#“who did this to you?”
magicaldragons · 8 months
a friend just told me:
"yk, salaar proves that a movie without any romance can be pretty compelling if it's executed correctly."
my brother in kateramma, this movie is 88% romance if you put the right glasses on.
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psychologeek · 7 months
Tío Jay (guilt)
DAY 13: "you weren't supposed to get hurt"‌‌ DAY 15: "who did this to you?"
(from Who am I (to disappear))
It makes sense. It makes sense. 
Of course of course of course, his brain keeps screaming at him. Of course this would happen! What did you think, you get yourself all blown up and they just got good life and happy and go to college? You should have known that! You should have known better! They didn't even have an ID or any sort of documents. How do you think they got money and food and –
He's chopping, just partly hear Cass talking about their kids.
They have two. They have two fucking kids, and you weren't there.
He's chopping, trying to calm his brain and get his hands to stop shaking and keep the fucking GREEN away because he's not going to be another person thet hurt them.
(He saw it. He saw it in the way they made it clear those kids are wanted, no matter how they got them. In the way they made it very clear they won't let him hurt them. Like they are used to someone hurting them.)
Well, it's not like he got anyone else to blame. He knew how it's going. He knew the girls with kids, and he knew the girls he worked with.
But that's why he did it. That's why he promised to himself they'll never have to do it.
(Just another broken promise. Just another disappointment. What else?)
“They sound like great kids,” he says when the main dish is in the oven. He made extra - enough for five or six dishes, guessing they could use some prepared meals.
“I’m sure you're very proud of them. I can't wait to meet them,” he adds.
He's honest – he can't stop thinking about Purple - a loud toddler, obsessed with the color purple and making her mind very clear. Smiling and loving Waffles.
(He can get her a dress. Girls like dresses, right? Or a doll?)
He thinks about Watcher - a curious baby, looking at the world with big eyes and always get into places. One that refuses to go to bed, but fall asleep in strange positions. 
(What babies like? Should he bring him Legos? No, that's for older kids. A pacifier? Plushie? What do you get a baby??)
There are so many things he wants to ask -
Who's the other parent? Do you know?
Did you want that?
How long was it before you had to-?
He doesn't ask
(He doesn't think he could live with the answer.)
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seasinkarnadine · 2 years
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Undead tissue doesn’t heal the same way living skin does. The body’s natural responses are stymied, so without magic it takes an absolute age for injuries to recover. On the other hand, one can continue moving whence the living might be debilitated with pain. It’s been a long time since Laudna felt the pain of being alive. Her left leg drags awkwardly behind her as she stumbles through the inn’s front door.
“Excuse me–terribly sorry,” she murmurs as she maneuvers through the busy crowd. “Oops–! Let me clean that for you.” She prestidigitates the woman’s dress in apology. “You look ravishing in that, by the way.”
It’s a relief to finally reach the stairs. 
Between the railing and her good leg she manages an awkward hop-skip-drag up, one step at a time. There’s a long look from a dragonborn who passes her on his way down, but nobody halts her progress. Thank goodness. 
Her hands are shaking so it takes a few tries before she gets the key into the lock. It’s empty. The others must still be gathering their supplies. That’s probably for the best.
It takes a few minutes of digging through her supplies but she comes up with a spool of red thread. There’s black in there somewhere, but she likes how the red looks against her skin. Almost like she has actual blood. 
“Oi! Put me onna table, all this swingin’ about’s gon’ make me sick!” Ah. Oops. 
“Sorry, Pâté.” She unhooks him from her belt and settles him against her pack.
“They gotcha pretty good huh?” He tilts his head to get a better look at her.
“Oh, damn. Am I quite a mess?”
“‘Fraid so.” She doesn’t have any mirrors so it’s difficult to do a proper assessment. Imogen probably has one… no, it would be rude to go digging through her things.
"I suppose we will have to do what we can." 
"Ye, get the one on yer hip, yer leakin' all o'er the floor!"
"Dear. So I am." It's not difficult to hike up her skirt; the villagers slashed right through it with their scythes. Seems like they cut through tendons, too. Otherwise her hip dislocated when she fell. She'll have a poke at it later.
"Little to the right and they'd have got your lady bits," Pâté notes.
"How gruesome that would've been," Laudna chuckles. Her shaky hands steady some as she weaves the needle through her skin. 
"I betcha it would look like ground meat. Is Imogen inta that?"
"Pâté," she scolds gently.
"Right, sorry." 
She finishes stitching her hip back together, and then moves on to her wrists. She used them to cover her head so they unfortunately took quite the beating.
The door slams open, causing Laudna to startle about 6 feet in the air.
“Assholes,” Imogen spits, unbuckling her harness and tossing it onto the bed. “Laudna?” She turns, but her eyes don’t land quite right. “Why you sittin’ here in the dark?”
“Oh! Seems I rather lost track of time.” She gently folds her skirt over her hip. When had the sun set? “Darling, what happened?” Now that she’s paying attention, Laudna can feel the agitated hum of Imogen’s mind hovering at the edge of her consciousness 
“Small-minded country folk is what happened.” Imogen busies herself with lighting the lamps in their room. “It took me fuckin’ three hours to find a shop that even carried the griffon feathers and when I did the shopkeep took one look at my arms an’ hair and pretended he didn’ even see me! Every time someone new’d show up he’d talk to them before me! And-and then! When I finally did get his attention, he said he didn’t have the feathers, like they weren’t just sittin’ out on the front of the table for everyone to see!”
“What if I went back with you? I’m sure the two of us together could find a way to…persuade him to part with the goods.”
“No, thank you,” Imogen sighs. “I got the feathers in the end–Laudna!” Imogen’s eyes go wide as she turns to look at Laudna for the first time since entering the room.
“What happened?!” 
“What? Where?” Her form of dread prickles at her skin as she searches for the cause of Imogen’s alarm.
“Sweetheart, no. Your face…” 
“Oh.” Her magic settles down. “Is it bad?” The grim set to Imogen’s jaw is at odds with the tender way she cups Laudna’s cheek. 
“Who did this to you.” Something flutters up Laudna’s spine at the dangerous husk in Imogen’s voice.
“I-I took a tumble down some stairs–”
“How’d you fall down stairs?”
“I was in a hurry–”
“Why were you in a hurry?”
“Some of the townsfolk mistook me for a ghoul.” Imogen’s mind stops buzzing and picks up a tapping rhythm instead. She’s asking to be let in. Laudna does not deny her. laudna could never deny her.
I’m gonna fucken’ killem–
No, no, it’s alright. They pushed me into a river–
They pushed you into a river–!
–and I’m pretty sure they think they killed me. They won’t come after me. It’s alright.
Alright?! You coulda drowned!
Darling, I don’t need to breathe. Past the first bend the river was quite calm, really. It was easy to swim out. I dried myself and sneaked back here.
Imogen stands back, her hands balled into fists. Laudna doesn’t need the mental connection to know that fury is blazing bright and hot.
“I’m gonna burn this place to the fucken’ ground.”
“Dear you know I fully support whatever you want to do, but can’t we take a rest, first? I’m exhausted.” She’s beautiful when she’s angry (she’s beautiful all the time), but the townsfolk don’t deserve Imogen’s wrath. They saw Laudna and they were scared. They wanted to protect what they loved.  She can’t fault them for that. After all, if Imogen were in danger, Laudna would do whatever was necessary.
You are far too generous to the world, Imogen sighs. Her body relaxes, her fists unfurling. And far too sweet to me. She sits down on the bed.
“Hand me the jar with the–what’s it called, arcina.” They spend the rest of the evening tending to Laudna’s injuries together. As a team.
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sakurasfallingstar · 1 year
ShiSaku Week: Day 7
Shisui is an idiot.
The biggest idiot I ever met.
Ever since Danzo had raged war against my shishō with root, nothing had been the same. My once peaceful home became a battle field. Children were constantly being left orphaned left and right from families crossfire, and parents would often be loosing their own children as well.
Bodies and kunai were often scattered left and right. Most of us had to stoop low and steal supplies from fallen comrades and enemies. We just had to survive.
My team are stationed I'm the front lines along with the majority of Konoha 11. We used to be 12, but we lost Neji a while back.
Turns out he'd do anything to ensure Hinata's survival.
Anyways, with so many people with kekkei genkai dying, Danzo would have his ninjas prioritize on steeling them. Be it from their their DNA to their eyes. The Uchiha's where especially targeted.
There was one time, Shisui held a dying 12 year old clan member in his arms. You could tell that the kid, was in pain from not just the fatal spinal wound, but from the fact that their eye sockets were empty. Shisui did his best to comfort and get information from the preteen.
'Who did this to you," he asked, gently.
" Danzo. Ambush. My team... dead," the child said.
That would be the last thing they ever said.
Shisui was never the same after that. He's always had a soft spot for kids, alway trying to lead fights away from civilian shelters or districts. When he worked with genius he'd often have them doing something away from the battle, like evacuation.
Now that a family member, who still had so much in life to experience, died in his arms: I could see that he activated his Mangekyō Sharingan.
I tried to reach out to him calm him down before he did something that would endanger not just himself but those who care for him. He ran off before I could do anything.
Now I'm here, running through the trees as fast as I could. I may not be the best sensor, but I am moderately good enough. It helps that I've worked closely with him, that I've grown familiar with his chakra.
It was easy to pinpoint at this point.
But by the time I had reached his location, his left eye had been bleeding, and was shut. Meanwhile, across the battle field was Danzo. Let's just say what lies under his bandages is no longer a secret.
Just as Danzo ran to deliver the finishing blow, likely wanting to get his hands on Shisui's right eye, I shunshined toward him. With my arms wrapping around his shoulders, I once more flicking away as far as I could. Once we were safe, I began the healing process of his eye.
"You do know what you just did was stupid, right," I informed him.
He said nothing in reply. I get he's probably feeling like shit right now, but he need to understand what his actions caused. What his actions cause me to feel in that time span.
"I get it Sakura! I messed. I shouldn't have gone alone, but you don't get it. That was a family member, and tou saw what Danzo did with those eyes," he yelled, and honestly as much a I am sympathizing him, I am also slightly infuriated.
How dare he assume I don't know what it was like to loose someone I cared for deeply. Especially, since he knows what happened to my mother in the beginning of the war. Know how many patients I couldn't same after getting close to the.
My silence must of been enough for him to realize what he implied. I finished up healing the eye tissue, and covered it up as quickly as I could. I did not want to explode and say something that could ruin what ever our relationship is called.
"Sakura, I- I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to come out that way. I just," he said tailing off at the end, my was already to him at this point.
"Please, say something Sakura."
"You can be such a hero, you know that. You not only put yourself in danger, but you disregarded how it'd affect those around you.
How'd it affect me.
You could have died. You could have broken your promise you made me after my mom died. Do you know what that would have done to me," I informed him, finally turning back to look at him.
To hell with the fact that my eyes are tearing up. He needed to see what he caused me to feel.
Suddenly his arms where around me, in a tight hug. Wrapping my arms around his wait,I buried my face in the the crook of his neck.
"I am so sorry, Sakura. I promised I'd never leave you, and your right. I did almost break it, but it was thanks to you that I'm here. That danzo does not have my other eye,' he said, as he pulled away.
Hie gave me a smile, and placed two fingers against my forehead.
Maybe. Maybe I could not be angry with him right now. Perhaps, I should be happy that I can still hold him in my arms.
No matter how stupid he is, or how big of a jerk he is; he'll also be my stupid jerk that I love.
Plus, he'll be the one filling in Tsunade shishō on today's events. Not me.
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secret-bug-pain-blog · 7 months
Febuwhump Day 15 - "Who did this to you?"
The We Forgot To Post Some Prompts Special, part two. We're linking the index here. This one's more Scarlet In The Worst Possible Situations.
"And what on the path could put in a state like that? I know I'm not an ant, but I don't think that a trip to see the queen is that treacherous."
"Ah, I appreciate your concern, but I'm not-" Scarlet cut himself off as the moth set a heavy paw on his shoulder, their scent shading to concern in what he was almost certain was a trained response by now. He could practically taste the sympathy in their scent, carefully laid to mask the trace scents he'd been following- they knew what they were doing, he was sure, and trying to work out what motive could possibly lead a bug to pretend at warmth like that made his wings itch for the safety of open air.
Scarlet quickly checked to make sure that his stress pheromones were still out of production. Something was giving him a very, very bad feeling about this.
"It was nothing," Scarlet said. "Just me getting a bit lost."
"So you've been saying," the moth agreed. They didn't move a muscle. He couldn't help but feel the slightest bit skittish at the clearly-trained scent they were still putting off. What were they playing a role for?
Scarlet racked his memory, trying to remember if he'd done anything to prompt it. His memories of the past week were entirely too blurry to parse, muddled in the haze of whatever substance he'd had to clear from his bloodstream- indistinct rivulets of thought that he hadn't the time or the presence of mind to parse. Everything was a mess of texture, the taste of rose tea, the distinct feeling that something had gone wrong, the presence of a bug he couldn't name melted into his side-
"I don't think that nothing breaks shell like that. I don't think that nothing splinters carapace, or layers a scarf to hide beetle-horn wounds, or drugs a bug to the gills on nectar that'd have to have been harvested during a festival that happened months ago. I especially don't think that nothing lands a bug on enough of something to have him cuddling up to my daughter like letting go for a split second will stop his heart dead."
The moth ruffled their wings, a faint steel underlining their voice. "Doing something like that needs intent. Needs effort. Needs a bug behind it - and I know for a fact that it's too far out of season to find Venus Bud nectar in the wild. Be honest with me. Who did this to you?"
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autobot2001 · 3 months
Accidents Happen
Author: Autobot2001 genre:: Fanfiction Fandom: Transformers Rating: E Warning: None Pairing: Sunstreaker X Lily Jones (OC) Description: Sunstreaker assumes someone hurt Lily. Drift decides he needs to talk to Sunstreaker.
@juneofdoom day 13, alt 1; "Who did this to you?"
Lily sneaks around the base until she reaches the stairs. She rushes up the stairs and toward a room.
Lily isn’t looking forward to seeing Sunstreaker right now. Unfortunately, her plan backfires as Sunstreaker is the one answering the door. Lily sits on the couch next to Jamie. She knows the others see her swollen lip. “Who did this to you?!” Sunstreaker asks, not pleased. “You, with me, now!” Drift says as he pulls Sunstreaker to follow him. “What happened?” Crosshairs asks. “I got hit in the mouth with a ball during gym. I hate dodgeball.” Lily explains what dodgeball is. When she’s finished, Crosshairs looks at her lip.
“What the frag, Drift?!” “You! I know you worry about Lily, especially with fragging soldiers targeting her, but you’re causing Lily to be afraid to talk to you or be near you if something happens. She was hoping to avoid you.” Sunstreaker knows Drift is right. He goes back into the room with Drift following him.
Sunstreaker picks up Lily to hug her. “I’m sorry.” Lily hugs him and rests her head on his shoulder.
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crimsonlyinglilly · 7 months
DAY 15: "Who did this to you?"
Day 15 of Febuwhump.
a direct follow on from Day 14 more from Familiar Faces.
Meeting Elijah other brother-in-law.
Sean loves the kid, Ellis was as much his little brother as Maria’s as well as the closest thing to a son he would have, he was never going to remarry, she had been the only one for him since he had met her.
When she had left him it was really Ellis that had brought him back for the pit he had tried to drink himself into, his family kept them afloat but Elijah made sure he didn’t choke in his sleep, calmed Daria in the night when Sean’s family had left.
In the aftermath of Maria’s death he had lost himself to grief, it wasn’t until months later he had noticed the hands cleaning up after him, the ones caring for his daughter wasn’t an aunt or cousin of his but the little boy who just just lost a sister and mother-figure himself.
He had raised Ellis, and even he had to wonder where he got everything from. He was strange, brilliant, almost terrifyingly smart, and far older than he should be sometimes, but that was half the problem.
Maria had begun teaching Ellis his numbers and letters during her pregnancy, in the aftermath he had forgotten and was only reminded much later when he decided to cut down his drink, when he had come home to find Ellis reading the newspaper to his aunt, when asked Ellis had shrugged confused at the idea it was hard.
“Maria taught me the basics, it was easy to remember after that.” the nearly nine year old had explained.
The pain her name brought almost made him miss it but ‘remember’ wasn’t the word that should have been used; he told himself it was an easy mistake given Maria had been insistent on raising Ellis with Bulgarian first.
But Ellis had never slipped up like that before, and it didn’t explain the penmanship that Sean is pretty sure is beaten into the upperclass’s kids but came naturally to Ellis.
In the end that didn’t matter, he had to keep food on their plates, roof above their head, and money to cover them during Ellis’s illness, Sean had adapted to Ellis little oddities before Maria’s death; he didn't have time to question it now he had one child and a half to manage.
Half because for all the help Ellis was and he was, he managed the house and Daria during his mourning and made it very clear he was going to keep that up even after Sean dragged himself into being there for his daughter, Ellis was still a child with fragile health.
Even if he seemed to forget he was a child at times and actively pushed himself far more than a person his age should let alone one as fragile of health as he was.
Ellis saw no reason he couldn’t go to the shop himself.
He charmed people to help him carry the groceries back and when Sean had argued against it he started selling his ability to read and write to earn extra on the side, to then buy a cart to do it instead.
Realising he couldn’t win against the stubborn headstrong boy he had spread the word to his cousins to watch out for him, the best part of a large family at least, Ellis’s own charm had limits and the tiny boy with a crane could prove to be too much of an opportunity for some to resist.
It was unfortunate that Ellis, as brilliant as he was, seemed to believe he needed to do everything on his own and had a habit of taking concern and care over his health as a refusal to help or lack of belief that he could do anything and had to act on his own instead.
So really after weeks of Ellis’s concern over Aleksandra’s daughter and suspicion over Antonio he should have expected to find little Minnie at his table one day on his return.
The growing bruise on his sharp thin cheek wasn’t expected.
Or acceptable.
"Who did this to you?" he asked as he rushed across their small kitchen to check him, looking him over for any other marks.
The boy feels terrifyingly small to him as he traces the bruise.
Elijah smiles and tries to distract him but Sean knows his little brother to much for that
“Who, Elijah Todorov, tell me?” He had an idea with Minnie quietly sitting beside his own Ria, it was bad enough the rumours of Antonio’s violence if he had proof he was taking his cousins to teach him a lesson, damn the tensions if he had laid a hand on Elijah, Sean was going to kill him himself.
Sean had spent too many days listening to Elijah struggling to breath during his illnesses, seeing his persistence to walk after days too weak to get from the bed, bruising was bad enough when it was caused by his own stubbornness to accept his limits, another person causing it wasn’t acceptable. 
Using his proper full name at least caused Elijah to drop the fake smile and straighten.
“He won’t do it again.” was what he got.
“Papa fell.” Minnie answered instead. 
He looked between them suddenly, noting the small bag by her chair and Elijah’s crane sitting in a bucket of water by the door, the handle glistening in a way that showed both ends had needed a wash.
He didn’t question how Elijah had brought the bucket in, instead turning to his daughter, he had questions it was better they weren’t listening to.
“Ria, why don’t you go show Minnie your toys, while I talk with Ellis okay?” he told her.
His darling daughter nodded without hesitation and hopped off the chair to pull her cousin with her.
Leaving him alone with Elijah.
“Explain?” he ordered sharply as Elijah tried to look away from him.
“I went to see her, he took my concerns poorly.” Elijah replied.
“And hit you?” he asked, eyeing the bruise that covered his cheek, that wasn’t all he knew but he kept his tongue and he waited for Elijah to nod and continue.
“Then he stumbled and fell down the stairs.” Normally Elijah was a wordsmith, a natural con man one of his less legal cousins had told him with admiration, so Sean took the short answers and lack of description as proof something had shaken the boy.
If he was normal Sean would assume he’d be in tears but he had an idea that if Elijah was normal this wouldn’t have happened, what was he doing going over there alone? 
“And your crane?” he glanced towards the bucket.
“It may have gotten some blood on it.” Elijah admitted
“Both ends?”
“I dropped it,”  he was told and Sean spotted the first of Elijah’s tells that he was lying “when I realised he was gone.”
He hadn’t dropped it, somehow his crane became covered in blood another way, he stared at his frail boy, the child he raised and was suddenly aware he wasn’t surprised as the picture came into view.
Elijah believed Antonio had something to do with Aleksandra’s death, that Minerva wasn’t safe, had Elijah gone looking for proof or had the man given to him when he hit him? Sean couldn’t believe the idea that Ellis had the strength to beat him with the crane, Antonio was a large man, three if not four time Elijah, but how many hits would he really need to get him to fall.
Just a hit or two in the right place and let gravity do the rest.
Elijah was easily smart enough to work that out.
He stared at Elijah, taking in the way he was slumped in the chair even as he tried to sit straight, he was exhausted and had clearly pushed his body beyond itself.
That left him with the knowledge that he had underestimated Ellis again.
“The police said they ’d be calling here later.” Ellis admitted suddenly for a moment looking his age and concerned before he covered it all with a breath.
Sean sighed.
“Right, stay here.” he told him. The twelve year old shrugged in a way that asked what else he was going to do.
“Ria” he called his daughter back into the room adding “Minnie” for the other little girl, “watch you uncle he isn’t allowed to move.” When they arrived, both the girls nodded with complete seriousness, Elijah pouted but didn’t argue, when he added “and help him to bed.”
Which proved he had pushed himself too far, Sean let himself feel a small bit of relief that he wouldn’t have to argue and that Ellis would leave this to him as an adult.
He had to get his cousins, they would know what he needed to deal with the officers, and how he’d be able to keep Minnie.
He had two little girls and Ellis now. 
Well at least they could help him manage Ellis.
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waywardwizzard · 7 months
Inara slowly walked up the ramp, her light turquoise dress swishing around her ankles, throwing up dust. The bruise on her cheek was a vivid purple, throbbing in time with her footsteps.
She ignored Mal lurking in the corner of the cargo bay, the scent of leather filling her heart until it felt like it would burst.
Just as she reached the foot of the stairs the captain was next to her, calloused fingers gently turning her face to his.
"Who did this to you?" Mal murmured, his voice loud in the quiet bay.
Serenity's gentle hum filled the air between them, twining around them until it was only them and nothing else.
The comms suddenly crackled and they jumped apart, Inara immediately going up to her shuttle, leaving the captain standing at the foor of the stairs.
Mal cursed, watching as she walked up the stairs, her dress flowing out behind her, wondering why he hired the yu ben de pilot.
Author's note-
Looks like everytime I do a prompt challenge I have to do a Mal/Inara snippet😅
Anyway, as always, I'm sorry if this ain't great, I'm hot and I just finished one of the subjects for Uni so I'm tired af
Stay safe, and remember to take a break and hydrate
Love y'all <3
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storyweaverofgondor · 11 months
Summary: Gray is attacked while returning from a job.
@badthingshappenbingo BINGO!
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Love it when Rolling Stone puts out an article about the 25 most influential internet creators and I've only heard of 7 of them
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cartoonsinthemorning · 3 months
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Since you guys liked Marcille as Kermit that much, it seems fitting to thank you for my 12k milestone with MORE Kercille. And this time, Miss Falin is also here.
Thank you so much again everybody! MWAH 💗
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butchfalin · 10 months
the funniest meltdown ive ever had was in college when i got so overstimulated that i could Not speak, including over text. one of my friends was trying to talk me through it but i was solely using emojis because they were easier than trying to come up with words so he started using primarily emojis as well just to make things feel balanced. this was not the Most effective strategy... until. he tried to ask me "you okay?" but the way he chose to do that was by sending "👉🏼👌🏼❓" and i was so shocked by suddenly being asked if i was dtf that i was like WHAT???? WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?????????? and thus was verbal again
#yeehaw#1k#5k#10k#posts that got cursed. blasted. im making these tag updates after... 19 hours?#also i have been told it should say speech loss bc nonverbal specifically refers to the permanent state. did not know that!#unfortunately i fear it is so far past containment that even if i edited it now it would do very little. but noted for future reference#edit 2: nvm enough ppl have come to rb it from me directly that i changed the wording a bit. hopefully this makes sense#also. in case anyone is curious. though i doubt anyone who is commenting these things will check the original tags#1) my friend did not do this on purpose in any way. it was not intended to distract me or to hit on me. im a lesbian hes a gay man. cmon now#he felt very bad about it afterwards. i thought it was hilarious but it was very embarrassed and apologetic#2) “why didn't he use 🫵🏼?” didn't exist yet. “why didn't he use 🆗?” dunno! we'd been using a lot of hand emojis. 👌🏼 is an ok sign#like it makes sense. it was just a silly mixup. also No i did not invent 👉🏼👌🏼 as a gesture meaning sex. do you live under a rock#3) nonspeaking episodes are a recurring thing in my life and have been since i was born. this is not a quirky one-time thing#it is a pervasive issue that is very frustrating to both myself and the people i am trying to communicate with. in which trying to speak is#extremely distressing and causes very genuine anguish. this post is not me making light of it it's just a funny thing that happened once#it's no different than if i post about a funny thing that happened in conjunction w a physical disability. it's just me talking abt my life#i don't mind character tags tho. those can be entertaining. i don't know what any of you are talking about#Except the ppl who have said this is pego/ryu or wang/xian. those people i understand and respect#if you use it as a writing prompt that's fine but send it to me. i want to see it#aaaand i think that's it. everyday im tempted to turn off rbs on it. it hasn't even been a week
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sidhewrites · 4 months
Being kink positive makes it really hard to be a hater of media rip. I used to love watching “the WORST book I’ve read this year” booktube videos but now its like I hear them ask, “Who is this werewolf smut even for?” Omegaverse fans, next question. “Why would you write this?” Because they find it sexy, can we stop focusing on the ewie yucky kink part and focus on the fact that the author used the word knot five times in a single scene? It’s bad werewolf erotica, but it’s not bad because it’s werewolf erotica like come on
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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License to Kitty.
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chessb0r3d · 1 month
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Analysis so bad you don't even know what it's talking about anymore.
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julnites · 9 months
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Red riding hood comic collab with the wonderful @yeehawpim (go check out their blog for loads of great comics!) 🌷 See the layouts he did here!
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