#(not the dog buddy. the boy. the ice boy buddy)
cylonbarnes · 2 years
my big stargirl question is: did jordan melt? or did the pieces of him turn human again and this looks like the most brutal murder of all time? either way, did they leave him there or did pat walk around with a sack putting pieces of icicle in it? how does everyone know he was murdered and not just that he disappeared? and, of course, how did no part of him ever get smashed before? surely a smart man like jordan had considered the structural integrity of ice and the ramifications of turning his entire body into it
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gassyandnasty · 4 months
The Jock Formula - Part 2.0
Josh and his friends invited me to their frat. I've never been to one, people say that some are pretty chill and others are dangerous, but regardless of that, I don't belong in the chemistry lab anymore.
So I packed my things and went to the adress they gave me. It was night already, the place was pretty loomy, and the house was all dark. I wonder if they forgot about inviting me. But I knocked anyways.
"Come in" a group of guys say ominously, as if they were expecting me behind the door. It was open, so I came in.
The hall was lit only by candles, as I saw a lot of shadowy and BIG figures all over the place, but three stood in front of me.
"Welcome to your hazing ceremony, Drew." Josh starts.
"The tasks will decide if you stay with us or not." Sal completes
"If you are a true jock, or an eternal nerd." finishes Jongho.
They were looking at me dead in the eye while all of this scene sent chills up my spine. All broke down when Sal started to laugh, and the other boys followed.
"Dude, you almost pissed yourself!" Sal mocks, and patting my back.
"This never gets old!" Jongho says in a laughing fit, high-fiving some other guys in the back.
"So... this dark hazing ceremony is a joke, right?" I try to break the ice.
"As much this scene was a joke, the hazing is real, pledge." Josh says, like a boss.
They said the first task would be easy, as I was led to the kitchen, being met with a table STACKED with hot dogs.
"Sit, buddy" Jongho says on the other side of the table. He was a pretty big and buff guy, I mean, all of them were, but he was specially bulky, and I was about to find out why...
"To stay here, you have to beat the CHAMP!" Jongho said as he punched his pecs like a gorilla, as all of the guys howlered and chanted his name.
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"This task is simple as I like things to be, who eats the most hot dogs, win." Jongho said, as Josh rang a bell and he started to DEVOUR the hot dogs. This dude was like a monster, I swear I saw him eating two with just one bite. I was a scrawny guy, like... yesterday? I was satisfied with a BigMac, how on earth could I beat him?
I knew that competitive eaters used a technique to swallow the most they could storage, so they wouldn't get sick. Something like flexing abdominal muscles, or your jaw... but then I rememberd...
Fuck this nerd bullshit.
And went FERAL on the hot dogs.
I can only describe flashes of this deed. Sausages everywhere, desperately looking for a cup of water, Jongho was chewing so loud it looked like a dog, and when I noticed, my belly was full, and the table was empty.
The end of the match was announced by Jongho filling the room like a dragon with a MONSTRUOUS belch. I looked around, and all of the guys were shocked, even Josh.
"Easy, haha" Jongho said, taking his shirt off. His muscles gave space to the food, so when the pat his belly, it jiggled.
I was a little drowzy. I only remembered eating the most I could, then I felt a hand on my back.
"Are you alright, dude?" Josh asked.
"How... many?" I asked, with my belly full.
"Did you think we were counting? That was wild! One of the best eating matches this frat ever saw, right guys?" Josh announced, and everyone howlered with him, chanting my name and Jongho's.
Jongho got up and approached me. "This dude was the only worthy opponent I met. I declare Drew VICTORIOUS!" Jongho lifted my arm in celebration, and all of that force dislodged the gas that was dying to explode out of me.
That felt so good. And what was even better? Hearing all of the frat chating my name.
But there were still two tasks...
I went to another room that was dark and already stinky.
"Yo, we are up next. Congrats haha never saw anyone eating like Jongho." Says Sal. He was sat having some snacks on a table. He was one of the guys I heard most of. Many girls and boys swoon over him. When I got up close, I grimaced: onions, anchovies, milk, beans, and the list went on with the most unpleasant food you could think of.
"Sit." He says, while eating an entire can of anchovies. "This is the nasty gas challenge. We have to eat the most disgusting food and see the one who brews the worst gas out of it."
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I was skeptical of this. My nerd brain thought that was impossible, but that stink was already making me pass out, and I heard that their gas was really disgusting, imagine with all of this, it would be- UUUuuuUURRPPP
A wave of a DISGUSTING belch hits me. "Haha, wake up! Didnt you hear what I said? You have to eat this." Sal says, blowing the stench on me.
*COUGH* COUGH* "Okay... I was just thinking..." I was about to say when he slapped me.
"Think less." Said Sal sternly. And I couldn't agree more. I was only able to eat all of those hot-dogs when I stopped to racionalize the situation.
I did it. Mixed beans with anchovies, ate it all down with a glass of milk. It felt bad, but it felt wild too.
"Good haha you learn fast, fella. Now we have to put it to test." He says, patting my back.
"Test?" I ask.
"You didn't think I was going to judge, right?" Sal claps his hands in a signal, while I hear a bunch of guys coming upstairs.
"LET GO OF ME! YOU JERKS!" I hear some whining too.
The guys break down in the room bringing a whimp in their arms. They put him in a chair and tie him down.
"So, this little fella right here was caught spying on us. Trying to take pictures, a total perv!" Sal says, while took some polaroid out of this guy's pockets and showed a bunch of pictures of their windows, focusing of their butts, muscles.
"IT'S NOT FOR ME... I... I WAS GOING TO SELL..." he was about to say when Sal interrupted.
"So... this perv is going to be the judge pf tonight's nasty gas challenge!" Sal exclaims as this guy watch in horror.
"So, would you do the honors, Drew?" Sal challenged me.
And yeah, that disgusting meal and all of the hot dogs were doing a number on my stomach... poor little perv.
I bent over so we were face to face, I only patted my belly and let it rip.
This one felt specially good, as it rumbled deep within the depths of my stomach. What was even better? Watching this perv cry and gag by the smell. Lucky it wasn't on my face.
All of the guys laughed, mocking the perv as he had to endure my gas.
"Good one." Said Sal. "Now watch the boss." Sal took my place in front of him and started to swallow air. He swallowed very deep, and forced out a NASTY ROAR on this guy's face:
I swear I could even see this guy's hair blowing, as he GAGGED on this cloud of gas. Sal finished by blowing the nasty bits on his face and grabbing the guys head.
"Take a big whiff of that you little perv." He said with a smirk while the guy gagged in his hands.
"Wow, you are totally owning him!" I say in admiration. It's nice to see that whimp be put in place.
"That's how you gotta do, Drew. No mercy, c'mon!" Sal says, patting my back.
I had to do something bold. My guys were starting to stir up, so I had an idea. I picked some of the pictures the guy was carrying and held one that was showcasing a guy's pecs and pits. I took my shirt off and I could catch the guy thirstily looking at my muscles. He was really a perv.
"So, taking pictures only? Why don't you get a taste of those up close?" I mock, grabbing the guy's head and burrying on my pits. The smell was unbearable, almost as bad as my gas, cause I saw the guy trying to get free.
"LET ME GO!" He screams into my pits while I rub all of my sweat on his face. I wouldn't let this guy go this easily.
"Let go? Oh, I will let something go!" I taunt him as I pick him off my pits, and when he thinks he will take a breath of fresh air...
Damn right, that was so nasty. He took it all right on his face, all the stink, even the bits of food leaving my mouth because of the force of the gas. This guy was in true hell.
"HAHAHAHAHAHA" All of the guys boomed in laughter, I think they liked my display of dominance. With a glimpse, I catched Sal winking to Josh in approval.
"YOU GUYS... *COUGH* ARE GONNA PAY FOR IT!" The whimp tries to say while he gags on my stink.
I see Sal doing the same as me and picked the first picture he could find. "Oh, look at this!" He showcased the picture to everyone. "It's my ass!" They all laughed. "Nice pic, perv, since you wanted to see it so bad, I'll let you have a nice cheekful of my buns." Sal said, teasing. He indeed had a very nice ass, toned, round and bubbly, almost eating his shorts.
Sal turned around and bent over the perv's face.
"NO! NO! NO! I know what you are going to do, please! I won't do this anymore!" The perv begs, while Sal's huge cheeks are only an inch of his face.
"Do you know what I'm going to do? But I was only showing you the ass you wanted to see so bad..." Sal smirks. "Take a look on it... I know you want to..." Sal jiggles his ass a little, and the perv is almost hypnotized by it. "Bury your face in it..." Sal says, and he does it.
All of the guys grimace as the perv goes face-first on Sal's ass, and with a smirk, he says:
"I guess you really knew what I was going to do, perv." Sal says, grabbing the back of his head and really making he go deep in it.
"NO-" The perv was about to say, but it was a really bad idea to open his mouth...
The deepest, loudest and nastiest fart I've ever heard. Sal was red for forcing it, scrunching his face to get all of the stink out. And it was a LOT, of stink. Some guys opened the window and others even ran. When Sal was finished, he
"Aaaah, enjoy that, perv" he sighs in relief as he gets up. The little guy's situation wasn't good. His face was sweaty and squashed as he passed out, and his eyebrows were gone by the brunt of the gas, Sal completely destroyed this guy. Sal looked behind and laughed: "Oops."
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" that ensured laughter from all the room. Josh, Sal and Jongho approached me where the air was fresh.
"Very good." Sal says.
"Good? That was AWESOME!" I answer in enthusiasm. "But... I didn't win."
"Don't worry, you captured the spirit and put that creep on his place. That will make you as good as we are. For me, you are in, but Josh gets the next task. Haha, try not to die." Sal says proud of me, leaving chills up my spine.
They said I should be careful, but I don't think there is any challenge I couldn't beat at this point. But there was he, Josh was waiting me outside the house in his car. I don't know much about those but it looks expensive. He really got it all, all the girls, the looks, the frat, the team, this car, a total bastard. How I wanted to be like him.
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"Where are we going?" I asked.
"To your final task." He answered.
It was late at night in a stranger car, he was certainly up to no good, but I kept quiety all the way. He was taking a familiar path, if I'm not mistaken... to the local library.
"Library? You know I don't fear math like you guys do, right?" I ask.
"That's what we'll see, ex-nerd. Stop making questions and follow me." He answered sharply.
I followed, and we came in. It was totally empty, only a few lights on, I don't even know how he had access to that.
"Now hear me out. There's your nerdy friend, if you can bully him, you're one of us. If not, I will take care of you both." Josh threatens.
I pondered. George was really my friend, and I'm finally like this because of him. But all I wanted was this power, force, can't go soft now, I have to-
"Ouch, what was that for?" I ask Josh as he smacks my head.
"Stop thinking, will you go or not?"
I just make my head tall again, and approach that poor nerd.
"Want some studying tips?" I smack my hand on his table and have a seat.
He gasps. "Andrew... so you're one of them now. After betraying me. Never thought you were this jerk. What are you hear for? Flaunt your muscles?"
"Actually..." I take my shirt off and start bouncing my pecs, display my huge biceps, and my ripped abs. "And I got more..." I turn around and showcase my back and blades. I can hear Josh laughing from afar, as George is pissed in front of me.
"That formula was only for making you muscular, not idiot! Stop that!" George snaps. "What now? Wet willies? Wedgies? Stinkfaces? Youre a dissap-"
"Since you are asking for it..." I say as I drench my finger in saliva and rub it deep in his ear.
"DISGUSTING!" He grimaces as he has to suffer from my wet willy. I had enough of George's drama. Gosh, now I understand why they bully these nerds. They are so annoying!
"STOP!" He complained.
"Hmm, wet willy... check. So next, you were saying wedgies, right? Now here we go!" I say as I yank his underwear up with full force.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!" He SCREAMS in pain as his underwear is snatching his parts down there.
I drop him on the ground and he catches his breath, red from all the pain.
"By the way, it's Drew now, nerd." I turn around and bend over. Those hot dogs and that food are still making a number on my stomach, and since he asked for a stinkface...
"Incoming..." I grab the back of his head and bury into my butt. I can feel my cheeks molding over his face, and his screams are muffled by my now fat ass. This is the life. I grunt and push, and then... boom.
I force out a CRUEL fart right on his face. It rumbled and echoed through the halls for a long time, and I held his head so he could get the most stink out of it.
"Aaaaah, get a taste of your formula, George, thanks." I mock as I leave him gagging there.
"Am I in?" I approach Josh as he was proudly watching everything.
"Welcome to the frat, Drew!"
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queenendless · 6 months
💗 Cafe Time 💗
A/n: Imma count this as an April Fool's prank cause it's kinda nonsense.
AU centric where JJK cast here are chibis, as is everyone else in this world, and you are the sole normal sized human there.
Cute fluffy filled crack nonsense that is short as hell and cause I've wanted to write chibi stuff for a long time.
Itafushi, NobaMaki, and HaiNana crumbs here and there but SatoSugu x GN!Reader in the end.
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The tale of a regular sized normie getting teleported to a Japan where everyone but themselves is chibi sized.
Their resisting negation to cursed energy that in the strongest in the country leads to your immediate discovery and recruitment into a place to stay as well as work by a burly mid aged bearded man with shades.
Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College Cafe.
Your newfound workplace and home. Where you met some regulars that quickly became your favorites.
“L/n-san~!” Dear Yuji lifted the cookie atop him, smothered in whipped cream with a bright smile and a wave reserved for you. “Eat me~! Just kidding~!”
Your pinky finger gently ruffled his salmon haired head. “Your teasing is very much warranted, you precious boi.”
In the parfait cup filled with ice cream, whipped cream and berries, a storm cloud raged atop Megumi's brooding head. “Get me outta here or I will shatter this glass.”
Yuji's face became pale with doom, hissing at you conspiratory. “He ain't kidding.”
You reached down and pulled out said grumpy Megumi who took the shinigami dog shaped candy, bashfully thanked you, and shyly pecked you on the cheek, compelling you to smooch him right on the nose. “Favorite tsundere here.”
You dropped him down on table level for Yuji to smother his boi in a good old bear hug; his infectious smile causing his emo bae to blush and ease into it and smile back.
“Maki-san~! Nibble on me~!” Nobara sung suggested cozied smack dabbed in her macaron.
“You idiot. Why did you have to admit that out loud? Here of all places?” Maki murmured, bashfully blushing, looking away amiss her red bean filled pancake sandwich.
“Maki-san! I love you~!” An unashamed Nobara rushed outta her macaron to tackle Maki into a bean pasted draped hug.
“Here.” You lifted off their pancake cover before handing a decent sized handkerchief to the girls as you passed by, earning winks of thanks from the pair before their stained faces grew messier as they commended a make out session under said hankie.
“Konbu! Tsuna Tsuna! Mentaiko!” The orange topped Toge waves eagerly at you from his perched spot on his own cupcake.
“I see you my boi and I've missed you too.” Your offered finger was taken by the rice ball speaking boi, swinging him to land before Panda lounging in the middle of a smore treat.
“Give me a hand, little buddy, tall buddy.”
“Takana!” Toge's mini hand and your long finger were more than enough to pull the fuzzy cursed doll out, though the chocolate sauce and marshmallows stuck to his fur.
You magically pulled out a wet rag to clean him up, humming at the now pristine baby. “My gift to you, my precious Panda.”
“L/n-san! Lift off please and thank you~!”
You picked up Yu's back collar to place him atop his fruit sandwich for him to slide down the creamy path, bumping right into Nanami. “Sandwich slide, hazah~!”
“Why must you condone this nonsense?” Kento commented through a mouthful of his subway sandwich, lightly bopping Haibara on his noggin as an attempted scolding.
“He's your partner. You tell me.” Your sassiness made the stern Nanami purse his lips at you in defiance but had Haibara chortling to his further annoyance, firmly tugging on his cheeks to gargle those noises, only amusing his partner more, finally doing here and now to kiss him just to keep him quiet.
Haibara's face glowed all smitten like. “Aw I love you too – !”
“Hush you and eat.” Nanami couldn't suppress a grin as he ate his subway with his favorite boi.
“Job well done, fellow yaoi buddy.” Shoko snorted at what she just saw, lounging in her lemon tea sponge cake, raising her small palm for you to give a carefully slow high five indeed.
“Keep your hands to yourself, assassin.” Riko narrowed dagger eyes at the scarred man across the room, cherry atop her head as she floated in a literal ice cream soda float.
“Riko-sama, be cautious, now.” Misato cautioned her, doing her best to stay blended within her fruity spread.
“I think he's retired from that lifestyle now.” You assured the pair, settling their nerves down when you handed them a plush doll with two eyes, eight legs and horns for them to cuddle and ride on.
“Suguru~ They're so pretty~!” Satoru plopped red bean paste sweetness into his mouth as he watched you move to and fro throughout the cafe.
Suguru munched on the cherry that sat atop with him on the cupcake. “Despite the major height difference, I will admit they look docile.”
“In that case – !” Gojo got down on one knee. “Marry us please~!”
Geto nearly choked. “Toru, we're still dating!”
Gojo got up to kiss him fully on the lips. “Well, we've practically been wedded since day one so …”
Geto's eyes crinkled with tender mirth, humming as he kissed back. “Can't argue with that logic.”
Grabbing his hand, the albino of the two floated them both on up high to reach you. “Plus, a poly ship is very sexy~”
The fact that the iconic strongest pair landed on either shoulder to kiss you simultaneously on your cheeks touched your heart.
“Aw, I – MMPH!”
The super human chibi that is Toji threw his bagel like a Frisbee disk right into your mouth. “Oi. You. This donut ain't cuttin’ it for me. Get me some beer, huh?”
“Dad!” Megumi snapped on your behalf.
“He is a beast.” Yuji anxiously sweated at the alarmingly impressive feat.
“I wanna duel him even more now.” Maki, a fellow non-cursed fighter, got fired up after peaking outside to witness his simple yet stellar stunt.
“Eh!? We already called dibs!” Gojo flared up, steam coming outta his ears.
“Hands off, monkey.” Geto emanated pure unfiltered hatred for the brute killer.
All three men had their eyes cast in shadow as literal sparks of agitation flew between them, ruining the cozy vibe of the cafe.
Able to chew and swallow that bagel up, you could speak again. “Knock yourself out, you beast.” Whisking out a jug of booze outta the blue, you knew the superhuman killer could take it, his smug self already chugging it down with one hand.
“Physically gifted,” Yuji and Maki breathed out in amazement.
“As I was gonna say,” you cupped your hands out for GoGe to sit on, your e/c eyes sparkling down at them, “Of course I'll marry you two. Size and all.”
A giggling Satoru and an amused Suguru are over the moon with your acceptance, bringing them close enough for them to smooch your lips in unison.
However later, you got an earful of “Goddamn” from your chibi sized boss at giving someone alcohol at his fine establishment.
But, you could tolerate it.
All these cuties make it all worth it.
Especially your new beaus.
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gerblinbones · 1 year
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Seeing as Simon never really became an antagonist in the cbw au, i had to put somebody in that place instead!! Sooo, this is Ghoulio, a member of the Soot Kingdom (Which is located underground, accessible through a dungeon entrance. It’s dark, shady, and generally not great! Think the City of Thieves, but on a larger scale and with a mostly homogenous population of demon-lookin’ guys like Ghoulio.) He’s a goofy but formidable bad guy, and is kind of a jack of all trades when it comes to thievery and the like. And, like the Ice King, he kidnaps princesses. But he just holds them for ransom instead, and you’d think that he’d stop if a boy and a magic dog showed up to rock his shit every time. That didn’t stop Ice King though, so why should it stop him?
He’s got an entire posse of fellow thieves and magic users for hire, as all he can really do in regard to magic is creating smoke clouds as either a mode of transport, a distraction, or suffocating somebody, and he’s not entirely fond of the last one.
Finn and Ghoulio were determined to take each other out, they were sworn enemies. Which, at 12, just means they really really didn’t like each other. Their morals clashed hard, and that didn’t really absolve until they were around 14. As mid/older teenagers they mellowed out by a lot, and Ghoulio switched to pettier crimes to entertain himself. As adults they still butt heads and push each other around a little, but it’s all in good fun. Ghoulio’s retired, no hard feelings. They’re buddies!! He’s about Finn’s age because good lord it would’ve done wonders if Finn grew up having someone on the same mental level as him and this whole au is about making things a little better.
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Here’s a colored doodle for a better reference! I haven’t drawn a full body of him yet, but I plan to soon :]
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clefadrylcorner · 2 years
No thoughts, just Arven and the MC being fucking siblings.
He calls you little buddy and you're the best friend he's ever had and he also thinks you're an annoying little shit who runs headlong into bullshit like it's routine. And it's not like you're any better. You follow him around to unsafe locations just because he asks. And if that means going to area zero because he doesn't want to go alone, so be it! Ride together, die together, baby!
His whole plot routine is finding the herba mystica to heal Mabosstiff, and yet he still leaves enough ingredients left so that you and him get to eat sandwiches afterwards as a little reward; he's like a big brother getting ice-cream after an after-school soccer game. And when Miraidon/Koraidon begs for sandwiches Arven makes some for them as well because you insist that your big lizard dog deserves it and Arven can't argue with the oldest trick in the younger sibling book: pestering.
Also teaming up to defeat a parent is big time family mood. So is comforting your sibling after you both feel bad about it.
You can fight me on this. I will give Arven the family he deserves, and it starts with MC because this boy has so much siblingless-big-brother-of-the-group energy that I refuse to let it go unacknowledged He will be a brother because I say so. Also, look at him. Huggable.
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pink-sparkly-witch · 10 months
The One That Got Away - Epilogue
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Warnings: fluff
Pairing: Firefighter!Dean Winchester x Female Reader
Word Count: 0.9k
A/N: That’s all folks! Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did.😘💖 
You can catch up here!
 My Masterlist AO3    Ko-Fi
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Dean and Y/N carried various potluck side dishes into the backyard, placing them on the long wooden table Dean had made in his spare time to accommodate his growing family.
John and Bobby were manning the grill, and Sam was playing with Miracle, the big goofball dog Dean had rescued from a burning building where his owners had sadly perished.
Jody and Mary sat at the table in the sunshine with Jess across from them, sheltering under the parasol with baby Matthew.
When the little boy saw Y/N, he gave her a big toothy smile. He wasn’t even a year old yet and had the same Winchester charm his father, uncle and grandfather had. Y/N couldn’t refuse the grabby hands and little mewls demanding she takes him from his mother’s arms and into hers.
“Hey, buddy!” Y/N smiled as she lifted Matthew and placed him on her hip. Every day his baby babbles sounded more like actual words. Although she wasn’t as versed in Matthew’s baby language as his parents were, she listened to him intently and responded whenever there was a break in his storytelling.
Today’s gathering was a double celebration. Bobby was retiring as Fire Chief at Lawrence F.D. Dean had accepted the promotion into his role and would start as the new Chief at Firehouse 3 the following week. Y/N couldn’t be prouder of her boyfriend and wouldn’t deny that him not running head-first into fires ninety percent of the time would make her life much less stressful.
“He always settles so easily with you,” Jess smiled, and Y/N glanced down to see Matthew had fallen asleep on her shoulder.
“What can I say? Kids love me,” Y/N said, giggling as Dean bent to kiss her forehead, a soft smile curving his lips upwards. The look of utter adoration that shone in his green eyes was overwhelming, and she felt her breath catch in her throat.
“Alright,” John called from the other side of the yard. “First batch of food is ready!”
“Here, let me take him so you can get something to eat. You must be starving after coming off a night shift and barely sleeping before entertaining all of us,” Jess said as she reached to take the sleeping baby from Y/N’s arms.
“It’s fine, Jess. I can survive another twenty minutes. Go, eat something hot for a change without burning your mouth!” Y/N grinned as Jess gave her a grateful smile.
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Once everyone had their fill of food and relaxed with some drinks, Y/N and Jody began clearing dishes and putting away the leftovers before promising to bring more beer and another bottle of wine from the kitchen when they were finished.
“You look happy,” Jody smiled fondly.
��I am,” Y/N nodded, unable to hide her grin.
“Is he treating you right?” The older woman asked next.
“Not just right, Jody. He makes me feel safe and loved and wanted. I couldn’t ask for anything more.”
“Good. I’m happy for you, kiddo. You deserve all of it,” Jody hugged her tightly and added, “And if he puts a toe out of line, he is a dead man!” The women chuckled, and Jody pulled back slightly. “Come on, let’s get these drinks out there and join the celebrations.”
Jody placed a cooler filled with ice, beer and a bottle of wine onto the table, and Y/N gave out clean glasses and placed the corkscrew and bottle opener next to it. John and Sam passed out the drinks, and when no one was left empty-handed and had settled into conversation, Dean stood and gathered everyone’s attention.
“As I’m sure you all know, I’m not good with words and find it hard to talk about my feelings. Today, I’m putting that aside to celebrate a great mentor, a great Chief, and an even greater man. I’ve been in Bobby’s Firehouse since I was a cocky probie, and he quickly knocked that out of me completely! He taught me all I know, and that’s why stepping into his shoes isn’t as terrifying now as it was the first time Bobby told me that one day, I’d be sitting in his seat.
“So, cheers, Bobby! Thank you for having patience with me, for mentoring me and teaching me all I know, for seeing something in me that I couldn’t, and for treating me like family. In and out of the Firehouse.” Dean said, and cries of cheers, congratulations and clinking glasses rang through the backyard. He cleared his throat, letting them know he wasn’t finished yet.
“I know we’re here to celebrate Bobby’s retirement and my promotion, but I’m hoping we might have another reason to celebrate. It’s times like this that I wish I could be more articulate and find the right words to talk about how I feel and the million things I really want to say… need to say. And I promise to try, but for now, the only words I have are the most important ones… Y/N,” Dean’s voice cracked as he got down on one knee before her and pulled out a little velvet box. “Will you marry me?”
Y/N’s hand flew to her mouth in shock, and tears flooded her eyes. This was all she’d ever wanted. All she’d dreamed about. A second chance with the one that got away.
“Yes!” she answered, a shriek of laughter coming straight after as Dean lifted her, held her in his strong embrace, and spun her around.
Tags: @acitygrownwillow @akshi8278 @ashbatz @candy-coated-misery0731 @chriszgirl92 @deans-baby-momma @deans-spinster-witch @deansbbyx @deanwanddamons @duncanhillscoffeecups @foxyjwls007 @giggles1026 @globetrotter28 @hobby27 @hoboal87 @impala67rollingthroughtown @iprobablyshipit91 @jackles010378 @jamerlynn @jc-winchester @k-slla @kazsrm67 @kmc1989 @lacilou @ladysparkles78 @leigh70 @lyarr24 @maliburenee @michecolegate @mrsjenniferwinchester @nancymcl @negans-lucille-tblr @nelachu2423 @octoberclidan @perpetualabsurdity @roseblue373 @sandlee44 @sexyvixen7 @snackles87 @spnbaby-67 @spnwoman @stixnstripesworld @stoneyggirl2 @suckitands33 @synmorite @tristanrosspada-ackles @twinkleinadiamondsky @waters-2567 @winchestergirl1720
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sturn3 · 6 months
based on "cameras/good ones go interlude" by drake !
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it's safe to say no one knew about you and chris.
not even that you guys were ever together. not even that you had to suffer watching him with a new girl. showing her off like he never did with you. making you wonder if you were the problem.
his friends knew about her. his family knew about her. hell, even his fans did.
which made you wonder if you truly ever meant anything to him. spending hours on the phone with your best friend analyzing every little thing and what you could've been.
unfortunately for you, you still had to see him. seeming as you were still very close to his brothers. nick even knew about your little situation and truly felt for you. it pained him to see how much you loved his idiot of a brother.
after months, when you finally decided to move on from him and go out with other men, the universe did not have your back. drunk chris calling you?? someone had to be kidding you.
"i miss you." ,"please come back to me. ", "baby, she look like a star but only on camera." ,"it look like we're in love, but only on camera."
"can you believe his audacity?" you said to your best friend as you replayed the voicemail to her ,licking the spoon of ice cream you were holding. "no honestly, who does he think he is" "no literally calling me baby too??? like bro where your girl at"
well your question was quickly answered the next time you hung out with nick "THANK GOD they broke up, she was unberableeeee y/n save us. all chris does nowadays is talk about how much he misses having you around." he said. "i do miss him nick but i can't bear to be that girl anymore, running after him like a lost puppy!"
when you'd come over, he'd race everyone on the way to open the door ,like a dog waiting for his owner. too bad for him, he only got the dryest "hi chris" in return!
it's safe to say chris was suffering without you. hating to see you so happy since you stopped talking to him. it was truly selfish of him but he couldn't help it. sabotaging your dates wasn't even an option for him anymore. he was royally screwed.
he'd have to fight hard to win you over again.
"so let me get this straight, you were with y/n?" matt said trying to wrap his head around it. chris nodded in confirmation. "and you were hiding it from all of us?" ,chris nodded again. "and now you broke up with elle cause you want her back? even though, you called the whole thing off in the first place to be with elle?" ,chris sighed and leaned his face in his hands "yeah." he said quitely. matt laughed at his younger brother and put a hand on his shoulder "good luck buddy" he said as he resumed playing his game.
next time chris saw you was at a friend's birthday party. walking down the stairs in your little black dress and kitten heels, looking as beautiful as ever and having everyone in the room take a second glance at you. you were truly glowing and making his heart ache from how beautiful you looked.
all he could do was look at you for the rest of the night and watch you turn down every boy that approached you. till you decided you had enough and went upstairs to hide. he found that as an opportunity and followed you up. he knocked on every door ,interrupting make outs and seeing stuff he tried to forget until he found you sitting on a well-made bed on your own.
"oh my god chris you scared the shit out of me" you said holding your chest. "sorry, i didn't mean to. i just wanted to talk to you if that's okay." he said as he tried to put on his cutest face that you could never resist. "sure." you finally replied as you sat up straighter to be the same height as him and look him in the eye.
"i just wanted to apologise for everything. i know, i was in the wrong. but i can't seriously live without you. you're like my best friend and my soulmate all in one. i was so stupid to let you go. i realized that so late, when you started going out with other men and when elle broke up with me cause i said your name in bed. my thoughts are utterly and completely consumed by you. i love you." he said in one breath and you were seriously smiling like an idiot by the time he was done. "what did you say chris?" you said as you smirked teasingly "i love-" you cut him off by leaning and pushing your lips onto his soft ones, you felt his hands slowly creep onto your waist, literally your weakness!!!! you pushed him off of you before it got too heated "i love you too dumbass"
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this is for my chris girls !!!😝
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cobrakaisb · 2 years
your heart upon your sleeve
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summary: it’s playoff season not get-back-with-your-ex season; a continuation of if he wanted to he would
warnings: jackson and fighting
word count: 1.8k
the game was going fairly well so far. the boys were playing well, all of them, especially luca. he had an assist in the first period, which you were extremely proud of. now, it was the beginning of the second period, and the boys were working hard to keep the momentum going. your friend, maggie, did not seem to get that message. “can we go grab a popcorn please? i’m starving,” she begged, tugging softly on luca’s hockey sweatshirt which he begged you to wear. when he pulled out the pout and puppy dog eyes, there was no denying him. 
you looked at maggie, a hint of annoyance on your face. “really mag?” “please y/n! i cam to this stupid game for you and luca, who can’t take a hint by the way! i mean really? making out in the dorm room yesterday? you could have at least warned me!” she said. you blushed at her words, cringing in embarrassment from the loudness of her words. “okay fine. let’s go,” you agreed, standing up from your seat to follow her to the concessions. as you were leaving you made eye contact with luca, who was sitting on the bench, awaiting his next shift. he furrowed his eyebrows at you, silently asking where you were going. you mouthed the word ‘popcorn’ and pointed to maggie. he smiled, causing you to unconsciously smile too, and nodded his head. 
your relationship with luca was nothing like the one you had with jackson. luca prioritized you. he took the time to consider your feelings and overall worked hard to balance his already busy life with your relationship. at the same time, you made sure to ensure that he knew how much you appreciate him. whether that was helping him study for a test, treating him to dinner (when he let you), or coming to his games, you wanted luca to know that you loved him as much as he loved you. so, when he invited you to his game tonight, the answer was an obvious yes. 
“do you want something?” maggie asked, drawing you out of your thoughts and back to reality. “no i’m good,” you replied, your foot tapping anxiously on the floor of yost. maggie rolled her eyes. “will you relax please? if something happened we’d hear it,” she said, tapping her card against the small square as the guy handed her a large popcorn. you nodded in agreement, following maggie back to your seats. 
“oh my fuck,” she mumbled, stopping slightly before your row. “what?” you asked, looking past her. the sight in front of you caused your heart to drop. jackson and a group of his friends were sitting in the, previously unoccupied, seats next to yours. maggie looks at you, waiting to see what you want to do before making a move. you take a deep breath, squaring your shoulders, and walk towards your seats. you take your seat, the one conveniently located next to one of jackson’s buddies. you refuse to make eye contact with them, or even give them the time of day. instead, your eyes remain intently focused on the ice, where luca was setting up for a defensive play. there’s some shuffling going on next to you, but again, you ignore it. that is until someone’s arm is draped across your shoulders. 
you turn to glare at the boy, coming face to face with jackson. 
“what’s going on babe?” he asks, a cocky smirk on his face. you scoff, shrugging his arm off your shoulders, but you don’t give him a verbal response. jackson nods, giving you a once over. “you still with that pussy fantilli?” he continues, trying to get a rise out of you. “don’t call him that,” you snap, briefly meeting his eyes. jackson smiles, happy that he got you to say something. “what’s the matter? you don’t like it when i say something about your little boy toy. you cheating on him too?” jackson taunted. you shut your eyes, taking a deep shallow breath to stop yourself from doing something you’d regret later. “i’m not engaging,” you said, turning to maggie for a handful of popcorn. “then why’d you say something to begin with?” “i’m disengaging,” you replied, staring straight ahead. jackson huffed, clearly annoyed, but he gave up on trying to talk to you after that. 
until the kiss cam.
you hated the kiss cam. every game, without fail during the break between the second and third period, the kiss cam took over the jumbotron. normally, it wasn’t a problem. but then again, most times you weren’t sitting next to your ex boyfriend. now this shouldn’t have been a problem, but you and luca were fairly private about your relationship. you guys were public, but not to the extent that the whole campus would know about your status as a couple. whoever was running the kiss cam tonight must have been one of those people because they put the spotlight right on you and jackson. 
you vigorously shook your head no, refusing to even look at your ex boyfriend. “it’s just the kiss cam. don’t be a buzz kill,” he mumbled, moving his face towards yours. without thinking, you slapped him across the face. the sound echoed throughout your section of the stands, people stopping to watch what was going on. “don’t fucking touch me,” you shouted, glaring at him while he held on to his now red cheek. as you and maggie were standing up, getting ready to leave, jackson’s hand grabbed your wrist. he leaned in close, about to say something, but he never got the chance. 
“get your hands off my fucking girlfriend!” luca screamed, banging on the glass. he looked furious. his skin was flushed red and his eyes held a murderous look to them. jackson, startled by luca’s outburst, pulled back, releasing your hand immediately. without a second thought, not even taking the time to look at luca, you and maggie hustled down the steps and out the front door of yost. 
as the two of you scrambled to her car, you found yourself constantly looking over your shoulder. finally, just as your hand gripped the navy blue handle, maggie spoke: “relax y/n/n. there’s no one here.” her voice was gentle and soothing. it was exactly what you needed right now. the paranoia of seeing jackson, of having him put his hands on you, was settling in. you needed someone to ground you, keeping you focused on the present rather than the past. “let’s get in the car and listen to the game on the radio,” she instructed, waiting for you to open your door and slide into the passenger seat before climbing behind the wheel. 
together, the two of you listened to the remainder of the game from the car, including the overtime michigan win. “do you want to go? if we leave now we’ll be gone by the time everybody else comes out,” maggie asks, looking over at you. you bite your lip, taking a glance at the ice arena behind you. “i don’t know. i really want to see luca,” you explain. she nods, waiting patiently for you to continue. “can we just stay here? i’ll text luca and tell him where we’re parked so he can meet me,” you continue. “yeah no problem,” maggie agrees, watching as you take out your phone to contact your boyfriend. he responds instantly, saying that he’ll meet you at maggie’s car to take you home. 
about twenty minutes late, seamus casey, another freshman on the team, is knocking on the passenger window. “seamus? you okay?” you ask, looking at the frantic hockey player. “me? i’m fine, but luca isn’t,” he rambles, nervously looking around the parking lot. “what happened?” you ask, grabbing your phone and other belongings so you can get out of maggie’s car. seamus swallows before answering, “he saw jackson.” you hesitate for a moment, your hand stopping before opening the car door. “i know you don’t want to see him, but he’s two steps away from getting kicked off the team y/n,” seamus says. “move,” you instruct, and he steps out of the way, allowing you to exit the car. “i’ll be right here if you need me,” maggie insists and you thank her before following seamus into yost. 
“we tried to stop him, i swear, but jackson has such a mouth on him,” seamus explains, leading you down the halls. “tell me about it,” you mumble, rushing to keep up with the boy. finally, the two of you came to a large crowd gathered in the hallway. seamus grabbed your hand, weaving you between the group of people. “you put your hands on my girlfriend! do you really think i’m going to let that slide?” you hear luca shout as seamus reaches the front of the crowd. you make eye contact with adam, who was standing across the circle from you. 
“and she cheated on me with you! did you think i was going to let that slide?” jackson countered, walk up to luca, pushing a finger into his chest. luca opened his mouth to respond, but you stepped in before he could answer. “enough! he’s not worth it. let’s just go,” you said, whispering the last bit so only luca could hear. when he doesn’t budge you tug on his suit jacket, finally getting to meet his green eyes. “c’mon,” you say, gesturing towards the door with your head. luca takes one more look at jackson before nodding. he intertwined his fingers with yours as the two of you stepped away from the crowd. “hey fantilli, before you go, how is it to have my leftovers hmm?” jackson shouts.
you both freeze. before you can even comprehend the situation, you drop luca’s hand and march over to jackson. “how about you shut the fuck up? you’re such a dick. you never loved me. you treated me like shit. and since you brought up cheating, let’s talk about yours. yeah which girl was it again that had the boyfriend in alpha phi? oh yeah brittany? and he beat your ass too. just go home jackson, you’re pathetic honestly,” you rant. the whole place is silent, everyone watching you. luca’s hand slips into yours, pulling you away from the crowd. but before you leave, you have to throw just one more dig: “oh and by the way, he’s better than you ever were!” jackson steps forward, as if he’s about to come for you, but adam and nolan block his path, easily allowing you and luca to slip out the back door.  
outside, with the fresh air chilling your cheeks, you stop to look at luca. “i’m sorry. that was mean,” you announce, looking at him. “babe what? that was bad ass. he deserved it anyways,” luca assures, lifting your still conjoined hands to his lips, where he kisses the back of yours. you laugh at his words, feeling lighter all of a sudden. “that did feel kind of good actually,” you say shyly. “i’m glad. you deserve to be happy,” he says. “i am happy. with you,” you reply kissing his cheek softly.
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cressthebest · 5 months
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 19
chapter 33:
1. awwww being close to sirius again is the best part of reg’s life now
2. “James nearly breaks his fucking neck to do a double-take as soon as Regulus is led out again. If he was a dog, his ears would be standing straight up in intense interest. Sirius whacks him on the back of his head in what seems to be a reflex, most likely because James is doing absolutely nothing to hide the fact that he's currently undressing Regulus with his eyes.”
😭😭😭 james, keep it in your pants
3. i love that when people are jokingly mean to james, the first thing he does is call for his mum. he’s such a momma’s boy
4. james and reg being dressed up pretty <3333
5. effie and monty 💕💕🥰🥰
6. i love everyone teasing james and regulus for their crushes. they’re so funny 😭😭
7. oh. james leaving a flower at the door everyday is reg’s reason for getting up in the morning
8. their disabilities are not being ignored!!!!
9. i- they’re gonna have to visit the districts of all their friends from the arena, knowing that they walked those same streets and breathed that same air, and have to be fine
10. 😧 district twelve was where remus lived. i- sirius is not gonna do well
11. plsss lyall is so scared of why sirius would be knocking at his door
12. stop, this conversation with lyall is making me cry
13. lyall is gonna write remus a letter. i’m SOBBING
14. sirius missing remus is making me miss him too
15. “"You just found out my son is a murderer," Lyall informs him, raising his eyebrows slowly.
Sirius blinks. "Mr. Lupin, I'm also a murderer. I've killed twelve people."”
😳 they’re both on thin ice but that exchange is also unnecessarily funny
16. 😭😭😭😭 sirius, buddy, you just told lyall that you and remus had sex. my boy, pls think before speaking next time
17. 😭😭😭 he just rambled more and admitted to being in love. sir 😭😭
chapter 34:
3. i’m so mad at the riches that victors and the hollow receive, while there are literally people in starvation
4. god, they’re so gay. dorcas just gave marlene her ring
5. i can’t fucking deal with this. james sees vanity and hodges’ families
6. i knew i couldn’t deal with it, cause james’ speech to the families is making me cry
7. 😬 shit they just did the hallow is hollow chant. shit shit shit
8. james, stop being so harsh on yourself. you deserve the same grace that you gave sirius
9. 😧 evans only friend was regulus. i- i am not okay at all
10. sobbing, shit shit shit. they’re looking at evan’s tree
11. “They talk a lot, him and Evan. Or Evan's ghost. Regulus tells him secrets that he's never told another soul. Evan is his best friend, so why shouldn't he?”
12. 😭😭😭 regulus deciding that he must climb the tree even tho he doesn’t really want to
13. !!!! progress!! reg wants to sleep in james’ room!
14. “He won't see Evan in his dreams again for a long, long time.” 😐 i want to stare into author’s soul cause i hate them for this line
(also, if anyone knows author’s pronouns and could let me know, that would be great. idk if it’s something they shared or not, but if it is, i’d like to know)
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autumnmobile12 · 9 months
Storm Hawks: A Pretty Fun Take on Feminism
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I don't know how many people actually remember this show, or even watched it , but this is an episode that's stuck with me all these years so I want to talk about it.
For context, the plot of Storm Hawks itself is pretty basic: Evil empire taking over the world, the good guys try to stop them, shenanigans ensue because kids' show. The main cast members fall into pretty generic archetypes. too. We have:
Aerrow (the 'true blue' leader)
Piper (the smart one/the girl)
Finn (the funny one)
Junko (the buddy)
Stork (the neurotic one)
Radarr (the animal sidekick)
And we're off:
This is Storm Hawks Season 1, Episode Ten: Fire and Ice
There was a lot going on in this episode, including a climate change allegory, but for the purposes of attempting to remain somewhat concise, I'm only going to cover the feminism theme for this post. Episode ten revolves mostly around Piper, opening with the team attending a festival put on by the Blizarrians, a race of snow-dwelling, humanoid, rabbit-dog creatures with Canadian accents and stereotypes in their world. (Which might be offensive, but the show was produced by a Canadian studio, so they can make fun of themselves if they want.)
The Blizzarian team (aptly named the Absolute Zeroes) invite the Storm Hawks to come snowmobiling with them in the backcountry. Piper is enthusiastic about the invitation, being a skilled cartographer, so she wants to map out the terrain...only to be told, "Ladies don't do the backcountry training. You just stay back with the girls."
Aerrow, being a true friend, tells Piper not to listen and she can ride with him, but since she's apparently not welcome by their hosts, Piper doesn't feel inclined to go anymore.
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However, when Piper goes to meet up with 'the girls' and hang out, Suzy Lu (pictured above) unexpectedly introduces herself as the Absolute Zeroes' Sky Knight (essentially their captain.) So she's the one in charge, not the men, leaving Piper with the impression, Okay maybe being left out won't be so bad after all.
Later on in the episode, Aerrow does call out the male Zeroes, telling them she is part of their team and she has every right to be there with them. However, the Zeroes meet his words with genuine confusion, with the original member who told Piper to stay behind saying, "But Sky Knights don't do the backcountry training. That's just for us squaddies."
He thought Piper was the leader and therefore didn't need to be there. Similarly, because he was the male, Aerrow thought he was the Zeroes' leader, not Suzy Lu. It's still a sexist assumption to think Piper was in charge because she was a woman, but it's definitely a fresher take than the typical, "No, woman stay home because woman weak."
Going further into the comedy of the situation, though, is the fact the 'training' the Zeroes do in the backcountry pretty much amounts to them messing around on the snowmobiles and pulling off crazy stunts. They're just 'boys being boys.' If somebody wipes out on their ride, everyone else will be concerned up until the moment the fallen team member stands back up and starts cheering to show he's okay. It gives off a vibe that's similar to parents sending their kids outside to play when they're too hyper.
Further proving the point they are a bunch of well-intentioned dorks, it's also shown that Blizzarians don't assume all women are in charge. When Aerrow suggests a solution to the aforementioned climate issue that was also going on in the episode, Suzy Lu declares, "I like your thinking." And then, as an aside to Piper, whispers, "I was wondering why this one was in charge." So upon meeting the group, she definitely had a moment of, Okay, this Aerrow guy is the leader, not Piper. Kinda odd, but humans are weird. Whattya gonna do?
Overall, the storytelling of Storm Hawks was a bit shallow, which doesn't often appeal to most adults, and that likely was a contributor as to why it didn't receive much attention outside its target audience. The world itself, Atmos, was an interesting concept; a world interspersed with mountain nations (terras) that rose up out of a hostile wasteland, so travel is achieved primarily by flight. This theme is seen throughout the series in the very culture as many of the characters are named after birds. (Junko (junco,) Stork, Piper (sandpiper,) Starling, Dove, Snipe, Wren, Finn (finch.) In addition to the flight, their machines were powered by these crystals that varied in type, purpose, categorization of how common or rare they were, so there was a scientific/magic element to it.
The writing was episodic in format, though, so the characters don't really have longterm goals and never really had development arcs that spanned much longer than a single episode. The conflict itself was effectively a world war, but unlike a series such as Avatar: The Last Airbender, Storm Hawks never achieved the level of seriousness or emotion that a war story demands to be compelling or really respectful of that particular theme in fiction. The characters of Storm Hawks and ATLA are fun and light-hearted, but the Storm Hawks episodes were really more goofy and child-like adventures. I mean, there is an episode where it is heavily implied the reptilian humanoids are carnivorous and eat people. Okay, fuck, that's hardcore disturbing, but the show doesn't really expand on that because it's a kids' show. Nonetheless, since it's there, you're kinda left with, Okay, either follow through with your darker themes or don't mention them at all. It's a cartoon, find a better balance than that.
There also wasn't much depth to the villains either and their motivations were really just chalked up to the standard, "We're evil." One of them was even former 'good guy' turned traitor ten years prior to the main plot, but his reasons for turning traitor were never explored or even revealed. Come on, people, what happened? Ambition? Greed? He saw the political structure of the side he fought for was fundamentally flawed and decided it was best to tear it all down?
However, the detail that I appreciate with this nostalgia series is the fact that there were female characters in positions of power in Storm Hawks. Most of the fighting battalions were mostly made up of men, sure, and I would have liked to see a more balanced male-female cast, but some of the teams were straight up led by a woman and there was at least one group that was exclusively women.
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The main antagonist, the reigning monarch of the aggressive nation in the war, was also a woman. (Well, teenage girl, but you get the point.) What's more; she was 100% in charge. She was not influenced in any way by a male advisor, she wasn't spurred on by the memory of a male predecessor, she was never intimidated by her male generals. And she was intelligent. Throughout the series, she was a scientist, an engineer, and a fighter. (Unfortunately, in the last season, her mind started to go a bit, so she pretty much devolved into a knockoff Azula.) We even have the brief insight of her background where it's shown she inherited her throne from her grandmother, not another male ruler. Which either implies primogeniture inheritance regardless of gender or it's a matrilineal monarchy, which is interesting to speculate, but that would be headcanon territory.
It was a fun watch when I was a kid, but as an adult...yeah, lots of flaws, a great deal of loss in potential with world-building and storylines, and even as a kid, I knew the plots and humor of later episodes fell into a category that was more stupid than funny.
But if Storm Hawks had one strength, they had the groundwork of the feminism angle down pat and that is always appreciated.
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acklestarkism · 8 months
SUPERNATURAL FINALE : an honest, maybe sometimes controversial, take on tv's biggest disappointment of this decade.
DISCLAIMER : in this essay, i will give my opinion about 15x20 of the silly long-running show Supernatural (no kidding???) and i stand by the fact that i hate it, BUT i am not just going to trash talk my comfort show the entire time, and will try to bring into light the things that actually worked (ahem, yes, i will try to find some...) in this episode. i don't need any attacks on my opinion, you can disagree with the things i am going to say, but let's stay civil, right ? hope you enjoy it !
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let's face it, no need to beat around the bush : Dean's death is THE worst thing that could've ever happened to us. 15 years of adoring, worshiping THE best character ever created on tv just for losing him ?? this way ?? feels (sorry but...) fucking disrepectful to me. and listen, i haven't seen that cursed episode again in six months, so don't mind me if my blurry memories are failing me... it still makes me so mad, that the episode starts on OUR beloved hero living a peaceful life, happy, kind of, finally free from god's (yeah, more like chuck) who's been through literal hell, faced a hundred deaths, just to end up on that stupid rebar. fuckin stupid quick, meaningless death of a HERO. i can't even think straight when it comes to this but what makes it EVEN WORST is the freakin comedic part of this episode. the pie in the face ??? when THE Dean Winchester is about to die ??? or Sam's fuckin hideous wig ??? the episode focuses on some POINTLESS hunt involving a fuckin vampire literally no soul remembered from season 1 (if you did remember without even looking it up and just happen to have this knowledge, i am sorry AND really impressed) ?? are you just kidding ?? your main character dies, and you just make it absolutely no big of a deal ? i could not. disrespectful, once again.
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Dean isn't even the only one who's been failed on this finale because the same disrespect is put on Sam. i'm not bringing back the wig again (BUT THE WIG THO ??? i know the budget is low with covid and everything but come on ??) but the blurry wife is the icing on the cake. but where they failed Sam the most is the way in 15 years (okay this is not only finale related but i thought it deserved to be brought into light) they never EVER gave the man a real closure with Jess. they literally bring every character back from the dead, or at least give the boys an opportunity to say goodbye at some point but they never even cared giving Sam a proper closure from the most important relationship in his life. this, pals, makes me insanely angry. but at least, Sam gets to live and have an ordinary life until his last breathe.
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Castiel isn't even really mentioned again ?? i mean, no need for a long thesis about this shame but he's been a fan favorite for YEARS and they just ???
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i reached the part where i have to list the things that worked for me in this cursed episode. well. it gave us Dean x Miracle ? the man deserved to have a dog. and it was one of the cutest thing they ever did on this show. Miracle is somehow Dean's little sparkle of joy and hope after losing Cas. kudos (somehow, in a way, i don't know) to Dean's last speech to Sam, and their heartbreaking exchange. it really moved me, and made sense, it was in character. Dean dying on his feet was also appreciated (and those kudos go to Jensen, thank you buddy) but i will explain why in the next paragraph. anyway, i don't have anything more to add, and trust me i tried really hard!! oh, the photography was also decent, but it's one thing Supernatural always did well, so... not surprising.
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i am NOT a supporter of Dean dying in the finale, and i am thankful to the wonderful talented writer in this fandom for their amazing fix-it fictions on the finale. this ground is covered, so i am leaving you with ao3 for all the ways the show could have ended WITHOUT Dean dying. my man deserved to be happy and free ans well. i am going to cover the ground of THE WRITERS REALLY WANT DEAN DYING. fine. i don't agree, but you do you baby. 15 years of the show, Dean Winchester was depicted as a HERO. the fanbase has been dedicated for FIFTEEN FUCKIN YEARS and being myself a 2006 Supernatural fan, this finale made me feel like it was a total loss of time. as i said before, i WORSHIPPED (and i still do) this character like i've never worshipped any other character. what he (and we) deserved for always sacrificing his own happiness and life was to die the hero he's always been. to die, i don't know, saving Sam one last time ? with a show with great biblical implication, didn't he deserve a great biblical tragedy ending ? something huge, epic ? and i know this could be controversial because they are no longer under the influence of god himself, but he could have been paralleled to Jesus somehow, just joining heaven next to Jack and Cas as his mission on earth was over. i don't know. just thinking about things.
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what could've also been great would have been Dean's life flashing before his eyes as he was dying. glimpse of unseen good moments, memories, as a tribute to the character. once again, he deserved no less than to be praised for everything he did for his family, and for the world.
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anyway. revival is now a thing all over social medias and it could both heal us, or destroy us. it raised a lot of concerns, the most important being will Cas' confession finally be aknowledge ? i sure hope it will for misha's perfect delivery of it, and his fight to allow his character to be himself fully. but i also hope this revival finds a way to "cancel" the mistake the writers made with this finally. it could make sense. it could be yet another illusion, trick, anything really and they could (just like us) pretend it never happened (spoiler alert : it really never happened) and i don't want my hopes too high. but it's possible.
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thank you so much for your attention. i wanted to write an essay about the finale but i feel like i've been here and there talking nonsense. i've never really expressed my disappointment before, as it was something really personal to me, but i am glad i finally did. there could have been so much more things said. or said in a better way, but i tried my best :(
love y'all, spn family <3
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sincerely-sofie · 6 months
Hey! Just wanted to say thanks for making a story so well written I feel like I get second-hand depression every time I read the last two chapters. :)
I think I had more of a thing I was trying to do when I thought I should make an ask, so uh... any advice for a very average artist/writer who struggles with finding motivation for writing?
As payment, I offer you this picture of a dog.
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Thanks so much for your kind words! I'm real insecure about my writing and it's clarity, so to hear that it's emotionally powerful means a lot to me, hehe :>
Ooooh man. Do I EVER have advice for artist/writer combo creators who struggle to find motivation for writing. C’mere buddy. Lean in reeeaaal close. Your fellow average artist/writer is gonna tell you a secret. Come on. Even closer. You ready? Okay.
The world has conned you into thinking motivation is necessary to write, or even do anything in general. It's a scam. Motivation is nice, but it's just the icing on the cake. You need a cake in the first place to even enjoy it.
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(If you're interested, I’ve written about making your own motivation in the past. Intrinsically created motivation is a lot healthier of a sort of motivation to seek out than extrinsically located motivation, which is the motivation I’m mostly referring to in this post. I figure I’d link to it in case you’re having trouble getting enough oomph to want to even consider writing in the first place, as the rest of this post assumes you’re fairly comfortable with the writing process, but have trouble getting it done.)
Before I wrote The Present is a Gift, I had never truly finished a writing project— I had co-written the script for a video game that never got made and wrote the first short story in an anthology I started and never concluded. Other than that, I had nothing but a massive field of stories that I'd endlessly flit back and forth between, adding to each project I landed on for a time, but never lingering long enough to actually see anything to completion. I loved all of my projects and wanted to do them justice by finishing them, but I never was able to do anything close to that. There were multiple reasons for my struggle to do substantial work on my projects— but the greatest reason was by far my refusal to use anything but motivation as a reason to work on projects. I’d wait for myself to feel motivated to write anything. And I would only be motivated so frequently.
I attribute my newfound ability to break from my pattern of abandoning and rescuing projects over and over to one thing— I set up a writing routine.
I chose a time that worked best for me every weekday to pour myself a massive mug of my favorite edible battery acid (tropical punch Tampico, for anyone curious) sit down at my computer, put on my headphones, turn on one of those multi-hour-long pomodoro timer youtube videos that have pretty music in the background, and write. This was also in combination with an attempt to win at NaNoWriMo, a writing challenge where you try to write 50k words in November, which gave me a daily word count target to try and reach or exceed. NaNoWriMo’s deadline was also helpful— and so was a promise I made to myself to not work on projects other than TPiaG before it was completed— but the real reason I actually managed to write TPiaG was because every weekday I’d do my writing routine.
I was not motivated whatsoever at the start. I was anxious, intimidated, and very reluctant to write. But I committed to writing TPiaG to completion, no matter how I felt about it, because a lot of people wanted to read the story, and I didn’t want to let them down. Not the healthiest driving thought process, I will readily say, but it got me to sit in my chair at first. As time went on and I shook off the rust and reluctance, I wouldn’t feel as anxious about writing. I didn’t feel intimidated. I would wake up and think to myself “OH BOY, IT’S WRITING TIME!” and leap out of bed to start my routine. Motivation only came after I had already been writing every weekday for about three weeks. And the motivation stayed for as long as I kept up with my writing routine.
Don’t get me wrong— motivation is important. But waiting until you’re motivated to do something is a very unsteady way to go about life, and in my experience when that thought process is applied to writing, it means you’ll never finish anything and never be satisfied with your work. There’s a quote that I love that says “the motivation comes after you show up.” And it’s absolutely true.
Motivation loves momentum. You can set bait for it by writing consistently for a while, whereupon it will make its way into your brain and make itself at home for as long as you keep up the momentum you’ve gotten. If you just wait for motivation to stumble into you, you might get lucky, but only that— lucky. You won’t have gained any skills in cultivating your own motivation, and when that lucky motivation fizzles out, you’ll be left waiting for the possibility of another brief flash of motivation to take its place before you’re ready to write again.
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sc0tters · 1 year
AU List
Thoughts for AUs are: OPEN
All of the au’s below are my current active ones, in these au’s you will find the blurb section which is where you guys are able to have your say in what happens during the overall storyline!
for aus that don't have a masterlist yet, they are tagged below!
the universes!
the wips!
Cole and Parker - Big Reputations
Nick and Scottie - The Lost Baby
Luca and Aspen - Pretty Boy
Ethan and Astrid - Perfect Fit
Rutger and Emmy - His Girl
Mark and Abigail - Lessons
Nick and Francesca - Bed Buds
Luke and Isabel - Captain's Sister
Jesper and Emilia - A Bakers Dozen
Ryan and Ava - Sparks
Will and Bailey - Baby on Board
Cutter and Lillian - Meant to Be
Jacob and Ivy - Triple Split
Gabe and Jamie - Teammates In Action
Drew and Erin - It Girl
Seamus and Liana - Unexpected Connections
John and Maya - Baby Hughes
William and Matilda - Star
Matt and Sydney - Golden Girl
Luke and Allie - Hookups and Screwups
The Flyers Throuple - Teammates in Sheets
Cole and Darcy - Match Made
Adam and Sabrina - Write a Song
Sidney and Camille - Homes and Hearts
Steve and Lucie - Long Games
The Umich Throuple - Three's a Match
Jeremy and Adelia - Made Match
Juraj and Alana - A Dream in Time
Quinn and Rouge - Rookie Compliance
Jack and Kennedy - One of a Kind
Gracie and Elias - Little Teammate
Matthew and Lilah - Give a Dog
retired aus
Mitch and Amelia - His Rookie
Nico and Harper - Don't Tell
Elias and Payton - Coaches Daughter
Sidney and Rory - On Ice
Matthew and Billie - Opposing Teammates
Trevor and Daisy - Babies and Buddies
Luke and Blake - Girl Next Door
Quinn and Charlotte - Teammates Sister
Jack and Riley - New Roommate
The Zegras-Hughes Children - Next Gen
Adam and Sophie - Romantic Roomates (because we now have adam and sabrina)
Gavin and Bridget - Besotted Differences
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spagheddiediaz · 1 year
inspiration saturday!
tagged by @thewolvesof1998
bc i woke up this morning to see that taylor sang you are in love as her second surprise song last night and i was immediately slapped in the face with buddie feels.
i think it will eventually be a full length fic based off the song but anyway please enjoy
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burnt toast, sunday
Sleeping through the night was rare for Buck. If his neighbor’s echoing voice didn’t wake him out of a deep sleep, it was a nightmare. If a barking dog outside his window at 3am didn’t do the trick, Maddie drunk butt dialing him after karaoke night would pull him right out of his peaceful slumber. Tonight, though? Tonight was one of those rare nights where his brain was able to shut off the outside world completely as his body sank deeper and deeper into the familiarity of the Diaz couch.  At least the sun was up when he was awoken to the sound of an alarm blaring, his mind telling him to get up, jump into his turnouts, and hop into the truck. His eyes blinked open, realizing instantly he wasn’t at the station bunk room and was instead in Eddie’s living room, a half-empty beer bottle on the coffee table from the night before. He lifted his head, looking around and instantly recognizing the familiar smell.  The smell of …smoke. “Chris - CHRISTOPHER.” Buck screamed at the top of his lungs, his body bolting off the couch before his mind had the chance to even wake up. “CHRIS - EDDIE!” He screamed, knocking down the end table and running down the hall to find Christopher sitting at the kitchen table with a look of pure judgment on his face. Eddie was leaning against the counter, a fire extinguisher by his side as he stared at the piece of completely burnt toast on his plate.  “I.. don’t want to talk about it.” Eddie shook his head, moving the extinguisher back against the wall of the counter.  Buck’s heart was still racing even though he could very clearly see that neither of his boys were in any type of danger whatsoever.. Unless you count having no breakfast as danger. Which.. Yeah. Hangry Eddie could sometimes be dangerous. He went to pick Christopher up, needing to feel that he was safe. Christopher let him, wrapping his arms and legs around Buck and letting himself snuggle into his neck.  Once Buck’s pulse returned to a normal rhythm, he let out a long breath of relief,  his hand rubbing Christopher’s back in slow circles, the movement grounding him.  Chris was older now. And while the days of routine snuggles before bedtime were behind them, Christopher was the most emotionally intelligent kid Buck had ever met. He knew when to give Eddie space, and when a hug would ease his mind. He knew to ask Buck to take him out for ice cream after a rough shift, and when to “accidentally” fall asleep against his side during movie night. Most of all, he knew when and how to lighten the mood of any situation, really. “Buck?” Chris asked, lifting his head from where it was resting in his neck. “Yeah, Superman?” Buck asked, shifting him in his arms. He looked to the fire extinguisher, and then to his father. “Is this… technically ironic?” Buck was only able to keep a straight face for about .4 seconds before bursting out into laughter, having to set Christopher down so he could try and collect himself, but every time he tried he fell into another laughing fit, clutching at his ribs while tears started to roll down his cheeks. “It’s not that funny.” Eddie’s lips couldn’t help but curve up at the sound of Buck’s laughter, his body relaxing at one of his favorite sounds.  “It’s - Eddie. You do realize you just technically worked on a Sunday.” Buck said through his tears, wiping them away with his sleeve. It might not have been a five alarm, but Eddie did just put out a fire. “And without overtime pay!” He teased, knowing damn well Eddie wouldn’t be stepping foot into 118 on a Sunday unless the words “overtime” were spoken.  “I’d put you on the couch..” Eddie glared at Buck, his smile still not fading. “But you’re already there.” “Boom. Roasted.” Chris made a fist and punched the air towards Buck, letting both of them know he wasn’t taking anyone’s side.. At least not openly. “So… Buck. Can you make pancakes?”  “As long as your dad doesn’t go near the stove.” He walked towards Eddie, placing a hand on his waist only to push him out of the kitchen ever so gently.
tagging (zero pressure!!) @king-buckley @forthewolves @cowboy-buck @monsterrae1 @bellabrady @thosetwofirefighters @sibylsleaves @housewifebuck @wikiangela @buckactuallys @cowboy-buddie @tawaifeddiediaz @prince-buck-diaz @anxieteandbiscuits @hattalove @messyhairdiaz @alyxmastershipper @elvensorceress @woodchoc-magnum @mrevanbuckley
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tabl3 · 4 months
beginning of a oneshot i'm writing
Oliver let out a blood-curdling shriek. 
The projectile was zipping at his head, at least eighty miles per hour. 
He ducked to avoid it, feeling it sail so close that it grazed his scalp.
“Chase, look out!” Kaz shouted. 
Chase had just entered from the rooftop door, flipping through a book. He snapped up as the volleyball came flying toward him.
It screeched to a halt a centimeter from the tip of his nose, floating there.
Chase nodded to his left, making it shoot back over the net and land on the girls’ side before even Bree could stop it.
“HAH!” Kaz pointed two fingers at Bree and Skylar. “Point!”
“Your first,” Skylar teased, catching the ball when Bree, miffed, tossed it to her. It was a sunny afternoon, bordering on too warm, but with a nice breeze to cut through the heat. Four of the five Elite Force members had decided to go up on the roof, set up the volleyball set that Bree had purchased from a sketchy website a few months ago, and waste the day. Due to their packaged deal philosophy, Kaz and Oliver had chosen each other as a team. What fools they had been. Bree was a devil. A beast. A monster. Evil. Skylar wasn’t much better. The boys were up to forty-nine misses in the half-hour they’d been up there.
Chase rolled his eyes fondly. “Have you guys eaten lately?”
Four nods. 
“Okay, good,” he waved his hand, bringing a package of water bottles from the alcove. One was thrown to each person. The girls caught theirs. Oliver again ducked under his. Kaz’s smacked him in the face. “Oliver, Kaz, watch the temperature. Don’t overheat.”
“Yes, Mom,” they echoed.
“Bree, Skylar, go a little,” he pinched his fingers together. “Easy on them.”
“Yes, Mom.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Chase put his hands on his hips. “Don’t come crying to me when you get too tired to celebrate tonight.”
“What are we celebrating again?” Skylar asked, resting her elbow on her girlfriend’s head.
“Only one of the best holidays ever!” Kaz exclaimed, springing to his feet.
“Yeah!” Oliver backed him up. “Watermelon, fireworks, random cold salads, barbecues!”
“I make some bomb ass bbq, girl,” Kaz bragged, puffing out his chest. He’d already spent the previous evening making far too many sides for five people, which of course caused the kitchen to explode. It took Chase and Oliver hours to clean, because Bree was conveniently gone and Kaz dragged Skylar into their room for whatever reason. No one knew why he did anything, generally speaking.
“It’s the way neither of them answered my question,” Skylar deadpanned with a snort. 
“Yeah, they do that,” Chase observed. He folded his arms, lightly smiling. “It’s the Fourth of July.”
“And?” Skylar blinked.
“Big party. Celebrating the country,” Chase toed a loose piece of gravel. “Frankly, I never understood why.”
Kaz gasped as though Chase just admitted he was cheating on him, slapping a hand to his chest. 
“Hot dogs! Ice cream! Sparklers!” he listed, dramatically counting on his fingers. Chase snorted, shoving his face away.
“Fireflies! Picnic blankets!” Oliver chimed in. “Sparklers! Watermelon!”
“You already said that, buddy.”
“Oh, did I?”
“Well, it deserves it.”
“Anyway,” Bree cleared her throat. “We don’t really have to celebrate it.”
Kaz gasped again, as though she had just admitted that Chase was cheating on him. 
“You don’t have to do that every time.”
“Guys!” he threw his hands up. “It’s literally the most nostalgic thing ever! Do you have no shame?”
“I guess fireworks looked nice from the TV in our basement lab,” Bree said sarcastically.
“Around Earth’s summer we had a gladiator tournament to purge the weak from our forces on Caldera,” Skylar offered.
Silence. A bird squawked.
“Jeez,” Kaz smacked his lips. “I forget how fucked your childhoods were.”
“Whatever the case, I need to get back to work,” Chase turned with a wave. “Have fun.”
He was halted.
“...What the hell?”
“Babe, you gotta rescue us!” Kaz cried, holding onto his ankle and laying on the roof like a kid being dragged out of a toy store. “We’re getting smoked!”
“Pleaseee!” Oliver begged, gripping his other. “We need you.”
Chase stared at them incredulously.
Skylar and Bree covered their mouths to hide their giggles.
“How old are you two again?”
“69,” Kaz replied before Chase finished the last syllable. 
“It’s funny every time.”
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triplesilverstar · 10 months
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Rating: G
Pairing: Vash X F!Reader
CW: Mentions of pregnancy, Aliases 
Word count: Roughly 1. 5K
A/N: So the second of my Dad!Vash drabbles/blurbs which seem to keep getting bigger and bigger… Gee I wonder why. Anyway enjoy some nice ice skating fluff with some more interactions from the reader this time as they watch Vash and Rei learning how to skate. Or in Vash's case, falling on ice.
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Failing limbs and a soft cry and Rei’s skates got caught up in his feet once more as he pitched forward to land on the slippery surface. Only to stop as he found himself in the air, the clear blue ice replaced by a head of dark hair planted against the cold sheet. “Papa!” 
Looking up with his hand around Rei’s middle, Vash smiled trying to hide the wince as his cheeks hurt from the impact. “We gotta be careful, can’t have you getting hurt.” Keeping Rei in the air, Vash pushed himself back up to his knees before placing Rei back down and holding his hands out for the boy to get his balance on the thin blades under his feet. “There we go buddy. Ready to try again?” 
A short little nod from the little blond as Rei’s fingers gripped his fathers long digits tighter through his little mittens and tried to push himself forward again. It had been an afternoon of chilly delights as father and son tried skating for the first time. With Rei quickly learning that while he might not have been very good at pushing himself across the frozen water lining the space, he was better at it then his Papa was.
It was a new concept, one put on by the Earth forces that both you and Vash think is to try and convince the inhabitants of the planet that they’re there to help. Neither of you fully believe it, and you certainly know attempted good will gestures and public relations stunts when you see them. The whole reason they were going around different towns and setting up the skating arena for a few days was to show what they could do to improve the lives of the inhabitants of the planet, if they were the ones in charge of the government and how the natural resources were used. The people of Noman’s Land hadn’t survived this long to hand it over so easily, but when Vash had gotten word that one of the units was coming to the town nearest to your little ranch he had sat you down and pleaded. 
“Mayfly, we both know it’s an attempt to sway the population and I’m still wanted but I don’t want Rei to miss the chance for something so wholesome.” With this best puppy dog face on as he smiled softly with a hand over yours as his thumb brushed your knuckles. 
All you could do as he kept those eyes on you with his adoration and pleading you dragged a hand down your face before setting him with a hard stare. “I’ll think about it.” 
There wasn’t that much thinking on your part as every chance he had Vash was whispering in your ear how amazing an experience it would be for Rei and never voicing how you knew he also wanted to go. Unlike you Vash had never seen ice, sure he’d felt cold like that at night but to see a building with the floor covered in the clear frozen water. 
It also didn't help that Vash had help in his pleading and pestering, with Rei asking just as much as his father even if he didn't fully understand the reasons why you were so hesitant. So while you internally warred with yourself and both males in your life acted like whining puppies left out in the harsh conditions of a sandstorm. 
Eventually you caved. Vash and you sit Rei down and put a series of rules in place to make sure your little family wasn’t found out. Then once Rei was in bed you set down a set of rules for the grinning madman to make sure he didn't reveal anything about your identities either. 
On the day of and the moment you and Vash stepped through the door with Rei held up in his fathers arms, his growing limbs wrapped around his scarfed neck as he looked around you knew it was worth it. Seeing the awe spread on his little chubby cheek as his face was split with a grin and he let out a happy little squeal of delight he was quick to try and hide. The look on Vash’s face had been just as wonderful to your eyes and seeing the slight puff of vapors past his sun chapped lips and the tip of his nose already turning pink. 
You’d taken to walking around the edge of the sheet of the frozen surface as Vash and Rei donned skates and stumbled their way out to the ice like so many of the other townsfolk. It was sweet how many times Rei would fall, or almost fall only to be swept up in his fathers arms before it happened. Vash of course wasn’t so lucky and the evidence of those rescues was starting to become apparent. Covered in bruises and his face red from the ice it kept being wedged against, yet he never gave up trying to help Rei skate along and while he wasn’t getting any better Rei certainly was. His little legs pushed him farther and farther as he grew more comfortable on the thin metal strapped to his feet, calling out for his Papa to catch up to him. 
An afternoon of laughter as Rei started to skate circles around Vash and tried to help his father grow more comfortable. At this point though you were certain Vash would never improve beyond his stumbling and wobbly short glides.
Eventually though from even your place at the edge you could see Rei let out a yawn and his own pale cheeks were starting to turn red from the cold. Making a motion for your husband and son to come towards you and Rei made it about halfway before he fell back on his butt and laughed too far ahead of his father to be caught this time.
Giggling like mad when Vash arrived to help him up and Rei instead pulled his father down beside him. “It's weird to be chilly and warm at the same time Papa.” You could hear from your place at the edge as his voice carried, making you shake your head. 
“Well, I for one am ready to be warm Rei.” Vash answered before scooping him and slowly making his way towards you with a somewhat sleepy looking sprout in his arms. “Did you have fun my little Rei of Sunshine?” A wide smile on your face as you took your little boy from Vash so he could work on taking the blades of his feet as he plopped down beside you. 
“Yes Mama. So much fun.” Letting out a little laugh before yawning and snuggling against your chest as you sat beside Vash and starting undoing Rei’s and slipping his own shoes back on his smaller feet. Once his feet were once more protected from the cold, you turned towards Vash as he pulled his own shoes on, his breath wafting up in little clouds along his black hair. 
“How about you Sunshine?” Holding back the chuckle rising through you at the look he gives you. 
“My face hurts, but this was worth it.” Reaching up to rub at his jaw before his shoulder froze. “For Rei.” Tacking on at the end before pushing his fingers into his bruised flesh, only for you to place your palm over his and rubbing into the chilled flesh before giving it a pat. 
“Come on Eriks” Using the alias since you didn’t know who was around to overhear you speaking. “Let's get you and our baby home to warm up.” Standing up with Rei in your arms as best as you can, the boy getting to be almost to big for you to carry comfortably in your arms as you once had. 
“I'm not a baby Mama.” A broken complaint from the boy in your arms rubbing at his eyes,sending a smile at Vash as he made a motion to take the boy back. 
With a bit of maneuvering you passed Rei back to him and heard a mumble of “tell Mama I'm not a baby Papa.” Followed by a yawn. Taking the skates from Vash you headed back to the little kiosk you had gotten them from near the door before drifting outside to find Vash already atop his tomas with Rei in front of him and the reins for your own mount in hand. 
Climbing into the saddle and a brief thank you to your spouse, the two of you turn towards home and begin the journey back. Taking notice of Vash still rubbing his cheek you let out a short laugh. “Once we get home and get Rei settled I'll kiss all those boo-boos better.” Giving him a wink and you see the red rising on his cheeks for a different reason than when you had been inside the frozen arena. 
“You know, I've been thinking.” He drawled on, his grin growing wider and more lecherous. “I think I want another one.” 
“Not a baby.” Both you and Vash erupt into laughter at his sleepy tone. 
“Not in front of the baby, but we'll talk about it.” You roll your eyes and a smaller voice pipes up.
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