#✟ 。 — ❛ oh i’m about to go up in flames❜ ( ooc.)
crucifixi · 1 year
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ // OOC.
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I haven’t done one on this blog and I should have at the start but anyways! A starter call and let’s plot together~! I’ll send over my discord and we plot
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peach-the-owl · 8 months
I make my grand return! But I also wanted to try something different from what I normally do and expand my horizons (so to speak), I hope you all enjoy 😁
Meeting Each Other
Hazbin Hotel & Child!Reader
WARNING: Themes of abuse are present in Angel Dust’s scenario, also swearing in his, I did my best to keep the characters in character but there may be some OOC moments, (if there’s any warnings I miss but should add please let me know)
(Set before the events of the show)
Hazbin Hotel:
Charlie and Vaggie
You peek out from the flaming wreckage you used as cover to hide, seeing the coast is clear you carefully step out of where you’re hiding and roam the corpse riddled streets. It reeked of death, not exactly an unfamiliar scent but not a pleasant one either. You hear something shuffle, or maybe someone? You quickly turn around but don’t see anything, now paranoia starts to creep in making you wonder if you may have exposed yourself too soon and any moment an exorcist will swoop down and finish you off. To your utter surprise that’s actually not the case when you see to woman conversing as they strolled down the street, it was so odd to you how casual they looked doing it or maybe you were just getting too used to all the violence that happened on the daily that it struck you as odd. Either way your curiosity gets the better of you and you try to sneak closer without being noticed to see what they were talking about.
“… idea… to work.” You just barely catch the one in the suit say. An idea? Wonder what it could be? You sneak closer.
“…I know… rlie, but try not... aren’t exactly going to…” You hear the one with the X over her eye say, less enthusiastic then the one in the suit. Who’s going to what? You needed to get just a little closer and… you slip and fall. The girl with the X over her eye immediately wipes around, pulling out an angelic spear, with the fire still burning around you she, for just a brief moment, looked like an exorcist ready to strike you. That was enough motivation for you to shuffle back fearfully, as you do her angered expression drops to one of guilt?
“Hello.” You jump a little at the voice, not noticing the lady in the suit had approached you. “Are you lost my little friend?” She asks. You don’t say anything, you’re not sure what to say so you just kinda stare her down. “Hey, it’s okay. I’m Charlie, it’s nice to meet you.” Charlie gives you the warmest smile you’ve ever seen as she holds her hand out to you. You weren’t sure you could trust this supposedly kind gesture of hers so instead you pick yourself up off the ground and give a small nod of acknowledgment, which she still seemed extremely happy about.
“Maybe we should go, you know before their parent? Parents? Whoever might be looking for them comes along. Besides, the kid doesn’t look like they’re much for conversation.” The X eyed one says rather bluntly.
“Or… this could be the perfect opportunity to find our first attendants!” Charlie bounces excitedly before turning back to you. “So you know me. And this amazing person is my girlfriend Vaggie.” She introduces, to which Vaggie gives a bit of an awkward wave.
“I don’t.” You finally find your voice to speak. Vaggie raises a slightly confused eyebrow while Charlie looked at you curiously.
“Don’t what?” She now kneels down to your level.
“She said something about a parent coming to look for me.” You point to Vaggie. “But I don’t have anyone looking after me, even when I was alive no one really did.” You say, crossing your arms uncomfortably. Charlie looked like she was about to cry after hearing that and the next thing you know you’re being scooped up in her arms, surprising you.
“Oh Vaggie! Can we keep them! Please?” She asks, giving big puppy dog eyes.
“Charlie…” Vaggie starts looking at your confused self. “I don’t know… maybe they should decide that for themselves.” She reasons. Charlie holds you out at arms length a less enthused and more gentle smile on her face this time.
“Well? What do you think?”
“Umm…” You stare a bit stunned by all this, not entirely sure how to process everything. You’ve been alone for so long, barely trusting people for your own safety and while part of you wanted to run here and now another was telling you to just give this a chance. “I… I wouldn’t mind… I guess.” You mumble out sheepishly. Charlie bounces around happily with you still in her arms, something you realize you’re probably going to have to get used to, while you catch a faint smile on Vaggie’s face.
“Alright. Well, if you’re staying with us, can we at least get your name kid?” She asks.
“Oh, ummm, the name’s (y/n).” You tell her, she gives you a nod and with some convincing to finally get Charlie to put you down the three of you head off to this hotel Charlie won’t stop talking about.
Angel Dust
“Get back here you little shit!!” You dash away from the Sinners chasing you, mentally slapping yourself for being a little too reckless. You couldn’t help it, the items they had looked so shiny. Having been able to manage some distance between them you quickly skid into a rather empty alleyway to hide. Taking a moment to catch your breath beside a dumpster when a side door slams open, you press yourself against said dumpster and blend in with the shadows around you. You watch as someone is literally thrown out the door another figure peering down at them.
“You think this is some fucking joke! Am I a fucking joke to you Anthony!?” The one peering out the doorway hisses.
“No, no I-I never… I would never-” The other figure sounded panicked, quickly being cut off again by the first.
“Enough! We’ll discuss this later, once we get this mess cleaned up.” With that they slam the door. You sneak a bit closer getting a good look at whoever had been left in the alley with you, their spidery features struck you as familiar, remembering some of those posters you’d see around the city promoting some adult film with a one Angel Dust. And if that’s the case and if he was so popular then he must have some cash on him, ripe for your sticky fingers to grab. This motivation in mind gets you shuffling closer staying as close to the shadows as possible to avoid detection, now all you had to do was reach over and…
“Who the fuck!!” You’re suddenly grabbed by the arm and flung to the ground, now staring up at the angry spider. “The hell? What’s a kid like you doing here?” He still looks mad just with some confusion added to the mix.
“You mean in hell, or just in general?” You question back shoving him back a bit so you could sit up.
“Don’t play cheeky with me kid, you was trying to steal from me, weren’t ya?” He narrows his eyes accusingly at you.
“Trying would imply I didn’t get anything.” You say slyly, holding up a bag of drugs. He immediately snatches it back from you.
“How the fuck did you do that!?” He seemed genuinely surprised you took something without his noticing. You shrug casually in response.
“Oi! Is someone there?!” You freeze when you realize your little stunt cost you time to get away from the Sinners you were running from. Without much time, or thought you scramble into the dumpster just hoping they didn’t see you. The footsteps thump closer and closer, halting right by your hiding spot.
“Well well, if it ain’t the beauty of the Angel Dust themselves.” Shit, you forgot Angel Dust was right there, stupid!
“It is, and what can I do for such strong capable folk like yourselves?” You’re gonna be ratted out for sure.
“Uhh- *ahem* Right, we’s looking for a kid, about yay big and kind of stupid. Like a real piece of shit.” Rude much, if anything they’re the stupid ones.
“Is that so? And what exactly are ya gonna do when you catch them?”
“Oh nothing really, we’s just gonna teach them a lesson, right boys.” A small cheer of “yeah’s” ring from the group. This was it, you were doomed and all because you just-
“I think I saw ‘em run that way and turned left.” You sit there stunned as the footsteps disappear into the distance, unsure if what just happened really just happened. “Coast is clear kid, you can come out of there, hehe cum.” He chuckles at his own unintentional joke. Slowly you peek out from the dumpster looking around to be extra sure that gang was gone before crawling out entirely.
“You… you didn’t rat me out?” You look at him genuinely puzzled, he just shrugs. “Why?” He’s quiet for a long moment before answering.
“Well… why don’t we just say you owe me now.” He says, crossing his arms and looking away from you.
“Oh, so you want my soul for something.” You huff.
“As nice as that would be, I was thinkin’ more a fair trade.”
“Like what?” You we’re getting very confused and curious as to what was on his mind.
“I use my ravishingly good looks and smooth talk to get you out of trouble, and you use those little skills of yours to snag me some of that good nose candy.” You think on this for a second, letting his words sink in and it wasn’t the worst situation to be in, all things considered.
“Alright! You got yourself a deal.” You shake each other’s hands, a thread like a spiders web wraps around your hand while a wispy one wraps around his, sealing your deal together. You both blink in surprise at this. “Did you that was gonna happen?” You ask him as you pull away.
“Nope… eh, I’m sure it’s fine.” He brushes off nonchalantly. His calm demeanour quickly shifts to to fear when the door open once more.
“Angel I’m so sorry for how I yelled at you earlier. I didn’t mean it, honest, it’s just been so stressful today. You understand, don’t you?” The pimp says in a sickly sweet voice.
“I uhh…” Angel takes a small look over his shoulder a second to see his own shadow give him a quick wink then disappear into the darkness of the alleyway. “Of course…” He shakes himself off and with a small second of hesitance, re-enters the studio.
The streets were quiet and the sky was darker then normal as you kept a decent pace behind the odd man with the strange static noise coming off of him. He’d appeared not too long ago seemingly minding his own business, no one bothering to look twice at him but you found him interesting. After all he basically just got here and already he’s strolling around with the confidence like he owned the place. He turns and without thinking you follow, only to end up staring down the dead end street at nothing. The static sound fills your ears loudly, you quickly cover them and tilt your head up to see the looming figure grinning back at you.
“You seem lost my little friend! T̷͈̜̑o̶͈͊̌ ̸͔͂̎w̵̫̠̕ḣ̴̗̋a̵̐͜ţ̵̗̊́ ̴̣̯̈́d̷̛̪ȍ̷̘ ̷͉͚̍̓Ǐ̶̬ ̴̠̦̉̄o̸͉̍̔w̶̧̟̃é̸͎̻̆ ̸͉̎t̸͇̀̂ͅh̷̥͝ê̶͕̞ ̷̠̍̅p̴̢̓l̴̨̹̑͒ẻ̷̮̅a̷͔͛͊ş̸̾ȕ̷̩͍r̶̹̔e̸̮̬̓ ̵̱̼͌͗ó̴̧͉̈́f̷̡̬̓̓ ̷̰̝͒̀y̴͚̪͘͝o̵̙͋ǔ̵͙ ̶̙̇̂͜f̵̧̪̓ö̶͉́ͅl̶̢̮̅̌l̶̝͂͘ͅo̵̗̳͌̂ŵ̷͓͓̽i̷̧̛̼̾n̶̹̝̔̈g̷̡̡̿ ̴̤͝m̶̩̊̓è̷̹̭?̷̩̻͂͠” The grin never falters as his tone lowers leaving an uneasy feeling in your gut.
“Umm… c-curiosity?” You say shakily.
“Well why didn’t you just say so! If I’d known I already be paraded by fans I’d have given a better welcome!” He laughs jovially. “Though…” He leans down to get a closer look at you. “You don’t appear as someone who’s well versed in the art of radio.” He raises an amused eyebrow at you.
“Oh… umm… I…” You struggle to think of a good excuse, still new to the whole radio stuff. “I am aware of them.” He straightens himself up, still holding a look of amusement on you, then a look of realization crosses his ever smiling face.
“Oh ho! Where have my manners gone? The name’s Alastor, my fine little friend. To whom do I have the pleasure of speaking to?” He introduces himself.
“Uhhh, my name’s (y/n).” You greet back.
“Hmmm, so tell me. What really pulled you to follow me?” Alastor hums in thought, being slightly less threatening then earlier.
“You walk with a lot of confidence for someone who’s only been here for about a week. I was curious for why.” You confess.
“Is that all? Haha! Why it’s very simple my little friend. With confidence you hold the upper hand against your opponent no matter the situation.” He proclaims proudly. “Now then, I for one couldn’t help but notice you’re… unique attributes about you.” You look away from him nervously. “Now now, no need to feel shameful. In fact I believe you should embrace it! And I can help.”
“You can help me? How?” You knew exactly where he was going with this but played along.
“Isn’t it obvious? By giving you reason to put those skills of yours to use! And there’s no better person then I to help give you that reason.” He gleefully remarks.
“I mean… I guess.” You draw out the words as an idea forms in your head.
“So… ĭ̸̍̚͜t̴̝̫̆̊’̸̲̺̈́̚s̸̗̓͆͂͆̀̚ ̶̥̖͋͆̾̆̅̏̓ą̴̢̳̤̋̋̉̽̍͌͠ ̸͓̜̲̭̳̦̠̅͗̋̅d̶̙̾̉͗̒e̴̛̙̿͐a̴̟͗́̂̆̎ĺ̴̠̻̒ ̶̧̺̺̳̕t̵̢̰̍̿̍̈́̓͒͌h̵̢̼̰̠͕̀̔̽ę̵͖͚͕̲̓̋͠n̷̢̫̻̆͐͆ͅͅ?̵̲͗͗͒” Alastor holds out his hand to you a green aura around it as a small gust of wind whips around the two of you.
“Only if you promise me that I don’t get in trouble or harmed by anything or anyone.” You quickly say.
“Is that all?” He tilts his head curiously at you. You nod in response, he narrows his eyes at you a second or two before answering. “Cross my heart.” He says to which you then accept his handshake sealing the deal between the two of you.
There it was, a deal was made and the two of you left that dead end street. You weren’t sure what Alastor had planned but that didn’t really matter to you, all you wanted was protection and that’s exactly what you got.
As for Alastor, while not exactly looking to be someone’s “bodyguard” the pros of this deal heavily outweighed the cons so he let slide…
J̶̡̡̣͈͚͓̱̬̳͇̬̻̲̍̈́́͒̐͒u̵̟̞̞̜̲̖̹̳̇̍͊̀̽͂͜͠s̷̥͖̭̣̞͍̑̄̆̈́ţ̴͎̥̰̲͓̖̓̀͗̄̒̂̒̍̏̽͊̕͝ ̶͔̬̹͚̝̯͖̟̭̹̤̇͋͐͑̉͐t̴̡̜͕͕̠͖̗̺͓̣̫̔̓̑̍́̈̇̚͠͝ḧ̴̰͚̯̯̤͓͍̤͚͒̇̈́̆̌̉̑̚͝i̸̘̬̻̐̊̇̎̚ś̴͇̮͕̐̐̓͆̒̓̍̂͝ ̸̡̡̛̩̩̥̰͈̝͔͓̤̖́͒͛͑̆̎̓̈́̚͘͝ö̴̜̭́̀͑̾̑̕͘̕͝ṉ̸̲̥͌̀̽́̓͋̆̒͝c̷̨̨̘̱̲̰̝̟̠̏̍e̸͈̹̒̆̌̒̆…̵̡̭̙͉̱̣̄̐̈́̀̋̂. I
I hope you all enjoyed! Let me know if you want me to continue this or add any characters. (Side note: I have a separate WIP for Helluva Boss characters coming soon (hopefully))😁
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graceslcver · 5 months
all da ladies love leo valdez ! leo x daughter of poseidon!reader
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。ꪆৎ ˚⋅ in which, leo has a crush on yet another girl that’s beyond his league, percy’s sister … and his friends flame him for not being able to confess his feelings!
— this is set in like… university ?? obviously jason doesn’t die…hope u enjoy my first ever fic on here!! might be ooc, soz🫐 also jeyna is a thing…. sorry not sorry!! 🤓😂 (it’s actually not even relevant to this story, but i thought i’d let u know…)
IMSG, “THE LOST HOES 🫤” July 4th, 2024
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beauty queen
do yall ever wonder how it’s impossible to not pull hoes
like it sounds like a real SKILL issue
who are you talking about, pipes?
beauty queen
who do u think I’m talking about???
the only mfo who doesn’t have a gf???
do NOT play dumb jason grace
latino elf
oh wow
talking shit in the gc is crazzyyy
i wasn’t!
she was.
beauty queen
do not make me pull up our private messages
latino elf
i see how it is…..
😔 it’s always the bitches u think u can trust…
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beauty queen
why is he the driest man alive
this why we didn’t last ong😭
latino elf
or maybe because ur lebanese ???
she’s cherokee huh
wait is that supposed to say lesbian?
latino elf
isn’t that what it says…
beauty queen
ok… anyway can we talk about the fact that leo has
been madly in love with y/n since like… forever???
latino elf
no thanks
didn’t ask
not true
lying on my name
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yeah yeah whatever helps you sleep at night
beauty queen
he’s down bad shhh
latino elf
ok so what if i like her shes so fine
and so nice and sooo mermaid 🧜‍♀️
beauty queen
she is very fine and very nice
and yes she’s very mermaid
we all know he isn’t going to say
anything to her, though, right??
latino elf
hahaha 😂 wdym 😂
i’d tell her if percy weren’t her brother
that didn’t stop you from trying to
flirt with MY sister though???????
latino elf
yeah that’s different tho
she COULDNT go out with me
beauty queen
not like she wanted to anyway
latino elf
anyway i don’t plan on telling her that
i have any slight interest in her! 😎
you should though
bet she likes you too
beauty queen
don’t feed into his delusions
gosh pipes, pipe it down a notch
latino elf
fr listen to my bro ‼️
how would i even tell her dawggg
yeah i guess so
but yolo ???
latino elf
yolo my ass bro😒
ok sorry for trying to help
beauty queen
this why she dont want u
latino elf
yeah nd thats why yo relationship was a LIE 🤣
beauty queen
latino elf
lol ur mad
ok bye u guys are a snooze fest 😴
beauty queen
go talk to ur gf
latino elf
i will, beauty queen 🫡
IMSG, “Y/N 🦈” July 4th, 2024
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leo 🛠️
hey hey mermaid
y/n 🦈
hi leo !
whats up :)
leo 🛠️
the sky duh
nothing much tho, just chilling in my dorm
u should totally pull up
y/n 🦈
we’ll see 🧐
i’m in the library rn
leo 🛠️
nerd alert ‼️
y/n 🦈
ok but when u fail our exams dont come crying
leo 🛠️
if it were math/science i would be resting peacefully
but no fr i did study, trust 🙏🏼
y/n 🦈
not that u needed it though
you’re smart enough
leo 🛠️
wowie thanks mermaid
da ladies wish they had my smarts
y/n 🦈
leo 🛠️
sorry that came out SO wrong 😭
y/n 🦈
ok ok well pull up to the library
perhaps i need ur smarts
leo 🛠️
si señora
will be there in a few 😎
shark_girl • 2h
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send message ♡ ➣
pipermstealer replied to your story
omg he wants uuu 😳😳🤣😂
why are u insane
i am not insane he wants u
what boy willingly wants to study w a girl
one that’s my friend???
friend my ass bro
he wanna kiss u so bad…
matching usernames??? THE MAAAN WANTS UU 😭
be fr we’ve had them since we were
like fifteen 🙄🙄
bro get out I’m actually DONE
u have to wake up queen 😭🙏🏼
IMESSAGE, PIPER & JASON July 5th, 2024
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pipes 🌸
i am so SO DONE with yn
jason ⚡️
pipes 🌸
bc she’s convinced that leo don’t want her
jason ⚡️
i think its very obvious
do you think yn wants leo thats the real question
pipes 🌸
she has extreme heart eyes for him
but she’s better at hiding it
jason ⚡️
wait are you being serious
a girl out of his league actually wants him 🤨
piper 🌸
wait I thought u knew???
jason ⚡️
uhm no
she must be good at hiding it
piper 🌸
or boys are just dense
jason ⚡️
ok well…….
we have to get them together
cause I’m so tired of hearing leo ramble abt her
piper 🌸
ok well i’m tired of yn too
how do we get them together
jason ⚡️
uh I don’t know?????
now why would you think I know
aren’t YOU the daughter of aphrodite
maybe YOU should know 😒
pipes 🌸
someone’s mad
but i don’t know?
one of them has to say something eventually….
jason ⚡️
no way, leo would never… not too sure about yn though.
leo cares too much about their friendship
and he is convinced she only sees him as a friend
and he’s deathly afraid to ruin their friendship
pipes 🌸
why do we have dumb friends
why can’t THEY SEEEE
jason ⚡️
yeah it’s very annoying
man, maybe we shouldn’t interfere?
let them figure it out themselves
pipes 🌸
unless u want leo to date the first girl
who gives him the opportunity to date her,
i think we SHOULD interfere! not a lot just a tiny bit 🤏🏼
jason ⚡️
well i guess you have a point… but how?
pipes 🌸
OK hear me out fr
u share a dorm with leo, yeah?
he always leaves his phone unattended
go into twt and make sure he isnt logged into his private account
jason ⚡️
where is this headed
pipes 🌸
ok shut up
OK but make sure hes on the main
since he always talks about her on his priv
so if yn sees a tweet about her then
jason ⚡️
FIRST OF ALL thats an invasion of privacy
SECOND OF ALL what if she doesn’t see it before
leo realizes that wasn’t tweeted on his private account
pipes 🌸
no she like stalks his twitter so she’ll see!
and uhm so what if it’s an invasion of privacy
he’ll thank us once he gets the girl of his dreams 🙄
jason ⚡️
ok then….
i’ll do it
but if this backfires i was not apart of it
pipes 🌸
yeah yeah whatever
i’ll take the blame
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IMSG, “THE LOST HOES 🫤” July 10th, 2024
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latino elf
it was so nice knowing u two
don’t kys ur so sexy haha
what happened though
latino elf
i accidentally tweeted something
about yn.
on my main.
hey man, maybe she didn’t see?
beauty queen
yeah she probably didn’t
latino elf
yeah u guys are RIGHT 😅
she DIDN’T SEE IT!!!
beauty queen
latino elf
you’re being oddly quiet…
beauty queen
sorry????? IM BUSY
latino elf
yeah huh
you’re crazy
latino elf
oh my god i’m gonna throw up
my friend ship is over with her
she messaged meEEE
latino elf
no i’m leaving her on delivered
beauty queen
i swear to gods if u don’t message her
jason and i WILL jump you 😭😭
latino elf
it was so nice being her friend 🫤
beauty queen
latino elf
ok fine
IMSG, “Y/N 🦈” July 10th, 2024
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y/n 🦈
leo did u mean to tweet that?
leo 🛠️
tweet what 🤨
y/n 🦈
you know what I’m talking about
you’re not stupid
leo 🛠️
you’re crazy
i got hacked by
y/n 🦈
you’re crazier for thinking I’d believe you
so… u did mean to?
leo 🛠️
i don’t want to ruin our friendship
please don’t let this ruin it
you’re my bestest friend
y/n 🦈
gosh let me talk
i thought you didn’t like me
so i never said anything…?
but i like you, leo. i really do
leo 🛠️
oh my god
are you serious
wait i’m going to your dorm
y/n 🦈
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Leo looked at his phone for a good second and then left it on his bed, unattended. he ran to your residence hall— it didn’t matter to him that it was quite literally on the other side of campus. he needed to hear you say the words he had been waiting to hear since he was fifteen. he’d always had a slight crush on you, mostly off and on.
But during the summer, he had fallen for you even harder than he thought he could. he never thought that he could love someone as much as he loved you. anyway, he was practically dying as he ran to your dorm! his hair was disheveled, and he was panting a bit. he wasn’t sure if he was sweaty because he was nervous, or because he had just ran to get to your dorm.
He knocked on your door three times.
You jumped out of your bed. you felt like throwing up from how nervous you were. you quickly slid on your slippers, and looked in the mirror before you opened the door for him. (making the poor boy wait). you adjusted your hair, making sure it sat right.
You took a deep breath before opening the door. you almost didn’t, but a voice in your head was telling you that you’d be an idiot if you didn’t open the door. your hands gripped the doorknob, and then unlocked it. leo was practically dying because you were taking years to open the stupid door. you finally opened it, getting met by a disheveled-sweaty-flushed leo valdez.
“Hi.” he croaked out, his voice cracking slightly. he felt like he was on fire, literally. he wanted this to be over with! well, no, that’s a lie. he just wanted to be your boyfriend already.
“…Hi.” you answered, your voice was quiet. you had an awkward smile on your face. you were praying that you would just drown at this moment. you’d much rather enjoy that than this.
He cleared his throat, and finally spoke after a long minute of awkward silence. The two looked at each other “I really… really like you. I.. Uh.. You obviously know that already, but I wanna tell you in person?” he said, nodding along with his own words. his hands went to fumble with the hem of his shirt, anxiously waiting for your response.
“I really like you, too.” You replied. you didn’t feel as nervous as anymore when he started to talk. you felt your face getting hotter, and your smile getting bigger. he grinned at you like an idiot.
He thought that he was dreaming when you said you liked him. The start of something. “Really?” He asked, just wanting to hear you say it again. He couldn’t help but grin like an idiot. He thought never in a million years that you’d ever like him! You were totally out of his league. you were so awesome, so pretty, and so sweet.
You nodded again, rolling your eyes. “Yes, really.”
🎶 let the light in : lana del rey (feat. father john misty)
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Liked by percysbeth, lava_boy, pipermstealer, and 122 others
shark_girl happy three million years with my boy!!! i love u so so so much leo 🫶🏼🫶🏼
tagged: lava_boy
View all 16 comments
lava_boy who is that sexy man in the 2nd slide
→ shark_girl idk i found him at the store……
lava_boy we’re literally like this 🤞🏼👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
lava_boy te quiero !!
→ shark_girl 🤍🤍
lava_boy ugh why do we literally solo everyone in new rome
→ shark_girl ntm on percabeth !!!!
→ percysbeth 🫡🫡
pipermstealer yeah you’re welcome 🥱
→ supermantaylorsversion i did all the work
→ pipermstealer i gave u the idea
→ lava_boy thank u jason 😒 thank u piper 🙄
→ pipermstealer i hope she leaves u
→ shark_girl woah guys no need to say that
percysbeth i support 🤫 (pls cook for me leo)
→ lava_boy on it 😎
🎶 ivy : frank ocean
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Liked by supermantaylorsversion, shark_girl, and 98 others
lava_boy I would like to thank poseidon for being a father to my wonderful girlfriend of THREE DECADES 😎
tagged: shark_girl
View all 19 comments
→ lava_boy the start of nothin 🦈
shark_girl i’m taylor lautner
→ lava_boy FORREAL
shark_girl hi bf 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
→ lava_boy hello girlfriend.
→ shark_girl 😭😭😭
pipermstealer no because you guys are actually cute
→ lava_boy ACTUALLY cute 🤨
→ pipermstealer what do u want me to say yall are actually ugly
→ shark_girl pipe it down a notch 😔
supermantaylorsversion he’s a romantic now
→ lava_boy erm i’ve always been one get out 🤓
percysbeth no cause yn has actually dressed up as a shark
→ lava_boy send pics or it didn’t happen
→ percysbeth check imsg
→ shark_girl i thought that was PRIVATE
→ shark_girl you’re done….
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。ꪆৎ ˚⋅ hello….. first smau done 😎 hopefully u really like this bc i died ten times whilst making it !!! uhmm pls lmk what you thought about it 🥲!!! i was sort of rushing at the end, so umm.. shhh 🤫…. @thelostheroo @amoosarte
also i will have a master list soon….???? (hopefully) and my requests are OPEN! so, plsplsplspls request…. con amor, mo!
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haruhar-u · 11 months
“A rose upon you”
Rook x g/n reader, fluff
A/N: damn this is finished earlier than I thought it’s be finished. I did struggle to write his dialogue so I apologize if it’s ooc
edited but not beta read
The first day, it was a red rose that smells vaguely of apples. Then it was a box of your favourite chocolates. The rose had a velvety garnet bow with gold trim around the edges. In gold embroidery was the initial "R.H." Seriously, who is this admirer of yours? You sat on the couch in Ramshackle’s lounge, holding the two items in your hands. Oh, Ace was there too. Your flaming tuna cat and Deuce were out buying snacks at Sam’s. 
"Oooh,” Ace cooed at you in a teasing manner, almost like when in elementary school a boy and a girl get called to the board together, or even in the same group, for that matter.
“Shut up.” You elbowed Ace in the ribcage, not hard enough to hurt him, but hard enough for him to get the message at least. You looked closely at the ribbon around the rose, softly tracing your finger over the embroidered initials. Ugh. Everything this person did made your heart race. You weren’t even sure you could think straight.
“Yo, look.” Ace pointed out the embroidered initials. "Obviously, that could be Rook Hunt…..he’s the only one crazy enough to do this anyway.” 
Rook Hunt….? The vice of Pomefiore. You will admit the two of you have gotten oddly close as of recently. He’d always try to help you with your work and would suggest you two go to the oddest places together. Such as the woods. At 3am. Why????
“I’m gonna go on a….walk?” You tell Ace and get off the couch and put on your fuzzy jacket and boots. You all but gently open the door. The icy winter air blasts on your face as you step out, snow crunching under your boot.
You don’t have to trek out much further until you hear someone call out “mon trickster” from the bushes. At this point, you’re not going to question why he was in your bushes in the first place.
“Were you the one behind... well, all this?" You ask bluntly, approaching him with the rose in hand. He steps out to hold the rose in his hand, gazing at the ribbon.
“Of course it was me. I thought you needn’t have to put much thought into it!!” He says all dramatically. “-Name- do you accept my confession of love??”
Your name instead of a nickname in French?! Does that mean he’s more serious than you originally thought? You take a moment to think about it. After all that happened in Styx, the Pomefiore vice was with you every step of the way. He always made sure to check on you to make sure you’re okay, both physically and mentally. Sometimes it’d be by tapping on your window at 3 a.m., but that was his way of showing affection. “I do.” You say when you finally come to an agreement with yourself.
“Magnifique!” He grabs your hand abruptly, causing your heart to skip a beat. “I have so much for you to witness.” He pulls you off into the nearby forest, presumably to read you some poetry. The snow-capped trees looked a lot more inviting with him by your side. Forever and always.
Taglist : @xen-blank @krenenbaker @edith-is-apparently-a-cat @whspermy-name @the-banana-0verlord
435 notes · View notes
I See You, Darling (4)
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[Astarion x reader] A little longer than usual, I hope that’s fine for all of you :,DDD I didn't want to cram too much into the post though, so the segment at the end might be continued in full detail, or maybe not! Let's see.|Word count: 2.9k.|
Content Warnings: Mentions of cooking, handling knives, blood, allusions to sex, a few ooc characters, reader being a dumbass and wahtnot.
Part 3 here!!
Masterlist here!!
A party is being held at the camp in the heroes’ honor, which greets you with a lively crowd that you’ll hopefully meet again soon. And with a gathering this large, you’re bound to garner attention. But with a constitution as poor as yours from the night before, a round of drinks is the last thing you want. 
Alternatively: A bloodless human tries to balance respectfully participating in a drinking party, while also not drinking at all. 
The sun rises, the warmth of its rays gently waking you in the absence of the campfire’s flames. The soft chirping of the birds greet you a good morning as your eyes slowly open, ready to greet the day as a new opportunity arises.
Is what would have happened in a more idyllic scenario. Instead, you bolt awake with a pounding headache, worse than any hangover could possibly feel like, and quickly rush to get up. By the sheer brightness of the light that burns your newly opened corneas, it is far later than when you usually wake. And breakfast still hasn’t been made. 
“Well, good morning sleepy head.” One of your companions, Gale, says as he fixes his belongings. Readying himself for the skirmish that was about to take hold later on in the day.
“I’m very  sorry for waking up late. It won’t happen again.” You bow your head low for a moment before he waves you off.
“Oh come now, we all have our off days. Besides, I think the rest would agree with me when I say what you made for us last night was more than enough to last us ‘til morning.” His statement is punctuated by the lively sounds of the others training. Ready and well rested for whatever may come.
You look around. None have seemed to mind your temporary absence, so you endeavor to double check with everyone leaving and ensure that they had a sound strategy with the necessary materials and weapons should there be a need for failsafes. You remind them of certain notes that some of them have informed you about but failed to share with the rest of the group. 
‘While goblins typically go down faster than other opponents, they have no sense of honor nor pride which gives way for them the opportunity to use more underhanded tactics. But they also aren’t very bright, so you can convince the others to let them infiltrate the camp and eradicate them from the inside out.’
As the rest disperse, finalize their plans and check their supplies, your favorite character approaches you much like he usually does every morning. Only this time, you see that he looks very pleased. A more vibrant spark in his eyes as he opens his mouth to speak.
“Thank goodness you’ve finally woken up.” He looks at you, in the same way an old friend of yours would when they’re seconds away from telling a joke. 
The look fades soon enough though as he breathes out. You wonder if it’s because the joke isn't funny anymore, or if he never had a punchline to begin with.
“You looked a little ill last night, but you’ve certainly recovered.” Recovered isn’t the word you would use to describe your current state of feeling almost half dead, but you don’t bother correcting the details.
“And you look particularly vibrant today, Astarion.” The itch of your neck intensifies as you return a pointed look at him as he frowns.
“Oh, of course! Now, don’t be so upset. I will admit that I got a little carried away, I apologize.” He pauses. The frown remains on his face for a while before it is erased with his usual expression of confidence. 
“But let’s not fall out over this.” He moves to stand closer to you, taking your hand to his as he nears it to his lips as he continues. 
“We need each other.” 
And whether its done purposefully or not, you see his fangs peek out from his mouth and a shiver courses through your body.
You slip your hand out of his own in a panic and interject. 
“I know that much already, and I trust you not to let what happened last night happen again. I also apologize for not noticing sooner and dealing with the situation better.” You hold your head down a bit to apologize but quickly meet his gaze gain. “But I do need to know what we’ll have to feed you from now on.”
The look of confusion, and perhaps even shock that was once swimming in his eyes dissipates before you can notice them when he swears upon his resolve. “No innocents, you have my word. After all, you know what I am now. I can fight with all my weapons–” He grins, allowing you a clearer view than what you had earlier. “Teeth included.”
“And if I happen to drain the occasional bandit during a fight, what's the harm? They’re just as dead.” He makes a very compelling argument, at least to your standards.
You sigh, satisfied for now. You’re confident that none of your party members would end up at the mercy of his fangs, and you’re more than sure they would be able to overpower him more than your attempts did. But the same sentiment cannot be shared for possibly important, plot driving, characters that you might meet later on.
So you propose something to strengthen your trust that the unlikely will stay the unlikely.
“Look, I’m–” You breathe in, almost as if you're trying to suck back whatever courage washed over you back in as you steeled yourself for what you were about to say next.
“I’m not against you feeding from me, but!” You punctuate the last syllable as you see his grin growing wider. “We need to discuss things beforehand. No prowling over me while waiting for me to wake up or to sink your teeth into.”
The proposal greatly delights him, as is evident in his response. “Of course! That sounds eminently reasonable. I shall wait patiently until you suggest we… dine together. But until then: no more late-night surprises. You have my word on that.” 
After that, he makes a joke about feeling ‘peckish already,’ and quickly gathers the rest of the party to leave on their adventure.
You promise them a feast when they came back as the victors that they are. What you forgot, after what felt like weeks in the real world, was the crowd that would come filtering in to celebrate their heroes’ achievements as well.
When you saw the tieflings from the grove traveling alongside your companions, you knew they had come to celebrate. And you blanched at the thought of the provisions they’d be seeking to pair with their drinking. It’s been so long since you went through this event, and you no longer recall if they even ate anything during the party.
You look at your bubbling cauldron–– a bigger one as you had anticipated a few acquaintances accompanying them–– but you wager that at least a little extra things to nibble on won’t hurt to have. You still have quite the amount of camp supplies in the trunk, but you keep it reserved for the camp’s use only. So you smile at your returning comrades and alert the others that stayed behind for your reason to leave and that they can begin eating dinner. 
While others told you it wasn’t necessary, the rest just nodded with a smile and yelled that they’d wait for you to return. You return quite too quickly though, all the while informing them why you’re keeping the communal chest in your tent as you spy the child that tried to steal and swindle the group a few days prior approaching with the rest.
They have a laugh and you quickly proceed with your plan to find at least a few consumable berries and nuts or seeds to accompany the drinks later on. 
But foraging for said consumables near dark is a choice not for the faint-hearted. You came to realize this when you heard the low grumble of a large animal, thankfully far from your form. You turn to look behind you, taking great care to do so as slowly as possible so as to not alert the mysterious creature.
In the clearing, you spot a rather dark looking bear and you feel a cold sweat begin to form on your temple. Hands, growing wet in the dangerous situation you’ve placed yourself in. This wasn’t the same as being drained to death by a vampire, that, you could at least reason with. But a wild animal? With your lack of magical prowess and lesser knowledge of connecting with nature and the wild, you would be finished if it were to follow you.
The small pouch of nuts and wild berries stayed holstered on your waist, but the bear’s eyes that were previously low on the ground are now trained on you. Almost as if it were caught doing something it wasn’t supposed to be. 
You freeze. You forgot what the basic policy was around brown or black bears and therefore couldn’t do much about your current predicament. There shouldn’t be a bear around this area, not unless they had traveled from far away, or that this bear was one of your future companions.
And while the latter isn’t impossible, you most certainly did not want to gamble your life on a possibility. So you tried to compose yourself, returned the gaze of the bear with a shaky and careful nod, and turned back to return to camp. Figuring that the amount of tidbits you gathered would have to suffice.
 When you return, the company you shared seems to be in high spirits. Some more than others. But conversation was plentiful and you smiled as the tieflings cheered for your comrades. You quickly got to work and began to chop the nuts into thinner pieces. Something you learned to make the appearance of something look more abundant than it really is.
While you were chopping away unfortunately, you nick your finger along the way and silently curse. Unfortunate, but not an unforeseeable outcome given the booming drums of the bard that plays oh so nicely with your bloodless state. You quickly, but neatly, arrange the provisions on two small platters, and position them near the larger gatherings. 
“Flitting around like a hummingbird as always, I see.” A familiar, but not immediately recognizable voice greets you as you pass them. You turn and you see an unexpected acquaintance with a bottle in their hand and an incredibly charming grin.
“Dammon! How lucky of me to run into you.” You genuinely were elated to see him. You didn’t see much of him later on in the game, and being able to interact with him beyond the opportunities given to you was certainly nice.
“I could say the same. Though you’re as lively as you usually are.” There’s no malice in his tone, only an innocent observation, yet you feel embarrassed to have been seen scuttling about like a bug.
“I– promise I’m more organized. I just didn’t expect us to be having any guests.” He takes notice of how you push your fingers into your palms repetitively, a small action that soothes you.
“I think you’ve done more than a fine job already. The celebration is for you all, and it was us who planned to come and might’ve put your friends on the spot.” He later takes notice of the cut on your finger as well.
“Speaking of,” He gingerly grasps your hand, looking to you for permission, but you’re too confused to respond with anything he can understand. “Shouldn’t you be taking it easy for the night? You’ve done enough. And if what happened at the grove tells me anything about you, I’m sure they’ll survive even if you settle. Just for a bit.” 
He leads you nearer to the water and produces a small washcloth to clean a bit of your finger as you respond. “The grove? They did that on their own. I just um, take notes.” You sit on a fallen tree, your head still fuzzy, as you observe his crouched form. Inspecting the cut as he cleans it. 
A curious interaction. Not one that you’d expect from an non-romanceable NPC, but an interesting one nonetheless. And it would seem that someone had found it equally as interesting, if the way he scrutinizes you had anything to do about it.
He chuckles in turn. “If modesty is how you like to live, then I won’t impose.” He smiles and gets up as you continue your conversation. You don’t recall if the tiefling has ever had this much screen time, but his voice is rather lovely so you don’t complain about it.
You end up discussing quite a bit, but you focus on what can be done about your party. Specifically Karlach as you worry for the future and you’d like to have answers for her when he isn’t around during your journey. He doesn’t have much idea of what else can be done, but he does mention that he should have something by the time you meet him again in Baldur’s Gate.
You do remember that you might meet him a lot sooner, but you don’t mention it explicitly. You do, however, advise him to be extra careful around the oxen as they can be rather unpredictable this time of year.
As you continue, you notice his eyes flit up every now and then. Like something was catching his attention ever so often. You ask him about it and he actually laughs at your genuine inquiry. “It looks like I was wrong. Your friend there looks like he’d like his turn for your company.”
You turn around and you don’t immediately eye anyone looking in your direction. You were never the subtle type, so you looked around, blatantly searching for someone. It was a bit odd to see.
Your eyes do eventually train on his, but he doesn’t necessarily look like he wants to talk to you. Sure, he’s scowling away, though that’s not out of the ordinary at all. Besides, he has a bottle of something that you hope is helping him relax.
Still, perhaps Dammon saw something you didn’t so you politely thank him for his company and excuse yourself.
You greet the others that regard you as you walk past them. Declining the offers to drink and excusing yourself politely when you were asked to stay a bit. 
As you approach him, a tiefling tries to strike up a conversation with him. With a bored look, he dismisses them and turns to look at you. He takes a sip, sneers, and begins his rant now that you’re situated in front of him.
“I hate it. This is awful.” 
“The…wine?” He looks at you as if he should be mad, but a hint of amusement surfaces past the expression anyway. 
“There’s that, but I’m talking about the tieflings. We killed some goblins to save the others. The tally of lives didn’t change much. But what do I get for my hard work? A pat on the head, and vinegar for wine.” He looks down the neck of the bottle, swirling its contents before handing it out for you to take.
You look at the bottle, then him, warily. Modern alcohol is already a wonder to you, and this medieval mead could only do so much worse. Still, you take the bottle, and take a very small sip.
It’s a heavy, rich, red. Dry and sharp. You make a small sound of shock as you keep the liquid in your mouth. Offering him an awkward smile and a nod as you do.
“Ugh, see what I mean? Awful.” 
“All I want is a little fun. Is that so much to ask?” You would think that after an entire day of fighting whatever was out there he’d be tired. Apparently not. 
You sigh, ready to reprimand him and that he should just enjoy the night, but you stop when you feel his unburdened hand reach out to you. Eyes, boring into your own as he propositions you.
You’re here. Face in the grasp of a character you’ve longed to romance with what little time you’ve had away from your scholarly pursuits. Yet meeting him in strange, yet not all too unfamiliar, territory stirs uncertainty within you. Because while he doesn't have a knife at your throat like he did when your character first met him, it certainly does evoke the same sentiment.
‘To, “make me his”, is that right?’ While the idea is tempting, that statement alone can have various interpretations. And you didn’t want to hedge your bets on the one that made your heart race for all the wrong reasons.
Thankfully, he releases his hold on your visage. Only the gods know how much his touch alone can influence you, and you struggle to stand upright.
“I’m– very,-- truly, sorry, but don’t you think you have the wrong person? I mean,” You gesture to yourself with both hands, a cut visible from the labor in the few hours prior to the large festivities going on.. “Uh…in case you haven’t noticed, I’m not exactly in a position to make any um, lucrative offers.” 
 He looks at you, a familiar expression graces his face. He leans his weight on one leg, and you struggle to recognize what his body language is conveying. This is one of those instances you wished you had the dice roll mechanic of the game at your disposal. 
“Why, that hardly matters, darling. What matters is that you’re here.” He takes a sip from his bottle, the very same that he allowed you to partake from moments prior. Only this time, without the sneer at the aftertaste as he continues.
“But then again, what’s a sinner to do when faced with the very embodiment of chastity?” A smile graces his face, but it’s one that is all too perfect. As if he’s rehearsed the same song and dance enough to save him lifetimes.
“Let’s wait until things quieten down. Once the others are asleep we’ll find each other.” 
You have no idea what to expect. Well, you do, but you’re not very sure if this is necessary. You’ll just have to find a way to continue the story without having to go through with this. For now, at least. 
“We’ll see about that, Astarion.” 
Thank you to @rey26, @shyminnie07, @lynnloveshobi, @iggee-rose, @automnepoet, @tiannamortis, @aoirohi, @sarkara211, @jane-3043, @h3110-dar1in9, @h3ll0k1ttyl0ver333, @mimziethealien, @squichymochi, @sharabay, @furblrwurblr, @dork-of-the-universe, @thedevilssinner, @fuckalrighty, @queenofthespacesquids, @perseny, @goldenplutus, @h4nluv, @awkward-d3rs3-dr3amer, @auszimbo, @maruichio, @iamsexytrash, @craig-mywifeisdead-boone, @grimissleepy, @fandomsfanman, @bitchyzombienacho, @r1kk, @ancuninstar, @izuoyarmin, @gracemisconduct, @kiinokochii, @marina-and-the-memes, and @life-is-hard-m8 for asking to be tagged!!
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the-traveling-poet · 6 months
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Coffee Shop
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The day had finally arrived; in which you would meet your idol for a late lunch at a local cafè. And what a head rush just the idea of such a thing gave you. Amidst the not so subtle interrogation and polite pleasantries passed back and forth between the two of you over tea, the spark that had started this whole ordeal grew into that of a flame. A flame he seemed to take and run with…
Pairing: Actor!Levi x Fan!reader
Warnings: modern!au, language, fluff
Taglist: @21aurora @deepzombieyouth @braunsbabe @pelicanpizza (if you’d like added to the taglist for Levi Fic updates, just DM me!)
A/N: The long (somewhat maybe?) awaited pt. 3, finally posted! I took much, much longer in completing this than I wanted to. But life happens; losses, injuries, illnesses, grievances…the list goes on. But since my motivation came back, I’ve returned to my most passionate hobby; writing Levi fanfiction. I would have finished this sooner but the added feature of the BOOP got me distracted for a full 24hrs lmao. In this fic, I added in my own mix of hc’s for the sake of modern!au, and Levi’s a little OOC but…It’s a modern AU and I can do what I want :p
So without further ado, enjoy!~
Pt. 1 | Pt. 2
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The day had come….
Steeling your nerves, you took in a deep breath and exhaled it slowly. The door stood closed before you, and only a gentle tug would open it up to the cafè inside; yet you paused with your hand hovering over the silver handle.
You’d already peered through the shop’s windows to see if he was here yet, and concluded he wasn’t. And with the lack of some shiny, expensive looking car parked near the curb out front, you figured you’d beat him here. You were early, after all. So why couldn’t you just make yourself go in and have a seat?
Relax, you thought to yourself as you finally grasped the handle in the palm of your hand. You’ve gotten this far already, you can’t mess this up…
Walking into the rather aesthetic looking cafè, you looked around with bated breath. The cafè was small, but very pleasing to the eye; menu boards written in cursive print above polished countertops, floors spotless and organized, windows without a single speck upon them.
Even the scarce customers sat strewn about the tables seemed poised and of a higher class than you were used to seeing on a daily basis.
Suddenly, you felt just a tad under dressed.
Shaking the thoughts away, your eyes continued to study the room around you, until you were met with the steady gaze of a man sat a table at the back wall of the cafè. And oh, how those silver eyes always managed to captivate your entire attention; in person even more so than from through a screen.
Stiffening your posture where you stood, you shook yourself out of your daze with a mental slap in the face.
“Shit…” you whispered, shuffling your feet forward to approach his table. Of course he would be early and beat you…to being early.
Once you stood only a foot away from his table, Levi took a stand. After subtly looking you up and down, he reached out and pushed back the chair opposite him and gave you room to take a seat, after silently motioning to hang your coat up on the back of your chair for you.
With a whispered thank you, you shrugged off your coat and let him place it on the back of your chair before scooting you forward and then returning to his own seat.
“You’re early,” you blurted out after he sat, still in a bit of a daze.
“I’m always early; though, I’m surprised to see you’re twenty minutes early. I’m impressed.” He commented softly, keeping his gaze firmly fixed on your ever shifting eyes.
Once you managed to hold eye contact with him, you noticed the worn leather jacket hanging off the back of his chair, contrasting the grey turtleneck shirt he wore. The look was quite dashing on him, and you had to refrain yourself from blurting out this observation.
“You’re extra early,” you pointed out, taking a moment to look out the window to your right.
“I didn’t see any overly expensive cars outside, so I had assumed I’d beaten you here.”
“I always am. And, didn’t drive my car,” he answered plainly as he too looked out the window. Before you could ask, he was already pointing to a sight just near the curb. Perched on its stand near the window was a bike; sleek black and shining in the dull spring sunlight.
“That’s the bike you drive?” You nearly gasped, ogling over the bike. Sure, you’d learned enough about him from your obsessive research to know he rode. But never once had you seen the actual bike he owned.
“No, stole it from a man a couple blocks back.” Levi scoffed, but not aggressively so. When you looked back over at him, he seemed more curious than sarcastic when he looked over at you from the corner of his eye as he continued to face the window.
“Though, I never told you I rode.”
Realizing you’d soon be found out about your obsession into his personal life, you decided to downplay the fact you knew with an absent smile.
“Oh…well, you mentioned it once or twice in interviews. I’d never seen the bike itself, though.”
“I seldom post to my socials, unless one of the guys naggs me to,” he shrugged, picking up a menu off the table previously stacked by the rack of simple condiments lining a thin rack at one edge of the table.
“You seem more informed about me than I had assumed you’d be. Are you one of those fans who obsessed over and took to heart every interview and discarded show clip they can get their hands on?”
Gulping down you nerves, you hastily waved your hand in a dismissive manner.
“Oh pftt, no. I just…liked the show a lot, and had some free time to binge its content.”
He regarded you with a deadpan expression, as though not fully buying your half truth. But after raising a brow, he seemed content to let the matter sit.
“Well, either way, it’s nice to be out of the spotlight for a bit and unwind. I’m still surprised with myself that I gave my number out to a fan, but…I can’t say I regret it after this past week. You’re entertaining.”
“Is…is that a compliment? Or should I take offense to being generalized?” You smiled, also picking up a menu to look through.
“Which would you prefer?” He hummed, already seeming to have decided what he wanted, as he folded his menu back up and set it aside.
“I’ll take it as a compliment. A compliment from my favorite actor seems nice,” you hummed, beginning to loosen up a little more now that conversation had moved along.
Levi only hummed thoughtfully, peering over the top of your menu to see your crinkled eyes as you scanned along the cursive print. Unbeknownst to you, he made sure.
By the time you decided and set the menu aside, a waitress came along to jot down your orders. Listing off the tea and pastry you desired, you glanced back at Levi, who had yet to speak.
“I’ll take the black tea. No sweeteners, please. Thank you,” he said softly, briefly looking up at the waitress with a nod.
The waitress sent him a dazzling smile, loitering by the table a moment longer than was needed, before scurrying off towards the kitchens behind the front counter. With a snort, Levi resumed his attention towards you.
“I have a funny feeling there’s not much about me you don’t know. Am I right? You seem the type to do your research.”
He murmured, propping his chin onto his hand as he leaned ever so slightly closer across the table towards you, with his elbow supporting him on the table top.
Blushing, you opted to stare down at the napkin holder to your right.
“That-that may not be true-“
“How old am I?” He interrupted, with a brow ever so slightly raised in amusement.
“Twenty five…but that’s common knowledge to anyone who has access to Wikipedia.”
You huffed, crossing your arms as you defended yourself.
“I suppose so. That was a silly thing to ask…alright then, I’ll test you further; what was my favorite shoot?”
“The ‘Royal Government arc’,” you answered immediately. Too fast, you realized, only a moment too late.
“Alright then, something not related to the show…What’s my cat’s name?”
“Eros,” you sighed, already knowing you’d lost. “But to be fair, you’ve brought up your cat numerous times in interviews-“
“Keep digging sweetheart, you’re just burying yourself further here,” he hummed, a hint of a smile pulling at the corner of his lips.
“Alright, alright…So I may have gotten a little obsessed.” You murmured, feeling your cheeks burn a tad hotter than before as you finally admitted to his claims.
“To the show, or my character? Better yet, perhaps me?” He lifted his elbow off of the table and leaned back in his chair with crossed arms. And for a moment, you could have sworn he was teasing you. It worked in flustering you, if that had been his angle. But before you could finish stuttering out a response to his cocky claims, he flashed a minuet smile your way.
“I suppose you do know quite a lot about me, so I’ll ask my own questions. Ones I didn’t ask over the phone already.” He stated calmly as his boot nudged your foot under the table.
Ceasing your poor attempt to stutter out any form of defense, you nodded with an embarrassed sigh.
"Alright, that sounds fair." You murmured, mentally bracing yourself for any kind of question he might throw your way.
Seeing your compliance, he started firing off his own questions.
It nearly felt like an interrogation; like last weeks interview role’s had been switched on you. Only, he wasn’t so shy in asking what he pleased.
Your place of employment, your college major, your pastimes, family, social life. Hell, he even asked for your favorite arcs in the show and which of the scenes he starred in you liked the most.
By the end of it, you’d relaxed significantly and opened up more than you had expected to. And in turn, he became a tad more expressive himself.
“Ever rode a bike?” He asked after finishing his cup of tea, with his unoccupied arm resting over the back of his chair as he raised a brow. His sudden curiosity threw you off a bit.
After calming down from a fit of giggles from his previous question, you raised a brow his way.
“No, I cant say I have.”
With a tilt of his head he regarded you curiously, as though coming to a a silent decision with himself. After a brief span of silence he sighed and placed his hands in his lap.
“Well…Perhaps I could make an exception and allow you to ride with me. I could use a backpack.”
“An exception? To what rule?” Furrowing your brows, you regarded him curiously.
A backpack? What rules?
Hiding his slight smirk with a tilt of his head, he replied; “The rule I have against anyone touching my bike. I’d hate for it to get dirtied or scratched, but I’m sure you’ll be carful.”
“You’re asking me if I’d like a ride?” You murmured, suddenly feeling as allert as you had the moment you wanking into the cafè. With a nod, he confirmed your suspicions.
“On your bike?” You asked, incredulously.
“Unless there’s something else of mine you’d like to ride?” He replied with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. Though after just a moment, he cleared his throat and looked away.
“I’m sorry, that was a bit…abrasive.”
“No! I-Id love to!” You grinned, unable to help but stare once more out the window towards his bike as you discreetly hid your blush.
“I’d be down for any kind of ride.”
Now it was his turn to appear surprised and maybe a tad flustered, for the first time this afternoon. He opened his mouth, then abruptly closed it; eyes darting about the table between you. Suddenly, two feet of table never felt so far of a distance before.
With a grunt he stood, taking his jacket in hand as he reached into his left pocket.
“Well then, unless you have plans this afternoon…My bike and I are free.”
Biting at your lip, you also stood.
“No, I’m free. If…If you’re offering.”
“I was under the impression I was doing more than that?” He grumbled back in responce as he fumbled out his wallet. Catching his movement, you went to do the same. That is, until his slender fingers wrapped around your wrist at your waist to stop you.
“Ah ah, I proposed this meet up. The least I could do is pay.” He scoffed, a click of his tongue to follow. Though you attempted to disagree, he placed your hand holding your wallet back into your back pocket; much to your stunned surprise.
“I’ve got it,” he whispered, placing down a check on the table top. Only seconds later, you found yourself standing outside near the curb, watching him mount his bike. And oh, what a sight that was.
Unexpectedly he pulled out a secondary helmet, similar in appearance to his own. Taking is hesitantly, you fumbled with the chin straps as you took a step closer to the bike as it roared to life.
“You just carry around a second helmet?” You questioned uncertainly as he reached out his hand to you.
“No…Stopped by a store before arriving here,” He mumbled, his voice becoming more muffled as he adjusted his own helmet. Swallowing down your growing nerves and hiding a grin behind the helmet, you allowed his hand to guide you into the spot just behind him.
Suddenly, he revved the engine, causing you to startle, only slightly. One look around the smaller bike showed you there were no handle bars to hold onto, causing your eyes to flick to his expectantly.
Oh shit…
“Well? Hold on, else you’ll go flying off the back.” He rolled his eyes before pulling down the visor of his helmet and slipping on a pair of leather gloves. Doing the same, you gave a nervous nod.
Hesitantly you reached out, your arms barely grazing his sides as color filled out your cheeks. With the noise of the bike revving, you missed the way he groaned to himself.
“Fuck’s sake…”
Suddenly the bike jolted forward, sending you crashing forward into his back with a muffled gasp of shock.
Behind the tinted visor, Levi allowed himself a smirk and a satisfied hum, as he used one of his gloved hands to hold yours into place at his abdomen.
“Like I said; hold on, stubborn brat,” he called out, barely turning his head to see you. Though you couldn’t make out every feature of his face through the shield, you gave a shaky chuckle and nodded back; tightening your grip around his middle. He was quick to look away, before fumbling with the kickstand and shifted gears a second time.
As he skillfully merged into the lane, you raised your chin up just slightly over his shoulder.
“Where are we going?” You called over the wind as it gradually picked up speed.
“I figured around a couple blocks; unless you have another idea?” He called back, still able to hear you surprisingly well.
You thought on this a moment, before an idea struck you. Humorously, you called back.
“Well, unless you have another photoshoot this evening, there is a nice city park a few blocks up.”
You never heard a response from him, until he pulled you both up pulled to a stop light. He raised the visor of his helmet after putting down his kickstand once more and raised a brow over his shoulder towards you.
“A park, huh? I can do that…but I’m taking the longer route.”
“The longer route?” You questioned uncertainly.
“The highway, yes. Wouldn’t you like for first ride to be memorable?” His eyes seemed to sparkle as he spoke.
“So long as you don’t kill us,” came your mumbled responce. Yet he seemed to hear it, as he only rolled his eyes.
“Don’t you fret, princess. I wouldn’t let my first ever passenger fall off or become injured. Cant let our first date become our last.”
“First date?”
He merely chuckled at your sudden squeak as he turned to face you better.
“Unless you’d rather not call it that. Would you rather this be considered a VIP backstage pass?”
Your heart twisted and flipped pleasantly in your chest as you quickly lowered the visor of your helmet once more to hide the expression of bewilderment on your face.
“You’d go on a date with a fan?” You managed to croak out just as the light turned green.
Tugging down his own visor once more and lifting the stand, he hummed thoughtfully before reviving the bike.
“I gave my number to one, didn’t I?”
Holding your hand tight to his chest, he used his free hand to push forward, rushing through traffic as you gradually increased speeds. All the while his hand stayed on top of yours, until the need to pull away became undismissible.
And you didn’t dare to let go. Not now, nor ever. Especially if he was promising a second date…
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whimsi-clown · 5 months
Hi strangers! I 'm currently going on a Disney movie marathon for the 3rd part of my RIDV AU fic, so here are some incorrect quotes while you wait.
Tags: @demodemo909, @imtryingandtired, @missmannequin.
(Thank you guys so much for showing appreciation for the dumb Disney Villains AU I made on a whim, and I hope these even dumber incorrect quotes can entertain you while waiting on the next part!)
Warning: The usual, cursing, OOC, and itty bitty inappropriate jokes. Also, it's long, like, really long. I had too much fun with these quotes, and it shows.
Hey hey! Life in the Villain house! Oh yeah! Life in the Villain house! Reader! Life in the Villain house!~
(If you understood this reference, I am both sorry and not sorry at the same time)
*Disney Villains suddenly appearing before you*
You : I dunno if I'm ready to process the ramifications of this bullshit.
Gaston: Our dear host is playing hard to get.
Gaston: Little do they know, I'm a master at playing hard to get rid of.
You : *Venting endlessly to Hades about your week*
Hades, every once in a while: *In a monotone* Wow, that is so wild.
You: Wake up! The sun is shining!
Cruela: What do you want me to do, photosynthesis?
Gaston: I love you.
You: How many people have you said that to?
Gaston: Everyone.
You: What?
Gaston: I told everyone that I love you.
You: Look guys, I need help.
Ursula: Love help?
Hades: Financial help?
Captain Hook: Emotional help?
Oogie Boogie: Help moving a body?
*Everybody looks at Oogie Boogie*
Oogie Boogie: What?
You, to Jafar: How do you tell someone politely you want to hit them with a brick?
You: Why do you keep a diary?!
Captain Hook: To keep secrets from your computer.
You, filling out legal paperwork: Were you guys born AMAB or AFAB?
Maleficent: Bold of you to assume I was born at all.
Oogie Boogie: Personally, I think I was made in a lab.
Hades: I just straight up spawned, lol.
Gaston: The ‘how the fucks’ and 'why are you so dumbs’ don’t matter. All that matters is that I have a new gun.
Captain Hook: *Slowly pushes a 17th-century cannon into a modern bank* Okay, everyone, be calm. This is a robbery.
Oogie Boogie: If I can't cause tiny bits of chaos every day, I think my body will shut down.
You: All of your existences are confusing.
The villains: How so?
You: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to any of you guys upsets me.
You: As a responsible adult-
The villains: *snickers*
You: ... As a responsible adult—
You: I don't like bugs. Oogie Boogie, are you even listening to me?
Oogie Boogie: I seem to have misplaced some of my bugs.
You, at Hades (aka your personal flame thrower): HAADDDEEEESSSSS!!!
*Talking on the phone*
Hades: Remember how I said that the gang and I were gonna have a calm night out for once?
You: ... Yeah?
Hades: Well, we’re in jail.
You: *Hangs up*
Hades: *Gets set on fire and screams in agony*
Hades: Nah, I’m just kidding. Fire does nothing to me. Literally.
You: Something tells me Oogie Boogie's going to be a bit more unhinged today...
*Meanwhile, in the villain house*
Oogie Boogie, holding a lit match and a bag of cheetos: Leave me be, the host isn't home to stop me, I'm going feral.
A complete stranger, looking at the disney villains who are experiencing and interacting with the outside world for the first time: Those guys look like a problem...
You: Yes, but they’re my problem.
You, looking at the villains: Okay, so I need to become a therapist faster.
Captain Hook, drowning in crocodile infested waters: Help me host!
You: Don't worry, I heard cowards float.
Grimhilde: Do you want to explain the text you sent me last night?
You: It was autocorrect.
Grimhilde: Autocorrect wrote, "You're so hot. Please step on me."?
You: Yes.
You, talking to the villains: As you know, I keep a list of all of you in order of how likely they are to betray me.
Oogie Boogie: Where am I on the list?
You: Well, I can’t tell you that because then you’ll quickly move up or down depending on your reaction.
Gaston: Dinosaurs aren't extinct. I mean, Grimhilde is walking in this room.
You: *Wheezes*
You: *Aggressively throws water bottles*
Hades: Uh... What's up with them?
Jafar: They're trying to yell mental health and wellbeing into us.
You, aggressively shouting: I APPRECIATE ALL OF YOU!
Captain Hook, crying: It's working.
Gaston: Can you be quiet?! I'm trying to think.
You: Don't worry. Doing anything for the first time is difficult.
Dr. Facilier: Fuck capitalism. It's a rigged system that keeps us poor, and it ain't fair. You shouldn't need to work three jobs to afford basic necessities.
Dr. Facilier, playing Monopoly: Sorry, if you wanted to win, you should have tried not being poor.
Scar: I prevented a murder today.
You: Really? That’s amazing! How did you do that?
Scar: Self-control.
You: Holy shit, Hades, do you know what this means?!
Hades: Babes, whenever you start doing this, nobody knows what you mean.
Gaston, throwing their head into you lap: Tell me I'm pretty!
You, unphased and stroking his hair: You're pretty fucking annoying, that's what you are.
Gaston: Why don’t they find me sexy when I bite my lip?
Hades: What do you look like when you bite your lip?
Gaston: *Bites lip*
Hades: ... Have you considered biting your bottom lip instead?
You: *Fills up bottle and drinks from that*
Jafar: *Brought 4 bottles of water so this wouldn’t happen*
Shan Yu: *Drinks straight from the tap*
Hades: *Dehydrates*
Scar: *Drinks from the puddle of water on the floor*
Oogie Boogie: *Licks the tap, doesn’t even need a drink*
Dr. Facilier: *Looks over your shoulder and at your laptop* What the fuck?
You: *Slams screen shut* It’s just research! For something I’m writing about! I swear that’s it!
Dr. Facilier: Why the hell would that involve the breeding habits of frogs?
You: It’s not just “frogs”, it’s the Surinam Toad. And it’s not “breeding habits”, it’s how they raise their young. This is important information my audience needs to know!
Dr. Facilier: That doesn’t change the fact this is for one line in a fanfiction.
You, offendedly: You don’t know that!
Dr. Facilier: I don't hear no denial.
You: I love cooking breakfast. It makes the whole house smell like bacon.
Grimhilde: That’s true, but it also smells like fire and panic.
You: Hades and the smoke detector need to get off my case.
Hades, grinning: Before you were what?
Maleficent: Before I was-
Hades: What?
Maleficent: Before I was inter-
Hades: Before you were interrupted?
Maleficent: Cut me off one more time and I swear I'll-
Hades: What?
Maleficent: *Makes a frustrated sound*
You, nervously laughing: Ahahaha, please stop that before she turns into a dragon and burns my house down.
*The normal looking villains walking at the mall*
Dr. Facilier: Hey, have any of y'all seen our host? They’ve been gone for a while..
Grimhilde, not the least bit concerned: No, we have not.
Shan Yu : I haven’t...
Cruela: They probably just ran off to the McDonald’s or something.
You: Hey.
Captain Hook: Oh, there they are-
Gaston: What the-
Jafar: I- where were you?!
You: ... Walking right behind you guys.
Gaston: Well, remember when our host made a romantic dinner for me?
Hades: Gaston, they microwaved you a pizza.
Shan Yu: Someone will die...
You: Of fun!
You: Could you be anymore annoying?
Oogie Boogie: Yes.
You: Oogie Boogie, you can do anything!
Oogie Boogie: Anything?
You: Anything!
Oogie Boogie, holding a torch: ANYTHING?!?!
You: Wait, not that!
Gaston, playing a video game for the first: This thing is so frustrating! I hate it, I hate it, I hate it!
You: Ok, I think it’s time to turn off the game for a little while.
Gaston: But I’m having fun!
Gaston: *Gasp*
You: wHAT??
Gaston: What if soy milk is just milk introducing itself in Spanish?
You: *Inhales*
Cruela, in another room with Ursula: Why can I hear screeching?
Dr. Facilier: Surgery is basically just stabbing someone to life.
You: Please never become a surgeon.
You: I was arrested for being too cool.
Jafar: The charges were dropped due to a lack of supporting evidence.
Dr. Facilier: Damn, the power went out.
You: Don’t worry, I got this.
You: *Stomps foot*
Dr. Facilier: What-?
You: *Sketchers light up*
You: What do you have?
Oogie Boogie: A KNIFE!
You: NO!
Kidnapper: I have one of your friends.
You: Which one? I have twelve.
Kidnapper: The loud, annoying, rowdy one who never shuts up.
You: Which one? I have twelve.
Gaston, distantly: HEY!!!
Scar: Given the circumstances, I will let you hug me for four to five seconds.
You: Forty five seconds?!?
Scar: No! I said four TO five seconds.
You, hugging Scar: Too late.
Shan Yu: I have an army.
You: We have Oogie Boogie.
*The villains playing Among Us*
Jafar: I believe Shan Yu is innocent, I was with him the whole time. Oogie Boogie, what were you doing?
Oogie Boogie: Oh, I was just murdering-… I mean, nothing!
Grimhilde: When we get back, I'm going to step on you!
You: Okay, as much as I might enjoy that, Your highness–
Jafar: Who would you kill out of the four of us, Hades?
Hades: Gaston, easily.
Gaston, confused: What, why??
Hades: Well, cuz I hate you, and the host would be too easy. They’d probably be into it.
You, standing in the doorway with the most bewildered expression: What the fuck man!?
You: I think it’s time I get my life in order.
Dr. Facilier, narrating: But they did not get their life in order. In fact, they got drunk last night and fought a raccoon.
*Scar hears about you bringing home a stray cat.*
Scar, sarcastically: I can't believe there's another cat somewhere in this house. Amazing feeling. Love that. And it's here, in this house! Somewhere! And I may encounter it! What a treat...
*The female villains after watching The Wizard of Oz*
Grimhilde: Where the devil is Maleficent?
Ursula: Well, it's raining outside... Maybe they melted?
Cruela: Shall I look outside for a pointy set of horns?
Hades: Any idiot would know that.
Gaston: I knew that!
Hades: See?
Scar: I'm not lazy, I just find it hard to put effort into things I'm not passionate about.
You: What are you passionate about?
Scar: Sleeping.
Gaston: Without ugly, there would be no beauty in this world.
Grimhilde: Thank you for your sacrifice, Gaston.
You: If I see a bug, I'll simply leave the room elegantly and have Hades to do something about it.
You: And if he doesn't fulfill my wish, I simply never go back in there.
Dr. Facilier, looking at a dead phone: How do we bring this thing back to life? Magic? Live sacrifice? I know a guy in town-
You: I haven't seen Gaston and Hades for fifteen minutes now.
*Outside a nearby window, a car without a driver inside is seen rolling down a driveway, with Gaston and Hades running after it in a panic. You don't look outside at all.*
You: That probably means they're getting into trouble.
You: Go to hell!
Hades: Where do you think I come from?
Oogie Boogie: People tell me I have a unique way of lighting up a room.
You: It’s called arson, and those people are called witnesses.
Dr. Facilier: What are y’all’s favorite things to wake up to?
Grimhilde: Breakfast in bed.
You: Emails from AO3!
Shan Yu: My favorite thing to wake up to is not waking up at all.
Shan Yu: The screams of my enemies are a close second, though.
You: Question. When they shot Bambi's mother, did you find that a sad moment... At all?
Gaston: I'm sure she's mounted on a nice wall in a fine home somewhere.
Oogie Boogie: Treat bugs the way you want to be treated!
You: Killed without hesitation.
Captain Hook, recently learned modern swears: FIGHT ME, YOU NERD ASS SLUT!
You: At least try to sound slightly more sophisticated when you threaten someone.
Captain Hook: Oh, I'm sorry. I should ask; dost thou want to engage in a duel, my good bitch?
You: Somehow, that's worse.
Maleficent: We all have our demons...
You, grabbing Oogie Boogie: This one’s mine!
Shan Yu: You know you've made it when you see your picture everywhere you go.
You: Those are wanted posters!
Captain Hook: So, what's for dinner?
You, staring at the food you burnt: Regret.
Gaston: So, I've been thinking-
You: Again?? That's dangerous.
Hades: Why would you do that?
You: Because I feel guilty.
Maleficent: Guilt is a trick emotion. It’s put there by your parents to stop you from doing things that feel good.
You: *Eating a cinnamon roll*
Oogie Boogie: Cannibalism.
You: *Confused chewing noises*
*At the supermarket*
Captain Hook: All right, the last item on the list is "virgin oil."
Captain Hook:
Captain Hook: Wow. Imagine being an item and still being called a virgin.
You: What’s your body count?
Captain Hook: Do you mean sex or murder?
You: *Is wearing silk pants* How does this look?
Cruela: Like its slips on and off really easily.
Cruela: No, I didn't mean it like that-
Ursula: We know what you meant.
You: Bonjour, Dr. Facilier. Voulez–vous coucher avec moi?
Dr. Facilier: No, I don't want to sleep with you.
You: ... Is that what that means??
You: I'm gonna eat the chicken breasts!
Gaston, snickering: Yeah, eat what you lack,
You, deadpanning at Gaston: Then maybe I should order brains on delivery for you.
Jafar: I committed all 7 deadly sins in 30 minutes.
Hades: Wow, I've gotta hear this.
Jafar: I was angry and envious of my neighbor, so I lazily seduced his wife and ate all his groceries and didn't share.
Hades: You forgot pride.
Jafar: No, I'm pretty proud of this.
Maleficent: Our dear host annoyed me today, so I told them that I can’t wait for them to see what I had planned for our special day tomorrow.
Scar: There is nothing special about tomorrow.
Maleficent: But there is something special about watching the color leave their face as panic takes over.
You: You’re all insane!
The villains: Sure we are, what’s your point?
Gaston: I want you to be with me for the rest of your life.
You: Damn, that sounds like a marriage proposal... A really one-sided one.
Gaston, getting down on one knee: That's because it is.
You, admiring and petting a sleeping Scar: You’re so cute.
Scar, sleepily: I could tear you limb from limb with my bare fangs.
You, lovingly: I know.
Oogie Boogie: *Writing a letter*
Oogie Boogie: Dear Sandy Claws,
I'm writing to let you know I've been naughty...
And it was worth it, you fat, judgemental bastard.
You, dealing with the villains: Like, no offense to myself and all, but what the fuck am I actually doing?
*You are cleaning the house, and you find an empty bottle of orange juice*
You: Clear orange juice?
You: Oh, it's empty.
Most of the villains, who had been watching the entire time: We live with an idiot. We live with an idiot. We live with an idiot.
Scar: Our relationship is strictly professional.
You, brushing Scar's mane as he lays his head on your lap: Absolutely. Only business.
All the female villains: We're not like other girls. We're way, way worse.
Captain Hook: There. How do I look?
Dr. Facilier: Like a cheap French harlot.
Captain Hook: French?!
Shan Yu, towering over you and glaring down at you: I could kill you if I wanted to little host.
You absolutely done with his bs: Oh yeah? Well, guess what. So could any other human being. So could a dog. So could a dedicated duck. You aren't special.
Hades: Some people say that I have a god complex. I’d like to think that I’m a complex god.
You: Captain, you're drunk.
Captain Hook: Correction: drinking. Present tense. Grammar, my dear host.
Jafar: There’s always that one weak individual within the group who isn’t down with murder.
Jafar: *Glares at you*
You: ... Well sorry I have morals!
Shan Yu, singing to the tune of I Kissed a Girl: I killed a guy, and I liked it-
Dr. Facilier, whispering: Should we call someone?
You, also singing: The taste of his cherry chapstick.
Captain Hook, appalled: Call Maleficent.
Oogie Boogie: Get in the Halloween spirit and make a ghost!
You: That’s called murder and I heard somewhere that it's illegal.
You: You remind me of the ocean.
Ursula: Because I'm deep and mysterious?
You: No, because you're full of salt, and you scare people.
Oogie Boogie: Something’s off.
You: Maybe you’ve finally developed human emotions and feel bad for hurting people.
Oogie Boogie: No, but that’s funny.
You: What do you call disobeying the law?
The villains: A hobby.
You: *Crosses their arms*
The villains: ... That we do not engage in.
You: Stop thinking whatever you're thinking.
Gaston: Huh?
You: You always make that face when you're about to say something stupid. So cut it out-
Gaston: I love you.
Gaston: Also, cereal qualifies as a soup.
You: I KNEW IT!!!
You, extremely touched: Aw, you guys really put aside everything and came all this way for me?
You, confused: How did you even get here so fast??
Cruela: Several traffic violations.
Jafar: Three counts of resisting arrest.
Gaston: Roughly thirteen cans of those energy drinks you like so much.
Dr. Facilier: Also, this aint our car.
If you made it to this part, then congratulations! You made it through all 101 incorrect quotes! (I know, I counted them myself)
I hope you enjoyed them!
And for those of you who read through all of this and have no idea what you just read, here's Part 1 of the Reverse Isekai Disney Villains AU for context.
Thanks for reading!
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larz-barz · 4 months
As if it was fate
Warning(s)/info: Characters might be a lil ooc, cuteness, fluffy lil bbies, Civilian Milo au
Tagging: @bottlecapsandotherthings @nothingtoseehere1-2-3 @rosalinastan1 @ayunakatsukiwolfhashira @pinkwisteria @nimmie-nugget @kimetsu-chan @slayfics @night-mince0 @frostburn-shoto @floofgryph
plus the Rengoku moots<3 @risingscorchingsuns @demonslayerdoodles @shycroissanti
Senjuro hears a knock at the door and goes with his brother, Kyojuro, to see who it is.
They open the door to see Giyuu Tomioka, the water hashira, with a girl around Senjuro’s age.
The girl is small and really cute, hiding behind Giyuu.
“Hello Tomioka! Who’s this?” Kyojuro asks with a smile, motioning to the girl.
“Kyojuro, Senjuro, this is Milo… She’s the girl I was talking about at the last hashira meeting…” Giyuu replies calmly.
Senjuro can’t help but smile and blush a little when he gets a better look at Milo.
‘She’s so cute… She wouldn’t like a guy like me though…’ The youngest Rengoku thinks to himself.
Milo locks eyes with Senjuro for a brief second before looking down shyly and nervously as a bright blush erupts on her own cheeks.
Senjuro snaps out of his thoughts when his big brother nudges him gently. “Senjuro? You alright? You spaced out on us!”
Senjuro’s face gets a bit redder as he shyly nods. “Y-yeah, I’m okay! It’s nice to meet you, Milo..”
As he speaks to the adorable yokai before him, he feels himself getting shyer.
Just as Senjuro thought Milo couldn’t get any cuter…
“…I-i-it’s nice t-to meet you t-too…” Her voice is so soft and sweet, Senjuro wishes he could listen to her talk all day.
“So, Tomioka, did you need anything else? Would you like to stay a little longer, Milo?” Rengoku asks with a kind smile towards the younger girl who gives a nervous little nod.
“I was wondering if Milo could come to stay here while I’m gone on missions..? I don’t want anything to happen to her while I’m not there to protect her…” Giyuu’s voice holds affection(?) towards the girl as he speaks.
Kyojuro nods with a bright smile. “Of course she can! Is that alright with you, Senjuro?” He asked the boy who is spaced out once more.
“Sen-” As Kyojuro starts to call out Senjuro’s name, the young boy snaps out of his little day dreams of Milo.
“Huh-? Sorry-!”
Kyojuro laughs softly and ruffles Senjuro’s hair before repeating the question.
“O-oh, yeah, that’d be alright with me..!” He responds, almost too enthusiastically.
Senjuro looks to Milo who is now blushing again.
Giyuu puts his hand on Milo’s shoulder. “I need to go train, but you can stay here as long as you’d like as long as you’re back before sunset.. My crow will come tell you if I have to leave for a mission, and if I do just stay here until one of my kakushis come to get you..”
Milo nods and Giyuu pats her head before leaving then the Rengoku boys move to let Milo come in.
“Hey, Senjuro, do you want to give Milo a tour of the house while I go help father with something?” Kyojuro asks his little brother with his signature bright smile and he nods sheepishly.
“S-sure! C’mon Milo.” Senjuro motions for Milo to follow him and she does.
Senjuro begins giving Milo a tour of the Flame Estate with a smile.
He looks at her and notices she’s smiling too, causing himself to blush more.
‘Oh my goodness, her smile is so beautiful!’ He thinks to himself as his brain gets all scrambly from how precious Milo is.
Senjuro wants to be the one to protect that smile.
He wants to keep Milo safe from all harm.
He’d heard a little about her previous situation and he wants to make sure nothing like that happens to her again.
Later, as Milo is preparing to head back to the Water Mansion with Kyojuro she sees Giyuu’s crow flying over.
It explains that Giyuu is on a mission so she needs to stay with the Rengokus until further notice.
“Alright! I’ll get the kakushis to set up the spare bedroom for you!” Kyojuro says happily and Milo nods with a slight smile.
“Hey, Milo?” Senjuro calls out after a moment and Milo’s ears twitch and she smiles at him, causing his stomach to flutter.
“I-uhm- I was wondering if you’d like to come watch the sun set with me…?” He asks shyly and Milo’s tail starts swaying happily.
“S-sure...!” Milo responds with her usual adorable smile.
Senjuro feels an overwhelming joy from Milo trusting him and being happy with him.
He gently takes her hand, blushing when she squeezes his hand, and leads her outside.
As they sit in the soft grass together, watching the sun set, Milo grows sleepy.
Senjuro smiles as he looks over at her then he gets a little worried when he notices her tiredness. “Do you want to go back inside so you can sleep?”
Milo shakes her head. “N-no, I’m alright… Th-thank you though…”
He nods and adjusts his position a little then a few minutes later Milo falls asleep and lands on Senjuro’s shoulder, causing his face to erupt in a bright red blush.
He takes a moment to just admire her soft features as the setting sun lights her up in golden hour.
‘She’s so beautiful…’ Senjuro thinks while gently brushing her hair out of her face.
It has to be fate that the two shy teenagers met each other.
They’re too perfect for each other for it not to be…
~the end~
*new otp unlocked*
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irondad-defensesquad · 8 months
Sorry seems to be the hardest word - Chapter 1
Also posted on AO3!
Originally a story written in 2019, though I decided to revisit it.
I'm splitting this in two chapters. I'm already warning you that this first one will be painful. Tony will say some VERY mean things to Peter, which are not condoned. Part of this is me projecting onto Tony after I had a bad fight IRL, so characters might be OOC.
TRIGGER WARNINGS (for this chapter) - lashing out and mention of alcohol abuse
Some days are hard and that’s part of life. But that doesn’t mean they won't be a pain in the ass. And when you’re Tony Stark, certified “piping hot mess”, the bad days can feel like he’s still in the wormhole, trapped in the deep and infinite outer space.
There isn’t a particular reason why he’s like this today. Most of his bad days work like that. Well, Tony is aware he has plenty of reasons, but none are recent.
Tony ranges from numb to irritable. When these days happen, he isolates himself in the workshop so he can focus on something else, like his suit of armor or his cars. That way, he won’t resort to alcohol, nor will anyone else get hurt. It helps that Pepper is out to work, and Rhodey is saving the world.
Today, the billionaire is fixing some bugs in his suit while at the same time he’s fixated on rebuilding a piece from the old, flaming Ford. It’s the only car part that has broken, and Tony can’t understand why. And for some reason, he’s unable to fix it. When he gets too stressed about it, Tony returns to his suit, and then he goes back to the Ford, so on and so forth.
Usually, fixing things and taking them apart help him. But today, they don’t.
At one point, Tony gives up and tries to forget the car piece for a bit.
And to make things worse…
F.R.I.D.A.Y reminds him that Peter is on his way.
“Oh. Oh my god,” Tony groans loudly. “Fuck.”
Only then does he remember that today is lab day. On his bad day. How could he forget?
Tony clearly can’t tell Peter to go home. He didn’t take more than two hours to get kicked out immediately. That’s just an asshole thing to do. On the other hand, the older man feels bad for thinking this way, but just imagining Peter rambling and rambling endlessly is already worsening his headache. He also won’t have the courage to tell Peter to not stay in the workshop. He doesn’t want to make the kid feel like he’s not wanted.
He sighs, soon hearing the elevator door opening, and Peter’s bouncy, happy steps going towards him. He’s clearly having a great day. Oh, the irony.
“Hi, Mr. Stark!” Peter greets him. Tony doesn’t have to look at him to see the sun rays coming out of him. Instead of warming him, they only blind Tony and make the heavy storm in his head grow larger.
“Hey, kid,” Tony lamely acknowledges.
“I’m feeling so awesome today! I finally aced my Spanish test,” Peter goes on, probably not noticing Tony’s lack of attention. “For a moment, I thought I wouldn’t make it, since the teacher can be a little hard on the correction, but he congratulated me! Not to brag, but I was one of the few aces in class, and man, you should’ve seen the look on Flash’s face, it was priceless!”
Peter is full on chatterbox mode, talking about all the other school stuff. On a normal day, Tony would’ve been so proud of him. They would’ve even ordered something special to celebrate. He knows how stressed Peter gets because of school, so him feeling so proud of himself is a delight. It’s too bad that Tony’s brain isn’t complying with him, so he stops listening to Peter halfway through, and he realizes he’s not doing anything with his suit, just sliding his fingers on the projection repeatedly, aimlessly.
At some point, he realizes the workshop is silent, save for the Black Sabbath playing in the background. That means Peter has finally realized he’s talking to nobody.
“... uh, w-what are you doing over there?” The teen stutters.
Tony sighs. He should apologize.
“Sorry, kid. I’m…” I’m having a bad day. This is not your fault. But he doesn’t have the strength to say these words, for some reason. “I’m trying to fix some bugs in the communication system.”
“Oh. Do you need help?”
“Nah, it’s fine.” Liar. “You can do whatever you want, like homework, or anything in your suit. I’ll help you later if you need me.”
“Um, okay.”
As Peter moves to his counter, Tony instantly remembers what’s lying there.
“Just don’t touch that thing there, alright?” The latter requests. Almost begging.
“What’s that?” Peter observes it.
“Just… a stubborn car part I’ve been trying to fix forever. And not getting any progress.” He knows his voice is sharper than usual, but Tony’s head is exploding. He’s so angry. At whom?
Peter merely hums and installs himself in the counter. The damned piece is on the other corner. Finally, Tony goes back to the suit. As long as it stays this way, maybe his bad day will improve.
The hero is able to distract himself for once, as Paranoid plays. Tony hears a shuffle or another coming from Peter, but it’s nothing too bothersome.
Next thing he knows, though, everything goes to shambles.
The noise that comes destroying the quietude and peace is loud like thunder. It’s probably the storm inside Tony’s head now ruining the real world, too.
“What the FUCK, Peter?!” Tony blurts out, knowing that it came from the kid. He knows what Peter did, as he sees the car part broken into pieces, scattered on the floor.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry, Mr. Stark, I was just trying to get a better look at it, m-maybe fix it for you–”
“Are you serious?! I told you not to touch it!”
“I’m sorry, I-I just wanted to help!”
“I don’t WANT your help! I just wanted you to BE QUIET and do your thing in your corner! But clearly you NEVER listen to me when I tell you to stay put!”
Peter is shaking his head, wanting to say more, but Tony keeps going.
“See, that’s your goddamn problem. You refuse to listen to me, you ‘think’ you’re going to help, but you just make EVERYTHING WORSE. That’s exactly what happened at the ferry.”
“But Mr. Stark…” Peter’s voice is tiny.
“I don’t know how many times I have to get in that stupid brain of yours,” Tony steps forward, stepping on one of the pieces, “DO NOT TOUCH MY FUCKING STUFF!”
The thunder scares Peter. He steps back.
He’s shaking. He’s shaking so hard.
And his eyes…
Those precious puppy eyes…
Tony stops dead in his tracks.
The damage has been done.
He replays all the words he just said, and he feels absolutely sickened by his own cruelty.
Peter is scared. He’s scared of Tony.
Oh my god. Oh my god, no.
Peter slowly backs away, like a scared animal.
“Peter,” Tony says, reaching out a hand…
But the kid runs away.
“Peter, wait!”
The boy manages to snatch his backpack and rush to the elevator. Tony doesn’t rush after him, though his arm is still trying to reach him. Of course, it doesn’t work. Peter is gone.
Tony is frozen where he stands.
The car part is broken beyond repair. Some small part of him still believes he can fix it.
But that is not more important.
He needs to fix what he just did to Peter.
He has to fix things.
No suit of armor, no car, nothing is more important than his kid.
When Tony rushes outside, he’s not too late.
“Peter!” He exclaims.
The teenager flinches, much to Tony’s dread. The former turns around like the latter’s storm is going to hit him again.
“Peter, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have said those- those awful things to you. I was wrong about everything I said.”
Despite this, Peter doesn’t seem to believe it. He’s been betrayed. His trust… broken. It’s such a stark contrast to when he arrived at the workshop.
“I get it, Mr. Stark,” he says, voice low. He turns around to avoid Tony. “I just ruin your life.”
“No… goodness, no. My life is so much better with you in it.”
“It doesn’t feel like it.”
Peter isn’t crying anymore. He’s not even angry. He’s just hurt.
“You didn’t do anything wrong, I promise,” Tony insists.
“I just break your stuff and make a mess. You said that, and you believe that.”
Tony shakes his head. Meanwhile, Peter is checking his phone and texting someone, probably Happy.
“Please, don’t leave like this,” the man begs. “W-We can fix this, together. We’re a team, right?”
“Mr. Stark–”
“We can order your favorite food, we can celebrate your grade and- and everything you do, we can watch those space movies you like–” Tony knows he’s pushing but he doesn’t know how to stop.
Peter has never called him by his first name before. And it doesn’t sound endearing.
The boy is still not facing him.
“... I shouldn’t have come here,” he concludes.
Tony doesn’t know what to say anymore.
After a pained silence, Peter sighs, probably to filter his pain. “I just need to go home.”
The other inhales and exhales, putting his hands inside his pockets. “Okay.”
Not too long after, a car arrives in front of the building. Happy only opens the windows, looking confused at the situation yet not prying. He gestures for Peter to get in.
Peter is heading towards the car…
“L-Let me know when you get home, okay?” Tony pleads quietly.
The teen just vaguely looks at him, not directly. “Okay.”
Happy gives Tony a sad gaze, as if meaning, “we can talk about this later, if you want”.
Regardless, Happy and Peter are quickly gone, and Tony watches the car disappear into the horizon. There’s no one else around to watch this scene.
Tony drove them all away.
He drove his kid away.
And for the first time in a while, Tony can’t hold back his tears.
(Chapter 2)
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crucifixi · 1 year
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ // OOC.
Deed done! A very lazy messy sketch of the maidwood! He’s covering himself with a jacket though
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nghtwngs · 2 years
dincember prompt 3: gloves
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description: it’s cold, and you seem to be gloveless. mando is quite stubborn and won’t let your fingers freeze off.
pairing: din djarin x mechanic!reader
genre: fluff, friends to lovers (eventually?), mutual pining, slow burn (im sorry i didn’t mean for it to be this way)
word count: 1.2k
warnings: pre-canon, he’s probably ooc i can barely keep my eyes open
a/n: this is for dincember 2022! im starting a little late cause i only found out about this last night and this includes prompts 1 through 3 (even though it started as 3, it just ended up that way) god i haven’t posted a fic since august but i plan on writing more for pedro’s characters and cassian (once i finally watch the last ep of andor)
You wonder if they’re as warm as they look.
Orange tips that have browned with age and blaster residue, soft leather worn and broken in, and large. The thought makes your neck heat with embarrassment and a hint of something else you’d rather not go figuring out. No, definitely not. Not when Mando is your employer, and much more recently, your friend. You don’t need to go making things weird for yourself or for him. Things are good right now. You like the routine you’ve both settled into, you like being around him, you like…
You squeeze your eyes shut when the word appears in your head, throwing your head against the back of the seat with frustration. Ow.
You like his gloves.
Along with having to adjust to living on the Razer Crest, you’ve developed a rather mortifying habit of staring at Mando’s hands. You blame his mannerisms for being so hypnotizing. The way his fingers strain and stretch the leather of his gloves while hovering beside his blaster during an encounter about to go wrong, the times he’s placed a gentle hand on your arm to make sure you’re alright, that day he pulled each of the fingers on his glove one by one to take them off and feel your forehead when you were coming down with a fever. Maker, what’s wrong with you?
You spring up from the chair, leaving the cockpit to find something to repair. Anything to get your mind off this and off of him. The heating unit needs a look at anyway.
Turns out, that had been a very good idea. The filter needs replacing, but you don’t have an extra one lying around, so you’ll be adding it to the list of items to purchase when you go out. You scribble down a few other parts you need plus the ration packs you know Mando likes (they’re the same ones you do), warmer clothes, and thicker blankets since the thermal system is at risk of catching on fire. You’re not going to be able to turn it on until you get that new filter.
You jump when Mando rests a hand on your shoulder. You turn to look at him. “Kriff, you scared me.”
“Sorry,” he answers, pulling his hand away. “Are you ready to go now?”
“Yeah, just let me grab my jacket.” You slip on your winter coat, zipping it up. “You know, we need to change out that heating filter of yours. A few more days and it’ll burst into flames. When’s the last time you swapped it out?”
Mando thinks for a moment. You briefly wonder if his eyebrows are scrunched thoughtfully. “I’m not sure.”
You sigh dramatically. “What would you do without me?”
“Die, probably. The Crest has never looked better since you came.”
You grin.
You think he’s smiling back.
“Where are your gloves?”
Your eyes fall away from the filter selection and down to your hands. You glance at Mando. “Oh, I must’ve forgotten them when we left.”
Immediately, Mando pulls off a glove and slips it onto your hand. It doesn’t fit right, but it’s warm.
“What are you—?”
“You’re going to get frostbite,” he answers, slipping on the other glove. “Your hands are already freezing.”
“I have pockets. I can just leave my hands in them.”
“You need to be able to hold the starship parts. You like making sure they’re good.”
He noticed? Of course he noticed, you spend forever examining each part to make sure it’s good quality before buying it. You stutter, “But what about you? Aren’t your hands just going to get frostbite too?”
He crosses his arms to cover his hands. “We’ll buy some gloves.”
You grab his hands, looking into the pitch black visor of his helmet. “Can I?” He doesn’t say anything. You place his hands on the back of your neck, hoping to warm them a bit. The cold touch makes you shiver, but you keep them there for a long moment before letting go. “Okay, let’s go.”
It takes a minute for him to respond. He clears his throat. “You—you need to pick out the filter though?”
“I got it.” You grab a pack of filters. “They’re right here.”
After spending a slightly painful amount of credits on the filters (inflation is apparently just as awful on this planet too), you stop by a shop selling winter garments. There’s a table lined with gloves of all colors and sizes. A particular pair catches your eye right away, but then you see the price and wince. That’s a lot of credits. You try to find a cheaper pair, but they all seem to be about the same.
“Get them,” Mando suddenly says. It’s as if he can just tell what you’re thinking. “They’ll last a long time.”
“But they’re expensive,” you mumble. “We could use the credits for other, more important things.”
The Mandalorian picks up the gloves you were looking at and pulls off his from your hands, slipping the new ones on. They’re thicker than regular ones and warm.
“Then it will be a gift. For our first Life Day together.”
Oh right, that is in a few weeks. You’ve forgotten all about Life Day, having been so caught up in your work. But your brain holds onto one particular word: “first”. There will be more? Oh, Maker, you hope so.
It’s been a long time since you’ve received anything for Life Day. The loneliness has seeped into your bones over the years, numbing you from the inside out. This fills you with warmth, and it settles in your chest before spreading to the rest of you. You’re already wondering what to get him. What could a Mandalorian possibly need?
Your smile is much too soft to be for a friend. “Thank you, Mando.”
“You’ve done so much for me. It’s only fair I give you something in return for your skillful work.”
Your smile turns playful. “You pay me to do that, idiot.”
“You can’t be my mechanic if your fingers all fall off.”
“Shut up.” You laugh, gently shoving him with your hand. “I guess you’re right, I do like having all of my fingers intact.”
You pay for the gloves along with a few new jackets (that are fairly priced) and head out. You gasp, holding a hand out. “It’s snowing.”
Sure, the entire planet is covered in a blanket of snow right now, but you haven’t seen it snow in almost a full cycle. You can’t help but stare in awe at the beauty of it. The streets are lined with bright lights and decorations. It’s much more festive here than you’re used to. It’s beautiful.
You turn to see if Mando is looking at the decorations too, but you find his helmet already pointed in your direction. The beskar reflects the colors well, and you can see frost collecting on his armor. You think he’s just as beautiful. Your fingers twitch with the need to hold his hand.
“Are we done now?”
Your trance is broken. “Yeah, yeah.” You nod. “All finished.”
Your cheeks ache on the way back from smiling too hard. You have to pull your scarf over your mouth to prevent your face from freezing that way. You’ve never been so excited for Life Day.
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solarwindswriting · 2 years
Pairing: Enji Todoroki (Endeavor) x PopStar!Reader
Word Count: 2600+
Summary: Inspired by Unholy By Sam Smith and Kim Petras. As promotion for their newest album, Y/n revealed a mysterious hint at one of the songs true meanings. Enji Todoroki starts to quietly panic at this vague reveal by the young singer. Hawks is all too ready to fan the flames of Pro Hero Endeavor’s insecurities.
Warnings: Playful hitting, alcohol consumption, marriage affair, the use of Mx. (feel free to input whatever preferred)
A/N: Reader is gender neutral! Let me know if you like this story or not. Definitely a new direction in my writing style. Some bold decisions were made on my part. Still suoer not familiar with Endeavor as a love interest so sorry for anything that's OOC.
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“Pop Sensation Y/n L/n confirms their new song Unholy is about a Pro Hero who acted as a Sugar Daddy for them, but won’t say who. Could it be one of their classmates from UA? We’ll talk about our predictions after this commercial break,” the tabloid anchor spilled before jumping to a commercial for toothpaste.
They laughed, popping a grape into their mouth. Y/n’s phone was blowing up with their friends’ names as well as the man in question's. The ‘news’ plastered on every tabloid in Japan was the same story and Y/n could almost cackle at how easy it was to rile the feathers of so many people so easily. As if on queue, a red feather whipped around their shared kitchen, tickling Y/n’s nose before finding hawks’ wing again.
“If I knew being your roommate meant being bombarded by paparazzi asking who you’re fucking, I wouldn’t have signed that lease,” Keigo complained, taking a grape from the bag in front of Y/n and leaning with his back to the counter. “I thought I was the one who was supposed to have the interesting sex life.”
“Maybe if…” Y/n started, leaning forward and blocking their bag of grapes from him, “if you left the apartment for something other than hero work, you would.”
Y/n’s phone lit up and started to buzz on the marble countertop. Keigo looks at it and smirks.
“So, when are you going to tell him?” Keigo chuckles, seeing Shoto Todoroki’s contact photo on Y/n’s phone.
“Tell him what?” Y/n asks, silencing the phone and sliding it into their pocket.
“You’re joking, right? That you’re fucking his dad.” Keigo’s voice became more serious the more he spoke, “kid’s like your best friend. I know I’d be pissed if my crush from high school was fucking my dad.”
“Aww, you’d have a crush on me if we went to school together? That’s so sweet. But I thought you were gay?” Y/n chuckles, picking up their bowl of grapes and walking towards the couch.
“Oh, don’t give me that. I’m a bi icon and you know it,” Keigo follows close behind.
“I’m not going to tell him, just like I’m not going to tell the tabloids! I’ll do what I always planned; send a group text to my friends that I made it up for publicity!” Y/n shrugged, sitting down and turning up the tv.
“Why do you even watch these shows? They’re all lies,” Keigo rolls his eyes as he tries to reach around Y/n to steal the remote.
Y/n snatches the remote and sends him a fake glare, “this is how I keep up with my friends from school. I use it as an opener when texting them. ‘Hey, Izuku! Is it true Ochaco is pregnant?’ It works every time.”
“Why can’t you just text ‘hey’?” Keigo questions.
Y/n gives him a look of disgust before speaking, “you want me to start a conversation with just hey? Like some kind of psychopath?”
Y/n’s phone had fallen between the cushions and started to buzz again. Keigo grumbles, digging into the couch and pulling out the phone. He answers it without looking at the screen and before Y/n can snatch it.
“Y/n can’t come to the phone right now, Todoroki. Can I take a message?” Keigo asked irritated.
Keigo’s feathers puff out and his eyes go wide at the deep voice that responds, “please give the phone to Mx. Y/l/n. I have something I must discuss with them.”
Keigo quickly recovers with a smirk, looking Y/n in the eyes as he spoke, “not the Todoroki I thought was calling. What can I do for you on this fine day, Endeavor?”
Y/n began to panic, not knowing how to avoid Enji now. Keigo leaned back on the couch, listening intently to the man on the phone, and getting comfortable. An occasional yeah or mmhm would come from him, but that was all he was telegraphing.
“Yeah, I hear you, Man. Volume isn’t the issue here. The problem is that they aren’t here to even take a phone call. They left their phone in the apartment by accident in their rush out the door. You know how Y/n can be. Always the forgetful one,” Keigo smoothly says, saving Y/n's proverbial ass from having to talk to him before changing the topic. “I noticed you called them a few times. Is there a reason you’re calling one of your son's best friends?”
Y/n’s hand found their mouth as a fearful squeak comes from them. Keigo knew exactly what he was doing. Keigo laughs as he pulls the phone away from his ear and holds the phone out to Y/n. The phone still said call ended for a split second before going black.
“He hung up on me, the dick. He totally knows I know now,” Keigo still chuckled as he turned back towards the tv.
Y/n hit Keigo in the back of the head with their phone.
“What the fuck was that? Don’t pick up my phone if you’re not even going to look at the caller id!” Y/n scolded.
Keigo swore he could see steam shoot from Y/n’s ears. He held out his hand. Y/n slapped the remote into his hand, glaring as they readjusted and faced the tv again.
“Hey, some guy named Enji Todoroki called you. Said something about it being urgent?” Keigo said casually, flipping through channels.
Y/n slapped his arm causing him to laugh and push their shoulder.
“No, but seriously…” Keigo starts. “Does he always do that old person thing where he’s always slightly yelling into the phone? Because he does that to me too, and I gotta know.”
Y/n rolls their eyes, pouting as Keigo starts a movie.
“So, Y/n, your secret is safe with me,” the talk show hoost starts, “Who’s the song about?”
Y/n chuckles lightly and they spoke casually, “my secret is safe on live television? You think me a fool.”
“D’awe. You can’t blame a host for trying!” He speaks directly to the camera.
The crowd laughs.
“After this, we bring Pro Hero Hawks out to the couch!” The host says to the camera and applause from the audience.
With applause, the show returns from commercial, and Keigo is bounding from backstage to center, waving at the audience and sending a few tactical winks at a few women. He finally finds his seat next to Y/n after shaking the host’s hand.
“Pro Hero Hawks! How have you been since last we saw you?” The host starts, tapping his notecards on his knee.
“I’ve been good but busy! Climbing the hero charts was easy, staying up there is difficult with all the new hero blood out there,” Keigo laughs, sipping the whiskey from the glass that had been placed for him during the commercial.
“You’re right! Last year's newest heroes from UA High came to the scene with numbers under their belts already! You and Y/n share an apartment, correct? Any of their old UA friends loiter in your apartment?” The host prys.
Keigo and Y/n both know what the host is trying to infer.
Keigo laughs again, “I wish Y/n would bring friends over. I’m beginning to think they don’t actually have any friends. If you’re trying to get me to spill on their secrets, I can give you this: it never happened in the apartment…”
Murmurs wash over the crowd.
Keigo continues with a smirk, “And I do know who it is.”
Y/n is quick to respond with a smile, “I swear, you can’t tell a Pro Hero anything. They can’t keep a secret to save their lives. I told Deku who my first kiss was and he immediately told Uravity who told Pinky who told the rest of our grade by lunch!”
“Oooh, who was this first kiss of yours with?” The host leans forward in curiosity.
“Oh, he’s going to kill me for saying this,” Y/n exhaled before taking a long sip from their glass. Y/n smiled proudly and spoke with confidence, “Pro Hero DynaMight.”
The crowd whoops and hollers at Y/n’s loud whisper. The host is fanning himself with his note cards.
“Now, that’s some juicy gossip! Where you his first kiss too?” The host questions.
“If 17-year-old Katsuki Bakugo is to be believed, then yes,” Y/n chuckles.
“Okay, even I didn’t know this!” Keigo feigns hurt.
“I don’t care what kind of relationship you have with them, Endeavor,” Keigo drawls, flying next to Endeavor above the city. “What I care about is how that little fireball weaseled its way into your wallet. I’m trying to learn how they do it so I can scam some old guy too.”
Enji groaned, “don’t you have somewhere better to be, Hawks?”
“Nope! The commission wants to see us interacting friendly with each other out in public. So here I am!” Keigo smirked.
“I would hardly call this friendly,” Enji responds, landing on a nearby rooftop.
Keigo followed suit and continued, “oh, come on. I’m just playing. Stop stressing over it or you’ll do something stupid like tell the press yourself! No one suspects you. The main prediction right now is actually your youngest. So, how much did you give her in that NDA?”
Enji ignored him, taking off back into the sky.
“6.7 million??” Keigo gawked at his roommate through the mirror in the bathroom they were sharing.
Y/n looked up from their sink station, “yeah, he also made it clear he wasn’t cutting off our ‘normal meetings.’ The man really talks like an old-timey Sheriff.”
“So,” Keigo starts, taking a flat iron to his hair, styling it just so, “where are you taking me to keep me quiet?”
“Without an apartment, if you tell anyone. Remember, you’re living here for free,” Y/n reminds him, adjusting their own hair for their night out.
“I am unloved,” Keigo sighs loudly, the back of his free hand finding his forehead.
“Don’t be a drama queen. I’ll take you out for dinner next week,” Y/n suggests.
“Careful, they’ll think I’m the one you’re sleeping with,” Keigo counters, laughing while pulling on his jacket and heading toward the front door.
Y/n pretends to throw up at the thought of his comment. They grabbed their own jacket, putting what they’d need into their jean pockets. Y/n’s phone buzzes on the coffee table as the two left the bathroom. The two look at each other before both lunging for the phone. Keigo grabs it and flies off the ground in the high vaulted apartment and out of Y/n’s reach. He unlocks Y/n’s phone and looks at the text.
Keigo laughs while reading it out loud, “‘Are you awake?’ Is this guy for real? Man is married with children and still texting like this? Real catch, this one.”
A phone call from the flame hero came in. Keigo tosses Y/n’s phone down to them. Y/n narrowly catches it and answer’s the call.
“Hello, Mr. Todoroki. How are you doing?” Y/n starts into the phone.
“Oh. Is there someone there? I can call back when they leave. When is that?” Enji’s voice is as stiff as ever as he questions Y/n.
“I’ll actually be busy all night so I can’t talk business. You’re welcome to send an email to my agent. I’m sure she’ll respond at her soonest convenience,” Y/n shifted into a sickenly sweet young professional voice.
Keigo watched as Y/n tried to blow off whatever plans Endeavor was trying to set up. Enji paused for a long time, causing Y/n to believe they lost signal. Keigo laughs, shaking his head and grabbing his keys as he lands.
“Hello? Mr. Todoro-” Y/n was cut off by the man on the phone.
“Who are you with?” Enji interrupts, slight irritation in his voice.
Y/n’s disposition falters and Keigo looks at them confused as to what’s wrong.
“Um, I don’t see how who I am with is of concern to you, Mr. Todoroki.” Y/n speaks carefully, sliding on their shoes by the door.
“Are you going out with my son tonight?” Enji attempts to ask casually.
“Yes, I’m going out with him and a bunch of our friends for my birthday. Did you forget that was today?” Y/n quizzed, raising an eyebrow at Keigo.
The duo leaves the apartment. Keigo struggled to contain his laughter as he locked the apartment door behind them.
“Are any of them with you know? Do they know who you’re speaking to?” He continues to grill.
“No, just Hawks. Why? Do you want to take to him,” Y/n looks over and makes eye contact with Keigo who shakes his head furiously from side to side.
“No, that won’t be necessary. Call me when you are home.” Enji demands.
“I probably won’t be home until the early hours of the nigh-” Y/n was cut off again.
“You heard me,” Enji hung up the phone before they could respond.
Y/n scoffed, shoving their phone in their pocket. Keigo laughed at his close friend.
“He’s down bad. It’s kind of gross,” Keigo quips.
The two arrived at the nightclub together. Keigo threw his keys toward the valet boy who caught them easily. They enter the loud club, making their way to the back VIP tables. Paparazzi had been clipping photos since they stepped out of Keigo’s sports car. News of the Y/n’s birthday party spread like wildfire and the club was soon twice as packed with fans hoping to brush shoulders with any of the start-studded guests.
“So!” Miruko yelled over the crowd, gaining the attention of Mina, Y/n, and Denki, “who are you sleeping with?”
“I already told you! I lied about that!” Y/n yelled back.
“Well, we don’t believe you!” Denki laughs, handing each of them another shot.
Y/n laughs, before downing the shot with their friends.
It's nearly 2am when a commotion could be heard across the club and the whole VIP section looks over to see an especially irritated looking Enveavor being swarmed by fans.
“Hey, Shoto! Why’s your dad here? You out past curfew?” Katsuki yells over to Shoto.
“No idea,” Shoto responds at a normal volume, eyebrows stitched together.
Y/n looks from Shoto to his father to find the latter already looking at them. Y/n quickly looks away and pretends like they hadn’t seen him and takes another round of shots, this time with Katsuki and Hawks. Katsuki was standing behind Y/n as the three talked around one of the standing tables, his chin resting on their left shoulder, and his hand resting on their right hip.
Endeavor watched Y/n stand and leave to another table and how one of his son's school friends was practically hanging off them. He started to make his way across the club, wading through the thick crowd of people before being stopped in the center of the dance floor by his son.
“Why are you here, Endeavor?” Shoto asks calmly.
Endeavor froze. He hadn’t thought that far. He sudden;y found himself lost in a crowd of people thinking about why exactly he was there. He surely couldn’t say he was here for Y/n. Or that them being surrounded by tons of strangers who could potentially whisk them away scared him. And least of all say any of that to his son.
“There is a mission we have to attend to immediately and you weren’t answering your phone,” Endeavor lied through his teeth.
“I’m too inebriated to work. I will attend to whatever you need of me in the morning.” Shoto bargains.
Endeavor gave a short nod, turning back towards the entrance. For a moment, he pauses at the door, looking over his shoulder to find Y/n’s eyes on him once again. He left without speaking a word to them, but showing up like that was a message enough.
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boul3vvard · 2 years
Rengoku x GN! Reader
(One shot)
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★Warning(s): none really reader uses gender neutral pronouns😛 Rengoku might be a lil OOC so… 🏃🏾‍♀️ also SOME of the characters are color coded.
★Y/n L/n = Your name/ Last name
★Words: idek💀
★Notes: this is my first request from @coolminahi (thank you very much🫶🏿) not gonna lie I don’t think this is my best work but I’ve been going back and forth on this for about 2 weeks or what felt like 2 weeks😭😭 but again thank you so much for this request it was really fun🙏🏿. Also got help from some of my friends on this one so shoutout to them🫡. (And the usual..might be some grammatical errors and punctuation😮‍💨 I’m not really good in that realm LMAOO) enjoy🫵🏿
“I know you all are probably confused about the sudden request for a meeting but I’m happy to tell you that we have a new Hashira with us today.” master ubuyashiki said as the Hashira quieted down and made it to their respective area’s quickly, some of them with shocked expressions across their faces. “with all due respect master do you think it’s a smart idea to have a stranger come in too late in the game? I mean we are already so close to our goal in taking down Muzan we don’t need a weakling to come and fuck it up” Sanemi the wind Hashira, said annoyed as Tengen nudged him for using foul language towards their master while the rest agreed. “I apologize sir but I agree, this is way too risky” Obanai the serpent Hashira said. “They have done an outstanding job climbing up the ranks and have worked so hard to earn such a title so please, I know I can count on you all to welcome them with open arms. you can come out now y/n” Hinaki and Nichika 2 of the eldest quintuplet children of the masters held both of your hands as you walked up blindfolded. Why the hell are they blindfolded I hope they’re not trying to fight like that. Ha, this is gonna be a fun way to get yourself killed. “Hi everyone my name is y/n l/n the ____ Hashira, it’s my pleasure to meet you guys I have heard a lot about you all but have never had the chance to meet any of you in person, it’s such an honor to be fighting alongside everyone,” y/n said with a dainty smile one that made the flame pillars heart flutter a little bit.
“Why the hell are they blindfolded,” Sanemi asked rudely but said what everyone else was thinking. “it’s to control my power” “control your power” Shinobu repeated “well you see my eyes play a special part in my breathing form, when I take my blindfold off I’m able to go all out,” you said revealing your eyes to everyone. “oh my” Shinobu the insect Hashira gasped. “well I’ll be, you are one of the most stunning people I’ve ever seen,” Tengen said with his eyes wide open. “besides my beautiful wives of course” he bragged. “wives?” “Oh yes, they are the finest kunoichi around, although I don’t mind having a 4th” he looked at you almost predatory, and winked“ “4TH” y/n gaped as the others laughed. “AHH YOUR EYES THEY’RE SO BEAUTIFUL, YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL,” the love Hashira said with a squeak. “Oh th-thank you,” you said as you tried to hide your face in your hands feeling like it was on 10,000 degrees. You backed up a little bit into someone’s chest “oh I’m sorry I didn’t mean-“ “NONE OF THAT, TIS ALRIGHT!! MY NAME IS RENGOKU KYOJURO BUT YOU CAN CALL ME KYOJURO..only if you want” holding a hand out to you, y/n smiled softly grabbing it.
“I don’t give a shit about none of that I just want to see if they are strong enough to hold the title or was the master just bluffing,” Sanemi said holding the hilt of his sword. “IF WE HAVE THE MASTER's WORD THEN I TOO BELIEVE THEY'RE STRONG ENOUGH” Rengoku yelled while holding your shoulders “oh you wanna fight me?” you said, the shy act you had going on finally disappearing. “Oh this will be good” Shinobu cheered as everyone watched the battle that was about to unravel in front of them. “just cause you’re a newbie doesn’t mean that I’ll go easy on you” he sneered. “Noted” y/n smiled a little more wickedly. Sanemi swung his sword at y/n not giving them a chance to unsheathe their sword as well, y/n swiftly dodged it twisting their body up in the air “they’re quick” Tengen said as y/n quickly swung their sword at Sanemi narrowly missing his head. “tch” Sanemi looked at you with an angry panicked look. “What’s wrong? I’m just trying to see if you’re strong enough to hold your title,” you say mockingly as you shrugged your shoulders. Y/n then quickly kicked their foot under Sanemi’s pointing their sword at him “I win”. y/n reached a hand out to the man giving him a sorry look. “I don’t need your pity idiot, move” Sanemi smack their hand out the way and left.
“They’re so cool” Mitsuri whispered to herself. “that was flashy, you’re strong I expected that though” Tengen slapped you on the back for a job well done. “first of all OUCH second of all thank you“ you winced as your back started to sting. Muichirou was in no mood to speak so he stuck his tongue out at you and you mirrored his actions. “Don’t mind him he doesn’t like change at all, Mitsuri and I are gonna hang out later if you want to join, you know so you could tell us a little more about yourself” Shinobu said “um no thank you I was planning on focusing on my training for a little bit,” you said with a bow. “there’s no need for none of that I understand, there’s always a next time,” Shinobu said with a smile. “yea” you smiled and waved back as you left.
You decided to train far into the woods as it was the only place where you were not able to break anything. You trained for about an hour before you decided it was time for a break. You sat with your back against a tree and closed your eyes taking in the peace that you craved for so long. “Do you mind if I sit with you” you opened 1 of your eyes then immediately shot up nervously. “did I interrupt you?” He said as you scooted over to give him some room. “n-no not at all, I was just taking a break from training for so long” “oh I see” a wave of awkward silence washed over the both of you. “Soooo do you come to this area of the woods often.” you said as you turned to look at him “yea this is where I come to relax all the time, it’s so quiet” “oh sorry I didn’t know I was in your way,” you said as you were about to get up. “no problem it’s better when you’re with someone… what you did in today's meeting earlier was truly amazing, you know I’ve never seen someone move as quickly as you did besides Tengen” he trailed off. “well maybe you and I could train together sometime” you laughed. He stared at your face for what seemed like forever, you started to feel a little insecure at the way he looked at you. *was something on my face*, your face began to flush with embarrassment until he finally spoke up. “your eyes are truly the most beautiful I’ve ever seen they look like two gemstones have been enfolded into your irises” he said with a huge smile wiped across his face. “th-thank you” you stutter as your face began to heat up. You were still not used to being showered in compliments all the time because of your upbringing so It was still so foreign to you. Rengoku placed his hand on your forehead, “are you okay? you don’t look so well, Are you sick or something?” He said worryingly. *I FEEL LIKE I'M GONNA PASS OUT* you screamed at yourself. “I’m okay, I’m totally fine,” you said grabbing his huge calloused hand with two of your soft ones. “I’m just not used to praises like that” “and why’s that?” he said tilting his head to the side. *he’s quite adorable* you thought with a soft smile “I don’t know” “well you should get used to it I’m only telling you how I see it” he said with a chuckle, you doing the same. The two of you enjoyed the silence together taking in the greenery surrounding the both of you. It was peaceful. It wasn’t until you looked over at him again and were met with him dozing off. “you can go to sleep if you want, I’ll be on the lookout if anything happens okay” you whispered trying not to wake him. and with that, he fell asleep.
You ended up falling asleep yourself while failing to keep your word. You were out for about 15 minutes until you felt someone pick you up. “I DIDNT MEAN TO WAKE YOU, MY APOLOGIES” he yelled waking you up completely as he lifted you onto his back a lot more energetic than he was before. “I should be the one apologizing, I said I was gonna wake you but I ended up falling asleep as well,” you said softly a blush appearing on your face. “NONSENSE, AT LEAST WE WERE ABLE TO GET A MOVE ON, BEFORE SUN DOWN, THAT WOULD BE A DISASTER” “you’re so loud you know” you chuckled “you also don’t have to carry me I can walk the rest of the way” “I DONT HAVE TO BUT IT WOULD BE MY PLEASURE TO, ALTHOUGH I DONT KNOW WHERE YOUR ESTATE IS SO YOU WILL HAVE TO DIRECT ME” “okay,” you said burying your face into the crook of his neck
The two of you conversed the entire way home, he would ask you questions about your family and your life as you did the same. You found out that he has a younger brother and just by the way he explained him to you, you knew that they had a very strong bond with each other, you could tell how much he admired his younger brother it kinda felt like you knew him before getting the chance to know him. He also told you about his parents, you wanted to know more about them but the slight change in his tone told you everything you needed to know, plus you didn’t want to be nosy only realizing that the both of you didn't even know about the existence of each other earlier this morning so you bit your tongue.
“Thank you for taking me home, even though I told you I could walk myself” you nudged him. “I TOLD YOU ALREADY, IT IS ALRIGHT U DONT HAVE TO THANK ME, PLUS I WOULD NEVER BE ABLE TO FORGIVE MYSELF IF I LET SOMEONE AS PRETTY AS YOU GET HURT” it felt like the wind got knocked outta your system. “DID I SAY SOMETHING WRONG?” He asked. “no, no it’s just..you think I'm pretty?” “OF COURSE, YOU'RE GORGEOUS” you took the chance and tested the waters a little bit. “so you’d walk anyone you find attractive home?” You asked “Have you ever walked the love Hashira home?” you said changing the question quickly. “NO, SHE ISNT EXACTLY MY TYPE, PLUS SHE'S MORE OF A LITTLE SISTER HAHA” “oh so you have a type?” the way he became tense made you laugh out loud. “I’m joking I just wanted to mess with you haha” Another wave of silence rushed past the both of you, it started to become awkward. “well I think I’m gonna call it a night, I’ll see you around” you began to turn around until he grabbed you by the wrist. “DO YOU WANT TO HANG OUT LATER ON?” “are you asking me out on a date?” “ONLY IF YOU WANT TO THOUGH, IT DOESNT HAVE TO BE A DA-“ he said his cheeks turning a deep shade of red. “I would love to” you smiled at him before parting ways.
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kannymaei · 2 years
The Perfect Girl - Chapter 8 (Kamisato Ayato x Reader)
Author’s Note: All characters are OOC! Please be reminded that this fanfic is Modern! AU and Highschool! AU and none of this are canons to the actual lore of Genshin Impact. I do not own Genshin Impact or the characters in the game!
Synopsis: You were a graduating high school student who somehow got involved in unfortunate events and transferred to Teyvat International School. Due to your “complicated” physical features, you became the main target of the school’s “bully”, Kamisato Ayato! Together with his friends, Diluc Ragnvindr, Tartaglia, and Arataki Itto.
Word Count: 3.7k
Taglist: @frieschan @nejibot ​​​
Next -> Chapter 9
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"A lot of students got expelled and lost their rights to admit to another school. Some people got a lighter punishment which is they'd be repeating this year and they wouldn't graduate. Sir Dainsleif changed his mind about the punishment when he visited Y/N the other day… but don't tell the other students about this! I only learned it from Yanfei" Albedo stated before biting into the sandwich the servants of the Kamisato Family offered while he was sitting on the couch inside the guest room together with Diluc, Childe, and Lumine, Ayaka, and Ayato. 
"What's with you three? You're oddly quiet." Ayaka said while pointing at Diluc, Childe, and Lumine. 
"Oh it's nothing, we probably miss Y/N. She's probably here if it weren't for a certain someone!" Lumine glared at Ayato. 
"I'm pretty sure he threw off Y/N because he saw Miko. You saw how sad she was when you protected Y/N. Am I wrong Ayato?" Albedo said since it's obvious that he didn't want to hurt you. 
"Yes." Ayato calmly said. 
"Haha, yeah, Guuji Yae" Childe finally spoke ever since he entered the house to see Ayato after he got suspended two weeks ago. 
"Guuji Yae, I… I don't want to see her… anymore." Diluc said the two best friends have been acting oddly, especially when they remember what they saw that night. Well, the three of them agreed not to speak of it. 
"I mean, she started this after all and like our dear friend here added fuel to the flame. Though, Ragnvindr. I am curious why you don't want to see Ms. Yae anymore" Albedo gave a confused look to Diluc. The atmosphere of the living room is really tense.
"Oh, we probably have the same reason as you." Diluc and Childe said in unison. 
"We?" Ayato put down his cup of tea and crossed his arms and legs.
"Don't worry bro; it's not a big deal, but you know what if; you should always have your eyes on her?" Childe assured him. Ayato thought Childe was teasing him but little does he know that Childe was giving hints about her affair.
"H-how's Y/N?" Ayato suddenly changed the topic, he does not want to talk about Miko right now. 
"Oh thank you archons, you finally asked. She's being monitored right now in the ICU. Maybe it's best if you don't see her right now or anymore." Lumine claimed she's still angry about what Ayato did to you. 
"Oh come on Lumine. Ayato doesn't want it to happen too" Childe gave Lumine a different look because they all settled that Ayato isn't the person to blame for what happened to you. 
"The doctors said they still don't know when she is waking up or if she's still going to wake up. B-but, Y/N is a strong girl! I doubt she'll give up just like that." Albedo said as he tried to convince the group that everything was going to be alright. 
"You aren't helping by saying there's a chance she's not going to wake up anymore!" Ayaka harshly replied to Albedo. 
"I'm just stating the facts Miss Kamisato" Albedo sighed, he decided to stay quiet since he doesn't want to be scolded again. 
"Ayaka, I hope you wouldn't mind. It has come to my attention that during Miko's party you said something that you're suspecting your boyfriend is cheating on you. Are you alright? We're here if you need people to talk with." Lumine stood up and patted her back to comfort her. 
"Well…" Ayaka looked away, she doesn't want them to think that she was being paranoid or an overthinker. 
"You don't have to tell them if you don't feel comfortable," Ayato said. 
"N-no! It's alright… It's just Aether has been distant towards me; he said he's always busy but whenever there's a chance I want to call him it said that this person was… was in another call. When Y/N was set up by Donna, I remember that… he wasn't able to pick me up in school because he was with his sibling doing family matters— a-and then!" Ayaka looks like she doesn't want to relive those memories because it's coming back to her that Aether was lying but she puts on a mask that none of it was true. 
"Ayaka… I'm not with him during the Donna incident. I'm not hiding anything from you since you can go ask Ms. Ei about it because I was with her the whole time I was the one who made sure Donna received the punishment she deserves. However, when I got outside, I saw his car. It was a different car, it's not the car that he uses whenever he goes to school. It's like a solid 10 to 20 minutes before he takes off. I-I'm sorry, I wished that I was with him too. I don't want you to think more about this; it's hurting you." Lumine shakingly said, she realized that her brother had been cheating on her a long time ago, it wasn't recent. Diluc and Childe caught on with her realization. 
"How about you Ayato? What if, let's say you and Miko are together now, what would you do if you find yourself in the same position as your sister." Diluc asked. 
"Of course, I'll find some evidence that proves my suspicion before I ask her since finding some things first for yourself gives you some assurance right? It's hard to look for something in the dark and you don't have any light. Besides, I doubt Miko would do anything to hurt me, she's my promised wife." Ayato chuckled as he daydreams about Guuji Yae seeing her walking towards the altar before they get married. 
"Lord Ayato, the lady of the Yae Family has arrived together with the sibling of Lady Lumine," Koharu said behind the door, this made Diluc choke on his drink while he was making an excuse about how the flavor got a little weird when combining it with certain food. 
"Hey, babygirl" Aether ran towards Ayaka and hugged her, his eyes wandered to see the people around. 
"What brings you here Lumine?" Aether softly said. 
"Well Diluc and Childe wanted to visit Ayato, so I decided to come with them." She said not even taking a second to look at her brother. 
"Why is Miss Yae here? I don't think Ayato asked her to come here—" Ayaka said but she was stopped by Aether. 
"I saw Miss Yae outside the shop on the way here so I picked her up. I mean, it's a win-win right, Ayato would want her too to be here" He said while brushing Ayaka's hair with his fingers. 
"Lumine, Lumine, I have a joke for you. I don't think following these two handsome boys would make them want you, I'm surprised Diluc still befriended you even after what happened between you and Jean three years ago." Miko was the only one who laughed while the rest remained silent. 
"Come on guys, she was just joking." Aether laughed a little. 
"It's a bad joke," Ayaka said and faked her laugh. 
"Jokes aside, you two looked like someone already caught your eyes~ would you mind telling us who are these lucky girls that captured the heart of Diluc Ragnvindr and Tartaglia?" Miko said before she sat beside Ayato while he wrapped his arm around her to keep her close. 
The redhead and ginger looked away suddenly with embarrassment when they thought of your smile, sweetness, and kindness. Childe gave Diluc a face whereas how Miko is like a bomb waiting to explode in the room and he agreed to it. 
"Is it Lumine?" Miko smirked.
"Miko, stop asking if it's Lumine." 
"No," Diluc answered, which made Miko laugh because her goal was to make fun of her in the beginning. After all, Lumine is your best friend. When you go down, she should too. 
Lumine recalled the hurtful events of how Jean betrayed her and how Diluc wasn't able to reciprocate her feelings from 3 years ago.
"I like you Diluc." Ninth-grade Lumine handed over a box of sparkling wine grape macarons to him. 
"You gotta be joking? I mean, platonically right?" Diluc laughed while opening the box of cookies and ate one. 
"N-no! I like you romantically…" Lumine looked away. 
"I'm sorry, Lumine but I can't return those feelings." When Diluc said those words it was like she was in the middle of heaven and earth clashing. She can't do anything but accept but she's angry about the mixed signals that Diluc was giving her. There are days that he was flirty with him as if some people thought that they were together but they weren't. 
She wanted to ask Diluc about his mixed signals but it took her a couple of months to move on from him until she forgot about how she needed to know about his mixed signals. 
Those were the same months that she felt betrayed because Jean and Diluc met because of her, little did she know that those two were having their own little thing but Diluc didn't want to hurt Lumine's feelings that's why he hid from her that he likes her best friend during that time. 
The moment Lumine found out that her best friend and her crush's secret. Jean suddenly turned bitter toward her, telling her how she wasn't enough and why Diluc didn't choose her. 
Diluc parted ways with Lumine during that year, she became a loner with no friends and was getting bullied by Jean the same way you were getting bullied but it didn't get to the point where she was hurt physically just like how you were put into a coma because Diluc ordered his friends that no one should be involved with their dysfunctional friendship. 
Not for long, 6 months later. Diluc found out that Jean was cheating on him with another student from another school. At first, he didn't want to believe it but it became more believable as time went by, and decided to break it off by ghosting Jean, no closures were done. That was the reason why Jean doesn't like Lumine because she thinks that Lumine might have done something that changed Diluc but none of that was true since she didn't want to admit her mistakes. 
Diluc apologized to Lumine about Jean's action with her but it wasn't the same anymore even if right now they're close.
"I'll be straightforward to you Miss Yae. This girl I like is nowhere near your friend and she is 101% better than anyone you could think of… even yourself" Diluc said with an indifferent glare but Lumine and Ayato were more curious about who this girl is.
"Whatever Ragnvindr~" She crossed her arms and faked a laugh. 
"I'll head to my room." Ayato stood up and went upstairs. 
"I'll prepare more snacks!" Ayaka followed her brother outside the room. The rest went to their own business, Childe and Diluc went playing basketball in the court of the Kamisato residence while Albedo admired the paintings and antique figures around their house while Lumine doesn't know where would she go if she was going to watch Diluc and Childe play or help Ayaka with her cooking. 
"I guess it's just the two of us left here…" Miko shyly said to Aether. 
"Yeah… you shouldn't have said that to Lumine. You're hurting my sister." Aether said to her that changed her mood from shy to annoyed. 
"I don't like her after what happened. Sorry Aether" Miko rolled her eyes and sighed.
"You're cute whenever you do that" Aether leaned to her ear and whispered it making Miko giggle a little bit.
"Oh stop it~" Miko covered her mouth with her hand so she wouldn't make a loud noise. 
The two were entirely unaware of how Kamisato Ayato was hiding behind the door but Aether's voice was too low for Ayato to overhear the last part he said. 
(Since when did they become so close to each other?) Ayato thought to himself, he was sure that Miko's birthday and the Movie day weren't enough for them to become that close. 
(Not unless… They have been meeting each other in secret. Aether belongs to the other building and you wouldn't be able to meet the students at the other until dismissal time. But Miko has always been with Sara, sometimes with Jean or Eula.) He added to his thoughts, he shook his head that maybe he was just overthinking things and walked upstairs, or maybe… he did not. He made sure no one would be able to see him… go out of the house.
You remain unconscious in the ICU. These days all you know is that you were in a dream. You may have heard a familiar voice talking about Childe but it was distorted, you couldn't identify what Childe did or something. 
One thing is for sure, the dreams you were having were about the man who caused all of the pain you're feeling, Kamisato Ayato. 
You do not remember these dreams happening to you but your heart has been feeling warm whenever you see yourself playing house with him or you attempting to taste his terrible attempts at cooking. 
"Your face says it all my lady! You don't like it!" Ayato said after you ate the Katsu Sandwich he made but it looked suspicious.
"I-It's good- A-Ayato!" You slowly smiled because the sandwich was terrible but you don't want him to feel bad about himself. 
"B-brother… you're going to make Y/N have tummy aches again!" A small Ayaka appeared at the kitchen door, she was only peeking to be specific.
"N-no I'm not! I would never hurt my lady!" He said to his little sister. 
From afar in the kitchen is a jealous Guuji Yae who was getting scolded by some of the maids for not doing her job properly while taking care of the household. 
If all these memories were taken away from you, then these are all true. You wondered why it hasn't come back to you for a very long time but now you understand why Guuji Yae hates you a lot because she wanted to feel like a child. You knew it all that she wanted Ayato for a very long time but Ayato doesn't want her even a little. He doesn't even look at her back then. 
(What happened throughout the years? Why did it feel like Ayato was forcibly erased from my life and it was the same to him.) 
"Lady Y/N, the heir of the Kamisato Family has come to visit you," One of the maids said on the other side of the door in your bedroom. 
"My lady!!!!!" Ayato happily runs upstairs to your room. He brought a bunch of things in his bag.
"Young master, please mind your steps." One of his servants said. 
"They'll become a cute couple~," The servant said to himself. 
"Ayato, you have a bandaid on your leg. What happened to you this time?" You said putting down the pen to your table while you looked at him from top to bottom. 
"O-oh! I picked these flowers… I remembered my lady loves flowers so I went outside earlier! B-but I tripped and hurt myself" He embarrassingly looked away while handing you the flowers. You wholeheartedly accepted it and placed it in the nearest vase on your table.
"How about you, my lady? What are you writing?" He said trying to peek from your notebook
You tried to hide it from him but his hands were stronger than you. 
"Things I like about Ayato:" He said, your face turned red already before he could even read it. 
He was quietly reading the things you wrote about him. 
Things I like about Ayato: 
He is funny
His cooking is terrible but I low every bit of effort he shows me
He likes flowers
He loves playing house with me and pretending that he was my husband
He loves sending me gifts
He is cute
He likes me
"S-Stop!" You snatched the paper from him. 
"You like me because I like you?" He said and turned his face to you. All you could see was his lilac eyes shining brightly starting directly to your soul. Your heart was beating so fast because your face is close to each other as if he is about to kiss you.
"Y-yes! I… I like you! Is that a big deal?!" You didn't move a thing, the two of you are still very close to each other. 
"Y-Y/N likes me…" He moved away and said it over and over again which made you laugh because he can't believe that the feeling was reciprocal. 
Ayato managed to escape his home and drove to the hospital. He wasn't drunk, it was truly Ayato visiting you. He asked for permission to visit you in the ICU whereas the nurse assisted him to wear his protective gown before entering. 
He slowly marched to your body lying peacefully in bed. Tears were starting to form in his eyes seeing what he has done to you. 
He sat beside your bed and held your hand while he admired your face, you looked like you were having a good dream. He never had the chance to conclude that you were beautiful, he thought to himself that your future husband would be lucky to have someone like you. He smiled before he began to speak. 
You were happily seeing these memories until everything turned black again but this time you heard someone's voice. It was a different person this time however, this voice is something you won't forget. 
"Y/N I'm so sorry," Ayato said, putting his lips to your hand and clenching it with his.
"I don't even know if you would hear me." 
"I'm sorry for throwing you to the floor" 
"I'm sorry for cutting your hair short." 
"I'm sorry Y/N!" He cried out. 
He went apologizing for the things he did to you even if you're not answering him back until he rested his head next to your hand. While he was asleep, you weren't aware that your right hand strongly held against his but it wasn't enough to wake him up.
In the Kamisato Residence everyone was wondering where Ayato ran off. 
"He wasn't with us playing" 
"He wasn't outside in the garden" 
"He wasn't in the balcony" 
"He wasn't in the kitchen"
"I thought you grounded him?" 
"I did but how did the guards not notice him leaving? His car wasn't even here." 
"That's it, We'll find him." 
"I can't contact him either" 
"Me too"
"Brother, where did you go?" 
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jeeperso · 2 years
D&D Quotes Without Context
Ravenloft edition, Fundertainment Land arc part 1
GM: Alright, last time on the Yawning portal runners. OOC: Wrong channel. OOC2: Wrong thread. OOC: Wrong channel thread. And our heroes took a well earned vacation to the most luxurious vacation spot in all of Ravenloft: The beautiful Sapphire Islands. Where there was sun, surf, a wedding, fabulous door prizes, and surfing against werewolves. Jonni: “I got this book of tips on being hotter.” Gorbash: “In a physical attraction sort of way or a things in my proximity burst into flame kind of way?” Jonni: “Yes!” “Okay, so, Marsh, I’d ask what I can set on fire, but I’m guessing everything. So we need a safe word for when you want me to light everything up. Normally, I’d suggest ‘funderful’, but given the locale, I’m guessing that would be triggering. So…’Bigbooty’ when you want me to go nuts.” “I find the best defense is a good fireball.” "Welcome to Gunder and Danzi's Fundertainment Land,” the woman says in a chipper tone. "We welcome you to our funtastic home, and we kindly ask you to acknowledge and abide by all the rules here. So that we can maximize our fundertastical experience. “ "No running, no outside food or drinks, no loitering, no littering, no intimate moments, no questioning the rampant consumerism no escape. No escape. No escape. No hope. No escape. No escape NO ESCAPE.” Gorbash: “This is why I picked mercenary work instead of retail.” Jonni: “Wait, BACK THE FUCK UP. What was that about no intimate moments? I demand to speak with and murder your manager!” "Sorry, just on hour 42 of a 72 hour shift. You get used to it.... Or you get a knife and start stabbing people.” "As said, we're the Union. I am here to ascend the Murderhorn, awake the Yettirrasque, and lead us all to freedom from the burning ruin I will leave.” “I get to make the ruin!” Yog-sothoth: "So Poom's character sheet now says 'Wizard' on it, and—" Azathoth: "I think we missed something.” Nyarlathotep: "Awww. But I liked breaking the game with.....uh, ahem, paying attention now….." Nyx: "Bad, Nyar, bad. No breaking the fourth wall: it was just fixed after the last time." Edmund: ”OH COME ON!” Vesh: ”You know, as a cleric of Ioun, you probably should have seen this coming." Jonni: “I suggest violence.” Poom: "I think I'm on Jooni with this one: light everything on fire, and light the stuff that doesn't burn on harder fire.” Jonni: “So, we’re 3 for on that. One more and I can start burning.” “Okay, honey, you relax. We’ll meet back up after I help Marsh topple the banality of evil and smite its ruin upon the mountain.” Gorbash: “Ah, yes. Money talks around here. If only until they part you from it.” Jonni: “Jokes on them: Vesh makes her own. Sometimes they’re baby mimics.” “If they try, give them this.” Jonni hands her a card. It reads “You put my wife in a flask, you’re next. Jonni.” "Let's get to the action of taking this place down already. The longer I have to smell all this over-sugared food the sooner I'm going to snap.” “Am I becoming a responsible adult?” “Maybe, but I doubt it.” "Until closing time, topside cast members try not to get caught.” OOC: Kruez, save some 20s for the rest of us. “I think he’s sweet on you, Eddie.” You suddenly see a stream of black blood start coming out of his mouth. “That doesn’t disprove my theory.” Jonni: “Man, why is it always ‘nightmare circus’. When do we get to go to the magic porno circus?” Azathoth: "Insert 'big top' joke here.” OOC: Gets you right in the nostalgias. “Bigbooty?” Edmund takes up a defensive posture. "I have... Funderful Dollars.” "Come with me I have something to show you.” “Is it a world of pure imagination?” "Only 20% imagination, We have to conserve.” "You want access to the Murderhorn, I will grant it, if you can fight six golden tickets hidden throughout the park.” Gorbash: “Sorry was that ‘fight’; not ‘find’?" “Please. We’ll obviously succeed because we are pure of heart. Mine’s full of lust. You all get your own vices.” “They got an adults only zone?” “I doubt it. Even if they did, the best you'd get is overpriced booze in novelty glasses.” "All kid friendly and no porn, Jonni.” “This is the worst place we’ve been.” "Flaws not withstanding, everyone here has pure and noble hearts that would face down the world if their friends needed them. I'll wager on our side anyway.” “What have we told you about gambling?” "The lab we go to last, please leave the lab for last, I just know we have a big fight waiting there.” “So we go there first while we’re fresh.” "Rats, I knew my logic would ruin it for me.” "Gorbash, don't do that. You are creepy when making those kawai eyes.” “Sure. Let do this and get out of this hellhole.” "That may be an insult to hellholes.” GM: Anyone who gets over a 15 notice something odd about the food vendors. OOC: Odder than being carny food vendors? "None of this will do your cholesterol any good... Not to mention I think its nutritional quality is equivalent of a piece of cardboard.” "Bet you cardboard is healthier.” "That's a big Big Burger.” "Oh god, it is the size of a cart wheel.” "The Double Triple Bossy Deluxe on a raft, 4x4 animal style, extra shingles with a shimmy and a squeeze, light axle grease; make it cry, burn it, and let it swim. Doesn't quite roll off the tongue.” ”MARSHAL, AS I LIVE AND BREATH.” Jonni: “I sincerely doubt you do either.” "I'm with the union. Together we can shut this park down and you return to the Indigo Moon of Yarrl.” "This guy here was my top student, the one I entrusted all my recipes too.” “He killed a man with one of those. Or at least put him in a diabetic coma.” Gorbash: “What's the game, Big Steve?” Big Steve: "Eating contest. One of you against me.” Gorbash grins. "Don't threaten me with a good time.” "Hey we got vegan dishes. Try our new cheese injected fried pickle. Or our goat liver filled with okra. Which is also fried.” "Neither of those are remotely vegan!” "Sure they are. Cheese is a vegetable right?" Marshal: ”Remember to eat the trough, too.” Gorbash: “Is it deep fried?” Big Steve: "And slathered with Hollandaise.” Jonni polymorphs Gorbash into a whale. “Marsh. Get a shovel.” Gorbash: “I feel like this was unnecessary.” Yog-sothoth: "As opposed to what else we've done?” "Ioun... Give pity to this good soul. Protect him from gastritis and heartburn…" Gorbash: “This is delicious Steve.” Big Steve: ”The secret ingredient is lard.” Nyarlathotep: "Not sure how secret that is.” GM: Next up: Baked Bean pizza. “The devil’s pizza!” "Told ya we had vegan stuff here. I mean if you eat around the pork.” "I traveled all across Yaarl, learning from the finest chefs I could find. Then I burned all my notes and made this in stead.” GM: Next up is... Meat Gelatin. “That was quite the quick escalation from unhealthy to war crimes.” "I think at least 3/4th of this park can be called war crimes, Jonni.” GML Next up is... LUTEFISK. Nyx: "No, not that abomination! I can't believe humans came up with that dish and demons didn't inspire them.” Yog-sothoth: "It was Deep Ones.” "No, how could you? That dish is banned on so many planes of existence.” "You think that’d stop me? I ate the last health inspector came round here.” "... I think i'm going to have to stick to salads for the next week…” "I used to eat people, and I agree." "Try our new Lasanga salad, with eight types of meat.” Gorbash: “Nothing teaches you to appreciate food quite like starvation.” "Await the sign, then all employees shall be released.” Inside is utter bedlam, you see dozens of screaming kids running around, jumping all over. OOC: player is getting Chuck-E-Cheese flashbacks…. You're pretty sure you see the kids pull down a waiter and skeletonize them. "Oh no...my irony sense is going off. It’s in the ball pit, always the ball pit.” "I hope not. I really hope not. do you know how unsanitary those are in NORMAL places?” “Those things are 60% urine by volume.” "As the one of us actually immune to disease, I volunteer as tribute.” “You'll rust from the ammonia.” Poom: "Wish whatever's in there'd eat a few of the kids. Turn the volume down.” "My guess, the balls are acid proof and that pit has acid underneath it hiding an acid swimming shark in it. Nasty things.” "Or it's a plastic-ball-ooze.” "No, no, no, no. Not again, not again. That happened at my 12th birthday party.” "I was distracted by the tiny slime.” “Why am I covered in goos!?!” "Sounds like a fowl condition.” “I say we cure the badger of his rabies and make him our standard adoptee for the domain.” “I mean wouldn't be the strangest thing we picked up. Also he should be a union rep.” Jonni makes a badger papoose and straps him in. “You shall be Vesh and I’s only son. You shall see the world through my eyes as I see the world through yours.” Gorbash: “Starting a family right after the honeymoon eh?” “Bitey. Avert your eyes. Mommy has to light some assholes on fire.”
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your-local-arsonist1 · 2 months
headcannon time!
Explaining the songs on Kaso’s playlist :D also headcannons kinda, uhh slight nsfw mentions I guess, but I don’t really say it outright. Sensitive contents I guess? I don’t know-
Gold Guns Girls- basically his whole life in one song. “Is it ever gonna be enough?”
My alcoholic friends- he’s a heavy alcoholic.
I love you like an alcoholic- basically him and Yukito’s relationship, it’s a bit toxic, but they love eachother greatly.
The red means I love you- Kaso’s a biiiit obsessive over some people…
Wrecking ball- he’s such a train wreck
Problems- it’s just that, he’s got problems.
Digital silence- maybe this is all just some horrible dream? Why won’t you understand?
Cigarette ahegao- always tired, always drunk, he does smoke, his family are dead to him, suffers addiction, and he was gonna kill himself as a kid at one point, what more do you need?
Self care- LITERALLY HIS WHOLE MENTAL STATE RN, inner conflict with his childhood self.
Oh klahoma- one of those songs that every Moeru au relates to, as this summarizes his feelings as a child 
Misery Meat- “I FEEL SO TRAPPED AGGHHHHHHHH” quote Kaso. He’s not forgiving tho tbh
Oh Ana- his flames are so powerful they destroy him, he feels like a god and a bug at the same time, he wants to let the world burn. Ana would obviously be Yukito in the song.
Bruno is orange- “BrUnoOo WhAT HapPEnEd tO yOuR GOoD SEnsE?” Idk some of this song relates to him, some of it doesn’t, especially when it comes to abusive relationships.
People Eater- yum yum cannibalism, nah jk one of his love languages is biting, though I’m pretty sure Yukito is asexual so he doesn’t really do that kinda stuff with her.
American healthcare (glitzy)- another one of those songs that all the Moeru’s relate to, he actually saw a man get killed in front of the liquor store on his way home from school when he was 7. He’s been screwed over by his family more times than he can count. 
Rät-  basically the same as American Healthcare, he’s been screwed over so many times
Deviltown- another one of those songs all the Moeru’s relate to, as it was his whole childhood.
Cupid- he’s been broken up with so many times, so he just kinda became a one night stand guy
Numbers- his whole childhood in a way, and his mental state.
Look who’s inside again- he spent his childhood cleaning the house over and over and over again, stuck inside, now he’s a wanted criminal and can’t go out in public basically at all. Look who’s inside again.
Shit- he feels like shit 24/7
Coffee- addiction to smoking and alcohol.
I’m so crazy for youuu </3- he loves Yukito, out of everyone, he would never let anyone so much look at her funny, though he mostly suppresses his possessive tendencies.
Over and over- “over and over I fuck my self over and under and under I’d do it again” yeah, he does that, also how everything seems to just repeat…
Fighting with the melody- this one also relates to Noxx. Welcome to your fate, there’s no changing it, and I mean I’m also pretty sure the songs about tangoing if you know what I mean, so it’s pretty self explanatory.
Terrible things- he has done some HORRIBLE things…
Dog days are over- another song all the Moeru’s can relate to, as they all had multiple turning points when they realized things would never be the same again
Feel good inc- …just look at the lyrics honestly.
Pumped up kicks- he’s basically a terrorist anyways so uh…yeah,
Ussewa- “SHUT THE FUCK UP, CLOSE YOUR STINKING MOUTH I CANT STAND IT” this song is such a banger honestly.
Dr sunshine is dead- “and if dreams can come true, what’s that say about nightmares?” No villain is sane.
One angry dwarf and 200 solemn faces- he’s a wanted criminal when his family said he would starve to death and die on the streets he lived getting burned to death and proved them so wrong, his main goal is to kill his father so….
Happy face- he’s so smug and cocky, and just an overall asshole, always with a grin or a smirk, it makes sense, also “DEATH ON MY GENERATION”
SIU- “just suck it up and stop complaining, nobody wants to hear your sob story, definitely not me.” -Kaso
Problematic- it’s just that, he’s problematic.
Vending machine of love- *cough* *cough* do I really need to explain this one?
All dolled up- “be gay do crimes” “I don’t wanna be a boy I don’t wanna be a girl” honestly this song just works with him, along with he and Yukito’s relationship.
Dinner is not over- childhood trauma.
We are Young- he gets blackout drunk a lot.
Thrift shop- everything he wears is from a thrift shop, he’s broke so…also everything in this song applies to him to be honest-
Natural- deep in darkness yet still going, he literally is a “natural”
Teenager- he’s 19, bisexual, and has a death wish, what do you expect.
Moves like Jagger- he knows how to have a good time if you know what I mean 😏😏😏
Just a reminder that Kaso is not a good person at all. I think that’s all of them, if I missed some then let me know-
-🃏the admin of this blog🃏
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