#((a lot’s happened since then but i’m glad my journey has led me in this direction))
mirror-marx · 9 months
((wow i coulda had a baby in the time i havent updated. sorry about that!! i’ve been around. i drew The Loser (beloved son boy) yesterday and will probably scribble him some more today so i’ll keep y’all posted!))
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lycantranny · 1 year
Well, it’s over, and we move onto the next course. This year has undoubtedly been the greatest of my life. That might seem like a bold statement, but I can assure you of the genuine sentiment I’m trying to express. I finally had a year that didn’t entail a brief period of glory followed by a swath of dark ruin, or an entire year of emptiness with some brief moments of well needed (if selfishly taken) joy. The development and direction of Heart, my first short film, was absolutely life changing, and I hope it served as a similarly valuable experience for my cast and crew. The folks I worked on that film with are among the greatest of the world as I see it, and I love them with all that I can love with. My journey into therapy and my transition both have played a role in saving my life, actualizing the changes I made at the end of last year, and ultimately giving me this new, fresh chance.
At the start of the year, I was coming off of an experience that reinvigorated my love for film and storytelling, after 2 hard years of losing sight of that and becoming lost. I had met an idol, and I had written my first feature length script. I set out for work to save up a budget for a film called “What Day Is It?”, which later became Heart. Over the next 8 months, I felt more like myself than ever before, I was doing what I loved, and I knew for certain by this point that my life would become meaningless if ever decided for a moment to not dedicate it to storytelling. The people I either met or got to know better by collaborating with them and letting them learn as much as I was learning made me like people again, made me care once again about pathos and human connection. Right after that, I started my transition, and this holiday season has been a great cyclone of emotions. I feel so much more than I did prior to HRT, more than I’ve felt since 5 years ago. Smiles are easier to not have to fake and I’m interacting with the world with one less layer getting in the way and softening impacts.
This isn’t to say there were never spiritual, emotional, or physical challenges. There were, and I want to list them here. Around when the weather began to warm up, I entered a period of extreme anxiety that was spurred solely by the nature of my social life at that stage, and this led me to attend therapy, where I was diagnosed with PTSD. In the summer I had an experience on the set of Heart that is responsible for the final product in every way, because it was the first time a shoot had spiraled out of my control, and I was feeling as spiritually damaged as I could the day after. To everyone that was there, your criticism brought our film to something greater than it would’ve been otherwise. I eventually made a realization about someone I briefly considered a like-minded friend. I experienced a litany of physical predicaments that were completely miserable. Re-realizing that I was transgender, in a lot of ways, only made my dysphoria worse, and in that gray space between coming out to myself and actually transitioning it was often debilitating. But for the first time in so long, these struggles were never anhedonic, they were always truly emotional experiences that I actually felt things over. More than anything, I hate feeling like I’m being bled out by circumstances that I can hardly even figure a cause for, and I’m so glad to be able to say that didn’t happen this year.
As I write this, I’m packing up my bedroom to head off to Olympia to attend The Evergreen State College. I personally count Heart as a full year of college experience, and I think its existence is part of what got me in. I can recall thinking about Evergreen a lot during creative peaks during high school, so here’s to hoping that it goes well.
Thank you everyone. Here’s to 2023. :)
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jangmi-latte · 3 years
Hi Chii! This is for the TWST ANNIVERSARY, and scenario format is fine. Main focus line is Silver: “You want to study together? You work really hard.” Next character is Riddle: “Have you been to the library yet? You should definitely stop at least once sometime. There are a lot of books you’d fine useful there.” Oof, that was a lot, and hopefully I did this right, if not I can always resend it if you’d like! ~🍒cherry nonnie
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╰──➢   “ You want to study together? You work really hard. ”
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❥ cherry nonnie, is everything alright? you’ve been making me smile from your asks but i understood you on your first ask <3. may our waiters, silver & riddle rosehearts, treat you with this anniversary special dessert!
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“Oh, hello there.”
He greeted you with a gentle smile; no it wasn’t Silver, it was his father. You-- a young-second year no older than seventeen -- bowed at the older mage in a sign of respect. 
“Good afternoon, Mr. Vanrouge! I assume Silver already told you about my arrival?”
“Of course he did,” tittered the old fae as he let you in. “He surprisingly woke up earlier than he usually does.” Lilia led you towards the lounge of their shared home within the Valley of Thorns. 
“Oh, one more thing--” he opened the door to the lounge, “--avoid the second floor for now. Malleus is still asleep. We wouldn’t want to disturb him. Though, I trust you and Silver to keep it down with whatever you two plan to do today.”
You nodded, going inside after thanking him. Your eyes scanned the room in wonder. The Valley of Thorns’ common interior design always held dark colors. The only exception is when one of the home’s residents is light-colored, y’know? Like, tousled silver hair scattered on the couch arm, maybe even a white turtleneck hugging his figure, his aurora-colored eyes closed for the world not to see, and his pinkish lips slightly open while soft even breaths blew out. 
And Lilia said he woke up early, yes?
“Silver,” you whispered out, looking over the door while folding your lips and looking back at the young man on the couch. “Silver,” you called out louder, nudging the said man until he groaned and opened his eyes.
As his eyes came to view, you leaned forward, waving at him with a closed-lip smile. “Good morning-- or should I say afternoon?” you giggled. Silver blinked, and blinked, and blinked. His brain slowly processed what happened until he recognized your face. Jolting up into a sitting position he rubbed his eyes as he muttered, “I fell asleep...again?” 
“Nothing I’m not used to. But I’m glad you actually waited for me.”
You sat on the windowsill across from him, and while you looked at the horses at the nearby stable, you heard him shuffling from where he sat. Still looking a tad bit drowsy, he watched as you swung your legs back and forth. “I wanted to ask for some help. You’re the only one who I can approach since, well, you’re the only one I’m closed with. I also believe you’re great at teaching.”
Confused, Silver stood up from the couch and stood beside you on the window, “You’re saying?”
“I want to study with you when it comes to horseback riding. I really need to ace my exam,” you said, gulping as you watched one of the horses run around freely. You were never confident around horses. Not that they scare you, it’s just because of their boisterous behavior. They can kick and probably trample over you if you don’t handle them properly. 
“You want to study together?” Silver mumbled, glancing at you while you nervously glanced at the horses. 
“If it’s no trouble, Silv. I just really need some help.” Your eyes met his. He could sense your determination despite the worry and nervousness in your system. He doesn’t doubt his horseback riding skills, yet he knew himself that he has more training to do. Maybe, both of you can learn something new together. 
“Alright,” he agreed, “Let’s head to the stables.”
The height of the horses baffled you. Horses are no stranger to the Valley of Thorns yet you never actually got a chance to come near one considering you never even needed to. Each horse held their own distinctive color; white, brown, black, spotted, and there was even one with a long white mane and a thick tail. It was beautiful. 
Silver caught sight of you staring at one of the attractive horses their stable owned. It was his horse. “Do you want to ride Cloud?” His hand caressed the horse’s snout -- the mammal exhaled as a response to the touch.
“Cloud?” you repeated, reaching out to gently touch her soft mane. “She’s so beautiful...”
“She’s a rare Gypsy Vanner. A gift from father when I first rode a horse. You could say she’s become a friend of mine,” Silver shared, and while you listened, a smile stretched on your lips. “Then you must really be fond of her,” you said.
“We grew up together, so to say.” Silver cleared his throat and opened the stable door, his hand tightly held the reigns as he let Cloud out of the stable. The way she lightly neighed, her little shakes of relief, and the way she nudged Silver made you giggle yet feel weary. What if she doesn’t like you? What if she ran too fast? 
“Don’t be scared. She doesn’t hurt anyone,” Silver reassured as he adjusted the saddle. “Anyways, what is your exam about?” You followed him towards the equestrian facility (the place where horses are trained), walking beside him as you eyed Cloud. 
“Just basic horseback riding training. Cantering, galloping, trotting…” you explained. Not that hard, yes? You don’t need to have Cloud jump over bars or make her do tricks. Just basic running techniques to pass your exam. Silver, is no doubt, surprised. It’s really simple. But what if you held another horse? 
He hummed, letting Cloud stand steadily, he reached out for your hand and led it towards the horse. “It’s important that the horse knows you. They need to trust you in order to listen to you. I don’t want you to make the same mistake I did before.” Your hand felt Cloud’s soft fur around her neck. It exhaled in delight, signifying that she knows you and would most likely trust you. 
“What did you do?”
Silver looked away embarrassed, he vaguely remembers the day like it was just yesterday. How could he forget the fact a horse nearly sent him flying just because he rode it immediately without even acknowledging the fact it’s a wild horse. Thanks to the Great Seven, Lilia and Malleus were there to calm the horse down and grab him before he got severely injured.
“It’s nothing… Come, I’ll help you up.”
Oh, to be aware of one’s touches must be quite a delight to both parties. You hooked your left foot around the stirrup while Silver held your hand as support while you lifted yourself up the horse’s saddle. Once you’re sat, he immediately kept Cloud steady as he looked up at you. “You good?”
You nodded, smiling down at the horse. “Good girl,” you cooed. 
Silver looked at the path ahead of you, he wondered --  should he ride behind you or hold the reins until you got the hang of it? You’re still a beginner and he could either lead you properly by riding along or just standing by. When he was young, Lilia would ride behind him on the horse and he would just learn by watching him handle the reins.
Think, Silver, think.
“Are you getting up? I really don’t trust myself with the horse when you let me handle her alone…”
There’s the answer.
And now he’s behind you with his hands on yours as you both hold the reins. Cloud was trotting on the dirt as gently as Silver ordered her to do. Though with your obliviousness -- more of just being focused on his guide -- you failed to notice the fact that the young man behind you is enjoying your company.
You would squeal out loud if Cloud decided to go faster or tightly hold onto his hand and lean on his chest if you felt like falling off. It was hard not to find you adorable. And yet you’re still determined to learn. Back in NRC, he, Riddle, and Sebek would often yell at each other if one decides to flop. It’s not easy to handle horses, and yet you’re here handling Cloud well. Someday, you’ll ride another horse with confidence and just by yourself.
He tried to hop off the horse and let you handle Cloud on your own, maybe you aren’t the slickest or the fastest of learners, but you sure could control a horse now. Silver’s instincts were just as fast as he trained himself to be, almost running by your side when Cloud gets too excited with running.
He stayed so alert.
Hell, he didn’t even doze off in a while. 
“You work hard,” he praised you after you were able to halt the horse’s running smoothly. Both of you sharing a grin before proceeding with the next course. Hours and hours of practice, and you’re learning.
Lilia even forgot what in the living fuck he was boiling as he stared outside at the both of you. “Now, Silver didn’t tell me he had a little date.”
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╰──➢   “ Have you been to the library yet? You should definitely stop at least once sometime. There are a lot of books you’d fine useful there ”
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“I thought you would know the way around the Rose Kingdom since you live here,” Cater teased as he looked out the window of the train he and Riddle sat in. The younger boy scoffed and crossed his arms.
“I barely go out of my home. I’m even surprised you know the place more than I do. I know the area but not how to go there.” Riddle sighed, looking down at the phone on his lap once he heard it ring from a message.
A message from you.
That’s right; the only reason Riddle is heading somewhere with Cater was that you offered to visit a historical museum with him. The purpose of this little trip was for you to learn something in terms of magical history. Where’s the fun in just sitting down and reading in your bedroom when you can experience the said history hands-on?
Cater was there to accompany Riddle throughout the journey and would most likely explore his own way while you two converse about whatever question and lesson you had in mind. You knew Riddle was one of the top students in his school. You also knew he wouldn’t refuse an opportunity for him to teach you something he knows. 
When the train stopped, both students went off and down the museum just a few blocks away from the station. In front of the said museum was what Cater called: Riddle’s date. No, it was, in no way, a date. It was a simple study session. “Just in time, as always.” You stood up from the bench you were sitting on and met the two guys halfway. Cater had waved at you while Riddle looked at the exterior design of the museum.
It was a museum dedicated to the Queen of Hearts.
Riddle has been there a couple of times already. He has learned to love the place; though it's been a few years since he last visited. 
"I'll leave you two here. There's a mall near this place and I wanna look around. See ya, Riddle, y/n!" Cater waved as he walked away. Riddle’s eyes moved back to you, watching as you looked at the museum, "Let's head in!"
You thought, again, thought, that the museum would be bustling with people left and right considering how popular it was in the Rose Kingdom. However, the moment you entered its walls, there were only around fifteen to twenty-five people inside — for the most part, you were in the main lobby. 
"What are your concerns about?" Riddle began as he looked up at the huge statue of the Queen of Hearts situated in the middle of the lobby. Astonish were thee as you read the description of the queen. 
'The Queen had only one way of settling all difficulties, great or small. 'Off with his head!' she said, without even looking around.'
"She was very powerful, indeed," he said whilst he looked at the decoy of the queen's crown situated in a case. "Those who looked at her, or even heard her name, are terrified."
"What magic does she hold?" you asked, circling the statue as Riddle followed behind. 
"She holds great physical strength. As you can see—" Riddle pointed at the statue, "—she was big. Though some would label her as fat due to what Alice said, but in our school, she was mighty. I do wonder how she was able to grow so strong." He walked ahead of you and towards a painting. In that painting held the Queen of Hearts while she played croquet.
"Not only that. She aced in croquet and she ruled over her kingdom for how long. You could say she held authority no one could handle. Not even her own guards and husband." 
As he spoke, your legs brought you over the hallways that held marvelous paintings of the queen. He was just by your side the whole time. "You did say you were in a dorm that's named after her, yes?" you asked, looking over at him.
Riddle nodded. "The statue you saw in the main hall was the same statue that's near our school's entrance. It's only proper for her to be standing there. She is one of the Great Seven after all."
"And you're the dorm leader in that dorm. You also have her rules applied to your very dorm. Tell me, Riddle. Do you admire her?" You both stood in front of another glass case. This time, holding the Queen of Hearts' sceptre. A heart with a gold staff, not even a single speck of withering is shown. It looked so expensive and very antique. 
Riddle was quiet after you asked the question. Looking at him, you noticed how he stared at the queen's sceptre. Just above that sceptre was another painting of the queen, it was her on her throne with a villainous smirk on her face. It sent shivers down your spine.
"I do."
You faced Riddle once again. He had a serious expression on his face as he faced you. "She's the reason why I became the dorm leader that I am today. It was by my own choice to follow her rules and her doings. Not only for myself but for the sake of my dorm."
His voice held the authority of a dorm leader you never got to hear — considering as you go to different schools. You don't know how he is as a dorm leader, but judging by how he looked at the queen's painting, it's enough to convince you that he, Riddle Rosehearts…
Is the King of Heartslabyul.
The glass case that held the sceptre had a small hole — big enough to fit a hand or two — with a note above: 'Touch with precaution'. With a little bit of hesitation, you reached out and touched the sceptre. Warmth seeped through his hand as Riddle, too, reached out to touch the sceptre only for it to land on your hand. You both froze, staring at each other in surprise. It was he who pulled away first, cheeks painted as red as the hallway's walls. 
"H-Have you been to the library yet? We should definitely stop at least once sometime." He coughed out, looking away from you. "There are a lot of books you’d find useful there. Didn't you say you wanted to know more about the queen's history based on your topic for your exam?"
And he walked ahead. 
Your hand slowly moved to your chest after you let go of the sceptre. Looking down to your feet as you chuckled to yourself. Folding your lips as you covered your mouth and looked back at Riddle's walking figure. 
The Queen— well, King — of Hearts may have a temperament. But he sure can be admirable at times when needed… 
"Are you coming or not?"
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© jangmi-latte, all rights reserved. Happy to Serve!
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kiirokero · 3 years
Zephyr (MYG)
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Zephyr: A soft gentle breeze; Comforting wind on a hot summer's day.
Part of the “Protect the Village!” Oneshot series.
Pairing: Florist!Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Fluff, mentions of death (not major, don’t worry) Yoongles doesn’t know how to express himself, soft boi hours.
Note: Time for me to pass out. We’re back on schedule hoes. :)
Summary: First, it was flowers for your grandmother. Next, it was flowers for a sick friend. Now, its flowers because the handsome flower shop owner lives in your head rent free.
Word Count: 4.3k
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      A dense, luscious forest surrounds Bangtan Village. Filled with sturdy oak trees and delicate blooming flowers. As far as the eye can see, it’s nature. Trees stretch to the heavens, touching the sky with their strong appendages. Flowers draping over the petrichor forest floor, gracing those who walk through its lush maze. 
      It’s magical, really. Some rumour that Bangtan Village is ancient, rivaling the Mayans. Local historians say that the people here were protecting something that lays dormant in the forest. What that relic is? A mystery to most. But town elders always warn against wandering in the woods. Whispers of a magical heart that keeps the town alive roles through the town every year after New Year’s celebrations. 
Because nobody knows why every year the village gets a new influx of natural resources
      But thanks to this odd phenomenon, Min Yoongi never runs out of flowers. Peonies, sunflowers, hibiscuses. Every kind of flower grows in that forest, regardless if it scientifically should. Everyone collectively dismisses the impossible things that go on beyond those trees. Ignorance is bliss.
So because of the logic defying forest, Min Yoongi always has the best flowers. Which, in turn, means you always know where to find spider lilies. 
      Any event. Birthdays, weddings, minor celebrations. They always called for flowers. That was your motto. Flowers make everything better. Roses here, daisies there. Nothing can go wrong with flowers. They can make someone smile, ignite love, mourn a loss. Flowers can do anything, and your glad Min Yoongi indulges your thinking.
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She loved roses. 
      Your grandmother was a bit old-fashioned. Not the most tech savvy, would rather do things by hand, and was a sucker for a beautiful red rose. Maybe it was because those were the flowers in her wedding bouquet. Or maybe its because your grandfather always brought her one every single day before he passed. It doesn’t matter. 
What matters is your getting her those roses, one last time. 
      When you first walked into Min’s Flowers, it had a peculiar petrichor smell. Like the shop was in an endless cycle of spring. Solf showers and light rays. It was a comforting calmness that soothed the cracks in your heart. Every which was there was a flower resting in peaceful serenity. 
      All the flowers seemed to look dreary, or maybe the soft petals were acting as a mirror, reflecting the melancholy of the day. You wouldn’t know. The only thing currently on your mind was red roses. Red roses. You needed to get those red roses. 
      Walking deeper into the shop, the walls greeted you with blissful silence. Not a sound was made, not a person in sight, shopkeeper or customer. It was just you and the flowers. A cruel thing, really. Alone with beautiful works of art that couldn’t distract your racing mind with words, only looks. But everywhere you looked, memories of your grandmother lingered. You needed words to revive your slowly beating heart. 
      “Hey, can I help you with anything?” A gruff voice sounded through the hazy, quiet aura of the shop. Turning around, you saw a man with scruffy noir hair. He wasn’t the tallest, but wasn’t short either. He had sharp brown eyes that emanated a hidden warmth encased in cool glass. His skin was as pale as petunias and he wore a desaturated blue apron with flowers peaking out of the pocket. 
      “I’m looking for red roses...” You somberly informed, unable to keep the emotion out of your voice. His cat-like eyes slightly softened, flashing a look of sympathy for your lost soul. You wondered if he often encountered lost souls here in the shop, using his business as a pit stop in a wayward journey. “I have just what you’re looking for,” He said, gesturing me to follow him.
      He led you through the shop in silence, like a drifting ghost. He floated elegantly through his shop, uncaring of the twist and turns that appeared in his way, even if there were few. Soon, he led you to an area full of roses, all different colors. White, blue, yellow. It was a beautiful image. 
      But he walked passed them, going towards a door in the back. “Where are we going?” You asked, stopping just a bit behind him. “Those roses are pretty, yes, but I think you need something more,” He said, face unchanging from a stoic expression. He opened the door, walking inside to grab something out of the artificially sun lit room. 
      Reappearing, he held a bouquet full of two dozen bright red roses. The petals undamaged, their color as lush as the day they came out of the Earth. “I’ve been saving these for a special occasion, I think they’d be of use to you now,” The man said, handing you the bouquet, You held them gently, afraid to damage the perfect flowers. 
      “How are they so perfect?” You marveled, unable to peel your eyes away from the beauty of which you held. “A lot of odd things happen in Bangtan,” Was his answer, nothing more. “Go on, I’m sure you have somewhere to be,” He said, putting a soft hand on your back, guiding you to the entrance you came in from. 
      “But I have to pay!” You protested, but the man didn’t stop guiding you. “Consider it a gift,” He shrugged. “But I don’t even know your name,” You argued, looking at him incredulously. “It’s Yoongi, what’s yours?” He asked, tilting his head slightly. “Y/n,” You answered. “Well Y/n, it was nice to meet you. Now go on, I hope those roses bring peace,”
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      You didn’t go back to Min’s Flowers for three months. You decided it would be best to mourn in your own way, by yourself. That didn’t mean your close friends didn’t keep an eye on you though, Jimin and Jeongguk would never let you forget that they were there for you. Whether it was late night junk food runs to Hoseok’s store or messing around with Taehyung at the bakery. They made sure you knew they were there, waiting for you when you were ready to be picked back up and put back together.
      Which you were. You picked yourself back up and hammered yourself together. Life didn’t wait for anyone. Seasons still changed, flowers still bloomed, zephyrs still came and went. Maybe the tape you used to patch yourself up was still a bit brittle, maybe the glue you used to fill the cracks in your heart hasn’t quite dried yet, but you were okay. 
      And Jimin was not. Poor bastard caught a nasty case of the flu and has been miserable ever since. Jeongguk and you have been taking care of him whenever you could, and when he started complaining about missing the outside, flowers seemed like the perfect remedy. “I really like yellow and white chrysanthemums” 
      Those were Jimin's words when you asked him what his favorite flower was, and by golly were you going to get him the prettiest yellow and white chrysanthemums ever. So that’s how you found yourself back at the shop which aided your once wayward soul. 
      The shop still had that same comforting petrichor scent. Memories of the pixie like world that the flower shop simulated came back to you as you saw the same flowers in the exact same places as last time. When you first came to the shop, you had a heart leaking with melancholy. Now, you have a heart with scars and a mission to make your friend feel better. 
      “Oh, you’re back,” A familiar voice said. Turning, you saw the same man as before. He had mint hair now, standing at the counter. “That I am, Yoongi,” You said. You don’t know why the name stuck in your head the way it did, but you couldn’t forget it. Every time you thought about getting some flowers, Yoongi popped into your head. 
      It surprised Yoongi that you remembered his name. He thought that the interaction between the two of you was significant to him and him only. But hearing your soft utterance of his name made him freeze longer than he should’ve. “I’m surprised you remember me,” He said, cracking the slightest of smiles. 
      “You’re memorable, I suppose,” You chuckled, taking a few steps deeper into the indoor forest that was Yoongi’s flower shop. “So what brings you here this time?” Yoongi asked, not taking his eyes off of you. “My friend’s sick, so I wanted to get his favorite flower to cheer him up,”
      Yoongi nodded, walking around the counter to stand in front of you. “Well, I can guarantee that I have it here. What are we looking for?” He said, voice unchanging from a dull tone. “Yellow and white chrysanthemums,” You said, and Yoongi didn’t need to hear anymore before he was guiding you once more through the shop. The floor was slightly wet, showing that Yoongi had watered the flowers recently. 
      Quietly, he led you to where he kept the chrysanthemums, gesturing one of his hands to the yellow and white ones. “Go ahead and pick. A dozen flowers are 9,000 won,” Yoongi said, walking away to do his shopkeeper things. 
      That day you stayed in the shop a bit longer than you expected. You and Yoongi talked for what seemed like forever. Maybe it was minutes, maybe it hours, you wouldn’t know. You didn’t care, Yoongi was like a breath of fresh air. A whispering zephyr during the summer solstice. 
        So you kept coming back, again and again. Every day after work you made your way to Min’s Flowers, eager to talk to your new florist friend. You would arrange bouquets with him, tell him jokes, watch movies on the tv he had in the back. No matter the day or the weather, you never failed to meet with Yoongi every single day. Sometimes with Jimin and Jeongguk, sometimes alone.
You couldn’t get enough. Yoongi couldn’t get enough, and that scared him. 
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      Min Yoongi was a quiet man. He preferred to stick to himself, hoping to limit the amount of human interaction he had on a daily basis. It’s not that he didn’t like people, per se, but he just rarely got along with others. It was a problem for him since Kindergarten. Being overly blunt with peers or arguing with the teacher. 
      He just drove people away with his cold aura and “unforgiving” personality. Yes, Yoongi had friends. He had Hoseok, Namjoon, Jin, Taehyung, even Jimin and Jeongguk hung out with him from time to time. But he’s never had that certain type of connection with someone. 
     Yoongi used to think he was critically apathetic. That no matter how much he wanted to bounce off the walls in celebration when Taehyung met his business goal, he couldn’t. He couldn’t muster up anything other than a “That’s good, I’m happy for you,” And he was! He knew he was, but he didn’t quite express that he was. 
      It left Yoongi feeling inferior, like he was a bad person. What kind of friend comforts you after a breakup by saying, “Love is dead anyway,”? Min Yoongi, apparently. Yeah, Yoongi had feelings. Things made him sad, mad, happy, annoyed. He wasn’t entirely broken. But those feeling felt like they were dampened, diluted. 
      “Aren’t you happy? Sad? Mad?” Those were the words Yoongi dreaded, because the answer was always yes. Yes, he was happy that Jin got a girlfriend. Yes, he was sad that Jeongguk couldn’t find the person painting flowers all over Bangtan village. Yes, he was mad Jimin shattered one of his terracotta pots. He just didn’t express it well. 
But you never seemed to care.
      You took Yoongi’s blunt words at face value. You believed him when he said, “That’s funny,” at one of your embarrassing childhood stories. You didn’t question why he wasn’t crying during “The Notebook” even if the tragic story silently broke his heart. You took his small smile just as seriously as you would a full one. That made Yoongi happy, even if he couldn’t express that to you. 
      You didn’t treat Yoongi’s lack of expression as a bad thing. You didn’t think he was cold and uncaring, because you knew he was. Actions speak louder than words. When he bandaged your ankle after you slipped in a puddle one day in the shop. When he gave you half of his granola bar after hearing your stomach rumble. Or how he never fails to ask how your day went, even if it sounded rather uncaring to the average person.
      Yoongi didn’t know when it happened or how. Yoongi didn’t know why your simple touches turned smouldering to him. Or why your smile was a picture he’d look at forever. He doesn’t know when he started eagerly looking at the clock, waiting for 4pm when you’d undoubtedly would come visit him at the shop. Yoongi didn’t know when it hit him, when his horribly suppressed emotions made him feel something like no other. 
Yoongi didn’t know when he fell in love with you, but damn did he fall hard.
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      “Alright Yoongs, I agree with you on most things, but mint chocolate ice cream is definitely not it.” You argued, poking his carton of green ice cream with your spoon. “Well, coffee-flavored ice cream is weird too,” Yoongi retorted, stuffing a spoon full of ice cream monstrosity into his mouth. You dramatically gasped, “Yoongi! Coffee is totally a valid flavor,” You laid your head on the table inside Yoongi’s back room, putting a hand to your heart, “You wound me,” 
      Yoongi rolled his eyes, going back to his pint of frozen goodness. “You’re ridiculous,” He said, shaking his head. “Hold on, I speak Yoongi. You just said that I’m funny and you love me,” You teased. Yoongi felt his face slightly flush at your words, but he cleared his throat, changing the topic. “Whatever, wanna arrange a wedding bouquet with me?” 
      You quickly sat up, stars in your eyes as you ecstatically nodded your head. “Hells yes!” Yoongi hummed, grabbing both pints of ice cream and putting them away in the mini refrigerator he had. “Let’s go then, I already have my work space set up,” He said, walking out the room to which you happily followed him. 
      “So, a marriage? Is it a big one?” You asked. Yoongi shrugged, sitting down in his work chair to which he already had a spare one set up next to it. “I guess, I mean, how big can things get in Bangtan Village?” He said, picking up roses and cutting off bits of their stems. 
      “I dunno Yoongs, remember that time you found a huge sunflower in the forest? Bangtan Village may have a small population, but things can get pretty weird here,” You chuckled, joining Yoongi in his somewhat tedious task. “Yes, you are correct. Many things in that forest surprise me.” He said, nonchalantly. 
      “Really? Are there fairies? White stags? Gremlins?” You asked, turning towards the man contently snipping away at the stems next to you. “You and your fairy tales,” Yoongi sighed, secretly finding your interest in the unexplainable cute. 
       The two of you worked together in silence, enjoying each other's presence as the artful skills Yoongi had with flowers created beautiful bouquets. But the silent atmosphere was suddenly broken when your phone rang. Fishing it out of your pocket, Jeongguk's face appeared on the screen. You excused yourself and answered the phone outside, leaving Yoongi alone in the room. To him it felt a bit colder now.
      A couple minutes later, you peaked your head in the door, gaining Yoongi’s attention with a smile. “Sorry to say this Yoongs, but I have to help Jeongguk with something,” You said. Yoongi felt disappointed, but his face remained unchanging. “Oh... Okay... Do you- Nevermind,” Do you have too? Is what Yoongi wanted to ask. He didn’t want you to go, he wanted you to stay and make pretty flower arrangements with him. But he couldn’t express it.
      “I’ll be back tomorrow, don’t miss me too much, okay?” You joked, bidding the gruff florist a farewell. Yoongi tried to. But he really did miss you. Not only that, he felt... Jealous... He found himself wishing he was Jeongguk or wishing that you left your phone on silent so you wouldn’t hear his call. 
      It was selfish, Yoongi knew that, but that didn’t mean the feeling didn’t go away. He didn’t like this feeling. His emotions may feel weaker than others, but jealously always came on strong. Why did he have to be like this? Why couldn’t he just admit his feelings for you, ask you out on a date, tell you all the things that ran through his head about you?
      He needed to do something. What if Jeongguk made a move on you? What if you guys were kissing right now? Or worse, on a date... Yoongi’s heart felt heavy. His heart was heavy and his stomach was queezy. 
      One good thing came from Yoongi’s less than normal emotional responses. It meant embarrassment and shame were less of a bitch. Still total bitches, but bitches on chill pills. “Alright,” Yoongi told himself, “Operation fuck my emotional response and ask Y/n out on a date is a go,” Yoongi immediately pulled out his phone, dialing his friend Jin. 
     “Hello!” Jin answered. “Hyung... I need your help with something.” Yoongi said, his voice deadly serious. “What’s up?” Yoongi took a deep breath, wiping his sweaty palms on his apron. 
“You have a girlfriend...” Yoongi blurted out 
“Yes...?” Jin chuckled
“And you asked her out,” 
“That is correct.”
“How did you do that?” 
      Yoongi heard Jin’s squeaky laugh through the phone. “What?” He asked, confusion clear in his voice. “How d'you ask her out...?” Yoongi asked again. “I told her that I had feelings for her and asked her to go out with me,” Jin answered, most likely shrugging those broad shoulders of his. “How were you able to express your feelings?” Yoongi sighed.
     Jin was well aware about Yoongi’s trouble expressing himself in a way that didn’t make kids cry from his scary, brooding face. He had even helped him on a few occasions when he had to apologize and look like he meant it, (Whether he really did or not) But expressing a feeling like a crush or even love, was different for everybody. 
     “Yoongi, are you trying to ask that Y/n girl out?” Jin inquired, hearing a thing or two about you from when Yoongi dropped hints here and there. “Yes...” Yoongi said, resting his chin on his hand in defeat. “Yoongi, buddy, there’s no “right way” to express your feelings to somebody, you just have to do it in a way that is right for you.” Jin advised. 
“But the way I express things isn’t particularly... Nice,” Yoongi said. 
“Yoongi, if she likes you too she’ll accept that your just you,” Jin stressed, “And if what you tell me about the way she treats you, I’m sure she’ll understand just how hard and serious it is for you to admit something like this,” 
    Maybe Jin was right, you’d get that he’s basically head over heels for you, right? You know how he operates. You always treated him like a normal human with normal expressive capabilities. Okay, he’ll do it. 
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      Yoongi can’t do this. What was he thinking? Inviting you over at 9pm to “help him with flowers” was probably the worse idea he’s ever had. You probably think he’s a weirdo. More of a weirdo than he actually is. What is he supposed to do?
      Well, it was too late. Because you just came barging through the door with a bag of takeout and that beautiful, blinding smile on your face. “Yoongs!” You exclaimed, placing down the food and giving him a hug. “Another emergency flower order?” You asked, taking out styrofoam containers and disposable chopsticks. 
      “Um... No. Yes... No,” He said, unusually indecisive. Yoongi sighed, sitting down at the table and taking a huge bite of the food that you handed him. “Yoongs, are you okay?” You asked, brows creased in worry. “I’m fine,” He shrugged, but you knew better.
      “Are you sure? You seem a bit off,” You pushed, hoping he would give you the honest answer. “Mhmm. I just- uh... I’m just tired,” He answered, turning his attention back to his food. You frowned, picking your lukewarm dumpings.
     You liked to call yourself a Yoongi translator. You knew a lot about his body language and usage of words. “I’m fine.” Usually meant just that. He was fine and meant it. But paired with his odd behavior just moments ago, you knew something was up. 
     But you also knew that Yoongi wasn’t an expressive person. He didn’t show powerful emotions very often. Yeah, he’s genuinely smiled before and chuckled. However, that was few and far between. Yoongi wasn’t good at expressing himself, and now that fact only worried you more. 
      “Hey Yoongs, you know the meanings of different flowers right?” You asked, brewing up an idea in your head. “Um, yes. You revealed that embarrassing fact when you snooped through my old books.” He said, raising his eyebrow incredulously. “What are you planning?” He asked. 
      You said nothing, instead opting to grab Yoongi and drag him out into the store. “Tell me how your feeling, but with the flowers,” You said. Yoongi looked at you like you’ve grown 3 head, “What?” He asked, still sounding iconically unimpressed. “I know something’s bothering you. I know it’s hard for you to express things sometimes, so tell me without words,” You explained, urging Yoongi to do as you say. “You don’t know the meanings though,” He argued. “Wrong. I studied them for a month straight to impress you. It’ll be fine,” You gave him a smile, and he felt his resolve breaking. 
     Yoongi thought about it for a second. Originally he was planning on just forgetting his entire plan and watching trash tv with you in the back until the sun came up, but this could work. Does he want it to work? Will you understand what he means when he gives you a pink camellia? Will you be weirded out if he presented you with red chrysanthemum? 
It was worth a shot. 
    Yoongi sighed, giving into your admittedly smart idea. This could work. Yoongi ran around the shop, picking out flowers of different kinds and colors, coming back to you with a messy bouquet. “Okay, lets begin. You won’t have to talk or explain, you can just nod your head,” You said. Yoongi nodded, handing you his first flower. 
A yellow hyacinth. 
“Jealousy? Are you jealous of someone?” You asked, 
Yoongi nodded.
A vine of ivy
“...Friendship? A friend? Are you jealous of a friend?”
Another nod. 
      “Secret love... You have a crush on somebody?” Your heart stung a bit at that one, but you schooled your emotions. This was about Yoongi, not you. “Your jealous of your crush?” You asked, but Yoongi shook his head no. “Your jealous of... your crushes friend...?” You guessed, Yoongi nodded, stoic face still unchanging. 
A red columbine.
    “Anxious, your crush makes you anxious?” You asked. Yoongi didn’t answer right away, but he lifted his hand and made a “sort of” motion. You racked your brain again for a moment. “Having a crush... makes you nervous?” 
Yoongi nodded
“Is it because your bad at expressing yourself?”
Yoongi gave you a ‘duh’ face, holding out another flower. 
 A yellow carnation
“They rejected you?” Yoongi shook his head, pointing back to the red columbine, “Ohhh, you’re scared that they will reject you.” A nod.
      Yoongi had one more flower left, but he didn’t give it to you just yet. He hid it behind his back, away from view, so you opted to cheer him up a bit in hopes that you’ll be able to comfort him enough to express this last thing. “Yoongs, you’re a great dude! Anybody would be lucky to have you! Sure, maybe your not as dramatic as me, but you care in your own way. That’s all that matters,” You said, giving him a smile. 
     Yoongi looked away from you to the side. He wasn’t usually a nervous person. Why is he so nervous? Why is this the one emotion that’s cripplingly strong? He could do it. He didn’t even have to say anything, just hand you the goddamn flower. He’s psyching himself out. Quickly, he thrusted the flower towards you without thinking.
Chucking, you took it in your hands
A red rose.
I love you.
      “Yoongi, you should give this to your crush, not me,” You chuckled, but Yoongi didn’t move, just stared at you with unimpressed eyes. “Yoongs, you don’t mean...” “I love you,” He blurted out, a soft blush dusting his cheeks. “Y-You do?” You asked. 
One last nod.
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      “Sup loser,” You lovingly greeted your grumpy boyfriend, giving him a kiss on the cheek. Yoongi rolled his eyes, wrapping an arm around your waist from where he was sat in his work chair, meticulously finishing up his last order of the day. “And you claim you love me when you treat me like that,” He said, voice gruff and scratchy from not using it for a while. 
      “Yeah, yeah, I love you too,” You chuckled. Yoongi bent down under the table and grabbed a flower, wordlessly handing it to you. “A red camellia?” You asked, taking a whiff of its pleasing aroma. “I’m expressing,” He said, and you nodded, understanding. 
     Yoongi’s gotten a bit better with expressing himself, but it can still be hard for him. As a solution, he talks to you in flowers when he wants to say something but can’t form the words. “You’re the flame in my heart too Yoongs,” You smiled, kissing the top of his head
Yoongi might not know the exact moment he fell in love with you. All he knew is that it happened swiftly and silently.
Like a zephyr on a warm day.
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agustdakasuga · 4 years
A Place Called Home Drabble | ‘wedding day’
Genre: Hybrid!AU, Poly!AU?, Soulmate AU, romance, fluff, humour
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: vet!reader, Arcticfox!Seokjin, Panther!Yoongi, Goldenretriever!Hoseok, Wolf!Namjoon, Calicocat!Jimin, Tiger!Taehyung, Rabbit!Jungkook
Summary: Having saved your own injured hybrid, you were determined to try and help any other hybrid that crossed your path who needed saving. But being a vet in a small hospital wasn’t enough for you. You wanted to do more, you wanted to make a difference. You wanted to give them a home.
It’s time to make it official.
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You ran to open the room door. 
“Head nurse Park!” You cried out loud, throwing your arms around her. She took a step back in shock as she hugged you, rubbing your back. You have been a mess the entire morning.  
“Where’s the angel?” She asked as you invited her into the hotel suite. 
“Taking his morning nap. He probably shouldn’t be seeing his mother turn into such a mess.” You rubbed your temples. Head nurse Park laughed and rubbed your back as you led her to the baby room, where Yoonjae was sleeping soundly. After checking him, the two of you stepped out. 
“Alright, I’m here on baby duty. Go back to getting ready.” She shooed you away. You went back to the main bedroom where your make up artist and hair stylist was waiting for you. 
“Calm down, mama.” Dr Yu patted your shoulders. 
“I can’t!” You were so jittery. The hair stylist continued curling and styling your hair while the make up artist finished your eyeshadow. 
“You’ll be fine. Don’t worry, you’re psyching yourself out.” Dr Lee chuckled, sipping her champagne with Dr Yu. 
“We bought a non alcoholic one for you.” She handed you a glass of alcohol free sparkling juice. You couldn’t drink since you were still breastfeeding Yoonjae and you weren’t going to risk something happening to a child because you were careless, no matter what the occasion was. You sipped the cold liquid, the bubbles helping you calm down. 
“I’m so glad I have you two.” You sighed happily. 
“We’ve got your back.” The two laughed. 
“Look who is awake, mama?” Head nurse Park came in with a half asleep Yoonjae. Yoonjae was never a baby that really cried much, which you were very thankful for. 
“Hello, angel.” You took Yoonjae into your arms. He rested his cheek on your shoulder, yawning sleepily. 
“He really is Yoongi’s son.” Dr Yu shook her head with a smile. Yoonjae loved napping, especially with his father. The two were really carbon copies. 
“Let’s get you changed.” You handed Yoonjae over to head nurse Park and went into the big bathroom with Dr Yu and Dr Lee. They unzipped the dress and helped you stepped in. 
“Absolutely stunning.” The two smiled softly at you. You turned around to see your reflection in the mirror and felt tears well up in your eyes. 
“No crying! You’ll ruin your make up and we’ll have to redo it!” Dr Lee laughed as she grabbed a tissue to dab under your eyes gently. You laughed through your tears. Not once did you ever imagine that you would be here, standing at where you currently were.. 
“Is she ready?” You heard a new voice and held your dress up, going out. 
“Mom.” You greeted her and she turned to face you. Seeing you all dolled up with your hair and make up in your stunning dress made her feel emotional too. And your mother was never one to really show emotions. 
“Beautiful.” She held your shoulders to take a good look at you. You hugged her, wrapping your arms around her. 
“You’ve really grown so much. I am proud of you and what you’ve become.” Your mother said. 
“Really?” You felt another round of tears come. 
“I don’t show it but I am so proud of you. Look at what a beautiful family you have.” She lightly kissed your cheek. From head nurse Park’s arms, Yoonjae reached out, wanting to be held by his grandmother. Your mother chuckled and held the child in her arms, cradling him gently, just like how she used to do it with you when you were Yoonjae’s age. 
“No more tears.” She smiled at you. 
“I’m only here because of you.” You knew what hardships your mother had to go through when your dad left without a trace. Even if you two never really expressed emotions, you were still very grateful for her. 
“Who is it?” Dr Yu went to the door. 
“No! I told you 7 that you’re not allowed to be here!” You heard her scolding and you already knew that it must have been the boys at the door. 
“I just want to know if my son is okay.” You distinctively heard Yoongi’s voice. 
“He is fine, in good hands. His mother and grandmother are here to look after him. You can see him after the ceremony. Now shoo! Go back to your wing!” She came back in, slamming the door in their faces. You threw your head back in laughter at her actions. 
“We have to go soon too.” Dr Lee checked her watch. 
“Stay with halmeoni, baby.” You kissed Yoonjae’s cheeks, laughing when you saw the sparkle from your lip gloss on his skin. Quickly, you grabbed a wet wipe to get it off. 
“Let’s go!” Dr Yu and Dr Lee slung arms with you. You nodded your head and wore your shoes. 
You stepped out but stopped outside the double doors. Your mother stood by your side with Yoonjae in her arms. He blinked in confusion, eyes shifting from side to side and you just melted at how adorable he was. 
“They’re in position.” Dr Lee peeked into the doors. You were jumpy and just couldn’t breathe properly with your heart pounding against your chest. You couldn’t believe it was actually happening. Of course, you had planned this with the boys a year ago and did a count down but you still felt that you didn’t have time to mentally prepare yourself. 
“You’ll be fine, dear. Calm down.” Your mother chuckled. 
“I just can’t believe it’s happening. What if we moved too fast? Are we being too rash?” You panicked. 
“Rash? You do know your mother is holding your son right? Those men there love you to death and they’ll never regret anything so you don’t have to worry. Stop scaring yourself.” Dr Yu told you. 
“You’re right.” You side eyed Yoonjae, who was blinking at you.
“I’m ready.” You took a deep breath. The doors opened and Dr Yu walked in front of you with Dr Lee, each holding their own bouquets. You walked behind them, holding your mother’s arm as she held Yoonjae. Yoonjae just looked bored at this point. 
“Absolutely gorgeous.” The 7 boys thought as they stood at the end of the aisle in their suits, waiting for you. 
The wait was definitely worth it, seeing your ethereal beauty. They were not allowed to see your dress, to see what you looked like. This was the first time this whole day that they were seeing you in your dress. 
“Hi.” You said shyly as you faced them. 
“Hey.” They greeted back, speechless from your beauty. Your cheeks heated up and you had to fan yourself slightly. 
“You may not exchange your vows with one another.” The officiant stepped aside to give all of you space. You all faced each other.
“My love.”
They all started their vows with your pet names, just like how they started when they first proposed to you at your new house. 
“I guess I’m first. You know I’m not one to openly talk about love like that but the first thing I have to say is, thank you, kitten. Not only did you save my life, but you also opened my heart. You healed me and my wounds. When you first brought me home, never did I think we would all be standing here. Now, we have our beautiful first born, Yoonjae. It’s an honour being your first hybrid.” Yoongi said.
The two of you turned to Yoonjae, who was now smiling at you. 
“Snowflake, there’s just so much to say. You say that I’m someone you know you can count on. Well, I feel that way with you. I know that you’ll always be there for me, for us. When things grew dark in my life, you were the light that constantly guided me.” Jin smiled. 
“Jagi, if you didn’t help me that night at the diner, I may not even be here. You took me, a stray, into your home just like that. You granted me shelter, you gave me a home.” Taehyung kept his short and sweet, worried he may cry. 
“I wasn’t there when you first met me. But I know, for sure, that I would have died that night if you didn’t save me. Even when I was angry with the world, you were always patient with me. You protected me and showed me what real love was.” Namjoon grinned, his dimple popping out. 
“(y/n), you were the angel in my life. I was scared of the outside world. No matter what happened, you have never judged me. You were always there to encourage me and love me. Even when you were in pain, you put me before yourself.” Jimin said. 
“My petal. I think if Yoongi hyung never found me that night, I never would have met you. I’m grateful for that. You love me for who I am. You give me the courage to be myself. You never made us feel unloved or abandoned.” Hoseok spoke.
“I was so horrible to you when we first met. I was just so angry but you never gave up on me, not once did you show any frustration. You were so loving, patient and kind, and you still are. When I came to you, you didn’t push me away like I did to you. Instead, you hugged me and let me cry on your shoulder.” Jungkook teared up. 
You were sure that you were a crying mess at this point. Jin cooed and leaned in to wipe your tears. 
“Breathe, my love.” Namjoon had a patient smile on his face. 
“Never did I once imagine that I would be standing here, getting married to all of you. From the night I met Yoongi, to right now, I have never felt even an ounce of regret from meeting all of you. 
You have all come so far and I am so proud of you. I’m grateful you let me stay by your side through each of your own journeys. You’re here today because of your own efforts and strong wills to get better and get to this point, you guys should give yourself more credit. It’s not all me.
We’ve been through a lot but I think that’s what makes us closer. I can’t wait for what life has installed for us but we’ll do it all together.” You said. 
The officiant carried on with the ceremony. 
“Do you take (y/n) (y/l/n) to be your lawfully wedded wife?” He turned to the 7 hybrid boys.
“I do.” They said in unison. 
“Do you take these 7 men to be your lawfully wedded husbands?” He turned to you. You gulped and nodded your head.
“I do.” You said. 
“You may now exchange rings.” They had their silver bands on while you had your diamond ring on your finger. You share a small kiss with each of them to end the ceremony. The crowd cheered and clapped for you as the 8 of you stepped out of the wedding hall. 
“You’re officially ours.” The boys shared looks and pulled you into their group hug. You laughed, letting your tears fall. Taehyung was quick to wipe them up.
“Come here, Yoonjae.” You carried him into your arms and Yoonjae rubbed his face into your neck. Yoongi rubbed his son’s back. 
“We love you.” The boys said. 
“I love you all too.” You smiled softly. 
“If we didn’t already mention, you look beautiful, snowflake. The dress is definitely made for you.” Jin held your hands in his and you blushed slightly, not used to the compliments.
“You all look rather dashing yourselves.” You giggled. Yoonjae began to whine, probably sleepy and wanting to take his nap. 
“I’ll take over.” Yoongi carried Yoonjae and stepped aside to a more quiet area to soothe his son and put him to sleep. Jungkook wrapped his arms around your waist, kissing your cheek. 
“I was so nervous.” You told them honestly. 
“Afraid we would run away?” Jungkook teased and you blushed. 
“Well, if it was any consolation, we were afraid that you would run away. That when those doors opened, there would be no one standing there.” Hoseok gently patted your head and you laughed. It was some comfort that the boys were fearing the same thing that you were fearing. I guess, you could call it a match made in heaven them. 
“We would never run away from you.” Jimin gently cupped your cheeks. 
“Yeah, you’re kinda stuck with us for life.” Taehyung held your hand with your wedding band, running his thumb over it. 
“There’s nothing I would want more.” You confessed, playing along with their cheesy, flirty attitude. Turning your head, you saw that Yoonjae had quickly fallen asleep in Yoongi’s arms. 
“But seriously, my love. There was nothing for you to worry about. You are absolutely perfect. It would be crazy of us not to wed you.” Namjoon consoled.
“I know, it’s was just my nerves getting the best of me.” You smiled. 
“Well, it’s your wedding day so enjoy yourself. We’ve got baby duty taken care of.” Jin gestured to Yoonjae.
“But it’s all of your wedding day too. We should all be enjoying it together. We can share baby duty. And Yoonjae is the easiest baby to care for. We’re married now, we have to share everything, including baby duties. Or did you forget that?” You giggled as you nudged him. 
“Oh right, I nearly forgot. Thanks for the reminder.” Jin winked. You burst out laughing and hugged him. 
“I haven’t scolded you guys for making me sob up there! What was with those vows, are you all trying to kill me? And you guys were the ones that made me promise no emotional vows.” You crossed your arms. 
“Yeah, we made you promise no emotional vows. We never promised anything.” Jungkook raised his eyebrows. 
“Well played, Jeon.” You playfully glared at him. 
“Time for pictures!” Dr Yu and Dr Lee, your bridesmaids, called all of you. Your mother helped hold a sleeping Yoonjae. 
“Say cheese!” You stood in the middle of all your boys as the photographer snapped the picture. 
Everything just felt right. It had been right since the beginning but this just made it all that real, it made it official. You’re all tied together by the strings of fate and nothing was ever going to separate you from your boys. From this point on, you knew your family was just going to grow with your love for one another. 
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madam-melon-meow · 3 years
Bisexual Kyoshi is something that can be so personal, actually
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Panel edit by @flagellasturbation
[image I.D. : An edit of a comic panel of avatar Kyoshi. On the left in the image is a close-up of Kyoshi from the torso up, contained within an upside-down trapezoid shape. She wears her full battle uniform of olive and emerald robes, dark gloves and bracers, and a golden headpiece in a fan-like shape. Her eyes are the same emerald shade as her robes, she has black hair billowing to the left edge of the image, and her black eyebrows have been dramatically lengthened by black face paint. Her face and neck are artificially whitened with chalky makeup, she has black winged eyeliner, red eyeshadow that sweeps upwards to her temples and down the sides of her nose, and red lipstick outlined in black. This is the classic Kyoshi makeup. Her arms are crossed, the left arm behind her head pointing a golden fan away from the viewer, the right arm extended in front of her face, another golden fan pointed towards the viewer. She appears to be looking upwards and towards the right of the image. Above Kyoshi’s eye level and in the top right of the image is a comic text box. It reads in all caps: “even avatar Kyoshi- who by all accounts loved men and women- was unable to effect any kind of real progress.” The background art and color has been replaced with the Bisexual Flag, a thick horizontal line of pink on top, stopping at Kyoshi’s cheek level, then a thinner line of purple ending at her shoulders, and a thick line of blue that extends to the bottom of the image. End I.D.]
(If someone does not find my image I.D. sufficient, please let me know. This is my first time trying to make such a thing, as i am a lurker, not a poster)
Rise of Kyoshi by F.C. Yee, page 99 (text copy / pasted from the b&n ebook version)
““Are those . . . fire lilies?” he said, a wide, knowing grin spreading across his face.
Kyoshi flushed beet red. “Stop it,” she said.
“That’s right,” Yun said. “The Ember Island tourism minister brought a bunch when he visited two weeks ago. I can’t believe you simply shred the flowers once they dry out. I guess nothing goes to waste in this house.”
“Knock it off,” Kyoshi snapped. But it was too hard keeping the corners of her lips from curling upward.
“Knock what off?” he said, enjoying her reaction. “I’m just commenting on a fragrance I’ve come to particularly enjoy.”
It was an inside reference that only the two of them shared. Rangi didn’t know. She hadn’t been there in the gifting room eight months ago while Kyoshi arranged a vast quantity of fire lilies sent by an admiral in the Fire Navy, one of Hei-Ran’s friends.
Yun had spent the afternoon watching Kyoshi work. Against every scrap of her better judgment, she’d allowed him to lie down on the floor and rest his head in her lap while she plucked deformed leaves and trimmed stems to the right length. Had anyone caught the two of them like that, there would have been a scandal that not even the Avatar could have recovered from.
That day, entranced by Yun’s upside-down features dappled with the flower petals she’d teasingly sprinkled over his face, she’d almost leaned down and kissed him. And he knew it. Because he’d almost reached up and kissed her.
They never spoke of it afterward, the shared impulse that had nearly crashed both of their carriages. It was too . . . well, they each had their duties was a good way to put it. That moment did not fit anywhere among their responsibilities.
But since then, whenever the two of them were in the presence of fire lilies, Yun’s eyes would dart toward the flowers repeatedly until he was sure Kyoshi noticed. She would try unsuccessfully to keep a straight face, the heat coloring her neck, and he’d sigh as if to mourn what could have been.
Today was no different. With a wistful blush on his own cheeks, Yun stared her down until her defenses broke and she let out a giggle through her nose.
“There’s that beautiful smile,” he said. He pressed his heels into the floor, sliding up against the wall, and straightened his rumpled shirt. “Kyoshi, trust me when I say this: If it turns out not to be me, I’ll be glad it’s you.”
Rise of Kyoshi by F.C. Yee, page 210 (text copy / pasted from the b&n ebook version)
“You think you don’t deserve peace and happiness and good things, but you do!” Rangi yelled. “You, Kyoshi! Not the Avatar, but you!”
She closed the distance and wrapped her arms around Kyoshi’s waist. The embrace was a clever way to hide her face.
“Do you have any idea how painful it’s been for me to follow you on this journey where you’re so determined to punish yourself?” she said. “Watching you treat yourself like an empty vessel for revenge, when I’ve known you since you were a servant girl who couldn’t bend a pebble? The Avatar can be reborn. But you can’t, Kyoshi. I don’t want to give you up to the next generation. I couldn’t bear to lose you.”
Kyoshi realized she’d had it all wrong. Rangi was a true believer. But her greatest faith had been for her friends, not her assignment. She pulled Rangi in closer. She thought she heard a slight, contented sigh come from the other girl.
“I wish I could give you your due,” Rangi muttered after some time had passed. “The wisest teachers. Armies to defend you. A palace to live in.”
Kyoshi raised an eyebrow. “The Avatar gets a palace?”
“No, but you deserve one.”
“I don’t need it,” Kyoshi said. She smiled into Rangi’s hair, the soft strands caressing her lips. “And I don’t need an army. I have you.”
Psh,” Rangi scoffed. “A lot of good I’ve been so far. If I were better at my job you would never feel scared. Only loved. Adored by all.”
Kyoshi gently nudged Rangi’s chin upward. She could no more prevent herself from doing this than she could keep from breathing, living, fearing.
“I do feel loved,” she declared.
Rangi’s beautiful face shone in reflection. Kyoshi leaned in and kissed her.
A warm glow mapped Kyoshi’s veins. Eternity distilled in a single brush of skin. She thought she would never be more alive than now.
And then—
The shock of hands pushing her away. Kyoshi snapped out of her trance, aghast.
Rangi had flinched at the contact. Repelled her. Viscerally, reflexively.
Oh no. Oh no.
This couldn’t—not after everything they’d been through—this couldn’t be how it—
Kyoshi shut her eyes until they hurt. She wanted to shrink until she vanished within the cracks of the earth. She wanted to become dust and blow away in the wind.
But the sound of laughter pulled her back. Rangi was coughing, drowning herself with her own tears and mirth. She caught her breath and retook Kyoshi by the hips, turning to the side, offering up the smooth, unblemished skin of her throat.
“That side of my face is busted up, stupid,” she whispered in the darkness. “Kiss me where I’m not hurt.”
I include both these quotes because i've seen a few posts about the “gigantic lesbian” avatar, and although i am glad my sapphic sisters feel connected to Kyoshi (as well they should!), that doesn't mean i wish to simply be quiet on the matter of her textual bisexuality. I understand that not everyone has read her novels, nor has everyone read legend of Korra comics, but Kyoshi is *textually* bisexual.
Kyoshi had a loving romantic relationship with her firebending friend Rangi, but this does not erase her feelings for her earthbending friend Yun, even if neither of them were able to properly express it due to their respective “status”. (For context if you haven’t read, the masters believed that Yun was the avatar, and though he was bodyguarded by Rangi, and though Kyoshi was his servent, the three of them were simiar ages and thus close friends until the discovery of Kyoshi’s true ability destroyed their former lives). Hell, Kyoshi and Rangi do not become intimate until after fleeing their former lives. Who is to say what would have happened, had Yun not been captured by father glowworm ?
I know that there is a chance you will scoff at this, will write this off as comphet, accuse me of disproportionately weighting an almost-kiss with a true relationship, but these above quotes (as well as the comic panel from “the legend of korra: turf wars- part 1”) serve as proof that Kyoshi, “by all accounts loved men and women” (see panel directly below)
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[image I.D. : the same comic panel as the edit above, this one without the bisexual flag edited in. Directly behind Kyoshi, within the upside-down trapezoid shape, is an olive to lime gradient, darker around her head and lighter near the bottom. Around and to the right in the image, outside of the trapezoid, is an aerial shot of buildings within an Earth Kingdom city, and what appears to be the lines of troops on the ground far below. the text box in the image is the same, but I have underlined the word “men” in blue, the word “and” in purple, and the word “women” in pink, to reflect the bisexual flag. End I.D.]
I am making such a big deal over this because Kyoshi is a massive figure, her long shadow cast over Aang’s life alongside Roku’s, and even before her novels came out there were often jokes about her “bloodthirsty” nature. I implore you to read the novels and see why Kyoshi believed in deadly justice at times, but also so you can see what a dynamic, loving, and beautiful character she is.
Some members of fandom have taken a “step on me” attitude towards Kyoshi, who has, even if the 7 feet tall thing is more fanon than canon, been explicitly described as “exceptionally tall”, and “towering” over others. This “strong woman who will break me and I thank them” attitude is one that butch &/or physically imposing sapphics, as well as trans women with similar statures to Kyoshi have expressed discomfort when applied to themselves and characters like them. I would love for more people to acknowledge her flaws and multi-faceted nature, that she is more than a “warrior goddess”, just as Aang is more than a living relic. Flattening her out to the easily-fetishable parts erases the depth of her character and the complexity of circumstances that led to the instances of deadly force.
There are very few bisexual characters in media, especially women, and especially in children’s media. Bisexual women have often been caricatured as loose, promiscuous, good for a threesome and not much else. (This is mot to say that i think any lesser of my fellow bisexuals who are proudly promiscious, nor can an actual live bisexual person be considered a stereotype for living their life, but media’s portayal of us as obsessed with desire is incredibly harmful). Knowing that a strong, beautiful, and important character in the avatar universe is a bisexual woman is amazing, even more so to have her first lady-love described in the novels with such care. F. C. Yee, the author of these novels, has my eternal gratitude. I sincerely hope that the new generation of fans, whether they are drawn to the cartoon or even the hypothetical live action show, will pick up these novels and discover the kind of bisexual character that I wish existed in my early days as a reader, and if a small fraction of them resonate with Kyoshi’s reciprocal on Yun and love for Rangi, then the world becomes a little bit brighter for it.
I mentioned her importance for the simple reason that Kyoshi IS important with the text of ATLA. As one of the avatars, she is one of the most historically important figures in that universe, one of the few avatars that Aang knows by name, and one of the only avatars to speak through his body. The fact that she has two whole novels to herself testifies to that effect, making her bisexual representation all the more important than a simple background character might be. 
If or when the ATLA live action tv show occurs, we can expect some mention of Kyoshi. After all, there is a whole episode dedicated to exploring one of her missions, and the way that the descendants of her enemy have recolored history. It is my sincere desire that enough discussion is made about her canon bisexuality , that fandom trumphets it from the roof with as much force as crackshipping zukka, that when she does make it to the screen, there is some subtle nod in her bisexuality’s direction, even if it is something as meta as casting a bisexual actress for her. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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edit by @flagellasturbation​
[image I.D. : An edit of a comic panel of avatar Kyoshi. This is like the first image, Kyoshi and the text box of the comic panel untouched, the background color and art replaced with the bisexual flag. However, this version has the words “by all accounts” blown up large and placed diagonally in the image, directly under Kyoshi’s face and stretching from one side of the image to the other. The bottom third of the image is similarly obscured, the words  “men” , “and” , “women” blown up large enough to fill the panel and cover most of Kyoshi’s torso, as well as the purple and blue areas of the background flag. End I.D.]
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wayward-dreamer · 3 years
Life’s Lessons - Epilogue
Title: Life’s Lessons - Epilogue: A Lesson in Making a Life
Pairing: Mechanic!Dean x Female!Teacher!Reader
Word Count: 4,160 (song lyrics in italics)
Warnings: SO MUCH FLUFF, YOU GUYS. Some swearing, Lots of kissing, Happy Tears, Dean being the cutest and sweetest he’s ever been in this series. Implied sex. Just a whole bunch of happiness. I don’t want to say anything and ruin the surprise, but there’s absolutely nothing but fluff here!
Music: Thank You by Led Zeppelin (Lyrics spaced out throughout, listen to it during the whole epilogue. Loop it if you can lol!)
Life’s Lessons Spotify Playlist
A/N: I made myself cry with this epilogue. There’s just so much fluff, you guys! So, happy reading and enjoy! Thank you so much to everyone for coming along on this journey, I have loved every minute of it and I hope you have too! Who knows, though... it might not be completely over! ;)
Life’s Lessons Masterlist
Dividers by the wonderful @firefly-graphics​! Check her out for all your AU needs!!!
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6 Months Later
If the sun refuses to shine
I would still be loving you
“So, you don’t know what he has planned for tonight?”
Y/N stood in front of her mirror, applying her make-up. Charlie, who sat on the bed behind her, had just asked her that question, to which Y/N shook her head.
“No idea” she said, before picking up her eyeliner and bringing it to her right eye first.
Meg walked into the room, handing Charlie one of the glasses of water she had in her hands. “If he told you to dress up, it’s something important.”
Y/N smiled, shrugging her shoulders. “Maybe. I just want to have a good time tonight. He’s been so busy with the house; we can finally relax tonight.”
“You still want it to be a surprise, huh?” Charlie asked, smiling.
“Yeah” Y/N replied, quietly, smiling to herself.
A lot had happened in Dean and Y/N’s life.
They had spent nearly every waking moment together, when they weren’t at work or with their friends or Dean’s family. To say that they fell more in love with each other every day was an understatement. They both couldn’t believe how much more they were able to give with each passing moment. Since Dean had told her about the house, they had begun planning everything for it together. She would give him her ideas from her home magazines, telling him different ways to go about doing the internal re-model. However, Dean being Dean, didn’t tell her which of her ideas he was taking on board. He had taken her saying she wanted to be surprised very seriously.
Y/N couldn’t believe how far they had come; from just being neighbors and liking each other, to a proper couple in the span of several months. She had met his family, and everyone loved her instantly. They had their first Valentine’s Day and Dean had pulled out all the stops, taking her to a fancy restaurant and then a hotel in the city for the night, taking work off the next day which she did too, enjoying spending time together before their late check-out.
Then, the time came for Dean to meet her parents. She had been nervous, but she knew her family would give him the same treatment that his gave her. They had come down from New York to visit her just as summer break started. Her parents along with her sister and brother-in-law and the kids all hauled themselves down to Kansas to see her and meet Dean. When she had told him, he had been incredibly nervous to meet them, but had agreed, nonetheless.
They spent an entire afternoon together, Dean played with Y/N’s nieces who were obsessed with him now, took her dad and Brian out for a spin in the Impala, and charmed her mom and Jill all day until her sister and brother-in-law returned to the hotel with the kids, as Y/N’s parents were staying with her. Dean had passed with flying colors, which they were both so relieved about. The family’s trip there pretty much cemented that things were serious, and they were moving onto a bright future together.
Once the family had left after visiting for a week, Dean took Y/N on a trip to California, on a two-week getaway that he cited they needed to take after working so hard for the last several months. It was their first trip together, and Dean had driven them down there. The beach house they got to stay in belonged to a friend of Sam’s from college, which they had all to themselves as the friend and his wife had gone to Europe for the summer. Sam and Eileen weren’t able to go, as she didn’t want to endure a long drive while pregnant, and she also couldn’t fly now. So, Dean took the opportunity to be alone with Y/N, spending a romantic trip away together. They spent their days on the beach, exploring the town and soaking up the sun, with their nights spent at bars, restaurants and night walks along the shore, before exploring each other once they got back to the house.
It had been exactly what they needed, both of them falling even more in love with each other if that was even possible.
Sam and Eileen’s son was born a week after the trip, both parents exhausted but over the moon with their bundle of joy. Dean and Y/N had taken on babysitting duties a couple of months later, knowing the parents definitely needed a break. As if seeing Dean with her nieces hadn’t been enough, Dean with his baby nephew was a sight to behold and had given Y/N plenty of thoughts she shouldn’t have had. Not for a while, at least.
She knew they were heading in that direction, and she also knew that Dean felt the same way, but it was better to not get carried away with thoughts of marriage and children until those things were properly on the cards for them.
When mountains crumble to the sea
There will still be you and me
Six months later, nearly a year to the day she had met him, and she had fallen harder with each day that passed. He made her feel loved, protected and safe. He cared about her and her job, her passions and her wants and needs. He was completely satisfying in every department, especially the bedroom, getting her to admit to fantasies she had hidden and even playing out a very particular one. She had given him his teacher fantasy, so it was only right he gave her one of hers.
Through it all, there was only one thought she had. That she wanted to spend the rest of her life with Dean Winchester. She wanted to make a life with him and only him. He was her person.
As Y/N reflected on everything that had happened, she quickly changed into her wine-red dress and nude heels, put on her thin, diamond, drop earrings and made sure her Y/H/C hair was still perfectly styled and her make-up was flawless, having gone for a lighter look with a light pink lip.
“So… how do I look?” she asked, turning to her friends.
“Beautiful” they both sighed, smiling at her.
“He’s not going to know what hit him” Meg said with a wink.
Just then, the doorbell rang a couple of times, signalling Dean had walked over to her house to come and get her. She still only used it to keep her clothes and do her work in her office, spending most of the days and all her nights over at Dean’s.
“Alright, I better go” she said, doing one last check in the mirror. “You girls stay as long as you want, just-”
“Lock up when we leave, we know” Charlie smiled. “Go.”
Y/N smiled as she walked out of the bedroom, Charlie and Meg hanging around in the hallway as they watched her greet Dean with a kiss.
“She really has no idea what’s going to happen soon” Charlie quietly squealed.
“I know” Meg said, excitedly as they both waved at Dean, giving him a thumbs up as he winked at them when Y/N’s back was turned. She smiled back at them one last time before shutting the door, leaving the girls in the house.
“I always knew they’d get to this point” Charlie said, beaming. “Gosh, I’m so happy she came into his life.”
“Amen to that” Meg said, as she clinked her glass of water against Charlie’s. They both took a few sips, before rinsing the glasses and picking up their bags.
“Alright, what time did Dean say they’ll be done?” Meg asked, as they stepped out the door and locked up Y/N’s house.
“Around 9” Charlie replied, as they got into her car.
“Good. That means we have enough time” Meg said, as she buckled her seatbelt.
They both couldn’t wait to help Dean make this a night Y/N would remember forever.
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Kind woman, I give you my all
Kind woman, nothing more
Dean smiled at the look on Y/N’s face as the waitress popped the champagne he had ordered, pouring them each some in the champagne flutes before putting the bottle in the ice bucket, and walking away. He loved the look of surprise and giddiness on her face, but she really had no idea what was in store for her tonight.
“This is all too much, Dean” she said, shaking her head even though she was smiling. “Champagne, the restaurant to ourselves…”
He waved her off, smirking. “I’ve been coming here for years, so Tony owed me at this point.”
He had taken her to the restaurant he took her to on their first date, just six months ago. He had known the owner for years, coming in here often enough plus Dean fixing Tony’s car several times in the past few years, plus the place practically being an institution of Lawrence, all added up to Dean being able to have the place for themselves that night.
“Well, I’m glad it didn’t cost you much” she smiled, as she picked up her glass and held it up for a toast. “To six, amazing, official months, but to one whole year of knowing you.”
“To knowing you, too” he smirked as he clinked his glass with hers, secretly touched that she had said that.
Dean knew that he was truly blessed to have the amazing woman sitting in front of him, in his life. She had saved him from a life of misery, something he never would’ve realized or gotten out of if she hadn’t shown up and completely turned his life around, for the better. She made him feel appreciated, valued, cared for and loved. She was genuinely excited about his achievements when it came to work, and even gave him ideas on how to do things when he voiced that he was lost sometimes. She supported him and his passion, being equally passionate and driven, just in her own profession.
She was absolutely stunning, knocking him down a few pegs every time he looked at her, and god damn it, if she wasn’t the sexiest woman he had ever been with. She had fulfilled a fantasy of his, and he had returned the favor recently, finding out while he enjoyed her being dominant towards him, he absolutely loved seeing her being submissive for him.
He knew from the moment they met that she was going to be sticking around for a while. Then, a while turned into him wanting her around forever, once things became more serious between them.
Meeting her family sealed the deal for him, however. He wanted Y/N in his life for as long as they lived.
Little drops of rain whisper of the pain
Tears of love lost in the days gone by
They ate and drank, chatting about everything they could, enjoying each other’s company. They never ran out of things to talk about, and they both hoped they never would. Once Dean paid for dinner and dessert which had consisted of an incredibly rich chocolate cake, they took a stroll through the park to get to the car. It was a pleasant night, not blazing hot like it had been during the day, with a light, cool breeze. Y/N kept looking over at Dean, dressed in his best dark jeans, a light blue shirt and his good boots, proving that he always looked incredible.
Their hands were intertwined as they walked, stealing kisses and touches from each other as they made their way to the car. They could barely ever keep their hands off each other, but Dean was being extra lovey and Y/N had begun to wonder what he was up to.
“Ready for the next thing?” he asked, as he sat in the car, turning the ignition on.
“Absolutely” she replied, smiling brightly.
“Good” he said, before he reached over and opened the glove compartment, taking out a tie he had stashed in there. “Turn around, sweetheart.”
“Oh my god, Dean, what kind of thing do you planned?” she asked, her eyes widening as she saw the tie.
“It’s nothing like that, Y/N” he replied, as he nudged her to turn. “Unless you want it to be” he smirked, even though she had turned and couldn’t see him.
He wrapped the tie around her head, covering her eyes before tying it at the back.
“Is this really necessary?” she asked, pouting her lips.
He chuckled, leaning in and kissing them. “Yes.”
He pulled out his phone and sent a quick message before he started the Impala. The engine roared to life, before he put it in drive and made his way down the road.
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They hadn’t been driving long, but Dean had taken several turns in the last few minutes. Y/N was confused as to where they were going but didn’t say anything. She knew he had a knack for surprising her, and she didn’t want to spoil that for him.
Dean quickly pulled up outside his newly renovated, two-storey house. He shut off the engine, just as he saw two figures walk out of the house. He got out of the car and smiled at Charlie and Meg who waved at him, before quietly making their way down the driveway and towards Charlie’s car. He waited until they had completely driven away before walking around the front of the car and opening the passenger door.
“Can I take this off now? What took you so long to get here from the other side?” she asked, starting to get a little suspicious now.
“Y/N, you gotta relax” he laughed, as he turned her around and held onto her shoulders, guiding her up the sidewalk, after he had locked the car.
He walked her up the path in the still-to-be-finished garden, which she wouldn’t be seeing at that moment. He carefully led her up the porch stairs, making sure she didn’t trip with her heels on. He opened the door and led her in, her heels echoing on the hardwood floors.
“Dean, what’s going on?” she asked, impatiently as she heard her shoes on the floors.
“Just one more second” he replied, as he moved in front of her and guided her through the hallway, past the living area and into the middle room. When he stopped, he felt his heart beating wildly in his chest.
“Okay… ready?” he asked, holding onto the tie being used to blindfold her.
“Yes” she replied, somewhere between exasperated and excited.
Dean laughed to himself, as he moved in front of her. “Okay. 1… 2… 3…”
He counted down and opened the knot, dropping the blindfold. He watched her eyes flutter open, smirking as they immediately widened when she realized where she was. She let out a loud gasp, her eyes flitting to every part of the room, lit up with candles everywhere.
Y/N couldn’t believe her eyes as she looked around the room, turning in circles to see every part of it. The hardwood floors, the beautiful dining table that she loved from one of her magazines, a large archway leading to the living area, still to be furnished. However, the thing that got her immediately was the huge kitchen. It was her dream kitchen, with a big island bench in the middle, a beautiful stove and oven, the cabinets painted a dark shade of green with gold handles, and marble countertops. There was a picture window in the kitchen with a ledge, with an empty glass box for her herbs.
Y/N looked back at Dean, his smirk wide as he bit his lip, gaging her reaction. She laughed as she launched herself into him, wrapping her arms around his neck. She felt tears prick her eyes as she shook her head.
“You like?” he asked, rubbing his hand down her back.
She pulled away slightly to look up at him. “Like?” She shook her head, as she looked around again. “Dean… I’m speechless. I-I… I absolutely love it.”
“Okay, good, because it’s still not quite done. I left a few things like the living area and painting unfinished, so they we can decide that stuff together.”
“It’s all perfect, and it’s going to be even more perfect once it’s completely done. Dean… it’s beautiful. It’s… it’s my dream house” she choked up, not being able to talk.
There were large windows in the living area, and large French doors that led out to the covered porch, and then the backyard.
“Everything’s done, just needs furnishing and your touch. Master suite is done but not furnished. Guest room’s done and we can put your bed in there for now, but I left the other two rooms unfurnished too… for… well, you know” he muttered, his cheeks turning red. He was already thinking about how their future kids.
She smiled through tears, leaning in and kissing him, feverishly. “I love you. I love that you put everything into this for yourself, for me… for our future family.”
My love is strong
With you there is no wrong
Together we shall go until we die, my, my, my
He leaned in and kissed her again, wrapping his arms around her waist as he pulled her deeper into the kiss.
“That’s a lot of candles” she laughed when she pulled away.
“Thank Charlie and Meg for that. They wanted to help make tonight special for you” he told her, smiling as he kissed her softly again.
“For us” she playfully corrected him.
He chuckled, nodding. “Yeah. Us.”
He looked down at her and Y/N smiled at him, squinting slightly as she noticed something different in his eyes. She couldn’t quite place it but it didn’t seem like it was a bad thing.
An inspiration is what you are to me
Inspiration, look, see
Y/N slowly pulled away from him and smiled as she walked away, going into the kitchen. She ran her hand over the countertops, opening cabinets and drawers, smiling the entire time. Dean was glad she had taken a moment to do that, as he took a deep breath, nervously touching his back pocket to his jeans. He smiled as he watched her; the dream he had so many times over the years was finally taking shape. She looked up at him and frowned, seeing his nervous stance as he stood there in the room. She walked over to him, placing her hands on his chest. He gulped as he looked down at her, a small smile tugging at his lips.
“Dean… are you okay?” she asked, her voice slightly scared.
“I’m okay” he nodded, as he took her left hand in his and brought it to his lips, kissing it. “In fact, I’m better than okay. I’ve been better than okay since you came into my life.”
She smiled at him, feeling the same way for him.
And so today, my world, it smiles
Your hand in mine, we walk the miles
“You came here and changed everything; you turned everything upside down in the best way possible, sweetheart. You made me realize what I was missing. You’ve been everything I’ve ever needed in my life. You’ve supported me and actually cared about what I do. I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I’m so glad I have you. You saved me” he told her, pulling her in close as he looked into her eyes.
“Dean” she sighed, looking up at him with all the love she had for him.
“I want us to make a life here. I want us to be a family. I promise you, right here, right now – I’ll always take care of you. I’ll never hurt you, or make you feel you’re less than what you are. You’re beautiful, strong, smart, kind and caring. You love everyone around you, and they know that you’ve got their back. I know you’ve been hurt in the past, but I promise… I’ll never do that to you. I never thought I’d get to have this; a beautiful woman to make a life with, but I know I don’t want it with anyone else but you” he said, as he moved back slightly.
Y/N’s eyes widened as Dean crouched down, getting down on one knee, her hand still in his.
And thanks to you it will be done
For you to me are the only one
“Dean” she gasped, as fresh tears welled in her eyes.
“I want you for the rest of my life, sweetheart. I love you, more than I ever thought possible to love someone. I promise I’ll love you for the rest of our lives” he smiled, his voice shaking with emotion. He reached into his back pocket and took out the little black box, opening it to reveal a beautiful, sparkling modest diamond ring in a platinum setting.
Y/N sobbed as she cupped her other hand over her mouth, the tears running down her face. She looked Dean in the eyes as he spoke, seeing everything he promised her, right there in his beautiful green orbs.
“Y/N Y/L/N… will you marry me?” he asked, his heart feeling like it would explode any minute.
Y/N pulled her hand away from her mouth, laughing through tears. “Yes! Yes, Dean, yes!”
Dean beamed, his smile brighter than ever before, as he took out the ring from the box and slowly slipped it onto her ring finger. He stood up, slightly off balance as she jumped on him, wrapping her arms around his neck. His automatically went around her waist, lifting her up, her heeled feet dangling above the ground. She pressed her lips to his, kissing him hard and passionately.
“I love you” she said, between kisses. “I love you, so much.”
“I love you too, sweetheart” he whispered, unable to stop kissing her. “Fuck, I love you so damn much.”
Happiness, no more be sad
Happiness – I’m glad
Y/N pulled away to look into Dean’s eyes, her face level with his. She leaned her forehead against his, tears still running down her face. Dean leaned in and kissed them away, smiling at her. She looked down at her ring, her smile beaming as bright as the diamond.
“It’s so beautiful” she said, wiggling her finger against the light of the candles in the room.
“It’s was my mom’s” he told her, smirking. “When I told her that I was planning on proposing, she gave it to me.”
Y/N was shocked as she shook her head. “She wanted you to give this to me?”
“Yeah, Y/N. She loves you; we all do. You’re a part of our family. She wanted you to have it… I want you to have it” he explained, looking into her eyes with all the sincerity of the situation.
“But, Eileen…” Y/N shook her head, not understanding.
“Sam bought his own ring back then, because he told mom when she offered hers that I should be the one to give it to someone. Who knew it would take this long to find the one woman worthy of it, but here we are” he said, smiling down at her.
Y/N choked out a sob, as fresh tears started. “I love it. I love you, Dean. I’m so happy.”
“Me too” he said, feeling his eyes getting misty.
They stood there in each other’s embrace, in the middle of the room, unable to stop kissing and touching each other. They weren’t sure how much time had passed. All they cared about in that moment was each other. However, Dean slowly put her down on her feet and took her hand, leading her across the room and up the wood staircase. He walked her slowly down the hallway once she admired the space near the landing, knowing that it would make a nice space for their future children. He led her past the rooms and into what would be their bedroom, smirking as he saw a few candles there too, blankets on the carpeted floor and a few throw pillows.
Dean turned to Y/N and pulled her close to him, leaning down and kissing her, feverishly. They slowly undressed each other as Dean laid her down on the blankets, her head on one of the pillows. Dean moved within her, wrapped tightly in her embrace, as they made love in their new home for the first time.
As they laid back against the pillows and basked in the afterglow, Dean leaned in and kissed her again, smiling against her lips as they continued their passionate exchange.
It wasn’t the first, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last.
There would be many more for years to come, as it held the promise of a lifetime together.
If the sun refused to shine
I would still be loving you
When mountains crumble to the sea
There will still be you and me
Tags: @flamencodiva​ @deanwanddamons​ @winchest09​ @katehuntington​ @akshi8278​ @hobby27​ @michellethetvaddict​ @spngirl05​ @kyjey​ @halesandy​ @440mxs-wife​ @stoneyggirl​ @deanswaywardgirl​ @wonder-cole​ @that-one-gay-girl​ @redbarn1995​ @marianita195​ @babypink224221​ @deans-baby-momma​ @parinarain​ @thoughts-and-funnies​ @mandalou29​ @castiels-a-winchester @ellewritesfix05​ @jerkbitchidjitassbutt​ @supraveng​ @roonyxx​ @supernatural-love14​ @vicmc624​ @prettyboyswow​ @lunarmoon8​ @supernatural-bellawinchester​
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nikosheba · 3 years
The Mystery of the Vanishing Elf
First of all, this is not my meta; I’m posting this on behalf of Azh, who wrote it and wanted it on tumblr. (They did say I could take credit for bothering them to write it, and for helping kick around ideas, so I will :D)
Link to the meta on AO3
[all page numbers from the 2007 HarperCollins edition of The Children of Húrin, ISBN 978 0 00 724622 9]
Thanks to starlightwalking for beta-ing!
So I just finished reading the Children of Húrin—which, let’s be honest, I was mostly reading to get the expanded version of the Túrin and Beleg content.  So at first when I started reading the second half — after Beleg’s death — I figured the reason I was less drawn to the text was because, well, Beleg was dead and therefore was less present in the narrative.  After I’d finished the book and put it down, though, I realized it was a little more than that.  Beleg wasn’t just less present. He was completely absent. This is no exaggeration: between the last mention of Beleg’s name in Chapter IX (“The Death of Beleg”) and Túrin’s death, when Gurthang asks to forget the “blood of Beleg my master” there is a single mention of his name, and it’s only a passing description of Gurthang itself as “the Black Sword of Beleg” (pg. 237).
Túrin never says his name again.
What’s going on here?  This is, quite frankly, bizarre. The entire first half of the narrative pivots around the relationship between Túrin and Beleg.  Beleg is the one who finds Túrin when he’s just a child his mother is sending to Thingol in Doriath. Beleg is his friend when’s growing up on Doriath — one of two really mentioned, the other being Nellas — and when Túrin is grown and goes off to be with the marchwardens, “Beleg and Túrin were companions in every peril” (pg 86).  When Thingol and Mablung and everyone else are ready to assume the worst of Túrin, it’s Beleg who shows up with Nellas to tell them what really happened, and it’s notable that this means Beleg didn’t see what happened; he just implicitly trusted Túrin and was the only one to do so.  They care about each other a lot. There is a brief portion of time while Túrin is with the outlaws that they aren’t together (that’s a whole nother post in itself) but Beleg returns to Túrin on Amon Rudh, “in this way, Beleg came back to Túrin, yielding to his love against his wisdom.  Túrin was glad indeed, for he had often regretted his stubbornness; and now the desire of his heart was granted…it seemed to [the outlaws] there had been a tryst between Beleg and their caption.” (pg 139).  These boys are in love. It’s textual.  There’s only one other character Túrin is described as loving in a similar way, and it’s Níniel (Niënor), whom he marries.
In fact, it’s staggering that Níniel is the only other one (pg 218 “Turambar restrained himself no longer, but asked her in marriage”), because there is a very big elephant in the room, and it’s the person whom Níniel is occasionally compared to, Finduilas.  Finduilas is mentioned three times in the text after her death, including twice by Túrin himself in direct quotations:
- “Then Turambar who led the men started back and covered his eyes, and trembled; for it seemed that he saw the wraith of a slain maiden that lay on the grave of Finduilas.” (pg. 214, when Túrin first finds Níniel)
- "But even as he spoke, he wondered, and mused in his mind: 'Or can it be that one so evil and fell shuns the Crossings, even as the Orcs? Haudh-en-Elleth! Does Finduilas lie still between me and my doom?’” (pg. 229, when Túrin is preparing to fight Glaurung for the last time),
- “Therefore he arose and went to the Crossings of Teiglin, and as he passed by Haudh-en-Elleth he cried: 'Bitterly have I paid, O Finduilas! that ever I gave heed to the Dragon. Send me now counsel!’” (pg. 253, after he’s killed Brandir and is desperately trying to deny that Níniel was Niënor, his sister)
This is huge. And it’s huge, because Túrin is not in love with Finduilas. This, again, is explicit, and textual, "In truth Finduilas was torn in mind. For she honoured Gwindor and pitied him, and wished not to add one tear to his suffering; but against her will her love for Turin grew day by day, and she thought of Beren and Luthien. But Turin was not like Beren! He did not scorn her, and was glad in her company; yet she knew that he had no love of the kind she wished. His mind and heart were elsewhere, by rivers in springs long past.” (pg 166, ”Túrin in Nargothrond”). So.  Túrin never falls in love with Finduilas, and, in fact, the reason he doesn’t fall in love with her is that his “mind and heart are elsewhere”.  Hmmmm. I wonder where his heart is?
Okay, so then why is it that Túrin repeatedly refers to Finduilas but not to Beleg?  It’s really obvious based on the quotes I’ve given so far that he was in love with Beleg (and for god’s sake, the man doesn’t talk for a YEAR after Beleg’s death), that he was not in love with Finduilas, and that he was (or thought he was, at least) in love with Níniel, enough to ask her to marry him.  So where the hell is Beleg in his thoughts for all this time when he’s falling for Níniel and thinking back to Finduilas?
For the answer to this, we need to consider the dual nature of Níniel’s relationship to Túrin, and what its source is.
Yes, Túrin loves Níniel, as his wife, but we know he also loved his sister Niënor, as a sister, and part of the reason he kills himself is that he can’t handle that he’s driven his sister to her death via incest (albeit accidental incest).  It’s notable that Túrin loves Finduilas as a sister,
“Then Turin spoke freely to [Finduilas] concerning these things, though he did not name the land of his birth, nor any of his kindred; and on a time he said to her: 'I had a sister, Lalaith, or so I named her; and of her you put me in mind. But Lalaith was a child, a yellow flower in the green grass of spring; and had she lived she would now, maybe, have become dimmed with grief. But you are queenly, and as a golden tree; I would I had a sister so fair.’” (pg. 164, “Túrin in Nargothrond”.)
So these references to Finduilas make a narrative kind of sense — in addition to it mostly happening as Túrin is passing her grave, it’s a textual reminder of a hidden truth: Níniel is not just Túrin’s lover, but also his sister.  He even finds her upon the grave of someone he loved as a sister.  But there’s another truth hidden in the text as well, and it’s related to Níniel’s nature as Túrin’s lover.  Because let’s be real, if he found her on the grave of someone he loved very firmly in a non-romantic way, why does he become romantically interested in her?  She’s his sister—obviously he doesn’t know that, but the narrative is saying it very, very clearly.  Well…there’s a confounding factor.
Here’s how Túrin finds Níniel (pg. 214): “Now it chanced that some of the woodmen of Brethil came by in that hour from a foray against Orcs, hastening over the Crossings of Teiglin to a shelter that was near; and there came a great flash of lightning, so that the Haudh-en-Elleth was lit as with a white flame.”
And here is how Túrin discovers that he has killed Beleg (pg. 155): “But as he stood, finding himself free, and ready to sell his life dearly against imagined foes, there came a great flash of lightning above them, and in its light he looked down on Beleg's face.”
The narrative does draw a parallel between Níniel and Beleg, an extremely strong (if subtle) one.  It uses literally the same phrase to set up the scene: “there came a great flash of lightning”.  So there’s a pretty clear answer as to why Túrin might associate Níniel with romantic love—he doesn’t just find her on his as-it-were sister’s grave, he finds her in a way that hearkens strongly back to the last time he ever saw his lover’s face.
So why doesn’t he think of Beleg now?
Why is the thought of his lover—whose loss cut him so deeply he didn’t speak for a year—so far out of his mind at this moment that his name isn’t even mentioned, even when narratively there’s no way he shouldn’t think of him?
Okay, I’ve drawn this out enough, so let’s cut to the chase: Glaurung. Glaurung, who is responsible for the first hidden truth that I mentioned, the more textually explicit one, that Níniel is Niënor, Túrin’s sister.  He bespells Niënor upon Amon Ethir, “Then he drew her eyes into his, and her will swooned. And it seemed to her that the sun sickened and all became dim about her; and slowly a great darkness drew down on her and in that darkness there was emptiness; she knew nothing, and heard nothing, and remembered nothing,” (pg 209, “The Journey of Morwen and Niënor”) causing her to lose her memories and with her memories her name and therefore any way for Túrin to know who she is.  Glaurung earlier bespells Túrin as well, “Without fear Turin looked in those eyes as he raised up his sword; and straightway he fell under the dreadful spell of the dragon, and was as one turned to stone.” (pg. 178, “the Fall of Nargothrond”)  The first, obvious result of Glaurung’s spell (and the only explicit one) is that he leaves Finduilas and rushes off to try and find Morwen and Niënor.  Now, we’re meant to believe that this is all that the spell does, since in “The Return of Túrin to Dor-Lómin”, pg. 166, the text notes, “And suddenly a black wrath shook him; for his eyes were opened, and the spell of Glaurung loosed its last threads, and he knew the lies with which he had been cheated.”
But I don’t think this makes sense.  I think Tolkien is being poetical here and the “last threads” he’s talking about are specifically the lies about Finduilas.  A number of Túrin’s conversations with Níniel point towards the fact that he’s forgotten something really important and that in that regard the dragon’s spell is still intact.  For example, when Túrin tells Níniel what to call him (pgs 217-218, “Niënor in Brethil”):
“Then she paused as if listening for some echo; but she said: 'And what does that say, or is it just the name for you alone?'
“’It means,' said he, 'Master of the Dark Shadow. For I also, Niniel, had my darkness, in which dear things were lost; but now I have overcome it, I deem.’”
“My darkness” is eerily similar to the repeated motif of Níniel’s darkness, which explicitly refers to the spell cast on her by Glaurung.  
“Behind her lay only an empty darkness” (pg 213, “Niënor in Brethil”); “it seem to her that the darkness that lay behind her was overtaking her again” (pg 214, “Niënor in Brethil”); “it seemed to her that she had found at last something that she had sought in the darkness” (pg. 215, “Niënor in Brethil”); and the two most relevant quotations, “And at that name she looked up, and she shook her head, but said: 'Níniel.' And that was the first word that she spoke after her darkness, and it was her name among the woodmen ever after” (pg 216, ”Niënor in Brethil”); and “when at length she had learned enough to speak with her friends she would say: 'What is the name of this thing? For in my darkness I lost it.’” (pg. 217, “Niënor in Brethil”)
So here it is: Túrin has lost “dear things” in “his darkness” (Glaurung’s spell) and he thinks that Níniel is what he has lost, but she isn’t—or she isn’t the only thing that’s missing. Glaurung has ripped out of Túrin’s mind the memory of the only person he’s ever had romantic feelings for—Beleg—and because he’s confused and trying to find something to fill that gap, Níniel gets cast in a dual role—not just sister (with her ties to Finduilas) but also lover (with her subtler ties to poor, missing Beleg).  
This theory also has significant implications for Túrin’s death, since that’s the only time that Beleg is mentioned again, apart from a tangential sidenote.  When Mablung finally confirms to Túrin what he’s already beginning to fear is the truth, that Níniel was his sister Niënor, he runs up to the Cabed-en-Aras, from which Níniel has thrown herself, and he asks his sword to kill him. His sword is Gurthang, which was Anglachel, made by Eöl, the sword that Thingol gave to Beleg and that Túrin used to accidentally kill him, and the response is somewhat unexpected, since up till now we haven’t had any indication that it’s a talking sword,
“‘And from the blade rang a cold voice in answer: 'Yes, I will drink your blood, that I may forget the blood of Beleg my master…I will slay you swiftly.’” (pg. 256, “The Death of Túrin”)
Interestingly, this is after the sword has been reforged, and there’s no particular reason it should refer to Beleg as its master — after all, Túrin has been wielding it for years, and it was made by someone else entirely.  So then, why?  And why does it ask to forget his blood in particular?
Because Túrin has remembered, finally.  Whether the sword is picking up on the mood, whether it’s a narrative device, or whether it isn’t even really talking and it’s just Túrin’s mind playing tricks on him in his last extremis, I don’t know—though I favor the latter interpretation, particularly because Túrin himself is referred to as “the Black Sword” on numerous occasions.  But the important point here is Túrin has remembered, because Glaurung is dead, and his memory spells die with him, “Then Nienor sat as one stunned, but Glaurung died; and with his death the veil of his malice fell from her, and all her memory grew clearer before her, from day unto day, neither did she forget any of those things that had befallen her since she lay on Haudh-en-Elleth.” (pg. 243, “The Death of Glaurung”)
So Túrin knows by now exactly what he’s done—not only inadvertently marrying his sister but betraying the one great romantic love of his life.  The one he has probably just remembered accidentally killing in great detail.  It’s probably quite present in his mind when, rather than throw himself over the waterfall as Níniel did, he flings himself onto the very same sword that killed the only person he was ever in love with, whose name he has finally, finally been able to bring to mind…
In sum, Glaurung erases Beleg’s memory so thoroughly from Túrin’s mind that only tiny, hidden glimpses remain, even in the text.  This is the solution to the mystery of the vanishing Elf; it explains why Beleg vanishes right up until the very end, and it ties together the sense I had when I was reading the second half of something missing, something hidden, something incomplete.  It is, I imagine, the same way Túrin must have felt after he awoke—as he thought, completely—from the spell that Glaurung laid upon him the first time they fought.
[A/N: I also wrote a fic based on this premise: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28980519 ]
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foxghost · 3 years
Joyful Reunion, Chapter 91
Translator: foxghost @foxghost tumblr/ko-fi1 Beta: meet-me-in-oblivion @meet-me-in-oblivion tumblr Original by 非天夜翔 Fei Tian Ye Xiang Masterpost | Characters, Maps & Other Reference Index
Book 3, Chapter 21 (Part 1)
Autumn sun is burning bright overhead as Li Yanqiu brings the horse to a halt outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony. An evening breeze has set the banners to either side of him fluttering.
“Long Live Your Majesty!” The Black Armours army salutes, falling on one knee in front of him in an earth-shattering display.
Xie You and Cai Yan have slowly made their way to the palace, but Li Yanqiu has stopped there before the steps, his mind wandering for a little while. Earlier, there was that one moment where it felt as though he … sensed something.
“Good work,” Li Yanqiu says.
The Black Armours part like the tides, leaving a path open. Li Yanqiu steps into the main palace. The Jiangzhou Imperial Palace has seen its share of trials and tribulations, but after some repair and renovation it has become even more extravagant than the one in Xichuan. A eunuch steps forward to untie Li Yanqiu’s cape for him, after which Li Yanqiu keeps walking through the corridor.
Both Zheng Yan and Lang Junxia have already arrived. As Li Yanqiu walks by the Eastern Palace, he glances inside to find Lang Junxia sitting in the corridor playing his flute. He doesn’t get up to bow even as Li Yanqiu passes by.
“It has been a wearisome journey.” Li Yanqiu pays no mind to Lang Junxia, and simply says to Cai Yan, “Go get some rest.”
Cai Yan trails him from behind. “The auspicious hour where we must offer sacrifices to the heavens is at dawn tomorrow. You should try to sleep earlier as well, uncle.”
“We may have a new home, but I’ll be taking my medicine as always. Don’t worry.”
And so along with the other servants of the Eastern Palace, Cai Yan bows as Li Yanqiu departs.
In the Palace of Eternal Autumn,2 Mu Jinzhi is painting her eyebrows in front of the mirror. Her clothes, accessories and makeup have also been delivered, and her maids are opening and checking each box over one by one.
“Who got on your nerves this time, Your Majesty?” Mu Jinzhi says with a smile, her reflection looking at Li Yanqiu in the mirror, one eyebrow raised.
“No one in particular got on my nerves,” Li Yanqiu replies, standing behind Mu Jinzhi. "No matter how sharp your eyes may be, there are times when you can be mistaken.”
Mu Jinzhi puts down her hairpin and says, “A request to recruit retainers for the crown prince’s palace has been issued. We should get a list of candidates after the civil exams and let him take as long as he likes to choose.”
Li Yanqiu replies courteously, “Thank you for keeping this in mind and taking the trouble, Empress.”
They hardly have anything to say to each other, and so as soon as Li Yanqiu finishes saying this, he leaves the room. In the mirror, Mu Jinzhi rolls her eyes at his back.
Li Yanqiu returns to his bedroom and looks out at the clear skies outside.
Zheng Yan happens to be sitting beneath the veranda, asking a servant to open up a case for him to search for his wine.
“Zheng Yan.” Li Yanqiu is wearing a slight frown. “Why are you still here?”
“The crown prince despises me, Your Majesty.” Zheng Yan says courteously, “With Wuluohou Mu around, I no longer have a need to see him roll his eyes at me. Don’t you think he and I would both be happier if we don’t see each other?”
“The sight of Wuluohou Mu makes my blood boil.” Li Yanqiu gives his reply to Zheng Yan just as amicably, “All four of you great assassins are warped — from what I can see now, it actually seems like Wu Du, the least accomplished amongst you, is more upright than you lot. I keep wondering if Wu Du’s poisoned you people, and that’s why you three have become this way.”
Now those words have essentially insulted Zheng Yan along with the rest. One brother Li used to be sharp as a blade, while the other is brocade with hidden needles. Zheng Yan sussed out Li Yanqiu’s disposition long ago, and knows he’s furious.
Zheng Yan says at once, “Forgive me, Your Majesty. I’ll head over to the Eastern Palace right away.”
Only once Zheng Yan is gone does Li Yanqiu heave a long, long sigh.
“Your Majesty, it’s time for your medicine.” A palace maid brings him his medicine. Li Yanqiu takes it without looking, drinks it, and casually tosses it into the courtyard. The coloured glaze bowl shatters into a million pieces with a quiet crash.
“Wow —!” Duan Ling has finally arrived in his new home.
The chancellor’s estate has given Wu Du and Duan Ling a courtyard house only an alley away from the main house. Compared to their old house on the outskirts of the estate in Xichuan, their new home is a lot bigger, with four buildings, two gates, a spirit screen, and a back courtyard where they can keep horses. They’ve even been assigned a steward and two servants to have at their beck and call.
The courtyard has a rockery and a pond; the land behind the pond is a bamboo grove. Peach trees are planted at the edges, while a gentle stream is led into the pond, flowing back out through a zigzagging water duct. The bamboo pipes are set on top of the wall, and the water itself is drawn from the chancellor’s main estate.
“The Lord Chancellor said you should rest for now,” says the steward. “Have a bath and wash off the dust of the road. There will be a banquet in honour of your return tonight.”
“You may go. We don’t need anyone to wait on us,” Wu Du tells the steward in the front courtyard. Duan Ling is inside looking this way and that; their new home is outfitted with silk brocade blankets and screens; carved windows cast ornate shadows on the walls, reminding him of the Viburnum. Even the decorative items are made of celadon. There’s also a study provided for him to study in.
The steward carefully helps Wu Du into the room.
“Certainly.” The steward seems to have predicted as much from Wu Du, so he merely stands out in the courtyard — but he isn’t leaving.
Duan Ling stops to think, then he tells the steward, “Master Wu’s house contains secret information of the martial arts societies, and too many poisonous things are kept here. He’s worried that it may unintentionally injure you and the other servants, so you don’t need to stay here in the courtyard house. If we should need anything I’ll go ask for help at the Chancellor’s estate. You may go.”
The steward nods then, and after giving both Duan Ling and Wu Du a bow, takes his leave.
The only way Wu Du and Duan Ling can have a conversation is to not have any outsiders around — otherwise they may drop dead before finding out how or why.
“There’s money here too!” Duan Ling says in the next room over, “Two hundred taels of gold!”
Duan Ling had already written a report of the treasure from Tongguan. Now that Mu Kuangda has a mountain of gold, Duan Ling doesn’t even know what the chancellor is going to do with it. If it’s for spending though, it’s enough to buy an entire city. This bit of reward isn’t really all that much money.
But Duan Ling is still pretty glad to have it. At least they won’t have to eat flatbread at every meal anymore.
Sitting in the room, Wu Du says, “If there’s anything you want to eat I’ll go out and buy it for you.”
“You stay put. Stop moving.”
Duan Ling comes in with bedding in his arms, and after telling Wu Du to scoot over, he puts another pillow on his bed.
Wu Du stares at Duan Ling and says, “If you sleep in this room, I’ll sleep on the floor. Right there, just off the bed. That way I can keep you safe.”
“You’re not worried I’ll stomp you to death when I get up to get water at night?” Duan Ling says smilingly.
Wu Du recalls that this was precisely what he said himself several months ago, and suddenly finds it really funny. Both of them laugh.
Wu Du says, “Let me do this.”
“Can’t you just listen to me?” Duan Ling says seriously.
“Alright alright.” Wu Du replies, “But you’ve got to give me something to do. I’m injured, but I’m not a cripple.”
Wu Du really doesn’t feel right having Duan Ling wait on him this way, but it’s not due to Duan Ling’s identity — it’s because for all his years he’s never had anyone take care of him like this before.
“Then take a bath,” Duan Ling says to Wu Du.
Wu Du raises a hand and sniffs his sleeve, upon which his face goes bright red. Duan Ling leaves the room to summon a servant to bring them water.
The young servants carry in a huge tub and set it down in the corner room. Then they add bucket after bucket of hot water, then some cold water to cool it down.
“I can wash myself,” Wu Du says hurriedly.
“Strip already,” Duan Ling says to him, then he carries Wu Du’s dirty clothes off to the back courtyard where he tosses them into a basin. He draws some water and soaks the clothes in them before he heads back to the house to search for clean clothes. Mu Kuangda has found the right person this time; the steward they met earlier is extremely considerate, and Duan Ling has somehow forgotten to give him a little bonus.
Soon, Duan Ling comes in with a bundle of fresh clothes, and he rolls up his sleeves to scrub down Wu Du. Wu Du still has bandages wrapped around his hand that mustn’t get wet, and he’s trying to scrub himself with one hand. When he sees Duan Ling come in, the blush on his handsome face spreads all the way down to his collarbones.
Duan Ling holds Wu Du down and scrubs him clean all over. Ever since the night he sustained those injuries, Wu Du hasn’t had a bath. And now with his left hand resting at the edge of the tub, his wide and strong shoulders and back are above the water, letting Duan Ling scrub him as he wishes.
“Don’t fall in now. Hey don’t—don’t—don’t—don’t reach any lower!”
The bathtub is huge, and Duan Ling has leaned halfway into the tub. Wu Du can feel that Duan Ling really is seriously trying to scrub him down, but alas Duan Ling’s hands keep moving all around his body touching him and Wu Du can’t take much more of this.
Duan Ling says, “Raise your leg a little.”
Wu Du finds Duan Ling quite amusing all of a sudden, and in a bout of playfulness he wraps one arm over him and pulls him in. With a splash, the ground all around the bathtub is covered in water.
Duan Ling says angrily, “Why you!”
Duan Ling is soaked through, while Wu Du’s cheeks are suffused with a blush. He laughs. “You go ahead and bathe. I’m done.”
Duan Ling says, “You’re too dirty. Stop moving.”
Duan Ling unties his robe, removes his wet clothes and pants, and climbs onto Wu Du to straddle his thigh naked. When he does, an unbidden and indescribable sensation rises to the surface of his heart. He’s never felt this way before, not in any instance where he’s touched Wu Du skin on skin.
Duan Ling’s face also starts to take on a blush; it’s almost like he’s returned to that night when he was still a child, that night when he saw Lang Junxia’s body through the window panes. Yet when he faces Wu Du now his heart is beating even faster, as though there’s an exceedingly novel and exciting sensation just hiding behind a layer of gauzy silk, waiting for him to reach out for it.
“Why’ve you stopped talking?” On the contrary, Wu Du has come back to himself. With one arm languidly resting on the edge of the tub, he uses the other hand to give Duan Ling’s pale back a pat, staring at him with a questioning look in his eyes.
“No—no reason,” Duan Ling says nervously.
In that instant Wu Du seems to have realised something as well; his eyes are smiling.
Duan Ling hums something quiet, and without looking up to meet his eyes, he keeps scrubbing at Wu Du’s chest with a cloth.
Outside the room, footsteps approach, and both Wu Du and Duan Ling stop moving.
“Hey buddy, don’t you still owe me a cup of wine?” Zheng Yan’s voice says indolently.
Duan Ling is quite startled — he’s never met Zheng Yan before, so he’s assuming it’s someone from the chancellor’s estate barging into their house. But Wu Du is wrapping one arm around Duan Ling’s waist and pulling him closer.
Without a pause, Zheng Yan keeps walking towards them and opens the door to the corner room. Right as the door opens, Wu Du is holding the fully naked Duan Ling in his arms, making him drape himself on his chest, burying Duan Ling’s head against his shoulder.
When Zheng Yan comes in it’s to a view of Wu Du holding a young man, the two of them taking a bath together.
“Zheng Yan! Can you take a hint or what?!” Wu Du says impatiently, “Get outta here!”
Zheng Yan bursts out laughing uncontrollably. He hurriedly closes the door and says, “Continue, don’t get mad at me please. I truly never expected that.”
Wu Du replies, “Wait outside. That’s enough out of you.”
Duan Ling only looks up again once Zheng Yan’s footsteps have grown distant, and before that he was pressed up against Wu Du, both of them naked. He had felt their hearts both beating out of their chests, as well as that thing between their legs swelling up so much they’ve gone stiff.
They face each other, a little out of breath. Wu Du puts a finger in front of his lips to pantomime shh, and that they should continue washing up. Duan Ling swallows, and scrubs Wu Du’s hair for him.
“All done now,” Duan Ling says quietly, and steps out so quickly that he nearly slips on the floor.
“Careful.” Wu Du reaches out to wrap an arm around Duan Ling’s waist, making him stand upright.
Duan Ling quickly wipes himself down and puts on a pair of pants. The blush has faded from his cheeks. He helps Wu Du out of the bath to dry him with a cloth, but when he gets between Wu Du’s legs, the dry cloth bumps into the erect, powerful thing standing there, and they’re both blushing crimson again.
Wu Du throws a robe around himself. His injuries are almost all healed, and he can already walk with a little bit of a limp. He puts on a pair of wooden sandals and limps his way across the veranda, dragging his feet, passing by Zheng Yan as he heads to the main house to look for things.
“So fast?” Zheng Yan says, “I didn’t scare it out of there, did I?”
Wu Du spits profanity at Zheng Yan, startling Duan Ling who’s still in the corner room, as it’s the first time he’s ever heard Wu Du say something so foul. Soon enough, the sound of wooden sandals are approaching him again as Wu Du slowly clacks all the way back to hand Duan Ling clean clothes for him to change into.
Once they’ve dressed properly, the servants come back to get the bathtub. Wu Du’s hair is still dripping wet as he leans against the daybed, barefoot and dressed in nothing but a bathrobe. He raises his left hand so that Duan Ling can change his bandages for him, before he starts engaging in an intermittent conversation with Zheng Yan.
I do not monetise my hobby translations, but if you’d like to support my work generally or support my light novel habit, you can either buy me a coffee or commission me. This is also to note that if you see this message anywhere else than on tumblr, do come to my tumblr. It’s ad-free. ↩︎
The Palace of Eternal Autumn is the imperial empress’s palace, and sometimes the phrase stands for the empress, just as “Eastern Palace” stands for the crown prince. ↩︎
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not-poignant · 3 years
hello! *peruses unasked flower asks* ummm, if you could give me a Canna, Cock’s Comb ehheeh, Common Boneset, Norwegian Angelica and Rosemallows please! :)
(Okay I love that little eheh at cock's comb tho)
Canna: Do you have any tattoos?
I do! A giant 'RESIST' in capital letters down the inside of my right wrist, that I actually got long before any actual 'resist' movements over the past few years. I got it around my 21st birthday (actually like a year later) mostly to mark all the things that I'd already survived at that point, and how much of my life philosophy is based off a position of resistance - resisting wanting to kill myself, resisting the darkest paths, resisting my own body when it grows tumours, and so on.
As it's aged, its lost some of it's sharp corners and stuff, but I still like it, though I mostly forget its there now. I'd like to get more tattoos at some point, but money is a big barrier, they're not cheap! (Which is good, because hopefully it means tattoo artists are being paid well).
Cock’s Comb: Favorite font?
I don't really know. I use Times New Roman the most while writing (I know, I know), so I guess that's my favourite because I'm voluntarily staring at it for hours and hours every single day. I hate Calibri and often have to force-change documents to another font to be able to edit them, if they come to me in that font. But I also used to write in Calibri, until I had the revelation that I hated writing in Calibri, lmao.
When I was a teenager, and had far less fonts to choose from, I was a passionate fan of Courier New and that's still my favourite font to set poetry in, which I think is an 'old habits die rather hard' thing, lmao.
Common Boneset: What are you looking forward to?
I'm looking forward to thunderstorms, whenever they next come.
I'm looking forward to going down south with my mother, though I'm apprehensive about it too, and hope it goes well. I expect it will be exhausting, and an experience, and worthwhile. That's the end of July.
I'm looking forward to a week to myself and I'm not sure when I'll get one.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow (at least right now).
I'm looking forward to the next time we go to Kumo and have more of those Japanese souffle pancakes because souffle pancakes.
I'm looking forward to going to bed tonight.
Norwegian Angelica: Tell us about your mom.
I've always had...an interesting relationship with my mother. Though it's very good now. But there are lots of long stories I'm going to cut short here and say that around 11 or 12 years ago I was fed up, and sent Mum a lengthy email (because I couldn't trust I'd be able to speak clearly in person without breaking down and crying) saying that if she didn't get on board with acknowledging the PTSD and where it came from, and didn't confront her own demons in that, I was going to walk away from her and our relationship for good, and I already had my estranged relationship with my father to prove that I wasn't bluffing.
In retrospect, this probably sounds like an incredibly cruel thing to do, but I can't describe to you the years before that, my childhood, the things that led to me making this decision. Only that when I made it, I didn't know what else to do.
But then the most amazing thing happened, and unlike about anyone else in my family at the time, Mum got therapy, and she got help, and she faced her demons, and she decided that she was going to learn about her child instead of doing what she'd been doing in the past. And from there we grew a real relationship. And quite a few years ago now, we started catching up once a week, every (usually) Friday morning.
She's one of my best friends now, I love her to pieces, her bravery and courage in being willing to face up to some hard truths (including - among others - that my father and her husband was abusive), as well as her sheer strength recently going through breast cancer with such humour and grace only a short period after I went through my own cancer journey, like, she's such a role model to me.
I could never have expected that. I loved my Mum growing up, but I never felt like she knew or saw me as a person, which I don't actually blame her for, she sure was Going Through It herself, in a way that I could not appreciate fully as a child, because she protected us from those realities that she experienced and suffered through as best as she could. And now I think she really does try, as I try to meet her where she is in turn. And we see each other as people, not as family roles, and that to me...has an ineffable, lovely quality. Which is, incidentally, why I'm taking her down south for her birthday, so we can spend even more time together.
Rosemallows: What’s your favorite memory?
I don't know that I have one. Oh wait, I think...I do, so let's just preface this first though.
The problem I have here is that I've had a life full of depression and PTSD (no literally, my post-trauma started showing in early childhood), and both things can actually cause memory loss or poor memory coherence (unless the memories are traumatic! Do not recommend).
However, I have a glimpse of a memory between me, Glen and Putu, shortly before Putu was bound to leave for Melbourne (for good, he hasn't come back except to visit), where we spent the whole day together, except a break in the afternoon for me to sleep, because true facts - I cannot get through a day without sleeping for several hours in the afternoon.
There was something so golden and perfect about that day. I remember startlingly for me, sitting on the couch and tired and sore (we'd spent the day going to dim sum and then later walking around Kings Park) basking in a feeling I couldn't recall having felt before, and then I think I turned to Putu and Glen and said with some amazement, 'I think I feel content.' And Putu and Glen were like '...yeah...and?' and later I had to admit to Glen I'd never felt the feeling before. Golden and soft, like a cloud.
I think I've felt it once more since then, but I don't remember when. And I don't think I'd felt it before then, either. I would not wish my brain chemistry on anyone. But I'm very glad I got to share that moment with Putu, who is a very close member of my chosen family, for all that I don't get to see him very often anymore.
I can't strongly recall the feeling of the emotion itself. I remember describing it to myself in my head, in complete sentences, and those are the sentences I'm sharing to you now, because my verbal memory is much better than my emotional memory (I have quite serious alexithymia, which would surprise no one, but it's better than it used to be).
And I am relieved that my brain did actually hang onto the moment, mostly because I chanted to myself like a prayer: please don't forget this please don't forget this please don't forget this remember your position on the couch remember where Putu is sitting remember where Glen is sitting remember what you said and remember the time of day and remember what came before.
And, now, I do.
From the flower asks meme!
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feverdreamfantasies · 4 years
The Birthday Gift
Pairing: Human!Hoseok x Human!Yoongi x Human!Reader, Snow Leopard Shifter!Jimin x Human!Reader
Featuring: German Shepherd Hybrid!Taehyung, Doberman Hybrid!Namjoon, Neighbor!Jungkook, (Jin to make an appearance later)
Genre: Hybrid AU, Fluff, Angst, Poly AU, eventual Smut, Producer!Yoongi, Scientist!Hoseok
Warnings: Brief mention of blood, Mention of Hybrid abuse, Some adult language, Mentions of a poly relationship between M x M x F
Summary:  “Hobi! What is he?” Yoongi repeats himself looking from me in the corner over to his boyfriend.
“He’s a shifter.” Hoseok mumbles, hand rising to scratch the back of his neck.
“I’m sorry. What?”
“He’s a shifter! Okay.  I adopted our girlfriend a shifter for her birthday.”
Author’s Notes:   This was an idea I’ve had in my head for a little while and I thought I would go ahead and start writing it. Also since this is the first chapter there’s a lot of background information in this one but moving forward there will be less filler and hopefully more story line progression. Hope you enjoy!
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Chapter One:  The ultimate Birthday gift             
Sometimes I wonder how I got here in my life. 
After nearly 5 years of being with Yoongi, I thought I was prepared for anything, but standing here in our neighbor Jungkook’s living room watching his sweet arctic fox hybrid, Sooyun, turn into the vicious predator she truly is; I began to question the choices I’d made that lead me here.
Let me backup a little bit to how I came to witness the scene before me. I was quietly having breakfast earlier this morning when Hoseok made his way loudly down the staircase that led into the kitchen. 
“Have you seen your boyfriend?” He asked with an emphasis on “your”, clearly perturbed with the man in question.
“What’s he done now that makes him ‘my’ boyfriend?” I say while taking a bite of my toast. 
For all the time I have been in a relationship with Yoongi, Hoseok has been with him longer.  The two met in their first year at university and began dating shortly there after.  I came along about four years later, back when I was a shy, young intern for the music company Yoongi was—and is still— a big time producer for.  
I had heard rumors when I first started there that he had a bit of a different romantic life than most. Everyone loved to whisper about the open relationship he and his boyfriend supposedly had. I tried not to listen to the rumors, but I couldn’t deny the big fat crush I had developed on Yoongi either.  I thought my heart was going to beat out of my chest every time he walked into the same room as me.  And when he asked me out for drinks one day, all I could do was nod in response because I didn’t have the courage to give a verbal yes. 
I was nervous and apprehensive about possibly going on a date with an already taken man.  But my curiosity got the best of me and I showed up to the bar he had suggested.  He was sweet and kind to me. Being patient with my quietness until I warmed up enough to be able to contribute to our conversation.  
He was also very straightforward and honest with me.  
“I know there are rumors about my personal life in the office.” He stated matter-of-factly, taking a sip of his jack and coke before continuing. “So I’ll admit that I’m kind of surprised you agreed to come out with me tonight.”
I brushed a piece of my hair behind my ear, a nervous habit of mine that brings me an artificial level of comfort.  “To be honest” I swallow “I’m not really sure I was even going to show up.”
“Well I’m glad you did.” He said with his adorable gummy smile.
“And to be upfront about everything, the rumors are true. I do have a boyfriend, and we are in a serious, committed relationship.”
I raise my eyebrows at this. 
“I know what you're thinking.  So then why would I ask a beautiful woman like you out on a date if I’m already spoken for?” 
My heart speeds up when I hear him use the word beautiful.  He leans across the high top table we are sat at, so he can speak lower and not have the other customers at the bar listen in.  
“Hobi and I have always been open to the concept of a polymorphic relationship. We’ve tried in the past with potential romantic partners; but they usually ended up ghosting on one of us, once they figured out what we were looking for.”
“So why do you think I’ll be different?” I question finding some confidence in my voice.  Afterall, it isn’t like Yoongi is talking about some small, trivial thing.  He’s openly discussing with me the potential of starting a romantic journey with him and his boyfriend.  Journey being the only way I can truly describe it because honestly what if this actually became something, what do I say to my parents then? “Mom. Dad.  Meet my boyfriend Yoongi and his boyfriend--slash my other boyfriend--Hoseok.” 
Yeah...this was most certainly going to be a journey.
“Honestly, I’m not sure you will be.  But I like you, Y/N. And from what I’ve told Hoseok so far, he’s interested too.”
I snort at this response.  What possibly could I have done to get Yoongi’s attention that he’d like me, let alone know anything about me enough to want to tell his boyfriend.
“Up until tonight, I’ve barely said anything to you.” I state to the dark haired man across from me.
Yoongi shrugs at this like it doesn’t matter.  “People speak louder with their actions than with their words.”
“Yeah?  And what do my actions say about me?” I ask genuinely.
He doesn’t miss a beat with his response.
 “You’re smart without being pretentious.  You have confidence without arrogance.  And most importantly you’re kind.”
“I’m kind?”
Yoongi nods. 
“A couple of weekends ago I saw you inside the hybrid rescue downtown.  I was going to go in and say hi, but thought that might intimidate you a little bit.” 
He says this last part with a laugh, as my cheeks turn red from the fact I know that would have been true.
“I asked one of your fellow interns, Ilsung, about it.  He said you volunteer there whenever you can.  That you have a real soft spot for hybrids and their rights. Not many people are as compassionate to their causes.  And as someone who has had the honor to adopt two myself, I’m really drawn to others who want to make a difference for them.”
“I wouldn’t say I’m making a difference.” I say sheepishly. “But when I was a kid we had a family cat hybrid named Wendy.  She and I did everything together until they came and took her away when we were both 12.  And let’s just say that made an impact on me.”
When my parents were kids, hybrids were just starting to be introduced to society.  But years prior to that, governments and militaries had been creating and breeding hybrids for years as an experiment to get a defensive edge when it came to warfare. It proved not to be as promising as they had hoped and what ended up happening is they sold their hybrids and hybrid secrets to the highest bidder, which turned out to be a large corporatation.  This corporation in turn introduced cat and dog hybrids to the rest of the world.  Claiming that they were a step above your average household pet and could provide a more fulfilling companion experience.  Hybrids quickly became a hot commodity.  And the black market was soon taking off with their own hybrid creations of more exotic and “dangerous” hybrid breeds.  Soon the hybrids were beginning to outnumber humans 2 to 1 and fear of who they are and what they can do began to take over.
Laws were passed as a means to protect humans. Rather than create laws that stopped the unethical treatment and breeding of hybrids, they were created to limit their rights.  Not completely human but also not completely an animal either, hybrids fell in a category with many blurbed lines.  The laws state all hybrids must have an owner and must either be accompanied by that owner at all times or have a microchip implanted within the back of their necks that can be scanned to indicate they belong to someone.  Any strays were in extreme cases euthanized and in less extreme cases placed in overcrowded shelters and rescue centers, where they would more than likely spend the rest of their lives.  
For those who did get adopted or were bought by breeders, their lives may not be as lucky as those who did not.  It isn’t uncommon for those hybrids adopted to end up in underground hybrid clubs.  These clubs offer humans all sorts of sick fantasies to play out with hybrids.  This can be anything from deadly hybrid fight rings to hybrid brothels where they can use and abuse any female and male hybrids of their choosing. In my time volunteering at the rescue center, I have listened to stories I wouldn’t even wish for my worst enemies to have to endure. 
“Wendy came into my life when on my 5th birthday.  My Mom and Dad had decided I needed a companion.  As an only child with parents who weren't able to have any more kids, my parents thought adopting a hybrid could be the next best thing.  But the year we both turned 12, is the year Wendy started to go through her changes.”
Yoongi listened to my story with great intensity.  
“Of course as humans we all go through puberty between the ages of 11 and 18.  This isn’t uncommon for hybrids either except their changes aren’t typically of the reproductive kind until later in their late teens and early twenties, but what they do change in is behavior.  Their animal instincts can have the potential to become more dominant, leading to aggressiveness and in some cases violence.
When Wendy and I were playing outside one day, a neighbor's hybrid wandered into our backyard where we were.  He looked to be some small wild cat hybrid, probably bought in some shady back room of an outdoor market.  He was around our age if not a little bit older.  He’s name was Yongho and he could hear our laughs from inside his house.  He asked if he could play with us, saying he was lonely being cooped up inside all day.  I was glad to have another person to play with so I said yes immediately without noticing that Wendy was apprehensive.  Her tail was flicking side to side and ears were slightly pinned back, but I thought that was only because she may be jealous of having some of my attention shared with another hybrid.  I chose to ignore her warning signs and suggested a game of tag.
It all seemed to be going fine.  At first I was ‘it’ and although they were both faster than me, Yongho decided to slow down so I could catch him.  But once he was ‘it’ that’s when everything would change to become one of the worst days of my life.”
I paused so I could take a sip of my drink to try and calm myself down.  I hadn’t thought of this day in a really long time and I was struck by the fact that I was so easily sharing it with Yoongi when not even most of my close friends knew what had happened.  Yoongi reached across the table and gently rubbed his thumb over my hand to encourage me to keep going.  
I cleared my throat.
“Because Yongho was a predator hybrid, a game of tag can quickly turn into a dangerous game of cat and mouse.  When Wendy and I ran off in opposite directions after getting a 10-second head start that’s when Yongho’s animal instincts kicked in.  As a slow and small human girl, I became easy prey to the hunter and Yongho began to come after me.  Naive to noticing that anything had changed, I giggled as I tried to dodge around the trees in our backyard to create obstacles between us.  And when I turned around to see how close he was that’s when I saw the predatory look in his eyes.  I gave a small but effective scream which in turn caught the attention of Wendy.  She halted in the direction she was going before quickly turning around.  I in the meantime froze out of fear.  Yongho slowed but didn’t stop moving toward me.  He staked his way closer in the same way you would see a lioness do through the brush on a nature show before she pounced on an antelope.  And unfortunately for me, I was that antelope.  Just as Yongho pounced with claws out, Wendy intercepted him and they both tumbled to the ground, rolling around and making animalistic noises I had never heard before.  
This got the attention of my mother.  Who once she came outside to see what was happening began yelling for my dad.  He ran out and grabbed me.  Easily picking me up and throwing me inside the house ordering me to lock the door and telling my mother to call HES (hybrid emergency services).  My dad tried to get Yongho off of Wendy when he had managed to pin her to the ground while I burst into tears once the adrenaline started to wear off.  HES showed up quickly, but not fast enough to stop Wendy from accidentally scratching my dad.  She was aiming for Yongho when my father’s arm got in the way and left a deep wound along his forearm which instantly began to bleed.  Because hybrid laws take all cases of violence toward a human seriously, HES not only took Yongho away but they also took Wendy.  My father spent the next several weeks in court trying to get her back saying she had scratched him with no ill intention but they wouldn’t listen.  The only thing they could offer was for us to send her off to a reform facility, where she would spend the next three years, in hopes that maybe once she had gone through the proper reform training then she would be able to come home.  My parents agreed to send her off, but 6 months after she arrived they claimed she had ran away, only to find out in the news a few years later that this reform facility was secretly selling desirable hybrids off to private sellers and the black market.  I haven’t seen her since.”
Things between us got really quiet after I told my story.  Yoongi continued to rub my hand before noticing that my eyes were watery.  Tears threatening to come cascading down.  He sprung into action and leapt off his stool scooping me up into a hug. 
“I’m so sorry” he whispered.  
I could hear the sincerity in his voice and felt overwhelmingly comforted within his embrace.  I thought right then and there that I never wanted him to let me go.  And I didn’t care if that meant I had to share him with someone else because at that moment it felt like I was always supposed to be his.
Shortly thereafter I met Hoseok face to face.  The three of us went on a date to a nice restaurant to see how we would all get along.  The date went exceptionally well, as did the next one, and the one after that.  After a couple months, the three of us went away for the weekend and discussed the next steps for our future.  It was decided that we would all move in together and start a relationship that would define my next five years. 
Looking over at Hobi now with his brows crossed and a mild look of exhaustion on his face.  I couldn’t help but smile slightly.
“He promised me he would come home last night so he could be here for your birthday this morning.”
“Yoongi is here.” I say. “Also nice of you to wish me a Happy Birthday.”
He rolled his eyes before walking over to me and kissing me on the forehead. “He didn’t come to bed last night.” He responds as he releases me.
“That’s because he came to my bed,” I say with a teasing grin.
Once we moved into this house, it was decided that Yoongi and Hoseok would share a room while I had my own.  I didn’t mind it much because Yoongi would often sneak into my bed once Hobi fell asleep.  Or if Yoongi was at the studio all night then one of our hybrids would cuddle up with me, especially Taehyung.
Speaking of which, the German Shepherd hybrid came bounding through the backdoor.  A smile on his face and a bouquet of wildflowers clutched in his hand.
“Happy Birthday Y/N!”
“I got you these!” He thrust the wildflowers toward me.  Tail wagging rapidly behind him.
“Thank you Tae.” I take the flowers from him smelling them in the process. “These are beautiful.”
He’s smile grows wider.  Taehyung was one of the two hybrids Hoseok and Yoongi had adopted before I joined their family. Well adopted was not really the correct term to use.  Hoseok worked as a scientist for the government.  And though they had supposedly moved on from the hybrid world, the three of us knew that wasn’t true.  Hoseok started working there right out of college.  Initially he was told he was there for human medical purposes, specifically in terms of medicine and vaccine studies.  However, while that was mostly true, Hoseok discovered one day by accident that there were also medical experiments being done on hybrids in ways that they would never imagine doing to humans.
From that moment on, Hoseok took it upon himself to make changes but he’d have to climb his way to the top in order to make any real change.  Now being the second in command to the head of the medical research team, Hobi had more privileges to know what happened in the hybrid labs but still didn’t have full command of what went on in there.  But that didn’t stop him from managing to rescue a couple in the process.
I didn’t really know all that had happened to Taehyung and Namjoon--our Doberman hybrid--while they were in that lab, but I knew that it made them respond to things in opposite ways.  Taehyung was clingy and loveable.  Namjoon was a little standoffish at first but if I played my cards right he could be putty in my hands.
“Where do you want to eat tonight?” Hobi asked.
“You guys aren’t going to make me a homemade meal.” I whine.
“If you want food poisoning then I would be more than happy to make you whatever you would like.  Or if you don’t mind eating until almost 2 in the morning then I’ll ask Yoongi what he wants to make tonight.”
I stick my tongue out at him.  I hate his reasoning sometimes.
“In that case, I’ll have to get back to you on that.”
“We all know that you’ll choose the same place you always do.” A sleepy Yoongi says with a yawn.  His hair slightly sticking up in the back indicating he had just climbed out of bed. 
He walks over to me, sliding into the booth of our breakfast nook and kisses me gently. 
“Happy Birthday Princess.” He says in his deep groggy voice.
“I’m surprised you're up already.” I state as I fed him some of my breakfast.  He takes a bite and swallows before responding.  
“Someone made a pretty severe threat of laundry duty if I didn’t show up this morning. And we all know if I’m on laundry duty for a full month, we will all be deeply sorry.”
We enjoy the rest of our morning with happy banter and cuddles on the couch.  With a momentary appearance from Namjoon with a quick Birthday greeting before he went on his jog.
As I flipped through the options on Netflix with Tae asleep with his head in my lap, Hoseok’s phone rang which he picked up and answered in his office down the hall.  Yoongi and I gave a brief glance at each other figuring it was probably from work before Hoseok quickly ran out of his office and out the front door as though the house was on fire.  
We look at each other again before quickly getting off the couch to follow him.  Taehyung whines in protest as he loses the warmth of my lap before climbing back onto the couch and quickly falling back asleep.  
Hoseok goes over to our neighbor’s house, lifting his arm up to knock on the door when Jungkook opens it with a “Thank God!”
“I thought you said he’d be fine here.” Hoseok says as he follows Jungkook into his living space noticing the low growls of Sooyun coming from within.  He hesitates a moment before seeing why Sooyun is making that noise.
He quickly gets his answer as he sees Sooyun with teeth bared at a cowering figure in the corner.  He realizes her aggression is toward his Birthday gift for Y/N.  While he knew that Y/N was easily loved by Taehyung and Namjoon, they weren’t necessarily her hybrids.  Tae belonged to Yoongi and Namjoon was Hoseok’s, who he adopted at the first chance after that fateful day he walked into the hybrid lab by accident.  So he figured Y/N needed her own companion and it gave him an excuse to bring home another rescue.
“Well aren’t you going to do something.” He says to Jungkook, calmer than he felt. 
“Me?  He’s your hybrid.” Jungkook says incredulously.
“Technically he isn’t a hybrid.” 
“Then what is he?”  Yoongi says behind Hobi, scaring his younger boyfriend in the process.  I stand beyond them watching Jungkook’s normally sweet hybrid looking like the true predator she is before moving my eyes to the other hybrid--or rather not hybrid--sitting in the corner with his knees up to his chest.  My heart instantly breaks at the sight in front of me and I feel the need to protect him.
“Hey! Enough.” 
My voice is loud and clear.  Commanding but not violent, just enough to get Sooyun’s attention.  A skill I learned at all my years volunteering at the rescue. She backs away and hides behind Jungkook as though she hadn’t done anything wrong to be treated this way.  Jungkook pats the hand she rests on his arm, clutching onto his shirt sleeve. White ears pinned back to her equally pure white hair.
I take that time to move to her victim. Taking slow movements making sure not to scare him even more. “Hello.” I say getting him to look up at me with his light grey eyes.  He has soft features but an intense gaze.  I reach my hand out to help him off the floor.  He hesitates before deciding to trust me and stands up into his full height.  He isn’t large but he is taller than me, about the same size as Yoongi. 
“Hobi! What is he?” Yoongi repeats himself looking from me in the corner over to his boyfriend.
“He’s a shifter.” Hoseok mumbles, hand rising to scratch the back of his neck.
“I’m sorry. What?”
“He’s a shifter! Okay.  I adopted our girlfriend a shifter for her birthday.”
It gets suddenly very quiet. I look back over at the shifter in question, his hand still in mine.  Yoongi is visibly getting angry, but still trying to remain somewhat calm.
“What the fuck is a shifter, Hobi?  Like a werewolf.  Did you bring home a werewolf?”
“Don’t be ridiculous! Werewolves aren’t real.  He’s a snow leopard shifter.”
For the genius Hoseok actually was he could really do some dumb things, I think as Yoongi comes towards us and pulls me away but not with some resistance from the other person holding my hand. Yoongi drags me aways while also grabbing Hoseok by the shoulder to guide us outside.
Once we step into the front yard, Yoongi turns Hobi around to look at him but doesn’t let me go.
“You know you’ve done some stupid shit in the 9 years we’ve been together, but this might easily top the list.  I mean what the hell were you thinking!  Where do you even get a snow leopard shifter?”
“The same place I got Taehyung and Namjoon.  Just there was more paperwork involved and lots of background checks.  And possibly some surveillance on the house for a week or two.”  He throws the last part in quickly as though we won’t notice that he agreed to have us be watched by a government entity without getting our consent first.
“He’s going back.” 
“What?! No!”  This protest comes from me this time.  I don’t know what a shifter is, but I do know some of what happens in the labs and he isn’t going back if I have anything to say about it.
“Yes. He. Is.” Yoongi states, as though the decision is final and begins to walk back toward the house only to stop halfway when he realizes none of us are following.
“We can’t keep him.” He states again.
“But why not?” Hobi and I pout at the same time.
Usually if one of us goes against Yoongi we don’t stand a chance at winning, but if we team up together then things inevitably go our way.
“He’s probably dangerous. I mean I still don’t know what he really is.” He stares at Hoseok on this last point.
“Shifters are what the military attempted after the hybrid experiment failed.  Essentially, through their research they found that though hybrids are stronger than humans they still aren’t as strong as a real true animal.  But you can’t fully control or command an animal, especially not a predatory animal like a tiger or lion…”
“Or a snow leopard.” Yoongi offered.
“Right.  Anyways, there was a researcher about thirty years ago who thought what if you could create a breed of human that could, when needed, shift into full animal form.  Lots of people laughed at him for this, but that didn’t stop him from running experiments on his own before a top personnel in the government decided to back him on his research.  It didn’t take him long, about five years before he got his first successful generation of shifters. Listen, I know you don’t like it Yoongi and you probably think he’s dangerous.  But he’s been kept in that lab his whole life.  And I promise you that we have nothing to fear with him.  In fact, shifters are much safer than hybrids.”  Hoseok added as a last minute plea.
Yoongi  slowly let out a sigh.  “Fine. But…” he quickly adds before Hobi and I get too excited. “If anything happens to a member of our household because of him, then he has to go somewhere else.”
“You have my word that nothing will happen.”
I grab Yoongi and Hobi into a hug in my excitement.  “So what’s his name?”
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I'm Always Curious Part Twenty Four
Previous Part | Next Part |  Masterlist Notes: I hope everyone’s having a good week 💕 Voxi - Translator *Ei dotch - (*and you) Warnings: Mentions of canon-typical violence. Summary: While his reasons had been purely self-serving, maybe Spargo’s suggestion of revisiting the topic of Somonia hadn’t been such a bad idea. 
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When Christopher and I had left Larilia, there were smiles on the Chancellors faces, settled looks as they stood side by side, sisters and rulers.
Now, as I stepped onto the landing pad on Somonia with the Admiral, I found the Chancellors with their antenna rigid, faces stony and set. Standing alongside them was the Federation’s assigned attaché, Soivo. Commander Soivo was a Rigelion. They had been on the planet since Pike and I had left, and I had spoken to them twice since I’d left Larilia: once to get them up to speed with the situation on the planet, and then again earlier that week. 
I raised my right hand, raising my right index finger and brushing it across my hairline, where Larilians had their antenna and I lacked one, before I dipped my head in greeting. Choholl and Chihurs both flicked their antenna at me before dipping their heads in turn. “It is good to see you again, voxi,” Chihurs spoke up first. I smiled a little bit. “*Ei dotch,”  I answered gently, looking between the both of them. 
While his reasons had been purely self-serving, maybe Spargo’s suggestion of revisiting the topic of Somonia hadn’t been such a bad idea. Shortly after the armistice had been announced, and the transfer of power of the territory shifted to Chihurs, factions of the industry’s leaders had spoken out against the change. Choholl had initially doubled down, urging open channels of communication between Chihurs and the leaders. But as tensions escalated, violence was threatened, and both parties refused to back down, manufacturing had come to a halt. Nickel mining and processing was one of Larilia’s largest industries; it was their primary export, employing the majority of their population. And now, with the operation at a standstill, the average Larilian was beginning to feel the effects. Commander Soivo had counseled Chihurs to take a hard line with the industry leaders; that had led to both parties walking away from the negotiating table, and that was when Cornwell had called me earlier that week. It was a play out of Spargo’s book - the kind of play that might’ve worked on a planet like Bajor or Q'onoS. What Sovio had failed to take into account was the Larialian’s warring sensibilities. There was a reason that the sisters had taken one another to task for the last eight decades, and it wasn’t just grief at the loss of their matriarch, or their inability to decide who was their mother’s favorite. Like Romulans, Larilians could be wrathful, and bowed to their emotions quickly.
On the journey to Larilia, Cornwell had updated me that not one, but four attempts had been made on both Choholl and Chihurs’ lives since negotiations had broken down completely. 
It was moments like these that I really, really needed my Spock Cap. 
-- “How’s it feel?” “Worse than when we were here,” I admitted. I peered out of the conference room window, overlooking a darkened processing plant. We were stationed on Somonia for the time being. The lodgings weren’t nearly as comfortable as they were last time, but that was just as well. Maybe the discomfort would keep me on task and get me out of there sooner. “Worse how?” Chris asked. “Just…” I trailed off, shaking my head and lowering my eyes to my communicator, “Last time, I could feel the want for a change. Now there’s this tension, and-- And I don’t know if it’s the territory conflict or what happened with Soivo, or… I can’t suss it out.” I lowered my head, scrubbing my eyes with my hand as I shifted from foot to foot. “What’d you get up to with your last day of leave?” I asked. I didn’t want to talk about Somonia anymore. “Holochambers-- you were right about those flight sims.” “Oh yeah?” I smiled a little, “What else?” “Dinner with a few people.” “Which people?” “Does it matter?” I could practically hear the wrinkle in Chris’ brow, and I realized that I sounded like I was interrogating the poor guy. “No,” I said softly, “Of course not. Just--... I just wanna hear you talk.” There was a pause on the other end of the line before Chris said, “Spock, and Thaleh-- And Una, of course.” “Of course,” I teased a little. “I would’ve rather been with you.” My smile widened, and I tipped my forehead forward onto my hand, “I’d rather be with you, too. You all on your way to the Pergamum?” “Been on our way for about four hours. We have a few stops set before we get there-- I have to be on the bridge in a little bit, but I’ll talk to you soon, alright?” “Alright. Be careful.” “Don’t worry about me.” “You’re kidding, right?” “Don’t start, sweetheart,” Chris retorted, but besides all of his grumbling, I was suddenly very glad that he wasn’t in front me. He’d never called me that before, and it put the stupidest grin on my face. “Too late,” I finally managed, “I’ve started.” “Well, I’ll finish it when you’re aboard the Enterprise again.” “That a promise, Captain?” “You know it is, lieutenant. Pike out.” I murmured my goodbye before I clicked my communicator shut, staring down at it. I sighed softly, running my thumb over the device before turning my eyes back to the processing plant. “Lieutenant?” I whirled around to find Admiral Cornwell standing in the doorway. I felt my stomach churn uncomfortably. How long had she been standing there? “Admiral,” I greeted, tucking my hands behind my back and forcing my face into a calm set. “Everything alright?” “Yes. Just touching base with Captain Pike.” Cornwell gave a nod, stepping further into the room, “Did he have any words of advice?” “Just-- To comm in if I had any questions.” Cornwell had this...Little look on her face, one that I couldn’t decipher, but she nodded a little. “I’ll be leaving in the morning, I’m needed on Tiburon.” Fear thrummed through my stomach, and Cornwell raised her hand before I could protest: “Commander Soivo is aware, and certain that the two of you can handle this situation. We’ll have check-ins every few hours, you can comm me if you need something-- Or Captain Pike.” “Of course,” I nodded, speaking with more conviction than I felt. 
Cornwell was quiet for a moment before: “Lieutenant, your record aside, the work you’ve done on the Enterprise-- and with the Chancellors before -- has shown a lot of promise. I understand that this is….Sort of a hard left turn, in terms of what you likely thought you’d be doing, and how, but I am going to need you to step up. I wouldn’t be going to Tiburon if I didn’t think you were capable of that.”  “...Admiral, I appreciate the sentiment, but under the circumstances, I also don’t mind admitting that I am scared shitless.” Cornwell smiled, nodding. “I’d be a little concerned if you weren’t,” She said, “You should get some rest. I suspect you’ve a few long days ahead.” 
Commander Soivo and I were up in time to see Cornwell off. We watched the yacht lift away from the landing pad, and I felt my confidence go with it. “Shall we to the conference room?” Soivo asked. “Sure,” I nodded, turning with Soivo away from the landing pad. My eyes caught on something in the distance - a few lights on at one of the dormant processing plants. “...Commander?” “Yes?” “Are the Chancellors set the visit the processing plants today?” “No. None of them are meant to be under operation.” “What do you think those lights are, then?” I asked, nodding toward them. “... Routine maintenance, perhaps.” “Can we get that looked into?” “I’m sure you’re fretting needlessly, lieutenant. Come now, we mustn’t keep the Chancellors waiting.” 
I’d come to realize, later, that even if Cornwell had stayed -- even if we had an extra Phaser in that room, we wouldn’t have stood a chance. The negotiations would still have been overrun, the heads of production would still have had the upper hand, and we wouldn’t have made it out cleanly. Tag list:  @angels-pie​  ; @fantasticcopeaglepasta​  ; @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo​ ; @how-am-i-serpose-to-know​  ; @onlyhereforthefandomandgiggles​  ; @inmyowncorner​ ; @tardis-23​  ; @2manyfandoms-solittletime​ ; @paintballkid711​ ; @katrynec​ End Note: .... Just trust me. 
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sepublic · 4 years
Kipo Season 2 Thoughts!
-Wolf smiles a LOT in this Season, at least moreso than usual, and I’m living for it! Maybe one day I’ll make a “Smiles I want to protect” montage, but it’s just every shot of Wolf smiling...
-I have to wonder, is Fun Gus a result of the lab experiments as well, or did he just sort of move in after the place was blown open by Song?
-Emilia though... Ugh. Not really much else to say about her. She talks big about humans having built an empire or whatever, but she also seems to conveniently forget that it was humans who also brought it down. Or, not- Maybe Mutes deliberately had an uprising, but still. I wondered if we’d have Human characters who are very pro-human, but at the cost of Mutes as a result... I guess we got them, and in the form of a genocidal jerk!
-The Rats were my favorite Mute group followed by the Umlaut Snakes, so OF COURSE the show had to mess with me by having Scarlemagne attack them! Thankfully, Brad and Amy made it out alive and good, but I’m still depressed over them! Ratland was THEIR dream- Which confirms they were in charge, but also we saw other background rats? WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM??? But hey, at least Brad and Amy are okay, I just wish they got their Goat Cheese! Maybe they can make a NEW Ratland from the ruins of Aurum, that’d be fitting! Also the Umlauts are fine, although I didn’t see one of them... I think she was the one voiced by a famous celebrity? That’d explain the absence, guest voices can be hard to reprise. However...
-DANG, I did NOT expect the Mod Frogs to die like that! After Brad and Amy got away fine, I just... YIKES. I knew Scarlemagne was going to be upset at them for messing with his family, and in his own house no less, but... OOF. RIP to those frogs, they shall be missed- Really, I was just thinking about how much I enjoyed the designs and vibes of them before, y’know... Jamack really dodged a bullet there, huh? And talk about MESSED UP... The Mod Frog Boss got to choose her own place in Aurum, and that’s why she and the others were there before everyone else! That blessing by Scarlemagne led to a Butterfly’s effect of their horrific execution, I just... It’s messed up, especially knowing that their bodies are forever buried under who knows HOW many karats of gold?!
-I realized that the Goats adopted a reverence for Cheese because Goats have their milk used to make cheese (as well as other culinary purposes), but like... It didn’t really SINK IN that it was their milk until Dave asked. Brilliant way to end THAT episode, I tell you!
-Back to Wolf... WE GOT TO SEE HER SING! We saw her make Stalky! RIP Stalky... hopefully she makes a new one- Possibly from that same Death Stalker she beat, though I’m not sure if it’s still alive? Regardless, it was a TREAT to see more backstory for her, and how she learned to fight off the Death Stalkers, and then chose to attack one for its stinger! Anyhow, I need to hear her sing Heroes on Fire at least... TWELVE more times after this!
-Did NOT see that twist over the masked figures being the ones to put the collar on Song, not Scarlemagne! One might say that the show is ‘predictable’ in some ways, but in those ways that predictableness FEELS good and proper! Like how an actual story should go... At the same time, KatAoW still saves its genuine twists for what really matters!
-Love the usage of Mulholland by the way, glad to see the friendships made along the way have paid off! I wonder if he’ll be used to help Song speak to Kipo and Lio more! Also, it was weird to see some Fitness Raccoons boo Kipo and Co. while at Cappuccino’s place, but I guess the animators just needed some background variety.
-And, hey! Cappuccino has a fun design, although it feels awkward since I’ve just recently eaten shrimp... Although I HAVE recently visited some brunch places, so I can still appreciate her cafe!
-Did not expect the potential plot thread of Kipo losing control and hurting others as a Mega-Jaguar. I was legit concerned when she almost went for the kill on Gerard, and I love how Wolf, who is very much survival of the fittest, still respects and admires Kipo’s compassion to save her from doing that!
-Good for Jamack, by the way, getting the fame he also desired with those The-Otters! On a small note, I love the gag of the whole gang being unmasked, before we see one Otter, because then you remember that there was that one dude who was also in a costume! Pretty surreal seeing the gang play caricatures of themselves, in COSTUMES of themselves...!
-Zane and Greta are himbos, they’re total Kronks. Not much else to say, I just like that about them! I’ve seen TWO buff, himbo ladies working for the bad guys by Dreamworks -Scorpia and Greta- and I’m down for more!
-It was ADORABLE seeing Mandu try to mimic the tusks of those Boar-Mutes, and how they low-key were encouraging Mandu as well?
-Dave is apparently so immortal that he can survive being blown apart from the inside? Those Bats made a point that I’d become desensitized to, but... He really IS the weirdest character now that I think about it!
-Poor Kipo, each season ends with her thinking her journey is over, only for someone else to come in and change the current objective after the previous one was fulfilled! Give Kipo a break, dang it!
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wittyvitale · 3 years
Always One of Us (A Fluffy Post-Series Castlevania Fanfic)
Summary:  The Codrii Speakers visit the town of Belmont and Sypha reunites with her grandfather. They have a conversation about Sypha's life journey and her decision not to return to her Speaker tribe. Takes place at the end of the series, so MAJOR SPOILERS FOR SEASON 4 AND THE ENTIRETY OF THE SERIES. Lots of family fluff, some angst, some humor, some of Trevor being a cute daddy.
Author Notes:  I. LOVED. The ending of Castlevania. Perfect IMHO, exceeded my expectations. And the brainrot is strong right now. I really wanted to write about Sypha meeting with her Speaker caravan again after the events of the series, so now we have this. Enjoy!
The town of Belmont was bathed in the light of the late morning sun, a gentle breeze rusting the leaves on the trees. Trevor and Sypha were sitting on the bottom steps of Alucard’s castle, crooning over 6-month-old Sonia sitting on Trevor’s lap. The breeze brushed against the baby’s face and she giggled. Every time the baby laughed, Trevor and Sypha felt as if their hearts were going to burst.
“Somebody’s very happy today, isn’t she?” Sypha asked sweetly as she brushed the chestnut bangs out of her baby’s face.
“Thank god for that,” Trevor replied as he gently bounced the baby. “Better than screaming bloody murder like she’s been the past 2 days.”
“Sonia’s first teeth are coming in, of course she’s been screaming,” Sypha replied with a pout as she looked at her daughter. “Poor little thing’s been in so much pain lately. I’m glad her mouth seems to be giving her a break today.”
“I still say we should give her a little whiskey if it happens again,” Trevor suggested. “Just brush a bit on her gums. My Nana did that with me and my siblings when we were teething, or so I’ve been told.”
“I’ve already told you that we are not giving our baby whiskey, Trevor,” Sypha said sharply as she narrowed her eyes. “Alucard found a recipe for a tonic his mother used to make for teething babies. He said he’d have it for us today.”
Sonia began to babble as she reached for Trevor’s face and began to pat it with her chubby hand. Trevor lifted the baby so her face was closer to his ear.
“Hmm, what’s that, Sunny?” he asked. Sonia answered with more babbles and Trevor nodded. “I know, princess, but your mum says you can’t have whiskey. Maybe we’ll try again when you’re a little older.”
Sypha rolled her eyes but laughed. “My god, you are impossible, Trevor Belmont.”
Their banter was interrupted by a flurry of activity at the town’s front gate. A large wagon rolled into the town, and Sypha squinted to try to get a better look.
“That looks like a Speaker caravan.” Sypha observed with a lilt of surprise in her voice, still squinting.
“Definitely a Speaker caravan,” Trevor agreed. “You can see those blue robes from here.”
Sypha stood up and took a few steps forward. She saw a few of the Speakers getting off of the back of the wagon and her eyes widened.
“It’s the Codrii Speakers!” Sypha exclaimed. “Trevor, that’s my tribe!”
Before Trevor could react, Sypha was already running over to the caravan. The closer she got, the more certain she was that this was her Speaker tribe. When she got close enough, the last Speaker was being helped off of the wagon. Sypha stopped and stared at the older man, her eyes already beginning to well up with tears.
“Papi?” she asked softly. The older man turned at the sound of her voice and his eyes widened before giving her a soft smile.
“Sypha.” her grandfather replied, his lips curling into a delighted smile.
“Papi!” Sypha exclaimed as she ran over to her grandfather and hugged him tightly. Her grandfather returned the hug and they both held each other for a solid minute, both of them crying with joy.
“I missed you so much, Papi,” Sypha started, tears still flowing down her face. “I was planning to return to the caravan after we defeated Dracula, but so much happened and I-“
“Shhhh, it’s all right, my angel,” the Elder replied. Once they were finished embracing, he gently wiped the tears from her eyes. “We have plenty of time to catch up now. When I heard that there was a newer town in the area called Belmont, I had a feeling that I might find you here. I’m glad I trusted my intuition.”
Trevor finally caught up to Sypha, still holding Sonia in his arms.
“Christ Sypha, your eyesight is good,” Trevor said as he approached granddaughter and grandfather. “It really is your tribe! How are you, Elder Belnades?”
“Trevor! It is so nice to see you again.” The Elder said kindly to the Belmont. Sonia babbled and looked at the older man, big blue eyes filled with curiosity. “And who is this little one?”
“We really do have a lot to catch up on Papi,” Sypha said as she wiped the remaining tears from her eyes before standing next to Trevor.  “This is your great-granddaughter: Sonia Belnades Belmont.”
The Elder felt tears welling up in his eyes again when he learned the identity of the child. “I see. What a lucky man I am that I get to see 3 generations of Belnades’ during my lifetime. She’s beautiful. Congratulations to you both.”
“Would you like to hold her, Elder?” Trevor asked.
“It would be my honor.” The Elder replied as he stretched out his arms. As soon as Sonia was in her great-grandfather’s arms, she gave him an open-mouthed smile and cooed happily. The Elder gently stroked the baby’s cheek, a huge smile on his face.
“You were certainly telling the truth when you said that a lot has happened, Sypha,” the Elder said as he continued fawning over the baby. “The last time I saw you, you were making plans to urinate in a bucket and tell Trevor it was beer. And now the two of you have a baby.”
“I’m sorry, what was that?” Trevor asked, raising an eyebrow.
“There is a beautiful spot on the edge of the village where we can catch up,” Sypha said, ignoring Trevor’s question. “Come, Papi, I’ll tell you everything.”
“You were going to make me drink your piss?”
Sypha turned to Trevor and placed a hand on his cheek, a sly smile on her face. “Treffy, please. We both know that you’d never notice if I did."
With that, Sypha led her grandfather over to the spot she mentioned before, leaving a dumbstruck Trevor behind.
Sypha and her grandfather were seated on 2 crates underneath the shade of a large oak tree. The Elder was still holding baby Sonia, who was beginning to drift off in his arms. Sypha looked at her daughter fondly.
“She’s very comfortable with you,” Sypha started. “Not that I’m surprised. You’ve always been good with babies.”
The Elder chuckled lightly. “I’ve been caring for children for decades; you, your mother, and many of the children across our caravans. I’d like to think I’ve picked up a few skills in my time. Now, why don’t you start from the beginning, Sypha?”
Sypha told her grandfather everything that had happened since they had parted at Gresit; the journey to the Belmont Hold, perfecting the locking spell and dragging Dracula’s castle to its current position, the battle with Dracula himself, her journey with Trevor, the tragedy at Lindenfeld, the many times they thwarted Dracula’s resurrection, their time in Targoviste, the battle with Death… the crushing despair she felt after thinking Trevor had died. She told her grandfather every detail and he listened well, as all experienced Speakers do.
“When I thought I had lost Trevor, I was planning on coming back to the caravan,” Sypha continued. “I realized I was pregnant not long after the battle with Death. I knew that I could get the support I needed if I returned to my family. But Alucard convinced me to stay, told me about the community he was helping to build around the castle. And literally right after that, Trevor came back from the dead. I decided to stay and help with the community organization efforts, and before I knew it, Sonia was born. I was always planning to come back to the caravan, Papi. I don’t want you to think that I was just going to abandon you and the rest of my family. But at the same time I… I…”
“You weren’t sure if you wanted to return to us for good.” The Elder answered. Sypha looked down at her feet guiltily. He took the hand he wasn’t using to hold Sonia and gently squeezed Sypha’s hand.
“You certainly have been through a great many ordeals, my dear,” the Elder started. “And we always knew there was a possibility that you would not come back to us once you had fulfilled the prophecy. Do you remember how the prophecy of the Sleeping Soldier ended?”
“How could I forget?” Sypha said with a light laugh. “’Once the Hunter, Scholar, and Sleeping Soldier had saved the world, they lived with each other until the end of their days.’ But after I met Trevor, I was certain that I would want nothing to do with him after we defeated Dracula. You remember what he was like, you met him before I did. He stank, he was rude, he behaved like such a child. I couldn’t stand him. But then… I learned more about him, saw the man he really was. And I… I fell in love. I really do love him, Papi.”
The Elder smiled in approval. “I always knew Trevor was more than what he was pretending to be back in Gresit. He was a defeated man, trying to cope with a significant loss. I knew that you would eventually realize the same thing. You’ve always had a good head on your shoulders, a very strong emotional intelligence.”
Sypha smiled sadly. “After everything I’ve been through, I don’t think I can return to the life of a Speaker. My life is here now. With Trevor, Sonia, Alucard, Greta, and so many other people who make up this community. I will always carry the practices and principles of the Speakers with me. I will always provide aid and comfort to those who need it most. But I want to do these things here. I want to stay here.”
“As you should,” the Elder nodded as he squeezed Sypha’s hand again. “I always knew you were destined for great things, my Sypha. I knew it back when you were 5-years-old and you accidentally set our wagon on fire with your magic.”
Sypha laughed. “I remember that day very well. That was the first time I ever used magic.”
“I want you to look at me, Sypha,” the Elder began, waiting until Sypha’s eyes met his. “Know that no matter where the journey of life takes you, you will always be a Codrii Speaker. You will always be considered one of us. We are your family and will always be your family. Never forget that, my angel. Although you no longer travel as a Speaker, you will always be a Speaker. And you will always be my precious granddaughter.”
Sypha felt the tears welling up in her eyes again. She wrapped her arms around her grandfather’s neck. “Thank you, Papi. Thank you. I love you so much.”
“And I love you, Sypha,” the Elder answered, wrapping his free arm around Sypha. Once they had separated, the Elder’s eyes went back to the front of the village gate. He saw the 10 remaining Speakers surrounding Trevor and they appeared to be subjecting him to an intense interrogation session.
“And it looks like the rest of your family is making sure that Trevor is taking good care of their sister,” the Elder chuckled. “We should go back to him.”
Sypha laughed too. “Yes, we should probably save him. From Arn especially.”
“Well at least you smell better than the last time we met you.” Arn said to Trevor as Sypha and the Elder returned to the group. Arn noticed the pair and turned to Sypha. “Is this bum helping you take care of the baby? He’s not leaving all of the work to you, is he?”
Sypha rolled her eyes affectionately. “Yes, Arn, Trevor’s helping me with all aspects of childcare. This is me we’re talking about; do you think I’d let him get away with anything less?”
“Hmm, a fair point,” Arn mulled over before glaring at Trevor again. “You’d better be good to her. To her and your daughter. If not, we’ll come back and have something to say about it.”
Trevor held up his hands in acquiescence. “I promise, Arn, Sypha and Sonia will be treated like royalty as long as I’m around. They're my world and I'm always going to give them my best.”
Sypha gave Trevor a soft yet apologetic smile for Arn’s interrogation. Her eyes went to Sonia, who was now fast asleep in the Elder’s arms.
“Trevor, why don’t you take Sonia and put her in her crib for a nap?” Sypha suggested. “I don’t want her to risk waking up out here. You know how cranky she gets when her sleep is interrupted.”
“Hmm, good idea. Gotta make sure our little princess gets her uninterrupted beauty rest.” Trevor agreed as he held his arms towards the Elder. The Elder quietly passed Sonia over to her father. Sonia began making small whimpering sounds at the movement, which made Trevor gently shush her, hoping she wouldn’t wake up. She settled in Trevor’s arms and relaxed, which also made Trevor relax.
Sypha squeezed Trevor’s upper arm gently. “I’ll meet you back at the castle a little later. I want to spend a little more time with my family.”
“Take your time.” Trevor nodded to Sypha and the Speakers before walking away with the sleeping baby in his arms.
Sypha looked at each member of her Speaker family and smiled warmly. So happy that they had found her. So happy that she was still considered one of them. So happy that she would always have them no matter where her life led.
“I would like to introduce you to the other members of my family in this village,” Sypha started as she took her grandfather’s hand. “Would you like me to give you a tour?”
The Elder placed his other hand on Sypha’s and smiled fondly.
“We would love nothing more.”  
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amethystpath-writes · 3 years
I loved your recent drabble Dragged by the Ankle! Do we maybe get to see some of Villain's training in the woods? ~tears-and-lillies
Aw shucks! Thank you; glad you liked it! It was a little less training and a little more surviving ;) Very long, but I think it's appropriate to be so. Slight gore warning: animal attack, can see the bones, mention of blood, survival (in the woods) situation- whump of minors
Continuation of this
"I'm thirstyyyyyy," one boy complained as the group continued walking.
Villain wondered how long it'd been since they'd been outcasted. He recalled the way Hero's face changed; from worried and scared to...to stone cold, emotionless. He didn't think he'd ever forget that face, the face of indifference, as if Hero didn't even care about him anymore.
How could that happen? How could they have been so close, been so happy being brothers, all for Hero to just...abandon him? Walk him out in the woods with a group of other kids and say 'Fend for yourselves. And if you live through two weeks, you can come back'?
Villain couldn't understand why his older brother suddenly didn't care at all. He knew Villain wouldn't survive out here in the woods like this. He'd been housebound for several months, taking care of their deteriorating mother. Any muscle Villain once had was nearly gone. He wasn't skin and bones per say, but he couldn't wrestle a bear, that was for sure.
"Quiet, now. I'm going to teach you all something." It was an older boy, maybe sixteen, whereas Villain was fourteen. This boy had been a captain's son. Guess he wasn't living up to the Captain's standards. "Sh, sh. Listen, alright?"
The boys went silent. Most of them were under the age of ten. It was ridiculously unfair they had been sent to the woods. It was unfair that any of them had been, but who could send a child to fend for itself in the woods, somewhere far away from civilization, far away from help? 'Strength in numbers' Hero had said before setting them off. 'Stick together and more of you will live as opposed to if you split up'. A true soldier's lesson. These boys weren't soldiers though. They were just boys.
"You hear that flow of water?" A collective nod of heads. Villain stood nearby, but also a little separated from the group, leaning against a tree. "Which direction do you think we need to walk to find the water?"
One kid began humming in question, but the eldest put a finger to his lips, whispering again, "Listen. You have to be quiet in order to listen."
Another boy raised a hand.
"Not yet. Let the others think of an answer themselves." The oldest hummed himself, and the boy from before nearly corrected him before the former finished, "When everyone has thought of an answer, put a thumb up, alright? Then we'll all point where we think."
"You're really good with them," Villain said. "The younger boys."
The sixteen year old shrugged. "Thanks, I guess." He gave a small laugh. "I'm not used to interacting with them in that way. I guess it's just the way I always wanted to be treated."
"In any way, you're good at it."
He nodded, muttered another small 'Thanks'.
They were on their fourth day. Villain considered the sixteen year old a friend. He was closer to his own age than anyone else. He was kind and he was a good leader. Villain aspired to be him in some fashion. Not entirely, because Villain liked his own identity, but he wished he was stronger, more capable like Friend.
It was night now, and Villain couldn't sleep as everyone else did. He kept thinking about Hero, about how much he missed his older brother.
They had always been so close. When Father returned home, Hero would always take Villain out to the cliff edge. There, they would forget about the day's stress and aggravations. Sometimes they'd throw what little sand they could find at one another. Villain smiled at this memory, smiled at remembering the way they laughed together and the way, when he began to tire, Hero would lie down and Villain used him as a pillow. They'd watch the sun set over the waters then walk home.
There was a groan, and Villain looked over at the group of boys with raised brows. Friend sat up and Villain nodded, having figured out who it was.
Friend stretched before asking, "Have you slept at all?"
Villain shook his head. "Restless mind, restless body."
"You haven't been sleeping very much. It's going to catch up with you." He stood, stretched, and walked over to Villain before slinking beside him against the trunk of a tree. "What would help you sleep, huh?"
Villain shrugged at Friend. "Nothing that can actually happen."
"What is it?"
"I want my brother to be here with me."
Friend hummed. He did that a lot. "I could be your brother. Wouldn't be quite the same, I know, but if you think it would help..."
Villain huffed. "Don't force a relationship on my behalf. I'll get over it."
"You're angry," Friend observed aloud. "Your brother let them take you away, didn't they?"
Now Villain laughed. It was an ironic laugh, one that presented his anger further. Really, he didn't know he was angry until Friend said it. But it was true. He was angry with Hero, not just saddened by him. "My brother is the one who led us out here."
Several more days passed and Villain was struggling. His thirst was quenched; the boys traveled upstream, always having water on hand as long as they could make a fire, and they could. The lands were dry, though not so dry as to start a forest fire. A general campfire was easy. It was the hunger, though, that dug at Villain.
There were seven boys in the group, including Villain and Friend, and it was only those two that were successful in capturing rabbits, squirrels, and fish, but it happened so seldom that Villain hadn't even had anything to eat. He gave it all to the younger children. Friend did the same, except he had one fish for himself, in the middle of the night once, to maintain his strength.
Another day. Another night.
The boys were walking, all of them a bit tired from the journey, but persevering nonetheless. They were going to settle in a bend of the river, a 'comfy spot' the younglings said. Villain knew it was because it reminded them of the hugs they missed from their mothers.
Friend held a hand up, shushing the group. There was a howl somewhere in the distance, but if they could hear it, it meant it was too close. They'd never had to fight a predator before, even after a full week.
"Wolves," Friend said. "They don't travel alone; they travel in packs, like us." Villain liked this comparison. They weren't boys, were they? They were all wolves, too. But which pack was stronger?
The boys scrambled about, crying with worry of death. Friend did his best to calm them down, but ultimately it was Villain who succeeded in doing so.
"You don't want to be wolves, do you?"
Some still crying, the majority shook their heads. Others just listened.
"Did you ever hear about these creatures called monkeys?" They nodded. "They don't live around here, but we can make them exist. You want to?" Again, they nodded. "Good," Villain smiled. "Good. Monkeys climb in trees, alright? So that's what we have to do."
One boy, the youngest, asked, "What noise do they make?" He was one of the few who hadn't been crying. He seemed to not understand what was going on around him. He played with a twig in his chubby hands.
"Noise? Oh no. They don't make any sounds. That's a myth."
The boy squinted, but accepted it.
More howls sounded. They were getting closer. Villain looked to Friend. He felt very terrified all of a sudden.
Friend said, "Up you go, in the trees." The boys began jumping for branches, but weren't able to reach. Before helping them, Friend said to Villain, "Genius thinking, brother." He clapped Villain on the back before helping the smallest up a tree first.
That hollowness Villain felt as his fear increased settled just the tiniest bit. He smiled at Friend. Not a forced relationship, after all. They were brothers and they would continue to be after this second week was over.
Villain moved to help some of the others as well. They'd nearly all gotten up, except for the middle child in the group of five younglings. And, of course, Villain and Friend were left as well.
Helping the last up, Villain heard a low rumble. At first he thought it came from his stomach, but then the rolling continued, and a quick snarl made itself heard. Slowly, he turned his head, and as he did so, his eyes stung. There, between the trees crouched a beast of grey and brown fur. Villain froze. He wasn't even sure that he was breathing. Could he breathe? Would it trigger a fight response in the wolf?
Friend, having already finished with his group of kids, tiptoed as slowly as he could manage to Villain. He whispered, and it made the pit in Villain's stomach double in size and despair, "Get him up there, slowly, quietly. No sudden movements, you hear me?"
Villain said nothing, but began to nerve strikingly push the child up through the air. The wolf howled and Villain's shoulders and arms tightened. He felt tears building up in his eyes before they slid down his cheeks. He didn't bother wiping them away, afraid- again- that the action would cause the wolf to attack. I don't want to die. Please don't let me die.
Another howl. The wolf was calling the rest of the pack, telling them that it found food. A shudder traveled through Villain and he flinched. I thought wolves stuck together at all times.
"Go up the tree, Villain. You're going to be okay. We'll get out of this."
Villain's watched the wolf's ear twitch as it heard. It began taking slow, cautious, and predatory steps closer to them. Every time Friend spoke, it would approach faster. Their voices were a taunt to the beast.
Nodding, Villain reached up, grasping a thick branch before pulling himself up, but he wasn't strong enough. His body jerked down as his arms gave. The wolf let out a startling bark, pounced forward a bit.
"Shit," Friend spat out, grabbing Villain under each arm. "Grab it," he said, panicked. "Grab the branch!" Villain did as he was instructed, and this time Friend helped push him up.
Several howls followed Villain as he climbed up. He spotted the boy he helped up as he tried looking for whatever wolves were approaching. He'd forgotten it wasn't just him and Friend who were facing death.
Villain looked down just as the first wolf lunged at Friend. "No!" Thankfully, Friend had rolled out of the way before the wolf's teeth could sink in.
"Come on! I'll pull you up! I'll pull you-" Friend's hands grasped one of Villain's while the other held the branch he jumped up to grab. Not in time, though. The wolf clenched its jaws on Friend's calf, yanking him with one vicious pull to the ground.
"Friend!" Villain could hear the grunts, the hollers, the snarls, and the rips. Villain couldn't watch. He couldn't watch. There was blood and- and no. No, that's not a bone. Friend screamed again and again, sometimes at the wolf, sometimes at Villain.
"Stay in-" Scream. Punch. Thrash. "Stay in the trees!"
Don't die. Don't die. Don't die, don't die,don't die-don'tdiedon'tdie. Please don't die. Villain couldn't handle both of his brothers disappearing from his life. And not like this. Not like this.
A massive wave of fury struck Villain in the next moment. If it weren't for Hero- he let out a holler of frustration. If it weren't for Hero, he wouldn't be in these woods. Friend wouldn't be in these woods. None of these kids would be in the woods, hiding in trees to avoid being eaten by wolves. Villain was willing to bet Hero had never seen a wolf before, much less fought one.
The screams stopped. Villain screamed, cried, punched the branch he sat on with both fists until they felt swollen and bruised. And then he fell asleep, exhausted, and not willing to think of the horror he just witnessed.
The boys slept in the trees. The wolves left. After Villain had fallen asleep, the other wolves arrived, scratching at the trees, whimpering that they couldn't reach the delectable bags of flesh and meat stowed away, hidden behind leaves.
When Villain woke, he saw two piles of clothing, each stained with blood, both containing hard and thin objects called bones. Two piles- so one of the children had fallen prey, too.
Villain threw up in the stream over and over, pouring himself out, tears and stomach acid alike. "I can't do this," he gasped. "I can't do this."
But he could. And he would. Because Hero needed to pay, and Villain would be the one to collect.
Part 3 here
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maddrmatt · 3 years
A Beautiful Future: A Premonition or a Punishment? (SoKai Week 2021)
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Greetings readers and fellow SoKai fans!  It is I, the Mad Doctor, participating in SoKai Week for the second year running.  This year, I have a special multichapter story that will be posted throughout the week.  It’s going to be quite an emotional rollercoaster that I hope you all enjoy!
Chapter 1: Two Hearts Become One
Radiant Garden
Dressed in an elegant white suit with golden highlights, Sora gazed over Mickey’s head at the long aisle ahead of him.  It was going to be quite a walk.  But it was going to be one worth taking given what was going to happen at the end.
Just then, music filled the air and Mickey began his walk.  Once the mouse king was far enough ahead, Sora followed after him.  ‘Okay.  Here it goes. No pressure.  It’s only the happiest day of Kairi’s and my life.’
As he walked, Sora took in his surroundings and marveled at how different the setting was from when, on occasion, he would picture his wedding day.  ‘If the Keyblade had never come to me and I had never got caught up in my adventures, we probably would’ve been getting married in a simple beachside ceremony on the Islands with just family and friends from there.  I never thought it would be in another world.  Especially in front of a crowd like this.’
The Radiant Garden chapel that the ceremony was taking place in was indeed far from a beach setting.  It had needed to be magically expanded to accommodate all the various friends from around the worlds that he made on his many adventures.  There was even a giant screen hovering up front in the air so the guests could see the altar no matter where they were in the chapel.
There had probably never been such a gathering of guests in the entire history of the worlds.  It was composed of various humans, animals (both regular and anthropomorphic), monsters, magical beings, artificial constructs and other kinds. And all of them looked incredibly happy to be there to witness this happy occasion.
Hercules pumped his fist.  Rapunzel’s eyes were wet with happy tears.  Stitch shot him one of his toothiest smiles.  Jack Sparrow gave a salute.
Sora smiled at all of them as he passed by.  ‘We may be shattering the World Order to bits for this wedding.  But I’m so glad they could all be here today.  Because they’re not just friends.  All of them are family.’
Finally, Sora reached the altar and stood before Mickey. The mouse had never looked more like a king since he was dressed in his most official robes.  It was fitting because he was the officiant for the ceremony.
‘Never would have imagined that we’d be getting married by a king who’s a giant mouse,’ thought Sora as he turned around and gazed down the aisle as his groomsmen, all dressed in matching black suits, approached.
Fittingly, the first groomsman to arrive was also the very first person Sora had helped in his lifetime.  ‘I’d barely been born when I saved Ven.  And because of him, I gained the Keyblade and became the hero the worlds and Kairi needed.”
Then came his former Nobody.  ‘Roxas certainly earned his spot among my groomsmen. He gave up his existence to wake me up so I could stop the first Organization.’
Sora gave a little chuckle as he saw how identical Ven and Roxas were in their suits.  ‘They truly do look like twin brothers.  I can’t believe how many of the guests here really thought they were that.’
After Roxas, came the two who had been with Sora through nearly every step of his adventures.  Donald and Goofy looked like proud parents seeing as how they had long considered Sora to be like another nephew and another son respectively.
‘An anthropomorphic duck and dog among my groomsmen.  Now there’s something I definitely never thought I would have at my wedding.  But I never would’ve gotten anywhere without them. Not that I would tell Donald that. Goofy maybe.  But not Donald.  He’d never let me hear the end of it.’
Then Riku came down the aisle.  As he took his place right beside Sora, the two of them exchanged smiles.
‘Riku, I’m so happy that through everything that’s happened, our friendship not only endured but got even stronger.  You’re my brother in everything but blood and there’s no one else I’d choose to be my best man.’
Now that all the groomsmen were in place, it was now time for the bridesmaids to come down the aisle.  ‘My bride really didn’t have a lot of female friends when we were growing up on the Islands.  Now, thanks to our adventures, she has plenty to fill her bridesmaids’ ranks,’ thought Sora.
The first bridesmaid to arrive, dressed in a pink dress that they were all wearing, came Olette.  ‘She was probably the first person to call our story a romantic one.  How right she was.’
Xion was next.  ‘Her appearance is living proof that my strongest memories were always of Kairi.’
Following Xion was none other than the blue haired Keyblade master who was ultimately responsible for him meeting the love of his life.  ‘I can never thank you enough for setting us up to meet, Aqua.’
Then came Kairi’s former Nobody.  ‘I’m so glad that Naminè didn’t want to wake me up without my memories of Kairi. Although, I wish there had been a better way that wouldn’t have required Roxas and Xion to make sacrifices.  Oh well.  It all worked out in the end.’
Finally, came the maid of honor.  ‘She may have been uninvolved in our adventures.  But Selphie’s been Kairi’s oldest female friend, so she deserves to be maid of honor.’
Sora then gazed to the front rows of seats where the groups from Disney Castle, Radiant Garden, Twilight Town and Shibuya were all seated.  In the very first row was Master Yen Sid, Terra, Axel, Isa, Hayner, Pence, Tidus and Wakka as well as his parents, Hayley and Jones who looked extremely proud of their boy.
‘Mom, Dad, I hope that our marriage turns out as wonderful as yours.’
Next to come up the aisle, was Pluto with Jiminy Cricket riding on top of his head.  The dog had a cushion clutched in his mouth which upon it were two paopu fruits each in the middle of a crown of flowers.  In the cricket’s hands was a cushion with two golden rings.
Once Pluto had reached the altar, he walked up to Selphie, who reached down and took one of the rings from Jiminy’s cushion.  The dog then walked up to Riku who took the remaining ring.   With the rings having been delivered to the maid of honor and best man, Pluto assumed a sitting position next to Riku until the time came for his next duty.
Then the music changed.  All the guests rose to their feet.
After a short while, Sora’s eyes widened. Coming down the aisle, preceded by Chirithy who was scattering flower petals and between her adoptive parents Parker and Dorothy, was his bride.
Kairi was dressed in a lovely white sleeveless wedding gown. Golden designs were stitched into the fabric with an elaborate shape of a heart on her chest.  Her hair had been done up in a bun and she was wearing a tiara with seven shimmering white heart-shaped jewels.  In her hands, she carried a bouquet of flowers.  Her eyes were bright with happiness and her lips wore a radiant smile.
‘She’s so beautiful,’ thought Sora.
‘He’s so handsome,’ thought Kairi as she and her parents reached the altar with Chirithy taking its place beside Selphie.
The music faded and the guests resumed sitting.  It was time for the ceremony to begin.
“Welcome all honored friends and family from around the worlds. We are gathered here on this most joyous day to witness the joining of Sora and Kairi in the sacred union of marriage. Who presents this woman to be married?” asked Mickey.
“Her father and I do, with all our hearts and with every blessing,” said Dorothy.
“We also say this on behalf of her birth parents and grandmother who sadly could not be here today but would surely be so proud of her,” said Parker solemnly.
A bittersweet feeling came over the bride.  ‘I hope, wherever they are, they’re very proud.  I just know they would’ve loved Sora especially after hearing about everything he’s done for me.’
Kairi handed her bouquet to Selphie and exchanged a loving embrace with each of her parents.  ‘I can never thank you enough for taking me in, Mom and Dad.  You’ve been the most wonderful parents I could ask for.  I love you both so much.’  
The bride then walked over to the groom’s side.  Sora was then suddenly embraced by Kairi’s parents.
“Keep taking care of her, Sora,” whispered Parker.
“Just like you always have,” added Dorothy.
“I will.  I promise,” Sora responded back as Kairi’s parents broke their embrace and headed for their seats.
‘And there’s never been a promise that you’ve failed to keep, my soon-to-be husband,’ thought Kairi as she took Sora’s hands into her own as Mickey started up again.
“What we are witnessing this day is the next step in what has been an incredible journey. Sora and Kairi began this journey as childhood friends. But although they were young, the light of love was present right from the start and it continued to grow over time. That light has guided them through many trials and tribulations throughout their lives.  And now they have reached this day when their hearts, which have always shared a special bond, will now truly become one,” said the mouse king.
‘It certainly has been quite a ride for us, Sora.  But everything that we’ve gone through, even the darkest times, has been worth it.  Even more worth it since it has finally led us here to this day,’ thought Kairi.
“Sora, Kairi, your love and devotion for one another is greatly admirable.  But while marriage is a beautiful symbol of that love, it is a commitment not to be taken lightly as you go through all the challenges that life will throw at you. But there is no doubt among anyone present here that the two of you will rise to meet those challenges together,” continued Mickey.
Kairi smiled at her groom who smiled back.  ‘As many of our friends have said, when we’re together, Sora, there is nothing we can’t do.’
“Now, let us hear you both recite your vows of love for one another. And as Keyblade Masters, it is tradition to swear them on your Keyblades.  Sora?” asked Mickey.
As he had been instructed by the Keyblade Masters, Sora released one of his hands from Kairi’s, held it out and summoned Kingdom Key eliciting a gasp from several of the guests.  Planting the tip to the floor and kneeling down while not once breaking eye contact with Kairi or releasing her hand.
‘Okay, Kairi.  Let’s keep it together.  You don’t want to start crying and ruin Selphie’s hard work on your makeup.  No matter how wonderful Sora’s vow is undoubtedly going to be,’ Kairi thought as the love of her life began.
“Kairi, when my adventures began, what kept me going was the thought of reuniting with the people I hold dear at the end.  But looking back, I realize while that was true, it was not entirely accurate because the one I was fighting hardest to reunite with has always truly been you.  You’ve always been the one who inspires me to be the best I can be, and you’ve always been the light that leads me out of the darkness and back to where I’m meant to be: where I can hear you laugh, see you smile and just be where we can share our lives and our love.  So, this is my vow to you.  As your husband, I will stand by your side in all things that may come our way whether it be fighting together to protect the worlds from the darkness or raising a family of our own.  I will laugh with you in the good times and comfort you in the bad times.  And most of all, I will love you now and forever even beyond the time we part for good.”
Kairi had bee successfully in refraining from crying. But it had been no easy task.  Sora’s wonderful words of love had imbued her with immense joy.
As Sora rose and dismissed his Keyblade, Mickey turned to Kairi and said, “Kairi?”
‘Sora, that was absolutely beautiful.  I only hope my own vow will touch your heart in the same way you’ve just touched mine.’
Like what Sora did earlier, Kairi held out her hand and summoned Destiny’s Embrace.  She planted the tip on the floor and kneeled down while her eyes gazed into Sora’s while keeping one of her hands in his.  It was fortunate that her gown had been designed so she had no trouble kneeling down for this part.
“Sora, when I first met you, it was during one of the darkest times of my life.  There I was: a lost little girl whose home world was swallowed by the darkness and had been sent away to a strange new one with no memory other than her own name. And then there was you: a boy with the brightest smile who opened his heart to me and helped me build a wonderful new life.  I don’t know what would have happened to me had you not become the friend that I needed. I realize now that it was not some random chance that we met.  It was destiny.  Destiny brought us together.  Destiny always reunited us whenever we were separated.  And now, destiny has led us here where our hearts will be united. And so, to you, I vow that I will support you in everything from the responsibilities as Keyblade Masters to bringing up our future children.  I will always cheer you on and be your source of strength.  And most importantly, I will love and cherish you for the entirety of our lifetime and beyond.”
Kairi looked into Sora’s eyes and saw a tear welled up in it.  He too was clearly struggling to not make a scene. Her heart warmed to see that her vow had indeed succeeded in touching his heart.
Mickey wiped away a tear of his own from his eye as Kairi dismissed her Keyblade and rose up.  “Those vows were beautiful, both of you.  You should both be very proud,” he whispered to the bride and groom.
The mouse king then regained his composure and continued on with the ceremony.  “The groom and the bride shall now exchange their rings.”
Sora turned away from Kairi.  Riku immediately handed Sora the ring.  After shooting his oldest friend a look of gratitude, he turned toward his future wife and took her hand into his.
“Kairi, wear this ring as a symbol of my oath to love you and my wish for the wonderful lifetime for both of us,” he said as he slipped the ring on her finger.
Kairi gazed at the ring.  Engraved upon it, was a perfect recreation of the drawing from the Secret Place.  A drawing that had evolved from simple childhood artwork to a foretelling of a very important moment in their lives.
‘Those Moogles certainly are quite the artists,’ thought Kairi.
“Kairi?” whispered Selphie snapping Kairi out of her thoughts.
‘Oh!  Right! Time for me to give Sora his so we match!’
Kairi turned to her maid of honor who passed the ring to her. After giving her oldest gal pal a slightly embarrassed smile, she turned to her groom and took his hand.
“Sora, wear this ring as a symbol of my oath to love you and my wish for the wonderful lifetime for both of us,” said the bride as she slipped the ring onto the groom’s finger.
Mickey smiled.  “And now, before we conclude the ceremony, there are two unification rituals that we shall observe.  They are traditions that come from the two worlds represented here.  First, from the bride’s world of birth, Radiant Garden, the flower crowns.”
Pluto left Riku’s side and moved until he stood before the bride and groom.  With a smile of gratitude to the dog, Sora and Kairi reached down and each took one of the flower crowns off of the cushion.
“Entwined in these crowns, are three kinds of flowers.  First, the yellow sunflowers represent your friendship, which was where the two of you began.  Next, the pink carnations represent your love for each other that grew from your friendship and led you here.  And finally, the white daisies represent the brand-new beginning of a whole new journey that two of you will share together in your love.  Sora, Kairi, on this day, wear these crowns as symbols of everything your marriage encompasses.”
At the end of Mickey’s words, Sora raised the crown in hands and gently lowered it down onto Kairi’s head, careful not to disturb or obscure her tiara.  Once he had finished, Kairi did the same, managing to get the crown past his usual spiky hairstyle that she loved so much.
Kairi then heard what sounded to be some snickers that could have come from either the audience or the groomsmen.  Clearly the sight of Sora wearing the flower crown had amused some.
She shook her head with a small smile.  ‘I can imagine he might be getting teased after the ceremony likely from Riku, Donald, Axel, Wakka or Tidus.  I’ll have to remedy that by assuring him just how adorable he looks.’
“Now, for the tradition from the Destiny Islands.  And it is one that carries a certain significance for Sora and Kairi: the sharing of the paopu fruits,” Mickey continued.
Once again, Sora and Kairi reached down to Pluto’s cushion. This time, they took the two star-shaped fruits from it.
“For those who do not know, there is a legend from the Islands that when two people share these fruits, their destinies are bound together, and they remain a part of each other’s lives no matter what.  While Sora and Kairi have shared these fruits before, they will do so again here on their wedding day to renew and strengthen that bond.”
With that, Sora and Kairi began to reach their fruits to the other’s mouth.  As they inched closer, they both recalled the day before their fight against Xehanort on the paopu tree, where they shared them for the first time.
‘Even if what followed that day were things we’d rather forget, the moment we first shared these fruits will always be one of our most treasured memories.  But, this time, I know for sure that there’s nothing but good and wonderful things to come after we share them today,’ thought Kairi.
Finally, the fruits reached their mouths and simultaneously, Sora and Kairi took a bite out of the other’s.  After chewing and swallowing, they returned the fruits to Pluto’s cushion.  As the dog returned to Riku’s side, the couple took each other’s hands once again and faced Mickey.
Mickey gave them a smile.  “Sora, Kairi, you have pledged your vows.  You have exchanged your rings.  You have crowned each other with the symbolic flowers. And you have strengthened the bond of your destinies with the paopu fruit.  So, by the power vested in me as the king of Disney Castle, I now pronounce you husband and wife.  Sora, you may kiss your bride.”
Sora took Kairi into his arms and the two of them exchanged the brightest smiles they ever shown.  Their feelings of happiness could not be greater now that their hearts had been joined together.
‘It’s time, Sora.  Time to make another memory to treasure for the rest of our lives.’
Closing their eyes and preparing for the thunderous applause that would soon fill the chapel, they slowly inched their faces closer together.
But alas, the memory never came to be because the kiss never happened.  At this exact moment, the wonderful dream had ended, and the dreamer woke up to a reality that was far less bright.
Notes from the Mad Doctor:
As much as I hated to cut short what would have been a very lovely SoKai moment, it was necessary due to the path this story is going to take.
I really had to do some heavy research to make this feel like a believable wedding ceremony.  I really hope I pulled it off and I hope you all liked what I included as special unification rituals.  I always felt the paopu fruits would be used in Destiny Islands’ weddings and I also imagined flowers would play a part in Radiant Garden’s wedding ceremonies on account of the world’s name.
I was thinking, for the music that would play at this wedding, they’d use a new wedding rendition of Dearly Beloved for when Sora and the wedding party are coming down the aisle and an instrumental of Don’t Think Twice for the bride’s entrance.  Any thoughts and ideas of your own, readers?
Now, I have mentioned this before in my other stories.  But for the benefit of any new readers, I’ll mention it again.  Since I couldn’t come up with good Kingdom Hearts-ish sounding names for Sora and Kairi’s parents, I decided to name them after recurring actors from Disney live-action movies.  Here are their derivations:
Hayley, Sora’s Mother: Hayley Mills from Pollyanna and The Parent Trap (also doubles as a reference to Haley Joel Osment)
Jones, Sora’s Father: Dean Jones from the Herbie the Love Bug film series
Parker, Kairi’s Father: Fess Parker from Davey Crockett and Old Yeller
Dorothy, Kairi’s Mother: Dorothy McGuire from Swiss Family Robinson and Old Yeller
I give my thanks to whoever reads this chapter.
I’d also like to give a special thank you to my sister-in-law for helping me with picking out the best flowers for the flower crowns.  I couldn’t have done it without her!
Comments, likes and reblogs are much appreciated!  Stay tuned for we’ll be exploring what the subtitle of this story means as we go along!
Onto the next chapter!
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