#( jinx & zoya)
elainiisms · 1 year
you ppl love villains/morally grey characters UNTIL they're a woman, then all of a sudden they are annoying, evil and irredeemable
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mjdrawsalot · 1 year
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oh my god it's done
Color Wheel Challenge, with suggestions from instagram!
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strawbrryrush · 1 year
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with psychosis on full blast; jinx could hardly tell what was real or what wasn't.. everything felt distorted, her heart pounding in her ear drums.. voices in and out of her ears; hallucinations plaguing her sight.. it was all too much and she needed a way to quiet it down, with a shaky hand ; one full of intent she picked up her dear weapon.. one she knew had to be effective, maybe fueling chaos is what she needed to snap out of it.. the blue haired girl didn't care who'd be in her line of fire, no she was beyond thinking out her decisions and impulses.. she saw a victim, and in her twisted sight, they appeared as a ghost from memory's past, and with a angry finger she prepared to pull the trigger, but she heard a voice one that stuck out from the cluster of invasion.. before she could let her trigger finger loose, it slipped though the explosion missing the person.. only igniting the background near them, but jinx didn't care she loved the ringing that danced in her ears. "-you made me miss my shot." she pouted, now turning the weapon around on them. "-I don't think I have to tell you, but you shouldn't of done that." She hissed. @masqce
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witchlingcirce · 8 days
Tagged by @helenofblackthorns 🥳❤️💓
make a poll of your favorite female characters (no limits - as many or as little as you want) and see which your followers like the most
Other tags for fun: @balladofbells @margareturtle @mayaheronthorn @asongofstarkandtargaryen @ladyadaine <3333
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heliads · 2 years
All By Design Chapter Four: stars by the pocketful
Y/N L/N is Icarus incarnate, a falling star of a singer who only feels bliss when she’s burning down. Nikolai Lantsov is what becomes of golden youth when finally forced into harsh reality. Both of them need something to save their reputations. The solution? A relationship to turn the tide of the tabloids. The only problem is that they really, really can’t stand each other, and that makes faking endless love impossible to bear.
this chapter's song: snow on the beach
chapter three / series masterlist / chapter five
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You hate to say it, but Nikolai Lantsov might be starting to win you over. Saints, that wasn’t supposed to happen, but it is. How dreadful it is to make up your mind in favor of thoroughly despising someone and then being unable to commit to it. You’ve never had problems with holding grudges before, but somehow you can’t quite manage it with him. 
Maybe it’s the forced proximity. Yes, that must be it. If it weren’t for the fact that you have to be around Nikolai all the time, you wouldn’t have to like him quite so much. If you could just go about your days without seeing his real smile, the one he only lets you see when there’s absolutely no one around, you would be fine. It’s a shame, then, that you’re not fine. Not remotely close. 
Of all the lies you’ve ever told, that might be the least believable. The truth itself is simple, although altogether terrible to admit. To say it simply, Nikolai Lantsov has gotten past your walls because that’s what he does best. It’s not because of a script or a ruse or some other sort of cunning mechanism, it’s because he’s Nikolai, and that’s enough.
That isn’t to say that you haven’t done your best to put up a fight. Five weeks you’ve managed to hold him back. You’re at the halfway point now, and instead of being able to gloat in triumph over the fact that you’re still just as sharp a thorn in his side as always, you have to admit that you’ve stopped trying to make him bleed quite as much as before.
No, your weapons are down. If there’s one thing to be proud of, it’s that this didn’t happen of your own accord. You don’t think you would have dared to befriend Nikolai if he hadn’t extended the olive branch first. You don’t know for certain what he learned to make him see you as something other than an obstacle, but he’s stopped being competitive for at least a week now.
The newfound peace between the two of you isn’t awkward, either. If you and Nikolai had met under more favorable circumstances, a world in which he wasn’t his parents’ last hope at a legacy and you weren’t whatever Aleksander’s profiteering made of you, perhaps you could have been friends from the start. You would have seen him across a crowded room and that would have been that. Names exchanged, smiles lit like a fuse. It would have been gloriously simple.
That’s a dream for another day, though, a story for another couple of people who get to live their lives without the weight of millions of eyes watching their every step. For what it’s worth, you’re not sure that you would change a thing. In the end, you’ve got Nikolai, and surely any means justify that.
If Zoya, Tolya, and Tamar notice that anything has changed in the dynamics of their pet project, they don’t say a word. Maybe it’s because they’re afraid to jinx the two of you, like this peace is so delicate that a stray word will send both you and Nikolai spiraling back to the days of hating each other with a burning passion, but you don’t think it could ever get that bad again.
The two of you are good now, that’s all. Nikolai understands what it’s like to have the whole world watching you, doing nothing but waiting for you to slip up. You’ve lived through your own share of years when it felt like the media were so obtrusive that you could hardly breathe without choking on the cameras. There might be no one else in the world who could speak to half the things you’ve seen, but Nikolai knows. Saints, he knows.
Maybe you just like having someone on your side. You’ve had Zoya all this time, and anybody with sense knows that’s like having a dozen of anyone else, but she wasn’t exactly the prime material for handling emotional baggage. You’re not quite at the point of trauma dumping on Nikolai either, but that’s just because you don’t have to say it. One look his way and he gets it. Your smile becomes just a shade forced and he picks up on a thousand cues. It’s like the two of you are connected telepathically on the subject of how to act in public. That’s because you’ve spent enough years in the spotlight to know the only possible ways to survive it.
If you permitted yourself to speak freely, you might admit that you actually like Nikolai quite a bit. You’d never say any of this to his face, of course, but it’s true. He’s funny in a way that most celebrities aren’t. He tries for what he wants and finds a way to keep it. When his goal is something so simple as making you laugh, he gets it right every time. His heart beats without having to be funded by an excess need for popularity. He is kind for the sheer thrill of it.
What must he think of you, then? You couldn’t be genuine if you tried. You haven’t tried for quite some time, of course, so the muscles necessary for truth and comfort are stiff from lack of use. For some reason Nikolai makes you want to blow the dust off your conscience and bring it back to the forefront of your mind. Your aspirations have been far-flung for quite a while, but for the first time in what could be years, you want to bring them a little closer to home. You want to be yourself, and that is something you haven’t thought about in forever.
You think Nikolai might know it, too. He looks at you differently now, that must be as sure a sign as any. It’s as if he’s figured you out once and for all. Nikolai cannot go back to hating you because he no longer sees someone worth the collateral damage of despising. He’s figured you out, the first of perhaps anyone to do so, and now you couldn’t shake him if you tried.
Maybe that’s what convinces you to stay. Zoya met with you privately around the one month mark. It was strictly off the books, of course. If Aleksander found out she was meddling with his carefully arranged plans he’d probably kill her, but Zoya has a way of getting what she wants when she wants it, looming agency overlords be damned.
Zoya has never been one to cater to flights of fancy, so you knew that she was being serious when she took you aside. She’d asked you if you wanted out. It would be difficult, but Zoya could find a way to let you escape the ruse if you needed it. She could frame Nikolai for infidelity or something else worthy of a breakup. It would take seconds to ruin him, and you could do it with a single careless word.
All this you could have done, and you said no. You have no idea if Nikolai knows how close he almost came to being destroyed for good, and with all hope he never will. You don’t want Nikolai damaged in any way. You want him here with you, and although you didn’t say those exact words to Zoya, you think she got the rough gist of it anyway. She certainly gave you the same unglamorous snort she reserves for lovesick clients if that’s a sign of anything.
So you have him. Is it worth it? Yes, you decide at length, it is. Nikolai is watching your back wherever you go, and for once, that’s one pair of eyes whose weight you do not mind. Instead of monitoring you for flaws, he’s just looking for reasons to keep believing in you. You don’t know what he finds, but it must be enough to convince him to keep coming back. The lines are starting to blur between what’s the ruse and what’s the two of you. It’s a dangerous game to play. If there’s one thing the two of you love to do, though, it’s chase a thrill, so you go round after round.
The smart decision would be to distance yourself. You’ve only got less than a month left, remember, and no matter how delightfull the fall feels right now, the impact will hurt more than anything. You tell yourself to fling your walls back up, and then he’s texting your phone, saying he’s outside, and you leave to find him without another thought.
As if you could do anything about it, though. Nikolai’s hardly playing fair himself. He’s the one who’s supposed to know when to keep the act up and when to let it drop like a stone, but Nikolai is the one who took it a step farther first. There was that night in the hotel room with the paparazzi baying like hounds outside your window. That’s when it started for him, you think. You’d held your guitar in your lap like a shield. If it hadn’t been there to keep the space between the two of you– well, there’s no use in wondering about what never came to pass.
Nikolai thinks about it too, you can tell. You’ll be out in public, smiling for a camera or speaking to an acquaintance of your tax bracket, then turn around and see him watching you. Nikolai always looks at you with this particular set of his eyes, you don’t need the endless fan edits to point that out. He’s never looked at anyone like that. The closest anyone can find to a match was in this role he did early on playing a love interest to another star. That was before he learned acting wasn’t meant to be real emotions, only your best attempts at faking them.
You’ve long since learned how to ignore the stares of the rest of the world, but for some reason you can’t shrug off Nikolai's looks quite as easily. You can feel it on your shadow wherever you go. Even now, idling at a table at some gala or other, you can sense the warmth of his gaze brushing over your skin. You’re meant to be paying attention to a speaker, but all you can think about is that Nikolai is just a few inches away from you, studying your figure like he wants to commit it to memory.
When the speaker finishes his last sentence and starts taking his bows, Nikolai leans over to you. His breath is hot on your shoulder, his words obscured by the waves of applause rocking through the room.
“Want to get out of here?”
You glance around. “Won’t they see us leave?”
Nikolai shakes his head decisively. “Everyone here is far too concerned with how they look to care about anyone else. They won’t think twice about it.”
The right thing to do is to stay. Your label paid good money for these seats, you could at least sit in them for longer than an hour. Still, this was the second speaker out of five, and you’re already bored as anything. Nikolai can tell, probably because he’s tired of this too. The two of you are near the door; one last despairing glance towards the stage, where they’re starting to introduce someone just as stultifying as the guy before and your mind is made.
“Let’s go,” you decide. Nikolai’s grin is wicked.
He pulls out your chair like a gentleman, offering his arm with mock gravity as the two of you make your escape. The dutiful round of applause for the new speaker hides the sound of the door shutting behind you. You and Nikolai walk briskly through the reception hall, hurrying past dark hallways until your breath is misting in the dark night outside.
The sound of tires screeching nearby makes you jump. There have to be cameras somewhere, and Zoya will have your head if you’re caught leaving early. You take Nikolai’s hand and your steps quicken. Soon enough, the two of you are running, hurtling down the empty streets as fast as you can. The sky is endless black as Nikolai pulls you off the sidewalk and into the road. No one is here, not for miles. All that remains of the world as you once knew it is endless black pavement, not a soul to be seen.
The white lines flash by in a dizzying rush. Nikolai’s laughing, and soon enough you’re laughing too. The sound of it is torn from your throat, made wild by the breath riled up by your sprint through the night. Nikolai is looking at you, you are looking at him, and Saints, you have never felt so much in your entire life.
Nikolai’s feet slow to a stop. The two of you are in the middle of an intersection, no headlights around to cast a spotlight on what happens when he turns to you with that same look in his eyes. Had there been other people there to watch and point, perhaps it wouldn’t have happened at all. Maybe the two of you would have pulled the cloak of your reputations back over your heads and been content to hide away again.
Instead, there was no one to stop you. So, when your blood hummed with adrenaline and there were no consequences to your actions, Nikolai kissed you and you kissed him back. For a moment, it was breathtaking. Your entire universe tunneled until it was just you and him. The wind was cool against the heat of your cheeks, and when the camera flashes started going off, you didn’t know them for what they were until it was too late to save yourself.
Later, when asked, both of you will claim that you saw the cameras before the kiss, that the kiss only happened because you needed an explanation for why the two of you were out with no one around. It was a perfectly orchestrated move, that is, if it were orchestrated at all. The problem is that you’re not sure it was.
grishaverse tag list: @rogueanschel, @deadreaderssociety, @cameronsails, @mxltifxnd0m, @story-scribbler, @retvenkos, @thatfangirl42, @amortensie, @gods-fools-heroes, @bl606dy
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sleepless-crows · 2 years
Get to Know Me
i have 2 sideblogs that have nothing that isn't here @afraid-to-jinx-it @thepretentiouspoet
if you haven't watched the new black panther movie, please block the tags 'black panther wakanda forever spoilers', 'wakanda forever spoilers', 'bpwf spoilers', 'black panther 2 spoilers', and 'black panther spoilers'. i'll use all these tags so you can do only one! but these are the ones i've noticed many people use
actual post under the cut
favorite books: six of crows, crooked kingdom, king of scars, rule of wolves, the ballad of never after (currently)
favorite authors: marissa meyer and leigh bardugo
what do i post: fandom stuff (so mainly grishaverse), lots of taylor swift stuff, funny reblogs, and rants
my MAIN fandoms:
taylor swift (like very prominent in my blog)
grishaverse (also very very prominent)
riordanverse (i post/reblog at least once a day, or not)
the lunar chronicles (i post sometimes and i love basically any marissa meyer and I HAVE YET TO READ CURSED)
keeper of the lost cities (i still haven't finished stellarlune please tag your spoilers <3)
once upon a broken heart (i reblog but never post but i love ouabh and tbona so much i swear)
i have read other books but these are just the ones that i really, really love and hold a very special place in my heart and what i made a tumblr account for)
you are welcome on my blog unless you aren't
what do you put on these things
my favorite characters ever are Inej Ghafa, Kaz Brekker, Zoya Nazyalensky, and Nikolai Lantsov in no particular order (i do have in other fandoms but in my life currently, it's them)
i should tell you what i post/reblog about but i myself can't even count them. but if i had to give a generalization, 85% of the things i post are either about six of crows or taylor swift. but i post a lot more so, should i write that down??
okay so. taylor swift. six of crows. rants. percy jackson. the lunar chronicles (i never post but i reblog, i don't know why). keeper of the lost cities (i liveblog reading stellarlune and its been *counts on fingers* a few weeks since i actually made progress help). short short essay rants. mbti. once upon a broken heart (only reblog because i don't think a lot of my followers have read it lol). trying to get haiku bot's attention. humor or stupid posts (its subjective, you tell me). omg wednesday now too.
please send me asks. i am bored. everything is still and unmoving. literally say or ask anything. just ask. please.
i also have a knack of making six of crows x taylor swift songs lyric analyses because so if you like that great
Renegade and Kanej
All Too Well and Kaz Brekker
Hoax and Kanej
also a ton of other ones that are just a lot. dwoht with kanej and zoyalai. ciwyw with zoyalai.
and some that aren't analyses but treacherous is kanej. new romantics is the crows. mirrorball is nikolai lantsov.
(and a lot more in my drafts and probably some i forgot)
(you can find them better in @afraid-to-jinx-it than in this account if you want to search my blog for them)
i tag queues with "tryna block queue out cause i'll never impress you"
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uppereastrp · 2 years
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jeon jungkook  - ( shawn spencer )  kim taehyung / v  - ( zuko ) jung hoseok  - ( michael scofield ) hwang eunbi / sinb  - ( cristina yang ) jung eunbi / eunha - ( chishiya ) park jimin  - ( fushiguro megumi ) kim hongjoong  - ( killua ) min yoongi / suga - ( kumamon ) bae joohyun / irene  - ( wednesday addams ) kim yewon / umji  - ( akeno ) park sooyoung / joy - ( tomie )  im nayeon  - ( eddie ) jeon soyeon - ( arisu ) sana minatozaki  - ( spongebob ) kim jongin / kai  - ( cosmo & wanda ) hirai momo  - ( rhaenyra targaryen ) jung wooyoung - ( damon ) choi soobin - ( jinx ) kang yeosang - ( sailor mars ) hwang yeji - ( tina belcher ) christopher bang / bangchan - ( buffy summers ) lee siyeon - ( shawn spencer ) huh yunjin - ( rhaenyra targaryen ) kim sunwoo - ( serena ) jennie kim - ( daryl dixon )
you have 48 hours (2 days) to prepare your account and add our three lovely starlets: Zoya, Blair, and Serena. we can’t wait to welcome you~! xoxo
temporary note: prior to February 4th, 2023, all requests and group invites will be left pending and our 48-hour requirement will not be enforced. 
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goddess-of-chai · 3 years
I just saw arcane and now I can't stop imagining what a visual feast it would've been to see six of crows animated like that. Silco reminded me of kaz because of his hair and drowning in the river part. And the city of Zaun had so many similarities with Ketterdam. The aesthetics might be a little different but the different gangs and dark atmosphere was so similar!
The way they handled jinx's trauma with mylo and claggor's apparitions, imagine Kaz's trauma animated like that. Him seeing Jodie or the water rising around him whenever he has skin to skin contact. That kind of stuff looks so much better in animation.
I wish more people took animation seriously & gave it a chance.
The truth is live action versions of animated movies will be shitty 99% of the time, but the chances are animated versions of good movies/shows will still be good, if not better. Harry Potter, lotr, star wars... all amazing films but I'm sure they'd look mind-blowing if they were animated.
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Different characters I love as Amazing Devil lyrics (this might be a bit niche but ah well, I’m procrastinating an essay and this will definitely take up some if my time)
Genya Safin (the Grishaverse): ’Cause she is so much more than all her scars
Sophie (The School for Good and Evil): Because that unwanted animal wants nothing more than to get out
Jinx (Arcane): Welcome to my table, bring your hunger
Wylan Van Eck (the Grishaverse): I’ll be the man my father never was
Kaz Brekker (the Grishaverse): And the waves made of fingers and the madness that lingers rips into the back of our bones
Yi Liu (The Scholomance but specifically for this lyric the start of the first book): I know your fingernails are the colour of rust (come back) and your veins are empty of dust
El and Orion (The Scholomance): And although you hold my hand and say “I love you” you are wrong, because love does not exist here in this garden there’s no feeling
Zoya Nazyalensky (the Grishaverse): And you might not fear by a man, but to a woman by the end you’ll kneel and plea - ‘cause I’m more than what my mum told me to be
Inej and Kaz (the Grishaverse): I can hear him break, and he doesn’t understand, and I wish that I could take his hand
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kazemi-archive · 2 years
☽ Navigation Tags ☾
How to navigate the Lunar cycles
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Random Ideas I Spout Off: ☾ Kaze Screams to The Void ☽ Ideas Already Used: ☾ Heard by The Void ☽ My Writings: ☾ The Void Screams to Kaze ☽ Promoting Upcoming Fics: ☾ Future Phases ☽ Mix of Recs and Inspiration: ☾ Harvest Moon ☽ Fic Recommendations: ☾ Lunar Library ☽ MDNI - Explicit/Highly Suggestive Fics: ☾ Dark Side Writing ☽
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Random Rambles: ☾ Full Moon Lunacy ☽ Me-core: ☾ Lunar Gravity ☽ Simping for My Stars: ☾ Stargazing ☽ Selfships: ☾ Selenophile ☽ My Pets: ☾ Mini Lunatics ☽ Picrews/Face Reveals ☾ The Faces of The Moon ☽ My Art: ☾ Sketching Lunacy ☽ Music? Singing?: ☾ Lunar Tunes ☽ Poetry: ☾ Lunar Poetry ☽ Things People Have Made for Me: ☾ Flower Moon ☽ To Be Deleted/Altered Later: ☾ Blue Moon ☽
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Other Posts:
Fanart: ☾ Snow Moon ☽
Regarding Specific Characters: ☾ *Name*s Gravity ☽
Pretty Pictures: ☾ Lunar Aesthetics ☽ Reblogs That Don’t Fit Into a Category: ☾ Cold Moon ☽ MDNI - Explicit Content: ☾ Dark Side of The Moon ☽
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Organization/To Know:
Queue: ☾ Lunar Eclipse ☽ Scheduled Posts: ☾ Half Moon ☽ Self Reblogs: ☾ New Moon ☽ Navigation: ☾ Hunter’s Moon ☽ PSAs: ☾ PSA ☽ Boosting: ☾ Super Moon ☽
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Polls: ☾ Lunar Votes ☽ Games: ☾ Lunar Games ☽
Ask Game Responses: ☾ Lunar Game Answers ☽
Reblogged Posts w Interactions: ☾ The Moon’s Voice ☽ Answering Asks: ☾ Talking to the Moon ☽
Asks from all Moots: ☾ Pink Moon ☽ Asks from specific Moots: ☾ *Name*’s Moon ☽ Asks from Anons: ☾ Strawberry Moon ☽ Other Asks: Answered.*Blog Name*
Personalized Tags:
Aims: ☾ Stardust ☽ Echo: ☾ Stellar Twin ☽ Wendy: ☾ Radiant ☽ Zoya: ☾ EXTRAgalactic ☽ Caly: ☾ Ursa Major ☽ Jinx: ☾ My Meow Meow ☽ my irl bestie since i was 10: ☾ Jelly Belly ☽ my dummy irl guy bestie: ☾ Andromeda ☽
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erinfern0 · 3 years
request info
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masterlist | kinktober23
☆ writing for adults about adults.
☆ you can ask me to write anything! just be specific on what you want included. also, you can ask me to write as many stories as you want, just make them separate post propositions.
☆  i’ll write the story if i am comfortable with it.
☆ i can do smut only if the character is 18+.
☆ you can send me 18+ links/visuals if you want a specific scenario, position or words used it actually helps a lot!
☆ reader will be gender neutral by default, I'll change that only if it's requested.
☆ you can still ask for a character if it’s not on the list, maybe ill make an exception.
☆ don't be shy to post a request, I love to hear them all.
fandoms and characters
characters written like this are the ones i’d like to write the most for
☆ 13 reasons why - tyler, justin, jessica, clay, zach
☆ alice in borderland - chishiya, kuina, usagi, karube, arisu
☆ american horror story - cordelia, nan, tate, kyle, violet, lana
☆ arcane - ekko, jinx, vi, caitlyn, silco, viktor, sevica, mel
☆ assassin’s creed - ezio
☆ boku no hero academia - bakugo, kirishima, denki, mina, sero, tsuyu, ochako, dabi (touya), toga, hawks
☆ cod - simon "ghost" riley, könig, kyle "gaz" garrick, farah karim, valeria garza, alejandro vargas, rodolfo "rudy" parra, john price, keegan p. russ, john "soap" mactavish
☆ deadly class - lex, marcus, billy, maria, saya
☆ fate:the winx saga - musa, beatrix, bloom, stella, riven, terra
☆ ginny & georgia - max, georgia, marcus, abby
☆ harry potter  - fred, george, remus, sirius, ron, luna
☆ hemlock grove - peter, destiny, roman, shelley
☆ kate - ani, kate
☆ life is strange - max, chloe, amber, sean
☆ lucifer - mazikeen, ella, lucifer, eve
☆ MCU - matt murdock, bruce banner, wade wilson, natasha romanoff, shuri, yelena belova, frank castle, thor, bucky barnes, loki
☆ orange is the new black - poussey, alex, nicky, dayanara, tasha, sophia, tricia
☆ sally face - sal fisher, larry johnson, travis phelps
☆ shameless - carl, ian, mickey, fiona, debbie, lip, kevin
☆ shadow and bone (netflix) - alina, mal, nikolai, zoya, genya, kaz, inej, jesper, wylan, matthias, nina
☆ sherlock - sherlock, john, jim, irene
☆ stranger things - steve harrington, robin buckley, eddie munson, chrissy, jonathan, jim, gareth
☆ suicide squad - harley, deadshot
☆ teen wolf - stiles, scott, allison, derek, isaac
☆ the good doctor - audrey, morgan, alex
☆ the meg - jonas, jaxx
☆ the sandman - morpheus, the corinthian, death
☆ the umbrella academy - klaus, ben, five, diego, viktor, jayme
☆ twilight - alice, jasper, carlisle, jacob, rosalie
☆ the walking dead - daryl, glenn, maggie, beth. connie, kelly, magna, yumiko, mercer, princess, ezekiel, carol, rick, michonne, rosita, gabriel, tara, siddiq
☆ the witcher (netflix) - geralt, yennefer, jaskier
☆ titans - gar, jason, dick, rachel 
☆ wednesday - enid, wednesday
Request prompts:
100 different kisses
SFW alphabet
NSFW alphabet
50 Plus Size Y/N Prompts
Thank you for support!
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ferkwehs · 3 years
hello!  i'm  sena,  a  suffering  english  language  and  literature  student.  since  i  am  in  college  and  my  schedule  is  highly  unstable  at  the  moment,  i  have  decided  to  open  up  commissions  for  my  writings  to  help  with  bills/rent  etc.  i  have  been  in  tumblr  rpc  since  2019,  and  i  have  been  writing  since  i  was  in  middleschool,  i  have  experience  with  fanfictions  and  drabbles.  samples  of  my  work  can  be  found  here,  and  i  can  be  commissioned  through  either  askbox  or  IMs.  i  prefer  paypal  as  a  paying  method,  ko-fi  is  currently  under  construction.
these  are  mainly  the  fandoms  that  come  to  my  mind  first  in  terms  of  writing  in  a  familiar  universe,  but  if  you  don't  see  a  certain  fandom  or  a  character  you'd  like  in  the  list,  please  feel  free  to  check  in  with  me!  i'm  pretty  sure  we  can  work  something  out.  
GRISHAVERSE.  alina  starkov,  the  darkling,  malyen  oretsev,  baghra,  genya  safin,  david  kostyk,  zoya  nazyalensky,  nikolai  lantsov,  tamar-kir  bataar,  tolya  yul-bataar,  kaz  brekker,  inej  ghafa,  nina  zenik,  jesper  fahey,  wylan  van  eck,  matthias  helvar,  ehri  kir-taban,  leoni  hilli,  adrik  zhabin,  nadia  zhabin.
RIORDANVERSE.  percy  jackson,  annabeth  chase,  grover  underwood,  rachel  dare,  leo  valdez,  jason  grace,  piper  mclean,  hazel  levesque,  nico  di  angelo,  will  solace,  thalia  grace,  reyna  ramirez-arellano,  hylla  ramirez-arellano,  frank  zhang,  charles  beckendorf,  clarisse  la  rue,  travis  stoll,  connor  stoll,  katie  gardner,  miranda  gardner,  lou  ellen  blackstone,  carter  kane,  sadie  kane,  zia  rashid,  magnus  chase,  alex  fierro.
ALL  FOR  THE  GAME.  neil  josten,  andrew  minyard,  aaron  minyard,  nicky  hemmicks,  jeremy  knox,  renee  walker,  kevin  day,  jean  moreau,  katelyn  smith,  danielle  wilds,  allison  reynolds.
THE  WITCHER.  (  netflix  based.  )  yennefer  of  vengerberg,  fringilla  of  nilfgaard,  geralt  of  rivia,  jaskier  the  bard,  cirilla  of  cintra,  tissaia  de  vries.  renfri.
MCU.  tony  stark.  peter  parker.  MJ.  natasha  romanoff.  yelena  belova.  wanda  maximoff.  pietro  maximoff.  scott  lang.  bucky  barnes.  steve  rogers.  sam  wilson.
HARRY  POTTER.  harry  potter.  ron  weasley.  hermione  granger.  viktor  krum.  fleur  delacour.  cedric  diggory.  pansy  parkinson.  bill  weasley.  fred  weasley.  george  weasley.  draco  malfoy.  astoria  greengrass.  lily  evans.  sirius  black.  james  potter.  remus  lupin.  marlene  mckinnon.  andromeda  tonks.
TWILIGHT.  bella  swan.  jacob  black.  alice  cullen.  emmett  cullen.  rosalie  hale.  aro  volturi.  jane  volturi.  alec  volturi.
AVATAR:  THE  LAST  AIRBENDER.  aang.  katara.  toph.  suki.  sokka.  zuko.  kyoshi.  azula.  mai.  ty  lee.
LEGEND  OF  KORRA.  korra.  asami.  mako.  bolin.  tenzin.  lin.  kya  ii.  bumi.
ARCANE.  vi.  caitlyn  kiramman.  viktor.  jayce.  mel  medarda.  ambessa  medarda.  jinx.  ekko.  silco.  sevika.
LEAGUE  OF  LEGENDS.  pretty  much  all  of  the  characters.
●  things  i  will  write:  fluff,  angst,  humor,  horror,  domestic  plots,  smut,  ot3s,  monogamy,  polyamory,  aus,  OCs,  romantic  dynamics,  platonic  dynamics,  familial  dynamics,
●  things  i  will  not  write:  inc*st,  SA,  anything  sexual  including  a  minor,  dub-con,  anything  racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic/xenophobic.  please  do  not  contact  me.  i  won't  write  smut  commissions  for  people,  under  18,  please  don't  lie  about  your  age.
●  forms  i  will  write:  drabbles,  short  stories,  fanfictions.
●  i  reserve  the  right  to  turn  down  any  commission.
●  you  will  receive  the  work  in  the  span  of  a  week  after  you  commission  me.
●  for  smut,  i  usually  get  along  with  kinks  but  still,  i  reserve  the  right  to  refuse  writing  something  i'm  uncertain  about.
●  the  accuracy  of  what  you  want  will  be  shaped  by  your  request.  the  more  detail  you  give  me,  the  more  it  will  be  as  you  imagined.  if  you  don't  give  me  much  details,  i  will  assume  creative  control.
●  if  you  want,  for  an  example,  a  piece  of  smut  with  percy  and  annabeth,  i  am  not  writing  it  in  any  point  in  the  series.  it  will  happen  after  the  series  when  they  are  both  grown  adults.  this  goes  for  all  of  the  media  i  take  commissions  for  that  include  minors.  i  don't  age  up  characters  for  smut,  don't  ask  me  to.
●  i  will  write  a  canon  character  with  your  OC,  but  i  am  going  to  need  information  on  your  muse  and  the  setting.
●  disclaimer:  i  do  not  own  any  of  the  characters  are  write  for,  nor  i  am  affiliated  with  the  series  and  the  author.
●  5  euros.  between  100  and  500  words.
●  10  euros.  between  500  and  1000  words.
●  15  euros.  between  1000  and  1500  words.
●  20  euros.  between  1500  and  2000  words.
and  for  every  additional  500  words,  i  charge  5  euros.  for  smut,  extra  2  euros  are  added  each  500  words.
●  fanfictions  will  be  charged  by  chapter,  not  word  count.  each  chapter  will  include  a  minimum  of  2000  words,  and  i  am  going  to  be  charging  25  euros  per  chapter.
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strawbrryrush · 2 years
closed event starter for zoya ! @masqce​
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"ya know- besides this dreading rage I feel- i got to say it's getting boring" she puffed, "look i'm no serial killer- monster.. but if my date could just i dunno run into my weapon- maybe i'd feel better?" she shrugged; speaking outloud; almost venting to the person beside her. "don't you agree? this has been going on for too long... -anyways, how's your date- do you have fun? god.. love love love who has time for it? -it's so.. nauseatingly sweet, yuck."
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F/O List
Note: All f/os are romantic unless stated otherwise and I am comfortable sharing f/os
Last Updated: September 18, 2024
Bucky Barnes [MCU] {ship tag: The Sergeant and His Savior}
Loki [MCU] {ship tag: Mischief and Royalty}
Tony Stark [MCU] {ship tag: Iron Love}
Yelena Belova [MCU]
Stephen Strange [MCU]
Nebula [MCU]
Valkyrie/Brunnhilde [MCU]
Fred Weasley [Harry Potter] 
Sirius Black [Harry Potter] {ship tag: The Stars in Your Eyes}
Newt Scamander [Fantastic Beasts] 
Graham Humbert [OUAT] {ship tag: The Huntsman and The Princess}
Ruby Lucas [OUAT]
August W. Booth [OUAT] {ship tag: The Writer and His Queen}
Jefferson [OUAT]
Dick Grayson [Young Justice S2,3,4] 
Will Harper [Young Justice]
Delphis [Young Justice] {ship tag: Lovers of the Deep}
Kaldur'ahm [Young Justice]
Harley Quinn [DC]
Edward Nygma [Gotham] 
Sam Winchester [Supernatural] 
Sherlock Holmes [BBC Sherlock] 
Jester Lavorre [Critical Role Campaign 2]
Dorian Storm [Critical Role Campaign 3]
Fearne Calloway [Critical Role Campaign 3] {ship tag: Stealing My Heart}
Spencer Reid [Criminal Minds] 
Jaskier [The Witcher] {ship tag: The Bard and His Protector}
Yennefer [The Witcher] 
Geralt [The Witcher]
Simon Lewis [Shadowhunter Novels] 
Jem Carstairs [Shadowhunter Novels] 
Finnick Odair [The Hunger Games]
Johanna Mason [The Hunger Games]
Anakin Skywalker [Star Wars] {ship tag: Burning the World for You}
Padmé Amidala [Star Wars] 
Kylo Ren [Star Wars]
Zoya Nazyalensky [Grishaverse] 
Ben Hargreeves [The Umbrella Academy]
Zen/Hyun Ryu [Mystic Messenger]
Steve Harrington [Stranger Things S3,4] {ship tag: Fighting to Save the World}
Billy Hargrove [Stranger Things S3] {ship tag: Toxic Love}
Arthur Pendragon [BBC Merlin] {ship tag: King of My Heart}
Morgana Pendragon [BBC Merlin] {ship tag: Drag Me Down With You}
Gwaine [BBC Merlin]
Asami Sato [The Legend of Korra] {ship tag: The Fire in My Heart}
Camilla Hect [The Locked Tomb Series]
Palamedes Sextus [The Locked Tomb Series]
Duncan Idaho [Dune 2021]
Jinx [Arcane] {ship tag: Quiet My Mind}
Dominick “Sonny” Carisi [Law & Order: SVU] {ship tag: You Are My Sunshine}
Nick Amaro [Law & Order: SVU]
Karlach [Baldur’s Gate 3]
Benedict Bridgerton [Bridgerton]
William Abernathy [Bridgerton OC]
Simon Basset [Bridgerton]
Cassian [ACOTAR]
Azriel [ACOTAR]
Lucian Vanserra [ACOTAR]
Nesta Archeron [ACOTAR]
Tarquin [ACOTAR]
Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
Loki and Bucky Barnes [MCU Polyship] 
Tony Stark and Stephen Strange [MCU Polyship] 
Vax’ildan Vessar and Keyleth [Critical Role Campaign 1 Polyship] 
Dorian Storm and Fearne Calloway [Critical Role Campaign 3 Polyship] 
Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala [Star Wars Polyship] {ship tag: The Galaxy’s Last Hope}
Arthur Pendragon and Guinevere [BBC Merlin Polyship] {ship tag: The Royal Trio}
Camilla Hect and Palamedes Sextus [The Locked Tomb Series Polyship]
Cassian and Azriel [ACOTAR Polyship]
Cassian and Nesta [ACOTAR Polyship]
Cassian, Nesta, and Azriel [ACOTAR Polyship]
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winxgoll · 7 years
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Date day supplies 😍💖😍💖 . . #girlfriend #girlfriends #jinx #jinxshipping #adventures #spaday #selfcare #selfcareweekend #nailpolish #zoya #pumpkinspice #facemask #handmask #candles #amazonfirestick #tvmarathon #therealhousewives #dateday #datedaysupplies
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kitsnicket · 3 years
I shouldn’t be surprised by zoya’s characterization in the show. I jinxed her by making her my favorite character
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