#( please ignore my dumbass notes. its like 2 am and i did this in like 2.5 hours. why is drawing so damn hard ;; )
fuck-customers · 3 years
Since lots of people don't see workers as humans, I get to overhear a lot of drama. Either that be over the phone or arguing right before a couple orders their food. But this guy really took the cake. I do want to say this guy walked in with bad vibes. Like I thought he was coming to massacre us. My store is all hispanics except for 1 dude. SOOO when i saw this white dude with a white wife beater come in and incredibly bad vibes it, freaked me out. But I pushed it aside. I asked for his order and he was on the phone. He would tell me to wait a sec. Okayyyy.... then He ordered his food. Plate A. And was arguing with what I would later find out was his girlfriend. He clearly had anger issues. Literally cursing at his girlfriend "What the FUCK do you want." My vibes were not off. I tried to advise him on what to order. He would ignore me and tell me to give him a second. He finally put his gf on speaker. She names a few stuff we have and one thing we didn't but I knew what she was asking for. I ask him if she want what I assume shes asking for and she says yes and he continues to argue with her about what she wants for her order. After she had very verbally told me what she wanted. I tried to explain to him that her plate was ready. And he cut me off saying to give him a second. Third times the charm. Speaking more firmly "Her plate is ready" Plate B. This interaction has already gone on too long I hand his plates to the cashier so she can ring it up. I hear from the other side of the buffet table "I dont have my card I must have misplaced it." "okay I can gold your food while you go back to target to see if they have it" "I just got out of prison I dont have any money" Usually 1 plate we will give for free, give me a good reason and we'll give it to you. However my manager was there that day and the snitch who cooks was there too. Cashier had no other choice especially since he was trying for 2 plates. To charge him for both. He said "alright Ill pay for plate A". The cashier charges him for 1 and put the other on the side for a potential plate we could use for another order.
Cut to... lets say 2 hours later.
This guy comes in he is on the phone with his girlfriend again and she's angry. They are arguing and he's holding up the line again. I ask "Are you here for the other plate?". He cuts me off trying to get his gfs order. Again I have to explain to him that I have her plate put he wont let me speak. Which furthers my aggravation. He says "talk to the lady" and puts her on speaker again she angrily yells "I dont want anything". He argues some more. I cut his dumbass off I have no more patience for this dude. I have her plate. He starts off "I just got out of prison, I cant afford the plate" "My gf is bitching me out because she didnt like the food". He really gets on my nerves. shes not bitching you out. "Please I walked 1 miles from Kowes, I don't a care about the money, its just my gf is bitching me out" Cute, I used to work at kowes, I walked there and back everyday day my shift. its a 15 minute walk. I get my manager and explain the situation in spanish lol cuz fuck that guy. He's being annoying and repeating the same shit while i explain what's up to my manager. I dont say shit while he talks to my manager. Its none of my business "My gf is bitching me out, because YOU gave me the wrong order." Okay wait a fucking sec. I say "Shes angry because you brought her your order instead of what she wanted. You brought her plate A instead of plate B I think shes understandably angry." Thats not our fucking problem. You fucking up and giving your gf plate A instead of Plate B does not mean you get a free plate. I gave you the correct order. What you should have done l, if it really isnt about the money, is bought plate B in the first place to make your gf happy. BTW customers behind him are having the time of their lives when I explain to him how HE fucked up not us. Don't insert us in your dumbass drama. My manger said he had to pay the plate. He left came back 20 minutes later with an entree redemption code. And my manager cashed him out.
I'm sorry this was so long, just needed somewhere to put this dumb situation that isn't my mind. The amount of time saved if this guy didn't cut me off so much. If only he would fucking reflect on the dumb shit he did. Note I was very polite but firm when I lost patience. I am a professional. Shout out to his gf, hope she leaves his ass. Hes an absolute trashcan that treated his gf like shit and didnt listen to a word she said.
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jincherie · 4 years
kiss it better | jjk
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~ COMMISSION FOR @cinnaminsvga​​ ~
✩ — pairing: jungkook x reader ✩ — genre: college/uni au, smut, cheerleader!jk, pining, borderline crack ✩ — words: 11.7k ✩ — rating: 18+ ✩ — warnings: koo takes a tumble, explicit sexual content; clothed sex, unprotected sex (not recommended), creampie, handjobs,light subby!jk, hand-holding during sex (potent), whining, thigh-riding, vaginal sex, minor hair pulling, public sex (sort of), multiple orgasms, overstimulation, light dirty talk ✩ — notes: out later than intended and a bit longer than intended !! whoops!!! i won’t/don’t charge if i go over the commissioned amount becayse that’s my bad!! but yeah. its been a hot second since i last wrote smut!! also none of my friends were awake to proofread this so….. apologies if it’s shit and has typos! its 2am! pls enjoy and lmk whast u think!!
When one goes to Kim Seokjin for advice, it’s almost guaranteed to never end well. This is something Jungkook learns quickly when he mistakenly follows treasured advice to ‘be smart’ and ‘use his assets’. He just did what he was told! Of course, the execution was a bit poor… and embarrassing. But hey, if rocking up to cheer practice in a skirt doesn’t woo your crush, what will?
masterlist | — posted; 01.03.2020
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It’s a beautiful day, the sun has just come to peak out from behind the clouds that had earlier obscured its climb from the horizon, and the grass of the Biological Sciences Library courtyard glistens with raindrops left over from the brief shower that prefaced the sun’s belated appearance. Students are finally beginning to emerge from the safety of the undercover walkways and overhangs, venturing boldly to shortcut over the grass. University life resumes, and everything falls back into its place, all as usual.
“Yah, is that Jungkook? Wait what is he—”
Well, everything except for one thing.
A red and black-clad figure slams to a stop right where two students are sitting and minding their own business outside the café attached to the back of the library—there’s no time to say hello. The table rocks dangerously on its beaten, metal leg, the impact of Jungkook’s beeline almost sending it straight to the ground if the two others weren’t already seated there to catch it.
“OW!” Jimin is never one to be quiet in his complaints, all too happy to holler his outrage at the top of his lungs. As his oldest hyung would say, no attention is bad attention. “Hey you almost jammed my fingers!”
Startled as Taehyung might have been, his focus is quickly shifted to other things. His wide eyes scan Jungkook’s panting form, taking in the clothes clinging to him like a second skin and the beet red colour of his face and ears. It’s not hard to put two and two together, but what comes out of his mouth isn’t exactly the most pressing thing he wants to ask, “Jungkook, why are you wearing the female cheer leading uniform I gave you?”
There’s a somewhat crazed look that makes itself known in the youngest’s eyes. “AHA!” he throws a finger in Taehyungs face, accusing. “So you ADMIT it’s a female uniform! Taehyung, you ass, how could you!”
Taehyung’s face is a question mark and Jimin squints, confused and still huffy about nearly losing his fingers and his triple-shot iced caramel latte that he may or may not have charmed the barista into gifting him for free. He wants to know what is going on and he wants to know NOW, damn it!
“What are you on about?” he asks, wrinkling his nose as he takes his drink into hand to prevent any future risk of spillage. “Why do you look like that time you ran the half-marathon on a dare?”
Jungkook glares at him, but it’s about as effective as it would be coming from a puppy. “Be quiet and sip your drink,” he says boldly, still attempting to get his breathing under control. Jimin considers throwing a retort back but ultimately decides against, it, shrugging and doing just that. He doesn’t want it getting warm, after all.  
“Uh, yeah,” Taehyung says, sounding like he is a split second away from tacking on ‘duh’ at the end. “You asked me for a cheerleading uniform? I thought you knew some chick that needed a spare, I didn’t know you wanted one to wear.”
At Jungkook’s dumbfounded expression, Taehyung takes the liberty of continuing. “I mean, not that there’s anything wrong with it? You look surprisingly hot in a skirt, your ass looks fine as hell. But you seem kind of angry so IN MY DEFENSE, how was I supposed to know? That you wanted a male uniform? You never specified so—”
While each word that came out of Taehyung’s mouth just seemed to rile him up more, a different look passes over Jungkook’s features at that comment. “Wait, my ass looks good?” He straightens, attempting to peer over his own shoulder to catch a glimpse. “I wonder if she… No!”
He shakes his head suddenly to clear those thoughts and get back on track, whipping that same accusing finger in Taehyung’s face once more and levelling him with a renewed glare. 
“Because of you, I just had the most humiliating experience of my life, and it was all in front of you-know-who!” His voice starts strong, but as he continues it shrinks to more of an angry whisper, his brows scrunched in a clear display of his displeasure. “I literally am about to commit seppuku.”
“Weeb,” Jimin utters at the same time as Taehyung asks, “y/n?” Jimin’s head whips up at the keyword. 
Jungkook’s fight has all but left him at this point, and he pulls out one of the metal chairs to slump in it, defeatedly. His ears are turning crimson again as he recalls the events that had traumatised him so, and he slams his head to the table with a groan, muttering to himself in a voice that sounds dangerously like a sob.
“—stupid, was so stupid of me. I never should have asked Seokjin-hyung for advice. For actually listening I deserve nothing short of death. I’m so embarrassed I’m gonna throw myself into the lake.”
“Don’t throw yourself in there, think of the fishes—” Taehyung says at the same time as Jimin squawks, “WHAT?! You got advice from Seokjin?! He knows who your crush is? Oh my god, you’re more stupid than I thought…”
It’s all Jungkook can do to simply rest his head on the grubby-feeling table, eyes unfocused as he stares into the distance and regrets almost every single decision he has made in his waking life. 
“My roommate,” Seokjin says, in between gratuitous sips of his monstrously sugary drink. “I think I’m almost about to get him to crack.”
“I feel bad for him,” you say, not looking up from your laptop despite the urge to gorge on your own drink. You made a goal not to look like a goblin when you woke up this morning and sipping your drink at a reasonable pace is a good start. “Being stuck in close quarters with you all the time. No doubt he needs therapy by now.”
As expected, Seokjin ignores you. You wonder if this is how he has managed not to get usurped as leader of the Contemporary Poetry Performance Club.
(To condense a very long story— he didn’t take being kicked out of the Drama Club very well. That’s on him though, he probably shouldn’t have called the Club Leader a tasteless fool for ordering a salad with his Happy Meal instead of nuggets. But, you digress.)
“I think I’m getting close these days,” the male muses, not-so-subtly making a reach for the McDonalds apple pie you have resting on the table next to your laptop. You smack his hand away without so much as a blink, more than used to having to defend any and all food from his wandering hands by this point. He continues, unaffected by the rebuttal, “Like, really close. It’s not long before my unrelenting bastardous antics wear him down and he finally breaks, spilling all his deepest secrets and confessing his long-time crush on me, thus allowing me to bring this act of friends-to-lovers pining to a close and get to the steamy stuff. “
At his spiel, you finally look at him, sporting a concerned and confused expression, if not somewhat intrigued. “… Are you talking about Jungkook?”
Seokjin chokes on the long sip he’d begun to drag up the straw, indignance making his voice rise. “NO, dumbass, I’m talking about Namjoon! Although…” He pauses only to bring a finger to stroke his chin, like a villain straight from an episode of Lazy Town, “You know, I never thought I’d be one for that harem shit, but now I think about it…”
“Gross,” you groan, wrinkling your nose. Seokjin releases a villainous cackle and you have no choice but to raise your fist in promise. He gets the message and quietens down immediately.
“No, but speaking of that little twerp,” Seokjin quickly starts up again, placing his drink down on the table. You feel an ounce of regret, knowing that means he’s about to talk for a longer time than you’re ready for. “I’m close to breaking him too.”
“He told you who his crush is?” you ask, brows raising in shock. Seokjin lets out a great sigh like the weight of the world is on his shoulders, making you snort.
“No,” he grumbles, before brightening straight after. “But! I’m getting close. He came to me for advice this morning.”
At his words, you’ve now completely abandoned whatever you were doing on your laptop and are looking at him in disbelief. “You’re lying.”
“Am not!” Seokjin denies, huffy. “He did! He wanted help making his crush fall in love with him, and so of course he came to me, Kim Seokjin, master of the heart and modern-day cupid.”
You pin him with a deadpan look. “Namjoon was out, wasn’t he.”
Seokjin’s glare is all the answer you need. He continues like you hadn’t even spoken in the first place.
“And since he so wisely came to me, of all people, and put his love life in my wise, gentle hands, I gave him the best advice anyone could possibly get.” The way his chest has swelled with pride and he’s looking all-too-pleased with himself doesn’t fill you with a good feeling. “I told him to play it smart, and use his assets.”
At first, you’re confused. “What, like… his cuteness? His endearing personality?”
“NO, dumbass, his assets! His ass! His thighs! His itty-bitty waist!” You think you hear him muttering something like ‘that lucky bitch’ under his breath, but can’t be sure. “Also, don’t think I missed you calling him cute, y/n. I’m filing that shit away for later.”
“I’ll kill you,” you inform him, but the threat has long since lost its impact. He rolls his eyes.
“Shut up, we both already know exactly how 'peggable’ you think he is.” He takes a haughty sip of his drink like he knows he’s right, and you hate that he is. “It’s not the most incriminating thing I have on you.”
You make the strategic decision not to say anything and dig your hole deeper, and Seokjin seems pleased at your silent admit of defeat.
“Anyway,” he says again, smacking the cream on top of his drink down into the liquid with a spoon. There is some fallout, but that’s never stopped him before. “Kid’s dumb as shit but pure of heart. I’m interested to see whether he will actually take my advice.”
“He won’t for sure,” you scoff, returning to your laptop at last. “Anyone who takes your advice is guaranteed to have an empty head and quarter of a brain cell to their name. Jungkook is smarter than that.”
As expected, Seokjin squawks in outrage, and it harmonises with the ambience of dead silence in your corner of the library. He doesn’t let the topic rest for the remainder of the day.    
You think that the day Jungkook first rocked up to cheer practice at the gym a week ago at the same time you were coaching the women’s basketball team, is one firmly burned into your memory for the rest of your life. And, honest to god, you wouldn’t have it any other way.  
Because the boy, in all his slim-waisted, sculpted-ass-and-thighs glory, had rocked up in a cheerleading crop top and skirt.
You have absolutely no idea why he decided to wear that to his first session after joining, but you do know that while the sight of him usually makes you drool, the sight of him in that made your brain cease all higher functioning and you, in essence, became a dog. You almost barked when you saw him, for real.
Even from across the room though, you’d quickly been able to gather that he hadn’t worn it on purpose (somehow), as his face flushed bright crimson and he quickly began to look like he wanted to neck himself in the middle of the gym. Yoongi, another bastard friend of yours who through a series of unfortunate events and regrettable decisions (for him) had become the cheer captain, had been insulted that Jungkook had shown up like that and “hadn’t taken cheer seriously”, and so had given him a punishment. Yoongi said that if he wanted to rock up in a skirt so badly, then for every coming practice he had to wear a skirt again.
Had you not been busy drooling you probably would have felt bad for Jungkook, as you did later when Yoongi filled you in. As it were, in the moment you’d nearly copped a basketball to the face for being so distracted. Regrettably, you’d had to turn away from Jungkook and back to your actual duties: coaching. 
Although with Yoongi being out for your blood, you have had plenty of opportunities in the past week to ogle to your heart’s desire. A real shameful amount, if you’re being honest with yourself.
“Bora!” you call, watching the girl in question halt across the gym. “Fix your footwork or I’m gonna smack you!”
The girl rolls her eyes and turns away, flicking a ponytail of dark hair over her shoulder as she does so, but listens to what you say. The familiar squeak of rubber on gym flooring fills the air as she starts the drill anew. She has a tendency to get lazy and sloppy in her movements if you don’t ride her ass, and she knows it as much as you do.
“How did you even managed to get the coaching position?” Seulgi asks from next to you, her response almost cut off by a loud racket from the cheer side of the gym. It takes all of your willpower not to fall into the trap and look over. “I feel like people like you shouldn’t be in positions of power.”
You don’t even bother arguing with her since she’s technically right and you agree. “Sheer dumb luck,” you tell her, risking a glance to the side if only to give Yoongi the stink eye. “Actually, if you really wanna know, I only went for it because Yoongi wanted it and he did something that really soured my yoghurt and pissed me off. So I applied out of spite. I probably shouldn’t have gotten the job though.”
“Huh,” Seulgi voices, eyes unfocused. “Well you’re not too bad for a fake. The team has actually been improving since you took over.”
“That’s probably because you guys went through coaches so fast for a while that for like, six months you didn’t really have one.”
The only reason the girl is on the sidelines in the first place is because she’d looked over at the wrong time and caught it just as Jungkook started one of the tumbling routines, getting it almost perfect on the first go and in the process flashing his pert ass to the air and any sorry beholders. He might have been wearing bike shorts under the punishment skirt he was modelling, and he might have traded the crop top for a singlet of reasonable length, but it was still a dangerous, nay lethal sight. You’d looked over at the same time so you knew why and how Seulgi managed to tumble and trip so terribly mid-drill. She rolled her ankle so bad that as she sits next to you right now with ice on it, it looks like there’s an entire boiled egg beneath the surface of her skin. It’s kind of gross but also kind of hard to look away from. 
Back to the topic at hand, there is just something about the sheer athleticism and heaven-blessed ease with which Jungkook backflips and cartwheels across the mat that turns you into a brainless slab of goo. You’re unsurprised that Seulgi got distracted and ended up hurting herself as a result of it.
The afternoon flies by and before you know it, it’s dark outside, and you’ve finished riding the collective women’s basketball team’s ass for the day. As they disperse and leave the gym at a leisurely pace, you collect Seulgi and help her towards the gym locker room to get some fresh ice for her ankle before she journeys to visit the university nurse. 
The cheer squad has just about finished up their own practice, and one by one they begin to filter out of the gym. Yoongi waddles over to where you stand by the door, eyeing Seulgi with a knowing look.
“Got distracted at the wrong time, huh?” He asks, very much already knowing the answer. You give him a dirty look while Seulgi goes bright pink.
Yoongi adjusts the collar of his university sports jacket, puffing his chest out. “That’s our golden boy for ya,” he brags, sounding very much like one of the aunties and old women you find gossiping on the street near the markets. “He was born for cheer. It’s like he’s been tumbling since the day he was born. Probably even came out doing a backflip.”
You want to tell him to stop pulling shit out of his ass, but you can’t bring yourself to say anything when you agree so wholeheartedly. You’re saved from having to summon a response when in the next second, Yoongi gets the urge to turn and catches Jungkook red-handed on his way out of the gym. He seems in a hurry, moving almost like he’s trying to sneak out unnoticed, but halts at the unmistakable sound of Yoongi’s holler when it breaches the air.
“Ah there he is— Jungkook-ah!” Even while calling out, Yoongi somehow still has an indolent, lazy drawl. “Good job today! Also, proud of you for committing to your punishment. Keep it up!”
The poor raven-haired boy had already looked somewhat mortified at being singled out amongst the students exiting the gym, but now as Yoongi finishes speaking and his big doe eyes flick to the side and take in you and Seulgi listening in, his face very suddenly and violently erupts into a blush.
“Th-thanks,” he squeaks, nodding, the tips of his ears darkening to match his face. His eyes are flicking from you to Yoongi in such a way he almost reminds you of a scared rodent. When it becomes clear he has nothing more to say, he turns on his heel and flees in the direction of the locker room. For his sake, you don’t ogle him as he goes. There’s a time and a place, and he seems so embarrassed that you’d feel bad for checking him out right now. 
“… He’s so cute,” Yoongi remarks a few seconds after Jungkook disappears out the door, gaze still trained in the direction he’d left. “No wonder I always look over and see you drooling, y/n.”
You agree with the first part, but honestly… you could have done without that second comment. You give him the stink eye to let him know just that, before tapping Seulgi and readjusting your grip in preparation to walk once more.
“If you’re immune, Min, you’re not human,” Seulgi says, cheeky glint in her eye. Your heart warms—you can always count on her to defend you in the face of life’s meanies.
It’s not often you find yourself making the long, arduous trek down the street to the apartment building where Seokjin et al. live, but it does happen on the occasion. If possible, you like to make the journey in the morning or the afternoon, because there is little to no cover on the path that takes you there and the only thing you like less than being in the sun when you don’t have to is sweating.
Still, you make the trek today, even though it’s technically past the point in the morning where you would refuse. The heat starts to come anywhere from 8 to 9 o’clock, even earlier on the stinkier days. Call you lazy, but you stick by your own rules because they work and reduce your suffering considerably. 
Namjoon is one of your project partners in a random elective the two of you chose, and he was meant to give you a part of the assignment he’d been working on yesterday but, of course, forgot it. And then again today, when he was meant to drop it off on his way to work, he forgot it once more. So here you are, walking to his stupid apartment and preparing to break in because it’s due next week and you need his part to finish yours, damn it. 
Thankfully, air conditioning greets you the second you step inside the building and cools down whatever heat has managed to cling to your form from outside. Luck is on your side—no sweat today, babey! In a slightly better mood now that you’re out of the sun, you follow the path your legs have committed to memory to Namjoon’s apartment. 
Normally you’d rely on someone being home to let you in so you can ransack Namjoon’s room, but in his apologetic text he’d informed you that everyone is out and so with a great, big sigh you’d resigned yourself and dug the lockpicking set you received one Christmas out from under your bed. It’s heavy in your back pocket now as you walk down the hallway of the floor their apartment is on, already feeling like you’ve committed a crime. Before you can even throw yourself into thoughts of which tool would work best on their front door, you catch sight of something you most definitely weren’t expecting. 
There’s someone else in front of the apartment door, jiggling the doorknob and attempting to work it. You don’t know if they realise its locked and are trying their luck anyway, or whether they’ve yet to figure it out, but while their back is turned to you they have provided you with an excellent view.
Broad shoulders with tan skin peaking out from below a muscle singlet and glistening with sweat where their body catches the light. Dark curls are plastered to the back of their neck, arms out and a tattoo sleeve on one leading your gaze down its length. He’s very athletic, you gather of the stranger immediately, and you’re almost drooling at the way his bicep shifts and tenses as he tries the doorknob once more. Your gaze finally frees itself and scans over the rest of him; defined back, tiny waist, nice butt, thick thighs—
Wait. You know that waist. The sight of it bared by a skimpy cheerleading outfit is one you’ve committed to memory.
“Jungkook?” you say, feeling your stomach dip in excitement. Does it always do that when you see him? You can’t remember.
At the sound of your voice and how close it is, the male jumps in fright and lets out a noise eerily close to a squeak. He spins, slamming his back against the door and smacking a hand over his heart.
“Oh my god,” he breathes, eyes closing and head falling back against the door with a thud. The sight is borderline sinful when combined with his damp hair and sweaty form, and your thoughts threaten to take a dangerous route before you reign them in. You smack your libido back in place— down, girl! “y/n, you scared the living shit out of me.”
A moment passes before his eyes snap open and the breath leaves him in a whoosh, and he’s looking at you like a cornered rabbit, cheeks already warming in his fluster. “W-wait, y/n? What… What are you doing here?”
Cute. If you could, you think you’d pack him up and put him in your pocket.  
You ignore his question only for the sake of asking him your own—much less incriminating as a choice. “Are you trying to break into your own apartment, Mister Jungkook?”
Instantly, as you’d almost come to expect at this point, his cheeks flush cutely. 
“Wh- I, uh…” he swallows and clears his throat, rubbing the back of his neck. “No! Kind of? I went for a jog earlier and Namjoon-hyung kind of… uh… he locked me out.”
As he speaks, you’re reminded of how much you actually like his voice. It’s smooth, melodious; even when its shaking slightly from nerves. Why is he nervous? The longer you stand in his presence the more curious you become. You kind of want to tease him a little.
You hum, a smile curling the corners of your lips and one of your brows raising.  “Ah, so he’s scorned both of us, I see. But fear not, little gumdrop!”
He’s staring at you in something akin to flustered bewilderment as you reach behind you and pull out your lockpicking kit, brandishing it like a trophy. “I have the solution!”
“…” He’s stunned into silence, it seems, but you don’t mind. The look on his face right now is super cute—you kind of want to pinch his cheeks. Okay, damn it, you can’t help it—you pinch his cheek and make a short cooing noise as you step past, preparing to help him break into his apartment. At least this way it feels less like a crime and more like a service.
(You sneak a sly look back at Jungkook as you pass him, and your heart squeezes at the sight of his cheeks flushing pink from your teasing action, eyes wide as they follow your form. This boy is gonna kill you one day.)
Usually you have a bit of trouble picking locks (you don’t do it often) but you crack this one surprisingly fast, and before you know it the door is swinging open and you’re letting out a noise of glee.
“Excellent!” you announce, before darting right in to search for what you came for. Namjoon left it conveniently on the dining table, so you dash over and grab the folder and USB before turning around to be on your merry way. 
When you return to the door, Jungkook is still standing there, tattooed hand pressed to the cheek you’d pinched – which are bright red, by the way— and his eyes somewhat dazed.
“See you at practice later, Jungkook!” you say, waving the folder to accentuate the farewell. “Don’t forget the punishment skirt! You look too good in it, it would be a crime to forget it.”
Once you’re done speaking, you turn back the way you’re walking, missing the facial expression that accompanies his flustered sputtering of a goodbye. Your stomach still flips in excitement as you retreat, a skip in your step, and you can’t help but think it wouldn’t be a bad thing if you ended up seeing more of Jungkook outside of practice.
You’re sitting in the campus sushi place, escaping the midday heat and grabbing something to eat, minding your own business. It is, though, a nice day and you don’t mind sitting back and just admiring it. This changes when a figure suddenly comes bolting towards you from a distance and nearly bowls you and the contents of your sushi container over.
“SEOKJIN!” you exclaim, barely having saved your food from a sudden and unfortunate meet & greet with the floor. You give him a glare strong enough to kill. “What the hell! My karaage chicken!!! Dude you KNOW they only make a certain amount of these per day, you almost made me drop it and I hadn’t even taken a bit yet! Honestly! You—”
“Shut! Shut up!” Seokjin grips you by the shoulders, giving you a shake; it makes your eyes lock-on to his flushed face, his breath coming in pants from his exertion. “Shut up I have something to say and it’s important!”
“Stop shaking me!” you cry, wriggling out of his grip and leaning as far back into your chair as you can to get away from this nutcase. “And what?! You finally slipped up and Namjoon found all the secret letters you write for him when you’re horny?!”
“No, better!” Seokjin makes like he’s going to grab your shoulders again and you smack his hands away. He continues, eyes alight with something akin to glee that makes him look just a little bit crazy. “I finally did it! I found out who that twerp’s crush is! You won’t beli—”
“What?!” you sputter, your gut churning for some reason. Is the sushi you ate off? “He told you? No way he would be stupid enough to tell you—”
“Hey!” the male cries, indignant. “I resent that! Also no, he didn’t technically tell me, but I have people on the inside…”
It takes a moment for you to scan through people in your head before it clicks. You gasp. “You bullied it out of his friends?! Seokjin! Taehyung and Jimin don’t deserve that!”
“I didn’t bully them! They told me of their own accord!” He points a finger at you in retribution. “Albeit, it was by accident, but I digress.”
You’re shaking your head, returning to your sushi and ignoring the odd sensations in your gut. “This is blood information, man. I don’t know if I can sit and be accomplice to—”
“It’s you!” Seokjin blurts, sticking his pink-haired head right in your face. “The twerp has a crush on you! Finally, at least one of my shipping dreams is coming true!”
You’re so shocked by the information literally thrown in your face that you honest to god almost drop your sushi, again. You stare at the male, mouth open, as you flounder to get some order back in your thoughts.
The first thing you think to say is—“What? No way. Your info is dodgy, man.”
“Look, I know you’re sensitive so I try not to say this often, but are you dumb, y/n?” Seokjin stands back now, hand on his hip.  The look he’s giving you isn’t impressed. “It makes so much sense! Why else would he sign up to cheerleading in a skirt to use his assets if it wasn’t on at the same time as whatever his crush does? Honestly, I should have seen it sooner—the way he goes bright pink every time he sees you and his eyes sparkle like an anime girl every time we mention you. I just thought he was scared of girls or had pinkeye or somethin’.”
You kind of want to smack him, but the rest of you is busy attempting to process all the information unloaded on you. Your stomach gives a giddy flip, and you decide it can only mean one thing in the wake of finding out that Jungkook’s mysterious crush is you.
Maybe, just maybe, you like him too.
You’re gonna pursue him. 
It seems that Jungkook has heard that his crush on you has been leaked, because you’ve been trying to track him down and confirm it ever since last week and he’s been avoiding you like the plague. You think you see him kicking up dust as he retreats as fast as his legs will take him around hallway corners when he sees you at the other end, you catch glimpses of him across courtyards as he spins and flees in the opposite directions. A part of you wonders whether its because he does indeed have a crush on you and is embarrassed that you know, of whether it’s because he doesn’t have a crush on you and is embarrassed that you might think he does. 
Well, you can’t know until you talk to him and it seems like you won’t be able to talk to him unless you ambush him in the men’s toilets or something. Which, by the way, isn’t something you’re going to do because even though your friends might be crazy, you’re most definitely not. 
It was even to the point that Jungkook missed the first two practices after you found out, and you have no doubt that he would have avoided you by missing even more had Yoongi not threatened him with adding a crop top to his punishment attire should he miss another practice. He’d showed up for the next one but every time he came within five metres of you he blushed and kept his eyes to the ground, fleeing as soon as he can. 
It’s a little bit frustrating, and he’s still cute when he acts all shy, but you really wish you could track him down just so you know whether its true or not.
Perhaps, with time, he’ll grow a little less skittish and let you get close enough to start a conversation. You just have to hold out hope that a moment will come that will allow you to start bridging things back together with the two of you.
That moment comes sooner than you expect when, just the next day, you round a corner alongside Seulgi, having just come from the women’s locker rooms, and walk straight into someone. It’s like walking into a brick wall and kind of hurts. You stumble and let out a sound in pained surprise, but manage to stay on your feet for the most part— the joy at that moment of success passes quickly when you become aware of the cool feeling seeping down your thigh and stomach.
Before even looking to see who you walked into, your gaze is directed down to see what was spilt on you— it’s light pink, and the sugary sweet scent that brushes your nose and sticky sensation that begins to make itself known on your skin are something you recognise instantly.
Strawberry milk.
You look up in something akin to horror, but the expression all but falls from your face when you see who the culprit is.
Jungkook stands there looking very much like a deer caught in headlights, drink carton crumpled and empty in his hand now that its contents are all over your front. As you gaze at him you watch the tip of his ears turn bright red, eyes wide and so unguarded you swear you can see the thoughts whipping through his mind beyond them. You also see the instant regret and mortification that washes over his boyish features as he realises what has just happened and who he has spilt his drink on.
“y-y/n—” he stutters, voice caught in his throat. Whatever he was planning on saying is quickly overpowered by an obnoxious voice from his side.
You hadn’t even noticed Yoongi was walking alongside Jungkook until you hear him speak, “Wow, you know what you were coming around that corner so hard and fast that this is on you, y/n.”
When Yoongi first started talking, Jungkook had seemed relieved, but now a sense of panic has taken over his features. 
“N-no! I am so sorry! This was my fault, I shouldn’t have had it open when I couldn’t even drink it yet. I just really like strawberry milk, and…” He’s so endearingly remorseful as he speaks, big puppy eyes looking apologetically into your own like he’s searching for any hint of forgiveness there to spare.
For a moment you’re absolutely blindsided by the way he just made your heart squeeze in your chest with how damn cute he is, but you recover just in time to catch it as the shocked expression on Yoongi’s face melds into something devious and fitting for his bastardly title.
“Right, he’s right, totally our bad,” Yoongi says, doing a complete 180 and bewildering both you and Seulgi beside you. “Wow, look at your pants, totally soaked through man. Here, come with me— it’s only fair we help grab you something to change into.”
“What—” you don’t get to finish before the cat-faced bastard grabs you by the arm and begins dragging you down the hall in the direction you came from. Seulgi and Jungkook remain in place, stunned by the turn in events. 
“Jungkook, head to practice and get them started! I want some pyramid practice, and then some tumbling from you and the others. Chop chop!” — is all Yoongi throws over his shoulder in dismissal, dragging you where you now realise is one of the other locker rooms. You gape at him as he walks straight up to the one that has been locked for months and opens it with a key.
Catching your expression, he shrugs. “Sometimes you just need a place of your own to hoard things.”
You don’t understand what he’s talking about until you step in and see a table in the corner near the doorway piled high with first aid supplies, twiggy sticks and energy drinks. Your bewildered subsequent scan of the room for more treasured objects is cut short when a lump of clothing smacks you in the face.
You just barely manage to fumble it into your grasp, unable to swallow your groan when you see what it is from the pattern alone.
“It’s the only thing spare,” Yoongi says, radiating true goblin energy. You don’t trust him as far as you can throw him right now but you don’t know where to look to disprove him. “Try not to get my cheerleaders too worked up.”
You have an inkling as to why he’s done this from his words, but can’t confirm it right now. You huff, moving off to one of the stalls. 
“If people get flashed, that’s on you.”
Ten minutes later sees you back in the open gymnasium with cool air brushing your legs that usually only get to see the light of day through rips in your jeans. You set your team to their tasks and drills already, so now you’re left alone with your thoughts. You know for sure now why Yoongi made you change into the cheerleading skirt.
Because ever since you walked out in it and nearly made him fall flat on his face in shock, Jungkook hasn’t been able to keep the blush off his cheeks or his eyes away from you for more than a few minutes at a time. You feel slightly empowered, contrary to how you thought the dangerously short piece of clothing was going to make you feel. 
You have a nice body, you’re comfortable admitting it, and the way that your unplanned flaunting of it seems to be affecting Jungkook… well it’s a nice stroke of the ego, you won’t lie, but it also makes your stomach flip giddily. God, you want him. You’ve always thought he was cute but ever since he joined cheer and rocked up in that skirt like a sweet, hot fool, it was over for you. He’s so… ugh.
Trucking through the practice of your team is, for once, a struggle. It’s so hard not to look over every few seconds to catch Jungkook when you can feel his gaze on you, and you know that once you give in you won’t be able to help being distracted afterwards. It’s a miracle you get through to the end of it while remaining sane. 
As your practice wraps up for the day, you allow yourself a glimpse to the side at last. What you see is a sweaty, panting Jungkook, the muscles of his arms straining as he holds up a brunette you vaguely recall as Tzuyu above his head. Wow, you’re actually a little startled at how much arousal just washed through you— is this normal? Maybe you’re more whipped than you thought. You don’t know.
What you do know, however, is that you want that boy, and right now especially you want to mess with him. Call it a con of being around such bastardous friends all the time, but you’re really feeling the urge. You barely manage to hold yourself back, marvelling at the animal he seems to reduce you to with just a flex of his bicep.
The practice for your basketball team finishes before cheerleading; Yoongi is a ruthless coach and relentless when it comes to formations and perfecting routines. More often than not their practices end long after yours. As your girls begin to filter out of the gymnasium, the cheer squad are still going. You make to follow after, but your name is called from the other side of the gym by a voice you recognise but know instantly shouldn’t be here. 
“y/n! Come here! Don’t ignore me!” Seokjin is the fiend in question, hollering at such an unmistakable frequency that you couldn’t ignore it if you tried. It’s like he’s followed in the footsteps of cats and has pinpointed the exact frequency that a baby’s cry is at, and is now using it to his advantage. You turn, wary, and see him waving like a dumbass. “Come here! Don’t make me pspspsps!”
Now annoyed, you stomp over if only so you can get within beating range. As soon as you reach a few feet away he ducks behind Yoongi though, so you don’t get to follow through on your caveman instincts to beat him over the head with a rock.
“What?” you ask, giving him a stinky look. “Are you like, stalking me or something? Why are you so obsessed with me?”
You can tell he wants to laugh, but his instinct to rile you up overpowers the humour of what you said. “You think you’re worth stalking? I don’t need to stalk you to know that your day consists almost entirely of eating, shitting, and staring at a certain ass.”
Well, he has you there. You shrug, “I’m a simple girl.”
Seokjin is momentarily bewildered that you didn’t rise to his bait and Yoongi chokes on his laughter beside you, the sound coming out squeaky. You’re glad someone is laughing, it makes your dick hard when people find you funny. Again, you’re a simple girl.
“Nice outfit, by the way,” Seokjin says. Apparently it doesn’t take him long to recover, and he’s already shifted topics. 
Yoongi, who had broken away to guide his team for a moment, chimes back in at the taller male’s comment. “It’s all apart of the keikaku, man. Everything is going perfectly. My golden boy is almost too fun to torment. I’ve tasted power and now I don’t know how to stop.”
“Who?” Seokjin asks, more out of habit than anything, before looking over to Yoongi’s minions and letting out a sound of realisation. “Ahh… Mister Jungkook.”
You swear you see the male in question, who is waiting his turn to begin the tumbling routine Yoongi has changed them onto, stiffen. You’re not sure whether it is a trick of the light or not, though, because in the next second he’s shuffling forward to second in line, juggling his weight from foot to foot with restless energy. His eyes are trained on his teammates flipping across the matts. 
“So you know too? y/n, you big-mouthed whore!” Seokjin exclaims, pinning you with an exaggerated look of scandal. Jungkook trips slightly in his step as he moves to the front of the line, barely a few metres away.
You don’t bother defending yourself, since Yoongi speaks before you can anyway. “That y/n likes Jungkook and has wanted to peg his cute ass since forever? Yeah, I know.”
The timing of Yoongi’s response is truly unfortunate. As he started speaking, Jungkook began his run up— and it seems that whatever snippet he heard as he started were enough to throw him off completely. He goes into the front flip kind of wonky, and you have a feeling of dread creep up as you watch him.
He doesn’t do the mid-air turns he is meant to, and instead goes to land after just one flip— the timing is off, though, and your breath hisses through your teeth and you physically cringe as you watch his ankle roll upon landing. 
“Ah SHIT!” he yelps, quickly dropping to the mat and removing pressure from his foot. You feel frozen as you watch, a large number of his teammates running over and asking him if he’s okay.
“Oh feck,” Yoongi says, checking his watch as he mutters to himself. “Shit. Okay we need to practice and only have the gym for another forty-five minutes, but he needs that looked at asap. Who…”
Barely a split-second passes before he’s looking right at you imploringly, with an inappropriately devious glint in the back of his eyes. 
“y/n, you’re free and you have first aid training right? Can you take him to get that wrapped and iced up?” He’s not even done asking you before he’s pushing you in the direction of the male currently curled on the floor. “That room should still be open— I forgot to lock it earlier.”
“Wait, I actually have—” you’re about to let him know about the mountain of schoolwork you have to catch up on, but of course he’s not having any of it. He’s already barking at his squad.
“Okay, everyone, back off and back to tumbling! y/n here will take care of our golden boy, we have the gym for the next forty-five minutes and we’re gonna make the most of it, damn it!”
Yoongi abandons you at Jungkook’s side, and at his command the rest of the cheerleader begrudgingly disperse— you think you catch a few of the female ones giving you the stink eye at their lost opportunity, and you know it shouldn’t stroke your ego but still it does. 
“I guess this is how the Kookie crumbled, huh,” you say, embarrassed that he could have heard all of what Yoongi said and attempting to cope using the classic— humour. 
Jungkook, who had turned his wide eyes and red face to you the second you started talking, now seems to be blushing harder. Evidently, for a number of reasons, he is mortified. It’s like he’s trying to hide behind the long curls that have fallen into his face. Needless to say, it’s not successful, and now both of you are embarrassed. One of you needs to take the lead.
But right now neither of you are wearing the pants.
“Alright, let’s get that looked at,” you say, wincing as you look at his ankle already beginning to swell. “Arms up.”
He obeys instantly and without question, and you’re torn between the primal powers within you wanting to both cuddle him and to drop your panties then and there. 
Getting Jungkook to a standing position while he can only use one leg is harder than you could have imagined, but you know that there’s no way you would have been able to lift him had he not helped you carry his weight. Once he’s upright and his arm is around your shoulder (still panting slightly and glistening with sweat, as you’re trying not to think about) you begin the arduous journey to the locker room Yoongi showed you earlier. 
Jungkook doesn’t really say anything during the trip there, and neither do you— except he has an excuse, considering he’s probably in a fair bit of pain right now. You don’t have an excuse, except that you’re trying desperately not to think about how you can feel each hard line of his body against you right now. It’s a whole-brain engaging kind of activity.
Thankfully, the room is unlocked as Yoongi said, and you grab a towel to lay across one of the cleaner looking benches on the far side of the room— just because its cleaner than the others doesn’t mean it’s clean, per se. You smile when you see Jungkook’s thankful expression.
“Right,” you say, staying in front of where he’s sitting for a moment as you shake your arms out; the boy really is just all muscle, honestly. “Pop your ankle up on the bench, and I’ll grab some ice and stuff to wrap it.”
Jungkook nods, obeying wordlessly. His cheeks still are tainted the slightest pink, and he’s making a point to avoid meeting your gaze. Fighting a smile, you move to Yoongi’s stash and grab what you need, spotting some high-end painkillers and immediately adding them to the pile in your arms.
When you return to his side, you seat yourself on the bench beside his leg— thankfully, they’re wide enough that neither your butt nor Jungkook’s leg has to be sacrificed for the fit. You go through the motions with him, poking and prodding and bending to assess the damage; it’s just a bad sprain, but damn if each watery look he gets at the pain doesn’t make you want to coddle him to death. 
Surprisingly, he’s still silent as you go about icing and wrapping his ankle. You contemplated filling the silence but you’re not good at chit chat or small talk, so refrain and settle for humming softly instead. Considering the rollercoaster of feelings he’s spun you through today, you’re almost disappointed that a wrap on his ankle is all that’s going to come of this. 
Which is stupid, of course. You know. You digress.
You’re still somewhat disappointed as you finish up, popping the excess bandage back in its container. “Okay! You’ll need to…”
You make the mistake of meeting his gaze, and for once he doesn’t shy away from it— there’s something about them, the endless chocolate depths and the doe-eyed look, that completely disarms you for a moment. Blinking, it takes all your might to stop yourself from studying as you continue. “Ahem, uh… you’ll need to keep it elevated, when possible. Compressing it is ideal. Also, for swelling, ice it for 20-30 minutes every 2-3 hours for the first day or so…”
He blinks up at you, and you smile. “Any questions?”
Something intriguing crosses his gaze and he bites his lip, flushing slightly. Oh, he is doing a number on your willpower. You need to get out of here.
“Yeah, uh…” He clears his throat, continuing straight away. You watch even more colour rush to his cheeks, his Adam’s apple bobbing nervously. “About earlier… when I stacked it… Was what Yoongi said true?”
Well. You were not… expecting that. For a moment you’re stunned into silence, self control hanging by a thread. “What… Yoongi said?”
Jungkook gives you a look like he can’t believe you’re making him say it. “That you, um…”
Humiliated but deciding to face it head on, you ask him with your own cheeks heating, “Are you asking about the pegging or the, uh… the liking you part?”
To your surprise, Jungkook chokes and stiffens in place, eyes shooting wide and face and ears going beet red. “I, um… I only heard the liking part…”
OH. Well. You kind of want to die, but… at least now he knows?
 …You’re gonna throw yourself off a bridge.
He must mistake the cause of your silence for something else, because he seems to panic. “B-because, um, I know you know how I feel, and it’s okay if you don’t um— I was just wondering—”
In the midst of his spiel, you take a seat on the bench, closer to him than you were last time. It only makes him grow more flustered before you press a finger to his lips to shush him. He gets the message and falls silent instantly, making your heart skip a beat at his ready obedience. God, are you an animal?! Really?!
“I was trying to track you down to confirm it, you know,” you say, shoving your embarrassment into a box in the far reaches of your mind. Time to swallow your pride.  “But you kept avoiding me.”
Jungkook’s eyes are still wide. “Oh… sorry.”
You smile at his soft, uttered apology. Testingly, tentatively, you shift your hand and rest it on his hip. His whole body stiffens once more, but its more in surprise than discomfort. “What would you do if it was true, hm?”
Like a deer caught in headlights, he’s momentarily speechless. When your thumb rubs against the hard line of his hip bone, drawing a shudder, he jerks back into motion.
“Oh my god, you—” he’s dazed before he narrows his eyes at you, voice dropping to a whisper that’s somewhat tinged with hurt. “Are you teasing me?”
You manage to hold back the laugh but can’t help the smile that rises at his words. “I always get the urge to tease you, Jungkook, but it’s not to be cruel.” You lean forward, holding his gaze. “I probably never grew out of that kindergarten stage.”
It takes a second for what you said to sink in. The way that hope enters his eyes is so cute that you’re humiliated at the urge to squeal that rises. “So, you…”
It’s embarrassing to say the words out loud, especially considering the filth running through your mind right now, and you can’t quite bring yourself to. Teasingly, you bring your other hand to his thigh, brushing the edge of the skirt with your thumb and enjoying the way he shivers. “It’s embarrassing to say out loud, so if you want to hear it, you’re gonna have to work for it.” 
The soft, excited gasp he lets out emboldens you to carry out your next action— you move the hand on his hip, brushing your fingertips up the side of his slim waist before bringing them back down to rest over his crotch. 
To your complete and utter surprise, there is already some firmness there that greets you. At your curious gaze, he flushes pink.
“It’s the skirt,” he confesses, averting his gaze to your lap for the briefest second. “You look really good in it…”
Not that your ego needs more stroking, but you’re happy to let it happen anyway. You hum, beginning to move your hand— he stifles a gasp.
“I know,” you say, grinning. It’s ridiculous how your stomach flips, arousal beginning to trickle into your abdomen and ache in the apex of your thighs. “I could feel you looking at me. I caught you a few times, too.”
He’s embarrassed, you can tell, but the current situation doesn’t leave much room for dignity as it is anyway. Still, you can’t help but tease him some more, voice soft as you rub over his growing bulge and lean closer. “Do you always look at me, Jungkook?”
He squirms, a gasp slipping out before he attempts to send you a glare. “This is embarrassing,” he whines. You raise a brow, increasing the pressure of your hand, and he is quick to amend his response in a whisper, “…Yes.”
“And what do you imagine, when you look at me?” you ask, unable to deny the thrill running through your veins and lighting heat in your abdomen. You pause your ministrations only to move your hand to the top of his skirt and slip beneath the material. This time a moan slips out before he can stop it. “Is it things like this?”
He lets his head fall back against the wall, looking at you through hazy, lidded eyes. “Yes,” he admits, and for how readily he supplied the answer you reward him by slipping your hand beneath the rest of the layers over his hips and wrapping your fingers around his hardening length.
He whines— actually whines— and rolls his hips into your hand, thick thigh tensing beneath the grip of your other hand. The resulting wash of arousal that floods over you is so sudden it almost makes you dizzy.
“Oh, you’re a good boy,” you mutter it without much thought, but surprise filters through you when you feel his length twitch and flush with heat in your hold at the words. Ah— he likes a bit of praise, does he? You slide your free hand up his thigh, working the waistband of his skirt and bike shorts down until they rest just past the beginning of his thighs. It’s like you’re looking at a work of art, you marvel slightly— the curls that begin to trail down a little below his belly button, the sculpted line of his hip bones and the hints of his abs that show as his body tenses. You’re just one woman.
“Does it feel as good as you imagined, Jungkook?” you aimed to speak louder but it comes out sort of breathy. You trail your fingers down the tan skin of his abdomen before gripping the material of his bottoms and using the moment to free his length.
If you didn’t have such a firm grip on it, you know it would have sprung back against his stomach— you try not to let your surprise show, either, because you could feel that he was packing, but seeing it is another thing and your stomach flips in giddy anticipation. Jungkook’s chest heaves as his breath quickens, eyes boring into you and hands bunching in the material of the punishment skirt. You stroke your hand along his length, pressing your thumb along the underside and relishing in the shudder it elicits.
“y/n,” he whines softly, face flushing as his cock twitches in your hold. Whether he’s forgotten you even asked a question or simply is too overwhelmed to answer right now, you don’t know. 
As for how you’re doing— you’re so turned on right now that in all honesty you don’t know what to do with yourself. A solution comes to mind quickly and you don’t have the usual self control you do to stop yourself. 
Mindful of his injured leg, you rise, keeping your grip on him as you do so. His lidded gaze follows you, soft gasps escaping him all the while.
“Give me your leg,” you instruct, relishing how quickly he listens. Presented with his thigh, you swing one of your legs over the other side of the bench and rest on it so that as little weight as possible is on his bad leg, your knees brushing his hips. As soon as you’re lowered, you can’t help but gasp and roll your hips— the only thing separating you and the smooth skin and hard muscle of his thigh is the thin layer of your damp panties, and the stimulation on your clit makes your entire core throb in arousal.
Apparently this is also one of the things he’s imagined, because Jungkook lets out a low, gasping moan and rolls his hips up into your hand— which, of course, makes his thigh muscles tense and shift, rubbing oh so nicely against your clit. You almost fall off from the jolt of pleasure that shoots up your spine, free hand shooting to grab his bicep, “Ah, Jungkook!”
He apparently has the sense of mind to support you by using the arm in your hold to reach and grip your hip. Generous amounts of precum have started to bead at his tip, and you drag your hand up his girth, collecting it on your thumb and smearing it down his length for lubrication. It elicits a whine, another roll of his hips, and like that you settle into a rhythm of sorts.
“y/n.” Each gasp and moan he lets out have to be specially designed to ruin you, you decide. He seeks your gaze with hazy, lust-ridden eyes. “Please kiss me.”
It’s a brazen request coming from him of all people, and you’re all too happy to oblige. You lean forward, the rock of your hips making you shudder, and connect his lips with your own— he’d sought your kiss as you did so, craning his neck forward and awaiting your lips. It’s a heated kiss from the beginning, given the situation— you don’t fight for dominance so much as assume it from the start. Each press of your tongue, graze of your teeth, has a new sound tumbling from his throat and into your mouth. It makes your heart race even harder than it already was.
It doesn’t take long for tension to begin to build in your abdomen, and you know if you’re already feeling it then he must be even closer. Not wanting this to end just yet, you force yourself to slow your hand down, breaking the kiss and shifting to press your mouth to his neck.
“Wh-what—” he gasps, shuddering as your thumb plays with his slit, rhythm slowed to a stop. Both of you are panting, almost, and you suckle a mark into the junction of his neck before pulling back with a grin.
“Surely that isn’t all you’ve imagined, Jungkook.” You lean forward, pressing a brief kiss to his mouth before pulling back— the way he chases your lips makes your heart squeeze. “What now? Be a good boy, tell me.”
Far from being embarrassed at this point and all but a slave to the haze of lust in the air, Jungkook’s breath hitches and he responds, somewhat tentative if anything, “… ride me.”
“Good boy,” you breathe, offering him a proud smile. He preens beneath your fond look.
You shift, and you think that he must have expected you to stand up fully and remove your clothes, or at least your bottoms, but to his surprise you simply shuffle up and reach beneath your skirt, slipping your panties aside and aligning his member with your entrance. You’re so turned on that you’ve soaked through your underwear, and you know you’ve smeared enough precum along his length that lubrication will be no problem. So you simply lower yourself down until his head parts your lips and begins to sink into you.
At the sheer size of him even as just the tip enters your cunt, you have to halt, gasping, “Fuck!”
If he wanted to respond, you don’t really give him time to; as soon as you get your bearings you continue sinking down onto him. There is a slight burn, of course, but you’re so turned on that it fades quicker than you can register. The sensation of him, the throb, his girth and the way he splits your walls, stretching you more and more as you seat yourself on him— it’s indescribable, and all you can offer is that it feels so good you swear tears are gonna prick at your eyes. From the look on his face, brows scrunched and mouth parted as a long, low groan slips out, you know it must feel just as good for him.
When the back of your thighs press against the top of his his and he’s fully sheathed in you, you feel like you’re about to lose your mind— this position has him so deep in your pussy that with each miniscule shift the tip of his cock presses against a spot that sends delicious jolts of pleasure up your spine. Honestly, if you weren’t so intent on seeing this through, you think you could cum from that sensation alone. 
Even as you’re in a mess of pleasure and a haze of desire, you can’t help but tease him some more. You clench your insides, rolling your hips— the sharp, lilting moan he lets out makes your stomach flip. “What now, baby boy?”
You hold his hips down with your hand, feeling them twitch with the urge to rock up into you. A long, drawn groan escapes him. “Do you want to see me? More of me? Or do you want to feel me?”
You take his hand into your hold and guide it up to your chest, slipping it beneath your shirt and bra to cup your breast. His breath hitches, lashes fluttering against his cheekbones as he blinks and attempts to clear the haze from his vision. You relish in the control you have over him until his thumb brushes your nipple and he pinches it, tweaking it instinctively. A moan tears from you, the shock of pleasure that results making you clench around him again; his free hand scrambles for purchase against your thigh, fingers digging in as pleasure washes over him in turn.
Your breath is coming a little faster now. Leaving his hand at your chest, you move it to drag up his neck before threading your fingers in the damp curls at the back of his neck. Finding a firm grip, you tug his head back ever so lightly— it elicits a new moan that you haven’t heard yet, and you really begin to think this boy will be your undoing. 
“What do you want?” you ask again, rolling your hips once more. It isn’t fair of you, you know, since you can hardly think yourself from the sensations. “You want me to move, baby boy?”
He nods, attempting to speak through the moan caught in his throat. “Please… fuck me, y/n.”
Well, who are you to say no to that?
Happy to oblige, you engage your thighs and begin to rise— the sensation of him dragging against your walls makes both of you gasp, and you almost falter in your movements from the feeling alone. Gathering your wits as best as you can, you continue your movements, successfully rising and then seating yourself once more. Unable to withhold much longer, you roll your hips and begin to set the two of you into a rhythm.
You stopped paying heed to the noises escaping you a while ago, but you don’t doubt that the sinful sounds tumbling from Jungkook’s mouth as you ride him are a large contributor to the way the tension in your abdomen quickly begins to knot and bundle once more.
Even with as heavenly as it feels, it’s hard to keep up momentum when your thighs begin to burn. Thankfully, Jungkook has more than enough stamina in his thigh muscles for the both of you, and when he senses your fatigue, he brings his grip to your hips to hold them in place before rocking his own up and beginning to fuck up into you.
Needless to say, the pace he sets is much faster and much harder than the one you had. Swears tumble softly from your mouth at the change in intensity of pleasure as it shoots through you, orgasm already approaching much faster than anticipated. Your hands come to grip his on your hips with a cry of his name, knees turning to jelly. 
Movement against your hand surprises you, but not as much as the sensation of Jungkook’s hand shifting to thread his fingers with yours. You honestly feel your heart burst, and as he fucks up into you that bit harder you can’t help the way you clutch his hand like a lifeline, the sweet moment quick to pass but most definitely not forgotten. 
“G-gonna cum,” you gasp, eyes closing and allowing the slap of skin and Jungkook’s gasping moans to overtake your senses. You don’t forget to indulge him in some praise. “Such a g-good boy, making me feel so g-good.”
He whines at your words, and right as your pleasure approaches its peak you feel his hips stutter and slam up into yours harder than all the times before. The stimulation of that spot deep inside of you is all that’s needed to push you into the throes of your orgasm, and it washes over you more intensely than you’ve ever felt before as you clench and tense with a cry of his name.
Distantly, you feel his own grip on you tighten, and his hips still as they’re pressed against yours. Warmth floods your core, cock throbbing as he empties inside you, and you swear you hear the softest of confessions uttered to the air as he joins you in your high.
He comes down before you do, although you’re not far behind him, and for a moment you sit in place, panting and attempting to come back to your senses. He’s softened inside you slightly, but when you shift and clench on instinct as you do so, feeling cum slide down your thighs, he twitches  and throbs inside you.
Taken aback, your gaze whips to him and now that his shame has returned to him, he has the decency to blush. Well, apparently Jeon Jungkook’s stamina really is no joke. Maybe he really was born to be an athlete.
“Greedy. You want more?” There’s a teasing lilt to your voice, and a thrilling mix of fear and excitement dances in his eyes.
“y/n—” he rasps, desperate. You slide off of him, making both of you groan, but return to your previous position on his thigh. He moans as he feels his own cum leak out of you and onto his skin. When your hand comes to wrap around his slick member, he jolts and whines.
“You wanna tell me what you said just before?” you ask, beginning to twist your wrist and stroke his cock ever so slowly. He shakes his head, whether at your question or the overstimulation, you’re not sure— you know it’s probably a bit of both though, considering he twitches in your hold.
“‘S embarrassing,” he murmurs, back arching as you increase your pace just a little. “Ah, y/n!”
“I see. You know, I think I can get you to cum again,” you say, changing tactics. 
Jungkook shakes his head, strands of his raven hair plastered to his forehead in sweat. “I can’t—”
“You should tell me,” you say, teasing lilt to your tone. He whines, rocking his hips into and then away from the sensations. 
When he shakes his head again, letting it fall back against the wall and baring the column of his throat to you, you jump on his acceptance of the situation. You pick up speed, rolling your wrist and moving in tune with the shifting of his body. It doesn’t take very long before his oversensitivity throws him into another orgasm, stronger than the last but dryer. The few beads of cum that escape seem ever so tantalising as they roll down his length, drawing your gaze.
“You gonna tell me now?” you ask, already knowing the answer. Jungkook slumps against the wall, breathing heavy and sweat glistening on his golden skin. He looks at you through heavily lidded eyes.
“It’s still embarrassing,” he whines, breathy in his exertion.
Right, well. You know what he said, but you want to hear him say it with his own mouth once more and you’ll stay here all night to make that happen if you need to.
Of course, it’s not until a while and another heated moment or two later that Jungkook realises this and gives in.
His confession is so much sweeter on your ears the second time, and of course, as promised, you reward him with your own. It’s worth it for the way it makes his eyes shine, you think. 
Jeon Jungkook really has you well and truly whipped. 
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a/n: thank u for reading and i hope u liked it! im super excited to have completed my first commission and would really appreciate it if u let me know what u think by sending me an ask and liking & rbing this with ur thoughts!! i read & appreciate everything!! thank u !! love u !! peace out !! :D
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teklarn · 3 years
𝔂𝓸𝓾'𝓻𝓮 𝓷𝓸𝓽 𝓶𝔂 𝓫𝓸𝔂𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭 - 𝓴. 𝓫𝓪𝓴𝓾𝓰𝓸𝓾 (𝓅𝓉. 𝟥)
character(s): katsuki bakugou x gn!reader (x eijirou kirishima) 
a/n: ok but like ty for all the notes on my last post??? i get so excited whenever there’s a new notification. ALSO, the best time for me to accept requests is from now to sept. 5! i’m currently on summer break, so i will have plenty of time to write from now until then. 
𝕣𝕖𝕓𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕤 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕘𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕝𝕪 𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕!!
summary: bakugou x gn!reader. they have feelings for one another but have no idea how to express them, however y/n has someone pining for their attention. 
genre: angst
warnings: mutual pining, cursing, aged-up to third years, bit of a love triangle, romantic tension, one-sided pining, i gave the reader a quirk, kirishima gets jealous EHWJEH
word count: 2031
lol wow things are finally beginning to pick up heehee
please excuse any typos! i edit to the best of my abilities, but it’s easy to miss lost of things 
part 1, part 2 , part 4 
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you dabbed bakugou’s nose. he winced as you tapped it. “sorry,” you breathed out, switching the tissue in your hand for a clean wipe. 
“i’m fine, dumbass.” 
“then why’d you ask for my help?” you teased, wiping at the blood on his upper lip. 
his cheeks dusted with red, eyes averting to the side. you smiled softly, victorious in his silence. 
nighttime was settling in nicely, the sun bleeding orange into the clouds. 
“look back at me,” you said. gently, you took his bruised jaw in your fingers, adjusting his head so he was facing you. you brushed your fingers along his swelling cheekbone. purple blossomed beneath bakugou’s pale skin. “kirishima was pretty rough out there, huh?’ 
“i’m proud of the guy.” 
you smiled, tilting your head. “you? proud of someone? really?” 
he chuckled. “knock it off, dumbass.” a grin spread across his face, however it was gone when the pain hit. he winced, trying to ignore the sting his smile brought with it. 
you let out a laugh. “just relax, bakugou.” you resumed dabbing away at the excess blood on his face. there were flecks of dirt scattered over his forehead. 
he caught your wrist in one of his soft, large hands. 
your smile faded, and you swallowed, pushing down the rising emotions fluttering into your chest. “yes?” you responded to the silent question his eyes were asking. 
his grip on your wrist loosened, and he let go, letting his arm fall back to his side. 
“everything okay?” 
he didn’t break eye contact as he grunted a reply. “mhm.” 
“alright. i’ll be right back, okay?” 
“‘kay,” he said. 
you stood with a groan, knees sore from all the training you’d been doing lately. you gently shut the bathroom door behind you and rinsed the bits of dirt off the towel, scrubbing away any imperfections stuck between the fibers of the fabric. 
your cheeks were boiling with heat as the ghost of his touch on your wrist lingered. what was that? did he mean to tell you something? 
you wrung out the newly washed cloth and returned to your seat across from bakugou. 
bakugou’s eyes flickered as you began scrubbing the dirk from his forehead. 
“ah,” he gasped out. 
“you’ve gotta stop wincing, bakugou,” you teased. “you’re making me think i’m doing something wrong.” 
“you’ve gotta stop being so rough, y/n.” he took your wrists and pried them away from his face. 
you set the towel down on the table, letting it rest on a paper towel so the excess water could drain out. 
“well, i think the issue is that you haven’t let me set your nose properly.” 
bakugou squinted, unsure. “alright.” he spread his legs, leaning forwards to make your job easier. “do as you wish, y/n.” his voice dropped, eyelids lowering seductively. 
the heat returned to your cheeks, flushing out your confidence from before. instead of replying with an equally snarky comment, you took his face in your hands. “this is going to hurt.” 
“not so much if it’s you.” 
you scoffed. “are you flirting with me, katsuki bakugou?” 
his lips quirked up—just a tiny bit. “stop dreaming, y/n.” 
you ignored the comment and traced your fingers over the bridge of his nose. “on three?” 
he nodded. 
“one—” you cracked the bone into place. 
“ah, shit!” bakugou recoiled back, covering his nose with his hands. “damn brat.” 
“it would have hurt more if you knew it was coming.” you shrugged innocently. 
“at least i would have been prepared.” 
“whatever you say.” you gestured for him to come back to his previous position, and bakugou did as instructed, hands dropping from his face as your hands came back around to cup his cheeks. 
being recovery girl’s grandchild had its benefits. for example, an easy way to get into yuuei off of recommendations. while your quirk wasn’t usually one people would associate with fighting, it came with unexpected pros with how it developed. 
you’d earned the ability not only to heal but to ruin as well. using your quirk, honing it properly, you could twist someone inside out with ease, however, healing was something you were more skilled with. 
a green glow was being emitted from your palms, white orbs flowing into the air and landing on bakugou’s skin. you could tell, under his skin, the bone was fixing itself, beginning to reshape into the flat bridge. 
bakugou sniffed. 
“hold still,” you said. 
“does your healing always make your patients itchy?” 
“it’s just your body healing. stop moving.” the green light receded into your palms. 
you met bakugou’s eyes as you pulled your hands away. you were leaning closer than necessary, out of your seat, knees slightly bent. you could tell his hands were shaking just a bit as they trailed down your arms, starting from your fingertips which were still hovering around his face. 
his hands found their way to your waist. bakugou tugged you closer. barely an inch closer, but it felt like the two of you were inseparable at the moment. 
you jumped, and bakugou’s hands fell back to the sides of the seat he was in. you swallowed as kirishima popped up at the doorway. 
you wiped your palms on your shirt, nodding for kirishima to enter. “yes?” 
the redhead walked in warily, hands up and pace slow. “i hope i’m not...interrupting anything. am i?” 
you shook your head. “not at all. we were, um. we were just finishing up.” you picked up the cloth intended for wiping bakugou’s face. “do you think you could finish up by yourself?” 
he took the cloth from your hands. “yeah, sure.” he pushed himself up and was out of your room, waving his thanks. “i’ll pay you back so i don’t owe your ass, got it, y/n?” 
bakugou shut the door behind him, leaving you and kirishima alone. 
“so, what was that about?” 
your eyes flew wide. “what was what?” 
“don’t act oblivious, y/n. you two looked at each other like you hung the moon in the sky.” 
you bit your lip, hiding the smile that was brought about upon reminiscing about the recent seen. “it wasn’t anything, kirishima. don’t worry about it.”
“i’m worrying. you know bakugou.” 
“that’s something you’d say about someone with dating experience, and a bad reputation regarding it. bakugou is—” 
“just like every other guy out there? it’s the twenty-first century. there are not many decent people left out here. do you really think he’s any different?” 
“well,” you said, shaking your head, “personally, i see he’s changed.” 
“two years isn’t going to erase all the past shit he’s done.” 
“there’s a thing called forgiveness.” you quirked an eyebrow at him, tilting your head down as you began cleaning up. “plus, it wasn’t necessarily his fault. we can both agree that hero society created toxic standards for all aspiring pros.” 
kirishima clenched his fists. “he’s bad for you.” 
you tossed out a few wipes into the garbage. “sorry?” 
“he’s...not good for you.” 
“i appreciate you thinking nobody is good enough for me, but at the end of the day-” 
unknowingly, kirishima was hardening his fingertips. his nails punctured the soft skin of his palms. “i don’t mean he’s not good enough for you, but that’s another truth, too. he’s just not good for you.” 
you turned, smiling brightly. “and since when did you know what was good for me?” you laughed, eyes closed. “why are you trying to dictate my decisions-” 
when you opened your eyes, you found kirishima standing closer, brows furrowed angrily.
your expression lowered into something angry. “what’s the matter?” 
“i just...i can’t.” 
“can’t what?” 
kirishima was one to be slow to anger. he always had been. you can’t recall a time you saw him angry or pissed except for when bakugou had been kidnapped by the league of villains. 
“kirishima,” you scoffed, “are you genuinely pissed over this? what? is this because i got mad at you because i scolded you for breaking bakugou’s nose? if anything, i don’t think i was wrong for-” 
“that’s not it. that...that isn’t it, y/n.” he stepped towards you. kirishima closed the gap between you both, pressing your back against the wall, trapping you there between his arms. “that isn’t it at all, y/n.” 
you swallowed. “then what is it, kirishima?” his eyes met yours, serious and stern. 
your chest tingled. 
he brought his fingers to your chin, angling your face with ease to get a better look at you. “call me eijirou.” 
“just once. please.” 
“...what is it, eijirou?” 
the pause felt like an eternity. “it’s you, y/n.” 
“it’s...me? what about me? did i do something wrong?” 
he chuckled softly, but there was no humor in his longing smile as he stared down. “you’re so oblivious.” 
you could hear his heart beating, getting faster with every sentence he pushed out. 
“you’re so clueless, y/n. it’s kind of pissing me off.” 
“what am i doing to piss you off?” you snapped. 
he tongued the inside of his cheek. “like i said.” he flashed you an award-winning grin. “clueless.” kirishima pushed himself off the wall and left the room, the door shutting hard, but not slamming shut. 
you were left breathless, the hint of his cologne still lingering in the space before you. 
you’d avoided kirishima and bakugou for the rest of the night. 
what kirishima had wanted to say was nothing like what he said, but he knew everything would come out all wrong if he’d try to say anything. 
his mind would have jumbled all his words, and he’d look like a crazy, insane lover. 
bakugou wasn’t bad for you. not at all. you two were perfect for each other. you both had thick skin for silly rebuttals towards one another. you brought out the fun side of the blonde, and he worked you to your best. 
kirishima was just your best friend. he hated to be the one who had fallen with nothing to soften the blow that was surely coming soon. 
his ears burned nearly as red as his hair. a shudder passed down his back, the feeling of your jaw pressed between his thumb and index finger still imprinted there. 
“i can’t fucking stand to see you around him.” 
kirishima made his way to the common room, finding bakugou looking for snacks there. kirishima scoffed as his friend emerged with an apple in hand. 
it was not like he hated bakugou. not at all. he didn’t think that pining for the same girl would ruin their friendship. he was just angry that you chose him. 
kirishima respected your decisions. he wouldn’t ever try to get in the way of anything if you and bakugou made that kind of decision. he just wanted to be near you. 
perhaps he should leave the situation alone. leave you alone and just forget about how his feelings were nagging at him every day. 
he should forget how you were the first thing on his mind every morning, and the thing he thought about when he fell asleep. 
you were everywhere. should he forget that too? 
bakugou tossed his apple into the air. he clapped his friend on the back, taking a bite out. “go to sleep, idiot.” 
“don’t call me that.” 
bakugou turned, startled that kirishima wasn’t taking bakugou’s shit today. “you good?” 
“i’m fine, but i’m not an idiot.” 
bakugou’s body tightened. “alright.” 
the pair stood awkwardly for a moment before kirishima sucked in a sudden breath. “what is y/n to you?” he asked. 
bakugou raised an eyebrow. “what?” 
“they’re obviously something to you.” 
“listen, they were just helping me out. didn’t think you’d get offended from them fixing my broken ass nose.” 
“that’s not what i mean. i walked in on you two, and you were about to—” 
“i wasn’t going to do jackshit.” bakugou tossed his apple away, too angry to eat anything anymore. 
“yes. don’t lie to me.” 
“i’m not lying. where is all of this coming from?” 
kirishima huffed out a frustrated breath. he shouldered past bakugou. kirishima uttered words he hated himself for saying. “leave me alone.”
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tag(s): if u want to be tagged in any continued fic of mine, pls let me know! i don’t have a taglist, but please @ me and ask to be on the taglist! thank u <33 
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yostresswritinggirl · 3 years
100 Followers Special
(And how to participate) you don't need to be a follower to vote ack
Hello AGAIN, with your back to back followers special! Exiled here, very tired, as I just closed the requests box for our 50 followers special. I asked for some recommendations and no one helped me so this is what I came up with!
Granted, it's nothing that special, I literally just dumped my notes into this so—
Please make sure to follow the guidelines and read this thoroughly to properly participate!
1. You will be given a long list of fic prompts specific to a character that I've come up with for weeks on end, please don't steal, as I will remove them after this event is done!
2. Voting! You now have the power to influence my writing schedule haha- what you need to do: is to pick three prompts from the list and send it to me; either through reblog tag, a reply, or in my ask box (not anon so we can count fairly, will not publish these answers tho so worry not)! Not in messages tho! It should be in this format:
1. Character - prompt or prompt title
2. Character - prompt or prompt title
3. Character - prompt or prompt title
1. Albedo - Citrinitas
2. Zhongli - Braid
3. Xingqui - Author!Reader
The top three most voted prompt and character will be the next fics I'll publish after I'm done with the current reqs. Speaking of: Voting ends when I finish the current reqs. You'll know it's done once the counter in my blog desc reaches 12/12.
3. In addition to the three prompts, you also get to add your own prompt to it! My prompts list does not include ALL the characters that's why I wanted to give you this option too! Add a fourth number and specify a character, a prompt/idea, and the format of the fic! Format it this way:
4. Character - Prompt/Idea (Format)
4. Kaeya - What's under that eyepatch? (Scenario)
After I pooled the answers, I'll randomly pick between the bonus answers and write them last! So give it your best shot!
4. Tags-list! I thought this would be necessary for this kind of a whim special, so if you wanna be tagged, just put Tag Me! at the end of your vote. Please make sure that you're actually able to be tagged because I just tried and some users are not in my orbit huhu, look here
5. If a pocket watch/series prompt gets chosen, I will only post the first chapter, not the whole damn fic pls. Have mercy,,,
I will post a counter of the top three in my blog description and will be updated as frequently as possible. Any questions, please direct to this post or my dms <3
Without further ado, here is your choice list!
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Xingqui - "My liege, would you care to accompany me on my reading break? I've picked up a romance novel and it reminded me of us."
-> Author!Reader: You met Xingqui at Wanwen Bookhouse when delivering a batch of your newly-published book. But as a ghost writer, no one knew it was you that authored such books. Safe to say it was cute watching the noble bookworm fanboy about you in front of you. [FLUFF] [FIC]
-> Headcanons with a reader older than Xingqui who's a close family friend of the Feiyun Commerce Guild. Fascinated after meeting you in a party, the noble boy aspires to become the best man for you despite the difference, promising to be the best suitable partner for you in the future. [FLUFF] [HEADCANON SCENARIO]
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Childe - "Hey there, comrade! What a coincidence that we had a break at the same time, care to accompany me for a walk? I promise I won’t lead you to a fight haha... hey, don’t look at me like that!”
-> Antinomy -  The 10th Harbinger (You) and the little shit they had to mentor (Childe), this fic enumerates the trials of the 11th before he became a Harbinger under your care. From strangers to mentor to friends to love- Childe made a grave mistake, now you’re once again strangers. [FLANGST] [ONESHOT]
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Albedo - "Ah, it's you. I've heard of fleeting rumors that you've been pestering a certain someone just to see me. Next time, just come directly to me, I wouldn't mind the assertiveness."
-> Refer to these three as well: Albedo Fic Ideas [FLUFF/FLANGST/FLANGST] [ONESHOT/ONESHOT/SERIES]
-> “You’re Enough”: A year into being the new Chief Alchemist of Mond, Albedo finds himself holed up in his room in the dead of night, haunted as he continuously comes out empty on his research to bring his master back, feeling inadequate. So you reminded him of what he’s capable of. [FLUFF?] [ONESHOT INSPIRED BY You Are Enough - Sleeping At Last]
-> Under the Artificial Sky: Michaelangelo Scenario focused on Albedo’s sketching aspect. Grand Master Varka and Acting Grand Master Jean figured Albedo needed a break and a change of scenery, and sent him off under the guise of a commission in Liyue. What he didn’t expect was another artist from Fontaine accompanying him in this big project.(Albedo and Reader are tasked to paint the new Jade Chamber within 7 days) [FLUFF] [SERIES - 7 CHAPTERS]
-> Albedo SMUT: I had this idea while laying wide awake at 3 AM. The alchemist had been trying all remedies to shake off the stress and fatigue in his system and they all seemed to fail, no amount of sketching or discoveries can pull him away from it. So when you offered a solution he hasn’t heard, he’d jump at it immediately. “You know, some people say having intercourse with someone is a good stress-reliever.” “Intercourse? If it’s true, then please, I wish to have intercourse with you.” “Wha- wait Albedo, do you not know what that is? It’s only done between lovers!” “Convenient, I love you, anything else?” (Two virgin dumbasses do the thing to relieve stress) [SMUT] [ONESHOT]
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Xiao - “I’ve taken care of every threat around this area, you can relax now, I made sure of that.”
-> What is it with you and Qingxin flowers? The Traveler had once heard of Xiao’s affinity for Qingxin flowers, and they’re flying companion boldly asked this lingering question to the adepti himself. His pupils dilate and sharpen before Paimon could finish her sentence. (An origin story about his favorite flower, and his favorite person) [SLIGHT FLANGST] [ONESHOT]
-> Just how harmful is adeptal energy to normal humans? You both found out in the worst way possible: silently, deadly. (Slight spoiler: you fucking die) [ANGST] [ONESHOT]
-> Nightmares Taste Horrible: He’s seen that look in your eyes and the ancient soul within it; you’ve lived long ago, and the only thing your soul carried now was the nightmares of a macabre timeline. Was it him or was it demons that brought you that fear? No matter, he’ll protect you even from yourself. (eating the nightmare of a dead soul reincarnated to you) [FLANGST?] [ONESHOT]
-> Go for the throat: The seal that marked you had made it all too late for him to remedy. Bleeding eyes, growing fangs, it’s just another demon to vanquish just like he’s done for centuries. What makes it different was it was sealed in you. (Inspired from Melanie Martinez’s song uhu) [ANGST] [ONESHOT]
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Zhongli - “Mortals are capable creatures that evolve and adapt for means of survival, but they advance in ways that changes the world around them. This retirement, may be harder to me than it is to them.”
 -> “In human history, there’s a certain noble and powerful connotation to rulers who braid their hair.” Convince to braid his hair using some historical braid trivia; that long hair behind his back should not be ignored for any longer. [PURE FLUFF] [DRABBLE]
-> History has its eyes on you: A traveling theatre hailing from the land of entertainment finds its way to Liyue for their last caravan. A certain Geo Vision man seems to resonate with your newest script: fighting and protecting your land, building up its nation, before being forced to let go of it. He resonates maybe a little too much. (Musical!Reader with heavy references to Hamilton hehe) [FLUFF] [ONESHOT]
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Venti - "Can you hear the symphonies of the wind as it sings to you? That's me, guiding you and protecting you! Whenever you hear it, know that you're safe and sound under my protection!"
-> the one the bard once loved: like actual bard, you are the archer or smth, loved by Venti and Barbatos. Yandere!Barbatos undertones, very unhealthy relationship. This hurts the kokoro. [PURE ANGST] [ONESHOT]
-> The Caravan: (related to the Zhongli and Musical!Reader up there) Your caravan stops at Mondstadt for a whole week before it reaches its final destination. This new fanfare pulled in a peculiar bard who now wants to tag along for the fun of it. "I have no more responsibilities in this free land!" Just what kind of responsibilities does a broke bard have in the first place? [FLUFF] [ONESHOT/HEADCANON]
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Diluc - "You look weary, and you still managed to pull yourself here. Here, a fresh and cold glass, on the house. A relieved smile should be enough payment."
-> Abandoned by The Altar: A timeline oriented story focused on your once perfect childhood relationship as Diluc's bride to be, soon becoming estranged after the death of his father and his neglect. You only wish now that he looks at you the same way he did when you heard you were supposed to be together forever when you were young. [FLANFF] (The ending gets better pls; Inspired by Still Into You - Paramore) [ONESHOT]
-> There are No Laws Against Homelessness in Mondstadt: My favorite title out of all of this ahahhaa- who says adventurers can't be broke? You're the living embodiment of that. (Good boi Diluc with a broke ass reader) [FLUFF] (Warning: homelessness) [ONESHOT]
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Scaramouche - "Let's go already, the sun is setting and we're nowhere near our destination. If you wanted to linger just to spend more time with me, I would have indulged you behind closed doors anyways."
-> Scaramouche Finally Does the Fandango: Have you ever wondered how Scaramouche is like working with other people? His first assignment was to accompany you in your main region and he sees you in your natural habitat, entranced. [I dunno how to tag this, NORMAL?] [ONESHOT/SHORT]
-> Skincare bitch, how I headcanon Scaramouche as someone actually conscious and always tending to their skin. Look at that smooth skin, cute cheeks, let me pinch, eyeliner glory— In which case, that hat has more purpose than being a frisbee. (May or may not include reader. (based from a reblog convo with chels-void) [GOOD VIBES] [HEADCANONS]
-> Once Supreme: Before Scaramouche, there was someone else higher than him. Before Balladeer there was just a young man fighting for his beliefs and her Majesty. Before Mondstadt, his smile wasn't just for deception. "Someday, someone would take advantage of that smile, Scaramouche. It's not appropriate in this work environment." The day you break a man. (Harbinger!Reader again, and lots of HCs for Scaramouche, same format as Antinomy) [I also do not know how to call this, eventual ANGST] [ONESHOT]
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Kaeya - "What are you doing out here in the dead of night? Citizens like you should be cozied up in bed and leaving the patrols to us Knights. Come, I'll accompany you back home."
-> Honey Whiskey: A mysterious band of dancers from Sumeru visits Mondstadt and its taverns to offer a night of alluring dances. What was supposed to be a night of drinking for Kaeya and his troops ended up becoming a tipsy surprise mission when the main dancer steps down from the stage— and ignores him?! How scandalous! (Slightly suggestive themes/You're a bad guy) [COOL?] [ONESHOT] [slightly inspired by song with the same name]
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-> A Musical!Reader but with a scenario with every other character, most probably headcanons master post.
-> Genshin Food prompts: From that one post, I ended up making a whole storyline of oneshots related to their special dishes. Oneshots connected to a bigger picture. By impulse you've ended up leaving your normal life behind to pursue your cooking career, starting from Mondstadt, to learn all the cuisines to establish the first ever international restaurant. With the implications of magic and peculiar customers, your simple dream turns into a harder goal. [GOOD SHIT] [SERIES] [CANON-COMPLIANT]
-> God of Time!Reader that hails from Fontaine. Do you wish to know more about their origins and their purpose in this world? [CANON-COMPLIANT] [HEADCANONS] (General since it deals with all the characters/interactions)
94 notes · View notes
ill-skillsgard · 3 years
Blue and Yellow - Part 8 - Axel Cluney
Warning: 18+ sex/mature themes/strong language/medical themes/mentions of blood+injuries/hospitals/violence/drug and alcohol use **In this part: drug and alcohol use, violence, mentions of blood, violence/assault, mentions of alcoholism, smut**
Description: Saberrah Asta, Featherfall General’s newest nurse, finds herself entangled in the complicated life of an underground boxer with a slew of problems she can’t fix. Will Axel’s love knock out the voices telling her to run, or will their explosive romance fizzle as fast as it flourished?
Note: Thanks to everyone who continues to enjoy this series and reblogs the chapters as they come out. I really, really appreciate your support. If you can’t reblog, consider dropping a like and a comment... It really makes me happy and lets me know I’m not wasting my time posting on this website. I hope you enjoy!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
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In the ruddy glow of the UV lights, eyes stuck on a woman twirling around a powdered pole. She started the show wearing a yellow underbust corset, a ruffled skirt and a matching bikini top. The music came on, and the corset flew off with it as she sidled up to the chrome pole and arched her back until her crown touched the floor. Sabi watched the sweat drip from a man's forehead onto the edge of the stage. The dancer rolled over the droplet, absorbing the perspiration, and continued bending her body into impressive shapes.
Not all eyes focused on the yellow-clad exotic dancer commanding the stage with her long legs, nine-inch stiletto boots and stiff, blond wig. Some eyes were on the girls swapping empty cups for full ones, some on the women grinding on laps, and one set scanned the floor for lost money. One of the first things Sabi noticed about the strip club—other than its low, dark, and claustrophobic ceiling and walls—was that the carpeting around the stage littered with dollar coins. They glinted under the disco lights and beckoned her pick them up. She'd asked Axel why there were so many toonies on the floor, and he told her it was because people weren't allowed to tip with coins, and since the lowest notes were shiny fivers, the dancers often came away with a day's worth of money in two songs' time if their patrons were generous.
Sabi collected the coins, stored them in the pockets of her scrubs and until she swapped them for gin and tonics.
Arty sat on the other side of a horseshoe-shaped table, gawking up at the dancers like a boy witnessing his first Christmas tree. Only between songs did he shut his mouth and make his way over to his cousin to ask, "did you see that? Did you see her? I think she likes me. Think I should buy a dance from her?"
Axel spread out his hand and waited for Sabi to take hold. When she did, Axel pulled her from her seat and asked for a cigarette since his pack had run out on the trip to Nikki's. They went outside and stood under a neon sign of a buxom woman riding a sausage in cowboy boots. The sign flashed, and the large-breasted rider's hat came off. Axel lit his cigarette first and swapped it with Sabi's dry one.
Sabi looked around the lot, then back at Axel, who leaned against the brick wall, blowing smoke rings into the night air under the deep red glow. The weed had worn off during the ride up and left a residual sleepiness Sabi continued to chase off by flexing her toes and noticing how plain she looked, still dressed in her hospital scrubs.
"So, why do you guys call it Sticky Nikki's?" Sabi asked.
Axel's mouth tilted to one side, smiling as he exhaled. "Most people say it's because the dancers here don't shower, but it's really because of the bathrooms."
Sabi's full bladder clenched. "What about them?"
"Every surface of the bathrooms besides the toilet seats are covered with oil."
She contorted her top lip in disgust. "Um, why?"
"So people don't do coke in there."
"I don't understand."
"You can't bust lines on a greasy surface. The coke will stick and clump up. They've been raided before, so I guess they took that route. Now people just do coke in the VIP booths or in their cars."
"Wow, that's very... Innovative?"
A yellow Firebird chugged into a parking space across the lot, headlights closing before the engine cut. The vehicle caught Axel's attention, and he threw his half-smoked cigarette on the ground to stamp it out.
"Come on. Let's get back inside—"
"Oh, fuck."
"Axel! Hellooo!"
The driver stepped out of the Firebird onto the asphalt in strappy silver heels coiling up her naked shins and thighs. Her matching dress ended at her hips, revealing a small triangle of silver between her legs as she walked and urged the dress down. The unforgiving material slid back up as she trotted toward Axel and Sabi, bangles, necklace and dangling earrings jingling as she went. The woman wore a bright pink, faux fur bolero around her shoulders with her silvery hair piled high on her head. Sabi noticed large, pierced nipples straining through the Mylar dish towel of a dress and an illegible tattoo seated between her breasts.
"Oh, Bluebear! C'mere handsome! Give me a hug right now!" The thin, knobby woman threw her torso at Axel, knocking him into the brick wall. He returned a brief hug and dropped his arms, but the woman clung to him and kissed his cheek. She clutched his face and peppered his jawline with kisses. "Oh my God, I can't believe you're here! Did you come just to see me?"
Axel chuckled nervously and pushed her off with two hands on her fur-lined shoulders. The woman ignored Sabi and continued trying to land kisses on Axel's face and hands.
"Marley, calm down, Jesus," Axel said.
"I'm sorry, I just can't believe you're here. I've been thinking about you. You never call?"
"Busy. Always busy."
"Apparently not too busy to be here."
Axel nodded to his left, where Sabi stood, stunned. "You can thank her and Arty for dragging me out."
Marley gave Sabi a quick glance, then turned her attention on Axel with a broad smile full of crooked teeth. "Are you gonna watch me dance tonight?"
"No, Marley. That's weird."
"Oh, come on, Bluey! We're not related anymore since Greg and Juney divorced," she giggled. "I'm fair game."
Sabi fluttered her lashes and scoffed. "Excuse me, Marley, is it?"
"Take your fucking hands off my boyfriend."
Marley stepped back, one heel wobbling on a loose stone. Axel pressed himself flat to the wall. The vicious edge of Sabi's voice cut through the din of music filtering from the inside, leaving the three of them in strained silence. Sabi took one last puff of her cigarette and flicked it at the dancer's feet. Her last few drinks curdled her blood and pumped her chest full of adrenaline.
"Damn, you're a feisty one," said Marley with a scoff. "Axe, are you just gonna let her talk to me like that?"
Axel nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, I am. You should go inside, Marley... Before you catch hands."
"And a cold," Sabi spat, ridiculing the woman's outfit with a furrowed brow and blazing eyes.
"Wow, that's fucking rude. Can't believe you, Blue."
The front door swung open, and Arty came stumbling out with another couple of friends who'd driven up to the strip club with them. In his drunken haze, Arty missed the tension and gasped at Marley.
"Mar-Mar!" He approached her with his thick arms akimbo. Marley ducked away from the large man's embrace. "What's the matter?"
"Blue's girlfriend is the matter."
Sabi clenched her fists as the cousins murmured in surround sound. Axel caught Sabi's arm and tugged her back into the club as she twisted her neck, eyes sweltering on the blond woman. Once inside and clear of the entrance, Axel spun her to face him.
"Easy, Saberrah. Easy. Deep breath."
Instead of inhaling, Sabi launched herself at his chest, poking his sternum with a stiff finger. "I'll gouge that bitch's eyes out, Axel. I promise you!"
"No, no, no," he shook his head. "Don't. I know you're pissed, but you can't let her get to you. That's just Marley for ya. She's a dumbass."
"She's gonna be a dead dumbass!"
Axel smothered Sabi in his arms, brushed his fingers through her hair and shushed her until she stopped struggling. "Don't fucking start a fight at Sticky Nikki's, babe. You don't want to be that person."
The multi-coloured lights shifted along the walls and floor, illuminating the couple as Axel held Sabi's head in place between his hands. He ducked to kiss her in hopes some affection might disperse her anger, but it only fanned the flame.
"Who the fuck does she think she is walking up and practically making out with you? Like what the fuck is that, Axel? Have you fucked her before? Why did she do that?"
"What the fuck, Sabi? Of course, I haven't fucked my fucking cousin."
"She sure acts like there's a fucking chance!"
The bouncer at the door caught wind of the heated exchange unfolding between the bar and the tables. He snapped his thick fingers at Axel.
"Take it outside, man!"
Axel nodded, gave a courteous wave to the bouncer, and guided Sabi to a darker corner. "Babe, come on. It's done."
"No, this was a mistake. I shouldn't have let you get me drunk. We're broken up. I shouldn't even be here with you. Look what I'm wearing, Axel. This is fucking ridiculous."
Desperate terror broke Axel's composure, and he gathered her in his arms, clamping her shoulders. "Don't fucking say that. We're not broken up. Please, Sabi, don't do this to me again. I thought we were cool?"
"No, we're not fucking cool! You're a goddamn liar, and your stupid family are a bunch of fucking lunatics!"
"I know they are, I know, but please, God, just don't fucking do this, Sab. We're together. I'm here. I won't ever lie to you again, I swear on my mother's life. Can we please just forget about this and go home? Let's go home, babe."
"Why are you like this?" Sabi moaned. Her head spun, senses awash in cheap beer and liquor, anxiety mounting. She begrudged her furious outburst, but it wouldn't subside no matter how loud her inner reason screamed out to stop. "Why did I ever get involved with you?"
"Sabi, Sabi, please," Axel's tone flattened into a serious line. Sobered and despairing, Axel bent at the knees to meet her eyes, hands squeezing her arms. "Baby, I love you. I love you. Don't talk like that. Jesus, I've never loved anyone in my fucking life the way I love you. I'm sorry I'm not perfect, but please, don't do this to me again. You're just drunk, babe. Come on, we'll go home and sleep it off."
A bubble burst in Sabi's throat, and she whimpered. Close to tears, she buried her face in his chest and threw her arms around him. Axel melted into the embrace. He squeezed his eyes shut and hugged her in the UV light, white tank top glowing pale blue.
Sabi mumbled incoherently until Axel pulled away and asked what she said. She sniffled and wiped her nose, muttering, "I love you, too. I love you so much, and I hate it."
The bouncer kept eyes on the arguing couple until yelling from outside the club took priority. As the stage lights dimmed and the flaring shower of red and blue sprayed the stage, Axel took Sabi's hand and led her to a row of curtained booths. He pushed her through a heavy flap into a cubicle with a C-shaped couch and a small television on a shelf displaying a feed of the stage. To the right, on a small ledge, was an empty cup containing a few torn condom wrappers. Potlights behind the red leather sofa soaked the space and reflected off the mirrors on the ceiling and floor. Sabi chuffed as Axel pulled her close and kissed her.
"This place is disgusting, Axel."
"I fucking told you! But you wanted to come. We could have gone home and cuddled and went to bed, but you wanted to go out."
"I haven't partied in a long time. Thought it would be nice to do something fun."
"Strip clubs aren't my idea of fun," Axel said.
"What? You don't like tits in your face? Looks like the last ones in here had a great time," Sabi indicated the square foil packets in the plastic cup.
Axel sat on the lumpy cushions and pulled Sabi onto his lap. "The only tits I want in my face are yours."
"But mine aren't huge like theirs."
"You mean they're not pumped full of silicone? Oh, no," Axel rolled his eyes.
"Did you mean that?" Sabi sniffled. "Do you really love me?"
Axel stared up at her with his arms around her waist, eyes blasted open and shining as his bottom lip wobbled. "Sab... I've never loved anyone. Up until we met, I didn't think it was possible. I thought maybe I was fucked up and emotionally damaged. Maybe I saw my parents hate each other so hard, it ruined any chance of me wanting a relationship. And I'm sorry my family is so fucked up. I'm trying hard not to be like them. I've always wanted to do better, and then I met you, and everything changed. I love you."
Thunder rolled through Sabi's skull. The alcohol fuzz and adrenaline receded, exposing an agitated sore through the air of Axel's confession. She pulled his face to hers and kissed him. Axel returned the motion with a tilt of his head and two roaming hands. He hoped he was in the clear, that Sabi wouldn't turn around and chastise him or claim they weren't together. The unburdening of truth left his chest empty but warm. Axel had practiced his speech in several forms, never once thinking he'd deliver it to Sabi in the VIP booth of a strip club after she threatened to kill one of his cousins.
"Please, Axe, please... Don't lie to me ever again. I want you to tell me the truth about everything. You can't sit here and tell me you love me if you intend to lie again."
"I won't lie. I swear. You're everything to me, babe. Just stay with me. Don't say we're not together... I can't stand the sound of that."
"We are together," Sabi said, pressing her forehead to his. "We're together."
"Thank you," he whispered against her lips.
They stayed in the booth, kissing and holding each other while Aerosmith, Motley Crue and Whitesnake played over the PA system. Sequestered from their group, the couple talked shit about Axel's cousins and poked fun at themselves for indulging the white trash rhapsody they so often condemned. Sabi fought off her sleepiness by teasing Axel until he couldn't stand her grinding and whispers. Still, her intoxication erased all bashfulness, and she climbed off his lap to dance for him when Cherry Pie by Warrant blasted over the sound system.
"Oh, nurse, are you gonna make me feel better?" Axel asked.
"My routine is all method. Nurse by day, slut by night," Sabi giggled.
"I like that. You should get up on that stage and shake that sweet booty. Show those girls what it's all about."
Sabi whirled around, cheeks prickling red. "No way. I'm not dancing in front of those gross old dudes and your cousins."
Axel chuckled until he sighed. "Speaking of my stupid-ass cousins... We should probably find them. I'm about ready to split from this festering anal scab. What do you think?"
"It would be nice to get out of these scrubs. I feel like a total nerd."
"You wear it well, babe. Real well."
The two left the booth, skirted the tables and found Arty engaged in conversation with Jack, another one of their cousins, at the opposite corner of the club. For once, Arty wasn't gawping at the dancers but motoring through an explanation until he caught sight of Axel and Sabi. He slammed his fist on the table, startling Jack and sloshing beer over the plastic cups.
"There you fucking are! Christ, I was looking all over for you! Thought you left until I saw the Monte still in the lot. Where the fuck have you been?"
"We were just talking."
"Marley's pissed. Said she's gonna have the guys throw you both out."
Axel jeered. "Yeah, whatever. Marley's a fucking cunt, and we're about ready to take off anyway."
"Hey, I got a little something, Axe. Wanna pitch on this gram?"
Sabi cocked her head until Arty flashed a small vial he'd been holding in his meaty palm. She looked to Axel, then back at Arty, who pumped his eyebrows. Jack, their younger, skinnier and quieter cousin, hid a grin behind a crudely tattooed fist. It clicked then that the two had already partaken, and the full effects motored through their mouths and tapping feet.
"Man, fuck that shit," Axel said.
Sabi's heart raced. She'd never seen cocaine before, and the thought of Axel snorting drugs filled her with an itchy sensation that wasn't as worrisome as she thought. Memories of overdose patients riddled her brain, drowned only by the glamour and taboo of the powder in Arty's hand. She pinched the inside of her cheek between her teeth and looked up at Axel, squeezing his hand.
"What? You wanna do some?" He asked in a lowered voice.
"I don't know," Sabi shrugged. "I've never tried it before."
"It's really not that great."
"Come on, Blue."
Axel let out a hiss of air. "You only want me to so I'll pitch on it."
"Nah, you don't have to. My treat," said Arty. "You don't owe me for the 'dro either. You guys said you wanted to party, so let's fucking party."
Inside the Monte Carlo, Arty and Jack took the backseats, and Sabi sat upfront while Axel dipped his house key into the vial. Arty and Jack had already tipped a pinch onto the backs of their hands and shot it up their nostrils with ease, roiling their noses around and sniffling as the substance absorbed. The key came out with a small white peak and soon disappeared up Axel's right nostril. He sat back, eyes wide as he sniffled and cleared his throat, blinking wildly until he smiled and looked back at his cousins.
"Right? It's good blow. None of that fenny bullshit. Don't worry, we already tested it."
Jack tapped the fanny pack around his waist. "Naloxone, just in case. Playin' it smart after Tracy."
Arty sighed, "rest in peace."
Sabi's palms and feet moistened as Axel dipped the key in the vial again and came up with a much smaller amount of powder. He twisted in the seat and handed the vial to Arty. "Ready?"
"Um... I don't really know what to do," said Sabi.
"Here," Axel pressed her left nostril shut with the tip of his middle finger. "When I say so, inhale like you're trying to hawk a loogie."
Sabi made a look of disgust until Axel brought the edge of the key to her nose.
"Okay, go."
Powder shot into her nasal cavity, coating the walls and setting off her salivary glands. After a few seconds, she felt her nose dripping and sucked the fluid back until her throat went numb. She hauled the mucus into her mouth and swallowed, then ran her tongue over her teeth and gums, feeling nothing.
"Did I do it right?" She asked as her eyelids drew back, and the lethargy gave way to an intense rush of energy.
Axel and his cousins tittered. "Yeah, babe. You did it right."
"Am I supposed to feel like my head is numb?"
"Yes, ma'am," said Jack. "Funny feeling at first, but you'll get used to that. It goes away pretty soon."
Axel shook his head. "Nah, there's nothing to get used to. This is a one-time thing. Just for shits and giggles, okay?"
"Okay," said Sabi as Axel grabbed her hand and squeezed.
In minutes, Sabi's top row of teeth pressed down. Her heart thumped in her chest like a spastic drum, and a sudden urge to kiss Axel overcame her. She leaned forward and crushed her mouth to his, only pulling back when a worried grunt left Arty's throat.
Ahead of the car, a muscular man wearing a braided mohawk stomped out of the club with Marley in tow. The blond pointed directly at the Monte Carlo as another pair of men followed out the door. The one with the mohawk clenched his fists and stomped toward the car, snarling viciously. He rose the hammer of his fist and brought it down in the hood of Axel's prized ride.
"I don't fucking think so," Axel said. "Arty, Jack!"
Arty opened the door and was halfway on the pavement when Axel shot out.
"Yo, what the fuck, man?" Axel yelled.
"You piece of shit! Get the fuck out of here, you pussy bitch!" Marley screeched. "And take your ugly slob of a girlfriend with you!"
Sabi choked on her battering pulse as Axel widened his stance, opening his arms in invitation. Axel chuckled at his assailant, which only toughened the menace on his face.
Axel taunted him. "Come on, cocksucker. I dare you to take your shot. I'll give you one good one, then I'll fuck your shit up so bad your crackhead mom won't recognize you,"
"Get him, Brian!"
"You're making a big fucking mistake. That's the Cobra, ya fuckin' idiot. He's a pro boxer! Like, you're gonna die, dude!" Arty laughed.
"Fuck off, Arty!" Marley stepped up to her cousin but met a wall.
"Why don't you go back inside and suck some meth-head cock for rent? Ya fuckin' slut."
The people gathering around reminded Sabi of Axel's illegal basement fight. Their taunting and jeers sounded just like the rousing of the crowd. Axel bounced on his toes, beckoning the guy with a cocky smirk plastered on his face. "Come on. Hit me, pussy. I want you to!"
Arty wrestled with Marley until the man took a swing at Axel's face. The boxer dodged the punch and reciprocated as fast as a jolt of lightning, throwing a hook that sent him stumbling backward. A stream of blood burst from his nose. With his fists up, Axel cackled and shifted back and forth, throwing jabs to the air.
"Aw, fuck yeah! Come on, pussy! Let's see if you can land one on me!" He stood still and tapped his cheek. "Right here, motherfucker."
"Fuck him up, Blue!"
Sabi had enough. Her limbs tingled while she got out of the car and took a running start at Marley, who was yelling for her protector to hit Axel. She wound her arm, closed her eyes and thrust forth in a blind fury. When she opened her eyes, Marley had toppled onto her ass, screaming and clutching her face. Her accomplices froze, and the lot went quiet for a breath. Then the doors flew open, and 3 security guards ran out. Sabi scrambled back into the car, chugging air and shaking. She stared at her quaking hands and saw blood on her knuckles. By the time the security made it to the vehicle, Axel had jumped in and locked the doors.
"Holy shit, babe. Holy shit!"
The bouncer who had yelled at them earlier to take their arguing elsewhere banged on Axel's window.
"Out of the car, motherfucker!"
Axel threw up his hands in a shrug. "No can do, muchacho!"
He turned on the engine, throwing light over the group. One guard smacked the hood while the others gathered around Marley to help her stand.
"Oh, Jesus, Axe. What if I broke her nose?"
"I hope you did. Now, let's get the fuck outta here."
Axel revved the engine, threatening to pull forward despite the human barricade in front of the car. He laid on the horn, deafening the yelling into inaudible chaos, then revved again. Pulling forth an inch, the guards and screaming members of the Cluney family dispersed, and once the way was clear, Axel peeled out of the parking lot and sped onto the road toward the city.
 The couple hollered and laughed, speeding down the country line. On the crest of a hill, Axel spotted flashing lights in the distance. He slowed the car and held his breath while Sabi squeezed his thigh. He pulled to the shoulder and waited for the police cruiser to pass. Axel watched in the rearview, then twisted around until the lights disappeared. They both let out heavy sighs of relief.
"Christ Almighty... That was fucking insane."
Sabi held up her quivering hands. "I... I can't believe I did that. Axel, I punched your cousin in the face!"
"You punched through her face. Through it. Fuck! I've never seen a girl rock someone that goddamn hard in my life. It was like... All slow motion for a second. Everyone just stopped."
"Oh my God... Am I gonna go to jail?"
Axel tossed his head back with laughter, clapping Sabi's thigh. "No, babe. You're not going to jail."
"What about your cousins? What if they tell the cops I assaulted her?"
"They got no proof. Well, except the epic shiner Marley's gonna have. But it's Sticky's. Nobody cares if some stripper gets popped in the mug. Happens all the time. It's par for the course, baby. Don't worry."
"Fuck, I think I get why you fight now. I feel so gangster."
"That was so hot, Sab. Not gonna lie. I'm totally switched on."
"Me too."
"I'm not kidding. Look," Axel nodded at his erection pressing against his jeans.
The Monte Carlo slowed over a rocky strip, chucking pebbles and dirt into the stream of the headlights. Axel eased the machine to a stop beside a line of pine trees, hidden from the road going South but exposed to the North. He didn't care. Not when Sabi had her hand buried in his pants, toying with his cock. A moment after he cut the engine, Axel whipped off his seatbelt and chased Sabi to the backseat where the stick shift didn't obscure their reach for each other. Once comfortably splayed on the seat, she tore open his jeans while he lifted his hips. His chucks were another roadblock easily vanquished in their haste to undress. Axel kept his tank top on, lifted Sabi's over her breasts, and pulled down her bra to suck her nipples into his mouth.
"Axe, don't come inside me."
"I won't, baby."
He slipped inside of her, senses heightened by the drugs and adrenaline still raging through his veins. The sensation of her wetness wringing true around his length made him shiver and burn.
"Fucking you without a condom is so much better. Christ, I don't believe what I've been missing."
Axel propped her on his groin, one foot behind either seat as he sank low enough to thrust without bumping her head on the roof of the car. A moan burst from his mouth. He rested his palms on her hips and let his eyes roll from the pleasure of the slick sounds, the wetness coating his length, her dew clinging to his pubic hair.
"Love it when you ride me. God, you have no idea how good that feels, baby."
Despite his claims, Axel lifted Sabi and placed her on her back so he could deliver several harsh thrusts. The cocaine seated his teeth together, imbued him with enough stamina to rock until the car joined in with the momentum. Desensitized, Axel continued the motion, hovering inches above her, pressing kisses to her lips and cheeks.
"Do you love me?"
Sabi stared at the man above her, plunging into her, squeezing her breasts and burying his face between them. Some gelled pieces of his hair fell out of place until she smoothed her palm over his crown.
"Yes... I love you, Axel."
"You sure?" He grunted.
"I'm positive."
"Even though I'm trash? Even though you're better than me?"
"I'm not better than you. What are you saying?"
"Yes, you are. You're perfect. I never wanna lose you. Please, don't say you love me unless you really mean it. Unless you can't live without me."
"I don't want to be without you."
"I promise."
"Promise you'll love me no matter what."
Sabi giggled as though Axel made a joke. He stopped thrusting, laid his head on her chest and took a deep breath of her sweat and perfume. "I'm for real, Sabberah. Don't leave me again."
"I won't," she said in a small voice. "I love you, Axe. Why do you think I'm here?"
"'Cause, we're drunk and on drugs. I'm afraid you'll wake up sober tomorrow and realize you made a mistake."
Sabi propped her upper body on her elbows and clicked her tongue. "Don't give me a reason to feel like I made a mistake then."
"I won't. I won't, baby, I promise."
"Okay. Good. Now shut up and fuck me hard, you bad, bad man."
The sky was a gradient of royal blue and violet, crisping along the edge of the horizon when the couple untangled and drove into town. Rundown and exhausted from the night's events, they agreed on a local eatery called Ronnie's Poutine Palace for a needed meal. They wandered into the tiny restaurant and avoided the old man staring at them from the corner behind a newspaper. Sabi felt the grease clinging to her scalp, the sleep pulling her eyes, and the vapour from the grills only made it worse.
The restaurant seemed built into a wide hallway with only a few tables and a flaking mural of a chef caricature holding a dripping plate of fries and gravy. Underneath the cartoon chef, the wall advertised forty different kinds of poutine ranging from classic to mixtures that made Sabi's stomach gurgle unpleasantly. They served all-day breakfast and homemade Pogos and pastries. That morning, the pastry case was bereft of any of the advertised eclairs and cupcakes.
A young, gap-toothed girl came to take their order. Axel requested two coffees, a breakfast poutine and then turned to Sabi with shaded eyes. "What do you want, babe?"
"I'll have the French toast," Sabi said.
"Would you like any powdered sugar or strawberries? They're fresh. Just picked them from Cate's Farm yesterday."
Sabi nodded. "Sold. Uh, hold the sugar, though. Just berries. And maple syrup, please, if you have it."
"Of course."
Axel pulled out a twenty-dollar bill and instructed the girl to keep the change, then added a few dollars to the tip jar. Sabi rooted around in her pockets and found a sticky toonie to add.
"That's nice of you," Sabi commented.
"This place has cured some major hangovers in my day. I owe them my life."
The girl at the counter nodded. "We're open twenty-four hours and deliver all night. This city runs on our poutine."
Axel smiled, wheeling Sabi to a table near the front window.
They dug into their food when it arrived, Axel hacking the fried egg in half, so the yolk spilled over a pile of the greasiest fries Sabi had ever seen. She grimaced as he poked half a breakfast link in his mouth.
"Why not just have breakfast? Why taint perfectly good poutine?" Sabi asked.
"Because you don't just go to Ronnie's and not get poutine. Look at the size of this thing, and for eight bucks? Come on. You can't beat that."
Sabi prodded a heart-shaped strawberry with the tines of her fork and swirled it in a ramekin of syrup before eating it. Axel pointed at the stack of fried bread.
"Now that's gross. I don't know how you can stomach sugar right now. I'd barf."
"French toast is the tits. Don't hate."
"Yeah, but strawberries in syrup? You're weird, kid."
"You're weird. That yolk is all mixed in with the gravy. And the cheese. It's like slime."
Axel made a purposeful slurping sound, grating her nerves. She scrunched her nose and turned away to chew a mouthful of toast without the imagery.
They sipped coffee and ate as much as their stomachs could handle. Sabi blew her nose into a napkin and paled at the white snot. She sniffed the dried, flaky remnants of coke clinging to her nose hairs and smothered a sneeze with the back of her hand. "God, I feel like ass."
"Well, you look great."
Sabi looked down at her wrinkled work uniform. "I've been wearing the same outfit for a full twenty-four hours. How can you even say that?"
"'Cause I love ya."
"Stop," she angled her face.
"What? I don't care what you're wearing, and neither does anyone else. You look cute. Little rough, but we had a long night, didn't we Muhammed Ali?"
"Don't remind me."
Axel put down his fork and wiped his face with a napkin. "Hey, listen. Speaking of that... I wanted to talk to you about... The boxing."
"I'm not becoming a professional boxer, Axel. I already told you."
"No, not that. I mean, I wanna talk about my situation."
"Oh," Sabi chirped.
Axel took in a monumental breath, laid his hands flat on the table and gazed into her eyes until he was sure he had her attention. "I want to be honest with you and say I have no intention of stopping right now. I have a few more fights—"
"Wait, Axel, before you say anything, I have something to tell you as well. That night when I broke up with you for lying to me... I was at the fight. I watched you beat that guy."
"What? You're serious?"
"Yeah. I went out to the corner store for snacks and passed the gym you said you work at, but it was closed. I thought maybe you lied and had gone somewhere else. Maybe to another girl's place or something."
"Sabi, no."
"That's just what I thought. I know you wouldn't cheat on me. Anyway, I went around back, and some guy asked if I wanted to come in for the fight. It all just clicked in at that point. So, I went down there."
"Christ," Axel pinched between his eyebrows. "I don't want you around those maniacs."
Sabi pulled her phone from her pocket and scrolled through a few pictures until she found the flyer she'd found on the street with Axel's face on it. She held up the screen for him to see.
"What about this? This looks legitimate. You said you don't fight professionally anymore, but why not? You could be something if you tried."
Axel shook his head. "That was a while back."
"So, what? You can do what you love, Axel. Nothing's stopping you."
"Plenty is stopping me, Sab."
"Like what?"
"Like money."
"What do you mean?"
Axel pointed at her phone, grimacing. "See, that fight earned me three-hundred bucks. Do you know how much that fight at Vince's got me?"
"Three thousand."
"Yeah, and that was on the lower end of the scale. Three thousand for three minutes in the ring."
"But what good is that money if you get busted?"
Axel snickered and stuck out his hand for her to take. "Babe... There's a lot about Featherfall you don't know yet. We don't get busted. Half those bets were cops, lawyers, and shit. Bikers."
"Doctors?" Asked Sabi.
"That's another thing,” Axel said. “Farber... You obviously know him from work."
"I do."
"I don't want you tangled in that life, and Farber won't want one of his subordinates knowing his business."
"Little too late for that," Sabi muttered.
"I'm serious, Sab. Some of those guys are real dangerous."
Sabi leered. "Rufus Farber?"
"Maybe not him on his own, but you don't know the types he runs with."
"Well, I know you, don't I? Are you one of the dangerous types?"
"I'm the type that has debts to pay and doesn't want his girlfriend getting involved in the mess."
"What debts?"
"I don't know, just debts."
Sabi sat back in the booth and crossed her arms. "Thought we were being honest with each other?"
"Look, I don't want to talk about it here," Axel gestured at the old man at the other side of the dining area staring at them. He leaned closer, and under his breath, said, "my mom owes some money. I'm trying to dig her out of the hole before she kicks the bucket."
"What kind of debt?"
"Just tell me."
"The house. The bills. Shit, before I met you, the city shut her water off. She's so fucked, she can't work. My dad left money when he died for her to retire, and she drank and partied it away. So, now I'm cleaning up that mess."
Sabi went quiet for a while, and Axel picked up his fork and combed through the remaining fries for bits of bacon.
"I'm sorry your mom was an alcoholic."
"Is an alcoholic," Axel corrected. "She'll always be one."
"Babe... You're amazing. Helping your mom like that is a testament to how generous and kind you are. I just wish you could help her more legitimately."
"Nothing more legitimate than cash, Sab. That, and how much I love you and need you to stay out of this. Let me figure it out. I don't want you at any more fights."
"Well, I don't want you at them either."
"I have to. I'm locked in for another three matches."
"What if I help you? I make decent money. I can help with her bills."
"You help enough already. Keep your money. It's done, babe. I'm in it for a little while, then I'm out. Maybe I'll go legit after, and you can come watch me fight."
"I've seen it. You're fierce. I never knew you could move that quickly."
"They don't call me Cobra for nothing."
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imonthinice · 3 years
The Criminal Psychology Majors, Jason Todd x Fem!Reader Part 9/?
Word Count: 1.7k
Author’s Note: Y/N- Your Name, A/N - Any Name (Your Best Friend’s Name)
I am sorry. lmao.
Half of my links are glitched tf out fuck this shit, touched grass yesterday but that grind don’t fuckin stop babey
Warnings: Angst - Injury, Description of said injury, Mentions of Jason’s past, Swearing, Dark Themes, no beta bitch we die like Jason Todd
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 9) (Part 10) (Part 11) (Part 12) (Part 13) (Part 14) (Part 15) (Part 16) (Part 17) (Part 18) (Part 19) (Part 20)
Jason clutched his right side as he gasped for a long breath of the cold, rainy air surrounding him. Everything hurt and he could barely move enough to text Dick that he was down. He would hold and add pressure to the stab wound sitting directly on his waist, but he could feel the blood seeping through the gaps in his fingers as he held it. His hands were covered by the blood and he was losing it fast.
He wasn’t going to walk this off by any means, he was going to need Dick to go get him and bring him back to the hospital wing of the Batcave because he couldn’t move and he felt his eyes drooping as he waiting and tried to keep his breathing in check, while Dick was scrambling to go get him.
There would be a few questions he would have to answer to Y/N. Not even just Y/N, to Lian, his Goddaughter, who he was planning on seeing in the morning since Y/N was going to a dance competition, or at least he thought she was.
But in that moment, so many memories flew back into his head, the hopelessness as he sat there for a few seconds, bleeding out after the explosion that Joker had set off on him. And then the minutes in the Lazarus Pit as he drowned himself back to life, the water filling his lungs as he cried and screamed. But no one came.
This time, however, Dick came.
Dick swooped his baby brother up and onto his back and he tried to run to the Batmobile as fast as he could, knowing time was of the essence for saving Jason’s life. Jason had broke off from Dick for a few seconds before this moment, and it was the only thing Dick was worried about. That Dick had said to come back to him, alive.
In the car, Dick put his hands on Jason's gaping wound, trying to press his hands into it as well to slow the bleeding, the Batmobile had the ability to drive itself, and Dick thanked whatever God was watching that it did. Jason was struggling for breath at this moment, and Dick was terrified.
“You’re going to be oaky, Jase. I swear. Please. Don’t die on me, it feels like yesterday that I got you back,” he leaned into Jason’s face, “Not again, please,” Dick begged and begged as he rushed Jason to Alfred, who was waiting to operate on Jason.
Y/N woke up as always, this time, without a text from Jason. She thought nothing of it, thinking he was safe in his house with his loving family. She went to go get coffee to kick start her day, and A/N wasn’t in the kitchen. She, still, thought nothing of it, since A/N’s lover was over the night before and she had to turn up her music to ignore the sounds coming from the other side of the house. She sent Jason a quick text,
Good morning, Jay. I hope you slept well.
And she returned to her room, coffee in hand, to write some quick little stories about  what she had placed in her journal. Not many of the ideas in there were able to be built off of, but she still tried her best with every idea she had, to see if it could be something more.
It normally never was, but it was always something she craved. The ideas of writing a book always enticed her, but she never thought she was talented enough to do so.
She heard her roommate’s door open and then the front door as A/N waved off her lover. It was a quiet Saturday morning, and Y/N loved that as she dove further and further into her work, immersing herself in the story of two lovers who were destined to meet after one moved to the hometown of the other to pursue criminal psychology.
She couldn’t get her mind off of Jason. They hadn’t even known each other for a week but she knew he was worth her time. A few hours passed by from when she sent the first text.
Dick held Jason’s hand as he was hooked up to many different machines, he could breathe on his own, but the IV and the blood bags were hard to keep Dick’s eyes off of. If only I had been watching a little closer, he thought.
Jason fumbled in his pain-induced sleep, moaning and groaning as he did so when he opened his eyes to find a worried, sleep-deprived and very rough-looking Dick at his bedside, to which, Dick collapsed on Jason in a hug.
“Thank God,” Dick breathed.
“What... what the fuck.... what the fuck happened?” Jason stuttered, like a blanket of sleep and drugs had limited his mobility and brain function.
“I don’t know, Jase. That’s what I was hoping you’d tell me, but then again, your blood alcohol level was suspicious.”
“I... I didn’t drink... drink that much.”
“No, you didn’t. But you did drink, who was with you?”
“I don’t... know.”
“I think you were roofied so they could get the upper hand on you. You almost died, Jase.”
“Come...c’mere,” Jason managed to say, and when Dick came to him, he moved on of his hands onto Dick’s cheek, “Big... big annoying... big little annoying brother.”
“Shhhhhh, little wing,” Dick comforted his little brother, “You weren’t supposed to grow that much taller than me,” he laughed, “Dickhead,” he laughed again, then sighed, and stepped back from Jason to pace back and forth, he was stressed, “I told Roy-”
“Will, sorry. I told Will that you won’t be able to see Lian today, he asked what happened, he might drop by.”
“He should... shouldn’t have to... see me this... this way,” Jason said, eyes pooling with tears, “No one... should.”
“Don’t know how we’re going to explain this to your little girlfriend.”
“Oh... Man... I like... I like her.”
“I know you do, and that’s an issue when you’re high as a kite in a hospital bed, bleeding out, Jase,” Dick tried to explain, “Especially when she doesn’t know you’re Red Hood, dumbass.”
“Oh,” he said.
“I know, Jase. If it was me and Barbara didn’t know, I wouldn’t know what to do,” he sighed, “Haven’t even met this girl,” he laughed.
“It’s... it’s only been... 5 days,” he stuttered.
“and 3 back-to-back, multiple hour, spanning days, worth of dates. You don’t do that with someone you don’t think should meet your family.”
“You’re... stubborn.”
“And you’re my brother. It doesn’t take blood to exhibit the same traits.”
“The meds... are... are wearing off.”
“Do you need more?”
“Not... yet,” he struggled with his words, “Phone?”
“I mean, yeah I can give you your phone,” Dick said as he went to go unplug and hand Jason his phone, realizing that Y/N had texted Jason he said, “Guess you have someone who wants to know where you are more than Will does.”
“Will cares,” Jason said as he took the phone and read Y/N’s text,
I guess it isn’t morning anymore, huh.
Well that’s on me for texting you at 6 in the morning after I know you’ve been working late.
And I’m going to see my Goddaughter today, so I’ve been sleeping in to preserve energy for her.
Can’t forget that she’s what, 1 year old? Girl must have a lot of energy.
Her name’s Lian, and yeah. She’s a ball of energy.
He said as Lian and her dad, Will, formerly known as Roy, walked into the hospital wing of the Batcave. The secret wasn’t hidden to the little girl yet because she couldn’t remember a lot. But, she sure did recognize her Uncle Jay when she screamed her name.
Will brought his daughter up and put her beside her Uncle, and she cuddled into him, he would hold her back.
“Hey... Will.”
“You look like shit, Jaybird.”
“I feel... feel like shit.”
“You’re also talking slow, bud.”
“Drugs... do that... Will.”
“At least you’re not dead, I have no idea how I’d cope or even explain that to Lian.”
“She... she has your... eyes.”
“She’s growing into my nose too.”
“Your nose... looks like shit... on your face.”
“Okay, dickhead. You’re bedridden but yeah, attack me like you used to, I’ll just pull the plug.”
“Lian... would hate you... you for that,” he groaned as he said it.
“Do you need more drugs? I can tell Dick,” Will asked.
“Yeah... I think-”
“Don’t worry about finishing that, Jaybird. I got you.”
The wet ground surrounding the house Y/N lived in was a representation of what she considered, the bad things, washing away from her life as she got to know Jason more. She wished they could talk more that day, but she did not want to take away time from him and his Goddaughter. Family matters a lot to Y/N, so a thought like that just seemed selfish for her to think when she knew that little girl needed him.
She didn’t think he got injured or anything from the Office, it was a safer place than the fuckin Wayne Manor hallways. She texted Artemis,
So, you’re Wally’s girlfriend, and Wally is Dick’s best friend? Am I hearing you right?
That’s basically the intertwine we have here, yes.
So once you’re in this family, you’re IN, huh?
Not a chance.
The thrill of flipping off pap hasn’t left you yet?
Does everyone know about that? And yes, it’s still massively fun to do.
Wally says Dick is the only one who doesn’t think its that funny.
C’mon now, that’s my best friend, but yeah, that’s pretty fucking lame.
You’re the fun best friend, then. You see the fun in making a fool of the pap.
You know it.
Artemis knew of what happened on patrol between Jason and his unknown attacker. Dick had told Artemis to distract Y/N from wondering why Jason seemed drunk, if he seemed drunk. The extents they went to to hide the fact that they were the vigilantes protecting the city, they didn’t know if she was going to be able to keep the secret.
Jason would talk to her after that message,
That storm last night was terrible.
I wish that we were together when it happened. I hate lightning.
Well, you were in Cali.
Did I not tell you? My competition was cancelled because the entire country is fucked with weather.
Oh. That sucks.
Do you want to spend the night here?
Do you want to spend the night here?
Jason stared at that text for a while. He did, he wanted to spend the night with her, but he was in pain, hooked to machines, with obvious wounds and bandages. He couldn’t spend the night with her.
I can’t. I’m in Metropolis with Will and Lian. Can we reschedule?
Of course we can. As long as you make sure we actually get to spend the night together.
He asked Dick in that moment, “How... how long... long til I heal?”
“Depends. You’ll be okay-ish in 5 days, but in 7-10 we have to take out your stitches if you’ve been taking care of them,” he said.
“That... that long? Damn.”
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katsukisbimbo · 4 years
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Fight Me
✯ Hashibira Inosuke x Strong! Fem! Reader
✯ genre: crack!!!! kind of strangers-to-friends-to-lovers au? kinda ooc characters but it do be like dat
✯ summary: inosuke likes girls that can put him in his place
✯ wordcount: 2.0k +
note: this was a request by @ahegaoapril sorry if it took me so long to write it!! i had to rewatch some of kny to get the events right but i hope you enjoy!!
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- okay so
- you first met tanjirou when you were making your way to the drum house
- you saw that he was a fellow demon slayer so why not stick with each other yknow
- teamwork makes the dream work
- “hi i’m y/l/n y/n!! what’s your name??”
- “i’m kamado tanjirou!! how old are you??” you tell him your age and luckily you guys were close to each other’s ages
- omg!!
- new bffs
- but then you could sense the presence of a demon coming from the box tanjirou was carrying on his back
- and he’s like
- ruh roh
- o.o
- “aHHhsjd you don’t have to tell me anything if you don’t want to!! feel free to tell me whenever you’re ready!!”
- and he’s just uwuing
- because wow you’re so nice
- he’s gonna l o v e being your friend
- on your way up the mountain you see a blonde simp trying to harass a girl into marrying him
- sigh
- simps
- you notice that he’s wearing the demon slayer uniform
- ‘do they accept just anyone in the demon slayers’
- you and tanjirou make your way over to them and try to pull the simp off of the poor girl
- “hEY gEt off hEr rIghT nOw”
- “please marry me i’m so weak please i need you to protect me you’re so beautifu-“
- you grab the weirdo and fling him away from the girl
- she thanks you and starts being the crap out of him and honestly you couldn’t find the kindness in yourself to stop her
- eh
- it ez what it ez
- he goes on crying about how he was weak and how he needed a wife until
- but before he could go on you shoved him onto the floor making him eat dirt (poor baby)
- time skip becuase zenitsu is too chaotic
- you guys made your way up the mountain
- whew
- you need to work out more
- y/n’s stamina said: no
- after you guys got to the drum house you saw two little kids crying and hugging each other but suddenly a kid fell out the window
- you turned to shield the kids’ eyes so that they wouldn’t be able to see
- you, tanjirou, and zenitsu made your way inside of the house, sensing berko is demons on your way in
- you sadly got seperated from zenitsu and tanjirou
- sigh
- what nOW
- and you suddenly see a fucking guy with a boar mask
- luckily it just breezes past you and goes on a rampage
- ...
- when you got out you saw a beaten up zenitsu shielding tanjirou’s box from the boar mans relentless kicks
- oh no
- you fly into action and kick the shit outta the boar man
- but tanjirou suddenly comes out and yells at you to stop and that demon slayers weren’t allowed to raise their blades against one another
- who said that you were gonna be fighting with swords
- “the hate u give little infants fucks everyone” -2pac
- y/n: *proceeds to beat the shit out of the boar dude and successfully knocks him out with one kick to the back of its head”
- ...
- pending....
- loading....
- after inosuke woke up he threatened to beat the shit out of you but you just ignored him and continued to help tanjirou and zenitsu bring the bodies back outside
- after burying everyone, you guys decided to make your way to the wisteria house to get some rest and heal up
- on the way there and during your stay there inosuke wouldn’t leave you the fuck alone
- “no”
- “wHY NOT”
- “cuz i’m stronger than you, you’ll just hurt yourself. we’re here to rest”
- cue inosuke screaming and lunging at you
- but nah you weren’t bout it
- you simply side stepped and turned to jump inosuke and pin him down
- “give it up pretty boy”
- *boomboom*
- huh
- what was this
- why did inosuke feel his heart beat a little faster
- what was this feeling
- eh
- he’s probably just hungry
- ...
- you, inosuke, and tanjirou are currently battling the spider dad
- both tanjirou and inosuke make a move to slash at spider daddy’s arms but they were too tough, you quickly ran towards them successfully slashing the demons right arm
- “and? life is hard, but you get through it”
- wise words by y/l/n y/n
- life do be hard doe
- anyways
- inosuke felt his heart beat a little faster in his chest,,,what did that mean?? is he tired or something?? but why did seeing you cut spider daddy’s arm make his heart go boom boom
- as the battle goes on, tanjirou was yEETED to the next dimension, leaving only you and inosuke to fight against daddy long legs
- hah as if you’d die without confessing to inosuke
- huh
- wait what
- hehe
- your thoughts are suddenly interrupted when spidaddy suddenly lunges at you but you were luckily able to get out of the way
- :(
- after some time inosuke was able to slice through arachne daddy’s arms but it suddenly ran away
- “oi inosuke lets go”
- boom boom
- there it was AGAIN
- maybe he needed to see a doctor
- you follow the demon only to see it shedding its skin and regaining its arm back
- what the fuck
- you glance at inosuke but he isn’t budging
- you’re suddenly filled with fear when you realize that inosuke was accepting the fact that he was going to be defeated
- you were about to yell at him until
- “no way am i going to lose. i’m hashibira inosuke of the demon slaying corps!”
- whew
- you let inosuke take the lead as you knew that he was filled with new determination to kill this demon and get you two to safety
- but when the demon got its hands on inosuke you were suddenly filled with an immeasurable amount of rage
- you lunged at the demon and stabbed your blades into both of its shoulders
- it let out a piercing scream as you dig your blades even further into its flesh
- but suddenly a flash and inosuke was on the floor with the demons arms
- you turned your head and saw the water pillar, tomioka giyuu
- “gIyUU-SAN thank god!! could you please finish him off? i need to fix inosuke up” and he just nods at you and gets crack-a-lackin
- he defeats spider daddy in a span of 2 seconds while you and inosuke are mesmerized by his skill and technique
- as he makes his way deeper in the woods he is stopped by inosuke calling out to him
- and at that point you were too tired and exhausted to listen to inosuke or to baby sit him
- so you knock him out and smile sheepishly at giyuu
- after giyuu left, all the exhaustion seeps into your bones causing you to pass out right on top of inosuke, making you unconsciously snuggle into his chest
- by the time you wake up you were already at shinobu’s butterfly estate. surprisingly you were the first one up from your friends
- you looked at the bed beside yours and saw that you were in between zenitsu and inosuke
- you slowly slipped out of bed and sat on inosuke’s
- dumbass still had his mask on
- you slowly examine his body to see how his wounds were healing and they were healing pretty well
- you moved your hands to touch his own, feeling how warm and rough they were from long hours of practicing his swordsmanship
- “ehem”
- you quickly drop inosuke’s hand and turn your head to see a short armed zenitsu smirking at you
- “hehe you like him don’t you”
- >:)
- “and if i do? what about it?”
- 0o0
- zenitsu didn’t think that you’d actually admit it
- “hey, there’s nothing wrong with liking him. it’s normal. you guys would be cute together”
- “i-i s-shUT UP,,, but thanks zenitsu,,, do you really think he’d like me back though?”
- “of course he does y/n, you’re strong beautiful, intelligent, and skilled! he’d be stupid to not like you”
- aWH
- zenitsu could be really cute sometimes
- but what you two didn’t know was that inosuke was awake the w h o l e time
- and he was BLUSHING so HARD under his mask omg
- ceo of tomatoes
- this was yours and zenitsu’s little secret
- after all of you had healed up you noticed that inosuke was a little clingier towards you
- whenever you guys ate he would give you a piece of HIS tempura and he never does that???
- and whenever you two are sparring he always has this look in his eye, like he was looking at something so precious to him
- eh maybe it was just the lighting
- he wouldn’t have feelings for you
- was what you thought until you overheard the three musketeers talking
- “kentaro,,, is it normal for my heart to go really fast when i see y/n?? she’s really strong and i really like that. i love fighting with her and i wanna be as strong as her. but whenever we fight i get chest pains and my tummy feels weird. am i sick?”
- and zenitsu and tanjirou are just like
- ‘r u an idiot lol’
- but this is inosuke
- “listen inosuke, i think you like y/n,, maybe even love her,,”
- wHA
- bruh you’re being punkd tell the cameras to come out right now
- this has to be a JOKE
- before you could stop yourself your body already made its way into the room they were in and slid the door open
- *bANG*
- and suddenly the three of them are jumping into the air
- but when they see that it’s you, zenitsu and tanjirou make their way out, leaving you and inosuke by yourselves
- “so i hear-“
- “i think i love you”
- what
- the
- fuck
- did he just say he loved you
- or did you have some sort of brain damage
- “i think you’re really pretty and you’re so strong that you don’t even seem to break a sweat when you kick my ass. i really like fighting with you but when i do,, looking at you makes me feel all weird and tingly”
- 0.0
- you suddenly lunge at inosuke and hug him and he hesitantly puts his arms around you
- “i think i love you too bakanosuke”
- cue tanjirou and zenitsu cheering
- “i still won’t go easy on you when we’re sparring though”
- “good, i don’t want you to”
383 notes · View notes
Voicemail: Part 3
Hawks x reader 
A/n: I swear I am alive, I'm just getting my shit together for college. Anyways have my half-assed attempt at a story plot. I stopped here because I'm going through sad hours and that was really going to affect the rest of the story if I continued, I mean it still might be i’m not sure. No clue how gently I feel like being to everyone's feelings for the last chapter (don’t worry I make myself suffer too).
Part 1
Part 2
-Part 3-
Part 4
“Not alive at least. They never come back alive.”
Hawks may not have been in the facility anymore, but he could still hear the words through the speaker. After all feathers weren’t the only thing he inherited from the avian species. In-fact, a lot of predatory bird-like qualities were passed down to him, none of which were proving to be any aid.
Endeavor exited the facility talking to some of the other heroes who were caring for the two children. He looked towards the clouds watching the desperate hero who was barely able to flap his wings in a steady momentum to keep him airborne. Twitching here and there causing his flow to stutter. Feathers puffed up clearly agitated, but some others sharpened to a dangerous level. It was truly a pitiful sight. From the looks of it, Hawks was nowhere near ready to calm down. Hands were shaking while switching from clenching to unclenching, desperately wanting to hold on to something. Nail marks were indented in the palms of his gloves. Anxiety and agony evidently overriding every morsel of reason that survived up to this point.  His eyes never stopped searching, gaze switching from place to place as light-speed. Endeavor could practically taste the burning red rage sourly seething through Hawks every movement. But, nothing Endeavor could say would bring Hawks from his agitated state. He had to let it fly its course. Only then would Endeavor be able to pull him back to one of the agencies where they could recuperate. 
Lucky for the heroes, they had detained all the henchmen left to guard the facility. They might be able to strangle some information out of them. But, it was kinda strange that the main man would leave them there knowing that the heroes were en-route. However, as Rumi noted, leaving those men there perfectly diverted their attention from the escaping vehicle. A smart move on the abductors part. 
The League was pretty pissed about the whole shebang. Torturing the earlier captured men in a more gruesome manner out of pure rage. In doing so, one of them squeaked about some sort of airport. Oh, now those two were in even deeper shit. Dabi was nice enough to inform Hawks about this new information though. Calling him over for a nice group beating. 
“That’s all I know swea- ack” 
Blood splattered the ground, painting over old splotches littering the place. 
One of many bones to be shattered but the blunt head of the bat.
“I’ll ask this one for time- What fucking airport?”
“Hawks, the guys’ gonna be dead before you get an answer, or at least a feasible one,” Dabi grunted. 
“Fucking hell,” Hawks cursed, slinging the blood dripping bat to the side of the room with an echoing thud as the wood teetered from end to end until it settled. Hands shooting to clench his golden locks in an iron grip. He squatted to the floor, head hanging low, trying to fight the urges of a predator whose prey sits before them utterly helpless. 
A scarred hand grabbed Hawks’ shoulder, giving it a light squeeze. Hawks shifted his head slightly, just enough so that he could eye Dabi's own eyes from the side. So many emotions swirled within those baby blue pools of fire. Remorse, agitation, worry, and so much more, all together forming a dangerous poison. A poison which would make poor souls scream in agony for death. Something Keigo would be glad to provide. 
Now the two might now get along most of the time, but when facing a common goal, they are not a pair to be trifled with. 
The men in the chairs started struggles in the ropes that tied them to the splintering chair. Pulling hopelessly with all their might, but to no avail. Dabi and Hawks shifted their eyes to the bastards in front of them. 
The hand, not on Hawks’ shoulder, was raised to the man's face level, resting inches away. Smoke began flaring from Dabi’s scared palm, small blue flames flickered around the heel as it heated up. The heat alone was enough to singe the man’s facial hair. Terror welled in the man’s expression as the hand was brought closer, making him whimper.
“Let's try this again.”
Horrid fumes of burnt flesh swirled throughout the air. The man was a tough one to crack, Dabi knew he would come around, he just needed a little encouragement. They got the information they wanted him. Hawks had pity on the bastard, taking a feather, slitting his throat with one quick slash. The other man could do nothing but watch as his comrade bleed out.  
“Don’t worry pal, my boss has plans for you.”
No matter how much he tried to scream all that would come out was muffled sludge blocked by the gag. Dabi, patted his ashy hand on the man’s head before walking towards the door with Hawks following on his heels. The man’s thrashing only increased as he door slammed closed, leaving him with the freshly fried corpse of the other one.
“What’s the plan from here?” Dabi asked.
“If they wanted to sneak on the plane unnoticed, they would have to do it at night, when no one else could potentially spot them.”
“It's a private jet though.”
“Yes, but the guys said it was being held with other private jets.”
“Whatever, your dumbass logic gives me a headache sometimes.”
Twice popped out around the corner where they were talking.
“Please don’t screw each other in the lobby.”
“Twice, what the hell. I would rather set myself on fire.”
Hawks gave Dabi an offended glare. Dabi in return rolled his eyes, walking away from Hawks. 
“Just hurry up. Go get your boy scout in line and save her already”
“Who said I was doing this as a hero?”
Dabi halted, back facing Hawks. A smirk tugged at the corners of his charred lips as his eyes darkened. 
“You don’t have the balls to fly that far from the nest bud. Your stupid heroes commission the only things you truly value in society.”
Hawks glared, but held his tongue. Dabi glared back with just as much hatred taking a couple of steps back towards the winged hero. 
“That damned heroes commission seems to be the only thing you seem to stay faithful to.”
“What the Hell does that mean?” Hawks squawked.
“It means you are more likely to leave her for the vultures before ignoring your duties to those shitholes. Oh, wait a second, that's exactly what you did.”
“It wasn’t like that.”
“Really now? So let me get this straight, you didn’t push her away, become a complete asshole to her because of them. Hawks at the end of the day all that matters in that brainwashed head of yours is that shitty organisation.”
“Shut up.”
“Fine, let's pretend that it wasn’t the commission pulling the strings. In that case, you are a really shitty person. I mean, you ARE the reason they're in this mess to begin with.” Hawks’ blood ran cold, Dabi gave an exasperated chuckle “What makes you think she even wants YOUR help?” 
“Shut the fuck up.”
“Oh how you harm me with your words.” Dabi mocked 
“Who’s fucking side are you on? Where the hell is this coming from?”
“Let’s be clear about one thing, birdbrain, just because I want her safe doesn’t mean i’m on your side. You fucked up. And that guilt is only because you feel responsible for her kidnapping, it isn’t because you’re disgusted with all the shit you put her through. So listen when I say-”
“No, you listen here, asshole. Do you honestly think I can't see the damage I did? I am not making an excuse for my behavior, looking back I can see how fucked up I was towards her. I was blessed with an angel, I had never in my life been genuinely cared about. I had never been so committed to someone, so attached to another person. Someone who felt the exact way as I did. It was terrifying.” Hawks paused face falling downwards, scrunching up to fight away the tears building up. “I didn’t have the balls to face her as time went on, so I did what I did best, I put up a front and moved forward. Avoiding our relationship, avoiding her, just because I was scared of commitment. I never bothered to think about the effects it might have had on her. I’m a real douche for doing it and I know it.”
“Shame what it took for you to figure that out.” 
There was nothing sympathetic in Dabi’s tone, no, it was as sour as biting into a ripe bitter melon. Hawks said nothing, he was right after all.
“Go home Keigo. You're not welcome here right now.”
Dabi watched as Hawks turned and walked to the door. Waiting till he was about to close the door on his way out to let out one final stab.
“Oh and Keigo,” Hawks paused “when she’s safe, hope she realizes you’re not worth it.”
Dabi was pretty sure Hawks broke some of the hinges when he shut it behind him.
“Bastard,” He muttered, clearly not into Hawks’ delinquent behavior. Dabi stomped off to the bar to talk to the others about what to do next.
What the actual fuck, Hawks thought as he took off into the dusk set skies. Yes, he knows he screwed this up, Dabi didn’t need to rub it in anymore.
Taking out his phone, Hawks shot a text to Rumi informing her of the newly found information. It was always kind of surprising that no other hero ever questioned where all his exclusive information came from, but oh well. Hawks went straight for the place, not giving anyone time to regroup and set out a plan. It didn’t do much good last time and he wasn’t willing to risk it again. He had an hour or so before the moon set in place, if he was lucky he would make it there before anyone else did. 
Wings soared through the clouds as he scanned the area below, searching for the facility. His sights locked onto a large gated perimeter, surrounding multiple runways connected to a couple of buildings housing the aircrafts. It was one of the many private airports in Tokyo, a place where the rich kept their collection of aircrafts. Hawks descended to a large window in the center of the middle building in the facility. The place seemed to be more of a showcase then anything, some of the jets looked like there were fresh out of manufacturing. 
The place looked empty, no sign of any life in the facility. If it wasn’t for his abnormal vision he would be able to see anything in the pitch black room. No gates or doors were open,  no runway lights shined behind him, no unusual vehicles were in sight. So either he beat everyone here, or he’s got the wrong place. 
He was about to take back off into the sky when he spotted a jet that matched the description the man gave him. A sleek black metal covering, twelve square windows spaced evenly on each side of the jet’s middle, matte silver nose, blood red paint rimming the edges of the wings. It was big enough to carry a small army. The jet seemed a little out of place next to all the smaller, more compact aircraft.
It was clear the jet had yet to be tampered with. They must be waiting till the moon was at its highest to hide their escape. If that was the case they would be there for another hour or so meaning Hawks could have a look around the place. Maybe sabotage the plane enough that it might not function properly. 
Using a feather Hawks carves out a circle into the glass, just big enough that he could fight through and not get stuck. The tricky part was putting the glass back into place so that the bastards weren’t suspicious of the giant whole in the window. But, he managed to do it with only a couple of close calls.
Though he was alone, Hawks still had to be careful nonetheless. Fingers felt around the side of his goggles in search of the night vision button. However, a glowing group of infrared blobs that only grew bigger by the second appeared in his sights. With great haste Hawks hide in the cramped empty space behind one of the two stairwells one either side of the balcony of the window. The tight squeeze forced his wings to fold into uncomfortable positions against the base of his back. 
It stopped right outside the giant corridors leading out to the building runway. While his the blurriness of the image made it hard to fully make out he counted seven or nine of the now van sized blobs. The one in the middle was to first to make any sort of move, a panel sliding to the side as figures exited the vehicle. Others to the right and left followed suit. All filing out into the open, crowding to the center one. Though all the bodies it was he could barely make out a body hauled out onto the ground next to boxes gathered for the other vans. His attention was so zeroed in on the limp body that he didn’t notice the dozen or so figures heading for the corridor. 
The heavy metal scraped against the asphalt as it was forcefully pried open by the figures. They didn’t fully peel the doors back though, only enough so that a couple of men could head in. About six men entered the dark area, flashlights swinging around in search of anything intruder. Hawks scrunched farther into the wall, missing the beams of the one of them by millimetres allowing him to go unnoticed by the men. The continued their inspection, not very thoroughly Hawks noted, until they each gave a thumbs up signally to the others nothing was out of place.
“All clear,” One of them yelled out behind.
All six men then approach the designated aircraft. Hawks wanted to bang his head on the wall from his own stupidity, since he chose the staircase opposite of the plane. 
He let out a quiet hiss of frustration; “dammit.”
Biting the inside of his cheek he started trying to devise a plan. Maybe, just maybe, he could sneak some feathers inside to take them out. So he did just that, sending one feather for each man and one extra just in case. 
The men had clearly let their guard drop as they focused on their tasks. He had no problem maneuvering the feathers around them as they worked. Two men were in the cockpit, two in the carriage, one taking storage in the backroom, and the last of the six was making his way to the single bathroom of the aircraft.
The man made his way to the bathroom, stripping off his pants before pulling out a phone and doing some unspeakable things that made Hawks want to vomit in his tiny corner. The poor guy had no clue that he was going to be the first to go, Hawks literally caught the bastard with his pants down. A mental note was made to just leave the dagger in his chest, after everything he just witnessed with that feather there was no way he wanted it back in his plumage. 
One down, five to go and next up was the storage guy. A feather hovered right above the back of the guy as he checked off boxes on his clipboard. Moving forward, but still sticking to the wall in order to give the feather a better angle to slash his neck. However, the bright colors contrasted with the white wall, catching the attention of the man.
“What the fuc-”
It sliced through the air, not giving the man any time to process the situation. Hands instinctively flew to his throat in a pathetic attempt to stop the life escaping him. Bright red blood seeped through the cracks between his fingers, leaking down his front as he wobbled on his feet. The harsh thud of a body crashing to the floor never sounded through the air as the feather slipped down the back of his shirt to guide him quietly to the ground. Once he was laid out noiselessly on the now red stained ground the feather took off to regroup. 
They all stayed as flat as paper against the slick interior of the plane, making sure never to be in the line of sight. Three feathers arrived at their next destination, the passenger section. The two men were just goofing off. Neglecting their assigned duties in favor of gossiping like highschool girls. Hawks could help the twitching of his upper lip, sharp canines baring each time the muscles spasmed. Sexist comments were slurred back and forth between them as they talked about his dove. Feral instincts screamed at him torture them till they were pleading for death. But, he needed to keep his composure or else risk getting caught and that was not something he could really afford right now. 
The feathers slithered down the aisle when the assholes turned their backs to one another. One feather took off to lock the cockpit hatch from the outside, making the two on the inside unable to interrupt Hawks. Both the men were facing the side wall of the aircraft making it easy to string two feathers into position to swoop up and dispose of them just like like the now rotting corpse in the storage compartment. 
Hawks really wished he could have prolonged their suffering, but he had more important matters to worry about, unlike those sexist bastards. Oh well, he would just have to be sure to spit on their corpses later. 
The last two in the cockpit worked to get the carrier up and running. Hawks could hear them from the two feathers locking inside with them as they ran their diagnostics. Just as the feathers were about to capture their lives the roaring of an engine coming to life sounded throughout the facility. Blinding bright headlights buzzed on pointing to the corridors as if asking to be let out. 
Hawks peered over the corner of the wall hiding him, he saw more men pulling the door fully apart to make way for the giant aircraft. With all the new lighting Hawks had to turn off the night vision mode on his goggles so he could see. Through the orange tint of his lenses he could spot [y/n]’s limp body laying on her side facing him through the legs of the surrounding guards. Her whole body looked as though they just threw her to the asphalt from the van door.  A grimy brown sack covered her head that hung to the floor slightly supported by the shoulder on the ground unnaturally scrunched up by her neck. He could see the raw skin surrounding the bonds tightly wired around her bare wrists. What really unnerved him was the slow unsteady half-rise of her chest every so often. He doesn’t know if it was due to the bag covering her airway or the utterly traumatized state of her body, but it wasn’t hard to tell her lungs were starting to give way. There was no way in Hell she would make it through the plane ride. She needed medical attention and she needed it fast.
The shifting of wheels brought Hawks out of his panic as the aircraft propellers spun around in place,  making the plane go forward ever so slightly. It stopped one it was centered with the doors in the front of the facility. If he slashed his feathers upon them it would surely arm the onlookers. Eyes once again shifted to the body of his dove.
Helpless. He couldn’t make a move without stirring up their attention. And if they threatened her, there wasn’t even a sliver of a chance he would make it in time. 
The sound echoed out from his pocket. The phone vibrated letting out another sound to alert him of a notification. 
Hawks’ heart dropped to the ground as everything around him moved in slow motion. Heads took their time spinning in his direction when in reality they snapped his way in milliseconds. 
He didn’t have time to look at his phone as bullets flew his way. Faster than ever, he took to the air, dodging the oncoming hellfire. Since all was turning to shit, the two cockpit feathers slashed the hell out of the men inside with zero mercy whatsoever. Using some spare feathers he sent them lashing at the tires preventing their second escape. He’d rather be plucked for everything he was worth before letting them get away again, especially not when they were so close.
His earpiece rang to life as he wound through the air. 
“What the fuck is happening” a harsh feminine voice that sounded like Rumi screamed from the other side.
“Shit hit the fan, send help.”
That was all he could say before getting nailed in the right shoulder. Wings stuttered in shock, but adrenaline pushed them to keep flapping. 
“Hawks!” She called.
He could barely hear her through the blazing bullets piercing through the air.
“Heading….. Minutes…… Endeavor…… Way.”
Static cut out sentences leaving him with only a couple of words from the other line. He didn’t have time to decode the meaning though.
In the midst of frantic maneuvering a blast of fire hit the window behind him sending him flying forward as a bullet lodged itself in his right thigh.
“Friendly fire!” He screamed behind him. 
Now shit was really hitting the fan, Hawks thought to himself as he looped through the new hole created by none other than Endeavor. He made his way to the top of the building, the roof partially deflecting some of the ammunition flying at light speed. A new wave of confidence gassed his system with the brigade of heroes quickly approaching from behind.
“I know I annoy you, but do ya really need to fry me right now?”
Endeavor only grunted as he landed next to the winged hero, Rumi was soon to join them. The bullets had ceased to pierce the air for a moment, Hawks could hear the head guy yelling at his underlines like an abusive dog owner. Naturally they tried to retreat to their vehicles, but found the tires were lacerated enough that they were rendered useless. The yell turned into hushed whispers. 
All heroes crowded up onto the roof, hastily devising a plan that would hopefully let them safely extract the beaten girl. Time was ticking fast as two beautiful lives were draining from the mother's body every wasted second. They needed to make a move and they needed to do it now. 
“Fuck plans”
“Hawks don’t be rash” 
Endeavor could get fucked by fire for all Hawks cared. He was going in sending flocks of lethal feathers to shred them while he used the remaining feathers to take to the sky. 
It only escalated from there on. Quirks were activated from both ends, but the heroes had to be careful, they may have the upper hand power wise, but the enemies had a hostage. Hawks could see his dove start to stir among all the commotion, but his attention was quickly redirected as a first sent him flying into a wall.
In the midst of the battle one of the lackey’s managed to discreetly snag [y/n] and a couple of the packages into a small aircraft. All which were messily tossed into the back of the cargo compartment before jumping in the control seat. All engines were a go and it was off to the runway from there, splattering some of his comrades into the pavement on the way. Hawks wasn’t having it though, redirecting all of the feathers slashing around to chase the jet as it wobbled in the sky.
“Your feathers are going to do jackshit, GO!” Rumi encouraged, no longer holding back. 
That was all he needed to hear, as he darted to the air, targeting with pinpoint accuracy.  The door of the storage holder on the side of the jet cracked open. Opening more and more as the pilot tried to steady the plane in the sky. The jet lagged in the sky as it swerved to the side making package after package plummet out. Hawks was tailing the jet, but the pilot kept taking sharp turns to try and lose him. 
Hawks spotted [y/n’s body starting to slip to the edge of the open door. One final turn from the unsteady jet was all it took to send her descending into the air. Hawks immediately dove after her, wings tucking flat to increase his speed, arms stretching out towards her, hands ready to snatch her at the first given chance. 
The ground was approaching uncomfortable fast. [Y/n] was just out of his reach, fingertips brushing against her own. 
His wings gave one last flutter against his back, pushing him just far enough to reach her forearm. Hawks latch his hand onto her arm hauling her into his arms before spreading his scarlet wings in an attempt to catch in the air. A hiss passed his lips as the opposing velocity strained the muscles at the base of his wings. 
Just before the hit the ground Hawks caught his bearings, letting them at least land somewhat safely. He stumbled on the turf, the hand that wasn’t holding [y/n] shot out to the ground where he keeled making sure to not fall over onto her. They landed a mile or so from the gates of the airport. 
Hawks watched as sparks erupted from an explosion a little ways from them. Looks like the poor bastard couldn’t fly after all.
His breath was heaving, the adrenaline of the situation still pumping through his body. Lifting his hand from the ground he untied the rope holding the sack over her head, pulling it off, freeing her beaten face. Scarce breaths passed through her cracked lips. 
Hawks was quick to let the rest know he had her. Endeavor let out a sigh of relief through the otherside of the line. Rumi yelled with happiness. When asking about her condition, he was hesitant to say anything, only saying that he was rushing her to urgent care immediately. 
Weakly she stirred in his arms, whimpering as her bound wrist rubbed the harsh unforgiving rope peeling her already raw skin. Hawks plucked a feather, slashing her wrist and ankle constraints, finally setting her aching limbs free. Tears welled in his eyes, partly because she was now in his arms once again and partly because she was suffering in his arms.
“Shhhhh, baby bird, I’m gonna get you some help okay?” 
He couldn’t tell if she heard him, but he wasn’t going to bother waiting for a reply. Wings spread behind him once more, screaming at him from pure agonizing torture they had already suffered. Limbs burned, fire setting every vein ablaze with even the slightest of moments. 
All it took once one more heart wrenching soft cry passing her lips to get the adrenaline rushing again. No wound or pain could hold him down as he flapped his wings aggressively through the thin air. He kept staggering up to the clouds and low to the ground. It was definitely not his smoothest flight, but it was doing the job. She was held securely in a tight embrace against his chest. One of his hands gently caressed her cheek with the thumb in an attempt to pass her his wordless love. 
Some of the feathers started to give from those once giant eyes. Every feather lost was another piece of [y/n] drifting to the light of eternal rest. She was a rose that was slowly shedding its abused petals, wilting from the mortal world. 
Hawks could see the hospital in his sights, in his moment of overwhelming relief he almost hit the ground, but luckily he was able to bring them both up just in time. 
White doors slammed over as a body crashed onto the hospital lobby tile. The receptionist rushed over to the counter spotting the hero, wings clings around his front to cushion their landing. Looking at the lady in scrubs he lifted one of his wings revealing the beaten woman he cradled to his chest. The lady screamed for help as doctors and nurses flooded the room. A stretcher was brought in as [y/n] was carted into one of the back rooms, nurses flocking the stretcher trying to assess her state. 
A separate stretcher was brought in for him. A light smile graced his face as he watched them take care of her while they hauled him onto the cart. One of the nurses was trying to ask him questions, but he paid them no mind, only watching his dove.
The smile quickly faded as he saw more doctors dash to her room, panicked expressions present on each of their faces. He tried to stay awake, he tried to hear what was going on, but the last thing he heard was a doctor yelling one word that echoed in his ears even as he lost touch with reality.
Then everything went black.
Also I want to thank you all for reading this, it makes me so happy. I literally cried at all the love you all gave the first chapter. I wish I was kidding I actually cried.
@assassinslittlesister @anxiousgoddest @moonpawss @regularkacchan @austriasmariazelle @murkyrosewrite @hawksexual @imuziawi
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fluffyglass · 3 years
I essentially remade the Mr. Rude apologism masterpost but with Mr. Fussy this time, in an attempt to see whether my newfound disliking of Mr. Fussy is justified or not. I've watched every single Mr. Fussy segment and determined whether he's an asshole or not, simple as that.
Season 1
Mr. Fussy is in 42 episodes in Season 1.
In 8 of these episodes does he do something wrong.
Season 2
Mr. Fussy is in 39 episodes in Season 2.
In 9 of these episodes does he do something wrong.
In total, Mr. Fussy did something wrong in 17 out of the 81 segments he's in, which is 20%. Counting the 7 I was unsure about, that's 23/81. 28%. Welp, that means I proved my point in doing this in the first place, I guess! It's official! Based off of my own data, Mr. Fussy is technically a bigger asshole than Mr. Rude!
Am I gonna do every single character? Probably.
Here, take my episode by episode analysis.
Welcome to the Episode by Episode analysis! Same colors as last time, minus blue as. Obviously he can't yell at himself.
Yellow - Mr. Fussy does nothing wrong
Red - Mr. Fussy does something wrong
Pink - I have no idea what to put for this one lmao
Flying - He doesn't do anything wrong, he just wants to know if the pillow's clean. Even if he's a bit of a dick about it. Mr. Grumpy's the one who . yknow. kidnapped Mr. Bounce
Music - MR FUSSY A BITCH! He unfairly blamed Mr. Rude when Miss Naughty's the one who ruined the first performance :(
Physical - He doesn't do anything wrong, he was just judging the physical performance in his first bit and just participating in the relay race in his second bit
Farm - He doesn't do anything wrong he just got yeeted lmao
Lake - He doesn't do anything wrong, Mr. Scatterbrain is just a moron
Beach - He doesn't do anything wrong, he just got justifiably mad at Mr. Scatterbrain for being a moron
Booboos - He doesn't do anything wrong, he just helped out Mr. Nervous with his splinter
Mall - He doesn't do anything wrong, Mr. Messy is just gross
Books - fuck you Mr. Noisy
Camping - MR. FUSSY A BITCH! Why the fuck did you invite Miss Chatterbox if you wanted silence, you fuck? She legit just wanted to tell him that she saw the bird :(
Science - Mr. Fussy a bitch to the frogs smh
Paint - He doesn't do anything wrong, Mr. Messy just isn't very considerate :(
Jobs - He doesn't do anything wrong, Mr. Tickle a dumbass
Trains - MR. FUSSY A BITCH! Mr. Rude was literally just living his life you stuck up prick
Hobbies - MR. FUSSY a bit of a bitch? Like, he could've told Miss Naughty in advance that her performance was cancelled :( also he was a dick about it
Fair - he doesn't do anything wrong Miss Naughty's just a bitch
Movies - fuck you Mr. Noisy
Dance - he's barely in it and he's nice :)
Amusement Park - he doesn't do anything wrong he's just a dumbass
Rainy Day - he doesn't do anything wrong, even if he insulted Miss Calamity for no reason. He's just a bit of a dumbass
Dillydale Day - his only real crime is that terrible musical number he's in
Games - fuck you Mr. Noisy
Hotel - I love this bit so much holy fuck he doesn't do anything wrong also hes GAY and its AWESOME
Chores - he doesn't do anything wrong he's just like that
Snow - he doesn't do anything wrong, Mr. Messy's just not very considerate
Food - MR. FUSSY A BITCH! He's mean to Mr. Messy :(
Wildlife - he doesn't do anything wrong, cause he didn't mean to call Mr. Messy a repulsive animal
Restaurants - MR. FUSSY A BITCH! I don't wanna rewatch this one it makes me sad :(
Bugs - he's barely in it and he loses his fucking moustache what the fuck
Circus - hes kinda mean to everyone but not enough for me to count it
Canned Goods - he's barely in it and just kinda. exists
Ships - he barely even does anything in the bit he has
Cooking - he doesn't do anything wrong ig
Collecting - MR. FUSSY A BITCH! He stole Mr. Messy's shoes and then destroyed his stuff cause he thought it was gross :(
Heatwave - he doesn't do anything wrong mr messy is just mr messy
Sleep - he doesn't do anything wrong
Carwash - I cant say for sure, I refuse to watch this segment again
Sightseeing - he doesn't do anything wrong, Mr. Messy is just nasty. He's kind of a dick to him though
The Dark - I really don't know on this one. He's kinda mean throughout it but not enough to count but also i kinda wanna count it?? cause hes mean to mr messy a lot??? its weird, he also didnt let mr messy back into his house when he was scared :(
Parade - MR. FUSSY A BITCH! He made fun of both Mr. Rude and Mr. Messy's floats and made up a rule specifically against Mr. Messy which is super fucked up man
Picnics - He doesn't do anything wrong, Mr. Stubborn is just laughably stupid
Driving - MR. FUSSY A BITCH! He didn't want to help Miss Chatterbox and Mr. Tickle, and even tried to ignore Miss Scary and Mr. Quiet rather than help them :(
Outer Space - MR. FUSSY A BITCH! He asks Miss Scary and Miss Naughty "what's wrong with them" when they were just having fun, and doesn't believe them when the real aliens show up :(
Clean Teeth - does this even count as him being an asshole? like yeah he freaks out on Mr. Rude but he's kinda justified in doing it?? this shouldnt count as him being an asshole but I like mr. rude so. yeah, i'm biased. im not counting this one as mr fussy a bitch but im not giving it a yellow. like, he also calls him disgusting and is a dick the entire time but he's in the right so . ???????? he also calls mr messy gross at the end what am i supposed to do here
Airports - hes a bit of a dick but yeah he was gonna miss his flight thats justified
Shoes - he doesn't do anything wrong he's just trying his best
Arts and Crafts - MR. FUSSY A BITCH! He's mean to Mr. Strong and Mr. Messy, and even calls Mr. Messy's art junk :(
Game Shows - he doesn't do anything wrong, he even makes Mr. Happy a quilt :) Mr. Stubborn is just a fucking moron NEVERMIND MR FUSSY STOLE THE FUCKING QUILT BACK???? RUDE
Garages - he's actually really really nice in this bit!! :D he let Mr. Messy keep his bike in his garage and put off mopping his floor to hang out with Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small :)
Eyeglasses - he's barely in it and is fine ig
Toys - MR. FUSSY A BITCH! oh my fucking god he was doing so good and then right at the end he had to go and be a sore loser, call Mr. Messy disgusting, etc. fucker
Hats - he does nothing wrong, he just wants a hat
Robots - he just lost his bread man
Parties - another gay icon segment! hes pretty poggrs
Up and Down - hes barely in it and hes good
Dining Out - hes fine ig? kind of a dick but not especially so
Gifts - is his fucking birthday hell yea
Telephone - once again i refuse to watch it, i'm assuming he's fine
Seashore - he just vibed the entire time
Washing & Drying - he kinda just existed
Sneezes & Hiccups - yeah. he yells at mr messy for something he cant control but. yehjv
Radio - miss helpful you dumbass
Supermarket - he just wanted some cereal man
Cinema - dude a bunch of gay men invaded his car
Getting Around - yeah
Pets - im getting tired of writing notes hes good ig
Dance Dance Dance - MR. FUSSY A BITCH! for one, he's mean to Mr. Rude the entire time, for two, he completely fucking drags Miss Scary's performance the entire time, and for three - he talks through it the entire time! fucker!!!
Library - just wanted his book man
Pirates - yeah
Goo - Miss Naughty you fucking bitch fucjk you fucky ou fuck you! FUCK YOU!!!!
Trains and Planes - he's kind of dickish but otherwise fine
Lunch - MR. FUSSY A BITCH! For one, why the fuck did you invite Mr. Messy if you didn't want "messiness" at your pristine fucking picnic, why the fuck did you invite Miss Chatterbox if you didn't want her talking, etc, but he's also very ignorant of Mr. Quiet's warnings of the bear ):(
Birds - he doesn't do anything wrong he gets fucking yeeted
Bath and Bubbles - this is the only Mr. Fussy bit where he's actually happy at the end and yknow what? boyboss moment
Sand and Surf - MR. FUSSY A BITCH! I know this is a trend but yes, he's a dick to Mr. Quiet and ignores everything he says.
Parks - MR. FUSSY A BITCH! He spends the entire segment bullying Mr. Messy and I am tired of it
Travel - hes kinda dickish the entire time but mmmmmyeah
Bad Weather - i didnt want to watch this one again cause it sucks, i'm assuming he's fine
If you've read to the bottom, then I'm sure you're actually interested in what I have to say about him/the other mr men and little misses. Because I'm definitely going to be doing more of these, please acknowledge going forward that I am one, singular teenager. A teenager susceptible to my own bias, especially when it comes to some of the "negative" characters. Don't take my percentages and data too seriously, as it's all technically based off of my opinions of each segment. Ok bye bye Mr. Noisy's next
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jingabitch · 4 years
Armed to the Fangs ch.7
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SUMMARY: you grew up in the hunter’s guild, understanding that it is your sacred duty as a hunter to protect humanity from the vampires that lurk in the dark, draining the life from anyone unlucky enough to be caught. while making the rounds one night, you encounter taehyung, a fabled born vampire - not that you know that when he tries to entice you into a dark alley. next thing you know, you’re kidnapped and taken to their home, where you realise that all of them somehow crave your blood and seem to know more about your past than you do. finding out about where you came from might be the key to setting humanity free.
PAIRING: eventual ot7 x reader
WARNINGS: some description of violence, angst, pining, maybe eventual smut but not for a looooong time, slow burn (really the slowest of burns), injeolmi being adorable, argument between some of the boys
WORD COUNT: 3k - this one is a lil shorter!
A/N: yay hobi finally makes his appearance!! thank you @pasteljeon for looking over this for me.
Also, small announcement - I doubt anyone will really care, but ATTF is going to be put on hold for a little while. I’ve decided to give writing my own original work a try, and am hoping to self-publish my work on kindle! since I only keep 2 AUs going at a time, I will be focusing on DADT and my original work for now. ATTF will be continued when I complete DADT. :) I’m really excited about this new project and I hope you guys will support me!
series index
If Hoseok heard one more word about the hunter ‘ambassador’ who’d taken up residence in the manor, he thought he would scream. The younger ones were especially enthusiastic about you and your cat, and even Yoongi walked around with that dumbass smile once in a while, usually after spending time with you.
Thankfully, they’d quickly realized that he wasn’t all that interested in talking about you after he shut them down or walked away mid-conversation. It wasn’t the most polite way to go about it, but telling them with words hadn’t really worked to dampen their enthusiasm.
It was just that Hoseok didn’t really feel like meeting anyone new. It wasn’t anything personal, it was just that he didn’t quite have the energy to engage with anything much these days. The others, for the most part, understood, especially the older ones who knew exactly what he’d been through.
Instead of spending his time out and about like the others did, he was holed up in his suite most of the time. He’d had a small fridge installed so he could keep his blood there instead of going down to the main fridge every day like the others did, and usually spent hours staring at the miniature portrait of Minhee. It was the only rendering she’d posed for before she died. He knew his brothers didn’t think it was the healthiest thing to do, but they left him alone for the most part.
After all, it wasn’t common for a vampire to survive losing his mate – they agreed that all things considered, Hoseok was doing fairly well, even if he was a shell of his former jovial self. If they hoped he would come out of his shell a little more to make friends with the human girl who now lived with them, they mostly kept it to themselves after Hoseok had made it clear that he wasn’t interested in playing nice with hunters.
Injeolmi had really taken to life in the manor, you were pleased to note. You weren’t quite ready to let him just run around without your supervision yet, but he was growing more confident whenever you let him out of your room to run around the mansion. There were litter boxes installed in various other rooms, too, like the library where you tended to spend a lot of time. You were on your way there again, Injeolmi following you like he did most days, when the cat suddenly made a break for it.
You were stunned for a moment, trying to process what had happened. Your sweet baby had never done something like this before, and it took you a second to gather yourself enough to run after him. “Injeolmi, stop!” you called, but since today was apparently a day of firsts, he ignored you.
As you rounded the corner, you wondered why there were so many random hallways in this manor, anyway. It looked like it was just the seven of them (and you now, of course) and they didn’t even have any servants. You were still unsure of how the whole place stayed so clean, since it wasn’t like you’d ever seen any of them pick up a broom.
Hoseok was having a normal day – for him, anyway – up till that point. He had the miniature of Minhee in his hand as he sucked down his snack, his door slightly ajar to let the others know that he was feeling up to their company that day. He heard the ruckus occurring outside and rolled his eyes, but stayed on the couch. Hopefully, the noisy new human resident would just run past. He didn’t think she’d ever been in this wing of the mansion before, and she definitely didn’t know it was his room.
Hearing the door to his room move slightly, he whipped around in surprise, half-expecting you to be standing there. He didn’t see anyone in the entryway, however, and sat up more fully to peer over the back of the couch. A small chatter caught his attention, and he craned his neck further to see a cat standing in the gap he’d left.
“Hello,” he said out of habit to the cat, which meowed again at him and took a couple more steps into the room. “What’s a cat doing in the house?” he asked no one in particular, having forgotten momentarily that you’d brought your furry companion with you when you moved in.
Injeolmi, showing a remarkable lack of fear, just waltzed right in and hopped up on the couch to sit next to Hoseok, chattering at him. Belatedly remembering that you’d brought a cat into the compound, he just sighed and frowned at said cat. “You’re really a hassle, you know that?” he grumbled, gently shooing the cat away so that he wouldn’t have to return him.
Flicking his ears, Injeolmi just turned away, as if he couldn’t be bothered to dignify Hoseok’s complaints with a response. He could hear you approaching, still calling for your cat and stomping down the hallway.
“You little prick,” he accused, though the words didn’t have any heat behind them. Gently, he picked the cat up – and cats had no business being this big, he thought – and carried him back to the door, putting him down on the floor and patting his butt to get him to leave. “Go on,” he urged, although the cat hardly seemed interested, instead sprawling out across the floor.
The footsteps were coming close now, and he knew you were about to walk past at any moment. Perhaps if everything was quiet, you wouldn’t notice, and would just walk by…? He could kick the cat out of the room once you rounded the corner, and wouldn’t have to make any awkward introductions.
Of course, he could never be so lucky. Just as you were passing by his room, the goddamn cat let out the loudest meow he’d heard in hundreds of years on this earth. Panicked, he leaned down – just as you heard Injeolmi give what you assumed had to be a wail of distress and burst into the room, gun cocked and ready to defend your baby.
“Back the fuck away from the cat!” you cried, immediately aiming your gun at the man who was leaning down towards Injeolmi, for whatever nefarious purposes. He looked up at you in shock, and your aim faltered for just a second as you recognized the man in the painting. The last vampire. Who was glaring up at you in irritation, and none of the fear you would expect from someone who had a gun trained right between their eyes.
Instead, you watched as his furrowed brow smoothed for a second as he gaped, his eyes wide with shock, at you, before resuming his initial stern expression. “Your cat was the one who barged into my room,” he snapped, although his voice hid an odd tremor. “Just take it away.”
“Uh, okay,” you said, sliding your gun back into its holster since it didn’t look like he was a threat to either you or Injeolmi. You were about to ask whether he was doing all right, since he looked a little pale and off, but he got up abruptly and turned away from you, walking back to the couch and sitting down. He stubbornly refused to look at you again, and you felt a little sulky, since you’d been curious about him for a while, and now that he was here you wanted to ask him some questions and find out more about him.
Still, since he’d walked away from you, there was no way to assuage your curiosity today. “Come on, baby,” you said in a far higher-pitched tone to Injeolmi, squatting to gather him up in your arms. He was pliant and obedient for you as always, happy to be held by you, and it was almost hard for you to believe that this was the same cat that had run off earlier. Injeolmi was the laziest cat ever, and that had been wholly uncharacteristic of him.
Standing up with Injeolmi cradled in your arms, you turned to leave the room. “Ah, do you want the door open or shut?” you asked as you hovered right outside.
“Shut,” the mysterious man inside said firmly, and you shrugged as you followed his instruction before continuing on your path to the library.
“You’re a really naughty boy,” you cooed at Injeolmi, jiggling him a little in your arms nonetheless. When you let yourself into the library, you put Injeolmi down and he went and settled down in the one spot where there was sunlight, streaming in through a small crack in the floor-to-ceiling curtains that had been left there specially for him.
Shaking your head at him, you drifted further into the library, to the sitting area near the back. Namjoon was already there, with Jin. They had their little blood bags in front of them on the coffee table, which you could mostly ignore as long as you thought of them as Capri Suns. “Hello,” Namjoon greeted, while Jin just smiled at you. “I chose something new for you today,” he continued, leaning forward to tap the cover of a book he had resting on the table.
You smiled at him. “Thank you,” you said, coming to sit next to him. Leaning forward to pick up the book, you completely missed the way he stiffened as you sank into the comfortable couch, and Jin’s responding smirk at his brother’s momentary loss of composure. Because you’d never had much time at the Guild to pick up hobbies like reading, you’d been completely blown away by the size of the library, and Namjoon had taken it upon himself to pick different books of different genres and on various topics for you to decide what you liked reading. So far, you were really into thrillers and memoirs, but you were definitely hiding a secret love for romance novels.
Opening the book, you were soon so immersed in reading that you completely forgot to ask them about the man you’d just met.
Hoseok was, to put it mildly, freaking out. He held the portait of Minhee in his left hand, while reaching for the bag of blood he’d been nursing with the right, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to drink it. His hand shook slightly as he raised his drink to his mouth, hoping against hope that he was wrong.
The moment the blood bag neared his mouth, though, the smell of the blood became too much, and nausea bubbled up in him.
“Fuck.” He tossed the bag back down onto the table, grimacing.
There was no way this was possible. You couldn’t be his mate. Vampires didn’t get more than one, and he still remembered her dying in his arms, despite his frantic attempts to stop the bleeding. Her whispered apology as her life slipped away haunted his nightmares.
And yet… you smelled just like Minhee. You’d think that four hundred years away from his mate would have dulled the memories, but he recalled exactly how her blood had smelled and tasted, like absolute perfection. When he’d scented you, it had taken all his willpower to stop his eyes from changing colour and his fangs from descending.
“Minhee-ah… what’s going on?” he murmured, tracing the edges of the portrait with his thumb. His mind raced, and he knew there was only one person in the house who might possibly know the answer to that question.
Conveniently, Namjoon was in Jin’s study with him that evening when Hoseok came, so he could tell them both about the problem he’d encountered today.
When he knocked and entered the study, Jin and Namjoon both gaped at him for a second before Jin gathered himself. “Hobi, hello,” he said smoothly, covering up his surprise. “What brings you out here tonight?”
Hoseok frowned. Seokjin was talking like he never came to hang out with his brothers, which wasn’t true at all. He’d been getting better about spending time with others… at least until you arrived.
“I met our new housemate today,” Hoseok said by way of greeting.
Namjoon and Jin exchanged slightly panicked glances. “And… what did you think?” Jin prompted, trying to hide his unease. Hoseok hadn’t been the most cheerful or chatty person for a long time now, and this whole situation, while not ideal for anyone involved, was definitely something that would upset him.
Hoseok hummed, trying to find the words to explain. He didn’t know whether to ease into it or just blurt it out, and he didn’t know how much his brothers already knew. They’d been good friends with Minhee as well, since the four older vampires had always been together.
“Do you remember Minhee?” he asked, sidestepping his hyung’s question.
From the way both Namjoon and Jin gaped at him, he had a sinking feeling that both his brothers knew exactly where he was going with this.
“When were you going to tell me?” he said tiredly, running his hand over his face.
“Uh…” Jin started getting a deer-in-the-headlights look, so Namjoon stepped in.
“We just weren’t sure what all this meant, and we didn’t want to bother you unnecessarily,” he explained. “The whole situation is really strange, and none of us really know what to make of it…”
From what he was saying, it seemed like there was more at hand than this girl’s unexplained connection to Minhee, and Hoseok’s eyes narrowed. “What do you mean by this ‘whole situation’?”
“Jesus,” Jin muttered under his breath. “Good going, Joon.”
Namjoon cringed, knowing he’d messed up.
“You guys seem to have some explaining to do.” Hoseok pulled the chair out from Jin’s desk and slung himself into it casually.
“Right, I suppose we do,” Jin sighed, massaging his temples.
“Well?” Hoseok asked, his brow raising as Jin didn’t say anything else after that.
Jin looked over Hoseok’s shoulder at Namjoon, who was still sitting on the couch in his study. “Would you like to take a crack at it?”
“Sure, throw me under the bus,” Namjoon grumbled, but got up and came to sit in the chair next to Hoseok’s anyway, so the three of them were seated around Jin’s desk.
“So, Taehyung found Y/n, and, uh…”
“Spit it out, already,” Hoseok snapped, accompanied by an eye roll.
“It turns out that she’s his mate…?” Namjoon said, so uncertainly that it sounded like a question. He eyed Hoseok warily, hoping he wouldn’t blow up at the unexpected (and likely unwelcome) news. He hadn’t even finished telling the story.
Hoseok turned to regard Namjoon more directly. “How can she be his mate? He’s been eating fine, hasn’t he?”
“Uh, we aren’t that sure about that,” Namjoon admitted. “But he isn’t the only one.”
“As it turns out…” Namjoon paused and looked over at Jin for help. Jin nodded encouragingly for moral support. “Uh, all of us… are her mate.” He cringed away from Hoseok as he said it, bracing himself for the inevitable explosion.
“How the fuck is that possible?!”
“Hobi, please.” Jin held his hands out placatingly, trying to calm his brother down. “We don’t know what’s going on either, but we’re trying to figure it out, okay? Joon and I are spending all our free time in the library, trying to find out more.”
Hoseok put his head in his hands and groaned. “Why can’t things ever just be normal around here?” he mumbled.
Namjoon, sighing, patted Hoseok’s shoulder, trying to offer whatever comfort he could. “I’m sorry, bro,” he said, the words falling flat because he knew even as he was saying them that it wasn’t enough. “We’ll figure this out together, all right?”
“This is fucked up,” Hoseok said shakily, and Namjoon wasn’t sure if he’d even heard him. “All of this is so messed up, I can’t believe it. How can the seven of us be mated to the same girl? We’re going to drain her dry.”
“Hobi, let’s not get ahead of ourselves…” Jin looked slightly alarmed, reaching over to pat the top of Hoseok’s head.
“I never wanted any of this, losing Minhee was bad enough. I can’t deal with any more mate drama,” Hoseok complained, ignoring his hyung.
“Hobi, come on!” Jin lost his patience finally and snapped, raising his voice. “None of us know what’s up, and we’re all trying to get through this together, so will you please get it together and stop playing the victim?”
From the way Hoseok looked up at narrowed his eyes, his brothers knew they were in for it. “Together?!” Hoseok asked derisively. “Right… is that why you were hiding Y/n from me?”
“We weren’t hiding her,” Jin said, offended now. “We told you about her; you just didn’t want to meet her because you’d rather stay holed up in your room by yourself all the time!”
“Jesus Christ!” Hoseok slammed his fist down on Jin’s desk. “Maybe, just maybe, if you had started with ‘Hobi, by the way the hunter you’ve invited into our home smells like Minhee and is apparently our shared mate’, I might have paid more attention to her!” With that, Hoseok stormed out of the study, done with interacting with his brothers.
In the wake of his outburst, Jin and Namjoon sat quietly, the silence ringing loudly in their ears.
Jin was the first to break the silence with a loud, gusty sigh. “It’s so hard to talk to him nowadays,” he complained to Namjoon. He still remembered the jovial, smiling Hoseok of years past, back before everything had changed. As much as he understood the anguish his brother was going through and wanted to be there for him, it was just so difficult when Hoseok was belligerent like this.
Namjoon nodded in agreement, resting his chin in his hand. “If nothing else, hopefully Y/n will be able to help him.”
Jin hummed. “Do you think we should tell the others?”
“They wouldn’t understand, you know that,” Namjoon responded. Reluctantly, Jin agreed – the maknaes had never been quite as patient with Hoseok as the older brothers. They just didn’t understand why he was so angry all the time, and Hoseok didn’t like discussing what he’d gone through. It was difficult keeping secrets from their brothers, but it was necessary in this case to protect Hoseok.
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elizabeatrice · 4 years
Mystery Spot (Chapter 68)
Let’s Talk About JSHK Manga #4
If you get the title reference, I applaud you.
Warning: 1) !!! MANGA SPOILERS UP TO CHAPTER 68 !!! Duh.
2) I dropped a couple of f bombs and several curses here ... I really ranted lmao.
3) This reaction/review is closer to me spewing wild theories rather than an actual review. But these wild theories are my reactions. So. Ehhh these theories are probably wrong anyway. Lemme have my dark, twisted fun, mkay? Not sure if they’re entirely coherent though.
Had trouble copying some kanji this time around ‘cause they’re so freaking blurry! So I got too lazy to write this yesterday haha. Thank you Ropes of Fate for the translation! Truly commendable heroes of the fandom *sobs*. I also used three panels from Chapter 61, translated by Caim.
Let’s jump into it (ba dum tss).
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This chapter is a bit shorter than usual and boy do you feel it. Well. At least I do. But I really hope sensei are taking some time to relax. Last chapter was 45 pages, after all. Y’all deserve it you wonderful creators.
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First of all I would like to dedicate the biggest f bomb for the villagers because what the fuck. Why the fuck would you sacrifice poor, innocent young girls just to keep yourself safe? And it’s not even a sacrifice to kami-sama! Y’all just droppin’ these girls to be eaten by supernaturals! And y’all practically manipulated them smh.
Are y’all insane?! Y’all could’ve just moved the fuck out. What kind of insane people just decide to stay near a literal pit of hell? Don’t give me the ‘we’ve lived here for generations’ bs okay ‘cause y’all neighbors be getting eaten by supernaturals but y’all rather trade innocent young girls for your own safety. If Berkians and Asgardians can suck it up and be the bigger nation with all that ‘Berk/Asgard is not a place it’s the people’ shit, y’all can too.
I’ve disliked characters in JSHK before. But I’ve never hated JSHK characters before. Until now. Y’all fucking did it, dumbass villagers.
Ahem. Pardon me.
Because my brain is a literal self-debate machine let me just say that I did consider several possibilities in these ‘people’’s defense. There’s the obvious ‘some people back then didn’t know any better and believe a human sacrifice will solve everything’ mindset. Then there’s the possibility of them being trapped in their village for some reason, hence not having any other choice but to sacrifice those girls.
But y’know what else could be the case? ‘Cause my mind really went dark there for a bit.
The Minamoto clan let it happen.
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In the last chapter it was mentioned that the Minamoto clan was involved. And this is a bit shocking now that I think about it more ‘cause Teru has always been adamant that all supernaturals are evil and must be exorcised, humans must be protected.
But what if they just let the villagers sacrifice these girls so that the monsters can be contained in this village, in that pit, instead of running amok to other places and cause more trouble?
Which makes me wonder.
Uh. Where did Teru go to? Does he know about this? Did he go to that pit (or that village, if Kamome Academy wasn’t built on its land)?
If he does know, isn’t he interested in saving a fellow human student and underclassman? If he does know about the Akane clan, isn’t he interested in telling his VP, who’s obsessed with an Akane? Unless ... you know ... he meant for this to happen, which I kinda doubt.
He must know something about this. He went out of his way to make Akane promise to protect Kou if something were to happen. What’s more dangerous than the Grim Reaper showing up looking for a sacrifice who turned out to be Kou’s beloved senpai’s best friend? What if Akane had to choose between Aoi and Kou at some point?
Okie next I wanna talk about Hanako. This is gonna sound just as far fetched as the previous bit lmao but here goes.
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Boiiii y’all saw it. The pause before his answer. His face drawn out of view, in an evasive body language.
(Hanako my boy pls do us all a favor and stop lying to your girlfriend, we all know how well that turned out in Picture Perfect lmao)
Theory. He knew what’s been going on all along. Or at least the gist of it.
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Remember this?
Imma take a detour a lil bit.
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The Far Shore/torii gate refused Nene in chapter 67, right? In my Chapter 67 reaction I said it was the bracelet that saved her but now I think the bracelet probably disguised her as Sumire in the villagers’ eyes. So the Far Shore/torii gate refused her, and we all thought it was because she wasn’t an Akane.
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But then we found out that Hanako was right about the village. It was just a ‘made up world’ inside Shinigami’s boundary. It’s just a reenactment of the day Sumire died, probably based on Shinigami’s memories, as the first page of Chapter 64 said.
So of course Nene was refused. Because in his memories, Sumire was the one who fell into the pit that day.
Sumire also said in this chapter’s narration that the villagers sacrificed young girls. Not Akane girls. Also, before the sacrifices began, the monsters already ate villagers anyway, right? They didn’t only eat young girls. It wasn’t said as such. The villagers probably just chose young girls because that’s sorta like the equivalent of offering the best meat or smth. Practically a please accept our humble offering of tenderloin wagyu, O Horrible Monsters.
The coveted bloodline thing was probably a plus, not obligatory. Often in stories, people with high ‘spiritual energy’ are supposed to taste more delicious and grant whoever eats their meat special powers or smth (e.g. Tang Sanzang from Journey to the West). Also ancient cultures sacrifice young girls often, that was the trend.
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And they proceeded to try to sacrifice Nene anyway, despite her not being an Akane. They said it themselves. “It doesn’t matter if it’s that girl.”
So according to the (rather vague) information we have, it’s possible that the sacrifice doesn’t have to be an Akane or a girl.
Some of y’all have been theorizing that the Yugi twins got involved with supernaturals, and that sorta lead to their death.
What if this is it?
I myself am not sure how it went down if this is really the case. But I keep imagining our boy’s infamous ‘I’m not going anywhere’ being said by Sumire because bruh she’s the epitome of not going anywhere. She was chosen to be sacrificed since she was a child, not given a choice. Even after she died and became a yorishiro, she was imprisoned in this time prison world or whatever, reliving her death every single day with no escape.
And I couldn’t help but think ‘hoooo shit what if???’
I mean. I don’t know who was the chosen sacrifice. Could be Tsukasa, could be Amane. Maybe he killed his brother so that he wouldn’t get sacrificed, and decided that he’ll die along with his brother. I’m not going anywhere. Maybe it also means I’m not letting you send my brother to be eaten by monsters, and since we can’t escape either, we’re staying here no matter what.
And if the Minamotos were really in on it, it makes sense for Grandma Minamoto to accuse Amane of being an evil murderer. He practically got in the way ‘of other people’s safety’ by killing the chosen sacrifice.
banjjakz also said something about the possibility of Tsukasa being a previous sacrifice. Read about it here and here. It’s pretty interesting!
Besides, a wonder whose precious person got sacrificed and later became their yorishiro? That’d be some parallel, haha.
Sure, Sumire said ‘if the kannagi was switched’. But the early narration didn’t mention a sacrifice of kannagi. Just ‘young girls’.
Look just lemme have this, alright?
Oh. Also I wanted to point out the possible tension/trust issues between Hanako and Nene but many other blogs have pointed it out quite well so I’m just gonna stick with my wild theories.
But I will address what Nene said about the pit.
Where is said pit anyway? In Kamome? Why is it open? Is it Tsukasa changing rumors and allowing more supernaturals to cross back to the Near shore? More likely. I mean, he does grant wishes for supernaturals after all.
Oh. Speaking of Nene. Let’s give her a round of applause for her character development. She’s become of better judgement regarding men’s terrible behavior. Wow. That’s my girl. I mean, we still don’t know much about Shinigami, but from what I’ve seen so far, Sumire guuuurrrrllllll you deserve better.
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Regardless of my ships, these supernatural boys should take notes from my precious Kou and how he loves so selflessly. Lmao. Remember that one post-chapter panels in Picture Perfect where he said he’ll find Nene a prince in the real world, even though he likes her? Broooo I want ten of this precious boy.
Lastly, Akane and Aoi.
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Where are they? They look like they’re stranded in some wild boundary somewhere, the one with half sunken houses and lost things that usually appear in color spreads. I am so hyped, ‘cause I love the aesthetics, and I wanna see more of this place.
Oh. And Akane’s alive. Phew. I gotta be honest though, I kinda looked forward to his death. Not because I hate the kiddo. He’s technically still human, right. I’m just wondering whether his death or Aoi’s would cause Teru to outright declare war against the Seven Wonders because aren’t these folks supposed to protect students like they claim to be? (This, of course, ignores my previous theories about the Minamoto clan)
Basically I just wanna see some shit go down with Teru mkay ‘cause this powerful dude has been useless for quite too long now.
Aoi’s still pretty confusing, too. She went from this weird expression:
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to this:
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She kinda looked like she was still under the influence of the drug thingy. But she was also concerned about Akane, even though it’s not like how she worried about Nene in the past. And she knew Akane longer than her, they practically grew up together. Real Aoi would be in tears seeing his condition, y’all. So I guess the drug thingy’s effect is slowly wearing out.
Closing! JSHK is dark but usually not in ways my brain expects it to be. (And a lot of times I still get surprised with the amount of comedy it has lmao.) Sooo sensei are probably gonna prove me wrong about most of these, anyway. Haha.
As always feel free to discuss.
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writings-in-ebony · 4 years
Extended Vacation - 2
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Summary: You have to prove yourself to Steve’s friends and your journey finally begins!
Author’s note: Hello everyone! Why is Reader such a tease? Because SHE IS ABLE TO BE ONE! She’s a badass!
A reminder: Prompt was created by @sugarthicc​ and she gave me permission to write this.Thanks again! 
Prompt: Have reader have a personality like Meg the Stallion.
Word Count:1872
Warnings: Bad language
Chapter 2
“Steve falls off his bike, what do you do?” The questions and scenarios were seemingly endless, but understandable. You were sitting in a chair, a rather uncomfortable one mind you, facing the suffocating intimidation of Bucky, Sam and Natasha. However, unbeknownst to them, you were extremely prepared for this and any questions they threw at you. After Steve officially took you on as his assistant, you spent countless hours researching his friends, his enemies, and anything you felt like you had the right to know. You also made sure to study different scenarios and issues that might crop up during your journey. So, yeah, you were prepared for everything they threw at you. But the cold, killer expressions from Bucky and Natasha didn’t help in easing any nerves.
“I immediately pull over my car, survey traffic and proceed to help him off the road. If he sustained any injuries, I would go to my car and retrieve my first aid kit.”
“There is an attack on your hotel and the lights are shut off. All methods of contacting the outside are jammed or shut off. What do you do?” Bucky asked this questioned and leaned over the table, as if he was going to pounce you. As if he dared you to say something stupid. But you didn’t flinch because that’s what they wanted, you to break.
“I go get Steve in the next room,” you were cut off by Natasha’s hand slapping the table.
“What if he’s not in the next room? He’s in the pool, on the twentieth floor, while you are on the tenth.” She immediately made the situation more complicated.
“I would retrieve my phone since the pool is most likely open air if it’s on the twentieth floor. Quietly take the stairs since the elevators are down and make it to Steve as fast as I can.” You barely got out your last word before Sam was interjecting with his own additions.
“You get there, and Steve has a knife in his leg and a gun aimed at his head. What do you do?” Before you could answer, the door to the interrogation room slammed open and there stood both Steve and Tony. They aimed disapproving glares at the trio in front of you.
“You know when I said make sure the new girl feels “welcome”, I didn’t expect that “welcome” to be a full-blown interrogation session,” Tony ground out. He looked like he wanted to say more, but Sam beat him to the punch.
“We have to make sure that she is prepared for every situation. She is basically the only person in charge of America’s hero on this trip. Someone who just arrived only a month prior. Who has no knowledge of Steve and how- .” He stopped when he heard your chair abruptly scrape the concrete floor.
“I’m sorry to interject, Mr. Wilson. But I thoroughly researched and analyzed not only Mr. Rogers, but his enemies and his friends. Steven Grant Rogers has no physical health issues currently listed in his file. He suffers from insomnia, night terrors and nightmares, which I got by looking at his mental health notes and the inconsistent visitations to his psychiatrist. They usually occur on the weekdays but will definitely happen after a mission. He is not on any prescribed medications, primarily due to his metabolism, and his last panic attack was around three years ago.” You completely ignored the shocked expressions of Steve, Sam and Tony. Bucky kept his expression nonchalant and Natasha only raised an eyebrow. But you kept going.
“Mr. Rogers has fourteen major enemies whose whereabouts are currently not near any of the locations we will be visiting, but I talked with Mr. Fury about making sure that there’s security on standby in all our locations anyway. I also made sure that Jarvis is installed in all my devices so that he can monitor and track our locations and offer me any feedback and updates.”
“As for friends, Steve Rogers has a close connection with Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanov, Sam Wilson, and Tony Stark. I noticed with the younger Avengers they look up to him as a father figure or brother. It depends. With his friends, Mr. Rogers naturally relaxes and lets out his true personality. I’ve observed that he’s sarcastic, sassy, and loves listening to conversation even if he, himself, cannot understand what the subject is or its context. In unknown or strange company however, Mr. Rogers displays shy or reserved behavior. Negative behaviors include stubbornness, irrational thinking, and the tendency to thrust himself into dangerous situations without thinking of his own health. But I can literally go on about what I found, but it’s fruitless. Ms. Romanov has already researched into me and read my file, anyway.” Tony and Sam looked dumbstruck as their gazes fell on Natasha. She didn’t even look at them, instead she aimed a smirk at you and you officially took that as a win.
“How did you know Natasha researched you?” Tony slowly asked.
“Oh! Jarvis makes a note of everyone who views the files and she and Ms. Potts already researched me and read up on me. I just wanted to check to see who read my file.” You let a small smile slip and Bucky scoffed.
“I like her,” he grumbled, obviously trying to hide a smile. “Well, if Natasha read your file and you still have both legs, I take it you fit the bill.”
“She does,” Natasha admitted.
“But why the interrogation?!” Sam looked at her as if she betrayed him.
“Because I had to scare her and see her reactions,” she shrugged. “She passed, but I’ve been watching her this entire month. She’s fine in my book.” You smiled warmly at her and she winked at you, proceeding to exit the room. Bucky and Sam followed also, but Sam was giving her an earful for her deception. Tony apologized for their behavior which you quickly dismissed and excused. He made his exit and that left you with a blotchy-faced Steve.
“Wow, you…uh…know so much about me. Like a lot,” he admitted. He was extremely uncomfortable, and you walked towards him, placing a comforting hand on his arm.
“Steve, I just wanted to be prepared for my job. If I didn’t know everything that made you tick or could put you in harm, my job would be pointless and your friends wouldn’t even let me be in the same room as you, let alone accompany you on a cross-country trip. If you wanna know about me, I’ll send you my file immediately and you can read everything. I thought you would anyway.”
He bashfully looked at the ground, realizing that he should’ve done that. “I didn’t want to invade your privacy. I…uh…thought I could figure you out without a piece of paper telling me,” he sounded a little bitter and you understood where it was coming from.
“I didn’t get half of the things I just said from reading a piece of paper. This entire month was dedicated to me watching you from afar. I did my own character analysis, while asking others what they see you as. You might not like this, but you’re very transparent.” He visibly winced. “And as you’ll come to realize, I am very blunt. But just because I know about some of your secrets, does not reflect how I view you as a person. That very first day, when I called you a badass, was the truth and it still holds up. You’re a hero to America for a reason.” You lightly tapped his shoulder and walked away.
 Steve should have known this trip was a bad idea. He should have known! He should have cancelled and claimed he had an illness. But no, that wouldn’t work because Captain America can’t get sick! He was being tormented and the tormenter was you! What could he do as you walked out of the convenience store, long legs bare and shorts riding up on your…? He couldn’t even bring himself to finish. He turned away and continued filling his bike with gas, face heating up and body reacting in ways he wishes it wouldn’t.
You were both stopped at a convenience store somewhere in Pennsylvania. It wasn’t too crowded, given there were already two cars filling up when you both pulled in. It wasn’t a small gas station, but it also wasn’t a large brand either.
Your car was already filled, since it didn’t burn that much gas, and you had decided to get some snacks and drinks for the road. And would he be lying if he said his eyes didn’t track the way you sauntered into the convenience store like you were a queen strolling past her subjects? What possessed you to wear those godforsaken shorts? And that deep V-neck t-shirt that gripped your thickness and put you on display? You were his assistant and here he was, drooling like a kid in a candy store.
“…something to drink,” Steve startled out of his stupor and turned to see you were raising a blue energy drink to his face.
“I asked did you need something to drink. You look overheated, which is very uncharacteristic. Are you feeling okay?” She gazed up at Steve with big eyes, her lips parted and inviting.
“Thank you, yeah. I’m feeling okay, just a little hot and the wind…Yeah.” God, he sounded like a dumbass. Her eyes furrowed in even more confusion but looked pleased when Steve reached out and grabbed the drink. He really wanted his bike to hurry up and fill because he was running out of other things to stare at.
“So, you liking the trip so far? I know we’re only five hours into the trip, and we have two more hours before we get to Cleveland, but are you enjoying just riding?” She popped open the cap of her own drink.
“Yeah! It’s so…freeing? It’s like I can think about myself without thinking about others. It’s just me and the road. And I wanna thank you for allowing me to have that feeling,” he trailed off as he watched you drink. He fixated on your puckered lips around the top and actually flinched when you popped your lips and released a content sigh.
You turned back to him and smiled up at him, seemingly disregarding his creepy staring. “That’s good. But you know, I’m getting honked by angry citizens for your freedom.” She waggled a finger at him as if scolding him, but a humorous smirk was plastered on her face. He chuckled and heard the nozzle of the gas tank pop. Finally! He quickly removed the nozzle and screwed on the cap to the tank.
“Well, back to driving,” he beamed, swinging his leg over the bike. “You ready?” He looked at you expectantly and you threw him a thumbs up.
“Sure thing, Steve. And by the way,” she walked over to him and leaned down next to his face so that only he could hear. “You don’t have to be so bashful. It’s okay to stare. It’s actually very flattering.” And with that, she squeezed his bicep and sauntered back to her car.
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alonely-dreamer · 4 years
The Valuable Sun | Chapter 18
Summary: Sookie comes to learn her little sister’s got her life together while she has to rebuild everything.
Pairing: Eric x OC
Warnings: 18+
A/N: Please, note that I am French so there might be some mistakes here and there.
Words: 2254
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17
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Spending the entire night with Jason and Sookie, cuddled in blankets, drinking hot coco with marshmallows… all of it seemed like a distant dream. A dream Brooklynne had had multiple times in the past year, once she thought would never happen again.
It was as hard for Sookie to get back to real life as it was for Brooklynne. Everyone in Bon Temps was so happy to not only hear about her return but also to see her again. The excuse Bill gave the police was very useful to shut anyone who was a little too curious. Of course, not everything was easy, and now that Sookie was back, it was a hard adjustment for Eric and Brooke to have a new roommate. So hard, in fact, that after only one day, Eric suggested they get a place of their own. A suggestion which, to her own surprise, she didn’t find uninteresting.
“Anywhere but Bon Temps,” Eric whispered so close to her hear she managed to hear him despite the terrible and terribly loud music playing in the club.
“You mean Shreveport,” she chuckled as she slid a hand in his hair, gently bringing his face to hers.
As per usual, she was sitting on his lap, on his ‘throne’. She had learnt to ignore the dozen pair of eyes, human or vampire, that were fixed on them for the entirety of the night. They were different, depending on their species. Mortals envied her. The undead judged him. Silently, of course. They knew what would happen if their sheriff caught them talking ill of his human.
The humans outside, however, weren’t so quiet or discreet about their judgmental ideas and hate. Steve Newlin’s following only grew bigger every day, ever since Russell went crazy on live TV, and a portion of it from Louisiana reunited every night in front of Fangtasia to spew their hatred all over its customers, be they vampire, or human. It did scare away most of the mortal clientele, though Fangtasia had been around for a while, and had, fortunately for business, loyal customers.
“What’s wrong with Shreveport?”
“What’s wrong with Bon Temps?”
He smirked. He liked it when she was challenging him. Always reminding him how perfect she was for him.
“We’d be close to Fangtasia. We wouldn’t have to fly here every night.”
“I like to fly,” she shrugged.
“Oh, I know you do,” he said with a grin.
“So, what do you want? To build a home under the club?”
“I would hate that as much as you would. I had an apartment in mind.”
“An apartment?”
He nodded. “UV protected windows, with a view…”
“Mmh… that doesn’t sound so bad.”
“Wait until you see the view.”
“I don’t care about the view. As long as we’re together.”
She pulled him to her, his lips crashing onto hers. That was how the night almost always ended, except when a dumbass decided to get into a fight with the other dumbasses outside.
The Viking chose to ignore his progeny, hoping she’d get the hint and leave them alone.
“Not now, Pam,” he said between two intense kisses.
“We have a problem.”
Brooklynne moved away, both annoyed and frustrated, making the vampire growl.
“What is it?” he snarled.
“Some idiot outside got into a fight with the other idiots outside.”
“Can’t you handle it?”
“It’s Hoyt, Eric. Jessica’s human? The King’s progeny? Rings any bell?”
Eric sighed as he tried hard not to roll his eyes.
“Go, it’s fine,” Brooke told him, not even trying to hide her disappointment.
“I’ll make it up to you,” he said before he stole another kiss from her.
“Oh, I know,” she smirked, not wanting him to leave in such a bad mood.
He chuckled as he got up, letting her slide gently onto the chair. Oh, how it made him feel to see her sitting there. She was never sexier than in his chair. She watched him leave, wiggling her fingers as he turned to her one last time. Left alone, she looked around the room, still feeling the eyes of the people there, humans still wishing they were in her position, vampires unhappy about their mortal queens. But as unhappy as they were, there was no doubt in anyone’s mind, that she was, indeed, their queen.
 Wrapped in Eric’s large grey shirt, Brooke was sound asleep in their bed, in the cool of his arms. She couldn’t remember the last time she got up before noon, but she was always awake before Eric, who only opened his eyes at sundown. She awoke particularly early that afternoon and she would usually stay in bed and go back to sleep but since Sookie was back she had been getting up sooner to spend as much time as possible with her before she had to leave for Fangtasia. She rubbed her eyes as she yawned, another hour of sleep wouldn’t have been so bad.
She didn’t bother dressing up and climbed the ladder carefully. She knew she could make all the noise in the world and it wouldn’t wake the vampire up, but she always tried to be considerate. Human habit.
She shielded her eyes from the sun of the early afternoon as she opened the doors of the fake wooden wardrobe. She heard voices coming from the kitchen and wondered who Sookie could’ve been with as she knew Jason was working. Besides, it sounded like a woman’s voice. It sounded like…
“Tara,” Brooklynne smiled as she stepped into the kitchen. “What are you doing here?” a laugh escaped her as she went to hug her old friend.
“Hey Brooke, you’re up late,” Tara chuckled as she hugged her back.
“Or early, considering she went to bed at 6,” Sookie said with a grimace.
“Don’t tell me you spend your nights with that vampire,” Tara scolded the young telepath as she saw the logo of Fangtasia on her shirt.
“Her nights and her days,” Sookie informed her friend, “he lives here now.”
“He what?”
“Eric moved in months ago,” Brooke said as she made her way to the fridge.
“Are you telling me that psychopath who kidnapped and tortured Lafayette for weeks lives in this house?”
Brooklynne paused.
“First of all, he apologized for that, he even gave him a car. Second of all, yes, Tara, my boyfriend lives with me… in my house.”
“Lafayette’s terrified of that motherfucker, he can give him all the cars in the world it won’t change a thing!”
“And… this is still my house,” Sookie said.
“Actually… it isn’t,” Brooke wrinkled her nose. “The deed’s in my name now… I signed the papers and everything…” she continued as she closed the fridge, a bottle of orange juice in one hand.
“What?” Sookie breathed out as if she had just been punched in the heart.
“Legally I had to… since you were gone for so long… I’m sorry,” she shrugged. “But it’s still your house. It’s always gonna be your house. And Jason’s.”
“Great,” Sookie threw her hands in the air, “good thing I came back or you’d have sold my car next.”
“That’s not fair,” Brooklynne replied, offended. “I took care of your car, I took care of all your stuff.”
“I’m not staying one more second here, I don’t want your boyfriend to think I’m his dinner,” she said as she practically jumped off her chair and made her way to the back door.
“Tara, wait!”
“He’s not gonna hurt you,” Brooke called after her, but Tara wasn’t listening.
Sookie gave a disappointed and disapproving look to her sister before she went after her friend. Brooke shrugged, walked up to the shelf where they kept the glasses and poured herself a full glass of orange juice. She mumbled something as she brought it to her lips.
“And a good day to you to.”
 Sookie was obviously mad when she came back. Tara had just come back from New-Orleans to see her and they had already been in a fight. It all made Brooklynne seriously reconsider Eric’s offer to move in that apartment in Shreveport, the one with the great view. Fortunately, the two sisters didn’t get the opportunity to argue about Eric again, as the phone rang as soon as she came back in the house, having failed to convince Tara to stay a little more.
“Who was it?” Brooklynne asked before taking another sip from her glass.
“Andy,” she sighed. “Jason didn’t come to work this morning and he’s not answering his phone.”
“Did he check his house?”
“He asked me to do it,” she answered as she took her car keys from the counter.
“Want me to come with…”
Brooklynne silently watched her sister exit through the back door and quickly get into her car. After Sookie was gone, she washed the dishes, then took a long and cold shower, wondering what she should do while waiting for the night to come.
 Brooklynne’s denial of Jason’s situation unnerved Sookie more than anything. Though Eric acted as usual, detached from any feeling and showing no particular worry, he did find it strange too. Maybe it was too hard for Brooklynne to even imagine that another one of her siblings was missing again out of nowhere with no clue as to where to find them. Or maybe it was just as she said, optimism and trust. Jason would come back. Like Sookie did. Eric didn’t dare say aloud what both he and Sookie thought: hopefully, it wouldn’t take a year.
“He’s probably with a girl,” she said to her sister. “He’ll be back in a week.”
Jason’s disappearance had one positive effect, at least, Sookie and Brooklynne weren’t arguing about Eric anymore. Especially since Eric had said he’d order some vampires to look for their brother. Sookie appreciated it, even if she wouldn’t say it aloud. But there was something else that bothered the eldest telepath, something that had been bothering her ever since she had come back from Alcide’s.
“Wasn’t he happy to see you?” Brooklynne asked as she put a plate down on the table.
“He was very happy to see me,” Sookie answered as she handed her the cutlery. She was cooking Adele’s famous sausage recipe, Jason’s favorite.
“Then what?” she insisted as she finished setting up the table.
“Debbie was there.”
“Yeah. They got back together a few months ago. She’s clean now.”
“Wait… you knew?”
Brooke shrugged. “Alcide helped us a lot when we were looking for you. We spent a lot of time together.”
“He kept whining about that V addicted werewolf who left him,” Eric said as he appeared from the living room.
“She needed help getting clean. Needed support,” Brooke continued as she gave a reproving look to the vampire. Eric ignored it and kissed her temple, a gesture she took as an apology. That was the best she’d get from him anyway.
“We’re out of Tru Blood,” Sookie informed the vampire.
“I know,” he told her as he slid his hands on Brooke’s waist, gently bringing her back to his chest before placing a kiss on her neck, where two puncture wounds could be seen.
Sookie grimaced as she turned around and got back to the stove where the sausages were about to burn. Brooke smiled before she put a kiss on Eric’s lips. She meant to get the glasses from the shelf, but Eric had something else in mind. He didn’t let her go from his arms and captured her lips, tightening his hold on her.
“Could you not?” Sookie sighed. “We’re about to eat.”
“I’m about to eat too,” he smirked, making her roll her eyes.
“Stop it,” Brooke giggled, wiggling out of Eric’s arms. “I’m not your dinner,” she playfully punched him in the arm.
“No?” he asked with a grin and a raised eyebrow.
She smiled back, bit her lower lip, then tiptoed and wrapped her arms around his neck before whispering in his ear.
“No, I’m your dessert.”
“Mmh, I like that.”
“Ew, stop it,” Sookie begged.
“You didn’t even hear what I said,” Brooke told her.
“I can read your mind, remember?”
“Then stay out of my head.”
As Sookie put the pan in the middle of the table, dinner being ready to be served, Eric’s phone started to ring.
“I thought Fangtasia was closed tonight,” Sookie said as she sat down.
“Fangtasia is never closed,” he told her before putting another kiss on Brooke’s forehead. “I’ll be right back.”
Brooklynne sat across from Sookie and started eating, every bite reminded her of her grandmother, even the smell, as if Adele was right there with them.
“You’re the only one who can cook it perfectly.”
“It’s just sausages,” Sookie chuckled.
“Nothing new from Jason?”
“Afraid not… Andy said he’d file a missing person report tomorrow… I said he should have already done it but…”
“You know Jason… he’s just fooling around with a girl.”
“He hasn’t answered his phone in two days, Brooke.”
“So, it died,” she shrugged. “He’s too busy to notice.”
“I hope you’re right,” Sookie whispered, more to herself.
Eric stepped back in the kitchen with an annoyed look on his face. Though Sookie noticed, she didn’t bother asking him about it, she didn’t really care about his problems.
“What’s wrong?” Brooke asked.
“We have to go.”
“You can deal with your problems on your own, Eric,” Sookie told him. “Or ask Pam.”
“It’s Bill,” he said. “He has a job for us.”
Tags: @thepoet1975 @nerdysandwichqueen @catchmeupimgettingoutofhere @raegan-hale @colie87 @heavenly1927​ @abbey7103​
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Funny Moments In Avengers 1 (this time with gifs!)
Find Thor 1 here
Find Thor 2 here
In hindsight, I probably shoulda done this either before or right after Thor 1 but I’m horrible at planning so. This post is going to be listing the humor in Avengers 1 and then giving some thoughts afterwards. Post starts underneath the tag list. If you want to be added/removed from the tag list, let me know.
Tag List: @fyrecrafted​ @lokijiro​ @nikkoliferous​ @miskiett​ @icyxmischief​ @iamanartichoke​ @juliabohemian​ @Official-and-unstable-satan @darthxerik​ @melodylnoelle​  @just-another-human-2019​ @fandomsfanfictions @mentallydatingahotcelebrity​ @cateyes315​ @burningarbiterheart​ @imnotacreepijustlikeyou​ @usedtobegoodfriend96​ @alexakeyloveloki​
Also, side note but I find it kinda interesting how the humor doesn’t start till several minutes after the film starts when the arms dealer guy is interrogating Natasha.
~ Arms dealer: “you listen carefully” Coulson: *bitch you listen carefully*
~ “I’m working! This idiot is giving me everything” “I don’t give her everything”
~ “Let me put you on hold” *Coulson waiting very quietly as he listens to Natasha’s hold music which consists of bones breaking*
~ “Oh I’ve got Stark. You get the big guy” *Natasha DEFINITELY saying “fuck” in a different language*
~ “Should’ve got paid up front Banner”
~ “Doctor we’re facing a potential global catastrophe” “oh no those I try to actively avoid”
~ “What does Fury want me to do [with the Tesseract]? Swallow it?”
~ “Is there anything you can tell us about the Tesseract? “You should’ve left it in the ocean
~ “Ten bucks says you’re wrong [about being surprised by new things]” *Steve later giving Fury $10*
~ “How does it look?” “Like Christmas but with more me”
~ “Give yourself some credit please. Give yourself 12% of the credit.” “12%?! Of my baby?!” “An argument could be made for 15”
~ “You have reached the life model decoy of Tony Stark. Please leave a message”
~ “Phil! Come in!” “Um his first name is Agent”
~ *I know nothing about the Avengers initiative but I do know that my boyfriend is a dick sometimes*
~ *Pepper saying something racy in Tony’s ear*
~ *Both of the men’s faces*
~ “The guy’s like a Stephen Hawking.” *?????* “He’s like a smart person”
~ “I watched you while you were sleeping” *wow I should’ve stayed in the ice cause this convo went sideways real quick*
~ *Loki straight up sassing the asshole who tortured him like the Queen he is*
~ “Did he ask you to sign his captain America trading cards yet?” Trading cards?” “They’re vintage. He’s very proud”
~ “Really? They want me in a submerged pressurized metal container”
~ “Oh no this is much worse”
~ “I mean, if it’s not too much trouble” “no no it’s fine”
~ *Loki bitch-slapping the guard in the face with the scepter*
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~ *cap punches Loki and Loki’s bitch really face”
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~ “Kneel!” “Not today!”
~ “Make a move Reindeer Games”
~ “Rock of Ages giving up so easy?”
~ “What’s the matter? Scared of a little lightning?” “I’m not overly fond of what follows?” *?????*
~ “Now there’s that guy”
~ “We need a plan of attack!” “I have a plan. Attack”
~ “You think yourself above them?” “Well yes dumbass”
~ “You listen well brother” “I’m listening”
~ “Doth mother know, you weareth her drapes?”
~ *Loki calmly watching them fight*
~ “Power at 400% capacity” “How bout that?”
~ “Let me know if ‘real power’ wants a magazine or something”
~ “He really grows on you doesn’t he?”
~ “An army. From outer space” *should’ve stayed in the ice cube*
~ “He killed 80 people in 2 days” “He’s adopted”
~ “No hard feelings Point Breaks, you got a mean swing”
~ “That man is playing Galaga! Thought we wouldn’t notice but we did!” *they later show the guy playing Galaga*
~ “How does Fury see these?” “He turns.” “Sounds exhausting”
~ “When did you become an expert in thermonuclear astrophysics?” “Last night”
~ *Tony and Bruce geeking out over science*
~ “Are you nuts?” “Jury’s out”
~ “Is everything a joke to you?” “Funny thing”
~ *Tony supporting Bruce by offering blueberries*
~ “The Stark tower? That big ugly-” *Tony’s face* “building in the sky?”
~ “Followings not really my style?” “And you’re all about style?” “Of the people in this room who is 1) wear a spangly outfit and 2) not of use?”
~ *Ancient powerful deity trying to describe what a Bilgesnipe is to a mortal*
~ “How is this now about me?” “I’m sorry isn’t everything”
~ “Big man in a suit of armor. Take that off and what are you?” “Genius billionaire playboy philanthropist”
~ *Tony and Steve arguing* “Put on the suit” “I’m not afraid to hit an old man”
~ *SHIELD gets attacked* “Put on the suit” “Yep”
~ “Is the sun coming up? Then put it on the left dumbass”
~ “It seems to work on some form of electricity” *I should’ve stayed in the ice*
~ *Tony speaking Science TM* “Speak English!”
~ “Target angry! TARGET ANGRY!!!!!!”
~ “Are you ever not going to fall for that?”
~ *After blasting Loki* “So that’s what it does”
~ *Master assassins who bite each other*
~ *Thor vs Windows episode 2*
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~ “Cap hit the lever” “I need a minute here!” “LEVER!!! NOW!!!”
~ “Uh oh I’m fucked”
~ “Are you an alien?” “No” “Well then son, you’ve got a condition”
~ “Hey you guys aren’t authorized to be in he-” “Son, just don’t”
~ “Please tell me you’re going to appeal to my humanity” “Actually I’m planning on threatening”
~ *Tony very calmly “threatening” Loki*
~ “I have an army” “We have a Hulk”
~ “This usually works” “Well performance issues. It’s not uncommon 1 out of 5-” YEET
~ “And there one other person you pissed off. His name is Phil”
~ “Right. Army”
~ *Steve trying to stay safe in the jet as it falls to the ground* *I SHOULD’VE STAYED IN THE FUCKING ICE*
~ “Stark are you seeing this?” “Seeing. Still working on believing”
~ “You think you can hold them off?” “Captain, it would be my genuine pleasure”
~ “Just like Budapest all over again” “You and I remember Budapest very differently”
~ “Why the hell should I take orders from you?” *Cause I’m a fucking badass that why*
~ “Welp. We got his attention. What the hell is step 2?”
~ “So. This all seems horrible”
~ “I’m bringing the party to you” “I don’t see how that’s a party”
~ “That’s my secret cap. I’m always angry” *honestly tho Mood TM*
~ “Better clench up Legolas”
~ “And Hulk. Smash”
~ *Hawkeye not looking where he’s shooting and still hitting his mark*
~ “Well Thor’s taking down a squadron on 6th” “And he didn’t invite me”
~ *Hulk punching Thor out of the frame*
~ *Steve hiding his whole body behind his shield*
~ “I recognize that the council has made a decision but given that it’s a stupid ass decision I have elected to ignore it”
~ “Nat what the fuck are you doing?”
~ *Loki catches the arrow like a Badass TM but it still blows up in his face anyways cause Hawkeye is also a Badass TM*
~ “I am a god you dull creature and I will not be bullied by a-“ *gets smacked around like a rag doll*
~ “Puny god”
~ “Jarvis. You ever hear the tale of Jonah?” “I wouldn’t consider him a role model”
~ *ITS SHWARMA!!!! In the back ground!*
~ “You ready for another bout?” “What you gettin sleepy?”
~ *Hulk roaring to wake up Tony* “What the hell?”
~ “What just happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me!”
~ “Lets just not come in tomorrow. Let’s just take a day. You ever tried shwarma? There’s a shwarma place three blocks away. I don’t know what it is but I wanna try it.”
~ “If it’s all the same to you, I’ll have that drink now” *Tony smirking*
~ “Superhero’s in New York? Give me a break!”
~ *The Shwarma scene*
~ *Tony realizing he was scared back to life by the man on his left*
~ *Steve nodding off like the senior citizen he is*
~ *Thor eating literally everything on his plate*
~ *Clint and Natasha taking up each others personal space*
Alright some side thoughts. First of all, there’s no humor in the opening scene when Loki is stealing the Tesseract. I find this interesting as I see no reason for there not to be humor. Not complaining, just wondering.
Also, just like with Thor 1 & 2, there’s little to no humor when Thor and Loki are arguing. Whether it’s wen Thor breaks Loki out fo the jet after Stuttgart or when Thor and Loki are fighting on the Stark Tower, there’s barely any humor, if there’s even any humor at all.
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loveylangdon · 5 years
What’s Clickbait again? pt. 3
Word count: 5.2k+ 
Shawn Mendes x Reader 
Story Summary: You’re dating Shawn Mendes but was in a long term relationship with David Dobrik and met Shawn through a collab David was supposed to have with him. David is now collabing with Shawn finally and finds out you’re dating the pop sensation and doesn’t know what to do.
Authors note: thank you guys sooo much for reading this again it’s just been floating in my head and it's nice to be able to have it out there for other people to enjoy. I know by this point it's going to be a mini-series and I have a lot of ideas, I don't want to drag it out and make it boring so I’m thinking I'm going to shoot for 6 parts and see what happens after that. If you guys have any ideas or suggestions feel free to leave it in the ask box or dm me :) Xxx
Pt. 1 
Pt. 2 
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*Not my gif credit to owner*
Davids p.o.v
“Natalie give me the keys” looking down the hall where they left hand in hand, I turn to Natalie “Nat give me the fucking keys,” I say a little louder this time but quiet enough so the guy Shawn was talking to wouldn’t notice
I quickly steal a glance at the table and see the redhead staring at me. I roll my eyes and hit Nat’s arm “The keys Natalie” I say in a more demanding tone then needed but how could she not be listening to me at a time like this. 
A year, we’ve been broken up for a year and she's walking around with one of the nicest people in the industry on her arm, and by the looks of it, he gives her the world. I feel sick, it should be me, it was me until it wasn’t. I look from the hall where they disappeared back to Natalie ready to hit her arm again.
She looks at me with a look I’ve never seen before. I go to open my mouth again but she stops me 
“David,” she sighs defeated “She’s happy” she’s looking me in the eyes trying to communicate that whatever I’m about to do isn’t worth it.
“Not that you seem to fucking care but I haven’t seen her in a whole year, a year Natalie I need to talk to her so stop playing therapist and give me the fucking car keys” I look at her, staring down the hall again, they’ve only been gone for about five minutes but it feels like an eternity the longer Natalie takes the farther away they get.
 What the fuck did she know? I look from the hall back to Natalie who still hasn’t made a move to dig my keys out of her bag.
“Natalie, I will say this one more time” I stop lick my lips pushing my hair out of my face getting closer to her sitting figure “Natalie, give me the fucking car keys. I am not going to ask again” I glare at her until I see her shrink in her seat. Jack is looking at me like I'm stupid but I could care less I need to see her. 
“No one asked for your opinion Jack so stay the fuck out of it” I snapped back quickly, turning to look at him with annoyance and anger.
Some people were staring now but I could care less I need to talk to her. 
I quickly look down the hall and back at Natalie and down the hall again, I look at the redhead and he’s texting on his phone. I look down ready to grab Natalie's bag myself but see her with the keys in the palms of her hands, looking at the redhead one more time he’s still distracted, I snatch the keys from her hand and head down the hall she disappeared down. 
Walking down the hall I realize I don’t even know where I’m going, they couldn’t have gone far. I push open the door to the sound studio the sun momentarily blinding me and quickly scan the cars in the lot. I look for hers but can’t pick it out of the lineup. I quickly get in the Ferrari and drive slowly down the street hopefully seeing her car or her. 
Suddenly my phones ringing and it's a FaceTime from Jason, looking down I decline it. How could they be trying to stop me from talking to her? 
I’m about to turn down a street when I see them, I see Shawn first but his head is in her hands and she’s littering his face with kisses. 
I feel sick, what the fuck am I doing. 
I watch as he pushes her face away in a playful manner and reaches to kiss her hand. I feel like they’re about to kiss again and I can’t take it, I rev the engine and quickly pull up to an available space in front of the cafe. I don't even know if this is a parking space but fuck it. I know they heard the car and broke away, I smirk.
I get out of the car and I feel someone staring at me but I know its not her. 
I hear Shawn mutter “Is this a joke” and y/n shushing him I smirk knowing whatever they were doing was interrupted by me.
I quickly pull my glasses on she always liked when I wore glasses and do the most cliche car click over the shoulder douchebag move as I’m walking up to the entrance, I completely ignore them but when I hear her ask for a kiss I go to lock the car again making it beep loudly. I hear Shawn groan. Smirking to myself and walk inside. Glad I ruined their moment.
I can feel her staring at me through the glass now as I walk up to the counter, I pretend to study the menu but I’m not focusing. I take out my phone and call Corinna.
“Hello” She answers on the other side of the line 
I shrink softly “Corinna I’m a dumbass, I don't even know what my coffee order is how am I going to go to a coffee shop and pretend like I didn't follow them when I don’t even know what my order is-”
“David where the fuck are you” She cut me off 
“I saw y/n, She has a new boyfriend and I followed them to this cafe because I wanted to talk to her” I bite my lip “I didn’t think this far ahead I didn’t even think I was going to find them, I didn’t think and- ” 
She cut me off again “You never think David that's the problem” I hear her sighing on the line “Ok where are you I’m coming” 
“By the time you get here, they’ll be back at the studio it’s at the Warner Brothers lot-” I notice the girl behind the counter eyeing me. “Corinna hold on” I move the phone from my ear and look at her 
“Hi, by chance do you know who I am” I speak and my eyes widen “I meant that in the least douchebag way possible” I chuckle 
“Actually yeah I do, and I think least douchebag way possible went out the window when you prevented your ex-girlfriend from kissing her boyfriend who is out on the patio” She says in a joking tone but follows my eyes from the couple on the patio to her, she looks over at me and sympathy is all over her face. 
“Ok got me there, Do you know my coffee order by chance?” I ask hopefully 
“Iced Cappuccino with almond milk, I'll give you a few extra coffees so it just looks like you’re on a coffee run” she smiles at me and puts the order in the register. 
Putting my phone to my ear again I hear Corinna in her car “Ok mini-crisis averted, the barista helped me. It's sound lot 7 call Natalie and tell her to put you on the list tell her I’m coming back with coffee” I hang up the phone and sit on the bar by the counter.
My knee won’t stop shaking as I watch the barista make my drinks trying not to look outside. 
In my peripherals I see another girl walk out and give y/n and Shawn their food. Their hands disconnect while their plates were set in front of them but as soon as the waitress walks away, Shawn moves his opened hand laid out onto the table with his palm facing up. I feel like I'm intruding on their moment but I can’t help it. y/n giggles at him and puts her hand in his he quickly takes it and pulls her hand up to his mouth kissing her knuckles. He puts their linked fingers back on the table never breaking apart. He keeps stealing glances at her and staring at her intently I look over to her and she has a big smile on her face and her eyes are lit up, by the look on her face I know she’s talking about something she loves and I feel like I’m going to throw up, I look away quickly. 
The coffees are set in front of me all 5 of them. I sigh and rub my face in my hands. What the fuck am I doing? The barista places the last drink in the tray.
she looks at me sheepishly “I don’t mean to be inappropriate, but can I get a picture please, I’m a huge fan” 
“Yah, of course, thank you for helping me” I smile as she comes around the counter and hands the phone to the other barista who snaps the picture and thanks me. 
As she rings me up I glance back outside. Their eating, smiling and laughing. My heart drops. 
“Your total is $20.25” She smiles at me
I reach into my pocket “Here I only have a hundred dollars,” handing her the bill “um can I pay for their bill please” I say pointing towards Shawn and y/n. I close my eyes and try to remember what they said at the soundstage, “and I think they said something about getting coffee too so add $10 onto it and then keep the rest as a thank you for helping me” I smile at her and grab the coffee. 
She stares at me shocked “Are you sure, you don’t have to honestly that's like a fifty dollar tip” 
“Don’t worry about it, oh and please don’t post that picture we took until they leave. Thank you so much.” I turn to walk out but she stops me
“Don’t worry about it too much,” She glances outside to Shawn and y/n laughing, “I know she still has feelings for you, she kept stealing glances in here. He may seem like an angel but he has to leave to tour eventually and who leaves their girlfriend for more than half the year. It gets better even if it feels like your heart just left your body.”
I give her another smile and head to walk outside. As soon as I open the door a bell rings that I didn’t notice when I walked in. 
I don’t even look at the eyes that are watching me and continue walking to my car. I set the coffee’s on the floor next to me and back out of the spot. 
Making my way to the sound studio I feel my heart breaking all over again, I don’t even notice I’m crying until It gets blurry. Luckily I’m in the studio lot and am already parking. I sit there and pull out my phone before I can even text Natalie to get the coffee my hands start trembling and I punch the steering wheel. The horn going off but I could care less. I don’t even notice Natalie until the stage door slams against the wall and she’s running to me. 
I look up at her standing over the car “You’re a dumbass you know that right” she gives me a soft smile before pulling me out of the car and giving me a hug. 
I bury my face in her neck and can’t help but cry. She rubs my back. “I know it hurts Dave but it's going to get better I promise,” she tells me as she holds me. I feel useless and broken. 
y/n p.o.v. 
Me and Shawn finished eating lunch on the patio, once David went inside and didn’t cause further problems I saw Shawn visibly relax. While David was inside our food came out and we ate and talked about random things. 
We were interrupted by the sound of a doorbell dinging signaling that David was leaving. Me and Shawn both watched as he carried a tray of coffee’s out to his car and left without a glance or a sound. 
Shawn’s eyes followed his car glaring until the car vanished and once it was out of sight he squeezed your hand.
“You owe me two kisses,” Shawn says seriously 
I reach over to hold Shawn's jaw in my hand and give him his request and he hums happily 
Moving to sit back down he’s deep in thought when I squeeze his hand “You know he’s not a bad person, he wouldn’t do anything to hurt or interfere with us. He just needs time to process things, he doesn’t react kindly to things he can’t have or things he’s not used to”
Shawn sighs leaning his cheek on his free hand that was resting on the table. “So he does want you, still?” He looks at me while his eyes go wide “I mean of course he still wants you, I mean who wouldn’t” he sighs and looks at you lovingly. He’s playing with your fingers now. “Maybe if he wasn’t acting like a total douchebag you would consider talking to him” Shawn mumbled 
You laugh “What was that prince?” His eyes go wide confirming you weren’t supposed to hear it. His ears tint pink and he just stares at you sheepishly. It's cute when he gets all worked up.
“I love you Shawn Peter and I will continue to say it until every little doubt leaves your beautiful little brain,” I say squeezing his hand “I'm here for the long run, there is nowhere I would want to be, please stop doubting yourself it hurts my heart.” I pout 
He looks at you with admiration “I know I’m sorry, I just-
“Let me stop you right there prince, never apologize for how you feel” looking him in the eyes and reaching for his chin to hold “Your feelings are valid and mean something to me, thank you for sharing them with me, and if for some reason you can’t I'll be here waiting until you can.”
“How do you do that?” He tilts his head in an adorable manner and gazes at me in awe 
“do what?” I chuckle 
“Make me feel like the luckiest man on earth, you’re so encouraging and understanding, I'm working on being better for you. I know my little uncertainties have really been popping out today but you have been nothing but supportive and patient so thank you” he’s rubbing my ring finger something he does when he’s deep in thought and I smile at him. 
“Ready to go rockstar we need to get Gerty his coffee before we head back” Shawn leans his head back behind his chair and groans 
“Do we have to” he whines 
“Yes, you told him we would take 15 more minutes if we got him coffee” you laugh at his childlike behavior 
“Ok let me go pay and order it I’ll be right back” He walks over to me and holds my head in his hands, placing a kiss on my forehead and turns around to walk through the door of the cafe.
I check my phone and Shawn’s that's still in my pocket, Shawns was on do not disturb and I snort, only a rockstar would have his phone on do not disturb while he’s technically working. 
There's 4 missed texts and 2 calls from Brian, I unlock Shawn’s phone and look at the messages 
Brian: The idiot is yelling at his assistant I think he’s asking for car keys 
Brian: he caught me staring but he’s definitely asking for car keys 
Brian 1 missed call 
Brian: where did you guys go? Need me to pick you guys up
Brian 1 missed call
Brian: okay he came back with coffee? His face is blotchy like he was crying but he came back with a blond. Call me when you can.
I laugh at Brian, always a protector. I sigh and rub my face. How is Shawn suppose to work with David if he’s being unprofessional and causing problems? 
My thoughts are disrupted with the bell on the door ringing. Shawn comes out with 3 iced coffees. 
“One for my princess, one for me and one for Gerty, and they were paid for already?” Shawn looks at you shrugging his shoulders. 
“Wait actually?” 
“You sound surprised” He laughs
“Shocked is all, did you tip her at least?” Taking your ice coffee from his hands. 
“I did thank you very much, I’m not rude I made sure he was nice to her too, our meal was paid for already, she said a man came in and handed her a hundred dollars,” he snorted “Even though I asked about David and her lock screen was a picture of her and David from about 10 minutes ago, she still said a man” he laughs putting emphasis on ‘a man’ looking at you lovingly
‘Ready to go?” You question looking up at him through your lashes
he looks down at the two coffees he’s holding and whimpers 
“What, what's wrong?” You look at Shawn trying to search for what's bothering him 
“How am I suppose to hold your hand if I'm holding Gerty’s stupid coffee?” He mopes 
“Oh my prince, you have the biggest hands on the planet but can’t hold two coffee’s in one hand” You giggle taking Andrew’s coffee and holding it between your body and elbow, holding your own coffee with the same hand. Intertwining your hand with his. He sighs in content 
“Mmm much better than you princess” He kisses your forehead as you guys head back to the studio. 
Touching was definitely his love language. You roll your eyes at your greek god of a boyfriend.
By the time we made it back to the studio some cars are gone but most of the crew is there. Shawn insisted on giving me a piggy back ride so now I’m about 7 feet tall trying to open the stage door with two iced coffees in my hand. 
Shawn starts laughing “Shawn stop moving unless you want me to spill coffee on your head” I pout he’s not helping whatsoever I'm trying to balance two coffees in one hand while reaching down for a door handle that's about 2 feet below me. Why is my boyfriend a giant “Shawn open the door” I say louder getting annoyed
“Princess if I open the door that means I have to let go of your thigh or my iced coffee both of which I am not willing to let go of so please open the door” he looks up at you with a smirk 
“Shawn Peter Raul-“ I don’t have a chance to finish before his hands off my thigh and I feel myself slipping, I let out a scream and quickly wrap my arms around his neck. He’s swinging the door open and running through the hall back to where we left Brian and Andrew. 
“Shawn Peter Raul Mendes put me down before you drop us both” I start screaming into his neck scared to look, knowing his clumsy ass would drop both of us and with a boyfriend who is a literal giant and all muscle, those are not the types of bruises I would like to have. I feel his body tense and I'm about to take my face out of his neck when he comes to a complete stop.
I hit my face on the back of his head and he’s laughing loudly. He picks up speed again and sits down on the couch with me still clinging onto his back and squishes me between the back cushions and his body. 
Brian is laughing hysterically, you can’t even see me at this point it's Shawn, 2 pairs of legs wrapped around his torso, a head and 2 coffees around his neck. He’s breathing heavy and laughing Andrew walks in and gives us a questioning look. I hold out my arm holding Andrew’s coffee above Shawns head and Brian laughs harder 
“Shawn where’s your girlfriend” Andrew smirks and takes a picture of Shawn and your arm reaching out holding his coffee. 
“I don’t know Andrew I think I lost her” He takes a sip of his coffee and he’s pinching my legs that are still wrapped around his waist. I yelp “Shawn!” 
Brians dying laughing and Andrew is telling us to be quiet and pointing to the couch across from us. I try to maneuver over Shawns big biceps to see what he’s pointing at but it's no use, I just slump deeper into the couch cushion and pinch Shawn’s nipple to get his attention and I hear him yelp. 
“What the fuck was that for!” He turns his head to glare at you 
“wait y/n do it again I didn’t record it, Where's Con when you need him” Brians chuckling recording the encounter, Shawn glares at him 
“Shawn I can't drink my coffee can you help me” He melts 
“Oh yeah, here ya go princess” He takes the cup out of your hand and angles it towards you behind his back so you can drink from the straw.  
“You guys are ridiculous Shawn get off of her” Andrew commands staring at both of you 
“You’re not the boss of me, If I want to turn my girlfriend into a pancake I will” Shawn challenges him laughing along with Brian who is rolling on the floor 
“I work with literal children” Andrew pinches the bridge of his nose and walks away 
“Ok wait actually Shawn, your Princess can't breathe get your huge ass biceps off of me” I start to push him off but it's no use he dead weights 
You yelp not expecting it “Shawn Peter Ra-“
Oh shit “Shawn don’t let her get to Mendes get off of her man,” Brian says frantically getting up and tugging on Shawn’s arm to help pry him off of you 
Shawn is laughing so hard his girlfriend pressed into the couch under him and his best friend scared he’s going to face the consequences of not listening to you. He starts laughing so hard he’s crying when Brian finally pulls him off they both fall to the floor.
You’re left with rosy cheeks and messed up hair while Shawn and Brian are rolling on the floor laughing. 
You huff and look around, David is sitting on the opposite couch cuddled into Corinna’s lap while she plays with his hair, she’s glaring at you and he looks like he’s about to sleep. He notices you staring at him and pull’s the drawstrings of the hoodie he’s wearing closed and turns over so his face is in Corinna’s stomach away from you. 
Andrew comes back “You guys are all good to leave” He looks at Shawn on the floor in-between your legs and Brian sitting next to him. 
“We just got back though are you sure,” Shawn asks confused and points towards David, communicating why was he here if we did nothing with him. This earns a look from Corinna. 
Andrew shrugs “They said they got enough of your good energy or as I like to say hyperactivity for the promo pieces, once you two decide who you want to film with they’ll send the footage to those youtuber’s and they’ll edit the video promo in the way they do” typing at his phone “You guys are good to leave honestly but please discuss who you want to film with and let me know by tomorrow afternoon you guys are only here for the summer so we need to find a time to film that fits with everyone's schedule within the two months” He points at you and at Shawn.
“Me! why are you pointing at me Andrew I'm just the girlfriend” I laugh putting my hands up in defense 
Shawn’s head snaps to me quickly “How dare you talk so lowly of my princess” He goes to pinch your legs again, but you’re too quick and hug them to your chest 
“Better luck next time Mendes” You snicker at him and stick your tongue out
“Ha Better luck next time Mendes” he mocks you and your hand movements in the sponge bob meme form
You go to hit the back of his head but he pulls your hand before you can and you land on your butt next to him on the floor. Shawn and Brian are rolling
That’s definitely going to leave a bruise “Shawn Peter-“ you raise your voice waking David up, Shawn notices you glancing at David and realizes you woke him up too, knowing you hate being a disruption in any situation he quickly looks back to you staring him dead in the eyes
“Oh shit” His eyes go wide “Bri you have the car keys right” he rapidly gets up and so does Brian confused 
“Yah wh-“
“Run” Shawns standing to avoid your arms trying to grab him and he heads down the hall laughing with Brian following him down the hall. 
“Your boyfriend is a literal 5 year old” Andrew deadpans and snickers watching the door fly open and them screaming outside. 
You hear the door close and start to stand, Andrew reaches his hand in offering to help you up, you gladly take it and look to see David also stood to help you get up. You just stare at him. 
Andrew clears his throat “Okay girlfriend you have an important job, make sure he chooses 8 creators to film within preference to highest rated to lowest pick 2 backups and mark the ones where you think the video will take the longest if we need to reshoot we need to schedule it” he states handing you the paper  
You hear David snort next to you, you’re about to open your mouth to defend Andrew when he speaks up 
“I'm sorry, is there something wrong Mr. Dobrik?” Andrew turns to look at David whose eyes widen 
“Uh no sir I just it's funny you think Youtuber’s reshoot with collaborations its either there or it's not the video is useful or it's trashed. It’s a video not the end of the world”
“Noted, while you may not take your profession seriously by viewing potential projects as useful or trash, with professionals “trash” isn’t an option, we get our work done and better than the standard we set it at. Thank you for your unauthorized input Mr. Dobrik please excuse me” Andrew looks at him smiles and turns to walk out 
David shrinks in his seat as Corinna glares at Gerty walking down the hall. 
You turn to look at David, “Thank you for lunch I’ll get your Venmo from Ilya and pay you back when I get back to our apartment.” 
He goes to say something but you cut him off “Bye Corinna if you’ll excuse me my boyfriends waiting, tell Natalie bye for me.” You fake smile one last time and grab yours and Shawn’s coffees and start to walk towards Andrew who was texting and waiting for you at the end of the hall. 
 “Go Gerty don’t take anyone's shit” You smirk at him 
He chuckles, “I don’t take kindly to people with a poor work ethic and childlike tendencies. Have one or the other, not both, and butting into our conversation when we’re doing his career more of a favor than Shawns and he still chooses to act like a prick even after visibly seeing you happy is beyond me and is someone I don’t look forward to working with.” Andrew goes to open the door for you “On a positive note, you handled that very maturely y/n I'm proud” Andrew gives you a side hug as you guys walk outside the soundstage
David’s p.o.v 
After y/n leaves I groan and fall into Corinna’s lap 
“David, what the fuck just happened, why were you even here if you didn’t film anything?” She looks down pissed at me
I sit up and rub my eyes sighing 
“I heard Shawn was doing a youtube collaboration but had a list of youtuber’s to pick from, I found out I was on that list and wanted to come by to ask him to collab with me since our last video fell through, when I got here Nat texted me saying y/n was here but she failed to tell me that she was here but with Shawn,” I say groaning into my hands 
“So that's when you lost your shit and followed her to some random cafe with no plan, no backup or any idea what the actual fuck to do?” 
“You’re a dumbass, come on we have to go, wheres Natalie?” she gets up dusting off her jeans 
“What where are we going” I get up and follow her 
“Well if y/n was an idiot she wouldn’t pick you for Shawn to collab with, but y/n isn’t an idiot so you’ll be number one on the list. We need to make a plan and a filming schedule where you’ll be spending more time with her than with him so you guys can talk” she looks at me like it’s obvious “you do want to talk to her right? that's why you went all Slovak spy on her following her to a cafe like a creep”
“Yah. But Corinna, I really fucked up,” I'm defeated. 
Remembering y/n being calm and collected as she threw her clothes into a suitcase, while I was frantically trying to stop her, tears streaming down my face and she’s not talking to me or paying attention to anyone in our living room that witnessed the whole thing. How she just packed her things, her life and her love for me and walked out of our front door without a goodbye. 
“I want her back but I want her to be happy” I look down. If what I did made her get straight on a flight to leave the country so I couldn’t get to her, what hope is there really? 
“David you’ve done a lot of stupid shit in your life, letting go of the women you were planning on proposing too is definitely at the top of the list, you and y/n have something her and Shawn don’t. History. We just need to figure out how to make her talk to you okay? We can do this, we can fix this, she’s back now you know where she is. If Shawn agreed to do this youtube thing it means she doesn’t completely hate you. That's a good thing” she claps her hands together as we exit the stage heading into our cars. 
I feel my heart skip a beat, for the first time in a year I’m hopeful. Corinna’s right y/n is back for the first time in a year. That was the challenge finding her to talk and explain, now she’s here at arm's length. Smiling like an idiot I'm screaming at the top of my lungs driving down the 101 on my way home.
I’m aiming for 6 parts so hopefully, this hasn’t bored you yet, more drama to come again this has just been floating around in my head so thank you for reading Xx
If you guys have any ideas or suggestions feel free to leave it in the ask box or dm me :) Xxx
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Wings of the American Redstart (Part 2/Final)
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Harpy! Katsuki Bakugo x Reader
Getting along with Katsuki was not easy. 
At all. 
He yelled at you when you went to redress his injuries, and when he tried dressing the injuries himself he would often use up the small ointment bottles that you usually had saved. You hardly let his behavior get to you unless you were doing something that needs the majority of your attention. Still, there were occasions when you let him be aggressive and tease him about his behavior after he threw his “tantrums”. You didn’t always let him get away with that behavior often, so half the time you had to put your foot down when he was going too far and he’d reluctantly abide by your wishes with a pouty scowl.
Katsuki always hated it when you helped him catch his food, and he especially hated it when you had to help him preen the backside of his wings, he took solace in the fact that you’d never go as far as helping him preen the underside of his wings. “At least you know your boundaries you damn dirt walker”, he’d say after you were done helping him preen, he’d either get a nonchalant shrug of your shoulder or a light tug of his hair in response to his insult. 
“Hey, land crawler”, Katsuki called to you as you walked on foot with Stardust clopping after you.
“Yes, Kacchan?”, you hum as you loaded your gun with the bullets you had, knowing Katsuki would hate it when you used a nickname his fellow harpy gave him (Izuku was his real name apparently, not Deku).
“I told you not to call me that dumbass”, he huffs before continuing, “Why did you begin this whole “jumping slaver trades” shit thing? I get that slavery is a shit awful thing to do with anyone, but you made a name for yourself and there are very few people like you. Hell, that one slaver you ran into while saving our flock looked like he was pissing his pants already when he saw you”, he stared at you as he walked beside you.
Stardust snorted as you sighed, biting your lip as you pat the horse’s muzzle, “Well, for one, I was a former slave”, you explain, Katsuki nearly widened his eyes but caught himself as he looked at you, he made a small sound that signified that he was still listening. “I think I was five or six years old, do you know an old kingdom by the name of Muselua?”, you ask.
“Yeah, it was known for its arts, magic, and advancement in medicine I heard that a war started between them and a neighboring kingdom, Deusbellum”, he recalled.
You give a wry smile, “I was a citizen of Muselua, and the war took away the lives of my family, eventually I was found by some slavers that were collecting any survivors from the war. Eventually, I found myself serving a noble of Deusbellum, and of course, I had to serve them anything they wished for if I even messed up the slightest bit they would come up with punishments to remind me that I had no rights, I was nothing more but an animal to them”, a distant look was in your eyes as Katsuki listened to your story. 
“But if anything I hated the slavers more, they were worse than the nobles, cruel and awful people who got their kicks when they hurt their “cargo”, we weren’t even seen as animals in their eyes, we were just objects that they could use whenever they pleased… One slaver killed a man just because he lost in a game of poker…”. You closed your eyes at the memory distantly hearing the cries of his daughter, and the sounds of bones breaking and flesh ripping, “His kid was forced to watch before they too were thrown around for being “too loud” when they were crying”.
Katsuki couldn’t say anything, and he wasn’t sure if he wanted to after hearing your origins, but you were able to briefly catch the sight of his fist clenching. “I was able to escape by some miracle, but I had to steal in order to get a meal for a single day, eventually I began to make a lot of ruckus for an old adventurer to take notice of me”, you smile with a soft chuckle.
“His name was Achillies, a man of a few notable talents, master swordsmen and ex-scribe to list a few, I began to see him somewhat like a father, he even gifted me these clothes you see now, but he passed away several months back”, you trail off as you looked up at the sky. “For a while, I didn’t know what to do not until I recalled the day I gained back my freedom, I remember thinking; “I didn’t need wings to break free from my chains back then, maybe I can spread that thought to others that are like me”, and it was then that I decided that I would venture out and stop all slavers that crossed my path, I would save slaves from their chains and give everyone the hope they needed to rise and break free from the people who wanted to take away their rights”.
Katsuki looked at you with slight wonder as you grinned at him, “All beings have the rights to freedom, maybe I could be the spark that drives others to do the same”, you say as you look ahead, “There is a town up ahead, I’ll go see if they accept Harpy guests”, you sigh softly as you walked over while commanding Stardust to walk beside Katsuki.
Katsuki could only stare at your back as you walked ahead, looking down at his arm he saw several feathers growing back and his arm was healing up nicely, he scoffed before letting out a lax smile as he looked at Stardust, “Your master is really something huh ponyboy?”, the appaloosa whinnies as he nudged Katsuki’s shoulder before nibbling on the harpy’s hair, “Hey, my hair isn’t dry grass you long-faced bastard!”.
As days passed you took note of the small change of behavior Katsuki displayed, he still was loud and threatened you on several occasions, but you took note of how “playful” his threats were. You never mentioned it though, you knew it was him adjusting to you. Katsuki also took note of the few displays you showed that meant you were comfortable around him, and he took it to heart despite how he acted, your prodding of one another was more playful rather than mocking or rude. Katsuki’s wing healed well to the point where he could move it but still, he couldn’t fly just yet.
“When Deku first got his flight feathers the idiot didn’t know how to handle them, so he ended up flying into several trees and one time even broke his wing”, Katsuki huffed out a laugh as you chuckled.
“I hear his species are often fast, considering their small size”, you say as you took a sip from your drink, “Must be hard trying to learn how to fly”, you give a lazy grin.
“Heh, as if, I mastered it in no time”, Katsuki boasted.
You chuckled again until you both quieted down, you two were going to be parting ways soon, you were nearing the Skies of the Harpies, a place no human had stepped foot in unless they were backed up by a harpy.
“Hey (Y/n)”, Katsuki calls to you as you give a light hum, “I… I want you to come to the Gathering of the Rising”, he suddenly says, making you nearly choke on your drink.
“I know no human has ever stepped foot in the heart of our community, but… I want you to be there when I get my ranking”, he confesses, his voice didn’t waver as he held your gaze with his own. 
“I know they would accept you, they can’t ignore what you have done for us, hell I’m even a witness to what you do when you saved other harpies and humans alike from the slavers, they have to accept you”, Katsuki’s brows furrowed as your lips slightly parted.
“Katsuki…”, you softly say.
“I mean I understand if you have places to be, but- damn it! You’ve become really important to me, hell!- I’ve even think of you as a- a flockmate!”, he grits his teeth as you smiled, touched that he sees you as a very close friend in harpy terms. But Katsuki was frustrated, he wanted to say something else, you were more than a flockmate to him, he just couldn’t figure it out.
So with a smile, you spoke so Katsuki wouldn’t have to explain, “I’ll go with you”.
Katsuki froze as he gave you a bewildered look, “You- you’re going? No joke? Because if it’s a joke I’m kicking your ass-”
“I’d like to see you earn your rank in the Guardian of the Rising ceremony Katsuki, besides I am more interested in seeing you kick someone else’s ass”, you grin as Katsuki’s expression changes back into his usual grin.
That was also the moment you two overheard a certain conversation, “I hear there are slavers trying to catch some harpies again, north of here I think”.
“Really? Again? Slavers don’t usually stay in one place though”, another replied.
You and Katsuki look at one another, grins on your faces, “You ready Katsuki?”
“Come on let’s give those bastards a nice surprise”
It was a trap. 
Honestly you should’ve been a bit more careful, and now that you thought about it the two men that spoke of these slavers trying to catch harpies did raise their voices in a way that should’ve put you on edge.
You cursed at your lack of caution as Katuki scratched one of the pursuers’ face when they got close, “DIE JACKASS!!”, he roared.
“Come on Stardust! You can do this!”, you urge your appaloosa, who panted and grunted as he jumped over a log on the ground. Looking back you saw several of them trying to aim their crossbows at you only to miss when you sharply changed course.
“Tch! These bastards are persistent, I’ll give them that!”, Katsuki grunted as he dodged a flying short spear.
With gritted teeth, you furrowed your brows, “Sorry Katsuki, but this is where we split”, you suddenly say, Katsuki sharply turned his head towards you.
“What did you just say?”, he demands, eyes wide as his tail feathers rose. You suddenly tie his non-injured wrist to Stardust’s reins as you look back at him with a wry smile as you pull out your gun.
“Take care Katsuki”, with that you jumped off your horse, surprising Katsuki as your pursuers caught up to you.
“(Y/NNN)!”, Katuki called to you as he tried to untie himself, looking back at you he saw you fire your gun with a loud bang echoing through the forest as more men gathered around you until you were out of sight.
You stare at the ground as you stand at the stake, arms above your head and weapons stripped away from you as well as your armor. Your body was a bit sore after the beating you took when you attacked the ringleader of the slaver group, you knew you had a price on your head, but to hear that it was nobles and slavers that wanted you dead, you could only give a dry laugh at the news. 
But you were happy that Katuki was at least safe now, the slavers interrogated you about any harpy hot spots you could know about since they found you with the two harpy feathers, they figured that you were well educated with the harpy culture.
You never said a word, you didn’t bother to speak or have the pleasure of hearing your pain. You tilted your head up and took note of the rising sun, ‘Ah, this would be my fourth day here then’, you muse as you close your eyes. When you opened them you saw some blurry birds that were starting to become larger, you would have facepalmed if your hands were untied when you figured out that the reason that these “birds” were getting bigger was because they were harpies.
Two of them looked very familiar, it was Izuku and Eijiro the hummingbird and cardinal that you met when you saved a flock of harpies several weeks back.
“What…?”, you absently say as they circled around you with six others in tow.
“(Y/n)!”, you hear Izuku and Eijiro shout for you.
Feeling someone’s presence in front of you, you looked ahead of yourself and jolted when Katsuki was there, climbing up the steps to reach you.
“You know, it was really stupid of you to tie me to your damn horse to take on people that obviously outnumbered you”, Katsuki huffed as he went to work with your chained up arms, you could only smile.
“I see that your arm is all healed, can you fly?”, you ask.
“Don’t change the subject, I still plan on kicking your ass for what you pulled”, he huffed, you could only grin.
“Bakugo, you should really hurry! We don’t know how long it will be before the slavers break down the door!”, bluejay harpy shouts down at him.
“I get it four-eyes! Just hurry up and leave!”, Katsuki shouts back as he picks the lock with his long nails.
“Hey! Wingless One!”, a feminine voice shouted down at you making you look up, it was a long-tailed tit harpy, in her talons was your armor, “We got your stuff!”, she chirped.
“Yeah! And your weapons too!”, the girl next to her also cheered, she took after a pink robin it seemed.
“I’ll have to thank you some time then!”, you shout back at them as you grin when Katsuki was able to release your arms, you momentarily stumbled when your feet touched the ground, Katuki was able to catch your waist when you did. 
“Yo! Bakubro! They broke the doors!”, the prairie warbler harpy warned.
“Shit!”, Katsuki cursed as you stood on your slightly wobbly feet with a wince.
“Let go then!”, you yell as you make your way off the platform, Katsuki followed after you as his harpy friends flew in different directions.
You both ran as shouts and yells soon began to sound out from behind. “Kaminari! Sero! Now!”, you hear Izuku shout. 
Looking up you saw the prairie warbler harpy again, accompanied by the crow harpy, flying past you with some barrels in their talons. Following their flight path, you saw them drop the barrels in front of your pursuers’ path, and a large puff of smoke took over.
“Todoroki!”, you hear Eijiro call.
“I’m on it!”, you hear a different voice shout, looking above you again you saw the brahminy kite harpy carrying a torch before dropping in within the smoke, lighting it on fire.
“You guys really came in with a plan!”, you shout.
“No duh! As if I’d get your sorry ass out of this dump without a damn plan!”, Katsuki shouts at you.
“Guys- wait-!”, you hear Izuku shout, you both looked up at him before looking ahead and skidded into a stop. It was a cliff. You heard Katsuki curse before you both heard the shouting catching up from behind.
“Katsuki~”, you warn.
“Damn it- tch! Fine…”, he growled before holding onto you, looking up at him you furrowed your brows, “Just trust me”, he says before he picks you up and jumps off the cliff. You couldn’t help the surprised scream that followed as you both fell. You could hear his friends calling for him as you looked at him.
“How ‘bout we test we test that wing!”, he grins, you were caught off guard as he let go of you -while fixing your position to have your back face him- before handling you with his talons, wrapping them around your waist before spreading his wings. 
There was a sudden gust of air as you felt the twists and turns before you felt…steady. You didn’t realize you closed your eyes until you opened them, bending your head to look down you saw the body of water and large trees below you. You didn’t notice Katuki looking down at you, but the expression you had was certainly a memory he would remember forever.
“Yeah! We did it!”
“That was so close!”
“So cool!”
Katuki heard his friends cheer, and he couldn’t help but smirk until he looked at you, “(Y/n)”.
You looked up at him with a confused expression, he huffed as he continued to speak, “What are you doing Wingless One? You’re in the sky now, spread your wings already”.
Your eyes widened for a moment before you smiled, with a laugh you did just that, opening your arms you cheered with the rest of his friends who laughed with you, feeling the wind flow through and past your body. Katsuki smiled as you laughed and while he was sure that no one would notice, Izuku did and he went along with it, to keep his friend happy.
“So you can fly again, pass the trails in the Gathering of the Rising with flying colors, and earn your recognition, what do you plan on doing now Kacchan~”, you grin lightly as Katuki gives you a light glare.
“The hell if I’m supposed to know, maybe look for my own territory and begin building my nesting ground…”, he grumbled as he trailed off, you only nodded.
“Well, that’s a start”, you say as you get your bag up on Stardust, when Katsuki suddenly laid his hand on your own, you look over at him. His face had a small but noticeable red hue as his eyes diverted from you before he glares at you and holds your face in both his hands.
“Then, I want you as my nest mate!”, he blurts before nuzzling your face against his own, you blushed and stuttered when he did before he let go of you before trying to march off.
You stood there dumbfounded for a moment before grinning cheekily, jogging after him you “Katsukiiii!”, you yell, jumping on his back.
He cursed at you as you laughed before you shut him up by tilting his face towards you and kissing the corner of his lip, making him freeze.
“I love you too, you dork!”, you chirp as he huffed, ruffling his feathers as he turned towards you and hugged you, covering your body with his wings.
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