#' John Sheeran
storydays · 10 months
We'll Keep This Love in a Photograph John Dory X Fem Reader
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Laughter filled the clearing, as BroZone and the Pop sisters sat around the camp fire. Turns out sitting around and roasting marshmallows was fun. In order to build their relationships strong, BroZone decided to have monthly get togethers, and each sibling got to choose where they hung out, and this monthly is was John Dory's turn.
"Hey, JD! I found this photo book while I was looking for more hot chocolate, which I found by the way, but who are these Trolls?" Poppy asked, coming out with a picture book in her hands.
John Dory froze seeing the book, face falling into a sad smile as he gently took the book from the Pop Queen. "John? You okay?" Floyd asked, putting a hand on his brother's shoulder.
"Y-yeah..." The oldest Troll trailed off, clearly not in the moment anymore. Floyd shared a look with Bruce, and looked at the now open book that changed John Dory's mood.
The first picture of a much younger John Dory holding the camera , and a female Troll both grinning wildly at the camera, and they were both dressed in winter clothes, covered in snow, the female holding a pair of ski poles in her hand.
"This, uh, is another part of why I've been gone so long. This photo book is all that's left of them."
He took a few pictures out with gentle hands, and passed them around the group.
"This is...sorry, was (Y/N)...she was my wife. She used to run a ski lodge in the Nerverglade Trails with her family." He chuckled fondly, thinking of the wild adrenaline junkie Troll. "She taught me how to ski, and I taught her how to make Grandma's flavorberry pie. She had the biggest sweet tooth ever, even bigger than you two, Poppyseed and Viva."
The others looked between the pictures and John Dory, feeling the happy energy coming from the oldest Troll, as he looked back on these fond memories.
"We dated for about 3 years, before she proposed." "Wait, she proposed?" Bruce asked, tilting his head, clearly invested in the story...he was the Heartthrob for a reason, he'd always been sucker for a good love story and happy endings.
John Dory laughed loudly, making his brothers smile. "Yeah, Sweet Tooth wasn't very patient. She did what she wanted whenever she wanted, and took everyone on the ride along with her."
Branch then showed Poppy a a photo booth style picture of John Dory and (Y/N) in their wedding clothes: JD holding (Y/N) bridal style, grinning , switching their wedding clothes, both making silly faces, and finally the two sharing a kiss, holding each other close.
"Once we were married, we couldn't keep our hands to ourselves, so it wasn't a surprise when she told me she was pregnant." John showed Clay a picture of an polka dotted egg on a pillow with (second favorite color), fluffy bangs poking out, with smirking (Y/N) holding up a onesie that said, "You can stop asking now❤️." and John Dory clearly excited, frozen in time looking at the egg in awe.
Clay and Viva were both looking at a picture of John Dory sleeping on the couch with the tiny infant resting on his chest, (Y/N) looking like she was trying hard not to squeal.
Floyd smiled at the little toddler now making a face as she wore her father's goggles and a diaper, (Y/N) holding her stomach clearly laughing. "She was a wild child, wasn't she?" the second youngest BroZone member asked.
"Took after her mama, that's for sure. Her name was Cara. My little Cara Beara." Rhonda squealed excitedly, remembering the little Trolling. Bruce smiled at the little nickname before frowning. "Wait, was? John, what happened?"'
John Dory scowled at his hands, before looking sadly at the final photo that made its way into his hands. It was the last picture they'd taken before it happened. Cara was a big girl, now at the age of 8 years old, resting on her dad's back, and her mom's hand on her shoulder. (Y/N), holding 2 pairs of ice skates, but she was also wearing a pair of compression socks on her feet. John Dory was holding the camera on a stick, to do a group selfie.
"Cara wanted to learn to ice skate, and (Y/N)'s been skating since she was a kid, so obviously she was the best choice. It was going to be below freezing later that night, and we wanted to get Cara out in nature before hen. So while they were skating, I wanted to surprise them with a hot chocolate movie night snack bar. I came back to Rhonda, and I noticed it started to get darker."
JD exhaled softly, tearing up. "I went to go get them, still skating, and having fun. So I went to get them, when I saw a fox creeping towards my girls. I yelled out to them, and started running, hoping to get to them in time." John Dory flinched, as if he was relieving the moment again. "I was too far to get to them, and by the time (Y/N) realized I was saying, the fox ate them both in one bite."
John Dory pushed the palm of his hands into his eyes fighting the tears, threatening to spill, losing the battle and letting out a sob, as he continued to berate himself.
"It was my fault! If I'd been out there and skating, instead of inside with Rhonda, we would've gotten out and home safely! I'd promise to protect them, and I turned my back on them! If they didn't get eaten,(Y/N) would've taken Cara and left me because I--" John was cut off by his brothers hugging him tightly, Floyd sniffling softly.
"JD, we've seen the pictures...there was so much love between you, (Y/N), and even more so when Cara was born. You did what you could, and they're with you now, even if you can't see them." Bruce sniffed, he knew what it was like to lose a child. Brandy had 2 miscarriages before they got pregnant. "You've carried this burden that wasn't yours, for so long. It was an accident." Floyd whispered.
JD gripped on to his brothers, sobbing quietly, letting them take on some of his pain.
Poppy and Viva placed a supporting hand on one of JD's shoulders, in silent support. Viva noticed a slight glow out of the corner of the eye. She nudged Poppy, who gasped, catching the brothers' attention.
Standing a few feet away, petting Rhonda was a ghost version of (Y/N) and Cara, both of their smiles brightening when they saw the group looking at them.
"It was never your fault, Daredevil. It was an accident. But we're okay now, John." "Yeah! Now we can watch out for you, just like you did for us Daddy!" Cara yelled excitedly, before going over to hug her dad. John Dory gasped, feeling her hold on to him, before hugging her tightly back. (Y/N) came over to join the family hug. The rest of BroZone smiled softly, seeing the family together.
"Enjoy your brothers, go on adventures do you can tell us all about it." (Y/N) cooed, as she and Cara backed away and began to fade away. "Bye Daddy! We love you!" "Goodbye, my love. We'll wait for you to come home." promised (Y/N), as they faded away completely, John sobbing harder in his brothers' arm, holding that last picture in his hands.
"We keep this love in a photograph."
Wow that one got away from me lol
Let me know what you guys think!
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daemonsrhaenyras · 2 months
Music poll!
*Listed in order of rank. Info pulled from HERE on 8/8/2024.
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alexisnotstraight · 6 months
Does anyone know any songs about friends breaking up?
My only friend has been actively ignoring me since the start of march, and also ignored me when i was in one of the worst moments of my life when my grandfather passed away. We are online friends since 2021 and she kinda keeps me as a secret(? She posts her friend all over her social media like a proud mom but she only ever acknowled me one time in her close friends stories when i made a playlist for her (she even kept my username hidden) idk everything started going kinda weird when i told her i wasn't straight.
So now i just want to cry hahah
(I'm gonna put in the tags just a bunch of artists i like, feel free to recommend songs from artists who aren't tagged tho)
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biteyboi11 · 3 months
sitting in my bed im my comfort hoodie eating strawberries if anyone wants to join me/nx
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charlies-a-ghost · 7 months
pitch for ed sheeran's western video game: red head redemption
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ausetkmt · 1 year
A baby-faced 14-year-old boy has been accused of trying to murder a black teenager by attempting to drown him in a Cape Cod pond. 
John Sheeran appeared at a court just outside Boston on Monday over the July incident, which allegedly saw him hurl racist slurs at his unnamed victim - and even call the teen 'George Floyd' during the drowning attempts. 
He wore a navy suit, shirt and tie. Despite prosecutors' calls for Sheeran to remain in custody, a judge released him with a tag and ordered him to remain at his father's home.  
The victim told law enforcement Sheeran started throwing rocks at him and calling him racial slurs after he showed up at Goose Pond on Cape Cod. Sheeran then threatened to beat up the victim, it is alleged.
The victim couldn't swim, so he wore a life jacket in the water. Despite the vest, Sheeran attempted to pull him under the water multiple times to the point that victim was no longer able to breathe, it is alleged. 
In July, Sheeran allegedly attempted to drown a black teen in Goose Pond (pictured) in Chatham, Massachusetts
The victim told police that the accused 'held on to my life jacket and pulled me underwater and back up about four-to-five times ... while doing it water got into my mouth and nose and I could not breathe.'
Afterwards, the victim said Sheeran began calling him 'George Floyd' while kicking him and pulling him beneath the water. 
The victim said he was screaming he couldn't breathe, which was when the suspect and another teenager at the scene 'started laughing and called me George Floyd.'
He continued crying for help as the two teens continued to pull him under the water. Eventually, bystanders arrived to help and the victim was saved. The other alleged attacker hasn't been identified - and it is unclear if Sheeran knew his alleged victim prior to the attack.
Prosecutors allege just several hours later, Sheeran punched an Asian child in the face. That child has not been identified. 
Sheeran was charged with attempted murder and a civil rights violation in connection to the case.
In court on Monday, baby-faced Sheeran was led into the room with his hands cuffed in front of him.
His mop of brown hair turned downward as he took a seat before the judge. He wore a blue suit and striped tie.
Over objections from prosecutors, Sheeran was released to home confinement in Chatham. His release includes wearing a GPS monitoring device that will confine him to his father's home. He is also required to continue reporting to juvenile probation.
Prosecutors argued Sheeran should remain in jail, calling him a danger to the community.
The victim said Sheeran began calling him George Floyd as he screamed that he couldn't breathe. Floyd infamously told officers that he couldn't breathe before he died during an altercation with Minneapolis cops in 2020
Sheeran was released to his father's custody. Earlier this summer, he had moved to Florida with his mother as his parents went through a divorce
The suspect allegedly began the criminal interaction by throwing rocks at the victim and calling him racial slurs
'Mr. Sheeran can’t be out in the community because whether it’s three o’clock in the afternoon at a pond with his friends where he should be able to behave or 8:15 at night when he runs into another child, he punches that kid,' said Assistant District Attorney Eileen Moriarty in court.
'He’s a violent child, we’ve heard no mitigating factors, this violence is unfortunately targeted towards children of other races, children that don’t look like him,' she added.
At the time of the incident, Sheeran had just moved to Florida with his mother, as his parents went through a divorce, according to prosecutors.
The teen will now be required to stay in Chatham with his father as the court case continues.
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mellodyevangeline · 11 months
Our Flag Means Death is what would happen if Adam Sandler was a blue haired liberal with pronouns.
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an inspired lineup🤠
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hit-song-showdown · 1 year
Year-End Poll #73 (The Finale!): 2022
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[Image description: a collage of photos of the 10 musicians and musical groups featured in this poll. In order from left to right, top to bottom: Glass Animals, Harry Styles, The Kid Laroi, Adele, Ed Sheeran, Jack Harlow, Lotto, Justin Bieber, Kodak Black, Elton John and Dua Lipa. End description]
More information about this blog here
And now we're at the final poll. Much like the previous years, many of the songs featured here are from previous years. This is mostly due to how Billboard calculates their hits and there are other methods of calculating the charts. But since this blog focuses in Billboard, that's the metric we're going with.
It's hard to know for certain which direction pop music is headed at this moment since we're still in it. Depending on how things go, it seems like TikTok is going to continue to be a taste maker when it comes to popular music. This could also account for why pop songs are getting shorter. The "verse chorus verse chorus bridge chorus" format is not set in stone. In fact if you followed this blog since the beginning, you've seen the beginning and rise of this pop song format in the late 1950's.
Also from what I can see, it looks like pop music is taking a more meta direction, with overt influences and references to recent pop music history. This can be seen in both stylistic choices, such as the synth-pop influences in Harry Styles' As It Was, to the way samples are used. Jack Harlow's First Class samples previous poll entry, Fergie's Glamorous, and Latto's Big Energy samples Mariah Carey's Fantasy -- which samples The Tom Tom Club's Genius of Love.
The charts are admittedly in an awkward place right now. I'm looking at the Hot 100 right now and I'm having trouble putting together a narrative (other than "wow, people forgave Morgan Wallen fast lol"). Between the lockdown, shifting tastes and listening habits of audiences, economic factors, and the splintering of the streaming industry, "pop music" doesn't mean the same thing it did fifty years ago. Or even twenty years ago. But between influences from the changing political climates, the rise and fall of different genres, developments in music technology, and the question over the cost of music, the one consistent thing about pop music is that it isn't consistent.
Thank you to everyone who took part in these polls. I'll post a follow-up post shortly wrapping things up and discussing the future of this blog.
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bal0neymalon3y · 1 year
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Say what you want, but this isn't only the gayest Christmas song of all time, but it's also my gay Christmas song for Viktuuri because that's so them. I'm not kidding when I say that I think of Yuuri and Viktor and Makkachin celebrating Christmas in their home whenever I hear this song.
So kiss me under the mistletoe Pour out the wine let’s toast and pray for December snow I know there’s been pain this year but it’s time to let it go Next year you never know, but for now Merry Christmas We’ll dance in the kitchen while embers glow We’ve both known love, but this love that we got is the best of all I wish you could see you through my eyes then you would know My god you look beautiful right now Merry Christmas
(Yes, I'm aware that both compete at Nationals during the holidays. In addition to that, they probably wouldn't practice Western Christmas traditions. In Japan, Christmas is a dating day for couples that includes dining at KFC, and Russians celebrate Christmas in January. But still, Merry Christmas my Christmas song for them. This is just me projecting my own gay Christmas dreams onto my OTP)
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Vote for your fave, reblog and share your thoughts and let me know your other faves on and off this list I would love to hear it ☺️☺️
Merry Christmas and have fun ☺️☺️ also check my Classic & Modern Christmas songs polls ☺️☺️
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cherrydollprincess · 20 days
my inspiration on the treadmill is just
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like watching his movies make me want to be beautiful so if i ever meet him he’ll be like “damn she’s gorgeous” not “another fat bitch” ykkk???? white house down is my current movie rn
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 1 year
Favorite musical "Shorts," so far, for 2023
Just 'cause I'm in the mood for something different, right now:
From The Longest Johns:
My "Will it Shant?" verdicts: Definitely Yes, Maybe, and Definitely Not.
From VoicePlay:
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starlightparks · 1 month
spent the better part of the day on a coach to find out taylor played dear john as soon as i got home????
I WAS THERE YESTERDAY YOU COULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT THEN???? i am very glad and grateful i got to go but there's a special pain for missing your dream surprise song by one night
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ask-sebastian · 10 months
Merry Musical Owl 🦉
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