#((Pardon if this is a little late ;w;
fdelopera · 3 months
America owes its independence to Haym Salomon, a Sephardic Jewish Patriot
A Jewish American Hero
by Yosef Kaufmann
October 17, 1781. An eerie silence takes hold over the battlefield outside Yorktown, Virginia. After weeks of non-stop artillery shells and rifle fire, the rhythmic pounding of a drum is all that is heard. Through the wispy smoke that floats above the battlefield, a British officer can be seen waving a white flag. General Cornwallis has surrendered Yorktown, ending the last major battle of the American Revolution. The surrender of Yorktown and the nearly 8,000 British troops convinced the British Parliament to start negotiating an end to the war. On September 3, 1783, the treaty of Paris was signed. The war was over.
If not for Haym Salomon, however, the decisive victory at Yorktown never would have happened.
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Haym Salomon was born in Leszno, Poland, in 1740. In 1770, he was forced to leave Poland for London as a result of the Partition of Poland. Five years later, he left London for New York City, where he quickly established himself as a broker for international merchants.
Sympathetic to the Patriot cause, Haym joined the New York branch of the Sons of Liberty, a secret society that did what it could to undermine British interests in the colonies. In 1776, he was arrested by the British and charged with being a spy. He was pardoned on condition that he spend 18 months on a British ship serving as a translator for the Hessian mercenaries, as he was fluent in Polish, French, German, Russian, Spanish and Italian. During those 18 months, Haym used his position to help countless American prisoners escape. He also convinced many Hessian soldiers to abandon the British and join the American forces.
In 1778, he was arrested again and sentenced to death for his involvement in a plot to burn the British Royal fleet in the New York Harbour. He was sent to Provost to await execution, but he managed to bribe a guard and escape under the cover of darkness.
He fled New York, which was under the control of the British army, and moved to Philadelphia, the capital of the Revolution.
He borrowed money and started a business as a dealer of bills of exchange. His office was located near a coffee house frequented by the command of the American forces. He also became the agent to the French consul and the paymaster for the French forces in North America. Here he became friendly with Robert Morris, the newly appointed Superintendent of Finance for the 13 colonies. Records show that between 1781 and 1784, through both fundraising and personal loans, he was responsible for financing George Washington over $650,000, today worth approximately over $13 million.
By 1781, the American congress was practically broke. The huge cost of financing the war effort had taken its toll. In September of that year, George Washington decided to march on Yorktown to engage General Cornwallis. A huge French fleet was on its way from the West Indies under the command of Comte De Grasse. The fleet would only be able to stay until late October, so Washington was facing immense pressure to lead an attack on Yorktown before then.
After marching through Pennsylvania, with little in the way of food and supplies, Washington’s troops were on the verge of mutiny. They demanded a full month's pay in coins, not congressional paper money which was virtually worthless, or they would not continue their march. Washington wrote to Robert Morris saying he would need $20,000 to finance the campaign. Morris responded that there was simply no money or even credit left. Washington simply wrote, “Send for Haym Salomon.” Within days, Haym Salomon had raised the $20,000 needed for what proved to be the decisive victory of the Revolution.
Haym’s chessed continued after the war. Whenever he met someone who he felt had sacrificed during the war and needed financial assistance, he didn’t hesitate to do whatever he could to help.
He was also heavily involved in the Jewish community. He was a member of Congregation Mikveh Yisroel in Philadelphia, the fourth oldest synagogue in America, and he was responsible for the majority of the funds used to build the shul’s main building.
He also served as the treasurer to the Society for the Relief of Destitute Strangers, the first Jewish charitable organization in Philadelphia.
On January 8, 1785, Haym died suddenly at the age of 44. Due to the fact the government owed him hundreds of thousands of dollars, his family was left penniless.
His obituary in the Independent Gazetteer read:
Thursday, last, expired, after a lingering illness, Mr. Haym Salomon, an eminent broker of this city, was a native of Poland, and of the Hebrew nation. He was remarkable for his skill and integrity in his profession, and for his generous and humane deportment. His remains were yesterday deposited in the burial ground of the synagogue of this city.
Although there is little proof, many believe that when designing the American Great Seal, George Washington asked Salomon what he wanted as compensation for his generosity during the war. Salomon responded “I want nothing for myself, rather something for my people.” It is for this reason that the 13 stars are arranged in the shape of the Star of David.
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yuikomorii · 6 months
Happy Birthday, Ayato! ❤️
// Today is the golden boy’s birthday!! Sweet and spicy visual god, you are the reason of my unattainablly high standards… and also of my questionable financial decisions, lol.
This looks more like an Ayayui shrine than an individual Ayato one, but I couldn’t fit all the items in one pic, therefore I chose the ones that were the easiest to find in my room. :”)
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Nevertheless… I did try to prepare a SCENARIO too! I used my nsfw edit as the cg, although I didn’t show everything. The romantic part is really cheesy and cringe, but if you’re into fluff, you will like that. 💕💕
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~Operation: Ayato-kun’s birthday~
Yui: ( Haa… it feels as if there’s no ending to these anymore… )
( I woke up earlier today, hoping to finish all these exercises, yet I really can’t bring myself to understand how to solve them at all…! )
( My mind is completely in a whole different place right now. Today is Ayato-kun’s birthday after all. )
( Unfortunately, all the assignments kept me so busy this week that I wasn’t even able to bake a cake for him… )
( However, it’s still not too late for that, right? )
( Once I’m done with this page, I will definitely try my best to prepare it as soon as po—)
Reiji: Komori Yui, are you slacking again?
Yui: …!
( Oh no, he picked up my notebook! )
Reiji: Good grief, there are mistakes everywhere! Do I need to remind you that you are not permitted to bring disgrace upon the Sakamaki family as long as you reside under this mansion's roof?
Yui: Uuh… I-I’m really sorry, Reiji-san. I promise I’ll—
Reiji: Silence. I recently received your report card as well, and I must admit that I’m not pleased with your performance in the slightest. I was expecting such indifference from my brothers, but it’s rather disheartening for a human girl not to care about her education.
Yui: Y-You got it wrong! It’s not like I don’t care about school, but… simply put, the teachers have been giving us much too many tasks lately, and I find them quite difficult to solve, which stresses me out a little, to be honest.
Reiji: Hmph, excuses. I find it incomprehensible how such simple exercises cause you mental difficulties.
Nevertheless, I shall teach you then. Even if it requires the whole day to achieve that.
Yui: You will? Woah, thank you so much, Re— W-Wait, no! We can’t do that today!
Reiji: Pardon? Are you rejecting my offer to tutor you?
Yui: No, no! Not at all! It’s just that today is Ayato-kun’s birthday, and well… I would obviously want to celebrate it with him.
Reiji: Denied.
Yui: Eh—?
Reiji: You truly are a fool. Vampires show no interest in the day of their birth. Now, take a sit.
Yui: …
( I know Reiji-san is not in the wrong, but… I really do want to celebrate Ayato-kun’s birthday. That day may not be special to him but it’s so special to me. )
( Am I being selfish, I wonder…? )
Reiji: It appears that you’re finally able to understand how to solve this exercise. The next ones are similar to it, therefore there shouldn’t be any obstacles.
Yui: Yes, I see…
( I appreciate Reiji-san’s help, yet too many hours have passed by and baking a cake from scratch is not possible anymore… )
Place: Living room
Yui: ( Hmm… apparently I still have enough pocket money to buy a cake. I know a self-made one would have been more meaningful, but I really couldn’t… )
Kanato: Yui-san, are you spacing out?
Yui: Eh—? Ah, Kanato-kun, I didn’t see you there. I’m fine, but I’m a bit in a hurry, so… see y— Kya!
( He grabbed my wrist! )
Kanato: You’re going to buy a cake for my brother, aren’t you?
Yui: Uhh… well yes, I mean, it’s his birthday after all.
Kanato: My birthday was yesterday and I didn’t see you get any cake for me, nor for Laito. Teddy thinks you forgot about us. Tell me, Yui-san, is that true?
Yui: T-that’s not it!
Kanato: So you’re going to buy a cake for me as well after all? I might forgive you if you do that.
Yui: ( What did I get myself into…! I’m sure Kanato-kun will throw a tantrum if I say “no”. )
But… I don’t think I got enough money for two cakes.
Kanato: Please don’t worry about that, Yui-san, I know my ways. Or what, are you doubting me now?
Yui: …!
— shakes head —
Kanato: Good, now let’s go.
Place: Demon World Cake shop
Yui: Woah, I’ve never seen such big cakes before!
Kanato: Please don’t shout. Your looks already make you resemble a servant, you don’t have to act like one as well.
Yui: ( Hey, that’s mean! )
Cake shop owner: Welcome, how can I help you?
Yui: We’re searching for a birthday cake, but uhm… one a bit smaller than the ones displayed here, if possible.
Cake shop owner: Any flavor you got in mind?
Yui: ( Speaking of flavor, I don’t think Ayato-kun has ever told me anything about his favorite. He would probably say Takoyaki but a Takoyaki cake… that doesn’t feel right. )
I think he likes straw—
Kanato: Raspberry!
Cake shop owner: Wonderful! We just finished a raspberry cake a few minutes ago!
— brings cake —
Yui: ( It truly looks delicious…! Besides, it’s red as well, which is Ayato-kun’s favorite color, so I believe he would truly like this one! )
Kanato: Alright, we’ll take it!
Place: Mansion
Yui: Phew, I’m glad the cake didn’t get crushed on the way.
Kanato: It’s time to eat!
Yui: Wha—! No, Kanato-kun, you can’t!
Kanato: Excuse me, but who do you think you are? This is my cake, therefore I’m allowed to eat it whenever I want!
Yui: W-Well, don’t you want to wait for Ayato-kun too? This way, you two will be able to eat it together like bro—!!
(He pushed me in the cake!?)
Kanato-kun, why did you do this!?
Kanato: You ruined the cake!
Yui: Me!? But Kanato-kun was the one who pushed me there!
Kanato: Teddy says you’re annoying, and I agree. Now how will you fix your mistakes?
Yui: ( I can barely see anything…! )
Kanato: Fufu, look at her Teddy! She’s full of cake from head to toe! Now, let’s give it a taste che—
Yui: You can’t!
— moves cake away from him —
Kanato: I can!
— moves cake back —
Yui: No!
— moves cake away —
Kanato: Hmph, just give up already, will you!?
— pushes her away —
Yui: Wait, no—!!!
???: Oi, what the—!
— cake falls on them —
Kanato: Noooo, the cake!!!! Ngh, this is no fun anymore!
Yui: Uuh… Why is the floor so soft…?
Ayato: ‘Cause it’s not the floor, you idiot.
Yui: Ah! A-Ayato-kun!
Uhh… Happy birthday…~?
Ayato: Geez, c’mere, you’re an even bigger mess.
— picks her up —
Place: Bathroom
Yui: ( This is so embarrassing…! )
Ayato: Haa… You’re finally not covered in cake anymore.
Yui: I… I’m sorry…
Ayato: Huh? What are you apologizing for? I’m not mad that you dropped that cake on me.
Yui: That’s not the only thing I’m sorry about…
If it weren’t for my carelessness, you would have gotten a nice birthday, but now… you don’t even have a cake anymore.
( Ah, I’m feeling as if I’m about to cry right now… )
Ayato: Hey, c’mon that’s not worth the tears. I’m a vampire, remember? I don’t care about my birthday, so there’s no need to worry about such stuff.
Yui: Maybe you don’t care about it but… I do. I know that I’m about to sound selfish, but your birthday is very special to me. It represents the day you were born and I… I simply can’t imagine not celebrating it.
Ayato-kun is important to me, therefore that automatically makes his birthday important to me too.
Ayato: You klutz…
— hugs her —
Yui: W-Wha—! Ayato-kun…!
Ayato: Seriously, are all humans really that sentimental? Or does this only apply to cute girls like you?
Yui: …!
(He… he called me cute! )
— blushes —
Ayato: The day’s still not over, y’know? There’s still time to celebrate it if you’re really that obsessed with it.
Yui: …! So, are you really okay with that?
Ayato: Yeah? If I weren’t, I would have told you, idiot. On top of that, it’s not like I got anything better to do anyway.
Now tell me, Chichinashi, what exactly do you have in store for today?
Yui: Hm… uhm… nothing comes to my mind at the moment, but for now… I can’t say I mind spending time like this with Ayato-kun.
Ayato: Heh~? You suddenly don’t mind being in my arms while naked?
Yui: P-Phrasing it like that…!
Ayato: Well, if that’s the case, then… you wouldn’t mind if I sucked your blood either, right?
Yui: Go ahead.
Ayato: Hah? No talking back? Are you really that easy to convince today? Or, could it be that you finally admit enjoying the pleasure these fangs give you?
Yui: It’s not only about your fangs, Ayato-kun. I really like you as a whole.
I wasn’t even able to find a gift for you, therefore giving you my blood is the least I can do.
Ayato: Heh, I see… I don’t need your blood as a gift though.
Yui: You don’t…?
Ayato: Nope, ‘cause I already got the best gift ever.
Yui: Is that so?
( Did someone already give him something for his birthday? If that’s the case, then who could it be? )
( Ah… I guess I’m just overthinking, but now I’m really curious. )
Ayato: You really wanna know, don’t you? It’s already written on your face.
Are you getting jealous~?
Yui: T-That’s…—!
Ayato: Pfft, you really did get jealous, huh?
Yui: ( Ugh… he’s making fun of me now! )
Ayato: Anyway, there’s no need to. After all, the best gift I’ve ever gotten…
It’s you, Yui.
— Smooch —
The end
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dannyphantom-zero · 8 months
Doctor Danny Chapter 6
Danny was surprised to say the least. The last time he even step foot in a place this fancy was at Vlad's dairy palace.
"Master Bruce is this way Master Todd"
Danny waited for Jason in the sitting room.
"Would you like tea Mr. Fenton"
Danny jolted, he had been so deep in his own thoughts.
"Yes, thank you-"
"Alfred is fine"
"Thank you Alfred"
"Pardon me for asking but what is your connection to the master?"
Danny squinted thinking about it as if it was the first time he was contemplating this. Well, it was the first time.
"The way I met him was a little... strange, but after that day he wouldn't leave me alone. Like a stalker"
Alfred chuckled.
Danny blushed, "I didn't mean that his is a stalker or anything! He's been a big help to me, I think. We're friends I guess you would say"
Jason walked up to the office. There was an air of tension and Jason wondered briefly if Bruce was fuming with anger on the other side.
Jason stepped in, closing the door behind him.
Bruce was sitting behind his desk with an unpleasant look on his face.
Jason wanted to make a wise crack but the air was too suffocating. You would think someone had died.
Bruce motioned for Jason to sit down, he came out from behind his desk and sat down across from Jason.
Bruce sighed before looking straight into Jason's eyes.
Jason didn't like his tone of voice.
"Are you gay?"
Jason paused and replayed the tape in his head. Did Bruce really just ask him that?
"W-why? Are you asking me that?" He had never been more confused.
"So you are gay?"
Jason suddenly felt hot.
"Maybe, in my defense some men just hit different"
Bruce made a face.
"Not literally, stop looking at me like that!"
"Some men, like that Doctor?"
Jason sighed and looked at the window nonchalantly.
"Yeah I guess."
Bruce nodded.
"So now that it's confirmed, there are some things you should know-"
"You are not giving me the talk in gay edition! I am an adult Bruce!"
"Does he like you back?"
Jason groaned.
"I really don't know. I don't even know if he's into men."
"Have you tried asking him"
"I'm not doing that"
Bruce wanted to scream. Why did his children always take the hard way.
Jason glanced at the clock on Bruce's wall and jumped up.
"Crap! I have to take Danny to the hospital!"
"This conversation-" before Bruce could finish Jason was already gone.
He sighed, "why do I even try?" He muttered into his hands.
He had even gotten to the important part yet, which would be Jason's vigilante identity.
"Do you like Master Todd?" Alfred asked as he sipped his tea.
"He's a great friend, he really is helpful when he wants to be"
Alfred shook his head elegantly.
"Forgive me, I meant romantically"
Danny almost dropped his tea. "Uh, I-I don't know. I've never considered"
Jason burst in at that exact moment and Danny's face went red.
"Your gonna be late if we don't go right now!" Jason almost shouted.
Danny jumped up, very flustered.
"Bye Alfred" Danny said as Jason grabbed Danny's hand and pulled him to the car.
Alfred smiled over his tea.
Jason hopped in the car and noticed that something was wrong with Danny. He was stiffer than a wooden board.
A high pitched "what?" Came out that just made Danny even more embarrassed.
"Are you ok?"
Danny managed to breathe again
"Yea, just nervous about going to work I guess"
Jason nodded.
"Just be careful"
When Danny got into the hospital he noticed something strange. Everyone seemed to be staring at him and whispering to each other.
"Daniel! There you are my good friend " the hospitals general manager said clapping him on the back.
Danny made a face like he had just stepped on a fresh pile of dog shit. This guy hated him, and he called him Daniel.
If they were friends he would've to call him Danny. This was the guy who tried to suspend Danny licence and kept saying he was just going to be trouble for the hospital.
So why was he sucking up to him now?
"We have someone who needs to speak with you urgently"
Who could be so important, that even a dick like this guy would change his tune?
Well it didn't matter, Danny was pissed off now.
"Tell whoever it is to wait, my patients need me, make sure they don't bother me while I'm working"
"You don't have a choice brat, stop soaking up being the big hero and get your ass in that office."
Danny was about to stick up his middle finger and walk away when a voice rang out from down the hall.
"Doctor! I'm so glad I caught you!"
Danny looked past his disgruntled superior and his eyes instantly narrowed.
It was a prominent businessman with lots of rumors of having shady side businesses. Lex Luther.
"You have to excuse me sir but I'm working at the moment-"
"Of course, I don't mean to interrupt your work at all. If you can perhaps take the time to meet with me after your work hours have finished-"
Lex quickly waved off the thought his a graceful twist of his hand, "but you don't have too, you might be too exhausted. At least take my card. I have so much to talk about"
Danny took the card, resisting the urge to rip it up in front of the general manager out of spite.
Still, despite the rumors Lex Luther seemed fairly decent. Danny had no time to mull it over, he had patients to treat.
Danny carefully fixed a cast for little boy.
"There you go, all done"
The boy looked at Danny sadly, "can I be the first to sign it?" Danny asked.
The boy lit up, Danny was supposed to recommend that the cast stay clean and unsigned but hey, its an important tradition.
~Your incredibly strong, keep up that fighting spirit, love Doctor Danny~
The boy showed his mom who smiled and thanked the doctor. Danny just replied with, "it's my job"
Danny was half asleep by the time he walked out of the hospital.
"Hello" a smooth voice said in his ear. Danny whipped his head around his the person in the nose.
"Oh crap I'm sorry, are you ok?" Danny asked.
The person turned out to be Lex Luther.
"It's ok, it's my fault for being too close"
"Yeah but it could be bruised, I hope it's not broken" he said as he examined it.
After a few seconds Danny realized he asked for permission before touching him.
He quickly withdrew his hands.
"It's not broken, just bruised" Danny declared.
"Thank you, I see your off from work. Can I treat you to a meal?"
Danny smiled, "shouldn't I be saying that? I did bruise you"
Lex Luther shook his head, "no, I asked to meet with you. I should pay"
Danny caved.
"I'll follow you in my car-"
"No need, I'll have my assistant drove your car, we'll ride together in mine"
Together? Why?
"Okay, wait- is that your car?"
It was a shiny black Lamborghini.
"Wow, you drive this around Gotham? You so brave. If I had a car like this it would be locked up in storage" Danny said his hands hovering over, but not touching.
Lex pit his hand over Danny's and pushed it on the car.
"It won't break if you touch it"
Danny's face felt hot all of the sudden.
"Y-yeah you're probably right" Danny said nervously as he moved his hand and opened the door. After he slid in Lex shut the door for him.
The car looked brand new on the inside too.
"This is so clean"
"I made sure it was before I came to the hospital. Doctors like things clean"
Danny laughed, "not all doctors are clean freaks, you should see my car. It's a wreck"
"Forgive me, I spoke without thinking"
Danny shook his head. "It's fine, just a little funny"
Danny didn't want to admit it but this lex guy was easy to get along with.
Once they were in the restaurant and seated Danny got his business face on.
"So, did you ean to meet with me to talk about sponsoring the hospital?"
"Not at all, I already sponsor the hospital, you could say I'm their biggest sponsor"
No he wasn't, Bruce Wayne was Gotham Generals biggest sponsor. But he could be the second biggest sponsor.
"So what did you want to meet me about?"
Lex Luther gave Danny a soft smile, "you, I want to sponsor you specifically. More specifically I'm interested in you"
Danny raised an eyebrow, "I'm not sure I understand"
"I like you and I want to start a relationship with you"
Danny wasn't sure he heard him correctly.
"Like dating? Why?"
Lex chuckled, "I wondered that myself, why I was so attracted to you. In the end I still don't have a reason. I just like you"
"D- I- I don't know anything about you-"
"Could you give me a chance?"
Danny was confused, when he spoke it sounded genuine, but his eyes were silent.
"Can I have some time to think about it?"
"Yes, of course"
They ate and discussed little things, some things Lex Luther's business had been doing and Danny's hectic hospital work.
Jason arrived at the hospital ready to pick up Danny when he saw Danny's car drove away, so he followed it.
When someone other than Danny got out Jason's mood darkened.
The man was thrown against the car hard.
"Where is he!" Jason demanded.
"What! Get away from me!" The guy said.
Jason pulled out a knife, "I won't ask again"
And that's how Jason found himself checking surveillance cameras to find what place they went to eat at.
He arrived just as Danny was walking out with a man.
"Danny, where do you live, I'll drive you home and have my driver bring your car in the morning."
"DON'T TELL HIM SHIT!" a voice hollered from across the parking lot.
Danny looked startled towards the sound, he squinted to get a better look at the person stalking angrily towards them.
Lex put an arm around Danny's shoulder and pulled him next to him.
"Who are you?!"
Jason sneered, "none of your business, come on Danny I explain on the way"
Danny made a move to go but Lex held him firmly next to him.
"Danny this man seems to have anger issues, I don't think it's safe for you to go with him"
Danny couldn't move out of lex's grip. Jason glared murderously.
"I'll be fine Mr. Luther, he's really not a bad person" Danny said as he pried off the arm.
This lex guy was strong.
"Call me lex" lex whispered in his ear. Jason had enough, he pulled Danny away from lex Luther and put him on his motorcycle.
"I promise I'll explain when we get to my place" Jason said.
Lex Luther called his associate from his burner phone, "put plan B on standby, we might need it after all"
Danny sat completely confused on Jason's couch. Jason was kneeling in front of him.
"Are you okay Danny? Did he hurt you?"
"No, he was really nice, I don't get what's making you so anxious"
Jason sighed, "Bruce has dealt with Lex Luther before, he's into some pretty sketchy business"
"That's right, I had him on my cork board as suspicious. I was going to get closer and get more information, but if it bothers you that much I can table it for now"
Jason sighed, "your gonna be the death of me" he muttered.
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indiaalphawhiskey · 1 year
Fake summary please for this made up title:
Flip me off and I’ll flip you over
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🎸 Flip Me Off and I’ll Flip You Over
It had been an honest mistake, hand to God.
Louis had seen him last night, two rows away from the front, eyes closed and mouthing along perfectly to All This Time, his sweaty tendrils framing his forehead and the sleeves of his Faith in the Future tee artfully cut off.
They had made flirty - some would even say, obscenely heated - eye contact under the bright lights.
That’s how Louis knew about the dimples; that’s why Louis ran to the barricade three songs too early and a little too far to the left. He didn’t actually see if one of the hands that had so desperately clutched at him belonged to Dimples, but he’d thought it safe to think so. (No one stood that close to the stage, totally dolled up in their little outfit just to make eyes at the artist all night and not try to touch him. Please.)
But the thing was, Louis was also just a wee bit hungover this morning; cranky, headache-y, and severely under-caffeinated after a late night at the club and an inhumane five a.m. radio interview call time. Not to mention being unceremoniously manhandled into the car by Joni after some fans got a tad too excitable at the entrance.
So when he saw Dimples for the second concert in a row, now strategically stationed outside his dressing room wearing leather trousers in 36 degree weather, smiling at Louis like that…
Well, he’d just kind of… assumed.
“Bit too early to be this thirsty for a back room shag, darling, innit?” Louis snarked over the pounding in his head. Though he squeezed his eyes shut behind his dark sunglasses, he didn’t miss the startled look on Dimples’ face.
“W-wh—” he stammered, seemingly bewildered. “I—I beg your pardon?”
Louis would roll his eyes at the impeccable feigned innocence if he wasn’t so dizzy. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he peeked one eye open at the same time he lifted his coffee up to his mouth. Caffeine would save him.
He smirked a little at the deep blush on Dimples’ cheeks; at how caught out he clearly was. The movement only made Louis’ head hurt more.
“Posh little thing, aren’t ya?” He observed off-handedly, wincing at the reverberating sounds inside his head over the brim of his cup. Out of the corner of his eye, he clocked the pen in Dimples’ hand and he tipped his head as far as he could without giving himself vertigo to point at it. “Want me to sign your chest or something? Will that get you to leave me alone?”
Dimples narrowed his eyes at Louis in what seemed like the perfect cross between confusion and annoyance. “Ex-cuse me—”
“Come on then,” Louis interrupted impatiently. With a heavy sigh, he gestured with his palm to hand over the pen. “Just lift up your shirt and let’s get this over with—”
“Oh good, you’ve met!” Oli’s voice was so loud it made Louis flinch. Well, it was either his volume or the two forceful slaps he clapped on Louis’ back as he beamed as Dimples. “Louis Tomlinson,” he said, with a dramatic drumroll-type tone to his voice, “meet the legendary Harry Styles, youngest senior concert critic in Rolling Stone magazine history!”
To say those were the absolute worst words Louis could have possibly heard at that moment would have been incorrect. Mostly because the absolute worst words Louis could have possibly heard at that moment were the next six: “He’s here to review your tour!”
Louis lifted his horrified gaze to Harry’s face slowly. Their eyes locked, anger flashing across Harry’s features as he crossed his arms over his chest. Ironically, the lanyard of his press pass was now painfully obvious where it hung around his neck.
“Charmed,” he deadpanned.
— or, Louis Tomlinson’s World Tour was off to a great start until he royally fucked up by mistaking a world famous concert critic for a groupie. Then again, it’s not like anyone said Harry Styles couldn’t be both.
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lostloveletters · 3 months
Love Like an Ache in the Jaw (John Brady x OC)
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Summary: Kate "Woody" Woodward isn't quite sure what to make of love when she's finally got it, presented to her with unwavering devotion by the freshly promoted Captain John Brady.
Note: This is an expanded version of With a Rose Between Your Teeth (Is That Blood in Your Mouth for Me?) Title comes from Sweet Dreams, TN by The Last Shadow Puppets. Also, a million thanks to Kara @karasnonsense99 for letting me ramble about these two all the time ilysm🖤 Do not interact if you're under 18, terf or radfem, or post thinspo/ED content.
Word count: 2k
Warnings: Inevitable historical and technical inaccuracies. Depictions of blood. Sexually explicit content involving oral sex (m. receiving).
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The shining double bars on his collar said it all, catching the sunlight as he walked over to her on the tarmac. Unprecedented pride bubbled up in Woody’s stomach at the sight of him, and for a careless moment, she allowed it to boil over into a congratulatory kiss on his cheek. John didn’t protest, his hands on her waist, kissing her as best as he could with his lips pulled into a smile. Whispered about going out that night to celebrate. Not alone. Never alone, but typically with good enough company that she didn’t mind.
They were joined by most of his crew, guys she’d gotten to know well enough by virtue of hanging around John, but she managed to talk Darla into coming along when Holly declined her invitation, a regretful tiredness in her smile when she insisted Woody go out without her. But her fellow mechanic was fun, if not a little rowdy—perfect for a night of celebrating.
In all honesty, the night panned out to be a bit tamer than she’d been expecting. She zoned out from Hoerr and Hambone’s argument over whether Rita Hayworth or Betty Grable had better legs. John didn’t hesitate to input his preference for Hayworth, something Woody occasionally teased him about, asking if she should dye her hair red just to watch his ears burn the same color. Always muttered something about liking her the best, taking her into his arms and kissing her as if she needed the reassurance she wouldn’t lose him to the likes of the bombshell actress.
No, the conversation being held behind them caught her attention, a man musing at the billiards table over finding someone to play eight-ball with, having just been paid and ready to supplement his payday. Her fingers twitched as she brought her cigarette to her lips, inhaling as her mind raced. She’d played plenty stateside, back when she was still going by Kate.
Woody wasn’t sure what the hell he meant by quid, but her serpentine confidence slithered over the necessity of understanding exactly how much was on the table. When the car business was slow, hustling pool had been her next best bet. Good enough that she was sure even after two years of eschewing such habits, she would come out on top. 
She turned around in her seat, and before she could stop herself, said, “I’ll play you.”
An RAF pilot and his buddies. They shared incredulous looks, snickering amongst themselves until one chuckled, “That would hardly be a fair game.”
“Double it.”
“I beg your pardon?” he asked.
The corners of her lips twitched, and she snuffed out her cigarette in the ashtray in the middle of the table as she stood up. “Whatever you’re betting, double it, if you’re so sure.”
The voices at the table fell to a hush, and she felt John’s fingers brush the small of her back through her blouse, as if to give her an out if she wanted. Too late. She let the beast rear its ugly head, forked tongue and all, as she stared down the pilot. He relented, holding out the pool cue for her. Probably figured it’d be an easy win. Line his pockets with her misguided cockiness.
Woody grabbed the cue. Watched with curiosity as they set up the rack, placing the eight ball at the foot instead of in the middle. Licked her lips as she realized there may have been differences in the way the British played than how she was used to, but she wasn’t about to betray her own ignorance by asking what exactly the rules were.
Instead, with a deceptively bored-sounding self assurance asked, “So am I stripes or solids?”
He considered her for a moment. “Stripes.” Motioned to the table. “Ladies first.”
She scoffed, cooly rolling her eyes at his false chivalry as she leaned over to break the rack. Spared a glance at John, his arms folded across his chest, watching her with an intensity that nearly sent a shiver down her spine. She hit the cue ball, sending stripes and solids across the felted table.
Standing up straight, she followed the striped ten as it rolled into a corner pocket. Missed the next one, but so did the pilot, and it was her turn again. She made up for her sloppy performance with nine and twelve in another corner pocket. 
Woody stalked around the table and leaned over in front of John, making a bit more of a show than was necessary in shifting her hips to make the hit. Fourteen in the middle pocket. Looked over at him, the slightest smile on her face when they locked eyes. Everything else faded into the background, white noise and static compared to the way he was looking at her. 
Acutely aware of his attention, drinking in the sight of her as she leaned over every so often, deliberately biting her lip or sticking her tongue between her teeth just to see his reaction, playing a different game entirely by the time she hit all of the stripes into the pockets, finally finishing off the eight ball.
Darla laughed. “Goddamn Woody, I didn’t know you could play like that.”
“She must’ve cheated somehow,” the pilot said dismissively to his friends, as if she weren’t even there.
“Jesus Christ, these guys,” Hambone muttered.
“There’s no way she could have cheated,” John said. “Be a man and pay up.”
“Or what?”
Woody shot him a glare, leaning against the cue. “Or I’ll shove this up your—”
It happened so fast. Too fast. Before she could even blink, a wad of spit landed on her face. 
John grabbed Woody’s shoulder, pushing her behind him. Scraping chairs and mangled shouts drowned out the music playing from the jukebox. She wiped the spit off of her cheek with the back of her hand, cringing as she shook it out. Her stomach sank. Why the fuck did she say that? Lost herself for just a minute, let herself be the person she tried to leave behind in San Francisco, and it all went to shit, like everything Kate touched tended to do at some point.
Her eyes frantically searched for John in the fight that erupted. The sinking feeling in her stomach warped into something else entirely at the sight of him, taking a punch to his jaw before throwing a solid one in return. Always found guys who fought for their girls teeming with unearned bravado, something to prove. But John’s bravado had been wholly earned. Proved himself with his promotion to Captain, which he was putting in jeopardy on her behalf. More than that, it looked good on him.
Still, she wouldn't let him bear the brunt of her mistake if she could help it. She shuffled forward, narrowly avoiding an elbow to the face as she grabbed his arm.
“John, come on! He’s an idiot!”
She practically had to wrestle him away from the chaos and into the bathroom. A cramped space with peeling paint and a naked lightbulb that almost didn’t let her close the door behind them until she forced it shut.
“You shouldn’t have done that.”
“Why not?”
Water poured freely from the faucet. She watched as he splashed some in his mouth, swishing it between puffed up cheeks. 
“People might think we’re in love or something.”
He spit into the sink. Water pink with blood pooled at the rusty drain. It dripped from his chin as he stared her down with blown out pupils, reflecting her own unspoken desire. “We are.”
She reached out and wiped his chin with the pad of her thumb. Glanced at the glistening residue on her finger before sticking it in her mouth, letting the faint coppery taste settle sweetly on her tongue. 
“Yeah. We are.” 
And all at once she was consumed by it, the fiery desolation of being loved and loving in return. Made her skin burn, feel more alive than she had in months. No wonder it made people go crazy. Like him, her calm and collected pilot who suddenly didn’t hesitate to throw punches over a woman with no honor to defend except for the fact that he loved her. 
He loved her.
She kissed him with a ferocity that forced him to grip the sink to keep himself steady. The faint traces of blood still in his mouth sent an almost vampiric fervor through her. Brought her hand up to his neck and felt the way his Adam’s apple bobbed at her touch. Always privately lamented that she couldn’t mark up his throat the way she desperately wanted to, sink her teeth into him and let everyone know he was hers.
She wanted more of him. Always more. Lowered her hands to unbuckle his belt.
“Sweetheart, what are you—”
“Got that handsome face of yours roughed up over me,” she rasped, pressing her lips to his jaw as she unzipped his pants. “‘S the least I can do, Johnny.”
He uttered a low ‘fuck’ as he watched her drop to her knees in the tight space. Nuzzled her nose against his crotch, the dim lighting nearly concealing the playful smile that's spread across her lips. She pulled his pants and underwear down to his knees. He swallowed roughly, licking his lips in anticipation. 
She spit into her palm, then took his cock in her hand, wet and calloused as she pumped his length. Pressed a kiss to his head before wrapping her lips around it, her tongue warm and inviting. He threaded his fingers through her hair, his blunt nails scratching against her scalp. 
She watched him intently, his face contorting with pleasure as she took more of him in her mouth. Noticed with obsessive observation what made him moan louder or tug on her hair a little harder. All of the noises he made echoed in the cramped space, and only served to drive her wild, give her more motivation to bring him to climax. 
Her fingernails pressed crescent-shaped marks into his thighs when he thrust in her mouth. Didn’t matter that her jaw started to ache a little, lips were probably swollen and puffy. She wanted him to feel good, to know how much he meant to her, to use the memory of her on her knees in any fantasy he conjured up for himself in his private moments. She wanted to be it for him.
“Fuck, sweetheart,” he forced out, his voice low and gravelly. “I’m close.”
She choked a bit when he thrust harder, the tip of his cock hitting the back of her throat. It twitched against her tongue, pulsing and veiny, his length almost too much for her to handle when he came, her name falling from his lips like a prayer though she was the one on her knees.
“That’s my good girl,” he praised as she swallowed his cum, fondly stroking her messy blonde hair. “Such a good fucking girl.” Her body purred at his words, claiming her with a gentle ownership she keened at the thought of. 
She figured she loved him for much longer than just that night, except she hadn’t realized because it felt so different from the way other people described it. Not particularly soft or sweet, but it made her feel powerful, alive.  Like staring down everything she feared and finally feeling able to conquer it all instead of running—she was so damn tired of running.
He offered his hand, pulling her up from the floor. His lips brushed her cheek, adoration pouring from the simple gesture of affection. “I love you,” he whispered against her warm skin.
“I love you too.”
Woody leaned against the door, catching her breath as John pulled his pants back on. Took a look at himself in the mirror, straightening himself out to appear every bit of the no-nonsense Captain who had her wrapped around his finger. 
Turning around, he gave her a once over, taking in her ragged appearance in comparison.
“Your nylons—“
She looked down, finding a tear at the knee. “I don’t give a damn. Let’s just get outta here, Johnny.”
“You sure?”
“We can sneak out the back and spend the rest of the night alone. They all probably think we left already.”
“Sounds like you have somewhere in mind.”
Woody smiled, turning the knob to crack the door open, checking if anyone would notice the two of them slipping out together. Taking his hand in hers, she gently squeezed it. “I might.”
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petitelepus · 2 months
The Shinazugawa household X slave fem reader!
She is an exotic demon slave because she is from another country, been thrown all over the place, fought another demons that are bigger than her, killed one of her past owners, and they choose her because they heard rumours of her never harming children and instead protecting them like a big sister. She could manipulate bones, has a big spear made of a huge demon spine she killed, and can easily rip bones out of anyone, she wears the bones of everyone she had killed to keep as trophies and turns it into accessories. She is literally a Savage Skeleton girl. She a bit insane in a deadpool way but flirty like knockout
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Summary: The eldest Shinazugawa brothers head out to find a guard Demon for their younger siblings, but are low on money... But then they found you, a little weirdo Demon, but you should be able to keep the kids safe, right?
Warnings: Slavery
A/N: Slave!AU, Demon Slaves, Sanemi Shinazugawa, Genya Shinazugawa, Female Reader, Demon Reader, Teiko Shinazugawa, Hiroshi Shinazugawa, Sumi Shinazugawa, Shuya Shinazugawa, Koto Shinazugawa
When the two oldest Shinazugawa siblings went to the Slave House to see Demon slaves, they didn't expect to see you there… But let's back up a little bit.
Sanemi and Genya had gone to the house to find a guard dog aka guard Demon to take care of their siblings. Their late father had been abusive, but mostly towards their late mother.
Both young men wanted to keep their siblings safe from any harm and while a dog would have done the deed, Demon would be able to play with them, clean, and cook while Sanemi and Genya weren't there.
But damn, Demons were expensive!
"What the Hell…" Genya grunted as he rubbed his eyes, "How can a Demon cost this much?"
"Yeah, I'm starting to lean towards a dog more and more," Sanemi growled in frustration. They had some money saved, but feeding 7 people cost a lot…
"Maybe this isn't a good idea…?" Genya frowned and his older brother nodded, but before they could turn and leave, a man appeared behind them.
"Are you looking for something specific?" The man asked and the brothers shared glances with each other.
"Yeah, but we doubt what we are looking for is in here," Sanemi grunted, and the man smiled, "Depends. What do you want?"
"We need a guardian for our younger siblings-!" Genya was saying but his brother shot him a glare, "Shut up Genya!"
"A guardian, huh?" The man nodded, "Well, we have some great guardian Demons here that would no doubt satisfy y-!"
"Thanks but no thanks." Sanemi frowned, "We don't have the money for one so we'll just leave."
"No money, huh, and kids to protect…" The salesman nodded and any other time that would end the conversation, but this man wouldn't give up, "What about if I told you there is something that would fit your taste and prize rank?"
"I'd say that you are full of shit," The oldest brother said and the man laughed, "Come, follow me!"
The brothers shared glances and the man laughed, "Don't worry, looking doesn't cost you anything!"
He was right about that. So the brothers followed the salesman to a locked door and watched as he dug out a key and unlocked the heavy padlock, uncovering stairs to a basement.
"Come come!" The man smiled and the brothers followed him into the darkness… And their eyes widened as they smelled the blood and mold in the air. An awful combination that made their noses burn.
"Pardon the smell," The salesman chuckled, "We don't actually take other customers down here."
"W- what is this place?" Genya asked and the man chuckled as he turned on the lights, and showed the cages full of what appeared to be feral Demons.
"This is the place where Demons are brought to die." Sanemi frowned as he shot a glare at the salesman, "Right?"
"Something like that, yes." The man nodded as he led the brothers to a cage with a female Demon hunched at the back of the cage, sleeping. That was you.
The man chuckled as he looked at the brothers, "This here is a rare one. It was imported from abroad where it was actually a fighting arena Demon. They called it Bone Demon because of its abilities to fight and take trophies from its kills."
"An arena Demon!?" Sanemi snapped, "Are you crazy!? Those things were made to kill! That's all they know!"
"Well, yeah, but-!"
"But what!?"
"Well," The guy shrugged, "The truth is that it killed its previous owner…"
"So it isn't safe!?"
"Well, you didn't hear this from me…" The man looked around to see if anyone else was listening and then continued, "That fucker had it coming."
"What?" Sanemi and Genya blinked and the salesman nodded, "Rumor has it that he was beating his own kids and the Demon took him out for it."
"Then, why is she being put down if she was only protecting the kids?" Genya asked, but Sanemi frowned, "Are you stupid? When Demon kills its owner, it's deemed dangerous, no matter what the circumstances were."
"Yeah, I'm a dreamer myself and always want to believe in second chances." The salesman chuckled, but he didn't sound to reassuring.
"Look, these Demons are going to be put down anyway, so why can't I give them a new home and earn a little while doing so?"
"And how much do you think you earn with this plan of yours?"
"Well, how does 600 sound?"
That offer was beyond good, it was almost too good to be true. The brothers shared glances and frowned as they turned their attention to your peacefully sleeping form. You looked so graceful and like you were in peace… Maybe you weren't that bad?
"Still, it needs a ton to eat…"
"Well, there is a… You know?" The salesman said and the brothers frowned, "Know what?"
"There is a rumor, but it's only a rumor…!"
"Just tell us!"
"Okay! Demons, if you give them fresh blood they can go on for days without anything else to eat!" The man smiled, but the brothers didn't share his excitement, "Duh, everyone knows that Demons need mean and blood-!"
"I meant human blood!" The guy snapped, "Give it some blood and you don't need to feed it!"
"That's illegal!" Genya cried out, but the man shook his head, "Look, everything that happens or is talked in here stays between us!"
"Still, that Demon is way too dangerous!" Both brothers frowned and the salesman sighed, "Okay, here is my final offer, 100 and it's yours!"
"Cheap!" Genya gasped and Sanemi frowned, "Why so cheap suddenly?"
"Look, it costs me almost 500 to put it down and it has a good bloodline! If I had any spare time or funds I would breed it, but I don't! So?" The man sighed, "Do you take it?"
Genya swallowed nervously as Sanemi frowned, "We will take it but only if it has a kill switch installed."
Ah, the kill switch. A collar that could capitate and therefore kill any Demon that could be deemed as dangerous to innocent humans. The salesman sighed as he nodded, "Alright, I'll lock one around its neck and you can take it home right away."
"Good." Sanemi nodded as he dug out the money the salesman wanted and handed it to him, "Make it hasty, I can't stand the smell in here."
"Yes yes," The man nodded as he went to pick up a collar for you. Genya though, glanced at his older brother in worry, "Big brother, is this really a good idea?"
"It's cheap, it can protect our siblings and it has a collar to end its life if it acts out." Sanemi nodded, "It has to do."
Genya wasn't as sure as his brother was, but he trusted his older brother, no matter what… And if you ended up becoming a risk, you would have to be taken out.
The brothers watched the salesman pick up a collar and open your cage enough to slip the kill switch around your neck while you were still in deep slumber. While he was at it, he picked you up so he could hand you over and that's when you started to wake up from your sleep.
"Morning sleepyhead," The salesman chuckled as he placed you on your feet in front of the Shinazugawa brothers, who blinked as they got a good look at you.
For a Demon, you were a petite little thing. It was almost impossible to believe that you had taken out Demons bigger than yourself in the fighting arena. You yawned and rubbed the sleep off your eyes as you inspected the brothers before you.
"Howdy…" You greeted them quietly and the salesman laughed, "It's a little groggy after a long sleep, but should wake up in any minute now!"
"Great, we will take it to the car and get out of your hair." Sanemi nodded as he grasped your upper arm and yanked, "Come on, we're leaving."
You yawned but nodded as you followed the oldest brother out of the dark stinky basement, Genya and the salesman following quickly behind you two.
"Remember!" The man shouted, "No refunds!"
"Fuck off…!" Sanemi growled under his breath as he, Genya and you left the Slave House and took you to their car. It was a dark rainy day so there wasn't sunlight to worry about as they got you into the car.
As Sanemi got into the driver's seat and Genya next to him, you were already feeling better. By the time the car took off, you had woken up and done a perfect flip with your personality.
"Hey hey, are you my new owners?" You asked happily and the brothers shared confused glances before Genya looked at you, "Yeah…?"
"Fantastic! Terrific even!" You giggled as you grinned from ear to ear like a Cheshire Cat, "Haven't had an owner for a while now!"
"Because you killed that fucker?" Sanemi asked and you hummed like you were thinking something hard.
"Yeah, he was a bad man," You nodded, "But his kids? They were sweethearts!"
"You protected them, right? From the guy you killed?" Genya asked and you stilled as you stared at him… And then you looked down on your feet, "Kids are precious. So innocent, so sweet. Strong must protect the weak."
The brothers glanced at each other. So far, you didn't appear like a bloodthirsty arena Demon… Genya smiled a little as he looked at you, "Well… In your new home at our place, you will have kids to protect again?"
"Kids?" You repeated and the younger brother nodded, "Yeah, our younger siblings. There are 5 of them."
"If you hurt them or even pick a hair out of their heads, I'm killing you on the spot!" Sanemi snapped and you hummed happily as you swayed your head from side to side, "No worries! I love kids!"
"We trust on that…"
The drive to their apartment complex was quiet… If they ignored how you seemed to think what was going in your mind out loud.
"Kids kids, cute and sweet!"
"Must protect!"
"I'm starting to think that guy at the Slave House screwed us over…" Sanemi grumbled as he and Genya listened to you hum by yourself like a… Like a crazy person.
"So?" Your eyes focused as you looked at the brothers, "Which battle earned you those scars?"
"Battle?" Genya wondered out loud and you nodded, "We Demons fight all the time, but if you don't kill you heal and won't scar."
That made sense. Sanemi growled as he glanced at you from the mirror, "We had our own fights. That's it."
He wasn't really in the mood to share how he and Genya were scarred, but you seemed to understand that he wanted to stay quiet about it. So you hummed, "Makes sense! But…"
"But what?"
"Humans are so resilient!" You grinned, "Your scars look cool! Wish I had some to show off my strength, but the bones of my opponents were all that I had!"
"We don't need to hear about that!" Sanemi snapped and you giggled a little as you looked out of the car's window, humming by yourself again.
When you made it to the Shinazugawa household, the eldest brothers called their siblings over and all 5 of them came when called.
"Kids, this is your new Demon!" Sanemi said and the kids were awed as they looked at you.
"My, and who are you, little angels?" You giggled as you looked at the kids who eyed you shyly and carefully. Genya smiled as he pointed at his younger siblings, "From eldest to youngest, Sanemi, me Genya, Teiko, Hiroshi, Sumi, Shuya, and Koto."
"Hello everyone," You smiled as you pointed at yourself, "I'll be your new nanny, your servant, your friend, your bodyguard, your-!"
"Are you our new family member?" Shuya asked and you blinked, a little stunned, before nodding happily, "Yeah! I can be anything you want me to be!"
"Remember kids, she is a Demon so you have to be careful also!" Sanemi said, but his younger siblings were all so impressed by you and curious about you.
"You're very pretty." Sumi smiled a little shyly as she looked at you and you grinned, showing off your sharp teeth.
"Aww, thank you, little angel!" You laughed as you bent down to the kids' eye level and held your pinky to them, "I pinky promise you guys that I will always keep you safe and sound! No one will harm you as long as I'm here!"
"You promise?" The kids asked and you waved your pinky finger at them, "I promise!"
"Jay!" The kids cheered as they rushed to see you better, giggling and laughing as they surrounded you. Meanwhile, Genya and Sanemi shared glances and nodded.
"She appears like a good purchase." Genya hummed thoughtfully, but his older brother frowned as he crossed his arms, "Time will tell."
"And if she isn't?"
"Then," Sanemi's face twisted with an angry scowl, "I'll take her out myself."
And that was his promise to Genya, their siblings, and you.
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greycaelum · 2 years
ahhh your kaleidoscope series is so heartwarming! i was wondering if its possible to write a timeskip where kikufuku is older and is basically really protective over his mum in public, i think itd be really cute but funny that hes acting like her bodyguard 😭🫶🏻🖤 thank you if you do this! (his parents taught him well)
Kaleidoscope Series—Clouds and Mochi Chapters: { SSS }
—Gojo Satoru X Reader
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𑁍 Synopsis:
16-year-old Kouki is just as tall as the 5'8 man. He should thank his Papa's genes later.
"You need something from my mother?"
"M-mother? I w-was just asking directions." The man replied, looking at you and Kouki back and forth.
𑁍 Genre: fluff, family theme, time skip
𑁍 CW/TW: (1.1k)— stranger trying to hit on you, protective Kouki, Kouki can be a little menace, Kouki's thoughts about relationships, didn't proofread, sorry 'bout that
𑁍 A/N: I've been rewriting this ask for several times over the months and only until this very morning did I feel I could finally do it at my own pace. Pardon the very long wait sweetheart, but I do hope you like this one! I hope you have a great weekend everyone~
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Kouki is used to being fawn over. Not even bragging, but girls do swoon over him in his class that he has to escape to the rooftop to evade them.
"Eh? Cause me and your Mama are pretty, that's why you look like that." His Papa answered when he told him that girls in his class kept following him.
Papa? Well, he's not really handsome. His Papa is weird. He looks like a really long sugarcane when he stands straight in his violet uniform. Has someone even told his Papa?
Mama though. He thinks you're very beautiful. Kouki really loves his eyes because it's the same color as yours.
So it's not a surprise having a pretty mother that when you go out guys look at you, a little longer than Kouki would approve.
"We have to buy you new clothes, you're not fitting in the ones we bought last year." You sighed and walk to the department store with Kouki trailing behind you. "I know your Papa is tall, but I never thought you'd be this tall too."
Kouki pouts and shrugs.
"You use me to get the high things Ma, why are you poking my height?"
You laughed, teasing him more about girls in school breaking their necks when he passes them. His sister can't keep her mouth shut to get back at him at dinner time.
His Papa told him it was normal. Those kinds of things, getting attracted to the opposite sex because of curiosity. But he's never felt the need to entertain it. Kouki does get confessions but all of them are politely turned down.
"Why should I? It's not like I like her." He sighed at Yusuke, his friend since middle school telling him he's been a real snob with girls, this recent one is the principal's daughter.
"But don't you get curious about getting into a relationship? All that romance and stuff? C'mon, you're not planning to be a hermit or a monk are you?"
He already knows what it's like. Seeing his mother and father every day, Kouki doesn't really feel the need to seek out relationships, especially fleeting ones. It's not like he likes anyone anyway.
"Oh! I know. You're waiting for Mayumi? Right! It's been years since she changed schools. Are you still exchanging emails with her?" Yusuke grinned ear to ear.
"She's like a sister to me." Kouki stood up and pat his pants from the dirt. "I have siblings, and I'm gonna get angry if some boy or girl just dates them for fun too."
Dating... Huh?
He's rather protective of the girls in the house than fooling around. The same goes for his Mama.
"I want this hoodie Ma." Kouki came back to the aisle with a white hoodie in his hand when he saw a man talking to you.
"Do you know where this cafe is? The mall is big and I'm lost." The man—looking late 20s—rub the back of his neck while looking at you intently as you told him the directions.
Asking questions? Probably the man is lost. That's alright, he'll wait here 'til you finish helping the guy.
"Ah, thank you. If you're free can we get coffee together? I'm Hayato."
Formation SSS
"Ma, I was looking for you." Kouki swooped in. Your eyes lit up and smiled. The man was taken aback by his presence but Kouki ignored him and put on a worried face, with a soft voice. "Papa told you to walk slowly. You can't stress my baby sibling walking around tirelessly. The first trimester is really delicate, didn't you hear what the doctor said?"
"What are you talkin—" You frowned and stare at him like he's ridiculously grown three heads.
"Papa mailed me he's waiting in the store, your rings just finished getting cleaned."
You frowned at him with the sudden remarks but he just winked at you and turned around, and everything changed. Slipping his hands into the pockets of his jeans with a blank look on his face, Kouki took one step forward. The man steps back and looks at him with confusion and a glare.
16-year-old Kouki is just as tall as the 5'8 man. He should thank his Papa's genes later.
"You need something from my mother?"
"M-mother? I w-was just asking directions." The man replied, looking at you and Kouki back and forth.
"Go straight in that corridor, turn right at the corner then take the elevator to the ground floor you'll get there." Kouki flatly answered. "Excuse us, my father is not really a patient man."
Kouki ushered you out of the shop. The directions he gave led to the parking lot.
"Y'know, you're really a minion of your father. The only you got from me is your eyes." You chuckled, finding your protective son funnier than scolding his rudeness. "And what baby sibling? Really Kou-chan, after your siblings you still want to babysit another one?" You teased.
Kouki huffs. He really wanted that white hoodie but forgot about it. Unknowingly you didn't realize the direction you're heading.
It was the same cafe the stranger earlier asked you about.
"What took you so long? I was really hungry." His Papa waved.
"Satoru?! I thought you were coming home tomorrow?" You shook your head and sat beside the grinning man. You were quickly enveloped with smothering and teasing.
Kouki sighed at the scene in front of him and turned to his phone, the tread of the recent message is still there.
Yes, yes? Miss me Kikufuku? I'm on my way home~ I brought you a ddeokbokki, the spiciest one!
Great, he feels the love. Note his sarcasm, please. Kouki ignored his father's words and got to the point.
Pa, formation SSS
Roger that, where?
Department store.
Okie-dokie on my way Kikufuku.
On second thought, wait at Cafe Rio
"You two are really!" You huffed but a defeated glint in your eyes.
Kouki stared at his parents getting all lovey-dovey despite the public setting. He should've chosen a more private place to eat.
"I'm gonna get that hoodie, I'll be back." Kouki stood up.
"Owkay~" His Papa chuckled, shooing him away. "Oh, Kikufuku?"
"Mnnn?" Kouki turned back and met his father's thumbs up. This time a genuine tenderness in his Papa's eyes.
"Nice one, son."
Kouki shrugged and waved, walking out of the cafe. His Papa is weird, but he's the only man worthy of his Mama.
On his way out, he saw the man in the department store. The man's eyes were wide open as he stares at his Mama and Papa inside the cafe in disbelief. He then saw Kouki, walking on the other side.
Kouki smirked tauntingly crumpling the man's face and ego more than ever.
Guess what? You're right.
The only thing he inherited from his mother is her eyes. He could be a menace like his father.
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All rights and credits of the Jujutsu Kaisen character(s) mentioned images(s) and songs(s) used, belongs to their respective owner(s)
General/Kaleidoscope Series Taglist: @ice-icebaby @aeanya @gummy-dummy @tender-rosiey
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m1d-45 · 2 years
-> warnings: spoilers for kazuha story quest as well as general kazuha lore, kazuha’s friend is named tomo for convenience, mention of blood near the end, kazuha attacks you but it’s a brief memory, standard issue imposter sagau things
-> lowercase intended!
tomo was an avid believer in the creator.
most people are to an extent, kazuha included, but it’s more of a soft reverence for him rather than the burning devotion for tomo, whose belief is that the creator didn’t make inazuma for it to be hidden! they didn’t make the shogun for her to do this to her nation!
that combined with his other beliefs sent him to face her. ever a man of faith, he held firm that he was doing the right thing. even as his body fell to the floor and his vision flew into the awaiting grasp of his friend, his heart stood strong.
kazuha carries that faith with his memory, and does his best to honor it just as well. if he finds a pretty flower he’ll drop it at a shrine, always murmuring his friend’s name as he does so. he doesn’t hold you to as high a bar as other do, as high as tomo did, but it’s hard not to be religious in teyvat, where the gods literally walk the earth. he settles for a quiet reverence, and perhaps a prayer that his friend may find peace at your side when the storm winds howl and lightning strikes close.
and then beidou.
who thanks you daily for calm seas, for large hauls, thanks for the life created for her anew.
and he thinks. and thinks a bit more, and decides that well, his life has been remade too, hasn’t it? and like beidou says, he’s a poet, he’s been gifted with a form of creation, hasn’t he? so he starts leaving more than a few folded poems at the on-ship shrine—it’s kept in the back, a little tucked away both for safety and in case the crew has problems with religion or just doesn’t follow, but that just makes it all the easier to slip things onto it.
and he thinks that maybe tomo had the right idea.
so when he hears of an impersonator, somebody who utilizes both magic and their mind to take the place of the highest of gods…. he’s more than upset.
how dare you? how dare you try to take the place of his god- if the entire of teyvat’s god? how dare you try and swindle your way to the top, try to trick and scheme and deceive the innocent beleivers into serving you instead of the creator you fail to even imitate? he hasn’t even met you and he knows that you’re a stale copy, a fragile semblance even with your spells and alchemy, a careful house of cards that he longs to topple.
the alcor is docked in liyue, waiting for a shipment. he’s sitting on an empty crate while beidou leans on it, groaning about the merchant.
”come on! we’re gonna be late, and he had a week to prepare! who is this guy, even, thinking he can do shit like that?”
he’s about to speak—likely to admonish her for swearing when there’s children playing along the docks—when he spots you approaching. you have messy, shaggy hair and a face covered by a blue mask, dressed oddly for somebody in liyue. he doesn’t spot either vision nor weapon on you, but it’s hard to tell. at the very least, you don’t look hostile.
he decides not to get beidous attention, letting you do so as you walk up to her.
“pardon me?”
your voice is rough and coarse, like ore dragged into the light of the sun after growing underground for millennia.
she looks you up and down, deciding that you aren’t the merchant she needs. “what can i do for ya?”
“i w-as told you could provide passage to inazuma?”
she tilts her head. “huh? but the saokoku decree was lifted recently, there should be proper passenger boats leaving every hour.”
you swallow, and kazuha listens to the wind around you.
it’s afraid. apprehensive. tense, like you expect them to turn you down.
which he’s pretty sure beidou’s about to if you can’t save this.
“theyre full, and i heard you were leaving immediately. and besides, everybody knows the alcor’s one of the fastest boats on the waves.”
ah. you’re smart.
beidou laughs. “you’re right about that, kid, we certainly can get you there the fastest! but it ain’t gonna be cheap…”
you brightened, standing a little straighter. the wind lifted into a gentle breeze. “i have mora! na-ame your price.”
while they sorted that out, kazuha inspected your odd character. your voice was rough, strained over certain syllables, and occasionally you’d scratch at the side of your neck. he’d initially assumed that the mask was for anonymity, like shinobu from the arataki clan, but now he thinks it’s more for an illness.
one that could spread throughout the crew.
“well, you’ve got yourself a deal! any problems?” she turned back to kazuha for his verdict, and he checked over you once more.
dirt on your boots, but hands in the pockets of your jacket. you were more relaxed now, the air speaking of possibility.
“you sound sick,” he says simply, and your eyes widen.
“a-ah, i- it’s just disuse. i d-ont really talk often.” the mask lifted in a weak smile, your hand coming up again. the skin there was quickly turning red.
“then if there’s nothing else, welcome aboard, uh- whats your name, again?”
you give a name and dip your head in thanks. “thank you for your k-indness.”
kazuha took up the task of showing you around the boat, for no reason he could explain. you were nice to talk to, funny, and your voice was smooth after youd taken some of the medicine you carried.
you were easy to be around. it was like reuniting with a friend he hadn’t seen in years, an indescribable sense of comfort filling him at your side. you felt like home, like campfire chats around crackling wood, or the soft sound of waves on a shore. a clear sky, a cool breeze over a sun-warmed rock.
he was almost- no, he was sad to see you off, waving goodbye as you rushed onto the docks of ritou.
you would go far. whatever you wanted to do, kazuha was sure you would succeed, and extended you his blessings in your endeavors.
now imagine his reaction when, after settling the deal, beidou brings him a flyer. her jaw is set and her shoulders are tight, and he’s quick to see what irritated her.
it’s you.
the flyer has your posture more intimidating, a long staff in hand, eyes cold and calculated instead of the warm glow he remembered.
but it’s you. undoubtedly. even your picture tries to pull a smile from him- and then he sees the charges below.
and he wants to shiver despite the comfortable air.
how can this be?
how can such a kind soul be so deceptive?
but isn’t that the thing? it says you utilize spellwork- that has to be it, right?
(but how can the wind lie?)
he leaps from the side of the alcor, barely able to tell beidou not to wait for him before he’s gone.
he’s in a confused daze for the next few weeks, constantly on your trail- but the wind guides him in loops.
you’re everywhere.
your aura is permanently in the air, giving him a shot of nothing short of pure bliss before he gets his wits about him.
he’s almost afraid, because the wind doesn’t lie- but it has to be, because you can’t enchant the air- but that’s the only way-
his mind is confused, constantly in a state of conflict, his instincts saying you’re a friend while rational thinking says youre foe. his heart calls for your safety whilst the careful shell around it reminds him of your crimes. of the way you’ve tarnished his god’s name, of the way you’ve disrespected captain beidou and her crew, of the way you took advantage of kindness to serve yourself.
of the way you took advantage of people like tomo.
he’s on a beach, preparing up some fish for dinner in a cave, when the wind suddenly smells sweeter.
it’s the scent he’s been following.
he stands and rushes onto the shore, unsure why he’s not reaching for his blade but not thinking too much about it, looking around. sand slides beneath his feet as he races towards a familiar figure: you.
you—his mind supplies him with the name you gave, but is it even yours? or was it just another layer to the lie?—jump as he approaches, but quickly relax. you slip down the mask to sip at the medicine the same shade as the sky, smiling at him.
his skin prickles, suddenly feeling hot just at the way you say his name. it’s so kind, so loving, almost, and any response flies from his mind. it’s so hard to be mad when your voice sounds like silk and the light…
the sun shines on your skin, nearly glowing, outlining every curve and angle of you and with a gentle hand. if you catch the light just right he can catch lines of something yellowed across your skin. it’s odd, he didn’t remember that on the… boat…
the flyer.
you were a criminal.
a criminal of the worst kind.
a fraud, somebody who tried to take advantage of the people, using spells to try and garner attention and wealth from people-
people like tomo.
he grit his teeth and ignored the stab of pain in his chest as he drew his sword.
instantly, every ounce of happiness drains from your figure, replaced by an ice-cold tension that makes him want to shiver despite the warm breeze. “ka..zu…?”
the nickname falling from your lips begs him to reconsider, to stop.
its his last chance to.
“how dare you disgrace the kaedehara name?”
your eyes turn glossy and you back away, shrinking in on yourself. a choked-off sound crosses the short distance between them, and kazuha forced himself to ignore it.
you are not an innocent. the beautiful sunlight across your skin did not mean that you yourself were as good as it, the lovely scenery around you no indication of whatever rot lied in your soul; something that had to be there, for you to try and imitate the creator.
and it was rot. you were rotten, bitter, deceitful, using the magic you’d have to have bought—for no being could grant somebody like you that power—to try and warp mildew into meadows. he had to remember that.
he was being charmed.
and then he’s in liyue.
he’s going to a meeting with ningguang with beidou, where the news is broken.
the normally ever-steady tianquan looks shaken up, asking beidou first for her promise to utilize her crew and connections to spread what she’s about to say as far across liyue as she can.
and then she says it.
and kazuha leaves.
he’s in the crows nest of the alcor—it hasn’t left the harbor in months due to the awful storms over teyvat and the cruel waves—and curled into a ball, hands tangled into his white hair, undoing his ponytail in the process.
he tried to kill you.
he’d had you pinned to the beach- you didn’t even fight back. you’d just laid there, tears beading in your eyes, just staring up at him even as his sword was resting in the hollow of your throat.
he’d nearly drawn blood.
he’d almost killed the very god he worshipped.
the shining light in his best friend’s life, the new beginning he’d found alongside his new home with the crux, the-
the flush across his skin whenever you were close, that sense of calm and serenity- of course. it all made sense, now that he put aside his blade.
you were a god.
his god.
and he’d tried to kill you.
he tries to soothe himself—you’re okay, you didn’t hurt them too bad, did you? imagine how the killer feels—but it’s in vain. the very wind turns against him, biting and cold despite the warm sun, and he’s shivering.
shaking, about to cry, because you… you were only seeking a new opportunity. you wanted another chance. you just wanted to live- ningguang had said your memory was likely damaged if even there at all, you didn’t even know you were a god at all. you didn’t even understand the nature of your sins, you didn’t understand the world you were in in any form, you didn’t understand why you were being chased, persecuted, hunted.
and kazuha, alongside the entire world, had decided that was a crime punishable by death.
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chelseeebe · 2 years
right away, mr. harrington.
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summary: an illicit affair with your boss steve harrington can only end one way, heartbreak. c/w: so steve is like 39 in this and reader is around 24, i didn't wanna write r any younger but also think this age gap is still a bit dodge. there's also rough sex and like he's a bit of an asshole honestly. modern! au. also i guess plussize!reader but it's like a sentence of description so i don't wanna tag it as that. so i actually LOVED writing this like a lot so i hope you enjoy <3
‘no, i really am going to end it this time, tomorrow in fact,’ you take a sip from the wine glass, looking up at your roommate.
‘do what you want darling, i know if a man like that was interested in me, i’d do the same damn thing,’ emma snorts, unscrewing the wine lid and filling both of your glasses.
‘i know, but i feel bad.. nancy is a lovely woman, it’s not fair,’ you respond. the thing is, at first it was just mindless, admittedly amazing, sex but the more time you’d spent with him, the more you’d begun actually having feelings for him.
it hurt more because nancy really was a nice person, she’d always bake little treats for the office, bringing them in with a smile. and she was always polite to you, complimenting your new shoes and your nice new skirt that steve had actually bought you.
it was strange really, because you and nancy couldn’t have been more different. you were more.. round. you had thick thighs, wide hips and carried a lil’ bit of extra weight around your stomach. whereas she was petite and slender. you were loud mouthed and cocky, whilst she seemed much more reserved and honestly a little shy.
‘she probably knows, don’t all big bosses fuck their assistants?’ she chortles.
‘i’m not his assistant, i’m in admin,’ you sarcastically quip back. realistically you were a glorified receptionist, but telling people that you worked in admin for the harrington law firm made you look miles better.
‘of course, pardon me for the mistake,’ she raises her eyebrow.
you hadn’t meant to start an affair with steve, really. you’d stayed late at the office one night, trying to finish the monthly report before monday, steve was in his office tapping away at his computer, quite frankly you hadn’t even noticed.
you were swearing under your breath trying to get the photocopier to cooperate when he swings his office door open, ‘giving ya’ trouble?’
‘shit!’ you clutch your chest, realising who you’d just sworn at, ‘oh my god, sorry! i didn’t realise you were still here!’
he chuckles moving to stand next to you, he clicks one of the buttons and it clunks and starts printing.
‘easy, the trick is to not get angry at it and it’ll listen,’ he smiles down at you. you notice how he’d loosened his tie, his hair messy from running his hands through it.
‘ahh, should’ve known.. thank you,’ you grin back, you rarely saw your boss, he was far too busy to socialise with his workers.
‘uhh..’ he sighs, slapping his forehead sarcastically, ‘forgive me, what was your name?’
you giggle, ‘y/n, i’m in admin,’ gosh you’d never noticed just how attractive mr. harrington really was.
‘right right, i remember now.. how come you’re still here?’ his arm brushes against yours making your whole body shiver.
‘i had to get this stupid report done before monday, thought i’d better stay.’
‘hard worker.. i like it, is it finished?’
‘it is now, thanks to you,’ you grin, collecting the papers from the machine.
‘come and join me for a drink in my office, celebrate your hard work?’ he touches your arm briefly.
‘ahh i shouldn’t.. i still need to staple them and-,’
‘i have a stapler in my office,’ raising his eyebrows.
‘okay..’ you concede, following him into his office.
he’d only had some very expensive whisky but you put up with the burn and sat and drank it with him for hours.
and then somehow you’re on the edge of his desk, legs wrapped around his waist as he pounds into you, hands gripping onto the fat of your hips.
you limped out of the office, arriving home in the early hours of the morning, much later than you’d intended.
from that night on, you and steve had started the affair. it began with late nights in his office, slowly moving to secret meetings at hotels and then now, staying at his house when nancy was away communicating through the second phone he’d bought especially for you.
the day after the not so helpful conversation with emma, you strut into the office, prepared to end things once and for all.
you were wearing the tiny black skirt he’d bought for you, perhaps subconsciously, knowing that he’d be salivating as soon as you walked into his office.
it’s nearly the end of the day before you get the guts to walk in there, lightly wrapping your knuckles on his door.
there’s an exaggerated gag from behind you, you spin to see one of the guys from accounts jerking his hand in a mock blowjob. you roll your eyes, it wasn’t a secret that people in the office were speculating about you. noticing the trips to his office and how you’d both mysteriously appeared from the bathroom at the christmas party, hair messed up and a trace of red lipstick on his collar.
it was all the more annoying because steve actually wasn’t doing anything for you at work. you’d explicitly told him to keep it all seperate. you didn’t want promotions handed to you. any and everything you’d earned was all you.
‘come in,’ he calls and you oblige, shutting the door firmly behind you.
he snaps the lid of his laptop shut, looking up at you and then down to the short skirt, his signature smirk creeping to his face.
‘it’s you,’ he breathes, pushing his chair back from his desk and standing.
‘what’re you hiding? don’t tell me you’re having an affair?’ you feign shock, walking over to his desk. you hated the effect he had on you, before you’d come in here you were so ready to shut him down and now you were crumbling at the sight of him.
‘ahh, you caught me,’ he holds his hands up as you walk over to him.
‘well i hope she’s not prettier than me,’ you pout, his hands resting on your waist, pulling you into him.
‘that’d be a tough one,’ he smirks.
you bite your lip, your cheeks flushing with heat at his words, ‘really, what are you hiding?’
‘well.. it was supposed to be a surprise buut since you’re here…’ he pulls away, lifting the laptop screen to show the conformation screen for a very, very fancy hotel.
you lean in to look at the screen, ‘what..? what’s that for?’
‘for this weekend, nancy’s away at some conference until monday so i’m all yours,’ he turns to you, smiling.
‘oh.. okay,’ you try not to sound unappreciative but he had just knocked your plans right off course. this wasn’t helping you in trying to convince yourself you weren’t hopelessly in love with your married boss.
‘oh.. not a good idea then,’ he sits back on the chair, a slight frown on his face.
‘no.. no, it’s great, i just didn’t expect it at all,’ you wrap your arms around his neck, perching on his lap.
how could you ever end things with him? he’s the first man to ever think about you so deeply and sincerely. even if it was only when nancy was away.
‘really? you didn’t seem too happy..’ his arms wrap around your waist, the frown still apparent on his face.
‘i am, really steve, thank you,’ planting a small kiss to his nose before you press your forehead to his.
he finally smiles, ‘you deserve it.. we’re going tonight, i’ll pick you up at seven, pack for the whole weekend we’re back sunday night.’
‘okay, exciting.. are we-,’ you’re cut off by a knock at his door, jumping up from his lap and practically sprinting to the other side of the desk.
he clears his throat, spinning to sit correctly at his desk, ‘come in.’
carol, his very lovely but elderly assistant walks into the room. you were sure he’d only hired her to keep nancy off his trail.
‘i’ll get on that right away mr. harrington,’ you smile at him and use the interruption to slip out of the room.
you sit back at your desk, a collection of eager eyes on you.
you pull out your phone to text emma,
‘i’ll be back sometime sunday lol’
she pings back almost immediately,
‘didn’t go well then?’
‘of course not’
‘i think i’m actually in love with him em.. this is not good’
you place your phone back on your desk, attempting to get back to work.
the hotel room is huge.
decked head to toe with candles and bouquets of flowers.
‘oh my god,’ you drop your bag onto the velvet chair, taking in the magnificent room.
‘your favourites,’ he nods over to the vases full of sunflowers adorning the sides.
‘oh, thank you.. thank you,’ you snake your arms around his neck, kissing his lips.
he walks you backwards towards the bed, your knees buckling as they hit the edge and you fall back onto the soft mattress, his body now on top of yours.
his hands wander down to your thighs, creeping up your skirt.
you take his bottom lip between your teeth as his thumb begins to circle your clit above your underwear.
quickly letting go as he presses harder, causing you to moan into his mouth. his fingers hook onto the lacy hem of your panties, yanking them down to your thighs.
‘mmm, i love these ones,’ he looks down between your bodies, his thumb returning to its previous position, circling faster.
‘fuck steve,’ your eyes squeeze shut at the feeling of his fingers sliding into you.
‘so wet for me already, baby,’ he growls, nipping at your neck.
you moan in response, tugging at his blazer hinting for him to remove it.
your stomach tightens, his fingers dangerously close to sending you over the edge. he can tell as the grip on his arm tightens, your chest heaving up and down.
‘yeah? you gonna cum for me baby,’ he groans, eyes firmly on you as you cry out at your orgasm. legs shaking as steve removes his fingers, smirking down at you.
he was, genuinely, the first man to care about making you cum before he did. not only that, but he was so good at it. he was proud of the fact that he could have you writhing underneath him in five minutes.
‘jesus,’ you pant, looking up at him.
‘not sure he was responsible for that one, darling,’ he retorts, going to stand from the bed.
you grab his hand, taking the two fingers that had just been inside of you and wrapping your lips around them, looking at him through your eyelashes.
he inhales sharply, ‘you drive me crazy..’ his thumb strokes your cheek, before sliding his fingers out, a low moan rumbling from his throat.
‘c’mon.. what about you, mr. harrington? i wanna make you feel good,’ you mew, lightly placing your foot on his crotch and sliding it down ever so slowly.
you can hear his breath hitch in his throat, ‘we have dinner in an hour..’
‘i’ll be quick.. promise,’ you flip onto your knees, crawling to the edge of the bed. unbuckling his belt and sliding his tailored pants down. he shrugs his blazer off, now stood in his tight, white button-up shirt. it fit perfectly, highlighting his defined biceps.
‘so hard for me already?’ you run your hand over his bulge, mocking his words from earlier.
‘baby please, i’m begging you..’ he pants, his hand running through his hair.
‘hmmm, i like the sound of that,’ you tug his boxer shorts down, his erection springing up, tip already leaking pre-cum.
the size of him still genuinely shocked you. the first few times you fucked, you had to get accustomed to his length, unsure if it was going to tear you in two.
you spit into your hand and take his cock into your grasp, pumping your hand up and down. his knees almost giving way as you fasten the pace.
‘fucking hell,’ he grunts, his long fingers curling into your hair.
you crawl forward, taking his cock into your mouth, beginning to bob your head up and down.
low moans fall from his lips as he twists your hair into a make-shift ponytail, yanking on it as his dick hits the back of your throat.
your hands grab onto his hips as he begins to thrust into your mouth, gagging at the feeling of his cock repeatedly slamming your throat.
you look up at him, his dark eyes already staring down at you. the eye contact makes him fall apart, your name tumbling from his lips as you can feel his cock twitch in your throat.
he gives one last thrust as he cums into your mouth, ‘holy fuck,’ he says breathlessly, pulling away from you.
you swallow the liquid and wipe your mouth, sitting back on the bed.
‘i don’t think i can go to dinner like this,’ you laugh, your mascara now smudged and the nude lipstick you’d chosen now anywhere but your lips.
‘you look perfect to me,’ he leans down, kissing your swollen lips, ‘we do actually have to go though.’
you wake up to an empty bed and hushed arguing in the next room.
‘i told you.. well i can't.. i don't think you're listening..’ you can only hear snippets of the conversation but you can tell steve is annoyed.
the clock reads and you sigh, it could be one of two things: nancy or work, honestly the thought of either was annoying.
he climbs back into bed, almost an hour later, wrapping his arm around your waist and pressing himself against your back.
‘who was that?’ you mumble, voice full of sleep.
‘oh, it’s just work.. needed me to sign off on some things,’ he says, hiding his face in your neck.
‘you sounded angry,’ you note.
he combs your hair with his fingers, exposing the back of your neck and planting light kisses to the skin.
‘i was, it’s five am on a saturday, i don’t want to be woken up because idiots can’t do their job,’ he mutters into your neck.
from the conversation you could hear, that was evidently not work, in fact you’d literally heard him hiss nancy’s name down the phone multiple times.
but it’s far easier to just ignore, rather than argue about why his wife was calling so early and why he was so angry about it.
‘okay,’ you wriggle around to face him, slinging your leg over his, intertwining them.
‘it’s too early to be awake.. go back to sleep baby,’ he tilts his head down to place a kiss to your forehead.
your heart skips a beat at the intimacy and you’re so nearly tempted to just blurt out that you actually think you’re in love with him. but you bite your tongue, not wanting to ruin the weekend.
you’re sat opposite steve in some incredibly fancy restaurant when he slides a thin box across the table.
you look at him, puzzled, ‘what’s that?’
‘just open it,’ he sits back in his chair, smiling.
you take the lid off slowly revealing a stunning diamond encrusted bracelet.
'steve.. no, i can't accept this..' you slide the box back over to him.
he takes the box, carefully taking the bracelet out of it and grabbing your wrist, he clasps the bracelet and places your hand back on your lap.
you admire the glistening jewellery now adorning your wrist, 'you really didn't have to,' you beam back at him.
'but i wanted to, i'm glad you like it,' he takes a swig of wine, gazing over at you.
'thank you, i love it,' you lean across the table, placing a light kiss to his lips.
'good,' he smiles against your lips, as you sit back in your chair.
you look around the busy restaurant, 'you look like my sugar daddy, you know,' giggling.
he groans, 'god, i don't look that old, do i?'
you jut out your bottom lip sarcastically, 'ooh, i'd say.. 48.. on a good day.'
'wow.. i think i've still got the receipt for that bracelet,' he remarks.
you reach over and take his hand, 'no, you look great for your age, though i can see some greys peaking through,' you laugh.
he shakes his head in response, a slight smile on his lips. your humour was lost on him, though you'd tried to get him to understand some of your jokes and references, it was useless. he'd actually asked you to help him set up an instagram account, so he could 'be friends with you' on there.
you intertwine your fingers, 'no, you really do look great.'
'i know,' he winks and you roll your eyes at the sheer cockiness.
the waitress walks over with plates of foods, noticing his ringed finger intertwined with yours. you catch the slight frown she flashes you and drop his hand, a sudden wave of guilt flashing over you.
emma notices the new bit of bling straight away, gushing at your new present.
'i'm gonna assume it's not ending anytime soon then?' she asks, admiring your wrist.
you groan as your palm hits your forehead, 'i don't know.. nancy called him when we were away.. he told me it was work but i'm not stupid.. anyway, i've never heard him so angry.. it was weird,' you shake your head, looking to your roommate for advice.
'hmm.. that is weird.. maybe she found something? like the receipt to that bracelet.. i know i'd be angry as shit if i found that without the bracelet..' she suggests, finally giving letting go of your arm.
'i dunno.. he said she was away this weekend.. some conference or something, so surely she wasn't home to find it?'
'oh, well.. i actually have no explanation for that.. just ask him, what's the worst that could happen?'
you think back to the time you'd made an off-the-cuff joke about nancy's name on his phone and how he immediately went into a foul mood, 'why are you bringing her up? i'm here with you, okay? we don't need to talk about my wife.'
though, he did occasionally use you as someone to rant to about her, telling you about how loveless his marriage was, how she barely even looked at him anymore and how really he was just looking for the right time to divorce her. you knew to keep your mouth shut and just listen because as soon as you'd ask a follow-up question about her, he'd shut his mouth.
'god no.. we don't talk about her.. i'm sure it was nothing.. if it was that bad he woulda gone home, right?'
'yeah.. exactly, don't stress about it.. not with that on your wrist,' she chuckles. she didn't exactly help, only appeasing your delusions but you still appreciated her words of not-so-much wisdom nonetheless.
you fluff your hair up, making sure the curls sat perfectly before smoothing out your floor length gown and heading out to the taxi steve had booked you outside.
you'd attended a handful of the business dinners with steve before, the general consensus you'd gathered were that the women that accompanied these men were girlfriends, rather than wives. every single suited man sat around your table had a gorgeous, younger woman on their arm and a wedding band on their fourth finger. you included.
it was also incredibly evident that although these men had girlfriends, none of you had boyfriends.
this dinner was different, half of the team were going to be there so you and steve had to be totally unconcerned with each other. he'd booked a room for you both at the hotel after you'd pretend to try and find a cab with your colleagues.
you walk into the large hall, alongside a few of the people from the office.
you spot steve, dressed to the nines not that he ever didn't make an effort. and then you see nancy stood beside him, wearing a pale pink gown. the exact shade steve had previously convinced you not to buy as it was 'boring'.
you're slightly taken aback as she never usually attended these things, but you brush it off, sitting down where your placeholder inked your name. conveniently your seat was opposite steve at the large round table. he'd surely been responsible for the placing.
the night trundles on, many large glasses of white wine consumed. you pick up on the fact nancy is on the water, so vehemently shutting down any offers of wine.
'i love your bracelet, y/n.. it's gorgeous,' carol states taking your wrist into her hand.
'i know, my daddy bought it for me, a congratulations present,' you smile.
steve chokes on the wine in his mouth, causing a clatter of plates and cutlery as everyone's eyes land on him.
'excuse me, must've gone down the wrong hole,' he shoots you an irked look which you brush off, downing another glass of wine.
you're positively tipsy when nancy stands from the table, nudging steve to stand next to her, she clears her throat, 'steve and i wanted to make a little announcement.. we're pregnant!'
your heart drops. you'd known from the second you noticed she wasn't drinking. the fact she was even in attendance should've been a tell tale sign.
you press your lips together in a forced smile, eyes planted on nancy, rather than the massive dickhead stood next to her. you didn't hate her, how could you? she'd done nothing wrong.
you join in on the applause, even going up to congratulate her still choosing to ignore steve.
the rest of the night goes by in a blur, nancy leaves at some point or another, coming up to hug you goodbye, her kindness making your stomach turn.
your other phone buzzes at the end of the night as you stand besides your colleagues waiting for a cab. you'd intended to just hop in and go home, leaving steve on his own in the overpriced hotel room.
'where are you? there's a key under your name at the desk'
you swallow, making up some pathetic excuse to go back inside the hotel to your colleagues. they flash a few knowing looks to each other before saying goodbye as you stumble up the stone steps and into the reception.
'uhh.. y/n y/l/n.. there should be a key..?' you question the polite lady at the front desk.
she hands you a plastic keycard, 'yes, room 906.. have a nice evening,' she smiles at you.
you're on a mission to get to steve, the anger unfolding in your stomach as you press the elevator button. it dings on the ninth floor and you step out, unlocking the sixth door.
steve is stood at the desk, pouring two glasses of wine as you walk in.
he can tell instantly that you're angry, in fact you were positively furious.
'are you joking? she's fucking pregnant, steve! did you not think to let me know?' you screech, throwing your bag down and storming over to his position.
he raises his hands in defeat, 'i was going to tell you.. i promise, she just sprung it on me saying she was going to do it tonight.. i had no choice,' he's so calm with his words, you almost believe him.
'hah, get fucked.. you've known for god knows how long and not told me, you expect me to believe you?' you spit at him, jabbing a finger into his chest.
'yes, because it's the truth.. why would i ever choose to announce such news here? especially to you.. you mean much more to me than that.'
'do you seriously think this can continue? she's pregnant, for fuck's sake,' you stare daggers into him, wishing you weren't so hopelessly in love with the caramel eyes that stared back.
'why not? it wasn't a problem when she wasn't pregnant.. now you want to take the moral high ground? it's far too late for that,' his jaw is tense.
'it's different! and you know that!' you jab his chest against as his hand grabs your wrist, constraining you.
'why'd you come here then? you could've gone home, hell i'll book you a cab right now, if it's what you want,' the side of his mouth ever so curls up into a slight smirk. already knowing your answer.
'i came up here to tell you to get fucked,' ignoring his offer for a cab.
'okay, you've done that.. you're still here,' he cocks his head to the side slightly.
'get fucked.'
his lips crash onto yours, your arm snakes around his neck as you kiss him back, eyes squeezed shut.
you yank at the back of his hair, the kiss desperate and full of breathless moans as he presses you back against the desk. much like the night that had started this whole affair.
he pulls away, spinning your body round and holding onto the back of your neck, bending you over the desk.
his fingers unzip your dress, sliding it down your body as his large hands slide up your thighs, settling on your waist.
you hold your weight up on the desk, feeling his already erect cock pressing against you. he takes your wrists in his hand, practically slamming the side of your face down against the wood.
you groan in response, he unknots his tie and wraps it around your wrists and tying it in a tight knot.
he rips your panties off with such force they sting your thigh, causing you to inhale sharply.
'are you gonna take my cock? huh? you gonna be a good girl?' he puts his hand on the side of your face, pressing you down onto the desk.
you nod under his palm, 'c'mon i wanna hear your words, baby.'
'y-yes,' you manage to mumble out, he slaps his cock on your slick entrance. it pained you to say it but this was turning you on ridiculously, he was rarely this dominant with you.
'good,' he thrusts into you with no warning, grabbing onto the tie around wrists, holding them tight behind your back.
you gasp as he continues to pound into you, steve pulls your body up towards his your back flush against his chest, he growls into your ear, 'you're such a good girl.. much better when your pretty little mouth is moaning for me.'
his hand creeps around your neck, balls slapping against the back of your thighs, unintelligible moans tumble out of your lips as his pace quickens, slamming into you with his fingers squeezing your neck.
his thrusts falter as he grumbles into your ear, 'fuck,' you can feel him shudder behind you, filling you up.
steve pulls out, standing back just watching you in the precarious position.
'you're cute when you're angry but i prefer you like this, i might just have to leave you like this,' he smirks, pulling his boxers back up around his waist.
'please, untie me,' you bargain, attempting to wriggle free but it was useless.
'only because you said please,' he unties the knot, freeing your wrists as he stands right behind you.
'have you got something i can wear?' you turn to look at him, admiring his sweaty chest, heaving up and down.
'in my bag,' he grabs your arm, pulling you back to him, 'you're staying here?'
you nod, pulling away and walking over to the brown leather bag on the bag, finding a black t-shirt and a pair of his boxers, slipping them on.
he walks over to the bed, wrapping his arms around your shoulders, ‘i knew you would, though i will say i did enjoy your little performance earlier.’
you roll your eyes, ‘it wasn’t a performance, i’m still angry with you.’
‘hmm, thought i might’ve fucked it out of you, but clearly not,’ he chuckles and you almost melt at the feeling of his chest vibrating against your back.
‘i’m tired, i’ve got no energy to fight with you again,’ you sigh.
he leans down, kissing the back of your neck before removing his arms, ‘thank god for that, not sure my back would last another round like that.’
you slide into the big bed, pulling the covers around your shoulders. you really should’ve just gone home, but the thought of having to get a cab after all of that was too much.
quite honestly, you knew this would be your last night with steve. there was no way you could continue the relationship knowing nancy was at home pregnant with his child. it wasn’t necessarily the thought of her being pregnant either, but the fact that he loved her, and not you.
he climbs into bed next to you, snaking his arm around your waist and pulling you closer. you snuggle into his chest, exhaling as you lay your head on his shoulder. slowly drifting off to sleep.
you wake up to the sunrise, creeping in through the drawn curtains.
6:34am your phone reads.
you sigh, carefully sliding out of the bed, as to not wake the snoring steve next to you.
not intending to still be here when he awoke.
you slip on the dress you’d worn last night, over his black tee, deciding it was only fair that you also took his suit jacket, for your modesty.
taking the other phone he’d given to you and leaving it alongside the bracelet he’d most recently gifted, on the bed.
you can’t help but steal a quick glance of him, the last time you’d see him in such a peaceful state.
picking up the uncomfortable heels you’d worn last night and creeping out of the hotel before he had the opportunity to sweet talk you into continuing the affair.
monday morning is dire in the office. you hadn’t spoken to steve since friday evening. even though he’d tried. even breaking the number one rule he’d set out for you: don’t use his personal number for anything.
you’d received a text in the middle of saturday morning,
‘please call me, it’s urgent.’
smart man, knowing that he could so easily play it off as some work emergency. you ignored of course. too busy sobbing into emma’s arms to care.
you pull open the top drawer of your desk, and there lies the phone you’d left in the hotel, right next to the glimmering bracelet.
there was already a text message on the phone screen,
‘come to my office as soon as you see this.’
you choose to ignore once again, closing the drawer and continuing with the work on your screen.
what you couldn’t see was steve getting agitated in his office, surely you had seen the message by now?
there’s an hour until the end of the day when carol trundles over to your desk, ‘mr. harrington has requested you in his office.’
you sigh, standing from your chair and strutting over to his door. three knocks on the wood before he tells you to enter, and you do, closing the door behind you.
‘what the fuck are you playing at?’
‘you know exactly what.. you didn’t get my messages?’
‘no i did,’ you stare at him as steps forward towards you.
‘you didn’t think to reply? you left in the middle of the night, you could’ve been dead for all i knew,’ he snaps.
‘well i’m not, i thought you would’ve taken the hint and realised i don’t want to speak to you,’ you shuffle backwards as he gets closer.
'i don't understand, i thought we sorted this mess out at the hotel? now what? you don't want to do this anymore?' he tilts his head slightly, staring at you.
'yes, exactly that,' you nod, crossing your arms over your chest.
'well.. that's your choice, but i am telling you now that nothing between us will change.. there's no reason to end this now,' he moves closer, now only mere inches away from you.
'i can't steve, i won't do it anymore..' a tear slides down your cheek, quick to wipe it away, 'you know.. very well that i love you.. i can't watch you have a kid with her while i feel like this,' you're crying now, attempting to speak through the sobs.
'you know how i feel about you..' he cups your face in his hands, but you pull back, jerking your face away.
'say it then.'
'i- wel..' he fumbles over himself, unable to speak the words you were so desperate to hear.
you can't help but smile, despite your bottom lip quivering, a sob threatening to erupt.
'look.. i- it's just difficult-,' he stammers.
you walk over to the door, back facing him, as he grits his teeth, irritated at how quickly you were willing to leave this.
'i'll.. uh, i'll get you transferred to our brooklyn office.. i think you'll be very happy there.'
you scoff and walk out of his office for the last time, slamming the door behind you. you can feel the collective stare from the office as you walk to the bathroom, tears streaming down your cheeks.
and you truly realise, girls like you weren’t ever supposed to be like nancy. you were forever going to be a girlfriend. or the other woman, not good enough for pole position but always, always good enough to hang off of their arm as eye candy. steve could move you to another office, out of sight out of mind, right?
but another you would come along just as fast as you had, stealing pathetic glances across the office, sly touches in the staff room, the gifts and then it’d all get too much. wives get suspicious and she’d be shipped off just as quick as you were.
you're sat in a cubicle crying quietly when you can hear the bathroom door open.
'y/n..?' there's a light knock to the door, 'can i come in?' you click the lock, allowing her to come in.
it's carol, steve's sweet little assistant walks in and bends down to your level.
you furrow your brows in confusion but she looks softly back at you, a slight frown on her face.
'i don't know... exactly.. what's been going on.. but, i do know that you are far too good for that man, men like him.. they get off on ruining young girls,' she wipes your cheek with her thumb, 'but you.. you're not going to let him ruin you, okay?'
you sniffle, looking up at her with a small smile, 'okay..'
'you walk out of here with your head held high and you forget all about him,' she puts her hands on your shoulders, rubbing slightly.
what you didn't know was that you weren't the first young girl to leave this office because of him and you most certainly wouldn't be the last. she'd bore witness to girls full of ambition joining the office to end up with a head crammed with dreams about their relationship with steve. only to end up the exact same way as you, hopelessly in love with a married man.
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otomefiend · 1 year
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Alfons Sylvatica
Collection Event: All because of a slight fever.
Alfons is great at taking care of people. I shouldn't be surprised, since he was taking care of Elbert, in his own way, big chunk of his life. 11/10 I would have him around when I'm feeling ill *cough*and when I'm not lol*cough*. He's obviously a major troll in this lil snippet. The day he stops is the day Earth becomes flat. Kate, face yourself asap.
(Ughh... my body feels heavy...)
I was full of cold, most likely because the temperature had changed dramatically lately.
At that point, I decided to heed Victor's advice and have a proper rest --
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Alfons: "Pardon my impertinence, but I'm afraid I'll be looking after you."
Kate: "Really, you Alfons...?"
I cast a sceptical glance at Alfons, who had come to visit my room.
Alfons: "When you have a cold, your body and mind are weakened, so I was hoping I could help."
Kate: "........."
Whenever he had the opportunity, Alfons tried to seduce me with sweet words and lead me into a world of his dirty pleasures.
(Maybe today he's planning to do something indecent again under the guise of nursing...)
(I'm afraid I'm slowly becoming unable to resist...)
Kate: "... I'll get over this cold soon, so you don't need to worry about me."
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Alfons: "Then you don't have to hold back because my care will end soon as well... Right?"
Kate: "But..."
Alfons: "When you have a cold, you can abandon all restrictions and allow yourself to be pampered without a care about appearances."
Alfons: "Even if something goes wrong... no one can blame you."
Alfons: "That's because the disease that affects you makes you do it."
The words, thick and sweet as syrup, began to consume me.
(Not my fault, huh...? That's one way to look at it...)
Alfons: "Now that you agree with me... please excuse me."
He began to remove his black leather gloves, perhaps interpreting my lack of immediate refusal as acceptance.
Kate: "What are you...?"
My body, weakened by the cold, couldn't react fast enough and Alfons' hand touched my nape.
And all of a sudden, the chill and fatigue caused by the illness disappeared.
Kate: "... amazing! It's like I never caught it in the first place."
His ability to completely change one's perception was immense, easily taking away the pain of my condition.
Alfons: "You're not cured, so please don't push yourself too hard."
Kate: "... I'm grateful."
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Alfons: "Don't mention it. Now, shall we continue the treatment?"
Afterwards, Alfons arranged my meals and wiped sweat off my brow...
Taking care of me all day long.
Alfons: "You've had your medicine, now all you need to do is sleep and get some rest."
Kate: "Y-yes..."
(I thought he was going to do something to me, but all he really did was take care of me)
(It's rather... disappointing-- )
(....gah, what am I thinking...)
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Alfons: "-- say."
Kate: "Yes!? W-what!?"
Disturbed by my strange train of thoughts, I heard my voice come out as a squeak.
Alfons: "Your hand. Is everything all right?"
Prompted by his broad grin, I looked at my hand and saw...
That I unconsciously grabbed his clothes as he was about to leave.
Kate: "Ah! T-this isn't what you think it is...!"
Alfons: "No need to panic. I get it."
Alfons: "When you're unwell, you might feel lonely and miss the human touch..."
Alfons: "It's perfectly reasonable to hold onto anyone who is available."
Kate: "R-really?"
(He was right, I... felt lonely)
(But, could it really be anyone...?)
Had it not been Alfons before me, would I have clung to them in the same way?
Alfons: "Then, if you so desire, shall I continue to provide you with my excellent care for a little longer?"
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Alfons: "Now, empty your head and entrust your body to me."
Kate: "W-what are you planning to do...?"
Alfons: "What else... other than trying my hardest to put some heat into your body."
Alfons: "How is it? Is your body getting hot?
He queried me whilst kneeling at my feet.
Kate: "........."
Alfons: "Kate?"
Kate: "A-ah... I'm sorry. I was just a little surprised..."
Kate: "It feels so good. Thank you for the foot bath."
I felt a little nervous after Alfons' words, but all he did was prepare a foot bath for me.
He put my feet in hot water and massaged them, warming my body from the base up.
Alfons: "I'm glad you liked it. But you were surprised... by what, may I ask?"
Kate: "Huh!? Well... The way you spoke made me think that you were going to do something reprehensible to me..."
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Alfons: "Something reprehensible... what exactly?"
Kate: "Erm, that is..."
Alfons: "........."
Kate: "... Are you trying to have fun at my expense?"
Alfons: "I would never! I only asked because I haven't got a clue."
(... that's an utter lie)
Responding to his shameless smile with a reproachful stare of my own, I spoke with seriousness in my voice.
Kate: "... something obscene. I thought that taking care of me was just an excuse."
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Alfons: "Oh? That's what you were hoping for. I'm truly sorry I couldn't live up to your expectations."
Kate: "I...I wasn't hoping for anything like that! I was just surprised that you seriously took care of me, unlike your usual behaviour..."
Contrary to my worst predictions, Alfons was today as gentlemanly as one could be, a changed man.
Alfons: "You seem to have misunderstood something... it's not my intention to hurt you in any way."
Alfons: "I wouldn't force you to do anything, more so when you're unwell."
Kate: "... you wouldn't, huh?"
(Hmm? But if that's the case...)
Kate: "... somehow, nothing stopped you from doing all sorts of things to me in the past."
The corners of his mouth lifted in response to my perfectly reasonable question.
Alfons: "Becuse you haven't disliked it so far, have you?"
Kate: "That's..."
...not true, is what I wanted to say, but I hesitated.
(Have I truly disliked what he did to me until now...?)
Alfons: "... It doesn't matter if you can't recognise it now."
Alfons: "I'll wait until you're ready to face yourself."
He smiled as if he knew me better than I knew myself.
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Alfons: "When that happens... let's spend even more pleasant moments together."
He was like a demon who corrupted people with his sweet words...
a disease afflicting me, reaching deeper than any cold ever could.
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jadepearl · 4 months
I cannot bring myself to like (show) Rhaenys. Here are the reasons:
1. She, much like Alicent, seems to take all the negative emotions she feels towards Viserys and directs them towards Rhaenyra- there were better ways to tell Rhaenyra that her claim would be contested (in fact, im of the opinion that show! Rhaenys started disliking Nyra a little more after Viserys refused to disinherit her after after having his precious [sarcasm] son.) I’ve got more thoughts on this but that’s for later.
2. Her (lovely, but extremely pathetic) gay son. The GAY son that she knew was gay. The GAY son that she suspected would not be able to fuck/ impregnate a woman. The GAY son she knew would ABSOLUTELY be destroyed by the game. THE GAY SON THAT SHE WED TO THE WOMAN SHE KNEW WOULD NEED CHILDREN!!!! The entire situation with the (alleged/rumored) bastards of Nyra is a situation that Rhaenys and Coryls themselves had a hand in- they knowingly married their very gay son to Nyra knowing that she would need heirs and that it was entirely (re:extremely) possible that Laenor would not be able to bed/fuck her. Like how is she going to wake up and be like “oh my hod, my son was cuckolded” as if her son also hadn’t been cuckolding Nyra??? Like if she was going to turn a blind to Laenor sleeping w/ Qarl she could’ve afforded Nyra that same willful ignorance. Instead she chose to be mad at Nyra for making the best out of situation that Rhaenys and Corlys and her father, and even fucking Laenor put her in!!!!
3. Her attitude w/ the Velaryon Boys( see point above) those boys exist because her son could not do his duty !!! It is not a Nyra problem- it is not as simple as Nyra deciding to cuckold her husband. Nyra needed children- she TRIED with Laenor, both of them were extremely uncomfortable and it didn’t work- and Laenor apologized for being unable to his duty and instead it was decided upon that they ( the boys) would be granted the Velaryon name upon birth. He did not sire those boys (allegedly) but he did love them!!! This is the crux of my issue w/ Rhaenys- if Laenor hated those boys, I could justify her anger, excuse it maybe- but he didn’t. He didn’t hate them, didn’t cure their existence (was he a good father? No. Absolutely not. Very absent at best. But he loved them, and he cared for Nyra and so he took them as his own and gave them his family name) Rhaenys being angry/upset/etc over the outcome of a situation that she/corlys/Viserys all pushed those two into is fucking annoying and really- pardon my speak- grinds my fucking gears. You don’t get to force your gay son and your little cousin into a marriage and get shocked when your GAY son can’t fuck a woman. Especially not when you suspected that your GAY SON WOULDNT BE ABLE TO FUCK A WOMAN??? because those are the vibes show! Rhaenys gives off (yes my son is gay, no I don’t think he’ll ever be able to fuck a woman, but how dare his wife not simply live a childless life- who cares if she needed children, doesn’t she know how those looks?) why did Rhaenys not think about how it would look before marrying them?? Did she really expect the HEIR TO THE IRON THRONE TO LIVE A CHILDLESS LIFE ALL BECAUSE HER (again lovely, but rather pathetic) GAY SON COULD NOT FUCK ANYONE NOT IN POSSESION OF A COCK??!!!
What angers me the most is that, even after that conversation where she told Nyra how unstable her position was, and how she’d eventually be supplanted in favor of a male heir- this bitch, along w/ her husband put Nyra in a situation where she’d have to make a difficult choice. Live the rest of her life being called barren, cursed, all the things that they all called her late mother- all things that would endanger both her, her title as heir, and probs even Laenor too, or seek someone else to sire children? They put her in that situation and the got pissed when she didn’t choose the route of eternal suffering- they put her in that situation and got pissed that she didn’t simply accept it??? Show!Rhaenys, Viserys, Corlys, Daemon, fucking Alicent- if you have no enemies I am dead.
Anyway! These are all MY opinions, you are welcome to have your own but yours will not make me change mine. Have a good day!!
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lovelynim · 11 months
TickleTober2023/Day 31 - Halloween
Genshin Impact - Tartaglia x Zhongli
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Holding out the pumpkin-shaped basket with pride in front of his chest, Tartaglia stood before Zhongli with a cheeky grin. Instead of his usual clothes, the fatui harbinger wore a werewolf costume, with gloves that resembled paws, a hairband with gray-ish wolf ears and a sleeveless and black waistcoat over a plain white shirt.
Zhongli tilted his head, trying to understand the purpose behind that costume and, even further, Tartaglia’s actions.
“So… trick or treat, Xiangsheng?” The ginger said with excitement, shaking the basket in his head as if to suggest one of the two options.
The archon chuckled, smiling fondly. “Aren’t you a little too old to be asking for candies, Ajax?” Zhongli teased, managing to spot a few sweets in the bottom of the basket. He was probably not the first one, he thought.
“Don’t be such a joy killer,” Tartaglia pouted, pulling the basket back to him. “It’s fun, besides, I get to spend time with my siblings,” he muttered.
“And where are they right now?”
“...somewhere, with the traveler, probably.” Tartaglia admitted, looking away to avoid facing Zhongli’s judgemental gaze.
“But anyway,” he resumed, coughing as if to recover the other man’s attention, “you didn’t answer me yet, Xiangsheng. Trick or treat?”
“Hmm,” Zhongli hummed, remaining in silence, pretending to judge Tartaglia’s costume for a couple more seconds. “I guess you do deserve a treat for the effort.”
Tartaglia raised an eyebrow, was that Zhongli’s way to subtly badmouth his outfit? But if that meant he would get a couple more candies, then it was wort-
“Here you go,” the archon smiled, dropping just one lollipop into Tartaglia’s basket. The ginger looked up to him, pouting and making puppy eyes.
“That is it? Just one?”
“Well, I need to save some for the actual children and I can’t just giv-”
“Trick it is, then.”
“Pardon?” Zhongli blinked in confusion. He knew the details about this human tradition, but the concepts of the both options were quite vague in the explanation he once got. He watched as Tartaglia bit the tip of the glove, pulling it off in a swift move before tossing it aside along with his basket. “What do you mean?”
“You had your chance, Xiangsheng,” he grinned, holding both hands in front of his chest. Zhongli realized his mistake, but it was already too late to run. Just as he was about to try to close the door, Tartaglia tackled him inside, aiming straight for his ribs.
“A-Ajahahax!! AhaHAha, w-wahait! I’ll gihihive you cahahandies, nohow quit it!”
“Too late, Xiangsheng, you can’t change your mind now ~”
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A/N: Aaaaand it's over! This is the last piece for this year's TickleTober and I hope you guys liked it as much as I did ~
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Ikemen Villains - Part 1
These translations are not intended as a replacement for the game. Please support CYBIRD by buying their stories. Spoilers under the cut. Expect mistakes.
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What is happiness?
It’s like the twilight sky that changes color as soon as it’s imprinted in your eyes.
It holds your heart forever, yet you can never have the same thing again.
(Yeah, I really don’t know what I’m doing. I need to get my shit together.)
Today, Victor invited me for some tea.
I thought he was going to end the day peacefully with a chat and laughter, but he eventually dropped one heck of a bomb.
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Victor: Oh, right. Regarding your first job as a fairy tale writer.
Kate: Yes, what is it?
Victor: I want you to choose one of the crown members and spend time with him as your lover.
Kate: Pardon?
Kate: H-Hold on, even if you ask me to choose, I still don’t know anything about一
Victor: That’s right, Miss Kate!
Victor: I’ve been up all night trying to figure out how to get you to know them better, and I finally came up with this idea.
Victor: Well, what can I say? I’m a genius! It’s already late, so you better start tomorrow. I’m so excited.
---------Flashback Ends---------
(I ended up agreeing, though, thinking that if I didn’t get their trust in my first job, they would kill me.)
(But getting to know each other deeply as lovers? How can I even handle such a ridiculous job?)
(I almost got run over by a carriage just thinking about it.)
I looked down at my sprained ankle, trying to avoid the speeding carriage, and sighed.
(There’s no point in dwelling on it.)
(First, l need to talk to Roger and get him to lend me some bandages.)
As I was dragging my feet to the stairs leading to the entrance...
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Ellis: What happened to your foot?
Kate: Whoa! Huh? Ellis?
Ellis: Does it hurt?
My heart skipped a beat when Ellis popped up, probably on his way home from somewhere.
Ellis: Did you hurt yourself?
That fateful night, Ellis was the very person who asked if he could kill me, but I managed to survive by becoming a fairy tale writer.
(Shortly after that, he proposed to make me happy.)
I couldn’t help but feel an unspeakable unease.
Ellis: Let me patch you up. Put your arm around my shoulder and hold on.
Kate: Kyaah!?
When he saw my swollen foot, he lightly lifted me into his arms without hesitation.
Kate: I-I’m fine! I can walk!
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Ellis: We need to check it properly. Roger’s not at the castle tonight, so I’ll take a look at it.
He ran to the basement, ignoring my resistance.
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(He’s used to it.)
He deftly bandaged my sprained ankle.
I was a little embarrassed when he exposed my bare feet, but he was very serious and did only what was necessary to patch me up.
Ellis: How did you get hurt?
Kate: I was spacing out, thinking, when I accidentally twisted myself avoiding the carriage.
Ellis: Carriage, huh? What are you thinking about?
(I don't know if I should tell him, but maybe he can give me some advice.)
Kate: Victor told me that my first job is to spend a day tomorrow with someone from the Crown as a lover.
Kate: With my foot like this, I think it'd be best if I don't move around too much so that I don't cause any trouble.
Kate: Ellis, do you know someone who might agree?
He finished fastening the end of the bandage and stared at me, then spoke up.
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Ellis: I'd like to do that.
Kate: Huh?
Ellis: I'd like to act as your lover.
(He would?)
Kate: W-Why?
Ellis: Because I want to make you happy while you're here.
He repeated the same words he had said to me that night we met.
(Why would he even want to do that to someone he'd never met before? Someone he was willing to kill?)
Ellis: I don't want you to look sad after tomorrow. No?
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(I have to admit it feels kinda weird, but...)
I couldn't just ignore the carefully wrapped bandage and the worried look in his eyes.
Kate: O-Okay.
Ellis: Yay.
He laughed happily and lifted me again.
Kate: I’m fine now that you patched me up!
Ellis: Nope. I already know that you’re the kind of person who cares about other people’s problems even when you’re hurt.
Ellis: I don’t believe you’re okay, so let me walk you to your room.
Kate: That’s too much.
I tried to protest, but Ellis had no intention of letting me down, so I was forced to stay in his arms.
Ellis: For tomorrow’s plans, can you tell me what makes you happy?
Kate: Um, eating good food?
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Ellis: Hmm. So, let’s buy some good food and have a picnic.
Ellis: I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning. I look forward to having you as my lover.
Kate: Sure. Likewise.
(I feel like my crazy first job just went by so fast.)
(It’s going too well. I should be more careful with him, but...)
I stared at the carefully wrapped bandages and knew that he treated them with care.
(I have a feeling I’ll be fine with him.)
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Ellis: Morning, Kate.
Kate: Good morning. What’s that?
The next morning, he picked me up in my room as promised, carrying what looked like a wheelchair.
Ellis: It’s a wheelchair. It’s not easy to get it, so I made one.
Kate: You made it...? Wait, why?
Ellis: I don’t want to strain my lover’s body.
Kate: Don’t tell me it’s for my sake!?
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Ellis: Yeah. Hey, try sitting down.
I sat down fearfully as he urged me and found the chair was so comfortable.
When he pushed from behind, the wheels turned smoothly, and the chair moved forward.
Kate: This is so cool. You know all this useful stuff, and you can make it.
Ellis: I used to look it up and just remembered it.
Kate: Thank you. I’m happy, but you’re exaggerating. I didn’t break any bones. I can walk.
I lifted my hips to get off, but一
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Ellis: I don’t want you to get worse and not be able to walk, so no.
Kate: !?
He suddenly hugged me tightly from behind the chair.
Ellis: I’ll take you wherever you want and lift you by the chair if there are stairs.
Ellis: So all you have to do today is sit here.
I couldn’t stand up or even move as he held me in his arms and whispered, confused by his gentleness.
(But maybe this is how he treats his “lover.”)
(Is it weird to ask him to stop when he’s helping me to spend time as a lover?)
Kate: Okay, thanks.
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Ellis: Yeah. Since this is my first date with you, I’ll do my best to make it the happiest day of our lives.
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Part 1╏Part 2╏Premium End╏Epilogue
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dirtysvthoughts · 2 years
congrats on 100 followers!! next time you blink it’ll be 1000 haha! 💞
for your timestamp drabble event:
38 + 126 + woozi and idk if this is too much to ask but could he be a bit of a loser…? like 0 bitches whatsoever so he doesn’t really know how to act when someone shows interest in him lol 😭
dirtysvthoughts hits 100 followers!
a/n: thanks anon! y’all are so sweet omg 🥹 this was my first time writing a bitchless pov, so pardon if its not the best 😭😩 😈 0 bitches really sent me LMAOOO i hope y’all are ready!
tags: bitchless! jihoon, female! reader, non-romantic relationship, but you both have a mutual attraction for one another, reader is a TEASE, dirty talk, we’re lowkey back to writing filth 🥴
38. “you want to have sex with me?”
126. “y-you’re not.. w-wearing anything under that are you?”
“wait, what?” he says from across his studio, completely stopping his work, turning his chair to face you.
“i mean you’ve been on my mind for a while.”
“s-so what does that mean?”
“it means i like you, jihoon.. but you probably hear that a lot anyway..” he shyly smiles as he runs his fingers through his hair, blushing inside at your words.
“well, not as direct as you,�� he whispers at a level that you can hear.
you smirk as you get up from your seat and walk sultry towards him. as you get up, he can’t help but notice how hot you looked in your short black skirt and tiny little crop.
“goddamn,” he thinks to himself. “how is she so fucking sexy right now?” he tries to avoid letting the growing tent in his jeans show, but it might already be too late. he blushes as you get closer, fidgeting with them hem of his shirt.
you place your legs on opposite sides of his and you slowly place your crotch on his clothed dick. you moan loudly at the feeling as you lean further into his touch, hands roaming across chest, mentally foaming at the mouth at how broad he is.
“y-you’re not… w-wearing anything under that are you?” you bite your lip as you look into his eyes, subtly grinding yourself on his lap. “these panties feel like nothing, i feel like i could leave a spot on your jeans with how wet i’m getting..” you breathlessly laugh as you leave a hickey on his neck. “god, you’re so fucking sexy, i just want you to take me down..”
jihoon has no idea where to put his hands. does he put his hands your boobs? but then your ass looks so good in this skirt, so maybe your ass? but he wants to hold you by your hips so he can guide you on him. he decides to put them on your hips, going up and down your legs as you continue to grind down on him.
you’re so lost in your own pleasure that you almost don’t realize the new feeling in your core. jihoon puts two fingers into you and you grab his shoulders as your body adjusts to the sensation.
“g-god, f-fuck, ji-jihoon! oh my god, m-more please!!” you beg for him. he continues his pace until you come undone all over his jeans, knowing for sure that a wet spot would be left.
“wow, i- don’t even know what to say,” jihoon laughs as he runs his fingers through your hair. you sit in silence for a few seconds, finally breaking the silence to fulfill your desires.
“you wanna have sex? i’ve never wanted someone as bad as i do now. fuck jihoon, how are you so hot?”
“y-you want to have sex? with me?”
“i need you jihoon,” you say as you take of your top, now topless in front of him. he can’t help but groan at your half-nakedness, wanting to see more of you.
“do you want me too?”
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lolo3hwriting · 2 months
Prompt Writing: Burn the Witch
Summary: Wynn, Victoria the witch’s apprentice, gets caught up by a witch hunting mob and Victoria uses it as a teaching opportunity.
Words: ~2.4k
Additional Notes: Takes place in a more modern fantasy setting, so there's modern technology and magic existing at the same time.
Wynn can’t say that she regrets becoming a witch’s apprentice, she has a lot of fun actually. Meeting new people, developing new skills, learning new things, it was all she could ask for in a job really. However, there were a few things that made her… not second guess her position, but there were parts that she could do without. She wouldn’t say that she was a squeamish person, but dealing with so many different body parts and various viscera from creatures she couldn’t name made her wonder if any of the blood would fully wash off of her fingernails. And she helped bury, and sometimes raise, more bodies than she would care to admit to others, leading her to sometimes question in the middle of the night if what she was doing was ever sustainable. If it wouldn’t just degrade her mental state more and more until she became a lifeless vegetable that would eventually become another ethically sourced body to donate to necromancer students. 
But her mentor Victoria told her to try and not think of things like that, and to focus on the now rather than debating on what-ifs that may even not come true. Wynn didn’t think it was the healthiest mentality, but then again her mentor had been practicing witchcraft for over a decade, so her words must have at least some meaning to them. So Wynn would follow her advice and try to distract herself whenever her thoughts veered too close to any potential existential crisis. 
Another thing that she didn’t particularly care for was the… inherit occupational hazard of her profession. Wynn acknowledged that witchcraft wasn’t completely legal, but she figured it was similar to speeding. It was generally fine unless you got caught. In this instance, she hadn’t been caught so much as she had been at the wrong place at the wrong time. 
Usually Wynn and Victoria stayed in larger cities in order to blend in better. Whether it was the anonymity of the crowds, the more inclusive atmosphere, or just the city's indifferent attitude, no one got suspicious when they were in urban areas. However, they had been traveling through a more rural, and as they quickly discovered, a more conservative area.
Sure, maybe it was a little eye-catching for a woman in her late twenties and a college age girl, clearly not locals, stopping into a quaint town nestled in the mountains for a quick break during their road trip. It’s not like they were actively doing anything occult related on their trip, but Wynn supposed there were a few things that hinted at their true natures. Maybe it was their unusual jewelry, or their leather bound books that they carried, or perhaps it was just their attitudes. Wynn would admit that she was a rather quiet person, and that Victoria was cheerfully morbid with her jokes, so the two of them would be an intriguing pair to outsiders. 
But whatever may have caused such suspicion, it didn’t matter much when the two of them were crouched at the edge of the woods, hiding from the townsfolk who had already accused them of witchcraft. The sun had just slipped below the horizon, most of the light being cast from flashlights carried by the mob. 
Though they weren’t in immediate danger, as they could easily use their 'skills' to escape, Wynn was reluctant to expose themselves if it could be avoided. She viewed it more as a puzzle, figuring out a way to elude capture without revealing their true nature. Their car was parked halfway across town, but Wynn figured they could sneak over there under the cover of night. 
Just as Wynn was turning to tell her mentor of her plan, Victoria tapped her on the shoulder.
“Hey, this is a great opportunity for you!”
“...Pardon? What do you mean?”
Victoria's eyes sparkled with excitement as she flashed a bright smile at Wynn, an expression that seemed oddly cheerful given their precarious situation hiding in the woods from an angry mob. 
“This is a great time for you to test your fire magic!” Victoria whisper-shouted, “I saw some people carrying firewood to the church, so they’re probably preparing to burn one of us. You can escape it, I know you’re competent enough!”
Wynn took a deep breath and closed her eyes, trying to keep a neutral face as she pondered her mentor’s suggestion. She couldn't decide whether Victoria was a genius or utterly reckless for turning such a precarious situation into a training exercise, but nevertheless her mentor did have a point. Wynn had longed to apply her knowledge in real life scenarios instead of just practice. She knew of a basic fire protection spell and minor pyrokinesis, and she had used both in the past successfully to stop an out of control campfire. It would be at a much larger scale, but would it really be so difficult to survive a burning?
Finally, Wynn let out a quiet sigh and nodded.
“Fine, I’ll do it, I’ll turn myself into them. You promise to bail me out if things get out of hand?”
“Of course! Though I highly doubt that you’ll need to, just shout my name if you need me.”
Wynn nodded, stepping out of the woods with an encouraging pat on the back by her mentor, then running out onto the street. 
She was caught within seconds, a burly looking man with a grizzled face forcefully grabbing her shoulder and holding her in place. Wynn struggled a little, mostly out of instinct with the uncomfortable way she was getting held, but forced herself to stop when she realized that she was supposed to be going along with them. Wynn wouldn’t say that she was physically weak, but she needed to conserve her energy to focus later, struggling against their grip wouldn’t do anything but tire her out. 
She was shoved into the grasp of another person, a muscular looking woman this time with a stern expression, who forced Wynn’s hands behind their back before tying them up with some type of cloth rope. Wynn couldn't help but acknowledge their efficiency and coordination, they had clearly prepared for this moment. 
Once the mob was sure Wynn couldn’t escape, they agreed amongst themselves to bring her to the church where she would await her ‘trial’. It would be a sham of course, and everybody knew it, but they all spoke of following proper proceedings and the rewards they would get for being the ones to capture her.  
As the group dragged Wynn along to her supposed execution, she caught the glimpse of Victoria sneaking behind them, giving a cheeky wave to Wynn before darting behind a building. Despite her own predicament, she was worried for Victoria and hoped that she wouldn’t get caught too. 
Most of the townsfolk were already by the church, openly staring at Wynn as she was being led to the pyre they had set up. As Wynn was paraded through the crowd, she noticed the variety of expressions directed at her. Some faces were twisted in scorn, clearly disgusted by her presence. Others were etched with fear, apprehensive about the 'danger' they believed she represented. There were also those who looked relieved, satisfied that she had been caught and the perceived threat neutralized. 
Wynn stepped up to the wooden pyre, intricately made for something done in only a few hours she noted, and she was handed off to a clergyman. The church member raked his eyes up and down her body, looking at her with quiet disdain, before tying her to a wooden stake and turned around without a word. 
As she looked out into the crowd, she noticed that there were several people on the younger side, her age and younger. She even spotted a few children, which initially made her angry at the parents that would allow them to witness such violence. But as she considered the situation, it was probably several decades since a witch burning happened in this town, so it was probably a spectacle to them. Wynn couldn’t say that she agreed with the presence of children, but she herself would probably be curious as a child as to what was happening. 
Among the young faces, Wynn spotted her mentor in the crowd watching on. She had removed her jewelry and most of her accessories, put on her reading glasses and a coat around her. Her eyes were wide and pleading, but Wynn knew that expression was an act. She had seen it multiple times before, from where they were shopping together and trying to convince Wynn that they needed to buy yet another doll. She supposed that Victoria had done a good enough job blending in, appearing as just another young, pearl-clutching woman in the sea of onlookers. Although most of the crowd’s focus was on Wynn, she was still a little surprised that they had not noticed a complete stranger worming their way in. 
The crowd’s mumbles gradually rose in volume, turning into shouting and screaming at Wynn. 
"She has cursed us with misfortune and brought illness to our children. We cannot let her live!" a man bellowed, his face contorted with rage.
"Look at her! She shows no remorse for the suffering she has caused. She must be punished!" another voice rang out, dripping with venom.
Okay, Wynn supposed her expression was a bit too relaxed for someone being tied up, but that was only because she knew she wasn’t in any major threat. 
"Light the pyre! Let the flames purify her soul and rid us of her wickedness!" another woman shrieked, her high pitched voice piercing the crowd.
"Burn her! Burn the witch! She must pay for her evil deeds!" echoed another, the chant quickly picked up by others, yelling over and over again to burn the witch. 
But throughout the noise, she heard one dissenting voice.
“No, you fools! She can control the flames!”
Wynn glanced over at Victoria curiously at her remark, wondering what she was doing. They made eye contact, Victoria briefly smirking at Wynn, before morphing her expression into one of faux-worry. Wynn highly doubted that anyone actually heard her mentor’s warning, but it confused her nonetheless. Was she just trying to be cheeky?
A man in ornate robes, the priest Wynn suspected, carried a torch to the base of the pyre and lit it. 
As the flames crept towards her, Wynn chanted a fire protection spell under her breath. Admittedly, she wasn’t entirely confident about the exact words. She should have really studied more, and she had left her notes back in the car, leaving her no way to confirm her choice. 
Wynn took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down. If the fire protection didn’t work, then she could use pyrokinesis. It would take more focus, but she was sure that she could use that spell at least. 
It got hotter and hotter, causing her to break out in sweat. It was like she was standing in a sauna with someone constantly cranking up the temperature. It was most certainly uncomfortable, but not at all painful. Wynn took this as a sign that her spell worked and let out a sigh. 
With the flames rapidly engulfing the area around her, obscuring her vision with the smoke. She couldn’t make out Victoria anymore, but she was confident that her mentor was watching. 
With the flames licking at her feet, Wynn felt a tingling sensation shoot through her body. She figured that if she hadn’t used the protection spell that it would have been much more painful, but it still wasn’t good enough to where she felt nothing. Wynn mentally kicked herself for not practicing more, but realized that there wasn’t much use regretting it now.
The fire reached the wooden stake she was tied to, causing the painful tingling sensation to increase rapidly. Wynn bit her tongue down and endured it, until the fire burned the ropes binding her hands together and fell off. She brought her wrists in front of her, rubbing them with her hands to relieve the chaffing. 
Her hands were freed, Wynn focused her mind on the fire around her, the energy all around her. She focused her breathing, in and out to match it with the dancing of the flames, until the fire was breathing along with her. With newfound reassurance, she pushed her hands upwards to raise the flames up and out, hopefully without burning any buildings or people. All that was left was a thick cloud of smoke, which Wynn used to cover her escape, jumping down from the pile of ashes and sprinting towards a dark alley behind her. 
As Wynn pressed her back to the wall of the building, she could hear the crowd’s surprised shouts and murmurs. She risked a glance back and saw that there was nothing burning except the pyre, which was petering out until it was just a smoldering pile of wood. The people were glancing around in confusion, wondering what had happened. Wynn let out a sigh in relief, both at no one getting hurt but as well as her escape. 
Wynn closed her eyes and tried to calm her rapid breaths and beating heart, adrenaline still coursing through her. However, her eyes snapped open when she heard someone approaching. Wynn tensed, not knowing if to bolt away or to just stand still, hoping that the person won’t spot her. 
“Wynn, are you there?”
Wynn froze, her heart skipping a beat before she turned slowly to face the speaker.
“Yes, it’s me Victoria. Could you please announce your presence next time?”
Wynn tried to relax, rolling her shoulders and taking a deep breath to steady herself.
“Sorry, I just wanted to say that you were amazing! You pulled that off perfectly!” In the dim light of the alley, Wynn could see her mentor’s giddy grin and her eyes sparkling in pride.
“Thanks, but I really could have done better. I nearly forgot the steps to the fire protection spell and it became uncomfortably hot…”
“Oh that’s okay,” Victoria waved her arm in dismissal, “You still made it out in the end, so you don’t need to doubt yourself so much.”
“I suppose…”
Victoria let out a playful sigh before stepping forward and wrapping her arms around Wynn in a gentle, reassuring embrace.
“You did great, okay? Let’s go back home.” 
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shes-some-other-where · 3 months
June of Doom Day 14, Day 23
“What were you thinking?” | “You’re doing great.”
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Contains: brief mention of amputation as punishment, worry, confusion, angst
WC: 820
Lurid yellow, sinister black
“I did warn you,” said his friend. It didn’t take a scholar to figure out that he’d witnessed the girl fleeing in a breathless hurry. “I mean, at least she didn’t refuse you right away, but really, what were you thinking? What did you expect?”
“You’re doing a great job of making me feel better,” the food taster muttered, only half-aware of what he was saying. He could not tear his gaze from the item in his hand: a charm—a flat oval of gold, lurid yellow, carved with incomprehensible swirls and inlaid with and a dull stone of deep, sinister black—that had broken off the girl’s cursed bracelet.
The governor’s son yelped when he saw it. “What is that? Did you steal it? What’s the matter with you? For pity’s sake—if someone catches you, you’ll lose a hand—or worse—”
“I didn’t steal it,” he said. Why was it so difficult to catch his breath? He felt exhausted, like he’d been running for hours. “It just . . . fell off.”
“Fell off? Into your hand? Who’s going to buy that?”
“I don’t know, it just happened when . . .”
When she kissed me.
Now, that was something his friend would never believe. In fact, he wasn’t certain he believed it himself.
“Go find her and give it back,” the governor’s son ordered, his tone now the imperious timbre of a lord rather than that of a friend. “And then get out of here before you cause any more scenes.”
It seemed like years had passed since that first, jesting command: Don’t embarrass me. Well, it was too late for that now. No doubt his friend was right: any outsider would immediately jump to the conclusion that he’d robbed that girl, and then all of them would be irrevocably steeped in scandal.
That girl. Who was under some sort of curse. Who’d run away when he’d tried to discover why.
“I have to find her again,” he said dizzily, clutching the charm as if it might leap from his fingers and run, too. He needed to find her—not because he cared whether someone accused him of stealing. No, he needed to look her in the eye and find out why she was veritably dripping in cursed jewels. “I think . . . I think she might be in trouble.”
“No,” said his friend before he’d even finished speaking, “no. Whatever you think you puzzled out while you were dancing with her for a total of three and a half minutes, it’s in your imagination. You’re just a farm boy who can taste magic, not a knight. You’ve had your fun. Give her back her little jewel, then leave her alone.”
“That’s just it,” he said. “I did.”
“Did what?”
“Taste magic.”
His friend’s brow furrowed. “I beg your pardon?”
The charm felt dead now, the pulsing aliveness from before all but gone, as if the magic from before had dissipated. But it had been cursed, he was sure of it.
He swallowed, wondering what, exactly, had broken the curse—if it had been him. If he had used a side of his magic into which he rarely reached.
What if the person who’d cursed her, whoever they were and whatever their reasons, learned who had destroyed their magic with a simple touch?
And if they did, how great would their displeasure be?
The food taster felt like a grand fool as he raised the now-lifeless charm, watching the intricate gold-carved patterns scintillate harshly in the light. Something about the tiny black stone in the centre made his stomach turn. “I’m telling you. There was something strange about her.”
“Other than how she let you dance w—”
“I’m serious,” he said. He would never have dared to interject into the governor’s words like that. But the son’s temper was less volatile than the father’s, and the food taster was permitted to continue. “She was wearing all this cursed jewellery, and I know, I know that doesn’t make sense, but I swear I could feel it, and then I realized it was her, and I asked, and she—she just ran—”
He went through each moment in his head again: the startling brush of cursed gold against his skin, the terror in her eyes when he asked who had practically drowned her in dark magic, the panicked lurch forward to kiss him, the whispered I’m sorry, and the sight of her retreating form . . .
“I’m going to find her,” he said, shoving the charm into his pocket. A sense of evil still clung to it, and although he couldn’t tell what the objective of the curse had been, his confidence that it had been malevolent grew only stronger. “Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe she doesn’t need help.” The horrible, lingering burn at the back of his throat told him she did. But perhaps there was a faint sliver of hope yet. “The least I can do is find out.”
June of Doom Masterlist
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All my writing is original. Feel welcome to interact/comment/reblog. Pls don’t steal or repost.
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