#||TEXT**❆ from ashes we rise
inkskinned · 11 months
it's hard to explain because inevitably you sound like an asshole, but some people are allowed to lose their temper, lose their mind - you're not, though.
when your friend never texts you first and misses your birthday and never makes an effort; you don't mind. you know she's struggling, and you want her to get the help that she deserves. you give her every excuse and every chance.
it shouldn't matter to you so much that people are always coming through for her. you want her to be happy, you love it for her. you love that her community rises up to the occasion. why does it bother you that when she snaps at someone, says horrible mean things - but two hours later, everyone is comforting her while she's crying. you know she's stressed. why do you kind of hate that she is welcomed back to her job, that her parents are endlessly wiring her money.
and you're - fuck, are you envious?
but when you don't text back, someone sits you down and says i know you're struggling, but you're being a bad friend. when you're too numb to show up for work, your boss just shakes his head. i'm sorry. i can't approve more time off. we have the company to protect. when you finally snap back at your family for making that shitty comment again, you're forced to apologize for being too sensitive.
god forbid you need something. people aren't used to you being the one asking. you're the giver like the book you hated; your pages all open and rumpled. you always have the answer, always have the solution. you are reliable, trustworthy. people like you don't struggle with things. you're supposed to be lifted by tragedy. you are given a maximum of 24 hours to grieve, and then you need to just behave at the party.
you can't read the giving tree without feeling like crying, and even that feels like it's too much emotion. like, nobody looks at you and assumes you're the tree; they'd name five other people before even considering you in the running. you're just there, never-asking.
your friend gets to say mean shit, that's just her personality. when you make a snide comment, you're just being petty. people laugh when your friend stands you up for another event; they say she's just like that. you were 5 minutes late to a meeting with friends and they were mad about it for the rest of the evening. your friend sets everything on fire; everyone applauds her through the ashes. you so much as light a candle: and suddenly now you're an arsonist.
you don't want your friend to suffer, though. the thing is that you just wish that the empathy and kindness your friend gets - you wish you had that option, that everyone offered you grace and money and a gentle reception.
the other day you were fighting down the bad urge; the void call, the end note. you tried-anyway. you went to the family event, tried laughing at the right moments. nodded and smiled and all of it. one of your siblings threw a fit, but she's allowed to, so everyone just rolled their eyes about it. you took 3 whole minutes to stand outside when you got overwhelmed. you literally set a timer about it.
in the morning you woke up to a text from your parents: you were a complete disgrace last night. idk what your attitude problem is, but you really need to fix it.
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katsukikitten · 5 months
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Mentions of children and a baby, fluffy and then angst. MDNI
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Katsuki wakes up to the sound of laughter, soft giggling before two small bodies crawl into the oversized bed.
"Daddy!" They whisper, or what they call a whisper, having not learned the subtleness of it yet. More of a hushed yell of his title as little hands slap across his bare skin, "Daddy wake up!"
He scoops them to him, pressing them against his scarred chest with a grunt before his eyes flutter open, by the sun alone he can tell it's barely seven am. A glance at his clock confirms it and the kids squeal from how he squeezes them to him. He's barely gotten an hour and a half of sleep and when he glances over his shoulder he sees that you're still in bed, he wonders if it was a late night for you too. You were texting him late last night although that was normal for you, Katsuki still wonders if the newest edition to the family was the cause of your unrest.
Katsuki thinks he can pin his twin boys to him and lull them to sleep for another hour or so, he's done it before but their giggles say otherwise.
"Grandma is comin today to see sissy!" Their hushed yell too loud for Katsuki's liking, at least while you and baby try to sleep. Little hands pressing at his chest and setting off little popping explosions that earn them a fatherly glare although Katsuki was sure yours was sharper than his somehow.
It's befitting that he'd have two little hellions just like himself, a "double curse" his ma has teased about your whole pregnancy but she quietly whispered to Katsuki after she first met the twins, "You were easy to raise."
And the youngest Bakugou, his baby girl, took after you. All of her features a carbon copy of you just as his boys were the spitting image of him.
"We wanna tell her we helped with breakfast!" They're pushing again, although this time without their explosions after the warning glare from their father.
"You'll wake yer mother and yer sister." He grunts, but presses kisses to their faces that they giggle about, "Wait in the kitchen for me yea? But do not touch that stove."
"Okay daddy!" Their "whispers" lost and a full on yell before their eyes widen from their mistake, Katsuki and the boys holding their breath only for the baby to coo and you to let out a sleepy "Hmm?'
Katsuki knows that you can still fall asleep, that you'd have risen if you were more awake so that he could sleep but he's up now and he doesn't mind. He's glad the boys have listened to him that yes, momma is a super woman but that daddy can help them too.
And Katsuki cannot say he isn't proud that the boys love to cook with him.
After the coast is clear he sends them on their way with a playful swat to their butts that they giggle about, always rough housing those two. Encouraged of course by Bakugou but when it comes to the baby their hands shake with a little nervousness asking for gloves because they know their quirk could hurt their baby sister and that they are not in control of their gift yet.
Katsuki rises enough to sit on the side of the bed in nothing but his boxers, chest and half of his face scarred from a tale long ago that his kids beg for the story but he never tells. Not yet anyway. Rubbing his large palms across his handsome features, bromine eyes softened to candied apples thanks to his family. Ash blonde stubble looking more grey and crows feet next to his shining eyes.
He yawns, hears his boys giggle as they try to get the usual stuff for pancakes. One helping the other to climb the counter in order to reach the pancake mix and they're good boys. They don't touch the stove while they wait.
Katsuki rises fully now, grabbing a shirt from the clean hamper and sliding it on. Coming over to your side of the bed to look at you. Sleeping soundly and when he spies the bags under your eyes being kissed by your long lashes, he's more than thankful the boys woke him up instead. He leans over, kisses your temple softly, runs his hand feather light over your arm before his cooing baby girl. Talking to herself softly as she stares up at the ceiling, arms moving here and there but nothing too excitable.
And then she sees her father and her face lights up, pure joy just like when she sees her mom. Not fully Katsuki knows this but maybe it's even better to know that his baby girl still knows that these blurry shapes are him. Her cooing and babble louder now, excited as she reaches up for him and he gives a big smile pulling her up to press her into his arms.
"Good morning sweetheart." He coos back, a kiss to her wispy hairline. Softly shutting the door as he takes her to her room, passing by his boys and shutting the door to each. You insisted they should have separate rooms that you didn't want the twins to feel like one person and although they both had "sleep overs" often, they loved their own space as well.
"Boys you'll have to pick up yer rooms a bit before grams gets here." He says to them as he walks down the hall after baby girl has a fresh diaper and outfit, at least for now.
"Even though she doesn't go in there."
"Yea grams never sees our room unless we show her!'
"Mmhmm even though she doesn't go in there. It's still nice to have a straightened room ain't it?" Katsuki looks to them as they play in the water more than they wash their hands.
The morning is easy somehow and Katsuki is so so thankful he waited as long as he did to have kids. He's much more mellow now, can do more of the gentle parenting shit the baby books talked about. And yes his mother yelled at him often and he knows his ma loves him, he just doesn't want that for his kids. And yea he does yell sometimes, gets frustrated or blows up, they're two six year olds with big ass feelings and little bodies.
But he always apologizes
You taught him that and if you couldn't collect yourself either you always pointed out it isn't kind to yell, apologized and explained your own big feelings. Plus when you had the right partner parenting could be easy, it could be a lot of fucking fun. At least that's what Bakugou has always thought.
He supports you and he listened to his Ma the first time when Mitsuki said you weren't going to ask for help and that Katsuki needed to step up. So he'd take turns before you become exhausted and burned out, he split chores or took on more when you couldn't. And as always you did the same for him.
Now is just one of those weird times where you both are exhausted and trying your best to work with the schedule you have but Katsuki thinks you need a little more rest than him even if you've been home. Even if you can send the boys to grams or your own parents or to their cousins house for a sleepover, you still deserve rest because at the end of the day no matter how much he could step up kids will always want their moms first.
"Katsuki." You call gently from the hall as the boys bounce around while a TV show plays on low, their giggling hushed while Katsuki "spoils" the baby and keeps her held to him.
"Ah did we wake ya?"
"MOM WE HELPED WITH PANCAKES!" They scream excitedly, rushing to their half asleep mom to cling to your legs. Chattering away about how they helped with everything even dishes. How yours is in the microwave and how daddy said he'd heat them up. You respond, brushing your hands over their little skulls, pushing down their hair and they hum on.
"You came home late, you should have woken me up." You say softly, barely enough time to get ready before Mitsuki was due here in less than twenty minutes.
"Haaah? And let you hog all this to yerself?" He gestures to the living room where it looks as if a bomb went off, toys, stuffed animals and blankets scattered about that you and Katsuki would have to sing the clean up song just to have it all put away. Mostly anyway, it'd all come out again as they showed their grams and gramps their collection.
You laugh loudly, god damn does he love that sound. Loves that it echoes in his own chest enough to make him smirk or chuckle. Watches you come closer to kiss the babies forehead from over the back of the couch before kissing him on the lips.
The boys of course erupt in a chorus of EWS before they're getting a look from you both. This was definitely still a lightly teasing household.
"Go get ready. The number one hero can handle this." He leans up for another kiss that you give him of course, your once sharp claws now rounded to soft nails scratch at his scruff.
You're out of the shower and dressed without a second to spare, the doorbell rings. The boys wait impatiently to see if it's okay to answer the door, hopping up and down because they were never allowed to swing it open even if they were expecting someone. When Katsuki confirms on the door bell camera it's his mother, he rises to stand at the door to open it.
Sunlight bleeds in, obstructs the view of his mother for a moment
And then Katsuki wakes up.
His alarm blaring from his bedside table making his heart race with adrenaline, his palm poised and ready. Glowing a deep orange as he collects himself a moment. Growling as he smashes another phone turning to stare at the ceiling. He dares not reach out to your side of the bed even though he knows what he'll find.
Still, his curious, masochist palms reach out to find cool sheets. Sheets on your side of the bed that haven't been warmed for over two years, why would they?
No giggling laughter can be heard in the home, no cooing little girl he can greet with a smile after a hard ass night at work because the four of you made it worth it over and over again.
No visit from his ma on his rare few days off because there was no laughter, no cooing, and there may never be.
There never was because you left him two years ago. Left his sheets cool, the house he bought for his future family frigid in your absence no matter how high he turned up the heat or let the sun bleed into his home.
He couldn't even call it a home, homes were warm, joyful, this?
Well this was just another roof over his head, a bed to sleep in, a fridge to hold milk for his protein shakes.
Nothing for bacon and eggs or pancakes. Nothing for formula in the little bottles that were set out on the grass looking drying rack he'd tell his sons not to play with.
Katsuki rises enough to sit on the edge of the bed, rubbing his handsome features with big palms. Fingers lingering over scars from a tale long ago but with no sons to beg for the story.
He hardly has the strength to rise from the bed as he comes to terms that all it ever was and all that his two sons and daughter that he saw so vividly, ever will be
Was a dream.
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anxietytwist · 2 years
𝐌𝐨𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐢 “𝐌𝐨𝐞” 𝐋𝐲𝐰𝐞𝐥
[ 𝟸𝟺 | 𝟼'𝟽"/𝟷𝟹'𝟺" | Genderfluid | Queer ]
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◈ Bright 𝘢𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳 eyes (round pupils) ◈ 𝘎𝘳𝘢𝘺 scales (heavily concentrated on joints) ◈ 𝘚𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘸𝘦𝘥 horns ◈ Long 𝘱𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘥 ears ◈ 𝘍𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴 ◈ 𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘦𝘥 tongue ◈ Taloned hands (“𝘭𝘪𝘻𝘢𝘳𝘥”) ◈ Thick tail w/ spiked tip (“𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘨𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘻𝘦𝘳”) ◈ Digitigrade legs (“𝘥𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘰𝘯”)
⟨Dragon form⟩
N/A . . .
𝗛𝗜𝗦 𝗨𝗦𝗨𝗔𝗟: “𝗥𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴”
⚝ 𝐌𝐨𝐞'𝐬 provocative dressing style started as a way to help himself feel confident (& while it DID help for a while ... now it just reinforces his fears that people ONLY want him for his looks/body) ⚝
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⚝ 𝐌𝐨𝐞'𝐬 hoping that dressing modestly will dissuade the majority of attendees from harassing him this season (except of course, the 3 people who ACTUALLY like/care about him as a person) ⚝
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*** Because of their lower limb structure 𝐌𝐨𝐞 is unable to use “traditional” footwear, they instead decorate their legs/feet with jewelry & fabric ***
ᴘʀᴏɴᴏᴜɴꜱ➔ He/She/They
ʙᴜɪʟᴅ➔ 𝘊𝘶𝘳𝘷𝘺
ᴅᴇᴛᴀɪʟᴇᴅ ᴏʀɪᴇɴᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ➔ Queeromantic Ace
ᴄᴏɴᴅɪᴛɪᴏɴꜱ➔ 𝘏𝘺𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘯𝘪𝘢, migraines (sensory overload), 𝘗𝘖𝘛𝘚, & self-harming tendencies
ᴘɪᴇʀᴄɪɴɢꜱ➔ 𝘕𝘰𝘴𝘦, ears (🆁/🅻), 𝘵𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘦, & 𝘯𝘪𝘱𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘴
ᴊᴇᴡᴇʟʀʏ➔ 𝘊𝘩𝘰𝘬𝘦𝘳, 𝘬𝘯𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘭𝘦 𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴, 𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘴, 𝘢𝘯𝘬𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘴, & a 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘮 𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘵
ʜᴏʙʙɪᴇꜱ➔ ...
🩵Poly Route🩵
𝐌𝐨𝐞 has had top surgery (“𝘥𝘰𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯” & is very proud of showing off his chest)
Most of her scars are accidental (she's surprisingly clumsy; tripping & slamming into everything); the most recent ones, however, are all self-inflicted (when they were in a “low place” last season) 🩹
𝐌𝐨𝐞 is naturally a VERY sensitive/emotional person but refuses to visibly express it unless they're alone (or in private with trusted people & family)
His companion dragons function very much as emotional support animals (he wouldn't have made it through last season's “kerfuffle” without them) 💞
𝐌𝐨𝐞 is a chronic flirt who becomes an absolutely flustered/stuttering mess when her attention is genuinely reciprocated by someone she's “interested in” (like fully 𝘳𝘦𝘥 up to her ears flustered)
Despite the airs they put on; 𝐌𝐨𝐞 has VERY LOW self-esteem (when others talk negatively about them they completely take it to heart + they find it almost impossible to believe that ANYONE would actually like™ them for anything beyond their “looks”) 😔
No matter her current presentation or pronouns, 𝐌𝐨𝐞 prefers to be referred to with ONLY “gender-neutral” language
They spent almost all of their time, post-season, in their draconic form ... just lying around in a depressed state (ONLY interacting with their parents & pet dragons) 🥲
Once he's in a relationship with 𝐒𝐞𝐤𝐡'/𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐚/𝐙𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐚 his self-esteem will slowly begin to start healing (+ he'll go back to dressing in a way that makes HIM happy)
⚝ 𝐌𝐨𝐞 did NOT wear the ring this season (he was absolutely terrified that it would scare 𝐒𝐞𝐤𝐡'/𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐚/𝐙𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐚 off for good) ⚝
𝐼𝐹: @fromtheashesweriseif
♔𝗣𝗲𝘁 𝗗𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗼𝗻𝘀♕
𝐕𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐫𝐚 “𝘈 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘧𝘶𝘭 𝘭𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘥𝘢𝘳𝘬 𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘱𝘢𝘸𝘴 & 𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘪𝘱𝘴. 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘺'𝘳𝘦 𝘶𝘴𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘺 𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘧 𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘭 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘧𝘦𝘵𝘤𝘩 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮. 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘺'𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘵.” 𝐇𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐢 “𝘈 𝘤𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘣𝘭𝘶𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘯𝘦𝘤𝘬 & 𝘴𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘪𝘴 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘢𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘦 & 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘶𝘣 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧 𝘰𝘯 𝘔𝘰𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘢 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘺 𝘤𝘢𝘵.” 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐫 “𝘈 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘭𝘺 𝘰𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦/𝘨𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘦𝘯 𝘥𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘰𝘯 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘣𝘢𝘴𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘶𝘯, 𝘦𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘦𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘳 𝘭𝘢𝘻𝘪𝘭𝘺 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘷𝘦𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴. 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘢 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘴𝘤𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘴.” 𝐀𝐦𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐞 “𝘈 𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘢𝘥𝘰𝘳𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘰𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘯 𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘪𝘮𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘴𝘱𝘰𝘵 𝘰𝘯 𝘔𝘰𝘦'𝘴 𝘭𝘢𝘱, 𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘨𝘢𝘯𝘵 & 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘢𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘢 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘰𝘧 𝘳𝘦𝘨𝘢𝘭 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮.” 𝐊𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 “𝘈 𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘺 𝘰𝘣𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘪𝘢𝘯 𝘥𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘰𝘯 𝘸𝘩𝘰'𝘴 𝘦𝘹𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘭𝘺 𝘤𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘺, 𝘢𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘯𝘪𝘱𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘵 𝘔𝘰𝘦'𝘴 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘴 & 𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘭𝘺 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘣𝘶𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 & 𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘴.” 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞 “𝘈 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵-𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘺 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘢 𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘭 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴. 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘺𝘧𝘶𝘭, 𝘢 𝘣𝘪𝘵 𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘩𝘶𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨. 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘭𝘺 & 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘢𝘥𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧 𝘶𝘱 𝘰𝘯 𝘔𝘰𝘦'𝘴 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥𝘦𝘳.”
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𝐌𝐨𝐞 is the biggest ꜱᴜʙʙʏ ʙᴏᴛᴛᴏᴍ ever 🤭 (his “encounters” haven't allowed him to explore it much, mainly because he has yet to feel truly comfortable enough with a sexual partner to hand over full control)... he really just wants is to be cherished & praised (both IN & OUTSIDE the bedroom) 🥺
0 notes
starry-fame · 2 days
18+ Overboard [Caleb x Gender Neutral!reader/MC]
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“You planning on going back to bed soon? Or what?”
You chew on your lip, trying to gauge the meaning in his words. You pull up nothing, so you decide to just answer honestly. “…Not really.”
“Alright then, keep me company.” Caleb swings around to face the foyer, casting a long glance over his shoulder. “I’ve always been more of a night owl anyway.”
The liar. Caleb’s always been able to get up at the crack of dawn since he was a teen. It’s such an obvious fib, but he says it anyway, shamelessly directing you to his room.
Like a moth to a flame, you follow.
Tags: Smut, Pining, Confessions, Porn with feelings, Dom/Sub Undertones, Overstimulation, Body Worship, Penetration, Rough Sex, Begging Ambiguous Genitalia!reader/MC, Gender neutral!reader/MC
Word Count: 11,734
Author's Notes: I posted this a while ago on ao3 and wanted to try tumblr as well! I can also post silly MC stuff and character edits haha. Anyway, I hope Caleb lovers enjoy! Also, certain parts technically aren't canon as of A World Underneath release, but that's okay :')
Ao3 Check out Linkon Lounge, an 18+ Lads Themed Otome Discord Server! We stream otome/anime/movies, have lads boys rp/text bots (+Caleb ofc), and chill!
It burns.
The air’s filled with plumes of smoke, darkened to an ugly red clouded in ash. It waters your eyes and fills your lungs with soot, wracking you with dry coughs that destroy your throat. It’s hot — so hot — your body feels heavy. You’re crawling — you think? But the ground seems to slide beneath you, and your palms scrape against the concrete, bloodied.
Though your ears ring a terrible, destitute tune and your chest cries in agony — the only thing your mind screams is to get away. Run. Crawl. Slide. Drag your useless limbs and get away. You have to run; stand up and run but your body just lays there.
It’s coming. You can’t get away — you’ll die. You don’t want to die. Shelter’s right there. So close — so close. You drag past a mangled, severed arm, and instantly retch. But you keep moving. So near. Right there. But the sound of inhuman dragging grates your ears behind you and—
Your eyes shoot open, body doused in a sheen of sweat and heart ready to burst. The sheets feel far too sticky and clammy under your fingers and you’re quick to peel them off — rid yourself of anything that makes you feel hot. Confined.
One breath, two, three… it takes a moment to gather your bearings. You’re not freshly seven drowning in a sea of pain and desperate tears. You’re in your childhood home, resting on your sheets and surrounded by memories of the past.
Seems that no matter how much time passes, your dreams will always find a way to torment you as though you lived them yesterday.
What a mood-killer. You’re finally in your old home after an extended absence, and all your mind can do is taunt you by conjuring up your darkest memories.
The room’s bathed in darkness — a glance at your watch shows it’s late in the middle of the night. Not exactly time to rise, but you’re not so trusting of your dreams either. The sweat that dampens your brows and the front of your shirt feels disgusting, so you fan yourself mindlessly. You have to do something, be anywhere but here.
You’re quick to stand, stumbling a little from the sudden shift in gravity. Your eyes are still bleary, crusted, and you rub at them as you trudge out your room.
The house is dead silent, which only makes the sound of your footsteps more apparent, has you silently wincing at every step. Still, you do your best to move quiet as you can to the fridge. Grab yourself a water and chug about half of it in one gulp, cooling your clammy skin and ridding that feeling of scalding — of hot ash coating your throat. You enjoy the crinkle of the cool bottle in your grasp, how the mundane, predictable noise reminds you of reality and the now.
The incessant buzz of crickets in the distance is almost calming. The house is otherwise tranquil and calm. Peace and — you hear a quiet thump. Okay, not as quiet as you thought. Setting the bottle down, you slowly turn toward the noise, reminding your quickening pulse that unless your hunter’s watch is buzzing with a warning, there’s no imminent danger.
A few footsteps and… a tall figure emerges from the doorway, bending so he can properly fit through. Though he’s doused in shadow and you can only make out the slight glimmer of his two-toned irises, his name naturally falls from your lips.
“Thought I heard someone sneaking around in here. Why am I not surprised?” He languidly strides across the moonlit room, pausing to gently ruffle your hair like its tradition; he’s been doing it for so long, it might as well be. Even when you two were little and you had a bit of height on him (he’d prop up on his tip toes to pat your head — it was pretty adorable, in hindsight.) So you can’t bring yourself to swat his hand away as he goes for the fridge to grab a drink of his own.
Instead of drinking, though, Caleb pauses and scrutinizes the water, like it did a personal wrong to him. Before you get the chance to probe his mind, he presses the chilled bottle against your forehead. The cold makes you flinch on instinct and shoot a quick glare at him.
“What was that for?”
“Wake up call. Did you get thirsty in the middle of the night? Or you just can’t sleep?” He raises a brow, wearing a grin coated with worry as he takes a drink. Caleb’s always been terribly perceptive, he seemed to just know when you were having a terrible day or if something was amiss. Whether it was the years you’ve spent in each other’s company or Caleb’s innate sensitivity to human emotion, you have no clue. A mix of both, maybe.
Like always, he watches. You look away.
“Uh huh. And I guess all that thirst’s what made your eyes red. You’re looking a little hot there too. Should I crank up the A/C?” Caleb raises a brow, and you wonder why he even bothers asking when he comes to his own conclusions. He should hardly be able to tell these things in the dark — does he just know? Or are the faint streaks of moonlight through the window just enough to tell him everything he needs?
“It’s not a bad thing to admit when you’re having nightmares, y’know. I mean, when you were a kid, you’d come knocking on my door in near tears and—“
“I get it, Caleb. I don’t need the whole rundown.” You snap, fighting the immediate embarrassment that wells up at your vulnerability and dependence as a child. For how strong you like to deem yourself now, it’s not like that was always the case. You were an easily frightened kid, especially jumpy after the attack. You clung to everyone and everything around you because you lost everything you held dear once before.
“And for the record,” you add, “it was a two way street. I can name a few times you came to my room saying you just wanted to talk. You look like you’d been crying for the past hour.” Right. Seeking solace in one another because you were confused kids who had their lives flipped upside down in a single afternoon.
You and Caleb were friends before the tragedy, neighbors who played together a few times at most. Not best friends, but he was the nice kid down the block you enjoyed spending time with.
When you found Caleb during the Catastrophe, you remember like it was only days ago. Crawling frantically, trying not to collapse from the pain that engulfed your being enough to make your vision swirl. In the makeshift shelter, you saw a few injured adults — some minimal, some fatal, and even fewer children crying tended to by lesser wounded adults. You could barely sit up. Someone tried to offer assistance, you think, but then a kid your size rushed beside you and knelt down, asking if you were okay.
Your ears were ringing and you could barely get a noise out, but you could tilt your head up and see those raven eyes with a hint of amber, full of absolute terror. You whispered his name so hoarse — “Caleb…” and like the turning of a faucet, an ugly mesh of tears and mucus immediately began streaming down your face. The smell of red — death, the sights, your bloodied hands, aching body, screaming heart, all honed in at once. All you could do was sob while Caleb knelt down beside you and cradled your head, tears prickling his eyes. It didn’t take long for you two to break down in one another’s arms.
From then on, you couldn’t help but stick to Caleb like glue. Caleb was the only person you had connected to your old life — the only remaining stability when everything else crumbled to dust. When you were bundled in your room and didn’t even want to talk to Grandma because she was some strange adult whom you now lived with — Caleb would sit in with you. He’d remain as long as he had to, validate every last awful thought you had in your frustrations and soothe you with sweet caresses and gentle words. As embarrassing as it is to recall, as a child, he was your lifeline. Caleb’s the reason you didn’t run away in a frenzy when everything was too much and you felt like you just needed to be away and gone. He’s the reason you were able to eventually adapt to your new lifestyle and warm up to Grandma over time. It’s ridiculous, really, how much Caleb meant and was able to do for you by just existing as himself. Caleb could sit in your room minding his business, and his presence alone was enough to soothe your tired limbs and mind from punching your pillows and recalling every terrible thing that happened that fated day.
He was always there for you, one way or another. It’s just the way it’s always been.
It’d be nice if you had something of an effect like that on him, too.
“Right. Because sometimes a little chat is all you need when you’re not doing so hot,” Caleb says, leaning on the counter and gesturing his bottle to you. Yeah, just like him alright, to flip it around on you even when you try to call him out. Makes it feel like every conversation with him is a losing battle, like he always has the upper hand because he knows just the right thing to say and how to say it.
“Alright, alright. Yeah, I had a nightmare. Happy?” You sigh, resigned at this point. You can’t even really be angry when Caleb’s been nothing but reasonable from the start, speaks out of pure care and concern. Rather, perhaps it’s the fact that he’s always reasonable you tend to get irate.
“‘Course not. It’s not like I like hearing you still get them. But it’s nice to have someone to talk to instead of keeping it all to yourself, right?” His eyes crinkle so sweetly, non-judgmental. It’s that look that always breaks you, forces you to spill anything and everything he can pull from you. He never takes advantage, just offers support, so you fall into his trap every time.
“It’s not like I’m a kid anymore. I can’t just run to you every time I have a bad dream,” you still utter. It’s weak at best, but you can’t toss all your issues onto Caleb like you did as a child. He lost everything that day too, and he still took the time to comfort and spoil you every single time you sought him out (or he came to you), no matter the day or hour. How many of those times did he cry himself, but choke back the tears just so he could attend to you?
“I didn’t say all that. But it’s not gonna kill you to quit bottling up your emotions, y’know.” The amber in Caleb’s eyes seem to flash, and yours flicker down in turn. Sometimes it feels like he still sees the same seven-year-old you once were, pitiful and dependent.
“I… know that. It’s just….”
A heavy breath leaves Caleb’s nose. He closes his eyes, sits on his words, and opens them with a twinkle of clarity.
“You gonna fall back asleep soon?”
You blink. “Huh?” Caleb doubles down.
“You planning on going back to bed soon? Or what?”
You chew on your lip, trying to gauge the meaning in his words. You pull up nothing, so you decide to just answer honestly. “…Not really.”
“Alright then, keep me company.” Caleb swings around to face the foyer, casting a long glance over his shoulder. “I’ve always been more of a night owl anyway.”
The liar. Caleb’s always been able to get up at the crack of dawn since he was a teen. It’s such an obvious fib, but he says it anyway, shamelessly directing you to his room.
You’ll let him have this one though; swallow your complaints and choose his method. You dip your head and follow him to his room, still decorated with posters of My Life as a Hunter and old-school shooter games he raved over as a kid. Though he grew a passion for piloting after a period, he still had an interest in Hunter shows as an early teen, posters and figures scattered about his room proof as such. You think they existed in attempt to ease the public into the idea of Hunters, hell, even to coerce a few impressionable people in the process. A small part of you always wanted a way to reign in control of your life, to be someone who can do the saving, not sit in tears and wait to be saved. The show just increased your resolve, if anything. Though, you remember a short period where Caleb tried to convince you otherwise.
Eventually, you think he understood well enough to quietly show his support, if only because you weren’t backing down. And it tickles the nose a little, knowing you’re now something he admired with sparkling eyes as a kid.
Like always, he sits on his bed, and you take a spot in the swivel chair at his desk, idly spinning back and fourth. There’s a dim, pale night light to give the room a low glow. It’s easy on the eyes and you can still comfortably make out the ridges of Caleb’s face, his indiscernible expression when he settles and just seems to think.
“…Feels like we haven’t done this in forever,” You murmur, eyes trailing around each and every corner. You well with nostalgia, so much it makes your heart ache, bittersweet.
“Yeah, guess we didn’t get much time once I left. Not soon after you were off getting your Hunter’s license, so we were both pretty busy,” Caleb responds, and you wonder if he feels the same way you do. A tinge of sadness, but serenity at the familiar scene. Getting to sit in one another’s company like you always would in the past.
“Getting used to you not always being around was…” It feels embarrassing to just admit how much you missed him, how empty the house felt without his lively presence. “Hard. Harder than I expected, anyway.”
“It was weird not waking up to Gran’s cooking or your demands, that’s for sure.”
“Don’t take it the wrong way. You always act so proper around other people, but not with me and Gran. Everyone needs a place to loosen up, someone you can just be yourself around. And a little selfish.” Caleb’s laugh makes your cheeks warm, though your ears seem to love it. It fills you with various memories and you realize man, you really missed Caleb. When you talk, it’s like you two were never separated. But it’s times like these the feeling of truly getting to see him every day, just be with him, swells in your heart. You sigh, grasp your nightshirt, and peer at Caleb through your lashes because you fear how telling your expression is.
“Then… is it the same for you? Or was it easier to loosen up around your friends?” You ask nonchalantly, as though the question wasn’t gnawing at you from the inside out. Did Caleb feel at home, or like he had to put on a show and be the ‘strong one’, only able to let loose when he’s around peers and not biting off more than he can chew?
“Mmm…” You hear a low hum, and fingers ghost over your forehead, gone before you can even get a noise out. Caleb watches you intently, enough to make you break his gaze first. He looks pleased.
“It’s different with other friends, sure. Because you’re not them, and they’re not you. There’s ways I can relax with them, and reasons I can relax here,” he answers. His gaze feels loaded, and you vaguely wonder if there’s more to that answer with how his eyes bore into you. But you bite your tongue and decide to let the question go unsaid.
“I see.”
Caleb’s gaze persists. It’s gentle, not demanding of anything, or even expectant. But for some reason, it makes you want to turn away so you don’t have to be subject to it.
“I did miss home y’know, pipsqueak.” You wonder if that’s what Caleb was watching for, trying to see if you were silently doubtful. You bite your lip and decide to just let the words spill out before your pride makes you swallow them whole.
“I missed you.”
Caleb’s eyelids widen almost imperceptibly, but you still catch it. He blinks, and they relax with this look that feels fond, but also seems to carry another aspect you can’t decipher with so little light.
The sound of crickets buzz in the distance. The extended silence makes your grip tighten on the arm rest.
“This necklace is nice, y’know. Whenever anyone asks, I get to bring you up. They probably get sick of it after a while,” Caleb murmurs, and he lifts the silver chain you placed around his neck, ruby glimmering in the light. Knowing he kept it, the way he so proudly handles the chain, makes you feel fuzzy.
“You tell other people about me?”
“So much they could probably write an essay. How you’d cling to me as a kid, when we’d hang out together, how, for a short while, we were all the other had.” Caleb squeezes the chain and lets it dangle against his tee, expression gentle, and part of you wishes you had a chain too. Something to remind you of Caleb, an excuse to think or talk about him. To rub between your fingers and recall a time you were both in a fit of laughter, young, happy and free.
“I relied on you a lot. More than you deserved, especially as a kid. …Sorry.”
“Seriously?” Caleb gapes, and a snort leaves his mouth. “Never thought I’d hear that. But you don’t have to—no. I don’t want you to apologize. It was nice. Part of me kinda misses it. I mean I get it, you can handle your own. It’s not like you need me looking after you anymore, but… I liked it. And nowadays, I can’t help wanting to at least support you,” Caleb shrugs, like those words don’t penetrate your core and settle deep in your chest, breath hitching. A million responses swim through your mind, none of them breaking the surface.
“Oh, uh…” It’s… embarrassing, hearing that blatantly said aloud.
“And, to be perfectly clear, I missed you too,” he adds. Your throat bobs. You enjoy hearing those words from his mouth, the way he says them so easily with a hint of affection. While it’s enough to make your body feel flush with embarrassment, it’s nice he’s never too stubborn to show his care. If anything, you’re far more stubborn in admitting your feelings. Perhaps that’s why you told yourself to just say it, not let the pride win and be honest every once in a while.
“It… sucks. I only get to see you for a few days at most and poof, you’re gone,” you gesture along with your words, hastily getting them out while you still have the weak confidence to. “Your cooking, waking up to you everyday, when you get me little snacks just because…” Your legs swing back and fourth, antsy, but your heart feels lighter when you can freely speak your mind, say all the things you were too prideful to say as a kid.
Caleb listens silently with solicitous eyes. His mouth parts, closes again, and he seems to swallow. You time the kick of your legs, so you don’t start kicking them faster while you’re left on the waiting end, mute until Caleb responds.
“It’s pretty dull not having your own personal 5-star chef, huh?” He finally says, with a grin, and you softly deflate. Your legs slow to a stop, and your heart feels heavy again.
“Yeah… I… I guess—“
“No,” Caleb hisses under his breath. You think it’s to himself. But he leans forward on his duvet and reaches up, brushing his fingers over the jut of your eyebrows so light you can barely feel the touch. Your eyes shut reflectively, and his hand eases to your cheek, knuckles gently sliding down. You peek an eye at the sudden touch, trying to not make your mild startle too known. He’s the type to stroke your head or push you away in jest. This brand of touch is new. Foreign.
Your lips tremble and Caleb’s eyes flicker down to them.
“I’d do all those things every day, if I could. Listen to you get ridiculously excited about those rare kitty cards, see you when I get home from work; when you get home from work…” His knuckles trail down to your chin, dangerously close to your lips.
You inhale slowly, and try not to show your panic when your heart begins to beat an erratic rhythm. This is the first time Caleb’s ever made your heart race — like this anyway, and a flurry of thoughts and emotions you never dared consider all invade you at once. If you were standing, you’d stumble on the spot.
“I miss seeing your mug, what can I say?” Caleb laughs, gives your face two playful pats, and retracts his fingers. You withhold the urge to chase them, press his palm against your cheek. Instead, you bite the inside of your cheek to curb the desire.
They’re nothing but strange thoughts in the heat of the moment, a little too drawn in by the touch of his fingers after not seeing him for so long. Equating nostalgia with attraction is not a good look, and you know to smother it in its wisps before it engulfs into a bed of flames.
“When — when we were kids it was kind of like this,” you begin, trying to even out the tremor in your voice. “We weren’t telling each other we missed one another, of course. But I’d sit in this chair. And you’d wipe my tears when I was sad. No matter how long it took.” You say, and you know you’re just making conversation to push your mind away from uncouth thoughts. With luck, Caleb won’t pick up on a thing.
“Yeah, you were a bit of a crybaby. Always barging in, no matter the time, just to have someone to cry to. It was pretty cute, though.” Caleb stands slowly, already no more than a foot in front of you, and he bends down to rest one hand on the armrest while the other palm holds your cheek, thumb swiping under your eye. “Just like this.”
This… feels dangerous. The part of you that automatically reacts to his teasing wants to glare and push his hand away, scoffing and spouting some retort. That’s how you should respond, how he expects you to.
This new, faint part of you wants to close your eyes and lean your cheek into his palm, turn your head so your lips rest on his fingertips. You do neither, and just peer up at him through your lashes, too scared to tilt your head up and have your face reveal every dirty thought racing through your brain.
“It was cute when you’d come to me, too. You’d sit next to me, trying to act all strong. Then I’d pat your shoulder and you’d go ‘I’m not crying’ while you kept wiping your eyes. Couldn’t fool a baby. But it made me happy. That you came to me,” You speak, and reach up to Caleb’s shoulder, giving it a few soft pats. “Just like this.”
Caleb’s fingers dig into the armrest though his face remains moderately amused. He tilts his head, murmurs a “Guess we were both the type to tear up,” with a cryptic smile, and moves to pull his hand away.
Subconsciously, against any rational thought, you chase after him and hold tight to his shoulder, other hand keeping Caleb’s palm firmly in place.
He blinks once, twice. The moment is palpable. You know you can’t explain yourself out of this, but your gut instinct just doesn’t care. It craves to stay in Caleb’s proximity, to keep him by you. Like he’d melt away if you let go, and the moment would be lost to eternity.
“Pipsqueak?” He murmurs, rubbing a curious thumb across your cheek and it’s all you can really take. You feel the way Caleb tenses up when you bury your nose in his palm, when you shakily inhale and just settle into its warmth. You think you’re trembling a little, and fear eats at your racing heart. Fear of shattering the relationship you have — pushing beyond the bounds of your preconceived ‘normal’. This isn’t what you and Caleb are. Caleb calls you an infuriatingly affectionate nickname when he checks up on you. You and Caleb bicker about mindless things and easily make up in a few hours because Caleb always gives in. You and Caleb were friends since you were children, kids who played together, teens who begrudgingly got along, and adults who were still close and made efforts to visit home on your shared time off.
It wasn’t whatever the hell this was. And the guilt that rises in your throat is immense, taking Caleb’s actions to make them something they’re not — twisting his kind gestures into something awful. You force yourself to recede from his palm, mouth open to utter a soft apology.
Just as that soft ‘sorry’ passes your lips, Caleb coaxes your head up, peers long and hard into your eyes, like he’s searching the depths to find whatever it is he seeks, needs.
You think he finds it, because his breath hitches, the hand on your face seems to quiver, and his face leans so close to yours. Not touching, no, his hot breaths ghost over your lips, his nose tickling your cheek. You swallow thickly, and the warmth from his proximity spreads like wildfire.
“Tell me you don’t want this,” he whispers, urgent. Almost desperate, like it takes every ounce of self-restraint to remain as he is. So near but never bridging the small gap.
“I…” You start, knowing this is the tipping point. He’s still kind enough to give you an out, to let you reject any notion of whatever this is and pretend none of it ever happened. Makes it seem like he doesn’t want it to happen. Caleb’s always been kind like that. And maybe, in the long run, it would be the better option. To not risk destroying the relationship you’ve built and nurtured for well over a decade.
But, meeting his pleading eyes with your own, you know the only words that can leave your mouth. It’s the sole thought that repeated over and over in tandem with each shaky sigh that parted from his pink lips.
Slowly opening your mouth, you take the plunge. “I do.”
You don’t know whether Caleb’s face flashes with relief or pain — maybe both — and his lips press so deep into yours, slow and heated. It elicits a quiet, gasping noise from your throat that Caleb swallows. You have to wrap your arms around his neck to steady yourself because his kisses are starved, like he’s been craving this moment forever and you wonder if that’s really the case. His hand on the armrest moves down to grasp your thigh and a pleased noise rumbles in the back of your throat, his thumb stroking the inside of it so tenderly you could tremble. The sense of relief, of immediate euphoria of having this man on your lips almost makes you wanna cry as he kisses you senseless, licks his tongue into your mouth and coaxes every soft noise he can with each repeated press of his lips. When your fingers sneak up to his neck, quiet sounds hum in his throat and they envelop your mind, drugging you with the sound and feel of him. You could do this for hours, kiss Caleb until the only thing your mouth knows is the taste of him.
“I can’t believe —“ Caleb gasps between breathless kisses, speaking against your lips and sliding his hand down to rest on the junction of your head and neck. You tremble and he pecks the corner of your mouth in response, as though to soothe you. “You’re actually—“ He kisses at your cheek, then your nose affectionately. You feel the heat rise in your neck and avert your gaze out of pure embarrassment. “Letting me…” He laughs against your cheek, face alight and you hope the pain you perceived earlier is a little lessened now.
“I didn’t know you wanted to…” You murmur, and stretch your neck up again to capture his lips. Somehow, each kiss only seems to improve upon the last, and when his fingers slide against your neck, a quiet moan vibrates in your throat. Caleb pulls back with low lids and ragged breaths, lips pinker than you’ve ever seen and covered with a sheen of saliva. Kiss swollen’s never a look you imagined on him, but you quite like it.
“Guess I’m good at keeping secrets then,” Caleb says in a huff of soft laughter, and he’s gently tugging, guiding your body up and off the chair to sit beside him on the duvet. “Or,” he leans down and pets the front of your throat, lips steady against your fluttering pulse. “You’re just stupidly oblivious.”
“There’s no way I would’ve…” you begin to murmur as your fingers clench on his nightclothes. Your body reacts to the sensation of his lips kissing every bit of skin he can reach on your neck, licking but mindful enough to not leave marks and the consideration alone is hot enough to make you shudder.
Could you have? Your mind is hazy and each time Caleb mouths at your throat you lose it a little more, but you vaguely replay memories in your mind. Caleb’s mindfulness, his perception, his endless kindness — but he’s like that with everyone, so how could you have known you were special beyond your friendship and shared past? Granted you probably got a little extra pampering from him — but you shared a home. Of course you’d get more if you saw him more.
“Good. I was never gonna tell you, y’know,” he breathes. His large hands gently ease you backwards and you comply, letting him press you against the mattress. It smells like a mix of him — that same oak body wash he’s used since he was a teen (thankfully you bullied him out of that terrible smelling cologne phase), and fresh detergent from the laundry he took care of earlier. You resist the urge to turn your head and bury it into the covers, inhale deep, for you’re sure it’d come off as a little strange.
“Never.” He rests his forearms next to your head, face mere inches away. He seems to like watching you, those dimly lit eyes of his boring into you. “I mean, I thought about it sometimes. But we’ve known each other what, sixteen years now? We played together since we were preschoolers,” he sighs, thumb brushing over your cheek. His face is so raw and open, flushed and longing. Like he can finally spill every dirty little secret he’s kept hidden forever. His thumb moves to swipe across your lip and you kiss it — innocently enough. His breath stutters.
Then you open your mouth, gently suck on the digit, and he stops breathing altogether.
“Mm…” You hum in agreement, though with the way Caleb’s eyes darken, you figure it more resembles a moan.
“Damn,” he curses, and experimentally swipes across your tongue. You shamelessly take his thumb in deeper, revel in the way his lips tremble and he bites them, as though to curb some thought or action that sprung in his mind in response.
“You’re friends with someone that long, you figure there’s no chance. Figured you saw me as a brother or something. I mean, I kinda did it to myself,” he speaks, but looks absolutely enthralled by your mouth around his thumb. The way you swirl your tongue around him, encouraging him to just let go. You think his words are half spoken on instinct with how dazed and red-faced he looks.
“Fuck , if I just knew…” Caleb hisses, and he leans forward for balance, forehead pressed against yours (he’s so warm) while his hand slips under the hem of your shirt, resting just below your navel. The proximity to your waistband makes you subconsciously squirm a little, and his hand presses firmer, stilling your hips. “I could’ve done this so much sooner.”
You try to murmur a response past his thumb but the welcome intrusion makes your words incoherent. He gently retracts it from your lips to press against them, saliva coating his thumb, your lips, and wetting your chin.
“What’s that, pipsqueak?” He murmurs. You feel his hand creep up to trace your abdomen, catch at your side and massage there mindlessly.
“For someone who wants to do this so bad…” you sigh, and look up at him, unamused, trying not to let your mild fluster show. It seems even pinned under him, you can’t help but want to be a bit of a brat in his presence. “You’re sure taking your sweet time.”
Caleb’s brow twitches and he completely stills, staring at you with those gorgeous sunset eyes of his up close. You watch his throat bob as he swallows, and his fingers on your torso squeeze, not painful, just a firm hold.
“What the hell am I gonna do with you?” he finally exhales, exasperation plain on his face. He affectionately rubs his forehead against yours, the gesture so sweet it makes your heart swell. “Don’t forget, you’re the one that spurred me on.”
And like a man on a mission, the sweet moment is gone, replaced by greedy lips and needy hands. His mouth is back on yours and you gift him an appeased hum, instantly lost in the warmth of lips and the way he kisses you like he’ll never kiss again. So heated, so, so perfect, and you reach your fingers to tighten in his hair, lift your hips to wrap your legs around his torso. You both sink into the duvet with the strength of his kiss, his hands shamelessly trailing up and down your torso, mapping it out, squeezing when he hears quiet noises and whines emerge from your throat.
You think Caleb enjoys the sounds you make most, because he’ll do anything and everything to draw them out of you, hands frisky and shameless. They’re calloused and rough in the best way and you squeeze his hair in approval, press fleeting kisses to the corner of his lips when you part to breathe. He laughs, happy, and you laugh in turn.
“It’s a little hot, don’t you think?” He murmurs, and uses that as his excuse to push the hem of your shirt past your chest, encourages you to slip your shirt off and sit with your bare torso.
The way he stares at your body, your chest, like there’s nothing else in the word makes your body singe. You reach a hand up to cover his wandering eyes, scoffing. “Don’t just stare, it’s embarrassing.”
“All that talk and you’re embarrassed when I look at you?” He gives your hand a few taps before prying it away, taking in the view just as shamelessly as he did before, if not more so. You’d smack his face with a pillow if he didn’t have your hand held so tightly. “Telling me not to look’s like telling a dehydrated man not to drink. It’s plain cruel,” he laughs, and pulls your hand to his lips to give your fingers a fleeting kiss. Your eyelids flutter alongside your heart, and he grins.
Satisfied with the view, he slides down on the covers (you have to loosen your legs to accommodate), and stares up at you with a playful, shit-eating grin, his chin rested perfectly above your chest. “You don’t mind, right?”
“Don’t ask, do,” you huff, turning your head away in mock annoyance. Caleb’s more than happy to oblige and hums his approval while his hands move to trace the contours of your chest, moves down to press a light kiss to one side, and is quick to focus his mouth where it’s sensitive, have the bud harden under his tongue and send shocks of pleasure coursing through your body.
It even surprises you, how much you feel your face flame not just from pleasure, but pure embarrassment. This is Caleb , of all people. Not just some guy you started crushing on. Being this vulnerable and having his lips on your chest isn’t something you imagined even yesterday. If he saw you like this yesterday, you’d definitely die from shame. There’s not a glimmer of regret, but there’s heaps of embarrassment to spare and you bury your face into the pillow under you, tensing the more he plays. You knew nipples could feel good, but wow, they can feel good and his mouth on them sends shocks straight down your abdomen, makes heat settle low between your legs.
Finally, he pulls away, though his thumbs still graze over them, and he moves up to press a kiss to your jaw. “Don’t get all shy now. C’mon, show me that cute face of yours,” he hums, and you want to bury it even further being called cute (seriously, what the hell? You don’t know if it’s more embarrassing or insulting). But if only to show some semblance of control and confidence, you pull your head away and force yourself to meet Caleb’s adoring eyes, giving him a halfhearted glare with lips curled into a small pout.
“Looking at me like that only makes me wanna tease you more,” he murmurs, and moves to kiss your cheek (he’s so affectionate. It’s so much you almost don’t know how to handle it). And his hands slide down from your chest, settle at your waist and massage right above the band of your sweatpants. So close but not enough, the more his thumbs tease the more the heat becomes unbearable.
“Maybe you should use that mouth of yours for something other than talking,” you grumble, palms pushing Caleb’s head away. You huff with a side-turned head and peer at him from the corner of your eye, wiggling your hips. You couldn’t be more obvious.
“Demanding today, aren’t we?” He rubs his hands forward and back on your hips, trailing a slew of kisses down from the center of your chest to your abdomen, leaving flames in its wake. “Like what? I could make out with you until the sun rises, easy.”
The way Caleb looks at you, eyes flashing, you know what he wants. Those words to fall so reluctant from your tongue, to watch you drop your pride and ask. But Caleb’s had his way well enough, so instead of giving him the satisfaction of your words, you slide down your sweats and underwear, exhaling at the lack of restriction, the free air against your throbbing arousal. Caleb’s eyes go wide and you’re dragging his face between your thighs before he can retort, trying not to tremble from the absolute need that courses through your body. The thought of Caleb’s mouth on you, his tongue against you until your mind is numb.
“This.” You breathe, and Caleb can only let out a breathy chuckle.
“Whatever you say, your majesty,” he teases, smug but lets you guide his head, him dragging his hands down with it and across the planes of your thighs. They slide and down, palming close to your hips and earning him a small jolt, a bitten down noise.
Your fingers dig into his short hairs, dragging him down and rolling your hips to meet him halfway, urgent, needing. Caleb complies, gently mouthing at your inner thighs, biting at them (that gets a startled sound out of you that you instantly smother in fear of making too much noise.) And kisses and licks his way further up until he’s exactly where he needs to be, breaths hot and lips so close they could brush over you.
“To think you’re like this already…” he murmurs, cheeks flushed, and he dives his head down to slowly lick you into his mouth, your legs tensing and fingers shivering. His hands pet your thighs soothingly (it only makes you tremble more) and he sucks, holds your thighs so nice while they shake in his touch. He’s horribly slow, taking his sweet time to mouth against you, kiss against your aching heat and so gently take it into his mouth, painstakingly swirls his tongue. It’s not enough and you roll your hips into his mouth, mumbling curses.
“Dammit Caleb…” you groan, urging for more, grabbing and releasing at his hair, and his eyes flicker up to you, pupils blown and face a pretty red.
“Mm…” He hums, you shudder, and try not to burn at the sight of Caleb so pleased between your legs. Hands anchored to your thighs, mouth busy with a hardworking tongue as he eagerly lavishes you with attention. It’s good this time, not slow torture, and Caleb easily lets you rock your hips into his mouth, whine under the flat of his tongue and the sight of him between your legs. He pushes, holds you when you gasp and jerk into his touch and murmurs soothing hums while his mouth is busy on the taste of you. Your hips develop a rhythm of their own, chasing Caleb’s mouth over and over and when he briefly pulls back, he’s quick to stroke his fingers where his lips were, watch you sigh and and clutch at the parts of him you can reach.
“I wanna—“ he breathes, leans down to kiss the swell of your heat, laughs when you jump because of how swollen, how sensitive you are to his every move. You drag his face back down, his lips around you, not letting him finish the words he was trying to say. You just — his mouth — his warmth, you need, and you buck your hips into his touch, bursts of pleasure coming through you in waves the more his mouth moves in rhythm, the perfect pace he sets and the unfair way his tongue seems to do just the right thing to make you whine against bitten lips.
“Caleb,” you whisper, somewhere between a gasp and a whimper. Caleb’s tactic changes, he’s using one hand to keep a steady grip on your thigh while the other reaches up stroke at your sensitive hip, then sneaks up to your nipple to tease it under his thumb and forefinger. His mouth remains occupied, tongue and lips unrelenting, and the dual pleasure is so much it almost feels like too much. But he moves, hot, mouth in tandem with your restless hips, confident and warm and the almost unbearable heat between your legs grows and grows, until you’re biting back a strangled noise and digging your fingers into Caleb’s scalp. You hold his head in place while you ride out the throes of pleasure, Caleb’s mouth easing you through it, still pressing and stroking with the heat of his tongue when the orgasm ebbs away. You have to squirm and push Caleb’s head away, panting and soaked in a sheen of sweat.
Caleb’s lips, nose, chin, are coated in you and he shamelessly licks what he can away, watches as you breathe, catch your breath amidst the aftershocks of your pleasure. Your entire body feels flushed with heat, and the only sound you’re capable of making are quiet gasps for a moment or two.
“Fuck,” Caleb breathes, presses a hand over his mouth and he’s scrambling off the bed, rushing to rifle through his drawers. He pulls out a bottle of lube and jerks his head to where you’re still settled on the bed, steadying your pulse. You’ve eased yourself to sit up on your elbows, so you can watch in your curiosity, see what’s got him so worked up. Seeing him still fully clothed while your pants lay sweat-ridden and bunched at your ankles, shirt tossed in some corner makes your face fill with heat.
“Can I—would you—“ he returns to the bed, crawls between your open thighs and presses his forehead to yours. The heat of his breaths make you dizzy, and you can feel the flicker of a flame despite just bursting with heat. “Fuck, I just…” he murmurs, moving his head down to rest against your shoulder, lips pressing against the jut of the bone. And the way his nose presses against you, he nuzzles against you and so dearingly asks makes the answer come far too easy. You inhale, stroke his cheek, and nod.
“Mhm,” you agree, moving your head to press a sweet kiss to Caleb’s temple. He groans, wastes no time coating his fingers and slipping them against you, stroking in a tease, then pressing in one.
It’s cold, you tense and Caleb mouths at your collarbone, murmuring “I got you,” while his fingers sits, letting you adjust and you relax to the chill, shudder to the way the digit settles in you, doesn’t feel like enough, and he moves.
Maybe — you think — you didn’t properly think this through. Because while you’ve a short respite from coming, now you have a finger inside you, a hand exploring every inch of your body it can reach, and lips playing with the soft patch between your neck and shoulder that has you sighing and subconsciously quivering. Somehow it’s all too much and not enough all too soon after — and you actively dig your teeth into your lip to keep quiet, not risk sounds traveling through the walls.
“So…” Caleb inhales, his lips travel down to kiss at your chest, lick at your nipples once more and they stand to attention at his efforts. “So damn warm…” You wonder if he means the heat from your body or the way you feel around his finger. His lips tease while his finger thrusts at a steady rhythm and when it becomes comfortable (and lacking). You start to grind into his touch, craving more, shuddering when a soft noise leaves his throat.
You exhale, peer at the pink cheeks of your childhood friend — hell, your best friend. You feel your heart melt, then your body melt in tandem when his finger slips out so he can ease two of them in, slowly stretching you. They move deep, curling inside you and with the just perfect brush of his fingertips, you let out a pitched gasp and pull a hand up to cover your mouth. Caleb doesn’t say a thing, instead makes sure to move against that bundle of sensitive nerves over and over, watches you tense and squirm the more he focuses his attention.
“You’re pretty good at keeping quiet,” Caleb praises, and moves his face up to draw you into a long kiss, mouth in sync with the way he fucks you with his fingers, steady and perfectly bent to leave you panting. You whine against him, chasing his fingers with your hips. He sucks on your bottom lip, pulling away with a dirty pop, lips glistening. “Can’t wait for the day you don’t have to hold back.”
“Hah—shit…” You curse, wanting to come up with a coherent response but your words catch in your throat, interrupted by gasps, and your mind can’t even conjure what to say to something like that, but you feel your body throb, your hips jump at his praise. Caleb hums, presses a kiss to your cheek, and slides down.
He does that thing where he looks up at you from between your legs, cheek rested on your thighs damp with sweat. His lips curl into that gorgeous, sinful grin that’s stupidly hot and infuriating all at once and you squeeze his hair in half-assed annoyance. He kisses one thigh, turns and sucks a gentle bruise into the other - fuck, why does that feel so damn good. And he busies his mouth with the taste of you, fingers working a slowly building rhythm that has your palm firm over your mouth and the other hand steady in his hair while you try — and fail, to not fall into a haze of pleasure. You almost want to curse, being so weak under his fingers and mouth. Flip the scene and give him a taste of his own medicine. But his tongue knows just what to do and he knows just the way to move his head to have you unable to do anything but let out choked gasps and rut into his eager mouth.
Though you take his fingers easily now, feel prepared enough to handle all he has to offer, he doesn’t stop. The sound of his fingers sliding in and out of you and his pretty, obscene mouth on you fill the otherwise silent room, save for your gasps and sighs. You curl against him and huff, biting your lip and using both palms to still his head.
“If you keep going, I’ll—“ you warn, because his fingers aren’t enough but his mouth is too much, and if you’re left a quivering mess you won’t be able to handle Caleb fucking you on top of it. Caleb hums, his glimmering eyes flicker up to you, and you think they crinkle in amusement. You’ve learned not to trust that face of his.
And of course, the dick , he keeps going. Holds you down with one hand so he can push and spread his fingers deep, taste you on his tongue as he sucks. It’s enough to have you arching your back, whimpering quiet noises into the pillow you bury your face into. Your hips squirm of your own according, the heat pooling in your gut and threatening to burst and you try to push his head away, gasp weak complaints. Too much if he doesn’t stop you’ll — But he’s relentless and overwhelming. Fingers curling, mouth moving, his hand gripping your waist. And your body accepts it all until that feeling crescendos again, you turning into a shaking mess as you whisper quiet curses into the pillow, try to escape his mouth but he licks and pumps his fingers into you all throughout it to prologue how your back arches, the high washes over you over and over. When you slowly relax, he pulls away with a messy mouth, leaving you with breaths labored and somehow still sane enough to sport a glare.
“I told you—“
“Sorry,” he says, and kisses at your navel while he watches you with enthralled eyes, like you’re a piece of stunning art. But his eyes aren’t apologetic in the least, and you’d think it right to demand a proper one if your heart wasn’t thundering so quick you think it’ll leap out your chest. He sighs, scoots up to press a kiss against your chin, and whispers, so quiet. “Can I…?”
You huff, try to steady your breathing, and zone into the dull ache between your legs and the empty feeling from losing his fingers. Of course you want it, want him, it’s a matter of already having been pleasured to hell and back by this man twice. You’re spent, even if the idea of Caleb nude and flushed against you is hot as hell.
“There’s a reason I tried to tell you…” you sigh, brush some slick hairs from his eyes and observe the dazed, greedy look in his eyes. He really just wants it all, doesn’t he? You always thought you were spoiled by Caleb, but maybe, there are times when you spoil him.
“Mmm… it’s just nice, seeing you lose your composure,” he nuzzles into your neck, breath warm and your entire body reacts to something so small, so soft. “But we’ve got all the time in the world. Next time.”
And he exhales so warm, pulls his head away and you immediately grab both cheeks, drag Caleb’s lips to yours and kiss him so sweetly it feels something akin to love. Your hips tingle, and the idea makes you absolutely dizzy, but you mouth it against his lips anyway.
“Finish what you started.”
Caleb doesn’t immediately answer or react, he simply observes you, watches the way your arms cling to him. For good measure, you wrap your legs around him and roll, right into the hard erection confined in his pants. He gasps, gripping the duvet beside your head.
“If… If it’s too much. Just pinch me. Or tap me a few times. Do whatever, really, shit,” Caleb hisses, and he’s finally stripping off that stupid bed shirt of his and tossing it unceremoniously across his room, breaths slow and deep as though to calm himself.
It’s not your first time seeing Caleb shirtless, but it is the first time you’re able to admire the full view in dim glory. Amidst the streaks of moonlight through the window, the red of his necklace sparkles. He wears it, even in his sleep, and you try not to think too much on how he must’ve cherished it. Treated it like a prized possession, because it makes a surge of happiness flood through you with a mix of guilt for never treating Caleb’s gifts or gestures just as precious.
“Oh, so when I stare, it’s a problem. But when you stare, it’s fine, huh?” Caleb chuckles, and his pants are kicked off with no shame. He’s so eager he doesn’t even try to make it sexy, he just looks like he’s dying to feel every inch of you, finally be able to feel the whole of you tight around him. It’s so silly and so Caleb you just have to laugh, and it’s nice when he laughs in turn, makes you feel serene.
“Think of it like payback,” You decide to say. Payback for making you come from his mouth and fingers when he knew you wanted to feel him inside of you. Caleb makes an approving noise, leans back over you, and the sight of his flushed, toned body with his necklace dangling down is way sexier than it has any right to be. He slides a hand up your thigh, gives it an encouraging squeeze when you tremble, and his lips find yours in a fleeting kiss.
“Guess I gotta do all I can to make up for it,” he whispers in a ghost of a kiss, and settles between your legs, erection strained in his underwear and words way too calm for someone who looks like he can’t stand waiting a minute longer. He shoves them down well enough with one hand and he springs free, eager and leaking at the pink tip. You think it’s almost pretty, the way it stands, twitches when you thumb his cheeks.
He captures your lips the same moment he lifts your thighs, lines himself where he had his fingers buried deep only a minute or two ago, and slowly, slowly pushes. Sighs into your mouth as he sinks into you, and you grab at his back, wrap your arms so tight around him as he just fills you, moves as you cling to him. You think the wait alone is torture when he finally settles deep, hips flush to yours and mouth swallowing any weak noises you utter. You’re still so sensitive and even just the feeling of his cock inside, barely moving, is enough to make you clutch at him.
“You feel so perfect,” he utters, shaking hands settled on the sides of your face, lips plush on your jaw. He buries his face in your neck, slowly, slowly moves out, and you can feel his entire body shaking on top of you as he pushes again, deep into you and fills you perfect. So hot inside of you, you can’t help but squeeze around him. He chokes against your skin, kisses at it while his hips steadily draw out—then you think he loses his composure a little. His hips sputter, and his pushes into you quicker, steady, and holy fuck is your body just quivering and you already feel a mess, heat between your legs near unbearable and Caleb’s cock stretching you open for him.
“Caleb…” You gasp, bite back the moans that want to continually spill from your throat while Caleb steadily pumps, in and out. It’s so tender, and even though your body is an absolute mess, you just need more and drag in Caleb with the strength of your legs wrapped around him, helplessly grind into his cock, and Caleb understands the message loud and clear. He shakes, kisses your shoulder, and pulls out to snap his hips against yours, murmurs small affirmations against your skin as he fucks you, heavy and deep and your body is a squirming mess, like it isn’t even your own. You’re whining and biting back every loud, broken noise that threatens to leave your mouth with the rock of his hips.
“Shit—Caleb, it’s—“ you gasp, be hums into your shoulder and looks at you with wild eyes while he pushes into you over and over. Your legs are a mess and you’re gasping, trying to focus on swallowing down the noises in your throat but Caleb’s driving you absolutely insane and when he positions himself just right, you’re letting out a sharp cry and your body arches into his touch.
“Don’t wake the whole neighborhood now.” He coos against your collarbone, and gently covers your mouth, palm flat so all you can do is groan against his hand, weak noises and sharp gasps muffled. Every inch of you feels sensitive, alight, and the hand not silencing you gently massages your chest while he fucks you deep into the mattress, the sounds of skin against skin filling the room. It’s filthy and you absolutely love it, even if your body is screaming it’s on fire, and all your nerves are alight from being so thoroughly handled.
“Mmn—!” You gasp, unable to even articulate how it feels to have Caleb rolling his hips into yours so damn hot while you can barely control the way your body reacts. You think he swells even more when inside you, thick and hot and nearly every thrust hitting you so you see stars. You gape, claw at his neck and anything you can cling to on him, while his movements gradually speed up and he pounds into you relentlessly, cries muffled by his palm.
“You have no idea how much I wanted this…” Caleb gasps, breaths heavy, lifting his palm and resting it sweetly on your face instead. He looks at you so damn adoring while he’s fucking you senseless, watching you gasp and start to squirm under him when the sensation builds upon too much. “Wanted you. Like this.”
“Gh… Y-Yeah…?” You somehow manage to choke out while your body has a mind of its own, squirming and shaking and Caleb’s hands hold you right where he needs you as he slides in and out of you again, pulls out so only the tip is in and snaps his hips against yours in a fluid motion. You wonder if it’s because your most recent orgasm was so close, left you so sensitive you feel like you’re already on the brink. You hang onto Caleb for purchase and try not to cry out as he pushes into you over and over and over.
“You’re way too hot. You feel way too—haah —good.” Caleb curses as he moves, hold your hips and reaches a hand down between the two of you to tease you with sweet fingers while he pumps into you. “You. Undone. Under me,” he murmurs, and your hips helplessly buck into his touch, fingers clutch him tight as he fucks you.
“Y-You…ah—Caleb,” you try to respond, but the way Caleb rocks his hips, and his hand wastes no time driving you mad, you feel that feeling build, build and build so quick, so perfect. You want to retort, say anything to flip his words on him, but you know you’re a gasping mess and can’t focus your mind enough to put up a decent argument. So you clutch at his slick skin, bury your fingers so deep it pales, and whine “I’m… I’ll… ‘M about to…”
Caleb hears you loud and clear, keeps the pace of him pumping into you and is always sure to angle the way your hips slot together perfectly, so each thrust hits you with a deep wave of pleasure and his fingers leave you weak.
“You always act so strong, so tough. It’s nice I can get you like this,” he speaks, and if your mind wasn’t in such fog you’d probably be a little annoyed, but all you can do is whimper at how his voice whispers low in your ear, and the way he circles his hips perfectly to make you gasp, clench, and make him groan in return.
That feeling approaches, the familiar feeling of being undone by Caleb and at the mercy of his mouth, fingers and thrusts. He murmurs sweet words against your lips, and it’s all you can handle when you’re biting your lip and your body is pulled taught like a string, shuddering and powerful as you feel a burst of pleasure like no other, so strong and prolonged you wonder if it’ll ever end, so much you actually see white. Caleb doesn’t relent on his thrusts, fucks you through it, and he doesn’t stop when you’re quivering either and suddenly it’s too much all at once. Your body is still in tremors and shakes as he grasps your hips firm, presses a soothing kiss to your temple as you start to squirm and let out weak noises.
It’s too much and too fast and you’re so sensitive and you can’t— “Caleb,” you choke out, body naturally moving to escape the sensation, but Caleb’s hands hold you steady.
“Want—“ he rasps, “want me to stop? All you gotta do is tap me,” he murmurs so sweet in your ear, and tears prick in your eyes as the pleasure, the sensitivity is so blinding you can’t keep them from your face. And you quietly cry and squirm but hold on tight, not tapping, not pinching. It’s torture but it feels terribly amazing in the best way, even if Caleb has to keep a firm hold so you don’t scramble from his grasp.
“Too much, I can’t, Caleb,” you sob, Caleb kisses the tears that fall down your cheeks so sweetly and proceeds to fuck you silly. Your heart is pounding, your whole body is a shaking over sensitive mess and the feeling is so intense your mind can barely formulate words. “I—please, fuck…” you babble, can’t string together full sentences and just whimper under him. Fuck if you’re never at someone’s mercy like this, you wonder if it’s better or worse that it’s Caleb.
“So damn cute,” he breathes out in broken fragments, breaths quickening as he thrusts deep, hard, accepts every whimper and plea that leaves your wet lips. “You can relax around me, trust me. Let me take care of you.”
“Ah…!” You wish you could respond, you really do, but the only thoughts you can formulate are pleads and Caleb, the endless pleasure bordering pain he pushes you through. He’s so sweet in your hair as his pace quickens and his breaths are shallow, ragged. His face is a damp mess and strings of hair cling to his forehead as he utters your name — your name, not ‘pipsqueak’, over and over. Whispers your name in your ears, mouths it on your temple, presses his lips against your neck as he sighs it. You melt and squeeze your teary eyes shut, clawing at Caleb and letting him pound you into oblivion. You feel fucking ruined and Caleb kisses your tears and pets your head all throughout it.
“Dammit, seriously, what am I gonna do with you…” He rasps, and you think your hazy mind can classify it as positive. His thrusts are quick and it’s not soon after that he’s suddenly groaning, hips going still as he holds deep inside you, trembling as he spills. Deep, warm. You quiver and finally find relief in his slowed thrusts, the way he holds himself with shaky breaths and bright red cheeks, sweat sliding down his temple. Slowly, he stills, panting, and when he’s nearly done shaking, he slowly pulls himself out. The feeling of both being empty and filled is filthy, but you haven’t the energy to burn on feeling embarrassed when you can barely form a sentence. You gasp, wipe at the tears that rolled down your face, and can’t keep the tiny quivers from racking through your body even after the high has passed.
“You okay, pipsqueak?” He whispers after, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to your lips. You nod, mute, and have to give yourself a bit to be able to respond in full. He seems to understand that much, and rolls to the side so he can gently hold you in his affection.
“That was…wow,” you murmur, and bury your head into his damp chest, the sent of oak and sweat. “Can’t move…” The thought of so much as standing seems impossible, your brain is in this weird, pleasant fog and you can barely focus.
“Did I go overboard?” His laugh is light and raw, lips settled on your forehead.
“It was a lot,” you answer, and your fingers trace over his bicep. Who knew fighter pilots had to be so toned? “It’s hard to think but…” you hum, and adjust your buzzing limbs so you’re a little more comfortable. “It was… good.”
“Good. Guess I’ll put that on the list of things you like,” you feel his lips curl against your forehead, probably grinning. You don’t even have the energy to glare.
“You have a list?”
“In my mind,” he says, and you decide to pull back from his chest a little, if only to see his expression.
Sweat-ridden but sparkling with an air of pleasant satisfaction. Eyes alight, cheeks warm. Since when was Caleb so damn beautiful?
“Next time…” You look up at him with heavy eyes. Feel almost drunk as your body sags and your speech comes out in quiet rasps, throat spent from all the cries you swallowed down. “It’s your turn,” you run your fingers across his lean chest, feel the way his muscles jump with laugher and his heart is starting to slow into a steady rhythm. He’s so irritatingly attractive.
You’re not used to feeling so utterly spent, helpless after. Your legs would collapse under you like a fawn learning to walk if you tried anything right now. You’d like to see Caleb come undone under your fingers, unable to keep himself from writhing while you tease him endlessly. In that way, you’re both similar, you suppose, and you can hardly blame Caleb for the way he gets off on you clawing at him.
“Can’t wait,” he says easily, almost makes you more mad at how easily he accepts your words. He strokes your cheek, wipes the remnants of tears, and holds you comfortably in his palm. “You look so good when you’re a mess.”
“Hush now,” you sigh, and turn your head to kiss his palm. He pads your lip so gently, traces shapes across them (you think one is a heart). It’s so silly but so him and he continually manages to make your heart fill.
“I’m scared I’ll wake up and this’ll all be a dream.” He pulls you to him, buries his nose in your hair and strokes your back like he hasn’t seen you in years and needs to confirm your existence. “It feels like a dream. You in my arms. Kissing me. Wanting me.” He draws back so he can tilt your head up and peer into your eyes. You think the sun is starting to rise, his eyes are as clear as ever yet clouded with contentment and apprehension. “You like me, don’t you?” His hands hold you so sweetly, his eyes are so raw. “Pretty sure I’ve loved you as long as I can remember.”
You blink, try to process his words in the fog of your mind and feel yourself run warm when you’re able to take his words piece by piece and understand them, digest them in full. The word ‘love’ tickles your ears, and you try not to let the tears flow again (who knew being so wrecked made you stupidly emotional) and nod quickly, covering the hand that holds your cheek.
“Of course I like you. I’ve trusted and cared about you as long as I can remember.” Your hand on his chest stills, presses so you can hear the drum of his heartbeat that’s now relatively fast. You can’t judge, when your heartbeats are so heavy you feel them in the back of your throat. “I’ll love you back, someday. The way you love me. I’ve loved you like my best friend, as a person, for the longest, though.”
“I’ve waited so long to hear that…” Caleb sighs, your eyes flicker to the chain around his neck, and you silently vow to yourself to sometimes let go of your stubborn streak, take care of Caleb the way he loves to take care of you. You hum and nuzzle into his chest, basking in how warm he feels, skin against skin, heating you, like a pleasant wood fire on a cozy winter night.
You sigh, can’t bite back a small smile, and let your eyelids flutter, your weak body sink into the mattress as Caleb’s slow breaths and caresses lull you, goad you to rest.
Caleb’s skin, heat, the love and affection you feel encased in each featherlight touch draws you in, comforts you enough to let your consciousness fade. Like a soothing lullaby.
It’s perfect, knowing you’ll wake up in his arms the next morning.
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dalekowrites · 5 days
What would your favourite choice of the games interactive stories be? Would you have a favourite type? Romance, Fantasy etc. and did any of the inspire you with the ones you are currently writing? 😁
Oh boy! This is going to be a long answer, brace yourself lol
Let me start by saying that I have a degree in English literature (in fact, I'm going to do a PhD on it), so reading, in general, is one of the core activities of my life.
As for text adventures, even if not from Choice of Games Ltd., I'd like to mention a few inspirations: my passion first came from the original Choose Your Own Adventure series, and I still remember which numbers obsessed me as a child: Mountain Survival #28, The Dragons' Den #33, and more than any other, Space Patrol #22! (The latter may have also fueled my unhealthy obsession with Star Trek TOS, actually). For those unfamiliar with this fantastic book series, the genres of the three books I mentioned are, respectively, adventure, fantasy, and sci-fi. This gives you an idea of how varied my tastes are...
Later on, I discovered interactive fictions and text adventures. Dude, it was a dream come true. I started with Adventure ('76, never finished it, of course) and Zork ('79, never finished that either… of course. How damn hard were they?!). Then Mystery Mansion ('78), Castle Adventure ('82), and too many, many others. I'm a sucker for Sorcery! from inkle, and I deeply loved Magium (RIP Chris, you won't be forgotten). For my Italian-speaking friends, I also really enjoyed the Fra Tenebra e Abisso series (although its current status is unknown).
But back to CoG-related things. I've read a lot, and I'd probably be faster telling you what I didn't like! As you may have figured out by now, I don't have any particular genre preferences as long as a story is well-written, though horror-thriller stories usually grab my attention more easily.
Important note: I've read a lot of stories and, with a few exceptions, I liked most of them. To avoid writing a too-long list, here are the published stories that really impressed me:
A Crown of Sorcery and Steel,
A Midsummer Night's Choice,
Blood for Poppies,
Blood Moon,
Broadway: 1849,
Choice of the Cat,
Choice of the Vampire,
Doomsday on Demand (1 and 2),
Gilded Rails,
Golden Rose: Book One,
Jazz Age,
Lies Under Ice,
Life of a Mercenary,
Life of a Space Force Captain,
MetaHuman Inc.,
Noblesse Oblige,
Paradox Factor,
The Evertree Saga (all four books),
Revolution Diabolique,
Siege of Treboulain,
Tally Ho,
The Daily Blackmail,
The Dragon and the Djinn,
The Fernweh Saga: Book One,
The Fog Knows Your Name,
The Gray Painter,
The Grim and I,
The Ghost and the Golem,
The Lost Heir,
The Midnight Saga: The Monster,
The Parenting Simulator,
The Play's the Thing,
The Soul Stone War (1 and 2),
The War for the West,
Tudor Intrigue,
Vampire Regent,
Vampire: The Masquerade (all of them),
Way Walkers: University (1 and 2),
Welcome to Moreytown,
Werewolves: Haven Raising,
Zombie Exodus,
Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven.
And now, onto works in progress! There aren’t that many because I barely have time to follow my own (heh…), so here, in alphabetical order, are the ones I'm following with the most interest:
Adoriel's Tears (@adoriels-tears-if),
A Father's Love (@kal-down),
Crown of Ashes and Flames (@coeluvr),
Dawn Chorus (@dawnchorus-if)
Disenchanted (@disenchantedif),
Dragon's Edged (@dragonedged-if),
Elysium (@elysiumcircusif),
Fallen Lights (@fallenlightsif),
For King and Country (@forkingandcountry-if),
From The Ashes We Rise (@kal-down),
Hubris (@hubris-the-if-game),
Kingdoms and Empires (@kingdoms-and-empires),
Return to Misty Cove (@fluorescent-if),
The Abyssal Song (@ri-writes-if),
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - An affair of the heart (@doriana-gray-games),
The Lonely Shore (@thelonelyshore-if),
The King's Hound (@the-kingshound),
The Reaper Watches Me (@thereaperwatchesme),
The Bureau (@thebureau),
The Unseelie (@theunseelieif),
Van Helsing (@vanhelsing-if),
When Life Gives You Lemons (@when-life-gives-you-lemons-if).
Okay, that was… a lot. As for direct inspirations, I don't have any direct ones, but I can say I felt like writing a post-apocalyptic story after reading Doomsday on Demand! Other than that, I guess the collection of narrative, text adventures, and interactive fiction I've read have led me to where I am now.
Damn, it took me hours to write this answer. I hope it's satisfying at least! Thanks for asking ☺
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lillyspeakz · 23 days
reader greeting wilbur at the airport after a tour. when he first spots you he practically runs to you. he’s tired and clingy and hasn’t seen you in soooo long
hello! I loved this concept and I hope I wrote it well, I’m sorry this took a longer time, but I hope you enjoy!
warnings: fluff!!!!!
The boys had been on tour in the US for a couple months now, having played at festivals and all around the country. You sadly couldn’t go with them due to work and bad timing, but you did fly out to a show or two if you could. Even then, it’s been a month and some time since you’ve seen Wilbur in person, the FaceTime calls and small conversations hanging you both over till he was home.
Tom had made fun of you both for being so clingy towards each other, even when you were thousands of miles apart. He’d text Wilbur saying how gloomy you were and how you wouldn’t stop talking about him, and he’d also complain to you about how Wilbur would ask why you weren’t answering him when he knew you were with Tom and some friends. He just wanted to talk to you as much as he could.
You both pushed his comments away, only worried about the other and hoping someday soon you can see each other. So when Wil told you that they had one more show and he’d be home, you were ecstatic! You’d be able to see him in less than 48 hours.
To say you were a tad nervous was an understatement. You hadn’t seen him properly in a while, haven’t felt his touch and the warmth of his body and it made you ache for it. You did know what you’d do once you saw him, but all you knew was you were excited to be in the same room as him again.
As you stood in the airport, waiting to see at least someone from the group, hoping it’d be the tall brunette. Sadly your hopes were shattered as you saw Ash and Mark walking towards you with their luggage, Joe and David following close behind.
As they spotted you, they all gave you tired smiles and waves. You hugged all of them, knowing that they didn’t really want to socialize with the jet lag and how crazy everything has been. But you all silently knew they were all glad to be back and ready to rest before grinding again.
Turning back around, you finally saw him. He was stood a few feet away, looking at you with the most relieved look ever, a small smile on his face as his eyes took you in. You smiled back at him as tears started to rise in your eyes. You let out a laugh as he waved at you, walking up to him as you threw your arms around his neck and hid your face in his chest.
His arms engulfed you in their hold as he dropped his bag on the floor and pulled you as close to him as he could. His hand held the back of your head, as one rested around your waist.
“Oh my darling, how I’ve missed you.” He whispered out to you, his face hidden behind your hair. He held onto you tightly, still trying to grasp that you were actually in front of him.
You both didn’t realize how hard and lonely the long distance had been until now, all of the things that made you mad or sad or feel lonely was all because you didn’t have your person beside you. It didn’t feel right until now.
Pulling away, Wilbur cupped your face in his hands and wiped a stray tear that fell from your face, smiling down at you as you giggled. Leaning down , Wil softly placed his lips on yours in a much needed kiss. The kiss was indescribable, so many emotions and feelings going into that one kiss. Holding onto his forearms, you rubbed his wrist as he continued to kiss you, neither of you wanting to let go yet.
“Ok, can we do this later? I would like to get home sometime soon.” Joe commented as Wilbur pulled away and flipped him off, a laugh escaping the boys lips.
“Yeah yeah. Let’s go, love. Once we get the whiney children home, we can take a much needed nap yes?” Wil asked you, silent hope shining through his eyes.
“Yes. Yes we can.” You said, laughing as he fist pumped the air in excitement.
“Hey! The chat wants to see you.” Tommy said as he came into the editing room that was part of his office. Wil had been editing the newest episode for Sorry since we was back and had time to do it, leading you to be dragged with him for moral support.
“Ooo yeah!” You said as you went to get up, but was quickly met with arms around your waist and a groan coming from behind you and a head hiding in your neck. “Once I get this little guy off me.” Wil groaned at the nickname but didn’t protest.
“Wil, man! It’s been a week! They won’t disappear if they’re not with you for five seconds.” Tommy complained as he waited for Wil to let you go and let you come with him.
“But I had them first.” Wil whined, pulling you tighter against him as you ran your hand through his hair, loving how close you were in the moment.
“I’ll only be a minute or two ok? I won’t be long.” You whispered to him as he looked at you with a small pout.
“Promise.” You said back as he huffed and looked at the blonde.
“You have 5 minutes max! Anymore than that and I’m stealing them away again.” Wil pointed a finger at Tom as he held his hands up in a defensive manner.
“Jeez man! It’s not me who wants them! Tell chat that!”
“Tell chat for me?” Wil asked as he looked at me.
taglist: @ivvees-blog @horny-p0et
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cupiddivinearrow · 10 months
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What is your 💫💫💫Starseed ⭐️ Connection 💫💫💫? PAC Reading
Website Link: (Still a work in progress. So please bare with me)
Hey, check out my website, "Cupid’s Divine Arrow" with this link: https://cupiddivinearrow11.wixsite.com/cupidsdivinearrow-2
Discord link: https://discord.gg/bsWTW7FKbg
(I offer reiki sessions, energy shields, general, love, career, past lives, etc readings, sigils, etc. at reasonable prices…)
Take a moment to close your eyes and breathe, in through your nose, out through your mouth. When your body feels calm, open your eyes and let your intuition guide you to your pile. It’s okay to pick more than one pile!
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Crystal of Choice:
Smoky Quartz
• Keep you grounded if you're doing spiritual work or meditating
• Encourage a deeper connection to the Earth
• Support feelings of peace and calm
• Help you work through personal fears
Healing Energy
Trouble going with the flow
Innocent, Pure
Magnetic pull to water
Emotional, full of love, guided by love
Self discovery, Finding yourself
Divinely Guided
Unexpected Discoveries
Gaia, Mother Earth, Earth
Animals of Significance:
love, prophecy, verbosity, mediation
Feminine power, spirituality, renewal
Chakras of Significance:
Crown chakra
3rd eye chakra
Heart chakra
Astrological Energies of Significance:
Pile 1, this group is a very intelligent group. This pile is big on change and exploration. This pile might often have a traumatic past that can be crippling to some.
This pile may also have REALLY BIG HEARTS and moves out of love, most of the time.
The experiences that this pile undergoes are the stepping stones on their path. This pile often goes through changes, are often healing from friends and family, loved ones, that betray them. It’s hard for this pile to trust.
Pile 1, y’all often tap into your intuition due to the inner knowledge that y’all have buried within, knowledge that’s meant to help guide the Earth through the knowledge gathered from past experiences. This pile is meant to keep moving forward, to push through the hardships that could break an individual.
Pile 1, you may be seen as pure, innocent, angelic. Have a fondness to being close to the water.
Overall, this pile has the inner knowledge to push through any hardship, learn from it, and rise up from the ashes like a Phoenix.
Pile 1, you are here, on Earth, to share with the world about Patience. The world is always on the go, maybe this pile too, and it may be a bit difficult to slow down and just be. Be still. Be patient. Wait. But the thing that Pile 1 wants to express to the world that even when there is confusion on your path, being patient and keep in your faith will help push things along. People forget that faith sometimes requires patience, even when things are unclear.
This pile is big hearted, full of love, and nurturing energy. A part of your soul remembers the peace, unity and love that it shared amongst its soul family before having came to Earth and it yearns to feel that again. So when people hurt you, it strikes deep. Because it’s not really here on Earth. Which is the karmic wound that needs healing. Earth needs to heal the parts that make them stir the pot that causes a rift in unity. This pile is meant to shine a light on what’s keeping the Earth so divided, so it can be acknowledged and worked on.
Earth needs to learn how to tap into that Universal love that we all have access to and learn how to truly be sorry to those that are hurt by the carelessness of others. The shadows, hate, wounds, separation, severing, wrongs, and sadness must be acknowledged to bring change. To bring peace.
Pile 1, you may become a bit irritated or impatient at the idea of having to wait and be patient. Especially when your soul remembers being able to manifest your desire without the need to wait, or being able to listen to your intuition then and know what to do and where you were going vs now, where your intuition may whisper to you or not, and you feel more lost than grounded. Try to remember that other planets move differently than Earth, as well as, any progress is still progress. You don’t have to know where you’re going or what’s going on to move forward, just try to listen to your instincts and take a step. That’s all it takes. And by doing that, you’ll also be teaching the Earth to do the same. You’ll be leading by example which will encourage others to do the same.
Pile 1, have y’all been feeling homesick lately? Is your soul remembering the times it had back home? Remembering the feeling of home? Just know that everything will be okay P1. Try to remember that you chose to come here to Earth and that you’re not alone. You didn’t come here alone. It’s time to fully give in to the human experience. Try to anchor your personality, your soul, and your spirit to the life you are living now. Whether you’re yearning for a place or person to find home, just know that this was your choice. Commit by putting both feet completely in and ask yourself how you can be more so? This has been a challenge for you Pile 1, and it’s one that you can overcome.
Pile 1, your soul is being called. It’s being called to connect with the Earth, with Mother Gaia. So often, we can get thrown in a rut; in a repeating cycle that leaves us moving on auto, doing the same things, over and over again, daily. This can cause our souls to start thirsting for more. Our souls were never meant to be stuck in a box. Limited. Stuck. Unsupported, alone. Stagnant. However, when we give ourselves permission to get in touch with nature and ourselves, it allows us to connect more to Mother Gaia, to Earth. To fill that void that we continue to try to convince ourselves will close if we just move, act, sound, etc a certain way. Allow yourself to listen to that little voice that tells you to go against the grain. It’s time to slow down and spend some time out in nature. Listen to yourself. Be still. Breath with Lady Gaia, Earth, the Divine.
🌎 Closing Comment:🌎
Pile 1, you are being asked to take things slow… one day at a time. Maybe it’s time to start looking into the stars and crystalline grids, which provides stored information that contains ancient codes of wisdom that had been forgotten by humanity. These ancient codes will help Pile 1 to assist humanity with the vibrational shift that’s taking place. The crystalline grid are constantly having stars shower emanations onto it, and information sent back to it once things are balanced on Earth. Lastly, this pile’s vibration may be raising and it’s causing y’all to activate your energy body to its highest form: The light body, which will require this pile to move slow in order to integrate this change.
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Crystal of Choice:
Rainbow Moonstone
Represents inner clarity
Cyclical change
Connection to the feminine
It is a symbol of light and hope
Encourages us to embrace new beginnings
Closely linked to themes of femininity:
Divine Feminine
Divine Masculine
Innocent, Pure
Old Souls, Wise
Instinct, Impulsive, Spontaneous
Ice, Water, Emotional
Priest, High Priestess
Trust, Faith, Divinely Guided
Forward Movement
Completion, Ending of Cycles
Fate vs Destiny, Akashic Records
Saturn energy
Spiritual Warriors
Native American
Arctic/ Alaska
Cold/ Ice
Crown Chakra
3rd Eye Chakra
Throat Chakra
Soul, Divinity, Liberation, Creativity, Rebirth
Creation, Magic, Illumination
Polar Bear:
Power, Wisdom, Peace
Fire Energies
Some of you may want to check pile 1
Pile 2, **YALL ARE POWERFUL**!!!!! This is the pile that is meant to bring harmony and balance to the world. This pile has dedicated their lifetimes to bringing peace to the world. Y’all might not like big groups or need time to recoup after being in one. This pile may love being near water, or may need to. Some of you may be seeing 222 a lot, 888, 999, 1111. This pile may consist of those that may be on their twin flame journeys. Some of the people in this pile may be highly intuitive, which means you receive lots of downloads from the Divine/ Source/ the Universe. May be immature when it comes to communication, but stay in their heads a lot. May have a lot of love to give but may seem closed off. This pile may love to listen to music, or may be musicians and dancers, very artistic. This pile may also face a lot of trauma that they must heal from, to end unhealthy cycles so you can be reborn. This pile is helps the world to transition by spreading peace around the world through your life experiences that cause you to change and evolve. To grow without going dark. This pile is meant to make moving on and handling issues with Grace. To find yourself through lessons that teach you to let go of anything trying to hold you back and by doing the things you love, things that feed your soul. This pile is all about fairness and Justice through reflection and ascension. This pile is destined to have fulfillment. Y’all are or will be known for making life difficulties look easy. This pile is screaming Spiritual Warriors. You’re all about Faith.
As of late, pile 1, y’all may be letting things be for now. Not pushing anything, but learning to let things come to you. You came to Earth to teach others to do the same. You’re learning how to take the lead in your life. This pile may have a hard time trusting others to lead, as well, in themselves. Y’all might be having a hard time trusting in your actions. However, doubt is part of life. Every hero or leader has doubts, but they had to learn when to push through them. You asked to be here. You asked to undergo these lessons to ascend. You’re here to show Earth that just because something happens that doesn’t feel good, doesn’t mean it was bad or you’re living wrong. Social law vs Spiritual law. Which one matters more? Which one applies more? Care less what others think, and trust your instincts. So often people forget that Earth’s laws don’t apply to what’s meant to be. Now’s the time to help teach the Earth how to let go of control issues by ignoring the background noise, which sometimes, it’s our self sabotaging ways, and focus on your purpose.
Pile 2, have you been facing a lot of difficulties lately that’s been making you feel as if you’ve hit rock bottom? It’s time to love on yourself a little bit harder and have some compassion for yourself. As trying as it has been, please try to remember that situations in life are temporary. That nothing lasts forever and that diamonds are only formed under pressure baby! And you, pile 2, are diamonds in the making, if you’re not one already. So many people don’t realize that hitting rock bottom is a gift. A true blessing. Because the only way you can go is up. And the only way you can truly find out just how strong you are is by learning your fullest potential. Surrender to the alchemy of life. Don’t give up, you’re a Phoenix baby! Rise from the ashes and learn just how powerful you truly are. I bet you’ll surprise yourself in the end.
Pile 2, you may want to learn how to think like the Pleiadeans. You’re being called to learn how to let go of the situations in the past that made you feel bad about yourself. You’re being asked to see the bigger picture. What can you take out of those experiences? Have you tried to ask yourself what about those experiences that left you feeling down and out were a blessing? What did you learn? What was something positive you can take from your experiences. It’s all about perspective. “The glass half empty, half full” saying comes to mind. Just know, an old dog can learn new tricks, and it’s never too late for you to learn something new that could help change the future. Maybe you’ve been feeling inspired lately? The world needs more people that can see the big picture, artists, dreamers, inventors, & visionary thinkers. Trust in the vision that you have and follow through. It takes courage to pace a new path- have faith anyways. Trust that everything will work out as intended. Trust in yourself.
Also, Pile 2, some of you may already know that you’re a pretty strong empath, and for those that didn’t, well now you do... P2, it’s okay to keep some things for yourself. Y’all are so sweet, y’all make be overextending yourself, which can play a part on you feeling drained. So, P2, it’s time to start looking out for self more. It’s okay to take some time to self and to fill your cup. I mean, who’s gonna give you what your body needs and craves if you don’t? You gotta take care of you before you can help anymore. Being an empath, you can draw in others emotions and vibes, and it’s important to take the time to nourish yourself. And don’t worry about whether or not you have time to nurture yourself and do your life’s purpose. As long as you take care of self, the Earth will automatically receive the love that it’s meant to, because it’s literally surrounding you. All you have to do is BE. It’s time to take care of your energetic self. It’s okay, P2. The world won’t stop if you take some time for self, I promise.
🕊️ Closing Comments🕊️
P2, your soul is calling out to you to work on your perspective. It’s time to wake up. Yes, life can be hard. Especially when you’re feeling a calling to find a home, person or place where you feel at home, at peace. Your soul craves it because it remembers it, before all the difficulties of life on Earth. However, the difficulties we face can sometimes cloud of judgement and that’s all we focus on. Not realizing that all it is is a distraction. We’re a small speck of dust compared to what’s really going on out there. Time can be so fleeting. It’s time to see how our mindset affects our ability to follow our contract. Our soul’s experience is a flash compared to what’s really going on in the Universe. Take a moment to see the bigger picture. Find the strength to live on Earth with all your strength and keep pushing forward with great compassion and love from within. Don’t let life’s difficulties change you for the worse. You are a being of love. Try to remember to look at any experience with love in your heart, that’s the only way to truly move forward without allowing poison to warp our perspectives.
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Crystal of Choice:
Amethyst Crystal
aka “All Purpose Stone
Inner peace
Draws in love
Healing abilities
Assist in curing physical illnesses related to the head, lungs, pancreas, liver, stomach, muscles, and reproductive organs
Increase in Spiritual abilities
Cosmic Ancestors
New beginnings
Star energy; popular, magnetic
Needs to stay grounded
Unexpected Changes
Waters, Bodies of Water, Emotional
Forward movement
A shift
Creation/ Life/ Fertility
Greek ties —> Goddesses Artemis or Amphitrite
Egyptian ties —> Goddess Isis
Hunger for life, change, something new
Wish fulfillment
Masculine energy
Chakras of Significance
Third Eye
Animals of Significance:
Instinctual Energy, Independence, Regeneration
Fertility, Purity, Divination
Water, Creation, Emotions
Animal Deities
Divinity, Guidance, Wisdom
Astrological Energies of Significance
Mars energy
Neptune energy
Pluto energy
How’s it going P3!
This pile may be into the arts, such as music, dancing, drawing, etc. Some of you may be seeing 111s and 222s a lot. Some of y’all in this group may be intuitive. Some of y’all may have had to move on from things that could’ve left you broken. This pile might have a hard time balancing their emotions and their thoughts. Some of you may be feeling a bit pessimistic or depressed? Some of you may be thirsty for life and might be needing a change? Some of you may be dealing with some people in your life that are deceivers, liars, out for self, and it may be keeping you in a distorted energy. Some of you may be heavy in your masculine energy right now, whether you’re a man or woman (I go off energy, not gender). Some of you may be trying to juggle life, career, or relationships, especially after an unexpected change. Some of you have been manifesting a change in your career or hoping to receive a gift that would be a wish fulfillment. If any of this resonates, then this is your pile P3.
P3, after a long and challenging time, the world is officially undergoing a shift. And that’s thanks to y’all doing your part P3. However, I see you’re having a hard time seeing past the difficulties in life and finding that spark again. It’s okay to focus on your spiritual growth, but you must also remember to live in the 3D. You may be feeling like you recently hit rock bottom. You need to remember that it’s okay to be spontaneous. It’s okay to surrender to pleasure and joy. You really need to focus on filling your own cup back up again. The Universe doesn’t want you drowning for love and fun, but to live! To find that spark that motivates you to keep moving forward. This world will drain you if you let it. Stay focused on moving forward, P3. I guarantee, that your manifestations and wishes are just around the corner. That’s a promise. Also, try to remember that life isn’t a race. It’s okay to relax and enjoy the moment. Enjoy the process. Have no regrets when looking back. You’re so much closer than you know P3.
Awwww P3 🥺🥺🥺 One word. Balance. It’s time to find balance. Some starseeds that come to Earth have a harder time living in it. Some starseeds have a hard time balancing their life out with their spiritual side, finding it easier to be part of the Earth than to worry about other things. This battle between the spiritual and Earth is called Transcendence vs Immanence. Most starseeds feel more comfortable with transcending. P3, you came to the Earth to show people how to balance out the 2. You need to learn how to BE in the world P3. Because you have a hard time having boundaries, it may be hard for you to BE in this world. You’re beings of pure, unconditional love. So you see the good in people, which often leaves you taken advantage of. Some of you have been relationships that you may partake in may tend to be a bit unhealthy, and this happens a lot. Some of you are here to learn how to love while in a separate body. P3, it’s time to learn how to love yourself and establish healthy boundaries. You are full of all the love you need and require. Maybe some of you are in a codependent relationship, or maybe some of you are in relationships where you give more than what you get and it’s draining you. P3, it’s time to establish healthier ways. If you lose yourself in relationships, it’s time to maybe, take some time to self and focus on loving yourself and getting to know yourself better.
Some of you may be Golden Children, aka Children of the Sun (I also heard Ra). Children of the Sun are suspected of being highly intuitive and gifted, but often are treated in a not so nice way on their journeys. Some of you may need to heal your inner child from trauma, and some of you may be expecting or will be expecting soon, and it could be a Child of the Sun. To help bring these intuitive children into the world to nurture and guide. Also, some of you who have trouble upholding your boundaries are a bit of a people pleaser and this is causing you to pour salt in your wounds, while adding on more. You’re not meant to be everyone’s cup of tea. You’re not meant to please everyone. The person you should be concerned with pleasing is yourself. Stop giving away your power. Embrace who you are and who you were meant to be. It’s okay if everyone doesn’t understand you. You weren’t meant to be placed in a box (society standards). Embrace the weirdness. Your uniqueness. It’s what makes you shine.
The life lesson you came here to learn P3, is that anything that is unaligned in your life must go. It’s time to question everything that you know and virtually scan what is acceptable and needed in your life, and what isn’t… or who. The shift that is occurring will be doing the same for the world. Society, the World, how people think…? The Unseen will start to be seen. Everything will start to change, or it will not survive. So you must make sure you’re doing your part. Yes, it may be difficult, but it is necessary. It’s time for the world to be reminded how the Universe operates, which isn’t based on what society is pushing today. It’s time to dismantle the ways and beliefs that are no longer serving. It’s time for you to trust in what you need to do and take the baby steps to make it happen.
P3, it’s never too late to learn something new. To change your perspective or goals, your career, or the relationships in your life. It’s time to step into your role and be a visionary for the planet. You decide what you believe… what you follow . And the decisions you make today could affect the wellbeing of the planet and its species, so it’s important that you get a different perspective than the one you’ve had. It’s time to open your mind and dream a new world. Don’t worry about what anyone else thinks. It takes alot of courage to take the path you’re being called to take vs the easier one. Trust that what you’re about to do will be successful, just hold firm. Doors are opening for you P3. You have the Midas touch right now. Your thoughts are extra powerful right now, the planets are aligned and the timing is right. The Universe has your back P3. All of your hard work is about to pay off, just keep going! Especially since now is the time to work on moving towards your dreams abd ACHIEVING those dreams. If you feel like you’re being called to shake things up and make some big changes, NOW’S the time to do it. Effortless changes are about to happen for you, if it’s not happening already P3.
Some of you may want to check out P1 if you were called to do so.
P3, it’s time to remember that you’re not alone, it can just feel that way when you’re not balanced in the 3D & 5D. You’re being called to check in with yourself more, and to start practicing honing your gifts. It’s time to step up. You came to Earth with a double mission. To grow as a soul and to assist in the shift to raise the consciousness of the world. Some of you in p3 may have many unique gifts that you do or don’t know about that has yet to fully be uncovered. Move towards your being called to do, whether it’s a creative project, a passion, or an adventure. It’s time to step up and leap. Also, some of you in P3 need to take some time to reach out to family or friends, or go on a friendly walk with a someone to gather your energetic resources. As an old soul, sometimes starseeds feel the need to isolate or be alone. But we’re humans. We’re beings that require group interaction and closeness. Find the balance, P3.
⭐️Closing Comments:⭐️
P3, if you’re working on any projects, just know this pile whatever it is has great potential to be successful. Don’t give up. Be like the Mintakans who saw the light in everything and everyone. There is potential in humans and situations, just gotta train yourself to see that. Try to have faith P3, and know that EVERYTHING and everyone are working out to the highest potential for all those involved. Also, try to figure out any unconscious thoughts and patterns you have and bring them to light. If we don’t face what is needed to addressed, they have a tendency to show up. So deal with whatever you’re not dealing with P3, before you’re made to by the Universe.
Children of the Sun
✨ And that concludes this reading! ✨
🕊️🕊️🕊️ Blessings!🕊️🕊️🕊️
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poraphia · 1 year
"Four Medium-Sized Coffees, One Big Fat Work Crush"
lvjy!wilbur x manager!reader 1457 words • 8.9.23 request by @mrssabinecallas! "lead singer will with a manager reader! they book all their performances and bring them coffee every morning, just happy to be there with Will and their friends"
requests are still open!! dont be shy :3 pt. 2 here <-
How to be a good tour manager: 1) Bring them coffee every morning 2) Don't fall in love with the lead singer
Y’know, when I signed up for this job, I didn’t expect the roller coaster of emotions and action that would come with being an on-tour manager. 
I especially didn’t think I’d end up falling for the lead singer of Lovejoy, William Gold.
I have been a stage director for concerts for a couple of years now since I graduated from university. I worked for different venues, taking up jobs such as being in charge of soundcheck and directing the lights. After years of hard work and a resume of experience, I was finally offered my first opportunity of being an on-tour manager for a rising band that was touring the world.
I have to admit, it was different. I was constantly away from home and on the road. The one thing genuinely battling this homesick feeling was the constant adventure and excitement we faced in every city. From sitting awkwardly in an Uber as the driver told us horrific stories, to running around the late-night streets tasting cuisines we had never heard of before.
I remember on the first day, I was a nervous train wreck. I spent most of that night pacing around my hotel room while occasionally practicing in the mirror how to greet the band, how to talk to them, and how to even shake their hand. It wasn’t until the peak time of 4 AM I decided that I should keep things simple (and that I should probably go to sleep because I had to wake up in three hours).
I met up with the band at our first venue for a soundcheck. When I got the text that they were arriving shortly, I ran to the nearest cafe and ordered four coffees, each with a simple shot of espresso, two scoops of sugar, and a cup of milk. It was basic, and it wasn’t guaranteed it would be something they’d love, but I was far too deep to turn back around and return the coffee. Plus, wouldn’t that be a super awkward situation? Oh, hey Mr. Barista! Sorry, can you refund me these four coffees after I walked in the blazing city heat for roughly ten minutes before—
“Hi,” A deep, posh voice caused me to snap out of my thoughts. I looked around, not even realizing I was already at the venue, and the man was holding the door for me. He was tall with disheveled curly hair and he wore a striped T-Shirt with some basic black jeans. Glasses rested on the bridge of his nose but more importantly, there was the guitar case slung across his shoulder.
“O-Oh, thank you!” I stuttered, rushing past him to avoid any more embarrassment. He softly chuckled behind me before closing the door. I turned around, half-smiling to shake off the embarrassing situation I’ve seemed to stumble in.
“You must be (y/n), right? Our manager?” He asked, his eyes trailing from my face to my lanyard, to the cardboard cupholders presenting four hot and fresh beverages. 
“Yeah!” I exclaimed a bit too loudly. Guess that’s another check on the list for what will keep me up tonight. “I, uh, I got these coffees for you guys! Just to help you guys out with the jetlag and all…” I trailed off in the end. But thankfully, the man smiled and took a random cup, slightly pursing his lips to retrieve the beverage only to flinch back, laughing.
“Holy shit, this is hot.” He chuckled. I couldn’t help but laugh along as well. “Oh, fuck, where are my manners– My name is Wilbur, Will, William, honestly call me what you like.” He shrugged. “My other mates are right there and are practicing on stage right now. There’s Ash, Mark, and Joe.” He pointed to the respective person, each calling out their name. 
We both began to walk toward the backstage area and continued talking. As Wilbur walked nonchalantly with coffee in hand, I struggled to catch up to his long strides while also maintaining the balance of the rest of the drinks.  “It’s a funny way how we all became a band actually–” He turned around. Noticing my struggle as he spared a few milliseconds so that I may catch up. Will chuckled before continuing to walk at a much slower pace.
Once we arrived in the backstage lounge, I pushed the door for him with my back. He thanked me before walking past. “Oh, (y/n), I would like to mention something–” He said, turning his head to face me. I tilted my head, anticipating. “Next time you get us coffee, I’d like mine with two cups of milk!” He smiled. “Although, it is perfect as it is anyway. I’m sure the rest of the band would love it.”
As I watched him finish up his coffee and make his way to the stage, my mind was set on a new goal:
“Find out Lovejoy’s desired coffee orders.”
From that day forward, I brought them coffee every morning. From meeting them on the tour bus, at soundcheck, to even waiting in the hotel lobby. I would listen closely to what comments they would make. If Joe slightly mentions to Ash he doesn't like sweet coffee, I'll remember to add less sugar. If I heard Mark asking around for creamer, I'll remember to put more cream. My petty rule for myself was that I wouldn't dare ask them directly about their preferences. It was a fun little game for me, and it only took Wilbur a little over two months for him to notice.
Wilbur and I were sitting in the tour bus booth area going over the set list when he brought it up. "Hey, (Y/N), can I ask you something?" He said, tapping at his cardboard cup. I looked up from the piece of paper I was writing on to meet his eyes. 
"I know what you're gonna ask– I've already asked the stage crew if we could add smoke for The Fall along with some more flashing lights during Warsaw." I explained, pointing at the paper with the pen I had in hand.
Wilbur let out a soft chuckle with the softest smile on his face. His hair covered a bit of his eyes but even then I could see the reflection of light making his pupils sparkle. His laugh caused a fluttering sensation in my chest. My hands and stomach tingled as if dozens of butterflies were dancing on my skin. Was I.. Getting flustered?
"No, no, I wasn't going to ask that." He spoke gently. I held my breath, a little embarrassed for my rambling. "Though I do appreciate it all. You've picked up so much about us as a band in just a couple of weeks." He held the end joints of my fingers between his grasp as he spoke, fidgeting with them as he talked. 
"Oh, well…" I felt the blush creeping to my face. "that is kind of my job." I chuckled.
"Also you've been getting our coffee orders perfectly I've noticed. Mark was raving to me earlier about how good it tasted. Ash even posted it in his story." Wilbur said, reminiscing on his mornings with his friends. 
I couldn't hold back the biggest smile on my face. It took every nerve of my body not to jump up on the table and do the goofiest, happiest dance of my life. Instead, I nodded and hummed, using my thumb to rub circles into his hand.
"I'm really glad to hear that. This is my first on-tour job, so here it's just–" I stumbled over my words trying to find the right phrases, but I was so overwhelmed with giddiness I just sighed. "Thank you…"
Wilbur looked back up to meet my eyes again. His cheeks were dusted with the slightest bit of pink as he examined bits of my face. I wanted to take in every feature of his as well. From the small mole near his eye to how pink his lips were. How pretty his lips are… they look so… Soft–
"(y/N)! Wilbur!" Mark called out from the other end of the bus. Immediately we pulled away from each other, sinking ourselves in our opposite-end seats from embarrassment. 
"Yeah?! What is it, Mark?" Will called out, but he dared not to turn around to face him. 
"We're in LA now! You guys ready for our last gig in the States?!" He asked excitedly.
Oh, God. 
It was the last gig. 
Which means… 
I looked over to Will, who also had a slight shock on his face as if it slipped his mind as well. 
This is it, I suppose. 
Who was I to think I would get my happy rom-com ending?
my wilbur soot masterlist ~! a / n ~ i have a part two idea for this already omg should I do it?? reblogs and likes are super appreciated!! they be motivating me :33
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🌈 Queer Books Coming Out in August 2024 🌈
🌈 Good afternoon, my bookish bats! Here are a FEW of the stunning, diverse queer books you can add to your TBR before the year is over. Happy reading!
[ Text list below ⤵ ]
❓What was the last queer book you read?
[ Release dates may have changed. ]
❤️ Failure to Comply - Sarah Cavar 🧡 I Spit On Your Celluloid - Heidi Honeycutt 💛 You're Embarrassing Yourself - Desiree Akhavan 💚 Death of the Hero - Briona Johnson 💙 Between Dragons and Their Wrath - Devin Madson 💜 The Crimson Crown - Heather Walter ❤️ Sacrificial Animals - Kailee Pedersen 🧡 Oath of Fire - K. Arsenault Rivera 💛 The Palace of Eros - Caro De Robertis 💙 This Ravenous Fate - Hayley Dennings 💜 Mistress of Lies - K.M. Enright 🌈 Wolf Bite - T.J. Nichols
❤️ In the Valley, A Shadow - Samantha Tano 🧡 Follow My Lead - Adrian J. Smith 💛 The Last Woman I Kissed - Venetia Di Pierro 💚 Full Shift - Jennifer Dugan & Kristen Seaton 💙 Hers for the Weekend - Helena Greer 💜 Come Out, Come Out - Natalie C. Parker ❤️ Rules for Ghosting - Shelly Jay Shore 🧡 How to Leave the House - Nathan Newman 💛 Plot Twist - Carmen Sereno 💙 On the Far Side of a Crescendo - Kalyn Hazel 💜 Tiny Oblivions and Mutual Self Destructions - Maxwell I. Gold 🌈 Daylan and the River of Secrets - Edd Tello
❤️ The Italy Letters - Vi Khi Nao 🧡 The Gender Binary Is a Big Lie - Lee Wind 💚 The House Where Death Lives - Alex Brown 💙 Ash's Cabin - Jen Wang 💜 The Avian Hourglass - Lindsey Drager ❤️ The Heart Wants - Krystina Rivers 🧡 A Grand Love - Janna Barkin 💛 You Can't Go Home Again - Jeanette Bears 💜 Libertad - Bessie Flores Zaldivar 🌈 Her Golden Coast - Anat Deracine
❤️ Mighty Millie Novak - Elizabeth Holden 💛 Rise and Divine - Lana Harper 💚 Dying for You - L Flowers 💙 I'll Have What He's Having - Adib Khorram 💜 Changing Her Tune - Amanda Kabak ❤️ Monogamy? In this Economy? - Laura Boyle 🧡 The Rainbow Age of Television - Sayna Maci Warner 💛 Medusa of the Roses - Navid Sinaki 💙 Confounding Oaths - Alexis Hall 💜 Idol Lives - K.T. Salvo 🌈 Brother's Keeper - Quinn Cameron
❤️ Key Lime Sky - Al Hess 🧡 Crushing It - Erin Becker 💛 The Husky and His White Cat Shizun - Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou 💚 Not for the Faint of Heart - Lex Croucher 💙 Tasting Temptation - JJ Arias 💜 Ami - S. Jae-Jones ❤️ You're the Problem, It's You - Emma R. Alban 🧡 Cubs & Campfires - Dylan Drakes 💛 The Dark We Know - Wen-yi Lee 💙 Practical Rules for Cursed Witches - Kayla Cottingham 💜 Riyati Rebirth - Kalani Shimizu 🌈 The Brujos of Borderland High - Gume Laurel III
❤️ A Bánh Mì for Two - Trinity Nguyen 🧡 Dance of the Starlit Sea - Kiana Krystle 💛 Scattered Snows, to the North - Carl Phillips 💚 Beyond a World Apart - Caitlin Myers 💙 Don't Let It Break Your Heart - Maggie Horne 💜 Nothing Heals Me Like You Do - Harper Bliss ❤️ How It All Ends - Emma Hunsinger 🧡 How Do I Sexy? - Mx. Nillin Lore 💛 The Palace of Eros - Caro De Robertis 💙 Prince of the Palisades - Julian Winters 💜 Better Left Buried - Mary E. Roach 🌈 Back to Back - Jo Fletcher
❤️ DITCHLAPSE / [REALLY AFRAID] - Tommy Wyatt 🧡 The Love Archives: Bonus Scenes & Excerpts for Palestine - Various 💛 Guardian: Zhen Hun - Ying Priest 💚 The Sunforge - Sascha Stronach 💙 Queering Reproductive Justice - Candace Bond-Theriault 💜 Gender Explained - Diane Ehrensaft & Michelle Jurkiewicz ❤️ The Unlikely Pair - Jax Calder 🧡 In Universes - Emet North 💛 We Love the Nightlife - Rachel Koller Croft 💙 Lessons from Cruising - Martin Goodman 💜 Wild Ginger in the Rhubarb - Eule Grey 🌈 Not My Circus - Delicia Niami
❤️ Asunder - Kerstin Hall 🧡 The Phoenix Keeper - S.A. MacLean 💛 Encounters with James Baldwin - Various 💚 Verity's Game - Jennifer Giacalone 💙 Hunt Me! I Crave the Chase - Fae Quin 💜 The Audacity Omnibus - Carmen Loup ❤️ Haunted to Death - Frank Anthony Polito 🧡 Blood Orange - Paige Grunewald 💛 The Bad Things We Did - Chris Archeske 💙 Dark Restraint - Katee Robert 💜 Worth the Wait - Kenna White 🌈 The Maid and the Crocodile - Jordan Ifueko
❤️ Loving Corrections - Adrienne Maree Brown 🧡 The Last Witch in Edinburgh - Marielle Thompson 💛 The Duchess of Kokora - Nikhil Prabala 💚 The Scales of Seduction - Rien Gray 💙 Survival Is a Promise - Alexis Pauline Gumbs 💜 Loka - S.B. Divya ❤️ The Every Body Book of Consent - Rachel E Simon 🧡 Southern Lights - Liz Arncliffe 💛 Then Things Went Dark - Bea Fitzgerald 💙 Death at Morning House - Maureen Johnson 💜 The Last Doorbell - William Parker 🌈 The Pairing - Casey McQuiston
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catinasink · 8 months
introduction teehee
most recent edit: 2/03/24
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general questions
who am i?
i'm cat (dont capitalize, as in Cat) and tentatively eli or nico. i'm a minor, as well as in middle school (ages 11-14). i go by it/its (if you're calling me cat) or they/he (if you're calling me eli or nico) or no pronouns. i am transmasc agender, aroacespec (aroflux and aegosexual), and pan.
what do i post about/reblog about?
genshin impact
other random fandoms
dreamscape nexus (...)
life things! (vents, random events, etc)
things about my friends :D
classes outside school (ballroom dance, art, aikido, russian, math)
writing (i am a writer)
music (i post lyrics from music, is fun)
gay (i am gay)
my friends
family, pets, friends?
one older sister
two cats - kim and shego (or floorshitter)
irl friends:
pissboy (my husband. he/they) (pissboy origin story)
lee (my wife. not a permanent nickname. she/her)
preppy (my wife, not a permanent nickname, she/her)
miss eighth* grader (she/they, talks abt sui a lot)
ashes (she/her, my bbg)
may mention some other ppl as well lol
can you tag me, ask me questions, tag me in chain asks or tag games?
sure, i might not participate in tag games or chain asks tho :>
PST, inside a sink
if over 25, bigots in general, the usual
what can you call me?
no: bro, guy, gal, sis, girl, man, boy, dude, etc. (gendered terms in general)
yes: pet names (sarcastically and/or platonically, ofc) such as sweetheart, honey, bbg (please dont fully type out babygirl); lil guy is fine
i might call myself a girl or a boy, dont take this as permission please x
*used to be miss seventh grader
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other info
i would appreciate tone tags if you feel you are speaking too vaguely, but otherwise it's fine
am either a slytherin or ravenclaw. slytherin most-likely
scorpio sun, sagittarius moon, scorpio rising (i think)
pandora sun, lily moon, regulus rising
i speak english and russian, am learning german and hebrew (long story)
one sideblog, @catinasink-writes, this is only for my fanfiction
i also have another sideblog. kudos to you if you find it
I might ask you to explain a sentence or a phrase for me, it's bc words tend to not be understandable for me sometimes
i. might be neurodivergent
please alert me if you're going to leave, it scares me sometimes
am matching banners with @shrimpysstuff!! go check her out, her blog is wonderful :3
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ramblies, vents, anything thats not a reblog and doesnt fall into another category: #cat's rambles
posts mentioning my cat, or with my cat: #cat's cat
writing (in general): #cat's writing
writing (actually writing: #poetry maybe
my art: #cat's art
my asks: #cat's asks
posts made during school (tend to be queued): #cat's schoolposting
music-related posts: #cat's lyricposting
my own music: #cat's lyrics
my beloved friend @this-is-me-lolol: #basil my beloved &lt;3
pissboy, my friend: #my lovely pissboy
my friend @o-kye: #tumblr user o-kye
cali cult: #calicos
sink lore: #happenings of the sink
blender anon: #cat's blender anon
dear anon (dreamscape nexus thing): #cat's dear anon
dreamscape nexus (...): #Dreamscape Nexus
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ao3 details
my account (catinasink)
i've got a good feeling that we could be something
rated T
the Selection but rosestarkillerchaser
features the Blacks as the Schreaves
the Order as the rebellion
rosestarkillerchaser, emmarlily, wolfstar
unfinished, 8/30 (estimate)
watching pixar on a school night
rated T
a texting fic for the marauders 5th year and skittles 4th year
modern au w magic
rosestarkillerchaser, emmarpanlily/sunkeeperflowerseer, wolfstar
background benjy/peter + nobleflower + frank
unfinished, 25/?
they're so pretty it hurts (i'm not talking about boys, i'm talking about girls)
rated T
oneshot about marlene
in the universe of wpoasn
features slavic marlene!! bc that is my love >>
also ace marlene!
2.7k words
finished, 1/1
dear angel lacy, eyes white as daisies
rated T
in the universe of wpoasn
noblesea (molly and alice) focused
has noblesea, nobleflower, and fralice (polyam alice)
unfinished, 2/8 (estimate)
fic summaries (definitely accurate)
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tumblr writing masterlist (chronological order, first most recent)
song-resembling thing (aka big mistake) (with voice ;-;)
maybe one day
to old friend once again
jolly ranchers
to v
my love
fuck periods
more vent (green)
to my old friend (again)
to my old friend
more poetry/rambling/vent whatever :>
more poetry
poem thing that blender anon said i should share
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have a nice day!
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rootedinrevisions · 16 days
I'm Comin' Over
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Summary: Ashley is sitting at home one night, staring at her phone. She knows she shouldn't call him. She knows it's a bad idea. But she can't resist and gives in. She sends Tyler a late-night text, and his response is immediate. Tyler arrives at her place and the two try to work out the issues in the relationship. SMUT.
The clock on the wall ticks monotonously, each second stretching into the next like the minutes of her lonely night. She sits on the couch in her living room wearing one of his old sweatshirts, its edges frayed and soft, paired with a pair of short shorts that seemed to emphasize how small and vulnerable she felt.
The dim glow of the TV screen flickers across the living room, casting long shadows that dance on the walls. Her gaze keeps drifting to the phone lying beside her, its screen dark and silent.
She scrolls through the endless list of streaming options. She flips through the titles with a listless finger, each show or movie offering no escape from the swirling thoughts in her mind. Her fingers click the buttons on the remote control, but her thoughts are consumed by him–Tyler. The weight of their unresolved issues presses heavily on her heart.
Her eyes dart back to her phone, which rests just a few inches away. She knows she shouldn't reach out. Their relationship has been teetering on the edge for too long, and she fears that any momentary comfort won't change the fundamental cracks. But the longing for him is palpable, and her resolve weakens.
She finds herself reaching for the phone. The screen illuminates her face as she stares at Tyler's contact. Her thumb hovers over the keyboard, the cursor blinking expectantly. 
She could call, hear his voice, and maybe he would come over. But did she really want to open that door tonight?
She sighs, finally giving in. Her fingers tremble slightly as she types a simple message: I miss you.
She hovers over the send button, her thumb hesitating as if weighing the consequences of her choice. Her heart pounds in her chest, and with a deep breath, she presses the button.
His response is almost immediate. The screen lights up with a notification: Tyler is calling. She answers, her voice barely above a whisper as she hears his familiar, comforting voice on the other end.
"I'm comin' over," Tyler says, and she can hear the urgency and warmth in his tone.
Minutes later, the sound of a key turning in the lock is quickly followed by the creak of the door as Tyler lets himself in. He kicks his boots off, them echoing softly as they hit the hardwood floor. He makes his way across the living room and takes a seat beside her on the couch.
Without hesitation, he leans in to kiss her. But she stops him, her hand gently placing itself on his chest. Tyler looks at her with a mix of confusion and concern.
"We need to talk, Tyler," she says, trying to steady her nerves. He hates that her voice falters slightly. "This...whatever this is between us...it's not working. We keep breaking up and making up, and it's exhausting. I think we should both move on. You know, get some closure–"
"Closure?" Tyler's expression hardens as he looks over at her. "To hell with the closure. Why would we want to end something that still has fire under it?"
She shook her head, her feelings a tangled mess of regret and desire. "But we keep doing this. We fight. We break up, and then we–"
"And then we make up," Tyler interrupts, his tone insistent. "You think that just because we fight sometimes means it's over? We've got something real here, Ash. I know it's not perfect, but it's still burning strong. Why would you want to put it out?"
She tries to argue, her voice rising with the frustration of her internal struggle. "I don't know if this is what I want anymore–"
Tyler leaned closer, his hand reaching out and cupping her face. His fingers were warm against her cool skin, his gaze piercing and intense. "You wouldn't have called me this late if you didn't want me anymore," he said, his voice soft and firm.
She opens her mouth to protest, but the words catch in her throat. She can see the sincerity in his eyes, the raw emotions that he's showing for a change. The weight of his words, combined with the closeness of his body, makes it hard to maintain her resolve.
Tyler's patience finally wears thin, and he leans in. His eyes lock on hers before he closes the distance between them and captures her lips with his own. The kiss is unexpected and intense. It's filled with an urgency that leaves her breathless. As his lips move against hers, the warmth and familiarity of his touch begin to dissolve her resistance.
She leans in closer to him, her hands finding their way to his neck and then his shoulders, anchoring herself to him. Tyler's hand slides around to the back of her neck, pulling her deeper into the kiss. She could feel the fire that had always burned between them reigniting with an intensity that made it impossible to think clearly.
He reaches down and pushes the blanket covering her lap to the floor, before grabbing her waist and pulling her body on top of his lap. Her body presses against his, and she could feel his heart pounding in rhythm with hers.
They continue to kiss, her hands going to the back of his neck and his hair. His sliding down her waist and around to her ass. As the kiss finally breaks they rest their foreheads against each other, breathing heavily.
She looks into Tyler's eyes, a mix of hope and apprehension in her gaze. "So, what does this mean for us?" She asks softly, her voice trembling slightly with uncertainty.
"I'm not ready to give up on us," he whispers as his lips gently press kisses to her neck.
"Ty...it has to be different this time. I don't want to keep fighting and breaking up."
"Then don't fight with me," he whispers as he reaches the collar of his sweatshirt. He pulls away so she can look into his eyes.
"I'm serious," she says.
He sighs, his hands resting on her waist as he looks into her eyes. "I know."
"You're always away, and sometimes...sometimes I feel like I don't hear from you at all. Days go by without even a text or a call. I have to watch your channel to see what you've been up to..." she starts to say before she stops herself to take a breath.
A mix of hurt and frustration crosses Tyler's face. "You think it's easy for me? I hate being away from you. I hate missing out on everything that's happening back here. I hate being away from you. I'm out there chasing storms because it's what I love, but that doesn't mean I don't love you. I just...I thought we could handle this"
She blinks, taken aback by his admission. The weight of his words hits her with a jolt. "Did you just...did you just say you love me?"
Tyler's face flushes slightly, a mix of vulnerability and determination. "Yeah, I did. I know I don't say it very often, but I mean it. I've been trying to balance everything, and I guess I thought you knew."
She stares at him, her voice trembling. "You've never said it before. Not like that."
He reaches up, his hand cupping her face as he looks at her. "I know I haven't been the best at showing it, and I'm sorry for that." He pauses to clear his throat before he continues. "But I do love you. I need you to believe me."
Her heart races, caught between hope and skepticism. Before she can say anything else, Tyler stands up, his strong arms supporting her as she wraps her legs around his waist. Her laughter bubbles up, a mix of surprise and delight.
Tyler grins, his eyes filled with mischief. "Let's see if I can show you just how much I love you. What do you say?"
With that, he starts to walk towards her bedroom, his steps confident but gentle. He makes his way over to the bed and lays her down on it. He presses a quick kiss to her lips before his hands grab the bottom of his sweatshirt and pulls it over her head, tossing it to the side. His tongue slides over his bottom lip as he realizes that she isn't wearing anything underneath the sweatshirt. His fingers then hook into the top of her pajama shorts as he slides them and her underwear down her legs.
He then turns and makes his way into the bathroom. She hears the sound of her shower turning on before Tyler returns a moment later.
"I haven't had a chance to shower since I got back, you don't mind if I use yours, right?" He smirks.
Her lips curve into a wide smirk as she props herself up on her elbows. "Only if I can join you."
He chuckles before he takes her hand pulling her to her feet and into him. His hands slide down her sides and around to her back as hers reach up to start undoing the buttons on the flannel he was wearing. She makes quick work of the buttons and he shrugs the shirt off. He then reaches down and grabs the bottom of the white undershirt he had on and pulls it over his head.
Her fingertips gently run down his chest, feeling the little bit of chest hair as she makes her way down to his jeans and belt. She makes easy work of the belt buckle before sliding the belt out of its loops. She then pops open the buttons of the jeans and slides his zipper down. He pushes his jeans and boxers down before stepping out of them.
He then takes her hand, leading her into the bathroom off her master bedroom. They step into the shower and the warm water hitting her skin instantly relaxes Ashley. It was as if all the negative thoughts and energy were washing down the drain too.
She closes her eyes, her head leaning back as she lets the warm water run over her skin. She feels his hand on her hip before he pulls her back against his chest. He leans in and starts kissing her neck and shoulder. Her arms reach up to run through his now damp hair as his hands continue to explore her body, his mouth leaving a trail of kisses all over her shoulders and back.
"T-Tyler–" she moans as she suddenly feels a stream of warm water between her legs. Her eyes roll back, and she feels her knees start to go weak as Tyler turns up the pressure just slightly on the shower head.
Her fingers dig into Tyler's hair as she feels her climax creeping closer and closer. She was sure her knees were going to give out when her release hit, and she hoped Tyler's hold on her would be enough to keep her upright.
Just as she thinks she is going to finish, Tyler pulls the shower head away and she immediately feels a throbbing between her legs.
A small groan, almost a whine even, leaves her mouth as she wants nothing more than to have the pulsing sensation of the warm water back between her thighs.
"Shhh, I've got you, baby girl. You know I'm not going to leave you like this," Tyler says as he puts the shower head back in place.
His hands gently turn her around so their chests are touching and they're facing each other. He reaches down and takes her hands in his, intertwining his fingers with hers before he places them against the shower wall above him. He leans in and starts gently sucking on her neck. One hand keeps hers pinned above her head while the other reaches up and cups her face as he kisses her lips.
His arm reaches down, wrapping around her waist before lifting her. Her legs wrap around his waist as he presses her back against the tile of the shower wall.
Her hands brace herself on his shoulders as his hands move to her waist, guiding her down onto his cock. They both let out a moan as he slid into her.
"God you feel so good," he groans as he presses his forehead to hers.
His thrusts start slow and teasing, almost painfully so. He pushes in a few inches and then slowly pulls himself out. Then he'd push in again, painfully slow.
"I n-need more." She whispers into his ear as she feels an intense need for her realist.
His hips start to pick up speed, slowly but surely. She clenches around him, something she knew drove him absolutely crazy.
"S-shit," he breathes out as he braces himself with one arm on the tile wall while the other slides around her waist to support her weight. "You know that shit drives me insane."
"That's the point," she smirks.
"God, I love you," he says before he leans in and presses his lips to hers.
His hips start thrusting in and out of her quicker, every thrust causing his tip to brush against the spot deep inside of her. Her moans get louder, despite her best efforts to keep them in. She pulls her bottom lip between her teeth, trying to subdue some of the noise.
"Let go of that fucking lip. Let me hear how good I make you feel," he demands, his eyes meeting hers.
She immediately lets go of her lip as her moans start filling the room.
"T-Tyler...f-fu–" she moans as she feels her orgasm approaching.
She was so close to her climax, that her legs started to shake. She just needs a few more thrusts, just that little something to push her over the edge. Tyler thrusts into her one last time, his name leaving her lips as he releases inside of her.
He gently sets her down on her feet, his arm staying strong around her waist. They both breathe heavily, their gasps for air filling the room.
"You okay?" He whispers as he lifts his head to look at him. He reaches up and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. She nods, her lips curving into a smile.
"I love you," she whispers.
"I love you," he says before leaning in to press a soft, gentle kiss to her lips. "I love you so much, baby girl."
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tokyoteddywolf · 7 months
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Deep in the forest, a lab lies ruined and crumbling, stained so deeply that not even plantlife will venture inside...
There are scattered papers on the old, rusted iron desk. They're half-burnt at the edges, and dried blood has pooled and stained some of the words.
Will you read them?
Through the smudges of charcoal and red iron, you can just barely make out what was written. The words are scribbled hastily, as if whoever had written these was running out of time...
"I write this as the last survivor of the Heartbeat Research Team.
Around a decade ago, we found records that before the Darkness came, our ancestors had captured an incredible Pokémon they named 'Mew'. It held immense power, stronger than anything ever seen before. Our predecessors left us plans, and a sample that somehow survived everything.
Our boss in that long past thought to make use of it, and with its collected DNA they could make their own Mew, an army of them. They failed, but with these notes and data, we had what we needed to continue that work. Perhaps, we could even rise to greatness again. This "Mew", according to the old texts, did not seem suited for battle, so we experimented with what we could. A better clone, stronger and faster, and intelligent.
Too intelligent.
We should have known. That Mew escaped them so explosively those hundred years ago, how could we not have figured its descendant would do the same? Mewtwo and its bonded are gone. We don't know where to, as it ripped out the tracker we'd embedded just in case..."
The writing ends there, trailing off into burnt and flaking ash. The blood here flakes and coats your fingers.
...you should leave, stranger. Nothing good comes from lingering in a place choked with Shadows.
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strawberrygiorno · 1 year
I've seen people talk about Kim's daily cigarette and the connection to the lungs and how if he's left in Martinaise he smokes a second cigarette and how that links to his feelings for Harry.
What I haven't seen is people talking about the cigarette also involving fire. Fire, which the game repeatedly uses to represent hope, change, and revolution.
Let's take a look at the lines after his one-a-day habit is introduced:
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[Text ID: KIM KITSURAGI - "You mean this?" The light of his cigarette illuminates a fleeting smile. "This isn't cool - it's an unnecessary trial of will. And unhealthy." He flicks the ash.
VOLITION - Keeping the habit within the parameters he's given himself takes a lot of focus. It would be easier to simply quit.
COMPOSURE - Yet were he to quit, he would lose the cool factor. This man relishes his cool quite a bit -- below it all. End ID]
This is clearly an allegory for the way he tries to keep his emotions under tight control, and this includes his desire for something better for Revachol. Volition states that it would be easier to quit than to do what Kim does. Giving up hope, resigning himself to the world he's in, would mean less disappointment, more distance, less pain, but it would mean removing a significant part of himself. That spark is too important to him to extinguish fully. Being in the RCM, though, means he needs to keep that spark as dim as possible. Otherwise, he might draw attention himself or actually process his role in suppressing the change he can't help but want.
This is interesting when coupled with some statements he makes later if you ask him his position on the Moralintern and Dolorianism.
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[Text ID: KIM KITSURAGI - "The Moralintern are a fact. I try not to have opinions on facts -- until they change. And," he looks at the city below, "It doesn't look like that's about to happen." End ID]
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[Text ID: YOU - "Kim, are you a follower of Dolorianism?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "Yes. We all are. Her name, body, and rule are synonymous with humanism. The laws we enforce are Dolorian in origin."
YOU - "I didn't think you were spiritual."
KIM KITSURAGI - "It's not spiritual. It's constitutional. The Dolorian system does not demand faith -- only accordance." End ID]
These answers are both so... empty. There's no belief in either of these systems, just that resignation to the fact of their existence. He is, on some level, aware of what he is supporting. That tiny revolutionary desire of his keeps him from identifying with it, though his refusal to stoke that flame simultaneously keeps him from rejecting it to pursue something he *can* believe in.
So, Kim takes refuge in something he knows is true: facts. He knows how the world works, and he knows that there aren't mysterious things like giant bug cryptids or 2-millimeter holes in the world involved in Martinaise.
Except, there are those things, as well as other things that challenge what Kim holds to be facts, and he is forced to accept that the world is much stranger and much more beautiful than he dared to believe.
Over the course of one week, facts change.
The first cigarette we see Kim smoke that final day comes out almost immediately after Harry wakes up after the tribunal, which is completely understandable. After experiencing the tribunal and seeing Harry in so much pain and abandoned by his precinct, of course Kim is experiencing affection for Harry and anger at the system that created this situation.
Later, looking at the message painted on the ground in oil, Harry sets it on fire. What does he use to do this?
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[Text ID: YOU - "Step back, lieutenant." (Set the graffito on fire with a lit cigarette.)
ONE DAY I WILL RETURN TO YOUR SIDE - The fuel oil catches fire immediately with an ominous hiss -- a bright orange flash across the surface of the letters. Black smoke rises from the burning message. End ID]
A cigarette. One spark to set off the massive fire. A fire that warms both of them.
That brings us to Kim's second cigarette he smokes when left in Martinaise. It's a representation of how irrevocably changed Kim is by his experience on this case. Even if he and Harry don't go on to continue working together, this one week has stirred something in Kim that causes that hopeful, revolutionary fire in his lungs to burn a little brighter, and for once he decides to fan the flame.
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stormykatie · 5 months
someday i will teach
myself to write
a poem again
and it won't be about you
or the years
we wasted dreaming
about our future
while forgetting
to water the flowers
so one day they just wilted
away erasing
our existence
no, when that time comes
i'll be writing about something else
perhaps, not one about the war,
or the inflation,
or the rising heat index
i will try my best to write about
anything that does not capture
the stars in your universe,
the bubbles of thoughts floating
above your head,
the wind kissing
your hair, the rain gently gliding
in your porcelain skin
i will forget about the way
you made me feel
along with the memory
of how truth
became the first
casualty of a war
we didn't ask for,
a war that ruined
the taste
of heaven on my lips,
a war that created
waves of differing heights
and tenacity
i'll forget about the dreams
we buried beneath our fallen city,
the unread text messages,
the unpublished reels, drowned
in the echo of grenade raining
the afternoon sky, cries
of dissenters swarming the streets
like flies, shrieking out "freedom!"
oh, freedom,
when will i...
forget about everything
and write about cicadas,ignore
the ashes and screams filling
the air as i watch your head explode,
a watermelon being run over
by a truck!
i will teach myself
to write a poem that
doesn't immortalize you
however, everything
that you were stains
my hands with red-
a dark, raging
shade of red
-flowers wilting,
katie, 05/12/24
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Photo lifted from:
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astorichan · 8 months
Covered In False Images
Fandom: Hollow Knight
Rating: Gen
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: The Hollow Knight | Pure Vessel & The Radiance, The Hollow Knight | Pure Vessel & The Pale King
The Pale King's plan was flawless: his vessel was pure, flawless, reliable.
The vessel did not share that opinion.
Additional Tags: POV Third Person Omniscient, Past Tense, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Pre-Canon, Fanfic of AU, Fanfic of fanart, AU: Radiant Vessel
For @quirrel. Happy New Year!!
Text under readmore!
▪────  ⚔  ────▪
(They say that praying to be loved is a sin.
It has such a sweet scent.)
▪────  ⚔  ────▪
Shadows and light: two opposing forces.
Such was the idea behind the Pale King's ultimate weapon. When all else failed in subduing the Radiance’s rampage, weapons of Soul ineffective and healing properties of lifeblood useless, he turned to the darkness that slept beneath for aid.
Shadows and light: one meant to subdue another.
The shell of a child desecrated by the choking twilight listened to his every command. The only light it would ever follow was his, as was the only light that it could not overpower. He trained it to perfection, eradicating every flaw of its mortal design and preparing it for its eternal vigil.
When the day of the Sealing came, he was certain his plan would work. The vessel marched on with even, steady steps, its empty gaze cast forward; in his wake were left joyful Hallownestians, their reverent whispers rising as wisps of silver luminescence to tail him like a second cloak.
Shadows: bringing the kingdom much-needed shelter from the light.
If you weren’t there on the day that heralded Hallownest’s salvation, you would not know of the battle raging just outside of view. Life went on as though no plague had ever bathed the narrow caverns in haemolymph and rot, as though no smell of decay had ever wafted off bloated corpses strewn across the capitol’s streets.
But light would not surrender to the suffocating shadows so easily.
Within the pitch dark temple, beyond the offerings left on the threshold glimmering with Soul, two enemies as old as the world itself clashed once more. Their blades crossed, each wound, each victory and each loss quaked through the voided vessel’s shell that hung limp in its chains, eyes bored into the black egg’s inner wall forevermore.
And slowly, ever so slowly, the first flickers of lurid orange clawed their way into the fathomless darkness of the Hollow Knight’s gaze.
Shadows and light: unable to co-exist.
From the outside, the strenuous war was not visible, lest we count the first pustules full of scorching rot that sprouted from the vessel’s chest. But on the inside...
Its mind, the one it was not meant to possess, was flooded with the dawn’s whispers. The light wove its lies through the shadow in golden thread, unravelling streaks of silver and black alike. Frayed ends of collapsed lies stuck out, ugly and unseemly; the vessel’s trust in its King was giving out inch by painful inch.
Light: branded into shadows.
Why let yourself and your kingdom burn? the dawn asked over and over, when you can save everyone in truth?
And the vessel cracked under the unbearable weight of truth and rage. Golden ichor seeped out of the fissures left behind by the light’s onslaught, in its gaze the Old Light’s radiance and on its mask a fiery brand covering the Pale King’s spellwork. It would get back all that had been denied to it; it would get its revenge on the world that betrayed it.
Shadows: embracing the light.
The vessel let the dawn’s power course through it, the oppressive shroud of Void that had cornered the Old Light in a far-off corner of the Dream dissipating into nothing. All doubts thrown aside, it rose from the ashes of its former glory, shaking off the chains of deceit that had bound it for so long – and it incinerated the jailors holding it in the Temple.
If you didn’t know exactly what to look for, you would never notice the seals fizzling out like smoke from a fire. The morning following its treason came, and the denizens of Dirtmouth were no wiser as to the battle that came to a head mere hours ago.
From their eyes, though, surged golden luminosity.
Light: unbound, no longer held down by the choking shadows.
The infection spread like wildfire, in the Hollow Knight’s footsteps blooming twisted vines that carried disease within. Adorned with beautiful flowers, they invaded the shade of Hallownest’s caverns, and it was too late to do anything to stop the traitor’s descent.
Not that they didn’t try, of course.
Hallownest’s most powerful champions rose to defend the kingdom from the plague. But the vessel had been trained to perfection: it was infused with power beyond mortals’ understanding, prepared for an eternal war with the goddess of dreams.
Shadows: entwined with light.
The Hollow Knight brought down the kingdom’s greatest knights, its weapons infused with sunlight. It tore through chitin and flesh in primal, cold fury, its claws and mandibles tearing its former allies to shreds. Not even all their prowess combined was enough to resist two forces old as the world itself.
With the final obstacle gone from their path, the two gods stood before Hallownest’s crown jewel. The White Palace gleamed with familiar, though no longer welcoming silver; motes of Soul swirled around the Hollow Knight as it treaded paths of its former home. None was fool enough to stand in its way – none, except the Pale King himself.
Shadows and light: allied against a mutual enemy.
Soul and blackened Dream clashed in a violent battle. The Palace’s walls creaked and lamented the sacrilege taking place within, on them left sprays of Void, godly ichor and infection alike.
But even the King could not hold out against the joined forces of unknowable darkness and luminous dawn. The radiant vessel cornered him, though its shell was littered with wounds deep and shallow, though its mask wept black miasma and its arm held only by the virtue of the Old Light’s strength; it cornered him, and as he stared into his perfect creation’s eyes, he saw only the raging pyre of fury and contempt.
Gone was the love it had once carried, the Hollow Knight wanted so desperately to believe as it plunged its nail through the Pale King’s chest. Gone was the unfulfillable wish to prove itself that ate it alive, it convinced itself as chitin snapped and silver haemolymph pooled at the feet of Hallownest’s new ruler. Gone was the conflict that tore the kingdom apart, clawing its way free from Hallownest’s very heart.
Gone was the reason behind its suffering, and so its anguish should’ve been gone as well. But was it truly so?
Shadows and light: finally reaching a truce.
When the Hollow Knight embraced her, the only one that had ever understood and accepted it, it could almost believe that the price it had exacted for its needless pain was enough. In her light, the reassurance she extended to it soothed every ache, every doubt that it could ever have.
Sometimes, though, in the darkest corners of its mind – those that still held, if by the thinnest of threads keeping the tapestry of its mindscape from coming undone – a wail like that of a wounded animal resounded, no end and no beginning to the elegy for the life it had taken with its own hands.
Shadows and light: ancient enemies.
It wondered, on those days, if someone heard those cries, muffled as they were. If maybe, just maybe, someone would come to enact the final act of vengeance long overdue.
But then, the Radiance’s gentle glow shrouded its fractured mind as she extended the same mercy to it as to the entire kingdom, and those thoughts were no more.
Shadows and light: ruling side by side.
Until, inevitably, someone would try to take what was rightfully its once more.
▪────  ⚔  ────▪
(My rage and other such things vanished long ago
But though I perform my act, I’m ignorant
Yet this story is still going
Because I wish for it to reach you)
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aladaylessecondblog · 5 months
The Sharmat's Lovers (Dagoth Ur/female Nerevarine/Indoril Nerevar)
Author's Note: This is just an excuse for pure unadulterated filth. Sex, oral, fingering, M/M/F, Nerevar has both sets of plumbing because idk
All Voryn's dreams are coming true ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
It was something that took time to get used to, this strange trio that they had formed.
Sadara had hoped when she was brought back in her ghostly form and restored from her ashes, had seen that hope perish when Vivec returned Nerevar's bones, and had it rise again after a lengthy argument in which she and Nerevar had both stated that the other deserved Voryn more.
And Voryn, oddly, had come up with just the thing to settle the argument.
"Why should I not have both of you? I have two hands, after all."
It had been an odd thought that neither she nor Nerevar had even considered. Each of them had replied, "Why should you want ME when you could have her (or him)?"
And though she had never considered such a thing before Sadara found herself quite pleased with the outcome. She was free to dally with Nerevar, and he with Voryn, and with much discussion they had all grown to rely on the bond between the three of them. After such time in solitude and despair it was wonderful to be so surrounded with love.
Voryn did as he had always done. Nerevar conferred with Gilvoth as to the defense of the place (and of all of the Red Mountain region), and she...well, she tended the home, as she'd wished to for such a long time. It was comforting for her to look after such things, to direct the servants, to see that guests had all they needed. It was wonderful not to have to really worry any longer about things like food, security, or--
"The lady is alone. I believe she was told to avoid this." Nerevar's voice echoed slightly in the large room.
There was, she was sure, no safer woman in all Morrowind than her. No woman better taken care of, fussed over, tended to, doted on.
"The lady was going to have a bath and then a nap," Sadara replied. "Sometimes she thinks her loves worry too much."
"And I think you do not worry enough."
"I spent eighteen years worrying...forgive me for not--"
"I know, dearest. Apologies...given what I witnessed not only in my life but in yours as well...I find it is hard to lay down that anxiety. Every day I expect to wake up and find that all this bliss is nothing more than a cruel illusion."
Nerevar's affection was similar to Voryn's, but where the latter tended to be more silent and grabby in his affection, Nerevar was more inclined to speak his mind and lay his anxieties out. It was a regular habit for some one of them to have a day like this, and for one of the others to comfort and be comforted in turn.
(Nerevar had written a 'holy text' lingering on the subject of loss, the fear of it, and the absolute necessity of enjoying your loved ones as much as possible - for one day, it finished, you may lose them. They were eternal, the people were not.)
"As do I," she replied, relaxing as Nerevar's arms slipped around her. "On the worst days, I simply hunker down and...wait for the feeling to pass."
"Is that why you've hidden yourself from us?"
"You've both been busy today, and it's not as if I can't tend things in relative solitude. We've no guests, and..." she paused slightly at the feel of a kiss in her hair. "...I wish not to burden either of you."
"If there is anything I regret," Nerevar said suddenly, "It is that Voryn got to be the one to deal with Azura. She has been a blight on all of us...whispering poison in our ears, telling us we are nothing without her. Blaming us for every failure in her plan."
"I think I was the main cause of that first failure," Sadara gave a slight laugh. "When I drank that brandy, and..."
"And kissed Voryn. You did what I never had the courage to do."
"Courage had nothing to do with it. I was drunk. I was attempting to tell him that you'd always thought about him in a sexual way, and...being drunk, didn't have the words for it. So I kissed him..."
"And once kissed, the dam of our love burst free."
"You seem to take a more romantic view of the...event, but we weren't of a mind to think too much on that at the time. At least, I wasn't. 'Fucking me like a madman not five feet away from the heart' is how I might put it."
"Quite a colorful way to put it, but having watched it, perhaps you're right. But regardless. It was that kiss, that fucking, that has saved Morrowind. At least if Vehk is telling the truth...the tale he wove is a strange one."
"You were spying--filthy mer! And could we not speak of Vivec right now?" Sadara squirmed, and managed to turn herself around. "Talk of quite literally anything else."
There was a pause--and then they both laughed.
But a moment later Nerevar looked down at her upturned face, and pressed a deep kiss to her lips. The second he parted with her for air she said, "You're as eager as Voryn, aren't you?"
"He wasn't the only one to finally have a drink of the 'waters of relief,'" Nerevar said, "More than four thousand years. Surrounded by beauty, yet unable to touch it. He was imprisoned in a desert and I in an ocean. Water, water, everywhere, and not a drop to drink."
"Then drink," Sadara replied--and this time she was the one to kiss him.
There was a growl, and a moment later Nerevar's hands came up, practically tearing at her robe. The next parting had her giving a laugh.
"You and Voryn are determined to ruin my wardrobe, aren't you? At this rate I'll have to go about in a loincloth like he does..."
"That and the golden adornments...ah, how often we both think of it...but Voryn, well...if he had his way we'd both dress that way. Such filthy dreams our lord has..."
"Easy access," Sadara got out after another kiss. "That's all he wants out of our wardrobe--"
By this point Nerevar had backed her against her bed, and a second later was lifting her onto it. When she lifted her skirts there was another growl.
"I know what you want," she whispered, "You want to make sure I'm good and loud so he'll hear us. So he'll catch us."
No answer. Nerevar didn't even bother fully disrobing, choosing instead to lower his armor-leather pants just enough to free his cock.
"Oh, the things Lord Dagoth would do if he caught us..."
It was so easy to get Nerevar going, so very, very easy. All she had to do was show her eagerness, mention Voryn and the prospect of being caught, and her warlike love would be hard as a rock and ready to go.
Again the press of Nerevar's lips, and the feel of his cock against her soaked center.
(She hardly bothered with underwear at this juncture, Nerevar and Voryn both had a habit of being too impatient to pull them off and often resorted to simply tearing them to shreds.)
"Go on," she whispered, too wet to wait any longer, "Either fuck me or--"
Nerevar cut her off with a swift thrust that buried him fully inside her. He gave a gasp against her lips, and a groan when he pulled back to thrust again. She crossed her legs behind him, ensuring he couldn't fully withdraw.
She tugged at the belt of her robe, knowing he would do it himself if she didn't do it for him. His hands moved up instantly, opening and pushing it back, exposing her entirely.
"Nothing beneath this robe," Sadara grinned, "How does that make you feel?"
"And I thought I was the tease of this little group," Nerevar groaned against her neck. "You--"
"Me," she laughed and pulled him into a kiss.
Nerevar's thrusts alone would have been enough to do the job for her--simply the feeling of his rapid movements, being filled and spread, over and over. But it was not his way, to leave a thing well enough alone, to settle. So when his next thrust had her falling back, he reached down to stroke over her clit.
"You want to be heard, don't you?" he turned it on her, pressing down with such precision that Sadara was keening almost instantly. "Oh, you do, you--"
A hard thrust, a press down. A moan echoed from her lips that was absolutely pornographic.
"Let him hear us, all the way in the Heart Chamber," Nerevar's teasing went on, his hand still moving, "The louder you are, the faster he comes, and the sooner my poor needy incarnate gets what she really wants."
"N...Neverar," Sadara groaned, "How many--times--do I have to tell you that--I DO want you? Do I have to scream it for you to finally understand?"
His name was a prayer on her lips, as much as Voryn's was at other times, and every time she called it, it was louder--louder--!
She fell apart beneath him, around him, riding out the heated waves as long as possible before letting the warm afterglow rise to drown her.
"On the bed," she gestured vaguely, "I know you're not done yet."
"Voryn is right. You are a greedy thing."
Really she was, but the tease and denial made this game of theirs more interesting. Some one or other of them was always teasing, taking it in turns so no one felt too much was expected.
"Not greedy, only eager. But if you don't want to silence me, I could simply leave...collect my things, have a bath...and leave you to be satisfied in other ways."
That lit a fire under him. Nerevar moved onto the bed once he'd shed his clothes, and lay back, making sure he was comfortable. His cock stood firmly at attention, and she moved up, kneeling before it (and him, really).
She lavished it with her tongue, caressed the underside of the head, licked a stripe from the base to the tip...and then against a background of soft moans Nerevar was obviously trying to muffle, her hand's movement went unnoticed. He certainly noticed it when she traced the dampened slit of his cunt, though.
She didn't usually press for this--he preferred only letting Voryn touch him there. Not out of some shyness, but he did so love to be bred, and that wasn't something she could do.
"I can stop if you want me to," she replied, stroking briefly at his cock, "But I have one of these too, and...I'd like to see that what I know can...help you too."
"I'm sure it can't be very--"
"I can make you scream," she grinned, and gave the most seductive expression she could manage. "And Voryn really WILL hear us. Because what makes him come running faster than hearing you in need?"
"The both of us, but--" Nerevar had one golden arm up and over his eyes now. "Go ahead, you've made me wait long enough as it is."
Sadara smirked, slowly easing two fingers inside that soaked center. "Hot," she said, "And very wet. You're as eager as I am, aren't you?"
Any reply or retort Nerevar might have made was silenced when Sadara lowered her head, took his cock into her mouth completely, and at the same time buried her fingers in his cunt knuckle deep.
All that passed his lips was a strangled moan.
Not so chatty now, are you? she thought.
As big a game as he talked, he was so easy to reduce to this point. It was so easy to touch him in just the right ways and render him functionally mute.
His hand at the back of her head, the sudden grip of his fingers in her hair, and another groan as he started to buck against her head. Sadara went slack, letting him do it, letting him him have the control he so desperately seemed to crave.
Nerevar seemed to be saying something, but Sadara couldn't bring herself to care what it was. The feeling of his cock in her mouth, the slight saltiness of his pre, the stutter in his hips when her fingers pushed deep enough for her thumb to grind over his clit...
...it consumed her.
There was a high-pitched cry, a last buck of Nerevar's hips--and a shudder as his cock pulsed and filled her mouth. She swallowed down his seed quickly, spilling only a drop--a drop she wiped from her lips as she moved back up.
Her smirk was triumphant...until she felt a pair of hands at her waist.
"I see," came the sudden sound of Voryn's strained voice, "That I cannot leave the two of you alone for any amount of time without returning to a scene of utter debauchery."
Nerevar gestured and gave his reply in an airy voice. "You needed further proof after the last few times?"
Voryn's trimmed claws pricked at the soft skin on Sadara's waist, and she pressed back a bit, hoping to get things moving.
"Tell me, which of us did you hear?"
"Nerevar. Why?"
"We had a bit of a bet going..." Sadara glanced up at Nerevar. "And it looks like I won. I wonder if our dear Nerevar will have anything to say to that. Perhaps he'll just remain silent?"
"Perhaps he'll want to punish you for being so smug." The hands at her waist were caressing now, never going very far, but stoking the flames from her last peak. "Will you, Nerevar? Or will we let this little defiance go?"
"I think not." Nerevar lifted Sadara's chin, and gave a smirk of his own. That was his hortator voice, the one she'd ALSO come to love. Voryn had his thunderous tone of mock-anger, and Nerevar had this. "Voryn, I think we need to remind her not to lord things over those above her. To be a graceful winner...or loser, as it were."
He lay back again, and pulled her forward to lay atop him. His arms quickly moved tight around her, leaving her in just the right position to hear his whisper in her ear.
"Now, my dear, it is time for you to serve. Our lord has had a very stressful day, and he requires a means of...relief."
Oh, to be held like this, to be between them. This, this was heaven, and she needed no other. If it was a dream, all she wished was for it never to end.
"Then," she gave in a slightly edged tone, "Stop playing around and let me--"
"Such bossiness from an outlander...this will not stand. Voryn?"
The thrust that came next was completely unexpected, and had her whole body tense from the sudden intrusion and spread. Either that was part of a game the two others had already devised, or Voryn was skipping a few steps first. But then again, he'd never been a patient mer.
Sadara tried to stifle the moan that the movement forced from her throat, but it passed her lips anyway, and left her clenching at Nerevar's shoulders. "Gods..."
Nerevar tutted at her. "How many times do we have to remind you? There is only one god here, and you serve at his pleasure. You're only lucky he's eager to be relieved, or he would have spent time making you fall apart..."
Another thrust, another outcry--and then a steady jarring of her body as Voryn wordlessly started a brutal pace.
She couldn't speak, could barely think. Her pleasure rose in sharp spikes, each time she was stretched and spread around Voryn's cock. There was nothing of coherent thought at this point, only the eager insistent movement of his hips against hers and the ecstasy that followed.
"We're being so good to you," Nerevar said, drawing her into a brief kiss. "Poor, needy thing...do you know what I've noticed?"
"That you have all the same little weak points that I do." he smirked once more, and raised her just enough to start nipping love bites into the soft skin of her neck. The moan that followed had him grinning further, and he dragged his tongue over and around the same spots. "Oh, what a discovery..."
"Nerevar--" Voryn groaned and moved down, pressing Sadara down and leaving him face to face with Nerevar.
"What would my lord have of me, hm?"
(Here Sadara found herself, pressed between two men, two men she'd come to love at different points. One cock inside her, another beneath her and weeping pre onto her belly, and she had never felt so well satisfied as she did right then.)
"If you keep calling him your....oh, gods...your lord, you'll just hurry him into...mmm..."
"Oh no, no, no..." Nerevar laughed, and in a suddenly much darker and more alluring tone, added, "If I wanted to do that..."
A momentary stop, a further press--she couldn't exactly see what was going on, but from the sound of it, Nerevar had finally locked lips with Voryn.
The pleasurable movements slowed as her two loves kissed, but didn't stop entirely. But it left her more coherent than the savage pace from earlier.
"And you say what we were doing BEFORE was pure debauchery..." She could think of no more filthy thing that what was happening right now.
How long they stayed like this, none of them would be quite sure. Hands and mouths and teeth and tongues, stroking, caressing, kissing, loving. By the time Sadara felt her second peak approaching she was sure they'd never be able to top this moment. That nothing could ever be as enjoyable, as warm, as satisfying.
The end nearly leaped into her throat on a deep thrust, and she groaned right into Nerevar's ear.
"Harder," Nerevar suddenly demanded, "It was me that drew you in here, but it'll be her that actually screams tonight."
"Please," she called out, "Please, I'm so close..."
"Let her have it, Voryn," Nerevar said, "All of it. Her end, yours..."
And then a thrust that tore a genuine if well pleased scream from Sadara's lips.
"Are we going to let her take any story back to her forsaken outlander home that does not ensure your reputation?"
Closer, and closer still now.
"Or do you not want her every vein to thrum with desire because of you, o god of the mountain?"
Her eyes were clamped shut, so she didn't see which of them grabbed at her breasts, or her waist, or tilted her head to give them better access to her neck.
It didn't matter.
"Go on," she heard Nerevar whisper in her ear, "Come for us. Come for us."
The first wave of orgasm rose, and crashed on a final thrust from Voryn. Flame burst beneath her skin and spread in pure wildfire through the rest of her body--she screamed out her pleasure into the pillow beneath Nerevar's head. Then, finally, she relaxed.
A final thrust, and Voryn was pulsing and spilling inside her.
They lay there like that a minute or two, relaxing, breathing, recovering, really.
Not until they'd separated from one another and come back together--Sadara was kept pressed between them as they all lay down. Exhausted, but replete.
"If this is a dream I pray I never wake."
"No dreams," Voryn said.
"All of it, every bit...is real." Nerevar added that, and joined his free hand with Voryn's, which lay on Sadara's hip. "And we will NEVER be parted again."
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