#(and i am worried it might not be easy to understand LOL)
respondedinkind · 7 months
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Headcanon: Aging (Alien Verse)
Khan ages differently than humans do, and it's actually a bit complicated to explain, so to make it easier I will try to 'translate' the way he ages into human years.
BRIEF, ROUGH SUMMARY: Khan ages a LOT slower than humans in general, but ages much quicker as a child.
Ok, a bit more general info first, though: The planet Khan (original name: Ka'anh) comes from has a different day / night- as well as year-circle than earth; On top of that, Khan's race was bred to make them grow fast but remain constant for a while after reaching a certain 'age stage', which means that Khan's childhood was over quick and he stays within the certain 'age range' the longest before his body will shift into the 'elder' stage and, ultimately, die because of old age. Very few of his kind, however, ever reach that stage - especially within the military, most of them die sooner because of the wars they're fighting in, meant to give their lifes in return for bringing honor to the upper class & emperors.
Now, to the 'translated' parts - a rough 'timeline' of how Khan's kind (and therefore Khan himself) ages, as well as how education and training works (shown here as an example for the ones who are meant to become elite soldiers). The first number tells his actual age (how many earth years have passed with him existing) while the second number shows his development stage (mental age / physical age)):
They all start out as newborns, as most species do. They are born at about the same development stage as human babies are, so there's no real difference between him and humans. However, from there on, they grow rapidly:
1 year = about 2.5 yrs old (mental / physical development), age of starting the equivalent of preschool and basic education 3 years = about 5 yrs old (mental / physical development), age of starting the equivalent of elementary school and continuation of basic education + added basic military training 4 years = about 8 yrs old (mental / physical development), continuation of the equivalent of elementary school and start of advanced education + advanced military training / drilling 6 years = about 14 yrs old (mental / physical development), age of starting the equivalent of high school and high-level education + high-level military training / drilling 7 years = about 16 yrs old (mental / physical development), considered an adult, end of school period, start of all-day training and adult military education / drilling; Will be send to war for the first time 8 years = about 18 yrs old (mental / physical development), ongoing expert-level adult military education + training / drilling, start of testing-period, said tests need to be passed in order to proceed; Gets send out to war on the regular, becomes an 'official' soldier (lowest rank) 10 years = about 23-25 yrs old (mental / physical development), expert-level adult military training resumes, education happening in between whenever needed, more tests have to be passed; Going to war and conquering entire planets with their assigned division whenever needed (middle rank) 13 years = about 28-30 yrs old (mental / physical development), schedule remains the same as for the previous age section, promotion possible (higher rank) 17 years = about 33-36 yrs old (mental / physical development), the testing-period comes to an end and the last tests need to be passed in order to continue. Ongoing specialized military training + drilling, ongoing wars and missions to conquer planets 19 years = about 36-40 yrs old (mental / physical development), with aging now reaching its momentary peak and slowing down significantly. One final test has to be passed in order to continue; If tests are passed, the subject will reach highest rank (elite soldier). If tests are failed, the subject's life will come to an end at this stage
Khan is currently somewhere within this life-stage, as he has fled his planet right after failing his last test, which makes him about 19 earth years (36 - 40 yrs mental / physical age) old.
The aging process after that looks about something like this:
80 years old = about 40 - 45 yrs old (mental / physical development) 120 years old = about 50 - 55 yrs old (mental / physical development) 140 years old = about 60 - 70 yrs old (considered 'elderly' from this stage) (mental / physical development) 170+ years old = about 70 - open end yrs old (mental / physical development)
As one can see, once a certain stage of age has been 'overcome', the aging process itself will speed up a bit again before an individual of Khan's kind then, at some point, dies naturally.
In conclusion, it means that Khan will most likely become at least 170 earth years old (with it being the most lowest age he could possibly become; Chances are very high he will reach, and possibly exceed, 200 years), if he doesn't end up being fatally injured before it happens. With his body possessing incredibly efficient self-healing abilities, he most likely won't die of any illnesses or diseases that oftentimes affect humans in later age stages. With him aging the way he does, it also means his appearance won't change much in between the age of 19 and 80. As an example: If he were to have a human partner, said partner would, obviously so, certainly look like they're elderly at the age of 80, while Khan still appears to be around 40 years old by then.
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eamour · 2 months
Hi i don't know if you'll reply/repost this ask but i really believe what i have to say is needed to help people in the manifestation community i am only sending this to you because you are one of the few active ones with a decent following that can get the word out..
The amount of complications people in this community have brought upon themselves is just infuriating and annoying the amount of creators/blog writers that come up with something new every week are just deceiving and preying on people who want to have a better life if you care i hope you'll post this.
Lies and overcomplications like;
'You shouldn't feel lack' 'don't focus on the 3d' 'know that you have it and go on with your life' 'this is the only way you can manifest' 'don't try to affirm or visualize it won't work its just endlessly affirming' 'feel it know' the amount of 3d and 4d 'live in imagination' is all a bunch of bs what Neville said is not the final! And you all seem to forget that
You can do all that and still get what you want sure! you can manifest this way too but why overcomplicate it?
(Yes there is a possibility that spreading this misinformation may not be necessarily intended to cause harm and might be just a misunderstanding from bloggers as well but it still causes to harm to those who are vulnerable and are just wanting to better their life and learn about manifesting)
None of this matters you are the only one who makes yourself manifest and there are many ways and you can use any way/method the problem on tumblr is people push only one way no you don't need to be fulfilled in imagination or 'know you have it and shut up in order to manifest sure Neville found a good way but its not the only way but the amount of people here who push this as if it's the only way and say if you don't do this you will never manifest are fcking playing with people's time and energy! i'm here to root for how far visualization affirming and robotic affirming goes,just for the average person its just such a quick and easy and 'failproof' way to 'get you desires' you don't need to hate the word 'get it' or something like that you don't have chase after knowledge or understanding to 'finaly manifest', when i went back to watching sammy and just affirming with no care about believe the thoughts no care about things like 3d or 4d no care about fulfilment or doing it to get it or anything like that...I've been carefree i don't worry at all...we are always learning about life and spirituality but you don't need an awakening or some sacred knowledge to manifest
You can read these posts that helped me but please no more,thats it no need to scroll and scroll and search for an answer
You don't need to read it all throughly just get the main idea you're good (most of them are short)
My tips and experience..
All this time after being kinda obsessed with the void state (don't even get why people renamed the i am state by Neville lol) trying all things but just being lazy giving up restarting and going back to the old way of thinking, thinking 'why i fail' but now looking back and realizing i just got distracted and stopped never persisted .... now i realize how easy it is but what tumblr was doing was just discouraging me all along so many people lied or were misguided and said 'don't endlessly affirm just decide' implying if you try affirming you'll do it endlessly and never have what u want.. and so i listened....i used to watch sammy after a few videos last year i joined tumblr for a few 6 months at some point i was just reading things which have already been said and read..so i quit and decided to delete tumblr to just actually apply because reading the same thing over and over is no use...i'm now watching sammy ingram again so this is what i vouch for, affirming and thoughts watching sammy ingram (if just deciding or knowing seems like its not for you sammy ingram is great and in my opinion if i also just know or decide its mine then by affirming aren't i just reminding myself..'knowing' & 'deciding' in a way too?) again sammy joe dispenza is more helpful compared to tumblr over 6 months... i have logged back after a month typing this rn to help people and will delete my acc today even the creators i used to follow haven't posted in weeks and i urge people to leave tumblr after a certain point please live your life.
posting this for everyone who is currently overcomplicating the law and beating themselves up for not "doing it right". ♡
i want to add something: you can believe in all of these things (such as "feeling it real" instead of "affirming to get") and if it works for you, that’s good! that’s quite literally the law. but if it’s the opposite for you, if you think that it’s too much work and you would rather robotically affirm to get your desire, then do that.
i have seen both sides on tumblr and twitter, and they are both successful. it’s up to you what you want to make work for yourself!!
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thatdeadaquarius · 11 months
That language SAGAU but the Reader can only communicate writing on paper.
Either the Reader is mute and they (characters) don't know/understand sign language or they somehow lost their voices on their transmigration to Teyvat and can only write now. But the characters are left trying to decipher what the Reader wrote.
Kaeya: "I may say, that was very unexpected your grace. One such as yourself should be more aware of who you are."
Reader: "wat, y u sayin dat?"
Gorou: "Oh, your grace! Careful now. I am most certain that you stepped on something unsightly right now. Let me clean your feet, your grace."
Reader: "r u srs rn? Fml"
Ooooo, this is nice, this is niiccceeee /ref
this would be the energy⬇️
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Man I love this show, I gotta finish it (it’s Komi Can’t Communicate for those who want to see it) where she basically is too shy/introverted to speak (non-verbal neurospicy it seems like to me actually lol) and really wants to make friends and do normal things despite not speaking, her main way of communicating is writing (and her first guy friend who can just read her facial/body language really well lmao)!!
Sun: Gender Neutral Reader (they/them)
Planet: Headcanons-ish?
Stars: dashes/mention of most characters
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: Reader/”you” are mute/lost their voice, & Trigger Warnings: None Known.
This kinda falls into that post I made abt texting lingo, abt us being nigh incomprehensible when using texting lang. (its basically a code lol)
but i think it’s always neat to see nonverbal rep so here we are (also i think imma go ahead and say it is both selectively mute but also enforced by video game laws!)
u know a good explanation would be for this is actually abt how we technically are only allowed to freely communicate when we’re in chats,
so I could see that still being the only way we can commnicate in Teyvat (look am i little excited abt taking “video game world” a little too literally in every genshin AU ever- maybe.)
tbh i could see so many allogenes having to either learn to make room for you in convos and u also having to get wayyy more expressive in body language/facial expressions
tbh i think itd be pretty easy to get ur meaning, like in a battle or smth fast-paced where u couldnt write, like how Tinker Bell can?
if u dont know what i mean just search “tinkerbell scenes peter pan” on youtube and u can see ppl just having a full conversation with no words with her, which i think would deffo happen with ppl like Kaeya, Lisa, Lumine, Venti, Heizou, Ayato, Yae Miko, Thoma, Beidou and Itto surprisingly i could see it (ppl in the distance just think theyre all talking to themselves sometimes when ur not as visible hehe)
OMG they get u nice gifts for writing all the time, like the newest compact pens from Fontaine, the finest small, medium, and large notebooks from Inazuma,
like a little compact pocketbook so u can easily fit it in pockets!
u know Im absolutely sure you could literally start the texting appreviation trend in Tevyat like this-
like just so it’s easier to communicate with you, a lot of people are willing to adapt/take on abbreviations like “ttyl, gtg, wth, lol, lmao” even stuff like “etc”
lol u start a whole trend in the writing letters business, hehe silly medieval Teyvat is silly and medieval
yknow I think the quieter vision users would definitely find you to be peaceful to be around and easy to understand just with writing (also deffo most likely to adore the soft moments together of just ur pen scribbling and the sounds of nature or a cafe or something around them),
tbh i also think these ppl would be motivated to talk to you alone, or get you away to just talk the two of you for all the reasons above, like Xiao, Aether, Kazuha, Ayaka, Chongyun, Zhongli, Diluc, Sayu, Ei, Sucrose, Eula, Ganyu, Ningguang, Tighnari, Alhaitham omg he might literally be able to take his headphones off around u bc youd be in such quiet spaces all the time, and bc u dont talk he doesn’t have to worry abt u getting loud either lmao
…and then ofc, there’s the bitches that try and guess what ur writing ahead of timeeee 😭
bein all like, “Uh… you.. would like.. to go to… a restaurant… to get some- OH OH I got this one this time! Some pita pockets! …Oh. A drink. Right. Sorry, again.”
definitely Itto, Cyno, Heizou, Xingqiu, Fischl, Amber, Collei, Dehya, Wanderer, Childe, Venti, Keqing (she just used to being fast ok), Kaveh lmao
I hope my reply was a little fun!! THANK U FOR SENDING THIS I LOVE THIS SM!! Man it’s so hard to make you feel my appreciation for this idea thru the damn screen
like how do i send a virtual hug
ANYWAY, if you or anybody else had an idea for celebrating 1000 followers lmk bc i am STRUGGLING with this same issue for that,
like how to make u guys feel my love 😩 ❤️‍🔥
Safe travels ignihideous,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonderss / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche / @chocogi
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lains-reality · 10 months
hi!! i’m this anon, https://www.tumblr.com/lains-reality/723844364791676928/hi-i-hope-youre-having-a-wonderful-day-youre
about the difficult circumstances :)
i’ve followed your advice, and just rested. whenever i had moments/situations that brought up stress, i began to exercise this feeling of completion/bliss. ever since then, my health has been stabilizing. i took a break from tumblr/over-consuming, and just asked myself “what am i?” “who am i?”. i would let my thoughts go, attaching no meaning, nor identifying with them. i would observe them- in an almost manner of meditation. i started to feel lighter, as i no longer identified with the body. while doing such “exercises”, i found that i “tapped into the void” within minutes of doing so. it was so peaceful, and i had no urge to affirm- which even though my ego thinks my life is still far from perfect, i could care less.
i feel a sort of indifference to what used to seem problematic. i now understand, that there is no “convincing” myself of something, when i am already it. i’ve been “documenting” what works best for me- just because i might have brain damage lol, but what i’ve found is when i am in full acceptance of both the desirable and undesirable, it happens instantly- or within a day. just now, i noticed my collar bone feeling fleshy or the skin around it inflamed- which was one of the major symptoms i faced when i had cancer. my whole collar bone to face just puffed up like a pufferfish. in that moment, i knew who i TRULY was- I AM. God. i didn’t care if my collar bone wasn’t prominent or not- i just KNEW that it was normal, and prominent. literally not even a minute later, i touched my collar bone while scratching my neck- AND THE SWELLING WAS COMPLETELY GONE, IT WAS JUST BONE.
So, for me- what worked was knowing there was no conviction necessary, i am already everything, the good and the bad. thoughts and day dreams have no effect on me unless i identify with them- or personally give them power. no effort, and just complete ease and bliss. the past, and future do not exist- and only affect the present, when identified. indifference was the “biggest” aha moment for me.
I realized, each time I affirmed/thought of something- then let go, and gave it no more attention, it appeared (instantly). for problems, i just forgot of it. i disregarded it- and then bam. gone. since my last experience with the void, i knew since then that everything was perfect with my relationship regarding the void. i always wake up in it, everything perfect for me- i’m aware, blah blah blah. and that’s how it’s “manifested!”. i don’t even think of it any more. ever since that indifference feeling/knowing came- life has been soooo different.
during times of meditation, or of just observing my thoughts and letting them pass- is when i truly began to understand non-dualism. that’s when the knowing came for me. taking accountability and responsibility, and knowing everything is as temporary as night and day. i still have to “fix” my problems with school and university, but i know that is my ego talking. it is already done because i am it. i’m (my ego) is a bit worried if i will properly fix my problems, but after proving what lester, and all the info i’ve consumed (from blog to blog), i truly understand that there is no problem until i think i have a problem. my problems are as an easy fix as my situation with my collar bone.
i’ve also “fixed” my relationship with my mother, and grandparents. they now truly have realized the abuse that is in my household, and are 100% into supporting me, and protecting me. i was so surprised, because they would usually just ignore it and normalize it. especially my mother. all i’ve wanted was my mom- to actually be a mom. and now she is. even though there were moments where my ego wanted to cuss her out and identify as having a bad mother, i thought of it as nonsense, and now our entire dynamic has changed. i can’t really get into it without trauma dumping- but it’s been my wish since i was a child. she has truly changed and grown. even my therapist was shocked, and happy for me! i’ve been trying to “manifest” a change in her, for about 3 years- and after applying little to no effort, through what i’ve mentioned above- everything has changed.
(also “manifested” appearance changes, health to be completely perfect, my safety, perfect grades (literally all A+ or straight up 100%s loll, my pets health, and many other things. literally we all “manifest” our entire day just by identification)
i believe, or what has been true personally to me, about the reason behind the struggle of changing anything- even after seeing confirmation of one’s true power, is because it wasn’t a “big” enough accomplishment. they/me have put problems and “desires” on a pedestal- thinking it will be a varying degree to alter, than let’s say the weather. but it is all the same. everything holds the same balance. it is just the ego that convinces you that it does not. we literally shape our “today” and “tomorrow” from memory and identification. when i’ve thought/knew what my tomorrow would be- that is how it was.
i just wanted to say thank you to your kind response to my ask, last time. i know that it wasn’t easy- and i’m so sorry if i’ve caused anyone to feel any negative emotions. i also wanted to say thank you to your- and every other bloggers dedication to helping anons, and continuously posting the truth. you, and adasdisciple (idk how to do the @ thing, im so sorry!!!) as well as, 4dkelly something (i hope they may see this! i apologize for not remembering your user😭) have aided in ways not even professionals, or other bloggers have. my life has done a true 180- and i know it’s only going to get better from here on out. i appreciate everyone’s kindness to my first post, it truly warmed my heart to see so many people sympathizing with my ask. not many people have reacted with such genuine sweetness. thank you so much!! i’m fr feeling on top of the world 😋
wow! i'm so proud of you!!! speechless tbh!
i'll tag them here for you: @adadisciple, @4dkellysworld
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riswippiesx · 5 months
Akatsuki no yona males when you're timid and shy
Featuring: Hak,Jaeha,Soo Won x fem! reader(seperately)
Theme: crack and fluff
Warning: slightly suggestive(???), not proof end
•He teases you, teases you untill your face is all red.
•Hak will cling to you even more and bring his face closer to yours. Thus you will feel his breath on your face and your face will heat up even more.
•Doesn't listen to any of yours "Hak, stop! Stay away!"
•But if you get even more flustered and you look uncomfortable, he asks if you're okay or not.
•Once he is assured that you're fine..haha darling, get ready to face further teasings! This guy loves to be a pain in ass :P
•Sometimes, when he feels more playful, he just pins you against the wall and watch you struggle and blush even harder with a smirk.
Hak: Your face..you look like a tomato..
You: shut up!
Hak: *brings his face close to your ears* ...a delicious one, that I might eat...
You: HAKKK!!
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•Oh boy! Here comes the king of teasing lol!
•Once he finds out that you're shy or timid(which won't take much long for him as he understands people so well), be prepared to get teased to the fullest.
•Jaeha loves to see you flustered red face a lot.
•He wraps one of his hands around your waist and brings your body closer to his. But if he finds out any hint of discomfort in you, he quickly takes his hand off of your body and assures you that he won't ever cross the limit untill you let him.
•Whispers in your ears and says the weirded pick up lines.
•Chuckles every time you try to stand for yourself by saying that you aren't shy and end up blushing.
•He absolutely adores it when you get frustrated by your shyness and act mad. He put his hand on your head to give you a few soft head pats and kiss your temple softly.
Jaeha: Look at you sweetheart, all red and flustered for me..am I that intimidating?
You: Stop speaking nonsense Jaeha
Jaeha: *whispers in your ears* I wonder how would you react if I tell you about the things I want to do to you..
You: JAEHA !!
Jaeha: My my, easy lady..I'm just kidding *chuckles*
You: *sighs* Yeah right.
Jaeha: ...or maybe..I am not? ;)
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ꜱᴏᴏ ᴡᴏɴ:
•So, the king is here :D Oh he will be so concerned at first when he notices your red face. Are you okay? Are you having a fever?? Do you need any medical help?
•He is so relieved when you tell him that you're okay and quickly finds out that you're a shy type as you blush quite often.
•He chuckles and holds your hand in his own.
•He looks at you. His mind runs crazy as he wants to tease you so bad to see your cute reactions but being a king has it's limitations and he has major control over himself.
•His gaze softens and adores your embarrassed flushed face.
Soo won: No need to be shy, my love.
You: eh? No ..I am not..don't worry *nervous chuckle*
Soo won: *brings your hands closer and plants soft kisses on both of your hands* oh?
You: *face reddens even more*
Soo won: You will still deny that you aren't shy? Hmm?
You: Soo won..stop...
Soo won: *chuckles* got it, love ;)
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I will make a part two, maybe??? Not sure :P
Thanks for reading. Take love<3
Reblogs and comments will be much appreciated♡
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dollfaceirene · 2 months
Hi i don't know if you'll reply/repost this ask but i really believe what i have to say is needed to help people in the manifestation community i am only sending this to you because you are one of the few active ones with a decent following that can get the word out..
The amount of complications people in this community have brought upon themselves is just infuriating and annoying the amount of creators/blog writers that come up with something new every week are just deceiving and preying on people who want to have a better life if you care i hope you'll post this.
Lies and overcomplications like;
'You shouldn't feel lack' 'don't focus on the 3d' 'know that you have it and go on with your life' 'this is the only way you can manifest' 'don't try to affirm or visualize it won't work its just endlessly affirming' 'feel it know' the amount of 3d and 4d 'live in imagination' is all a bunch of bs what Neville said is not the final! And you all seem to forget that
You can do all that and still get what you want sure! you can manifest this way too but why overcomplicate it?
(Yes there is a possibility that spreading this misinformation may not be necessarily intended to cause harm and might be just a misunderstanding from bloggers as well but it still causes to harm to those who are vulnerable and are just wanting to better their life and learn about manifesting)
None of this matters you are the only one who makes yourself manifest and there are many ways and you can use any way/method the problem on tumblr is people push only one way no you don't need to be fulfilled in imagination or 'know you have it and shut up in order to manifest sure Neville found a good way but its not the only way but the amount of people here who push this as if it's the only way and say if you don't do this you will never manifest are fcking playing with people's time and energy! i'm here to root for how far visualization affirming and robotic affirming goes,just for the average person its just such a quick and easy and 'failproof' way to 'get you desires' you don't need to hate the word 'get it' or something like that you don't have chase after knowledge or understanding to 'finaly manifest', when i went back to watching sammy and just affirming with no care about believe the thoughts no care about things like 3d or 4d no care about fulfilment or doing it to get it or anything like that...I've been carefree i don't worry at all...we are always learning about life and spirituality but you don't need an awakening or some sacred knowledge to manifest
You can read these posts that helped me but please no more,thats it no need to scroll and scroll and search for an answer
You don't need to read it all throughly just get the main idea you're good (most of them are short)
My tips and experience..
All this time after being kinda obsessed with the void state (don't even get why people renamed the i am state by Neville lol) trying all things but just being lazy giving up restarting and going back to the old way of thinking, thinking 'why i fail' but now looking back and realizing i just got distracted and stopped never persisted .... now i realize how easy it is but what tumblr was doing was just discouraging me all along so many people lied or were misguided and said 'don't endlessly affirm just decide' implying if you try affirming you'll do it endlessly and never have what u want.. and so i listened....i used to watch sammy after a few videos last year i joined tumblr for a few 6 months at some point i was just reading things which have already been said and read..so i quit and decided to delete tumblr to just actually apply because reading the same thing over and over is no use...i'm now watching sammy ingram again so this is what i vouch for, affirming and thoughts watching sammy ingram (if just deciding or knowing seems like its not for you sammy ingram is great and in my opinion if i also just know or decide its mine then by affirming aren't i just reminding myself..'knowing' & 'deciding' in a way too?) again sammy joe dispenza is more helpful compared to tumblr over 6 months... i have logged back after a month typing this rn to help people and will delete my acc today even the creators i used to follow haven't posted in weeks and i urge people to leave tumblr after a certain point please live your life.
reposting becuz i agree with this 100%. Alot of stuff in the loa community is so overcomplicated and conflicting which just makes stuff seem way more complicated then it actually is
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gloriousrunwayninja · 2 months
Hi i don't know if you'll reply/repost this ask but i really believe what i have to say is needed to help people in the manifestation community i am only sending this to you because you are one of the few active ones with a decent following that can get the word out..
The amount of complications people in this community have brought upon themselves is just infuriating and annoying the amount of creators/blog writers that come up with something new every week are just deceiving and preying on people who want to have a better life if you care i hope you'll post this.
Lies and overcomplications like;
'You shouldn't feel lack' 'don't focus on the 3d' 'know that you have it and go on with your life' 'this is the only way you can manifest' 'don't try to affirm or visualize it won't work its just endlessly affirming' 'you have to live in the end or you won't manifest' 'feel it know' the amount of 3d and 4d 'live in imagination' is all a bunch of bs what Neville said is not the final! And you all seem to forget that
You can do all that and still get what you want sure! you can manifest this way too but why overcomplicate it?
(Yes there is a possibility that spreading this misinformation may not be necessarily intended to cause harm and might be just a misunderstanding from bloggers as well but it still causes to harm to those who are vulnerable and are just wanting to better their life and learn about manifesting)
None of this matters you are the only one who makes yourself manifest and there are many ways and you can use any way/method the problem on tumblr is people push only one way no you don't need to be fulfilled in imagination or 'know you have it and shut up in order to manifest sure Neville found a good way but its not the only way but the amount of people here who push this as if it's the only way and say if you don't do this you will never manifest are fcking playing with people's time and energy! i'm here to root for how far visualization affirming and robotic affirming goes,just for the average person its just such a quick and easy and 'failproof' way to 'get you desires' you don't need to hate the word 'get it' or something like that you don't have chase after knowledge or understanding to 'finaly manifest', when i went back to watching sammy and just affirming with no care about believe the thoughts no care about things like 3d or 4d no care about fulfilment or doing it to get it or anything like that...I've been carefree i don't worry at all...we are always learning about life and spirituality but you don't need an awakening or some sacred knowledge to manifest
You can read these posts that helped me but please no more,thats it no need to scroll and scroll and search for an answer
You don't need to read it all throughly just get the main idea you're good (most of them are short)
My tips and experience..
All this time after being kinda obsessed with the void state (don't even get why people renamed the i am state by Neville lol) trying all things but just being lazy giving up restarting and going back to the old way of thinking, thinking 'why i fail' but now looking back and realizing i just got distracted and stopped never persisted .... now i realize how easy it is but what tumblr was doing was just discouraging me all along so many people lied or were misguided and said 'don't endlessly affirm just decide' implying if you try affirming you'll do it endlessly and never have what u want.. and so i listened....i used to watch sammy after a few videos last year i joined tumblr for a few 6 months at some point i was just reading things which have already been said and read..so i quit and decided to delete tumblr to just actually apply because reading the same thing over and over is no use...i'm now watching sammy ingram again so this is what i vouch for, affirming and thoughts watching sammy ingram (if just deciding or knowing seems like its not for you sammy ingram is great and in my opinion if i also just know or decide its mine then by affirming aren't i just reminding myself..'knowing' & 'deciding' in a way too?) again sammy joe dispenza is more helpful compared to tumblr over 6 months... i have logged back after a month typing this rn to help people and will delete my acc today even the creators i used to follow haven't posted in weeks and i urge people to leave tumblr after a certain point please live your life.
I I agree with you tysmm for this I also left tumblr cuz I just felt so discouraged but now I'm doing much better and found what method work better for me and it's going good
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misc-obeyme · 10 months
I had all these plans to finish a bunch of writing and then BAM Season 2 started with Lesson 21 and I got supremely distracted. I wasn't expecting it to come out so soon?!? I really thought there would be more time in between seasons. But I am not complaining!
At this point, I feel weird if I don't write a post about the lesson, so here I am. I swear I'll get back to writing fics after this lol.
Spoilers and screenshots below:
Okay so we've got the founding of RAD, MC and Solomon losing their magic, and characters acting weird.
The loss of MC's magic is pretty obvious and easy to understand. Like it works sometimes, but it doesn't at other times. (Though I have to say here that if the brothers asked me to open a jar with magic, I would laugh at them. I've never met a jar I couldn't open. It's called hot water. BUT ANYWAY) And obviously when they do use their magic, it's not as strong as it used to be. Solomon says he's having the same issue. He obviously notices it when he banishes the hellfire salamander, though if you ask him about it, he just says it's nothing. Which is funny because then he tells you all about his problem with it later when you're making dinner. I swear I lose my mind every time they use that clown music in the story.
Anyway, the most interesting part of this to me was when Solomon said these things:
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At first I was like, is that what's happening? They're making it so that MC can't go back? Isn't that what we are all dreading?!
But then if you say you don't think you'll do it in time he says this:
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Okay?? So should I be concerned or not?! I don't want to get stuck in the past, I want them to bring us back to the present or maybe merge the timelines or something?! I dunno, but I really can't figure out how they're going to wrap this up in a way that works. Unless they do what happened last time MC went to the past and erase everyone's memories. Which was something Michael did...
But overall, this situation seems pretty cut and dry. Gotta get those pacts, yo.
Mammon, on the other hand...
He seems to be going through something, huh? The thing is I can't figure out what it is. Something is definitely up, but what? Also it kinda seems like Simeon might be involved in this somehow?
MC is hurt. Mammon wants them to pay for the ointment that will heal them. Simeon shows up and just does it himself.
MC finds the coin and gives it to Simeon. Mammon takes it for himself and Simeon's just like yeah okay that's fine.
Then in the HARD LESSON (SPOILERS) Simeon actually blesses Mammon with good luck before he goes out to look for the lost coin. Not to mention their whole conversation about the Celestial Realm and the hot cocoa... (END SPOILERS)
And MC is aware that Mammon is not acting normally. But Simeon seems to be his usual self? I'm just wondering if whatever is going on with Mammon, Simeon might be the one to help him somehow? It kinda seemed to me like Mammon was being more greedy than usual, like something going on with his sin?
But MC isn't the only one who's noticed something is up with Mammon.
May I present: Lucifer, Avatar of Ellipses -
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What is going on with this guy? I mean, okay, not all of these were about Mammon, but I'm pretty sure most of them were.
Anyway, Lucifer does this thing where it's obvious he's thinking about something or he's worried about something, but he just doesn't say anything about it. It drives me crazy. I'm like listen here MC is right there! Talk to them!
Okay that's all I really had to say about the lesson and story stuff, but there are a few other things that I just loved.
SIMEON oh my gosh the way he swoops in and heals MC I was like yes, please heal me forever thank you.
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His precious look of concern...
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... and then this confident smile!? I just love him.
Also going grocery shopping with Lucifer and Beel in 21-A was just so sweet and domestic?! Neither of them could remember what any of their brothers wanted, they would have been totally useless without MC there rattling everything off. It was adorable, but also just soft times with Lucifer are always my favorite thing.
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Yeah. Concerned about how you can bottle all your feelings and still be so hot.
Wherever they're going with this magic weakening thing better not result in MC stuck in the past forever. But I do hope we're getting some Mammon story now because I love him, too.
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lovely-peace · 11 months
Eclipsed hearts
Summary: Reader is avoiding remus for weeks now. But when the hogsmeade weekend comes in sight this task becomes impossible, because their friend group wants to go their together. But when all things come together it doesn't go as planned....
Warnings: self hatred, panic attack (tw!!!), bad to no communication, might get mad at everything lol, I am a very angsty writer sryy
I might went a little over board with this one, but whatever right?
Masterlist part 1 ~~~ part 6 part 7
Weeks passed. Weeks in which I avoided Remus as much as possible. In class I worked together with Luis. In the meantime I would call him a friend. It was nice to know someone who wasn't also friends with Remus.
But then the first hogsmeade weekend came in sight. And just like we talked about it, it was planned that we went there together. So I couldn't avoid Remus there. I was afraid of it. But at the same time I was excited.
What was wrong with me?
It was during the last Potions class that Luis suddenly approached me.
"Hey, would you like to come to Hogsmeade with me? It's totally okay if you don't want to!" he said it so fast that I needed some time to understand what he was saying. He asked me if I could go to Hogsmeade with him.
But I had promised Lily not to chicken out. He stood in front of me waiting for my answer and I felt like the worst person on earth. In the end, I just sat down next to him to hide from remus.
I was cruel. I mean what if he liked me?
I somehow managed an apologetic smile. "Hey, I'm sorry about that, but this weekend my friends and I were already planning on going on a group outing."
I could literally see his hope dwindling and him feeling embarrassed. "Oh."
He couldn't look me in the eye. I just felt worse. Why was this so hard?
"We can meet some other time though." why did I say that? I didn't want to give him hope, that was cruel. I didn't like him like that.
He looked at me with a crooked smile. "Yeah, we can do that. Sorry if this has all been a bit awkward."
"Oh, don't worry about that. I'll see you soon then. "I felt awful. How did it all look so easy in the movies? Even in books it's so simple. But in real life, it's all so difficult.
He walked slowly and waved at me before disappearing around the corner. It was only when I exhaled that I realized I had been holding my breath.
Suddenly I heard a crack behind me and turned around. I saw only sand-colored hair, which quickly disappeared behind the next corner.
"Are you ready to go?" Lily was all excited and had put on one of her most beautiful dresses, which looked incredibly good on her. We were going to meet up with the boys in Hogsmeade and to be honest, I was dreading it.
"Yes, yes I'm ready." I hadn't really dressed up. I had normal clothes on and even with my hair I hadn't done anything special. Lily seemed disappointed, but she didn't say anything.
"Are you guys finally coming?" Mary had been ready for a long time and was waiting for us.
"Yeah, we're already done." Lily literally pulled me after her. And We set off on our way. ~~
We approached the three broomsticks in which we would meet with the others. To say that I felt uncomfortable would have been an understatement. Why was I so nervous?
As we approached we saw a couple of Ravenclaw boys. I had the feeling that they were looking at us. I had the feeling that they were looking at me.
They whispered to each other as we got closer. One of them looked me sourly in the eye. I wanted to just keep walking, but I stopped. I could not help it.
"What's wrong?" Mary followed my gaze and became quiet. I hadn't told them what had happened with Luis. But that won't have anything to do with it, will it?
Suddenly one of the boys stepped forward and came toward us. He stopped in front of us and looked me straight in the eye.
"Can I talk to you for a minute?" his voice was quiet but firm. I looked briefly at mary and lily who exchanged a quick glance. They just shrugged their shoulders.
"Sure," I said. He looked at me briefly and then raised an eyebrow.
"I think it would be better for you if we were… Alone."
That sounded like I was hiding something terrible from my friends. And maybe that was the case. We talked very little now.
"Can you leave us alone for a moment?" I asked the two. Even if it was more like a request.
They looked at each other again and it was as if they were talking to each other in a language I didn't understand. This frustrated me.
Lily looked at me worriedly." Are you sure?"
I just nodded and the two of them hesitantly went into the store. I turned to the boy, expecting the worst. And yet, I wasn't really prepared.
His eyes rained down before he spoke.
"Listen, I don't know what kind of game you're playing here, but I'm tired of it. You seem to constantly portray yourself as a victim here, even though you're just playing with the people around you. I mean sitting down next to Luis and giving him hope? You're only doing that to make Remus jealous. Everyone can see that something happened between you. "
I was speechless. I wanted to contradict him, but I was at a loss for words. But he wasn't finished anyway.
"And this whole cat and mouse game that you play with him is pathetic, honestly. I heard your friends talking about you. Everyone is worried about you. And you? You just go ahead and shamelessly take advantage of it. If I were your friend, I would have told you off long ago. "
I pushed down the tears that were slowly coming up. I couldn't cry, not here. I was tired of crying all the time. So this is how the whole situation looked to the outside world. I didn't want people to think about me like that. I couldn't stand that. I couldn't stand that.
"I'm n-not taking advantage of luis." When I said it like that, it sounded like a lie. It didn't feel right to say either.
Was I really as he described me? I didn't want to be like that. The person he was describing was a cold heartless person who took advantage of everyone around him. I wasn't like that, was I?
He scoffed.
"Do you really believe that? Or do you want to portray yourself as a victim again and run away? Honestly you're pathetic."
His friends were standing a little further away, but it sounded like the whole world was hearing his words. I wanted to run and hide, he was right. This was really pathetic. The world started to spin. I didn't want him to be right. But I couldn't listen to him any longer either.
"Look, here comes your lover boy and his friends! You want to hide behind them?" he mocked me. I couldn't move, I was frozen.
"I'm not going to hide behind them…" the words came out as if in slow motion and were much too quiet. I almost choked on them. My body did not listen to me. Everything inside me was screaming for alarm, but I was still frozen.
"Sunny?" I wanted to disappear. "Hey, asshole what are you doing to her?!" I was acting horrible. "We were just talking, chill." I wasn't really aware of the voices around me anymore. Inside my head I was alone and it was holding me captive right now. "What's going on with her? Why isn't she saying anything?" Eyes everywhere. Everyone seeing what I'm doing. "She suddenly froze, I don't know either…" I just want to be normal, what's wrong with me? "Sirius go check on lily and mary! Maybe you can help." Everything I do is seen and evaluated. Everyone sees my mistakes and feelings. I don't want to be so transparent. "Nothing to see here, get lost!" I don't want to be weak. "Hey is someone getting help?" I don't want to be vulnerable-
Hands wrapped themselves around my shaking ones. They were warm. My breath slowly became slower. I didn't even know I was breathing so fast. Calmness spread through me. Followed by cozy warmth.
"You are safe, all is well."
Slowly my surroundings became clear again. I was in front of the three broomsticks. I just wanted to hang out with my friends. But I had ruined everything.
When I realized who was holding my hands, guilt rose in me. I pulled my hands out of Remus' warm hands and immediately regretted it when I saw the look on his face. I regretted it when I saw the looks of the others on me.
"I'm fine." I said quickly, trying to forget the whole thing. If only it were that simple.
"Are you sure? You were shaking all over and didn't answer us for a whole 20 minutes!" lily's worried expression came into my field of vision. How many times had I seen that expression the last few weeks?
"Sorry, I just spaced out a bit." I turned to the boy I was talking to. "Sorry if I worried you. Wasn't your fault or anything like that."
He wasn't angry anymore.
He almost looked like he was scared. As if he was afraid for me. His eyes were no longer so cold. I suddenly saw similarities between him and luis. They had the same eyes.
Could it be?
We looked at each other quietly for a while, then he cleared his throat.
"I'll leave you to it, then..."
Mary scoffed at that. "Thanks. And just so you know, we won't leave you 'alone' with her again!!!" she literally screamed after him. If looks could kill, she'd be a serial killer.
I tried to fight it, but my eyes moved to remus' eyes as if by themselves. And suddenly I realized what kind of situation I was in. All my friends were gathered around me, looking at me worried.
Everyone is worried about you. And you? You just go ahead and shamelessly take advantage of it.
I felt like I was going to throw up.
If I were your friend, I would have told you off long ago.
"I just have to go to the bathroom."
And I ran past them into the three broomsticks. I quickly went into the bathroom and locked myself in.
Breathe in, breathe out.
Do you really believe that?
Breathe in, breathe out.
Or do you want to portray yourself as a victim again and run away?
Breathe in, breathe out.
Honestly you're pathetic.
Breathe in.
Look, here comes your lover boy and his friends! You want to hide behind them?
"There you are! We were getting worried." Mary spread her arms as I approached their table. I mustered a wry smile and sat down next to her. Across from remus.
"Should we take care of him?" James' voice sounded threatening. He was talking about the ravenclaw boy. I shook my head.
"No, we were really just talking."
His look told me he didn't believe me. I didn't say anything more, though, so he dropped the subject.
Lily smiled warmly at me. "Are you feeling better?"
I nodded and smiled at her too. I didn't want to make her worry anymore. I wanted her to smile more.
Everyone is worried about you. And you? You just go-
"What did he want to talk to you about anyway?" sirius asked the question floating in the air. Everyone went quiet and looked at me, waiting.
"It... It wasn't anything important-"
"It was about his brother, wasn't it? Luis. The one who asked you out yesterday." Remus' voice wasn't as warm as usual. It was almost... Harsh.
"What, Luis asked you out?" mary looked at me in shock. "Why didn't you tell us?"
"I just didn't really get around to it..."
"I think she could hardly believe it herself." remus interrupted me the whole time. All of this was so not like him.
He was making me angry.
"And what exactly couldn't I believe? Please, tell me."
Now he hesitated. It was almost as if he realized what he was saying. But then his eyes hardened again.
"Well, that he's playing with your feelings. The fact that his brother showed up right after you hurt his brother's pride only proves it."
Who is playing with my feelings here?
"Oh, is it so hard to believe that someone might actually like me, Remus?"
His eyes widened. "No, I just meant-"
"I think we all know what you meant." This time, I didn't let him speak. I was behaving terribly, but he was just as awful.
"Besides, he just asked me if we want to do something together. It could easily be meant as just friends hanging out. And you don't even know him!" I was angry.
Remus scoffed at that. "Yeah, sure. That was definitely meant as just friends hanging out. Sometimes you're really naive." He whispered the last words, but I still heard them clearly.
"Oh, really?"
James looked panicked between us. "I think we should all calm down a bit..."
"Why do you even care so much? It's none of your business who asks me out on a date!"
I've never spoken to him like this before. I don't know what came over me, but in that moment, it was all just too much.
He fell silent at that.
Lily placed a hand on mine. "Maybe we should stop talking about it..."
"No, please, Remus, tell me. Why do you care so much? If I remember correctly, you were the one who rejected me! So don't pretend like you really care about who I'm with or not!!!"
He looked away.
That was the final blow. I stood up and turned to the door.
"Well, you know what? That was a mistake. I shouldn't have agreed to do something together. This whole thing was just a big mistake."
I was already at the door when Lily stood up.
"No, wait, please! He surely didn't mean it that way, right, Remus?"
But Remus remained silent.
"Remus, say something?!" Lily's voice was frustrated.
"Lily, just stop."
I turned to the others one last time.
"I know exactly what he meant."
And then I ran away. Once again.
The sun and the moon meet again after a while. They long for each other and still don't come closer to the one other.
Taglist : @juleshadalittlelamb @fluffybunnyu @tendous-pretty-hair @helloitsmeeeeeee @valencia-rou @woohoney @mothermaryisdead
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tleeaves · 5 months
The Fictional Crush Line-Up For 2023 and Beyond
Was going to do this sooner (as in a review on the year based on the new or resurfaced interests I picked up, with aforementioned fictional crushes along the way), but I wanted to collect art for them all too and then I also had to try and remember them all. But here we are. If I'm missing any, I'll either have to edit and or reblog to include them.
See if you can spot any common threads (it may get trickier as the list goes on, just be warned). This goes almost in chronological order. But order does not in any way reflect my level of brainrot and obsession with each.
Consider yourself warned.
Victor Vale (Vicious by V.E. Schwab)
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Victor and his revenge story are kind of responsible for kick-starting my journey of self-rediscovery these past twelve months, in a strange and roundabout way. He made me want to stick up for myself and what I wanted out of life. Sure, he's extremely morally grey in a concerning way, and yeah, we don't normally encourage revenge, but I found him a comfort at a difficult time. But also, I could totally fix him (no one can and it's no one's responsibility, yet the sentiment is still there). I'm not usually one for blonds (I am a liar) but his cold aesthetic is oddly pleasing. There's nothing I understand more than an awe that rots into resentment and envy while maintaining the same thread of fascination with someone. "Victor Vale was not a fucking sidekick" is just a, mwah, chef's kiss line. Honestly, I have less of a crush on this guy, more of an understanding that I appreciate. Also, I haven't even mentioned the chronic pain implications and canon uses of his powers. But that might be for another time.
Viktor (Arcane: League of Legends)
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Another Viktor with chronic illness themes and whose (in LoL lore) regard for a partner in science goes sour over time as they pursue different objectives (not seen in the Netflix series yet, of course, it's too early for glorious evolution). This guy always comes back to rot in my brain, and I cannot wait for season 2 later this year to see what comes of his arc. I'm planning a fanfic involving him, Jayce, and maybe/sort of Jinx, based on a dream I had months ago but still have swirling in the soup that is my consciousness. There is something so pretty about this guy. If I was more confident in my sketching abilities, he'd end up being my muse way too often. Viktor's character to me is kind of a tragedy personified, and I love a good tragedy. Oh, and his voice actor?? Amazing. There's some debate over how authentic he sounds to Eastern Europeans, but the accent aside still, he sounds sooo good. I want to sit in on a lecture where he speaks about literally anything for two hours.
Kell Maresh (A Darker Shade of Magic; The Fragile Threads of Power by V.E. Schwab)
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Usually, I don't talk about Kell because of how silly I feel like my crush on him is. I identify with Delilah "Lila" Bard throughout ADSOM and even Threads, so I hate further mentioning how much I actually think about Kell because I'd have to fist fight anyone who said I only relate to her because of Kell when that's not the truth. And yet, there's still enough differences between Lila and I for me to be like "if I had to pick a woman in the Schwabverse..." But also, MAYBE I JUST THINK KELL IS GORGEOUS, OKAY? 🫣 Maybe I like that he starts as a somewhat naive prince who's had things both easy and rough in life (wanting to be loved by the only family you know and not feel like you're only there to protect your adoptive brother whom your parents tried to tell you both was not actually your brother and you should stop treating each other as such is VALID, argue with the wall, also he's the bodyguard and eternal worrier (yes, worrying) for Rhy and he's taken lives way too young). Maybe I like that he fell first and fell hard for Lila (okay, but if we're getting into the nitty-gritty, she did flirt with him first multiple times, but she would never admit to actual feelings), that he's the male love interest without reservations for once, leaving it up to Lila and whether she's open to love for once in a story. And yeah, okay, maybe I like that he's actually some kind of a prince charming, the sort you always secretly dream about, you know? Shut up. I like his stupid magic coat too. He's clever, but occasionally actually unbelievably dumb, he's funny and witty yet he knows when to keep his mouth shut (and is usually the one hauling others out of a scrap because of their own smart mouths), he cares too much about his family, AND DID I MENTION HE ALSO HAS CHRONIC ILLNESS THEMES THAT BROKE MY DAMN CHRONICALLY ILL AND IN PAIN HEART? I've said too much already, but there. He's a guy.
Miguel O'Hara (Spider-Man: Across The SpiderVerse)
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This is the one my sister teases me most about because she doesn't get it. To be honest with you all, even I don't know how to explain it. But this guy. Miguel. There is something about him that I just abdkjdjsdv, you know? Is it the tragedy? The moral greyness? The fangs? His insane height? Just his fanon self? The fucking muscles?? I don't know. But I will defend how interesting he is as an antagonist until the cows come home.
Elliott (Stardew Valley)
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Oh... boy. Sometimes, I realise I have a type. It's pretty guys who are hopeless romantics that write novels and poetry. Maybe it's just this one guy. But wow, it works on me. I'm writing a fanfic about him because I need to. There's only 400-odd words to it so far. It was not long after I met him in the game that I decided I had to wife him up. I planted that pomegranate tree early, because it's his favourite fruit for those who don't know, and he loves receiving them as a gift. I got ducks so I could give him their stray feathers. I learned how and when to find lobsters and catch crabs because he loves those too. If I'm out of gifts, I go get a coffee for him because every writer needs their sustenance. Literally, by Spring of Year 2, we were married, and I wondered if perhaps I might have been a little too single-mindedly pursuing every one of those cut scenes when I should have been taking it a bit slower and making it less of a mission. Don't know what to tell you, I went crazy. I fully believe in the headcanon that he gets up early just to go through his haircare routine. Is he pretentious? Maybe. Does he lay it on a little too thick that he's scared of dying alone? Well, okay, yes. Does it bother me that as a househusband he doesn't help out more on the farm? Occasionally. But there's also no one else I'd rather be with (and I developed a sprinkler system specifically so there was less work for me anyway and so now I don't mind at all when he isn't helping). And I can't believe my sister ever introduced me to Stardew Valley because I am now mentally ill about a videogame character made of pixels. Yes, I make wine just for him too. Hush. I spoil him daily now that we're married. Our first child is a son named Ernest. I was debating between Ernest and Edgar, and honestly, I think I should have gone with the latter, but I chose the former. All the dialogue from Elliott is so frickin' cute.
Astarion Ancunín (Baldur's Gate III)
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And do you know what the worst part about this one is? I still haven't actually played Baldur's Gate III. I know, I KNOW. A crime. I'm working on it. But you best believe I've watched every cutscene I can, every scrap of gameplay dialogue, all the choices, the different endings you can get with him (Ascended breaks my heart every time -- I don't care how hot he is, it's not what he would have wanted, he doesn't love you like he used to anymore, and he's not as happy as he could be), and I've listened to all the interviews with Neil Newbon and the writer for Astarion about him. This fruity traumatised vampire haunts me. I want to hold him gently and caress his face and tell him he's beautiful and what he looks like to me since he hasn't seen his reflection in centuries and I want to make sure he knows he's loved. I want him to bite me and drink my blood too, but that's not as important. Does it weird me out how much he reminds me of Prince Charming from the Shrek franchise and Preminger from Barbie: The Princess and the Pauper and then aesthetically Asra from The Arcana: A Mystic Romance? Yes. But Astarion's also his own character and I'm in love with his smile and goofy lines.
Settrigh "Sett" (Heartsteel; League of Legends)
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This... might be the lowest point, actually 💀 My sister would agree. Because it's not enough to crush on book characters, show characters, and videogame characters -- while technically this guy is a videogame character and was part of League of Legends waaay before the music video, it was the PARANOIA music video that got me. So, even fictional characters made/involved in music videos are not safe from my heart. Because, as I understand it, OG Sett is a bit different from Heartsteel Sett, and I've found I usually prefer reading about the interpretation of the latter in fanfic more than the former. I mean, I still really, really enjoy fanfics where he's The Big Boss of the pits, and or his other background/lore is included, but I've read some where his old personality is a bit Yikes. The golden retriever energy is my favourite era of his if we can call it that (I still headcanon him as a part fox Vastayan, you can't convince me otherwise so go argue with someone else about it, not me). And honestly, I think I might have read more fics involving Sett in 2023 than I did any of the other characters on this list. Which is saying something since he's not as popular as a few of them. He's a pretty guy and I wish to bite him. Lovingly.
Mizu (Blue Eye Samurai)
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Oh woman. Mizu is... is... she's basically my wife. I know she's all our wife, but like just let me dream a little here. As soon as I finished the series, I was opening up Tumblr, Pinterest, and AO3, my holy trinity of fandom. My platonic wife was sending me TikToks of our shared fictional wife. Mizu can wind up non-binary, male, female, I honestly do not mind because I am in love with any version she is/becomes (for now, I interpret her as a woman in disguise, but if that changes, I'll absolutely change how I refer to Mizu). She is a tragedy wrapped up in revenge because of a rotten love and unfortunate parentage and time period. I want her as much as I want to be her. Also? I go insane over her little smiles and smirks. I LOVE when we got to hear her laugh, even if it was mostly the flashbacks (do not mention Mikio near me; if he wasn't already dead, I would kill him). Also, who doesn't hate their British/white half, ahaha, oh my god, I know mixed ethnicity is a hot topic for people who do not want POC whitewashed in media, and I fully understand that, but I do appreciate seeing parts of myself in mixed characters like the conflict between trying to be more like one side than another. I'll also admit it: she does indeed look hot covered in blood and carrying a sword. I'll see myself out the door. I've been wanting to write a fanfic about her but I'm still stewing over ideas. Mizu is also probably my first truly major crush on a fictional woman (other than my childhood crush on Helga Sinclair from Atlantis: The Lost Empire). Vi from Arcane comes pretty close, but I see too much of myself in her that it gets weird.
We'll do some honourable mentions for characters from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim since I've gotten into that again.
Brynjolf, Hadvar, and Nazir, I wish I could mod my gameplay so I could marry you. The developers hated their men-loving gamers (I know the women-lovers complain about Serana, but she will never be as heartbreaking as Brynjolf, I don't care if she recognises proposals only to decline them). I mean, Brynjolf is the Tamriel equivalent of Scottish, he calls you "lass/lad", has got a smoothass voice, supports you through so much of the Thieves Guild questline, has a wicked sense of humour, and then when you finish the questline, it's all "sorry, lass. Got important things to do. We'll speak another time" 😭 You can't even recruit him as a follower. He says nothing when you wear an amulet of Mara. I play on a fucking PS4, I can't do mods to marry him or get more dialogue.
(By the way, on my most recent playthrough, Lydia died when I fought the troll on the seven thousand steps, and I am still mad about it. It used to be difficult for Lydia to die, that was why I brought her everywhere, and now I have to become Batman "I work alone". ESPECIALLY after Benor then died on the way up to Paarthurnax. I still can't believe that happened, I should have told him to stay behind and wait for my return.)
Also, every time I play, Derkeethus is so bugged, I can't even rescue him let alone marry the guy, which was disappointing because he seemed nice.
Argis the Bulwark, Vilkas, Farkas, Rayya, Aela the Huntress, and Marcurio, you are all marriageable and live in my heart always. Marcurio was the first I ever married, I think. Three guesses why I chose him (it's the sarcasm, wisecracks, and general sense of humour) (maybe the long hair too). Has anyone noticed how there doesn't seem to be marriageable options among the Khajiit characters?? Why do you think that is? I just checked the Skyrim marriage wiki and this is what it has to say in the trivia: 'There are no Khajiit spouses, however; since the majority of Khajiit in Skyrim are traders or travelers from Elsweyr, they probably have families back home. Additionally, Khajiit characters talk about home a lot, stating how much they miss it and how cold Skyrim is; thus, they probably do not want to marry and settle down in Skyrim.'
Heart-breaking. Oh well.
And that's the end of the line-up. If you read through this, Divines bless your goddamn soul. Psycho-analyse me based on them, I dare you. Or just judge me. I'd like to see either. And if you can find something in common about them all (you don't need to consider the honourable Skyrim mentions), please let me know, because I am personally at a loss.
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dia-souls · 6 months
Yall are so talented and good at writting reaction. I know you all are going through bunch of controversy and all that stuff but I gotta admit one thing that you all got talent and honestly as a dl-fan that's what matter to me the most who cares if you did wrong or were misunderstood as dl-fans we all gotta chill and enjoy instead of taking things to hearts and getting angry at each other afterall we all create contents for each other and than fight amongst ourselves lol its so idiotic thing in my opinion but I don't create content so I might not understand I guess. Anyway back to the topic what other project are you working on cuz I just got free from exams and touched tumblr and there are no updates on any novel or cd drama (I repeat I am not complaining don't block me) I am just asking.
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🦋 Admins talk:
Thank you very much, dear Anon, for your kind words, we appreciate you very much. To be honest we all were surprised by your words. You're so kind, thanks for your word of encouragement we all really appreciate the way you comforted us. We are happy to know you like our contents.
We didn't try to steal any content. Our main motive wasn't to steal any content. It's a misunderstanding we just didn't want to bother the admin with unnecessary notification because she left fandom and that's why we added slash but anyway things did get out of hand and we were misunderstood unfortunately in future we will avoid doing it because let's be honest if we knew this would happen we wouldn't have done it in the first place. But it's very good to speak with people before judging them. Because sometimes you don't know anything about them and your wrong judgment will break their hearts. We don't want to discuss this issue more we have already explained the reasons, apologized and all stuff......
Anyway we think you are concerned for us, as admin Afra recently had small issues regarding her health but she is back in town and is better now she will start posting soon once she is better. Admin Irsa is going through exam phase. Admin Ava is also busy too. All three admins have already plans to release some of their fics and Drama CDs as soon as they get free from their busy schedule. The thing is that we all are young and students so give us some time we all will update soon. Your asks will also be answered soon.
We must say that all the admins love this fandom and like to continue producing contents as long as they feel safe and happy. It was a new novel that will start on December 1st. But this will happen if the admins have good mental conditions. Admin Afra has bigger plans for new novels and games you can see here and a vey big project that called diabolik lovers series. She is not in a very good condition now. We will have to wait and see what happens in the future. If everything goes well, the new novel will be published soon.
Again thanks for your lovely message! People like you is what that keep us going in this fandom! One more thing none of the admins plan to leave the fandom and in near future too so don't worry we aren't that weak it's just admin Afra issue did surprise us. She is young so do go easy on her as she receives a lot of hate for stupid reasons and just for a misunderstanding. Please give her some time to regain her mental health back. So remember don't judge people when you are not aware of their situations. Before sending any hate message try to speak with them first and remember mabye you are judging them in a wrong way. We all are here to enjoy and all three admins love publishing contents so let us enjoy doing it and be nice that's it.
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you said you needed inspiration so: I’ve been thinking about how did Obi come up with the name “Ben”? Like maybe it was given to him by the reader when they were young and in love but because of order 66 he was led to believe his love (the reader) was dead and to keep the memory of her alive he adopt “Ben” as his new name.
Feel free to change the story line but I’d love to read your idea on how he came up with “Ben” and since my idea is a bit angsty I hope for a happy ending (maybe they reunite or where never really apart-that doesnt really makes sense lol).
I hope this might spike some inspiration. Lots of love <3
Btw. I’ve been missing ur fics cuz I find a lot of comfort in them but please dont stress urself.
Thank you sending this through! It sparked my curiosity and made me want to write something again haha. I've kept it angsty lol mostly because I've been feeling like rewatching the Kenobi show but I hope you like it!
You made it to the peak, the mountain in your village which was fabled to hold the answer to your dreams if anyone dared to climb it, to see the sunrise. This was a regular routine mostly because it afforded you with some peace of mind, getting your body to focus on a task rather than the worries of running a farm on your own, especially with harvest season close at hand.
What even were your dreams that you longed to come true? You weren’t sure.
Even in your current circumstance, you were content with everything you had, it was not in your nature to want for more. But the sun slowly creeping up from the horizon was always a sight to behold. It was also the exact moment you saw him. As he sat there in what looked like well pressed robes, his eyes closed as he took in the warmth of the sun, his hair molten bronze that it turned golden when it caught the light.
You were sure for a moment that he was an angel, a divine being living here in the mountain top, the one that possibly grants your wishes. His eyes opened and those blue orbs turned right to you. As though he had sensed you. You stood your ground, mostly frozen out of fear.
“Ah, I had a feeling someone might show up.”, he smiled and it averted your worries.
“I’ve been hurt and couldn’t quite walk back. Would you happen to –
Only then did you see his wound, down his leg, a huge tear down the length of his calf that almost looked like a burn mark.
“Oh dear”, you exclaimed as you rushed to his aid.
“ -have some bandages.”, he finished his sentence but his tone had softened, his eyes focused on your features as you glanced back at him. Almost as if he was surprised too.
“I do have some supplies but I would need to take you to the infirmary. A lot of the republic troopers get aid there.”, you explained to which he thanked you.
“Was it a droid?”, you asked as you bandaged his leg in an attempt to make conversation.
He looked at you as though he was putting together a response that would be easy for you to understand but then his eyes softened when he said, “It was my own fault, ignited my saber before it was needed.”, he huffed but your clueless gaze only made him more curious.
“You don’t know what I’m talking about, do you?”, he asked his brows furrowed together as though he was bemused.
“I’m afraid so.”, you smiled noting that he looked rather young, his hair grazing his shoulders, he was most likely around your own age.
“You don’t know what I am?”, he dug further, leaning closer with genuine perplexity.
“Are you the one that grants wishes to those who dare to climb the peak?”, you asked sarcastically to battle his entitlement as you tied the knot to secure the bandage.
“No.”, he smiled softly.
“Then I don’t know who you are.”, you assured him patting his ankle to let him know that he was free to go.
Your gaze however trickled back to the sight you had come to see, the sun shining over your little village and you sought a moment of rest in the quite.
“Beautiful.”, he said.
You smiled, the view was breathtaking and you could agree with the pleasant stranger on that but when you turned, his eyes were never on the landscape, they were on you.
That was how you had met him, three years ago. You had learnt he was a Jedi, he visited when he could, your little romance was a secret, making the long distance feel even lonelier. But every time you trekked to the peak, you would remember him.
But with his student now all grown up and his need in the capital winding down he found solace in your home. He had stayed for almost a month, and when he was here, he was different. He retired his robes and became a farmer along with you, embracing the mundane daily routines with new joy. Life felt complete and wonderful, as though your dreams had come true.
It was one of those nights, where you slept out in the fields, with summer in full swing, the sky was clear to see the stars and the weather was optimum to not carry blankets. He wore a long white tunic that under moonlight he looked out of this world, his hair was shorter now that it fell over his forehead and his beard added to his rustic appeal making you feel drunk just by looking at him. He trudged towards you where you were seated by a willow tree, the fields swayed in the midnight breeze, the wheat heads full of grain ready for harvest.
He laid down next to you to then place his head on your lap, your long satin slip was just as soft as his skin. How was it that with his golden hair he looked like he belonged to the sun but his blue eyes it was as though even the moon has a piece of it in him too?
You raked your fingers through his hair and told yourself this wasn’t a dream. Minutes turned to hours, filled with stories and laughter or the silence with only his hands talking, as they traced your jaw or the length of your legs. It then shifted to when he was narrating his difficulties with raising his padawan on his own, as you leaned back into his chest, that he felt like a parent and an elder brother, the responsibility at times too much to bear. But as he mumbled his story, you could feel his fingers in your hair, tugging on strands softly and when you tried to move away, he told you to stay still.
“What are you doing?”, you chuckled.
“Testing to see if I still remember.”, he spoke and you couldn’t turn to see his face but you were confused.
“Remember what?”, you asked quizzically fiddling with a stray strand of thread, to which he responded with placing your hair over your shoulder.
“There, all done.”, he said confidently.
He had braided your hair mid conversation, your fingers felt the weave as you touched your hair in the dark.
“Turns out I do remember, just a little rusty.”, he kissed your cheek and you sunk into his hold as you turned to him.
“My sweet Ben.”, you said softly, eyes full of admiration for the man who held you, the man you loved.
His eyes widened, it was a term of endearment he had never heard before.
“Ben?”, he asked you quietly.
You traced the rise of his cheek and pushed back his hair that had fallen forward.
“Because I met you on the mountain peak where dreams come true.”, you whispered, your eyes boring into his when he stilled and as the silence rushed in again with the breeze, he placed his lips on yours, kissing you like he needed to breathe, like this was the only thing that could keep him alive, only you could keep him alive.
And he woke up, in cold sweat, in the middle of nowhere, not in a field but in a dessert, with your warmth miles away, only a dream.
“Ben.”, someone exclaimed.
“Your shift starts in ten minutes, don’t bloody doze off.”, his manager in the meat store yelled as Obiwan rubbed his forehead.
No one knew who he was here. Because he went by a name no one knew, one that felt like home only when it left your lips and when it didn’t, it was a reminder of everything he had lost and a bandage for his torn spirit.
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missdcalls · 2 months
not to be...emotional on the dash, but !
there's two weeks left of the semester and i'm failing ! i'm aware that it is totally a normal thing in the world of nursing to fail at least one semester 'cause they don't make that shit easy - and i'm trying my best to look at it in a more positive way than negative - but still, emotions are currently all over the place, and that might reflect in my writing. i'll probably be a bit selective with threads and muses right now, just because i can only handle so much at one time lol. no worries, i am not giving up and i know i will eventually have rn next to my name - but sometimes things get delayed. anyway, yeah. working through those emotions and it will probably reflect in my writing/reply times/what muses i'm using bc i'm just not feeling many besides the select few i've been using.
as always, thanks for understanding my loves!!! 🫶
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coolfire333 · 1 month
Genuinely really loving the rap/music discourse going around...let's all expand our perspectives a little but for the love of god some of you (not anyone I follow) are literally so stupid
Disclaimer: I am a little worried since it's easy to throw stones at "boring white girl music" which makes me wonder if this is just going to end up dunking on women in a veiled-sexist manner in general a la the "pumpkin spice white girls" trend that was popular a while back that basically was just making fun of women for having harmless fun under the guise that they were "basic white girls"
HOWEVER everyone in the notes of posts that are even slightly rude or poking fun at popular white musicians getting all up and arms because some (likely black) blogger poked fun at their (likely white) precious punk music or girlypop diva are really showing their ass on this one
As someone with a background in music and music history I can confidently say that nearly every popular genre in mainstream music would not exist without the innovations of black (usually American) musicians. And I think that's super neat! Ragtime, jazz, gospel, soul, r&b, blues, rock, pop, hip-hop, rap, all uniquely American genres that came largely, if not entirely, from the ideas of black Americans.
I'm undoubtedly missing some genres (I'm a bit old-school at heart so I don't know what's trendy now or where exactly it came from) but if you're American and on this website, doesn't that give you a form of national pride? That all those years ago people from your country were able to create new musical styles that have, for the most part, persisted and spread around the world? Honestly it brings a tear to my eye sometimes listening to old music and realizing how impactful it was on modern music genres.
Instead of going "ewww I don't like xyz" why not ask a fan of that kind of music why they like it and maybe what recommendations they have for someone who doesn't listen to that genre. And if you really don't gel with a genre for whatever reason, at least treat it respectfully and recognize its impact on the genres of music you do listen to.
"Ohhh but rap is just sex, drugs, and violence," I hear some of you saying. Well, keep in mind that that same critique has been used for pop, rock, jazz, ragtime, and pretty much every other "new" (keyword "black-influenced") art form so you really want to be careful labelling an entire genre as that. Controversy sells, so think about why exactly "mindless" rap might be the rap you're exposed to or most familiar with from the radio instead of more serious or contemplative rap songs.
Also realize that the songs you like probably also discuss drugs, sex, and violence, but perhaps less directly or in a way that's somehow more tolerable for you. Explore why! Why is it ok for (insert genre you like here) to talk about mature or "dark" themes but when rap does it it's suddenly offensive to you.
It's ok to have biases and be working on them! Also, if someone is trying to criticize a group you're part of for being biased, and they're trying to do it respectfully and seriously, don't joke around like "oh LOL that's so me" and don't get overly defensive either. Be serious and respectful back and genuinely listen to what they're saying.
Literally just don't be a jerk to music and art of marginalized communities! Is it really that hard to have respect for other people even if you don't 100% understand the culture from your perspective?
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willowser · 15 days
💔for the ask game! when did bakubrat get jealous over you haahaha
💔 were there ever any moments of angst or jealousy thanks to the hidden feelings ?
bakubrat hehehehe let's see !! overall, i don't think bakugou is a very jealous person bc i do think part of his little months long process of understanding his feelings, is making sure that whoever (me) is...trustworthy ?? loyal ?? so i don't think he'd get jealous in a sense that someone might steal me away, but—
i do think there are some little insecurities that can eat away at him ?? like. i laugh at everything. it's very easy to make me laugh LOL so if i'm chatting with some sidekick boy and he makes me laugh, i do think bakugou is kind of watching through the window like 😒😒😒 LOL bc i like funny and he worries he's not funny enough for me....even though i laugh at everything and he makes me laugh all the time anyway 😊 or he gets a little jealous of guys like sero or kirishima who are just naturally very charming and can have me blushy very easily — even though he also has me so blushy but he only notices when someone else does it he's silly idk idk
i unfortunately have terrible self-worth and therefore am terribly jealous, so i would expect him at any point to find someone more suited to him every single day of my life LMAO it would honestly probably lead me to pull away from him every now and then 🥺 at random times 🥺 i get too much in my head over the weekend, thinking about someone that's stronger and cooler and more accomplished and then come to work on monday and pretend he doesn't exist until he approaches me 🥺 and even then i'm just kind of surface smiles and small talk 🥺 THAT would probably bring the most amount of angst into this stage of our relationship 💀 whoops 💀
pining stage ask game !
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scoonsalicious · 2 months
you've got me invested with Unwanted! and I've got stuff I wanted to say. First off, buckle up because this is a long one. Second, I'm not defending him in anyway shape, or form, Bucky is still an absolute piece of shit for what he's done. BUT I will say, I do see why it came to that point. I mean, the obvious manipulation from she who i will not name correctly. look, Jusepie is smart, I'll give her that, bc she's so calculated about every single interaction she and Bucky have. The way she played into his insecurity, self-doubt, and fears, it didn't come off as a surprise to me why Bucky went down that rabbit hole. I saw it this way, Jordan made his fears worse unbeknownst to him, she's the reason why Pocket and him are arguing more and causing a rift in their relationship, AND THEN she throws in that life vest of "oh i understand you more, you can be open to me because we're basically the same person" so she seems like the good guy in the eyes of Bucky. it's kinda like, you push someone who can't swim in a pool without them knowing, and then you save them from drowning so at the end, you still end up being a hero even tho you caused the problem in the first place?
THEN you add the layer of what Hydra has done to him which, we already know how much that messed him up both physically and mentally AND THEN you add the layer that he's not even from this century! And during that time? fragile masculinity? lack of consent? so many things wrong in that era? It's This might sound so condescending but Bucky is a very very VERY fragile man with a fragile mind that can easily be manipulated AND ON TOP OF THAT, actually has a really fragile ego too. And Jeremiah FED all that, she kept telling him things he wanted to hear to make it SEEM like she's on his side and that's she's the only one who gets him even tho that's not true at all.
Bucket isn't innocent obviously, especially with the things he said and didn't say (a.k.a. defending pocket, calling out Jerico and putting boundaries). basically everything he's admitted about the mental gymnastics he was doing to make it seem like he wasn't doing anything wrong blah blah blah. i could only shake my head bc, really? But then it circles back to how fragile his emotional and mental being is. but still, you can't use that as an excuse. AND i will argue, he was having a power trip. what, someone who thinks no one will ever love or even admire him after everything that he's done (even tho it's not his fault) to suddenly having two women vying for his attention? better yet, FIGHTING for him? he's a man, at the end of the day, and they ain't shit.
now, while i don't see him as unredeemable bc I do see his side then again, people keep saying i have too big of a heart so lol, i also don't think this is going to be an easy fix bc hell, i don't trust him either. like everything that comes out of his mouth, i'd be side-eyeing a lot. While I do believe that once you start spying on who your partner talks to, texting, interacting, etc, that relationship is already over. But i also can't blame Pocket bc this is more or less a last resort to save a friendship for than anything else. bc I really do think they need to start from scratch to be able to come out of this. like, build that trust first, then that friendship before they can even start thinking about dating each other again.
I am worried though, because the thing with Bucky and Josiah, as much as we don't like to admit it, they have built some sort of friendship (toxic one but i'll digress). And it has also become a habit (i could argue addiction) for Bucky, especially when he's been open and vulnerable to her (i get there are things you just aren't brave enough to tell your part but like dude, pocket isn't the fragile girl that you think she is, she can handle it) so it's going to be a tough thing for him to navigate and there's still a possibility that he'd crack under pressure (i don't want to say relapse but u get my point), especially knowing the lengths Jose will go through to get to him. It's really up to him to resist her as much as he can, but Bucky is also a good man. He tends to see the good in people even if they absolutely do not deserve it. I mean I'm the same, because if i see someone cry, even if that someone has been absolute shit to me, it cave so easily. and I have no doubt Julian will play into that HEAVILY. i don't think she's shown what she's fully capable of and that's scary.
I know you said that something is still about to happen come chapter 18 before things become all fixing and groveling, and i'm really worried that this would be a nail on the coffin that would make Bucket irredeemable but, you also said it wasn't as bad as chapter 13 so i'm having my theories that the angst might not come directly from bucky, or that he has no control over it a.k.a it's all Jack's masterplan that Bucky wasn't conscious about it (i really hope not please i'm thinking about the worst). And while i don't agree with Pocket doing a nasty revenge just to get back at Bucky. I think it's more powerful for him to hurt solely because it's his own doing, not because Pocket did something intentionally to hurt him. But I also can't say I don't blame her. but I mean, if it wasn't intentional though? I could look the other way haha. Anyway I can't wait to see how you've decided to play this out! sorry for this whole essay haha much love 🤍
Okay, first off, I fucking LOVE THIS. All of it. These J names? SENDING ME. GIVING ME LIFE! I am cracking up over here to the point my dogs are concerned. They’re giving me Looks.
Second, it fills me with unspeakable JOY that you completely, 110% get where I’m trying to come from with Bucky! It’s been difficult for me to express all the things going on in his head when he’s not a POV character, especially without making it sound like he’s just bullshitting Pocket with his words, or being insincere or flat out lying, so to read that you picked up what I was putting down so succinctly is just ::chef’s kiss::
Third, Pocket gets her revenge, but not in a malicious way. Like, she doesn’t set out to make him suffer. She just… makes some decisions that lead to him facing the consequences of his actions in painful ways. Some are satisfying and funny and some are sad and difficult, but they all build toward Bucky seeing how absolute shit he was to her. As for Judas’s master plan, if you’re thinking what I think you’re thinking re: Bucky not being conscious of it, don’t worry— I didn’t go there. If you’re not thinking what I think you’re thinking, then I have no idea what you’re thinking lol
Trying to be purposefully vague about Chapter 18: it’s not so much what Bucky does that causes the angst— it’s how he responds to what he did that really gets to Pocket. She notes to Wanda and Nat that she could have forgiven him for his actions, in time, but not for the way he followed up on them.
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