#'oh hey you wanna see that again from a different angle'
peppermintquartz · 1 month
Love your writing! Thank you for all you provide for the bucktommy fandom! For the prompts: spiderman kisses
You're welcome! My preferred method to engage with fandom is to write fics and I'm glad people are appreciating them ❤️
Ooh that is a hard one. I'm gonna try.
"How long ago was this movie?" Evan asks, settling in next to Tommy.
"It's from 2002," says Tommy.
"Wow, that's, like, vintage."
"I'm gonna pretend you didn't say that."
Tommy figures the first Spider-Man movie (the best of the live-action adaptations, in his biased opinion) is a good blend of action and drama and romance to entertain Evan and himself. He found James Franco hot, back in the day, and this movie brought back his teen crush feelings.
Evan sniffles when Uncle Ben dies, and Tommy cuddles him close. But the rest of the movie makes up for it, particularly when Peter Parker saves Mary Jane in the pouring rain.
"Oh wow, Kirsten Dunst is so hot," Evan muses. They've shifted positions so that Tommy is leaning against the arm of his couch and Evan is lying on him, like a spoiled cat.
Tommy stifles a laugh by kissing the top of his boyfriend's head. "Almost all my friends thought so. Some of them were especially focused on the fact she wasn't wearing a bra in this scene. Then again, we were all horny teenagers, so I guess that's to be expected."
"Yeah, it is hard to miss that," Evan comments. Then he sighs. "It's such a romantic kiss though."
"It's an original idea too, not copied from the comics," Tommy says, because sometimes he knows things. "Got parodied to hell and back after that, but that's how you know it's iconic."
Pausing the movie, Evan shifts and turns around, nearly elbowing Tommy in the ribs. "You know, I wanna try that."
Tommy raises an eyebrow. "An upside-down kiss? You do know neither of us are Spider-Man, right?"
Evan gets to his feet and drags Tommy out of the couch. "I have an idea. Come on come on come on come on, I wanna try something."
Putting up a token display of resistance, Tommy lets Evan lead him into the garage. Evan stares at the pull-up bar, his eyes narrowing, and then he grabs it, swings one long leg up and then the other, and hangs on to it with hands and knees.
Tommy is not amused but worried. "Baby, please get down," he says as he hurries in place to keep his arms under his boyfriend, ready to break his fall.
"Kiss me first," Evan demands. His face is already turning red from being upside down.
Tommy quickly pecks him on the mouth. "There are safer ways to have upside-down kisses, babe. I don't want you breaking your neck.
"That's not how the kiss went."
"Evan Buckley, I'm not playing. Get off the bar carefully." Tommy resorts to using his Serious Tone, which he hates to use on his boyfriend, but sometimes Evan does rush into things a little too impulsively and Tommy has to rein him in.
Pouting, Evan gets off the contraption, and Tommy pulls him into a hug and kisses the pout away. Evan keeps his eyes downcast. "Hey. That was just too unsafe. We can do the kiss lying down, okay?"
Evan peers through his lashes. "I want a proper Spider-Man kiss."
Tommy huffs through his nose and pulls Evan to the Muay Thai mat. They lie down, head to head but their feet angled in opposite directions. Tommy cups Evan's cheek. It's a different feeling, the way his hands are angled, and he leans in to kiss Evan.
It is very different. The top of his tongue slides over the top of Evan's tongue; his nose is bumping against Evan's stubbled chin. He changes the angle of his mouth and tries again.
After a moment, they both pull away. Evan is giggling. "I don't think that was as hot as the movie's version," he admits. Rubbing the tip of his nose, he adds, "I love your cleft, but I think I prefer if my nose isn't rubbed raw on it."
Tommy laughs and gets up, before he reaches for Evan. "Yeah, I think I'll stick to the regular way. Besides, I like seeing your eyes after we kiss."
"Really? Why?"
Tommy shrugs. He's not that good with words. "I just like it, that's all." He kisses his boyfriend again, right way round this time, and when he pulls away, he watches Evan blink, his wide blue eyes a little dazed and his lips curving into a smile. "Yeah, exactly like that. I like seeing that."
Evan tucks an arm around Tommy's waist. "You're so sweet." Biting his lower lip, he asks, "So, shall we finish the movie and make out on the couch like horny teenagers afterwards?"
"Sounds like a plan."
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raffe156 · 2 years
Breakaway State part 3
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Pairing - Price X Female OC “Tank”
Summary - Tank is a thief, Price is still having bad dreams, Luke pitching a tent, Toy fighting*, Mckinley has control issues, Jumping out of helicopters and Kyle is just happy to have Tank back.
A/N - Honestly, I love you lot! The memes the asks all of it thank you so much! I know this was meant to be Sqaud * and 141 sharing but I've split it up to be honest it just means the next bit is halfway done and will be uploaded sooner x
Warnings - NSFW, smut, safe sex, p in v, Angst. Language, Age gap Price (39) reader (25), Violence, fighting, abuse, abuse of power, injury, Blood, mentions of death, mentions of scars
I really appreciate all the recent feedback and asks! Please keep em coming! It only spurs me on haha 
Tags:  @irnbru32 @shuttlelauncher81  @mildlyhopeless @mentallynot-here​ @deadbranch @soapyghost @fluffysmiko @bangirl134 @mortallyscrumptiousmilkshake @boomtowngirl @fanficandartgal @merakiaes @tapioca-marzipan @boniscute @chb-7 @adicthao @a-littlebirdie @mostannoyingbillioner @brewed-pangolin
If I've missed anyone, please let me know ​
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Call of duty characters - Only Tank, Luke, Dredd and Mckinley
Masterlist link here
“You heard anything from Tank, Kyle?” Price knew you and him spoke often.
“No not spoke to her since last week…Oh But I did get sent a picture…wanna see?” Kyle pulled his phone out searching for the image. He smiled angling his phone towards Price. It was a candid picture of you, you looked deep in thought or spaced out the looks were the same. You must have been on a mission when it was taken as your were fully geared up AK hugged to your body, you were cold…you hated the cold. Price stared at the image for a few minute longer…then he noticed your hat…a black beanie with a little green stitch, too big for your head because it wasnt yours, it was his. Price gave a little chuckle. When had you swiped that from him?
“Something funny boss? I know she looks like a right miserable get” Kyle took another look at the phone smiling.
Price felt a sense of pride knowing you had his hat on, even thought the T-shirt was back with him you still had his hat, still holding on. Still had some of him with you.
“Yeh she does…who sent it to you?” Price still hadn’t looked away from your face.
“Dredd sent it over, said she’s doing ok, but…” Kyle paused he thought for a moment if it was a good idea to tell Price what Dredd had mentioned.
“But? Go on…” The flutter in his chest had been replaced by a sinking feeling now. Something wasn’t right and it something wasnt right he needed to know.
“No…I think she’s just homesick…you know how she is…different team, different ways of doing things Tank is stubborn shell learn”
“Yeh you can say that again…if she would have spoken to me I would have put her straight…Mckinley is a nut job…but hey she went off thinking she knew best…”
It was clear Price still felt the sting of you leaving without telling him and his nights were still plagued with vivid nightmares, the latest one was of him of finding your lifeless body in a ditch, him being too late to save you as always, Mckinley taunting him from inside his head. It was safe to say Price hadn’t had a good night's sleep in weeks, but what else was new.
“That’s meant to be a 2 man tent?” You looked at Luke as he finished hammering in the last tent peg.
“Yes it's meant to be a 2 man tent… cosy one” He burst out laughing he had no idea how the air mattress would fit. Neither did you…least you were used to sleeping on the cold ground, there was that time in Bahrain when you and Price had slept in a ditch together in the middle of the desert. A faint smile tugged at the corner of your mouth. Luke thought it was for him.
“Have you seen through my plan? Is now a good time to say there’s only one sleeping bag? It’s an extra large double one, but I’m a big guy” He backed you up against his Old Defender, arms either side of you. He did cause a stir inside you he really did, your body reacted well to him, but your mind hesitated.
“Only one sleeping bag? Why do I feel like I’m in a romance novel? I’m sure we will manage Luke, I’ve done my fair share of sharing single mattresses and sleeping bags! It will have to do for the next 2 days” You laughed thinking about when you had to share a single bed with Kyle in a grim hotel just outside of Columbia, Kyle was a cuddler. That had been for 2 nights only getting a few hours relief when Price would wake Kyle up to change watch. Price had slept in the questionable armchair the first 2 nights letting you take the bed, he only gave in when you shouted at him to get in bed on the last night. When Kyle came to wake you up to switch he had found you tucked into Price, your face buried in his side and his arm around you tight. Kyle decided against waking you and went back on watch. Later when being asked why he hadn’t woke you. He said it was too precious of a moment to ruin! It was the best you had both slept…especially as later that night you ended up getting shot not telling Price and attempting to sew yourself back up.
“I’d love to visit that planet that you go to so much?” Luke was currently fiddling with the drawstring on your hoodie.
“Ill get you a ticket for next time” you reached up pulling him into a kiss just as he pulled the drawstrings tight making your hood close up.
The fire crackled, the smoke permeating your pores and hair follicles. As you watched it crackle, Luke watched you, the way the warm orange glow light up inside your eyes and the way the shadows moved around your face.
“Getting pretty late, wanna hit the hay?” He couldn't hide the smirk, he knew you could see right through him. You shook your head, laughing. Oh yeh you definitely did see right through him.
“Yeh wow look at the time…9:30pm” You leaned into him. His sturdiness supporting you. Luke rested his head on top of yours he loved the way the smoke had mixed with the smell of your shampoo, he could smell it on your skin as well, Smokey sweet vanilla, it made his mouth water. He pulled your face up to meet his, his lips softly making their way up your neck, his beard rough on your soft flesh. It gave you goosebumps, he could feel them under his lips. He wanted you there and then out in the open, next to the fire.
“Luke…lets get inside the tent….” You ran your fingers through his hair , your nails raking his scalp. He didn’t need to be told twice, he picked you up almost falling into the tent.
“Christ sake Luke! Haha don’t want the air mattress popping do we!” Your heart was beating through your chest. Were you nervous? You watched as Luke fumbled with the zip of the tent. He quickly removed his boots an yours as he did you pulled your hoodie over your head, Luke mirrored your motions also removing his jumper. A grin plastered on his face he made you giddy.
“Help me off with my pants please…” it was a genuine request there wasn’t any room to stand up in the tent so pulling them off was a struggle, he nodded instead of rushing like before he gently hooked his fingers into the waistband slowly shimming them down your legs till they slipped off. He unbuckled his belt leaning forward to slip his jeans off his backside as he did he fell forward into you, making you both burst out laughing.
You helped him pull them off with your foot.
Luke knelt infront of you, both in just a T-shirt and underwear, he began to run his hand back up you leg the roughness of his palm causing a little gasp to escape, his thumb stopping over a large scar on your thigh. Oh you remembered why you were nervous now…Luke still didn’t know what you really did for a job…he hadn’t seen all your scars he had only seen the ones on your hands. It was a good job blood didn’t stain skin. What would he say, maybe he wouldn’t notice all of them, there was a fair few. Maybe you could leave your T-shirt on? Maybe he wouldn’t even ask?
“How did you get that?” He was still running his finger along it. Shit. You had been stabbed by one of the world's most wanted terrorists? No!
“Fell off my bike as a kid…into a metal fence” you quickly pulled his face forward into yours, kissing him gently, catching his bottom lip in your teeth. Even in the dimly lit tent you could see his pupils had blown completely. He had all but forgotten about your scar, but you still started thinking of other excuses to explain the many others. Luke pulled his top over his head you instinctively reached out to touch his chest, you ran your fingers over the dark chest hair. He was solid exactly how you had imagined. He pulled you to the edge of the air mattress, you thighs resting on top of his, he was boiling hot it almost stung your skin. When had you breathing got so heavy? He motioned to remove your T-shirt but you clung to it, you hands flying down to hold the hem. Luke’s up in the air as if he was showing he was unarmed.
“Ok…top can stay on…but can I…” he reached around you slowly as if you may snap at him any moment. Once you realised he was just trying to unhook your bra you eased up, pulling the straps down to help slip it out from under your T-shirt. As soon as the bra was off he gently pushed you down onto your back. He rested his hand on your hip his thumb rubbing back and forth. It sent a pulse down to your core. With his other he cupped your breast softly licking at your nipple through your T-shirt softly biting at it as it hardened under his touch. Arching your back you felt his bulge brush against your centre he was big. You felt the rumble of a moan as he sucked your nipple he was now rubbing his thumb over your other one. Even through the T-shirt, you could feel his warm breath as he sucked. You wanted his hands all over you wanted them searing into your skin. As he pulled back to admire you he let out a small groan. His mouth sounded wet an you wanted it on you.
“Look at what you’ve done to me…” he had pulled his cock out an began slowly stroking himself you could hear the wet sounds of it in his fist as he pumped away. He knew how to pull at your cords you could feel the slickness in between your thighs your underwear as soaked as your T-shirt.
“Touch yourself for me…” He almost sounded like he was begging. You did as you were told pulling you underwear to the side. Before you could get your hand near yourself Luke had your fingers in his mouth his tongue running over each finger. You nearly melted into the floor.
“Nice an wet for you…” he placed his free hand on your thigh a tight grip. You were speechless.
You dipped your fingers inside yourself, an you were right he did know how to pull at your cords. As you rubbed little circles over your clit Luke pushed his middle finger inside you, your walls immediately clenched around him.
“Let’s see what two fingers does to you eh?” As the words left his lips he slipped his ring finger inside you slowly curling them up, the thickness of them caused you to let out a little whimper.
“There’s a good girl…does that feel nice? Tell me”
“It feels so good…sir…”
The combination of you rubbing yourself an his fingers had made your mind go to mush. You didn’t realise what you had said till you heard Luke chuckle.
“Sir? I like that…what about Captain?”
The word brought you round from your haziness, like a smack to the face it felt like a sharp sting. Luke picked up on your sudden mood change while slipping the condom on.
“Sorry too far?…I don’t mind sir…or whatever” in an effort not to ruin the mood you played along, he wasn’t to know you had imagined many a time Your real Captain an you in this very same situation. He didn’t know he was partly to blame for you an said Captain coming to blows an ultimately deciding it wouldn’t work, he didn’t know you had left your team and your captain as you couldn’t stand to be around him an his “girlfriend” and now called another man Captain a man who paled in comparison a man who if you were being honest scared you half to death.
Luke didn’t know how much weight that word carried.
“No…not at all” you reached out to him giving him your best smile even in the growing darkness of the tent. He angled his body as he hunched over you kissing your neck, his skin smelt of cut grass, cold air and aftershave. It tasted salty as you kissed his shoulder. He slowly edge the tip inside you pushing just halfway in allowing you to adjust around him.
“God it feels so good even with this on…” He edged in further. You could feel him holding back as if he was scared he was going to break you, he was definitely the biggest you had had the full feeling was a new one an you had to angle your hips so he didn’t hit your cervix but even at this pace you were close.
“You can be abit rough you know I don’t mind at all…sir” You kissed under his jaw as you whispered into his ear. Your words sent him wild causing him to buck his hips into yours the sound of his thighs slapping against your backside could probably be heard across the site, but you both didn’t care. Both crying out into the night like wild animals. Both melting together, as you came undone under him the faint smell of cigars and gun oil filled your nose and instead of a mess of dark curls was a short clipped auburn cut, pale grey eyes replaced for dark blue ones. You weren’t looking at Luke you were looking at John. You shut your eyes and kissed John away deciding it wasn’t fair to Luke.
He let out a low grunt as his hips stuttered. He crashed down to your side pulling you tightly to him, his hair falling in front of his face.
He ran his thumb over your lips as you combed your fingers through his dark curly hair pushing it out of his face.
“Where have you been all my life woman?” He kissed the top of your head.
Fighting a never ending war alongside your Captain.
“What do you mean sharing the base sir?” Kyle had mixed emotions on one hand he got to see you for a few days on the other he had to see you with a different team, with another Captain.
“Squad 8 are going to be bunking here for a few days a quick stop over before they are relocated to their next housing state” Price avoided eye contact with Kyle, he knew he would give himself away. He was looking forward to seeing you, maybe get a chance to talk with you, but the idea of Mckinley lurking around made his blood pressure rise.
“Well, at least we get Tank for a few days eh boss? Like the good old days” Kyle gave him a weak smile. They both missed you and this was better than nothing.
“hahaha ok, ok, you win! I submit!” Crest tapped your leg causing you to release him from the arm bar you had him in.
“Told you didn’t I? Haha even at 6ft 2’ Crest, no man is too big to fall!” You laughed, helping him up from the ground. Crest laughed as you hoisted him up.
“Small but might eh Tank? Got some strength in you girl…Glad your on our side!” He patted you on the back. Dredd threw you your water bottle.
“Think that move will help me bag Ghosty?” She leant on the ropes of the boxing ring, you cocked your eyebrow at her, she was being deadly serious.
“I think it would take more than that to bag Ghost…” You scoffed, but you did imagine how you would grapple him to the ground, he defiantly wouldn’t go down as easy as Crest.
“Imagining how you would do it?”
Dredd threw a towel at your head. From the corner of your eye you spotted Mckinley strutting into the gym hall as he got closer the mood changed dramatically as if a dark cloud had rolled in on an otherwise sunny day. The cut was just healing above Crest's eyebrow from where Mckinley had struck him that night. You had never seen a Captain turn on his lieutenant like that in all your years of service, maybe the odd cross word but nothing on that level, you thought of Price and Ghost going to blows like that…
“Not packing up yet are you?” McKinley’s words cut through the room, Dredd flickered her eyes at your hand wraps as if to say ‘start unwrapping them now’ but it was already too late.
“Course not, still have your wraps on Tank…how about it? Let's see if you can knock me on my arse like you did to Crest…come on let's see how well Price trained you?”
Before you could answer he was already in the ring. He was stocky and well built, you had sparred with bigger men and women but none as volatile as him.
“Ok…fair enough…but I’m warning you, Price taught me well” you gave him a playful smirk, a little bit of banter. You regretted it instantly as his grin had dropped into a straight line in the blink of an eye. Dredd looked from you to Mckinley, her expression said it all…
As you readied yourself, you noticed him watching you like a hawk, you just needed to get him on his arse as quickly as possible, take him down, but then wouldn’t that just make him angrier? But you couldn't just let him win?
The first blow to your stomach caused you to double over…the wind knocked from your lungs…
“HEY!! I hadn’t even rung the bell!” Dread was shouting from the side.
“Sorry but she wasn't paying attention…thought I'd bring her back down to earth…no time to be daydreaming out in the field Tank, that’s how you die…No Captain Price here to jump in front of a bullet for you…” His lip curled up as he spoke. Your blood began to boil. He was rilling you up. He wanted you unfocused. Dredd rang the bell.
“I took the bullet for him actually!” You managed to evade his next punch by ducking as you did you reached to lock his leg into a hold to pull him down, but he was one step ahead and his elbow connected with your shoulder blade. You just needed to get him on his back.
“That’s even worse…which shoulder was it…this one?” He shot a blow to your shoulder. The pain ripped through it like toothache. He was pushing you off the edge now.
“No wonder you left…must of gone soft in his old age eh?” He attempted another jab to your shoulder, but you managed to block this one landing a blow to his chest. It seemed to only hype him up further, but you knew he had felt the rage behind it. You took your chance your blows rained in on him, tight and fast but not fast enough his elbow came up again clashing with your skull this time, before you could right yourself another blow to your chest, then a third to your head. He didn’t stop. He had you where he wanted you now. You could hear the bell ringing but he didn’t stop blow after blow you could hear Dredd shouting for him to stop…his final punch was to your face he had seen an opening and went for it. Your lip smashed against your teeth splitting instantly. It rattled your skull.
You reached out with one hand resting it on his forearm the other palm up in surrender…you looked up at him…so close that you could hear his heartbeat. He changed his stance, disarming himself. Mckinley glanced down at your lip, blood from your nose had mingled with that from your lips causing your teeth to be stained dark red. He swiped his thumb along your bottom lip, the salt from his hands causing it to sting.
“Don’t worry…your with me now…I'll toughen you up”
“How long have you been sat here?” Ghost handed Kyle a coffee. It was about 5am, cold and windy, but Kyle had been sat outside waiting for you to arrive.
“Not long actually…they should be arriving soon…where’s the Captain?” Kyle took the coffee gladly. He knew Price was probably hiding in his office using the excuse of paperwork to keep him busy. Ghost lifted his mask up to drink his tea, black no sugar, two teabags.
“He’s hiding in his office… don't blame him to be honest…Mckinley is a cunt wouldn’t be surprised if he nuts him as soon as he claps eyes on him…they go way back…Price was there when he got the nickname The Buthcer…nasty little fucker…” Ghost clocked Kyles's shocked expression.
“An he’s Tank's new Captain? What the fuck?” Kyle pressed his fingers into his eyes. What were you doing?
“We need to talk to her, I don't like this…she doesn’t belong with them…she’s 141 born and bred, Price needs to talk some sense into her…I need to talk some sense into her…Its not right…” Ghost rested his hand on Kyles's shoulder he felt sorry for the lad he really did miss you, If he was being honest Ghost missed you.
“Listen Kyle…she’s made of strong stuff our girl…she’ll be ok you never know she might love being with them…”
Your stomach was in knots, as the helicopter got closer to the base. You knew Kyle would be waiting for you he had text you late last night. Dredd had done her best at treating your lip and covering your black eye and brushed cheekbone, but it was no good you looked busted. Your plan was to tell them you fell…easily done in your line of work. God you hated how you were trying to cover for Mckinley, bu you wanted to avoid as much chaos as possible the next few days. You glanced out the window, you were half a mile out from the base, but you could still make out Kyle in blue and the huge black mass that was Ghost. Your heart jumped in your chest, you hadn’t realised how much you had missed them. Noticing your little smile Dredd squeezed your thigh.
“Kyle is so cute bet he's been waiting since early this morning…He really does wear that mask all the time doesn’t he?” Dredd was now leaning over you to get a better look at Ghost.
“He really does…I’m going to get him to take it off one day…” You both giggled like school girls. Mckinley cleared his throat his boot knocking yours. You exchanged looks with Dredd. You grew impatient as the helicopter descended, already unbuckling your belt, Kyle noticed your squirming in your seat his heart swelling at the site of you, he couldn't hold it in he set off jogging towards the helicopter.
“And there he goes…” Ghost sighed a smile pulling at his mouth.
The landing was taking too long, as soon at it touched the ground you didn’t even wait to be cleared or dismissed by Mckinley, you bolted like a dog off its lead, nearly hitting the deck you legged it towards Kyle jumping up into his open arms. You breathed him in, fresh air, wet tarmac, coffee and lynx body spray you had missed it, he smelt like home.
“Missed me Garrick?” You didn’t even lift your head, instead you held on to him tigher, he did the same.
“Course I did you clown!”
Kyle glanced over at Squad 8, He clocked Mckinley straight away, he was the guy starting through him.
“Come on you two, break it up…” Ghost caught a glimpse of your face. His eyes narrowed.
“What the fuck is that about?” He pulled your face up towards the light. He could feel his blood boiling.
“Kyle put her down…let me see your face…now” you tried to brush him off but he wasn't playing around. Kyle turned his head to look at what the fuss was about. His eyes widened as he saw your cheekbone.
“What the fuck Tank? How did that happen?” Kyle was now holding your face and inspecting your lip.
“I fell over while out on recon, uneven terrain wasn't watching where I was going you know me…” They looked at each other, they didn’t buy it. Ghost looked over at Mckinley, then back at you.
Surely he wasn't that stupid to bring you back damaged, knocked about…Ghost knew Mckinley believed in ‘Tought love’, but was he that arrogant that he wanted to show off his handy work to Price. Ghost sighed.
“Fair enough Kid, come on let's get you inside it's cold.”
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theladybarnes · 2 years
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“Do you wanna dance?”
▸ summary: a final chapter ends, while a new story begins ▸ characters: steve harrington, the party, & billy hargrove ▸ word count: 10k         ▸ warnings: angst, hurt, SMUT (18+MINORS DNI) p&v smut, unprotected sex, & semi fluff (forgive me for this chapter) ▸ series masterlist
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“I can’t believe we’re doing this!” Mike cried as he continued to put supplies in the trunk of the car. 
 “Quit whining, and keep packing, Mike.” you called out. Wrapping another layer of tape onto the box underneath Max’s foot. It was a bit tricky with your eye still a little swollen shut, but you managed to get it pretty tight before you helped place it back on the ground. “Tell me again.” you said to Max, looking up at her. 
 “Left brake, right gas. Signal bar on the left, set it to drive.”
 “And?” you pressed on.
 “And I stop when you tell me to.”
 Nodding your head, you get up from crouching on the floor to stand up again. The sudden movement makes you feel a little dizzy again but thankfully you’re able to get back into focus to place a hand on her shoulder. “This isn’t gonna be like the parking lot ok? We’re gonna need to go at least forty-five to get there fast. Can you do this?” 
 Max gulped for a second before nodding her head. She reached out for your hand and gave it a quick squeeze. “I can do this. Trust me.”
 “I’m gonna have to.” you sighed, squeezing back. The other two boys came out of the house. Holding onto a barely conscious Steve. You got up from the floor, walking over to the car to open up the backseat for them. That’s when you get a good look at him.
 He’s red, stained with some leftover blood, swollen, and bruising up. The two seemed to attempt to patch up with different types of bandages they must have found in the Byers’ bathroom. A cute gesture if it wasn’t such a bad situation. 
 “Are you sure we can’t ditch him?” Mike asked, looking down at Steve with a frown before he climbed on the other side. 
 “I told you, he’ll be cool!” Dustin exclaimed climbing after you both squeezed Steve in the middle. 
 “He’s coming, Wheeler. The guy got his ass beat all to stick up for us. No one gets left behind.” you reminded him, pushing the seat back in place. 
 It’s a few minutes of struggling to get the rest of you in the car. But you managed to get two in the back with Steve comfortable while Lucas in the front is on your lap. Using his eyes to help read the map since you’re not able to. After a minute of Max pulling out of the long driveway, the journey to the tunnels begins.
 “Here,” Dustin said, passing a cold bag to you. “I found another ice pack for you.” 
 “Thanks.” you smiled, putting the cool pressure to your eye. A form of relief you finally needed. 
 Max surprisingly was pretty calm and collected as she drove towards the tunnels. Lucas kept his focus on the map while you told Max when to slow down or speed up. Everything was going swimmingly until a sudden murmuring from the back caught your attention.
 “Hey, buddy.” Dustin said softly, followed by some shushing. “It’s okay. You put up a good fight. He kicked your ass, but you put up a fight. You’re okay.”
 Steve’s groaning caused you to try and turn your head over, but the angle did nothing with your bad eye not letting you see. So you settled with looking forward. “Dustin, you better calm him down.” you warned, knowing what’s gonna happen if Steve fully wakes up while on the way there.
 “Okay, you’re gonna keep straight for a half a mile, then make a left on Mount Sinai.” Lucas instructed, holding the flashlight to the map. 
 “What’s going on?” Steve asked, sounding like he woke up from a terrible nap. You peeked around to notice Max worriedly looking over her shoulder. 
 “Eyes on the road, Red.” you called out, tapping at the dashboard.
 “Oh my God!” Steve softly cried out. Realizing what was going on. You can’t help but shake your head and really hope you aren’t about to regret bringing him along.
 “Just relax.” Dustin reassured Steve. “She’s driven before.”
 “Yeah, in a parking lot with your cousin!” Mike added, sounding annoyed.
 “That counts!” Dustin countered. You can’t help but groan out at the wrong time for these boys to be arguing. “They were gonna leave you behind.” he continued to Steve.
 “Oh, my God.”
 “I promised that you’d be cool, okay?”
 “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What’s going on?!” Steve cried, ignoring Dustin. Max took his hysterics apparently as a signal to speed more. Pushing the car’s speed from your advised forty-five to sixty. 
 “SHIT MAX, SLOW DOWN!” you gasped, reaching a hand up to hold onto the dashboard. The speed plus your sudden panic caused Steve to join in even more as he began to croak out. Sounding oddly like he was about to be sick.
 “Oh, my GOD. No! Whoa! Stop the car. Slow down.”
 “I told you he’d freak out!” Mike chimed in.
 “Everybody shut up! I’m trying to focus!” Max yelled next, making you even more worried about getting the others to shut up. Lucas jumped in your lap suddenly, making you huff out in a pained groan as he pointed to the left. 
 “Oh, wait, that’s Mount Sinai! Make a left!”
 The car veered left a bit, slamming into someone’s mailbox before Max gained control of the wheel again. She accidentally pressed down on the pedal, turning the car so fast and so quickly that all of you around her let out a scream. Holding onto anything that helped keep you balanced.
 As you hold onto a screaming Lucas, you can’t help but think about the others and hope they’re doing better than the rest of you here.
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  By the time Max arrives at the field, you can’t help but feel nauseous at the stress and fear from being in the car with her. At one point, the only person Max listened to was Lucas as he read on the last few instructions. With a final crash to the sign on the long grass, the car finally came to a hard stop. Making all of you let out the breaths you had been holding.
 “HELLO.” Steve yelled, having been losing it still the whole drive there.
 Max glanced over at you, seeming to look for some sort of approval. But all you can manage to muster up is a weary smile and a thumbs up. 
 “Incredible.” Mike said, looking astonished at the record timing.
 “I told you. Zoomer.” She shuts the engine and the rest of you pile out of the car. Lucas helped get you out quickly and you lean against the side of the car to get your heart rate back to normal. The kids ignore the state of the only two adults around to start getting their gear together. 
 They rush past the two of you, to get their faces covered with different forms of face masks and goggles. Something Dustin insisted considering the air must be different in the tunnels due to the connection to the upside down. It was almost enough information to make you want to back out of the plans.
 Finally gaining your heart back to normal, you wrap one of the scarves you found in the Byers’ house around your neck until it’s snug around your mouth before getting what looked like an older pair of cyclist goggles. Steve is slowly realizing that everyone else is getting ready without him, causing him to freak out again. 
 “Hey, where do you think you’re going?” he called out to Mike. The boy went along with his tasks with the rope. “What are you deaf?! HELLO?”
 His next yelling target is Max, who just as easily ignored Steve as she joined Mike at his side. “We are NOT going down there right now. I made myself clear!” 
 Dustin and you share a look of sympathy. He obviously meant well. And he was most likely just upset about losing the fight. And Max’s driving. And the hole. 
 “Hey, there’s no CHANCE we’re going to that hole, all right?”
 Lucas completely avoiding him by going farthest away from the car was the final straw as Steve stomped over and reached over for one the bundles of rope you guys put together. “THIS ENDS RIGHT NOW!” he yelled, hopefully ending the dramatics.
 “Steve!” Dustin yelled. Making you jump a bit before you glanced over at him. “You’re upset, I get it. But the bottom line is, a party member requires assistance, and it is our duty to provide that assistance.”
 You placed a hand on his shoulder, silently agreeing with him as you gave Steve a half shrug. He looked honestly more tired than before, but at this point. It’s all hands on for this problem.
 “Now, I know you promised Nance that you would keep us safe.” he said, reaching for Steve’s bat and backpack. “So, keep us safe.” 
 Steve shook his head, staring for quite a minute at Dustin before his eyes glanced towards you. He raised a single brow, waiting almost for you to break out in a speech. 
 “Please?” you asked in a soft voice. 
 He sighed in defeat, reluctantly taking the bag from Dustin and looking annoyed at the handkerchief and swim goggles in his hand. You waited until Dustin moved on to join the others before walking over to cup the side of Steve’s cheek gently.
 He reached a hand up to place over yours. Making the moment feel entirely too delicate for how messy you both must have looked. “Your eye..” he gasped, taking in your appearance for the first time.
 “It’ll heal.” 
 “I’m so sorry. I never wanted you to get hurt. I-”
 Pulling down the scarf, you lean up on your toes and press a gentle kiss against his cheek to cut off his words. Making sure not to press too hard on any part of his face that might still feel swollen. “It’s okay. Let’s go tough guy.” you murmured walking away.
 The car thankfully is sturdy enough for when all of you eventually climb down into the tunnels. The low lighting casts a blue glow over everything but you can’t help feel it’s made the setting creepier. Especially when you don’t know what’s down the tunnel line.
 Mike is already ahead of the group, trying his best to read the map that they put together from Will’s sketches. 
 “Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s this way.” Called out Mike from the front.
 Dustin scoffed behind you, not fully confident in his friend’s direction. “You’re pretty sure, or you’re certain?”
 “I’m one hundred percent sure! Just follow me and you’ll know!”
 You can’t help but roll your eyes, these kids are always so incredibly impatient with each other it’s a surprise they’re friends. How did any of them follow directions in that stupid game of theirs if they’re always fighting? Steve before you grew uneasy and began to stalk towards where Mike was.
 “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, hey, I don’t think so!” He called out, stopping Mike from moving any further. “Any of you little shit die down here, I’m getting the blame. Got it, dipshit?” 
 It was really at this point that all of you had brought Steve Harrington to his wits end. 
 “From here on out, I’m leading the way!” He pointed over at you, almost waiting to see if you’d rebut that. When you shook your head, he gave a small nod before turning forward again. “Come on, let’s go!”
 “Steve is so bossy.” Max muttered under her breath. 
 “Like a damn stick up his ass.” you joked back, making the two of you snort a bit.
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  The group had made its way deep into the tunnels. Making you suddenly aware of how claustrophobic it felt like. Luckily the only difficult part of the journey was the uneven flooring and the sounds of the kids’ constant questioning. That is until the sound of Dustin’s screaming caused the whole group to stop. But after watching him gag over his own coughing and calmly telling the group he was fine, you all threw a parting insult before carrying on.
 Thankfully there’s no mishaps after that and eventually you hear Steve announce that you’ve all found the hub. The wide space area with connecting tunnels being the dead giveaway without the map. All there’s left to do is drench the damn place with enough gas, it could light up a city. 
 The heavy smell of gasoline and the pain from your head has you nearly gagging once or twice as you quickly move to cover the floor up with the liquid. You wait until your pitcher is completely empty though before you join the others at the first entrance you came from. 
 “Allright, you guys ready?” Steve asked, crouching down near the floor by you. Everyone followed with a confirming ‘yeah’ quickly. You watched from the side as Steve pulled out his lighter from his pocket. 
 “Light her up.” Dustin ordered.
 Steve is hesitant for a moment looking down at his hands. “I’m in such deep shit.” 
 Leaning his arm back, Steve gave off one hard throw. Sending the lighter deep within the hub. Instantly the fire is fanned out over the floor, making the room glow in a bright orangey light. Though there’s no visible creature in sight, the sounds of soft screeching could be heard all around. As if the room itself were alive.
 “Uh, guys? The fire is getting pretty big!” you warned, standing up from the floor. The sense of urgency comes to everyone and suddenly Steve is yelling for everyone to go. Making all of you scramble out of the hub and towards the entrance again.
 The screeching echoed behind the group as you all ran back, Steve barking out directions as he took over the lead again. Every step you take has your breath getting shorter. The flooring nearly has you tripping with the vines that started to come to life.
 You made it over a particular step when a voice called out from behind the group.
 “It’s Mike!” Lucas screamed, instantly turning around. Steve and Max have gone the farthest, making you have to yell out louder for them to come back. Turning, you rushed over to where Mike lay on the ground. Around this ankle is a thick vine like creature keeping him from moving. 
 Dustin and Lucas both grab one of Mike’s arms and tug at him before Steve eventually came back to swing his bat down on the tendril until it finally broke apart. But you’re still not able to feel relief when suddenly the familiar sound of growling approached the group.
You can’t help but reach a hand out to Dustin, noticing how much closer he is to it than the others.
 “Dart.” he called out. He barely took one small step forward when the rest of the group began to freak out. You quietly watched in panic as he stepped towards the creature. 
 “SHH. Stop.” Dustin replied, holding a hand out.
 “Dustin..” you tried, feeling your voice grow small, but all he did was hush you. Not being able to control yourself, you stretch forward to step out when Steve wrapped a hand around your arm, keeping you from moving. “If you go after him, it’ll react.” he whispered, making you feel only more nervous.
 “Trust me, please.” Dustin called out, keeping his gaze solely on the thing before him. The group stayed quiet, allowing your cousin’s calm voice to be the only thing that Dart would hear. “Hey, it’s me. It’s me. It’s just your friend, it’s Dustin. All right?”
 The creature approached him carefully, without a face you can’t quite place what it was thinking. But with its small steps it appeared hesitant. Dustin slowly crouched down before it. “You remember me?” It gargled lightly. “Will you let us pass?”
 Dart’s face flared open, showing the thousands of tiny teeth inside its mouth. The group jolted a bit, and you tried to get out of Steve’s grasp. Pinching at his arm to let you go. But all he did was grunt softly at the pain.
 “Okay, okay, I’m sorry.  I’m sorry about the storm cellar.” Dustin chuckled. “That was a pretty douchey thing to do. You hungry? Yeah?” he reached behind him for his backpack, putting it before him on the ground.
 “He’s insane!” Lucas whispered.
 “Don’t.” Mike warned back.
 “Shut up!” Steve whispered, looking over at them. “And stop pinching me!” he said to you, moving his hand higher up towards your shoulder.
 “He’s literally giving the damn thing food!”
 Dustin continued on like there was no worried party behind him. Presenting the damn dog with a piece of leftover Halloween candy. “I’ve got our favorite. See? Nougat.” Dart let out a curious sound, leaning closer as Dustin unwrapped the candy for him.
 “Look at that. Yummy. Here, all right?” The creature began to slowly eat up the piece, making Dustin lean back comfortably as he gave some encouragement while signaling for the group to move forward. “Eat up, buddy. Come on. Come on.”
 The others carefully moved around Dart, trying their best to keep the piece while Steve practically had to lift you up and drag you to get away from Dustin. You would normally tell him off for that if you weren’t so scared of what yelling would alert the demo-dog to do.
 Eventually Dustin got up from the ground. Slinging his backpack over his shoulder as he cast one last look over the creature. It seemed to sense his same sentiment as it gave Dustin a parting glance before it returned to eating. 
 “Goodbye, buddy.”
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The entrance is coming up when the world is suddenly shaking, making all of you fall over on the ground. Your swollen eye has surprisingly opened up, giving you a better chance to see your surroundings while the group questioned what made that quake happen.
 The sound of roaring is the unsettling answer you’re all given. 
 “They’re coming.” Mike declared, shining a light towards the tunnels. “RUN! RUN!”
 There’s no telling how close the demo-dogs are from the sound of the roars, making the rest of you spare no time as you run the rest of the way. God willing no other things try to stop you guys this time.
 “There, there!” You heard Lucas yell from the front. Down the way hung the rope from the outside, shining lightly like a beacon of hope.
 “Come on! Let’s go!” Steve yelled, leading the line. He turned around when at the rope, looking at you. Not giving you a chance to even climb up, he practically lifts you off the ground, yelling for you to grab onto the rope. When he saw that you were secured and climbing, he moved onto the next person. There’s a searing pain in your arm from having to use strength to lift you up, but you ignored it once outside to grab hold of Max who followed you. Then to Lucas, and Mike after. 
 “Come on, guys! Climb up!” you yelled when Steve nor Dustin had grabbed onto the rope yet. Peering down, you’re shocked to see that the two of them are looking towards the deep entrance. The sounds of the beasts got louder. A new panic flooded over you when you noticed that Steve pulled out his bat. Ready for the defense.
 Was he really about to take on a whole group of demo-dogs by himself? The image of him out in the junkyard came to mind again. Making your heart jump into your throat. He can’t do this!
 The other three are yelling for the two, trying to reach out for them when suddenly Dustin screamed. It’s silent for one second until the sounds of the herd continuing their run took over. The two boys are still by the rope, confused by the demo-dogs pushing past them. In fact, they’re almost being shoved that Steve wrapped an arm to pull Dustin close. What were they heading towards if they weren’t going to eat the two down there?
 “MOVE YOUR ASSES!” you yelled, not wanting to waste time figuring that out.
 The two quickly turned back to the rope. Steve helped lift Dustin up so that the rest could grab at him and help pull. The boys gave off a hard grunt when they managed to get him over. Finally, Steve jumped up, using his last bit of strength to climb the rope and get out of the tunnels for good. 
 You waited until he’s completely on the ground before you leaned over to wrap your arms around his neck. Pulling him close for a tight hug. “You were going to fight them.” you whispered in his ear. “You stupid, stupid, stupid, idiot. You were gonna take them all on.” 
 Steve stayed still for a moment. Almost shocked to suddenly have you this close. But it wasn’t long till he slowly moved his arms to wrap around you. Rubbing gently at your back as he nuzzled his face into your hair. “Yeah, I know,” he chuckled softly. “I had to.” 
 One of the kids coughed awkwardly and Steve gently let you go. Pulling back to get up from the floor before he extended a hand out to help pull you up. His hand is warm and squeezing yours so carefully that you’re a little disappointed when he lets go to head towards the car. But when you all slowly approached it, the headlights began to whir, making the lights blink on and off.
 Everyone watched in awe as it turned from blinking to a steady beam. Eventually turning brighter and brighter until all of you had to cover your eyes. But just as fast as it began to shine, it suddenly died down. Going back to its regular glow. 
 “What was that?” Max called out.
 “It was Eleven.” Mike answered. “She did it.”
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 It’s only about two hours later when everyone is reunited again. The kids and you had gone back to the Byers house to discover that not only was Billy gone, but that Byers and Nancy had returned to the house. It was a bit of a weird hour or two of catching up. 
 Jonathan nearly went back out to find where Billy had gone to when he saw the state that you and Steve were in. But after everything that happened. Everyone just mostly wanted to rest for the remainder of the night.
 Like last year, the boys wanted to be with Will. But seeing as he was in need of proper rest, they ended up planning to spend the night at the Wheeler house. An offer Nancy gave to you as well when she noticed you might want to figure out a way to cover up most of the bruising and cuts on your face. But after thinking it over, you knew you’d be better off sleeping in your own bed.
 You offered Max a ride back home and Steve a ride to his car by the tracks. That way no cars could be written off as stolen if Billy decided to report anything. Max was more than glad to end her night. She’d have some bit of trouble when she got home, but hopefully the plan you guys came up with would help her. 
 After saying goodnight to Max, and making sure she got back inside, you stepped back towards the car. Peeking out onto the road to see if Steve’s car was approaching. He had been behind you guys a little back, but he must have reached a red light along the way. Moving to lean against the car, you smiled a bit to yourself. Thinking about how crazy the past twenty-four hours have been. 
 “Give me back my car keys, bitch.” 
 You let out a soft gasp at the sudden sound of a deep voice. Coming up from across the street was a sweaty, disgruntled looking Billy. Holding his hand out to you as he marched over. 
 “I don’t have them.” you frowned, keeping your voice leveled. “They’re with Max. Inside.”
 He groaned at that, moving over to slide against the car. “Great, just fucking great.” he gritted, wiping his hands over his face. “As if my night could not get any worse.” 
 When you don’t reply to his whining. He pulled his hands down to peek over. You don’t look back at him, despite feeling his gaze. All you do is keep your face towards the road. Knowing better than to give him attention. But with Billy, it wasn’t long for him to get under your skin again.
 “Your eye,” he pointed slowly. “I did that..huh?”
 The light tone in his voice has you snapping your head in his direction. He has the gull to talk so nonchalantly about it. Like what happened was in any way normal. But when you finally meet his gaze, you’re met with a small glare instead of the gloating smirk you’re so used to.
 “I guess the old man taught me well, huh?” He chuckled tilting his head while he looked at your face better. 
 “If you’re looking for sympathy, Billy, I’m going to tell you right where you can shove it.” 
 He laughed a bit, clapping his hand in mock amusement before he crossed his arms. “I wouldn’t expect sympathy from you. Not for a while now.” 
 “Good, then we’re on the same page.” you sighed, rubbing your hand against your forehead. “Look, I already told you where your keys are. Just go inside the house and leave me alone. Ple-“ 
 “I love you.” He said suddenly. 
 You become frozen in place. Unable to move at all as you repeat the words back in your mind. The words you had spent months hop- Is he serious right now? 
 “Yes, I am serious.” He answered. You didn’t realize you had said that part out loud. 
 Dropping your hand, you face him again. “Is that really the three words you want to say to me? No, I am sorry, I’m an asshole, I should leave? None of those came to mind right now?” You scoffed, pushing yourself off the car. “I mean, seriously Billy. What the hell?”
 “I’m just being honest.” He shrugged. “Blame whatever it is that punk stuck in my neck. It’s a killer high but I sure as hell can’t stop my mouth from talking.”
 “Well, play the honesty game with someone else. Because I don’t give a shit if you love me or not. I want nothing to do with you.” Again you peered down the road waiting to see Steve. But this time it caught Billy’s attention too and he laughed behind you, sounding more sarcastic like usual.
 “He’s never gonna be over her, you know?”
 “What are you talking about?” you called out over your shoulder. 
 “Harrington.” he spat, harshly enough that you could feel the name hit you from a few steps away. “He’ll never get over Wheeler. It’s that first love shit that chicks are so keen for. He’ll never get away from that feeling. Trust me, I’d know.” He leaned in closer to you, reaching out to touch the back of your arm but you snatched it away quickly. Earning a hard sigh from him as he continued on. “So if you think for a second he’s gonna pick you..then you’re not as smart as I remembered.”
 “I don’t care if he picks me or not.” you lied, knowing full well by now there was something about Steve you needed to explore. “I’m happy knowing that whatever I have with you is over for good.”
 “God, you sound pathetic. What happened to the girl who nearly crashed my car just to get me back?”
 Turning around, you extend your hand out to throw a slap against Billy’s cheek. His head snapped to the side instantly. From your spot you can tell the hit was harder than he could have expected as he adjusted his jaw from the pain.
 The action is so violent that you silently curse yourself for stooping so low. But a part of you that’s so angry, so hurt, can’t help but feel a bit of pride for having hit him back. You keep your face in a stern glare as you poked a finger to his chest. “She’s gone. Okay?” The breath in your voice is heavy, and wavered. You hate that he brought out this fear from you. “Do me a favor and please listen to Max. Leave me alone!”
 A car horn honked loudly from down the street. Making the two of you step back from each other as the vehicle approached the side of the car. You barely looked down at the burgundy paint before Steve hopped out of his car, going around until he was able to reach you.
 “God, you just won’t quit.” he scoffed at Billy, putting you to stand behind him. 
 Billy sized up to Steve. Giving him a look over for a moment. You think he’s going to say something stupid to Steve. Instigate the poor guy into another fight. But all Billy does is hold up his hands in defeat. Throwing the two of you a bright white smile as he backed away.
 “Have fun with my leftovers, Harrington.” he said, moving towards his house. Looking over at you one more time, he gave off a smaller smile. Making your stomach turn as he called out to you one last time. 
 “Remember what I said, babydoll. Remember.”
 Steve turned around to face you, pulling you into a tight hug as he apologized over and over for getting caught behind a couple of red lights. All you can focus on is the warmth you feel from his arms around you. 
 “Are you okay?” he asked softly, pulling back to look down at your face. Lifting a hand up, he cupped the side of your cheek to gently get you to look at him. The gesture is so delicate and sweet that you can’t help but feel the emotions overwhelm you. 
 “Can we just leave? I want to go home.” you whimpered, feeling your lip quiver as you tried to hold back tears. “I just want to go home.”
 “Yeah, honey.” Steve sighed, leaning in to press a kiss to your forehead. “Let’s get you home.”
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  The drive back to yours feels oddly similar to last year. Steve is trying to hold up a conversation, but you can’t help but reel in what happened over the events of today. Of the whole week in fact. Despite Billy being a huge asshole, who you knew you hated, he wasn’t ever one to lie. 
 So if he’s noticed something in Steve and told you before you got too deep. Maybe it was a bizarre sign that you read the day wrong. 
 The sound of the gravel underneath the car alerts you of your driveway. The lights inside are off and you’re thankful you’ll be hopefully able to get in without fully having to talk to your Aunt. For the most part, she figured you were out having a long day with friends and would be coming in late after you dropped off Dustin at the Wheelers. At least that’s what you told her on the phone.
 Steve put the car in park before he killed the engine. The swelling on his face had gone down significantly, and he was able to wash most of the blood from his face when you guys had gone back to the Byers’ home. But the bruising around his eyes was still evident. 
 “I’m sorry.” you blurted out, feeling overwhelmingly guilty.  “I feel like I’ve been the reason you’ve been getting hurt all day.”
 He looked down at his lap, smiling sadly before he shrugged his shoulders. “It’s funny, I was gonna say the same thing.” 
 You frown at that, wondering just when Steve could have possibly put you in danger when he was always the first one to step in for everyone. “Steve, all you’ve done tonight is stick up for me. For all of us..you’re the only reason why everyone is safe.”
 In the dark you can tell the words have him taken back, almost blushing through the blue moon light that seeped in through the windows. But he still shook his head. “If I had fought better..”
 “He hit you with a glass plate. I don’t think that’s necessarily skill.”
 “If I had fought better,” he repeated. “You wouldn’t have had to come in and help me.” Looking over, he reached out to graze the side of your face. The swelling of your eye was gone, but you know it must have looked just as dark as the ones he wore. “This shouldn’t have happened to you.”
 “Then put the blame on the asshole that did it. Not yourself.”
 He closed his eyes, letting his head sag forward as he chuckled to himself. “You aren’t going to let me win this are you?”
 “Nope.”you smiled. “And you better get used to it for the future. Because I’m pretty good at always being right.”
 “Future?” He asked, looking a little surprised. “So there’s a future between the two of us?”
 You hate that you let that bit slip out. Not only were you not ready for that kind of talk. But now Steve might have an idea that sort of thing was on your mind. Which again you hate because boys having any sort of insight on your mind usually ends badly. 
 But Steve’s proving to be different. He’s kinder with that information. Instead of teasing you for it like you would have, he instead leaned in so that he could hold your face between his hands. Touching you with such a gentleness. 
 “Do you.. maybe like the sound of that?” You asked, holding in your breath. 
 You watch a content smile spread over his lips. Making your heartbeat jump a little fast inside your chest. Even bruised and broken all over Steve still managed to have a sort of beauty to his face. Something you wished you had better control over since it had you practically gawking at him. Now you remembered suddenly why people at school had been staring so much when you first arrived. 
 “That depends.” He finally said. 
 “On what?” 
 “If your feelings have changed since we kissed.”
 You duck your head down shyly. The reminder of your actions felt a little bit haunting but he didn’t seem to think that way. He’s smiling. Pulling you in closer so that he can rest his forehead against yours. 
 “I haven’t stopped thinking about that kiss.” He whispered softly, fanning his breath. There’s a subtle lingering smell of mint and you smile to yourself imagining him stealing a bit of the Byers mouthwash. 
 “I just forced myself on you. It wasn’t right to kiss you like that.” You said honestly. “But I’d be lying if I didn’t admit it was on the back of my mind.”
 “Then how should you have kissed me?” 
 Moving your head back a bit, you look over at Steve’s face. Noting the smile is gone. Replaced with a look you feel you’ve seen before. It has you moving without thinking and you find your hands have crawled up from your lap to the front of his chest. 
 “I would have given you time to notice what I’m doing by moving my hands here.” One hand stayed on his chest while you slid up the other cup the back of his neck, allowing you to rake your fingers in the nape of his hair. 
 “And then?” He shuddered, enjoying the light grazing. 
 “I would have leaned in close,” you said, angling your head up like before. His nose brushed against yours as you kept your lips hovering over his. “Like this.” 
 “And t-then?”
 “I’d ask you to kiss me.”
 He ran his hands down to rest against your waist. The center console makes it a little hard for you two to get closer. But he’s still attempting to pull you in. “So ask it.” He requested. “Ask me now.”
 “Kiss me?” 
 The words barely left your lips before he crashed his mouth against yours. The slight pressure of his force caused you to wince a bit, but you ignored it in favor of enjoying the taste of his lips. 
 It’s insane how despite having kissed him twice, it felt amazing and new every time. But this time comes with a different feeling. The first was Steve kissing you because you both were upset and he wanted to convince you that there was something there. 
 The second was you selfishly needing to give him a kiss for your own sake. To have him know that you did in fact feel something. 
 But now? Now it was filled with something you haven’t felt in a while; desire. 
 “Come here.” Steve said, pulling back for air. His voice was thick and hot, making you nod your head quickly while you watched him move back against his seat. He reached down the side of his chair to pull on the lever, making the back of the seat go down enough that you’re able to climb on top of him comfortably. 
 His hand rubbed up from the sides of your thighs until he was able to rest them on your hips. Squeezing lightly as you leaned down to press your lips against his. The position allowed the two of you to angle your faces better, careful not to press too much better in the bruises that adorned both your faces. 
 Cupping at his neck, you place kisses gently against his lips before trailing down his neck, giving small bites to the sensitive skin below his ear. This excited Steve, not only causing him to let out a moan, but to create enough excitement that you could feel a small bump in his groin forming.
 “God,” he whispered, his hot breath hitting your ear. It made you shiver on top of him, and created a flush in your body that had you pull back to shed off your jacket. He looked up at you curiously before he grazed his hands up to go beneath your shirt, tickling the skin around your waist. “You’re beautiful.”
 A new flush of heat goes over your face now and you bite down on your lip to keep yourself from grinning like an idiot. He reached his hand up from your side to tug at your bottom lip with his thumb. Letting him graze over the skin with his pad before he cupped at the side of your neck, bringing your back down. Parting your lips, he grazed his tongue against yours before sliding inside. 
 Your fingers find their way to the hem of his shirt, pulling it up a bit so that you’re able to scratch your nails against the waistband of his jeans. Without thinking, you quickly undo his belt, and then his pants. Both of your breaths have gotten heavier and you only have a second to catch it as you stopped right at the waist line of his boxers.
 “We don’t have to do anything..” he said softly, gathering your hair together so he could get it away from your face. “We can just kiss or whatever feels good, baby.”
 His comforting words do something to you and you go forward to roughly press your lips against his. Letting your hand stay in between the two of you and tugged down the front of his boxers. Exposing his hardened cock. 
 He groaned against your mouth, moving his hands now to snake inside your shirt, going under the wire of your bra so that he could cup at the round of your breast. The touch to the sensitive skin as you gasp against his lips. 
 Leaning back, you tug down his boxers even more, letting his cock spring out and fall against his stomach, looking red and swollen from the built up pressure. You swallow a bit, feeling the familiar dip of excitement go from your stomach to your core.
 Steve looked up at you with a small smirk, amused by your sudden reaction before he reached out to your pants. Undoing the button slowly before he tugged down the zipper. “Come here, pretty girl.” he coaxed, tugging you to come back down. 
 The pet name has your head nearly spinning. You rise up a bit, pushing the rest of your pants down until you awkwardly get one leg free. It’s a weird look, but neither one of you cares as you laid a leg back over him. He reached down between you, rubbing a hand up from your bare leg until he reached the hemline of your underwear. Allowing only his finger tips to dip inside the edge before he glanced up at you. Silently asking for permission with a brow raised. 
 You nodded your head quickly, reaching a hand to grip onto his as you pushed it higher. The tip of his thumb barely brushed against your clit when you suddenly let out a moan. It’s been quite some time since you’ve last done this and you’re embarrassed to be so needy from just one touch.
 Using the palm of his hand, he rubbed in a circular motion against your clit, earning another moan from you as the pleasure swept over your whole body. The car’s air is hot and musky, and it makes you feel even more light headed as Steve continues the circulation, wanting to reach you to your edge. 
 Placing your hand on top of his, you thrust upward a bit, using his hand to help get you in the direction of the right speed. “Don’t stop.” you pleaded, digging your nails into his arm. He switched down from his palm to his thumb, rubbing the pad quicker the more he noticed your moans were getting louder. 
 Your eyes snapped shut and you threw your head back as much as you could. Feeling the wave of an orgasm making its way up your body until you’re final there. Gasping some air as you freeze in place. Letting the climax wash over you. “Fuck!” you cried out, curling forward onto his chest. You can’t help but moan again when he continues rubbing your clit, playing with the sensitive bud. 
 “You make the prettiest sounds.” He murmured to you as he slowly pulled his hand away, rubbing a hand down your thigh.
 Lifting yourself up a bit, you reached down between the two of you to grab hold of his cock, gripping the base a bit as you jerked him off for a second. His lips parted open, emitting a loud moan as he hung his head back against the seat. It would seem you weren’t the only one making pretty little moaning noises. 
 You give his cock a few more good strokes before leaning up a bit. Steve lifted his head up, looking down between you two before he pushed your underwear to the side, allowing you to push the head of his cock inside your pussy. 
 The sudden desire to have him fill you up causes you to go a little crazy, and despite his slight warning to his size, you continued to go down as far as you could, groaning at the sudden heat inside you. It has your brain going dizzy, but he’s quick to help relax you, pressing kisses along the side of your face and neck until you’re comfortable again. 
 “You’re so tight,” he gritted, hands down to your hips. He used a light pressure to thrust upward, fully bottoming out underneath you. “God, you’re so tight.”
 For a second, you rest on top of him, allowing your heart rate to calm a bit before you look down at Steve. The way he’s looking at you reminds you of your dream the other day.
 “Are you still with me?” he asked, softly, leaning up a bit to reach you. 
 “I’m with you.” you nodded. He smiled back at you and leaned forward to press his lips back against yours, moving his hands to your hips and helped create a bouncing friction. It made your thighs slap against his lap, battling with the slight slick noise that came from every thrust of his cock. 
 You let out a small cry, bouncing on top of him as he attempted to thrust up from his angle. The pressure inside you builds up again and from the way you could feel your pussy spasming, you know the grip around his cock is doing wonders for him.
 The bounce has the car creaking a bit, making you extremely grateful for not only your long driveway away from the neighbors but also the fact that it was late into the night. 
 “Fuck, Baby. You’re taking me so good. So damn good.” he groaned, hands nearly bruising your hips as he used your bouncing to match his thrusts. “Taking all of me.”
 Hearing these kinds of words from Steve is making you more turned on than you thought. Dropping your head against his forehead, you rolled your hips, trying to control your orgasm that’s dying to come again. “Fuck, Steve. I’m so close.” you whimpered, feeling his thrusts turn faster and more erratic.
 “Me too, honey. Fuck, keep doing that.”
 Wrapping an arm around his neck, you hold him close to your body, rolling faster to meet his thrusts. You feel him bite down on your shoulder, holding back himself before he moves one of his hands between you again to rub his thumb at your clit.
 That’s all that was needed before your body tightened up again, rising up to the climax, and finally spreading the familiar feeling of ecstasy over you again. Steve was not long after, calling out your name in a chant as he continued to fuck upward, chasing his release until he was finished. 
 The car’s movement stopped and the only sounds left are the panting breaths of you and Steve as you both tried to calm down. Steve wrapped his arms around you, pulling you down against the seat once more so that you can rest on top of him.
 He gently reached down to help pull himself out of you, making you whimper at the sudden change of pressure. Rubbing his hand gently across your back, he shushed you soothingly, keeping you close to him.
 Your face feels hot again, and this time it’s from the realization of what you’ve just done. You just slept with Steve Harrington and you feel good. Like genuinely good for once. 
 “I can’t believe we just did that..” you said softly, shyly looking up at him. The look on his face is unexpecting. Instead of the same feeling of sentiments as you, he’s suddenly solemn. Like he was just given sad news.
 “Steve? Are you oka-”
 “We shouldn’t have done this,” he interrupted.
 He carefully sat up, pushing you a bit so that you could lean against the front wheel a little as he fixed the back of the chair up. “I shouldn’t have done this..especially to you.” 
 You think the world could hear the sound of your heart breaking apart. But you foolishly push that thought away.  “I don’t..I don’t understand..you didn’t want this?” you said slowly. Trying to piece together what he meant. 
 Awkwardly, you climb off his lap to go back into your seat. Shoving your foot back into your pants and buttoning them up quickly. Steve stuffed himself back in his jeans, frowning down at his lap as he sighed to himself.
 “I’m sorry. I’m just..I’m not good right now.” 
 You can’t help but feel the glare return on your face. All this time he felt different and he waited until after he was done fucking you to suddenly change his mind? “So you just use me-”
 “I’m not using you. Please,” he pleaded looking at you. “God, this is so messed up. I promise..just..” His hand reached out to you, squeezing at yours before he let go to grip the wheel. “Tonight was a lot..I just..need to get home and..think.”
 You’re silent for a second. The usual part of you, the angry girl who’s quick to put people down with venomous words wants to attack him. Make him feel as shitty as you do. But she can’t come out right now, not with how much your heart hurts. So instead of the fight, you take flight. 
 “Have fun with your thinking.” you croaked, grabbing your jacket. Steve called out to your name, attempting to reach over for you again but you quickly shot out of his car. You don’t even bother to close the door behind you as you rush inside your home. 
 The sound of a slam and the car starting came through the door. It’s then that you finally allow the tears to fall. Again, Steve Harrington has left you feeling things you wished you hadn’t. And unfortunately, you don’t think the shower calling you will help wash them away.
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 It’s thankfully a good few weeks before you’re forced to run into him again. You had hidden up your scars and bruises from your Aunt, but not your broken heart. She comes through with her kindness, giving you a good few days at home to dwell in your feelings. But not long after your break from the world, you’re getting a phone call from an old friend. 
 And after a small word of convincing, you found yourself at the funeral for Barb.
 Nancy appreciated the gesture from you, even if you didn’t know her friend very well. But you were mostly there for your own small atonement. You couldn’t deny that deep down, even a year later, that you wished you maybe tried just a little bit harder to convince the girl to leave. But you didn’t dwell on it, and instead, silently paid your respects behind the mourning loved ones. 
 Steve arrived just before the sermon, taking place just off the side. He kept his head low, looking down at the casket. A part of you thought to leave, but the other part remembered how he reacted to what Nancy had said. Blaming him for Barb’s death. He was here to pay his respects and he was alone. So, it wasn’t long before you had moved over and laced your hand with his. Ignoring the pain that you were feeling from the other night to just be there and mourn with him. He squeezed back quickly, a silent thank you.
 But as soon as the final prayer was over, you were quick to part ways. Ignoring the look from his brown eyes as you followed behind Jonahtan and Nancy to his car. They’re kind enough not to ask right away why you’ve suddenly given Steve the cold shoulder and take you home.
 It’s a little while after that you finally run into Steve once again.
 “Allright,” you sighed, putting your Aunt’s car in park. “I’ll be sticking around for you. So don’t worry about having to call back home.” 
 You turned your head over to Max, watching as she tugged down the hem of her shirt once again while she glanced over at the school gym. Reaching over, you placed a hand on her shoulder, turning her direction back to you.
 “What are you gonna do if one of the dorks actually plucks the courage to ask you for a dance?”
 Max smirked a little, thinking it over. “I’m gonna tease them, watch them squirm..”
 “And then?”
 “And then I say yes.”
 Grinning, you reached over and pulled her into a quick hug, rubbing her back gently before nodding your head to her. “Exactly. Though if my guess is right, the certain boy you have an eye on would follow you around all night. Dancing or not.”
 A small hue of red flushed over Max’s cheeks and she pushed you affectionately before she unbuckled her seat belt. “Are you sure you wanna wait all night for me? I don’t want you to get bored.” she said, opening the door slowly. 
 “All night? Max, the dance ends at nine-thirty. Enjoy your long night of a solid two and a half hours.” She rolled her eyes, stepping out of the car before she looked back in. “I’ll be fine, Red. Go have some fun. Please.” 
 The girl nodded her head in approval before finally sending you off, letting you drive past a couple of parents, including Joyce and Hopper. The older man gave you a pointed look as you gave off an over friendly smile.
 Putting your car into park, you reached for the familiar tweed Chanel jacket that Steve had given you. Feeling oddly in the mood to wear it. Stepping out of the car, you carefully climbed onto the hood of the car, careful not to bang it up as you stared up at the starry sky.
 “You look a little underdressed for the dance.” Said a voice suddenly. You don’t have to look over to know who it was. 
 “I’m afraid I’m just the driver tonight. No chaperoning for me.”
 Moving over, you listened out for the sound of Steve joining you on top of the car. Putting himself awfully close as he mimicked your position. A bit of his cologne flooded your senses and you tried to focus your breathing to keep your sanity. 
 There’s no real way to address what happened the other day, and you know you should be upset with him. And you are, to a point. But after everything that’s happened and all that you guys have gone through. You’re finding it hard in yourself to just go back to being harsh again. 
 “I tried calling..” he said eventually, breaking the silence first. “And I mean, really tried.” Looking over at him you find him frowning with his lips pursed. Like he’s struggling to pick the right words. “I had the phone in my hand, ready to dial. But every time I thought to call, I just couldn’t help but remember the look on your face.”
 You bit down on your lip, forcing yourself to stare up again. That night did not go the way you had hoped. The memory brought a pain to your chest. “If you wanted to call to remind me how you feel, I’m glad you didn’t.” you scoffed, feeling your guard go up. It was too pathetic to feel this weak about anyone. Let alone let them know they made you feel this way.
 “Don’t do that.” Steve sighed. “Don’t shut me out just yet. I’m sorry. I just- I just wanna explain myself better than how I did.”
 “I get the picture pretty clear, Steve. You regret sleeping with me and don’t want to do anything with me because you still love Nancy.” You turn over quickly, carefully sliding off the car so that you can get away from being so close to him. The cold air sent a chill up your spine. “I won’t tell anyone about us.” 
 Steve let out a groan, covering his face with his hands before he followed you off the car. “That’s the thing. I don’t regret it. None of it. Not the sex, not the kiss, not the day, not even the night before. I wanted all of that.” He reached out to pick up your chin, making you look him in the eye. “My only regret is that I didn’t give us a good time to recover from the other shit we just went through. Well, that and also hurting you again.”
 You can’t help but frown, confused once again. “But you said we shouldn’t have..that you shouldn’t have done it..how am I supposed to take that?”
 “Take it as me being a big idiot?” he chuckled, moving his hand down a bit to cup at your cheek. “I’m so sorry, trouble. I hurt you again and I can’t beat myself enough for that.” Sighing, he dropped his head a bit, keeping his gaze on you. “And I know you should hate me, but I’m selfish with you and can’t let you go again. I’m just-..I’m just a guy who doesn’t know what girl would truly like him, let alone a girl like you.”
 “But I do like you..”
 “I know.” Smiling sadly, he rubbed his thumb at the apple of your cheek, making you rub into his palm. “I like you too. But maybe we don’t really know. Maybe we both need some time before we figure out all that?” 
 “Time?” you asked softly, looking at him worriedly. Was he wanting time to figure out if he liked you? Or waiting to see if you’d change your mind? 
 Sensing your inner dilemma, Steve leaned forward to place a kiss against your forehead. “I can hear you overthinking. I just want you to have time to figure out if what you feel is real, or just the heat of the moment.” 
 The soft sounds of Every Breath You Take by The Police seeped through the gymnasium. Reminding you of where you two were currently discussing what felt like the world’s biggest problem right now.
 “Do you need time?” 
 He leaned back, looking down at you with a sad smile before he shook his head. “No. But I probably should take some time too.” Carefully, he moved the two of you around so that he could wrap your hands around his neck, allowing him to place his hands on your hips. Slowly, he swayed the two of you to match the music. 
 You moved to rest your head against his chest, feeling the sounds of his heartbeat through his sweater. It was quick and even, making you smile a bit to yourself. “So what happens now?” you whispered.
 He mused the question to himself, letting the music be the only noise for a second. “Friends,” he said finally. “I’d like us to be friends finally. If you can forgive me and my shitty timing.”Something so innocent as friendship seemed like too simple of a request. But you’d be lying if it didn’t make your chest lighten up from the aching feeling. 
 The two of you continue to sway to the music quietly. Allowing for you to dive into the thought process of what you wanted to do. Would being friends work out with Steve? What if he was right in things having only been because of the heat of the moment? Did you want to look at Steve differently after this? Or would this jump into friendship be the actual thing you two needed?
 As the song slowly came to an end, you pulled yourself back a bit, still wrapped around Steve but enough so that you’re still able to look up at him. You were starting to think it was going to be a common thing to see his looks underneath the moonlight. 
 “Okay, let’s try friends.” 
 A small smile tugged at his lips and before he could control himself, he leaned forward to press a gentle kiss to your lips. For a moment you reveled in the taste of his lips before you both suddenly remembered what you just agreed on being. Pulling back to shyly look at each other.
 “Sorry.” Steve muttered, his face was pink and glowing. You could only imagine how flushed you must have looked from the kiss. But instead of focusing on that, Steve gently reached over and pushed your head to rest against his chest again. 
 “Let’s just keep dancing.” you suggested. 
 “Yeah,” Steve agreed, wrapping his arms tighter around you now. Nodding your head, you happily close your eyes and sway to the music. Keeping your smile hidden away from Steve’s gaze. 
 “Just keep dancing..”
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a/n: AND THAT ENDS SEASON TWO. I know a lot of you might have been hoping these two would have gotten together. And after their little devil’s tango, I wanted to as well. (Also excuse my bad smut, I rarely write it but want to try and get back into it.)
But realistically, I want to follow canon as close as I can before i change things. And the end of season two, especially that night, i feel steve would be kinda messed up mentally. he’s heart broken on top of feeling something with trouble. I assure you though, they will find their way. Maybe during the ✨summer✨
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klausysworld · 2 years
HI can you do a one shot in which the reader is gamer x YouTuber x dancer .
She has over 20 million subs on her all three channels.
She us dateing Klaus and he and his family do not know about her being a YouTuber .
Hope being her very big fan .They get to know about her being a YouTuber by hope.
They confront reader abot this .
Can you make it funny like they don't have any idea of what a YouTuber a gamer means .
Reader name : malika
Channel 1 name : gamer queen
Channel 2 name : white wolf
Channel 3 name : dancing doll.
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Simply adorable
“and we are live, this is my…step daughter? i dunno what do we call each other? we’re sorta just friends anyway so anyway we are here because Hope is going to teach me her newest dance routine. She has been going to lessons recently and wants to become a dancing doll 2.0” You introduced the kid as she adjusted the camera angle
“i think i should get my own name like twinkling tribrid?…that sounded..better in my head”
“uhuh sure it did” you muttered as Hope muttered different names that she thought would suit her
“right so now that we’re ready, lets-“
“Hey have either of you seen my paints….why is there a camera?” both Hope and yourself jumped to your feet and smiled suspiciously as Hope picked the screen up and ran off to the next room saying something to the followers.
“Paints are in the cupboard, top shelf, back left corner of your art room, i moved them cuz that way it’s easier to put the brushes on the bottom and the palettes in the middle” Klaus nodded his head as he eyed you for a moment
“what’re you and Hope doing?”
“mhm you wanna see? we jump about and play loud upbeat music-“
“you know what? i think i’m just going to paint for a bit..i’ll see you in a bit though yea? Love you sweetheart” he softly kissed your lips before leaving the room and closing the door behind him
“may or may not have got that on the live” Hope giggled from the corner as you groaned and saw all the comments calling your boyfriend hot and irresistible.
A couple days later you were on your ‘Gamer Queen’ account and halfway through your game when Elijah walked in behind you. You didn’t hear him as you were wearing headphones talking to other players but he stayed and watched for a minute as you discussed what you needed to do. His confusion was beyond it had ever been before as be stood there awkwardly, it wasn’t until the person you were playing with asked who the guy was did you turn around
“Elijah! You’re in here! What’s up, you need something?” you desperately moved to block the screen and you muted yourself and spun round
“just leaving actually” he smiled quickly before striding out of the room
It was when you were on your ‘White Wolf’ youtube channel filming that you were interrupted again. You were wearing your white headphones that had little wolf ears on the top and you were reviewing a video game that people had been begging you to tell them about. You were pointing something out when the door swung open
“i accidentally told Bekah and Kol that you were on youtube and now the whole family are watching your videos and cuz you talk about your gaming on the channel they might’ve clicked the link and saw you on that too… then dad said he saw you with a camera and we were talking about dancing and they may or may not have found the dancing doll account….” Hope spat out in one breath before panting heavily
“oh…that’s just great…right lets just log off and um i dunno jump out a window or something” Hope deadpanned you as you stared blankly back
“well!?” she exclaimed
“i don’t know!? they were never meant to find out! you said they were oblivious to the modern world!”
“they are! have you seen dad on his phone?? the man can’t even text he writes it with a pen!” we both spoke in harsh whispers before we heard a throat being cleared from the door and we hesitantly turned to see the entire family looking at us quizzically
“you’re still wearing the headset” hope mumbled almost inaudibly, you quickly took it off and turned the computer off
“sooo….nice day out”
“it’s raining”
“did i ask you Hope?”
a throat cleared again and Klaus raised a brow
“what’s a you-tube?” Kol asked making you sigh
“it’s an online social media platform, you can watch…or make videos and other people can see them”
“over 20 million people have been and still are watching your life?” Rebekah asked her confusion clear as she glanced at Marcel who shrugged and looked back at his phone
“well not my every living second, only the bigs i want to show-“
“why am i in this video?” Marcel cut you off shoving the phone in your face to show you a clip of marcel dancing in the kitchen making you and Hope hold in your laughter
“for her dancey channel obviously!” Kol stated loudly rolling his eyes
“oh dear god” you mumbled pinching the bridge of your nose
“Malika, love, i would like to know what your little friends mean by the word ‘dilf’?” your eyes widened as you watched Klaus scroll through the comments of the video he was accidentally in
“shit! fuck! its nothinggg” you could hear Davina giggling and held in your own laughter as he kept scrolling. His face grew a little pink as he turned the screen off
“never mind i googled it, which i can do by the way by typing” Hope burst into a fit if giggles
“forgive me Malika but i still don’t understand the concept” Elijah mumbled and furrowed his brows as he studied the screen
“its for entertainment”
“not my kinda entertainment” Kol snickered and Davina smacked his arm
“oh but uncle kol haven’t you seen the super duper hilarious video of you yet? you know the one when you were convinced you were a rapper after you drank too much of dads best bourb-“ Kol quickly vamped over and pulled Hope into a bear hug
“ahahahaha you’re so silly, lets move on yea?” he picked her up and zoomed them out of the room along with Davina
“as long as it’s harmless i don’t see the issue” Elijah shrugged and walked off
“i’m offended i wasn’t offered a dance position if i’m honest” Rebekah pouted playfully before breaking into a smile and giving you a hug
“i’m glad you’re having fun Mal”
Klaus stayed with his arms crossed
“you never mentioned it”
“i didn’t want you to think it was weird”
he smiled softly and pulled you against his chest
“you’re simply adorable, always, you know this” you hummed in appreciation and hugged him back
“soo…you wanna play a horror game with me?”
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breakfastteatime · 6 months
OKAY! Spoilers for Original Final Fantasy VII discussion of Rebirth! This is your only warning.
Cloud remembering Zack was a real surprise... even if he remembered wrong. Well, I'm sure in another world that's exactly what did happen, but not to this Cloud. I did love Tifa being all "I'll let Aerith know, okay????" because she knows Cloud's not got it right...
I really like that they're playing up the degradation angle with Cloud, even though that's not what it is. S Samples INDEED. It's been a minute since I played Crisis Core, but I also think that's why Zack didn't experience degradation. Of course, he also died sooooo...
When you're talking with Biggs, it's like he's from the main remake timeline whereas Zack is from the alternate universe. Initially I thought maybe they were dead in the lifestream, but of course that didn't make sense... And how Cloud can see into that other world in his dreams... but it's also not the one he winds up in near the end, because the only way to keep track of what universe we're all in is based on Stamp the dog. I think we've seen four variations now?? Maybe five? Because when Zack makes his choice in the tunnels, he creates another alternate world. UGH SO GOOD.
Oooh, but the opening flashback where you see hints of the REAL Cloud under the mask... So subtle. So good.
Evil Cloud. Evil, Sephiroth-quoting Cloud who kills indiscriminately. YEEEEEEEES. He was so ready to straight up murder Elena daaaaaaayum.
I love that they're really playing up how unstable and genuinely dangerous Cloud is to be around. The real Cloud is in there somewhere, but he's so lost. And the ending where he's chatting away to Aerith even though she's dead... although that did also undercut how impactful that part of the original was. The part where Sephiroth tells him he doesn't have any feelings because he's a puppet and Cloud fights back against that was lost in Rebirth because we flick between realities - including one where Cloud murdered her (at least that's what it looked like to me). Ultimately, I do like the ending, but the original did it better. Honestly, it will be easier to figure out how far they're taking that once we play the final part of the remake. I understand they have to pace a three part remake very different because in the original you just... carry on to Icicle Inn.
...seriously though, does he think she's alive???? Because it really feels like he thinks she's alive... which, well, I guess we'll see him mourn later.
The way they're really foreshadowing how Cloud is ultimately the most successful robed figure - albeit without the robe - because Hojo considered him to be a failed experiment. Again, it's in the original, but they're able to really expand on it here.
Oh - another minor complaint but still: did not like that we can't go upstairs in Shinra Mansion. Another part of the original I loved. But LOL at the door code. I SEE YOU, SQUARE ENIX.
The sidequest with the dude who makes a weapon for Barret and says that someday Barret might not need the gun any more. Nice nod to Advent Children.
Speaking of Advent Children, which obviously at this point in the remakes isn't canon, but with Cloud being so out of it re: Aerith it kinda takes away the whole him coming apart because of his depression and guilt in AC.
Hey, SE, while you're busy remaking stuff, wanna update those graphics on Advent Children? I always forget how GREY it is until I watch it again. And Cloud has such pretty eyes in the remakes!
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Diegosaur requesting for Gyro wow how surprising and original(not)!!!
LMFAO i cant help it i love him sm
I just rlly rlly rlly wanna try different hairstyles on him bc his hair is so WOOOWW so like HES PERFECT FOR THE JOB
Braids curls pigtails literally anythingomg
I really dont know how to like title this like js use it as some kind of fanfic inspo(??i dont know man is that how it works) so i can save u some time for the topic💯
just having some fun with Gyro and his hair fr🫶🏻🫶🏻
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Looks straight out of an ad for hair products if u ask me🤷‍♀️
Hair Stylist - Gyro Zeppeli
notes - I have really been missing SBR and my Italian cowboy, so I RUSHED over to my pending requests and literally SEARCHED for this one. It's one of my fav requests and I was so happy to do it for you. I can only imagine how soft this man's hair is, but even so, I'm really happy I wrote this. Thanks for the request! ilysm stay super hydrated!! <333
word count - 367
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"What are you doing back there?" Gyro asked for the fifth time, trying to turn around, but you grabbed his hair tighter to stop him from doing it. "Ow! Hey! Just tell me!"
"Stop moving or you'll ruin it!" you told him, starting another braid on the back of his head.
"Ruin what?!"
"You'll get mad if I say it. And I'm already too far."
"I won't get mad, I swear. Just tell me or I'm gonna get even more mad."
You sighed and finished the braid on his head before grabbing a nearby mirror to show him the curls and braids you put in his hair.
Gyro grabbed the mirror from you, his face in complete shock and he touched every part of his hair that you did up even finding some colorful hair ties and even beads braided in.
"Don't be mad." you said, hiding behind a pillow from the couch.
Gyro stared at himself for a bit longer, feeling the soft curls again and again. You peeked out from behind the pillow to find him in awe and didn't know what to say.
"Gyro I-"
"Well, are you gonna finish the job?" he asked, sitting in an angle where you could continue and handing you a brush.
Now you were the one in shock. "Y-You want me to do your hair?"
He just nodded, knowing that he was blushing. He would've never let anyone do this EVER, but knowing that he wasn't going to be leaving the house anytime soon and knowing that you would be the only one to see this was fine with him.
So quickly, you got back to work, tying his hair up and curling it. It didn't take you long to finish the job, which was nice.
"There, done." You showed Gyro his reflection again and he laughed.
"I look like a little girl." he said, playing with the little beads tied into his hair.
"Is it bad?"
"No. It's fun. I like it."
You smiled to yourself and hugged around the back of Gyro's chest. "You have really soft hair."
"Do I?"
You just nodded and pressed a kiss onto his back.
"We should do this again sometime."
jjba masterlist (2) (3) | pinned post
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated <3
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wild wednesday idea : you get a facetime call from jake while you're masturbating, so you try your best not to sound out of breath, but he very quickly realizes what's going on and makes you keep going while he watches. of course, he joins you almost immediately
i know i'm sending this a day early, but i wanted to send this before i forgot it
Answering the phone while your cheeks are red and you're out of breath, pulling the sheets up to cover your naked form as you see your boyfriends pretty face light up your screen.
"Hey baby." You smile nervously, Jake looks you over, "Hey honey, sorry, I just got back to the hotel, I know it's a little late." "Oh no that's fine, baby, I missed you." You say sweetly, your bare shoulders appearing from under your sheets makes Jake look at you closer, he smiles as he notices the look in your eye. "Yeah? You miss me alot?" His voice a bit deeper, "Y-Yeah, I always miss you when you're gone." "Did I interupt you, pretty girl?" Jake's question makes you nervous, "I, uh, I wasn't too far in." You blush, Jake smiles at your confession.
"Want some help, pretty girl?" He asks, his question lighting you on fire. "Please." You answer. "Show me what you were doing baby doll, show me how good you were making yourself feel." Jake's voice requests through the speaker, you set down your phone on your nightstand, allowing him to get a full view of you of your naked form from the sheets you pulled away. "Mmm, you look so pretty, baby." Jake coos as he lays back on his own bed, hair splaying on the hotel pillows beneath him.
"How were you touching yourself, just your fingers?" Jake asks, you smile before pulling the dildo out from the sheets that you had hidden before answering his call. "Oh baby girl, you really do miss me." He smiles, Jake sighs as he palms himself over his sweatpants. "Miss you so so much, Jakey." You moan, placing the dildo between your legs, "Wanna watch you ride it baby, imagine it's my cock." Jake instructs, his hand snaking down to his own hardening length.
You lower yourself onto the dildo, you moan as it stretches you out, this angle is different than earlier, feels so deep. "Fuck, Jake." You whine as you take it all, as far as it'll go. "Close your eyes for me." Jake asks, you oblige and let your eyes flutter closed, "Just imagine im there with you, pretty girl." You whimper at his words, feeling just how deep inside his cock is. "Yeah baby, you feel me inside you? Move for me." Jake says, his hand holding his hardening length in his other hand while he watches your naked form begin to move up and down on your dildo.
Your hands begin to roam along your body, up your thighs, your stomach and to your breasts. "Wanna play with your tits, wanna feel them in my hands." Jake's voice shakes a bit, making you open your eyes to see how his eyebrows are knitted, his bottom lip between his teeth. "Are you touching yourself too, Jakey?" You smile knowingly. Jake nods quickly, "Miss you, you look so fucking good." "I wanna see you." You moan as you move faster, wanting so badly to watch him touch himself.
Jake moves his phone to the nightstand by his bed, propping it up against the lamp by his bed, allowing you to see his almost totally naked body, save for his sweatpants and underwear he quickly pushed down to touch himself. He looks so soft and warm, one hand wrapped around his cock, the other gripping the pillow under his head. You try to envision his body beneath you, to feel his hips under yours, feeling his hands on your thighs as you bounce up and down. "Mm fuck, Jake." You whine as you play with your tits, pinching your nipples as your rut your hips down, feeling what you're imagining is Jake's cock, only less warm and slightly less thick.
Jake responds only with a groan, your name rasps through the speaker on your phone making you moan again. He watches you fuck yourself against your toy, his climax already on its way, fuck it's been too long.
"Play with your clit baby, wanna feel you wrap around me when I cum." Jake orders through the phone, a desperation in his voice makes you weak. You bring your fingers to your clit, rolling quickly as your own end approaches. "Oh fuck Jake, oh god-" "Mmm, fuck baby, oh fuck me." Jake whines, his voice deep and choked as his hand moves faster, you're hypnotized by his motions, watching as his hips buck up and his stomach begins to tighten as his climax pulls him down. One last call of your name from Jake has you practically doubled over, the head of the cock dragging perfectly over your gspot makes you cry out, clutching the sheets in front of you as you cum around the dildo. "Look at me baby, wanna watch you cum." Jake says, his voice fraught with lust. You bring your eyes back to the screen, watching as Jake cums, ropes of cum dripping down his hand and falling onto his chest and stomach, what you wouldn't do to lick it up from his skin. You can't help the gasp of Jake's name as your body is wracked with your orgasm, your eyes rolling back in your head, your muscles spasming and your breath uneven as you fall into your climax.
Your body falls exhausted onto your bed and off of the toy. Your breathing is a mess and so is Jake's, you look over at him, he watches you breathe, how your body moves with your deep breaths, how warm your face looks and how tired your eyes are. He looks so tired too, a blush on his cheeks makes you with you could crawl through the phone and kiss him on his warm cheeks. "How long until you come home?" You ask, a sadness in your voice, longing for him to just come and wrap his arms around you. "Two more weeks, then I'm all yours." He smiles, you can see it in his eyes, he's counting down the hours.
"This was fun." You smile playfully, Jake chuckles, "Same time tomorrow?"
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My Darling Dolls
Chapter 34
Previous | current | Next
- MC -
"Wow, your good at this." Toujou peak at your work as you just draw him and write your entre in the back.
"You should made a living out of this." He says as he inspect it in different angle then he saw your writing in the back. " Is this another part of your art? I don't understand it. Is this supposed to be person?"
"... It's my writing." You mumble. "Ahahaha ?say what now? Y-your writing... Pff--" He laugh his ass of as he hear you says that.
You sigh and let him laugh.
You look around not noticing certain purple fluff fluff went to your shoulder and look up to you adoringly. Looking far off of the distance. Yet you never seems to be able to see it still.
It been few months since you arrive in this place and time period. You just manage to produce your handmade paper after a while.
"Your hair looks very white." Toujou says as he point at your white hair that you realize turn white after you come to this time period. It's like old people white hair. It's probably because you went over the top with your wishes and one of the punishment.
"Like snow." He smile. You look at him and rolled your eyes. You went back to your drawing and you unconsciously draw a familiar grin of someone.
"...who's that?" Toujou peak at your work but you hide it. "Someone." You smile as you went outside so he won't Able to view it. The purple fluff follow you and peak at it. It start to shake again in glee it float around you and rub its fluff on your cheeks.
"Hey..." You turn your head to look at Toujou whos eyes widen as your lips touch the fluff which seems to be surprised at your action and fainted with it's friend went and try to reshape his puddle of joy in the floor. Yet you did not see any of that. Toujou held his mouth as he just bare witness you stealing a kiss from a hopeless fluff-- cough, a soul.
" What. Why are you looking at me like that." You saw his tearful gaze and disapproval look at you. You walk back to the table walking pass the purple fluff who regain it's shape and follow you again.
"MC..." He suddenly enter parent mode as he look at you. "What?" You mumble as you pick up another paper to draw something in. "You have to take responsibility! You just stole a kiss from it!" he then point at the purple fluff you cannot see.
"Hmm is this your screw lose again?" You cross your arms as you once again listen to his oddity. He keep saying about things you can't see. He keep insisting some fluff likes you for some reason.
" If the fluff you speak of have purple and blue in color. And name Mayoi. Then fine." You sneakers as you said that. It's clearly impossible --
"Oh my! How did you know those!" Toujou heard the purple fluff whisper to him it's name. "It's indeed name Mayoi, purple and blue in color!" He says which made you pause.
"Hey what did you say those fluff is again..." You suddenly felt you miss out something very important when you discovered that name.
"Don't you dare change the topic!" Toujou cross his arms in disapproval.
"I'm not changing the topic! I'm being serious!" You complained.
"I..." You wanna say something but keep it in. "Fine." You sneakers.
"Where's the fluff?" You look at Toujou who point at your cheeks where the purple fluff is. 'is this...' you try to held the fluff you cannot see in your palm, it float to your palm in glee.
'mayoi ayase... Does this means it's before that time...' you thought as you try to imagine what he looks in that soul form of his. "*Chuu." You smile as you kiss him. You felt your energy being drained but he slowly become visible in your eyes.
"Cute." You hug him.
"Oh wow. What did you do?" Toujou saw the fluff become vibrant in color when you kiss it just now. "Also you just kiss it again. Double responsibility!" He point out. "I know you don't have parental supervisor in your life. So I will tell you, kissing someone shouldn't be taken lightly!"
"If people drown. Then life guard shouldn't conduct CPR to save their life. Because it mean they'll be married to many people." You rolled your eyes at his words. You look down to Mayoi soul who seems to be very happy.
"I-..." He narrowed his eyes at you. He then frown and look at you. " They already unfortunate enough to not be born as human yet you still treat their first love and kiss so lightly?! How could you!" He start rudely pointing finger at you.
"...agh." you cover your ears as he start to nag you like a naggy old man.
Mayoi nudge you in comfort and you smile as you hug him softly again.
"Don't you dare cover your ears, young one!" He pulled your ears and start retelling stuff about this and don't to your ears. You felt you wanna punch someone but don't. You have respect to the elderly people... Well he is older than you in your time period.
"Stop yelling!" You complain as you try to run away from him. But he follow you like that annoying trumpet guy.
he ordered you as he rudely point at you. You throw a middle finger at him and he smack you in the head with his fan. "Your being rude with that gesture again!"
"Stop it!" You rub your shoulder he hit. "I will dislocate your shoulder if you hit me again!" You threatened with a fist up. "Aw!" You once again hit by a fan. "Be thankful I'm not raising a slipper on you, child." He says.
Suddenly in that moment you and him saw bright shooting down from the sky and landed in the forest near his property. An explosion of wave of wind comes and blow you both to the wall. The fluff around you all fly to the wall too.
"...w-what..." You felt your headache as it hit the wall far too hard and slowly lost consciousness.
"I FOUND ANOTHER ENTRE!" kaname boosted as he manage to get an entre of your journal in the past.
"Seriously. Why did you drag me in this." Jun who's force by Kaname to tag along with him says, he have better plan than this. He could be reading bunch of Manga right now!
"Come on, Jun-kun! It's fun to look around and find some time capsule!" Hiyori who tagged along at the mention of MC as he don't see you for a while now. He also want to see some old things a certain famous Toujou of the Idol industry is.
"Shhhh..." Kaname shut them up as he flip open the folded page. He saw a drawing of meteor landing site.
[ ???? (????)
A shooting star landed on the backyard.
That old man is lucky I get knock out before I smack him to oblivion for hitting me with his fan. He better sleep one eye open. >.>
-MC- ]
"...that's one ugly hand writing." Jun commented as he look at the handwriting he can't understand shit in.
"Shut it! The handwriting is clearly fine! You all just too dumb to not understand it!" Kaname rolled a textbook he found and hit jun with it.
"Fuck. Stop it!" Jun complain. "It's an ugly and not readable handwriting! I'm not lying!" He point it out as he run off far from Kaname reach of smacking paper roll.
"How dare you insult MC handwriting!" Kaname don't like any of that.
"Oh... Oh my... But the only case of such event is from..." Hiyori who pick up the entre and manage to read a bit of it because he seen such handwriting from Ibara before. Ibara likes to decodes those stuff he get from his ancestor. He said he probably discovered a secret of a true Businessman from it when he finally able to read all of it.
"What?" Jun who look surprised and bewailed at Hiyori and Kaname who look at him with sparkling eyes. "YOU CAN UNDERSTAND IT TOO?!" kaname held hiyori hand as he finally have another buddy who could understand MC alien-- cough beautiful unique handwriting.
"Hmm. Just a bit. Ibara have a bunch of those in his office..." He give back the entre to Kaname as he search an event in his phone. When the search load, his eyes narrowed.
"Kaname-kun. Why does the date says over a hundred years ago..." He show the article of the only shooting star landing in the country over the last hundred years.
"..." Kaname held the phone and the drawing. ' MC that time period is so lame, there's no phone there. Can't you pick a better place to visit?' he thought hopelessly.
- MC -
"With that blood on the top of your head and your white hair. You remind me of a male chicken." Toujou says after he put a lousy bandage on your head injury.
"I will call you, little cock." He said very proudly at his new nickname.
"...." You get some of the blood from your head and smack your hand to his face. "Your a bitch." You hiss at him and his stupid Nickname.
"What? You mean like female dogs? Dogs are cute. So it's fine I guess." He don't seems to understand that your insulting him at all.
You felt bad for calling him that for a moment.
"Come on little cock. Let's go search the site!" Toujou beam as he put his footwear.
"..." Nevermind that so called feeling just now. He still calling you little cock.
"~~!!" You felt something soft rub against your face as you wear your footwear to follow your landlord. "Mayoi~" you giggle as you held him in your palm and give him a little kiss. "*Chuu chuu."
"Stop kissing it! It's a sin!" You get smack in the back by Toujou who sees such vile act in his eyes. "Only kiss when you get married ok?" He then proceed to drag you to the crash landing site and Mayoi gasp on you shoulder to follow you along. Colorful balls of fluff float to follow you two as well.
"Tks. Don't you know curiosity kills the cat." You grumble as you two force your way deep in the forest
When you two arrive in that place. You see a huge hole in the ground. "We could fill this and make a pool." You mumble as you take note of the area as you jump down to the hole, and sliding down.
"Ah..." You accidentally mess slide and now your rolling down. "AWW.." you grumble as you finally rolled to the flat round. Your body only knows pain. "I hate this."
"Same." You heard someone grumble beside you. You turn to look at a kid with fluffy hair and snow white skin tone. You look down and quickly look up again when the fluff covered your eyes.
"~!!" Mayoi says as made sure you won't see any ding dong. "Lilia really have to throw me off this far..." He grumble as he stood up but lost footing. "Fuck." You heard him says before you felt intense coldness around your surrounding.
"Hmm~ " you heard a humming tone and everything around you become frozen paradise.
"LITTLE COCK!" you heard Toujou says as he finally able to get down as a staircase down just created out of nowhere.
"I found you!" You felt him hugs you before he remove the fluff covering your eyes.
"Goodness. Your in a bad shape." He mumble and you look at the place that suddenly cover with ice and winter.
"I'm fine." You move away from him and stood up. Through your body still wounded and in pain all over.
You look around and saw the kid earlier have some cloths now. You went and pick him up but his too heavy. "Helpp." You called out Toujou who quickly assist you to bring back the other person who fall down the hole.
"Pff-- little cock and bitch. AHAHAHAh." Jun laugh his ass off after he finally learn how to read your writing after spending a whole week with Kaname and Hiyori. They currently in McDonalds getting treated by Hiyori with his fancy black credit card.
"I don't teach the dumb ass like you to laugh at it!" Kaname once again grab a flayer from the table and roll it to smack jun with it.
"Come on Jun-kun. People back in the day really don't think vulgar words of today as vulgar and rude as we do today." Hiyori says as he sigh while he sip his cola.
"Tks. What a kill joy." Jun rolled his eyes as he turn his gaze back to the last entre that show a picture of a stranger with fluffy hair being taken in by 'toujou'
"Ah! big brother!" Kaname pick up his phone to answer his older brother call with a smile, he likes it when his big brother call him. It makes him happy and wanted.
{ Kaname can you bring groceries. I'll send you the list. }
"Oki!!" He smiled and nodded. He quickly stood up and gather his stuff. "Ahm I need to pick up groceries for everyone in the house." Maybe this time he could assist them making that doll! His eyes burn in determination.
"House... WAIT DID YOU MEAN THAT HAUNTED HOUSE?!" Jun have heard about the house the Darling dolls live at. "I WANNA TAG ALONG!" his eyes sparkle at the thought of seeing a real life haunted house. He did read some horror manga lately and very interested to see one.
"I'll tag along too! ii Hiyori!" Hiyori raise his hand as he want to join the fun. "Ehh... But I have to buy groceries first." Kaname don't want to bring people in MC place when MC isn't there to allow them.
"I'll pay for groceries!" Hiyori the rich kid says.
"...ok!!" kaname agreed in a heart beat.
❌ Tag List: @valeriele3 @emikoisdead @allimili
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owlixx · 10 months
CoD 2 Mid-Thoughts (Russian and British Done)
Oh hey, I’m just realizing that the CoD 2 campaigns are in the reverse order from CoD 1. Neat. Also, I think it’s funny that this game is on 360 but not PS3 simply because the PS3 did not exist when it came out. Also that it’s a launch title for the 360 is funny. I’m playing the PC version though, while I played CoD 1 on PS3 via the downloadable “remaster” version.
Going from PS3 CoD1 to PC CoD 2 is important context to have because it further exacerbates the difference between these games. I went from god knows what resolution/frame rate to a 4K/144Hz version of a game at least made for 360. Plus, I went from clunky controls made for KBM played on PS3 controller to just using KBM proper. So this game looks better, runs better, plus better, AND has a few key modern enhancements to the game design.
The big one is regenerating health. What a godsend. Look, I love me a good boomer shooter, but it just felt out of place for CoD 1 to not have it. It was a miserable slog to mishandle one altercation and then have to backtrack if you want to live, or have to decide whether that’s worth it or not.
The other big one is the inventory. CoD 1 had 2 main guns, a side warm, and grenades each as a different equippable weapon and then you use the bumpers to switch between them like Fortnite. CoD 2 brings us the standard 2 weapon system with a grenade button and a tactical grenade button. Still no sprint but I can live without it. I wanna say that breath holding is new too but I’m not sure. I do keep hitting shift to sprint only to end up meleeing, which I never do on purpose since it’s so weak. Only downside of the traditional inventory we’ve gotten into is that pistols are worthless now.
I once again find myself relying on the MP40 across each campaign as the most bountiful automatic weapon, then trying to have a semi auto rifle or scoped bolt action rifle as my secondary. I also rely on grenades as much as possible.
For the Russian campaign in particular, I generally enjoyed it pretty well. I think my favorite parts were the tense pipe section where you get weird angles on German encampments as you crawl along a pipe and they fruitlessly retaliate, and then I also really enjoyed the one “open” mission where you could do the five objectives in any order. I did also enjoy the big defense mission too, especially compared to how awkward those were in the first game. But I mean, even from the tutorial, this game has been such a relatively joy to play and look at.
I was excited for the British campaign to be set in Africa, but it just kind of means all the levels are the same tan wastelands. Well, I think the last part was somewhere grassy. The plot is pretty thin on these older CoD games, it’s just “go win WW2, I guess”. The funniest part of the British campaign is when I got into the back of a truck for an on-rails section complete with an unboxed crate holding a rocket launcher, giving me awful flashbacks to the section of CoD 1 that killed me a dozen times, only for this section to be supremely easy.
There is some pretty cool large scale fighting in the British campaign. There’s been a few moments where there’s so much going on at once on screen that I just kind of take it in and actually feel a little immersed. Stuff like where there’s ground troops, tanks, planes, explosions, shouting all at once and it actually kind of feels like a war for a second before it goes back to being a WW2 themed shooting gallery. I think I remember seeing a Polygon article criticize the weird celebration of military culture that Call of Duty has become, calling it a “circus of violence”. It’s meant as an insult but I think it also succinctly describes what I like about these games. Yeah, it actually is a circus of violence. It’s awesome. Well, it’s awesome to play at least. I’m not going to deny that there’s something inherently kind of problematic about making video games played by kids about how cool the military is. (Also I think they may have been specifically referring to the Call of Duty convention or big live event but the point stands).
Anyways the British tank mission is…fine. Feels a little contrived and a little sparse but the dialogue is more lively this time and thank god again for regenerating health here.
Oh, I did get to actually use the STG44 (called MP44 here) more than a little here which was nice. Ammo is sparse enough and enemies plentiful enough that I feel like I really have to pick my weapon based on what I can get the most ammo out of still.
Also I did start the US campaign, which opens with D-Day but was honestly a little lackluster as far as D-Day recreations go. I suspect they had to scale back their vision to fit on the 360 at launch.
I still struggle with telling friend from foe, and I die from “friendly fire is not allowed” more often than actual deaths. Of course that’s partially because I’m still playing on easy mode while I warm up to this leg of the series.
0 notes
ceciliavonwrites · 2 years
Dance of Illusions
"When did Dracula last die?"
An older Belnades mage, sitting in a chair with a book, looked up. One of the younger Van Hellsings, a thin scruffy man, was the one who had spoken, worry writ large on his face.
"Why do you ask?" A stooped Belnades woman in a hood answered softly. They were, after all, in a library.
"It might be nothing, but...I feel like it was around this time of year." The Van Hellsing shook his head. "That seems like him, to come back on the anniversary of his death."
He paused briefly, looking unsure of himself. "Um, I mean, that's...the impression I get, from my reading. Sorry, I interrupted you."
She waved it off. "Don't worry about it none, we need all the angles covered here. I don't remember the exact date...but you're right, I think."
The Belnades woman stood up. "Let's check the records." Gliding across the floor to the archives. "This way."
Liberty had one question for her woodsy witch mother.
"Mom,why is dad on the roof?"
Amy paused stirring her dinner cauldron. "I think he's getting broody about his birthday again," she chuckled. "He doesn't wanna remember that he's old."
"Oh yeah!" Liberty perked up with recognition. "That's in a few weeks, isn't it? The 23rd, right?"
"Yeah, you got it!"
"So how old is he now?"
Amy shrugged. "Ancient. I don't know, he doesn't like talking about it."
"Wild." Liberty glanced up at the roof. "I'm gonna go up and get him. Maybe I can cheer him up?"
Amy smiled fondly at her daughter. Such a good girl. She was very proud. "Good luck, sweetie. Can you tell him dinner’s almost done?"
“On it!“
Liberty, being a normal mortal, had to get up to the roof of the cabin using normal mortal means. She was climbing a ladder. Mom had made it from fallen tree limbs and such.
She popped her head up over the edge of the roof. Success! There he is.
Then she squinted, frowning. He looked...different? His fur had a sort of silvery tinge to it, on the edges. Maybe it was just the moonlight. Liberty couldn't really tell. It was pretty dark, she’s probably imagining things.
"Hey, dad?"
He turned slowly. His expression was stone serious.
"Uh..." Whoa, that's not a good face. "Hey, maybe come down?" Liberty suggested, kind of concerned now. "Hanging out alone in the dark? That’s super depressing."
He does smile a little. "We’re not talking about something unusual. I am a vampire, you know."
"I know, I know," she said, and persisted. "But staring off into the middle distance and brooding isn't like you. What gives?"
Troubled, now. "Well, that..."
He paused, and let that trail off into silence.
Then Sonic made an effort to smile and banish the darkness floating overhead.
"I dunno. I guess I'm just feeling kinda down today." He said, in a 'it sucks, but what can you do?' kind of way. "Happens to everybody sometimes, right?"
She wasn't sure if she believed him or not, but it was the only explanation she had so far. "Sure...right. Um, mom almost has dinner ready. I think she said yours was some of her blood mixed with a couple of rabbits. Uh, non-Mobian ones."
"Alright." Not very enthused about this. "Any luck with that blood substitute thingy?"
"Our latest attempt still needs some work," she admitted. "But it seems promising! You'll be first to know when we finish!"
He smiled again. It looked real this time. "I believe in you, kiddo. Let's go eat, huh?"
Liberty grinned back at him. "Yeah!"
The old Belnades stepped into the archives. Years and years of scribbled notes on every kind of creature there was, organized on almost as many bookshelves. Draculas had his own section; a majestic carved bookcase stuffed with words in all handwritings. Some bound, most unbound, a few tied loosely together with string, all characteristic of their makers.
The Van Hellsing followed her, but was slowing down with his mouth agape, taking in the room and its aura of shared knowledge.
"Now let's see..." The Belnades ran her hand over the . Her hard stare accompanied the rustle of pages turning. There was no other sound. The Van Hellsing hovered anxiously by her side.
She looked up.
"I found it," she said hoarsely. "The date of his most recent death was June 23rd."
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toikienthusiast · 2 years
that one clip of bang chan during gods menu at kcon..............................
0 notes
loveronlineee · 2 years
My Dealer’s Sister (Eddie Munson x Reader)
Tumblr media
Eddie Munson x Lipton! Reader (She/Her)
Warnings: none
Synopsis: Eddie had always flirted a little with Reefer Rick’s little sister whenever he bought, but maybe this time it was a step too far
Y/N notes: none
Request for an anon! I love love love writing sister! Reader sm please keep requesting new characters for me to make a sibling dynamic around it’s so fun to write!
Wanna be on the Eddie Munson tag list? Look here!
Wanna request something? Look here! 
Eddie knocked on Reefer Rick’s door, checking behind him just to be safe. He was always careful when he bought from Rick. The cops had been to his house a couple times and Eddie’d prefer to avoid all that.
But today looked like a good day to buy.
Rick opened the door and let Eddie in.
“Hey man how are you?”
“Yeah I’m good, just here for the usual.” Eddie replied as he walked into the living room. He looked to his left to see Rick’s sister on the couch watching TV. She turned around to greet him.
“Hey Eddie.” Y/N grinned.
“Y/N.” Eddie gave her a nod. Rick glared at his sister, which he received an eye roll for in return.
Eddie knew of Y/N’s reputation. Her older brother didn’t care that Y/N got with the guys who bought from him, it was the fact that she’d stop being interested in them after a one night stand and they’d never buy from him again. She was, as he’d put it, bad for business.
But Eddie felt like he was different. It didn’t feel like she just wanted a one night stand. It might just be the spell she put every guy under, but he was willing to take that risk.
“Gimmie a sec. Stuffs in my room I’ll be right back.” Rick said before giving his sister a side eye and walking away. Eddie nodded and stood with his hands in his jean pockets. He looked back to Y/N and walked over. He rested his hands on the back of the couch, either side of Y/N’s head.
“What are you watching?” Eddie asked.
“The Breakfast Club.” Y/N replied, keeping her eyes on the screen.
“What’s it about?”
“This group of kids all from different social groups get put in Saturday detention together.” The pair watched in silence for a moment before Y/N spoke again. “You kinda remind me of John.”
“Which ones John?”
“The one with the flannel shirt.” Eddie watched as the character infuriated the teacher.
“Screws fall out all the time, the worlds an imperfect place.”
Y/N giggled, making Eddie grin.
“So if I’m him, which one are you?” Y/N cocked her head to the side, thinking.
“Hmm probably Alison. She’s the girl in all black at the back.”
“Do they get together?” Y/N chuckled.
“No John gets with the popular girl and Alison gets with the jock.” Y/N tilted her head back to look at Eddie. He was pulling a face which made Y/N laugh again. Eddie looked down, smiling at the sound.
“Do you think John and Alison would make a good couple?” He asked. Y/N smirked, knowing what he was doing.
“Maybe. They’re both outcasts in their own way so they’ve got that in common.”
“Oh really?” Eddie leaned a little closer.
“Yeah.” Y/N said softly just before Eddie closed the gap between their lips.
Y/N hummed into his mouth, sending shivers down his spine. He felt the warmth of her hand as it moved to hold the side of his face. She started giggling, making Eddie pull away.
“What?” He asked, smiling.
“You couldn’t have chosen a more awkward angle to kiss me.” Eddie began laughing too. He jumped over the couch and landed next to her. Y/N moved to sit on his lap. Eddie’s hands reflexively went to her hips as hers wrapped around the back of his neck.
They connected lips once again, smiling against each other. Y/N moved her fingers into Eddie’s hair.
“I’ve always wanted to touch your hair.”
“You could’ve asked.” Eddie said smiling.
“It’s so soft.” She whispered, leaning closer to him again.
“You’re so soft.” Eddie whispered back, looking down at her lips and adjusting his hands on her waist.
“You’re different, Eddie.” Y/N said affectionately.
“I am?” He asked, grinning.
“Yeah. I don’t want this to be a one time thing.”
“Me neither.”
“Y/N!” Reefer Rick had come back and caught them. Y/N smirked and jumped off of Eddie, going to face the TV again.
“Whaaaaat? We’re just watching a movie!” She said innocently.
“God damn it Y/N, Eddie’s one of my best customers.” Rick stormed over.
“Don’t worry Rick I’m definitely coming back.” Eddie grinned, giving Y/N a side glance.
“Yeah yeah sure man.” Rick said, unconvinced. He handed Eddie a plastic bag. The metalhead took it and handed him the cash from his pocket then stood up.
Y/N watched the two guys walk over to the front door. Eddie looked back and her and winked before leaving. Rick shut the door behind him and glared at his sister.
“This ones different Rick I swear.”
“Yeah whatever.” Rick huffed and began heading back to his room. Y/N readjusted to face him more, putting an arm behind the couch.
“No I’m being serious!” He stopped and spun back around.
“What makes Eddie Munson different to the long list of guys and my ex customers?”
“Well for one, Eddie’s not a raging asshole. And he didn’t start paying attention to me just because I happen to be wearing short shorts the day they came to buy.” Rick just rolled his eyes, still not convinced, and walked off.
Y/N sighed turned back to the movie, beginning to smile to herself. She thought about the conversation her and Eddie had, how he looked at her, the kiss, his hands on her hips, her hands in his hair.
The Breakfast Club kids all danced around the library. It cut to John and Alison shuffling their feet side to side. Y/N giggled.
“Yeah, they’d totally be a good couple.”
Tag list: @Mikinyi @justaproudslytherpuff @angelicjinwoo @k12baby @spiderman-berries @ruhro7 @justanotherhappyidiot @dontcallmesavvy @kenzi-woycehoski @gh0stm3g @lagataprrr @spencersbookbag @ygrworld @ambernicole90 @alwaysbeenfamous @angelsarecallin @voteforevilthoughts @iameddiemunsonshair @hellf1reclub @phobles-world @isshecleverorisshecrazy @olrjmarvete @b-bella9 @ultraoliviajeromethings-blog  @beatlebeesstuff @korescomaactually @bilesxbilinskixlahey @darkened-writer @nightless @gnkkstarz @cullenswife @killergoddessmm @preciousbabypeter @uselessbutinteresting @frogtits1 @lotus-es @padfootpottah99 @siriuslysmoking @enoumen-t @marrigold-2002 @nightless @the-mysterious-miss-s @olrjmarvete @evie-119 @rand0m—fangirl @felicityofbakerstreet @lotus-es @v0idl1nq @stv-1-ncent @eiviea @iheartcb @grumpyy-bearr @purple-flamingo @eddiessoulmate @violetrainbow412-blog @mcueveryday @marauders3rawh0re @ravenhood2792 @dragonalpha54 @slytherinintj13 @pastel-abyss-x @missscarlettangel @charli123456789 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roronoa-roro · 2 years
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cw: implied fem!reader, referred to as girlfriend (or so ig)
a/n: no idea of word count i just wanted to warm up my writing gears. positive criticism appreciated, like, reblog, comment if you like this and would like to see a part 2 (which gosh i want aby to write so spam her inbox yall i wanna read the rest in her writing )
for a part 2 contact @/sanoinc cuz my brain ded
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Your eyebrows twitch in annoyance as you stare at the unchanging google doc.
It's been 30 minutes already and Atsumu has yet to add another word to the document. You can see his cursor on the doc, and he told you he's researching what he's going to write.
But it surely wouldn't need thirty fucking minutes to research about MBTI types, would it?
You call him. The phone rings for a moment before Atsumu picks. "Hey babe, I'm still researchin'. Gimme a minute."
"Alright." You reply, crisp and short. You don't hang up, hoping he doesn't notice. And to your smug chagrin, he doesn't notice. You can hear the slight creak of his gaming chair as he twirls around, already imagining him putting the headphones around his neck back on.
And his next words don't disappoint you at all. "Hey, I'm back. Where were we?"
"Who was that?" It's faint but you can tell it's Osamu from the strong accent.
"Y/n. They have been pestering me with a stupid project. I'll do it later." His tone sounds carefree, ignorant of you seething on the other side of the phone. You throw your phone on the pillow, muting yourself worried you might say something in anger. Sighing, you fall back on the bed, project all but forgotten.
Yes, it carried no marks. But the topic was MBTIs, and learning more about the MBTI of your partner. You had taken a leave of two days from your part time job to get this group project done with. And a little part of you also wanted to have a little bonding time with your silly boyfriend.
So when he did what he did right now, it really grated on your nerves in the wrong way.
You sigh once again, and your roommate looks over. "What's got you sighing like that?"
"It's nothing," you wave it away, "Just a ruined project, and a ruined mood." You mumble the last part, not wanting to bother your bestie with your boyfriend troubles.
She doesn't get the hint, furrowing her brows as she asks, "Is it Atsumu again?"
You chuckle, nodding your head, "Yeah, kinda." Gosh, the entire world could tell when you were dissatisfied with your boyfriend. Everyone except him.
"Y'know, you can always play dirty." She winks at you.
Your mouth falls slack, "No. I'm not sending Atsumu a nude." Hell nah, you were not bold enough to do that. Your roommate was a risky little shit, but that didn't mean that you would let her influence your reasoning.
"Your call," She shrugs, knowing she couldn't persuade you unless you wanted it, "It works for me." She rolls back into the cocoon of her blankets, resuming to idly watch Instagram reels.
You bite your lip, pondering over the suggestion. The wheels whirr in your brain, frustration from your boyfriend's neglect, and anger from earlier clouding your judgment as you grab your phone and head to the dresser.
Sitting before the waist-length mirror, you pull off your tshirt, exposing your bra-clad skin to the mirror. Biting your lip, you open the camera, trying different poses and angles. You pout, reviewing the pictures, none of them seem appealing enough. The images are blurry and the lighting seems kinda dull.
"Want some help with that?" the cheery voice rings behind you. You laugh. Oh, you could you forget that little minx.
"Yes," you nod, "I'll treat you to fries." You promise.
Ro jumps off her bed in one fell swoop. She turns off the lights and switches on the LEDs she taped around the room for this sole purpose. Now bathed in a romantic red color, you glance at yourself in the mirror.
You have to admit you look hot. The lights do your skintone justice and it blurs your face, making it hard to realize who you are. Ro giggles mischievously, "Now comes the good part."
She smacks at your spine. "Ow!" you groan, arching your back. Grabbing your shoulder she whispers urgently, "Hold that pose." She straightens your shoulders out a bit, making your chest pop lewdly. But the lighting falls on your chest, reflecting a pretty red all over your exposed body. The shadow falls on your waist, making it look more appealing.
Ro hands you the phone, camera open and timer for 10 seconds started. She hurriedly sets the phone in your hand, leaping out of the way when 5 seconds are left, "Don't move!" she whispers. The camera shutters, capturing an image of you bathed in red and partially covering your face. You look at the image closely.
A smile lights up your face. The picture turned out very good, lewd but not pornographic, enough to tease. You haven't felt this hot in a while. And you like this. Turning to Ro, you exclaim, "We should do this more often!"
She laughs, "I do this all the time. You tell me when you wanna rile that bitch up again. I'll help you." Her smug smirk tells you she loves the idea of torturing others. And she would be down for another session later.
You send the image to Atsumu, clicking back to the phone call that's been going on for 45 whole minutes already. With bated breath you listen in on his conversation with Osamu.
"Hold up, 'Samu. I got a message from y/n on discord."
"Ya should really get working on the proj-"
There's a dull thud from the other side. You wonder what happened and as if answering your question Osamu hollers, "HOW THE FUCK DID YA JUST FALL OF THAT CHAIR, 'TSUMU-"
"I- JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, 'SAMU I-" Atsumu's muffled groans reverberate throught he phone and you giggle, accidntally hitting unmute on your phone.
The other side goes silent for a second. You hear shuffling from the other side and Atsumu's voice this time is clear as daylight as he exclaims, "Ya didn't hang up?"
You peep amidst laughter, "No- didn't-"
"Ya mean," you can imagine him drearily gulping, "Ya heard all of that?"
"I did." You smile, "And I didn't hang up cuz I wanted to tell you that," You lower your voice, mysteriously whispering, "You can get the uncensored version of that pic if you finish the theory work of the project tonight." You resolutely hang up, cutting his high pitched excited squeal off.
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diamondwind99 · 2 years
Soooooo... the new video! Definitely wasn't what I was expecting and I love it! I've missed hearing that little theme song!
I've got to hand it to the team, even though it was an ad it was really cool to see the ad presented as a mini Sanders Sides video, especially considering how much we've all been missing it.
So here's a bunch of other things I thought was pretty awesome.
The premise! It's funny, I've had conversations with some other friends of mine about this exact same thing. We've obviously come to the conclusion that we are never throwing away our beloved plushies. I actually just got another one recently :)
I'm loving the new camera angles. It's so interesting and fun, and it's great seeing Thomas exploring some new ideas! Seeing the sides in different environments opens up all sorts of opportunities.
Patton kicking in the door. Patton, you are amazing and I love you. Underrated side imo. I just wanna say he's imperfect and I love him. Thomas's startled "yes sir" was hilarious.
"Mr. Feelings is my father, call me Patton" "Watch it and get wrecked" "powerpoint scares me" I just love Patton okay
Patton bringing in the science and impressing Logan?? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
TLDR Patton you're adorable and ily
I screamed so loudly when Virgil came in. I've missed that emo so much. His part was so wonderfully spooky and perfect.
"pre-voodoo voodoo dolls" "[I'm not entirely sure what he said there] m***erf***ker!"
Virgil canonically loves dogs. Stuffed spider is canon too.
Excuse me a moment while I scream because MY PRINCE HAS ARRIVED!! I missed Roman so much, omg
Plushie Roman and Classic Roman. I love that. And Roman I love your use of 4th wall breaking :)
"You're too kind, classic Roman!" ...Okay, was it just me or did I hear Remus there?
The quiz no's bit. It just speaks for itself, I don't need to say anything.
"Well f**k." Roman my darling you are a mood. (Thomas did say it was a good effort! :D)
...Is that Pokemon music? I dunno where it's from but I definitely recognize it.
"A trusted aide who will never leave your side, who will always agree with you, who will never sass back or betray you in any way!" Oh Roman... he's clearly still thinking about Janus and everything that led up to POF. He's still very much hurting. I hope that part of the finale will handle some of that. Roman really needs to work through it.
"Loneliness?! Who said anything about loneliness?!?" I wonder if both Logan and Roman are feeling lonely. Logan because he's not being listened to and constantly having his voice shoved to the side. Roman because he feels like the other sides don't value his input and constantly change the rules on him, when all he wants is to make Thomas happy. Come to think of it, Logan and Roman are both feeling sidelined (ha) for somewhat similar reasons - they're not being listened to.
Yeah Logan, I'm surprised they all managed to work together too.
Heck yes Logan. Contribute to these facts. I fricking love Logan. So much.
"Hey Logan could I get you to say 'I'm agreeing with you again?'" Awww yeah Ro, you did it, you impressed Logan :)
When Roman's nickname falls flat Virgil is just like "don't worry bud, you'll get 'em next time" and I think my entire existence just melted on the spot. Called Roman bud. Was encouraging. These two have come so far and I love them both so much and did I mention I melted on the spot.
"Sometimes passion makes you act a little silly" Hmmm yeah that's something to think about, Logan :)
Logan's disbelieving face at the end there lol. I love you Logan. So much.
And now, and entirely separate section dedicated to the Sides' ROOMS!!!! :D
Patton: I saw lots of cats and lots of stuffed animals, and his color scheme, and seeing Virgil's card from Season 1 up there was just adorable. Also some photos and a second cookie. Nothing unexpected, but seeing Patton without his glasses was a bit odd, lol.
Roman: Roman's color scheme throughout as well. I also saw some scented candles, a book that I couldn't tell what it was, and some Roman figurines, and of course Roman's sword at the ready next to him. The mask was an amazing touch. I loved the poster from Up that says "adventure is out there!" The corkboard has some interesting tidbits, such as photos from past Sides' photoshoots and a picture of Leslie Odom Jr. I absolutely LOVE that there are sparkly floaty clouds and stuff flying around, so one of my headcanons is now CANON!! What I specifically want to point out is what was on the three sticky notes. "You got this, pal!" - It's so wholesome but a bit sad. He so clearly needs encouragement. "WWLOJD" - This took me a bit to figure out. At first I thought it was a hint towards the title of an upcoming video, but then I realized it says "What would Leslie Odom Jr Do?" and I think that is awesome. I think Roman has a hero :) Oh, and of course we can't forget the Remus cameo. I saw that, stinker. Roman's gonna come after you for that one. I hope we get some sibling shenanigans soon :) Also, Roman is wearing his Beast onesie. He's. Just. So. Adorable.
Virgil: Green Day American Idiot shirt. Epicness. "# of Days Since Last Total Disaster: 5" Virgil I freaking love you. Some nice purple color scheme, what looks like a lyric video in the back there. Not sure what book that adorable stuffed spider is on. Also saw a white noise machine. Really nice touches in there :)
Logan: Okay, seeing Logan without his glasses felt kinda weird lol. I'm so used to the glasses. But the fact that he has all of the plushies there... that is just the sweetest. I also saw an empty Crofter's jar, a Rubik's cube, his notebook, and extra flashcards. I also saw that he kept Roman's Sherlock fanfiction that he wrote for Logan. I melted.
Anyway, that's everything I saw! If you made it this far, thanks so much. I really appreciate it if you stuck with my ramblings this long. I don't often write episode reviews of analyses, but the ones I do wrote I can get pretty long-winded lol. I just love the Sides so much. See you guys when the next episode comes :)
I'm just wondering... where's Janus? dun dun duuuuun
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i wanna ask skz pack how they would react if y/n got into a physical fight with other alphas! (kinda similar to ur fic, but i mean if some ppl tried to throw hands with y/n when they were alone)
"Well first off, we know she's shit at fighting. So there's that." Minho drawls smugly, and you immediately shoot him a glare as Chan reaches out to lay his hand on your thigh, as if he's worried you're going to jump up and try and prove Minho wrong right then and there.
"Hey! That was one time and I was unprepared!"
"And I was thankful." Jisung interjects, beaming you a heart shaped grin and batting his eyes. "Thank you for defending my honor, noona."
"You're a perfect angel, Jisung, and I would gladly do it again." You quip back without even looking at him, fury still directed at Minho, as you hold out a hand, finger raised, as if to make a point. "And I'll have you know, I've been practicing boxing at the gym with Changbin lately and I'm getting pretty good."
Changbin nods thoughtfully. "She's not bad actually."
"See? See?" You point at Changbin now, eyes fiery.
"Hate to break it to you, sweetheart," Minho smirks, sharp teeth flashing, sitting back in the couch beside Felix as if he hasn't a care in the world, hands behind his head. "But 'not bad' is not the same as 'pretty good.'"
Chan's fingers tighten around your thigh, as if he's seriously considering having to hold you back at this point.
"Bring it then. I'll kick your ass right here and now."
"I'd love to see you try, sweetheart, I really would."
"Anyway-" Seungmin, always the pragmatic member of the pack, interrupts, raising his voice, as he shoots a warning look between the two of you. "-let's actually answer the question, shall we?"
"Well, we all know how hyung would react." Hyunjin points out, shooting a smug look in the lead alpha's direction now. "He gets pissy."
"I was not 'pissy.'" Chan sighs, already done with this conversation. "I was disappointed. There's a difference."
You glance sidelong at him.
"You were kind of pissy."
He sighs again.
"Listen, as pack alpha, I have to protect all of you-"
There are immediate protests, from all angles of the room.
"Woah, woah, woah. I can protect myself!"
"Please. You protect us because you like it, not because we need it."
"I could kick anyone's ass on my own, hyung!"
"Oh my god." Chan visibly rolls his eyes, raising his voice. "Okay, okay! I get it! You're all big, bad wolves. I'm still gonna keep an eye out for all of you. And that's never going to change."
"Back to the question." Felix clears his throat and glances at you. "I think regardless of subgender, all the members of the pack would instantly be protective if one of our mates got into a fight with someone else."
"Yeah." Jeongin nods in agreement. "I'd punch a guy for any one of them."
"Ahhh, Innie." Minho coos theatrically, leaning over to rub the top of the omega's head as he squawks in protest.
"I'd hunt them down." Changbin supplies simply, and Chan glances to him, seemingly at war with himself.
"I don't necessarily condone violence, but in a situation like that-if (Y/N) got hurt or anyone else for that matter-yeah, I'd probably do something drastic."
"Ahhh sweet." It's your turn to sweetly smile at the head alpha, leaning over to squeeze his cheek between your fingers as he rolls his eyes again.
"Anyway." You straighten back up. "I think it's safe to say that any one of us would die protecting the others."
"Eh, that's kinda drastic." Jisung hums, making a show of thinking hard. "I'd risk my OOTD for you all, maybe even my pretty face, but my life? That's asking a little too much."
"He is very pretty." Changbin shrugs beside the beta in question, biting back a grin.
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yuta-senpai · 3 years
Our Angel | WayV
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- Genre: Smut
- Warnings: Pure filth, remote controlled vibrator, 8some, degradation, subspace, multiple penetration, breeding kink, squirting, oral (male & female receiving), unprotected sex, spit, and choking. (I’m honestly probably missing some stuff)  Just know this full 12.1k of words is basically all smut.
- Word Count: 12.1k
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Ten stared into your eyes, “Baby, come on just wear it.”
You scoffed, “No fucking way.”
He pouted, “Please, it will be so much fucking fun.”
You were speechless, this man was a fucking kinky shit. You shook your head 'no’ again. He furrowed his eyebrows, “Are you saying no to your daddy when it's a punishment?”
A sigh escaped your lips, there was no way you were gonna win. 
He held the vibrator in his hand, “Put it in now or I will put it in for you. Either way, you are wearing it.”
You bit your lip, “Daddy, put it in for me.”
He smirked, “You are naughty Baby girl.” 
You laid back as he lifted your large shirt, and slid your panties to the side. Exposing your wet core to the cold air. You shivered and he licked his lips.
“I want to taste you, but you would enjoy that too much.”
He slowly slid the toy inside of you and kissed your clit before backing away. You whimpered and he smirked, “Okay, get dressed, be sure to wear a skirt. It’s time to hang out with the boys.”
You slid on your black skirt, put on a black lace bra, then a tight red crop top, and finally your boots.  You smiled as you eyed your outfit. 
Ten walked up behind you and smacked your ass. The vibrator inside of you made it hard to walk because you didn't want it to slide out, so you had to keep your legs together as much as possible. On the car ride over you felt a slight vibration ring through your body and you shivered. You didn't want to give Ten the pride of seeing you turned on by it. 
Ten held the remote in his hand and he turned the speed up more, causing a slight whimper to leave your lips.
He chuckled lowly, “You aren't gonna survive. That's not even close to the medium setting.”
Tightly gripping the car a loud choked moan left your lips as your body shook.  You bit your lips, your knuckles turning white from the tightness of your grip.  “Agh, Ten stop.  It-it’s too much.”  Your eyes rolled back as you felt an orgasm growing, your breathing rapidly increased, your chest rising up and down quickly, you were right at your breaking point.  The vibrations stopped suddenly and you whimpered, “Ahh daddy.  If you are gonna use it at least let me cum.”
An evil smirk spread across his face, “Oh don’t worry baby. You will get to cum very soon.” You didn’t know what he meant but you were excited, maybe you were gonna have quick sex in Kun’s bathroom again. 
He pulled up to the building, and you fidgeted making the vibrator poke against your g-spot. A soft gasp left your lips but the music playing covered it.  Ten turned towards you, “Babygirl when we go in there I will eventually turn that vibrator on, and if you are about to cum you need to say Paint”.  
You giggled slightly, “You are joking right?” He raised his eyebrow, “When do I joke about stuff like this?”
You nervously gulped, as you two stepped outside the car.  The large vibrator made it hard to walk, but you had to act normal.
Lucas opened the door and smirked at you which caught you off guard. He eyed you up and down, “You look good today baby.”
You stared at him for a moment, and then laughed, walking past him quickly.  Looking back around you see Ten whisper something to Lucas, causing Lucas to lick his lips seductively.  Walking into the living room you see all of the boys scattered around, and each one eyes you like a piece of candy. You cautiously walk into the room, “Uhh, hey guys.”
Kun winks, “Hey doll” he pats his lap, “Wanna sit here?”
You are taken aback, “Okay what the fuck is going on with all of you today, and where the fuck are your girlfriends?”
It wasn’t unusual for YangYang and Hendery to be clingy and offer up their lap as they were like your brothers. Xiaojun laughs, “We are all single, didn’t Ten tell you? He is officially the only one with a girl.”  It’s kind of shocking that Kun, Xiaojun, and Lucas all broke up with their girlfriends and you hadn’t heard.
Your mouth opens in shock at the news you hear, but at least their flirting makes some sense now. 
Kun smirked at you again "So are you going to take up my offer to sit here. Most comfortable seat in the house."
You chuckled "Actually I think Hendery's lap would be the most comfortable."
Hendery's eyes widened in shock and a blush spread across his face, that wasn’t usual.
Ten's arm wrapped around your waist protectively "How about she sits on her boyfriend's lap."
Xiaojun pouted "We just wanted to have a little fun." 
Ten kissed your ear and then whispered "Why don't you go sit on Hendery's lap.  You usually go sit on him instead of me anyways."  A hint of jealousy present in his voice. 
Your eyes widened "Ah bu-"
He stopped you "No but’s now go do it."
You bit your lip and sauntered over to Hendery, eyeing him. 
You sat down next to him and placed your legs over his, "Sorry I embarrassed you prince."
He smiled, “Who said you embarrassed me.  Just wasn’t expecting you to suddenly say that.”  He placed his hands on your calves and lightly caressed them, his left hand rubbing up to your thigh.  You were loyal to Ten, I mean he was your boyfriend, but something about Hendery made you want to be unloyal.  Even though he was like a brother at times, you couldn’t deny that he was attractive.
You bit your lip as you watched Hendery’s hands rub circles on your legs, but froze when you felt a slight vibration start inside you.  Ten was sitting across from you with an evil smirk.  You loved him but right now you wanted to kill him.
Hendery raised his eyebrow at you, “Something wrong princess?” 
Your face heated up because Hendery was intensely staring at you now, and he just called you princess.  “Uh yeah, I am fine.”
He patted your hip, “Come on, move onto my lap, princess.”
You hesitated, what if he felt the vibration, but if you didn’t he would know something was up.  Plus he probably was just worried about you since you had frozen up.  The vibrator suddenly stopped inside you, Ten must have realized Hendery might be able to feel it.  You moved yourself up onto Hendery’s lap, your ass resting on his left thigh, and your legs draped over his right thigh.  It was not unusual for you to drape yourself over Hendery, but with the vibrator pushing into you extra hard it felt different.  He wrapped his arms around your waist and you put your arm around his neck.  Lucas who had been leaning against the door frame took the opportunity to sit where you had just been sitting.  So you were now sitting on Hendery with Lucas to your left and Xiaojun to your right.  Everybody seemed less chatty today and more fixated on you, and it was intimidating.  
Had Ten told them about your punishment, were they just waiting to watch you fight off an orgasm, no Ten wouldn’t do that to you, would he.  I mean he did currently have you sitting on Hendery’s lap with a vibrator inside you, so honestly, nothing would surprise you at this point.
Ten cleared his throat and started up a conversation with the others bringing the attention off you, but Hendery seemed to focus his attention solely on you.  You shifted slightly on Hendery, the vibrator pushing against your most sensitive spot, almost causing a moan to escape your lips.  Your arm around Hendery’s neck tightens and he licks his lips.  A slight flush covers your face.  The toy inside of you suddenly starts, and not a slow pace but a very fast one.  With the angle of the toy and the sudden start of the vibrations, a loud gasping moan leaves your lips and you shudder in Hendery’s arms.  You quickly compose yourself but it was too late for that, the toy inside you stopped.
The room is silent and all eyes are on you, hungry and lust-filled eyes.  Your face heated up, “Umm sorry Hendery just pinched my side and it caught me off guard.” Xiaojun arched his eyebrow at you then looked up at Hendery to confirm his suspicions.  You looked at Hendery with pleading eyes, Hendery laughed “Sorry she kept fidgeting so I pinched her.” The others didn’t look like they believed it but didn’t protest and start back up with their conversation.
Hendery pulled you against his chest, his mouth right next to your ear.  “Princess, does Ten have you all filled up with a vibrator?  Is he controlling it?  You know I felt the vibration on my leg, he really turned that on high.” You froze, he knew about the vibrator now.
You sighed, “Yes, he does.  Let me move so it’s not so awkward.” Moving to get up he held you close, “Now I didn’t say I minded Princess.” One of his hands slipped down to your hip massaging lightly, his hands making your core clench around the toy. 
Hendery’s eyes moved from yours to look up at Ten, whose eyes were intensely focused on the two of you, a smirk forming on both their faces.
Ten smiled at you, licked his lips then pressed the button on the controller, a slow vibration running through your core.  Your toes curled but you made no noise.
Hendery tightened his grip on your hips, and your gaze moved from Tens to Hendery’s.  
Hendery placed his hand on your inner thigh way too high up, causing your skirt to slightly ride up, almost exposing your black lacy panties.
Ten turned the vibration up, and your legs trembled in Hendery’s grip.
You were having to fight not to orgasm, you didn’t want to embarrass yourself in front of the other members.  
Looking up you see Xiaojun’s eyes fixed onto yours, and the look in his eyes alone could send you over the edge.  
You couldn’t hold it off anymore, you gasped out “PAINT.” Expecting the vibrations to stop they suddenly increased, making you moan loudly.  A hand gripped your hair and tilted your head back roughly, Lucas looked into your eyes “Cum for us baby.”
A wave of pleasure washed over you, a high-pitched whiny moan leaving your lips, your whole body shaking as Hendery held you against him. 
After coming down from your high, the vibrations stopped, and you looked around embarrassed about to apologize but Hendery quickly kissed you.  The hand that had been on your thigh moving up to your cheek as he kissed you like you were the air he needed to breathe. 
He moved you to straddle him, his lips never leaving yours. 
You pulled away gasping for air and confused as to what was happening.
You felt hands on your shoulders so you looked up to see your boyfriend Ten.  A smirk covering his face "So perfect my baby girl.  Now, why don't you be a good girl for Hendery now."
You looked at him confused and he kissed you "Everybody wants a turn with you and I am giving them this opportunity once as long as you agree."
Your eyes widened “Ah, all of you? Really?” A chorus of “Yes” could be heard throughout the room.  Hendery squeezed your hips, “So what do you think princess?  Think you can handle all of us?” Your face heated up as you looked around the room, all of their eyes were hungry and needy. 
Biting your lip you nodded, “Yes I can try.” Ten kissed the top of your head, “If you need to stop or take a break just let me know, and I will stop it.” You looked up at Ten and the two of you kissed for a moment, he backed away and let the others have their fun.  Within a moment you felt two more hands on your body,  Xiaojun was gripping your left breast and Lucas your right, and Hendery’s hand slipped around from your hips to your ass.
Lucas pulled your red crop top over your head, and a chorus of groans could be heard at the sight of your black lace bra.  You felt vulnerable and overwhelmed. 
Hendery pushed the others back for a moment, they protested but he shushed them, then gripped your chin and made you look him in the eye, “Eyes on me princess.” He leaned forward and kissed your cheek, “Pretend like it’s just me, and only me.” You nodded and focused your attention on him, and he rolled you down against his hardened cock, making you moan and roll your head back.  He kissed your jawline then neck, alternating between sucking and kissing.  Leaving your neck and shoulder littered with his marks.
Hendery kept rolling you down against him as he did this, your hands gripped his shoulders.
He stopped and bunched your skirt up at your waist and slid his hand down over the front of your panties.  Your panties soaking, when he felt that he groaned, “So wet for me princess.” Lucas groaned, “You are taking too fucking long Hendery.”
Hendery raised his eyebrow at Lucas and frowned. 
Lucas unclipped your bra, exposing your breasts.  He took both of your breasts into his hand and massaged them, admiring the way they felt. 
He moved his hands down to your waist and gripped onto your skirt.  “I suggest you let her stand up and take this off or I will rip it off her.”
Hendery rolled his eyes “So impatient.  We are all about to take her, we need to make sure she is ready so she doesn’t get hurt.”
Lucas gripped the skirt ready to rip it when you stopped him and slowly stood up from Hendery’s lap, you let the skirt hit the floor, leaving you almost fully exposed to seven hungry eyes.
Lucas gripped your waist and pulled you towards him, he ran his hand over the front of your panties “You really are wet baby.” He lightly kissed against the outside of your panties, your right hand gripping his hair.  He pushed the material to the side and licked from your core to your clit.  He pulled the vibrator out of you and groaned when he saw how wet it was.
A soft moan left your lips and your grip tightened on his hair. 
Lucas smirked, “You taste so good, baby.” You looked to your left and noticed Hendery and Xiaojun had moved around.  Hendery was laying down on the sofa and Xiaojun was standing at the end of the sofa.  Lucas pulled your panties the rest of the way down then pulled you down to quickly kiss him.  You pulled away from the kiss and looked to see Hendery beckoning you over.  Lucas slapped your ass causing you to jump, several people in the room chuckled. 
You looked to see YangYang with his hand down his pants, and WinWin had fully removed his dick from his pants stroking himself as he intently watched you.
Kun and Ten were watching you closely, both with obvious bulges in their pants but they didn't touch themselves.  
You walked next to Hendery and he licked his lips as his eyes looked down to your core.  
“I have the best seat in the house, princess.  Why don’t you come sit on it.” You blushed, but he pulled you down and had you straddle his chest.
His right hand dipped down to your core, his middle finger sliding into you with ease.  You moaned and braced yourself against him.  He pulled his fingers out and up to his mouth licking them “You taste amazing princess.  Why don’t you move up here and let me taste you more.” You moved forward hovering over his face, your knees beside his head.  He wrapped his arms underneath your thighs and around to the top, before pulling you down against his face leaving just enough room to breathe.  He kissed your clit, then sucked it into his mouth you shuddered and braced onto the edge of the sofa.  Xiaojun stood in front of you palming himself in his jeans.  You reached up and unbuttoned his jeans, and slowly removed his dick from his pants. 
Taking it in your hand you stroked his length a few times and licked up the bead of precum that escaped. 
A moan escaped your lips when Hendery moved his tongue a certain way, Xiaojun took the opportunity and gripped your hair in his hand and pushed his cock into your mouth.  You made eye contact with him as you ran your tongue along the underside of his shaft making him moan.  
You ran your tongue along the vein that ran across the bottom of his shaft.  He gritted his teeth and gripped your jaw holding your mouth open, “Quit teasing and suck it already.” He thrust into your mouth, hitting the back of your throat causing you to choke.  One of your hands gripped Xiaojun’s thigh and the other gripped onto Hendery’s hair.  Xiaojun had taken control of the situation and was fucking your mouth.  
Lucas cleared his throat beside you, his very large cock free, moving your hand from Xiaojun’s thigh, you wrapped your hand around Lucas’ cock.  You slowly stroked up and down his length.  It was hard to focus on him with Xiaojun abusing your mouth and Hendery abusing your clit.
Xiaojun pulled away making you gasp for air, saliva running from your mouth.  He held your mouth open as he stroked his dick.  “Tongue out”
You stuck your tongue out, as he groaned and came in your mouth focusing on making it land on your tongue.  It dripped from your tongue onto the edge of the couch.  He smirked, “Swallow it.” You pulled your tongue back in and he released his grip on your mouth.  You swallowed then opened your mouth to show it was all gone.  
“Such a good girl.”
You smiled softly, Xiaojun wiped some cum from your chin and held it to your mouth, you sucked his finger into your mouth cleaning it. 
Somebody in the room said, “Fuck that was hot”.
A moan suddenly escaped your lips, Hendery had found a certain spot that made your thighs shake against him, and he abused that spot when he felt your thighs tighten around his head. 
Your toes curled, your thighs tightly clamped around Hendery’s head as you came harder than you ever had before, your whole body shaking.
Xiaojun cursed in front of you, Lucas cursed beside you, and your face heated up.  What had you done that made them react like that.  Hendery pushed you back to rest on his lap, nearly his entire face wet with your release. 
Hendery licked his lips, “Did you know you could squirt?” Ten gasped, “Did she actually squirt?”
Hendery chuckled “Well how do you explain my face being soaked.” You covered your face embarrassed.  Your hands were ripped from your face and Ten stood beside you both anger and amazement in his eyes, “You can squirt?" Nibbling your lip you nodded, Ten huffed “ You never have squirted for me.” You felt guilty but it wasn’t your fault, “I’m sorry.  It just only happens sometimes.” Hendery chuckled beneath you “I guess I can please your girlfriend better than you can, should probably just let her date me.” “Shut the fuck up Guanheng.” Ten growled.  “I will find what makes you squirt baby girl.” Ten leaned down and kissed you, then looked at Hendery amused as Hendery wiped his face with a towel that Kun had brought him.
Hendery smiled at you, then patted your leg, “Let me up so I can finally feel that tight little pussy of yours.” “Why do you think you get to have sex with her first?” Lucas protested.
Hendery smirked “Because I made her squirt I deserve it.  You can have your turn after.”
You stood up beside the couch and Hendery stood up beside you sliding his shirt over his head, then slid his pants and boxers to the floor.  You noticed that nobody else but you two were naked, they were either still fully clothed or just had their dicks free.
You giggled “It’s so embarrassing that all of you are still clothed except Hendery and me.” Lucas laughed and removed his shirt, exposing his toned abs.  Lucas held your face in his large hands then leaned down and kissed you.  Hendery stood behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your neck.  Lucas massaged your breasts and Hendery grabbed your right leg, putting it up on the sofa.  You felt the tip of Hendery’s cock brush against your core.  He lined himself up and slowly pushed up into you making you moan into Lucas’ mouth.  Your eyes clamped shut and you reached behind to grab at Hendery’s hair.  Lucas pulled back and chuckled, “You didn’t waste any time did you Hendery.”
Hendery moaned at your tightness, “So fucking tight.” Lucas pinched your right nipple and smirked when you moaned. “Hendery at least do her doggy style so she can suck me.” Lucas tilted your head up to look at him, and you opened your eyes.  He ran his thumb across your bottom lip, “I’d love these pretty little lips wrapped around my big cock.  She’ll probably choke on it.  Would you like that baby, want to choke on my big cock?” You nodded, then he gripped your throat in his large hands.  
“Use your words baby.”
“Yes, daddy.  Please let me choke on your big cock.”
Lucas smirked, “Ten how does it feel knowing your precious baby girl is calling another man ‘daddy’ and wanting his cock so much?”
Ten laughed but it sounded more like a moan, “Y’all really are assholes.  I’m letting you fuck my girlfriend and you are gonna tease me about every little thing.”
Lucas gripped your throat tighter and chuckled “You are the one who said little not me.  Also because we know you can’t love her or fuck her as well as us.  I can tell she likes it rough, likes being told what to do, likes being controlled by a man who is so much bigger than her.  Don’t you baby?” “Yes, daddy.”
Lucas released the grip on your throat. Hendery scoffed, “So rough with her.  She is a princess and should be treated like it.”  Hendery pulled out of you and groaned, you whined at the loss of him.
You hated that they were fighting over you but you would deal with that later.
Hendery tapped your thigh, “Get on your hands and knees on the couch, leave enough room for Lucas to sit down.” You got on the couch, your knees and hands sinking into the cushions.  Hendery climbed behind you and ran his hands from your ass up to your back, you arched wanting to give him the best angle.
“So perfect my princess.”
You looked back to see Hendery positioning himself to slide into you.
“No condom?” Hendery raised his right eyebrow and smiled, “We are all clean, and Ten said that there was a certain something you and him would both enjoy if we decide to say it.  Ten told us a lot about what you would enjoy, and what he would enjoy.” Your face heated up, you knew exactly what he was talking about now.
Hendery slid into you again and groaned, gripping your hips tightly.  You moaned and held onto the couch.  Hendery slid all the way in then halted to let Lucas get in place. Lucas sat down in front of you, his pants now fully removed.
He gathered your hair up with his right hand, holding it back for you, then with his left hand tapped the head of his cock against your lips, smearing his precum on them.
“Tongue out.” You opened your mouth and held your tongue out for him.  
He slapped the head of his cock against your tongue then thrust up into your mouth making you choke.
A deep chuckle left his lips, “I told you that you would choke on my big cock with how small you are.”
He gripped your hair tightly then nodded to Hendery.  Hendery pulled out to the tip then thrust back in rough and hard, making you lurch forward taking Lucas’ cock further into your mouth. 
Tears welled in your eyes as Lucas held your hair, holding your mouth on his cock, letting Hendery’s pace guide your movements.  He watched you intently, his gaze overwhelming to you, so you closed your eyes. 
He tightened the grip on your hair. “Eyes on me baby.”
You opened your tear-filled eyes and stared at him.  His eyes were dark, and you could tell he was really enjoying himself, this urged you on.
You started moving your head along with Hendery’s thrusts, trying to focus on the head of Lucas’s dick.  He pushed your head down “Baby, I prefer if you try to take it deep, I wanna hear you choke on me.”
You took him deeper into your mouth letting Hendery’s steady pace control your movements, Lucas basically fucking your throat.  Saliva dripped from your mouth pooling onto Lucas’ pelvis, getting caught in the small amount of pubic hair he had.
Hendery tightened his grip on your hips and changed his position, thrusting deeper and faster into you, causing a strangled moan to leave your lips. 
His right hand moved from your hip around to your clit, his fingers lightly rubbing against the sensitive nerves.  His fingers delicately playing against your clit, his movement perfectly hitting the most sensitive part making your knees shake.  Hendery pushed down on your back with his left hand making you arch your back again, then he grabbed onto your waist and leaned over you.  He thrust into your roughly which contrasted with the soft touches on your clit and the delicate kisses he placed along your back.  You felt euphoric with all the contrasting touches, Hendery both gentle and rough, while Lucas was abusing your mouth.
Lucas started thrusting up into your mouth, he had a look of determination on his face, his hair sticking to his forehead from sweating due to the pleasure.  “I’m about to cum baby.”
His grip on your hair tightened, a burning feeling running over your scalp.  A deep guttural moan left his lips, his thighs shook, his whole body tensed, and his face contorted into one of pure pleasure as he came into your mouth. 
Hendery had slowed his thrusts to let Lucas ride out his high, then he halted completely. 
Lucas stroked himself a few times making sure all the cum was out, then pulled your hair up forcing you off his dick and making you sit up as much as you could, practically sitting on Hendery’s lap, who had sat back. “Let me see that cum in your mouth.” You opened your mouth, a few drops of cum spilling from the sides. 
He let it drip down your chin, neck, and down to your breasts.
Lucas held your jaw and leaned over you, he stopped for a moment as if deciding what to do, but then he spit down into your mouth, then smirked. 
He moved his hand from your jaw, “Swallow.” You swallowed his cum and spit.  Lucas leaned down and licked the cum from your breast, cleaning all the way up to your lips where he kissed you, his tongue running against yours.
He backed away and smirked as you looked at him with want and need, “I’ll fill that pussy with my cum later.”
He leaned back on the couch to watch you.
You felt Hendery’s dick twitch inside you and he groaned.  “That was fucking hot.”
You had forgotten Hendery was even there, forgot he was inside you, having him there just felt so natural. 
Hendery wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your shoulder. 
“How about we change positions, you lay down princess.” You slowly got off of him but whimpered when he no longer was inside you.  You laid down, your head in between Lucas’s thighs, closer to his knees.
Hendery hovered over you admiring you before he slowly slid into you.  Once all the way in you placed your left leg around his waist and your right on his shoulder, he held on to your right leg as he rolled his hips into you. 
He held his lip between his teeth, his sweat-covered hair sticking to his forehead, and covering his eyes, he was watching himself slide in and out of your core. 
You gripped his arm and looked at him with pleading eyes, “Please kiss me.” He smiled and leaned over you, connecting his lips with yours.  His thrusts slow and passionate.  You moved the hair from his forehead and looked into his eyes.  Hendery buried his face against your upper chest and shoulder, his lips kissing the skin there.  He would bite and nip then suck the skin into his mouth leaving marks all along your neck and shoulder.  Hendery turned his head to your ear and let out a breathy moan, then kissed the edge of your ear, he whispered “I marked you as mine.  You know that you are mine, right princess?”
You nodded, “I know I am, my prince.”
Hendery propped himself up, his right hand next to your head, and his left hand on your waist.  He started thrusting faster, wanting to make you cum again.  A moan left your lips as he hit a certain sensitive spot. 
“Ahh, Hendery.”  Your back arched up off the sofa and you reached out to hold onto something coming into contact with Lucas’ thigh.  Your nails dug into the soft flesh of Lucas’s thigh, he winced.  “Shit baby don’t hurt me.” Hendery moved his hand from your waist down to your clit, pushing you closer to the edge, you felt bad for gripping Lucas’s thigh so tight but you were so overwhelmed with pleasure you couldn’t stop yourself.
Your grip on Lucas’s thighs tightened, and he jerked his thigh away then grabbed your left hand, holding it so you could squeeze it.  Soft whimpers and moans left your lips every couple of seconds. Seeing you so close to your breaking point urged Hendery on, his pace quickened as he fought off his own release. 
Hendery gave up on holding himself up, he leaned forward onto his elbow and kissed you, his left hand in between your bodies still rubbing your swollen clit. Your right hand went around his back, your nails digging into him leaving large red scratch marks.  Lucas still held your left hand.  Hendery leaned back down by your ear, “Gonna fill you up with my cum, do you want that princess?  Want me to cum in the pretty pussy of yours?  What if I get you pregnant, make you all mine.” Hendery’s words pushed you over the edge, your eyes rolled into the back of your head, your mouth fell open, your legs wrapped tight around Hendery’s waist.  You loudly moaned “Hendery” as you came, your walls pulsating around Hendery.
Hendery moaned lowly, burying his face in your neck,  and groaning “Fuck” as he came.  He filled you with his cum, his thrusts sloppy as he rode out his high.
As soon as you both came down from your highs, Hendery moved his hand from your clit, and kissed you softly.  He pulled out and groaned, and you whimpered.  Hendery smiled and rubbed your leg, Lucas rubbed your hand.
You leaned up and finally looked back at Lucas, he was staring at you with so much admiration, love, and dominance. 
He laughed “I should have moved.  You already made my dick hard again.  But I’ll let the others get their turn.” Lucas let go of your hand and moved from the couch with Hendery.
YangYang and WinWin stood up and walked over to you, and Hendery and Lucas took their spots.
WinWin smirked down at you laying on the couch staring at them with big eyes, he stroked his dick and bit his lip.  YangYang and WinWin both were not as girthy or long as Hendery and Lucas, they definitely were more average in size.
WinWin helped you sit up.  “We have an idea sweetheart.  How do you feel about having both of us in your pussy?  Think you can handle that?” Your eyes widened “Both of you?”
YangYang nodded, “I have always wanted to try it.  So what do you think?” WinWin sat down to your right, placed his left hand on your inner thigh, and then kissed across your shoulder.
YangYang sat down to your left side, his left hand cupping your breast.  He pinched your nipple making you shudder.
You bit your lip, “Yes.” WinWin raised his eyebrow, “Are you positive?” “Yes, let’s try it.” The two boys gave each other a look and backed away from you quickly stripping down to nothing.  You giggled, “Wow you two are eager.” YangYang smiled “Of course we fucking are.” You smiled back at him, enjoying the way YangYang could always make you smile, even in serious situations like this.
The two sat back down where they had just been, YangYang immediately moved to your breast while WinWin grabbed your chin and turned your head so he could kiss you.
His lips moved against yours, his tongue sliding along your bottom lip, you opened your mouth letting his tongue into your mouth.  He ran his tongue along yours, then pulled back letting your tongue into his mouth, he sucked on it slightly.
WinWin pulled away and rested his forehead against yours.
He stared into your eyes then kissed you one last time. 
“YangYang let me slide in first then you can slide in after.” YangYang pulled back from where he was sucking on your breast right above your nipple making a prominent hickey form there.
YangYang nods “Okay, sounds like a plan.” You bite your lip “So how are we going to do this? WinWin leaned back on the arm of the couch, his legs spread, and beckoned you over “Come sit in my lap sweetheart.”
You moved up into his lap and sat down, his dick pressed against his stomach.  He looked up and down your body, and held onto your waist. 
“I can’t wait to be in that pretty pussy of yours.” He gripped his dick in his right hand and guided himself into you.  Your forehead falling onto his, a moan left your lips, and a deep groan left his lips.
He held you still as he thrust up into you slowly.
YangYang kissed your right shoulder from the back, and you felt fingers down by your core.  YangYang slid two fingers in next to WinWin’s dick inside you, and scissored them, trying to prepare you. 
You winced but could handle the stretch.  WinWin stayed still inside you as YangYang fingered you.  You looked to see somebody standing right next to you, Ten was standing there holding a bottle of lube. “If you are going to do this, be sure to use lube YangYang, I don’t want her to get hurt.”
YangYang took the lube and thanked Ten.  You looked up at Ten, and he kissed you.  “If you need them to stop, just say the safe word and they will stop or I will make them stop, okay?”
You nodded, “Of course, I know daddy.” He smiled, “You are just too fucking perfect baby girl.” He walked back over and sat down next to Kun.
YangYang worked another finger into you stretching you out enough to be able to fit him inside.  He pulled his fingers out and you heard the lube opening behind you, then you felt the head of his dick at your entrance.
WinWin held your waist, “Relax sweetheart.” YangYang kissed along your shoulder as he positioned himself behind you and slowly pushed the head of his dick inside you.  The stretch making you dig your nails into WinWin’s arms.  You whimpered, and WinWin massaged your waist, “You really need to relax sweetheart.  Focus on me.” You stared into WinWin’s eyes and took a deep breath, letting yourself relax.  YangYang took the opportunity and slid all the way into you.
You felt so full with both of them inside you.  You held onto WinWin’s shoulders and they both stayed still.
YangYang buried his face into your neck, “I think you are gonna have to move for us, angel.  It’s a tight fit.”
You pushed yourself up a bit then slid back down on them, all three of you moaned.  It was very overwhelming, and you could only move so much otherwise you risked them sliding out.  You set a steady pace moving up and down on the two of them.  YangYang kissed and sucked all along your shoulder, the sensations sending shivers down your spine.
YangYang groaned “I am not gonna last long at all angel.” WinWin threw his head back “Me either.  God, you are so fucking, sexy sweetheart.  Taking the two of us so well.” YangYang started thrusting up lightly, chasing his orgasm.  WinWin leaned up sandwiching you tightly between their bodies.  Sweat rolled down your neck and WinWin licked up the bead of sweat.
They both thrust up into you at the same slow but deep pace, both desperate for their release.  YangYang leaned his head against your back, his heavy and hot breath fanned out across your bare skin.  You were so close to your release and your legs shook as you tried to move with them.
YangYang's breathing got more ragged and his hands gripped your waist, “I-I I’m gonna cum angel.  Gonna fill you up.” He bit down on your shoulder and grunted as the hands-on your hips shook and he came inside you.  You whimpered, now feeling extra full. 
WinWin chuckled, "That was kind of gross feeling you cum YangYang."
You giggled and YangYang just laughed against your back. 
His breathing was warm and slow, as he tried to catch his breath. 
YangYang slowly pulled out and laid down behind you.  His cum along with Hendery's dripping down from your core.
WinWin looked down to see his dick coated in cum and groaned.  "That's fucking hot, look at you leaking cum.  I can't wait to fill you up too.  You are gonna be so full when we are all done."
He moved his hands to your waist and thrust up into you, a wet sound came from your core.  You bounced on him and he groaned.  He started thrusting up into you faster, and you still slowly moved up and down on him, which greatly contrasted WinWin's fast movements.
You moaned loudly and whimpered, you buried your face into his neck and wrapped your arms around him.  The pleasure was too overwhelming, so you gave up on trying to move.  Just letting him fuck up into you.  Your teeth grazed his collarbone, making him suck in a deep breath.  You kissed the skin softly and bit down, likely leaving a mark against his beautiful skin.  He wrapped one hand in your hair and the other still dug into your hips.  "Gonna cum for me sweetheart?"
You nodded and panted out, "I'm so close Sicheng."
He grunted close to your ear, "I know, I can feel you tightening.  You feel so good around me, so good.  You deserve to cum, sweetheart you can do it.  Cum for me."
You whimpered loudly and dug your nails into his back.  
You moaned out "Ahh Sicheng." As you came around him.  He grunted at the tightness, and you calling him by his real name again.  His breathing shook and his hand that was against your hip tightened.  You felt his legs shaking underneath you, and his arms holding you shook as he was about to cum.  He thrust up hard and came, you pressed all the way against him, so you could feel him cumming deep within you, painting your walls.  A loud almost whiny moan escaped his lips as he came.  He continued to move his hips helping you both through your orgasms.  You fell against his chest, both of your breaths ragged.  He wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead.
He was being so caring and gentle.  You stayed leaned against him as you tried to gain back control of your breathing and surroundings.  You heard movement next to you but were still out of it, the orgasm having been so overwhelming you felt light-headed.
WinWin patted your butt and whispered in your ear, “My time is up baby, you have to let me up.” You whimpered and curled down further against him.  
He chuckled lightly, “I would love to just lay here and hold you but I have to move now baby, I’m sorry.”
You looked up at him and pouted, tears in your eyes, you had slipped into a fully submissive headspace.  WinWin softly kissed you then helped lift you up off of him and sat you down on the couch.  You whined as he pulled out, and he sighed.  “I know baby, I’m sorry.”
He looked over at somebody, “Ten I think she slipped into a different headspace.”
When he had pulled out the release of all three men spilled from you down your thighs.  You shuddered at the feeling.  
Ten grabbed your chin and had you look up at him, he noticed the tears in your eyes.  “You doing okay baby?”
You nodded, “I just don't like being empty.” Ten chuckled, “You really did slip into a submissive headspace, how cute.  Don’t worry baby you will be filled again soon.”
He ran his middle and pointer fingers between your legs collecting the release of all three men, then slid his thumb across your lower lip and you opened your mouth.  He smirked as he laid his pointer and middle fingers in your mouth.  You closed your mouth around them and sucked, closing your eyes.  Loving the taste of the mixture of your release and their release, the salty mixture overwhelming your taste buds.  He pushed down against your tongue, and you whimpered around his fingers.  You were so focused on his fingers that you didn’t notice somebody sit down behind you until cold hands touched your waist.  You flinched at the contact and he chuckled lowly, “Sorry doll, did I startle you?” You recognized the voice as Kun’s and nodded, then mumbled out around Ten’s fingers, “Cold.”
Kun kissed your shoulder, “Want to help me warm up?”
“Yes, please.”
Ten held your tongue in between his fingers making a small amount of saliva spill from around his fingers, “Aw look at you drooling, so messy baby.”
You opened your mouth wide and looked at him, his fingers still holding your tongue.  He groaned lowly, “Holy fuck.  Look at you.”
More saliva spilled from your open mouth.
Ten pulled his fingers from your mouth and you whimpered.  He gripped your chin and leaned in kissing you then he pulled away to stand up and undress.  Kun continued to kiss along your shoulder. He let his right hand slide between you, pressing his finger against your clit making you whimper. He leaned up to your ear and kissed softly before whispering, “Maybe Ten will let me join you again so I can taste that pretty pussy of yours.”
“Why not taste it now?” He chuckled, “Because I don’t want to taste their cum.” You smiled and giggled, Ten raised his eyebrow and sat back down in front of you “What are you two whispering about?” Kun rested his chin on your shoulder, “Oh nothing.  Just telling her how much I want to fill her up.” “Uh-huh, if you say so.”
Ten leaned against the armrest of the couch and looked you up and down, he stroked himself as he looked at you,  “God, you are so perfect.  Dripping with cum, drooling, and looking so fucked out.  So beautiful.  My perfect, beautiful girl.” Your face heated up and he smiled at you, he always knew what to say to get you flustered.  Kun kissed your neck and moved his arms from around your waist.  The couch shifted behind you as he got up.  You looked behind you to watch Kun undress, his muscles flexing as he moved.  He pulled his shirt over his head then smirked at you, “Like what you see?” You bit your lip and nodded causing him to chuckle, “So cute.” You smiled at him, then your eyes widened as he pushed his pants and boxers down.  You had noticed his bulge was quite large but you weren't expecting that.  It was not super long but it had a lot of girth. 
He raised his eyebrow and stroked himself a few times as he watched you.
“Looks like it's gonna stretch me out good.”
He chuckled “You just had two dicks in you, I don’t think I’m gonna stretch you much more than that.” He sat back down behind you, his hands rubbing from your lower back up to your shoulders. 
“Ten, how do you think we should do this?” Ten stroked your cheek, “I think her legs are probably tired, so how about she lays down on her stomach.  Sound good baby?” “I- I want to watch Kun.”
“Yeah, I want to watch her.” “How about we start on your stomach and then move onto your back.” You nodded and moved to lay down, your legs spreading around Kun’s body behind you and your head resting on Ten’s thigh.
He stroked your hair and moved it out of your face, then held it to keep your hair out of the way.  Kun ran his hands from behind your knee up to your ass, then he landed a firm slap onto your right cheek making you flinch. 
He kneaded the spot he slapped then you felt a soft kiss against where he had hit.  He moved up closer to you, and you felt his dick rub across your ass.  A shiver ran up your spine as he spread your ass cheeks apart and the head of his dick ran up against you.  Ten stroked himself slowly and still held onto your hair, you knew he wanted you to suck him but he wasn’t rushing it.  Kun pushed against you not quite sliding in, making you push back against him.  He chuckled, “Patience doll.”
You stared at Ten’s face, his eyes were fixed on what Kun was doing.  You felt Kun spit down against your core and you flinched, “Oh fuck, it was already wet enough but I wanted to do that.”
Kun used his hands to spread you again, he rubbed the head of his dick across your clit, then slapped the head against your clit making you flinch.  He pulled back and suddenly slid the head of his dick in, making you dig your nails into Ten’s thighs.  Kun slowly rocked back and forth only using the head of his cock.  “Please, all the way in Kun.”
Kun gripped your hips and readjusted himself so he was leaning more forward.  You watched Ten raise an eyebrow at Kun, then Ten leaned forward just a bit, making sure to not push your head from his thigh.  You felt Kun move a hand from your hip.  
You pushed back against Kun wanting to feel him all the way in.  The hand that had moved from your hip was brought down on your ass cheek, “I told you to be patient doll, don’t test my patience, or I won’t let you cum.”
Kun moved his hand away again, and you saw it on Ten’s cheek.  You moved just a bit to get a better look but laying on your stomach you could only see so much.  Kun suddenly thrust all the way into you then leaned forward and connected his lips with Ten’s.  One of your hands gripped onto Ten the other onto the couch.
Ten whimpered and melted into Kun’s touch, which just urged Kun on.  He pulled out of you, almost to the tip then thrust back in forcefully making a whiny moan leave your lips.  You listened to the noises they made as the two kissed passionately.  Kun’s hand moved to grip Ten’s hair, he pulled it roughly pulling Ten’s head back.  Kun started thrusting into you at a steady pace as he kissed down Ten’s neck.
Ten whined, “Holy fuck Kun.”
Kun chuckled lowly then licked from Ten’s collar bone up to his jawline.  Kun made eye contact with you and winked.  
Both of his hands moved to your hips as he changed his pace.  He started to thrust in deep and slow then rotate his hips around before pulling almost all the way out.  This made you bury your head in Ten’s thigh, your eyes closed tightly.  He repeated this several times then groaned, “Your pussy feels so damn good.”
Ten gripped your chin and turned your face to look up at him, “Suck.”
He was stroking himself, beads of precum leaking from the tip, the head very red from lack of attention.  You pushed your upper body up and Ten gripped onto your hair.  You looked at him with big eyes and stuck your tongue out, “Please fuck my mouth daddy.”
Ten groaned, “So hot for me baby.”
Kun gripped your hips tighter and moaned, “Such a dirty girl for us aren’t you doll?”
You nodded the best you could, and Ten slapped the head of his dick against your tongue.  He then rubbed his precum over your tongue making you taste him. 
You took the head into your mouth, sucking it as hard as you could.  Ten’s thighs shook, “Oh-oh fuck.”
You pulled away with a smirk and he rolled his eyes, he knew you liked teasing him.  You wrapped your lips back around him, and let him take control as he slowly thrust up into your mouth.  He was being careful not to be rough.  Kun kissed against your shoulder blade and you shivered, his hands wrapped around your stomach as he continued to kiss along your back.  His thrusts slowed back down as he focused on kissing your back, and leaving small love marks along your shoulder blades. 
“What if I gave your angel wings in love marks since you are our little angel.” You tightened around him at the idea, and at the possessive name.  He chuckled against your shoulder, “I think you liked that doll.” You couldn’t nod or say anything as Ten was still rolling his hips up into your mouth.  Drool dripped out around his dick, down your face, and down onto him.
Ten chuckled, “You really are messy baby.”
Kun’s hands dug into your waist as he started thrusting into you faster, your body moving with each rough thrust up into you.  You reached behind you and gripped his arm, digging your nails into it.  He hissed at the pain, “Ow damn doll.”  He didn’t push you away he let you hold onto him.  Your other hand dug into Ten’s thigh, as your breathing got more rapid.  
“Aww baby, gonna cum already?”
You couldn’t respond as your body shook and you moaned out around Ten’s dick.  Kun slowed his thrusts, and groaned “Fuck, I don’t want to cum yet.”  He pulled out for a moment and then slid back in, landing a slap on your ass.  “ Now who said you could cum already doll.”
Ten pulled away so you could speak, “I’m sorry Kun.  It’s just so overwhelming.” 
He slowly rolled in and out of you as he listened.  He leaned down and kissed your shoulder blade, “Since you have been so good tonight I won’t do anything to punish you, maybe another time.”  You turned to smile at him, and he smiled back then suddenly thrust in deep making a loud moan leave your lips.  He chuckled, “How cute”.  
Ten was stroking himself as he watched you.  He slid his dick back into your mouth, rolling his hips at a quicker pace trying to finish.  Kun started thrusting faster and you felt his sweat drip down onto your lower back.  You wanted to see his face, you were sure his jaw was locked and his dimples were showing, as sweat dripped down his body.  You whimpered around Ten’s dick and he pulled away, “What’s wrong baby?”
“I want to see Kun.”
Ten rolled his eyes, “Can’t even let me finish here.”
You pouted up at him and he sighed.  
Kun chuckled from behind you, “Want to flip around and look at me, doll?”
You nodded, “Yes, please.”
Kun pulled out of you and sat back as Ten helped you move onto your back.  You got on your knees, and Kun landed a firm slap against your ass.  
“Ahhh Kun”
He chuckled, “Sorry, couldn’t resist.”
You finally flipped over so you were laying on your back, your head against Ten’s thigh.  You could finally fully admire Kun.  He was leaned back staring at you closely, his hair wet with sweat, a few drops dripping down his chest.  His thighs were flexed the way he was leaned back, and his cock stood tall, twitching when you looked at it, making a drop of precum drip out.  You looked back up at his eyes and they were dark as he stared at you then a smirk spread across his face.  
He moved forward hovering over you, “Hi.”  
You smiled, “Hi.”
One of his hands was on the back of the couch the other close to your head.
You wrapped your legs around his waist and he reached between the two of you, guiding himself into you.  Your back arched as he slid in, your head pushing into Ten’s leg.  Kun groaned and leaned down, kissing along your chest.  He started rolling in and out of you slowly as his lips attached to your right nipple.  He carefully sucked it between his lips then ran his teeth along it making you shudder, “Ahh Kun.”
Ten was slowly stroking himself as he watched you, quiet moans leaving his pretty lips.  You moved one hand to Kun’s hair and your other wrapped around Ten’s leg.  Your eyes drifted up to Ten’s face, watching him with love in your eyes.  He looked down at you smiled and silently mouthed “I love you.”  You did the same back and smiled.
Kun backed away from your chest and grabbed your chin turning your face towards him “Eyes only on me doll.”
He held onto your chin as he continued to thrust into you, forcing you to look at him.  You stared into his eyes and pushed his hair out of his face.  He bit his lip and his eyes rolled back as his pace quickened.  He leaned back and grabbed your legs, placing them on his shoulders.  He held your thighs close together.
The pleasure became overwhelming and the stretch started to hurt as he continued to thrust fast.  He turned his head and kissed the inside of your leg near your ankle as he continued to thrust into you slowly.
“Please move faster Kun.”
His grip around your thighs tightened as he started to thrust into you quickly finally chasing his high.  
Low groans leaving his lips with each thrust, and his eyebrows scrunched up.
“Right there, just like that Kun.”
You felt the pleasure building deep within you, your legs shaking in his hold as you started to see stars.  The pleasure becoming overwhelming as you finally were pushed over the edge, your mouth open, but moans unable to leave your lips. Your whole body tensed up and your body shook as you came.  
He moaned loudly “Oh fuck, doll.”
His thrusts became erratic as he was pushed over the edge.  You could feel each pulse of dick as he came.  His breathing was ragged and he looked spent when he finally made eye contact.  
He chuckled. “I came a lot.  I really wanted to fill you up good, doll.”
He carefully moved your legs down from his shoulders, they were still shaking.  He leaned down and kissed you one more time before laying his head on your chest for a moment.  The sweat on his hair feeling wet against your breast.  “God I don’t want to pull out, you feel too good.”
“You feel so good Kun.”  You kissed the top of his head.
Xiaojun groaned, “Move, I still need a turn.”
Kun chuckled and backed away, slowly pulling out of you.  He hissed as the cum started dripping out of you.  “So hot, full of me.”
He used his finger to collect it and push it back into you.
Your face heated up, and he smiled as he backed away from you and got off the couch, collecting his clothes from the floor.
Xiaojun quickly moved into the spot Kun had been.  Ten was slowly stroking himself.  Xiaojun seemed to be thinking, “I guess we can do doggy style so Ten can finish.”
He sighed after saying that, “I wanted you to ride me though.”
Ten groaned “I want to cum, dammit.”
You chuckled, “Fine doggy it is until Ten finishes, then if you still haven’t come then I will ride you, Xiaojun”
“Okay, fine.”
You whimpered as you tried to roll around onto your legs, your whole body sore.  Ten chuckled “Sore baby girl?”
You nodded, “I don’t think I can get up.”
Ten seemed to think for a moment, “I have an idea.”
He lifted your head from his leg and stood up from the couch, he walked behind the arm of it.
“Scoot back over here”
You pushed yourself up and over to the edge of the couch, your head resting on the arm.  
“Hang your head back more.”
You scooted up more and let your head hang over the side of the couch backward.
“Open for me.”
You opened your mouth and Ten easily slid himself into it.  The angle allowing him to easily slide down your throat if he wanted to you. 
Once Ten was situated Xiaojun quickly moved up close to you.  Ten backed away to let Xiaojun get situated.  
He chuckled “You basically are riding me in this position since you are sitting up a bit.”
You wrapped your legs around his waist and he held you up as he got underneath you more.  His thighs under your ass.  
You nodded and he pushed into you.  Moans leaving both of your lips.  He wrapped his hands around your hips and slowly pulled out and thrust back in.  You grabbed his arms and dug your nails into them.  Ten placed his hand on your chin and tilted your head back, “Stop forgetting about me, baby girl.”
“I’m sorry.”
He leaned down and kissed you as he still held onto your chin, then he hovered over you.  “Open for me.”
You opened your mouth and he slid into your mouth again, being careful to not push too far back.  He moved his hand down to your throat, not putting pressure but instead just resting it there.  He started to roll his hip so he was going deeper into your mouth, “I can feel myself in your throat.”
You sucked a deep breath in through your nose when Xiaojun licked across your nipple.  You couldn’t see him so it had come as a surprise.  He was still thrusting in at a slow but steady pace, you could tell he was trying not to cum yet, wanting to have you all to himself.  You started to move your head a bit trying to push Ten over the edge.  Ten suddenly put pressure against your throat “No, I have control here.”
You looked up at him with pleading eyes and he smirked.
Xiaojun started to thrust a bit faster, you could tell he was getting a bit desperate to cum.  His lips still working on your nipple, and one hand moved down your stomach to rub against your clit.  Your back arched as much as you could.  Xiaojun breathed out, “Go ahead and cum for me, baby.”
You wanted to tell him he needed to move faster but with Tens hips rolling into your mouth you couldn’t.
When your body wasn’t reacting the way he wanted he realized and started thrusting faster.  His fingers still working quick circles on your clit.
“Come on baby, cum for me.  Let go.”
You focused on the pleasure, letting it wash over you.  You choked out a moan around Ten’s dick.  Ten groaned at the feeling and Xiaojun bit your shoulder moaning out around it from the sensation of you cumming.
Ten started to whine and moan.  He started rolling his hips into your mouth faster.  He pulled out and stroked himself quickly, his other hand bracing onto the side of the couch, he groaned.  “Oh fuck”
He slid himself into your mouth again, cumming as he groaned and breathed heavily.  You swallowed his cum as he came then pulled away from him with a pop.  Opening your mouth to show him you swallowed.  
He stroked your cheek, “Such a good girl.”
He leaned down and kissed your forehead before walking away to leave you with Xiaojun.  Xiaojun slowed his thrusts and wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you more against him.  You leaned to get a kiss and he turned his head away. “Yeah no, you just swallowed his cum.” You rolled your eyes then wrapped your arms around his neck and he held your waist as he thrust in and out of you slowly.  He buried his face in your neck, his warm breath spreading across your neck, and soft moans left his lips. You ran your nails softly over his back, “Go ahead and cum Xiaojun. No need to fight it off anymore.”
His breath was shaky as he held you close, placing kisses along your neck.  You started to move your hips trying to help him, but he held you still, just rolling himself in and out of you then stopping to rotate his hips every couple of thrusts.  His nails dug into your waist as he whimpered then moaned loudly.  “Ahhh fuck.  So good baby.”
His hips thrusting up against you erratically as he came, his thighs shaking underneath you.  His arms tightened around your waist, holding you close, his whole body tensing.
He sighed and relaxed as soon as the high wore off.  Your sweaty bodies sticking together, he chuckled as he pulled away.
He kissed your forehead then pulled out and laid back on the couch, slightly out of breath.  “Damn.”
The stickiness between your thighs started to feel a bit gross.  Lucas tapped Xiaojun’s arm, “My turn.”
Lucas winked at you.
You looked up at him, “Damn, Lucas. I don’t know if I can.”
He pouted, “Ahhh what.  Really baby?”
Xiaojun chuckled as he got up and Lucas smacked his back.  “Don’t laugh, this sucks.”
Xiaojun raised his eyebrow then started to walk over to another chair, “Sad you don’t get to feel how amazing her pussy is?  Yeah, I am gonna laugh because the rest of us know what it feels like.”
The others in the room chuckled.  You had honestly forgotten you had an audience, you looked and the others had all left excluding Ten and Hendery.
You made eye contact with Hendery who smiled at you.
Lucas pouted again then turned towards you as if begging you.  You chuckled and opened your arms to him.  
He smiled and got on the couch, immediately moving to hover over you.  He touched his nose against yours “Hi”.
You smiled, “Damn what happened to the dominant Lucas from earlier.”
He raised his eyebrow, “I was gonna go easy since you have been filled up so much, but since you are such a dirty girl who likes being dominated I guess I won’t do that.”
He grabbed your legs pulling you down to lay on your back, making a gasp escape your lips.  The way his facial expressions had gone from cute to sexy in seconds was almost startling.  You reached out to him, and he grabbed your hands, pinning them above your head.  He kissed and sucked all along your neck, littering your neck with even more marks.  You probably had an alarming amount at this point.
He licked your nipple then blew cold air against it making you fidget.  He chuckled lowly, “Cute.  Still so responsive to touches.”  
He did that a few more times, making you fidget each time.
He grabbed under your thigh with his other hand and placed it on his hip, so you wrapped both legs around him.
“Good girl.”
He reached down and slowly guided himself into you.  You dug your nails into your own hand, biting your lip to hide a moan.
His thrusts were deep and slow.  He was hitting so deep within you, it was making your mind hazy.  You held your lip between your teeth, suddenly shy about moaning.  He leaned down and bite your lip pulling it from between your teeth.  “Don’t get shy about moaning now baby, let me hear those pretty moans.”
You immediately moaned at that and arched your body up against his.  
His thrusts got faster but he was still holding your hands so he could only move so fast at this angle.
He let go of your wrists, “Hands off and keep them up there.”
You nodded “Yes Daddy.”
He smirked at you that then leaned back so he was sitting fully up.  He grabbed your legs, unwrapping them from his waist.  Rubbing up your thigh he let his hands rest against the underside of your knee, bending your knees down.  He used you to support himself as he started thrusting faster and harder.  
His thrusts were almost painful he was hitting so deep within you.  You dug your nails into the couch above your head.  Your eyes rolled back as an orgasm suddenly ran over your body, your mouth open and your body arched as you shook under him.
You came down and started gasping, not having breathed during the orgasm
He chuckled lowly, “Already came for me baby, now who said you could do that?”
“I’m sorry it just suddenly happened.”
He removed a hand from under your leg and smacked down by your ass.  He slowed his thrusts, pushing in deep and rotating his hips.
He looked down at your stomach for a moment and groaned.  “Holy fuck look at that.”
You tried to look but couldn’t see what he was looking at.  
He pushed his hand against your lower stomach and slowed his thrusts even more.
“What is it?”
You started feeling self-conscious, thinking something was wrong.
“Give me your hand.”
You moved a hand from above your head and he stopped thrusting.  He placed your hand on your lower stomach, and placed his over the top then thrust forward.  You could feel him and you looked up at him, “Holy shit.”
He smirked, “That’s so fucking hot baby.  I fill you up so good I can see myself in you.”
Your face heated up and he continued to roll in slowly.  You moved your hand to let him watch himself move in and out.
You ran your hand up his arm and he raised an eyebrow,  “I said no touching.  Hand back up above your head.”
You rolled your eyes but did as he said. 
He looked back to watch himself sink in and out of your core, “Such a pretty pussy even when it’s been used.  Still so tight and warm just for me.”
“Ahh daddy, you gonna cum?”
He thrust in hard and groaned, rotating his hips as he did.
You gasped at the feeling, it was overwhelming.  “Think you can cum for me again baby?  Then I will fill you up with my cum, I know you want that.  You love being so full of cum don’t you?”
You whimpered and nodded.  He thrust in hard again, “Words baby.”
“Yes I do, Daddy.”
“Good girl.  Now let’s get you to cum one last time. Do you prefer it deep or fast?”
“A bit of both but not super deep, you are big, and it kind of hurts.”
He softened for a moment and rubbed your thigh, “I’m sorry baby.”
He switched back to his dominant side immediately though and started thrusting faster, not focusing on going super deep like he was before.  It felt amazing. 
“Ahhh just like that.”
He kept the pace exactly how you needed him to be, and your orgasm quickly grew.  You gasped out, a loud moan escaping your lips as your legs shook in Lucas’s hands. 
“G-gonna cum.”
“Cum for me baby.”
You gripped onto the couch tightly and you arched up against your own legs that Lucas still held.  
“Ahh fuck, you are clenching so tight.”
A deep moan left his lips.  As soon as your body relaxed and you looked into his eyes he started thrusting faster, wanting to finally cum.
Soft, quiet moans left his lips.  He dropped your legs and leaned forward, placing his hands on both sides of your body.  
He rolled his head back and bit his lip as he thrust in hard, finally cumming.  He rotated his hips, then thrust forward again, trying to prolong his orgasm as long as he could.
He softly laughed and his head lulled forward, “Holy fuck that felt good.”
You moved your hands from above your head and rubbed his arm.
“Felt amazing Lucas.”
He looked at you and leaned down to kiss you one more time.
After that he pulled out and backed away, sitting at your feet.  You still laid there, sore and exhausted.
Kun walked over to you a few moments later and crouched down to your level.
“Please drink this.”
He handed you a cold bottle of water and helped you prop yourself up to drink it.  You took a sip, your throat so raw it hurt to drink.  You winced and Kun was stroking your hair.  “Does it hurt?”
You laughed, “Yeah my throat is so raw it hurts.”
“I will make you some tea in a moment.”
WinWin walked back in and smiled at you, “The bath is ready.”
Kun reached to help you up, “Want to get cleaned up?”
You nodded, “Yes please.”
As you went to stand you winced, “Oww”
Lucas patted your leg, “I’ll carry you.  Maybe I can even take a bath with you.”
He winked and Ten groaned, “You are all getting too domestic with my girlfriend now.”
WinWin chuckled, “Well we are just making sure she is okay.  Plus we did just all cum inside her, what if she gets pregnant.”
The room went silent for a moment but Lucas stood up and reached down to pick you up.  Wrapping his arm underneath your legs and his other behind your back, you threw an arm over his shoulder.  He picked you up and carried you, still naked.
Hendery looked away, “Put some clothes on first, damn.”
“We all just fucked the same girl, I think you can handle seeing my cock for a few moments.”
Lucas carried you to the bathroom, Kun and Ten followed the two of you.  Lucas went to place you down in the tub but Kun stopped him. 
“Want me to clean up between your legs first?”
“Uhm yeah, you probably should.”
Lucas placed you down on the countertop and kissed your forehead.
“You can get her into the bathtub right?”
Kun laughed, “Yeah we will be fine.”
Kun ran a hand towel under the water then went to clean you up, being careful not the hurt you.
Then they helped you into the tub, but Ten stripped and got in with you.
Kun scratched the back of his head, “Well I guess I will go now, I will make some tea in a bit so you can drink it, and I will have some food ready for you.”
“Thank you, Kun.”  Ten smiled up at him.
You leaned back against Ten and sighed “Holy shit that was crazy.”
He laughed, “It really was, hot but crazy.”
You stopped to think for a moment about something that WinWin had said, “So Sicheng mentioned about ‘what if I got pregnant,’ I mean yeah I am on birth control but things could happen.”
Ten kissed your shoulder, “Welp we figure that out if it happens.”
One Month Later
You walked out of the bathroom and looked at Ten, his eyes wide as he waited to hear the results.  
“I’m pregnant.”
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