#“it's late already I'll buy it the next time I visit”
karlyuchka · 3 months
I wanna share a little story of what happened with me on evening of 23th February 2022. Approximately 10 hours before full-scale invasion.
A long time I was visiting french classes in Kyiv (in Institu français) and I was returning home in late evening. The road was taking like an hour, bus ride was forty minutes.
I entered the bus like always and saw that it was almost full. Also I heard arguing. Apparently there was a drunk man in the back of the bus and a woman didn't wanna sit near him (understandable tbh). Even though he was drunk, he wasn't really doing anything, so I said that I would sit with him.
Then we started talking (wich isn't really good in the bus and we probably annoyed people around, but no one actually complained). I don't remember who started this conversation, but it was extremely interesting actually.
Before we departed the driver also said that this man didn't pay, which was weird because the driver didn't do anything to throw the drunk dude out.
So I asked him why and how he didn't pay and he said that he actually took part in war in ATO zone, so he can use public transport for free. He even showed me documents that prove it. At first I actually wanted to take it to examine closer, but then he said that no, he wanted only to show it.
I also thought that he was together with another man who was sitting near him, but no I was wrong.
He also gave a weird thing to hold, I forgot how he called it. It was black, kinda small, but very heavy for its size. So basically a type of dumbbell.
Then he talked about life in general and for someone who was drunk, he was extremely articulated and things that he said were actually pretty deep.
Sometimes when I do nothing I suddenly remember him and wonder what happened to him and where he is now. He already went through war, he was drunk in the late evening and the morning he wakes up he discovers that full-scale war started? What did he think at that moment? What did he feel? Did he join the armed forces the second time? I don't even know his name, but I can't help but wonder and worry about him. I don't know where he lives. Is he even alive right now? It's crazy how much I think about someone who is almost unknown to me. He probably doesn't even remember how we talked...
I just hope he's okay right now...
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steddieas-shegoes · 2 months
shit talkin' up all night
for @steddiesongfics song 'for the first time' by the script
rated m | 1,469 words | cw: alcohol, arguing | tags: angst with a happy ending, established relationship, robin buckley deserves an award for saving their relationship everyone say thank you robin, they're in love, eddie is just dumb for a bit
The arguing started when Steve suggested they move back in with Wayne.
They were struggling; Eddie wasn't an idiot, he could see the told his unemployment was taking on their financial situation. They were able to cover rent from Steve's paycheck, but they had to cut back on literally everything else. No more date nights, no more trips to visit Dustin, no more buying the good bacon for breakfast.
It wasn't for lack of trying, it's just that Eddie only had a GED and no marketable skills outside of playing music. Any job he could get would make miserable.
"I just think if we take some time to save up, maybe you'll be able to find something you like and then it'll be better," Steve shrugged.
"I'm not moving back in with Wayne. He did enough for me already."
"Then I'll get another job."
"No, you're not working two jobs. I'll just...go work at the McDonald's."
"Eds, you would hate it there."
"Well, it's a paycheck."
Steve sighed and walked away.
And then it got worse.
Eddie did find a job. He worked part time at the music lesson school. It didn't pay nearly enough, but it was something.
Until one of the parents found out he was working there and threw a fit and he got fired. The owner apologized, but said if it came down to his business and Eddie, he had to let Eddie go.
Back to square one.
Steve was too understanding. It was frustrating.
Eddie started arguments just to make him mad.
Whatever would push him: leaving all the dirty dishes in the sink, staying out late without letting him know, buying the good bacon for breakfast when it wasn't in the budget.
It did start to work eventually.
"Why are you doing this?" Steve asked eventually, after two nights of Eddie coming home late for no other reason than to make Steve upset. He hadn't even done anything, just walked around downtown for a couple hours and thought about how much of a failure he'd been.
"I'm not doing anything," he'd say back.
Steve would push.
Eddie would push back.
Little things turned into big things.
And then Eddie came home drunk.
He hadn't even been to a bar, he hadn't been with anyone else. He'd gotten one six pack of beer and realized halfway through it that he hadn't eaten all day and kept drinking anyway.
The buzz was great until he was stumbling through the front door, waking Steve up from his half-slumber on the couch of the apartment.
Steve didn't even argue. He just shook his head and went to their bedroom, closing the door and making it clear he didn't want to be around Eddie.
The next morning, Steve was already gone when Eddie managed to roll off the couch.
"Steve's not gonna say it, so I will," Robin's voice made him trip over his boots on the floor. She was sitting in the armchair, glaring at him. "You're pushing him away because you don't think you deserve someone who is patient and loving. He used to try that shit with me, with the kids, with Hopper. Started shit just to see if we'd leave. Pretended he was the only one who could deal with his problems."
Eddie blinked back at her, vision blurry from sleep and unshed tears. He wasn't gonna cry in front of Robin.
"I could understand why he did it. He had shitty parents and shitty friends before all of us. Took him some time to get used to being cared for." Robin leaned forward. "But you've had Wayne for a long time. Us. Steve. So what is it that's causing this? Why are you hurting Steve? Why are you hurting yourself?"
Eddie had been to therapy for a month or so after everything. The government insisted on it. He'd even done what they asked of him. Talked about everything that happened, talked about his childhood, talked about being gay in a town that thought being gay was bad enough to send you to hell, but somehow still the least of Eddie's crimes.
The therapist told him it seemed like he was always preparing himself to get hurt, even with the people that he did trust. That was the last time he went to the therapist.
"Because this is all I'll ever be, Robin! Steve should get out while he can, find someone who isn't fuckin' useless. Someone who can get a real job or go to school or something."
"Is this because you can't be on your feet for more than a couple hours?"
Eddie was silent.
"Do you think that means you can't do things? Do you think Steve wants to watch you suffer more than you already have?"
Eddie shook his head once.
"Then here's what you're gonna do. You're gonna shower and clean up the house a little. You're gonna cook that chicken dish Steve loves so much because I went to the deli to get fresh ingredients for you. You're gonna open that bottle of wine I did not steal from Chrissy's restaurant. You're gonna talk to him."
"And then tomorrow, you're gonna come interview for a job at the museum. They're opening a new exhibit called Rock Through The Ages and they're looking for someone to do tours. It's four hours a day, five days a week. Pay is more than you made anywhere else plus tips. Interview is a formality, they already know you're qualified."
"Robin, I-"
"And you're gonna shut up. I love you, too, Eddie. And I love that dingus who loves you. So get your shit together so you can both be as happy as I know you can be."
Eddie hugged her for a long time, probably much longer than Robin would have ever allowed him to if it weren't for the circumstances.
He cleaned himself up, he cleaned up the apartment, he cooked dinner, and he opened the bottle of wine.
Neither of them were big fans of wine, but this was a $100 bottle. Eddie would drink every last drop.
When Steve came through the door at 4:39 on the dot, just like he did every week day, Eddie was holding a glass of wine out to him with a small smile.
"Eds? What's this?"
"Been a while since we've had a date night. Thought maybe we deserved it."
Steve stared back at him blankly, then let out a sob and walked over to him, burying his face in his neck.
"Sh, it's okay, sweetheart. I'm right here," Eddie wrapped him up in his arms, kissing his head. "I'm here."
"You promise?" Steve's broken voice nearly tore Eddie in two. How had he let it get this bad?
"I promise, Stevie. I'm sorry I've been somewhere else in my head."
Steve pulled away, sniffling and looking around the room as he realized that dinner was already set out on the bar and the dishes were done.
"You did all this for me?"
"For us."
"Is that chicken cacciatore?" Steve walked to the plate in his usual spot and smiled. "You made this?"
"I did. Hopefully it's edible. If not, I already have the menu for the Italian place down the road by the phone," Eddie pulled Steve's chair out for him and then sat down next to him.
They talked through dinner, mostly about Steve's day, and then about Eddie's. He brought up the interview and Steve beamed like the sun.
"That sounds perfect for you, Eds."
"I know. I think it'll be great."
The bottle of wine went down easy. Maybe a little too easy.
By the time they realized it was gone, they were giggling and leaning on each other, cheeks red and eyes glazed over with a buzz that was more than just the high alcohol content.
Steve leaned in to kiss him.
Eddie leaned in to kiss him back.
And for the first time in a long time, they stayed up all night, talking, kissing, touching in ways they'd nearly forgotten how to do.
When Eddie got the job, he sent Robin flowers. Nothing fancy, the pay wasn't that good. But he had to thank her for getting his head out of his ass and his ass in shape.
Steve didn't ask when he saw the bill for it, just smiled and kissed the top of Eddie's head while he got ready for his first day of work.
"I love you. Good luck today," Steve said as he fixed his glasses before grabbing his keys to head to his job at the youth center downtown.
"Love you too. Pizza tonight?"
"Sounds good, love. Wine?"
Eddie nodded towards the bottle of $3 wine from the liquor store.
Steve laughed. "I'll grab some Tylenol on my way home."
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frickingnerd · 1 month
nights like this i miss you the most
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pairing: hitoshi shinsou x gn!reader
summary: shinsou and you are in a long distance relationship and are talking on the phone with each other late at night…
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“i wish i could see you again already…”
shinsou's voice was low and soft, as he said those words. despite being miles away from each other, you could imagine that little smile in the corner of his lips, when he said those words. just thinking of it was enough to make you smile too.
“i wish i could see you too. it's been too long…”
you sighed softly, rolling over in your bed and grabbing your phone. on the other side of the screen was your boyfriend, but you could only hear his voice right now. you were separated by many miles and quite a few countries, but that wasn't enough to stop you love.
“i already have way too many gifts for you, when you come to visit me again” shinsou chuckled. “everytime i see something i think you'd like, i can't help but buy it. and now i'm stuck with boxes full of things for you!”
you giggled softly. that really sounded like shinsou. never buying anything for himself, but so eager to spend his money on you.
“i'll have to bring an extra suitcase with me when i visit then! otherwise there's no way i can take all of that back home with me”
“you could also just stay here, with me….”
shinsou and you fell into silence. there was nothing you wanted more than to stay with him. if you could, you'd move to japan in a heartbeat and live with him! but you had other things to consider too. family, friends, education or your job…
“i wish i could… one day, we'll move in together! when we're older, i'll move to japan. but you have to make it big as a pro hero first, so we can even pay rent on our apartment~!”
shinsou chuckled. you could imagine him shaking his head softly at your words. but there was no way to know for certain.
“i'll become the greatest hero in japan, if it means i'll get to live with you! just you wait!”
“i'll believe it when i see it!”
the two of you started laughing, until falling into a comfortable silence. you shifted around in your bed, resting your phone on the pillow next to you and just quietly listened to the static.
“are you tired?”
shinsou knew you too well.
“then i'll stay on the phone with you until you fall asleep. i can tell you all about my training! i'm sure it's boring enough to make you fall asleep in no time–!”
you chuckled softly into your pillow.
“don't say that. anything you talk about is interesting, because it's coming from you”
you yawned quietly.
“and… you have such a comfortable voice. i could listen to you forever…”
“then just close your eyes and listen to me…”
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roosterforme · 8 months
Adult Education Part 6 | Hangman x OC
Summary: Jessica can't catch a break at work, and things are just made worse when she's required to plan an event for alumni weekend. Looking forward to seeing Jake on Saturday was only trumped by a surprise visit from him.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, swearing, eventually 18+
Length: 4100 words
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Female OC
This story is part of the Beer Boy and Sugar universe but can be read on its own! Adult Education masterlist
Seriously, who let Jake on my masterlist!? Banner by @mak-32
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The next morning, Jake was ready to go and standing outside with his travel cup of coffee at 7:25 just to be sure he didn't piss off his ride. At this rate, he was going to owe Bradshaw and his wife something really nice for all of their help with his truck. And with Jessica.
When they both pulled up in the Bronco at exactly 7:30, Jake climbed in the backseat with a smirk. "Sorry I interrupted your evening last night."
She smiled at him and shrugged saying, "It's fine. I hope your truck is repairable." But Bradley just glared at Jake in the rearview mirror as he pulled away from the curb.
"Gonna buy a new one, I think," he replied. "Just to be on the safe side."
As the Bronco coasted to a stop at a red light, she turned to face him. "How was your date with Jessica?"
Jake groaned and said, "That's why I'm getting a new truck. I had to run five miles, and I was late meeting her. Almost fucked it all up. I love that shitty, old truck, but I'll need something more reliable if she actually agrees to date me."
Bradley snorted. "Yes. Get something more reliable so you don't inconvenience Jessica." He gestured to his wife in the passenger seat as the light turned green. "She was asleep when I got home last night. Just in case you were curious."
"I wasn't. But thanks," Jake replied coolly, watching as she laughed and leaned in to kiss her husband's cheek. "And thanks for the ride. I owe you. Again." Jake tried to think about what he could even get for Bradley. What did he even like? Wasn't that Grateful Dead cover band coming to town?
"Wait. You ran five miles after your truck broke down?" Bradshaws's wife asked him. "That's actually kind of romantic. I would have been a mess after that."
"It's not as romantic as all the doors," Bradley grumbled. But now they were driving through the college campus, and Jake's eyes caught on the building where Jessica worked as they pulled up in front of it. Jake also had a front row seat to watch the way Bradley leaned across the seat and kissed his wife as if he wasn't going to see her for a week. 
"Bye, Sugar. I love you so much," he whispered, handing her a lunchbox with a tie dye pattern. She bid him farewell with a similar sentiment and then waved to Jake. And then Bradley sat there and watched to make sure his wife got safely into the building before putting it back in gear. 
"Do you drive your wife to work all the time?" Jake asked awkwardly now from the backseat. 
"Of course. As much as I can."
Jake was quiet for a beat, and then he asked, "I know you and she met a long time ago. Were you ever in love with anyone else?"
"No," came his immediate reply. "Always been a little bit obsessed with that one in particular."
Jake could tell. And that level of devotion was starting to sound more and more appealing to him.
Jessica was so tired of the way she always ended up in tears at the end of every department meeting. This time she was sitting next to Leland, and it just wasn't fair that she was always being singled out. They were going to force her to volunteer to be a faculty advisor for an on-campus event for alumni weekend. She could already tell. It was going to be a tedious waste of her time, and Brian Conley would make some vague promises about getting her on a tenure track. But she just knew he'd never let that happen.
"Let's chat when we're done here, Dr. Reed," Conley announced in front of everyone like Jessica was a small child who needed to be reprimanded. And when everyone else was dismissed, she didn't move from her seat towards the back of the room. If he wanted to talk to her, he could do it from there. Because now she was just getting mad. 
Almost all of the warm fuzzy feelings leftover from her Chippy's date with Jake were gone and replaced by self loathing. She had fucked up her career. She had fucked up her relationship with probably everyone in the science department. And she would most likely fuck things up with Jake, too. 
"Jessica," Conley said softly, shaking his head. 
"Please, call me Dr. Reed or Professor Reed," she managed to say without letting on that she was about to cry. 
He sighed like she was the biggest inconvenience in his life and raked his fingers through his sexy salt and pepper hair. "Dr. Reed," he said with a sarcastic looking smile. "If you want to even stand a chance at tenure, then you need to comply with my ideas."
"It's so convenient that you are the one in charge of tenure for the department, isn't it? You know how hard I work. You know how much I care about my students. This shouldn't even be an issue."
Then he strode across the room and walked down the row of seats she was sitting in and loomed over her as he said, "You are the one who made it an issue. Not me."
Jessica was torn between the urge to tell him to fuck off and the desire to burst into tears. But she sat there quietly with her eyes trained on his as he added, "Now pick one of the events to manage for alumni weekend, or I can guarantee you'll be an adjunct professor as long as you remain at this school."
It didn't matter which one she chose, he would make it miserable for her. So she grabbed her bag and stood as tall as she could in her high heels. "Just shoot me an email and let me know the details. It doesn't matter which event I have to manage; I'll do a fucking amazing job with it while you try to bring me down."
She didn't wait for a response. She was out of the room and down the hallway to the elevators before he could say anything. The whole day was going to suck now. She could just tell. If only it were Saturday, she could be at Jake's place where at least her past wasn't hanging over her head constantly. 
After three lectures in a row, she checked her emails upon returning to her office. The first one made her smile, because Advanced Calculus invited Jessica to stop by her office for lunch. The second was from Conley, letting her know that she was in charge of helping to plan and execute a beer pong tournament at one of the fraternity houses. 
"Fuck my life," she moaned, reaching into her desk to get her peanut butter and jelly sandwich and room temperature bottle of water. Now she really didn't feel like having lunch with another actual person, but she didn't want to lose her only friend here. So she slowly made her way down to the other end of the building and the math department. 
When she knocked on the door, she was greeted with a cheery, "Come in!" And Jessica once again marvelled at the spacious office with windows and the beautiful lunch spread out on the desk in front of the other woman. Today it was a delicious looking veggie wrap, an array of mixed nuts, and assorted artisan cheeses.
"Your husband always makes my lunch look even sadder," Jessica said, tossing her sandwich in its ziplock bag onto the desk and sinking into the open chair. 
She responded with a laugh, saying, "Help yourself. He always packs too much in case I need an afternoon snack. How's your day going?"
"Horrible," Jessica whispered, reaching for some of the nuts. "I'm getting roped into helping with an event for alumni weekend. All because I don't have tenure. And even though I've been assured this type of thing will help me get there, I already know it won't."
"The fucking patriarchy," the other woman replied before biting into her wrap. 
"Right?" whined Jessica. "Like I can't win. I'm never going to get ahead here. I wonder if Penn State still wants me. Maybe I should call them." She honestly didn't have much keeping her in California, but Jake immediately came to mind. Which was ridiculous, because they had kissed all of a handful of times last night. But he did run five miles. And he did want Chippy to like him.
"You can't leave me here alone!" Advanced Calculus complained, and Jessica smiled. "Which event do they have you working on?"
As Jessica nibbled on her sandwich, she said, "A beer pong tournament. At a fraternity house." She deadpanned, but the other woman started howling with laughter. 
"I might actually be able to get my husband to come to alumni weekend even though neither of us went to school here!"
"Was he in a Kappa Pi chapter? I could probably make him some sort of guest of honor if he wants."
"No. Beta Gamma. We have the fraternity paddles at home to prove it. But he and I used to play beer pong in college, and I just know he would be more than happy to spend the fifty or hundred bucks per ticket to try to relive his glory days."
Jessica smiled tentatively. "Do you want to help me plan the event? I'm sure I could waive the fees for both of you."
She was expecting a loud resounding no. So when Jessica saw her nod and say, "Sure," she thought she might fall out of her seat. "Let me text my Beer Boy right now so he knows not to make any plans for that day. Not that he ever plans anything except a night out at the bar where I have to babysit him and Jake and the others, but you know..."
And then Jessica sat up a little straighter. Maybe Jake could come to the event, too. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad at all if they were all there. Maybe then Brian Conley would get off her back about everything, or at the very least, she wouldn't be alone when he tried to pick apart every little detail. 
"Thank you," Jessica blurted out. "Like honestly. Thank you for agreeing to help me. And just for inviting me to eat lunch with you."
The other woman looked up from her phone with a surprised expression on her face. "You don't have to thank me. Now.... why don't you tell me a little bit about your date with Jake. I heard that man ran like a hundred miles to see you."
Jessica felt warmth in her cheeks as she divulged a few details about the evening, but then she realized it was nearly time for her to teach her lab class. "I'm sorry, but I need to run. Maybe we can do this again next week?"
"Sure. And I'll start brainstorming some ideas for alumni weekend. I'll recruit Bradley to help. Or maybe not... everything would be tie dye."
Jessica was still smiling as she walked to the lab.
Jessica was no longer smiling when she was three quarters of the way through her office hours and nobody had stopped by. Her stomach was growling so loudly, she was sure you could hear it down by the elevators. And she was shopping on the Victoria's Secret website for something to do. Really, she just wanted to stop at In-N-Out and head home, but then there was a knock on her open door. 
"Reedy," Jake drawled, and she dropped her phone onto her desk with a soft thud. "You got some time for me?"
He looked so damn good in some well worn jeans and a Texas Longhorns shirt. But to make him even more appealing, he was holding some flowers and a container that looked like it was filled with food. 
"Jake," she whispered, standing up behind her desk. She felt goosebumps on her arms and legs as a crooked little grin appeared on his face. He headed straight for her and set the container down, and when he held out the flowers, she took them. "Thanks."
Then she noticed his eyes catch on her phone which was next to the container, and Jake's cheeks flushed pink. He swallowed hard and asked, "You doing some shopping?"
Jessica turned the phone over just as the screen faded to black, but it was too late. Her Victoria's Secret shopping cart full of thigh high stockings, a new garter belt, and a pretty green set had been plainly visible to him. 
"Maybe," she whispered, realizing that the green bra and thong set matched his eyes perfectly. And now she was thinking about how he might react to her wearing them. Jessica whimpered softly. And then his lips came crashing down against hers. She dropped the flowers onto her desk so she could have full access to his body as she stumbled back a step and hit her chair. But Jake had one arm wrapped securely around her waist, keeping her on her feet. 
She let her fingers sink into his silky hair as his tongue met hers, and she whimpered again for him. His kisses were so intentional, so sure. Like he really wanted to be here in this moment. With her. Yet he kept his hands very respectfully on her back. And she realized it had been a year since she'd let anyone touch or kiss her like this. It had been a year since she even tried, and she never expected it to feel this good.
"Wait," she gasped, wrenching her lips away from his and pulling herself from his warm grasp. Jake held his hands up like she'd burned him, and his cheeks grew pinker as she walked around her desk, high heels clicking along the floor.
"I'm sorry," he said softly, his tone bordering on questioning as his eyes followed her across the tiny room. She closed her office door with a soft thud, and then turned to look at him.
"Too many prying eyes around here," she said with a laugh as her fingers skimmed along the doorknob, already missing the feel of Jake. 
"Understood." He looked mildly relieved if no less pink as she made her way back to him. And then she was right in front of him again, and his lips were parted and his fingers were flexing, but he didn't make a move to touch her again as she adjusted her glasses.
She had somehow managed to pour cold water all over the moment by wanting to close the door, but just the idea of Conley walking by and catching them was too much for her to think about. Then Jessica's eyes trailed down to the lettering on Jake's shirt, and her fingers traced the T in Texas before she really knew what she was doing. She made it to the X, before she met his eyes again. 
"Jessica." His voice was deep and a little raspy as he reached for her wrist and flattened her palm against his chest. He covered her hand with his larger one and said, "You're in charge. You set the pace."
How could those words possibly turn her on the way they did? How was this happening? She just nodded and eased both of her hands up along his chest and around his neck while he stroked her arm with one big hand. And then she pushed herself up onto her tiptoes and kissed him softly, guiding his other hand around her waist. 
"I want you to touch me," she whispered against his lips, and that hand rubbed along her hip and then up her side in the most enticing way. 
As Jessica kissed down Jake's neck to the collar of his shirt, he said, "I can't stop thinking about you. Didn't want to wait until Saturday to see you."
She giggled against his stubbled jaw and said, "You come to my office hours so frequently, you're probably my best student."
Jake grunted and said, "Now you're just teasing me."
Jessica pulled away and looked up at his handsome face. "If I wanted to tease you, I would ask what you thought about the thong I was about to order on my phone."
His head tipped back, and she watched his Adam's apple as he swallowed. "You're right. That's a much better way to tease me. And I would say that green is my favorite color." 
When he met her eyes again, he very slowly brought his hand down along her butt. And then they were making out, hands everywhere. Jessica's glasses were crooked on her nose as he pushed his fingers up into her hair, tipping her head back for better access to her kisses. Her tongue was tangled with his again, and her fingers were tucking underneath his shirt when he moaned into her mouth. 
Jake cupped her cheek with his palm and let the kisses taper off, but he still held her reassuringly in place against him with his other hand on her butt. "So are you going to buy it?" he asked breathlessly. 
"Hmm?" she hummed, brushing her lips on his chin.
"The lingerie. Are you going to buy it?"
She gasped. "I don't really need it. I have so much already."
Jake just groaned and shook his head with a look of agony on his face. "You need it. The green ones. You should buy them."
She was in charge. He made it a point of telling her that she was, and now she felt powerful. "Alright. I will."
Jake was a little nervous that Jessica would be able to feel how hard he was in his jeans when she told him she was going to buy that bra and lace thong that he was dying to see on her. His current state of need was only exacerbated by the way she vaguely told him she already had a whole collection of lingerie at her disposal. 
Maybe it was the high heels or the fact that he could see her light pink bra strap peeking out of the top of her blouse right now. Or maybe it was her glasses and her kiss swollen lips. It didn't matter. Everything she did turned him on. And she wasn't even really doing anything intentionally. Well, except maybe for the slight dirty talk. 
He wanted to make a comment about how pretty that shade of green would look on her or about how he'd love to take it back off of her, but he didn't. Instead he kissed her softly and said, "I stopped by to bring you dinner, so getting to see what you were shopping for was just a bonus, Baby."
She laughed and ducked her head before asking, "What's for dinner, anyway?"
"Chicken parmesan casserole and garlic toast. Oh, and a brownie for dessert."
Suddenly she was reaching for the container and peeking inside the lid. "This looks homemade. You made this?"
"Mmhmm." He rubbed circles into her hips through her skirt with his thumbs. "Trying to get you excited for Saturday."
She laughed and looked up at him. "I was already excited for Saturday."
He kissed her cheek and whispered, "Game starts at one o'clock. And I'm completely out of journals again."
And then Jake found himself standing behind Jessica at her bookshelf while she looked for the titles she wanted. He had one hand on her hip, and the other was held out so she could stack the journals she wanted for the weekend on his palm. "Oh, you'll like this one," she mused, adding one more to the pile. "I've read it a million times."
"Maybe I can read it to you," he murmured, and then her lips were on his again. 
In an ideal world, this would be something already established. He could just take Jessica home with him for the night. Probably have sex and then cuddle. And then they could both leave for work from his place in the morning after a nice shower together. And that sounded so good to him, he was actually willing to put in the work to try to get there. 
But tonight, he helped her carry her bag and her dinner and her flowers to her car. "You take the journals home with you," she whispered, kissing him just below his ear before she climbed into the driver's seat. 
"Enjoy your dinner," he drawled.
"I will," she said with a smile before Jake closed the door for her. And then he walked the two blocks to where he had parked his brand new truck less than an hour previously. 
The engine started up like a dream, and he drove home to clean up his place for Saturday. Not that it was ever too much of a mess; he lived there alone. Regardless, he wanted everything to look perfect. He wanted his couch to look extra inviting. He wanted to impress her. 
Jake didn't even go to the bar on Friday night. Two weeks in a row now he didn't bring a girl home with him and kick her out early Saturday morning. He could have gone to the Hard Deck, and it would have been fine. He could have played pool and annoyed Bradshaw by buying drinks for his wife. It would have been fun, and he could have come home empty handed, no problem. 
But he went to bed early after he jerked off in the shower to the daydream of Jessica in light green lingerie, and he couldn't remember the last time he slept so well. Then he spent Saturday morning getting food prepared for later. 
Jessica told him she wasn't picky and would eat just about anything, so he was getting the ingredients ready to make chili with the pregame show playing on his massive TV. Then there was a knock on his door. Jessica was standing there holding a six pack of Sam Adams bottles and wearing a fitted Texas A&M shirt and tight black leggings. He couldn't really tell if she was wearing any makeup, and she had traded in her high heels for some beat up sneakers. And Jake felt a little weak. 
"Hi." Her voice was soft as he opened the door wider.
"I told you not to bring anything," he said, eyes fixed on her body as she walked past him into his living room and looked around.
She turned back to smile at him over her shoulder. She looked maybe a little younger and so much more petite like this. Jake had to fight the urge to pick her up and carry her around. "Nice place. You going to give me a tour?"
"I dunno," he mumbled, closing the distance to her. "You're wearing an A&M shirt. The Longhorns' biggest rival."
She pressed her lips together, trying not to smile. "I thought you could make an exception for me?"
He took the six pack from her and brought his other hand up to cup her cheek. He kissed her slow and steady until he felt her fingers meet the waistband of his jeans. "Just for you," he promised. "Nobody else."
When he led her into the kitchen to put the beer away, Jake had to laugh. Her maroon and gray shirt perfectly matched his new truck. "What's funny?" she asked as he closed the fridge. 
"I just realized my new truck is maroon with gray trim. Just like fucking A&M. I've gotta be the worst Longhorns fan around."
"You got a new truck?" she asked, eyes wide. 
"Yeah. Thursday right after work, before I brought you dinner. Can't be late to meet you again."
"Seriously, you bought a new truck?" she asked, lips parted as she gaped up at him. 
"Yeah, it was time. Still hoping the old one can get fixed up. I tend to like to hold onto things once I get attached to them."
"That sounds nice," she said, lacing her fingers with his while he took her on a tour of his condo. He showed her his bedroom and the balcony after she inspected all of the food he had out on the counter for later. And she just kept getting closer to him until they were right next to the couch.
The game was about to start, so Jake just went ahead and told her what he wanted her to know. "I think I'm getting attached to you, Reedy."
She closed her eyes and let her cheek come to rest on his chest. "Are you going to try to hold onto me?"
Jake wrapped his arms around her and said, "Yes."
I can't get enough of Jake (who even am I?). And I love Beer Boy being so snarky to Jake and so loving to Sugar. Reedy + Sugar = bffs? Thanks to @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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judesmoonbeauty · 3 months
2024 Villain’s Festival: Jude Jazza Bonus Story Part 2 ♛
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Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. Cybird owns everything. Feel free to re-blog, but please do NOT post my translations elsewhere. *I don't know what happened today, but I was exhausted and for some reason, part 2 was extremely difficult to translate. I had to edit the entire thing three times, so I apologize if the translation isn't as smooth as it could be. But I hope you still enjoy our sadistic fairy in part 2 ♥︎
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In the meantime, Jude and I decided to have breakfast, so we visited a nearby park.
I sit down on the grass with a good view and take a bite of the bread that was just handed to me.
Kate: Mm….delicious!
Kate: The bread served at Crown Castle is good, but I like the buttery flavor of the bread here!
Jude: Well, good for ya.
Kate: By the way, Jude, you know a lot about the bread I like, don’t you?
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Jude: It's a basic part of business to learn people's tastes and preferences. Ya were just in my head because ya were being so loud.
Jude: Instead, there's no hope for ya, I'll take ya around on my own today.
(Jude is willing to spend time with me, even if it's for money.)
Jude would be able to forcefully take the necklace from me.
But instead of doing that, he is following the rules and trying to steal my heart.
(Jude is a man who keeps his promises, no matter what they are.)
Kate: Jude, I'm going to make some  conditions for you to take my heart.
Jude: Conditions? You're so high and mighty, tellin’ people what to do. Since when did ya become such a big woman?
Kate: Because the heart is invisible, so I think it's better to have some kind of clear goal.
Jude: Tell me.
Kate: Food that I will never forget, food that I’ll truly enjoy, and will want to continue to eat. 
Jude: Find this…….
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Jude: That’s too many conditions.
Kate: Because with fewer requirements, you would find them too quickly Jude.
Jude: Tch…..Let’s go.
From then until sunset, Jude took me around to various shops.
Jude: Oi…. You've got to stop this. Why can’t I pass the review?
Kate: Jude, It's true that the food at the restaurant you introduced me to is delicious, right?
Kate: However, if you ask me if I would go there myself, I would say...
The shop Jude introduced me to has slightly higher prices than the shops I usually go to.
Of course, the taste is guaranteed to be worth the price, but it's difficult to buy it myself so often.
(However, since he spent so much time introducing various things, I guess it would be better to let him pass the review...)
(It's already late and I'm getting full from eating so much...)
Kate: Jude, thank you for your time today.
Kate: Well, as a thank you for keeping me company all day, I'd like to give you the necklace... ....
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Jude: That’s different from the first condition. There's no point in acceptin’ it like that.
Surprisingly, Jude did not accept my necklace.
Jude is very rule-abiding and disciplined.
(But I'd like to give something back…..)
(….that’s it.)
Kate: Jude, we've been walking a lot, so why not have something cold to eat at the end? My treat. 
I told Jude to wait for me and bought some ice cream from the street corner.
Kate: It's much cheaper than the food that you introduced me to today Jude, but...
I handed one to Jude, who accepted it without a word.
Kate: Hm…delicious! After a long day of walking, something cold and sweet hits the spot. 
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Jude: Well, that's about right.
When I was looked at Jude from the side, our gazes collided with each other.
Jude: Isn't it bad manners to stare at other people eatin’?
Kate: Because I was so happy to see your ‘it’s delicious face’ that I just couldn't resist, Jude.
Kate: It's cheap and easy to buy, so you can eat it like this over and over again.
Kate: Next time I eat it, I will surely remember today!
Jude: You're such a long-winded princess, aren'tcha?
Kate: What?
Jude: The conditions have been met.
I didn't mean to say much, but Jude chuckled.
Jude: Food that you’ll never forget, food that you’ll truly enjoy, and will want to continue to eat.
Jude: I've met all three. I wasn't told it was my job to find them.
Kate: Haha…
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Jude: There's nothin’ to laugh at.
Kate: When we first met today, Jude had changed the way he spoke, and I felt very uncomfortable.
Kate: Just….I'm so relieved to see that you're your usual self Jude.
Victor declared, "The supreme evil that steals her heart will be the winner.”
The title of the greatest evil is worthy of the current Jude, who never gave up on winning until the very end.
Kate: Please. It's the necklace I promised you.
Jude: Hah....... I can't believe it took me this long to get here, I didn't attack this right the first time.
Jude: Ya weren't satisfied with the kind young man you see in romance novels.
Jude: You'll be happy if I torture ya like I always do, won’tcha?
Kate: That’s an improper expression!
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Jude: There's no such thing as an improper expression, is there Princess?
Kate: It’s differ….
I hastily swallow the denial that almost leaves my mouth.
(Because if I deny Jude's words now.….)
(……I was satisfied, not because I like to be tortured)
(I liked Jude as he was, not as a nice young man.)
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Jude: I knew it.
Mr. Jude throws a ridiculing look at me as I remain silent.
I gave my heart to an arrogant fairy who shot me with his gaze.
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starmocha · 7 days
the day bleeds into nightfall Zayne/MC | 1242 words | AO3 She was coming home soon. A/N: So, um, you know those text messages you get from the guys when you don’t sign in for 30 days or more? Yeah…this stemmed from that…oops.
She was coming home soon.
It had been over a month since she was assigned a mission in another town. Zayne always worried whenever she was taken far away from him, though he knew she was a strong, capable fighter able to hold her ground against any wanderers no matter how big or small.
He couldn't help it. It was in his nature to always worry about her, to fuss over her, nag her—love her.
To assuage his worries, he kept up the text message exchange, finding solace in sharing tidbits of his mundane life with her as he waited for her to return home.
She was coming home soon.
Zayne passed a poster, pausing to examine it before he snapped a photo on his phone.
He typed out a message:
They're holding a new Kitty Cards event next month. Didn't I promise you a rematch last time?
He attached the photo and hit sent. He took another glance at the poster, and resumed his walk home, already seeing her seething across from him when he would, without a doubt, win again.
She was coming home soon.
It seemed his schedule as of late had been packed with surgeries after surgeries. He hadn't been home much recently, choosing to sleep in his car or office for a little bit instead out of mere convenience. When he needed sustenance, the cafeteria food would suffice or he would stop by one of the eateries near the hospital. For some reason, lately he didn’t care too much for taste, finding no pleasure in the meals he ate. He simply needed food from a biological standpoint, desiring only the energy they would give him to carry on with his life.
Remember to eat and sleep on time, he sent the message at noon and then reclined the seat in his car for a few minutes of shut eyes before his next scheduled surgery.
She was coming home soon.
Zayne mindlessly scrolled through the suggestions of movies on the TV's streaming app, finding nothing particularly interesting. He passed the different movies displayed, not reading the titles or even registering the thumbnails, but eventually he finally settled on a random psychological thriller, though his attention continued to remain elsewhere.
As the opening credit started, Zayne looked down at his phone, already typing away a new message for her:
The movie you wanted to see should be released by the time you come home. I'll buy us tickets. Hurry back.
She was coming home soon.
It's going to rain next Thursday. Dress appropriately, and don't dilly-dally in wet clothes.
He stared at the sent message, and without thinking, sent another one as an afterthought:
I can't always stay by your side.
She was coming home soon.
One day, after a particularly long meeting with the hospital's esteemed medical staff, Zayne returned to his office and noticed the potted plant on his desk near the window.
He settled into his seat, grabbed his cup of water, and poured the remaining liquid into the pot. He looked at the growing plant fondly before snapping a single photo to attach to his message:
The daffodil we bought together is thriving. Hurry back so you don't miss its flower.
He leaned back in his chair, chuckling softly at the memory of her mistaking garlic bulbs for daffodils.
She was coming home soon.
He visited the bakery near the hospital, the very same one where they had run into one another during an afternoon rain shower.
As he stared at the assortments of delectable pastries in the glass display case, he found that they did not brighten his mood as usual. In the back of his mind, he could hear the different voices competing to be heard.
Zayne breathed in sharply, wanting the voices to be silenced, and ordered one mille-feuille, not noticing the workers' surprised expression, unused to seeing the sweet-toothed doctor order so little.
When he returned to his car, Zayne opened the cake box and scooped a single forkful into his mouth.
If I have something sweet, I'd be happy, even if it was a bad day.
He dropped the plastic fork and broke down in his car.
That evening, he sent her another text:
Have you eaten yet? There is a new hot pot restaurant that opened downtown. Hurry on back to me. I'll let you indulge to your heart's content.
She was coming home soon.
He heard the hushed whispers, caught the sympathetic glances from his peripheral vision.
Greyson told him it was okay if he needed to take time off. All of the doctors at the hospital were ready to cover all of his shifts for as long as he needed.
At first Zayne dismissed everyone, baffled by their unusual reactions. It was just another normal day. Patients were in and out of the hospital like clockwork. There was no time to waste with small talks like this.
It was just another normal day. Like yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that, and the—
Zayne froze in the middle of the operation, his hands shaking as he heard the staff around him fall into a state of panic as the fifteen-year-old patient started experiencing Evol-related complications during the cardiac surgery. Normally level-headed, he found that he was unable to will his body and mind to act accordingly. He stood there, watching through blank eyes, this perfectly crafted world of his crumbling as the memories of the past three months stared him down in the surgery room in a cruel taunt.
She was coming home soon.
She was coming home soon.
She was coming home soon…
At first, he couldn't hear any of the yelling from the surgery staff. Everything and everyone sounded like they were underwater, just muffled voices competing to be heard. Even everyone's movements seemed sluggish, as if time had slowed down, prolonging this hellish moment.
When Greyson rushed in and yanked Zayne away from the surgery table, screaming in his face, he immediately snapped out of his daze, and moved quickly to stabilize the patient, barking out orders to the staff.
By the end of the grueling, nerve-wracking hour, the young patient pulled through to everyone’s relief. Within twenty minutes, Zayne put in his request for an extended leave and offered his sincerest apology to the patient's family for his carelessness.
As he quietly left Akso Hospital, he heard the hushed whispers again, seeing the sympathetic glances from his peripheral vision.
He wished he was deaf and blind.
For the first half hour, he drove aimlessly through Linkon City before he found himself leaving behind the neon lights and heading to the cliffside on the outskirt of town overlooking the city. On the horizon, the colorful lights of the city competed for dominance with the bright stars in the night sky.
Zayne pulled out his phone, his fingers were already typing out a message for her, recalling his earlier incompetence. Halfway through the message, his eyes landed on the past conversations. He shakily scrolled up, reading the familiar one-sided conversation with an increasingly fast heartrate.
His breath hitched when he finally found one message from her, dated three months earlier:
Zayne, when I come home, let's make up for lost time! My treat!
He dropped his phone and screamed.
Three days later, he placed a small bouquet of jasmine for her.
“I miss—I love you…”
She was not coming home.
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azukisoul · 1 year
Translation of GinHiji manga/dj: "Together." by 礼央。(pixiv) [non-h]
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This was requested on Twitter, a heartwarming reincarnation story :") I loved translating it.
CLICK HERE FOR MANGA LINK | Out of courtesy to the artist I'm not reposting their art here, please visit the page, refer to the translation as you read along, and show the artist some love!
I do not mind uncredited text reposts but please DO NOT use my translation to scanlate/edit the manga and post the edits. Keep it text only and link to the source.
Downloadable translation on Google Docs
[page 1] S: Hijikata-san! H: Oh, glasses. G: Um, have you seen Gin-san?
[page 2] H: Oh, so you're alive. G: Huh!? G: Is it a bad thing that I'm alive? G: Wait. G: Hold on, you're on break? H: Well, yeah. G: Are you here to see me? H: I'm just taking a walk. G: Hmph. I know you're here to see me, though. H: Die, idiot. G: What have you been saying!? Am I not allowed to be alive!?
[page 3] H: Earlier, H: I saw glasses. G: Shinpachi? H: Yeah. H: He was looking for you, y'know. G: …. H: You… H: What are you H: thinking of right now? G: What's this all of a sudden? G: Is it because of Shinpachi? S: Gin-san has been acting weird lately. S: This morning, too, he said he's just heading out to buy Jump, but… H: Nah. H: Well… H: Yeah.
[page 4] H: He was worried about you. H: Hurry up and go home. G: Pfft. That's why you were surprised I'm alive? G: Hijikata-kun, are you an idiot? H: Shut up. G: Hey, wanna listen to me? H: Sure.
[page 5] G: You know, I… H: Mm. G: I found myself thinking that I'm happy. H: Mm. G: And then I ended up thinking about whether or not I'm allowed to be this happy. G: And then, somehow G: I suddenly got scared. H: I see. G: If I'm at home, G: there's Kagura, and Sadaharu, G: and during the day there's Shinpachi, too. G: It's fun there even if we're not doing anything. H: Mm.
[page 6] G: I ended up thinking that I don't want to let them go. H: …. G: It's silly, right? G: I've never even thought about what's ahead of me or what my future looks like. G: Someday, they all will go to walk on their own paths and leave my side. G: This won't go on forever. I know that, and I don't have a problem with that. G: I'll tell them that I'm happy they all found something they want to do. G: But then I thought about what I'm going to do by myself when that time comes. G: I closed my eyes G: and tried to picture that now emptier room. G: And then…
[page 7] G: I can only see you there, Hijikata. G: Hey. G: Will you live together with me?
[page 8] H: Those words made my heart clench. H: Ah. H: I want to protect this person. I want to be by his side. H: That's what I felt.
[page 9] H: Things progressed surprisingly quickly after that. H: Kondou-san cried and was happy for us. H: The kids welcomed us. H: And then, we H: someway somehow, became a family.
[page 10] G: Hey. G: Hijikata-kun. G: If I die first, what'll you do? H: Let's see. H: I'll put my ring on you H: and then I'll put your ring in a small bottle along with some small shards H: and I'll carry it with me until my death.
[page 11] G: So we can meet again up there? H: Nah. H: Not up there. *taps* H: So that in our next life H: I'll keep you from being alone again.
[page 12] H: Hey, hurry up!
[page 13] H: You're so damn slow, you fucking perm! You want us to leave together, right!? G: Wa-wait a minute, okay! I'm coming now, dammit! H: Your slowness is gonna make me end up being late! G: Sorry, sorry. *step step step* G: Man, Mr. Public Servant Police Officer here sure is strict about time. H: You're the one who's too loose about it! Also, hurry up and find a job already! G: No need. Right now, I'm trying to think about what I truly want in life. It's an important time for me. H: You'll probably go to the Employment Service Center today, anyway. G: I can't say anything to that! H: Hey. H: You…
[page 14] G: Okay, then. Be careful. H: What are you thinking about right now? H: Yeah. You too. H: What do you see? G: I'm gonna make dinner and wait for you, darling. H: That's freaking gross. H: Are you not afraid anymore? H: Right now, H: are you happy? *clack*
[page 15] H: Me? H: Yeah. I'm here with you, H: so I'm happy.
[page 16] The following is an additional story for "Together." that I drew for REOLOG (my doujin collection). *Depiction of death *Post-reincarnation
[page 17] G: I've been holding on to it as long as I can remember. G: I don't know who it belongs to.
[page 18] G: G to T… G: G is for Gintoki, I guess? G: Then who is T… G: I have absolutely no idea.
[page 19] G: My mom said G: I seem to have picked it up out of nowhere when I was a baby. G: Even when they took it away out of fear of me accidentally swallowing it G: or threw it away because it seemed strange, G: before they knew it, it always returned to the palm of my hands. G: My mom then had the idea of putting that ring around my neck.
[page 20] S: Heey, Gintoki! S: The entrance ceremony is about to start. G: Yeah, I'm coming. G: I have no idea if this ring even has any meaning at all. G: But, G: when I look at it, my heart becomes calmer, yet also excited, yet also painful. It's strange. G: I'm sure there is a meaning. G: I believe that. H: Haha. K: And then, Otae-san was like…
[page 21] G: Hiji… G: …kata.
[page 22] *glare* *ba-dump* G: Huh? H: Who the hell are you? G: Oh, sorry. Did I say something? H: Huh? Say something? Nah. You called my name, right? G: N… Name?
[page 23] O: Hijikata-san! What are you doing? H: Tch. You damn perm. G: His name is G: Hijikata, huh… G: Hijikata? I said his name? I did? G: Why? G: …. G: Hijikata.
[page 24] G: Hijikata. G: Who is that? G: Hijikata. G: Is that someone I know? G: Hijikata. G: Who the hell are you? G: Hey, Hijikata. G: Will you live together with me? G: Who?
[page 25] G: Hey, Hijikata-kun. G: If I die first, what'll you do? H: Let's see. H: I'll put my ring on you H: and then I'll put your ring in a small bottle along with some small shards H: and I'll carry it with me until my death. G: So we can meet again up there? H: Nah. H: Not up there. H: So that in our next life…
[page 26] H: So that in our next life… H: I'll keep you from being alone again. *rustle*
[page 27] G: Hijikata… G: …Toshirou. G: Yeah. I remember now. G: I remember now. G: G to T. G: This is G: the ring I gave him.
[page 28] G: In our next life… G: We met. G: We met, G: Hijikata.
[page 29] -
[page 30] H: I'll go too, soon. H: Wait for me, okay?
[page 31] H: Yorozuya.
[page 32] -
[page 33] H: I've been holding on to it as long as I can remember. H: Who does it belong to? H: What shards are these? H: I have no idea.
[page 34] G: And then, Zura and Sakomoto's like… G: Then, Takasugi fell (lol) G: Hilarious, right? H: …. H: Hey, Sakata. G: What is it, Hijikata-kun? H: Which class are you in? G: H (Ecchi) ♥ H: Don't say it in such a weird way. H: And this class is? G: A Class. H: Then, let me ask you this. H: Why are you always eating lunch here everyday!? We're not even on the same floor. H: Furthermore, here in front of me!
[page 35] G: That's clearly G: because I want to be next to you, right? G: Just kidding. *GROSSED OUT* *fidgets* G: Hey, come on! Don't look so clearly grossed out like that! H: Stop those jokes already. G: Hahah. It was just a joke. Don't mind it so much. H: Geez. I really don't date guys, okay? H: ….
[page 36] H: ? G: I know, I know. G: Hahah. H: Sakata Gintoki… H: The first time I met him was on the day of our high school entrance ceremony. G: Hiji… G: …kata.
[page 37] H: Who the hell are you? G: Oh, sorry. H: A guy with lazy eyes that resemble those of a dead fish. H: Rarely-seen silver hair. G: Did I say something? H: It should've been the first time we met, but it didn't feel like the first. H: You damn perm. H: After that day, H: For some reason, Sakata took a liking to me and popped up in my classroom whenever he had the time. O: Oh, it's Danna. K: Ooh, Gintoki, you're here. G: Don't interrupt us. Get the hell away, Gorilla. H: Kondou-san is not a gorilla!
[page 38] H: The guy is suspicious, H: but I don't think of it as strange and end up hating it. H: In fact, that smile H: perhaps even feels familiar to me. *ba-dump* G: Hm? What's wrong? H: Oh, nothing. H: I never knew you wear that thing.
[page 39] G: Oh, this? G: You're curious about it? H: Nah, not really. G: Don't worry. I don't have a girlfriend or anything. H: L-Like anyone even asked about that! G: Come on, just hear me out. G: This is something I've been keeping safe for as long as I can remember. G: I've been holding on to it without even knowing who it belongs to or why I can't let go of it. H: Without knowing… H: All this time? G: Yeah. G: All this time. H: For as long as you can remember? G: Yeah. G: As long as I can remember.
[page 40] H: I was shocked. H: His story is exactly the same as mine. H: The ring in that bottle… H: And his ring… *thump* H: What is happening? H: There's a strange pain in my chest. *ruffles*
[page 41] G: Take your time. H: …. G: I'll wait.
[page 42] H: T to G. H: Does it mean from Toshirou to Gintoki…?
[page 43] H: That can't be the case. H: The first time I met him was on the day of our entrance ceremony. H: I don't think I've met him before that. H: But… is that true? G: I'll wait. H: Could it be that I've just forgotten? H: I want to remember. H: I feel like I have to remember. H: If there really is something to remember. H: Or do I just want that to be the case? H: I don't know. H: On his ring… H: Are there somebody's initials carved on it?
[page 44] H: Sakata. H: Sakata Gintoki. H: Who are you? H: Sakata Gintoki. H: Really? H: Sakata Gintoki. H: I called his name like that?
[page 45] G: Hey, Hijikata-kun. G: If I die first, G: what'll you do? H: Let's see. H: I'll put my ring on you H: and then I'll put your ring in a small bottle along with some small shards H: and I'll carry it with me until my death. G: So we can meet again up there? H: Nah. H: Not up there. *taps* H: So that in our next life…
[page 46] H: So that in our next life… H: I'll keep you from being alone again. *shock...*
[page 47] H: Right. H: I know him. H: I know Sakata Gintoki. H: Something as important as this… H: How could I forget… *grip* G: Hijikata-kun. H: Tch. H: Damn it…! *runs*
[page 48] H: Haa… H: Haa… *ring* *ring* H: Hey, where the hell are you? H: What? H: Heading back home from work? Where!? H: Whatever, just tell me! H: Huh? H: Near the park? Then right now I'm… G: Hijikata!
[page 49] G: Hey, what's up? H: Sakata… H: Gintoki. G: Hijikata? What's wrong? H: Sorry. G: Hm? H: I said I'll keep you from being alone, but… H: Sorry. G: … H: You've been in front of me all this time, but H: I didn't realize. I'm sorry. H: I've never even called your name properly. H: I'm really sorry,
[page 50] H: Yorozuya.
[page 51] G: Hijikata, you… H: Hey, Yorozuya… H: Can you put it on me, too? G: …
[page 52] H: Hah. H: It fits me perfectly. I've been holding on to it as long as I can remember. I don't know who it belongs to. But…
[page 53] G: We finally meet, Hijikata. G: Don't cry. H: I'm just sorry for making you wait. H: Also, I'm not crying. G: You're totally crying. H: I'm not crying.
[page 54] Those faraway memories, bond, love. The miracle of being able to meet again.
[page 55] I won't let you be alone. I'll be by your side. To make you happy. To become happy. From now on, too, always.
[page 56] Together.
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axcel-lucci · 7 months
I know Fullmoon is done, but can I see a continuation where it focuses on female Reader's pregnancy to giving birth. This one focuses on reader's pregnancy and her husband as wereleopard. Law's close friends are also worried about female reader, checking on her so Law wouldn't do something reckless. Luffy, Ace, and Sabo makes an appearance. There's some hints of Ace or Sabo still have feelings for female reader. Maybe after that, another lemon and love making between Law and female reader, after giving birth to twins or triplets.
Full moon
Trafalgar Law x fem!reader
A/n: sorry I was kinda busy, just got my grades and idk if I should laugh or cry- but oh well, also for those new here, here's the first fic:
Full moon
My masterlist~
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After finding out they were having twins, a girl and a boy, (y/n) was shocked to find out Law had a small notebook with baby names.
It has girls, boys, and even gender neutral names. He claims he researched the meanings of the names, as well as some names from his and her family that might be a good suit.
She just smiled as he explains everything to her.
But one stuck out the best, in Law's opinion, Corazon and Clarabelle. Corazon being his late uncle, and Clarabelle being, well, it just sounded cute to him.
It was rare to see him really excited that he had a mini zoomie session as he talked about the names, walking around the living room as she watched from the couch.
In the end, they picked the name Corazon and Clarabelle.
A few weeks after that though, Law came home, tired as usual.
"I'm home..." He sighed as he entered
"Law!" She smiled as she walked up to him and kissed his cheek.
She felt his hand rest on her growing belly and lovingly rubbed the top before kissing her forehead
"Hi (y/n)!" Shachi and penguin, his closest friends, called with a smile.
"Oh? Why didn't you tell me they were coming? I would've made more dinner..." She smiled as Law shook his head
"It's alright, they're just visiting. I'll set the table Hun" he smiled as he left to go set the table.
"Come in." (Y/n) nods.
They soon sat down at the living room, and she can tell the two were kinda anxious.
"Do you... Like... Know about his...?" Shachi started, kinda...
"His...? Wereleopard form...?" She tilted her head as the two nodded, "ahh... Yes... I do know, actually... That's the reason I'm pregnant..." She mumbled. As if she's kinda annoyed.
"Oh." The two hummed.
"We won't be too long though, wereleopards are known to be... Protective of their significant others, especially if they're carrying their child. We'd just check in here and there, considering he can be a bit bratty at his time of the moon cycle." Penguin cooed a little.
"I am so not!" Law yelled from the dining room making her laugh.
"He so is..." The two whispered
It made her chuckle, it was nice knowing that law has friends that truly cared about his well being.
A few days after that, Law had applied for a leave. One that's kinda long. It extends from now to at least 5 months after she gives birth, it was kinda shocking that the hospital he works in let's them do all those things.
Only for her to find out he compiled all the leaves he can grab unto and put them all in one single order that he'd have a plenty of time.
Law held her hand as he pushed the cart of groceries while she looked at the list they needed to buy.
"Do we need to buy baby stuff...? Next month is your final month after all..." Law suggests.
"Ah-! I almost forgot...!" She gasped, "but good thing the room is ready... Thanks for that honey" she smiled and kissed his cheek.
His tail must've been wagging if it was out.
"Oh? (Y/n)!" They heard someone call from behind them.
It was Sabo and Ace, her childhood friends... And Luffy strapped to what seemed like a harness being held by Axe so that he wouldn't wander off.
Luffy is already 17 and yet he's being kept on a child-like harness... Kinda accurate.
"Oh, hello Sabo, Ace" she smiled as she squeezed Law's hand when she felt him start to get protective.
The three, well two since Luffy is just being dragged, walked up to them.
"Doing groceries as well?" Sabo smiled as he grabbed Luffy from trying to climb the shelves to get the ships on the higher shelf.
"Mhmm..." She smiled with a nod, "looks like Luffy has not changed a thing"
"Would he change?" Ace said as him and Sabo looked at each other before looking at her.
"Absolutely not" the two said in perfect unison.
Law let go of her hand and placed it on her shoulder, pulling her close to him.
"I can see you're... Pregnant." Sabo hummed, "when's your due?"
"Next month... Actually" she shyly laughed
"Oh? Then you should be resting." Ace suggested
"Nah. I wanted to buy a few things, and right after, we want to buy baby stuff" she smiled as she looked at Law who was glaring at them, "right love?"
"What- oh, yeah... Yeah... But we still need you to rest" Law says, "after buying baby stuff, I want you to lay in bed. Alright?"
"But Law... There's so much to do"
"I can handle it. You should rest."
"Oh alright..." She pouted
"So... Is it a girl or a boy?" Ace asked
"Both, actually. We're having twins" she happily said.
"Oh...! What're their names-"
"I think that's enough talking. (Y/n)... Love, we need to finish shopping so that once we get home, you can rest" Law hummed.
She only chuckled, "I understand..." She smiled before turning to them, "we need to go now. Have fun shopping with Luffy, oh and by the way, he escaped the leash."
"That's was tiring..." She sighed as she sat down on the couch after helping law tidy up and decorate the baby's room.
"Do you need some water? Snacks, perhaps?" Law hummed as he sat down next to her, his fuzzy ears and tail out.
"No... I just need you" she smiled as she snuggled up to him
He smiled softly as well and letting her cuddle real close.
"Once you give birth... I'll stay right beside you until you get better.." he whispered and kissed her forehead
"I don't doubt that..." She smiled softly
She just finished washing the dishes when a sudden pain hit her, when she looked down she saw blood running down her leg.
(Y/n) called Law loudly and as soon as she did, he was right beside her, calling the ambulance and helping her breathe as they load her up.
Law held her hand tightly all throughout, he didn't even leave her side even as she was delivering his children.
When he insisted to be there on the delivery room, the nurses were kinda surprised since most father's they've encountered so far opted to stay out.
But nevertheless, they let him in.
And he did a great job being the perfect husband that he is.
Talking to her while she's in pain, rubbing her hand gently as she push through the pain of giving birth twice.
As she laid on her hospital bed, Law couldn't help but be mesmerized at his children.
How small they were and how fragile they looked.
"Law..." She called him, slightly weak as he came next to her and held her hand
"You need something honey? Water, food, anything?" He asks
She smiled softly, "can I... See them again?"
He nods as he helps her sit up, knowing how even sitting is painful for someone who just gave birth due to the stitches.
He first handed his baby girl, Clarabelle. Then his baby boy, Corazon.
Clarabelle looked exactly like Law. Silver eyes and his raven hair, and Corazon looked like her, with her (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes...
They were absolutely perfect in his eyes.
Someone then knocked on the door, it was his friends, Shachi and penguin, still in their scrubs.
It's apparently their break so they decided to visit.
Law didn't let them hold the baby, he's a bit protective of his little "cubs".
"They look so cute..." Shachi smiled, before backing off, "well... Take good care of them now, Law. We need to go back to work. We can try and help around?"
"No need... You guys are already busy enough" (y/n) smiled
"It's alright, really" penguin nodded, "but if that's what you want... Then... Just call us if you need anything"
"Thanks you two."
After she said that, Law ushered them out.
It made them all laugh at how protective he's already being.
He's really REALLY on ethe edge at the moment, too.
Since the possibility of the curse being passed down unto them is still unknown. But either way, Law knows how to deal with it and help them.
(Y/n) also knows that he'd try his best to help his children, she would, too. of course.
Two years then passed by in a blink. The newborns now small toddlers. Crawling and babbling about.
As the two toddlers were playing in the living room, (y/n) and Law were at the couch, silently watching them.
It seems like Clarabelle, despite looking exactly like Law, was already acting opposite of him, and Corazon is a shy little baby.
Law sighed with a smile and kissed her cheek.
"Whatever it is, no." She crossed her arms with a laugh.
"Oh come on..." He pouted.
He's been nagging for another one for a few days now, it doesn't exactly irritate her, but she's not sure if she's ready yet. Considering the house was only big enough for them.
"Please...? We can... Try" Law hummed and hugged her real tight, "it's full moon tonight, too~"
"Oh shut up" she laughed once more.
"Aww..." He pouted playfully before placing his head on her shoulder, "they look so perfect..."
"They do, don't they?" She smiled softly
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tinyletterz · 1 year
♡ flowers of our love— [ scarabia + pomefiore ]
: different flowers and their meanings that describe your relationships :
♡— contains: gn! reader, fluff, mention of bruises with epel
: heartslabyul. savanaclaw + octavinelle. scarabia + pomefiore. ignihyde + diasomnia :
— [ note: references can be found here and here ROOK finally the other loml let me take you out on a date and ill shower you in flowers ]
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—kalim al-asim
sunshine in your smile — yellow tulip: running up to you in the hallways to engulf you in a warm hug. kalim tells you multiple times that he loves and cares about you throughout the day. helping him stay on task for the vice housewarden's sanity. taking trips into the night sky on his magic carpet. good morning and goodnight kisses everyday. gifting you jewels and gems from the treasury as a "just because" gift. the way kalim's eyes crinkle when he laughs or smiles. silly jokes and games created by the two of you to enjoy together. there is never a moment when kalim is next to you and he's not playing with your fingers. poking his face because its awfully soft and squish-able. always telling his family that he's lucky to be with you whenever he writes to home.
—jamil viper
i'll never forget you — pink carnation: jamil always treasures the moments he has where it's just you and him. walking past each other in the hallway and your fingers brush against his. helping him whenever he has a workload. arguing with him when it comes to him not relaxing enough. spelling i love you on his skin with just your fingertip always puts him at ease. waiting, even when it's late, for him to finish basketball practice. experienced cook or not, jamil will try everything you make and offer pointers to make it even better. mornings when the world is still seeping and you run your fingers lazily through his hair. he mentioned you once to his sister before formally introducing you two, and najma swears she has never seen jamil more embarrassed when she teases him about dating you.
—vil schoenheit
bonds of affection and you'll always be beautiful to me — stock: gentle kisses filled with care. he always asks if you're comfortable with him due to his popularity. styling his hair and watching his lips quirk at your playful antics. vil loves buying things for you and he asks that you don't be shy when it comes to something you want. quick kisses in between vil's sets while you watch him perform. he scolds you, lovingly yet harshly, if you haven't been taking care of yourself and will set a day aside to treat you. the way his heart flutters when you say i love you because even though his fans tell him that, he finds yours genuine. cupping his face while reminding him in a whisper that he's the one you love and you absolutely adore him when he begins to doubt.
—rook hunt
passion and declaration of love — red tulip: random declarations of love throughout the day. covering your faces with his hat so he can kiss you without prying eyes. rook knows when something is bothering you without you having to say a word. stealing rook's dorm robes to spin in them. eloquent poems in french, no doubt professing your beauty. please catch him off guard, it rarely happens, but when it does you will not regret the flustered look on his face. sharing secrets and stories, although rook does tend to add unneeded detail. rook has tried to serenade you, much to the dislike of the others trying to sleep. your eyes land on him in class and he's already looking back with a grin on his face. surprising him with a kiss only to find he was waiting for you to make the first move. self-care is done together so you both know the other is taken care of.
—epel felmier
let's take a chance and youthful innocence — white violet: a confession after hours when the sun has just begun to set. occasionally visiting the beach to watch the calmness of the waves. ruffling his hair, gently of course. joining him during his dorm yoga exercises. epel feels terrible when you patch his bruises after a fight, but he would rather hear your scolding over his housewarden's. shy kisses to your lips because epel's far too nervous to do anything more. sneaking out to lay in the grass and count the stars together. in the beginning of your relationship, epel sought rook's advice, though epel doesn't do nearly as much as rook suggested. calling him pretty and handsome to watch his smile grow. his grandmother already claims she loves you despite not having met her.
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smolbean12 · 11 months
Baked with Love
Nanami Kento x Reader
Genre: fluff, light angst
Warnings: lots of bread
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"Welcome!" Your chirped as the door to your bakery opened with a chime. It was the blond man, and as always he was right on time-exactly 7:45 in the morning.
You smiled and bowed to the man. "I already have your order ready, Mister."
Surprise flashed across his face for a moment before his lips curved up into a smile. "I guess I have become a regular here, huh?"
You nodded and placed a loaf of brioche wrapped in parchment paper. The man pulled out his wallet and paid the exact amount of money. He always seemed to carry the exact amount of change with him. He nodded a goodbye at you and made his way out of the bakery.
"Thank you. Please visit again," you said though you knew he would be there tomorrow at the same time, buy the same bread and carry the same amount of money for the bread.
The rest of your day passed by as usual. When you had no customers to tend to, your mind drifted to the blond man. You wondered what he did for work, but by his looks you assumed he was a salary-man. The lines on his face, which made him all the more handsome, made you think he was quite old. What if he is married? What if he has kids?
Curiosity boiled in your mind, making it difficult to think about anything else other than him. You wanted to know more about him. What was his favorite color? Did he go to college? Where does he work? You wanted to know more and more and more and-
The sound of the doorbell ringing snapped you violently out of your thoughts. You quickly collected yourself and greeted the customer. After the customer was gone, you mentally scolded yourself for overthinking about that man and zoning out during work.
But did he think of you too?
The thought left a bitter taste in your mouth. You were a nobody. Just the owner of the bakery that he liked to frequent. The two of you didn't even know each other's names. You shook your head and decided not to think of him anymore. It was futile and you knew your stupid feelings would never be reciprocated.
Next day, the man arrives again-7:45 sharp, and neither a minute early nor late. You greet him as usual, ignoring the pang in your heart. You had his order packed and ready. He paid and turned around to leave.
However, he stopped right in front of the door and hesitated. You cocked your head in confusion but before you could ask him anything, he turned around, cleared his throat and spoke.
"Are you, perhaps, free this weekend?"
Your mouth fell open in confusion and when you spoke, you were a stuttering mess. "Yes, of course!"
You mentally kicked yourself for sound too eager. You looked at him and noticed that he looked slightly pleased with himself. The pink dusting the tips of ears doesn't go unnoticed by you.
"How about we meet at the restaurant down the street for lunch?"
He spoke slowly, in a way one would speak so as to not mess up the words. His eyes bore into you, waiting for an answer and not breaking eye contact. You were never one to hold one's gaze for so long but something about him made you want to look at him more and more. You found yourself drifting into his eyes, the color of sweet, sweet honey.
You sputtered when you realized you had to answer his question. "Oh! Yeah, why not! How about this Sunday? The bakery will be closed, so.."
You drifted off, hoping he would agree. Why wouldn't he agree when he asked you out? You silently groaned at your stupidity. You could not believe that the man had asked you out. After weeks of secretly pining and convincing yourself that he didn't even know you much less like you, you were truly and utterly shocked. You dug your nails into your palm to confirm you were not dreaming.
He nodded and his shoulders slightly drooped, like he had just put down a heavy load. "Alright," he said, walking towards the door. "I'll see you on Sunday."
"Wait!" You called out for him. He turned his head around to look at you and raised an eyebrow, his honey-brown eyes focused solely on your face.
"W-What's your name?"
He smiled. A real smile. A smiled wide enough to make his eyes crinkle at the corners and make him look so much more younger.
"Nanami Kento."
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Work by: @smolbean12
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simply-wlw-kpopstan · 19 hours
28. Leader duties
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"let's go shopping for Archie." minjeong said as she plopped down next to you.
"I already have his stuff" you pointed to his dog bed and basket of toys next to the coffee table.
"yo u do but i don't," she pouted, " I need some stuff for him at my dorm so when he comes over. Think about it, you wouldn't have to drag all this to my place."
She did have a point. Archie would be spending time at minjeongs dorm whether it was a visit or a sleepover," fine. I'll go get changed while you get him ready to go out. " you smiled as she squeezed.
" I already wrote down what I need. "she shook her phone to emphasize her words." i'm still thinking about how big the doggy bed has to be" she said as she left your bedroom.
"we'll see at the store okay?" You called back as you walked towards your closet.
As soon as you were done you drove over to the pet store. Archie was laying on minjeongs lap, The blond kept looking down at him with a smile as she pets his soft fur. It does feel like you have a little family right now and it takes you back to all those late night talks when you were younger. The moment you took Archie home you knew minjeong would love him, you remember talking about how she wanted to adopt a dog with you, to raise and teach them cute little tricks.
You were walking down the food section when minjeong spotted something in the next aisle, "Baby look!" minjeong said exited as she walked a little faster to one of the shelves, " a little Archie for Archie! Wouldn't that be cute?" She took a stuffed German Sheppard plushie and Archie began to wag his little tail in the cart at the sight of the toy," look! He likes it!" She placed it in the cart as Archie sniffed it.
"he'll like any toy you give him" you said as minjeong walked down the toy aisle and kept adding toys. The next aisle were the doggy beds and minjeong was dead set on the one on the top of the shelves. You tried to argue that it was way to big for Archie but she wanted that one and reached for it on her tippy toes. You chuckled and stood behind her, easily reaching up and pulling the dog bed off the shelf.
Minjeong turned around and leaned back on the shelf as she realized how close you were, " thank you," she blushed as she looked to the cart where Archie was playing with one of the toys already .
You leaned down and kissed her cheek, "you're welcome", you held back a chuckle as you saw her stunned expression, "come on, before you buy anything else." you took her hand, locking your fingers together, then dragged her back to the cart. You placed the dog bed underneath the cart so Archie wouldn't be mushed in a sea of dog bed and toys, although by the looks of it he was in his personal heaven.
As you approached the cashier you felt minjeong tighten her grip on your hand, you looked at her to see her looking towards the door where a man with a camera was standing, looking down at his phone with the camera in the other.
You gave her a soft smile before letting go off her hand and creating some distance as you loaded up the stuff on the running band. The moment the cashier said the price you quickly swiped your card against the machine before minjeong could step towards it.
The cashier noticed the both of you looking out at the man and knew what was going to happen, "I can let you out through the staff entrance if you want? It leads into the underground parking."
"that would be perfect thank you." you smiled and the both of you followed her towards the back of the store. It seems that man was the only one as you walked out into the parking lot. "how did he find us?"
"why did you pay?" minjeong suddenly spoke up, "those were my stuff for Archie, I wanted to pay for it."
"Because he could've been filming us and the cart is full of stuff. Wouldn't it be suspicious if you bought all this stuff for me?" you reasoned with her.
"I guess. I'm still paying you back the moment I'm back at my dorm." she glared at you when you opened your mouth, "don't even dare to argue."
You put everything in the trunk of your car and drove back to minjeongs dorm. The girls immediately came to the living room the moment they heard minjeong enter, "he's so cute!" aeri said as she cooed at the sleeping pup. You set everything down in a corner of the room as jimin stared at you.
The leader motioned for you to follow her and you did. Truth be told you were a little afraid of jimin. "i'm not going to give you the talk if that's what you're wondering." she said as she looked at standing uncomfortably in the kitchen. "all I want to know is if you're sure about all of this."
"about Archie?" you wondered.
"no! About minjeong. She's told me about what happened before, we all know what happened. I know she regrets it but I need to know that she'll be okay. That you won't run because you're afraid of her leaving you again. I guess what I'm asking is if you have any doubt about this relationship? "
You thought back to your date with minjeong, the thoughts you had at the Italian restaurant popped back in your head and you sighed, " I can't say there's no doubt. " you watched her frown and she nodded at you to keep going," I had a lot of time to think about it and the reasons she broke up with me were reasonable, They're still accurate. We could risk our careers if this gets out."
" tell me about it" she sighed. You realized that jimin went through that recently with an actor.
"I'm sorry."
"don't be. In the end we didn't work out. Schedules and stuff and add the media on top? It was more than we could take. But we were just getting to know each other, you and minjeong go way back. You're not the same."
"no, we're two women. I can't imagine what would happen. I'm kind of safe since people know about my sexuality but minjeong isn't out."
" It's always the men who have to ruin things don't they? When my relationship got outed my gay fans were 'morning' and I admit to laughing at certain tweets and stuff but they were still so supportive. The male fans? That was scary. "
" I still can't believe all that happened. "
" it blew over faster then I expected to be honest." it was quiet for a few seconds as both of you thought about the things that could happen. "all I know is that the two of you seem to be drawn to one another."
"like an invisible string." you smiled at your taylor reference, " I love her"
"i know you do... We don't mean to hurt the ones we love and yet we still do, just... Take care of her okay? If you have any doubts about the relationship tell her now."
"What's going on here?" aeri said as she walked in with Archie in her arms and the other girls behind her.
"nothing, just leader duties." she smiled as she winked at you, "now give him here I haven't met the little guy yet." Aeri quickly left the room with ning and jimin chasing behind her, " come on you've had enough puppy time, my turn!" you heard her yell.
"That poor baby doesn't know what's happening to him." minjeong chuckled as she walked towards you, " are you okay?" You nodded but she didn't seem too convinced, "what were you talking about in here?"
"just some stuff," you shrugged as you wrapped your arms around her waist and pulled her closer, " I think I deserve a kiss for carrying all of the stuff inside."
"how about..." minjeong smirked as she moved out o f your arms and took your hands in hers, "you help me put everything away,". she started walking backwards as she pulled you along with her, "and after that I will show you exactly how thankful I am of you."
"B-But the gi-"
She quickly cuts you off, "are to busy with Archie." she let's go off your hands and picked up the doggy bed, "the faster we're finished, the more time we have."
If anybody doubted how whipped you were for this girl they'd know by how fast you took the crate filled with toys and followed her towards her bedroom.
masterlist | next
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creoterative · 9 months
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Well, I said that September might be Paul's month, didn't I? So here's another drawing, inspired by a scene in Charlie Chaplin's movie 'City Lights' from 1931.  I'm a great fan of Ikarishipping and thus wanted to finally make a drawing for it since the last one I made was... let's just say, it's very old.
The idea for this drawing came to me when I rewatched this gem of a movie a few days ago. It is my favorite out of Chaplin's collection because of the simple but very sweet and hopefull story that brings the two main characters together.
I'll give a summary and explain why I picked that scene for this picture.
The movie starts with the main character, the Tramp, being chased off a statue, that was to be revealed to the public, all while he decided to sleep under the curtain. He didn't have any other place to sleep that night, so he just took what was there, not realizing the amount of trouble he'd make in doing so.
After he's chased off, he walks through the city for a while, not really caring where his feet will take him, until he encounters a lot of traffic and has to climb through the car of a wealthy man to get to the other side. A young woman is sitting on a small wall, selling flowers, and when she hears the door of the car, she asks the man if he's interested in buying some.
The Tramp thinks for a while, since his money is very limited nowadays, but decides to at least give the flowers a look. Accidentally, he throws a flower out of her hand with his ellbow and picks it up quickly, right before the woman bends down to do so as well. Realizing she is blind and didn't see him already get the flower, he helps her up and she puts the flower on his jacket. He gives her the rest of his money and wants to wait for his change when another man gets into a fancy car right next to him. Not knwoing that he's still standing beside her, the woman reaches out for the car, asking for him to wait for his change, while the Tramp sneaks away, letting her keep the money.
As the woman returns home to her grandmother and dreams about finding someone who doesn't just see the disability she has, the Tramp stops a millionaire from drowning himself in the river and befriends him (kinda). After saving him from himself, again, he and the millionaire go out to make trouble in town and live the city night life. All kinds of crazy things happen, multiple times the Tramp or the millionaire almost get into a fight, but in the end, they make it out alive and arrive at the millionaires mansion in the early morning.
While the still very drunk millionaire is brought inside, the Tramp stays at the stairs outside, where he sees the woman from yesterday sell her flowers again. Getting money from the drunk millionaire, he rushes over to her to buy all of her flowers and guide her home as well. (That's the scene I drew by the way.)
When they arrive, he asks if he may see her again and she tells him he may come visit whenever he wants to. Afterwards, she talks to her grandmother about him, saying that he may be rich, but he's more than that, referring to his kind and gentle attitude.
The Tramp gets back to the millionaire's mansion the next morning, thinking his butlers will let him in, but when the millionaire is sober, he doesn't recognize the Tramp and sees him as filth, a streetrat. In the afternoon though, they meet each other again, the millionaire being drunk again and he hosts a party for the Tramp. In the end, he gets thrown out the next morning and leaves, not really caring for the rich man anymore.
The woman meanwhile catches a severe cold and when the Tramp hears this, he decides to help her. He finds honest work, cleaning streets, and tries his best to keep up the facade, as the woman still thinks he's a gentleman.
But when they find out, that the authorities will take her home if she doesn't pay rent quickly, he promises her to help, only to discover that he's about to lose his job for being late again. Desperate, the Tramo enters a, more or less legal, boxing fight and can even hold his own for a while, but is defeated at last.
Not knowing what to do, he visits the millionaire again, who is drunk for the millionth time and promises him, that he'll take care of the woman. There has been a new scientific breakthrough in eye surgeries, so that people can see again and the Tramp suggests that he'd get her the treatment. He can get a lot of money from the millionaire before the policemen arrive, mistaking him for a thief, while the real thieves are escaping already.
Running away from the law, he rushes to the woman and gives her every cent he's got, telling her to get the treatment and pay her rent before he has to go. She asks him if she'll see him again, to which he replies with 'I gotta go, for a while.' Knowing, that he'll get thrown into jail if the police finds him, he leaves her and gets arrested shortly after.
Six months later, the Tramp is free again, but broke and doesn't have a clue where to go from here on, so he just wanders the streets, as always. The woman got the treatment and is finally able to see, which helps her to open her own flower store, which is doing wonderfully.
The Tramp passes the store and recognizes the white flowers out on the street, but as he sees her through the window, he doesn't really know how to act. When the woman approaches him, he wants to run away quickly, but she stops him to give him a flower and some money. After touching his hand and hearing his voice though, she realizes it's him, seeming kind of shocked, but also happy to meet him again.
What happens afterwards is up to us, the viewers.
The story is old, the movie is old, but I like this old charm, so yeah.
The reason why I thought it might fit Ikarishipping, is a bit much to explain in english, but I'll try my best.
Paul isn't nearly as comically or charismatic as the Tramp. He is cold, doesn't approach people if he doesn't need anything from them (or wants to scold them for something), and he especially doesn't show any interest in being a gentleman. He is very polite to people he thinks deserve it, though. Cynthia, Nurse Joy, Roark, even Dawn at the end seems to have earned his respect in some kind of way since he actually opens up to her about why he despises Ash etc.
If I had to figure out his lovelanguage, I'd say it's through actions, not words. He doesn't talk a lot, but rather shows how much he cares with little things at first. Just as it was in the movie, it started with the Tramp buying one flower, then the whole basket, then he paid her treatment and rent. His love and care grew exponentially and even though I'd say it would take a loooot longer for Paul, I'd still think that's what he works with - slowly opening up, showing more of his care and realizing, that he actually has feelings.
While Paul isn't actually that much reflected by the movie, rather his way of showing affection (in my opinion), I think Dawn is portrayed perfectly. She isn't blind, but the determination of the young woman and her effort are clearly something, that Dawn shows as well. But also the amount of emotions she shows reflects Dawn's. She openly talks about her feelings and thoughts, shows that she cares by asking about the person, how they feel and what they are doing, also offering help if needed.
The woman in the movie is mostly portrayed as shy, but not helpless, knowing her way around the house and even though she's blind, she's still trying her best to make money. Yes, she needs help with the rent, but afterwards she shows that she can handle herself perfectly, since she took the rest of the money he gave her and invested it into something that'll last. That's what I think Dawn is like too. She's not always able to fight her demons oof by herself, but when she gets that little extra help from her friends, she's able to make something remarkable out of it.
Most importantly though, she doesn't judge right away or seeks the fight. Even when Paul was mean in the anime, she showed concern or at least tried to understand what was going on. Especially when he got defeated by Brandon, she seemed worried about him. Of course, they also had their tense moments, for example when he couldn't remember her name, but that's... well, part of the ships charm, I guess ^^
Anyways, that's my opinion on this, my idea for the picture.
Have a nice day and stay safe!
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sabo-has-my-heart · 11 months
Hi, it's two part anon. Congrats on the 1000 followers ^^ (sorry I'm late).
I read failed 5 and I love it so much (my kokoro is squeezing lol) can I request to finish failed 5 with just moments of them being cute dorks? Like how Sabo is also crushing on Y/N and has been buying like 3 cups of coffee daily just to see Y/N. Y/N on the other hand, is way too shy and can't say a full sentence with Sabo's presence. Maybe after finding out about they are neighbors both of them attempt to try to ask the other out, but they are clumsy dorks in love. Like Sabo trying to practice his pick up line but the wall's soundproof ability sucks so Y/N hears it all.
I'm aiming for fluffy cute stuffs that will give me cavities.
Congrats again. Have a great day!
Two part anon! I'm so glad you're taking part in my event! I'll admit, with how long this was when I started, I was worried it might be in two parts too 😆. If I'd kept writing, it probably would have but I was trying to keep it to one.
Warning: fluff
Word Count: 1560
   How long had you chatted with your neighbor like this? Weeks? Months? A year? Never once seeing each other’s faces, a wall separating your balconies, but talking to a faceless voice. It was nice to have someone to talk to after you came home from work, almost like having a roommate but without the hassle of an actual roommate.
    “So did you see him again?” the voice asked with a chuckle.
    “Do you think I’d be talking so calmly if I hadn’t?” you asked, a small laugh escaping your lips.
    “I guess that’s true, you’d probably be worrying about how he wasn’t there, is he okay?” your neighbor said in a bad imitation of you.
    “Shut up! You’re just as bad, what was it you were whimpering about the other week? She wasn’t there! Where was she?” you mimicked back. On the other side of the divider wall, Sabo blushed, remembering how he’d been worried about his crush’s health.
    “I was worried she was sick!” Sabo shot back at his mystery neighbor. He never saw them, only knew what they sounded like. He’d tried waiting outside his apartment a couple of times but that never seemed to work.
    “Sure, sure. So, are you gonna finally tell me her name?” you asked, cocking an eyebrow even though you knew he couldn’t see you.
    “Not a chance, what if you know her? You could tell her your ‘weird neighbor’ has a crush on her and keeps stealing glances at her.” the voice called back.
    “What about your name then? We are neighbors after all, it wouldn’t kill us to know each other’s names.” you said with a small laugh. You sort of understood his fear with his crush and in the beginning, you understood his worries about telling you his name, but you’d been talking like this for some time now.
    “I…” Sabo’s brow furrowed, why was he so worried about telling you who he was? Did he prefer the anonymity of not knowing who he was talking to? Was it paranoia about someone knowing some faceless person would know who he was? Was he worried about ruining the strange friendship you already had?
    “That’s okay, you don’t have to, I won’t-”
    “Sabo… i-it’s Sabo.” he interjected, his face suddenly bright red. Why had he just blurted that out?
    “Sabo? Like… blond hair, tall, always wearing gloves and visiting the coffee shop on 2cd, Sabo?” you asked nervously. It couldn’t be. Your crush was living next to you and you didn’t even realize?
    “Uh, yeah. Do… Do we know each other?” Sabo asked, unsure of how you knew him. You were silent for a minute, trying to figure out what to say. He still didn’t know who you were, you could still talk to him anonymously without stumbling nervously over your words or fear of making a complete fool of yourself, right?
    “Hey, you still there?” Sabo asked, snapping you out of your thoughts.
    “Uh, y-yeah, sorry. I was just… I suppose we sort of know each other. You… you come into the coffee shop I work at everyday.” you muttered. It was almost too quiet for Sabo to hear and for a moment he thought he heard wrong.
    “You… you work at the coffee shop on 2cd?” Sabo asked, eyes widening, half wanting to run inside his apartment and hide, half wanting to attempt to jump over to your balcony to see your face, to confirm something in his mind.
    “Is… that okay?” you asked nervously, biting your lip.
    “Y-yeah, that’s awesome. Looks like we knew each other without knowing it, but you still haven’t told me your name. Since I know you work at the coffee shop, I already know who you are in a sense, so there’s no harm, right?” Sabo asked, attempting to be casual but practically bursting with anticipation.
    “Y-Y/n.” you stuttered out, trying to stay calm as you gripped the balcony railing. The two of you had been going on about your lives, your crushes, everything for quite some time now, you knew so much about each other, would he figure out you had a crush on him? Things went silent on both sides, the guy you had a crush on and the girl Sabo had a crush on had been talking to each other for weeks and weeks without realizing they were telling each other everything about their lives.
     Neither of you really noticed the silence, too wrapped up in your own thoughts, your heads spinning until a ring broke you both out of your own thoughts.
    “Uh, sorry, that’s one of my brothers, I gotta go, see you tomorrow?” Sabo asked.
    “Yeah, tomorrow at the coffee shop I guess.” you said, hoping your chuckle didn’t sound as nervous and forced as it felt. With that, the both of you walked into your apartments, both internally freaking out.
     Sabo had been fighting with himself lately. You knew who he was. You knew who he was! Should he stop by more often? Less? You knew he was your neighbor now, he could stop by more often without seeming weird now, right? Just a friendly stop, say hi. No big deal, right? You probably wouldn’t think anything of it, just your friend swinging by! Except if he was stopping by, he’d need a reason for entering the coffee shop to see you. Maybe he should get more coffee? He did stay up pretty late at night, maybe grab one then? To hell with it! He’d swing by! Fuck the excuses, all he needed to say was that he needed more coffee!
     He’d been stopping by more often, why, he wouldn’t say, but your coworkers suspected a big test that he was cramming for. You, on the other hand, had become rather shy around him, barely able to say anything other than your usual welcome and such necessary for work. How could you? He knew who you were now! What if he figured out your feelings for him? Talking to him as your neighbor was easy, talking to him as the girl who worked in the coffee shop wasn’t too hard either. He didn’t know you had feelings for him. But now… what if he figured it out? You’d been telling him about your crush on… him, for a while now!
     Your late night conversations had changed as well. You stuttered and couldn’t finish a sentence anymore. Your once comfortable talks about your crushes, your days, your… everything, now had you a stuttering mess. Likewise, Sabo couldn’t shut up. Between the amount of caffeine and how nervous he was, he’d pace his balcony just blabbering on. The one thing that brought you back down was the other’s crush. He liked someone else. He liked a girl and she was probably one of your coworkers. At the same time, you liked another guy, some guy who stopped by frequently, he’d probably passed the guy before. 
     Biting your lip, you paced the balcony. Neither you, nor Sabo had been meeting up lately, he was probably busy with ‘his girl’. You hated it! Even with tears pricking in your eyes, you opened your mouth.
     “Sabo, you’re the most handsome. No! That’s so… ugh! Sabo I was hoping we could get some coffee? No, no, no, I work in a coffee shop! Hey Sabo, I was wondering if you’d like to go on a date? Wait, don’t guys usually ask girls? Would Sabo be okay if I asked him instead?” you took a deep breath, “Sabo I’d really-” “Y/N WILL YOU GO ON A DATE WITH ME?!” you screeched as you spun around, finding the blond hanging onto your railing on the opposite side. If he let go, he’d fall to the parking lot below.
     “Sabo what are you doing! Get over here before you fall!” you shouted, grabbing his arm and tugging him onto the balcony. The blond shook his head.
     “NOT UNTIL YOU ANSWER ME! WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME?!” he shouted once more, eyes frantic. He’d heard you practicing, you were practicing to ask him out, right? His chest was heaving from jumping over to your balcony railing, his heart pounding from hearing you practice. Your heart pounded as you realized what he’d just asked. You hadn’t registered what he’d said at first, too surprised by him suddenly showing up to realize what he’d said. You swallowed hard, blushing and looking away.
     “You… you heard me?” you asked nervously, Sabo nodding his head rapidly. 
     “I really like you too! I have for so long! I’ve wanted to ask you out but wasn’t sure how! Please, please go on a date with me!” Sabo pleaded, eyes still wide. You could only blush and nod before pulling on his arm again.
     “A-alright, but you have to get over here first! I don’t want you falling before our first date!” you said, making the boy smile as he climbed over.
     “Don’t worry, there’s no way I’d die before I get to take you out.” he said, picking you up and spinning you around once he was on your balcony. You both smiled and laughed as he put you down, pulling you into a sudden kiss, one that had you melting in his arms. It seemed like the crushes you’d both been telling each other about for so long was each other.
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vividwritinglove · 2 years
next door IX - a Pierre Gasly series
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poor Pierre - you really haven’t been the luckiest lately. Prayers that this will change soon 🙏♥️
pairing: Pierre Gasly x fem!reader
warnings: none
word count: 2k
The night was quiet and relaxed. Pierre and you were able to catch up on a few more hours of sleep, just as he had promised you. However, only under the condition with very close body contact. Pierre loved to snuggle up to you and to have your scent in his nose constantly.
As in the night before, you both woke up before the ringing of your alarm clocks and lay in bed for a few more minutes tightly embraced, looking at each other and exchanging tender touches and kisses. Waking up like that was just beautiful. Throughout the week you sleep next to each other, alternating between his and your bed. Relatively quickly you developed an evening and morning routine together. It was a very intense week with lots of conversations and intimacies.
"Christmas is already in a couple of days..." mumbles Pierre, eating a spoonful of his cereal. You nod and take a sip from your coffee cup. It was Saturday, Pierre had already had his first training session and now you are having breakfast together.
"Are you not excited at all?" asked Pierre incredulously. He loved the Christmas holidays, like every year he would go home to spend time with his big family and friends. Your reaction was incomprehensible to him, after all, everyone loved Christmas.
"Oh you know. I don't know any reflective Christmases. It’s just a few extra days off for me."
"You don't mean that?" said Pierre in shock, looking at you the same way.
You didn't understand his indignation. It was a holiday like any other. You never understood why this holiday was so celebrated. Your parents were always away doing business, most of the time you were home alone with the nanny, now and then your grandparents visited you on Christmas. The lack of love was compensated with countless gifts, which, however, did not interested you one bit. It wasn't atypical for you to spend Christmas with your friends and their families - it never really grew on you, though, because it wasn't your own family.
"Pierre, what can I say...I'm messed up." you laughed, hoping he'd put the subject to rest.
"I think it's sad... are you staying in Milan then?"
"Theoretically I'm off until the 8th, maybe I'll go back home and visit the girls. Or I'll just stay here."
Pierre felt bad and he showed. The last few days had been so nice for him and he felt that things were falling into place between you two. He didn't wanted to leave you alone on Christmas, but taking you to his family after such a short time didn't felt right yet either.
"Don't worry about it. I'll be fine on my own." you said encouragingly, placing your hand on his. Pierre gave you a pained smile, "I know you will. I'm just saying...".
Pierre spent the rest of the breakfast telling you about the Christmas celebrations and traditions of the Gasly family. It sounded harmonious, loud and hearty. All the Gasly sons with wives and children under their parent’s roof and a lots of food. Pierre worried that he would gain a few kilos, but there were no diets on those days. You fell in love with the way Pierre talked about the things he loved with full dedication, whether it was F1 or in this case his family. He was a family man and the love he had for them was enormous.
"Do you want to go shopping for some gifts today? I need some for my nieces and nephews."
"I don't need anything, but I'll be happy to go with you." you smiled at him.
You two got up from the table and cleaned up together before getting changed to go to the city center.
You would have imagined a shopping trip with Pierre to be easier. He kept getting recognized and to top it off, Christmas shopping was in full swing. Everyone seemed to be taking advantage of the last weekend before Christmas to buy gifts. When fans approached him, you slowly walked ahead. You didn't wanted to draw attention to yourself and Pierre understood. This is probably the biggest burden of being with someone that is in the public eye: the lack of privacy. Would you be able to get used to that?
While shopping, you noticed how Pierre asked you about your current wishes. However, you remained steadfast and did not let it show what gift you would be happy about. Pierre shouldn't give you anything, it doesn't feel right to you. Not yet, at least.
"Are you sure you don't need anything?" asked Pierre who was holding some bags in his hands.
You waved off with a smile, "You bought enough for both of us, I think."
"Shall we head back? I have to go to the second training with Pyry in a minute."
"You can go. I want to go to the bookstore."
"For that Italian study book?"
"Among other things."
"Okay." said Pierre almost wordlessly, leaning forward towards you to kiss you. With one hand on his chest you stopped him, "Not here...".
"Sorry." said Pierre awkwardly, "I'll see you later then?".
You nod with a smile and waved goodbye to him as you two part ways.
You strolled to the bookstore across from the marketplace. After entering it, you browsed a bit through the international section and find a book about Formula 1 along with some Interior books. You flipped through it with interest and there was a picture of Pierre's 2020 Monza win. You shook your head with a smile at the strains of blond hair, that were flashing out from under the winner's cap. What was he thinking with that blond hair?
In addition to the design books, you also took the book about Formula 1. It's Pierre's life and his big dream to become a world champion one day. Between the holidays, you would have enough time to acquire enough knowledge about Formula 1 and Pierre's profession. As you went to the checkout, you also show the QR code for a book order. The cashier takes the Italian book you ordered from the shelf behind her and puts it and all the other books into a bag. When you left the bookstore it was already dark. Some stores were closed. On your way home, you noticed a small boutique that sold beautiful dresses as well as lingerie. You have often walked past this boutique, but only now it really caught your eye.
You stood in front of the shop window and admired the looks that are on display. Especially a lingerie set with a short silk robe has done it to you. The seller noticed you and opened the door.
"Siamo ancora aperti. Vuole entrare?"
"Sorry..." you start, but the sales lady immediately switched to English.
"Come on in!" she now kindly invited you and waved you into the boutique.
With a smile, you entered the small store.
"You liked this one, right?" she pointed to the middle mannequin. You nod tentatively.
"Go to the fitting room. I'll bring you the set."
You do as your told and on your way there you took off your coat.
"I guess you wear a cup size 80B and a regular 36 right?"
Her talent for guessing your sizes right intrigues you, "Yeah, that’s correct!".
"Coming right up." she smiled.
A few seconds later she holds the Bordeaux red lingerie set and matching silk robe out to you in the fitting room. It's a really soft lace material that felt super smooth against your skin. Your breast were perfectly supported in that bra and also the high thong hugged your curves flawlessly. If you were just a little bit more tanned, it would've just looked divine. You slipped on the short robe and stepped out of the fitting room. The seller clapped in her hands enthusiastically, "Belissima!".
Her euphoria is almost a bit too much for you, but you smile kindly at her and turn to the large mirror.
"I also have the matching suspenders for this set."
"Oh, no no!" you wave it off, "That's perfectly fine."
She didn't take no for an answer - you tell yourself that this was related to the Italian mentality and have the suspenders brought to you. With quick moves she put them on you and she was right, it looked forbidden good.
Pierre, on the other hand, was in the middle of his 2nd workout. He was lying on a yoga mat doing sit ups, as Pyry kept throwing a medicine ball to him, which Pierre expertly caught and threw back.
"So are you a taken man again or what's going on?"
"I can't tell you."
"There is a woman in this world who can resist the charms of Pierre Gasly?"
"Really funny!" gasped Pierre, throwing the ball back harder than before.
"I see - difficult subject." huffed Pyry.
"It feels like it's going in the right direction. We take one step forward and suddenly two steps back."
Pierre talks about your horror of Christmas and how you don't seem to care to spend the holidays alone at all. He couldn't even figure out what he could do to please you as a gift.
"You know Pierre...not everyone celebrates Christmas as hard as you do. Maybe it's just because she's never had a nice Christmas before or can't associate anything positive with it."
Pierre continued his exercises without comment.
"And gifts aren't always the right way to express affection to someone. Maybe she just needs to experience it to know the difference."
"You mean like, taking her to my parents' house for Christmas?"
"No, but maybe do something with her after Christmas?"
"Like a vacation?"
"You guys already talked about that, didn’t you?"
Before you went over to Pierre's, you took your purchases to your apartment and put on something comfortable. Pierre was already waiting for you. You greeted him with a loving kiss. For Pierre it is new to gauge a potential partner so badly. He was happy about every tenderness coming from you and returned it only too gladly. But he also didn't wanted to be intrusive and push you into something you didn't want at all.
"Are you okay?" you asked with a smile, tenderly stroking his cheek.
Pierre smiled slightly and shrugs his shoulders. You're a little confused by his reaction. To you, everything seemed fine.
"Come let's sit down." you asked him and sat down on the sofa, a little more distant than usual.
"What's wrong?"
"I know we agreed to see how things are going between us and I accept that." Pierre began, barely able to look at you.
"But I'm someone who just needs clarity in life!"
You nod in understanding, "You want to know what you mean to me."
Pierre nods tentatively, now looking at you piercingly with his beautiful blue eyes.
"I can understand if you don't want to make a big deal about it. After all, we don't have to rub it in everyone's faces. You're a very private person, especially when it comes to social media. I respect and understand that. We are very different at that point. I don't want to force you into anything either..." he talked his head off.
"Pierre, are you trying to ask me to be your girlfriend?" you interrupted him, before it got even worst.
Pierre's heart was beating faster. That's exactly the question he wanted to ask you, only it was very hard for him to find the right words. He was afraid to scare you away and ruin everything. He sighed, "Yes!".
You hesitated with your answer and let him wait. You noticed how he got nervous more and more. As far as that, he still had a lot to learn. He now looked at you demanding.
You smiled mischievously at him and gave him a gentle kiss on his lips. This only confused him more.
"Is that a yes or a no?" he asked, irritated, after you two break off the kiss.
With a roll of your eyes, you shook your head, giving him a little heart attack, "Jeez Pierre! You really are slow on the uptake!".
You took a deep breath, "I, Y/F/N Y/L/N, am in a serious relationship with you, Pierre Gasly. From now on.".
You've never saw a wider grin on Pierre's face before. Immediately he took your face in his hands and pressed a passionate kiss on your lips.
part X
taglist: @hungryhungarian @scotlynaurora @justthatgirlxox @hannahholland1811
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bcofl0ve · 2 years
first of all you’re such a talented writer i’m like wow omg. second could i get something based off of this prompt- 12. “How long has it been since you ate something?” with austin and a model!reader thats his girlfriend? thank you!
prompt: "how long has it been since you ate something"
summary: austin butler was a part time expert in seeing right through every wall you put up, which you'd come to accept as both a gift and a curse.
content warning: insecurity surrounding weight, disordered eating habits
You popped your head up from your phone when you heard the trailer door open, holding back at the giggle at Austin's appearance walking inside. They'd been filming some sort of concert riot scene for the past few hours, and he looked like he'd been swept up by a tornado- hair all over the place and suit jacket only halfway on.
"Hey stunner," You quipped and he rolled his eyes as he shed the jacket and shoes by the door to drop down next to you, leaning in for a kiss with whispered "Hey baby," against your mouth.
"I feel bad that you're sitting in here all by yourself for so long whenever you visit." He continued when he pulled back and you shrugged, running a hand through his hair. "It's a change of scenery from my living room or the gym, I'll take it."
He flopped back next to you on the couch and picked up his phone, shaking out his hair as he did.
"I was about to send the runners my Door Dash order if you want anything,"
Austin spoke without looking up and you bit the inside of your cheek.
"I'm alright.”
You knew what was coming before he even opened his mouth, this not the first time you'd had this squabble. Except the last few times it had come up you'd come up with a good enough excuse about feeling sick or already having eaten something. It didn't look like he'd buy it this time.
"Really? You didn't eat this morning 'cuz we were running late, it's almost four in the afternoon."
Fighting the urge to roll your eyes, swallowed. "It’s fine, Austin."
"No Y/N, it's not fine. How long has it been since you ate something? Did you get dinner when you were waiting for me to get done last night?"
That question made you recoil, and you felt like he’d flicked on police interrogation lights over your head. It was one thing to say you were fine but it was another to flat out lie, and Austin knew that just as well as you did.
"The Dior show in France in two weeks, my manager is up my ass about his managers being up his ass about sending girls who don't "fit their look"." You mumbled and looked down, mind wandering back to the just a few hours ago when manager in question had called bitching about it so hard you almost cried.
When you looked back up the worry, and touch of anger on your behalf, in Austin's face made you want to look away again but he reached out before you could. Tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, he scooted a little closer.
"I'm not gonna pretend to understand the crap you have to put up with in the whole modeling gig" He started. "But maybe this is a sign that you need to find different representation, after the France show?"
He wasn't wrong on that point, but the amount of legwork it would take gave you a headache just to think about.
"More of a headache than not eating is gonna give you?”
You didn't realize you'd said that out-loud until Austin replied, looking at you more seriously than he had been before.
"I'll look into it." You said and he seemed to take the hint that you were done with the topic, giving a small nod as he picked his phone back up.
You waited a minute before leaning over onto his shoulder to look at his Door Dash screen, relaxing when you felt his arm wrap around your body. "Get me a Subway to eat while I do?"
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renaiswriting · 1 year
Velvet Embrace (part 2)
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Pairing: Jeon Wonwoo/Reader
Shadow people were always there in your life. They never disturbed you; they never interacted with you; it was like there was a pact between both of you to simply ignore each other. They saw you grow from a baby to an adult.
So why are you now getting attached to one of them who keeps looking out for you?
Warnings: None in this part I think
Word count: 1.2k
Author's note: Hello there! I'm creating a tag list, so if you wanna be tagged on the next updates for this story please let me know!
If you wanna be tagged, please fill out the tag list form
Previous | Velvet Embrace masterlist | Next
The Silent Watchers Masterlist
"You're really tense." Your mother noticed, moving behind you and giving your tense shoulders a massage. "Those exams are really giving you a hard time, isn't it?
You nodded.
But it wasn't because of the exams.
You have been done with exams for almost a week now.
You haven't failed any of them.
"I just have been studying a lot lately." You excused yourself, giving him a weak smile.
"I can tell; look at those dark circles." Your mother clicked her tongue, shaking her head in disapproval. "Are you sleeping well? Are you eating enough vegetables? Maybe sending you away was not the right choice."
"I'm doing fine. Really." You reassured her, taking her hands in yours. "Exams would have been hell in here, just as it is on my own."
"Language." Your mother scolded you.
"Sorry. But soon I'll be on a break, and I'll come home more often. You'll get sick of me sleeping all day and eating all your food before you notice it." You laughed softly.
"I'll never get sick of you being home. You know it." She dismissed your words. "I'm always worried about you. I just want my baby to be healthy and happy."
"I am, mom. Don't worry about me; you worry too much."
"Whatever." She rolled her watery eyes, holding you in a thigh hug. "I love you."
"I love you, too."
"I'll make sure your father remembers to drop by next Tuesday and give you some of the meat he will buy; he always buys way too much for us two."
Having these weekend visits was never easy. You went back home, missing your family more than ever, and the big empty house always made you feel lonely.
Not to mention that they always insist on you staying for dinner and to sleep, even when you didn't bring your books with you.
Which always ended up with you going back home when it was already late and dark.
And it meant dealing with them.
You took a deep breath from the other side of the door. Your father was watching you from his car, waiting to see you get inside safely before driving back to his own house.
You have never mentioned the shadows again, ever since you were little.
You were scared they would think you had officially lost your kind and make you go back to them.
You needed to prove to them that you were not crazy. That you were not imagining things and, most importantly, that you would do well in life even if those things were always around.
You needed to prove it.
You needed to prove it to yourself.
You need to believe it yourself.
You could hear the TV from outside; you remember clearly leaving the house on Friday afternoon and turning the TV off to avoid having a big bill at the end of the month.
But clearly, Hidden did not have any consideration for your wallet, and he probably even knew about the existence of bills and money.
You opened the door.
Everything seemed normal.
The hallway was barely illuminated by the lights coming from your bedroom, all the way from the second floor.
The kitchen was silent, as was the second floor; the only noise that you could hear was the one coming from the TV and from the bathroom that you had forbid yourself from ever entering.
You waved your dad goodbye when the car started driving away, closing the door behind your back. You clunked your bag and your jacket closer to your chest, like an invisible cape to protect you from the shadows.
You took your shoes off, not wanting to make any sort of noise as you were walking through the stairs.
The sofa moved near the window, and that was enough to make you run upstairs.
You shut your door. Your chest was moving up and down fast as your lungs were trying to catch as much air as possible.
Your jacket and bag were both at your feet, your body resting against the door to give it extra weight and make it more difficult to open it if one of the shadows were even trying to.
When you recovered, you moved to your closet, searching for your pajamas to change into and make yourself feel safe.
Or at least as soon as possible.
Your phone vibrated with an upcoming call from one of your university classmates.
"Hello! Did I call you in a bad moment?"
"Of course not! What do you need?" You replied. Kate was sounding just as stressed as you remembered her. She was in so many classes that you actually wondered how she managed to pass every single one of them and still find time to eat and sleep.
"I was checking our team project, and I realized Melissa didn't answer one of the points she was supposed to make." She sighed. "I tried to contact her all day; I called her like five times, and I haven't received any reply from her yet. I would do this on my own if I could, but I still have to study for my Math exam tomorrow and the Economic one I have next Tuesday. Could you do me a favor and do that answer, please?"
"That's weird; I texted her this morning and she replied to me," you frowned, "but yeah, I'll look at it now and see what I can do. Don't worry about it."
"Thank you! I'll be here all night, so if you need something, just text me, alright? See you tomorrow."
I was not needing that sleep at all. You bitterly said to yourself, finally freeing you from the uncomfortable outside clothes to your comfortable pajamas.
You knew why Melissa hadn't replied to any of Kate's texts or calls.
She had mentioned to you about that party she was so eager to go to and the one she had invited you to a thousand times because she didn't feel like going alone.
There was no way to get out of it now, you thought. You wouldn't be selfish and drop everything on Kate; she was already extremely busy, and you couldn't make Melissa start writing what she hasn't done yet because the girl was probably drunk by now.
It needed to be done by tomorrow.
You were ready for another all-nighter.
This was the fourth one on that list that week; one more? What could possibly be added to the list?
You opened the file Kate sent to your email, checking every single answer just in case something else was missing since you couldn't afford to fail it.
You were already fifteen minutes in when a soft knock on your door startled you.
You kept quiet, not moving at all.
The knock repeated itself once again when there was no reply from your side.
Then, something moved under your door; it was a tiny piece of paper with something written on the back of it.
The letters were neatly written, with a black tint.
You took it with shaking hands; your body temperature was dropping with every second that passed.
The knocking started again. It was always the same. One single knock was enough to tell you that it was still there, waiting for a response.
Another tiny piece of paper moved under the doorframe.
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