#(i’m a loser who gets grossed out by men)
aengelren · 7 months
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Eren do u see this remember who was there for u at your lowest
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konigsblog · 6 months
NO BECAUSE KÖNIG WOULD SO BE INTO AN ALMOST SECRET E-RELATIONSHIP❤️ He strikes me as the type of guy who’d be super bold online and say some of the nastiest and degrading things to his partner but when they are face to face be a big blushing mess!!! Every time he gets a notification? Immediately checks to see if it’s from you. Giving obsessive loser vibes and I’m here to eat it up!!! What do you think?
OH, FOR SURE (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
despite having an online relationship with e-dater!könig, he's incredibly possessive and controlling when it comes to his beloved angel, knowing he's not there to protect and shield you from certain things — like other losers like him, who yearn for your attention.
you're going out drinking with your friends, late at night? show him the dress you're wearing, make sure it isn't too revealing, so you don't attract the wrong attention. don't bother looking at other men whatsoever, or even entertain their depraved, perverted stares and disturbed behaviour. only könig is allowed to be this gross and filthy with you — the only male who is allowed to admire your body and fawn over it, to use it how he pleases.
although, the reason behind him being incredibly possessive, controlling and obsessive, is all due to his insecurities and the jealousy blooming inside of his chest, especially if you're an outgoing, bubbly, little thing.
könig is a social outcast, he's ignored and neglected by others around him who pay no attention to the deprived, horny pervert in the corner. könig demands that he has your location on at all times and will call you, screaming into the phone and forcing tears to roll down his pathetic cheeks to shame and guilt trip you, gritting it teeth and accusing you of horrifying things — telling you that you must be cheating on him!
and you'd be lying if you said it never works, you always fall for his manipulation and coercion, his mistreatment and selfish attitude. you fall for his disgusting behaviour, apologising profusely and fixing the mistake you'd made almost instantly, sobbing when he doesn't answer your messages, nor calls, completely ignoring you out of frustration.
he's so excited whenever you message him — he's ecstatic, on the edge of his seat waiting for a message from his dearest. you're all he thinks about, you keep him up late at night, fantasising about you.
again, due to his insecurities and issues with his own self confidence, mixed with his social anxiety, leaves him becoming possessive of you. if you don't pick up his call the first time, he'll ignore you for hours, ‘til you present him your swollen pussy as a peace offering, in the hope for forgiveness... :(
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onepiecestarry · 2 months
A Different Kind of Pirate - Part 1
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Hi Everyone! This is my first time writing a story so please be gentle! But I would love feedback :) I plan on making this a series just for funsies and want to see where it goes, I have some plans for the future parts but I won’t spoil. In my head, I’m picturing this before the Dressrosa arc but it honestly can be any time you prefer, I’ll make sure not to follow any plot. If you all would like more parts please let me know so I can be faster! Anyway, enjoy the story!
Zoro x Reader
(intro part)
Future fluff (maybe some smut)
Part 1: Introductions
I yank at my hands another time trying to get free. I stare at the water below me trying to think of a way out of this. I feel the stick they’ve been pushing me with hitting my back again. 
“Either jump in yourself or we’ll dump you in” a gross voice says. 
I can’t believe I got caught by such losers. As I close my eyes for one last second I hear crashing. I open my eyes to a ship crashing into the side where I was just about to fall. I quickly jump onto the other ship hoping to find something to cut my ties. 
As I look around I take in the huge ship I had landed on. A bunch of people come rushing up to the side of the boat, one of them, a tall, dark, and beautiful woman comes to help untie me. I thank her and she smiles at me warmly. 
The rest of her crew start arguing with the other ship, while everyone is distracted I take a rope and swing over to my captor’s ship to grab my stuff. I quickly find my sword and bow but cannot find my hat. 
The crew notices I’m there and tries to attack me, I quickly disarm them and with my sword to the captain’s throat ask “Where’s my hat.”
“You seriously came back for that?” he questions. 
“Tell me or I’ll kill you.” I retort.
“It’s in my office.” He says exasperated. 
I quickly run to his office and grab the rest of my belongings, as I come out I knock out most of his men, just in case. I jump onto the large ship that saved me and push the other boat away. I wave goodbye as we sail off. 
I turn around to the, what I’m guessing, is the entire crew. They look at me in bewilderment as I adjust my hat. 
“Well thank you all for saving me, that would’ve been bad if you hadn’t!” I said with a smile. 
They all look a bit relieved, except for this tall broody man with green hair. 
A small creature comes up to me and asks “Are you injured at all? I can help you!” with a smile. I smile and pat him on the head, “No, I’m perfectly alright but thank you.”
I see the crew start to relax, the broody man sits on their bench swing laying back while the rest start to find seats as well. Then, from above me a man’s face drops in front of mine. 
“Hi! I’m Luffy! I’m gonna be king of the pirates!” he says excitedly. 
“Oh! I’ve heard of you, you have a much kinder face than most describe you as, which is surprising since they say you are the kindest man they’ve met.” I laugh. 
The crew looks at me confused. 
“What do you mean? Most people are scared of us because we are pirates, even though they know nothing about us.” a beautiful redhead questions. 
“Ah well, I am not most people.” I say with a smirk.
I walk over to the bench swing and place my sword and bow on the tree next to the swing. 
“Mind if I sit here pretty boy?” I ask the swordsman before taking a seat next to him as he ignores me. The rest of the crew gathers around and mentions they have a lot of questions. 
“I would love to answer all of your questions, but let's do introductions first” I say as I smile. They all look approvingly. 
“I’m Chopper! I’m the ship’s doctor, and I’m not a raccoon so don’t ask!” He exclaims. I let out a little giggle at this and looked to the next person. 
“I’m Robin, I specialize in archeology.” she smiles. I smile back, she is a lovely person I think to myself. 
“I’m Nami, I’m the navigator and person who keeps us out of trouble.” she says laughing, I laugh with her enjoying the moment. “Oh! And that's Zoro next to you, he’s not very talkative, or warm, or nice, but I’m sure you can see that.” as she says that he scoffs next to me. 
“I can see that” I laugh, “but, he sure is pretty.” I remark. As I say that the whole crew starts giggling and I can see Zoro fighting the redness coming to his cheeks. 
We continue sitting there with introductions until finally Luffy gets too impatient and starts asking me questions. 
“How do you know who we are?” He asks quickly. 
“Well, that's a bit of a long story” I say. 
“We have time.” He smiles. 
“Haha alright. I decided to become a pirate, not because I want to be ‘king of the pirates’ or anything like that, but because I simply want to be free.” I say as I lean back and look at the blue sky. “I started sailing the Grand Line and quickly found my calling, I would sail from island to island and help the villages there with whatever they need in exchange for food and housing. I would stay there for a few weeks and move to the next island. I’ve done things like take down other pirates, taking down marines, to just planting and harvesting crops. Once I felt that the town I was in, was in better shape, I would leave. I’ve been doing this for quite a while and as I move, a number of islands have told me about the Straw Hats and how kind they were and that they are grateful for pirates like us. So, as you can imagine I’ve heard some great things about you Luffy.” 
Luffy looks at me with a big smile. “I like you y/n.”
We continue with the interview until a blonde man and a tall skeleton walk out of a door yelling for dinner. As everyone looks over, the blonde spots me and it looks as if he’s about to faint and his nose starts bleeding. 
“Is he okay?” I question. 
“Yeah this is normal, you’ll get used to it” Nami remarks.
The blonde man starts hurtling towards me and before he gets too close, Zoro takes his unsheathed sword and pushes him away. 
“Hands off shitty cook” He says with a growl.
Everyone looks pretty surprised Zoro stopped him, but not too surprised as they have a known rivalry. 
“Thank you” I whisper to Zoro and he grunts in return. 
Everyone then leads me to the dining room, where everyone begins to sit. I then see three open chairs, I go to sit in one with an empty seat beside it, but before the blonde man can sit next to me, Zoro grabs the chair and sits. I whisper thank you again as he sits.
Dinner went well as we all continued to share stories and get to know one another better. Eventually, I knew I needed to bring up my passage. 
“Well, thank you all for saving me today. If it’s not too much to ask I would appreciate being dropped off wherever you dock next.” I smile nervously. 
“What! You can’t leave so soon!” Luffy exclaims.
“I don’t want to be a bother.” I explain. 
“Nami set course for the farthest island you can” Luffy tries to whisper but fails. Everyone laughs at this attempt. “What’s so funny?” He questions everyone. 
“Oh, nothing” Robing manages to say between giggles. 
“Well y/n, unfortunately, the only open bed is in the crow’s nest with Zoro, I hope you don’t mind snoring.” She winks at me.
“Haha, it's alright, I probably won’t sleep much tonight anyway” I say. 
We all go our separate ways to bed, but Robin shows me the bathrooms and where the crow’s nest is. I see Zoro heading up there. 
“He usually stays up for watch most nights, so if you get uncomfortable you are welcome to come stay in our room.” she says kindly. 
“Oh it's alright, I usually do the same.” I say with a smile. 
We say goodnight and I go off to make some tea. I decide to make some for Zoro as well, as sort of a ‘thank-you-for-letting-me-sleep-in-your-room’ gift. I climb up the stairs to the crow’s nest and don’t see Zoro anywhere. He must be in the bathroom up here. I place his tea on the table and head out to the balcony to sit and sip on my tea. 
Eventually, I hear a door open and footsteps to the sliding doors. 
“You aren’t going to bed?” he questions plainly. 
“Eh, I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep. Oh! By the way, I made you some green tea, it's on the table.” I say without looking at him.
He huffs in response and goes back into the room, a few minutes later he returns and says “You can have the bed in the corner, I like to sleep in the hammock anyway.”
“Oh okay, are you sure? I don’t mind-” I try to say as he cuts me off. 
“Yes, yes” and he walks off into the dark room. 
I stay on the balcony for a bit more, finishing my tea, and eventually decide to try to get some sleep. As I walk in I see Zoro looking out the window, I’m guessing this is the ‘watch’ Robin was talking about. I then realize I have no pajamas, and my typical pirate outfit isn’t very comfortable while sleeping. I quietly go over to Zoro. 
“Zoro…” I wait for a response.
“... What do you want, you should go to bed.” he replies snarkily. 
“Yeah about that, I kinda don’t have pajamas and forgot to ask the girls if they have any. Could I maybe borrow something?” I ask as nicely as I can, hoping he feels kind today. He groans and gets up walks to a closet and throws a shirt at me. 
“Don’t ruin it.” He says as he moves back to his original position. 
I whisper a thank you as I go to change and slip into bed. 
The bed was more comfortable than I thought and before I drifted off to sleep I see the empty cup of tea I gave Zoro. I smile as I fall asleep, happy he liked the tea.
Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter! Thank you so much for reading, I really appreciate it! Feel free to reach out with any advice or comments!
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esha-isboogara · 2 years
bleach men bring out something gross in me but i’m not going to apologize
more bleach —> aizen
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✰grimmjow is a warning himself,he’s a sick little bastard,
||taglist: @stygianoir||
♡perv!grimmjow who doesn’t give a fuck that he’s a pervert. he’s not going to feel bad about the way he is just because some loser criticized him. he doesn’t even try to hide it.
♡perv!grimmjow who doesn’t wear anything under his robes. what reason does he have ? he has a big dick and he knows it. the other espada try in vein to convince him to wear something-anything. he likes fo show off his cock and knowing that you’ll see it makes him all the more excited.
♡perv!grimmjow who loves to be all up on you. normally he’s not a hugger but how can he now be when you’re walking around with all that curve ?
♡perv!grimmjow who hates it when aizen talks to you alone. he knows how he can be and he doesn’t like it. grimmjow will go out of his way to make sure the two of you are not alone- he’s practically attached at your hip most of the time
♡perv!grimmjow who gets a kick out of watching you fight. the way your body moves with such ease ? he finds it so sexy- it’s so hard to control himself. if he’s lucky some of your robe will get torn off and he’ll get to see some skin.
♡perv!grimmjow who is basically your boyfriend. he doesn’t give you a say in the matter he just starts to claim you’re his one day and never stopped. most of the other espada don’t want anything to do with his bs so they accept this fact and move on.
♡perv!grimmjow who makes you shower with him. he insists so many times you take the offer to shut him up. seeing your naked body next to yours is a dream come true. oh how he wants to fuck you but he knows he can’t stray from his mission.
♡perv!grimmjow who straight up asked for your panties and bras. he has no shame.
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shallowbreaths · 11 months
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This is Mary Vincent, she is the biggest badass alive! At 15 she was attacked, brutal raped, hit in the head with a hammer, she had her arms hacked off with a hatchet, and was then thrown off a cliff by the side of the freeway to die. Her survival story is the shit! She says she heard a voice telling her to keep moving or else others would die, so without arms she managed to pack mud into the wounds so she wouldn’t bleed to death, and then she proceeded to scale the cliff with no arms!! She was completely naked, she had severe head trauma, no arms, and they say she had lost 50% of the blood in her body. After scaling the cliff (which she says took her most of a day), she then walked 3 miles before seeing a car with two men that slowed down, but after getting a good look at her they sped off. To which this badass woman said, “I looked terrifying, I don’t hold it against them at all.” Needless to say, she survived. Before allowing herself to even pass out though, she demanded a sketch artist and provided such detail that the monster’s friend saw it on the news and immediately knew it was him and turned him in. Then she testified against the man, and he somehow managed to whisper to her, “if it takes me the rest of my life I’m going to finish what I started.” Oh yeah, btw, it was HIM that released that detail!
Her family could only talk about how it effected them, it was as if they didn’t realize that it was effecting her too. So she was homeless for a while and she obviously had trouble making and maintaining any meaningful relationships. Her attacker got charged with a long list of crimes and got the maximum sentence at the time…. 14 years! He was released for good behavior after 8!!!!
He then tried to sue her after his release, (as one does after brutally raping someone and then cutting their arms off), but the court threw it out. He then moved to Florida where he was an “upstanding member of the community, and great neighbor.” His neighbors said things like, “of course we didn’t like what he’d done, but life goes on.” Yuck! I know this is shocking, but the asshole killed again and a witness saw it. The police arrived at his house and he was covered in blood still. He tried telling some BS story. The woman he killed (a mother of 3) wasn’t highly thought of because she was a sex worker, that’s one reason why they are so often killed, it’s easier to get away with. SOOOO, Florida asked Mary if she’d face the monster again in order to testify to the man’s nature. This badass said, “Hell yes” and flew down. I really hope she whispered to him, “I’m here to finish what I started.” He was convicted again and put on death row. Unfortunately, God got him with cancer before Florida got to finish his story.
This isn’t about him though, he was a disgusting creep that doesn’t deserve a name. This is about Mary fucking Vincent, the biggest badass of all time. Because of this story, there are now laws instituting mandatory life sentences for certain violent crimes. This is about a woman who uses her experience to help teenagers who are sexually assaulted, even though she STILL suffers from such terrible nightmares that she has woken up trying to escape with such violence that she has literally broken bones doing it several times. This is about the woman who went on to have two sons who she says gave a clear and definite reason to keep going. This is about a girl who at 15 says she couldn’t draw a straight line but grew up to be an artist with no arms, who fashions her own custom prosthetics in order to do the things she wants to do.
I’ve never met this woman, but she is one of my heroes! She is magnificent. Fuck that loser who wound up rotting in a cell alone, it could have been a car crash or a tree falling that caused that damage, he is a gross and barely necessary tool that lead to forging something truly amazing. What she has done, overcome, and made from the pieces is so fucking incredible that she should inspire us all. She was NOT disposable, but how easily she could have been. All she had to do was close her eyes at the bottom of that cliff and go to sleep. I’ll bet she could have quit on herself a million times over the years since 1978, but Mary Vincent doesn’t quit. She took the unimaginable and turned it into art. She IS art!
In Mary’s own words, “This is the third phase of my life since that awful day. I went from victim, to survivor, to artist.” Hell yeah you did Mary!
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Not my usual post but I genuinely need to just rant about shit-
I’m like 100% losing hope in Hyv. Like- how many people have been excited about Capitano being play able AND YET HOYO IS STILL LIKE “erm- I think we’re just gonna pander towards incels☝️🤓”
I don’t think I’ve seen loser behavior this bad before the Natlan leaks. Not to mention the complete lack of representation. It’s becoming so obvious hyv doesn’t actually care about their fans and only cares about the easiest route to getting the most money. It’s disgusting behavior from a company that is receiving more backlash than not for this behavior.
That’s not even to mention the utterly disgusting men who are already sexualizing female characters from Natlan. Just seeing how men are talking about Mualani and being “this is unfair I want my favorite waifus belly button to be out too😡😡” is actually so gross. Like go touch grass cause that’s not normal behavior.
I could go on cause I’m noticing more and more fan behavior and just hyv behavior that’s pissing me off- like omfg this can’t be real😭😭
The lore is so beautiful but it’s actually being ruined
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succliberation · 1 year
Logging back in for one post cuz holy fucking shit.
I absolutely fucking despise vegans with every bone in my fucking body. These mother-fuckers literally compare their moral inability to cope with animal suffering to the civil right’s movement and women’s suffrage. These fucking retards think that campaigning against factory farms is just as important as campaigning for my right to vote. I am infinitely more valuable than every single cow that has ever existed, and I am one woman who has a vote. Stuff every broomstick up your ass if you think that women’s suffrage and animal ‘rights’ are comparable. No fucking braindead retard would ever say that men’s suffrage is the same as animal rights, it’s only women that ever have to deal with this shit.
These low-IQ wastes of oxygen compare speciesism to actual racism and think they’re doing something. I hate fucking ‘moral vegans’ to the goddamn core. Go end child slavery or spend all this time and money ending human suffering instead of comparing factory farming to the actual holocaust on the internet. I would torture 1000 animals to improve the quality of life for one fucking human being, and I don’t give a shit. If you’re really committed to ending animal suffering, then go feed yourself to a starving carnivore. I’m sure they’ll care lots about how much suffering their food goes through as they eat you alive.
99% of vegan documentaries are just grossing people out with animal gore to try to get them to feel so squeamish that they don’t want to eat meat anymore. Cry about it more, losers, I’d watch a thousand cows bleed out and still eat as many burgers as I want. Get an argument that actually makes sense instead of comparing un-sentient experiences and some moaning when animals die to actual real thinking people who experience actual bigotry and/or low quality of life and/or unjust death.
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dicktat · 2 years
Okay my thoughts on the renegades ending.
Turns out Juan isn’t as much of a bastard as I give him credit for. I was expecting full blown chaotic evil dictatorship (akin to Vass Montenegro/Rais) but…he’s decent. At least compared to them. He’s still a tyrant but not like a “I’m building a pit and sending men to fight because I enjoy gore” evil but more like a “lolz people are dying on the street but I got all the good whiskey so let’s party” evil. And throughout the story you can tell his intentions weren’t that bad (at least that’s what he tells Aiden). He did want to uncover Matt’s conspiracy and is honestly the first character to openly lay out the shitiness of that guy (besides the unnamed officer form a collectible tape). And provided decent evidence that Jack Matt was the culprit for Black Monday, and therefore a power hungry fascist leader who’s willing to gamble millions of life for his own goal. So in a way. What he said during his public execution on my first playthrough was kinda true. And he ordered a court martial, an official trail. Perhaps that’s the reason Jack Matt didn’t show up during the X-13 mission. I guess he was overthrown. But that doesn’t excuse the fact that he kinda became something worse LMAO. I’m not cutting this guy any slack he’s still a prick but he’s also pathetic and gay and whimpers because he hates seeing his own blood. (But you could also argue that, the renegades that took over Villedor weren’t the cardboard cutout evil henchmen commanded by Waltz but a separate group lead by colonel Williams which could be seen as less amoral). But the ending is also kinda spicy cuz if you look closely they are protesting on the STREETS at NIGHT without UV meaning the renegades either got rid of all the zombies or made the place much safer to walk around without dying. Which is a W imo. And I’d like to argue food shortage is better than water shortage in the PK ending. And if we are REALLY going that way I could also argue this ending at least let’s you protest unlike the fascist PK supreme. But yeah he’s still a funny loser prick too afraid to step out of his floating castle because he knows the people are mad at him. Over all the missions were fun too, there were a LOT of stealth/spying missions which weren’t exactly my strong suit. I failed a mission 3 times because I kept alerting the guards (that I can’t just fucking kill). My favorite was probably the cathedral demolisher fight. And strangely enough, the side quest where you fight Hakon is a main quest for this one. It’s essentially the same but something you can’t skip and plays a part in the story. Only difference: Even if you chose to spare Hakon, your relationship with him isn’t exactly fixed. EVEN if you get to the homoerotic I don’t want to fight you let’s see the ocean together part. If you convinced Lawan to spare him. Instead of Lawan letting him go he just BONKED HER ON THE HEAD while her back was turned. Also later on he showed up with the renegades, had the exact conversation I posted yesterday, and gross failed ex relationship ensued. Which leads me to believe my save file was corrupted, the game registered me as somehow taking the Juan route and therefore gave me that cutscene. The rest of the game is pretty much the same, the ending- Aiden leaves alone anyway but I think there’s NO reason he can’t leave with anyone? The city has gone to shit and what’s the point in staying. Or alternatively techland could have given us a renegades officer Aiden or co-rule ending if they weren’t COWARDS. Like cmon this would be such a cool idea. Aiden going full evil mode lol. Overall I think it was fun and I got to spend some time with my boy Juan and holy shit he talks so much and panics whenever something goes wrong (which working with him, means all the fucking time). Him almost losing it every time he thought something was wrong was hilarious. Feral rat man. And they have some good chemistry too. Like actual “Aiden going on some death trip to impress some boy” relationship. Then again I feel like we’ve been robbed. Like I said where’s my evil Aiden route lol.
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kimakento · 28 days
maybe i could be 🌱 anon as a reference to you watering the tags if thats not taken ^^ but yes let me just dump my fengfan thoughts *clears throat*
i think fen hugs would be so gentle and comforting and he doesnt seem like the type of person to see hugging as solely romantic so he doesnt mind hugging friends (although he might not initiate much unless he sees that his friend needs comfort, so his friend would need to initiate the hug)
fen always gets flustered at little compliments or terms of endearment and i think he has a specific weakness when theyre said in chinese so the best way to tease him is to call him “fanfan” (nishi called him this once and he just started malfunctioning)
fen is also the biggest pokemon nerd (just like me fr) so nerding out with him would be so fun but i think he would faithfully listen to you ramble even if its about a topic he doesnt know much about
fen who cooks well and will learn your favorite foods for when youre sad or sick (or on your period bc fen doesnt get grossed out by period talk like other dumb men 😤)
fen whos so gentle and radiates friends to lovers because he also falls in love gently too 😩🥹
im very normal about this man i promise
that is literally the most adorable thing i’ve ever heard. vm brought a smile to my face ty ❤️‍🩹
fen hugs. i totally agree, even friend hugs w fen are the best thing ever. he’s always so understanding, very cutieful
AND I SAW THAT CLIP TOO… i will litr kms, loser!fen is very real. usually he teaches you some chinese words/phrases (if you don’t know it already) but whenever you repeat them back he’s so proud although petnames make him go insane (esp ones in chinese) ‘fanfan’ is the way to his heart
nerd fen. my life is complete. this man is the best listener ever, he loves it when you ramble on for hours about just anything because its just so cute you’ll just see him nodding occasionally and then he asks you teach him all about your favourite things sjjsjs
when you’re on your period, he litr takes care of you so so muchhhh, ibuprofen? he’s got it. need hot food? he’s on it. just feeling over emotional? he’s there to listen. (i need him to be my bf now…)
friends to lovers with xu fengfan, like being in love with him ever since you’ve become friends though he’s kind of oblivious to the fact that you love him back even tho you’ve been dropping hints forever because mutual pining…
it’s good that you’re normal about him because i’m definitely not..
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maurenislife · 1 month
People who wanna b around celebrities its a weird ass goal cause in theory its not hard if ur a networker and just look the part 🤷🏾‍♀️
But in theory its odd…. Why would u want that…. And if people knew the half about celebrity culture behind the scenes its gross its seedy it drains any energy that you have as a human cause now your subhuman robot who gotta get desensitized to sexual violence and traumatic experiences….. cause its really their daily and most celebrities are parlous chess pieces for the ultra rich they are glamorous meat puppets voicing the most garbage things for them to implement these garbage values for us to recreate in our below average lives why would you wanna turn into another dressed up meat puppet???
Go to school?? Get a job??? Stop fantasizing about a life that does not exist there is no happy celebrity LOOK AT BRITNEY SPEARS! She is permanently scarred by a industry who put her up smacked her down and drove her to being boarderline insane its a miracle she gets to live and be a mother thank god, but jesus thats what u want? There is no wholesome celebrity there is no healthy celebrity? These people are fucking weirdos…. She worked hard, danced hard, did her job as a pop star all for them to use her like a human atm how is that legal???? Its tragic just to become a punchline n public punching bag i just… no
And to the hoes who want to be around rappers marry them fuck them!
and imagine the “good life” u keep black women in these horrible cycles and contribute to the ongoing plight of black women everywhere! All yall should be put on a stake like witches immediately…
Like there is no good life? U just become another person contributing to mindless pig feed of “culture” like i dont care what space you happen to inhabit idc if you pick the dr route of like relationship coach idgaf if you become a preacher or pipeline ur ass into a “substance” image ur still a active contributor to the plight as well you do nothing for communities of color just plz bffr!
Just men think and i used to think it was cool but the more u analyze n look deep its just whats cool about that ?
Even if you wanna be niche and lets say hang around “be one of the boys” its still weird?
I’m just dissatisfied and disappointed with what all our culture n customs has left us with as far as what we strive to be? You dont strive for stability? You got nurses getting bbls in hopes to live a double life its odd its weird i get its their life but
What about family? What about wanting to get the most out of life out of community out of culture as a whole? Friends? Hobbies?
Everybody wants to be seen and profit so there not the “loser” or look left behind with the average ur running away from your roots and its just weird !
The early humans got by on ALMOST NOTHING, but the gift of community, song? Food? Family? There was really nothing keeping them apart from what was real or fake and its sad to watch unfold
Idk just that image of a bbl nurse is perplexing on so many levels its down right weird!
Not only did u have i guess a passion to help others you also wanna be on a baddie pipeline too? But why? Why did u get ur body done? Why did u wanna wear tight scrubs? Why did u really wanna be a nurse? And thanks to toxic feminism we cant ask these questions cause its her choice? But was it her choice ?
Was it really her choice? Or did she want to be a nurse to fund her baddie image, just pick one, sex work, club culture isnt a mask u put on and off its some of the real realities women face. Nobody gets implants for the fuck of it
Its for profit? Its for the image to generate monies
Period . Just period
Celebrity culture is just a huge advertisement for us to buy things, if we wear this lipstick im just like rhianna but ur not
Ur the bitch at a desk going home to a dark room your not rhianna
If i just get this outfit ill end up like gucci tonight but your not gucci no matter how much gucci u buy or how many sections u party in
Youll never be gucci?
Like its sad, just dnt idolize human advertisement
And ultra rich meat puppet mouth pieces
Celebrating celebrities keeps our status quo working like a amazon
Im not rooting for beyonce just cause she made black is king she still a piece of shit capitalist who doesnt gaf, she not finna save u from ur meaningless life that u made for yourself!
Just when u fantasize and drift away picture you doing you, what amazing things you can be doing
Travel? Friends? Hobbies? Going outside? Being truly blessed n amazed by the world currently around you? You can do it, and it dont gotta involve a mansion or a fucking interview with a pig ass news station that fills the masses with brain farts ! You can change your own life with the “ordinary” i choose to be costantly amazed and challenged and just things will be okay as long as there is the beach, as long as i can call my bestie! I can go get sushi i can pole dance i can sing i can rejoice i dnt need to b around another’s meat puppets agenda to fufill whats ultimately mine and so many who came before me were in bliss as well
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the-firebird69 · 3 months
Suicide Squad | Margot Robbie Interview on Harley Quinn Bonus Feature | ...
He recognizes her mannerisms and stuff maybe it's Amanda and know that's not it I mean members are from somewhere and newer this particular girl he thinks and she was talking a little like that and they used to hang out or something so I'm trying to figure out what it's talking about no I know who it is it's not one of my characters. She is pseudo empire and she is a girl from the high school era and is that a dance since she's talking to him and give her the number she calls up and she didn't wanna go out and he says well that sucked and that was it so he took me to the dance and it was the year after she shows up and she's bothering him and said you never call me and then he said no I called and nobody and he said no and she goes ohh ohh yeah and that was it so she's used to men pursuing her because there's because there's not too many very attractive girls around and it's here in the movie and she loves it and she knows it and she says all sorts of things she's always looking around wondering if you're there and she and she went a little nuts She lost her husband and it was bad but she doesn't know what happened and he says was he a rebel and doing effective things and she said yeah and he says they're probably gonna wait around for their show for him to just sit there and so they she gets it and says how you're saying it's weird says yeah I don't know it kind of that process is gross so she's smiling and says you're right and she says you wanna do it and I said I don't want kids to be disposed of I think I've been through enough and I know how it is. And she says how selfish. And is as well I have a wife and I have kids somewhere so she stopped laughing and said Yeah it makes sense I said Yeah Well you get a husband somewhere it's kinda weird isn't it we can beat at a bar and I can cry in my non-alcoholic beer while you're crying in your fridge and daiquiri just had laughing and said Yeah I can't have a sugar is all natural fruit fresh squeezed right in front of you and still we got our pepto pills. So she started laughing in the show and she's laughing now and it's a real show and she says we're gonna meet for non alcoholical beer and a virgin daiquiri and they said who's gonna drink which he says ohh yeah we can both have them. And she says we both have spouses missing and it's a lot different than people thought it would be and he's been experiencing it says slow down and slow down and we did and now we figured it out they're using them as bait for themselves and for us and it's going to be hell so she said laughing and crying said he'll never come to me and all of a sudden she says no you won't it says I probably won't I don't have any money at all if I did to be angry and bored I'm just driving down to the mall have an ice cream or something dinner after a movie and start talking about stuff and you get frustrated and probably tell a prostitute and move to Mexico you get lost in the phone trade and she says what the hell are you talking about he's talking about a possible scenario which might happen that's funny and she says this I don't think this is a right thing to do or idea but I think you're right about something we should be friends and other people and I think you're right it's sick not to and there's groups and I think you need to try and find people in your own group in one of those groups it's a support group for people who are missing MIA and she said I think I'm gonna do that and I hear and I hear that she did and she's feeling a lot better and there's solutions rescue Rangers are real there's there are a real group and also the losers and as you know suicide squad it's one of the missions that I think the unde and it's in the comic book and she says I don't want my life written that way and he says well I know who it is and they were told and do it for a long time she got mad it said I get that and it's working and she has to get to work so she goes thanks for wasting my time and he says it says you're good looking and I had to have some time so she smiles says that's good for you they give me a hand The only thing I can say is she did a gratuitous **** shot with her uniform one and he goes hey kid and she says don't call me kid okay lady i'll meet you at Comic Con when I get bigger I should be about the size of that guy that says bring it so she's pretending she hits him in the noggin not too hard and it makes a funny noise and he gets knocked out
This might sound awful but these little skits are hilarious what he says to women and girls isn't that great and he's married and she's powerful and he says screw that i'm saying it because I'm being their friend and it's true he's messing around with him and they always want his lucky charms. And he says it that way and they laugh they say we wouldn't have a huge kid it might turn out to be stupid and hurt us. It has a strategic advantage at this time. So they back off but this is a fun i.... So they back off but this is a fun idea to meet her there and she'll be in costume and he'll be big and he says I'll be at least 10 pounds heavier by August or the same size and more muscular and she'll have to settle for the Tommy F Bain's so it's gonna happen everybody thinks and she's gonna get that dog away from her and I'm gonna help and the dog doesn't belong there and one day you'll see you're not my wife and you're holding here and that's what they think so they don't know about outside
Olympus and funny renditin the bonk on the hed too
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WOOO just went on a date with a potential sub and it actually went well!!!? I was pleasantly surprised how compatible we were at least so far. And he’s a good kisser thank god lol. And my age for once lolllll. Also he was kinda dorky in a very cute way and def subby but never had the chance to explore that. And also the fact that he was making my pussy wet just talking was a good sign. AND AND I felt attracted to him not bc of my toxic attractions but on a basis of respect and aspects of him that are not gross.
Like my biggest thing (the ppl I’d b obsessed with) were much older men who were practically losers. And guess wat, this shit is cus of my dad like ew. Cus he’s an old man who’s a loser so of course my BPD brain is like yes this is familiar so u need it. And yah I didn’t feel this way at all towards him. God . Mayb I can date without feeling fucking crazy.
I’m really hoping that pursuing this (very fuckin slowly) will help me not b obsessive over my coworker. I really think this will help at least to lessen the obsession. Plus knowing why Im going thru this specific obsession helps too. Bc basically the biggest things that have lead me to b obsessed is the fact that he’s mysterious (so I don’t kno a lot of information which makes it easy to project wat I want), he honestly has kinda…daddy vibes lmao, he’s serious but playful, and of course the biggest thing is he plays cat and mouse and gives me attention. Cus also I kno limerance stems from the not knowing. Like having things kinda up in the air without knowing where it’s going which is why the highs r so high and the lows so low.
My biggest concern rn is that I’ll get obsessed with this new guy but at least right now i feel like I won’t? Mostly bc im not leaving any room for ambiguity in the relationship. Like the main focus is a kink relationship/being play partners, and I’m not trying to like build a future with him or anything of that sort. And if I put strict boundaries for myself, then I can go abt it without moving too fast which has always been a problem. If we communicate consistently and I actually get to kno him as a full person I fuckin pray to god I won’t transfer my obsession to him. Also im making it a point to have multiple ppl im dating and not like focus in on just one person. I really feel like im just experimenting to figure out the best way to not feel insane all the time LOL.
I guess we’ll see how this all plays out 🤷🏻‍♀️
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rabidmind101 · 2 years
I still wonder sometimes why he did it. I have had crushes on people while I was in relationships, but I never went as far as to take any initiative with these people. it stayed strictly friendly. but ugh. hanging out with your female best friend and touching her body while she’s high off her ass? plain and simple: it was cheating.
I don’t know what more I could have done for that relationship. I’ll admit I can be a little harsh and critical. but that’s what man brain wants to do and men hate that about me.
you’ll never read this but if you do. fuck you, D. I had a huge crush on my best friend and that’s why I left your stupid ass. the world would be better without another mediocre, whiny, and aggressive piece of shit like you. I’m still angry and I don’t give a fuck if it makes me look crazy. you were kind of disgusting and I did not need to put up with that. I hated the way your nasty forehead sweat would drip onto my face while you fucked me. I can’t be surprised tho. you had the worst cards dealt to you, familial trauma, how could you not have been a lying cheating whore? you squash bugs with your hands and never wash them. your manly facade makes me sick.
oh yeah, and congratulations on being used yet again by your cheating ex. yes I mean the one that cheated on you with E, then started dating E, then broke up with you, then when you were finally single again she got bored of E because he was looking fat and gross so she went back to someone desperate and stupid enough to be used. you’re fucking pathetic. and no matter how manly or dominant you like to fool people into thinking you are, you’re a little bitch who wants to be used up by all the shitty women in your life because your mother always left you alone as a child.
you’re so explicitly sexual because you’re hiding from the pain that women cause for you. to you they are just your own personal infinite sex hack. you beat off five or more times a day. I bet sometimes you cry afterwards because it makes you think of how lonely you really are on the inside. you’re nothing without someone to take advantage of. just letting the evil ugly women in your life control you until you snap. your talking gets faster, your face gets redder, you start sweating. you act angry to make it seem like you don’t care. you can’t talk about feelings! you bang your fists on your desk when you’re sad. you fucking loser.
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sourcherrymag · 2 years
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four poems by anastasia kimm (she/her)
When I was young
I had committed myself to christianity
in a pledge to my deteriorating
 I had no lashes
—   thought they could
put me back together again;
I sat and drew dots on my arm
 my carnal desires
had exhibited themselves.
I was eating raw meat in the dirt
when I was a devout vegetarian-
 where you sit in family gatherings
and there is a cross
above the mantelpiece
 when you settle back home
and flick through gore videos
 (and the slicing of skin
is the slicing of meat)
 and you let your lover whip you
and you cry
and you can’t explain why
 if it’s catharsis or pain?
 and when you wear shoes a size too small
and when you cut your own hair
and when you don’t wear a bra
 and you pray that they would relinquish you
 sorely dissatisfied
and an ever sorer loser-
I certainly don’t lose at games
 so I draw dots on my legs
—   and I get so annoyed 
because they bleed-
 and you are me because I said so
and I say so
and I crack the whip
and we are both crying
and we don’t know why
and nobody talks about it
 ego fuck
 I like buying things I can’t afford
—   if I’m dressed expensively
I can live it
 I won’t have enough money to buy food
which will make me skinny
 everyday I go home
I wash my hands and face twice
and slather myself in whipped cream
 as it melts off in the gross summer heat
I wrap myself in bed sheets
into a gripped, sticky cocoon
 my routines maybe not normal;
in the morning
I measure my fringe
and cut off the stragglers.
 There’s always stragglers!
(I figured that one out 
in 2009)
 sometimes my way of living
makes me a little insecure.
people like to ask me what I do
when I’m not working
 so I tell them I watch tv
and listen to radio operas.
 I’m not going to make any new connections
sure, it’s alright, but it’s tiring
god awful so boring
and if it doesn’t happen instantly
it won’t happen at all
 so I’m going to stop wearing glasses
I think I’ve seen enough
 it’s a real pain being burdened
by your own existence,
you know!
 I start fist fights in the mirror everyday
(that’s another part of my routine)
if I break the fourth wall again
landlords gonna kick me out
 I don’t think any amount of money
in the world would satiate me
 when I’ve got none left
I make fun of men in bars
 are you getting married yet?
 no, I’m boring, jobless, awkward, pasty,
an OCD maniac,
and ready to mingle.
 I’m going to sell all my belongings online
I’m going to become an ebay monk
 I’m gonna count my vegetables
—   I’ll do it in rhyme
 I’m destroying all my ego fuck
 kate moss
 I must assert this notion
of whatever you’ve
plastered onto me:
 I would hope I don’t have so bad
a reputation
that you would laugh at me.
 I’m not pretentious
I just like going on walks
and taking photographs,
like most young women do
except I’ve made a statement
to start spending money on it
 I don’t drink caffeine anymore
I keep myself up
I writhe alone in my room
…to bad music
 when I eat chocolate,
it’s by a gross impulse;
it always bulges over
like a fat man’s beer belly
 I don’t read the news,
—   most times it’s forced on me,
I’m not interested in news
not interested in feet
 I care about wars
I care about the rising cost of living
I make myself furious
thinking I can’t afford
 who cares if you shave anymore?
dropping acid
and holding signs aren’t
political statements anymore
 go back to the 60’s!
 with your notions you’ve made of me
I’m going to eat pasta 
out the kitchen sink
 I’m going to eat it through
and then I’m going to throw up
 I want to look like kate moss!
 —   nobody can write poetry anymore!
 I picked up a book
(if I’m not writing it nobody can)
it was full of text messages
(I miss you but I can’t write about it anymore)
I’ve never seen such shit writing
(I’m so shit at writing)
 that I’m writing words on the ceiling;
it’s really is a shame
I have terrible eyesight
 —   I have no idea what I’ve written!
 I exist to put aside my passions:
pick up the phone
always speak in the same tone
 and I swear it’s the last time!
 but I always make a fool of myself
 what’s the use in pretending
when my heart breaks at its seams
 every time I’m struck blind
by another cupid’s evil eyes
 —   you’ll never be mine!
not in the same way I am yours
 and I fall apart every time
I’m the last to hang up
 I never give up
I am the dual knife
that stabs and receives
 and for every time you don’t see me
I am cursed to dig deeper
 and one day you’ll find a dart in your side
and one day you’ll wish you never asked why
Anastasia Kimm is a creative writing student based in Nottingham, UK. She writes mostly poetry, sometimes short fiction, and one day perhaps a novel. 
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Why I’m Not Feelin’ a Sydney Love Triangle
While I can respect fans seeing possibilities for our ingenue having potential with several men on The Bear I just really hope that doesn’t happen. I’m not one of those people that is against ANY romance on the show but having a love triangle does seem a bit soapy and honestly I just don’t think Sydney is that flaky. 
I’m not saying I’ve never loved shows that have a love triangle, I just usually love those shows IN SPITE of there being one. I find it usually makes me not like the person at the center as much even if I previously adored them. Plus, I hate seeing female characters look that indecisive and not self-aware. Something about it just comes across as immature. Maybe it’s just because while I have personally been capable of liking two people at the same time I’ve never been in a Bachelor A or B scenario. It just seems unrealistic that any competent person would be struggling over something like that in pursuit of a deep relationship. Just choose one or choose none. I never walk away from those plot lines viewing the woman as super empowered or desirable, I think she just ends up looking childish.
Now there is poor embattled, repressed Carmy. First, I just don’t want Carmy having to compete with anybody. Boy has enough suffering and doesn’t probably catch feelings easily. It would be nice to see him navigate romance without feeling like he needs to smoke a motherfucker. Second, Carmy needs friends, male friends. He lost a brother who seems to have been more like a stand-in dad. He seems to have been a loner most of his life. As dysfunctional as last season was he did establish bonds with Marcus and Richie and I think he needs camaraderie, not a challenge and bad vibes. There is a male friendship crisis. Let Carmy have guy friends!
Then, we get to the options. Carmy versus Marcus and Carmy versus Richie. 
As much as people harp on a power imbalance between Carmy and Sydney, the greater one exists between Carmy and Marcus (plus Sydney is technically Marcus’ boss, too). Now I can see Carmy maybe getting jealous of the friendship between Sydney and Marcus, I don’t think it will go beyond him mistakenly thinking something is up. And as much as people claim Carmy and Sydney have a strictly friends/mentor vibe that’s the vibe I get from Sydney and Marcus. Yes, they bonded fast but almost too fast like they are family. I see them as the two young Black professionals that are like, hey we in this together. I don’t see any sexual tension, like at all. No longing looks, no stolen glances, no touches that stand out. It’s more like I got your back, let’s giggle and talk shit. Them in a relationship also serves no narrative purpose. There is no challenge. Would either of them grow in a vital way? Would it add to any existing plot lines? No, it would be the definition of having a relationship just to have one, IMO. I also think Chester and Marcus could be a couple. 
Now, Richie. Granted, Richie and Sydney (also his boss) have an intense vibe that could be sexual tension, but this would be the messiest and most disappointing move. Like, serious broken relationships over what would just be merely a lusty hookup. And let’s not forget how disrespectful Richie has been to her. Like, at any other job he would be fired and have a potential lawsuit on his hands. The misogyny and harassment is kind of over the top. Even if the sex was explosive it just would not be enough to redeem how he treated this precious young Black woman just trying to be excellent. It just kind of grosses me out as a young Black woman. I could never be with a white man that treated me like that. We could get to cool, but never lover. Sorry. Richie also is kind of a loser. People say Syd is too good for Carmy (which I balk at, he just needs to heal), so no way in hell Richie is on her level. Richie has some good qualities but we have a man that is just kind of content with mediocre and lives in the past. What is the appeal for our fair lady? Carmy may be struggling emotionally but he has a maturity Richie doesn’t and has accomplished a lot and has a vision... that he shares with Sydney. Plus, Carmy and Richie would never be the same. Carmy is all Cousin got and Cousin is as close to Mikey as he will ever be again. 
So yeah, I know some people may really ship Sydney with more than one person or may just like maximal drama but I’m just not here for that kind of crazy on a show that already has enough crazy. Carmy deserves better, Sydney deserves better. Let the slow burn simmer. 
Bonus: Nobody looks at Sydney like Carmy looks at Sydney. The fucking end.
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Oooooo I’ve got one. What if Bella’s scent trigged actual lust instead of blood lust. I’m thinking the logical answers gonna be that Edward screams WHORE and skedaddles off to Alaska and whines about how he’ll never find a mate but what if he stayed y’know
I can't believe we've already answered this.
Well, sort of.
Alright, Bella, you've been demoted to sex pollen, I hope you're proud of yourself and the many porn fanfics you could inspire in some other universe.
Bella the Sex Pollen: Teenage Nightmare
Bella arrives in Forks and Forks is weirder than she expected. Everyone keeps awkwardly squirming whenever they're close to her and she's pretty sure she spots guys' hands wandering towards their pants. There's even been a few tents there.
Bella doesn't want to know.
Forks is officially filled with gross hicks.
Bella goes to Biology, she has high hopes for beautiful Edward Cullen. Her hopes are--not quite dashed when Edward excuses himself to the restroom two seconds in. Bella feels like the world's ugliest loser and has herself a good cry when she gets home.
Edward, on his own end, has no idea what just happened. He theoretically knows what lust is, he's seen lustful thoughts from others, but he's not an empath and he's not all that much of a sexual creature himself. Sudden onslaught of horniness is not something Edward typically deals with.
As a result he has no idea what the fuck is going on.
He just knows that he suddenly has an erection in the bathroom. He stays there and wills it to go away (which eventually it does). He doesn't relate it to Bella Swan's scent, she's not even on his radar right now.
As a result, Edward doesn't flee to Alaska. Instead, Carlisle wishes he could flee to Alaska as Edward and he have the "So, you had an erection in the middle of class and fled to the bathroom and now you want advice on how to surreptitiously masturbate/keep the tent in your pants down" talk.
Edward is filled with confidence after this talk. This was a fluke, a fluke called Edward finally growing into a man, and if it does happen again he now has lots of useful advice from the various men of the household on how to handle such urges (yes, I'm sure this was as terrible as we're all imagining).
Edward is prepared.
Edward is not prepared.
Everything's fine until Biology and Bella Swan, and then, right on cue, Edward is filled with SUDDEN LUST.
He flees.
Bella is resigning herself to her fate (school was not better day two and it seems that half the school is avoiding her and the other half of the school is trying to sit weirdly close to her with these gross looks on their faces). Edward fleeing, she just accepts it at this point, it's just par for the course. Bella must suffer in silence.
Well, now Edward's freaking out. There's clearly something very wrong with him. He's not simply a man but a lustful wretch perhaps not too different from those he hunted.
You can guess where this is going...
Edward never finds out that Bella is the source of SUDDEN LUST. Edward instead concludes that he has a very powerful sex drive and I imagine shortly goes to the Denali to learn the ways of sleeping around with willing participants and fulfilling his urges.
This may or may not result in some poor girl getting pregnant.
You ask what would happen if he stuck around but I... really don't think he would. He'd never connect this with Bella Swan and would think something instead was wrong with him. Even if he stayed in Forks, I imagine he'd become a hopeless NEET who would descend into searching for the perfect Waifu to help with his sudden burst of sexuality as he cannot be seen in broad daylight.
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