#'there will always be people close to your heart even when youre flung into the farthest corners of the world'
kingdom-of-sins · 29 days
Lando Norris x model!Reader
Lando finally meets the girl of his dream and somehow ends up making a fool of himself in front of her
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The soft hum of music and clinking of glasses filled the luxurious event hall as you gracefully maneuvered through the crowd. The dim lights caught the shimmer of your dress, a stunning piece that accentuated every curve, cascading down your body like liquid silver. You had always been confident in your appearance, but tonight you felt especially radiant. Heads turned as you passed, but you barely noticed. Your mind was preoccupied with casual conversations and polite smiles.
And then, there was him.
Lando Norris stood by the bar, trying to play it cool. He had spotted you the moment you walked in, and suddenly, the room felt smaller, more intense. You weren’t just any model, you were the model, and he was utterly captivated. There was something about the way you held yourself—elegant and graceful, yet with a natural beauty that made you seem effortless. And, of course, hot as hell.
Lando had always prided himself on being calm under pressure, but standing there, watching you laugh and chat with a few people nearby, he was suddenly as nervous as a rookie on his first race day. His heart raced as he tried to think of a way to approach you. Confidence. He needed to look confident. It’s what had gotten him this far in Formula 1, and surely it could help him talk to you, right?
He straightened his jacket, ran a hand through his slightly messy hair, and grabbed a drink from the bar. With a deep breath, he started walking toward you, trying to act nonchalant. But as he got closer, he noticed every detail about you—the soft glow of your skin, the delicate curve of your lips, and those eyes. Your eyes were mesmerizing, drawing him in with a mixture of warmth and mystery. Lando was doomed.
He took a step, then another, his mind racing faster than his feet. “Just be yourself,” he muttered under his breath. But before he could get to you, his foot snagged on the edge of a carpet he hadn’t seen. Time slowed down as he tripped, stumbling forward. In a desperate attempt to catch himself, he flung his hand out—and that’s when disaster struck. The drink in his hand flew out of the glass, splashing all over the front of his suit.
"Oh no," Lando mumbled, looking down at his soaked jacket and tie. Great. Absolutely brilliant.
You had been chatting with a friend, but the commotion caught your attention. When you turned to see what had happened, you were greeted by the sight of Lando Norris standing there, drink spilled down his front, looking completely flustered and embarrassed. His face had gone a shade of red that you found strangely endearing.
Your first instinct was to help. You excused yourself from the conversation and made your way over to him, a kind smile playing on your lips. You couldn’t help but notice that despite the mishap, there was something charming about him—the boyish good looks, the slightly messy hair, and the way he tried to laugh off the situation.
“Are you okay?” you asked softly, your voice as gentle as your expression.
Lando looked up, and for a moment, he forgot how to speak. Up close, you were even more beautiful than he had imagined. The way you looked at him—there was no judgment, just genuine concern and a hint of amusement in your eyes.
He cleared his throat, attempting to salvage whatever was left of his dignity. “Yeah, yeah, totally fine,” he stammered, though the wet spot on his suit told a different story. “I just thought I’d, uh, make a splash, you know?” He winced at his own joke.
You chuckled, the sound like music to his ears. “Well, you certainly succeeded,” you teased gently, your smile soft but playful.
Lando grinned despite himself. Okay, maybe he wasn’t as smooth as he’d hoped, but at least you were laughing with him. That had to count for something, right?
“I’m Lando, by the way,” he said, sticking out his hand, though it was still slightly damp from the spilled drink.
You took his hand without hesitation, your touch soft and warm against his. “I know who you are,” you replied with a twinkle in your eye. “I’ve seen you race. You’re pretty impressive.”
Lando blinked, pleasantly surprised. “You watch Formula 1?”
You nodded. “I’ve been to a few races. It’s thrilling. You’re very talented.”
The compliment sent a thrill of excitement through him. He hadn’t expected someone like you—a famous model, with the world at your feet—to know who he was, let alone watch his races. He tried to hide how much your words meant to him, but the goofy smile on his face betrayed him.
“Thanks,” he said, trying to act cool but failing miserably. “That means a lot coming from someone as…” He hesitated, trying to find the right word that wouldn’t make him sound like a complete idiot. “…stunning as you.”
Your smile widened, and for a second, Lando thought he might’ve pulled it off. But then, in his nervousness, he knocked into the bar behind him, sending another drink perilously close to toppling over. He scrambled to catch it, narrowly avoiding a second spill.
“Oops,” he muttered, cheeks flushing again.
You laughed, a melodic sound that made him forget about his embarrassment for a moment. “Don’t worry,” you said, your voice soft and reassuring. “It happens to the best of us.”
Lando rubbed the back of his neck, completely smitten. How were you so perfect? You were kind, graceful, and somehow, despite him being an absolute mess, you didn’t seem to mind. In fact, you seemed to find him... charming? Was that even possible?
He figured he had already made a fool of himself, so what did he have to lose? Mustering up whatever courage he had left, he blurted out, “Would you—would you like to go out with me sometime?”
The words hung in the air between you, and Lando immediately felt like kicking himself. He expected you to laugh it off or politely decline. Why would someone like you want to go out with someone like him? He was drenched in his own drink, for Merlin’s sake.
But then you did something he didn’t expect at all. You smiled—soft and genuine—and nodded.
“Sure,” you said simply, as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
Lando’s eyes widened. “Wait, really?” he asked, unable to hide his surprise.
You nodded again, your smile growing. “Yeah, I’d love to.”
For a second, Lando just stood there, stunned. Did that really just happen? Did he really just ask out a supermodel and actually get a yes? He blinked, trying to process it, but the grin that spread across his face was unstoppable.
“Wow. Um, okay. That’s amazing,” he stammered, a little breathless. “I promise I won’t spill anything next time.”
You laughed, and the sound made his heart skip a beat again. “I look forward to it,” you said, giving him one last smile before you turned to rejoin your friends.
Lando watched you go, still in disbelief, his mind racing almost as fast as his heart. He had somehow managed to make a complete fool of himself and still walk away with a date. It was, without a doubt, the best night of his life.
As he stood there, still slightly sticky from the drink and grinning like an idiot, he couldn’t help but whisper to himself, “Well, that went better than expected.”
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latenightdaydreams · 5 months
Can you write about Viking!Konig who's the leader of his clan. One time he raids a random village and meets fem!reader, who's beautiful with her hazel eyes and round breasts. Then he takes her as his wife!!!!! Ahhhhh I'm crazy about this. I'm sorry for asking too much 😭😭😭 BTW thank you for accepting my previous request ❤❤❤ love ya so muchhhhh
König is 100000% a boobie man and I will die on that hill😮‍💨 lmao, I LOVE this!!!! Don't ever feel bad for requesting. I'm having a bit of a writers block and this story helped me find my flow again🩷. I hope you're well and taking care of yourself🥰🥰
Viking!König x Reader (fem)
Master List
>cw: fem/afab, violence, naughty thoughts
1.0k word count
Part 2 Part 3
You wake up from your slumber hearing the screams from your neighbors in the small village you live in. You rush past your family who is now also scrambling to their feet, your husband rushing to gather himself as your children panic. You open your door slightly to see rooftops on fire and dead bodies lying in the roads.
Quickly, you close the door and turn to your husband with wide eyes, “Callum, it’s Vikings…” Your voice shakes with fear. You’ve heard stories from other villages about their attacks, leaving nothing but death and sorrow in their paths.
“We have to run, grab the children!” Callum whispers loudly as you stand there feeling overwhelmed with emotions. Everyone always assumed this village would be safe, untouchable, but this proved them all wrong.
Rushing to your children, you quickly squat down, “We are going to have to run, as fast as you can, okay?”
The children nod their heads crying, your oldest trying to be brave for you. Just then you all jump as the door is flung open. Screaming, you turn to see three big men and an equally large woman enter your home. An even bigger man, ducks to enter your home. Your eyes go wide seeing him, you’ve heard of the giant Viking man, but you assumed he was more of a myth to instill fear in people.
Using your body to shield your children as you step in front of them, you look to your husband. Callum seems to be frozen in fear, unable to even breathe. There’s a moment where no one moves and it’s quiet other than the sounds of your children crying.
The large man has a mask covering his face, his pale blue eyes are the only part of his face that is visible in the low light in the home. He has an aura about him that could strike fear in any warrior’s heart.
“P-please leave us, we don’t have much.” You speak up, your voice trembling.
The leader turns to two of the other Vikings and speaks to them in a language that you’ve never heard before. They nod and move to my husband, restraining him. He screams and the woman hits him, making you fear for your lives more. You look up wide eyed as the tall man begins to approach you.
König sees the family before him, a man frozen in fear, three children cowering behind their mother, and then their mother… you. A small but brave woman, brave enough to speak up when her husband couldn’t. It makes him impressed, wondering what type of woman could be so bold.
König approaches you with a hungry look in his eyes. His gaze drops down to the way the thin fabric of your nightgown clings to your body. Your breasts are massive and perfectly round, nipples hard and poking through the fabric. König has always loved a woman with large breasts and a little extra. Your breasts looking so perfectly full, his mind begins to wonder if you are still feeding your youngest. Your body is simply perfect for him.
“Name?” König asks in a low voice.
“Leave her alone!” Your husband shouts, trying to protect you. He gets hit by one of the people restraining him.
“I- I’m y/n.” You respond trying to be brave.
The closer he got the more his true size became obvious. The smell of his clothes-stained copper from the blood and his natural musk filled your nostrils. You feel small as he towers over you. His eyes are still wandering your body.
“I’m König.” He says finally.
He feels himself getting lost in your eyes as he takes in the beautiful color. You gaze up at him with the most stunning sage green eyes speckled with golden brown. The most beautiful hazel eyes he has ever seen. Gently he raises a hand to your face and caresses it, leaving a streak of blood behind. Your skin is so soft to his large and rough hand. He can only imagine the rest of you is this soft.
“Is this your husband?” He points to Callum.
“Yes, and these are our children. Please, we are simply farmers. We don’t have much.”
“Hm, I see.” König takes a deep breath and looks down at your breasts again. “Are you still feeding the youngest?”
“Y-yes…” You answer hesitantly wondering what type of question is that.
That is exactly what he wanted to hear. You are not only bold, daring, and beautiful; but also soft, desirable, and can create children for him. This is what he’s been looking for, and he finds you here. Wasting your milk on a weak man’s offspring.
“Perfect, you’ll be coming with me.”
Your jaw drops stunned as you look up at him shaking your head no, “I- I can’t leave my family. My husband-”
“That man? He’s not worthy of you. You deserve more, and I intend on giving it to you. Now please Liebling, don’t fight.”
König steps to you and grabs your arm to pull you away from your children. Your husband begins to yell at König, saying that he can’t do this. He can’t just take you. Your children stand confused, not understanding the whole situation completely while the youngest cries.
“Please, don’t.” You whimper, looking back at your family as he drags you away.
“You’ll be happy with me. You aren’t a farmer's wife, you’re a queen. My queen. Now come.” König scoops you up into his arms bridal style, his fingers digging into the supple flesh of your thighs as he carries you away from your small home.
“Don’t worry, my people will let your family live.” König whispers to you as he walks. His eyes are drifting down your body. He feels the anticipation rising as he begins to walk you back to his clan’s ship on the coast near your village. He wants you in his home, in his bed, undressed where he can enjoy you and gaze into your eyes as he makes you cum. Soon.
Part 2, Part 3
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cutestzombiee · 26 days
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synopsis— this is a part 2 of “what’s that supposed to mean?”
a/n— I did not expect so many people to like the first part and want a 2nd part .I thought it was going to going to flop. But thank you guys sm! As always there may be errors so pls forgive me. Likes and reblogs are always greatly appreciated!
It had been about 2 weeks since you left gojo. You had been staying at his best friends, geto’s house. You were wearing getos clothes nice all of your was at your apartment that gojo is currently living in. Gojo had called you a few times, but you never answered. You weren’t sure what he wanted with you, but frankly, you didn't care what he had to say. You sat on the sugurus couch. The house filled with silence. All you could hear was the sound of your beating heart. Your mind ran through what happened that night over and over again until you couldn't even remember your own name.
you were snapped out of your thoughts about gojo when you heard the door click open and getos soft voice. "Hey .. im back, I brought us some food. " Geto had been trying to comfort you with all your favorite foods and just be by your side during this hard time.
"Thanks, suguru.. really, " you gave him a weak smile. Suguru set down his keys before he set the bag of food down on the coffee table in front of you.
"Listen.. I know that you're still heart broken about gojo and all, but he's coming here later. He said he wanted to talk to me about something. " he sounded reluctant to tell you that Gojo was coming and for good reason.
You nod your head as he spoke. He sucked in a deep breath before you spoke. Your throat was itchy because of all the crying you have been doing for the past 2 weeks. "I understand geto, ill leave after I eat." Your weak smile pulled at Geto's heart strings. He truly couldn't reason why he even let you stay so long. Geto felt bad for you, of course, but there was something else he felt for you, but he just couldn't understand what it was.
Before geto could stop himself, he quickly spoke, "You dont have to leave, sweetheart..." he gave your hand a reassuring squeeze. "You can stay in my bedroom while he's here. I can't fathom letting that idiot drive you out of here, too. " You finally let out a real smile as you sniffle. For the first time in 2 weeks, you felt like you finally had someone that was on your side.
"Should we eat?" You ask whike smiling. Geto, let's go of your hand as he starts working the bag open.
You and geto had eaten and watched movies for a while before gojo texted suguru he was in his way. "Stay here, sweetheart. I'll come get you myself, " Geto reassured you as he gave your shoulder a soft squeeze.
"I'll be here waiting.. and geto thank you, really I'm very grateful for everything you have done for me. " Geto couldn't fathom how stupid Gojo was for letting someone like you out of his sight. God, if you were his, he would never let you leave his apartment.
Sugurus train of thought was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell ringing. He quickly said his goodbyes and answered his front door.
You sat on Getos bed and stared at the closed bedroom door. The mere thought of gojo being just a few feet away from you made you want to throw up. As time passed, it felt like hours, but in reality, it had only been a few minutes.
Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard gojo and getos' voice gradually get closer and closer to the door. You can hear geto say "cmon dude don't go in there really just go wait in the living room ill get it for you".
Before Geto could even stop him, Gojo flung the door open. His eyes immediately widen as he sees you sitting comfortably on Sugurus bed.
"what the fuck are you doing here?"
edit!: prt 3
tags!! @ourfinalisation @96jnie @qashmer @sugurugirlie @gollumsmygel @ritzes28
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jjunieworld · 7 months
stupid cupid! ` . ᡣ𐭩 ་ જ⁀➴
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pairing: huening kai x gn!reader
genre: fluff-y mainly, cupid!hueningkai, sort of psyche!reader, blonde!kai, strangers to lovers, love at first sight(?), yearning to the max, kinda mythology au? (references to gods & myths), both y/n and kai’s pov are shown
synopsis: hueningkai, better known as cupid, is known for his art in helping people fall in love. shooting his arrows here and there, getting those who are meant to be together. what happens when after he shoots one of his love arrows at you, the other one somehow ends up hitting him?
word count: 6.5k┊v-day event masterlist┊masterlist
a/n: last and final part of my v-day event! happy valentine’s day!! kai’s look and outfit is heavily based on his look and outfit from the freeze concept photos (above)! lowkey this made me wanna get into more mythology aus, maybe even delve more deeper into cupid!kai and psyche!reader… who knows! i hope you enjoy! ♡
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valentine’s day was always a good day for hueningkai. it was when he really got to shine at what he did. hueningkai liked to people watch, liked to see just what makes two mortals fall for each other. yes, he was well versed in all things love—thanks to his mother, but he’s never actually experienced it before.
inhaling deeply, hueningkai steadied his bow and aimed towards the boy a couple yards from him, his large ivory wings flaring out behind him. he shifted slightly from high up on his perch as he aimed for the boy’s heart, light pink arrowhead beaming brightly in the early morning sunlight. time slowed as hueningkai exhaled, no sound, no movement, nothing. all at once everything flew back into motion as the bowstring flung past his limp fingertips, the silver arrow shooting through the boy’s heart and unrequited love consuming him.
hueningkai pulled out another shaft from his quiver at his hip, this one with a blunt tip made of lead. he aimed it at the girl beside the boy and fired it, aversion filling her body as the two of them looked at each other. hueningkai lowered his bow as he watched the mortals, intrigued. his wings tucked themselves into his back behind him.
as the boy professed his love for the girl, as they always do, the girl’s face fell more and more. a polite smile formed on her mouth and she pushed the extended card back towards the boy. hueningkai watched her lips, her mouth forming: “i’m sorry, but i just don’t feel that way about you.” he then watched as the boy’s shoulders dropped and he turned to walk away. hueningkai hummed. how curious, he thought.
flying over the crowd of people, the eye that wasn’t covered by his pink heart-shaped eyepatch was focused on the sky ahead of him. hueningkai lifted the eyepatch, closing his eyes briefly as he landed to adjust to the sudden difference in vision. when he opened them again, wings coming to lay flat at his back, they landed on you a few feet in front.
pulling out a golden arrow of uncontrollable desire, hueningkai aims it straight at your heart. hueningkai felt his own beating heart in his chest as he steadied his slightly shaking fingers, staring at the slightly transparent pink halo that’s around your body. you were quite beautiful, and that was saying something coming from him. releasing the arrow and watching it pierce through you, he looks around for your matching halo but sees no one. hueningkai furrows his eyebrows. how odd, this has never happened before, he thinks.
hueningkai moved to put his bow over his shoulders when the heart-shaped tip of one of his golden arrows grazed his skin, scratching him. thinking nothing of it, he moved to continue on his way. he is very busy today, and he still had to shoot his arrows into a plethora of other people. surely his own arrows of desire couldn’t affect the god of desire?
he gave one last look at you as he pulled his eyepatch back down. suddenly, hueningkai felt as if his heart was physically trying to leap out his chest and he reeled backwards from the feeling, wings enveloping him as he squeezed his eyes shut.
what the hell? he thought. what is this feeling? shaking his head slightly, he looked back up at you just as you looked up from the paper you were scribbling away on. your eyes widened and eyebrows had knitted together as you seemingly saw him.
that was impossible, hueningkai should’ve been invisible to the human eye! taking flight, hueningkai flew high into the clouds at a rapid speed. today was already off to a rough start and the day had barely begun.
you felt like there were a heavy set of eyes on you, burning a hole right through your body and to your very soul. looking up from your sketchbook, you locked eyes with what you could only describe as an angel. you couldn’t see much of him, his body and face mainly being covered with wings as white as snow, but you saw his dark eyes and his fair hair.
his eyes pierced through you with such intensity, it caused your heart to pick up in speed and your breath to hitch. both of his eyes were brown, but the right one had a ring of dark pink bleeding into the iris. they were shadowed with a deep pink and you saw what looked like an eyepatch above the strange looking right eye. light blonde hair fell messily over his forehead. who was he, this man—this creature? what was he? was he even a he?
furrowing your brows, you didn’t have the chance to answer before the winged creature took to the sky. you looked around you as confusion seeped into you. nobody else seemed to have seen a thing. not even the fallen winter leaves seemed ruffled by the wind of it’s wings.
at first, you thought maybe a prank was being played on you, but the more and more you looked around and saw nobody reacting to what you just saw, you began to think against it. maybe it was your mind playing a trick on you from your lack of sleep? running a hand over your face and sighing lightly, you gathered your sketchbook and your supplies and threw on your black jacket as you headed home.
that night, the creature wouldn’t leave your mind. his tormented eyes and the light against his hair haunted you all the way to your dreams.
in your dream, you were in a vast, intricately decorated palace. golden columns, carved ceilings of ivory, and walls full of wild animals beckoned you forward on the jeweled mosaic floor. in the distance you can hear piano playing softly, so you decide to follow it through the empty corridors.
you walked into a large open room with a single, long table in the center. there was only one chair, at the head closest to the entrance. half of the room was lit up by candlelight, the other half was basked in darkness. the strangeness of it all halted you, made your pulse quicken. it didn’t help that you could feel someone from the shadows watching you intently from the other side of the table, could barely see the outline of their silhouette.
“take a seat, my darling,” a honeyed voice said. something didn’t seem right about it. it sounded almost twisted at the corners; unreal and slightly disembodied. slowly, you made your way to the only seat available, confused eyes and knitted brows looking around the room. at the blink of your eyes, there was suddenly a feast in front of you. the plate just in front of you was almost filled to the brim with various types of dishes and there was a goblet with a candelabra next to it filled with who knows what. “don’t be shy, fill your needs. and then fill them more,” the voice spoke softly.
you leaned away from the table slightly, not a lot to cause suspicion or alert whoever was across from you. you didn’t think that mattered, though, because the gaze on you was already piercing. somehow, you felt like you knew it was that creature you saw earlier who was now hiding in the darkness.
a softly humming voice joined in with the piano and it sent a shiver down your spine from how beautiful it sounded. “are you a man, or an angel?” you asked the darkness, scared of the answer. a slight chuckle followed, “i am neither.” with narrowed eyes, you hope you were staring the creature directly into its eyes.
“so what are you then?” you asked, courage filling you. silence hangs in the air thickly and you feel the courage you built up slipping. after what felt like forever, the voice replied, “i am the son of love, i am desire.” you could practically hear the smile on the creature’s lips. before you could respond, ask the creature what he means, you felt yourself begin to fade. the edges of your vision was getting hazy and the details of the room were becoming blurred.
almost feverishly, you wake up in your room to sketches absolutely everywhere. your room looked like someone flung papers all over the place. in front of you was a canvas, the portrait of the creature the morning you saw him on it. looking down, your hands were absolutely covered in various shades of paint. there was paint on your arms and looking in the mirror hanging on your wall, there was paint all over your face and in your hair as well.
you turned to see the scattered sketches. his eyes were looking back at you everywhere; the slight wave of his light hair. over and over and over again. what is happening? you wondered. what is this… thing? and why couldn’t you stop thinking about him, this son of love, this desire?
pulling your laptop open, you began to search the large ocean of information on the internet. you just had to know.
hueningkai shook with the need to soar through the sky. to find out why he is so drawn to this mortal human and why. and how. he could barely carry out his tasks of bringing people together when all he was thinking about was being with you. it was driving him absolutely insane. driving him completely insane not following the call of heart to you.
how stupid he was to visit your dream, it just made everything worse. hueningkai didn’t understand, his arrows shouldn’t affect him. right? he thought back to the moment he drew his arrow at you, the moment he aimed straight for your heart.
the way his own heart picked up in beat, the slight shake of his fingers. this was so unlike anything he’s ever known, ever witnessed. hueningkai needed to see you again.
ripping his eyepatch off, hueningkai scanned his surroundings, letting his bow and arrow go limp in his other hand. that’s when something caught his eye. there was a slightly transparent pink halo around him. hueningkai’s eyes widened in shock. it was the same halo that was around you when he shot his arrow.
his eye gave him the ability to see which people connected and which ones didn’t, see the red string between them. hueningkai didn’t need to use that power of his often, only on days—such as valentine’s day—when things are particularly hectic. holding up the hand with his eyepatch dangling from it, hueningkai stared down at his open hand; stared down at the string of red tied at his pinky. he stared at how the string—more like a ribbon—spread ahead of him forwards.
could the god of desire—the god of attraction, god of affection… fall in love? be in love? even experience love? at least in the way that these humans he loved to watch do? was it possible? hueningkai was afraid to let himself hope, let himself wonder, but he just had to know.
following the red ribbon, hueningkai made his way towards you. this time, he watched from the shadows casted by the cloudy morning sky as you scurried around the inside of a library, tugging the ribbon in every direction you went. hueningkai watched on curiously, he wanted so badly to get closer to you, but he knew better than to show his face.
he knew better than to see as your eyes fog over as you saw what everyone else saw, the thing you most desired. the person who you wanted him to be, to look as. he knew better than to break his own heart. you would never see hueningkai as himself.
but he just had to get to know you. even without the red string of fate tying you together, without hueningkai’s arrows, you still piqued his interest. your beauty was unmatched, and the more he watched you through the library window, the more he was curious about your personality as well. hueningkai decided that he would meet you again in person, not face to face, but as close as he can get.
hueningkai decided that instead of beating around the bush like he did in your dream, that he would answer your questions, and even ask some of his own. maybe the two of you could get to know each other? i mean, it’s only a matter of time.
you couldn’t focus on the book you were reading. the quiet, relatively empty, library was too loud—too bustling. you couldn’t focus with all the thoughts of him running rampid in your mind. it also didn’t help that you felt eyes on you again—his eyes. you knew that somewhere, he was watching you.
if you were honest, you couldn’t say you hated the attention. at least, not from him. it was strange, you weren’t one to want to be the center of attention, but you found yourself wanting to be the center of his attention. his eyes on you almost felt… comforting? refreshing? like a warm blanket on a cold day; a sip of ice cold water on a hot one.
it also helped that you now knew his true name; cupid. or that’s what your books and the internet say anyways. to you, he didn’t look like some baby with wings waving a bow and arrow around. you didn’t even see a bow and arrow, not that you saw much of him at all because of his large wings. but knowing his true name had to mean something, right?
you wanted to meet him again, see him again. it was as if you craved it. as if you’ve been waiting all your life for it and now that you’ve had a taste you’re ravished. but you didn’t know how to see him again, or if you even could for that matter. you assumed that your next meeting—and probably future ones, as well—were entirely up to him.
looking up at your spot from the wide desk, you stared out into the open library window. stared into the shadows where you saw absolutely nothing, but felt his presence. you lifted your head up high and dared to do what one should never do.
“cupid,” you mouthed, eyes staring intently into the dark. you could practically feel his smile. it was like a tingle up your spine. you could feel your heart pick up pace as his gaze burned into yours, even without seeing him.
putting your head in your hand as you leaned on the desk, you tried to act unbothered but it felt like every cell in your body has electrified, every individual hair standing up on end. then, the heaviness of his gaze had suddenly disappeared and you knew that he was gone.
slumping onto the desk, you inhaled deeply. could it be true? you were being haunted by the cupid, god of desire? you? this all felt unreal, and if you hadn’t had as many encounters with cupid himself that you’ve had thus far, you would’ve written it off. there’s a part of you that still wants to.
every interaction felt loaded. his honeyed voice still rang in the back of your mind, even with how distorted he no doubt made it. every interaction made you want more of him—need more of him. you had to see him. jesus, it’s only been a day and you felt like you were already starting to fall for him. him—cupid. it all seemed so ironic, like a big joke.
you put the books away and made your way home. the ball was in his court now. or should you say: the arrow was in his quiver? it was up to him how this whole relationship forming between the two of you continued, but you hoped you saw him again.
when night fell, you cuddled up in your bed early. perhaps he would come to you in another dream? you squeezed your eyes shut in the pitch black darkness of your room. it seemed like you laid there like that for forever, beckoning sleep, when you suddenly heard the light flap of wings against the wind. you had forgotten that you left your window open to let the cool night air in.
your eyes shot open and immediately looked towards the window. there was nothing there. how could that be? you distinctly heard wings, and you knew that no bird's wings around the area you lived in carried that kind of sound.
“you cannot look upon me…” you heard his voice trail off, barely above a whisper. you had to strain your ears slightly to hear it, but it was the same voice from your dream. only this time, less off-putting and disembodied. “it would not be good for the both of us,” he—cupid, continued.
you sat up in your bed, squinting your eyes for any glimpse of him you could manage even if he said that it wasn’t good. “why not? are you hideous?” you asked him, genuinely curious. cupid’s laugh carried through the window and to your ears, “that’s not possible. i thought you knew who i was? you dared to utter my name, didn’t you?”
“you are cupid, yes?” you asked him. cupid hummed softly in response. “since that is your true name, why must i not see your face? will i be blinded by your beauty?” you felt bothersome asking him so many questions, but what else were you supposed to talk about? how was your day? how many arrows did you shoot through the hearts of mere mortals and immortals alike?
there was a clear smile in his voice as cupid responded, “something of the sort… but cupid is not my true name.” your brows furrowed and you swung your legs over the side of the bed, blanket discarded to the side. in response, your body shivered slightly from the sudden exposure to the cold air. “then… then what is it?” you inquired. everywhere you looked, it said that cupid was his name. if not cupid, then what?
it was silent for a few moments and for a second you thought that he had left when he suddenly spoke, “knowing my true name isn’t safe, not yet. but, you may call me cupid. do i get to know yours?” a smile formed on your lips and you felt your face heat up against the cool air. he was just asking your name, what were you so flustered? “y/n…” you replied. “my name is y/n.”
“y/n…” cupid said, trying your name on his lips. you felt the tingle of his smile. you almost melted from your name coming from his mouth. “what a beautiful name,” he added. muttering out a thanks, you hid your burning cheeks with your hands. thankfully, the room was dark enough that he couldn’t see it, at least you hoped. you didn’t really know how gods worked, didn’t even know they were a real thing until cupid appeared in front of you.
cupid would come every night since then, just behind the barrier of your open window and pressed against the shadow of the night. the two of you would get to know each other—well, he would mainly get to know you and you would get some additional information or corrections on the things you could find about him on the internet and at the library.
“did you really shoot a lead arrow at that nymph?” you asked him. you had dared to sit just below the window, your back pressed to the wall against it as you stared into the darkness of your room. his voice came from overhead, and you could tell he was leaning above you, watching your figure. “it wasn’t one of my proudest moments…” cupid trailed, his voice closer than ever before, although there was some playfulness in his tone. “i felt really bad for what happened to her after. but it was so long ago, i haven’t even thought about it in a while…”
how badly you wanted to look up at him, climb through the window onto the fire escape and look into his eyes, but this was your compromise. cupid was watching you intently, like he always did, and you knew that once you saw his face it was over. your eyebrows raised, “and just how old are you?”
you knew that was a somewhat stupid question. he was a god, he was probably here when the earth had dinosaurs or whatever. in any case, he was definitely older than you were. “old enough,” he chuckled and you swear he held your heart in his hands right then and there. you couldn’t deny the feelings you had for him anymore.
a breeze flew through the open window and your body reacted with a shiver. “if you’re cold, go lay under the blankets. you don’t have to sit under the window,” cupid spoke, voice deep with worry. you shook your head and wrapped your arms a little tighter around yourself, “i want to talk to you… and i can barely hear you all the way over there. i’ll be fine!”
cupid let out a sigh, “i can come inside, if you want…” you tried not to let the smile creep over your face at the thinly veiled shyness in his voice. you nodded, “okay!”
“close your eyes and take a couple steps forward,” cupid spoke and you obeyed his demands. behind you, you could hear the screen part of your window opening and closing. you could hear his light footsteps come towards you. goosebumps trailed up your skin and you gripped the fabric of your pajama pants to keep your hands from shaking in anticipation.
you felt as warm hands found their way to your shoulders and again you resisted the urge to turn around and stare. another shiver ran up your spine, only this time it wasn’t from the chill. “still cold?” cupid asked. his hands trailed down your bare arms and to your waist, leaving more goosebumps. you felt as your body warmed at his touch.
this was the first time you had ever been so close. the first time that you both have even touched, and you weren’t gonna ruin it. squeezing your eyes firmly shut, you barely managed to nod, even though the coldness was now completely gone from your body. you still wanted him near you.
humming, cupid snaked his arms around your waist and pulled you towards him. his ivory wings wrapped around the two of you, enveloping you in its warmth. you sighed lightly as you sank into his touch. the two of you stayed like that for a while, his arms and wings around you and his head resting on top of yours.
“it’s hueningkai,” cupid had whispered after a long bout of silence. you had begun to fall asleep in his arms but his voice woke you right back up. “hm?” you hummed, confused. “my true name,” he spoke. “it’s hueningkai, but you can call me kai.” you smiled widely, so happy you were about to burst at the seams. “okay, kai,” you whispered back.
kai moved his face down so you were almost cheek to cheek. you felt him smile. “sleep, my dear.” melting at his words, you pouted slightly at how he moved his wings from around the two of you. you dared to crack open your eyes and saw the first beams of sunlight sneak into your room and the wisps of blonde hair in your peripheral.
“but… i’m not tir—“ you were cut off by a yawn that you couldn’t fight even if you tried and you mentally kicked yourself. kai’s chuckle was in your ear and he pressed a kiss to your cheek, immediately setting the skin underneath on fire. “i’ll see you tonight,” is all kai said before guiding you gently to your bed. you had gotten into it, facing away from him the entire time with your eyes once again shut, and curled up under the covers.
kai pressed another kiss to your temple and you heard his retreating footsteps towards the window. “sleep well,” he said before you heard the opening and closing of the screen of your window. then, somehow, you heard the closing and locking of the glass part of your window. you didn’t even bother questioning it, most likely part of whatever powers he had, as you drifted off to sleep.
that was the only problem with seeing cupid—hueningkai. it was only at night where he was sure that you couldn’t see his face. you even took extra measures to ensure that, facing away from him in the darkness and even closing your eyes at some points, not wanting his visits to come to an end. he always left before sunrise could peek its way over the horizon, and always came back just as the last house fell into shadow.
the next night, the world was darker thanks to the new moon. kai was back inside the four walls of your room, this time near the window of your room as you laid on the edge of your bed wrapped in your blanket. he had allowed you to look in his direction freely, not that you could see even his silhouette anyways. your bedroom felt like the void and it made you nervous that he would slip away.
“can you come closer?” you asked sheepishly, voice quiet against the night. “there’s so much distance between us and the heavy darkness is making me feel disconnected.” you heard kai’s light laugh trail closer and closer to you, “is that so?”
once he was just mere inches from where you laid on your bed, kai asked, “how close do you want me?” your cheeks flushed in slight embarrassment. there wasn’t anything flirty about the way he said that sentence, he seemed genuinely curious, but the fact that he was willing to be this close to you showed progress. you decided to be bold and scooted over in your bed. “can you get in?” you asked shyly, regret immediately pouring into you.
what if he said no? or worse, what if he left? what if he—
kai slid into the bed next to you, wings tucked tightly flat against his back. you felt him look over to you in the dark. “close enough?” he asked. there was a hint of a smirk in his voice. he leaned in towards you, until your noses were centimeters from each other. “or do you want me to get closer?” kai asked lowly.
you swallowed hard and hoped he didn’t hear. slowly, you moved closer to him and laid against his chest. you then tried not to smile at the quickening of his heart. kai moved to put the blankets over the two of you and then wrapped his arms around you. you heard soft humming in your ears and you didn’t know whether it was kai who was humming or if he was making you hear humming like he made the music play in your dream.
fighting against sleep, you moved to look up at him. although you couldn’t see him, you could feel his stare back on you. you raised your hand up to his face and let the pad of your thumb trail across his cheek. kai jolted ever so slightly at first, but let you continue.
in the darkness, you tried your best to map out his features. his cheeks, the curve of his nose, and plumpness of his lips. kai’s eyes closed as you ran your thumb lightly over his eye and felt his eyelashes.
the two of you said nothing, and slowly you dozed off with your hand cupping his cheek. the lace of his collar tickled your chin as you curled into him closer. in the morning, hueningkai was gone once again.
as hueningkai aimed the pink arrowhead at his target’s heart, his mind was completely on you. how close the two of you were last night to the point where you were curled up against him, breathing softly as your hand rested against his face. his heart had been drumming to the beat of a thousand drums and he was sure that you heard it.
with his entire being, hueningkai wanted to see you in a scenario that wasn’t the two of you in the pitch black. although he could see in the dark way better than mortals could, he wanted to see your face in the sunlight. in the candlelight—in some type of light. hueningkai wanted to watch as your features brightened even more with the introduction of light. he wanted to see your smile in all of its glory.
but he was afraid. afraid that you would see him as something he’s not. that you would start praising features he didn’t have. hueningkai was absolutely terrified that when you described what you liked about him, you would start describing someone else. but the need you see you in a different setting—the desire, knocked the wind out of him and consumed his thoughts. so as he let his arrow pierce through another heart, he made the decision of a lifetime.
hueningkai was going to show you his face.
as the last ray of sunlight fell below the horizon, he flew to your apartment building. just as the night devoured the daylight, hueningkai landed gently onto your fire escape. he opened your unlocked window and stepped lightly into the abyss of your bedroom. he watched as you turned to where you would assume his figure to be, and you surprisingly made eye contact with him. “hi, hueningkai!” you beamed with a warm smile that lit up your features.
“y/n, my love,” hueningkai had replied, his own smile taking over his face. he felt all his stress and worry of the day fall off of him just at the sound of your voice, his name coming from your lips. hueningkai extended a hand out towards you even though he knew you could see it. “i have something important to show you, will you follow me?”
you didn’t think twice as you got up from your bed and made your way towards him by the window. somehow, you found his hand in the dark and intertwined the two of them together. hueningkai helped you out of your window, making sure to close and lock it with a wave of his hand, and pressed you close to his chest. in turn, you wrapped your hands around his waist, gripping onto the back of his white lace top.
once he made sure you were secure and you wouldn’t come to any harm, hueningkai took off with you in his arms and into the night.
landing in the grand hall of his palace, hueningkai made sure that you were completely steady on your feet before letting you go. you had cracked your eyes open, no doubt noticing the light coming through your eyelids, and kept your eyes downcast as you turned away. you then looked up at the intricacies of hueningkai’s palace.
“it’s even more beautiful in person,” you mumbled. “so are you, my love,” hueningkai said, smiling at the back of your head. you scoffed playfully and shook your head, “you’re so lucky i can’t turn to look at you right now…”
hueningkai took your hand and guided you up the grand staircase to his wing of the palace when his bedroom resided. he wanted this moment to be special, just between the two of you, and didn’t want to be disrupted by any of the palace staff. you followed behind him, gasping and remarking on all of the detailed carvings and of the silver and gold accents as the two of you moved from hallway to hallway.
once the both of you had reached hueningkai’s bedchambers, he began to hesitate. what if everything went wrong? crashed and burned and crumbled? hueningkai couldn’t bear the thought of you desiring another. not when his heart was so full of you and only you that it was about to explode. not when all he wanted was to be by your side for forever. not when he loved you so much and so deeply—something he thought he was never capable of—that to lose you now would break him completely. strip him of his immortality and throw him to the darkness down below.
hueningkai couldn’t do it, he couldn’t show you his face like he had planned. at least, not tonight. he would try again tomorrow—but tonight, tonight he was all yours and you were all his.
“what did you want to show me?” you had asked him softly, keeping your back to him as you looked around. taking your hand, hueningkai led you to the bed and curled you up against him. with another wave of his hand, the candles snuffed out. “the change of scenery. thought that you might like being somewhere else for a change.” hueningkai pushed out, feeling guilty.
you smiled as you nodded. “can you stay with me, kai? until at least the early morning?” you then asked quietly, barely above a whisper. your hands gripped the fabric at the sides of hueningkai’s waist in a silent plea. how could he say no to you? “i will,” he whispered, pressing kisses to your eyelids. “when you wake, i’ll still be here. i promise.” it was the least hueningkai could do. and tomorrow, i will show you my face, he thought.
the two of you fell asleep that way, your chests rising and falling together in sync. hueningkai was determined to keep both of his promises. he just hoped that when you saw him, you didn’t see another. that he wasn’t see-through.
in the middle of the night, hueningkai felt you shift but thought nothing of it. he thought that you had just moved to a more comfortable position. his suspicion rose, and he started to wake up from his sleep a little, when he felt warmth near his skin. suddenly, something hot dripped onto his cheek. opening his eyes, he reared backwards, eyes wild as his back hit the wall.
there you stood, a lit candle dripping wax in your hand and a severely guilty look on your face. hueningkai’s first instinct was to flee, and he wasn’t thinking clearly. he launched towards the door when you yelled out, “wait!”
your voice barely registered in his mind. that was until you cried out, “hueningkai, please!” hueningkai stopped dead in his tracks, completely frozen by your beautiful voice. slowly, he turned to you in the light of your lit candle, his wing covering his face.
“i’m so sorry! i’m so sorry. i didn’t mean to, curiosity took over me and the next thing i knew, i was hovering over your face with this candle. it wasn’t my intention to disrespect you or to put the both of us in danger. truly, i don’t know what’s gotten into my mind—“ you rambled as hueningkai turned completely, tucking his wings behind him. you cut yourself off mid-sentence, breath hitching.
hueningkai closed his eyes—or the eye that wasn’t covered—as he prepared himself for the heartbreak he was about to face. for you to see someone else. he jolted as he felt your hand cup his cheek. agonizingly slow, he opened his eyes to make contact with yours, his brows deeply knitted together.
you reached up and pulled away the eyepatch, letting it drop to the floor. not once did you take your eyes of his. hueningkai’s confusion deepened when he didn’t see the glassy look in your eyes. instead, the were clear as they moved from his eyes to the rest of his face.
fluttering his eyes closed at your touch, hueningkai felt as your fingertips glided over his eyelids. he opened them when they traveled down to his nose and cheeks and then rested for a moment at his lips. hueningkai could feel the pink spreading across his cheeks.
your eyes were wide, soaking up as much of him as you could take. your fingers then reached up to run through his fair hair. “i almost got your eyes right. they’re a lot warmer in person…” you had trailed, fingers moving back down to his lips. “and your lips are way more pink that i was expecting. around your eyes too, even though they’re the one feature i did see.”
hueningkai let out a soft sigh as he practically melted into your touch. nobody has ever seen him for him before, nobody. nobody except for you. you’re the only one who didn’t look at him with foggy eyes of glass, spewing random things about how he looked that weren’t true.
everything was too much for him at that moment and hueningkai pulled you close to him and into a feverish kiss that he wanted to do for so long. all he needed was your lips on his and the world made sense again. hueningkai now understood how and why mortals have gone mad by love. all because of you. all because of how much he loves you.
your hands grabbed hueningkai’s face as he deepened the kiss. both of your mouths worked together in perfect harmony, and when you pulled away, lips plumped and breaths heavy from lack of air, your lips were back on each other’s before you could even get a full breath in.
pulling away as you inhaled deeply, you and kai looked into each other’s eyes like the two of you were the only things that mattered at this moment. “i love you, hueningkai,” you had spoken, voice confident. hueningkai smiled brightly at you like you hung the stars and the moon, “i love you, y/n.” he then pressed another kiss to your lips, this one softer and less filled with need but still full of desire nonetheless.
“it was hard trying to draw you based on only your eyes and hair and what i got from touching your face, but it seems i was pretty accurate!” you exclaimed, smiling sheepishly. hueningkai hummed, “you’ll have to show me in the morning!”
hueningkai wrapped his arms around you tightly and you clung to him just as tight back. he had no plans of ever letting you go.
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redeemingvillains · 11 months
sweet disaster - draco malfoy
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pairing: draco x f!reader
summary: you and draco are inseparable friends, but deeper feelings come to light when you're asked on a date with someone who is determined to take advantage of you.
words: 7.3k
warnings: reader is put under the influence unknowingly; unwanted advances and affection (nothing more than kissing).
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You were snuggled into the edge of the largest couch in the Slytherin common room closest to the fireplace as it crackled. The warmth was welcome against the damp cold that lingered in the dungeons this time of year. You were covered in a quilted blanket reading against the soft light, but you found your attention wavering between the book in your lap and the boy next to you on the couch.
Draco Malfoy had been your closest friend for several years now. First year you had fallen into a fast and easy friendship, clicking right from the very start. You were like two halves of a whole, complimentary in ways other people didn’t quite understand. You could finish each other’s sentences, anticipate each other’s feelings, make each other laugh, even at the most nonsensical things that befuddled your other friends. You had a casual intimacy, your head resting on his shoulder, or wearing his jumpers when you were cold, him always adamant about having the seat next to you whether in class, in the Great Hall, or tonight in your respective spots on the couch.
In many ways your relationship intimidated those around you, who simply assumed that you were dating, though in reality you had never crossed that line. You didn’t even see Draco that way, truthfully… at first. But the more time that passed, and the older you had gotten, you found yourself more and more attracted to him. You were distracted, suddenly, by the way his grey eyes glinted like the cloudy night sky, the way his muscular frame filled out his suit jacket, the way he smelled, like leather and expensive cologne, and the warmth that radiated from him whenever you were pressed close together like you were right now. 
You’d lost count of the number of times you had nearly let slip how you felt, only to bite your tongue at the last minute, too afraid of rejection and of ruining the relationship you already had. But that didn’t stop you from daydreaming about twining your fingers into his or feeling his lips pressed softly against your own. You ran your fingers absentmindedly over your lips now, lost in that same thought as you stared at him when your daydream burst like a bubble as Pansy Parkinson sauntered into the common room, leaned over the couch and flung her arms around Draco.
“Pans” he acknowledged, his eyes never leaving his book as she pressed kisses to his cheek. The whole scene turned your stomach, disappointment, hurt and jealousy roiling in equal measures.
Their relationship was a new development over the last few weeks. He had never said anything to you about her, then all of a sudden she was following him around, hanging off of him, kissing him. You squeezed your eyes shut to keep them from welling up. You had been completely blindsided by their relationship and the pain in your heart felt like a fresh wound every day. What made her worth pursuing, but not you? What made her so much more attractive to him? Your mind raced with your own insecurities as you closed your book and stood to leave, unwilling and unable to sit and watch the two of them.
“You’re leaving?” Draco asked, surprised at your abrupt movements, at the lack of warmth he felt as you left his side.
“I’m going to get something to eat, good luck at practice” you said, forcing a smile on your face as you exited the common room as quickly as possible before your tears overflowed.
Draco’s eyes followed you the entire way out of the room. He was disappointed that you never wanted to hang out anymore. He missed you, but he couldn’t figure out how to tell you. Even when you were next to him, it felt like a chasm had opened up that he wasn’t able to cross. He was trying to work it out in his head as Pansy chattered in his ear… It couldn’t be Pansy, could it? He knew you weren’t her biggest fan, but did she really bother you that much? And if so, why hadn’t you said anything? It wasn’t like things were serious with Pansy. Truthfully, he didn’t even know why he had agreed to be with her in the first place. His head swirled as he stood up, pulling away from her.
“I’ve got to get to practice” he said dismissively amidst her whines of protest as he stormed out of the room.
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You had absolutely no appetite, but you made your way to the Great Hall anyway, knowing most everyone would be eating dinner and hopeful your friends could help you take your mind off of things. You were nearly there when you heard someone shout your name. You turned to see Cormac McLaggen of all people waving and jogging over to you. You were in the same year and had a few classes together, but the rivalry between your houses and between him and Draco was no secret as competing captains of their quidditch teams.
“Cormac” you said cooly as he approached you.
“Y/N, you’re looking beautiful as ever” he cooed, ever the flirt. You rolled your eyes in response.
“What can I do for you?” you asked, eager to move this conversation along.
“You can go out with me tomorrow night” he said, point blank.
You couldn’t suppress the laughter that came out of your mouth. “And why would I ever do that?” you replied mockingly.
His cheeks blushed and he managed to look bashful for a moment, which caught you off guard.
“Because I fancy you. Have for a while, but I always thought you and Malfoy….” he trailed off. “Now that he’s with Pansy, I thought I’d have a shot. I know we don’t know each other that well, but I’d like to get to know you, if you’d give me a chance?”
You truly could not believe the words coming out of his mouth. You had always written him off as a flirt, well aware of the trail of girls he left in his wake, but he sounded so genuine, so sincere, and just the mention of Pansy’s name had your stomach churning again and your heart beating in your chest. If Draco didn’t see you that way, then why cling to something that was never going to happen? Not to mention a small part of you reveled at the idea of Draco hearing that you were going on a date with Cormac. You knew he’d be furious.
“Fine” you agreed.
“Yeah?” Cormac said, the surprise and joy written clear across his face.
“Sure” you shrugged, a smirk on your face.
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Draco was deep in his own head, trying to work out how to make things right with you, while simultaneously trying to focus on his plan for practice as he suited up in the locker room. They’d agreed to share the pitch with the Gryffindors for the evening, both teams eager to get in as much practice as possible before the Quidditch Cup and he gritted his teeth as he listened to the annoying chatter of the opposing team nearby, namely McLaggen, with his obnoxious drawl, going on about whatever girl he had managed to sack that week. Draco was just about to tune him out when he heard something that made his breath catch in his lungs.
“That’s right boys, I’m taking Y/L/N out tomorrow night. Now accepting bets on how long it will take to get her in bed. Ten galleons says we leave after one drink!” Their side of the room howled with laughter and eager cheers and jaunts.
Draco’s side of the room began to spin.
You were going out with McLaggen? Since when? And of all people, why him? Suddenly his uniform felt too tight around his neck, like he couldn’t breathe. He tugged at his collar and found that his hands were shaking. He was furious. Furious at the way McLaggen was talking about you, like you were any other girl. His mind raced with mental images of you two snuggled in a booth at the Three Broomsticks, walking hand in hand down the corridors, you wearing a jersey with his name on it and he felt a wave of nausea wash over him. No, he definitely didn’t want you going out with McLaggen. But, the more he thought about it, he realized he didn’t want you going out with anyone…
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You were right that spending time with friends at dinner had been a welcome distraction and you felt calmer as you trailed your way back to the common room. You were about to go to your room to study a bit before bed when the door flung open behind you and Draco marched in, his eyes scanning the room wildly before landing on you. You had never seen him this angry before, and certainly never at you as he grasped your arm firmly and pulled you into the corridor, away from the prying eyes and whispers of your fellow housemates.
“Ouch – Draco – that hurts! Let go of me! What’s the matter with you?” you demanded as you tried unsuccessfully to wiggle out of his strong grasp.
“Is this some kind of joke to you?” he asked. “Because it’s not funny in the slightest.”
“What are you talking about?” you asked, genuinely confused.
“McLaggen” he said, breathing heavily, “you and McLaggen.”
Oh, you realized. News travels fast.
You pulled out of his grasp and straightened up, meeting his burning gaze with your own.
“Not sure what difference it makes to you who I choose to go on a date with” you said smartly.
Draco let out an aggravated sigh and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. Of course it made a difference to him. It made a massive difference to him, he realized, but he couldn’t coherently say what he wanted to say through the white-hot anger he felt pulsing through his blood, through the mental images of you with McLaggen that had plagued him all night.
“McLaggen, really?” was the only response he was able to muster.
“Oh, piss off, Draco!” you said. He didn’t have the right to be angry. He didn’t have a say in the matter. He was the one with a girlfriend to begin with.
Realizing what a mess he was making of the situation, Draco tried desperately to backpedal, to see if he could change your mind, to buy himself some time to figure all of this out.
“Look, he’s not a good guy. I heard him talking about you in the locker room, the things he was saying–”
You held up a hand in response, silencing him. “Just stop, Draco. You don’t get to do this” you said as you brushed passed him, back into the common room, leaving him alone in the corridor as he cradled his head in his hands.
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You eyed yourself in the mirror the next evening, taking in your stylish sweater, short skirt, tights and heeled boots. It felt nice to be wanted, to be seen by someone, even if it wasn’t the person you wanted it to be. You felt a familiar ache in your chest as you thought briefly of Draco and how deeply you wished you were getting ready for a date with him instead. But you quickly dismissed the thought as you remembered every painful moment you’d watched him and Pansy; instead, you grabbed your coat and headed to the common room.
You tried to make your way quickly to the door when you realized Draco and nearly all of your friends were there. You could feel Draco’s eyes on you like a hex, could feel the weight of his stare, distinct from everyone else’s and you hazarded a glance his way against your better judgement. His arms were crossed and he had an angry scowl on his face. You met his eyes and amidst the palpable anger, for just a moment, you thought you could see a sparkle, a glint that said stay here, with me, please don’t do this. It nearly pulled you back in, but you turned away quickly, unwilling to acknowledge how those eyes, how this boy made you feel.
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Your date went as predictably as you could have imagined. Revenge had felt sweet as you thought back to Draco’s reaction to your date, but now you were certainly paying the price. Gone was the bashful, blushing Cormac that had asked you out and in front of you was the self-flattering egotistical boy you had heard so much about. He bragged about himself relentlessly and he laid it on thick, inching closer to you every minute as you wiggled further and further away.
Your first butterbeer went down without any effort, proving to be a sweet distraction and a clear obstacle in front of your lips, which Cormac continually eyed.
“Another?” he asked eagerly, as you set down your empty glass.
“Sure” you said, smiling, looking forward to a moment of peace as he walked back to the bar, though he returned all too quickly.
“Here you are, beautiful” he said cheesily as he took a big gulp of his own.
You reached for the mug, happy to drown in the sweet liquid, but the first sip you took tasted awful: bitter and metallic, like the batch had gone bad.
“Gosh – I think something’s wrong with this” you said as you set the drink down, wincing.
“No, no I asked for another shot in it. It’s just stronger than you’re used to” Cormac said, winking as he pushed the drink back towards you.
Well, thank Merlin for that I suppose you thought as you choked down another sip and he renewed his efforts of bragging and flirting. Before long you felt a fog settle over your mind like a thick blanket. You felt yourself zoning in and out on his words, your thoughts wandering aimlessly.
“Gotta take a piss” he said abruptly, bringing you back to reality as he stood up. You looked down at your near-full drink and tried to think of a way to end this miserable date. You saw a large potted plant beside you, and took the opportunity to dump your drink there, hoping that Cormac would think you’d finished it and take the hint that it was time to leave.
Sure enough, he registered your empty glass immediately. “Whoa! I’ve got to catch up!” he said, as he chugged the last of his.
“I think I’d like to head back, if that’s alright with you?” you asked.
“Of course!” he said eagerly, rushing to help you out of the booth and wrap an arm around you possessively. You tried to create some distance between you but upon standing you realized the foggy feeling in your brain had wound its way to each of your limbs, making you sway slightly, so you relented and leaned into his strong frame.
You walked in silence for a while, your feet crunching on the frost on the ground. It was dark now and the street was illuminated only by the ambient light from the storefronts. Suddenly, Cormac surprised you by pulling you close to him in a small alleyway. He began kissing your neck, his lips working their way to the spot beneath your ear. “So beautiful” he murmured against your skin. “Never thought I’d see the day Malfoy’s girl took up an interest in me, but you are a slithery little minx aren’t you?”
His words, his lips, his everything felt so wrong and you struggled, scraping against his chest, trying to push his weight off of you fruitlessly; each of your limbs felt heavy and clumsy, uncoordinated.
“Sstop, Cormac” you managed weakly.
“What’s that?” he muttered, his hot breath making you feel feverish, flu-like.
“Sstop!” you said more forcefullyas you moved to push him off of you.
“What’s gotten into you?” he asked angrily, pulling back.
“M’going backt’castle” you slurred, stumbling slightly as you made for the main road.
“No! Come back!” he said, reaching for you and grasping the back of your jacket strongly, nearly knocking you to the ground. “You can’t come out, dressed like that, then spend all night making eyes at me just to shut me down.”
“Leggo of me!” you said, your voice rising. You wiggled out of your jacket, leaving him empty handed as you forged forward into the cold. A few people walked by, muttering and eyeing Cormac suspiciously, keeping him grounded in place.
The walk back to the castle felt like it took years, like one of those dreams where you’re running but no matter how fast you move your legs you don’t make any progress. It was undeniably cold as thick snowflakes began to fall from the sky and gather at your feet. You could feel the cold on the outside of your body, but your insides were hot, like you could feel the blood running through your veins slowly, weighing down your movements, your thoughts. You could have cried when you finally reached the castle doors nearest the astronomy tower. You were shivering violently, you were uncomfortable and you were desperately confused.
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If anyone would have asked, Draco would have said he was reading. He’d even brought a book with him as an alibi, though it remained unopened in his lap as he sat in the window in the astronomy tower, hoping to catch a glimpse of you and McLaggen headed back from your date.
He didn’t know why he was so determined to put himself through the punishment of seeing you with him, perhaps because he knew had to see it with his own eyes to believe it, to believe you were truly happy with him, truly enjoying yourself. He thought about how beautiful you had looked tonight, your short skirt, your rosy cheeks, and he felt his heart squeeze as he ran his hands through his hair in frustration for the thousandth time, permanently mussing his normally slicked back locks. He let his head fall back against the cold stone wall when he saw erratic movement out of the corner of his eye and leaned forward in the window to get a better glimpse. Even between the thick, heavy snowfall and the dim light he could tell it was you, could see the color of your hair and your outfit and when he realized you were alone he was on his feet and moving before he knew what he was going to say. He dashed through the door and into the gathering snow.
“Y/N!” he called as he approached you.
You were hunched over hugging your arms to your body and he realized, suddenly, that you weren’t wearing your jacket. Merlin he was going to kill McLaggen.
“What’s wrong, where’s your jacket?” he asked, frantically, pulling off his own suit jacket to wrap around your shoulders.
You looked up at him and blinked slowly, searching his face like you were trying to figure out who he was, like you’d never seen him before.
“Y/N?” he asked again, as his heart began to quicken its pace with concern. “Are you okay?”
You looked confused at his question and as you stared at him, he took the opportunity to examine you properly. Your pupils were dilated wide and he could tell you were breathing heavily and shivering at the same time. He pressed a hand to your forehead and could feel you burning up despite the freezing temperature.
“Come on, let’s get you inside, alright?” he placed an arm around you gently and you melted into his embrace as he guided you up the stairs and into an empty classroom.
“What’s gone on, then? You’re all sorts of out of it. Where’s McLaggen?” he asked.
You shook your head in reply but didn’t offer more than that as your eyes fell to the floor.
“What were you drinking?” he tried.
“Butterbeers” you whispered.
This is helpless, he thought, yet he couldn’t ignore the feeling deep in chest that something wasn't right. He knew you better than anyone, better sometimes than he knew himself, and it wasn’t like you to go out and get drunk with a lad you hardly knew, and it wasn’t like you to wander around aimlessly without a jacket in the middle of winter, something was definitely wrong.  
“Tasted funny” you murmured quietly, pulling Draco out of his thoughts.
“What?” he said, wanting to make sure he’d heard you right.
“Tasted bad, so I didn’t drink all of it.”
Draco’s heartbeat thudded harder. He had read about a potion that was circulating around bars in London, intended to disorient and take advantage of people. This couldn’t possibly be it… McLaggen wouldn’t…. would he? Draco tried frantically to remember what he’d read as you swayed precariously on your feet and he caught you just in time, pulling you into his chest, too worried about you to enjoy the sensation of you pressed against him. He remembered the potion had a distinct taste, which made it difficult to mask. Sour? Tart? Bitter? Licorice, that was it. It tasted like black licorice.
“What did it taste like?” he prompted. “Your butterbeer, did it taste like something?” he asked, praying he was wrong.
“So gross” you murmured into his chest before you turned your head to face him as he looked down at you.
“Please, darling, try to think, did it remind you of something? A food? A candy maybe?” he tried.
“Yeah” you said quietly, thoughtfully. “Bertie Botts – what’s the ones we always pick out? The black ones?”
Fuck he thought.
“Licorice” he said sullenly.
“Licorice” you agreed.
His mind raced. He was going to kill him. He was going to bloody murder McLaggen with his bare hands. He was in utter disbelief that he would do something like this, to you, the most important person in Draco's life. As he thought about it, he pulled you further into his arms and you let out a contented sigh.
He needed to focus on getting you better. While it didn’t have long term harmful effects, he knew this potion was wreaking havoc on your body. From what he remembered the effects came in two stages, the first being disorientation, sluggishness and confusion and the second being a complete loss of inhibitions, making the drinker say and do whatever was on their mind, whatever their heart desired. It was no secret that Draco was good at potions, and he was hopeful he might be able to spare you the rest of the symptoms if they hadn’t set in yet.
“C’mon then” he said, urging you towards the door. You could barely stand on your own, nearly sinking to the floor again. Without wasting a moment, Draco scooped you into his arms, bridal style, one arm around your back, the other under your legs, your head resting in the crook of his neck as he carried you back to the common room.
He moved quickly, his mind working in overdrive thinking of the ingredients he needed for the remedy. You stirred in his arms, winding your own around his neck and pulling yourself closer into him. Your proximity sent a small shiver down his spine and he unconsciously gripped you tighter.
You murmured something against his neck, your breath tingling his skin.
“Hm?” he asked, struggling to understand you.
“Smell so good, you always smell so good, Draco” you said.
He smiled to himself and let out a small laugh, blushing. “Thank you” he whispered quietly.
You giggled back and he was glad to see that you were still conscious and coherent.
You wound your fingers into the hair at the base of his neck and nuzzled into the tender spot just below his ear. He all but dropped you when he felt your warm lips against his skin, pressing kisses to his neck. He was grateful you were near the dungeons, nearly to his room, unsure how much longer he could be steady on his feet.
He tried to wiggle away, his mind and his body fighting each other in their reactions. He knew this was wrong, knew you had no idea what you were doing, but your lips were absolutely sinful against his skin, warm and wet and he couldn’t deny that the sensation stirred a reaction in every inch of his body, especially as you worked your way across his jaw, towards his lips.
He fumbled with the doorknob to his room and quickly ushered you both inside, kicking the door closed behind him as he set you down on your feet. Though he’d let go of your legs, you clung to his neck and pressed your body into his, your face inches from his. He swallowed deeply as he looked at you – you were very much coherent now, your cheeks a rosy red and your eyes, though still dilated, shimmered at him. You bit your bottom lip seductively as your eyes trailed to his lips and you leaned forward.
For half a second, he considered it. You were right there in front of him, the subject of his every waking thought for the last two days, and frankly for the last three years if he was honest, and you wanted him, that much was clear. He imagined sinking his lips to yours, feeling their wet warmth pressed against him, the velvet taste of your tongue.
He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head, using every ounce of strength he had left to pull away from you. You let out a small groan that should not have affected him the way it did as he grasped your hips firmly and walked you to the bed.
“You don’t want to kiss me?” you asked, the pout on your face nearly bringing him to his knees.
“Not like this, not tonight” he managed, his voice husky as he kept his eyes averted from yours. “Sit” he said, gesturing to the bed.
You relented and he made his way over to a small cabinet in his room, pulling out the ingredients he needed to right this unbelievable situation.
“It’s because of Pansy, isn’t it?” you said behind him.
He sighed, rubbing a hand over his face, trying to find the words to say in response.
“I think she’s terrible, Draco. I hate seeing the two of you together.”
He hazarded a glance in your direction, shocked at the truth of your words. You were laying back on his bed, eyes tracing the ceiling as you spoke. This was a conversation that needed to happen, he had loads he needed to say to you, but not like this. He remained silent as he sped up his efforts, mixing the ingredients in front of him; he was grateful that you remained silent for a while.
He had nearly finished when he heard shuffling behind him. He turned to see that you had pulled off your boots and you were pulling your sweater over your head.
Merlin you were going to be the death of him.
“Whoa whoa” he said, running to your side and trying to get you to stop just as your sweater hit the floor, leaving you in a dark lace bralette that left absolutely nothing to the imagination. He peeled his eyes away, searching for a shirt, a towel, a hoodie, anything he could to cover you, finding one of his hoodies on a nearby chair just as you grabbed his wrist, pulling yourself into his arms again.
“Should be me and you, Draco” you muttered against his lips. You ran your hands up his chest and then ran one palm slowly downward, across his ribs, his stomach, his belt until his hand shot out and grasped yours firmly. His heart was beating so hard in his chest, he was having trouble breathing. He swallowed deeply before taking your face firmly in his hands, as much to get your attention as to keep himself from kissing you.
“Please listen to me. I’m begging you. You are absolutely beautiful, Y/N, breathtaking. And I would truly love nothing more than to have my way with you right now. Really. You have… no idea” he said, letting out a frustrated sigh.
“But you’re not okay, you drank something you shouldn’t have and you have to focus on getting better, alright? Then we can talk about… all of this.”
You looked confused and more than a little disappointed, a pout set against your lips again, but your eyes traced his face, met his own and it was like a deeper part of you understood that he was trying to protect you.
“Okay” you sighed, relenting as you took the hoodie and pulled it over your head.
“Drink this” he said, offering the remedy he had made.
You eyed him warily but took the cup he offered you, sniffing it before taking a sip.
“Tastes good” you said, smiling at him, and he felt the first sense of relief since he’d found you that night as you finished the rest eagerly.
His eyes could have been deceiving him, but he swore he could see your pupils return to normal size as you blinked slowly.
“M’tired” you murmured. “Can I sleep?” you asked, glancing at his bed.
“Of course” he said, without hesitation as he helped you crawl under the sheets. You were out in a matter of minutes and he sunk into the couch next to his bed, exhausted, as he looked at you, trying to comprehend what the hell had just happened.
It had to have been the potion. But the potion didn’t make people say or do things they didn’t mean… it removed their inhibitions, allowed them to relax and pursue the deepest desires of their hearts, things they wouldn’t say or do otherwise. Was that it then? You were really attracted to him all this time? He thought about how long he had agonized over telling you how he felt, how he didn’t want to ruin your friendship and never felt any inclination that you saw him that way. It had driven him mad and was ultimately the reason he had agreed to start dating Pansy, hoping to distract himself from something he never thought possible.
He sighed, leaning his head back against the couch and running his hands over his face.
There was no way he was going to be able to sleep tonight, between wanting to make sure you were okay and reliving over and over and over again the way you looked at him, the desire in your eyes, the pout on your lips and your hot breath against his neck. He pulled off his shirt and pulled on a pair of sweatpants as he settled into the couch, thinking what a perfect vision you were in his bed, your hair splayed out on the pillow, wearing his sweatshirt, your chest gently rising and falling.
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Your first thought was that you felt like you were on a cloud. You were immensely comfortable and you burrowed further into the sheets that were soft and silky and warm. You sighed deeply, breathing in a familiar scent that made you smile. You rested a moment longer before your brain slowly came to life; these sheets weren’t your sheets, and that smell was… Draco?
Your eyes fluttered open slowly as you tried to take in your surroundings. You were in a large four poster bed in a sea of emerald sheets; Draco’s room you thought. You looked down at your outfit, an oversized Slytherin sweatshirt you knew well; Draco’s sweatshirt. You looked to the other side of the bed and found it empty and you were surprised at how disappointed that made you feel. You stirred and turned to see Draco’s sleeping figure splayed over the small couch in his room, his frame much too large for it, making you smile. You let your eyes wander over his sleeping form, shirtless with a pair of sweatpants slung low on his hips. You looked around the room to see various articles of both of your clothing strewn on the floor. Oh god you thought. Did we…? You frantically tried to remember the night before and felt a sharp ache behind your eyes.
“Ahh” you said in pain as you sat up and rubbed your eyes, seeking relief.
The noise stirred Draco out of his sleep. It took him a moment to register the scene in front of him, you, in his bed, wearing his sweatshirt, him on the couch, and it all came back to him. You were hunched over and rubbing your eyes, your face squeezed in pain and he pulled himself quickly to his feet, making his way over to you and sitting on the bed next to you.
“Are you alright?” he asked, placing a hand gingerly on the side of your head.
You dropped your hands at the feeling of his. You had always been close, but this felt like a new level of intimacy as you met his eyes and saw them clouded with concern for you. His hand moved to cup your face, his thumb tracing your cheek tenderly.
“I’m f-fine” you managed, your skin warming under his touch as you desperately tried to piece together what had happened between the Draco that had scowled at you on the way to your date and the Draco in front of you. It was like a massive black hole existed where your memories should be.
He registered the look of confusion on your face.
“Do you remember... last night?” he asked, pulling his hand back. You wanted so desperately to remember, to understand what had him looking at you like that, his closeness and affection.
You closed your eyes, forcing yourself to try but were only met with the same sharp ache behind your eyes.
“I’m sorry, I can’t… I don’t…” you trailed off and it was silent for a moment. “Draco, did we…?” you let the question linger unfinished as you met his gaze.
His eyes widened, panicked. “No! No. I promise you. Nothing of the sort” he said, trying to reassure you. He smiled at you and you registered an uncanny pink in his cheeks as bobbed his head from side to side “…Despite your very best and most persistent efforts to the contrary.”
Now it was your turn to blush as you covered your mouth with your hands.
“WHAT?” you asked, astonished, humiliated. “Draco, I am so sorry, I—” you paused. What was there to be sorry for? The truth had clearly come out and the way he was smiling at you made you think he wasn’t unhappy to hear it. He wasn’t angry, he wasn’t confused, he wasn’t demanding an explanation. In fact, he was looking at you in a way you had only dreamed of, his eyes full of tenderness as they traced your hair, your face.
“You have absolutely nothing to apologize for” he said quickly, his signature smile on his face.
“Okay…” you said, trying to feel out this new situation. “Are you going to tell me what happened? And why I don’t remember anything?”
His smile faded and he looked away from you. You could see his Adam’s apple bob as he took a deep breath, silent for a while.
“Draco… you’re freaking me out” you said, your voice wavering as panic rose in your chest. “W-why don’t I remember anything?”
The pain and fear in your voice squeezed his heart. “Hey, it’s alright, you’re okay, come here” he said, pulling you into his chest. You curled into him, letting your heart beat against his, like it was the most natural thing in the world, your body seeming to remember something you couldn’t as it instantly relaxed.
“I don’t want to upset you, but you need to know the truth” he murmured against your hair. You pulled back to look at him, but he didn’t let you fully out of his grasp, his arms remaining circled around you as he took a deep breath.
“McLaggen – Cormac. You went out with him. From what I can gather you were at the Three Broomsticks and had a few drinks, a few butterbeers, but he put something in them. I’d read about it, it’s a potion that’s meant to…” he grimaced. “It’s meant to take advantage of someone, to make them confused and then drop their inhibitions. It’s said to taste awful, like—”
“Licorice” you said, a memory bubbling to the surface at the tart taste on your tongue, the greedy look in Cormac’s eyes as he encroached on your personal space. Your stomach roiled at the recollection and you scrunched your face in pain, the memories coming fast like flashes of a movie in your mind: you dumping your drink in the plant, Cormac pulling you into the alleyway, his lips, the weight of his body on you. You were breathing heavily and didn’t realize that you were crying until you felt warm wetness on your cheeks.
“No, no, no” Draco muttered as he pulled you back into his arms. “M’sorry. I’m so sorry. Please tell me he didn’t hurt you, didn’t take advantage of you, please. I’ll kill him. I’ll fucking kill him.”
He let you cry as the weight of what could have been washed over you, rubbing circles into your back, murmuring calmly against your hair. “You’re safe now, it’s okay. I swear on my life I will never let anything like that happen to you, ever again.”
Soon your cries turned to ragged breaths. “It’s not your fault, Draco. You couldn’t have known, neither of us could.”
“I should have known, I told you I heard the way he was talking about you, like it was such a sure thing you were going to hook up with him.” You could feel Draco physically tense as he talked about it, every muscle taut. “I let my anger cloud my judgement. I was furious at the way he was talking about you, furious that you’d agreed to go out with him.”
You pulled back to look at him, wiping the remaining tears from your cheeks. “Yeah, I gathered as much when you berated me” you said, shooting him a glare.
“I-I shouldn’t have done that. I mean, I meant it, but not in the way it came out. I wasn’t mad at you for going out with McLaggen. I was mad at you for going out with… anyone… anyone that wasn’t me…” he said, letting the truth linger in the air.
“W-what?” you said, your heart beating wildly in your chest.
He smiled shyly and rubbed the back of his neck. “I’ve fancied you for… a long time, but I didn’t want to ruin what we already had. You’re so important to me and I realized I would take having you in my life as a friend over not having you in my life at all should my feelings not be reciprocated.”
“But you’re literally dating Pansy!?” you replied, overwhelmed, exasperated.
“Was” he said.
“What?” you replied.
“Was dating Pansy. The minute I realized what a fuck up I’d been, I broke up with her. Yesterday, actually, just before you left for your date.”
You pouted at that and the familiar look of frustration on your face made him smile as he relived the same look on your face from the night before.
“Well, I obviously didn’t know that” you said, blushing deeply.
“Obviously” he agreed.
Your eyes fell to your lap and he reached over to tangle his fingers in yours reassuringly. You took them hesitantly at first, then eagerly, the warmth from his palm sending warmth to the rest of your body as well as you smiled, blushing.
You looked up to find Draco already staring at you, his eyes sizzling with warmth as they met yours before flitting, nearly imperceptibly to your lips and suddenly you were awash with another flood of memories from the night before.
You and Draco, just centimeters apart, him breathing heavily as he glanced at your lips.
The feeling of his taut chest underneath your fingers, your palm running over his abs.
His hands firm but tender on your cheeks. His words…“You are absolutely beautiful, Y/N, breathtaking. And I would truly love nothing more than to have my way with you right now. Really. You have… no idea.”
Curling into his bed, surrounded by his scent, and warm lips against your temple as he pulled the sheets around you.
“I-I remember” you said quietly.
His eyebrows quirked up accompanying a surprised look on his face.
“And?” he said, treading carefully, not wanting to get his hopes up that last night was more than just a side effect of a potion.
“And...” you started, blushing deeply and tucking a loose strand of your hair behind your ear, squeezing his hand as you met his eyes, shrugging bashfully, “I meant it, Draco, all of it. Not the way I imagined telling you, but gosh I’ve fancied you too, for a long time.”
He reached out with his free hand and pressed it to your forehead.
“What are you doing?” you giggled.
“Need to make sure you’re not still talking jibberish. You’re feeling okay? You mean it?” he said, moving his hand to various parts of your temple.
You reached up to pull his hand off of you. “I mean it, Draco” you said, smiling as he looked at you and laughed before the familiar look of desire crossed over his face again.
“Then please, for the love of Slytherin, can I kiss you?” he asked, his voice barely louder than a whisper; his boldness and sincerity setting your body alight.
You nodded, smiling widely.
He leaned forward, closing the distance between you as his hand moved to cup your face locking you into him. Your body moved automatically, gravitating to him as his lips hovered over yours, ghosting them, tickling them with the barest touch of his own, savoring the anticipation of the satisfaction to come, the way you had wound your arms around his neck, the way you were breathing erratically against him, reveling in your desire before relenting. He kissed you sweetly, softly but deeply, with a passion that electrified every inch of your body. He pushed you backwards gently, laying you in the feathery softness of his bed as he rested his body comfortably atop you, tracing your bottom lip with his tongue, as you opened up to him immediately. Your kisses were like a dance you both already knew the steps to, effortless, beautiful, natural, your bodies so in tune to each other as your tongues tangled and he grasped you firmly against him.
He pulled away to look at you, breathing heavily and you couldn’t help the whine that escaped your lips at the lack of contact. Never wanting to disappoint you again, he pressed his lips to yours and you wound your hands into his hair, trying to pull him impossibly closer. You could feel him smiling against you as he pulled back again.
“Wait, wait” he said, pressing a kiss to your pout.
“What is it Draco?” you asked, breathless and impatient, his name on your kiss-swollen lips stealing his heart.
“Be mine?” he asked.
“It’s taken you long enough to realize it, but I’ve always been yours, Draco” you replied.
He hung his head in regret before meeting your eyes. “Trust me when I tell you--” he said, pressing a quick, warm kiss to your lips.
“I’m going to spend--” a deeper kiss.
“Every day” deeper still.
“Making it up to you” he said, sinking into you in earnest.
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thelargefrye · 7 months
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February Filth Fest : DAY EIGHTEEN : SIZE KINK … mature one - shot
pairing : norse god!seonghwa x greek goddess!f!reader
genre : smut, viking au, god of war inspired – so a mix of norse and greek mythology in this
word count : 2k
warnings : language, mentions of blood / fighting / weapons (swords, axe, bow and arrows, etc.), hunting for food, feeling grief over a loved ones death, long haired seonghwa in a half-up ponytail, seonghwa is mentioned to be bigger than yn
smut warnings : unprotected sex, size kink, seonghwa's got a breeding kink
honorary tag : @sanjoongie
after having traveled all over midgard with seonghwa and fighting for your lives, the two of you can finally settle down and have a moment together.
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a grunt left your mouth as you were flung into a large tree. you stumbled to your feet, seonghwa swung his axe at the trolls that were around him. blood flown through the sky, some landing on his face as he kicked one troll away before rushing over to you.
his hand wrapping around your forearm and hoisting you to steady feet before swinging at another troll. a smirk decorating his lips as he gave you a side glance.
"come on now, y/n, surely someone who killed all of olympus isn't getting beat by some trolls," he says, the cockiness thick in his voice and you roll your eyes before slashing and stabbing at the nearest troll – the one who sent you flying.
"shut your mouth and focus on fighting before i kill you next," you said and seonghwa lets out a loud laugh before he jumping and hacking at two trolls and effortlessly cutting them down.
when the trolls were all dead, you and seonghwa stood in the middle of the clearly covered in blood before sheathing your weapons.
"well that was a little more excitement than what i was anticipating," he says, turning to you with a smile on his face. but seonghwa always had a smile on his face. "i remember seeing a river along the north trail, lets go wash up before setting up camp."
you nod your head and allow seonghwa to lead the way, following closely behind him as you walked down one of the many dirt paths in the forest. you notice that every once in a while, seonghwa will look over his shoulder to make sure you are still following behind. silently noting your quietness as normally the two of you are going back and forth with each other in a playful bicker.
"what's the matter?" seonghwa finally asks once you are at the river. the both of you stripped down from your bloody armor and carefully washing the blood out. there was nothing you truly hated more than bloody armor, such a disgrace.
you turn towards him, clenching your clothes tightly, "i was thinking about my family," you say trailing off and at your words seonghwa also stops his scrubbing.
his now doe eyes looking at you softly and you hate how he makes your heart flutter and stomach do flips. seonghwa only knows a little bit about your family from greece and olympus, how went on this journey of revenge for your family after zeus took everything from you. you guess his comment from earlier was making you think.
but think about what exactly you aren't sure.
perhaps settling down with seonghwa after this and finally living a peaceful life. but was that something you even deserved?
"y/n," seonghwa is close to you, his bare skin touching your own and it brings you out of your thoughts. you look at him with wide eyes, surprised by how he moved this close to you without you noticing and he easily towers over you. perhaps that's a benefit from him being a frost giant? "what are you thinking? tell me," he sounds like he's pleading almost.
"i want to live a peaceful life, but i don't think i deserve it," you tell him, a chill running over you as you feel seonghwa's hand travel around your waist and pulling you closer to him.
"why don't you deserve it?"
"i've done a lot of bad things seonghwa, killed a lot of people, gods, monsters."
"but you've paid your debt, stop living in the past and focus on now. you aren't in olympus anymore, darling. you're here with me now. i don't think hongjoong would want you to live like this, feeling guilty."
your eyebrows furrow at the mention of your dead lover. husband. you felt angry that seonghwa would mention him as if he knew him. without thinking you shove seonghwa away and the water around you two splashes up against you both. seonghwa looks at you in shock.
"don't you dare talk about hongjoong like you know him!" you feel the tears beginning to build up in your waterline, but not from sadness but anger.
"i lost him and our daughter because i was stupid! their deaths haunt me and i see their bodies every time i close my eyes. no matter how hard i try to move on i will always be haunted by their deaths and my mistakes, so don't tell me to not live in the past when that's all i can see!"
seonghwa said nothing as the two of you looked at each other. he was calm and collected while you were the definition of rage. heavy breathing, clenched fists, and tear-stricken face. his silence only made you more upset.
"i'm not asking for you to forget hongjoong and your daughter," he says after what felt like an eternity of silence. "but..." he trails off taking a cautious step towards you, "i want you to realize that you don't have to let their death weigh on you forever."
"you said you wanted a peaceful life, well we can have one. we'll settle down at the small cabin and have our own children. you paid your debt, but you have to give yourself this second chance," he says as he stops back in front of you. his cold hand feels safe when he touches your own.
"i... i don't know," you pull away from him once more, turning away and walking out of the river, clothes and armor in hand as you walk back to the camp you two had set up at the clearing, leaving seonghwa by himself.
the two of you spent the rest of the evening and early night in silence. the two of you having traveled and been doing this long enough that you could do things around camp without actually talking to one another. seonghwa had went and brought back deer he hunted for the two of you two eat.
and so you sat at the campfire in silence, the smell of meat feeling your nose and cracking of the fire filling your ears. your mind still reeling from what was said earlier. seonghwa was right because he was always right. you didn't need to forget hongjoong and your daughter, but you needed to let their deaths not haunt you anymore.
your eyes flicker to seonghwa from across the fire, his own eyes already looking at you. he had finished eating a while ago while you were still picking at yours. he rolled his shoulders before standing up, walking over to you and pressing a kiss to the crown of your head. silently bidding you goodnight before he enters your shared tent.
you don't know how much longer you sit by the fire, long enough for it to die out on its own. you stomp out the remaining glowing embers before crawling into the tent and laying down next to seonghwa.
you think you made up your mind.
"seonghwa," you know he's awake, he always waits for you to join him as you do for him. "can we talk?"
he turns over on his back while you lay on your side to face him. your hand reaches out to take his, linking your fingers together.
"i want to live a peaceful life with you. i want that small cabin, i want our children – your children, i want to take in the wolves, i want to love you everyday that i am able to wake up next to you and after that. i want to try and let go of my guilt enough for this to happen, please help me seonghwa."
seonghwa gives your hand a firm squeeze before he's rolling you onto your back and hovering over you. you let him pin your hands above your head and you can't help the arousal that runs through you when he does it with only one hand. his black locks framing his beautiful face that his clean of blood and war and his eyes are filled with something. lust? love? something else perhaps?
his large frame bends down to kiss you, his hands groping your body as he removes your undergarments so you are now bare and fully naked before his eyes. you watch as he lowers his head and trails his lips down your body; licking, biting, and sucking different marks over your tattered and worn body.
"s-seonghwa," you moan out when he finds home between your legs and licks your pussy slowly and lazily. his eyes never once looking away from yours. he makes out with your pussy, kissing it and letting his tongue drag in and out of your pussy and licking up any juices that you leak. like he's a man dying from thirst and your pussy is his oasis.
seonghwa effortlessly brings you to your first orgasm before he's finally pulling away, but not before pressing one last kiss to your pussy. he once again towers over you, a layer of sweat covering your entire body but you happily wrap your arms around seonghwa to bring into another kiss. your taste yourself on his lips, but you honestly don't mind.
the both of you are breathless when you finally break away, "seonghwa, i love you."
"my y/n, darling, i love you more than you can imagine," he says spreading your legs easily and you can't help but clench at knowing is coming.
"seonghwa, seonghwa, please!" you beg, hands combing through his long locks and brushing them out of his face.
"you know... if we start now, i could have you full and breed by the time we get back to the cabin," he says as you feel the tip of his cockhead running between your folds. "i can just imagine it," he says, slowly pushing himself inside of you, "fuck– you would look so beautiful with my child."
you clench around him the more he pushes inside of you, back arching as his lips latch onto your breast and begin licking and sucking on your nipple.
this isn't the first time you and seonghwa have fucked, but for some reason this felt different. as he thrusted into you, your name leaving his lips and his name leaving yours, you felt full. you felt a warmth spread through you as his taller stature curled into yours and you wrap yourself around him to bring even closer – if it was even possible.
"fuck– seonghwa, i-i'm close!" you could feel your second orgasm coming and it only seemed to drive seonghwa to move his hips faster.
he gave you his smirk, his eyes glazed over with lust, "i'm going to fill you with full of my cum over and over again, darling, until your stuffed and pregnant with my child," he says and you clench at his words. seonghwa does only a few more harsh thrust before you are both cumming. you fill his cum slowly filling you up and and some of it even leaking out around his cock from how much it is.
seonghwa is breathless as he pulls out and quickly folds your legs up and stuffing any cum back into you. you can't help but feel a little flustered at how he that, eyes staring hard at your cum-filled pussy. you then begin to feel a wave of exhaustion rush over you and you are lazily pulling at seonghwa to have him lay next to you.
he lays down next to you with a small 'ugh' sound leaving his lips as he does. you cuddle up next to seonghwa, and you realize that before meeting him, you never would have done this. you rest your head on chest as seonghwa draws his fur cape over the two of you. you can't help but let out a laugh at how it doesn't even fully cover the two of you.
"i want a daughter first," seonghwa says quietly and more to himself than you. "i want to name him dal-nim. it was my mother's name."
"its beautiful."
"what would you name her?"
"idonia," you whisper back, reaching up to kiss his collarbone.
"loving one," is the last thing you hear before you close your eyes and let sleep consume you.
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tag list : @frankenstein852 @watamotee33 @kawennote09 @mixling-blog @marahleiwhen @kpopnightingale @harry-the-pottypus @pyeonghongrie @sanniesbum @marvelahsobx @khjcoo @mysticfire0435 @exfolitae @dementedaly @simeonswhore @moonm1st @nvmbheart @spooo00oky @frgogh @sookacc @seongwin @burnsmepls @ad0rechuu @tunaasan @northerngalxy @silverpixiedust23 @cheesekimchi @confusedmoonchild777 @mjyungi @innieontop @iweirdthingsblog @s0obinluvr @worcesheshestershiresauce @moonlightgrleric @wineyoungie @jeongwangjessmina @lemineso
network : @cultofdionysusnet @cromernet
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league-of-sam · 6 months
Don't Be Shy | Konig x Reader
Kӧnig x TF141 x AFAB!Reader
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Summary: Transferred against your will to a new task force to calm a troubled soldier, you felt way in over your head - especially when you came face to face with a 6'10" mountain of Austria. 18+ MINORS DNI! t.w // angst, mental health, language, violence, human trafficking, death, sexual themes/SMUT, military inaccuracies, language inaccuracies (google translate).
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
You’d been banished to your dorm since returning from the mission.
A week of being practically locked in there since being released from the hospital wing, the stitches from the bullet graze in your thigh long disintegrated. All that remained now was a sore, red, angry scar.
Your first one.
You caught yourself laughing as you looked at it; Ghost would be so proud of your first battle scar.
Thankfully, the rescued women were as healthy and safe as they could possibly be and were already being placed in safe houses or returned to their loved ones.
But you…you’d already been on the receiving end of a mouthful from Price, Ghost, and Fender for not following orders and almost getting yourself killed.
It was frustrating that they couldn’t see why you did what you did.
Even more so that after saving his life, König still wasn’t giving you the time of day. Little did you know, it wasn’t because he was mad at you, it was because he was mad at himself.
He always hated how people wouldn’t give him a chance to explain himself, and that’s exactly what he did to you that night at the range. You tried, but he wouldn’t allow it. He pushed you away, and you still jumped in front of a bullet for him. You still threw yourself between a deadly weapon and an innocent young girl.
You were the selfless among the selfish.
And when he saw the way you fell, blood pouring from your thigh, he almost threw up.
He thought you were dead…he thought he’d lost you. And it was all his fault. Too occupied in trying to get the job done.
He had to see you.
Once again, you found yourself on the end of a video call, but this time, the entirety of the 141 and Laswell was present, making sure you were okay.
“You’re a fuckin’ idiot, pet, you know that?”
“What, like you’ve never thrown yourself at a crazy man with a gun? You can’t fool me, MacTavish.”
“Uh- no, that is- that’s irrelevant!”
“She’s got ya there, Johnny.”
“Yeah, Johnny, listen to your man.” You teased.
“Watch it, little one.” Ghost threatened, and you held up your hands in surrender. “Seriously though, ya did good. Just come ‘ome safe, yeah?”
“I will. Night guys, I love you.”
They copied your words, Gaz blowing you few kisses as their laptop closed, and the call ended.
Huffing, you began getting ready for bed, slipping into your fluffy pyjama shorts and the matching top.
Then, you let out a scream as your door flung open, and a mammoth of a man adorned in a black shirt and black sweatpants barged in, slamming the door behind him.
“Kӧnig what the fuck?! You scared the absolute shit out of me! You didn’t even knock! I could’ve been-”
“Bitte, I’m sorry.” He cut you off, but his voice was barely above a whisper.
Your hand rested over your chest, trying to calm your heart, “What the hell are you doing here?”
He didn’t speak right away, his lacking social skills surfacing as he faltered under your gaze. Your brow was raised, awaiting his answer. His eyes raked over your body, and he found himself blushing as he took in the way your little shorts hugged your thighs so lusciously, your little top showing off your midriff.
Du sahst so wunderschön aus. (You looked so gorgeous.)
“Kӧnig,” you spoke again, “What are you doing here?”
He cleared his throat, stepping into the room a little more, “I wanted to see if you were alright.”
“I’m fine.”
He nodded, and his gaze landed onto the scar on your thigh. His chest tightened at the sight of the evidence – the reminder that you almost weren’t here.
Because of him.
“You shouldn’t have done that.” He spoke, nodding towards your leg.
“What? Save your life?”
“Are you crazy?”
“Nein. You shouldn’t try and sacrifice yourself for someone like me.”
You scoffed, folding your arms across your chest, “You know, this is a really fucked up way of thanking me, König.”
“Why didn’t you just let me die?”
Tears clouded your vision, “What?”
“I’d rather it have been me than you.” His voice started to raise.
“That’s not- you don’t leave your teammate to die! I acted in the moment; I did what was right!”
“You acted like a dummkopf! (idiot)” he shouted.
“Excuse me?”
“Why would you jump in front of a bullet for me?! You could have died! That was so stupid and so fucking-”
“Because I’m falling in love with you!” you yelled back, hand running through your hair as you panted.
Something snapped within him.
Something changed.
Your words ignited a fire within him, blazing furiously, burning the blood in his veins until it bubbled, his skin tingling.
You noticed too, as those gorgeous blue eyes darkened under the sniper hood, backing up until the back of your knees hit your bed as he stalked towards you.
The moment he reached you, he yanked the hood from his head, revealing his face.
That’s what he had hiding under there?
Beautiful auburn hair, wild and messy from his hood. Pale, freckled skin, adorned with multiple silvered scars. One in particular ran from his chin, through his plump lips, up to his cheek bone. You wanted to reach out and touch it, feel him under your fingertips.
Your entire body was shaking.
His tongue ran over his lips, making them shine in the dim light coming from your tiny lamp. He watched you as your eyes flicked over his face, mouth opening slightly as you marvelled at the sight.
Despite his blushing, he smirked, and it made your eyes widen.
“What was that you just said, liebling? (darling)”
He towered over you, hands moving to rest against your hips, dragging your body flush against his.
You looked everywhere but at him.
“Kӧnig-” you stuttered out.
He lowered you down onto the mattress, one hand pinning both of your wrists above your head while the other gripped your chin softly, forcing you to look at him.
“What’s a matter, mein schatz? (my love) Don’t be shy.”
You opened your mouth to speak, but no words would come out. Considering his size, he was being so soft, so gentle, and it was turning your brain to mush.
His thumb rubbed over your lips, pulling them apart slightly as his other hand kept your arms firmly above your head.
Your breathing was heavy, and the heat growing in the pit of your stomach was getting more and more prominent.
“Ich will dich…so sehr. (I want you…so much)” He whispered, his hands shaking slightly.
His forehead pressed to yours as he released your arms, and you wasted no time in placing your hands on his body. Your fingers grazed his cheek, running over the scar as you took his face into your hands.
“Ich will dich auch. (I want you too)” You whispered back, eyes burning into his.
He let out a noise, somewhere between a growl and a moan, before the grip on your chin tightened, and he smashed his lips to yours.
You kissed him back with the same need, the same desperation, his own whimpers matching yours as they escaped through his nose.
The feeling of his lips on yours was divine…ethereal.
This shy, socially anxious, mammoth of a man had taken full control of the situation, shifting you up the bed and wrapping your legs around his waist. You gasped at the movement, and he took the opportunity to plunge his tongue into your mouth.
A deep, animal-like growl bubbled from his chest, spilling over into your mouth as he dove deeper, desperate to chase the taste of you. Your hips bucked; your body not willing to wait any longer for the heat in your groin to be satisfied.
“Eager, mein liebe?” he chuckled, before ducking his face into your neck, nipping, sucking, biting.
He was marking you.
Making sure every man knew who you truly belonged to.
“Kӧnig, please-” you whimpered, fingers threading through his hair, tugging softly.
He groaned at the sensation, head dropping into your nape as his eyes rolled. His fingers dug into your skin as they roamed your body, no doubt leaving small bruises. He was holding back, and you knew it.
“Please,” you moaned, “Please, Kӧnig…berühre mich. (touch me)”
“God, baby-” he grunted, “You have no idea what you do to me, speak my language so pretty, so well.”
He smashed his lips to yours, only parting to pull your shirt over your head, exposing your skin to the cool air of the room. But you didn’t care, you were burning hot, just for him. You followed his actions, tugging on the hem of his shirt.
Timidly, he pulled it off, tossing it onto the floor. Your eyes widened as you took in his physique. Christ, it was like this man had been sculpted by the Gods personally. Your fingers delicately traced along his abs, bumping over raised scars, making him shiver.
They dipped lower, grazing over the unmissable bulge fighting to be freed from the confines of his sweatpants.
Everything about him was big.
He sucked in a breath, letting out a shaky moan as you stroked him until he snapped, pinning your wrists back above your head.
“You know how much I wanted this? How many times I wanted to have you right there? Those lessons were the highlight of my weeks, sweetheart.” He purred, hands roaming your bare flesh.
“Y-you should h-have, would’ve l-let you.” You stuttered out, breath choppy as he took your breast, his fingertips squeezing the nipple harshly.
He smiled shyly, eyes meeting yours, “You’re a good girl, ja?”
You nodded, words failing you as praise rolled off his tongue, letting out noises that sounded almost angelic to him.
Kӧnig then shifted, tugging your little shorts from your body, his giant hand running slowly up your leg. He dipped down, placing a delicate kiss to your scar. His hands then continued their journey until they reached your cunt, a long finger slipping slowly between your slick-covered folds.
“I would die for you.” He whispered, “Would you let me die for you, hübsches mädchen? (pretty girl) Protect your body with my own? Let me worship you?”
You were babbling incoherent nonsense at this point, the sensation of him touching you completely overwhelming, “God, yes…Kӧnig please, please touch- oh, f-fuck-”
“You’re so good, (Y/N), so good.” He spoke as he slipped a finger inside of you, curling to reach that spot with every thrust.
You bit your lip hard to keep from screaming, the metal taste of blood flooding your mouth, allowing the sounds to slip.
“You sound so beautiful, angel.” He cooed, continuing to finger you at a blistering pace.
He was relentless, desperate to make you cum before he got his cock anywhere near you, desperate to make you feel good – make up for what a mess he’d made of everything.
Your moans and whimpers spurred him on, showing him that he was doing the right thing.
The way your nails dug into his back as you clung to him almost made him finish right there in his pants.
You were magnificent.
Especially when your back arched, your breasts bouncing right in front of his face as his name slipped out of your mouth like some foul chant, ramming you into ecstasy.
Kӧnig, Kӧnig, Kӧnig, Kӧnig…
The way his name rolled off your tongue unlocked something deep within him.
He pulled his fingers from you, lapping up every drop of your release, before slamming his lips to yours, making you taste yourself. Hoisting you up, he locked your legs over his hips, lining himself up with your entrance.
“Bitte, can I?” he whimpered as his tip rubbed between your folds, “Please, Schatz, let me-”
Tears sprung in his eyes, his desperation to feel you becoming too much.
“Fuck me, Kӧnig. Don’t hold back.”
He let out a sob of relief, before he slid his cock into you, inch by glorious inch. He was huge, the biggest you’d ever been with, and he filled you up as if your pussy was made just for him. The minute he bottomed out, he let out a cry, one hand fisting handfuls of your hair as the other gripped the bedsheet in a hopeless effort to control himself.
Then, with a rhythm that sent white hot pleasure coursing through you, he rocked his hips, snapping against yours with every thrust. Your hands clawed and grabbed at his flesh as you mewled out a mess of words, barely able to string a sentence together.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” he repeated, his pace quickening.
You whined, tears from the pain of him stretching you falling from your eyes, “Feels so good-”
“Oh, don’t cry, liebling.” He spoke, thumb padding your wet cheeks, “It’s okay, you’re doing so well, taking me so well…such a good girl…”
Grunts fell from his lips as he couldn’t control himself any longer, his pace speeding up as he chased his release. The pressure built for you again, and he could feel the walls of your cunt squeeze, making him whimper.
“That’s it, schnuckie, cum for me- please, scheiße (fuck) cum for me.”
You didn’t need any more encouragement, and with a scream of his name, your body arched, your climax completely obscuring your vision to the point you saw stars.
With a few more agonisingly rough snaps with his hips, profanities falling from his mouth, Kӧnig erupted inside of you, his cock pulsing over and over as his seed spilled out, white and dripping.
His arms gave out, heavy breaths from both of you as his body lay on yours.
Your fingers ran through his dampened hair as you clung to him, his arms locking you in place beneath him.
He lifted his head, rubbing his nose on your temple as he placed a chaste kiss to your cheek, then your forehead, then your nose.
“Meine schöne, kleine prinzessin...(my beautiful, tiny princess)” he mumbled before he finally pressed his lips to yours.
It took a good twenty minutes for the two of you to calm down, the thin layer of sweat sticking your skin together, not allowing you to part. Finally, your breathing had returned to a somewhat normal level, as good as can be as Kӧnig peppered tiny kisses along your shoulder.
You blushed furiously, trying to hide away from his gaze.
“Don’t be shy,” he whispered as he held you to his chest, arms tight around your waist, “Not around me. Du bist zu schön, um schüchtern zu sein. (you’re too beautiful to be shy)”
You sighed softly, turning in his arms to face him, your hands dancing along his scar, “Also bist du. (so are you)”
Kӧnig groaned as his eyes fell shut, trying to conceal it, but your constant reassurances and praise of him made his heart wild - it made that primal, instinctive urge within him burst out like a feral beast.
It made him want you, need you in every way possible.
And you were more than willing to oblige.
König marvelled as the truck pulled up on base.
It was so different to KorTac, so much smaller and less grand, hidden, and private, but it was home to you.
Finally, you were home.
You hadn’t even gotten out of the truck before you heard Soap’s yelling as he came bounding across the tarmac toward you.
Jumping out, you yelled something to him, making him freeze in place as the others caught up. They watched on, confused, but desperate to hold you in their arms again now that you were home.
You moved around to the other side of the truck, opening the door to see König looking at you, his leg bouncing nervously as his thumbs twiddled in his lap.
“You ready, big guy?” you smiled to him, taking his hand.
“As long as I have you next to me, I’m ready for anything, schnucki.”
You blushed furiously at the nickname, and he leaned forward, lifting his sniper hood just enough to reveal his lips, placing them on yours for a soft kiss.
Giggling as you pulled away, you dragged him from the vehicle, pulling him around to where the boys of the 141 saw him for the first time.
Just imagine their faces as you came from the side of the vehicle, an absolute behemoth of a man attached to your side.
Imagine the way Soap faltered as you reached them, König’s giant shoulders casting one huge shadow over them all.
Imagine Price’s initial horror as he clocked onto your fingers being woven tightly with those of the crazy, mammoth killer.
Imagine the way Ghost puffed out his chest to make himself look bigger as he squared up to König, having also noticed the way the big man kept you close;
“Now, you may be bigger-”
“A lot bigger!”Soap had yelled from somewhere.
“Yes- thank you, Johnny. A lot bigger, but make no mistake, soldier. You hurt my (Y/N); I’ll make sure no one even remembers you existed. Capeesh?”
“Y-yes, sir.” König had stuttered out, shaking in his boots.
Then there was you, fingers pressed to your nose as you looked to the floor, “Jesus fuck, Simon, leave him alone!”
Imagine König coming to your room after his first day with the 141, exhausted from the training he’d endured.
“I like them…like it here.” He’d speak, fingers running through your hair as you laid on his chest.
“They spent all day trying to kick the shit out of you.”
They had tried, each and every one of them completely underestimating the sheer strength that Kӧnig possessed. He was a super soldier, a battering ram. A fucking force.
He’d laugh, dropping his head to kiss your lips, “Ja. But only because they love you, schatz. They protect you…and so will I.”
“Bis zum ende der zeile. (until the end of the line)”
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cherigu · 1 year
— ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Love to Hate, Hate to Love!
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Genre: smut, enemies to lovers Pairing: sub!jeongguk x softdom!reader Word Count: 5.7k Warnings: porn (with) plot, college au, alcohol consumption, reader calls jk puppy like once, hair pulling, nipple play, jk cums in his pants, dry humping, implied oral
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“Words spread like wildfire, Jimin. I’ve heard a thing or two about Jeongguk and they’re not all that good.” You stopped to pop a candy in your mouth, loving the taste of the sugary sweetness. 
The soft glow of Jimin’s TV was currently the only form of lighting, doing a sufficient job of illuminating the living room. The two of you were sitting on either side of the black couch, sharing the snacks that were supposed to be for movie night. The long-forgotten Disney movie served as background noise for the gossip you were currently engaging in.
“I doubt it though, he seems like a good guy. Of course, completely disregarding that I haven’t met him.” You finished chewing and passed the box of sweets to Jimin. He took the box before starting, “What kinds of things have you heard?” You scoffed in disbelief, surprised Jimin didn’t know about what people on campus said about his friend.
Unbeknownst to the two of you, Jeongguk was walking down the apartment corridor, eagerly scanning the doors for Jimin’s apartment number. With two takeout boxes on one arm, he raised the unoccupied one to knock on Jimin’s door. Just as his tattooed hand was about to come in contact with the door, he quickly pulled away at the sound of the familiar voice he identified as yours, saying his name. He couldn’t help but eavesdrop knowing the conversation was about him.
“His shy persona is bullshit. He butters girls up only to get his dick wet and throws them out the next morning. Not just that, but he’s an overall asshole. No wonder he has no friends.” You raised your hands to use air quotes, something Jeongguk couldn’t see. “That’s insane, I get the dude looks intimidating, but his exterior doesn’t reflect his personality. Jeongguk is a sweetheart!” Jimin exclaimed while shaking his head. He couldn’t believe how stupid people were.
Jeongguk was the most gentle person he’d ever met in his life. He was selfless, always putting others before him even if it meant he’d end up getting the short end of the stick. He’d comfort you while holding back tears of his own, not wanting to redirect the concern to him. He’d let you eat the leftovers he had saved for his dinner, even if he’d go to sleep hungry. Yet still people made up ways to talk down on one of the kindest people on campus.
Jeongguk’s tense body relaxed a bit after hearing Jimin defend him but the shock of your words made his blood run cold. The two of you were never really close. Despite being in the same friend group, Jeongguk was more reserved and kept to himself, not allowing you to get to know him much. He doubted his ability to even call you an acquaintance. 
That still didn’t stop him from admiring you from afar. Another reason the two of you never got close was because of his undeniable crush on you. He feared that he’d mess things up and say the wrong words, considering he felt more timid than usual around you. You were pretty and the few times you had interacted with him, you were nothing but kind to him. This made his heart shrink even more, is this what you thought of him all along?
 He sadly looked down at his takeout boxes as he toyed with his lip piercing, wondering if it’d be a good idea to announce his presence at this point. He figured he couldn’t let the food go to waste as he wouldn’t be able to eat both boxes, so he sucked in a breath and shyly knocked on the door.
Jimin excused himself, making his way to the door to check who it was through the peephole. He flung the door open in excitement as his favorite person stood on the other side of the walls. 
“Gukkie! What’s up? Come inside” Jimin excitedly motioned his hands towards the living room, dropping them when Jeongguk didn’t seem to move an inch. “Um..I-I actually have somewhere to be… Just needed to drop off some food for you. Picked up some takeout and figured I’d get some for you as well” Jeongguk nervously handed the box to Jimin, painfully aware that he wasn’t the best liar in the world.
“My boy” Jimin gracefully accepted the box and pinched his cheek before Jeongguk playfully swatted his hand away.  “Are you sure you don’t want to stay a bit? y/n’s here, you guys can finally get to properly meet each other!”
 “It’s kind of urgent hyung, I’m sorry. At least you have company so you won’t eat alone right?” 
“Ah, I guess so. She’s been here a while now so she might head out soon, or not? Y/n acts like she lives here, that girl” Jimin chuckled.
Jeongguk nodded, wincing at the mention of your name.
“I’ll still make sure to get you guys to know each other next time I host at my place, probably in a week” Jimin exclaimed, already eager to introduce his two best friends to each other.
If there was someone who was a man of his word, it had to be Jimin. Although on this rare occasion, Jeongguk wished he wasn’t. Not that he’d appreciate a liar, but at least he wouldn’t be standing uncomfortably by the snack table waiting for his friends to approach him. Somehow he felt more nervous than if he’d been at a real party. Jimin liked to throw gatherings where he’d invite his friend group, encouraging them to bring a plus one. It wasn’t small, but it wasn’t big either. This meant he’d for sure bump into you tonight. He had tried getting out of this, he did, but how could he not come when Jimin’s pout was audible through the phone when he heard Jeongguk had to take a rain check? If he had to attend, the least he could do was pray that you wouldn’t. 
He snapped out of his thoughts when he felt his arm being tugged by none other than Taehyung.
“Jeonggukkie let’s go play Do or Drink!” he giggled, already drunk and still looking forward to drinking more.
Soon enough he was brought to the living room where a circle of familiar, and unfamiliar, faces had gathered in excitement to play the drinking game. There wasn’t much space given the eagerness of the people to drink in a fun way. Taehyung felt Jeongguk’s uncertainty, so he pushed him toward the only empty spot. “Go sit with y/n!” Jeongguk snapped his head to where Taehyung had pointed, and sure enough, you were there.
Even while sitting down, Jeongguk got a perfect view of you. While he already knew this, it felt wrong to admit the undeniable. You were beautiful.
Curvy body adorned with a tight black dress, seemingly hugging you in all of the right places. Diamond necklace delicately draped over your collarbones, unintentionally garnering attention to your chest. The dress ended just above your mid-thigh, exposing the smooth skin of your legs which were crossed as you prettily sat while you waited for the game to start. The diamond anklet wrapped around your ankle matched the necklace, clearly showing you had an eye for accessories that elevated your looks. 
As if it couldn’t get any better, you made eye contact with him, allowing him to get a full view of your features. Your eyes sparked like you carried the whole galaxy in them. They turned into crescent moons when you smiled at him, pretty plump lips curling up just enough to show off your pearly whites. You waved and pointed to the spot next to you, inviting him to sit.
Jeongguk was starstruck, if there was at least one person out there who was the definition of perfect, it had to be you. He quickly broke out of his trance, suddenly remembering what you had said about him a week ago. He understood now. You were beautiful, you had friends, smarts, and a social life, which explains why you thought of him the way you did. You didn’t have time to associate with people like him, hence why you only had a notion of him based on what other people said. He couldn’t stop himself from feeling a little bitter. 
The game seemed to drag on forever. He hadn’t had much to drink yet with the dares being pretty tame and doable, but he was surely tipsy enough to fall into an extreme state of paranoia. His sweaty hands were red from how many times he had wiped them on the rough material of his jeans. He couldn’t help but squirm in his spot. Had you gotten closer, or was it the alcohol? He knew it wasn’t a big deal, you hadn’t made an effort to communicate with him, being too preoccupied with the game. Still, he couldn’t help but feel nervous by your threatening presence. All he wanted to do was get this night over with without having to cross paths with you after this. However, the universe had other plans as Hoseok, the designated card reader, read out the younger’s card.
“Kiss the person to your right, or take a shot”
Jeongguk’s throat suddenly went dry, unable to swallow properly. He tried his best to act normal about it, but his widened eyes communicated his panic to the rest of the circle. 
“Finally this game gets somewhere!” Mina clapped. 
Jeongguk turned to his right, and almost as if the two of you were in sync, you turned to look at him as well. Your eyes locked for less than two seconds before Jeongukk spoke.
If Jeongguk felt nervous just from sitting next to you before, he was surely going to throw up now.
“I’ll take the drink” He turned away to look at Namjoon who was in charge of the drinks. “Are you sure? There’s only vodka left, I know you don’t like it-” Namjoon warned while filling up the shot glass regardless.
“I don’t care” 
Jeongguk quickly took the glass in his hands when Namjoon passed it, pouring the clear liquid down his throat which caused his face to scrunch into one of disgust. He winced at the taste but swallowed it nevertheless.
Your gaze never seemed to falter from his face, burning holes into the side of his skull, something that didn’t go unnoticed by him. You didn’t understand why the boy had reacted that way, not even giving you a chance to come to an agreement of at least kissing you on the cheek, as the card hadn’t exclusively said a kiss on the lips. Instead, he chose to send himself into a coughing fit all because he drank the strongest alcohol available at the party.
“The speed of his decision was almost offensive” Joy snickered.
“Don’t know where her mouth has been” Jeongguk murmured, but not silent enough for the players to ignore, especially not you. “Excuse me?” You turned your body towards him with a stern, yet confused look. “What’s that supposed to mean?” You scoffed while crossing your arms.
“E-exactly what I said, probably sucked someone off before playing. Maybe more than o-one.” Jeongguk replied, strong words contrasting with his insecure body language. He didn’t realize the weight of his words, never being one to insult people to their faces, or at all. You could say his subconscious mind spoke for him, needing to let you know that you weren’t the only one who could talk shit about someone before fully getting to know them.
At this point, the circle of people had grown silent as you sharply stood up. The public’s eyes fixated either on you or the boy who seemed to shrink under your killer gaze.
“How about instead of speaking on matters that don’t concern you, much less know about, you just accept that you couldn’t kiss me because you’d pop a boner in front of everyone.” You picked up your bag, “Easy fuck, probably made that shit up ‘cause you wished it’d been you, huh? Those people were right about you and your act.” You spat at him, never failing to break eye contact with him. With that, you left.
You weren’t sure if you had overreacted or not, the buzz from the alcohol clouding your judgment and making you slightly more irritable than usual. Regardless of that, disrespect is something you will never stand for, especially if it’s unprovoked. 
Jimin had taken off behind you, but not before scowling at Jeongguk. 
“Y/n!” Jimin’s voice rang behind you. You stopped to turn to look at him, and then back at the staircase to make sure you wouldn’t fall given your alcohol-induced blurry vision. 
“Look, I don’t know what your friend’s deal is, but tell him to take it up with his daddy. I literally do not know him enough to have ever done anything to him, yet he still had the nerve to not only disrespect me but humiliate me in front of my friends with some crazy accusations.” 
Jimin sighed, “I don’t know what got into him tonight, he usually takes his alcohol well, it couldn’t have been that. Whatever it was though, I’m so sorry he did that.”
“You don’t have to apologize unless you’ve been running your mouth to him about my personal business that made him come to that conclusion.” You huffed, only now thinking of the possibility that the person you trusted the most with details about your sex life, was airing out your business.
“Never! You know I wouldn’t do that to you y/n. Look, I’ll talk to him, alright? I’ll make sure the boys knock some sense into him.” Jimin placed a comforting hand on your shoulder.
You placed your own on top of his, believing and trusting him.
That was a year ago, and sure enough, Jimin had talked to Jeongguk that night. Although the younger didn’t seem to cooperate. In his words, he had said that because “it could’ve been true.” He never gave the real reason as to why he said what he said, leaving everyone in the dark concerning his unexpected behavior that day at the gathering. 
Ever since then, the two of you were intolerable to one another. You avoided each other at all costs, but while technically being in the same friend group, it was impossible. You would run into each other occasionally, and it’d never end well. Curses and yells were shared, always needing the older friends to intervene and ensure no one bit the other’s head off. 
As much as he hated to admit it, Jeongguk’s anger was just a façade. He never meant anything he said, down to the comment that started this whole feud. The truth is, he was more hurt than angry at what you said, but his feelings for you never seemed to dissolve. That’s what got him the most. With every insult he threw at you, his intention was not to hurt your feelings. The boy only tried to protect his heart against the power of your rage.
He knew he was at fault, but there was no use in regretting the stupid comment he made in the heat of the moment. It was done, and he was sure you’d never forgive him. That left him with no option but to reciprocate the anger and hatred you showed him anytime you saw him. 
Jeongguk stepped into Yoongi’s house, entering the party he was so desperate to attend just to have an excuse to drink. He knew he was bound to bump into you at some point throughout the night, but if he was drunk enough, he wouldn’t have to care or even remember.
He had cleaned up nice, ironic considering his mind was a mess. His shoulder-length hair was nicely styled into a half ponytail, the middle part allowing the bangs to fall on either side of his face. A grey short sleeve draped over his toned body, exposing his buff arms that were so beautifully covered in tattoos. He had been keen on detailing recently, nicely tucking the front of his oversized tee into his black baggy jeans, tying it together with a belt. To add the final touch, he matched the silver buckle of his belt with a thin silver chain that wrapped around his neck
Sweaty bodies danced around him, loud music filling his ears as he made his way over to the couch. He allowed his body to fall back into the comfortable cushions, holding a red solo cup in one arm while draping the free one over his eyes and sighing. Had it been a good idea to attend knowing the two of you couldn’t be under the same roof? Was he overthinking? Maybe you didn’t come, or maybe you’d be busy somewhere else and he’d never run into you.
His thought process was interrupted by a sudden gust of a familiar, intoxicating scent. The warm vanilla aroma was enough to bring him right back to the night he was sitting next to you.  He instinctively opened his eyes, and as if they had a mind of their own, they scanned the room until they found you.
You had to be kidding him.
It seems you had fun with your outfit today. The dark, belt-like, denim mini skirt fits your plump ass perfectly, not too revealing, but leaving little to the imagination. Your black, cropped tube top hung low, showing off enough cleavage to make Jeongguk’s breath hitch. Gold jewelry was scattered throughout your body, from your earrings, down to the buckle of your black strappy heels.
Your enticing scent mixed with your alluring visuals were enough to make Jeongguk’s pants tighten up around him. Flustered with his body’s reaction, he cursed the alcohol for not kicking in sooner. The image of you was now sure to plague his mind for the rest of the week.
Eager to relieve his frustration, he stood up again and made his way to the game of spin the bottle his friends were playing. If it wasn’t with you tonight, it’d be someone else. He didn’t even bother looking at who was playing, needing someone to distract him immediately. 
Eyes fixated on the bottle, he waited until it was either his turn or it landed on him. But before he was given a chance to spin it for the first time, the bottle landed right in his direction.
“Hell no.” 
He recognized that voice too well, down to the tone in which you had spoken. The tone you always used on him when his mere presence worked you up. He followed the direction in which the other side of the bottle pointed towards.
“C’mon y/n, rules are rules” Jihyo laughed next to you, obviously instigating the situation.
“There’s no way I’m going into that closet with him, especially not for seven minutes are you crazy? He’s gonna accuse me of blowing someone again!” You threw your hands in annoyance, ready to re-spin the bottle before Taehyung’s hand stopped your own.
“If you know it wasn’t true, why do you still bring it up” Jeongguk spoke, earning everyone’s attention. He wouldn’t go weak, not now. His plan wasn’t to convince you to go with him, but it was a common occurrence for the both of you to fight for the last word.
“He’s right y/nnie, are you gonna pussy out now?” Taehyung teased her.
“I’ll fucking kill you, all of you” You got up, walking across the circle to lift Jeongguk by his arm and drag him towards the bedroom door, pushing him inside the closet. “I’ll start the timer” Jimin giggled from the living room.
It was a small space, not suitable to hang in, but roomy enough to sit with a reasonable distance between them. “Why’d you give in?” Jeongguk raised his brow, confused at your unusual silence towards him. “Because I’m not a coward, stupid.” You rolled your eyes. Despite the closet being dark, Jeongguk was able to see you perfectly. “We don’t actually have to do anything, just sit still and be quiet for the next seven minutes, think you can do that?” You turned to him.
Jeongguk nodded slowly, not in the mood to start a fight. If this were the most “quality time” he could get from you, he’d take it. Although, there was a slight problem.
“Do you think they’ll believe we did anything? They’ll call you a cheater if we come out the way we went in.” Jeongguk paused as you turned to look at him. “Not that I’d care, just thought you might.” He stared directly in front of him and heard you sigh.
Shortly after, he heard some shuffling from your side.
“Let me give you a hickey” You deadpanned, maintaining eye contact even after his eyes went wide. You were now propped up on your knees in front of him. 
“W-what?” He stuttered, taken aback by how casually you had just proposed the idea of sucking on his neck. How were you, someone who insulted him every chance you got, supposed to feel him up? Not that he was complaining, but you had to be joking.
“You’re right, they’ll get suspicious. You don’t have to say yes though, I guess” You sat back on your ass, cringing at yourself for being so straightforward.
“No, w-wait. It’s.. okay.. go.. um.. Go ahead” Jeongguk rambled, his brain already turning into mush at the thought of you being so close to him. 
You perked up at the sound of his permission, rising back up to your knees and maneuvering your way to straddle his lap. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t okay with your placement. Sure, you found the boy annoying, but you couldn’t help and be captivated by the way his thick thighs flexed underneath you. The sight of his veins was more prominent with the shadows of the setting you were in. With one hand on the back of his neck, and the other flush on his chest, you felt his hard pecks through the thin shirt. He slightly gasped at the new position.
“Better access” You shrugged, flipping your hair so it wouldn’t come in between your job. 
Jeongguk was stiff, awfully stiff due to the situation he was in. His hands were laid by his sides, planted on the floor as he felt your hot breath on his neck. He was okay with this, a little too okay, but his nerves were uncontrollable due to the proximity between the two of you. Without any warning, you latched your mouth onto his neck, earning a breathy moan from Jeongguk. 
“Are you a virgin, or what Jeon?” You smirked.
He wasn’t, everyone knew he wasn’t. He knew his way around casual hookups and one-night stands. Only on rare occasions though, not being a usual recurrence for him because of his reserved nature. Still, he was grown and had some experience in that field. However, how could he not react to your touch? The thought of you alone was able to make him grow hot in places only he’d know about.
Your hot tongue danced across the smooth skin of his neck, wetly sucking the spot that made his body twitch, letting you know it was his sweet spot. Hungrily nipping at his skin, quiet moans spilled through the part of his lips. You continued your actions until you felt like it had been enough to create a pretty bruise. Letting go, you blew cool air on the hot skin of his neck, causing goosebumps to form everywhere. 
"There we go, done!"
Just as you were about to peel your body from his, Jeongguk broke. He knew it wasn’t a part of the agreement to touch you, but his hands acted on their own as they formed a grip around your hips. He sharply pressed down, causing your skirt to ride up and inevitably connect your core to the rock-hard tent in his pants. He was now hot and bothered, feeling your teeth in his neck not being something for the weak.
You’d been too busy with his neck to realize how fucked out he’d become with the slightest touch. His lips were puffy, given how many times he had bitten down on them to prevent him from moaning. They had also grown swollen and pink, matching the flush of his cheeks due to the fluster. This only made your core ache, desperate to know what he’d look like after a night with you.
A hand reached over to his face, cupping his jaw, “Guess I was right at Jimin’s, you did wish it had been you, hm?” You teased, not quite knowing what had taken over you. The need to make a mess out of the boy who’d made your life hell for the past year had suddenly become your deepest desire. 
“Please” He whispered, doe eyes pleading for more of your touch. He was now putty in your hands, wanting nothing more than your touch, mouth on his neck left him wanting more. You decided to taunt him, not quite letting him get what he wants yet.
“Please what?” You cocked your head mockingly. He groaned in embarrassment, hiding his face in your neck.
“Use your words puppy, otherwise we’re done here.” You lied, secretly hoping he’d tell you to keep going. While you had no problem leaving him high and dry, that’d make two of you. Being able to feel Jeongguk’s hard cock dangerously close to your clit made your stomach heat up in excitement. With your sanity being long gone, you couldn’t help but wonder what it’d feel like to have him inside of you. His cock would slide up and down your tight walls, making him whimper at the sensation. The veins would simulate you in a way no other, causing your walls to contract around his thick length and milk him for all he’s worth. He’d keep going even after you’d both come, fucking himself stupid only to stare at the white ring forming around his cock as it disappeared inside of your wet pussy. 
Your thoughts were suddenly interrupted when the boy beneath you finally spoke up, “Kiss me, p-please” He muttered into your neck, slowly raising his eyes to meet yours. “Good boy” You whispered, praising him for his compliance.
You stared at him for a while, gaze growing dark and breath going shallow as you crashed your lips into his. You let all of the hatred and anger you had stored for him, melt into hunger and passion. His grip on your hips grew tighter as your mouths hastily connected. His heart was about to beat out of his chest, warmth coating his entire body and hunger for you growing. With your tits flush against his chest, he was almost sure you could feel the beating of his heart.
Your hands traveled up to his hair, slightly pulling on his ponytail which earned you a gasp, allowing you to slide your tongue past his lips. You explored his mouth until he stopped you by softly sucking on your tongue, being as equally into this as you were. The kiss was frantic, two people who swore they hated each other, finally realizing what they’d been missing out on.
Jeongguk swore he was on cloud nine. Feeling your lips outside of his dreams was something he could get used to, and hoped he’d have the opportunity to do so. Your lips felt so plush against his mouth, tasting sweet like cotton candy. Your tongue worked his mouth so well, making his cock throb at the thought of how it’d feel down there.
You tugged on the ends of his shirt, asking for permission to remove it. He broke the kiss in response, allowing the two of you to catch your breath while you removed his shirt.
He felt shy under your stare, suddenly feeling the need to cover up. He’d been naked in front of girls before, but being with you right now made him incredibly vulnerable. He felt like giving himself to you, allowing you to do whatever you wanted to do to him. What he didn’t know, is that you were too busy drinking him up with your eyes. Arousal gushed out of your puffy pussy, creating a wet patch in your lace panties. His strong pecks and slim waist were enough for you to clench on nothing, desperate for him to fill you up.
“So pretty, all mine for tonight, yea?” Delicate fingertips grazed his abdomen, driving him crazy and desperate for your touch. 
“All yours, y-yours whenever..” He struggled with his words, still trying to get used to interacting with you in a way that was outside of arguing. Despite this, he fully meant what he said, and hoped you’d get the memo.
Wasting no time, you sloppily continued to kiss him, this time bringing your mouth down to his neck again. Wet, open-mouthed kisses coated Jeongguk’s skin, causing it to suddenly feel really sensitive. Your hand slowly trailed down his body, exploring new territory and taking advantage of the situation to feel him up wherever your heart desired. It wasn’t until you brushed one of your hands over his nipple, that he let out a particularly high-pitched whimper.
“Like that baby?” You teased, earning an eager nod and whine in response.
Using a free hand, you reached down to his length, giving it a firm squeeze before softly palming it. The heaviness felt satisfying in your hand, encouraging you to massage him while your mouth trailed lower, lips ghosting over his chest. You placed a kiss right above his brown bud, a short warning before swirling your tongue around it. Sucking on it, Jeongguk basked in the pleasure of the sight and sensation. You knew what you were doing, and that turned him on even more. It was your first time being so intimate with him, yet you seemed to know his weak spots like the back of your hand. 
“F-fuck y/n, need you, pleasee” He admitted, tears brimming his eyes while he sharply bucked up his hips into yours in search of friction.
Still sucking on his bud, you removed your hand from his clothed dick, moving it up to play with his unattended nipple. Giving an experimental roll of your hips, you were satisfied with how Jeongguk reacted, slightly choking on his spit from the friction on his cock. You kept bucking forward slowly until eventually setting a pace. Grinding down on his cock, you smeared the arousal that had leaked from your panties onto his jeans, making his head fall back. His breathing became quick at the newfound sensation. The material of his jeans rubbed his cock deliciously, in addition to feeling the warmth and dampness of your sweet cunt. 
“Just like that” He whined, matching your pace as your pussy repeatedly rubbed on his shaft.
“This is what you wanted the whole time wasn’t it? Just wanted me to make you cum, hm?” You pressed down your clit onto his tip, making him whimper pathetically. One of your hands traveled back to his head, tugging on his hair to make him face you.
“I- fuck” 
“Answer the question” You tightened your grip.
“Yes! Wanted you y/n, so, so bad- ahhh” He tapped on your thighs trying to get you to slow down.
“ ‘m gonna cum soon if y-you don’t stop” His actions contradicted his words as he instinctively rutted his hips harder into you, chasing his high.
“You wanted this baby, now take it.” You worked your knees against the floor, pushing into Jeongguk’s cock as much as possible to help him reach his high. At some point, you pressed down onto a spot on his tip that made him cry, only motivating you to press down harder. 
His lip trembled as fat tears fell from his eyes, mewling as his vision began to blur and ringing filled his ears. Your hands came up to his cheeks, wiping away at his evidence of mind-fucking pleasure. “Such a sensitive baby, cum for me Gukkie” You cooed, feeling the knot in your stomach tighten at his fucked out face.
With his high right around the corner, he feverishly bucked his hips into yours. His movements began to stutter as the coil in his stomach became undone, causing him to shoot his thick load into his pants with a loud wail. His body convulsed under yours as his orgasm made him shake uncontrollably. He chanted a string of curses with your name as you continued with your pace on his dick, loving how shamelessly vocal he was. He held onto your body tight, once again digging his head into the crook of your neck as he came down from his high, only now realizing he had cummed in his pants. 
You continued your movements until his lips formed a pout and his eyes became glossy again, “No more, too much..” He mumbled into your shoulder, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer as your hips stopped all movement. Feeling how soft the boy had grown under you, your hands soothingly rubbed his back and let him hold you for as long as he needed. “Did so well, Gukkie, so so well” you whispered and gently kissed the crown of his head. 
Once his breathing returned to normal, his head quickly shot up to come face to face with you. “Did you cum?” He questioned, eyes beginning to glitter with lust once more. “No, but it’s oka-” Your words were cut short by the sudden loss of contact, Jeongguk’s body quickly moving down to face your legs. 
“Jeongguk really, it’s okay. Don’t feel like you owe me.” You reached a hand down to caress his face which was now positioned dangerously close to your aching heat. 
“Don’t care, wan’ make you feel good too.” He kissed your thigh, slowly working his way up until he allowed his tongue to fall flat against your clothed core. The sweet taste of your damp panties left him craving more, wasting no time in pushing your panties aside before looking up at you for permission. 
“been a good boy, right?” He whimpered, blood rushing to his cock again at the sight of the meal in front of him, as well as your pretty, desperate face.
“Mhmm, my good boy” You whispered, using the hand on his face to slightly push him towards you, not having to use too much force as Jeongguk voluntarily dipped in, immediately getting to work. 
Safe to say, the timer had been long forgotten about.
A/N: I'd b lying if i said i didn't stall a wee bit to drop this loll feel free to leave feedback, I'm a new writer and always willing to do better <3
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bloofinntoona · 2 years
cross your heart: part 1
Word Count: 4 k
Themes: angst, aged-up characters, suggestive themes (no smut), sebastian sallow x F!reader
Summary: why did sebastian sallow disappear after graduation? even after all the years you’ve spent trying to forget him, you realized that he never left your heart. would things be the same when you accidentally saw him again, now as your foe?
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You took a deep breath.
You exhaled.
“Expelliarmus!” you shouted as you leapt from the makeshift barricade made out of wooden debris, casting a light blue spark directed to the figure across you. In a split second, as his wand flew from his grip – you casted “Confringo!”, waves of flame burst from your wand, burning the man. Taking another beather, you felt the world was at a standstill. Fog clouded your vision, the cold winter night breeze stung your reddened ears, your eyes darting between the hoard of hooded foes casting curses and hexes and your team of Auror officers. “Just a little bit more, my friend!” You snapped back to reality, focusing on Natty, who was chasing down a mongrel — you’d assumed was an Animagus.
Of course, there was no time to waste. Just a little bit of push and this battle will be finished. “Incendio!” A ring of fire spread around you, blazing the group of inferi that were closing in on you. You ran towards the biggest tent in the area, scanning the dimly-lit room. “Avada Kedavra!” You immediately dodged the green light, heart beating wildly against your chest. Godric’s Heart, just a second late and you would be dead. You swiftly striked “Diffindo!”, inflicting a wound on the man’s arm. “Depulso! Flipendo!” The wizard’s body flung all over the room, finally slammed down to the ground with a loud Thump! Blood spluttered from the man’s mouth, most likely from broken bones. Carefully inching closer, you stepped on the dark wizard’s black crooked wand, snapping it in half. You pointed your wand at his direction, as you leaned down to check on him, you noticed a hydra dragon with three heads tattooed on his forearm. Just as Officer Singer had warned you, the group of Dark magicians were a part of the recently formed group of Dark Arts users who would go around torturing and killing people, always leaving three slash marks on the victims’ chests. You pushed thee tip of your wand against the wizard’s neck, “Give me a reason why I shouldn’t kill you right now.” He let out a sinister laugh, catching you off guard, he landed a punch right in your stomach, knocking the air out of your lungs as you stumbled down. “You can’t stop us all,” he winced, “kill one, and more will rise. Apparate!” In a split second, the dark wizard vanished into a black smoke, leaving you on the floor, clutching your stomach in pain.
Natty came rushing into the camp, seeing you writhing on the ground, she grabbed a Wiggenweld potion from her satchel and offered the bottle to you. “Are you alright?”
You swiftly gulped the green liquid in one shot, promptly reducing the pain you had been dealing. “Thank you, I’m alright now,” you sighed, looking around the now wreck of a room, “I’m sorry I couldn’t catch him. Ruth was right, he is one of those blasted Hydra members.”
Natty shook her head, “Don’t worry.” She picked up the dark wizard’s broken wand, securing the pieces in her bag. “I think this should suffice. We can take this to the Ministry for further investigation. Come on, now.” Natty casted Incendio, creating a small bonfire in the middle of the tent. “Let’s get out of here.” Hoisting you up, she threw a handful of Floo Powder from her pocket to the fire, “Ministry of Magic!”
You closed your eyes, letting the green flames envelope your body, transferring you to your destination.
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It had been a week since you, Natty, and several other Auror officers ransacked a Hydra encampment. Officer Ruth Singer, now promoted as one of the Auror heads, ordered you to take a couple days off from raiding. To be quite honest, you knew she needed someone to do the long overdue paperwork. You didn’t mind, it was a nice break from putting your life on the line all the time.
Ever since the end of year sixth studying at Hogwarts, you had decided to take on the journey to become an Auror officer. After all, you did spend some time defeating bands of poachers, spiders, goblins, and even trolls. A small part of you wanted to leave your fighting days behind, as you stopped using Ancient Magic altogether after the passing of Professor Fig. You kept your last memory of the honorable man close to your heart – as you promised him that you shall make sure to be the keeper of Ancient Magic, so the powerful force wouldn’t end up in the wrong hands. There were two reasons why you eventually chose to be an Auror; firstly, on a one particular day, Professor Hecat sat you down, brewed you a delightful piping hot cup of tea, and convinced you that you have a massive potential to fight for the good of Wizardkind. She also added that it could be a good challenge to practice your duelling skills without the use of Anicent Magic.
The second reason is, the Slytherin boy that has successfully taken your heart as hostage. It was none other than the one-and-only Sebastian Sallow.
Where to begin with Mr. Sallow? It was an understatement to say that you had a history with him. The connection that you formed Sebastian, even after ten years or so, you couldn’t find anything that came close to the euphoric feelings that you had when you stare into his hazel eyes. Until now, you didn’t understand why it felt so natural to care about the boy. You genuinely tried to help him find a cure for his sick twin sister, even letting him dove deep into the Dark Arts – leaving you with a life lesson that such force shouldn’t be trifled with. You swore that he’d enchanted you, that you would do anything just to see a glint of smile on his face.
The sound of footsteps echoed through the school halls, lights from the floating candles barely cleared your path. It was late into the night after the graduation party. Everyone, even the paintings, were fast asleep, trunks packed as the students were ready to either further their education, or some planned to explore the vast world beyond Hogwarts. Pointing your wand to the clock, turning the gears, prompting the furniture to open its door. You hurried down the stairs to the Undercroft, the secret hideout that only Sebastian, Ominis, and you knew. However, Ominis was rarely seen in the croft after the incident with Solomon Sallow. Ties were severed that day. You tried convincing the Blonde boy, but it was for naught. Nothing you and Sebastian could do to turn back time and restore the trust. You tried your best to cheer Sebastian as well, greeting him with the best smile that you could muster, and offering your shoulder to cry on whenever dark thoughts clouded his mind. Sebastian still had an interest in duelling, thus you made a pact with him that you both would take the N.E.W.Ts together and join the Auror office. The last years in school were spent taking advanced  Defence Against the Dark Arts and Potion classes together.
You well knew that your feelings had blossomed into something more. You couldn’t finish the day without thinking about Sebastian. Often times he would visit you in your dreams, holding him, touching him, wondering how his lips tasted like. You were no coward. Despite the so-called etiquette of being a proper lady that had been instilled in you, you determined to at least confessed your feelings to your closest friend before you leave the school.
There he was, standing in front of the triptych, adorned in the green and black Slytherin coat. You’d always thought the color green suited him the most. “This is it”, you thought, taking long strides to the boy. He turned around, flashing a faint smile. Before he could utter a single word, you grasped his tie, pulling him down, and crashing your lips against his. You could feel his body stiffen, probably surprised at your sudden brazen act. It was almost taboo for women to make the first move. It didn’t take long for Sebastian to reciprocate, cupping your face. You felt like your body was weightless, as if you were on the back of Highwing again. Yet at the same time, your body burned hotter than fire.
Few words were exchanged that night. You spend the dark hours wrapped in each other’s arms, you swore you fell asleep smiling, imagining your future together with him.
Morning came, and to your devastation, you were left alone with your heart in pieces and a note etched in a parchment paper.
“I’m sorry. -S.S”
That was the last time you saw Sebastian Sallow.
A knock against the door to your office took you out from your nostalgic thoughts. “Natty!” you exclaimed, jumping out of your desk to hug your friend. Natty was your rock, she was there when you spent your days wallowing the lost of your love. With perseverance, she pulled you out from your misery and became your companion in your studies in becoming an Auror. “Ruth is expecting you in her office. And by the way, looks like you received another letter of marriage proposal.” Natty added, flapping the envelope in front of your face. You sighed, taking the piece of paper and threw it in the bin, alongside several other unopened proposal letters.
“When do you think they stop sending us proposals? I don’t even know them!” you huffed.
Your best friend laughed, patting your back, “I think some of them have started calling you a spinster.”
You rolled your eyes, “They can say whatever they want, Natty, I don’t care.” You truly don’t. You tried opening your heart for another men to fill, yet your heart still yearned for the same Slytherin boy that you loved years ago. You found zero reason to shack up with someone that you don’t love. “Alright then, best be on my way to see Ruth.”
The Daily Prophet paper clippings, stacks of wanted posters, and report papers decorated Officer Ruth Singer’s desk. Her office was pretty small for an officer in her calibre, but she has always been more keen in patrolling out than being stuck in her desk. You closed the door behind you. “Hello Ruth, anything I can do for you?”
“Ah!” the head Auror set her tea down, “just the person I was looking for. I trust you’ve recovered well?”
“Yes ma’am.” You smiled, “I’m ready for whatever task you have in mind.”
“Good. I have a case that might piqued your interest.” The brunette-haired woman set down a map in front of you, pointing to a spot down around the Clagmar Coast area. “I have just received a tip that there were sightings of dark wizards here. Unfortunately, I had assigned our other officers to other cases, and I supposed you can investigate this?”
“Are they a part of Hydra, ma’am?”
Officer Ruth shrugged, “They most likely are. Please, be careful. Don’t engage if there are a lot of them. Just report back to me.”
You gave the woman a salute and went back to pack the essentials – an array of potions and plants were hastily dumped into your bottomless satchel. The longer you dilly dally, more possibility for the target to move.
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It has been a while since you went to the gloomy coast. You were never a fan of the place. It was cold, muddy, filled with Dugbogs and Poachers to top it off. Being on your broom wasn’t so bad though, feeling the fresh ocean breeze blowing against you. You flew quite close to the grounds, scanning the area. You thought you went around twice, feeling a bit disappointed that you might have just missed the suspects.
That was until you heard a blood curling scream. You quickly titled your broom downwards, flying faster to the source. Putting your broom away, you casted a Disillusionment spell, rendering you invincible. You hid behind a huge tree, peeking to see the commotion. To your horror, you saw a man, one of the men you saw on the wanted posters on Officer Ruth’s desk, hands tied behind his back, writhing in pain on the ground. “Please, please, please,” he coarsely cried, “make it stop… or, just kill me!”
“Ya better shut yer’ trap or I will keep you for days!” one of the hooded wizard shouted, before pointing his wand to the pleading man. “Crucio!”
You cringed as you heard the man pained cries, his limbs were twisted in directions that you thought weren’t humanely possible. “Crucio!” Another curse hurled from a woman, also covered in dark hooded robe. The tortured man was reduced to tense muscles and breathless grunts. His back arched as if his body was snapped in half. You could see a shadow of the third figure looming over.
Scanning the area once more, you deducted that there were only three of them. Confident that you were able to take them on, you inched closer to the group, still under the Disillusionment charm. “Petrificus Totalus!” you shouted, binding one of the dark wizard closest to you. As he was paralyzed, you attacked him with a series of casts, pushing the man away from the victim. The woman laughed maniacally as she scream incoherently, calling a hoard of inferi to attack you. You used a combination of Confringo and Incendio to burn the living corpses. Trying to keep track of the three opponents was harder than you thought, especially with the inferi spawning all over the place. “Levioso! Accio!” you were able to flung the man, hurting him with basic casts while he was mid-air, he finally dropped down defeated. After burning through the corpses, you were able to find the hooded woman running away from you. You chased after her, as you closed in, you waved your wand, transfiguring the woman into a barrel. Without any hesitation, you quickly destroyed the item.
Wait, you thought to yourself, there was one more. While you tried to catch your breath, your eyes frantically darting to every corner of your peripherals, yet you couldn’t find the third figure.
You took a deep breath.
Just before the count of four, you felt a cold blunt item poking against your neck, hitching your breath. Your felt your body tensed, how could you miss this? Is this the end? Your thoughts were all over the place. And then it hit you, the smell of ashes, sandalwood, and a tinge of musk – the scent that was etched in your heart. The scent of the man that slipped away from your arms long time ago. Your visions were blurry, knees weak as you felt the man’s figure pressed against your back. “Petrificus Totalus.” You heard him whisper, before everything went dark.
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Sobs and cries filled your ears as you stood in front of a grave at Feldcroft. “Anne Sallow, loved and remembered forever.”  Written on the stone, simply decorated with a small angel statue on the top. You placed the white Lily flower on top of the soil, before finding your way back between the small crowd. Everybody tried their best to find a cure, but Solomon was right, the curse was stuck with the poor girl forever, slowly rotting her body away. But she passed being cared by her friends, especially Ominis, who never left her side after graduating from Hogwarts. To everyone’s surprise, her own twin brother was not there. It felt like the person who fought for her the most has given up. Deep down, you had hoped that you were able to see him again this time, finding the answer why he left. You were disappointed once again, forced to bury your feelings again.
The sound of waves crashing greeted you as you woke up from the deep slumber, feeling the soft blanket wrapped around your body. Slowly, your eyes fluttered open and gained focus, taking particular interest to the full moon peeking through the window. Your body shot up, finally conscious enough to realize that you were in an unfamiliar room – old dusty wooden floor illuminated by the crackling fireplace; maps, newspaper clippings and posters pasted on the wall, just above a desk filled with stacks of books. Your eyes trailed down, finding empty bottles of what you assumed were muggle-made alcoholic beverages.
“Ah, you’re awake.” A calm voice broke your trance. Just as you thought, Sebastian Sallow stood in front of you. Gone was the schoolboy you kept in your memories all this time, replaced by a tall, brooding man towering over you. He kept his hair in a similar style, his gaze significantly darkened, making you wonder about the things that he had experienced throughout the years. You find solace seeing the same tiny freckles adorned his face, wait, did he always have that scar on the right side of his jaw? Your eyes trailed down to his left forearm, to your disappointment, there was the hydra dragon tattoo wrapped around his arm, just underneath the rolled sleeve of his shirt.
Immediately, waves of emotions crashed onto you like a tsunami – anger, relieve, frustration, yearning, all mixed up in your head. You couldn’t even stop the tears that were dripping down, wetting the blanket. Sebastian gently sat down on the bed, he reached for your hand, yet you pulled back. “I thought you died,” you croaked between sobs, “I-I had to forget about you.” You heard him sigh, bringing a flask to his lips, taking a swing from it. “Why, Sebastian? Was I meant nothing to you? What we had… was that even real?”
He kept his silence, the only thing that was audible was the sound of your hiccups and logs cracking from the fireplace. After you calmed down a bit, he offered you the flask, you gave him a suspecting look. “Relax,” Sebastian sighed again, “if I wanted to kill you, I’ve already done that when you were unconscious.”
You huffed, taking the container and downed the liquid inside. It was bitter, and the alcohol was strong enough to make you wince. “It was an old wine I got from my trip to Italy.” Sebastian explained, “helps with the headache after a binding spell.”
“Italy?” You asked. He was right, the wine did calm you down – physically and emotionally. You were too tired to fight him anyways, all you wanted to do was to find out the truth.
“I had to go away and clear my head-“
“Without telling me? Without sending a single owl? Don’t you know how worried I was?” you riled up again, now finding the strength to get up from the bed.
Sebastian stood again, now you could see how he was significantly taller than you. He crossed his arms, “Go on.”
You scoffed loudly, “Go on? I have much to say to you, Sallow. I spent years trying to get us to where we were before the incident… but you just ran away! Like a coward!”
“A coward?” He shook his head, a bitter grin plastered across his face, “Do you even try to listen to yourself? Have you ever, during those years, thought about what I was dealing with? Yes, I was eternally thankful that you didn’t send me to the Ministry, but have you ever thought about what it felt like to see the people closest to me deathly scared of me?”
“I saw how you and Ominis grimaced whenever I held my wand. I knew what you both thought, you are scared that I would use the Dark Arts again. You said you trusted me, but I know we were never be able to go back to where it was before.”
Tears welled up in your eyes again as you turned away from him. He was right, you had clinged on to the hope that your things would be the same again because of your selfish desire to have Sebastian. “You didn’t even come to your sister’s funeral.” You whispered.
“She never said that she wanted to see me again. The least I can do is to honor her wish.” He said coldly, taking another sip of the wine.
“Then why did you join…” you turned to him, eyeing the tattoo on his arm, “that group? Is cutting us out from your life not enough?”
“I tried to stay away from the Dark Arts, I truly do. But… The potential that I felt… I still believe that there are more to it than just forbidden curses. And, don’t you see that we only inflict them on crime suspects? How is that different from what you Aurors do?”
You fell silent.
“Morality is a strange concept, is it not?” Sebastian scoffed. “Just like your special ability with Ancient Magic. The difference is that I chose to embrace it.”
You took the flask from his hand, taking a big swing, the whole ordeal took a toll on you. Walking closer to the desk, you glanced over the old Dark Art books – probably stolen from the restricted section years ago, several letters sprawled on the surface, and to your surprise, you pulled a tattered ribbon, stuck between stacks of journal.
It was very difficult to make sure you have all your belongings packed in your trunk when tears wouldn’t stop streaming from your eyes, wetting the pile of crumpled clothes under you. On top of that, your hair was getting in the way of your sight. You searched for the ribbon that you’ve been wearing to tie your hair – a silk ribbon of your house color that Sebastian gifted you on your first birthday at Hogwarts. You couldn’t find it anywhere, you’d thought you most likely dropped the item at the Undercroft. Never mind then, maybe it’s better that way, easier for you to forget Sebastian.
Deep in your personal thoughts, you didn’t even realize the footsteps slowly closing in on you. His warm breath caressed your nape, sending quivers down your spine, feeling goosebumps all over your body. Both excitement and fear took over you – even after all this time, there were some nights that you would find your fingers inside your undergarments, imagining Sebastian’s deep brown eyes on top of you. Carefully, he ran his fingers through your long hair, cascading down to your back. He grasped a strand of hair, bringing it against his lips, “You kept your hair long… Just the way I like it.” You hated to admit the truth, but you have been growing your hair ever since Sebastian made a remark that he ‘thinks long haired girls are very attractive’.
Gathering the last bits of courage you have, you turned around to face the imposing figure behind you. God, you were utterly bewitched by him. Your hands found their rest on the edge of the desk, taking a mental note that you were as cornered as lamb beneath its prey. Sebastian dared to get closer, his leg nestled between yours, calloused hands laid on top of yours, interlacing your fingers with his. In the corner of your eye, you were drawn to focus on a small tattoo just below his ear. It was an initial. Your initials, eternally inked on his freckled skin. “Sebastian,” you gently whispered, “all this time?”
The world stopped moving as he laid his lips against yours.
You breathed in. Ashes. Sandalwood. Musk.
Sebastian Sallow tasted the same as he did years ago.
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A/N: Thank you thank you thank you so much for reading my works! I’ve been thinking about this story for days now. I never thought that I would be writing again, but the love I’ve received from the HL community encouraged me to share my stories. Hope you enjoyed this one. I’m thinking to do a second part with mature themes. Please let me know your thoughts! <3
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tiredfox64 · 4 months
Hi! I love your work, especially your Bi-Han writings. Not sure if you're taking requests, but would you write something for Mavado x Reader? Honestly any prompt is fine, there's literally no Mavado/Reader content and we need some 😭
It Only Takes 7 Días
Yip notes: Everybody stfu and let me cook. Gotta make something sweet for the fuckin people. (PS I actually had this set up in my drafts before and this encouraged me to finish it seeing that others are desperate).
Pairing: Mavado x Afab reader
Warnings ‼️: Suggestive kinda?
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Everyone knows Mavado dedicates himself to the Red Dragon clan. He’s a man who listens and obeys Daegon’s command. A man who will bring hellfire upon anyone who disturbs his clan such as Kabal and Kano. All he knows is his duty and his clan. He is uninterested in such things as dating.
Or so everyone thought.
Mavado isn’t dumb. He could never allow anyone to know about you. It’s for your own safety. Heaven forbid Daegon finds out about you, he wouldn’t hesitate to kill you just to keep Mavado’s attention. Kano and Kabal would do so much worse. They would probably hold you hostage to force Mavado into giving up every piece of information about the Red Dragon clan. He would never forgive himself if he let the one person he truly loves get hurt. He had to be all hush hush, sometimes meaning he spent little time with you. He’ll make it up to you. He’s a man of his word. This whole week will be for you.
You heard tapping on your balcony door. Little taps as if rocks were being flicked against the glass. You got up from your bed and slid open the balcony door. When you looked down below you saw Mavado holding a bouquet of flowers just for you. He had a smug grin on his face. He knows how to capture your heart.
“Trying to make up for lost time?” You asked.
“I think it’s obvious, mi reina.” Relax, papi chulo.
You smile as you begin to back away from the railing of the balcony. You knew Mavado wouldn’t come up the regular way. You saw his grappling hook wrap around the railing before he flung himself up. Of course, he landed perfectly since he had done this a thousand times. He handed you the bouquet before placing a kiss on your cheek.
El domingo empieza el juego de seducción
It’s never just one kiss. It’s always more. On your cheeks, on your forehead, on your lips, and on your neck. His stubble lightly scratches your skin, causing you to giggle. His arms wrapped around your waist so he could pull you in close. You jokingly told him to stop but you knew he never would. In fact, he started placing quick kisses on your neck before returning to your lips.
“We should get you back inside. I’ll help warm you up.” He whispered in your ear before picking you up.
Anyone with a somewhat developed frontal lobe knows what’s about to happen. Mavado was being truthful. He would help warm you up…without any clothes on. Body heat does count. It worked, didn’t it? You were sweating and panting by the end of the night. Knocked you out and left you curled up in his arms.
Monday night, una velada entre tú y yo
By the morning, Mavado was already gone. That’s not unusual. What was unusual was how early you got to see him again. He was back by the early evening. The sun hadn’t fully set yet.
The moment you walked through the door he came up behind you to give you a hug. You were spooked at first before you felt that familiar scratch when he kissed your cheek. You immediately relaxed from his touch and he chuckled about your tiny freakout.
“What? You didn’t expect me to come back?”
“Not really. You’re not really a man who stays for two nights in a row.”
Mavado acted like he was shocked but his face did not portray that. He still had that devilish smirk on his face which meant he had plans for you and him.
“I did want to make up for lost time.”
“Does that mean we are going for a second round?” You asked with a grin.
“If that’s what you want. But I was thinking of something more romantic. Whatever you want, mi reina.” Good heavens, Mavado. You’ll strike the hearts of many.
That evening was romantic, Mavado made sure of that. A nice dinner and great music. He literally swept you off your feet. If you didn’t know how to dance bachata before you surely did now. You can’t live your whole life without knowing how to dance bachata.
And as you requested, you both had a second round in bed. The Devil’s Tango.
Martes, te hago mi novia en París
You were surprised to see Mavado still in bed with you in the morning. He really was staying to make up for lost time. His hands traced up your body as your eyes adjusted to the morning light. You looked so majestic to him with the way you looked so relaxed and the only thing covering you were the sheets.
“Good morning, sleeping beauty. You ready for another day with your favorite man?” He asked with a cocky tone.
“You plan to spoil me like you usually do?”
“Of course. And what better place to do it but in Outworld. The culture is rich I can assure you.”
A trip to another realm? Fancy. He’s not wrong either. He has traveled around Outworld and knows the best spots to find goods. The finest pieces of jewelry and best-designed clothes will be yours. Just say the word and Mavado will give it to you, one way or another.
Get ready, put your best outfit on, and don’t leave your place without a smile. Mavado wants that smile to stay on all day long.
By Wednesday, you'll love me the way it should be
Y el jueves, el anillo down on my knees te propongo matrimonio, dices que sí
The first half of the week was amazing. You couldn’t remember a time when you weren’t smiling or giggling. You thought that this week couldn’t get any better. You are wrong and for once, that’s a good thing.
You were standing outside on your balcony, watching the sunset. The sky was painted with yellow, pink, and orange. The golden light illuminated you beautifully. You were like a shining star in Mavado’s eyes. He came up beside you and you immediately rested your head on his shoulder. His hand rested gently on top of yours. You thought this was another romantic moment before you felt him messing with your ring finger. He was trying to lift it slightly and you felt something cold against it. You turned to look at him before pulling your hand away.
“Heh, I thought I was better at being sneaky. Well, guess I should be upfront with you.” He said.
You were confused about what he meant till you saw him get down on one knee. In his hand was the ring of your dreams. The band was the metal you wanted, shining in the light. The gem was your favorite and cut in the shape you desired. The ring was beautiful. This moment was beautiful. What do you have to say about this?
Friday, we'll marry wherever you want
You guys got married in secret. No paperwork or the pope’s approval. Your love was true and that’s all that mattered. You guys killed two birds with one stone by having a destination wedding. Wherever you wanted, you went. It could have meaning or it could be fun. The choice was yours. Mavado would make it happen and follow through. All for his lovely bride.
Luna de miel es el sábado, hermoso final
The day after your makeshift wedding you two spent your time enjoying a new destination together. It’s a dream come true. But you did have one question for Mavado.
“I’m surprised you’re not quick to return to the Red Dragon. I would have thought you’d return to them sooner.”
“I am still loyal to my clan of course. But I am also loyal to you. The clan could wait, I couldn’t make you wait any longer.” He brought your hand up and placed a kiss on it.
Your new husband is truly loyal to you.
“Where is Mavado!” Daegon yelled in frustration.
This was unlike the cruel crime lord. He doubted Mavado got killed since he was always super careful. So where the heck was he?
“Maybe he’s got a girlfriend now.” Hsu Hao suggested.
Daegon snapped his neck to glare at the idiot. His eye might have started twitching as well.
“Hsu Hao, you’re a bigger idiot than my brother. You’re loyal, but an idiot. Never in a million years would Mavado waste his time by dating. Don’t say another word to me.”
Unfortunately for you, Daegon, Hsu Hao is right. There ain’t nothin you could do about it.
Yap notes: unfortunately we never had a chance 😭. I mean when his name is basically malvado (literally accidentally call him that all the time) could we really expect him to love?
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This feels satisfying to do and finish. This may be very headcanony but what can you do when we haven’t seen him in a long time. I can’t even find much for him when it came to the 3D era so I can’t figure out his speech patterns. I did my best and I hope this makes some people happy. Adiós!
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bluegalaxygirl · 8 months
Hiiiii!! i’m so glad your back and i hope your doing well!!
I was thinking if you could maybe do a one shot/hcs about if zosan found their partner reading a spicy book???
Hope you have a great rest of your day!!
Thank you and that sounds like such a fun idea, i also thought id spice it up a bit so i hope you like. Also love the kitty with the Santa hat profile pic so cute.
Warning: Bad language, Sexual content but no smut and Making out
Reader is GN, Poly relationship, established relationship, Zoro X Sanji X Reader.
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^ Your not a spicy book kinda person but you know who is? Sanji, even though he's in a relationship with two people he still has those magazines. The cook doesn't hide it from you and Zoro, you both know that he keeps them under the bed.
^ It some times bothers You and Zoro that he has those magazines but on the plus side the cook hasn't bought any new ones since he started dating the two of you. You know that since Sanji isn't shy about it, if you ask he will show you his collection.
^ Zoro never had an interest in that kind of thing, he always says how disgusting it is when ever he catches a glimpse of them or finds the cook looking at one. The swordsman does love to tease the cook about them though, making Sanji blush and babble much to your amusement.
^ So with all that said it was surprising to you when you found a hidden untitled book while cleaning your room that you share with the boys. Pulling out the bottom draw to put some clothes away something pink caught your eye on the floor right at the back.
^ It was a struggle to reach it, having to bend your arm over the back of the draw you pulled out to tease what ever it was forward and then having to reach under the chest of draws to pull it out completely.
^ The book was pink with a single rose on the cover, there was no title or description on it so you opened finally finding the title "Inferno Hearts", your first thought is that it's Sanji's and maybe he lost it but the book didn't have any dust on it.
^ You placed it on the side thinking you'll talk to Sanji later and see if it's his but as you were cleaning curiosity got the best of you so during your break you deiced to read some, it was deferentially romance but the content made you blush bright red.
^ You found yourself laughing, smiling and gasping at the content becoming enthralled with it, unable to put it down until you got to the spicy part. You froze but couldn't stop your eyes from reading the most intense and romantic seen you have ever seen or read, your hole face goes red just as the door opens.
---------- Story ----------
You were so enthralled by the book in your hands that you didn't hear the yelling from outside until the door to the bedroom flung open, you gasped from your spot on the bed as you looked up to see Zoro and Sanji yelling at each other, their shirts wet "Just say your sorry, it's not that hard" The cook growls undoing his stained tie while Zoro rolls his eyes shoving past the blonde to get into the room while taking his top off "You weren't watching where you were going" The swordsman growls throwing his shirt to the side before freezing in place looking at you on the bed with a bright red face holding a book in your hands. Sanji goes to yell back angry at Zoro for bumping into him when leaving the kitchen causing the try of drinks he was holding to cover both of them but stops when seeing the swordsman's wide eyes. Raising an eyebrow the cook looks over to you on the bed and gives you a smile, he couldn't help but blush at your cute flustered face "Hello my love, i'm sorry for disturbing you" Sanji takes a new shirt out of the draws starting to take his shirt off to put the other on. His words manage to snap you out of your frozen state and slam the book closed "Oh no, I'm sorry Sanji i should have asked before reading it" You try to laugh away your nerves as you move to sit on the edge of the bed, Sanji changes his shirt and throws on a new tie before walking over to you and looking over the book you hold out to him "My love you don't need my permission to read your book" He laughs a little while pushing it back to you.
Confusion strikes you while watching as Sanji does his tie, once he's done you hold the book out for him which he takes "It's not mine, i found it under the chest of draws while cleaning. I thought it might be yours" You state keeping your focus on Sanji as he flicks through the book but in the corner of your eye you see Zoro going into the draws and pulling out a shirt in quite the hurry "It's not mine, i'm more of a visual person than a reader of this sort of thing" Sanji laughs with a slight blush handing you the book back. Zoro rushes to leave the room while throwing his shirt on but is stopped by his name being called by you and Sanji. With a sigh the swordsman slowly turns around his face bright red while avoiding any kind of eye contact with the two of you "Zoro... Is this yours?" Sanji asks with a smile already knowing the answer by how the green haired man is acting, the flustered look, the rush to get away and the frozen state he was in as soon as he swore you reading the book told him everything. "N-No" Zoro rubs the back of his head while looking away from the two of you. A smile forms on your face as you stand up, the swordsman has never been the romantic type so you never thought he would read something like this. "It's ok Zo, it's actually really good" You state while walking over to the man with the book held to your chest, he still refused to look at you but somehow his face went redder "I mean it Zo, you don't have to hide things from us." You try and reassure him only to hear a snicker from Sanji behind you.
A quick look at the cook told him to shut up, Sanji jumps at your look before freezing in place and clenching his teeth, so he won't say anything. Looking back at Zoro his eye's shift to look down at you seeing a sweet smile and loving eyes "I know you don't want to be teased over it or for the others to find out so i won't do either and Sanji" You turn to glare back at the cook who looks down in shame "He won't tell anyone either but i know he will tease you over this" You sigh smiling back up at Zoro who relaxes at your words, Sanji nods as he walks over to stand next to you "Yea Zo, i won't tell the others but i will be teasing you over this, lets call it pay back for all the times you've teased me over my magazines" Sanji laughs while poking Zoro's side causing the swordsman to growl and grab the cooks tie pulling him closer "You two better not tell anyone" he growls as Sanji puts his hands up in defense and nods along with you. "As for the teasing, i can take what ever you throw at me" The swordsman gives a cocky smile while letting go of Sanji's tie, you hold the book out to Zoro, but he pushes it back to you "You can keep reading it since you seemed soooo into it" The swordsman leans down to be eye level with you causing your cheeks to go red "I mean it is good but... That scene" Your blush gets worse at just the thought, Zoro chuckles at you before pulling you into him by your waist "If it makes our Y/N blush then it must be super spicy.. Didn't know you were into that kinda thing Zo" Sanji starts to tease wrapping his arms around Zoro's free arm.
The swordsman tries to ignore him but when Sanji whispers something in the green haired man's ear the cook is shoved away "D-Don't say shit like that" Zoro's face goes bright red once again as he stutters stepping away from the cook and letting you go, Sanji smiles wide as he walks closer until the swordsman's back is up against the door, Zoro reaches for the handle to escape but Sanji grabs it first stopping the door from being opened "Oh come on Zoro. If you like the book so much, why don't we recreate it" Sanji teases making you blush but hold back at laugh at how flustered and panicked Zoro has become. "My love, why don't you read a part out to give me an idea of what to do" The cook gets close to Zoro's face who is almost frozen in shock and embarrassment unable to move as the blondes hand runs over his hip. You shake your head while walking over to the two, you wanted to save Zoro but then Sanji turns to look at you giving you a cheeky smile and a wink, you knew this was his payback and a good way to have some fun so you open the book. Deciding to go gentle on the swordsman you read out a kissing scene getting Zoro to stutter trying to tell you to shut up but you continued until that part was over. Sanji nods at you before brushing his lips against Zoro's "Your eyes are the light to my darkness, oh how i adore them" The cook whispers quoting the man from the scene as he presses his lips lightly onto Zoro who tries to push the cook away but can't seem to muster up the strength to do so. You blush at the two before putting the book to the side and walking over running your hand up Zoro's arm.
You can't let Sanji have all the fun plus the swordsman looks too cute all flustered. Leaning into the swordsman's neck you blow lightly in it causing the man to shiver while Sanji slips his tongue into the swordsman's mouth humming a little and letting his hand run up to Zoro's ribs. "I will always shine bright for you, so even in the darkest of night, you can find your way home to me" You quote the mans partner in the scene before lightly placing your lips on his neck, kissing up and down it in slow long kisses. Zoro can't help but let out a slight moan from the feeling, his heart pounding in his chest as different conflicting emotions run through his body. Sanji soon pulls away panting for air while placing his forehead against Zoro's who's eyes are still slightly wide while his whole face and neck are bright red "My dear, my angel of light -" Sanji whispers as his hand travels up your back getting you to stop kissing Zoro's neck and look up at him, the cook didn't need to say anything, you already knew what he wanted so you leaned in closer to Zoro's face letting your hand run up the swordsman's arm to rest on his shoulder while Sanji pulled away slightly his hand running through the swordsman's hair "I have always and will forever love you and follow your light" The two of you say in unison before kissing Zoro's lips, the three of your lips moving together as the swordsman's hands quickly wrap around the two of you holding you all close together. Zoro relaxes into the kiss letting out a hum of satisfaction, he may still be flustered but maybe the teasing wouldn't be too bad after all.
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cybercl0ne · 1 year
Mine. // Stalker Shigaraki x f!Reader // Part: Sequel
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Summary: Shigaraki has been stalking you for a while now, getting confident enough to get close to you.
Tw: 18+,stalking, non-con somnophilia
You never questioned anything weird that happened in your life. Anytime something bad happened you decided it was something bound to happen and there’s nothing you can do about it. So when you found a weird and unexplainable stain on your underwear you shrugged it off and went to bed, deciding it was probably something you had dropped on it and forgot to clean it. Tonight would be no different, you were the same you always had been. Dangerously Unaware.
As you laid your head down and fell into a sleep that Shigaraki was sure you weren’t gonna wake up from he pounced into your room, his lusting eyes sizing you up and down as the adrenaline rushed through his body. “My sweet, sweet love we’re finally going to be together.” His eyes laid on your heaving form, watching as you squirmed to face him unintentionally. The thought that you “consciously” faced him made his heart flutter. He knew he needed to satiate himself and stroking his cock over you sounded tempting.
he debated with himself, deciding that it’d be quick. He pulled his already hard cock out of his pants, his cock leaping for joy at the sight of you, unaware of his presence. “Your so fucking beautiful love~ I just want to wrap myself in your body and make you mine~” he whispered to you as his thrusts and pumps became faster and sloppier. As he felt himself drawing near his release he made sure to not drop cum on you, stifling his moans into his black hoodie as he came into his tissue.
After a few moments of him calming himself down he noticed how his cock stayed hard. He felt it throb with anticipation, wanting no. Needing to feel inside you.
As his cock twitched over you, his mind grew hazy as he gently lifted the blanket off of your sleeping form. He knew at this point that this was a new low even for him and debated holding it off until he could consciously have you in his arms but his cock was leaking and begging for you. “You don’t mind, do you sweetheart? I know you’re a virgin but you’d want me to pop your cherry wouldn’t you?” He asks, not really expecting an answer, as he groped your chest. You wriggle in your sleep, fighting back waking up as he flinched, deciding that he’d have you when you were completely awake, wanting the moment to be as special for you as it is for him. With that he kissed your forehead, taking his leave and fading into the night.
The next morning you wake up groggy and tired, trying to adjust the way your bra was somehow over your breast. As you shrugged it off you got out of your dingy pajamas clothes to change into dingy work clothes. You groaned and heaved as you flung yourself to the city transport train, counting down the minutes the train would be late this time. “I really need to get a new way to work.” You groaned to yourself, tiredly flinging yourself onto the train. As you took your seat you noticed the same people you usually did. The angsty metal head teen that always sat by the mysterious window with their headphones blasting a tad too loud, as you could sometimes depict what song they were listening today. And the coffee man, the guy who always came onto the train with his steamy hot coffee from somewhere local get it does no effect as you always catch him nodding off anyway.
You beamed at the motivation to make today worth living as you sat settled in your seat, ignoring the out of place character that was Shigaraki. how would you notice him, a hoodie that screams “killer stalker”, a constant need to hide his face, calling for attention, and his weird choice of seating weirdly next to you as there were many other places to sit. Every red flag about that man went obliviously unnoticed as you happily offered the seat next to you, with a smile on your face.
“Thanks.” The one worded man said as he found himself being unable to speak, Shigaraki’s first big move after sneaking into your house. He knew he had seen you around, followed you, and some… but he had never actually gained the courage to talk to you, let alone get so close to you while you were awake.
The rest of the ride was in silence as you checked glances at the questionable neighbor that you caught eyeing you more than a couple of times, you subtly checked to make sure you weren’t getting the wrong idea and had a spot of food on your face or something but found nothing.
As the train rolled to a screeching stop all the flooding passengers fled to where they needed to be, including you. You departed from the train, making your long walk to work.
You sighed a breath of relief as the shift being over dawned closer and closer. You wiped down the last table before closing and gathering your stuff to leave.
Normally when walking home you knew you felt a sense of unease, but you always played it as paranoia, or a natural sense of human overthinking. As you ignored your settling gut on the instinct you find yourself walking down the dimly lit street to the train station, finding a sort of relief when it was in view. Just as you were about to reach the bright and populated station a hand tapped your shoulder.
Spooked you flashed around, your senses on alert. “Sorry didn’t mean to sneak up on you, I just recognized you from the train station earlier.” The tall, lanky, suspicious man said. You didn’t have to try hard to remember who he was, counting you had let him sit right next to you.
“oh yes, you walking to the station to?” You asked, trying to calm your nerves enough to keep conversation. For some reason you found yourself uncomfortable and confused. “Nobody lives down this street… let alone come down here. The nearest store/ restaurant was back almost a half mile away and we were closed….”
you tried to think rational, fighting with your mind as you didn’t want to make and jump to conclusions so easily.
“Where are you coming from on such an uneventful night?” You ask, keeping up a smile. The man shivered as he collected his thoughts. “Just thought a nice walk before heading home.” He said, looking back at the train station. You nodded as you looked back to the train that you counted was bound to pull up in a few minutes.
“Should we walk to the station together then?” You suggested, mentally slapping your face as you made a mistake, you only wanted to leave the awkward and weird conversation, not invite it on a long and possibly more weird conversation.
The man happily nodded, both of you moving in a pace too slow to catch a train. Shigaraki knew this, asking you questions for you to slow and think about as he stalled for more time. He tried desperately to hide his hard dick as it shifted at the sight of you, your natural smell of sweets and the way you were so cutely unaware. As you reached the train station you had concluded it to be too late. You sighed in agitation before glancing to find people. No one. Shigaraki would jump up and down for joy if he weren’t trying to blow his cover right now but he holds it, taking in your precious thinking state. “You know I could drive you home if you wanted.” He suggested. He looked at your face and waited for a response as you contemplated.
You knew the pros and cons of traveling with a complete stranger, let alone one as weird and strange as him but you saw that the next train wasn’t until dawn and if this man was willing to help then you’d be inclined to take it, flipping a mental coin in your head, you landed on tails, nodding and following him to his car as he led you.
The drive was quiet, you observed your surroundings at all times, making sure to make sure he takes the right turns and swirls down streets to the train station, as you gripped your phone tight. You didn’t trust anyone enough to do this but desperate as you were, you made due. As you rounded a streetlight you blanked thinking. “Why would he take the train if he has a car?…” you glanced over at the man mortified , as he was now smiling.
“you caught me darling~” he chuckled. Before you could protest he stuck you with a quick needle, making you dizzy as you fell unconscious.
I guess you should’ve went with heads.
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heart-sized · 1 year
having a moment — r. lupin
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★⺌◞. remus lupin x f!reader
plot : soft high school moment with your crush, remus lupin
cw : fluff content, non—hogwarts au, reader wears glasses
a/n : besties, this is inspired by real life events that happened to me omgjdheh
masterlist // moony masterlist
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your stomach literally growled as the smell of homemade pasta filled your nose. oh, how you wanted to devour it. but one look at the wall clock and you knew that you had to hurry up. or else you would be late for school.
brushing your twin braids with your fingers and taking your school bag, you galloped towards the school. it had been much easier when you used to take the school bus. but money was tight and it's not like walking to school would do you any harm. yeah, right, except severe leg cramps.
the school wasn't much far and soon you found yourself stepping inside your first class. biology with miss felicity who was the complete antonym of her name. she was anything but lovable. your eyes found remus lupin sitting on the last desk and as usual, your heart skipped a beat. you felt something warm and fuzzy in your stomach.
your desk was just two desks ahead of him and somehow you loved this, knowing that it was the only proximity you could get.
you didn't know how it happened. you had known him since grade fifth and hadn't thought much of him. until sophomore year.
“y/n─” your best friend startled you. “─you are late!”
forcing your eyes back to your best friend, you gave her a guilty smile and slid down next to her. “i'm so sorry, lily. i got up late and could not even eat breakfast today!”
“aw, you poor baby,” lily caressed your hand gently. “by the way, do yo─”
“─why didn't you eat anything?” she was cut off by remus who was staring intently at you two, or more like, you.
in moments like these, you wished that your vocal cords wouldn't betray you, but alas. you loved how his words disturbed the rhythm of your pulse though.
“um, i got up late,” your words were fast and full of shyness and your eyes were not meeting his. something that you hated. maybe that's why remus avoided talking to you. who would ever want to talk to someone as pathetic to you?
you flung your eyes back to him and noted that he was still looking at you. his lips bent into a crooked smile as he pointed towards your best friend. “learn something from lily evans. she never forgets to eat at any cost.”
he was such a person. always playful and nice. something that popular boys weren't supposed to be. at least, not wattpad boys.
lily scowled. “please. i don't eat all the time! and stop cutting me off.”
a deep laughter vibrated from his chest and you sucked a breath. you almost felt jealous of your best friend. why, lily was the one making him laugh. when it should have been you. if you hadn't noticed so closely, you would have thought that he liked her. but that's not the case. their banter was playful, like that of siblings.
“where did you zone out?” you best friend asked as you turned back to your original positions. “that was a huge space out, by the way.”
“nothing much,” the lies rolled off easily. “just wondering about stuff.”
“stuff, hum?” lily had a roguish grin on her face. “sometimes i ponder if this ‘stuff’ is actually a guy.”
your heartbeat skyrocketed and your eyes widened visibly as you stared back at your best friend who was grinning ear to ear. what could you even tell her?
“of course not,” you waved your hand in dismissal, too guilty to stare at her. “lemme study now, okay?”
“okay ...” your best friend drawled in. “but i know what's up.”
“shut up!”
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you were never the one to fond over physical labour. you'd rather sleep your day out rather than to engage in hiking or walking or whatever sort of stuff people used to do. walking back to home was not your forte. hell, your school bag felt too heavy and the distance much longer.
your only comfort was that remus would be near too. you two shared the same route till half the distance and usually, you'd walk slowly so you could gaze at him freely from behind.
but not today. there was no sight of him anywhere ahead of you and your mood was bitter, much like the nutritious drink in your hand.
today's so pathetic. you thought until you heard a voice calling out your name. well, it didn't turn pathetic at all.
“y/n─” you saw remus running towards you, his school bag on his back and his hair glistening with sweat. “─are you deaf or what?”
okay, you didn't expect him to say that.
“why?” you set your chin up high, meeting his gaze.
“because you're,” he ran his fingers over his hair. “i've been hollering your name like crazy for the past five minutes and you were walking along unaffected. now i'm confused whether you're actually deaf or i'm being ignored.”
the irony. you could never ever even think of ignoring him.
“i wasn't ignoring you,” you fixed your glasses up. “i was just lost in thought.”
“lost in thought and careless,” he commented as he fixed the strap of your school bag up which was lying low on your arm. you felt your arm burn at the touch of his fingers. “i wonder what goes inside your brain.”
how ironic it'd be if you answered it truly.
“i beg your pardon but not all of us have a genius mind like you.”
remus really had a photogenic memory, even though he claimed that he never studied.
“is that jealousy, i presume?” amusement laced his voice as he started walking along you. you mentally squirmed.
“of course not,” you mustered truthfully. “i don't get jealous over grades.”
“i know,” there was a faint trace of a smile on his face. “you don't care about my grades or the number of hours i study or what textbooks i use.”
“why would i?” you furrowed your eyebrows and then realised how rude you sounded. “i mean, why would i bother in someone's personal business? i'd much rather ask about you.”
crap. did you really blurt that out?
“would you now?”
“i didn't mean it in that way,” you punched your forehead lightly and he grinned at you.
“you silly girl,” he laughed and held your hands on his. “let us walk together”
walking together? was it a date? did remus like you or was it more of a 'i-pity-you-silly-girl' walk.
whatever. you were content with walking together.
“will you come to school tomorrow?” he slowly asked and your lips parted a bit. will it matter to you if i come or not? you almost blurted it out but stopped yourself on time.
“um, yeah, i don't like missing school.” because it's the only time i can see you.
" so do i. "
you looked up at his eyes and he looked back at yours. was this what they called 'having a moment' in wattpad? because if it was, then you very much loved having a moment with remus lupin.
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ᝬ ˙.໑ ╱ © seducity 2023 — all rights reserved. property of suzu
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ominoose · 1 year
Any chance I could request a little Jake x reader where reader is Marc's wife? She knows of Steven and Jake (and has met Steven), but Jake is all new to her. NSFW would be so slay 💅
Even if you DONT do this request, please know I read everything you post and I love you sm
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𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐝
Pairing: Jake Lockley x F!Reader
Warnings: Smut
WC: 1.5k
A/N: Anon you are so sweet 💞 You said a little but my fingers started acting on their own... Came out more as a mini character study but they shag I swear. Its just heartfelt. 😩
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Your sudden scream echoed against against the muggy tiles of the bathroom, cutting through the quiet flat so suddenly that before Marc could even finish being startled Jake had already forced himself to the front, feet thudding against the floor before the bathroom door is flung open.
The site of you stood over the window with water dripping down your skin stops him in his tracks.
Marc was smitten with you from the moment he met you, that much was obvious to both Jake and Steven alike. The body's heart raced, their palms began sweating and their eyes always trailed after you no matter where you were in the room. It did come as a surprise when Marc impulsively asked you out, an action uncharacteristic of a man so usually closed off and wary of letting people in.
The bigger surprise came when you so openly accepted their DID. Steven had been complaining about how little he was getting to front since Marc's relationship with you began, going as far as to argue on behalf of their mysterious third alter since even he must be getting less chance to sneak about. Jake didn't get involved.
When Marc finally opened up to you and introduced Steven, and, without hesitation, you insisted you would love every part of him, including any other man living in his body, it was Steven's turn to fall head over heels. Jake still didn't get involved.
Even when Marc and Steven jointly proposed to you, even when you said yes and the three of you vowed to stand side by side through eternity and beyond, in sickness and in health, Jake made his own vow not to get involved.
Just because the other two knew about his existence didn't mean he had to be actively involved. Just because you were married and gave Marc and Steven their hard earned happily ever after didn't mean he had to get involved, that wasn't what he was made to do. He was there when shit hit the fan, when Marc's knuckles went from bruised to bloody, when they needed to bite and clamp their jaws shut over the throat of a threat. When danger reared its head as quick as a belt.
Jake was not made to see the most beautiful women the world could create, with steam curling around her body, water droplets cascading down her skin where he'd learned to expect blood.
The bathroom door slamming against the wall got your attention as the form of your tense, rigid husband filled the door frame.
"Sorry babe, there was a spider. I already let it out the window, didn't mean to startle you." The sympathetic smile you gave him should've been enough to ease him, earn a sigh or a 'Phew' if it was Steven fronting. Not now. The man in front of you stood as if he'd been born into this stance, shoulders squared, eyes narrowed and sharp, jaw set. The man in front of you wasn't either of the men you stood at the aisle with. That left only one other person it could be.
"Jake?" The name was one foreign to your lips, spoken the way people said the names of ancient, mythological figures, of someone they'd heard while curled in bed, covers pulled up to their nose. As if saying the name out loud would invoke something.
It did.
Finally the man reacted, eyes flying up to meet your stare, wary as a beaten dog. Jake knew you were aware of him, knew Marc and Steven vaguely mentioned the fact he existed, but having you say his name was something more. He wasn't a rare, passing conversation topic now, the local cryptid haunting your home. Jake was made real, grounded in the present and not simply the flashes of violence and horror marring the body. Now he was the deer caught in the headlights, frozen at being seen.
With a hesitant step forward you reach for him, placing your hand gently on his shoulder. To you, it was to ground him, connect with him, show him you were open to him. Briefly you wondered if your fingers would slip through him like smoke.
To Jake, it was the first time someone had touched him without the sting of violence, and yet your touch still stung, still set his body on fire, his heart racing. To Jake, now given a moment in time to want, it was all he'd wanted.
His lips were on you before your back hit the wall, ravenous and desperately molding himself against you, breathing you in. When your arms went around his neck, wrapping him up in you, it was a miracle Jake stayed standing. Rough, calloused hands ran over you, fingers pressing against every inch of your skin, every pore. Hands that had only been present to be stained with blood were now being coated in you and he couldn't get enough.
The first chance you had to catch your breath was when you were being lifted without warning, pined between the wall and the panting picture of desperation in front of you. For a brief second your mind managed to catch up with you, 'Was this ok? Would Marc and Steven be ok with this?', but before any answer could've possibly came to you his tongue had laid claim to your mouth.
A key difference between Jake and Marc and Steven was Jake's world was fast, one where you had to give all or be reduced to nothing. Take what you can and take it now, because all you have to your name is a handful of time and the need to survive. That heady desperation defined Jake in all aspects, a fact he was carving into your mouth as his tongue tangled with your own while his hands all but ripped his trousers off.
This was the second and final time you were given the mercy of a breath, because when his mouth left yours, his cock had plunged inside of you. A strangled grunt gets caught in his throat as he holds you in place against the wall, head burrowing into the crook of your neck and taking the chance to bite at you, mark you, leave proof that he was here, that it was Jake Lockley that had pried those gorgeous moans from you.
His thrusts were as imposing and hard as the rest of him, wasting no time at setting a brutal pace, cock never fully leaving you as the sound of skin slapping skin and your gasping cries filled the bathroom. It was raw and primal, his hands like claws as he squeezed you as close to him as he could, bottoming out thrust after thrust, fucking you the only way he knew a man could.
The angle had his pubic bone grinding against your clit, creating an accidental rhythm while he slammed into you over and over and over. There was no let up, all you could do was dig your nails into his shoulders, wrapping your legs around him as he held you there and had his way with you, not even able to arch against his vice like grip on you.
Pleasure was being pulled from you so suddenly, so rapidly, it was already overstimulating, but Jake Lockley didn't work in half measures. It was all or nothing, fast and furious, there was never time for him to stop and catch his breath before, and he wouldn't make a habit of it now. Your clit was throbbing violently, walls clenching sporadically as he panted over you, both of you heading towards joint ruin with open legs.
When said ruin came, it was complete and utterly so. Your orgasm was quick but completely overwhelming, legs twitching and trying to clamp shut around him as he fucked you through it, rutting against your abused clit with no remorse. Jake's own ruin was quick to follow though, and it came over him with a roar as he barely managed to suppress the loud, rumbling moan clawing out of his throat. He was panting like an animal as he spasmed inside of you, his pace becoming frantic and stuttering as his body fought to keep moving. His moment couldn't end.
Despite his efforts, end it did, with his dick softening as he was left panting, staring down at your neck with a gaping mouth. He'd left his mark on you, bruises were scattered across your skin, crescent moons denting into the flesh of your hips, carved by his fingers. Was this it? Was this all he'd get from the world, this fleeting moment with you? It was more than he'd wished for, but now that he'd finally been allowed to want, he wanted more. He wanted you.
A soft hand on his jaw brought his gaze to you and the breaths he'd just fought back into his lungs left him. Your eyes were soft, slowly tracing over his face, savouring a moment to just look at him, the face of a man without the shadows that obscured it. The face of Jake Lockley.
He was too entranced to react as you leaned closer to him and placed a gentle, delicate kiss to his parted lips. After what he'd just done to you, the pleasure he'd ripped from you, after you'd let him all but claw his way between your legs, now you were opening your heart for him to claw his way into as well.
"It's nice to finally meet you, Jake." Now, for the first time, Jake was truly involved, body and soul.
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Hiiii. I lately realized that I'm bi. A girl in my college was my gay-awakening. We only have one same subject every other semester. She's sweet. She sings and plays a handful of instruments [I stalked her youtube😭].
It all started when I seemed to notice her in that class and that we made an eye contact everytime we were in the same room. I rarely look people in the eye but when I felt her eyes, I just glanced for a mini-second too. She was just acknowledging me and so I acknowledged her right back. This happened a year ago [2nd sem]. I passed it off as a mere "curiosity" and guys and gays, IT IS NEVER CURIOSITY.
Now in the 4th SEM, I forgot it all but I would recognize and highlight her out of the crowd whenever I'd pass my her in a corridoor. I only saw her once in the class for the 4th sem, cause I bunked a lot of it, where we again made an eye-contact. And a few days later, out of the blue, it dawned upon me when I found myself waiting for yet another eye-contact. And I realize that I may have been suppressing all of it.
Now how do I approach her?I know she's sweet but she seems unapproachable to me [im not friends with her friends. They are not the kind of people I would be friends with or maybe I would Idk cause I never make friends. Plus she's cool]. I think that she'll get angry once she learns of my crush idk why i think that [I've always thought so about all my crushes] And also she belongs to the "cool" people group ya know the fun ones. I, on the other hand, don't belong to any group though there are a couple folks I spend my time with. I'm rather introverted (atleast until you get to know me which most people don't because I'm too closed off and apparently have an rbf).
I cannot believe we managed to exist in the same age, same side of the world, hell the same darn college and yet I feel so far away, flung into a different plane of existence, like I can never feel her heart beat against mine or her fingers intertwined in mine like I cannot hold her when all that I want is to hold her, to hold her so close I can feel her blood run through her veins and her tumultuous breath against my ear.
hi! honestly, my advice to you would be to just talk to her. from your ask, i've gathered that you guys share a class together, and that is the perfect opportunity, in my opinion, to strike up a conversation with her and get to know her. i know it might be scary, especially because you'll be stepping out of your comfort zone a bit, but you'll never know if she's interested in you if all you do is admire her from a distance (remember, you miss 100% of the shots you don't take). it's clear that she's noticed you almost as much as you've noticed her, and like you said, even though you don't know her friends, she seems like a sweet person.... so go for it. don't let the fear of rejection stop you from experiencing something that could be great.
i hope i've been able to help, even if it's just a little bit, and if you have any follow-ups, feel free to leave another ask. good luck :)
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the-dawn-star · 2 years
Hellooo! I have had this on my mind for a while now can you perhaps do a volturi kings meet their shy mate who is bi? And the kings are nervous if the reader would become jealous when it was time to introduce her to the queens (athena and sulpica ) She likes gushes how attractive they are and flirts with them. She turns from being shy to a seductress since she has more experience with women than men lol. The kings are just shocked and somewhat jealous and the reader be like "Oh I forgot to mention I kinda like women too" and smiles sheepishly or something along the lines
it's okay if you can't do it i just really needed to let that out lol been stuck in my head for months haha.
A/N: Hey! First just to be stated all queer people perceive being queer differently and this is my interpretation on the scenario. Remember coming out should not be necessary in this day and age, but for now it is, and always be sure if coming out that you are safe!! Secondly hope you like this, I really like this idea.
+ not proof read, 600ish words  
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At first, they thought nothing of it. I mean being a mate to the three most powerful vampires is obviously stressful.  
So, for a long time the kings agree that it would be the best that you wouldn’t meet Athenodora and Sulpicia at first.  
But enough is enough, and after few months of living in the castle they planned a meeting between you and their wives.  
You sat in around a big table playing with your fingers not sure what to expect. You had heard about the wives but only by whispers. 
Marcus was sitting next to you and slowly took your hand to his, stopping the twisting of your fingers.  
Your nervous heart came to a stop as the massive wooden doors were flung open.  
You jumped out of your chair and turned to look at the vampires who were walking in. And Marcus did the same, with a small smile on his face.  
They were just as gorgeous as the whispers you had heard.  
“You should have told me, your wives were this beautiful, so I would have requested a meeting sooner.” You whispered but sure everyone could hear you. 
No matter what plans you had for the meeting were swept away when you saw them and you started to talk. 
It had been a while when you had last flirted with women but you forgot how easily you could talk to them. And how much better you were at that than talking to men, even if they were your mates.  
And they were truly nice and easy to talk to. 
Your mates had no other choice than to look at the scene in front of them. Their shy and barely talking mate talking to Athenodora and Sulpicia like you were their mate. 
And the wives laughing to your jokes and getting bashful when you complimented them.  
Don't get me wrong your mates will be proud that you talk to anyone in the castle but they did not expect this. You flirting with the women when you barely can handle the words of your actual mates. 
You laid on a massive bed ready go to sleep with your mates in the room with you.  
“So, are you going to explain your act when meeting Athenodora and Sulpicia? It was... surprising at least.” Caius asked tightening his hold of your waist.  
“Well yeah, your wives are drop shit gorgeous and I have more experience with flirting with women..., so yeah.” You said like you were talking about the weather.  
You took a look at your mates who all had a small smile on their lips but still I could see a tiniest bit of jealousy in their eyes.  
“You have a problem with it..., me liking women too,” You quiet and going back to your shyer demeanor.  
“Of course not, but just remember that you are mine.” Caius answered and pulled you as close to him as possible.  
“Ours, not mine.” Marcus reminded his brother, not turning his head from the ancient book that he was reading.  
You turned to look at Aro who was sitting in an armchair a smirk on his face and you couldn’t help than to join to it.  
Thanks...,” You whispered to Aro, being sure that he understood what you meant.  
“Of course, my love...,”  
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