#'ruby i think you're just a lesbian' 'no'
eqt-95 · 2 days
A double whammy? I hope you don't mind, but I think you're up to it... ❤️💜
Lena was a woman of science, and anyone in that industry could tell you that external factors could interrupt normal behavior. Like heat. 
It was summertime, and Lena did not do well in the heat. Her skin would burn, she’d melt with discomfort, and her brain would get muggier than the humidity. Sure, National City's heat was contributing, but it was nothing on the exposed arms and glimpses of midriff and polished abs her very best friend’s outfit had on display. 
Lena stood with her popsicle melting under the summer sun and pretended not to stare like she was the thirstiest lesbian on the planet. Meanwhile, Kara debated between the keylime or the berry cream popsicle from the very patient vendor with Ruby and Esme weighing their own very serious choices.
“Careful, someone might catch you gawking,” Sam grinned, taking a swipe across her own raspberry-lemonade treat.
“I’m not gawking. I was… just…”
“Admiring? Observing? Panting?” Sam offered.
“What’d you get?” she continued, not waiting for Lena’s reply before crunching into the strawberry basil popsicle in Lena’s hand.
“Hey!” was her lame, muggy-brained response. A pout came next as she looked at the Sam-shaped teeth marks in her popsicle.
“Yum,” Sam mocked, chomping down on the icy treat and shooting Lena a mischievous smirk and an antagonistic wag of her own, unmarred popsicle. 
Lena would blame it on her sufficiently over-baked patience later, but for the moment, a surge of irrational competitiveness overpowered normal social behavior which was why, without warning, her hand extended to grip Sam’s forearm and her mouth plunged downward, wrapping her lips fully around Sam’s popsicle and slurping upward.
Revenge was achieved. The world was balanced.  Sam looked mutinous. Lena grinned, wiping a small dribble from her chin. Esme giggled from the popsicle cart. Then: “Aunt Kara is eating wood!”
Lena turned her attention to the trio. Ruby was smiling ludicrously while happily licking away at her orange treat. Esme had her little hands clutched around a purple one laughing with unhinged delight. And then there was Kara. Kara who was negotiating three and a half popsicles. Half because Kara’s mouth was clearly full. And chewing. And crunching - gnawing. And looking red faced. And uncomfortable. And like she might take flight any second.
“Kara?” Lena managed, ignoring the suggestive elbow from Sam. “Are you… are you eating the stick?”
Kara immediately shook her head; eyes watering, shifting awkwardly. Then, slowly, nodded when Lena’s brow arched in suspicion.
“You know you’re not supposed to do that, right?” Ruby inserted, casually twirling her own.
And Kara simply nodded again.
Lena was a woman of science, and anyone in that industry could tell you about how any hypothesis was established through extensive observation.
It was through regular observation that Lena knew all of Kara’s quirks and habits. It was why Lena was quick to notice a new habit appear. Kara squirmed. She squirmed and blushed and stammered more often than usual. 
So Lena pushed the limits, checking in when Kara’s new traits showed up and, perhaps Lena was putting a little bit too much hope into it, but there seemed to be a correlation with, well, Lena.
But she needed more data. She was a woman of science after all, and anyone in that industry could tell you about the months and years it took to observe, test, and bring to market a new product.
That was where a range of experiments came in: 
Experiment no. 1: Weekly Brunch
Constant: location (Noonan’s), time, day, and table
Variable: Lena wore a low cut dress
Results: Kara dripped egg yolk onto her pants, syrup onto the table, and dribbled orange juice down her chin and onto her shirt
Experiment no. 2: Compromising Situation #1, the elevator
Constant: location (L-Corp private lift), floor change
Variable: an IT cart was ‘accidentally’ parked in the cab, taking up 95% of the space and requiring Lena to press into Kara for the full 63-floor ride
Results: Kara’s work laptop screen was crushed between her fingers
Experiment no. 3: Game night
Constant: location (Alex + Kelly’s), time, day, company, food
Variable: wine; more specifically, wine location: top shelf, hard to reach without a little black ink revealed on Lena’s back.
Results: Alex called Kara out for floating
Experiment no. 4: Compromising Situation #2, Al’s
Constant: location (Al’s), time, day, and company
Variable: their usual table was ‘missing’ one chair, leaving a musical chair situation until Lena simply sat in Kara’s lap
Results: Kara didn’t speak the entire night
Experiment no. 5: Movie night
Constant: location (Lena’s apartment), time, day, company
Variable: chocolate covered strawberries
Results: invalid
Note: experiment considered an outlier and to be noted in future studies. Before Lena could follow through with her protocol, Kara lifted a strawberry to Lena’s lips who, taken aback, bit into the strawberry. Kara replied ‘good girl’, popped the rest into her own mouth, and Lena didn’t speak for the rest of the night
Experiment no. 6: Lunch date
Constant: location (L-Corp), food, time, company
Variable: Lena ordered the greasiest double-patty available
The experiment wasn’t going well, and even Lena Luthor’s patience had a limit for inconsistent data. That data was currently slurping her straw through the final dredges of an extra large milkshake from Big Belly Burger. That limit was when Kara Danvers stopped squirming and blushing and stuttering over Lena’s sultry, albeit ineffective, attempts at making a juicy burger look sexy.
The limit was crossed when, unaware of Lena’s greasy chin and flexing fingers and soft moan, Kara went and flipped the tables by turning Lena's anatomy into goop. How? It started when Kara dragged a finger over the cup’s inner wall and licked it clean with a demeanor that was making a different sort of mess. 
Another set of underwear ruined by a Kryptonian. And not even in the way Lena dreamed it.
It was when Kara reached a second finger into the cup that Lena’s patience let out a small whimper which years of practice covered up with a tiny cough.
“Darling,” she choked, throat tighter than the forgotten straw on the coffee table. She stretched her lips into a smile and crossed her legs. Always crossed her legs.
“Hm?” Kara asked, two vanilla-covered fingers deep inside her mouth, tongue swirling with the practice of
“I think you've sufficiently polished your milkshake.”
And Kara, blessed Kara, stared longingly at the empty cup like a puppy who'd just been abandoned on a farm. 
And Lena, cursed Lena, only then noticed the dribbles of milkshake left behind of Kara's lips and chin and now her tongue was-
“Right,” Lena said with a finality that included slapping her hands on her thighs, exhaling shakily, and standing with hopes that Kara couldn't hear anything out of the ordinary on her walk back to a desk of libido-killing work. 
“Hey Lena?” Kara asked, and when Lena turned around, Kara was standing. Close. Like, directly-in-front-of-her close. Like, Lena-could-have-wavered-an-inch-and-collided-with-her close. 
“K-Kara, what-?” she asked before taking a step back and pressing into her desk.
“You’ve got a little something-” Kara began, staring intently at Lena’s mouth.
“I-I do? Where-” Lena stammered. She lifted a hand to wipe at her mouth, only to feel it captured by a strong, warm, steady Kryptonian hand. 
“I got it,” Kara offered instead, and before Lena could process air or space or time, Kara’s lips were on hers. They were on hers and sending shockwaves of surprise and confusion and arousal and - to hell with thinking. Instinct won out, and she returned the kiss, letting out the soft whimper she’d always concealed and leaned into the softness of Kara’s lips, and gave access when her tongue trailed along Lena’s lower lip.
“I don’t think you can call these outliers anymore,” Kara smirked minutes later.
And Lena, too breathless and stunned to play calm, cool, and collected, absolutely folded: “How did you-?”
“Sam,” Kara said simply before interrupting Lena’s outrage with another kiss.
“Well, you know what they say,” Lena offered, still breathless but less stunned, “twice is just a coincidence.”
“Care to make it a pattern then?”
Lena was a woman of science, after all.
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crimeronan · 11 months
forgetting which of the OCs are lesbians and which are bisexual because the insane dykery and problematic sexuality is so strong in all of them. hashtag feminism.
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txttletale · 16 days
could you elaborate on your thoughts on boom and 73 yards ( i agree with you i am just struggling to put into words why.)
boom was whatever. the initial conceit of the doctor being trapped and having to stay calm was really cool! i really like that. the ambulances that euthanize you if you're not deemed worthy of medical care and the tacky chatgpt hologram ghosts were both really cool ideas. it just doesn't stick the landing for me, the twists are contrived and fall apart given any thought whatsoever. like what the fuck were any of the soldiers Doing if there just straight up weren't any enemies. it's a twist that sounds cool to say more than it has any meaningful impact on the story or the stakes. i guess 'the arms manuifacturer created a fake conflict' is the intended emtional stakes there but that would hit like a hundred times harder if it was an actual conflict between two factions and people were dying, right? like if anything sending a christian militia to blow themselves up tae fuck on a nowhere planet instead of presumably killing actual living people is an improvement, surely?
also the resolution was dumb as fuck lol i am a huge hater of power of love saves the day shit not because i'm a cynical misanthrope but because it never fails to make me say 'oh so i guess nobody ever loved anybody before lol' and this is no exception like if one chatbot can shut down the whole operation beacuse he loves his daughter are we meant to believe that no other parents or hell nobody who loved anybody else for any reason died in this fake war before? it's cheap and schmaltzy and unearned. anyway the first twentyish minutes of this are all-time great doctor who and gatwa/gibson were incredible in it but it absolutely falls apart into a confused pileo f some of the worst Moffatisms at the end
73 yards on the other hand was incredible! obviously like it requires you to approach it with a different mindset to most of doctor who, right, doctor who usually furnishes you with the big explanation scnee where the doctor says 'well the ghosts were actually particle wave vectorforms created with the necros radiation from the god-king's techsceptre' or whatever--this is the usual narrative mode of sci-fi--but 73 yards is fantasy, right, this is the twilight zone, this is 'wouldn't that be fucked up?'. i interrogate the technical and logical specifics of boom so much when i think about it because that's the language boom is speaking, boom is framing itself within this logical, a-to-b worldview, the satisfying click-together puzzlebox. but 73 yards is a nightmare or a folk tale, right? kate stewart¹ says it herself, 'when faced with the inexplicable, we make up rules and apply them to it'.
so yknow reading it that way it all clicks together beautifully, right, (apart from russel t davies' embarassing swing and miss at Political Commentary in the middle. we get it davies you wrote years and years. we know. trust me we know). the doctor and ruby disrupt the binding circle, free mad jack, and are punished -- the doctor, as perpetrator, with being banished (perhaps in jack's place) and ruby with her worst fear coming true constantly, until ruby defeats mad jack, re-sealing him and fixing what she broke, at which point the circle rewards her by reversing the punishments. and the core horror i think is very effective and unsettling! the idea that there is something that someone could say to turn everyone against you, the closest people to you in your life, your own family, the institutions that are meant to deal with the exact problem you're having--that's fucking terrifying! and yknow i think especially as an autistic trans lesbian something that speaks to me a lot
so yeah. i think that boom establishes its logics and framework and then trips and falls onto its face while 73 yards does the same and then makes perfect use of them. that said i think in 20 years people who are autistic about doctor who will be like 'did you know in the 2020s there were two episodes in a row where the doctor caused the entire plot to happen by stepping on something' and thjatll be the main thing they're remembered for
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 6 months
Blake: (giving a speech to a bunch of rowdy Faunus activists as new Chieftess of Menagerie and leader of the White Fang) While the past leaders of this organization and kingdom have done their best, I intend to build up on that foundation and make-
Deer!Faunus: Aren't you in a relationship with a human?!
Blake: My relationships do not affect my ability to-
Mouse!Faunus: How can we trust a leader who willingly became a humans pet?!
Faunus Crowd: (start muttering)
Blake: (grumbling mentally as she tries to think of what to say)
Yang: (blares through the crowd on Bumblebee 2.0 with a giant trailer hitched off to the back) Blaaaaaake!
Blake: (sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose) What is it, Yang? I'm a bit busy, and you just plowed through a bunch of Faunus activists.
Yang: (parks and pulls off her helmet) Yeah, sorry about that, but I'm in a pickle. (Hops off the motorcycle and opens up the top hatch of the trailer - revealing hundreds of freshly baked cookies)
Blake: ...........
Faunus Crowd: ...........
Blake: What?
Yang: Nora, Ruby, and I decided to get the Remnant World Record for the number of cookies baked at the same time. We used my semblance to bake, Ruby's semblance to mix, and Nora's sheer crackhead energy to get everything else. But now we have too many cookies!
Blake: ......Nora and Ruby can't just eat them?
Yang: They already ate 3 trailer fulls! (Projects picture of Nora and Ruby in cookie comas) I remembered that you had a public event thing and thought maybe attendees would want some!
Blake: (lightbulb moment) Actually, that would be amazing! Thank you so much, dear, for being so considerate.
Yang: (confused by the diabetic sweetness dripping from Blake’s voice and slowly shuffles up to the podium as a few Faunus that hadn't been assholes go up to the trailer and grab a cookie) Uh, did I do something wrong? I can leave if I'm intruding.
Fox!Faunus: Nope! (Munches cookie) You're good! Thank you, Dear!
Faunus Crowd: Thank you, Dear!
Yang: (severely confused) What just happened?
Blake: (covers her microphone before kissing Yang on the cheek) Apparently, a butch, golden retriever lesbian bringing homemade baked goods is all you need to calm a bloodthirsty crowd.
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reashot · 10 months
Why do people keep telling us that we're Dating?
Jaune & Ruby enjoying their daily cuddling session together.
Jaune: Stop it Ruby! It tickles...
Ruby: No! It's pay back for last time. *giggle*
Jaune: How is it my fault that you're sensitive to my touch?
Ruby: Well I can't help it if being touched by you feel so good. So I'm kissing your neck until you feel good too yourself.
Jaune: Then you won't mind if I do the same myself, right? *devour Ruby's neck*
Ruby: No!!! Stop it! Jaune please... *moan* I-I can't control my... *moan* No! Don't some-something... *moan* I can feel something is about to com....
Ren: *clears throat*
Ruby: *panting* H-hey Ren what's up?
Ren: I see you two are busy with each other as usual... I'll cut to the chase. Ruby, are you dating Jaune?
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Jaune: I already told you Ren, there's nothing going on between Ruby and me. And we are definitely not dating.
Ren: *trying to hold back his rage* I saw you in the shower room together....
Ruby: Well yeah, duh! Me and Jaune are shower buddies. We're doing our part to save the environment. What, do you hate the planet or something?
Ren: *vein popping* And I heard you making sounds that no one that's not in a relationship should be making together.
Ruby: That's just the sound I make when Jaune lathered my entire body up with soap. It's natural reaction to his touch, I can't help it.
Ren: *about to lose his fucking mind* Listen here you du......
Jaune: Look Ren, I know that us being so close would make you think that. But I assure you that there's nothing going on between us we're just two good friend... And besides there's no way Ruby would like me. She's a lesbian. And she agreed to go on a date with Weiss.
Ruby: Uhm... Actually Jaune, I think I also like boy too.
Jaune: Wait, really. Are you sure?
Ruby: Yeah. It's just I haven't found the right boy to fall in love with.
Jaune: Wow. I can't believe that Ruby Rose plays for both team. *lovingly hugs her*
Ruby: Ugh! I'm not playing for both team, Jaune. If I'm in a relationship I'm only going to play for one side.
Jaune: I knew that Rubes. But if thing with Weiss doesn't work out and you finally found the right boy to fall in love with you need to introduce me to him.
Ruby: Of course Jaune... You're in my top 5 best friend after all. Right below all the rest of my teammates and Zwei.
Jaune: So I'm number five then? That's ok. At least I'm still in the top 5.
Ruby: Don't be sad Jaune. After all you're the one I trust to take me on a practice date to Montyland🎡🎠🎢
Jaune: Of course Ruby. Montyland 🎡🎠🎢 "The funnest place on earth. (TM.)" I will make sure your practice date went perfectly. Before your date with Weiss.
Ruby: Thank you for being such a good friend Jaune... Oh, and seeing you'll be my "date" for tomorrow. You'll be paying for the whole thing right?
Jaune: Of course. I've been saving just for this occasion. After all I also need the Montyland🎡🎠🎢 "date" too. So I can practice my confession for Pyhrra.
Ruby: Oh, my little blonde boy is growing up. I'm so proud of you. *rubs Jaune's head* Now take me to my room to help me pick up the clothes for our "date" Tomorrow.
Jaune: aye, aye captain! *pick Ruby up princess style*
Ren: What the fuck just happened?.....
Little did Ren knows that someone has been watching the two of them in the shadow from the very start acting all sus besides him.
Blake: So the two are finally going on a date together...
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Preview of Montyland. 🎡🎠🎢 The Funnest Place on Earth(TM)
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Spoiler: Ruby will have her first kiss here. Guess with who? The first one to get it right can have 1 free fic request.
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lipeg · 5 months
The JNR team was gathered in a cafeteria.
Jaune: Tell me again Nora why are we even here
Nora: REST!
Jaune: We are in a crisis situation
Nora: We need to relax and rest!
Jaune looked at Ren.
Jaune: How can you handle this Ren
Ren: Inner peace
Jaune: Zé ruela
Nora: You look like a very boring old man JAUNE!
Jaune: But I'm old, I'm 60
Nora growled in anger.
Ren: Nora want to make up for lost time Jaune, you spend a lot of time working
Jaune: Mistral threw all her hunters to Vacuo, Vale no one has news, Atlas destroyed. I need some help.
Ren: That's why you sent Ruby to work manufacturing and repairing weapons
Jaune: Exactly
Nora: ENOUGH OF THIS! Let's talk about something more important!
Jaune and Ren: The what?
Jaune and Ren: Oh.... Nothing relevant
Nora: Ren, shut up! Jaune you may not live the rest of your life alone
Jaune: Yes, yes I can
Nora: No you can not! How about... Ruby, you two would make a great couple
Jaune: I'm not so sure
Nora: Why no!
Jaune: Ruby and I had some disagreements about certain events. Two immature people getting into a relationship would not be very good, Besides, we became just friends, not great friends anymore
Nora: So WEISS! You had a crush on her
Jaune: Well maybe, but she was just a little.... A little
Ren: Sociable?
Jaune: No
Ren: Friendly?
Jaune: Maybe but no. She's still too proud and I can't handle all that pride. Another issue is that she is too low
Ren: Unfortunate is true
Nora: Jaune, you wouldn't date Weiss because she's too short!
Jaune: Yes.I mean, if I married her and we had a family, my kids would be bigger than her sister
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( Art of Seshirukun )
Nora covered his mouth and started laugh.
Nora: OK you win
Nora: So Yang?
Jaune: I don't want this woman even for free!
Nora: Why no?
Jaune: When they were coming to Vacuo, the girls decided to play truth or dare, they forgot I was with them for some reason.... I heard things that I didn't like at all
Ren: Blake?
Jaune: She already had a boyfriend but the relationship didn't work out, Sun tried to win Blake's heart but it didn't work and she is lesbian
Nora: what a problem, but that would be a great drama
Jaune:I have no idea and besides, I barely have a conversation with her, I only know that because they decided to play truth or dares
Ren: Complicated situation
Nora: So stay with whoever you wanted
Jaune: Pyrrha
Nora was surprised and lively.
Jaune: I mean Pyrrha was beautiful she had a nice body you saw it yourself Nora
Nora: It's true she had a great body
Jaune: Pyrrha is the perfect balance of power, beauty and kindness. She helped me a lot, even after her death leaving tips on combat. Well I mean, can you compare Pyrrha to a sports car that doesn't give you any problems, do you trade a good car for a car that's fallen apart?
Nora: Who would be the car falling apart
Jaune: Team RWBY
Nora started laughing uncontrollably.
Ren: Would you have the courage to say that to their face?
Jaune: I barely talk to them anyway, whether or not we lost the friendship doesn't matter to me
Ren: So tell me, which one of the girls you meet would you ask to go to bed?
Nora stopped laughing and looked at Ren.
Nora: REN!!!
Ren: What?
Jaune placed his left hand on his chin.
Jaune: Velvet
Nora and Ren looked at Jaune.
Nora e Ren: Really?
Jaune: Yes.It's because of one of my uncles really like Faunus women, his favorites are the rabbit Faunus. He said if you scratch the back of the rabbit's ears they move one of their legs and my uncle did this during sex.
Nora was left open-mouthed.
Jaune: My uncle said the following: or you think it's weird and you're not excited, or you think it's cute and you're not excited. or you think it's cute and you get even more excited
Ren: oh Jaune
Ren pointed over Jaune's shoulder.
Jaune turned around.
The CYFV team is behind him.
They heard everything.
Jaune: You better get ready for tonight Velvet, you're going to call me of daddy later tonight
Velvet's face turned red with embarrassment and anger.
Velvet: Excuse me! I won't sleep with you!
Jaune: Ok what do you know, There are always fish in the sea
This time, a rabbit Faunus woman passed by outside the cafeteria.
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Jaune: This phrase has never been more true
Jaune went after that rabbit Faunus.
Velvet: WAIT!
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p0rkbun · 1 year
DATING WEISS SCHNEE — headcanons°.✧
⤿Pairing: Weiss Schnee x Fem!Reader
⤿Content Warnings: Fluff, Weiss is your personal sugar momma credit card, she also can't cook.
⤿A/N: Weiss is a lesbian, I stand by that.
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✦Her love languages include gift-giving and acts of service, you know this girl loves helping you. You need help on homework? Let her help. You're at a restaurant and want to sit down? She'll pull the chair for you. You want a drink? She'll pour a glass for you. You can't open a jar of pickles? See, this is why you need to work out sometimes.
✦Speaking of gift-giving, since Weiss has her father's credit card, she's eager to spoil you and make you happy. One time you were celebrating your birthday and walked to your room to find many of your favorite goods along with flower bouquets. You would warn her not to spend her entire money on you and get in trouble with her father, and she would huff just to declare, "I don't care what my father thinks; I just like it when you smile."
✦Your personal spot with Weiss would be a comfortable cafe where you two would catch up. It's one of the first places you two have gone during your dates. It's a memorable spot for Weiss. She'd buy your favorite drink and sit with you while having a conversation about how your days have been.
✦She really has a good fashion sense, from dressing in white dresses to white overcoats to white suits even (along with a rose in her hand).
✦On a date, you wore the baby-blue dress she had bought for you along with a dark leather jacket with boots, and I have to tell you that her jaw was wide open, but she quickly composed herself and coughed with a red blush plastered on her pale cheeks. She tried hard to contain a serious look but couldn't help but smile at your gorgeous appearance! She felt like she was going to explode—in a good way.
✦Weiss can't cook, but it's cute seeing her attempt to make something for you. With that, she's banned from the kitchen. You take the lead in cooking; she appreciates it a lot. In some days, you two would sit together and relax to eat cookies you baked (also with Ruby trying to steal one but that results in Weiss scolding her) with tea.
✦Weiss is shy with affection; she would give you a peck on the cheek or a small kiss. She would get very red if you tried to initiate a kiss; she would call you a dolt after that. On some occasions, however, she gains the confidence to sweep you off your feet. She would hold you by the waist and connect her soft lips to yours. She'd pull back with a soft look and say, "You're lucky you're cute, dolt."
✦She might come off as arrogant, a bit insensitive, and mean sometimes, but for you, she's the softest person ever. Whenever you're around, her ice queen persona suddenly disappears, and her teammates notice it, especially Yang and Blake. Yang would tease the white-haired girl, and Blake would just sit back, smirking with a book in her hands.
"Who would ever thought there's actually someone who can melt the ice queen's heart!" Yang laughs.
"Shut up you brute!" Weiss exclaims, irritated.
✦She doesn't call you any pet names much at the start of your relationship because she was timid, but after a while she loves calling you "Princess," "Honey/Hun," "Love," and with a frequent "Darling." "Dolt" is a playful nickname she calls you. She's actually pretty lovey-dovey and cheesy, and it honestly makes Ruby question whether to aw or barf.
✦Weiss loves you very much—much more than you know. She's honestly hesitant to tell her family about you out of fear, but now that you're deeper into the relationship, she's not scared to show you off; she will not care about what her father thinks, and she knows her sister will support you two. Whitley is indifferent about it; he's probably busy being a brat, Weiss thought. She is willing to fight for you; she is protective and will defend you in any way. You would do the same for her as well, and that makes her love you even more.
"You make me feel like I'm me, I just want you to know that I love you, you don't know how much I do," she smiles shyly, she kisses you and softly voices "Maybe one day, you'll take my last name."
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howlingday · 1 year
Can you make something with this clip please? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Sa_CSGfC3f4
Jaune: What do you mean she's not bisexual? She's dated more girls than I have, and some of those girls dated the guys that she dated!
Coco: Look, I don't care what kind of kinky crap you kids got up to in your first years, but sleeping around with a bunch of people doesn't make you bi.
Yang: I... Look, I'm not saying I know what you're talking about or that I get why you're so frustrated, but it sounds like you think that if a girl likes another girl, she's a lesbian, and that's it. Right?
Coco: You're young, Ruby. And if you keep pretending that you won't date another girl after meeting Jaune, then you're just lying to yourself.
Ruby: But that's what Dad did after he met Mom! He met her, and he chose not to be with anyone else!
Coco: Okay, but whatever feelings you have that tells you dating Jaune is what you want, that's just you trying to live up to what everyone else wants you to be.
Ruby: You mean like what you're doing?! It's like you don't believe bisexuality is real! It's the B in LGBTQ!
Coco: I am aware of the L-G- (Sarcastic) B- (Normal) T-Q.
Jaune: What the hell is that supposed to mean?! Why are you so biphobic?!
Coco: Oh, I am not!
Coco: I refuse to acknowledge the B! Bs and Qs just haven't figured out what they want in life yet!
Jaune: ...Yang, you don't think that, do you?
Yang: (Scratches head) Ah... I think... A lot of what people is just us figuring things out.
Coco: ...
Ruby: ...
Jaune: ...What does that mean?
Yang: I don't know! I read it in a blog post! Ruby, I'm sorry, but from what I've had in my experience, a lot of what Coco's said is true.
Coco: You're just confused, Ruby.
Ruby: Did anyone ever tell you that? When you first came out? "You're just confused"?
Coco: Yeah, and I know who I am! That's what I told that asshole!
Ruby: Well, I know who I am, asshole.
Coco: Yeah, but that... No, but see... That's... Shit, I can't argue with that.
Ruby: I love Jaune, and I love girls, too. Whether you "approve" or not doesn't matter to me.
Jaune: I know you guys are just looking out for us, but some of your ideas are just kind of... old school.
Yang: (Clutches chest) D... Don't say old school like that. I'm still young.
Jaune: It's just how you grew up. Like how you drink espresso every morning.
Coco: Yeah, but it's home-made.
Yang: I need it to wake up.
Jaune: We gotta go.
Yang: Where are you two going?
Jaune: Weiss is holding a get-together tomorrow, and I wanna be well-rested for helping set up the slip-and-slide.
Ruby: And watching my man work hard makes me wanna slip-and-slide~.
Jaune: Ruby, that's such a Yang thing.
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vibratingskull · 6 months
Hello! I was wondering if you could do a f!reader x yandere Ar’alani? If not then just a f!reader x ar’alani is fine!
I was thinking the background story for reader was she was one of the humans Thrawn sent to the Ascendancy? And they don’t know why, not even reader. Ar’alani is suspicious of her at first because there isn’t a reason reader was sent there. Ar’alani starts to fall in love with the reader and her over kindness, maybe the reader is a people pleaser?
Please have a good day, drink lots of water!
Yandere Ar'alani? May this not wake up any lesbian tendencies in me!
Thrawn is also some kind of Yandere in this one.
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You stand to attention, your whole body tense under her hard gaze.
So much of her mannerism is similar to your Grand Admiral, you wonder who influenced who. And her gaze is as sharp and shines the same cold intelligence deep into her shiny rubies. You hoped to find the same paternalist gentleness Thrawn bestowed upon you under his mentorship but she looks like she could kill you any second.
“So… Another one.” Ar’alani finally says after fixing you in complete silence for several minutes.
You purse your lips, not uttering a word, standing still.
“Why you?” She asks.
“Why… Am I here?” You mutter, you’d hoped Thrawn would have told her why because he sure didn’t tell you. “I do not know Ma’am.”
She looks at you up and down and sighs. She’s not happy.
“Please tell me no more of you will follow.”
“I do not think so.” You try to ease her mind.
“Good. I do not run an orphanage or a daycare and Thrawn keeps sending me lost puppies. He better lose that habit quickly.”
“Someone else was sent to you?” You ask surprised.
“Yes. You must know him well, you used to work alongside each other. Eli'van'to joined us three years ago.”
“Eli’s here?!” You exclaim.
She looks at you black for daring to raise your voice in her presence. On your end you were persuaded Eli died three years ago, he vanished so suddenly and left no traces. All his friends back at the Empire mourned him and you know Thrawn sent flowers to his parents. You mourned him too as an esteemed colleague, you were not close enough to call each other friends but knowing a familiar face here will help you tremendously.
“Remember me your name.” she demands, a questis in her hand.
You tell her again, trying to enunciate it clearly for her foreign ears.
“It is bound to change here, do not be surprised. What was your position in the Empire?”
“I was a Captain.” 
“You will be a Lieutenant Commander.”
“Oh…” Your shoulders lower, disappointed.
“Is that a problem for you?” She taunts.
“No, no! It’s perfect, Ma’am!” You get a grip of yourself.
“I am not in the obligation to give you a job, even less in the Navy.”
“I know Ma’am, thank you Ma’am.” You bow lightly.
She really is pissed, you think.
On her end she looks at you intently, dissecting you to atoms under her shiny gaze. She knows the fixing and silence makes you uncomfortable but she will observe you as she please. She knows why Ivant was sent, but you? No intel, no info from Thrawn, you simply appeared at the border of the Ascendancy one day with a message to deliver personally to the Supreme Admiral on behalf of her great friend. But it was clear Thrawn intended for you to remain in the Ascendancy after that. But why? What perks could you bring to the Ascendancy?
You don’t look like much. Average as so many other warriors.
But Thrawn saw something in you, something worthy of the Ascendancy. And it is her duty and honor to discover what it is.
She tuts and takes out a flash drive of her questis.
“Take this, any info you'll need is in it. We will start by intense sessions of Cheuhn to get you up to speed.”
“Alright, ma'am.”
“Any questions ?”
“No ma'am.” You quickly assure. 
“Good. You're dismissed.”
You stand to attention again and exit her office. 
Her gaze remains where you were standing. You seemed to have a good accent for Cheuhn, she could hear it in your voice. Your face wasn't as displeasing to look out for a human too, which is quite rare for a species lacking ridges. 
She shakes her head, what is she thinking ? She buries herself back into work and promptly forgot about your existence. 
You cross paths again one day in the mess hall for officers of the Vigilant, she came to speak to Eli, or Ivant here, about the current mission. You were laughing together, a cup of caccoleaf in hand when you felt a breath on the back of your neck and an imposing presence looming over you. 
“Ivant, I need your report.” She spoke in Cheuhn.
“I’m currently writing it. You will receive it in less than two hours, Admiral.” He responds in the same language, excluding you.
“Those maneuvers were out of the ordinary and I never encountered them in the Archives. We shall prepare accordingly.” 
“Oh!” You exclaim “I did! They remind me of a certain species in the Empire.” You announce in Cheuhn.
They both look at you like you just started screaming in their face. You are not supposed to speak and understand Cheuhn this well already. But you spoke flawlessly, with minute errors and one of the best accents that she ever heard for a beginner. 
As she predicted.
“Did… Did I say something wrong?” You start worrying, facing their expressions.
She recovers her mask of sterness in less than a second once the initial shock passes. She didn’t plan for you to already speak that well, she counted on several other months of confidentiality with her Chiss officers on the bridge but you already reached that level.
She doesn’t show it but she’s quite impressed. Even Ivant, with his advanced knowledge of Si Bisty took more time to learn the language.
“No, you spoke well.” She ceremoniously admits, “You said those strategies were familiar to you?”
“I encountered something similar in my early years at the Empire.”
“Do you think they could be members of the same species?” She investigates.
“No, surely not. But their thinking mechanics are strikingly similar.” You inform.
She takes a minute to think, her chin between two fingers. Eli takes a sip of his drink, his gaze traveling between you two.
“You will come to my office after your shift and teach me all you know about them.” She finally orders, “I want to crush that problem before they become a real threat to the Ascendancy.”
“Ma’am yes Ma’am.” You confirm.
“So, is everything well for you two?” She inquires.
Is she trying to small talk? She surprises herself. The question just escaped her when she laid eyes on you again. The black uniform suits you way better than this atrocious green.
“Oh, yes, I think?” You chuckle a bit embarrassed, “The rest of the crew have not adopted me yet but they slowly relax in my presence, I suppose.” 
“I’m good.” Eli placidly responds, finishing his cup.
“Very well.” She responds and turns her heels.
Why did she ask that? What’s it with her? That’s not her problem. You don’t need her hovering over your shoulder to assimilate to the crew, you’re an adult.
Because Thrawn wouldn’t let it go if he ever realized you both weren’t welcomed while you were clearly an important addition to the Chiss arsenal.
That’s why.
No other possible reason.
And she’s clearly eager to learn what you have to teach her to better protect her people.
That’s why her heart fluttered for a semi-second when she ordered you to come see her tonight.
No other possibilities.
Of course! Why else?
Ar’alani raises an eyebrow at you.
You’re standing with two cups in hand and a nice, but tensed, smile on your face as she gauges you.
“I thought… You would need it considering the advanced hour?” You try to explain.
That’s not what tickles her.
What she wants to know is how you learned it was her favorite drink.
When did you notice it?
“I shouldn’t have?” you ask, gulping wondering if you made an error.
“No.” She finally says. “It is a nice attention.”
She takes the cup and drinks a sip to ease your tension. Exactly how she likes it, how did you know?
You sigh of relief.
“I thought I offended you for a second.”
“Well it is not quite standard for a Lieutenant Commander to bring her Admiral a drink when they are about to discuss planning strategies.” She notes.
“Oh…” Your shoulders lower, “I used to bring Grand Admiral Thrawn his favorite when he invited me to strategize.”
She frowns for a second. Why do you feel the need to speak about your former superior? You are with the Chiss now! This is where your allegiance should go, not your former Empire. You better remember it, or she…
She shakes her head. You’re nostalgic, of course. 
“He must have appreciated the gesture.” She slowly nods, remembering her friend in the cafe when she celebrated her promotion.
“I hope so.” Your cheeks heat up suddenly.
She didn’t miss that.
And, somehow, she doesn’t like that.
“What can you tell me about them?” She refocuses the conversation on your present problem.
The black suits you so much better she notices again!
She listens to you explaining the strategies but she can’t help her gaze going back to your profile, your features illuminated by the blue light of the holographic map. Your face really isn’t displeasing to look at…
For an alien, of course!
You could never compare to Chiss beauty standards, she’s just trying to be nice.
She’s just trying to find a good aspect to you, you’re bound to live close to her now, she better find some perks in the situation.
No possible other explanations.
“Admiral?” You ask, bringing her back to reality. “Are you listening?”
“My excuses.” She berates herself, “I was deeply thinking.”
“About what?” you ask, curious.
If you were offended to talk in the void you don’t show it, nice little you.
“About why Thrawn felt the need to send you to us.”
“Oh, well! If you find out why, please tell me!” You chuckle.
Oh that is such a sweet sound…
She quite likes it.
Quite a lot in fact, could you laugh again?
Just one more time.
Just for her…
Ar’alani is frozen in place. On the other side of the room she observes you hugging Ivant tight. 
For some reason it ties her stomach in knots and angers her tremendously.
She excuses herself to Wuttrow and walks towards you with a death stare.
“Fraternization is forbidden on my ship!” She exclaims with her commending voice, resonating in the entire room.
That’s an outrageous lie, she couldn’t care less if her warriors entered relationships. She takes pleasure at seeing you two jumps and separate hurriedly, squirming under her burning gaze. She likes making you feel little and submit to her, and that display of obedience is… quite pleasant.
“Are you two animals to behave like this?!” She insists.
Again, lies. People hug everyday on her ship, but she doesn’t like you getting close to Ivant.
Granted, he’s the only other human here and you might want to feel close to the only other individual of your kind, but you’re in the Ascendancy now, under her cares and rules.
And she just ruled that she doesn’t like you hugging him.
“Ivant, I expected intel on the advancement of your mission an hour ago!” She orders.
She did not, and never asked that of him. He tenses up, ready to ask something but swallows up his next words when they lock eyes.
Now is not the time to argue with Admiral Ar’alani.
So he bows his head lightly.
“I’m on it Admiral.” And he walks away, hurriedly.
You’re alone in front of the dragon now.
She turns back to you, head low, awaiting your sentence for “breaking the rules”. She can see how embarrassed you are, she reads bodies like a pro, and nothing escapes her sharp gaze.
You are mortified.
You do look cute like that…
“Do you have any excuses for your behavior?” She demands. 
“We were not fraternizing.” You try, “Eli… Ivant is just a good friend. I needed a little comfort.”
“We have therapists for that.” She cruelly hammers home.
“I… I did not know.” You admit.
“You should have. What good can you do if you don't even know the most basic rules here?”
“I am sorry Admiral. It won’t happen again.” You lower your head deeper.
“Do you think it is enough for me to pardon such an infringement?”
You raise your head hesitantly, looking up to her, towering over you with her grand stature.
She is absolutely terrifying when angry.
She sees fear in your shaky figure.
You look good like that.
It looks appropriate to her, her ordering and you obeying without a second guess.
“No…?” You respond softly, trying to ease her anger.
“Do you have an idea of how to repair your error?”
“A sentence?” 
“Yes… Or we could arrange things together.” She proposes with a thin layer of venom sugarcoating her words.
“How?” You ask with tremors in your voice.
Is it how you act when you are flustered? That’s interesting.
Do you moan in the same fashion?
Well she will have to discover for herself.
She places one hand beside your head against the wall, forcing you to take a step back, blocking you against the wall.
“... Ma’am?” You ask, completely lost and terrified.
Your heat signals are all over the place. Your face heats up like a fuming pot, as well as your body locked in a fight or flight response. You clearly don’t know how to react.
She slowly gets closer to you, devouring you with her shiny rubies. She’s that close to licking her lips, but she has more self-control than that.
She authorizes her gaze to lower on your lips however.
“Ma’am?” You squeal.
Your lips are mere centimeters away. You can feel her breath on yours, and you gasp, your heart skipping a beat. 
What she's doing goes completely against what she just told you, but she is the Admiral, she has privileges ! 
She seizes your chin between her fingers to tilt your head and when she's about to savor your lips for the first time-
“Admiral ? We ‘re receiving communication from the ship Chimaera.”
“Good day, Lieutenant Commander Vanto.” Thrawn salutes politely
Ar’alani feels Ivant tensing up next to her.
Thrawn and sociability… Always have been and always will be a piece!
Thank the Warrior for him he saluted her better than that, his gaze then travels to you, a little behind her shoulder.
“Good Day to you too, Lieutenant Commander (F/n)”
“Welcome, Grand Admiral.”
She starts.
She felt the warmth and the smile in your voice.
You never spoke to her like that. She never heard such a tone coming from you.
She turns her head ever so slightly to observe you from the side.
You are radiant, smiling with your eyes fixed on him.
Are you…
No, you couldn’t!
Your Empire is xenophobic, surely you couldn’t….
But you look at him with so much… Love.
Her stomach sinks instantly. You never looked at her the same.
And somehow it pains her immensely. Even though she’s not sure why…
“I need to speak to you urgently, Admiral.” Thrawn calls back to her.
“Indeed, we do, Grand Admiral. Of a lot of things and in depth.” She responds, her burning gaze going back on her long lost friend.
They have a lot of things to talk about.
“How are they doing?” Thrawn asks suddenly after at least two hours of strategizing.
They are both alone in Thrawn’s office, his gaze didn’t leave the holomap, deeply focused. In fact they were right in the middle of another discussion, prompting her to raise her head to him when he changed subject so suddenly.
“They are doing well.” She coldly respond.
“He mastered Cheuhn without too much difficulty, he is a good officer, giving and receiving orders with a sharp mind. Quick and effective. I do not have a complaint about him.”
Did he just snigger? 
She frowns at him, but his gaze is fixated on the map, with a still and serious expression. She relaxes a little.
“Well, to be absolutely honest she questions orders and is terribly clumsy. We needed to allocate her several different roommates because she couldn’t keep one more than one week. She is shy and let people walk over too easily, I always have to watch over her to not let her get eaten up. She still isn’t accepted by the rest of the crew and needs to be oriented constantly, the only thing she has for her is that she tries so hard to please others that she is pitiful. I do not know how she could lead forces back then and don’t know how she will now if I constantly have to watch her, I do not know why you embarrass me with her but she’s more of a burden than anything else for now.”
She goes harder than she needs to, but she also needed to get it off her chest!
“I knew you would be crazy about her.”
Okay, she clearly heard a snigger this time!
She shoots him with her gaze only to see him looking at her with sparkly eyes.
“I take it that I choose her well.”
“You… What?!” She demands, incredulous.
“You heard me well. I see you are plenty entertained and occupied as you like to be.”
“I do not need to be occupied by a child.”
“She is no child. And you know it, you would have destituted her of her rank by now otherwise.”
But still, why does he mock her?
“Am I to understand you chose her for me and not for the good of the Ascendancy?”
“Those two goals are intertwined. I just thought my dearest friend would love a pet for herself to entertain her during her long campaigns.”
She gauges him up and down, almost like a curious cat.
“... As she entertained me.”
They lock eyes and she realizes, maybe for the first time, that they are one and the same. Sharing a mutual understanding, the discussion ends and they refocus on the topics at hand.
You look at the Chimaera in silence, hands clasped in your back like he does. And so does she.
“Do you miss him?” she asks out of the blue, placing herself next to you.
“Yes…” You confess.
“We will see him again.” She comforts you.
“May you be right, Ma’am.”
“He will not die. Not him.”
“True, he is not the type to be killed off without a fight.” You admit.
She looks at the Chimaera too, imagining Thrawn giving his orders, leading his troops to battle. Did you obey him as eagerly as you did her? Did you follow him blindly with those big eyes full of love and admiration? Did you hope to be discreet?
Because he clearly caught you.
Unbeknownst to you he sent you as a present for her. For her to hug and kiss, maybe to break you ultimately…
The Chimaera shudders and disappears suddenly, passing in hyperspace.
“Now, we have work to do.” She proclaims.
“Yes, Ma’am.” You respond and follow her obediently.
She smiles to herself, hiding from you.
She will have you. In one way or another she will take you attention off Thrawn and refocus it on herself.
In one way or another you will look up to her with those big eyes full of love as you did to him.
She promises herself that.
And she cannot wait…
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kinaesthetiqueer · 9 days
FNDM Creator Bio
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Name: kina, they/them, not beating the cat kid allegations since the aughts, allegedly old enough to know better- whatever that means, none gender left lesbian, more identities that start with 'a' than you can shake a stick at, cringe AND free, tyvm
AO3: ➡kinaesthetique ⬅
i mainly write but i like to draw too! my art can be found at #kina draws. i vary between goofy doodles to serious fic scenes to silly memes.
Favorite Characters i can talk about for at least an hour straight: Nora (number one best girl in my heart!!!), Fox, Blake, Ruby, Weiss, Yang, Neo, Winter, Ren, Pyrrha, Coco, Penny, Qrow
Favorite ships: Nordic Winter, Valkos, Renora, Nordic Winter Victory, Nuts n Dolts, Thunderchrome, Bees Schnees, Monochrome, Freezerburn, Whiterose, Renorarc, Arkos, Bumbleby, JNPR Berries (the colors or lack thereof mean nothing i was just having fun with the editor and i ran out of colors)
Favorite tropes: supernatural additions to canon, [playing very carefully within the bounds of the Sandbox And Its Implications], canon divergences, [expands on something canon didn't have time for], [interprets one-off line way too seriously], found family, [damn we should probably go to therapy. anyway. the horrors.], strangers to friends to lovers, sloooooooooow burn, mutual pining, "we don't have Time for Romance but it doesn't stop the Yearning"
Self recommendation: i think On the Run from Tomorrow is a great introduction to my writing, though it can be a little rough on your tissue box! (i also like to rec it because i like people to be unwell about it with me.) if you're more into high stakes supernatural fluff, then her pulse in my throat is definitely where it's at! all my writing is pretty good though, if it's your cup of tea! it's certainly is mine. <3
Creator’s note: my biggest upfront boundaries are that i don't accept requests, suggestions, or unsolicited critiques or creative direction. i reserve that kind of input for my close friends or when i [very rarely] ask for it. being rude is a very quick way to my block list! i'm here for a good time, i'm enjoying myself immensely & i will defend that.
i'm happy to chat via tumblr dms and make new friends! askbox is open always too. i love answering questions no matter how mundane or silly. i'm pretty laid back and silly as a person, but sometimes i get overwhelmed by too many comments or messages at once. i'll get back to you eventually. ;u;
i had a lot of fun writing for the @remnants-of-rwby-events inaugural fic exchange! definitely proved i can be unwell about any characters given enough time to cook up something suitable! it also reminded me that the rwby brainrot (affectionate) is terminal and i am utterly incapable of writing one-shots. rip in pieces.
looking forward to future events! :3
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gotylocks · 1 year
Willow Ep. 5- "Wildwood"
I feel like this episode was the first one that threw the standard fantasy vibe out the window and it was the right choice. If you're going into this show expecting LOTR or GOT, you're gonna be disappointed, but I love it. From the moment the driving rock guitar kicks in and the chase is on, it's clear this is a show more interested in fun than being deadly serious, and I realized how much it reminds me of A Knight's Tale (which rules).
But that's not really what I want to write about. Something that drives me crazy in shows is when characters refuse to just communicate with each other, and this is the episode that deals with that. Over the first 4 episodes, everyone had secrets they were keeping, and now while some secrets are intact, many others are brought into the open in a way that brings the party closer. This was the first time it felt like the party actually likes each other, which was very nice.
While a lot of stuff happens, I think this episode hinges on Kit and Jade's relationship more than the others. You have the intense emotional outburst from Kit when she's scared for Jade's safety (with Ruby Cruz letting out some absolutely heartbreaking screams of Jade's name), but then you have the truth plums bringing out both of their repressed feelings at long last.
This episode also recontextualizes the kiss from the first episode. That was their first kiss, given in a moment of passion, but Kit did it thinking she wasn't going to see Jade again. This is a big deal because it's been hanging over them ever since, neither one of them wanting to deal with what it meant for them. It is clear from episode 1, scene 1, these girls are crazy about each other, but I read it as neither of them understand that yet.
The way this is slowly developed, oddly enough at first, through Kit's discussions with Elora, is wonderful because it actually moves the romance with Jade forward while also giving us the first look at a real friendship with Elora. They are adorable while trying to get out of their cell and I can't wait for more.
Kit and Jade, in the woods, putting their honest feelings out into the open is huge. You feel the weight of their years of friendship, the fear that Kit has to admit how badly she needs Jade in her life to the point she is crying, the relief Jade has as she finally confesses her love. The incredible tension between them as they inch closer and closer, desperate to kiss but scared to finally take that step together, reminds me of a lyric by Pom Pom Squad (who also provided the cover of "Crimson and Clover" for this episode):
"I need you closer and you're not even an inch away" - Red With Love
The interruption at the hands of the trolls is frustrating, but it means that when they're finally reunited, nothing is going to stop that kiss from happening again and it's going to be awesome.
Kit and Jade are giving me the type of lesbian romance story I've always wanted and episode 6 can't get here soon enough.
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rwbyvein · 1 year
Double Rainbow: Good Deed
Yang: We hold these truths to be self-evident. Lesbians give the best blowjobs.
Weiss: *gets a headache*
Nora: How so?
Jaune: Wouldn't they be bisexuals?
Yang: Implying they are, you know, volunteering.
Jaune: So.... lesbians give the best blowjobs when they are forced to? Why are we raping lesbians?
Nora: They should be talked into it.
Yang: I'm not saying we should.
Ruby: Because it kind of sounds like you are. Because, if you want the best blowjob, does that mean you have to force a lesbian to do it?
Yang: I'm just saying they do.
Weiss: How could we possibly even collect the data?!
Blake: I am curious why?
Yang: Because is a straight girl does it, half of it is for your own enjoyment.
Weiss: . . .
Weiss: I feel this statement is incorrect.
Yang: Which is just your way of saying you've never done it.
Weiss: *blushes*
Weiss: Of course I haven't!
Yang: Unfortunately, your poor attempts at flirting with Neptune prove you're not a lesbian, so we can't try with you.
Weiss: *muttering*
Yang: I like boys, Nora like's Ren.
Nora (looking about nervously): Like a friend.
Yang: Ruby's got it for a certain someone.
Ruby (admonishing): YANG!
Yang: I said - someone.
Ruby: *hides in her hood*
Yang: Blake had her big, bad Ex. We need to find a lesbian! My titties for a lesbian.
Weiss: Unfortunately, that is the first thing you've said that makes any sense.
Nora (to Jaune): Do you know any lesbians?
Jaune: All the girls I know are my sisters and their friends.
Nora: Are any of them lesbians?
Weiss: I feel that might be unproductive.
Nora (to Ruby): What about Ruby.
Ruby (lying): I know people! *looks about nervously*
Nora: Me and Ren only know each other. Weiss?
Weiss: Implying I had asked how they care to... what was the word? Muff dive.
Yang: *giggles*
Yang: I've never heard that with a posh accent.
Nora: You didn't?
Weiss: I did not.
Nora: Blake?
Blake: *head raises up, ears dance around nervously*
Jaune: That's enough.
Nora: Don't you want to try?
Jaune: Of course I want to try. But there is so much wrong with this.
Weiss: Thank you. Finally some semblance of sense.
Blake: I do know one.
Weiss: You are not suggesting we... abscond her, are you?
Jaune: I'm not raping anyone.
Nora: Even if she wants to be raped?
Blake: It's called a ravishment fantasy. And most women like it.
Weiss: *scoff*
Blake: You should see what the average woman reads.
Nora: So, you're going to talk her into it?
Blake: *eyes open wide*
Blake: I guess I would have to, wouldn't I?
Weiss: What are you going to do, tie her up in a dungeon, and have Jaune?..
* * *
Ilia: *wakes up, naked in a dungeon*
Ilia: *blinks as her eyes adjust to low-light*
Ilia: *focuses on a black figure above her*
Ilia (concerned): Blake?
Blake: Welcome back. I want to help you out with a family.
Ilia: *looks around, and sees a rough bed*
Ilia: *looks at Blake*
Blake: No, not me. Even better, or worse. You can leave at any chance, but we both know it's better if you think you can't. I can say one thing, you can trust him.
Blake: *turns black and disappears*
Jaune: *walks in the room, naked*
*door closes behind him*
Jaune: Yang said something funny. She said that lesbians give the best blowjobs. Why don't you start by finding out.
* * *
Ilia: *wakes up, cuddled up to Jaune as they lay naked in bed*
Ilia: *snuggles up to Jaune's warm, strong body*
* * *
Yang: *smiling as she looked at the monitor*
Weiss: I believe all we achieved was proving she was bisexual.
Yang: See how happy they are?
Weiss: Among a great many other things.
Ruby: *eyes locked to the monitor*
Yang: Well, I did my good deed for the year.
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rontra · 1 year
Pls tell us more about ur summer/salem rare pair cuz I'm so interested
ok ok stupid ass post incoming its also at least a couple thousand words long so be warned
like i CAN yes, but it'll be rambling and inconveniently longwinded!
this is because my thoughts on this and the context for the pictures i drew actually hinges on a bunch of rwby analysis that has to be established First for any of my conclusions to make sense. i actually thought about making a comic about them to lay this stuff out in a more convenient format…maybe i will do it, but until then, umm. i'm sorry about this level 9000 nerd wizard post. it's the autism and passion for women kissing (the 2 reasons behind everything i do)
as an aside before i lose my lucidity, i'm not claiming the stuff i'm about to set up is 100% absolutely indisputably true and if you disagree you're wrong. it's just sort of my interpretation of a bunch of different stuff. it's fine if you disagree or have your own reading! but for the purposes of this specific content we're discussing, in the context of the women kissing AU if you will, these are presupposed "truths" . idc if you think i'm wrong as hell in real life! but in the world of the pictures i drew/my feelings on this ship, this is the list of Things That Must Be True.
(the salem/summer torment nexus is built on a bunch of overthinking rwby and then a little bit of lesbian high romance, so we do reach a point where we finally veer off from "analyzing rwby" and into "and that is why women kissing women", but that is, all i can do . because just putting down the "here's why they should kiss" conclusion makes me sound insane. so before we go into why they should kiss in the way i've depicted, here are some points that must first be true)
Summer is alive and well, and
Summer is Salem's unseen lieutenant at Beacon, and is working for her by her own free will, because
Salem is right (caveats about being evil rn notwithstanding) and
Remnant treats them in similar ways, for opposite purposes (thus in the women kissing women world, they are not only women who should kiss, but foils who should kiss: a far more powerful gameplay unit that inflicts a Brainrot DoT on its target (me))
i'm not going to be completely thorough here: i'm omitting anything that doesn't feel immediately important to understanding me, so if it feels like i skipped something, i definitely did. please bear with me bc this post's existence is already hilarious. the omissions probably aren't me missing things (depending on what it is) i'm just genuinely trying not to get derailed by factoring in every nuance and perspective (which rwby has, A Lot, of,). do not tweet at me
1 and 2 are almost self-explanatory, so they're quick: scenes about summer are nigh-universally conspicuous in how they talk about her, and there are too many questions raised about her/her fate that only she (and salem) could answer. her just being dead is too straightforward for all this effort, so something else is surely going on. in v8, the "Hound Summer" idea is raised, but i don't think they would let a character onscreen spill the beans ahead of time if it was actually the truth. (additionally, salem herself describes the hound as "an experiment", indicating there isn't like a bunch of them running around or anything...)
HOWEVER, letting ruby draw the "hound summer" conclusion on screen leads me to believe the actual truth is not FAR away: it'll be a knife-twist on what ruby said. the More Harrowing version of "my mom is alive but a tool for salem against her will" feels like it's naturally "my mom is alive and working for salem on purpose".
for 2, salem has an additional lieutenant that we have not been shown; being at beacon working on the Beacon Relic Puzzle ever since the Fall. we see salem contacting this agent to give them verbal instructions over the grimmphone, which is…not typically how she directs grimm, suggesting it is a person. we aren't privy to any further information about this person except their station being Beacon, which…i hate to say it but that's a "dramatically seeing summer rose alive" ass place….
the REASON for summer being salem's lieutenant as opposed to A) dead, B) a tool, C) a double agent, D) literally anything else, is because of 3 and 4.
this is where things are gonna get really cringe and potentially deranged but i need you to stay with me. let's go in order and focus on 3 first: salem is right.
saying this will cause some immediate pushback from some people, but to those people, please set that gut reaction aside for now and play in the space with me; i'm not saying that her current plan of action is like, nice, or Good, but i'm saying she is ideologically the one in the right. like Thematically. it took a lot of work for the world to make her be evil (across quite literally millions of years, potentially hundreds of millions) and now she's like "fine i'm about to be hilarious", but in the fundamental conflict rwby is about, she hasn't stopped being RIGHT.
just before this, someone on twitter asked me what i think salem's goal is, because a lot of people jump to assuming it's planet-destroying stuff; i had to make it a twitlonger just to answer them because (in case it wasnt obvious already) im head FULL thoughts SALEM mouth RAMBLING. instead of spending time and wordcount rehashing all of that i'll just relink it here because all of it is important to THIS discussion too: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1ss7lck
You Have To Read That Post Because I Won't Re-Type It. But It Is Important For This Post. TM.
ok. you're back? hi. sorry about that. let's continue
okay so we have the "disquietingly genocidal if carried out to its natural conclusion, which is that we should surrender ourselves to the complete custody of the World Destroyer" guy, and the "humanity inherently has a right to exist and doesn't need babysitting from someone who believes otherwise" guy. One of these sides is currently in control of remnant. and it's not the one you'd hope! and it's not the one the show agrees with.
(sidenote before it's too late I should clarify i have a Lot of thoughts about ozma's side of all this and like i said rwby is incredibly rich when you begin to mine for nuance and in-universe perspectives; i love that guy to bits and pieces. there are a lot of angles to this dangle. it's just that neither the twitlonger nor this post is About Him, so if it sounds like im dismissing his own nightmare situation i'm NOT im just not posting About Him Right Now. love you oz sorry you're also in the bullshit swamp etc amen)
i mention this very briefly in the twitlonger, but ozma has a vested interest in A) wiping salem from history/humanity's knowledge, and B) making sure the people who DO know about her see her as completely incapable of being reasoned with, the source of all evil, and so on. he's been pretty aggressive in these efforts, successfully paring salem's perpetual existence in remnant down to a spectrum ranging from "i have never heard of this woman in my life" to "exaggerated fairytale image that can be safely ignored" and maybe like "scary witch story to keep kids from wandering into the woods (FAKE, NOT REAL)". and to his circle, she's evil incarnate, and nothing more—still the fairytale witch, just an actual threat this time.
there seems to be a belief among some of the characters in the show that if you stop salem, you win; you've Fixed The Problem. in this way of thinking, salem is the one thing holding remnant back from being Normal And Good. she is the single cog not turning in time with the rest of remnant, and she is Fucking Up The Machine For Everybody. obviously this is a very simple and easy way of looking at her, and it is also desperately encouraged by ozma's version of the story. for his story to work, salem MUST be the source of all evil, the well it all springs from, the clear villain who's behind every bit of suffering and wants to destroy humanity; if she is NOT, his own comprehension of his trauma falls apart, his life's work and mission loses meaning, and the world he's built on them falls apart too.
(unfortunately, you cannot fix a dysfunctional world by destroying a single woman (no matter how much some certain gods try to tell you otherwise) if the dysfunction is systemic and foundational the way remnant's is)
with that in mind, summer rose (aw hey girl i forgot you were in this post) seems like a pretty stark opposite to her. but i would like to argue the…opposite. opposite double reacharound combo: They Are The Same edition. aka 4
okay, so, another facet of ozma's ideology that goes pretty visibly hand in hand with his own baggage (rip) is the fixation on this, idea of, a Hero. a Guardian. a "simple soul". specifically, he tends to nominate a Lone Hero, who must shoulder an unfathomable burden—usually a secret one—with little to no support (because they cannot share the burden). and this is, demonstrably and in no uncertain terms, a practice that breaks heroes.
(without getting too distracted: this is pretty obviously what was also done to HIM, and ozma continuing this pattern is not surprising with that fact in mind; i do sympathize. but girl…<3 you are crafting the crux of an insane post on rontra.tumblr.com and you dont even know it)
the Lone Hero is perfect. they fight alone, carrying humanity's light, and when they die they do so heroically, righteously, bravely. they are a symbol, praised and exalted even into their own deaths. their torch doesn't burn for long, but it's beloved whilst it does! the superhero dies young, but dies well.
this idea is a motif that recurs in rwby; all four Maidens are historically isolated, working alone, their very existence a secret except for when they swoop in to save the day. Huntsmen can become Lone Heroes if they're exemplary or unlucky enough. it was done to Pyrrha on-screen, by backing her into a corner and nominating her for an unfathomable burden she could not possibly refuse—and it lead to her death, alone, in a fight she knew she could not win.
of course, it also intersects with the Silver-eyed Warriors, who are (like Maidens) secret and largely isolated, but (especially when combined with being Huntsmen) make extremely powerful Lone Heroes. THERE'S our girl we've been waiting for! summer came out of the extremely notable team STRQ, and she's got silver eyes; with her pedigree we've got another legendary Grimm Reaper on our hands!
ha ha…
the weight must be crushing.
i can't say for sure why summer left; maybe she really thought going in guns blazing could finish this. maybe she had encountered a piece of information that alarmed her, or even seemed to corroborate something Raven tried to tell her team years prior. maybe it was something else that drove her to take the fight to salem on a solo mission. maybe being a Hero from a broken team just does that to your brain. we don't know yet! but she went out alone and she met up with salem.
this was never going to work, and not ONLY because salem can't be killed: it's doomed because rwby, the show, does not give praise to self-sacrifice. it is opposed to the very idea of the Lone Hero. when characters break the buddy system and face the bullshit alone, they usually don't get out unscathed, and usually don't succeed in accomplishing much of note. if anything at all, they usually attain something temporary or minor that isn't at all worth the sacrifice they made. because how can anything be worth that? rwby so far is pretty against the idea of both a lone hero and of "good death"; you can't die heroically, because you only ever die tragically.
but the Hero, Lone or otherwise, is needed. it's a twisted hope, but it is hope: there are people, real heroes, who will do anything to save us; including die, over and over and over and over and over again. remnant runs on hero blood. the academies are major arteries that pump out more of it, and even while you're at an academy you're not in the clear, because the students are included as a layer of protection around the relic. if something comes for the school, you are intended to die for it.
Like it or not, the people that hired me are going to change the world! You can't stop 'em, I can't stop 'em! You wanna be a hero? Then play the part and die like every other Huntsman in history!
and the selected Lone Heroes, even more so, are intended to die fighting an unwinnable fight, bearing unfathomable burdens. proverbially speaking, it keeps the lights on: keeps the fight going. keeps humanity from losing its grip on faith. and it completely robs each Hero of their humanity.
this kind of hero is not human: it's romantic like a fairytale and reduces a human being to a symbol. one of hope, sure, but a symbol nonetheless. the perfect hero isn't permitted to doubt or fear or hesitate. they're something distant, something else, something beyond humanity, something conceptual. and THIS, (points at it) is BAD
but it is the other side of the coin. the Lone Hero who represents all of humanity's hope has a natural obverse: the Sole Evil responsible for all of the world's darkness. the Single Enemy who springs forth all the things the Single Light stands against. these two concepts together pull an astonishing amount of the weight to make ozma's ideology function. without them, the wheels do not turn.
it's important how successfully ozma has eradicated salem's humanity and cast her as a force of blind evil. you can't reason with her, it's futile to try… but we know that salem may be very fucked up indeed to people, but she's also plenty willing to talk; essentially the only reason no one even thinks to try it is because her carefully designed reputation precedes her. the ruling world ideology prominently features the bastions of humanity, the bulwark against evil, the Lone Hero figure; the Guardian…and it hinges almost entirely upon the Sole Evil of salem, who can't be reasoned with but must be destroyed, even though the war against her is eternal, impossible, unsustainable.
by design, neither one is permitted any humanity at all.
Summer Rose and Salem are both ideological work-horses. in the world of remnant, neither of them can retain their humanity: they are conceptual existences that pull ozma's world through the motions, step by agonizing step. they are both yoked to the same plough.
if those two TALKED—and salem is very much willing to talk—i think a lone hero with a passion for humanity and way too much skin in the game would be repulsed by the system she lives in. she would recognize that she (and huntsmen as a broader institution) would be in the Wrong to support ozma—and by extension the gods, who look at humanity as a thing to be corralled and punished, something that must actively justify its own right to exist—
—that she's got two kids in this world, and she suddenly hopes to high heaven that they never get pulled into the same cannon fodder machine that created the Guardian summer rose, who bleeds and bleeds so that all humanity can cling to a hope that is bound to be false because the arbiters of their worth do not find them inherently worthy of life—
But, baby, please don't do what I did; I don't want you to waste your life in vain.
the reason women should kiss is that there is a mutual understanding that they are both beasts of burden to this world: two less-than-human icons, unpersoned on purpose, merely representing a concept. they perform roles in a narrative written by somebody else. they are not human! they are bearing unimaginable weight in service of an idea!
and they don't want to see humanity's fate be shackled to that idea for a moment longer.
i think when i say summer/salem most people think im trying to conjure like a dark spicy image full of like, power and control, and tension, and stuff. and there's nothing wrong with those, i do make a lot of those. but in reality im picturing the most tender secret in all of remnant. could you imagine?
...they are both yoked to ozma's ideology in these weird twisted ways so theres a lot of understanding and sympathy there, even if their Functions are different. opposite even. perhaps like foils one could say...
it's a ship built on that kind of understanding. the theme tying it together is that grueling dehumanization and the tenderness of seeing that you're both human to the core regardless. remnant yearns to grind them both up, one in service of the other, for a horrifically cruel ideal they can't just lie down and surrender to. humanity deserves better. so do they.
salem is right. summer rose knows it.
in the pictures i made, there's a protective angle to their poses and interactions: sort of a knightly, HER Warrior, type thing. "NOT YOUR SACRIFICE". etc. i guess salem is a lady with a tendency to attract the heroic knightly type (rimshot)
and that's why summer and salem should kiss. i dont know. i know im the one that locked you in this room but we should get out of here before i transform like a werewolf. wanna listen to Until The End in the car?
to live free or die, it’s all the same the enemy was right, there’s no reclaiming in waves of shame, we’re desperate to make amends but through a simple soul we lie complacent.
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phoenix-fell · 1 year
LOL @ the weirdo who reblogged you to jump on your post. Just shows they'll take any opp to attack people who don't agree with them. So assuming that it's not just because it's a lesbian ship (lol), what are your favorite things about bumbleby? Why do you ship them?
Haha thanks, it's okay though, I feel they told on themselves more than anything🤣. As for my favourite things about BB! Well...
I love that from the get-go Yang just seems to genuinely love making Blake laugh and smile - to the point it's even, very sweetly, referenced in the Manga anthology. I love the fact that Blake was introduced as this reserved character and after her initial hesitation, she smiles so much after becoming partners with Yang. Immediately after killing the Ursa, at the relics, watching Yang admire Ruby - and it's just so consistent throughout and grows until Blake's eventually laughing at Yang's dorky jokes. That always stood out to me, that Yang made her smile more than anyone.
I love the fact that Yang just believes in Blake so much, even so early on. We see it when Blake outs herself as a faunus - there's no doubts in Yang's mind whatsoever, she just wants her safe. We see it when Yang volunteers to help with the WF mission, she just volunteers to help, no questions asked, to support her (the 'I love it when you're feisty' and the look they share after this is one of my all time favourite moments). We see it again in Mountain Glenn when Yang tells her that she's 'not one to back down from a fight'. We see it again at the dance, when Yang was so confident in being able to get Blake to the dance, trusting that Blake would relate to her past and achieve her goals - and that's just some from volumes 1-3. Blake, when she arrived at Beacon, was a little broken from everything that happened to her, and I genuinely believe that she needed someone like Yang to bring that sunshine into her life and believe in her unconditionally. And she pays her back by believing in her after the fight with Mercury, trusting that she wasn't like Adam. But also, she needed someone who would restore that faith in humans too - as she referenced in the confession scene. Even if they technically speed-ran the whole 'enemies' part of enemies-to-friends/lovers, Blake was still wary of humans at the beginning of the series. I genuinely think Yang was a massive part of helping her overcome this.
I also love the way that Blake is with Yang. She started off so reserved, making herself quiet and small but just seems to find a strength in Yang. And, likewise, Blake seems to ground Yang and bring out a more serious side in her as well as the silly. It's just so balanced.
I love the symmetry in their partnership - whether it's the sun/moon, yin/yang, opposites vibe or even the way their semblances and fighting style are like two halves of a whole. We see their partner combinations so often throughout the show and they get increasingly more powerful and fluent as the two grow in confidence together. I love that for them. That their strength on the battlefield strengthens as they grow closer.
I even love the fact that they had that conflict and came out of it wanting to protect each other, because it wasn't a straight-forward path from friend to lovers. I loved all the things above so early on, and then you see a pattern when they're separated that they're clearly thinking of one another. The fact that they had something they needed to work through together made it feel all the more realistic to me, because it set it apart from other relationships in the show, there was angst and a build-up of tension. You can see the moment that they accept their feelings go deeper, that it's safe to explore them, and the gentle shifts in their relationship. I love the fact that they healed together, that Blake showed Yang that not everyone who leaves won't come back.
I shipped BB yeeears before I was involved in the fandom - so it's always amusing to me when Antis come at me with accusations that it's a sheep mentality. Like my dude, I was shipping this before I knew it was a thing. Back when I was at uni with roommate telling her that I genuinely thought something fruity was going on with the two of them. It has a special place for me, because I discovered it back when I was first realising I was bi, and BB had a similar dynamic to me and my best friend that I slowly fell in love with. You might want to comfort yourself by believing that people apparently only like the ship cos it's gay, but the truth is that this ship has so much to offer. I DEADASS DIDN'T EVEN GO INTO MY REASONS THAT STEM FROM VOLUMES 6 ONWARDS I COULD WRITE THIS FOREVER HAHAH.
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nakedmonkey · 9 months
I just reread all your Lovecraft fics and they’re still as amazing as I remember. Ik the fandom pretty much scattered after the finale and cancelation but to this day they remain they most interesting lesbian couple imo. Like their potential was crazy. What drew you to them? (other than them being hot af and insane lol)
Anon thank you so much! I love hearing from people who enjoyed my LC stuff, I really love Ruby and Christina so, so much. I often go back and add a sentence here and there to Lilac Wine, the unfinished fic I last wrote for them. I hope I can finish it someday.
You're absolutely right about them being super interesting and rich with potential, just story wise. There was SO much there.
What drew me to them is precisely that, I think! I watched the show in real time, so initially I watched for Wunmi, who I'd never heard of before LC but she is...STUNNING first of all, but just such an incredibly compelling performer. She is a scene stealing force. And then, the William/Christina thing was revealed and I was IN. I could not believe it. From then on, I think I found them riveting from every angle. Their very real differences, a relationship that would have very real repercussions no matter which way you spin it. Plus their chemistry was UNREAL.
Besides the obvious, my personal favorite thing about them was the honesty with which they let their relationship evolve. Very real, not always pretty realities of those characters' lives. More so than the magical elements (I'm not much of a fantasy fan), for me it was open conversations that were oftentimes brutal but real and honest.
I loved that they were each on their own journey of self discovery. I also LOVED that Ruby had her own thing going on. That outside of the parasitic relationship she had with her family, where she was tasked with the role of caregiver and provider to an extant, Ruby got to explore other parts of herself. The cruel and unforgiving, violent sides because those parts, too, are who she is. I loved that Christina nurtured and encouraged that.
I could go on and on about them, honestly, anon. They had so much potential to be one of the most unhinged wlw couples on TV (they still are in my heart) but sometimes I'm kinda glad the show got canceled because idk that they would have gotten their fair shot. I'm upset their story ended how it ended but, at least there are many ways to "revive" them in fanfiction.
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howlingday · 1 year
Good Mom Raven
Raven: (Wearing a I.D.G.A.F.A.Y.K. shirt, Captioned beneath with full spelling)
Mom: Don't you think that shirt is a bit inappropriate for a PTA meeting, Ravine?
Raven: Don't you think that shit spewing from your fucking mouth is inappropriate, Gloria?
Raven: And it's Raven, ya bastitch!
Mother: Are you actually grilling at a school potluck?!
Raven: Yes, Tracy, because some of these kids deserve something more than just kale chips and whatever vegan bullshit you're pawning off.
Raven: Oh, and tell your beta-bitch husband that if he tries to tell me how to grill again, I'll chop his dick off and shove it down your throat. That way he can at least put it in your mouth once, instead of the neighbors'.
Raven: (Bites, Chews) Hm... Wow... I'm impressed, Coral. These oatmeal raisin taste like your sex life.
Mama: Oh, you mean they're moist and absolutely delicious, right?
Raven: Nah, more like they're dry, crusty, and probably hasn't been touched in damn near twenty years.
Ruby: Mom, you don't have to walk me to class.
Raven: Why not? Afraid I'll embarrass you in front of your boyfriends and girlfriends?
Ruby: Mooom!
Raven: I'm just teasing, Ruby.
Ma: You're that girl's mother?! No wonder she's such a delinquent! She's caused thousands of property damage! She should be locked up!
Ruby: (Whimpers)
Raven: (Swigs, Exhales) Hold this, kiddo.
Ruby: Snrk!
Raven: Really? You got yourself a girlfriend? Good for you, Yang!
Yang: Yeah, but... I haven't told Dad, and-
Raven: Pfft! So? He doesn't care, so long as you're happy! Besides, knowing how close him and Ghira are, I'd say it's only a matter of time. Besides, you can't be worse than her ex, right? You know, the psychopath?
Moma: Your daughter is one of those [REDACTED]?! Ugh! Doesn't she know that lesbians don't know what real love is! When the Brothers return, she'll be destroyed along with those filthy animals!
Raven: Yeah, right. Like you know what real love is. And at least those "animals" know how to please a man. You should ask your husband. He would know.
Raven: Honestly, I'm surprised he hasn't ran off with that cute bunny girl I keep seeing him hang around with. I bet even your kids like her better than you.
Yang: (Covers her mouth)
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