#(i get my hopes up and encourage myself for once and its always the same outcome of sadness and dissapointment)
professionaljester · 2 years
what are you suppose to do when all the coping skills a therapist would teach you arent working
#ABC shut it#trying to self therapy myself sucks but how am i suppose to get better#but none of these skills seems to be working anymore and im just sick of it#sick of feeling depressed and bad all the time#sick of feeling like only bad things happen to me (they do)#(i get my hopes up and encourage myself for once and its always the same outcome of sadness and dissapointment)#like what am i suppose to do when the world is out to get me#and i feel like i havve no one and im so alone#its so bad i justhave a meltdown over every little thing bc nothing in my life NEVER goes right nothing good EVER happens#this is not the depression talking these are facts and tract records#itry and i try and things stuill dont work out for me#i try and make more friends and i feel like they all just think im annoying and wish i wouldnt talk to them#like i know i cant except to be talked to first but what am i suppose to do when i try to engage and im just talked over and ignored#or i get thevibe the person doesnt actually like me or is talking to me anyways just to get it over with#and and the paranoia is bad on top of just the general depressionbut what am i suppose to do abt it if i feel i cant talk to anyone abt it#bc all i do is complain but what do i have to talk abt if my life is boring and nothign interseting happens to me#the only interesting thing abt me is i know ppl who have way more interesting lives then me and are more successful than me#like what am i suppose to do when i want to kill myself but cant bc all the ways to kill yourself sound fucking horrible ways to go out
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running-with-kn1ves · 3 months
A/N: I wrote something very similar to this with the Belsire previously but I couldn't help myself 🙏
Belsire: male equivalent to the Beldam (Coraline)
CW: kidnapping, manipulation, sewing needles
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A beautiful lullaby hummed against your ear, fog-like breath both chilly and thick caressed against its shell.
You never imagined that he could sew; sure, he was keen to cook you extravagant dinners, you never saw him clean despite the crooked house always spotless, and the clothes that were put in your drawers were consistently washed-- but such delicate needlework? You didn't think the creature had it in him. His fingers seemed made for it though, long and spindly and black at the tips, they held the needle at a fine point, without having to lick the end of the thread before putting it through the eye.
"Stab the needle through the eye....wrap two knots around the tongue, and pull it out the mouth."
His low, rasped voice was unlike anything you've heard from the men in the "real" world. Its croaky demure made sound as if his vocal chords were on the brink of snapping. It was very few and far between that his voice resounded throughout the house in a thunder-like boom.
Tonight, was not one of those nights. Not unless you made an effort to wrangle out of between his stick-like forearms in the wooden chair and began yelling ungrateful spiels whilst staying in HIS house. He said it was yours-- your "other home," but since the gateway tunnel back to your original 1-bedroom apartment became nothing but sturdy drywall with a key hole, its been his. It was always his, you were just too blind to see past the beautiful illusions built for you.
"Just like that... mending is simple work."
You feel his left hand, the one once holding your torn cardigan steady, reach up to lay a cold finger beneath your chin. It rubs back and forth, relishing in the warmth of your throat, the soft flesh between your jaw and jugular.
The Belsire seemed to enjoy running his smooth, icy digits along your naked skin, brushing from side to side, up and down to dip against your collar bone. He relished your warm-bloodedness from how often he took advantage of it. It was a wild contrast to his ever-frozen, rigid body draped in fine blacks and bruised shadows.
"C-can you show me again?" You plead, hoping the end of this activity wouldn't be the finale before your demise. Each time you have one of these "bonding" sessions the Belsire encourages you to entertain him with, you anticipate it being your last.
Each day you wait and wait... wondering if he's hungry again, if it'll hurt, if you'll make one more frustrated comment away that'll make him snap and pick your bones clean.
"Again..?" He tapped thrice on your neck, a twitching habit that sent cold shocks through you. "Why don't you try it yourself this time, dear?"
The sweet, affectionate name oozing from his lips was unnatural-- and yet, perfectly normal for the creature of love seduction. How many had fallen for that same adoring title, only to find themselves now locked in his stomach?
You couldn't tell anymore what was genuine adoration, or a disturbing method at getting you to put your guard down. When he was angry with you, for hiding or attempting another escapade to get back home,  'dear' transformed to spits of "insolent one" and "maddening human", at the very least. On his worst days you were a bewitching, dimwitted little creature too stupid to be let free- better off in his hands if not crunched between his teeth.
"I'm not too sure, I might..accidentally stab myself with the needle, you know?"
You shrug in feigned helplessness, hoping your lack of enthusiasm wouldn't tick him closer to the dark side.
"If you do, then I'll lick your wound and we can start again. Give it a try, won't you? I've seen your work on my coats," he mumbles lowly at the rest of his comments, "and that damned quilt you seem keen to keep."
He muses at the mention of your skilled handiwork you sneak to do when he's gone away at "none of your concern" events. However he knew of your activities in this prison cell while he was out didn't surprise you; the house had eyes, in places you'd rather not think of.
You took the needle from within his delicate grasp, mahogany red thread swinging loose and ready to be tightly wound in your wine colored cardigan.
You copy the movements he had done a million times, though you really weren't watching when he had. It was hard to concentrate with your body shivering, waiting for a sharp dagger or set of teeth to find it's way buried in your back.
The Belsire seems to ease up as you begin to complete the torn cardigan hole, placing two abnormally long hands upon the sides of your shoulders.
"Don't move," he grumbles, almost annoyed at the idea. "Smooth and quite warm... I never understood the pleasure of keeping food around longer than it's due date. But you, little button... why, you're almost opening a soft spot inside of me.."
You didn't like the sound of that. A soft spot within him would certainly be something he sought to squash.
"Are you sure you want a soft spot? I'm not even sure where that would be."
You almost laugh at your own joke, imagining his crisp limbs deflated. If you were making a soft spot, you best keep at making it grow.
"It seems you force it in me, whether I like it or not. I enjoy having you to myself, to come home to... even if the idea that you're taking part of me, is... infuriating."
The Belsire leans deeper into you, pressing the inside of his thighs against yours, craning his neck downward.
"The unfortunate part is, I think I may fall apart if you disappear."
You see the looks he gives from the corner of your eye; dark, empty buttons staring into you, awaiting your reaction. Was this another attempt to swoon you?
"Then I guess that means you can't eat me."
You sigh, hoping he'd agree. And oddly enough, he cracks a grin.
"I guess not. Though, don't hold your breath. I can't make any promises as to what my temper will lead to." The bridge of his nose is uncharacteristically pressed against your cheek, black dots boring holes into you. "On the topic, I'd be less inclined to eat you if you accepted my present..."
You round off the last bit of stitching, only to see an all too familiar velvet box on your left. It was open, music box playing a soft melody as a range of colors and sizes in buttons were available to view.
"I... I still can't, give you an answer." You go back to tying an end to the thread, praying for the Belsire's eerily calm mood to stay uninterrupted.
He goes quiet, habitually running a thumb down the shell of your ear. The chill was almost welcoming, soft flesh touching your heated one. It felt... genuine, a form of physical affection that was done for his pleasure more than your own. It would be comforting, if you weren't waiting for him to explode.
"I expected as much," he calmly huffs, shutting the box with a single finger. Its harsh snap made you drop the thread. "But you can't expect me to wait forever; you aren't going home. You will remain here, either as my slave, or my spouse. The difference is whether I have to force these buttons on you, or you take them willingly."
"I.. I just need a little more time. I haven't-- I'm not-- done adjusting. I'm not used to this world, like you."
You've given up pleading; for all you knew, there was no way back home that either of you could conjure. This was your fate.
Like a doll he dressed and cleaned and made a perfect dollhouse for, you were to sit here and provide him the comfort he could not create on his own. Like a god, creating his creatures of free will, he relished in the uniqueness you offered without him having to fabricate it first, the obedience you gave from fear in your own desire rather than a direct command.
A long silence left the air hanging stagnant, your patchwork sitting in front of you, finished and yet not quite the same as it once was. Why couldn't you go to the store and buy a new one, spend frivolous money and speak to the miserable cashier that reminded you humanity was still alive?
"...Fine. But not much longer, my sweet button...this-- mortal flesh still tying you to your world, has kept me at a distance I do not wish to stand at." A soft kiss, from creased, inexperienced lips touched the top of your cheekbone. "I want you for myself... I don't like not getting the things I want. And, I want you far more desperately than I imagined."
His voice was stoic, gentle and logical despite the romantic lines that were fed to you. Spindly fingers pulled back pieces of your hair, caressing the skin on your face with soft strokes. Like a human would do to an animal, running his knuckles against your cheek and his fingertips along your jaw.
Just a simple touch and turn of your chin was all it took to make you look at him.
"Don't make me wait. I will have you, and I want it to be because you will it. Please, don't make me do what neither of us want."
His tongue was warmer than his touch, somehow. Maybe it led to his even warmer heart, but you doubted it. Even with the way both his large, balmy palms were gripping beside your ears, pulling your face to touch his in a dance of lips and stolen breath, you wondered if this was just another web of lies spun to create your damnation.
But the desperation in how he swallowed you whole, pulling your hands away from the touchy needlework he was once keen on making you finish-- there was something human about it all, something touchy and irritable and obsessive. If he wanted you desperately then, you could only imagine how horribly ridden he was now, feeling your warmth as he made you colder with his hands and wrists, him never changing.
You peeked an eye open, wondering if those buttons stayed all-seeing, all watching, even when you kissed.
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snapscube · 2 years
Remember when people were calling you the "long lost McElroy sister"? Do you see the similarity at all, or do you think it's just because you share a similar creative niche (gaming/streaming/comedy) with the McElroy brothers?
Lol, "when" people were doing it.
I still get it to this day, friend, despite my constant protests.
I used to understand, and it was even expected initially if not personally encouraged! There was definitely a period of time where they were my biggest comedic/creative inspirations, and the truth of the matter is that I am a mannerisms sponge. I mimic people around me, and people that inspire me, and whether or not it's more than the average person I have no clue, but I will go through seasons of daily watching a particular personality or creator I'm fond of and/or inspired by and usually come out the other end having picked up certain tendencies VERY quickly, a large portion of those being speech patterns.
There's definitely a segment of my content around 2017/2018 or so where, yeah, you can very much tell I adopted a McElroy-esque speaking pattern directly (like what felt like 70% of other Tumblr users also did lol) and it was both because of how much of their content I was into at the time AND also because at the time I found their output inspiring as someone who was used to more... Loud Gamer forms of comedy, to put it bluntly. So at first I took the comparisons in stride and saw it as a signal of my own growth as an entertainer, and my ability to be funny in a way that wasn't just Loud = Funny.
But the thing you have to know about me, and my time as even a minor public figure, is that this comparison was not the first of its that was constantly levied at me, and it unfortunately was not the last one in the slightest. Some will remember the days in which I was a reasonably renowned "Bill Cipher" impersonator in the Gravity Falls fandom, and the pattern was very similar at the time. I dealt with people CONSTANTLY telling me that, despite all of my attempts to separate myself from the voice work I did as the character, I always sounded Just Like Bill even when I was just using my casual speaking voice. If this sounds familiar to those of you who have only been around since the dubs popped off, it's likely because I also go through the same thing ever since I became known for Sonic impressions.
And then outside of voice work I've had my style of content continue to be compared to the McElroy's body of work and even beyond to the likes of Jerma and other big-name-of-the-era content creators. And I have to once again stress: I am completely self-aware that it is not entirely unfounded. I mean, the most recent one I got was just the other day when on stream someone told me I had a speech pattern similar to Northernlion. And like, I even admitted right then and there.... yeah! That makes sense! I've had NL compilations going into my ears and brain for hours upon hours on end lately. So I don't mean to only complain and say "this makes no sense" with delusions that it's completely baseless. BUT, I guess if I do have to circle around to a point, it would be that, though I can occasionally understand comparisons, I would hope y'all in turn can understand why it might not be an easy thing for someone like me to hear, especially in the way it never really seems to go away? Even if one like Bill Cipher fades out, the whole "SnapCube is just a female version of [insert larger male peer in the content space]" thing is something that cycles along regardless. And I get it, it's human nature to compare and contrast. I do it too! But as someone who is always trying to stand out in what I do and make my own value as an individual known above the cacophony of content saturation, I do implore people to think twice about the language they use when making otherwise favorable comparisons. Recommending my content by saying something like "if you like Jerma/McElroys/NL/etc., then SnapCube gives off similar vibes" makes of a WORLD of a difference compared to "This stream is just something Jerma would do" or "Penny is just a female Griffin McElroy" (both things I have heard almost verbatim, constantly). They approach the same ideas, but one gives me so much more of a chance to like... start off a first impression as My Own Person and not just a derivative Girl Alternative, if that makes sense.
Whoops I talked about this way too much :) Can you tell I think about this a lot LMAO
Anyway here's the obligatory joke response that's been spread before
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writermai05 · 6 months
Arsonist's Lullabye
Chapter 1: A Burning Flame 
Summary: Y/n and Zuko ponder about a potential friendship. 
Pairing: zuko x fem! reader (Live Action or Animated) 
A/N: And so the slow burn starts! I’m pleasantly surprised by the positive feedback on the prologue, and I’m hoping to keep pumping out these chapters for y'all (and for myself LOL). As always, I would love any feedback / constructive criticism to help me improve on the story. Enjoy! 
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Avatar: The Last Airbender, I am merely a nerd who hyperfixates a lot. Lots of divergence from the canon story lol. 
Warnings!: Mentions of Ozai (yes he deserves his own warning), Zuko’s scar, Talks of self loathing, and insecurities (give Zuko and Azula therapy fr!). 
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Y/n moved in two weeks before classes started at the University of Ba Sing Se. 
She was looking forward to the change of scenery. It was a tough decision to leave Agna Qel’a, but it had to be done. She desperately needed a chance to live apart from her family for once. When she had gotten a spam email asking her to apply for a transfer, she jumped at the opportunity. When she was accepted, she was encouraged to apply for Shui, A scholarship program. 
Shui was a program for students of water tribe descent, regardless of where they were from. It would pair her up with an incoming first year student to mentor and guide through college. It was a pretty intense application process, writing essays, getting interviewed by university representatives and moving in early. The first week was rather uneventful, meeting all the first years and doing an assortment of different icebreaker activities in an attempt to find the perfect mentor-mentee match. 
But all of it was leading up to this big moment. She was about to learn who her mentee was. The program coordinator for Shui had given all the mentors and mentees a piece of paper with their person’s name on it. The atmosphere in the room was full of energy as  all of the students waited impatiently to learn who they would be paired with. 
“Alright everyone! On the count of three…” 
They began to countdown altogether. “Three…Two…One!”
Chaos broke out in the room with lots of cheers and laughter. Y/n opened her piece of paper. 
She had talked to Katara a lot the past week. Y/n liked Katara. She was sweet, and particularly snarky to her older brother, Sokka, who was also a mentor this year. Y/n also vaguely remembered a mention of her being a water-bender, just like herself.  Katara locked eyes with Y/n from across the room, and they quickly started to walk towards each other. 
“I’m so glad I got you! You were like, the number one person I had on my list!” Katara squealed with excitement and Y/n laughed at the younger girl's antics, bringing her in for a hug. The two rocked side to side, before Y/n released Katara from her grasp.
“Let’s go get lunch. My treat, obviously.” 
Katara let out a sigh, “You are amazing. This is going to be a fantastic year.” 
As the pair walked off campus and into the city, Y/n passed the tea shop she had visited a mere two days ago. The cashier, Zuko, she remembered, looked about her age. She had thought about him a lot. Like being drawn to a treasure chest, eager to uncover the secrets hidden within its lock. Did they attend the same university? What major had he chosen to study? Where exactly was he from? Is he a bender? Of course there was another part of her brain, the nosy part, that wondered, 
How did he get the scar on his face? 
She came back to the present once she realized she had stopped in her tracks, causing Katara to stop alongside her.
“Y/n? Are you alright?” Katara asked attentively. 
Y/n shrugged off her concerns, waving a hand dismissively. “I’m fine. Do you know any good Southern Water Tribe restaurants nearby?”
“Um, of course I do! This one restaurant has the best stewed sea prunes in Ba Sing Se!..”
While Katara rambled on about food, in the back of Y/n’s mind Zuko permeated her thoughts. He was like a burning flame the way that thoughts of him danced around her mind, filling it with visions of an all encompassing fire. 
She wanted to know him. 
On the days where the shop was closed, Zuko didn’t do much. He had no hobbies, no life outside of the Jasmine Dragon. He was very much aware of this fact, as Iroh constantly lectured him on it. The words replayed in his mind frequently. ‘You need to hangout with people your age, Zuko.’ 
He was actually starting to agree with his uncle on something. 
When he had moved in with his uncle as a 14 year old, hanging out with people his age was out of the question. With his bandaged face and newly shaved head, he knew that his peers would have ulterior motives for interacting with him. In return, he had reverted into exactly the kind of son his father had always wanted. Stuck up, authoritative, even cruel. It’s why he was ostracized in highschool. He recalled how his first year of university had completely gone up in flames, but then again, that was all his fault. Everything was always his fault. He was fortunate that Iroh was a thousand times more forgiving than his father. Iroh hadn’t so much as batted an eye when Zuko told him that he would need to restart his freshman year of college. 
Zuko realized he would need to try harder than that this year. He held out hope that his sophomore year would be different. 
Maybe Y/n could help with that. She seemed friendly enough when they met at the shop?
Zuko shook the thoughts from his head. ‘You don’t even know her!’ his head screamed. If he were more rational, he’d berate himself for being so invested in a girl he knew virtually nothing about. But he can’t seem to bring himself to actually think logically right now. The desire for connection burns in the pit of his stomach, and he can feel himself growing frustrated at his inability to just be cool for once in his life. 
The boy pushed the negative feelings away, taking a couple of deep breaths like his therapist had taught him. Zuko was determined to be better. To be good. And he knew exactly where to start. With the people he tormented for years. 
He knew he had to make amends with Aang and the others. 
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ghostlywhiskey · 11 months
Thoughts on Simon having a significant other with body acne? I've always been really self conscious of mine especially since it's left little scars and marks on my skin.
Love all your work!! Have a great day/night <3
to start, i love you and it’s easier said than done, but don’t let the acne scars/marks/etc. get to you. and i mean it! acne is something so many people deal with and it doesn’t make you any less beautiful, etc. so don’t let it make you feel like it does. as someone who struggled and still does with facial acne, i see you and feel you bestie. i hope you enjoy this - mwah <3
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simon wouldn’t think about it ever. and the only time he does is when his eyes catch you in your bathroom one day after a shower. he’s walking past while getting himself ready in the morning but notices you inspecting yourself in the mirror.
“what are you doing?” his voice causing you to pull your attention away from the mirror and onto him.
“nothing.” you quickly say, trying to leave the bathroom and walk past him. his hand grabbing your forearm gently, tugging you back with him to head into the bathroom once more. “simon, i said its nothing.” you protest, not wanting to get into the topic with him.
his large frame stands behind you, the mirror reflecting your figures back at you. the two of you staring at each other through it. his hands grazing up your forearms as they make their way up to your biceps, a soft squeeze to encourage you to talk before he asks again.
and when you stay quiet, he sighs. part of him doesn’t want to admit he knows what’s bothering you because he doesn’t want you to think he’s judging you for it. or thinking any less of you. but he knows because he knows recognizes the look you gave the mirror. it’s the same look his eyes spent examining his own body and scars after missions. new markings every time he came back.
“last chance to tell me.” he says, giving your biceps another squeeze.
the lump in your throat getting swallowed down, you sigh in defeat. “my body acne.” voice quiet as you admit to what had been bothering you.
simon leans his head down, kissing your cheek before moving to your neck to give a soft peck. “love,” lips mumbling against your skin. “you’re beautiful.” and when you think that’s where he’s done talking, keeping it short and sweet, his voice fills the bathroom again. “analyzing the marks and scars is going to drive you insane. they don’t diminish how i feel about you and it shouldn’t diminish how you feel about yourself yeah?”
and you know he says yeah often without expecting an agreement, but this time he is. so you nod, looking at him through the mirror. the smile on his face causing you to break a smile.
“fuckin’ beauty you are.” he mumbles, hands moving from your biceps to your hips to turn your body to face him. grabbing your chin, he tilts your head up to look at him. “i’ll repeat myself ev’re fuckin’ day if i got to get it through that thick skull.” his finger flicking your forehead teasingly before leaning down to kiss you.
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mangekyuou · 1 year
HIIII it’s me again!!! I hope you well, it’s nice seeing you!!
I was hoping to get headcannons for Franky and Jinbei if they were dads to a girl?? Like a teenager (14-17) joins the crew and they act as like, fatherly figure?? I hope that makes sense!!
✩༄  headcanons ,  being a father figure to a teen crewmate !
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☆ — characters! . . . franky. jinbei.
☆ — cw(s)! . . . platonic. implied teen f!reader. no pronouns used. not proofread.
☆ — notes! . . . YOUR MIND !! i literally have a dad!jinbei au in my drafts because i have so many thoughts. plus im a sucker for healthy father-daughter dynamics. so when i saw this request I GOT SO EXCITED !! thank you so much for requesting this !! LOVE YOU TOO AND YOU BE SURE TO DO THE SAME AND TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF !! <3333
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franky has this unexplainable soft spot for children and those younger than him
so when you showed up seemingly out of nowhere, he was attached to you immediately
he is the embodiment of “i’ve only known them for a day and a half, but if anything happened to them, i would kill everyone in this room and then myself”
he is the terrible influence father
he encourages nearly everything you do
you wanna run around blasting the canons into the water just to see if they explode ?? he’s right there beside you, helping you shoot
you wanna take the brachio tank v out for a spend on the prairie ?? go ahead and take the keys. just make sure you bring it back all in one piece
he surprises you with aloha shirts so the two of you can match each other !! he even gets them personalized with your names on them and everything :,)
he will throw a fit if you don’t want to match with him at least once. he is not above giving you the silent treatment
but he can never stay mad at you long. the second you give him puppy eyes or start to cry, he gets all about it
he hates when you’re sad, it makes his heart wrench. especially if he caused it ?? he can never forgive himself
now franky is no walking bank by any means. but for you ?? he will happily go broke. whatever you want, he’ll buy it for you
those expensive clothes in the window of that shop that you were looking at ?? he’s already got them in the cart
he loves when you help him out in his workshop. whether you’re acting hands-on working on a project or just passing him the tools he needs
you always get first dibs on testing the gadgets he makes, much to the dismay of luffy, usopp, and chopper
having daughter privilege sure does have its perks
is also an embarrassing dad
he definitely wants you to do his signature pose with him. he’ll literally hold it for an embarrassingly long time…in public, until you join him and say “super!” like you mean it
you have said “dad…please stop” more times than you can count
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jinbei absolutely adores children so much. he’s already such a dad. he wants his own so bad
but with the life he’s lived up to this point, he knows it would be dangerous to bring a child into this world
that is where you, his lovely adoptive daughter, come in to add some sunshine to his life
when you first join the crew, jinbei is quite quiet. outside of his usual good mornings, good nights, and making a bit of small talk with you, he doesn’t say much
but it doesn’t take long for him to become fond of you. it starts to show when he unconsciously guards you when there is an enemy nearby
he knows you’re more than capable to take care of yourself, but he doesn’t want to take any chances
he realizes he thinks of you as a daughter after you join in on one of his meditation sessions, where you struggled to focus
watching you struggle, he gave some very helpful tips that you applied to your technique
your eyes were closed so you couldn’t see, but his eyes were wide open, looking at you with the proudest dad smile the world has ever seen
jinbei teaches you some basics in fishman karate, should you ever need them. he would be THRILLED to teach you more if you want to
he’s so happy inside being able to share his techniques with you
he becomes even more protective of you. he keeps you in his sight usually, worried that if you slip off you could be in danger
such as the one time you left his eyesight for five seconds and followed luffy off to a house rooftop and NEARLY FELL
he has never experienced such panic in his life. he was screaming, crying, a second away from throwing up
when you turned around to give him a thumbs up that you were okay, he sighed in relief. you almost gave him a heart attack that day
his heart melts when you fall asleep on his shoulder. he will not move because he does not want to wake you. he’ll stay there for hours if he has to
he likes to pick up pretty seashells and bring them back to give to you
if you ever turn any of them into a necklace or a bracelet, he’ll cry tears of joy
if you ever refer to him as your dad to other people, he’ll sob a little
he’s so precious and he loves you so much :,)
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© MANGEKYUOU — do not copy, repost, or translate my works.
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captainsophiestark · 7 months
Nosy Best Friends
Tristan Flynn x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Based on this request from Anon! It was very fun to write and it gave me a second, related idea that I'm planning to post Monday, so thanks for sending it in! Hope you like it!
Fandom: Crescent City
Summary: Flynn's been disappearing a lot to spend time with his human girlfriend, and his friends have decided to finally figure out where he's been going.
Word Count: 2,219
Category: Fluff, Humor, maybe a tiny bit of Angst? But not really
A/N: This fic also has a prequel called Presentation Problems and a sequel called The Best Night Ever, but can also be read on its own!
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
Ruhn's POV
"Where the Hel are you going?"
Flynn barely stopped at the sound of my voice, half-turning back with an irritated look. I gave him the same one right back.
"I'm going out. Why do you care?"
"You've been disappearing doing Urd knows what for weeks. Come on, Flynn, what's going on?"
Flynn just rolled his eyes. "Nothing, mom. Just relax and mind your own business."
He turned on his heel and walked out the door without looking back. I watched him go, then turned to Dec on the couch.
"Something's going on with him."
"Yeah. Think it's time we do something about it?"
I sighed, rubbing my eyes as I tried to reread what I'd written for the thousandth time. I'd been holed up in my apartment for almost forty-eight hours straight working on a paper for grad school, and I'd started to go a little crazy.
The only reason I hadn't gone crazy about twenty hours ago was my boyfriend, Tristan Flynn. He'd been keeping me company, providing a stream of encouragement and my favorite snacks and helping me take a break when I really needed it, even if I wouldn't admit it. He'd left a couple hours ago to go do something he needed to do, and I'd come very close to hurling my laptop at the wall in his absence.
We'd first met in a similar situation, when I'd hurled my notebook across what I'd thought was an empty classroom. Flynn had been looking for somebody the Aux had followed to campus, and only his fae reflexes had kept him from taking my notebook to his head. If I hadn't been stressed out of my mind already, I would've been worried about having accidentally attacked a member of the fae Aux, especially as a human, but I'd hit my limit that day, so instead I'd shouted at him for interrupting my studying.
Luckily for both of us, once he'd recovered from his shock, he'd seemed to be into that. He'd tried to get me to leave for safety reasons, and I'd refused, so he'd stayed. We ended up hitting it off the bat, and the rest was history.
We'd been together for a few months now, and despite every warning I'd ever heard against dating a member of the Vanir, it was quite honestly the best relationship I'd ever been in. We hadn't told anyone else in our lives yet, mostly because we didn't want our little bubble of happiness being burst, but I had a hard time believing anything could ruin what we'd found together.
The few seconds I'd spent losing myself in memories had been nice, but the glaring light of my laptop screen didn't let me escape for long. I sighed heavily, trying to decide whether it was worth it to power through. I didn't entirely have a choice, unless I wanted to drop out of grad school, but maybe I could find something to do as a small break.
Somebody must have been listening to my silent pleas, because a moment later my phone rang. I smiled when Flynn's face popped up, a terrible picture of him that I'd taken when he wasn't ready. He always switched it back to a shirtless one he'd taken himself when he got the opportunity, and it had become a little silent war between us.
"You have amazing timing," I sighed as soon as I picked up. I could hear his smile through the other end of the phone.
"I always do. Come downstairs."
"...You know I shouldn't. This paper-"
"Is something you've been holed up in that apartment working on for way too long. You're driving yourself insane, and last I checked, you can't turn in anything if you smash your laptop to pieces against the wall. Besides, humans need sunlight. And fresh air."
"An expert on that, are you?"
"I sure am," his voice purred over the phone and I rolled my eyes, but I also felt heat rising on my cheeks. "Just come down here, and I'll show you how much of an expert I am."
I let out a long breath through my nose. Flynn was right. Sitting in this apartment driving myself insane wasn't helping anything. And besides, I really wanted to go spend time with him.
"Alright. I'm on my way."
"Good. I'll see you in a second."
Ruhn's POV
"What in Hel is he doing here?" I hissed to Dec, trying to keep my voice down. We'd tailed Flynn to some apartment complex not far from the college we'd chased some monster down at not long ago.
"I don't know..." said Dec. "Maybe he's got a lead on something for the case? Or a new case, related to all that shit we dealt with last time?"
"You think Flynn's spending his time off work doing more work?"
I shot Dec a look, and he snorted.
"Okay, you're right. It's probably not that."
We turned back to watch Flynn, who had a full bouquet of flowers in his hands. He'd put on the nicest clothes he owned, and if I didn't know better, I would've thought-
"Oh! Tristan, holy shit!"
Dec and I stared wide-eyed as a human female came out of the apartment building, absolutely beaming at Flynn. She ran to him and jumped in his arms, hugging him tight, as he picked her up and spun her around. He kissed her, and when they pulled apart they stayed close, forehead to forehead, just staring at each other lovingly, something I'd never seen Flynn do with a female. I glanced at Dec to find him looking just as shocked as me, and when I turned back to find Flynn practically floating looking at the girl in front of him, I couldn't help my surprised shout.
Tristan and I whirled around in sync at the sound of a loud shout from across the street. I found two fae males staring at us, looking absolutely outraged, and I started to get a little worried until my boyfriend shouted back.
"What the FUCK are you two doing here?"
"I take it you know them?" I asked, turning to Flynn and keeping my voice low. He shook his head, but the irritation in his eyes faded the second he looked at me.
'Yeah, sweetheart, I do. They're my roommates and my friends from the Aux. And they're absolute idiots."
I turned to find the idiots in question storming across the street and towards us, shouting at cars that almost hit them in the process. Unconsciously, I took a half step towards Flynn, and he immediately wrapped one arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him.
Not a moment too soon. His friends finally made it across traffic to come to a stop in front of us, and my jaw literally almost hit the floor when I realized one of them was the Crown Prince of the Valbaran Fae.
"What the Hel are you doing?" demanded the prince before turning to me. "And who is this?"
"I'm his girlfriend," I snapped, not quite able to stop myself. Both newcomers stared at me in wide-eyed shock, then whirled on their friend.
"Your what?"
"My girlfriend," Flynn said, an edge of steel in his voice that I'd only heard once or twice, usually in relation to Aux business.
The fae before us shared an absolutely shocked look, then whirled back around to look at Flynn.
"Why the Hel didn't you tell us?"
"Is that where you've been sneaking off to every day for the last few months?"
"What the fuck, Flynn?"
They shouted their questions at Flynn in sync, then without waiting for my boyfriend to get ahold of himself enough to answer, the one I didn't recognize turned to me with an apologetic smile.
"I'm Declan," he said, holding out a hand for me to shake. I stared at it for a minute, then slowly took it. "It's nice to meet you."
"...Nice to meet you, too."
"Ruhn. Also nice to meet you," said the prince with a chin nod of a hello in my direction. Then, he turned back to Flynn. "You know everybody's gonna lose it when they realize you've been keeping a steady girlfriend a secret from us, right?"
"Yeah yeah, whatever. Bunch of Aux members, a spy, and Bryce, it's your own fault for not figuring it out sooner. You should be better at your jobs than this."
Ruhn and Declan's mouths dropped open, and I laughed. I could see them getting ready for a comeback, so I stepped even closer to Flynn and fixed the other two fae with a bright smile.
"It's been nice to get to meet some of Tristan's friends, and I'm sure I'll see you both again soon. But right now, I was promised a break from my term paper by my wonderful boyfriend, and I don't intend to let anything get in the way of that."
"I'd listen if I were you," said Flynn, a massive smile on his face as he looked at me with the most lovesick expression I'd ever seen. It made my heart melt. "We met because she almost clocked me in the head with a notebook for interrupting her study session."
"Well technically I threw the notebook before you came in. And then I yelled at you for interrupting."
"Are you trying to say you wouldn't have thrown the notebook at my head anyway if it'd still been in your hands?"
"...No, I probably would've."
"I know. And I love it." He grinned, leaning in for a heated kiss. It still took my breath away, kissing him, even though it'd been a few months now, and he pulled away far too soon for my liking. "What do you say we get the Hel out of here for your distraction?"
"I say Hel yeah, let's go."
He gave me one last quick peck, then pulled back with a wink. His arm stayed wrapped around my waist as we turned to head off to whatever surprise he had planned, not bothering to spare more than a nod at his absolutely stunned friends.
"You get the weekend, Flynn!" one of them called after us. "And then we're having a party and getting to know this female you're so head over heels for!"
"Sure!" Flynn said, calling back over my head. "As long as she decides she actually wants to meet you!"
I snorted, and when I looked at Flynn I found a beaming smile on his face as we walked down the street together. He held out the hand that wasn't around my waist, finally presenting me with the gorgeous bouquet he'd first shown up with.
"For you."
"Thanks, Tris." I took the flowers and leaned into him, and we continued in comfortable silence for a moment. Then Flynn cleared his throat.
"So, do you... uh, do you want to meet them? My friends and everybody?"
"Well, that depends a little bit... why were they so shocked? Was it because I'm human?"
"No." Flynn's response was immediate, and he stopped dead in his tracks to turn me to face him. He put both hands on my shoulders, his warm brown eyes finding mine. "I would never voluntarily spend time with people who felt or thought that way."
"Okay... then why did they seem so surprised to see you with somebody?"
He grimaced. "You... might be the first serious girlfriend I've had. Ever."
My eyebrows shot up, and my heart skipped a few beats.
"Yeah. I think my record before this was... seeing the same female for two weeks? Maybe?"
I couldn't help barking a laugh, and Flynn grimaced again. My heart, on the other hand, was soaring as I reached up to gently cup his cheek.
"Well, I guess I can see why your friends were so surprised then. I'd be happy to meet them. And I'm honored to be the first female you've decided to stick around for."
He grinned at me, making my heart race even faster, then slowly leaned in until our lips were just a hair's breadth away.
"I'm honored to be a fae male you're willing to date. Based on what another friend has told me, a human like you wouldn't be willing to give just any of us a chance."
I snorted. "Yeah, no kidding. But I'm glad I gave you one."
"Me too."
I gave Flynn a little smirk, then leaned in to close the rest of the distance between us. He wasted no time kissing me back, hard, and we quickly deepened the kiss. I let my one free hand wander up to tangle in his hair, and I was ready to lose myself in him right then and there, but after a few long moments he gently pulled back.
"As much as I'd like to continue this... I think you'll really like the surprise break I have planned."
I smiled, going in for one last quick kiss, then pulling all the way back.
"Alright. Let's go. As long as we can continue this after I finish my assignments?"
"If I ever say no to that, you should be concerned."
I laughed as we headed off down the street together again, hand in hand. I still had many hovering stressors, from school to finally meeting Flynn's extended friend group, but I knew I'd have him with me for all of it. I was starting to get the feeling he was in it for the long haul, and even though that brought plenty of challenges, I couldn't help being excited for it all the same.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
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irrelevantwriter · 1 year
Pairing: Eddie Munson (Stranger Things) x Touchstarved!Female Reader/You
Rating: SFW, Angst, Comfort
Warnings: Language, angst, comfort, family shit, mentions of sick/divorced parents, touch-starved reader 
Word Count: 2263
Summary: An emotional moment gets the best of you. Eddie comforts you and realizes you need more than encouraging words.
A/N: I made myself cry writing this so I hope you hoes appreciate it. I went with a reader who was having a bit of an emotional breakdown and who also happened to be going through it. Oh, and touch starved. Which is coincidentally what the title of this fic is in Latin. Enjoy and share with your friends! Feedback is that good shit.💗
Disclaimer: As always, reader inserts are true reader inserts. If you find any specifics in regards to reader’s appearance, kindly let me know and I will fix that.
Disclaimer: Characters are of age in my fics.
*Check out my other Eddie fics here
*Masterlist in bio.
Tears pooled in your eyes. A sob simmered just under the surface, but you did your best to hide it. You sniffled, taking a deep breath in. The action had little effect. Your lashes were still dotted with wetness, your mascara no doubt transferring to the skin under your eyes.
You shook your head, willing yourself to stop. Crying at work was the last thing you wanted to be doing. It was embarrassing, especially around a group of men who didn’t have the capacity to soothe a crying baby doll, much less an actual human.
You ignored the tightness in your chest and went about your evening routine of closing down the auto shop. You turned off the lights and locked the door, flipping the ancient sign in the window from OPEN to CLOSED. A few of the guys still worked in the garage, a bay left open to let the minimal summer breeze through.
You wiped away an errant tear as you made your way to the break room. You worked on autopilot, setting the coffee maker up for the morning, the men claiming to not know how the machine worked. They insisted you did it better. It was a ruse you were very much aware of, but you also didn’t mind. You did it anyway. It felt nice to be needed. Even if it was only for your subpar coffee skills.
The thought made a stream of moisture trail down your cheek, the movement startling you. Your hands shook as you bit your lip, on the cusp of a full blown crying fit. A  faint thud of boots and a melodic whistle sounded in your ears, signaling someone was approaching.
You knew that song. You knew that person.
You hurriedly turned away from the door, patting your face dry as Eddie Munson strolled in. He brought with him an aroma of motor oil and faded Old Spice, the cigarette he’d just smoked lingering on his clothes. You kept your head down, busying your hands with the coffee filters.
“Hey…didn’t know you were still here,” he offered, standing next to you at the sink.
You watched from the corner of your eye as he rinsed his coffee mug, the lettering across the front chipped and scratched. Once upon a time the piece of ceramic read Son of a Bitch with a caricature of the devil beneath it. It always made you laugh. Eddie was far from the devilish persona he liked to portray at times. He’d been the warmest and most welcoming of the bunch when you’d first started.
You cleared your throat, hoping the flood of emotions hadn’t made its way to your voice box yet, “Just finishing up.”
He nodded, placing the mug on the drying rack and making his way over to the fridge in the corner. He pulled out a can of cola, his name scrawled in black marker across the front. He always drank a soda at the end of the day. It was a habit you’d picked up on in your time as receptionist at the shop. All the guys had habits. Eddie’s habits were your favorite.
The pop and hiss of the can being opened reverberated in the otherwise empty room. He made his way back over to you, sipping loudly from the can.
“You okay?”
“Yeah. Why do you ask?”
“Because you’ve been counting the same stack of filters since I walked in.”
Your fingers stopped, pushing said filters away. You scoffed at his observation, still not meeting his eyes. “Just distracted.”
“Wanna talk about it?” he asked, grease covered forearm shifting closer.
You shook your head.
“Sweetheart,” he called softly. Too soft.
You hesitantly met his gaze, feeling silly for the outburst you’d nearly allowed yourself to have.
His eyes were warm and welcoming, his lips pulled into a tender smile, but when he noticed the redness in your own eyes and the drops clinging to your lash line, his brows furrowed.
“What’s the matter?”
“Nothing,” you said with a shake of your head, wiping the evidence away.
“Did something happen?”
He reached a hand out, but didn’t touch you. He hovered over your shoulder, wanting to but not crossing that line. You were coworkers. Friends even. But you’d never touched one another. Not with intention. And when he didn’t inch closer, you realized how badly you wanted it.
“Just some stuff with my parents. It’s kind of a shit show right now,” you offered, voice betraying your real emotions.
“Can I do anything?”
You smiled up at him, heart warming at the sight of such a selfless human. You hadn’t known they still existed.
More tears came.
“Woah, what happened?” Eddie asked, brown orbs going wide with panic as he set his can of soda to the side.
You’d frightened him. You could see the worry in his face; that he’d said something wrong. It was quite the opposite.
“M’fine,” you sniffled, willing the tears to stop. But they wouldn’t. Everything rushed back to the surface, making you feel vulnerable and way too exposed.
“Says the girl sobbing in front of me,” he deadpanned.
The comment made you giggle, a hiccup following.
His expression flipped at seeing a hint of a smile on your lips. “There she is.”
You were both quiet for a moment, the hum of the appliances a constant in the background. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, feeling Eddie’s gaze on you. Humiliation crept its way up your spine.
And then, a warm caress near your shoulder made you pause. It was slight and hardly noticeable, but you felt it nonetheless. Felt the heavy weight of his rings through your blouse as he rubbed soothing circles. Felt the hard calluses of his fingers rub against the fabric. Felt the warmth.
The unexpected contact had a duality you weren’t prepared for. Your senses came alive while your body succumbed to the comfort, relaxing in on itself. You swore you could feel every microscopic aspect of his touch. And yet it all blended together to create the most all consuming embrace.
A simple touch set you aflame.
“My dad is really sick. And my mom can’t deal with it. I’ve been helping them out. With finances and doctors appointments. But it’s not easy. Especially when my mom talks about divorcing my dad. It’s just…,” you stopped to catch your breath, feeling your lip begin to tremble. “A lot.”
Eddie didn’t say anything for a while. He’d pulled his hand away while you’d been speaking and you already missed it.
“Jesus, M’sorry sweetheart. That’s…shit,” he sighed, scratching at his stubbly chin.
You nodded at his words, laughing at his interpretation. “The shittiest,” you agreed.
You finally turned to face him, no longer hiding your tear-stricken face. You thought you saw something akin to sadness pass over his features before it was quickly wiped away.
“M’sorry,” you apologized with a self-deprecating laugh, accepting the balled up paper towel he’d torn off the roll for you.
“What’re you sorry for?”
“For crying at you. Unloading all my shit.”
“Hey,” he paused, making you meet his eyes at the seriousness in his tone. “Don’t apologize for that. You can always talk to me.”
You simply nodded, fearing words would fail you.
“I’ve never seen you cry before.”
“That’s not really unusual. I don’t have many reasons to cry most days. Despite my current predicament,” you joked, gesturing to your wet eyes and sniffly nose.
“You’ve seen me cry,” he pointed out.
“Yeah, when Brady brought that puppy he found near the creek that you wanted to adopt,” you explained with a laugh, thinking back on the memory.
“Because he wouldn’t let me,” Eddie added, pouting.
“Because you try to adopt every animal you come across.”
He shrugged, a wide smile on his lips.
“I’m not big on crying. Or emotions really,” you confessed, wringing the tattered paper towel in your hands. You avoided his gaze, but a gentle tip of your chin made his mahogany stare meet yours. He didn’t move his finger away from you. Instead, he trailed the digit up and over your cheek, cupping your face in his palm.
“This okay?” he whispered, watching you.
“Yes,” you croaked, trying hard not to let your eyes fall shut at the feel of his skin on yours.
“It’s been awhile, huh?”
The question lingered in the air, your silence a response.
“Since someone touched you like this. Like you matter.”
His words made your heart stutter, the burn behind your eyes now unbearable. Could he really see all of that just by looking at you? Could he sense it?
“I-I,” you struggled to respond, shame clouding your mind. The raw emotion of overexposure came back tenfold and you stepped away.
“Don’t. Don’t do that, sweetheart.”
“Do what?” you practically growled, hating that he was seeing you like this.
“Push me away.” He said the words like it pained him to say them.
“Don’t do that,” you threw back. “Don’t act like you care.”
“I do care.”
He stared at you for a long moment. So long that you became uncomfortable.
“What kind of question is that?” he asked with a shake of his head. “We’re friends, aren’t we?”
You opened your mouth, then closed it.
He moved forward, closing the distance between you both. You fought against the urge to pull back, waiting for his next move.
He approached you as one would a wild horse. With ease and patience. He extended his hand back towards you, angling for your face. You didn’t flinch when skin met skin. Rather, you basked in it. You closed your eyes and burrowed into his heat.
“Just—just let me help you.”
You'd never heard him so desperate before.
The question was on your tongue, ready to roll off.
He could see it in your eyes.
“I like you.”
He shrugged, “Your guess is as good as mine.”
You laughed, the sound watery and broken, but there all the same.
A single tear slid down your cheek and into his palm. His thumb lightly traced the curve of your lips, still gently cradling your cheek. You succumbed to him, too weak to deny your body of such intimacy. Because he was right. It had been too long since someone had touched you with meaning. With care. With a fragility you deserved but weren’t often afforded. Too many times you’d been dropped and broken and shattered, put back together in a half-assed attempt at mending.
“Close your eyes,” he softly demanded, his sugary laced breath hitting you in the face.
You obeyed, spine straightening when you felt his free hand land on your other cheek. You waited, anxiety soaring through your veins like the blood that pumped through them.
“S’okay,” Eddie soothed. He was closer, you could feel it. You could practically hear his heartbeat. “I got you.”
His chapped lips lightly touched yours, giving you the chance to pull away if you wanted. When you didn’t, he surged forward, kissing you none too gently. Like he’d been waiting for the chance. The notion made you melt. Melt right into his hands.
You kissed him back, albeit with less fervor. It’d been so long. And both your body and mind were struggling to play catch up. But the minute his hands drifted down to your hips, you lost yourself. Finally feeling anchored in a sea of thunderous waves.
You only pulled back when air became a necessity, realizing you’d been clinging to his stained t-shirt. You became bashful suddenly, avoiding his ever observant gaze.
“M’sorry,” he mumbled, catching you off guard.
You looked at him in question, hoping he didn’t regret what had just taken place. “For what?”
“For not doing that sooner. For everything you're going through. For the pain you’re feeling.”
The words came out jumbled and entirely too fast, but you caught every syllable. Neither of you were surprised this time when a trickle of tears escaped your eyes.
“You don’t have anything to be sorry for, Eddie.”
He nodded, pulling you close. It wasn’t until he’d wrapped his arms around you that you realized he was hugging you. A full body hug.
His arms held you tight, but not too tight. Just enough to make you feel safe. His chin was tucked near your forehead, allowing you to nuzzle into his chest. His scent wafted through your nostrils, soothing you like a fidgety toddler.
And it worked. Oh how it worked.
“Let me take you home, yeah?” he asked into your hair, his breath making the strands move against your scalp.
“I’ll stop and get you some food. Anything you want.”
His chest vibrated under you, luring you in closer. The act was physically impossible. You were as close as two people could get. And yet, you wanted more. You were utterly addicted to his touch.
He pulled back too soon for your liking, but he made up for it by dragging his lips across your forehead. You closed your eyes at the sensation, lost in it.
“You’re so pretty.”
You blinked, seeing him staring at you in what could only be described as awe.
“I’m a mess,” you replied with a shake of your head, suddenly feeling self-conscious.
“So,” he grabbed your hand, pulling it to his chest. “You can still be pretty and a mess.”
You laughed, unable to come up with a retort. “Thank you.”
And you meant it. For more than just his words. And he somehow understood.
“No problem, sweetheart. I got you.”
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pnutbutter-n-j-elyy · 3 months
Heyyyy my sunshines!!!
I hope you guys liked the Pt3 I put out for the Maknaeline Clinginess Angst!! If you haven't read it yet check it out ;)!!! I JUST updated my Masterlist post-You'll notice there are a lot more things added onto it that I have not released yet. To keep myself more organized with requests and manage my posting more efficiently (my schedule still won't be completely set because unfortunately I'm a mood writer regardless of whether or not I have time 🥲🥲🥲) - I've decided I will start posting my TBR's. Meaning you guys will be able to see what I will be releasing - which will help me manage tags better as well. And will help those of you who like my page; who are not on my permanent taglist and want to know when I post. IF you would like to be tagged message me WHICH post you would like to be tagged on and I will be tagging the first 10 tag requests + those who are on my permanent taglist as of today- June 28th, 2024. FOR REQUESTS I will tag the person who requested the fic. The one catch is I can only really tag if you don't request anonymously. I am a judgement free zone and I want you guys to all feel safe and comfortable on my page and with me as both author and friend. So if you do have a request and you want to be tagged with your request feel free to request freely. I will NO LONGER be sharing the FIC requests via POST rather I will note the title and genre of the fic in the masterlist to - - A. Keep you anonymous EVEN IF you decide to not remain anonymous when you send the message -B. Declutter my page by minimizing posts Me not sharing requests does NOT mean I won't share any of the messages you guys send. A lot of you send me encouragement and compliments via my inbox so I will occasionally share those messages since they make me smile :) Despite me not sharing request answers and just putting them straight on the master list you can STILL choose to be anonymous when requesting. I just want to make sure you all know that you don't have to feel afraid of me judging a request or anything of that nature if you DO decide you would like me to know your user so you are automatically put on the tag list for that fic before the 10 spots are filled. It will be first come first serve for all of them so I do apologize if you don't make it onto the taglist for that fic, but I trust you'll find it at some point after its release. My masterlist post will be updated EVERY SUNDAY; so you guys can start the week with knowing what's up 🙌🙌🙌! Okay sorry for that long informational rant but here's another shorter one.
I will be dropping an Enhypen masterlist. The same rules stated above go for the Enhypen list once it is up and running. But since it isn't I will be taking 2 requests for each member and 1 request for OT7. Again- it is first come first serve so I'm sorry if I don't get to your request 😓😓😓 I WILL BE TAKING REQUESTS UNTIL JULY 2nd (sorry for the short notice 😓) FOR ENHA. Once the Enha masterlist is up and running - which will be by July 3rd my pinned post will be
THE MASTERLIST MASTERLIST (read this is Lord Garmadon's or President Business's voice idk why but it just sounds right) - this will be the masterlist to all my masterlists - which will soon be expanded out into different kpop/misc fandoms/ misc works in the future (ig; TXT, BND, ZB1, ATEEZ, potentially some anime fandoms, snippets from novels I have started to write).
Stay SAFE. Stay SANE. And most importantly-
Stay SLAYING. 💅 Love you all ☀️☀️☀️
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hyunjinhoee · 2 years
Feel My Love
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hellooo i hope you all are doing well and enjoy this oneshot as well :))
Hyunjin x Fem!reader
Warnings: angst; smut; porn with plot; slightly sad at the beginning; heavy makeout; very little of spit play; hickeys(fem receiving); oral(fem receiving); finger sucking; breeding; happy ending; softdom!hyunjin; sub!reader
Wc: 2.6k
You were thinking about him again. Hwang Hyunjin, the one person you promised to move on from the day you had left that wasted city of yours in search of a new beginning away from everything related to your past. But now after 3 years, you were back at this place, back to thinking about him.
You walked over to the window, slightly leaning on the glass sill as you reflected on your dull surroundings. You had always hated Seoul with its resonant lights and crowded architecture. It was a place that encouraged your tendency to feel sad and gloomy.
But then you saw something in a distance, or rather someone. It was him. His long dark hair tucked behind his ear as he seemed to be walking towards the direction of your building
An unintentional shaky breath left your lips as drew the curtains of your window. You shouldn’t have come back.
You flinched as the bell rang announcing his arrive. You stared at your reflection, nervously licking your lips, settling your hair trying to slow the time in order to gather your guts to face him
You finally twisted the door knob opening the door slowly meeting his gaze and suddenly you felt eighteen again and then you realised you were still in love with him as much as you were back then
“Thought you never wanted to come back” Of course, he had to start it with a petty taunt, “Hello to you too” You scoff closing the door as Hyunjin guides himself to your living room. “Do you want something to eat?” You walk into your kitchen noticing Hyunjin admiring a painting hanging on your wall. It was your father’s last painting.
“I’m sorry for your dad” Hyunjin continued to admire the piece of art making you remember how much love he shared for the same thing as you father. “Do you still paint?” You asked, “Why wouldn’t I?” He finally moved on from the painting walking towards you as you started to feel stupid about your question. Art was the only thing which made Hyunjin, Hyunjin.
“Do you want anything to eat?” You went back to your previous question avoiding any start of conversation which would make you remembered your past, “Yeah, you” You keep back your smile at his childish answer, “Sorry but that’s not on the menu” You finally look at him. He had those dreamy dark honey eyes always filled with some type of curiosity, “Well that’s sad” He pouted as you shook your head, “Still a fucking child”, “Still running away from everything” and there’s that. He just had to bring it up. You felt a shiver of irritation run over you as you rolled your eyes once again
“Hwang if you’re here to fight then please just leave”, You try to keep your voice low, “Sorry but I try to face my problems rather than just fucking leaving and avoiding them” and that was enough to spark the cracker
“I don’t fucking care about your fucking problems or however the fuck you deal with them–”
“Of course you don’t care, you never did, neither our relationship- no wait that’s the last thing because you didn’t even fucking care to show up at your dad’s funeral so of course I would not be even in your list kf priority” Hyunjin spat out and you never felt a stronger urge to just slap him
“I wanted to just to do something for myself cause fuck you and him. Throwing a bunch of random colours on a canvas wasn’t going to take me anywhere.” You knew you shouldn’t have used those words but you had to get it out. You had been selfish and yes the guilt of hurting him did cost you a lot but just thinking about love won’t provide you your basic needs and your dad and him both failed to understand that.
However you did not expect Hyunjin to nestle his head between your neck and shoulder as he held you by your waist. Due to you wearing an off shoulder top, his warm tears came in direct contact with your skin sending a shiver of goose bumps as you slowly stroked his hair
Hyunjin, as long as you remembered him, was rare to cry. There were days when he would be just sad, not wanting to talk but him breaking down meant something really extreme happened.
“Why wouldn’t you ever fucking talk to me?” his voice was heavy as he continued to sob, “Baby, I just didn’t know how to explain it you” hearing the name falling out of your lips, you noticed how Hyunjin’s hold became a bit tighter
“Why’d you come back then?” hearing the hurt in his voice lead your tears to roll down, “Because you weren’t there with me”. The grip on your waist loosened as Hyunjin took a step back. The loss of warmth of his body made you frowned wanting to be in his touch again
“All of this just for you to leave again” Hyunjin scoffed as you took a step closer to him intertwining your fingers with his, “If I wanted to leave again, I wouldn’t have come back” your voice was a whisper, with a slight convincing tone.
“I missed you” his lips falling on yours, his fingers leaving yours to wrap around your waist pulling your body closer. A small smile tugged on your lips at how impatiently Hyunjin’s hands moved on your body, his kiss getting deeper and messier
Not breaking the kiss, you both stumbled up to your bedroom falling onto the soft mattress, Hyunjin on top of you, still not ready to leave your lips
It had been long since anyone had loved you like this. You tried fooling around once but just gave up after a few minutes cause your mind could not think of anyone but him and now since your body finally got the touch it ached for, the revival of your feelings just added in more to the pleasure because you knew this wasn’t just lust.. it was so much more
Hyunjin’s lips moved down tattooing kisses down till your chest marking you once again. You always associated his love for love bites to his love for painting– how he loved to paint every blank canvas he could find-
Sliding off your top along with your bra, Hyunjin took a moment to just admire your body before losing himself in it.
“always so fucking beautiful”
You blushed at the praise as he went back to please you, worshipping every part of your body, from his lips enveloping around your boobs to his fingers teasing your clothed clit- he was everything you needed to feel
“Hyunie please” a whine escaped your lips as you entangled your fingers in his hair, “please what, angel?” his voice sounded a bit deeper as he slowly towered above you his lips brushing against yours, his hair tickling your cheeks
“fuck me” you whispered, “be loud”, his breath mixed with yours as you repeat your words a bit louder but shaky
“good girl” Hyunjin pecked your lips before moving down to your core, his lips curving into a smirk, satisfied with how he still had such an effect on you and your body
Your back arched at the sudden contact of his lips on your folds as he slowly started licking strips capturing your wetness on his tongue making up for all those years you had spent without him
The pleasure continued to build inside you as his pace increased but just when you were about to come undone- your core lost the contact of his mouth, a whine of frustration leaving from your lips
“oh so now you want everything to be in your favour” Hyunjin chuckled at your state, slowly unbuckling his jeans
“please, please” you whispered giving him what you knew he wanted. He loved to have you under him, beg for him, just overall want him to make you feel his love
Slowly pushing him into you, a moan from both of you at the same time made you both break into a small laughter. You loved this with him. You loved everything with him.
Hyunjin started to pick up a pace, a string of curses leaving your lips as you slowly started to lose yourself in him. “Doing so well, baby” his speed increased even more, his finger brushing against your lips as you opened your mouth swirling your tongue around his rings as he pushed his fingers deeper into your mouth, a drool of spit running down your chin
Only if he could take a picture of you like this. So messed up yet still being the most beautiful girl he had ever known. He would’ve love to paint you like this- relieving the exact moment everytime he would look at that painting. He would surely try to convince you later.
“Baby, I am so fucking close” your voice was barely audible as your head fell back. “Then fucking cum” Hyunjin’s eyes were closed, his hair sticking to his face as he started going deeper, his dick twitching as you clenched around him
A sigh left his lips as you fell back onto the mattress, him filling you up. Hyunjin’s body rested on yours with him being still inside you
“Let’s stay like this for a while”
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fan-of-many24 · 24 days
I can't imagine my life without you (Alex Karev x gn!Reader)
Alex Karev x gn!Reader fluff
Kinda short, 812 words
Continuation of the last oneshot :)
“Alex, c’mon, I’m trying to study here!” you giggled as the man wrapped his toned arms around your waist as you were typing away at your computer. You had been studying to get your doctorate in nursing, and this week was leading up to your oral defense of your dissertation. You had spent the past month memorizing your slides and preparing for any and all questions the committee might have. Of course, this left very little time for your boyfriend.
“Babyyyy,” he whined, “you deserve a break, you’ve been staring at that screen all day!”
“What you mean is,” you sighed, setting your laptop on the coffee table in front of you, “you want some attention.” 
“Well, that would be a welcome result,” he grumbled, pulling you into his lap, “but seriously, you’re overworking yourself. You’ve barely slept all week.”
“I’m fine, Alex,” you smiled.
“Just take the rest of the day off, besides its not often that we both get the day off.”
You sighed and looked at the clock. It was almost 5, and there wasn’t much left to the day. You leaned onto your boyfriend and looked up at him.
“Dinner?” you suggested.
A smile crept onto his face at the fact that he was able to convince you. He gave you a quick, sweet kiss before standing the both of you up and running up the stairs. You laughed at how he often acted like a kid, but you were glad he was able to show you this side of him. 
You guys were years into the relationship, and even though you two had your arguments, you had always come out stronger for it. You quickly ran up the stairs behind him, shouting, “Where are we going?”
You shook your head as you ran.
You changed into a nice but casual outfit, quickly styling your hair. You felt the familiar arms wrap around your waist once more.
“Almost done?” Alex mumbled against your neck, kissing it.
“Yes, yes,” you smiled putting your hands on his.
The two of you left your apartment and drove the familiar path to Joe’s. The two of you took a seat at the bar, immediately ordering your drinks.
“Do you remember our first date?” Alex asked.
“Of course I do,” you smiled, leaning onto his shoulder, “I thought you were a brute but I went anyways.”
He lightly flicked your forehead and you laughed.
“I’m just kidding, but I seriously am glad I went,” you leaned your head onto your hand, looking up at the man you love, “I couldn’t imagine my life without you.”
Alex smiled down at you, giving you a quick peck on the cheek. “I couldn’t imagine my life without you either. You’ve taught me so much about myself, and you’ve helped me through so much.”
You took his hand and squeezed it, sitting up, “You’ve done the same for me. You’ve helped me build my self-esteem and self confidence. You encourage me to go as far as I can, but you also keep me in check, making sure that I don’t burn out. I didn’t know just how much I needed you until you came into my life. I love you more than anything.”
Alex let out a shaky breath. “I love you too, I just hope I’m able to show you just how much you mean to me,” he stood from his stool, “which is why…”
He got down on one knee, pulling a box from his pocket, “Y/N L/N, you make me feel like a better person, and I want to be a better person around you. You see things in me I haven’t seen, and I don’t want to spend a minute of my life without you in it. So what I’m asking is, will you marry me?” He opened the box to reveal the ring of your dreams.
You had stood up as soon as he got down on one knee. The man you loved knelt in front of you, asking you to spend the rest of your life with him. At that moment, any thoughts other than him left your body. Before he finished his speech you knew what you were going to say. Tears filled your eyes as you nodded your head, “Yes. Yes, of course!” You reached your hand out and Alex slid the ring on.
He leapt up, wrapping you in a hug, spinning you around, laughing. As he let you down from the hug he captured your lips with his, kissing you as if you were to disappear at a moment’s notice. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. The rest of the night, the other bar patrons bought you round after round of drinks to celebrate, and there was no studying or sleeping once the two of you got home.
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justsomerandomfanfic · 6 months
Hi,I was wondering if I could get some matchups for marvel,x-men and supernatural.
I am 19 years old intj female with mid length thick dark brown very wavy hair(borderline curly).I have big brown eyes kinda round and almond shaped at the same time.I love exercise so I am relatively fit.My face is a bit rounded(big cheeks) with some angles.I am very pale but have a lot of moles one or two in my face but most in my arms and torso.I also have this weird birthmark(a tag in my one ear).In terms of fashion i like darker clothing with an occasional dash of pink since it's something that looks good on me.Flared pants,jean and leather jackets,leather bags, custom made bags with rock bands and a bag that looks like a duck(i like ducks).I also like custom made shirts with jokes regarding my personal interests (books,series ect...) and my messed up sleep schedule.
At first glance I am a bit reserved but if I am made comfortable I will open up(i kinda choose the people I will open up to).I love sarcasm and very dark humor.I will joke around a lot and I want to encourage people around me to be happy.I like teasing people a lot. I deeply love learning information in every form.I study physics because I love astronomy and I want to become an astronomer but I am also a big history/archeology/mythology nerd.In my free time I love learning new stuff(psychology, law, history ,random facts ect...),reading,working out and listening to music(fav song:soltitude by m83).I like art a lot,drawing,reading about it,going to museums and exhibitions.I also love going out on nature and on all sorts of adventures but I dont have the right person to do that with.I deeply love nature and the sea since I grew up in an island.
I have clear goals in life,I am very ambitious,patient,curious and diplomatic but still have a bit of a nihilistic approach to life(in a good sense,to fuel questions about the world around me).
As I said before I can be quite reserved and appear as cold but I am a very sensitive person,an extreme overthinker.I feel insecure because when I get too comfortable/excited my voice gets really loud,I get all giddy and I have been told off about it enough times.I dont know how to receive a compliment or acts of friendship/kindness because growing up I had very bad experiences in school.However I like to be there for people and I want them to feel good around me.I like helping a lot by solving problems and being kind but I hate myself for it because I feel like I am showing weakness (but once I realise someone is a friend I am THERE no matter what)I also am the "I told you so" kind of friend but I am not judging(quite the opposite) .I deal with anxiety and I get lonely around people but I dont let it affect my social life,I really push myself out there no matter what and I always push myself to get back on my feet and keep going after bad experiences because we only have one life and we have to make the most of it.
I also am a very calm even during arguements,until someone crosses a line and hell breaks loose.
Sorry,I hope its not way too long.
Hi! I hope you like your matchups! <3333
Thor Odinson:
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⭐ You met Thor when you were hired by Nick and SHIELD in general when they wanted to learn more about Thor and his mythology - you being the little genius that you are - were more than happy to tell them more about his myths, history, and culture (since you had read some stuff about it in the past); you knew a few fun facts, but those facts were exactly what they needed... Who knew?
⭐ Finally, you got to meet the man in question, he wanted to know all that you knew, and you were a bit nervous at first, but you were happy to tell him everything you knew - you may have gotten a bit excited, and may have apologized for getting a bit too loud, but Thor was reassuring and sweet; telling you that he admired how passionate you were and to not be afraid to be yourself around him
⭐ Once the two of you begin to hang out more, you begin to open up more, sliding in a few dark jokes here and there (Thor gets confused in the beginning, like the golden retriever he is, but after a while he's laughing along with you); during the holiday, you both know you both like each other when you both accidently gift each other cute custom things (you gift him a custom shirt with one of your favorite quotes of his, and Thor gifted you a backpack that was shaped as a duck)
⭐ Thor often takes you to Asgard, where he gets to give you the royal tour, introduce you to new foods, and gets you a custom Asgardian outfit (that has dashes of pink in it); and at the end of the day, you and him watch the Asgardian sun set
⭐ You are there for Thor, always standing up for him if he ever is in a verbal argument with Tony (which is often, poor guy may be loud but Tony is often very adamant in being right) - and Thor is always there for you, obviously, finding you incredibly smart, talented, and lover of nature and life
Logan Howlett:
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💛 You met Logan when Charles had found you and asked you if you wanted to move into the X-Mansion (so he could help you master your amazing nature-esque powers!) - you were practicing in the courtyard and Charles came to introduce you to the mysterious, tall, dark, and handsome man; Charles was quick to point out your almost matching leather jackets that you were both wearing at the time
💛 You nor Logan really sought each other out, but fate is weird, and caused you to both run into each other on many occasions - though, the one time Logan actually had a full conversation with you, was the day you found out he had a motorcycle; by the end of the conversation, Logan offered to drive you around (how could you say no to driving around nature, the wind blowing through your dark brown hair, feeling free?) You could drive around with Logan for hours
💛 You are even lucky enough to get Logan to accompany you to art museums, seeing such beautiful works like Andy Warhol and Yayoi Kusama - Logan acts bored, but he's pretty interested, especially when you tell him all the cool facts that you knew about each art piece you past; at the end of your museum adventures, you always end up going to the museum gift shop, and leaving with a small handful (armful) of artist merch/supplies/and whatnot
💛 You and Logan, going back to adventuring thing, often go on adventures out in nature, spending a couple days camping, sitting in wildflowers as you draw - listening to music - just the two of you; Finding each other's company calming and peaceful
💛 You work together pretty well, both very YOLO, but both very fire and ice - you are patient and love solving problems, while Logan is not that; he likes to solve problems with his claws/fists; but you know what they say, opposites attract, and Logan really likes you (for your kindness, how understanding you are, and how much you say 'I told you so' to him
Dean Winchester:
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🥧 You were just minding your own business, walking around the woods that close to your home, when BAM creepy monster thing, oh no, what are you to do? But then you see him, Dean Winchester, well, he was too late, you were able to scare the monster off - Dean was impressed, but you never told him how you did it... Mysterious...
🥧 You were a bit reserved in the beginning of your conversation, but after he brought up the quote on your custom shirt - from a favorite book of yours - you felt yourself being swept away in the topic of books; which led into college, and then astrology, and then mythology, and then pie, and then-
🥧 You soon enough found yourself joining Dean (and Sam) (and Cas) in their monster-hunting adventures; and they were quick to realize that you were actually a great new member of the team - you are patient, hardworking, and a problem solver, which is pretty important, (you're great at not letting anyone get killed)
🥧 Before you and Dean even knew it, you both began to feel a little bit of something for each other (Sam and Cas could see it clearly, you and Dean had this chemistry that was just amazing); you and Dean often - when you can't sleep or mess your schedule up enough - drive in Baby, just driving and listening to tunes together
🥧 You are so comfortable with Dean that you can truly be yourself around him, teasing and joking around - often teasing Dean about his love for his car, Baby, and his love for pie... He can't get enough pie... It's becoming a problem... He has like five different types of pies in the fridge... He would probably say he could eat them all himself just fine, but let's be honest here, he needs someone to help him eat them all ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ🥧🥧🥧
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softxsuki · 7 months
Hello! I have a request for Valentines day letter event! I would like one with Shin ah from Akatsuki no Yona x fem reader. I don't mind about pet names, so it's your choice. We’re in an established relationship for a few years (maybe we lived in the same village, friends since we were teenagers and now we are a couple, reader is in the Yona's team too). I want to see it fluff. You know, Shin ah is soo shy and doesn't know how to impress his feeling to reader with words and he writes her a letter about his true feelings, like everything he can't tell by words. Location: anywhere, somewhen while our adventure. I feel that he will silently give the letter to the reader before splitting into 2 teams. That's everything! I requesting for events for first time, I hope it's fits to the rules, thank you!!
Shin-ah's Love Letter to His Lover
This event is now CLOSED, but you can view the masterlist for the other letters here.
| Pairing: Shin-ah x Fem!Reader| Genre: Fluff| Post-Type: Letter | Word Count: 960 |
Warnings: kissing
Note: Happy Valentine's Day! Hope you enjoy your letter from Shin-ah! This was one of my favorites to write &lt;3
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Yona had suggested to the group to split up in the upcoming village so they wouldn’t get too many suspicious glances. There were already enough bold individuals in your group, so low profile clothes and hats to cover their colorful hair was a start to concealing your identities.
You were set to go off with Zeno, Hak, and Yona while Jae-ha, Kija, Yun, and Shin-ah went the other way. You had wanted to be in the same group as your boyfriend, Shin-ah, but when you brought it up, you could see his ears go red behind his mask as he quickly shook his head.
Slightly disappointed, you let it go, but you couldn’t understand why he didn’t want to split up with you in his group, was he upset with you? 
Just as you’re about to head in the direction your  group was set to go in, you feel a tug on your sleeve, and spin around to see Shin-ah. There’s a piece of paper rolled up and tied nicely in his hands which he quickly hands to you. He holds your hand briefly, giving it a squeeze before he runs back to his group. Jae-ha watches him with a teasing smile, smacking him on the back once Shin-ah reaches him, causing the blue-haired man to rush away from him quickly.
You can’t help the fond smile that appears on your lips, turning your attention back to the paper in your hands. Yona tells the group to start walking, which you all do, and you begin to unroll the paper and read its contents as you walk, careful not to trip over anything;
My Star,
Jae-ha told me that today was a day where men and women in his old village would come together and tell each other how much they love one another. Showing extra love, exchanging letters, and buying gifts for the one they love. I wanted to do the same, so here is my letter to start with. I’m not very good with my words, so hopefully I can convey my heart's passion for you in this writing instead.
If I am the moon, then you are my star. My sun, igniting me and giving me the light that I now have. Without you, I’m nothing but a dark mass, void of anything. Invisible to others until your light reaches me once more. My star, you shine brightly always, drawing everyone in and leaving your warmth behind. 
You were my hope back in our old village when I was hidden away. Never allowing me to be on my own and treating me like a human being the entire time when others saw me as nothing but a monster. You encouraged me to finally be free from the shackles I placed on myself and helped me experience true happiness in our new group. I don’t know how or why you decided to be my other half, but it is something I will always be grateful for. 
I know I’m not good at saying these things to you. I still can’t find my voice or courage to use it as much as I’d like. One day, I’d like to say all these beautiful things to your face as you hear me say them. I promise I will, just give me more time to find my courage. 
My star, I love you and I thank you for loving me back. I’m sorry for declining your request to split up together…I guess I’m a little embarrassed about giving this to you, but I hope you like it. Thank you for existing and being my light.
Your Moon.
You can’t control the silent tears that flow from your eyes, landing on the paper in your hands as you read over his words, two then three and four more times. No one had ever done something so romantic before. You didn’t even know he had these beautiful words about you in his heart, but you were beyond happy to read them. Perhaps the quiet ones really are secretly the most passionate. 
You tuck the note safety into your bag that was slung around you, wiping the stray tears from your eyes as you smile to yourself. You couldn’t wait to meet back up with your group so you could show your lover some of your own love for him.
You all safely make it through the village, stopping at some stalls for food or other resources that we needed to continue our journey. Yun was probably stopping in the other group to get medical supplies and other necessities he’d need as well. It didn’t take too long before you met up at your designated location, waiting for the other group to arrive.
And that’s when you see him. A sliver of blue hair beyond the trees with the rest of his group, walking towards you. You can’t help the explosion of emotions inside you, as you run the rest of the way towards him, straight into his arms, making him lose his balance for a moment before he holds you, steadying himself.
You grin from ear to ear, leaning in to press a kiss to his exposed lips,
“Your letter was beautiful, Shin-ah,” you whisper against his lips, you feel his arms tighten around you as you speak. “Thank you. I love you so much”
You see a hint of pink reach his cheeks as he lets you go and digs around in the pocket inside the cloak he was wearing to disguise himself, pulling out some flowers.
“I found them on our walk here,” he says softly, handing them to you. “I love you, too”
Your shy lover was not only sweet, but incredibly thoughtful and 1000000% yours.
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Posted: 2/24/2024
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dunno if its okay to put a little vent here but my anxietys spiking so hard rn i gotta get this off my chest. if you dont feel up to answering this pls dont worry.
i feel so insecure lately. i fear eddie wouldnt fall in love with me in a romantic way because 99% of guys i ever liked never liked me back the same way. and i know it sounds stupid but i rly am scared eddie wouldnt love me that way either. it starts to effect my writing and reading fic too and i dunno what to do. im kind and id go as far as call myself pretty most days, and people always rely on me and tell me im funny so its not like a general insecurity just...eddie would be that guy for me. and im so scared that once again i just wouldnt be that girl for him because its been like that most of the time in the past and i dont wanna start associating this feeling of sadness and rejection with eddie :(
Hi nonnie!
You can vent here if you'd like to!🫂💞 I'm so sorry your anxiety is spiking; I hope something here helps you to feel even a little better. I do wanna answer; I've spent the last hour or so since you sent this in, reading it over and over and letting my thoughts marinate in the Word Sauce and I think I finally have it ready to go down to a simmer. This is for me and @munsons-maiden and anon and anyone else feeling this way!!!🫂💖
Eddie would fall in love with you in a romantic way. He would. You would tell him that you've never been anyone's first choice, no one has ever felt for you as you have for them, and after staring at you incredulously, trying to work out if you're being serious or not, he would tell you that he's that 1% that does like you back in the same way. He's the 1%, the black sheep of Hawkins, he's the one who is a self-proclaimed cynic but practically told Steve to go after Nancy just because he couldn't bear to see two people in love but not together. A man who has never experienced that kind of love for himself yet knows it when he sees it with other people and encourages it just because he can, no ulterior motives. Eddie is that 1%, he says it as confidently as he tells you he loves Black Sabbath, and he'd make slightly awkward jokes about how he's "the one for you" and then he catches himself because you're on the third date and whoa, Munson, slow down.
But luckily for Eddie, you know him, and you're saying things like, "that makes me your one, too" and, "we can be black sheep together, it's okay, Eddie," and squeezing his hand. It's not enough for Eddie and so he interlocks your fingers together and squeezes and you giggle and you squeeze back and it turns into a hand-squeezing contest until your fingers are numb and Eddie's are bright red and it matches the colour on the shell of his ears.
It's so surreal, loving Eddie and being loved by him. Well, no... loving Eddie isn't the strange thing. Loving Eddie is the easiest thing, it's the sweetest torture you've ever known, but being loved in return by the one you love? That's the strange thing. That's the part you just cannot for the life of you wrap your head around. You've always been the one to watch from afar, the one who loves quietly, knowing you could easily voice your feelings but not doing so because there's no point, you already know they don't like you the same way you like them. But with Eddie, you were both staring at each other from afar, you were both pining for the other person, you were both thinking you weren't good enough for the other person so what was the point of even trying to confess?
But that was the point, you would both come to realise. Because you were both so scared that the other person wouldn't love you, you were both so kind and so good, so soft in a world which tried to bring out the opposite in you. You always smiled at Eddie in the corridor, you always helped him to drag his throne over from the prop cupboard back into the main circle where Hellfire Club was held, you always listened to new albums with him and stayed up late to make mixtapes when Eddie was too busy to do so, and you genuinely enjoyed him and his company. Spending time with Eddie was as relaxing to you as time spent alone and that meant something. Eddie felt the very same way with you. He always helped you when you had had a long hard day and couldn't be bothered or didn't want to cook. He rubbed your back when you cried or fetched you a thick pillow for when you wanted to scream but didn't want him to hear even when he was sat right beside you. He helped you to find really specific songs you wanted based off one lyric or a badly hummed tune. You can word vomit at Eddie, making no sense even to yourself, but Eddie will listen and say a short sentence back which is, you realise as you repeat it back to yourself, the core of what you've been thinking or feeling, and you realise he understands.
Eddie listens and he gets it and you feel most yourself when you spend time with him; he makes you want to be a better person even though, in Eddie's eyes, he sees you and all your flaws, all your negative traits (in your words, not his), and knows you to be perfect for him. He makes you want to be a better version of yourself and just by being you, you bring out the best in Eddie too. He meets you as you are, he meets you in the middle of wherever you're prepared to join him on the path of love, and the two of you so, so shakily join hands, but then it's like falling asleep; all at once.
You and Eddie work and the both of you love each other hard.
You cannot tell me in all seriousness that Eddie wouldn't love you. You can't. You're kind and you're not shy about your feelings for Eddie. This man is so sensitive, though he masks it well when the time calls for it, and he's always jumping in to defend his lost sheep or adopt another one. No one really wants to be associated with him and the ones that do willingly are labelled as freaks and become social pariahs in the hellhole that is Hawkins High. But there you are, smiling at him so hard you make yourself cry, heart squeezing in your chest and, oh, Eddie's faux shot to the heart joke suddenly becomes something he experiences from the inside. And it scares him. But the thought of not having you in his life scares him more, so Eddie sits with it just as you sit with yours. And you both channel it into loving each other harder, essentially leading each other into a very intense, very passionate, very right relationship. One for the history books.
So, listen to me.
Eddie would love you just as much as you love him. If you're kind to him and to his friends and at least nice to others when you can't handle being kind (that's hard, you know, being kind is a choice and it costs effort and that's why it's so important). He's your Eddie, he's the guy who watches you from afar thinking he doesn't deserve you, and then one day your eyes meet from across the street and you see your facial expressions mirrored in the other person and you realise you've found your 1%. Your Eddie.
And you're his Y/N; the one who loves him so hard you can only cry. So, again, you're you and you're kind and you're gentle and you love him, so why wouldn't he love you?
Because I can't think of a reason and neither can Eddie.
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zee-rambles · 3 months
Hi Zee! new follower that came across your pinned post by chance very recently. Maybe a weird ask ahead, totally fine if you don't answer,
Do you really believe rise can still be saved? Because a part of me is still holding on, and the new andy sketches have been torturing me too. Ive signed all the petitions, done everything I can, I feel like its not enough. It's weird and been bothering me for the last few months, though I've never felt this way before about shows that didnt make it. How do you cope with the feeling, as a long time rise fan? Do you? Obviously not a therapist lmao just curious, trying to learn how to deal with a three year long obsession. Thank you.
I don’t know how many people are going to read this, but here goes.
So, I really tried to think of a nice, clear way to answer this question, but then I realized: it will never be perfect. All I can do is be genuine.
Yes. I do believe that Rise can still be saved. The same way that I hope that many of my favorite shows can return. And I do this because I simply choose to believe it. I choose to have hope. I don’t know, I can’t promise it will come back, but if I’m being true to myself, I choose to hope for the future that I want, and that future includes Rise in it. I once thought I would never get to see the Hey Arnold Jungle Movie, thought I joined the movement too late to bring it back…but it happened.
And I thank you for doing what you can. I did a lot for this show in the last two years. Been recommending it in real life, posting about it anywhere I can, supporting and uplifting other fans, liking as much art, and advertising projects as much as I can. I even put Rise related gifs in the comments of things I react to on social media, hoping that someone will get curious and give it a chance. I’ve sent emails, signed petitions, rewatched as many good videos as I can so that the algorithm can recommend it more. I’ve done a lot. I’m just…slowing down right now because I have a huge project I need to complete in order to graduate from Uni, and because it is hard to advocate for something on your own.
Unless someone is a billionaire and has ties to Hollywood, no one person can bring back Rise. It has to be a collaborative effort from as many fans as possible.
And I’m a lot like you. I’ve never felt this strongly about bringing a show back before. I didn’t even think I would be the person that most fans come to for hope. I just saw that no one was doing what I was hoping they would do: encourage fans not to give up. So I became that person.
I’m not going to lie. I did go through a grief process at first. I was genuinely heartbroken, especially when I notice that slowly but surely, people move on. That happens. It’s normal. But I don’t want to move forward without knowing that I did something. I didn’t just sit there and cry that things were unfair. I gave it my best shot. Sure, I may be wrong, and I may be disappointed, and nothing may come out of it. But I tried, a it’s a 1000 times better to try something, and fail at it, then to never give it a shot.
If I got just one person to fight for Rise, to sign those petitions, to make an effort, that’s enough for me. A victory is a victory, no matter how small. I remember when that petition was only 3 thousand signatures and now it’s over 10 thousand. I think that, as long as we don’t give up, as long as we keep spreading the word, as long as we try our best to bring in new fans, there is a chance. Someone sees a video with the hashtag #saveROTTMNT or #unpauseROTTMNT on YouTube, or insta, or wherever, and digs into the story, falls in love with the show, and tries to get in on the action.
Spectacular Spider-Man fans haven’t given up. Teen Titans fans haven’t given up. I don’t see why we should. And yes, there is always a possibility that the show may never return. But, just as much as there is a possibility of something bad happening, there is also a possibility of something good happening. We’re just pre-disposed to notice the negative, because part of survival is keeping our resources. We could gain 10 good things but still be heartbroken if we lose 1 thing, even if that 1 thing was a bad thing.
At the end of the day, I’ll say this. It’s okay to love something. It’s okay to be sad that it’s over. It’s okay to have a passion for something. It’s okay that a show inspires you, is there for you when you’re alone and scared, that it gives you hope, that it makes you happy, and so on. It’s okay to fight for it if you love it…and it’s okay to let it go, if you need to, or step back if you need to. There is no right way to enjoy a piece of media.
It’s all a choice. At least for me. I choose to do something. And I choose to forgive myself if things don’t work out. I understand that I’m human and there is only so much one person can do. There is no harm in hoping, or believing. I just do it because I want to. Because…well, hope is a ninja’s greatest weapon.
I don’t know if this answers your question, or if it was what you were hoping for. Sometimes we need to figure out an answer for ourselves. That was my answer.
I hope you keep finding things you love and that they bring you joy.
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diabolicalcunt · 5 months
I feel the need to pin this cause I’ve always been notorious for people loving me when they first meet me, and then finding out that my political views are not extremely liberal. So here’s all the reasons you will hate me once you get to know me. Or not. I honestly don’t care I’m just sick of the ‘You aren’t who I made you out be in my head!’ conversations.
So my unpopular opinions in no order-
1. They/them is something that’s being encouraged by big brother to see yourself as non or less human.
2. DID isn’t real and you just disassociate a specific way. I look like I’ve been drugged cause I fall down ‘inside’ myself like a well and have no reaction time and can barely speak. I’m like a sloth. You pretend to be a anime character. It’s just coping.
3. The concept of trans genocide is fear mongering by big brother and means to keep boundaries between social groups.
4. To build off 3, the push to medically transition underage children is a move by big pharmaceutical companies to create a permanent customer. Because whether you decide to stay transitioned or de transition, you’re going to be on medication for the rest of your life whether you like it or not. There’s also the whole issue with child exploitation. You’ll be judgmental against Dance Moms, but you won’t say anything about a mom who transitioned her child when they were two years old and made them a social media star.
5. Trans men and women who have been charged with a crime belong in LGBT prison wings. Because we have created a culture where male rapists can put on its dress and be rewarded with a permanent stay in the hen house where they can victimize more women and the system will just cry transphobia and call the victims liars. You got a problem with that? I have never seen a trans man pushing to get put in men’s prison. I wonder why… 😐
6. Blair White is queen.
7. I will fight Henry Cavill on sight. I don’t give a shit how bad you want motorboat him. He’s a fucking pedophile.
8. Same goes for David Bowie. When I get to the afterlife I’m gonna make him wish he could die again. Ask me if you want my full on sight list. 😂
9. I stand with Palestine. Yes I think Islam is a horrible religion that is anti woman. I still don’t think kids should die for the grievances of adults and I think it’s fucked up Israel is doing the same shit Nazis did to them and expect us to nod and smile!
10. Qu**r is just as much of a slur as f*g*t or n*gg*r. I don’t use it and if you do I will block you no questions asked. Say gay! Say lesbian! Say…bisexual! 😱
11. Butch women are valid as fuck and I adore y’all . They aren’t trans men, fuck your lesbian phobia.
12. To build off 11, the new LGBT movement has been infected by woke homophobia and the new trans movement is nothing but conversion therapy in a mask.
13 . Radical feminists are women’s last hope.
14. Marvel movies always sucked, we were just kids and ate up the pretty colors.
15. Dune is a white male savior story.
16. Your fave is not autistic, trans, gay or whatever. You just need validation cause you have no confidence.
17. The Boys should have never cast Jensen Ackles and the Supernatural fandom needs psychological help.
18. Too many of y’all try to primp and posture as the gods of your fandom and yes I say that as someone who did the same and stepped away when I realized how cringe I was. Lording over autistic adults and actual children is pathetic. Get therapy and a real hobby.
19. While gender neutral fanfiction has its place. The trend that all fanfiction needs to be gender neutral is literally killing the creativity and frankly the spice to fanfiction. I hate this trend where piece of media needs to be sterilized so it can be consumed by anyone, even people just passing by. It goes against the concept of creating at its core. Sometimes things are made for specific groups. Sometimes it’s made just for you. The things you create do not need to be sanitized to the point there’s no substance, just a hollow consumption. Think of it this way. Would you rather have a hot pizza of your preference or would you prefer to just drink a bowl of water because someone on the other side of the world might not like pizza?
20. The WWE Divas belt was iconic. I get the whole take women wrestlers seriously movement and I agree! But god damn it, it’s a Bratz belt!!! Gimme!!!!!
21. I fucking HATE koalas. They literally only exist because humans have dumped millions of dollars and keeping them alive. If natural selection were allowed to take his course, they would’ve died off 100 years ago. The food they consume has so little nutrition that they have evolved to have the smallest brain to cranium capacity of any animal to create a built in helmet!! Why? Cause they are so stupid they literally fall out of trees and drop their infants!!! They shit on their young and have permanent diarrhea due to the 0 nutrition thing. They carry chlamydia. They’re so fucking stupid they can’t fuck and have to be artificially inseminated to continue the population. If I couldn’t get laid on my own, the government would not drop millions of dollars into making sure I do!! So why did koalas get it? Literally a waste of resources that could be going to feed thousands of hungry children and instead we’re keeping a fucking retarded (I’m on the spectrum fuck you) animal alive who should have gone extinct hundreds of years ago cause it’s supposedly ‘cute’!! God! I hate koalas!
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