michael, you were..." William trails off.
"I was seventeen," Mike finishes. His father had just disappeared one day. He was known to do that when Mike was younger– usually because he was out somewhere drinking. Some nights he'd come home late, or just not at all. But when the days began to pass without him, Mike left completely alone in the house... What else was he supposed to do?
"And now, how old are you?"
"...Fifty-two," Mike says. Thirty-five years had passed since they'd seen each other. After this long, Mike had begun to hope he'd just find his father dead. In a way, he has, he figures.
"Mm." William stares at him, and now Mike feels like he's the one being studied. "It's... been quite some time," he says. "You've grown up well."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Mike says.
"It means exactly what it seems it means," William says, a touch annoyed. Then, calming down again, "You're resilient. You're tough. You aren't a coward. Otherwise... you wouldn't be here. Would you?"
Mike says nothing.
"I raised you with the hope of you... becoming strong," he continues. "That, when life knocks you down, you don't stay down. I believe you're... Well, correct me if I'm wrong."
Mike doesn't know what he wants him to say. He glances the rabbit suit up and down, as if that'll somehow give him an answer. He's not going to "admit" to how great his father says he is, because it's clearly leading toward something. Going with it would just be walking directly into whatever trap he's planted. But denying it is an even more obvious fail-state.
"...Cat have your tongue, Michael?"
"No," Mike says finally. "What do you want?"
"What makes you think I... want something from you?" William asks.
"Why else would you be talking to me?" Mike says.
"Do you think I... I– I hold any sort of power like this?" William insists. "Look at me, Michael."
Mike's been looking at him. "You look awful," he says quietly.
"I've been down there for over thirty years," he says. "I lost the ability to track time. All I could... do was wait. Finally someone found me."
"To make a mockery of you." Mike can't stop himself from saying it. He rests an elbow on an armrest and uses his hand to cover his mouth, hiding the smile he also can't stop himself from.
William sighs. "It's... unfortunate. Yes."
Mike's never seen him look... dejected before. Not that he's exactly looking at his father right now, anyway. But still, as much as Mike hates to admit it, he looks genuine. Maybe he really is weaker like this.
"...Did it hurt?" Mike asks him.
The rabbit slowly lifts its head to Mike. "It still hurts," he admits. "This... is not the body I had planned to spend eternity in."
"So you are immortal," Mike says.
"I don't know the limits of it. But I went thirty years without food, water, much sleep... must count for something. I don't think I age... but there's not much way to tell."
Mike's weighing the possibility of killing him. He didn't seem that afraid of death when he'd been threatening him– but that doesn't necessarily mean he can't be killed. It just means he doesn't fear it. Mike still has half a mind to set this whole dump on fire with his father inside. It'd be so easy... electrical fires nearly start every night here anyway. He could let everything burn and rest with the knowledge that nothing inside would survive.
If he knew his father would die, at least.
"...Michael," William says, the silence between them too long now. "I... I've had time to sit with my regrets. There's more I wish I could have done... More I still need to do. I can't like this."
"Whatever it is, you can get it out of your system here," Mike says. He's expecting him to give some bullshit non-apology for the kind of father he was. Being touchy-feely one time, decades after he'd just disappeared one night, is never going to fix it. But Mike will let him say it, at the very least. It's not like it'll matter.
"I can't do it here," William says. "She's not here."
"Elizabeth," he tells him. "I still have to... go back for her."
Mike remembers the day Elizabeth died. Even now, he can easily recall the sight of her remains pouring out of Circus Baby's chest... the blood, the gore, the smell. The way he'd felt his whole body freeze over at the sight of it. The way his father had tried to save her, even thought it was clear she had long passed that point. The way he'd cried... the way both of them had cried. He could never forget losing her. Then... how could he talk about her like she's still alive?
"Where... where is she?" He asks, cautiously.
"Circus Baby's," William says.
Mike shakes his head. "She can't be." He'd visited the place again years ago, though still years after the incident. He had wanted to find Circus Baby there, thinking his sister might be possessing the robot– but the place was devoid of animatronics.
"Not the restaurant. She's in storage," William says. "The rental company... Only I ever knew where the storage was." He leans in toward Mike, as if they aren't the only two people here. "It's under the house. Always has been."
The rabbit nods. "Our home," he says.
Mike had returned there too, years ago. He'd never thought, in a million years, that there'd be anything more than bad memories there. He'd never thought he'd have passed over something so important... so close, and yet so far from seeing his sister again– even if she wasn't quite herself.
"I can show you how to get there," William tells him. "I need you to do it, Michael. You're the only one who could."
"Wh– why me?"
"You're family," he says. "You're the only one I trust."
Mike feels something deep inside him stir upon hearing that. He exhales.
"Is she...?" He starts. "Is she... in Baby?"
"She must be," William says. "You need to find her. You need to set her free."
Set her free... It's something Mike's been trying to do with the other possessed animatronics for years. Put their souls to rest. But they've all been so... uncooperative. Animalistic. Maybe their programming had interfered with their true personalities. He should expect it to be the same with Elizabeth, then, but... She's family. She would have to recognize him eventually. That's why he has to be the one to do it, isn't it? She wouldn't trust anyone else. She needs him.
"I..." Mike feels that same deep ache inside him. He misses her, he realizes. He's missed her terribly. And now, he can see her again– and save her. "...I'll do it," he says finally. "Show me how to find her."
The rabbit finally leans back again, laughing. "Good," he says. "Don't let me down, Michael."
"I... I wont." Mike isn't sure this is the right choice to make. He can't shake the feeling he's being pulled into something bigger than him. But how could his father have planned something for this long if he's been stuck in this state for thirty years? And how could he miss his only chance to see his sister again– especially knowing that she's been just as stuck for just as long? How could he not want to help her?
He still wants to burn this place down with his father inside. He will soon, he tells himself. Once he saves Elizabeth, then he can come back here, and put an end to everything.
He just hopes he'll make it back here at all.
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larcenywrites · 2 years
Work Sucks
young!Tony Stark x Reader
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Warnings: comfort/fluff | mild swearing |
Summary: The harshness of life starts catching up after having it easy for so long when a young Tony Stark is suddenly thrust into the position of CEO. Luckily, he still has you around to pick him back up.
Word Count: 1.5K
"Tony, you're going to be late," you sang to him as you walked past his bedroom that you now shared, hurrying to get a start on your own errands for the morning. You barely caught his groggy groan in protest, but you didn't have time to drag him out of bed this morning. It wasn't unusual for him to stay in bed until he only had about ten minutes to get ready, but he always managed to pull through. 
That is, until you came back home a couple of hours later with his car still sitting in the garage. A few minutes late was normal, but never a few hours. You weren't sure what to be worried about first, but you definitely weren't going to let his pesky COO, Obadiah Stane, get to him first. You hastily made your way back to the bedroom.
And there he was, right where you had left him earlier this morning. Except he was sitting up, halfway out of the covers, and staring at you like he'd just been caught red-handed. He probably thought you were going to be gone for longer, and was going to use that time to lounge around before making an escape right before you got back. You'd never think anything of it and you never would've known! If it had worked out, that is. 
Normally you wouldn't care if he wanted to be late or skip, but he was a very important person now. And you were more worried about him getting chewed out for the fifth time this month (that you knew of) by that same COO you were talking about earlier, or worried that something was wrong. You were cautious with the framing of your next question. 
"Tony, are you feeling okay?" You were genuinely worried, but he saw through to your real question of: why aren't you at work? That alert look on his face drooped into defeat. 
"I don't wanna go," he mumbled tiredly, laying back into his original spot and curling into the sheets, back turned to you. "Working sucks." How unfortunate that the man who'd never worked a day in his life became a CEO of all things practically overnight. The position wasn't as much fun, money, and power as those old assholes would like you to think, or maybe it was just because all his time was spent trying to learn decades of needed experience within months. It was a huge learning curve with plenty of intolerable mistakes, taxing late nights with unforgiving early mornings, and unfortunately, that pretty engineering degree didn't quite make up for his lack of business prowess. Who could blame him for not wanting to go? Well, besides Stane, of course. 
"Ready to quit already?" You half-heartedly joked. He didn't answer you. Odd, you thought. He loved to complain! And he loved to complain to you, more specifically. Usually in the hopes of getting you to stroke his victim card (among other things). But he wasn't. Instead, he was suffering in silence.
"What is it, love?" You kept your tone soft, kicking off your shoes and crawling over to him. He still wasn't budging, even when you snuggled your way into his neck and brought an arm around to play your fingers through those soft curls. You gently nudged him further. "What's going on in that pretty head?" 
There was a heavy sigh, one that seemed to take away all of that tension in his shoulders and let him relax against you. For a moment, you thought he was falling asleep. God knows he needed it. But the meek voice that finally piped up let you know otherwise. 
"I don't even know what I'm doing." 
"That's okay," you reassured him, ready to play support, but were quickly interrupted. 
"No, it's not," he spoke a little louder this time, tone laced with frustration and offended that you'd even imply that anything was okay. He pushed his face into the pillow in a type of fit, squirming against you to release some of that pent-up energy. You patiently stayed where you were. He really shouldn't have been expected to do so much so soon after the loss of his parents, and barely at the age of 21 at that. But the show must go on, or whatever they say. On top of that, he was hardly involved with the company to begin with; never listening to his father and never paying attention when he accompanied him places. So he really didn't know what he was doing, and Stane wasn't the most patient of mentors. So maybe things weren't okay, but-
"Dad was right," he finally said in defeat, pulling the blanket over his face. He didn't want you to look at him. "I'm a fuck-up."
"Oh, Tony, he never said that." You nearly pleaded it, sitting up a little and gently rubbing over his shoulder. This wasn't simply about his work life. 
"He didn't have to." He was lost somewhere he'd never really been, normally so unbothered and full of life. You'd never seen him look so dejected, not even after those always-heated arguments with his dad that… were always kinda sorta about him needing to get his act together. To get a plan. You could understand where this whole "fuck-up” narrative was coming from. It was something he didn't get to fix in time, and now he was struggling to pick up the pieces. So that was where you'd come in. 
"Well, my Tony is smart," you started, leaving a kiss to his temple before leaning over him. "And sweet." You carefully pulled at the sheet covering his face. He didn't try to stop you. "And he always finds a way to make things work." He was still half-buried in his pillow, staring at nothing, but it wasn't going to discourage you. 
"And I love him more than anything." He spared you a quick glance, looking up at you as if he'd never heard you say that before finding interest in the wall in front of him again. "And I'm proud of him for even trying." Those dark whiskey eyes stayed on you this time, hopeful and loved. You were probably the only person that had told him that in a long time. He almost smiled for a moment. 
"We have a lot to live up to," he whispered, the fear of having so much on his shoulders evident in his timid tone. 
"We?" You asked, a bit amused. 
"Well, I don't wanna do it alone," he said quietly, rolling onto his back while you loomed over him. You took the opportunity, making yourself comfortable on top of him and resting your cheek next to him on the pillow. 
"I'm with you every step of the way," you reminded him. You couldn't fight his battles for him or be a CEO, but there was some comfort in knowing you'd be here even on the bad days. He never did put that plan together that his dad kept telling him to get, but, at the very least, he knew you were a part of it. 
He stared at the ceiling with distant eyes, a trace of a smile on his lips. Your noses nearly touched when he turned to look at you. He looked so tired, but it didn't damper his always-loving gaze. 
Nor that familiar gleam of mischief in his eye. 
"Do you think I should grow a beard?" He wasn't back to normal, but you were still relieved at the silly question suddenly on his mind instead. You giggled, watching him bring a hand from under the covers to stroke along his jaw. "You'd look like a real CEO with one of those," you bantered.
"I don't look like one now?" He looked at you with that signature pout on his baby face, far younger than his other counterparts. 
"You'll get there," you quietly teased, bringing your hand to his cheek and smiling at how he looked a bit more peaceful this time when he closed his eyes. 
"But speaking of CEOs," you trailed off, feeling bad for breaking the peace when that frown came back with a whine behind it. "Can we just lay here for a little longer?" His eyes fluttering open stopped you from finishing that thought. How could you say no to those pleading eyes? And that sweet kiss to your palm that he only did because he knew it made you melt? You knew who'd be on your ass later even as you spoke it. "I can call in sick for you." 
He hummed in thought. 
"I might get yelled at again," he mumbled, rethinking the choice. Your heart ached at that. Honestly he's never gotten a break from being pulled into some spat or disagreement, and now everything he did was being scrutinized on an unforgiving level by people he's never even met. 
"I'll make sure you don't," you promised, pressing your lips to his without warning. You'd fought Stane off Tony's case before and you'd love to do it again! He started to chase after you when you pulled away, but was instead pulled into the space beneath your chin with arms tightly wrapped around him. It was the safest he'd felt in weeks or maybe months, shielded away from anything that could hurt him even if just for a moment. You were all he had left, but thank god it was you. 
Now maybe he could finally get some stress-free sleep with you smothering him. 
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mrhaitch · 2 months
HIHI Mr. Haitch! Two things before starting to request of thee: 1. Please start a convo with Haitch today and try to do the macarena while talking for as long as possible until she notices and says something(if you can give us a time it took for her to say something about it that would be great) and 2. Make sure to get some rest! I personally struggle alot with working too much or not working at all. So try to take some time to yourself! Without further ado here are our QUESTIONS:
Favourite fast food restaurant? And your order from there? (And Haitch’s order too)
Opinion on cheesecake? (I personally love certain types but I have a big no-no on Japanese cheesecake)
Is there anything weird or funny that your sons are afraid of?
FUN FACT: There is almost no chance for you to shuffle a deck the same way ever. The number of ways to shuffle a deck of cards is 52 factorial and ends up being huuuuge number so the chance that you shuffle a deck the exact same way twice is near impossible :)
Haitch is decidedly not in the mood for my shenanigans at the moment, so I'll have to skip the challenge. She also would've figured me out immediately.
1. There is a kebab place near here that sells baklava, and for that they have my heart.
2. Doner meat, chips, and salad with garlic sauce (and baklava, as you might have guessed). Haitch tends to go for a chicken burger and chips, fish and chips, or (on occasion) a smallish pizza.
3. I'm deep in a cheesecake obsession at the moment - preferably strawberry. The base has to be just on the edge of crisp, though.
4. There's a park near where Haitch's parents live that our oldest refuses to go to, because I told him it's haunted. Now - he loves spooky and creepy things, and he had been complaining the whole day about being out of the house. I told him it was haunted (it apparently is) because I thought he'd be excited - instead he tearfully begged me to never take him back several months later. I may never recover from the guilt.
5. I definitely remember hearing something about that.
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