#(( so yeah he's confused lol ))
strawberri-draws · 7 months
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"Innocence died screaming, Honey ask me, I should know. I slithered here from Eden; Just to sit outside your door"
-From Eden, Hozier
aka: au where they grow old in the dungeon together in their monster forms.
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chirpsythismorning · 4 months
I’m sorry but nothing will ever beat Finn’s drive playlist that he made during s3 filming, with songs like Me and Michael, The Basement, Gay Thoughts and No Woman lmaoooo
#byler#stranger things#in all seriousness#finn has already confirmed he listens to music on the way to set to get in the zone for his character#millie and noah have said when asked that he’s the cast-member most likely to be listening to music on set#do I think every song on there is byler-coded? no#do I think he made it specifically for byler fans to witness and read into? no#but i do think there is a middle ground here#since byler is happening... yeah there are gonna be songs that get him in the zone for byler scenes#and yet there are also probably gonna be songs that he likes rn and wants to use to feel inspo for filming in general#aka plenty of songs just there for the way they sound/the vibes that get him more comfortable getting into character#but then again he also could have made the playlist private to avoid people reading into it#he’s known for years people have seen his playlists and hasn’t made those private either#so I don’t think he cares if ppl read into it#(at least for now...)#but fr that drive playlist still haunts me to this day#i remember when he mentioned listening to music to get in the zone for filming#he specifically mentioned that he listened to it when driving to set and ppl went crazy connecting it to his drive playlist lol#so i mean who knows#maybe he makes the names confusing/random but also sometimes with a hint of truth bc he knows people are gonna deny it or read into it#and he's playing with that possiblity#but i wouldn't die on that hill by any means.#but the drive playlist is why idrc if people read into the STurn one bc i mean....#yeah those songs that sound eerily like mike's emotions in regards to will probably are that way for a reason
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gooboogy · 1 year
The problem is they both make sense.
John lacks any agency, and as his abilities start "failing" he loses more of what little he has. The only things he can do is perceive the world through Arthur's eyes and talk to him in his head. That's it. He has no material effect on the world around them. He is solely 100% reliant on Arthur for his continued existence and influence on the world. He can't ignore Arthur whatsoever (unlike Arthur who can ignore John easy peasy) he can't Do anything but talk and observe (and also experience the deaths of people Arthur touches but ultimately that does nothing). Of course he is going to be distrustful of other people and possessive over Arthur.
Arthur feels like suddenly he can't rely on this very reliable thing that has been keeping him alive this whole time. It would shake anyone up. Especially with the shit they have to deal with? If he can't rely on directions he will be sliced to ribbons or shot without a chance of fighting back. They may as well be dead already. And for all of John's lack of agency, it's Arthur who has to actually deal with the consequences. He's the one who's getting wounded and torn to bits and has to fight all that. Plus it's HIS body. If someone's existence relies on your body, you have the right to refuse, bodily autonomy is a human right.
The problem is they've gone through this cycle before (cycle of learning and forgetting and learning that they are One Unit and need to work Together vs The Problems and forgetting) but never has it shaken Arthur so much. Even when they've argued before he would still listen to John's directions. But now? Everything is in question (as is probably the intent behind John's "failing" abilities.) They DO need other people to help and they DO need to be careful and include John. They cannot truly trust someone else while keeping John a secret or without his input. Arthur has the most control over the situation and the onus is on him to make the compromises. Yeah it's his body but 1) countless times he promised to John that they were in this together and 2) at this point separating them would be so traumatic that they may as well be One.
All of this is to say, curious that Arthur is so willing to tell Oscar about literally everything EXCEPT John. What happens if he does? What if there's someone else to assert for John in a way Arthur can't ignore so easily? Would that legitimize the shared ownership of Arthur's body? What does it mean for John to gain agency by the loss of Arthur's autonomy?
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bitchapalooza · 25 days
So apparently I've accidentally given Sanji a feeding kink in the current fic I'm writing without realizing? Huh...
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dootznbootz · 2 months
Diomedes appreciation ask :3
Ohoho >:3
Let me preface by saying that Diomedes to me is not like how most of the fandom view him
The Boy King who is basically like the TV Trope of "Small child with Propeller hat, lollipop, and tricycle" but instead of that, he's "Young babyfaced man" and replace all those items with a helmet, a spear, and the tricycle with a chariot :D AND THEN COVER HIM WITH BLOOD!
That's Diomedes to me. :3
As idk I kind of imagine him being around 20-21 while most of the other Achaean Kings are late 20s to mid/late-30s
He's young and incredibly experienced in war and that's basically where he feels the most comfortable. He is one of the youngest kings there, who VERY much looks up to his elders and respects them while also wanting to "be a proud king" as well. He's just a child soldier among these actual warlords. As, let's be real, Diomedes would probably suck at Diplomacy. Because he never really got to DO it. Even when he told off that messenger from Troy about how Paris was willing to give back the treasure he stole, that wasn't...very tactful. lol) I love that he has this almost "Notice me, Senpai" energy around the older guys lol
I love that he's basically the embodiment of Athena's "war" side. He follows orders very well (basically too well (Yes he mouths off and that time Zeus had to yell at him. I know. but he was in a battle frenzy)) He's very respectful of Athena despite already being favored by her. There's a lot to unpack for this poor guy with being a child soldier ;~;
To me I always imagine him being short af because I really love the "Oh, he's so young and small! What's he gonna do?" only to get annihilated stuff. Smol rabid dog energy >:3
Also, bit of a headcanon but you know he thinks that Achilles was fucking pampered and spoiled xD "You think you're hot shit? Try being in wars since you could walk, Centaur boy >:( "
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I do kind of want to briefly ramble about Akechi’s rank 4 scene though because it kind of pleasantly surprised me?
So Akechi takes Joker to the jazz bar, which is his place to get away from it all, kind of his safe spot. His best options are when you give responses that show excitement and enthusiasm about the place, which is… aw.
Then the conversation segues into Akechi asking if Joker has a place like that, where he feels at ease, and all of the responses obviously reference Leblanc. First of all, that’s really sweet to have a kind of confirmation of that - Joker and Sojiro had a rocky start to their dynamic, but now he’s feeling like it’s a safe spot for him, and with Morgana there too, and the Thieves having come to visit a few times, maybe even more of a home than the one he left (though perhaps that’s pushing it?).
Secondly though, alarm bells were going through my head, because nowhere in all of this business does it seem a good idea to tell the detective investigating me where I live and am now operating my heists from. (Even though he probably could find that out easily… but still.)
So I picked the vaguest option, to be on the safe side, but little did I know that it doesn’t matter.
Because Joker tells Akechi about Leblanc anyways. Completely without player input. And at first I was a bit taken aback, but then it made a lot of sense.
For one thing, it confirms that Akechi is being genuine about this being his place to feel at ease. Not that I doubted that, but Akechi often says one thing and means multiple; he’s quite good at controlling the flow and direction of a conversation to get the info he wants. But that’s not the vibe I got here at all. He’s just… sharing it. Wants Joker to enjoy it the way he does. It’s actually a fair amount of openness, especially in that he’s never shared that place with anyone else before. And so Joker returns that openness with an honest answer and his own place of comfort - prioritizing returning Akechi’s honesty with his own instead of potential repercussions. Wild. I love it. And it tracks from their previous interactions.
Akechi downplays his skills by using his non-dominant hand, which Joker notices. Joker returns that (whether intentionally or inadvertently, I can’t actually say) when he puts his glasses on Akechi - the fake glasses that he wears, ostensibly, so as not to draw attention to himself. There’s a sense of honesty for honesty here, openness for openness, particularly from Joker. It’s just interesting.
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darlingcloudie-9 · 4 months
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(also because I’m bi here’s these sonic mfs i hc as bi/other lol)
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leier-coyol · 11 months
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Zerión, my paladin from our Spelljammer campaign.
He's an adeptus custodes that lost most of his memories and misteriously landed on a different plane with blindness and got adopted by a kobold family.
He's slowly getting his humanity and memories back by travelling with his peers.
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quinn-pop · 11 months
i tell myself not to cross over kirby and love live because that would be silly. i am a liar
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what do you mean i can be weird about two things at once??? sign me up
…this is what made me realize once and for all just how hard it is to draw clothes on kirby characters lol
kirby is very Honoka to me. btw
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also here’s some meta knights from my phone
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ywpd-translations · 1 year
Ride 742: Sudden death match!!
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Pag 1
1: Woah, Danchiku, oh-
And Sugimoto-san too!?
2: They passed us so quickly!! Such high pace!!
They're doing some sort of serious race!?
3: I get it
4: I can feel it
5: This guy....!!
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Pag 2
1: He's not giving up at all!!
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Pag 3
3: Earlier, at the line, I thought I had won this race
I thought he was far behind me and would cross the line with his head hanging down
4: And yet....
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Pag 4
1: He caught up to me....!!
2: The preliminary of this race was already done on the “second day”!!
3: That time, the result
5: was a draw!!
6: So it would be better to have a more precise result, wouldn't it
We'll decide it with this lap!! The rules are simple: the starting point line is 4km from here, the one who crosses it first wins!!
7: And then the loser shouldn't “surpass” the winner anymore!! Sugimoto-san!!
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Pag 5
1: Imaizumi-san too!!
2: …. yeah
It's better to make it clear with a proper race like this
3: So you have no regrets....!!
4: Let's go!!
5: Crush him, Danchiku!!
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Pag 6
2: At the same time....!!
Ah.... “at the same time” again!?
3: Seriously!?
Are you being for real, Sadatoki!?
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Pag 7
1: You're just seeing things as you wish they were,since he's your brother!!
Oon!! No that's not it, on!!
It's true, Kaburagi, I saw it too
2: They arrived at the same time, Sugimoto stretched at the last moment
3: Kawada!!
It's “san”!!
4: Are you an accomplice too!!
What are you talkin abut
5: A- amazing, Sugimoto-kun
6: Amazing!!
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Pag 8
1: “Amazing”, huh, Onoda
2: Imaizumi-kun....
3: You thought Sugimoto would win? ….This race
4: You didn't think he would, that's why when we heard the results you could say “amazing”
5: I'm- I'm sorry Sugimoto-kun!! I didn't believe in you, even though you worked so hard....!!
Who are you yelling at
6: Me too
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Pag 9
2: During these past four days.... Sugimoto worked hard, but, after their race on the second day and after seeing how remarkably stronger Danchiku has gotten
3: When they decided to do another race, I thought Sugimoto would definitely lose
4: Then, when the time came
5: If you lose, you feel better if you gave it your all, so
6: “So you have no regrets”
7: I said that
8: He turned it around
Sugimoto really is amazing
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Pag 10
1: Even with no one believing in him, with only his own strength, he snatched a “draw” against Danchiku!!
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Pag 11
1: Keep going!! Let's keep going with the race, Danchiku!!
2: Even though he's having such an hard time, he's still following me!!
3: Since earlier I've increased the pace many times
4: Garuaaa
Even if I tear him off
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Pag 12
1: Every time
2: While saying
3: “Kuaa kuaa”
“Kuaa kuaa”
5: Kuaaa-
6: Kuaaaaaaa
He catches up to me
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Pag 13
2: You keep following me....
3: No....
4: You're the one who said “please follow me”, Danchiku
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Pag 14
1: Garuaaa!!
2: Ahhhh
Don't make fun of me, there's no way!!
3: Aaaaaaaa
4: Hiigaruaaaa!!
There's no way I'll lose!!
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Pag 15
1: To Sugimoto-san!!
4: I was careless – I was careless and that's why he caught up to me!! The second time too!!
I won't be careless this time!!
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Pag 16
1: Ill take a plunge firmly, throw my handles, and cross the line
2: At full throttle!!
The last curve!!
3: He's not following me anymore!! He's....
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Pag 17
1: He's here!!
Cough cough
2: Kuaaaa
We're entering the final sprint!!
3: Dammit, this guy is gonna stretch from here!!
4: Hiigaruaaaaa!!
Take a plunge!!
5: Take a plunge!!
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Pag 18
1: Throw your handles!!
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Pag 19
1: Wooooah!!
No... wait, even now....
2: It's a draw!!
3: Dammit, what happened, Danchiku what are you doin!!
You should be much stronger..... should....
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Pag 20
1: Don't tell me.... that Sugimoto-san.... is strong too!?
2: You.... you mean it's a draw for the third time!!
How long will they keep going, at this pace it won't ever end!!
3: …. no
5: It's a shame, but there's no time left...
6: This lap is the last
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i think it’s really interesting how ritsu is just as big of a conman as reigen is. like, reigen is a financial conman and ritsu isn’t, but they both put on masks and they both hide who they really are. reigen tricks everyone into thinking he’s psychic and that he’s this charismatic, has his life together, happy guy and he fools a lot of people. and ritsu tricks everyone into thinking that he’s the perfect loving brother and student, that he’s got everything together, that he’s just the kindest most normal middle schooler. and it works. and i find it interesting how it... it doesn’t really seem to work on each other? like, ritsu sees right through reigen even with “proof” that he may really be psychic. he knows it’s all a lie. and i honestly feel like reigen can see through ritsu’s whole facade and knows that he’s hiding who he really is. and in a way, they both resent each other for it. ritsu doesn’t want to turn out like reigen, but he’s scared and is so used to suppressing everything about himself that he doesn’t know how to be himself. and reigen sees ritsu and sees bits and pieces of himself when he was younger and sometimes that makes it hard for him to be around ritsu. and sometimes he just wants to throttle ritsu and tell him to stop and not to do what he did, but he Knows that won’t be enough to convince ritsu and he’s also scared.
they’re both just two conmen fooling everyone around them because they’re cowards and are scared that they aren’t lovable unless they are their mask
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thepunkmuppet · 8 months
Okay this is so corny but bare with me
There’s this beautiful wonderful angel of a cat that lives down my road called Spidey, and you guys I’m being so serious IT LOVES ME and I am physically incapable of being normal about this fact.
I don’t know who owns it, I don’t know where it lives, and most importantly I have never in my whole life given it food. And yet ever since I first met it 2 or so years ago, it comes to me.
I’m walking, and it sees me, and it pricks up its ears and sprints towards me, and rubs itself all over my legs and feet and walks around me letting me stroke it (she’s an energetic gal lol spidey never stays still). And when I move to go wherever it was that I’m going, it either sprints after me, following behind, or herds me from the front, trying to stay ahead of me and keep me from leaving it. It always follows me home, and because I have a dog I often just sit outside of my house stroking it for ages until it eventually goes away. There have been many times on sunnier days when I’ve just sat with it laying next to me on the green patch in the middle of my road, giving it ear scratches and just hanging out.
And I’m sure this is a pretty normal experience if you have pet cats or strays living near you, but I just…. this creature chose me. I don’t have to coax it towards me, I don’t have to bribe it with food. I’ve never even given it food before, never given it anything at all other than attention and strokes, and yet it still chooses me. It actively chooses, day after day, to come to me, and say “hi friend, let’s spend time together”.
This little animal loves me, for no reason other than because it just does, and I just think that’s the most beautiful thing in the whole entire world ever actually and now I’m crying again
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goldensunset · 1 year
pov a huge twewy/ntwewy nerd visits shibuya part 2
ramen town baby!!! yeah i was not about to climb that whole hill even though it really wasn’t that steep. dogenzaka beloved
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you only visit this place once in the main game but there are so so many things i could say about it. man the neku-josh-sho week 2 dynamic was the wildest and funniest thing in the world
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spain hill (from above) (idk uhh what’s iconic about here?) (i didn’t trip on any haunted step that much i know)
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the vibes of this place… not accessible until so late in the game (in both games) but so good both times. like the story beats that happened here were always excellent. i always loved being at shibuya stream in ntwewy it was beyond surreal stepping out of the station and just actually being here irl
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le susukichi boss fight (and some more cool puzzles)
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shibuya hikarie! not much to say here but the food you find here in ntwewy looked so good man i need to actually eat more while here
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there are a few more actually oops! part 3 momentarily
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enbyandyy · 8 months
so I was looking up Joel's skin for a reference and huh
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guess reel love was that good (I checked Lizzie and she has "YouTuber" so idfk)
image ID: [A Google search for smallishbeans where the recommended search is for "Smallishbeans Musical artist]
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sysig · 5 months
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DAX is just so expressive ♥ (Patreon)
#My art#SCII#Helix#DAX#Lol#Have I mentioned I love him lately#As if I ever stop talking about how much I love any of them lol#Okay but genuinely these were really nice as warmups they were really easy to just knock out one by one#He's very expressive as Dexter! *handwaves about human neurochemistry and expressions* lol#I had to make his Neutral look extra dead inside to make up for the rest haha#Funnily enough I have actually been watching a series of streams of like VAs and visual artists and writers and stuff#And they are constantly uptalking 2D talksprites as mood-setters for dialogue#So it was really fun to make these with that in the back of my head like ''Yeah! :D They /are/ good at that!''#Very cool expressive medium :D#See if you can spot the first drafts for a few of these :3c#I'll give you a hint: Scared and Sad(? Regretful ig lol) were from some posted doodles#His grumpy one was also a doodle but I didn't post it so it doesn't count lol#Oh yeah and and a lot of these had little accessories like the fear bursts and the little sigh bubble lol I just...forgot them here lol#They're there in spirit please feel the grump lines and sweat drops in your heart <3#I had a heck of a time trying to keep his face consistent with different angles lol aren't VUX nervous to move their necks me#Just gotta actually get into 3D modeling properly smh#I keep finding myself wanting to make more now that this set's done but I'm not sure what expressions! Confused? Focused? He's so subdued#Oooh he'd suit an expression meme wouldn't he <3 Now there's an idea#Might even open an ask game for that if I can find a good one :3c Hehehe
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treesbian · 3 months
sometimes the kids at work will say things and all i can think of is how our families have different financial situations. yesterday this one kid was talking about his travel plans for this year and next year and in my head i was like. you can travel internationally??? and for two years in a row???
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