#|| this applies to everyone tbh she shows interest
poptart-productions · 2 years
Crazy In Love
[eren jaeger boyfriend headcanons]
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pairing // eren jaeger x black! reader
content // y/n in their loner arc, some nsfw mostly fluff, stoner! eren, mechanic! eren, streamer/gamer! eren, swearing, spoilers for s4 bc there are some ppl who haven’t watched yet
a/n // been getting back into my aot obsession
applies to both modern and canon eren
this is more of a drabble than a one shot but if you want more of this au. . .shawty all you gotta do is ask
gender isn’t really mentioned but eren’s stream does call you mommy at one point, just ignore it otherwise
streamer! eren is in the works rn tbh
ੈ✩ | so modern/high school eren pre time skip is an absolute menace
ੈ✩ | he behaved for a week and then all that went out the window when jean said something under his breath
ੈ✩ | genuinely has anger issues, adhd, and depression—which he tends to show through unbridled rage
ੈ✩ | you’d be lying if you said he didn’t catch your eye; he was attractive and was in a trio when you ain’t even got one true friend. but he had three, and he didn’t seem to need or even want any more
ੈ✩ | that’s why it is so fucking hard to get close to this nigga; there were times he was such a dick to you for no reason—if it’s any consolation he feels like shit about that and ten times out of ten it never had anything to do with you
ੈ✩ | gremlin eren? gremlin eren
ੈ✩ | this nigga can never shut up, and while mikasa is the number one person who gets him to stop acting up, she gets ACTIVE when he’s in a losing fight
ੈ✩ | eventually he got in trouble so much that his ass got expelled, his father—after trying literally everything else, got him a medical marijuana card—mans said “bet” and never stopped since
ੈ✩ | OKAY NOW MODERN MANBUN EREN—in the time that he was gone, mikasa and armin took you under their wing, becoming your first real friends; and as they made you comfortable, you started coming into your own more
ੈ✩ | you’d heard about eren’s whereabouts, and knew they talked to him about you, but you always refused to talk to him when given the chance because there was a time where you GENUINELY thought he hated you
ੈ✩ | everyone on tumblr says he’s a stoner and i have no choice but to agree—like that’s why he’d be so mellowed out, and with no titans he’d be the coolest mf out there
ੈ✩ | then when mikasa found out you had a thing for him since freshmen year she finally gets the gang back together four years later—she 100% snitched and bro. . .you almost didn’t recognize him as he walked into the karaoke bar
ੈ✩ | he’d grown his hair out—he had just grown in general, shooting from 5’11 to 6’3, and he’s gotten some tattoos as well
ੈ✩ | your jaw went slack as you gaped at mikasa who only gave you knowing glance
ੈ✩ | not only that, but his voice has gotten an unbelievable amount of bass to it—you almost zoned out every-time it was his turn to sing
ੈ✩ | eren knows how short life is—and he goes after what he wants—he always has, but tbh younger eren never had romantic interest and for the longest time he was a closeted aromantic—getting off-topic but that changed as he grew and he asked you out immediately on a count of what i said before
ੈ✩ | guy is still aromantic but does experience love (though mostly platonic) for very few people,
ੈ✩ | because of that, his confession is the most genuine thing you’ve ever heard—“i didn’t realize it then, but i’d always felt different about you”
“you’re so precious, and sweet and kind—and you’re so fucking good to others, and i thought it was a prank or something when you tried to talk to me—but fuck, when mikasa told me you used to like me, i couldn’t miss the opportunity so i gotta ask. . .”
“would you go out with me?”—and coming from the dude you’ve been crushing on for years and being a person who no one has ever expressed romantic interest to over things you can’t control, you did in fact start crying
ੈ✩ | because he’s so hard to get close to, he’s had many pick-me’s try—even in his gremlin arc—thinking they was in a romance webtoon; jumping in while he was beating the shit out of whoever—“eren, look at me! this isn’t you!”
ੈ✩ | fuck your insecurities about that though because eren is literally the sweetest and most affirming person out there once you get to know him
ੈ✩ | surprisingly a hopeless romantic—only for you—he’s your biggest supporter and he simps so hard. your first date is a picnic, he asked jean—after he apologized and they formed a friendship—to help him throw together a little spread for you
ੈ✩ | he’s absolutely in love with you and will do anything for you
ੈ✩ | your race has so little bearing on your relationship but every once in a while he’ll randomly remember he’s got a melanated lover—and what new circumstances that brings
ੈ✩ | like when he’ll just a get a call a from you at three a.m and answers thinking he’s gonna get some ass and you just start crying
“babe i’ve been doing my hair since 10 p.m and it’s not even halfway done—and i’m so fucking tired but if i. . .” you sniffle, “if i go to sleep now i can’t go to class because my hair looks like shit”
“babe, what are you talking about, why is it—?”
he eventually comes over because he’s so confused as to what’s taking so long, but after he offered to help you and he made you cry even more he understood—nigga broke a sweat tryna wrangle that shit
y’all gave up and decided to miss out on class and tackle it in the morning; he helps you wrap it up and you guys—despite saying you were tired for an hour you could go to sleep so just watched coryxkenshin until the sun came up
ੈ✩ | he’s not only white, but he’s white-european he simply does not understand these things
ੈ✩ | but the fact that he makes an effort to understand your culture in the first place will literally make you cry sometimes—like you can visibly see him fighting his adhd so he can listen to you talk about your hair or what a ‘black card’ is and you always reward him with a kiss for listening to you
ੈ✩ | once he gets it though he’s hard chilling. you notice he started to use more aave; and he started paying for you to get your hair done bc he’s a trust fund kid, and he will always respect the amount of effort that goes into it. he’s also like, super into using aave and slang—he uses it more than you, and even knows the uncle ruckus joke despite NEVER watching boondocks in his life; he doesn’t think he’s black but. . .y’know. and it only gets worse when he meets your family
ੈ✩ | your mother LOVES him, and is constantly telling you that she wants him as her son-in-law, he’s repsectful, handsome, strong, and hard-working—she will literally never forgive you if you let him go
ੈ✩ | if it’s his first one he��s super jittery and nervous at first. but eren’s a super chill dude so if you have to leave him alone he’ll be cool with anyone
ੈ✩ | your uncles wanna sit in the driveway and pop a cold one? sign him up. your little cousins/siblings swear they can beat him in mario kart? they fucking wish, your aunts wanna sit and talk shit—he was doing that anyway—he’s a super friendly person and he gets along well with anyone
ੈ✩ | will literally film tiktoks with you at the family cookout despite hating having pictures or videos taken of him—he sees how happy you are so he doesn’t care
ੈ✩ | i feel like eren has a very physical job and streams part time for funsies. so yeah when he tells your family that he’s a mechanic when they ask they literally erupt
ੈ✩ | because he’s so hard-working, your aunts love him—constantly making him plates and taking care of him and such
ੈ✩ | and if you have any messy in-laws that try to talk shit or get with him he will deadass call them out
all those years of playing COD made his trash talk elite. . .shit. . .
“how you gon’ talk about my baby when your edges ain’t laid?”
“get your fucking teeth straight before you talk shit”
ੈ✩ | it’s the fact that he did not stop—like homegirl deadass was on the brink of tears and had to leave; nobody liked her anyway so he was good
ੈ✩ | jacked as fuck so just casually holds you down when he doesn’t want you to leave
ੈ✩ | demands kisses at all times; good morning kiss, goodnight kiss, hello kiss, good bye kiss, or just because you’re looking too damn fine
ੈ✩ | shows you off on stream.
“eren, baby—oh shit, are you streaming? my fault” your heart drops as you see yourself in the viewfinder, and you back out of the room—hiding yourself behind the door
“hang on guys—oh no babe, you’re fine”
you thought you had embarrassed him by pulling up in your pajamas but the chat was in love
you hesitantly inch closer as the chat continues to go wild
‘mommy? sorry, mommy?”
‘oh they fine alright”
“what did you wanna tell me?” he takes off his headset, giving you his undivided attention.
“i was gonna tell you to stop screaming”
“oh damn, you coulda kept that to yourself then” his face stiffened, half-heartedly and he turned back to the game
chuckling, you begin to walk away,
“wait~” he whines, “come here” his voice lowers as you walk toward him, already knowing what he was going to ask
you give him a kiss and pull away very quickly because you know eren too well
“i love you,” his whispers against your lips, “i love you too”
you say goodbye to his viewer and head out to continue your studies
“that’s my lover” you hear him state proudly as you closed the door
ੈ✩ | ngl, i feel like canon! eren pre-timeskip would mostly act the exact same
ੈ✩ | it’d be a little easier to win him over though. since you’re ‘different’ his curiosity draws him to you, and your perseverance and skill is something that’s warrants his respect
ੈ✩ | what’s that belief that life-threatening situations brings people together? that helps too
ੈ✩ | he starts off barely even saying two words to you and now you’ll both protect each other with your lives by the events of season two
ੈ✩ | LIKE JUST IMAGINE THE SCENE WHEN HE DISCOVERS HE HOLDS THE COORDINATE; like you and mikasa are not in good shape so he’s so determined to protect you—and you and mikasa have resigned to your fates but he’s like
“i’ll keep looking after you”
“now and forever, whenever you need me”
ੈ✩ | screaming crying and throwing up
ੈ✩ | or the scene where he takes back the wall in his titan form—and you immediately tackle him as soon as he’s comes staggering out of the nape,
“you did it eren!”
ੈ✩ | most def, especially after that scene from s3—his crush on you is very obvious—like let’s say you pushed mika out of the way and you got your ribs broken instead of her; when you guys make it to that little cabin, he’s literally putting in work to make sure you don’t have to move an inch—chopping firewood, helping make dinner, even volunteering to stand watch or staying up all night in case you need him—but of course you would still come out to check on him
“he’s like a hardworking husband and they’re his doting partner” historia would smile as she watched you two interact
ੈ✩ | eren would spend years pining for you without realizing it until the he almost lost you—be it to the titans or another man
ੈ✩ | he gets the help he needs to confess from the guys who screw him over—not entirely on purpose, but he ends up humiliating himself in front of you; the next day he’s avoiding you like he’s insane until you eventually just blurt out that you like him back
ੈ✩ | i lowkey feel like eren would be way too romantic or so lowkey people have no idea you’re dating—shit not even you knew for like a month
ੈ✩ | deadass, it took this nigga pulling up with a bouquet of flowers claiming it was for your anniversary and you just blinked at him
“are we not dating. . . ?”
ੈ✩ | pre time-skip eren is when he’s the most affectionate but even then he literally only pipes up when you’re in danger
ੈ✩ | you see a different side of him in his titan form—even though he doesn’t have the capacity for speech, his eyes tell you all you need to know.
ੈ✩ | he mellows out a lot because this is the only form he’s in where he feels like nothing can hurt you—he’s untouchable and so are you. so he’s generally a lot softer in this form
ੈ✩ | he’s like a big puppy, responding positively and humming when you scratch his head
ੈ✩ | if you don’t like saliva do NOT do missions with titan! eren. nigga literally just puts you in his mouth for cover when the spot gets too hot
ੈ✩ | and if you EVER get kidnapped for any reason eren is activating his titan form—even if the perpetrators are human he could not give a fuck—he’s already not a cautious person but he really do be wilding when it comes to you, that’s why levi tried to keep you separate before realizing that it only makes it worse.
ੈ✩ | now post time-skip canon! eren. . .bro ima be fr, that nigga is so confusing
ੈ✩ | like let’s say you didn’t know him prior and were just a jaegerist, it was genuinely so difficult to tell if he was just manipulating you or not
ੈ✩ | even when he swore up and down that he loves you—you couldn’t help but wonder if he was just saying that because he knew if you thought he cared about you, you’d be willing to do just about anything for him
ੈ✩ | now is that actually true. . . ?
ੈ✩ | but if you knew him since childhood he’s a lot easier to read, like you were just calling bullshit when he was gaslighting mikasa and armin in that one scene—even if he tried that on you, you were not having it
ੈ✩ | he’d gladly abandon everything for you if you caught the signs quick enough, but even after he already declared war on the marlyeans, he’d still give you many chances to save him
ੈ✩ | he’s the boy who sought freedom, but he finds solace in your presence and knowing you care for him. so if you tell him you love him he will deadass just take your hand and beg you to run away with him
ੈ✩ | if you say yes—which you will—bc c’mon now, he’ll build you two a little cottage up in the mountains and live the rest of his days with you, enjoying the simple life he’d always dreamed of with the person he loves more than anything
ੈ✩ | thinking about cottage au! eren rn AHHH
ੈ✩ | now if you decide to play the anarchy route i’m sure y’all will make a great terrorist power couple
y’all some real
💅 ✨ 💖 sassy shooters 💖✨💅
i don’t actually condone this but go off ig
ੈ✩ | also generally, he’s more a physical kinda guy, so don’t feel awkward about sitting on his lap while he’s meeting with volunteers and fellow jaegerists
ੈ✩ | sometimes, you wake up to him crying quietly beside you and you always scoot over and start spooning him
ੈ✩ | every once in awhile he’ll say things that remind you of the old eren, and it makes you wanna cry every time
ੈ✩ | you still love him though, and are willing to wait for him to come around
ੈ✩ | if you die in the war though, it’s up. he’s gonna keep going forward and won’t stop until he’s dead
ੈ✩ | he loves you so much, good god you’re so heavenly
alright people NSFW time so head out if you’re not interested
ੈ✩ | so modern eren! remember how i said he was a mechanic? somehow whenever he comes home, one of you is always frustrated. like imagine you were already missing him, and he gets home and his shirt is off, his skin is glowing and hes got oil smudges painting random patches of his coveralls
“eren—“ you very loudly gulp; you had just wanted to greet your loving boyfriend with his favorite snack but when you saw him in all his glory you really couldn’t help it
ੈ✩ | eren literally always knows when you want something from him; whether it’s because he’s good at detecting it, or you’re just bad at hiding it is up for debate but he clocks you either way
ੈ✩ | but eren, being the cheeky bastard he is, makes you say it. being shy isn’t very fruitful when it comes to him
ੈ✩ | now if he’s the horny one, it’s on fucking sight yo—and there’s no running away, the longer he’s away from you, the more frustrated he becomes
“ah—! eren,” you’re preparing dinner one minute and being bent over the counter the next “—need you” he whines
ੈ✩ | yeah, mans gets v whiny when he’s desperate for it
ੈ✩ | no if ands or buts about it, eren jaeger is a nasty man—regardless of what universe he’s in
ੈ✩ | into spit, vouyerism, and all the other dirty and nasty ass shit
ੈ✩ | into anal anything—even on himself, like if you sneak down to give him a rim job while giving oral he will become so whiny
ੈ✩ | will let you peg or finger him if you’ve got the guts to dom him
ੈ✩ | his moans are something else bro
ੈ✩ | HE’S SO AFFIRMING; “go ahead baby, you can ride” “don’t be shy look at me—pretty eyes on me, on me” “fuck yes, make yourself feel good on my cock” “fuck, you’re perfect”
“i love you so much”
“fuck, are you okay? yeah? okay, gonna move”
ੈ✩ | fuck, he loves mirror sex
ੈ✩ | he’ll let you ride for as long as you want sweetheart, and when you inevitably get tired he’ll buck his hips into yours, laying you down before shifting so he could thrust up more comfortably
ੈ✩ | you don’t notice, but he pays a lot of attention to what he’s doing during sex and will constantly look up to catch your reactions when he makes a strategic change of angles as he blows your back out
ੈ✩ | so yeah he knows your body like the back of his hand
ੈ✩ | SPEAKING OF WHICH, HIS HANDS BRO OML, HE HAS THE PRETTIEST FUCKING HANDS, like they’re calloused but slender and long with a pink hue dusted over his knuckles
ੈ✩ | he would rock you on his fingers while he’s gaming because you were lonely. and because you were so good he fucks you after
ੈ✩ | so canon! eren. . .bro first of all, whoever called eren’s titan form hot. get out, bc like i’m a closeted monsterfucker but how would it work? homeboy ain’t got no lips, no dick—and even if he did it’d literally kill you.
ੈ✩ | the only thing i could think of is him covering you with his tongue or you rubbing against one of his fingers
ੈ✩ | he lets out a lot of aggression on you; sometimes he’ll even cry against you—mans just gets really emotional when he can see your face
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lalaloobzy · 7 months
Random aspec fictional character HCs
Matthew Cuthbert (Anne With an E)
Asexual + aromantic
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Lived his whole life unmarried like his sister but, unlike Marilla, never had any relationships in the past. Doesn't reciprocate Jeannie's feelings and tells her his love for his adopted daughter (Anne) is the only love he has room for. Was TERRIFIED when Anne tried to set him up with Jeannie.
*(this is specific to AWAE but I think it can apply to book Matthew as well)
Selah Summers (Selah and the Spades)
Asexual + aromantic
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Tbh this one might be canon (or at least heavily implied). Never has been in a relationship. Admits to Paloma that she's just never been interested in anyone in a romantic or sexual way.
Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)
Asexual + aromantic
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Just doesn't seem remotely interested in romance or sex. Gets grossed out/ annoyed when people kiss in front of him.
*(this is specific to the anime, idk about the manga or live action adaptation)
**(I am not caught up on the anime, this may turn out to be incorrect)
Willie Jack Sampson (Reservation Dogs)
Asexual + aromantic
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Never had a love interest or showed attraction in the show (to the best of my knowledge. If she did, I missed it). Also, THIS OUTFIT SPECIFICALLY. Her hoodie is aroace colors and her socks look like a mix of the asexual flag and the aromantic flag.
Lucy Wells (Harlots)
Grey asexual/ greysexual (+possibly aromantic? Maybe demiromantic? I haven't decided yet)
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Born into prostitution but HATES sex. Avoids it as much as she can and by the last season finds a way to do her job without having to have sex. The reason I said grey ace is because she DOES seem sexually attracted to Fallon after some time of being with him (I think? I was a little confused about how she felt tbh).
Birdy (Birdy)
Asexual + demiromantic
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Everyone in his life thinks it's weird that he's so interested in birds and not girls. Admits to Al he doesn't see the appeal of sex at all. Very reluctant to go to prom with Doris and had no idea what to do when she parked the car and offered him sex. I can see him developing romantic feelings after close friendship (like with Al) which is why I think he's demiromantic.
Bilbo AND Frodo Baggins (The Hobbit/ The Lord of the Rings)
Both asexual (+ maybe demiromantic, though I can also see Bilbo as aro)
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Both remained bachelors all their lives. Bilbo lived alone and later with Frodo who was like an adopted son. Frodo lives for a long time with Sam and Sam's wife Rosie. I personally think that Sam and Frodo are in a romantic relationship, while Sam and Rosie are in a sexual relationship. Frodo seems content with this arrangement which is why I believe he's ace.
Ted Buckland (Scrubs)
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Simply because of the part where Carla says "I don't want any MAN filming me giving birth unless he's completely asexual" and then Ted walks in with a camera and Carla smiles and says "oh hi Ted!". (I think this was a poorly-aged joke about him being "ugly" more than anything but I'm still claiming it). Also when he sings the duet with Gooch and Gooch says "I want to screw you" while Ted says "I want to kiss you.
Fabian Rutter (House of Anubis)
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He's nerdy and into space (I know this is a stereotype but representation is scarce I take anything I can get... you get it right). Also his relationship with Nina is very innocent and I can't see him developing sexual attraction even when he becomes an adult.
Dirk Gently and Bart Curlish (Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency)
Dirk- Asexual
Bart- Aromantic
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Neither of them have love interests in the show (although Bart/Ken may have been implied) so this is just how I felt about the characters personally. I think Dirk definitely had a crush on Todd and is gay but I don't think he gets sexual attraction. Bart is the opposite. I can see her developing sexual attractions and feelings but being repulsed by kissing/ dating etc.
*(this is specific to DGHDA, idk about any other versions of these characters)
Anybody feel free to add thoughts and your personal aspec character hcs <3
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rainy-astrology · 10 months
TWICE Sana Birthchart Analysis
Based on my opinion and observations. Not an expert. May change later.
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December 29th, 1996
Osaka, Japan
Unknown time (if there's a confirmed time, pls let me know)
Sun in Capricorn tends to be a bit reserved and practical. Always working towards success, goal oriented and never gives up easily. However this could also lead to stubborness.
Leo moon is an expressive and creative moon sign - they never hide their feelings and are not shy to express their true emotions. Sana rarely hides anything on her face, she always shows what she's feeling.
Capricorn and Leo combo makes for a playful yet also serious and determined individual. Cap's humor is seriously underrated and is even funnier with the addition of Leo's jokester side. Charismatic and affectionate, able to charm almost everyone. Seems to be aware of her image and always tries to present herself in a good way (may be a way to obtain control and power as well)
Both signs are quite ambitious, so it explains Sana's discipline and work ethic (e.g studying very hard on Korean; even native speakers acknowledge how well spoken she is). Especially with her Mars Virgo (a workaholic Mars), Sana is not a slacker at all and takes all of her responsibilities seriously. She knows what she wants and will work hard for it. Nothing breaks an earth sun and mars determination tbh.
Sun and moon combo is also quite innovative and Sana has come up with interesting solutions to problems before.
Virgo Mars and Capricorn Jupiter trines so that solidifies her hardworking nature; she's smart and knows how to apply her best skills and efforts to achieve her goals.
Some possibility of issues with frustration and anger, needing to learn how to express it healthily. Honestly though, I think it's just a Capricorn thing to have anger issues in general lol
May experience a lot of tough obstacles in her life, which tests yet builds her strength and character. Sana seems quite self critical and has high standards for herself and everyone, so when those expectations aren't met, she can be very intense about it.
However though, she still likes to be energetic and fun; she wants a nice and comfortable atmosphere. I don't think she is comfortable with her intense feelings much.
Venus in Sagittarius can make her drawn to adventurous and curious people. Her moon and venus trine, which could explain her very affectionate and warm nature.
Capricorn stellium (sun, mercury, and jupiter) enhances her Capricorn traits. Sana prefers to have structure and organization in her life (or tries to be; i know she is a bit clumsy and loses things sometimes lol), at least has an organized approach to her work. Success and achievement are one of her top priorities. She can take charge when necessary and stand her ground in times of conflict. This also makes her deeply caring of loved ones - Capricorns care a lot about close ones and show their love by being a protector and provider for them.
Possible rising/ascendant: Leo. Sana is just so bright and energetic, she radiates warmth like the Sun. She's so friendly and kind and people are drawn to her as Leo risings are just so naturally eye catching. As for her placements, her sun could be in 6th house, along with mercury and jupiter...Venus in 5th suits her I think (artsy, energetic, passionate)... Saturn in 9th would go along with the overall need of structure and discipline Sana has already.
Other analysis:
MBTI | Enneagram
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fuckmeyer · 7 months
random! but I absolutely love your interpretation of Bella and Edward and was wondering what you think Bella would gift Edward for his birthday — i know she gifts him her visions as a vampire and compiles them in a lil montage, but I'm more interested in what you think she'd opt for left to her mere human talents
aw, thank you, anon! glad you like my interpretation of Bella & Edward. love your question. tricky! what do you get the rich century-old vampire for a celebration he typically ignores? the perfect gift requires a fundamental understanding of who this man is, what he wants, & what he needs.
i think (& believe this applies to canon too)...
Edward has a contradiction within him that leads to his suffering. he reads others' minds; no one can do the same, yet he hears everyone's judgments about him. most are projections, but what they all instinctively know is also what he fears: he's a monster. this skews his perception of himself because it "confirms" what he "knows." being a monster makes him inherently bad. selfish. cruel. violent. unworthy. soulless. his opinion isn't all negative: he knows he's curious, intelligent, musical, etc., but these traits all stem from or are influenced by his vampirism...meaning all his positive traits are shadowed by his "evilness"
by virtue of trying to be a better person, some part of him knows this is not who he truly is. deep down, he wants to be seen— the parts of him he's forgotten, denied, or ignored but exist nonetheless. he wants to be seen as good. worthy. deserving. human. lovable. soulful. he wants someone to see the suffering, the contradiction. he wants someone to see he's lonely. that his needs aren't met. that he's misunderstood.
part of why he's drawn to Bella is her "goodness" &, more importantly, her silent mind. not only does she draw the best out of him, but he can't see the worst of himself through her eyes. as annoying as he says it is, being blocked from her mind is a relief.
which leads us to another thing Edward wants: Edward wants to see Bella's mind. canon Bella kinda understands this by the end with the lil vampire montage, but as a human, she lacks self confidence & self awareness to understand Edward truly is interested in knowing her.
ok, so say she has more self-confidence & enough self-awareness & knows Edward well enough to understand what he wants and needs... here's how the birthday goes:
she would take him someplace where he can't hear anyone's thoughts (e.g. the meadow, but tbh it'd be fun if she took him someplace he's never been. he can enjoy the surprise & mystery.)
she would plan activities he's typically excluded from. e.g., a game of chess/cards, maybe a picnic (even if he can't eat, he can enjoy a human experience)
she would wear an outfit he loves on her (NO green sweater. sorry folks)
she might make a mixtape of songs she loved as a child & details the memories behind them, OR a mixtape of songs from their relationship showcasing her favorite memories together. i.e., giving him a peek into her mind through something they have in common
fucking CUTE ASS HOMEMADE CARD drawn/painted by her. if she was brave, all her mushy feelings she would never say out loud would go into this (or in an accompanying letter). i could also see her making a collage: she would cut out quotes about love from his favorite books, put in some pressed flowers he's given her, maybe mementos from their time together (ticket stubs, fave lyrics, scraps from their Bio homework with their flirty notes written in the margins, photos, etc). if she journals, maybe she cuts out some sections where she's writing about him. something that shows him that, just as he's grateful for every second of their time together, she values that time just as much
straight up she might ask him if there's anything he wants to do with her. if he wants to take her to a bookstore or record store & drop a cool thousand on her, she will grin & bear it. if he wants to slowdance with her for hours, great. if he wants her to go to Mike Newton's & kick him in the balls...well, maybe they can compromise & egg his house or sth
ok this idea won't leave my brain so here ya go: taking a favorite date of theirs but making it totally solo. thinking particularly of going to the drive-in theater. except instead of going to the drive-in, she would roll that Chevy out to the woods, there's a projector & screen all set up, the truckbed is filled with blankets & pillows & snacks, & they watch his favorite movie together
she would touch him. not sexually because that would put him on edge. but she would play with his hair & rub his back & touch his skin & cuddle & hold his hand etc., because LORD KNOWS this man is touch-starved after decades of being alone & this lack of contact has contributed to his low self esteem
ultimately, she would give him what he wants (her) while showing him that she understands what he needs (to be seen). THAT, to me, would be the ultimate gift for the man who seemingly has everything.
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regaliasonata · 6 months
Character ask Dustin!!
Character Ask: Dustin Brooks
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First Impression
-Most likely a goofball, doesn't know how to frown since that would make him literally sick. Probably the weakest but most versatile person on the team ao he's hard to kill.
How I Feel About The Character/Impression Now
-Love him honestly, would like to meet him or even be friends tbh, one of the strongest members and has a major thing for guys.
Favorite Moment
-Witnessing the Beevil situation and him just decimating the situation with the new mode for his ninja sword.
Idea For A Story
-an ambitious child of a space royal that can control all aspects of earth such as meteors, stars and even summoning beetles.
-Hunter/Dustin like have you met me 😏, Also pretty much anyone on the team can be placed with him tbh because the rangers got major chemistry.
-Conner/Dustin as I see that really having a bunch of potential(look we've all established Dustin's one of the most strongest rangers via brute strength so him being able to lift Conner like he's nothing is just peak requirements solved for red😭)
-Entire Ninja Storm team, no explanation needed.
-Dustin/Leo/Cole/Jarrod/Flynn/Adam, lion rangers are either hanging out on the weekends or causing a ruckus out in the open. Cole and Leo are Dustin's favorite for reasons, inner fan boy crushing from seeing rangers on TV as a kid.
-Marah/Dustin, I could see then actually becoming friends after the season but it would take a long process before then, though they would make a nice duo.
Unpopular Opinion
-Had ATLA released in the 90s I'd bet Dustin would be basing all his arsenal on Toph, maybe it's just me wanting to see civilian powers again but I hope he makes a return just to show off this lost creativity of non ranger powers that we had from Ninja Storm to Mystic Force.
One thing I wish would/had happened in the show
-Should've kissed a guy or had a power up of his own, well second part applies to all team members.
-idk why but the idea of an Evil Dustin via Lothor(like that one episode) as an arc would be interesting, actually cement how crazy the earth element can get with the right practice, from growing plants, controlling heated crust, explosions etc.
-No doubt about it Dustin can identity as Bi, Trans, Gay, Pan. No way that dude is straight cause he pretty much loves everyone.
-He lives happily in bliss but again it does lead to his downfall cause how can Dustin tell when someone is being rude to him, though being sad or angry leads to a lot of emotions coming out.
-He sometimes grows a little stubble for a beard and on his chest, low and behold the day he wears a v-neck out Hunter has to stop other students from charging at Dustin and dude is just unaware of it. This combo plus a flip of his curly locks and everyone around just falls over.
-While they like him the yellow rangers except for Kelsey, Chip and Katie banned him from being in group chats because he doesn't know WHEN TO STOP SPAMMIMG SHIT LATE IN THE NIGHT. Taylor would throw fried bird legs at his window for two weeks straight after he video called her while she was busy on a date...doing stuff
-Dustin and Shane have some of the weirdest conversations
Shane: Brazilian guys are so fucking hot, Hunter really scored huh.
Dustin: Yeah...wait what.
-the Ninja Storm team are one of the only teams that weren't captured by the whole Zedd fiasco during Cosmic Fury and honestly get roasting rights against those that did get captured. Like it's Zedd! Not even the real version, how does one get fumbled that badly, Dustin, Taylor, Chip and Lily having the time of their lives just calling out the BS.
Taylor: That's why you invest in zords that are spiritual.
Chip: Or Magical.
Lily: Or are summoned from you.
Dustin: Or just turn giant yourself.
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nulltune · 6 months
any rp wishlist ??
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I HAVE A LOT!!!! omg... screams into my hands this is a heck of a question anon- TYSM!! ❤️❤️ i have a wishlist tag too actually- but i don't post much in it because tbh all interactions feed me so well...... i love hakuno dearly you see (live lynn reaction: 🥺🥹😩🫶💗) and she's always interacting with all kinds of interesting muses so tis a guaranteed fun time 🥳 and also like. hakuno as a character is defined as a nobody with nothing so you can expect pretty anything to be a new experience 2 her :,) OK BUT YEA BACK TO UR Q! WHEN IT COMES TO WISHLIST THO HRMGHH that's a tough one..... cuz i have sm!!! so off the top of my head:
this is rlly general but oooo i want hakuno to go to all sorts of places! she is already someone who is so curious, exploring the world to try to find a place in it. spoiler alert she doesn't but i digress! imagine your muse showing her a place they like... or a by-chance encounter where hakuno stumbles on their little secret spot.... hakuno would be pretty inquisitive because she can't imagine having such an attachment to any place, but i think it'd be real interesting to explore! and also- your muse and hakuno going on a trip somewhere... sightseeing and having fun together mayhaps,, the possibilities are endless so i can't really specify but i just think it's neat! 🥺
"i'd die for you" "i'll live for you" "let's live together" "let's die together" <- whatever those lines got going on!!! not all of them at once ofc (unless things happens and they all apply at some point 👁👁✨️) but just whatever genre this is..... life and death are interesting topics to explore with hakuno – she's someone who can understand what it's like to want to disappear, but at the same time she's someone who's afraid of death. and she wants to love so badly but has no reason to </3 so i wanna explore more of that in general !!! i wanna see her interact muses who share that same mindset... muses who think completely differently.... let them explore what their purpose is... their reason to live... and all that!
tragic love is such a Big Need for meee, i'm a sucker for them!!! and i really think it's so perfect for hakuno!!! i hope everyone knows by now that i love the theme of love for my hakuno 🫶 and like- imagine finally understanding and finding love when you thought you never could, only to lose it... unrequited love? a doomed love story? there are so many ways to go about it, and who the other person might be makes it so much more interesting too, and i just crave it!!
hakuno and a muse working together for something- a relationship founded on ??? like, they just happen to meet and their goals just somewhat aligned so they're sticking together for practical reasons or just circumstances!! will they get to know each other better and come out of it with a good experience? will they butt heads but decide to bear with it until their respective goals are accomplished? idk but something about it intrigues me! i'm really interested in having like a whole storyline happen tbh 🥺 it'd be fun to see how much the relationship changes at the end of things y'know!
i'm gonna need more antagonistic dynamics too tbh.... she is absolutely going to be as polite and nice as she is to any other person because c'mon... it's Hakuno. but! i feel like there's a biiig sense of distance that comes with having this sort of dynamic with her. as we have seen in canon for example, hakuno's really frikkin aware of their status as enemies with other character- she's always saying stuff like "even though we're enemies?" and not understanding why'd be nice to her when she's their enemy... stuff like that!! i mean, enemies to friends or enemies to lovers is def not out of the question ((ФωФ)✨️ ...) but it'd be so fun to see the development!! which i guess is the appeal of those dynamics in da first place !
i love character development ofc but i have always been thinking about- how about reverse character development ?! 😳 hakuno is a suuper interesting character to me because- well, it's like a white sheet of paper! it's blank! i feel like there are soo many directions her character could go and i think it'd be so fun to explore! characters who bring out the worst in each other maybe?? enable each others' bad habits?? and oh boy it'd hurt so much on hakuno's part because she wants to be better and is always wanting the best for others so like (: IT COULD BE FUN METHINKS..!
letter writing threads!! i feel like you can tell a lot about a muse by the kind of letter they write 👁👁✨️ having hakuno write down her thoughts and feelings into paper just sounds super interesting to okok- i'd imagine her letters sounding more like very formal reports tbh 💀 but i think it could be so fun and a really neat way to really get the Insight(TM) on da muse!
speaking of the letter writing tho- something related to arts and humanities! drawing? music? writing? sculpting? dance? anything and everything creative pls. hakuno's way of thinking is very logical so i think she struggles with understanding things that don't really have a solid factual answer, but that's also what makes it so interesting! art can really touch people's hearts too and that's the kind of thing hakuno needs desperately 🥹 even if she can't fully understand it right now ! your muse showing hakuno their creations maybe?? bonus points if their works say a lot about them as a person or means a lot of them!
i'm a sucker for childhood friends so i want that for hakuno too 🤧✨️ !! it doesn't have to be friends in specific tho- i just think there's something special about knowing someone when they were younger :thonk: kids tend to be more honest i guess? and i mean hakuno still is, but for better or worse, the hakuno we now know keeps the "bad" parts of herself hidden away while actively trying to be the person other people need – a younger hakuno wouldn't have that mindset yet methinks! BUT YEA BACK TO WHAT I WAS SAYING 😳😳 it's fun to see how that could affect the dynamic especially when they meet later on!
OH AND immortal & mortal is a staple! hakuno could work as both tho... it rlly depends on the verse because her mortality is Weird(TM) actually- but i still think both concepts would be very fun!! >:3c with her as a mortal, it'd be Neat for her to want to be remembered because that's asking for a lot when her entire life is probably like a mere blink in the eyes of an immortal </3 and with her as an immortal, i just like the idea of her finding happiness after possibly years and years of loneliness but also being aware that happiness is very much temporary </3
I FEEL LIKE THESE R MORE DYNAMICS AND THEMES THAN SPECIFIC SCENARIOS BC LIKE i wuv...... and i luv scenarios and situations too ofc but i can't rlly specify bc they're all so neat 2 me.!!! your muse and hakuno could literally just go to mcdonald's and i'd be havin a blast writing it GVSMCBSMDH
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butcharyastark · 8 months
started black sails, mostly through s1. thoughts so far:
i LOVEEE characters who are definitely morally terrible and you know it and they know it and the narrative knows it but theyre fascinating to watch. im talking abt flint. that man sucks so bad but i love watching his scenes and dynamics.
that ^ would apply to miss guthrie (i forgot her first name) too but i hate her too much for that. consistently wish she was off my screen xoxo
oh my god im so glad the fucking beach camp plot with max is overrrrr. i already zoomed on her as a fave and ik from others she has great plots or characterization or themes later and im v excited for that and im very glad this bs is over
BILLYYYYYY NOOO what the fuck is going on he cant be dead yet can he??? also maybe im misreading but both billy and morley (?i think. i dont have everyones names yet lol) both dying technically offscreen in accidents while isolated with flint after its known they have reservations abt his leadership.... flint did you fucking do this....
honestly i dont give a shit abt mrs barlow or whatev i forgot her name but unexpectedly the priest seduction sideplot is kinda fun and hot. idk why.
i did not expect this to be a sorta game of thrones spartacus vikings etc type tv show but i am kinda vibing actually surprisingly.
i like that one dude (??? guy with weird sideburns) and anne bonny's whole Thing but i'd like both of them a helluva lot more if 1) he had had ANY reservations or morals abt the whole max situation and 2) if anne bonny had not immediately spurned max after getting her freedom bc hi what the fuck shes been thru enough what is ur fucking damage??? i thought u cared ???
i thought silver would have way more of role so far tbh i thought he'd be like the ProtagTM but so far hes kinda not passing the sexy lamp test. boyfailure? legend? idk but its funny and surprising
i want vain or vane or whatever the fuck his name is to die in a fire. unfortunately hes also kinda interesting onscreen. but i hope he dies brutally later heart emoji
wanna know where the mr. scott plot is gonna go... i thought his convo w the kidnapped woman in the ship hold was v interesting and ik from other ppl this show somewhat goes into discussion of the transatlantic slave trade (some handled badly and some well afaik?) and im curious if shes gonna be a recurring character now or if hes gonna be a pirate bc i assume he cant go back to nassau so like whats going on now??
veryyyy curious abt how this show is gonna end its seasons and do season finales.... i hope theres drama. may update this post w my thoughts after i finish s1 in fact
uhhh OH THE OST FUCKS SEVERELY and the intro (maybe just s1 intro idk if theyre gonna change it) is soooo fuckin cool.
salute emoji
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theleechyskrunkly · 1 year
so I'm bored put of my mind, so Imma just match TWST with songs I think fit them pretty well. (Part 1)
So starting with Riddle-Me-This from heartslabyul!
I feel like the song Silent Scream by Anna Blue is like the embodiment of Riddle's relationship with his mother (so me tbh). So imma just dissect the lyrics I think apply to Riddle real quick:
"I'm caught up in your expectations, you try to make me live your dream." _ Riddle's mom tryna raise him to be her or a better version of her and trapping Riddle in her own personal ideals.
"But I'm causing you so much frustration, and you only want the best for me." _ Riddle not being exactly what Riddle's mom was expecting him, making her frustrated, leading to her being harsher and harsher the more he strays from her ideals because she wants him to be the best he can be and more.
"You're wanting me to show more interest, to always keep a big bright smile. Be that pinky little perfect princess, but I'm not that type of child." _ Riddle's mom wanting his studies to be his only focus and that he always, ALWAYS follows rules; however Riddle continues to grow and meets Trey and Chenya and discovers that there's more to the world than just studying and rules, causing him to stray from his mother's ideals, even by the tiniest bits.
"And the storm is rising inside of me" _ Blot accumulating within Riddle as he grows.
"Don't you see that our worlds collide?" _ what Riddle's mom expects him to be and who he really is.
"It's getting harder to breathe; it hurts deep inside" _ once again, Blot accumulating within Riddle the more he grows.
"Just let me be, who I am! Is what you really need to understand!" _ Riddle wanting to be his own person beyond being what his mother wants him to be.
"And I hope so hard for the pain to go away. And it's torturing me, but I can't break free! So I cry and cry but just won't let it out; the silent scream." _ the pain can be interpreted in many ways, whether it be the heavy expectations everybody holds for him or the actual pain Blot accumulation can cause to a mage's body, but obviously he wants to be free from it but he can't. The crying part imo translates to him releasing his anger on his dorm members by enforcing the Queen's rules; the silent scream being the pain hidden behind his out-loud screams towards his dorm members and classmates.
"Tell me why you're putting pressure on me, and everyday you cause me harm." _ this imo is about both schoolmates and his mother. Schoolmates because they just don't follow the Queen's rules, which stresses him out because he wants the best for his schoolmates due to the belief his mother forced on him that following those strict rules was for the best. His mom's expectations also put pressure on him because he has to be as straight as a line to be able to accurately apply himself to those expectations. All the stress and anger that builds up from these outside behaviors turn into Blot which eventually harms him.
"That's the reason why I feel so lonely, even though you hold me in your arms" _ Riddle being basically prevented from having friends, forced to only being around his mom, causing him abysmal loneliness. Not to mention he was later prohibited from being around his only friends after breaking his strict diet applied by his mother.
"Want to put me in a box of glitter, but I'm just trying to get right out." _ Box of glitter=box of expectations. Trying to get right out explains itself.
"And now I'm feeling so, so bitter because I've let you down" _ When he was discovered eating the strawberry tart and prohibited from handing out with Trey and Chenya, causing him bitterness and hoping he hadn't let his mother down.
---same verse as earlier from "And the storm is rising inside of me" to "the silent scream"---
"Can't you see how I cry for help?" _Aimed at everyone around him.
"Cause you should love me just for being myself." _Aimed at his mom.
"I'll drown in an ocean, of pain and emotion, if you don't help me right away!" _ Ocean of pain and emotion translates to the Blot slowly consuming him and his needing of help.
---same verse as earlier from "And the storm is rising inside of me" to "the silent scream" AGAIN and end of song---
Yeah 😐 strict parents can affect a child's personality in many ways. For Riddle, it was not the best of ways 😬.
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gothamcityneedsme · 3 months
tbh, sort of thinking of an isa/t fic idea. this was something i thought about while i was playing, but it reminded me a little of the book 'heir apparent', and in that book, the protagonist isn't quite in a time loop, but she's trapped in a video game, typical 'will die if you don't beat the game in x amount of time' sort of thing. she makes lots of attempts, tries several different routes, figures out what she thinks will be best, etc. then, at the end, her brain starts overheating and so she's basically dying and the characters of the game go from being focused on their own gains/possibly turning on her/etc, and instead become super helpful to her and help her complete the game.
when she gets out of the game, the programmer explains that the characters are programmed to act more helpful when a player breaks down. she didn't show any signs of weakness until she was literally dying, which is why the characters weren't overly helpful until then.
and i find that really interesting, it's still stuck with me, that being strong isn't always the way to find the answer or to win a situation.
anyways. i don't have a specific idea on how to apply such a thing for isat (and like. yes the game itself sort of does), but I feel like there's a way to lean more heavily into the concept, perhaps across several loops. of sif breaking down in a way where suddenly everyone seems way more helpful and things actually progress. i think that'd be really interesting for. probably a short fic, nothing too extended.
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Coming to this discussion 10 years after the fact but having rewatched MTV's Awkward. and reading/watching posts, tweets and video comments from way back to 2015 I find it so interesting that the general feeling was that Jenna didn't deserve Matty.
Like 10 years later we have shows like Never Have I Ever showing you not only that the popular boy/loser girl becoming a couple will innevitably NOT FIX the girl's insecurities but also in that show Devi doesn't make it one episode without having the epiphany that it's not worth it to be Paxton's secret fling. Contrasts that with Jenna lasting a whole entire season AND THEN she continues to keep it secret after break up for Matty's sake and his friendship with Jake.
And everyone understandibly criticizes Jenna for kissing another guy while dating Matty, but also, he was not as ideal. S4 explictly brings up the fact that he treated her as a booty call throughout S1. S2 has him trying to sabotage her relationship (and he never apologizes for Eva's behavior and his blindness to it ruining Jenna's pretty perfect relationship with Luke!)
Back to the subject of her insecurities, when she began to find herself in S3 he (her boyfriend!) called her new friends/interests pretentious or boring (pretty sure he does it AGAIN in S5). Its interesting to me that her S2 fantasy of "what-ifs" included Matty not allowing Sadie to bully her, and that she feels absolutely devastated from him saying he was embarassed of her in S1. S4 also shows that he always goes to her for emotional support, has jealousy for her seeing other people, but at the same time gets pissed if she intervenes too much in his life and is ready to cheat on his girl to kiss Jenna because he thinks the rules don't apply to them.
Even the S5 college clusterfuck is meh in terms of making her worse. The actors may be pushing 30 or whatever by at that stage Jenna is 19 and in her first ever internship after only one year of "finding herself as a freshman in college". Of course she won't know that a piece of her writing about her HS boyfriend will be twisted by editorial intervention for more clicks! And as Matty admits, HE was the inmature one in their college break-up , and very much an asshole about it. How was she to know he was devastatingly depressed over their break-up when he shouted he didn't want her love and that if she was against him transfering to her school then he would just walk out??
This is in no way hate to Matty. He's one of the dreamiest leading men I have ever seen in a teen drama. He is a good friend and great boyfriend most of the time ("making you happy makes me happy", seriously? SWOON), and boy do I love his honest yearning to be Jenna's hero.
I don't think they're toxic to the limit tbh. They're good friends to each other and never necessarily act in attempt to hurt or manipulate each other, they just really loved each other and had a real hard time letting go. Their will they won't they was messy enough to be interesting (most of the time anyways, even if S4-S5 weren't as good) without being the most toxic of that era of teen shows (seriously? Glee, Gossip Girl, 90210, etc had way worse Core Ships).
As Sadie points out, it's clear Matty remains obssessed with her (and selflessly encourages her to choose herself in the series finale and that's definetly growth on his character!) and Jenna overthinks shit a lot and is awkward but its obvious she struggles to know wether she should act as his friend or to act as a respectful ex and messes up because she's young and loves him. Like overall I think the idea that they became intimate friends was sold well enough to compensate their messiest momments.
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stilldancewithyou · 2 years
Everyone is so focused on EJ being jealous of Ricky because of everything with Nini in S1 and Gina in S2 and it makes me sad that his character has been reduced to that. yes, Ricky "stealing" the girls from EJ (or however you look at it) is an important part of EJ's character build up and it plays into his insecurities but I don't think that's the biggest/only reason for the tension between them, there's a big chunk of the show's storyline for EJ that I feel like everyone is overlooking: It was EJ's senior year, the last high school musical productions he'd ever get to be in, and Ricky got the leading male parts in all three shows (also EJ didn't really get to audition for Frozen bc he has to direct it).
In season 1, he was soooo excited for HSM and he had spent a lot of time preparing to audition for Troy, his heart was set on that part and he even talked about how he thought he was the perfect Troy, and he was so confident about it. And then Ricky swoops in, not knowing anything about musicals, having never even seen the movie and having no understanding of the character, only auditioning to impress Nini, and he gets the part EJ wanted so badly. EJ has to be content with being the understudy and then he ended up reading Miss Jenn's casting paper to see why she didn't think he was good enough to play Troy and it was kinda mean tbh (and remember, after he read it he started really trying to be better) and I feel like everyone kind of put him down that season. He was so happy when he got the chance to go out as Troy on opening night but then he ended up supporting Ricky, building him up and telling him he was "the better Troy" and that he deserved the part. In season 2, it's the spring musical and the last musical of EJ's high school career! and we know from season 1 he really wants the lead part, and we find out about his dad's expectations so I think it's fair to say he also wanted to impress his dad and show him how talented he is, but at the same time, I feel like he just wants his moment in the spotlight that the others have gotten, he wants that validation that he is capable of playing the leading man and get it right and just that validation and confidence....but again, Ricky gets the lead, and EJ has to play the villain (don't get me wrong he was the perfect Gaston and I am not mad about that). In season 3, he's so excited to have all his Wildcats at camp with him, and have a great last summer; he and Gina talk about how they hope to be the leads together and it's EJ's last chance to have that spotlight leading role moment bc this is the last theater production for him to be in unless he gets onto Broadway or goes to a performing arts college. And EJ can't even properly audition for it bc he's been forced into directing it, and Ricky got the lead again, as Gina's love interest no less- and Ricky doesn't know the show well again and he casually jokes about it to EJ. And throughout all the seasons, EJ just puts on a happy face and supports everyone else and lifts them all up and helps them out; he's happy for Ashlyn when she got the lead, he's happy for Gina when she got it, he's even happy for Ricky. Even though the girls get to be upset when they don't get the parts they wanted, EJ is expected to just accept that he's not a leading man.
I mean...just think about it. EJ puts in all of this effort into being his best, he spends so much time understanding the character and rehearsing and preparing to be the best he can possibly be and Ricky, who puts in very little effort, doesn't know the character or even story/what the damn show is about, and doesn't really know that much about theater or acting just waltzes in and gets the lead three times in a row. (this also applies to the love triangles as sort of a metaphor in a way) Nini, Ashlyn and now Gina and Kourtney all get their time to shine in the lead roles they always dreamed of but didn't think they'd ever be good enough for but EJ has to suck it up and be happy for them and cope with the fact that this is his last show and he never got that big moment he wanted (despite the fact that he's basically a cookie cutter of the perfect leading man).
edited to add: yes, I do realize season 2 EJ chose not to pursue being the Beast bc he felt he was too busy with preparing for college and pls excuse my mistakes in this post/incorrect facts, it's been sooo long since I've watched the first two seasons so I went off what I thought I remembered when I was writing this post (so yeah, I'm a clown & I'll be the first to admit it but everyone who follows my blog already knows that lol). My mistake aside, my point is still the same. EJ has put in a lot of effort throughout all three seasons- with Nini, with Gina, with auditions, with all the shows, and he also went out of his way to atone for his past selfish actions (even tho he stepped back in s2 and worked on himself) and Ricky swooped in having no idea what he's doing and has effortlessly (if you're looking at it from EJ's POV- not trying to villainize Ricky cause I actually adore him) gotten everything EJ has been working hard for handed to him. In the present season it's not just that EJ is noticing the clear romantic tension between Rina, it's that Ricky is having the summer that EJ wanted to have- having fun, spending quality time with Gina and the other Wildcats, playing the leading male part alongside Gina in the show, enjoying EJ's camp friends (and becoming friends with all of them), participating fully in all the fun traditional camp activities and doing all of this with a carefree, Hakuna Matata attitude while EJ is literally about to combust from stress. It's as if Ricky has replaced him. (again, looking at this from EJ's POV). this is just a thought I had that I wanted to share bc I have seen so many posts about the love triangle and nothing about the other stuff so I apologize if I haven't articulated it in a way that makes sense but hopefully this clears some things up. I still think he should get his time to shine though bc he hasn't really gotten that in the show yet.
Also even though EJ was initially presented as being overly confident and kind of cocky, I always personally thought they've made it obvious he, like the other characters, has a lot of insecurities about himself and the cocky attitude is kind of a façade to hide that from everyone else. And considering how hard his dad is on him with all of his high expectations, I think EJ has probably spent his whole life putting in maximum effort to be the best at everything and acting confident and cocky bc it's how his dad wants him to be.
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adanima · 1 year
alice in borderland s2 thoughts
just finished s2 so immediate reaction thoughts. i've only watched the netflix series but i do know some manga details from their wiki pages. spoilers obviously
ann and kuina are so gay for each other. we deserved more of them
no seriously like the queen of clubs game?? deserved full coverage of seeing ann and kuina team up and knock everyone out
half of the people that got injured in ep 7 should have realistically bled out and died by the time arisu cleared the queen of hearts
as much as i'm happy ann returned to the real world, it makes no sense. they already showed her dead in the borderlands, meaning she wouldn't have been able to make a choice to stay in borderlands vs return meaning she shouldn't have woken up in the real world
akane and aguni - their scenes together were actually really touching. i didn't expect to like them as much as i did. the way i see it (and taking a quick look around how most people on tumblr see it, although the same can't be said for certain other social media platforms) it's very much a paternal relationship for aguni. for akane, it's ultimately familial but she's got a past of using her body (heavily hinted coercion) and is applying it here to a relationship she genuinely cares about and is mistaking it for romantic/sexual interest
aguni really got developed and humanized this season. half of it was akane, half of it was all the flashbacks/hallucinations with the hatter (aguni is totally gay for the hatter)
akane has a will of steel. girlie really dragged herself around while hugely injured twice. also the scene where aguni reaches out for her when she crawls to him and they both deny citizenship was really sweet
i liked the development in arisu and usagi's relationship. it felt natural and went at a realistic pace imo. i fully admit i squealed during the hot spring scene
i kind of wanted to see chishiya and kuina reunite in the borderlands. i know in the manga chishiya didn't care about kuina at all but in the series it seemed like chishiya did care a little. and kuina definitely cared about him. (tbh i headcanon them as MLM WLW solidarity)
speaking of differences from the manga, i think not including dodo was a missed opportunity. i read about him in between watching ep 6 and ep 7 and thinking of what we could have had with found family aguni-akane-dodo makes me kinda sad
still talking about the manga, i don't think the series relayed the idea of citizens and the current king/queen/jacks being the "victors" of former stages of games well enough. maybe at least one flashback showing kyuma, mira, king of diamonds dude, and king of spades dude all talking to each other about beating their face card games
honestly if netflix really wants to do a cash grab, they can do a prequel series following kyuma, mira, etc first arriving to borderland and how they cleared all their games. i'd watch it lol
seeing kuina reunite with her parents (both of them!) in the hospital was a tearjerker. no other notes there, just full on tugging at the heartstrings
last, but i have to say it - the queen of spades makes me feel some type of way
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cluelessbees · 2 years
Five Man Band Trope With the S1 Party:
I don’t know if everyone knows what the five man band trope is- so I’ll just break it down quickly first- (here’s a video explaining it further)
Okay so the five man band trope is sorta how teams/groups are divided in shows based on their main purpose or role. So that like- together you create the perfect team.
I’m going to use Avatar the Last Airbender as examples.
So you have:
The Leader: Typically the hero/main character. Sorta well rounded. The name really says it all tbh they’re the leader.
Example: Aang
The Lancer: The foil to the leader. A rival if you will. They are similar to the leader in many way which sorta causes their differences to be super highlighted. Sometimes they become more of just friends who butt heads but yeah.
Example: Zuko
The Heart: The person that essentially holds the group together. The emotional centre of the group if you will. They always consider emotions of others and are often super in touch with their emotions themselves.
Example: Katara
The Smart Guy: The brains. The person that comes up with the ideas and that knows more than the rest of the group. Also typically not super strong.
Example: Sokka
The Big Guy: The brawn. They don’t have to be physically big but they’re the ones typically doing all the fighting. Their strength can be supernatural it doesn’t have to be physical.
Example: Toph
Okay now, how does that apply to the party?
Well let’s start with the Leader
That’s Mike.
He’s the hero of the group of if you will. He’s the one who pushes everyone to find Will in the beginning. He’s the one who takes El in. He’s the main focus of the group in season 1.
His plan is essentially seen as the right one. His decisions are typically what’s final. He comes up with the plans. He is seen as someone who’s compassionate and who cares for all his friends (as a leader should).
Next, who’s the Lancer?
That’s Lucas.
Him and Mike are direct foils in season 1. Lucas thinks it’s a bad idea to keep Eleven- Mike doesn’t. Lucas does trust El. Mike does.
Lucas literally gets into a fight with Mike and goes off separately because he doesn’t trust Mike’s decisions.
They’re also similar in the way that Lucas and Mike both want to find Will and are both driven to do so. They both care and love their friends even though they butt heads.
Okay, and the Heart?
Easy, that’s Will.
Who is the emotional centre for the entire first season? Who’s the person who essentially holds everyone together? Even when he’s not there? It’s Will.
Even even he’s not present their love for him is what keeps them together. Even when they fight. He’s the emotional centre.
Also just saying the heart typically ends up with the leader (and in some cases the lancer but as a byler lover first and human second I’m just saying—)
Right so, the Smart Guy?
That’s Dustin
He’s the science guy really. He figures out the whole compass thing. He’s the one who calls mr Clark about the sensory deprivation pool. He’s really the logical one in the group.
He gets scared yes but it’s all logical if you think about it. Plus he’s (I feel) the one who’s shown to be the most nerdy.
Even in later seasons, he’s the one who literally goes to science camp, who intercepts the Russian signals, who figures out a lot of Vecnas plans. He’s the brains.
Lastly, the Big Guys
That’s El
She’s the one who has the strength (aka her powers) to take down the government agents- to flip a whole ass VAN. To defeat the demogorgan.
When there’s a fight going on she’s typically the one who’s actually causing damage.
So yeah that’s how I see the dynamics are sorta split in season one and even in more recent seasons.
I just think this framework could be interesting to use when analysing the characters.
Like- Lucas and Mike are still foils in season 4 imo- they both want fit in but go about it different ways.
Anyways it’s just interesting to me lol
Hoping we get the party more in season 5 🙏
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bisluthq · 7 months
I feel like we might be going a bit far with the whole "he didn't make an effort, that's his thing". We're making it sound like Taylor was putting up with someone who wasn't there and didn't like her. And sure idk Joe personally but I don't see him as this passive human being with no will to live or with no personality at all. I know the haters see it that way, because he doesn't give much away but everyone has a personality and a mind on its own. And not everyone's personality is the kind of loud, fill the room personality. That doesn't mean the person is not interesting, maybe it just means you have to get closer to them. Maybe it means they are not as comfortable as to show themselves to strangers as other people do.
I mean yeah by the end he was probably done, but I don't think he spend months and months on end or like a year or more just being there, not making her feel loved or anything and just being there yk. Do we think he was some kind of mad man who suddenly forgot he had a girlfriend or would do his life ignoring her and she was just like oh yeah I'm going to put up with this for some weird reason?
If that was the case things would have ended sooner. There's a lot of theories about this breakup just based on one song that depicts the end of it, but that's it. And even if you see in the song, she says he was still telling her he loved her...it wasn't like he forgot about her or stopped acknowledging her. In my honest perception, YLM is mainly about miscommunications (on both ends by the way). I don't even see it as a lack of effort like most people not necessarily atleast. To me that song tells me Taylor was unhappy with how things were doing between them and felt like for some reason he was pretending they were fine or didn't acknowledge they weren't by talking to her about it at the very least. I feel like neither were communicating with each other tbh. He didn't acknowledge what was happening and by what she described neither was she. The only time she mentions talking to him is the opening line and if that was the kind of dialogue that was going on...I mean...
My point is throughout all the song she just keeps waiting for him to say something, hoping he does but it doesn't seem to me like she was doing anything herself. Besides all the signs she was hoping he would see, which gives me crappy communication exile vibes more than anything.
Idk if I'm making myself clear, like I'm not saying Taylor was crazy and everything was perfect but I also don't believe he is this passive person who supposely asked her to marry him just because and in a lazy non chalant way and that apart from the first two years or something he stopped giving a shit about her or about romancing her.
I'm sure they had their problems but I think it was only in the last months the same will to solve wasn't there on his part. That was probably what was hard for her. Up until that time they were both in to fight and solve stuff and then he decided even if not conscious, maybe it wasn't worth it anymore. But like I said there were two people in the relationship fighting for it until they weren't and it feels a bit uncomfortable to assume otherwise.
I buy this very thought out take entirely.
But I do still think he didn’t make enough tangible effort towards the end and again, it’s not just YLM - it’s also Sweet Nothing. Again, I get the romance of the song intellectually but knowing they were on the rocks I kinda think it says it all - he wasn’t expecting anything from her at the end and in return he wasn’t really doing much.
obviously this doesn’t apply to 6.5 years but the last year or so clearly wasn’t amazing for either person.
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001: Critical Role, specifically Campaign 1, if you haven't seen cr1 then 2 and/or 3
002: Beau/Jester
003: Ashton Greymoore
(hey I just realized I did that in campaign order)
This got long, so if anyone doesn't want to read it all, but if you want to join in the fun with an ask, here's a link to the list. I'm going to put this under the cut, too, because like I said. It got long.
001 | Critical Role Campaign 1
Favorite character: Dude, I always say Keyleth as like, a gut reaction. But when I talk about this campaign, I never shut up about Scanlan.
Least Favorite character: Sorry everyone, but Percy. (Fun fact, I was worried I didn't vibe with Tal, because I also didn't like Molly, but then he came in with Cad and I loved him, so fears averted.)
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Vaxleth, Grogleth, Pikelan, Vex x Zahra, Vexleth
Character I find most attractive: Vex'ahlia. Obviously.
Character I would marry: Pike
Character I would be best friends with: Keyleth
a random thought: This has been talked about lately, but I think people are really missing out when they skip the Kraghammer arc.
An unpopular opinion: Taliesin said less people should like Percy because he's such an asshole and I agree with him. (Listen, I think Percy is ultimately interesting as a character, he just isn't the kind of asshole I vibe with.)
My Canon OTP: Vaxleth
My Non-canon OTP: Grogleth
Most Badass Character: Keyleth
Most Epic Villain: I want to say the Briarwoods, because I love them, but I'll be honest and say Raishan.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Again, I'm sorry, but Perc'ahlia.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): I don't think this question can apply, because it's an actual play show, therefore no writers. It would be funnier if I named someone.
Favourite Friendship: Too many??? I guess I'll pick Grog and Keyleth though, since I should probably pick one.
Character I most identify with: Keyleth
Character I wish I could be: Pike
002 | Beau / Jester
When I started shipping them: I actually never did. This is one of those pairings that fanon/fandom kind of ruined for me before I could get into it.
My thoughts: I like the concept of them, but again, like I said above. A lot of louder fandom opinions about them turned me off to them.
What makes me happy about them: I love how much they love each other and support each other. Roommates era is top notch. Their hug after the first dragon fight was very good.
What makes me sad about them: Tbh the (mostly) unrequited feelings in this pairing was very good and very angsty and it was sad.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: I don't read a ton of CR fic, but in general, I will say that fic that continues to infantilize Jester is an instant close.
Things I look for in fanfic: n/a
My wishlist: In general, and I'm talking canon, I know they talk all the time because Jester has sending, so I feel pretty good about that. My hope is that they get to retire near each other one day. And I know they still go on adventures together once in a while.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I'm very happy with their canon pairings.
My happily ever after for them: As a ship? It's hard for me to picture a happily ever after better than what they got. BUT. I think that I could see them both as pirates on Fjord's ship. I know Jester would be all about helping Beau root out corruption, but she's too much of a wanderer and loves the ocean too much to keep herself inland for too long.
003 | Ashton Greymoore
How I feel about this character: Great! I think they're very cool and I'm really enjoying the slow reveal of their past and how tied into history it seems to be.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Fearne, Laudna. Tbh I could be swayed to anyone for them right now.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Imogen, FCG
My unpopular opinion about this character: I don't think I have any unpopular opinions right now.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: God, I want all their backstory. I want ALL THE NOTES. Mostly, I want to know what the little dunamis pocket is inside their head. I don't know what else to call it, but that seems right for now.
Favorite friendship for this character: FCG
My crossover ship: Honestly, not romantic, but I think Ashton and Grog would have so much fun fucking shit up together.
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thebreakfastgenie · 2 years
Also for the character thing Toby Ziegler 💖
First impression
I don't remember... tbh I watched the Newsroom first so I think when I saw Toby's introduction my first thought was "wow Sorkin really wants to be allowed to use his phone on a plane, huh?" Definitely a positive impression of Toby but he didn't grab me immediately.
Impression now
I say this as the number one joshgirl, Toby is the best character on the show. He's so unbelievably complex and layered. I love him so much. He's my secondary blorbo. Season 7 never happened.
Favorite moment
In Noël when everyone, even Donna, is engrossed in the Yo-Yo Ma concert and Toby looks over at Josh.
Idea for a story
Oh I should have saved my Josh and Toby first meeting for this one. I need to finish that. It contains the line "That was hazing. You hazed me." Also, I have some vague ideas about Toby and his faith and his relationship to his father that will probably get absorbed into my Josh and Toby Do Jewish Christmas: Post Holy Night Edition plans.
Unpopular opinion
It's not that I think Toby was right to be so pushy with Andi, but she seemed to literally not have a plan, so maybe he had a point during all that. Idk how unpopular that is, but. I think a lot of people don't completely understand Toby, but the surface level understanding of Toby among fans is usually good, there's just more there if you dig. I don't think he's romantically interested in CJ at all and that's a pretty popular ship in some circles. Personally I think in his own mind he's still with Andi, so he can't start a new relationship. He totally has a fling with Tabitha Fortiss though.
Favorite relationship
Toby and Josh lol. Also a huge fan of Toby and CJ platonically.
Favorite headcanon
This is sort of canon if you read between the lines but Toby is the third of four children. He has two older sisters and his younger brother, David. I read a fic once where his sisters were named Rachel and Leah and totally assimilated that. I think he was very close to his dad when he was young, before he found out what he really did, and he went to Temple with his dad. Everything went down with his dad when he was around 12, and he stopped going to Temple for a while because he associated it with him and that betrayal. Eventually he ran into his rabbi just, like, in the neighborhood, and his rabbi asked why he hadn't been coming, and Toby ended up explaining it, and they had a long talk, and Toby realized his faith could be his own and not associated with his father. He was behind because he stopped going to Hebrew school for a couple of months but he was determined to do his Bar Mitzvah so he studied extra hard to catch up and succeeded and carried that energy into how he applied himself in high school and college.
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