#(is her last name kent? idk)
brokenstar28 · 5 months
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See the difference?
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ok hi so having just rewatched the uncle day scene i need to scream about it IN DETAIL
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first of all i've missed phoebe so much AND having jamie interact with her has been one of my season 3 wish list items for. fucking. AGES. my delight is unfathomable
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hello uncle roy ;)
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ok you KNOW Jamie was just throwing out the first name that popped into his mind because it's 100% Roy (also the fact that Roy was so offended asjgkdgfkk)
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Jamie getting so nervous and awkward about Roy's gift!! baby boy!!
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god look at his little face my boy is absolutely GLOWING
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finally, i am absolutely certain that jamie made the "your sister is fit" comment for ONE reason and one reason alone which was to get a reaction from roy. i cannot be convinced otherwise
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in conclusion i love them your honor
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Okay but where’s the deleted scene where phoebe’s mom gets Jamie’s contact info and phoebe calls OR sends him a handmade invitation to the uncle’s day party
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[to the tune of stacy’s mom] 🎵 jamie’s mom has got it going on 🎵
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berternies · 2 years
autistic ted lasso characters: bonus round
these are characters where i don’t necessarily have enough concrete evidence to make a full post about each of them, but nonetheless there is definitely a case to be made for them being autistic, so here is a quick list
keeley: blunt, special interest in fashion/pr stuff, has a preconceived/scripted idea of what relationships are Supposed To Be Like, “i like the light and the absence of smells,” possible meltdown after her fight with roy in 2.7, masking masking masking
beard: special interest in chess, meltdowns (most notably when his phone dies in beard after hours), struggles with social cues, expresses himself in ways that don’t always make sense to others, either speaks in a monotone or a full shriek (or doesn’t speak at all) there is no in between
sharon: difficulty processing emotions, focuses on order and routine, awkward/uncomfortable in social situations, special interest in psychology/therapy, intellectualizes emotions and relationships bc she doesn’t understand them, just has The Vibe
higgins: not good with social cues, possible hyperempathy, declarative memory with birthdays, doesn’t always know how to connect with people, also just has The Vibe
trent: special interest in journalism, black and white thinking, very blunt, struggles with empathy, peter maldonado coded (singleminded focus on reporting the truth that leads to him accidentally hurting people)
isaac: safe food (rolos), meltdown (throwing the chair at the tv), doesn’t speak all that much, struggles with emotional regulation, possible special interest in football and/or hairstyling
phoebe: often blunt (which could also be bc she’s 7 but let me have this), possible stimming, mimicking (wants to be exactly like roy), has no understanding of what is and isn’t appropriate for school, her uncle is definitely autistic and autism is often hereditary so why not
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hockeyandhrsepwr · 7 months
Quinn took it
Snap series
Quinn Hughes x Photographer!Reader
This is probably going to be the last part for this little series so I hope you enjoy:)
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_quinnhughes These Michigan Summers
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Lhughes_06 no place like home
Y/nJohnson no place like *your brothers house* you mooch
Lhughes_06 🙄*home state* that better?
Y/nJohnson but is it?..
KentJohnson13 Keep her there please!
_quinnhughes she's actually closer to Ohio here....
KentJohnson13 Take her back! Y/n Vancouver is calling!
Y/nJohnson feeling the love Kenny. Come visit!
Bboeser Minny's better
jackhughes Fake news
pettersson yeah, Sweden is
NicoHischier Nope, Switzerland is
Y/nJohnson Nico, why are you here? but Switzerland looks beautiful
NicoHischier it is y/n, you'll have to come visit 😉
_quinnhughes Keep that wink away from my fiancée fucker
Y/nJohnson who's that sexy person on the paddleboard?
_quinnhughes idk but she's pretty hot right?
Y/nJohnson Yeah, 10/10
jackhughes stop pumping yourself up
_quinnhughes leave her alone
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Y/nJohnson Guess its time to change the name on my Access Pass
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_quinnhughes ah yes, we get married and you’re thinking about work.
Y/NJohnson hey mister! If it wasn’t for that we may not be together
_quinnhughes true. I love you
Y/NJohnson love you too hubby:)
JackHughes the lake was a bad idea
TrevorZegras you’re just saying that cause you were so drunk you couldn’t swim
JoshNorris Quinn finally got tied down. Our little boys all grown up 😢 bradytkachuk
Bradytkachuk it feels like just yesterday he was a little boy, now he married 😭
Y/njohnson he’s still pretty much a child, he leaves dirty socks everywhere
Canucks we’ll get right on that 🫡 congrats Quinn and y/n!!!
Fan45 is that what all the guys were in Michigan?!? I thought it was for some kind of game
UmichHockey 🤫 Congrats Quinner!!
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Y/nJohnson Would you believe me if I told you Quinn took this?
*Comments Disabled*
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_quinnhughes John Lucas Hughes. Welcome to the world my boy. Y/NJohnson I'm in awe of you and everything you do
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Y/nJohnson our little boy. I love you both so much
_quinnhughes you’re already the best mom and I can’t wait to watch him grow with you ❤️❤️
Canucks The newest Canuck!! Welcome to the family John
Lhughes_06 Looks like I'm the favourite brother Jacko
Jackhughes well I'm gonna be favourite uncle so
_quinnhughes he’ll love both of you so stop fighting and come here
Jackhughes oh we’re already on our way
Kentjohnson13 you may have the middle name, but my last names basically his first name so Suck it Luke!
Y/nJohnson yes Kent that was the point
Bboeser AHH!! Baby Hughes is here!!
pettersson Uncle Peteys coming to visit!
Elbue my first grand baby 😭❤️ Congratulations mama
Y/nJohnson thanks Grandma Ellen!
Elblue 🥹
fan38 congrats!!
fan02 aw, honouring both families with the name
fan57 Baby Quinn!!
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anxious-bisexual-0 · 20 days
Episode 1: out of the shadows
Portia just walking and waving to buy stuff is so funny
Aww pen admiring the debutantes is so cute
Gregory is a king
Hyacinth you are amazing
I love how no one knows it’s Francesca playing except for kate…
I do wish there was a “wow Bath really changed you” or something
Benedict knowing what Fran was playing is amazing
Ya know I knew he traveled and you can’t get out of England at that time without a boat but seeing Colin walk off the boat sparked something in me
Aw poor pen just wants love
“Squawking” hyacinth you’re lovely
Colin is a whore I’ll say it now and no doubt I will say it again
I don’t think Colin actually saw her,,,, he would have gone across the street to speak with her if he did.
I love how they change the intro with each season
MMMMM half naked Colin yay
“Sturdy” I love it
The queen being bored is so me
Those poor debutantes
So miss Stowell is the one who uses BSL but then is hearing for the rest of part 1? Maybe HOH? Idk but slay for representation
Colin where were you
The shock with “style of the season” is fantastic
Aw poor violet seems so sad with Fran wanting to leave
Fran is so lovely. Beautiful and relatable.
Brimsly slays always I can’t ever hate him
Colin what????? stop winking you weirdo
Poor aunt petunia
“Without any man telling us what to do!” -Finch and Dankworth looking at each other 😬😐
“Hiding jars of coin under the floorboards!” -like your daughter, Portia????
My poor pen, you deserve so much better with that outfit and hair
Cressida makes me want to scream idc how much they make me sympathize with her
Pen baby you can’t hide behind that bird thing I’m sorry love
Kate is as always ABSOLUTELY STUNNING I love her and her bond with violet
“Lady Bridgerton” “yes?” I LOVE THEM
Colin no doubt practiced those lines in the restroom or something
Him wearing green and pen’s colors is KILLING MEEEEEE
“Flowers in bloom. Each one of you.” The only flower you care about, my dear, is the WALLFLOWER who you’ve known your whole life SHUUUUT UP
The cowpers always sucked
The Featherington girls always steal the show I love them
Colin you think you’re not flirting with her? You absolutely are.
prudence shut up
Philippa makes me so happy I love her
Again, dankworth just being pretty and in love is fantastic
I love pen just laying in bed restless about her wardrobe cause that was me this past month and I just bought so many new clothes and I love them so much
Does madame Delacroix know about pen’s love of Colin?
“I lost count, in truth” -no you didn’t you liar
Wait don’t Colin and Pen name their daughter Jane after Jane Austen???? (In the books????)
“And what of Penelope?” -you’re obsessed
Eloise very heavily implied that Pen was LW and Colin didn’t catch on, the beautiful idiot
also Rae is a queen I love her
“I wish you very well, Penelope” kills me
Ben says “Purpose” and Colin wants to cry
“A very cold lady.” “She is colder now, im afraid.” I love him idc
Anthony is a munch yet again
She is so gorgeous I can’t even begin to describe it
I love how everyone looks at pen except Colin. And Eloise being in awe. AND ALBION BEING A PROUD BIL
Colin your jaw is on the floor stop drooling
Pen, baby love, maybe you should have practiced the chitchat before you got there
Eloise just wants to talk to Pen I can feel the yearning ugh
Colin you idiot you should have gone to talk with her before she left the ball
How did the Queen not recognize Pen? Wasn’t she on those cards last season for unmasking LW?
I would like to see a zebra ball
Fife and those other assholes talking to Fran makes me want to SCREEEEEEAM
Kate what did you to do Anthony he’s so calm
I love seeing pen and Fran together
Ugh Nicola Coughlan is so short I love her so much
The way Debling read her so quickly is so funny to me
Cressida, as always, an asshole
Colin saw pen run away and IMMEDIATELY had to find her. Couldn’t continue to make conversation while she was in distress
“Charming dress” “the color rather suits you” GURL SHUT UP
yes you tell him, pen
I wish they spoke about the letters more this season
pen really shouldn’t have gone home so angry,,,, she needed to BREEEEEATHE before writing that Whistledown
Dundas talking to portia like that is kinda confusing,,,, isn’t this situation kinda similar to the Mondrich situation?
What happened to the cherry pit, dundas?
Cressida why are you boasting about being a bitch
I don’t think we’d heard Cressida talk this much
I love Anthony’s little ear flop
That’s a strong desk.
The house is so large that Fran and violet in the drawing room can’t hear kanthony fucking is so silly
I love violet making music metaphors without knowing much about music
Fran it’s ok I love you
the way his voice wavers a bit at “ashamed” kills me
“Very good friend” as he looks down and can’t make eye contact. That is a sign of a man in love. He doesn’t understand his feelings and he’s so confused
The smile and second hand wrapping around hers? Killer.
She’s so happy and relieved and then
Mondrich family slay
Poor little baby lord Kent he’s so shocked
I love the tennis references. Cause tennis goes at least as far back as king henry VIII
so Philippa knows that pen loooooves colin?
Eloise not telling Colin is noble but also really stupid????
Colin calm down you drama queen it wasn’t that bad
“I will never forgive her” and Eloise trying to see if he knows that it’s pen, knowing that he will forgive her.
HELL YEAH YOULL RUIN HER (not in the way you think,, buddy boy)
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Hi! I saw you wanted some JonDami idea sooo:
• First time they hold hands
• First time Damian felt safe enough to fall asleep on Jon
• Discussing baby name when still in high school (which I did lmao)
• Seeking help from their siblings on how to ask the other in a date
• Eloping right out of high school to get married because they're idiots in love
• First kiss!! How did I forget that!!
• During patrol while high on adrenaline or maybe they were at the farm relaxing under the sunset or after playing video games and laughing with each other!
• One of my soft favourite to picture: leaning on each other, forehead against forehead or cheek against cheek, just existing and feeling the other's warmth
I have ton of other ideas and some hc but I think it's enough rn lol
Thx u byye!!
LET'S DO IT. (assume all ages are 16+ I guess, idk does it matter?)
First time they hold hands: pre-romance. Jon's powers shorted out and he fell outta the sky. Damian caught him by his hand just in time, and when he pulled him to safety he just...didn't let go. Jon noticed but didn't say a WORD.
First Time Damian fell asleep on him: Probably right after the relationship started/became official. They'd both had a rough hero week and Damian had been on edge just, forever. So they sit against a wall in the cave and one second they're sitting there in silence and the next, Damian's dropping against his shoulder already konked out. Jon panics for half a second but then Dick sees them and says 'He only sleeps when he feels safe.' and those words shake Jon to his core.
Baby names: This is all Jon. Jon just starts rambling about it one day. "How would we honor both our cultures? Or do we at all? Do we go with an -El name, or a name from your mom's side or just call him Bob?" Damian is endeared for a while but quickly gets so fucking annoyed because every name is more ridiculous than the last.
Siblings help: Jon obviously asks Kon and Kon is SO. JACKED. TO. HELP. He hesitates a little when he finds out it's Damian but, honestly, the kid is at least alright. Damian, much to the Kents surprise, does NOT ask Dick or even Tim. He consults Cass first, who asks Steph to standby as she gives her advice, and Jason, for reasons mentioned in previous asks in that he's a sucker for a classic romance novel so, clearly, he is An Expert.
Eloping: Honestly? Yes. And it happens at the same time one of them (I'm thinking Jon) says I love you for the first time. The other reciprocates (Damian) and one of them (Jon) sarcastically says 'really? well damn let's just go get married right now.' and Damian just goes. "Okay." and.......................they do. Maya officiates, Kathy is the witness, and the only family in attendance is the pets. (Goliath is flower girl)
First kiss: First kiss is at a Wayne Holiday gala/Justice League xmas party not long after they started dating and the end up under mistletoe. They do the hesitant peck thing first but then oh boy they like it and mmmmmm Clark and Bruce might have to rethink allowing sleepovers anymore.
Chillin': Jon gets so entranced when Damian laughs he literally just stops functioning. He will stop and stare and was even caught drooling a little bit once. (by Jason, no less.) If he's with Damian/it's just them, if Damian's laughing, he'll start laughing and just pull Damian as close as he can and they just keep laughing together.
SOFT FOREHEADS: There's some world-ending situation and they've been separated for most, if not all, of it. The day is saved and they're finally reunited on a rooftop somewhere. And they run desperately at each other but when they reach, they know the whole League is watching them and Damian's not big on PDA (and tbh neither is Jon, if only for protective reasons) so they just grab each other's hands and stare deep into each other's eyes until one of them well up with tears and closes his eyes and they just ~gentle forehead touch~
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mystic-shadows42 · 2 years
I’m not sure if you accept requests or not at the moment, but i’d like to request Superman/Clark Kent with a Nanno!Reader. To summarize what Nanno is, she’s an immortal being, and the bringer of karma (good and bad). — So basically, the reader was killed, and Clark saw the reader die and was upset, holding her dead body, and crying. But, he (surprisingly) didn’t know that the reader was standing behind him, until she spoke something (can be his name, or something else.. idk lolz) Have a good day/night! :)
Request: Immortality
A/N: Not sure if I'll do this writing justice or not but I gave it a good try. 
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Clark dropped down to his knees and held your body into his arms cradling your head. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't able to save you."
You could feel the subtle touch of Clark’s hand brush over your hair. Your body was stiff and cold but your mind was very much alive. The resurrection process was taking effect. You heard Clark mourn over you and it was heartfelt that he missed you so much.
Clark had an energy about him that reflected in his personality. He was good. He cared about everyone, whether good or bad and wanted to help wherever he could.
He did after all just witness you die in front of his very eyes but the fact he took the time to lay you down in a more peaceful area which you can only assume was near the ocean with the sound of the waves in the background was endearing.
It showed that he cared. That he didn’t think of you as any other person who simply died and was forgotten. 
There was only a handful of people in your life that firstly, never truly understood or felt comfortable with your deemed ‘gift’ but Clark paid no mind. He knew the troubles of being the outsider with abilities and trying to shy away from the world but being thrust into it regardless.
The feeling in your hands came back and you could feel him lightly squeeze your hand. Slowly the feel of his hand over yours stopped letting you know that he had let go and was about to depart.
While Clark was overwhelmed by the emotions hitting him full force he didn't notice that you stood behind him. You squinted your eyes in Clark’s direction trying to adjust to the light. In your vision, you could see Clark’s shoulders slunk and not broad as he usually had them.
"Kal-El, I'm right here." Clark’s body went rigid but he didn’t turn around right away. It was almost as if he himself couldn’t believe that he actually heard your voice. “It’s really me.”
This time when he heard your voice he turned. His cape fluttered in the wind making him appear to be the powerful presence that everyone talked about whenever he was around. You felt comforted and protected.
His lips parted and his brows narrowed slightly in confusion.
“I saw you die,” he whispered in disbelief.
You raised your hands slightly at your sides. “Perks of being immortal. Dying not being the fun part but coming back to make amends for those who can’t.”
Clark walked closer until he stood just in front of you. He then raised his hand and rested it on your cheek. The contact felt familiar and welcoming. You could see the gleam in his teary-like eyes. Before you could utter a word to comfort him, he had brought his arms over you in a tight embrace.
Caught off-guard but not one to break it up so soon, you brought your arms over him as best as you could and rested your head against his shoulder.
“I never want to witness your death ever again. I can’t bear the thought of losing you forever wondering if you’ll ever come back.”
You gripped onto his suit in reassurance. “I promise you’ll never lose me.”
You could feel the tension of relief drop away from his body at your promise. It was a sort of consolation that Clark needed. He needed to hear that you were safe and here with him. There was peace in him at last.
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pinievsev · 2 years
Hi ~✨ its luck that I found you (or you found me, I have seen your repost to my post) and can you, please make one-shot with Kent, where the reader, being an alien, comes to the Academy and everyone is interested in her (I mean in them) (because there were no aliens at the academy before) and attracts the attention of Kent, after which they begin to be friends and fall in love with each other?
Aye I just woke up but just because it's you my friend I'll get to writing :]
And here we are with another Kent oneshot! Woo! Iove this idea! I won't use the stereotypical description of aliens, I'll give them antennas and black eyes tho(the pupils). And heightened sense :]
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GIF by me again:]
Pairing: Kent (last name unknown) X!alien!new student reader.
Warnings: swearing maybe, kissing at the end, kinda slow burn? (Might do a part two)
Synopsis: when a student of new species joins Nevermore Academy, it peaks the interest of a certain long haired siren.
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You'd be lying if you said you weren't nervous, principle Weems had told you you were the first ever alien in the academy, which didn't really help, now you may be wondering how you are there? Well let's see.
Some thousand years ago, your planet was attacked by another alien species, so your what you thought were called "ancestors" had to leave, and they ended up here. Your species has changed over the years, their funny colored skin Changing into that of beige or dark brown, their fully black eyes now matching the ones of the humans the black only staying in the middle surrounded by white, their antennas however, stayed. They allowed you to catch sounwaves, hear things further than you should be able to, and move things around.
They had made you a special uniform, lined with very dark green instead of the traditional purple, psh, stereotypes again. You had however also learned that, you wouldn't be the only one joining Nevermore late, there was this girl, Wednesday her name was?, Her uniform was black, and so seemed to be the rest of her. You liked it, she was different like you, but in her own way. Weems led you to your dorm room, your roommate was a vampire by the name of Yoko Tanaka.
Weems knocked on the door and it opened almost immediately, "hello, ms. Tanaka, I'd like to introduce you to someone" she moved aside "this is Y/n L/n, the first alien of the academy, and your new roommate" she said taking a breath "would be kind a give them a tour?" Yoko stared at you and her smile widened revealing her fangs, "omg! Of course I will!" She pulled you inside the room closing the door on Weems face.
"So you're an alien?!" She asked eyes wide "yup, that's me" you said "ooo cool! From which planet?" That you didn't know "oh, my species has been on earth for thousands of years, I don't really know." She nodded "okay okay! Let's start the tour!" She said excitedly pulling you along.
Around the end of the tour she pulled you to a small courtyard "this is the quad!" (Did I spell that right? Idk! :Sobbing in greek:) she started pointing to random people introducing them, eh, for them.. "and those are the scales, they're the sirens, that's Bianca their so called leader, that right there is Divina and next to her is her twin brother Kent" you stared at Kent, a little longer than you should've and he saw you, the second he did his eyes widened and he turned to tell his sister. Yoko however, pulled you away.
"don't mind them, they're a little, straight forward some times" she said "it's alright, I'm kind of used to it" you admitted "right... That's basically all you need to know for the school and if you need something just ask me" she smiled and you nodded "alright! Thanks Yoko!" "No problem!" She waved running off to her friends.
'lets see, what could I do?' you thought walking to the side sitting down you rested your back against the wall and closed your eyes. This all was hard to take in, you were scared you might not fit in. Suddenly, you heard footsteps followed by a female voice "hi!" You looked up to see too girls, Wednesday and a girl with blonde hair dyed with pink and blue at the ends. You got up and dusted yourself off "hey!" You replied and she looked at you excitedly "you look so cool! I love your eyes!" You smiled "thanks! Your hair looks nice!" You complimented back. "I'm Enid and this is Wednesday! She's also new here!" You nodded "nice to meet you Enid, and Wednesday!" Wednesday just gave you a nod. You and Enid became friends quickly, and maybe a little with wednesday.. you weren't sure. Even tho Enid was alot more outgoing than you, she was a great friend.
You'd been at Nevermore for a month already, you mainly hang out with Enid, Wednesday and Ajax. Xavier too sometimes. You've been trying to help Wednesday with the whole "monster in the woods" thing but, unlike her you focused on your friendships aswell. Lately you've been noticing a certain siren looking at you, even tho you doubt it's for any good.
Right now you were in your dorm room when you heard a knock "coming!" You yelled getting up to open a door, to your surprise Kent was standing outside "hi?" You asked "hey, look before you close the door in my face, listen!" You nodded "go on" "alright, the thing Is I think you're cool, okay? And I was wondering if you'd want to be friends?" This surprised you even more "you... Want to be friends?" He nodded "I mean, sure" you smiled starting to warm up to him already.
You and Kent started spending more time together, making sure no one knew, considering Bianca didn't like you. It was a three days before the rave'n now, everyone was talking about it. Wednesday wasn't going, and Enid was trying to make Ajax jealous after he stood her up. You had just finished your last class of the day with Ms. Thornhill and were on your way to the quad when someone pulled you behind a pillar "wha-!" You stopped talking when you saw Kent "oh god you scared me" you breathed and he laughed "sorry, I just wanted to ask you something" you nodded signaling for him to ask the question "do you uh, maybe want to go to the rave'n with me?.." you smiled "of course I do!" "Really?!" You nodded "yup!" "Great! I'll pick you up right before it starts sounds good?" "Yeah sounds great".
"okay!" Enid screamed "we have to get you something to wear!!" You gulped "alright...".
It took sometime but you actually liked what Enid found for you (up to you <3) "it's not half bad!" You smiled up at her "thanks! Enid!" She smiled "of course! It looks really good on ya!".
You paced up and down your dorm, Yoko had already left to find her 'date' what Id he doesn't show up??.. just then you heard a knock on the door and ran to open it. "Hi! Sorry if I took too long- wow you look- great!" he apologized "it's okay! Really and thanks, you don't look too bad yourself" "right let's go!" You nodded and left your room closing the door behind you. You walked with Kent to the rave'n, he seemed nervous the whole time. You were dancing around drinking what they called a 'yeti-tini' and overall had fun. You were standing in the crowd talking when something started to pour from the fire sprinklers. Weems started screaming and everyone followed, panicked you grabbed Kent's hand and pulled him out as fast as you could. "Phew" you breathed out, panting, "what the fuck-" he said catching his breath "I don't know..." He nodded and then seemed to realise something.
His head snapped up and he looked at you "are you okay?? Did you get hurt or something-?" You cut him off "I'm fine, are you-?" He nodded "yeah, yeah I'm okay" you nodded back, well this just got akward. Out of nowhere you burst out laughing "what?-" he said chuckling along "what is it?" "We are standing outside covered in red paint like idiots, that's what" he started laughing along yet suddenly got quiet "hey uhm..." You looked up "yeah?" "I don't know if this is the right time but.." he took a step forward looking straight into your eyes "can i- you know.." you understood immediately "yeah... Yeah of course" hearing that he wasted no time to bring you closer and kiss you, you of course kissed back, pulling away he chuckled "I wanted to do that for some time" "you should've"
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Siren man least goo! I actually really like this one tysm for the request, anything for a fellow Kent lover <3
Tag list: @day-dream1231 , @georgi-salva , @arson-the-royal , @falleni0-hq , @mindflay3r , @rottenstyx , @alice0blog , @nova-lov3su , @elduster , @countsmoon , @biggestsimponhere , @andreeasancheez , @justmanu , @whitewingsh , @hwrtsiren
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lunar-years · 6 months
thinkin bout ruth osullivan. . .how when she got married she was probably a little glad to change her name, bc it was probably around the time roy was at the height of his fame, and as much as she loves him it probably wasn't easy being a celebrity's sister. how roy *kent* being famous probably made her being a kent feel complicated, and changing it was probably a little bit of a relief, bc it would give her a fresh start and a chance to make her own destiny. how when she got divorced, all of those complicated feelings about being a kent were still there, and even if she wanted to go back, phoebe was an o'sullivan. just having a lot of feels about a character we saw one and a half times and whose first name we still dont know lol
I'm still super salty they didn't give that woman a first name when the most minor characters got names (even if only in the credits). Matthijs' daughter has a name, Nate's sister has a name, but Dr. O'Sullivan doesn't get a first name??? Ludicrous!
Anyway I do think it's interesting that she kept her married surname!! I wonder how many people would have made the connection about her and Roy, even had she kept Kent; it feels like a fairly common last name to me where most people wouldn't have thought twice. But I do wonder if she had the perception, when she was still a Kent, that she was always being compared to Roy or put into a spotlight she didn't want. Regardless I think she definitely kept the last name because she wants to share her daughter's surname and she didn't want Phoebe's last name to be Kent.
We have so few details on it, but I'm also curious about how adamant Roy is about protecting Phoebe from the press and spotlight etc. I would say very, and I think the fact that Dr. o'sullivan and Phoebe never attend his games and the team doesn't really seem to know anything about them supports it. But we also know Roy watches her a lot and goes around shopping with her and hanging out with her around Richmond and London, and I kind of find it hard to believe that all that is happening without it getting papped (or if there's rules about children in british media, at least stalker phone pics from fans posted to social media). I imagine "who is this mysterious child with famous footballer roy kent" would've made headlines at some point??? idk
As an aside I remember there was a long discussion in discord when the episode aired with her about whether she and Roy might be half-siblings and O'Sullivan is therefore her maiden name. Apparently in Britain it's unusual that her professional, doctoral name would be her married name with the timeline of when she would have gotten her degree etc. None of that really jives with my own headcanons about them so I personally ignore those details but you know, something to think about as an option if it appeals to anyone!
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mamawasatesttube · 6 months
1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 12, and 25 for Kara!! I’m genuinely curious about this
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
I THINK SHES SO NEAT... cradling her in my hands. i like a girl with anger issues and also with immigrant metaphors. i want to put her in a bucket and study her with a magnifying glass like a bug
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
i think her dissonance about expecting to be older than clark but then being actually baby is so fun. and her immigrant metaphors and her tragedy are SO compelling to me. but i also really, really love that her grief turns to rage. the way she is so compassionate and also so fundamentally angry is just. YEAH!!! i LOVE that in a girl go ham fuck shit up!!!!
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
i'm honestly of two minds about the thing where they state she's significantly stronger than clark. it isn't really explained why (at least in sg2005?) (like, he's been under a yellow sun far longer than her at that point, what makes her different? how does every other kryptonian from kandor stack up in this powerscale? etc) and without any real basis, to me it just feels like a haha #girlboss thing where they were like well a woman can't be interesting if she's not physically the most powerful ever. unlike other women, this one kicks ass!!!!
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
acknowledging that she's got some REAL fruity vibes going on with several of the other girls she's interacted with 😳
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
generic girlbossification again and also just... not knowing anything about her i guess. like i get it, keeping track of it all with like linda danvers vs linda lang vs kara danvers (why is this her name in current canon btw. :/) etc can be confusing esp if you don't actually know where to start and just know kara, like, exists, but also. you know.
OH. ACTUALLY A SPECIFIC i have seen multiple posts in the last few weeks thinking she's significantly older than kon??? she is not!!! they're the same age (in postcrisis anyway idk whats going on in rebirth and frankly neither does dc i think)!!!! that's the whole reason she takes his death so hard!!! thats a member of her family her own age and he just died!!! like nearly every other person she's ever had!!
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
she also has the house of el family curls. she does not really care that much about her appearance though so she just kinda brushes them out and lets her hair be just the wavy "this could be curls but isn't" floof instead. also, it's a kinda brighter yellow than natural blonde hair (it's natural for kryptonians, but...!) the same way her eyes, like the rest of the kryptonians, are more luminous than normal human eyes. people tend to assume she dyed it.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
my first impression was actually of mae kent because i didn't know the difference between all the supergirls and i was just reading sb94 alskdjf and then i looked it up and went Oh. this is more complicated than i thought. and it was a little intimidating for a second, but then i just went fuck it and started reading supergirl 2005. first impression of THAT was "oh jesus christ i hate men" because. well. look at the beginning of that thing. BUT when it picks up it picks UP and my god... cradles kara gently in my hands. i love her so much. she contains multitudes.
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hislittleraincloud · 9 months
SPOILERS, Discussion II, Chapter 6 Part 2.
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Don't read this if you haven't read this chapter.
This is an author answer/response to "Wednesdays_Destiny" on AO3 because I can't be bothered (or frustrated) to chop it up into God knows how many comments in their 10K limit.
Purple is direct Afterburn Canon/quote.
Pink is Wednesdays_Destiny's thoughts/q's.
THE COLORS ARE A LITTLE MESSED THIS TIME. IDK what happened, something happened when it saved to drafts. It's this trash site's problem. Not going back to fix it 💀
Fun video clip included under the cut.
>legitimate physical harm is fair game.&lt;
>>>Usually such rules "everything except" happen after "except" happens, so I wonder if they had an incident previously.
It’s that they know that the different species have different levels of powers, some more potentially dangerous than others, so they respect each others’ differences by keeping each other safe. (This is a little spoilery.)
>it billowed out their noses as their&lt;
>>>Yeah sorry that ship has sailed B/Y, nothing will beat the irritated dragon Wednesday.
Wednesday shotgunned Donovan on her birthday, too. It hits different though, I get it…Yoko has yet to win any hearts over. But shotgunning is still sexy.
>gives a vampire the benefit&lt;
>>> Is that a benefit? Despite being able to mix you Just need to buy and consume more then?
If normal people mixed drugs the way vampires can, they’d all be dead. Or undead, if they’re lucky enough to be “resuscitated” by a vampire before the heart stops. Either way, vampires can't die of an OD.
>perhaps she just didn't remember&lt;
>>>>I will admit I am curious what happened that she chose to forget it ever happened.
Well, we’ll just have to see if that question is ever answered in canon or in a flashback or in a deleted scene or in a short one shot or…
>those powers wouldn't show up for another few years&lt;
curious if sirens/Gorgon also get their powers during puberty of it they have it from birth.
Sirens and Gorgons are born that way, with some minor changes as growth happens. And I’m taking from N/Canon that psychic powers don’t show up until just about mid-puberty. Wednesday’s psychic powers showed up after the Fester-like electricity did to a noticeable degree…that’s all I’ll say about that for now, since it’ll probably be covered in Chapter 7. And BTW, male sirens and gorgons are rarer than females; Kent and Ajax are the outliers of their kind. Telekinesis is male-dominated outside of vampires (where it’s gender neutral), but there are Addamses who have that. They have a wide array of powers in the family.
>since her very plain surname wasn't exactly memorable.&lt;
>>>>What do you mean? Addams is like one of the most memorable last names there is.
It’s actually common (35th in the U.S.), except for the spelling. That’s why Enid spelled it “Adams” in her shitty blog.  LOL
>cold and professional…. A sudden commotion&lt;
>>>> And you blueball us pff. Given that she lost her virginity to our sheriff the farthest they went was a blowjob, maybe that explains how she was so good with Donovan first try - if she was "experimenting" with with boys previously.
I probably won’t write what happened (even though I know exactly what happened…) but she did not put her mouth on him. That I can tell you. It was, at first, honestly innocent “doctor” play.
>"I'm ovulating." &lt;
>>>>Oohhh FucK
Oh no, someone’s gonna end up pregnant in their sophomore year of high school, oh nooooo…*cackling*
>the colorful rainbow rippling up and&lt;
>>>>Talk about inconvenient, that prevents all types of exhibition kinks like having a remote vibe inside in the classroom, coming and trying to not move a muscle/be dead quiet so no one catches on. But besides that its fucking glorious.
I can imagine many, many funny scenarios where their orgasms happen in public.
>his sister's paranoid drug rages&lt;
>>>>Glad I have never touched any type of drug, of any type. That sounds just horrible.
Some people can’t handle their drugs *at all*. Wednesday is smart and doesn’t take unnecessary risks (so far) with drugs. Divina has difficulty with it, and not necessarily because she takes too much (though sometimes she does…I think there’s a lot of pain and guilt in her since I already have their backstory written).
>the balloon inflated, rising off of his hand&lt;
>>>>Now do that with Laurels head.
He’ll deal with some of his rage about “Ms. Thornhill” in the sequel, I think.
>strange tornado of feelings he had for an old, quirky acquaintance&lt;
>>>>Given that Donovan is 55 he will be dead in 30ish years at the latest, then you will be a man and can go collect your woman. Till then run a FwB with Bianca.
*laughs in Omnipotent POV*
>gorgon was stone hard&lt;
Punny American, I see.
>her during, manipulating pressure against her clit&lt;
>>>>Or you could use your powers to massage parts you could not normally reach, like the roots and base of her clit instead.
Do you honestly believe that nerdy little Rowan who kissed like he was a thirsty dog lapping at a water bowl would know anything about female anatomy other than the clit and vagina?  Plus even if he did, he’d still be lost since the siren’s weird labia kinda work differently (they’re able to move/ripple…kinda like Pseudobiceros bedfordi: 
Persian Carpet Flatworm Pseudobiceros bedfordi )
See that rippling?  That’s how their labia work. Only they also have lamellae (think the underside of a mushroom) that also move with that.
>amazingly satisfying cock, just big&lt;
>>>>Imo missed opportunity to have him have a 4 inch cock and use his telekintetic powers to stretch the vagina of the girl he is with telekineticly making him always be the perfect fit.
Rowan was not a shapeshifter like his father, so extending his dick would hurt him and shortening the vag of the girl to make his tiny peen fit would hurt her (when Chance has sex with Weems, he changes things about himself to fit her, like his tongue, but honestly, he is already her perfect fit…ahem). As a telekinetic, he can only manipulate what is already there, whereas shapeshifters are...
...more flexible.
Plus I wanted to be kind to Rowan…it wasn’t his fault he lost his mind.
>"Is what all that we are?" "I dunno. I just have a feeling."&lt;
>>>>The fact of having pictures of lots of ancient, important and powerful legacy in your hideout, a bunch of old valuable books...I have no idea how you would get that idea. The nightshades were always meant to be a trivial social club.
This is an N/Canon problem. Given that Bianca et al have had this kind of access to the library (hmm, how did they get it in the first place…I guess I’ll have to be the one to fricking explain it then, thanks N/Canon crap writers LOL) for at least two other semesters and HASN’T read any of those books, uh…yeah. Someone intro’ed the Nightshades as a “social club”. Hmm, I wonder whooooo………..
>Bianca held a bit of resentment&lt;
>>>>As much as I love Enid, that is her biggest flaw, I suspect she runs the blog because she did not have any real friends - she was rooming alone before and Yoko had space, so she prob was using it to fill some void.
I’ve thought about that as well. She was rooming alone. Why? Poor Enid. Enid has her strengths, but she can be a little ditzy.
>"S'not like Addams hasn't made it abundantly clear that she doesn't want 'im."&lt;
>>>>-They have history, she saved him, he saved her, in the infirmary, she looked...content, she finds him interesting (as the killer or not)... I get why he's holding out hope.
Bianca doesn’t know anything about their history.
> whose activity had made Divina's siren song a little louder&lt;
>>>> The siren song is the power they use to manipulate, is the implication here it's like a cat purring? A cat's purr does have certain qualities of a siren song…
We saw how a “siren song” actually works (twice, once with Tyler and once with Coach Vlad). In order to manipulate someone, they have to state what they want them to do. With this aspect of a  siren song, it’s more like a deep sea mating song. They’re not telling anyone to do anything, it’s not produced out of manipulation; it’s produced out of pleasure.
That said, have you ever heard a female cat's mating call? It’s not purring. A whale's call sounds like this. But the wails, as pleasant as they are (and they are pleasant, not as harsh as whale sounds) just happened to remind Xavier of cats/Morella.
>would suction into place around a female siren's cervix&lt;
>>>>Tor, making up siren genitalia since Wednesday But I am curious, does that still work if the male siren is cut? Are sirens not cut?
Male sirens are never cut.
>"We have to go on ahead with your original plan,"&lt;
>>>>Given you got killed via nightshade poisoning, Enid fights the Hyde and Wednesdays shoe killing thornkill your plan failed.
>her father out of those murder charges stemming&lt;
>>>>Stemming from you - no one else saw Gomez holding that sword so it was you who put that whole ball rolling.
She described what she saw and the circumstances around it.  She isn’t psychic, yanno. LOL Plus she was Enid’s age, or about.
>"You still think she could be the one?"&lt;
>>>>Curious what the payoff for that one will be. As a possible theory, the chancellor is a Wednesday stalker by the end.
Hmm. I will say that eventually they will have some scenes together.
>Trust me…they're all safe, fucking each other under the moonlight.&lt;
>>>>What? 6 out of the 300+ Students are safe and the others are just fucked. The bad fucked.
He assumes that the whole school is probably fucking under the moonlight too, so when he says “all” it’s extended to mean everyone in the castle. All horny teens. And he’s probably correct. I just haven’t gone into the dorms of the other three halls yet (which I have named, since the fucking fuck writers haven’t given us those names either).
>listening to Noble's concerns about the lack of progress on the case&lt;
>>>> Interesting if I recall correctly Noble thought the murders to be a bear not any type of outcast. So there is no case in Noble's mind?
This is part of N/Canon that pisses me off; Noble used to be Sheriff. Meaning he was a cop, investigating crimes. So AB/C Noble heavily suspects that it really isn’t a bear, given the wounds. He tells Weems and the public that they’re bear attacks because he’s working to preserve their symbiotic relationship. Nevermore gets left alone from any ordinances/bigots like David Breeding because Nevermore contributes to his campaign and gives shitloads of cash to the city in taxes and donations.
>approved people just weren't human enough&lt;
>>>>Oh no...is this going where I think it's going?
>pilgrims who persecuted and murdered outcasts&lt;
>>>>Regarding my outcast questions, THIS is why it's important
You cannot even look at a Gorgon…
The original outcasts in the colonies did not include gorgons and sirens. More on that in the future, I already have things planned and am not spoiling that.
>when few outcasts were sent overseas&lt;
>>>>Why? Looping back to some of my other questions, Georgians don't do it intentionally, so could you just tie one to the barrel of your tank and anyone trying to shoot at you gets stoned? They would be the best war asset, same with shapeshifters infiltrating the command level of the military Are outcasts even an only native American thing?
I don’t think outcasts normally like to get involved in Muggl — erm, norminal affairs. The only ones who were sent were vampires. Both groups would end up losing more than they would if they just left each other alone.
>and he lived in a trailer >like an accident by running her over with his truck&lt;
>>>>Unless that truck had fist shaped tires, I do not see how that could have worked. Also, that is fucking brutal.
Men like Breeding are the type who would do something like this.  And it’s been done before.
>building a decent case against someone&lt;
>>>>While it would be great to have those violent people gone it would not solve the murders happening Donovan.
He’s just trying to buy time.
> That's one Hell of a 'therapist'&lt;
>>>>It's called shock therapy I believe. With her fingers. And Shocks.
>He'd been forbidden to masturbate&lt;
>>>>Wednesday should get the same rule...also Him coming untouched thinking of her while also able to last multiple of her orgasms while inside her is confusing.
Wednesday lives by her own rules in all canon, LOL And a man can’t control his wet dreams. Also, the power of the mind vs. body is a strange thing. I’ve seen some men last through multiple orgasms. I’ve seen some who are one weak little stream and that’s it. So there is always the average, which is a big pond to find average fish in, but then you have the special ones, like Donovan and shape shifters.
>There was no way that he would have taken the chance of a perfect match.&lt;
>>>>Then why bother? Frankly, this tells you very little. Only that both claws are related. It could be your wife's family had more hides in them that are still around I get him trying to deny it, but at least be sure of it and then deny it.
His wife’s family are all in France (though a lot of them are dead), and he wanted to be more than sure it was Tyler and not some other Hyde (in case there was another Hyde). Francie’s DNA may have been wiped from CODIS, but testing might still have record of it, thus Donovan wasn’t going to take the risk of the official channels finding the match. He’s a little paranoid since he’s pretty sure he still has copies of files that were otherwise ‘lost’.
>chided him for being weak and pathetic.&lt;
>>>>How is Donovan weak and pathetic?
There is a method to my madness with these secondary, no-line characters. You're just going to have to trust me.
> What brought out Tyler's? &lt;
>>>>You see there is this lovely woman, glasses, loves plants, hates outcasts, loves coffee and your sons cock.
#Gatesmonster has my attention atm.
>and was sitting up in his new black and white pet bed > the girl who had a soft spot for animals&lt;
>>>>While that thought is adorable, I doubt she cares for animals as a whole, given she basically murdered two bags full of piranhas in the opener and besides loving her pet Nero I do not recall any other interactions with animals.
That she has a ‘way’ with animals is canon.  She has hibernated with bears and swam with sharks. Those weren’t one of her usual ‘Wednesday being edgy’ lies, since Wednesday and Gomez confirm the shark thing. Bear hibernation was sort of confirmed with Eugene.
>since photography had been a hobby of his&lt;
>>>>That is neat, giving our man some hobbies. Proper photography is hard too, and no selfies on whatever site currently is in are not photography
This is something that Wednesday and Donovan share/bond with over. She likes crime scene photography, so she was taught to develop her own film.
>that she had a mirror fetish&lt;
>>>>Katoptronophilia you mean ?...Donovan, also using this chance to point out that kink and fetish are different, kink is optional but gives pleasure, fetish needs to be present to get pleasure at all.
I’m not going to go into this debate because it’s silly, especially when everyone is always contradicting themselves when trying to parse the difference. The Addamses all have it, hence the Hall of Mirrors. People can have a fetish for something but not have to indulge in it every time. How many times have people discovered their spouses’ fetishes after not having a clue about them before marriage? Plenty. As well, I see them as something that would immediately get someone off, where as a kink can be more drawn out.
>grim creeperism that kept everybody else at a distance&lt;
>>>>That is such an interesting point, is Wednesday acting or is she genuine when she is creepy...Eg the hug with Enid, was that Wednesday, giving in "fine I like hugs" or was that purely for enid's sake
I have been meaning to do a series about the lies Wednesday tells whenever she wants to shock people. We already know she does this, purposely, within her first ten minutes with Enid. “Rumor has it that you killed a kid at your old school and your parents pulled a few strings to get you off…” “Actually it was two kids, but who’s counting?” (Lie, since she didn’t kill any kids at all, she just maimed Dalton.) “I was born on Friday the 13th.” (Lie, since her birthday on the show is in November and there was no Friday the 13th in November 2006.) “Sartre said ‘Hell is other people.’ He was my first crush.” (Very unlikely, LOL). Etc., etc.
>A sixteen-year-old Wednesday was more bold, perhaps reckless&lt;
>>>> This is making me wonder who the first one to find out who shouldn't be, regarding "I fuck who I want, and there is nothing you can do about it"
Upcoming, Chapter 7.
>she was forced to keep rejecting the boy's advances&lt;
>>>>-She seemed really shocked and pleased about that date location, unless she's faking the whole "iam into death" thing, a crypt would be the perfect spot to take the creepy goth girl, and of course a normal scary movie would be a joke to her, so either double down with a classic or go the inverse with a vibrant movie that is scary and torture for her.
I don’t think the ‘I’m into death’ thing is faked, but by this point in the AB story, she’s already had her candle lit birthday, and it was done better, even though it wasn’t in a crypt. Again, Tyler went with the assumptions here. 
>>>>When Donovan leaves the way she looked to (her) bottom left "oh fuck how am i gonna explain that one to my man ?"
>"Do I scare you, Donovan?"&lt;
>>>>I feel like...i saw that line befor...hmmm.
This whole scene before the truck was the one I had to take back from Part 1.  So people read it there, first.
> with her electrical discharges&lt;
>>>> Since I have yet to see a payoff to that little storyline, here is my newest take on it: She's gonna kill him with said electrical discharges during one of her most powerful orgasms she has for him
>or into her womb&lt;
Given how much he has filled her with already, there should be something in the oven already…
>slight strabismus in her right eye<
>>>>Is this something you made up? I saw your recent post with Wednesday/Tyler at the station, and she does have it but that could just be due to the distance he just went up to her?
Normal Wednesday/Jenna eyes:
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She has it in the scene where they’re arresting Xavier…because she’s so full of pride and excitement that her right eye just wants to bug out into a different direction LMAO:
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It's slight (I did say slight!).
Not tryna be mean, but it’s there (and also visible at split second times in other scenes/things she does). Doesn’t make her less cute. If Jenna God forbid ever saw this, I hope she knows that no one's perfect, certain sht can't be helped, she's cute in this whole series.
>"You're destroying your liver."&lt;
>>>>Yeah well you decided to go for an old alcoholic, the limited expiration date was visible before you made your purchase Addams.
She didn’t know just how much he drank (not the beer in his desk, but the scotch), though, until…well. That answer is in this chapter too.
>"Doll, you know what it's like to make promises in this fucked up world we live in," &lt;
>>>> love to hear his unwavering affection for her, iam sure nothing can shake that. Right?
He will love her until the day that he dies. ETA: And vice versa (she will love him until the day she dies as well).
>"Even if I dig up more bodies?" she asked&lt;
>>>>Taking her to a court ordered gravedigging might be a good setting for a date with him.
>run down wasn't exactly something she was eager to witness either&lt;
>>>>Given that Canon Wednesday stated she had it on her bucket list, does this mean your Wednesday is a softer version and part of the "I love death" she exhibits is fake?
“Bucket list” N/C comment was one of her lies/shock value/edgy comments, see above about her lies/sarcasm, to mess with people. AB/C Wednesday is pretty accurate to that except for how she behaves around Donovan, which is the softer part. And yet she will still say her ‘Wednesday lies’ around him, too. It’s just how she is. I feel like she does this to keep people at a distance so they never know the real truth around who she is…kind of a defense mechanism.
>it was horrific and she froze&lt;
>>>>It really was not that bad Wednesday, Eugene's claw wounds were much more severe, speaking off, the mayor got killed because he got it figured out, why exactly got Eugene attacked again? Laurel specifically ordered Tyler there for what, injure him? As much as I love Eugene, he should be dead.
I’ve watched this scene more times than I can count just for the surprised and shocked gasp of hers that happens when Noble is hit, and to watch her hurriedly get the fk out of his SUV (hurried so much that she didn't bother to close the hatch) and run towards them.  She was shocked by it/took no pleasure in it. 
Regarding Eugene, I believe he survived because he had that thick jacket on. Rowan had his vest but it wasn’t zipped up, same goes for the camper in the beginning (I think). Eugene had layers that could’ve helped save him from deadlier wounds (Tylermonster didn’t have too much time to hack and slash at him like he did with Fabian, since Tylermonster could hear that Wednesday was on the way via them calling out to each other).
Also speaking of Eugene: Laurel fucking Gates could detach Noble from his ventilator, but not Eugene from his?  COME ON!!! 
>he hooked her leg over his hip and started thrusting&lt;
>>>>I have to admit I had to reread this a couple times before (I think) I pictured it correctly...
Do I have to illustrate this with LEGO again?  Her right leg is on the door frame because there’s no real space to put the left foot (his cruiser has a metal grate that separates arrestees in the back; but he does have some shelf space behind the front seats for shit like equipment, his hat, etc.). He hooked her left leg over him (with her pants having slid off her boot...those are wide-leg pants again).
>more pained sounds she made, the harder he fucked&lt;
>>>>Is our sweetheart Donovan also into inflicting pain? It would appear so.
I think it’s harder to describe than that.
>there was nothing but blissful acceptance&lt;
>>>>So breathplay is another Kink of hers.
>Donovan hated hearing her name fall from Tyler's lips&lt;
>>>> The fuck did he even come from? I checked he was standing in a corner and when he is leaving he's using a different door like what.
I like to think he was coming in from the garage. The exterior of the house doesn’t match the interior shots anyway, so in AB/Canon, that door he came in from in the scene w Tyler was the garage. For all we know, it leads to the outside (probably N/Canon, but again...the house’s interior doesn’t match the exterior, as there’s another door on almost the same corner as that kitchen/dining/living room door below):
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>"Came home during my shift last week.&lt;
>>>>During an eventual next reread I will need to note down dates and day changes to see if this is one session we have been with them.
>his right in a fist near his face.&lt;
I gotta say iam not sure how I feel about this Donovan, failing to do what is right is not equal to doing wrong...but getting violent (again based on his fearful reaction) is not excusable.
I wrote this scene before I discovered that in the original script, Donovan was supposed to smack him. I see why they cut it out, violence is never a solution and that saved Donovan from being a terrible guy in N/Canon, but at this point in the AB story, Donovan is overwhelmed. Think of how much higher this makes his stress level (to think that his own son could potentially find out or figure out that he’s been fucking ((and is totally in love with)) a younger girl). He’s unraveling, like Wednesday.  Except Wednesday doesn’t have to look at a killer ((that he loves)) every night.
>I won't even mention what else I smell&lt;
>>>>I mean, what else DO you smell ?, The Sheriff, her smelling freshly fucked/sweaty, possibly cum. Weed. A proper cake? It's not that bad Enid.
There are loads of other things werewolves can smell around other non-werewolves when they’re conscious of it.
> checking to make sure the flashlight still worked&lt;
>>>> Not on you but the show, the fuck is up with those flashlights, modern flashlights are powerful enough to illuminate a fucking forest in the middle of the night as if its day, why do you run around with a candle on a stick basically? Fucking amateurs
I think they were trying to keep on the fact that Wednesday is still old fashioned. Hence her batteries for her flashlight instead of getting one that you can recharge, etc.  Though she has a really weird flashlight that flashes red. I dunno why they did that (the scene where they come upon the Cadillac at the mansion).  ETA 9/10/23: This was the one mistake I made so far in interpreting the series, the red flash was not her flashlight, it was the above lamp she turned on. Which still doesn't make sense, why red? Weird. Anyway, I missed that at first, but I know it now. (Another reason why I need to keep watching 7 and 8 while I write my 7 and 8. The sequencing and details are a bigger mess.)
>"Since the Rave'N.&lt;
>>>>Ha Enid caught on immediately.
She sure did. It was especially strong after her birthday, in spite of the rain/some wash-offs.
>Wednesday was a really pretty girl&lt;
>>>>Everyone loves Eugene. I have not met anyone who dislikes Eugene. Look how much fanfiction is Eugene centric. How often he gets the girl. Never.
He’ll get the girl. The people in this fandom forget about the Longbottom Effect.
>the other Furs can&lt;
>>>>8 Hours runtime and we know a single Named fur: Enid, Murray/Esther do not count because they do not go to the school.
No vampires except Yoko, either. 
>'clique' were all fucking each other.&lt;
>>>>It does break my heart that sweet Ajax is cheating on Enid, at this point they are together and this confirms she has no idea.
Ajax…crap, I can’t type what I was gonna type. … 🙂
>if he's got a big — " "Enid."&lt;
>>>>Damn it Enid not you too, men have more value than the size of their cocks! , just think about the size of their wallets!
She a typical curious teen girl.  I’d have asked too.  
>hideous looking monster.&lt;
>>>>Given you have given the sirens new genitalia, are about to give Enid special lady parts, Is Laurel dealing with normal or "advanced" genitalia?
Laurel’s dealing with Tyler’s almost 7” long schlong. He hasn’t transformed during sex. 
>they smelled like the boy who had accompanied them&lt;
>>>>So she knows.
She doesn’t even have a suspicion yet because she literally has no clue as to what’s going on.  Wednesday never talks to her about it because she doesn’t want to hear it (canon, after she faints and makes W move her own crime board). If you were Enid and you were totally sidetracked into doing something totally fucked up and suddenly came upon this bed that smelled like Tyler’s pheromones (and Laurel’s, but she can’t place it because she’s only smelled her in passing/didn’t really have cause to commit her scent to memory), you’d wonder WTF was going on, too. 
>Disappeared. Evidence, disappeared&lt;
>>>>God iam so upset that this is what happened and canon, really? Small little Laurel emptied out the whole place? ...
I have hated the writers for this, too. She’s small like Wednesday is. To move ALL of that stuff in so little time?  COME ON. 
Unless…she had help.
>to this case is somewhere, it never is!"&lt;
>>>>How so? She brought you two DNA samples, and while the match between them was a bust, you luckily had a third sample so she DID confirm your suspicion by delivering you Tylers claw.
Rowan’s body wasn’t (which to him is still an unsolved mystery at this point), the cave got destroyed before they could get to it (THIS IS STUPID CANON TOO! The minute she gave him the claw she should have also told him where she fkn got it…there was more than enough time to get over to the damn cave to search it for prints/other evidence). AB/C Donovan also suspects that this evidence could’ve helped figure out who unlocked Tyler, so having a promise of it only to have it not pan out is frustrating to him, so he’s taking it out on her.
>what it was that he was keeping from her&lt;
>>>>Iam so excited for the next two chapters to find out if they talk about Tyler being the hyde before the official reveal in canon, both of them basically know it's him, even more so once Enid provides her insight.
>We'll talk when I get back."&lt;
>>>>Tyler bud, I know things have been hard but I really need you to stop monstering, my girlfriend is starting to suspect you.
>"I don't want that right now,"&lt;
>"Shoulders…please." &lt;
>>>>really appreciate that she tells him what she likes.
She’s been reading that communication is the key to a healthy sex life. …Or maybe she’s just bossy.  
>rather liked that smell. It was the smell of her arousal&lt;
>>>>The inclusion of smell in your sex scenes is something I love. It's a sense that is often overlooked.
I try to include it in everything, regardless (the cedar cabin, the aroma of beer in Wednesday’s first kiss, etc.). It’s something that a lot of shows (and fic) miss.
>"That sounds like a you problem,"&lt;
>>>>No that's a both of you problem, if you do not help to make your partner decent again when they have to be, you're just an asshole.
She was being an asshole because she was pissed about him not believing her. She feels he knows better and needs to open up more, especially after the rough sex in the cruiser.
>"You don't have a choice — "&lt;
>>>>This is not how it works Wednesday, because if it were you are in a relationship with Xavier or Tyler right now. Both sides need to agree to form and maintain a relationship, so once Donovan decides he needs a break, it is out of your hands.
Honestly, they should be talking to each other about everything re: the case. He doesn’t really need the break from her, he needs to be able to breathe easier since he knows his son is a killer and that he could end up killing the one thing that makes him feel like living again. But I’m also going by canon, so…they have to have a break.
>"Of course. My apologies for," she cleared her throat, "my behavior. Just now."&lt;
>>>>Love that she realized that too and that she apologizes for it, Wednesday really struggles with admitting when she's wrong.
She haaaaaaates embarrassing herself, and that’s what she thinks it is. 
>are relatively generative&lt;
A word so big even google translate abandoned me. I "assume"(see what I mean?) she is not talking about the female reproductive cycle.
>GOD WHAt THE FUcK!!!!!!!!!&lt;
>>>>funny to me. Based how you have the timeline fixed, she's gonna be very frustrated soon, based on my (possibly horrible) investigation:
-There is a Proper Full Moon…And yet the writers for the show can't be assed to check their shit...
And since they couldn’t figure out their shit about dates and moons and such, I’m working with it.  I can’t fix their stupid. Well, I could, but I made a commitment not to mess with canon too much.  The moons are too much, and I can only fix some things. There has to be at least a few days from this point in her breakdown until Noble's funeral, because funerals don't happen overnight. If that messes with the moon schedule, oh well.   
>as her charged hands sparked like crazy and lit some of the pieces on fire&lt;
>>>>Totally used that for my personal little story on how she executes laurel. A boot to the face is too easy.
I’ve only read one fic (and it was bad…to me it was) about how Wednesday ended up breaking Laurel’s neck when she booted her. But who said she was dead? N/C sure doesn’t.
>and Morticia wasn't sure what to do about her daughter's self-harm&lt;
>>>>Tell Wednesday you used to self harm too, it might backfire horribly or she will stop in an attempt to not be like her mother.
That’s not how AB/C Morticia works. She has more problems than N/C Tish does, I think.  Only because something needs to be part of why Wednesday is the way she is sometimes.
>on her mid-cut, the blood seeping from the long wound she created&lt;
>>>>Given she's on the upturn now and thing prevented this session, this is the worst it is going to get right?
You think she’s on the upturn?  *laughs in severely depressed Wednesday*
>Her scars from before were healing a lot better&lt;
>>>>Foreshadowing to healing powers? If yes, it means she always had them and goody just unlocked them?
>if the break was permanent? &lt;
>>>>Then you will kill Laurel in a really creative way and offer her heart to Donovan and ask for forgiveness.
Forgiveness for what? ;)
>What I do with my body is my bus — "&lt;
>>>>That is a very good point. It is her business, inhaling any kind of smoke is hazardous to health - permanently, where as unless she kills herself, some cuts will heal into scars eventually.
So why does he actively support one type of self harm, and prevents the other?- (to my understanding eating demon lettus via food infusion is perfectly safe and fine, smoking is not)
You’re probably the only one reading this thinking that smoking weed is on par with cutting “self-harm”. They are not the same. For her, weed helps her mental health and electrical discharges (and it doesn’t do much harm to her anyway… 🙂). She hasn’t been smoking as much lately, so you’ll notice more zaps here and there. My father is an 81-year-old microbiologist & botanist (that I consult about a lot of things for parts of my writing)...he grows the weed I smoke for my own problems. I prefer to eat it and prefer to encourage eating over smoking, though.
>but what Thing said sent her spiraling into a full panic&lt;
>>>>Dont blue ball us what did he say ?
I wrote this in the first response on AO3, but the italicized quote was what Thing signed, telling her it was going to be okay.
>smirking in satisfaction at her&lt;
>>>>I hate her so much.
RIGHT?  But that’s pure Laurel Gates evil. Fucking bitch.  I fucking hate her.  …But I love her at the same time. I think there’s something wrong with me. LOL
>>>>I have been considering to create a Tumblr account to be able to respond to your comments directly and have more in-depth conversations
>>>>Thank you so much for this story and the steamy smut you have in it, waiting excitedly for chapter 7.
The steam will only be in places other than Wenovan in this chapter, sadly. Feels kinda weird not writing their fuckbunny scenes right now, and before a few days ago, 7 was going to be absent of explicit sex. …Now it’s not. *cackling*
9/10/23: I uh...I changed my mind. LOL
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apopcornkernel · 19 days
funnily enough im pretty sure i did read the actual comics before wfa. i vaguely remember reading utrh first? and then i either watched the movie next or read batman's whole robinjay run + aditf + alpod. and then wfa. i only read detective comics' robinjay after i finished wfa i think. i know i also spedran all of the post-crisis jason's death aftermath/appearances according to the reading list by dailyjasontodd. spedran his stuff post-resurrection too, minus countdown, 52, brothers in blood; i only realized I'd already read outsiders before when i reread it just now, though. which is really funny like the reason i remembered was because anissa and grace got together. that's how i knew I'd read the comic before. i was like oh i remember these gay bitches. i know there was a time after comics where i then dove into fandom and just immersed myself with art, fic, and posts. it was a little weird at first but i hadn't read enough for the other characters to know, and it's very easy to get drawn into fanon bc its satisfying to an extent, you know. ooh, i know i read three jokers early on. i was in love with that artist's jason and i found that one panel really funny (babs "he literally killed a man" bruce "you don't understand... jason's suffering"). i dont remember much about my first batman period. i do know it was all batman tho.
this is getting long.
my second batman period (more accurately termed batman/dc) was mostly me revisiting fics and remembering canon things that made me upset again. oh and also other robinjay stories that i hadn't read before like the cult, etc. but after some time i, and i dont know how this happened, got interested in hal jordan. i genuinely think it was just a fanart i saw of him with white temples. i thought it was hot and imagine my delight when i found out it was canon. and then i found out he turned villain and i was like WOAH I NEED TO GET ON THIS and tada, speedran parallax arc all the way to the spectre. tried reading rebirth and hated it so bad. stopped reading hal after that. somewhere along the way i found myself reading superman. then i dont know how this happened but i got interested in matrix/mae kent specifically and read up on her origin. afterwards i went to death of superman all the way to his resurrection and mae/lex breakup arc. i think this period fizzled out shortly after that. ooh, im checking my gallery rn, apparently i also read death metal and the return of bruce wayne. i dont remember anything about the latter. i remember being pissed at the former. i also read the damian resurrection arc and got really mad at an interview in one of the comics bc it was more of those "bruce feels more strongly for damian than his other kids bc damian is his Real Son" like bitch. No.
OH!! i also read the long halloween & dark victory during this time! this must have been when the batman came out. ALSO READ CONNOR!! i started at the time ollie died and went on until the time ollie came back but connor was now comatose (?). i remember a lot of screenshotting panels bc of how appalling the coloring was, connor's skin color was disrespected so much in this few issues 😭
ooh, interesting. after connor panels there's no more until this year, which would be my 3rd dc period. i reread the long halloween and dark victory, and then finished the last few chapters of the spectre. after that i started young justice but never finished. i reread utrh, and then funnily enough went straight to reading all about steph up to war games. after steph i read some other robin tim issues at random and then i finally read brothers in blood. quick break for batman year 100 and then right into batgirl (this was right after lee and i became mutuals). ooh, spirit world. and then ram v's the vigil. then i read rhato special? special? idk if that's the name but it was like a oneshot for rhato? or was it rhato #0? idk. i laughed the entire time. it was so bad. then i read gotham war, hated it. read some issues of black and white. three jokers again. finally read robins by seeley. robin year one. some pre-crisis jason esp the nocturna arc. tt #29. issues of gotham knights #43 something? + the interview about jason issue. actually i think that's all in the same arc. batman prodigal. pre-crisis talia. mandatory reread of batman #496. tried to start countdown, failed. the cult reread. BIRDS OF PREY!! cry of blood, and then a vichelena binge. the huntress cavalieri! the question o'neil! read a lot of huntress. tripped abruptly into hawk and dove, read a lot of cameos after their solos ended. read identity crisis after seeing the bruce tim panel. read jade (nguyen) in preparation for my comm critical essay. read superman again for the invisible mafia. started both superwoman 2016 and steelworks but never finished. read talia lexcorp arc and Never Recovered. tower of babel. redemption lost (ASS). rucka's wonder woman & the hiketeia. some titans bc of jade. more jade stuff. more huntress stuff (specifically nightwing cameos). read tom fucking taylor nightwing. started but did not finish dixon nightwing after that. started a reread of the spectre. started reading azrael + knightfall stuff but am not finished. was hit with the jli disease (lethal). then went back into superman comics but specifically the start of the lex luthor 2 arc + mae :). and now retracing post-rez pre-morrison jason comics
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streaminn · 1 year
Fighting ring au;
1, Does Wednesday already know she loves Enid?
2, Does Enid know that Wednesday loves Enid?
3, When is this au set?
4, What's the Enid/Ajax situation?
5, What's Things reaction to the news?
6, Does Wednesday tell her(the Addams) family?
7, Does she ask for help from them?
8, Does Xavier help?
9, Is there an approximate area of where it is(ex, city or state)?
10, How much influence do the Addams have in this au(political, monetary, historical, cultural, ect)?
11, What's Eugene doing?
12, What does Pugsley do, if anything(cause Addams family might not know, idk)?
13, What does nevermore(as an organization) do?
14, What does local law enforcement do?
15, What happens with Enids hair(is it cut, dyed, well kept, not well kept)?
16, How tall is Enid, and what do her scars look like if any?
17, Will tyler make an appearance(organiser or fighter, or both, idk)?
18, Will ted bundy's pintrest board make an appearance?
19, What is Yoko's dad's job in this au?
20, How old is Yoko?
21, Does Kent make an appearance?
22, Do Divina and Kent have last names in this au?
DAMN!! 22 QUESTIONS?!? That's more than the shampoo!!
~coffee anon
For one, two and three: absolutely not! They're pining and I like to think this started during a month into the second semester
Which is why I mentioned that this would be the first time Enid would be in the lupin cages :)
As for the enjax, I like to think that Enid thought it'd be better to stay as friends during break
Thing is obviously distraught, he tends to lie on Enid's bed during her disappearance and you can see him looking a haggard as days go on. He also is alot more protective over Wednesday
Uhm, idk abt bringing people outside of Jericho in soo.. Maybe?? Who knows
As for the approximate of where tf Enid is, wouldn't be surprised if it's an hour away, yknow the place that Tyler mentioned?
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decaflondonfog · 10 months
10 characters, 10 fandoms, 10 people
thank you @magpiefngrl for the tag! i LOVED looking through your list. it's kind of silly to be doing this like two months after you tagged me but oh well... that's how i roll i guess i did this like a year ago maybe but i am purposefully trying not to hunt down that post to compare bc i think this is a fun exercise in reflection. favourite characters are great because sometimes they're the worst little guy on the planet, sometimes they're just a guy you relate to, sometimes they're a character you wish you could put under a microscope and analyse deeply, and sometimes they're a guy you want to [redacted redacted redacted redacted]. the human brain is a magical place, eh? let's do this! (guy is v much gender neutral here, you know what i mean)
rules: name 10 of your favourite characters from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people to do the same
kevin day from All For The Game [laszlo cravensworth voice: 'cause he’s my best friend, he’s my pal, he’s my homeboy, my rotten soldier, he’s my sweet cheese, my good-time boy. i also would like to— *intense coughing fit*]
declan lynch from The Raven Cycle/The Dreamer Trilogy [older siblings with ibs who would burn the whole world down for their bb siblings rise the fuck UP]
princess beatrice from Red, White and Royal Blue [she falls in the middle of the venn diagram between the two above, into which i unfortunately fall as well: older sibling, addict]
kent parson from Check, Please! [the villainous half of a fucked-up unhealthy codependent homoerotic friendship rep ayyyyy]
tyrannus basilton grimm-pitch from the Simon Snow Series [wet little rat. perfect bastard. ultimate romantic simp]
harrowhark nonagesimus from The Locked Tomb Series [what i said about baz but she's also hundreds of corpses dsfkjhgfd no one is doing it like her]
merlin emrys from BBC Merlin [i mean what can i say about this guy that i haven't in the last ten years jhkjh sometimes the magic is being gay and having a massive boner for the prince you serve yknow]
shauna shipman from Yellowjackets [what i said about kent but with extra cannibalism]
simon "ghost" riley from Call of Duty MWII [idk man, you ever get dragged into a fandom you have 0 knowledge about and find that suddenly you care about these characters? i am obsessed with this dude, i want to wrap his enormous bum in bubblewrap, make him a large cup of tea and make him watch hundreds of episodes of bluey]
aiden kane from the Fence Comics [ah. aiden and the curse of loving your best friend but being unable to tell them and sleeping with half the world just to fill that hole in your heart]
i would have loooooooooved to use little pictures because if i put all these guys together you really realise how much i love a guy who looks like a sick victorian child, bloody mouth and sunken eyes and all, but we're not in the business of stealing art so we're going with the list version!!
tagging @nanatsuyu @jaywalkers @courtjestermerlin @celestialbee @mostlymaudlin @skeptiquewrites @caroll-in @thetrojeans @dogintheboiler @starwarned, feed me all your blorbos, if you please <3
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