#’she’s so cool I wish I was brave enough to be myself like she is’
rockysledding · 1 year
Me four years ago making one of my characters autistic: oh man i hope i dont offend anyone, maybe i shouldn’t write an autistic character when i’m not autistic but like i’m not outright stating that she’s autistic she just has some of those traits is that okay?
Me now, post autism diagnosis: oh man i really gave that character all of the autism behaviours i was suppressing huh how did i not realize that
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”If I could draw I’d draw fanarts!”
“If I could draw I’d draw my OCs”
“If I could paint I’d paint all the ideas in my head and become rich!”
If I could draw and paint I would completely erase this portrait of J.K Rowling in a book from my childhood, and draw a picture of Imane Khelif there instead.
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This is my copy and it’s in Swedish, btw.
The original title of this book is Good Night Stories For Rebel Girls 2. It’s the second book out of two. This is the first one.
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These two books were my childhood. Do you have any idea how empowering it is for a young girl like me, feeling alone in a world that seems to become crueller by the day, a girl who feels unheard by adults, to read these kind of books? I have plenty other books like these, too! These were my two favourites.
Two books filled with strong, powerful and cool women who have changed the world in one way or another! Reading these books inspired me so, so much as a little girl. I couldn’t get enough of these two-page stories about women who were brave and stood up for what was right. Women from so many different countries and backgrounds. It was beautiful. These books were how I found out about most of my biggest idols today: Malala Yousafzai, Greta Thunberg, Anne Frank, Emma Watson etc.
As I said, these books are my childhood. Another series of books that played a huge part of my childhood are the Harry Potter books.
As a little kid, I had no idea about who Joanne truly was. All I knew was that she was an author, and I dreamed about becoming an author one day. And Joanne had written one of my favourite series of all time. Of course I looked up to her! I especially remember looking at the drawing of her in Good Night Stories For Rebel Girls 2, admiring it very much.
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I have grown up. I still love Harry Potter, the series played a massive role in my childhood and it’s been there to comfort me in my hardest times. But I do not support the author, now that I’ve heard about and read the tweets she has made about trans women. It’s disgusting, what she’s said about trans women in the past, what she still says, and what she’s tweeted about Imane Khelif recently… I’ve knows for years now what she’s all about.
It hurts, you know. As a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, it hurts to know that the series I love so dearly, the series that always makes me feel better, is written by a person who has no respect whatsoever towards half of my friend group and other trans people. None. She is a horrible human being, and it hurts to know that.
Knowing that her face, her name and her story is written in yet another book in my bookshelf, that her presence is constant in my room, makes me sick to my stomach and has done so for a long time now. Ever since I remembered a while back that she’s in this book, this wonderful book about women who have made the world a better place and continue fighting daily, women I look up to so much… I’ve had this sick feeling in my stomach, because she does not belong in this book. She isn’t a feminist. She excludes trans women from womanhood and accuses cis women of being trans or intersex based on their strength and talent in sports. Based on a supposed high level of testosterone? Joanne is cruel, and she’s rude, and she is not a person kids should be taught to look up to. Not after all she’s done.
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Earlier today, I was thinking about this again. And as so many times before, I wished that I myself was a talented artist. This is something I’ve thought about before, but for different reasons. I’ve always wished I could draw portraits and pretty paintings. Fanarts for my favourite ships that I can only picture in my head but not transfer to paper. I’ve always loved drawing, but I’ve never been too good at it. Now I desperately wish that I was.
Because if I was a talented artist, I would grab my pens and paint and brushes, and I would cover up the portrait of J. K Rowling in my book. I would make a whole new portrait in its place, a portrait of another woman I look up to, a strong and beautiful and brave woman. A women called Imane Khelif.
And I’d get rid of the page full of facts and stories about Rowling, I’d tear it apart and throw it away and replace it with the story of Imane Khelif, the one woman Rowling cannot tolerate because of her talent for boxing. I can write. I can’t draw, but I can write. I so wish I could do both right now, because if I truly could trust myself with fully remaking two book pages, I would do it without hesitation.
Imane Khelif’s story deserves to be told. J.K Rowling’s story deserves to be told with seriousness, and grief because of what she has become. This woman could have been a successful author and a beloved feminist, and she could have left it at that. Sadly, she chose a path of hatred and cyber bullying. She chose this journey for herself, and I am sorry for everyone who got their childhood ruined because of it. Heck, I’m sorry for her even, but I still know in my heart that she has no excuses for what she has done. I despise her.
Kids need to be warned about TERFs, not trans women.
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Collage made by @thingsmk1120sayz (I will delete it immediately if you ask me to, love <3)
I stand by Imane Khelif. I stand by the girls who grew up to be strong and wonderful women, the women who made their childhood dreams reality and won medals in the Olympics, the women who became successful artists, the women who reached their goals and ended up writing bestseller books loved by generations.
I stand by them, and I love them. But I feel nothing but hatred and pity towards J. K Rowling. Fuck her twisted beliefs. Much love to Imane Khelif!
Edit: I would like to clarify, Good Night Stories For Rebel Girls 2 was released 2017. I have no idea when Joanne started spreading her transphobic views on social media. Feel free to educate me on reblogs and comments! Anyways, I don’t think that the authors of this book, Elena Favilli and Francesca Cavallo, meant to cause any harm by putting Rowling in their book. Either this was before Rowling started tweeting transphobic things, or the authors didn’t know about her being a TERF (I doubt the latter). So please don’t send any hate to these wonderful authors! If you want to send them questions regarding their books, I’m pretty sure you’re free to do so! xx
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yellowocaballero · 6 months
In Stars and Time AU: Sif Puts The Star In Starcraft
Wow the ISAT fandom has a lot of cool AUs. That's a lot of fun! What if my extremely good buddy @lazuliquetzal theorized while playing ISAT for the first time that Sif was a fallen star? What then? What if I have unsuccessfully tried to restrain myself from talking about it?
Anyway AU where Sif is a star and also a gamer.
Sif is a hip Gen Z star who doesn't go outside nearly enough and spends all of their time playing videogames watching Earth. Their sibling Loop is always telling them to stop touching grass and to get their head back in the clouds, but they can't help it - they might miss the newest adventures of their favorite humans! Look at them, they're questing! Aren't they so cool? Isabeau just got a rare item drop!
Mirabelle and Isabeau are cool. They're brave, strong, nice, and best friends. Sif loves watching their heroic quest and cool adventures. After a while they even feel like his real friends. Eventually they start making a wish on themself - if they could only join them on their adventure! Get out of my room Loop I don't know what a parasocial relationship is.
Mirabelle is scared. Mirabelle is worrying that she's leading Isabeau on a doomed journey, that their struggle is destined to end in their deaths. She doesn't know if she can do this at all. Why her? Why not somebody more competent, more worthy? In a moment of desperation, she clasps her hands together and makes a desperate wish upon a star from the very bottom of her heart - that her party will be protected. That the Change God will send somebody to help them and keep them safe and save the world. Somebody, anybody, a little more competent than her.
Sif logs on.
Sif is a stroke of luck. Sif is mysterious, cool, and very talented. Sif can protect the whole party with a smirk on their face and a quip on their tongue. They're cool. He cheers you up, he's reliable, they're strong, and they are a treasured member of the party. They're a treasured friend. Things might be hard and scary, but with Sif there everybody breathes a little easier.
Sif loves, loves, loves being a human! The world is so fun and exciting, nothing like the boring and dreary cosmos! They have croissants, trees, friends! Being a human is great. They have an entire life on Earth, one way nicer than in the boring old sky that never changes. Sorry, Loop, they're skipping dinner, they have a World of Warcraft guild raid adventure with Mira today!
Sif has a job to do. Sif's here to grant a wish, and Sif is going to earn his place here. They protect the spirits of their friends by joking and keeping everybody hopeful. No friends get injured on their watch! Even if Sif gets hurt, that's part of the job. Bonnie's just upset about the eye because they don't know it's Sif's job as their friend to protect them. There's no point in feeding them during snacktime, so they'll patrol while you guys relax. Sif can't tell them how lonely they are or how they don't want this adventure to end, that's burdening them. They can't know that Sif's not really their friend, that they're not human, that their only point is their job - that's not protecting them. Get out of my ROOM PLANET, Loop, I'm NOT turning off the game touching space! It's not a game to them, it's their lives. Even if it'll never be Sif's.
But this adventure is drawing to a close. Mirabelle wished upon a star, and a star fell, and the star's about to grant her wish. And the star will have to log off. Even if the star wants to a be human, even if the star wants to be together forever - the game ends. Even if this ending really freaking sucks.
Why does this have to be a JRPG? Why can't it be one of the good games, the games that you can play forever and ever - like a farming/life simulator or an MMORPG or something? Where you do the same chores every day and nothing ever changes, and you're happy and safe in this little town forever? Everybody seperating at the end isn't a happy ending. Sif hates this ending. Sif hates this genre. Sif can't log off. They can't protect their friends if they log off. It's their job to protect their friends. They have to play the game right and create an ending that makes sure everybody is safe and happy and everything's perfect.
The party - Sif's family - reaches the third floor. Sif cracks open his Star AO3 account. Mirabelle unlocks the door and swings it open to find…
What's a coffee shop doing here?
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a-heart-attack-ow · 4 months
The Arrangement. Part Fourteen
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Part Thirteen
Warnings: Smut, unedited, NSFW
Part Fourteen:
I'd always imagined Hell would be warmer than this, but I was wrong. It's ice cold. 
Frigid and unrelenting. 
Fighting with Colby Brock felt like Hell on Earth. 
Impossible and heart-stopping. 
It had been less than 24 hours since we fought, but it felt like an eternity. Each second is as unbearable as the last. I could feel his rage all over the house, even without him uttering a single word. A rage that was well-earned even if I wished that it wasn't. This was my fault and I knew it. I'd been angry with him for something he couldn't change and instead of being supportive, I pushed him away. I was the reason for this season of Hell and I didn't know how to change it. I started with taking our daughter over to my father's house for the weekend, deciding that she didn't need to be around for whatever was going to come next. I'd never seen Colby so upset with me, but I knew (on some level) that we could get through this. I would just have to be brave and initiate it myself.
I could do that...
I find myself pacing the floor in front of our bedroom. My head is low as I continue to mentally prepare for our conversation in my head. From behind the door, I hear his voice on the phone, but I don't listen to the words he's saying. Instead, I wait for him to finish his phone call and for silence before I dare to knock on the door. The events from the night before had been on my mind all night and all day. It's been haunting me and I couldn't shake the look of hurt that had been on his face when I left him behind. That look had etched itself into my brain and tugged at my heartstrings in the worst way imaginable. My knock on the door is eerily loud in our quiet cottage. The tension from behind the door is thick enough to cut with a knife. I can feel his pale blue gaze from behind the door and I can imagine the look on his face. I don't wait for him to tell me to come in, instead, I reach for the door handle and slowly open the door. The room is dark, with only the dim light of his lamp on his nightstand to accompany the both of us. His eyes look at me sadly, his face serious as I step inside our room and close the door behind me. For a moment neither of us speaks, we watch each other cautiously. He's lying in our bed, his back leaning against the metal headboard. He's not wearing anything but a pair of black sweatpants that hang low on his body. My eyes study every inch of his exposed chest and feel my breathing hitch. I know that he can see the blush that forms on my cheeks, but he doesn't say anything. 
He's so angry and I can feel it.
I reach inside the pocket of my strapless pink floral dress and pull out my peace offering. My breathing is uneven as I pull out a pair of handcuffs, the ones he kept in his office for moments like this. 
The moments where I needed to be punished. 
Cautiously, I watch him as I slowly move forward. His eyes move along my body silently as he licks his lips, mischief in his eyes when the metal of the cuffs catches his eyes. I knew that this wouldn't change the fact that we needed to talk about what happened, but this was my attempt at easing the tension. Extending a sexual olive branch if you will. His hands reach out to take the handcuffs out of my hands, his hands lightly brushing mine in the process. The cool exterior of him was still there, the trances of anger still evident on his face, but he looked slightly more inviting. He places the handcuffs on his nightstand before reaching out to grab me, his hands pulling my body down on top of his. He has me straddling him, his eyes taking me in. The pink floral dress was very short, the bust line low, leaving little to the imagination. 
"Mr. Brock..."
I whimper as his hands find my outer thighs, his thumbs tracing slow deliberate circles lightly along my skin. The sensation causes a chill to move up my spine, my breathing hitching once more as I move my hands along his chest. I trace over his abs and give him a doe-eyed look. A look that causes him to bite his lip. 
"... I've been a bad wife. I think I might need to be punished."
He slowly lifts up the fabric of my dress, bringing the silk further up my thighs. His normally light blue eyes seem to darken a few shades as he debates what he wants to do with me. I drag my hands lower along his body, mentally hoping he's going to make his decision soon. His hands lightly trace up my legs pausing once he realizes I hadn't bothered to put on any underwear. A look of cruel intent washes over him as he moves his hands to rest on either side of my ass. Slowly he uses his hands to hold me in place as he grinds my body against his, which causes me to gasp when I feel how hard he is beneath me. He chuckles at the sound of my gasp, the small sound seeming to echo off of the walls of our bedroom. He savored the sounds he pulled from me, like a meal he didn't want to end. He forces me to grind against him once more, his eyes focused on me with an intensity that feels overwhelming. This time when I gasp, I note the way his smirk grows. I can feel how wet he's making me, but I try to remember this isn't about what I want. This is about what he wants. This was my olive branch and he could do with it what he wanted. 
His chest rises and falls in quick succession. He grips my hips harshly as he growls his first command. 
“Keep rolling your hips for me baby doll. I like watching you squirm as my cock grazes your pussy.” 
For a moment I’m hesitant to do as I’ve been told, knowing full well that rolling my hips along his hardened cock would be more torture for me. But I do as I’ve been told. This was a part of my punishment and I had to face it head-on. I slowly roll my hips over his prominent bulge. His head resting on the headboard as he watches me through a heated gaze. The sensation of him grazing against my needy sex only makes me want him inside of me more. Each movement further drenching me. I try to focus on not cuming as he bucks his hips to meet the roll of mine. He watches me in quiet fascination as I bite down on the bottom of my lip. A feeble attempt to not be a moaning mess. 
“Let me hear how pretty you sound Emilia.”
His smirk taunts me as he bucks his hips up once more, harshly brushing my aching core once more. Part of me feels like I am going to shatter as if I’m glass teetering over the edge of breaking.
“Fuck, Colbs.” 
I whimper breathlessly. Hearing his name on my lips caused him to snap. Without warning his hands slide up from where they’d been on my hips. He reaches for the bust line of my dress. He slowly rips the fabric into pieces. I don’t know why he feels the need to tear my clothes off, but it always did something to me that I couldn’t expalin. HIs eyes fall onto my exposed chest as he leans forward so he can capture my left breast into his mouth. He sucks harshly. The sensation making me dizzy. His lips are relentless and uncaring. Marking me up as his tongue makes each swipe along my skin count. 
My head spins further as his hands lightly trace my stomach, memorizing every inch as he does this. Almost like he’ll never get to touch me like this again. 
“What happened the other night won’t happen again Emilia. From now on we don’t go to bed angry with each other.  We talk through things, we communicate, and we remember we are on the same team.” I nod through my heated daze. My heart beat quickening when I feel his hands move from my torso, snaking up to my hair. He pulls my hair lightly, enough to force me to look at him. He stops his assault on my breast so he can study me. His lips are swollen from his thorough marking of my body. 
“Tell me you understand Emilia. I need words baby doll.”
It takes me a second to truly focus on what he’s said and to remember how to speak a coherent sentence. 
“I understand Colby.”
The words fall from my lips in an uneven whimper. Our eyes remained locked for a few moments, his gaze intense as he makes sure to  drive the point home. I knew that what had happened the other night couldn’t happen again. We had a daughter now and it was crucial for us to set a good example for her. I couldn’t be shutting down and running away. I make a silent promise to never do that again as Colby uses my silence to his advantage. 
He flips our bodies so I’m underneath him in seconds. My head is spinning as he does this, so much so that I don’t realize that he’s lifted my hands over my head and cuffed me to our headboard within seconds. Momentarily I feel like the breath has been knocked out of me. A sensation that doesn’t stop as he guides his lips to mine. I groan against his lips, the kiss aggressive and assertive. My body arching into his with a desperate need. I feel my arms strain against the cool metal of the cuffs. I can feel myself wishing that I could touch him. But all I could do is lay there, completely at his mercy. He deepens the kiss, chuckling darkly as he feels me strain against the cuffs once more. 
“Bad wives don’t get to touch their husbands when they’ve misbehaved.” 
He groans the words against my lips. I can feel myself getting completely caught up in his kiss but I’m quickly interrupted by the sensation of his hands traveling down my body. Slowly cascading down every curve of my body with wicked intention. In the wake of his touch, I can feel goosebumps rise along my skin. His lips unrelenting as I feel him drift lower and lower along my body. His fingertips finally moving against my clit, lightly resting against it. He doesn’t move, just keeps his fingers against my bundle of nerves, contemplating what he’s going to do to me. I break the kiss and let out a breathy moan, my gaze catching his as I do. His smirk never leaves his face as he watches how much of a mess I am beneath him. My torn clothes and exposed body pathetically needy for more of him. 
“You never should’ve initiated this Emilia…”
He pauses as he lightly applies pressure to my clit, a careful swipe along the swollen bud. He uses his thumb to trace a light circle along my clit. His eyes never leave me as he watches my face contort with want, my breathing shallow, and my arms pulling against the cuffs. A dark chuckle brushes against his lips when I give him a pleading look. He grazes my clit again, before slowly pumping two fingers inside of me. He’s so slow that every slight movement inside of me sends a chill up my spine. 
“... I am going to punish you thoroughly. You have no idea what I am going to do to you.”
I give him a wide-eyed look of innocence as he finally pushes his fingers as deeply into me as he can. He contiues to watch me unaplogetically. Clearly unfazed by the look on my face. He slowly moves his fingers in and out of me, focused on the way my body reacts. Noting how my body is shaking beneath him, the way my chest rises and falls in desperation. 
Mentally I wish I hadn’t started this. He felt so fucking good, but I also knew that he would drag this out for as long as possible. He continues pumping his digits in and out, feeling my walls tightening around him. He’s going fast enough for it to feel incredible, but not fast enough to give me the release I desperately needed. 
“I am so sorry Colby. I swear that it won’t happen again.”
My voice sounds as pathetic as I feel. A sound that causes him to laugh bitterly as he slowly curls his fingers inside of me. A slight action that makes my sensitive core flutter momentarily. 
“Oh baby doll, I know that you’re sorry. You wouldn’t have started this if you hadn’t been…” 
His voice stops for a moment, his smirk growing when he pumps and curls his fingers at a slightly faster rate. He gives me a fake look of sympathy as I mewl in distress. A sound that appears to be music to his ears. 
“... Damn do you sound pretty as I pump this sweet little pussy.” 
He watches the way the muscles in my stomach clench, my walls tightening around his fingers. My body giving all of the signs that I am in need of a release. Another dark chuckle brushes past his lips as he starts to move his fingers at a quicker pace. I force myeslf to not completely lose my mind when he does this. To not fuck his fingers, but my hips have a mind of their own. They’re eager for any friction they can get, but just as my body starts to feel like there’s a chance he might let me cum, he stills his actions. 
He pulls his fingers out of me, leaving me empty and hopeless. 
I gasp. 
“... Please. Baby, please I am so sorry. Please I’ll do whatever you want. Just please don’t tease me like this.” I sound so stupid when I say this, my words begging. I’d brought this onto myself. I walked in here and extended the metaphorical olive branch. I knew there was nothing I could do to change his mind. His brow furrows and he tuts quietly as he watches me. One hand brushed some of my hair out of my face. 
“In all of the years we’ve been married, you’ve never called me baby. Are you trying to butter me up? Think that calling me something sweet could change my mind?”
My body aches with want. Had I been trying to be manipulative? No, but I could see how he could’ve taken it that way.
“What if I called you Colby-Kins? Would that make you feel sorry for your needy wife?”
I ask, playing along. My joke of a nickname causes Colby, to break out of his dominating act. A genuine smile pulling at his lips for a brief second.
“You’re fucking cute baby doll…” He pauses the smile on his face returning to the smirk he’d been wearing all night.
“... But I’m too committed to teaching you a lesson to stop now.”
He pushes his body up off of mine. He stands up and gets up off of the bed, watching me closely as he slides his sweats off. He seems amused by the fact that my eyes are focused on his exposed cock, hard and dripping with pre-cum. He notices how hugnry my eyes are and how my legs squeeze together when he returns to our bed, his naked body descending onto mine. His lips move back to mine, deepening the kiss instantly. A groan passes his lips as his chest lays flush against mine. The feeling of his skin on mine was otherworldly. He brushes his hardened member along the slick of my entrance but doesn’t push inside of me. Instead, he rubs the tip of his dick along my clit. I whimper beneath him, my hips eagerly lifting in an attempt at some sort of friction. He guides his hands to spread my legs further. 
“I need you Colby. I need you inside of  me. Please baby, you’ve made your point.” 
I mumble the words against his lips, an action that forces him to pull back to look at me. His blue eyes search my face. For the first time, since I walked into the room, he’s looking at me without any anger. As if he’s started to forgive me for my actions the night before. He studies me closely for a few quiet seconds before breathing a deep sigh. 
“Well, since you asked so nicely.” He whispers, his cock sliding past my soaked folds without warning. My head falls back into the pillow, my body feeling euphoric now that he’s fully inside of me. He doesn’t move for a second, just remains still as he gives my body a moment to enjoy the sensation of him inside of me. He moves his lips to my collarbone as he starts to move, slowly like he’s making love to me. 
No longer punishing me.
He didn’t make love to me often. We mainly fucked until we were a heaping mess, but this was different. His lips on my collarbone are light kisses, not possessive markings. His hands roam my body with careful consideration. He holds me closely as he thrusts with each caring roll of his lips. I wrap my legs around his torso and gasp as his hands lightly grasp my hips once more, lifting them up so he can thrust inside of me deeper. He’s so deep inside of me that I can feel him in my stomach, his movements careful. A moan pushes past my lips and I feel his cock starting to twitch with anticipation. He’s getting closer to coming undone and I can feel myself also reaching a release.
“Do you want me to fill your sweet little pussy up with my cum?”
He rasps, his lips moving from my collarbone. He peers down at me waiting for an answer, allowing me a moment to catch my breath. 
“Yes. Fuck, please fill me up with your cum.”
I whimper, my walls starting to tighten with a new level of need. I needed to release and I needed to do it as soon as possible. He nods, his lips moving against mine. Slowly he kisses me as if it was the last time that he would. 
“Cum with me baby doll.”
He commands, words mumbled against my lips. I move my hips to meet his thrusts, each one messier and messier as we both start to come undone. I feel my body shake as I cum, my body finally getting a release after over an hour of torture. The bliss I feel as he cums inside of me brings me back to that same dizzying sensation I’d had earlier. I’m unable to focus on anything else, as I feel him shoot his cum deep inside of me, his lips no longer on mine. Instead, he watches me as I let my body enjoy everything he’s given me. 
Once we’ve both finished, he pulls out of me. He reaches for the nightstand on his side of the bed and pulls out the keys that goes to the cuffs. He undoes the cuffs and lightly takes my hands in his. Around my wrists are indents from how hard I’d been straining against the cuffs, red rings that prove how desperately I wanted to touch him. 
“Do they hurt?”
He asks me, lightly tracing over the marks before bring each hand up to his lips. Giving the marks a kiss, before looking back at me. His handsome face seems troubled by the state of me. Any other time we’d used a restraint I hadn’t been left with marks, but this time was different. He looks ashamed with himself as I give a faint yes nod. I hadn’t realized that they hurt until now. After I was done being overstimulated by him and his torture. A torture that I enjoyed every second of. Slowly, I sit up in the bed and move my hands from his. I guided them to either side of his handsome face, our eyes fixated on one another. 
“Hey, I loved every second of that. Next time I won’t pull on them so hard. I just wanted to touch you so badly.”
He nods, placing his hands over the top of mine. We don’t speak for several seconds, just remain entangled and in each other’s arms. I feel his fingers toying with my wedding rings as he pulls my hands from his face. He continues to hold onto me, but this time he breathes a deep sigh. 
“I have an investigation going for the sex tape I created with Shea. We are going to get every copy she has and wipe it from existence. I’m sorry I did it and I’m sorry she harrassed you at our event. She won’t be getting into another one.”
I give him a look of sympathy when he says this. I knew the biggest reason I’d been so upset the night before was based on the fact that the sex tape had been created and could ruin everything we’ve built. Yes, our marriage had been arranged, but we’d done something with that. We had a family and a business. A jealous ex didn’t need to derail that. I had also been incredibly jealous when I found out about the tape. Knowing that he filmed it the night before we were married, that he’d promised to love her despite our marriage, it made something inside of me snap. He didn’t owe me loyalty then, hell we hadn’t met before our wedding. It made sense that he had someone he was with before us, but a dark part of me was so jealous that it had been her. Someone who was still seemingly calling the shots. 
Even after all of these years.
I couldn’t fault her entirely, if Colby left me the way he left her I’d be pissed. But I needed to not punish him for something that happened before we were us. 
“I was jealous. That’s why I got so upset last night. I know that I was going on about how you’d hurt her, but the more I think about it the more I realize I was only pissed because I was jealous. I mean before me you had an entire life. With these glamorous women who have money and you got stuck with me. Some poor girl who sold herself to save her dad. I was jealous because you loved her. And how could you not?  She's beautiful. And I’m just me, I’m nothing.”
My confession hangs in the air for a moment. Silence falling between the both of us. I pull my gaze from his when I see the sympathy that finds his face as he studies me closely. His hands move from mine, and feel his right hand move under my chin. He lightly grips me as he forces me to look up at him, his eyes soft. 
“You’re the most incredible woman I’ve ever known. You’re so strong and beautiful. You’re graceful and calm. Smart and refined. The best mother to our daughter and you’re fucking sexy as hell. And I’ve been yours from the moment I laid eyes on you. There hasn’t been anyone else since I became yours. Shea was only at that party the day after we got married because the party had been planned weeks before I even knew I was getting married. But I’m yours Emilia Brock, only yours. You’re not nothing, you’re everything to me.”
I press my lips together to keep them from trembling, tears brimming in my eyes. No one had ever said anything this nice to me. No one other than Colby. I should’ve known better than to be jealous of someone else. He’d never given me a reason to doubt his devotion to me. Even before he told me he loved me, he’d always been quick to say that I was his to care for.
“I love you Colby.” 
I whisper, my lips moving against his. He groans as he pulls me forward, my naked body being pulled onto his naked lap. I deepen the kiss and my hands are in his hair. His hands hold me firmly in place. 
“I love you too baby doll.”
He rasps. I smile and lean my head against his, feeling his cock getting hard beneath me. I can’t help but giggle as I look at him.
“How about it Colby-Kins? You up for round two?”
He clenches his jaw as I grind against him. My sex already ready for him to make love to me once again. His eyes seem to go a few shades darker as he nods silently. Aligning himself with me for the second time tonight. 
“I’m up for as many rounds as you can handle.”
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Would you do a pic based on the song “Do you wanna be friends?” By Leanne Firestone as a Ken x reader? Like I feel like this song really could work for them. Like kens super all like “Oh stereotypical Barbie is so amazing” and reader just is like “oh. Okay yeahb I’ll support you” and just follows the song. Idk lol
Ough the unrequited love goes hard here </3
"So...I take it that it didn't go the way you hoped?"
"Sadly..it didn't." Putting on his best smile, Ken sighed quietly as you both sat on the beach together. "I forgot it was girls' night and...she didn't want me there. Period."
You blinked. "She seriously said that to you?"
"And..it didn't hurt?"
"I mean..she wasn't wrong. She could never be wrong. It's not my place to intrude on her night and I need to respect that. I'm just happy I got to dance with her and...almost kiss her after the party." His attempts to sound upbeat were forced, although he didn't want to concern you too much. "Simply being in her presence is enough for me. She's just so...amazing and beautiful and so smart. I'm glad we're boyfriend and girlfriend."
'It doesn't sound like she thinks the same...' Is what you wanted to say to him, but you decided to keep that to yourself. Instead, your shoulders remained slumped as he continued rambling about how "awesome" Stereotypical Barbie was.
It was nothing new to you.
You and him have been good friends for a while, although roughly 90% of your chats consisted of him gushing over Barbie nonstop; the remaining 10% were either him complaining about Tourist Ken or rambling about Beach-related stuff.
Obviously, you didn't mind talking to him and wouldn't dare shut him down. You actually enjoyed every moment you spent together, even if he can be a bit dumb and showy at times.
You just wish he didn't bring up Barbie's name in every single conversation...considering that she barely mentions his name whenever you talked to her.
It was unconventional at best for a Barbie to not be interested in her Ken, but that's just the way she is and he doesn't see anything wrong with that.
He wasn't getting the hint.
When you found Ken sitting alone on the beach tonight--in the spot where you'd normally practice you guitar skills--he looked awfully dejected and lonely. You immediately knew he tried shooting his shot with her after the huge blowout party with planned choreography and a bespoke song..
And ultimately missed by a mile.
"You know what she said to me earlier after that Beach accident, [y/n]?"
"What did she say?"
"She said I was "very brave"." Stars were practically shimmering in his blue eyes, his grin growing wider. "She thought I was brave! Isn't that awesome??"
"Yeah, it sure is." Nodding in agreement, you turned your gaze up to the brightly-lit moon in the sky. "You're a lot of things, Ken. Brave, funny, cool...she should seriously cherish those and not just shut you out because of "Girl's Night". I don't think that's fair to you at all."
The words came out faster than you could think, and your body tensed up as you watched his expression falter.
Maybe you've said too much.
"Wow, that's...nice to hear, [y/n]. Thank you." He put a hand to his chest, looking at you with a gentler smile. "You're a great friend, you know that?"
"...right, we're great friends." You reluctantly agreed, forcing you own smile for his sake. "Do you mind if I play some guitar? This is my usual spot but-"
"Ohh, I forgot you had that...thing." Then he pointed to your acoustic instrument. "If you want me to leave I can-"
"No, no, you can stay! I'd hate to see you roaming Barbieland all night by yourself."
"Nah, I'm not really "roaming" aimlessly." He brushed off your worries, smoothing his hair out as though it was tousled by nonexistent wind. "I just sorta...wander around till I find a cozy spot. Sometimes I get lucky, but other times I imagine myself in her dreamhouse. I bet next time she'll let me stay over. Who knows? Maybe one day we can call it Barbie and Ken's Dreamhouse. Haha..wouldn't that be awesome, huh?"
At the end of his rambling, he had that same lovestruck appearance on his face as he rested his jaw on his fist, gazing at you.
That's the kind of look you wish he'd give you instead.
"Yeah, that would be cool." Once more, you agreed, before taking your guitar out of its case and placing it across your lap. "Well..I'm just gonna start practicing."
"Right. Thanks for listening, [y/n]. I'm just gonna sleep over here and dream of our future." He stood up and walked about ten steps towards a baby blue towel somebody left behind in the sand, laying down and curling up. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight, Ken. Sleep well."
Despite how uncomfortable he seemed, he had no problems dozing off as you heard light snores mere seconds after he closed his eyes. You saw a content smile gracing his lips and gazed at him for some time.
He never looked more peaceful.
"This one's for you.." You whispered softly, fingers gliding across the guitar strings as you began playing a song you've recently memorized.
Then you began singing ever-so quietly, closing your eyes and feeling the music flow through you.
""Do you wanna be friends?" I mean I wanna be more. But if "friends" is how I get to have you...then..sure. I'll be quiet in my pining. I won't tell you about the pain. I'll be silent in the night when I know that you're asleep..but I wanna ask you if you're awake.."
You weren't sure where you've heard this song before. It just popped into your mind one day and resonated with you so deeply, filling your plastic heart with a foreign feeling.
That being...the feeling of longingness. Pining.
It reminded you of Ken, and where your relationship with him currently stood...and possibly will remain for as long as you both lived.
You knew that he'd always choose Barbie over you at the end of the day, even though you've seen her reject him time and time again. He still kept chasing after her no matter what, always hoping she'll one day say "yes" to him staying over at her dreamhouse instead of shooing him away.
Eventually, he'd have to wake up and realize the truth.
Maybe then he'll finally see that you were the only one who ever gave him the time of day. The only one who truly cared about where he slept, if he was okay, etc.
The only one who truly loved him.
Perhaps in another life, it can be [Y/n] and Ken.
But for now, you just continued playing the guitar at him, even though he was off in dreamland, blissfully unaware that you were speaking to him through this song you were singing.
If only he knew your genuine feelings for him; although that may never happen since he's always calling you his "friend".
And if that's what he wanted out of this relationship, then...you'll have to settle for that. For his sake.
You'd hate to lose him.
"So we'll be friends, and I'll be okay. The world won't end if you don't love me, even if it feels that way..."
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gamercats-fight · 3 months
Loser's Bracket: Stray Cat from Stray vs Krampy from Cattails: Wildwood Story. Last chance for your fav!!
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Need help picking? Check down here!
Stray cat - Blue Twelve Studio - 2022 - Ginger tabby:
-Because they are from a wonderful game where you can meow
-Very clever, even if not accompanied by their friendly robot! Fast enough to outrun a lot of zurks! Brave enough to venture into dangerous places to try to open the city to reunite with their family! Can knock a chess game over, and curl up on the chest of a robot. Helps a robot grandma get what she needs to make a poncho for someone else.
-kitty faces the horrors and comes out alive. very good
-This is just a regular cat. The game is based on being a regular cat. I think that’s neat.
-This cat is the main character of the video game that they’re in and survived hell and back by traveling within a city where robots and zurks live.
Krampy - Falcon Development - 2023 - Gray tabby medicine cat
-He's so autism
-Cattails is like Stardew Valley for warrior cat fans, and Krampy is a fan favorite for several good reasons. He's a kind of eccentric medieval doctor who also has trouble relating to other cats because of his weird experiments and love of leeches, but that passion also makes him very charming as a character. He's got a tendency to ramble and tell long stories and is just really wholesome all around. Also he wears a plague doctor mask which is just a really cool design choice.
-The iconic doctor of the Mystic Colony. Who doesn't want a medicine cat with a plague mask?? And they are a real character too. Some of their best quotes:
"“Actually, I don't believe we've been introduced. I am Krampy the doctor, and don't worry! I am not a bird. Although when I had that concussion, I did think I was... ... What was I saying again?"
“Greetings young kitten. Do you mind if I put leeches on your tail? It's for science. And, I think it would be funny. Or I could do it to myself... But then what will I do tomorrow?"
“I think you should wear a beaky mask, it will protect you in this world. I wish not to see my friends hurt. Although that is bad for business... bit of a double-edged sword. Don’t get hurt too often!”
“You have the worst-smelling miasma I have ever smelled! I can smell you from miles away! Why don't you roll in some garbage? - It can only improve your odor, and you end up where you belong!"
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queenofbaws · 2 months
Hi there Queenie. I'm going camping so obviously I gotta request some Chrashley and MikeJess going camping to enjoy. Hope you have a good weekend.
"Y'know, never really thought of myself as a 'camping' kinda guy," Chris said, needlessly flipping the turn signal on as he followed yet another sign towards the promised land of the scenic North Kill County campgrounds, "but I have to admit...the idea of, like, actually getting to see the stars at night and not just a bunch of headlights sounds pretty cool."
"I just hope there's a waterfall," Jess cut in, her feet tapping excitedly against the car's floor once they came to a stop in the parking lot, her seatbelt clicking off not even a second later, "I'm going to take the hottest selfies if there's a waterfall - everyone will wish they were me, I just...ahhhhh, let's go, let's go!"
With an uncertain smile and a soft laugh, Ashley followed suit, rummaging around in the footwell for her bag as she added, "Honestly, I just love the idea of being able to sit in total silence and read for once, instead of - "
"And I," Mike interrupted, throwing the SUV's side door open, "can't wait to can't wait to make out in front of a bunch of chipmunks." He paused at the looks the others threw him, but only for a moment, before deadpanning, "You were all thinking it, I'm the only one brave enough to - "
That time, the interruption came from a very clear, very close howl from somewhere deeper in the woods; after a beat, Chris revved the engine again, Mike hopped back into the car, and the girls buckled their seatbelts as someone (it was difficult to say who, really, given the way they'd all started panicking) said, "Staycations are all the rage now anyway, let's just...let's just do that, maybe, yeah?"
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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smutinlove · 1 year
You were my light (Part 3)
Carl Grimes x Reader
Warnings: Angst, reader says bad bad shit to carl, depressing stuff, mentions of killing (let me know what I missed)
☽ Author's note☾ Oh, God. This one is really messed up. And I think y'all will see why. There's also a few Taylor Swift references cause why the hell not? Anyway. Back to the messed up shit. SO. Uh, don't hate me but the messed up shit is yk really messed up. Oh god. I'm scared. DO NOT STEAL, COPY, OR TRANSLATE MY WORK.
Thank you for reading! Reblogs, likes, and comments are very much appreciated!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Summary - The daughter of the now dead Negan Smith is walking in the woods. She thought she was alone. But she wasn't.
❝ I didn't have it in myself to go with grace 'Cause when I'd fight, you used to tell me I was brave And if I'm dead to you, why are you at the wake? Cursing my name, wishing I stayed Look at how my tears ricochet ❞
And then they "detained" you for being violent. So, no. Your plan to kill Carl Grimes did not end well.
And, for everyone's safety, they moved you into a white room, far away from the Alexandrians, but still in Alexandria.
The bed was white, the floor was white, the chair was white, the table was white, the door was white—I think you understand what I mean.
Slowly, you were going insane. White, white, white.
You felt like you were going to have another panic attack. Which was not good.
Maybe you were dreaming. Maybe you were imagining it all. Carl, Rick, the saviors, your dad, Alexandria—all of it was just a dream. But it wasn't.
And you knew that.
The truth sucks, doesn't it?
"Knock, knock. It's me, sweetheart." The door opened, and you saw your least favorite person, Carl fucking Grimes, holding a plate of food.
It was dinner already, huh? Time flies when you're fucking stupid enough to get captured by the 'enemy.'
"Can you stop calling me... that?"
He laughed. "No, I don't think I will. And I like making you all mad and pissed off, sweetheart."
He placed the plate of food on the table and sat down on your bed. "Fuck, this is so comfy! I might just sleep here," he joked.
"Can you stop?"
"Can you loosen up a little? I'm messin' with ya, babe." It was sickening. 'Babe.' What is this? 2010? It might as well be.
"Just leave," you muttered. "Oh, but where's the fun in that, huh?" He got up from your bed.
He walked over to you. "My, you are so beautiful, darling," he complimented. Carl planted a kiss on your cheek. "You like that, don't you? You like my touch. You secretly adore me, baby. I just know it!"
Don't give in. Or... maybe. No!
You slapped him. "What the fuck!" You heard.
He was taken aback. "You fucking bitch! You slapped me!"
You rolled your eyes. "Oh, wait, I did? Oh, Carl! I am so sorry. Do you want me to do it again?" You snickered. That motherless son of a bitch deserved it. He had been horrible to you. He fed you dog food!
"You deserve it. I hate you! You think you're so fucking cool. But you're not, Carl. Go... kill yourself or... whatever."
Without another word, Carl quietly left. And then you realized what you'd said. "Oh, my God."
You did not mean that. Sure, you wanted to kill Carl. You hated him. But telling him to kill himself was messed up. "Fuck, fuck..." You whispered as a tear slipped down your cheek.
"I'm—" You couldn't even form a proper sentence. "God, what have I done?"
"Carl!" Rick called out. "Carl!"
"Get back here!" Rick shouted. Carl finally stopped and turned around. "What?"
Rick looked at him in surprise. "Carl, are you—you're not. Son..." He brought Carl into a hug, and he sobbed into his father's shoulder.
"Dad..." He cried out. "I know, son. I know."
Carl never came back. It was always Rick, Daryl, or a woman named Rosita. Sometimes, you'd just glare at the plate of food they'd bring you.
It was better than dog food, but you missed Carl, his stupid jokes, his gorgeous face, and his taunting smile, but you would never admit that. Never.
"You hurt him a lot, Y/N," You heard a woman say. It wasn't the Hispanic woman, and it sure as hell wasn't Rick or Daryl. You had seen her before, during the war. But you never heard her speak, and you barely saw her.
The woman in front of you had a sweet smile on her face. "What?" You finally said.
"Carl. You hurt him a lot. I don't know what happened between you too, but that was a horrible thing to say, you know?" She explained.
You scoffed, but it was true—it was horrible. What you said was cruel and stupid. "What? Are you his mom or something?" You laughed.
"Don't," she warned. "I'm gonna bring you to him. And I want you to apologize for whatever you said, okay?" The woman said sweetly.
"It wasn't a question. You will apologize to Carl. But first, eat," she ordered. The woman stared at you. She was waiting for you to pick up the spoon and eat.
And you did just that.
You finished eating. "Happy?"
The woman chuckled. "Very."
She let you out of the room, and it felt great to finally leave. You looked up at the blue sky. You missed this life. Alexandria felt like a dream. It was so magical. It was like the old world, but it also wasn't. It was different.
The people here were scarred and broken, but they hid those scars with happy smiles and went on with their day like everything was normal. That no one died.
The house with the yellow door. You were dying to see how this would end.
You stared at the door. "Knock," she ordered. You sighed and knocked on the door. "I'm Carol, by the way."
"Nice to meet you, Carol." You smiled.
She left, leaving you standing on the porch of the house with a yellow door. The door opened. "Hey—what?" Cold.
Torture. Love. Warn.
"I'm—" You put on a brave face and stared into Carl's eyes, well, eye. "I'm sorry, Carl. I was horrible, and what I said was not acceptable, and—"
"I've heard enough."
"Carl, I am sorry. I—"
"I know. Go," he demanded.
Some of the Alexandrians, one of whom was Rick, were starting to lose hope in you. But Carol vouched for you. She begged Rick to let you stay.
Now, you could walk freely in the streets of Alexandria. A part of you wanted to run away. Alexandria was weird. People pretending to be okay.
You pretended to be okay.
Look. Dream. See.
Thing. Crash. Look. Style. Walk.
Dreamt. Crashed. Watched. Stunned. Walked.
The safety of Alexandria was something you wouldn't take for granted. But after being out there for so long, you just wanted to run. Run away from everything.
Carl avoided you. But it seemed like there was another reason why he was avoiding you. But hell, you couldn't just march up to him and ask, "Hey, why are you avoiding me?" You could not do that. You would not.
Sweet smile. So right. Arms. December night.
Part 4?
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eldritchelfwriter · 4 months
What if we could peek into Florwyn's thoughts in Shadowheart Begins?
Here's what Florwyn (Tav) might have been thinking up to the end of Act 1 ...
Poor woman, I wonder if my powers would be enough to ... gods it worked! The pod opened!
Pull yourself together Florwyn, it's not as though you've never been in battle before. Under duress. Enough, none of that. You're not charmed, this time. Be brave and use your power, unless you want to die? Didn't think so. Don't be a wuss.
It's the woman from the ship ... Shadowheart, I think she said? Strange name. Oh gods is she dead? She's breathing! But what if we're all dead? What if I'm a mindflayer and I haven't realised it?!
Huh, she ... wants to stick together. Unexpected for a person with so much "go away" energy around her. Relieved though, I have no idea where we are ... And there's a thing in my head, ugh.
More people. Gods.
I don't know how much longer I can put up with this pain. Perhaps, if I use the cool stream to dull it down?
Hmm these people aren't too bad, on their own. Just my luck there'd be a wizard. Honestly, where do wizards get off with their egos?
I cannot make Shadowheart out at all. Night and day that one - in the space of a minute.
Why is she so hostile toward me? I give up.
Astarion is such a darling. He makes me laugh. Pain inside him, though. Lots of it. Strange, to be around so many people all the time. Maybe I've been missing out ...
Gods my bones ache. Gods. I deserve it. I deserve it.
I can't believe that druid was prepared to kill a child. Madness!
So Shadowheart is afraid of wolves. Unexpected. She seems a little frightened of people, too. I can understand that. I get the feeling she hasn't had a lot of kindness in her life.
So. Painful. Gods. Gods. This is my punishment. For all those people ... my parents ... Oh gods. Of all the people to - Shadowheart. Is this part of my punishment? She seems ... softer, somehow. And she wants to help. Should I let her? Come on, Florwyn, you have to trust people sometimes. Hmm, this is an unexpected side of her, is that what she has been hiding all along?
I would never have thought there was all of this softness underneath that barbed exterior. It seems hard for her, even more than me, to trust. I hope I don't hurt her.
Something doesn't add up. When I compare everything I've heard and read about Shar, it doesn't reconcile at all with the woman beside me. She's lovely!
I swear I've seen her reading that book before. Oh gods it can't be D'vanya Mettle!
I don't think I've had as much fun in my life, as I've had these evenings with Shadowheart. Such beautiful company.
Can't stop thinking about those green eyes. Come on Florwyn. You're not a teenager. And we're all about to die.
I wonder if there'll be a storm soon? It's been a while ... but I want this. I ... want to feel all that power. Uncharmed ... free ...
Is it wildly transparent that I'm asking her if she's available? You have no tact Florwyn, none at all. I can't believe she's never been in love, a beauty like her?! Her religious doctrine around attachment is quite alarming. Best to back off, if she's serious about that. But we're friends, isn't that an attachment? Gods I want to kiss her though ...
What? Why is Shadowheart so upset? I told her I'd be fine ... But she was ... really worried about me. In fact she's completely distraught. Could it be? Does she have feelings for me?! I think she does ... maybe ...
If we find Halsin, this could all be over. I'm going to tell her how I feel. I don't care how nervous I'll get. I'm going to say it.
I wish I could throw myself in the stream and die. Idiot, idiot, idiot!
Well that's the friendship ruined. Well done Florwyn. Well done. Alone is all you'll ever be.
Gods this is awkward. I think I'll just hide myself away with the children. Children always cheer me up, bless their little hearts.
The way Shadowheart is looking at me ... something is wrong. And I just can't help myself, can I? Better check she's OK.
Oh gods she likes me!! SHE. LIKES. ME.
Well this is awkward. I wish I wasn't so shy.
And she manages to do it again. She and the wine, admittedly. Why do I always feel that I can open up around her? Because you're smitten, idiot. Better not tell her too much. Some things are best left unsaid.
Gods she's beautiful. Does anyone else see this side of her? When she's ... vulnerable?
I'm going to do it. I'm going to kiss her. What if she doesn't want to? Stop shaking Florwyn just ... roll closer to her and ...
I think ... I'm already in love ...
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amemenojaku · 1 year
Shinmyoumaru for the character ask prompt
I got several asks about her... thank you everyone for allowing me to go completely batshit insane
General opinion/How much I care about them: GAHHH I love her SO MUCH it's unbearable!!!! I think nowadays I wouldn't be able to say who's my number 1 favorite touhou character between her and Seija... There is a very special place in my heart for Shinmyoumaru Sukuna T_T I love the play on a classic otogizoshi (making the descendant of Issun Boushi a princess AND the ally of a horned demon at the same time is sooo good) and I love that she has this brave and regal aspect to her personality while still being a little bastard and I love her design and the atmosphere of her fight scene in DDC and her heart and everything else!!! She is cool and cute and funny god I wish Shinmyoumaru were real I have so much affection for this silly little character
A ship I love: (puts on my clown makeup) I made myself known here as a seishin artist many years ago and I'm happy to say they're still my absolute favorite pairing in the series! toxic yuri wins!! The way I see them has changed a lot over the years and thanks to the surprisingly big amount of material we got in the spinoffs and the books but at its core it's still the same... Lonely people who created unforgettable memories together and changed each other forever... And you can go so many different ways with them... But I guess my all-time favorite seishin flavor is best summed up in this unrelated quote (more people should read Fafoo):
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seishin fans also manifested grimoire of usami into existence which I think is incredible enough on its own to mention
A non-romantic relationship that I love: With Reimu!!! I think we all agree that their interactions in Forbidden Scrollery were perfect and that Shinmyoumaru is an excellent addition to the Reimu solar system. There's something so touhou-ish about them living together after DDC and Shinmyoumaru sewing that small kimono as a gift for Reimu and then later hijacking the danmaku festival so bad that Reimu has to step in. Literally textbook case of Reimu dealing with another little rascal yet befriending them in the process. Speaking of I think they genuinely are good friends, not just danmaku or drinking buddies... I love to imagine their daily life together when Shinmyoumaru stayed at the shrine......
The NOTP: For better or for worse she's almost exclusively shipped with Seija which is fine by me!! I've never liked seeing her with anyone else (save for a onesided Shinmyoumaru -> Reimu crush).
My biggest headcanon about them: THERE'S TOO MANY TO LIST..... I have pages upon pages of Shinmyoumaru & kobito-related headcanons because she is constantly rotating somewhere inside my brain but I can share a few ones: her family is not only a descendant of Issun Boushi but also a descendant of Sukunahikona; none of the kobito have last names except the ruling family who takes on the most sacred one - Sukuna; there's actually a little bit of Issun Boushi's spirit remaining in the miracle mallet, he doesn't exist there anymore or anything but it's like a warmth that Shinmyoumaru can feel when she wields it.
An idea for a fanwork I would like to make/see about them: I have a lot of wips that I probably won't ever finish sadly... But I -would- love to draw some kind of comic or writing/art mix where I could include all those headcanons someday, with her past and especially a study of her relationship with the mallet
Something that makes me think of them: Hedgehogs :) and forget-me-nots!
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since you were begging for asks earlier, heres a curious one. let's say Seduce Me gets remade with updated art and updated writing, etc etc. if there was one thing you'd want changed and/or added, what would it be? and while we're at it, is there anything specific you'd want to stay as is?
Oooooh I like this one!!! I love the game, but there are definitely things I wish were done differently. (Other than the obvious like typos and glitches)
It's kind of long, but here you go:)
I personally really enjoyed the art, but I do wish the boys sprites had gold eyes when enthralling MC. I think it would have been a nice detail.
I would love to see the backstories fleshed out more. Michaela Laws said that things in Damiens backstory for example, that she didn't include (how much worse can it get😭) I think it would be really nice to get more details for the boys and the grandfather's background.
I'd like the story to be longer, like more individual scenes with each incubus before the big confession. I enjoy a fast burn but DAMN.
And more scenes with all of them. I love the brother's dynamics, and I wish we saw more of them together.
Maybe an ending where she let them stay without dating them. It doesn't necessarily have to be a poly ending (though I think many people including myself would enjoy) but they all become MC's found family.
Option for a male or gender-neutral MC.
More Malix in general. He is an incredible character who adds so much to the game, and his VA is uber talented. I saw on Michaela's Tumblr that she originally planned for Malix to attempt to burn down the mansion, and this would be so freaking cool! I wish we would have gotten this.
Less copy and paste, which I feel is a given.
I'd really like it to be NSFW if I'm being honest. Like, the sex scenes don't even have to be voiced (Though no one would complain if they wereeee) but like the writing aspect of it would be really nice.
I think MC's grief should be explored more. I discussed this with someone recently about Mika sleeping in her grandfather's room right after his passing, and I feel like maybe her grief was almost skipped over.
I think it would be nice to see MC being a college student rather than high school, but being as the second game is already made and has an established age, this probably wouldn't be possible.
More discussion of magic, and MC's ability to use magic.
Things I'd like to stay:))
First and foremost, VOICE ACTORS!!! I cannot stress enough how much I appreciate the VA talent in the game. I genuinely can't see another actor playing any of the incubi, Malix or Diana.
I really enjoy MC being a bit snarky and tough, but not so brave that it becomes unrealistic. Like she isn't Oh My GaWd ThErE aRe HoT gUyS but she also isn't like "I can do this easy and could fight this on my own!" because she knows it isn't easy and does recieve help from them.
Simon tabby. I don't feel I need to elaborate this.
The original scenes where MC gives her chosen incubus energy. Like, I'd like them to be more unique to the incubus BUT I don't think locations should change, and the art could still be similar to the last time.
I like how Diana comes across as a villain in the first game, and I don't think she should be changed. The second game was her redemption ark and changing her in a rewrite would make it less...redemptiony.
MC fighting Lissete. Favorite part of the game. (Though, I do think MC should have gotten like, suspended at the very least.)
I might think of more, but these were the ones I could think of right now. Thanks for the ask!
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calico-heart · 9 months
10 fandoms, 10 characters, 10 tags
Basic rules: choose 10 fandoms that you are part of/support, and choose a favorite character from each of those. Then, tag ten folks!
Thanks for the tag @briar-ffxiv :3 idk how i'm supposed to pick a single favorite out of all these tho cries. Obvious fandoms are up top, but some (maybe. a little.) less common ones show up further down!
FFXIV // Alisaie Leveilluer
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I think she's one of the most dynamic characters in the series, and I love love love seeing her come out of her shell as the expansions go on. Her personal arc focuses so heavily on surviving grief and learning to keep an open heart even when faced with loss over and over again, and I appreciate how well that ties into the main storyline, too.
Fallout 4 // Piper Wright
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My wife <333 Piper's reckless go-gettem attitude and propensity for ruffling feathers on her quest to out the baddies really endeared me to her. Finding her soft heart under all the bravado and banter is really rewarding, and I love how committed she is to standing for her ideals, even if it means standing alone. Fo4 has such a cool setting to get immersed in overall, and I really do enjoy all the 50s/60s US tropes thrown into the mix with it.
Reth // Palia
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The epitome of making objectively horrible choices for arguably noble reasons. I love this walking disaster. He made me soup. I like how most of the Palia characters have more to them than meets the eye at first meeting, and how many ways they can surprise you as you build relationships with them. But gaining the disgraced pariah Reth's trust? Becoming someone he's brave enough to ask for help from? I treasure it above all the others LOL
Gale Dekarios // Baldur's Gate 3
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I'm NOT going to essay I'm NOT going to essay I'm not -- But seriously I do adore this guy's arc. I like how messy it is, even if in more subtle ways than, say, Astarion (ilu too boo.) Gale has so many "gifted kid" trademarks and strikes me as someone who's entire self worth has been based on how useful or interesting he is to others. It's hard to fault him for his ambition, when his magical prowess was the only avenue he had to make meaningful bonds up until the whole tadpole nonsense. BG3 exceeded my wildest expectations out of an RPG and continues to do so every time I pick it up.
Anders // Dragon Age II
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I feel obligated to say I don't really consider myself part of the DA fandom because every time I've poked my head in I've found it to be a wretched hive of scum and villainy with the most inane batshit discourse I've ever seen in my life. But the game itself? Love the game. Love the characters. Anders broke my heart. I really enjoyed his internal turmoil and the very literal ideological battle between justice and vengeance he faced throughout the game. I'll eat that up.
Obi-Wan Kenobi // Star Wars
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He's baby.
I definitely pick and choose which installations of the behemoth that is the Star Wars franchise to consider canon, and like Dragon Age I try not to actually get involved in fandom spaces. Ever. But I love Obi-Wan's story in the prequels especially, and if you've followed me very long I'm sure you know how much I like my hurt/comfort and angst, which he has in spades.
Halo 1-3, ODST, & Reach // The Arbiter
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I grew up on Halo and even have a little poseable model of this guy decorating my bookshelf. Halo's a shooter game first, of course, and I spent a good chunk of my childhood rerunning levels, and playing ninjanaut with friends on splitscreen. But its lore also fell into that sort of early TES space for me, where you had enough of an idea of the world for it to capture your imagination and inspire you, without being overwhelming to keep track of. The angst. The mystique. The badass alien with a glowing sword. 10/10. My Spartan OC is called Artemis and my brother has one named Ares and yes we did slay in PvP as teenagers.
Firefly // Simon Tam
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Choosing Firefly is predictable af but thats ok. It still makes me ache wishing we got to know more about the world, the characters - and maybe that unfinished homesick feeling is part of the appeal. I loved watching Simon be so out of his depth in the frontier of space, but willing to giving up everything for someone he cared about and learning to make a new place for himself with Firefly's motley crew.
Mizu // Blue Eye Samurai
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I was not prepared for this show to WRECK me like it did. I thought it was going to be a run of the mill cheesy samurai anime and GOD. The thoughtful, clever storytelling and dynamic characters knocked me on my ass. I couldn't stop watching. The cast is incredible, the art style is gorgeous. Every single aspect of this show ties into this theme of being caught between two worlds, and Mizu's story is one I am not going to forget any time soon. If you haven't watched this, you're missing out.
Mal // The Dog Master
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I'm not sure there's even really a FANDOM for this book. I haven't ever met anyone else who'd even heard of it, let alone read it. But a fandom can just be me, occasionally pitching it desperately to friends, right? XD The story follows several tribes, but the "main" character is Mal, who was kicked out of his tribe and survives partly by befriending a wolf and raising it. It's pretty cleverly written, with several timelines converging at unexpected moments to offer up plot twists and tie-ins that really wouldn't have been possible if it was written another way. I'm a little geeky about it just for the structural approach. But there's honestly not enough good caveman books out there, and this one has a wide cast of unique and interesting characters who feel very human.
I will tag @ronqueesha @bogglebabbles-main @sayonaramidnight @traveleorzea @orime-stories @silentletterwords @ellastara @rinka-fortemps @eriyu @jameswrites
And anyone else who wants to! I'd love to see your lists! But no pressure ofc <3
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shebeafancyflapjack · 3 months
Last Days
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(Some entries from my oc Silver's "Book of Shadows" / diary, leading up to her death. The photo is of my actual doggo who passed away eight years ago. 🥺🥹).
24th June 2003
Confidence Spell
In a cleansed space, dress a small orange candle with oil and coat with mixed herbs, most notably rosemary, chamomile and lavender. State your intention before lighting the match. Sit and watch in a comfortable position while visualising the light glowing within yourself.
I did it.
I told them.
The spell worked, it gave me the courage to stand in front of them and finally come out. In hindsight I should have remembered to cast a ward of protection around myself for the aftermath. But Derek at the shop told me that focusing too much on protection magic can actually attract harmful energies. And, to be honest, a part of me wanted the drama. I wanted my family to give a shit, even if it was thrown in my face. Wow, gross imagery there, Silver.
I suppose it went better then some. Reading posts on some gay and lesbian forums, some folks have it a lot worse, especially over in America. This one girl's dad was a pastor (I think that's like a Vicar? We only ever called them that around my town). When she came out to him, he had her sent to some preachy conversion therapy camp and she ended up having to run away to live with her cousin, now her immediate family act like she's dead. Yikes. I didn't get it that bad.
My sister rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Sure you are. You're totally not just doing this for attention, like the witchy thing." And my brother was cringing like I'd tried to flash him or something. "How do you even know? You've not even had that many boyfriends!" Ugh! What the fuck?! What kind of older brother wants his sister to sleep around more than dudes until she "can be certain"? I've had enough experience as I need, bruv! Think he just feels weird now as I've probably ruined all that lesbian p*rn I know he's into after that time I used the computer after him and he forgot to delete his history.
And Mum? Well.
She cried. She didn't wail or scream or anything but if was kinda like the cry of a little kid who got told they weren't allowed to get some Pik n Mix at Woolies. I asked if she was angry and she just threw her hands up and said she was disappointed I wouldn't "at the least" give her grandkids. Then she stormed outside to smoke with my sister.
I felt so cold and numb afterwards. What did that even mean? How would being gay mean I can't be a mum? We've all watched Friends, we saw Ross' ex Carol be a mum, Susan was his adoptive mum, that could happen to me. Or I could adopt. Fuck, I want to be a mum, someday...way, way, way off. And anyway, she has a grandkid! I'm surprised my brother didn’t pipe up to remind her of that. It was just me and him left in the room and it was awkward as fuck. Bri and I have butted heads but I'm closer with him than Lisa, which is not saying much. Think my confession ruined whatever little sibling bond was there.
Shit, I wish Dad had been there. He'd have been cool with it. He'd have been so proud of me for being brave enough to tell them all and he'd have given me one of his epic bear hugs.
Except that's a lie.
According to Brian, anyway. When I mentioned Dad to him, he scoffed and said "You're joking, right? Dad was homophobic as shit. This the guy who refuses to watch Star Trek TNG because a 'poofta' was the Captain."
That hurt worse than any reaction the others had to my coming out. At first I hoped he was just saying it to get a rise out of me or just to be a dick. But the more I looked back through my hazy memories, I can recall those tiny little bigoted comments which as a kid you just don't care about. Because they didn't matter to me back then. All I cared about was that Dad was fun, that he spoiled me rotten, that he'd take me to McDonalds whenever I asked and to the cinema and Stone Henge.
I needed some air after that. Jess always provided an easy excuse to go for a walk around the fields to clear my head. While she bounded off after squirrels once I let her off lead, I sat under a tree and cried my fucking eyes out. Not for the reactions of those I got, but for the one I would never get.
Those breathing exercises Derek showed me helped a lot. The throbbing in my head died down a little. Chanting the names of the Goddess while I tried to focus on letting go of that useless worry over a dead parent's opinion of me.
It sounds awful but, given how many father-daughter relationships I've seen break down when girls reach their teens, maybe I was lucky to lose my dad as young as I was before he could truly disappoint me.
But either way, I did it. I'm now and out and proud gay (or bi, I'm not 100%, just definitely not straight) witch. Love me or leave me.
So mote it fucking be.
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31st October 2003
And the fires shall burn, and the wheel of life shall turn, and the dead come back home on Samhain!
Happy Halloween!
As it's the Wiccan New Year, I guess I should make a resolution? I resolve to start living my damn life.
Ever since I dropped out of college, it's like I've been drifting through life. The few jobs I've had haven't gone anywhere and I just don't know what to do with myself. Actually, no, I fantasise about the life I want all the time.
A cottage in the woods. I wanna wake up and breathe in nature every morning. I want my own garden where I can grow fruit and veg and herbs for my spells. I want to be able to sit and read my fantasy books in the sunshine for hours in peace. Obviously Jess will come with me, I'm pretty much the only one who walks and takes care of her, she's my bestest girl. And I'll adopt three or five more dogs. Maybe a couple of chill cats. It would be so cool if I could tame a fox like that woman who was on This Morning the other days. Foxes are basically cats inside little dog shells, they're so cool. And I want a wife...I think. Part of me would be happy living alone with nature and pets but then I get this niggle of desire for someone to wake up with and appreciate all that beautiful stuff with me every day.
But that life is just not gonna happen unless I find a way to make a shit ton of money to move out of my town and set up somewhere in the West Country or Surrey or Kent etc. For now I'm trapped in this tiny shitty town in the arse-end of Essex with almost no bus routes. Driving lessons have all ended in disaster, fucking dyspraxia I'm blaming you.
Gods, please, if you're going to trap me anywhere for the rest of my existence can it at least be somewhere better than this?!
What few friends I had have all gone off to Uni or abroad. One girl even asked if I wanted to go to Australia with her but the idea of working in a bar gives me chest pains. Plus the spiders! Sorry, little dudes, I love and respect you but I can't help but get the creeps! I keep up with what they're doing on MySpace and MSN but a lot of it depresses me to realise how stagnant my life is. Not only am I trapped but I'm also lonely as shit.
LOL. Jess just rested her head on my knee as I wrote that and gave me the biggest saddest labradoodle eyes. Of course I'm not totally alone, I've got my bestest girl. And my deities. Enough to keep me sane.
Speaking of mental health, gotta remember to make an appointment with my GP about these headaches. Mum blames the incense and reckons I'm dehydrated. Says the woman who smokes like a chimney and needs a glass of wine a day to get through the week.
Doing my Samhain rite later but first gonna take Scarlet out trick or treating. Her little witchy costume is so cute! I know the whole hat and warty nose stereotype is offensive to Wiccan culture but OMG she is adorbubble with her little plastic cauldron! Can't believe she's nearly three, she's growing up so fast. Even if I never get to be the cottage core mum I dream of, I can be the awesome witchy aunt.
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11th March 2004
A spell to attract friendship
Cleanse an empty bottle with incense. Fill with pink or white salt to protect from toxic relationships, cloves for friendship, cinnamon for happiness, lavender for calm, rose quartz and amethyst for healthy friendship, sugar for sweetness, a dandelion for loyalty, seal with yellow wax, carry in purse or pocket often - remember you need to leave your room to find those friends you seek.
I might have just discovered something really cool!
We're staying at my great uncle's house in Surrey for a couple of weeks to help him out while he's not well. Uncle Bob's always been a cool old dude, I wish he'd lived closer when I was growing up. Anyway he knows how into the supernatural I am and started telling me legends of this really old house literally just a twenty minute walk from where we're staying.
And when I say old I mean OLD. Like Henry VIII old, if not before that! He even has this book telling the history of it. Apparently the rich lady who lives there used to host tours but she's getting too old to do it now and has mostly become a recluse. There's all sorts of shit that went down in that house, some Tory prick who died in a sex scandal, ROFL, it was used for all sorts of soldier stuff during WWII, a bunch of rich folk whose names I still see dotted around the village lived there. Even before there was a house there were settlements were there were plague outbreaks and witch trials. Actual fucking WITCH TRIALS! I always wanted to visit Salem but screw it I got some history on my doorstep now.
And theres all sorts of ghost stories! Some dude who tried to kill Queen Elizabeth I got his head chopped odd and rumour is his headless body can be seen wandering the grounds. There's this famous 'Grey Lady' ghost who falls out the window screaming in the middle of the night. Some freaky creature like a wannabe Bigfoot roaming the woods.
I gotta go there. Sounds like it's buzzing with untapped magical energy. Just looking at the photo of the building, I feel like it's calling to me.
Honestly one of the coolest bits of history was there was said to be a stone circle which the house now stands on. Don't think I can get myself in there, even if I ask the old posh woman really really nicely. But there should be enough power around the site for me to call to.
Screw it. I'm sick of trying to find my own coven to do shit like this. I did a quick scope of the place while walking Jess and it doesn't look like she has much in the way of security. There's not even that high a fence around the wood. I can jump over that easy enough.
Gotta take the opportunity while I'm here. Uncle Bob might be being moved into residential care so chances of us coming back to this part of the county is slim.
Still got those mushrooms Derek's nephew gave me. Been really hesitant about taking them, I don't like doing drugs more than a little bit of weed and even that ends up making me paranoid and thinking the world hates me.
But he swore that if I wanted to properly see the gods, they were the best tool.
So tonight, I'm gonna sneak out and make my way up there, set up an altar and ground myself. It's gonna be like taking a bubble bath in pure magick! I got all that history and ancient energy as well as the full moon. Helped bake some cakes for Uncle Bob earlier and gonna take a few crumbs of the leftovers as offerings. Pan especially has such a sweet tooth.
This is the night I'm gonna take my life into my hands and summon everything I want. Love, friendship, freedom, excitement....oh and mustn't forget healing for these stupid migraines.
Jess keeps staring at me from the foot of my bed, whimpering for attention. Maybe she wants to play fetch. Maybe she wants to come with me. Should I take her? Hekate likes dogs so she might appreciate her there. And I am going into the dark woods all on my own. A lot of scary stuff has happened to young girls and women on the news lately. But they were children, I'm twenty next year! If I take Jess with me and she starts barking, it might wake the Button lady or her neighbours.
No, babygirl, best you stay here. It's gonna be boring for you watching me do my ritual high as a kite while I tie you to a tree. Once I'm back I'll sneak you up some chicken from the fridge.
It can be our little secret. ;) and I'll do a spell to make sure my best girl has plenty more years of treats and belly rubs to come.
So mote it fucking be.
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olliethescribe · 2 years
Ok but hear me out warren centric set in ottawa fic ykyk bc
I’m so cool /j
I wrote way too much for this. Heads up, it's on the angsty side and contains a death mention. I am a sucker for giving Warren Stone shitty parents. (This is also canon to Only Brooches - taking place three months before Breakfast). Enjoy!
It was supposed to be a weekend trip, straightforward in its depressed purpose as Warren had been called up north to engage in family matters. He was less than thrilled, keeping his mind on Ron and the boys, hoping that leaving them with the mini-van would be enough while he was away. It should be enough, fine even. Just two days and then he’d be back, basking in the warmth of their home, holding Ron tight and never letting go. Would’ve brought him up too had the magician’s passport not been expired. No, Warren had to brave it alone. 
The last time he’d heard from his parents was during Christmas, taking a chance on an unknown number with a Vancouver area code, a rough cough breaking the silence on the other end as his mother asked him if he’d gotten the socks she and his father sent. They had no idea that he’d moved, or had gotten engaged and married, or was far smarter than the nineteen year boy he used to be when they called him after running away all those years ago. Warren spoke in short and curt reponses, cutting off tangents before they could branch. He knew the tactic, make small talk then, as he was distracted, ask for money. It only took forty-five seconds for him to end that call. 
So when they called again just a week prior to this drive, asking him to join them at ‘home’? He should’ve hung up with record speed. But no, he had to listen, finger hovering over the end-call button when they told him his cousin passed, that he had been named in the will as a recipient. 
The newscaster hit a bump as he grumbled to himself, eye twitching as he turned down the nearest exit. Couldn’t get a call for the funeral, nah. Had to be about the will. He paused his thinking for a moment as his fingernails dug into the steering wheel of his BMW. “I’m an idiot! Newsflash: it’s still about money!” Warren looked up at the signs arching over the road. Thirty kilometers to Ottawa. Better than the alternative. He foresook his GPS, trashing the idea of seeing his ‘family’. Ron was right, this felt off, it felt like a trap. Warren didn’t feel like getting caught in another one. 
“Hey, babe,” he said, ringing Ron who answered instantly, “yeah, it’s not happening. I’m coming back tomorrow. No, I didn’t get there yet, managed to stop myself. Is everything good on your end?” Warren made another turn, driving down a long stretch of road before arriving at a roundabout. Ten kilometers away now. “What do you mean by ‘sad purple sheep man’? Oh, they weren’t kidding about the two dads thing, huh? Don’t ‘four dads’ me, I swear to… yeah, that checks out.” Five kilometers now, almost there. “And yes, I’ll bring back a case of coffee crisps. You’re welcome.” Warren smiled, eyes on the road. One kilometer to go. “Wish you were here, think you’d like where I’m stayin’. Next time. Love you too, Ronny.” 
Warren pulled up to the outer limits of the city and stared in awe for a bit, the capital of his home country glimmering in gorgeous shades of pink and orange in the dying light of the winter afternoon. He’d have an hour or so maximum before the sun gave up its light for the day, looking for something he could feasibly do. Warren passed by the Rideau Canal, taking a brief glance at the boats below before Google spat out the brilliant idea to visit ByWard Market.
The newscaster would’ve picked a museum had he been with Ron, the two getting lost in all types of exhibits for hours. Another go-to for them were typically live performances, frequenting theatres owned by small creators as the two quietly whispered to each other about not understanding what was happening but enjoying themselves all the same. 
Warren glanced across the street as he parked his car, an art gallery catching his attention painted in red tones, people streaming in, couples with their arms linked and laughing with each other as the gallery owner passed around glasses of sparkling wine. He felt his chest begin to dully ache, trying hard to ignore the feeling as he got out of the car and onto the sidewalk. He’d be home soon enough, would be back with Ron soon enough. Had to keep reminding himself. 
As it turns out, ByWard Market was less of one market and more so a conglomeration of shops and establishments within four city blocks. The area hummed with soft jazz, people out and about, enjoying the evening chill. Shops were nothing short of crowded, and food stalls were only slightly less so. The newscaster decided to wait in line for a coffee, fucking up his order at the last second by requesting a green tea instead. He drank it anyway as he strolled, the hot leaf water reminding him of his husband. 
Warren found himself bobbing in and out of shops, taking a keen interest in the fashion establishments that lined one block, walking away as soon as he saw the price tags. He couldn’t afford a decent suit in Ottawa, that was for certain. There were queer bars and loud resturants, speciality grocers and tattoo parlours. All lively, all inviting. The warmth that emanated from yet another gallery drew him in long enough as he warmed up, taking in the sights of a private collection of Georgia O’Keefe paintings as curated by the gallery’s owner. To view art of a desert so vast and lonely, well, it certain made him feel less so. 
The newscaster eventually left, checking into a hotel a block over, running back to his car once he realized he’d left his luggage behind. His phone was ringing non-stop, no calls yet from Ron but plenty from the ones that claimed to have raised him. He turned the ringer off, dragging his suitcase into the elevator and ascending to the fifth floor. 
His heart beat dully in his hollow chest, frowning as he stared out his window that overlooked the city. The guy at the front desk said it looked prettier in the daylight. Warren would have to take his word for it.
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dinoace2 · 10 months
Back and Forth
Anyone else make self-indulgent fics, writing themselves into scenes to try and salvage the situation that had just happened? No? That's a me thing? Ok cool
Anyway I love Nanami he is my favorite and he deserved better and I sobbed for 2 hours after all that.
The fic surrounds the reader(me lol), a childhood friend of Nanami, born to the inumaki clan but struggled to accept her position. She saw the danger in Shibuya and couldn't simply stand by, so here we are.
>3k words, Angst throughout, but happy(?) and peaceful ending. Segments in italics are memories throughout their past, and the one bolded paragraph is that natrator who explains stuff occasionally. Only kinda proofread ish so if there's grammar issues I am sorry
TW: I feel as though this should be obvious but blood and death will be a recurring thing here. Also she vomits like 3 times
Characters mentioned/involved: reader, Nanami, Mahito, Itadori, Arata Nitta, Shoko, Yaga, and Toge Inumaki.
(Character doesn't know all of these people by name so she describes them, and it is first person so here's the reference list:
Mahito is the stitched man, itadori is the pink-haired kid, Arata is the blonde kid, Shoko is the woman with the cigarette, and Yaga is the man with the sunglasses.)
Ok let's go
I shrugged, scrawling out another note on the pad in my lap, then held it out for my friend to read, trying my best to hold it still.
'It isnt that I don't WANT to help people. It's just a lot of pressure, you know? There's thousands of sorcerers out there...surely one can't make a massive difference in the grand scheme of things.'
Nanami looked at the scribble, deciphering my familiar chicken scratch with ease. "I suppose you have a point...and I certainly can't make you do anything but...all I can do is make recommendations. You're incredibly strong, you know that? If you actually put your mind to it...you really could do incredible things with your skills." He smiled, reaching for my hand. "Im sure the higher-ups would still be willing to make you an official sorcerer if you wanted."
I sighed, scribbling another response.
'Yes, but, that's the thing. I don't really WANT to be special or incredible, you know that. I have enough trouble in crowds as it is.'
I paused from my writing and touched my lips, my fingers gently grazing the tattoos on either side of my mouth. I was given these markings when I was way too young to properly have a choice. They're practically a burden as they are, sealing me to a responsibility I never asked for.
'I'll exorcise a minor curse if I happen to run into one, but I really don't see much need in becoming a big fighter like you or Geto or Gojo.'
He let out a sigh, nodding slowly as he looked back at me. "Yes...youre right. I understand."
Of course he does. He's the one who gets it more than anyone else.
He stood up to leave, his seat swaying in his absence, and I crumpled up our conversation, feeling at the paper beneath my fingers. I didn't know it then, but that was the last time we would meet on those old swings.
I wish I were as strong and brave as you,
My voice came out in a shrill shreik, cracking and breaking as I shouted a name that no longer had an owner. the lower half of his body crumpled to the floor, much to the glee of the strange figure standing over him. It was instantaneous, one moment he was standing there, and the next...? I couldn't even comprehend what had just happened.
It was halloween. I had been minding my business when I sensed a massive concentration of cursed energy near Shibuya. Whatever was over there, it was bad. I fought with myself for a long while. Surely the sorcerers could handle it. Surely everything would be fine, it always ended up that way anyway, especially with all the powerful guardians Japan has. I can stay put. What need would they have for a half-rate excuse of a sorcerer who feared her own voice anyway? Its fine.
I froze when I heard the voice. Some kid – no older than fifteen or so – stood at a rooftop, shouting something. I had initially paused because I recognized the name he was screaming to, but my heart sank when I heard what came next.
Gojo? As in...the Gojo? How could that-?
I'm not sure why or how but at that point my mind was made up. I changed into something more practical, pulled a mask over my mouth, and left my home to face the very thing I fled from decades ago.
The train station was nearly silent as I ran through it, sneaking around to avoid confrontation as much as I could.
I heard fighting in one of the terminals, and sensed a massive cursed force, spread out across possibly hundreds of vessels. What the hell...? And...with every hit, every grunt, every sound I heard, it was getting fewer. There was only one sorcerer in there, yet he was...taking on an army. On his own...
When I got closer I finally recognized who i was hearing. Nanami. Of course he was able to take on that much. He's always been strong, so of course this would be no different. I haven't spoken to him in years...maybe after this we can take more time to reconnect. The thought made me smile.
It was a nice day...we were all too young to be worried about anything...too young to care. I was sitting on the swings with one of my dearest friends, talking over the creak of the old chains. I had recently participated in an incredible family ceremony, and I was so excited for the life ahead of me.
"Grampa called it..um...cursed speak!" I said, my smile bigger than ever as I pointed to the marks on my chubby little cheeks. "I can tell people what to do and they'll do it! Even those ghost thingies that not everyone can see!" I giggled. "I wonder if I can make Mommy clean my room."
My friend chuckled. "Alright, just don't do it to me, okay?"
I nodded. "Okay, Ken! I promise I wont." I put on the most innocent little smile I could. "Youve always done stuff for me anyways, right?"
As I made it to the terminal, I was frozen in place. It was nearly devoid of life, the demolished corpses of mutated figures piled on the ground around a single person. That was him, wasn't it? Nanami Kento, one of the strongest, most composed men I had ever met, but...he was badly injured, half his torso mutilated, most likely by fire, and he was covered in blood and wounds beyond which I had ever even considered possible. I was so taken aback by the sight that I hardly paid any notice to the stitched-up man that approached him. I heard them speak, only for a brief moment. Nanami turned his gaze to a child who had walked in on the other side and muttered something i couldn't quite hear...
And then he was gone.
My cry, unexpected to even me, caught the attention of the man with the stitches. He looked at me, lips peeled back in a too-wide grin.
"Ohhh! You must be a friend of his! I don't think anyone's mentioned you before, so you must be new!" He giggled, stalking forward as more grotesque figures rose around him. "How would you like to join him?!"
For a moment I couldn't move, and in fact it looked like everything was moving in slow motion.
The same playground, the same people, the same swings. Just...a different time in our lives. We were both stronger, smarter, but still just kids.
"Man, we're gonna be so strong together! And we'll get to hang out so much, too! The academy said we would be in the same class!" I grinned. "Can't wait to beat you up in school! For a grade!" I laughed, feeling the wind on my pale hair as I swung.
Nanami nodded, the same grin on his lips. "I think youve got it wrong, if you think im gonna lose!"
We laughed for a while, until I was brought to an abrupt stop by rough hands on my back. A different kid, much bigger than me, shoved me out of my seat. Another look told me he wasn't a sorcerer, nor did he have any idea what we were capable of. "Youve been on the swings long enough, kid. I've decided it's my turn." He snickered as Nanami ran to my side, helping me up.
I glared at the boy, slightly shaken by the interruption. "H-hey...what was that for?"
He smirked. "Aww, what's the matter? Gonna cry?" He snickered as he took my seat, and I felt Kento's hands ball into fists at my side. "Hey! You better leave her alone!" He growled.
The boy crossed his arms. "Wow, someone's touchy. Why, is she your girlfriend?" He chuckled as Nanami's face went a few shades of red. "I dunno why you'd even wanna be with her anyway. She's got...weird tattoos all over her mouth, like some kinda delinquent who went to jail! Or maybe some circus freak!" His laughter only got louder, and Nanami began to growl as my shoulders shook from humiliation, tears beginning to blur my vision.
My lip quivered but I planted my feet, glaring at the boy in front of me. "Just....go AWAY!" I shouted. The realization hit as soon as the words left my lips, and I clapped a hand over my mouth, but the damage was done.
The boy was flung, almost cartoonishly, forced away as if some invisible monster had thrown him by the ankle. He hit the ground with a hard thud as concerned parents started running over.
I was frozen, I couldn't speak, couldn't think. I did that? Such level of power and destruction, quite literally at the tip of my tongue, and I just....did that?
I didn't talk much after that.
Decided that school wasn't really my thing, either.
I stared at the approaching man, and the dozens of mutilated human corpses surrounding him. Just how strong was this guy? How could he have done that to Nanami without a second thought? Too much coursed through my head, but one thing was clear.
He wouldn't be continuing.
I pulled down my mask, taking in a deep breath. My lip trembled, my chest shook, and my hands balled into fists.
All at once, the bodies before me froze, trembling as massive cracks grew up from their feet. They cracked like glass yet their flesh made creaking, squelching noises as they began to break.
In a single, simultaneous moment, every single transmutated monstrosity exploded, a mess of blood, flesh, and gore unlike anything I'd ever seen before. My eyes widened, and my hands shook as I stared on at what remained.
The recoil hit me like a truck, my entire body feeling as if it were about to explode. I doubled over as vomit and blood poured out of my mouth with a pained retch. My throat felt hollow, and my chest felt as if it had been torn open. I could only cough and wheeze and whimper, leaning on the wall to remain upright. In my current state I didn't even notice what had happened right in front of me.
The pieces of the stitched man began to stretch and grow, reforming into his original shape. He looked at me with a twisted grin, slowly stalking toward me.
"Oh! I didn't know you were a cursed speech user! You didn't look like one at first!" I couldn't move as he approached. "But from those markings...youre an Inumaki, huh?" He chuckled.
"Wow....dyed your hair, got a mask on....you must have really wanted to be discreet! Almost like you –" he gasped in false shock, grinning ear to ear. "– Abandoned your clan like a little traitor~! That's fun! I'm all about forging your own path and stuff."
He smirked as he came face to face with my frozen, shaking form. "You abandoned your clan, then came running back to the battlefield to avenge a friend of yours! It would have been noble if it wasn't in vain." He snickered. "Youll die for nothing! How does that make you feel?" He cupped his ear, as though to listen for a response, then cackled. "After a shout like that, you'd be lucky if you could even whisper in the future! I'd expect your vocal cords to be in shreds at this point." He gasped, overcome with an idea. "Ooh, you know what would be even better?! If you went crawling back to your family yourself!"
He grabbed my chin. "I'm in a good mood right about now. So here's how it's going to go. I'll let you walk out of here on your own two feet, so you can stumble on back to that clan of yours and play charades with them until they realize you're their biggest failure of your generation!" He grinned, releasing me and turning toward the pink-haired kid who still stood shocked in the doorway. "Ta-ta now~, better get out of here before I change my mind."
My mind was reeling despite the fact that I couldn't move. This...this curse...had the audacity to tell me to run, with my tail between my legs? To flee, with empty hands, regardless of what more I could do? This thing had the temerity to tell me what to do?
Is that not what I've been trying to avoid my whole life?
"Incredible," he breathed, astonished. "Youre getting stronger, even if you don't know it." Nanami smiled, sitting on the old swing as I stood in front of him, arms raised as i finished demonstrating an odd move i had come up with and practiced. "Not a lot of people can even comprehend the idea of learning a new cursed technique, yet here you are, creating one of your very own. Impressive work, especially for someone with hardly any formal training."
I grabbed the notepad in my pocket, quickly scrawling a response.
'Its entirely possible that formal training would have suppressed this. If all are taught the general systems, it'll be hard to remain an individual.'
He chuckled. "I guess it's possible. But schooling aside, you really have become something special. Keep honing that skill...keep being you, and I bet you'll one day do something incredible, even if you don't see it. Even now, you found a workaround to vent out your cursed energy without using cursed speech."
I smiled, sitting in the empty swing next to him. I pressed one more folded note into his hand, gently swinging forward and back.
'No matter what I do, and how long we spend apart, you always support me. You give me confidence and let me feel like I can really....do something. And it's something that I want that you always encourage. I never feel forced around you. I suppose I want to say I'm glad you've always stuck by my side. I'm really glad you're my friend.'
Nanami smiled softly then reached over to take my hand, interlacing our fingers.
"Of course. I'm glad you're my friend too."
I scowled at the curse as he walked away, raising my hands in front of me as I pooled whatever cursed energy I had left into my palms. One hand raised to my eye level, and the other drew back, as though pulling the string of an invisible bow. I could only mouth the words as I conjured my power.
"Cursed technique: toybox."
Toybox: a cursed technique designed and used solely by a forsaken and forgotten member of the Inumaki clan. Playing into the often-overlooked yet highly versatile arsenal of a children's imagination, Toybox allowed its user to concentrate portions of her cursed energy into a physical form, most often taking the shape of a pointed arrowhead or the length of a blade. None could see this "weaponry" aside from the user herself, hence the reference to imagination and childrens' toys.
I took careful aim, seeking to strike the curse at its core. I had one shot at this, and in it, I poured every last bit of power I had left. With a shaky breath and a steady hand, I released the grip that was pulled back, sending the equivalent of a cursed bullet flying at the stitched man.
He was still for a moment, looking down at the sizeable hole in his chest.
His head twisted around unnaturally, only grinning as the wound sealed shut. "Oh dear. I gave you your chance. This simply won't do." He walked back toward me. "You keep distracting me from the person I actually want to kill! And I'm getting tired of wasting my time." He smiled lazily, shrugging. "Buuut, you certainly don't have anything left now. I can tell. You're all out!" He chuckled, as the aftershock of losing so much energy finally hit me like a brick wall.
Almost as if on cue, I clutched my stomach as more blood and bile rose from my throat, and he snickered. With a swift hit to the legs he made my knees buckle, sending me all too quickly to the floor. My head struck tile with a thud, and I'm sure I heard a crack. My vision blurred and my breath hitched, and I couldn't even flinch when his foot sunk into my gut, only drawing forth more blood and vomit.
The man above me sneered. "Youre a pest. And you aren't even worth my time. You were born weak, you lived a coward, and you'll die a failure. Now, instead of dealing with you swiftly like I should have, we're going to find out if it takes longer for you to bleed out, or choke on your own vomit like a wounded dog."
I could only watch as he walked away, gasping, shaking, and unable to move. No matter what I tried, no matter what I wanted to do, I remained still, feeling utterly broken and worthless. My vision was fading, my body beginning to shut down. I heard muffled conversation between the curse and the boy, before it all...stopped.
My eyes shut tight. Why didn't I feel anything? Why didn't it...hurt? I flinched as I felt a hand on my shoulder, instinctively pulling away and sitting upright. My jaw dropped when I saw him.
I couldn't believe it. There he was, kneeling in front of me, his blonde hair almost falling in his eyes. He smiled softly, holding out his hand. "...i dont think ive heard you say my name in a long time...did you miss me, by any chance?"
I didn't take his hand, but instead sprung from my spot into his arms, hugging him tightly. My body shook as tears stung my eyes, so many words I never said all rising to the surface.
So much to say, so many questions, so many words, yet the only thing that fell past my lips was, "I'm sorry."
He brushed a strand of hair over my ear, his smile never fading. "Whatever for? I couldn't be prouder of you."
That only caused me to choke on a sob, shaking my head as I buried my face in his chest. "B-but I couldn't fight him...I didn't do anything, I didn't help anyone...." my hands clenched. "I-i failed."
He shook his head, pulling me up to look at him. "My dear, you gave your all to defend a purpose. And I've known you practically our whole lives. Your existence was not in vain...and I can promise that others will agree. I promise, I will never be disappointed in you."
The tears that fell next were of a different kind. "...heh...you always knew how to make me feel better, Ken..."
He smiled, and I paused as I felt his lips press against my forehead. "Of course. Don't you remember? I always do stuff for you." He chuckled, watching my cheeks flush at the memory. I took a deep breath, trying to organize my thoughts. Of any possible chance, surely this was the best one I had to say it.
"Kento...you've been...my best friend and my closest ally....our whole lives. My greatest support and beloved confidant..." I whispered, taking his hands. "I love you, Nanami Kento, I always have. I....I know it's far too late to have said anything, and I should have done something better, or-or gone to you sooner, but-"
I was cut off by a calloused hand cupping my cheek, pulling me into the most gentle, loving kiss, like the kind from books that one could only dream for.
He smiled. "Im glad I could hear you say it. It probably would have been awkward if we had to make this exchange with handwritten notes," he chuckled. The off comment made me giggle, and I hugged him again. He simply held me to his chest, wordless, just allowing time to pass.
We spent what felt like hours in each other's arms, exchanging questions and catching up on every detail.
I didn't want to move, didn't want to leave this incredible, impossible moment. Despite the situation, despite what all just happened, I felt...peaceful. Safe. Almost...alive. Nothing else mattered right now.
All of a sudden, i...felt like I was being pulled. As if I was beginning to be torn away from Nanami's arms. He looked down at me, noticing the invisible force.
"Kento, what...what's happening?" I whispered, clinging to him now with more strength.
He...he smiled, brushing back my hair and pressing a kiss to my forehead. "...looks like it's not quite your time yet. You get to keep going."
Fresh tears sprung to my eyes and I shook my head, burying my face in his chest. "N-no, I....I can't...I can't go back...I can't face them...I can't do anything..."
Our embrace was short-lived, and I cried out as I was dragged away.
"Im getting a response! She's coming back!"
"Easy now, don't overwhelm her."
"Who is she anyway?"
"Im not sure. She's got the marks of the Inumaki, but she doesn't have a sorcerer ID and any other form of identification seems to imply she changed her name."
"Alright, don't interrogate her now, I think she's waking up!"
My eyes squeezed tight, my head was pounding. I heard a lot of voices, too much sound to pay attention to any one thing.
Much as I didn't want to, I opened my eyes, blinking a few times to adjust to the light. I was surrounded by people, unfamiliar faces, their gazes all boring into me. I felt like I wanted to disappear.
A blonde boy looked at the others, standing close to me. "I found her near where Nanami was...i-i mean, I wasn't completely sure if she was going to survive but if there was a chance, it seemed worth trying." He turned to me. "Are you feeling alright?" I shrugged, only able to let out a pained sigh. He nodded. "Yeah, i..I bet. All things considered, you don't look too badly injured per se...a couple of cracked ribs...might have a mild concussion from falling...but most of your state seemed to come from a near total drain of cursed energy. What happened?"
I opened my mouth to speak, tried to do something, anything, but the only noise that came out was a creaky, broken groan. My hands reached to my neck, at this point only trying to make a sound. I hadn't spoken in years, but now that I couldn't? Oh god. The only sound that came from my mouth were shaky gasps and raspy hisses.
The boy nodded. "Considering the state you were in, I wouldn't be shocked if your vocal cords are damaged beyond use...here." he pulled out his phone, then held it out to me with the notes app open. I sat up, taking the device and beginning to type, beginning with telling them my name.
'Nanami was an old friend of mine. I might technically be a sorcerer but I left that behind for personal reasons. I saw the veil around Shibuya, though, and i couldn't bring myself to ignore it, especially after I heard that kid yelling about Gojo. I got there when I could, dispatched the transmutated humans and minor curses that I saw as I ran toward the threat. I found that patched-up...thing standing over him, but I couldn't move fast enough to stop it. I used my cursed speech on him but...its almost like I didn't do anything at all.'
I sighed, handing the phone back to him to read. He nodded, relaying the message to the others; a woman in a white coat with a cigarette, and a man with spiky hair, a goatee, and dark, angled sunglasses. They both looked...vaguely familiar, but I couldn't place it at the moment.
The woman frowned. "...an Inumaki girl who was friends with Nanami? I do remember someone like that...she hung out a lot less after a non-sorcerer got badly injured, though. Must've been you." At her words I shrunk into myself, and she nodded as her suspicions were confirmed. "But...you came back. That shows a lot more about you than you realize." She smiled a little, tapping her cigarette. "Takes a lot of courage to do that."
I turned to the boy, reaching out my hand, and he gave me the phone again.
'I never wanted a life like this. If I could've removed my tattoos and just...lived, like a normal person, I absolutely would have. But it's not like I could have ignored a veil that big and an aura that dark.'
I frowned.
'Not like it really mattered anyway. I didn't save anyone, and nearly killed myself in the process. I'm useless. The only thing I did here was cause another casualty.'
The boy read my note and shook his head. "Thats not exactly true. There were remnants of your cursed energy all around that room. Those things all over the place were transmutated humans, bodies crushed and mutilated to that curse's desired form, yet not permitted to die. Your cursed speech laid dozens of suffering, frightened, pained people to rest. It's a hard thing to think about, but...you saved them."
I stared at him, my eyes wide and lip quivering. I...saved them? How could that have been possible, with the image of such gore, such suffering etched into my mind? It doesn't seem right.
"More than that, I sensed your energy that came from something else. It was strong, concentrated. Do you have another cursed technique outside of your speech?" He asked, simple curiosity in his tone. Not accusational, not upset, just wishing to know. At my slight nod he smiled. "Then...you could still help people. Er- if you wanted to, that is. I don't mean to sound like I'm forcing you."
I took his phone and typed another response.
'I don't know yet, if I'm being honest. There's a lot to take in right now. All I ask right now is, if you can, don't tell Toge I'm here. I don't know if he remembers me, but I'm not sure if I can face him.'
As if the curse of fate decided to play yet another cruel joke, I heard a gasp from behind me. A pale-haired boy stared at me, eyes wide. I couldn't see his mouth under the high collar of his jacket, but I could tell exactly who he was. To my surprise he wasn't gawking at the markings on my lips, but looking at me, with a certain level of recognition in his eyes. I couldn't tell quite what emotion he was feeling, nor what he felt about seeing me after so long.
I never wanted to speak more desperately than I did in that moment. He was so...so small when I left. So young. I'm not sure he even knew why I had gone. I opened my mouth to speak, begging and pleading that I could just get one word out.
My lips moved to a silent voice, tears falling down my cheeks. "Toge, I-"
He didn't even let me try to continue, and I felt myself enveloped in the tightest, most caring hug I had gotten in years. A soundless sob shook in my chest as I clung to him with all I had. My mouth moved over and over again, repeating 'I'm sorry' and 'forgive me' endlessly. The man in the sunglasses chuckled. "Looks like someone missed you."
I couldn't believe it. After everything, after all this time, I was simply...welcomed? Forgiven? After my shortcomings, my failures, my pain, I could still...do something? Be something? No one was upset, and instead it seemed they...or at least Toge, was happy to see me. Despite the tragedy, despite all the suffering...it was like I still meant something. This sense of belonging, of support, everyone had everyone's backs, and everyone was working toward a common goal: making the world a safer place.
When toge let go of me, I picked up the phone one more time, typing a final message with a smile. This level of enthusiasm was something I hadn't felt since I was little, and I was almost relieved to have it back again. I handed the device back to its owner, and he read it aloud to the woman and man, each with a knowing smile on their face.
"How do I come back?"
Thanks for reading :]
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sanitizedsubject · 11 months
The Fright Begins (Or: The Mod Of SanitizedSubject Tries Her Best To Participate In An RP Event Like The Cool Kids)
Laughter, screams of delight, and screams of what Pistachio hoped was the kind of terror that didn’t come with danger filled the air. All those lights had been a little overwhelming the last time she was here, but knowing all she knew now, she supposed everything was overwhelming… Four stretched, the glittering costume she was wearing shining in the light. “Libby and Aleena should be catching up with us soon. Aleena’s just caught up in not looking like a coward again…” Pistachio nodded, though her attention was far from any haunted houses or other frightening things in the area. She wasn’t even really paying attention to the rides, or the food stalls selling treats so sugary she was pretty sure they’d turn her ink into syrup.
No, for some reason, Pistachio’s attention was on all of the little corners, the spaces in between where the shadows stretched out far too long, where all the fake darkness of the event gave way to the real dimness of night.
A tap on her shoulder almost made her superjump at least a good ten feet in the air. Four chuckled as the octoling turned towards her.
“Your eyes are glowing. They make you look even spookier, you know?” she said, raising a hand and gesturing towards her face. Pistachio scrunched up her nose, shaking her head. “They don’t glow in the movie. I wish I could turn it off…”
Four pulled her hand away, eyebrows furrowed in slight concern for just a moment. Any difference between her and someone “normal” upset Pistachio greatly, no matter how much she tried to encourage her to be ok with things like that. 
After all, in a world like this, who was really to say what was normal and what wasn’t? “Ah… Stachi, I got an idea. I’m gonna go get us a treat, you pick out something fun for us to do! Meet me back here in a few minutes!” “You trust me enough for that?” She folded her hands behind her back, grin widening as she nodded. “Of course I do! You’ve got your phone if you need help.” Before Pistachio could say anything else, the inkling turned, and trotted off into the crowd.
Well, she was… brave. Pistachio had no doubt in her mind that she could easily find something fun for them to do without getting into too much trouble… That was, until something brushed against her leg. With only a little bit of a startle, she glanced down to see a certain fuzzy cat staring up at her. “Judd?”
He didn’t answer as usual, instead bounding off… towards the edge of the fairgrounds? “Kinda rude…” she muttered, then took a deep breath. Pistachio cupped her hands around her mouth, and shouted out into the crowd. “Hey, Judd! Wait for me!” Four had told her not to go too far, but she was pretty sure the edge of the fairgrounds didn’t count as too far from where they were standing, so she ran after the cat— maybe despite her better judgment, but who could blame Judd’s apprentice for not making good choices when he hardly had taught her anything yet?
As the lights cleared away and gave themselves to moonlight, Pistachio finally found her furry friend sitting on a rock, against a small groove of trees. He licked his paw once, and glanced over at her. “The veil is thin this time of year, you know. I thought it would be best to warn you.” “And you couldn’t do that five minutes ago because…?” Judd’s eyes seemed to glow in the dimness, much like her own— though she couldn’t help but feel a bit creeped out by how yellow they were. “I thought you would appreciate me telling you away from prying eyes…”
Pistachio froze, opting to tug on her jacket instead of just looking totally freaked out. “Are you trying to scare me?! It’s not working!”
…Well, it was working a little bit. What the shell did “prying eyes” mean?
“If fear will keep you out of trouble. I can’t help but feel a little bit responsible for you seafolk…”
“Wha— I can take care of myself!” Pistachio lied. She knew very well that she relied on quite a bit of help from her friends, but at the current moment, she figured it would be better to look like the cat’s clear attempt to scare her was failing. “And what are you talking about? What's a ‘thin veil’?”
The cat gave no answers, simply taking his leave towards the night— though he did spare her one last glance.
“You might not be the only ghost around here.”
“I’m not a ghost!” Pistachio shouted back, though no one was around to hear it. She huffed quietly, and then turned back towards the fairgrounds.
“...Thinking I am is just bad for me in the long run…”
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