#(at least we have the musical that goes full into it so I guess it balances)
thissmycomingofage · 4 months
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wqnwoos · 11 months
seventeen & touch-starved s/o (vocal unit ver.)
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hhu ver. — requested by anon
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he’s so soft :(
like immediately scoops u up
talks to you very gently while he holds you,, about literally ANYTHING
jeonghan doesn’t notice how close you’ve sidled up to him until you tug on his shirt a little. he’s been wrapped up in conversation with mingyu, riling him up with friendly teasing and laughing as mingyu pouts defensively.
at least, until you appear out of nowhere, brushing your arm against his and sending him glances from the side of your eyes; he can tell you think he hasn’t noticed, but he definitely has. he always notices, especially when it’s you.
which is how he ends up cutting off his teasing, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you closer, resting a hand on your thigh and murmuring a quick “you okay?” in your ear. and it’s only when you nod, satisfied, that he returns to the conversation.
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i feel like he intuitively knows when u need him
hand holder for SURE have u guys seen the recent gose 😭
probably rubs your back or something too :((
“joshua, we are going to get lost.” you pronounce the moment you see the bustling crowds of the carnival in front of you.
your boyfriend scoffs lightly. “come onnn. we’ll be fine.”
“hello? are you seeing this?” with a wide sweep of your arm, you gesture to the horde with wide eyes, unconsciously pressing closer to him already.
“don’t worry, baby. we won’t get separated.” joshua reassures, and then pauses, before dramatically announcing — “ever.”
you blink at him under the coloured lights and merry-go-round music. “i can’t tell if that was heartwarming or incredibly cheesy.”
“both?” he suggests with a smirk, before holding his hand out to you. “come on.”
“josh, don’t let go of me, okay?” you say nervously, as you approach the crowds.
he brushes a kiss over your joined hands with half a smile. “never.”
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omg. soooo flustered but equally as pleased
also have you seen those arms?
he’s an excellent hugger nobody can change my mind
jihoon can tell there’s something on your mind. you keep looking over at him from your place on the couch as he works, sometimes opening your mouth like you’re about to say something but then changing your mind last minute. and when it happens for the seventh time — yes, he counted — he finally turns to you, sliding off his headphones with raised eyebrows.
“can i help you?” he asks, teasing lilt to his tone.
you’re already looking at him with widened eyes. jihoon cocks his head to the side — when you pull out the puppy gaze, it means you want something. unfortunately for him, he gives in every time.
(how can he help it, when you look like that?)
“hug?” you say hopefully, voice pitched a little higher than usual.
he should have guessed. jihoon opens his arms with a mock sigh, gesturing for you to come and sit on his lap — ignoring both your satisfied smile and his warmed cheeks.
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his smile itself feels like a fucking hug so. idek where to start. this man is a safety net :(
HES SO WARM i feel like he gives the best cuddles
loops his arms all the way around you and squeezes to make you laugh too
“seokmin~! i need a hug!” you declare, the moment you step into the house. you might say it dramatically, but you mean it entirely — today has sucked ass. “i demand it, even!”
at your greeting, seokmin sticks his head out the kitchen, lips already curved into a gentle smile. “what happened, angel?” he soothes, opening his arms and entangling you in his embrace.
“bad day. awful.” you describe shortly, already leaning into him gratefully. “less talking. more hugging.”
“yes, boss!” he mock salutes over your shoulder, giggling as he tightens his grip, and with the sound of his laughter, the burdens of today seem to fall away — at least for a short while, you’ve found your reprieve.
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he will drop anything and everything to give you what you need and that makes me UPSET
always goes into full caretaker mode AHHH i love him
probably sways you guys back and forth when you hug
seungkwan takes one look at your sleepy form in his doorway, and he freaks.
by freaks, you mean he pulls you inside, kisses your cheek in greeting, and scolds you for not wrapping up warm enough, all in the space of a minute. and then he’s cupping your face with warm hands. “what happened, baby? you didn’t tell me you were coming over.”
you scrunch your nose sleepily. “sorry. i missed you.”
“aish, don’t apologise, just come here,” he grumbles, to hide the embarrassingly delighted smile growing across his face.
“warm,” you say drowsily, as you lean into his embrace with droopy eyes and slightly slurred words. “best hugger. you’re the best hugger, seungkwannie, you know that? you’re my favourite hugger.”
he kisses your forehead then, with a soft murmur against your skin. “yeah, baby. you’re my favourite too.”
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an requested by an anon who read the hhu version!! i hope you like it @ anon, let me know!! 💗💗💗
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rosewaterandivy · 2 months
stop making plans / start making sense
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Summary: eddie finds himself smack dab in the middle of an ap english iv class, all because some do-gooders at Hawkins High happen to “believe in him” or whatever. the catch? it just so happens to be your ap english class.
A continuation of this blurb and the result of an ongoing eddie munson hc convo with @powderblueblood 💚
Warnings: eddie’s senior year 2.0, no Upside Down, scary smart debate team captain reader, NHS president and tutor nancy wheeler, ap music theory nerd and general nuisance robin buckley, pretentiousness alert - you have been warned!
W.C.: 1771
It’s his second time around as a senior, not even the first week of school under his belt when Mrs. Meloy calls him into her office. The counseling center, which he is unfortunately far too familiar with, is busy as it usually is at the beginning of the year— schedule changes, registration, students complaining about not getting late arrival or early dismissal. Before he can settle in one of the worn chairs by the door, a woman pops her outside of an office door. She glances around, blue eyes searching for someone or something, before landing on Eddie.
“Think the wall can hold itself up just fine Edward,” She calls as she opens the door to her office and waves him in.
He grouses at the use of his full name and rolls his eyes, languidly strolling into the smaller room that smells overwhelmingly of cinnamon.
“Go ahead and make yourself comfortable.”
She’s turned around, fingers flicking through thick manilla files in the cabinet in front of her. A cup of coffee sits on her cluttered desk, cold, from the looks of it. Mrs. Meloy mutters under her breath before turning from the filing cabinet in annoyance.
“It’s only the first week of school,” Eddie points out, “I haven’t done anything.”
The yet between them goes unspoken.
The older woman merely raises a knowing brow and takes her seat opposite him. She sorts through a few loose papers on her desk before letting out a surprised huff, “Gotcha!” Flipping through the file, his file, Eddie supposes, her eyes scan over what is undoubtedly his lack of academic achievement.
Satisfied with her perusal, she sets the papers down on her desk and addresses him.
“Round two.” Mrs. Meloy begins, resignedly. “Hopefully the NHS tutoring placement will be to your benefit Mr. Munson. Miss Wheeler is an exemplary student and I have high hopes for you under her tutelage.”
She then runs through his current schedule, emphasizing the classes he needs to perform well in (mostly all of them, save for English and a few others).
“Which brings me to the reason for our meeting today,” she says with a smile. “It has not escaped my notice, nor that of Mrs. Seguin, that you are quite adept in English class. At least,” she qualifies with a pull of her lips, “When properly motivated.”
And yeah, okay, he was decidedly not trying all that hard in Mrs. S.’s senior English class last year and he breezed through with a respectable A minus.
Wayne even got a little choked up when he read that particular report card.
“I guess so,” he says with a cross of his arms.
“Rather than having you repeat the same content and curriculum this year, Mrs. Seguin and I have petitioned the principal for permission to move you into a more challenging and appropriate English class.”
Well, that perks him right up.
“Principal Higgins has agreed to the change, with a few stipulations.”
Of fucking course.
The gist of it is, Eddie’s admittance to the AP English IV class will be probationary for the first quarter, given his past exploits and record. If he can keep his grades at a respectable B across the board, Eddie will be permanently placed in Mrs. Seguin’s advanced class. If he can’t, it’s back to regular Senior English with that crone, Mrs. Cotter.
Easy peasy.
And he’s almost out the door when Meloy stops him with a furitive, “Eddie,” and pauses to look him in the eye. “We believe in you and we went to the mat with Higgins on this.” She says emphatically, standing up to escort him through the office, “You can do this, Eddie, we know you can.”
She smiles and sends him off with his newly revised schedule, the summer reading assignment, and information for Wayne to peruse about Advanced Placement courses.
The rest of that day unfolded as expected despite his new schedule. Slight differences were made, such as: Eddie sitting in the middle of the class instead of the back, hopefully next to Buckley or Wheeler if he could swing it.
With Nancy’s help, he was able to narrow the summer reading options down to books that would hold his interest. The librarian, Ms. Berkowitz, was more than happy to oblige him with checking out a copy of Notes from the Underground by some Russian dude whose name Eddie couldn’t possibly pronounce.
The bell for the final class of the day rang just as he slipped through Mrs. Seguin’s door.
“Timely as ever,” she teased and kicked the door stop into the classroom.
Her room was the same as last year, but the mood within was markedly different— more relaxed and at ease. Students sat where they pleased and chatted amongst themselves while Mrs. S. checked off the roll and fielded a few questions from the group.
Eddie settled in the only open seat right in between Nancy and yourself. He tried not to be offended that you didn’t even glance up from your furious scribbling on the page, seemingly writing a mile a minute, as if you couldn’t get the words out fast enough.
Ink smeared on the college ruled paper underneath your hand.
Eddie found it endearing.
“Okay, okay, let’s get this show on the road.” Mrs. S. set her clipboard on the desk and leaned against it with a casual grace.
She was one of the newer teachers to Hawkins High, from some big name school out west with not one, but two degrees framed on the wall behind her desk. She was young and quick to laugh; the older teachers were a bit weary of her and those “new agey” teaching philosophies, but the results produced were proof enough for her to granted the AP English III and IV courses for this year. According to Nancy, she’d only had AP juniors and regular seniors last year.
Eddie, being one of those regular students, would know.
“Alright, hopefully we’ve brought in our summer reading novels today. The goal is to break you all into thematic groups based on your selected text. From there, you will collaborate with your peers to create a presentation on your findings.”
With this, she steps away from her desk and begins writing on the chalkboard.
“Consider such things as character archetype, thematic resonance, literary merit, of course. But more importantly,” she says, turning to the class with a smile, “How did the story affect you? What new perspective or insights were gained? What concepts were reinforced? Did you despise the protagonist, or did you identify too closely with them?”
The class has fallen to a hush, you’ve stopped writing and are rapt with attention. Eddie, used to overworked teachers and coaches who could care less, is shocked.
“I remind you, as always, that there are no right or wrong answers in here. As long as you can support your interpretation—” She begins.
“With evidence from the text,” The class choruses in reply.
“Good, exactly.”
At that, students break away into smaller groups and begin talking in hushed tones about the project.
“Whatcha got there?”
This, from Robin, who unceremoniously plucks Eddie’s book from his grasp. She flips through it, eyes lighting in interest, just as Mrs. Seguin makes her way over.
“Eddie, always good to see you.”
“Right back at ya, Mrs. S.”
She smirks, eyeing Robin scanning through Dostoevsky. “Had a feeling you’d gravitate toward the nihilists. Got a chance to start reading yet?”
He swipes the book back from Robin and ignores her petulant pout.
“Uh, kinda. Started it during lunch today.”
She nods knowingly, “Well, I’m sure you’ll be caught up in no time.” Surveying the classroom she nods to herself, “And now that I think of it,” She turns back to Eddie, “Looks like you’re in the right group over here.”
He almost says there is no group over here, but then he notices Nancy and Robin chatting with you. Feeling his stare, you turn back from where you’ve set up shop on Robin’s desk and jerk your head, an invitation by any other name.
“C’mon Munson, we don’t have all day.” You say this softly, chidingly, with no real heat behind it. Your eyes narrow as a group gets particularly loud across the way, “Because I’m certainly not about to let Phillips show us up.”
“Oh, bite me!” Phillips crows from his desk.
“You wish, you cretin!”
Eddie does his best to hide the curl of his lips and stifle a laugh while Phillips sulks at his desk.
Robin thumbs through a worn copy of Nausea while Nancy talks Eddie through the plan thus far. She’s read The Death of Ivan Ilyich and come to the conclusion that the novels in the group are both deeply depressing and deal with themes of existentialism, and in some cases, nihilism.
“I dunno. Philosophy is all well and good, but,” you pipe up, “Mine had elements of magical realism and a satirical critique of Soviet Russia.”
Eddie attempts to process what you and Wheeler have just said. Sensing a lull in the conversation, you slyly pass your novel over to Eddie and start to take notes over whatever it is Nancy is rambling on about.
The Master and Margartia.
Huh, weird title.
He reads the blurb on the back cover and kind of regrets not choosing this one to read. Maybe you’ll let him borrow it after the project is over. Setting it back on your desk, Eddie peruses the syllabus Mrs. S. must’ve slipped him.
“So, will that work for you Eddie?”
Lost in a daze of genres and titles, he looks up. “Sorry, what was that?”
Nancy sighs, “We’re going to meet at my house on Thursday for a study group. I know you and Mike have that thing on Fridays, so.”
“Oh, yeah. Thanks Wheeler; that’ll work.”
With a smile, she goes back to chatting with Robin.
A neatly folded paper lands on his desk. Eddie glances at you, curious, taking in your arched brow and smirk.
Scary smart, he reminds himself as he unfurls the page.
I know Nance is your NHS tutor, but if you feel like you need to catch-up for this class, give me a call.
Your deft hand and neatly printed letters dance across the page, an errant smear of ink where the heel of your hand drug across the paper. The digits of your phone number underneath your missive make his heart race.
Annotating your copy of Dune without permission was one thing. And at that you didn’t even bat an eye, but this…
Well, this had potential.
He tries not to let the possibility of what if turn to ash in his mouth.
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roryslut · 2 months
goth and metal-eurory x f!reader (use of y/n)
brothers best friend‼️ (euro is 19 in a high school type band, reader is a senior) idk how norwegian school works sorry
warnings‼️ smut, drinking and drugs, making out, ass slapping, fingering, oral f!receiving, p in v, gagging, creampie, the L-word, a meer couple sentences that have just a wee bit of degration and exibitionism
(this is based off sum random pic i saw on here and my love for my bauhaus vinyls and obsession w my set up 💪)
thank you all for being so sweet frrr, i’ve been an anonymous rory lover and all of these fics are from the archive of my notes app over the past few months :)
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Y/N is jan axels sister who doesn’t listen to much metal music, she’s more into gothic music. her brother had two friends he started a band with, she only knew the guitarist, oystein, since he was jan’s friend for a while. she stayed upstairs most of the time but around 9 she got sick of all the noise and decided to go downstairs.
As she approached the basement the music grew louder. she opened the door and the music stopped, all of their eyes hit her, making her feel a little embarrassed in her sleep shorts and a sweater.
“jan, can you keep it down or like, idk go somewhere else becuase i am just trying to have some peace of mind…”
the other members looked at jan who said “yeah, yeah we are almost done.”
“thank you” Y/N said leaving and going back upstairs.
“you really let your little sister boss you around like that?” oystein asked, he was a long time family friend and he knew Y/N for a while. they were friends when they were younger but he just kind of changed. “she’s not bossing me around, i just respect her, i mean, she usually is tolerant when we practice at my place.”
oystein looked pretended to be offended “what do you mean tolerant? she should be moved by my amazing guitar skill.” the bassist snickered, “in your dreams” jan replied, making oystein blush a little and the chuckles to grow louder.
oystein sighed and set down his guitar, “im getting a drink,” he states plainly before running up the stairs. he goes to the fridge and retrieves a cold glass of beer. when he closes the fridge door he finally noticed Y/N is also in the kitchen. she is reaching up high to grab a mug from the top shelf but she couldn’t seem to reach it. the sweater she was wearing rode up on her torso, exposing her flat stomach and thin waist which contrasted her full behind, the shorts hugging them well, leaving little room for the imagination. oystein shuttered, he couldn’t tell if it was because he was seeing his childhood best friends little sister all grown up, or because he was overflowing with desire. he will admit it, he has longed for her for at least a decade but nothing ever came of it. she was out of his league and off limits because of her brother, they had hung out a lot as friends but,
(a/n: idk why but when i wrote this i made the back story from euros first person, idk just imagine culkin like narrating idek, good luck.)
“i knew jan protected her with his life. one day when jan and i were in our last year of secondary school, about to graduate, i actually told him how i was feeling. that was unusual to say the least, we didn’t put our emotions into words very often. i told him how i wanted to ask his sister to the prom and how she had caught my eye in the past. he seemed suspicious and hesitant but eventually got the idea and gave me his blessing. i went to the store to get flowers, but they were sold out, i didn’t want to spend gas going to a different store so I just went home. but after that i lost hope, i never went to get the flowers or ask Y/N to prom, i guess i got caught up in the senior work and eventually i graduated, and now i only see her when im at jan’s.”
(okay it’s over, back to third person <3)
he pulled his eyes away and searched for a bottle opener but couldn’t seem to find one anywhere. he held the bottle up to Y/N and she nodded, she swiftly grabbed a spoon. oystein had his hand by the cap and had the bottle set on the table so she swiftly held his hand in place with one hand and with the other, used the spoon to open the bottle. oystein flinched and shook his hand, Y/N laughed, “it didn’t hurt that bad! and look your bottle is open,” oystein just smiled a little, and Y/N almost melted, his smile was beautiful but he never wore it. “you should smile more.” she she stated facing him. oysteins smile dropped almost immediately but the blush stayed on his cheeks and he reddened as Y/N inched closer to his face.
“you look nice when you smile,” she says, beaming and brushing a stand of his hair behind his ear smoothly. she walked away, giving oystein a second to breathe and hide the massive boner inside his pants. Y/N had abandoned the mug and grabbed a beer bottle from the fridge and opened it. “aren’t you too young to drink, Y/N?” oystein asked, he was 19 but not that new to alcohol. “no” she replied, “well, yes and no…” she said taking a hearty sip. “how old are you these days?” oystein asked slyly, Y/N replied with her honest age, “i’m graduating in a couple months.” “wow, you are mature beyond your years…” oystein states, smiling. “maybe you are just behind,” Y/N laughs and then drinks more. they are both about halfway done but the weather was kind of nice out. it was a summer dusk so Y/N and oystein went outside to finish beers and while they were out there, oystein couldn’t help but retrieve a rolled blunt from his pocket.
Y/N was a little nervous because they think smoking weed with someone is very vulnerable but they agreed to oystein and they smoked the joint. “i’ve always wanted to do this with you…” oystein admits, “do what?” she laughs, “idk, smoking together, drinking, talking, anything… i’ve always wanted to know you better.” she looks down, “i wanted to know you to, but you always seemed to push me away when i got to close, you never opened up to me after middle school you know…” oystein feels devastated a little hurt hearing this, he keeps smoking. “i’m so sorry if i made you feel unappreciated, Y/N. i really liked you, like really really liked you,” he chuckles. “i promise,” she smiles, still looking down, “really?” she asks. he goes on, “really! you know i was going to ask you to my prom last year, gosh i remember like it was yesterday. i asked your brother for his permission, it was the scariest shit i’ve ever done. and i was going to ask you but the store was sold out of flowers and i guess i just psyched myself out…” he admits, kind of laughing at the story.
Y/N is surprised since he never talks about his feelings this deeply. “wow, i never knew. why did you get psyched out?”
“i don’t know, you were almost two years younger than me but i was a nobody at that school. you were pretty and had good friends and were nice to everyone. i figured another lucky guy had already asked you, i wouldn’t want it make it weird.”
“wow, oystein i wish you told me, i would have gone with you.” Y/N said, he was kind of in disbelief at that.
Y/N smokes the blunt and smiles, content with oysteins confession, “i forgive you, cheers…” she says and holds up the bottle, “cheers to what?” oystein questions. “cheers to confession…” she laughs and they clink the bottles. “i confess that i really liked you too, well before you slammed the door on your emotions… but i know the oystein i knew is still in there.” Y/N says, seriously, almost in a stern tone. oystein was frozen for a moments time but in that moment he felt like he had gained the wisdom of centuries.
oystein finished the blunt and tossed it, and that quickly he grabbed her jaw and pressed his lips to hers for their long awaited kiss. their lips locked together, so perfectly they thought they would get stuck and never pull away. oystein even ran his tounge over her lips, meeting her in the middle when she got brave enough to try a french kiss. she was a little hesitant kissing someone she had known for so long, it almost felt wrong, but also so so right. her hands tangled in his wild hair and he held the back of her neck, his other hand subconsciously creeping up Y/N’s soft thighs.
after another moment which seemed like centuries, they pulled away catching their breath. they began to arrange their clothes and hair back to normal. “oystein?” Y/N asks, “yes?” “does this mean… that you still you know, like me?” oystein blushes “what makes you think that??” he states quickly. “well, you just kissed me like your in love, and… it’s just- also, i could see your boner the whole time.” Y/N admits, oystein was flustered but they laughed it off, his icy eyes locked on hers and he promised-not said, promised, “the second I laid eyes on you I was yours, yes, Y/N, I do like you.” she smiled and put herself in his arms, “good, i like guys who like me…” and then they both started laughing in each others arms like they used to.
“i have to get back,” oystein says getting up and holding the door back into the house open for Y/N but they eventually speak, “have fun with your death metal,” Y/N says, “its black metal, norwegian black metal…” oystein says smiling, “either way, my bauhaus vinyl is easier on the ears.” she smiles. “well maybe i’ll come up to your chamber and we can listen to it together, how does that sound?” he asks, she responds quickly, “grood… i meant to say great and good, i’m sorry i-.” he had already walked away thinking about how was he going to get rid of this raging boner.
later in the night, the guys had packed up their things, oystein was the last to leave, “hey do you want to stick around and watch a movie or something?” jan asked oystein, “umm, no” he remembered he promised he would go to his sisters room, “sorry man i’m just tired, see you.” and oystein quickly left with his guitar case and pretended to be going out the door but in reality he went to the next floor and knocked on Y/N’s door.
she had been waiting patiently for oystein to come upstairs and when he knocked she started the bauhaus vinyl, hoping he would be impressed with her music taste.
when Y/N opened the door oysteins jaw dropped, she had changed from her pajamas and into a lacey black top and thong that was covered by a sheer robe, tied around her small waist. he couldn’t believe it, she looked so different, so beautiful and enticing, he didn’t know what to say.
“does jan know you are here?” Y/N questioned, oystein shook his head, still in disbelief, “um- can i come in?”
she let him in and he sat on the end of her bed which also was the best place to listen to the vinyl. “do you like it?” Y/N asks. “yes” oystein says smiling, he puts his hands on her waist and begins to inch upwards towards the lacey bra, his hands still over the robe. “i think it’s really sexy…” oystein says continuing, “no,” Y/N laughs taking his hands in her own and interlocking them. “i meant the vinyl, oystein.”
oystein blushed from embarrassment and arousal, “oh- yes that’s really good too.” he nods. she laughs.
she leans into him and their lips meet, his hands returning to her body as the kiss intensified. she reached under his shirt, he felt electrified when she touched his skin and peeled his shirt over his head, quickly reattaching their lips.
the gothic music blasted through the speakers, him still sitting on the bed, she backed away and he bathed in all her glory. she gave him a small tease, untieing the robe and slowly peeling it off her body, revealing her smooth pale skin that shined in the moonlight flowing through the window. the black lingerie contrasted her complexion and he had a sudden urge to strip it off her.
oystein stood from the bed quickly, pulling her in for another kiss, rubbing his large ringed fingers up and down her torso, he reached behind her back and unclipped the bra, letting out a sigh. he pulled it off her, staring for a second at her chest before grabbing her in his hands and fondling her breasts in his hands. “you are so beautiful, god you have no idea what this does to me.”
Y/N moaned at his words which only encouraged him, he latched to her neck and slurped at it like a vampire, letting his teeth graze her soft skin before sucking a hickey onto her throat. “sorry babe, your brother might get mad about that…”
she sighed, “forget about him.” she said, running her hands into his hair. he moved his lips down her body to her chest and began to suckle and kiss her breasts, Y/N continued moaning as she held his face to her, he bit down a little on her nipple causing her to flinch a little and pull oystein by the hair, but he just let out a low moan and the vibrations ran from his teeth to her bud, making her pussy wetter every second. she had to hold on to the desk so she wouldn’t collapse right there.
he got down to his knees, leaving a trail of kisses down her torso. his ringed fingers pulled down her thong effortlessly. he stared at her, but then slid his finger through the folds and penetrated her hole. Y/N let out a lewd noise but oystein didn’t stop, he kept fingering her, making her moan harder and her legs feel like jelly. oystein placed a hard smack on her asscheek and then brought his lips to the clit, kissing and then sucking on it. she felt close already. “oystein!! i’m gonna- please i’m going to cum”
oystein was suprised that she was going to cum this fast but her pussy leaked all over his hand and he lapped the juices up with his tounge. he stood up and pulled her into a kiss, her cum mingling between their lips, and right then, she came on his fingers- hard, his hand was still on her ass and it held her up since her knees had completely buckled under her.
oystein took down his pants and boxers swiftly, Y/N was suprised at his length, “oystein, that won’t fit!” “i’ll be careful baby” he replies. while he took his pants off Y/N flipped the vinyl which is very important. then he was ready. he took her by the waist and pressed her back to his chest, his hard member pressed between her legs, precum was oozing from the tip of his cock. oystein sat back in the bed, right between the speakers and set Y/N on top of him, spreading her legs. “are you ready?” oystein asks gruffly in her ear, nibbling at the lobe. she nodded and he groaned and his cock twitched between her legs so she wasted no time and grabbed it. she pumped it a few times, lubing it with pre cum and her pussy juices. then she pushed him into her, his cock filled her to the brim. “oh my god,” she muttered, he continued pushing in, inch by inch. she didn’t know if she could take the feeling at first. oystein wrapped his arm around Y/N and grabbed her tit roughly, he began moving her up and down his length. “you are doing so good.” oystein praised as he began to speed up, pounding into her messy cunt. she began to moan louder, over come by the feeling. “let me hear you,” oystein says, “they can’t hear you over the music, unless you want them to you little slut.” he laughs, “yeah, i bet you would like that, if your brother came up here and walked in on his best friend pounding his innocent little virgin sister.” Y/N couldn’t respond more than pornographic moans. “i’m-im” she utters, “oystein, cum-“ she speaks and has and orgasm on oysteins cock. he reaches his other hand around her and puts his fingers deep in her throat, pulling her down on him roughly. she was gagged and fucked into oblivion, his hand squeezing her chest. her moans echoing louding through the room with bauhaus music.
oystein finished inside her, he grunted and spurted cum though her. she was oozing and when he pulled out she sighed roughly and let cum drip and bubble from her hole. oystein left a harsh slap on her ass, almost squeezing it like he was milking her pussy. the whole time serenading her with compliments and love that he had for her. “you did so good, baby, god if i knew that pussy was so good i would have gotten it in grade school.” kissing her neck.
then he left, getting a washcloth from her bathroom to clean them. he got dressed and she pulled on the robe, “are you leaving?” Y/N asks, “i’m sorry- i thought that’s what you wanted, i mean, i would have to leave early tomorrow.” oystein responds. “that’s okay,” Y/N says, “do you want to spend the night?”
oystein couldn’t believe it, it’s not like he had never slept over in the house before, he had hundreds of times, but never in your bed. he nodded and got into the bed. they kissed a couple times before he pushed her hair back and stated, “i love you,” it seemed early but they really did love eachother, and they had for years. she blushed and tried to cover her smile with her hand. “i love you, too, oystein, i never stopped once.” she states, cuddling up into oysteins chest and falling asleep.
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only-angel-28 · 8 months
mastermind, part three
oh my goshhh im so sorry this one took me like ten years (i had exams🤡🙏) i wrote part four as well as an apology🤞🤞
anyways heres part three, getting into that situationship situation rn we love to see it
but no fr idk how i feel abt this part so please lmk ur thoughts and that, hopefully the next parts will be better idk ily guys sm omg-
warnings: none i think, probably some swearing, mostly fluff
mastermind, masterlist
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I walk over to Theo, passing by drunken teenagers either making out or snorting cocaine. The strobe lights hit his face, bringing his bright eyes out every now and again as he looks up at me.
“Hey,” he says as I come to sit next to him on the sofa in the dark corner.
“Hey.” I reply back looking towards his book, “What are you reading?”
“Bukawoski,” he responded plainly, dog-earing the book and putting it aside to direct his full attention to me.
“Bukawoski? A muggle writer?” I ask in surprise “What possessed your pureblood mind to read that?”
He shrugs and answers, “I heard you and that curly-haired girl over there talking about it one time at dinner and I thought I’d see what all the nonsense was about.”
“Oh yeah? And how are you finding it?” I ask, a grin creeping up to my lips.
“Love is a dog from hell is pretty good. Bloody questionable, no doubt but good.” He says staring down at my lips from time to time.
We sit in silence for a moment, observing each other as the music played in the background until his strong unwavering gaze becomes too much for me and I break away and try to talk about something.
“So how was the match? Had fun losing?” I smirk at him and see his soft smile becoming a frown but I could see the tiniest sliver of a smile under it.
“Shut the fuck up, we didn’t have enough time for warm-ups and it was bloody freezing.” he complains whiningly which sends me into a burst of creasing laughter.
With a smile on his face, Theo asks me, “What’s so funny?”
I barely manage to get any words out from the laughter that has taken over my body, spreading to Theo’s too.
Our little moment is interrupted by a figure in front of us.
“Hi, care to join the others for a game?”, Cormac grins down at us, making Theo cease his laughter almost immediately and glare up at him.
Before he has the chance to say anything rude I take mine, “Yeah sure, we’d love to.” I smile up at Cormac and grab Theo by the arm dragging him towards the group settled on the carpet with an empty beer bottle in the middle of the circle.
“Ah welcome! Nott, Lestrange, joining us for seven minutes in heaven?” Ron asks from his place on the carpet.
“I don’t think I have much of a choice Weasley.” Theo jokes with Ron. Or at least I think it’s a joke. Whatever, at least they’re not bruising each other right now.
Though if Theo’s looks could kill, Cormac would’ve been six feet under by now…
“Okay, I’m going first!” Ginny Weasley says and spins the bottle making it turn a few times before landing on…Harry.
“No. Absolutely not. Ginny go back to your dorm, I’m not having this.” Ron says strictly before passing the bottle to me.
I spin it as Ginny grumbles and goes to another corner of the room being closely followed by Harry, away from Ron’s sights for once. Theo seems to catch my gaze and smiles softly.
“Oh now won’t you look at that, it was almost Gryffindor and Slytherin but I guess the choosing hat’s powers radiate all the way here.” Ron jokes as the bottle nearly lands on Theo, erupting butterflies in my tummy until they all fall down again when the bottle finally lands on Cormac.
Lord please no.
I stay in my position on the carpet, refusing to look at Cormac’s disturbingly growing grin and reach for Theo’s hand instead.
“Oh, Y/N I completely forgot about our detention with Flitwick from the other day, we’d better be going now.” Theo says as he pretends to check his watch, pulls me up and sarcastically smiles at Cormac before saying, “Sorry mate.”
We make it out of the common room easily, thank God, and I have a million thanks for Theo but a question still remains.
“Why did you do that?” I say plainly as we start walking and Theo pulls out a cigarette, putting it between his pink lips and reaching for a lighter in his pocket.
“No reason,” he mumbles through his teeth as the cold autumn air hits our faces.
“You sure? You’d normally just walk out. No explanation.”
“Well,” he begins, looking at me for a second before taking a drag of his cigarette and breathing it out, “I would. But you wouldn’t, and if I just pulled you up with no explanation then the others might think something else. And anyway I can’t stand seeing you with that bastard.” he says frowning to himself.
“Oh yeah?” I smirk at him, “Why’s that?”
“Not good enough for you.”
“Then what is good enough for me Theo?” I say as we enter the castle again and walk into a deserted, dark hallway.
He says nothing but brushes his hand with mine before pausing and offering me a drag from his cigarette. “Mm, no, I like my lungs, thanks.”
“Suit yourself.” he shrugs and as he puts the cigarette back in his mouth the sleeve of his shirt lifts a bit showing his soft skin tainted with something…black?
“What’s that?” I ask, taking my hands out of my pockets and point to his arm quickly.
He pulls his sleeve back down as quickly as he can and mumbles a quick ‘nothing’, looking panicked and anxious all of a sudden.
“Theo? Are you okay? I’m sorry I shouldn’t have asked.” I apologise and regardless of his “No don’t worry lovie you don’t need to apologise"s, I still feel unsure and try to reach out for him but he flinches away before I can say anything.
“M’sorry I just- I have to go. I’ll um, I’ll see you tomorrow.” he says quickly and strides off to the Slytherin common room. As he was mumbling this, I had a chance to asses his behaviour. Rather than the cool, calm and nonchalant Theo that I’m used to, I saw the glassy-eyed, apprehensive and slightly vulnerable Theo.
What was that?
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theo’s pov
“Well, good morning to you too,” Draco says to me, smiling as I harshly drop my bag down on the breakfast table.
“What’s wrong with you?” Pansy asks, before putting a spoonful of cereal in her mouth.
I sigh before answering, “I’ve got potions first period.”
“...And that’s bad because…?” Blaise drags out, looking at me in curiosity.
“Because she’s there and the Yule Ball’s coming up, and I should’ve asked her earlier but I didn’t, and now that that bloody git Cormac’s probably going to go with her.”
My short rant left the table in silence for a moment before Pansy replied,
“Don’t worry about it Theo, even if she is going with Cormac I’m pretty sure she’s not going to have much fun with him.”
“Yeah no for real, guy’s a fucking pussy.” Blaise agrees, having had many classes with him before.
We get into our nonsensical chatter until the bell rings and everyone starts clearing off to lessons and I hold Draco back by his elbow before he moves off and whisper nervously to him, “What if she sees it?”
“Sees what?” he says with furrowed brows, making me roll my eyes and point to my forearm saying, “What if she sees it.”
Draco looks down at my covered arm and looks at his and says, “Don’t worry mate, we’ll be fine.”, smiles and moves off.
“Thanks for the reassurance mate,” I say after him as we walk together with Blaise to our classes, them to dark arts and me to potions.
“Trust me I know, she’s my cousin after all.” Draco smiles before Blaise nods to my class door, “Make sure you ask her.”
I enter the room and looking up towards my seat I can see Y/N smiling and waving excitedly at me, as I get closer I wave back reciprocating her enthusiasm.
“How come you’re so happy on a Monday morning?” I ask as I place my books down and take my seat.
“Look what I made for you,” she says as she pulls out a silver ring with stars engraved on the sides with both our initials, “I always see you wearing that one ring on your hand so I thought I’d make you another for the other hand. And you like astrology a lot so I thought I’d put some stars on it or something I don’t know. Do you like it?”
My heart skips a beat and blood rushes to my ears and cheeks as I sit there stunned as she looks back at me expectantly.
“No ones given me a present before.” I say quietly and meet her eyes getting softer by my words.
“What? Like ever?” she asks as she tilts her head slightly to the right in question.
God this girl’s gonna be the death of me.
“No uhm,” I clear my throat before continuing, “My mother used to give me loads, you know for my birthday or Christmas or whatever but after she uhm…” I take a pause, trying to collect my emotions and reach out for the ring in her soft hands, “I don’t really get that many any more, my dad’s not really big on presents or anything.” I try to block out the thought of him and look up at the gorgeous girl in front of me but the look in her eyes breaks me more than my father ever could.
“Don’t worry Teddy, we’re friends now so you’re getting showered in presents starting with this one.
Now show me your homework, I need to copy it before he comes around to check.” she says as she takes my books and starts copying out my work, leaving me stunned by her words.
I look down at the small piece of jewellery between my fingers and slip it on with a small smile on my face.
I’m so fucked.
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ok omg that was part three, kinda shitty ik but dw i did part four too and its probably already up rn so go read that too, part five is currently in progress😋🤞
taglist: @timmytime17 @cherry-hoe @jetblackpayne @ash-tarte @coolestgirlhere
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louisisalarrie · 4 months
Due to the large amount of debating on Twitter around stunts and forcible closeting and who gains what from the partnership, let’s talk about stunts as someone who works in the industry and has a degree in this shit, baby!!!
Okie dokie. Stunts are just about our least favourite thing in this fandom, and we watch the boys get exploited, used, and see that they are thoroughly and visibly upset during pap shots and any public event with said stunt. I will be touching on bbg here, as a warning. But this will look particularly at Harry’s stunts, a bit more than Louis’, because people seem to all be fighting about Harry and TR at the moment, and there have been a lot of nasty things said between solos and larries and yeah… let’s have a chat about this all, so you folks can have a little more context of behind the scenes, and also a more thorough understanding than just “that stunt gf is using him for his fame and is part of the problem by forcibly closeting that artist”. Sooooo yeah, let’s get into it. I’ll break this down by Harry/Louis, and we can have a good look into this together. Feel free to hit me up in my inbox for any questions/comments etc., my loves. A lot of this stuff you might already be aware of, but yeah. Just thought I’d do something a bit more in depth while all this discourse is happening.
Harry - a brief history of stunts/his image, and why TR is his beard right now
So, we are all certainly aware of Harry’s past, with everyone from Caroline Flack, to Taylor Swift, to Kendall Jenner… the list goes on and on. His image was doctored to fit the ideal womaniser - sweet and funny, but flirty and cocky. If he was marketed as a dick, no one would idealise him, obviously. So he was allowed to be himself, as the sweet boy we all know, with the exception of flirting with every woman that breathes, and bedding them immediately, before moving on. He was still desirable like this. He was still seen as somewhat attainable, because he was never tied down. He didn’t do long term, he did one night stands and would keep women around long enough until the next pretty little (famous) thing came along. They wanted him to be seen as a sexual being, as so many young male boy bands are full of “goody two shoes” and are little happy cherubs who sing about what makes you beautiful, not waking up with a hard on.
So, his image flowed with the times. They seeded that baby as a womaniser, so when the band got older, he could be seen with multiple stunts, and be even more attainable than someone with a long term partner (Louis) because he didn’t fall in love. He was sex, and rock n roll, while playing innocent as well. It was a different twist to your usual “bad boy” narrative… the young girls saw him as a beautiful sweet angel, and the older girls thought they had a chance to have sex with him (multiple “receipts” that said Harry asked for numbers from fans and took them backstage after shows also posted on Tumblr/Twitter which the older fans had accounts on). They covered the very wide demographic that one direction had with this image, while keeping him closeted. S*mon always thought he was gonna be the main boy, so why not do whatever they can to give him even more PR? Two birds one stone, right?
Anyway, stunting is, and always has been, a crucial part of PR. The general public, and fans, are always interested to know the love life of celebrities. It causes drama, and gossip, and pays for the families of Paps, journalists, interviewers, etc. ya know? These folks would have a pretty boring job if they couldn’t spread gossip. They get paid more to do so, so it’s just the circle of life in the music industry. Almost all the jobs around an artist are there because of stunts. There’s only so many times a reporter can comment on what Harry is wearing if he’s not seen with someone else.
Anyway, this day and age, stunts have become pretty see through. We can spot one a mile away, anticipate articles, and guess what’s coming next. It’s embarrassing really. But, in the earlier days of stunts, it used to be a mutually beneficial agreement. Celebrity A “dates” and is spotted with Celebrity B, who both have large fandoms and make a lot of money (HS and TS). So, being seen together makes sense. A power couple, if you will. Two of the biggest stars on the planet, joining forces, exposing their already established fandoms to the other person’s music, and both of them gaining more followers, more money, and more clicks in the media. It’s the same with the OW shit show that happened… however, that was marketed as a 2 year long stunt, his longest yet, and was obviously to promo the movie. But, being his longest public relationship as of yet, they kinda dragged him away from the womaniser image a bit. Makes sense, right? He’s getting older, settling down a bit… he’s becoming a professional, not fucking the fans of his boyband backstage, and sleeping with every hot celebrity he sees.
However, because of a lot of these stunts are now being exposed and superficial af, they have tried a different kind of stunt, that, while we’ve seen before in different “womanising” artists, they do this to boost a positive image of the artist in question, and move them away from their… multiple sexual escapades. This is what I like to call the “Girl Next Door” stunt, which is exactly where Harry is at now, and where Louis has been all throughout his stunts.
The Girl Next Door stunt shows the public “oh wow, he’s not superficial!!! He’ll date someone who isn’t super famous and he loves them for them!!! He isn’t using her!! He’s attainable and would date someone like me because I’m not super famous!!!” narrative. Which, for Harry, pulls his image back towards being more “real” and authentic, and, for the fans, causes them to defend him because of this. They don’t see it as an obvious stunt because why the hell would this be mutually beneficial for Harry? Why would he bother to continue agreeing to closet himself with someone who isn’t gonna give him any PR from their own fandom? Who the paps are gonna wonder who she is? Well… it’s because he’s a sweetie pie baby boy cherub angel who doesn’t care about fame and fortune, just treats people with kindness and has fallen in love with someone who wasn’t really in the public eye to begin with. Wow. What an incredible guy.
And while you may say “hang on, TR wasn’t totally unknown, she had a following”, her following was nothing compared to Harry’s before they got together. So, with the above in mind about how this positively boosts Harry’s image, you can see why this is mutually beneficial. It’s not always about the money for both sides.
But… hang on… “why would TR agree to this? She’s actively participating in the closeting of Harry? She’s not a good person!!!!!” Well… if it wasn’t her, it’d be someone else. If every celeb/person boycotted the idea of stunts and refused them due to the fact they didn’t want to closet artists, that would be great. It would be a massive shift in the industry. It would be fantastic. But… that’s just not the way it is right now. And unfortunately I don’t think it ever will be.
Closeting has existed for years in the celeb world, and it’s not just gonna go away like that. Sometimes the artists get to choose who they stunt with, and sometimes they don’t. Sometimes bisexuality is seeded juuuuuust enough to get people talking even more. But in his case right now, that’s why people are relating to TR. that’s why they’re defending her, and that’s why they’re a good stunt for now, because she’s the girl next door. See that image shift, now?
Louis - bbg, long term gfs, and the Girl Next Door
Now that I’ve explained the idea of the Girl Next Door stunt (which I’m sure a lot of you have picked up on already prior to this post), that’s exactly what Louis’ closeting and stunting has been for the past 13 years. Eleanor was an unknown, young pretty girl aspiring to be a model. They had one womaniser in the band, two would just be sleazy, so why not make him somewhat “unattainable” but still show his love and commitment and as he was the oldest of the band, he took relationships seriously? It makes him look grown up, so people can take the band more seriously. They’re not just 5 boys who are fucking everything that moved due to newfound fame. It would keep Louis closeted, keep Harry closeted but in the public eye at all times, and totally remove any possibility of them being in a relationship behind closed doors. Sounds great on paper, right? So… if Louis was the sweet, funny, long term gf boy… then why did he go out and get drunk and fuck some unknown hairdresser in a one night stand and have a baby with her, and it be so public? Let’s have a quick look…
For obvious closeting reasons, someone who is speculated to be gay having a baby is quite a clear cut. They’ve had vaginal penetrative sex, they can’t be gay… right? Bisexuality is often overlooked in the media, but, that’s a story for another time.
So, bbg makes sense. They were seeding Harry’s bisexuality/coming out over mid 2014-2015 buttttt little problem… if Harry was in fact into men, then why couldn’t he be into Louis? Larry Stylinson is no stranger to the press, and to pay off every outlet to include in their article the previous denials of Larry’s relationship in the coming out articles, was more effort than what it’s worth. So, even giving him a male stunt, larry would still be prominent in all press relating to Harry’s sexuality. So, in the plans of Harry’s (not successful) coming out, what do they do with Louis?
Long term gf man Louis became quite the party boy, and slept around with Girl Next Door types. People who weren’t famous. People who weren’t gonna help his career after one direction, nor boost his popularity and exposure. He was almost attainable to fans, as so many fans have met him at clubs before. But Harry needed to be THE one who ended up on top (no pun intended), and THE extra attainable now openly bisexual man. They just had to stop Louis from being a desirable match to pretty princess harry, and kinda pushed him to take over Harry’s womaniser image. So, what better way than to push him into being a grotty undesirable party boy who was getting fucked up and sleeping with random girls? What better way than to make him be extra closeted with a kid whose mum he’d had a one night stand with? It could’ve been any fan… right? Quite the Y/N wattpad story if you ask me…
(Anywho, this isn’t a bbg post so I won’t go into S*mon vs Louis, the big gay war, Belfast etc., I’m just talking plainly about the images to the public eye).
So, bbg sticks and is set for the long term, and so Louis still has the committed image he always did. He’s always been tied down, except… he can’t go from party boy to doting dad in one breath. So a couple of VERY short lived stunts here (including one he did by himself in protest) and there, keeps him attainable. He cares SO much about his little lad, BUT is on the look out for some lady bits at all times. Funnily enough, with women who aren’t going to actively improve his career/popularity. So… Girl Next Door attainability, long term commitment grown up responsibility, and now, stunt free (apart from bbg) for over a year. Party boy louis lives on, though. And that is certainly an interesting deep dive as to why, but again, for another time.
Overall - why the fuck is this all happening?
So, they’ve pushed Harry and Louis as far apart from each other as possible, since 2015. Their images, everything. We know this, we’ve watched it, some of us have been here for it. But why is Harry now Girl Next Door stunting? It’ll be a year of them together in a few months. It’s arguably his first stunt gf who is not popular or influential in any way. Well… his image now is happy go lucky boy who loves everyone and is sweet as pie and while he still has suggestive lyrics and moves on stage, he’s actively been pushed away further from the womaniser image through OW and TR. I believe, since he has shot to fame, they’ve decided to kick him back down and seem more attainable, with a more “realistic and authentic” stunt. It makes him look like a real person again. Obviously, it’s forced closeting and you can plainly see it makes him upset and he’s doing everything he can to move away from it, but… that’s his image for now. They’re moving away from womanising because he’s older and needs to still look attainable and professional and “grown up” (30 yrs old isn’t grown up by any means, but it’s the ageism in the industry and generally around the world that pushes this), and so this is the purpose of TR. now, you can sit here and yell about her being an active part in his closeting, which she is, but if it wasn’t her, it would be someone else. Solo Harries who believe in them being together, would be stanning another chick if she was in TR’s place. It’s a Copy of a Copy of a Copy. Get mad at the teams behind Harry and Louis, not at the girls participating in it. (BBG is somewhat of an exception bc who tf would actively put a baby through that but whatever, the promise of money can sway people like crazy).
In short, Long-Term Tomlinson and Harry Sly-les are still in full force, but in an adjusted way to seem more authentic. Because in this day and age, where everything is fake, authenticity sells.
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eumppattv · 10 months
four 𖦹 why korean dispatch, why?
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I walked up the stairs, making my way to the small coffee shop located on the third floor of the Music Bank building. At first I had been angry at Chaeryeong for setting up this “meeting” with Gunwook, but as the shop comes into view, and the smell of coffee and sweets seeps it’s way through my nose; I start to feel at ease. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad, and from what I had seen that cursed day on Weekly Idol, Gunwook was a sweet guy.
My thoughts were interrupted as my name was called. “Y/n over here!”, I glanced in his direction, seeing him already sitting at a small table near the corner of the room. He was smiling, and I found his oddly cute. He kept signaling me to come sit down, and so I obeyed. If I had to meet with the guy whose fans bullied me, I would at least try and have a good time. Plus, we had to go onstage later in the day for awards, so I could take this as a chance to squash any awkwardness between us.
The next twenty minutes consisted of us talking about our rise to debut, and sharing our concerns for the future. I found the boy to be easy going, and extremely nice. Despite his bigger build, he was cute, and it made more sense when I found out we were the same age. While we talked and drank our coffee’s, I envied that he could have so much fun, while I had so much pressure from my company to deliver. He seemed at peace with his fame, and while he spoke about his tight schedule, his appearance remained relaxed.
“You know Gunwook” I took the last sip of my coffee before continuing, his full attention on me. “I wish I could be more like you. Free of responsibility, fun and just overall alive. It’s hard for me, with us being only four members. It means any mistake is highlighted. And of course you know how that goes for me”.
He stayed silent for a couple seconds, lost in thought before he gave me a serious look. “I’m honored you think I’m all those things. Not to burst your bubble but, I worry so much I think my head is going to explode. I worry that I get overshadowed by my members, or that I’m not talented enough to keep up with them. I worry that I’m not enough physically and that it will affect the opportunities I get. And I especially worried when you went through a rough time because of me. But I will say, I’ve had much more fun here with you then in the last couple months”.
Could he see my blush? God I hoped not. I looked away, suddenly interested in whatever was outside the window. He chuckled, leaning forward into the table. “I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable. I just meant I liked hanging out with you, and maybe we could do this again.” I dares to look back at him, feeling my heart beat faster and faster. He was charismatic, too charismatic. “I would love to. I’ll let you know when I’m free”. I returned his smile, still hoping my cheeks weren’t too red. As if on cue, my phone dinged showing a message from the members. “I guess it’s time to go back” he said, also looking down at his own device. “Yeah..” To be honest, I didn’t want to go just yet- but I would never admit that. Still, it was time to return to the real world, where I don’t get my way.
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“So, where were you?” Yuqi asked, raising her eyebrows. “I went to the downstairs store to get a drink” I lied, trying hard to keep my composure. “Hmm okay. Our stylist is waiting in your dressing room, so be quick.” I let out a sigh of relief as she walked away, feeling proud of my lying skills.
As I walked into the room, I wondered if I would see Gunwook on stage. Would he acknowledge me? I hoped he would, but then again I knew he wouldn’t dare to after his scandal. What was I even saying? I needed to focus on my job, not some boy I just met. I didn’t even know him, I had to be realistic. I just need to get him out of my mind, and get through the night.
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𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵 | 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭୧ ‧₊˚
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utytimeline · 4 months
Thoughts on UTY (Pacifist Version)
Reactions from when I first played Pacifist, and observations I made as the game progressed.  A lot of these will be outdated by the time I get this list compiled, but it’s a faithful list of my reactions.  No spoilers, plz.  I haven’t done Geno, betrayal kills, or boss kills yet.  (I kinda don’t want to, these are my babies.)
Long post ahead.
Clover is the narrator, aren't they? I don’t think Chara’s even in this game.
What happens if we don't leave a tip at the lemonade stand?
Is there a way to wake Decibat after he goes to sleep? (I know that's cruel, I'm just curious.)
Dalv keeps talking about a friend, talking like he thinks he will meet them again- Kanako?
Dalv is mistaking us for the human that attacked him, isn't he? The one that made Chujin decide to kill the next human?
Who was leaving Dalv corn? My best guess is Ceroba- that she's felt sorry for him this whole time.
How to look in Dalv's locked doors/drawers? (Probably have to kill him. That... is gonna hurt. I like Dalv, he's a sweetheart.)
Decibat's music volume decreases the more you stay silent. (Which makes me think all battle music is being generated by Clover, not the monster.)
"Penilla draws near." (Italics added for emphasis.) *facepalm*
"Rorrim" is "mirror" spelled backwards.
Also, "Dalv" is "Vlad" spelled backwards, so might Rorrim be Dalv's personal mirror? Seems to fit, Dalv is extremely tidy.
Dalv's furniture's "fine craftsmanship" is probably Chujin's work.
Other Thoughts
I feel like a sponge cake with 2x absorption should have an effect where it absorbs damage for at least 2 turns.
Does the Snowdin ice block ever move? The guy that comes here from the Dunes just stands there and does nothing. Perhaps I need to check very late in the game, return from the last SAVE in New Home or something.
What kind of creature is Mo? I looked it up, and all I can find is "he looks like a raccoon." Yeah, I can see that, but he's kinda reddish-brown, so maybe a red panda? I also considered the possibility that Mo could be a tanuki, a Japanese raccoon-dog (and yes, it looks like a raccoon) that supposedly tricks people, especially tricking them into buying drinks- and Mo is a drink salesman.
What are we to make of the human on the wanted poster that Marty describes?  She said they wore a hat like ours, but they came from space.  I can’t think of a single equippable UT item that seems outer spacey.  And since she’s describing a wanted poster, I don’t think she’s talking about Red (the monster she thought was a human).  My first guess is that some monsters may equate the Surface with outer space, since they’ve never seen either (and many monsters are obsessed with the stars- Starlo and all the monsters making wishes in Waterfall, for instance).
Flowey: "We won't be anywhere near your fancy surface air for a while." (Italics added for emphasis.) He sounds... jealous? This was when I first realized that Flowey's only playing nice, but I still have no clue what he’s really planning.
"Snowy" is just barely recognizable in "Snowfall."
Mo's theme is easy to recognize because not only does it use the Sega Genesis soundfont, it even includes the Michael Jackson whoop from Sonic 3&K.
Ice Wolf was when I started to realize that Yellow isn't that long before UT. (Yeah, I know, Flowey should've been my first clue, but I simply assumed he couldn’t be Asriel, that he was someone else that somehow turned into a flower.  Anything can happen in these games, after all.)
The Shufflers are all named after things you do with a drink: Toast, Swig, and my favorite, their leader Rephil (Refill).
The Shufflers scold Clover for starting a fight, but later Axis is the one trying to drag us into a fight.  I guess battles can go either way.
Shopkeepers have full animations, it's not just facial expressions.
Yellow finally gives us real puzzles. Some of them even take a bit to solve.
Flowey makes a comment about mailing ourselves to Asgore.  He clearly already knows about resets, so I think it’s likely that he’s seen the moment (at the end of The Dunes) that the whales start shipping people by mail.
Other Thoughts
Frostermit is so adorable. I need a Frostermit plushie.
Mo makes me think of what Spamton must have been like before Gaster (no, I'm not suggesting a connection, just that's what he made me think of- but given the other, more obvious DR inspirations throughout the game, I think it’s possible they were going for that kind of character).
Headcanon: Insomintot is related to Knight-Knight. They both inherited a genetic tendency to fall asleep when a human sings.
I love the UGPS jingle, it's so cute.
"(The remnants of a snowman. Once full of life. Now full of potential for new life.)" This line is a little creepy, to me. Clover may not realize it, they're probably just joking, but WE know that some snowmen in the Underground are alive, and I'm wondering what happened to this one.
I don't know if it's the same soundfont, but the Honeydew Resort theme reminds me of Final Fantasy: Mysticquest.
I actually picked "minor scales" when talking to the cellist at the resort, because I actually do like minor scales.
Being a Shadow the Hedgehog fan (the character, not just the game), I got a chuckle out of the description of coffee bean ammo. What do you mean, you can't eat the beans???
I haven't actually noticed any 4th wall moments, but Martlet's message on the second ball puzzle, the message that apologizes for making it too high to see and says the human must be very good at guessing, makes me think it's a very obscure allusion to the fact that Clover is being possessed by the player. There aren't enough moments like that in this game for me to go all crazy with lore and theories, but it's a nice touch to see such an allusion.
In all fairness, Marty has some craftsmanship abilities. Unfinished, shoddy workmanship notwithstanding, it still takes some knowledge of mechanics to make a water-powered door lock.
I just love Marty, she’s so sweet, I want her to be my little sister.
Why does the Royal Guard bother to survey their prisoners on “auditory ambiance” and things like that when they’re just gonna deliver the SOUL to Asgore???  I mean, isn’t the victim (except Red, apparently) usually dead before they get this far???
Not sure, but I’m guessing this is a different river than the one we travel with River Person.  Not only do we never meet River Person, but the colors of the ground and plants behind Ava look like the marshy sections of Waterfall that we never get to walk in.
Other Thoughts
I love how we never actually visit Waterfall (unless you count the post-credits scene), we just float past it.  Acknowledgement of the source material without actually copying it.  And gave them that much more time and room to include an entirely new area (2, if you count the Wild East as separate from the Dunes).
The mention of a Royal Scientist threw me off.  I totally did not expect Alphys, I thought this game took place many years before UT, and I’ve seen no Gaster references in this game at all.
The Dunes
More of a complaint than an actual question, but… if they wanted to make a Zelda reference, WHY OH WHY did they have to do the Death Mountain rockfall???
Since the Dunes are so near Hotland, could the gigantic Swelterstone be responsible for Hotland’s heat, too?
Since El Bailador calls us a “Sentinel of Silence,” how will killing Decibat affect the fight with Bailey?
If you do well in the Bailey fight, does he stop saying you don’t love dancing as much as him?
How to move the sunbathing (wait, what sun?) cactus that blocks that one road?
The Dunes is where I noticed that the battle theme changes depending on the location.
Sea Tea still increases SOUL speed.  Loved that they kept this in.
Same black slime that we met in MTT Resort Hotel.  And still outraged because of an elevator.  Feels like he’ll never find a working one.
Bowll being a china bowl shaped like a bull is probably a play on the phrase “a bull in a china shop.”
Clover got the green healing flowers (the ones in the Omega Flowey fight) from Violetta.
I sucked at Mew Mew Love Blaster, but I watched a walkthrough, and DID THEY SERIOUSLY GIVE MEW MEW A “BIG SHOT”?!?  (Coming back to this after finishing the game, I went, “yup, they did.”)
Other Thoughts
“Vigorous Terrain” is my favorite location theme, but I still haven’t figured out whether there’s any significance in it being a remix of “Your Best Friend.”
That first tumbleweed, the one that comes rolling out of the hole in the cliff, had me like “wut?”  I did love how they replaced Undyne’s rocks with tumbleweeds.
I also love the mines music.  The first few notes remind me of Zelda’s Lullaby (from LOZ).
I actually missed getting a free pickaxe because the monster’s trivia question about the Royal Scientist threw me off.  I still didn’t realize this took place after Asgore hired Alphys, I thought it came WAAAAY before that.  (This also finally confirmed for me that Flowey is, in fact, the same one we know from UT, Asriel.)
I tried not to make a lot of comparisons to DR, considering this isn’t even canon to UT, but I did feel like the mouse attack in Bowll’s fight was very similar to that one attack in the Maus fights in DR.  But I think the Maus fight itself was probably a reference to some old video game (can’t remember which one, it just always felt familiar), so maybe UTY was making the same reference.
Was stunned to see Undyne look-alikes in the Mines, was more surprised that they mentioned her, and was the most surprised to find that they’re not related.
Clover has a very cute animation for hopping in the mine cart.
I could not figure out Bailador’s fight mechanics, and tbh, I got thru it on an absolute fluke (and the silver scarf).  I had to look up a walkthrough later to realize you have to move into the right space AND press the action button when the color lights up.  I thought it was just being in the right space.  Every rhythm game controls differently, it seems.
Wild East
Do mail whales keep notebooks full of potential rhymes, like Marty and her notebook full of puzzle ideas?
Is “designated naptime” a reference to siestas, or did Star just not want to overwork everybody?
“A ballet shoe could be lethal if used enough times.”  Um.  Got anything to share there, Blackjack?  “Don’t question my morality!  I’m not prepared to speak on it!”  OKAY, I REALLY NEED YOU TO SPEAK ON IT NOW….
Can we get into the locked farm cellar?  (Preferably without killing anyone?)
Animals still living in the Underground at least provides some explanation for where monsters get their food (in addition to the corn).
The BEST part about the health overcharge?  You don’t lose it when you SAVE!  He might be a plague doctor, but Doc works absolute miracles.
Star paid double price for the gun he bought us.
They actually take around 15 paces for the dual (I lost count).  (And yes, I spelled it “dual” on purpose.)
Moray comments that Star made them walk around with a rubber snake in their boot.  I looked it up, and it looks like the first and most well-known movie to use that “snake in my boot” reference really WAS Toy Story (although it has origins outside of film from farther back).  So Starlo also watches animations (as long as they have cowboys).
Vengeful Virgil’s comment that not caring about others’ feelings is what makes him a villain, comes while we’re on our way to console Star after his cocky selfishness drove everyone away.  This was not a coincidence.
Every monster has a magical ability, and Starlo’s is literal “bullet time” (he can slow you down).
^This also makes me wonder: remember how he flew backwards in slow-motion when we shot him in the dual?  I wonder if he was using his bullet time on himself for dramatic effect.
Star’s family: his dad, Solomon (the sun), his mom, Crestina (the moon), and a brother who’s name I never found but looks like a 4-pointed star.  (I’ve seen people call him Orion, so I’m going with that, for now.)
Star has several sticky notes in his dad’s almanac, and keeps dad’s almanac on his own bedroom nightstand.  Seems like Star probably took his life on the farm seriously before he left home.
Star also apparently had an interest in outer space.  Possibly some confusion stemming from Toy Story?  (I actually started headcanoning that Toy Story got him into cowboys, and put together a fic on that.)
Not sure where the term “space cowboy” originated, or what Clover’s actually referring to when they say it about Star, but the first use of that phrase that I’m finding is a Steve Miller song from 1969 (referenced later in Steve Miller’s “The Joker” from 1973, the line that a lot of people associate with Steve Miller: “some people call me the space cowboy, some call me the gangster of love”).  The phrase has been used numerous times in multiple ways since then.
Seems like Star sewed his own outfit.
Other Thoughts
Picked “no” when Star asked if monsters die when you ride them into the sun cuz I thought the whole town would converge upon me, heh.
Was honestly surprised that the dummy finally showed up.  This was the first time I tried using the FIGHT option, and it turned out to be rather difficult.  I am not looking forward to Neutral or Genocide.
Star tells Ceroba we’re as good of a shot as him, and she goes, “Really?  A child?”  Still not entirely sure whether she’s poking a bit of fun at Star, but I don’t think she is.  Star doesn’t take any offense to her comment for himself, and her sprite when she speaks next, saying she’s “impressed,” looks extremely surprised.  (In all fairness, despite Blackjack’s claims, Star actually is really good.)
I suck at them all, but the mini-games in UTY are all so fun.
Love the change-up to the battle animation during Feisty Four’s attack, how they switch between characters and even team up.
“A tumbleweed rolls by.  It says hello.”  Well, why not?  I mean, the rocks and cacti are sentient.
The first mention of Kanako at The Lab had me in tears, because, like… we KNOW what happened to her.
“The Steamworks was the main power source of the Underground.”  This statement confuses the timeline a bit for me.  The Core is now the main power source of the Underground, but my understanding is that the Steamworks was operational long after Gaster died.
Does the story change at all depending on what parts you use for Axis’ gf?  (Also, I wonder how many of us just picked up the first 2 or 3 items and then realized there’s way more than 4 items to choose from and wished Ceroba would let us start over.)
Is there a way to fix the grandfather clock?
Does the grandfather clock say something different if the time on your PC actually is 6:26 on a Monday morning in spring?
Ceroba telling Clover to wait in the corner, kinda refers back to her doubting that a child could be as good of a shot as Star.  She has very little respect for Clover at this point.  Not entirely sure if it’s just because Clover’s a human, or if it’s also because they’re just a kid.
Don’t think I missed Flowey’s comment about The Lab.  He clearly does NOT want us to go there.
Ceroba must have some kind of dimensional satchel, herself.  I don’t see how else she can carry the hunkajunk we built (not to mention pulling her staff out of hammerspace).
BTW, “dihydrogen monoxide” is just water.  Vendy probably just called it that to make it sound poisonous.
Vendy said their last boot up was yesterday and that their creator always comes by on Mondays to restock them.  Sadly, the grandfather clock is stuck on 6:26, Monday morning.  Kinda feel sorry for Vendy.
Guardener is actually nice.  She even grows a flower just for the bot that came late.
Telly-Vis starts using the bullet patterns of other monsters during the “reruns” portion of the fight.
You can cheat on the Axis fight if you have the silver scarf.  Just deliberately miss Axis when you ping-pong the red balls for enough turns to heal up.
I haven’t tried it yet, but I’m guessing that Ceroba would get mad and ditch you if you kill one of the robots, turning the run into a Neutral.
Other Thoughts
Screw those water puzzles at the start of Steamworks.
I’m not gonna try to discuss Ceroba’s growing respect for us.  That needs a whole analysis post of its own.  (Well, everything about Ceroba needs its own analysis.)
Axis rolled in and I was like, “Oh, no, another one.”  Seems like we just keep running into these darned toaster ovens on wheels.
Axis music is fire, tho, all of it.
I swear I hear some DR inspirations in the music.  Haven’t learned the names for all the tracks yet, but at one point I thought I heard Digital Roots (when Ceroba’s fiddling with the generator) and at another I thought I heard Card Castle (the room where you build Axis’ gf).
A game mechanic I love: Ceroba’s shield effect (well, as long as it’s shielding Clover).
A mechanic I hate: Jandroid’s slippery floors.
I also love the manta ray ferryboat.
Mo’s level of professionalism is off-the-charts.  He ain’t about to let a little thing like his clothes and his stand catching fire ruin a sales pitch.
Being a Christian, I’m not going to share what I really think of the Axis chase.
Loved seeing the return of popato chisps.
I swear, I thought all that white stuff was monster dust at first.  Walked into the Science Division and nearly burst into tears.
I hope somebody finally has chance to either fix Guardener or shut her down properly once they reach the surface.
Conveyor belt puzzle caused me trouble because I kept trying to box up trash.  Took me a while to realize “red” and “blue” referred to the highlights around the objects.
I’ll talk more in depth later, but I love how Clover has this calming effect on Ceroba when she’s chewing out the productivity bot.
Believe it or not, I didn’t get caught by Axis in the fireplace room!  Go me!  (Actually, it’s really not that hard….)
Still not entirely sure what I think of Axis deliberately handing us a “weapon” just to give himself an excuse to attack us.
I’ve said this before: he took me an hour and a half to fight the first time.  I really hate the mechanics in his boss fight.  And it was especially humiliating for me because I’d only died, maybe, 3 or 4 times before him.  Didn’t have any trouble with Starlo, and while I never did get the hang of Bailey’s fight, I think I only died to him once.  Guardener was responsible for the other deaths.
I love how Ceroba’s been insulting the Steamworks the whole time, but I don’t think she ever insults Axis.  That was her late husband’s baby.  And then she even gives him tips on dating.
Ceroba finally respects us after the Axis fight.  It takes remembering why she needs us for her to be able to press on with her mission.
Chujin’s House
Woodworking, robotics, SOUL research, video game designer, loving husband and father- I know Chujin was kinda old, but how DID he find time for all this???
Marty finds Kanako’s room to be unsettling.  Not sure why.
Clover doesn’t like the gas stove and worries it will cause a housefire.  I’ve wondered before whether they came from an orphanage.  Did they lose their family in a fire?
“The Founder’s Crest.”  Who are the Founders?  Founders of what?  Or is this just a reference to something I’m not familiar with?  (Possibly something in Japanese culture?)
Was Chujin actually that much older than Ceroba?  Or did he just age rapidly because of his research?  If boss monsters only age when they have children, how could he have become so old before marrying Ceroba… unless he’d already had, and lost, one child before?
I’ve been told there’s a secret behind Chujin’s grave.  Will have to check it out the next time I do a Pacifist run.
Strange that Ed found the trapdoor so easily when Ceroba didn’t know about it until Chujin told her.  Ceroba must not have covered it up properly before locking up the house.  Possibly also Chujin somehow arranged it with her that he would be the one cleaning the dining room.
I feel like Moray’s the smartest one of the Four.  They knew it was a good idea to send for Marty.
And THIS is where Marty gets smart.  She takes charge in Star’s absence.  The Four listen to her, even Ed (reluctantly).  And SHE’s the one telling us to stay on track.
(Ok, she’s still a bit naïve- she doesn’t seem to consider that Chujin’s paper with her name is actually ABOUT her.)
The drawings on Kanako’s bedroom wall: Dalv, the monster on the Dunes swingset, her family… and a flower?  Well, I mean… a lot of little kids like to draw flowers, so that might not be anything.  Also a drawing of what looks like Axis lying on the floor.
“Nuh-uh!  Kids shouldn’t mess with knives!”  Nice little reference there, dev team.
And, of course, it’s Flowey who makes light of Ceroba’s mission, calling it a “science fair project.”  Well.  He has every right to say whatever he likes about SOUL research.  Doesn’t he.
Of course, we didn’t get Star’s letter in time because Ceroba wouldn’t let us check the mail.  But I highly doubt she planned it that way, as she had no idea the Five would be snooping around her old house.
Other Thoughts
Starlo is so. completely. PISSED.  And… uh, he has a right to be.  Like, she’s doing a lot of what he just did- lying and scheming and using Clover to fix her own problems (those two are a match set, I swear….)  And he’s torn.  These are his two friends, Clover being the human he practically worshipped, and Ceroba being one of his closest friends (not to mention the love of his life, but I digress).  He doesn’t want anything to happen to her, but he can’t let Clover get hurt, either.
The fact that Moray sent for Marty as soon as learning that Clover was in danger just seals in the idea that Marty is part of the family.
…how long has that corn chowder been in that fridge, anyway???
I’ve already discussed my thoughts about Chujin in other posts, a lot of them still in queue.
Kinda wonder what could’ve made Clover suspicious about the wall to the left of the UG Apartments.
Never did figure out where the “rain” was coming from.  I figure it’s just a leaky sink upstairs or something.  (I’d thought at first it was from the janitor cleaning the hallway, but that’s on the other side of the building.)
I’m sure everyone recognized it, but in case someone didn’t, Bailey’s in the colored tile room.
I think Muffet herself blocked the way thru Hotland, renovating for her pastry shop.
Mr. Cursor mentions a 10-sided die.  They have some version of D&D in the Underground.  Probably more like… idk, Houses and Humans?
Working for Mettaton must have taken quite a toll on the janitor.  He doesn’t look nearly so tired or decrepit here.
There was a flier on the bulletin board in the Wild East that was advertising the acts at the UG Apartments.  The band we saw in Honeydew Resort has a gig at the Apartments on Fridays.  So, this game- or at least by the time we reach Hotland- is on a Friday.
Other Thoughts
The monster candy is butterscotch-flavored.  *nods*  Of course, what else would it be?
Poor Heats.  Defeateeeeeeeeed again….
Star can actually survive drinking magma.  I’ve got headcanons about this boiling in my brain….
I thought Know Cone said he was just gonna look at Hotland from a mountaintop…?
New Home/Pacifist Ending
If there’s an elevator leading to the castle, I’m guessing that means at least one of the other endings has us actually fight Asgore.
How exactly does Kanako’s mask give Ceroba superpowers?  I feel like it might be a reference to Japanese mythology, but I know very, very little about Japanese mythology.
How exactly does Clover have the ability to see into Ceroba’s memories?
I kinda hate myself for asking, but… what happens if you choose FIGHT after you beat Ceroba?
Star is the one asking Ceroba if she’s gonna kill them all because while he doesn’t know all the details, he recognizes the headspace she’s in.
Other Thoughts
Not only am I thrilled to finally get to explore some of New Home, I’m absolutely in love with the design and the music.
I think when Ceroba says she lied about Kanako, she’s not saying she lied about Kanako falling down, or about sending her to the lab.  She lied about having any hope that Kanako would return safely.
How the heck do frikkin’ cherry blossom petals have so much attack power???
The dash mechanic took me time to learn, but if Toby ever decides to steal from Yellow, I hope he steals this :P
My reactions to Ceroba’s plan: “But Chujin specifically begged you NOT to use Kanako!  How do you think you’re honoring his memory by going against his final wish?!”  “Oh, I see, finishing the serum was his death wish.  That’s still no excuse to use your own daughter, tho.”  And finally: “…oh…”
I tried to get thru the game without cheats (except for being on easy mode) but I did have to turn on auto-fire for Ceroba’s final phase.
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Can I request a fem reader x jack Daniels from the golden circle, where maybe they are dating for a while but agent whiskey wants to keep it quiet, cause he doesn't want them to get fired from being in a relationship together, but then there is a party and he sees another agent flirting with reader and gets jealous and just goes up to her, kiss her and admits in front of everyone that he loves her
.⋆。Jack And Coke。⋆.
Jack Daniels x plus size reader
Hiding your relationship from your employers was a good idea in theory but when a suave English agent begins chatting you up, your partner is definitely not happy
Warnings: secret relationship, jealousy, drinking, vague mentions of danger, no use of y/n, fluff, implied smut, reader is a handler like Ginger-Ale
WC: 595
Minors DNI
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
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The burning fury in the southern man was stoked by the expensive whiskey he was sipping on. His brown eyes fixated on the couple only a few yards away from him. The English agent was very clearly flirting with you and you, being your usual friendly self, were indulging him (not that you had any clue what his true intentions were).
Jack knew he had only himself to blame for this whole situation, he was the one that insisted on keeping your relationship a secret, for a time at least. Not only would you both not have to deal with the bullshit paperwork you would have to fill out but it would allow you to remain his personal handler. And for the more selfish reason that he wanted to keep you safe. If any of his enemies knew that you and him were an item or even if they knew you existed- you would be in danger and he couldn’t live with himself if you got hurt.
But watching you now as you were dressed to kill in a navy dress that so beautifully framed your soft body while another (younger) man flirted with you, Jack was second guessing all his decisions up to this point. “She’s looking damn gorgeous ain’t she?” He was shaken from his thoughts as the Statesmen boss saddled up to the bar next to him.
“Don’t know what yer talkin about.” Jack grumbled, singling for a refill of his drink. Champ raised a brow at his agent, his thin lips downturning. 
“I may be an old man now but I know the look of love when I see it and you aren’t as slick as ya think you are. I also think you forget that the hallways have cameras and microphones.” He smirked, making Jack choke on his drink. He turned to retort but a movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention.
Gallahead was now mere inches from you, his left hand hovering over your wide hip, just waiting for permission to touch. Jack’s vision went red.
The music and the chatter went quiet as he slammed the tumbler of whiskey down, causing the glass to shatter. All eyes turned to him, surprised at the sudden outburst by the normally cool and collected agent. They expected him to smile and play it off as an accident but instead he pushed himself from the bar and barrelled his way through the crowd, his gaze firmly locked on you.
Your own eyes were wide but not with terror, in fact they got darker as he approached, making Jack internally beam with pride. He said nothing as a strong arm wound around your thick hips and he tugged you away from Eggsy and into his side. He glared at the younger man and before anyone could speak, he cupped your full cheek and kissed you.
You squeaked against his lips before sighing and relaxing into it, one of your hands coming up to rest right above his pounding heart. He gave your bottom lip a quick nip then pulled away. “I suggest ya keep your hands to yourself, specially when it comes to my gal.” He glared at Eggsy who seemed, for once, at a loss of words.
Considering the matter dealt with, Jack turned back to you with a sly grin. “Now darlin why don’t we blow this party and you can show your cowboy a good time?” He led you from the bar, not noticing Tequila and Champ exchanging a sizable amount of bills over their drinks.
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sillylittlegay · 1 year
Resident Evil OS — [Leon S. Kennedy X M!reader]
Pronouns used for Reader; he/him
Warnings; Mentions of death and injury; very slight nsfw (Mentions, slightly heated make-out); lots of swearing
Summary; The Reader works to bring down Umbrella, Leon joins in the team to help provide information yet the two don't get along at first, one day the Reader is fast asleep while the whole team goes with Leon to get to an Umbrella facility to gather proof, Reader and Leon end up realising they're both idiots and don't hate each other after the Reader has a little nervous breakdown because all of them are gone once he wakes up. They then proceed to make out because they're both tired (lots of tired in this thing) and somewhat need the other close.
Tried my best, I suck at summaries.
Authors Notes; started writing this at midnight, mostly kept on writing during the night, aka this one is full of my thinking while tired (not that that's a bad thing I'm just warning y'all)
As always, I apologize for any mistakes!
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(Y/N) sighed deeply. For days they had been searching for information and for days they've found nothing. It was getting frustrating how good Umbrella was at completely wiping out anything they could've found. Their team was small, sure, but they should've found something, anything by now. Yet they were at the exact same point they had been at days before. No new information on Umbrella or what they were planning and that godforsaken shithouse called government wouldn't believe shit they said if they didn't provide proof. If they just had a lead, but even that wasn't in their favour. (Y/N) felt like he hadn't slept in days – which was probably true since all his time had been spent on getting even the slightest of idea – and all he wanted was to crash into his bed and sleep for Seventeen days straight. Something like his personal little Winter slumber. But he had work to do. Important work. It was for the safety of the whole country – hell, probably even the whole world. Nothing could actually get him away from his computer right now, lazily clicking on multiple things, deep into parts of the internet he didn't think he'd ever find himself in. Not even the soft calling of his teammate got his attention, mostly because his headphones blasted his music louder than anything else just so he wouldn't fall asleep right this second.
»(Y/N) for fucks sake!« He flinched harshly at his headphones being ripped away and his teammate yelling nearly right into his ear. »Jesus fucking Christ what?« He grumbled, grabbing his headphones from the other and turning off the music. »We have a lead. Well, nearly. There's this guy that says he can help us and – we're hoping for the best okay.« His teammate spoke, nervously fidgeting with his hands. »Well go get that lead then? What's the issue?« (Y/N) questioned. He watched cautiously as his Teammate explained how that random guy was in need of their help beforehand. »We just need to get him out of that building and then we'll be fine! Can't be too hard.« They mumbled, slightly scared of the others stern look. »Fucks sake.« (Y/N) grumbled as he grabbed the gun he stored inside his desk. »This guy better be worth it. That's an Umbrella building yknow.« He then added, by the way his teammates face git even more scared he guessed that they in fact, did not know that.
A few minutes later the two arrived at the building where this Leon guy was supposed to be. Now that (Y/N) had gotten the name of the guy they'd be saving he felt a little more at ease. He remembered reading some stuff about him once or twice. If he wasn't mistaken at least. »I go in, you stay in the car so we can make a quick escape, got it?« He said, slightly looking over at his buddy, who sat at the steering wheel, obviously more than nervous. For this being their idea they sure as fuck didn't know what they were doing. They only nodded, signaling (Y/N) to get out of the car, swiftly making his way towards the door. Just before he could open it himself, it swung open harshly, revealing what he assumed was Leon. »Sure as hell took your time. We gotta get away from here, now.« Leon hissed, already making his way towards the car. »Well hello to you too.« (Y/N) spoke sarcastically, only taken aback a little by how hostile Leon was being. It was normal in this field of work – if what he was doing even counted as work since he was only trying to bring down one big organisation. However, he couldn't help but notice that Leon had taken his seat in the passenger side if the car – something that more than pissed him off. First he was being an ass, then he stole his seat? (Y/N) made a mental note of not letting that fucker also have his tea or something. Reluctantly he took a seat in the back, acting like he didn't notice Leon's annoyed sigh and his small remark about how he was being way too slow. Only a loud growl from inside the house made him jump, hurrying to put on his seatbelt while his Teammate already drove away hastily.
The three had barely made it to the office building where the team had taken a few office rooms in order to build something like a base when Leon already started complaining. Quite frankly, he was complaining about everything. And (Y/N) was even more pissed at that. »Should've left you there to die then if you're gonna complain either way.« He huffed after getting out of the car while Leon complained that they could've been at his previous location faster. »I'm not complaining, I'm giving helpful tips.« Leon answered, earning an eye roll from the slightly shorter male. Once in the elevator, the bickering of the two got more and more annoying – for some reason neither wanted to believe they were in the wrong and (Y/N)s Teammate simply put their brain on autopilot so they didn't need to deal with it. »Okay, I'm done with this. (Y/N), you take a long ass nap once we're up there and Leon, you take a fucking shower. The two of you argue like a married couple for fucks sake.« They sighed after a while, not understanding how these two could continue to argue about what they both could've done differently. Yet their words quickly shut the two up, each grumbling about how they were right and how the other was simply an idiot.
The continuing days Leon and (Y/N) continued to not get along. While Leon did provide helpful information with which they were able to finally localise current facilities of Umbrella, (Y/M) still took a big dislike towards the taller. When asked about it he'd just argue that Leon was probably trying to get them killed or badly injured. In his mind Leon was an agent sent by Umbrella to shut their whole organisation down – even if they hadn't nearly done enough to even get noticed by the company. The rest of the team was fed up – no matter who of the two they talked to, the only topic they'd talk about was the other. Now some might say that's sweet, but while (Y/N) cursed the ever living shit out of Leon, Leon made the other look like a total fool.
In the eyes of (Y/N)s Teammates both of them were idiots and needed to get a grip.
It was only a week after meeting Leon for the first time that it came to (Y/N)s mind that maybe, just maybe, he could be kind of.. nice. The team planned to get into an Umbrella facility that had been hidden from the world to gather information and, if anything interesting was found, take pictures. To be frank, his nerves were laying blank and he – again – hadn't slept in a few days. (Y/N) was tired and annoyed and the constant bickering of Leon didn't quite help his case. He tried his best to ignore him and get out of his way by locking himself in his part of the office, yet every time he went to grab another coffee or needed to tell the others about something he found, Leon would be there, mercilessly teasing him. (Y/N) simply started texting his teammates whatever he found out and only went to get coffee when he felt like he desperately needed one.
Right now was one of those desperate times. He was only half awake, barely actually hearing what was going on around him, yet he couldn't get up from his seat, too busy reading an old Article about Umbrellas research facilities. More specific about a mistake that had happened and cost many lives. (Y/N) was sure he wouldn't find this article again if he got up now, a silent paranoia that had come over him while reading. A faint knock on the door caught his attention and he lifted his head. Walking to the door somewhat made him forget his dreamlike state, slightly waking him up and making him feel even more tired at the same time. With a sigh he unlocked the glass door – which he had barricaded with cloth immediately after getting the office, he simply hated glass doors – only to find his somehow second biggest enemy right in front of him, holding two steaming mugs. He didn't even need to ask to know that Leon was holding two cups of coffee, the smell alone woke him up a tad bit more. »What do you want. I'm really not in the mood for your shit right now.« (Y/N) sighed, his voice not nearly as sharp as he had wanted it to be. »Brought you coffee.« Leon just mumbled in response. No remark, no teasing. Either something was fishy or Leon had finally realised he had been in the wrong – about what exactly? (Y/N) couldn't remember. He took the hot cup Leon slightly handed to him, wondering if this was really an act of service or the coffee was poisoned and would kill him immediately. »Look, I know you're tired. You need sleep. Let me continue your resear—« Leon started, interrupted by (Y/N)s laughter. »And risk having you keep important information from us? No chance.« He then stated, taking his seat at his desk again while Leon grabbed one of the chairs (Y/N) had stuffed into a corner. »I was in one of those facilities before. More than one to be honest. Hell, I was in Racoon city. I'm the last person that's gonna throw you over.« He then explained, sitting down on the opposite side of (Y/N). »I don't trust shit you say.« The other grumbled. »So you're risking the injury and death of your mates because you dislike me for some stupid reason?« The taller huffed, leaning back in his seat. »I'm not risking Shit. Why do you think I keep myself alive on coffee and energy drinks? So those idiots, who respectfully don't know shit about the world, can have a safe little trip into what they think Umbrella does.« (Y/N) growled. »They don't know. They weren't in Raccoon city. Honestly, I wasn't either but I saw what did that. Before Raccoon city, before any bigger outbreaks. I was part of a Research Team, for a really short time. I saw what they did and I bolted.« He added, resting his head on his hands while remembering those days.
Nothing would make him forget the thing he saw. The others told him it was still human and could think but it followed orders blindly and didn't look human. There was no humanity behind the dead eyes if that thing – Bio Organic Weapon. (Y/N) could throw up at the thought of it. It looked dead and it sure as hell had been.
»Fuck I didn't know.« Leon sighed, getting (Y/N) out of his grim thoughts. »You understand why I don't trust you? Umbrella has been fucking with my life for years now.« The shorter male questioned, slightly relieved when Leon nodded in slight defeat. »Wanna do a cheeky promise like children? Promise that we'll get along from now?« Leon then asked and (Y/N) laughed softly. »Pinky promise.« The shorter grinned and held out his pinky to the other. Leon himself grinned as well, carefully wrapping his pinky around (Y/N)s. »Pinky promise to get along.« They both chuckled, neither actually knowing why they did this. (Y/N) blamed it on his sleep deprivation, Leon on him being fed up with fighting someone he was supposed to help. Deep down both knew that there was probably an entirely different reason.
»Now, let me do that research shit while you get some sleep.« Leon grinned, softly ruffling the others hair. »Yeah yeah whatever.« (Y/N) just replied while chuckling and got up to go to the small office bathroom. Moments later he walked back to Leon, now changed into new sweatpants and another oversized shirt, these ones significantly more comfortable. »Thought i told you to get some sleep?« Leon teased upon (Y/N) entering the small room. »'m gonna sleep here. The way home is too long of a drive for me right now.« His answer earned him a soft laugh from the brown haired which he reciprocated while getting comfortable in the small sleeping area he had prepared in a corner. (Y/N) fell asleep to the sound of Leon tapping away on the keyboard and his soft groans every time a source deemed unusable.
Once he woke up again Leon was gone. He guessed he was just getting himself coffee, yet the computer had been shut down and seemed like that had been the case for a while now. (Y/N) walked through the rest of the office, wondering where the others went – Leon wasn't the only one missing. The whole team was gone, only a note in the kitchen told him that all of them were out to investigate.
Without him.
They had chosen to leave him while going to one of the most dangerous places he could even think of. Sure, they had Leon, but right now he didn't quite care about that. For all he knew, they could all be dead by now. Wildly cursing to himself he couldn't do anything but wait. Going to where they were on his own would be suicide so waiting was his only option.
Waiting and hoping.
After what felt like a decade (Y/N) heard a key rustle in the door, a few seconds later he bolted there, more than relieved to see all of his teammates – friends – safe and uninjured. »Jesus you won't believe it (Y/N), Leon fought against some weird mutated Monster! Like straight out of a movie shit! I knew Umbrella was bad but Goddamn I didn't think that! Bio Weapons, (Y/N)! Can you believe that?« In response (Y/N) only looked at them in pure shock as his gaze wandered to Leon. »What I can't believe is how fucking stupid you all are.« He started, swiftly being cut off by Leon shoving a bag into his hands. »Gotta celebrate this win with Fast food, pretty boy.« The taller grinned, softly patting (Y/N)s head. In disbelief he just shoved the food back to Leon and stormed off. This was entirely too idiotic for him. He needed time to work through the fact that all his friends could've gotten killed by a company he swore to destroy with his own hands. Yet nothing prepared him for Leon following him. »Look (Y/N) I'm sorry but there was this thing and we had to go immediately–« »So wake me up! It's not that hard! Jesus Christ Leon you all could've gotten injured or killed! Have you thought about that? What would I have done then hm? Live my life like nothing happened because oh well I lost my friends because I was fucking asleep because some idiotic stuck up asshole just decided not to wake me up??« He yelled, swatting his hands at Leon and not even giving him time to get a response. »I'm sorry–« The brown haired started, interrupted by (Y/N) once again. »You better be! Leon, you better be fucking sorry for all of this. Did you really think Fast food would make me think 'oh yeah well then it's fine!'?!« Leon shook his head as he took some cautious step towards the shorter one. (Y/N) was just about to continue his rang, wanting to go on about how Leon was an Idiot and should've definitely never worked with them because all he brought were problems – Though he wouldn't really mean that– when Leon softly cupped his face in his hands. »I'm really sorry. I wanted you to get enough sleep. I didn't want you to get hurt. I made sure the others were safe, I made sure of that at all times. I didn't want to put you in danger.« The other couldn't answer, slightly taken aback by Leon's sudden closeness and the softness of his touch. »Fucking hell..« The shorter then mumbled, placing his hand on Leons upper arm. »You have serious issues Leon.« He added, teasingly grinning at the taller. »No shit Sherlock.« Leon laughed. »Next time you're taking me with you so I can make sure you don't die. Deal?« (Y/N) stated, determined to get his way. He felt relieved once the brown haired nodded, never once letting go of the shorter. »Okay and just how long do you plan on holding my face? It's not like I'm against it I just–« »You talk too much.« Leon interrupted, carefully pressing a kiss on the others lips. »Trying to be charming, Leon?« (Y/N) chuckled against his lips, making Leon laugh in response. »Are you saying I'm not usually Charming?« He said in a slightly offended tone, yet (Y/N) easily noticed that he was only acting. »God you're awful.« The shorter huffed in response, learning towards Leon for another kiss. »If I'm really so awful I guess I'm too awful to give you another kiss.« The brown haired grinned, taking a step back from (Y/N) as he held his hands up. The other rolled his eyes at Leon's antics, casually grabbing the neck of the taller ones shirt to pull him in, catching his lips in a soft yet passionate kiss.
Leon – somewhat caught off guard by how forward the other was being – hurried to get his hands back on the other man's body, simply letting them rest on his hips. Both tried their best to keep it civil, to not get too engaged, but Leon softly rubbing his thumb over (Y/N)s hip made him forget all that, as he bit the brown haired mans lower lip. That in response made Leon gasp softly, lifting the other up and carefully placing him down on the desk, chuckling when the other wrapped his legs around him to trap Leon closer to him. »Trying to seduce me?« The Brown haired teased, softly whispering the words into (Y/N)s ear. »I sure hope you're already seduced otherwise it'll be real awkward once we actually start this.« He replied, laughing to himself silently. Leon huffed in response, mumbling something about how he'd make sure that mouth would be shut soon. Their lips found each other again, both hungrily pressing against the other, hands softly roaming around their bodies.
They only separated from their almost sinful make out session when they heard a knock on the door – one of (Y/N)s friends telling them that they had ordered pizza for the whole team.
»Guess we'll have to continue this some other time.« Leon chuckled, pressing a soft kiss against (Y/N)s cheek. »I'll take your word for that, we better continue this soon.« The shorter replied, smiling at the man between his legs – somehow he knew that Leon had made a silent promise to him, the promise that this wouldn't have just been a one time thing.
A silent promise of a possible forever.
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Steph's Crew - Book 3 Summary
I was meant to post this last year to sort of close the Steph-related content and focus more on other projects. Actually, I was meant to post a lot of things last year...
Bretanie analysis (on here)
Season 1 of AU (on my second blog)
Jekyll and Hyde, but in the modern world (I've been working on that for fun on the side, and I've decided to post the full story on Wattpad)
Revealing the identity of the secret blogger (I'll probably do it in this post, since it is relevant to this part of the story as well)
I've been so busy, y'all. Sorry for the delays.
I just want to make sure I have time to do everything as best as I possibly can, so you can enjoy it. I think it was less pressure posting the Steph's Crew dialogues and snippets because they were old pieces of work, and since the time I first wrote them, I've neatened it up and made it considerably better than it was... I know that the stuff I've shared isn't the final product, so I don't feel the urge to make it perfect. At least not to the extent that I do with all these other projects lol.
Hopefully this can help make up for lost time. I'll get to the other posts mentioned on that list as soon as possible, but until then... here's a summary of the third and final instalment of Steph's Crew!
Keep in mind that I'm still working on this one. It isn't finished yet, but I wanted to give you guys a rough idea of how it goes. And prepare for this, because it's pretty unhinged lol. I collaborated with my sister on some of the wackier ideas...
Book 3 is titled "Story of a Broken Thing." It picks up where Book 2 ends off, more or less (or at least, it fills us in on what went down since the end of Book 2). If you can't remember how UVC ended, then here's a link to that summary:
But to put it briefly, the crew have successfully solved the mystery, Brelise have split up again, Bret's gone on tour with his band, Dalice are together, Bephanie is over, and Stephanie got arrested... but then escaped from holding. Nobody knows where she could have gone.
Which leads us to Book 3. It is set a couple of years later (I think about 5 years after Book 2 ended), and a lot of stuff has happened in all that time...
Dylan and Alice have broken up. Wasn't meant to be, I guess. But don't worry - they're still friends, and there's no bad blood between them or anything.
Victor and Jen have unfortunately split up as well, leading to Jen moving back to Texas. Alice decides to go with her. She's doing alright - currently taking some classes at a local college, and helping out at her old dance studio in her spare time. She's also still making YouTube videos.
Bret's band is still doing well. They're not touring anymore at the moment, but they are super busy recording a new album, and filming music videos. Plus, they have been asked to perform at the Jingle Bell Ball towards the end of the year, which is very exciting. Even though he has moved back to the UK, because of the nature of Bret's job, he can't just stay in London with his aunt anymore like how he used to... but he still comes to visit her as often as possible. And he and Elise are still close friends, so that's cool. He's been seeing other people over the past couple of years, though.
Elise and Charlie are together. She decided to give him a chance. They're really happy together and they seem to have a pretty healthy, solid relationship for the most part (they've been together for two years straight by the time Book 3 has started). Charlie still harbours some degree of jealousy/wariness towards Bret, though, since she's still really good friends with him. He's never once brought it up to her, though. But it becomes a big deal in this part of the story... more on that later.
Ben isn't really in this part of the story... at least not until towards the end, when Stephanie randomly decides to call him for some reason. But he's doing fine. Moved back to his cooking job from Book 1 lol. It was good money, and now he doesn't have another person to share it with! Wait, that sad-
And by now, Dylan, Connor (who has finally moved on from Daisy! Thank God), Elise and Charlie have all finished their university courses. Yay!
In fact, this is what kickstarts the plot. Dylan's family (we get to see them again in this one! Specifically his mother, her new husband and his younger brother Sam. I feel like we didn't get enough of them last time) is very proud of him for finishing such a long, tough course (3 years, + 1 foundation year + 1 year of masters), and they decide to reward him with an epic summer trip to Australia. And it is during this holiday that he sees Steph again (she's not in Australia btw - he sees her when he goes with a family friend to the Samoan islands).
She fills him in on how she got there. I haven't neatly worked this part out... but basically, Reggie helped her leave the country (idk whether to make him a villain or some kind of loose cannon/antihero type of guy. Like, he's awful most of the time, but he's also one of Stephanie's oldest friends, and he can be genuinely nice when he wants to be. Especially to her. He needs to be in trouble tho lol. I think the thing about him is that he gets away with his awful behaviour easily, whereas Stephanie is kind of forced to be held accountable, even if she actively runs away from the consequences of her actions sometimes...)
After that, she was stuck on her own again for a while and needed a job. So she applied for a job at a local Natia hotel (Natia is a famous line of hotels... kind of like Hilton, to give a known real-life example). She didn't have enough money for a cab or bus, so she had to walk the whole way there through heavy rain. By the time she got there, she looked terrible lol. But when she arrived, she bumped into a handsome young man who kindly helped her out. He got her a room and some clothes to change into, which helped in making a good first impression and whatnot. She got the job!
Later, she found out that the guy's name was Jordan Natia. The son of the hotel line founder (he also owns the hotel she got a job at). She thanks him for her help, and he invites her for dinner... and the rest is history.
And by history, I mean she ends up marrying him lol. Dylan finds out that she now lives at the resort that he and his family friend are currently staying at. She also has a baby daughter named Mia (short for Miranda. Not suspicious at all). She loves her life so much right now. She's always prided herself on being a strong independent woman who can take care of herself, but she's surprised at how much she's enjoying being a stay-at-home mother and housewife lol. She loves spending time with her baby, and she loves her husband a lot, too. He takes good care of her. However, similar to Ben, he doesn't really know all that much about her (Jordan goes through a similar arc to Ben's in Book 2, where he finds out the truth about Stephanie, and it changes the way he sees her. Minus the cheating lol).
Dylan is shocked at how much Steph has changed since the last time he saw her, but he's happy for her at the same time. He can see that she's genuinely happy and seemingly at peace, which is great.
Meanwhile, back in the UK, Charlie has decided to propose to El. He's taking it VERY seriously - even asked for her family's blessing and everything. They all said yes... even Adam lol (he's grown to like Charles by now). One summer evening, he pops the question (in a truly beautiful and romantic way btw), and Elise says yes in the moment, but she doesn't know if she truly feels ready for marriage yet. Something about the situation feels wrong to her, but she doesn't know what it is. However, instead of communicating her mixed feelings to her now fiance, she decides to distract herself with hangouts with her family and friends, as well as getting into her work and other hobbies, preferring to think about anything other than her problems (man, does THIS sound familiar lol). Charlie starts noticing a change in El's behaviour and it begins to really upset him (especially since Bret is one of the people she starts spending more time with, and we all know how she feels about him), causing more strain in their relationship. It only gets worse when they find out about Stephanie's whereabouts...
Dylan messages the others about his trip everyday through a group chat. One night he reveals that he's reunited with an old friend of theirs and sends a picture of him and Stephanie hanging out. The others are shocked. Elise especially.
The situation started becoming somewhat of a controversy in the news... people started talking about it more online, many blogs and news websites (including The Looking Glass) started covering it. Alice made a video on YouTube talking about it (and it came from the unique angle of her knowing the person from school and being their friend and everything. She didn't mention Steph by name, though). It blew her channel up.
The story of Stephanie's escape was quickly resurfacing back into people's minds after being forgotten for such a long time. And this wasn't good for Steph lol. Especially after finally making a life for herself that she was genuinely truly happy in.
But that's not the end of the story.
I'll tell you the rest in part 2 of this summary!
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exvangelicalrage · 11 months
It's Not Technically Gaslighting
Recently, in my travels, I came across this church sign: 
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Back in my younger years, I would've seen this, nodded sagely, and said, "Yes. Putting jesus first, others second, and myself last is sure to bring joy. What a clever and profound statement." 
Not anymore. Now when I see a sign like this, at best, I roll my eyes. At worst, I go off on a tirade and end up turning around my car to take a picture of the sign so I can rant about it later online lol. 
So yeah, here we are.
This message communicates a belief that is so, so essential to modern christianity—which is that you should always put others first. Always. And it is especially emphasized for women, whose entire role in life is supposed to be that of service. 
Give, give, give, and never, ever take, they say. You don't want to be a burden, you want to be a blessing. jesus gave everything to save you, so you too should give everything in service to his "great plan." And they use jesus's words to emphasize the point as well: 
"Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all." mark something or other. "Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of christ." galatians. "Now that I, your lord and teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet." john. "...whoever wants to be first must be your slave—just as the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." matthew.
It goes on and on and on. And it's not just the gospels and paul (I fucking hate paul) who harp on it, but practically the entire old testament as well.
But there's a basic logical fallacy inherent in this idea of being the lowest of the low, of being the last of the last, which is this: if everyone is successfully "the last," then doesn't that technically make everyone first? And if everyone is trying to be a slave or a servant or at the bottom of the pile, who exactly is at the top? Maybe the people who want to be at the top? Aren’t the people who don't give a shit about being at the bottom going to slide into leadership roles? The people who are least qualified to be role models? The people who are the worst candidates for leadership? 
This creates societal pockets rife with abuse. This system is the perfect opportunity for predators to hunt. And there are so many prey. Everyone who is actually a humble person, who is actually trying to live a good life, everyone who wants to embody the servitude of christ—guess what? Simply because they are trying to be good and live life right, they are going to have to put up with a lot of shit from predators who want power and control. And those predators who benefit from their servitude? They’re going to milk it for all its worth.
That's how you end up with brian houstons and bill gothards.
When I was 17, I was part of the youth group band at my church. It was a mini-mega-church, as I like to call it. We had on average 800+ attendees every weekend, and the church functioned with a sort of corporate hierarchy, with a head pastor and sub pastors, and had the fancy lights and loud music and charismatic sermons you'd expect at a mega church. 
Sunday night was youth group, which operated like a full-fledged church service. Kids would come into the sanctuary and us, the band, would play popular christian music. We had a pianist (me), a drummer (my little brother), guitarists, a bassist, and singers. Sometimes we even had brass or woodwinds. They even had a light designer who would do impromptu light shows. And a haze machine. 
It was basically a weekly live music concert for teens that lasted anywhere from twenty to forty minutes. Then the youth pastor would get up and preach a youth-directed sermon. Usually the message was something along the lines of, "be christian in school!" "don't mouth off to your parents!" "don't masturbate!" 
My little brother also played in the adult band, because he was the best drummer in the county, despite only being 15. My family would arrive at church at 7 AM on Sunday mornings, sit through a rehearsal and three church services, and then go home for an hour or two, before returning by 3 PM for youth group rehearsal. We would rehearse until 5 PM, and then had to be performing the "welcome music" (just the musicians, not the singers) at 5:30. Then we played until 6:30, got a "break" for the sermon (during which we were required to sit in the audience), and then played again until 7:30 or 8 PM. At that point, we were responsible for tearing down our equipment, loading out, and shutting down the sanctuary.
They didn't provide food for us. Or drinks. If we wanted something, we had to buy it from the church kitchens. My mom was so upset by this, she started making a meal every sunday for all the kids who were in the band (there were usually 7 of us). 
There weren't volunteers to help us set up and take down our equipment. We didn't get money for maintaining our instruments or for gas, for driving back and forth from the church. We weren't allowed to take breaks.
I remember once during my senior year, I was exhausted. I hadn't gone home that day; I'd been at the church since 7 AM, and it was my fourth performance that week, between high school band/jazz band/church stuff. I just wanted to be alone for a few minutes. So during the sermon, I told my friends I was going to sit in the lawn outside the church and pray. 
I had been outside for less than five minutes when an adult volunteer came out and told me I wasn't allowed to be out there. I explained I was exhausted. That I was in the band. That I'd been there since 7 AM. That I just needed a few minutes to breathe. 
She told me it was against the rules, and that as a member of the band, it was my responsibility to sit in the audience and set a good example for the other teens. She made me go back inside.
I didn't know how to be angry back then, but I was just a little bit rebellious. I told her I had to grab my stuff from backstage. I found a dark corner and hid. One of my friends' dads, another adult volunteer, found me, gave me a little smile, and left me alone.
We were the first people to show up, and the last people to leave. We did manual labor. Emotional labor. We were on display as examples of "good christian youth." We were expected to be perfect, without blame.
We were servants.
There to obey. To do the bidding of the church. Not to obey god, but to obey the leaders who decided what god's bidding was. After all, we were only teens. How could we possibly claim to understand god's will?
And those humans, who claimed to know the will of god, exploited children for their own gain. They exploited us.
I know how to be angry now. But I can't deny there is a complex amalgamation of feelings whenever I think about this time of my life. Some anger, yes—rage, even. Sorrow too. And confusion, cognitive dissonance.
Because while yes, they exploited me, I also can’t deny that I liked being there. I liked playing the piano and performing. I liked spending time with my friends. I liked feeling like I was doing good work, like I was serving god, like I was needed and important.
But, it turned out, I wasn't important. I was a cog in an exploitative machine. 
As soon as I graduated, they brought in a younger pianist who was much more skilled than I. Most of my friends, I never heard from again. I never again heard from the youth pastor who I served so willingly. Nor the music pastor. Nor my sunday school teacher. Nor the adult volunteers whom I worked alongside every week. Even my friendships with the teens I played alongside lasted less than a year after I left.
They made me feel important, necessary, and needed. So that I would keep serving. So that I would continue to provide unpaid labor ranging from performing to cleaning to setting a good example for kids my own age. 
They exploited me.
That ever-present message of service and submission—it's not exactly gaslighting. They weren't trying to sow confusion, necessarily. They weren’t outright lying. But they were trying to get me to believe without question. To serve without question. To obey without question.
And it worked. For a time, at least.
As much as it hurt me, I'm lucky they abandoned me. If they hadn't, I might still be there. Sacrificing my health and well-being and happiness in the service of lies.
Here, I fixed the sign:
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thesymphonytrue · 26 days
Music Friday :D
Thanks for the tag, @penna-nomen !! You know I have a heart for music!!
Rules: Choose a few fics you wrote that were inspired by a song - not just with song lyrics in title - and share the tune and the link to the fics. If anyone wants to guess which goes with which go for it in comments or tags!
Okay, sooo many of my fics are inspired directly by songs! This is so fun.
Here's a Hand, My Trusty Friend was directly inspired by the song "Auld Lang Syne" --Not only does Neal drunkenly sing the song, Peter sings back to him 🥹 The theme of friendship in this song made me think of Peter and Neal---the ultimate friendship ever!
The pair of fics, Even if You Cannot Hear My Voice and I'll Be Right Beside You were inspired by the Snow Patrol song, "Run"
Of COURSE, my fic Moon River, is directly inspired by the song for OBVIOUS reasons. I mean. Peter and Neal are totally huckleberry friends---look up the definition! It's THEM 😭
A Sky Full of Stars surprise surprise was NOT inspired by the Coldplay song of the same name---but it DOES fit nicely. haha. The two songs that actually inspired this were: "If I Loved You" (Carousel) and "Golden Star" by Middle Kids (I heard this on Ted Lass LOL). There is a *specific* part of "If I Loved You" where Billy looks up at the sky and says "There's a hell of a lot of stars in the sky and the sky's so big, the sea looks small. And two little people, you and I, we don't count at all"---this part inspired the entire fic. I dunno. just the thought of two people who love each other experiencing that awe of the universe spoke to me and Peter and Neal needed to have that. 😂
Take My Heart with You was directly inspired by "My Heart with You" by Pentatonix. GAHHH THIS SONG. Even looking at it platonically, it fits Peter and Neal *so* well 🥺
A Light in the Darkness lol you guessed it, another Pentatonix song. It gave me the spark to write the fic: "A Light in the Hallway" I first imagined Peter singing this to *SPOILERS* his son, but then I was like...but.....what if Peter and Neal were lights to EACH OTHER 😭
This Life is Most Jolly was inspired by the bard's song "Blow Blow Thou Winter Wind" in Shakespear's As You Like It. I sang this song in my high school choir and just loved the words and message. and again, we have drunken Neal wailing it at the top of his lungs after a fight with Peter haha Peter also sings "No Place Like Home for the Holidays" at the end. Can you tell I love the boys singing together? I HAVE A PROBLEM
Let this Last Forever is basically a fic version of the Cody Fry song "Photograph" --which I cannot listen to without SOBBING. Naturally, I had to let these feelings out on Neal looking at Peter with love. of course. 😎
In my current chapter fic, Pulchrae Alis (Beautiful Wings) , the final few chapters and the scene I wrote the entire fic for LOL was inspired by "Flying" by Cody Fry. 🥹
Okay WOW obviously I have an obsession with turning songs into fics 😅
No pressure tagging @enolaholmes18 if you want to share some song inspired fics! :):):)
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lickkuid · 1 year
Music of the night | Erik Destler
Warnings: NSFW, First time, Dom!Erik, Fluff // 18+
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About: Erik and Christine have unspoken feelings for each other that develop more and more with every lesson he teaches her. One night after their lesson, Christine asks to unmask Erik to see his true self. Overcome with emotions, the two cannot help but show each other how much they love one another. Based in the 1870s but Erik doesn’t live under the Opera house.
Word count: 8,243
“Again,” Erik demanded, hovering his fingers above the keys of his piano. He and Christine occupied the music room of his small flat, having their weekly lesson. Their lessons had been continuing for roughly five months now, and with every visit, Christine was progressing immensely. Faster than he thought she would.
But the minute Erik met her, he quickly realized she was unlike anyone else. Purely a goddess. In beauty, personality, and ambience.
Her rich, chocolate brown eyes met his icy ones which reminded her of the snow that rested delicately upon pine trees in the coldest months of winter. He watched her with such intensity her airway felt constricted, her breath hitched in her throat.
He gave a soft nod, signaling to begin again. His fingers danced over the keys effortlessly, still watching his goddess.
Sucking in a silent breath, Christine tore her gaze from his and focused intently on the drapes of the steel gray curtains atop the window to steady her breath. Tapping her fingers softly against her dress, she began the aria which Erik had her memorize in their last lesson. With the first couple notes out of the way, she let herself get lost in the music.
Her eyes closed as the music brought waves of great sadness over her. The slow, melodramatic notes flowed with fluid grace from the piano and meshed perfectly with Christine’s angelic voice.
Erik only broke his gaze off of Christine to glance at the keys, but they returned only a second later to her delicate frame. This was the time he was really able to study his angel, and he didn’t waste a second. Her curls were pulled up to her head, tied by a ribbon. However, her hair was so long, it still managed to reach below the blades of her small shoulders. He wanted to wrap her curls around his finger, hoping they were as soft as they looked.
Just before he finished the last note, he broke his gaze off her and looked to the keys.
Once the piece had finished, Christine stood still with her eyes closed. Her heart thudded wildly in her chest, attempting to break free. “Christine,” Erik started, drawing her attention to him. She watched as he slowly stood from his bench, his tailcoat brushed the seat, and walked around the piano. “That was perfection.” he beamed.
The white mask obscured half of his beautiful smile. Christine had been a little alarmed during their first lesson when he wore the mask, but as their time went on in lessons, she had grown used to it. Though she longed to see what his full smile looked like unmasked.
Blushing at his compliment, she tucked a stray curl behind her ear and glanced at the plush carpet. Her heart began to skip faster, and her stomach tumbled. “I have you to thank, maestro.”
“Let's end with that today, we have been at it for almost two hours now.” He trailed off, reading the clock on the wall.
Christine nodded, she thought she sensed a hint of disappointment in his voice, but quickly scolded herself for even thinking that, knowing it was probably a figment of her imagination. Surely it was wrong to fall in love with a married man.
At least- she thought he was married. His house was always very clean, the only small clutter was a pile of scores on top of the organ in the far corner of the room. Their lessons were always done in private with only the two occupying the flat, but she always guessed that was how he liked teaching his lessons. His wife most likely goes into town to shop while he teaches. She didn't have any proof of marriage, but it was better to think he was spoken for than to let herself dream of a reality with him.
Erik thought their time together always went too fast. The two hours they had been rehearsing felt as if twenty minutes had passed. It was frustrating. Their time spent together brought him much joy. Once she left her lessons, he was already looking forward to seeing her the following week.
Christine also glanced at the clock with the realization so much time had passed. “Oh! I’m so sorry, I hope I have not overstayed my welcome.” She said, the rosy color across her cheeks deepened to a red, and she quickly gathered her things off the chair against a wall.
Erik had to hold back a smile watching her become flustered. He gave a soft shake of his head and turned back to his piano to close the lid over the keys. “Christine, you never overstay your welcome.”
She put her cloak on and drew her bottom lip in between her teeth, a habit she developed when in deep thought. Erik watched her, wanting nothing more than to stop her actions. Her lips were far too pretty for her to be biting in such a way. He wouldn’t mind doing it, but what was entirely too inappropriate to think about in her presence.
Seeming to lose the battle with her mind, Christine ran her thumb over her arm and looked down. “No, I should be going. I’m sure your wife is to return home soon.” She hesitated.
Erik’s brows knit together in confusion. “Wife?” Where did that idea come from?
Erik longed to be a husband. To have someone to tend to, have someone to provide for. Someone to share walks into town with. Someone who could look past his repulsive face and tormented body. But his face never let him get the opportunity. Any woman whom he ever came in contact with, which weren’t more than a handful, had turned their noses up at him or made a point to gawk at him. Everyone but Christine. Oh, how he longed for another half. He longed for her.
Christine silently cursed herself for her cloak resting on her shoulders now, for she was flaming hot. Had she misjudged him? Was her handsome teacher unwed? “I was under the impression that you are married.” She spoke softly, looking at him. The confusion etched on his face slowly softened.
Before Erik’s mind could process what he was doing, he strode forward and stood in front of Christine and looked down at her features. He had a good couple inches on her height. Her head only came as high as his upper lip.
Christine’s heart felt like a sledgehammer in her chest. Her eyes never left his icy ones as he planted himself a foot in front of her. His aroma of roses and some other earthy scent. Pine. Her eyes fluttered closed for a brief second as his scent enveloped her, clouding her thoughts.
Once Christine opened her eyes, Erik held up his left hand which did not adorn a wedding band. “I’ve never been married,” he murmured, seeming almost embarrassed at the fact.
Guilt washed over Christine for bringing up a topic that clearly held many emotions for him. She looked at his hand which had the slightest tremor to it. The only piece of jewelry was a silver band with a black stone in the middle which rested on his pinky finger.
“Oh. I am sorry for assuming. I only thought with the privacy of lessons and how well kept your home is, you had a wife.” The twinge of red returned to her fair skin.
Erik watched her with such intensity, it made her want to squirm. But it wasn’t an uncomfortable gaze. She almost thought it was an adoring look to his features. Her breath hitched in her throat when his hand came up to brush a curl away from her face, brushing it behind her ear. She leaned into his palm, the coolness of his fingers felt like a breath of fresh air against her burning cheeks.
“Maestro,” She began.
“Erik.” He interrupted. “Please, call me Erik outside of our lessons.” His voice thick.
“Erik,” She corrected. “May I?” she asked softly, gesturing to his mask.
His relaxed shoulders turned rigid in an instant, a sharp breath drew into his lungs. Erik’s jaw ticked and he lowered his head. Of course she would want to see it. Erik had known the day was coming, but no matter how many times he thought he was ready to show her, he would always chicken out. He didn’t want to lose Christine. She was his sunshine on a rainy day, unbeknownst to her.
“You know I will never judge you, you can trust me fully with anything,” Christine spoke with such gentleness, it made Erik want to sob in her arms and tell her every detail of his poor life he had endured. But he would spare her the gruesome details of his past.
His jaw twitched a couple more times as he clenched and unclenched his teeth. His gaze remained focused on the ground between their feet. He understood that whether it was now or later, the topic of his mask would come up again and he would be faced with this same ultimatum. Show her now and have her walk out of his life for his cursed face, or continue to become more attracted and attached to her, only to have her leave him further down the road when she sees his true self.
Erik nodded and Christine gently cupped his face in her palms. His day old stubble pricked her palms as she ran her thumb over his left cheek.
Her left hand raised to where his jaw and neck met. As her thumb hooked under the porcelain mask, Erik’s shoulders began to shake. Slowly, the mask made its way over Erik’s face, pulling the black wig along with it too, exposing his two greatest insecurities.
The gasp of horror he was waiting to hear, never came. Instead, Christine trailed her hand up and over the mountains and valleys of his beautifully carved skin. His skin was incredibly smooth under her dainty fingers. The heat of her palm against his sensitive deformity was shocking, he felt as though he had been struck by lightning.
Damn fool. He thought. Your hideous face has shocked her beyond words. Sucking in another ragged breath, the tears began to sting his eyes. “Please, spare me your criticism.” His voice laced with emotion. “If you no longer wish to partake in lessons with me, I shall not hold it against you. This disastrous face isn’t deserving of someone with your beauty.”
What kind of life had this man known? The thought alone brought forth the familiar sting of tears in Christines eyes as she looked at his face. Had he been shunned by everyone whom he had met, just because of his face?
“Erik,” Christine said, moving her right hand to his jaw to try and lift his gaze to her.
“No, Christine please,” his body shook with more violence as a tear escaped down his face. “Don’t make this harder than it has to be. Please just go,” The sound of a choked sob left the man. His walls were completely shattered, not having any more fight left to hold them up.
“Look at me,” she demanded, her voice coming out stronger than she thought it would. The sound of the sob leaving him was enough to shatter her heart in pieces. Seeing the man she loved so broken, awoke a dark place inside of her that wanted to tear through anyone who ever made him feel like he was less than perfect.
Even in his disheveled state, he still stood taller than her. His puffy, ice blue eyes met her chocolate ones. His cheeks were flushed the faintest pink and his lips a brighter shade of red. His tears left wet trails down his cheeks resulting in her reaching up to swipe them away with her thumbs.
“You are beyond beautiful,” she began. “I can’t make changes to your past, but I can change the future. And I don’t want you to believe for even a second that you are not deserving of any kind of love.”
This is it. The time to tell him. If she was going to get emotional, now was the time to do so.
Standing on her toes, Christine placed a gentle kiss on his marred cheek. “I have loved you far too long to let you speak like this. Thinking nobody loves you.” The whisper of her words was hot on his cheek.
His heart jumped in his chest as another tear fell from his eye at her words. He had dreamt of her saying these words, but never thought he would get the satisfaction of her love.
The touch of her lips on his flesh was a feeling unlike anything Erik had ever experienced before. Sweet intoxication. He wanted- no, he needed more.
Before he could make any move towards her, she continued speaking, tears now brimming her eyes. “I need you to know. I have loved you and will continue to love you for as long as I am breathing. My heart feels like it is going to pound out of my chest anytime we are near. I long for your touch,” a tear escaped her eye. “I know you may not feel the same, but I can’t let you think you are unloved because I love you with every fiber of my being. I burn for you.” She confessed, feeling as if the weight on her shoulders had lifted.
Through her confession, his eyes never strayed from hers. A shuddering breath caused his chest and shoulders to rise and fall sharply. His Christine. She wanted him. She loved him. “Oh, Christine.” He reached for her, almost afraid she would shy away from his touch, regardless of her words.
An overwhelming emotion overtook him as he stepped forward and let his hand cup her cheek, an action he had longed to since the day he met her. She smiled up at him with such love, now that he had known her expression. Her brows pinched together softly, her lips full and rosy. “You have no idea how long I have wanted to hear you say that,”
Christine broke eye contact for a brief moment, flicking her gaze to his lips and back up at his glassy eyes. Erik knew that look, or at least he had read about that look. Romance novels had grown to be some of his favorites. For just some time, he could escape to a world where he was a handsome man and women didn’t look at him with disgust. He could experience what the sensation of kissing another was like.
Even without romance novels, he often thought about what it would be like to kiss Christine. Her lips soft and warm against his own. Experience desires with Christine. Roaming his hands over her body. Pleasuring her. Worshiping her. It was intoxicating and he wanted it all.
As Christine leaned in to him, his stomach tumbled in nervousness and excitement. He felt the weight of her hand land on his shoulder.
Erik didn’t know what to move or how to move it. His arms remained glued to his sides as her hot breath fanned his lips. Christine’s eyes fluttered shut and she closed the distance between them.
Every fantasy Erik had of this shared moment didn’t compare to the physical feel of her lips against his. Her lips were as soft as silk and pillowy against his own. Closing his own eyes and leaning into her body heat, Erik kissed her back and let his hands move to rest gently on either side of her waist.
Her perfume seemed to put him in a daze. The sweet smell of berries, dizzying him as warmth blossomed all over his body.
He stepped closer to her, finally pressing their bodies flush against one another and had to stifle a groan at their contact. Christine’s hand moved to tangle in his thin locks of hair, deepening their kiss.
Erik happily complied to whatever she wanted. He would give it to her. Lay the world down at her feet if she asked. He moved one of his hands to cup the side of her face to pull her impossibly closer.
A gasp left Christine as she brushed against his prominent erection. The desire within her swirling and her stomach swarmed with butterflies. Erik’s hips bucked at the contact, pressing himself further onto her hip.
Breaking the kiss, Christine looked up at him through her lashes. Her lips red and swollen. Erik’s chest heaved as he looked into her eyes, not liking the loss of contact. He needed to constantly have her touch, he felt as if he couldn’t breathe without it.
“Erik,” She breathed. “I need you,” she whimpered, her hand moved from in his hair, down to his chest, tugging at the front of his opened vest.
“Christine, are you positive?” His brows knit together. “Things wont go back to being the same between us. It will be the point of no return,” He hesitantly stroked her cheek with his thumb, afraid to do anything she wouldn’t like.
Her eyes fluttered closed at the gesture, leaning into his hand. This was absolutely what she wanted, for so long she had dreamed of his touch, of the feel of him inside her. She had never been more sure of anything else before.
“Take me there, I want all of you,” Christine told him.
Erik had no self control anymore. He would never be able to deny her anything she wanted. Regardless of his inexperience with physical touch, he would learn all the touches she desired.
He nodded and brushed his nose against hers. “Just be patient, this is all new to me.” he told Christine.
Her heart skipped a beat as he accepted. Her other hand moved to grab his hand that was holding her waist. His fingers were cool to the touch and a little clammy with nerves. She laced her fingers through his and squeezed gently. “It is for me too.” she admitted.
Erik squeezed her hand back and hesitantly leaned down to kiss her again. His fingers curled around the back of her head, pulling Christine closer.
Their lips collided, this time more heated than their first kiss. His lips were gentle but asserted dominance as they moved against her own. Their clasped hands fell apart at their sides and Erik used that time to grab her waist and pull her against himself.
Christine gasped at the contact of his erection against her hip. It was empowering to know that his body had that response to her. Wanting more, she pressed farther into him, grabbing the backs of his arms.
“Have me,” Her breathy voice whispered.
Erik broke their kiss and swept her up in one fluid motion. His arms went underneath her knees and across her back to clasp her waist. Christine instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck as he began to walk out of the music room.
They strode down the hall and to what Christine guessed was his bedroom. It was simple, a dresser rested against the wall, sheets of music atop the dresser. The same colored gray curtains were draped over the window, shielding their world from the one outside.
His bed was a beautiful black swan bed with red coverlets and pillows. She had never seen a more unique bed. She wanted to ask him about it, but decided to wait.
Erik gently laid her down, placing her so her head rested against the pillows. Before he settled above Christine, he pulled his tailcoat off, feeling too constricted
Christine watched him as he flung his coat across the room, not having a care in the world as to where it went or how wrinkled it would become. Erik’s left knee held his weight as he kneeled on the bed, coming over top of her.
His hands came to rest on either side of her head as she peered up at him. “Are you positive about this Christine?” His voice sounded strained.
Her heartbeat picked up as she peered up at him. His eyes still had a puffiness to them from crying earlier, and there was now a flush across his cheeks. Her hand came up to cup the right side of his face. The feel of his bumpy skin was warm against her hand. His eyes closed at the contact for a brief second before meeting her gaze.
“I’ve never been more positive about anything before.” she assured.
Wasting no more time, Erik lowered his body and crashed their lips together. Christine returned his kiss almost instantly. The heat of Erik’s body was like a magnet to her own, drawing herself as close to him as she could.
Parting her lips, she swiped her tongue across his bottom lip. It seemed to Christine that he was very timid of touching her the wrong way and that she would be the one to make the first move for things. And she was okay with it, as long as he was okay with anything she initiated.
Erik’s lips parted and their tongues met. It was a different feeling then Christine thought it would be, but the rush of arousal hit her core, making her let out a soft whimper against his lips.
Erik’s eyes opened in surprise at the sound, making sure it wasn’t a sound of hurt before closing his eyes again.
The bed dipped as his weight held up by his hands was transferred to his left arm. He moved so his elbow was taking his weight and his right hand trailed down Christine’s right side.
The trail of his fingers followed just beneath her breast, to the petite curve of her waist, giving a firm squeeze. Christine gasped against his lips at the contact, resulting in her breaking their heated kiss.
Loving the feel of her skin against his lips, Erik left a trail of kisses from her cheek to her ear, giving a soft tug on her lobe with his teeth. Christine's body arched into him, and the pleasure of her hip against his arousal was almost enough to send him over the edge. He was no stranger to masturbation, and did it often while thinking of his angel, but having her underneath him, arching into him, needing him, was pure ecstasy.
A groan left him, muffled against her skin. His hot lips moved to the base of her neck, leaving open mouth, gently licking and sucking on her sweet skin. It tasted just of her berry perfume, almost better. While he occupied her neck, Erik helped guide the cloak off of her, letting it fall off the side of the bed.
Christine's hands moved to discard him of his black vest. He nibbled her soft skin, and helped shrug off the article of clothing, letting it fall to the floor beside the swan. The hand that was on her waist moved to her arched back and began to pull the ribbon.
His trembling hand fumbled with untethering the string, but eventually was able to loosen it enough to have it slide off with ease. Erik broke off of her neck and tugged her corset up. Christine lifted her arms off his sides and up over her head. He lifted off of his arm and kneeled over her waist, then drew the fabric over her top half.
Once the corset was in his hands, he carefully placed it on the ground next to the bed, and brought his attention back to her. The fabric that had been removed supported her breasts, but now the plunging neckline of her dress didn't hold the fullness of them anymore.
Erik’s breathing picked up and he looked down at her, now only in her light blue dress and white lacy stockings which peaked out of the slit on her thigh.
Christine had grown inpatient and yearned for his touch. She leaned up on one elbow and grabbed the front of his white shirt, pulling him flush against her and crashed their lips together. Their sighs of content were music to each other's ears.
Erik pulled his body back a couple inches and began to unbutton the front of her dress, fumbling every other one. His nervousness made Christine smile against his lips.
Finally freeing the last one, Erik freed their lips and guided the fabric over one of her shoulders, then over the other. Her silky chemise revealed itself, the tiniest bit see through on her breasts where her nipple was. Sucking in a sharp breath, he allowed himself to look briefly but couldn’t let himself stare. He was a gentleman afterall.
The material of her dress bunched at Christine’s waist, folding in soft ruffles. Erik’s hands found the fabric on her hips and he leaned down to peck her lips. Finding some confidence, Erik mumbled, “Lift your ass, Mon ange.”
Christine’s stomach erupted in butterflies at his use of language, though she happily complied. He wasted no time pulling it down her legs and neatly folding the dress in half, setting it down with the corset.
Settling back over Christine, his cock strained hard against his trousers. Erik adjusted himself and almost moaned at the touch against his erection. He was aching, but he would not risk touching himself again in fear of finishing before her.
“You are wearing far too many clothes for my liking,” she said and began unbuttoning his white shirt. Before she could make it to the second one, Erik grabbed her hands gently and pinned her to the bed. “Christine, you cannot see my body,” his voice shook.
“There are scars from my past and it is not something you should ever have to look upon.” He explained, finally meeting her gaze.
Erik released her arms, and settled his weight like he had previously, on either side of her head. Longing for his touch still, Christine wrapped her right arm around his neck and brought the other to his cheek. “Erik, I love you,” She began, trailing her thumb back and forth over his deformity. “I love everything about you. I will never look at you differently for your body having a story. Scars or not, I will never love you less. To me, you are perfect.” Her eyes never strayed from his, which now pooled with tears.
“Mon ange,” he quaked, vision becoming blurry. “I love you, Christine.” He responded back to her, leaning down to give a passionate kiss.
Christine returned it instantly, feeling his tears drip onto her cheeks. “May I?” she questioned. Christine never wanted to make him uncomfortable, so his consent to anything she did was always needed.
With a sharp inhale, Erik nodded. Christine carefully unraveled her arm from his neck and dropped the one at his cheek. Her hands found their way back to his buttons and began to unfasten them.
His shirt buttons only traveled down to the middle of his chest, exposing his skin in a sharp V shape. Unable to control herself, Christening brought both hands up to his collarbone and let her warm fingers explore his muscular chest.
She almost moaned at the feel of his broad chest. The muscles under her palms were large and toned. Her hands met the soft curl of his chest hair as she let her curious hands wander aimlessly around his chest.
Finally pulling away before she lingered too long, she brought her hands down to his waist and pulled the shirt out of his trousers. Before she pulled the material up more she looked at Erik who was already watching her with a vulnerable gaze. “I love you,” She assured.
Erik felt his heart pull in his chest at her words. She loved him. She really loved him. It was something he would have never dreamed of happening and he never wanted to wake up from this dream. “I love you so much, mon ange.” he replied and let her pull the shirt over his body.
His muscles that Christine had run her hands over were sharply defined in the soft glow of the gas light. His dark chest hair left a light trail down his stomach and into his trousers. Along his ribcage, a large scar ran to the front of his chest, following the length of a rib. She grit her teeth together, noticing a lot more small ones no bigger than an inch long all over his torso.
“You’re beautiful,” she told him, trailing her fingers along some scars.
One of his hands cupped her cheek and he gave a weak smile. Too overcome with emotions in the moment, all Erik could do was lean down and kiss her passionately.
Christine sighed in content and brought her hands down his body to the loops in his trousers. Giving a soft tug forward, Erik’s hard on ground right into Christine’s sex.
Their moans joined together in their kiss, becoming more heated by the second. One of Erik’s hands moved to grope her breast under her chemise, no longer able to contain himself.
Christine moaned in delight, tipping her head back as his fingers rolled her nipple in between his fingers. Her skin was even softer, if that was possible.
With each light twist and roll of his fingers, waves of pleasure shot to Christine’s sex. Her hand that was pressed against his chest moved to his side to hold onto him. The pleasure pooling to her center caused a deep ache to settle between her legs.
Erik removed his hand briefly to pull her chemise off both shoulders and down to her waist, exposing her full breasts. His mouth watered at the sight, wanting to take her into his mouth. Before he could act upon his thoughts, Erik tore his gaze from her breasts and looked at her to make sure this is what she wanted.
Christine watched Erik’s questioning gaze and gave him a nod, not giving him time to ask. She lifted her hips to give him easy access to pulling her chemise off.
Suddenly, Christine was met with a wave of nerves that made her stomach flop as Erik began to move the fabric slowly down her hips.
The sound of a choked groan got caught in Erik’s throat as he caught sight of her fully naked for him. The curls hid most of her beautiful flesh but the knowledge that she was bare for him, made him want to cry tears of joy. He had longed for a woman to devour and now he could finally act upon his desires.
Christine looked up at him with an obvious flush to her features as he took in her full body. Only her stockings remained with her garter holding them up, but he didn’t seem to have any intention of removing either.
Putting her chemise with her other articles of clothing, Erik broke out of his trance and hovered over Christine. He left hot, sloppy kisses from her belly button up to the base of her breast.
His hot breath fanned over her hardened bud, making Christine shiver. Goosebumps pimples her skin, raising the hairs on her arms.
Giving light kisses to her breast, he suddenly took her right nipple into his mouth and rolled his tongue over her nub, glancing up at her.
Christine’s eyes rolled in the back of her head as her head thrust back into the plush pillows. The wetness of his tongue was enough to drive her to insanity. The lapping of his tongue flicking over her bud sent pulsing waves of pleasure to her center. Her hands flew to his hair, pushing him more into her breast, resulting in him sucking harder.
Erik’s left hand groped her left breast and began to roll her nipple between his fingers, giving an occasional pull. A whimper left Christine as she bucked her hips to his, needing to relieve some pressure. “Erik,” she moaned once her hips met his.
He glanced up at Christine, his cock twitching in his trousers at her moaning his name. “More… I need more,” she begged, her chest heaved in uneven breaths.
Erik’s right hand which was resting against her side gave a slight tremor as he thought of his next action. Bringing his shaking hand off of her waist, he rested it on her upper thigh, having to work up the courage to touch the sacred area of his angel.
His once cold fingers had become warm from Christine’s body heat. The weight and warmth of his hand made her hips buck up to try and get him to move. “Please,” she whimpered.
Erik grazed her nipple softly with his teeth, his fingers trailed steady circles into her leg. At an agonizingly slow pace, he began to move his fingers up to her core.
Not wanting to leave her waiting for long, he sucked in a sharp breath, pulled her breast out of his mouth and switched sides so he sucked her left breast and his hand played with her wet bud. His right hand cupped her warm core.
Christine gasped at the feel of him against her. Her stomach coiled and her hips moved involuntarily against his hand.
Erik sucked her nipple hard, earning a cry of pleasure. He began to move his fingers gently between her folds, the wetness of her desire surprised him. His fingers coated in her dripping heat. He had to stifle a groan from the feel of her.
Erik pulled off her nipple with a “pop” and watched his hand move through her now slick folds. His thumb found the bud that he had read about before in many explicit books. Curiosity got the best of him as he applied light pressure and swirled it in a circle.
“Oh god,” she cried and pushed against him, applying even more pressure. Feeling satisfied with knowing the books had not failed him, he applied even more pressure eliciting a cry from Christine.
Watching his hand move against her, Erik’s erection twitched, begging to be released. Self control had always been an enemy of his, but he was not letting his own desire get in the way of hers.
Releasing her nipple with his hand, Erik leaned down to leave featherlight kisses to her collar bone, never stopping the circling of this thumb.
Her hands found the back of his head as he kissed her neck. Christine pulled him up to her lips and kissed him feverishly.
Erik returned her kiss and ran his middle finger over her entrance. Her sigh of satisfaction was quickly replaced with a gasp as Erik pushed his finger into her tight, wet center.
“Christ,” she breathed, arching her back at the new feeling of fullness inside her. Erik slowed the circling on her bud to a halt, not wanting to overwhelm her with the sensations. He kept his finger still once her slick walls enveloped his finger, letting her get used to the feeling.
The coiling in her lower belly grew as he sunk his finger inside her. With every inch of his finger moving inside of her, the butterflies flew wild.
Very slowly, he began to move his finger, pulling back until the tip remained and then pushed it back in until his palm met her folds. Her whimpers ghosted over his lips as her eyes remained closed, ravishing in the feel of him.
Erik took the time her eyes remained closed to observe her as he kept moving his hand. Her brows pinched together, curving upwards at the front. The very few smattering of freckles across the bridge of nose, Erik burned into his memory so he could draw them later. Her plump lips formed a soft ‘O’ in her pleasure.
Erik glanced down where their flesh met and added another finger, letting her adjust to the two digits. The crease between her brow deepened as he stretched her. Her bottom lip had now been drawn in between her teeth. Erik placed his other hand on her jaw and gently used his thumb to pull her lip out from her teeth.
Her lids opened and she met his gaze. “Does this feel okay?” He asked, looking over her face for any hint of discomfort.
She nodded and wiggled against him, trying to get him to move. “Yes, it’s perfect,” she responded.
Capturing her in a sloppy kiss and tracing his tongue along her bottom lip, he began moving his fingers, picking up the pace. Instinctively, she allowed him inside her mouth as their tongues danced together.
Erik returned his thumb to her sensitive bud, earning the reward of her moan to his ears. Once she felt stretched enough, he curled his fingers, attempting to give her a new form of pleasure.
Christine’s hands flew to his back and clawed gently, making sure not to hurt him where his scars were. “Keep doing that,” she told him as he brushed against a spot that made her see stars.
Erik complied, giving her exactly what she wanted. He moved his head down to her neck and began to suck on her flesh, leaving a light mark just above her collarbone, not wanting to hurt her.
“F-Faster,” she pleaded. He looked up at her and saw small beads of sweat coating her forehead.
Speeding up pace, he curled his fingers just like she had asked him to, her moans coming out more sporadic.
Knowing the reaction it elicited from her earlier, Erik drew her breast into his mouth again and lapped over the perky bud. “Oh god, Erik.”
He hummed in response, the vibrations adding to the waves of pleasure flooding to her core.
As his fingers curled inside Christine, she could feel herself becoming higher and higher, chasing the ultimate peak she could feel herself nearing. The tingles flooded over her body, small at first but began to feel like fireworks as she neared the precipice of ecstasy.
Shocks and jolts suddenly took Christine, feeling as though electricity had run through her sex. Her body clenched around his fingers as she reached the edge, the pleasure becoming too much for her to handle. Her legs began to shake and her hips lifted involuntarily, grinding harder against his hand.
The electric shock in her core eventually subsided to small jolts once her orgasm passed. Her chest heaved as Erik pulled off her breast and smiled up at her. “Was that okay?” He asked.
Her lids felt heavy but she kept them open and smiled at him while nodding. “That was better than anything I could have imagined,” she told him. Erik moved up towards her, his fingers slowly eased out of her, glistening in her orgasm.
Keeping his eyes locked on hers, he brought his fingers up to his mouth and sucked his fingers clean of her desire. Christine gasped watching him, her stomach coiling as arousal hit her almost immediately regardless of her just experiencing an orgasm. “I need you in me,” she begged.
“Anything you command,” Erik said and shifted above her so he could unbutton his trousers and pull them down his legs, exposing his briefs.
His erection strained against the loose material, though it was not polite to stare, Christine couldn’t help but keep her attention focused on his length.
He tugged at the elastic band and in one swift motion, his cock sprang forward against the skin of his abdomen.
Drawing in a breath, Christine stared at the flesh. It was an impressive length and the girth of him was commanding. She had no clue how it would fit inside of her.
The tip was extremely red with the tip glistening in the lamp light. He had the slightest curve to his length, which made Christine wonder if it would hit that spot inside of her that he had found minutes earlier.
He settled between her legs with one hand bracing his weight by her shoulder. Her knees rested against his hips, opening herself up to him. Erik looked at her, a flush over his cheeks. “This may sting a little, I’m sorry,” he told her. “I promise I will go slow,”
Christine nodded and rested her arms on either side of his ribs. She suppressed a moan as he guided his length over her folds and through the remnants of her orgasm. Once he had himself slicked up, he pushed the tip into her warm sex.
Closing his eyes at the feel of Christine’s tight walls, he had to use every ounce of control left to not plunge into her.
The pleasure she had once experienced had been replaced with a burning sensation as Erik pushed himself into her. Christine whimpered once the hilt of his body reached hers. The electric shocks she felt minutes ago now pulsed around Erik as she adjusted to his size.
The sting of tears burned her eyes. She closed her eyes so he wouldn’t see her discomfort. “I’m sorry,” Erik whispered, kissing her gently.
Christine nodded and after a minute the pain finally subsided so a light sting. “Okay, you can move,”
Erik studied her expression for any hint of pain before he withdrew his hips, pulling his erection almost all the way out before plunging back in, at a slow pace.
He rested his head in the crook of her neck, biting down hard on his lip to control his lust. Again, he gently removed himself before pushing back into her, keeping an agonizingly slow pace for himself.
After a few more thrusts, the stinging gave way to pleasure for Christine and she began clawing his sides, meeting his thrusts.
Erik moaned in her ear, causing her stomach to tighten.
Feeling herself becoming more aroused with every push of his hips, Christine brought her hand to her mop of curls and began rubbing slow, sensual circles. Needing him impossibly closer, she drew her legs up and hooked them around his waist.
Erik used that opportunity to push a little deeper inside of Christine, resulting in a breathy moan falling from her lips.
“Touch yourself, Mon ange,” He told her, watching as her hand rubbed steady circles on her clit.
“It feels so good,” she breathed, moving her hand in faster circles.
“Just like that,” Erik purred, feeling his cock twitch inside her.
Feeling the need for more, Erik sped his pace up, the slapping for their skin becoming louder with each thrust. It was a sound Erik could listen to forever, he wanted to compose a song to the tempo. Christine rested her head against the pillows once more, seeking out her orgasm again.
Suddenly getting an idea, Erik halted his movements, and withdrew his length, earning a cry from Christine. He untangled her left leg from his waist and pushed it against her chest. Pushing his tip back in, Erik’s hips began moving at a faster pace.
Before Christine’s fingers could find her clit again, Erik beat her to it, rubbing the enlarged bud with his thumb. An audible gasp left her, the curling of her lower belly began. She had been amazed at how different it felt when he touched her versus when she touched herself. It was enticing.
Feeling himself becoming closer to the edge, Erik tried to push his release down, he needed Christine to come one more time before he would.
As Erik thrusted harder into her, he hit that familiar spot which he continuously grazed earlier. “Right there,” Christine moaned, feeling the pull of her pleasure building again.
Erik complied, thrusting into her again and again, finishing that same spot every time. With each snap of his hips, the same jolts of electricity found her core again, bringing her to the edge. “Erik,” she moaned, teetering on the edge.
“Come for me,” he demanded, adding more pressure to his thumb, feeling the same clenching around his length that he felt on his fingers.
Christine’s hands found his back and raked her nails down his back as her orgasm found her again. The waves of her release hit her harder this time, sending her body into a fit of convulsions.
Christine grabbed his face and kissed him with every ounce of energy she had left. Erik returned her kiss, just as passionately as she had. Feeling her walls clench around him, the familiar shiver of his orgasm quickly approached. His thrusts became uneven and sloppy, having no rhythm anymore. A whimper came from his throat as he pulled away from their kiss, needing air.
Suddenly his release crashed into him harder than it ever had before. A loud moan left him as he buried himself in her neck, quieting his whimpers. His hot seed shot inside Christine as he came crashing down on his high.
Erik’s chest heaved as he remained inside of her, trying to muster up the energy to pull out and get cleaned up.
Christine’s hands came to either side of his face and pulled him up to her. A sleepy smile found it’s way onto her face and she leaned forward to kiss him slowly. Kissing her back tentatively, Erik slowly pulled out of her.
Christine was thankful she chose to kiss him so he didn’t notice her wince when he pulled out. Pulling back from their kiss, Erik looked at her with a gentle gaze. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” He questioned, looking around her face.
Christine shook her head and smiled softly. “No, that was amazing. Thank you,” she brushed some of his hair back that stuck to his forehead from sweat.
“Thank you,” Erik replied, giving her another kiss. “Let’s get you cleaned up, yeah?” He asked, not waiting for her response since he was going to do it regardless of her answer.
“I will draw the bath for you, I shall return in just a few minutes, Mon ange,” he said, pulling himself off of the bed before he could let himself hold her. If he held her, there was no way they would be getting out of bed for the rest of the night.
“Erik,” she said, grasping his hand before he could walk away to the kitchen to get her the water.
“Yes, my love?” He asked, reaching down to grab his briefs that were thrown down by the bed.
“I love you,” she peered up at him, planning on telling him any possible chance he could get.
Erik smiled faintly. “And I love you, my Christine.” He kissed the top of her head and set off to get her the water for her bath.
About an hour after their exploration of one another, Christine lifted her head from Erik’s chest, who now wore a simple white shirt that exposed his chest in a V shape. “I’ve been trying to wrap my head around this for the last hour, but where did you find this bed?” She questioned, dragging her fingers over the soft coverlet.
Erik’s hand that was resting on her shoulder fell to her waist as she sat up and looked at him. He gave her a sheepish smile. “I.. found it,” he responded vaguely.
Christine hummed, not believing a word he said. Her expression must have given away her feelings because Erik gave a soft chuckle and shook his head. “Okay, maybe I didn’t find it,” he trailed off.
Christine’s brow raised in silent question. “I stole it.” He admitted with a smile.
“Erik!” She scolded like a mother would who found their child eating sweets before supper.
He pulled her closer to him with his hand on her waist, missing the warmth she provided. She snuggled back into his side with a content sigh. “I’d hardly call it stealing. It was sitting out by a dumpster after a traveling show had left town. Since it was sturdy, I decided to bring it home.” He explained.
Christine closed her eyes and tried to imagine him moving this bed all by himself and couldn’t help but giggle. “How did you move this all by yourself? I must admit, it is quite amusing to think,”
Erik looked down at her and twirled a finger around her damp curls, inhaling the scent of his shampoo. “I have an acquaintance from Persia that I asked to come help me move it. Cesar pulled the weight once we got it onto the wagon.” He told her, kissing the top of her head.
Knowing that he had been a stranger to friendship and relationships most of his life, Christine smiled at the idea of him having a friend. “I’d like to meet him,”
Erik nodded and rested his chin on top of her head, closing his eyes. “I will write to him soon to request his company,” he smiled, thinking of his only friend meeting his lover.
“You’ve also been to Persia?” She asked him, not knowing he traveled.
“I’ve been to many countries, my dear,” He told her, thinking of all the countryside he had seen in his 34 years of life.
“Would you tell me about your travels?” She peered up at him through her lashes.
He smiled and laced their fingers together. “Of course,” he told her and began to recite all the different cultures he had seen throughout his travels across Europe. Through his explanation, Christine leaned further into him and absorbed every word that came from his lips. Her heart squeezed being in his arms, finally feeling complete.
you can find me on AO3 (Lickkuid) where I am currently writing a Royal phanfic of Erik and Christine (it’s gonna be 🌶️🌶️)
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mftm1987 · 1 month
all-time dream peche show/set
some of y'all bless n keep u are weird enough to want this information and because i am quite literally an information professional (librarian) i spent too much time and thought on this. at least a lot of it was on the clock lmao putting this under a cut bc it goes off
a lil note
i tried to choose songs i know them to perform, which i suppose in some ways defeats the purpose of something like this lol i guess the dream part is in the production/performance. and alan still being in the band and it somehow being 1987 but they also have access to their entire back catalog. anyway! i reference a lot of mixes throughout and i don't necessarily mean they perform it exactly like that as opposed to the originally released version, more.. thats the vibe i'd want the arrangement to channel
set list
instrumental intro - painkiller (w bc/cta industrial samples. basically would love to see alan get his grubby rat claws on this one)
first quarter: classic pechay mold - walking in my shoes (anandamidic mix) - policy of truth (think the way dave’s busting this out on mm tour is maybe its platonic ideal) - stripped (highland mix + 101 rlly going off with the giant sound pads)
second quarter: we r grooving - halo (no notes whatsoever. a setlist with express purpose of GROOVE and i could take lessons) - mercy in you (devotional. the way it’s a gospel disco hit in 1996..if you come up w a better way to arrange this lmk) - in your room (album version obv + apex mix as the outro which litr samples judas/leads into)
martin songs: wanna see that man suffering and healed - judas (grooving outro fucking required this is my huge and glaring shade on devotional lol) - home (alan could have fun w this one i think) - strangelove (starts w mm tour acoustic mart + finishes with full backing n shared lead)
third quarter: let’s have some fun! - shake the disease (a vault classic that i’d love to see them do something weird with) - nothing (101 guitar moment w the caveat i have heard rumors of a ‘devotionalised’ version that didnt end up on the setlist and if it truly fucks like i hope it would, then that) - john the revelator (influence of the unkle reconstruction aka that twinkling far out grungy thing. feel like mart on guitar and alan sparkling along the keys would be mmmmmmmm)
mart n dave duet interlude - sweetest perfection/condition mix (alright ive seen no one discuss this but these 2 share more than similar names!! i can hear it!!! and to get an a. wilder layered sonic journey..i wouldnt know how to act)
fourth quarter: we R grooving redux (R for haRd) - it’s no good (influence of hardfloor mix) - enjoy the silence (devotional/onip aka mart get nasty with that solo and dave be gay about it)(alright this is gonna be controversial for this blog but i think it’s gotta be the paris version for this show. it’s such a filthy solo and also imagine alan on the drums for it)(whos playing the keys bitch this is a fantasy) - nlmda (aggro mix intro + split mix Yes at least 10 mins of this song)
encore: oh y’all wanted to dance huh - personal jesus (funnily enough with how Much™ i want everything else to be, playing this one straight might be the highest camp experience it can give) - master and servant (101 sound pads and outro breakdown) - just can’t get enough (live in hamburg where they just fuck UP that 12”)
2nd encore: peche mode is a sad band, but the best band in the world - a question of lust (flood mix) - black celebration (101 w all its extra interesting lil sounds is a fav but i’d be SO open to a new alan take on this one) - everything counts (the graph/on the wall/the hand shake versions only. everyone else need not apply)(yes that means u devotional)
setting and era (musically/aesthetically)
as for the musical era, here’s the thing: if alan is present (and as it’s my dream dm show he is) i trust him to unify All This under some kind of cohesive performance. these are but humble suggestions of my fav arrangements. i’d say the underlying theme of my choices is High on the groove scale, but also very much wanting old school peche banging with hammers
outdoor on the lawn venue. ideally june 1, so it’s alans bday n dave hopefully won’t shut up abt it. looks-wise mftm/101 w shades of violator dark summer sexy. in high fantasyland: alan’s got that bisexual denim on leather look of drumming personal jesus in 89. mart’s tits are slipping out of that super low cut tank of 90 with the armband on. fletch is in his cunty mock turtleneck. dave’s in leather pants, a red tank n shirt and The Jacket that he gradually strips out of of (feels sacrilegious to not have him in a crop top in the late 80s so let’s just say his tank rides up a lil hehe)
mostly devotional visuals tho colorized less blue/purple lol, the big sans-serif Ms of memento mori were also giving for me. always love a dual-level setup for a dm show, but only if dave can traipse about both levels and flirt with whomsoever he chooses (which he will)
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minimoefoe · 17 days
Rewatch Thoughts: Boom
I didn’t realise Mundy was played by Varada until I started watching Unleashed right after the ep yesterday icl
I HATE long intros at the beginning of eps that don’t feature the Doctor and/or companion. They did it a lot in Chib’s era iirc, also fucked me off then as well
Kinda woulda preffered if we didn't see the base at all in the beginning and it was just kept at that one location for the whole ep? Idk how it woulda worked with the bits with Mundy and that guy there but Splice's dad just being out where he was and talking to Splice and we hear her voice while he's still walking around woulda maybe been better than cutting back to Splice imo? Idrk what I'm talking about so maybe I'm waffling
This is the first time I’ve noticed Susan Twist in an ep but I won’t give myself too much credit lmao
Splice is kinda a cute name
‘Kiss kiss’ what if I kill myself
I love the thoughts and prayers thing
The initial scene when 15 is on the landmine and Ruby goes to him is so good like. 15’s vibes, the way Ncuti delivers things. I could write down like 10 dfiferent quotes that I liked but I won’t
It does feel very Moffat though liike. I can tell he wrote this. Which isn't necessarily a BAD thing bc I love 15's vibes in this ep I think. I’m just hoping 15 keeps this same vibe going forward when he’s in situations similar to this one bc otherwise it’s gonna feel like Moffat put his own spin on this Doctor rather than that actually being what 15 is like yknow? Idk how to explain it
Ruby pausing to look at the sky. Dumb that it’s her first planet but it’s a good scene
Smelted is a good word
Ruby going against what the Doctor wants her to do!! Love that for her
Using the song to time passing the fleshlight over and making use of Ruby being a music bitch okayyyy
‘Don’t you know there’s more to life than the moon and the president’s wife’, I don’t fully know what to make of that reference lol like. okay!
This whole ep is so Moffat like he’s very heavy handed with his messages yknow. Makes the Doctor have the same cynical(?) fuck you vibe. Which like, he isn't WRONG to have obviously bc what's going on IS fucked but it feels very same-y like he's writing 15 like he's 12 and not 15 idrk?
I like that 15 openly cries like oh we love growth but also I kinda want him to relax a bit and not cry but ALSO he’s literally stood on a landmine so.. I'd be crying too
Sentient mud oh we love a 13 reference
Splice is dumb as hell sorry, she spends half the ep being mildly annoying and stupid
I’m not sure if I love the choked cry 15 did when Ruby got shot or if I hate it.
While there’s snow, there’s ho
‘Dad to dad; is crazy
Mundy and that guy were kinda cute rip I guess
15 telling them to run when he knows he's gonna blow up half the planet is really dumb. I feel like 12 woulda been like yeah man you might as well just stay here and get the full impact and definitely die instead of running away and potentially getting far enough to get really injured and suffer before dying lmao
The Doctor being like all right that’s enough is so real
There’s no way after over a thousand years the Doctor STILL likes fishfingers and custard SORRY. I need to see him have a taste and realise it tastes gross and 11 was just insane
Overall a very needed ep vibe-wise like 15 and Ruby have been having too much fun, they needed a more serious ep. Idk if I liked this ep as much as I was expecting to but I did really like it. Some people seem to think it's like. the next best ep ever and I would defo not go that far
I liked the Doctor in this episode. I tbh still don't know how I feel about 15 overall liike. I defo love him in A LOT of moments but I'm also not 100% sure what the vision for him is yet. I feel like I won't be sure where he'd place in a ranking etc til we're at least at the end of this season.
Ruby also had some good moments - going against the Doctor, handing the fleshlight over, tackling an annoying child - but then spent half the ep part dead I feel bc they didn't really know what else to have her do
Also have seen a lot of Kerblam comparisons which like. YES Kerblam is clearly messy (bc otherwise so many ppl wouldn't misinterpret it), especially compared to this in your face Moffat messaging but its been like 6yrs. At this point it's been spoke about so much everyone defo knows what the intention of the scene in Kerblam actually is (or at least they should do) so STILL tryna paint it like the episode is pro-Amazon or pro-capitalism or whatever the fuck is genuinely embarrassing bc the ep is just. not doing that but for some reason you're determined to pretend it is. Like just say the ep is a bit clunky/could be worded better in like one scene and move tf on jfc
ALSO saw ppl take the 'lesbian gymkhana' bit as Moffat explicitly calling 13 a lesbian which.. first of all she's not a lesbian but second of all I don't think Moffat was thinking about it that deeply, he just loves to have the Doctor say they Did a Thing at a Place one time. HC what you want, whatever. I think ppl tryna paint it like a bad thing, like, 'WOW it took this long for her to be called a lesbian and it was MOFFAT that did it' is where I think you're weird/twatty bc like. you're using a HC that you've just made up to make a dig at Chibnall which is embarrassing and also.. the reason 13 was never explicitly called a lesbian could very well be bc she ISN'T one and also when has the Doctor EVER been explicitly called ANY sexuality in an episode like? Acting like it's about fuckin time 13 was explicitly called a lesbian when that isn't a thing that's happened with any previous Doctor is an insane level of Chibnall bad bias
Anyways gave the ep 4/5 stars, same as my first watch
Mini teaser for next ep looks so cool but the streets are saying it's Doctor-lite which pisses me of a bit. Hopefully it's good enough that I end up not minding
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