#( apologies for getting to it late BUT ALSO I HAD...A LOT OF THOUGHTS TOO :'D )
kamipyre · 2 years
AND AND 📝 + Yong, if possible (feel free to skip any of these; have a fANTASTIC DAY, FERRE!!)
instead of suki rambling u get ferre!! ( ft. meta time with @theimpalpable )
send me “📝 + A Character” for me to go all out about the relationship between my muse and that character!!
okay so when I think of these two I think of mellow giant ( bc yong is a tall birb ) with chaotic gremlin ( bc suki is short in comparison to at least all of her friends so far….she needs to find shorter friends really 🥲 ) BUT ALSO…it’s because based on what we’ve plotted for these two so far and also from my understanding of yong ( so far- do correct me if I’m wrong tho!! ), he’s not the kind of person to necessarily get riled by the small things UNLESS it’s hurting someone he cares about. ( this is why suki’s here- so she can complain for him…she has enough salt and pettiness to complain for both her AND yong JFKSLJF ) So in this case, I would like to introduce u to this image….bc it?? Screams them?? KINDA??
But back to them!! I love that suki is perpetually confusing yong with her thoughts 24/7 and how they’re almost opposites in how suki is just go, go, go, and yong is more chill, mellow again might be the right word?? Like I wouldn’t necessarily say he’s completely go-with-the-flow, but it’s more like…he’s a warm sunny day by the the river…peaceful. A breath of fresh air, even and especially for someone like suki, who is almost always on her toes out a. habit but also b. a necessity since her job is very demanding and not to mention her coworkers are very similar to her in that they are also….go-getters. yong is very nice if not NECESSARY change for her pace as since he’s lived for a long while ( at least by human years ), he’s probably seen and experienced a lot…also just that he tends to wait and think things through first before making a decision…something that suki decidedly does not do more often than not JFKLSDJFSL but also as I’ve said before, she doesn’t’ make friends easily so when she makes someone, pls know she is clingy af….alexa play ‘never gonna give you up, never gonna say goodbye’ JFLKSJDKLFJS
 on yong’s end though, I hope that suki provides him with a certain…freshness to life again? Like of course he has his sibling and someone he’s crushing on BUT also suki is well…u see her, someone who very much would kneel to the side to smell the roses even if she’s seen it for the nth/ someone who would take a moment to look at a lizard bc she?? Wants to and needs no other reason to do so :’D basically, what I’m trying to say is that suki might give?? yong a little variation in his life as she is quite unpredictable….good thing yong is more than happy to follow along FJKSLDJF 
but also i love the irony in their friendship how yong is the chosen one of a korean phoenix, which still means he does have the motif of fire and then there’s suki….with a severe pyrophobia AND YET?? They still get along SO WELL :D I think that also comes with despite having different demeanors, they do share some crucial traits, like how they both aren’t incredibly open about their respective histories and traumas ( did I mention I’m gonna KICK THOSE PPLS BUTTS BTW; WHY WOULD YOU DO SUCH A THING TO SWEET TOL’ BIRB D-:< ) and how they both have unique habits ( ie. Suki- the paper thing, yong- clicking pens ) to cope with stress….it’s in that sense I like to think suki can relate to yong even if she doesn’t necessarily know a lot about him….
Honestly, when I think of yong, I think of a hearth fire- true it’s still fire, but it’s also controlled and tranquil, the kind of fire that suki these days is more comfortable and when she begins to really push to overcome her pyrophobia, the kind of fire she practices her exposure with….but also pls consider!! Suki asking yong to use his powers around her when she starts looking to overcome it bc he’s got the most access to fire AKA he can also turn it off, BUT ALSO when those mean people come back trying to find yong pls know suki is more than willing to get in front of yong bc even if she is a pipsqueak and DEFINITELY not the most physically intimidating, is she going to try and fite them?? yes absolutely ( but also pls consider on a lighter note, suki getting worked up at least once and trying to fite someone….only for yong to hold her back by the back of her shirt JFKLSJDLF )- she’ll probably break her hand in the process but anything for her friend, okay?
as for her discovering he’s a superhuman…well she’s seen pretty weird ( ie. See ace attorney trilogy ) so if she can handle spirit world shenaganians then while it might take some time, I think she wouldn’t be too surprised…if ppl can talk to the dead, then why not everything else as well?? I do think she would try to see where the intersections of the supernatural and science can be applied as well ( ethically, of course )….
As for where they can go….well I was thinking about her cinders verse and therefore her BLACK KNIGHT VERSE and just…if you’re okay with this, but yong being one of the ppl she confides in when she initially quits the lapd?? But also in her black knight verse, not her meeting up with yong occasionally for lunch and just maybe?? The two of them talking about the same person ( ie. The pigeon man ) but knowing him by a different name JFLSJDFJKL
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kennahjune · 8 months
Part 2 of my s3 Steddie :D
Tag list: @anaibis @marklee-blackmore @hellowhatthehellisgoingonhere @swimmingbirdrunningrock @clumsiluni @just-a-tiny-void @estrellami-1 @goodolefashionedloverboi @mugloversonly @skyewaytohell @lololol-1234 @conversationswithamillennial @maya-custodios-dionach @nuggies4life @luthienstormblessed @blu3stars @samsoble @finntheehumaneater @thatonebirthstone @bird-with-pencils @swiftielouie55 @queenie-ofthe-void @paintsplatteredandimperfect @monsterloverforhire @krazyperson @literatelobster @jaytriesstuff @hippieg1rl420 @beawritingbooks @nightoffury @irregular-child @colidamae @stevieboyscoffee @martinskis-lydias
Holy shit!! I’ve never made a tag list before?? Thank you guys sm for being so into it!! And without further ado;
Steve woke up with the initial thought of “what the fuck”. So he could automatically assume his day was going to go great.
Out of his room, down the hall, down the stairs, through the living room and into the kitchen is where he finds Jonathan and— oddly enough— Robin.
Steve was used to finding Jonathan with him after one of his “episodes”. Usually he or Nancy will help him through it the best they can, laying with him or sitting with him wherever he is.
The idea of Robin in his house doesn’t even occur to Steve as weird until Robin says, “Sorry for the intrusion, uh… you really freaking worried me, man.”
Steve blinked— then, without taking his eyes off of Robin, asked Jonathan “Where did I have my episode at last night?”
Jonathan had the decency to look sheepish about it. “Uh— pfsshh, you had it at work, Steve.”
“And how bad was it?” He looked at Jonathan.
“You collapsed and had to be carried to the break room to rest. And the fact that you don’t seem to remember much of anything is also saying a lot.”
Steve stood there, thinking long and hard about yesterdays events.
“I remember Billy coming in and saying something about Max. Then he said something about Dustin that pissed me off. I don’t know. After that… who the hell?..”
Holy shit.
Jonathan must’ve clocked the moment of realization cause he walked over and patted him on the shoulder. “Yeah, man.”
Steve groaned and hurried his face in his hands. “That’s so embarrassing!” Was his muffled complaint. Robin— the asshole— had the nerve to snort at him.
“Hush, Buckley! Ugh I hate this.”
Jonathan was rubbing his back now, barely hiding his own snickers and laughs. “Come on—“
“I have to go,” Steve said quickly and went to turn around to leave.
“Where are you going? This is your house!” Robin retorted.
“I have to go apologize!”
Jonathan snagged Steve’s wrist and prevented him from going any further. “Go sit down, Steve. You can apologize later.”
Steve begrudgingly obliged, sitting at the small kitchen table that was usually used for his dads drinking. He crossed his arms and put his head down. He’d fucked up his vision again when he spun around too fast to leave. Jonathan sighed and came up to rub his back again. Physical touch helped Steve a lot during times like these. Especially during the vertigo.
Robin took the seat next to him. “So, two concussions? If you were having such a bad time why didn’t you just call in?”
“Cause I’m constantly late to work and the only reason I haven’t been fired and kicked on my ass is because you keep covering for me so I figured I had to return the favor,” he replied in one breath.
They were silent for a couple of minutes, just basking the each others presence. Until Jonathan stopped rubbing Steve’s back, let his hand rest there, and then patted between his shoulder blades twice before going over to the pantry.
“You need to eat something before you do anything. Robin can you get him a cup of water, please?”
Robin nodded and stood to get it. Steve groaned. “I can get my own water, Jon.” but he’d made no attempts to move from his seat. Jonathan muttered something about toast.
“Considering the fact that yesterday you just about passed out on your feet and how a few minutes ago you nearly fell over just by turning too fast, I’d like to differ.”
Steve huffed, knowing he was right. He heard the toaster start and glass was set down gently in front of him. He lifted his head and eyed the water.
“I didn’t poison the damn thing, dingus.” Robin tapped her fingers on the table.
Steve snorted and finally took the glass. He was done with it in seconds.
“Christ,” Robin muttered while refilling it for him.
When Steve was just about done eating his toast and downing another cup of water his house phone went off.
“I’ve got it.” Jonathan stood.
Steve shrugged and stood himself— slowly this time— to put his dishes away. Robin remained seated and watched him.
Jonathan huffed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Steve furrowed his eyebrows and walked over, trying to hear the conversation.
“Yeah— no I’ve got it, don’t worry. I love you to. Bye.” Jonathan hung up and sighed heavily.
“You alright?” Steve leaned on the wall next to him.
“Yep. Great. That was my mom, by the way. And apparently the kids are all on the loose in Forest Hills, looking for Eddie.”
What the fuck?
“What the fuck?”
“So…” Robin stood. “I’m going with Steve?”
Max was curious. They all were. Just who the hell was Eddie Munson? Steve had never mentioned him before, but from the looks of it both Jonathan and Steve knew him.
Will had wanted to ask Nancy about him, saying how Jonathan said they all went to school together, but Mike refused to ask Nancy about any of this other than asking about migraines.
So they were on their own.
Max took her skateboard and the boys took their bikes (Will riding with Mike) and the four of them made their way to the trailer park.
Max was running on borrowed time, telling Billy that she was going over to the Byers’. And if that’s not where she is in the next 2-3 hours when he comes to pick her up then she’s done for.
But it’s fine. They figure out where Eddie Munson lives in no time. It’s not a very big trailer park, and “Eddie Munson” seems to be a pretty recognizable name. A nice old lady named Miss. Bottomette pointed them right down the street from her own trailer.
The four of them made their way over, dumping their bikes (and skateboard) in the yard— not bothering with kickstands. Max and Mike shoved their way in front of the other two, both going to knock at the same time.
Mike gently shoved Max to the side when the door opened, now all three of them being behind him. Standing at the door wasn’t Eddie Munson, unless he’d aged 50 years in past 24 hours. The new man was a lot older, and was just a bit taller than Mike. He looked the four of them up and down before leaning on the doorway and crossing his arms.
“What can I help you kids with?”
Will gulped. He didn’t like adults and especially not ones with heavy western accents that look like they’d kill him if he so much as breathed wrong.
“Um— we’re just looking for an uh, an Eddie Munson, sir,” Max tagged on from behind Mike. Will reached over subtly and grabbed someone’s hand, he thinks it’s was Lucas’. Why the hell was this guy so scary?
The man had a gleam in his— something like amusement. It kind of pissed Mike off but he knew better than to get pissy with an adult he’d just met. Especially with how Will was reacting to him.
“Well,” the man chuckled, “I’m not sure what you kids need with ‘im, but he’s not here right now. So why don’t you go back home, huh?”
He went to close the door but Mike spoke up. “Wait! Please— we uh— we really, really need to talk to him. Even if it’s just for a couple of seconds!”
“If he’s not here do you know where he is?” asked Lucas.
The man studied them all closely, his eyes raking over them each individually. As if they were threats. Mike nearly scoffed to himself.
Finally the man gave in and sighed. “Why do you wanna see Ed so bad?”
Max tapped her foot really hard on the wooden porch. When everyone jumped and looked at her she put her hands up. “Sorry! Got excited.”
Lucas spoke up this time. “We, um— wanna thank him? And ask him a few questions I guess. He helped out one of our friends yesterday and we really really just want to talk to him, please. Sir.” he tagged on the “sir” like an after thought.
In the next few moments, they found themselves piling into the very small, very cramped trailer living room.
“I’m Wayne, by the way. Wayne Munson, Eddie’s uncle.” he finally introduced himself. He raised his eyebrow at them. Oh yeah, they have to introduce themselves as well.
“Oh! Um— I’m Lucas. Lucas Sinclair.”
“Er— Max Mayfield.” she crossed her arms.
“Mike Wheeler.”
“Um, uh—“ Will grabbed Mikes hand “—Will Byers.”
Mr. Munson’s eyes seemed to study Will extra hard. Mike gripped his hand and squeezed to let him know he was there. Even Max and Lucas moved in slightly closer to Will. They didn’t understand why this guy seemed to come off so mean.
“Hey Uncle Wayne! What’s taking you so long at the door, man?” The man of the hour showed his face at the end of a small hallway. His brain seemed to short circuit at the sight of all the kids in his very small and very cramped living room.
“Um, hi?” Lucas greeted awkwardly.
Eddie leisurely made his way into the room with him. “Aren’t you Harrington’s kids from last night?”
“We’re not his kids,” Mike grumbled under his breath. But he couldn’t deny the spike of joy that came with the title.
Mr. Munson looked at Eddie like he’d lost his mind. “Harrington’s kids?” he put extra emphasis on “Harrington”, as if it was actually so weird.
Max rolled her eyes.
“Yes, Harrington’s kids,” she said under her breath with heavy sarcasm.
Lucas shot her a glare and she grunted.
“Well—“ Eddie clapped his hands “—what can I help you kids with?”
Mike and Max eyed each other, trying to decide who was going to start. Turns out; it was Will.
“We wanted to talk to you about yesterday,” he spoke up timidly. Mike squeezed his hand.
“Ok,” Eddie accepted. “Hit me. What’s up?”
Lucas was the first this time. “Why were you so willing to help Steve?”
When Wayne went to get the door Eddie didn’t think it’d take 20 minutes. And he also didn’t think that going out to check on him would lead him to finding four little kids in his living room. More specifically Steve Harrington’s kids.
He should’ve known it was to be bombarded with questions.
“Why were you so willing to help Steve?”
Well shit.
“Cause I’ve had an undying crush on him since he first came to the high school in his freshman year and I wasn’t going to turn up a chance to help him out and maybe talk to him and then I realized it was actually a lot worse than I thought so I stuck around to make sure he was ok.”
Yeah absolutely not.
“Because he needed help. The guy couldn’t even stand on his own.”
Lucas eyed him but handed it over to Max.
“Why were you so chill about his migraine? I mean you said it yourself: he could barely stand on his own. Most people would’ve left the moment someone else got there if not before.”
Little Red held a strong point.
“Cause I knew he needed help. Simple as that.”
No. Not “simple as that”.
“Did you know him in high school? Back when he was dating Nancy?” Little Wheeler asked.
Now this; this was a conversation he really didn’t want to have. He sighed, maybe a little harsher than intended, and answered “Yes. I knew him in high school and when he was dating your sister.”
At this point Wayne had left to the kitchen. But Eddie knew he was listening in, making sure they didn’t cross any lines.
“So if you knew him in high school, when he was an asshole— don’t kick me he was!— then why were you so nice? Cause most people he talks to from high school seem to hate his guts.”
“Jonathan doesn’t hate his guts!”
“I said “most people”, Will!”
Well golly damn they hold a lot of good points today. Before he got to answering the question there was another knock on the door. Max flinched and moved closer to Lucas.
“I got it,” Wayne said as he made his way over.
When he opened the door Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, and Jonathan Byers were all there on the porch. Wayne looked back and forth between the two groups before sighing and saying, “Why don’t we all step outside? Trailer ain’t big enough for all of ya.”
So that’s where they all went, outside on the front yard. Wayne sat on the porch steps while Eddie hung back.
“What the hell was the point in this?” Asked Steve, scolding the kids.
“We just wanted to ask him some questions!” defended Lucas. Will hung back by Jonathan but nodded his head.
“Questions.” Steve deadpanned.
Max huffed and Steve’s glare turned on her. She crossed her arms and looked away, seeming to close in on herself.
Steve sighed and pinched his nose, turning around and grunting before turning back around. “Ok, here’s the game plan.” he clapped his hands. “You four—“ he pointed at each of the kids “— are going to apologize to Mr. Munson and Eddie.”
The kids all started to grumble and protest.
“AND THEN—“ he continued loudly over them, making them shut up “—you are going to all go home to your own houses. We will talk about this tomorrow when I don’t want to fucking strangle you.”
“I can’t.” Max huffed.
“Cant what?” Steve asked.
“Go home. Especially not with you. I told Billy I’d be at the Byers’ and he’s expecting me to be there in the next half hour.”
Steve’s entire face dropped and he rubbed a hand over his face. “Max.”
She folded her arms and looked down. Steve sighed and placed his hands on his hips. “Ok, it’s fine. Change of plans; we’re all going to the Byers’! You four go apologize now and then load your bikes and board into my car as best you can.”
Eddie stood through their half-assed apologies while Steve stood back conversing with Jonathan. When the kids made their move to get their bikes and skateboard Eddie moved over to stand next to Steve. While the kids loitered around for a moment. Steve turned on him when he noticed his approach.
“What were they bothering you about that was so important Max lied to Billy?”
Eddie smirked and answered “oh you know; questions.”
Steve groaned.
They stood in silence while Steve watched Jonathan quietly scold Mike and Max for something.
“You can use my van.”
“My van. To bring their bikes? There’s no way in hell they’re all fitting into your’s or Byers’s car.”
Steve watched as Mike and Lucas argued about the bikes while Max and Will talked behind them. He sighed and scrubbed a hand down his face in agitation. Steve placed his hands on his hips again and hit the inside of his cheek. Eddie watched him closely, finally noticing the ruffled hair and the plain gray t-shirt and way to short basketball shorts.
“Did you come over here straight from bed?” he asked.
Steve looked at him, squinting in the sun. “Yeah? What of it?”
“Dude it’s like 2pm.”
“Migraines knock me out.” he shrugged.
Another moment of silence went by until Steve sighed. “If you really don’t mind, letting us use your van would be great.”
Eddie watched Mike’s bike fall out for the fourth time and nodded. Just in time for Mike and Max to both call out in a whiny tone “STEEEEVEEEE!!”
Steve huffed and whined back “WHAAAAAT?” Eddie snickered.
“The bikes aren’t going to fit!” Lucas yelled, throwing his bike on the yard.
“Yeah I realized that. Thankfully, Eddie’s very nice and has offered to let us use his van.”
Mike and Lucas’ eyes lit up. “Can we—“
“Absolutely not.” Steve shut them down. “You four are going to ride with Jonathan and Robin back to the Byers’ while I run around with Eddie to drop off your bikes.”
Eddie nodded, not knowing what else to do.
Mike huffed.
“Steve,” Max called out quietly. “You’re not dropping mine off, right?”
Steve’s face softened and he smiled at her exasperatedly. “No, Max, you can toss your board in Jon’s trunk.”
She nodded and looked hesitant to walk away. The boys had already gotten in the car, and with one look around Max gave in and quickly hugged Steve. He patted her back and ruffled her hair and then she ran off to the car.
With final goodbyes and a promise to Robin to just call in sick next time, Steve and Eddie were left alone, Wayne going inside to take a nap.
Steve clapped Eddie on the shoulder. “Looks like it’s just me and you now, Munson.”
Oh boy.
Guess I am gonna need that part three 😭😭
I’ll take tags for part 3 if you guys want :)
Part 3 :)
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dimepdf · 1 year
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masterlist. / taglist. / any request? synopsis. the jjk men and how perverted they would be to their partner.
─── ☆ notes. sorry for being flakey i've been recovering from having Agust D tickets stolen right out of my hands (i was too late putting in my card information) so i'm pretty much in constant mourning at the moment. | — feedback is always welcomed & don't forget to reblog 🤍
─── ☆ genre and warnings. +18 nsfw under the cut. minors dni | masterbation | scent kink | oral sex | facials | marking | possessiveness | manipulation(?) | sub/dom | switching | brat taming | voyeurism | exhibitionism | mentions of multiple partners | sadism | biting | rough sex | cock warming | creampie | is you see a typo simply ignore it | title inpso by this song.
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‣ He would take it to the grave, though, with the type of things he would do when he did not have your comfort: tucking his shoes to the side and tossing aside his tie after a long day at work, all those rightful morals get tossed aside as well, seeing you had left to go back to your own home, leaving the almost overbearing traces of you against his mattress and pillows.
‣ tucking his face into his bed sheets while he slowly reaches down to undo the buckle of his belt, his hand creeping under the button of his pants in search to help ease the tension that grew as his erection engulfed in him what was left of you.
‣ grunting pathetically as he stuffed his face against his pillow, fucking his fist, the thought of your body, the things you two would do under the sheets.
‣ He will do anything he needs to do to not ruin his gentlemanly persona, his thoughts about you are more tamed and docile than those of the others, who would be more open with their thoughts.
‣ but I feel like Nanami wouldn’t really show his true nature no matter how many times you poke and prod at him, taunting him sexually, he’ll always make it seem as if you are the one that always suggests something first.
‣ I feel like he's also very into seeing you cry, especially if you like light bondage, whether he’s tying your hands together with his tie or holding your wrist behind your back with his belt.
‣ But on a rare occasion, like when he’s just mentally exhausted and really craving your touch and needs a little widedown, he can't help but  be a little touchy and needy for some sense of comfort.
‣ That comfort comes in a lot of ways: cuddling, making out, handjobs, and helping his very terrible oral fixation that never fails to have you fall victim to house mouth by spreading out on top of any and every surface in his home with your thighs trembling as your knee was bent over his shoulder.
‣ This man is very shameless and vocal about the things he wants and will do to you, so shameless that you have to apologize to anyone within a hearing radius.
‣ He literally does not care and does not have an ounce of decorum in his body.
‣ No matter how much he teases you for being "obsessed," you both know damn well how overly possessive he is over you and your body. There is never a time your two are in the same room and he doesn't have his hands all over you.
‣ The problem is that he isn't ashamed of talking about the things he wants to do with you to literally any poor victim willing to listen; he had the dedicated photo album full of saved selfies and pictures and the very lewd picture of you in lingerie tucked in his wallet, ready to be pulled out at any unfortunate time.
‣ The more you two get comfortable and closer, I feel like he will get more whiny and needy for your physical contact and attention, touching and kissing all over you in public.
‣  Kissing all over you, including the multiple items he would spoil you with, ranging from expensive lingerie in his favorite color to little trinkets that remind him of you. His favorite thing to do is buy you clothes and have you try them on in front of him.
‣  He just cannot keep his hands to himself, especially when you look so good in the sexy suit he bought from Victoria Secret that just complimented your boobs so much. It shouldn't be a surprise that it only takes him a glance before he’s tugging your panties to the side and fucking you against the wall.
‣ Another shameless man who does not give a fuck where he is or who’s around; when he wants you, he wants you.
‣ Definitely more subtle compared to Gojo (which isn't saying much).
‣ He’s just a major tits guy and loves when you post selfies with cleavage just to screenshot for his gallery and zoom in on your chest.
‣ If you happen to be in his company, rather than lounging around cuddling, his hands will at some point end up under your shirt, fondling your chest and pinching your nipples, using your boobs like a personal stress ball, and if he's not doing that, his head is tucked under your shirt, sucking hickies on them as if it were some normal occurrence.
‣ There’s no normal moment when you're dating Toji; this man knows he can act upon his lewd desires and will tuck your panties in his back pocket after sex as if they were some type of award for making you finish twice.
‣  He’s a man with artistic ability; that being said, he likes how you look covered in his cum; rather, it's all over your face, boobs, buttocks, and stomach. You better believe he’s pulling out and painting all over you.
‣ will get a little whiny whenever you try to clean yourself off, but it's fine because the moment you get out of the shower, he’s tapping you in for another round (rest in peace your ability to walk straight).
 ‣ He does not have a single shameless bone in his body; in fact, he loves it when you catch him doing something pervy; he only gets more excited.
‣ Rather its jerking off with your underwear and possibly grunting out your name knowing you're a step away, the moment that door swings open, he’s holding eye contact and fucking his fist.
‣ As much as people assume Toji to be some hard dom I feel like he does have a bit of a bratty side, and it does not help that he can get super petty, especially if he doesn't get what he wants. Oh, lord, that man will teasingly taunt like there's no tomorrow.
‣ And the worst part is that he does it as if he isn't the one practically whining for you to touch him.
‣ Don't even bother trying to get payback, whether it's trying to get him winded up with a cute lewd text or sending a sext picture of yourself, he will hit back ten times as hard and even make you drag it out until he’s the one with the upper hand.  
‣ okay… So I know what I said about Gojo being the most perverted, but I think that Geto might sometimes give him a run for his money.
‣ He's got the shameless thing all checked, in fact, he's so shameless that he makes you feel embarrassed and flustered, as if you're the one at fault.
‣ He is the same with Toji, he doesn't care who’s near doesn't matter he has his hands all over you, taunting and teasing you right in front of his friends he does not give a single care.
‣ He loves getting you all flustered in public, no matter who’s listening, he will straight out ask you to touch him whenever he feels like it.
‣ He loves the thought of you coming undone with an audience watching how much he can please you, a possessive sense of pride waving over him as he fucks you in front of everyone, telling them exactly who you belong to as you moan out his name. As long as you keep your eyes on him, there won't be a problem.
‣ frames lewd pictures of you, I’m not even kidding.
‣ I feel like he would have one of those huge portraits of you modeled in fancy lingerie hung like art in his living room, or small portraits of you in his bedroom.
‣ When you first noticed them, he just sort of smirked as you tried to tell him off.
‣ Oh brother, this dude gets grimy with it. 
‣ He’s got a major god complex, so it shouldn't come as much of a surprise that he doesn't see that what he’s doing is perverted, downright bad, to the point where he calls you a pervert for still liking him knowing the type of shit he’s into.
‣ Is a panty sniffing, dick stepping, fucking in public or even while his friends watch, watching you shower, jacking off while laying next to you, type of freak.
‣ Let's step back and backtrack on that friend thing. To everyone's surprise, Sukuna loves sharing, so much so that he’s into watching you get passed around by his friends.
‣ Practically invented voyeurism, loves the look on your face while you're getting railed, but only while you hold eye contact with him and moan his name while you're with some other dude.
‣ Sure he’s possessive, but in cocky way. 
‣ He knows he’s better than any other man you’ll ever be with, he’s the best thing that has ever graced your silly little pitbull life, so no matter how many times you complain about some sad pitful fuck, he knows it’ll never beat the multiple times he’d leave you trembling from just his mouth.
‣ He’s a huge tease with his tongue and long fingers, you’d have to be in tears and whimpering out his name before he'd consider pulling his dick out and fucking you.
‣ Is very huge on crying, whether it's from overstimulation or you just being overwhelmed from being angry at him. Just know the little devils on both sides of his shoulders are practically barking at him to bend you over and fuck you when the tears start spilling. 
‣ He’s a mean fucking, hair tugging, biting, leaving bruises, slapping, degrading—you could name anything that inflicts some sort of pain, and Sukuna has already tried it.
‣ But on the very rare occasion when he allows you too to take just a bit of charge, his desperate side does get a chance to shine out more, begging for you to let him cum in you, begging for you to give him orders.
‣ Sex will always end with you feeling like some type of jelly-filled doughnut (I'm so sorry), and he refuses to cum anywhere else but inside of you, let alone let you move from his grasp when he’s done. Best believe you’re keeping his cock warm for the rest of the night.
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thesmpisonfire · 11 months
Okay so, I wanna talk about my sonboy Richas, my guy Felps, their relationship, and everything about yesterday as well
So, lets go :D
First thing, Felps actually really don't like taking care of Richas when he's without his armor
Felps has the terrible memory of being the one (together with Cellbit) to watch Richas first death. The three were at a cave and Felps and Cellbit were taken down first and had to watch Richas getting swarmed and die far from their grasp
The death was reverted, but still, when Felps logged in next time, Richas had JUST died to the bull again, so he already had 1 life. It was the very same day, just a couple hours after. Felps always reinforced about the armor, to the point he didn't let Richas take it off even when safe at Foolishs place when he could see Leo didn't wear it
Felps fucking loves that kid, he's just the quieter dad. He won't scream that much, when he panics, he shuts down and focus on the problem. He's the best dad to talk about feelings and often is the one who talks Richas out of his spiraling self deprecating thoughts, while other dads don't have the same touch
Felps has the patience to talk with Richas and hear Richas points. He always is the one talking him into a shower even if it takes a whole trip beforehand so Richas can have fun before it. He sings a lil song to get him through a shower. Ever since he came back from the lab, he trusts Richas a lot with his own strength, he knows Richas can defend himself even better than Felps can defend himself
It means a lot that Felps is the only dad Richas will listen to more easily, even if sometimes it takes a lot of talk and bargain to do so. Richas is a difficult kid, he channels all his sadness and pain into being silly and overly courageous, which means he will be a disobedient kid, he will put himself in danger, he won't listen to his dads if he can make a joke about it and it has been getting worse lately
Richas is Not doing okay, he's constantly scared of losing the ones he love, he feels easily replaceable which makes him panic and act out in 'jealousy'. He has said before he fears his siblings don't really like him and it's why he always wants to have family around, he knows he's a problem and has even apologized to Bad about it once. He thinks he can't express his love through words when he has written so many beautiful things, he paints bc its how he thinks he can better translate his care
Yesterday, after Bad took him and Felps to the graveyard and out of it, Richas went back with Felps and put some flowers around their graves. A small talk started when Felps wondered if the dead eggs were looking down at them, but also couldn't really believe it because they'd be too far up there to actually see anything. Richas then said how people used to tell him Bobby was up in between the stars, but they stopped telling him that 'story'. Then, this talk happened
"Do you think they'd [Dead eggs Richas never met] like me?"
"Ofc they would! Everyone loves you! They'd love you, Richas"
"If I had died today, would I meet them?"
Felps goes quiet for a couple seconds here, then goes back to talking
"Maybe, maybe not. We can never be sure, Richas. What if you died and it's just nothing after, huh? It's a big bet. You can't keep thinking like that and then go throw yourself in front of a zombie horse to find out if they're at the other side"
"Yeah, I wouldn't be able to annoy all the dads, it wouldn't be worth it... I'd miss you all so much" (He used the word saudade)
"Awwn... But you would be dead, Richas. We would be the ones missing you, we would be the ones staying behind"
And to me this is a very telling moment. Because Richas didn't realize people would miss him as well, he just thought about how he'd miss being with the others. He also says how he'd be in hell, missing his family but also laughing at tragedy. When Felps asks why hell, Richas goes "You really think I'd end up in heaven? With the way I am?"
Felps spends the rest of the stream hyping Richas up, telling him how much he's loved and how much everyone cares for him. Felps manages to get through Richas after a while, and they have a nice moment together. Richas already arrived to the square without armor, after having recently argued with Forever about it, and Felps didn't mind bc that area was all lightened up so less mobs were spawning, plus the aforementioned trusts he has on Richas
No one expected the horse because it came from outside the square, right out the border, and literally fell on top of them. Felps was quick to go after it, and Richas was caught out of surprise and got height damage as well, eating through 2 totems (and also having to switch out the other ones from his hand due to the rule)
Felps was smart about the horse, he always hit up high so there wouldn't be any risk of a misclick, he hit crit after crit pushing the horse away so he could better kill it without risking Richas, and he did it! I understand BBHs scare but everything was already solved and Richas was halfway being revived already
If anything, the trip to the cemetery scared Felps more than it did Richas. Richas is well used to the threat of death, he plays with it by jumping into mines and purposefully walking without armor around Forever. But Felps isn't. He wants his kid safe, he wants him alive. Felps was willing to never come back if it meant Richas could have an extra life, he would die over and over for that kid
After everything, he talked with Richas, and the kid didn't rlly need to be convinced to wear his armor now that he knew how the square can be tricky. Felps didn't need to yell, or compare Richas to anyone, or play lil games. Just a talk, and Felps' trust that Richa would now do his part, and he did!
Each mob they encountered next, Richas and Felps stayed side by side. Felps let Richas kill them first bc he knows Richas likes it, but always helping and telling him how he was doing it well. When they were rowing around later in the boat, music playing, Felps went on about how it was all that mattered
Richas was alive, Felps was alive, they got a scare but they were okay now. And it was all worth it for these calm, happy moments. These were the ones that should be remembered, the ones that made it all worth it
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aetherdoesthings · 3 months
I heard you wanted requests and I came running Aether. I fucking bolted. I cannot tell you how fast I pressed the 'ask' button. Also, if you're still sick make sure to take care of yourself first before doing requests!!!!
Anyways. Robin x gn!reader requested as always :3333 so there's this specific scene in my head thats been playing in my head lately and I crave hurt/comfort.
Either Robin or Reader being insecure about having scars and thinking their body, and the other reassures them that they love them regardless by kissing them/tracing them. And it's a bit suggestive? Like it's not meant to be sexual but one of the two is at least half-naked. I'm not sure if this is okay to request as an anon. If not, totally reject this, but I oust thought it's a cute idea.
And need I remind you that regardless you do it or not ill always love your work and will patiently wait if you do? No, I don't? Great. Anyways, love ya aether my beloved, stop manifesting hanahaki
-Enies Lobby anon (patiently waiting for pt.4 of hanahaki [I'm gnawing at the bars of my enclosure])
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you can tell by that last statement how long this ask was asked 😭
forethoughts: apologies this took a while; this one hit a little too close to home for me :_). there's been a lot happening in my life, including but not limited to a stalking man whom tried to manipulate me :D. regardless, i hope you enjoy this one!! went back to my roots of a nico robin lover for this.
notes: made this one fem!reader because i wanted to write this to my younger self. robin is naked in this. they don't fuck, but robin and reader is like 1 1/2 naked. really soft and fluffy. word count: 2k
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“Do you have anything else you have to do tonight, Y/N?” You looked up from the book Robin had gifted you, to find the gifter herself standing in your doorframe, her arms resting on top of one another as she gave you a warm smile. You slipped a piece of paper in the pages of the book, before standing up and facing your girlfriend. 
“Uhm, no, not really. Why’d you ask?” You replied. It wasn’t uncommon for Robin to suddenly pop up in your room ever since you had confessed your feelings to her. Although you slept in her room now, you still used your room as your study to do your work and to hide from everyone else when your social battery went down. 
“I was just wondering if you would like to join me for a bath. We’ve been together for quite a while now, and if you’re alright with it, I’d like it if we could bathe together.” Robin proposed.
Your heart did a backflip, dropping all the way to your stomach. You knew this day would come; you just didn’t know it would come this soon. Ever since you had confessed your feelings to Robin, the day that the two of you would be comfortable enough to bathe together was like a doomsday countdown in your mind. It wasn’t that you did not want to see what Robin looked like underneath two layers of clothing, but something else that had been gnawing at you for years of your life.
“Uhm…” That was the only sound that escaped out of your mouth; the rest were lost in the abyss of your mind. 
“It’s alright if you’re not comfortable; I do not wish to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable for my sake. Still, you should still take a bath soon. It’s getting late.”
“Well…” You sighed, shaking your head. Your fingers twiddled around the hem of your shirt, scrunching it up and releasing it. You could feel Robin’s eyes casted onto the top of your head, encouraging the neurons in your brain to speed up and think of an answer. 
“I… I guess… I should take a bath… we could do it together…” You regurgitated each word, looking at the wooden floorboards. Robin’s eyes analyzed your entire body, nitpicking each detail and examining your facial expressions. She did that everytime you were upset or doing something uncharacteristic. Still, it made you feel like you were under scrutiny by your own girlfriend who had also confessed her love to you. 
“Are you sure?” Robin simply asked.
“Y-Yeah. Totally.” You nodded your head, despite your eyes still downcast. Robin let out a sigh, accepting that you weren’t going to give her any other answer.
“Alright then. Let’s go.”
Everyone had unpredictable showering schedules: Luffy and Zoro could go on for a week, Usopp and Chopper every three days, and everyone else would shower every day. Franky had built bathhouses for each gender, so that you, Nami and Robin wouldn’t have to share the same bathhouse with Sanji. Compared to the boy’s, the bathhouse you shared with Nami and Robin always smelled like tangerines or lavender, depending on who used it last. The water was warm (thankfully), and every amenity you could ever need for person hygiene was available. 
Since Nami had just used the shower, the room was filled with the smell of tangerines. You didn’t mind it; you were used to the smell after being part of the Straw Hats for a while. You walked into the bathhouse behind Robin, your eyes gazing at the woman face a wall, removing her clothes without any problem at all. One second, that navy blue jacket and salmon sarong skirt was on her body. The next, she was fully naked and already heading towards the tub. Your feet were glued to the wooden planks below, eyes glued to the sight in front of you. 
Your contact with her was severed as Robin turned her head to look at you, a quizzical look on her face as she observed your fully clothed body standing feets away from the tub. A phantom flick on your forehead brought you back to reality, your mind racing with thoughts that triumphed over Robin's voice.
“Y/N, is something wrong?” The four words drove into that tiny bottle you kept near your heart, cracks starting to appear. Robin had moved closer to the edge of the tub, a hand resting on the wooden frame. Her brows were furrowed, her lips pursed as her eyes analyzed your body again, reading you like a poneglyph.
In the midst of the bathhouse, you could hear your heartbeat thud over the sound of the water moving around. If you could hear it, Robin could definitely hear it too. There was no point in hiding anything from her; she was Nico Robin. 
In your silence, Robin spoke again. “Is something on your mind that’s bothering you? Would you like to talk about it?”
Robin was always aware of how you felt at any given moment, and she was always willing to give you space and let you decide how you wanted to proceed with anything. Robin was the buoy you desperately clinged onto in the middle of a raging storm in the seas. The rope was never weathered down by the heavy downpour. Everytime Robin did something, said something, you could feel your body moving along with the rope, dragging you ever so close to the place you knew you were safe in.
Safe. Safe. That was what Robin was. Safe. With her around, you always felt safe. She always listened and paid attention to all your needs and made sure you were alright. She always went out of the way to make sure you were healthy and well. She was the one that was there to remind you you were loved when you yourself forgot to. Safe.
“Uhm…” Your voice cracked; even with just one word you could feel the corners of your eyes beginning to burn and body shaking alongside the ship. “T-There’s something that is on my mind, and i-is bothering me.”
You were actually doing this. Every part of your body was screaming at you, protesting and shutting down. Despite what you thought and believed, your body rebelled. You couldn’t blame your body; of course they would try and protect you from harm or stepping into unknown territories.
Robin stayed quiet, the corners of her mouth lifting ever so slightly. It was her way of telling you that you were welcome to say whatever you wanted, and she would be there to listen.
“I…” You bit your dry and cracked lips, looking down at your feet. “Remember that fight we had with the marines a few weeks ago?”
“Yes. I recall you were injured.” Robin’s stoic expression broke as she remembered your injury that left you immobile. However, she does not interject, letting you continue.
“It’s better; Chopper says I’m okay now, but…” You sighed. “Ever since then… I’ve become scared. I’ve become terrified to look in the mirror without my clothes on, let alone have anything that exposes… you know.”
A steady stream of air exits out of Robin’s mouth. When no words could roll off your tongue, Robin stood up from the tub, drying herself with the help of her multitude of hands. She walked over to you, causing your heartbeat to feign a heart attack. “May I?”
“S-Sure.” You didn’t know what Robin was going for, but you weren’t too disappointed with the results. Robin set the back of her fingers alongside your cheek, before cupping your face with both of her hands, tilting your head to face her.
“My darling…” Robin whispered, her hands moving down to your shoulders. “Can I see? Please.”
“Why do you want to see something… horrendous?”
Robin frowned at your choice of words, shaking her head. “Y/N, nothing about you is horrendous. Your mind, your body, your heart, none of that. You are perfect. You are who you are, no matter what. Please don’t call yourself horrendous when all I can see is goodness and kindness. I don’t want you to be terrified of the shell that protects that loving and caring heart of yours. I don’t want to see you be ashamed and afraid of your own skin.”
The corners of your eyes begin to burn. With just one blink, the floodgates burst open. You stood there in front of Robin, your shoulders rising and falling, choked and garbled sobs exiting your mouth as tears rolled down your face. Your heart churned, fighting off that foreign feeling that felt so wrong, but so right at the same time. A paradox of emotions. You felt so wrong for breaking down in front of the person you called home, but so… good for breaking down in front of the person you called home.
“Shh… Sh… it’s alright. You’re safe. You’re safe, Y/N. You’re alright.” Robin’s arms wrapped around your head, pulling you closer to her chest. Her still nude chest. In any other circumstances you’d be thrilled at the situation you were in. But vulnerability overpowered lust, and you let out a choked sob, burying your head in between Robin’s supple breasts, allowing yourself to melt into your touch and allowing yourself to be comforted. Drunk on overwhelming comfort and love, you didn’t even notice Robin’s duplicate hands lift your shirt up. You reluctantly removed your hands around Robin’s neck, moving away from your lifeline as your armor was stripped away. A choked protest exited your mouth as Robin placed her hands on your bare shoulders, not allowing you to run to her like a child to her mother. The only sound in the room was your heavy breathing, running faster than your heart was. When that familiar feeling of her hand removed, you stopped breathing, the deafening silence filling the room. 
Shit. Shit. Shit. She’s mad. She’s disgusted. She’s repulsed. She’s-
Soft lips were planted on one of the many scars littered on your body, then again, trailing downwards. Robin’s tongue flicked against your bruises, kissing it and swirling around the area. Her hands were around your waist, head making its way towards every scar you bore. Every kiss, every little touch or lick sent spiders up your spine, a shocked gasp involuntarily leaving your mouth. 
“My beautiful. My beautiful Y/N.” Robin murmured, her breath against the most vulnerable and hidden spots of your body. You stifled a gasp, your hand shooting up to your mouth as Robin continued to kiss every single abnormality from your skin. “My beautiful. My strong Y/N. I am so proud of you. I am so proud of you for being so brave. I love you so much. My love, in this vast world, you alone are the epitome of grace, the prettiest in the world. How could I ever be repulsed by the sight I see?”
Robin stood up, her hands slithering from your waist to your cheeks, as she wiped your tears away. She looked at you with a smile, kissing your forehead, your nose, and finally your lips. When you couldn’t breathe and choked on your breath, she was there, giving you the oxygen in her lungs to breathe, to stabilize yourself. When your legs couldn’t hold your body, she was there, holding you up with her arms. 
When you couldn’t speak, when all you could make was choked sobs and unintelligible rambles like a baby, Robin was there. She was always there. “My love, never be ashamed of the scars on you. They are a testimony to the challenges you face. They tell the story of a battle you fought, and won. Do not deny them, for your scars do not make you weak. They make you strong. My strong beautiful Y/N. My love.”
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alliebirb · 14 days
ok your revo children ocs are a d o r b s 🥹🥹🥹 do you have any headcanons on them?? tell us moreee
Beloved revo bby anon………. i am so sorry it has taken me so long to return to you……… but i thought of you out on the battlefield……. Stored this ask in a locket that ended up saving me from a bullet….. i hope you will accept several chiyoko and senbi arts as my apology for leaving you at the window for so long.
RAGGHHHHHH💝💝💕💖💖💕💕💖💖⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ THANK YOU FOR ASKING ABOUT MY GRANDCHILDREN ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚ i would LOVE to give some hcs!!!!!!
A LOT of senbi and chiyoko fun facts and arts below the cut!!!
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- first meets atem when she’s 4, and oml within like 2 months she has him wrapped around her little finger just like her momma
- She would follow atem around like a shadow, cheerfully parroting atem’s greetings to palace guards the the royal court
-except set, she’ll hide behind atem under his cape if she sees him coming. set isnt trying to scare her or anything, he just has major rbf, is like 6’3, and doesnt know how to approach talking to children. Atem tries his best to get them to converse but set just shuffles awkwardly as his cousin tries to get chiroko to relinquish her death grip on his tunic.
- older than her brother by 5-6 years, and is so so so excited when senbi is born!!!!! little baby brother!!!!!! stays protective of him (and anzu) from when he was an infant into adult years (also atem to an extent)
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- chiyo would get along with mana like 2 peas in a pod!! Mahad would love her to b i t s, but his calmer, more paternal/fraternal energy towards atem would multiply with chiyoko and he would treat her like small precious baby while mana is just like “hey kiddo wanna see me turn your dad into a frog real quick” just to see her laugh (and fuck with atem, two birds, one stone)
- she went through ages 5-8 fully believing that atem was her biological father and would constantly be asking when her multicolored hair would come in. Atem never had the heart to tell her and would just say “wont be long now!!” Anzu had to break the news and chiyoko went through the evening with her arms crossed pointedly turning her entire body away from Atem.
- When she turned 16, she ended up dip dying her hair red and anzu complimented how nice it looked while atem sobbed into her shoulder (i will forever hold art of this from @shinayashipper SO close to my heart)
- they may not be biologically related, but i stg, chiyoko inherited atem’s competitive love of games through osmosis
- That combined with anzu’s determination leads to a tyrannical warlord during family uno
- thinks jonouchi is the coolest EVER and jonouchi actively rubs his favorite uncle status diRECTLY into honda’s face
- secretly thinks mai is even cooler but is too spooked to talk to her
- Also gets really close to anzu’s dad, and gets SO excited to spend summer days in the countryside catching beetles and wading through creeks! She runs ahead while Hitoshi holds senbi’s hand and answers his gardening questions
- Definitely comes home every day after school with an absurd amount of dirt and grass stains
- grows up with confidence and assuredness to rival her parents
- fun fact!! Chiyoko is named after the mc from satoshi kon’s Millennium Actress since in convergence (longfic concept where she first came up) she’s yanked around with anzu in the time travel mumbo jumbo from japan to egypt
- as she grows up, chiyoko ends up looking v v similar to anzu’s mom, but just replace kiori’s scowl and gray eyes with a smile and hitoshi’s brown eyes (more oc stuff). Also v fashionable!!!
- born when anzu and atem are in their late twenties, post-marriage, and while he has some of atem’s hair coloration style and skin tone, his eyes and hair color are all anzu - much to anzu’s dismay and atem’s adoration (atem is now tied around two little fingers at once)
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- Shy boy!!! When he was small, there was always one hand holding onto to atem or anzu’s pants leg or holding chiyo’s hand
- Doesn’t have a competitive bone in his body, just wants to have fun and tbh, doesnt love games all that much!
- older senbi would love watching chiyoko and atem go ham on each other during games and will be sharing popcorn with anzu as they both roll their eyes
- as a child, likes to sit with anzu quietly and read his picture books, or sit on atem’s lap as he works through a crossword
- Senbi always takes a while to go to sleep and when he was little, anzu would sit in his bed and read aloud whatever performance arts book she’s been reading. Eventually, he would fall asleep, but many times, Atem wakes up alone and walks in to senbi’s room to see anzu conked out.
- Senbi and yugi rlly vibe and have the same wallflower energy so!! He always gets rlly excited when yugi comes to visit, bringing him to his room to show him all the cool picture books he got from the library this week
- To which yugi ofc sits there as happy as can be and engaging with everything “omg i LOVE robots, what’s that one about??? :DD”
- ((Many years later, senbi would start working on his own color tattoo sleeve bc he’s always thought yugi’s looked SO COOL, and if yugi learned this he would be sobbing on the floor))
- and unlike chiyo, out of atem’s pseudo-siblings, bibi would definitely get along best with Mahad, and would love to just sit in his study with him and watch Mahad write on scrolls and test spells
- would have one of those city apartments stuffed full of plants and books
-Chiyoko was always the protective older sister, he could yell for her and she would come barreling in from wherever she was, ready to throw down. This still stands true into adulthood, though chiyoko is more likely to verbally assault someone than punch them
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- while chiyoko would love looking for all the bugs and frogs and snakes on the family summer trips to the countryside, senbi would not. One time, chiyoko was excitedly showing everyone the giant beetle she found and it flew right towards senbi’s face. Atem had to spend the rest of the day inside with senbi watching cartoons.
- Jono and Honda like pulling little scare pranks on chiyoko as she loves chasing them around for retribution, but if they accidentally spook senbi as collateral, anzu’s hitting them with a chair
- really into art and while he cant draw amazingly, he loves visiting artist exhibitions and alleys. will spend his entire paycheck.
- would be a tattoo artist!
may the cat revo bbies bless you and PLEASE come into my askbox again, i SWEAR i will be faster……. Probably…
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goldenbaroness · 11 months
𝓑𝓾𝓷𝓰𝓸 𝓢𝓽𝓻𝓪𝔂 𝓓𝓸𝓰𝓼 - Edogawa Ranpo SFW Alphabet
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You know what, Ranpo is living in my mind rent free lately, so I thought maybe I should do something about that and write what I was thinking about. I’m writing this after four hour sleep, so any grammatical errors I apologize. I hope you enjoy and have fun! Reader is gender neutral. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) Very affectionate, but more in private. Ranpo’s love language would totally be “Physical Touch”. He’s clingy, loves to cuddle to sleep, loves to hug you from behind while you’re in the kitchen cooking something. Even showering together too, if you would like. He might be a bit private about it though. Deep inside, he’s scared someone might use you to make him do something. That doesn’t mean you wouldn’t go out on dates and hold hands out in the open, just at certain times and places.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?) If Idiots to Lovers was trope, that would be it. You work at the agency as Fukuzawa’s assistant, and from the start you two liked each other. Specially if you’re a sweet tooth as well, then you’ll talk about what’s your favorite chocolate and what’s the best wonka candy. Since you two get along so well, you two also share some stupid feats together. Such as stealing Fukuzawa’s afternoon snack or eating candy inside one of the lockers. The first time you two did that, Ranpo was sure his heart would jump out his throat, even knowing for sure that’s impossible. He even asked what did you do to him, and that certainly became a mystery he would like to solve. Later on, he found the culprit was love and declared himself guilty.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) Absolute cuddle bear. Like I’ve said before, he shows his love through physical touch. So yes, cuddles is a must. Specially before sleeping. I know for sure he loves to be the big spoon.. But I also feel that sometimes after a very bad day, he just wants to be held and never leave. Hugs, kisses, cuddling.. Those are things he would never say no to. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) Insecure, but thinks about this a lot. He lived most of his life with Fukuzawa, and we’ve seen how he deals with trivial matters. It’s not that he doesn’t know, but he doesn’t want to disappoint you or make you think he’s useless for not knowing something everyone should. But yes, he does want to move in with you. Just afraid that you might see the real him and run away. Absolutely hates cleaning and cooking, but will try to put an effort for you. With a lot of whining of course, that’s just who he is..
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Unfortunately, too easy. Ranpo is, foremost, incredibly honest. If he has no feelings for you whatsoever, he’ll just say no and goodbye like it means nothing to him. If you did something that brought him to this moment, he’ll have a hard time doing it so. He’ll hesitate a little, but will talk with you very straight forward. Ranpo might feel sad for a few days, but he’ll recover quickly with all the help from the agency.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?) As weird as it looks, he’s really looking forward to it! But still a bit insecure. As mentioned, Ranpo is insecure about his s/o not loving him for who he is. He has a lot of personal issues to deal with and a bunch of mannerisms he can’t change. Marriage is not something that comes to his head very often, but everytime he pictures you in a white dress/suit, Ranpo just smiles alone at the thought. He still has no clue to how you did that to him, but that’s something he really wants. If you’re not into it, he won’t be sad or mad. He’ll handle that pretty easy, actually.  As long as you two live together, that’s fine by him.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) Tends to be gentle most of the time, but sometimes he’s unintentionally rude. Since Ranpo’s so honest and sincere about everything, sometimes he’ll say things you won’t agree or that might even hurt you. It’s not on purpose, poor guy.. He’s just not used to handle people so close to him. The agency is used to it, but they’re friends for a long time. You’re his new partner, so you’re still getting used to certain things. If Ranpo realises he was rude, expect a very heartbreaking sight of him apologizing. You can almost feel the guilt in his voice. After a hug and a sweet kiss, he’ll get back to his old self. But he’ll try to make it up to you at any cost.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) Hugger™. He LOVES to hug you, but you only. Ranpo doesn’t like people touching him too much, but his lover and Fukuzawa can do that anytime. You’ll get hugs from behind very often, no matter how tall or short you are, he’ll be there. Mostly at home, during cooking time.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?) The moment he realises what he feels. He just doesn’t know how to hide it. Of course, Ranpo knows you’re in love with him for some time. Will tease you a little, with no intentions of hurting you. But he never felt that before, this is a new feeling. “The mystery of my heart suddenly beating weird around y/n” is a real deal to him. Until one day, you two went out for ice cream and the sun just touched your face in a way he never saw before. The sunset was bright upon your skin, making your eyes shine even more. Ranpo was so mesmerized, so speechless (for the first time in years, perhaps), that the only thing he could say was what his heart told him to. “That’s it. I love you, that’s why my heart is feeling so happy around you, y/n! I should have known”. Like it was nothing. And continued walking, leaving you behind while you had the most shocked face of all time.. Like nothing had happened. Oh, Ranpo… You and your spontaneity.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) Very jealous, but will never admit that. Ranpo will have that grumpy face, his arms folded and looking away. You’ll ask what’s wrong and he’ll just pout, whine, sigh, you name it. When asked if he’s jealous, he’ll look absolutely offended. “No! I don’t need to feel jealous! I don’t have that!”. Poor Ranpo if Dazai sees this scene. Will make fun of him and Ranpo will tell him to shut up and argue over that. You’ll have to make it up to him so he can forgive you for telling a guy on the street the directions to a station. How dare you give someone else attention?! But don’t worry. With candy and a lot of love, he’ll find his way to your arms again.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) Slow, tender and sweet. Ranpo’s kiss is just like him: A little bit lazy, sloppy and very very sweet. The amount of sugar you can taste in his tongue is absurd, almost like you’ve licked a lollipop. He takes his time in kissing you to savour every second of the most tasty candy on Earth (that’s you and your lips, baby). He really enjoys kissing all of your face. But his favorite place is the crook of your neck, when he’s behind you during shower and just gives it a soft peck. Ranpo loves seeing you have goosebumps over that.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Acts just like one, so they get along well. If it’s your kids, he’ll be such a silly dad. Will avoid doing the boring stuff, like he says.. Changing diapers? No way. He’ll shower them since he thinks it’s really fun to splash water all over the bathroom. With other kids, Ranpo will give them some candy and have some fun. Don’t ask him to watch kids movies though, he’ll always say something that doesn’t make sense in the movie, and how inaccurate that is.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Lazy. Even if he was raised mostly by Fukuzawa that is totally an early bird, Ranpo hates to get up early. So if you two go to work together, expect a lot of whining from bed. “Five more minutes”, while pressing the pillow against his head to protect himself from the light coming from the window. He’ll get up, and drag his body across the house like a zombie. Ranpo loves the smell of your breakfast, though. The smell of your food and coffee in the room is the most wonderful dream he could have. Specially if you make pancakes, dorayaki or daifuku.  
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?) Depends a lot on the day. Ranpo is usually not affected by what happens at work, but depending on the case, sometimes he’ll think things over and get really serious about it. If it was a chill day, nothing weird or big happened, Ranpo will find something for you two to watch. It’s something he likes to do before going to bed: Watching a movie and trying to find out what’s the mystery behind it.. And well, he always get it right. But you love to watch him so happy with his discovery.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) Once he feels he can trust you, he’ll open up his heart. He usually don’t talk about certain things with strangers. Fukuzawa, Yosano and Poe are the ones he likes the most and feels that he can trust fully in them. When you came to his life, he wasn’t sure yet if he could open up about his feelings on the world. It’s hard for him too see the things he sees. So, when you two got together, Ranpo spilled a lot of things that were on his mind after a make out session on the couch. Just felt right. How he saw the world and how he didn’t get people that killed others, how many monsters are out there and he sees right through them. You just caressed his hair over and over, trying to make him feel a bit at ease. Ranpo relaxed a lot after hearing you say “You’re safe with me”.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) Short fuse, hates to be teased. This man loves to tease others and make fun of them, specially the cops and how much better than them he is. But try teasing him for anything, and he’ll get mad on the spot. If it’s you, he’ll get more sad than mad. Usually Mushitarou is the culprit to make him so mad, making him feel silly. And of course, our boy hates to lose this kind of game. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) Ranpo remembers everything. He’s not good with daily things, but when it comes to you he remembers every single detail of your life. How many sugar cubes on your coffee, your favorite food, music, movie, play, game.. From the size of your clothes and shoes, to the most intimate thought you refuse to share. But, Ranpo being Ranpo, he knows. You’re his favorite person in the world, so expect to be surprised by a lot of things he says about you that you don’t remember telling him. He’s the world’s greatest detective, remember?
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?) When you two solved a case together. Ranpo clearly loves spending time with you, even before you two got to date. One day, the officers called in to solve a very interesting case in the eyes of Ranpo. So, of course when you two got there, he already knew what happened. But, to your surprise, he asked what did you see. You could answer most of his question, which left him completely mesmerized. He never felt that before with anyone, not even with Dazai, who is the most smart man in the agency (after him, obviously).
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?) Trying to hide your relationship from the world. He is concerned most of the times, but Ranpo knows you can handle things yourself. Even so, he tries his best to keep your relationship as private as possible. Sometimes he’ll take you on a date, but on a secluded place like a rooftop or inside one of Poe’s novels. Poe is a very good friend to you two, and helps anytime he can, specially if Ranpo asks to keep you safe. During the cannibalism event, with what happened to Fukuzawa, he couldn’t possibly leave you out in the open. Poe did his best to hide you inside one of his favorite novels and keep you as safe as possible.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) It’s not a thing he’ll always remember, but he tries. Ranpo is not a man who’s into routine or other daily matters. His brain works too fast to remember certain things, such as cleaning or taking out the trash. Birthday and Anniversaries are included. But, he knows this is important to you.. So he’ll take notes on anniversary and other events that you might want to celebrate with him, to make sure he won’t forget so easily. Also, get ready to always have an amazing gift on those dates, because Ranpo knows everything that you like by memory. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) Trash Panda. It’s not that he leaves things on purpose, he really forgets. Since Ranpo eats a lot of candy, most of the times you’ll find a lot of candy bags and sweets around the house and in the office too. He just eats and leave it there, because he has more important stuff to do. You’ve asked him a million times not to forget those things, since insects can show up, and he’ll apologize and try to remember.. Except he doesn’t. Like, never. He tries, though.. Be patient.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) Not much, just the basics. Ranpo always smells good and brush his hair perfectly, but it’s not like he has to change his wardrobe every week or go to the barber every ten days. Hygiene? On point. Fashion icon? Meh… You can drag him to go shopping though, he’ll give his honest opinion. But he won’t buy anything for himself, don’t expect too much when it comes to clothing. To perfume though.. Think about a men that has the most sweet scent, the smell of bubblegum or vanilla. The best thing is to wake up in the morning after he showered. It’s like you’re inside a caramel store. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?) Totally empty. He’s used to you so badly, that when you’re not around he’ll just forget everything. At first, might act like he doesn’t care. It’s nothing, after all. He lived without you before, sure as hell can do that now. But at the first moment he sees something he likes, he wants to share with you.. and you’re not there. Ranpo starts to feel that horrible feeling of emptiness and angst. Wherever you are, you need to get back soon before he starts to throw tantrums.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He loves puzzles. I know it’s weird.. The guy who doesn’t like daily stuff loves such easy things like puzzles? Yup, he does. When it comes to a case, he can see it clearly, every piece together. A puzzle is not just a matter of thinking, but attention too. So, since it’s something he can work his brain out and also spend some time with you, he learned to like it. And after a few times, he learned to love board games too. But he hates Cluedo.. To Ranpo, it doesn’t make any sense.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Someone who can’t keep up with him. Ranpo is not expecting someone who can match his wits, but at least someone who can understand him and the way he thinks. Poe is one of his great friends because he always put up a challenge, so if you can challenge him somehow or at least keep up with his thinking and the way he does things, he’ll be head over heels for you. He also hates someone who always scolds him. Ranpo knows he keeps forgetting to do normal stuff, he doesn’t want someone to do that to him all the time like Fukuzawa. He wants a partner that can understand his feelings.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Heavy sleeper. Lazy boy is lazy. Whenever he’s not in the agency or spending time with you and Poe, he’s sleeping. Even has a onesie and a dakimakura to be more comfortable. He even bought matching onesies for you two. And whenever he gets the chance, will drag you to take a nap with him. And he sleeps.. Expect for him to wake up only in the next day. Ranpo doesn’t even move from his spot.. He’s just laying there, hugging you and sleeping like there’s no tomorrow. But how could you say no to that cute little face?
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My (31 F) friend (late 20s M) is from another state and I live in a city where a big event is happening this week. Some people might be able to guess what I’m referring to, but for the sake of not totally doxxing myself, I will be vague about it. Friend will be called Tim.
Tim is a very good friend who I met in an online D&D group a few years ago. We hit it off right away and have been consistently hanging out on a weekly basis via various online TTRPG hangouts.
Being the elder Internet user that I am, this is not my first time around the block; I have met online friends IRL in my adulthood (with the utmost caution and responsibility, mind you), Tim being far from the first.
Tim’s had it on his bucket list to visit my city and come to this big event for a while, so invited him down to participate. In doing so, I established a couple things: 1) I don’t have the capacity to have someone stay at our house for extended periods of time for multiple reasons (although I did offer him a place to stay for 1 or 2 nights); and 2) I don’t have the capacity to entertain 24/7. I had an experience with a friend who came to visit a couple years back that wasn’t disastrous by any stretch of the imagination, but it did make me realize that I couldn’t offer too much of my time and also keep my house and social energy in check. I tried to be as open and negotiable about this as possible. Tim sympathized and agreed.
I took time off work to hang out with Tim while he’s in town. Tim, my partner (32 M), and I hung out from dinner till past midnight on Wednesday. Tim excused himself from our party as he was tired from his flight. Tim and I hung out from lunch till 11 PM on Thursday. Today (Friday) Tim and I did lunch again, hung out, and got matching tattoos to celebrate our D&D characters, and grabbed dinner. It’s been a great time thus far, and my friend group has taken to him very quickly.
At some point today I explained that because we didn’t have any solid plans for Saturday, I would appreciate the free time to clean up around the house, spend some time with my partner, and generally relax as we already have a full day planned out for Sunday. Tim agreed. We parted ways for the night.
It is still today (Friday). Post-dinner and getting back to my house, Tim calls me and tells me at length that he feels neglected and shoved aside because I don’t want to make plans with him tomorrow. I apologized and we worked through the conversation. He seems to be feeling better now, but I’m having second thoughts about conceding that I was the one at fault here. I think his feelings are valid, but maybe narrow in scope? My partner thinks I’ve been more than accommodating, but I feel bad considering I’m his only friend in a strange new city.
TL;DR: I feel like I’ve hung out a lot with my friend, but he feels I’ve neglected him by not making plans with him tomorrow. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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Could we have y!Alphonse and y!Seth?
Protective or obsessive?
tw SOME ONE DIES :D also some gore so I'm gonna have to mark this. I need to do that to my Lucien one actually-
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Sugarboo was a very good catch, Alphonse and Seth always told them that. Along with how lucky they both were to finally have them in their lives because they help better both boy's. There was lots of people in town that also told Sugarboo that, they chose not to comment on it. But it was starting to become annoying to deal with when the older women would tell them about their own grandchild looking for a partner.
Since there was more younger people coming into town Sugarboo ended up getting admirer's. It was sweet getting flowers form blushing people as they left quickly when told they had two loving partners. Hearing that they were poly some of the admirer's tries wooing their boyfriends to see if they could join the relationship.
Alphonse and Seth mostly shut that down quickly, but there was a few that tried threatening the ex con-men. Like that was going to work, a few punches and some cracked bones made the admirer's run away like a dog with it's tail tucked between it's legs. Sugarboo knew what they were doing and were happy, because there was a few that wanted to join for the boy's too.
But there was this one woman that kept messing with them, always trying to butt in thinking they'd let her. Lilith was one of the younger women that moved to town during the 'great young migration' named by the older people in town. At first she was sweet and began a friend of SB's bringing her close to their lovers and she fucking flirted with them. Obviously all three told her to kick fucking rocks but she kept pushing hard, like she had a death wish.
"Come on! I can be good for all three of you~" Slurring out Lilith leaned her chest on Alphonse's arm and let a hand grope on Seth's. Both men yank their arm's away in disgust and Alphonse started to speak.
"Listen here dumbass I'm in a relationship and we all three agreed we DID NOT WANT YOU! Kick rocks already lady god!" Seth grunted in agreement as both walked away from her, both were in a alley way of sorts in town picking up some groceries for Sugarboo's cooking. Lilith was able to falsely tell them that she wanted to speak in private about a apology. SB told the two to be nice to her because they already were on the sheriff's bad side getting into so many fights.
"What's so good about them anyways? They're not even that great! But everyone fuckin' praises them like their a saint when really their noth-AH!" Getting roughly shoved on the brick wall behind her by Seth, Alphonse looked over the brown hair man shoulder's. Glaring at Lilith, both were VERY protective of Sugarboo after the whole Derek shit went down.
"Sugar is a good person. THAT IS WHY EVERYONE LIKES THEM." Scolding in a dark tone to Lilith by Seth the woman looked frightened. Both men had crazy look's in their eyes when she didn't finish her insults about their partner.
"Come near us again or our Boo and we WILL deal with you." Leaning down more to get in the woman's face her breath hitched, "Your only being spared because Boo told us too." Walking away with bags of groceries and Seth following suit both left the woman with her thoughts.
Three days past from that and Sugarboo was running late home, so both boys decided to go to the bakery Sugarboo set up in town. They saw a small group of people chatting a few buildings down and quietly walking to them listened in.
"Okay so the baker gets out in three minutes, Luke your going to grab them and put this over their face. Simon go get in the car and have it ready for us to get in. Yue you got the gloves?" Lilith's voice was heard and both men pieced together what they were going to do.
"Why do I have to grab- Wait...who- AH!" Acting quickly Alphonse grabbed the closest person, Luke and smashed his head against the wall. Seth looked at Yue who froze and dropped the butcher knife she was holding, reaching down to her arm he spoke.
"Sorry." Then a sickening crack was heard as his hand shot up to hold Yue's mouth closed. Her screaming muffled by his big hand as the shorter woman sobbed into it. Lilith was behind Simon looking at Alphonse and Seth, the two men were shaking with anger. Yue was thrown down on the ground by Luke as the two crazed lovers began stalking towards the pair that was going to hurt Sugarboo.
"Didn't I say we'd deal with ya?" Cracking his knuckles Alphonse had a manic smile as he went and grabbed Lilith's hair. Before Simon could react Seth grabbed his throat and began chocking him, watching how the skinny man began losing color in his face then passing out.
"Al, hurry up before Sugar come's out and get's m-" There was a sigh at the entrance of the alley way. Turning quickly both men smiled as they saw their Sugarboo, who looked a bit annoyed.
"Really? Now we gotta hide them! Ugh you two....Seth go get Al's car." Commanding the sad eye man he nodded passing by them quickly but gave them a peck on the cheek. Then sprinting off to go get the car, he was a fast runner out of the three of them.
"Y......You three are psychopaths! Why are you so calm-" Lilith interrupted herself as she finally saw Sugarboo's face. Disappointment. They slowly walked to her as she was anchored down by Alphonse gripping her hair still.
"You really should have listened." In the little light in the alley way the butcher knife Sugarboo picked up glinted. Then it in bedded itself in Lilith's skull, she screamed for a short second before a switch blade stabbed itself into her throat. Alphonse holding a switch blade yanked it out, Lilith pawed at her head and tried touching her throat.
"Aa...akfghh??" Blood spilled as she tried to speak but with her throat slashed her vocal cords could make any sounds. Lilith then passed out hanging limply by Alphonse still gripping her hair. A car engine was heard and Seth opened it then coming back to the alley way.
"Awe man you got blood on the floor! That's gonna take long to clean!" Complaining Seth grabbed a cleaning tool form the car and some body bags. Sugarboo sighed and started to bag up the bodies with Seth, Alphonse smiled at the two wondering how he got so lucky with them.
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splendidcas · 2 years
Safe House
Summary: it's been a long time since Dmitri has been with a woman. too long. (also oh noooo there's only one bed for them what ever are they going to do??)
Pairing: Dmitri (Enzo) Antonov x Afab!Reader (with nicknames "princess" and "angel")
Word Count: 2.9k
Warnings: smutty smut smut. reader embarrasses herself bc of course she does, oral (m and f receiving), p in v penetration, creampie, cursing, fluff
A/N: is this plot absolutely ridiculous? ...yes and what about it? also for the sake of plot Enzo's son does not exist in this fic thank u very much. russian translations at bottom of fic!
feedback gives me life!
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You couldn't wait to take a shower.
After almost a full day of traveling in the snow and trying to keep warm on the way to one of Yuri's "many safe houses," you were exhausted, sore, and above all, freezing. A hot shower had been the only thing on your mind since the moment you all escaped the Russian prison.
Well, maybe not the only thing.
Okay, so you'd also been thinking about Dmitri since the second you laid eyes on him. He was unbearably good looking, kind, and he had an air of mystery about him that you just couldn't shake.
When you, Joyce and Murray finally reunited with Hopper, you'd initially been too consumed with Joyce and Hopper's tearful greeting to notice the quiet man behind Hop. But when you did notice him, his blue eyes met yours and he gave you a small smile and a nod, and your stomach fluttered. You knew then--you were screwed.
And apparently, Murray knew it too, which is why you now found yourself sharing a room and a bed with Dmitri in Yuri's safe house.
Shaking the snow off your boots as you walked into the log cabin, the first thing you noticed was the instant relief from the slight increase in temperature. The second thing you noticed was how small the cabin was for the lot of you. The kitchen and living room blended into one, and while there were three small separate bedrooms with very tiny adjoining bathrooms, there were only two beds and two small couches. And 6 of you.
"Uh, Yuri, not that I'm not grateful for a place to stay but...where are all of us going to sleep?" Joyce questioned gently as she took a look around.
Yuri laughed loudly. "Ah, you don't want to cuddle up with your fellow Americans?"
"I know I don't want to cuddle up with my 'fellow Americans'," Murray said. "I'm taking a couch."
You watched Joyce and Hopper whisper for a moment before Hop spoke up. "We'll share a bed."
"I will take the second bed, since I am such a generous host and brought all of you here. It is the least I deserve," Yuri exclaimed with a knowing grin. He loved to see how far he could push everyone's buttons.
"Yeah, uh, no," you protested. "That would leave me and Dmitri with one couch. There's no way we would both fit." Your cheeks heated up at the thought of you and your new handsome Russian friend squeezing together on one small couch.
You didn't see it, but Murray caught the blush on your cheeks. His eyes narrowed, flitting between you and Dmitri before a smirk graced his face. It was time once again for him to play matchmaker. "Then it's settled! Y/N and Enzo will share a bed. Yuri, you're on a couch."
You had opened your mouth to protest, but it was too late. Everyone retreated to their respective bedrooms, leaving you and Dmitri in a whole lot of awkward silence. Your fingers began to fidget, searching for something to say as you avoided his eyes. It's not that you didn't want to share a bed with him, oh no, it was actually the opposite. You really wanted to share a bed with him. But god, were you nervous.
Dmitri suddenly cleared his throat, getting you to look up. He looked almost...nervous? "Ah, I apologize. If you're uncomfortable sharing a bed I am more than happy to sleep on the floor. I've...gotten used to it anyways."
Your heart broke at that. You couldn't imagine the conditions he'd had to endure before your rescue mission. There's no way you'd let him sleep on the floor. "Dmitri--"
"You can call me Enzo," he interrupted quietly, giving you a small smile.
"Enzo," you repeated, returning his smile. "I'm not letting you sleep on the floor. It's really okay, I promise. I'm comfortable sharing a bed as long as you're comfortable."
The adorable little smile stayed on his face as he nodded. "I'm comfortable."
Ignoring the way your heart raced at the thought of sharing such an intimate space with him, you nodded, biting your lip. "Alright then. It's settled."
Which brought you to now. Finally, shower time. Enzo had just finished showering before you, and you inwardly shamed yourself at the disappointment you felt at not getting to see him in a towel.
Peeling your damp, frigid clothes off, you sighed in relief as the steamy, hot air from the shower hit your skin. This is what you'd been looking forward to all day. This, and getting into some comfortable pajamas afterward. You showered relatively quickly as you worried you'd run out of hot water, and you felt loads better. Stepping out of the shower, you wrapped yourself in an old, thready towel and looked for your change of clothes.
And that's when you realized--you forgot to grab your change of clothes.
"Damn it," you muttered to yourself. You had no choice; you'd have to go out in a towel in front of Enzo.
Taking a deep breath, you slowly opened the door and peeked out. "Um, Enzo?"
Enzo was sitting on the edge of the bed looking at an old book when he turned to you, and he swallowed hard at the sight of you in nothing but a thin piece of fabric. "Is everything alright?"
Feeling a bit more confident from his reaction, you took a step past the threshold of the bathroom. "I think I left--ah!" As soon as you took a step forward, a loose thread in your towel caught on the door hinge and caused you to trip...and completely lose your grip on your towel. "Shit!" Before you had time to react, your towel was on the ground and you were completely naked, still dripping wet, in front of Enzo. As soon as it hit the floor you scooped it right back up and tried to cover yourself. This is so not how you wanted tonight to go. "I am so sorry."
Your eyes were glued to the floor, too embarrassed to meet his eyes, until you heard him chuckle. "It's alright, ангел. It has been...a long time since I have seen a beautiful woman's body. I would never complain of such a thing."
You swallowed thickly at the insinuation behind his words, your heart rate increasing by the second. You bit your lip, smirking. "So, you think I'm beautiful, huh?"
Enzo's grin grew, and your stomach fluttered. "I do have eyes, no?"
You laughed, and Enzo loved the sound. The two of you remained in silence for a few moments as you stared at one another with a fire in your eyes, and this time the silence wasn't awkward. This time, the air was different, thick with tension. He rubbed his palms on his thighs, and the dark, heated look in his eyes had you feeling bolder. "So how long has it been since you've...seen a woman's body?"
Enzo stood up then, eyes trained on yours as he slowly began making his way towards you. Your stomach was somersaulting the closer he got. "Much, much too long."
He was right in front of you now, so tall, and with the tightness of his sleep shirt you could see he was all soft muscle. You craned your neck up to look at him, a low heat spreading between your legs at the look on his face. He looked...predatory.
"That--that's a shame," you said quietly, voice failing you at his closeness. "Maybe I could help you out with that."
"Yes," he mumbled, voice somehow several octaves lower than it had been mere moments ago. He lifted two fingers and ran them softly, slowly down your bare arm, sending pleasant shivers down your spine. "Yes, I think you can."
Enzo's eyes searched yours, waiting silently for your consent, and you nodded.
His large hands replaced your small ones that had been barely holding onto your towel. He let the flimsy cloth fall to the ground, and you were bare before him. "Боже мой, ты прекрасна," he mumbled, his eyes glued to your form. His hands went to your breasts first, palms squeezing as his thumbs swiped over your nipples. Your eyes fell shut at the sensation, a soft sigh escaping your lips. Truth be told it had been a long time for you, too, and you were practically vibrating with desire.
He leaned into you then, nose gently nudging yours. "Can I kiss you, ангел?"
"Please," you said, voice pleading.
His plush lips met yours instantly in a heated kiss that sent tingles all the way down to your toes. Your fingers buried themselves in his messy, damp hair as his hands gripped your waist tightly, pulling you flush against him. Both of you groaned into the kiss as your bare pussy rubbed perfectly against the tent in his pants, the friction exactly what you craved. You couldn't remember the last time you felt so needy; your body was on fire from his touch, like you couldn't get enough despite the fact that you'd barely just gotten started. You wanted him in as many ways as you could have him, and from the way he was gripping you, like he was afraid that you'd disappear if he were to let go, he must have felt the same.
"I need to taste you," he mumbled against your lips. He knelt down before you then, his hands sliding down your body as he went. His knees hit the ground, and he looked like a man about to go to worship. Your chest was damn near heaving with anticipation as his mouth hovered over your now-soaked pussy, but you didn't dare move. This was a man who needed to take his time, who needed to drink you like you were his life source. You were completely, willingly at his mercy.
He leaned into you and began pressing tender kisses all along your inner thighs and right next to where you needed him most. "Beautiful," he muttered, almost to himself. And then he dove in, his hot tongue licking a long stripe through your dripping folds. Your knees almost buckled at the sensation, and he gripped your ass and shoved you even closer to him.
"Enzo," you panted, fingers gripping his hair tightly.
His tongue was relentless, licking and lapping at your pussy like a man starved. At the frenzied rate he was going it wouldn't be long before you came, and all you knew was that you didn't want him to stop. Your hips bucked forward in a desperate attempt to somehow bring him closer, and that's when he shoved his long tongue inside you, curling upward.
"God, Enzo, yeah, just like that," you praised, the coil inside your belly suddenly winding tighter and tighter.
Enzo let out a long, approving groan as you began riding his face in a desperate chase towards your high, and as soon as he wrapped his lips around your clit and sucked hard, you were brought over the edge into one of the best orgasms you'd ever had.
You chanted his name as you came down, hips quivering from your orgasm as his tongue worked you through it until you squirmed against him from oversensitivity. Your hands went to either side of his face and pulled him up to you before kissing him hard, your tongue sliding against his.
"You taste divine, ангел," he mumbled against your lips.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing needy kisses to every inch of his skin there. "Need you to fuck me, Enzo."
He smirked, his hands sliding down your back to squeeze your ass and pull you against his thick cock straining against his pants. "Oh? You need me to fuck you, princess?"
You moaned, burying your face in his neck. "Please."
"Well, since you asked so nicely."
You squealed in surprise as he bent down and gripped the back of your thighs, hoisting you up into his arms. His mouth was on yours again in an instant, walking you over to the bed and gently laying you down before joining you. He undressed before you quickly, not missing the way you eyed him hungrily and pressed your thighs together at the sight. He looked like a god.
You sat up on your knees and straddled him immediately, surprising him when you gripped his throbbing cock, now heavy in your hand. He let out a choked groan, eyes shutting tight and head falling back as you began stroking him. His red tip was leaking freely now, and you couldn't resist leaning down and licking him greedily.
"блять," he groaned as he watched you suck and lick at him, his hands gently moving your hair out of your face.
You wrapped your lips around his tip and sucked hard several times before taking him all the way, his cock hitting the back of your throat. Ignoring your gag reflex you continued the motion, mouth bobbing up and down on him and reveling in the delicious sounds he was making.
"блять, ангел," he grunted, his hands cupping your cheeks to gently pull you off of him. "If you keep doing that I will finish before we've started."
You grinned wickedly, pulling him in for a kiss before hovering your hips over him, your heart beating wildly in your chest with anticipation as you lined your entrance up with his cock. He watched you in wonder, his hands sliding all over your body, desperate to touch as much of you as he could. And then you sank down onto him, both of your mouths falling open at the blissful feeling of him stretching you perfectly. You moaned loudly as he bottomed out, and his hand was quick to cover your mouth.
He quirked a brow at you. "Don't want your 'fellow Americans' to hear what we're getting up to, do we?" You shook your head, eyes wide and innocent. "Will you be able to keep quiet, ангел?" You shook your head again, and he grinned. "I will just have to make you stay quiet, then."
He moved the hand covering your mouth and instead put two fingers inside your mouth, and you groaned around them as he bucked his hips up into you, his cock hitting you deep. "That's it, ангел," he cooed, continuing to fuck up into you as you sucked on his fingers. He set up an easy rhythm and you began meeting his thrusts, driving his cock deeper and deeper into you until you thought you were going to see stars. "Look at you," he grunted as he began picking up his pace, his free hand gripping your hip tightly. "You take my cock so well. Like it was made for you."
You whined around his fingers, matching his quick and deep thrusts as the familiar heat began to build inside you once more. He bit his lip as he watched you ride him, your tits bouncing with every thrust, drool building around his fingers. Your eyes practically rolled back into your head when he started driving faster and faster into you. You couldn't keep up with his pace anymore, completely at his mercy as he fucked you with abandon.
Enzo groaned low, his hips starting to stutter as he neared his release. "You want me to come inside you, ангел? Want me to fill you up so good you feel me for days?"
You nodded desperately, tears stinging your eyes as you got closer and closer to your release. The blissed out look on his face was almost your undoing, but you held on for him.
"Come, princess, I want to feel it," he groaned, his thumb pressing into your clit.
You cried out against his fingers, the dam inside you finally breaking as you shook around him. Drool fell from your chin as tears slid down your cheeks from the intensity of it, and that was Enzo's undoing. He grunted something in Russian that you didn't understand before spilling inside you, his chest heaving.
He pulled his fingers out of your mouth as you both caught your breath, and you collapsed onto his chest, his softening cock still inside you.
"You are incredible," he spoke softly, his fingers gently moving a loose strand of hair behind your ear, the action making your heart flutter.
You looked up at him and shared a sweet smile, kissing him gently. "Can I tell you something?"
"I've wanted to do that since I first saw you."
Enzo laughed loudly, and the delightful sound had you chuckling with him. His smile, his laugh, everything about him was so wonderfully infectious. "All you had to do was ask, ангел," he teased.
You grinned, laying your head back down on his bare chest. A few moments of comfortable silence went by, and you couldn't hold back any more. You cleared your throat. "So, when we go to America...are you staying here?" Your fingers traced nonsensical patterns onto his chest as you awaited his answer, the rhythmic movements of his breathing calming you.
He sighed. "I...do not know. I believe there is nothing here for me anymore."
You looked up at him, and you saw the worry, the trauma, the sadness in his eyes. "Come with us then." He turned his head to look down at you, his eyes questioning, so you continued. "I mean...maybe there is something in America for you?" You looked hopeful, eyes pleading with him to understand what you were really saying so you didn't have to say it out loud.
His face softened, his hand cupping your cheek. His thumb rubbed against your skin affectionately.
"Yes, ангел, I think there is something in America for me."
Enzo was beginning to realize then that it didn't matter where he would go as long as you were there; you were his safe house.
ангел - angel
Боже мой, ты прекрасна - my god, you are beautiful
блять - fuck
блять, ангел - fuck, angel
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hillerskalibrary · 11 months
This is my first time being in a fandom so I don't really know - do you think people writing YR fanfiction will die down quickly after the end of the show? I am already super sad about the show ending but no more new fanfiction about these two might be even worse 🙃
Do you maybe have experience from other fandoms? 🧡
Hey anon! To you, as well, apologies for the late reply, especially since this question is clearly important to you - and no doubt to many others.
Now, should I have attempted to write a heartfelt answer on how the YR fandom will indeed probably slowly fade away but that's okay because the important thing is the joy it gave you while it lasted? Yes, yes I should have.
Did I spend half an hour making a graph in Excel instead? ... also yes.
look I may be a failed scientist but I'm still a scientist and you came to my inbox so...
Behold! My beautiful and not-at-all questionable graph of the number of YR posted per month since the release of S1.
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Now, first the good news: as you can see, the general trend of fic goes UP! ;) I think it's been clear that S2 has drawn in lots of new fans, and that reflects in the number of fics - not only are there more writers, but more readers = more interaction = more motivation for writers.
Now, what does this tell us about fic numbers after S3?
... absolutely nothing. No, seriously, it is impossible to extrapolate any of this into the future :D. I mean, it is likely the peak will be even higher for the S3 release, and it's safe to say that then it will go down. But how fast, or how low, is hard to tell...
Now, I can see how this may make you sad. And I would like to offer two counterpoints.
ONE It's not done yet. This may seem obvious but- the time to be sad is not here yet. Suppose the sun shines today, and the forecast predicts rain for tomorrow. What are you going to do? Go out and enjoy every ray of sun while you can? Or spend the day inside, sad because you won't be able to go out tomorrow? Look - don't get me wrong, I don't wanna dismiss your feelings. It's just- we'll have time to be sad about it later, you know? Right now fandom is active: great fic is being published, thought provoking discussions are being had, ... . Let's enjoy that!
TWO Whether fandom lives or dies after the show, is partly up to you. I mean it! A fandom lives by grace of its active members. So write fic. Prompt other authors if you can't (and even if you can!). Organize events, challenges, polls, ... There are so many things you can do to keep the fandom going, but it's going to require time and effort. And no, success is not guaranteed. But it's worth it.
Lastly though, as you say yourself: this is your first fandom. A first fandom is always a little special, but after a first... comes a second. Always. It may seem hard to believe, and it may not even be something you necessarily want, but very often, that's how it goes. Fandoms come and go - and that's fine. It sucks too, of course, sometimes. But it's fine. It has to be, because the alternative is for nothing to ever change, and that would suck even harder. So enjoy this wonderful fandom we have, gush about it all with your mutuals, and trust that a new blorbo will find you ;).
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shomagravity · 10 months
"First Appearance" || Uno Shoma as a guest in Honda Siblings' YouTube Channel, 01.09.2023
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7jqG1zesxc
T/N: It's pretty long, so you can find it below. Please be aware that there are quite possibly a lot of mistakes as I had trouble hearing them for the most part, and some parts I was not able to hear at all. I apologize for any mistakes / confusion. I have striked out the parts where I'm not 100% certain what was being said.
T/N 2: Marin and Miyu tend to talk about themselves in 3rd person, it's something you can do in Japanese so I kept the same style but it might be confusing if you're not familiar with it.
T/N 3: As it was nearing 4 am by the time I was done, I skipped the final after Miyu's OPOI plug. But I think at that time it's obvious what they're doing. :D
Miyu: So then, Marin-san, today… Marin: Yes. Miyu: After our brother, we have a guest after a long time. Marin: That's right! Miyu: Yes, welcome! Marin: Shoma!
Miyu: Wow! Amazing! Miyu wants to be in the frame too! Marin: Miyu, you can sit here! Shoma: That's right.
Miyu: Marin you sit there. Marin: Okay.
Shoma: Hello. Marin: Introduce yourself! Miyu: No no…Do you need to?? Shoma: Which way? Miyu: Which way??? Marin: What do you mean? Shoma: Skating? Miyu: Oh like your Uno-Tube? Shoma: Like as a skater or as Marin's… Miyu: MARIN'S????
Shoma: Skating then.
Shoma: Hello. I'm Uno Shoma who does skating a little. Marin: Just a little, right? […?…] Shoma: Just a little.
Shoma: You know, my character… It's completely different in front of the camera usually. Marin: What kind of character are you behind the camera? Shoma: I can't speak in front of the cameras. Not at all. Marin: Ah right. Miyu: Huh…Then will you get upset if Miyu is behind the camera? Marin, to Miyu: You should probably stop doing that. Shoma: I get nervous!
Miyu: I collected some questions so I want to ask them the questions. Miyu: "Miyu-chan, do you approve of Shoma-kun?" Miyu: If I didn't approve of him, I wouldn't be filming videos like this, would I, seriously! Huh? Marin: Huh? Shoma: Huh? Miyu: Huh?
Marin: Shomakun often says 'Miyuchan is dark'. Miyu: Ehh Marin: He says things like 'I wonder if she'll dislike it if I speak to her.' Miyu: No no, can I say something? I was happy when though Marin, Shomakun said that he wants to be closer friends with Miyu. When I thought of that, Shomakun kept greeting me every time we meet. Lately, lately I didn't hear from Marin that he talked about Miyu. So I thought maybe he doesn't like me. Marin: So I have to say everything he tells me about Miyu! Miyu: Yeah I want you to report everything to me. Marin: Got it.
Miyu: When I see Shomakun, I get like this, even though in the beginning, in the past, I'd just nod and bow. But lately we're like, "Oh! It's been a while!" Shoma: I can't cut into your conversation, if the two of you are together. Marin: Oh that's right. Also if I go to change costume, she'd definitely come after me. Miyu: But lately--! In the past, I'd just leave without saying anything. But now if Marin leaves, I say "I'll go and help her". Shoma: Yeah. Marin: I've only changed into this sweatshirt from a t-shirt.
Miyu: It's like… […?…] But I don't know how casual I can talk to him. Miyu: If it's Shoma-san, it's the athlete Uno Shoma, and he's greatly my senior. So I'd have to use polite form of speech. But he's my older brother. Marin: What's that Miyu: It's like that, so, I should be like, Shoooma! Marin: You want to call him that? Miyu: It's like, those kind of nice sibling relationship.
Miyu: Like, for an example, when we're all going somewhere, I'm like Shomakuuun, but once we meet at the rink, it's like (bows)…I think that's cool. Marin: That's true. Although normally we're like this, I also think he's an amazing person. Shoma, to Marin: But I don't want you to think of me as an amazing person.
Shoma: I also don't like the polite speech between senpai and kohai. Marin: Ah I see. This part of him is the secret to going to the top, isn't it? Miyu: It's the secret. Marin: Marin's humility is on the ground. It's ground level. Shoma: Your own? Marin: My own evaluation. Shoma: It's because I always end up assuming the worst, so before the competition I'd be like, 'what if this happens', 'what will I do if this happens'. But lately, unlike before, this past year I lost that awful desperation so…I haven't very… No, I don't wanna talk about skating much. Marin: Why? Just let me talk one thing about skating. I watch Shomakun at competitions a lot but… I don't want it to happen and I'm not looking for it but, when you get injured, or when you get sick, or when something hurts, like when you're not in a good shape--- Your performances during those times when you are completely focused are seriously incredible.
Shoma: I get it but… I also think result wise, It's true that it's like that but, for an example, I end up worrying what to do 'if I get injured and just can't do it naturally in the next competition'. I constantly think about that and end up being like this.
Marin: He became like this (points high off the ground). Shoma: No, no, like this. (points lower) Marin: He was like this (low), and now became like this (high). Shoma: Normally (points lower)
Miyu: So then for an example, if you're giving a present to Marin on her birthday, like 'I prepared this', though I don't know, are you also like 'what should I do! If Marin oversleeps today, what should I do tonight?' Do you think negatively like that? Shoma: Ah.. But, if you're surprising someone, it becomes a situation where you have to make the other person happy. And I worry that it'll pressure her. Miyu: Wait, huh???? (You're worried about) the other person? Shoma: So I think about doing something that's harmless. Miyu: Wow that's amazing.
Marin: Miyu is happy with anything so he- Miyu: Yeah yeah I'm happy with just receiving things! Marin: And with Sara, it's always like 'Do you have this already?' Miyu: That's right, that's right! Shoma: I think she's just saying it because she's considerate but she's like, 'Thanks!' Marin: That's also a nice thing about Sara. Shoma: True. That's really nice of her.
Miyu: Please answer this without thinking of it as weird. What do you like about each other? You can answer with anything. Marin: Start with Marin. Miyu: Start with Miyu. Marin: Miyu?? We're including Miyu too?
Shoma: You want me to start? Are you sure? Miyu: No I was just, it's just how you go 'No me! No me! Me! Me!' Marin: No one's doing that. Shoma: We're not doing that. Miyu: Well then, what do you like about Marin? Shoma: There's nothing I can say like 'This is what I like about her'. Because I like everything. Because it's everything about her. It's not about something specific, it isn't one specific thing. For an example, this will be the exact same conversation as before but, for an example if I say "I like Marin's legs." Like how you say you like legs. If I did that, for the other person, there'll be some kind of pressure where they'd have to have those legs. That's what I think. Miyu: Oh oh so if it's like 'I like Marin who wears this outfit' and she'd have to keep wearing that. Shoma: Yeah! It's like outfits or personality, too. Like for me, when I think about it, when I was a kid I was told things like 'This is the good thing about you', I ended up thinking that I'd have to be that way. I don't want to pressure her in that way and also I like everything about her so the answer becomes 'everything' too.
Miyu: I think the YouTube title this time around should be 'Textbook Boyfriend'. It's amazing. So that's how it is. I see.
Marin: Me? Do I have to say 'everything' now?? Shoma: That's why I asked if you wanted me to go first. Marin: Everything? It's not everything! Miyu: I want to hear the reason! Marin: His farts stink! Shoma: I get told a lot. Marin: Can I say that? Shoma: It's totally fine. Marin: Please don't tease him about that ok, everyone? Miyu: If it smelled naturally like roses you'd be like I want to smell it. But I can't say that to Shoma-san. Marin: You wanted to tell him 'I want to smell it' if it smelled like roses?
Miyu: Let's move on. This is a question for Shoma-san. Can you win against the love Marin's siblings have for her? Marin: Oh! Can I say what I like about him? Miyu: Of course! Marin: That reminded me. With Miyu and Sara, he cherishes everyone as much as me. Marin: Well, not that much but it's true.
Shoma: But if I made a comment about it here… For me, that's something that's normal, that it's a given. If I say that, I wonder if it'll come off as if Mabo is making me do it. Marin: In the worst case scenario? Shoma: In the worst case scenario. Marin: 'Will she get flamed for it?' Shoma: Right, right! In the worst case scenario. Marin: Worst case scenario.
Miyu: You know how he calls Marin, Mabo? And Sara is Sabo.. Marin: Sarabo Miyu: Sarabo! Why is it Miyuchan for Miyuchan? Although I'm happy that it's special. Marin: Mibo Miyu: I don't wanna be called Mibo Shoma: I'm still shy. After like two months, together with Marin…After One Piece is over… Miyu: No no, you can't be like 'two months later', everything is over before even a month ends.
Miyu: My dream is to- […?…] I want to expose the cute sides of Marin, and talk to Shomakun about 'something like this happened'. Marin: You're so heavy! Marin: These two are amazing. They'll definitely talk like this, they'll avoid looking at each other. Shoma: I'm being careful! I'm trying to look at her! Miyu: Our eyes meet at the screen of the camera. Marin: Your personalities are really the same.
Miyu: What's a place you two go to often - you don't have to say the place. Shoma&Marin: Ready, set, go--- STARBUCKS Marin: Right? Shoma: Right
Miyu: 'Do they know that the fans call the two of them Shomarin'? Miyu: I called the two of you Shomarin for a really long time. Marin: You did! Miyu: So fans also call you Shomarin. Shoma: I don't really know how we're called or anything. Marin: I do know but, Shoma: Oh, so you do know. Marin: But Miyu was calling us that since a really long time ago. Miyu: Do you have anything else that you want to be called? Marin: Is there? A pair name? Shoma: A pair name? Marin: (Nudges his shoulder to encourage him to answer) Shoma: (Reluctant) I'm not funny or anything.
[ I don't understand this part at all but Shoma says something about being the same as Miyuchan.]
Marin: You two are really alike. How to put it, like your personalities, it's really similar. Miyu: We also both like Marin. Marin, to Miyu: I wonder about that. Is that so? Miyu: I'm happy.
Miyu: What's something you both have in common the most? Shoma: By common point do you mean what we see in ourselves or what others tell about us---See this is how I'll get. Miyu: That's the image we usually have of Shomakun. Marin: […?…] Shoma: Right!
Miyu: Can we look forward to a scene with Vivichan and Luffy? Shoma: At first we're really in different […?…] but in the past […?…] Marin: Right, it's because we're doing something we never did before. Rather than skating as if it's a performance, it was embarrassing to do it at first, right? Shoma: Yeah because none of us did that before. Marin: Saying lines and getting yelled at and such. But Miyu has been doing it a lot. Shoma: It's because my personality is the most different from this character called Luffy. I think everyone worried most about me. Right now I'm not embarrassed at all.
Miyu: As Vivi and Luffy, the two of you were amazing unrelated to who Shomakun and Marin are. I thought that. Marin: Thank you.
Shoma: I feel really sad that these One Piece rehearsals are coming to an end. Miyu: I'm sad. Shoma: Of all my skating past, this has been a top level fun for me. So… Marin: It's ending within a month, right? Let's do our best.
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silvereyeslave · 8 months
Hello all whomst take the time to read this. I suppose this is an introduction of sorts. I am the Silvereye-d-slave. My eyes get very glassy in trance and I drool... well. A lot and pry too easily. Both of these are typically depicted with a silvery tint in hypno content, hence the name. Most call me Silver for ease. I am a 19 year old, cis male sub/switch (always subby sometimes dommy). I am... tbh I've been a little confused on this lately. Bi I think l, which is wild for me to admit because I have always been heterosexual, however lately I have been discovering that I may have the capacity to be bi. Anyways. I am most certainly not new to erotic hypnosis and yes... it all started with that damn snake lol.
I am so down to interact with all of you lovely people so please hmu! Just please remember I am a human being so approach me with some basic respect lol. I have anxiety and am... the most chronic overthinker on the planet (no seriously it runs so deep), and I also ramble when really nervous so keep in mind lol. But, so long as you are respectful, I'm down to chat! (I apologize in advance to some who come looking for trance. As I said, I am always subby, but rarely dommy. It's not personal if I do not want to trance you, I just genuinely do not enjoy, generally speaking).
Most of this is going to be reposts of things that turn me on/interest me, but some of it will be original thoughts, rants or mini little blips of a story or memory or something that I want to share.
If you see something that belongs to you and you want me to take it down, please reach out!!
If you see something on here you do not like or agree with or that makes you uncomfortable, I apologize to the extent that it made you uncomfortable, but please just simply do not interact with me then or block me. There is no reason to be rude about it (I've had a few cases where people come barging into DM's and it's not a good time)
-Erotic hypnosis (duh)
-Worshiping the female form. Feet? Boobs? Ass? Thighs? Why not all of em?
-CNC (picky with this but basically just think of the most extreme examples and come a step or two down from there)
-Triggers!! Triggers are so much fun to play with
-Resistance play. Yes, I fucking love submitting and obeying. But the best part is feeling my will slip. The struggle and ultimately the failure... which leads me to👇
-Forced submission
-Helplessness/being trapped. Okay this one is like. I love the word trapped. Tell me I'm trapped and holy fuck I'm putty in your hands. Make me feel like I can't escape... well anything. A situation, a feeling, you, and ugh.. ya... this is a big one
-Basically any dommy monster girl. Come on. Who doesn't love the idea of vampires, lamias, succubi, sirens and other fun hypnotic creatures?
-TITNOSIS (extreme weakness). I... okay if you have seen my blog, you don't need me to expand on this lmao
-Pussy Worship/eating out. Yes. This is a whole ass kink because it turns me on so much to perform. I fucking love it and will totally go on rants if you hit me up about experiences
-Pry one of my biggest turn ons is being hypnotized by a hypnotized hypnotist- serial recruitment
-Edging (but I do believe in eventually cumming. I believe an orgasm is the ultimate sign of devotion and submission, not the denial of it so please keep in mind. Being denied for a day or two is okay even! Just as long as it's with the understanding that nothing long term)
-Feet. Yes, I know fifty-fifty round here but. I have slowly discovered that I do indeed have a foot fetish. Some stipulations, clean feet, NOT shoes, again all of which with the overarching (arching. Lol get it?) theme of submission
-Very important note, I take pride in keeping my... region... and self in general clean, and that reflects in my interests. I'm not looking to lick the dirt from your feet, or go down on a vagina that hasn't been washed in a long time, etc.
-Yes, I am weird because as I say all that above, I do love scents. Scents drive me crazy. Specific perfumes, pheromones. LOVE sweat, not stink.
-Light degradation. Don't call me a bitch or loser, but anything in the realm of slut is really good. Basically, good~ and you can fill that space in with a almost anything
-Hypnosis around body parts. I have literally been tranced by a navel before. Go wild lol
--DUELING!! Please hmu if you are interested!! Current record is 7/1/1!!
-Gore/vore, strong degradation, incest, waste matter, feminization, disrespect for pre-established boundaries, sending personal pics/vids, chastity (by physcial restraint meaning like a lock, belt, cage etc.)
If anyone feels so inclined feel free to pop into my DM's or send a question or two! Always down to talk about my many kinks or the fact I am a MASSIVE nerd. Love star wars, MTG, D&D, Lord of the Rings (ofc), board games. The list goes on (please ask about this lol and I am SO down to chat about anything, decklists, characters, whatever comes to mind)
I have an instagram account. Don't post anything there but if you wanna chat or something add me lol.
Instagram: @blankedboiy
Updated 06/4/2024
Thank yall kindly,
The Silvereyeslave
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penofpenguin · 1 year
Headcanons of Azul with a younger sister who was better than him when they were younger, but she adored him, like he was her cool and sweet big brother? Like if Ursula and Morgana were to switch places and instead it was Ursula who envied her sister type? But she ran away from home a few years before he even went to Night Raven College? And she arrives a year after him [so that makes her a Freshmen] and how they could become good siblings again?
You got it!!
Sorry for the really late reply anon but I hope you like this :D
Content Warnings: Azul having mean thoughts
Azul's younger sister who he envied finally meets him again after going missing for so long.
Azul and Younger Sister Reader
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Ever since you two were young, he always thought you were better than him. You were good at literally everything!!
He always got the sense that you were looking down on him, but it was quite the opposite.
Even when he got bullied he never told you because he's afraid you'd agree with the bullies.
When you ran away for mysterious reasons, he had mixed feelings. He was a bit disappointed that his mom is crying over her baby and that you technically ARE his younger sister...but he can't help but feel at ease now that you're gone.
Timeskip to his second year in NRC, where he sees you. YOU.
You wave to him so innocently and he's been hating your entire presence this whole time. He barely ever looked you in the eye because he's afraid of being looked down on.
But now that he has made eye contact... he's shocked to see that there was absolutely zero hints of looks of inferiority in your eyes.
He kind of distances himself because he feels mad guilty for even being relieved that you were gone.
Even when you tried to talk to him in the corridors or go to Mostro Lounge to talk, you'll always be dismissed. He feels this pang of guilt and he hates it.
He hates feeling like he owes you something.
Jade notices this and tells him to talk to you, saying that he's just digging a deeper hole for both you and himself.
'Maybe that is the best idea?'
And so he calls you over to tell you everything. How he felt, how he hated it, how he thought you felt, etc.
You didn't hate him even after that!
"I'm glad you were truthful about it. I'd never look down on you Azul. I mean, look at you! You're on top of the world here big bro!!" You say, smiling at him.
He feels so happy to hear you say big bro again.
After that, you both catch up on those interactions you missed throughout your lives.
Azul would ask you for help sometimes, and give you some too. You'd help out in the Lounge and talk to your mom together, who in fact, missed you lots :D
There is of course, random teasing between you two, and that just makes your bond even stronger.
You get along with Jade and Floyd too! It's like a nice sibling group.
Azul is overjoyed to spend time with you, despite his busy lifestyle. If only he'd spoken to you more directly in the past....he says.
Hope you enjoyed!!
This is my first time writing sibling hcs so ehh...maybe not the best? Also apologies if it looks rushed 😭
Have a great day 💖
- Madeline 🐧
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{part Ten}
Fandom: Obey me!
Genre: Angst
Written for F!Mc
WC: 3k
CW: Kidnapping!,  Michael is a heavy antagonist and angels are fucked up, slut shaming/victim blaming, mention of suicide vaguely, fear-based content and lots of tension, angst, depression, mentions to past sexual violence in Vermillion Skies, Torture, anxiety, descriptions of deceit, season 2 spoilers
A/n: Michael is quite the wad in this chapter, just as a fair warning! I will be discussing his character in my brain more in the q&a post later on, so send in your questions about the series to my inbox! Also I apologize if the formatting seems wonky or out of order...tumblr is deciding to test my patience this morning.
Music Accompaniment (Point of No Return thru No Love)
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>> Though I have a Masters Degree in Psychology and clinical training in treatment for mental health, I am not your therapist. If you have experienced any form of depression or suicidal thoughts, and are in need of help, please utilize the Suicide Prevention Lifeline, NIMH helpline, or the SAMHSA helpline. <<
Series Masterlist  
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You can find more of this series by searching the tag #Vermillion Skies or #Melancholia on my blog!
“Are you sure that’s what you saw?” Diavolo’s eyes darted between Simeon and Belphie. He wanted desperately for their concerns to just be baseless anxiety, but the grim look on Luke’s face made his heart sink deeper into his stomach. The phone call he had received from Lucifer hours prior was alarming, but he figured the sounds of shuffling and distant grunts meant he had just pocket dialed him. He never would have expected mc and Lucifer to end up missing, and in the brutish hands of the Archangels, no less. After what he had seen Simeon go through, he only hoped that they could get to them before its too late.
“I’m almost 100% certain that Michael has taken both of them.” Simeon clenched his fists, fighting back his demon form. “I don’t know what he’s planning, but it will surely be nothing good.”
Diavolo’s lips pressed into a thin line. “I see...” 
Luke squeezed his eyes shut to prevent himself from crying. His grip on Simeon’s sleeve tightened as he tried to make himself calm down. How could this be happening? Michael was a good angel; a merciful angel. This had to have been some sort of mistake!
There was a moment of silence as the brothers looked amongst eachother with uncertainty. 
“Well...ain’t we gonna do somethin’ ���bout this?!” Mammon finally asked, giving a pointed look to Diavolo and Barbatos. "We should be stormin' that fuckin' palace and destroying everythin' in sight!"
A tense sigh passed through Diavolo’s lips as he massaged the slight headache developing at his brow line. “Mammon, it’s not that simple. We have no idea where they’re being held, or why. We have no idea what their next move will be, and we dont know what they'll do when they hear of our rescue efforts.” 
“And we certainly don’t have the manpower amongst us to fight the entire celestial army, even with our combined strength.” Satan paced while rubbing his chin, trying hard to think of how they could get both Lucifer and Mc back with the least amount of bloodshed. 
“I just...I d-don’t understand...” Luke shook his head, still trying to wrap his head around what was happening. “W-why would Michael do something like this?!” 
The demons looked amongst each other, unsure of how to respond to the small angel’s query. They felt so much pity for him. He was really having his worldview tested more over the past 4 months than than he had in his entire life.
“Michael is obsessive.” Solomon chimed in as he entered the room, a bag of tinking glassware slung over his shoulder. “He sees Mc as a threat, and it appears as though his desire to renew the exchange program was a ploy to get our guard down so he can neutralize that threat. I only wish i would have picked up on the signs sooner.” 
The remaining color left in Luke’s face drained, and he stared at Solomon, wide-eyed. “W-what..? Do...do you mean they’ll...”
Solomon locked eyes with him for a second, a glint of sadness passing through his expression. “They’re going to try to kill her, yes.” 
Simeon shook his head, finding himself feeling strangely numb in this moment. "They wont just do that. They've risked too much in even kidnapping Mc.” 
Everyone in the room turned to him, looks of pure terror on their faces. The fact that the situation would likely provide Mc with more trauma was enough to try to stomach already, but to run the risk of losing her again made their blood run cold. Each waited with baited breath for what Simeon had to add to suggest that it could get worse than you’re death. 
Simeon sighed, avoiding their desperate eyes. “Michael had said over and over that their worst mistake he made during your fall was not ensuring Lilith had been unable to be reincarnated. To ensure that Lilith’s bloodline won’t ever be able to cause a disturbance in the celestial realm again, they are going to attempt to wipe her from existence, along with the one person who could and would stop at nothing to ensure they would never see another day of peace. The one person who, without him, would leave the Devildom vulnerable in the event of an all-out war.” 
The brothers each dropped their eyes to the floor, slowly understanding what Simeon was getting at. 
Not only would they kill Mc- but they were going to kill Lucifer too. 
“But...But...” Luke stuttered, looking amongst the brothers. "Michael's a good angel! He couldn’t...H-he wouldn’t...” 
Tears burst from Luke’s eyes, now fully unable to hold back any more. Simeon kneeled, wrapping his arms around him gently, and allowed the small angel to sob into his shoulder. Simeon glanced to Diavolo, who’s expression had become a mixture of grim anticipation, and deep anger. 
“My lord, what would you suggest our next move be?” Barbatos did his best to bite his tongue, but was holding onto his sanity by a mere thread. It was bad enough that you had to be taken and threatened with death, but to have a close friend and necessary ally suffer the same punishment made the situation all the more dire. He himself wanted to charge in and swiftly decapitate any angel that crossed his path, but he knew that running in without a plan would be foolish. "If what Simeon says is true, we are already at a major disadvantage given they have been in their grasp for nearly 5 hours. We don’t have much more time left to lose.” 
Before Diavolo could even respond, Beelzebub stepped forward, catching his attention. His normal flat expression was turned into an furious scowl, his muscles bulging under his shirt with all the tension he held in his body. The prince didn’t think he’d ever seen the avatar of Gluttony so angry before. 
“Our next move should be getting our family back, no matter what it takes.” He stated matter-of-factly, but there was a lust for blood behind his tone that neither of the royals, nor his brothers, had ever heard from the 6th born. “I’ll annihilate their entire army by myself if I have to.” 
“While I agree we should prioritize their safety before politics, we mustn’t forget that charging in without a plan only gives them the advantage.” Diavolo sighed. “Though right now, I am frankly at a loss for how to develop one that won’t just be a suicide mission.” 
Beel closed his eyes, trying to refrain from snapping on the prince. He was terrified for your wellbeing, and didn't think he could handle the uncertainty of your fate for much longer. He needed you- all of his brothers did. And they needed Lucifer too. Without both of you, his family would fall apart. No one would ever be able to recover from such a loss.
Luke stared between Beelzebub and Diavolo, almost as if he couldn’t understand what they were both saying. 
“First we should decide who will be doing what.” Simeon stated, now rising from his knees. He gestured toward Solomon to take Luke from him, who quickly scrambled to replace Simeon’s place as Luke’s support. 
Barbatos nodded. “We should establish a rendezvous point as well, in case we get separated.”
Simeon looked to Barbatos, nodding in agreement. “I think it goes without saying that Diavolo and Luke will be staying behind.” 
“What?!” Luke and Diavolo both yelled at the same time, seemingly insulted by the assertion that they would not be helping. 
“Yeah, What?” Mammon added, crossing his arms. “I understand leavin’ the Chihuahua behind, but Diavolo’s got some mad strength. He could take down 10 seraphim at once without even tryin'!" 
“Really, Mammon!? You’re going to call me a Chihuahua now?!” Luke wiped his tears, shooting Mammon a glare. 
Barbatos interjected, ignoring Luke’s annoyance at the teasing name. “But if he is injured- or worse, killed- during battle, the Devildom will be without a leader. That’s not something we can afford. We would be susceptible to both external invasion and violent anarchy amongst the lower demons.” 
“Besides, it might be helpful to have someone here to prepare a space for injuries.” Satan added, tilting his chin toward Simeon. “If his vision is right...Mc and Lucifer could be in pretty awful shape...” 
Mammon winced at the idea of Mc being hurt again, not wanting to accept it as a possible reality. 
Diavolo sighed. “Fine, we’ll stay back for now. But if things go south...” He gave Barbatos a deathly serious look, “...I will not hesitate to charge in there- full force.” 
Luke shook his head, now pulling out of Solomon’s arms and nearly groveling to Simeon. “No! Wait, I...I could talk to Michael! I could get him to s-see reason!” 
Simeon closed his eyes and sighed. “Luke, I know this is hard for you to understand, which is why it’s best if you don’t get involved.” 
“But...Mc...” Luke swallowed back more tears, looking at the floor. “I...I want to help...t-to do something...”
“I know...I know.” Simeon took a deep breath to maintain the softness in his voice. He pressed both hands to Luke’s shoulder. “But the way that you can help is holding down a place for when we come back. Please Luke...this is what I need from you.” 
Luke sniffled, hanging his head and nodding. “O-okay.” 
Simeon gave him a firm hug, solidifying that things were going to be okay. He had experienced a loss of optimism for anything for so long. He hadn't felt the ability to cling to any sort of hope to allow him to move forward. Whether it be denial, fear, anger, or just wanting to see Mc smile one last time, the feeling allowed him to be strong enough to stand as an anchor for everyone else, and to make a plan to get them both back. He needed to be a rock for everyone else, who were near the edge of panic because the two who would normally take the lead were now indisposed.  
Mc and Lucifer will be brought back alive...they had to be.
Simeon stood, resting a firm hand on Luke’s shoulder. He pointed toward the brothers, giving fervent direction of what he wanted them to do. “Beel, you will be our tank.  Belphie and Satan, you’re his backup. Your job is to neutralize anyone in our way of getting to Lucifer and Mc.” 
The three looked at each other and gave a single nod to signify that they understood.
“Levi, and Mammon- you two will help me and Barbatos get into the Celestial prison cells to search for Mc and Lucifer. We will need help getting past guards, and the more people we have searching rooms, the better. You'll take the east wing, and Barbatos and I will be on the west wing.” 
“Got it.” Mammon nodded to Levi, winding up his shoulders to stretch the muscles. "I'll wipe the floor with any crumby angel that dares to do harm to the family of the Great Mammon!"
“Solomon- You and Asmo will take up the rear. Do what you can to ensure our portal home isn’t infiltrated and that the others have first aid in the event of an emergency. You will also be our center point of contact.” 
Asmo nervously glanced to Solomon, who pressed a reaffirming hand to his shoulder. “Not a problem.” 
“For the rest of us outside of Asmo and Solomon, our meet up point should be at the treeline just south of the prison.” Barbatos added, giving a nod to Simeon for thinking through the division of the groups. “If we need to change it, Solomon and Asmo will spread the message. No one should break off from their pairs. There's safety in numbers, after all.” 
The group nodded amongst each other, now preparing for what they assumed was going to be an absolutely bloodbath, and the beginning of the end of peace between the realms.
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“Get up.” 
Lucifer groaned as the words echoed through his throbbing head. He tried to bring his awareness back- to figure out who the voice was, and where it was coming from. A swift kick to the stomach caused him to sputter, the pain pulling his consciousness back to the surface.
How long had he even been out?!
He forced his eyes open, trying to adjust to the dimly lit room he found himself in. As he tried to move his weak muscles, he found his arms restrained tightly behind his back. He looked up, trying to push his vision to convert the blurred outline into the image of the individual standing before him. 
“I said: Get. UP.” 
Lucifer snarled as the individual grabbed a fistful of his hair and yanked him up to his knees. He gritted his teeth as his vision adjusted to the shape of the blonde angel, who’s nose was only a few inches away from his own. 
“Stand, Demon.” Michael commanded, pulling on Lucifer’s hair again to make him stand. 
His knees buckled beneath his weight as he tried to remain standing. Eventually he was able to keep his balance, albeit barely. He hadn’t felt this groggy since Diavolo had spiked his tea with tranquilizer a few months prior. His mind wandered briefly to you, and he was desperate to know where they were holding you. He hoped that you were safe, but given the aggressive handling that Michael and the guards were treating him with, he concluded they were probably weren’t treating you much better.  Regardless, he knew he had to figure out a way out of his binds- to make sure you were safe again in his arms.
Michael snapped his fingers, signaling for two armored guards came to Lucifer’s side. They hooked their arms under his armpits and followed Michael out of the room. Lucifer swallowed hard, taking note of his surroundings. Clearly, he was in the celestial palace, but he was unsure of his specific whereabouts- that is, until he was brought before the familiar, intimidating council doors. 
He narrowed his eyes, staring daggers into the back of Michael’s head. The last time he was here was when he was begging on his knees for Michael to help him to convince father to let Lilith live. An odd sense of familiarity washed over him as Michael grasped the handles on the doors. He swallowed hard, trying to bring back his cold and confident demeanor...but the fear about whether you both would make it out of this situation alive continued to sit like a rock in his stomach, making it hard to turn away from the anxiety.
Lucifer was thrown down to his knees roughly before the council. He gritted his teeth through the pain, trying to wiggle his arms our of their binds enough to where his shoulder wasn't threatening to dislocate. He took a deep breath before looking to the judging eyes of the council, but was surprised to see only two council members other than Michael who were looking at him with glares of hatred. The rest harbored a look of shock and uncertainty.
"Lucifer. It's been too long." Michael mused sarcastically with a wicked smile as he took his place amongst the council members. “I would love to say it’s good to see you, but unfortunately the mere sight of you is very unpleasant.”  
Lucifer tightened his jaw, but said nothing.
Michael cocked his head at him, the smile turning into a teasing smirk. "Come now, you're not going to even give us a proper greeting?"
Lucifer hissed his retort. "Fuck you."
Raphael winced as Michael let out a sickening chuckle. He looked to the other council members, noticing Uriel and Saraquael with similar grotesque smiles. Gabriel, Raguel, and Remiel, however, shared in his discomfort, and tossed nervous glances amongst each other.
"Uh, Michael..." Gabriel nervously chimed in after a pause, trying his best to keep a smile on his face, though it was clearly weathered from nerves. "We...we shouldn't delay in discussing why you've brought Lucifer before us so suddenly, especially considering you didn't not get all of our approval before doing so."
Lucifer lifted an eyebrow as Michael's eyelid twitched. The archangel slowly tilted his head back to look at Gabriel, his intense eyes boring holes into the second in command. "Approval was not necessary. I made an executive decision for the safety of the Celestial realm."
Lucifer furrowed his brow. Safety? What was he talking about??
"When you discussed the revamping of the exchange program, I did not expect this to be your ulterior motive." Raguel shook his head in disapproval as he scratched his long, grey beard. "This isn't right, Michael. Send him home."
"And the human too." Remiel added, a furious look on her face. "I know many angels- including yourself- are wary of deceit from humans after what happened with Simeon, but we have no right to-"
"Silence!" Michael slammed his fists on the podium in front of him, breathing hard. The other council members snapped their mouths shut, not wanting to evoke Michael's fury. "Humans as a race are not the problem here. I've explained this to you thick headed fools 5 times already!"
Remiel gasped quietly, looking to Raguel and Gabriel for support. They said noting, only looked on in shock at Michael’s behavior.
Michael continued. "The problem is this particular human, and those who enable her. She should be exterminated for her sins... and Lucifer..."
He glanced to his former brother over the rim of his glasses, seeing his eyes go wide with panic at the acknowledgement that he wanted to have you killed.
He shook his head. "Lucifer is our second biggest threat if we are to get rid of her, and as such he should be imprisoned indefinitely at the very least- if not sentenced to suffer the same fate."
"Agreed." Uriel stated, without hesitation. "It took 5 injections of the strongest sedative we had to bring him down."
"Who knows what destruction he could cause with those brothers of his if we didn't include him in this." Saraqael glared at him, seemingly disgusted by his actions. "We should have executed all of them after their betrayal instead of letting them fall. The blood of their sister still runs through their veins, and the veins of that wretch of a human."
Michael nodded as Lucifer's lips upturned into a snarl. "His brothers will come for him, and prove just how much destruction they're capable of- but they're no match for our army." He turned back to Gabriel, shaking his head once more. "Mercy for blasphemous actions are what lead Simeon to fall in the first place. Are you suggesting you're fine with every angel turning a blind eye to grace and becoming demons themselves? That simply will not do!"
Gabriel gulped, glancing toward Lucifer and then back to Michael. "Demons are allowed to make their own decisions for how they run their realm. Lucifer having the freedom to love a human doesn't concern us at all, Michael. We have already agreed not to become politically invested in the Devildom beyond maintaining peace."
Raguel stood, mirroring Michael's intensity with his hands firmly on his podium. He had enough of Michael's dictator like order over the council, and unfairness in making such extreme decisions without their input. As the oldest member of the council and a man of tradition, he was insulted by Michael's apparent insolence and side-stepping of the parliament rules. "What you've done is akin to a declaration of war! We're you not able to set aside your petty jealousy of father's favoritism for one moment to think of the consequences of your bull-headed actions!?"
"Tch!" He stood and rounded the podium to the front of the room where Lucifer knelt. He paced in front of him, dark brown irises glaring down intensely at the eldest brother, completely ignoring Raguel's words. "Tell me: What would we have done if this human wasn't given the ring of light?"
“I hardly see what this has to do with anything.” Remiel muttered, sharing a nervous glance with Raguel.
“Just answer the question.” Michael demanded, glancing amongst the council. “Tell me what would have happened.” 
Gabriel sighed, crossing his arms. "It was told to us by the sorcerer that her pacts with the brothers would have been revoked."
Michael let out a sickening laugh. "And you believed him?"
Gabriel was taken aback by his words. "I beg your pardon?"
"Lucifer needed to die in order to go with that route. Do you really think the demon prince, had he known, would have allowed that?"
There was a pause, before the hesitant council members slowly shook their heads.
Michael nodded, lips turning upwards into a smile. "Precisely. Now, wouldn't there be an easier option that would produce the same results? And it didn't even cross any of their minds."
The room wad quiet for a moment before Michael let out a 'tsk.'
"What they should have done was dispose of the threat. She not only holds pacts with 7 of the strongest demons at their disposal and could be considered a danger to both the Celestial Realm and the Devildom in that right, but weilding that power has made the entire fabric of the universe unstable."
Michael turned to Lucifer, crossing his arms. "Now, wouldn't such a danger to the 3 world's go directly against your precious Diavolo's plans?"
Lucifer swallowed, but remained silent.
"It would." He answered for him, turning back to the council. "And yet, his love for the human resulted in them risking the stability of not just the Devildom, but the Celestial Realm and the human world as well!"
"The solution that was arrived at was a suitable one." Raguel argued. "Providing the human with the ring of light was more than a reasonable solution, And I remember that you had hidden it from the council. Even after Simeon approached us with the option, you were still vehemently against it because of your own pride."
Michael glared at the older archangel. "And what if she were to take the ring off?"
Remiel sighed. "You saw it with your own eyes, Michael. She was terrified. Why in heavens name would she do that?"
"It doesn't matter how or why." Uriel nodded toward Michael. "His point still stands that it's a possibility, and made the option a mediocre one at best."
Raphael gripped his pants tightly in his fist. He wasn't sure who to side with at this point, and kept finding himself thinking back to Luke and the interactions he witnessed between the two of you. Raphael was still indifferent toward you, considering the bias he initially came into the Devildom with, but even a week with you was enough to sway his opinion slightly in the opposite direction.
Perhaps Michael was obsessed and blinded by anger and power, like Raguel had said to him before the meeting.
"Michael...y-you've gone mad..." Gabriel shook his head in a panic. "This isn't the way father would-"
"And how are you to know what father wants!" Michael snapped back. "I am the leader of this council, and I am the direct executor of his will!"
"Enough, Michael!" Remiel shouted, now standing. "The council was elected as a whole to execute father’s will. Cease this absurdity at once, and release these two back to Devildom! They are innocent!"
"Innocent!? Hah!" Michael laughed sarcastically at her. "Even meeting Mc in real life was enough to convince me she is anything but!"
Lucifer growled in warning, wanting desperately to tell Michael to keep your name off his lips.
Michael shook his head, feeling a shiver run through his spine as he remembered his encounter with the human. The way he felt such an unnatural pull toward her made him feel so disgraceful, and only re-affirmed his mindset on how dangerous she was. "Just the way in which she was dressed told me everything about her intentions. She’s clearly well able to use manipulation and seduction to her advantage. No wonder demons and angels alike have a difficult time controlling themselves around her- clearly she's inviting them to defile her!"
"Shut your fucking mouth!" Lucifer finally spat at him, finding himself enraged at the suggestion that your state of dress they had captured you in- that was supposed to be for his eyes only- was somehow an excuse for the trauma you suffered. His eyes bore holes into Michael's as they stared each other down. Lucifer panted, snarling at him as he wrestled with his binds, wanting to beat Michael to death right there.
"Tch." Michael narrowed his eyes. "How pitiful."
"Look, Michael..." Gabriel sighed, "despite your personal feelings on the matter, this entire situation needs further discussion, both amongst the council and with father directly. Until that is done, these two are not to be harmed, and should be returned home."
"We are not doing anything to either of them as long as there is disagreement among the council." Remiel reiterated Gabriel’s words, glaring at Michael with her emerald eyes filled with fire. "That is final."
Michael let out another sickening laugh, making the opposing council members' blood run cold. Even the two who were on his side lost the smirks they displayed through the meeting at the unsettling sound of it.
"This was not a request for any stupid debate, or a vote." He smirked toward Lucifer, who continued to glare at him. "This was just a warning to you that the wheels of retribution are already moving. Her punishment was started well before this meeting, and I saw to it personally."
"Wait...what?" Raphael finally spoke, unsure of what to make of Michael’s words. He glanced uneasily toward Uriel and Saraqael, who shared in his confusion. "Y-you said you would get the councils permission before...before-"
The color drained from Lucifer's face as Michael's smile grew. He felt his stomach churn as Michael folded his arms over his chest, staring Raguel down as the realization of what he had done sunk in to everyone in attendance.
"M-Michael... what did you do to that human?" Gabriel stuttered out, completely blindsided by Michael's descent into madness. He glanced to Lucifer, seeing the Avatar of Pride barely holding on to his emotions.
Michael stayed silent, watching the horror on their faces grow with each passing second. His wicked smile told them everything they needed to know.
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hello ! do you happen to know of any hurt!Crowley fics that focus on all the little hurtful things Aziraphale has said to him throughout the years ? like examples from the show would be all the "foul fiend" stuff or "you do something, im the nice one !"
or maybe like how A always seemingly expecting the worse of C or constantly is reminding him of his demonic status as a sort of insult
hope i described that well ? basically aziraphale hurting crowley with little comments throughout the years (even if he didnt really mean them) and that building up
Hi. We have a bunch of fics like this on our #apologies tag, in which Aziraphale acknowledges and apologies for how he’s talked to and treated Crowley over the years, so do check those out. Here are some more fics along the same lines...
Worst Case Scenario by EdosianOrchids901 (T)
Aziraphale keeps insisting that a Heavenly victory will be “rather lovely”, and Crowley is sick of hearing it. If Heaven wins, they’ll either destroy or torture all demons. How can Aziraphale think that’s lovely? Crowley confronts him with reality.
Loose feathers by tenebi (T)
Situation: Crowley and Aziraphale have been drinking, Aziraphale yet again mentions Crowley's nature and his “ incapacity to love ”. “I mean it’s not like you have been treating me like I am always here to personally attack you or it’s not like you have been putting every fucking problem of this earth on my back just because I happen to be there, and yeah I know I know that what demons do but I was expecting you to understand after a bit… or when you keep telling every soul that we meet that we aren’t friends” Crowley's voice began to crack, but he didn’t care anymore.
His glasses were giving him enough protection to hide the pain in his eyes and the literal pain caused by the liquid that had started to gather up in his eyes.
“ but the worst the worst is that even after everything, the 6000 years, the armageddon and the trial.. you still think I don’t-”
Six Thousand Years by Ilovecastiel18 (G)
Post-canon. Aziraphale explains to Crowley that he has loved him for a long time, he was just scared of what Heaven would think. Crowley gets angry because Hell would have done worse, but he never hid his love. He leaves to think things over and comes back with a gift for Aziraphale and an apology. Hurt/Comfort, angst, romance, fluff, love confessions.
Let me be that I am, and seek not to alter me by elf_on_the_shelf (M)
The World didn't end but that doesn't mean there aren't quite a lot of things to be addressed yet. Especially between an angel and a demon and especially after they have avoided talking about them for so long.
Looks like I am finally doing a "night at Crowley's flat" fic, two years too late :)))
Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy by prongsredconvers (G)
“I’m not angry, Aziraphale” Crowley interrupted him, his tone somewhere between a sigh and a mumble “I was never angry at you. I just don’t want to have dinner with you” “But if you are not angry, then why?” Crowley slowly rocked on his feet. “Because I’m tired, angel” Aziraphale stared at him. There wasn’t irritation in his voice. Nor anger. It sounded void, emotionless. Maybe a little resigned. “Tired of what?” “Of everything” the demon replied
Or: After a fight, Aziraphale understands how much he's really hurt Crowley and tries hard to fix it. Also, Crowley finally takes care of himself.
Warmth by indigo (E)
Friends with benefits really had to be the very best solution there was for any self-respecting immortal being on Earth. Handy. Convenient. The perfect way to de-stress with none of the hassle of trying to find a human willing to overlook the more demonic parts of appearance. It was reliable. Comforting even. Dependable, emotionless relief.
Perfect, Crowley thought.
Right up until the point when, well, it wasn’t.
Be warned - that last one is super angsty!
- Mod D
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