#(btw I hope no one sees this as the start of an abusive relationship. I wanted this to look more like a beauty and the beast thing.)
As a multi-shipping bisexual person who has been crying tears of joy for the past two episodes over the bi-buck story arc - I need you all to know that the weirder you guys are about it (and let's be real right now, you guys are being INCREDIBLY weird about it), the more uncomfortable I, an actual real life queer person, get with Buddie.
I genuinely love Buddie, one of my all time favorite fics across any fandom is "My Fingerprints Smeared on Your Heart", but I'm very hesitant to believe it will ever happen. So when ABC brings in Tommy and starts a VERY WELL WRITTEN and BEAUTIFUL queer story that UPLIFTS MY HEART and then I go into fan spaces to see people trashing on BuckTommy, or screaming "no Buck thats the wrong guy", or wanting the relationship to end with Buck cheating (which is incredibly biphobic btw) with Eddie, or implying/hoping that Tommy is an abuser that Buck can be saved from by Eddie, or any of the countless other scenarios that turn Buck's happily-and-safely-exploring-his-sexuality arc into small-or-traumatic plot point for the purpose of making Buddie canon it makes me feel deeply uncomfortable with Buddie and my fellow 911 fans. And that makes me sad, because I love fan spaces and I love interacting with people who like the same things as me!
Also, please learn the difference between queerbaiting and queer coding.
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redbleedingrose · 4 months
that baby girl Lucy thing could be a drabble or headcanon or whatever ur comfortable with btw 😁 or you don’t have to do anything at all with it if u don’t want! just wanted to mention it bc GIRL DAD ERIS
Edit: So I started writing and realized this is getting a bit long, like I am not done with this part and I am already 2.2k word in, so this will likely be a 3 or 4 part mini-series giving y'all girl dad!Eris lore! I hope you enjoy and I am sorry I had to split it up, but it seems like I had more to this story I wanted to share!
part 1
Your first letter remains unopened, buried beneath legal documents and trade deals in a locked drawer of Lucien's desk. Each week, another one of your letters is added to the ever growing pile that Lucien can't bring himself to open.
Part of him wants to rip all your attempts of communication to shreds, throw it into the fire place and forget that you and Eris exist.
The other part of him, the one that he tries to bury deep within himself, is curious, anxious really, to know what it is you have to say to him. What is it that you continue to reach out to him?
Is it a part your duty as high lady of autumn? Are you looking to start relations between Autumn and Day? Are you trying to keep your relationship to your brother in law as professional as possible? What if you are trying to get to know him? Would that be the worst thing in the world, to get to know his sister in law? He has always wanted a sister.
What if you are writing out of need? For help? What if you need asylum from his brother? Gods, he hopes not. What if Eris turned out to be the exactly like his father, cruel and abusive in his marriage to you? What if he, like Beron, was ruining Autumn court with outrageous regulations and taxes too high that  most of the autumn population were left in poverty?
What if you were writing to him to brag about how well Eris has done without him, that this is the only way he will receive any updates on Eris, and to not expect anything more?
What if you are lovely and kind? What are you like? Are you good to Eris? Is he good to you? Do you make his oldest brother happy? Does he make you happy? What is Eris like now? Has he changed or is he the same paranoid male who plots conspiracies?
The lack of response from your brother in law does little to defer your efforts. You continue to write to Lucien, without skipping a beat, sending a letter to him every week, giving him updates on his brother, updates on your pregnancy, even updates on the pups Eris is raising to protect your babes in the coming months. You share with him your feelings about Eris, the story of how you met, how your mating bond had snapped abruptly and without notice, how he fought against your relationship for years until he couldn't hold back anymore, how when he finally gave in, he had made you the promise of a safer home, a safer land, a place in which his father could never lay a hand on you.
You confide in him your concerns over his brother, your fears that his duties as high lord will consume him, that Eris has anxieties about being a good father, and you are scared it will paralyze him. You tell him about the things you notice about Eris, things you think Eris doesn't know about himself. That, sometimes, Er will get a distant look in his eyes when he sees young children playing together, especially when one looks older than the other. That, sometimes, Er mumbles in his sleep, how often his name comes up while he is asleep, how Er wakes up from those same dreams gasping and clutching at his chest, how it takes hours for you to calm him after. How when Eris struggles to sleep, he stares at the family portrait, with his eyes fixated on Lucien before he comes back to bed with you at your urging.
You write to him as if he is your best friend, as if he is sitting across from you and you are just talking to him. You write to him as if you have known him for centuries.
With all of Eris' stories about his beloved brother, you feel as though you have known him for centuries. 
It takes a long time for Lucien to muster the courage to open your letters. After weeks of receiving letters and storing them away without a second glance, after weeks of forcing any thoughts of the letters away, after weeks of catching himself thinking about Eris, thinking about you and Autumn court, does he finally force himself sit down to read the letters. To be done and over with it. To read the letters, and never think of you or his brother again. To give closure to that horrific chapter of his life. To have this as his final goodbye.
It takes him several minutes to unlock the drawer after he slumps into his chair by the desk. It takes him a couple of minutes to open the drawer before staring at all the papers on top of the letters. It takes him 20 minutes to pluck the letters out from beneath and toss them onto his desk. Another 30 minutes is spent of him grabbing the letters and setting it onto the side table near his hearth, pacing around his office, biting at his nails, wringing his hands, running his fingers through his long auburn hair to sit in his cozy leather chair with the letters at an arms-length. An hour is spent staring blankly into the near extinguished fire, the pops and crackles from the desperate surviving flames being the only times he blinks. Another 10 minutes of delay, spent with breathing exercises while pouring himself a two, maybe three, fingers of night court imported whiskey and taking several bated sips of the hard liquor.
After almost two hours of delay, does Lucien use the letter opener the night court general gifted him during a visiting trip, to slowly and carefully, with shaking hands, tear the seal open. Deep breathing does little to stop his pittering heart as he opens the first letter, glazed eyes racing over each sentence, each word multiple times, nearly seizing as you break the news of your pregnancy. Tears he didn’t even know were leaking down his cheeks, meeting at his chin to drip down his neck began to stream. Choked sobs with a hand clutched at his chest, your letter delicately being placed to the side as his emotions crash into him.
Weeks of pent up feelings become unrelenting waves that makes it near impossible for him to catch his breath. All of grief for the time he has missed with you and his brother, all of happiness at your pride and clear love and devotion for your mate, his brother, all of sorrow and concern for what Eris turned out to be after years of torment and unrelenting abuse, all of quiet hope for the future relationship he may have with you, with his future nieces or nephews, with his older brother, all of that is almost unbearably overwhelming. The only source of respite, coming from your gentle handwriting.
“Lucien, I implore you to take all the time you need. I will patiently be waiting for a response, whether it takes weeks or months, years or even centuries. I want a relationship with you. As does your brother. And I want our children to have a relationship with their uncle. So I will wait. And if you decide that having a relationship with us is just too impossibly painful for you, then with the deepest regret and with the most profound love, will we accept that fate as well.” 
It is your own hope that pushes Lucien to read all of your other letters, whiskey set aside and forgotten. Letters that have his bereaved sobs turning into silent tears of joy. Letters that have him bubbling with laughter as you express your loving annoyance at Eris’ puttering about the nursery and his great insistence that your future babes will need 15 chicks, and at least 6 baby cows to grow up with.
Letters that have him smiling softly, reminiscing in the good memories of his childhood Eris whispered to you in the dark recesses of night. Letters that have him pondering if what you say is really the truth, because you give a convincing argument that his older brother may actually miss him, may have actually loved him… still loves him. Letters that give him insight into all the years he missed, that he now almost feels a part of, like he was actually there to witness all of the events surrounding your relationship and Eris’ ascension to the autumn throne. Lucien spends hours, even as the fire in the office gives way to death and the only remaining source of light becomes Lucien’s own magic pulsating through the room, reading your letters. Over and over, in the order it was sent in and in backwards order. And by the end of it, he is speechless. 
No words come to mind that can describe how he feels. He cannot come up with what to say. The only thing he knows is that he is appreciative for the time and patience that you have given him, the grace that you have shown, the honesty of the hardships that you and Eris went through, of the relationship you have formed with his brother, and of all the changes Er has gone through and has brought to Autumn Court since his escape. So, Lucien folds your letters following the exact lines you used, making sure not even a slight crease is created, before carefully placing back into the envelopes you sent them in, holding them to his chest as he walks to his room and retires for the night. Sleep, however, the trickster it is, plays the most exhausting game and evades him most of the night. His usual tossing and turning is replaced with his ember eyes focused on the letters, hands clasped tightly together resting on his chest because his fingers kept twitching with want to reach back for your messages to reread them. Lucien’s thoughts are wildly free of the endless possibilities of what might come in the future… a happy future. 
Days were spent rereading your letters. Days were spent stressing out over what to do, he never had a choice when it came to his family. All things were inevitably decided for him. He was brought up to be competitive with his brothers, it was decided that he would have to fight his brothers for the autumn throne, a throne he had no desire of having. It was decided what kind of training he got, despite his lack of interest in violence. He didn’t choose to leave Autumn, he barely escaped with his life. He didn’t choose this. Having a choice… it was a delicacy he hadn’t been offered before.
Lucien knew though. Deep down inside, he knew what he wanted to choose. Going back and forth with his options inevitably landed on one outcome. He wants to try. He wants to get to know you, a sister he always wanted and now, finally has. He wants to get to know his future nieces or nephews. He wants to be a part of their lives; he wants to be the best uncle he can be. And he so achingly wants to know his older brother, wants to know his side of the story, wants to know if he was wrong to blame him for everything. It is alarming. The prospect of it all. It’s… fully… wholly… thoroughly and completely terrifying. 
What if he was wrong about it all? What if he spent decades… centuries hating his own brother… someone who should’ve been blameless? Would Eris forgive him for it? What if he comes to the conclusion Eris didn’t try hard enough? Could he forgive Eris, a crimeless, unwilling accomplice in the murder of Jes? What if Eris is uninterested after a near lifetime of rejection? How will they build their relationship, beyond what it ever was? What if, even after all of that, he ends up alone? Was it worth it?
Was the hurt, the fear, the hope… was it worth it?
It took another month of Lucien’s contemplation to come up with a response, not for lack of trying. He had so many thoughts, so many feelings and emotions regarding his brother, his past, his future, you as his new sister in law, the fact that he is going to be an uncle, to work through, that he is still working through. He is afraid, afraid of what he has missed with Eris, afraid of what or who Eris has become. But one thing about the Vanserra brothers is that they have a burning courage within them. So despite the fear, he wants more. He wants to try. Every time he sits down to muster an acknowledgement to your letters, though, he chokes up. 
A ball of anxiety runs rampant through his stomach, a knot in his throat that he can’t seem to swallow, that he can't seem to clear even with a rough rub at his neck. His hands quake as he readjusts the pen in his hands, over and over, feeling pins and needles at the tips of his fingers as he tries to figure out the words to respond with. Your letters had so much thought, so much effort and sentiment and zest poured into them. And all of the thoughts and feelings he had during the time he took, it seemed… inadequate. A simple letter… it wouldn’t be enough. Not with all the things Lucien wants to say to you and eventually… to Eris as well. Finally, after staring at the blank sheet placed in front of him, sweaty hands rubbing furiously up and down his thighs, does he figure it out. 
So… with a shaky inhale, he brings his pen to the page. 
Hello dear sister,
I apologize for my delay in responding. If I am being honest, I spent a lot of time, quite a lot indeed, thinking of your letters. Thinking of you. Thinking of my brother Eris the Autumn High Lord. Thinking of the past. Thinking of the future. One letter to tell you all of my thoughts in response to your attempts of communication feel woefully insufficient. 
If you are ever so inclined, would you be open to meeting with me? I understand that your pregnancy condition may make it difficult upon you to travel to Day. I’m happy to I am set to be in Spring Court for two weeks from now for a week. Would you be willing able to meet at the border in three weeks time? 
with warm wishes,
Lucien Vanserra
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lanaslovelyletters · 4 months
Anakin is roommates with reader and has an addiction to smoking. Reader tries to help him with it and Anakin decided it’s not enough and wants something stronger. He thinks sex will help.
𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐀 𝐃𝐫𝐮𝐠
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Roommate!Anakin x Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ content (general smut), swearing, mentions of substance abuse (nicotine)
Summary: You’ve never had a great relationship with your roommate… one night you get home late and see him smoking. You remind him that smoking kills and although you hate him, you want to help him… it goes to rather drastic measures.
Word count: 3.2K+
Author’s note: Where did you get this idea??? I love it. Also, there are psychological terms being used here— I’m a Polisci and not a psych student and will be using terms I learned when I took AP Psychology sorry lol. Also, read the prompt as if it should be on the shorter side? So I made it as short as I could, hope it's good enough<3 (Btw this is def not beta read. We die like Padme on the table)
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You never really got along with your roommate. He blasted loud music and often came home at odd hours of the night. God, you hated the careless way he lived his life. Hell, you didn’t even know what he did for work. He always paid his part of the rent on time, so you kept him around. Besides, there weren’t many other offers and he was willing to pay half.
On a particular night, you came back from an evening shift at the local mental health clinic. The bag that was lazily slung over your shoulder was dropped to the ground as you walked into the living room. There he was. His lips held a cigarette between them, as he strummed his bass. It was loud and obnoxious.
“Okay, Slipknot, could you turn that down a little?” You let out a heavy sigh and crossed your arms over your chest. He rolled his eyes at you, and took a drag of his cigarette, blowing rings in your face. It caused you to cough and waft it away immediately before you took it out of his mouth and put it out in his ashtray.
“What the hell! That was my last one!” He threw his arms up in the air as the smoke subtly settled in the glass.
“This stuff is a slow death, y’know?” You said with a tone that screamed ‘as a matter of fact’. He was clearly pissed at your actions.
“—and? Does it look like I care?”
“Look, I get that we don’t see eye-to-eye on things, and we’d both rather not be living together… but the only reason I’m willing to live alone without you is if you move out. Not if you die on this fucking carpet.” You clicked your tongue and pointed at the scruffy rug beneath your feet.
“Why do you even care?” He raised an eyebrow and scoffed at you. Yeah… why did you care anyway? The question stumped you for a brief moment before you finally thought of the perfect response.
“Who else is going to pay half the rent? Besides… I don’t want to clean up a cancerous body in my house.” You were still standing there in front of him with arms covering your chest.
“Whatever… I’ll try.” Wait. It was that easy?
“Wait, are you serious?” You were a bit surprised to see him nodding along and agreeing.
“Yeah, I guess. My mother would hate to bury her own son… or whatever…” He trailed off as he stared at the worn cigarette bud in the ashtray.
“I knew you had some sense in there.” You joked as you poked his forehead before leaving for the kitchen to make yourself a late dinner. Anakin followed you like a lost puppy, as you pulled out some fruits and readied a blender. He watched as you cut up the fruits neatly before you added them to the blender.
“Hey so—” he didn’t get to finish, because the blender started going.
“Oh sorry about that. What were you saying?” You stopped the blender for a second.
“What could—” The noise dialed back up again,
“Oh, sorry,” you chuckled and poured the mixture into a bowl with some yoghurt.
“Very funny,” he said with a roll of his eyes as he leaned forward in the barstool he sat in,
“No, but really— how am I supposed to beat the cig cravings?”
“Via Pavlovian psychology, of course.” You gave him a curt smile.
“I’m not a dog.”
“Didn’t say you were. Look, the hypothalamus controls cravings… sex and food mainly. This means— you can try replacing it with chocolate. Maybe carrots?” You mentioned and took a bite of your yoghurt mix.
“Yawn. Don’t like the sound of that.” He rested his face against his palm.
“There’s a thing we do down at the clinic… for alcoholics mainly. We slip something disgusting or nauseating into their drink and they’ll associate drinking with this icky feeling… works like… most of the time… sorta…”  You shrugged and took another bite.
“Right… well there’s just the problem of— I’m not an alcoholic and you also said that only works some of the time,” he said. His elbow dug into the table as it supported his heavy head.
“Why do you smoke anyway?”
“Stress. Smoking calms me down after a long day.” His sigh was heavy and rough.
“Well then, something to destress whilst also eliminating your addiction… I really think something like chocolate would work.” By now, you’d finished your bowl and you put it aside to wash later.
“Yeah… whatever. I guess it’s better than nothing.” He got up from his stool and went straight into his room. Something told you he wouldn’t survive the first week without a cigarette…
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A week had gone by fairly quickly and he hadn’t smoked since the night you lectured him. However, he ate chocolate in unreal masses. Even then, as he was sitting on the couch this afternoon, he had bought a pack of cigarettes. Referred to them as ‘emergency cigs’. Just in case. He stared at the packaging, letting his thumb trace over the ‘M’ in ‘Marlboro’. Oh, he was so tempted. Just one drag and he’d feel the relaxation settling in his shoulders and the sounds of birds chirping and children laughing in the streets. Just one won’t hurt. He peeled the plastic film off and opened the lid. He could already feel it against his lips. Just one—
“What the fuck, Anakin.” You came up from behind him and took the pack out of his hands. He groaned as you did so, desperately grasping for it.
“You were doing so great with the chocolate, why the hell did you buy these?!” You spat and hid them in your back pocket.
“The chocolates didn’t work well enough. I need more. I need something better.” He complained and sighed, leaning back on the couch.
“Fine. I’ll go out and buy you some nicotine patches. Just promise me you’ll kick this habit, okay?” You rolled your eyes and went outside to the garbage bins. You threw the brand new pack of cigarettes in there and wheeled it out front.
When you got back inside, Anakin had already left for his room. The two of you had an established set of rules, one of which was to not enter each other's rooms unwarranted. If any of the patients at the clinic taught you anything, it was that addiction was hard to beat. No matter what kind it was. As much as you despised having to live with him, he didn’t deserve to die an early death because of something he couldn’t control.
“Anakin?” You knocked on the door gently, but there was no response.
“Come on, man.” The knocking became a little more frantic, but there was still no answer. 
“Whatever.” You walked away and found your purse before heading back outside to uphold what you said you’d do earlier.
After you got back, you heard him watching something on the TV. It was a car commercial for a new Ford model.
“Catch.” You got in front of the screen and threw him the packs of nicotine patches you’d bought. He peered up at you with lazy eyes and slowly unpacked one. You hadn’t really taken note of it before, but he was fucking hot. His hair was messy and his body was chiselled. He was shirtless and only in a pair of very unforgiving sweatpants.
“Thanks…” he mumbled and stuck a patch on his chest.
“Feel better?”
“Don’t know yet.” You took a seat beside him and cast Netflix to the screen,
“Anything you wanna watch?”
“Nah… I’m good.” He seemed as if he was giving up. He was all sluggish from not having had a cigarette.
“Okay…” you turned off the TV to sit and soak in the uncomfortable silence. Nobody said a word for at least a few minutes before Anakin finally spoke up,
“It feels okay… just… doesn’t beat the real thing.” Your head turned to look at him as he said that. 
“I’ve tried everything, okay? I have tried to help you. For some reason, you always need more. What more could you possibly want?” You sighed and brought your knees to your chest.
“You said… the hyper something? was responsible for sex and food cravings, right?”
“The hypothalamus, yeah. That’s why we tried chocolate.” 
“That’s food… what about… sex?” He took a gander at you with those intoxicating tired and beat eyes.
“Like… jerking off? I mean, maybe?” You shrugged.
“No, sex,” he said, staring right at you.
“Oh… well… knock yourself out, I guess? You have a girlfriend?”
“What about you?” He moved closer, still staring deeply into your eyes. His velvety blue ones captured your very soul with just their existence.
“I’m… um… I don’t have a boyfriend…” you swallowed harshly as he leaned into your neck. His breath hit your ear,
“I’d say that’s pretty convenient, no?” He grinned, letting you feel the electricity surging through your spine. You shuddered before swallowing hard,
“What are you insinuating, Anakin?”
“Isn’t it obvious? I need something better than chocolate. Something better than nicotine patches. I can’t just sleep with random girls every day and hope I won’t get an STD. You are single, and I’m guessing you don’t have any weird illness.” His smirk was evident, even if he was practically buried in your neck.
“You have no idea what you’re talking about, Anakin.” You sighed but didn’t resist his antics.
“Mmm ‘don’t think so. I have a pretty great plan mapped out in my head.” He began to nibble away at your skin, several sighs escaped your lips as he did so,
“Yeah, that’s right. Say my name just like that.” He ravaged your neck now, littering it with bruises and marks. He pulled away briefly and got up from the couch, taking your hand in his as he helped you up. Almost immediately, his lips crashed onto yours. He pushed you up against the cold wall, clawing at your waist,
“Jump.” You did and he grabbed your legs, wrapping them around his waist. He then carried you to his room, where he roughly threw you on the bed. Your breaths were heavy and he swallowed up every single one with his mouth. His tongue massaged yours as his hands massaged your clothed tits.
“Ani. Just Ani.” He captured your lips again. He loved those pretty little whimpers and gasps you’d make. It drove him wild. The way your hands were pulling at his hair as your lips desperately reached out for his… It was like a drug.
He pulled off his shirt and helped you get yours off too. You unclasped your bra, and he revelled in the sight. They were fucking perfect in his eyes. The embarrassment on your face as he stared only made him more hungry. He unbuckled his pants, pulled them down and discarded them somewhere in a corner. Shortly after, he got yours off too. Your panties were damp and when his two fingers went to investigate, he just had to point it out to you— essentially mocking you.
“Look who’s getting so worked up when I’ve barely even done anything?” He scoffed. The mocking only worked to turn you on even more, and the face you made gave it away almost immediately. Dumb mistake or was it served on a silver platter?
“Don’t tell me you get off on that,” he snickered and massaged your hips, one hand worked its way further down and ripped your panties off. 
“Hey, those were expensive…” you mumbled, but he didn’t care. The whole house could catch on fire and he wouldn’t give a fuck, because he was here with you. 
“I’ll buy you new ones.” He placed his thumb on your clit, slowly rubbing circles. You clenched the sheets with whatever little power you had left. Even with gestures as small as stroking your sopping cunt, you were at his disposal. Through and through.
As it got more intense, he added a finger, then two then went ahead and added a third— finger fucking you until you went cross-eyed, flicking as hard as he could. Your cries and moans were like music to him. Better than whatever garbage he played anyway.
“All for me? You spoil me, darling.” Fuck, that sent you toppling over the edge, clamping down eagerly on his fingers. With a final moan of his name, he felt your essence coat his fingers. After pulling them out, he licked and sucked them clean,
“You taste fucking heavenly. Better than the chocolate, that’s for sure.” He pulled you by the hips and kneaded them nicely, listening to how you panted like the needy little thing you were. One hand slowly travelled up to take a squeeze at your nipple before travelling back down. His hand grabbed the base of his cock as it rubbed against your sensitive folds. Fuck, he was good, but you were growing impatient. Surely bucking your hips would work?
“Fuck, you’re desperate, aren’t you?” He mocked you and snickered. It was embarrassing. Downright humiliating. Yet you relished in it. Oh, you needed him so bad your ovaries were going to explode.
“Come on… Anakin,” you mewled and arched your back.
“It’s Ani, darling.” He leaned down to kiss your forehead gently, still teasing your needy folds,
“Now, let me hear you again.”
“You’re embarrassing me…” you diverted your gaze and turned her head to the side. It was clear as day to see that your face was completely flushed.
“That’s the point,” he scoffed and grabbed your chin roughly,
“Come on, you can do it, can’t you? Be a good girl, tell me what you want.” Good girl. You folded almost immediately.
“Please… just do it.”
“Come on now, you can do better than that,” he snickered. His relentless teasing just egged you on even more.
“Please, Ani. Please fuck… fuck me,” you sighed with exceptional need, as you arched your back.
“Don’t think I heard that… a little louder?”
“Fuck me, Ani! Fucking take me!” Your desperation was clear in your tone and the way your brows were furrowed. You were pathetic to look at, and oh how he loved it.
“That’s my girl.” He leaned down to capture your lips in a sloppy kiss, as you felt him finally intrude your walls. He swallowed every moan you made and even drowned them with his tongue. His size was unthinkably big. There was one protruding vein in particular. The way your walls clamped around it, allowed you to feel it from its start to its end. He wasn’t completely uncivilized though. He allowed you to adjust to his size before moving even a millimetre. In the meantime, he sucked at your skin, twisted your nipples, and moulded your breasts. By now, there wasn’t one spot on your neck that wasn’t bruised. As these appeared one after the other, the pain from his cock invading your insides slowly mingled with pleasure.
“You can move…” He did exactly that. As if it were a command typed into a computer. He almost pulled all the way out, before slamming himself against your hips roughly and sighing out your name.
“You’re so fucking tight, princess,” he groaned as he wasted no time bringing your knees up against your chest, as he began to pound into you. His pace wasn’t too fast, but rough enough to earn those ethereal moans of yours.
“Fuck, scream for me. Scream my name. Let the whole block hear you,” he sighed, speeding up his pace, rutting against you like a heathen. It was fucking filthy. He watched as every inch of himself disappeared inside you, massacring your insides with no mercy. Every pant and every moan contributed to his head falling back in pleasure, as he drove his hips vigorously against yours.
“Ani!” His name left your lips repeatedly like a broken record. He was fucking you completely stupid. What day was it? What time was it? What was your own name? Your cock-drunk self had only one thing in mind: Anakin Skywalker.
“Fuck, I’m close!” You panted as he thrust with even greater speed and strength. He was relentless and unforgiving.
“That’s right. Cum for me. Cum on this cock, baby,” he groaned as you started clenching down on him. He was struggling to move with the tightness but didn’t give up that easily. His tip hit your cervix repeatedly and you felt like your guts were being rearranged.
Finally, you couldn’t handle it anymore and you tipped over the edge,
“Ani!” You fell limp, but Anakin was far from done. He pulled out, only to get next to you and pull you into his lap. His face was flushed. His eyes were hooded and his lips parted. His hands were kneading your hips,
“Ride me.” What? You had no means. You were limp and tired from the pounding you just got. Now he’s trying to go for another round? But oh, how you wanted it. You wanted so badly to feel him again. To feel a new angle of him. Quite literally speaking.
With whatever strength you could muster, you slowly sank down on him, taking him by each delicious inch. It was far too much for you though, your arms immediately gave out and you fell on top of him. That was no issue though; he helped you. He grabbed your hips tightly and thrust upwards. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head with pleasure. You’d never been fucked that food before. Anakin let his face get buried in the soft mounds in front of him, as he arched your back for you. He was determined to make you finish for the third time in the evening, before finishing himself.
“Doing so good for me, baby, you’re doing such a good job.” He continued to drag your hips down upon his, but with one hand, he slowly let go and pressed it against your abdomen,
“You feel that? That’s my cock ruining you.” This man… your words were illegible by now. He removed his hand from your stomach and stretched the corner of your mouth with two of his fingers,
“You’re so pathetic like this. Where’s the smartass now?” He was right. He was fucking you into oblivion. You couldn’t even fully comprehend what he was saying anymore. You just whined and moaned at him. Just like the good girl, you were being for him. The overstimulation didn’t help. In fact, you were already getting close again. Your pussy was suffocating him and his drags were getting sloppier and sloppier— until he finally got you to release on top of him. He pulled you for a few more thrusts before pulling you off, having you fall backwards on the bed so that he could paint your stomach white.
The two of you both panted heavily as he fell back. It felt like you were going to pass out from the exhaustion.
“Beats the nicotine and cigarettes,” he sighed with a snicker. His eyes were fixated on the white ceiling above,
“So does tomorrow work too?”
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gaywarcriminals · 1 month
Shen Jiu is an Abusive Mother
Yeah this is my Mother's Day post <3 This is just for funsies, and I by no mean think its the best lens through which to see SJ and LBH's relationship— its just a comparison I find interesting, and I was feeling festive 🥰.
To start, none of this is to say that SJ is a feminine character. I don't believe that, and I think that he's often misinterpreted as more feminine by western fans due to differences in gender norms/gender roles (which is a Whole Other Coversation). Maternal/mommy are being used loosely here.
Secondly, I don't think we'd even be looking at SJ through a maternal framework if the man who took over his body wasn't Shen "I would never abort you" Yuan. SJ is mostly pulled into this because he exist in juxtaposition to Mr. Freud's Wet Dream (go read tshirt's SVSSS Freud zine btw, several points here are inspired by it).
The fact remains, though, that even without Wifebeam Supreme playing the part, there is something distinctly parental about the role of Shizun. Shizuns cannot be compared to teachers or tutors, who the child either go to visit durning the day, or who come to the child's home when it's time for lessons. Even with the respect due to them, a teacher remains distinct from a child's home and family. They do not overly incorporate themselves into these things that define a child's life. 
Shizuns are a little different. There is, ofc, lots of variation within the xianxia and wuxia genres, but in most of the stories I've encountered— and more importantly for our purposes, in SVSSS itself— unless the child’s family home is their sect, when a child is accepted as a disciple, they're expected to join their shizun/shifu either in the master's home/sect, or in free-roaming travel. In both cases, the shizun's home becomes the disciple's home, and their shizun becomes the main adult responsible for the child. The master will take over in guiding the child's development from here, shaping them by their hand. Is that not a parent? I think some such imprinting is inevitable, even among more well-adjusted disciples. Do you know who's not well-adjusted?
Luo Binghe enters the sect soon after the death of his mother. There is a mommy shaped hole in his heart. Though absolutely nothing could replace her, he's a sad, lost, and angry child, coming to a mountain of immortal masters, desperately hoping for one of them to take him as their own. As much as he's motivated by fulfilling his mother's wishes, isn't he also looking for a place to belong in this world, now that the hut that he once called home is ruined by his mother's absence? Doesn't he hope, if only for a short time, that someone else will see fit to care for him? As much as Luo Binghe is already hurt and hardened in many ways, he's still just a child; he's not yet blackened beyond dreaming of someone to love him.
Shen Jiu is very much Not That. Shen Jiu is not a merely a lofty immortal ambivalent to his disciple’s emotional needs. No, Shen Jiu hates Luo Binghe enough to unfairly punish and ostracize him, and even puts him in deadly harm's way twice before just outright trying to kill him (the manual, the demon invasion, the abyss). Going by the framework of SQQ as a parental figure, he's undeniably an abusive one. In what way could this be said to be maternal, though? In my eyes, it comes down to motive.
Shen Jiu has a lot of motivations for abusing Binghe, mostly coming down to the fact that's he's more trauma response than man at this point, but one of these is more explicitly outlined in the text than the others: Shen Qingqiu saw three things on the original flavor’s face: envy, envy, and more envy. Envy that Luo Binghe had a mother who was “the kindest in all the world to him,” envy of Luo Binghe’s talent, envy that Luo Binghe would enter Cang Qiong Mountain Sect at the best age for cultivating. He was indeed the kind of person to brim with envy and resentment toward a young child.
Envy and jealously, at least in the western canon, are usually associated with female characters (and though it’s outside the scope of this post to dissect, let it not go unremarked that this trope is deeply misogynistic in origin). They are almost always envious of a younger, more beautiful, and/or more skillful woman, who are posed at the moral superior to the jealous woman. That's right, Shen Jiu is an evil stepmother! He tolerates having no superior or equal on his peak, needing his power and superiority to go unquestioned. Outside of his abuse of Binghe, and the references early in the novel to SJ chasing away talented disciples, I think this is also shown by how the male disciple SJ tolerates the most is Ming Fan, who has only middling talent and is obsequious before his shifu, never challenging SJ in any way, and never threatening to surpass him.
But of course, SJ’s relationship to Binghe is the most obvious example. Shen Jiu sees himself in Luo Binghe (derogatory). He sees Luo Binghe as a symbol of everything he never had. Luo Binghe is a creature like himself that, for no rhythm or reason, was given so much more than SJ. It is also notable that, at least as far as Shen Qingqiu, as an outside observer, can tell, the thing which first sparked SJ's ire was the mention of LBH's mother. Never mind that LBH says in the same breath that she's dead; the fact that when she lived, she was a kind and loving mother to LBH is enough for SJ to envy him, and as he finds more to envy, it comes justification to hate the boy, and to punish him for daring to have someone who died loving him. 
(Side note: after consulting the qijiu server about the implications of SJ’s reaction, my reading is that SJ never knew his mother. The only alternative is that she was a bad mother, but I don't think he would find such unilateral comfort in women if that was the case. It's made me wonder if SJ ever believed that having a mother, a protector, would have spared him his fate. But alas, this post is not about SJ's mommy issues. Another day!)
Even outside the realm of cartoonish villains, I think this particular brand of envy is, in some ways, associate with motherhood. There's a natural tendency in parents to see themselves in their children, but as mothers are almost always the ones more involved in raising children and more expected to foster emotional connections with their children, I think this is both more common and more encouraged in mothers than fathers. Mothers are expected to be in charge of and over-involved in most aspects of a child's life, and in turn their lives are expected to revolve around their children, blurring the boarder between the self and the child. The child becomes symbolic of the mother's past self and what she can no longer be. The expectations on the child are the expectations of the mother's idealized self, and whether the child meets them or not, the mother will resent them for it, for daring to fail when they are her, or daring to succeed when they are not.
That's not to say SJ ever had such deep identification with LBH— he certainly never cared for LBH, and if anything, he's more like a mother who resents her child being born (as though he did not pick this boy out of the dirt himself)— but the hatred for a child under his care being like him but supposedly better off feels evocative of this characteristically maternal form of envy.
And finally, there is the fruit of SJ's actions, and the most explicitly/textually maternal aspect of SJ's abuse: it created Luo Bingge.
“Has Shidi ever considered that, if you hadn’t treated Luo Binghe like that in the beginning, everything that unfolded today never would have happened?”
He had singlehandedly created the Luo Binghe of today,
Luo Bingge, the all-powerful demon, the ruler of the three realms, and Shen Jiu's own personal torturer, would never have existed without SJ's intervention. Luo Bingge is shaped in Shen Jiu's image, and everything Shen Jiu ever did to destroy the boy only twisted him to further fit this mold. Luo Bingge's fate, the shape of his very soul, have been defined by SJ. And what is more maternal than giving someone their life defining trauma? 
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shinehyuk · 2 years
closer | nishimura riki
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| Genre : yandere
ㅡ Summary : after giving in to him, your attempts to get closer to the male don't go unnoticed.
Word Count : 2k
tw/cw : unhealthy obsession, abuse, toxic relationship, food, please do not read if uncomfortable with such themes!
request : Hi ! could you do a yandere ni-ki scenario where the reader starts to give in and attempts to get closer to him ? love your works btw !
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩ ೃ༄*ੈ✩ ✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩༄*ੈ✩ ✧
You knocked twice on the door to Riki's room, quietly hoping that he wasn't asleep yet as you waited for his response. Hearing a light 'come in', you walked into the room and respectfully closed the door behind you.
The male turned on the light lamp that resided beside his bed on the night table, frowning at you as he rubbed his eyes. "What do you want?" He asked coldly, sounding almost irritated by the fact that his rest had been so rudely disturbed.
"I can't sleep" You answered with a gulp, thinking of abandoning your plan and going back to your room, but remembering what you decided on before. You were going to attempt to try to get closer to him – it definitely was not going to be easy, but you knew that he wasn't too keen on hurting you and had a secret soft spot, even if he didn't show it too often. And it was not like you could leave, so giving in sounded like the only option you had at the time; and maybe sometime in the future, you could have a chance to escape if he trusted you enough. But for that, you had to get closer to him.
"And?" He cocked a brow, not seeing how your trouble with falling asleep could possibly connect to him in any way.
"Could I.. sleep with you..?" You asked nervously. Riki coughed out from surprise, shocked by your rather abrupt question.
"Could I sleep with you?" You repeated, in case the male didn't hear you clearly the first time.
He sat up more straight and sighed, a mix of emotions showing on his face before ending up on a cold, indifferent face. You were sure that he was going to turn you down and tell you to get out and go to sleep, but instead he moved to the right side of the bed, making room for you on the other side.
"Fine." He scoffed, seemingly unhappy, but you could swear that he was trying to fight back a smile for a split second – not wanting the male to change his mind, you hurried to lay down on the free side with a smile. "But don't think I'm going to share the blanket with you."
"Thanks, Riki"
He switched the night lamp off, moving to lay on his side, facing away from you. You quickly fell asleep by his side, a bright smile on your face; you were glad that he didn't reject you like he'd always do – that meant that you were probably going to manage to actually get somewhere by attempting to get closer to the male.
You woke up in the morning, smiling at the warm, fuzzy feeling that surrounded you – opening your eyes, you saw that it was a blanket; the same one Riki had. You looked over to his side of the bed, seeing that he was still sleeping, and did not, in fact, have a blanket. You widen your eyes, breaking out in a cold sweat.
Oh no. Did you accidentally take his blanket during the night, when he specifically told you that he wasn't keen on sharing? Was he going to get mad?
You tried to be as quiet and stealthy as you could, taking off the blanket and softly putting it on the male, hoping that he wouldn't wake up while you did. You listened and waited for any signs, but it seemed that he was still asleep. You sighed out in relief, sleepily rubbing your eyes and sitting up. You had a feeling that you had a very nice dream that night, but couldn't remember any of the details.
Standing up from the bed as quietly as you could to not wake the sleeping male, you were ready to leave the room before you suddenly got yanked back, landing on the soft bed again.
"Stay" The male groaned, hugging your arm. You looked over at him, noticing that he still looked like he was in very deep sleep. Was he talking in his sleep? "..Don't leave me."
"I'm not going anywhere" You reassured him, comfortably laying back on the bed, smiling at the male's cute gesture before going back to sleep.
Maybe staying with him wouldn't be so bad?
About an hour later, you woke up, the warm blanket placed on you again. The only difference was, Riki was nowhere to be seen – you frown, stretching and leaving the comfort of the bed, going to look for the male.
Opening the door, you were met face to face with the male who was carrying a tray with two plates on it. Seeing you, he scoffed loudly and looked away. "..You ruined it." He whispered, quietly enough for you to just barely be able to hear.
"Huh?" You frown. "Is that..?"
"..That's not for you." He sneered, coldly walking past you and setting the tray on the bed. "Sit down."
"Did you seriously think I'm going to eat from two plates myself, dummy?"
You coughed nervously, embarrassed as you went to sit next to him on the bed. The breakfast looked delicious; Riki wasn't the best cook, but you could tell that he tried, especially if he was making something for you.
"Thank you" You smiled at him, the male looking away as soon as you made eye contact.
"I'm just making sure you don't starve," He said. "Enjoy."
You nod, both of you digging into the food in silence. Even though the only thing you heard was the sound of chewing and fork clinking against the place, the silence wasn't awkward at all; it was rather peaceful. You wished for more mornings like this, but you were more than sure that after you left the room, Riki would return to his cold demeanor, acting like nothing ever happened at all.
After you finished the breakfast, the male stood up, picking up the tray with the empty plates. "I'm leaving. Bye." He stated. "You're.. welcome to stay here. Just don't cause chaos." He shyly gestured at the room, glancing at you one last time before closing the door, not waiting for your response.
You couldn't help but grin, happy that he was already starting to warm up to you so quickly; it was nice. He never really let you stay in his room before, especially when he wasn't present. Could he really have had a change of heart so quickly?
You spent your time reading books and studying from the materials Riki has provided you with; even though you weren't allowed to go out, he still wanted you to have a grip of what's happening in society. Hearing the familiar click of the front door, you couldn't pass up another chance to get closer to him, hurrying to greet the male as soon as he came in.
As soon as Riki fully closed the door behind himself, you wrapped your arms around him, hearing a light gasp. "What did you just..?"
"Hello." You smiled. "Do you have anything for me?" You glanced at the bags he was carrying, the male chuckling at your enthusiasm.
"As if." He put the bags down with a smile on his face that this time, he simply couldn't fight back. The male pulled out a brown teddy bear from one of the bags, awkwardly passing it to you. "..Here. Use this as a sleeping buddy instead of me."
"Oh? Did I snore that much?" You accepted the plush bear, smiling at the fuzzy feeling that was now in your hands.
He rolled his eyes with a smile, unpacking the rest of the stuff from the bags. "Very much."
You scoffed dramatically, turning away from him. "How dare you?"
"Me? You're the one who bothered me in the middle of the night AND had the audacity to snore."
You poked him in his side, making the male yelp as he glared at you, a shock in his eyes that was replaced by a confident look the very next second. "Oh, you're on." He poked you right back, and so you both were a laughing mess for the next two minutes before the male regained himself, his cold attitude returning again.
"..What do you want for dinner?" He asked, unpacking the last bag before entering the kitchen.
"What can you make?" You answered his question with another question, looking around for something to snack on.
"Spaghetti will be good" He said as he yanked the package of sour gummies from your hands, putting it back into the drawer you took it from. "No snacking before dinner."
You whined, crossing your arms. "Not even one?" You made puppy eyes at the male, hoping that he'd break under the pressure of your persuasion.
"..No." He glanced away, preparing the necessary items in order to make the dinner. "Now, unless you want to help, go away."
"Can I really help?"
You left the room, impatiently waiting until the male was finally done with the food. After what felt like forever, he returned with the spaghetti, placing it before you.
You ate dinner together while watching TV, the male glancing at you every now and then to make sure you were eating well. Seeing you enjoy the dish he prepared, he smiled in relief as he watched you gobble it up.
After you finished eating, Riki collected the plates and put them away. "..If you need me, I'll be in my room." He muttered before leaving you alone.
The rest of your day went by pretty quickly – you did your daily before sleep routine of skin care then got ready to sleep with your new "sleeping buddy" that Riki got for you. It was a very cute plushie that was holding a red heart in both paws; only after giving the toy more attention, you remembered that you haven't given it a name yet. You thought for a minute, thinking up something that could fit. Perhaps something associated with the male next room? A play of words?
"You look like a Niki, don't you?" You smiled at the bear, feeling its fuzzy, brown fur. "Niki it is." Placing it on your bed, you didn't feel quite satisfied about today's day. You've made quite a move on with Riki, but was it really enough to get closer to him? What if he didn't make anything of it?
You needed something way stronger. Something that will really get through to the male and make him realize that you've truly given in to him.
Knocking on his door just like the night before, you waited for a response. Once you heard one, you entered the room and prepared yourself for what was about to come.
"Riki..?" The male wasn't sleeping yet, scrolling on his phone in the bed.
"What? Can't sleep again?" He cocked a brow, putting his phone away on the night table.
"No, it's just.. I love you"
"..You what?"
"I love you" You repeated a bit louder this time, to make sure that he heard you clearly.
"I know what you're trying to do" He rolled his eyes and scoffed in irritation, standing up from the bed. "It won't work"
"You're trying to make me let down my guard so you can easily escape."
"No! I just.. want to get closer to you."
He gulped and breathed out, taking a moment to take in and consider everything that you've just said to him. "..Then," He sighed, stepping closer to you. "..I guess I love you, too."
Your eyes slightly widened as he placed a soft, light but loving kiss on your forehead, shyly patting your head with the palm of his hand. "..But don't let it get to your head."
You nod, grinning and happily wrapping your arms around the male who slowly returned the sweet gesture, silently enjoying this moment that he has waited so, so long for. He has wanted this ever since he first saw you. He wanted you to love him back. For you to want to be with him.
And now that it has finally happened, he will let nothing ever tear you apart.
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩ a/n ✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩
thank you for requesting! i hope you liked it <3
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩ೃ༄*ੈ✩
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darkbluekies · 1 year
Silas asks #6
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Previous one Concept: I've put multiple asks into one post to avoid too much loose posts on my account! This way, you have more to read too<3 Warnings: bruises, unhealthy relationships, mentions of marking silas up
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What if I made silas a angry steak with vinegar 😡ok that sounded werid but here's the angry steak recipe 😂vinagear sauce, microwave that steak
He'll make sure all of your meals are cooked in dishwater.
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What if after the "basement session" Silas find out that now the little thing has a really strong self harm tendencies? Like she start to bite herself, physical abuse herself and not only that! She start to call herself "dirty" (or smt) and her self esteem start to go down very fast. Is Silas will help s/o with it or he'll like it? Hope not the second option <;;:(
Of course he'll hate it :( he doesn't like when you're hurt, hence why he uses the basement as a punishment and not something physical. He hates to see painful marks on your body. He loves to see you painted in bruises, but not the ones that hurt. He'll make sure to tell you how beautiful and worthy you are so make sure that you know how much you mean to him. He'll dress you up in soft, fluffy clothes until you look like a marshmallow to make sure you won't hurt yourself.
"Come here, little thing, fuck, I love you so much. Please don't think like that. You know I don't want you to be hurt. I'll make sure you get well, I'll even call a doctor if you want ... I'll do anything to make sure you're happy, okay? Tell me what to do."
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I was re reading your Valentine’s Day post with and I was wondering if he would be the type of yandere to buy his darling lots of clothes and made her spend hours trying them on in front of him? Ps you’re my favourite blog on this app, your writing is amazing and I’m always excited for your next post
[I did two valentines, but I'm guessing that you mean Silas? Thank you so much, btw that makes me so happy <3]
Of course he's the type to make you into his personal little runway model. He'll sit back in a chair and watch with dark eyes, loving everyhting you put on.
"And spin ... good job. I like that one. We'll get that one. What do you mean 'it's short'? It's supposed to be. I'm the only one who will see it anyway, so why does it matter? Try next one. I'm enjoying this."
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Hey how are you? I just came back from school and was watching in the gym and saw some kids practicing taekwondo, so I was wondering how would Silas react to his darling knowing taekwondo and can be his ass? Would he be amused or frustrated I just wanted to know cuz I kept thinking about it for about an hour before saying it now. I hope you had a good day :) -new anon
[I'm doing good, thank you!!]
He'd be both frustrated and amused. He would be able to playfight with you and not have to worry about you hurting yourself, but he'd be worried that you would be able to escape him easier now. If you weren't showing any signs of running away, he'd not think much about it and would enjoy getting lessons from you. If you could teach him how to be as good as you, he'd be able to protect himself and you better.
"Like this? No? Y/N, seriously, teach me. Stop playing around."
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How would Silas react to a reader with a bad light sensitivity disorder? Like irlen syndrome? I have it and it realy makes me feel isalated as no one elce i have met has had it in eny form (and i have move a LOT) if u dont want to do that what about an s/o who has dislexia? (As u can probarly gess i have that to. Life is so cruel 🥲)
Whatever problem you might be facing, whether it be physical or mental, he will be there for you. If you feel that it's hard to use your eyes, he will go to every doctor to try to find some kind of glasses to help you and if there are none, he'll be your eyes. The same with spelling and reading. He'll do everything for you. You don't have to lift a pretty finger :)
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I would've spent all of babygirl silas money the first day tbh
my eye is twitching at that nicknAME
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Hii I just read white bunny and I thought it was so good! It got me thinking about whether Silas would carry on treating the reader gently if they improved mentally or if he would go back to the way he was treating them before they ran away?
He would continue to treat them like he is. He's terrified of hurting you again and since you seem so happy when he treats you like this ... then he'll continue. Whatever you want, he'll do for you, don't worry about it. He's here for you ... always.
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Hear. me. out.What if darling (s/o? Still don't know difference) ENJOY being in a basement (I am talking about Silas by the way) I mean, they (sorry i forget if s/o (darling) has a gender) think it's something like a minute just for them. No talking, no these annoying "baby" or "little thing", no forced touching. Just you ...and cold floor.
He'll be so pissed and change his tactics. You're not supposed to like his punishments! So you like the dark and quiet? No more of that. He'll be cuffing you two together and talking to you nonstop about how perfect you are and how he's going to keep you for as long as he wants to, aka really getting into your head.
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I kinda want to bite Silas, he seem so chewy and acidic, green sour patch kid, especially his cheek, let me bite Silas, I need to bite Silas-
I mean ... he'd 100% like it so go ahead, leave some marks while you're at it.
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neerons · 20 days
Hi! How are you doing? I wanted to ask if you know some stories that are similar to MK. It can be another game, manga/webtoon, or even movies/series/dramas. I want to read or watch a similar story with an interesting plot and deep stories, but not too complicated. The storyline has to be logical/coherent and well written. The characters must be strong and have interesting personalities, good developments and if possible, good relationships too. I don't have a particular theme in mind, but I'd like some romance in the story (the two lovers are equals). If you have some recommendations or if someone else has some stories to share, I'm interested! Thank you ❤️
Hi! I'm very good thank you. I hope you're doing well too ❤
I'm not going to help out much when it comes to other games, webtoons, movies or series as what I play, read or watch in these categories don't really fit Masquerade Kiss' universe.
Anyone is welcome to leave recommendations as well. Try to tag @ himawari ⬆ for visibility so your comment can be seen
MK is pretty unique so not everything I recommend is even 50% close to being similar to MK, so I mostly rely on core details that match.
However when it comes to mangas/animes, there are ones I can instantly think about, and some others that have similarities as well. Some of them don't involve romance but I tried to think of ones who do.
Black Butler
If you're looking for something similar to Kei's route, let me introduce you to my favorite anime and manga ✨ Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji ✨
It doesn't involve the romance you're looking for, but the story is deep, linked to religion and a sexy demon butler, with one of the main characters (Ciel) having a very similar past to Kei. It's actually the only one I can think of that is so similar to MK overall, but it's definitely darker.
It involves the same things we see in Kei's route in general: rejection of religious faith, demons (but here an actual one), philosophy about what being a human is, child abuse in a religious setting, being left as an orphan, and another thing very similar to Kei that I will not spoil as it is a big plot twist in the manga. (But tbh I wouldn't be surprised if the writer in charge of Kei got inspired by Black Butler)
(However, keep in mind that if you watch the anime, you need to look up the episodes that are adapted from the manga so the plot stays coherent (the anime has some parts of S1 and S2 that were invented, and you should avoid watching those, unless you want to, if you want to understand the actual plot)
The Apothecary Diaries
The romance is not completely established yet even in the manga, as it is slow burn. However the FL is extremely interesting and strong, intelligent as well as very funny. The ML is equally as good, and both have a very interesting relationship.
I recommend this one especially for the "equals" part you're looking for, but the era they're in in this universe doesn't fit MK's. But the story is quite deep and not that hard to understand
Spy x Family
This one is linked to spies and assassins, and family life in general in a cold war setting. I realize as I'm writing this just how much I suck at doing these masterpieces justice btw.
Anyway, the characters are extremely good. The story, with all its comedy and funny moments, is also quite profound as you have characters start to understand what love is (kind of similar to MK as well in this aspect?) and well, it's about ✨ spies ✨ I like to compare the MK Boss and Twilight (the ML) as they're incredible at their work.
The romances are not well established as well in this one but they're slowly building.
The era is also a bit different, but it's not too shocking
Kaguya-sama: Love is War
This one is also a funny one. The FL and ML and side characters are all amazing and well written. It's an elite high school setting. It's not dark like the others ones I've mentioned and is more of a comfort anime/manga.
I think the characters' banter can be similar to what we're used to see in MK, and it's a lovely, although frustrating at times, slow burn
7th Time Loop: The Villainess enjoys a carefree life married to her worst enemy!
I almost tired my fingers out typing that title, but this anime has a really good romance with a very independent, strong, intelligent and capable FL, with a strong, cold but actually tender ML.
Not the same era as MK again, but it's another one with both leads being equally as good and having a good relationship (although it's not easy at first). The FL's belief in justice and her kindness are also similar to our lovely MK MC as well.
I don't know if you have already watched or read those, but that's mostly what I could think of. Sadly, I have yet to find one very similar to MK's glamour, sensual, funny and dark vibe myself but I hope I helped you a bit, and if I didn't, then I'm sorry and I hope you'll find something good!
I guess the Mission Impossible movies that the MC loves so much are actual inspirations for MK? So you might be interested in those if you haven't watched them.
The movie or series about Hannibal Lecter with Mads Mikkelsen for Kei's route as well? Although I haven't watched it myself so I don't know if it was an inspiration, and it's gore, so be careful with the warnings
I could recommend you French romantic movies that MC would enjoy and that would be similar to MK (as MK heavily implements French references in its content), but I won't be able to guarantee there'll be a translation for you to understand, so I'm giving up the idea
Thank you for the ask, and have a lovely day/night ❤
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sapphic-sex-ed · 3 months
i looked on your abuse tag for a while and didn’t see that you answered this but if i’m wrong lmk. any tips on how to pull a friend out of an abusive relationship? i know i can’t control her but she asked me to tell her when her relationship starts to look like what mine did and when i told her she didn’t listen and now she’s getting back with the same person after 3 days. i know i’m not supposed to control her but i don’t know what to do besides an ultimatum at this point. hoping someone else has better advice before i do that.
Thank you for asking this highly relevant question. I'm sorry your friend is in a bad relationship and I'm sorry you have been through this as well - abuse is too common and that's why I'm glad you asked. We all need this information.
Most people's first instinct when their loved one seems to be in an unhealthy relationship is to raise the question with them. How people do this differs, and I would always opt for what's called curious exploration (open questions about the relationship and reflections of the emotions your loved one expresses) over confrontation, as the latter seldom is productive. In your case, anon, you raised it as agreed upon beforehand but your friend wasn't receptive to your thoughts. This, too, is common.
In my experience with clients in a abusive relationships, there is a lot of shame tied up into being a "victim", one of several reasons "survivor" is a preferred term. To imply or explicitly state that their relationship seems abusive can in instances when they're not ready to hear that yet lead to resistance and a deeper commitment to said relationship. The genuine concern for their safety is taken as criticism of themselves and their own person, usually as there probably exists some doubts and insecurities already. When we are already insecure we tend to become more protective of whatever it is we are insecure about. For this reason I would stray from words such as 'abuse' or even 'unhealthy'. Not to say that labeling abuse as abuse cannot be a relief to some - when they are ready for it it can be very cathartic for somebody else to see and acknowledge their experiences as abuse - but they need to be further along in their acceptance and insight for that to work.
As people who care about them, it can be difficult to see a loved one stay with or go back to an abusive partner. We want them to be safe and happy and to us it seems obvious that the source of their misery is the abusive partner. But abusive relationships aren't always all bad all the time. That's how we get stuck. It's like a slot machine. It can be helpful for some to speak about their relationships like a behavioral addiction - the mechanisms are similar or the same. That's what the actual definition of love-bombing is, btw. The increase in loving behaviors by an abuser right before or right after a bad abusive episode meant to keep the victim in the relationship. Because of this pattern - tension, incident, reconciliation (honeymoon phase or love-bombing), calm - it can be difficult for the person being abused to see the abuse, as it's not all bad all the time. That hope that the love-bombing or calm phases will prevail is what is so addictive about the abusive relationship. "This time maybe it will work out".
For us who see the abuse, we want to support our loved one, and the first instinct if usually to get them to leave. As discussed, that's not an easy task. It's common for abused partners (speaking explicitly about IPV, but any type of domestic violence regardless of relationship works similarly, although leaving may look different when the abuser is a relative) to leave the abuser between 3 to 11 times before they leave for good. Some never leave. What abuse does, at its core, is strip us of agency and dignity. We become dependent and degraded. If somebody else then comes along, no matter how good their intentions, and tells us that we must leave that too is stripping of agency and will be met with resistance. The change needs to come from within the abused person themselves.
Confrontation creates tension both within you as a friend and within the loved one you're trying to help, and can lead you to drift apart, especially if the abused feel like you are judgemental of their relationship. We don't want this to happen. Isolation is one of the main tools an abuses utilizes, consciously or not (because while some people are just cruel and consciously abuse others, a lot of the time the abuser is only half-way aware of what they are doing), to keep their victim in the relationship. Instead, what we want to do is offer support on the abused person's terms. Don't try to persuade them to leave. Instead offer support like a place to stay if they need it. Or a shoulder to cry on and an ear to listen. Just doing friendship things and preventing isolation. What somebody needs will be based on their relationship and other social and psychological factors. If the abuse is physical they may need somebody who can drive them to the ER. Or if the abuse is more psychological (not mutually exclusive obviously) they may need somebody they can call at any hour to cry. Economical abused people may need someone who can open an account for them to stash away money or such. Ask your friend what they need if they are open to that. Or if you notice something they might need help with if you can do that for them. If they are very downtrodden and lack the ability to decide if they want help with X thing, you can speak in statements like "I will do X thing for you when you need me to".
When it comes to talking about the relationship, I use a lot of elements om motivational interviewing (MI) when I meet people in abusive relationships. You're not a therapist or a counselor, you're a friend, but the core tenets of MI are based in compassion and evoking change through that. To use skills like active listening, simple and complex emotional reflections, and open questions to bring to surface the person's own reasoning are not outside the scope of a layperson. To hear yourself say something aloud often makes it easier for us to hear the flaws in our own reasoning because now it's not just an internal thought, now we hear it as others do, and that is what using MI elements does. Again, you're not a therapist, but to use active listening skills is good in any private relationship.
I hope this was helpful. I also invite followers to share their tips from experience both as survivor and friend of survivors.
-mod liz
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milfjuulpod · 1 year
hi!! can you do one of melissa x fem reader where reader just started teaching at abbott and melissa develops feelings pretty quickly after they become really close, but doesn’t know reader is dating someone. until reader’s partner starts visiting her at work & melissa gets jealous. little does melissa know that reader likes her back & wants to leave her partner cause they’re kinda shitty to her or whatever you think works best!! and with melissa & reader eventually getting together:)
i’m terrible at explaining skdjfhd but i hope it’s good enough!!! i love your work btw!!!<3
She’s Not You
summary: see req
content/warnings: heavy cursing, hinting at emotional abuse, fluff in the end tho duh
a/n: hello :p thank you for sending a req and for the kind words 🥺 i could cry. i hope you like this, i am not too happy with it so maybe i’ll revisit this prompt but for now, here u are! much love 🫶
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Abbott Elementary quickly became your safe haven. After landing a job as a third grade teacher, you’ve gone from just another face to part of the family. Particularly, with Melissa Schemmenti. Your job opening was actually because of Melissa. Her meshed second and third grade classes proved to be too much for even Melissa and an aid, and somehow the driven teacher found money through the district to hire you.
Both you and Melissa felt indebted to each other, her basically giving you the job, and you saving her from the worst year of teaching yet. At least, that’s what the two of you kept telling yourselves. I’m just returning the favor.
That’s why Melissa offered to show you how to cook, why you invited her over to show her some cult classic movies, why the two of you became…close, to say the least. Even though the two of you shared some intimate moments, you never shared many intimate details. It wasn’t until your partner of three years started coming to your work that you realized you had never shared that part of your life with Melissa.
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to tell Melissa more about your life, you wanted to badly. But, you were afraid. The relationship between you and your partner was less than, in your eyes. Of course at the beginning it was all roses and smiles and kisses and whispers, but slowly the facade dropped, and you slowly began to meet the person you had dedicated way too much of your personal life to.
You knew the only reason Heather, your girlfriend, was coming by to work was because she didn’t have enough control. She noticed how much happier you were, how you were thriving. And since it wasn’t coming from Heather herself, she needed that to change.
The first time she came by, it was unannounced. You sat in the break room, in your usual spot a little too close to Melissa, the two of you working on a crossword together. Your thoughts of the clues were interrupted by a familiar voice that made your blood run cold. “Hey baby, happy to see me?” Heather announced herself to the room. You blinked a few times to ensure you weren’t dreaming, missing Melissa throw Heather the nastiest glare she could.
“Oh my god, what are you doing here?” You asked Heather with a small smile, although you were secretly worried about her true intentions. She decided to make herself comfortable and pull up a chair next to you. Everyone else in the break room simply stared, worried for the girl who was unknowingly digging a deeper and deeper hole with the Italian teacher sitting a foot away from her.
“I missed you, wanted to bring you lunch. You didn’t eat breakfast this morning, or grab the coffee I made you. I woke up early for that, y’know,” she said to you, plopping the bag of food in front of you. To an outsider, it might’ve seemed like light teasing between a comfortable couple. But you knew that tone. The tone that meant she was going to bring this up later, start a fight, and then make it up to you before you could change your mind about finally leaving.
You muttered a quiet “thanks,” and took the food in your hand. “Why don’t I show you my classroom?” Before Heather could respond, you were out of your seat and guiding the two of you to the door.
“Who was that?” Barbara asked the room, although she gave pointed eyes to Melissa, knowing the two of you had grown close rather quickly. Melissa on the other hand, was angrily staring at the crossword in front of her. How dare this stranger come and interrupt the time she treasured with you, taking you away and-
Then she remembered the pet name, the mention of breakfast and coffee, and the dots connected. You had a girlfriend. A girlfriend Melissa knew absolutely nothing about. She didn’t even know you liked women. Sure, she had her suspicions, after all you weren’t very subtle about it. But you never opened up to Melissa about it, the loving of women or the girl you had already loved, and that made Melissa’s heart shatter more than she felt she could physically handle.
The redhead abruptly stood up from her seat and started gathering her things. She could not be around others right now, not in this emotional state. Melissa knew she had a crush on you, she just didn’t think it was this bad. To the point of making the usual hard-shelled woman fall to pieces at the sight of you with somebody else. In her haste exit, Melissa missed the many friends she had calling out to her, she couldn’t hear anything other than the thousands of thoughts in her head.
“Fuck,” Melissa muttered to herself, leaning against the wall in the hallway. She covered her face in her hands, hoping it would stop the tears from leaving her green eyes. She did her best to quickly pull herself together before anyone saw, and made the walk back to her classroom. Of course, she had to pass your room to get to her own. The sight of your classroom door made Melissa’s stomach turn. Usually it was because of butterflies, and now dread. She felt sick.
As she got closer, she could hear voices coming from inside. Melissa stood still for a moment, debating whether or not she truly wanted to know what was being said in there. Against her brain telling her to do otherwise, Melissa creeped towards your door, trying her best to listen for conversation.
“I make you coffee and you don’t drink it, I bring you lunch and you don’t eat it, what the fuck is your problem? Do you have no appreciation for those around you? Are you that fucked up?” The voice from earlier could be heard through the door. Melissa was shocked, angry, jealous, all rolled up into one storm. Which would explain why she swung open your door before she could tell herself no.
“Who are you? We’re having a conversation.” Heather spat at Melissa immediately. Before answering, Melissa glanced towards you. She had never seen you in such a fragile state. Sitting in your desk chair, in the dark, with so much fear in your eyes somebody might think your life was being threatened. “It’s a need to know basis kid, and you don’t need to know. Could I steal my friend for a minute?” Melissa asked, even though she was already taking your hand in hers and walking out the door with you.
She didn’t stop once she left your classroom either, not until she made it to the steps outside of the building. Melissa looked into your eyes for something, anything at this point. But you just sighed and looked away. “Please don’t yell at me, Mel,” you said quietly. You were ready for your friend to tear you apart for hiding your girlfriend and for letting her speak to you that way. “Yell at you? Honey…” Melissa said. She pulled you back close to her and wrapped her arms tightly around your body.
Quietly, you cried into her. You couldn’t help it, Melissa made you feel safe, and that wasn’t a luxury you could frequently afford. “She just…” You started, trying to explain everything to the woman who was trying to take care of you. “I can’t do it anymore Melissa. I’m sorry I never told you about her, or the fact I like women. It’s not that I didn’t want to, please don’t think that I just–” You stopped, lifting your head from Melissa’s shoulder to finally meet her gaze again. “I didn’t want you to see how small she makes me feel. I know I shouldn’t be with her, I just don’t know anything else. Not unless I’m with you but, I don’t know. I don’t know anything anymore,” you finally finished with a heavy sigh.
Melissa took a moment to respond, gently rubbing your back and taking a second to absorb everything you had just told her and everything she heard. “I know its easier said than done, but you and I both know you deserve better than that crazy ass bitch back in that classroom,” She gestured with her head to the door. You noticed the venom in her voice as she referred to your girlfriend once again, and if her eyes weren't the most beautiful shade of green, they would be red with anger. “I don’t know Mel…” you trailed off.
She scoffed, tightening her grip around your waist, and you tried your best to ignore the warmth growing in your chest. “Well I know. I know you should be with somebody who actually cares about you, who notices all the stupid cute habits you do all day and loves them, you deserve somebody who will give you that,” Melissa said honestly, more honest than she would have liked to be. You couldn't help the smile that formed on your face, touched by the woman’s words. “Maybe I’ll find them one day,” You said, starting to walk back inside with Melissa. “But I don’t think I’ll find anybody who loves me quite like you do Mel.” Melissa’s heart jumped at that. “I don’t think you will either, sweetheart.”
The weeks following that first incident were strange to say the least. The air between you and Melissa became tense, like both of you had something to say but just couldn’t. Or rather, wouldn’t. The few times Heather popped by again, Melissa would always leave without a word. No goodbye to you or the others, and you quickly learned that for whatever reason, she had a hard time coming back to life after seeing Heather. You blamed it on her protective nature, simple explanation.
It wasn't until Heather had actually stopped coming around that Melissa spoke of the girlfriend without being prompted. The two of you sat alone in her classroom, grading papers before the weekend. “So, are things going any better with…y’know? Haven't seen her around much,” Melissa said without looking up from her papers. “Actually, she moved out. Last weekend. I was going to tell you I just, needed time, I guess,” You answered, looking up at Melissa, trying to read her mind through her eyes.
At first, they lit up, before Melissa could pull herself back together. “Well its about time you kicked her sorry ass to the curb. Nobody treats cuore mia like that,” She said, watching in real time how you melted at her words. “I- What?” you giggled out of confusion. Melissa returned to her gaze to her papers and quietly said, “my heart.” Your cheeks grew hot and you found your breath quickening, both at Melissa calling you such a sweet name, and the Italian she spoke it in. It was this moment that the puzzle pieces started fitting together in your head. Why Melissa was so angry and upset with Heather, and why you always preferred Melissa’s company anyways. The two of you were practically in love.
“If you want to call me pet names, at least do it in English so I know what you’re saying,” You lied to her. You couldn’t have her speaking in Italian to you, but not because it bothered you. In fact it had quite the opposite effect. “What, you don’t like when I speak Italian? Besides, you’ll learn soon enough dolcezza mia,” Melissa cooed, leaning over the edge of her desk to get closer to your face. If you could, you would kiss her right then and there.
So you did. Before you could talk yourself out of it, you cupped Melissa’s cheek and pulled her lips onto yours. Both of you were surprised at the sudden move, but neither pulled away. It was gentle, Melissa stroked the back of your head as she pulled you into her as well. She ran her fingers through your hair and used her position to lightly pull you away from her. “I’m sorry.” You both said at the same time before giggling like children. “Why are you sorry?” Melissa asked. “For kissing you, without asking. Why are you sorry?” You simultaneously answered and questioned her. “For kissing you back, I don’t want to take advantage of you,” Melissa said quietly, suddenly deflating.
You took her hand in yours, gently rubbing her knuckles with your thumb. “Melissa, you’re a very intelligent woman, but you’re acting like an idiot,” You laughed as Melissa furrowed her brows at you. “I kissed you, Mel. I wanted to kiss you I want to kiss you all the time, I didn’t realize until after you started helping me with…you know who,” Both of you grimaced at the mention of your ex. “Everything she should’ve been making me feel, is how you make me feel every day. And I’m sorry it took me so long to realize that,” You told Melissa truthfully. The grip on your hand tightened as she took in your words. “God, come here you,” Melissa said as she smiled, and tugged on your hand for another kiss.
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banes-favourite · 4 months
I would love more thoughts on Gortash having gender identity issues if you have them 👀
Gimme a deep dive 5 page essay /j
anon i am kissing u on the lips passionately for this ask btw 🙏
(tw for sexu@l and minor abuse)
ok so i think gortash is cis male and he didn't really question his identity as a kid, unless he was assigned like female roles in the games he played with other kids cause they thought he was a bit weird. he didn't mind them, mostly cause he had his own mommy issues and it was oddly healing to play as a mother figure (fic recommendation that gave me this idea in the first place).
in the house of hope, he was looked down upon in many ways, being called names was one of them. obviously there were the typical insults and "boy" in a derogatory way but i think since the whole point of being jailed was to be beaten down into an empty slate for Raphael to use and manipulate, it was also important to strip him of his identity as a whole. Nubaldin was probably great at that, providing equal amounts of both physical and emotional abuse, so i imagine there were points were he was punished for using his own name/pronouns. like, being asked what he is, enver giving a derogatory answer hoping it's the right one and nubaldin punching him anyway because "I used 'he' instead of 'it' for your pathetic ass, you should have corrected me"
once he hit the prepubescent age, they probably started having fun with calling him a girl (coupled with the sexu@l abuse he probably experienced), literally gaslighting him saying he was always a girl, he had no name, are you really that stupid? etc etc. obviously this confused him as it's difficult to keep a straight idea of your self-identity when you're concussed every other day. one minute he was less than dirt, the next he was a rat, then an idiot girl who can't even remember her own name, to the point he was so worn down he just accepted whatever they threw at him. If Raphael wanted him to be a boy, so be it, if he wanted a man, so be it, if he wanted a girl, so be fucking it.
he probably struggled a Lot with puberty too,, it came late to him, malnourished as he was, so the fact that he didn't even have body hair despite his body growing aided the gender misidentity. i think he'd often stare at the mirror, at his body and face, try to understand who he was behind the scars, losing control of himself and his mind. he didn't see himself as human, he was just a thing that was sold and then used and reshaped in whoever's hands he ended up like clay. he'd often ask Hope about it, try to understand how he was viewed by someone who wasn't malicious, and she'd answer as honestly and hopefully as she could but let's be honest, her riddles and tangents most likely just confused him further.
not to mention his twisted attractions?? like through all that, he had to somehow figure out what he was attracted to?? i think a healthy mix of sexu@l trauma and stockholm syndrome ended up contributing to his toxic view on relationships and sex as a whole. there's a reason Durge was the only one he was able to form a genuine relationship with.
anyway, all of it definitely ties in with his name change, too. not only did he struggle with rejoining society after HoH, he had to figure out himself all over again. i think he created the persona of a young, powerful and ambitious man named Enver Gortash and leaned into it so much it simply consumed him. he literally gaslit himself into curing his gender questioning like the girlboss he is.
also if you call him by she/her pronouns he'd most likely answer out of pure instinct
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fandomsoda · 5 months
I have just learned that someone very important in the Xvials community has been forced to stop posting about the ship due to the harassment they are receiving.
Needless to say, I am absolutely livid about this, not only for losing someone important in a small community of mine, but absolutely disgusted that people would harass someone over a ship that DOESN’T HAVE ANYTHING FUCKING WRONG WITH IT.
Harassment is already wrong obviously I shouldn’t have to say that, but it’s ten times worse when the reason behind it isn’t even fucking valid. Even if it were, harassment doesn’t work and only causes people to either double down or become emotionally unstable and puts them in danger. Harassment is never the answer in these times.
So here’s everyone’s (un)friendly reminder that Xvials is not problematic, Xvials is not pro/ship, a lot of people just have very weird views of how the multiverse works and haven’t refreshed themselves on X-Tale in a while and let their hatred of XGaster get out of hand. It’s totally fine not to like it, but don’t lie about it.
I’m gonna quickfire debunk the primary claims I’ve been seeing surrounding Xvials, btw for those out of the know, Xvials is XGaster x Ink, sometimes romantic but usually queerplatonic or some other abstract case. Let’s get started-
argument #1: “Ink’s adoptive dads are Gasters, so him being with a Gaster is pseudo-incest!”
Alright this alone to me is just ridiculous because like, actually think about that for a second, this is implying that every single Gaster in the whole multiverse is somehow related to Ink and that he can’t have unique relationships with them and I hope that everyone can recognize that the concept alone is absurd.
argument #2: “It’s abusive! They’re just using each other! XGaster actually hates Ink!”
Did we watch the same show? Because I don’t think we did, since in X-Tale their bond is repeatedly displayed and in Underverse it’s reinforced, with tons of extra things Jakei has posted emphasizing their bond. May I remind everyone of “come back”, this teaser Jakei showed depicting XGaster being actively afraid of losing Ink? Keep in mind how Ink is shown in a bright, important light here? He’s clearly afraid of losing him, they’re genuine friends, it’s not just for his own motives, and XGaster never treats Ink poorly, other than leaving him in the dark about things that I doubt he’s intentionally hiding from him, simply not thinking Ink would need/want to know. Like I said: totally fine if it’s not your thing or you don’t like it, but don’t fucking lie.
argument #3: “They’re both aroace!”
True, however that makes it even more likely for them to have a unique bond and understanding of each other than with others, definitely not romantic but as I said before, Xvials isn’t primarily romantic and all romantic depictions are fully recognized as fanon, if they appear at all. Also when I talk about them having a special and unique bond, that’s addressed in a canon comic, remember this from back in June? A lot of the time, the two being aroace is actually a very important component of Xvials portrayals. Especially in my case, since the way I think of them is very much hazy and queerplatonic, like all my ships with Ink.
argument #4 (this is going to sound satirical but I’m not even kidding, I saw someone say this): “It’s pseudo-pedophilic because Ink is very short and acts younger while XGaster is tall and acts mature!”
I… am at a loss for words. Take a look at that, think about what you just said, and go touch grass. Obviously, Ink and XGaster are both full grown adults with somewhat ethereal ages, no one here is a child, and labeling Ink as child-like comes off as very ableist for a number of reasons. Ink can definitely be childish, any character can, but that doesn’t make them “child coded”.
ok, that was a lot, but I just needed to get that off my chest, I… yeah. I think y’all get it. Good day.
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lovecaitlined · 6 months
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On water fairies, Suna’s victimhood, and KaySun’s relationship development
Yalı Çapkını Episode 52 KaySun analysis 🖤
Hey! I know we’re all upset with Suna’s course of action this episode (personally, I do believe the writers are trying to ruin her for the drama and reytings), but on the bright side—we got more KaySun than we ever got before, and more importantly, we got a fragman that suggests more development for our favorite angsty couple.
Suna’s Victimhood and Lack of Emotional Control
Suna has spent most of her life at the hands of abusive men, like her father, Saffet (who her father forced to marry), and even the Korhans. She’s been betrayed by that fck@$$ driver Abidon as well. Basically she knows the trauma of abandonment and mistreatment…much like Kaya.
Suna starts off this series as a very weak and naive character, but thanks to Ifakat’s manipulations, plus Kaya’s encouragement, to a certain extent—she grows the courage to become the master of her own fate, and the captain of her own soul, as that old poem goes.
However, the problem now is this—Suna believes that in taking revenge, she needs to bulldoze everything that is against her. That’s right, she’s now developed a “If you’re not with me, you’re against me,” mindset. While I want to believe that the writers will help change this later on, it must be said that this behavior is alarmingly evident throughout the episode. This is displayed when she gets slightly jealous of Pelin, just because Kaya told Suna not to pull a pregnant woman’s hair…yeah, Suna is really messed up right now.
But you know what else is messed up? Suna didn’t have to do all that with that driver, who, btw, is always preying at her when she’s at her weakest and most vulnerable. Although Suna realizes what she’s doing is WRONG af and pulls away, it’s still a terrible thing for her to have done. We see her guilt when she continuously lashes out at Kaya despite his kindness and support for her throughout the episode.
Suna’s problem is that she seems to think her past negative experiences combined with her need to be assertive cancels out the need for her to be, well, a nice and decent person on the surface. Suna spent her whole life with her emotions repressed; now she’s not sure how to let them out.
Moreover, Suna’s idea of love is not ideal since she didn’t really have good examples for it growing up. I hope she’ll realize soon that Kaya’s kindness is not to be trifled with, and she can’t take him for granted forever. I’m hoping Ifakat works her magic and drills it into Suna’s head—Kaya! Is! A! Near-Perfect! Husband!
Kaya’s Kindness + Making Up For His Mistakes
Kaya has always been empathetic to a fault, despite his clear anger issues and abandonment trauma. After all, he’s stronger—personality-wise, at least—than Suna, not to mention he’s older and wiser and more world-weary to the different types of people in this world. So he knows how to play the game. He’s consistent enough to know that while Pelin is a bad guy, it’s not wise to pull the hair of someone who’s pregnant and carrying the child of the favorite grandchild of the Korhan patriarch.
Now, last episode, Kaya clearly lost control when he felt angry and betrayed by Suna for leaving his side. After all, they were supposed to be a team, and his abandonment issues came creeping up. (Props to him for hurting himself only and never trying to hurt Suna, but that’s still bad behavior). I like to think that this episode is Kaya making up for it. After all, he and Suna struck a deal: That something like this (her sneaking out without telling him) won’t ever happen again. And if there’s one thing about Kaya Sönmez, it’s the fact that he keeps his end of the bargain. So it’s terrifying to imagine what will happen if Suna creeps into betrayal territory again.
The point is, Kaya acted up last episode. And now? He’s trying to make it all up to Suna. He’s gonna show her his best face. Now it’s up to her to show him hers. I genuinely believe he was always going to be Suna’s biggest supporter, seeing as he knows how hurt and traumatized she is from her past. But he’s taking an extra step because he knows how much he scared her last time with him slapping his own face and banging on their wardrobe. He’s trying his damn hardest to build up the trust again, but Suna is a bit oblivious for obvious reasons. 💀
Oh, and let’s face it. Kaya is totally jealous. He may not be ready to admit that he’s fallen for Suna for real (their relationship needs a few more deep conversations and better communication for us to reach that point, hopefully with a good halvet and endgame—writers take notes), but he has a desire to prioritize Suna as her husband and he expects Suna to do the same with him as his wife.
And the water fairy scene was SO cute, btw.
What’s Next for KaySun
So, now we’ve broken down the characters and their motives, what’s next?
Well, the fragman shows what I always expected—that Pırıl may or may not be Kaya’s ex. Perhaps this angsty development will lead to Suna opening her eyes. She’s already been jealous with Pelin before. Now if she finds out that Kaya’s ex is living in the mansion? Well, I’d like to think she’d be getting a taste of her own medicine. The thing is, as I stated earlier, Suna is so wrapped up in her own problems that she fails to see that her misfortune doesn’t make her exempt from giving others the good treatment that they deserve. And I know Kaya Sönmez deserves the world and more.
Personally, I’d like to make sure Kaya never emotionally cheats and that Suna actually realizes how fcking in love she is with Kaya because of her sheer jealousy. And I hope that this is a deliberate parallel, and that she will change for the better and be the one chasing Kaya now instead. (I am in fact going to write fics in which she grovels and realizes her mistake, a la Scarlett O’Hara in Gone With the Wind, regardless).
Oh, and let’s not forget the fortune teller in the fragman. I’d like to think that it’s a sign for Suna to forget her past with that fck@$$ driver and carry on revenge with her future, which is Kaya!
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hi!! i’m not sure what you’re okay with writing but if you’re comfortable with it could you do pluto x reader nsfw headcanons??
A/N : OMG you are my SAVIOUR Anon!! I've been desperate to share my NSFW headcanons of him but didn't really have an excuse lol- Anyway I hope you'll enjoy these!!
Pluto x gn!reader NSFW headcanons
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First things first I'm warning you
Pluto does fall in the 'desperate boys that will fuck if given the chance' category
I can't see it any other way
The Hormones™️ are deadly present but he's painfully a virgin
Like he spent most of his life surviving abuse and sex was definitely not a priority
(not to mention the crippling anxiety)
He barely ever interacted with anyone he found attractive
Let alone have any kind of relationship with them
So, virgin. Absolute virgin.
When you two will start getting more intimate he'll be so damn anxious about it because what if he messes up and you're disappointed?
He copes with it by telling himself he'll compensate the lack of experience by doing literally anything that'd please you
And he'll keep this promise, you can be sure of it
If you don't have any experience either you'll both figure things out together as you go
But if you do have experience he'd prefer you to take the lead
Like, very much prefer
(he a bottom we all know that)
Now on the topic of dos and don'ts
Do not. Put. Anything. Around his neck.
For obvious reasons I believe this would be one of his hard limits
So like no leather, collar, and certainly nO CHOKER
He will get a panic attack if you do
Or if you try to cHoKe hiM holy shit be gentle the traumas?????
More generally I believe he enjoys you being caring and gentle during sex??
He doesn't mind some slightly rough sessions here and there tho
It's a nice change from time to time
But you'll only learn about that after a while
Trust-building first you know?
If you don't believe him when he says he can handle it he's going to get disappointed
I mean he's not made of sugar, you know that right?
He survived way worst than some overstimulation seriously come on
And even if you do something that he doesn't like he can always tell you, he knows you'll respect his boundaries
Other than overstimulation I 100% believe Pluto likes being praised
When I say 100% I mean if he doesn't have a praise kink I'll explode
I mean look at this man please call him a good boy and I swear he'll faint and ascend to outer space
I also believe he likes whatever position where he can grab at you, like
Think about him holding you tight and scratching the skin of your back at a particularly hard move
Or grabbing at your arm or your head to keep himself from crumbling down?
Yes I absolutely believe in that
What can I say this man is touch starved after all
Speaking about that btw
He's incredibly touch-sensitive
Some areas more than others but basically he's just so easy to turn on with just a few light touches and teases
Those get him going more than anything
He's absolutely mortified about it tho
I mean come on why can't he just get a good grip on himself he's overly sensitive seriously???
(but he secretly loves it when you make him lose his mind this way)
He won't ever say it out loud but yeah
You know the truth
Man gets hard and despaired just from being held tight with your hand roaming on his skin under his clothes I'm not even kidding
He's not extremely loud but he definitely makes noises
So brace yourself for a lot of breathless whispers, gasps, groans, moans and whimpers
The moment you'll lay your hands on him he's a mess and his thoughts go straight up from his dick to his mouth without stopping by his brain lmao
I'm thinking, little 'please's, 'thank you's, 'I love you's, your name, etc.
I also think he tends to swear a lot given that he's pretty much the one who swears the most in the Misfits???
Also, based on his experience of the world and everything
I think we can all agree to say Pluto was raised in a society where the ideal of virility was pretty tough and he didn't fit the mold at all
And I think maybe (just maybe) it made him feel very shameful about himself at some point
So like you'll have to help him unlearning shame even (and especially) concerning his sex life
It's pretty much a fact that he's smaller than average
So I'm a firm believer he has a complex over his size down there because he never got to compare
(don't call it unrealistic I know cis males do weird things and probably have dick contests or something but our boy isn't like that okay)
He, in fact, has a pretty average size for a man his age
He's just damn insecure lmao
You'll have to reassure him that there's nothing wrong or 'not enough' with him quite a few time before he actually believes you
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goodolme · 2 years
Leo x FEM!reader who has an abusive bf? And Leo is just so concerned and keeps telling reader that they need to break up, but readers excuse everytime is "he loves me."
It's until the 'incident' that reader finally saw how bad her relationship is.
Overall, Leo is just like "if he truly loved you like I do, you wouldn't be crying." (Btw if your not okay with FEM reader or not comfortable with this request then you can igore it!).
-noodle 🍜
♡ ''he loves me'' ♡
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Pairing: Rise!Leo x Reader (could be taken as romantic or platonic really)
Pronouns: Requested as Female but none used.
Warnings: Abusive relationships; mentions of violence and swearing.
Notes: Not proofread nor checked for mistakes so sorry if you spot one. I'll probably correct it when I can.
I wanted this to have a confession but fir some reason I didn't give it one so..... I hope you like it...?
Y'all know that I don't only write for Leo right. But don't worry I'm more than greatful to recieve requests non the less.
Dude at this point this is more of a one-shot idk man I can't write properly.
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He was your first love. Or at least you thought you loved him.
No one had treated you the way he did and you just fell for it. You fell hard.
But that facade was completely gone once you two started getting intimate.
He would start being more controlling.
He would control how you looked, what you wore a d even who you spoke to.
He knew all your passwords so there wasn't really any use in trying to text anyone.
But you were too blind to see the signs. You looked at your world with rose tainted glasses and you didn’t realize it was hurting you.
Your friends didn't think much of it at first. Thay thought "Hey it's exam season, maybe they're buissy."
But Leo picked up on what was happening. And he didn't like it one bit.
He tried to make you snap out of it and make you realize that the guy you were with was not good for you. That it was toxic.
You didn’t listen to him. You were too blinded by "Love" as you called it.
Every time Leo would try and make you see what was going on you would just respond:
"But he loves me. He doesn't do it with bad intent, he's just trying to protect me."
That eventually lead to you and Leo getting into a fight one night.
"Why do you hate him?"
"Because he's bad for you."
"He's not bad!"
"Yes he is!"
"Mention one bad thing he did to me"
"Um I don't know; maybe the fact that he controls what you wear. Or what you eat. Oh and what about the fact that we bearly see you anymore! The only way to get in touch with you is literally climbing up your window!"
"He's just trying to protect m-"
"Don't say that. You always say that."
"He loves-"
"No he doesn't!"
You hadn't spoken to Leo from that moment on.
At least untill "The incident".
Your boyfriend had never layed a hand on you up to this point.
It started with a stupid fight about what you two should eat that night and it somehow escalated into one about the nature of your relationship.
You had enough and got away from that building as fast as you could. If course you boyfrind screaming after you. But he didn't chase you. He didn't care enough.
You ended up sitting on a bench of a near by park.
"Are you ok?"
It was Leo. You didn’t know how he knew where you were but you were glad to see a familiar face in such a moment as this.
You liubged forward to hug him as tight as you as your body let you.
You two talked about what had happened just moments before between your boyfrind and yourself.
The two of you ended apologizing to each other.
"You know, it's funny;" He looked at you confused. "when you look at someone through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags." You laughed slightly, with tears running down your face even after all the crying you had previously done.
Leo gave your arms a tight sqeeze reasuring you.
"Let's get to the lair and patch you up huh?"
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italoniponic · 2 years
Can i request the shy but kind gn s/o hcs for jack, leona, and azul? This is a different anon btw! I just really loved how you wrote it for deuce :)
𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲'𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 - 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭
| Notes: Hi, anon!
Ooh, this makes me so happy! Deuce’s was so sweet and I hope you like this one too. Leona’s part feels kinda different in comparison to the rest but I liked it nevertheless. It ended up being so wholesome just like this type of reader~ Thanks for the request <3
Also! We hit 301 followers today and I'm like so, so happy~~~ Thanks a lot, you all are the best! (I never comment much on this or when people compliment me still for the 100 followers just bc, even tho I should, but I just wanted to do today. I woke up in a good mood |
Jack Howl, Leona Kingscholar, Azul Ashengrotto x g!n shy but kind reader / fluff at extreme doses / crush to lovers / use of “you” pronouns
Cherry's Harvesting event 🍒 Masterlist
Kindness Within
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From the very beginning, the key word in your relationship with Jack — from friendship to love — is communication. Well, it’s difficult at first, as expected. The two of you aren’t big names in the art of social interaction but, in your own way, you can get through things. The difference is that you are shy and Jack is a reserved boy who holds a tough guy pose;
Although Jack is used to being a lone wolf, your kindness won his heart little by little. You might not have the loudest howl but you were fair, understanding and helpful to others. And your shy manner awakens a sense of protection in Jack that he didn’t have towards people outside his family;
That's why he gets a little agitated when he answers you and his words come out a little rude, which could make you sad and give up on getting closer to him. But you never misjudged him for it. It was even a little funny to watch him go from “you can't let others do stupid things” to “ah, it's not like I care for you or anything” to “n-no, wait...!” in a minute;
The day you confessed to each other and started dating was so funny. You two wanted to be nice to each other — and both were kinda nervous — and you kept passing the turn for each other to say the important thing you wanted to tell, getting stuck in this vicious circle for five minutes;
It was you who interrupted everything and confessed first. Jack stood there for a moment, surprised and shocked. You almost interpreted his expression as a warning that he was going to reject you and because he noticed your restlessness, Jack ended up saying very loudly that he liked you to make sure you heard it before running out of there. The ones who suffered the most were your friends who witnessed this occasion, hidden in the bushes;
One of the things Jack appreciates is how you let him have his personal space without pressuring him to do more than is possible for him to do. You two even talk about the things you want to improve in yourselves, but it's not like it's an obligation. You are young and have a long life ahead of you to develop in the best possible way;
While Savanaclaw may not be the place for you — and honestly, sometimes it feels like you've fallen into the jungle in the most literal sense — you enjoy stopping by and visiting Jack to study together or just spend time talking. Of course, you two don't escape hearing comments from other students. A loud growl from Jack and they run away, though still laughing;
Because you have this comfortable atmosphere of a listener, Jack gradually tells you stories from his childhood and things about himself that few people know. It's nice to have someone next to you who really listens to you and can laugh along, is what Jack thinks. And even if he doesn't say anything, his docile look when he faces you is enough;
While Jack cherishes your kindness to others and always comments on this being your strong point, he’ll also advise and warn you when people are abusing your charity too much or trying to use you for something. If there's one thing Jack hates, it's seeing such pure feelings being used for petty things;
For the first year group, you two serve as parents. Jack is the serious and grumpy “father” who ends up lecturing the others for making a mess and you’re the kind and sweet “mother” that they use as a shield when Jack is full of their shenanigans. You approach him shyly, asking him to be calm, and with enviable ease, you tame the beast inside him. He really can't stand scaring you unnecessarily;
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One of the beautiful things about your relationship is how you inspire Jack to open up to people more and he inspires you to have more courage in talking to people and speaking your mind when you have to. You are each other's strength and also the place where you can find unconditional comfort.
Being shy is usually hard enough. But being shy inside the big Night Raven College, where all the strong-willed and temperamental people gather, is like being a humble little mouse in the big savannah. Larger, carnivorous animals are everywhere, too big to notice you and at the same time, sensitive to everything you do;
So meeting Leona for the first time made you quite nervous initially. It was like tripping on the tail of a great and proud, yet lazy, lion. Culturally — at least in your world — the king of all that light touches. And you cringed yourself at his grandiosity but, not wanting to irritate him anymore, offered to do something for his tail that you stepped on unintentionally;
Leona would normally have understood this behavior as merely a cowardly attempt to relieve his ego but. you genuinely bent down to massage that painful part of his tail and offered to pay for a soda to compensate for it. It was your way of being kind, he realized. Throughout other of your random encounters, you got to know each other better;
You realized that Leona's strength shouldn’t be underestimated as much as the fact that he is harmless when you don’t actively try to annoy him beyond the tolerable. You were one of the few people — perhaps the only one — who cared for the good state of his nerves and, even if hesitantly, you asked others not to push him too much;
Leona noticed these little things in his own silence. A fearful little mouse helping a wounded lion, what an extraordinary thing. He'd never seen anything like it. Although shy, you had a good heart. You were kind to him and other people, even in the most difficult situations. Even when you lowered your own head. He could understand these moments;
Perhaps the most impressive moment of yours that Leona witnessed was when, one day, you gathered enough courage to say something important to him. “Leona, I love you! You...,” a pause, you took a deep breath. “... are an important person to me and I would like to stay by your side forever.” When you finished, you thought you were going to be rejected;
You didn't think Leona would be rude or anything, just that he would turn you down and ask you to forget about it. Because of this, you only closed your eyes slightly and tried to make your head stand still, like he taught you to do. Or try to. To your surprise, Leona nudged you and offered the vacant space where he was lying for you to stay. “I love you too, little mouse,” was what he meant by that gesture;
Needless to say, you are an unusual and weird couple in everyone’s eyes. But Leona didn't care about that and told you to do the same. You don't gain confidence or pomposity by osmosis but Leona always made you feel stronger. And wanting to be stronger somehow;
Conversations with Leona can last for a long time and it’s fun, especially for him. Your way doesn’t cease to interest him and your kindness captivates his heart day after day. If someone says anything about you, he is ready to defend you — something he never thought to do for anyone. Perhaps you can also inspire him to want something more;
You may not do everything for Leona but, Ruggie has delegated you the tasks of finding him for classes and bringing him lunch. In this, you practically eat together every day. There are times when you two are in a comfortable and relaxing silence, which makes Leona want to go back to sleep with you next to him. Unfortunately he doesn't care much if this makes your heart beat out of control and almost explode, but you’re free to decline the offer if you want; 
The favorite part of your dates for Leona is when you let him rest his head on your lap and he — pretends, actually — sleeps. He likes to feel your hand caressing his hair, making everything more comfy for him to have a quiet moment. Really, to have someone so kind in his life is a blessing.
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When Azul first saw you, a normal and shy human, he felt a certain instant empathy for you. It must be because you reminded him of what he was like as a young boy, shy, scared and awkward. Walking through a world that judged him too much by his nature. So even when Azul was able to talk to you, these feelings bothered him so he didn't get too heavy into his own schemes by including you;
At first, you couldn’t even imagine the reasons why Azul treats you a little better in comparison to others. You just thought it was his theatrical way of coming across as gentle, but still, you liked him. Little by little, it was as if a strange connection formed between you two and even after going through a lot, you never treated him badly;
“I d-don't find your octopus form ugly... it's who you are and it's already beautiful enough for me,” you once confessed. It had started because the twins were remembering childhood moments and Azul tried to stop them from commenting anything about how he was before. You listened to everything in silence, but for a certain time, you managed to say these kind words;
Well, having the three of them suddenly staring at you made your nervousness come back and you cringed a little, cheeks blushing more and more that you thought better about what you said. You didn't want to give away your feelings for Azul in this way, you didn't believe that he would ever reciprocate you. “Do you… think I'm beautiful?,” Azul asked. You met his eyes, touched and thrilled;
If there's one thing Azul admires about you, it's your genuine, natural kindness. Compared to him, who often has to pretend to care about others to attract them and do business and create debt, you help people effortlessly and that counts a lot more. So when you said something, Azul could trust your truthfulness. Especially if it was how much you loved him;
Most of your dates take place in the Azul’s office, the VIP room. Azul wishes you two could meet in a better place than his room for work and studies, but you like the quiet, private atmosphere of his office. Like a bubble, away from the energetic lounge. You two sometimes dined right there and shared your daily stories, celebrating victories and offering comfort in hardships;
As time passed, Azul’s heart softened and he dared to reveal some stories and memories from when he was little. Just a few. You always listened to him carefully and attentively, even if you didn't say anything, your eyes sparkled just imagining how cute Azul was when he was little. He doesn't know how to feel about that gaze of yours;
If you really want to, Azul is available to help you overcome your shyness. At least enough so that public speaking isn't a torture. He had to go through this process practically alone, train with himself in front of a mirror and continue on trial-and-error in real life. But, if you need to, you aren’t alone in this;
Perhaps because you're similar — and Azul has other introverted and shy friends around school — it sometimes feels like he knows exactly what you want without you having to say anything. Sometimes you’re staring too much at a certain product in the Mystery Shop or you’re tapping your foot to a specific song, nothing escapes Azul’s eyes. He is better at granting wishes than you imagined;
Once, Azul got a free afternoon in both of your schedules to take you to the coast part of the island to see the beach and the sea until late afternoon. You stayed close to the rocks, away from the city’s agitation. Azul sang a little to you and you two talked while watching the waves hit the sand. It was so quiet and comfortable;
The thing is, in the end, you and Azul complement each other very well. You may be shy and not talk much, but you like his flamboyant and funny way. It's what makes you laugh the most when you're alone. Azul likes the sound of your laughter, precisely because you’re mostly reserved. It’s one of the things that he is usually privileged to witness and he collects these memories like precious pearls.
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shywhumpauthor · 2 years
Hero finds villain, who was missing for ages, just walking down the street and they see that villain is badly injured and they freak out
(I apologise for my strange grammar lol)
Also gender neutral if you can!!!
I love your work sm
Of course! My nameless character stuff is almost always gender neutral btw!
I realize this wasn’t written entirely to match the request, I got a bit carried away lol, hope this is close enough!
Cw: cold whump, overworking, exhaustion, unhealthy work relationship, kinda obsession? Abuse, injuries, implied torture/kidnapping, mentioned accidental almost-killing, mentioned infection
Hero was running on two hours of sleep and a venti cup of espresso. To say they were exhausted was an understatement. The only thing keeping them upright was the fact that they were physically unable to sit still.
They were nearing the tenth month now, and things weren't getting better.
When Villain had first disappeared, Hero had tried to convince themself it was a good thing. That it was for the better. Their nemesis, the one whom they had been spending day and night trying to capture, plotting their downfall, straight up and disappeared. It was good, it was what Hero had wanted all along, right? To bring peace to the city, to once and for all protect it from the very person who's sole intent was to burn it to the ground.
They had tried not to care too much. They were sure there was some sort of reasoning to explain why Villain just left. Off the map, complete radio silence. Perhaps they had a moral awakening. They got out of bed one morning, realized what they were doing was wrong, and just stopped. Abandoned whatever malicious plans they were in the middle of carrying out, and began to lead a normal, legal life. It was a nice thought, but Hero knew better than to believe it. They knew Villain better than to believe it.
Superhero had told them not to bother looking. Villain was gone, now they could focus better on the new uprising threat of Supervillain. If they weren’t causing trouble, they weren’t worth their attention. It’s not your job anymore, Superhero had said. Not their job, not their problem. It shouldn’t have been taking up their attention.
But there was a feeling, the nagging thoughts that lingered in the back of their mind, telling them that something wasn’t right. The little pinpricks of unease that rose whenever they thought of the criminal that wouldn’t let them sleep at night, wouldn’t let them focus.
So they started to look. Pulling on every thread of an idea, flipping the city upside down in their efforts. They searched all the records, visited all the past scenes of conflicts, searching for hints as to where the criminal may have gone. There was nothing. The police records cut off at the same date Villain had gone missing. Every crime since had been traceable to a certain person at a certain time, and none of them were villain.
Maybe they left, Superhero had tried to console them, urging them back to work. Maybe they found a different city. They’re not your problem anymore, Hero.
But they were their problem. Superhero’s words had only prompted them to search the surrounding cities as well, and a few beyond that as well. Nothing.
That’s how they found themself walking. The sidewalk was slicked with frost, the first flurries of a snowstorm just beginning to break from the thick carpet of dark clouds. Walking, they didn’t know where they were going, didn’t know when they would stop. They knew they ought to get inside, to return home before the storm left them stranded in the middle of the city. The streets were near empty, anyone sensible had gone indoors long before, only dotted with the occasional straggling car or lonesome person hurrying to shelter.
Their breath clouded against the air, hands stuffed deep in their jacket’s pockets. Maybe they’d stop at some twenty-four hour cafe, shelter there for a bit while refueling their depleted caffeine supplements. Yeah, that’s what they’d do. Get out of the storm before they froze, warm up by a heater and a steaming mug before returning to their aimless search. They didn’t know where they were looking, only a faint idea of who they were looking for, but any efforts were better than none.
Hero couldn’t say they saw them at first. They were like a shadow, curled between some dirty steps and an alley wall, their frail body sheltered behind a flimsy sheen of fabric that did little to protect against the onslaught of cold. Their mind didn’t even comprehend it at first, mistaking the lumpy form for another snow-covered trash bag full of whatever muck lined the filthy streets. They only did a double-take when they heard the sound, a cough so small, so weak it was nearly lost to the wind. They hesitated in their tracks, their body moving on account rather than their mind before backpedaling a few steps.
It took them a few moments to discern that the hunched figure was in fact a person, and a few more to figure out if they were even alive. But then they coughed again, bony frail hand, blistered and pale from the frost raised to cover their mouth.
“Hey,” Hero was moving towards them before they could think twice. They were a hero, after all. They helped people regardless of all factors. It was their job. “Hey, buddy, you gotta get inside-”
The words died against their tongue as they watched the figure cringe, their head raising just a fraction so they could glare through half-swollen eyes. Hero froze, their heart sinking down to rest like a weight in the pits of their stomach, heavy and sickening. Their face, what was visible of it behind the fabric—Hero couldn’t tell if it was a blanket, a shawl, or some tattered jacket, it was so worn—was littered with all sorts of marks. Bruises and scratches and scars, fresh and old alike, skin smudged with dried flecks of blood and grime.
“Gedd’away from me,” Their voice came out more rasp than words, syllables so deformed it took Hero a moment to register what had been said.
“Woah, calm down, calm down,” Hero held their hands out as they took a slow step forwards, trying to show they weren’t a threat. The stranger still drew back, eyes flashing with a fearful, raw emotion. “My name’s Hero, I can help you, okay? I can bring you to a hospital, or the station-“
“Hero?” They repeated, the words falling uneasy from their busted lips. Something shone darkly behind their features, their expression hardening into a cold hostility.
“Yeah, I’m Hero. Can you tell me your name? Do you know what happened?” Hero crouched down, their knees hitting against the cracked sidewalk as they lowered to the stranger’s level.
“Get away,” The other spat, words dripping with a venom colder than the wind. Hero was taken aback, not just by the sheer hatred shining in their eyes, but the force which they spoke, not at all matching their broken voice. “I don’t- I don’t want your help. Go- go,”
Even if it had been warm out, and the person didn’t look like they had been beaten an inch from death, Hero wouldn’t have left. A twinge of something nagged at their mind, only prompting them to inch closer despite the stranger’s hissed curses.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” Hero said slowly and clearly, the icy wind threatening to snatch the hat from their head, to free their scarf to the storm. “Please, let me help you,”
“Fucking- get away!” The stranger screamed, their grain legs kicking out and nearly catching Hero in the knee. They were quick to jump back, though lacking their usual graceful precision, eyes widening. “Get away from me!”
As they yelled, the fabric slipped from their form, falling past their shoulders. They were quick to snatch it up, covering their head once more, but not before Hero saw the mark on the side of their neck. Hidden amongst an array of deep purple splotches and scorched burns, the thin white scar Hero had grown so familiar to over the years. Just under their jaw, stretching nearly halfway across their throat before curving up towards their chin. Hero knew that scar so well, burned into their mind. It had been their dagger that made it after all. A mistake, it had been. When they were about to take Villain into custody, they had wrenched back. They hadn’t been aware of the blade in the skirmish, nearly slitting their own throat in the frenzy for escape.
They knew that scar so well because had hd been the one to carry Villain back to their home, to take care of the wound and all the others they sustained in the midst of the fight, provide them antibiotics and comfort through the subsequent infection.
“Shit,” Hero whispered, a low ringing settling in their ears. They stood up straight and the world lurched around them, tilting and swaying around Villain’s abused, hateful expression.
We all know superhero 10000% kidnapped and ruthlessly tortured villain
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