#(bc our class teacher is making our work life hell)
obitohno · 1 year
(quite possibly) going to change my username when i come back from my hiatus >.<
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padfootastic · 8 months
please say more about jilypad + diverging parenting styles... perhaps even a possible scenario >:) i imagine harry has very cunning tactics for using this to his advantage
helloooooo <3 thank u for this ask bc i love talking about these three and harry. i went looking thru the archives to find this post; my first foray into this side, and really, i’ve never looked back after that.
so i’ve talked ab this a bit before but i fully think that james was a very overprotective ‘mother hen’ type parent. i tend to read his behaviour in lily’s bday letter to sirius as being scared of his child on a broomstick and i fully, fully think he’ll never be able to let go of that as harry grows up. he’ll be anxious and suspicious and paranoid, and his first instant will always be to wrap harry up in cotton wool and hide him away. (i low-key connect this to his childhood as well; going from being spoiled and sheltered to dropped in the middle of a war, black & white thinking, living in extremes etc etc makes it v hard for him to be Normal about his child. as he shouldn’t be, really, but yeah) that’s why he thrives during the initial years; he never minds the hard parts of being a new parent, loves it in fact, and it makes it better that he can keep harry close to him at all times w/o coming off as a helicopter parent (not that the notion bothers him ofc).
it’s good, then, that he has two partners to even the scales, no? i think lily was the most…balanced out of the three. she had a relatively normal childhood, grew up in a working class family/neighbourhood and had to deal w adversity from a young age so she’s developed a nice, thick skin. she also has a sibling with whom she has a v rocky relationship so she knows that kids are, ykno, a bit unhinged. and a little bit of hardship is not a problem. i hc her as needing time to get used to parenthood, unlike james who stepped into it natural as breathing, or even sirius who loved harry on much on first sight that it made up for everything else. ofc lily loved her son, but it didn’t come w the same blinding intensity of her partners and made her feel really shitty in the beginning. but, i think she’d shine during his teen years actually, because she’s not overbearing or intense and becomes the quiet, calm strength that a hormonal, spotty teen boy would probably need.
and sirius <3 our poor baby falls in love with harry, perhaps even more quickly than james, with such startling speed that it shakes his entire foundation. he doesn’t regret it but he’s constantly discombobulated. i also imagine that…it takes him longer to settle into the role of parent, esp bc he’s not biologically one ykno? not like it matters to anyone, ofc, but it takes him a long time to truly accept his authority and place, to believe that he has just as much right as j&l to be there, to parent harry. this has the consequence of him always being more indulgent than the other two; after all, he considered himself a godfather before a parent and a lot of that thinking stayed. he lets harry get away with stuff the others might not (and the little mf figures this out later); some of it also comes from sirius seeing so much shit, and facing so much shit himself, that he rationalises a lot of stuff as ‘well, this isn’t the worst it can be, so what’s the harm’ (because his life has been such a roller coaster that he’s forgotten that not everyone’s like that, if that makes sense?)
its obviously not this clear cut but i imagine harry looks at it like this: if he needs unconditional love, he goes to james; rationality and logic, lily; acceptance and calm, sirius. when someone has to be beat up for hurting harry, james steps in. if he needs help burying a body, it’s sirius. dealing with some asshole boss/teacher/classmate’s mother who’s making harry’s life hell? lily. i can keep going but,,,u get the idea, right? this makes sense, i hope lol
i actually think harry’s first birthday is a great example. sirius pushes the boundaries by gifting lil harry a broom; james loses his mind running after him; lily places an industrial sticking charm on harry’s butt, leans back with a glass of wine, and enjoys the show. even as he grows up, lily and james act as the disciplinarian, and sirius is the emotional outlet. all of them fill in each other’s cracks so well, and it’s only when harry grows up that he realises how effortlessly they worked off each other to parent him.
also oh man o man. harry being cunning is,,,,,see, i’ve not considered it this far but it makes perfect sense. i think canon harry actually had so much manipulative energy and it’s often overlooked for his goofier traits but! this is the same dude who used his dead parents to trick slughorn into revealing sensitive info! imagine if that could be channelled into his jilypad interactions 😈
it’s like, it takes him a bit, because his three parents r so smooth, but once he realises that all of them have certain weak spots, he does NOT hesitate to exploit them. (it has the unintended consequence of truly strengthening the jilypad relationship into an unbreakable one bc one thing their kid taught them is to have ironclad communication going at all times so nothing they’ve said, or not said, is used against them). so like, he knows if he wants to sneak out to a party, it has to be sirius and in a specific way—‘i’ll be totally safe, papa, plus i really wanna see what it’s like and idk when it’ll get a chance to again’. if he widens his eyes to pitiful levels, pouts a little, and blinks faster than usual, then james is putty in his arms as long as he’s separated from the other two. divide and conquer becomes the main tool in harry’s arsenal, actually. lily’s the toughest nut to crack, purely bc she doesn’t run on emotions or irreverence, but harry soon learns that if he comes up with a solid, logical case that proves his argument has unbiased merit then he has a good chance of getting her to say yes. (this is good, bc u can arrange words in the correct order, but u can’t always control emotions)
so overall yeah, you’d think one kid + 3 parents would be an easy bet, but harry keeps them on their toes all the fkn time.
#sirius black#james potter#lily evans#jilypad#harry potter#i knew before i even started this that it would be ridiculously long lmao#i just cannot bring myself to shut up#wrt lily and harry’s baby years#i feel v v strongly ab motherhood not coming naturally to her#and becoming a very sore point for her. bc she sees james and sirius and she keeps blaming herself for being an unfeeling robot#when she’s not. she just thinks more logically than them and doesn’t feel as strongly. that doesn’t make her a bad mother#and no matter what j & s say a small part of always thinks like that. until the teen years. and suddenly the dynamics r reversed#bruh i think i need help it’s not even funny how not hinged i am for this trio lmao#there also! padfoot!#a while ago i wrote a lil thing. but i fully believe that whenever harry was emotionally distraught he’d actually go to padfoot#bc he needed someone to just. sit. and be there. while he’s processed emotions#and lily would be too ruthlessly logical and james would be fretting and trying to fix it and sirius would panic. just a little.#but padfoot is a warm comforting weight agains this side and he just lets him be. it’s grounding.#so harry always. without fail. does that#it’s actually 3.5 parents lmao#i do wonder what their parenting fights would about if any. hmmmm. my glasses are too rose tinted for me to consider it#a thought for another day#anyway. hope this endless rambling made sense! and that u liked it!#would love to hear ur thoughts too <3#pen’s notes#pen’s asks
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jewish-vents · 3 months
i work for a school district and our labor union back in november wanted to put out a ceasefire statement that didn’t condemn hamas and blamed israel for the conflict. i live in a pretty liberal area where there have been a lot of protests and even riots since the war started. there are only like 10 jews in the entire district and we rallied to go to the executive board meeting and talk about why this was a dangerous thing to do especially at a time when literally none of us were going to shul bc of all the bomb and shooting threats. i spent an hour on the worst zoom call of my life traumatizing myself trying to explain to the people in my union who i fully believe had good intentions why this was not something that was appropriate for a teachers union on the other side of the world with literally no stake in the conflict to do and that it would disproportionately impact the few jewish folks who actually work here and are materially impacted by the war. after listening to my union president go on about how she doesn’t want to be “the arbiter of what is and is not antisemitism” (which, nobody was asking you to do that. we literally just wanted you to listen to us when we told you a thing was antisemitic) one of the staff from my school (bless him) suggested rewording the statement to be more specific to the union so that instead of taking a position on the war, it was acknowledging the impact it was having on our communities and pledging solidarity with any union or community members who were affected by it. and that’s what they ended up doing! which felt pretty good despite having to sit there and be questioned and attacked for saying “maybe you don’t have to have an opinion on something that literally doesn’t affect you and maybe you should listen to the people who actually have a stake in this and are being attacked because of it”
fast forward to yesterday. without announcing to the general union members they voted again on a ceasefire resolution and pushed it through, sending out a link to call your congressperson about calling for ceasefire to all union members. i’m just. what was even the point of all of that if they were going to ignore everything we said and push it through anyway. i get that things are bad and i hate the war too. but all this is doing is alienating the few jews in the district who are already being attacked by their coworkers and students over the war regardless of our position or opinion on it. i’m lucky in that my building staff has been really supportive to my face and have stood up for me behind my back. my coworkers at other schools are having a very different experience and it’s so frustrating that those experiences are constantly diminished and compared to others. none of the things that we talked about back in november have changed. all of the reasonings for not making a statement on this are the same. but the union leadership pushed it through anyway, without telling the union until after it was already over and done. i’m just so tired of being ignored by the group that is supposed to be advocating for me. i’ve been having issues with district admin overloading my classes and the union has ignored me because of what i did at that meeting back in november (when i was terrified and traumatized and begging them to not endanger us further) and the district obviously isn’t going to help me. i’m in my second year of teaching considering quitting because of all of this. what the hell am i supposed to do now.
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AITA for not smiling at my roommate?
So this is from back in September ofc but whatever I'm here now. So me (18nb) and my 7 roommates (all ~18F) are all college freshmen sharing a dorm suite (4 bedrooms, 2 people in each) and we're mostly all strangers to each other except for two separate sets of besties. Only one set is relevant here and that's N, my roommate, and K, the focus of this story.
So our first month of school and living together went pretty well! We were all getting along and hanging out, walking to classes and going to dinner together. And then out of nowhere K texts our groupchat, asking for a "family meeting" that evening. Which stresses everyone out obviously, because what the hell could have happened? Was she okay??
Anyway long conversation short- she called a meeting to tell us that she felt we were excluding her and that some of us were being purposefully rude and unfriendly to her.
She would go to her twin sister's suite (yes they were in separate suites) to hang out a lot, so if we were doing something we wouldn't interrupt her, and i guess she felt excluded from that?? We didn't do much though. And there was a conversation we had in her room with her roommate but without K, but that was just a coincidence because we all heard drama(unrelated) and flocked over there, and K wasn't in the suite. She walked in on the middle of our convo, we said hey and continued, then she left. But she said she specifically felt excluded here???
And for being rude, this was partially directed at her bestie N, but mostly our roommate C and maybe me. C and I were sitting next to each other and K just gestured at us at first. Supposedly N was ignoring her, but N had told me before that she felt like K was being cold to her, ignoring her texts and such. Specifically C and I apparently weren't greeting and smiling at her when we saw her? I couldn't think of a time this happened so I'm pretty sure this is directed at C, but we'll get to me in a sec. C definitely was a bitch (but that's irrelevant here) but she said something about having a hard life and not being a smily person AND that the specific instance that K brought up, C didn't say anything to her bc she thought that K had fallen asleep on the living room couch.
So back to me, i might have been rude and just not realized it? I don't have a very large smile and I'm quiet, but i also have a reputation for being a huge bitch. If i don't like someone, i don't hide it unless i have to (like if I'm forced to work with them or they're a teacher or etc) I didn't quite dislike K yet though, but she had made some strangely classist comments towards me (don't know how she clocked that i was the poorest of us) and seemed uncomfortable after i confirmed that I'm bi (she saw a rainbow flag on the desk and asked, she doesn't know about the gender lol) but yeah so i was starting to dislike her, but i didn't really know what to make of her yet. Point is, i totally could've been rude at some point and just not realized/ forgot.
Anyway anyway, she presented her issues, we rebutted them, she left the room a little upset, her twin sister comes in and starts yelling at us for upsetting K, we get mad at the twin because this is none of her business and we think K is overreacting. Eventually we give a half-hearted apology to K (sorry that you felt hurt, we didn't do anything intentionally) and K apologizes for it going so far. K's distant for the rest of the year and none of us try to bridge that gap.
So i guess this is less "was i the asshole before this" and more "am i the asshole now" for not reaching out and definitely excluding her and being rude to her after she called this meeting. We're not gonna share a suite regardless (upper classmen dorms are smaller) so this is just for my piece of mine.
(Also, she's a business major)
What are these acronyms?
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crowtrobotx · 11 months
o fearless girl-dad-Karl-agenda leader, if it wouldn’t be too much trouble could we have Papaberg and Lottie having a tea party?
bisenberg agenda and the girl dad agenda.... i have so much responsibility i don't know if i can handle this!! regardless, nonnie, i was feeling inspired by this adorable scenario and decided to write a little ficlet for you. c: I hope you enjoy!! Long live Heisendad. Tea Party Words: 1201 Characters: Karl Heisenberg, Original character (daughter) Wife also makes a brief appearance just to troll him bc I couldn't resist Warnings: None, unless you aren't cool with swearing Note: This is an escaped/mechanic AU because I felt like it
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Knees up to his chest and forced to wear a moth-eaten bow tie he’d found at the bottom of the closet, Karl Heisenberg had never felt more ridiculous in his life.
It had been a normal Sunday, one he’d planned on spending working on that puzzling noise coming from under the hood of his truck. But when Lottie had marched into the garage and loudly demanded that he attend her prestigious tea party, complete with lip wobble when he’d almost declined, he knew he was doomed. And so here he sat, a person who had once thought of himself as the very definition of rugged manliness, in a cluttered bedroom at the mercy of a six year old girl. Karl was afraid to breathe lest the child-sized chair fighting for its life beneath him finally gave way. 
His daughter sat across from him, carefully rearranging a hodgepodge collection of mugs and cups she’d stolen from the kitchen. There was a depressing plate of crackers with no toppings or sides sitting sadly in the middle. They didn’t own a fancy pot or teacups, so the whole production looked less like an esteemed gathering and more like the kind of set a community theater with a $3.00 budget might put together. The other two guests - Lottie’s ever present teddy bear, yet again missing an eye and covered in faded marker doodles, and what was once a doll given to her by Alcina that now lacked a head and whose arms had been replaced by pipe cleaners - stared back at him in silent horror.
Karl tugged at his collar awkwardly. “So, uh, what’re we supposed to be doing? This might blow your little mind, but your old man hasn’t exactly been to one of these before…”
Lottie opened her mouth to speak and then paused abruptly. “I don’t know,” she said at last. “But I think we’re s’posed to talk about stuff. Y’know, gossip.”
“Gossip?” Karl chuckled. “What kinda gossip you got in first grade?”
“Sarah from art class said that Veronica’s mom chased her dad with a golf club because he kissed our gym teacher,” Lottie said without even a hint of concern.
“W-” Karl nearly choked. “W-what? Are you fuckin’- I mean, Lottie, honey. Don’t think we should uh, talk about that.”
She shrugged. “I thought it was funny.”
“It is. It’s real fuckin’ funny.” He was absolutely going to have to snoop out if there was any truth to this information - he always hated Veronica’s dad. White collar prick. He steeled himself, willing his mind to stay in dad-mode and not shift into catty-bitch-Karl. “But we shouldn’t say stuff we’re not sure about, okay? We should wait until we’re certain before trashing folks to hell and back. It’s only fair.”
Lottie gave no indication she’d been listening. He noticed she hadn’t deemed it necessary to put on a nice outfit herself despite insisting he don his “fancy clothes.” She wore her usual old knit sweater beneath her overalls, permanently stained from endless romps through the muddy woods out back or whatever projects she helped him out with. He felt rather overdressed, to tell the truth. She rummaged around on the floor, muttering incoherently to herself, until she produced a pitcher that wobbled precariously in her grasp. It was overfilled and practically as big as she was. Karl made to reach for it, freezing in place when he heard his chair creak ominously. “Tea, Papa?” Lottie said sweetly.
He nodded, not cognizant of what came out of the jug, so focused he was on not unintentionally destroying any more furniture. He still wasn’t forgiven for the incident with the porch swing, he was pretty sure. Karl slowly lifted the “#1 Dad” mug to his lips, and swallowed with a surprised flinch. He coughed awkwardly.
“Is this…. Mountain Dew,” he didn’t even need to ask. There was no other substance on earth with that unnatural neon green color. “I thought this was a tea party?”
Lottie huffed. “The tea is too high for me to reach! You people act like everyone around here is a giant. I can barely see out the window to scare the mailman when he shows up….” 
“You could’ve asked for help, Butterfly.”
“No,” she said defiantly, pouring herself a cup and splashing liquid across the plastic table. “I don’t need your cherry.”
Karl blinked. “You mean… charity—“
“WHATEVER!” Lottie threw up her hands in exasperation. “Ugh! This whole idea was a mistake! I don’t even know why I thought this would be fun. This sucks. Even Carlos said so.” The teddy bear gazed forward, dead-eyed. “Hon,” Karl started, leaning forward again only to stop with a FUCK when his shins banged into the table. “Jesus…. Fuck that hurt. Okay, what I was going to ask was why you wanted to do this in the first place? This ain’t exactly your style if you know what I mean.” Lottie sank down in her seat until all that was visible were two little messy buns peeking over the table. “I dunno. I saw it on TV. I think it’s supposed to be something little girls like to do but man, this is stupid.” Karl frowned. “You don’t have to do something just because you ‘supposed’ to. You know that. I do stuff I’m not supposed to all the time and look how I turned out!” Kris’s choked laughter from down the hall - of course she’d been listening - had him ready to shout something snarky back, never one to give up a verbal spar without a fight. But Lottie spoke again before he had the opportunity. “Maybe I just wanted to hang out,” she admitted with a twinge of embarrassment. “You’ve been so busy lately.” Guilt gnawed at Karl’s insides. He had been working longer than normal this week - business was good, but by necessity it meant he was away from home more often. Every time he felt like he’d gotten the hang of this Dad thing, it turned out he’d managed to mess it up again. Not on the level of his own abysmal upbringing, of course, but it was a nagging fear all the same. One that still kept him up some nights. In spite of his messy exterior, he was a proud man - and he was not going to let the title on his mug fall to some other asshole. “I’m… f-flattered you wanna spend time with me,” he said, searching for the right words and finding none. Lord, he was bad at this. “Hey, I’ve got an idea. Let’s do something you’ll actually like. You wanna go burn some of those leaves your mom made me take earlier instead? And we can bust into my good candy stash she doesn’t know about–” “Keep telling yourself that, babe,” Kris called again. “...instead of eating bland ass crackers.” Karl made a mental note that he would need to change his hiding place yet again. 
“Fuck yes,” Lottie bounded to her feet. “Oh, Papa, can we also torch that awful dress Aunt Alcina sent? Please please please–” “With pleasure, Butterfly.” Karl enjoyed a hearty laugh for a few seconds before the chair finally decided that it had had enough. 
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harlowhockeystick · 6 months
happy new year from sYdney, aus! (Lmao i’m a loser who will never get over that)
i was scrolling thru ur sidney crosby stuff (bc this man has me GRIPPED I’m so embarrassed and obsessed) and I saw some of the teacher!reader stuff and I know most ppl default to like…teacher of young kids but please consider - high school teacher!reader
like yes reader is younger (I’m still thinking of ur age gap!sidney oh lord) but she’s been teaching high schoolers for nearly a decade now. so what if ur 36 and 180cm and a professional goon athlete on the ice. so what if ur shorter than literally all of sid’s teammates. hs teacher!reader has a presence and you WILL listen to her when she tells a room full of adrenaline fuelled hockey players to stop throwing their nasty underarmour clothing at each other for 5 seconds so you can all finish your damn gatorade and HYDRATE, evgeni, you think kidney stones are a joke, do you? or just giving someone the Teacher Look when they’re being a bit too sassy or just casually slotting in to help Dana in the equipment room.
dealing with the media? easy as pie - they’ve got nothing on private school parents who don’t understand why little johnny isn’t in the top class, he just needs to be challenged and extended, don’t you understand that’s why he doesn’t do anything in class, because he’s bored, he’s actually VERY capable! (sidney was shell shocked with a fear boner the first time he hears the tail end of your phone convo to a parent - “unfortunately mr x, i have yet to see any evidence of this, so our decision stands. Have a good day now :)”
the whole hockey schedule? oh lord, reader is a professional at timetable management, don’t you even worry. She’s an excellent coordinator (yes, a shared and colour coded google calendar for her and sidney’s relationship) she understands how both their schedules can be insane, but most importantly understands the importance of work-life balance and setting boundaries for yourself! she helps pull sidney out of his head, reminding him that it’s just as important to take care of himself if he wants to keep taking care of others. she reminds him that it’s okay to be a little bit selfish, and really, that it’s not actually selfish at all to admit to another person how tired and frustrated you are, or to talk about things from years past that you thought you’d gotten over, but no, really, you just buried it for the sake of your team and career.
the whole public persona/reputation vs privacy thing? she totally gets it and understands sidney’s need first privacy. hell, that’s why she so fucking tech savvy - she knows ALL the tips and tricks to keep her socials locked away from prying student and parent eyes. It sparks this sense of safety and security in sidney? like he knows for sure that his privacy is protected, and that he trusts reader so much not to accidentally or not take advantage of his fame and fortune?
uhhhh anyway sidney being in shock-scared-and-horny-awe at your absolute confidence, breadth of knowledge, and commanding yet calm presence despite your age and (comparatively) tiny size. sidney discovers he has a competency kink when you accidentally use your teacher voice on him bc he keeps trying to distract you with kisses and cuddles while ur trying to finish off some marking. like, you stare at him over the top of your glasses and go “sidney crosby, you’ve got two choices right now - you can sit down on the couch in silence and wait literally 10 minutes, or, if you want to continue as you are, one of us is going to sleep in the guest room tonight, so let’s make good choices now, eh?”
he sheepishly goes to the couch and waits for you to sit in his lap after u’re done so you can pepper his shy lil face with kisses, calling him a “ridiculous boy” with such fondness in ur voice it makes him giggle
omg stop i LOVE THIS!!!!!!!
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chasing-chimeras · 1 year
it’ll be okay bestie. fuck that prof honestly he’s probably already forgotten ab you being late bc i imagine he’s got lots to do and remember and this is def something small to him, so why should it be big to you! if it makes you feel any better i was late to my grandpa’s funeral bc i pregamed it w my sister (btw i’m not 21) and we had to call our cousin to pick us up bc obvi we couldn’t drive and mind you he was already at the funeral home so that was a 40+ minute round trip for him and i was one of two people doing a eulogy that day. also during my eulogy i threatened god and everyone i talked to after said the priest sitting behind me gave me a dirty look and iced me out for the rest of the funeral AND to make it worse at mass the next day he tried really hard to give me communion and i had to refuse bc i’m not confirmed and he squinted reaaaaal hard at me and looked super stern n shit bc that’s when he knew i wasn’t religious. when we did the peace be w you stuff he was a total dick ab it too. imagine being hated by a priest just bc of your personality lmao
but here’s an actual story about me sleeping past my alarm: i missed a really important group presentation for an AP class in high school bc i slept past my alarm. my group was furious with me (i was friends with all of them, they weren’t just people from class) and my teacher (who’s the chillest guy ever) said he was disappointed in me. it really sucked. and that year i had a friend who picked me up every morning and she was also in my group so i woke up to dozens of texts and calls from her and i felt soooo incredibly guilty for making her late too.
but yknow what these two stories have in common? i don’t care about it anymore. the situation is over and done with and there’s nothing i can do to change it bc shit happens. i honestly really hope you feel better, sometimes you just gotta let things like this go. life goes on. be a goldfish
🥺🥺🥺 sorry this took me so long to reply to, i queued a bunch of moodboards and then got completely sidetracked but you’re so sweet and this was incredibly helpful lol oversleeping sucks but you’re absolutely right it’s over and it doesn’t matter anymore. btw i showed this to my bf and every time i’ve gotten stressed about something the past day/two he looks at me and says “be a goldfish” and it’s actually working lol(also sounds like one hell of a eulogy, i’m sorry that father downer didn’t appreciate it 😕)
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mkay - upsetting story time and rant.
!! heavy tw for s*xual assault !!
this is just something that's been bothering me that i need to get off my chest -
so there's this one horrible human being of a teacher who taught me english for three years. he's six years older than me, he's like a baby teacher, never had a job before this one. in my freshman year he became obsessed with my writing to a degree where he was asking me to send him my work every day (and now four years later i find out that he published something i wrote under his name on his blog. ew. and i have no way to prove it, because i gave it to him on paper and i don't have any other drafts).
now this made me horribly uncomfortable first of all because my first love, dance, was taken away from me when i was 11 when i got assaulted by my dance teacher (horrible time). and i didn't want the same thing to happen to writing yk? so i was hoping to get rid of him at the end of freshman year but no. he was my teacher in sophomore year. then junior year. it's well known in my school that teachers pick which students are in their class and everyone noticed i was the only student he kept putting in his class.
senior year he got kicked out ("mutual agreement" my ass) and was moved to the lower school.
all three of those years were hell let me just say. he could never leave me be. he started making suggestive comments, using the word pleasure wayyy too often in the wrong context while we were talking (he'd stop me in the hallway or call me from the other end of the hallway to talk even tho i was obviously busy and trying to turn away and not have the conversation). he would always sit too close, touch me too randomly, close the door when we were in a room together, looking at my chest instead of into my eyes. and the feeling horrible was amplified to a million bc of my previous experience with the dance teacher. i won't go through all the details but when i came asking for extra credit (i badly fucking needed it my dad would have ended my life if i had an A-) he said i had to read lolita and write an essay about it for him. everyone else who asked for extra credit just had to make a presentation on globalization. what the fuck.
even this year he kept coming and seeing me and talking to me because my drama class was in the lower school building (bc the school has no arts budget) and all my friends would notice him standing weirdly in front of the drama class door (it's made of glass) and they'd all stand around me to block me from view (i love them). this moron - he literally had the audacity to come up to me and ask to see my prom dress. barf.
so then there was this project we had to do where a member of the faculty had to be our advisor. i asked my english teacher from this year who saved my life she's literally my mom to choose me because the faculty get to choose the students. so she went to do it and then she saw i'd already been taken EVEN THO THE FORM WAS SENT LITERALLY 30 MINUTES EARLIER. and guess who'd picked me? exactly. the fucking weirdo.
so this is a project that carries on to senior year so even when he was not even teaching high school i kept needing to go meet with him. it was a nightmare.
one time tho we had a group study thing in the library to work on the project and all the advisors were there, including K. so when horrible human being came and sat next to me and did his usual weird touchy thing, K came over IN A FURY and was like "hey nastya" in a soft voice (me: awkward wave) then he turned on mr. weirdo in his stern angry pissed voice and says "i need to speak with you."
he took him away and i watched them talking and K was moving his hands very aggressively and nearly shouting at the other guy. then mr. gross monkey comes back and sits across from me instead of next to me and asks me if i need anything else with the project and i say no and then he leaves the library.
K passed by after and asked if i was feeling ok and i said yeah i'm good. he asked me what my project was about and i told him and he was really into it so he told me to tell him if i needed help with the project, they didn't have to bring mr. weirdo back up.
so my point is there is a healthy kind of mutual relationship that you can have with a teacher based on care and love and trust, but there are also some certain gross people who have relationships with students based on some weird sexual obsession. i was telling the counselor this whole story (pretty sure i got gross monkey fired - the counselor was enraged) and i was saying how i felt bad because what if my behavior was leading him on because i didn't put my foot down and tell him to leave me alone. but she said look, you're a kid. it's never your fault. no one has the permission to touch you unless you give it to them.
and that's what i wanted to say to you guys because even if you were actively pursuing a teacher/dropping hints whatever and then that teacher acts on those actions when you're a minor...it's still not your fault. you weren't 'asking for it' in any way. you're a child, the adult should know better.
bottom bottom bottom line is love doesn't always entail sexual feelings and when it does it can't JUST be the sexual feelings. that's where i think i draw the line between healthy and unhealthy student-teacher relationships.
also being a girl is really fucking hard.
thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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tomsgreg · 1 year
Sorta positive rant about work
Tw: self harm mention
So uh, I’ve been cutting again because my life feels out of control, but the building was a sauna today and it was SAT testing day so anyone not proctoring had a meeting in the morning and then was sent off to grade practice regents the rest of the day. During said meeting I took off my hoodie because I was So hot I decided it was worth the risk and work bestie took notice and I saw exactly when he noticed and I was like “well shit don’t say anything and hope He Ignores it.”
I’m So then he asked me to help him grade his tests rather than the ELA department and I was like “uh sure just let the team leader know You’re Stealing Me I don’t want to be in trouble before I have to proctor” so he did and I put my sweater back on and we graded for a while before I went to proctor a kid’s test and it was so much fun like I fully am never happier than when I am fucking around with this man.
ANYWAY I come back from proctoring and he’s gone, but he comes back and is like “Sam can you come with me I want to fill you in on what poli sci has been doing” (bc I’ve been subbing another class for the last two weeks) and he finds an empty room and is like “if you want to close the door you can” and I was like “well shit what’s up” bc I’m playing dumb Duh and he’s like “you’re not in trouble or anything” and I close the door and I was like “So we’re doing this?” And he was like “Sam your arm before when you had your sweater off,” and I kinda laughed and was like “Oh we’re having this conversation okay” and he was like “oh you know what I’m talking about?” And I was like “yes I know exactly what you’re talking about go ahead” because I obviously know what’s coming.
So he’s like “Sam when you had your sweater off earlier were those cuts on your arm?” So I was like “I mean what else would they be?” And he kinda laughed and was like “I mean did you do them? Like are they self, I don’t know maybe they were marks from an uncomfortable sweater I just wanted to ask” and I was like “I mean yea like it’s whatever it’s really not a big deal like this is, this is why I’m going to see a psychiatrist basically it’s not a big deal. I just constantly feel like I’m on the verge of a nervous breakdown” and like whatever I brushed it off but he kinda just said that I was loved and cared for and I was like “thanks I appreciate it especially doing it in private” and then he repeated it again and I swear to GOD I hate people caring about me I’m gonna blow him up.
I also fear that us sitting in meetings together is exactly the kind of behavior we hate as teachers because we really just don’t shut the fuck up ever. While we were grading too our other coworker was sitting behind us grading her tests and she just kept being like “what the hell is going on up there you two?” And we also briefly talked about having kids and he was like “Oh you want kids someday?” And I was like “yea eventually” and our other coworker was like “Did you just ask if she wants to have Kids with you?” So idk if she’s just Over Our Bullshit or if she ships it but I’m trying not to make any trips to the delusional store regarding our dynamic so I’m gonna go with over our shit.
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d3nt4l-d4m4g3 · 3 years
More Academic Bullshittery,
Had to give a presentation in religion. It was on the historian Caroline Walker Bynum's Holy Feast and Holy Fast, which is a history of European women's spirituality in the middle ages, especially concerning the symbol of food. Bynum notices that women have distinct patterns in their spiritualities. for example, men often had "revelations" that led them to the religious life later on, while women's spirituality often grew steadily from childhood onward. Women were more likely to see themselves and men as a human whole, and men were likely to incorporate "dualism"— that male and female are opposite and complementary, that male is to female as spirit is to flesh.
These revelations are pretty crazy and backed up by a dense wealth of sources. Naturally, I tied them to radical feminism. Naturally bc 1. I'm studying radfem anyway and 2. Bynum's contemporaries, whom she often cites, are also radical feminists. Having a radfem background contextualizes the book In the time it was written as well as the historical period it focuses on.
There's this woman in my class who really I want to like. It's a constant disappointment to me that I can't stomach bullshit the way I used to. She's a "gender studies" major.
She tells me, "One critique of Bynum's work is that she uses an essentialist idea of what men and women are."
Great start. I said, "Yeah, Bynum's work is based on the theory that our bodies produce our realities, and men's and women's bodies are qualitatively different from each other, so, it's natural that they would produce different realities. But two of those realities are distinct. Right? and so they produce two distinct general realities."
She said, " But actually, there are 63 separate human sexes. There have been studies. scientific studies."
I said, "I disagree with you."
She said, "It's not something you can exactly "disagree with." It's a scientific study. they found—so far!!—at least 63 different variations on human hormone cycles."
me: "Yes, all materialities, the variables of which are infinite, produce different realities".
What I should have said here is that despite this being the case, there are still two different sets of sex characteristics, and in intersex people these characteristics are merely a mix of the two. I didn't say that. I sputtered. How the hell was I gonna continue my presentation about the difference between male and female spiritualities when I couldn't get anyone to acknowledge sex in the first place?
The woman left the class (my teacher had informally excused us.) Only four people continued the discussion, all female. We actually had a great discussion about the relationship between fasting, anorexia, and spirituality, and about how Jesus was female (being created of mary's flesh alone), and how female spiritual spaces were essential to creating female spirituality. Another woman who had read the book all the way through brought up the same fascinations and revelations that I had. I remembered, "Yes. this makes sense to both of us because we are women. I am not strange. I am one of many."
I was relieved that the conversation was going smoothly again, despite being on thin ice. My teacher, who was mostly a bystander due to her poor internet, said, "I'm amazed and really surprised at how personal you took this book. it really seemed to resonate with you.
And another girl in my class, a she/they, said, "Well, this class itself... and this group in particular (she meant the four women and my female professor who were participating in the conversation) are all AFAB and I've noticed that the discussion and class is completely different. And refreshing. That's so interesting."
Another girl said, "even at this (liberal arts) college, we mostly have to read...male writers. I'm bored. why aren't we reading more women along this line? This is amazing!"
Why? To me, it's clear. Women along these lines are radical feminists. Female historians were feminists, and feminists at that time were radical, who fundamentally believed in sex as the root of oppression. But radical feminist literature is not allowed to be taught in schools, even gender studies courses, in order, allegedly, to preserve the "safety" of trans students. And all it does is uphold a patriarchal education, which men love.
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benevadeca · 2 years
watched nowhere boys s1, 2, and movie over the week and here are the liveblog / HCs me and my friend came up with:
all of the below was before watching the movie so post-s2
ok but mvp of the season VIV who without any actual proof of magic jumped to all the right conclusions, found stuff that not even the magic nerds knew about, and found her brother
everybody say thank u viv
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anyway yeah viv and andy who's gonna become the only witches on the planet who are also STEM people and combine science and magic to be able to make portals to visit bear / let bear escape and experience the real world 🙂 love wins
every other witch being either an idiot jock or a hippie who's never passed a science or math class. or are humanities people re mia and elen
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my woodworking teacher AU/OC
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Our after the movie:
cannot BELIEVE andy didnt use all his fucking dimension experiences to go see bear!! he went to other universe for elen?? bro didnt we solve this hetplot when he got trapped in another uni and found a cool nonbinny younger brother and had his magic awakening. FML also andy canonically being super magic powerful after being trapped in hell but it being not even a little relevant
i do love that phoebe was the one that came from negative space we needed a driver more than a powerful mage. and also a reason for it being the boys who no longer have powers lol #Stakes
😭 anyway fuck this movie but future au where jake gets his sports scholarship to a university in the same city andy gets his nerd scholarship and they hang out sometimes
phoebe gets free from negative space bc her powers auto went back to the boys when she came in and she just needed some cool down time for it to not die from magic overload so when andy finally manages to go to negative space to visit bear she gets free
and goes back to being a weird hippie who uses her savings to buy a better van and be like a traveling psychic who uses tarot cards to scam people out of money
and felix ends up roadtripping w her studying real magic
andy/jake and ellen/mia end game
nainai still a legend
honestly no clue what sam does. he works at a skateshop and starts training for marathons and runs them w his mom
better lesson than "boohoo u lost ur magic now ur normal :(" would be musical dad still being magic but hes iike "well yeah but i have other stuff in my life going on" like u dont have to define urself by one specific trait. u can do multiple things etc etc
birdman original hideout but musical dad was the successor
felix tours w phoebe and elen and mia make a girl rock band that plays at local joints (viv is their manager)
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luvspence · 3 years
prom night
synopsis: you and spence both never got your own prom, maybe this makes up for it
{a/n: i’m projecting a little bit bc i missed my prom, but i hope this isn’t too cheesy}
the east coast was your home
born and raised in dc, school in new york, work in virginia
you wouldn’t have it any different
except for the fact that you lived less than 20 mins outside your childhood home
you loved being able to be close to your family, but it had its downsides
“y/n can you pick up your brother
y/n can you run to the store for me
y/n can you pick up my dry cleaning”
and it was like you were in high school all over again
on one occasion you were at home with your mom and your baby sister, delaney, she was 17, so not much of a baby anymore
“so what’s the hot gos” you said taking a bite out of your gronola bar and looking your sister down
“dont ‘ew’ me”
“well i got asked to the prom yesterday”
your mom nearly dropped her pan
“yes way, is it so hard to believe that someone would like me? i’m not y/n for crying out loud”
you gave her a light punch on the arm
she wasn’t far from wrong though, you were the classic “nerd”
15 years ago when you were in her place, at the exact same high school, you were never asked to prom, you were too busy in math olympiad or physics club to ever want to attend prom
but that was 15 years ago, now you lost the braces and the acne, got 2 degrees, and had a very lovely boyfriend of your own
“it is though, you’re lucky you found spencer, two dorks made for each other” she said taking a sip of her water
“you’re such a bitch”
15 year age gap aside, you were still very much, sisters
“y/n, do you mind chaperoning? that way we don’t have to pay for a ticket” your mom asked
your sister blurted out “oh my god NO”
you were laughing so hard, usually this is the kind of thing you’d pass on, but it torturing your sister was so so so worth it
“okay i’m game, see you prom night”
“spencerrrrrrr” you trailed on as you sat next to spencer on the couch, staring deep into his hazel eyes
“yes my love?”
“do you love meeeeeeee???”
spencer rolled his eyes, he knew this is how you asked him for a favors
“to the moon and back, why??????”
“okay look, my baby sister, delaney, is going to the prom and i’m chaperoning her, and she called me and you dorks so we have to get back at her by embarrassing the hell out of her at her prom”
spencer laughed
“you’re no better than a petty 17 year old”
you rolled your eyes “so can we?”
he looked at you, than his eyes trailed from the calendar to his watch to you again
“of course”
“yes!” you gave him a hug and planted a kiss on his cheek
“i love you so bad spencer reid!” you said as you ran around the apartment
“even more!” he replied
“incoming call from spencer reid”
“hey y/n?”
“yes love?”
“what color dress are you wearing tonight?”
“green, why?”
“no reason...”
he said before he hung up
you laughed to yourself “what a dork”
you continued to brush the mascara on your eyes, getting ready for your very first prom night
you came running down the stairs in a dark green ankle length dress, while spencer waited to pick you up
he was wearing a suit with a matching bow tie to your dress
“that’s why you asked the color! you look dashing by the by”
you said as you leaned over and gave him a cheek staining kiss
“and this” he said as he handed you a beautiful green corsage arrangement
“spencer! for me? this is gorgeous”
you said as you slipped it onto your wrist
“yeah, penelope knows a guy”
“of course she does, and thank you! i can’t believe you’d go through all of this for me on fake prom” you said as he started driving toward your parents house
“hey this prom is not fake at all to me, i’ve never been to prom before”
you shrugged “me neither, i always thought it was dumb anyway”
“this is sort of embarrassing” spencer said scratching his head
“come on spencer it’s just me”
“okay, you know i went to highschool very young, i hadn’t even gone through puberty. i was the smallest guy in the class and that wasn’t purely based on my age. i was scrawny. but i had this grand idea of going to prom with the most beautiful girl. and i’d be all tal and handsome at that point, and i’d walk into that dance and stick it to all my bullies”
“that not embarrassing! i wish i wanted to go to prom like that. i guess i was too pretentious to go, i was an all star intellectual, there was no way i’d show my face at an event like prom”
“yeah, so i guess we both get do overs. and i get to live my prom dream. now i’m tall, and i have a beatiful girl by my side” he said as he smiled at you
“have i ever told you i love you?”
“not enough” he smiled as he pulled into your parents drive way
you got out of your car to wait inside with your sister for her date to arrive
eventually a tall girl with a equally as beautiful corsage in her hand ended up nervously swaying on the front door and she rang the door bell
spencer answered
“h-hi, mr. y/l/n” she said in a nevrous tone
spencer laughed out loud and you went to intervene
“oh my yeah he’s just my boyfriend, hi i’m delaney’s older sister y/n. no need to be nervous, there’s no dad around here. just a lot of siblings, my mom and my boyfriend!” you said as you welcomed her into the house
delaney went to take the corsage from her date, melanie
your mom lined you spencer and your sister and melanie up for what felt like 800 pictures before you finally decided to get into spencers car to the dance
in the car you turned around to the girls
“sooooo, how’d y’all meet”
delaney burried her head into her knees in embarrassment while her date explained
“well she was in my physics class, and it all went from there”
“physics!!! i love physics, is mr. scott still there?”
“yup he’s our teacher”
“sick” you said to yourself, reminiscing about your days in high school
eventually you pulled into your highschool parking lot, hooking arms with spencer as you walked toward then gym
“god does this bring me back”
you said to him
your sister whispered to her date “god she’s so old”
she gave you the stink eye and whispered in your ear
“please get as far away from me as possible”
all you did was nod as you watched the two of them skip into their dance
you looked up at spencer
“god you’re so cute, i wish i had you here in high school”
“i’m sure you had your boys”
“from the physics club? right”
you walked into the fully decorated gym, wandering around from the punch bowl to the photo booth, you and spencer watching the floor of kids dance to their hearts content
“i think i know why i skipped this in highschool”
spencer laughed
“ i would have killed to be in this very position when i was in high school”
you wrapped your arms around his neck and looked him in the eyes
“killed to be in prom in the first place or to be here with me?”
“with your of course”
he said as he met your lips for a kiss
obviously bringing spencer was a bad idea for your sabotage delany plan, because you got way too distracted with spencer by your side
you spent the entire night talking to him, dancing with him to the slow songs, taking funny pictures in the photo booth
high school stuff you guess
eventually when all the kids were slow dancing, you looked up at spencer
“wanna make a break for it?”
he didn’t know what that meant, but if it was with you he’d do it, so he just nodded and followed you outside
you buried your head into his shoulder as you walked around the campus you grew up on, pointing to the points of interest
you pointed to a big oak tree with seat like roots under it
“that’s where we used have physics club meetings”
then you pointed to a hidden patch behind all the bushes
“this is where i traded homework for money”
he just nodded as you told the stories of your high school experience
you pointed to some old looking railings with a tree standing view it
“that’s where i had my first kiss”
“HUH! i thought you said you got no boys, physics club and all”
“yeah you’re right” you said as you settled on one of the bleacher, overlooking the field and the night sky, spencer joining you
your fancy dress hitting the dirt of the baseball field, the cold april night making you shiver, and spencer putting his blazer coat over you
“you’re right, i didn’t get any boys in high school” you sighed as you cuddled into his arm
“my first kiss was with dylan watson, he was mr blue eyes blonde hair, baseball and perfect social status. and you know i was, braces glasses and physics”
he laughed as you continued to tell the story
“but yeah one day he slipped me a note, i figured he just wanted homework. but he said to meet him there after school. so i did, and he confessed tht he loved me, and wanted to be my boyfriend. and of course i said yes. and the he kissed me. it was the best moment of my life up until then. but as soon as he pulled away he yelled ‘you got that?’”
“oh no” spencer said, listening intently
“oh yes, his buddies had be filming, then they put me on plays all around the entire school, showing the video to everyone. so yeah, that’s why i never want to the prom. i guess it might have been bc i was a nerd, but also because i never wanted to show my face to those kids anymore” you said as you sighed
“you know, i had a similar experience where a pretty girl told me the same thing, but instead the entire school stripped me to my underwear and tied me to a pole. it was awful”
“oh my goodness that’s terrible” you said
“well i guess high school bullying makes great profilers?” yoy laughed
“maybe. i think it also develops character well i’m general too. and hey! you got your first kiss out of it”
“yeah, but high school was the worst, i wish i could tell my 17 year old self that it would get better”
“me too” he said
he said as he tucked his chin into your head and looked up at the stars, faint music echoing from the gym and the sound of your cold shakey breath
“y/n, i’m just glad we got to spend our prom night together”
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waumpel · 4 years
I have adhd. I'm taking all online classes this semester for college. Somehow, I'm not failing. Here's what I do that works for me!
1. I have an alarm that makes me do math every morning to turn it off, it's called Alarmy! 📚
2. It also plays a different loud sound every day from random-- I have several hundred(?) ringtones downloaded from Zedge, things like songs from shows I like or Pokemon cries or MBMBAM lines, and this helps me wake up to a different sound I'm bound to like which my brain can't get used to (and then ignore). I highly suggest godzilla roars if you need to be startled awake. 📚
3. This is SUPER HARD but I always try to force myself to sit up in bed when I'm turning off my alarm or checking my phone or whatever, so I'm not tempted to pass out again. I also like to get up and loudly tell my cats "good morning" so I wake us both up 📚
4. PLEASE STOP EATING CEREAL AND BAGELS AND STUFF. You would not BELIEVE the difference it makes when you eat things like fruits and eggs in the morning. NO MORE 10AM NAPS, I'M WATCHING YOU 📚
5. I literally schedule in Duolingo time. If you aren't learning a language you can do some other enriching activity like this, idk. I force myself to do it on my computer, not phone, so I can't lay down in bed when I'm doin it. I have a 101-day streak!! 📚
6. ik this isn't available to everyone but SPACE MATTERS SO MUCH!! I got a gaming desk that we put in our living room and I do ALL of my homework there. I also got a second monitor for my laptop with is SOOOO important if you're multitasking (and we all are, bc we're adhders ibdusvcjkn) 📚
7. HAND WRITE YOUR NOTES!!! I know this is super hard for many people-- I have carpal tunnel so I get it lmao. If you can't, at least type them. YOU THINK YOU CAN MEMORIZE INFO BUT YOU'RE WRONG!! Please write as much as you can i swear it will change ur life 📚
8. COLOURED! PENS!!! These changed the game for me y'all. I take all my notes in at least 2 colours, and I cycle through them a lot. My favs are Pilot Frixions because u can erase them :) (the highlighters are epic too) 📚
9. Make your space fun, but NOT DISTRACTING. I have a plant (his name is Yoshi) and a desk Godzilla (his name is Godzilla) on my desk, but they're out of the way so I can't zone out starin at em. But also, when I'm bored outta my gourd, I can smile at Yoshi and tell him how my day is goin :] 📚
10. SNACKING BAD *BUT*... sometimes i do it anyway... i try to associate certain foods with subjects, like I eat cocoa M&Ms (which are awesome) when I'm reading my Kaqchikel textbook. On the upside, I think it helps me recall Kaqchikel better? but also the language makes me crave mnms adkldigurvn 📚
11. LISTEN TO... CERTAIN MUSIC. I have learned that music with words, even in LANGS I DO NOT KNOW, is HELL for my adhd. Right now I'm listening to stuff like "Pokemon and Chill" (lofi album on YT), Studio Ghibli violin covers, and Night on Bald Mountain 5x on repeat ibjnvc.... I highly suggest songs/videos that are, like, 20+ minutes or else you'll get distracted with the constant change. Also, that No One's Around To Help 1hr vid is REALLY REPETITIVE and therefore PERFECT for when I'm reading textbooks. 📚
12.  EVERY NIGHT... i make a super detailed timetable schedule for the next day, down to the half hour. I don't always follow it but it's a really good reminder of what I gotta do. I write it on a whiteboard but sometimes I also write it on a sticky note and on social media so I don't forget. To do lists are so epic you guys 📚
13. THIS HAS SAVED MY L I F E: at the beginning of the semester I looked at ALL of my syllabi and wrote down EVERY daily task, test, homework, etc BY DATE. this is essentially a premade to do list EVERY DAY for MONTHS and oh my gosh it is the best thing I have ever done. 📚
14. I use the Forest app to track my productivity AND lock me out of apps ndsjv... podomoro timers work well too!!! 📚
15. Ok so for me this is like... a religious thing bc my Patron (my God) is a deity of fire AND working, but I like to light a candle (scented like FALL!!) and do a little prayer on it and I have it next to me when I'm workin on terrible, terrible homework. It helps me feel like my Patron is here with me, but also it’s GREAT for grounding and I can just kinda. Stare blankly at the flame and then get back to tryin to focus. 📚
16. Please drink water lmao, to make sure I drink enough I set little goals like "take a sip after every paragraph you read" 📚
17. Each of my classes has a different coloured notebook which I'm consistent with! Like, all my German notebooks through the years have been green! Also I take notes w green pens a lot in Deutsch 📚
18. HELLA STICKY NOTES... I put em on the bottom of my monitor, on a shelf by my desk, in my books as bookmarks (bad idea lol), on Yoshi. When I wanna go look up something random but I need to focus, I like to write it down on sticky notes to look at later. 📚
19. I'm the most annoying student ever. I like to do a bunch of assignments at once so I don't have to budget my time later, so I'll turn in like 5 things in an hour and then NOTHING for a week. ALSO i email my teachers constantly if I have any questions at all. I work at a pace that works for me!!! 📚
20. I turn off my sound on my phone until I'm done with work bc otherwise I WILL open that notification 📚
22. I make a loooot of chai (and also some overpriced herbal teas). It makes me feel fancy, it's better for me than coffee, and it helps me ground and focus! Plus it's a samefood! 📚
23. Hyperfixating on classic literature would be awesome, except I'm hyperfixating on Gothic and I'm taking a lit class for More Than Just Gothic. But I'm figuring out ways to connect them, which is really helpful, cause I get to enjoy my hyperfixation while learning for school! PLZ TRY TO DO THIS (harder when you're hyperfixating on godzilla :pensivecowboy:) 📚
21. When I have extra time I write my notes like I'm plannin to put em on Tumblr and taggin em as #darkacademia... I never post my notes, but when they look nice it's easier for me to look over em later. Plus it takes me longer to write so I remember it a lil better!! 📚
24. I'm in an awesome academia + studyspo server!! We sometimes study together on call and it's SUCH a good motivator! Here's an invite link if u wanna join, we are nice https://discord.gg/fjuX7TN (this wasn’t meant to be a promo post I just really like this group lol) 📚
OK I hope that helps!!! Feel free to add more if you have any tips that work for you :) Neurotypicals, feel free to RB respectfully!
(pics are: syllabus list, daily schedule, Yoshi the plant, and some fancy notes)
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my-tc-is-an-angel · 3 years
Intro post :)
I don't condone pedophilia and won't be making a move on H while still a minor at her school bc that would be a horrible thing to do
Nor do I condone bigotry, particularly transphobia, ableism, racism, antisemitism, islamophobia, misogyny, homophobia and others. Bigots, DNI
Use my goddamn pronouns
Who am I?
You can all call me L! My pronouns are he/they, I'm an english nerd (which is good bc that's what my tc teaches), I have cheese toasties for breakfast in the morning, I'm trans and use the specific term nonbinary trans man but if I were to truly describe my gender it'd be a 20,000 word dissertation.
Who is my tc?
I'll call her H. She uses she/her pronouns. She's an English teacher, taught me from September 2021 to January 2022 but has stepped back due to long COVID. She still works in my school and I come and chat to her once every couple of weeks (+she's in charge of English prefects and I'm going to apply soon !! ) but she doesn't teach classes above a certain age any more (if she misses school, having a substitute teacher matters a lot less for younger students). I miss seeing her but I'm glad she's doing what's necessary for her health and it's not like she's left the school.
She's so beautiful ajksjsksjkskjsj!!!!!!!!!!!! Her hair is beautiful + oh my god just the glossy waves aaaaaa, it's dirty blonde. She has blue-green eyes. She's roughly 5'2'' or 5'3'', a little shorter than me but she wears heels and I wear docs so it's hard to know what the true height difference is lol :))
I now know her age, the age gap isn't huuge but she's achieved so much in her life goddamn! She is in a relationship, so, I hope she's happy (it sounds like a boring relationship but if she's happy then who am I to judge?). I don't fully know her sexual/romantic orientation but she seems to have had the experience of not being accepted by her family (we were talking ab it) and my friend has seen pictures of her at Pride with the pansexual flag on her cheek. She also owns multiple pride flag bags and is very into diversity and is one of the most enlightened cis people I've ever met (vis a vis trans rights). So... make of that what you will.
She's funny as hell, has a dark sense of humour, sweet face and often wears red lipstick. H is honestly one of the funniest people I've met (or the best at making me laugh). I can't stress that enough. She has a lil star chart to keep track of how we're doing with homework and at the end of the year, she gives a gift basket with books and stationary to whoever has the most stars. I was in the lead (as I always did any extra homework she set with my best efforts)
How is our dynamic?
H has always been super helpful and kind: fighting to be able to use my correct name and pronouns; always listening to me and making time for me; just never not being so lovely towards me even when she's literally been ill.
H jokes with me a fair amount (although she jokes with everyone) but I'm anticipating some great inside jokes. I've only known her since September so not yet, haha.
She's 1000% comfy swearing in front of me which I hope means something good? We've bonded over shared trauma because our childhoods are scarily similar (we both had fucked up, morbid childhoods and used books as escapism)
She used emojis in an email to me which made me so happy! And in her xmas card, I said something about her humour being immaculate and apparently she was bragging ab it to my class when I missed a lesson which is honestly so cute :))))))))))))
When teaching me:
She occasionally caught me looking at her but not enough to be suspicious (I hope). She often ended up making snide/sarcastic remarks about the government bc in my country it's pretty terrible. Like, the child poverty rate is steadily climbing, etc. She's anti-capitalist which is a HUGE GREEN FLAG for me. I just wanna hug her and kiss her and hold her a-
She can't have gluten (like me) and once she brought in seperate biscuits for me during a biscuit lesson!!!! (yes, she does biscuit lessons)
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draken-rotzi · 3 years
Bug Man x Reader Part One*
Read on AO3
SO, wanted to write something of this topic bc we all need some more Musical!BJ in our lives, it’s a nice comfort ngl, I enjoyed writing it and hope you do too c:
(Got carried away so here's the first half while I edit the second one in the meantime, it takes a bit to get to the main part we all want to read forgive mE it's better in th next one believeme)
I'd love some feedback since I haven't written anything since 2019 ;v; some wordings might seem odd since my brain speaks spanish first english second
Summary; Old boring university life and a broken but hopeful heart meet the supernatural and whacky demon/ghost with the most, reader-chan needs to get out from a toxic relationship and what's a better help than a magic dead man? Cutting ties might seem easier when someone else arrives and flips your world upside down with no warning.
Mostly fluff, bits of angst l8r
Female reader, but tried to not give any other specifics to the character themselves, OCs appear
It was a fresh autumn afternoon, birds still chirped before migrating to warmer areas for the winter, the wind was cold but nice, not yet freezing but enough for people to wear light coats. You sit on a school desk, a class about taxes and fees, you drift off a bit looking at the window while half-listening.
You lived in a medium but popular city, it was a great place, with nice, kind people for the most part, huge malls, restaurants and lots of places to go out with friends or alone.
"Miss ___? Care to answer this equation here for the class?" The teacher asks, a tall, slender woman that radiated authority, it made some students shiver in times like this with a direct question.
"Oh? Yeah- sure miss Adams" You replied, while trying not to look confused since you just missed the topic, hopefully you remembered from the last lesson by the time you walked up to the blackboard and took the marker to write.
After class, you were walking with your friends to the cafeteria next to the main exit to wait for an uber to arrive; your side job as a freelance wasn't good enough yet to afford a car, but it helped pay the bills and to have enough for a bit more more than the basic needs.
Your two best friends at college were Itai and Rob. Itai was a funny dude, with a darker tone on his skin, not so tall and full of charisma. Rob was a bit more collected, but still a lot of fun to be around, being the voice of reason for you three most of the time, emphasis in most, because sometimes he got carried away too.
"Man I hate that class, I don't understand a thing! Why do we even need math?" Itai tells the group, sounding annoyed as usual, he was a simple guy, but simple guys need a degree too, to secure a better job.
"Well if you paid attention instead of eating that cold baguette in class you won't be that confused my man" Rob replies, laughing a bit at the end
"At least you weren't asked to do math in front of the class" You sigh, putting down your backpack and sitting on a table next to the building's exit, looking at your phone to know how much time was left for the driver to arrive, around 10 minutes.
"Yeah everyone felt so bad for you, but hey, if you’ll be daydreaming at least look at the front instead of the window next time, it might help you" Rob said while opening a bottle of apple juice, his favorite, he wouldn't drink any other thing, he was probably 60% apple juice after years of drinking it that often.
A few minutes passed by, the three friends chatting about the day's events, their plans for the weekend, and how to get the next assignment done. A figure appeared behind you putting a hand on your shoulders.
"Well hello ladies!" A man chirped, you turned around laughing softly
"Hey yourself!" you replied "Already off?"
"Yeah I've got the last hour free so I'm gonna head out to Kris' place, we'll play some games and work on that big project I told you the other day"
"Great, have fun! You say hi to Kris from me yeah?"
"Sure thing, see you later!" He says with a squeeze of his hand on your shoulder, then a quick pat on the head, turning around to leave.
"Bye, take care Nick!" you say as the man walks out of the cafeteria's door waving a hand.
Silence lingers for a bit until Itai breaks it
"Hey so, you're still going out with him?" He says with a crooked smile and a nervous look, Rob has a similar expression
"Yeeeah... it's been okay for some time now, you know? Hah" You look down for a second, pondering "Maybe this time is the good run?" Uncertainty fills the question, but you still smile to your friends.
Nikolas wasn't the model boyfriend, at least not for your friends; he was full of sweet words, hugs and kisses, only in private places though. When it came to the campus he treated you just like any other friend.
There was a small reason, according to him, he wanted to wait a bit more to make it public, get to know each other better, just to be certain from both sides.
That was the excuse a year ago.
It wasn't like he was out and flirting with other people, not at all, but one could expect to be treated like a love partner after so much time and moments together, you’ve gone to the movies, to dinner, to each other's houses, hell your families knew you two were dating, it just wasn't more than the bare minimum from him, seemed more like a thing someone does if they have free time, not make time for that thing, the thing being the relationship.
It seemed to be only a problem of neglect and apathy, probably, though you were so dumbly in love with him at first, you have been hoping and asking for a change since the relationship escalated to more than just holding hands and light kisses.
"I don't think anything's gonna change, he's been stalling for a whole year now" Itai mumbled, looking at Rob, he nodded in agreement
"Yeah, just dump him already, you deserve way better, you give him everything you got and he just throws the leftovers at you."
"I guess, but we're going out this weekend! You know he doesn't like going out often"
"With you" Rob adds
You hesitate a reply, it was true, most of the times you asked him to go out for a change, he was either too busy or decided to change the event the same day, turning it into a make out session in his house every time. Even though you saw each other 2 days every week, you have seen him go out with his friends more often, on actual enrichment outside activities.
"I know..." you sigh " I'll think about it, I'll try to talk with him about it next time”
Both of your friends let out a small groan of annoyance, they knew you weren't gonna do it, or that he'll just brush it off as always, between the lines of 'oh you're overreacting'
"Ah my ride's here!" You got up from the table and grabbed your backpack, tossing it over one shoulder.
"See he can't even give you a lift to your place!" Itai teased, they knew how you felt about the whole situation, but joking around sometimes made it a bit less bitter.
"Ha-ha, you know we live in opposite ends of the city! Besides none of you give me a ride either" you said while sticking a tongue out on your way outside the cafeteria
"Yeah because you live at the ends of the earth for some weird reason!" Rob joked back
Everyone said their quick goodbyes, and after a calm ride back home you remembered something just as you were locking the door, tossing your backpack into the living room’s couch you walked over to your room.
You flopped onto the bed, looking at your phone you opened some pending messages on the family group chat, apparently a distant relative of yours had died, and the family was gonna hold a small funeral tomorrow morning on the local cemetery, you didn’t enjoy those kind of events since you’d get really emotional, but since it was something really small, no more than 20 people, it was private and most likely no strangers would see you cry over someone you barely knew.
Tomorrow was saturday so it was okay to spend one free morning humoring your family.
After some mindless browsing on your phone, it was already 12:30am, you haven’t even got off your sneakers since you got home, you did a quick self-cleanup in the bathroom, tossing today’s clothes to the side to change into an oversized shirt with no pants as a makeup pijamas, it got a bit warmer in the afternoon so you wanted to enjoy wearing something light before winter fully arrived, getting under the sheets and you were out fast, maybe from all the overthinking of what’d tomorrow might bring, you’ve forgotten what are funerals like.
But there was certainly no way you’d know what would happen at all the next day
The event was simple, thankfully there was not much crying, seemed like everyone accepted already what had happened, some kind of illness you heard, at least they weren’t suffering anymore and they’ve come to terms with everyone close to them, that was nice you thought, it sure felt a bit heavy in there, as usual for funerals. After the ceremony, the family offered a barbeque in the departed’s honor to bright up the mood a bit; right at the cementery, maybe it was cheaper than renting a place for it.
Free tasty food was something only an idiot would decline, so you spent some time doing small talk with the relatives you knew best, but still you mostly just listened and ate in silence.
You saw a glimpse of color and movement out of the corner of your eye, since everyone was wearing dark tones it stood out, turning your head there was just an empty plastic table with some half-full plates and glasses, still, you felt a shiver up your spine, it was probably the weather.
When you looked back at your phone's clock it was already 6 pm, guess dad jokes and food made time fly, you said your goodbyes and condolences to everyone and headed out, you were still at the cemetery, so you had to call a ride back home, the driver dropped you near a convenience store just around the corner of your apartment, since you needed to buy a snack for dinner, on sundays you usually had takeout, so no need to worry much about it right now.
“I know I didn’t imagine anything, that breather saw me at the cemetery! we even locked eyes for a second! It may work this time, just gotta get closer while they're alone”
Walking down the street, humming a bit to some music and a bag of snacks in hand, dusk started to set, some stars could be seen and the sky was a beautiful fuchsia tone with oranges and purples mixed in the clouds. On instinct, you took your phone out of your jeans pocket to take a picture of the cute sky.
Just as you took a couple of pictures, to make sure at least one was good to share, something caught your attention out of the corner of your eye again
You felt a shiver like a cold wind out of nowhere, similar as to when a car drives a bit too close to someone on winter, but there was not even one driving car on the street.
"Oof, should get back now, it's getting colder" picking up the peace to get home faster-
A piece of paper slapped you in the face
“EW- wind trash” you muttered while grabbing what seemed to be a flyer, and it flew indeed.
You naturally took a closer look at it when you took it into your hands and out of your face, it was a very faded print, with an image of an… insect? man? holding a hammer over a small house and people, you chuckled, it was a funny irony cartoon, a bug crushing people.
Half of the flyer was unreadable because of some liquid or dirt, already dry but you couldn’t read what was supposed to be, written under the drawing was the end of an ad;
“Ghostly services one name away!
“Betelgeuse? ...Like that one star?” There was that shiver again, Halloween was a week ago, so this kind of paper seemed normal to be hanging around with the wind.
As you walked down the street, some lights started flickering, the cold wind seemed stronger and the sky was a deep dark purple now, strange, it was supposed to be clear dark blue by now, fall nights came quickly this time of the year, still it didn't feel like the usual night. You were just around the corner of your street when the closest light bulb exploded and zapped with a loud 'CRASH', making you stop for a second cowering from the shards
"What the-!? No one told me we'd be getting winter thunderstorms sooner what the eff" muttering swears you made a run to your apartment, scurrying for the door keys in the process, lights kept flashing and the wind made windows sing a high 'oooo' noise, you have seen this kind of weather before but no one would like to be outside when it happened, nervously and quickly you finally fit the key in the lock and opened the door, hurrying inside and closing it behind, a loud bang thundered through the silent room, the unexpected storm slamming against the walls and windows, you left the lights on before going out.
After a minute it seemed to calm down, wind turning into a breeze and the sky now it's usual black, no stars in the sky.
You let out a sigh and walked to the counter to drop your keys, the phone and your purse, you had to make sure all the windows were closed for the night, luckily it was Saturday, so no need to go out tomorrow on that crazy weather.
Windows secured, you changed into your winter pajamas, a gray pair of pants with a pattern of a cat on toast and eggs, with a pastel blue loose shirt. Making your way to the kitchen you decided a light snack would be enough for tonight, after that run and emotion on the way back home you had no energy to cook a proper dinner, not even microwave, it was also too late for it anyways you thought.
You put the snack bowl and a cup of water on the kitchen counter, looking to grab your phone. You noticed you still had the dirty flyer, forgot to drop it between the commotion maybe?
Placing it aside and unlocking your phone screen, you opened the ‘best friend's’ chat group
You. 'Hey guys, did you get any of that weird winter storm action today after school?'
Rob. 'Nah, it was a clear sky for me'
Itai. 'Same, also I was asleep all afternoon'
You. 'Strange, I got caught on this whirlwind on my way back home from the store, just my luck I guess >:('
Both of the boys. 'Lol yea'
Putting the phone down and chomping on some of the snacks, you thought about the events, it was indeed a clear sky earlier, only a couple of common clouds you took pictures of before it. You grabbed the phone again, quickly to see if any of the photos looked good.
"Pleasepleaseplease" you muttered in excitement, it was a very cute view, hopefully one picture captured it nicely.
And they did, a couple looked stunning, you smiled, thinking at least it was worth getting your hair all messed up by the wind, you were about to delete one picture it since it was blurry when you noticed a different kind of blur, it was gray with splashes of green in the corner, similar to what you saw at the funeral.
"There was nothing green on the other pictures, was it?" you looked through the other photos and they were pretty normal, full of pink, purple and blue from the sunset.
You looked back at the flyer
"Betelgeuse, betelgeuse, betelgeuse huh" You said in a playful tone, grabbing the torn paper from the counter, you felt a shiver, a strong one this time, well that was the opposite of a calming experience, but still the word felt strange when you said it, it wasn't like you hadn't said before, Orion was a popular constellation, and the Betelgeuse star was on it; but this time the air inside had a tense feeling.
All the lights went off after a second "Now a blackout? What's with today ugh" picking up your phone to use as a flashlight, after a couple of seconds before you could turn it on, all the lights came back again, but you almost had a heart attack when you saw someone standing in the center of the living room, enveloped in a green mist.
"FUCK wh- WHO THE FUCK-" you stuttered before turning around and grabbing the closest thing to use as a weapon, a wooden spoon used for beating eggs this morning "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE? WHO ARE YOU? GET OUT!"
The figure was a man, taller than you, dressed in a striped black and white suit, dark hair with green tints at the end, a wicked smile plastered on his face, he took a look around, then back to you, endless chills went down your spine when you met his eyes, you could feel the tense aura from before growing stronger, anticipating, colder.
"Well who might I be? You should know, you called my name baby! Glad to make some business with you tonight!" He said as he extended a hand and walked, floated? quickly towards a paralized you, frozen in place, you only managed to put the spoon up in self defense from whomever this man could be, the lights were out for just a few seconds, was he inside the apartment all this time?
"S-stop right there you!" tried to threaten the man with the wooden tool, he didn't seem to notice nor care, wrapping an arm around your shoulders, then placing a sloppy kiss in your face, petrified, you shivered and gripped the spoon harder, he felt oddly cold.
...Did he just kiss you? Who does he think he is??
"No no, no stopping now! We just got started cakes, and now that you said my name three times, I can finally interact with you and everything here in the world of the living! Gotta say thanks it's been real boring being invisible for so long lemme tell ya-"
You hit the man in the head with the wooden spoon as hard as you could.
...the spoon broke.
The man's smile grew wider
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icharchivist · 3 years
dlfkjdfl this event reminiscing about teachers who care a lot for their students and how “we always care for our students, it’s them who forget us” is making me emotional bc it throws me back to my high school days where all my teachers were very sweet and understanding, that i had quite a few who figured i had a lot of problems at home and let me do stuff like sleeping in class as a result
and i’m especially thinking about my English Teacher from my first year of highschool who really loved my participation in class because i was so bright and fun and pertinent (her words) until the day we had to talk about huh. child abuse, especially emotional abuse and neglect in class and i got extremely quiet then and failed only this exam in a sea of perfect exams. When she gave me back that mark she pated my back and told me “it’s okay, we’re changing topic soon, don’t think too much about this topic again alright?” and tried to reassure me that this specific grade didn’t mean anything about my work either
and huh. I think it sent a message to my teacher because then she became even more protective out of me, one day i skipped class during that time and when i apologized she was so sweet about it like “shh it’s okay i understand, you can skip now if you want too”, and eventually later in the year she saw me with my mom at school and she just. passively aggressively went to great my mom and tell her i was a great kid, and my mom was happy because “she was holding my hand so tight out of pride i thought she was gonna break it” and i was huh. i don’t think she was proud of you mom. anyway.
and in the years that followed i had others teachers but everytime she would meet me in the corridors she’d stop to make small talk and ask me how i was doing, and then at the very end of highschool she was tasked to watch over my italian final diploma exam (it’s something they often do to make the teacher impartial when watching over students), and i was super stressed bc i was really bad at  Italian, and she saw me, beamed, and when she had to go through the table to check our IDs, she stopped near me and gave me a side hug to encourage me and tell me she knew i could do it, and i almost cried on the spot. (and then i started laughing because then she went to the next student and i heard the student say “.... me too i could go with a hug” dFLKJDFDFDf)
there’s a few teachers i still have very good memories of, a lot of teachers who genuinely cared about me and encouraged me and were attentive to me, and i’m so forever grateful because man, before highschool it really was hell in school and during highschool, school got better but personal life got significantly worse... and i still think about those teachers who took the time just to cheer up on the quiet child who’d otherwise be really invested if she cared for your class a bit.. but i still think about this english teacher so much...
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