#(probably fear of not being taken seriously? feeling like he has to have a better reason for what he's feeling than just having the emotion?
beargyufairy · 8 months
Just My Thoughts Pt. 7
Natsu’s Growth
I’ve been disappointed a few times at how Hiro Mashima writes his characters and plot. But never have I ever been as disappointed as I was when I read this panel in the 100 YQ.
For reference, Natsu made a joke about disinfecting Lucy’s burns. It was not even a funny joke. I don’t think anyone laughed. Lucy was burned after trying to calm Natsu who consumed Ignia’s flames to battle against the water dragon god. While he did succeed in the fight, he lost control of himself and was stumped by the flames.
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This is such a disappointing situation when it comes to Natsu and his development as a character. Everything he experienced in the original manga/anime is put to shame. It’s like his growth as a person disappeared into thin air. I mean come on!! Is Mashima being serious right now?! Because am I supposed to believe this is the same Natsu who wouldn’t let Gray use Ice Shell on more than one occasion?! Natsu knows the consequences of Ice Shell and refuses to let that happen to Gray no matter how dire the circumstances are. Even though Gray and Natsu would never admit it, their relationship is unique and filled with love. They may be rivals and opposite (considering the ice/fire, demon/devil slayer attributes) but their friendship has grown so much since the start of Fairy Tail. Doesn’t this show how considerate Natsu is?! How important the lives of his friends is to him?
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If that isnt enough here’s another example. When Erza was sacrificing herself in the Tower of Heaven arc, Natsu refused to let her go and eventually saved her. Erza is important to him and Fairy Tail. He wants her to live on. Doesn’t this show how much Natsu cares about everyone?! Is he making a joke about Erza?! No he isn’t.
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Okay fine those examples aren’t about Lucy right, so why does it matter?! Because Natsu would never joke about burning his friends, accident or not. And if it’s about Lucy, then most definitely not. Lucy is probably the member of Fairy Tail he cares about the most (aside from Happy). When Future Lucy died, Natsu almost went completely rogue (pun intended, if you know what I mean). He even stated that something precious was taken from him. Furthermore, when Lucy was “dead” during the Alverez arc, Natsu lost it. Literally, he became END, the demon everyone fears, the strongest creation of Zeref, the black wizard. Lucy’s life was so important to him that without it, there was nothing holding him back. He even stated that he can’t be stopped after having flashbacks about her supposed death.
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Natsu couldn’t care less about the world ending. He wanted to fight the people that made Lucy cry. That’s what he was focused on. And so after all this, Mashima wants me to believe that Natsu would joke about burning Lucy?! Yeah, I don’t think so. After everything Natsu went through, he would’ve at least felt guilty. Considering that it was Lucy of all people he burned, he would’ve apologized over and over again. Why?! Because she’s so important to him. He literally became a demon when he thought she died!! Isn’t that proof enough?! I also think that he would feel so grateful to her. This isn’t the first time Lucy helped Natsu control himself. She’s always there for him. But Natsu has never lost control like this before. Did Natsu ever properly thank Lucy for saving by rewriting the book of END?! He’s literally only alive because of her. She tampered with a demonic force and black magic yet Lucy is so damn under appreciated that it pains me!!
If the goal was to lighten the situation considering the intensity of the battle against the water dragon god and Ignia’s involvement, a joke that doesn’t make Lucy’s burn seem pathetic would’ve been better. A joke about anything else would’ve been better. Seriously, Lucy knew the consequences of trying to stop Natsu, especially when noting that she was scared of his flames for the very first time. She did anyway because she cares about Natsu and knows that she can help him, even if it means she will get burned. I would also like to note that Lucy never actually saw Natsu as END. She arrived after he gained some sense of control. Considering everything, if Hiro Mashima doesn’t make up to me by having her fear of Natsu’s flame and her lack of experience with END play into the story I’m gonna be so mad. Since he already disappointed me with how he’s treating Lucy’s injury/burn, I really hope he plays the rest of the story properly.
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I’m very disappointed in how not only Natsu’s character is being portrayed and downgraded, but also how Lucy is yet again the butt of the joke. She does so much for her team and friends but is always ignored (I’m still upset about Aquarius’ sacrifice that’s not talked about enough).
Thank you for listening.
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merbear25 · 8 months
Anxiety is talked about fairly often, but some don't know how to handle a s/o or friend who struggles with it. That being said, those who care about you are willing to learn!
Monster trio, Robin, Chopper, Franky, Brook, Law
CW: SFW, headcanons, mentions of general and social anxiety. Zoro's and Law's parts don't start out that comforting. There can be different things that can trigger it (sometimes nothing necessarily triggers it!) so this is kept more broad. It's kind of a specific headcanon, but it's something I personally struggle with and maybe others can relate.
Luffy: It takes him time to realize how hard some situations are for you, and even then, it's not something he'll fully be abe to understand. But he doesn't need to understand in order to care about you and consider your feelings! He'll help you in anyway he can. If you're having a hard time coping with the rough seas, he'll draw your attention to him. You're feeling overwhelmed at a gathering? He'll stay nearby, giving you a sense of stability in the hurdles you're currently up against.
Zoro: He'd be able to notice something's different about you. However, he may be someone who didn't quite believe in anxiety (at least not in the regard of a disorder). That being said, when he started spending more time with you, it became blatently obvious that it was, in fact, something to be taken more seriously. Once realizing this, he'd be more considerate towards you. He wouldn't really be hands on when helping you, but he'd hover around, just making sure everything is okay.
Sanji: You'd have his undying support. Similarly to Luffy, he wouldn't fully be able to grasp the extend of your problems, although that's not obligitory when it comes to caring about the ones you love. He'd be more than willing to listen to what triggers you and would help you find coping methods to help push you through rough patches. He's a doer and wants to help you find ways to ease your troubled mind.
Robin: Similaryly to Zoro, she would have sensed something was going on with you, especially if your anxiety flares up during more social events. When she notices, she'd be tacktful when approaching the issue; she wouldn't want to make you feel singled out. She's always happy to learn about her friends and the ways they think, so you could open up to her without fear of judgement.
Chopper: He'd know better than anyone here just how hard social anxiety is. Being as empathetic as he is, he'd sob for you when you mention your qualms. Despite this initial reaction, he is still a doctor and is dedicated to helping people. Sure, his specialty doesn't lie in psychology, but he'd be determined to find something, anything, to aid you. He'd be a stand-in emotional support reindeer if you really needed it.
Franky: He's an extremely friendly, silly, and sociable cyborg, though that doesn't mean he doesn't know how to tone it down when he sees someone he cares about going through a hard time. Being a doer like Sanji, he would look for solutions to your problem. He'd opt for sillier antics when it comes to keeping your mind off of things, which may or may not be the most helpful. Either way, everything he does is in good faith.
Brook: If you're a music lover, he'd opt for playing your favorite song to get your mind off of things. He finds it soothing and figures you would too. He'd check up on you through out the day, giving you space if that's what you need. If you'd rather talk or vent about it, he wouldn't object to it. He wouldn't mind if you end up talking his ear off, not that he has ears.
Law: Being a doctor, he'd know better than to just dismiss your issues, but dealing with emotions is not his forte. He'd probably start out keeping himself at arms length from you, observing how you handle each wave of anxiety. In doing this, he'd gain a better understanding of how to approach you. This may come across as him out right avoiding you, though. Once he has a better idea of how to handle you during, and outside of, these flare-ups, he'd helicopter around you, taking out some of the things that'd set you off when he can.
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theyanderespecialist · 8 months
Jack's Wife (Headcanons) Yandere Jack Bright X Wife Reader  (SCP Foundation)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am here with a new chapter! This one is where Jack Bright is yandere and he will be yandere for you as his wife. I will also have this in audio/video on YouTube! Please Enjoy this!] 
(Disclaimer: Artwork is Made By GavImp on Tumblr, all credit to her!) 
(Disclaimer 2: We do not support Admin Bright! Jack and Or his genderbent (Jackie) Bright Are more so their OWN STAND ALONE CHARACTER. Jack (Jackie) Bright is NO LONGER a self-insert of Admin Bright! We DO NOT Support Admin Bright, He is despicable! Separate the creation from the creator!) 
(Disclaimer 3: Dr. Jack Bright is NOT Yandere In canon! This is Just for Fun and Not To Be taken seriously at all! Simping For Fictional Characters is fine, just do not be illegal or gross about it! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life. Also, Remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon!) 
-Headcanons With Yandere Dr. Jack Bright X Wife Reader- 
.Dr. Jack Bright is a chaotic man. 
.He also is very loyal to the foundation. 
.And he is loyal to his family. 
.These are three main facts about Jack. Another one is that he is in love with his wife. He is so in love that he is obsessed. 
.You, his darling wife. The love of his life, the woman he wants to bear his children. 
.Jack Bright was lucky enough to have you as his wife, for you to put up with his chaotic nature and to stand by his side. 
.Jack Bright's soul is tied to SCP 963, an amulet that anyone who touches has the soul gone and a copy of Jack Bright's soul remains in it unless removed in the first 30 days. After those 30 days, a permanent copy of Jack Bright's soul remains. 
.You were Immune to SCP 963. Abel to touch it without having your soul erased. 
.That is how you met Jack, you had an anomaly where you were your type of immortal and able to not be affected by some SCPs 
.Jack instantly felt you were someone that he could spend his life with. 
.Not only that, but when he had met your eyes he fell head over heels in love with you. 
.You were the perfect woman to be with him. Both of you were able to spend the rest of your time together. 
.Jack had stalked you and read your file, learning everything about you. 
.He was beyond obsessed with learning everything he could about you, and then he used the information to court you. 
.He loved to make you laugh and to tease you getting you flustered. 
.Seeing you give him a reaction of a blush, smile, and or laugh made his day. 
.When you had agreed to date him he was over the moon, then in a few years dating became marriage. 
.Everything seemed perfect for him and you. 
.Though Jack is still a yandere and even the best of yanderes have their toxic traits. 
.Anyone that dared hurt you ended up on keter duty and they did not make it out alive. 
.You also did start to notice that less and less people wanted to spend time with you. 
.Leaving you more time for yourself and your husband. 
.Jack told you it is probably because you are the site Commander's wife now. 
.He never gave you any reason not to trust him. 
.Jack cut out only a few people who could be around you, and even then he did not like you alone with them. 
.You never looked at another man or woman. Though he cannot help that one day you will leave him. 
.He has been so used to those he loves and those who were his family being taken away from him or leaving him. 
.So he has a deep fear this will happen to you. 
.Which makes him a very paranoid, protective, and clingy yandere. 
.He also likes to feed you and take care of you, loving when you get sick and he got to feed you, bathe you, and just look after you. 
.For him it made him feel like you needed him and just him. 
.Made you dependent on him, where all you need is your husband. 
.He was always pouty when you got better and would start to take care of yourself once more. 
.He is a very dotting, loving, and caring husband and yandere. 
.But we have to remember Jack Bright is a bit of a mad scientist. 
.So he has moments where his sanity is very unhinged. 
.Like a new researcher starts to hit on you, he would take sick pleasure in hurting them. 
.He also will sometimes go on rants to you that people are trying to steal you away from him. 
.That he knows this in his heart and that he is JUST TRYING TO keep you safe. 
.He has deep fears of losing you and this causes his mental health to be on the edge of sanity as a yandere of being stable and snapping. 
.He deals with rivals by giving them keter duty where they die or cutting them up with a chainsaw, slowly and painfully. 
.He has isolated you, where he has a firm hold on you and you do not even know it. 
.You have already accepted his love, but if you ever decide to leave him? Well, he loves taking care of you, he can take a leg or two and make the files say you terminated. 
.He is high enough up in the foundation where the foundation would not do anything to stop him. 
.YOU Help keep Jack Bright sane, so if you bring one or two legs fewer imprisoned by Jack Bright keeps Jack Bright Sane. Then That is for the greater good. 
.He can easily put you in containment as well since you are an anomaly. 
.That way you are trapped always and of Course Jack Bright will be your caregiver and or researcher. 
.This is all if you tried to leave him. 
.If you never leave him, you have nothing to worry about. 
.You and Jack will have a family and you and him will be happy together, forever, literally FOREVER! 
.Side note since he needs a new body every 30 days you always get a new physical lover that is Jack's new body. 
.So if imprisoned by him, you will never know what face your husband will have, if he is in a male body or female body. 
.It keeps you on edge, cause if you somehow did escape, you would NEVER know if your yandere husband was right there and you do not even realize it! 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Another chapter is done I hope you all enjoyed this, and stay sexy, all of my Sexy Muffins! 
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mikalara-dracula · 2 years
When the Sakamakis were children [IRL photos + hcs]
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Warning: 18+ content below; don't read if you're a minor and aren't comfortable with mentions of childhood fears/trauma. This is a fictional work and should not be taken seriously.
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Made with: @liannelara-dracula
Figured I'd put side-by-side photos for better comparison to real life and the anime.
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Started practicing violin a lot as a kid, but it was honestly a hobby to him. And this is probably when his love for classical music began.
He also started learning piano too. He has a natural talent for both, but violin came easier to him.
Began learning fencing as a child. (I have a post about Shu and Reiji hcs if anyone is interested. Click/tap here to check it out.)
Shu used to be taller than Reiji as a kid, but this changed later on.
Read poetry as a child and Beatrix also forced him to write some of his own so he’d develop the skill since the heir had to know how to do something finesse.
Since he’s the heir, he was expected to attend special balls and gatherings with Reiji by his side.
And here, you can best bet he was introduced to potential suitresses he would have to choose sometime later, but Beatrix thought it didn’t hurt for Shu to be introduced early.
She honestly hoped he’d become friends with one of his suitresses as children so they could grow up together and later be married.
It’s canon that Shu has a fear of clowns.
This fear probably resulted from Ayato and Laito jumping at him out of nowhere when they were kids, and scared him by wearing clown masks.
It’s also canon that he’s afraid of caterpillars.
This fear probably developed in his childhood through Reiji putting one in Shu’s tea once, and he’s been traumatized since due to Reiji’s scheming.
It’s canon that he knows Latin, so he probably started studying it when he was a child. Beatrix figured it’d be better for him to get familiarized with the human world since Karl was well accustomed, so through Shu being the heir, you can imagine Beatrix expected him to be very knowledgeable like Karl.
It’s canon that Shu used to sneak out as much as he could to get away from the castle.
Although, he would sometimes get caught by the servants who would immediately force him to come back and he’d be delivered to his mother for scolding.
But some servants looked the other way and let Shu go out and explore, mostly because they felt bad from how much pressure was on him as the heir.
When he met Edgar, he used to sneak out a lot to go see him.
In the manga, Shu said that he worked harder in his studies so he could finish them early and go have time to see Edgar.
Their friendship was so cute. :))
Had his first kiss at 13 (at least he looked 13) with some nobleman’s daughter since he was at the age of being curious as to what that would feel like.
Was quite close with some of his nannies and servants, at least the ones who let him get away with things his mother wouldn’t allow.
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Oh my gosh, look at our lil Rei. He was so cute as a kid. (Tbh, they all were.)
Apart from this, unfortunately, Reiji was alone for most of his childhood.
Read a lot as a kid, either for school or personal research.
Has gotten into literal fights with Shu, such as both them tackling each other and battling it out.
It usually took several servants to pry them apart.
They once ended up falling into a mud puddle during their fight and Beatrix was so pissed off that their suits had been soiled. You can bet her scolding was quite brutal and never-ending about this.
Probably started learning chess around this time as well. Lil Rei honestly found it interesting since it involved strategy, something that’s right up his alley.
His fear of ghosts probably developed as a child since he was always lonely, especially through always sleeping in his room alone as a kid and being considered foolish by his mother if he sought comfort.
It’s canon in one of the game routes that Reiji developed a healing cream formula as a child to aid vampires. So we can see how advanced his chemistry skills were even as a child.
Because there was a lot of pressure on him as a child by his mother he felt the need to perfect things so he was always practicing all his manners, tea pouring, dancing, and fencing skills.
He usually asks his servants to assist him and correct him if needed.
This is also why he is so good at dancing when it comes to the waltz. 
It doesn’t surprise me if he had a maid/servant who used to help him practice.
At balls and events that he attended with Shu, he always tried to make a better impression than his brother, mostly because he just wanted to be acknowledged.
It’s canon that Reiji used to spy on Shu in hopes of catching him doing something un-heir-like so he could report it to his mom and get Shu scolded so he could be viewed as the more “mature” child.
He used to have tea time with his mother because she’d want to know what was going on with Shu.
Reiji at first thought it was because she wanted to spend time with him but he later learned that these tea times were only to know what Shu was up to and if he was misbehaving or hiding anything.
Still, Reiji did what he was asked because he figured he could possibly get the chance to tell his mother some news about his discoveries or something interesting.
However, it was always short-lived because she used to change subjects and always focus on Shu.
This is also why Reiji prefers to be alone because he could never have one conversation with her, without her not mentioning his older brother.
All our lil Rei wanted was a friend who would listen to him 😭.
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It’s canon that Laito once stuck candy wrappers into Shu’s pocket to not get the blame for eating them. Shu’s still pissed at Laito for this since he ended up getting the blame along with getting scolded by Reiji.
Definitely developed his fear of bugs as a kid.
Ayato used to chase Laito around the courtyard with a bug in his hand and would try to get it on him.
He used to run around the mansion shirtless.
But also used to run around naked in the castle with his brothers.
Always took baths with his two little brothers, and he and Ayato always use to tease Kanato by pouring cold water on him or by stealing his bath toy.
This usually resulted in Kanato crying.
But sometimes they were nice to him and washed his hair since they felt bad. So they used to take turns washing each other’s hair.
Laito and Ayato always bribe Kanato with candy so they dare him to touch Reiji’s shoulder while he’s reading without being noticed or to mess with the cooks in the kitchen.
This way they can get a laugh out of it.
Laito used to have the servants read him bedtime stories before going to bed every night.
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Aww, isn’t he cute.
Let’s just pretend the bby in the photo on the right is Teddy lol.
It’s honestly funny how both are positioned in the same way.
Kanato wasn’t entirely alone during his childhood.
He mostly spent his time with Ayato and Laito, but sometimes he preferred to be alone.
Used to have pillow/stuffed animal fights in his room with Ayato and Laito. And they would usually end with pillows/stuffed animals ripping, causing a big cloud of fluff to explode about them.
Used to steal sweets from the castle's kitchen and was an expert at hiding it.
Little Kanato would usually sneak out of his room after everyone had been put to sleep and would sneak into the kitchen to grab a bite of whatever sweets the castle had prepared for tomorrow.
He once colored on the castle walls because he was so bored. Cordelia was so mad, but Karl honestly didn’t care since he claimed his son was expressing himself. Until this day, that wall remains with that design.
It’s canon that Kanato used to sing “Scarborough Fair” to Cordelia when he was a kid. He honestly had a natural talent for singing and finds it nice to sing on his own every so often as seen in the anime.
His brothers used to tease him about his height and he’d get sad and would claim that one day he’d be taller.
Sometimes Kanato would have nightmares as a kid. So he’d end up going to either Laito or Ayato’s room and crawl into their beds for comfort. Aww :’))
He used to be afraid of lighting as a kid.
He had a childhood crush once and Laito and Ayato teased him endlessly about it.
Used to finger paint with Laito and Ayato and they used to tease him by taking their fingers and dabbing their fingers on his nose to get paint on it. It would always make him upset.
Our poor little baby.
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Ayato usually spent his time with Kanato and Laito, but mostly Laito since sometimes Kanato wanted to be on his own.
Ayato once spent a lot of time with Kanato and Laito building this little motor that they could drive around.
Ayato decided to test it once inside the castle with Kanato and Laito.
And it actually worked! Ayato was having a lot of fun test-driving it around, and Kanato and Laito cheering him on and begging to have a turn.
But this was until Cordelia stopped Ayato and told him to go to his room for acting foolish.
In the end, their little motor ended up disappearing, and they later discovered that Cordelia had it burned.
It’s canon that Ayato took violin lessons as a kid, but this didn’t last long until Cordelia ended up breaking Ayato’s violin during her freakouts, to which his lessons ended. And he was honestly happy to get out of them.
Ayato always used to play monkey in the middle with Laito and Kanato. And you can best bet that Kanato was the monkey in the middle.
Kanato would always complain that he could never catch the ball and would throw tantrums about this.
Tbh, this hasn’t changed since the triplets play it like this until now lmao. xDD
Used to jump off the manor’s couches with Kanato and Laito with a cape and pretended he could fly.
Apparently, it’s canon that Ayato is afraid of bees. So with this, he probably developed this trauma because he got stung once when he was a kid and never got over it.
He used to grab little mice and release them into the kitchen because all the female cooks were afraid of them.
He used to get a kick out of it every time the cooks would start freaking out and throwing pots and pans and chasing them out with a broom.
He’s even done this to his aunt Beatrix but not his mom, he was too afraid. He knew she’d instantly catch on to it being him and suffer tremendous punishment for it.
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He was alone a lot of the time too.
As we know, Christa gave Subaru that silver knife he always carries around.
Whenever he was bored as a kid, he’d sometimes used it to carve or engrave things, or even weave bracelets.
He had a childhood crush! It was a girl (a child vampire like him) from a noble family that would sometimes come to court.
She was around his age and was pretty social. She noticed him at one of the gatherings and began hanging out with him since she found the gatherings boring.
So, they both would go outside since Subaru hates crowds himself. And from there, they developed a pretty cute and innocent friendship.
She actually got our little bby car to lighten up and would tag him out of nowhere so he could chase her around the courtyard.
And it was through this that Subaru developed a crush on her.
Sooner than later, he even went as far as carving his and her initials into a tree in the courtyard.
Their friendship lasted a good while throughout the years and through having such a connection, Subaru secretly swore that he’d marry her when they were of age.
But this all changed when the girl was forced to marry another suitor that was presented to her.
This left him pretty disappointed, but he figured it would end this way because he always thought it was too good to be true since he was raised to think he was “filthy.”
Used to engage in a bit of pottery making and he gave some of his works to his mom, which she gladly appreciated when she wasn’t having a mental breakdown.
Subaru keeps his little pottery works until now stashed somewhere hidden in his room so his brothers won’t find them.
And he can’t bring himself to throw them away despite part of him wanting to since he finds them foolish now. Whatever the case, he figures as long as his brothers don’t see nor find them, he’ll keep them.
Played tag with the triplets sometimes.
Would sometimes hang out with Shu, but it was rare.
They’d sometimes go on walks together in the courtyard or even carve things together, like a piece of wood from a nearby tree.
Shu once tried to teach Subaru violin, but it was a disaster.
Unfortunately, it was so bad that it was overheard by the entire castle ground and it resulted in a lot of people complaining. So with that, he never tried it again.
Despite this though, he still considered Shu his favorite brother since Shu never bothered him in an annoying way and was the only one who made an attempt to hang out with him every so often.
It’s canon that Subaru likes Kanato’s singing. Since Kanato used to sing to Cordelia when he was a child, Subaru probably overheard Kanato sing to Cordelia in the courtyard sometimes since he spent a lot of time there himself, and grew an admiration from there on out.
Subaru would sometimes use his knife to cut roses and bring them to his mom when she was feeling okay. It always brought a smile to her face.
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You know I'm curious how you would write the companions reacting to a glitch that happened to me once in a playthrough. I was fighting a legendary ghoul and using brass knuckles when I ended up punching it in the head so hard that the head came clean off but at the same time it mutated and restored all its health. Which meant i ended up having a headless and armless (I had taken off the arms earlier in the fight) ghoul fighting me. I remember all I could think was "did I just hit this thing so hard that it can't even tell that it is supposed to be dead?"
My gosh, this is insane 😂 The glitches on this game get crazier and crazier. Also, btw, new fear unlocked because ever since you sent this in, I've been watching those legendary ferals with a bombastic side-eye 😅😅😅
Thank you so much for the request!!! 🥰
Cait - Would start frantically blowing holes into it as she blindly shoots. She would not even really worry about accuracy, just hoping that she's stopping it because this thing is seriously freaking her out at this point.
Piper - Would instantly start running as soon as she ensured that her Blue was getting out with her. Ferals and Mirelurks are her two weaknesses and a headless, armless turd in the wind ghoul is not something she's sticking around for.
Curie - Would probably scream. But as soon as it dies, she'd be examining it carefully, trying to decipher how exactly that this happened and devising some sort of scientific explanation.
MacCready - Would screech like a little girl and shoot with you until it was dead. Once it's all over, he would definitely deny it being a screech. More like a manly expression of slight uneasiness.
Deacon - Would be ready to just pop a stealth boy and bug out. He might sit this one out because this is weird even for him, so good luck.
Codsworth - Would be rather shocked, but he would stick with her regardless of the frightening sight, going after it. He is not losing the last remaining bit of his family.
Hancock - Would start laughing like a maniac. For some reason, this is hilarious to him, and while he's not sure if he's hallucinating it or not, it's still hilarious because it is such a bizarre sight.
Danse - Would quickly put on his power armor helmet to shield himself more fully as he does his best to keep from looking as scared as he feels at the sight of it. He would be embarrassed at the fact that he is afraid of a headless, armless ghoul when he has taken on things like Deathclaws before.
Preston - Would do his best to remain calm despite the terrifying sight, and he would try to maintain some distance from it. He would say it was to get better shots on the creature, but the truth is that he just would not want to be close to the thing.
Valentine - Would be surprised but would not react too badly. He would handle it rationally and go on shooting at it like he would normally, just not quite in the same spots as he would try to aim for normally.
X6-88 - Would be thankful for the fact that it could not really attack in its customary manner of bites and angry swings of its arms. He would take advantage of its removed defense system and he would make short work of the entire thing, aiming for the legs.
Dogmeat - Would not be bothered by the lack of a head and arms, and he would attack it just the same, going for the legs since those are definitely still intact.
Strong - Would be confused but would not dwell on it for too long. He would probably just go after its neck stump and smack the feral with his super sledge like it was a piñata.
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bloodywings · 2 years
Putting the "fun" in funeral
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CW/TW: major character death!!! reader dies, talks of dying, talks of funeral, probably ooc Bakugou, angst with no comfort
Gender Neutral, plus size and POC friendly!!
I think that's all, please let me know if I missed anything!
Thanks for clicking, I hope you enjoy!
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"Kat?" a soft whisper of a question fell from your lips, breaking the silence that had been in the room for far too long.
"Yeah?" Your boyfriend responds, you two hadn't spoken in a while, hence the silence. But how could you? The news you were just told would be enough to make both of your hearts drop. The impending silence was better than acknowledging the inevitable.
"When I die," you started. And with this, your lover felt his heart sink. You had just accepted it? He could feel a lump in his throat start. Death had been a thing that you feared, the inevitable but scary action kept you awake at night. And of course, your lover was always there to soothe your worries. Your fear of the unknown had taken a toll on you more times than either of you could count.
So to hear you, of all people, just accept this fate, was bone-chilling. "Can you make sure no one wears black at my funeral?" You asked. You could see your boyfriend's eyebrow raise at the request, so you explained "I mean, I'll already be dead, why wear black? It just kinda ruins the mood, y'know?" And to this, your lover let out a stiff chuckle. The conversation was serious, sure. But your logic was hilarious, and the blonde couldn't help the belly laugh that flowed from his lips.
And you soon joined in
"I mean seriously," you say between chuckles, "I'm already dead, I feel like black is doing too much. Have them wear pastels or some shit." You finish with a final chuckle Only to begin again after your lover says in between his own laughs. "Pastel? Are you fucking serious?" His face is beginning to turn red from how much he has laughed within the last few minutes.
"Hell yeah, have them put me in yellow, or something. But not a mustard yellow," and as you finish, Bakugou says it with you,"a pastel yellow!" and you both begin laughing again.
And as your boyfriend is punching your hospital bed in laughter, you can't help but smile. After a mission went bad, a long tear-filled trip to the hospital, before receiving heartbreaking news. You wouldn't be able to live outside the hospital. You'd be on a ventilator for the rest of your life. Barely being able to move on your own. With someone taking care of you.
Either that or they give you a week and pull the plug. You had a 25% chance of living after that. You were only 28, living a life on a ventilator until the day you died didn't sound like the best plan.
And so the second option seemed the best.
Of course, your lover had tried to talk you out of it
"I'll take care of you, you know I will, just please, don't do this" Katsuki begged. "I don't know if I could last without you." He whispered that last part.
"You say that now, but in a year or two, having to come home and take care of me is going to be absolutely shitty." You argued, standing your ground. "You're gonna wish they pulled the plug on me." You finished.
He hated this, he wasn't going to be able to get through to you. Your logical stubbornness was something that he loved. It was one of the main things that attracted him to you. But now that forgotten boomerang was coming back, and he wasn't going to be quick enough to catch it.
But when was Katsuki Bakugou ever known to give up?
Before he could continue his argument though, you did "You're only saying this now because you don't want to face the grief, but the actions of your stupid and selfish consequences are going to come back and bite you in the ass." You finished. The glare in your eyes and the tone in your voice told him that the conversation was over. That arguing was pointless.
And that's how you ended up in silence.
But now, as you're watching him belly laugh you couldn't help but smile. Sure, the thought of your impending death was making you want to sob, but you didn't want your last moments with the love of your life to be in tears.
You wanted him to look back on these memories and smile through the tears, laugh through the racking sobs that were impossible to control. You wanted a tear-filled smile to come when he thought of you. Not the fearful look on your face at the thought of death. And so you laughed with him, holding back tears.
And he did the same for you.
Whether you liked to admit it or not, Katsuki knew you like the back of his hand. He knew that your smile was to make him smile. And to answer that bright smile of yours with a scowl was too brutal.
Even for him.
And so he smiled with you, wanting to ease your worries about leaving him alone. The thought of losing you held him in a vice grip, choking him more and more. But he smiled for you.
And even a week later, when your time was up. He watched as you said your final words, surrounded by family and friends. Kirishima's arm wrapped around him, squeezing him every once in a while to ground him.
All of his friends, who had later become your friends were there. They had grown to love you almost as much as Katsuki did.
Almost, only because Katsuki would go to the ends of the earth for you. If you wanted him to all you had to do was set the timer. He'd call you when he got there. If you wanted a star, all you had to do was say when. He'd suit himself up and get to space for you. If you want your enemy's head on a platter, he'd say "medium or well done?"
He loved you with all that was in him, and as he watched the light leave your eyes, the air leaves your lungs, and the monitor you were connected to fall to an ear-deafening beep. He felt his heart sink into his chest.
A sob, so soft that you might not even hear it if the room wasn't so silent. And immediately the redhead holding him pulled him into a hug, tears streaming down his face as well.
He wanted to push Kirishima off, and walk out, but the stress and anticipation of your death had been weighing on him all week. He needed a shoulder to cry on. And with the rest of the people that he held deep in his heart surrounding him, he just might be okay.
And another dreadful week later was your funeral, you as well as the rest of his friends dressed in beautiful pastel colors. Nowhere near reflecting how they felt. The pastel was a huge contrast to the pain, guilt, and grief that was gnawing at them.
And you? You looked beautiful, in that pastel yellow outfit that Katsuki had picked out for you himself. Keeping your final wish deep in his heart.
Instead of 6 feet under with you.
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A/n: Hii, so how was it? Please let me know in the comments! If you have any ways I can improve as a writer please let me know! (remember there is a difference between constructive criticism and being rude)
Notes and reblogs are appreciated
I hope you're having a good day! And if not, I hope tomorrow is better! bye darlings <3
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beemochi-art · 7 months
Oplita ask meme: 3, 13, 22, 25, 27, 34. Go wild, and I hope you feel better.
I am feeling better today thanks 😊
3) Elita initiates PDA more. She knows he’s a Prime and he needs to keep up ✨appearances✨ but sometimes she can’t help it! She’ll rub up against him or huh his arm. Optimus is not going to stop her, no matter how much Ratchet scolds them about it. Op will only really initiate hand holding. He’ll stand next to her until she grabs his hand instinctively.
13) I feel like Optimus likes to ask her if she’d like to go on a cruise with him. He’ll usually ask the night before so they can go early in the morning, before the sunrise. They talk on their coms while driving, enjoying the nice morning breeze and morning sun, usually Optimus has a place he’d like to show her, so where pretty or interesting he found. He gets excited when she gets to explore somewhere new. If Op is really really wants to make it special he probably goes there ahead of time to make it extra special. Elite’s breath is taken away, Op let’s on more charm than he lets on.
When they finally get back to base everyone is barely waking up (Except ratchet). Op is getting extra loved on.
Elita wants to out due him with date ideas but all she’s got is a relaxing day in the hab. Optimus is more than happy with this.
22) Elita give him words of affirmation. Always telling how good he is and stuff to get his confidence up. Her love language is also physical touch, as stated before she’s all over him.
Optimus love language is acts of love. If there is something he can do for her he’ll do it. Often times op will do the chores that were assigned to her around base. Yeah it not fair, but the more time she has the more time she has to spend with him. That also falls into his other love language, spending time with her. Quality time with the ones he loves is the most important thing to him. They are in a war and realistically he doesn’t know how much time he has.
25) “what’s there not to love?” -Elita.
Physically speaking, I mean he big. Big all over 🤭. But seriously tho, he’s kind and makes her feel safe. He is shy and you wouldn’t expect that if you barely met the guy. Especially cause he comes off as intimidating at first (she found it sexy.) but the goes away with the more time you spend with him and the team. He’s loving to a fault and cares a lot, though little bit too much overthinking. She likes how he treats the ones around him his faction having more of a family dynamic. They follow him out of respect and not not out of fear. He spends time with his team and tries to go the extra distance to show he cares. He’s a diff ent kind of prime for sure. He’s got his issues but his dedication to trying better himself is well… incredible attractive.
Optimus knew exactly who she was when he first saw Elita. It’s his old fling Ariel from his time of being Orion pax. They were going steady until he became a prime. Then it was like she disappeared and he could never seem to seek her out again. Time has not betrayed her. She’s still beautiful, more so now. Despite everything she never lost her spark or her wit. But she’s gained her skill as warriors. She incredibly strong and not someone you want to throw down with.
“Yes, incredible is the best word to describe her.” -Prime
The love she has shown him has been more than he thinks he deserves. Always touching him, it makes him feel like he’s floating. He’s glad they were able to reconnect.
27) “We’re not CRAZY!! Only the bedroom will do.” -Elita. She seems to frequently forget they have done it during their little dates. Almost every time.
34) things get scary and real often. Almost dying, getting hurt, the rest of the team getting hurt. Lucky Optimus hasn’t had to deal with Elita getting injured badly, yet. But Optimus is a magnetic for getting gravely injured or gored. Dating a prime is… uhh let’s just say very emotionally draining. Seeing him like that constantly is the worst. And Elita is is usually helpless to do anything, she is near by making sure not to get in the way of Ratchet. Bumblebee is the one that steps in to comfort Elita. The rest of the team does their best to comfort her too but Bumblebee will not leave her side. When she’s aloud to she won’t leave his side either. Ratchet will ask her to get things for him like an extra energon run, just to give her something to do.
Once Op is recovering and doing better she’s very quiet. It is very noticeable because she’s a chatterbox. Optimus can’t do much but apologize and try to be more careful next time. She’ll get over her grief but it doesn’t hurt less the next time it happens.
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(AKA, Cheeky is getting bullied on the interwebs, and I’m choosing to take that personally.)
Science and Mathy Things- Cheeky worked as a scientist for The Corporation for YEARS. Science and Math were her main jobs, and jokes about her not getting a simple math equation (FALSE ALLEGATIONS, DISPROVEN LATER) aside, I bet that she’s really good at stuff like that.
Being Clear- Cheeky is BLUNT. She says exactly what she’s thinking, no holds barred. She does what she wants, and has a awesome time doing it. She is one of the ONLY characters to be straightforward about intentions, blind spots, and feelings on issues. Part of this is probably because the others have to hide aspects of themselves in order to stay safe, and she didn’t really have to do that, but MY POINT STANDS!!!
Learning and Evolving- Cheeky is smart. Wicked smart. She picks up on things really quickly, learns from her mistakes with little to no trouble, and finds where she can be the most service. I’m not saying that other characters DON’T do these things, but I am saying that Cheeky doesn’t get enough credit for all that she does. She’s the ONLY light magic user in the world. She doesn’t have a mentor, boss, or anyone who TRULY understands her powers. V and L can only take her so far, a lot of her learning is practical application. And yet, she picks up on concepts very quickly, to the point that MULTIPLE CHARACTERS have commented on it. I could go on, but I won’t.
Emotional Vulnerability/Stability- Nuff said. I’m playing, but seriously, Cheeky adds a human element to V’s dynamic that is needed. V cares for and about people, obviously, but he doesn’t make it a point to tell them that or express that. (Probably due to a fear that they’ll be taken from him stemming from his childhood but WE DON’T HAVE TO TALK ABOUT THAT-) Cheeky, however, has incredible empathy. She’s a protector, a healer, and a good person at heart. It’s even reflected in her magic! She does things that are difficult for her, and she handles it like a champ. Is she probably a little more sensitive rn because of the whole Atrocity situation? Maybe. But still! She also is able to bounce back from difficult situations with relative ease. (Most people would NOT be that chill with finding out that their whole life is a lie and they’ve been under mind control.)
Her Magic- Look, is Cheeky the strongest magic user? No, not by a long shot. Twinkle has more magical prowess than Cheeky, and Twinkle is making it up as she goes! But Cheeky still does have access to a whole other side of magic that the others don’t. And I think that makes her pretty neat. Furthermore! That same magic helped her break free of mind control (which we don’t have record of many people doing) and stay alive!
In Conclusion!
Cheeky is a boss, and I will not stand for this slander of her good name.
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crows-home · 1 year
hey! i hope you don’t mind me asking, but do u have any fics you recommend reading? (specifically sonic fandom ones)
im so sorry anon but im probably the worst when it comes to fic recs. I just started using the bookmark function on ao3 like last month. There's probably tons of fics that i've read and absolutely loved, but never saved and are just collecting dust in my history ToT
i'm going to shout out a few of my favorite authors whose works i absolutely adore and some fics under the cut!
There's definitely more authors and fics i missed, but this is what i was able to come up with!! in general, the sonic community is full of so much talent and i'm just really happy to be here :)
@cozyqueerchaos - I love every single piece they put out honestly and these fics are the reason i dipped my toes more into the sonic fandom years ago. they're THAT good. love them all.
@phantomruby - another wonderful fic writer that everyone should check out. "Slipping Away" makes me cry fr, although i haven't caught up on the latest updates. everything just makes my heart go oshfdsfhd
@chaoxfix - sonic fics are wonderful sonic takes are top notch i dig everything. the understanding of the characters and archie is just phenomenal.
@teamxdark - fell in love with the Tales of Avalon series and fell harder in love with the team dark Boomtober fics and dynamics and aaaaaa, wonderful writing and style.
@rubyiiiusions - every fic is a joy to read and every story really just gets your attention and keeps it till the end. i've bookmarked a few of them since last week :)
I went digging through my history and here are some of my personal favorite Sonic fics!
radio silence under a yellow sky by chaox Summary: Sonic finds out Tails is missing. And more importantly, that no one's been looking for him.
A gen fic about Sonic finding out Tails was MIA during Forces it's so so good i think about it a lot
falling by sonosuke Summary: Shadow likes a boy
sonadow during SA2 I'll cry. so angsty but it makes me :')
Birds of a Feather by SonicaSpeed123 Summary: Sonic has been trapped in Camelot for three years, but he's started to make a place for himself that he can finally be comfortable in with his beloved Lancelot Something has been bothering him, though: If all the people of this world look like the people back home, where is Sonic's lookalike?
Lansoni. Part of a series of SatBK mini fics that i really love, but this one especially because it answers the question of 'what about the Sonic doppleganger?'
you can hardly swallow your fears and pain by chaox and sketchjii Summary: Shadow is usually better at putting up that cold, unfeeling front, isn't he? Or maybe that's him. (or: sonic doesn't need to be in touch with his feelings if he pretends they don't exist in the first place)
One of my all time faves i love it so much i dont think i have the right words. shadow tries to give sonic mental health advice. it does not go well. takes place some time after Forces.
the time has come again for stars by rubyillusions Summary: (five times someone notices sonic and shadow are in love and one time they do something about it)
sonadow, Teen. obsessed with how the characters are written here and the way all of their friends interpret their relationship it's just so cute and sweet and shit and i love it a lot.
against every odd by eggskie Summary: "We're friends?" Nine asks, small and timid, and oh, doesn't that break Sonic's heart. "Of course we are. We always have been. Or we always should have been." Or: Nine isn't used to being cared about
wanna see how hard i can cry? Gen, Sonic Prime fic about sonic and tails and what they should have been.
Dreams Don't Come True by Skyblaze Summary: Short, mildly humorous fic with sonadow flavouring. It also takes the mickey extensively out of the Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 Next Gen game. Warning: not to be taken seriously.
This fic is just really silly i like it a lot :)
A largely platonic cave by mousewritings Summary: "You know I uh, love hanging out with you and all, but do you think we could go somewhere that's not a cave for once?" Shadow stares at him. "What do you mean, go somewhere that's not a cave? Think you're too good for caves?"
Sonic Boom Sonic and Shadow (pre-slash sonadow) my beloveds <3<3 this fic is so funny they're so insufferable
Also, uh. I know you said only Sonic fics but i'm going to add a few more fics that i really really love from different fandoms because i reread them a lot, i hope you don't mind! ^^
Our way by shpeeper Summary: Overall, the mission was pretty simple. Sniper was instructed to track the spy for a week, figure out his daily patterns, then put a bullet in his brain when no one is around. No one told him there would be a kid. An AU in which Spy raises Scout alone, and Sniper is hired to kill Spy.
Oh my fucking god i could go on about this fic. Sniperspy, Teen, TF2. filled with action and danger. Every time a new character would get introduced, i would have fun piecing together who they were in my mind. the first chapter already had me emotional, it's been in my brain for YEARS. And don't even get me STARTED with the twist at the end. holy shit.
Desmodontinae by Romiress Summary: Kirk wakes up in a Gotham that is not his own. A what-if, where Gods and Monsters Batman winds up in the DCU. Originally intended as a short oneshot, and expanded out into a small story, exploring the differences, struggles, and conclusions. Focuses primarily on Kirk Langstrom (G&M Batman), with a side or Hernan Guerra (G&M Superman), Damian Wayne, and Bruce Wayne. Guest appearances by various other Robins, Clark and Jon Kent, and several others.
The Gods and Monsters DC team means so much to me and oh my god this fic was made with so much love and care for the characters. It's been a while since i read it, but i remember this fic had me staying up literally all night, eagerly going through all the chapters, one at a time. i was in bed kicking my sheets quietly irl lmao.
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emblemxeno · 6 months
Legend of Korra First Watch: Book 3 Thoughts
Full thoughts under the cut!
-----Fight choreography and animation is even better, was absolutely amazing to watch.
-----Zaheer and The Red Lotus are a much better antagonistic force than Unalaq. The bar is low of course, but it's actually such a difference in quality.
Now, Unalaq formerly being a part of the Red Lotus? Eh, okay sure, I guess. Idk how considering his bending isn't all that's cracked up to be and he gets his way through manipulation and sneak attacks most of the time.
Each major member of the Red Lotus is intimidating and a force to be reckoned with, and that makes each encounter with them a sight to see. I've got to be honest however: could've used a little work on the personality side. Zaheer is obviously exempt of course, but the others come just short of being as personable or as engaging as Tarrlok. There were attempts of course! Mako and Bolin talking with Ghazan and Ming-Hua, as well as P'li's relationship with Zaheer are good moments of characterization, but I feel it just misses the mark.
...Though, thinking about it, I could be incorrect. There's plenty to glean from their personalities just through what they do in the journey to get to Korra. Ghazan is affable and calculated, bringing down entire structures with surgical lava strikes. Ming-Hua is fucking nuts, and is most prone to violence as a way to counter-balance her lack of a rare skill. P'li is determined and is the most dangerous when considering how damn calm she is. It's little wonder that each of them meet their ends when getting these aspects taken advantage of: Ghazan's fear of going back to prison overtakes his laid-back attitude, and that in tandem with Bolin learning lava-bending and being fought by him and Mako, he crumbles and tries to take them down with him. Ming-Hua's love of the hunt narrows her mind, and she doesn't even consider how her water-arms can be used against her, especially by a firebender; it's little wonder she gets electrocuted, she probably didn't think or wonder if Mako could do it, and is so full of herself that she thought she could take anyone so long as she has water. P'li, in spite of her calm demeanor, is so cemented in her role and making sure Zaheer is alright that she misses how she's kind of an easy target. She's strategically always put in places where she's just out of reach so she has the greatest advantage and the lowest chance of getting hurt, but loses whenever her blind spots are used against her. Her blind spots are getting hit in the third eye, anything that's not in front of her or in her peripheries... and Zaheer. When Zaheer is out of his element, she loses concentration; her earthly tether is in danger so she gets more frazzled, which is ironic considering Zaheer himself got more dangerous when he loses P'li entirely.
-----Zaheer himself is extremely compelling and interesting to think about. Anarchism is something that's not taken seriously by most of the general public because they have a shallow view of what anarchism is. It's the skepticism and dislike of authoritarian institutions that divide and beat down the marginalized, such as capitalist nation-states. But like every school of thought, it has extreme, utopian, and dangerous limits and sects. In Zaheer's case, he believes disorder is natural and something that people will come out of stronger for it.
He has a point to a certain extent (and trust me, as a leftist, I'm aware that TLOK falls into a similar liberal writing trap that ATLA did in that bad people who have good points/ideas are written to be even more evil in their actions in order to undermine their ideas as a whole, but that kind of discussion is best saved for a different day), but his extreme relies upon two fallacies: one, that people will maintain the freedom that goes by his design-which if the Red Lotus were to try and maintain that design, he'd just end up a hypocrite-and two, that people wouldn't just band around another leader. In fact, creating such a big power vacuum could lead to an even more oppressive force to take over in the previous one's destruction. And I know all about the fascist-allegory in season 4 of LOK, so... yeah, that didn't work.
Something else I like about him is how he's almost a corruption of Air Nomad culture. Freedom's negative extreme is chaos and selfishness, and it's in deep contrast to what Tenzin wants the new Air Nation to accomplish at the end of the season, which is harmony and justice. So in a way, Zaheer got a little of what he wanted, but ironically in losing all his tethers, he lost what makes a person a person, and becomes so utterly lost in his self-made void of emptiness, that when brought back to the earth, he loses his mind.
Thinking back on it, it's what I liked about Amon and Tarrlok as well. Water is the element of change, and the water tribe celebrates community and emotion. The natural negative extremes of that is enforced rules and proticols to quell unrest and protect the people from themselves, which is like trying to redirect a powerful river (Tarrlok), and violent, immediate social unrest and revolution, which is like a sudden current shift or careening down a waterfall (Amon). Were I to think on it more, I could probably do a similar thing with Unalaq and the Water Tribe civil war, but given I just pulled the previous examples out of my head near instantly, it kind of goes to show that Book 2 is a bit too bloated with other things for me to properly dissect and reconnect the philosophy to the elements of it.
-----I think Tenzin has moved into comfort character territory for me, I just love whenever he's onscreen. The weight of the air nation culture on his shoulders was resolved last season, but it comes back now that harmonic convergence re-established balance by having new air benders pop up. I think that was a fair way to bring back his angst, and it parallels neatly with Jinora's continued main role as an airbending master and spiritual guide in her own right. What Tenzin lacked in natural talents or skills in maintaining community, he makes up for in raw experience, and its vice versa with Jinora. The air family's dynamic was always a treat to experience, and Kai's introduction into the show was quite beneficial IMO. It gave Jinora an earthly tether and all the good and bad that comes with it (heightens her immaturity and rebelliousness, but also fosters a better connection with her spiritual side and improves her ability to talk and direct others).
Back to Tenzin and him being a comfort character though... Guys I was almost brought to tears when the Northern Air Temple was attacked. I hated seeing Tenzin get beat up, like I was actually upset. "As long as I'm breathing, it's not over." 🥹🥹🥹
-----Lin and Suyin! I like their dynamic a lot, and I'm so happy that Lin is a major character again in this season. The Beifong family is fun to watch, and I like how stubborn each of the sisters were, until Opal-much like an airbender would-was able to enlighten them by reminding them of their sisterhood and love for each other. Achieve freedom from your past by letting go of resentment, and all that.
Given that Kuvira was introduced in this Book, I expect Lin and Suyin to have even more screen time next season, and with that I also expect deeper moments to comment on. I have other thoughts I could share, but I think watching season 4 would make them more solidified. Also, Suyin voiced by Anne Heche? Absolutely love, it's a treat for the ears.
-----Bolin and Mako! Finally I have nothing but positive things to say about each of them! Now that they're not sharing the spotlight with police drama or political bureaucracy, they have new opportunities to grow. I'm glad they got to meet their Earth Kingdom family, and as a mixed kid myself, I have a soft spot for mixed ancestry depictions in shows.
Bolin thrives when he's having a crisis about his identity and who he wants to be; giving him lavabending (something relatively unique) instead of metal-bending (something most other earthbenders, now including Korra, can do) is brilliant, as it gives him an opportunity to chart his own path on almost uncharted territories, rather than try to fit into the mold.
Mako thrives when his connections to his family and his past are brought to the forefront; he's always been a talented bender, but his power as a bender and his goodness as a person, shine brightest when he needs to help/encourage Bolin, when giving Kai advice, when rescuing his extended family, or when he's reminiscing on his past on the streets. He's out of his element when boxed into a poorly written love triangle, and boring to watch when he's a police officer. He's a great watch when he's freed from those restrictions, and it's a great layer to the overall theme of freedom in Book 3.
-----Man Korra was put through the wringer in this season. Now, I still don't like how the connections to past avatars was done as a consequence to Raava getting defeated, but I do like how it impacts Korra as a character, when deciding her own path without needing to seek advice at every turn. I... don't think it results in a completely rash decision on her part, just that her insecurity over being considered a poor Avatar means she's more willing to self-sacrifice for the benefits of overs, even if it means everyone suffers in the long term.
I was so proud of her character at the end of the season but also so heartbroken when she was shown in the wheelchair. She's so despondent, and it's clear that it's not just physical trauma she's suffering from anymore. I hope season 4 capitalizes on this.
Honest confession, I was crying heavy during the final scene during Jinora's tattoo ceremony, for multiple reasons. Jinora reaching her peak and being respected for her mastery, Tenzin being proud, Korra being traumatized, and Korra crying both because of her experiences as an Avatar so far and because-or at least what I headcanon-it's subtly Aang also crying through her seeing his culture and people restored. I just think it's a bittersweet and emotionally well done finale to the season.
-Korrasami ship tease in this season was so cuuuuuute!!! Sorry if this is an awkward way to end this post, but I just really like them together. Any time it's just the two of them, I smile. I wish there was more overt ship tease, but I understand it was the execs behind the scenes breathing down the necks of the writers. At least Korrasami won out in the end.
Book 4 is next! What a wild ride it's been!
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wenellyb · 4 months
What’s your take on the hunch that the show (now that Buck is confirmed queer) is going to kill him off because he and Bobby have their final goodbye in the s7 finale? The show’s creators said that Eddie will go into s8 feeling isolated, and we know that Peter’s contract isn’t up for the show, so Bobby’s likely not dying. Does anyone know if Oliver’s contract is up??? I really hope they don’t give us a bury your gays trope 😫
Hi Anon!!!
I don't know anything about the actors contracts and I don't know where that rumor came from but I know for sure they won’t kill off Buck. If it were Grey's anatomy I would have a different answer but the 911 franchise don't kill off their Main Characters so "easily".
And I don't even why they would kill off Buck "now that he's confirmed Queer"...?????? It doesn't make sense. I would expect 911 Lone Star to kill off Nancy, or Tk, or Carlos, or Paul.
I'm not saying it couldn't happen in the future, and for sure something dramatic is going to happen before the end of the season, but I can already tell you if they kill off a Main Character it won't be Buck ( if Oliver contract was ending, and I don't know that that the case, they would find another of making him "leave").
Eddie feeling isolated could be for different reasons, and also feeling isolated isn't the same as being isolated.
I think his recent actions show that he's in a weird place and he might isolate himself in fear of being judged. Or he might be isolated because some of his friends won't approve his behavior. There are so many storylines the writers could come up with...
So here's the wild part, I never really thought about how Eddie might feel isolated, but this is how I imagined Eddie's recent storyline going.
I don't know if Eddie will keep seeing Shannon's lookalike or not, but going on a date was already cheating and I don't know if he'll confess or not, but Marisol will eventually hear about it and probably break things off.
We don’t know what Eddie and Marisol's relationship is at exactly, but we know that Marisol and Christopher are really close, we saw it the last episode, but we also heard that Marisol often babysits Chris when Eddie goes out with friends, and once did it twice in the same week. And finally, Eddie wouldn't have moved in with Marisol if he thought Chris would have the slighest problem with it (she moved out the same day, but the 1st decision was taken seriously and having Chris in mind).
So here's my wild theory, and bear with me.... I think that when Marisol and Eddie break up and Chris finds out it's his father fault.... He contact Marisol and run away to see her, I think he'll only stay a little, like Marisol will call Eddie to tell him that he's safe and tell him it's better if he stays the night because he was pretty upset. So even if Chris goes back home, he will still be mad at his father and won't talk to him (leading to Eddie feeling isolated).
If Christopher ever learns that his father cheated on Marisol with his mother's doppelganger, things might be even worse, he might leave to go live with Marisol for a while or with Buck.
I know this isn't your ask, but I'm sure Buck is safe (from being killed off, not from other dramatic events).
And your ask made me think of my theory and whataver the writers do with Eddie and Marisol's relationship I hope they explore the impact it has on Christopher because we've already seen that they're really close and anything. I hope the writers don't suddenly forget about it.
Sorry for derailing but your ask was the perfect opportunity to talk about this.
Btw, does anybody know anything about Olivier's contract?
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Haha, Did I Scare Ya?
Anyways I Noticed That You’re Looking For Some Silly Questions, So Your Wish Is Granted Mate!
A Simple One Of Course, What Are Your Thoughts/Opinions About One Of The Villains Such as The Interesting Twins?
JXJDB sure did
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These guys, are by far my favorite villians, also im sucker for sibling dynamics
Wished they were taken more seriously, but won't deny some of their episode were my favorites by far (especially OP T.R.I.P). Less because of the gags they thrown them in, but rather we do finally see glimpses of their own personalities cause up until then there rlly wasnt much on them besides them failing and falling out a whole damn window all the time xxbdj honestly, that calls into question how resistant these guys are holy shit
The sister(if anyone got any name suggestions for them plz tell so I can steal them too/j), is fed UP, and I love her for it, cause with the amount of shit she's face i'd go fucking insane too. I vote we should give her gun, all her problems would be solved/j but actually, i enjoy that she's a little shit, impulsive, arrogant, etc, but i think it kinda stems from a fear of failure because how else would they've been known as father's bestest spies? Sector V had knocked down a pedestal, and that fucks with her head, but then their failures began to pile up and now she's becoming increasingly desperate to prove that she's still somehow #1– in turn she because implusive, impatient, etc. Sbe 100% cares for her brother, so at the same time she feels like she's dragging him down, it all piles on. Maybe a vaca would do her some good.
The brother, I absolutely adore him – tbh I adore both of them equally. He seems more like the younger of the two in terms of personality, we seem always following his sister's lead despite how irrational it could be. His loyalty and compassion to her is something that kinda pushes him to being my fav twin spot, cuz well im a sucker for good brother characters. And despite his more "softer" attuide compared to his sister's, they're both evil and flawed equally on the same level ‐ mo manipulation or pressure(well kind), nah-da. As the brother is just as implusive, selfish, and arrogant, but he hasn't let their failure get to his head just yet – in turn, he has more clearer head than his sister, so he ends becoming a voice of reason than a leader.
(Readmore cuz this is long jdbdb)
It's pretty popular theory that they're delightful, which is something I think about a LOT when it comes to their characters. And a bit more headcanon here: their non-delightful selves are still conscious, as to me(inspired heavily by my SS au with a friend), being delightful serves as just a filter for kids. Kinda like you feel the urge to chuck a plate, but because you're delightful, it's like a parasite keeping your hands folded in your lap, controlling your behaviors and words.
And they both don't like that their delightful-selves are fighting against old comrades because they were probably ex-KND operatives. perhaps got caught during a mission in Father's mansion, and faded to obscurity in KND history. Either that, or maybe they were father's first delightful experiments? Before the DCFDTL? Maybe that's why they aren't as insync as the DCFDTL, cuz you'd think them being related by blood would strength that bond.
Honestly, i just want an AU where they're happy:))
More headcanons:
Lesbian/Gay solidarity and hostility
They are the entire Evelyn Evelyn album(or not idk, havent listen to it in awhile)
If they ever do end up being undelightfulized, they'd have vastly different asthetics out of spite. Not sure which ones yet
They'd marathon Saturday morning cartoons to get the full childhood experience!!
They consider the DCFDTL sort like cousins, a familial connection is there at least
They're presumed missing, so they live alone in a house bought by Father. They're able to split the chores usually, but the Brother is the better cook between them, so the sister just does the dishes.
Alternatively they also live in Father's mansion, but because they keep falling out of windows at comical heights, they're in bed rest planning their next schemes, therefore more out the way
If they got turned into animals, they'd probably be panthers or owls idk
(Lord save me it's nearly 1am on a school might xmsb)
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trashlie · 1 year
[‼️FP 237 spoilers] with nol's walls all the way up shin's "if you won't let me have you" is our only hope now <///3 tbh i had a strong feeling that nol would be extremely stubborn (after all, it's not just dieter and alyssa/"being like his father" that are preventing him from letting her in; the biggest reason remains yui) so i was actually hoping that shinae would be the initiator, that she'd back him into a corner and really push for it. but i swear to GOD if she shows up with a confession and he hits her with the "your feelings are your responsibility not mine" I WILL FIND A WAY TO TELEPORT INTO THE COMIC AND KILL HIM. LIL BUDDY JOIN ME. NOLAN PREPARE FOR DEATH 😾💥😾💥😾💥 i'm just HOPING that he's all talk and once shin shows up all his resolve crumbles ;; but it's starting to look like he's gonna need the time in jail to clear his head, sit with his feelings, read nessa's letters, and then yujing's article will probably make him see that there is hope, that things can be turned around, and maybe then he'll be willing to make alliances. but god i would HATE for them to part on bad terms i would HATE to see shin getting hurt again <///3 this girl has put up with SO MUCH she has given SO MUCH of herself to him and nothing is coming back she has been going through all stages of heartbreak how much more is she gonna have to endure i just UARGGHHHGHHHH.
-frustrated lil anon 😾
the thing is there is a big flaw in nol's thinking that someone needs to point out to him please. it's understandable that the stronger his feelings are, the closer they get, the more scared he is of what could happen - what yui could do -, and that he wants to prevent a tragedy at all cost. but boyo. guess what. YUI HAS ALREADY TAKEN INTEREST IN SHINAE REGARDLESS SO IT'S TOO LATE. whether you cut shin off or not, she is still in yui's trap!! she's actually *worse* off without you, so might as well join forces!!! GRRRRRR i'm seriously so frustrated. -lil anon 😾
GOD!!!!!!! /GOD/ Listen Lil Anon I am RIGHT THERE WITH YOU. All the way with the frustration, too, and it's so difficult because YES. I get him. I UNDERSTAND!!!! But HE DOESN'T HAVE THE WHOLE STORY.
I firmly feel like, yes, it is up to Shinae and her pure determination to tackle this, and I'm hoping he is all talk, or rather, I'm banking on the way he crumbles in her presence and how he can't stick to his guns because of her. I need them to sit and have a GOOD, HONEST conversation and I'm really afraid of how possible that is with the pace we're going at ;A; Like afkjalfkjaklfjkaf lemme lmao try to organize my thoughts.
Basically Nol lives with this fear that HE is a terrible mistake, a terrible monster, that he caused his mom's death and is responsible for all the bad things that exist as a result of his existence and caring for anything. Like, I am 300% sure that this mindset was drilled into him when he was institutionalized, that they basically took this child and brainwashed him into believing that his entire existence is a mistake because things would be so much better if he didn't exist.
He lost his mom. His father doesn't seem to love him. He's all alone. He probably said some awful things to his mom, before losing her, so it was easy to convince him that she died because of him, that he's like this poisonous gas that destroys everything it touches. But here's the thing. This is all he knows! He knows Yui is terrible - to him! He knows Rand is cruel - to him! He feels like he's a burden, a mistake. When Nana tells him how worried Rand was, Nol can't believe it, figures it must be because it's yet another mess for him to clean up, or because of his precious heir.
Nol may know that Yui played Alyssa like a puppet, but he very much thinks Alyssa's current situation is the course of her own choices, that she must've wanted to be famous, to impress Yui so much. He doesn't realize that she very much is trapped in this career.
He doesn't know that Yui has manipulated Kousuke for the entirety of his life, that she's drugged even her own son! He thinks everything she does is for his benefit, because she loves him, because she hates Nol the terrible bastard child born to her husband's mistress.
When he sees Shinae at the formal, clearly against her will, Nol believes it's because of him. I think that was the moment he remembered what happens when he cares about people, why his relationships were supposed to be fake, why it was supposed to be about him helping others and not himself. The moment he started to care about people and seek relationships for himself, he put them in danger.
Compare this to how he talks about Alyssa, how he never mentions her as one of the people he cares about, how he even brushes off the idea of her visiting him in prison. He doesn't feel responsible for her in the same way he does for Shinae being there.
It's not even that it's about Yui, exactly, but that it's about HIM, and that he cared about her, that because that friendship meant something, because she means something, he put her in danger.
Except, we know better. We've seen this story from an objective standpoint that Nol doesn't possess. Consider this: Nol only knows that Shinae was at the formal against her will, that Yui gave her a job at the company behind Kousuke's back. He doesn't know about Kousuke's birthday.
I need Shinae and Nol to talk because Nol's fears are VALID and I think we can see that Dieter can tell Nol's fears are not unfounded, even though he doesn't know what it is he fears. He just knows that he must, that bad things happen. But, right! Bad things have already happened! And they're going to keep happening! Nol is terrified because he only knows this small part of everything, and that this small point indicates it's because of him. But what happened at Kousuke's apartment wasn't about Nol. Even if Nol feigned losing interest in Shinae it wouldn't matter, because Yui is already invested. At this point it is no longer about Kousuke OR Nol. It's her OWN interest.
Shinae needs to be up front with him - tell him that first off, it's her decision to make, not his, he can't keep choosing to push people away without including them. But more importantly, she needs to tell him about the birthday incident. Tell him what Rand told her, that she'll never be able to escape from Yui's clutches, that she's already invested. Tell him about the offer, that Rand is urging her take it and use it for her benefit.
Nol cannot see beyond his fear because it's all he knows, he has nothing to contradict it or prove otherwise. But I need him to listen to Shinae, because while she probably can't fully change his mind - it's so deeply ingrained in him at this point - I think she can at least show him that her danger doesn't change regardless of whether she's near him or not. That even if he left her now and never looked back, it wouldn't change the hold Yui has on her. The problem is, can logic even combat his inherent believe, this psychologically deep fear he has?
But still, I want her to. I want him to read those letters in the Bible before he goes to jail because frankly I CANNOT TAKE the idea of them parting without resolution, parting with her still feeling like she's being thrown away, him needing to sit in prison pathetically yearning for her to realize how badly he cannot fight this. I need him to crumble in front of her, to realize that he cannot actually deny himself, that he cannot turn away from her ;A; I need him to be HONEST with her! She's already heard him in the alley talking to Lil Buddy, she knows why he pulls away. I want him to straight up tell her how scared he his, so that she can counter him.
Wouldn't it be worse, to leave her in the dark? To leave her behind and pretend that everything will be okay? AUUUUUGGGGHHHHHH
Like.... at this point I'm really banking on Shinae's pure determination and maybe like... having to actually convince him because I know if she so much as initiates a kiss, he is going to CRUMBLE his brain is going to shut off he is SO touch starved and full of want and SO in love with her that the moment she initiates anything his resolve will melt away and it's OVER IT'S OVER.
But also I need him to read the letters from Nessa and see how badly Nessa wanted to protect Rand, and how he didn't let her. And how it ended up. Because Rand did what Nol is trying to do and it still didn't protect Nessa. Shinae doesn't deserve any of it - not what Yui would put her through but also not what Nol is putting her through. The Yui aspect can't be stopped, but he CAN stop the other so ALKJFALKFLAJFKAFJK ALKFJKLAFKFAJF FRAFLJ GRRRRRRRRR LAKJFKJFJKRJKRJ LIKE /SCREAMS/
I hope he reads the letters and realizes that it isn't something that will just pass. It wasn't for Rand. Even after he lost her, years later he still carried that Bible filled with her letters with her love with her desire to protect him, with the photo of their son. Rand never moved on. Even though he pushed her away and tried to be the responsible man, he never moved on.
Be for fucking real, Nol. You think you can do that? You know you can't do that. Rand never moved on, Nessa never moved on. Does he think Shinae could?
I want her to go in guns blazing. I want her to go in mad, I want them to argue because at least when they argue they're a little bit more honest, they say the things they might not if they were calmer and thought about their responses. I want her jealousy and insecurity to come out when Nol tries to shield himself with "I have a girlfriend" and I want her to remind him he said it was fake and he resents her. I wan her to look him in the eye and ask if he can really throw it all away, if he wouldn't have any regrets if he gave up and left her. I want him to fail to answer and instead tell her that maybe he can, who knows, maybe none of this is really real. And I want her to kiss him and prove to him how very real it is, how very much they both want it, and how very much they need each other.
They can have a heart to heart afterwards ;A; She can tell him about the Kousuke birthday party nightmare fiasco, remind him how Yui manipulated her and took advantage of her desperation, tell her what Rand said, that Yui will never let her go, tell him about Yui's offer. I want her to hold his stupid face and tell him that the only thing denying his feelings and pushing her away can do is hurt her more because regardless, she's trapped. She can't get out of her contract, she still has to face them! I want him to see that even if he can't get around his own paralyzing fear that that doesn't have to be the only option. He can leave. He can disappear. He can go away - as long as he doesn't sever that tie, as long as she still has contact. ;~;
Cos look.... I don't think we, or Shinae, could handle Nol leaving without resolving things. Even if it was a "he leaves and in prison he realizes he was a fool he can't do this he can't leave her like that", can she really handle him doing this? He had his opportunity to leave - twice. He could have left for jail and never stepped foot in her presence ever again, but he still went to her. And after they talked she told him he could leave, that she wanted closure. But he stayed.
He stayed and they talked and they shared moments and she told him all about her most painful straw, about why being thrown away by him hurts so much. He stayed and he almost died and she almost lost him and while the city was asleep they found comfort in their least favorite place together. While everyone slept they flirted and finger danced and danced and he hurt her again and how can he leave after that how can he push her away. He told her that what they did wasn't "just friends" that it was something more and all but told her to come back when she'd figured it out and she has and if he tries to push her away when she finally comes back I will KICK HIS ASS. Because if he does that how can she ever accept him back after? ;A; How can he shatter her heart over and over again and ever come back into her life? ;_________________;
So PLEASE I hope she can convince him, if only by refusing to let go, by convincing him of why he's making a mistake.
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vampire-sugar · 8 months
Finally finished Part I! Here are some of my pretty unorganized thoughts.
(Spoilers ahead) (tw mention of incest)
A lot going on. It was actually hard to keep going at some point, a lot of exposition and it was frankly very boring at times. The entire Baby Jenks chapter could have been skipped. The biggest thing I’ve taken away from Part I is Anne’s obsession with red hair. Anyway, here are some of the things I liked!
Truly unhinged intro from Lestat where he literally says, “hey remember me?? left you on a cliffhanger there!! also let’s switch to third person bc the story just flows better that way.”
Marius trapped under the ice where he belongs.
Pandora chapter was like a fever dream. And also damn you eat like that?? Literally ripping hearts out, but lowkey that’s such a goddess move.
Got to the famous Devil’s Minion chapter!! I was really excited for this one.
It was very sweet actually. Armand is a terror, but his intensity is what I love about him. Loved him since the iwtv book, what a character. Him finally turning Daniel, that whole scene was heartbreaking. Also what does Armand need 8 phones for? Love how they kept his love for tech in the show lol he’s always on that iPad.
Finally introduced to the Talamasca. I assumed from what I occasionally saw online that they were this like all powerful group that had like a one-up on the paranormal creatures that they investigate (or like some sort of council for anything supernatural), but I was kinda let down when finding out they are humans with just a little bit of psychic powers. But I’m pretty sure I don’t know the full story yet.
Also it’s cute that Anne starts every chapter with her husband’s poetry. Though they’re not all my cup of tea, I liked the one at the beginning of the Jesse chapter.
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I like Jesse! This chapter reminded me a lot of the Mortal Instruments actually lol, both Clary and Jesse join a supernatural related order and are unknowingly related to supernatural beings (and both have red hair lol). I like that Mael makes a reappearance, he was the only part I liked about Marius’s backstory from TVL. Also, Anne Rice try writing a close familial relationship without making it weirdly incestuous challenge impossible. Maharet’s attitude towards Jesse made me wildly uncomfortable.
The part where Jesse goes to New Orleans was true horror. I was shaking in my bed sheets reading it, seriously. Claudia haunting the New Orleans townhouse, my poor baby. Hope that more of the diary gets revealed in this book.
And that’s about it!
For such a long part that’s honestly all I’ve got to say. I’m glad to finally be done with it tbh and we can finally get to the present day. I learned from Jacob’s podcast appearance that Anne did not have an editor which explains a lot lol. I fear for what is awaiting me.
Predictions: I had thought that Maharet was actually Pandora, but then read back and saw that Pandora has brown hair so I guess not. If a character has red hair Anne will let you know multiple times. Which is why I feel like Armand might be part of the Great Family. Or maybe his red hair is garden variety type, idk.
I will probably post chapter by chapter going forward! Or however I please I guess lol. Excited to start Part II: All Hallow’s Eve!!
Bonus: Lestat calling himself the James Bond of vampires, he’s got jokes.
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yume-x-hanabi · 2 months
Concubinage Behind the Scenes - ch.8
Another "behind the scenes" post from 2022 I forgot to cross-post from DW.
(chapter | DW post | previous posts)
This chapter marks the conclusion to the conflict arc. Despite Lin sending Arst to get healed, Arst's opinion of him doesn't improve, mainly because Lin didn't actually make it clear that was his intention when he sent him to Minah lin learn to communicate pls
That's mainly because they didn't really trust each other yet. Sure, they'd been taking tentative steps toward a potential friendship, but they were not close enough to share their feelings freely. Lin now thinks that Arst looks down on him for being weak, like everybody else (not that he's wrong in this particular moment tbh), so while he feels bad for what happened to him, he's not particularly eager to talk to him anymore. Plus, Arst's barely concealed hostility makes him hard to approach.
Arst, on the other hand, still believes the worst of Lin, and it's made worse by the fact that they had become friendlier just beforehand. He expected that his time as Lin's concubine was going to be terrible, so when the possibility that it could be better than expected presented itself, he was happy to seize the chance... only to have all his hopes dashed the next day. So he's feeling extra bitter about it. Maybe, if they hadn't eventually cleared their misunderstanding and repaired their relationship, he would have ended up snapping at some point.
Arst is a very strong fighter, but unlike Xing, who enjoys crushing those weaker than him, he loves competition, and finding worthy opponents. He loves strong people, but it's not just about physical strength or fencing skills—anyone who tries their best is worthy of respect in his eyes. In fact, he'd much rather fight a weaker opponent who gives their all than an arrogant strong one like Xing.
When he faces Lin again, Lin is determined to prove himself. He wants to show him, in his own way, that he's not a coward, that he can still fight even if he's not very good at it. Lin rejects the opening for a quick victory, he wants to make this fight worthwhile, even if Arst might end up faking a loss at the end.
And despite all his misgivings about him, the part of Arst that loves competition and challenges responds to that, and he ends up fighting seriously for a moment before he remembers the act he's supposed to put on.
That means a lot to Lin. Especially now that he knows what Arst is risking by fighting him seriously. He feels there is an opening for them there, a step toward some level of understanding.
Arst of course doesn't see it so generously, he's full of pent-up anger, and ends up going at him with full force. Lin'll definitely get a nasty bruise from that, but it's nothing a trip to Minah can't fix. In the moment he's more concerned about what's going to happen to Arst afterward, and what he can do to stop it.
Due to not being taken seriously, and his own insecurities regarding his qualifications to fulfill his role (we have to thank Lars' constant disparaging remarks and abuse for that), he rarely uses his authority. But it's not that he has none. If given the chance, he knows how to give orders and use his rank to his advantage. And he's well aware of the intricacies of court hierarchy. Even if people don't respect him, they respect his rank as the heir unless they know Lars won't back him up, hi Yan & Xing. So if he tells Li not to touch Arst, he knows he'll have no choice but to obey.
(Slight digression, but he'll start preventing Li from going after other trainees too if they fight him seriously, tho in effect it probably won't happen much, as he'll keep letting them pretend to lose for some time to lay low.)
Anyway, Arst should be glad to avoid a beating, but since he has no idea what Lin's really planning, he feels actual fear. He's not a character who gets scared easily, but he's not completely immune to fear. And Lin, right now, is an unknown entity, one who he can't read, and that worries him. He's well aware of how ruthless the ruling clan is, and the possibility of being brutally tortured is not nil. Due to their particular circumstances (especially with Lin saying he'll take care of it at home), the thought of rape crosses his mind too. In a way, not knowing what's going to happen makes it worse.
Lin, of course, had no intention on following through with that threat. He sets them up for a shogi match as a last attempt to show Arst that he's not completly useless, that there are things he's good at too (and also because he wants a bit of payback for all his losses; winning at something feels good).
Despite his earlier reserves, Arst gets into it. Especially because, like... it goes rather fast in the chapter's narration because I'm not describing the whole game move by move, but shogi matches can easily get long. Sometimes players spend several minutes thinking up their moves. So that's time for Arst to calm down and start feeling more at ease, especially when playing the game seriously requires him to put all his focus on it, so he puts his worries aside.
I love shogi (only rarely play it tho orz), and I especially love the symbolism it can bring to settings and characters like these. Wingul speaks in chess-like terms a couple of times, and Rowen mentions playing shogi with Gaius in X2, so I think there's good evidence to show this is a game he and Wingul likely played a lot together. It fits them, and it's a good way to let out their competitive nature. So, having Arst and Lin play it was a given.
And, in this instance, it's a way for Lin to open a line of communication. Arst eventually gets a clue about his true intentions, and that makes it easier for Lin to finally open up about how he's feeling, and what's been going on. And, this time, Arst believes him. You'd think he's a bit quick to trust him, after all Lin could be lying. But:
Gaius is an excellent judge of character. We see it with the Chimeriad of course (and Wingul especially), but also the party; he's good at seeing potential in people.
So, when Arst started getting an inkling that Lin was unlike his father... he was right. And though he revised that assessment after what happened with Li, finding out that Lin had nothing to do with it just confirming his first instinct. It just makes sense.
Lin's just spared him an unfair beating, and has made no move to hurt him now, so his actions seem to back his words.
Arst doesn't fully trust him yet, they don't know each other that well after all, and there is a lot of clan history that Arst can't just easily ignore, but it's a start. As much as they both hate their current circumstances, if they can get a somewhat positive relationship out of it, it'll make it more bearable.
Arst also desperately needs friends and allies. Firstly because he's a very sociable person, he's used to being surrounded by people he has a good relationship with, but also because he's alone in the vipers' nest. He won't survive long on his own. Meanwhile, Lin is more of an introvert, who usually keeps to himself and has few friends (Nils and Minah are the only ones, really, plus his mother), but a part of him is yearning for someone else to acknowledge him. And Arst is in a special position to do that. Plus, it's better when the hot guy you live with isn't looking at you like he's about to murder you ;)
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mara-xx217 · 9 months
A Brief Overview of Fear & Hunger
I made an earlier post about it here but I wanted to put it out in a long form just in case it would be easier to view.
I'll touch on the game's over all aspects and what it's about in this post.
If anyone is interested in hearing more about this game (or its sequel) feel free to let me know and I can go into greater depth!
I love this game enough that I wanted to talk about it and show it off. As much as I do love it, I know full well that this is definitely not a game for most people. It’s unkind and unforgiving to beginners- even to veteran players- and it has a LOT of themes that center around things of a SENSITIVE and UNCOMFORTABLE nature. The content warnings in the opening screen isn’t simply for show and should be taken very seriously. With this in mind, I’ll be giving a basic look into the game so people that are curious about it, wanting to play it, or uncertain that it’s something they would be interested in will get a better feel for the game. That being said, as someone that has sunk a good amount of time into this game, I’ll say this:
It’s the meanest goddamn game I’ve ever played and I absolutely love the pain.
There’s plain warnings for *extreme* violence, gore, sexual violence and drug use. They AREN’T kidding! I write horror erotica for a living. I’ve written some crazy shit in my time, and even I was left taken aback and surprised/shocked at some of the things that happened in the game. It doesn’t sugar coat anything and there’s definitely no room for weakness in the dungeon of Fear & Hunger, so take these warnings to heart. If you need some brief examples so you don’t waste your time:
First enemy in the game has a stinger dick and yes- he WILL use it for its intended purpose. 
Human sacrifice is okay!
Cannibalism is okay!
Blood orgies are a thing and it’s probably exactly what you’re expecting.
Child abuse! 
Pocket Cat (ew)
And one of my favorites (/s)- genital mutilation!
All of these are (pretty much) graphically displayed and not censored, so if anything of this is a major hard ew fuck NO for you, it’s definitely not a game for you. Which is fine, cause damn this game is fucking mean, as I stated before. But if you are still interested (or curious) then we’ll get into the very basics of what the game is, the playable characters, and the general feel for what an average (not Hardmode) run would look like. 
Playable Characters 
There are a total of four playable characters in the game, all of which act as a sort of separate “class” system, if you will. They all have their own abilities but every single teachable skill can be learned by any of the characters… IF the correct requirements are met. There’s lots of small, specific details when dealing with creating the character you want to play as (both as you start the game in the “backgrounds” section and in the game, itself, as you progress) but I just want to give a feel for exactly what they have to offer instead of the little things that will complicate things unnecessarily. For the moment, we’ll just see what (or who) we can play as in Fear & Hunger. 
Mercenary (Cahara) 
First of the four listed. He is the “rogue/thief” class, if you will. I highly recommend him for beginning players, as his perks are some of the most useful early on that remain relevant throughout the entire game. He can use any weapon type or any armour kind.
The Mercenary’s perks are as follows: Lockpick, Steal, Escape Plan, En Garde and Dash.
Lockpick: Exactly what it advertises- you can pick *MOST locks in the game (if it requires a Small Key, it can be picked, however some doors are “locked from the other side” and thus cannot be picked.)
Steal: Again, you get what you see. This is a skill you use in combat, which can award you with some pretty decent loot at the cost of a precious turn. 
Escape Plan: Pretty much as it states, it gives you a far greater chance of successfully running from/escaping a battle. Extremely useful, as you will be doing this… A LOT, regardless of how well equipped you are throughout the entire game. 
En Garde: Hold the skill button (SHIFT on keyboard) before an encounter gives you an extra move in battle. An excellent skill, as the only other way to get such an opportunity is through item/accessory/in battle skill usage. 
Dash: A special one, as this is something ALL characters are capable of starting with, as long as you choose the right options when creating a backstory for your character. Another perk I recommend for ANY player, regardless of their familiarity with the game. It’s something I, personally, cannot play with because you outrun most enemies with this bad boy in your arsenal. 
Decent starting equipment: a scimitar that does slash damage (great for early enemies) and a leather vest with okay defense.
Knight (D’arce Cataliss) 
Second of the four listed. She is the “warrior/knight” class, if you can believe it. She’s definitely a lot harder than the Mercenary in terms of not having a lot of perks to access different areas/items, but she makes up for this in her starting kit. She can equip any armour and wield any weapon.
The Knight’s perks are: Fast Attack, Defense Stance, Leg Sweep, Counter and Dash. Important to note: the ONLY perks you can choose for the Knight in the beginning are Fast Attack, Defense Stance or Dash. Leg Sweep and/or Counter can only be learned through special means in game, which I’ll explain when I go into depth about the Knight.
Fast Attack: Skill used in battle. Make enemy attacks more likely to miss and you gain an extra turn. Very good and likely a skill that would get you out of a bind if you have no choice but to fight.
Defense Stance: Skill used in battle. Prevents critical damage and greatly reduces the melee hit rate of enemies. It uses a valuable turn but the boons you receive will likely outweigh the risks of missing a damaging turn. 
Leg Sweep: There is a surprising use for this skill that you probably wouldn’t expect. (I sure didn’t.) It’s a skill used in battle that targets the legs that does damage. Obvious, right? Well… if you initiate a “fight” with a wooden door (just hear me out) it will break down the door. I don’t know what else to say other than it’s super useful but could be inconvenient to come by.
Counter: This is an unusual one. It’s a skill used in battle that causes your character to “brace for oncoming damage”, or guard (the in game option of a similar functionality), only with this skill, if any damage is inflicted on the character, a portion is directed back to the enemy. Definitely has its uses, though highly situational and likely something you would use if D’arce was a party member rather than the player character.
Something that makes the Knight highly attractive is her potential starting gear. She can start with either: Iron Spear (two handed), Iron Cuirass (very good defense), and Arm Guards (protects against limb loss), or Long Sword (good attack), Eagle Crest Shield (good defense), Plate Mail (excellent defense) and Leg Guards (protects against limb loss), all of which are EXCELLENT throughout the entirety of the game!
Dark Priest (Enki Ankarian) 
Third of the four listed. He’s the “mage/dark mage” class and pretty much a glass canon (a character with low health but has the potential for high damage output). Pretty tricky for first time players, as you need a pretty decent understanding of how magic works in the game as well as how to LEARN new spells.
The Dark Priest’s perks are: Counter Magic, Greater Blood Magic, Blood Sacrifice Pray, Necromancy, Mastery Over Insects, Pyromancy Trick, and Dash. 
It’s important to remember that perks are determined by the character’s backstory, though all can be learned later. The Dark Priest is especially tricky, as all of his skills rely on the Gods, which I will get into at a later time. 
Counter Magic: A skill that can be used both inside and out of combat. It improves resistances to different magic forms or even cancels some types out completely.
Greater Blood Magic: Increases the potential of all spells. It requires a greater in depth look, but think of every spell you learn getting an upgrade.
Blood Sacrifice: Remember when I said human sacrifice is okay? Yeah, there 
you go. Kill some unwitting bastard in a special place for a pat on the back by a specific God. 
Pray: This is something ALL characters can do immediately in game. It is done in specific places and increases affinity with a chosen God. 
Necromancy: Used to raise the dead. But only specific kinds of dead things. Cross your fingers and pray to Gro-Goroth. 
Mastery Over Insects: A passive ability that has a surprising amount of uses. You can talk to bugs. Yay! They give you hints and you can talk your way out of a few different scenarios…
Pyromancy Trick: Used in combat. Set someone on fire. Do it. You know you want to. 
Dark Priest has a lot of great potential, but he is weak physically. He has a low health pool and is unable to wield heavy armours or weapons. Again makes up for this with his magic abilities right at the beginning, but he’s tricky to plan out. Not great for beginners. 
Outlander (Ragnvaldr) 
Fourth of the four playable characters. He’s a sort of “ranger/tank” class. The Outlander has an interesting set of perks and possible starting equipment, making him close to the Knight in his usefulness. 
His perks are: Devour, Bloodlust, Marksmanship, and Warcry. 
Devour: Pretty much what you think. You can eat dead enemies. Well… some of them. Sometimes it’s not always a good idea…
Bloodlust: Used in combat. Your attack is increased but you no longer control when or how you attack. More useful if you have party members. 
Marksmanship: Passive that gives you the ability to shoot targets OUTSIDE of combat! Extremely useful, as it can save you a lot of heartache and stress if you’re unable to sneak around an enemy. Requires bow and arrows (duh). Activate on overworld with SHIFT.
Warcry: Used in combat. It directs all enemy attention onto you, giving your other party members a break and a chance to deal good damage. Dangerous to have all that attention on one character but has great use if your build supports this skill.
For his Marksmanship perk alone, the Outlander could be a good choice for a beginner. Some of his other perks require some set up and likely other party members, but it’s likely you would find at least one or two along the way in your trek through the dungeon of Fear & Hunger. 
It’s difficult to say which of the four would be the BEST for someone ill acquainted with the game, but my personal choice is the Mercenary. His perks are some of the best in the entire game and can make the experience much less painless given your expanded ability to access different items and areas. The Knight and Outlander are tied, depending on what kind of play style you prefer. The Dark Priest, though, is the hardest one to play for, especially if you don’t know what you’re doing. It’s mostly up to personal preference, though, as either way you’re probably gonna get fucked in the ass. (Metaphorically and literally speaking.)
Basic Hazards/Mechanics
There’s a lot of different moving parts in this game, but here’s a few basic ones you’ll be contending with throughout the entirety of the game:
You’ll be immediately notified of this upon first entering the dungeon. Steadily over time, the player character and all party members will have their Mind drain when either in the dark or seeing things that are upsetting to them. Mind is what is used when either practicing magic or using character perks. There are different stages of fear, usually announced with some flavour text at the bottom of the screen describing what your character is feeling at the moment. The higher their fear, the less their attack rating will be and the more damage they will receive. It will also be clear on the Status Screen when the menu is brought up. If it gets low enough, it’s Game Over. The best way to restore it is through the use of Spirits, though you can also use a Pipe to smoke various… things. You can also restore it through less than conventional means, but a girl will never kiss and tell. And if your Sanity gets low enough… you can access a special “skill”, which could come in handy in some very, very special circumstances…
This is the second thing you will be notified of when entering the dungeon for the first time. Like Sanity, it drains over time. Hunger has different stages, announced with some flavour text at the bottom of the screen, and will affect a character’s base health until treated. At the highest levels of Hunger, a character will be unable to walk and thus can only crawl. Feeding them will rectify this but the effects will linger for several minutes. When Hunger reaches zero, it’s Game Over. There are a variety of food things in game that can solve this status and even a perk dedicated to providing you with an easy food source… if you have the stomach for it. 
There are a lot of enemies in the game. A lot… All of them can and WILL kill you in a manner of terrible ways, so be wary when thinking of initiating combat. Running away is always an option… though not always do you succeed. Most enemies don’t have to be engaged at all to make progress, so keep this in mind as you go deeper into the dungeon. A lot of the enemies are of an… upsetting nature as well, so be aware of that. You will see dick, tiddies and vagine, so yeah-
They are everywhere and nowhere where you expect to see them. You can:
Fall through the floor
Step on a pressure plate (and take an arrow to the knee)
Get sniped from a distance
And one of my favorites (/sss) stepping on a fucking rusty NAIL-
Watch where you are going for the sake of your tootsies. You can get some nasty status effects that will kill you if you don’t deal with them over a certain amount of time.
Status Effects
There are many status effects in this game, many that are situational and rare and some that are fairly common. A few that you will encounter often are: 
Bleed: Some weapons/attacks leave it behind. Can be healed with a Cloth Fragment.
Infection: A game ending effect that is all too common. Caused by certain enemy attacks or by the dreaded rusty nail. Can be healed by using a Green Herb.
Parasitic Worms: Yeah, that’s disgusting. Can be caused by some enemies or by eating Rotten Meat. Cured by drinking Worm Juice. (Sounds absolutely terrible but it is a cure not a cause.)
Poison: Some enemies can cause it or can be contracted by eating something you had no business putting into your mouth. Cured by using a White Vial or a Mix of Green and Red Herbs.
And this is only a few of the common ones. There are many more and some that are… just awful if I’m honest. They will be discussed more later.
What are you even doing in the dungeon of Fear & Hunger?
Every character has different reasons as to why they began their journey to the greatest shithole of Rondon, but they are all united under one, singular, unifying factor: Le’garde. He’s at the center of each character’s goal and it’s clear he’s meant for a greater purpose. What that purpose is, however, would be revealed as you uncover the secrets of Fear & Hunger. 
There are several different endings to the game, from one you can get right at the start of the game to ones that require a lot of planning and specific in game sequences to ones only accessible through specific difficulty modes. Most don’t end as you would expect them too and pretty much all of them end in some amount of tragedy or long standing dread. There aren’t many happy endings to be had here…
Depending on your knowledge of the game, it can take you hours to figure out what you’re doing or where you're going… Or it can take minutes if you are in the know. It also depends on if you are in the RNG (random number generator) gods’ good graces that day or not, because a BIG part of this game is… a coin toss! We’ll get into that more later, but know that one bad roll can doom your run, which is… fun. (/s) 
I recommend going into this game completely blind and see what you can figure out on your own. There’s a lot of little details hidden around that can help you on your journey and it makes the experience very enjoyable (in a sort of twisted, morbid curiosity and masochistic way) and it’s how the game is meant to be experienced at least on a first time basis. 
Death is common and you will die. A lot. There’s no shortage of ways you can die, many containing neat little animations (or traumatizing, depending on your definition) that are unique to various different coin toss “failures”. And sometimes, if you’re lucky (or not, again depending on your definition), a certain “Game Over” would simply be a change of scenery… and other things, but that’s only some of the time…
Wrap Up 
There is so much to cover in this game that it would take many different sections to do so. Different skills, different Gods to worship, different NPCs to interact with and different equipment options plus many, many different secrets you likely wouldn’t know unless you’ve been around in the fandom for some time… It’s got a great world that has been built upon a strong foundation and there is a metric fuck load of lore if you’re willing to slow down and enjoy the environment around you. If it’s not something you’d play, I highly recommend looking into it regardless. 
There is also a second game that further builds on the in game universe and I am thoroughly impressed with it. Both games are something I recommend lovingly with full knowledge that this game will cause pain and suffering to those that would dare to play it. I would like to go even further into detail about both these games because there is just so much to talk about and gush over and to bitch about. 
I really hope that this little rant piqued some interest in the games. Truly, it’s unlike anything I’ve ever played before and I can’t state enough how hard I fell in love with them.
@prettycutebunny, @infinitewhore, @kennbb, @slutwithadegree, @dead-bxxxtch-walking, @space-arsonist, @pink-soft-shadow, @sinlessdesire, @hoemine, @memoryofheather
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