#'taking care' of a population is not about punishing or controlling them
this tik tok ban bill is really making me realize how much the government cares about controlling its citizens rather than taking care of them. maybe my idea of what the government does prior to this was entirely incorrect--maybe a government should be in the business of controlling its citizens rather than helping them. but that really doesn't sit right with me
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celaenaeiln · 5 months
On note of the Blockbuster thing and Dick’s over working himself, I can recall a time when after the first time Blockbuster got taken out, Dick was so lost emotionally and mentally, he went for months on end getting the absolute hardest cases and capers imaginable, getting more illnesses and injuries so much and frequently. It got so bad Bruce and Alfred had to drag him to the Batcave and Bruce had to get some tough love across.
He let Dick know that he was upset at him for failing to take care of himself and self forgive for what happened to Blockbuster. He forgives Dick for the latter case but will not tolerate Dick losing the value of his own life in self pity and guilt
Thoughts on this?
Dick overworks himself so hard that he kinda passes out and dreams so vivid that they're almost hallucinogenic but when he wakes up-
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #117
Bruce is PISSED. Ofcourse it's gotta be because Dick let Blockbuster die right? He just stepped aside and let Catalina take the shot despite the no kill. He broke the OATH the two of them had forged. That's why Bruce is mad right?!
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #117
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #117
"You have no right to expect me to excuse you - for losing sight of the value of yours."
He basically said "I don't care if you killed someone. If you want me to forgive you fine. But don't you dare fucking think for one second that I'll forgive you for almost dying."
Bruce is crazy about Dick. I've already talked before how he has control issues regarding Dick life but I want to reiterate that Bruce wants control of Dick's everything. His life, his relationships, his death.
You can see the visible rage in Bruce's body. You can see how hard he grips Dick's chin. He's furious that Dick would put his life below anyone's.
This isn't the only time Bruce gets furious at Dick almost dying either. Remember Forever Evil?
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Nightwing (2011) Issue #30
His sole reason for beating Dick is LITERALLY beat his frustrations and fear that Dick almost died!! He's the one that died Bruce!! Why are YOU mad?!
The thing about Dick and Bruce's relationship or rather Bruce's relationship with Dick is that Dick could literally be standing in a room of blood and corpses and the first thing Bruce would do is rush over to him and check if he's okay. And then scold him because "what if they're blood accidentally got into you, Dick? Haven't I told you the dangers of bloodborne pathogens and other transmittable viruses? How dare you let them hurt you!"
Bruce has a no kill rule but sometimes when Dick's life is in danger he definitely looks the other way. No punishment if Dick does something to someone else but he travels at the speed of light when Dick lets something bad happen to him.
Not only that, he doesn't mind other people dying if it means saving Dick's life. Between the world surviving and Dick, he will always choose Dick. And how do I know that? Because he's done it before.
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Forever Evil Issue #5
"No, this is a search and rescue mission first--"
"Richard Grayson?"
"Yes, Luthor. Once Nightwing's safe, we can take down the syndicate."
The world is in SHAMBLES.
Central City
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Forever Evil Issue #3
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Forever Evil Issue #3
The justice league is gone.
The villains who actually wanted the end of the world are so shocked by the state it's in now that they've decided to become heroes. But none of that matters. It doesn't matter to Bruce that half the population is gone, people are killing, stealing, and dying. As long as Dick is alive - it's okay.
In fact an entire world could be corrupted beyond saying but as long as Dick isn't then it's a world worth saving.
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Forever Evil Issue #3
Do you realize what this means? It means that Bruce's scale of measurement for evaluating the quality of a whole fucking planet IS Dick Grayson.
Even an hyper-intelligent construction questions what happens if his favorite, Dick, dies.
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Infinite Crisis Issue #3
What happened after Blockbuster, where Bruce completely ignored the death of him. Ah-I said ignored but the reality is created an excuse for - is completely in line with his relationship with Dick and more importantly highlights two things.
Breaking the no-kill rule is acceptable if it's Dick Grayson or relates to Dick Grayson.
Bruce is crazy about Dick and he will go crazy for him.
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bodymachine · 1 month
regarding the “the american education system didn’t teach ___ so i never learned it” posts, some of you are veryyyy much missing what’s wrong w/ those statements when you give the blanket retort that the american education system actually did teach ___. newsflash: public school curriculums aren’t the same in every school/district/county/state. but to take it a step further, the quality of public education depends on state laws and the funding available to schools, which funding depends largely on local property taxes, which means low-income communities end up with low-quality schooling, fewer extracurricular programs, fewer resources for disabled students, more corrupt administration. the system is not about problems with curriculum, it’s much more and much worse than that.
besides the property tax funding, standardized tests also play a huge shitty role in this mess. schools that don’t have high test scores, i.e. underfunded schools often with majority low-income black and brown students, are considered “low-performing” and actually get less funding from the government as a result, like needed funds can get cut, and their teachers get paid less (and don’t even get me started on how programs like teach for america are sending young, white, fully inexperienced teachers to the poorest schools).
standardized tests are chosen at the state level, so states with huge wealth disparities and obviously segregated districts (like CT where i’m from) are measuring the performance of poor kids and rich kids using the same content and scoring system to arbitrarily determine who’s smart enough to deserve a better funded education. so the tests, i.e. the government, clearly favor the success of rich, white students. and the problem isn’t so much which content gets taught and how, as it is how little the american government actually cares about kids learning and having promising futures. like, education truly isn’t the point of american public schools. what they care about is deciding who gets to thrive in the world once they become adults.
since schools with majority white and wealthy populations essentially set the bar for what kind of performance is “standard,” everyone else whose circumstances (academic or otherwise) don’t allow them to reach that level are set up by the system to fail. being a “low-performing” school means kids are forced to repeat grades, and graduation becomes something out of reach. the schools don’t care about their students’ needs (especially when the teachers and administrators are mostly white), and real-life factors beyond students’ control cause them to struggle in school and they end up getting punished/suspended/expelled at horrifying rates, and yeah there’s a whooooole host of reasons why school can fucking suck and i’m barely scratching the surface.
anyway, what i’m trying to say here is YES the american education system sucks—not just because certain topics related to racism and imperialism and american history and other countries are glanced over or fully left out of curriculum, but also because success is being gatekept by the white and wealthy. it’s actively a racist system. not being taught important things about the world, or not being taught in a way that is actually engaging, is a problem that anyone anywhere can face, but it’s particularly insidious when you realize that the school system is TRYING to harm poor, black, brown, and immigrant communities.
so just to circle back to the real problem on display in those ignorant posts, it really makes me sick that white liberals can develop such a whiny complex around their own insular lack of curiosity when they don’t even know what “american education system” they’re talking about. and trying to look better than them by saying they just weren’t paying attention in school is completely completely beside the point.
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mdhwrites · 7 months
My Frustration With Belos
As a presence, Belos is fantastic. He actually has probably some of the best animation in the series and arguably the best voice actor in the entire cast. He sells every line Belos has with a gravity and menace that the emperor might otherwise not have. He sells his anger but also his control and even after I stopped liking the show, I found my attention demanded when he desired it.
Unfortunately, as a character he absolutely fucking sucks and is almost impossible to take seriously.
He only functions as Belos. Not even Emperor Belos because once you bring in that title, you have to tilt your head and ask "Well, what is he as an emperor? How does he use his minions to enact his will? What is his will?" In that order:
He is a kind, stately emperor who only asks for one rule to be obeyed. Even if you stayed out of the fold, if you come to him willingly seeking forgiveness, you will be granted it and absolved of your crimes, like with the wild witch friend in Hollow Mind. He revolutionized the Isles, turning them from seeming small towns to a now interconnected nation (his rise to power is literally impossible with news being able to spread so people can fact check him) and brought safety and regulation to a land that has none (Terra acts like the Safety codes in Them's the Breaks are new or something so beneath a proper witch as to be able to be entirely ignored and no one cares.) No one faces persecution except those who flaunt breaking his one rule but you may be of any race, skin color, belief, etc. and he doesn't care. You are all equal in his eyes.
He uses his minions weakly. They are bumbling fools who are honestly better at party planning than they are at combat (look at... Literally any fight with the EC scouts frankly. The literal only wins they get is raiding an empty, unguarded house and attacking two exhausted, distracted witches who are out of power.) They are seemingly not punished for this though except supposedly at the higher ranks. Even then, they are merely demoted. Those who wish to leave also show no fear in doing so, as proven by the EC scout who says fuck this and goes off to join the cute cat coven. This displays a lack of interest in power or enforcement.
His will appears to be to bring order to a land of chaos. To bring structure and unity to a land that didn't have it. He will go to any length, including manipulation, lying and threats in order to obtain this. He keeps mystique about him, seeming to believe that being feared is stronger than being loved, fitting with his claims that the Titan speaks to him and wishes for a rather extreme societal change. One he will see to no matter what.
These are... Actually interesting. You know, until you remember his actual goal is the genocide of literally every living being on the Isles. Then they come across as incredibly stupid, inept and backwards for what ANY of his goals should be and that's without getting into how his plan explicitly left out the entire child population of the Isles. This means he didn't even actually want to get the job done properly before he fucked off.
That is befitting Philip and Belos though as actual manipulators. They both are on easy street as far as it goes. The one manipulation we see from Philip is by using two people who clearly want something from him and are interested in helping him so so long as he doesn't literally start throwing fists, he's fine. Belos meanwhile leverages Eda's curse against Lilith, an entire fake backstory against Hunter, and just being Kikimora's boss to get what he wants. Anyone not in the EC though he never manages once to actually convince of anything and he is pretty bad at actually keeping up his deceptions.
This is of course made worse by knowing that 400 years ago, that commanding presence that is Belos... Was actually just a whiny British bloke who couldn't even wait until after his victims were dead to gloat about it. I tooooootally still fear him, especially as S3 commits narrative contrivance after narrative contrivance to A: let him be ALIVE and B: to let him win, CONSTANTLY, without also murdering the main characters. Like he literally tells a group of witches and a monster "I'm saving your souls," while he has them all at his mercy, having already shown he was more than capable of beating them all... And leaves. Because he is REALLY bad at his goal.
And honestly, him being so bluntly tied to a movement, time period and ethnicity that all bluntly say he's Christian without saying he's Christian... Actually just kind of makes him worse. Knowing his beliefs makes his behavior BAFFLING. He has none of the actual zeal and fury of a crusader, who were so bloodthirsty as to have peasants march on their own as they screamed Deus Vult, nor does he have the actual politics and methodologies of colonizers. The closest he is is a missionary and that's not even the case because he's not interested in conversion, only genocide. He is just an asshole who has the label "Christian.
It says nothing. Most of his character says nothing. They slam you over the head saying he should be saying something, that his backstory should be deep and that he had grand plans but if you interrogate these claims, no he doesn't. He says nothing except "Christianity bad" and essentially condemns the ENTIRE RELIGION because of how little nuance there is to him, his backstory makes him look pathetic, whiny and potentially sympathetic which makes no sense with the rest of his character, and his grand plan was literally DESIGNED to fail because he never gave it any real thought or else he would have baptized witches into being in covens so they had the sigils from birth and he'd get ALL OF THEM.
He is perhaps the personification of what is wrong with TOH in this way. If you look at any one scene, it seems to promise so much. The animation is correct. The voice acting is correct. You can see what themes he's supposed to be talking about and can make a Twitter post very easily about it. But... These are all surface level and only function as moments.
As a whole story, as a whole character, it falls to tatters as you see there was nothing there except conflicting promises and basic fantasy tropes.
I'm trying to not blog about TOH as much anymore because I'm just kind of tired of it but Belos has always been a thorn in my side because there are so many scenes that are so effective with him but when I think of him as a whole, I have nothing but boredom and annoyance. So I wanted to properly explore that and highlight how little sense his character makes and why just consuming him like popcorn is functional, even good, but if you try to have him for dinner, you'll find only bones.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
A Twitter you can follow too
And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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dark-mnjiro · 7 months
speaking in tongues ::: prologue
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Author’s Note: hello… as you can clearly see the voices have won. This fic is entirely self indulgent/self ship and catered to what I want and I don’t care. No vague reader insert here so if that’s what you were looking for - leave, before you’re disappointed. Welcome to my hellsona hell. I hope you do like the story despite how self indulgent it is.
Credits: dividers by @/cafekitsune
Content Warnings: See the masterlist for a full list of content warnings you may experience throughout the storyline. Individual parts with certain triggers will be warned (that are not continuous throughout the story). Prologue does not contain anything I deem triggering outside the content warnings on the masterlist.
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“For somebody I thought was my savior.”
“Hell’s growing population is becoming a problem…”
“They can’t kill each other,” another angel spoke up. “They just respawn in the Pride Ring again.”
The discussions with the top angels and Seraphim in Heaven had been droning on for hours. It was certainly posing a problem that their paradise could soon face an uprising with the sheer numbers spawning from Hell. Worry was evident on Sera’s face. Heaven knew they couldn’t just pray that humans would turn to righteousness and aim for a spot in Heaven.
The world had become infected.
Adam tilted his head to the side. This problem was clearly all thanks to his ex-wife, Lilith, and her piece of shit husband Lucifer. Who knew her voice alone would lead so many astray?
He sat up in his seat, stretching his arms over his head. “What if we gave them angelic weapons?”
Sera’s eyes narrowed at Adam. “Do what?”
Shrugging, he tilted his head. “We could just give them some angelic weapons. The problem takes care of itself.”
“And then what?” Another angel countered. “They turn and use those weapons against us?”
Adam scowled.
It was a valid concern. If those sinners could obtain angelic weapons could they turn on Heaven?
“What if we had them vote on some sinners to throw into an arena?” Adam suggested, tilting back his chair on its hind legs. “And whoever is last standing gets to live."
A sigh fell from Sera’s lips before sitting down in her seat. “We’re making a game out of their souls.”
“Sinners,” Adam corrected. “They’re in Hell as a punishment for being such awful human beings on Earth. It only makes sense to make them punish themselves for doubling their numbers. And tell you what.” Adam merely smirked. “If this idea doesn’t work… we just go down there and start exterminating pests.”
Confusion filled his golden eyes. “What? Sinners can’t be fixed. We might as well get rid of the problem. They won’t suspect anything if they’re killing themselves versus us. So perhaps we try this option first.”
“How many times do I have to tell you we aren’t using violence as a way to control Hell’s population,” Sera said before sighing again as Adam let out a loud, painful groan. Pinching her nose, she looked down at the reports she had been given by some of the other angels about the growing trend of sinners entering Hell. “I think we should study them before we make our final decision…”
“So we done here?”
The frustration returned to Sera’s face as she glanced back at Adam. “Pressing matters to attend to Adam?”
Pouting, he set the chair back onto all four legs. “Well, my band-”
“Perhaps we should give you something more constructive to do,” Sera continued as if she hadn’t heard him. “We’ll send you to Hell… to the embassy to help with these studies. Return with your findings after ninety days.”
Disgust filled his face. “I’m not going to that shit hole!” Three months in Hell?! Was Sera out of her mind?
“It’s already decided. Go.”
“...fucking fine.”
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
The Limbo
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A long time ago, before chaos took hold of Earth and its realms, there was an annex called Limbo.
Soul management is only ever easy when dealing with small populations, as any siadar knows. The moment a project expands enough, becomes ambitious, the number of souls being juggled becomes taxing, a hindrance to more pressing matters. Someone else must take on that burden entirely.
Limbo was formed after Eden, as a response to this necessity. This annex specializes in the collection, treatment and subsequent transmission of souls back to the surface or other annexes. It's a recycling system, in simple terminology. Dorem is the entity created to orchestrate these matters.
Without him, the souls of those who die are lost to wander until they perish forever. Without his percision, the stubborn will defy their deaths and crawl their way to the living. Without his care, souls split and fuse and tangle, creating abominations.
Once a bright, hardworking spawn, Dorem was very proficient at his work. He was happy, felt productive and needed, many an angel would personally deliver souls to him, and the soul keeper's dwelling felt lived in. All was well. At some point, Dorem feels a tad overwhelmed with the amount of souls he juggles. But all is fine, his work is good, he's commended and appreciated by his own makers.
So focused on his duties, Limbo's operator doesn't notice a thing when siadar abruptly abandon all.
In fact, he's the last one to know...
Visits and feedback halt entirely, and without highers to take care of population control, Dorem begins drowning in souls. Part of him already knows what has happened, but he doesn't dare leave Limbo, because he's terrified of what he'll find out there. Terrified to confirm that he's truly alone, that his life no longer holds real meaning, he's working for nothing. Towards nothing.
Ages pass. Not even the angels seem to remember him, whatever those pests are up to now. Dorem has ceased to care about most of his work. He gets bored, allowing the turmoiled to rise from the dirt once more in violent, confusing cacophonies, mockeries of life indirectly born of his spite. And when it's all too much, he eats the excess souls. Tossing them into the black abyss of his torso to become part of him, crushed in his shadows.
An eternity spent in Limbo has ruined him. His body is not what it used to be at all. It's tainted, weathered, tired. So so tired. The flesh on his head keeps sealing over his mouth, not that he uses it that much anymore. He's grown powerful without even noticing it, the consumption of souls playing a part in his progressive transformations.
Dorem doesn't know why he decided to enter the surface now of all times. Maybe it's because he's reaching a breaking point, maybe to kill all the undead that keep trying to contact and worship him, maybe to fucking kill himself. Imagine his shock when he sees an angel. His fury. Which only burns hotter as he's told two highers are present on Earth.
It's about time he gets answers. It's about time he gets to punish them. It's about time Dorem can beg for mercy, or even that which has always been denied to him, rest.
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starry-phoenix-finds · 11 months
Sims 3 Mods Masterlist
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Lag Reducing/Game Improving Mods
Nraas MasterController- Adds countless options that allow you to easily control and change just about anything about Sims in your town. Featuring a robust filter system to allow you to find the Sims you want to target and execute actions on. Nraas ErrorTrap- This is a core-mod intended to catch and correct data corruption errors that can render a save-game unloadable. Nraas DebugEnabler- This mod exposes EA debug commands so they are usable in game. Nraas Overwatch- The primary purpose of this mod is to act as a periodic clean up system for correcting errors and eliminating junk that accumulates over a regular play-session. Nraas Register- This mod alters the rules governing role assignment in the game, allowing sims to maintain regular careers without losing their roles. Nraas Careers- This mod is used to load custom careers into the game. Nraas Traveler- This mod replaces the travel code. Ability to travel to any world. Nraas Porter- This mod adds a custom version of the import and export system used to create Library families. Nraas GoHere- This mod replaces the "Go Here" interaction, with one that can be stacked in the queue, allowing the user to better direct the route of a sim. Smooth Patch 2.1- Greatly reduces lag in all areas of the game. No Foot Tapping While Waiting For Clear Route!- Greatly improves routing for sims. Catalog Search Mod- Adds a "Search" button to Buy and Build mode. Additional Entry and Exit Routing Slots to Reduce Door Crowding- Greatly reduces sims crowding around rabbithole entries. No Intro- Disables the intro videos. No Route Fail Tantrum Animations!- No tantrum animation when a sim fails to route. No (or fewer) automatic memories- Stops the memory scrapbook from filling up with memories. Faster Elevator Moving- Improves the animations and time it takes for sims to get on and off elevators.
Babies/Toddler Gameplay Mods
More Toddler Interactions- New interactions for toddlers. More Baby Interactions- New interactions for babies. Napping Mat- A napping mat for toddlers. Toddler Food and Snacks- Adds two interactions to the high chair to feed toddlers meals or snacks.Toddlers will love, like or hate certain foods. Just Like My Parents! Costume Face-Paint for Toddlers- Toddlers put on play makeup. More Play! Playmat- More additions to the baby playmat from the store. More Activities Activity Table- More activities for the Activity Table. Mixed Feelings About Pregnancy- Replaces the default pregnancy moodlet with a custom version that has no mood effect, and adds two new moodlets. Sleeper Footies- Sleeper footies for babies. Little Wisps hair- Hair for babies.
Kids/Teen Gameplay Mods
100% Prom Chance + 3 Day Cooldown- This mod makes it so that prom happens every week. After School Activities- After school activities for kids/teens Teen Jobs- Part Time jobs for teens User-Directed Scolding + Other Punishment Tweaks- Tweaks parts of the punishment system from Generations. Tooth Fairy Mod- This mod gives child-aged sims the chance to lose their teeth and get money from the Tooth Fairy. 'No Stretch' Children can Series- Children can do more in game. Children can care for their lil' siblings- Allows children to carry toddlers. Teens Hangout- Teens can hang out with each other and sit on the floor and talk. Faster (and Slower) Homework- Changes the amount of time it takes to get homework done. Coloring Books for Kids- A coloring book for kids. New Scholarships- Adds various scholarships.  Acne Mod- Adds an acne system to the game. Cheerleading Mod- Cheerleading club for teenagers.
General Gameplay Mods
Missy Hissy Custom Careers- Custom Careers. Lot Population Mod- Teleports more sims to community lots, making them more populated.  Nraas StoryProgression- The purpose of the mod is to simulate a life-like balance amongst the inactive members of town, while providing the user the option to disable functionality they do not want. Custom Vehicles- Custom vehicles. Postal Mod- You can send post to any sim in town. Social Clubs Mod- Create custom clubs for your sims to join. Hairdresser Mod- Play as a hairdresser or a client. No Fridge Shopping- Replaces the meal-making interactions on the fridge with custom ones that check whether the Sim has the required ingredients to make the meal or snack. Business As Unusual Bistro- Modifies EA's store content bistro oven splitting the chef and waiter roles in two and allows you to set shifts for them. The Sims 3 Open For Business- Create a store, hire employees, set objects for sale (without rugs!), restock objects, earn XP on sales to increase your rank and more! Flower Arranging- Adds flower arranging skill to the game. Knitting for TS3- Adds knitting skill to the game. Attend University Online- This mod allows sims to work towards completing a university degree on the computer. Yoga Mod- Brings the yoga activity from The Sims 4: Spa Day to The Sims 3. Ice Cream Stand- An ice cream stand to buy ice cream. Exercise Bike- An exercise bike, (better mesh). Pool Jobs for Lifeguards- Makes it possible for sims in the Lifeguard career to be offered and perform jobs on pool lots as well as the usual beach lots. Buyable Beach Towels- Makes the Island Paradise beach towels purchasable in game. Set The Table & Call To Meal- Replaces the "Call To Meal" interaction on group servings with a custom version that has the performing sim set the table with individual portions of food BEFORE summoning sims to eat. Seasons & Barista Bar Beverages on the Coffee Machine- Lets sims make or serve the hot beverages from Seasons and UL on regular coffee machines. Ferris Wheel- A functional Ferris Wheel ride with custom animations for your sims. Buy Takeout And Order Food At Restaurants- Buy prepared food at the diner and bistro or have it delivered. Housecleaning For All Sims- The Clean House interaction will show up when you click on the ground for all sims. All Bars Serve All Drinks- Makes all drinks available at all professional bars on community lots. Fewer (or More) Credit Hours For Degrees- Complete a degree in one trip to University. Add Any Lot Size- Will allow you to add any lot size (from 1x1 to 64x64). Buyable Bunch o' Gifts- Unlocks the Gift Pile in buy mode, so your sims can buy their own Gift Pile for their family without having to throw a party. Book of Talent- Alter both main skills and hidden skills for your sims. No More Zombies Generated At Full Moon- Prevents the game from generating any zombies at the beginning of full moon. Throw Bigger Parties whenever you want!- No party limit on guests invited to parties and throw parties at any time.
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lemonmoicho · 2 months
Head cannons of Diavolo that no one cares about 🫶
Origin: Diavolo and his mother are indigenous Sardinia. They come from a small reserved village near alghero l'alguer, They mainly speak Campidanese Sardú and even though the island of Sardinia was conquered by the Italians, small villages like theirs are still heavily traditional. When Diavolo speaks Italian, his Sardinia accent is apparent, which contributes to his adherence to speaking on the phone with any subordinate. Diavolo would have a super strong Catalana dialect for the reason that his mother’s family were there when the Spanish eradicated the natives in alghero and his family were one of the few who were able to stay on the island as there is a small native Sardinia population. Diavolo knows how to speak the native language of Sardinia, Sardinian (or Sard). He is also fluent in Latin, as he grew up in the Catholic Church and studied the Bible under his adoptive father. The priest had him very close to Sardinian traditions in general, and he practiced them growing up. As he got older, he strayed away from his father's teaching and very rarely connects to his heritage due to his paranoia and general disdain for his upbringing.
Backstory: Diavolo/Solido was born on June 6th, 1967 (06/06/67) Even though it’s unlikely, because there are no distinctions whether his mother was actually pregnant for two years, the priest and village believed that he was born by the devil because of his abnormal birth story. When the priest took in Solido he assumed he was born by the devil and relentlessly abused him. This is supported by the fact he has DID which only forms from intensive physical and emotional at the ages of 6-9 as a defense mechanism. Diavolo was originally a personality to protect Solido from the abuse of his village and his adoptive father. The priest and the villagers heavily resented and disliked him due to his birth, which led to his many mental illnesses and physical issues. The name Diavolo was given to Solido, in which his second personality reclaimed after burning down the church and primarily taking control of the body. Diavolo is considered the protector (which is a term for certain alters in DID systems) for ‘Doppio’ or Solido and takes over or gives him advice when he’s in violent or serious situations to help him and is also why Doppio doesn’t remember anything of his past, because Diavolo holds the memories of their childhood. Diavolo’s childhood was extremely difficult, as he was often neglected and physically abused by the priest. He would undergo gruesome exorcisms and other forms of punishments, as his father resented him for being the ‘devil's son’. However, despite the abuse, Solido was a very kind, albeit aloof, boy who attempted to be obedient to his father. During his teen years, he developed early onset schizophrenia while Diavolo simultaneously made himself present, which caused Solido to be more rebellious and making his home life worse. As he reached the age of 17-19, Diavolo helped influence the plan to kidnap his biological mother and burn the village down in order to escape and start his life anonymously.
5’10 and has a darker complexion.
- His teeth are sharp and mildly crooked, as a child he had no access to any dental attention.
- As he got older, he became paler since he early goes outside and prefers his home to be dark as he's paranoid of open windows.
-His facial structure has strong Neolithic features and an aquiline nose.
-He also has freckles across his face and shoulders, which he desperately covers up with makeup in order to uphold his particular aesthetic. He does a similar sharpening with his jaw to hide any soft features.
-He doesn’t grow much body hair, and if he does, it’s faint.
-He shows very little signs of aging and has the complexion of someone in his early twenties.
-He has terrible posture and often is hunched forward. Whether that is sitting, standing, or walking. His joints audibly crack often. The reasoning for this is his grueling work schedule that has him hunched over his desk for most hours of the day and the abuse he endured growing up which decently distorted the bone structure of his spine.
-He’s only 140 pounds because of his very slim figure. He’s slightly malnourished, but still has decent muscle mass and has a generally lean build.
Habits and details:
-Diavolo often becomes extremely caught up in what he’s doing or what’s nagging him that he’ll forget to eat, keep track of time or sleep.
-He has scopophobia (the fear of being stared at).
-His diet is at least 65% dry/snack food since he has little to no time to prepare himself a meal and will not allow anyone to prepare food for him.
-He has some knowledge on how to play the violin and piano.
- He enjoys opera performances; especially dramatic ones that tell a tale (i.e. opera buffa).
-He enjoys watching dramatic Italian soap operas when he finds the time, but he will never watch any horror related media, as it only worsens his paranoia.
-He has a weakness in literature and any understanding of biology but is naturally gifted in mathematics.
-He has a fondness for cats, but the feeling is not mutual.
-He gets easily irritated when he feels too hot.
-His hair is surprisingly soft, he also likes to use it as a curtain to hide behind when doing desk work or reading.
-He loves the sound of ocean waves and on occasion will make his current hideout near the ocean so he can sit near a window and relax. Diavolo would love to find an untouched beach so he can simply walk next to the ocean and enjoy the breeze without the fear of being discovered, ruining the moment.
-He has limited hobbies, since he can’t really indulge in activities that leave traces of his existence.
-His main hobby is reading, with a particular fondness towards classical pieces and poetry (that is where he gets his very unusually formal vocabulary). Diavolo finds something comforting within books being passed from hand-to-hand with no mention of the previous owner's name.
-Another hobby of his is playing instruments, but he rarely finds the time.
-His hands are very fidgety, more so when stressed, so he has a habit of rubbing circles into his scalp or scratching at his skin.
-Even though Diavolo doesn’t have a sweet tooth, he’s particularly fond of ciambelle

-His desire not to be seen stems from more than just wanting to remain anonymous. The feeling of eyes on him makes his skin crawl; it kicks his senses of anxiety and paranoia into overdrive and makes him feel restless or nauseous. There are days Diavolo is completely incapable of leaving the safety of his isolated room.
-He has paranoid schizophrenia, which makes daily life harder and increases his paranoia.
-Due to his many delusional complexes, when he loses control he goes into deep depressive episodes. If something doesn’t go as expected, he'll go through irrational fits and is unable to control his anger.
-His emotional regulation is very fragile and could be compared to a child.
-Since he’s constantly on edge, he’s prone to snapping ‘suddenly’ or becoming aggressive over the smallest things. The outbursts are short and, unless he’s able to ‘overcome’ the issue then and there, will nag at him for hours to come.
-Once he’s angry, he finds it hard to relax again.
-He cannot cook anything past a basic, barely-passes-as-decent meal. He doesn’t need to prepare food himself when he can afford to buy luxury; though trying to do so whilst being a hermit obsessed with maintaining anonymity is difficult. He doesn’t enjoy it, but during times when he cannot leave where he’s currently hiding, he resorts to ready-made meals.
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wundersmith-squall · 10 months
ramble about your Ezra Squall redemption arc please?
Absolutely- id be very happy to! I'm quite aware that im about to sound like this:
Tumblr media
but you asked so this is what you signed up for /j
Soooooooo it basically wormed its way into my head because of the one time where Squall said something like 'We're wundersmiths we take all of the blame and none of the credit' and I was like, okay sir are you speaking from experience? What was the 'credit' of your actions? And also the mention of the shared enemy, which I at the time took as meaning partially something in the republic that threatens Nevermoor, and partially something to do with the system, the Wunderous Society and like, all the people in charge who are against wundersmiths and are trying to hold Mog back.
Along with these two things, I'd like to think that 100+ years of banishment are long enough to rethink your actions and become a better person.
So, I'll explain it in a way that wont take an entire essay to write out. Basically it goes in my head that, Courage Square was, at least partially an accident, and over 100 years the story got skewed, and the current population turned against Ezra and the Wundersmiths, while the population at the time knew how, Wundersmiths ultimately were trying to help Nevermoor. Courage Square was bad, which is why Ezra was banished, but he wasnt killed. After a tragedy, it would be expected that he'd be punished, but at the time, the Republic as we know it didnt exist, and so being banished out there was a very bad fate, but it was definitely better than death.
Ezra went through a, lot of bad mental states during the first few decades of his banishment, but as he grew older, he came to terms with both his past actions and his current situation, though he still feels guilty about it.
In my head, the Wundersmiths were originally established to protect Nevermoor from the weird creatures of the darkness that the Wunderous Society takes care of now. Those creatures are attracted to Wunder. When Ezra was banished from Nevermoor, there were no longer any Wundersmiths in there, and so WunSoc had to step up and find a way to cover for him. Meanwhile, Ezra, who still loves Nevermoor, establishes Squall Industries, partially to improve conditions in the Republic and partially to provide a bigger, brighter beacon of wunder to attract the majority of the dangerous creatures to a place where he could still handle them. In this same thought, the Hunt of Smoke and Shadow werent something he created, but a group of these dangerous creatures that he managed to tame.
On the same subject are the other cursed children, those who, gather wunder but are unfortunately dont have the gift to control it. The creatures of the darkness, who chase wunder, hunt down these children to take the wunderous energy from them, which they dont survive. Ezra does his best in this situation, but one man can only do so much, and the creatures are relentless.
When he first discovers Morrigan, he's not exactly sure what to do. He tries to just get her as an apprentice through the usual means in the republic, but after a certain mad ginger got in the way he sent the Hunt after her, himself being busy trying to help the other cursed children, but we all know that that attempt didnt work. Ezra, knowing about the wunder critical-mass gather-too-much-without-using-it-makes-bad-things-happen thing, so he used the gossamer to get back into Nevermoor.
Having to enter and view Nevermoor again, even though not physically, took a bit of a toll on him, plus having to interact with someone new while being himself, which is not something he's had to do in a long time. He's also never, had to teach anyone before.
From there, I imagine he goes from frustrated and angry, to irritated but starting to get attached to Mog, to actually being a genuinely good teacher (aka the floof you saw in my drawing, who doesnt sleep nearly enough but still tries his best to be a good person), who is Tired™ and also just as chaotic as Jupiter when he wants to be.
Thank you for listening to my ramble- I can happily expand on anything if anyone happens to like this train of thought. I have further specifics on, basically everything, but this is a solid overview.
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cometrose · 7 months
Say, what do you think Zhongli struggled with the most after he started full-time cosplaying a mortal?
it’s kind of weird cause i feel like he struggled with everything and nothing at all
Obviously the first is not having unlimited money at his disposal to buy whatever he wanted. Zhongli lives a very elegant lifestyle. He wears outfits created by the adepti, he only takes the finest birds on walks he eats at the finest restaurants and he buys whatever he lays eyes on.
Then there is the fact that “Zhongli” is a permanent human and not a body Morax uses whenever he wants before transforming into another one. It would be funny if he woke up one morning wanting to shapeshift and having to stop himself mid transformation because humans don't normally grow floor length hair or swap genders overnight.
I always imagined Zhongli struggled keeping his Morax knowledge separate from his Zhongli knowledge. Morax knows the day everyone was born in Liyue, Zhongli does not. Morax knows the day each building was built, the day they built a pond in the harbor, he knows every business owner that has ever worked on his land but Zhongli should not.
But the thing about Zhongli I feel like he just learned to work around these problems without changing too much of himself lol. Like he cant buy everything he wants? Just get a wallet or get someone else to buy his things.
Too much knowledge? Great all of Liyue knows him as the all knowledgeable consultant who knows everything but nobody knows where he came from.
he’s too adored by the population for anyone to bother him about it.
Hu Tao mentions that Zhongli knows so much but has no worries so I think he just doesnt care? I think Zhongli just gets to stay the same cause everyone accepts his weirdness.
But seriously I think he struggles with contracts. He doesn't have the same authority to enforce contracts as before but he is still the god of contracts. So I think he has some dissonance in that regard, like he sees someone break a contract and if he were still Rex Lapis he would punish them but Zhongli has no such control. Considering how he worked around those fake archeologists in his first story quest, I think he if still wants to "punish" someone he has to approach the situation very differently.
Its funny to imagine Zhongli sees someone break and contract and chills run down his spine he feels faint but he can't do anything about. But then again Liyuens is pretty particular about contracts, so even if he cannot enforce them there are countless others (the qixing, the millelith, hell even yanfei) who will maintain order in his stead. i think it will work out
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outofangband · 1 year
Complex trauma and Angband Series: Hygiene
Angband World Building and Aftermath of Captivity Masterlist
Torture, especially in the deliberate and political sense is designed to eradicate the victim’s sense of self by, among other things, stripping away one’s basic physical needs (food, water, hygiene, rest,) and one’s  basic emotional needs (safety, comfort, belonging, privacy, hope, and identity). It also seeks to damage the relationship that the victim has with these needs.
I have a specific post about privacy that will overlap with some of this
content warnings: general Angband warnings of Captivity and abuse, trauma after torture, etc
Hygiene in Angband is very minimal. The slaves who work in the mines and forges are afforded very little supplies for washing, perhaps a few cloths and run off water if any can be saved and hoarded. Again this is a combination of items sorted through prisoners who have been there for a long time and know what can be saved without punishment as well as supplies given by the overseers.
Prisoners who work in the fortress itself are sometimes allowed a bit more water to clean themselves, depending on where they work, how visible they are, and what role they primarily fulfill. Prisoners who are more clean are often the favorites of various higher-ups who have a vested interest in their appearance or who use access to supplies as coercive ‘rewards’  and thus cleanliness rather than the opposite becomes stigmatized in many ways. This will have more detail on my post about the elves of the upper levels. Sauron’s personal servants of course have a high standard of hygiene as do the elven healers.
Among the small population of human slaves, diseases of poor water, food, and crowded conditions are common There are certain afflictions even the elves are not entirely immune to.  There are healers among them but they too have little supplies and must improvise (and yes I have many ideas for how mushrooms, evil herbs, algae, and other Angband possible ingredients could be implemented)
Access to a proper toilet is also next to nonexistent in much of the fortress. Some of the cells have a bucket but it’s not a priority among the elven prisoners. The slaves in the mines often have nothing while they work and in the forges it’s only marginally better (if only because urine is potentially reactive to some of the substances there). This is consistently demoralizing and humiliating and the level of control over one’s bodily functions is frequently utilized for punishments and even games.
Only in the medical wings and among the personal prisoners of some higher ups is consistent access to a proper toilet the norm.
The effects of all of this are profound and long lasting. Inability to bathe not only is an exertion of control felt acutely by the prisoners, it also often relates to an inability to feel like oneself.
Following captivity, many struggle to integrate bathing and grooming into their routine. Some continue to associate beauty and cleanliness with its associations in Angband.
Just like with other activities it takes great will to make even seemingly simple decisions such as going to bathe. Many survivors of Angband experience a constant dread that they are out of place or will be caught out of place.
Not to mention other aspects of complex trauma such as depression and self image issues as well as physical symptoms like chronic pain can impact ability to care for oneself in this way.
My own headcanons regarding my case studies, Maedhros and Húrin (feel free to request more about this or other prisoners)
-In Angband, I do still enjoy the headcanon Maedhros is bathed primarily when he was presented for some public occasion in the beginning(even before the cliffs he is a trophy…) and it’s harrowing and mortifying and invasive and as much a form of abuse as anything else. Angband is talented at making even and especially the most simple things into a horrible ordeal. This isn’t a common occurrence but it was enough to have an effect on his view of himself
-After Angband baths are very vulnerable especially and he has to relearn his right to privacy and this relates with self image issues. His view of himself is fragmented and he does not recognize his reflection.
-It takes awhile before the image of someone clean and put together in clothes he chose begins to feel like his own.
-The severe physical consequences of his time on Thangorodrim make this harder in the beginning too
-Húrin cares very little for his appearance after his release though at times suffers sensory flashbacks that lead him to try to wash away phantom touches, sometimes to the point of opening old scars.
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idrisofficial · 2 months
🚨 all 3 warryns
🚨 (siren) - What’s your character’s relationship with the law? Have they ever been arrested? What for? What are their opinions on law enforcement?
lennox: lennox sees the law as a means to maintain order. he has no particular affinity for idrisian laws themselves, and brinne has certainly convinced him that there’s little merit in a monarchy. he could take or leave the theocratic laws; he understands them as a means of controlling the people and respects their purpose as thay. obviously he’s never been arrested, although theoretically brinne probably could have him jailed for his assumption of her royal duties while she’s depressed. she won’t do that. lennox is fascinated by political structures and from a point of morality does feel bad that idris’s happen to fuck most of its citizens over. at his core, he does believe in freedom more than most other nobles. but he considers his self-preservation and the country’s prosperity much more important than any real positive change for ordinary citizens. primarily, as the leader of the house of justice, he wants to enforce the law that exists and keep the population in line so that the country can prosper as best it can in accordance with tradition. the fact that he doesn’t personally give a fuck about tradition has little bearing on the work he carries out. he’s good like that. separating his own ideas from the ideas he knows are right (ha) for the country.
mikhail: mikhail is not immune to propaganda. when he bothers to care about how his house’s decisions actually impact people, he’s mostly supportive of increasing governmental power and stabilizing various legal hierarchies. censorship laws in particular make perfect sense to him because of how they reinforce his elite status—of course common people aren’t allowed to speak badly about government officials, but it’s perfectly fine if he does it, because he was just born one of the gods’ favorites. he listened to what he was taught in lessons. he doesn’t fully buy that the law is the product of divine ordination, but it’s a convenient explanation and mikhail is the most well-steeped in social conditioning of his siblings (meaning he’s also the most religious of them, even if he’s not exactly devout). he thinks countries with laws that differ greatly from idris’s are foolish and harbor their own self-destruction, even when they’re overall much more successful nations compared with idris. but in general he doesn’t feel too strongly about it. he just follows his siblings and spends the rest of his time basking in the hedonism of nobility. no cause for arrest or anything of the like here.
kaia: kaia is the least religious of the three, practically atheistic. she holds little regard for halcyonism personally or as an institution and in terms of law is much more driven by her inner morality. said inner morality, though, is bad. having been only thirteen and still majorly developing at the time of artemis’s massacre, her stance on law enforcement is pretty brutal. she’s not very popular among the public and for good reason. kaia and brinne don’t have a very positive relationship, but brinne has a shred more respect for kaia than she does for other nobles because of their agreement on national security and harsh criminal punishment. this is one of the few things kaia and lennox really argue about. it drives a wedge in their relationship, especially with the silent reminder of natal’s execution that permeate the conversation. she is often frustrated by the law, though. she thinks a lot of the restrictions placed on the public generate a genuinely unlivable environment, but she’s stopped too often by bureaucracy and her own aversion to risk-taking to be able to change them. halcyonism’s influence on the law feels entirely convoluted and unfair to her, but she doesn’t really see any option but to work around it. the last thing she wants is the trouble of being called a heretic. with the way brinne is becoming, she probably could be arrested for it.
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sepublic · 2 years
I don’t know why I made this
*Luz enters the scene to see an injured Hunter*
Luz: Hunter! Where is he…
Belos: Well if it isn’t Luzura. Just a little too late, as usual.
Luz: Philip?! Impressive little spell you’ve got there, but your plan ends here.
Belos: Fool. You’re not ending our plan, you’re expanding it. Check Penstagram lately?
*Luz’s scroll vibrates and she opens it to see a frantic Raine on the other end*
Raine: Luz! The covenscouts have left Blight Industries.
Luz: What? How’d they know?
Raine: Belos has eyes everywhere, the isles are up in arms!
Luz: How did they… Alador destroyed the Abomatons? Then Belos’ plan is ruined…
Raine: The hell it is! The story just went live, and already the covens are talking of the dangers of wild magic!
Luz: But no covenscouts were harmed.
Belos: And yet coven authority was defied.
Luz: By a coven witch! Besides, the loss of a few million snails is tragic, but nothing to punish an entire way of life over!
Belos: That’s just the spark, child! The excuse we’ve been waiting for! The Boiling Isles has wanted this spell for years! The Titan, he knew covens were good for magic, millennia later and his will lingers on.
Luz: The Day of Unity…
Belos: He left us his great covens… Potions! Abominations! The Emperor’s Coven! Welcome institutions for those with no faith, without guiding communities of their own. Give yourself up to the whole; No need to think for yourself! You’re part of a coven, you fit in! Then the only thing left is wild magic, so we’ll do whatever it takes to keep it sealed! Even genocide. ESPECIALLY genocide.
Luz: Bullshit!
Belos: The Titan planted his seed, we don’t need him around to filter and foster his message any longer. We’re spreading it just fine ourselves! Every witch and demon… We’re all children of the Titan now!
Belos: We just need something to unite this population. This loss of faith since the death of the Titan!
Luz: And the Day of Unity? Forcing countless to abandon their homes is going to help the community?
Belos: Covens, utopia; Creating a sense of belonging, Luz! All those witches, binding themselves with a coven seal, trust me; A little persecution can work wonders!
Luz: So create a sense of Us VS Them? Is that it?
Belos: Relax, Luz. It’s a war on wild magic. We’re not out to kill civilians… Rebels. Criminals. Wild witches.
Luz: …
Belos: Of course, that would have to include you. Wouldn’t want any witnesses to my memories complicating the message!
Belos: Slippery little brat. I don’t have time for this!
*Belos powers up*
Luz: Oh, you gotta be kidding me!
Belos: Let’s. GO.
Luz: The hell are you thinking-
*Belos catches Luz by surprise with a sudden force of power*
Belos: Played sports y’know.
Luz: At that cushy St. Epiderm!
Belos: Try Gravesfield High! Could’ve gone pro if I hadn’t joined the coven. I’m not like one of those magic cheaters. I could break the pope in two, with my BARE HANDS! Don’t fuck with this Emperor!
Luz: What the hell are you?!
Belos: Hahahaha! Why don’t you stick around and find out?
Luz: Typical dictator… Big promises, but all talk.
Belos: What?!
Luz: ‘The Titan’s will’? What a load of BULLSHIT! All you care about is gaining power and control over witches… That, and your approval ratings! You’ve got no coven bindings, just like all the wild witches! If the isles are plagued by wild magic, you’re just another practitioner!
Belos: All right. The truth then. You’re right about ONE thing. I do need magic, and witches in my coven. Wanna know why? I have a dream!
Luz: wut
Belos: That one day, humanity and all those in God’s domain will be unfettered by the sins of magic! A world of the truly righteous, dammit! A world of virtue, not magic, ruled by faith, not anarchy! Where the demons cower before humanity, NOT the other way around! Where freedom and security are back where they belong, in the hands of the devout! Where every human is free to think and act for themselves! Damn all these brainwashing witches and backstabbing covenscouts! Damn this 24/7 Penstagram spew of memes and coven propaganda! Damn “The Titan’s Will”, damn the bards! Damn all of it! The Demon Realm is diseased, rotten to the core. There’s no saving it. We need to pull it out by the roots, wipe the slate clean. BURN IT DOWN! And from the ashes, a new humanity will be born! Enlightened, but untempted! The freaks will be purged, and the normal thrive, free to live as they see fit. THEY’LL MAKE HUMANITY GREAT AGAIN!
Luz: What the hell are you talking about?!
Belos: You still don’t get it. I’m using magic to become powerful! So I can END magic with this power. In my new world, humans will die, and KILL, for the God they believe! Not for magic. Not for witches! Not for what they’re told is ‘right’, every human will be free to pursue their own faith!
Belos: So, what do you think?
Luz: How the hell did you get elected…??!?
Belos: Well, I don’t write my own speeches. You should try fighting for the humans YOU have back home, not for a coven or for a Titan or any other demon!
Luz: Maybe I was wrong about you…
Belos: Am I finally getting through?! I’ll rid this world of evil, Luz.
Luz: I was wrong… You’re not greedy.
Luz: …You’re batshit insane!
Belos: WHA-
Belos: We’re making the mother of all omelettes here, Luz! Can’t fret over every palisman!
Luz: Not when you’re ‘saving humanity’, right? What do you know about being human? You weren’t ostracized. You’ve never been the outcast. You don’t know what it’s like to be put in a box, punished just for being who you are!
Belos: But you WERE punished! And you learned from your mistakes, growing to become a better person! With your own two hands, you took back your life among society!
Luz: And now, I’ll take yours…
Luz: Why won’t you die?!
Belos: Palismen souls, Luz. They heal me in response to physical trauma. You CAN’T hurt me, Luz!
Belos: What did I just say? Time to end this. DIE! DIE! DIE YOU WICKED WITCH!
*Luz is seemingly defeated*
Belos: All right, I think we’re about done here.
Hunter: Luz!
Luz: Hunter!
Hunter: Repeat his message, Flapjack.
Flapjack: “For my entire life, I’ve been working toward this. And on the last day, Evelyn has me doubting the whole thing. We’ll leave it up to fate then, shall we Flap? A duel to the death. May the best brother win…”
Luz: Caleb…
Flapjack: “I cut him down, and that’s that. Back to our regularly-scheduled magic. But if he beats me, if I die here… I want you to lend your power to a new witch. Whatever happens after that, is up to you Flapjack.”
Belos: Even dead, that guy is a pain in my ass. So… You think that little bird can save your friend? Well go ahead then! But make no mistake, Hunter; When I’m finished with her, you’re next!
Hunter: You didn’t make me to fear death.
Belos: Eh?
Hunter: However, my purpose as the Golden Guard is to support the Emperor unconditionally. To die here would violate that mission.
Belos: That’s a good nephew.
Hunter: However, Luz showed me friendship… I’ve learned from her. When I saw your memories, I wasn’t sure what to think. But that’s changed. I’ve established new relationships now, created my own dreams.
Belos: You little fuck- !
*Despite his efforts, Hunter succeeds in throwing Flapjack to Luz*
Belos: Damn Grimwalker!
*Belos hurts Hunter, as usual*
Luz: I said my staff was a tool of magic. Not used as a means to an end. Not used for violence. But now… Now I’m not so sure… And besides: This isn’t my staff.
Belos: Come on!
Luz: Okay… Let’s dance!
*They fight and Luz deals the decisive blow*
Belos: Well done, Luz…
Luz: Your dream dies with you.
Belos: Maybe not… You’ve guaranteed the demon realm will go on, for a while longer at least. Magic will continue as a practice, as a temptation. Humans will be drawn into evils they don’t understand. False idols, they don’t believe in. But at least I’ll leave a worthy successor… You, Luz. You’re a human hero who’s left your own impact here, changed these witches and demons. You don’t let their norms get in the way. And if it costs the lives of the monsters? So be it…
*Luz finishes Belos off and he lies dying*
Belos: Heh-heh… Deep inside, we’re… Kindred spirits… You… and I…
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riddlemethisjeremy · 5 months
All of these stories take place on Effpedelia, a continent connected to earth through a wormhole that coalesced from the weight of the human imagination. Upon Effedelia, you can find every story humanity has ever told
A Game Of Kings: This story takes place in the "Feywildes", along the Elvish side of the continent. Jaylinn, a young Aelvish noble who grew up on the streets of Lux Portem, has to infiltrate the Aelvish court and stop the devastating war between the Aelvish and their Freiralf brethren. Now is the time to strike, as the crown of the kingdom has recently changed hands, and to one that some might still call a child at that! The mission is simple and straightforward enough, but Jaylinn makes one fatal mistake: They get attached.
This Is Home: Finnick Moreno has lived with his best friend, Tristin Quemadura, since he was Chosen by Tristin's step parent, Kip, and by extension, his clan. The two haven't spent a moment apart. So when Tristin gets accepted into the Borellian School of Mystical Arts, Finnick fights his way in as a part of the "Consortio Ferrum", Brotherhood of Steel. College takes quite a different turn when your students have the power to end the world.
The Blinding Lights: Fenelle is a Shifter. She's the first one in her family for generations, and the control she has over her abilities are insane, so much so that she manages to keep them a secret, allowing her to live a dangerous double life. Until one day, her dream comes to fruition, and she's picked up by a licensed producer to perform and produce her own music. How will she continue to juggle the different people she is trying to be?
Caught In The Jaws Of The Wolf: When the Gods of All Things suddenly cease the flow of power between the True Fae of Effpedelia and themselves, they dont even think to take responsibility for the actions the gods are punishing, instead blaming the Wilde Fae for their "savage and unnatural ways". In response to this perceived threat, the True Fae begin an all out massacre, desecrating the Wilde Fae population. Simon is a survivor of this genocide, left behind to raise his two younger siblings, and Myles was his best friend. Too bad, you can't really trust a friend who watched his people burn down your home.
Nyxle Boys: Daerick is meant to save the world. He was born to end the War of Elfkind, and bring peace to the Feywildes once and forever (or for a while anyways). The prophecy speaks it. And yet? Here he is getting high in the woods with his bestie Kore. He wished all he cared about was whether he'd still be too green to attend his lecture in the morning, but it was going to take a little more than that for him to avoid his destiny
Oops, I Did It Again: Warren is a human druid with a special affinity for fauna - so much so that he can't help but turn into a salamander sometimes - which makes his library meet-cute with heartthrob Robert all the more awkward. As circumstances shake Robert from his toxically unstable home and into the path of Warren the Wanderer, the pair struggle to find a place where they belong. On the way, they may even find who they really are.
I'mAre We The Hunted?: Josh, Hunter and Lukas were all raised by True Fae as hunters. They have learned to distinguish the Wilde Fae in their beast forms from the creatures they have mimicked, and to slaughter them without mercy. The Wilde Fae are savage and unnatural, after all. Except Lukas starts to question this. How different are they to the Wilde Fae? They have the same abilities, the same pointed ears and keen canine teeth. When he discovers the truth - that he and his unit are being used as a weapons against his own kind - Lukas is astonished. But what can he do; he is, after all, their weapon.
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presidentromana · 1 year
Meta: does Gallifrey have a child protection system?
I fleshed out these thoughts on how Gallifrey deals with child abuse and neglect (or rather, fails to deal) while writing this worldbuilding heavy fic which I mention because this starts off general but gets specific to the not-actually-canon scenario I was thinking about at the end 
Legally and culturally, child neglect and abuse is meant to be taken care of within the House. The most common instance of neglect is probably the scenario of: more senior members of the House stick someone on loomling duty who doesn't want to be, perhaps they're younger and irresponsible, and they neglect the loomling. If punishments don't stop the substandard care, the House is meant to give up and give care responsibility to someone else. 
If a loomling died or regenerated by accident due to neglect, the person who was meant to be caring for them would get in trouble- likely criminal prosecution- and the people in charge who didn't intervene soon enough would likely get some social backlash, but not legal consequences. I think actual death due to neglect would be vanishingly rare though, between regeneration, having servitors/androids around that could deal with emergencies or alert to them, and the level of medical science available, it'd take a lot of bad luck. 
If a member of the House is doing deliberate harm and their cousins don't deal with it effectively and the complaint gets to the authorities, there would be a Chancellery investigation and some level of official consequences for everyone. However, I think the child would be left with the House as long as there's a single cousin who is considered capable and safe to act as caregiver. (The House would be legally obligated to take care of its loomlings and students-when-not-at-the-academy so someone will have to do it and if no one's volunteering, someone with less social power and a job considered less important could be forced to do it) 
If literally all the cousins are unsafe or it's a "the House is being allowed to die out because of past catastrophe and they're all out of adult capable cousins" and the child is old enough to be at the Academy, they'd become a permanent ward of the Academy and stay there during term breaks. Legally and socially, they'd still be connected to the House name once they've graduated. But if the child is still a loomling, then there's a problem. They'll have to be cared for by someone but since Academy initiation starts at such a young age, it won't be for very long and the situation could then convert to the former scenario. Legally anyway, hopefully in that situation whoever cared for them would maintain some kind of emotional and social connection, but they wouldn't be obligated to.  
(I assume that anyone who doesn't get into the Academy still goes to a boarding school situation, I’m imagining a stratified schooling system like the old UK tripartite system but with boarding schools, students at the other kinds of educational places are being prepared for jobs considered menial, perfect for reinforcing classist hierarchies. Maybe the Academy is the top layer and there's a middle layer for those from Time Lord Houses who didn't make the entrance exams or later drop/get expelled out + the presumed to exist middle caste/castes, and a bottom layer for shobogans/the lowest class of society) 
Why no adoption or foster system? 
First of all we're working with smaller numbers than Earth's population. Gallifrey has a smaller but extremely long-lived population and the underage to adult ratio is going to be lower than in humans because of the absurdly long lifespans part and the House/loom system acting as population control. Statistically, the amount of cases that reach the "every single cousin is terrible" level are going to be extremely rare. 
Plus the default is part communal, part institutional raising of children, everyone gets sent to boarding school and then in the holidays they're with older cousins. If any of their cousins contributed a larger amount of their biodata or if they're the result of two or more people who wanted to make a child together and identify as parents, they're still going to have a lot less actual contact with their parents than in a nuclear family based society. Everyone has boarding school syndrome! 
The UK private school system feels very reminiscent of the vibe of the Academy/Gallifrey and it has always had huge problems with bullying and institutionalised abuse, both emotional and physical, and just all round being socially toxic environments that produce the worst kinds of politicians. 
Gallifrey’s Academy sounds like that but more intensely ingrained in their culture. There’s the sense that it's very hard to graduate the Academy, some fail the entrance exam, some burn out/fail out through the years, some die (well, probably only a concern if you’re in the Doctor’s year) 
It's talked about as a negative, gruelling experience, but once you graduate, you're a Time Lord. it’s a century-long hazing to become part of the in-group for the rest of your near-immortal life. There's no interest in making things more mentally healthy or easier or less emotionally abusive for the students because that's what everyone had to go through, the average Time Lord with the power to change any of it thinks it would be unfair for the new generation to have an easier time of it. That would be admitting that their experience wasn't okay and unpacking that trauma. Everyone hates the academy, Romana *side-eyes Brax* 
So, abuse at the Academy is probably a far more common problem with all varieties, that's where Gallifreyan children are spending most of their time after all. If you're a terrible person seeking control over younger people, you'd become a Tutor, not start a family (unless you can get control of your entire House and start a cult). There just isn't the same level of total control and vulnerability that exists in nuclear human families, and there’s no political will to do anything about the Academy problem. 
My next point is that your House is meant to be a permanent, unchangeable thing, you can’t legally change it. The social structures at play are authoritarian and fixed, with a general collectivist attitude, why make a fundamental change to the ideology of Houses for a few vanishingly rare individual cases? 
There's a case or two in the EU of Houses dying out, usually something like a terrible thing happens in a House and the Loom is destroyed so that no more members will be made, but the surviving members are still part of that doomed to die out House, they don’t get to change it. 
For a lot of Time Lords, I imagine a big part of the appeal of using their biodata for a child or helping out a young cousin is that their success reflects well on their own House or lineage and helps maintain or improve social status. If a displaced child can never fully be considered part of their House, they won't get that benefit. And Gallifreyans who buy into eugenics based ideologies wouldn't want the biodata from a "criminal" House to be allowed in anyway, and people like that would probably view a traumatised child as damaged goods, less likely to be successful. 
There are definitely going to be some people who want to loom and/or raise children for more emotional, nurturing reasons, maybe as part of a platonic or romantic relationship with another person, who might consider fostering or adoption, but such people are less likely to have the social/political power to drive policy changes. 
(Though this could be a Chapter-devolved matter, maybe in a Chapter like Cerule informal fostering arrangements exist, as long as people are fostering within Chapter and caste lines.)
Sartia's position is rare- her whole House was, yknow, one of those cults trying to bring back evils from the Dark Times, so all her cousins were complicit in the neglect/abuse, and then they were mostly in prison. 
There was no system set up for cases like that, no kind of "you should speak to another adult if bad things are happening to you at home" kind of PSAs, and no assurance that she wouldn't be blamed for things like keeping illegal secrets. I feel like that danger can’t be overstated considering two kids in her class ended up erased from time for the grievous crime of... reading secret CIA documents about their parents? 
so even if she had successfully told on Kinnora and gotten away with not being implicated in the crime, the best case is still being stuck at the Academy until graduation with no emotional or social support. She'd probably need explicit permission to leave for any reason, through some byzantine layers of bureaucracy, because of their legal responsibility for her.
and people would be sympathetic, think oh what an awful situation, but still not do anything more because that's the law, their hands are tied, and move on with their job
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messinwitheddie · 6 months
1: Do the irkens not regret destroying and concurring the lives of other planet species? Is there no punishment for them in the afterlife for this crime?
2: Arugula, what do you look like back in your training days? We’re you always tall or did you grow into it? Also, what got you into keeping the birthing drones in your chamber instead of one for themselves? What started this and how come no one tried to take them way before your death?
3:Dib how did you get from skinny to looking like your dad so quick?😅
4:Soxx you predicted that you Hitz Kii would end up the way you are as control brains. How did you bring this up to her? Did she take it seriously or a joke?
5: Zim….why are you so short?🫤
1. MANY Irken soldiers/ veterans, slave drivers, invaders and even many tallests DO feel a deep sense of guilt and remorse for the people they hurt/ enslave/ bring to extinction. They just have no socially acceptable way to express these feelings or can even find a safe place to discuss these issues.
Commander Poki and Invader Larb struggle to live with themselves after their successful invasions. I cannot find the posts I made about those two discussing this topic to save my life. (I REALLY gotta go through this blog and organize...)
Irkens are similar to humans in the sense they want to be good. Unfortunately you really can't BE good or bad, only do good or bad things. What defines an act as good and bad is subjective to the culture you're raised in.
Irkens, like humans and pretty much ALL lifeforms are also are driven by a need to survive. Irken morality doesn't always align with human morality. Human morality differs from culture to culture and across time periods. I try to keep that in mind as I develope my aus. Not to claim my drawings/ writing isn't biased in any way, it most certainly is. I'm just one human, not a worldly one at that.
ALL actions have consequences and every Irken will experience the consequences of their actions; sometimes sooner while they're alive, sometimes later after they pass on. It's a case by case basis.
2. Arugula "I was always slightly above average in height. I experienced my first massive growth spurt sometime midway between my 3rd and 4th decade. I was still working as an on-call foot soldier and a full-time sanitation drone at the time.
When I eventually was measured tallest of my hive, I started keeping birthing drones in my chambers out of tradition.
A tallest is expected to house and provide care and snacks for the hive's birthing drones during the fertility festivals until at least the day of the birthening. The tallest's chambers is supposed to be the most secured area of an Irken hive and large enough to accommodate a small legion of drones.
I grew to enjoy the company of my birthing drones via interaction. Who would not become entranced by such loveliness and primal strength? Any tallest worthy of their stature would house, protect and cherish the drones who replenish their workforce and military.
SEVERAL other tallests declared war against me and launched heavy raid attacks on my hive in an attempt to steal my birthing drones; including my sister, Jamjam.
She was experiencing an alarming population decline. Perhaps I could have... should have been more willing to give her or sell her a few of my birthing drones, but... she could have been more willing to agree to my terms of a proper alliance. Politics can be so UGLY. Power changed JamJam for the worse. She would say the same about me, I'm sure.
At the time of my second measuring, my hive had the highest population of fertile women. My personal chambers were a prize intensely sought after by my enemies and apparently my allies alike. My faithful soldiers and sentry drones bravely fought off such raids many times. It only took one successful raid to destroy everything.
At this point I can only hope present and future tallests may learn from my mistakes as a ruler.
3. Dib "Uh... I would like to blame genetics. I mean, I AM technically Dad's clone and he's a big guy. It wasn't an overnight transformation either. As a teen, I went through several HUGE growth spurts. I was well over six feet by the time I turned 17. I had, well, still have stretch marks on my hips and shoulders to prove it.
My senior year of high school is when I really started to bulk up. I played football and joined the wrestling team for a while. Dad enjoyed me playing football more than I did. I kind of miss wrestling though. Had to drop it to focus on Uni work. Then, you know, I packed on the freshman 15--"
Zim "And an additional 15 every semester after. Next he'll blame trying to quit smoking and the "medication" his "therapist" prescribed him-"
Dib "I haven't gained THAT much weight."
Zim "Your tits are bigger than Reginald's birthing monkey and the May-Bell's combined."
Dib/ Reg "ZIM!!"
Zim "WHAAAT??!"
Reg "Don't mention my mom's tits o-or ANY of those 3 sets of tits ever again, or you'll have a new mortal enemy."
Zim "Pfft!! You don't threaten me, Dab-monkey. Try again when you grow into a big meaty urth ape like the big meaty urth ape who sired you.
*coughs* Where was I? Oh! The Dib! He grew to such proportions because all he does is "work" and "study" and in between, stuff his face with disgusting Urth food instead of facing off against his greatest enemy."
Dib "I WILL choke slam you, Zim."
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4. Soxx *exhales a deep, spooch-centered wheeze; the closest thing to a laugh he can muster*
Kii indeed wrote my vision off as a flight of fancy... at first. To my dismay, it took some... active convincing on my part. So much unnecessary bloodshed. BUT, she eventually shared my vision.
My predictions are NEVER wrong."
5. Zim "Why are YOU so smelly?!"
(I'm sorry for the lack of illustrations; I feel like these answers would work so much better with illustrations. I'm just dealing with some landlord drama here recently and trying to finish up some other completely un-related WIPs that desperately need finishing.
I have no idea if all these asks are from the same person or from different people because most are left anonymously. (Which is perfectly fine; I almost always leave asks anonymously.)If I'm neglecting your asks, I assure you, it's not intentional. So many good questions; I appreciate all of them. Please be patient; I'm trying.)
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