#i did hogwarts quiz once and got
wonderlandcrown · 11 months
IM ALIVE (i did a uquiz and im gonna make it YOUR problem!!! <3)
the really fucking funny thing about this is I got this :
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savanaclaw, fucking savanaclaw.
i am absolutely not atheletic at ALL. im gonna die 2 seconds stepping into this dorm ToT
but this is also real funny bc i took a "which twst character are you?" quiz before and got vil lol leona and vil are really two sides of the same coin huh? source : me
also its funny bc i thought i would get ignihyde (*leona voice* radish sprout)
anyways- here r the tags : @prince-kallisto (i might have to start calling you radish sprout now bc im in leonas dorm beware 0^0) @jelsah27
also plz check the tags its funny hehe haha :]
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redgoldsparks · 11 months
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I wrote a 12 page epilogue to my 2019 comic "Harry Potter and The Problematic Author" because I found, in 2023, that I had more to say. You can also find this comic on my website, and I have PDF copies available on etsy. I may sell print copies at some point in the future.
instagram / patreon / portfolio / etsy / my book / redbubble
Full transcript below the cut.
Part one: Ruddy Owls!
I was in fourth grade when the first Harry Potter Book was released in the US.
Panel 1: Sometimes our teacher would read it aloud in class. “Mr and Mrs Dursley of number 4 Privat Drive were proud to say they were perfectly normal, thank you very much…”
Panel 2: I was 11 years old when Harry Potter finally broke through my dyslexia and turned me into a reader.
Panel 3: Every night in the summer before sixth grade I waited for the owl carrying my Hogwarts Letter. I cried when it didn’t come. “I have to go to Muggle school!”
Part Two: Hats
I dedicated myself to being a fan.
Panel 1: I began collecting Harry Potter News article.
Panel 2: I asked my relatives to mail me ones from their local papers. I filled a thick binder with clippings.
Panel 3: I wrote my own trivia quiz
Panel 4: and participated in the one held annually at the county fair. “Next contestant!”
Panel 5: I usually got into one of. the top five spots. I won boxes of candy, posters, stationary, and once a baseball cap. (Hat reads: I survived the battle of Hogwarts).
Panel 6: In high school I sewed a black velvet cape and knitted many stripped scarves.
Part Three: Double Trouble
Watching the last film in 2011 felt like the final note of my childhood. 
Panel 1: I remember driving home from the midnight showing thinking about the end of 13 years of waiting; wondering what would define the next chapter of my life. 
Panel 2: That same month I heard of something called Pottermore. “Okay, so there’s a sorting quiz… I already know my house! Patronus assignment? Mine’s a barn owl. Duh!" 
Panel 3: You can read the books again but with GIFs? Why? 
Panel 4: I lived in a place with very slow and limited internet at the time. Pottermore sounded inaccessible, but also boring. I never joined. 
Panel 5: "I’ll just read the actual books again, thanks." 
Part Four: Sweets
In 2016, a series of short stories titled "History of Magic in North America” were released on Pottermore to pave the way for the first Fantastic Beasts Film. These stories display an extreme ignorance of American history, culture, and geography, but the worst parts are the casual misuse of indigenous beliefs and stories. Fans and critics immediately spoke up against this appropriation. Some of the most quoted voices included Nambe Pueblo scholar Dr. Debbie Reese who runs the site “American Indians In Children’s Literature”; Navajo writer Brian Young; Johnnie Jae (Otoe-Missouria and Choctaw), founder of A Tribe Called Geek; Dr Adrienne Keene (Cherokee Nation), a Professor at Brown University who runs the blog “Native Appropriations”, and writers N.K. Jemison and Paula Young Lee.
Rowling is famous for responding to fans directly on twitter, yet she did not respond to anyone calling out the damaging aspects of “Magic in North America.” Her representatives refused to comment for March 9 2016 article in the Guardian. She has never apologized. All of this, plus the casting of Johnny Depp and the specific declarations of support by JKR, Warner Brothers, and director David Yates left a sour taste in my mouth.
For further thoughts on the new films read The Crimes of Grindelwald is a Mess by Alanna Bennett for Buzzfeed News, November 16, 2018.
Excerpt from Colonialism in Wizarding American: JK Rowling’s History of Magic in North America Through an Indigenous Lens by Allison Mills, MFA, MAS/MLIS (Cree and Settler French Canadian)
Although Rowling is certainly not the first white author to misstep in her treatment of Indigenous cultures, she has an unprecedented level of visibility and fame, […] One of the most glaring problems with Rowling’s story is her treatment of the many Indigenous nations in North America as one monolithic group. […It] flattens out the diversity of languages, belief systems, and cultures that exist in Indigenous communities, allowing stereotyping to persist. […] It continues a long history of colonial texts which ignore that Indigenous peoples still exist. […] In the Wizarding world, as in the real world, Indigenous histories have been over-written and our cultures erased.
from The Looking Glass: New Perspectives in Children’s Literature Volumn 19, Issue 1
Part 5: Music
Panel 1: Also in 2016 I discovered two podcasts which radically altered my experience of being an HP fan. The first was Witch Please created by two Canadian feminist literary scholars Hannah McGregor and Marcelle Kosman.
Panel 2: “If it’s not in the text it doesn’t count!” “Close reading ONLY!”
Panel 3: They talk about Harry Potter at the level you’d expect in a college class with particular focus on gender, race, class, and the troubling fatphobia, fear of othered and queer coded bodies, violence against women, white feminism, gaslighting and failed pedagogy in the books. They bring up these issues not because they hate the series, but because they LOVE it.
These passionate, joyful conversations went off like fireworks in my mind. I had never taken a feminist class before. I gained a whole new vocabulary to talk about the books- and the world.
Panel 1: The second podcast I started that year was Harry Potter and the Sacred Text, created by two graduates of the Harvard Divinity School, Vanessa Zoltan and Casper Ter Kuile.
Panel 2: They read one chapter per episode through a theme such as love, control, curiosity, shame, responsibility, hospitality, destruction, or mystery. Like Witch Please, they are interested only in the information on the page, not thoughts from the author. The delights and failures of the text are examined in the context of the present day, and new meanings constantly arise.
What does it mean to treat a text as sacred?
Trusting that the more time we give to it, the more blessings it has to give us.
Reading the text repeatedly with concentrated attention. Our effort is part of what makes it sacred. The text is not in and of itself sacred, but is made so by rigorously engaging in the ritual of reading.
Experiencing it in community.
“To me, the goal of treating the text as sacred is that we learn to treat each other as sacred.” -Vanessa Zoltan
Part 6: Tooth and Claw
In October 2017, Rowling liked a tweet linking to an article arguing that trans women should be kept out of women’s bathrooms because of cisgender women’s fears. In March 2018, she liked a tweet about the problem of misogyny in the UK Labour Party which included the line “Men in dresses get brosocialist solidarity I never had.” The author of the tweet had previously posted many blatantly anti-trans statements.
Rowlings publicist claimed she had liked the posted by accident in a “clumsy and middle-aged moment.” Yet, in September 2018 she liked a link posted by Janice Turner to her column in the Times UK titled “Trans Rapists Are A Danger In Women’s Jails.”
Screencaps of these tweets can be found in the article “The Mysterious Case of JK Rowling and her Transphobic Twitter History”, January 10 2019 by Gwendolyn Smith (a trans journalist), LGBTQNation.com
Excerpt from: Is JK Rowling Transphobic? A Trans Woman Investigates by Katelyn Burns
Ultimately, the answer is yes, she is transphobic […] I think it’s fair that she receives criticism from trans people, especially given her advocacy on behalf of queer people in general, but also because she has a huge platform. Many people look up to her for creating a singular piece of popular culture that holds deep meaning for fans from different walks of life, and she has a responsibility to handle that platform wisely. (Published on them.us March 28, 2018)
Part 7: Home
At age 30, I’m still not over Harry Potter.
Panel 1: I’ve recently found a local bar that does HP trivia nights. “Poppy or Pomona?” “Poppy!”
Panel 2: I currently own an annual pass to Universal Studios so I can visit Hogsmeade.
Panel 3: I love talking to kids who are reading the books for the first time. “Who’s your favorite character?” “Ginny!”
Panel 4: And I’m planning a relisten to the audio books to next year to help me get through the election cycle. “Jim Dale, I’m going to need you more than ever…”
Spoiler from 2023: I did not do this. By mid-2020 JKR had posted her transphobic essay; we were in covid; I never visited Universal Studios again.
But I do want to learn from her mistakes. I never want to repeat “Magic in North America.” As I write, I will do my research. I will consult experts and compensate them. If a reader from a different culture/background than me speaks up about my work, I will listen and apologize. I KNOW I WILL MAKE MISTAKES. But I will own up to them and I will do better.
Excerpt from Diversity Is Not Enough: Race, Power and Publishing by Daniel José Older
We can love a thing and still critique it. In fact, that’s the only way to really love a thing. Let’s be critical lovers and loving critics and open ourselves to the truth about where we are and where we’ve been. Instead of holding tight to the same old, failed patriarchies, let’s walk a new road, speak new languages. Today, let’s imagine a literature, a literary world, that carries this struggle for equity in its very essence, so that tomorrow it can cease to be necessary, and disappear. (Buzzfeed, April 14, 2017) 
Harry Potter is flawed, & JK Rowling is problematic. But the books helped me learn a lot: 
*One of the greatest dangers facing the modern world is the rise of fascism 
*The government cannot be trusted 
*Read and think critically
*Question the news: who paid the journalist? Who owns the paper? 
*Trust and support your friends through good times and bad
*Organize for resistance
*Educate and share resources with peers
*The revolution must be diverse and intersectional
* We are only as strong as we are united
*The weapon we have is love 
MK 2019
In 2021 I removed a Harry Potter patch I sewed to my book bag over a decade ago. I took 15 pieces of Harry Potter fanart off my walls. I got rid of my paperback book set, 2 board games, and 8 t-shirt. [images: a Hogwarts a patch with loose threads, a pair of scissors and a seam ripper]
Panel 1: Maia holding up a shirt with the Deathly Hallows logo on it. Maia thinks: “Damn, this really used to be my entire personality.”
Panel 2: The t-shirt gets thrown into the Goodwill box.
I wrote my zine wrestling with JKR’s legacy in 2019, after her dismissive and racist reaction to indigenous fans and critics of “Magic in North America” and after she had liked a couple transphobic tweets. Since then, she has gotten so much worse.
A Brief Timeline (mostly from this Vox article)
June 2020- JKR posts a 3600 word essay making her anti-trans position clear
August 2020- The Robert F Kennedy Human Rights Org issues a statement about her transphobia, JKR doubles down on her position and returns an award they gave her
December 2020- JKR claims 90% of HP fans secretly agree with her anti-trans views
December 2021- JKR mocks Scottish Police for recognizing transgender identities
March 2022- JKR criticizes gender-inclusive language and legislation
December 2022- JKR retweets trans youtuber Jessie Earl’s critical review of Hogwarts Legacy, starting an onslaught of transphobic harassment towards Earl
December 2022- JKR removes her support from an Edinburgh center for survivors of sexual violence with a trans-inclusive policy and funds her own center which explicitly excludes trans sexual assault survivors
January 2023- JKR tweets “Deeply amused by those telling me I’ve lost their admiration due to disrespect I show violent, duplicitous rapists.” It got nearly 300K likes
March 2023- One the podcast “The Witch Trials of JK Rowling”, hosted by a former Westboro Baptist Church Member, JKR compares the trans rights movement to Death Eaters.
What are The Witch Trials of JK Rowling?
Panel 1: Maia speaking. “It’s a 7 episode documentary style podcast hosted by Megan Phelps-Roper. Nearly every episode contains interviews with JKR as well as critics, journalists, historians, protestors and fans.
Panel 2: Maia speaking. “In episode 1, JKR speaks more candidly than she has previously about being in an abusive marriage. Her ex-husband hit her, stalked her, broke into her house overlapping with the time she was writing the first three HP books.”
Panel 3: Maia speaking. “What she went through genuinely sounds horrific. I have a lot of sympathy for the kind of life-long traumas those experiences leave.”
It is clear from reading the June 2020 essay on her blog and listening to the podcast, that JKR still to this day feels unsafe. Despite her wealth and privilege she moves through the world with the mindset of a victim. And the group of people she finds most threatening are trans women.
Or rather, she is afraid that allowing trans women in women’s spaces invites the possibility of male predators entering those spaces.
Here’s a direct quote: The problem is male violence. All a predator wants is access and to open the doors of changing rooms, rape centers, domestic violence centers [...] to any male who says “I’m a woman and I have a right to be here” will constitute a risk to women and girls. - from The Witch Trials episode 4 as transcribed by therowlinglibrary.com, March 2023
Image: A stem of Belladonna with flowers and berries.
Let me introduce here the term: TRANSMISOGYNY. The intersection of transphobia and misogyny, this term was coined by Julia Serano in 2007. Scout Tran, on tiktok as Queersneverdie said: “Transmisogyny occurs in people who have been previously hurt by traditional misogyny. Who have been driven to hate men or at the very least to be scared of men. They will sometimes take out that rage on trans women. (March 2023)
JKR claims to care for trans women and understand they are extremely vulnerable to assault and violence. In her 2020 Essay she wrote: “I want trans women to be safe. At the same time, I do not want to make natal girls and women less safe.”
So she cares about trans women… just less than cis women, and she’s willing to throw all trans women under the bus because of her unfounded, prejudice fears.
Panel 1: Maia speaking. “JKR claims to have seen data that proves trans women have presented physical threats to other women in intimate spaces, but never cites sources. She also uses “producer of the large gametes” as a definition of “woman”.
What about transmen and nonbinary folks?
Panel 2: Maia leaning on a stack of all seven HP books, the first four Cormorant Strike books and The Casual Vacancy, gesturing to a series of quotes with a tired and disgusted expression.
I’m concerned about the huge explosion of young women wishing to transition and also about the increasing numbers who seem to be detransitioning. * [...] If I’d been born 30 years later, I too might have tried to transition. The allure of escaping womanhood would have been huge. -June 10 2020 essay
I don’t believe a 14 year old can truly understand what the loss of their fertility is.
-Witch Trials episode 4
I haven’t yet found a study that hasn’t found that the majority of young people experiencing gender dysphoria grow out of it*. -Witch Trials episode 7
*No sources cited
It’s hard to over emphasize how fixated JKR has become on these topics. As of the date I’m writing this, 14 out of her 20 most recent tweets (70%) are in some way anti-trans. She tweets against Mermaids (a UK based trans youth charity), against trans athletes, against gender neutral bathrooms, and in support of LBG Alliance- a UK org that denies trans rights while upholding gay rights. Here are some gems from her archive:
“People who menstruate.” I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud? -June 2020
War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength. The Penised Individual Who Raped You Is a Woman. - December 2021
And in response to someone asking “How do you sleep at night knowing you lost a whole audience?”
I read my most recent royalty cheques and find the pain goes away pretty quickly. -October 2022
Hashtag Ruthless Productions a queer nerd podcast company created a great guide on ethical engagement with HP. Image: the two hosts of Hashtag Ruthless productions, Jessie (They/she) and Lark (he/him).
Stop buying all official HP Products: books, movies, games, toys, etc, Universal Studios tickets, food, merch.* Boycott any new TV series or movies. Instead: buy the books and DVDs used. If you still want to wear HP merch, buy fan-made. Engage only with fan content: fic, podcasts, fanart, wizard rock, etc. Show transphobia is bad for business. None of this will change JKR’s mind. But the Fantastic Beast series was canceled and after record Pottermore sales in 2020, they fell in 2022 by 40%.
*She gets a portion of ALL tickets. In 2019, this was her largest income source. Read the full guide: hashtagruthless.com/resourceguide
As late as 2019, I was still reading JKR’s murder mystery series. But by the fourth book my experience began to sour.
Panel 1: Maia holding a copy of Lethal White. “The only gay character in this book is a government official who gropes his staff?”
Panel 2: “The only genderqueer character is misgendered and portrayed as a whiny faker?”
Panel 3: “The only Muslim character is disowned by his family over gay rumors?”
Panel 4: “Even the women aren’t portrayed very well…”
Panel 5: “Why is the main female character defined by the rape in her past?”
Panel 6: “Wait, what happens in the rest of this series…?” Maia scrolls on eir phone.
Panel 7: “Is the series heading towards an employee/boss relationship?”
Panel 8: “And has a man wearing women’s clothes to commit assault?”
Panel 9: “Yeah, I’m done. I’m never reading a new JKR book ever again.”
And as for JKR herself?
As tempting as it might be to tweet your frustrations at her, I don’t recommend it. In 2021, she tweeted, “Hundreds of trans activists have threatened to beat, rape, assassinate and bomb me.” Getting hate online feeds her sense of victimhood and she waves it as proof of her moral high ground. Instead I suggest you block her on twitter, then delete twitter, go to the library and try to find a new book that feels magical.
Stack of books: In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan, The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater, Gifts by Ursula K Le Guin, Deep Wizardry by Diane Duane, A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik and Gideon the Ninth by Tamsin Muir.
In “Emergent Strategy” adrienne maree brown writes: You do not have the right to traumatize abusive people, to attack them, personally or publicly, or to sabotage anyone else’s health. The behaviors of abuse are also survival-based, learned behaviors rooted in pain. If you can look through the lens of compassion, you will find hurt and trauma there. If you are the abused party, healing that hurt is not your responsibility and exacerbating that pain is not your justified right.
Seeing anyone over age 12 wearing HP merch now makes me uncomfortable. Are they ignorant or actively a TERF? I hate wondering how much money JKR has probably poured into anti-trans legislation… This zine is a culmination of my slow breakup with a story that once brought me joy. Now it just makes me angry, tired and sad.
Image: Candle in a fancy holder burned down to less than an inch.
Maia Kobabe, 2023
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tomriddleslove · 8 months
Pt 2 - The one that you want.
✩Theodore Nott x Reader
Pt 2 to Hey, trouble (DELETED)
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Summary: The one where just as things are beginning to look up, everything comes crashing down. Alternatively: Tension, Fluff, Angst.
A/N: This fic was written very sleep deprived so I ask you to bear with me. The second part is my favourite so just stick with it.
Songs: The Way - Mac Miller, Ariana Grande
Lover, you should have come over - Jeff Buckley
Promise - Laufey
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NOTE: I accidentally deleted my account and did not have the first part of this mini series saved! I will probably rewrite it but there is some context you should know, so i’ll try summarise it as concisely as possible:
You and Theodore used to be really good friends when you first joined Hogwarts. Naturally, as you both got older, you changed slightly. Theodore came back one summer and he seemed completely different, he was not only incredibly handsome but he had generally flourished as a person. The girls all loved him and he found a new set of friends, essentially forgetting about you. Time skip a few years and you become friends with Pansy, and the rest of the group. Theodore greets you as though nothing has changed. You habour a lot of resentment to him initially, but realise you really do love chilling with the group and so you set it to the side. In the fic, you’re at a party and you head up to the roof. Theodore appears and you chat for the first time in ages. It gets a bit tense when you subtly call him out but you try brush it off as a joke. He noticed you at their quidditch practice earlier on in the day with mattheos number painted on your face, and he sounds a bit jealous. You assure him it was only for jokes, though you’re confused as to why he’d be upset. Theodore (internally ) alludes to loving you and you’re both emotionally stunted idiots in love.
AND that brings us back to now. Enjoy xx
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Friday had finally come, and you couldn't think of a word that could place just how relieved you were feeling. Don't get it wrong, you hugely valued your education, and took pride in working hard, but at the end of the day, there's only so much history of magic one could tolerate before their brain tuned out. The surprise quiz you took in class today told you that you had reached that point many months ago. But it was ok, that was an issue for the future.
You click open the door to your dorm room, tossing your bag haphazardly to the side as you undo your tie, pulling it loose with a groan of relief. Pansy is sprawled out comfortably on your bed because apparently, yours was comfier (they were the exact same thing, she just couldn't be bothered to make hers in the morning.)
You flick a strand of hair that fell in front of your face with a dramatic sigh as you flop down onto the bed, lying perpendicular to Pansy as you rest your head on her lap. She has a half smile of amusement as her hand comes down to pat your head, eyes trained on her book. You raise a brow and shuffle up slightly to catch a glimpse of what she was reading.
You see the word ‘shaft’ once and that's all you need to see as you gasp with fake indignation.
“Pansy… Whilst I'm sitting here?” You groan and she grins, her face slightly red as she shrugs, shameless.
I mean, come on. You weren't a stranger to smut, but right in front of you? You grab the book from her hand and toss it across the room.
“None of that whilst I'm here. Your amazing and beautiful friend is vying for attention so focus on me.’ You say and she playfully rolls her eyes as she lies back on her bed.
“It's disgustingly hot. I can't be bothered for this year anymore. The days are as hot as hell depths and the evening has me freezing my nonexistent balls off.” Pansy moans, and you hum in agreement.
You’re grateful for your friend and her seemingly never-ending talent of speaking because you currently couldn't even muster the energy to speak.
“Do we have to go watch the boys today? Lila told me Madam Pince has charmed the library with a cooling spell. We could go there instead.” Pansy says, sitting up, and the idea is incredibly tempting. You live for nothing more than to get out of this dastardly heat, especially in the comfort of the library (Pansy and yourself had mastered the art of smuggling snacks in. The key was in making sure you triple-checked what you bought in, which you learnt after Pansy had accidentally sat on a Fizzlebees Exploding Sherbet last winter. The poor 1st year who had sat next to you was sure that there was some kind of attack and leapt under the nearest table.)
The mention of practice has your mind thinking back to your most recent encounter with Theodore. Just thinking about it again elicited that strange feeling in your stomach. You were, perhaps, close to a path of redemption (though it was more Theodore redeeming himself.)
With a sigh, you shake your head.
“We promised them we'd come. Besides, imagine the absolute havoc Mattheo will cause when he finds out we ditched for the library of all places. He would get us banned for a month, at the very least.” You say, and Pansy grumbles but ultimately knows you’re right. She sighs, muttering.
“Yes yes, I suppose you're right.” She begrudgingly admits and you grin, sitting up. You walk over to your closet, looking for something else to wear as you felt as though you were positively melting in your uniform. You flick through your closet, cursing the endless void that conveniently was full of sweaters and thick jumpers now summer has come. You dig around and find a pair of black denim shorts towards the back. You don't even know when you got them, but they fit and they'll do the job. You're thankful for the fact that you love the feeling of freshly shaven legs on your bedsheets, because heaven knows you would not bother to shave your legs for a man. You manage to find a green shirt, and you slip it on. It's nothing special really, but you weren't dressing up for anyone. You were long past those days now, you found that it was lovely not giving two shits. Pansy called it alarming, but you liked to think of it as… eclectic.
Pansy brings over her signature red lipstick (which you're sure only she can pull off) and holds your cheek in place to draw a number 10 on it, as standard practice. You reach up to grab her hand.
“Wait. Do 7 instead.” You say. She widens her eyes slightly and wiggles her brows as she looks at you.
“Oh? And why is that?” She probes and you playfully swat her, rolling your eyes.
“Theodore just asked me to. Besides we shouldn't inflate Mattheo's ego too much.” You respond a bit too quickly, and she has a shit-eating grin on her face. Pansy knows you well though, and she knows probing any further will only give her a stinging hex and nothing more, so she simply looks at you with a pointed look as she draws the 7 on instead. You watch as she traces the number 7 on her face too, adjusting her hair as she pouts and blows a kiss at herself in the mirror. You pointedly roll your eyes to tease her and she throws a pillow at you.
“Alright alright, you humble lady. Let's go.” You muse, holding your arm out. The two of you link arms as you descend down to the quidditch pitch. The sun is shining blazing down on you, and you feel uncomfortably hot and sticky within a few seconds of being outside. You truly weren't built for warm weather.
The grass on the pitch is a beautiful rich green and the sky is so picturesquely blue that it seems more like a postcard as opposed to real life. You imagine that this must be their favourite season; you had entertained the idea of watching one match in the winter season and immediately stopped after a gust of wind sent a bird flying into the girl sitting above you (You were sure it had given her that scratch on her cheek.) You couldn't cope with watching a match in such harsh weather, and you couldn't even begin to imagine how it must be to play in such conditions.
Idiots, really. They brought it on themselves. They definitely came to that realisation when they would be dragged out of bed at 5:00 am to go play in the freezing cold whilst you remained blissfully asleep under your warm covers.
You clamber up the stairs of the stands and curse under your breath. For all the beauty and wonders the wizarding world had, was it really that damn hard to have a few escalators here and there? You wanted to watch a practice game, not train to have the thighs of Hercules. You finally reach the top and shimmy down the benches with Pansy, leaning against the railing, The team was already up in the air, circling around whilst tossing the ball to one another. For all the grace and elegance Draco exuded on the ground, you couldn’t help but snicker when you catch the sight of him looking like he had slathered himself in red paint, all sweaty and grimacing; strands of his blonde hair clinging to his face.
“You alright up there Draco? Mummy forget to send you some sun cream?” You call out teasingly, and he sneers at you as Mattheo cackles, swooping down on his broom to greet you and Pansy.
“There they are!” Blaise says, a small grin on his face as he flies down to your level, joining Mattheo. You don’t even have the time to greet him because a loud gasp escapes Mattheo's lips, his hand coming out to grip your chin, tilting your face to the side.
“Traitors!” Mattheo says, eyes flickering between Pansy and yourself. You can't keep the grin off your face as you pry your face out of Mattheo's hands.
“Oh come on Mattheo. We love you all equally and need to express that love as such.” Pansy drawls, a taunting grin on her face.
“Fuck off, I'm the only important one,” Mattheo responds, puffing out his chest as he points to himself.
Blaise has to hold back from rolling his eyes, looking over at you exasperatedly. You exchange a glance with him and you feel your lips curl up into a small smile as you stifle a laugh.
“This was your doing! What did you do to them? Now I'm going to play like shit!” Mattheo whines, as he turns to look up at Theodore.
Your eyes flicker up and sure enough there he is. And god, how dare he look so good in this disgusting heat. His eyes are (and you have the feeling they were like that for quite a bit) trained on you, an unreadable expression on his face. He keeps his gaze on you, and you're sure at that moment he was trying to seduce your soul or play some stupid kind of mind tricks on you to have you thinking of him all day (it was working.)
His lips curl up into that godforsaken smile that borders on a smug little smirk. It has you embarrassingly weak in the knees and suddenly you're very glad it's hot, for you could blame your red cheeks on the heat. He flies down, tearing his gaze away from you as he comes close to Mattheo.
“Come on Mattheo, I’ve got an audience so I need to make sure I beat you embarrassingly quickly today,” Theodore says, egging his friend on.
“Yeah fucking right,” Mattheo says, turning to Theodore as the two engage in the most awful, embarrassing trash talk. You and Pansy exchange a glance and the two of you side-eye them with disdain.
The simple mind of boys managed to amaze you every time. Their attention span was impressively short.
Proving your point, Mattheo flies up to poke fun at Draco and Lorenzo, who both didn't seem to be holding up too well with the heat. You lean your elbows on the railing and stiffen slightly when Theodore flies up next to you. He hovers on his broom mid-air, resting his elbow on the railing in front of you. His face is incredibly close to yours, analysing your face with those sinful eyes of him which should be illegal because
Fuck, you were deprived.
“You wore it.” He says, and he sounds oddly breathless. You were assured by Blaise mere minutes ago that they had barely started practising.
Why did it seem so hard to speak? Why did Theodore seem so surprised? Why did you feel so bashful?
“You asked.” You respond, and his eyes search yours for a second before a smile tugs at his lips. His hand reaches out to cup your face, tilting it to the side as he looks at the 7 on your cheek.
Was this all it took for Theodore to touch you?
You’d have to start drawing 7 everywhere.
His fingers brush against your jaw, and you let out a shaky breath as his thumb runs along your cheek.
His touch leaves a fiery trail in its wake, and you are sure he has to be doing some sort of nonverbal magic because you feel as though you are going crazy. You resist the urge to let your eyes flutter shut because Theodore Nott simply has that effect.
He turns your head back and you stare at one another for a second more before he pulls back, and your mouth feels awfully dry.
“Mattheo smudged it.” He says, and his voice sounds slightly strained as he says so. You can't keep the corners of your lips from lifting slightly as you nod.
“Right.” You breathe out, looking at him. He grins, and this time you have to be sure you have not secured yourself a one-way ticket to the Janus Thickey Ward of St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, because you swear his eyes flicker down to your lips for a brief second before he leans back like he's been forced to do so, wordlessly looking at you once more before he grips the broom with one hand, effortlessly flying up to start practice.
You don’t even have the time to process whatever that was because your ever-eloquent and insightful friend speaks the very thoughts running through your head.
“What in the ever-loving fuck was that?” Pansy utters, eyes wide as she stares at the spot where Theodore was standing.
Amen to that, Pansy. What in the ever-loving fuck was that?
Your hand hovers over your cheek, ghosting over the place Theodore had just touched.
You part your lips to say something, but can't even formulate the words, and Pansy recognises that.
“Holy Shit! He- That-” She says, hands grabbing your shoulders as she shakes you. You're ashamed to say you needed it because you were sure you were dreaming.
“What's going on between you two? First, you’re wearing his number to the match. Then he's practically eye fucking you and you're both literally about to make out.” Pansy babbles and you roll your eyes at her dramatics.
“Oh calm down, Pansy. He barely looked at me, and he was just fixing it because Mattheo had smudged it. There's nothing going on.” She says and Pansy narrows her eyes.
“Oh yes, and I’m fucking straight. We both know that's a lie.” She deadpans, and you shake your head with an exasperated smile.
You couldn't tell whether you wanted to crack up with laughter or strangle the shit out of her. With Pansy, the line blurred more often than not. It’s why you loved her so dearly.
“Genuinely Pansy, nothing’s going on between Theodore and me. We used to be really good friends. That's all.” You say, with a tone of finality. She sighs, mumbling under her breath.
“….Painfully obvious”
“Both know that's a lie…..”
“Hopeless idiot…”
You shoot her a glare at her mumbling and she returns the sentiment with a pointed smile, enough to make you roll your eyes with amusement. You rest your head on her shoulder as the two of you watch the match.
The day Theodore had walked past you like you simply didn't exist was the day you swore to yourself you'd never, EVER, let yourself be good friends with him again. You stuck to your word always, yet this was proving to be one time where you didn't.
You prayed you wouldn't regret this, but alas, the universe is cruel at times.
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The news of Draco’s father cancelling their annual summer holiday trip came surprisingly as great news to your groups as you all lounged in the library (which was as packed as it had ever been thanks to Madam Pince’s cooling charm. You all begged her to teach you the spell but she refused, and you were sure she kept it hidden to make sure people came to the library. Luckily for the group, you were one of the most conscientious students in your year, so you'd all get away with things due to the teachers favouring you greatly. A few other groups were kicked out immediately.)You all sat in a cosy arrangement in the far back end of the library. Pansy sat on the floor beside you, whilst you lounged in an armchair, feet thrown over one arm. Blaise sat on the other arm of the chair, with Draco and Theodore sitting opposite you. Between the armchair and sofa facing one another was a third sofa and a small round table. Mattheo and Lorenzo sat on that third sofa. Lorenzo stretches, sprawled out as he props his feet up on the table. You reach out and slap him with the book you were reading, and he cowers sheepishly as he puts his feet down.
“I was looking forward to summer in Versailles,” Draco complains, and you sigh. Would be nice to be able to go on such trips.
“Actually…” Pansy says, sitting up as though she’s just had an idea. Knowing your friend, you can't help but feel terrified about what's about to come out of her mouth.
“My parents have a beautiful holiday home down in France and they're going to Australia this year, so it's not being used. Why don't we all spend a week there?” Pansy says.
It's actually a very clever Idea, and a chorus of murmurs of agreement and nods echo throughout the group.
“That actually sounds good” Lorenzo says, and Blaise hums in agreement.
“I have family who live in France so they could sort out travel for us when we are there. I'm sure I can go.” Baise says and Pansy claps her hands excitedly, rubbing them together like some kind of evil genius (sometimes you were sure she was.)
“Draco, Theo?” Pansy says, and the mention of Theo's name has your eyes flickering up from your book. He's looking at you but the second your eyes meet he quickly looks at Pansy and nods, clearing his throat.
“Huh? Oh, uh- yeah.Sounds good.” He says. You lightly smile to yourself as you look down at your book.
“ I suppose I’ll tolerate it.” Draco sighs, and a chorus of groans escapes the group at his melodramatic behaviour.
“Oh piss off Draco, just admit you like us,” Mattheo says and Draco scoffs.
The boys very quickly once again get into a semi-play fight, and a stern hush from Madam Pince as she glares at the group of you sends them both sheepishly quiet. She walks away and it’s your turn to glare at the two boys.
“She may like me now, but if you two don't shut up she sure as fuck won't, and ill set your robes on fire if you force me to get through the summer whilst being banned from the library.” You spit, scolding them.
Mattheo and Draco both look down like children being chastised and Blaise has to hide his amusement as he nudges your shoulder, getting up.
“Right well, that's our cue to leave anyway. Have the real match tomorrow so we need an early night.” Blaise says. One by one everyone gets up, Pansy pushing off the floor with a sigh as she dusts down her skirt.
She turns to you, raising a brow.
“You coming?” She asks, holding a hand out and you look up, shaking your head.
“Nah. Gonna stay here for a while. Finish reading this.” You say, holding up your book with a weak smile. Pansy shakes her head with a smile, ruffling your hair (much to your dismay).
“My little neek. Have fun!” She says, and you flip her off at the comment. She grins, blowing a fake kiss back at you as she manoeuvres past the wooden bookshelves and out of the library.
You sigh and feel as though you're sinking further into the plush armchair, a pillow held to your chest as you read your book. Everything about the library was so pleasantly calming. The dim lights that cast dancing shadows of the book spines across the wall. The bibliosmia that you inhaled deeply as you lay for what felt like hours, reading whatever you could get your hands on. You’re so caught up in the allure of the library (Pansy might have a point, you definitely were a neek), that you don't even notice the presence of someone coming to sit down on the sofa next to you until the sound of the leather cushions sagging under weight draws your attention up from the pages of the book.
Seriously? Were you actually that oblivious? It was extremely alarming if you were.
You look up and see Theodore moving to take a seat on the sofa next to you. He stretches out his legs, his large frame suddenly making the space seem a lot smaller.
“Hey.” He says, and your lips quirk up in a smile as you speak.
“Hey,” You respond, folding the corner of your book.
“What are you reading?” Theodore asks, and you raise a brow.
Did he really have an interest in the book you were reading? A few years ago the Theodore you knew would never touch a book (though he would listen to you ramble on about them for an hour.)
But Theodore has changed, And so have you. He’s no longer the Theodore you knew, and the reminder turns the feeling in your stomach unpleasant.
You hold up your book, weakly smiling as you show him the cover. It was rather beaten and bruised, but you had owned this copy since your first year. You’ve reread it more times than you can count.
“Little women,” Theodore says, a small smile of recognition on his face. He remembered you, always walking around with that book. Theodore couldn’t comprehend what half the words in the book meant, but he remembered hearing you talk about it and thinking you were truly the most incredible person he had ever met.
That hadn't really changed.
“Mhmm. Must be my 5th time rereading it this year.” You say, with a small smile, and Theodore lets out a low laugh.
He's looking down at the table, and you admire the way the dim light dances along his features, making them look surprisingly soft.
“Love Jo all your days, if you choose, but don't let it spoil you, for it's wicked to throw away so many good gifts…” Theodore starts, gaze trained ahead.
“......because you can't have the one you want” You finish, quietly.
Theodore's gaze drops to his hands, fiddling with the threads on his bag. The air is thick with unspoken words. A quiet dance of regrets lingers in the spaces between your words.
"Little Women," Theodore repeats, his fingers tracing the zip on his bag. "I remember how you used to quote passages from that book like they were sacred verses. It was almost like a religion for you."
You can sense the undertone in his words—the acknowledgement of a shared past that now exists as a distant echo.
The silence that follows hangs heavy.
You shift uncomfortably in your seat, the worn pages of the book suddenly feeling like a fragile shield against the currents of emotion. Theodore's eyes, once familiar and comforting, now carry a hint of regret and a touch of something unsaid.
"Jo March was always your favourite," he continues, his voice soft, almost hesitant.
“Still is,” you say, and he nods, looking up at you. His smile is tight-lipped, and you fight the urge to reach forward and massage the furrow of his brow. He reaches into the side pocket of his bag, pulling out a book.
Little women.
You frown as you take the copy from him, flicking through it. There are scribbles and annotations all over the pages.
You hate the way you instantly recognise his handwriting - another testament as to how Theodore was weaved into everything you did.
Theodore takes the book back, his fingers lingering on the worn cover. He opens the book, thumbing through the pages, his eyes fixing on the annotations.
"I've been reading it," he admits, his voice a low murmur. "Annotating it. I wanted to see it through your eyes, to understand why it meant so much to you."
You watch him, and your heart clenches at his voice. At his eyes, At the way he speaks, and the way he keeps his head down. The realisation that he held onto this piece of you, even as you both drifted apart, is enough to send you into a spiral.
"I see you in these pages," Theodore continues, his gaze locking onto the annotated paragraphs. "I see you in between the lines, and in the words. I see you in Jo, I see you in the witty comments. Every time I read this, It's like a piece of you is still here with me."
A lump forms in your throat, and you swallow hard, trying to push back the tears that threaten to spill over.
Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry
“Every time I read these words, I feel like I'm back with you, even if just for a moment." He admits, looking up at you.
The devastation in his eyes is surely mirrored in your own.
You want to cry. You want to shout, because how dare he sit here, and speak of you with such reverence, and act like he cares for you when he had forgotten about you so easily? How dare he say he sees you in everything he does when he looked right past you when you stood in front of him?
How dare he act like he missed you when he didn’t?
You can't say anything. You physically can't, because every time you open your mouth it hurts. Grief clings to the pipes, scratching at your throat. It restricts your breathing, it gnaws at you.
Theodore looks at you and clears his throat, quickly looking down. You fail to make out the fact that his own eyes are threatening to spill with tears, as your own teary eyes cloud your vision.
It was always like that with you and Theodore.
Amid your shared tears, the unspoken suddenly becomes the unsayable.
He gets up, and he can't bear to look at your face because every glance of those tears in your eyes eats away at his heart. He grabs his bag and throws it over his shoulder, rushing out for fear of what you might say.
“See you” He murmurs, walking away. You can’t tear your gaze away from where he walks away even as his form disappears, and you swear the boy had taken part of your heart with him.
The quote “Fate was a cruel mistress” Never made much sense to you. Fate was beautiful even in its destructive nature. Fate was unstoppable, she didn't wait for anyone or veer away. You used to admire that about her. You found it to be a beautiful thing. Of course, it's because you also believe that fate would only wait for you. Wait that one extra second. Then, perhaps, Theodore and you would be on the same path. Instead, you were two, walking the same path only a heartbeat apart. As if time itself conspires to teach that love can occur in the same book, but pages apart.
You cannot love the beauty of her tenacity and cower from it too.
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marypaol · 8 months
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Silver Orbs
Draco x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Anxiety, self doubt, trouble eating, sleeping habits, that’s all :)
Summary: Reader has a feeling someone’s eyes are on her, and she isn’t wrong.
Note: I don’t use Y/N, and thank you all so much for all the forms of support! I was kind of insecure about my work, so thank you!
The noises of utensils hitting plates and chatter filled her ears, her eyes settled on the food in front of her that seemed to be getting more and more unappealing by the second. The anxiety that was brewing in her stomach wouldn’t stop, the endless possibilities of her results on the quiz she took in Charms whirling in her brain. I mean, she couldn’t have done that bad, right? She considered herself good at Charms, always seeming to remember the right ways to flick the wand and how to form the words with her lips. But the insecurity was still in the back of her mind, whispering to her that she was going to fail because she second guessed herself. So it didn’t surprise her when she over prepared herself for the quiz; meaning staying up late and studying in the Slytherin Common Room. She couldn’t help it, almost like she had to prove the voice in her head wrong. Telling it she could properly prepare and succeed. It was like a competition; her against anxiety.
Anxiety meaning she couldn’t eat and sleep properly. And it wasn’t like this just because of a simple Charms quiz. It happened with everything really. How Snape would react to her Potion, even though she was really quite good at following the particular directions in the book and the right color was bubbling in the cauldron. Or that one time she had to go up in front of the class to smell the Amortentia; till this day she didn’t know who she smelled, the scent of apple trees and mint still lingering in her nose once in a while whenever she thought about it. She wasn’t around much boys and she when she was she didn’t take note on how they smelled.
Like she would, some boy’s scent in a silly potion was the last of her worries.
What she did take note of is that whenever she was eating, or attempting to, she felt a soft stare on her head, like someone was swallowing her appearance and taking it for themselves. At first she thought it was some silly feeling that was simply another addition to her anxious symptoms, but when the feeling of being watched occurred more than once she found herself looking around. She knew it was someone near her since she felt the stare on the side of her face, eyes boring into her cheekbone like it were the Charms paper she was studying the day before.
This present day as she once again was unable to eat she once more felt it, the soft stare that settled on her. It was almost like a sixth sense, the feeling of someone’s eyes on her, nudging at her chest as a reminder it was there.
She suddenly had the courage to look up, having enough of the uneasy sense but making no effort to find the culprit.
She scanned the crowd, seeing everyone having no issues when it came to nourishment.
It was in that moment that their eyes met, the silver orbs almost impossible to look away from. She knew it sounded cheesy, but out of all the magic in the generations of Hogwarts nothing compared to what she was feeling then. Even when a snarl was on his lips and annoyance on his gaze, she could tell by the way he held it he didn’t want to challenge her to see if she would look away first, but to feel more of what he was feeling. Now that’s not how she truly thought he felt, but it was something she convinced herself of because it made her feel the magic stronger. But as they stared longer- neither of them looking away- the precious scowl slowly dropped from his lips and curiosity filled his orbs, wanting to see what she beheld.
It was only when student by student got up from their seats, bodies filing her view instead of silver that the gaze broke. She found herself swerving her head to and fro, scanning through swishes of green robes to spot the boy again, but he was no where to be seen.
She laid in bed that night, trying to break down the occurrence. But whenever she went down a road of reasoning, her mind took over itself and went back to the silver orbs of Draco Malfoy, reminding her deep down that all she wanted that night was to look into them once more.
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charmsandtealeaves · 2 years
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@jilychallenge (@jilychallenge2023) | Partner(s): @call-me-the-cassie & @itsjamespotter February: Butterfly moments | Prompt: ‘but I can’t just be friends, you’re messing with my head/ I got your heart on my mind’ from 2/14 by The Band Camino Words: 1,796
Read it on AO3 
Feelings Keep Running The Red
James had royally fucked up. That much was abundantly clear to him now. If he’d had a modicum of common sense he would have kept his distance. He should have known he had a better chance riding a hippogriff than he did in solely maintaining platonic feelings towards Lily Evans. Now he was stuck in the hell loop of getting butterflies in his stomach any time she walked into a room, or smiled at him, or looked at him with those beautiful green eyes. All because he’d been the one to cross that previously unspoken line. 
She’d been Evans for the better part of their seven years and counting at Hogwarts. They were Evans and Potter. That was the line. Then he just had to go and mess the whole thing up and call her by her first name. Something which previously he’d only dared to have done in his dreams. Which had resulted in her now referring to him by his. A problem James hadn’t even considered to be a problem until it became one. Since then he’d been plagued by that stomach flip-flopping, heart racing feeling that he just couldn’t shake. Suddenly things had become much more serious than a simple crush. 
It was entirely his own fault, a demise of his own making. They’d become friendly in their sixth year. Friendly, but not friends per say. Potions partners. Hanging out in a mixed group setting. Friendly but not particularly close. That had suited them just fine. Then came the letters. She’d be the head girl to his head boy. They’d need to work together and co-operate for the sake of the whole school, not just their potions grade. Plus this was N.E.W.Ts, they’d both have enough stress on their plates without adding provocation to that list. 
So he’d opened his fat mouth. He hadn’t even given the statement much thought before he’d uttered it in all honesty.
“I think we should be friends, Lily.” 
The second they’d left his lips he felt the first faint flutter.
“I think you’re right. James.”
There was no going back after that. A flutter became a flurrying crescendo that hadn’t stopped since. It was enough to make him feel physically sick with anxiety. It wasn’t her fault. How was she supposed to know he was a giant idiot - well, she knew he was a giant idiot but not that kind of idiot. She’d relaxed more around him since they’d become friends. In the evening she’d quiz him in front of the fire about things they’d learnt in lessons that day. All while twiddling a piece of that stunning red hair around her fingertips. Occasionally she’d prod him playfully when he stared off into space too long, when in reality he’d been staring at her. 
There’d been group Hogsmeade trips where she’d bought him his favourite, a butterbeer accompanied by piping hot fish and chips. Patrols of the castle corridors after hours alone on rounds. Where he could have sworn she’d brush her hand against the back of his on purpose. On occasion they’d partaken in duels together. She slung hexes and jinxes quicker than he’d ever seen, except perhaps from Professor Flitwick. 
He’d shown her secret passageways and shortcuts known only to him and his friends. How to sneak into the kitchens because she’d not once ever served a detention in there. Evans getting detention would surely be a sight to see. In turn she’d shown him where she hid the best potions ingredients in Slughorn’s store cupboard, and shared her secret to the perfect bathwater combination in the prefect's bathroom. All perfectly platonic things. Friends shared secrets. They didn’t keep them from one another. But that was precisely what James was doing, and he just couldn’t take it any longer. 
Doodles on parchment was what had done him in. He’d always doodled in his margins, because he could never just sit still. His hands always had to be busy. It was subconscious at this point. A hastily drawn stag on the corner of his potions textbook, not even that good. But by the time he’d wandered to the store cupboard and back for extra leeches she’d seen it, and made her own additions. 
The stag had now been shaded, and a little meadow had been placed beneath its feet. Scratchings of grass and patches of daisies. There was even a tiny snitch which at first he’d mistaken for a bumblebee. James had lit up in a grin at first, his drawing elevated by her hand. Then he’d panned his eyes down and he saw what was beneath it. 
Shit. The butterflies had boiled over to the point he practically felt like he was swallowing them. Yet Lily hadn’t seemed to have noticed, cheerfully stirring away at their cauldron humming along happily to herself. Oblivious to just how James had royally screwed up. 
He’d waited until they’d been left alone in the common room. Her heart and feelings on the discussion he needed to have had weighed heavily on his mind. But he knew it was one he had to have all the same, and the sooner he got it over with the better. 
“Lily… I know what I said but I can’t just be friends.” James had let the sentence out in a rush of air. Desperate to release it out into the universe and just leave it there. 
Lily had stilled when he’d spoken, not looking up from her transfiguration essay they’d been working on together. Though her quill hovered over her point in the page. 
“Why not?” Her voice was flat. 
Those green eyes were what betrayed her. Tears were already filling them despite her rapid blinks to clear them. It broke his heart. This isn’t what he had wanted and had whole heartedly been trying to avoid. Hurting Lily was the absolute last thing he had wanted to do. She’d lost enough friends as it was over the last few years and here he was adding to that list. It felt selfish, but he really was doing it for her best interest. Lily deserved a true friend. Not someone masking a crush, romantic attraction, affection under the guise of a close friendship. She deserved better than that. 
“You’re messing with my head.” He replied. “No. No, that came out wrong. I’m messing with my own head.” 
James swallowed. “I crossed the line.” 
“I don’t understand. I thought you liked me?” Lily’s voice wobbled. 
“I do! That’s the problem.” James closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose beneath his glasses. 
“What are you talking about?!” 
“The doodles in my potions book.” he supplied, as if that would make everything slot into place for her. 
“Because I added to it? I didn’t think you minded. I add to them all the time.” she defended. “If that’s what all this is about, me not respecting your space or whatever, you could have just asked me to stop. I thought it was our thing.”
Our thing. 
“No. No. Lily that’s not it at all. I love that you add to my doodles. That’s the problem. It’s got me adding our initials to the page and that was something I thought I’d stopped doing but clearly I’ve started doing it again subconsciously because I can’t get you out of my mind and I just-” Words were failing him, hsi tongue tying itself in knots he tripped over. 
“Hang on a minute…” Lily interrupted him. Getting to her feet so quickly she nearly upended the ink well on the floor between them. She strode across the room to where he had earlier discarded his satchel and torn it open, pulled out his potions textbook and began flipping the pages. She found the page she had been searching for and presented it to him. The sketch of the stag. 
“Is this what you’re on about?” She pointed to the offending marking on the page. He may as well have carved it into his own heart. JP + LE 
“Yeah.” James breathed. 
“That was me,” she replied. “I drew in our initials. I’ve done it under all our drawings.” 
Lily flicked a few more pages and presented it to him again, arm outstretched. A mini quidditch pitch he remembered drawing while Slughorn had been talking about identifying rotten roots. There were players he didn’t remember scribbling in, and another JP + LE. Lily turned another page, and another. Each time presenting him a new scene she had added to, right under his very nose. Each with their own little JP + LE. 
James swallowed hard. He truly was the world's biggest idiot. “You drew the initials in.”
“Yes. We did them together so I thought I’d mark them as such. In case you ever looked back at them. You’ve never seemed to mind. Until now.” Her voice was thick with emotion. 
“I didn’t notice ‘til today,” he answered honestly. “I used to doodle your initials on things all the time back in fifth year. My defence exam paper even. I assumed I must have done it”
“Your… as in your OWL exam paper?” She asked him incredulously. 
“Yeah.” He blushed crimson. 
“Why the bloody hell would you do that?” 
“Because I fancied you, Evans. Isn’t it obvious I still do? Considering the absolute fool I am making out of myself.” James watched the stunned look cross her face and took hold of the potions textbook as it slipped from her grasp. 
“This is why I can’t just be friends with you Lily.”
“So then we won’t be just friends then.” She said simply. “Plenty of heads have dated before us. It’s not like we’d be the first. The Slytherins might have a problem with it considering you’re a pureblood but quite frankly I couldn’t give a toss what they think.” 
“You wot?” James was dumbfounded, staring at her with his mouth open. 
“I don’t want things to change James. I like us the way we are. If updating the label is what you wanted all you had to do was ask.”
“I’m sorry, are you saying you want to be my girlfriend?” he asked. 
“Well yeah. That’s what you were trying to get at wasn’t it? Honestly you had me scared there for a minute. I thought you were like breaking up with me.” Lily sounded relieved. She was smiling broadly at him. 
The butterflies had migrated from his throat to his lungs, doing somersaults in his chest. If he breathed too hard they might start flying out of his mouth. Lily leaned down and pressed her lips against his. 
“That is what you want right?” She asked against his mouth. 
All he could do was nod, as he cupped her face in his hands. 
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chaserpucey · 1 year
Hogwarts Legacy NPC Starter's ( 1 / ? )
I bet Durmstrang students don't have to put up this this kind of stupidity.
Haven't we enough chaos without Peeves?
It you singe my robes -
Pleasant bit of magic, isn't it?
Why, you cheeky little charmgrinder.
Next time it shrieks I shall bake the thing.
Would you mind putting me back down.
You call that an attack?
Perhaps you might set me down, moonmind!
Isn't a broom good enough?
Oh, I'm just out and about. Riding a Graphorn.'
Riding a Hippogriff's all well and good till it throws you.
When is _ going to learn to stay away from the Restricted Section?
Striking up a friendship with , are we?
Why would you want to spend so much time with ? Do you feel sorry for him?
I'm still struggling with antidotes. Startling to me that so many of them use Mandrakes. I'll be sure never to go into that line of work.
That reminds me, did say we could borrow the book overnight, or that we'd get detention if we had it out overnight?
The people I feel sorry for are the ones who don't receive any owls, poor things. Have you seen their little faces at the table?
If anyone needs help with an essay or assignment, I don't mind lending a hand. I wrote two inches for Binns yesterday while I was eating my lunch.
That poor first-year trying to get into the Gryffindor common room. I swear the Fat Lady was having them on. Poor thing had to wait till next day.
Someone was trying to come up with some sort of pepper hex the other day.
I like to keep a bit of Wiggenweld Potion under my bed. Not naming names, but someone's bought a few too many tricks from Zonko's.
Try working with a wand that's been passed down from three unruly sisters.
Well, my father naturally assumed I'd be a strong Seeker, just like him.
Thank Merlin Quidditch was cancelled.
I took my copy of One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi to Herbology and I left it in the greenhouse, by the Mandrake seedlings. _ was horrified I didn't have it for class. Said I need to get my priorities straight.
What's the point of even learning about Herbology if we can't get ourselves into some trouble with Gillyweed?
If I haven't personally met a mermaid by the end of term, I can tell you, I shan't be happy.
Any of you know where I can find some Leaping Toadstools?
Did you get your Bitterroot from Pippin's? Or did you pick it yourself? I'm desperately in need of some.
I heard some chatter near the girls' lavatory about Boomslang skin. Do you think they're looking to brew a Polyjuice Potion?
I suppose I'd be curious about a Beautification Potion. What? Not for me, moonmind. For a friend of mine.
Don't be stupid. How do you look at a rock and say, 'Oh, I think I'll drink that.'?
Those French don't even hold their wands right so I don't know what they're teaching at Beauxbatons.
Almost makes you want to send them one just to give them a thrill.
Me? I'm dripping with owls.
Is there anywhere in Hogwarts you haven't explored?
I thought I was a good duellist, but I wouldn't dare cross you.. .
It was brilliant how you defeated _ in that duel.
Where did you and run off to?
Almost got me expelled, that did.
My father used to say that I looked part Erumpent. It's not funny.
If I Transfigure my poor toad into a goblet one more time, I think he's going to insist he stay that way.
Professor _ going to quiz us on rare water beasts next week.
Can't wait to tell _ I actually saw a Kelpie in Ireland over the summer.
Don't know why the common rooms all have secret ways of entering. Who wants to go into someone else's common room anyway? We were sorted for a reason.
Someone's parent sent homemade Cauldron Cakes and they shared them in the common room. Think they mistook salt for sugar, mind you. Half-eaten cakes everywhere for days, there were.
Our dorm's atrocious. I do wish people would clean up after themselves once in a while
A Bundimun destroyed my homework last night.
If I didn't know better, I'd say they were raised by trolls.
I was distracted by Peeves and ran face-first into _ the other day. Our books went flying. Think it made Peeves' entire week.
_ caught me making faces behind his back. It was awful – not to mention losing so many house points.
I need to get some dragon-hide gloves for Herbology. I refuse to handle Chinese Chomping Cabbages with bare hands.
Going to harvest some knotgrass from the greenhouses today. Did you know that it's used in Polyjuice Potion?
I'd like to open a shop in Hogsmeade myself one day.
I'd wager it was something to do with their time as an Auror.
Every time she pretends not to see me in the halls, I cast at her with a Trip Jinx.
I was trapped on the Grand Staircase for an hour the other day waiting for it to move.
My friends and I like to spend our evenings watching the sun set from the Quidditch pitch.
That’s all the pitch is good for this year, sadly.
Have you been to the Owlery lately? House-elves have fallen a bit behind in the cleaning this week.
I heard an ex-Auror lives in a hamlet outside of Hogsmeade. Think I'd want a quiet life too after years fighting Dark Wizards.
I'd like to retire to Hogsmeade one day. Open a pub. Bore future Hogwarts pupils with tales of my childhood.
Any news about the dragon near Pitt-Upon-Ford? Be enough to make me move, to be honest.
I met some of my best friends in Flying. Nothing creates a bond like thinking you're all about to die.
_ promised me his old broomstick once he's saved up for a new one.
I practised doing a loop-the-loop on my broom all summer.
I miss going to matches.
Cheering everyone on was magnificent fun.
The Chudley Cannons are going to be unbeatable next season; you just wait and see.
_ glanced at me the other day in the Great Hall. I spit out my breakfast. Not sure it sent the right message.
I used to write to my parents every week. Now I can't remember the last time I sent them an owl.
Wish I'd brought a pet owl to school.
So many letters arrive every day and none of them is ever for me.
I rather enjoy Transfiguration myself. The complexity – the precise nature of it; truly something to be admired.
Professor _ is a marvellous teacher. Never requires us to write more inches of parchment on a topic than necessary.
If I can just stop vanishing my notes when practising Evanesco, I think I can get an O on my Transfiguration O.W.L. this year.
Wish I had your skill. I'm like a drowned Billywig at Crossed Wands, I am.
Just curious, were you born with a broom?
Oh, you shouldn't be using that sort of magic. You'll get into a lot of trouble for that
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redheadspark · 2 years
Visiting a pumpkin patch and 'your hands are cold' with oliver wood please 🦊
A/N: I'm SO sorry for not doing this earlier, dear anon! Life got in the way and I had to deal with like headaches, but I would LOVE to write this for you! I really hope you like it!
Summary: Oliver takes you on a stroll through Hagrid's Pumpkin Patch to get your mind off of your studies.
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Warnings: Just some cute fluff and a hint of angst!
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"Come on, luv,"
"Where are we going?"
"Just on a stroll,"
You walked hand in hand with Oliver, going down the beaten path that lead to Hagrid's hut that was in the outskirts of the school grounds. It was a cooler day, more of the orange and yellow leaves were scattering the ground as you both were in your boots and thick coats since the evening was supposed to be beyond chilly. Oliver thought it was the perfect time to get out of the castle and get some fresh air, and since the Quidditch Season was at a stroll thanks to some Magical Creatures terrorizing the quidditch field, Oliver had a break from being the Gryffindor Captain.
Where as for you, you were studying hard for your exams.
You were one of those that studied hard and had some of the best marks in your year, one of the best in Hufflepuff House. Although Hermione Granger was far smarter than you, she was two years below you and didn't have to count. Still, you loved making sure your mind was sharp and you were ready to take on any exam or quiz that was thrown your way. You wanted to be a Healer at St. Mungo's just like your mother, seeing her her magic in potions and with charms at her fingertips to ease the pains of her patients. That was your goal, and even after seeping your OWL's, in your mind that wasn't enough.
But sometimes you had to take a break, that's where Oliver came in.
He loved you dearly, you two got together as third years and have been together ever since. You both seemed so opposite: you being a bookworm and Oliver being the Quidditch fanatic. The way it appeared, it never should have worked. But it did, you two being one of the longest relationships in all of Hogwarts in your year. Even the Weasley twins were surprised in how you two interacted with one another.
"How do you put up with him and not be sick of his constant Alpha personality?" George asked you once as you were perched at the practice stands after one session with the Gryffindor team.
"Shove it, George!"
"Sorry Wood!"
Oliver was an amazing boyfriend to you, always seeking you out to find some time with you when he didn't have practice or when you had study break. You loved his company, he would make you smile all the time and make you feel loved in your lower times. You made sure to go to his game, keeping your books in your dorm to venture over to the Gryffindor side of the stands to cheer on Oliver and see his face light up in adrenaline and in triumph as the team one.
But when your House when against his, that was another story.
So now, as the mid-term exams were around the corner, Oliver sensed that your stress was getting higher and higher. He decided to take you out of the castle one afternoon, making sure you that afternoon you had nothing planned. You looked to see Hagrid's hut, looking small in comparison to the variety of massive pumpkins that were in his gardena and stretching out to the left down the hill.
"How about a stroll through the pumpkin patch?" Oliver asked as he gestured to the pumpkins. Hagrid turned his pumpkin collection into a pumpkin patch for the students to enjoy on their time off, a treat for all to use and to enjoy since Halloween was only next week and he had a surplus of pumpkins that needed to be taken from his garden. With the help of Professor Flitwick, the massive supply of pumpkins were moved to the side of Hagrid's home and made to look enchanting and enticing.
"Hello you two! Ya'll missed the massive crowd earlier today!" Hagrid said as he was perched on the front porch with his dog Fang by his foot, giving a soft bark as you both waved at him.
"We just want to go a walk, if that's not too much trouble," Oliver explained to him as Hagrid chuckled.
"Not at all! Please, take whatever pumpkin yer like! I'm takin' some of the Magical Creatures Clearin' tomorrow anywho." Hagrid said to you as he took out his tin flute to play. Fang nuzzled against his boot as you and Oliver walked through the pumpkins at a slow pace, the large orange and white pumpkins that seemed to be the size of Hagrid's Hut towering over you two to make you feel so small. Yet at the same time, the atmosphere was calming and inviting as the faint sounds of the flute was floating high above you amongst the wind that picked up from the Black Lake.
"This is nice," You commented as you were seeing a small cluster of pumpkins that size of your palm along your feet, you kneeling down to touch the tops of some of the little squashes, "This is better than reciting the Potion ingredients over and over,"
"I figured it would be," Oliver added in agreement as you took a few smaller pumpkins in your hands to stand back up and face Oliver, "You've been studying a bit more lately,"
"Nothing I can't handle," You reassured him as he was about to reach and take the pumpkins from you when he touched your skin. He hummed.
"Your hands are cold, 'mere," He said to you, take both of the little pumpkins from your hands into his one to shove in his pockets. You felt him lace his fingers with yours, rubbing the fingers along one another to get your hands warm as you watching him with a hint of fondness. Oliver's love language was physical touch: he made sure he had some kind of touch with you when you two were together. Whether it was running his fingers along your back when you were hunched over your book and studying hard, or keep an arm around your shoulders while you two sat together at the Three Broomsticks during a Hogsmeade visit. But when you two held each other hands, it was one of your favorites. His calloused hands from being on his broomstick touching your stained ones from spilled ink or too many long hours of writing on your parchment, it felt like two energies molding into one.
If you could, you could always hold his hand.
"I don't want ya brunt out before we graduate," Oliver explained to you as you were still watching his warm your hands with his. His voice sounding soft with you, the hint of roughness in his tone that you grew to love when he first said your name all those years ago when you two sat together in Potions was always warming to hear.
"Oli..." You were about to explained as Oliver squeezed your hands hard together to get your attention on him. His brown eyes were almost showing the refections of the pumpkins around you, his dark brown hair was a contrast to the gray sky about you two as your eyes were locked and the flushness in his cheeks showed how cold it was getting.
"You've done so much already," He stated, you going quiet as he was talking to you, "I think you're brilliant, and I've known that ever since we both were in Potions and you saved me from a nasty burn from my cauldron,"
You had to smile from the memory, giggling a bit as you spoke up gently, "You did almost burn your eyebrows off,"
"Aye, but you stopped that, and I fell for ya then," Oliver hummed back, bring your joined hands up to kiss your fingers, "I just...I want you to be able to not get thrown underwater and get too stressed, not like before."
You remembered a year ago when you were beyond stressed to the point of being in tears. Your Head of House found you crying on one of the couches in the Hufflepuff Common room, ushering you to the Hospital Wing and having Madame Pomfrey look you over and place you in bed rest. Your head was throbbing from studying, your nerves were shot from being paranoid of failing your Ancient Runes quiz that was coming, it all came crashing down on you and you finally broke.
Oliver was sitting at your side when he got word from what happened. Harry went to tell him, Harry seeing you being ushered to the Hospital Wing and he rushed to tell Oliver at the Quidditch field. Oliver immediately canceled practice, sprinting to you and seeing you curled up in Hospital Wing on a bed with a wet cloth over your eyes and forehead. He took your hand with no hesitation, you breathing uneasily as Oliver watched with a heartbroken gaze.
After a good night's sleep thanks to a tonic from Madam Pomfrey, you got a written note to give your Professors to give you a few days off from your studies. Oliver took you outside one afternoon, making you curled up in his arms as you both were watching the clouds roll by.
"I got ya, okay?" Oliver said against your hair as your head was against his shoulder, "You need to breathe, luv. Ya scared me good, but I got ya now, alright? I got ya, and I won't let that happen to ya again,"
He never did.
"Oliver," You said to him calmly, "You have helped me so much this past year, and I would be in a worst state if not for you. Thank you, for keeping me in check and keeping me sane,"
"You don't have to thank me for lovin' ya," He reminded you, which was what he told you one year ago when he walked you back to your Common Room after being discharged by Madam Pomfrey. You adored his loving heart, the softer side of Oliver Wood that was reserved for you and you alone. Deep down, you knew you would be with him past graduation and beyond.
You didn't know that Oliver was thinking the same thing as you both kissed within the nestled pumpkins that were around you.
The End.
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Tagged: @a-lumos-in-the-nox
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forgottenarthur · 8 months
The Basics:
MBTI: ESTP-T ( the entrepreneur ) / ESFP-T ( the entertainer )
ESFP-T -- Entertainers are spontaneous, energetic, and enthusiastic people – life is never boring around them. 96% extraverted. Extraverted individuals readily enjoy group activities and value social interaction. They tend to be outwardly enthusiastic and express their excitement. 69% observant. Observant individuals are pragmatic and down-to-earth. They tend to have a strong focus on what is happening or very likely to happen. 70% feeling. Feeling individuals value emotional expression and sensitivity. They place a lot of importance on empathy, social harmony, and cooperation. 83% prospecting. Prospecting individuals are very good at improvising and adapting to opportunities. They tend to be flexible nonconformists who value novelty above stability. 82% turbulent. Turbulent individuals are self-conscious and sensitive to stress. They feel a sense of urgency in their emotions and tend to be success-driven, perfectionistic, and eager to improve.
(interestingly, i believe that he is the estp -- tho deffff w big esfp traits i did contemplate that for him originally as well -- but i filled the quiz out the way ~he would fill it out bc he's not outwardly aware of a lot of the stuff rumbling around in his brain thanks to the kazillion complexes roderick's teachings and upbringing have given him lakjsdfkljdsf but anyway! esfp is what the quiz gave him)
Enneagram: Type 2 ( the helper )
People of type Two are incredibly generous, selfless and attentive. That’s because their personality is based on the belief that you are only as valuable as what you do for others. They try their best to fulfill everyone else’s needs before others even ask for it. At the same time, they have a very hard time asking for what they need themselves. Instead, they unconsciously hope people will give them what they want if they just do enough for them.
Type Two gets a tingling feeling in their chest whenever they see someone who needs their help and are able to offer them something: their time, their attention, or simply a bowl of hot soup. When there’s a relationship crisis, type Two is the first to respond. When there’s a dinner party, they won’t leave without offering to do the dishes.
Zodiac: Aries ( fire sign ) / Aquarius ( air sign )
You're an Aquarius! You’re sharp, witty, and a free spirit—AKA, a total air sign. Moral, clever, and unique, you’ve got total Aquarius energy. You really want to make the world a better place, and, with your brainpower, nobody’s going to stand in the way of that. To learn more about your compatibility breakdown, read through our complete guide.
(once again, i took the quiz as ~he would take it. this isn't one that i'd considered for him but i can totally see it!)
And, for fun, what House would your character be in?
Hogwarts House? Gryffindor (honestly i think he’s a gryffinpuff but if i have to choose just one here it is and quiz thought so too &lt;3)
Game of Thrones? House Tyrell
Velorum Nocate? House Tomak (i want you all to know that he had a fierce psychological debate when choosing between houses godiva and arrington here bc they BOTH royal guys HE HAD A ROUGH TIME LAKSDJFKLJSDF)
Of Dragon Riders? House Tomak
Cowboy/Knight/Fairy/Angel? Cowboy
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So i refound this test from @greylunar and I have done every test out there that I could find but this one. Till today.
When i was a young teen, I got gryffyndor, and I agreed at the time. As I got older and went through some stuff, I stopped agreeing and seeing myself in it. So i went in another chase of my house, and I started getting hufflepuff as my result.
Recently, I've started to heal, and I've been put in a place where I can grow. So when I came across this quiz again. I had to try it.
I did it twice. Both times, I got gryffindor and the explanation at the end while it didn't fit me 100%, still spoke to me more than I think I could ever get from a quiz like this.
I think as I'm healing and the real me is coming out again, I am changing. So while I will probably wear my hufflepuff mask for a bit longer, once I am ready, I will be back on the frontlines, fighting for a better place for my family and friends.
So, thank you, I needed that confirmation that I am healing even if it's slowly, my fire has started to grow again.
For anyone wanting to do this deep hogwarts house quiz that is like so unbiased and so cool, here is the link:
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sugaaaaaaaar · 2 years
Affogato and Caramel Arrow Hogwarts AU ramble because why not?
• Caramel was a hatstall and I cannot be convinced otherwise. You bet her little 10-11 year old self was anxiously sitting in that tiny old stool in front 500 people while the sorting hat had a mental breakdown on whether she was Gryffindor or Hufflepuff for a solid 6 minutes
• Affogato didn't even get to the stool when the sorting hat yelled 'slytherin'
• Caramel Arrow is a Half-blood with both her parents being wizards and her father being an auror (joining the 'Second Watcher is Cara's dad' bandwagon for this one)
• Affogato is muggleborn who was disowned once his family found out about his magical side (aka the Dursleys walked so his parents could run). He convinced almost the whole school, teachers included, for a solid 6 years through various schemes from forging parental signatures to somehow convincing Caramel and Crunchy to brew a polyjuice to shift into his parents for teacher-parent meeting
• He also convinced a lot of people that he was a pure blood, although some thought he was secretly a half-blood, nobody knew he was a muggle born
•Caramel Arrow finds out about his heritage and id imagine they'd have nice moment until they wack each other with their wands the next morning
• Dark Cacao is the defense against of dark arts teacher in this universe and they are both *really* good at the subject and see him as parental figure (but Affo would never admit that)
• *cue two 13 year olds practicing their patronuses at 2am because they really want to impress DC and who ever gets it first is clearly the superior student and therefore his favorite*
• Caramel Arrow gained the nickname 'First Watcher' by catching the Golden Snitch within the first minute of a Quidditch game (Affogato and many others believe the snitch was charmed despite the multiple thorough inspections done to the snitch saying otherwise)
• Side note: In this AU, snitches are worth only 60 points and it has nothing to do with either of them, I'm just petty about that rule and wanted to have something a bit more balanced than 250 points
•I took a couple of quizzes plus some surface level research and have deducted that Cara's wand has a unicorn hair core and Affo's wand has dragon heartstring core and I'm willing to do more research (I also did two really long patronus quiz and got black stallion for Cara and Eagle for Affo but I may double check those)
• Affogato sometimes narrates Quidditch games but he isn't allowed to do so often due to his snarky and sometimes very biased opinions,
• Affogato excels at potions. He has gained some perks out of this like easily gaming permission to enter the forbidden library for 'research purposes', being allowed to brew interesting potions such as polyjuice because he is 'practicing his skills' and carrying a bottle of amortentia 'for extra credit'
• Speaking of Amortentia, Caramel Arrow smells campfire smoke, brown sugar, caramel and wet dog/wolves and Affogato smells coffee, galleons/coins, ice cream, lavender and chocolate
• Affogato keeps his hair in a bun and sticks his wand sideways for safe keeping (and to resemble his og design)
• Caramel has really good Alohomora and Revelio charm
• They have gone to detention for randomly dueling in the halls way too many times
• Caramel is terrified of Howlers because she never knows whether it's her dad scolding for getting into detention or Affogato making dirty jokes and loudly moaning (where does he even get all those howlers-)
• Affogato had a snake and he once tried to scare Caramel but she ended up taking a liking to it so now they have to 'share the custody'
• Affogato kind of joins the Cookies of Darkness/Death Eaters in his later years but he isn't very into their beliefs. He's just there because Dark Enchantress offered him a place to stay and to put his potions and curses to good use if he served her.
• He tried to leave but he realized she would not think twice to kill him if needed so now he's just panicking
• Affogato is basically Draco Malfoy but it's StarKids' 'Very Potter Musical' Draco Malfoy aka the one that is played by the short, iconic legend that is Lauren Lopez
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zaffreberries · 7 months
Maybe magic is real, just not in the way we think would be. Maybe it’s something more personal, something more intimate. Something inside that you can’t see, but only feel. Something that changes the whole world without ever touching anything but you.
It started whilst I was on holiday. It was a hot summer in a place that was warmer than I was used to so I took shelter from the heat in the holiday cabin we were staying in. I had nothing to do and only a single book to read. It was Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. I started reading it before I realised it was the third book in the series and endeavoured to finally sit down and read it all and learn what all the fuss was about. My curiosity had been piqued though and I needed to scratch that itch. Thus a small spark of chance would ignite the hungry flames of my imagination forever more.
I had come late to the Harry Potter Fandom. I started reading the first book when I got back from holidays and I couldn’t stop. Thankfully my lateness allowed me to indulge in as much as I could manage and before long I had already caught up. I wasn’t much for the internet, and so I barely interacted with anyone else in regards to Harry Potter, there was just me and this shifting paradigm occurring inside. It wasn’t a complete shift, But it was enough. I never forgot the enjoyment I had from reading that series. The excitement, the feelings. It left me with a want for more, it made me feel actual emotions reading the books. Maybe there would be more magic hiding out there just waiting for me to read. Maybe books weren’t so boring after all.
I remember doing chores whilst The prisoner of Azkaban played in the background, the movie swiftly becoming a comfort video for me. I remember playing the old Harry Potter game so much I can never read “Flipendo” without immediately hearing it said like in the game. I remember getting sorted into Ravenclaw when i finally took the quiz on Pottermore. I remember seeing people dressed up in cosplay and getting excited because I wasn’t the only one who loved this magical world. When the Hogwarts House anniversary editions came out I had to get all the Ravenclaw ones. I have the whole set proudly displayed on my book case. I smile inside when I look at them. I had such wonder and happiness in my own little world all thanks to this one series.
It wasn’t long before I started branching out, searching for other books that might contain more magic. Some did, many didn’t. Some were enjoyable, others became slogs but few ever had that same effect on me as Harry Potter did. The girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Fourth Wing, the Raven Cycle, Song of Achilles and Circe. I found more magic contained in the ink on their pages and I read them as if I were drowning and they were air. Most books are enjoyable, but every now and then a book is so much more than what it seems. Even as I continue to read what I can I always somehow end up drifting back to where it started. It’s as if it were a cozy home and I have gone on a holiday to someplace new and exciting and had come back to rest and recuperate before heading off again.
times have changed. Between the scandal of the Author’s comments and the awkwardness of the later movies the Harry Potter fandom has fallen from its lofty heights. It is no longer the star it once was. For me though it’s still a comfort, like an old favourite jacket that immediately feels cozy when you put it on again, I’ll keep coming back to it, putting on that jacket, not just to be warm, but sometimes just for the familiarity of it. There are rumours of a new tv series being made. Maybe they’ll be able to recapture the magic of the movies. The game brushed close but audience’s are more fickle than before. The court of public opinion is far less forgiving than in ages past and it’s attention shifts fast. Hopefully it does well. Hopefully it allows others to experience the same magic I felt when I discovered this world. Maybe others will feel that little magic when they read it, maybe more little sparks will ignite inside people when they read the books or watch the movies. Maybe it is something else that will be the catalyst for their transformation. Maybe it’s another book that holds the spell that unlocks their imagination and sets them on a path of discovery and wonder, that’ll comfort them in on sad days, that’ll feed their soul the right thing at the right time to make it shine just a little brighter ever after.
This series, It’s given me so much, it opened my eyes to a whole new world of magic and was the start of my enduring love of reading. I’m happy that I took a chance one hot summer. I’m glad that one book was able to show me that magic is real. And I truly hope that others are able to find that same magic waiting in between the pages of a book, bound in ink just waiting to change your world.
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jojolymes · 2 years
What’s your hogwarts house? When I took the quiz, the results show that Gryffindor or Ravenclaw due to percentage being the same. But when I did my pottermore quiz, it said I was a Slytherin.
gryffindor!! thats what the pottermore quiz gave me but on some other random ones i found i got slytherin a bunch and ravenclaw once 😭
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infinitelycynical · 3 years
I'd absolutely love a part three of Percy being the third parent!
Maybe where like McGonagall notices and says something about it and that's where Percy realizes it's not a normal thing
Hi, I'm sorry I took so long to answer this! I'll actually do it right now, I have written a draft in my notebook and I will post that. Beware, this is a rather long post! Cheers to you anon, you're the reason this is coming out!
Now, time to go feral!:
Percy Weasley being the Third Parent (Part 3) [not canon compliant, for shits and giggles more than anything else]:
- Minerva is handing out schedules for the year and she notices that when the Weasleys/Harry get them, Percy snatch them away to memorise and no one even blinks. She thinks it's sort of weird but it doesn't go off properly in her head just yet.
- She then notices in the Great Hall once more, Percy is barely eating, just watching his siblings and occasionally "protecting them from harm". Also that he's thinner than the others by quite a bit, especially in the arms and face. That is when the flag goes off in her head and she becomes more aware of it.
- In order to 'nip it in the bud' early on, she speaks to him about such things towards the beginning of sixth year. He refutes all concern politely and insists that he does not do any of those things and does the whole "fuck you my family is fine".
- During class with the twins, she overhears the twins discussing the lengths of the letters they get from their parents as opposed to Percy. F: "We got like a shared paragraph from Mum! Why does Perce get three pieces of parchment that are chockfull?"
G: "It's the other way 'round with Dad though, we got chockfull and Perce got batshit. Wonder why."
Inconsistency is always a red flag in Minerva's eyes.
- Madam Pince enters the staffroom and says something that worries Minerva and alarms her.
P: "Kids these days, I swear! I don't know how many times I had to kick Mr Weasley out once the library has reached past closing time!"
M: "Mr Weasley?"
P: "Percival. Don't know how many times I've interrupted an anxiety attack of his, too many. Poor kid, holds himself to high standards."
(cue headcanon that percy is madam pince's favourite kid)
Minerva is now highly alert, she needs to figure out how to best support him.
- He is so busy with everything that at one point, he just forgot to study for his Transfiguration pop quiz. He scores a 0, and this is when Minerva is panicked. He's freaking out over this result and the entire class is freaking out and it is chaos. They do not know how Percy Weasley, smartest in the entire school, was capable of getting a 0 in anything.
- She approaches him and asks if he needs support or anything. He denies and claims he is fine.
- The chamber incident disproves that. Molly and Arthur rush to Hogwarts after receiving Percy's letter.
Molly: "We got Percy's letter. Have you found Ginny yet? Is my baby dead? What has happened to Ron? And the twins?"
Minerva updates them, only to hear the parents' interaction (which makes her sick to her stomach).
Arthur: "Percy should have done a better job, he's meant to look after them. If he had done that, none of this would have actually happened."
Molly: "The boy was most likely nose-deep in the books, Arthur. He promised he would be able to handle prefect duties, school and watching over his siblings at the same time. Were we wrong to assume that?"
Arthur: "He's the eldest of the five, and the most sensible. He's the only one that can do it Molly."
Molly: "My babies are in trouble Arthur, and it's his fault!"
She is so incredibly horrified and pissed at them.
McG: "Molly, Arthur, please. It is not your son's fault. He did keep them from harm, I have watched him do it. Your children do not need a babysitter, leave your son alone!"
- She is devastated upon the realisation that the parents brought this upon him.
Will post a part four soon! That will be about Percy, this was just from Minerva's POV. I apologise if this disappointed.
People of interest:
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kawaragi · 3 years
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# keisuke baji. durmstrang!keisuke au / harry potter au. fem!reader. takes place during a triwizard tournament event. keisuke is a year 5 student.
# okay i know i mentioned gryffindor!keisuke once but like now . lets consider durmstrang!keisuke <3
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“did you hear? keisuke baji’s got a crush on you.”
“i heard that too - lucky you.”
who the hell is keisuke baji, anyway? you have never heard of this name during your years at hogwarts, sure as hell not a new student either. “who?”
“keisuke baji? durmstrang? you’ve seen him when they came to the great hall,” your friend said, though they weren’t looking at you as they were particularly busy writing on their already halfway-done essay.
“i don’t recall - oh, the guy with the uhh…” you make an attempt to remember what this keisuke baji looked like. you remember your friends singling out the one attractive boy in durmstrang’s group of boys that they had sent over to hogwarts. “he had a low ponytail right? because of the little hats that they wore.”
“yeah, that’s right,” your other friend said, except they had completely abandoned their schoolwork to talk about this seemingly attractive boy. you’d be a liar if you said that one particular boy isn’t handsome, he is, but you wouldn’t try and shoot your shot - you guess. “but! he has a crush on you, apparently.”
that statement made your nose scrunch. “how? i’ve never spoken to him before… i don’t think - not that i remember - hey, we’ve never been in the same area. at all.”
your two friends squint their eyes at you, which ultimately made you fluster. “oh please, you guys believe me, right? please.”
keisuke had no idea that he was being talked about among hogwarts students and some of the students from the other visiting school, beauxbatons. he wasn’t interested in finding his ‘one true love’ at his age and this point in time, he was present to show his full support to whoever was going to be chosen as durmstrang’s champion for triwizard tournament.
he lied about the crush thing, all he wanted was to be left alone. he had heard your name and managed to put two and two together with the way you turned around as a response to who called your name. it was the only one that stood out to him despite only staying at hogwarts for merely a few weeks. he could’ve used any other name but…
yours stood out to him.
a few days after, you were far too distracted to watch where you were going and pay no mind to the incoming students in front of you. as a result, a shoulder-check happened too often. drowning in thought, perhaps you were dwelling too much on how you answered your defense against the dark arts teacher or how you’ve written your answer for the pop quiz in arithmancy, it was obvious you were in too deep in the brewing thoughts.
keisuke had been walking that day, coincidentally towards your direction. he fancied the stone circle after a friend he made recently, chifuyu matsuno of the hufflepuff house, mentioned it to him.
all of my friends will be there, you should come with us! need some familiarity in this school, don’t’cha?
what’s the harm in making friends? it’s not like he’d see them again once he leaves. not like they’d write him letters off to bulgaria. not like he’d find any use for the stationery his mother had bought for him to use for his friends. there’s no harm, right?
“shit! i’m so sorry- i-i didn’t see you-”
“i’m fine, see? oh- it’s you!”
you look at him, eyes blinking before realizing that your hand has been on his forearm the entire time after you collided with this kid - impressively stable and… strong. “me? wait- huh? oh, wait, you’re…”
“keisuke baji!” the boy seemed far too excited to be talking to you. in some way, his enthusiasm to be speaking with you made you feel quite warm; when was the last time someone had been this excited to be exchanging a few words with you? “i-i’m sorry, i assumed you know me-”
“i do know you,” you said, fighting back a smile when the oh-so famous keisuke baji was practically crumbling in embarrassment in front of you. he’s cuter up close, but that was all he was - cute. “i’m-”
“i know your name,” he cut you off, and that was until he grabbed hold of your wrist and began pulling you away from the crowded hallway. the students thought of this rather differently, expressing ooo’s and whispers to one another.
keisuke pulled you into an empty hallway, thinking that he was going to do something to you, you had your wand at the ready, to which he frowned upon on. “i just wanted to say i was sorry for using you and saying i had a crush on you.”
he looked genuinely sorry, but you don’t let go of your wand, instead you lower it. “i thought that was peculiar… i’m sorry to ask but, what’d you do that for?”
keisuke sits down on the empty bench, his fingers entertwined with one another as he carefully forms and chooses his words. “ever since i got here at hogwarts, i couldn’t go through the day without someone asking me if i’m seeing someone.”
you sat down next to him, but keeping a safe distance from him to make sure he didn’t feel uncomfortable nor you. to someone who isn’t keisuke, maybe this was something that’s too little to whine about. pushing somebody’s boundaries like this was of course not kind nor needed.
“i’m sorry you had to go through that, baji,” you told him. instinctively, you reached out to rub his back, but you barely knew him so you retracted your hand back.
“it’s okay,” he told you with a smile. this time, though, you could see his fangs. nobody told you his canines were sharp. it was like his charm. “you can rub my back, hug me or hold my hand - i’m joking. but… i won’t say no to back rubs.”
you hesitated at first of course, feeling like you were in no place to be touching him like you’ve known him for a long time. but it seemed like he really needed said back rub. “thanks for listening to me, even if it’s short notice.”
“it’s no problem, but let me know if you need anything, or a question about hogwarts. i might be able to answer it.”
he cackled at your statement, reaching out his hand in front of you for a handshake. it was like a natural thing for you to shake his hand, as if… you’ve known him for a while now. “it’s a pleasure to finally spoke to you and hear your voice!”
“likewise! i guess i’ll see you around, then?” you asked, a smile adorning your face. though your face had started to feel strained - you hadn’t smiled this much since speaking to keisuke.
“that you will. i promise.”
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adorerdraco · 4 years
Bugs and Hisses ✧ Draco x Reader
Summary: Halloween with Draco <3 Friends into BOO’s (teehee)
Warnings: mild drinking nothing tooo crazy but not encouraging it !
Words: 5.2K
A/N: this is my first one shot in like a month and i ofc had to do something for halloween even tho im a tad late but its still a halloweekend KIND OF !!!!!!! </3 I HOPE ITS GOOOD
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“No, it’s a stupid holiday.”
Draco crossed his arms in a stubborn child-like way, a scowl on his face as he stared forward towards the front of the class where Snape was giving a lecture on the small but vicious Erkling creatures.
“Come on, please,” you pleaded quietly. Your gaze kept flickering between your easily-irked professor and the pouting blond beside you, hoping that in a few short seconds you would get the answer you were hoping for that way you could get back into your notes instead of possibly getting a detention or losing house points.
In all the years you’ve been friends with the Prince of Slytherin, you learned that he loathed the holiday and any festivities that came with it. Every year, you beg him to go out to one of the many parties that are thrown ranging from small gatherings to full-on blowouts or just do something halloween related with you, but he always refuses. His reasoning, as he put it, was that he was simply ‘too mature to be dressing up as a foul creature.’
You knew he mostly spent the holiday either asleep in his dorm or walking around aimlessly with Crabbe and Goyle to target unsuspecting first-years after the big feast but this year, you finally had enough of his anti-halloween agenda. You wanted to spend the evening and hopefully night with him laughing by your side and showing him how fun everything could be, but most of all - you wanted to see him in a costume.
“Please, if you go I will never ask you for anything ever again,” you tried again once Snape had turned his back to the class. 
Draco pursed his lips as though he was genuinely considering it, his eyes still locked on the back of the greasy-haired professor before he turned slightly to you with a deep sigh. “Fine, but don’t expect this to be an annual thing.”
You gave him a bright smile, holding yourself back from jumping around in your seat and completely pushing aside the desire to throw your arms around him in excitement.
“I promise you’ll have fun.”
He hid the small smile that grew on his face from seeing how happy his answer made you, turning his head down towards his parchment filled with notes that all of a sudden seemed interesting as he avoided your gaze. He wouldn’t admit it, but he was the smallest bit of excited at the thought of spending the holiday with you because he knew that wherever you went or whatever you did, he would be perfectly content with you by his side because for the first time in all your years as friends; he realized only a month ago that the weird fluttering feeling in the pit of his stomach when he was around you or the weird overwhelming warmth that spread throughout his entire body like an ocean of water breaking through a dam - was a crush. He hated it at first, noticing and begrudgingly acknowledging it. He thought it was cliche that he somehow fell for one of his closest friends and mostly, he thought that he was going to ruin the friendship entirely. He wanted to wreck it himself, trying to distance himself from you and being extra mean - but he couldn’t.
He adored your company too much and everything that came with you. He adores your laugh, your smile, your hugs when you greet him and how you somehow give him one each time he needs it the most. He adores the study-buddy system you guys have almost every other week before a quiz or an exam. He adores your bad jokes and clumsy accidents even though those qualities annoy him with anyone else. He adores the way you want him to join you in everything fun you and he especially adores the times when he overhears you talking about him as if he’s your favorite person in the world.
Bottom line, he’s all about you.
So when this season of spookiness came, he was expecting your pleading for him to spend the day with you. Only this time, it only took you a couple times before he ultimately agreed to give in to you.
You were ready to explode with thrill at the thought of what the night held in store for you and you didn’t hide it one bit. When the big Hogwarts Hallowe’en feast was over and every one began spilling out from the Great Hall and into the main foyer, you were searching restlessly for a clean mop of silver hair that almost always stuck out in the mass of students. You weren’t sure if you were able to spot him anywhere in under a few seconds because he was unimaginably important to you, or because his hair was so uniquely bright, or maybe it was how boisterous and loud Crabbe and Goyle always were when they were by him, especially if he was with other Slytherins - but you found him, every single time with ease.
After standing on your tippy-toes several times to overlook the stampede of everyone, you finally spotted Draco leaning across a pillar with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face while he stood in a circle of his House friends that included his two goons and his quidditch teammates. You watched him thoughtfully as you approached, taking slow steps towards the group to admire him from afar and also because they were all slightly intimidating. He looked lost in the conversation, laughs escaping from his upturned lips as he listened to whatever was being said, large pale hands running through his hair every so often when the front pieces of his hair would flop down to his forehead. 
He looked ridiculously good and effortlessly at that.
You weren’t sure if you should interrupt, hesitating a few feet away from them to where they couldn’t sense your presence but you were close enough to see and hear them clearly.
“We’ll see you later tonight then, Malfoy?” One of the boys nodded towards Draco.
“I’ll show up for a bit, I suppose,” he shrugs.
You see him look around the circle of boys, eyes landing on you momentarily and then back to his friends before doing a double-take towards you again in surprise. You tried to ignore the butterflies erupting in your stomach when his smile widens slightly into a short-lived toothy grin while he said a quick goodbye to his friends causing them all to disband and him to start approaching you.
“Are you ready for the halloween of a lifetime?” You ask as he neared.
He rolled his eyes, laughing faintly. “Where am I meeting you, darling?”
The nick name he used so rarely for you made your knees feel weak, a warm blush rushing up your neck and inching onto your cheeks that you knew was going to be very apparent on your face in a few seconds.
“I’ll meet you right here in an hour,” you say quickly.
You didn’t give him time to answer before you turned quickly in the direction of your common room and began rushing away before he could see the effect he had on you that was so clearly appearing on your face.
You didn’t know what the night held for you and Draco or where it would lead you. Unknowing to you, you were both hoping something more could come out of the evening between the two of you. But he wasn’t one to express himself in that department of feelings and you weren’t feeling bold enough to say anything about yours. It was a gray area of hoping that fate could somehow intervene and throw the two of you into what you both wanted without either of you really saying anything - but it was impossible. There was no outcome or situation you had in mind that could lead you into that, so you were stuck desperately hoping that one day things might end up differently.
It was beginning to feel ironic how in your world full of real tangible magic, there wasn’t a magical solution to your problem. You were trapped feeling like a muggle who had to figure things out by themselves, no magic included. The thought of giving him a love potion did cross your mind as a joke, but it wasn’t a genuine or fair option but little did you know, you don’t need a potion for him to feel the same way - because he already did.
Walking into your dorm felt like an exuberant disaster of everyone running around and sitting in front of mirrors with their makeup or dressing into their costumes. It was noisy and filled with chatter and you were in shock from how much clutter everyone was able to make in such a short period of time from when the feast ended to now. A simple spell would clean everything up so you and everybody else didn’t really pay it any mind. 
You maneuvered around the mess of your housemates and towards your bed where your costume was kept in the trunk underneath it, plopping down onto the floor to pull it from the underskirt of your House colored bedding.
“Did he finally say yes?” Your closest roomie friend jumped onto your bed, propping herself up on her elbows and resting her chin on her hands as she watched you dig through your bottomless trunk. 
“Surprisingly, yes,” you answered, hiding the smile on your face. 
She drawled out a teasing ‘ooh,’ poking your arm lightly with her index finger as you shied away and leaned deeper into your trunk. She was the only one who you willingly admitted your crush to as she was the only person you really trusted to not blather it off to someone.
“Will I be seeing you two in the Slytherin common room?” She wiggled her eyebrows. “The boys are throwing a party and I luckily got an invite, you know how they are. So picky with who shows up.”
“You mean they’re pretentious?” You laugh. “But I don’t know if we’ll be going to it. I know Draco obviously got invited but I was thinking we could do other things.”
“Like what?” She questions as if she knew it was going to be something dirty. “I know a few secret spots around the castle-”
“No, get your mind out of the gutter,” you smack her arm lightly. “I honestly have no clue what to do. I didn’t think he’d actually agree because he never does.”
She runs her hands over her face, stifling her laughs of disbelief before she sighed loudly. “I still suggest some broom closets, hidden out of sight.”
You sit up, pushing her from where she was lying while she laughed amusingly at your false horrified reaction that you put on to hide the fact from her that what she was suggestion really was what you wanted. 
“I’ll leave you alone so you can get your costume on,” she smiles, jumping up from your bed and tossing one of your pillows at you as she walked away. You let out a huff, tossing it back onto your duvet before setting your costume down on the spot your friend was lying in.
You stared at it hesitantly, all of a sudden feeling nauseous at the thought of going out later with Draco as if it was some sort of date even though you knew it wasn’t. It was just two friends, hanging out, doing some spooky and fun Halloween activities together and nothing more; so why were you feeling so nervous? You weren’t sure if it was your instincts warning you of something major that was approaching or the fear that what you didn’t have planned was going to bite you in the arse when you continuously told Draco he was going to enjoy himself when you didn’t even know if that was going to be true. You didn’t want to disappoint him and mess it up for you in the future when the holiday came again and you didn’t want this to be the first and last time you experienced it with him. 
The pressure was raining down on you like thick, hard pieces of hail with no end in sight.
As you were getting dressed and doing your makeup for your costume as you liked, (i’m trying to be vague for your own imagination teehee) all you could think about was what in the hell you were going to do once you met up with the Prince of Slytherin. Your train of thought was then derailed into wondering what he was going to be dressed up as or if he was going to be dressed up at all considering the way he is. He was the type to make fun of people who dressed up, that you knew when you ran into him last year as you were walking back to your common room with your friend, both of you in costume and victims of his gentle bullying. He obviously went easier on the two of you since you were there, telling you he was just messing around afterwards and saying he liked yours but once you were out of his sight but still in ear-shot, you heard him and his two minions berating a small group of people that unfortunately passed by them. 
You gave yourself one last look in the floor mirror, letting out a long shaky exhale with your hands clasped together before you started towards the way out of your dorm, through the common room, and ultimately towards the foyer outside the Great Hall where Draco was most likely waiting for you. An hour had gone by since you last saw him, an hour of stress and panic that hadn’t slowed down or stopped.
Your shoes dragged against the stone floors, hugging yourself tightly as you walked nearer towards the spot where you were supposed to meet and as you lifted your gaze - you saw him there, staring right at you with a small grin and just like you expected, no costume.
“Nice costume,” he compliments when you reach him. 
“Where’s yours?” You frown.
“I’m not dressing up. That’s embarrassing,” he shakes his head. 
You scoff, crossing your arms. “You’re the only one not dressed up, that’s embarrassing.”
You don’t know why it was irritating to you that he wasn’t in costume, even if you knew he wasn’t. You figured it was because you were trying to overpower your nervousness with different more consuming feelings, and much to your and Draco’s dismay, it worked. 
You weren’t nervous anymore, just irked.
“I’m staying like this, take it or leave it.”
You rolled your eyes, staring him down and hoping that he would change his mind but he wouldn’t. He was ridiculously stubborn.
In the heat of the moment of a fleeting thought, you decided that if he wasn’t going to be in costume, you would put him in one or at least a hint of one. You pulled your wand out, pointing it onto his striking white hair and with one easy spell, his hair was now a flaming vibrant red.
“Y/N!” He growled, running towards the closest thing that would show off his reflection where he let out a string of frantic curse words. “I look like a bloody Weasley.”
Your laughter caught him off guard, the sound ringing in his ears like music that spread warmth throughout him. You were clutching at your stomach with one hand and pointing at him with the other, giggling wildly at the sight of him with hair that did not suit him at all. He smiled to himself, your glee rubbing off on him abruptly that ate away quickly at his anger.
“You should’ve given me some ratty old hand-me-down robes and I’d look just like Ron,” he notes.
“That’s rude, Draco,” you say still laughing. He smirks, leaving the shiny statue of a knight in armor where he was checking his reflection and back over to you where you were still stuck in between doubling over in laughter and watching him. 
“I’m glad this is funny to you,” he muses. He begins digging into the pocket of his dress pants, taking your vulnerability as a chance for him to tap his wand to the top of your head and before you could react, your whole hair had turned a deep green.
Your laughter immediately ended as you ran towards the suit of armor, your grimacing reflection staring back at you with deep Slytherin green hair and a distorted Draco behind you doubling over just like you were moments ago.
“This looks,” you couldn’t even finish your sentence, the scowl on your face saying enough for you as you turned bitterly towards Draco. 
“Great?” He suggested, his guffawing subsiding into airy chuckles as you stood in front of him. Yours picked up again as you stared up at him, his striking bright red hair looking terribly unfamiliar on him. He was looking down at you, his heart jumping at the sight of you holding back your laughter. “You really do look dashing by the way.”
You swallowed thickly, thankful for the darkness that had settled around the castle and easily hid the scarlet brush appearing on your face. “But my hair is green.”
“Green is my favorite color.”
You opened your mouth to speak, your stomach and heart dropping simultaneously as your mind went completely blank. You pretended to not notice how he took a step closer to you to where he was almost fully against you and he pretended not to notice the way your lips were parted and how your chest was rising and falling a little too heavily as if you were nervous. It was game over for you when his gaze flickered down towards your lips and then back to your eyes, his head leaning down just the slightest like if he were waiting for you to meet him halfway. You were about to get closer to him, about to let your eyes close and give in to what you believed was him wanting to kiss you - but the world had other plans.
“Malfoy! There you are!” Someone boomed, clambering up the steps from the direction of the dungeons. You both jumped away from each other, your attention diverted to the Slytherin boy that interrupted the moment. “Malfoy come on, the party! And you can bring her too.”
You frowned when the boy came up to the two of you, clearly tipsy, dressed as a stereotypical vampire, and over-excited with the fact that Draco was out and willing to participate in Halloween festivities. It seemed like it bothered the now red-head when he looked to you and then back to the Slytherin boy with an apprehensive expression.
The boy, sensing the pause in the air, grabbed onto both you and Draco’s arms and started dragging the two of you towards the Slytherin common room where although the stone walls were thick, the sound of people celebrating inside were easily slipping past the stone slabs. He spoke the password out quickly and as soon as the entrance was open, you were both shoved inside into what looked like the largest party you had ever witnessed in all your years at Hogwarts. It was packed and filled with what looked like half of the school, or at least a huge majority of fifth-years and up. It was loud with music booming from a brand new wizarding-world radio in the middle of the room currently playing a song from the Weird Sisters. It smelled like a mixture of everyone’s perfumes and colognes and like firewhisky. The boy that pushed you two inside quickly passed you two cups of the very potent firewhisky before downing the third one he had in his hand and disappeared into the crowd while screaming for you to enjoy yourselves.
You both stood awkwardly away from the big and rowdy crowd, your drink clenched tightly in your hand against your chest and Draco swishing his around while it was still in the cup.
He wanted to up and run, thinking that someone was going to make a comment about his hair or about him being there, but no one seemed to pay attention to him or that he was there and in a way, he felt relieved by it and less tense by the second. 
“How in the bloody hell did we end up here?” You yelled over the music, putting a hand over his arm that was holding his drink up. You didn’t mean to, but you were glad you did because he glanced down at the contact with a small smile before looking back up to you.
“We got dragged here, remember!” He yelled back. 
“We got dragged here!”
“I can’t hear you!”
He rolled his eyes, bending down towards your ear to repeat himself one last time before you finally heard him over the mayhem around you.
“This is crazy!” You looked around the room, the sight of all the bodies and recklessness being too much as they were all more than likely drunk and oblivious to how stuffy and suffocating the room was becoming.
You looked down at the golden brown liquid sloshing around in your cup, wondering whether or not you should take it, but with the nervousness you felt coming back, it didn’t take you much longer to decide to down your cup and allow the liquid courage to seep into your veins. Draco watched you with amusement, chuckling to himself when you scrunched up your face in disgust from the burn he knew it caused as it went down your throat. He shook his head, deciding to drink his too and it was only minutes that passed before the drink was quickly becoming apparent in your systems. There was something about Firewhisky that always made its mark promptly and it really was courage in a bottle that you were glad was available to you in that moment because you were sure that in just a few minutes you were close to fainting.
You were beginning to sway faintly to the music, the rhythm sounding more loud but distant and more invigorating. You didn’t care anymore if anyone was watching or that Draco was observing you curiously just as he was beginning to lose all sense of holding himself back. He was inching closer to you, his head moving slightly to beat of the song and pure joy etched onto his features when your eyes met his.
“I keep forgetting I turned your hair red!” You yelled up to him, laughing loudly when he ran his hand through it. In your moment of confidence, you reached up and lightly ran your fingers over one of the front pieces hanging over his forehead. He didn’t stop you, his heart hammering against his chest from the drink and his overwhelming crush that was clouding all his senses. “Your hair is so soft!” 
He wanted to pin you up against the wall right then and there. You were peering up at him, just as you were before you were dragged inside by one of his Housemates and as soon as he was about to kiss you. 
“Do you want to get out of here?” He knew to bend down this time for you to hear him to which you responded with a fervent nod. You took his hand in yours, pulling him towards the exit of the common room and he let you lead him into the coldness of the dungeons that bit at his cheeks. It was a stark difference from the warmth inside, the crisp October air being more chilled than what either of you were expecting. It felt nice against your flushed skin and easier to breathe, especially once after the common room closed again and you could hear was muffled talking and music.
Neither of you were drunk and were still aware of pretty much everything, mostly the feelings stirring inside you both that was begging either of you to make a move towards the other. You were just a tad tipsy, and so was he, but it was enough for you to still enjoy the night without the initial awkwardness that oddly settled in between you. It was weird, considering how open and talkative you usually were with each other but there was something about the evening that made it feel like if you didn’t know each other.
“What now?” He asked you with a raised brow, his hand slipping into his pocket.
You smiled, an idea coming to your head that you knew he would love and you didn’t mind doing in the name of Halloween. “Do you want to go mess with people?”
He stared at you with widened eyes, “bloody hell, I love you.”
There was nothing that could have prepared you for his response, your own eyes widening in shock as you stared at him. He felt his face get hot in embarrassment, Merlin, he felt so stupid. He was mentally smacking himself in the head, desperately wishing he could bury himself seven feet under the Earth and staying there until the end of time.
He was about to play off what he said in a joking way, but for the second time that night he was interrupted by a couple that stumbled out of the common room drunkenly snogging each other’s faces off and wholly oblivious to you and Draco standing there in lingering panic. You jumped back into his arms when the couple staggered past you, almost knocking you over in the process of their makeout session and it annoyed you beyond belief. It annoyed you that they were in your way, annoyed that they interrupted you, annoyed that it wasn’t you in their position with the one you wanted. 
You dug your wand out of your pocket, flicking it their way as they rolled onto the wall, still in each other’s hold until the hex that flew from your wand hit the boy causing him to stagger back from the girl and holding his nose in pain. You heard Draco laugh from behind you when bats began to fly out from the boy’s nostrils while the girl screamed and ran away from one of the bats that swept down onto her head. The bats flew out of the dungeon and up the stairs with the boy struggling loudly the whole way up until his panicked screams were no longer heard.
“That was a perfect bat-bogey,” he looks at you proudly. “I feel bad for that poor bloke’s nose.”
“Thank you, thank you,” you bowed jokingly. 
When the sound of the door opened again, you both ran to hide behind a long drape against the wall that didn’t hide your shoes very well and pressed up against your bodies that’s shapes were no doubt visible from the opposite side.
You heard footsteps trail haphazardly down the corridor, their back seemingly facing you and as you both peeked your heads out from behind the drape, Draco nodded towards the boy and pointed his wand towards him. 
“Slugulus Eructo,” you heard him whisper and a stream of green light from his wand hit the back of the boy’s head and as he turned around in surprise while doubling over in pain, his hand clamped tightly over his mouth as slugs began to slip past the spaces between his fingers. When he stood up to run away, you noticed it was the same boy from earlier that stopped you two from the almost kiss and dragged you to the party. You let out a string of giggles as he ran away just like your last victims.
“This is so mean,” you chortle, leaning into him from behind the drape in an attempt to get closer to him. You were feeling bolder when he beamed down at you, feeling happy knowing that although the night was still young, he was having fun. “Thank you for coming with me tonight, I know you don’t like Halloween.” You say quietly.
“You finally convinced me, it’s not that bad,” he grins.
“Why’d you hate it in the first place?”
The question seemed to strike a nerve but the Firewhisky still flowing freely in his veins tore away easily at his defenses so instead of avoiding your question entirely like he usually would, he frowned and let his guard down.
“I don’t hate it,” he answers apprehensively. “My father never let me celebrate it. He never let me dress up. He told me respectable wizards don’t partake in holidays like these.”
His pout made your gut twist in sympathy, your hand instinctively going into his as you squeezed it reassuringly. “It’s never too late to start celebrating. Besides, I don’t see him here stopping you.”
He smiled for what felt like the hundredth time that night, his stained-red hair falling over his eyes as he looked down to his shoes.
“You have a point, darling.”
The door of the common room opened again and what you suspected to be another snogging couple to stumble out from the sound of heavy breathing and multiple shoes scuffling about was something completely different.
“Glad Malfoy stayed with someone else today.” It was Crabbe.
“Yeah, he never lets us go to these parties,” Goyle responds. “Go ahead and thank Y/L/N for freeing us, he fancies her like a fool.”
“Reckon we should go look for them?”
You figured Goyle nodded to him like the blathering idiot he was because in a few short seconds they were running away up the same steps everyone else had. 
You peered up slowly at Draco who was already gaping at you like a deer in headlights. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. The gears in your brain were spinning wildly with happiness, the gossip hopefully being proven true when he didn’t try to deny it. You didn’t realize how close his face was to yours, cheeks tinged with pink from both the firewhisky and sudden shyness and his warm cinnamon breath fanning your face as he looked down at you.
“I can explain,” he finally said.
He didn’t need to; you placed your hands gently on his cheeks, pulling him impossibly closer to you and pressing your lips against his, catching him completely by surprise. His eyes were wide at first, his body rigid and his lips unmoving, but once it finally clicked that this was real and no longer a fantasy that played like a broken record in his head, his lips moved fervently against yours with the rest of his body following. His hands gripped your hips tightly, his fingers squeezing at the hem of your bottoms and his body pushing even further into yours.
Your bottom lip caught lightly in between his teeth as you reluctantly pulled away from him, the both of you breathing raggedly as you searched each other’s eyes.
“I feel the same,” you said softly. “Happy Halloween.”
He smashes his lips hungrily against yours again, his ego growing with each gasp of a delight that escapes your mouth as your hands roamed and tangled themselves into his magically colored strands.
“Very...happy...halloween,” he mutters against your lips in between kisses, a dazy smile adorning your face while he tightened his arms around you.
You just couldn’t wait until next year.
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We Have A Pool?!
Summary: There’s a secret swimming pool at Hogwarts. Y/N discovered it purely on accident in her first year, and it has become her safe place, that is until a particular Weasley find it as well.
Warnings: SMUT! (fingering, vaginal, etc) SMUT WITH PLOT IN A POOL YALL (ok I heard pool sex can be not great for everyone, so maybe don’t try it unless your into that then go off) Swearing, no proof reading, an irrational amount of commas because the public school system failed me. The end
Word Count: 2.3K
A/N: OK so IDK if there's canonically a pool at Hogwarts, I just heard it in a starkid play and was like “Hey, I like that” So I made it all up so if there is/isn’t actually a pool pls don’t come for me. Also HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope you’re all happy and are making progress to becoming even happier.
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Your elbows rested on the desk in front of you, your fingers rubbing circles into your temples as you tried to pay attention to the class in front of you. This past week had been stressful to say the least, you had three different essays, all needing to be at least four pages long, as well as a potions exam and a herbology quiz. To say you were excited for the weekend was an understatement.
And you knew just where you were going to spend it.
As soon as class was dismissed, you started packing your bag as quickly as possible, wanting to get to your room to finish your homework and change before going to your favorite spot for some much needed stress relief.
You practically ran out of the class, heading straight to the Gryffindor common room, but before you could get far, two tall bodies appeared at your left and right sides.
“Someone seems to be in a hurry” Fred said, looking to George who nodded in agreement.
“Indeed, where are we off to Y/N?” George asked.
“Oh, its a wonderful place, I don’t think you would have head of it. It’s called nun ya” You said, causing the boys to raise an eyebrow at you.
“Nun ya?” Fred asked
“Nun ya business” You joked, causing the older red to head to gasp in feign hurt, while George tried to stifle a laugh.
You and the twins had been friends since you were children, being next door neighbors and being the same age meant you spent a lot of time together, especially when your parents went on business trips and left you at the burrow. You had grown to become really close to them. However, over the past few years George and Angelina had started hanging out more, leaving you and Fred to get closer. 
This wouldn’t have been a problem if you didn’t have a giant crush on him. 
“Wow, were your best friends in the world and you wont even tell us where you’re going. I’m hurt!” Fred cried, making you laugh a bit. 
“I’m just going back to my room to do some homework. I’ll see you guys at dinner yeah?” You asked, turning to wave at the two boys, who stood in confused silence as they watched you walk away.
“Well, she’s hiding something” George said.
“Definitely” Fred agreed.
A few hours later, you had gotten dinner, finished your homework, and were currently laying in bed, waiting for Angelina and Katie to fall asleep. After a while, their breathing evened out, and you quietly got out of bed, putting your pillow under the covers to make it look like you were still sleeping there just in case one of them woke up.
You tip toed out of the room, making sure to close the door as quietly as possible before making your way down the steps, and out of the common room. Once you were a bit farther away, you cast lumos to navigate better through the hallway. You took a right, then a left, then another left, before finally finding your way to the empty arythmancy classroom.
You made your way to the bookcase on the far left side of the room, running your finger along the spines before landing on a familiar blue cover labeled The Geometry of Liquids. You pulled the book back until you heard a click, pushing the bookcase forward which easily swung open to reveal a hallway.
You couldn’t help but smile as the smell of salt water filled your nose, quickly stepping behind the book case before closing it behind you. As you walked further down the hallway, you began to see a blue light, finally turning the last corner, you found yourself in an abandoned dungeon, with a large pool in the middle of it. 
You had accidentally stumbled across this room in your fourth year. You were bored, all of your friends either at Hogsmeade or detention Fred and George, and had found the abandoned classroom. You started going through the books, and the rest is history. You had been coming here at least once a week ever since.
You muttered the spell to stop the light coming from your wand, the pool somehow giving off its own soft blue light, before removing your shirt and sleep shorts, exposing the green bikini you had put on earlier. 
Walking closer to the edge, you took a few running steps before plugging your nose and jumping off the pool wall, landing in the water below. 
You sat there for a moment, allowing the cool feeling to sink deeper into your body. You had gotten a lot better at holding your breath over the years, still eventually you had to come back to the surface for air, which you did. You wiped the water off your face, opening your eyes to find a pair of dark brown ones looking back.
“Fred!” You screamed, surprised by his sudden presence. He stood at the edge of the water in a pair of jersey shorts and a t-shirt, his jaw on the floor as he looked at you, then to the rest of the room. 
“What are you... who’d you get here?” You continued, his silence making you a bit nervous.
“We have a pool?” He asked looking back to you, causing you to nod.
“Yeah...” You said, feeling a bit guilty for not telling him before. 
You had planned on telling him, along with the rest of your friends, but you were worried that word would get around and it would become a new party spot, which meant it would only be a matter of time before a teacher found it and blocked it off. 
“How long have you known this was here?” Fred asked.
You sighed, swimming to the side wall and pulling yourself out, ringing out your hair before crossing your arms in front of you.
“A while” You mumbled, feeling a bit ashamed.
“And you didn’t tell us because...” He started, wanting an explanation.
“I didn’t want everyone to find out, because then the teachers would find out-”
“And then nobody would be able to use it” Fred finished, causing you to nod, still refusing to meet his eyes, your own question suddenly popping into your mind.
“Wait, how did you find it?” You asked, finally looking up to meet his gaze, your heart beating a bit faster at the eye contact.
Now it was Fred’s turn to look guilty. “I followed you”
“You fo- why!” You shouted
“I’m sorry! It’s just, you were upset earlier and you seemed really excited about something, and then I saw you walking around and I don’t know I just followed you.” Fred blurted out, looking at you with a nervous expression.
“Ok fine, I’m not mad at you if you’re not mad at me” You tried to reason, wanting a truce.
“Deal” He said smiling, holding out his hand for you to shake, which you did. Unfortunately this made it so you didn’t see his other hand quickly come around to connect with your shoulder, pushing you back into the pool.
You quickly got your bearings, kicking back to the surface to find Fred keeled over with laughter. 
“You dick!” You shouted, which only made him laugh harder. You began laughing as well, before ducking under the water to move your hair away from your face, popping back up to see Fred walking over to where your clothes and wand were laying.
“What are you doing?” You asked suspiciously, you eyes widening as his hands went to the hem of his shirt.
“Getting in, duh” Fred stated, before pulling his shirt over his head to reveal his toned chest, making your face heat up in the process. 
Before you could say anything, Fred was running towards the pool at full speed before jumping into a cannon ball and landing right next to you, sending buckets of water flying into your face.
Your mouth fell open in shock, watching as Fred came back up to the surface, laughing once he saw your expression.
“Oh nuh uh” You grumbled, shooting out your hands to send water flying back at Fred, abruptly cutting off his laughter.
“Oh really?” he asked mockingly, sending a wave of water back at you, only for you to return a wave as well.
Soon enough, water was flying in all directions as you each tried to splash each other as fast as you could, the sound of both of your laughs echoing off the walls. 
You were splashing as fast as you could, looking away to avoid getting hit in the face as you aimed blindly, only stopping when you suddenly felt arms wrap around your middle and spin you around.
“Got cha!” Fred yelled, your arms landing around his neck to stabilize yourself as you shouted in surprise.
Fred stopped spinning, allowing the both of you to calm down and catch your breath, which made your heartbeat pick up at the realization of the position you were in. Your bodies pressed together as his arms remained around your waist, and yours around his neck.
You pulled back a bit to look at him, meeting his gaze before his eyes wandered down to your mouth, yours doing the same before he finally pulled you closer, and connected his lips to yours.
You responded instantly, moving your lips with his as you wrapped your legs around his waist. His arms moved downwards to hold you by your ass as he walked you over to the side of the pool, pressing you up against the wall.
He tugged at your bottom lip, making you moan into the kiss and allow his tongue to explore your mouth. You moved a hand up to his hair, weaving your fingers through the wet, fiery strands, and deepening the kiss even further. His hard length pressed against you, and your hands began traveling down his chest.
He suddenly pulled away making you open your eyes to look at him.
“Are you sure?” He asked, a soft look in his eyes.
You nodded.
Fred moved his lips to just below your ear, hovering just over the skin. “I need to hear you princess”
“Please, I need you Freddie” You whined, gasping as his lips came in contact with your neck.
He continued his attack on your neck as his hand moved in between you, dipping into your bikini bottoms before sliding his fingers through your folds. Your breath hitched as he slid two fingers into you, slowly pumping them in an out as his thumb drew circled over your clit, the coil in your stomach tightening as he began to speed up.
“Fred, I need you inside of me” You sighed, whining as he removed his fingers. His hands moved to lower his shorts a bit letting his cock spring free, moving your bikini bottoms to the side before gliding through your folds.
"You ready?” He asked, causing you to nod. “With your words princess”
“Please Fred just fuck me” You practically begged, before moaning as he slowly filled you up, his size stretching you out slightly.
He waited a moment, allowing you to adjust before you finally nodded, allowing him to move. He slowly pulled out half way, before thrusting back into you, repeating the action and picking up speed with each thrust.
You bit your lip to try and suppress your moans, but Fred wasn’t having any of it.
“None of that princess” He said, stopping his movements and making you whine “I want to hear you screaming my name when you come, got it?” He asked, still refusing to move.
“Ok fine, please just move-ah!” You gasped loudly as he started thrusting into you, much faster than before.
Water sloshed around you as he pounded into you, your back scratching against to tile with each thrust but you didn’t care. His cock hit that one spot perfectly with each stroke, tightening the coil in your stomach more and more. 
“You’re so perfect, taking my cock so well” Fred breathed into your ear, causing you to let out a soft moan. “I can’t hear you princess”
His hand slipped in between your bodies, beginning to rub fast circles around your bungle of nerves, causing the coil in your stomach to finally snap, sending you over the edge, while screaming Fred's name over and over again.
Fred continued to thrust into you, riding you through your orgasm, his thrusts eventually becoming sloppy before he stilled inside of you, painting your walls as he came.
You sat like that for a moment, catching your breath as you came down from your high. Fred pressed his lips to yours as he slowly pulled out, causing you to sigh at the empty feeling before moving both of your bottoms to their original place.
A wave of insecurity suddenly washed over you. Was this a one time thing? Was he still mad that I hid this from him? Does he want to just be friends with benefits? does he-
“Hey, what’s happening” Fred asked, snapping you out of your thoughts, a curious expression on his face.
“Um...” You started, setting yourself up for the possibility of rejection. “Was this a one time thing? Because, if it is I don’t want to-”
Fred cut you off by gently grabbing your face in his hands and pressing his lips to yours, silencing all the insecure thoughts running through your mind.
“Y/N, I’ve liked you since fourth year, I really hope this isn’t a one time thing” He said, making you smile.
“Since fourth year?” You asked, causing his face to blush a bit.
“Well, yeah” He replied sheepishly.
“Well, I’ve liked you since third year, so I guess I like you more” You joked, causing him to let out a gasp.
“Not possible, I like you way more than you like me” He argued, to which you shook your head.
“Nope, I win, hands down” You responded, folding your arms matter of factely.
“How about, we go shower off, and I show you how much I like you?” Fred asked, pressing a kiss to your neck.
“Challenge accepted” You replied, all the while you couldn't hide the smile on your face.
A/N: UMMMM ok??? Pool sex. With Fred Weasley??? Am I obsessed with this concept? Yes. Is it healthy, probably not but its not hurting anyone so I’m a keep doing it. Anyway, I hope you guys liked it, feel free to leave any suggestions or feedback. I love you all! ALSO IF YOU KNOW OF ANY FRED POOL SMUT PLEASE TAG ME OMG
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