#research participants
notastupidurl · 3 months
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Please share and reblog!
My name is Rachel Gerrity. I am a master's student in the third year of my clinical program at Alvernia University. My professor, Dr. Anthony Vajda, and I are conducting a a study titled "Weight Bias and its Occlusion of Gender Identity Development in Transgender Individuals".
If you are currently 18 years old or older, identify as transgender or under the transgender umbrella, and are willing to share your opinions about weight stigma and transgender-related topics, I welcome you to participate in this study.
If you agree to participate, you will take the survey below, which takes 10-15 minutes to complete. All information collected from this survey is anonymous and will be treated as strictly confidential. Your name will not appear on this survey. All participants will be entered into a raffle to win one of many $50 Amazon gift cards!
Your participation would be greatly appreciated and crucial, as it would provide invaluable insights into transgender identity development, weight bias and stigma, and their impact on mental health.
Thank you very much for your time and consideration!
Rachel Gerrity
Master of Arts in Clinical Counseling
Alvernia University
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fmgamerresearch · 2 years
Female Gamers’ Perceptions of their Mental Health influenced by the Online Gaming Space (18+)
Hello Everyone,
My name is Andrea. I am conducting research as a part of my Master’s thesis at the University of Lethbridge. I seek to explore female gamers’ experiences as they are interacting with other players and playing multiplayer online games.
I am seeking individuals who identify as female who also play online multiplayer games.
The survey takes approximately 15-20 minutes. I would like to capture thoughts and perspectives on the player interactions that female gamers may be experiencing in game. Your responses to the questions in the Qualtrics survey will be kept confidential. There are no personal identifier questions.
There is no compensation for participating in this study. However, your participation will lead to valuable research information that can help inform and shape the online community. If you are willing to participate please click on the link. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
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ramyeongif · 5 days
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research participants
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xzoemcphersonx · 3 months
Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder Research
I am an undergraduate student in the psychology and human development program at Prescott College. I am conducting, alongside Dr. Sebastienne Grant, a research study to investigate avoidant restrictive food intake disorder presentation across socioeconomic status. I’m recruiting individuals to participate in this study. If you are over eighteen years old and interested, please fill out the survey linked below. Once you have completed the survey, I will contact you for additional information and inform you if you have been selected as a candidate; you will also be contacted if you are not selected. If you agree to be a participant, you will be asked to participate in a recorded face-to-face interview for up to one hour. To participate, you should have a working webcam and agree to keep it on for the entire duration of the interview. Interview recordings will be destroyed promptly after the research paper is finalized. In this interview, you will be asked personal questions about your life, experience with ARFID, and other related topics. Your privacy is very important, and all identifiable information disclosed will remain confidential. All identifiable information will be stored in an encrypted file and flash-drive and will not be included in the research report. Your participation in this study is voluntary. There are no repercussions for choosing not to participate in this study. Your participation in this study will help bring more attention and understanding to the experiences and challenges of individuals living with ARFID. Increasing understanding can have positive benefits for not just you but for all people who live with ARFID.
If you are interested, please fill out the survey below, and if you would like more information, please contact [email protected].
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researchrelationship · 5 months
Seeking Research Participants: Adult Attachment in Relationships
Hi there! Are you in a relationship and would like to share your experiences in an interview?
I'm Elouise, a research assistant for a dissertation study at Fielding Graduate University conducted by Julia Catlin, Ph.D. Candidate in Clinical Psychology.  The study is titled “Exploring the Effects of Secure Base Script Knowledge and Reflective Functioning on Rejection Sensitivity in Adults.”  
Participation will involve two parts: 1) completion of a 15-20-minute background questionnaire and 2) a 20–30-minute virtual interview.  The total time required is 30-50 minutes.
Inclusion Criteria:
18+ years old
In a romantic relationship
Fluent in English
Willing/able to complete a two-part study, including a brief video interview and online background questionnaire. 
Military, Long-Distance Relationships, 2SLGBTQIIA+, and ENM/Poly all encouraged to participate
The confidentiality of each participant will be maintained through the use of pseudonyms, removal of identifiable information from transcripts, and all study materials will be stored in locked and password-protected spaces. Participation is voluntary, and participants may withdraw from the study at any time without consequence. Informed consent procedures will be followed.
If you meet the inclusion criteria, please click the link to start:
Benefits in Participation:
One of the benefits of this study as a participant is to share and reflect on their experiences to develop a greater awareness of their relationships with others.
One of the tasks of the study is to complete a storytelling task that can utilize the participant's creativity, which many find enjoyable!
Another benefit of the study is contributing to research that could help develop interventions for people who are struggling with problems in their relationships, depression, anxiety, traumatic stress, and emotional reactivity.
If you are unable to participate in the study, then we would appreciate sharing the study around to those who can! If you have any questions regarding your interview scheduling or need an alternative interview time, please contact one of the research assistants below.
Elouise Vasquez, Research Assistant University of Nevada – Las Vegas [email protected]
Ariadna Gutierrez, Research Assistant University of Nevada – Las Vegas [email protected]
Julia Catlin, Ph.D. Candidate, Principal Investigator Fielding Graduate University [email protected]
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reality-detective · 5 months
Billy Carson explains "How To Escape The Matrix." 🤔
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fanhackers · 7 months
Help a Researcher
Leigh Ingram, a student at the University of Ottawa, in Canada, is completing a Master of Information Studies. The proposed research for their thesis is on information seeking behaviours in the fanfiction community, with a specific focus on how AO3 users search through the archive and use the embedded search functions on the website.
This study has received ethics approval for an anonymous online survey, followed by a few interviews. The survey will remain open for approximately 6-8 weeks depending on the volume of response. Following completion of the research, the intention is to share the anonymous data collected and potentially submit an article to Transformative Works and Cultures for consideration, so any findings will be shared with OTW/AO3. 
Survey takers must be 18 or older to take part. If you would like to learn more about the study you can review its consent form, which contains the researcher's contact information.
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tejennnn · 6 months
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My first time drawing RoBul!! 🇷🇴🇧🇬 I've been wanting to draw them with those loooooong bottles 👀
I drew APH Romania with Țuică de Prune, a traditional spirit made of plum. While APH Bulgaria is with muscat grape Rakia or fruit brandy (based on Burgas 63 brand)🍇
((Reference under cut))
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Image credit to FabricatinRO (Tuica) and nokovandson (Burgas 63)!
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lotus-pear · 2 months
guys am i weird answer ✅ or ❌ only
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zilabee · 11 months
if you google "what is it called when" and the first letter of a beatle, autocomplete writes you a little poem about their apocalyptic destiny.
john paul
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george ringo
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(I'm sorry, but "rats get stuck together, reality feels like a dream, rocks fall down a mountain" has more emotional comprehension of the beatles story than many nine hundred page biographies.)
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nb-goblin · 6 months
study participants needed!
UPDATE: thank you everyone that's taken part :) the study has now closed, we got over 200 participants!! thank you so much
Hi, I'm a second year psychology student doing research on how queer people view others within the LGBTQ+ community.
Its just a short task and survey that should take 5-10minutes to complete, any participation is appreciated! Thank you!
Link (including info about our ethical aproval): https://run.pavlovia.org/Wake/public-iat/
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Extra clarrification on some things under the cut :)
In this study we use the words "(gender) conforming" to mean anyone thats not part of the LGBTQ+ community and "(gender)non-conforming" for anyone that is. This was suggested to help us code the results better, but we now know that this may have overcomplicated things.
The first part of the study involves an IAT, for some people they will be put into the "positive, conforming" conditioin first and others will be the "positive, nonconforming" first. It may seem scewed, and some people have bought up that it can seem bias, but that is just how this type of test works- it has been used and tested in many other studies and has not shown internal bias.
These are the main two points people have bought up, feel free to ask any other questions about this research though I will be happy to try and answer as much as I can :)
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lestatdelioncourte · 3 months
Call for participants for interviews about tagging on Archive of Our Own
Hiya, I am looking to speak to fanfiction authors who publish and tag fanfiction on Archive of Our Own for a short online interview about the tagging system. This is to aid research for my dissertation for an MA in Library and Information Studies at University College London looking at the knowledge organisation of Archive of Our Own through the tags and tag wranglers.
If you are interested, you need to be:
Over the age of 18
Have published and tagged fanfiction of Archive of Our Own in the last 3 years (in any fandom)
Have some familiarity with the tagging system, including the role of tag wranglers (don't worry if you don't know much, i just want people who are interested in the tagging system really!)
If this is you, and you would be interested in taking part, please fill out this form or send me a DM/email ([email protected]) and I would be happy to chat about the study and give you more information.
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magnusbae · 2 years
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So there you have it guys, we’re 2020 simps it seems >:D
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jeffyfitoftheyear · 9 months
🌟Jeff Satur outfit of the year 2023🌟
And the winner is Siam Halloween!!
video by beamspy_
Your most voted for Jeff outfit of the year, and most submitted. We had many, many photos of this fit turn up in our inbox. Thank you all for your efforts and dedication to a hot little corset!
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picture credits: saturn4am, studio_on_saturn, jeff satur,
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mythology-void · 2 months
fanfic reblog chain !!
here's how it works...
write a brand new snippet of a wip from any fandom and I'll continue the scene in the reblogs. tag your writer mutuals at the end in order to finish the story!
@prompted-wordsmith @fangirlofallthefanthings @dootznbootz @burry-penguin feel free to start!
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valtsv · 1 year
Howdy. I know you probably have upwards of like 20k asks or some absurd number like that, but I have a question. My college comp 2 teacher always has philosophical prompts for our essays and the topic for this one is "What does it mean to be a good person? what makes a good person good?" and obviously I'm writing the most commonly listed stuff like open-mindedness and honesty and all that jazz. But all the articles I've read heavily point out Empathy, so wanted to write a paragraph going against that. I'm trying to talk about how having empathy doesn't automatically make you a good person, and that people with low/no empathy are not evil and can in fact be very good people. I'm asking for your thoughts on this because I think you're one of those people (you're also much better with words than I am).
hmmm i'd probably say something about how empathy is not interchangable with goodness, nor is it ontologically good, because empathy alone is just a tool, and tools have no inherent moral or ethical value, it's how we use them that does. you can feel empathy for someone and choose to do absolutely nothing with that empathy. empathy without the choice to show compassion, you can argue, hardly contributes towards a good life for anyone, even the empathetic person. and you do not need to feel empathy to choose to show compassion. i would highlight philosophical arguments which place emphasis on the importance of action/outcome over intention to support your point (although make sure to acknowledge possible counter-arguments).
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