#● opened letters || answered
ducitestella · 1 year
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● – || @earthwilled sent: 'major general...you came to find me ??' terra's head is fuzzy still, pounding and swimming, but he still finds it odd that fubuki of all people came to rescue him, he didn't remember being all that close, after all. 'i'm sorry to bother you, you...didn't have to come all this way just for me.'
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● – || His heart was racing at a mile a minute . The SECOND he heard that something had happened to Terra he dropped everything and RACED to his side . Worry filled his mind , more than it already did when it came to Terra .
What he didn't expect , however , was what came out of Terra's mouth . Darling . Love . Those names have been said to him in place of his name , but his full title ? That hasn't been used unless they were on the field during a battle or before they started dating .
" W-Why wouldn't I save you ? You're not a bother . I promise .Terra , I- "
Did he not . . . remember him ?
Fubuki's expression faded to nerves as he gently touched Terra's shoulder . " Terra . . . Do you know who I am beyond Major General Fubuki ? "
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rexelectus · 1 year
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● – || @ruinedbycatastrophe sent: ❛ i just wish i could protect you from everything. ❜ ( from regis )
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● – || Noctis had been focusing on packing the night before his trip , with Ignis helping him here and there . He could feel the butterflies in his stomach as he folded his last shirt and put it inside of his suitcase . He enjoyed having his father's company while he prepared for what lie ahead . There was something about it that provided an aura of [ [ c o m f o r t ] ] to the Prince . Father and son . . . it would be a while before they were together again come tomorrow .
" You've protected me my whole life . . . I have to do this on my own . "
He slowly made his way over to his bed and sat down , sinking into the plush surface so that he could join his father . He offered his father a [ [ s o f t ] ] smile as he looked up at him , doing his best to mask the voices that were so violently taunting him inside of his head . Freedom . . . a word which here means something slipping from one's fingers as another choice in their life disappears .
" I promise . . . I'll be back before you know it . It's just to Altissia for the wedding and back . It will be like I'm not even gone . "
This wedding had been something long coming , since long before he could remember . This day was going to come eventually . He just wished that his father would join him for the journey instead of staying behind .
" I'll . . . miss you , dad . "
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letters-from-dekarios · 4 months
(Delivered to Gale's teaching desk by an embarrassed student, who apologizes many times but explains that his baby sister has developed a bit of a fascination with her older brother's magical training and Gale in particular. He does not explain how or why she has learned enough about Gale to develop such a obsession but the blush on his face speaks a thousand words.
The letter is rife with spelling errors and is written in clumsy block letters)
Deer Profeser Decareos,
My name is Ruby and I am 5 yeers old.
I want to bee a wizzerd like yoo and like my big bruther Finn. He is big enuff to be in yur class. He says I am too small.
But Mama says I am a big girl and I think I am big enuff to be in yur class too.
I made lots of pretty lites at my birthday party so I know I can do it.
Can I come to school with Finn and be in yur class and learn magic too?
Love, Ruby.
Dearest Ruby,
I think you’d make a fine wizard one day! You have a very ready spirit. I’m sure Blackstaff would be very happy to have you. Your brother Finn is one of the best in my class, I’m positive you’d follow right along in his footsteps.
Why, if you’ve already made dancing lights then the rest will come even easier to you! I have full faith you’d excel in my class almost immediately.
If your mother is alright with it, and Finn as well, I would be more than happy for you to join our class. All ages are welcome here at Blackstaff, with a bit of convincing. I’m sure the head of the academy wouldn’t mind.
Do inform me ahead of time when you are to join us, so I can have a special lecture planned just for you.
From the desk of,
𝑮𝒂𝒍𝒆 𝑫𝒆𝒌𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒔
[there is an attached secondary note directed only to Finn, it reads as follows;
Your sister’s letter was all the more adorable. However, it does lead a man to wonder where she gained such a fascination with the class. I’m sure you’ve shared plenty a story with your family given the nature of my lectures, but, alas, I question even the grass beneath my boots at times.
If she is to join us, please sit towards the front of the class and notify me ahead of time so I can tailor the topics of the day to her young mind.
Thank you.]
text reads: gale dekarios
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canisalbus · 1 year
So y’know how catholic priests do confessionals right and that homosexuality was seen as a sin they had to confess to- I’m just picturing Machete in the other box just listening to everyone tell him how gay they are and honestly idk how he’d respond to it. but it’s interesting I think 👀
I'm under the impression that he'd hate doing confession duty and would probably avoid it whenever possible. He doesn't like being confined in a little box, away from the spaces he deems safe and familiar, with nothing productive to do but to sit and marinate in his thoughts. He doesn't like talking to strangers, especially one-to-one and about topics that are this delicate and personal, and he certainly doesn't like trying to come up with a fitting penance or words of sage advice. Even in the rare occasions when he gives it a honest try he feels like fish out of water. He'd be very formal and impersonal to deal with and penitents would probably find him mildly unnerving in his emotionlessness, but at least he'd be quick about it. He'd be even more tight-lipped if the topic of homosexuality came up, maybe he'd have some kind of tired pre-rehearsed set of lines prepared for those situations, nothing too condemning but also sufficiently in line with the church's standings. And then he'd go home feeling like the most spineless hypocrite.
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nams2 · 3 months
Talking to other partnering aros: Yeah so I've been reading original fics on AO3 to try and find some good queerplatonic stuff. Theres a steady stream if you filter by the queerplatonic tag which is nice. The problem is that most of it's either too short for me or just underdeveloped background characters but its something. Yeah it sucks to settle for that but you know how dire it is finding rep.
Talking about being aro to allos: No Im aroace. That means aromantic and asexual. They're different things. It- no asexual means a lack of sexual attraction. They can be different.
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bedheadnoodle · 4 months
Leona, quick! It’s pride month! Do you or anyone you know celebrate? How?
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Leona’s Inbox Letters
While I don’t necessarily celebrate, I do however think those who judge others just because of who they like are just an idiotic bunch who’re insecure and incapable of expressing themselves without being a coward and being afraid they’ll be judged, anyhow.
I don’t care what gender or sexuality of the person I like is. Plus, I sure as hell couldn’t give a damn about what my sexuality is either. I like who I like and that’s final. Anyone who wants to criticize me for that will have to deal with me firsthand anyways.
The only people I really know who celebrate is that herbivore, Cater, was it? Eh, whatever. Plus a few of the Savanaclaw beastmen. Besides them, that’s all I really know. No doubt others celebrate though. Pretty sure the old man, Lilia, celebrates anyhow. But that’s just my guess for now.
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mochaccino-river · 7 months
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yessir!! o7
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mugwot · 1 year
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what i look like in my friends's (?) dms right now
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yuan4i · 5 months
I've been waiting like for years, I've been checking the chapter if there's an update, I've read them many times, i'm almost going crazy because you didn't update 😭
But i understand if you're busy, or something :))
I really like- no, i really love your work so much much much 💋 Like i can't live without you 🥲 Keep it up !!!
Are you mora? Because i always need mora of you 😘 /j
HIII OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING COD <33 i appreciate your love for the story!! I SWEAR I'LL UPDATE IT SOON, IVE BEEN PROCRASTINATING SM (with both the story and school 😭) BUT I SWEAR I'LL TRY MY BEST TO UPDATE IT VERY SOON!!! again, thank you soso much for reading and i'm so happy that you're enjoying it <33!!
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howtofightwrite · 2 years
i see letter openers used as weapons in fiction a lot. a lot of letter openers ive seen are pretty blunt, but i can see the sharp letter openers potentially being viable. but how difficult would using a letter opener in a self defence situation be in a fight scene?
This is another time when I just have to say, “It depends.”
Most, purpose built, letter openers are not going to be particularly effective as a weapon. They're often made from fairly flimsy metal. I've run across a few pewter letter openers, and one that I'm pretty sure was just polished tin. In fact, now that I think about it, I'm not sure I've ever seen an iron or steel letter opener.
Now, having said that, it's fairly important to remember that getting stabbed by one would still be a pretty unpleasant experience. Puncture wounds are more about the pressure behind the point of impact, rather than how sharp the edge is. So, if the letter opener's grip supports that kind of pressure, it would be quite possible to shank someone with one.
Slashing, not so much. The edge is going to be blunt enough that it shouldn't pose much of a threat, in the vast majority of cases.
On the other end of the spectrum there are people who use actual knives as letter openers. A lot of the fictional examples I can think of are cases where someone uses a dagger as their letter opener, and leaves it unsecured on their desk the rest of the time. Somewhat obviously, if you're opening your mail with a dagger or tac knife, you can still turn around and use that for its original purpose.
There's also an edge case here, of, “ornamental weapons,” that aren't really suitable for combat use, an example would be a silver or gold dagger, where the owner may still use the knife as a letter opener because it was conveniently close when they realized they needed one. A lot of knives used as letter openers can be explained by this kind of expediency, “I need a letter opener... eh, close enough.”
There's probably a few cases of sloppy writing, where an author thought, “well, it's knife shaped, that's fine, right?” Which it's not. It doesn't mean you can't use a letter opener as an improvised weapon, but it's probably something you want to be careful about, because it will break some reader's suspension of disbelief, as you experienced.
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lexa-griffins · 4 months
Which Lexa would be wearing Alycia's red lipstick 💄💋
Oooh so many. I think Lexa is most definitely a red lipstick kind of girl. With a dress? With a suit? You pick. Red nails, red lip, red heels 💋
Cam girls Lexa would because it just looks far too good plastered all over Clarke's pale skin, her cheeks, her neck, her boobs - a nice round lipstick mark around her nipple and right in the middle of her chest - her tummy, her thighs, her dick. Its Lexa's own way of marking up Clarke as hers.
Of course, DES lexa, Mobster Daughter Lexa, Boxing ring owner Lexa, all of those are just the type of Lexa to have red lipstick as their trademark really.
Although i do also feel like it's something milf!Lexa would wear? Not so much anymore, but it used to be a staple, made her feel classy and pretty 🥰
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ducitestella · 1 year
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● – || @tragidies sent : “I can’t fall in love with you.  I don’t want all the pain that comes with it.” // royalty au sormik
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● – || Mikleo's lavender eyes looked over at Sorey and there was a tinge of sadness in them . They were betrothed , whatever came with that was due to politics and nothing else . . . But from the minute they had met , there was something that Mikleo could not fully [ [ g r a s p ] ] with both of his hands , which is how he felt about Sorey .
" Would . . .it not make things easier ? To fall in love with each other rather than just keeping ourselves at arm's length for some treaty ? "
He asked quietly .
" I don't mind falling in love with you . I've never minded falling in love with you , because it made everything frightening in the world disappear . "
Carefully , [ [ t e n d e r l y ] ] Mikleo took Sorey's hand in his as he looked into his emerald eyes . This was a hard conversation that they were going to have , but he'd be [ [ d a m n e d ] ] if he let Sorey go through the cracks and wash away with the tide .
" I have read many times that love is pain , that it is heartbreak and suffering . I have read that it is beauty , like paintings and ice crystals . You're - . . . Sorey , you are worth it all . I would rather suffer in this world knowing that I loved you than suffer in this world without ever getting the chance . "
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rexelectus · 1 year
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● – || @earthwilled sent: “  i thought i’d never see you again.  ”
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● – || It had been , what ? Ten years since Noctis' eyes had seen the world he knew . Everything looked so DIFFERENT now . It was dark , cold . . . A shadow of the glimmering world that once was . He felt guilt for leaving it all behind for so long . He wasn't the reason that the world fell to such a state , but it certainly felt like it was .
As he made his way slowly into the camp , and he looked at everyone , he offered them all a gentle smile and a head nod . But it was when he saw one person in particular that Noctis' heart melted . Ten years locked away , and he'd still know that charming look anywhere .
" . . . Terra . . . "
Nocits sighed in happiness as he made his way over to Terra . He looked up at him then set his hand on his shoulder . He was real . . . [ [ T h e y ] ] were really here together .
" I'm . . . so glad to see you . "
I'm sorry that I didn't say goodbye .
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letters-from-dekarios · 4 months
(it is something of a miracle this letter is legible at all. It's clearly torn from a notebook, and written in a blocky, slow hand, like the author was unused to holding a pen. Many of the letters are capitalized at random, seemingly because they were easier to draw. It also smells strangely of fish and old lake water)
HAlsIn Is gooD
mIss You AnD TArA
loVE You mIss You
(there is a post script below in a much neater hand)
Dear Gale,
Hush wanted to write a letter to you for their writing practice today. I'm sorry for the smell, they tried to also send you one of the crawfish they caught in the lake.
Hope you're doing well, would love to have you visit.
(Hush is a 15 yr old feral half-elf, barely. A druid that was raised by wolves, spending months and even years at a time in wild shape permanently warped their body into something... Other. They had very little contact with other humanoids before being taken by illithids. They learned to speak common from Gale and the others. Despite their grotesque appearance, Hush is extremely cheerful, with a personality somewhat like an overeager hunting dog. Hush loves Tara very much, but Tara does not necessarily love Hush back. At least when in the same room.)
Dearest Hush,
And Halsin, too.
I am glad to hear you are both doing well! Hush, your days sound all the more exciting each time you write to me. While I’m stuck grading papers, you’re off capturing the wildest of sea creatures. I do hope the sea bug was tasty enough for you!
I appreciate the sentiment and the attempt to allow me to share in the joyfulness with you. I can assure you, Hush, however, that you need not be disappointed you cannot send crawfish to me. I will be visiting soon and you can share it in person.
I love and miss you, too, Hush. We will meet again soon, I can promise you such.
Thank you, Halsin, for all your help. I hope you are doing well, too. I’m sure the likes of Hush have been tiring on your old soul, but you always had a knack for managing the youngsters.
From the desk of,
𝑮𝒂𝒍𝒆 𝑫𝒆𝒌𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒔
text reads: gale dekarios
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taralen · 6 months
Dear Spamon G. Anon
I feel you are lurking in a trash bin right next to me or at least in close proximity.
If you don't answer my call in the next hour or so, I will literally approach it and tug you out.
Are you trying to muffle that ringing from me? Because... I think I can hear it. Ring Ring
┬┴┬┴┤(・_ ├┬┴┬┴
Please... I'm begging you at this point. I have waited so long... Cried so much... Please just answer... I don't want to have to drag you out.
I can't sleep. I can't think. Please...
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altschmerzes · 7 months
Anything your generous heart wants to talk about🌹🌹🌹🌹
a clip from chapter nine, the next chapter of wriggle up on dry land as i make some good progress on it tonight-
It feels like an unfinished conversation, but there isn’t any more to add to it, either. Left with nothing else to do but leave Jamie behind in the park and walk home, Sam feels a strange mix of things: unsettled and happy at the same time. Proud and pleased with how things went. Troubled in a way he doesn’t quite understand. Halfway through the journey back to his flat, he makes a decision and gets out his mobile phone. The call is answered crisply at the second ring, a familiar baritone voice bringing an immediate calm to the stirred waves inside of his chest. “Salam alaykum! How is my boy?” “Wa’alaykum as-salam,” Sam replies, just as the sun breaks over the crest of the buildings and casts a brilliant light across the sidewalk. The well-worn, muscle memory response tastes like honey when he says it and it makes him smile alongside a soft pang of heartache. “Good morning, daddy.”
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