#“you copied the new Vincent Valentine!”
asheanon · 6 months
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🐌 Sorry, I got thoroughly distracted earlier and meant to add onto this particular little tag! Someone asked about Amthyr, the OC mentioned here that looks a lot like the new Vincent.
In short, again, he's the mentor-like figure mentioned in Sal's bio - very significant character, honestly! He taught her most of what she knows about combat and attempted to teach her more than she could even grasp! (I.e: what she was able to grasp on, say, sword techniques? All him.) Taught her about maintaining Etherealism, etc. Comes off as a bit of a harsh teacher or even father figure to her. I'll have to write up a proper bio on him, one day. I do actually know his life story - it's something that's been in my head for years and I just haven't written it. You know how it goes, amirite, guys?
I only have older artwork of him, sadly, but... here's what I have of him anyway.~
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And from waaay back in 2011...
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And even older still... 🪦
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🤔 Now that I actually have another look at him again, it may have just been me only vaguely remembering... but man, Vincent's new hair just instantly made me think of this guy! That and his deeper, gruffer voice. The eyes - the new chaotic eye/heterochromia deal. Some aspects of his demeanor remind me of him too...
That said, though, in my defense, Amthyr actually draws most of his inspiration from Kratos Aurion (Tales of Symphonia!) You can see more of it in the earliest rendition of him (the one with the "epic" face marking/tattoo/whatever it was.) And back then, the divergences were me being more unique and developing him... ... Then Square had to go and make Vincent look a bit like him and lead me to this crisis - which may not even be a crisis - they have their differences, still! In my head, though, they looked and seemed so much alike, I was losing my mind...!
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sephirthoughts · 2 months
Father: Verb
Epilogue (2 of probably 4)
Summary: 11 year-old WMD Sephiroth is assigned a new handler/bodyguard, named Vincent Valentine.
LISTEN I LIED OK. THERE ARE MORE THAN TWO PARTS TO THIS EPILOGUE I CAN'T HELP IT. a lot of people need to have their loose ends tied up and who am i to deny them? after this, there's a heavy one (mom needed her own entire chapter), and the fun one (for everyone else) will be last. i think. who knows, at this rate.
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gratuitous sephiroth because he's beautiful
“You guys come from Nibelheim?” asked a shirtless, very suntanned teenaged boy, who had just carried in a crate of vegetables. “No? Oh, man, did you hear what happened over there? Earthquake opened up natural gas vents, blew Shinra Manor sky high. The Mt. Nibel reactor melted down, too. Town’s ok, but the reactor’s fucked. Lot of people out of jobs, now. They’ve been showing up here, all week.”
“Is that so?” replied the customer he was addressing; a tall, slender, extraordinarily handsome youth, with black hair and crimson eyes. “How unfortunate.”
“Know what I heard?” the first teenaged boy’s equally shirtless and suntanned brother piped up, as he carried in another vegetable crate. “I heard a bunch of those monsters they were making there broke loose, and that’s what did it. They say Shinra’s covering it all up, by claiming it was earthquakes and gas leaks and shit. But my best friend’s girlfriend is in the fourth infantry and she told him—”
“Alright you two, shut your yaps and get back to work,” a trim, middle-aged woman in an apron and sundress scolded, shooing away her gossiping sons, who rolled their eyes and stalked off, with their crates of vegetables. She beamed at the customer they’d been chatting to, as she unfolded a paper bag and filled it with the wrapped sandwiches he’d ordered. “That all for ya, honey?”
“Yes, ma’am,” the youth nodded. “Oh—and a chocolate chip cookie. Thank you, ma’am.”
The little blonde boy at his side reached for the oversized cookie, but the youth took it and put it into the bag, with the sandwiches.
“No more sweets till after lunch,” he admonished. “You can’t grow up tall and strong like me, on an all-cookie diet. Now give me your hand and don’t run off.”
The woman behind the counter smiled warmly, to see the older boy (brother she assumed, though they didn’t look much alike) taking such attentive care of the younger, and the little one minding him so well, holding his hand and doing as he was told, without fussing or making a scene.
Just then, the sound of a crash and two young, male voices arguing came from the back of the shop. She sighed, shaking her head. If only her two idiot sons were so well-behaved and thoughtful as those two. They must have a much better father.
Oblivious to the unfavorable comparison they’d created for the other two young men, the black-haired youth and the tiny blonde boy walked down the bustling street, hand-in-hand, till they reached one of the many nearly-identical stucco buildings, with terra cotta roof tiles, that were as common as sand, in this beach-resort town.
This particular one was a small house, that was rented to tourists by the week, and had the advantage of being almost directly on the beach and also close to the town center, where all the shops and dining were located.
“Ms. Strife, we’re back!” the older boy called out, as the two entered. “Take off your shoes, Cloud, we don’t want to track sand all over the place.”
“Boys, thank the goddess,” a young blonde woman said, from the kitchen table. She’d been sipping iced tea and flipping through a copy of Midgar Magazine, but as the two approached, she collapsed in her chair and flung her arm theatrically over her face, like a tragic heroine. “You’re just in time to snatch me from the jaws of starvation! Quick, quick, my roast-beef sandwich! Before I waste away to nothing but bones!”
“Mama’s being dramatic,” the little blonde boy informed the older one, pursing his lips. “Don’t give her any, till she says please and thank you. That’s the rules.”
“Ah, my cruel son,” his mother intoned, reaching over to capture him in her arms and tickle his ribs, while he giggled and kicked. “No use trying to escape, Cloudy boy! This is your punishment for betraying your poor, starving mother! Oh, thanks for picking up lunch, Seph. If you don’t mind getting your pa, I’d appreciate it. He hasn’t come out of his room, yet, and I don’t dare disturb him.”
“It’s alright. He hates the sun and he doesn’t eat, anyway,” Seph answered cheerfully, taking a seat at the table. “He’ll probably sleep till sunset.”
“Uh-huh. But he’s definitely not a vampire,” she said, narrowing her eyes suspiciously, as she set her wriggling son back on his feet.
“Vampires eat blood. People blood,” Cloud asserted, with a grimace. “Mr. Valentine can’t be a vampire.”
“Cloud is correct, my father doesn’t drink blood,” Seph confirmed, as he poured glasses of milk for himself and Cloud. “But he used to sleep in a coffin.”
“Disappointing,” Claudia lamented, through a bite of her sandwich. “I bet he doesn’t even turn into bats or explode in direct sunlight, either.”
Seph arched a black eyebrow. “Would you prefer he was a blood-drinking monster?”
“If he’d turn me into one, too. It’d be kinda cool to be a vampire.”
“Mama! Be good!” Cloud scolded, mortified by his mother’s laissez faire attitude toward joining the ranks of the undead.
“Tch, what’s the fun in that? Besides, if I was good all the time, you wouldn’t exist, my darlin’ little bossy-boots.”
Seph nearly choked on his sip of milk, and covered his mouth with a napkin, coughing and sputtering.
“What’s being good got to do with having a kid?” Cloud wanted to know.
“Nothing, baby, mama’s just being silly,” his mother replied breezily, ruffling his golden hair. “Alright, boys, I hope you dirtied up some laundry for me to wash, or I won’t have anything to do to earn my keep around here, before the boss wakes up.”
“You did laundry yesterday, Ms. Strife,” Seph pointed out. “We’re wearing the only clothes we’ve dirtied up.”
“What about your linens? Those must need a wash, right?”
Both boys shook their heads.
She slumped defeatedly. “Can’t one of you be a team player and wet the bed? Are you trying to make me obsolete?”
“My father doesn’t really expect you to be working, all the time. He mostly hired you so that I wouldn’t be lonely.”
“I know that, but…I’m just so grateful to him, for getting us outta that shithole town—”
“Oops—I mean, that dirthole town. Anyway, I can’t ever repay your pa for giving us this opportunity. So I at least want to do everything I can to be useful.”
“You’re already doing more than enough, Ms. Strife,” Vincent’s deep voice said, from the archway, where he had appeared unnoticed by the group.
“Father!” Seph smiled, hopping up to throw his arms around him, as if they hadn’t seen one another in a week.
“Ah, well—ha ha. I just wish I could do more for y’all,” Claudia said awkwardly. “Seph looks after Cloudy all day, and aside from cooking dinners, I hardly have any housework to do. I feel like a regular bandit, taking what you’re paying me.”
“Don’t worry, Ms. Strife, I have more money than my father and I will ever know what to do with,” Seph assured her. “If we can use it for something that helps you and Cloud, and makes us happy at the same time, why not do it?”
Claudia raised her eyebrows. “Don’t you mean your pa has money?”
“No, it all belongs to my son,” Vincent said serenely. “Since I have been legally declared dead and have no wish to be declared living again, Seph is the sole heir and legal possessor of the family assets.”
“That’s right,” Seph put in cheerfully. “Plus, I emptied Hojo’s account before Shinra froze it, so I have all of my fake father’s money, too.”
Vincent nodded approvingly and patted Seph on the shoulder.
“I’m guessing there’s more to that than I want to know about,” Claudia remarked. “I was just wondering, why us? I mean, Cloudy ain’t even close to your age and I’m a high-school dropout who’s never been outta Nibelheim. There’s gotta be better companions for a couple rich, educated gentlemen.”
“Ms. Strife, do you believe in omens?” Seph asked. “Or portentous dreams?”
“Uh. I’m as religious as the next person, I guess. You’re not saying you had a dream about us, are you?”
“I am saying just that,” Seph nodded earnestly. “That day we first met, in the bakery, I had the strongest feeling that there was some fate between us. Then that night, I had a dream. A messenger from the goddess came to me, and showed me…a lot of confusing things, about the future. But amidst all the chaos, the thing that stood out most clearly was little Cloud, here. He is deeply important to the Planet, and it’s my goddess-given duty to act as his guardian angel. To protect him and help him, any way I can.”
This was all news to Cloud, who was staring at the older boy, with eyes as wide and round and saucers. He’d even stopped eating his chocolate chip cookie.
“It’s so strange you’d say that about a dream,” Claudia said, with a glance at her son. “Because…well, you wanna tell ‘em about it, baby?”
Cloud frowned and drew into himself, shaking his head.
“Is something the matter?” Seph asked, looking back and forth between them.
“Cloudy had a dream that night, too. He came running into my room, screaming about the town was burning down, and we had to get out of the house. Scared the tar out of me.”
As she said this, a look of pain flickered across Seph’s face, so briefly that no one observed.
“I ran to the window to look, but everything was quiet, just like normal. I told him it was just a nightmare, but he kept saying it wasn’t a dream. He insisted that the town was gonna burn and the boy with the silver hair was gonna fly down and save us from the fire, cause…uh. Cause you’re an angel. With wings and everything.”
“It wasn’t a dream,” Cloud muttered sullenly, without looking up. “I wasn’t even sleeping.”
“I thought nothing of it, but then the very next day, there was that huge explosion at the manor,” his mother went on, as if he hadn’t spoken. “Broke windows all over town and shook our whole house. Then all those helicopters started flying over and a lot of big trucks came roaring through. People running by said the manor went up like it was full of dynamite. Cloudy was trying to drag me out of the house, to go over there, but it was too dangerous, and the soldiers wouldn’t let anyone anywhere near it, anyway. It was plain eerie the way it happened right after his dream, and all. I mean, the town didn’t catch fire, but it was damn close. They say rubble got thrown all the way to the old Lawson cabin, in the outskirts.”
Seph nodded gravely. “I’m glad no one from the town was harmed. It seems the goddess truly was protecting you.”
“You and your father, as well. Unless you think it was just dumb luck that you weren’t there, when it happened.”
“I don’t believe in luck. But, in any case, that’s my reason for having you two with us. I want to protect Cloud and take care of him, no matter what it takes. If that means helping you establish yourselves in a better place, with more opportunities than Nibelheim, then that’s what I mean to do. But we can talk about all of that another day. If you don’t object, I was planning to take Cloud to look for shells and beach glass.”
“Sure,” Claudia smiled. “I mean, as long as the boss doesn’t mind.”
“Father?” Seph prompted, when it became clear Vincent wasn’t aware he was being deferred to.
Vincent looked startled. “Hm? I’m the boss? When did we decide that?”
“You’re my father and Ms. Strife works for you. You’re literally the boss, in that respect.”
“I see,” Vincent said, slumping gloomily. “Then my first act as the boss is to tell everyone to do whatever you like. But don’t keep Cloud out too late. And if you get the slightest whiff of trouble, you call me. Do not engage. Understood?”
“Yes, sir,” Seph said dutifully. “Come on, Cloud. Let’s go change into our swimsuits.”
“Leave your dirty clothes on the floor, this time!” Claudia called after them. “I need something to do!”
“My son is…very spiritual, Ms. Strife,” Vincent said, once the boys had gone. “I hope his ideas don’t trouble you. If so, I’ll ask him not to say such things, in your son’s presence.”
“Oh no, I don’t mind at all. The goddess speaks to everyone in different ways,” she said, as she began to clear the few lunch things from the table. “So, when were you planning on telling me the truth, about who you two are, and why you’re on the run from Shinra?”
A little while later, Cloud and Seph were headed to the beach, hand-in-hand, with plastic buckets hung over their arms. Cloud was wearing bright blue swim trunks, with a yellow starfish pattern, and Seph was in black surf shorts and a white v-neck t-shirt.
He’d pulled his shoulder-length hair back into a low ponytail, and with his outsized height and visible muscle tone, he looked much older than fourteen. Cloud, however, was small even for a boy his age, and so they made something of an odd pair, as they strolled along at the surf line, stopping, ever so often, to pick up shells and colorful bits of sand-tumbled glass.
“Why’s your hair and your eyes different now?” Cloud asked, as they crouched to paw about in the wet sand.
Seph smiled at him. “Did you like them better, before?”
Cloud nodded.
“I’m sorry I changed them, then. But people are looking for me, and they’d recognize my silver hair and mako eyes, right away. I have to disguise myself when we’re in public, for now.”
“What’s mako eyes?”
“I have been regularly treated with mako infusions, since I was a baby.” Seph dispelled the crimson illusion on his eyes, and Cloud leaned close, to inspect them. “My eyes are naturally light blue. That green in the center is from the mako.”
“Why aren’t the black parts round, like other people’s?”
“I was just born that way,” Seph said, with a rueful smile.
He preferred not to explain to the child that, despite his purification by Chaos, the effects of Jenova’s cells on his body couldn’t be reversed. The damage had already been done, as it were, and so the related traits were permanent. Among these, were his slit pupils and silver hair.  
“Do they look scary?” he asked Cloud. “Like monster eyes?”
Cloud shook his golden head. “They look like cat eyes. Cats are nice.”
“When we settle down somewhere less temporary, would you like to get a cat?”
“Yeah! Lots of cats!” Cloud said excitedly, then his face fell. “But what if your pa won’t let us?”
“Don’t worry, I happen to know that my father likes cats. Even if he didn’t, he’d let me have as many as I wanted. He has a lot of paternal guilt, and I’m afraid it manifests in over-indulging me.”
“What’s paternal guilt?”
“It’s when a father feels bad for not being a better father, or for his child having had an unhappy life. None of what happened to us was his fault, of course, but he still blames himself.”
“Is that why he’s sad all the time?”
“Yes, partly. He has suffered a lot. But I’m doing my best to take good care of him and make him happy.”
“But you’re not supposed to take care of him. Grown-ups are supposed to take care of kids,” Cloud asserted.
“Don’t you take care of your mother, too?”
“Mm. Yeah, I guess so.”
They dug around for a while in silence, but for the roar of the ocean and the plunk of shells and glass into their buckets. When there was nothing more to be scavenged, they moved on, in search of another spot.
“What people are looking for you?” Cloud asked.
“Shinra. They are not nice people. But it’s nothing you or your mother need to worry about. There’s no one in the world who can hurt you, if you’re with me and my father.”
Cloud made a dubious face. “Not even soldiers?”
“Not even soldiers.”
“What if they have guns?”
Seph’s eyes flashed with bloodthirsty intent. “If anyone dared to use a firearm in a manner that threatened you, they wouldn’t live long enough to regret it.”
Cloud’s eyes went round and his mouth fell open. “You would kill them?”
“Have you…killed anyone before?”
“Yes, I have,” Seph answered, matter-of-factly. “Does that frighten you?”
Cloud thought about this for a moment. “Well, why did you kill them? Were they bad?”
“Not all of them. I have killed and hurt people, who didn’t deserve it. I was very little, not much older than you are, now. When I couldn’t control my emotions, bad things happened, and people died. I didn’t know right from wrong, back then, because no one taught me. But I do now. Those bad things won’t happen again. Never. I’m going to protect people, not hurt them. I’m going to save everyone, this time.”
Cloud picked up a broken sand dollar and fiddled with it. “Did you didn’t save everyone before?”
There was an oddly mature pointedness to the question, that made the hairs prickle up on the back of Seph’s neck. “Cloud, do you ever…remember things that haven’t happened yet?”
The boy started to shake his head, then paused and turned it into a hesitant nod. “Mama says it’s dreams, but it’s not when I’m sleeping. And sometimes the things I remembered happen.”
“What kind of things do you remember?”
“You won’t believe me.”
“Cloud, you can tell me anything. I promise, I will always believe you.”
“W—well, ok. I dreamed about…you, before I knew you. And then we saw you at the bakery. Mama already told you about the dream where you flew down to save us from the fire. But after that, I dreamed about you again. You didn’t look like you look, but I know it was you. You were big and tall, and you had a long jacket and long hair, all the way down to your butt. And you were burning everything and standing in the fire and…and I had to kill you.” Cloud burst out sobbing and threw his little arms around Seph’s waist, burying his face in his t-shirt. “I don’t want to kill you! I won’t do it! I won’t!”
Seph picked him up and cradled him tightly in his arms, rocking and soothing him, pressing kisses to his golden head. When the boy was calm again, he set him down on his feet, and crouched to be on his eye level. “I know what you saw was terrible, but it will never happen, I promise.”
“You believe me?” Cloud sniffled, wiping his pink-rimmed eyes.
“Of course I believe you. I saw the same thing.”
Cloud’s eyes went wide yet again. “You did?”
“I did. I think what we both saw was a memory of a different future, from before I changed everything. That was the future where I didn’t save everyone.”
“But it’s not gonna happen now?”
“No. The things we saw were real. Terribly real. But they’re not, anymore. I’ve broken the shackles of fate, from all of us. Now, we’re free to make our own destiny.”
Cloud gave a bewildered frown. “You talk weird.”
“I know,” Seph smiled.
“Your pa talks weird, too. Like he’s from a book.”
“Well, he’s an old man. He can’t help it. I’m just weird. Is that alright?”
“Mmm…yeah, it’s ok,” Cloud decided. “You sound smart, like a grown-up. But you don’t act all grumpy and bossy.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment. Only, don’t get into the habit of assuming all grown-ups are smart. A lot of them are extremely stupid. Especially the grumpy and bossy ones.”
Cloud laughed delightedly at this, as Seph took his hand, and the two walked on, to seek out another spot for gathering shells.
“Do you think my mama and your pa will get married?”
“To each other? I certainly hope not. Then we’d be brothers.”
“You don’t want to be brothers?”
“Oh,” Cloud said quietly, lowering his head to look at the sand he was kicking.
Seph squeezed his hand. “Don’t be sad. It’s not because I don’t like you. I don’t want us to be brothers, because I want to marry you, one day.”
Cloud gave a start and jerked it away, his round cheeks turning bright pink. “You want to marry me??”
“Yes. Not for a long time, though. When we’re grown up.”
“B—but I’m a boy! Boys can’t marry boys!”
“I think it’s good we got you out of Nibelheim, sooner rather than later,” Seph remarked, making a distasteful face. “Those kind of backward ideas seem to be epidemic in small towns, like that.”
“What’s a backwards idea?”
“A backward idea is one that relies on ignorance, prejudice, or blind adherence to tradition, to make a moral judgement, about something with no inherent morality attached.”
“For example, the idea that two men or two women can’t be married. People like to say it’s wrong, but what is actuallywrong about it? Is it bad for a woman to love another woman and want to be her wife? Is it bad for a man to want to build a life and a family with another man? If it’s not wrong for a man and woman to do those things, why is it wrong for two men or two women?”
Cloud thought for a moment, then his face lit up, like he’d had an epiphany. “It’s not! It’s the same!”
Seph gave an approving nod. “Exactly. When you hear moralizing statements like that, never just accept them. Interrogate the idea and form your own opinion.”
“What’s interrogate?”
“It means to honestly ask yourself what you really think. If you can’t decide, ask someone you trust. Seek out other perspectives and information. Never take a right or wrong statement at face value.”
“Ok. If I can’t decide, I’ll ask you.”
Seph blinked. “Wait, me? You mean…you trust me?”
“Uh-huh!” Cloud beamed. “You’re my guardian angel. Even if you don’t have wings.”
He had to swallow against the aching tightness in his throat, at the pure, guileless sweetness of this innocent child. A child he remembered as a young man, looking upon him with the bitterest animosity, as he drove a sword through his gut—after Sephiroth had done the same to him. But…that wasn’t truly them. They would never become the mortal enemies, who drew one another’s blood in madness and hatred. Destiny was defeated. Their fate was their own to write.
“Cloud, can I tell you a secret?” Sephiroth said, leaning down to speak softly in the boy’s ear. “I do have wings.”
THE AUTHOR HAS SOMETHING TO SAY we all deserved a beach episode i think
next chapter
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suvidrache · 10 months
Light In The Dark
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 639 | Read it on AO3 | Masterlist
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Vincent Valentine primarily spent his time in his room. If he wasn't in his room, he was somewhere around his house. You had never seen him look at the stars before. You wanted him to get out of the house a little and do something with him. It wasn't hard to find him. He frequented the same places, and you knew him well enough to be able to guess where he was. If you were a stranger, it would be harder to track him.
His house was far into the woods. He had no neighbors that he knew of. If there were any, they were too far away, and he had never met them before. It was hard to get to his house, and it had an eerie feeling about it. Some might even think that it was abandoned. Fortunately, no one came to his doorstep, just as he liked it. You had met him randomly and by accident. It was after many times of running into each other that one of you asked the other out. It wasn't something that Vincent would have done normally, but there was something about you that drew him to you.
You grabbed some blankets from the closet and headed outside. You laid them out and headed back in before heading down to the basement.
“Hey, Vincent.” You said as you made your way over to his coffin.
He didn't like to sleep in a traditional bed and found the coffin to be much better. The one that he had formerly been in had been made bigger so you could both lay together in it.
His red eyes opened up, and they shifted to look at you.
“I want to watch the stars with you.”
He breathed in and slowly sat up. If you didn't know him, you would have thought that he had been dead for years and was only just now waking up. He climbed out of the coffin and looked at you.
“Let's go.”
He had never been one to speak a lot. When he did speak, it was often an unsettling feeling. You had grown used to it.
You led the way to the backyard. There was a small clearing where your blankets were lying. The rest was in the forest. With the sun having gone down, the woods looked terrifying. You weren't afraid, though, as you knew there was nothing in them. At least nothing would come and bother you. You sat down on your blanket, and Vincent joined you. You laid your head on his shoulder as you looked up at the stars. Vincent wrapped an arm around you and occasionally looked at the stars. Other times, his attention was on the woods. Staring off into the darkness. The darkness he had known for many years until you showed up in his life. The small amount of light in his dark world. He breathed out. He enjoyed you and was happy to have you. Eventually, you sat up.
“Vincent, would you like to take things further?”
He looked around before looking at you.
“Yes.” He didn't want to be caught out in the open and in a vulnerable position, but he didn't see anyone when he looked. He knew he could have rejected your offer, but he also wanted to try something new.
He removed his clothes, and you removed yours. He moved in between your legs and began to rub/stroke you. You let out a moan, and he worked his fingers faster. You thrust your hips up into his hand as he continued. His moans were low and quiet as he palmed his own hardened length. He brought you both to cum before he slid himself inside of you. He was slow as he thrust in and out of you before picking up the pace.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag List: @phantomheiko, @eli-chris, @imagineherbrightskies / Join my tag list here!
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freyayuki · 2 years
Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia 5th Anniversary Special Draw Banner
As part of the celebrations of the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game’s 5th Anniversary, the 5th Anniversary Special Draw banner just showed up.
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This banner features the 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, Force or FR, and Burst or BT weapons of all the chars that have been released up through January 25, 2023.
You can only pull once on this banner unless you pay to be able to draw again.
This special anniv banner will let you do a free 50+1 multi-draw and you’re guaranteed to get at least one Burst weapon from this pull.
Since this banner includes so many weapons, the chances of getting something good here are pretty slim. This is especially so since I already have a lot of the weapons featured here due to pulling on their debut banners.
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Plus, I have been playing this game for a long time already. We also get lots of free first multi-draws on various banners for one reason or another. And I tend to toss tickets on lots of different banners since we always get a lot of them.
Anyway, the point is that while it’d be nice to get new weapons from this banner, it’s unlikely to happen. Still, I’m hoping to be able to get new Force and/or Burst weapons. But if I’m gonna get a dupe FR, I’m hoping it’ll be for the ones that I haven’t fully limit broken yet.
5th Anniversary Special Draw Banner 50+1 Free Multi-Draw Results
My free pull on the 5th Anniversary Special Draw banner gave me -
Well, before that, a Burst orb showed up first.
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When I tapped on the screen, a lot of gold orbs and one Burst orb showed up. The animations that played out were pretty cool.
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Too bad I wasn’t able to take screenshots of all of these animations since they went by pretty fast.
The items I got were displayed 10 at a time except for the last group which also displayed the +1 a.k.a the guaranteed Burst weapon.
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Unfortunately, the first 10 weapons I got were all crappy dupes. Didn’t even get a single Ex, LD, FR, and/or BT. Bleh.
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Papalymo Totolymo’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) 15cp
Gilgamesh’s (from Final Fantasy V) 15cp
Llyud’s (from Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings) 35cp
Cid Highwind’s (from Final Fantasy VII (#ad)) 35cp
Agrias Oaks’s (from Final Fantasy Tactics) 15cp
Papalymo’s 15cp
Rude’s (from Final Fantasy VII) 35cp
Zidane Tribal’s (from Final Fantasy IX) 35cp
Vincent Valentine’s (from Final Fantasy VII and Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII) 15cp
Oerba Yun Fang’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) 15cp
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The next 10 weapons included a Force orb so was hoping to get something new.
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Instead, I ended up with a dupe of Dorgann Klauser’s (from Final Fantasy V) FR. Sigh.
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Well at least my first copy of this hasn’t been limit broken at all so this dupe isn’t entirely useless. Still wish I had gotten something new instead though.
The other weapons I got from this group were also all dupes. Bleh.
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Krile Mayer Baldesion’s (from Final Fantasy V) LD
Ultimecia’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) 35cp
Jack Garland’s (from Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin) 15cp
Faris Scherwiz’s (Sarisa Scherwil Tycoon from Final Fantasy V) 35cp
Terra Branford’s (from Final Fantasy VI) 15cp
Cloud of Darkness’s (from Final Fantasy III) 15cp
Ceodore Harvey’s (from Final Fantasy IV) 15cp
Sabin Rene Figaro’s (from Final Fantasy VI) 15cp
Selphie Tilmitt’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) 35cp
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The third group of weapons were all dupes of 15cp and 35cp weapons. Didn’t even get a dupe FR, BT, LD, or Ex.
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Shantotto’s (from Final Fantasy XI) 15cp
Xande’s (from Final Fantasy III) 15cp
Eiko Carol’s (from Final Fantasy IX) 15cp
Paine’s (from Final Fantasy X) 35cp
Ultimecia’s 15cp
Strago Magus’s (from Final Fantasy VI) 15cp
Yang Fang Leiden’s (from Final Fantasy IV) 15cp
Deuce’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) 15cp
Eight’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) 15cp
Cid Highwind’s 15cp
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The fourth group of weapons included a Force orb. Once again, was hoping to get something new.
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Alas, it just wasn’t meant to be. This time, I ended up with a dupe of Rinoa Heartilly’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) FR. My Rinoa is fully built and maxed out so this dupe is useless to me.
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Well, I can sell it for some resources but still. Wish I could have gotten something new instead.
Once again, the rest of the weapons that I got from this group were all dupes and more dupes.
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Jecht’s (from Final Fantasy X) 15cp
Deuce’s 35cp
Hope Estheim’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) 15cp
Maria’s (from Final Fantasy II) 15cp
King’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) 15cp
Locke Cole’s (from Final Fantasy VI) 15cp
Barret Wallace’s (from Final Fantasy VII) 15cp
Eald'narche’s (from Final Fantasy XI) 15cp
Xande’s Ex
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The last group of weapons gave me the following dupes:
Minwu’s (from Final Fantasy II) LD
Freya Crescent’s (from Final Fantasy IX) 15cp
Sherlotta’s (from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time) 15cp
Quistis Trepe’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) 15cp
Squall Leonhart’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) 35cp
Yuffie Kisaragi’s (from Final Fantasy VII) Ex
Jack Garland’s 35cp
Zell Dincht’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) 15cp
Jack Garland’s 15cp
Jack’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) 15cp
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The guaranteed Burst weapon that I got belongs to Kam'lanaut from Final Fantasy XI.
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The good news is that this is new for me. The bad news is that I don’t really like Kam’lanaut so have no intention of upgrading his Burst to Green or BT+ 3/3. Ah, well. At least I have his BT in case I ever need it or something.
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Overall, I hate the results of this pull. Wish I could have gotten more Force and Burst weapons. But ah well. At least this multi-draw was free. Hopefully, we can get more pulls like this in the future.
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So, what about you? What did you get from your free 50+1 multi-draw on the 5th Anniversary Special Draw banner? What do you think about this banner? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
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kooriicolada · 4 years
Here have a challenge. Vincent x Genesis -Each other’s initials on their wrist/palm/etc
Vincent's soulmark is located high on his left shoulder and doesn't appear until he's well into his twenties.  It appears in dark ink, an intricate and stately GR in sweeping calligraphy.  He has no idea what it says about his soulmate except that they'll grow up to have great penmanship.  It also doesn't bode well for whatever fleeting thoughts of romance soulmates tend to engender.  Honestly, he'd thought his soulmate was long dead and had been grateful for it.
It had been easier loving Lucrecia and not worrying about having a soulmate out there.  Maybe he'll be a mentor to his young, erstwhile soulmate.
He barely has time to think though.  Hojo puts a bullet in him and Lucrecia puts something worse in him and then he just turns off.  Vincent is too full of regret and pain, shattered with grief and helplessness.
He wasn't able to do anything for the woman he loved or her unborn child.  What use was he for some other child out there that he didn't even know?
Angeal is dead and Genesis is as good as.  He sits in the depths of what used to be his hometown and contemplates the mark sweeping darkly across the back of his hand.  It's a slanted W as far as he can tell.  While it's not uncommon for people in this world to lack a last name it does make it harder.  It's useless, in the long run.
His skin around the mark is pale and cracked, bits sloughing away without his glove on to hold them.   The mark itself, however, is as stark and pristine as ever.
Genesis wonders if they'll feel anything at all when his initials fade from their skin.
The strangest part of waking up, of letting Cloud and his ragtag group drag Vincent from his slumber, is that his soulmark is still fresh as spilled ink.  Oh, it was a given that they could still be alive, but somehow…. Well, Vincent's luck wasn't that good.
Not that he'd seek them out.  What good was a soulmate still wallowing in lost love? A shattered broken beast with nothing left but vengeance and penance?
Weiss, when he wakes, tells Genesis the whole, long story.  About Deepground, about Omega WEAPON, about Chaos and Vincent Valentine.  Still, Genesis doesn't make the connection--a fact he's chagrined about later--until he's availed himself of the WRO's archives.
Reeve Tuesti is an interesting man, and though Genesis has no intention of tying himself to the organization he does have a vested interest in what's been done with his cells.  
It's there that it finally clicks in place.  Innocuous on a written report copied into the WRO's system.  A document signed with a familiar, slanted W which on closer inspection is in fact two V's running together.
Vincent Valentine. Of course.
7th Heaven is quiet at this time of day.  There's only Tifa at the bar, currently on the phone with who Vincent assumes is Cloud, and himself.  When he'd arrived Tifa had shoved a cocktail called a Tonberry Tickler into his hands and sent him to sit.  She's called his drink choices boring and predictable before.  So far he hasn't touched it.
Reeve had been vague about wanting Vincent to meet some new contact.  No name, no information.  It makes everything in Vincent, from beast to man, itch.
The door opens and Vincent lifts his head.  A man walks in in a flurry of red leather and long legs.  His bootheels tap across the floor in an unhurried staccato beat.  He's clearly someone who walks into a room and owns it, the very antithesis to Vincent's preference for crawling in the shadows.  Vincent sees Tifa watching him with narrow, suspicious eyes.
The man swans to a stop alongside the table Vincent was hunched over.  "You," he says, head tilted back haughtily, "have abhorrent handwriting."
Vincent gives a long, slow blink. He refuses to tip his head further than necessary to observe his new 'contact'.  "It was requested I type further reports," he says inanely.  Phones, typing reports…  He's not sure where they expect him to keep everything.  He doesn't exactly live anywhere.
His visitor sniffs and then deigns to slide into the booth across from him.  He doesn't seem to mind that the room is at his back.  Either he's good or he's arrogant.  Vincent suspects it's both. "Our meeting has been long fated," he says, pulling at the fingers of a glove as vividly red as his coat.
Vincent blinks slowly again, the claws of his gauntlet clicking together slowly beneath the table.  "Ah?"
A pale hand presses flat on the table between them, a vivid and familiar signature taking up the entire back of it.  "I'm Genesis Rhapsodos and you are my soulmate."
Ah, Vincent thinks, how unexpected.
All he can think to say is: "This meeting was a ruse."
Genesis looks at him for a long moment, then lets out a soul deep sigh.  "At least you're not a complete fool."
Vincent resents his tone, but it's a fair assessment.  His social skills do leave much to be desired, he's been told.  So he adds, "It's a pleasure to meet you."
That, at least, gets a quicksilver smile.  Vincent imagines for a moment that this isn't a terrible idea.
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niphredil-14 · 4 years
Napoleon, Leonardo, Arthur, Vincent, Theo, Dazai, Sebastian, and Comte With an S/o Who Wants 2 Birthday Gifts (Because it’s also Valentine’s Day)
I am a girl who is born in Valentines Day (which is 12th of june where I live). So, if I am dating one of the ikeboys, how it would be, for example, I say I want 2 gifts (one for the birthday and another for the Valentine's 😂😂), how would they celebrate the date and other stuff? Take this as a headcannon about me, I can't wait to see the answers 😂😂😂
Of course. Happy Belated Birthday, I’m actually also born on Valentine’s Day, though where I live it’s on February 14. Nonetheless, I hope you had a great day and got some awesome gifts! Sorry this is posted so late, I tried to finish this earlier, but had several technical difficulties, sorry again! Also, they tend to get a bit shorter towards the end, sorry about that.
Napoleon: - He’ll gladly give you a second gift! -He will probably pack you a picnic, and then take you out to the field to eat it. - After that he will give you his first gift, a new journal for you to write in, because your old one has probably already been filled up -He will spend the rest of the day out with you in the town, going place to place, maybe buying you a few trinkets he notices you staring at. Finally, at the end of the day, he will take you up the the attic where you two will look at the night sky while cuddling by the window. - That’s when he will give you his second gift, either a small sword with a scabbard that connects to your belt, or a dagger or a pocket knife. He will explain that they are if you are ever in danger and he isn’t there to help you, though he will always do his best to be.
Leonardo: - This man lives to please you, so if you want two gifts, then, dammit, you’re gonna get two gifts. - One of them will probably be something more Valentine’s day related, like a stuffed bear along with chocolates and your favorite flowers. - These will probably be presented to you earlier in the day. - He will bring you to the dining room, where he asked Sebastian to make your favorite foods - After the two of you have breakfast, he will treat you to a lazy day, where you spend the day cuddling and feeding each other sweets. - Later, right before bed he will give you his second gift, inspired by some of the technology of the 21st century that he has heard about from Sebastian. - It will be a (somewhat) digital camera, that connects to one of those tablets that display different pictures that switch every minute or so.  - All of which he has been working on building for months, and then sneakily taking photos of the two of you during sweet moments and dates without you noticing. Those are the photos that will be displayed on the screen.
Arthur: - This man’s first gift is going to be a beautiful outfit for you to wear out to town with him that day.  - He will take you all over town, buying you anything he sees you stare at for more than three seconds. - He had Theo babysit Vic so that his parents (You and Arthur) could have a nice day out - He will take you out to a fancy restaurant for dinner, and then will take you somewhere to overlook the city as the moon rises. - After dinner, he will take you somewhere secluded and high up to watch the sun set and look at the stars. This is when he will give you your second gift. - His second gift will be a book. Not one that will be published or tat there are multiple copies of. No, this one is just for you.  - It is a journal that is filled to the brim with entries detailing dates you’ve been on and cases you’ve solved, as well as lists of things that he loves about you, that he’s noticed about you, or things he’s thought about you randomly. There are even a few doodles in there, though they aren’t very good (He tried, okay?!) - He will take you to a hotel room that night, where you two won’t get a wink of sleep.
Vincent:  - This pure sunshine boy wouldn’t hesitate for even a moment before buying you a second gift. - He will provide you your first in the morning, right after breakfast, when he takes you up to the hill he took you to within your first few days at the mansion. - It would be a bouquet of flowers, and a scarf (He is all for that matching couple look!) - He will then take you out to lunch, and you two will walk around town for a while before returning for dinner.  - After dinner, he will take you out to the garden and give you his second gift. - It is a beautiful locket, in which there is a miniature painting of the two of you (Which is very impressive, especially considering its small size!)
Theo: - When you first bring up that you want to gifts, he pretends to be against the idea, teasing that his ‘hondje is being greedy, now, hm?’  - But on your birthday, he will surprise you by giving you two gifts, both at the same time. - One of which is a choker necklace that bears your name engraved on the small stone in the center (Looks a lot like a collar, what a coincidence, Theo...) - The second of which would be a collection of small paintings, drawings, and images of different places all around the world.  - After he gives you his gifts, he will take you out to a cafe to treat you to your favorite snacks. 
Dazai:  - First of all, Dazai will most likely write you a poem, about all that he loves about you.  - He will also, though it isn’t necessarily a ‘gift,’ call you by your actual name, all day. - I think that he would also give you a bow, or ribbon for your hair. - Dazai would like to spend the day reading to you in the gardens.
Sebastian: - Sebastian, unfortunately, can not take the entire day off to spend with you, though he would like to. - He will, however, give you the day off. - He will make your favorite foods all day - Later, before you go to bed, he will show up at your room, bearing two things. - One of which, a small cupcake with a singular candle in it, on a small plate. - The second is a dainty silver bracelet. - He will apologize profusely for not having the opportunity to spend the day with you, but tells you how glad he is to have you around, what a huge help to him you are, and how much he appreciates you.
Comte: - Bold of you to assume you were ever going to get only one gift while being with this man. - Not only will he buy over a hundred gifts on his own, he will also take you out, and will buy everything that you so much as look at. - But, oh, you that that was it? HA! - Oh, no, there will be a ball in your honor, and each gift is strongly “encouraged” to bring a gift for you. - (Comte please, I don’t have room for all this, I only wanted two, not two thousand!!)
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Final Fantasy prompts # 31
1. Sephiroth uses Cloud as a therapist.
Sephiroth going on about his life while Cloud is tied to a chair and gagged is just hilarious to me.
2. AVALANCHE, Sephiroth and the Turks are all turned back into 10 year olds and booted, (by Aerith probably) to the Pokémon world and have to survive as Pokémon trainers. The problem? They were all separated and no one has any way to contact eachother.
(Inspired by Viincentsvalentines pokemon/ff7 post. I adore Cloud having a overprotective and murderous Shinx as a starter pokemon. I also love AC Cloud with a Luxray)
(I have a set of rules I use for the pokemon AUs if you're interested)
3. Cloud is ace/aro and is just working on Fenrir, blissfully oblivious to everyone fighting over him just inside the bar.
Those who aren't fighting are fueling the fire and making the situation worse.
In short, Reno starts a shipping war with an actual war.
There is no mercy.
Featuring: people trying to flirt with Cloud only to be full-body tacked away mid conversion, Cloud shrugging everything off, Rufus being a manipulate weasel, and Cloud choosing to "Date" his motorcycle just to get people off his back. No one is respecting Clouds boundaries or sexual orientation.
4. Cloud gets thrown back in time but loses his memory. He has no idea who he is or how he got to this snowfield, luckily this energetic, spikey haired man befriends him and is dead set on showing him off to Angeal.
Genesis had to do a double take, the blond wasn't just well armed. He was practically prepared for war. A massive overly intricate sword was the mans back, his gaze was unwavering, even when faced with the three most powerful men in the world. The redhead barely had to glance at him to tell that all the materia on him was at max level, even the supports.
"Well, my dear friend," he began, turning to Angeal, "it seems your puppy has brought home a wolf."
5. Sephiroth appears to Cloud in his apartment, intending to torment him again. Cloud doesn't seem to acknowledge him, no matter what he says or does. He even grabbed his puppet by the throat and pinned him against the wall.
Nothing. Cloud just closed his eyes and began counting backwards from thirty. The former general released him and Cloud went back to making his sandwich.
The silverette was thoroughly miffed at this point and stalked Cloud throughout his apartment as he sat down the plate of food down on his table next to a glass of water. The blond then darted into the bathroom for a moment and came back with a small orange pill bottle.
Intrigued, Sephiroth watched the blond down two pills before picking up the bottle.
He looked back at his blond, quietly assessing him as he ate his sandwich.
"So. You've been hallucinating."
6. Cloud bursts into a packed SOLDIER rec room disguised as a SOLDIER 2nd and yells, "Who knew about the cat?!" Then sprints across the room and breaks through the window, leading down to the streets below.
The room erupts into chaos.
Later Yuffie pays him 2000 gil
7. Sephiroth not understanding the symptoms of a crush while Genesis tries to teach him how to flirt.
Genesis is not having a good time.
8. Cloud and Sephiroth are trapped in a small enclosed space. So there they lay, pinned by debris, pressed against eachother, and making awkward conversation cause Cloud will be damned if he let's Sephiroth go on about the whole "Sailing the cosmos" thing again.
9. Vincent and Cloud secretly sing duets together when no one is around. Poor Barret winds up listening to them sing (and dance to) "Instruments of cyanide" (DA games version) and is thoroughly shook.
On the plus side, he now knows why Valentine always carries around those small Bluetooth speakers
10. Time traveling animal version of Cloud who reverts back into a human while being petted by Sephiroth.
"....I can explain."
11. Doll AU where Jenova creates an AC Cloud doll for Sephiroth, a CC Zack doll for Angeal, and a FF7 Aerith doll for Genesis. All of the dolls are life-sized and perfect copies of the originals. The three generals didn't know what to do with them at first. Sephiroth shoved his in a closet, Angeal sat his on the couch and poked fun at the real Zack, and Genesis layed his lovely maiden in a glass coffin filled with lillies, using her as a center piece in his home decor.
It starts with Sephiroth occasionally brushing his dolls blond hair, eventually coming to brush it every night. He became obsessed with caring for the doll, until one night, while he was laying in bed pretending to be asleep in an attempt to do the real thing, his doll came to brush his hair. He remained still while the doll lovingly groomed him. Even after the doll left, Sephiroth did not sleep.
The Zack doll...was another thing entirely. Angeals things would go missing on a regular basis. His laptop, his keys, his keycard. He couldn't tell you how many times he'd been locked out of his own apartment. The weirdest time, was just ofter he had comforted Zack, telling him that he cares about him more than any doll, no matter how lifelike it is.
Angeal had night terrors for a week strait and every pair of pants he owned disappeared on the day of a military presentation he was required to attend.
Genesis's doll has full on disappeared from her case, sometimes for days at a time. The redhead is always furious, convinced someone is stealing her. He sets up cameras, but they catch nothing. One moment the doll is there, then she's gone. He always felt like he was being laughed at when this happened, on the other hand, the flowers in the case mysteriously never wilted and new materia would appear around his house sporadically. Which was weird because he was always meticulously organized regarding his materia.
Aka Eldrich Doll au horror story slowburn.
12. Sephiroth realized his puppet was growing stronger at the same rate he was growing weaker
(Not related to no. 11 unless you want it to be)
13. Sephiroth shoving a ring onto Clouds finger and proudly declaring them married.
Cloud thinks he's gone completely off his rocker.
14. Sephiroth devolving into base animal instincts to court Cloud.
Example: giving him shiney rocks and materia, blankets, and basic food and hygene products, killing people the blond hates, complimenting him on both his looks and skills, and of course, preening himself to look the absolue best for his precious.
The best part is that it actually works
15. Vincent and Cloud cuddling in Vincents coffin. Cozy.
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#onewinged-tragedy || muses
Here is the list of the muses used by onewinged-tragedy, which may be subject to updates in the future. Each muse will have a nickname from purposes of addressing via asks and rp meme prompts~
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#1 Muse -- Sephiroth (onewinged-tragedy)
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This blog was made primarily for Sephiroth, and is open to various verses and possibilities and timelines, so long as we talk through it and agree upon details.
#2 Muse -- Kadaj (silvershade-of-rage)
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Extra muse, adaptable to most any scenario and timeline, and uses fanon AND canon concepts for his origins (canon being that he was formed solely through Sephiroths will, is a part of him, and only exists because of him -- fanon being that he was another experiment, an attempt to be another Sephiroth, which Hojo was working on, damn near one of the many clones/copies but held unique individuality but his life was ended by Hojo when he didn’t meet his expectations and so Sephiroth chose him from the lifestream because of his potential and their minor connection).
#3 Muse -- Vincent Valentine (CrimsonWings)
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Extra muse, adaptable to most any scenario and timeline, and also is open to some fanon (like being-a-father fanon), as well as canon. Intent on playing his current self as well as enjoying playing him as renowned Turks member of the past, too.
#4 Muse -- Reno Sinclair (number-one-red-bastard)
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Extra muse, adaptable to most any scenario and timeline. As of 12/31/20, he is a new muse (will become more natural with time), and so I strive to do my best to play his attitude, his prowess and talent, and his position among the Turks as well as I can.
#5 Muse -- OC -- Aurelia (The Golden Tsviet)
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A failed Project and abandoned Tsviet, Aurelia is a burning rage bourn of the cruelty of Deepground. Made with great potential, she has an uncontrollable power that is worn as her burden, and a desire to find a purpose despite what is now her curse.
// To be continued //
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englishmansdcc · 4 years
POSTAL: NIGHT SHIFT review - Everyone here has their secrets (Fleming, Lo Valvo, Valenza, Phillips, Elliot, Wright, Peteri) Image/Top Cow
Here's GT3's review of @ImageComics / @TopCow one-shot POSTAL: NIGHT SHIFT from @leadpipe, Cecelia Lo Valvo, @BryanValenza, @Steph_Smash, Jesse Elliot, @elliewrightart, Troy Peteri, @IsaacGoodhart, Elena Salcedo, & Vincent Valentine.. #ComicBookReviews
‘Night Shift’ Writer and Letterer: Levi FlemingArtist: Cecelia Lo ValvoColorist: Bryan Valenza ‘Molly’ Writer: Stephanie PhillipsArtist: Jesse ElliotColorist: Ellie WrightLetterer: Troy Peteri Cover Art: Issac GoodheartEditor: Elena SalcedoBook Design and Layout: Vincent Valentine Thanks to Image Comics for the review copy! If you are new to the Postal series created by Matt Hawkins, Bryan…
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andrewdz · 7 years
200 Favorite Tracks of 2017
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A list of my favorite tunes I heard in 2017. Link to the Spotify playlist at the bottom.
1. Variations on an Aria - People Like You
2. In Undertow - Alvvays
3. Slip Away - Perfume Genius
4. Mythological Beauty - Big Thief
5. The World’s Best American Band - White Reaper
6. Living in the City - Hurray for the Riff Raff
7. Heart Basel - The Drums
8. Cut to the Feeling - Carly Rae Jepsen
9. 5 Flucloxacillin - Los Campesinos!
10. Near to the Wild Heart of Life - Japandroids
11. Fear & Force - Vagabon
12. Follow My Voice - Julie Byrne
13. Shark Smile - Big Thief
14. SGL - Now, Now
15. Footscray Station - Camp Cope
16. Bike Dream - Rostam
17. Hard Times - Paramore
18. (No One Knows Me) Like the Piano - Sampha
19. Drew Barrymore - SZA
20. No Halo - Sorority Noise
21. Mourning Sound - Grizzly Bear
22. Holding On - The War on Drugs
23. FEAR. - Kendrick Lamar
24. Silver Velvet - The Courtneys
25. Suck - Priests
26. Slomo - Slowdive
27. You Need a Visa - People Like You
28. Motion Sickness - Phoebe Bridgers
29. I Broke Up in Amarante - Los Campesinos!
30. Blood Under my Belt - The Drums
31. Pa’lante - Hurray for the Riff Raff
32. Told You So - Miguel
33. Evening Prayer - Jens Lekman
34. reindeer games - Oso Oso
35. June - Tigers Jaw
36. Judy French - White Reaper
37. Midnight to Morning - Japandroids
38. Brickwall - Fred Thomas
39. He’s Fine - The Secret Sisters
40. Pure Comedy - Father John Misty
41. The System Only Dreams in Total Darkness - The National
42. Lovelife - Phoenix
43. Otherside - Perfume Genius
44. Cold Apartment - Vagabon
45. Hungry Ghost - Hurray for the Riff Raff
46. Falling - Forever
47. The Man - The Killers
48. oh baby - LCD Soundsystem
49. Ruby - Charly Bliss
50. With You Tonight - Summer Moon
51. The Future - The World is a Beautiful Place and I Am No Longer Afraid to Die
52. Deadly Valentine - Charlotte Gainsbourg
53. Fear and Trembling - Gangs of Youth
54. Do You Know Me by Heart - Cameron Avery
55. Hang on Me - St. Vincent
56. Shadows - Future Islands feat. Debbie Harry 
57. get there (when you’re there) - Oso Oso
58. Tour - The Courtneys
59. Bobby - (Sandy) Alex G
60. Halfway Home - Broken Social Scene
61. The Weekend - SZA
62. Macabre - Land of Talk
63. Say I Didn’t - Vic Mensa
64. Blood on Me - Sampha
65. Car - Sorority Noise
66. Any Party - Feist
67. Hung Empty - Los Campesinos!
68. Standing in the Middle of the Field - Cut Copy
69. Dangerous - The xx
70. Hot Thoughts - Spoon
71. What Can I Do if the Fire Goes Out? - Gangs of Youth
72. Idle Worship - Paramore
73. Guilty Party - The National
74. JJ - Priests
75. Wreath - Perfume Genius
76. Strangers Kiss - Alex Cameron feat Angel Olsen
77. 2 Cool 2 Care - Anna Burch
78. Haunted - Sharaya Summers
79. No Fixed Destination - Cut Copy
80. The Opener - Camp Cope
81. Cleaning House - Vagabon
82. Tonya Harding (In Eb Major) - Sufjan Stevens
83. Little Dark Age - MGMT
84. Scare U - Charly Bliss
85. Moment - King Henry feat Rhye
86. (I Just Died) Like an Aviator - Matthew Ryan
87. Mind Hijacker’s Curse - Chad VanGaalen
88. Told You So - Paramore
89. End of Heartache - Moon Diagrams
90. Someone - Anna of the North
91. Los Ageless - St. Vincent
92. Lying With You - Charlotte Gainsbourg
93. Without Love - Alice Glass
94. I Used to Be Small - Wild Pink
95. Lazarus Online - Wolf Parade
96. Last Thing on Your Mind - H. Hawkline
97. Total Entertainment Forever - Father John Misty
98. To Know Your Mission - Jens Lekman
99. Alan - Perfume Genius
100. Forget About Life - Alvvays
101. the walk - Oso Oso
102. Chateau - Angus & Julia Stone
103. FEEL. - Kendrick Lamar
104. The One to Wait - CCFX
105. Morning Dove - Julie Byrne
106. LOVE. - Kendrick Lamar feat ZACARI.
107. Percolator - Charly Bliss
108. Escape Plan - Tigers Jaw
109. Dreams Tonite - Alvvays
110. Elvis is in the Freezer - Ratboys
111. The Bus Song - Jay Some
112. New yYork - St. Vincent
113. If We Were Vampires - Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit
114. Mystery of Love - Sufjan Stevens
115. Minnesota - The Courtneys
116. Valley Boy - Wolf Parade
117. Never Been Wrong - Waxahatchee
118. Don’t Delete the Kisses - Wolf Alice
119. Sugar for the Pill - Slowdive
120. Appointments - Julien Baker
121. Tinseltown Swimming in Blood - Destroyer
122. Mostly Blue - Welllness
123. Thumbnail - People Like You
124. Fortress - Queens of the Stone Age
125. I’m Sorry (For Not Finding You Sooner) - Japandroids
126. Plimsoll Punks - Alvvays
127. 1 Billion Dogs - Jay Some
128. Mallwalkers - Fred Thomas
129. How We Met, the Long Version - Jens Lekman
130. out of the blue - Oso Oso
131. Valley - Perfume Genius
132. Guardian - Tigers Jaw
133. Smoke Signals - Phoebe Bridgers
134. Country Song - The Courtneys
135. Friendship (Is a Small Boat in a Storm) - Chicano Batman
136. Black Diamonds - Big Thief
137. HUMBLE. - Kendrick Lamar
138. Would You Rather - Phoebe Bridgers
139. Renato Dall’Ara (2008) - Los Campesinos!
140. Telefono - Phoenix
141. Tin Can - Kevin Morby
142. Thinking of a Place - The War on Drugs
143. the cool - Oso Oso
144. Funeral - Phoebe Bridgers
145. Rollin’ Like a Stoner - Vic Mensa
146. I Wanna Have You - Sweet Spirit
147. No Ti Amo - Lucky Soul
148. Powerful Man - (Sandy) Alex G
149. Something to Remember Me By - The Horrors
150. Good With God - Old 97′s feat Brandi Carlile
151. Hope the High Rode - Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit
152. Friend Zone - Thundercat
153. You’re Dreaming - Wolf Parade
154. I Wish I Didn’t Miss You - Feist
155. Last of My Kind - Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit
156. Just Like Love - Perfume Genius
157. Lelia 20 - Priests
158. Let Me Down Easy - Gang of Youths
159. North Star - Future Islands
160. Name for You - The Shins
161. Right Now - HAIM
162. Haley - Big Thief
163. Whiteout Conditions - The New Pornographers
164. Easy - Sky Ferreira
165. 123 - Girlpool
166. Head of the Horse - The Drums
167. Wish You Could See Me Now - Jessica Lea Mayfield
168. DNA. - Kendrick Lamar
169. Wizard of Loneliness - Wild Pink
170. Happy Birthday, Johnny - St. Vincent
171. Don’t Bother Calling - Moses Sumney
172. Pain - The War on Drugs
173. The Way You Used to Do - Queens of the Stone Age
174. Run for Cover - The Killers
175. Dillon and Her Son - The World is a Beautiful Place and I Am No Longer Afraid to Die
176. Up to Me - Sera Cahoone
177. The Embers - Vagabon
178. Melting Grid - Julie Byrne
179. Rest - Charlotte Gainsboury
180. If Before I Wake - The Districts
181. Can I Sit Next To You - Spoon
182. Replica - The xx
183. Where It At? - Trombone Shorty
184. Dance With Me - Cameron Avery
185. The Baker - People Like You
186. Ran - Future Islands
187. Sleepwalker - Julie Byrne
188. Stars Last Me A Lifetime - Cut Copy
189. Sportstar - (Sandy) Alex G
190. The Mighty - Sweet Spirit
191. Comfort - Petal 
192. WhisperIlllistentohearit - Spoon
193. City Music - Kevin Morby
194. Shotgun - Spoon
195. Preludes - Craig Finn
196. You Could Be Wrong - Bully
197. Daisies - White Reaper
198. Carin at the Liquor Store - The National
199. Future Politics - Austra
200. Fred Thomas - Open Letter to Forever
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scribblindown · 7 years
Final Fantasy XV (Actor AU)
Dang this ended up long, I guess I got carried away ;; I'll keep it under the cut. Also, I refer to them as [character]'s actor, or just [character] on and off, but I'm mostly referring to their actor.  
Final Fantasy (the television series): 
Final Fantasy is an anthology science fiction and fantasy series that started in late 1987. 
 Originally it was produced only by the Japanese studio Square Enix, but as it became more popular, different countries come together to help make this series. Therefore it is now under multiple production companies, distributors, and is aired in multiple networks worldwide.
They currently have fifteen seasons, not counting their many spin-offs, movies, and crossovers with their sister series, Kingdom Hearts.
Constantly gets questioned on why the actors wear so many belts and buckles.
Stella Nox Fleuret:
Was an elegant and kind actress that was in a handful of blockbuster movies, so she was already well-known. 
She was set to be in Final Fantasy Versus XIII, which was already in mid-way through filming, but they were making slow progress due to scheduling issues with Noctis' actor. 
However, Stella's actress was suddenly in a near-fatal car crash, putting a halt to Versus XIII completely. 
Not only was she hospitalized for many months, she decided that she wanted to take a break from acting because her traumatizing experience made her want to spend more time with her family.
She was even unsure if she wanted to go back to acting at all. Even if she were to take on any projects or roles, it would be the local ones, so she wouldn't be too far from her family. 
She specifically told director Tetsuya Nomura this and didn't want to hold them back. Nomura respected her decision and took her off her contract soon later. 
This was a very hard decision for her because she loves the series and her costars. Also, no one blames her for doing what she did. Everyone is still on great terms with one another. If another star is in the same town as her, they will call her up and they will have lunch together. 
But because of this they had to scrap Versus XIII completely. With one of the major actresses suddenly pulling out of the show, it left a major gap in the story and production. 
Money was lost, fans were left dumbfounded, and everyone was at a loss. 
This led to a change in teams, production companies, and Nomura passed the director role to Hajime Tabata. It was eventually reworked into Final Fantasy XV, with major changes happening to the story line and character designs. Such as:
"What??? A plain white button up??? No, give him a purple leopard print shirt!!!" 
Noctis Lucis Caelum: 
Is the same actor that played Sasuke in Naruto and Naruto Shippuden. That's right, I went there.
Because he was still working on Naruto Shippuden at the time, Versus XIII was in the works for the past five years (not ten years like irl) before it eventually became FFXV. But everything worked out in the end because he finished up with Naruto and was able to give FFXV all of his attention. 
He is a half-Japanese actor, and while he spent most of his life in Japan, he can speak English perfectly. This is due to the fact that his parents are divorced and used to pass him back and forth from their respective countries. 
His uncle is a talent agent, and suggested the role of Sasuke Uchiha to him. The rest is history. 
His personality is actually really close to Noctis'. While he can keep up the brooding, cold facade that he did for the past ten years for his other role, and work the cameras so he can come off as charismatic and charming, the actor is slightly socially awkward and introverted, but everything is smooth sailing if you get along with him and he's so kind to fans and tries to answer as many questions as he can on social media.
Cor's actor kind of intimidates him, and the actor who plays young Noctis drew a crude picture of the Immortal when he was off set. The two giggled about it like schoolgirls without realizing that Cor was right behind them. 
Cor later asked for the picture, had them both sign it, and keeps it on his fridge.
He met some of the other actors of the FF series. Sephiroth's actor scares him and Noct has a slight crush on Lightning's. 
He actually likes vegetables, so whenever he has to take them out and eat a burger or something on camera, he feels like they taste so bland. 
His favorite costume is the Moogle Chocobo Carnival one. Usually they're in sweltering weather and his regular leather costume and king costume aren't very forgiving.
He was playing a prank with Prompto's actor on set and it backfired and he got himself locked in the Regalia for an hour.  
He kept the Ring of Lucii after filming, the Moogle Chocobo hat, and his king costume. They made a king costume specifically for close ups and several copies for his fight scene with Ardyn that was meant to rip/be torn. He once wore the costume to take out the trash. 
He does most of his own stunts, but has a body double that does the fishing for him because the boy can't fish for shit. 
He is a cat person. The dogs who play Pryna and Umbra kind of sense this, so Noct has to keep dog treats inside his pockets when doing scenes with them. 
He loves Vincent Valentine the most out of the entire franchise. 
Prompto Argentum:
His older brother in real life is Loqi's actor (Thanks to @chocobro-hijinks this headcanon is giving me double vision.) who inspired him to act at a young age. 
Loqi's actor is mostly a theatre actor, and when Prompto saw his big bro on stage, he was like "Ah! That's what I want to do."
He was a child actor that was in small family movies that focus mostly on comedy. They're the type of movies with the cheesy front cover, and barely anyone has even heard of it. 
When he auditioned, his FF knowledge was zero to none, so he was like, "Oh, what about those clouds and lightning???" Nomura saw right through him, but felt like he fit the role of Prompto very well, so he gave him the benefit of the doubt. 
Is the social media king. He does some light vlogging on the side, and if acting doesn't work out he can become a full-time Youtuber, no problem. He also has a Tumblr under a common name like "FinalFantasyFan4Life" or something; no one knows that it's him. He spends his break time on set reading headcanons, adding comments to some of them, and reblogging fanart. 
He is a Promptis shipper. 
He doesn't take any of the pictures himself. When he takes a selfie, he turns the camera around and holds it, but there will be a crew member taking the picture for him. 
He says that his favorite moment on set is eating all the food that "Iggy" makes. 
Is a big fan of Cor's actor's work. When he first met him, he almost stopped breathing. 
Since he didn't do very many "large" productions like the rest of the crew, he is still considered sort of a rookie compared to the others. Because of this, he often goes to Cor's trailer when he is stuck on a scene and they figure it out together. 
After filming ended, he kept Prompto's bracelets and bandanna as a memento. 
He hates the cold, so when he was filming for "Episode Prompto" the second Tabata calls "Cut!" between scenes, he will legitimately jump into his trailer and sit in front of the heater for the entirety of his break. 
If he has to stay outside, you will see him curl up into a big ball on his snowmobile with at least five large jackets piled on top of him. You can only see his blue eyes when he does that. 
"So do you miss your crew members? Like Noct, Gladio, and Ignis..."  "Oh yeah, but I bet they have it really rough too. Like sitting by the fire, or in a heated hotel room." 
During a choreographed fight scene he accidentally slipped up and kicked Noctis in the head and gave him a concussion. Noctis insisted that it was okay, but Prompto felt so bad, and was so freaked out that he was apologizing through tears and sobs. 
Ignis Scientia:
Started his career by modeling as a child for luxury, designer brands with a couple of guest roles in soap operas. When he got into his teens he started to focus on acting. 
Never has any bad press on him?? He seems to do no wrong and never has any bad pictures taken of him, even if it was secretly. He's either the most boring person ever, or the most perfect. 
He mostly did psychological thrillers, or suave spy movies like 007. 
Is the Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hiddleston of their world. 
He doesn't cook any of the dishes seen on the series, but to get into character he took cooking lessons and can replicate any of them perfectly. Most of the time during his "cooking" scenes, he's just assembling things according to instructions. 
The line, "That's it! I've come up with a new recipeh!" was improv. He loves it so much, he repeats it often. 
Is a jokester despite his image, and loves fooling around on set. If he pranks you that means he likes you. 
During an interview he pulled out some Gladnis smut fanfiction the he found and read it in his most passive, monotone voice. 
Didn't know that he was supposed to go blind until the very day he was supposed to put on the makeup. 
Is allergic to coffee beans, but since he was cast into the role relatively late, they had already requested Ebony cans and vending machines to be made. The "coffee" that you see in mugs is dark hot chocolate and if he drinks out of the can it's usually water. 
Has scarily good twenty/twenty vision, and sometimes his glasses are just empty frames. He goes to push them up, and ooop he almost pokes himself in the eyes. 
He is fond of his current costume. He felt that his Versus XIII outfit was very plain and made him look like a "basic mafia mobster." 
Had a high fever while filming "Episode Ignis," but insisted that they film anyway because his sickness helped him act better. (Poor babe.)
Kept Iggy's gloves and glasses after filming. 
Gladiolus Amicitia:
He started out as a stunt double, fight choreographer/stunt coordinator. He was originally brought into the show to help the actors with their fight scenes, but they were looking for a forth member of the Chocobros and he already got along great with the crew and cast, so he got the job. 
Was totally pumped up to not wear a shirt most of the time in XV, because he worked so hard to get his rippling nine-pack. 
His favorite emoji is the flexing bicep. He uses it at the end of every caption he posts, even if it doesn't really make sense. The fans eat it up though. 
"It's such a nice day today! 💪"    "Just having lunch! 💪 "
His actor is the real mom friend of the crew. Iggy is responsible and all, but if Noctis or Prompto do anything stupid, he mostly watches in the background smugly. Gladdy Daddy to the rescue. 
The cast once got together and read complementing, positive tweets from real fans to Gladio for a video. Noctis looked Gladio right in the eye with a straight face, and said, "Sweet dreams...Daddy." Prompto continued this by saying, "Let me have your children, Daddy." 
Gladio burst out laughing and turned bright red. 
He is such a college student at heart that he doesn't mind eating all those cup noodles. But due to shooting the same scene over and over in one go, he sometimes has to go through eight cups at a time. He knows that it's not good for you, and occasionally has to spit it out off camera. It breaks his heart. 
Is bisexual. He doesn't bring it up often, but he came out publicly before, but to the media it seems as if they skipped over that fact. He doesn't really mind, but he get exasperated when interviewers constantly try to press that false facts that he's straight onto him. 
After a particularly tiring day filming, he fell asleep on a table with his head down. When he woke up, he found out that his tattoo body paint rubbed off on his cheek. He didn't know this, and the other guys wouldn't tell him until a crew member had to come up and stop him.  
He kept Gladio's necklace as a memento. 
LMK if you're interested in knowing more about the other characters, or even FFVII's actor au! Sorry for continually mentioning Sasuke though, I just love that asshole so much. 
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suvidrache · 2 years
My Bad
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 620 / Read it on AO3 / Wattpad | Event List
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The day before Valentine's day, you had run out of ketchup and decided to go to the store.
The fridge door clicked, signaling that it was closed and you sighed.
You didn't want to leave the house, but you needed ketchup.
You grabbed your things and headed out.
You were still new to this strange world, but thankfully the city you had taken residence in needed no cars to get from place to place.
You walked outside, the bright sun beamed down on you. It was a warm, possibly summer afternoon. You weren't sure what season it was.
The one friend you had made in the town was Tifa. She was very friendly and helpful. She had even hired you at her bar so you could make some money while you stayed.
The house you lived in was a rental and you had a day off from work.
Tifa had given you a map and told you some of the places in town. Some of them drew your interest, others, not so much.
You knew the store very well. It was the first place you had visited when you came.
Vincent lay awake in his coffin. Unable to sleep, he sat up. He ran his fingers through his long hair and put on all-black clothes, his usual attire.
He normally wouldn't lie around all day, but something was off and he wasn't sure what.
He headed up the stairs, unlocked the door to his room, and closed and locked it behind him.
He liked keeping his life very private and didn't want anyone to see any of what may lie in his private chambers.
He looked around and decided he would head to the store. He wasn't sure why, but he decided he would go.
He left the confinement of his home and headed to the store.
You took your time looking around at everything, seeing and wondering if you needed anything else other than ketchup.
Not seeing anything else, you headed to the aisle the ketchup was in. You reached for the ketchup when a hand touched yours.
You could feel a brooding presence and you drew your hand back to look.
A large man, dressed in all-black, his long dark hair hung over his face.
You waited a moment before saying anything and the man spoke.
"My bad."
He took the ketchup from the shelf and handed it to you. You took it and thanked him.
He didn't reply.
"What's your name?"
"It's nice to meet you. I'm Y/N."
He wasn't one for many words, and he was as mysterious as he looked.
You felt somewhere inside of you. You had met this man before.
He turned slowly, his eyes met yours, and he left.
You breathed in and looked down at the bottle before looking up.
You made your way to the register, paid, and left.
Vincent stood outside the store, almost as if he were waiting for someone.
You looked at him and for some reason felt the need to ask, "Would you like to go on a date with me?"
"Where to and when?"
"Tomorrow at two. Near the mansion, we can go visit the pond."
He walked away without another word.
You weren't sure why you had mentioned that place, but for some reason, you were at a loss for words.
You had hoped he would be there tomorrow, but you wouldn't be surprised if he didn't show up.
He was a strange man with very little to say.
You headed home and tomorrow you would head to the place you had agreed to.
You were relieved when he had shown up with a box of chocolates and flowers he had bought.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag List: @phantomheiko / To join my tag list apply here!
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kiri-chu · 7 years
I was tagged by this amazing human beeaaan: @bev-nap
Rules: Copy and paste the questions, answer them in a new post, and tag some blogs to do it afterwards.
Age: 23 I’m old Birthplace: Clarkston, MI Current Time: 3:28 PM Drink You Last Had: Gatorade  Easiest Person To Talk To: My bb sister  Favorite Song: Numb - Linkin Park  Grossest Memory: Oh jeeze... Uhhhh.... I have a lot of those tbh. But I’d have to say one of the grossest memories I have is when I had to work at Panera (Actually all memories from there are 76% unfond / gross) and the grease trap had to be cleaned. Literally it stank up the entire BOH and some customers even left because it managed to reach into the dining area.  Hogwarts House: Slytherin!  In love with: NOCTIS LUCIS CAELUM, XANDER, DABI, VINCENT VALENTINE, ITACHI UCHIHA- I CAN GO ON.  Jealous Of People: who can eat whatever they want and how much they want and still maintain a tiny figure.  Killed Anyone: I’ve killed many in my mind..  Love At First Sight or Should I Walk By Again: Love at first sight. I’m cheesy.  Middle Name: Nicole Number Of Siblings: One! @muse-of-music (who I’m also tagging :3c)  Person You Last Called: My sister  Question You Are Always Asked: “Have you cleaned your room?”  Reasons To Smile: My friends, sister, Doggos, videogames and a lot more than that lol  Song You Last Sung: A very butchered Somnus  Time You Woke: 10:45  Underwear Color: Purple Vacation Destination: Japan for my weeb ass  Worst Habit: Picking at my skin  X-Rays: My right wrist when I sprained it... Funny story of how I sprained it  Your Favorite Food: Sushi, Pasta, and more lel 
Y’all don’t have to do it but I’m tagging: @enclosedmelodies @magicalgirltash @kamoe @lady-of-rohan 
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freyayuki · 4 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Japan 6th Anniversary Festival Present Relic Draw
The Japanese version of the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (#ad) (FFRK) mobile game is currently celebrating its 6th Anniversary. As part of the festivities, the Present Relic Draw Banner just showed up. 
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You can only pull once on this banner, but it doesn’t cost anything, you get 10 items, and one is guaranteed to be of 5-star or higher rarity. After drawing, you can pick a set of Soul Breaks for a selected list of characters.
You’ll get one of each of the following:
Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB)
Arcane Overstrike Soul Break (AOSB)
Legend Materia Relic (LMR)
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You can choose from the following chars:
Warrior of Light from Final Fantasy I
Firion from Final Fantasy II
Onion Knight from Final Fantasy III
Paladin Cecil Harvey from Final Fantasy IV
Bartz Klauser from Final Fantasy V
Locke Cole from Final Fantasy VI
Tifa Lockhart from Final Fantasy VII
Rinoa Heartilly from Final Fantasy VIII
Zidane Tribal from Final Fantasy IX
Yuna from Final Fantasy X
Ayame from Final Fantasy XI
Ashe or Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca from Final Fantasy XII
Lightning or Claire Farron from Final Fantasy XIII
Alphinaud Leveilleur from Final Fantasy XIV
Noctis Lucis Caelum (#ad) from Final Fantasy XV
Rem Tokimiya from Final Fantasy Type-0
Agrias Oaks from Final Fantasy Tactics
So, for example, if you choose Tifa, you’ll get her AASB, AOSB, and LMR for free. 
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Present Relic Draw Free Pull
Considering the crappy rates on this game, and the fact that the Present Relic Draw’s banner doesn’t have anything on rate-up, I wasn’t expecting to get anything good from the free draw. Plus we’re only guaranteed to get one 5-star item. Which wouldn’t be so bad if FFRK didn’t have relics that were of 6-star and 7-star rarity. In short, getting a 5-star Soul Break is definitely not gonna fill you with joy unless it’s for a char you really like.
Anyway, my point was that I tried not to get my hopes up when I pulled on this banner. So imagine my surprise when Dr. Mog showed up to transform one of the orbs I’d gotten into a 7-star item. Oh, wow. I could hardly believe this. I’m getting a Sync?!
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Synchro Arcane Soul Breaks (SASB) or Syncs are currently the best kind of Soul Break in Final Fantasy Record Keeper. Well, there’s also that new one they just released called True Arcane Soul Break (TASB), but these cost a whopping 3 bars to activate whereas Syncs only cost 2. And since these are new, not everyone (I mean, not all the playable characters, but I guess this could also apply to the players themselves; I don’t have any yet too) has one yet. I don’t think it’s even possible to get them from this particular banner.
Anyway, I ended up just staring at the screen displaying the 7-star relic that I just got. I wonder who owns this Sync. Maybe, hopefully, it’s for a char that I’m already using. The only thing I knew was that this didn’t belong to my current most favorite Final Fantasy character. I’m talking about Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. The truth is he’s the reason why I started playing Final Fantasy Record Keeper. I have a copy of Genesis’s Sync, so I know what it looks like, and it’s definitely not this one.
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After a moment of just staring, I finally tapped on the image to get to the draw results screen. This was where I promptly found out that it was no wonder this pull seemed way too good to be true. That’s because it was indeed too good to be true. Sync? What Sync? Unfortunately, there wasn’t a single Sync to be found in this draw.
Yes, I did get a 7-star relic. It wasn’t a Sync though. It was a Limit Break Over Flow (LBOF) Soul Break. Looks like I ended up forgetting they were 7-star relics too. It’s not like Limit Break Over Flows are bad, it’s just that Syncs are way better. Both can only be used once per battle, but Syncs have way more effects and they last longer. If I had to choose between getting a Sync or an LBOF, I’d choose the first, no questions asked. 
I have Vincent Valentine’s (from Final Fantasy VII and Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII) Limit Break Over Flow, Galian Rage (VII), and Sephiroth’s (from Final Fantasy VII) Sync, Demonic Lord (VII). IIRC, these are the only relics I have for these two. Guess who made the cut and got into my Final Fantasy VII Torment Dungeon team.  
Finding out that I got an LBOF instead of a Sync wouldn’t have been so bad if I hadn’t also found that I got an LBOF for a char that I’m not even using. In short, I have no other relics for this char, so getting their Limit Break Over Flow isn’t enough to get them added to any of my parties.  
The char in question is Lightning. What I got was her Helter-Skelter (XIII), a 7-star rarity, Sword-type relic. This contained her Limit Break Over Flow, Artemis's Arrows. Its effect is:
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“Deal five massive ranged physical lightning attacks with 100% critical hit chance to one enemy. Deals more damage depending on the amount of Limit Break Gauge consumed, ignores Defense, and can break the damage cap.”
Looks like this’ll be rotting in my inventory until I get more of Lightning’s Soul Breaks.
Actually, this free draw gave me 2 more golds. Too bad neither belonged to Lightning. One of the golds was nothing more than a 5-star Burst Soul Break. Bursts have been horribly powercrept by now and getting one doesn’t make me want to use a char, especially not if that’s the only relic I have for them. As such, I didn’t even bother finding out who owned this particular Burst.
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The other gold was Regal Gown (I), a 6-star rarity, Light Armor-type relic. This gave me Sarah’s (from Final Fantasy I) Awakened Arcane Soul Break, Grandiose Song. It’s a healing-type Soul Break that’s pretty good. 
Unfortunately, this is my first and only relic for Sarah, and I already have great healers in Elarra (from Final Fantasy Record Keeper) and Aerith or Aeris Gainsborough (from Final Fantasy VII). I have more of Elarra’s and Aeris’s Soul Breaks, so they’re my go-to healers and supports. If I get more of Sarah’s relics, particularly the ones that are good, I’d seriously consider leveling her up and trying her out. Until then, her Awakening’s gonna have to join Lightning’s LBOF in gathering dust in my inventory. At least they can keep each other company. LOL. 
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper 5th Anniversary
Now that I’m done with the free pull, it was time to get my free relic set. This was easier said than done thanks to the limited list of chars we could choose from.
The Japanese version of Final Fantasy Record Keeper also had a free present relic draw as part of its 5th Anniversary celebration. You get a free AASB, AOSB, and LMR after doing a free pull. The list of chars to choose from were as follows:
Terra Branford from Final Fantasy VI
Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII
Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII
Ingus from Final Fantasy III
Shantotto from Final Fantasy XI
Tidus from Final Fantasy X
Cidolfus Orlandeau from Final Fantasy Tactics
Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII
Bartz Klauser from Final Fantasy V
For Terra, Squall, Bartz, Cloud, and Sephiroth, it was their first Awakening that was up for grabs. I wasn’t playing the Japanese version of the game when this happened, but I was playing the Global or English version when that game’s 5th Anniversary was ongoing. I was so new to FFRK Global that I didn’t have a single relic on the aforementioned list. 
However, I didn’t need to think about which set to pick. I’d already made up my mind to get Cloud’s Soul Breaks. I didn’t care what the Soul Breaks did or if they were any good. I wanted to choose them anyway because I like Cloud. But everything changed when the fire nation attacked I ended up getting Cloud’s Awakening from another banner. After that, I was reluctant to pick his set. It seemed like a waste to still go for it because instead of getting 3 new relics, I’d only be getting 2 plus 1 dupe. 
Since I was so new to the game, I thought it would be better to choose a set that would give me 3 new relics. I ended up spending a lot of time thinking about which set to pick. It was rather frustrating since I couldn’t make up my mind. I thought argh, if only Cloud’s Awakening hadn’t come home so soon, I wouldn’t be having this problem. I could have chosen his set and been done with this. Well, eventually, I settled on Sephiroth’s set. I talk more about that in this post.
Cloud Strife or Sephiroth Relic Set?
Based on the relic sets that were available during the game’s 5th Anniversary, when I first heard about the present relic draw for the 6th Anniversary, I thought that Cloud and Sephiroth would be part of the selection again. I thought this was very likely since they’re both popular chars. Heck, I practically already assumed this was the case, and so I was already debating with myself which of them I should go for.
As aforementioned, in my Japanese account, I only have Sephiroth’s Sync. For Cloud, I have 2 of his Ultra Soul Breaks (USB) and one of his Flash Tech Soul Breaks. Both chars are part of my Final Fantasy VII Torment Dungeon party. They work well enough as they are. In fact, I can auto the D450 Torment Dungeon. Nevertheless, I certainly wouldn’t say no to getting more of their relics, especially since this could help me in being able to do the Final Fantasy VII Dreambreaker Dungeon (way harder than D450 Torments) as well as some of the Magicite Dungeons (Cloud for the Wind one and Sephiroth for the Dark one). 
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Aside from this free present relic set pick, the 6th Anniversary also included other campaigns and events that gave us more freebies, including a free Awakening from a selected list. There was also a Stamp Sheet that applied to all of the Anniversary Banners. You get a Stamp every time you draw on any one of these banners. Depending on the number of Stamps you have, you get prizes, including a Sync, also from a selected list. 
And so for me, it was just a matter of trying to figure out where I was getting what. Cloud’s and Sephiroth’s Awakenings were included in the free AASB selection and their Syncs could be chosen from the Stamp Sheet. One of the Anniversary banners included Cloud’s Fusion Sword (VII), which contained his True Arcane Soul Break, Omnislash.
My plan was to pull on that banner, which would also fill out my Stamp Sheet so I could get the “free” Sync. I wanted to get Cloud’s new relic, his TASB. Then I planned to get his Sync from the Stamp Sheet. After that, it was just a matter of deciding if I should pick his or Sephiroth’s set. If I picked Cloud’s set, then I’d get Sephiroth’s AASB from the free Awakening pick and vice versa. 
I thought I had it all sorted out. And then the selection for the free present relics pick showed up, throwing a lot of my plans out the window. I was very disappointed to find out that neither Sephiroth’s nor Cloud’s sets were available. Now, instead of trying to decide between 2 chars, I have to decide between all of them because I have no idea which one to go for. I’m so new to the Japanese version of FFRK that I don’t have anything for any of these chars. Tentatively, I was thinking about getting Tifa’s set since I do like her. Still wish either Cloud or Sephiroth were available though. Sigh.
Present Relic Draw Free Set Pick
You know, this game can be so freaking frustrating sometimes. Seriously, sometimes, I really, really, really freaking hate this game. Argh! You’d think- no, you’d hope that 500 mythril would- should- have been enough to get Cloud’s Fusion Sword. But, no, unfortunately it’s not. Eff this game and its lack of a true pity system, like the one in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game. The Stamp Sheet doesn’t count since it doesn’t even include all the relics. 
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This is all so depressing and disappointing and- sigh. I’ll talk more about that in another post. Right now, the main point is that Cloud’s TASB didn’t show up, and I’m all out of mythril. Did I mention that I hate this game? What a waste of 500 mythril. Didn’t even get the consolation prize of Zack Fair’s (from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII) Sync because eff this freaking game.
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So now all my plans have really been thrown out the window. 500 mythril’s enough to get me the “free” Sync from the Stamp Sheet, but how could I go for Cloud’s when his Omnislash didn’t show up? I didn’t want to get his Sync anymore, at least not from this Stamp Sheet. I couldn’t go with Sephiroth’s since I already have his. Now I have to choose from the following:
Squall - Sync 1
Rinoa - Sync 2
Lightning - Sync 1
Noctis - Sync 1
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret from Final Fantasy XV
Yeah, some chars have more than 1 Sync so it was either their first or second that was available from the list. 
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I decided to compare the Sync list from the relics set list. The chars that showed up in both are:
I figured the best thing to do was to build up a char from these picks. So if I were to pick, say, Rem’s Sync, then I should choose her relics set too. This way, I get 4 of her relics at once, and she automatically becomes usable. Well, more usable than if I only had 1 of her relics anyway. 
Now it was a matter of deciding which char’s relics to go for. Bartz’s relics are for the wind element. Still feeling really miserable from failing to get Cloud’s new Soul Break, so I really didn’t feel like having anything to do with the wind element right now. Which means Bartz is out.
Rinoa’s relics are for the ice element. Lightning’s are for the lightning element. Rem’s are for the holy element. Off the top of my head, I can’t remember if I have other chars that have Soul Breaks of these elements. I also can’t recall if I have any Chain Soul Breaks that support these elements.
Locke Cole vs Noctis Lucis Caelum
As for Locke and Noctis - their relics are for the fire element. Genesis’s main or primary element is fire. Naturally, that means fire is my strongest element. I have Locke’s free fire Chain, but what I use is Balthier’s (Ffamran mied Bunansa from Final Fantasy XII) fire Chain. I have a few fire Soul Breaks, but my secondary DPS is Auron (from Final Fantasy X) since I have his Sync, Awakening, and Flash Tech Soul Break. Of course, Genesis is my main DPS.
I was leaning towards going for either Locke’s or Noctis’s relics so I could power up my fire team even more. Maybe this could inspire me to try the 6-star Ice Magicite fight already. It’s not like I think my current team can’t do it. I haven’t even tried. It might work. I won’t know for sure until I try. It’s just that this battle could take a while, and I haven’t found the time to spare to just sit down and go for it. At least it’s not time-limited so there’s no pressure, and I can do it whenever I feel like it.
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Anyway, one of Locke’s Sync commands can Imperil fire (make enemies weak to the fire element). Nothing else seems to be noteworthy with the rest of his relics. As for Noctis, one of his Sync commands grants him instant ATB while the other gives him High Quick Cast. 
His Awakening can also be used for fights that need lightning and/or earth damage. However, instead of getting elemental infusion (like how Locke’s Awakening temporarily infuses him with the power of fire), he gets 100% critical hit chance. The elemental infusion’s better, especially since you can use supports like Tyro (from Final Fantasy Record Keeper) to increase a char’s critical hit chance. 
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Noctis’s LMR gives him a 25% chance to dualcast Combat abilities, which sucks when compared to Locke’s (gives him a 25% chance to dualcast fire abilities) because there's no fire Combat ability. It doesn’t even synergize with his Sync, which requires a fire ability.
What makes Noctis good is his Sync because the instant ATB and High Quick Cast make him really fast, allowing him to take multiple turns and just keep dishing out damage. Since I’ve heard a lot of good things about Noctis’s Sync, I was leaning towards him even if the rest of his relics set may not be that good. His Sync should more than make up for it.
Locke being able to Imperil fire with his Sync is pretty good, but I already have Balthier for that. I have Locke’s Chain, but Balthier’s is better. In the end, I decided it’d be better to go for Noctis so he could replace Auron as my secondary DPS. So that was exactly what I did.
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Noctis Lucis Caelum from Final Fantasy XV
I leveled up Noctis and gave him all the 3-star, 4-star, and 5-star Motes he needed. I decided to hold off on giving him 6-star Motes for now. I wanted to try him out first. So I geared him up and replaced Auron with him. I then ran my usual auto fire team, which consisted of Genesis, Tyro, Elarra, and Balthier. I won, but I wasn’t pleased. 
Noctis’s speed messed up with how I wanted these fights to go. With Auron in my party, Genesis was always the one who would summon or call the Roaming Warrior. I always borrow a friend Genesis equipped with his Sync. So my Genesis calls on the friend Genesis. The support’s Sync gets cast and my Genesis gets its effects. This means he gets to deal awesome damage right away without having to wait until he gets enough bars to activate his own Sync. 
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When I replaced Auron with Noctis, he ended up being the one to call on the friend Genesis. Everything still worked out since Genesis’s Sync requirements are fire abilities and Noctis is equipped with them. I didn’t want this to happen though. I wanted my Genesis to be the one to get the effects of the Roaming Warrior’s Sync. Needless to say, I was disappointed by this outcome. I just got some new relics, and I can’t even use them? Ugh. As if I wasn’t disappointed enough with failing to get Cloud’s Fusion Sword. Eff this game.
Of course, I went back to Auron the moment that battle ended. I told myself it was fine. I should be able to use Noctis in a team if I’m not autoing a fight. If I was manually playing, then I can just pick who does what. Still couldn’t help feeling disappointed though.
In conclusion, eff this game. Also, pity system when? Sigh. Really, if my fave Genesis wasn’t here in Final Fantasy Record Keeper, I wouldn’t be here. Man, I really wish he’d show up in Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia. I’d definitely pull for him, no questions asked. 
I wouldn’t care if he was meta or not, though of course I’d want him to be really good. Even if he wasn’t though, I’d still gladly get him anyway. I don’t care how much I have to spend. I must have all his weapons. But this is DFFOO we’re talking about. Even if I never manage to get all of his stuff in any of my pulls, it doesn’t matter because the super special awesome pity system will let me get all the gear I’m missing for him anyway. In short, DFFOO for the win, and FFRK needs to do better. 
pics are from Amazon.com; links shown above
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper Japanese game account
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doujinshijo · 7 years
A most-wanted doujin find, and a lesson in avoiding the reseller trap
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Cast your mind back, if you will, to day 20 of the Doujinshi Challenge. I mentioned that my most-wanted doujins were any of the FFVII books published by the circle Ginger / artist さと [Sato]. I’m utterly, unashamedly in love with her interpretation of Vincent Valentine, but trying to track down copies of her books - mostly published in the mid- to early-2010s - has been a major pain in the butt, and I’d only ever managed to find one in my months and months of searching.
A couple of weeks ago, a certain doujin reseller whose website I frequent alerted me to the fact that they had a copy of a Ginger work - 気の長い話 [Ki no nagai hanashi] - available. A work I didn’t already own. I’m not going to lie; I went into full-blown frenzy mode. All I could think was “Mine! Mine! MINE!!”. The only thing was, I really, really didn’t want to pay the $25-odd inflated asking price. Tsk, these resellers preying on our perversions…can’t we trust anyone these days?
Luckily, ol’ DoJo had a couple of tricks up their sleeve. I had worked out that this particular reseller doesn’t hold any stock themselves - their website just displays stocks from other Japanese online stores. In other words, this book was available somewhere online at Japanese retail price - all I had to do was find it at the original store and save myself from paying a huge markup.
So, off I went to trawl all of the Japanese doujin sites I knew of…and, as luck would have it, my first stop (Mandarake) turned out to be the pot of gold. The price of the doujin? 400JPY (about $3.50), plus 680JPY shipping. About $9.80 / £8 all in. I’ve said it and I’ll say it again - it seriously pays to directly source your own doujins.
If that weren’t enough, I’ve got some awesome news for you fellow Vincent aficionados - 気の長い話 is available to read in its entirety on Sato’s Pixiv page. Enjoy!
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alisoncoldridge · 7 years
Celebrity engagement rings that’ll knock your socks off
Princess, pear, heart, radiant... there are so many different diamond cuts to chose from for your engagement ring - and that’s assuming it’s a diamond you’re after.
So whether you need help narrowing down your decision or just love checking out celebrity bling, take a look at these rings some of the world’s top stars have been given. From flashy ones, to heart-shaped ones to more modest ones, get inspired by these beauts.
Which is your favourite? Tweet us at @YahooStyleUK.
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Ariana Grande sparked rumours that she was engaged to Mac Miller after sporting a huge rock on her ring finger. The 23-year-old singer donned the diamond ring during the One Love Manchester concert. 
[Photo: PA]
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Margot Robbie shared this photo of her engagement - or wedding, we’re not quite sure which - ring on her Instagram account, hinting that she’s got serious with her boyfriend Tom Ackerley. The Aussie actress boasted a pear-shaped rock, complete with diamond encrusted band. 
[Photo: Instagram/Margot Robbie]
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Pixie Lott shared the news of her engagement to beau Oliver Cheshire via her Instagram account in mid-November 2016. The singer was proposed to with an oval shaped diamond, sat on a band of mini diamonds. 
[Photo: Instagram/Pixie Lott]
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Cara Delevingne sparked rumours that she and girlfriend St. Vincent (real name Annie Clark) are engaged with by regramming this Instagram photo, shared by her ‘Suicide Squad’ co-star Jared Leto. The snap doesn’t show the model’s ring clearly, but it appears to be a vintage-inspired bit of bling. 
[Photo: Instagram/Cara Delevingne]
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Pippa Middleton’s ring boasts a halo diamond surrounded by smaller diamonds, making it very similar to her big sister’s sparkler. 
[Photo: Fame Flynet]
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Hilary Swank’s vintage-inspired emerald engagement ring is all kinds of beautiful. 
[Photo: Instagram/Hilary Swank]
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Kim Kardashian’s 15-carat rock was designed by Kanye West - as you would expect it to be. 
[Photo: Instagram/Kim Kardashian West]
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Ryan Reynolds picked out a roughly 12-carat oval bauble ring for Blake Lively.
[Photo: Instagram/Blake Lively]
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Compared to some of the other rings in this round-up, Lauren Conrad’s seems incredibly modest. Which, we reckon, makes it all the more beautiful. 
[Photo: Instagram/Lauren Conrad]
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Australian jeweller Ron Bensimon designed Whitney port’s three-carat sparkler.  It features five rows of pave diamonds along the band and diamonds under the bezel of the four-prong setting. 
[Photo: Instagram/Whitney Port]
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“Modern Family” star Sofia Vergara’s oversized rock is rumoured to have set her beau Joe Manganiello back around half a million dollars. 
[Photo: Instagram/Sofia Vergara]
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The Duchess of Cambridge’s famous oval sapphire is perhaps the most famous engagement ring of all time. 
[Photo: Getty]
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Ashley Tisdale’s ring is a lot more intricate than some. 
[Photo: Instagram/Ashley Tisdale]
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Jennifer Aniston has admitted the eight-carat rock her finance gave her isn’t in keeping with her normal style - it is a lot flashier than the jewellery she usually goes for. But isn’t that the point of engagement rings? 
[Photo: Getty]
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Kim K’s ring might be big but Beyonce’s 18-carat diamond is ever more showy.
[Photo: Getty]
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Cheryl Fernandez-Versini debuted her engagement ring on Instagram, after admitting she had tied the knot. 
[Photo: Instagram/Cheryl Fernandez Versini]
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Lady Gaga’s beau Taylor Kinney gave her a heart-shaped diamond ring when he popped the question on Valentine’s Day 2015. 
[Photo: Instagram/Lady Gaga]
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Victoria Beckham is rumoured to have some 13 (no, that isn’t a typo) engagement rings. But what’s a dozen diamond rings to a world -famous footballer? 
[Photo: Instagram/Victoria Beckham]
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Former “Made In Chelsea” star Millie Mackintosh says her now-husband Professor Green picked out the perfect ring for her. 
[Photo: Instagram/Millie Mackintosh]
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Drew Barrymore has a Graff radiant-cut four-carat diamond. Bet that catches the light nicely. 
[Photo: Instagram/Drew Barrymore]
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Like Lady Gaga, Rochelle Humes’ engagement ring is heart-shaped. 
[Photo: Instagram/Rochelle Humes]
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There’s something really beautiful about Iggy Azalea’s canary yellow diamond ring. 
[Photo: Instagram/Iggy Azalea]
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Designed by celebrity jewellery Neil Lane, Nicole Richie’s brilliant-cut ring is four carats and pretty spectacular! 
[Photo: Instagram/Nicole Richie]
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