#'i'm washing my son and his clothes'
tatzelwyrm · 1 year
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shebsart · 1 year
Im sick with flu so naturally I picked up my newly bought copy of Howl's Moving Castle which includes DWJ interviews in the back.
And im in love with the way she tells these stories feels like a part of her books.
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And my favorite:
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The magic in the mundane :)
edit: I'm copying the ID by @princess-of-purple-prose below, thank you!
[ID: Excerpts of printed text which read:
I suppose there's also a biographical element in that Sophie is the eldest of three sisters, and so am I. The idea for Sophie grew out of the time I discovered I had a very severe milk allergy. I almost lost the use of my legs and had to walk with the aid of a stick. I was moderately young, but because of this I suddenly became old.
I had to wait until I knew what Wizard Howl was like. I began to discover Howl about the time when one of my sons took to spending several hours in the bathroom every morning and I got really, really, really annoyed with him.
Where were you when you wrote it? I wrote the book the way I write everything, stretched out on the big sofa in my sitting room, in everyone's way. This often annoys my husband rather a lot.
which made me burst out laughing. I laughed and laughed at the seven league boot, and when I came to the bit where Sophie accidentally makes Howl's suit twenty times too big for him, I laughed so much that I fell off the sofa. My husband was really irritated by this time. He snapped, "You can't be making yourself laugh!" And I gasped, "But I am, I am!" and rolled about on the floor.
Are any of your relatives or friends included in the book? Yes, well the thing that started me off writing the book was a friend of mine who never does her laundry. She has it around the place in huge bags for often as much as a year. When she does tip it all out and try to wash it, she discovers all sorts of clothes that she has forgotten she had.
Which is your favourite part of the book and why? I like the book all over, but I suppose if I had to choose a bit, I'd choose the place where Howl gets a cold. It so happened that when I was writing this bit, my husband caught a bad cold. He is the world's most histrionic cold catcher. He moans, he coughs, he piles on the pathos, he makes strange noises, he blows his nose exactly like a bassoon in a tunnel, he demands bacon sandwiches at all hours, and he is liable to appear (usually wrapped in someone else's dressing gown) at any time, announcing that he is dying of neglect and boredom. So all I had to do was write it down. End ID]
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sunsburns · 10 days
okay but logan taking an interest in neighbor who works in fashion?? he always sees her carrying stacks of magazines, dressed in her chic attire that is sometimes a bit too tight in all the right areas, glasses slipping off her nose, always making calls on that damn phone, and yet he always wishes she looked his way…
oh anon ur cooking here. i think this is what's pulling me out of my writing slump 🥴 (wade breaking the fourth wall, suggestive 16+)
the first time he noticed you, it wasn't even in your building complex, but rather the stairs to the subway station down the street. you were rushing up the steps while he, wade, laura and al were just about to enter. it was al who noticed you first, calling out your name and poking your side with her walking staff.
you shrieked, dropping one of the fabric rolls you had been carrying, a curse at the tip of your tongue before you realized who it was. "al," you sighed, a little relieved, when you saw her and wade, who was dressed in a "i love nyc" t-shirt.
logan, being the gentleman he was, picked up the roll you dropped, handing it back to you. it was then that you looked at him, or well, briefly glanced his way with a quick "thank you" before wade started fucking talking.
that son of a bitch.
he didn't even have the courtesy to introduce the two of you to each other.
it was obvious you were in a rush, lips in a tight smile as you nodded and tried to smile at wade telling you all about how they were about to "hit up" times square.
logan felt bad for you, but only a little bit. the longer you stayed to listen to wade's painful monologue, the more he could look at you. he was a little shameless about it, perhaps not the most gentlemanly thing he could've done, but god you were just a sight for sore eyes.
a pretty thing in a mini skirt despite the cool late september breeze that was starting to kick, white, lace and ruffled. delicate with tall brown leather boots. and a washed-out denim vest you wore as a top, two buttons undone, a little pink bow tied to the pocket. logan didn't know a lot about fashion, but he liked the way clothes looked on you.
and then you were gone, al kicking wade across the shin to shut him the hell up when she realized you were in a rush. she let you go, and you left, quickly trading numbers with laura and without saying much of a goodbye or another glance logan's way.
but he watched you go, watched the way your skirt moved with the wind too.
"yeah, look at it bounce. god, i am no better than any man. " wade hummed, leaning all his weight on logan's side. "i didn't peg you as a creep, honey badger. with the way you were undressing the reader with your eyes, i would've thought you were on a registered sex offender's list."
"shut the fuck up, wade."
logan could hear the way laura snorted, her and al continuing their way down the stairs.
wade held his hands up in surrender before logan could try anything (and by anything, he meant to cut him to pieces. wade can't deal with that right now, the blood would take ages to get off his white shirt). "i'm just saying, after living with us for a few months, i would've thought you'd met her by now."
logan raised his brow, "what's that supposed to mean?"
"i mean, she literally lives across the hall." wade turned his head to the side, pointing his thumb at logan, "he can't possibly be this stupid, right? it's gotta be for the plot to build up tension or something."
from that day on, logan's started to notice you more. not that he was looking for you, he's not that big of a creep. but he's spotted you out the window some days, running down the sidewalk, always in a rush. then he was able to hear the way you slam your door shut when you leave in the mornings or when you get back home.
every single day, you're usually out and about. unless it's a sunday, those are the days you stay in your apartment, sewing and hanging out with blind old al and sometimes even fucking laura. turns out, you were the one who got laura all of those new clothes, made them for her.
jesus christ, how out of the loop was he?
you stood out like a sore thumb, always carrying something. whether it be magazines, sketchbooks, fabric rolls, or bags, you're always struggling to open your door when you get home, keys sometimes slipping from your grasp as you're trying to juggle everything.
one day, logan had come back from a run and spotted you in the hallway. well, he had heard you from floors below and was able to pick up the lingering scent of your perfume by the time he entered the lobby. it took him a bit of courage to walk up the few flights of stairs knowing he'd bump into you.
what the fuck was this?
he was a grown-ass man for god's sake. you had him overthinking and blushing at the mere thought of being in the same space again.
when he saw you in the hallway, you were on the phone, the device tucked between your ear and your shoulder, cursing under your breath as you tried to pick up your keys. you were wearing a black dress that day, a black hat and a big maroon scarf around your neck, "no, emily, don't fucking buy it in that colour. it looks like fucking vomit. i don't care what amy told you, she's basically colour blind-"
you stopped mid-sentence when logan appeared in front of you, grabbing the keys for you. "oh- uh. thanks."
"yeah, no problem."
he noticed your nails and glasses were dark red to match the scarf. lipstick too.
you didn't mean to grow flustered in his presence, he could tell from the way you froze, as if you didn't know what was supposed to happen next. he had disrupted your daily pattern, everything in your life moving constantly and quickly but all of a sudden everything is slower. it left you breathless.
"you're logan, right?"
he furrowed his brows. he hadn't expected you to remember him, nevertheless, remember his name. "yeah."
"wade told me all about you," you said, and your eyes dropped from his face a little, then lower, a smirk not too different from a sly cat's. you were staring shamelessly, eyes following every part and curve of his body, the way his long-sleeve shirt clung to his skin with sweat. "you don't seem austrailan."
logan tried not to groan. the picture of wade's stupid face in his mind now that you've mentioned him. he hated that the two of you seemed close. "i'm canadian."
"aren't you full of surprises?" you laughed, a smooth, teasing sound, and finally pushed the keys into the nob, unlocking the door. you turned, lingering by the door as if you were about to invite him in, but then the voice from your phone was trying to get your attention and you nearly seemed disappointed. "i'll see you around, logan."
and you were gone again.
logan liked to see your different outfits every day, dawning a different style every time you walked out that door. it was like you could never settle for one style, but you managed to look so fucking good in everything and every colour you put on.
he could never get tired of it. never get tired of you.
you and your tiny bottoms that he swore were getting smaller and smaller every day, even though the city grew colder and the days shorter. you and your stupid phone calls that sometimes went on late at night. you and your clothes, every single one different from the last.
you and your sketches, the ones he had started to find loose pages on the floor of the small hallway between your apartments, pretty designs of lingerie on a model that looked a little bit too much like you for it to be a coincidence.
though you never made another attempt to talk to him, you knew he was watching you. but you never chased, your heels were too expensive for that. you were just trying to give him a reason to come on you.
to you**
to come to you.*
sorry. typo.
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lowkeyremi · 1 year
Bakugo with the kids >:3 (bakugo x fem!reader)
This post was possible bc of @shima707 they commented on my bkg dad post for more so i decided to write more :D
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"Daddy, Shoko's cryin' again." Mayako says shaking her father. Katsuki usually sleeps in on Sundays with you by his side but for some reason he's waking up upon the fact that the newest addition to the family is crying.
"Where's mommy at? Tell her to get Shoko." He mumbles under the covers. Mayako gets off the bed to open the blackout curtains which causes Katsuki to groan loudly.
"I looked for mommy but she's not here!!" Katsuki perks up at those words, where could you be early on a Sunday morning?
"She's not here? That's weird, she woulda told me if she was goin' somewhere." Mayako glares at her father, it's actually pretty ironic. Katsuki feels like he's staring at himself.
Your blond husband rises from bed to brush his teeth, this was not how he imagined his day would start.
"Can you get one of Shoko's clean bottles off the rack, Maya?" he asks between brushes.
"Mommy already made a bottle for her its in the fridge left with a note to warm it up." Katsuki finds it strange that you left without saying anything. The hero jogs his memory trying to remember if you said anything about going out on Sunday.
Once he's freshened up, he makes his way to the nursery with Mayako by his side like a little assistant or something.
"Your brothers 'wake yet?" He asks opening the nursery door, he is met by loud cries from his little one.
"I think Kaien is awake, not sure about Kitaro." Katsuki nods, he picks up his daughter with his washed hands. He wanted all of his kids to have K names like him but you argued it'd be too confusing. You agreed on both your sons having K names but you named Shoko and Mayako.
"Alright Shoko, that's enough crying." She's only about four months old which means aside from eating, pooping and peeing, crying is all she can really do. He cradles her and puts the bottle in her mouth. The cries stop immediately and she sucks on the bottle harshly.
"Daddy, please don't get mommy pregnant anymore. I'm tired of hearing crying everyday." She admits in a tired tone as if she's the one who cares for all the children. She does contribute to her siblings care though.
"Hah? I hafta hear crying every day, more than you did and how do you even know I'm the reason mommy has babies?" He's shocked to say the least, Mayako is only nine.
"Well for one mommy was always like 'I swear on my life all that man wants to do is get me pregnant' or 'I'm not having anymore of his kids after this one' so I asked Aunty Mina what she was talking about and she gave me as she called it 'a watered down version of how babies are made'." Mayako explained to her father. He should've known it was Mina.
He switched Shoko's postion so he could burp her, then he realized he needed her towel or he'd have spit up on his shirt.
"'N what exactly did Mina say?" He completely ignores that fact that you've complained about pregnancy, he's heard it all before. Whatever Mina told his daughter was something ridiculous he already knew it.
"She said that you slid your hotdog into mommy's bun and the mayo created a baby hotdog." Katsuki cringes hard. Out of all the things Mina could have told his daughter it had to be that.
"I hate that idiot so much." He mumbles. Shoko gives a good burp and a few coos. Katsuki adores the fact that Shoko has your eyes and your nose.
"Go tell Kaien to brush, Kitaro too if he's 'wake." Mayako gives a silent nod and stomps out of the nursery. Katsuki predicts that Kaien will come crying in a little bit, he and his sister clash often due to Mayako's firey temper and his softness.
He's determined to change Shoko's diaper and clothes before Kaien comes in crying.
Katsuki gets lucky and is able to start breakfast when Kaien comes crying in the kitchen. "Daddy, Mayako's being mean. I hate her!" He yells folding his arms.
"Woah kid, we don't say hate. Especially not about family." Katsuki says, he's in his 'Kiss the chef' apron in courtesy of you.
"You say hate all the time!" Kaien argues, and well, he's right. Katsuki doesn't want his child outsmarting him, though.
"That's cuz I'ma grown up." It's the best thing he can come up with at the moment. A father of four with his wife away can only do so much. He's got Shoko strapped to his chest while he's cooking.
Katsuki gets no respond from his son, so it's time to do some digging.
"What did your sister do, Kaien?" He was not at all prepared for Kaien's answer, he expected that she was bossing him around or something.
"S-she said that I can't use the spicy toothpaste because I'm a baby!" Spicy toothpaste? Oh, he must mean the mint toothpaste.
"What did you tell her?" He quickly scarmbles the eggs with the cooking chopsticks.
"I told her six isn't a baby and she said it is." Katsuki almost laughed, not at Kaien. It's just that cute little pout he has on his face.
"Yeah?" She responds before her father can finish calling her name. He had a sneaking suspicion that she was lurking around the corner waiting to interject and say that her brother was wrong.
"Why can't Kaien use the spicy toothpaste?" The eggs are done so he plates them and checks on the rice. Shoko was drooling all over his collarbone even with her baby towel.
"Cuz he's only six, he should use the kid toothpaste." She says in her 'as-a-matter-of-fact' voice.
"Are you Kaien's ma?" Katsuki asks, he doesn't miss a beat while chopping the spring onions.
"No but-"
"Aht, no buts. You're not his ma so you can't go around telling him what to do. Unless of course, you're babysitting 'em." He sets the chopped onions aside and puts the rice and eggs into bowls. He makes sure all the servings are equal or he'll get complaints from his mini critiques.
"Mkay." She's sour right now.
"Where's Kitaro?" Katsuki garnishes the the food and sets it on the table.
"We both tried to wake him up but he kept saying he was tired." Mayako comments and sits in her normal spot.
"Ain't nothing for him to be tired for, he's eight." Mayako shrugs at her father's words and says thanks for the food. She and Kaien dig in.
Katsuki heads up the stairs, Shoko still strapped to him. His eyes scan the hallway and it's covered in toys. The blond makes a mental note for his kids to clean up later.
He walks over toys to reach Kitaro's room, the door's closed which isn't normal. You enforced the 'no closed doors' rule, unless someone's in the bathroom or changing.
He opens it half expecting Kitaro to be doing something bad. Instead the eight year old is snoring like he hasn't slept in years.
"Get up kid, time to eat. Go brush." He shakes Kitaro.
He just groans, pulls his covers over his head, and yawns.
"I'm tired." Katsuki raises a brow.
"Tired from what?" Once again, Kitaro's only eight, he can't be doing anything that energy consuming.
"Video games." He mumbles from under the covers.
"Tch, 's why you don't needta be playin' them. I don't know why that old hag got you a gaming system." Kitaro is sluggish getting out of the bed. Katsuki's watching him like a hawk. He watched him all the way until he was at the table.
He sees you sitting with Kaien in your lap eating some of his food because he's not likely to finish it.
"There's my baby girl!" You coo to Shoko. Katsuki undoes the baby carrier and takes her out of it. Those ruby red eyes scan your body for any indication of your activities this morning.
"Where have you been all mornin'?" Shoko babbles while Katsuki starts eating breakfast.
"I went to the gym, I'm trying to lose baby weight." You explain with a small smile.
"Tch, why's it matter? I'm your man 'n I like you the way you are." He never understood why you were so insecure.
"I'm not doing it for anyone besides myself." Kaien whines when you pick at his eggs.
"You aren't gonna eat them, little boy." You boop his nose and he tries to bite your finger.
"Too slow, Kai." He pouts, and it looks just like when Katsuki pouts.
"Why didn't ya tell me you were leavin'?" He huffs.
"Cuz you'd tell me I look good and convince me to stay." You're met by his silence which tells you you're right.
"Date night?" Katsuki asks with a sly smirk.
"No more babies!" Mayako protests.
"I agree- wait how do you-?!"
"Mina." Your husband and eldest daughter say at the same time.
"Oh I love her." It doesn't take a genius to know Mina probably told her some crazy watered down version of sex.
"Ki, hon, you look tired." He yawns at your words.
"He stayed up all night on that gaming system the old hag gave him." Your eyes widen.
"Katsuki! Your mom is not the 'h word' and I've been meaning to put parental controls on that thing." He rolls his eyes at your pg language when you normally have the mouth of a sailor when the kids aren't around.
"Whatever." The hero scoffs.
"Love you too, Kats!" You wink at him obnoxiously and he groans.
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Thanks shima707 for giving me the motivation to write more, and I'm glad you enjoyed the first part! Love you guys and see ya next time <3
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luvyeni · 3 months
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pairing ‎⸝⸝⸝ demon!02z x fem!reader wc. 3.7k+
𓄷 warnings... foursome, oral ( m & f receiving ), unprotected sex, breeding kink, rough sex , double penetration, lots of cum, heavy degradation
nia's notes: the final chapter, I hope everyone enjoyed the series ,, and look forward to more stories by luvyeni ❤️‍🔥!!
jay | lucifer masterlist | jake
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I don't care what kind of existence you are, it's important that we value each other …
without the light I fall …
And just like that; your time in your grandmother's home was coming to an end. you didn't think it would be so sad; leaving the mansion, but you've grown to love the house itself— but not just the house; you've grown to love the demons who possessed the home.
Jake; his constant need to be around you was a lot to deal with at first; but now he's the first thing you reach and look for as soon as your eyes flutter open for the day. then sunghoon; which you are surprised about, he was the hardest to get to open up, his cold exterior would intimidate any normal person, but you know how soft he could be, even if he protests— you know it's him leaving the flower from the garden on the table every morning.
then jay— one of the most selfless people you would ever meet in your lifetime; hearing how he'd put himself aside to save his mother and allow the other boys to pass on stuck with you; how he always cooks for you; laying out your clothes for you. or washing your hair in the shower, just doing everything for you.
you didn't want to give this up, you didn't want to give them up— and you didn't have to; you could easily take them with you, but this was a big commitment; a lifetime commitment, literally.
“how would I even fit you all in my apartment?” you'd asked one day. “It's only a two bedroom.” Jake would smile. “well I'd sleep with you obviously.” he then would turn to Jay and sunghoon. “and they can be roommates.” you laughed as the sunghoon had to be held back by jay so he wouldn't strangle the other demon. “I'm kidding, I'm kidding.” he said , his head on your shoulders. “Of course you two could lay with her once a month.” jay would speak up. “I would get us a bigger apartment.”
“and how would you do that?” sunghoon asked. “Because believe it or not, there are demons everywhere, and they'd do anything to impress the son and future leader of hell, that includes giving me anything I want” he said, your eyes widened. “Could you get me a new car?” he smirked. “I could get you 5 cars if that's what you want.” Jake whined. “hey , that's not fair, I could get her a house.” that made sunghoon laugh sarcastically, “you'd have to get a job.”
“I can get a job,” he said. “as what? you went to school 100 years ago.” the boy pouted. “and what would you do? huh, it's not like you have any recent schooling, and with your personality i doubt anyone would hire you.” sunghoon shrugged. “look how beautiful I am, I could easily become a model.” you rolled your eyes. “You're too cocky , it doesn't work like that.” you said. “for a human yes, for me no.” he said. “Well since those two have it figured out, Jake I have a job I could take care of the both of us.” The other demons rolled their eyes; you always doted on him. “of course you would.”
That was good , and you wish it was all good, but you also had to think realistically. “how would you explain this to people?” sunghoon would speak before thinking. “we're your boyfriends duh.” you stoic at him. “Yeah, that's not as common as you think, not everyone has three boyfriends.” you said, Jake spoke up. “not common , but not unheard of.”
“no it's unheard of Jake, I was being nice.”
“and my friends , they'll be a bit confused, moved into a new apartment with three new guys.” You said. “yeji, my best friend would definitely be suspicious.” “well it's not like you can't just tell them.”
“and end up strapped to a chair on medication— you can't wear necklaces in a nuthouse.”
jay would always reassure that the four of you would figure it out if said yes; he would personally handle it all if he had to, he would use every connection he had, if you said yes— all you had to do was say yes. “don't focus on that stuff , if I didn't have a plan already I wouldn't have even said yes to the agreement with my dad.” he said. “he's horrible but he's still my dad , he won't want to see me struggle— my dad is as vain as your grandmother, he wouldn't want his son to look anything but up to standard to the demons in the underworld and on earth, they're probably best friends, sitting in hell.”
knowing that they'd easily integrate into society calmed your anxiety a little, you did want see them struggle— although the ways were a bit vague; still not sure what sunghoon meant and you were almost sure jay was about to nepo baby his way to the top, but you sure they'd figure it out, even jake had a plan, he'd dedicate his time to music; and you of course.
you still had those annoying thoughts looming around you; how do you explain to your parents? your parents were open minded people, but this was hard to explain to them, and keeping a secret this big for what would be the rest of your life seemed almost impossible— then it was that; you never knew where your life was heading; would your relationship with them remain the same?
a week later and you didn't really have much longer; most of your parents' things were here, jay and jake offering to set them up for you; which you graciously accepted— you had to give them an answer, even you said no, they deserved to get one now and not on the last day.
you needed some time to think; so you went into town, telling them you'd only be about an hour. “kai.” The boy sat on a crate, stocking up different cans on the shelves. “oh hey yn.” he looked around. “They aren't here, don't worry.” he sighed. “thank god, they're so intimidating.” he laughed, standing up now. “well sunghoon is, jake is sweet.” you said he nodded. “yeah.”
“I'm leaving soon.” you said. “I'm leaving at the end of the week.” you saw him frown. “really?” he said. “yeah.” you nodded. “I'll visit sometimes, my father is hard to handle sometimes, and my mother has low patience.” you said. “So I'll be seeing you again.” he said and you nodded. “Your boyfriend too?” he asked. “He's not— don't worry about it, a girl as pretty as you.” he said. “I would be surprised if you didn't have a boyfriend.” you remembered what sunghoon said, and you smiled. “I'm sure there will be another pretty girl soon.” you said. “don't be a stranger, even if your boyfriend scares me a bit.” you shook your head. “He's harmless, I swear.” you said. “harmless enough to not rip my head off for asking you to lunch?”
you agreed, he took his lunch and you both went to the small diner, sitting in the booth. “Can I ask you a question?” you said , while waiting for your food. “Go ahead as your new friend. I'm all ears.” he said. “Well , if you had to make a choice , a choice that would affect the rest of your life , but it could help a bunch of uh.” you tried to think. “people?” he chimed in. “yeah sure.” you said. “Would you do it?” he tapped his fingers on the table, thinking.
“Well, do you love these people?” he asked, you sat in thought; did you love them? over the past three months, learning more about them, and what they went through— you could confidently say; yeah, you did feel something for them; you could say you loved each and every one of them. “yeah, I think I do.” you said, and he nodded. “Well then , there's your answer.” He said. “if you love someone, you'd do anything for them.” he said , really putting things into perspective for you. “thank you kai.” you smiled, a weight finally being lifted off your shoulders— the sweet waitress coming over to the table to give your food. “here you go.”
“She's cute.” Kai's neck turned red, looking down at the check. “what?” he showed you. “she gave me her number.” sunghoon was right; you would make sure he'd never hear you say any of that.
you left kai feeling much better, a skip in your step as you make your way back into the house. “is there really a reason for you to be that happy?” sunghoon walked into the room. “yes actually.” you kissed his cheek , walking away humming. “I told you to stop doing that.” he yelled , but you knew he was blushing— following behind you into the kitchen. “where'd you go?” Jake wrapped his arms around you once he became aware of your presence; you definitely couldn't give this up. “I went to see kai.” jay entered the room. “kai?”
“some kid that likes her.” sunghoon said bitterly, jake squeezed you. “he even came here, I'm sure you remember seeing the aftermath after his visit, since you're a perv who likes to look through mirrors.” jay glared at the boy. “yah, I'm still years older than you.” the younger shrugged. “you're thousands of years older than us.” you saw Jay's jaw clench. “i'm not that old.” you laughed, Jake snuggling against your cheek. “Why'd you go see him?” he whined, like the true puppy he is. “well because I wanted to let him know I was leaving soon.”
you seen them all frown, deciding to not keep it from them any longer. “because someone decided to scare the hell out of him last time, you know when you come with me you can't be this jealous.” he rolled his eyes, but you felt Jake stiffen up; he was the only one to catch on. “when?” he said, they all stopped. “you said when, not if like you always do.” you smiled.
“you made a decision?” Jay said, you nodded. “and you're sure , I don't want you to feel like you're being pressured?” he said, grabbing his hands; you reassured him. “I don't feel pressured, I promise.” you said. “I had a talk with kai, and he said if you love someone, you'd do anything for them.” you confessed, Jake hugging you excitedly. “I knew it, I told y'all she loved us, you all doubted me, I told y'all.”
“how about getting off of her for two seconds.” sunghoon said. “Why are you finally gonna give me a hug?” he grimaced. “no.” he said, and you pouted. “don't give me that face,” he said. “if you don't want to do this, don't do it.” he said seriously. “but I want to.” you stared him down. “I want to annoy you for the rest of both of our lives.” he rolled his eyes. “just hug her already, you know you want to.” Jake said. “no I don't.” you rolled your eyes. “hug me sunghoon.”
the demon's arms opened up, and he pulled you into a hug. “Keep taking advantage of me like this baby, it will never end well.” you smiled teasingly. “please you love it.”
After giving your final answer, the air immediately felt lighter around the four of you— even sunghoon seemed happier; though his face tried not to show it. jay made you your favorite dinner, while you told them about your everyday life; and all your friends , and what you did for a living, just about everything they'd have to get used to; now that they'd be staying with you. “you know princess, you surely do have a lot of guy friends.” jay said, taking away the empty plate. “I guess so.” you shrugged , unaware of their jealous looks in all of their eyes.
“you know that's gonna have to stop right?” you might've not caught the look , but you sure heard the deepening of his voice; and it made your insides warm. “wh-why?” you stuttered , hearing him walk over to you. “well princess.” you felt his hands on your shoulder; bringing his mouth to your ear. “That's cause you're ours.” you shuddered upon feeling his lips on your neck. “and I already have to share you with them , I won't share you with any other guy.” you almost let out a noise when sunghoon scoffed. “look at that , she likes that,” he said, turning to you. “you like being our own personal little slut.”
you bit your lip , jake smiled at you. “she likes it.” the atmosphere had totally shifted , their eyes blown with lust , ready to pounce on you right there on you in the kitchen. “how about we take this back to your room love?” you nodded and jay helped you up , guiding you back to your room.
your brain was already feeling fuzzy as you sat in ber Jake's legs , his plump lips on your neck; the demon's hand coming up to your boob , squeezing them through your shirt. “j-jake.” you moaned , he smiled against your cheek. “you like that?” he chuckled. “I bet you're wet as fuck down there.” jay got in between your legs. “let's find out.” he unbuttoned your shorts , pulling them down , throwing them on the floor. “open your legs baby.” you spread your legs open. “fuck you're right.” he groaned. “she's fucking soaked.”
“of course she is.” sunghoon said , you moaned as jay kissed your thighs , pulling your panties to the side , licking a stripe up your slick cunt. “fuck.” you moaned. “feels good?” said , biting down on your neck , lifting your shirt , pinching your nipples. “oh my god.” you gasped , sunghoon finally getting tired of watching , his cock hard against his slacks. “be a good slut for me.” sunghoon undid his slacks. “open that mouth.”
he stuffed his fingers in your mouth , letting the drool coat his digits. “nasty slut.” he pushed down on your tongue, you gagged , the demon smirked. “there were go slut , open up your mouth I'm gonna fuck your face.” he pulled his cock out stroking it , pressing his mushroom head against your lips. “that's it.” he groaned, pushing himself inside your cavern. “suck my cock.”
you moaned around his cock , moving your head up and down his shaft as jake tweek and toyed with your nipples , kay hungrily lapping at your cunt , hold your legs open. “You're gonna cum?” he pulled away , lips coated in your wetness. “yeah?” he brought his fingers to your clit , rubbing harsh circles , pushing two of his fingers in , all you could do was moan , sunghoons head was thrown back. “fuck.” he grabbed the back of your head , pushing it all the way down. “fuck I'm gonna cum down your fucking throat.” the demon grunted. “fuck, fucking take it!” he shouted , his thick load; shooting to the back of your throat. “shit.”
he pulled out just in time; the band in your stomach breaking , as jay continued his assault on your cunt. “jay.” you moaned. “jay I'm cumming!” you screamed out , cumming all over his finger , your hips moving as you rode out your orgasm , poor jake having to watch all this go down , and having to endure you grinding against his hard on. “fuck if I don't get inside her I'm gonna blow my fucking load.”
within a second you're in a different position, sunghoon laying under. “be a good fucking slut and take both of us.” he slapped your ass as you straddled his waist. “Come on, sit on it.” he guided you down to his cock , your eyes closed , legs shaking as you took him. “fuck sunghoon.” you cursed. “fuck you're so fucking tight.” he grunted. “hurry the fuck up Jake , before I take this slut right now.”
jake sloted himself behind you, the demon ready to cum as he freed himself from his slacks. “shit.” he gasped , stroking himself. “Are you ready baby?” you shakenly nodded. “ye-yes.” your nails sunk deep into the demon below you as the one behind you pushed himself into , stretching you out , your mouth hanging open. “fuck baby you took both of us.” he cursed , his cock feeling suffocated they both began to move in and out of you , talking turns filling you up.
you were so far gone , the only thing on your mind was their cocks. “look at the slut so far gone.” sunghoon groaned. “She's set for life , three cocks ready to satisfy her every need.” you moaned as he yanked your hair. “That's all she needs right?” you dumbly nodded , the need to cum coming right around the corner. “I'm gonna cum.” you whimpered, clamping down on them , making both the beings inside her groan in pleasure.
your legs shook as you came , jake was the first one to cum; pulling out just in time as he came; cumming all over your back and ass. “shit.” he sighed , falling back on his hands. “fuck that I'm gonna cum inside you.” sunghoon growled. “you want that? for me to fill your cunt up.” he moaned. “please.” he fucked up into you. “sh-shit , take my cum.” you felt him filling you up , his cock twitching inside you. “fuck.”
jay laid you back down , kissing you sweetly. “Think you can give me one more?” he said , his cock already out , his tip leaking with precum , as he dragged it along your folds. “You can give me one more right princess?” he tapped his cock on your slick , you nodded. “pl- please.” You moaned out feeling his cock intrude your hole. “fuuuuck , you're so warm.” he grunted. “so tight , even after they stretched you out.”
he moved his hips , his fat cock dragging along your sensitive walls. “look at you , such a good , taking all three of us.” he moaned. “so perfect -fuck- me-meant to be ours.” you clawed at the sheets. “ja-jay please fuck me.” you moaned , he moved his hips a certain way , hitting the spot that made you see white. “you're gonna cum princess.” he felt his cock twitch , signaling he was about to cum. “thats it , cum all over my cock princess.”
you let out a scream like moan , cumming all over him , tightening around him. “fuck , princess you almost pushed me out , before i could cum inside your little pussy.” he groaned. “fuck I'm cumming.” his hips stuttered as his cum spurted inside you, ropes of his cum flooding your insides. “fuck.”
your spent body laid against the bed as they all began to help you clean up; even sunghoon , running your bath water. “you did so good for us.” jake kissed you. “so good.” he pulled you into a deep kiss, his hands coming up to yours to pin you back down. “that's enough.” jay came out of your bathroom. “jake get off of her , she's probably exhausted.” jake smiled cheekily down at you , sunghoon pushing the boy over. “control yourself , just cause you haven't gotten any in 100 years doesn't mean anything.” he scoffed. “you're tired aren't you?” jay said. “let's get you showered and into bed.” he said.
The day has finally come , having all your stuff packed , the necklace still around your neck; as you watch them put your stuff into the trunk of the car. “this car is so old.” sunghoon complained. “you do realize I was a college student before this.” jay kissed your temples. “We'll get you a new one.” you turned to him sternly. “we're gonna have to eventually talk about where you plan on getting this money, there will be no demon loan sharks knocking on my door.”
jake; after much fighting, climbed into the passenger's seat of your car; you left the keys in the mailbox for your parents who would be arriving later that day. “Are you guys ready?” you got into the driver's seat, jakes hand immediately finding your thigh— you could feel how happy they were, it warmed your heart, knowing you can help them, but also spend the rest of your life , surrounded by the new people you've grown to love dearly; you knew it would take some time to get used to, and maybe you could eventually explain to the other people you love, but for now you'd have to make this work.
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TAGLIST. @deobitful @in-somnias-world @darlingz99 @luvitaria @lost-fantasy @lostinneocity @nalenhypen @heeshlove @kirinaa08 @strxwbloody @ryn000 @neosexuals @sakanelli-afc @yizhoutv @capri-cuntz @lilyuwon @criminalseung @hanhaeji @eggomi @serenijiny @luvvsnae @jakesfurry
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Lucerys' funerals and Jace saying he'd ratehr die himself than lose another of his brothers and being heartbroken and you comforting/being there for him
Although Jacaerys looks really good in his new clothes, I'm not ready for this scene. It will most likely happen in episode 1. I tried to minimize the sadness, but be prepared for tears
Warnings: graphic details/mention of Lucerys' death,
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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Three days after Lucerys left to deliver a message on Storm’s End, dreadful news reached Rhaenyra: her son was dead. A raven from Lord Borros reported that a fisherman had discovered Lucerys’ head and neck washed up beneath the cliffs of Storm's End. 
First, her father and her stillborn daughter. Then, her crown. And now her teenage son, her sweet boy Lucerys. Rhaenyra had known loss in her life, but how much grief and pain could one person bear before they’re inconsolable?
The cause of Lucerys’ death was a mystery, but Daemon vowed to uncover the truth. Although he wasn’t his son by blood, he cared about the boy. The storm alone could not have decapitated him, no matter how fierce.
The young prince’s remains were brought to Dragonstone, but Rhaenyra needed more. Determined and heartbroken, she flew on Syrax’s back, searching for ten days for any remains of Lucerys — or Arrax. If the storm caused them to crash, there should be more evidence, right? Yet, the Queen found nothing.
During these ten days, Jacaerys returned from the North with promising news about the Vale and Winterfell. He entered the quiet castle with a smile on his face, impatient to tell his mother about her new allies, but it washed away when you told him about his little brother.
Jacaerys' stomach churned, refusing to believe the words. Lucerys couldn't be dead. He saw him a few days ago, they were sparring on the beach.
‘’No… That’s not true,’’ he denied, shaking his head. 
‘’They found parts of his body, I…I’m sorry, Jace. Luke is dead.’’ 
Jacaerys stood still for a moment, his face pale and expressionless as the reality of your words began to sink in. He was rarely ever struck, but losing a brother felt like a part of him was being ripped away. You watched as he brought a hand over his heart, filled with a deep, aching pain. His face contorted and his eyes welled up with tears. 
Seeing him break was rare, and it tore at your heart. 
He clenched his jaw, trying to hold back the tears, and looked at you, his eyes filled with despair. ‘’How did it happen?’’ he whispered, his voice barely audible.
The King’s passing had been a significant loss for the Seven Kingdoms, but Jacaerys was never close to his grandsire. He had seen him occasionally in King’s Landing and at the occasional dinner, but the King had been very ill. His death had been inevitable. 
Lucerys, however, was young and healthy, with his whole life ahead of him.
A tear slipped down Jacaerys’ face. He never thought he would have to live a life without his brother.
You shook your head, wishing you had answers. ‘’We don’t know. Daemon is looking for answers.’’
The day of the funeral, Dragonstone was silent, grieving the loss of the young prince. 
Your stomach was tied in a knot as you dressed yourself. A maid came to your door, asking if you wanted her help this morning, but you politely declined. Today was going to be emotional and you wanted to get ready in privacy.
When you finished clasping your necklace, you glanced at Jacaerys and noticed he was struggling. He couldn’t get his hands to stop shaking, making it impossible to fasten his brooch right. He made a noise of frustration and you walked over to him. 
‘’Let me help.’’ you said softly, securing the brooch to his cloak and doublet, and smoothing his collar.
He thanked you with the smallest smile, grateful to have you in his life — especially in dark times. He couldn’t have found a better person to call his wife. 
‘’Have you gotten the clothes from Luke’s chamber?’’ you asked.  
Jacaerys let out a heavy breath. ‘’Y-yeah. They’re over there, on the bed.’’ 
It was his idea to take some of Lucerys’ clothes to burn with what was found of his body. It looked less disturbing than a single head in the middle of the funeral pyre.  
‘’I knew there would be deaths during the war — it’s inevitable —, but I didn’t think Luke would be the first to go. I should have taught him how to navigate a dragon during a storm…’’
You cupped his face between your hands, making him look at you. ‘’Don’t go there,’’ you said firmly, holding his teary eyes. ‘’What happened was not your fault, Jace.’’ 
Jacaerys closed his eyes, leaning into your touch. ‘’I know,’’ he whispered, his voice breaking. ‘’A part of me cannot help but feel some guilt. Luke was always scared of flying, of not being able to control his dragon. And now— now he’s dead.’’ 
You pressed your forehead against his, holding back your own tears. You tried to think of something to say, but no words would alleviate the pain. 
‘’I would rather die than lose another of my brothers.’’
House of the dragon taglist: @khaleesihavilliard@domoron @ididliquorice @lover-of-helios@lover-of-helios @shine101 @tanyaherondale @mikariell95 @serrendiipty @lantsovheiress @gilliananderfuckme @shine101 @tetgod @clayzayden@memeorydotcom @tnu-ree @futuregws @blackravena @winxschester @mysteriouslydelightfulchaos @xxlaynaxx @secretsthathauntus @pilarxxxaguayo @emmavan39 @stargaryenx @erylilly @bbblackmamba @rainedrop97 @dreamer087 @gothicgay14 @ashlatano7567 @superkittywonderland @justaproudslytherpuff @evesolstice @buckysmainhxe @padfootsvixen @scarletmeii @evesolstice @dkathl @kaywsworld @tetgod @padfootsvixen @domoron   @weird-addiction @angeliod @xjennyx2 @adaydreamaway08  @mymultiveres  @secretsthathauntus  @puffycreamcakes @thirsty4nonlivingmen @naty-1001 @katiepie67 @moshpot24x @hc-geralt-23 @lovelynerdytraveler @saturn-sas  @zgzgh @sssjuico10 @tabloidteen @timetoten @deekaag @wondxrgurl @aerangi @strmborns @astridyoo15 @daemonslittlebitch @queenbeestuffs @severewobblerlightdragon @agentstarkid @msliz @vane1999-blog @fairyfolkloresposts @todaywasafairytale07 @otomaniac @zgzgzh @thebeardedmoon @golden-library @kikyrizuki @hnslchw @camy85 @winxschester @armstrongscommentsection @withfireandbl00d @randomstory56 @JudgmentDays-Girl
All and more taglist:  @kenqki@hawkegfs@gillybear17@black-rose-29@fudge13 @cece05 @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade   @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3   @mikeyspinkcup @jackierose902109 @daisydark @laurasdrey @mischieftom @fanatic4niall @peterholland04 @idkwhattonamethisblogs  @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @zoeynicolas @thejuleshypothesis @multi-fandom-bi-bitch @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @thejuleshypothesis  @katherinejess  @rafesgirlstuff   @lafleshlumpeater @iamluminosity  @Anouknani-2305 @books0fever @papichulo120627 @qardasngan @ghostlyvoidydragon @M0rgans1nterlud3
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bloodbenderz · 6 months
there was a lot of mistakes made in the live action but the worst one without reservation was that the creators did not understand patriarchy and they did not understand women's liberation outside of an american context ( or any context if we're being honest )
it's easy to see on a surface level how that fucked up katara's whole character how she wasn't allowed to have her character defining moments how she wasn't allowed to be angry or even excited or impulsive but i think it doesn't really become clear how deeply wrong the show's conception of gender & patriarchy is (and the implications for the political landscape of the show) until you get into how they destroyed sokka's character too
sokka's whole Complex is born of patriarchy. i'm not trying to do men's rights advocacy here but in my experience when a people is under constant threat, constant assault, constant violence (much of which is gendered) and the traditional "protectors" or "providers" of that people are men, the masculine role becomes protecting women and children. i am not saying this is a good thing or a bad thing but it is true the narrative of violent resistance is overwhelmingly about men. to be a man in a time & place like this means fighting to protect your women, & to die for them is honorable. that is where sokka gets this idea that he has to be a warrior & he has to fight & if necessary die for katara & the rest of the tribe. it's about duty. everyone has a part to play, a role to fill
everyone including women! which is the other half of this. the duty of women is to keep up the home, to maintain a country worth fighting & dying for, to raise children so that the community can have a future. it becomes especially obvious in the context of the show when you see how the nwt lives & in specific how yue lives and dies.
many women participate in patriarchy. many colonized women participate in patriarchy. most of my family comes from or still lives in a country completely devastated by colonialism & its aftereffects & many women in my family believe wholeheartedly in the idea that everyone in the house has a role to play. it's not because these women are stupid or they hate themselves. but when you grow up believing that men & women are fundamentally different, and seeing that women are in specific danger because of their gender, it actually makes a lot of sense to expect the men in your family to protect you, and to raise your sons that way.
in practice that means that men aren't really expected to do anything around the house, especially when there's no actual danger. my aunt literally 2 days ago told me this lol like she doesn't make her sons do anything bc she wants to let their lives be easy before they have to go out into the world & take care of their wives & children.
what does women's liberation look like when an entire community is under threat? colonized women have been dealing with this question as long as colonialism has existed. the writers of this show don't even pretend to understand the question, much less to formulate a thoughtful response to it. they just say oh, well, katara, yue, & suki are all the exact same type of liberated girlboss for whom patriarchy is no significant obstacle.
which brings us back to sokka lol. sokka, at the beginning of the show, has completely subscribed to patriarchy, has integrated it into his sense of self. he has a lot of flaws, but he also has a lot of really good traits. his bravery, sense of honor, loyalty, work ethic, selflessness, all of this came from him striving to be a good man. he would die to protect katara, because she's his sister. he also has her wash his socks & mend his clothes, because she's his sister. even after he meets suki, humbles himself, & expands his view of the role a woman can play, he doesn't completely disengage from patriarchy. at the end of the day he believes in his soul that a good man's duty is to fight & if necessary die for his people, & that's exactly his plan. this is a very real psychic burden. pre-aang, it's also largely fictional & completely ridiculous. we're SUPPOSED to think it's ridiculous. he's spending his time training babies & working on his little watchtower. the swt hasn't been attacked since their mother was killed because it has been completely stripped of all value or danger it once held for the fire nation, & everybody knows this. there is very little "men's work" left, aside from hunting & fishing, which is so damaging to sokka's self image he resorts to toddler bootcamp to feel useful. the contradiction here is comical. it's also completely devastating. that's supposed to be the fucking POINTTTT like colonialism & patriarchy convinces this young boy he needs to be a soldier & die for his family. & you know what he does? He acts like a young boy about it. they didn't just leave this unexplored in the remake they completely changed the circumstances to 1. make sokka incompetent for some reason 2. make his "preparations" seem less ridiculous. Which ruins the whole character. Possibly the whole show.
all this makes the writing of katara & the other women infinitely more offensive to me. katara is a good character because she believes in revolution. she wants to liberate her people from imperialism, & she wants to liberate women from colonial gendered violence, traditional patriarchy in her own culture, & the complicated ways those things interact. it is LITERALLY the first thing you're supposed to learn about her. she's the PERFECT vehicle to address the question of women's liberation under colonialism. one of the things i was most looking forward to seeing in this show was how labor is distributed in a place where almost everything that needs to get done is "women's work" & how it affects katara & sokka's day to day relationship when their lives weren't at risk constantly. what actually are her responsibilities every day, & how do they compare to sokka's? how does her grandmother enforce these traditions with katara & sokka, & how is that informed by her own experiences in the nwt? what does patriarchy look like in a tribe made up of mostly women & children? it's so important to who katara is & what she believes! but why bother exploring any of that when u could instead make her a shein model who has nothing in common with the source material except her hairstyle lol.
yue is actually even worse to me bc yue is supposed to be sokka's counterpart. she's supposed to show you how destructive it is for women specifically to internalize this gendered duty so completely. it sucks for sokka, but he is a man & thus his prescribed role gives him some agency. yue's role affords her no agency whatsoever, & this is the POINT. to make her someone who's allowed to break things off with her fiance if she likes, who sneaks off to do what she wants when she's feeling stressed, whose will is respected as a monarch, like what is even the point of yue anymore? in the original the whole reason she was even allowed to spend time with sokka was because her father knew she was with a trustworthy boy. her story completely loses all significance when the dimension of patriarchy is removed from it. the crux of her whole story is that she is not just a princess but the literal & spiritual representation of the motherland. that's what women are supposed to represent during wartime, at the cost of their own sense of self. in order to fulfill her duty to her people she gives her life to them in every single way that matters.
it's just so unbelievably frustrating (and WRONG) that the only types of characters for these writers are "soulless misogynistic fuck" and "liberated american-style feminist." there's no nuance at all! they don't bother exploring how real love manifests in patriarchal communities, & how patriarchy defines the limits of that love. or how for so many of these people their idea of goodness, morality, & honor is gendered. or how imperialism affects not just individuals but entire cultures & their conceptions of gender. but why do any actual work when you could completely change sokka & katara's general demeanors, their entire personalities, & their roles in the tribe so you can dodge any & all nuance
Anyways. in conclusion. it was bad
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asuyaka · 10 months
This one is for you, baby!
★ - hellooo!!! original idea comes from sanjisboyfie <33 (user s so real but m more of a Zoro guy ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡ )
☆ - Basketball Player Gojo Satoru x Male Reader!
♡ - CW: homophobia but you and Satoru deal with it!
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If there's anything to know about Gojo Satoru, the top scorer of the 'Jujutsu' basketball team, is that he has a boyfriend.
And God does he love [Name] to the ends of infinity and back.
It was a scandal when the press first saw you two technically three since Satoru's best friend Suguru was there too together, doing the unthinkable.
Holding hands.
Articles and Magazines came out with headlines like "Player for the Kaisen Basketball team, Gojo Satoru is gay?!" or "Should kids be allowed to watch Gojo Satoru play?" came out. Every time during a game, there would always be someone who, without a doubt, asked if the rumors were true.
Their coach, Yaga Masamichi, advised Satoru to stay neutral on the situation until it blew over. But if there's one thing Gojo Satoru is not good at doing, it's following orders.
So, he brought you to a game one day. Bout you a court-side seat (even though it was expensive as hell), and made sure you were wearing his jersey.
He was playing against an almost equally talented team, the 'Cursed' with their star player, Itadori Sukuna (older brother to the friend of Satoru's son).
Thirty seconds before the last quarter ended, the score was tied, 104 to 104. Satoru had the ball, dribbling it down the court as time seemed to move faster.
He passed to Suguru, running down to the three-point line to make the last shot of the game.
Your heart was thumping violently against your chest, hands gripping the hem of Satoru's jersey as you watched the ball swish through the net as the end-game buzzer went off.
Cheers immediately erupted from the crowd as the ball bounced on the floor two final times, securing the Championship for Satoru's team.
What he does next surprises you. Satoru and Suguru don't do their usual handshake after winning a game—no— he makes a beeline towards you, using his wide arms to pick you up by your waist, and then he kisses you.
On National TV, in front of several people, with absolutely no shame.
Satoru smiles at you, it's full of teeth and nevertheless beautiful before putting you down.
That was when the public knew about how kind Gojo Satoru could be when he was not on the court and the only person who managed to pull that personality out of him.
Back to the present, you're sitting court-side again, way after the game was over, relaxing on your phone while Satoru and Suguru were looking to see who could make the most free-throws to decide who was paying for their victory food.
It was pointless, really, because they're both rich as shit so the competition was stupid, and Suguru was most likely going to win since free-throws were how he scored points 96.99% of the time.
Your throat feels a bit parched from all the cheering you were doing, so you get up with a yawn, stretching your body and rubbing your eyes slightly. "I'm gonna go get something to drink, maybe use the bathroom too."
Satoru turns to look at you with a smile. "Use my card and be back quick! Watch me dunk on Suguru's head!"
A ball slams against the back of his hair, a loud laugh erupting from behind him. "You can't score on me, your defense is ass."
Satoru grabs the ball with new-found malice in his eyes. "One-on-one, right now. Loser has to post whatever the other says on their Twitter account."
Suguru smirks. "Bet."
You roll your eyes at their antics as you put on Satoru's jacket. Satoru is tall, much bigger than you so the sleeves fall right past your arms. It looks like a dress on you, but that's how most of Satoru's clothes look, you've gotten used to it.
You use the bathroom, rolling Satoru's sleeves up as you start to wash your hands. The door opens, and a man walks in.
It's a bathroom, people are obviously going to enter inside so you pay it no mind. It starts to raise a few flags in your head when the man stays there, too close for comfort as his shoulder brushes against yours.
"You're dating that gay dude, right?"
The question takes you by surprise. You slowly go back to drying your hands, looking at the man through the mirror with a blank look on your face. "Excuse me?"
The man scoffs. "Don't play stupid. Gojo? You're the gaybo that's dating him, right?"
Now, you aren't a rude person. You don't believe in violence and while you'll stand up for yourself when needed, you aren't one to sit down and let yourself get disrespected. "Yes, I'm dating Satoru. Is that a problem?"
The man's face contorts in obvious disgust before turning into something malicious. "Fuckin' thought so. Now that your little boyfriend isn't here, me and you can talk, right?"
You unroll Satoru's sleeves and pull up the zipper. "I'm not interested, thank you though." You respond in a passive-aggressive tone, moving towards the door before a hand pushes you back.
"I said, we're going to talk, right?"
Your face hardens and you cross your arms. "And I said, I'm not interested. Now if you excuse me, I have a boyfriend that's waiting for me on the court."
The man stands before the door, using his frame to block the exit. Instantly dropping the 'nice guy' act, he stares at you like you're dirt underneath his shoe. "I never understood why people are gay. You seriously like taking it up the ass?"
That's where this was going.
You rub your temples as a long sigh leaves your lips. "Okay, great, can I leave now?"
"Can't you understand what I'm saying?!" The man raises his voice. "You're supposed to like—"
"Listen man," You interrupt with a bored expression. "I really don't care what you think of my relationship. I love Satoru, Satoru loves me, we're happy. Now, if you don't have anything else you want to tell me, I'll be leaving now."
As soon as you reach for the door knob, it slams open, colliding the man (and your hand) with the wall.
You wince harshly as you wave it around, profusely blowing on it as if it'd relieve the pain. Satoru's expression turns from confused to concerned very easily.
"Baby? Oh shit, I'm sorry..." He shushes you softly, bringing your hand to the sink to run some cold water over it.
"I won, by the way, Suguru sucks at basketball." Satoru mutters softly, like he's trying to distract you from the throbbing pain in your hand.
You nod gently as the pain slowly subsides. It isn't all the way gone, but it's bearable enough for you not to feel it as much. Satoru notices easily, bringing your hand up to place a kiss on it. "Feelin' better?"
"Yeah... thanks Satoru."
He smiles—it's the smile he only uses with you, it makes your heart giddy— placing a kiss on your forehead as he takes your other (unbruised) hand, leading you outside the bathroom.
Suguru is waiting, plainly dressed in a black turtleneck and black cargo pants, tearing his eyes away from his phone when he notices the two of you.
Satoru takes his bags and your bag, briefly leaving his hand from yours as he slings them over his shoulder. He's quick to reconnect them, putting his signature glasses on his face. "Ready, Suguru?"
Suguru flips him off, stuffing his phone in his pocket and fishing out his car keys. "You two make me homophobic."
"T'aww," Satoru teases, using his elbow to nudge it into Suguru's bicep. "Suguru jealous that he's single? That he won't have the privilege of dating the beautiful, handsome, pretty, attractive, alluring, eye-catching—"
"Oh my God, shut up!"
You laugh softly, thanking Satoru as he opens the door for you, closing it when you're secured inside and quickly going to the seat beside you.
The pain is your hand becomes an after thought as Suguru and Satoru keep bickering over the tiniest things, like the car mist Suguru uses, to how cold it is, and Suguru's lack of a significant other.
You sigh. Why would you pay attention to the pain in your hand when you have your boyfriend to look at?
He's a beautiful man after all, a man that you love from infinity and beyond.
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Stars in the sky ☆
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buggwrites · 1 year
Please don't leave.
Brahms Heelshire x afab!reader
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There will be adult topics and smut, so 18+ ONLY please
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You find that ever since you had been working for the Heelshires in babysitting their "son", there has been a secret admirer of yours watching from the walls. A very... Special... Someone. You begin to come to terms with it after a bit, and even start to feel sympathy for the silly wall man, warming up to him over a very quick greeting while trying to go on a grocery run.
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Your pov:
I woke up in my usual bed of the large Heelshire manor, groggy like always. My eyes flickered open as I glance over at the blaring alarm clock, moving my fingers to push the "off" button of the small device. I sit up on the plush bed, stretching out my muscles. I stare off into space for a moment, still trying to wake up. I let out a grunt before flipping the covers off of me. I knew the schedule. Get up, get dressed, wake Brahms up, and so on. I stumble sleepily over to my small dresser, yoinking out some clothing for myself. I cradle the clothing in one of my arms, shutting the drawers one by one with my empty hand.
I throw my clothing onto the ground, beginning to undress myself. I get the eerie feeling I'm being watched, but I brush it off as my imagination playing with me. I've felt that same feeling of being watched since a few weeks ago, when I got here to take care of a doll named Brahms. Sure, it was an odd job, but considering what I'm being paid it wasn't that big of a deal. Once finished slipping the cloth off my body, I nab at the new clothes piled up by my feet, redressing myself. I take my old clothing, walking over to the hamper and throwing it inside then making my way out of the room and towards the doll's.
Once I arrive at the room that looked like the one of a child's, I walk over to the bed placed against one of the walls, picking up the doll in my hands, grinning a bit. "Good morning Brahms !" I chirp, looking into the glass eyes of the doll as they stare right back into mine. I place the doll back on the bed only for a moment to grab his new clothes, taking off his old ones and redressing him gingerly. Once done, I place his old clothes in his small hamper to wash later, picking up Brahms to go make him breakfast.
Once we get to the kitchen, I place him in his respective chair, grabbing some eggs and bacon from the fridge, placing them by the stove before I slide some bread into the toaster. I hum as I get to cooking, eggs and bacon sizzling on the pan. I flip the eggs flawlessly, then do the same to the bacon except with a spatula this time. I finish cooking, the toast popping up at the same time I finish up my task, and I hold the pan up, sliding the eggs and bacon onto a plate, rushing to the sink to wash off the pan, the metal sizzling under the cold water I pour over it.
I walk back over to the food I just made, pulling the newly made toast out of the toaster, spreading some butter on it and placing it on a seperate plate. I place the plate with eggs and bacon in front of Brahms, smiling at him happily before sitting in a chair close to his, placing the toast in front of me. I pick up a piece of toast, bringing it up to my mouth, closing my eyes softly as I hum quietly to myself. I finish quickly, excusing myself from the table. "I'm gonna be right back, okay Brahmsy ?" I smile gingerly at the doll before taking my plate, washing it in the sink and walking off to the bathroom to give Brahms some time alone.
I walk to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I reach for my hairbrush, combing it through my hair as I stare into the mirror, ridding my head of tangles and knots. Once I finish, I grab my toothbrush and toothpaste, squishing some of the fluoride mixture onto the bristles and placing the brush under rushing water for a moment before beginning to brush my teeth. Once I finish, I spit out the toothpaste into the sink, washing out my mouth with the same rushing tap-water. I spit the rest of the water out into the sink, turning off the water and placing my toothbrush back in its holder, tostling around with my hair and smiling at my reflection.
I walk back out of the bathroom, and just as he usually does, he ate all his food while I was out of the room. I smile warmly as I pat the small doll's head. "Good boy, Brahms !!" I praise him softly, my eyes tender and loving. I pick up the plates placed in front of the doll, taking them over to the sink and washing it off before walking back over to Brahms. I take him kindly into my arms, sauntering over to the study room, placing him upright in his chair as I sit in the one opposite of him after grabbing a book off of the shelves, flipping open the pages to where we're last time.
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Time Skip
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It was now lunch, and I was getting Brahms ready to eat once more, putting him back into his chair to wait for me to make him something quick to eat. I check the fridge, groaning a bit as I realize that we were out of fruit. Malcom wasn't supposed to get here until Wednesday, and I needed to give Brahms his lunch. I knew we were almost out of bread as well, so I look at Brahms with an awkward grin. "Brahms, we're out of fruit and bread. I have to go shopping, okay ? I'll be back in less than 2 hours, I promise. Be a good boy and wait for me, okay ?" I hear a slight rumble from inside the wall, cocking my head at it for only a moment before shrugging it off as the house settling. I begin making my way to the door after I grab my bag, but I'm stopped by two large arms wrapping around my waist and holding me tight.
"Don't leave Brahms..." I hear a quiet voice whisper, meek and trembling. I let out a shaky breath, whipping my body around to look at who had grabbed me. I stare at a very tall masked man wearing a green cardigan and an off white tanktop with suspenders holding up deep brown pants that crumpled up around his old shoes. He stared down at me needily, his large hand still attached to my arm, his dark brown curls disheveled and messy. Then his eyes, the only part of his face that wasn't covered by his doll mask which was the most concerning piece of his outfit. His eyes glistened in the light, and he continued to stare into my eyes with his true green ones.
"Wh-Who are you...?" I whimper, gazing into his gorgeous eyes, his staring right back into mine. "Brahms," he cooed in a childlike voice. I could plainly tell it wasn't his real one, but he might be using this child one to cope with something. I swallow. Hard. I didn't know how to get out of here without the chance of being hurt, seeing how quick and muscular he had looked and acted. How long had he been spying on me for ? What had he seen me do. So many questions rang through my mind, but it was all silenced by the main question;
"Brahms, have you been watching me ?" I ask quietly, his grip on my arm becoming harder. He only silently nods, staring down at the ground for a moment. Then I realize... "Are you the little boy that the doll replaced ?" I look at him gingerly, tilting my head to the side. He nods once more, bringing his eyes to look up at me this time, and I could see the look of hurt ridden in his eyes. I let out a hum in response, looking down at the ground to process this all. "How long has it been since you've been out here and able to take care of yourself? like cooking and bathing ?" My voice is still in a coo, speaking softly and clearly to him. He shook his head this time, staring down once more. "Don't remember..." I could tell he was honest with his words, and I nod slightly.
I bite my lip for a moment to think, pasuing in my thought before speaking once again. "How about we take a bath first, hmm ?" I smile at him warmly, and he nods softly, his pretty eyes gazing back into mine. I take his hand off my arm, instead holding it in mine. I could tell he hadn't been touched like this in a long time and it was much needed. I let out a faint sigh, my smile still warm and kind. I walk to a nearby closet which thankfully had a few clean towels piled up. I took 2 just in case before I lead him to the bathroom, putting him in the room before remembering he'd need new clothes, letting go of his hand and about to go out of the room. Before I can make my escape out into the rest of the house, my hand is almost yanked back as he looks at me tentatively. "Are you leaving me ?" He speaks lowly, in his real voice this time. I turn to look at him once more. "I'm just gonna find some clothes for you, Brahms. can you wait here for me ? I'm not leaving,"
He doesn't seem convinced. His grip only tightens around my fragile wrist, and I slightly try to wiggle free. "Don't leave Brahms... Get clothes after..." His child-like voice comes back, his English accent prevalent as he speaks softly. I grunt before turning my body around, letting out a sigh. "Alright then, after. Now can you get undressed for me, Brahms ?" I speak lowly and softly, careful with my words.
"No," he retaliates. I give him a confused glance. "Do it for Brahms..." He speaks once more, and I'm fully taken aback, my face flushing red at the thought of undressing this man-child. I clear my throat, staring into his eyes. "Please Brahms. Be a good boy and do it yourself, hmm ?" I beg, hoping he'd do as I asked with a soft smile across my face. But of course he does the exact opposite. "No. Brahms is already a good boy. Do it for Brahms. Please...?" His final plea at the end makes me bite my bottom lip and think for a moment. I sigh reluctantly, reaching my hands out to him.
I tug off his green cardigan, it falling off his arms and to the floor. I gawked at how big his muscles were. How did this dude work out to get this big ?? I pushed my thoughts to the back of my mind as I push the suspenders off his shoulders, fidgeting with his shirt a bit, hesitant and red-faced. I look at Brahms; "Are you sure you can't do this alone, Brahms ?" I speak softly and slowly for him and responds quickly after, nodding his head as he spoke. "Yes. Do it for Brahms..." His eyes were fixated on mine, and I only let put a huff in response.
"Arms up, then," I talk once more, still soft and caring with my tone. He lifts his arms straight up for me. He was being really obedient. It was nice, seeing how well this worked for me. Maybe taking care of the real Brahms would make this stay more exiting and easy. I hesitate for a moment, my fingers fidget with the hem of his shirt. I gather up my courage, then lifting his shirt over him as best I could. He had to bend over just a bit for me to get it the rest of the way off, and I blushed slightly at the gesture.
Once I got the tanktop off, I throw it to the side on the ground. I look down at his pants, knowing my body physically wouldn't let me take them off. I plead Brahms, but he doesn't budge. "If you don't, then you won't get a goodnight kiss, Brahms, " I speak quietly, and he perks up at the punishment I promise him. He pouts, whining a bit. But it seems that the thought of no goodnight kiss was enough to push him over, and he slips his pants and boxers down, kicking them and his shoes off. I try not to look down, but failing as I grab a single glance. My mouth drops open before clearing my throat and bringing my eyes to look back up into his.
"Are we leaving the mask on, Brahms ?" He nods quickly, and I hum in response. "Alright then. Bath or shower ?" I cock my head at him, and he thinks for a moment, I could see the thought process running in his head. I just stare at his distracted eyes. "Shower. With Brahms," My jaw drops farther than it did before. A shower. With a man I just met. My face flushes a deep red, and I get lost in thought for a moment before clearing my throat. "Are you sure you wouldn't prefer a bubble bath ?" The offer seems tempting to him as he thinks once more before talking again.
"No. Shower with Brahms," he repeats, just staring into my eyes tentatively. I nod, staring at the ground for just a moment. "Are you sure you're sure ?" He nods in response to my question, and I let out a long sigh, fidgeting with my fingers. "You need to have your clothes off to shower with Brahms..." I perk up at his claim, my face getting even redder if that's possible. He suddenly reaches his hands out to me, tugging at my shirt, trying to pull it up. I yip at the sudden action, pulling away from his grabby hands. This man clearly didn't know what manners were, considering how long he's probably been cooped up in this house with no outside contact.
I realize there was no getting out of here alive if I didn't do as asked. I slowly and hesitantly slipped my shirt and pants off, putting them to the side, leaving me in just a bra and underwear. His eyes weren't as polite as mine, wandering over my body, careful to look at every inch of me. "Those too. They're in the way," Brahms states, pointing at my undergarments. I blush at the thought of being completely naked in front of some dude I just met.
"Brahms, are you sure you can't just shower alone ?" I ask, silently hoping he'd say he could be independent. But he doesn't. "No. You're supposed to shower with Brahms," I sigh reluctantly, wrapping my hands towards the back of my body, unclipping my bra and letting it fall to the floor. I tug my underwear down my legs now, kicking it off my feet. As I stand back up, Brahms's eyes are wide and wandering over me silently, and he reaches out a hand to touch my body. But before he could touch me, I grab his wrist, pushing him away.
"No touching, Brahms," I speak clearly and sternly, and he whines at me. "And no whining. Get into the shower, Brahms," I guide him into the shower, standing by his side. I close the curtain around us, then turn on the water, letting it flow down on the both of us. I grab the shampoo, squirting some in my hand before placing the bottle down again. I motion for Brahms to move his head down, and he does as I order.
I scrub the soapy mixture into his hair, making sure none gets past his mask. He grumbles softly as I scratch his scalp, closing his eyes softly. I smile gingerly before grabbing the moveable shower head, using it to get rid of the soap from his hair, putting a hand by his hairline to make sure no soapy water rushes down his face. Once I'm finished getting the shampoo out, I put the shower head back in its holder, grabbing the conditioner and putting some in my hand.
I scrub the mixture into his hair again, humming quietly to myself. His hair was naturally very soft, and his kind gaze made me smile slightly. Suddenly, as I'm about to wash out the conditioner from his hair, I feel a set of hands place themselves on my hips. I look into Brahms's eyes, my own slightly wide.
"What are you doing ?" I ask sternly, my eyes peering into his. He whines, his green eyes staring back into mine. They were very pretty, his eyes. I could get lost in them. But I didn't. I take his hands off my hips, instead grabbing the shower head again, rinsing the mixture out of his hair again. "Now, do you think you could wash your body for me ?" He shook his head vigorously, grunting softly. I sigh, grabbing a nearby loofah in my hands as well as a bottle of body soap.
I poured the soap into the small collection of ribbony fabric, beginning to scrub the soap around his body. I hesitate at a few places, moving onto something else before finishing washing him. I grab the shower head one last time, rinsing off his body and making sure to get the soap off him. I sigh, putting the shower head back in its place, turning off the water soon after. I open up the shower curtain, reaching for one of the towels I got, bringing it over to Brahms. I slowly scrunch his hair in the soft fabric of the towel, humming softly before bringing the towel down to his body, getting rid of the water.
Once he was almost completely dry, I put the towel on the floor, picking up the other towel and using it to dry myself off. Once I finish drying off my own body, I wrap the towel around myself, picking up the old clothing in my arms. I am about to leave the room when my hand is grabbed. "Are you leaving me ?" Brahms asked, staring at me, a twinge of fear ridden in his eyes at the thought of me just leaving him. I knew I couldn't leave him, especially not now. I shake my head, a kind smile sprawled across my face.
"No, Brahms. I'm just grabbing you some new clothes to wear until these old ones are washed, okay ? I pinky promise I'm not leaving you," he sighed at my answer, his head hanging low as he pulls his hand away from my wrist, nodding a little. "Okay..." I was proud he was putting his trust in me, and I smiled kindly at him. "Thank you Brahms. You're such a good boy for me right now," He perks up at my praise, his eyes sparkling a bit.
I walk out of the bathroom, closing the door behind me as I leave. I head off to the washing room, throwing both towels and our old clothes into the machine, pouring soap in and turning it on. I walk back to my room, opening the door and looking for clothes for myself. I slip on a cute outfit, grinning softly as I glance at myself in the mirror. I then remember exactly why I was in here; for Brahms's new clothes. I grunt, realizing he probably didn't have another outfit and I would have to improvise. I reach into one of my drawers, pulling out a very oversized longsleeve shirt I like to wear to bed, at least a 5XL in mens, a pair of large sweatpants, and socks. I then also remembered I had no change of underwear for him, and I frowned, sighing a bit.
I stare off into space for a moment before collecting myself and bringing myself back to the bathroom. I knock on the door before opening it, looking at the man who had patiently waited for me. "Hey, I got you some new clothes. I didn't know where you kept your clothes, so you can borrow mine until we get you some new ones," he seemed happy at that information, grunting a bit. "Do you want me to get you dressed as well ?" I ask quietly, and he nodded at my question, softly and silently. I put the new clothes on the counter, grabbing them one by one, slipping them on him gently so that I didn't hurt him in any way. They fit him well, except the shirt was bigger on him than I expected. The sleeves fell just past his fingers and the base of the fabric went past his torso, the fabric hanging loosely past his hips. The sweats fit baggily along his legs. He pushed his socked feet into his shoes last, the one part of his outfit he did alone.
Once he was done, he stood back up, looming over me as he stared down at me. I grinned at him, then remembered he probably hadn't eaten in a bit. I take his hand softly in mine, leading him out of the bathroom, his old sneakers squeaking against the hardwood of the Heelshire manor. I brought him to the kitchen, moving the doll that resembled him out of the way and motioned for him to sit down.
He did as I gestured, slumping down into the seat that seemed tiny compared to him. I sighed, content with how well he was behaving. "Good boy, Brahms. What do you want for lunch ?" I speak softly to him, and he puts his sleeved hand in mine, holding it kindly his, staring at our connected hands. He thought for about a minute before speaking again. "You," he answers simply, his gaze still lingering at our connected hands. I blush at the request, not knowing exactly what he meant, so I decided to ask; "Brahms, what do you mean ?"
"I mean you," he was very clear with his tone as he got up on his feet swiftly, looming over me once more. He knew what he meant, and what he wanted from me. I swallow hard on some air caught in my throat. Before I could even reply, he grabbed my wrist, starting to lead me down the hallway and to one of the rooms, almost dragging me at this point. This was all moving so fast. But somehow, I couldn't find myself complaining in the slightest. He pulled me to my room, throwing me on the bed as he got on top of me, pinning me to the mattress. I knew I couldn't escape now, so there wasn't any point in trying. I just lie there in the middle of the mattress, Brahms staring down at me hungrily, his breathing heavy.
His eyes fixed on mine, his face slowly leans into my own. My hands tremble, just as my legs do. I stare right into his eyes, his peering in mine. We were like this for a good 30 seconds, just in eachothers personal space and staring at each other. A stern "Mine," is all he spoke before pushing the porcelan lips of his mask into my face, colliding our lips together. I let out a yip at the sudden coldness on my lips, but didn't pull away. No, I couldn't, even if I wanted to. Which I did. I just kiss back softly, letting out a small groan as I close my eyes and push my lips farther into his. One of his hands is pulled off the bed, it now being placed on my side. His large hand trails up my body, gaining a whimper out of me as he continues to kiss me with raw passion. As his hand goes up my body, it pulls up my shirt, the fabric rolling up along my belly.
I plant my hands on Brahms's broud chest to push the large man off of me, staring into his pure green eyes as he gives me a confused gaze. "Brahms, what do you think you are you doing ?" I question, pursing my lips into a line. He doesn't respond, only giving a small grunt as an answer. His hand only continues its arrival at my chest, whining as he realizes I have a bra on. He tugs at the fabric, clearly wanting it off. I let out a sigh, staring into his eyes. "Brahms, you're being naughty. We can't be doing this," I state, and his eyes widen at being called out for his pushy behavior.
"Brahms is not !" He pushes in his childish voice, grumbling softly in a bratty way. "Brahms wants you..." He whispers, his eyes trained on mine. He tries to lean into me once more, but my hands keep him pressed away. "No, Brahms," he tugged at my bra once more, whimpering softly. My words fell to deaf ears as he thinks for a moment, I could see the thought process going through his head before he speaks again. "If I make you feel good, you won't leave..." He speaks so quietly and softly to me, just staring into my eyes. I didn't know what he meant by what he said, but before I could say anything, he pulls the hand that was toying with my bra away to grab one of my hands and guiding it up to put my hand onto my eyes, closing and covering them.
"Don't look... Please..." He leaves my hand on my face, and I hear the sound of elastic snapping back into place. Did he just... take off his mask ? "Promise Brahms you won't look," he spoke once more, waiting patiently for me to reply. "I promise," I whisper, swearing a promise to him. I hear him grunt, and I'm now completely blind to whatever he may do. I don't know where he is, not until I feel a pair of lips connect with the skin of my neck. I let out a shaky breath, shuddering at the sudden touch. My neck was one of my weak spots, so this caught me off guard.
He leaves sloppy kisses along my neck, and I let out small groans and whimpers. I let out a stifled breath followed by a moan as he leaves a small bite on my skin. I knew it would leave a mark later, but frankly I didn't care. My hand that wasn't covering my eyes went up to Brahms's curly, dark hair, tostling it around with my fingers. It was quite soft now that it was dry, letting out a slight hum of satisfaction as I comb my fingers through his hair some more. He lets out a small groan, leaving one final kiss on my neck before pulling away. I let out a soft whimper, already missing his touch, yet I keep my eyes shut tight as I promised.
I shudder as I feel a kiss being left on my stomach, letting out a soft grunt. "Brahms..." I mutter breathlessly, my hand still in his hair. He leaves another kiss on my tummy. Then another. Then another. Then he keeps trailing his lips farther down until hes at the hem of my pants. He doesn't even hesitate, slipping his fingers past my underwear and pulling both my pants and underwear down at the same time. He tugs them off my feet and throws them aside, leaving my lower half bare.
He spreads my legs right apart, I couldn't see his hungry stare. His hand glides down my thigh, his thumb brushing over my slit, gaining a soft moan from my other end. Without warning, he presses his mouth against me, his tongue meeting my clit in a passionate dance. I groan, long and hard. I grip at his hair while his tongue works its magic, licking and sucking on my clit. He seems to know what he's doing, even though he's probably not even done this before. Though I wasn't complaining. His tongue occasionally brushes past my slit, gaining another groan from my end. I tug his hair, pushing his face even more into me, grabbing a soft moan from him.
My legs quiver with glee, my hips bucking into his face. My body twitches, hot breaths pouring out of my mouth as I mumble soft praises for Brahms. I can already feel myself growing close, my eyes locked shut as my other hand lifts up to grapple my own hair. I let out a muffled groan, my teeth gritted as my back arches.
I'm so close, his tongue only moving faster as he senses how high I was. I let out a few more shaky breaths, each one's pitch getting higher before I let out one final, long moan, hitting my orgasm. My hips buck and my legs clamp around Brahms's head, my hand grips his hair. I cum for a little over 5 seconds, letting out gutteral, staggered moans. Brahms quickly laps up all the cum from my crotch, letting out soft grunts. I finally calm down from my climax, huffing heavily, a big grin sprawled across my face as my back falls against the mattress once more. I'm about to open my eyes when I remember my promise. My legs fall to the side, softening my grip on Brahms's hair. My other hand flops down to the bed, just feeling Brahms still soft, slow licks on my womanhood. I feel him pull away, his thumb brushing my slick.
"Was Brahms a good boy ?" He asks after a small moment, pressing his thumb to my clit, pulling a quiet moan out of me. My eyes stay shut for him, but I respond softly, a big grin on my face. "Yes. A very good boy, indeed," I whisper out to him, my fingers comb through his hair ever so softly. I feel him leave a kiss on my clit, sending a shiver up my spine before he crawls back on top of me, the bed sinking under his weight. I feel his hands leave the bed for a moment, then the sound of elastic slapping again.
"You can look now..." He mutters, and I do as he said, opening my eyes softly to be met with the same mask and true green saucers for eyes. My hands slink up his neck, brushing over and toying with his hair as I stare deeply and intently into his eyes. I just hold him close, close to my body and soul. he presses the lips of the mask into mine once more, and I let out a needy sigh into his porcelan lips. This was all I needed from then on. Just him and his closeness. I was content, and never wanted this moment to end. But of course, this wasn't the end of the night, but I was completely oblivious to the fact. I just kissed the big himbo on top of me, and I was happy with that.
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I really hope you all enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it. I spent like, I dunno, 3 days on it ? So I hope I did well on this 😁 Alright !! See yall later 🔥🔥🔥
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lovelybucky1 · 11 months
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Kinktober Day 19- Breeding Kink
au created in part by @fuckmyskywalker 🫶
warnings: trailer trash!anakin, dub con, mentions of housewife kink, mentions of breeding kind, dry humping, no smut, this is bad tbh im sorry, 18+ minors dni
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You never minded doing your neighbor Anakin favors. He is a single dad with three adult children and a grandchild, despite his young age. You don't know many people who become grandparents in their 40s, but Anakin's son had gotten a girl pregnant and she left him to take care of the baby.
Anakin's son isn't the best parent. He's still a kid himself but he's been working long hours to make enough money to support his child. During the day when he's at work, you come over to take care of the baby.
They don't pay you much but the baby, Eddie, is the sweetest little boy in the entire world. You work nights at the diner, so spending time at Anakin's trailer during the day is no issue at all, especially when you're so close to your own home.
Anakin's hours at the mechanic's shop change all the time. Sometimes he goes in before sunrise and gets home at 3 pm, and other times he hasn't woken up for the day by the time you get there to watch Eddie.
Today is one of the days he got home early. You were folding laundry on the couch when he walked in, sweaty and grimy from the day. He froze in the doorway when he saw you.
"Hi, Mr. Skywalker," you greet with a smile.
"You don't have to call me that," he chuckles as he kicks off his boots by the door. "How's the baby been?"
"Oh, just perfect," you smile. "He's down for a nap right now."
Anakin nods as he walks over to the kitchen sink to wash his hands. He watches you continue to fold the laundry and he thinks to himself that you would make a good housewife. You're responsible, pretty, and young enough to handle young kids.
Anakin drys his hands on the towel on the counter, then walks over to where you sit on the couch. You look up at him but you find it hard to maintain eye contact when he's looking at you so intensely. You've always been a bit intimidated by Anakin, but you know it's all in your head. He's a nice guy and you're just a girl with a stupid crush.
"Need any help?" he asks.
"No, it's okay," you smile.
"Are you sure?" he insists.
You look down at the full laundry basket of folded clothes. "Well, you could bring that to the bedroom for me if you want," you say.
With a charming smile, Anakin bends down to pick up the basket and starts off down the hall before turning around, waiting for you to follow him.
Anakin places the basket on the bed and stands back as you begin to place the clothes in his drawers. When you bend down to put some paired socks in the bottom drawer, Anakin looks shamelessly at your ass.
Putting on the charm and playing the nice guy has never been hard for Anakin. What's difficult is keeping his true nature hidden when no one is watching.
He sees how you look at him. You wouldn't babysit Eddie everyday for basically free if something wasn't in it for you. Anakin comes home early from work some days just so he can see your face light up when he walks through the door. You're so cute and innocent; such a sweet girl who has no idea what she's getting herself into.
Licking his lips, Anakin decides he doesn't want to hold off any longer. He steps towards you to place his hands on your hips and he pulls you back against him.
"Anakin!" you gasp, making him chuckle.
"Shh, you'll wake the baby," he says into her ear. "It's alright."
"W-what are you doing?"
The tip of his nose brushes against your ear and you shiver in his arms. "I'm doin' exactly what you want me to do, dollface."
"You do all the house work, take care of my baby, greet me when I come home from work. You're pretty much my little housewife already. Why don't we make it official, huh?"
"I don't know what you mean," you say breathlessly.
Anakin's laugh rumbles through his chest. "I'm gonna make you mine, sweetheart. Might even give you a baby of your own."
Anakin's erection pokes your ass and you can't resist from pressing back against it. You have no idea where this is all coming from, but you have been dreaming of this. Anakin coming in and bending you over to claim you for his own, though you never thought it would actually happen.
"You wanna be pregnant with my kid, baby? You'd make such a good mommy. Don't you wanna make me a daddy again?"
Your stomach burns with desire but you know it's wrong. You had no idea he even had interest in you but now he's talking about getting you pregnant? You're brought out of your thoughts by the sound of Eddie crying in the next room. Saved by the bell.
You try to break away from Anakin's hold but he grips your hips tightly.
"But Eddie-"
"Let him cry. This is more important."
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pleasantglitterflower · 2 months
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The knife was dropped on the wooden board with force, she sighed tiredly, squeezed her eyes tightly, wondering if that was really real, but the crying on the second floor and the baby monitor confirmed it.
Amanda washed her hands, leaving the unfinished dinner in the kitchen and hurriedly went upstairs with her strategic spare bottle.
Only then did she realize that she might have hurt her fingers with the knife, she quickly looked at her hand and saw that there was no blood, so he was probably fine.She arrived at her youngest son's room with his little brother.
-Peter, come see what the fuss is about, you're being a good big brother. She smiled at the boy who hurried to find a toy for his little brother to try to calm down.
-Mommy, why is this boy crying so much?It was the firstborn's turn to appear, as always, complaining.
-I don't know, honey, but since you're already 9 years old, how about helping Mommy and doing some research on Google? She suggests, picking up the baby and trying to make him stop.
-He's annoying. - The boy walks away, returning to his room.
-Okay, Gunner, your brother loves you too. - She sighs, trying to make the youngest one take the bottle at once.
-Mommy, why does he always drink milk with that powder? - Gunner takes the opportunity to ask, and only then does Amanda realize that she needs to shake the bottle more since all the powder has settled at the bottom.
-Your brother is sick, and the more he drinks this, the better he gets - she tries to explain.
Dealing with everyone's curiosity has been difficult, she doesn't know how to say it.
-Ash, honey, can you get your brother's blanket for me? I think he's cold. - Amanda calls to the girl, who appeared at the bedroom door with a doll and some of her jewelry hanging from her neck and ears.
-You look so pretty, my love.- Amanda is surprised by the girl's face smeared with mascara and her expensive lipstick.
-If he were a girl, I would get him, but he's a boy, boys are silly. - She leaves, stomping her foot.
Amanda sighs. The only time everyone decides to be disobedient is when she's holding him in her arms. The older ones are jealous of the younger one, and rightly so. For over a year, they haven't talked about anything else except what Ben is feeling, what Ben needs, if Ben went to the doctor, how Ben woke up. Ever since the complications started, even before he was born, the children started to rebel.
Gunner stays quiet in his room, plays the little his father allows him, studies and is responsible for teasing everyone. On rare occasions, he manages to hug his parents and siblings and live normally. Ashley, at 7 years old, is leaving her princess phase and entering what she calls her diva era. Now the girl alternates between ripping her dolls' clothes and going to her mother's closet to try to grab something within her reach, which rarely happens, leaving only the makeup on the sink, which Amanda still doesn't know how to get to. Peter always appears when the subject is his younger brother. Amanda thought he felt some special closeness, since he was barely three years old. That is until she discovered that he was just desperately trying to shut up his younger brother, so he could go back to the comics that he doesn't understand at all. He just laughs at the pictures and then throws them away. -Gunner, can you get your brother's blanket for me? - Amanda goes to the door to make it easier for him to hear her, without taking Ben's bottle away. She knows what's going to happen.
-I can't, I'm watching a live stream - The boy shouts, irritating Amanda.
-Of course, because the live stream is more important than helping your mother cover your cold brother - She snorts tiredly.
-That's right -The boy retorts.
Ben ended up spitting out the milk, making her quickly pull the bottle away and do some juggling to make sure he didn't choke or drop the bottle.
Only then did she realize something: his skin, despite the goosebumps, was hot, which could only mean one thing: another fever.
After the chaos of the afternoon, Joe came home from training at night, when everything was under control, Peter was calmly watching TV, Ash had taken a shower and had his hair properly combed, Gunner was in a good mood, since he found a candy in the fridge, and not forgetting Ben who, after a call with the pediatrician, managed to control Amanda's fever without needing medication.
-How did they behave today, General? -Joe salutes Amanda.
-Gunner was the worst, I think you need to have a little talk with him, Ash continues to act like daddy’s little princess and Peter, thank God, I only hear his laughter when he’s watching comics or TV. - She explains, finishing collecting the children’s plates, while Gunner helps to tidy everything up.
Joe signals for her to come closer, stealing a kiss and earning a grimace from her.
-How’s Ben? He asks quietly, already aware of the commotion that occurs when someone asks about the boy.
-He has a little fever. She also speaks quietly, glancing back. Gunner is distracted, putting everything in the dishwasher.
-I’m going to take a shower and see how he’s doing. - Joe approaches to try to hug her, but Amanda is quick to pull away.
He just scratched the back of his neck, not knowing what to do. It's not the first time she's run away from him or acted harshly. He knows that everything has been difficult, but he doesn't know how to help solve everything, whether it's the children's mood, Ben's health or their marriage.
The truth is that Amanda has always been rational and practical, unlike Joe, who was too sentimental and romantic. The last time he saw his wife guided by passion and emotion was when he proposed to her and it didn't take long for them to get married.
Ben sleeps like an angel in his crib. Joe took the opportunity to gently caress his little hand.
Eating in silence has become a routine. Amanda insists that the children eat early so they can go to bed early, which gives Joe little time with them. He only spends his free time when he tries to do something with everyone. Most nights are like this, with him at an empty table, Amanda on the phone eating a salad.
-How long are you going to follow this crazy diet? He starts a conversation.
-It's healthy, I'll follow it until the nutritionist changes it. -She answers without looking at him.
-I said I just wanted to get your body back, you're already much thinner than before...Joe is cut off.
-That's your opinion.She ends the subject.
Joe simply doesn't see any way to talk to her.
-I only care if you're healthy.
-She's trained to tell me to eat things that will make me healthy, so yes. - Joe decides to change the subject.
-Did you see that the new season of Ru Paul is coming out?
-So what?She continues to ignore him.
-Well, we always watched it at night and... Joe is cut off again.
-I don’t have time for this. - She quickly gets up.
In a few minutes, she washed what was in front of her, put some things away and went upstairs completely automatically. Watching the drag show was their time to relax, laugh, cry, but do something that was definitely just theirs. But since the problems with Ben, it was yet another thing that had changed.
The next night, after a busy day, the children’s dinner is too chaotic.
-It’s your fault he’s a boy, I don’t like you. -Ash pouts and turns his face to Amanda, who takes a deep breath.
-Honey, I’m going to teach you something called biology, okay, remember that. If your brother is a boy, it’s your father’s fault. - Amanda smiles at the girl.
Ash went from angry to confused in minutes, her face changed, the girl felt betrayed by her father, in a jump she jumped out of the chair and started running and screaming around the house.
-I hate you, daddy
The phrase echoes in every corner, while she spins from one side to the other until Joe arrives and hears that.
-Why does daddy's little princess hate me? He asks the girl offended.
The girl with blond curls stamped her foot and was firm.
-Ben is a boy and it's your fault, I hate you, mommy told me everything - She says indignantly.
Joe had to hold himself back from laughing at her trying to confront him.
-Don't be like that, we can give you a little sister
-Can you? She seems to calm down.
-Yes, mommy doesn't want one -Joe finishes.
At the same time, Ashley went to Amanda who holds herself back from cursing Joe.
-Mommy, I want a little sister. Her name will be Jasmine. She has to be a redhead. The girl demands.
-That's great, honey. We have two options: we adopt or your dad finds another mother for your sister. What do you think? - Amanda responds, irritated by the subject.
Ashley blinks slowly, thinking about what she heard. Meanwhile, Joe is busy messing up Peter's hair, who is trying to finish eating.
Ashley quickly opens her mouth and starts to cry. The girl's face turns red. She tilts her head back and her mouth is wide open, intensifying her crying.
-Daughter, you don't have to cry about this - Amanda asks.
-Ben cries all the time for nothing. I have a reason. - She says with some difficulty.
Amanda gets up, going to the fridge and getting a
-Stop crying, eat some chocolate, you love chocolate - The girl slaps her hand.
-Ash, mommy was playing - Joe tries to explain, only then does Amanda realize why she is crying.
-I hate you, you're going to find us another mommy and you didn't give me a sister -She says again.
Joe sighs heavily, sitting on the floor to be closer to her.
-Ashley, your mommy was playing with you, you don't have another mommy and you can't control whether your siblings are boys or girls, we all know that Gunner would look much better in a dress and a bow - Joe jokes, earning a grimace from the older boy.
-Promise me you won't have another mommy? - She wipes her face, looking at him with fear awaiting his answer.
-I promise
But Ashley didn't believe it.
When she understood the reason for her crying, Amanda thought about divorce for the first time. That gave her two thoughts: the first was what her life would be like without Joe, and the second was how difficult it would be for them.
Joe and Amanda had to go to Ashley's room together to put her to bed, since she was still scared.
-You don't have to think about those things, you hear me? - Amanda said to the girl sitting on the bed, her eyes still red.
-Do you promise? - She asked. Amanda could hear the fear in the girl's voice.
She didn't know how to answer that, or maybe she just didn't have the strength to do so. She decided to hug her.
-I love you.Amanda kissed her forehead, and she smiled shyly.
-I took your Snow White blanket, I don't want to see Daddy's little princess crying over nothing anymore. Joe appears, opens the blanket and covers her, leaving a kiss on her cheek just as an excuse to tickle her.
He then hugs Amanda's neck, who is sitting on the edge of the bed.
-I want you to know that Daddy loves Mommy and won't leave her and she won't leave me either, because we love each other, we've known each other since Peter was old and I've always been proudly her soulmate and she's mine, soulmates don't live apart, because if they do they get so sad that they end up dying, you know?  Joe questions the girl who denies it.
-So you can never be apart - The girl deduces.
-That’s right, if not, daddy will die of sadness, I love your mother so much, that’s why, daughter, don’t worry, I’ll never leave her, you hear me?  Joe’s words, while he rocks her in this boat, seem to run through her mind.
-Isn’t that right, honey? He asks her.
-Yeah - Amanda agrees, a little out of it.
Ashley went to sleep peacefully, while Amanda and Joe are still confused.
-I shouldn’t have said that, she’ll keep bugging me - Amanda reminds him.
-It’ll be nice to have another girl.
-Joe, I don’t want any more children, I think we’ve had enough a long time ago, especially after Ben, I can’t bear to go through that again. Amanda is sincere, leaving her cream on the sink and looking at him.
-Okay, no problem, I just imagined it, it was really hard for all of us, I know it’s been even harder for you. He agrees.
-We all suffered equally, the children felt it, you felt it, Ben felt it - She states, she hates the narrative of being weak or showing how much it affected her regardless of the situation.
-That’s why I thought about a surrogate mother, she’ll have our DNA, but someone else will have the child - Joe replies.
Amanda stopped everything she was doing.
-You understand that I said I don’t want any more children, it’s not just that part, it involves raising the child too.
-And Ashley, she’ll grow up in a house with so many boys, with no one to play with, to keep her company, that’s horrible, even more so when there are going to be three boys, I had brothers and you did, you know how important and good it is.
-Exactly, she already has brothers, they’ll be great company for her - Amanda insists.
-I just think we can talk about it later, calmly, think about the idea, it’s just an idea.
Amanda just ignored him.
-We have a big, happy family. Another child would be welcomed and loved, I'm sure. - Just like Ben? She asks him as she leaves the bathroom. -It's just siblings' annoyance. Tell me, whether your siblings are younger or older, they've never said they hate you? - Joe asks her. -We have plenty of rooms in the house. We have space, we have time, we have money, we're young and we have love to give. What's the problem? - Joe sits down next to Amanda on the bed, making it impossible for her to lie down and ignore him. -Have you ever thought about what would happen if our marriage ended? She asks him impulsively. Joe's eyes widened. -It wouldn't be fair to them. The room quickly became agitated. -Why should I think about that? It doesn't make any sense. - He stares at her.
-This divorce thing doesn't exist, you heard me, it doesn't exist, forget what Ashley said, my love, she was just scared, there's no reason to think about it - he gave a weak smile and got up.
But the following days were strange, especially for Joe.
He woke up in the middle of the night, with her fiddling with something, he threw the blanket aside, seeing Amanda already with a bag.
-What's wrong? He sighs trying to wake up.
-Ben has a high fever, I'm going to take him to the doctor - she says, going to the door to leave the room.
Joe gets up quickly.
-Wait a minute, I'll go with you
Amanda huffs irritably, turning to her husband.
-There's no point in both of you going, if I'm already going, stay home - Amanda leaves the room slamming the door.
Joe ran his hands through his hair, not knowing what else to do. The hours passed and he couldn't sleep a wink. He went to check if the others were okay. He called Amanda to try to find out something, but the calls ended. He went to the living room, where he didn't notice what time he ended up hanging up.
In the morning, he woke up to the excitement of the children. Seeing that she had arrived, Peter went to him on the couch to give his father a little hug. Joe decided to go see Ben, who was awake and a little agitated, since he was now eight months old and learning to crawl. That's why the bedroom door had gained extra protection.
He decided to go get ready, since he had training and had no excuse not to go, but when he got to the kitchen, he decided to rethink things.
-You know, I think we should hire a nanny. It would be good to have someone who can always be around, sharing the work. If I could, you know, I would spend the day here with you, but... - He gives the idea when he sees Amanda with her eyes a little purple, probably from tiredness.
-Do you think I’m so incapable that I can’t take care of them? She takes it as a provocation.
-I think everyone needs to help to make things easier, I can see that all of this has been heavy for you and I don’t want you to be overwhelmed with any of this, I don’t know if you don’t want a babysitter, we can call my parents, your parents, I don’t think they’ll mind spending time with their grandchildren - Joe tries to fix it.
-They’re our responsibility, I can’t make other people come here, put their lives on hold, because of our decisions, that’s ridiculous - Joe realizes that the conversation isn’t going to get anywhere.
-I think the night was hectic, I’m going to take the kids to class, who wants to go to class with daddy? - He gets their attention and they quickly perk up.
-Joe, go to your training, you're going to be late, you know I take them every day - Amanda asks.
-You know I'm not late, I'll take them and go straight to training, in the meantime you stay here with Peter and Ben - Joe tries to change the routine, seeing that she's not in the best shape to drive by the tired look on her face.
Joe went upstairs, going to get his training equipment and when he came back to his surprise, they had already left.
Amanda didn't need much to realize that it really wasn't the best option to drive, right now with the sun still weak at 7 in the morning and everything too still, but luckily everyone arrived safely, she took the opportunity to stop at a coffee shop and get a coffee to try to stay awake, but it was definitely not the best idea.
They have known each other forever, their parents are friends. After so many years as inseparable friends in their teens, their neighbors, friends, uncles and brothers started saying that they would end up getting married and that in fact, they had always been in love with each other, which made them both very stressed.
They did the same thing when they were 15, they started pretending to hate each other and getting involved with other people to shut everyone up, until they were 17 and Joe said he was going to move to the capital. There was no way to put it off and just accept it. They really liked each other a lot. They didn't date for long, until they decided to get married and give in to their love.
-Well, now that the kids are getting older, you must be dying to start living your own life, right? You were so young when you decided to get married, you were only 18 - A neighbor of Joe's parents was there.
-Now you can have a nanny or put them in various complementary activities and you can have a hobby, maybe even a job, but I think that with your age and lack of experience, it will be difficult 
Amanda felt the glass start to warm her hand, she just watched the lady more like a robot.
-You know, you need to live individually, like something that is only yours, he must love having total control over you, even financially, but that will not be good for your future
The words run through Amanda's already empty and silent mind, who just wanted to sleep.
-Being a trophy wife is amazing, but what comes next? Everyone always criticizes feminists, but if they get divorced, they will have a good structure to start over and normally, they do not hide completely behind the man, they usually have a voice
-Amanda dear, I think you need to start living your life and think about yourself a little" the worried tone makes her wake up.
-Thank you. She said and left in a hurry.
The conversation kept popping in her mind all day, leaving her distracted from everything. She finally began to ask herself what she likes and what she doesn't like. She doesn't know if she likes swimming, running, playing tennis, she doesn't know if she prefers comedy, cooking, horror shows, she doesn't know if she really likes the clothes in her closet or if they're just what she bought because they were appropriate for a mother.
And it was in the midst of so many thoughts and sleep that she didn't notice Peter climbing over the pool railing, she ran to the boy before he ended up hurting himself and falling, either on the floor or in the water.
-Peter, what did I say? It's to sunbathe. You two need to sunbathe, nothing more. She said harshly, returning the boy to the lounge chair.
The afternoon passed and with it the beginning of the night. Amanda began to feel something strange. She walked around the house, lost, without knowing where the feeling came from, until a flash in her mind made her forget Gunner and Ashley at school.
For the first time, Gunner preferred to stay quiet and silent. He didn't want to distract his mother from driving, not after she ran a red light and drove the wrong way.
Joe was informed of what had happened and decided to make a decision.
-Amanda, I'm going to the pharmacy. Do you need anything? He watched her but was speechless.
Since the answer in action was to crack an egg in the sink instead of in the frying pan on the stove.
Joe only needed one thing, a sleeping pill good enough to keep her out for the next few hours.
He poured it into her glass without her seeing and waited for her to drink it.
The medicine didn't take long to take effect, with Amanda passing out in the living room, he cautiously went upstairs with her in his arms and took care of the rest, including something she would hate.
She woke up the next day without knowing where she was, but for the first time in a long time, rested, she looked at the clock and got scared, but Joe tried to calm her down.
-I've already taken care of everything, I'm almost going to training, but first I need to talk to you - He asked.
Amanda just agreed, still dazed, running her hand over her face to try to truly wake up.
-Yesterday you almost crashed the car with you, Ashley and Gunner countless times, that's because I don't know what happened in the morning, if you don't want to accept help from anyone with a good heart, you're going to have to be forced
-Because I can't believe you think it's normal, to forget them at school two hours late or to drive out of control or to let a frying pan catch fire, while the food ends up in the sink, just for pride, who told you that you need to handle everything by yourself and that no one can ever help you? He questions her.
-I never said that, I had suggested a babysitter, but now we're going to do it differently, you have a week, either to talk to your parents, my parents, your brothers to come here or to choose a babysitter, if you keep putting your foot down and insisting on this madness, I'll go after the babysitter myself and make my rules with her - Amanda just listens.
-You're not taking care of anyone by doing this, you're putting everyone at risk, especially yourself. It won't kill you to let me spend the night with Ben. It also won't kill you if I take them to school sometimes. It seems like you don't like me being around them. Sometimes it seems like I'm your enemy. - Joe doesn't hide his discontent.
-I was trying to help you, but now I'm going to do it by force. I hid the car keys. You won't drive until you seem ready to do it. He warns.
-This is ridiculous. A lot happened yesterday. I'm fine now. Amanda defends herself.
-No, you're not. You need to rest your mind and body. You're not even eating because you're so determined that you need to lose too much weight. I found out that you haven't been to that nutritionist in months." Amanda is surprised.
-I don't know if you remember, but part of marriage is taking care of each other - he walks to the door.
-If you want to take a week's vacation somewhere, alone, take a friend, I don't know, go ahead, feel free, I just need you to rest and be well. He smiles as he leaves the room.
Joe and Amanda's wedding anniversary arrived and he made sure to celebrate by taking her out to dinner.
The waiter quickly grabbed a vase to decorate the table with flowers and left the menu with the two of them, Joe chattering the whole time, until Amanda had the courage to tell him everything she was feeling.
-Why didn't you tell me this before, we could have worked it out - he reminds her.
-I've been thinking a lot and I think it's good to have talked about it. Now I need some time for myself, without a shadow of a doubt, and I really think that our marriage is no longer a marriage. You know, I think we can separate and continue living in the same house, but living separately at first, so the children don't think it's so bad, and when they're older we can move out. I don't want it to be traumatic for them. Joe immediately cuts her off, surprised by what she said.
-Have you gone crazy? Are you saying you want to get a divorce on our 10th anniversary? I found out a few minutes ago what you were feeling, after I tried all kinds of approaches and only received your kicks and rudeness, and now you want me to applaud your request for divorce. Listen here, drink this wine, pull yourself together, no one here is going to get separated, they won't go through that, neither will you and I. - Joe turns the glass over, quickly filling another one and turning it over again.
-I need to find myself Joe, I need to find out what I like, what I want - He cuts me off again.
-You're in front of me talking crazy, I think you need therapy to figure that out, I think you need a spa too and a trip to calm down, you can spend a week, two, three, a month, if you want even a year getting to know the world, I'll take care of the kids, if you want to go back to see them that's fine, but we're not going to break up, there's no reason for that, I love you, you love me, you just need some time, if you want to open a store, open it, do whatever you want, it's okay, but we're not getting divorced - Joe says, visibly shaken by what he heard.
-Do you think this will help? - She doubts.
-I'll prove it will - He picks up the box with a gift for her, but stops halfway, putting his hand under his head, visibly shaken.
-Amanda, please don’t leave me, don’t kill me with the knife in our kitchen, I love you so much, I don’t know how to live without you, I don’t know how to describe how important you are to me, if I got where I am, it was because you were with me, supporting me and scolding me whenever I did something wrong on or off the field, if I don’t have you, I’m nothing, I won’t be able to live the rest of my life thinking that I lost you, don’t do this to me - Joe tries to control the tears on his face, since they are in public.
When a week passed and she hadn’t made any decision, when she arrived in Ben’s room after waking up, she came across her parents and sister.
Joe certainly didn’t want to offend her so much as to choose a nanny, but that surprised her.
The day was different, it was certainly good for Amanda, but at the same time reflective, her parents wanted to go pick up Gunner and Ashley, then buy some snacks on the way and spend some time with their grandchildren, while Amanda and Jade, her sister, were chatting with a huge tub of ice cream.
-I think our marriage is in crisis - She laments taking a good spoonful of ice cream.
-Marriage in crisis? Have you looked at Joseph? A marriage with him doesn't go into crisis - Her sister jokes.
-One day I was 18, I was excited to get married and I loved playing basketball, watching comedy series, learning French and the next day I suddenly wake up, I realize I have four children, a husband, I feel like I'm in a nightmare, I ask myself what I did in these ten years, what I really wanted, what was a dream and I see that nothing - Amanda vents.
-You need to take a vacation, go out, enjoy life a little, you have to know how to balance everything, just because you're married and have a ton of kids, doesn't mean you're dead and that's all it is, the worst kind of woman is the one who is limited to being a mother or a wife and no offense, you let yourself be limited to that Amanda agrees.
-That's always been my biggest fear, I love them, but I feel like I'm losing myself and wasting time, I could be experiencing so many things, but I preferred to stay locked up here
-The society we were born into makes us believe that this is the only good destiny for us women, you and all of us were raised to believe this, it's not your fault and you shouldn't feel guilty about wanting to experience different things
-Of course you have your day to day, but you can do something with the kids and then something with Joe and then the two of you can do something alone, it's good for each of you to have different things to do - Jade gives an idea.
-The problem is that I feel like I've lost my individuality and I don't know if I want to stay here, I don't know if I'll be able to just be myself and be comfortable with him - Amanda has some difficulty speaking.
-What do you mean? Jade's eyes widen.
-I stopped my life to do everything he wanted, I don't know if I know how to do anything beyond that, what he wants, I think I'm too weak, I should never have agreed to get married so early, I should have sorted out my life, done something I liked or at least failed trying, instead of letting everything get to this point - She laments.
-Listen here, you two really need to talk about this, but above all you need some time just for yourselves and to discover yourself, even if it means going to therapy, I'm going to stay here for a few days, Joe invited me and dad and mom too, so we'll help you, I'm sure, but don't give up, you don't need to give up your marriage to discover yourself, it can be very important for you to do this by giving you support and encouraging you - the two stand up and hug each other tightly.
The days were certainly calmer and the first thing their parents did was remind Joe and Amanda of the huge table they have, but they don't use it often. They end up sitting at the counter because it's quicker and more practical, but it keeps everyone away. The second thing was that there's no reason to have dinner separately and the third thing was how much lighter the house becomes and the children are happier when the adults aren't overwhelmed and fighting.
It seems that Amanda was able to see everything from a different perspective.
-Joe, I wanted to talk to you. I've thought about that subject. He is surprised and refuses to look at her, afraid of what she's going to say.
-What do you want to do?
-I think we need to go to couples therapy and we need to take the kids too, so they can learn to have a sense of brotherhood and see that Ben isn't to blame for everything. I think you need a day just for yourself too, just like me, we can choose a day for that. Every day is a family day and we take another day just for the two of us. I think I need an activity that I like and I need to occupy my mind with something different. It will be good for all of us. She gives a weak smile, and Joe, relieved, goes to her, hugs her tightly and throws her on the bed.
-Thank you - he says with a relieved voice, leaving a kiss on her cheek.
The two of them stayed there for a while thinking about everything, until Joe has the courage to speak.
-We need to learn to talk when something bothers us. Talking isn't fighting. We need that. It will do us a lot of good. We need to sit down and talk about the day, what we think, what we think, what we want, what one of us did that the other doesn't like. If we talk about everything, it will be okay - He takes her hand firmly.
Maybe the big change isn't necessarily taking something out of our lives, but changing our habits, and that's what Amanda is going to try.
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cosmerelists · 8 months
How Shallan, Adolin, & Kaladin would Divide up Chores (If They Lived Together)
If these three were roommates (reader's choice as to whether they also share a bedroom ha ha) and also lived in the modern world, here is how I think they would divide up the house chores.
1. Laundry: Adolin
This is because Kaladin & Shallan would both look disdainfully at the "gentle cycle" or "dry clean only" instructions on a piece of clothing, shove it directly into the washer with everything else, and dump on some bargain-brand detergent. "Clothes that cannot survive this are too weak for me," Kaladin would intone and Shallan would be like, "Yeah, if they die, they die." And Adolin in the background would scream, "OKAY I DO THE LAUNDRY FROM NOW ON."
2. Dishes: Kaladin
I'm just thinking back to Kaladin's surgeon training and how his dad was like, "We must wash our hands son" and Kaladin was like, "Nobody else washes their hands are we sure that rotspren even exist" and Lirin was like, "It is the wisdom of the heralds, my son." Or something like that. Anyway, Kaladin seems to be uniquely trained in hygiene and avoiding sickness, so he should take care of the dishes.
3. Dusting: Shallan
Shallan would fill the house with art, and she wouldn't want it to get dusty (plus, I'm feeling knick-knacks from her), so I think she would be the one to make sure all of the art and books and other stuff stays dust-free.
4. Cooking: Shared
I don't think any of the three is a stand-out cook, so they should just take turns. Shallan-as-Radiant follows recipes very exactly, Kaladin keeps making soup, and Adolin is pretty sure adding wine makes any dish fancy.
...Sometimes Rock cooks for them and then they have good food.
5. Paying Bills: Kaladin
Kaladin scoffs that no lighteyes know the value of money and that Shallan & Adolin won't budget correctly, so he'll take care of any shared household finances like paying utilities. I bet he balances checkbooks, too.
6. Taking out trash: Adolin
"You can handle gross things. You poop yourself all the time," says Shallan, a wording that Adolin does not appreciate but cannot argue with.
7. Vacuuming: Shallan
Pattern likes it when the vacuum makes neat lines in the carpet and hums excitedly the whole time.
8. Grocery Shopping: Shared
No particular reason. I just think it would be cute if they all went to the grocery store together.
9. Cleaning gutters: Kaladin
It's high up there, but Kaladin is not afraid of heights. He kinda likes being on the roof. It's like chipping crem off of a roof, only it's leaves. It makes sense.
10. Answering the door: Adolin
When the doorbell rings, the resident extrovert is sent to deal with it while Shallan and Kaladin hide behind the couch.
11. Getting rid of scary bugs: Shallan
If there is a spider or a big moth or even a centipede, it is Shallan who handles it because, as a wise tumblr poster once said, "Cremlings is bugs."
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Can I pretty please request Jax Teller for prompt #14!?
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Thank you!!!!!
Contains: Very mild angst, fluff.
1.2K words
“My eyelids are heavy, but my thoughts are heavier.” - Unknown
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You couldn't begin to express how grateful the late nights were less late now that the club was out of guns and drugs. The only downside was that Jax and the rest of the Sons were now just mechanics, they had cars to fix and taxes to file, not meeting deadlines meant parts didn't get bought and paychecks weren't written.
Anxiety still lingered when Jax was away at night, a hold off from the worry that the next phone call would deliver the worst news one could get. Tonight was one of those nights, even though you knew Jax was safe, your brain wouldn't quiet.
The sound of a door opening drew you from your thoughts, "What are you still doing up? It's almost one."
You shrugged, "The usual. I can't sleep when your side of the bed is cold. Your dinner is in the microwave."
Jax gave you a soft smile, "Lucky me because I'm starving. Sit with me while I eat?"
You nodded, "That's my plan." Jax hurried to the kitchen and warmed his dinner before sitting next to you at the dining table, "Did you get all your work done?" 
"You bet, and I've got the whole weekend off so we can sleep in." You could smell the faint hint of oil on his clothes. 
"That's great news, you know how much I love our lazy mornings." If you were lucky, Abel would be there too, between you and Jax. 
"You and me both darlin. How was work?" He must have been hungry, half the food was already gone. 
"The usual." You yawned and Jax reached across the table to hold your hand, "I'm sorry, I guess I was just waiting for you to get home." 
Jax shook his head, "I'm almost done here. I'll hop into the shower then I'll be all yours." 
You sighed, "That sounds perfect." 
"How did Abel go at daycare today?" Jax loved all the pictures Abel drew for him, his locker, his office and his workstation were full of them. 
You smiled, "He had lots of fun today, they got a new water table and he went wild. I had to throw his tiny little shoes in the wash, that's how much fun he had." 
Jax chuckled, "I'll pick him up on Monday, I can't have you having all the fun darlin." 
"Sure, he loves it when you go and get him." You went to take Jax's empty plate from him, but he yanked it away. 
"I'll do that darlin." He rushed it to the sink before drying it and putting it away. Once that was done and he had wiped over the kitchen one last time, he walked back over to you and stretched out his hand, "Shall we?" 
You nodded and took his hand, "We shall." 
The trip to the bedroom was quick, and then Jax was stripping off and hopping into the shower, "You wanna get ready for bed darlin?"
You sighed, "I guess I better try and keep a routine, brushing my teeth and washing my face again won't hurt." 
Steam filled the room as Jax washed the day away and smirked when he caught you staring at him through the shower glass, "See something you like darlin?" 
You nodded, "You know I do Teller." 
The shower flicked off and he stepped out, wrapping the towel around his waist before stopping by the kiss you on the cheek on his way to the bedroom to get dressed. 
With his comfortable grey sweatpants on, he headed to the bed and flicked the heated blanket on your side before fluffing your pillow and peeling back the covers, "Hop in darlin." 
You took your robe off and placed it on the chair, leaving you in just one of Jax's T-Shirts and a pair of panties, then climbed into bed with a sigh, "It's so much better with you here. Maybe we should get a cat so when you're not here, I'm not alone in bed." 
Jax smiled, "I like that idea, we've got the room and it will be good for Abel to have a pet." 
You reached over to the bedside table and picked up the bottle of the lavender lotion but before you could do anything, Jax took it from you, "Let me?" 
You nodded, "I'd like that." 
He started with your arms, rubbing the smooth cream in with broad, firm strokes, "What do we need for a cat? Food, water fountains, a few litter trays and toys. Hell, with Happy's help, we can have one by Monday." 
He pinched your shirt and you pulled it over your head so he could do your shoulders next, "We need a bit more time than that. The kitty should have a catio, that will keep you busy over a few weekends and once that's build and the cat can enjoy the outdoors without killing anything we can get the kitty." 
The corner of Jax's mouth ticked up as he moved to your chest and a thought came over him, "We can tell Abel can't we? He'll want to help." 
Your eye grew heavy as you spun and his hands moved over your back, "Sure we can tell Abel. He'll want to name the kitten and he should come when we pick. Not that it means anything, the cat will pick us." 
You returned to facing him and Jax moved to your legs, rubbing the ache out of your claves, "You've already said you'll let the cat on the bed so I only have one rule, he or she has to stay away from my kutte." 
You chuckled, "You and I both know that's not going to happen, cats do what cats want." 
Jax sighed and placed the bottle back in its spot before picking your book up, "I guess so. How are you feeling now darlin?" 
You smiled, "Great, I'm ready to call it a night." You slid all the way into bed and placed your head on the pillow, "Will you read to me, I love the sound of your voice." 
Jax looked over you fondly, "Of course, darlin, that was my plan when I picked up your book." You had been reading it to him for days, a sweet tale of a little robot in search of life on Mars who made friends with an alien. 
"Rusty lifted his little arm and ticked as he handed the apple slice to his friend, 'Apples are one of human's favourite fruits, you should try some.' The alien took the slice from him with a squeak and ate it in one bite, then gave another squeak of approval at the sweet taste." 
You snuggled closer to Jax and he wrapped his arm around your body, "The Alien squeaked again, then waved its arms before pointing to itself and then to Rusty. The series of squeaks that followed sounded like the robot's name and then another which must have been its own." 
Your eyes felt so heavy as Jax continued, "It made sense when Rusty heard it for a second time, 'Your name is Eldredth? Tell me Eldredth, have you ever had chocolate? It is the best of the human's treats." 
Jax smiled as he felt your chest rise and fall softly under his arm. He put the book and laid down next to you, pressing a kiss to your forehead and pulling the blanket up to your neck, "Good night Darlin, I love you." 
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532 notes · View notes
Hi! I saw that your requests are open, if it's ok and within your rules, I can ask, Aemond being obsessed with his half sister (daughter of Aemma and Viserys), who defended him after the Driftmark incident, along with Alicent
Aemond Targaryen being obsessed with his half-sister would include:
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A/N: I feel horned to wright you ask, my dear anon! I'm deeply sorry, I think maybe run a little out the topic, but nevertheless, I hope you enjoy it! Also, PLEASE, READ THE WARNINGS!
SUMMARY: the journey of Aemond Targaryen, trying to have a taste of the forbidden fruit: his own half sister.
WR: f!reader, reader has long hair, violence, murderer, fire, mentions of groping, non-con groping, Aemond being Aemond. Once again, PLEASE, READ THE WARNINGS!
WORDS: +4.2k
Being the second daughter of Viserys and Aemma meant getting the utmost care and affection from your dear father, the king.
Also meaning being completely despised by your older sister’s ex best friend, Alicent, now Queen of the seven kingdoms.
Alicent done everything to make sure her kids hated the blacks as much as she did, poisoning their minds with paranoias and conspiracy thoughts; however, none of this seemed to change the mind of her second son, Aemond.
Being considerably older than him, you, Rhaenyra’s younger sister, were the prince’s object of affection, much to his mother distaste.
You’ve always thought how cute your half-little-brother clung to you at every royal event or sought your presence at the Red Keep.
Since he was just a kid, you couldn’t help but indulge on his clingy tendencies.
Without fail, Aemond always ran to your comfort when he was feeling too overwhelmed by Aegon’s bullying, burying his face on the space between your shoulder and neck.
You would calmly soothe him down, rubbing his back and lightly rocking him side to side.
However, time proved to be harsh, making you face a cruel dilemma.
It was night at Driftmark, everyone were supposed to be sleeping, yet, the shouts put everyone on their feet, looking for the commotion.
You slammed the doors open, facing little Aemond being stitched up by the maester.
You gasped, horrified, running to his side, but you were violently shoved by Alicent, who were throwing daggers with her fiercely gaze.
“You, stay away from my son!” you wobbled a few steps back. Aemond seeing this, got up from his chair, yelling at his own mother, but unfortunately got even more hurt in the processes by the pinching of the needle.
“Sweetheart, calm down, I’m here—“ “Don’t touch me!” Aemond shout out, slapping his mother’s hand away from him.
Viserys, trying to keep the situation under control, asked to Alicent to let you pass, which she complied with resistance.
Seeing her son immediately hugging your waist while rubbing his cheek on the fabric of your nightgown, made her bitter. This was supposed to be her job, giving comfort to her son on this difficult situation; not her rival’s sister.
After all the commotion and Rhaenyra being stabbed by Alicent, you were tasked to stay with Aemond on the nursery, again, by the prince’s begging and to his mother distaste. One more time, Alicent felt rejected by her own son.
Her only wish were to let Ser Cole stay with you at her son’s bed, fearing that Rhaenyra, who were sleeping at the nursery as well, attempted against the prince’s life.
Now at the ward, with a damp cloth, you cleaned the caked blood on Aemond’s hair. Brushing your fingers through his locks, you said “Some day, you will have the most beautiful silver hair of the kingdom.”
“Do you like… my hair?” the now one eyed prince asked, thanking the gods the lights weren’t strong enough to show his flaming cheeks.
You laughed, delighted by his cuteness “Of course I like, silly! Unfortunately, you’ll have to take a lot of baths to wash away the reddish stains.”
Aemond took a mental note to never cut his hair ever again.
“May I ask you something?”
With a gentle smile, you agreed “Of course!”
“Why did you defend me? Why didn’t you defended your nephews?”
You took a moment to pick the most appropriated words “Even though I’m very disappointed at your words, I would never wish any harm to come for any of you.”
Sensing the drop of your mood, the prince asked what happened. Sighing, you explained “Me and my sister will leave the Red Keep, Aemond.”
The little prince’s life turned upside down. Widening his only eye, he begged for an explanation, trying to cover his wobbly voice.
“Me and my sister talked and we decided that Red Keep is no longer safe for us.” “What do you mean?! I have Vaghar! The biggest dragon in the seven kingdoms! I can protect you!” he fisted your arms, as if you were going to vanish in front of him.
You lightly chuckled, petting his cheek “I appreciate your efforts, my brave prince, but our family is in the verge of a war. Leaving and letting things calm down is the best decision for now.”
“But…I don’t want you to leave! Take me with you, if needed, but please, don’t leave me alone!” now full crying, he caged you on his frail embrace, sobbing uncontrollably.
Returning his hug, you brought him to your lap, taking extra care to not touch his fresh wound “My little prince, you know I can’t bring you with me, your mother would kill me. It do hurt me to separate from you, but you must understand that there’s no other way. Besides, there’s nothing stoping me from visiting you or sending you ravens!”
Aemond stoped crying, now just enjoying your warm embrace as long as he could “But it won’t be the same…” “I know, my love, but it’s just a provisional measure. I’ll reunite with you sooner or later.” You said finally, kissing him gently on the top of his head.
The next morning, everyone prepared for your sudden departure. Rhaenyra informed you it would be better if you leaved as soon as possible, which Aemond strongly disagreed.
Out of the castle, your dragons waited for you, already equipped with everyone of your belongings. Turning to say good bye to your favorite prince, you and Aemond shared a hug; obviously with everything monitored by Alicent.
Seeing you flying away shattered his heart in a billion pieces. It felt like he couldn’t breath, as if a hole opened up on his chest. He felt lonely. Never wanting to feel this way ever again, Aemond promised that the next time he saw you, he wouldn’t let you go.
The years passed. Every single day, religiously, Aemond wrote you a letter, informing you of everything he did or planned to do in the day.
You happily read all of his letters, glad to know that the young boy was not as depressed as you thought he would be due to your departure.
So, as fast as you could, you wrote him back as eager as him, alway commenting something he told on his own letters, just so he knew you read and payed attention to every single word he draw on the paper.
But, after a few months, Aemond stopped receiving your letters. It came to a point where he would spend all day pestering the servants interrogating the whereabouts of your letters.
Completing a whole month of no news about you, Aemond snapped. He destroyed his bed chambers, breaking the furniture, slashing the curtains and ripping his book off the shelves.
Ser Cole and Harold were sent to contain the enraged prince, who kept screaming and kicking, while the Queen tried to reason with her son.
When the prince stopped slashing around and started to cry, Alicent cocooned him on her lap, “She promised” he murmured between sobs “she promised she’d never leave me…”
Years passed. Daemon and Rhaenyra, now husband and wife, travelled to King’s Landing to defend Jacaerys and Lucerys right to the iron and driftwood throne. Not passing this opportunity, you flied along with them to the Red Keep.
It’s been a long time since you received a letter from your favorite little-half-brother. You were a little hurt at the beginning, but then you started to be a little reasonable: maybe he was busy with Vaghar or his training. So, you opted to send Alicent letters asking for permission to visit her son. Unfortunately, you never got a response.
After the coldly reception of Alicent and Otto, you accompanied your two nephews to the training grounds.
Immediately, you spotted a man with wide shoulders and a beautifully long silver hair cascading his broad back. He was sparring against Ser Cole, your sister’s late knight.
Making Criston surrender, applauses erupted from the grounds. “Well done, my Prince.” congratulated the knight, still panting “You’ll be winning tourneys in no time.”
“I don’t give a shit about tourneys” he dismissed Criston’s flattery “Nephews, have you come to train?”
Aemond turned to Lucerys and Jacaerys, but he was caught by surprise when his eye landed on you.
Ethereal as ever, your now longer hair was braided expertly on a beautiful bun, assenting your features. The heart of the one eyed prince beat uncontrollably inside his chest.
Sensing his eyes upon you, you greeted him “My prince, it’s been a while.”
Aemond, not knowing how to carry with the conversation, agreed “Yes, it’s been, my dear half-sister.”
Seeing the interaction between the royal family, the crowd started to dissipate. Jacaerys e Lucerys left the training grounds as well, glad that the prince’s attention was not on them anymore.
Now all alone, you approached the eye-patched prince “Can we talk?” not taking no as an answer, you locked your hands on his arm, making Aemond get stiff.
So many years has passed, but you still caused him the same effect. Silently, the prince enjoyed the innocent contact, loving the felling of your torso rubbing against his toned arm.
“Long ago, you stopped sending me letters. Why?” you asked, bluntly.
“You never answered them, so I stopped writing.”
Stopping in your tracks, looking straight into his eye “The few that I received, I answered them right away. But suddenly, you stopped writing. Why?”
Scoffing, the prince replied “As I said before, my dear half-sister, you stopped writing, so did I.”
“I never stopped trying to reach you out, Aemond. I even sent your mother a raven, but she said you did not want to see me. So I ask again, my dear prince, why did you put me on arms length?”
Immediately, something clicked inside the Targaryen’s prince head. Obviously it was the doings of his own mother; she never liked you in the first place. But Aemond thought that, at least, after the incident at Driftmark, Alicent would warm up to you, but apparently, he thought wrong.
His blood started to boil. How dare his mother try to stay in the way between you two? His nostrils flared up; he locked his jaw tightly, gritting his teeth.
Feeling your soft hand, now smaller than his, interlocking your fingers pulled him away from his enraged state “Aemond, what—“ “I’m really sorry about this misunderstanding.” he apologized, engaging a hug.
Got by surprise, you hesitantly put your hands on his back, slowly giving into his embrace.
Aemond finally felt at peace. Feeling your hands around him and how his toned arms circled your waist, almost made him forget of his rage against his mother, almost. Sniffing your scent for the last time, the prince left you, promising to talk and explain everything to you after he was done with his business.
Dropping his reassuring smile, the prince stormed into the keep, going straight to his mother’s bed chambers.
Not even greeting Ser Cole, Aemond locked the doors as soon as he passed through them, only listening to the knight’s knocking.
Hearing all the commotion, Alicent beelined to her living room, facing her second son “Aemond? What are you doing here? You can’t enter my bed chambers like that, what if—“ “Spear me from your lecture, mother.”
Feeling shocked by her son’s harsh words, she continued “And this is how you speak to your mother? Your queen?”
Aemond smirked, mockingly. Suddenly, the young man caught his mother by her throat, lightly lifting her from the floor, letting her balance herself on her tiptoes “Don’t pull the ‘your Queen’ card right now, mother. If you haven’t noticed, my patience is running thin.”
Alicent fisted her son’s wrist, trying to sooth his grip. Seeing that he not even bulged, she cried out “Aemond, plea—“ “As I said before, my patience is ending. I’ll give you one chance, and believe me when I say few got this benefit: did you barred my half-sister’s letters?”
The queen’s eyes winded, but she stayed silent, probably paralyzed by fear. Seeing her state, Aemond did not needed a verbal answer: just looking at her gave away her guiltiness.
He let her break free, making Alicent instantly tear to the ground, coughing and gasping for air, uncontrollably.
Aemond’s jaw was tightly shut. Feeling betrayed by his own mother, he started to rant “You knew how important she was to me, and still, you deprived me of seeing her and did not even let me get news from her! You left me in the dark, and you saw how it was killing me, but even so, you did nothing!”
The prince’s voice escalated along with his rage, which was increasing with time. Feeling the need to take his anger on something, he threw the coffe table against the wall, making the Queen gasp in horror.
“Aemond,” she tried to reason with her son “I did this only to protect you! I thrust her as much as you do, but you must understand that the circumstances—“ “Don’t you dare lie to me again!” he slammed his hands on another table “Admit you were jealous of her, of her proximity to me. You always despised her, there’s no need to lie!”
Rilling up as well, Alicent exploded “Of course I always hated her! She’s Rhaenyra’s sister, Aemond! She would do anything to help her kin! To stole your brother’s throne!” with tear cascading her cheeks, she continued, approaching her son “And of course I was jealous, Aemond! You’re my son! Mine! But you never ran up to me when you were sad, hurt or happy! It was always her! Even at Driftmark, when her own nephew stabbed your eye, you ran up to her! You didn’t even let me accompany you at the nursery! And—“
Sobs interrupted her speech. But now that she started to talk, she was not going to back off “Do you think she genuinely loves you, Aemond? Like I do?”
The prince looked at her with warning eye “Watch your tongue.”
Feeling bold, Alicent continued, not listening to her son’s threat, facing him fearlessly “Don’t you ever thought that, maybe, she just treated you well to do this? Put you against me? Your own mother? Don’t you ever thought that she’s as cruel, manipulative and a whore as much as her—“ “Don’t you dare talk about her like that!”
Aemond pounced on her mother, now fully strangling her. His knuckles were white with his bruising grip, eye completely fogged by hatred. His nostrils was flaring up, teeth gritting madly.
With the little oxygen that lasted on her lungs, Alicent was able to call out to Ser Criston Cole, who immediately opened the doors, running to save the Queen.
Along with the knight were Otto Hightower, who coincidentally were passing by his daughter’s corridor.
“What in the seven hells happened here?” the hand lord exasperated, demanding an answer.
“We had a heated discussion, father” Alicent explained with her voice sore due to her son’s strangulation.
Sensing he wouldn’t get no more details about the incident, Otto coughed, as if putting an end to the matter “I was going to remind you of tonight’s dinner, which begins on a few minutes. Our king decided to attend it, so I was going to ask my Queen to ask her children to be on their best behavior.” Otto gave Aemond a meaningful look.
“I don’t care what this discussion was about. What matters is that this behavior can’t happen again during the dinner. Are we clear?” Alicent silently nodded, while Aemond stayed motionless by his grandfather speech.
Later, the whole house Targaryen sat at the fancy dining room. An uncomfortable silence dominated the group, tension so thick it could be cut by a knife.
King Viserys, as usual, tried to reason with his family that was bound to break in two, yet only he denied to see the truth “With that being said,” the sick king, with the help of his loyal wife, stayed up “me and my dear second daughter discussed and agreed that, in the name of peace, she shall be betrothed to her half-brother, Aegon Targaryen.”
Aemond’s heart stopped beating. The whole time, his infuriated gaze was directed to his mother, who would avert her own with all of her might; but now, he gazed incredulously to his father. He didn’t even notice when he stood up from his chair, flying to his mother’s throat.
Caos broke loose in the room. The king was immediately withdrawn from the scene, leaving Daemon alongside the others guards to separate the infuriated prince from the Queen.
On the other side of the chamber, you saw how animalisticly your dear little half-brother acted. He was no longer that sweet boy that easily cried with his older brother’s bullying: now he was a man, and a very dangerous one.
You cried hopelessly: how things take a turn like that? You thought that agreeing to the betrothal, you could finally reunite your family, but instead, here you are, seeing who was once your favorite person in the world trying to kill his own mother.
Even though Aemond were the best swordsman on the realm, he were not able to defeat Daemon and all of the Keep’s guards. “Lead the Prince to the dungeon. Tomorrow morning we will discuss with the small council what shall be decided of the prince’s future.” as Otto commanded, the guards escorted Aemond, who was now unconscious.
You offered yourself to accompany Alicent to the nursery to check upon her bruised throat. As expected, Ser Cole went along, only a few feet away from you.
“I’m so sorry with what happened, my Queen.” you morned, while helping Alicent walk through the hallway “I know prince Aemond since he was just a little kid. I would never expect such a horrifying act from him. It seems like I don’t even know him anymore.”
Moaning in pain, Alicent commented “I think both of us never truly knew him.”
Getting to the nursery, seeing the state of their Queen, the maids promptly took and laid her on a bed reserved to the royal family.
Staying by her side, she started to softly cry “I never should have tried to stay between you two, you know?”
Trying to stop her crying, you gently brushed her messed hair out of her face “Shhh… I must confess I don’t know what you are talking about, my Queen, but you shouldn’t be blaming yourself for what happened.”
Giving you a saddened smile, Queen Alicent continued to apologize “I appreciate your kind words, my dear, but I do have a portion of guilt on Aemond’s behavior.”
Gulping, you finally asked “If I may ask you: what could you have done to make him have such a reaction, my Queen?”
Seeing your confused eyes and caring acts, she confessed “I barred all of your letters to prince Aemond, and I also lied about him not wanting to see you.” your heart clenched, but still continued to sooth her hair down.
“And why would you do that? What would you gain from it?”
Alicent nipped her lips “I was afraid and jealous. My paranoia took over me. I was convinced that you were only being nice with my son just to destroy my family. Also, I’ve always envied how close you two were. Aemond never loved me like he loves you.”
“Nonsense, my Queen. Aemond always told me how he wished to make you proud. That’s why he’s so dedicated.” you brushed her off, with a little giggle.
“Well, it can also be true, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried his best just to impress you, my dear. My son’s crush on you didn’t go unnoticed by me back in the days.” she too giggled, remembering how flustered the boy got when others brought you up. Obviously, back than she disapproved vehemently, but seeing how caring you are, Alicent couldn’t blame his son for falling for you.
“You are so gentle and caring, I don’t blame my son for falling for you.” she looked straight into your eyes “I’m sorry for making things come to this point. If I never have felt insecure and suspicious of you, things would may be different.” she sobbed once again, feeling regret consuming her soul.
“Don’t blame yourself, my Queen. You did what you thought was right to protect your son.” you embraced her, like you used to embrace Aemond. Feeling her tears stain your dress, you let Alicent pour her heart out.
Calming a little, she sat up, encasing your hands between hers “Now that I know your genuine feelings, I must apologize for misjudging you. Yet, now that I know my son’s true colors, I’m afraid I’ve put you in danger my dear. I don’t want my son to rot on a cell, but my heart wouldn’t bear to bring you anymore harm.”
Your reassuring smile faltered. If Aemond was able to hurt his own mother, you feared what he could do to you. But even so, a part of you still believed he would never touch you.
Cupping your cheeks, Alicent continued “Now, listen to me, dear. It’s clear that Aemond is completely obsessed with you, and he won’t stop until he gets what he wants. We must take this opportunity, and send you as far as we can!”
You looked perplexed at her “Wait, but what about my betrothal? And my family? You?! What makes you so confident that Aemond won’t go after you for answers?”
Grunting in frustration, Alicent still insisted “We and the council will figure something out. Please, let me help you scape, as a form of apologizing for all the caos I brought to you.”
With the Queen’s begging, you couldn’t help but agree with her plan. Unfortunately, your conspiracy plans was cut short due to the shouts coming outside the nursery.
Smelling the scent of smoke, you looked terrified at the Queen who ordered “Fast, we must reach the outside!”
Throwing her arm o your shoulders, you and Queen Alicent stumbled through the flaming hallways, crumbling with the fire.
Finally reaching the gardens, you could breath properly, coughing out the smoke off of your lungs. Once again, your feelings of security was throw out the window when you heard a loud roar.
Immediately, Vaghar stomped on the Keep’s wreckages, spitting fire at the only way out of the garden.
“Shit.” Alicent cussed, trying to stand up doing to the impact of Vaghar’s landing “We are cornered!”
Feeling despair pumping on your veins, you tried to run anywhere, getting the Queen’s wrist.
However, sensing her stillness, you turned back, facing Alicent being impaled by Aemond’s sword.
Letting out a gasp of horror, you let go of her wrist, trying to run away, but you stumbled, falling to the floor.
Retrieving his sword and cleaning it, Aemond tuck it on his belt again, now approaching you warily. “There’s no need to be afraid. Now no one can stop us from staying together.”
“You killed her…” you stated, still in shock, while gazing at her dead body a few feets away from you.
Cooing at you, like you used to do to him when he was still a child, he tuck a strand of hair that stubbornly stayed on you face “I had to, or else, they wouldn’t let us be together. Now we are free to do as we please; we could even marry.”
“…marry?” you repeated his words, dumbfounded “but, I’m already betrothed to your brother, and I never saw you in—“ “Shhh… there’s no need to worry your pretty little head about this right now, okay? That drunkard is no longer of our concern, I already took care of him.”
Still petting your hair, you scrambled with your words “I-But… I don’t want to marry you! You were my little brother, remember? I could never see you in that way!”
Aemond let out a joyous laugh, too excited to finally have you all to himself to be angry at your denial “Don’t worry, darling; you’ll have enough time to you recognize me as a man, and in the future, as your husband.”
You didn’t react when the prince’s lips crashed hungrily at yours. In your catatonic state, you could only think about how your life came to this moment, being fervidly groped by the man you once adored. Your family was dead. Now, you were all alone with your little half-brother, who claimed you as his. Realizing your future, you could only cry silently.
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the-froschamethyst4 · 8 months
My wife’s the boss
𖤐Pairing: Husband! Price x Wife! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: fluff, mentions of smut, language, married couple, mentions of children, drinking, mentions of smoking, jealous, flirting, pregnancy,
𖤐Summary: The Team likes to tease their Captain John Price on how whipped he is for his wife
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"Do you guys think Y/n wears the pants in hers and Price's marriage?" Soap asked as they all looked at Price outside the bar cigar in between his finger and he was talking on the phone to whom?
His wife.
"What do you think they're talking about?" Ghost asked.
"Well, he doesn't seem like he's arguing with her...he seems calm-oh smirking, he's smirking, he's flirting with her," Gaz says, the guys all looked at Gaz on who the hell he knows that. "What? I took some body language classes in college, leave me alone," he says, sipping from his glass.
"I wonder what he's saying to flirt with her?" Soap said.
"You guys are so fucking nosy it's embarrassing," Kate says as she came back from the bathroom.
"Oh yeah, wanna bet?"
"With you? No fucking chance," she says, sipping from her glass.
"Oh shut up, he's coming back."
"No one was talking about him," Ghost says as Price opened the door to the bar placing his phone in his pocket and paying for his tap.
"Gotta head out."
"What why?"
"The missus wants me home," he says as he thanked the bartender.
"What?" Soap groans.
"We just started having fun, Captain."
"Have fun without me, my wife needs me right now," Price says as he called for a cab and went home.
Y/n sat on the nice white couch watching TV a bag of Cheetos between her thighs, a glass of apple juice on the coffee table in front of her, and a bowl of popcorn on her right side.
She was craving every single one of these.
She was also watching a sad romcom.
"I love you...always and forever-" the TV says.
"LIAR!!" She throws popcorn at the TV.
"My love?" She heard Price come in from the front door.
"Oh hi, baby," she said, looking over the couch. She rubs her big belly and looked back at her TV. "What a cheat."
"Huh?" Price sat next to her, he knows not to touch her snacks, so he got his own snacks.
"Oh this prick, he cheated on his wife and claims to love her," Y/n says.
"Haven't you watched this before?"
"Yeah, so?"
"So, don't you know that already?" She just shrugs at him.
"I like this movie," she says, popping a piece of popcorn into her mouth.
"I know, my love," he says, rubbing her belly and placing his head on her stomach, the baby was moving around.
"He's been kicking so much," she says.
"I bet...hey now...stop hurting your mama, she needs to rest, she can't if you keep kicking her in the ribs," Price says. She giggles at him.
"He doesn't listen."
"Yeah, well that just shows he's my son."
"Oh I know that, you are stubborn as a mule," she giggles.
Price held Y/n stomach as she placing dirty clothes in the washing machine. Price was also just naming off some names for the little baby.
"Tony? No," she says.
"Well, what do you have in mind?"
"I was thinking...Hudson or Beau."
"I like Beau...Beau Hudson Price," John says.
"I love it," Y/n says, turning and kissing his jawline. Y/n smiled as Price had picked up her belly from behind. She lets out a soft moan as the heavy weight was lifted off from her front.
"Thank you, I need that."
"Anything, for the woman carrying my baby," he says as he then gently brought the weight back on.
She lets out a soft groan.
Price was off to work putting on his favorite bucket hat and making sure he has all of his gear before heading out. He looks at the master bed and saw how peaceful Y/n looked while she was sleeping.
She just have the covers on her body, unfortunately none of her usual pajama fit her so she resorted into wearing either his clothes or half naked.
"Price," she rolls over not feeling him next to her, John stopped and rushed to her side.
"Hey, I'm here, is everything okay?" He says, cupping her face and brushing a piece of her hair from her face.
"Yes, I'm fine," she sits up and the blanket just falls off her shoulder exposing her black bra and he can barely see the matching black panties. "I was just seeing if you were gone."
"Not yet, my love," Price says, kissing her lips. "You look so sexy," he says, kissing her neck and then her chest.
"Price, you need to get going for work."
"It's okay," he says kissing her neck again. "God, if you weren't pregnant I'd take you right here and right now."
"Then why not?"
"Because I don't want to tire yourself out," he says. "I'm off, okay."
"Okay, be safe," he kissed her lips.
As Price left Y/n waddled back to her bathroom, her little baby has been sitting on her bladder all day long. She's been to the bathroom around 13 different times since Price had left.
She at the this point just sits in the bathroom on the edge of the tub just waiting for it to happen.
"Come on, baby, I have things I need to get done around the house. I need to get your nursery ready, can I work?" She asked, rubbing her big belly. She slowly stood up and she didn't feel anything. "Thank you, baby," she mumbles.
Y/n had ordered somethings online without Price's acknowledge and had came in a few weeks ago, she had to hide them so she could be able to put them up.
She likes Price's help and all but sometimes, she wants to do everything for once.
She had order pictures online of cute wild animals, Price and Y/n had gone with a gender neutral themed nursery for the baby, even way before knowing the baby was a boy.
Now that they decided on the name Beau, Y/n was ordering some letters to hang up over Beau's crib.
She grabs a small step ladder and started to hang up the pictures, making sure they're even and straight. She steps off and looks at the photos.
"Perfect," she says.
As she takes her photo off the baby's changing table to take a photo and send it to Price.
My Love: Look what I did
Price: I wish you waited till I got home to help
My Love: It's okay, I got it under control, I also ordered some letters to put above his crib, you can help with that
Price: Okay, I hope you were careful
My Love: I was
"Price you want to come and start training the rookies?" Ghost called.
"I'm coming, just had to see what my love sent me," he says, placing his phone back into his pocket.
"Here we go, whipped Price with his wife."
"Yeah, I love my wife, she's my everything and she is my pride and joy, AND she's carrying my child, of course I'm going to be 'whipped' for her. You'd be too if someone was carrying your child," Price says as Soap, Ghost and Price all stood in front of the new recruits.
Price crossed his arms over his chest as he listened to Ghost yell at the recruits and Soap clapped his hands to get the recruits to move faster through the course.
Price felt his phone buzz and he looks down seeing that Y/n had sent him a new message. He opened it and saw it was her in front of her full body mirror in his old dark green Military shirt with Task Force 141's logo on the front.
Her big belly in view and her hand just under her belly. She wasn't wearing any shorts.
Price: How do you always look so good?
My Love: Because I am 8 months pregnant and I have that pregnancy glow
Price: Yeah, that's true *I do want to kiss your body*
My Love: Maybe when I'm not pregnant, I'm too sensitive
"PRICE!" Ghost yells, Price lifted his head from his phone and looked at Ghost and Soap.
Y/n was back on the couch sliced apples on a plate in her hands, orange juice sitting on the coffee table, and a peanut butter jar sitting on the little table next to the couch.
"God I feel fat-"
"Don't say that, my love."
"Price, you're home too early."
"I know, I wanted to come home early and spend time with you." He drops his gear at the door and placed his bucket hat on the coat rack by the front door.
Y/n placed the plate on the coffee table. She stood up and walked to him. His hands went around her waist and kissed her lips.
"You taste like peanut butter," he chuckles and then down to her belly.
"I was eating apples and peanut butter," she says with a smile.
"Was it good?"
"Yep, the apples were juicy and so sweet," she says.
Price bent down on his knees and kissed her belly. "I can't wait for him to finally be here."
"I can't wait till he stops sitting on my bladder," she says.
"Bet that was fun?"
"I hated every minute of it but I love my baby," she says, her hands went to Price's hair.
After some time, Y/n was sitting in a bubble bath, Price was sitting behind her washing her body or caressing her stomach.
"You do look so fucking gorgeous," he mumbles in her neck, gently kissing her neck. "You wanna know what Ghost and Soap told me today?"
"What?" She asked, leaning back into his touch.
"When we were training the new recruits and when you showed me the photo of you in the full body mirror, they had asked if they wanted to go for drinks afterwards. I told them no because I wanted to get back home to you and spend my time with you. They said that you must be my boss or something because of me always wanting to come home to you, and I was like damn straight," He chuckles. "My wife is the boss and that's why I love her," he kissed her neck.
"Price, you should at least hang out with them at some point."
"I always hung out with them before you got pregnant, I want to spend my time with you before Beau's born," he says, kissing her neck. "And my time will be towards you and Beau, I'll only be able to hang out with the guys every now and then."
Y/n and Price had gotten out of the bath, he wraps her body in a towel and she walks out of the bathroom to Price's closet.
"I like you better when you sleep naked," he smirks. His hands went to her waist and pulling her back against his hard chest. His hands started to unwrap her towel from her chest and letting it fall on the ground.
"As long as you join me?"
"You know, I will," he says, dropping his towel.
A Month Later
Y/n was having a hard time getting out of bed without almost falling because of how weak she felt. Price stayed home ever since she said she could barely move.
Price was by her side taking one step at a time, the doctor had told them both to keep moving around to make sure the baby be ready in time and so Y/n won't be in so much pain.
"W-Wait, hang on," she stops and leans on the back of the couch trying to catch her breath. Price's hand went to her back.
"Deep breaths, my love," Price says, rubbing her back, her eyes closed like she was in more pain than before.
"My knees hurt, my legs hurt, my whole body hurts, this moving around...doesn't feel like it's working," she cries.
"Aww my love, it's okay," he says.
"Price, I just want to go to the hospital already."
"We can, I'll get everything ready you just relax on the couch okay?"
Price was getting the hospital bag ready and getting some fresh new clothes for the both of them, and maybe some baby clothes.
“Hold on, my love, where are the-oh found them.”
“Okay, and that’s all, yes my love?”
“My water broke.”
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Eddie Munson's family dinner
Written for the @steddieholidaydrabbles, day 23
Prompt: Uncle Wayne adopts Steve
Rated: M
CW: nudity
Tags: Modern AU; Rockstar Eddie; Royal Steve; Established relationship
Notes: Continued from days 11 and 14. I can't get this AU outta my head, halp!
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Eddie can't recall the first time he saw Steve. 
In all likelihood, he was two years old and Steve a tiny, wrinkly baby. His face was all over the news in the days and weeks following his birth, after all. Cradled in his mother's arms, staring bleary-eyed into the world as newborns tend to do - only that in his case, the entire world was staring back. The birth of the King's and Queen's first child had been long-awaited after all, a once-in-a-generation event. 
In the years that followed, Steve was always just … kind of there. A strange-but-familiar boy who kept popping up on TV and the front pages of magazines, living a life so different they may as well have been from different planets. 
Eddie still remembers fixing dinner in the trailer's tiny kitchen one night, news droning in the background. 
"Poor kid," Wayne grumbled. 
Eddie, sixteen and a giant shithead at the time, paused in putting the plates down on the table and glanced up to follow his uncle's gaze to the TV. 
"Oh yeah, woe is him. Must be so fucking hard, living in a palace. Having an army of servants to wipe your ass and shit." 
On the TV, the Prince sat between his parents at some sports event or other, a tiny carbon copy of his father with his Italian suit and carefully styled hair. Clapping at all the right times, face a polite, empty mask of a smile.
Wayne huffed. "Ain't no kid deserve that kinda shit. Always under scrutiny, paraded around like some trained dog." 
Eddie rolled his eyes and changed the topic and they didn't talk about it any further. 
Wayne's plates are still the same ones that Eddie was putting on the table all those years ago. Eddie has offered time and again to buy something new, but the stubborn old shit won't have it. Insists that Eddie already bought him a whole-ass house with the money from that first record deal, a car after the second, he won't die of a chipped plate or ten, thank you very much. He'll just have to get him new ones for Christmas, he guesses.
"This is delicious, Mr Munson," Steve is saying. He's sitting next to Eddie, back ramrod straight, elbows at a perfect angle, dissecting the meatloaf with careful precision. 
Like some trained dog. 
"My mom's recipe," Wayne hums, but then he sets down his own cutlery, expression serious. "Now … what are your intentions with my nephew?" 
Eddie flushes about twenty shades of crimson. Incidentally, so does Steve. 
"I …" he sputters, all traces of composure suddenly gone. "Well, I like Eddie a lot." 
"I figured …" Behind Wayne's beard, his mouth twitches. "Seeing how you're wearing his clothes and all." 
Steve blinks down at himself. They make sure to keep it low-profile when they're together. The paparazzi never sleep, after all, and they've both had their fair share of run-ins with the fuckers in the past. Which is why he's wearing a red-and-black flannel he stole from Eddie, faded and soft from too many cycles in the wash. Eddie wants to burn all the Italian suits in the world, wrap him up in soft and comfy clothes always. 
"Um …" Steve says. 
Wayne smiles. 
"Relax, son, I'm pulling your leg." If he notices how Steve tenses at the word son, he graciously ignores it. "Now are ya gonna take my boy's hand, or what?" 
Steve gapes. 
"Might as well," Eddie winks, takes the knife from Steve’s limp fingers and entwines their hands. "He'll just keep nagging until he gets what he wants." 
Their gazes lock and Steve smiles. Not a mask. The real one. The one where his eyes light up and he looks five years younger. The one that Eddie is rapidly becoming addicted to. 
He turns back to eating his dinner one-handed and remembers another boy, a boy from a very different planet, getting coaxed out of his shell over the same plates, the same meatloaf. 
Fuck the plates, he decides. Wayne is getting a whole damn kitchen for Christmas, whether he likes it or not. 
"He's a great guy, your uncle," Steve mutters into Eddie’s chest later that night. They're all curled up in Eddie’s bed and he's naked except for the flannel. He claims it's to ward off the cold air seeping in through the open window, and Eddie isn't about to argue. Not when the sight does things to him. 
"Sort of thought he was gonna hate me," Steve continues, and Eddie hums quizzically. 
"Why's that?" 
"Hm, let's see …" Steve's brow crinkles in mock-thought. "He raised the guy who wrote two top-ten songs about how much the monarchy sucks, that could've been a hint." 
"Nah," Eddie chuckles. "Guy would've adopted you as a kid, if he could've. He's always loved you, way-" 
Large hazel eyes blink up at him and the words get stuck in his throat. 
Because he hasn't said it yet, even though he's rapidly coming to accept that it's true. 
Way before I did.
"And apart from that," he says instead, "if you marry me, I'll be a princess. What parent doesn't want that for their kid?" 
"Hold your horses," Steve grumbles, but his eyes are sparkling again. "We can't get married if your uncle adopts me." 
"Shame," Eddie quips and presses him down into the pillows. "Would've loved to wear a tiara on stage, that sounds like a killer look."
Eddie doesn’t recall the first time he saw Steve, but he doesn’t really think it matters. Not when he gets to see the real him now, with no-one else watching. Blushing and naked, lips kissed pink, glowing with happiness.
It's an image he's sure he won't forget.
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Part 4
All my holiday drabbles
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