#(the statue was described as missing in the way of kings)
thisgalliz · 1 year
Recently started rereading stormlight, shalash was totally at the feast. I mean restares (I forget his herald name) mentioned seeing the work of another herald using she/her, her statue was missing (she defaces depictions of herself), AND there was an unusual person jasnah met with (who had a shardblade)
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starsfic · 4 months
Macaque's Reaction
Statue Seal AU: How did Macaque react when he heard the news that Wukong was missing?
"Six-Eared Macaque?"
Macaque nearly missed the soft call of his name. Outside, the audience were still applauding and cooing over his show, excited that the villain had gotten his well-earned revenge. Maybe it was a bit too on the nose, but, hey. Macaque ran the show, not anyone else. However, the six ears weren't for nothing.
They didn't prepare him to see the monk, however.
"You?!" Macaque didn't let his surprise show for long, however. "It's you," he said, sounding like he expected this visit. "Monk Sanzang," He drawled out the name carelessly. "How have you been? It's been, what, two...five...ten years since we've seen each other last?"
Since you made Wukong turn away from me, he didn't add.
“I…” Tripitaka paused before sighing. “I need to both ask and tell you something,” he said.
The shadow portal that had begun to form underneath Macaque paused. He sounded so…Macaque wasn’t sure how to describe it. Serious or sad didn’t cover it properly. He leaned close, enough to catch the red rimming the monk’s eyes. Huh.
“Well, I’m all ears,” Macaque cracked, sitting down in the nearest chair and making himself comfortable.
Tripitaka took a deep breath. “The Camel Ridge Trio attacked Heaven-”
“Wait, on their own?” Macaque couldn’t help but burst out into laughter. He knew Peng was stupid and battle-hungry, especially for a coward like them, and Azure was an idiot with big dreams who ignored reality in favor of the world he made inside of his head. “I knew they were stupid- well not Yellowtusk, Yellowtusk’s the smart one-” He couldn’t help the fresh wave of laughter that kept rolling up. Maybe it kept him from crying.
“Azure’s been executed.”
Oh, yeah, that made sense. Azure probably expected it but still did it. Just another point against Heaven in his mind, probably.
“We think they did something to Wukong.”
That made him pause.
“...excuse me?”
Tripitaka took a deep breath. “Wukong has been missing for more than six months-” No, there was no way. Macaque would’ve noticed, right? Right? “Before he was executed, the only thing Azure admitted feeling guilty for was not convincing Wukong. We haven’t been able to find him.” He took a deep breath. Macaque could barely listen to him say “I felt like it was my responsibility to inform both you and the Demon Bull King.”
His mind was static. He could always hear things, but right now, he was barely hearing anything.
Wukong was missing.
He didn't stay to finish listening to the monk.
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thewertsearch · 3 months
Ask Comp 01/07
Anonymous asked:i think youre the first liveblogger ive seen to actually remember that orphaner dualscar was eridan’s flarping name?
Mindfang clearly describes the Serkets, so I wonder if Dualscar says anything about the Amporas?
Eridan's greatest enemy does have a duality theme, after all - and he was certainly scarred when the guy stole his crush >:)
@captorations asked:i have terrible news regarding homestuck and the good place: https://x.com/nbcthegoodplace/status/1039908767763259392?lang=en not to mention that. well. the two share more than you've encountered yet. it's very likely not a coincidence. have fun! oh and. re: my ongoing campaign of pointing out the homestuck ancestry of tlt characters. please compare aradia's "i am very much alive and i intend to stay that way" with dulcinea's "i'm not in the river and i won't ever be again"
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...oh my god.
On reflection, this makes a lot of sense. Homestuck's fandom is pretty large, and some of its members were bound to be involved in the production of mainstream media. Still, it's wild to see a Homestuck reference - or, technically, a Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff reference - on the official Twitter for a show this big.
And Aradia does have a lot in common with Dulcinea, doesn't she? For one thing, they didn't really start influencing the plot until after they died.
Anonymous asked: Not really important anymore, but looking at what Gamzee has in his Strife Deck, it doesn’t look like he has any ranged options: he’s got the bowling pins, what appear to be a discarded sickle and lance from Karkat and Tavros respectively, what I’m PRETTY SURE is a whip of some sort, and the Zillyhoo hammer. The closest to a ranged weapon in that stack is the whip, or maybe the pins if he’s willing to throw them, but neither seem like they’d work very well against Vriska. Barring some secret power or other plot twist, I think Gamzee would genuinely be the underdog in that matchup. (Which feels weird, because Gamzee’s been mutating into a slasher villain while Vriska’s still very much an antihero protagonist. Usually the power balance is the other way around with those archetypes!)
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On the face of it, Gamzee didn't seem to have great odds in that fight - but it's hard to know for sure with this pesky Bard. His Strife Deck contains plenty of cards we haven't seen, and whatever he did to the Black King is still shrouded in mystery. Everything's just so uncertain with him.
@mimescantscream asked: I've really been holding back all this time, but now that we've met the Grand-highblood, it really is extra painful to see a Gamzee who was once incredibly loving of his friends (despite their constant ridicule) end up falling down the path that fate seems to have pre-ordained for him. Was he truly always meant to repeat echoes of the past? Could things ever have gone differently for him?
Yeah, I've been having similar thoughts. His PoV seemed completely sincere, so I don't think his original personality was a fabrication, or anything. I think there is a part of Gamzee that cares about his friends - and maybe even he wants it back.
@jade-harley-real asked: […] I want a rant on the bad doctor from you pls pls pls
Scratch is straight up the scariest character in Homestuck.
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What's he up to now? Hard to say since we're not telling him what to do. Guardians can never be told what to do.
The aura of menace he's cultivated is incredible, especially considering he barely even moves. He's playing the entire cast like a fiddle, armed with nothing but a typewriter and his own supercharged brain - and there's no doubt in my mind that his confidence isn't a mask. He knows he's going to win in the end.
English is coming. He's basically already here.
@elkian asked: I'll probably never be a Vriska FAN, but I gotta admit, she really never had a chance, what with the only adults in her life being: a trollvorous spider 1 missed meal away from eating her, Marquise "I do what I want" Mindfang, and Doc Scratch. Some role models! @manorinthewoods asked: So, now that Mindfang has been revealed, here's a question for you: how much of Vriska's Vriskyness is because she's Vriska, how much is because of Mindfang, how much is because of her lusus, and how much is because of Alternia in general? ~LOSS (20/6/24)
This is why I don't think she'd be like this on Earth. At this point, it's obvious that none of her Incidents were the result of her personality as it naturally arose.
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I mean, look how anti-Aradiacide she was! They weren't even really friends!
Anonymous asked: ‘AA: there are all sorts of friends to meet AA: ones you already know and ones you dont’ I mean…couldn’t she just be referring to various doomed selves? I don’t see why the dream bubbles would just be confined to the alpha timeline seeing as the furthest ring is weird in terms of time and space
I was assuming that only Alpha Timeline deaths would be preserved by the Bubbles, but you're right - I'm not sure that was a reasonable assumption.
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The Horrorterrors seem to eschew the concept of the Alpha Timeline. and, they've coordinated with both Doomed and Alpha versions of Rose and Dave. Plus, yeah, there is no time in the Ring, so timelines are probably meaningless there. Why would it only interface with the Alpha?
If the Bubbles do preserve doomed souls, then we might also run into the John who died to Typheus, and the Jade he couldn't save. That's a pair of ghosts I'd be very interested to meet.
Anonymous asked: If every Aradia comes back from every doomed timeline, the number would double each time, so you could get over a thousand of her with only ten doomed timelines.
Fair point- although, if an already doomed Aradia went back in time again, she'd be double doomed. Is that even possible? Would she die twice as quickly?
@mhafanlol2000 asked: Your issues with quirks and speech-to-text are pretty simple to explain. If a troll were to speak into a non-modified speech-to-text program, it would output text with their quirk. Because they, quite literally, speak in their quirk. Terezi probably isnt actually saying “YOU H4V3 LOST TH3 G4M3”, each number at a time, but the vibes are definitely there. I don’t know, this is hard to describe if you don’t inherently get it.
I think, jokes aside, it is indeed about the vibes.
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In the troll intro pages, you get told a little about how each troll talks, and I think that's how we're supposed to translate their quirks to an audible medium.
Anonymous asked: i think ppl in the fandom have over time kinda built up a like, generally separate understanding of quadrants from how theyre described in the "official" explanation. which is like, not representative of how these terms are used in homestuck, but probably more useful for describing Good relationships that Do Not Suck. like basically making moirails equivalent to being queer platonic partners, making blackrom more about having a healthy fun rivalry, that kinda stuff.
It's funny, actually - I don't think I've encountered a single asker who accepts the quadrants as they're originally described.
The main issue is that, with the possible exception of matespritship, we haven't seen a single troll relationship with reflects the infodump's explanation of the quadrants. I think Hussie might just have jumped the gun a little when dropping it.
Anonymous asked: Shoutout to Karkat poking his friends in the background! Terezi (crying over Dave) and now Soloux (talking to Terezi). Karkat isn’t sure what the right response is but wants to be included! Reminds me of actual cats, just putting a paw on you for no discernible reason. @manorinthewoods asked: I'd like to note that Karkat poking Terezi's tears is the same sprite (and same 'poooke'!) as Karkat poking Sollux's burnt-out eyesockets. ~LOSS (12/6/24)
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My man just likes poking.
@alicesoinions asked: not much to say just wanted to say I really enjoy your liveblog!!
Glad you're enjoying!
I've actually got a few new followers recently. Maybe I'm showing up in people's recommendations?
@heliotropopause asked: Dream bubbles are pretty neat, eh? Neat enough to inspire half of HtN, I'd bet.
Oh my god, you're right. It's literally a River Bubble. They're both located in afterlives, for crying out loud!
Anonymous asked: Wanted to thank your liveblog for reminding me of a lot that I had flat out missed in canon, due to not putting it together or just reading too quickly. Most recently and notably on my mind right now, is that Feferi is the one who set up the dreambubbles!!! I had always thought that they were just a part of the world that readers didn’t know about yet, like how we weren’t yet introduced to Alternia and it’s moons until act 5. This went right over my head and it has me absolutely REELING (fishing pun included just for fef!!)
Feferi truly is the MVP.
I wonder what happened to dead Players before the Bubbles?
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They're certainly not the only type of afterlife in the multiverse. Alternia has at least two types of undead, which implies that the Players are very, very lucky to have retained their personhood postmortem. Imagine this was what Feferi looked like in Jade's dream.
Anonymous asked: Knowing sollux, he probably already had coded his tech to recognize if his speech ever changed, and gave himself a different typing quirk for it, long ago. Not because he knew or thought it would happen, but because he thought it would be a fun coding project ((I know nothing about coding))
And yet, you somehow know exactly how we think.
Anonymous asked: Something I hadn’t really thought about, until I started reading this liveblog, is how much VRISKA ((autocorrect decided to caps that and I’m leaving it in lol)) was manipul8ted into a lot of her violence. Scratch pushed her towards vengeance against Aradia, and she didn’t want to go through with it. Did VRISKA ever tell anyone how much of her live she spent resisting these forces, or even really acknowledge it? She didn’t hide Spidermom, and arguably her need to kill other trolls was to prevent herself from being killed. BUT on the other hand, VRISKA voice would make it sound like a compliment “I almost didn’t kill you why don’t you appreciate me!!!!!!!!”
The thing is, VRISKA probably felt a lot of social pressure not to tell people she was coerced into her crimes. That would reveal that she was reluctant to kill, which is the opposite of what the Empire wants.
@manorinthewoods asked: You could have written a great Homestuck if you'd been Hussie. I think your style, if translated from reacting-to-comic to making-comic, would work great with what Homestuck is, and could have made a better product. I think you'd make a cerebral Homestuck, which would have been cool to read, except I would have botched reading it like I botched reading Homestuck in our Alpha Timeline. ~LOSS (11/6/24)
Thank you! I've tried to write before, actually, but whenever I reread my stories, they come off as esoteric, stilted and a little hard to follow. It's not an insurmountable problem, of course, and I really need to take a writing workshop at some point.
I'd love to make a webcomic, too, but my art also leaves a lot to be desired. I can adapt sprites just fine, but original drawings are hard, guys. Did anyone else know about this?
Anonymous asked: i counted just now, and only like 24 out of all 54 paradox space comics have zero spoilers. some of them are certainly more substantial than others (e.g. i counted ones that include jade’s consorts that you havent seen yet as spoilers) but a lot of them have Very Big Spoilers
It would have been awfully messy. I'm probably just going to read it once I've reached the Gigapause of 2013, and no longer need to worry about spoilers.
@bladekindeyewear asked: “Nepeta wasn't trying to pacify Equius, nor did she seem to be fulfilling any rigidly defined 'role' in his life. They just came off as very good friends, and their relationship was much better for it.” Well, maybe we ought to look at it through the lens of real relationships between friends? Once a healthy dynamic and boundaries are established, perhaps Moirails stabilize as long as they’re together.
That's a good way to interpret moirallegence - although, it does raise an issue with the quadrant that I'll be discussing on its own post, once I've finished the comp. There's no point in prehashing what I'm about to say, so I'll see you there!
Anonymous asked: karkats message didn't go through because of trollians narrative awareness feature, where it'll display something different in service of one of the several "all"-seeing entities, of which the reader is one <3 watsonian and doylist explanations are kissing with tongue
Since the fourth wall is an actual, physical piece of technology in this world, this isn't even that far-fetched!
@sashonya asked: So, as the session's timers continues to count down, what do you think will happen after The Scratch?
Beyond 'the session ends', it's difficult to say for sure. I think the two most likely possibilities are that the kids start exploring other sessions, or travel to a location completely outside the current scope of the comic. I am, of course, hoping for both.
@ericvilas asked: "I still believe that out of all the trolls, Karkat’s traits were featured the most prominently in humanity" yeah, I guess even humans aren't free from the effects of carcinization
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rainbow-scarab · 2 years
Symbols of Hallownest and its Royalty
(Edit: This post has been expanded upon, with new info and some revisions. Please see this expansion, though read this post first!)
In art and architecture, Hallownest has symbols representing the kingdom, the Pale King, and I would argue the White Lady as well as generic bugs.
(Note: This post has many images. If anything's unclear about what I'm referring to in the image, I have tried to put much description in the alt text of the images)
The most prominent symbol in the entire kingdom is the same one that can be seen in the Hallownest seal.
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It can be found pretty much anywhere in game, from architecture, to tapestries, to the UI. Its most basic elements are the crown, the wings, and an oval body.
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It has obvious relation to the Pale King. He is at the top of the Kingdom’s hierarchy. Though the Queen’s role in the Kingdom is a bit uncertain, it is clear the Pale King is spoken of much more frequently, and it is him who the citizens of Hallownest seem to focus on.
It hardly needs saying the crown on top of the symbol is the Pale King’s. Also, the Pale King may be seen to have wings in the White Defender fight.
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However, there are many symbols in the game that don’t look exactly like this. Many times, you find something similar, but it will be missing the wings, or missing the crown. Or both. You also can find variants where the top of the symbol has a single spike.
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Lemm describes Hallownest Seals like this:
These ornate seals were the official symbols of the King and his Knights, and were treasured by those who carried them.
As you sell him the seals, he chooses to speak of the Great Knights of the kingdom, rather than the king. The impression I get, then, is that the seals are less a direct representation of the Pale King as much as they are of Hallownest itself, or at least the upper levels of government. Of course, the design of the symbol must be at least in part based upon the physical traits of the Pale King, with that crown he has…it’s just that as a symbol it represents a bit more than that.
We do have direct representations of him, though. Lemm says of the King’s Idols:
An icon of Hallownest's King, who was revered as both a god and a ruler.
He says that the idols were for worship, and that each idol was personalized for their owner. He says “Depictions are of an imposing, gleaming figure and a fiercely horned crown.” He also speaks of the White Palace. In other words, unsurprisingly, the idols are just about the king, and not so much other things.
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This figure does not have wings. And in fact, neither do the few statues that can be found of him.
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In fact, besides Ogrim’s memory, there are no views of him with wings. His body, alive and dead, has nothing that can be easily identified as wings.
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I’m not exactly setting out here to answer questions about if and how he has wings though. Just focusing on the relevance to the symbols.
I do get the impression, even if the more direct representations of him lack wings, that the instances of the symbol with both crown and wings are still supposed to be based off of him. A ruler often represents more than just themself, for instance, in the real world, a ruler may speak with the royal we. And for someone who is king, founder of the kingdom, god worshipped by the citizens, and even said to have created the world…the Pale King and the Kingdom of Hallownest are strongly linked together.
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There’s one more detail that sometimes shows up. There’s often a spike at the bottom of the symbol. I have wondered if perhaps it’s a tail of some kind. The king being a wyrm…well, he certainly had a long body, and possibly even still in his small form, under his robes.
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There are also a few cases where there’s a sorta head shape and not just a crown. This is true of the save symbol. On these tapestries, I wondered for a moment if the shape enclosing the symbol was like…some long wyrm body. Perhaps in the way that his current body was born out of that giant body. But that is pure pure speculation—there’s really not evidence for such.
There are also cases where there are no wings, and no crown. Just an oval, with lines across it. Actually, this is very very common. It can be seen just about everywhere. In fences, for instance…so many fences. The shape of the windows too, as can be seen from the outside of buildings in the City of Tears.
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Had tumblr no image limit, I would spam so many pictures. But since there is, I want to highlight a certain subset of these ovals appearing.
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There are a few instances where the full Hallownest seal is alongside an oval on its own. In most cases, it is the full symbol above, and the oval below. I got to wondering if the oval is a generic symbol for bug. As it turns out, what you might call “generic Hallownest bugs”, the kind you find in places like Crossroads or the City of Tears, tend to have this sort of body shape. Quirrel as well.
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I wonder if this configuration is a bit of extended symbology for Hallownest. The kingdom/king above, and average bug below.
As I was looking through the game, I found more variations built off of this lined oval. Many of them are in the City of Tears, on the rich side of the city. Though I'm not sure if many of those have particular significance...extra embellishments just to be fancy.
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More importantly, I kept finding these variants in the image above. We have these types, in two different sizes, that have flowery embellishment around the ovals. We also have one symbol here that is similarly flowery, but does not have this bug oval in the center.
These particular symbols can be found throughout Hallownest. I have found them in areas such as near the city storerooms, in the Stag Nest, or near the bench where you find Quirrel in the City. They’re also all throughout Queen’s Gardens.
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Besides this gate marking its entrance from Fog Canyon, Queen’s Gardens does not have the Hallownest seal anywhere within it. We have either the plain bug ovals, or the flowery symbols without ovals.
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I’d like to say that these flowery symbols are symbols of the White Lady. She herself is not particularly flowery looking. She is called Root, and she looks the part. But of course roots are associated with plants, and she clearly loves them.
Greenpath is also full of plants, Unn having turned the land green. Queen’s Gardens used to be a part of Greenpath. But the architecture in the Gardens is clearly Hallownestian, and not something from the mosskin.
Either these symbols represent the queen directly, or they may have a parallel with the Hallownest seals: symbolizing everything that comes with a queenship, the power and role in relation to Hallownest.
These symbols may often lack the bug oval in the center as well because…well. The Pale King changed his form to be more bug-like. The White Lady did not. In this view, the flowery symbols with the bug oval in the center are the more odd ones.
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This architecture may also be found in this one room in Fungal Wastes, where there are two shrumal ogres. Clearly a smaller garden as you might find in Queen’s Gardens. …. Okay this isn’t very important, I just find it a neat detail XD
The Queen for whatever reason does not have statues. There is no reference to her being worshipped by the people (discounting Godseeker). In development, there used to be a statue of her alongside her husband (and broken statue of the Hollow Knight). This was replaced by the time the game came out, with a more abstract shrine to the Pale King (as symbolized by his crown). There are also soul totems in the White Palace which I’ve heard people interpret both as the Pale King and the White Lady. In truth, it doesn’t really look like either of them. Maybe a bit more like their concept art, a bit more like those old statues. But in any case, it does not look like the current versions of the two royals.
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If these flowery symbols do represent the queen, it would be one of the few things that reference her as being part of the kingdom in an official capacity, beyond the places named after her. Having some sort of official significance, beyond just “the king’s wife”, acknowledged through symbols.
Lastly, the fountain, the memorial to the Hollow Knight.
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The Hollow Knight has at their feet four spikes coming up going around their body. This must be representative of the Pale King (his crown always being depicted with four spikes) (presumably yes there are more from the back view of this fountain but hey, the Pale King also in actuality has eight spiked horns XD). They’re also standing on what seems to be shaped like a flower, and the next level down from that is either a larger flower, or leaves. I can’t help but think that those aspects have to do with the White Lady.
If anything, I hope all this shows something about the relationship between the Kingdom of Hallownest, its two monarchs, and the average bug.
Edit: Please see my continuation of all this for new info and some revisions.
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corviids · 10 months
Hi! So I don’t know if this has been answered in misty dream and I just missed it, but could you explain what exactly happened with Luke giving up Driftmark when he married Aemond? I’m a bit confused on whether Corlys/others decided to no longer name Luke heir once he was betrothed to Aemond in order to not give Hightowers access to Driftmark OR if Viserys is the one who said Luke isn’t heir, instead he is named lord of Summerhall. I clearly understand the first option, but in the second I don’t see how Viserys could explain giving Luke a weaker position of power in the realm since Summerhall wasn’t built yet and Driftmark was a major power. Or was it Luke who was like if I can’t marry Rhaena and return Velaryon blood to the lineage then I can no longer be it’s heir? It just seemed that by marrying Luke to Aemond Viserys was weakening his inheritance/status since Aemond wasn’t bringing anything to the table except his blood. Could you clarify?
hellooooo so ill try to give an explanation with the framework i use.
viserys betrothing lucemond was a purely bloodline related thing. he knows aemond doesn’t bring anything to the marriage on his own but he wants to “unite” his house so the best way i can describe it is that viserys basically wanted to use lucemond as his living experiment to show everyone can get along. as for the matter of driftmark, it’s viserys who essentially yoinks away luke’s inheritance in favor of giving him a new lordship and at the end of the day, the kings word is law. corlys only “agrees” with this decision because he technically has another heir (joffrey) and he doesn’t really want the hightowers around driftmark.
is this logic messy? yeah, a bit but viserys wanted to establish a united branch of the house without clear ties to either side and aemond becoming essentially a lord consort to driftmark would be clearly in favor of the blacks. this all being said, viserys’ own logic isn’t that well thought out because as seen in the fic, issues still persist even when lucemond get married
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cacoetheswriting · 1 year
Hello! I hope all is well. I had a fluffy request if that’s ok? Eddie x fem!reader where reader is an art nerd that likes to draw for their campaigns. One day, they’re hanging out preparing for the campaign and maybe Eddie had a run in with Jason earlier and was feeling a little down that day so then reader just starts aggressivley complimenting him out if nowhere. I really love your work! ❤️
thank youuu for this request & for your sweet words, makes my heart happy that you like my little fics ❤️ hope i did your vision justice!
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader word count: 2.6k content warnings: adult language, use of pet names, a little mutual pining, insecurities / self-doubt, mentions of bullying, mainly just fluff - very much unedited - pls let me know if i missed anything!
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Your friendship with Eddie was an odd one — if you could even call it that. More colleagues than friends, to be honest. Or better yet, acquaintances by association.
Freaks. Geeks. Social outcasts.
There was however, one big difference.
Your status at Hawkins High was by design. A strategic decision you put into play long before you even stepped through the building doors. Growing up in a busy house with a younger brother too loud for his own good, solitude was your best friend. Art was your escape. Often you only found time for both at school. So no, you didn’t wanna socialise or try out for the cheerleading team. You were quite content being left alone.
Being neighbours with Nancy Wheeler, and your younger brothers being practically attached at the hip, helped with staying invisible ‘cause who’s gonna bully the girl that sometimes hung out with Nancy and King Steve.
Eddie unfortunately was not as lucky. His label wasn’t his choice — not at first anyway. It followed him through the years from an age arguably too young. No kid deserved to be treated the way he was simply ‘cause of how/where he was brought up. The curly-haired boy couldn’t escape the names, the teasing, the dirty looks. He couldn’t change his fate. So eventually he stopped trying. The Freak.
And perhaps that’s why he’s never fully warmed up to you. You were a fraud, not actually understanding what it’s like to be an outcast.
But it’s not like you cared what Eddie Munson thought of you or if the metalhead liked you in any way. Hanging around him was simply a means to an end. He needed someone to immortalise his D&D campaigns and you needed continuous inspiration as well as material for your portfolio.
Most of your meet-ups were surrounded by quiet.
Thinking back, that was the first mistake since it was in that congenial silence, you noticed how he sucked his lip between his teeth whenever he was deep in thought, and how he’d scrunch his brows together if what he came up with didn’t quite make sense. He was undoubtedly pretty. The faded freckles on his face are reminiscent of a million stars. The dips in his cheeks, appearing whenever he smiled, comparable to picturesque valleys. Those big brown of his eyes were like chocolate buttons and the more time you spent together, the more you thought you caught him glancing in your direction with that cocoa gaze, but that would be insane. Right?
It was also in those moments, as you drew the monsters he described in grave detail, you got to see the Eddie he so desperately tried to hide away from the rest of the world. The real Eddie. He was ridiculously smart. Not many people in Hawkins, if any at all aside from your silly little brother with his band of friends, could come up with such intricate ideas. Funny too, making you snort a laugh one too many times with practically zero effort. And he was kind. Asking you how your day was, seeming genuinely interested in your answer.
The small talk was kept to a minimum in the hours you two spent working on the campaigns, but whenever you did have a short conversation, Eddie always made sure his attention was focused solely on you. The second mistake was letting him, because being his priority, if only in the moment, made your stomach flutter.
But today Eddie hasn't uttered a single word aside from a measly hello when you opened your front door earlier that afternoon to let him in.
Normally the silence doesn’t bother you. If anything, you welcome it as it helps you concentrate on the details of any piece you’re currently working on. There was just something about the way Eddie was sitting that made you feel uneasy. He didn’t seem present. Leaning against your dresser, legs sprawled out in front of him, gaze focused on something out the window as he fidgeted with the pencil in his hand.
At first you thought maybe he was planning the next move in his new campaign and just needed a minute, but then fifteen minutes passed and the metalhead still hadn’t moved. If you didn’t know any better, you’d doubt he was even breathing. As still as a rock.
A sudden wave of concern rushes through you and without taking a second to consider what you were doing, you grab one of the pillows from your bed and throw it in his direction.
“Shit, what the—”
“Are you okay?”
Eddie’s not sure how to answer that question, especially when he looks at you. Eyes wider than normal, accompanied by delicate worry lines that he's never really been on the receiving end of — aside from Wayne's constant frown. Eddie first thinks you're clearly faking the concern 'cause why would you actually care? But the longer his gaze remains connected with yours, the more he wants to believe your sincerity is genuine. And that's fucking scary.
“Yeah,” he says eventually. “Just a lot on my mind. Nothin' you need to worry about.”
But you don't give up as easily as he hoped you would.
“Wanna talk about it?”
His lips twitch though he never actually smiles and you are certain then something definitely happened because it's as if he really wants to offer you a glimpse of happiness, but his body is refusing.
Dropping his gaze to the pencil in his hands, Eddie sighs. “You don't have to do that.”
“Do what?” You ask, stringing your brows together.
“Pretend like you actually give a shit,” he replies with a little more disdain than intended while once again catching your eyes with his own.
You don't mean to scoff, but you do. “Look, Eddie, I know we're not like best of friends or anything,”  you begin, hopping off the bed with an elegant bounce. “But considering lately I spend more time with you than Nancy or Steve, I feel like we can at least talk about shit, no? Like when something is bothering us, we can talk about that.”
He's slightly surprised at your words. The admission that you hang out with him more than your actual friends didn't seem right to him. In his mind, you and Wheeler are inseparable. He sees you two together all the time, sharing a ride to school, having lunch at the same table. And in the evenings or at the weekends, you're always around Harrington and that other girl, Buckley. Not like Eddie seeks you wherever he goes... He's just... observant.
“Come on, sweetheart.” Eddie rolls his eyes, tone full of disbelief. “You don't gotta lie to make me feel better.”
“I'm not,” you defend and sit cross-legged at his feet, knees brushing against the soles of his dirty Converse in the process. You know you don't owe him an explanation or reasoning, but it seems Eddie won't let up about what's on his mind without one. 
“Nancy and I have drifted apart since I kinda took Steve's side in their breakup. Sure we carpool and sit at the same table in the cafeteria, and our idiotic brothers are good friends, but that's pretty much it.”
Eddie starts to feel like a jerk for assuming shit when he clearly had no clue, but you don't give him a chance to interject. 
“And yeah, I see Steve often, but it's not like we're all buddy-buddy. He likes it when I stop by the video store to literally sit on the counter and draw his stupid head of hair just so he can make other girls jealous.”
“Jesus, that's shitty.”
You shrug, a small smile circling your lips. “I don't mind. Free film rental and peaceful sketching time.”
The lighthearted tone of your voice makes the corners of Eddie's mouth curl upwards, matching the expression currently present on your face. There's a semi-second of quiet. He's no longer feeling bad 'cause you've taken those worries away with one simple look. And when you knock your knee against his shoe again, Eddie's completely relaxed.
Lost in the way the sun reflects in your eyes, the metalhead doesn't really think when he asks, “So how come you've never invited me over for movie night, huh?”
You smirk. “Horrors aren't really my thing. I actually like to enjoy what I'm watching,” you tease, “Even if the shit is free. Don't wanna see any decapitations, thank you very much.”
Eddie huffs a laugh. He pulls his legs up before sliding along the carpeted floor of your bedroom until he's about a reach away from you. Closer than he's ever been. His arms make way around his legs, ring-clad fingers hanging low, poking at your calf.
Surprisingly, you don't flinch at Eddie's sudden proximity or the delicate touch.
“Quite presumptuous of you, sweetheart.” He affirms, gaze focused on where his skin brushes against the denim of your jeans.
“So you don't only watch gruesome things?” You challenge, your own fingers hesitantly reaching towards him, stopping before you can actually graze him in any way.
Eddie's smirking. “Not the point.”
“Sounds like I'm right,” you muse, your smile growing wider. “But I'll make you a deal.”
He looks up to meet your eyes then, hiking a brow. “Oh, yeah?”
You nod. “If you tell me what you were thinking about earlier, I'll let you pick a movie we can watch together. Even something horrific.”
This was uncharted territory — (and also your third mistake). The two of you have never hung out outside of working on D&D campaigns, but since Eddie asked a mere minute ago, even if he was just teasing, you figured why the fuck not. What's the worst that could happen? Plus this seemed the only way to get him to open up.
Eddie tugs his bottom lip between his teeth as he mewls over your proposal. On the one hand, talking about feelings or problems isn't something he's necessarily into. And when it comes to spending time with you, part of the allure is congenial silence, unless he's the one fishing for information. On the other hand, his heart rate has increased tenfold at the thought of you hiding in his embrace during a particularly gross scene or before any jump scare.
In the end, the physical urge to be close to you, an unmistakable desire he's been experiencing for far longer than Eddie would care to admit out loud, wins.
“Carver just got in my head.”
The instant frown on your face, and how your fingers are suddenly reaching for his, looping together, make Eddie want to elaborate.
“Called me talentless. Usually the shit that douche and his gang of imbeciles spewer doesn't bother me 'cause I've been called many things throughout my life and whatever they come up with is more idiotic than hurtful, but I dunno, that comment just rubbed me the wrong way.”
He drops his gaze, focusing instead on your hands now perfectly intertwined. He began to rub gentle circles into your soft flesh and although this was completely odd behaviour for the two of you, it felt more than right.
“Because it's not true, Eddie.”
The metalhead's heart flips at your words and the encouraging tone behind them. Although he didn’t let it show, focusing instead on the dips between your knuckles and every single crease in your skin as he squeezed your hand just a little tighter.
“You're not talentless,” you affirm, dipping your head lower in hopes of catching his brown eyes. “If anything, you're one of the most talented people I've ever met.”
“Bullshit,” he mutters, still refusing to look up.
“Eddie, you can't let those idiots make you feel worthless. You've got more talent in your left pinky than Carver and his band of bullies have put together.” You declare, rather passionately at that. “These campaigns you come up with, do you know the imagination that takes? I-I also know you play the guitar a-and sing too. Plus those extra curricular activities of yours require a mathematical brain. That's already also more talent than I have.”
He glances up at you then. “Shut up. As if you actually think I'm more talented than you?” he disputes and jerks his head towards some of the drawings covering the walls. “No one I know could do that and I know I never told you, but my campaigns would be nothin' without your art, sweetheart.”
Although heat rushes to your face at the unexpected compliment, you don't let Eddie's kind words steer you off course. This wasn't about what he thought of you, this was about what you thought of him and, as it turns out, how badly you wanted him to know.
“My stupid brother won't shut up about how fucking cool you are,” you reveal, chewing briefly on the inside of your cheek. “He's never said anything remotely as nice about me.”
Eddie lets out an airy chuckle. He drops his hold on you, but he doesn't give you a moment to even register how you instantly miss his touch, how your hands are burning with invisible imprints of where his skin brushed yours. No, because he's pushing your legs apart with little to no effort and sliding in-between them.
“Well, I happen to think you're cooler than me.”
It's your turn to laugh while again choosing not to comment on his closeness and ignoring how it made you feel. Ignoring how your stomach fluttered as he pressed his legs to your sides, hands hovering near your face as if he debated whether he was crossing some sort of line.
“Right. Don't fuck with me, Munson.”
“Cross my heart,” the metalhead promises. “Why do you think I asked you to help me out in the first place? Why do you think I willingly spend most of my afternoons with you? Like, there's no need for us to do this together. I can come up with the campaigns on my own then share the concepts so you can draw them out.”
You swallow 'cause the thought has never crossed your mind.
Before Eddie approached you with the offer, your knowledge of Dungeons and Dragons was definitely limited, only privy to whatever your brother and his friends shared. When Eddie asked you to draw something that very first time, and every time after that, you didn't stop and think if it was really necessary for you two to sit together for hours on end, crafting and creating on opposite ends of the room. Now that he's mentioned it, you really didn't need to.
“I-I don't—”
“There's no cooler chick than you, sweetheart.” Eddie interrupts, hands now cupping your face, no longer hesitant, and you're left wondering when the topic shifted from a conversation about his talents to whatever this was shaping up to be.
“How Harrington can use you to make other girls jealous instead of realising he should just ask you out, I-I don't understand.” The sentence fades with each word until his voice is a low muffle and you're not entirely sure you heard him correctly.
But every fibre of your being is screaming, so you know he definitely said it. And the way his doe-eyes are glimmering, your own reflection prominent in the pretty brown, only cinches that feeling.
Your final mistake is not asking then and there what Eddie meant.
He stands shortly after and extends a hand to also help you up.
“Speaking of, is the King of Hawkins working right now?” Eddie asks and when you nod slowly, still recovering from the small bomb he's after dropping, he claps his hands together. “Let's go then. I'm thinking we can start with My Bloody Valentine and because you're providing the entertainment, I'll get us some snacks.”
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thank you for reading!
eddie munson masterlist | main masterlist
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beesmygod · 1 year
part 1
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all the statues in yharnam are weird. even the ones that look normal are so fucking weird. nearly every statue in this game hints at something much larger and stupider than we ever could have imagined.
before we start, for clarity's sake, the chalice dungeons are comprised of four major areas: pthumeru (the largest area and the aforementioned "tomb of the gods", it is a city that rose and fell eons before yharnam), the hintertomb (previously explained), ailing loran (a long ruined city whose fate echoes the fate of yharnam), and great isz (a dungeon that is overlapping with "the cosmos" and is of great story importance). they are NOT main game content. some people completely skip them because they appear to be repetitive and are honestly kind of boring. and yet....
this ties into castle cainhurst's "normal" statues. the first clue something is off is that all the knight statues are missing the right leg. all of them. and not in an uneven way that would imply they were knocked off by some art hating maniac.
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it wasn't until the DLC came out that this became retroactively significant. the item description for the old hunter's trousers reads:
A widespread belief of the period was that "beast blood crept up the right leg," and this led to the double-wrapped belt.
the dlc takes place in the time of the old hunters, the distant past. but the knights predate the hunters, right? they have to. the rifle spear was said to be based on a "lost cainhurst weapon". its a pale and poor imitation of the reiterpallasch. and the statues...
the statues in cainhurst clog up rooms to much that they make moving around difficult. they're all the same 4 statues: a queen, a king, a different queen holding a child holding an orb (?), and a tasteful contrapposto nude. i cannot stress how many of these fucking things are just lying around or shattered around the castle. the depictions of the generic king and queen (in truth, these are recreations of statues around notre dame) match depictions in other parts of the game but absolutely no mention is made of their rule now or in the past.
how old is the cainhurst lineage?
old. really, really, old.
here's the only other place you can find the statues: as gold statuettes in the treasure rooms of the pthumeru dungeons
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ah, and i know what you're thinking: obviously this is just fromsoft re-using assets in that classic sloppy late game kind of way. but there's. more. a lot more. its not just this.
its so old that the armor you see in the throne rooms and a portrait of a knight in cainhurst castle can be found scattered throughout the lowest parts of the labyrinth.
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in modern cainhurst, the fellow above has been transformed through dastardly means into the gargoyle-esque enemy called the "child of antiquity". "bastard of cainhurst" probably would have been a better and more thematically appropriate name.
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he is not the only cainhurstian (?) depicted on the this wall of what you probably thought was reused concept art. its probably that. but its something else too. you know who else is in these paintings and also in the chalice dungeons?
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in the sinister chalice descriptions ("sinister" being a modifier that adds her to the dungeon for extra challenge) she is described as a "mad pthumerian". h-how can she be a pthumerian if she's a cainhurst noble?!
have you noticed that bloodlickers will appear in chalice dungeon rooms where you've preformed a visceral attack? the only other place they're found in the game is cainhurst! they're read to be blood drunk nobles who have become vampiric like mosquitos or ticks. why are they in the dungeons??
there's also this cainhurst knight who continues to live and serve his queen. i believe one of his guaranteed encounters is at the very bottom floors of the labyrinth. how did he get down there??
did he get down there?
or...did they come up? the subjects of the portraits are pale and thin.
"The old nobles, long-time imbibers of blood, are no strangers to the sanguine plague[...]"
how old? how long have they been imbibing blood? they've experienced blood plague before?!
why do both the bloody crow of cainhurst (one of annalise's knights who is evidently not a vileblood) and the shadows of yharnam (the entourage of queen yharnam) drop "blood rapture" runes which are deliberately vague about which queen the rune is in service to?
how old is the cainhurst lineage?! WHAT is the cainhurst lineage?! annalise, queen of the vilebloods, is the sole survivor of a massacre that wiped out the rest of the vilebloods (an ideologically charged name imposed on them by the church). she was left alive simply because she could not be killed but she was forced into a mask she cannot remove. but the mask does not prevent her from making us into a vileblood, as we only have to drink her blood to do so.
what could the mask be hiding? why does her dialog change when you unlock the lowest chambers of the labyrinth? how are there two undead queens?! (yucky item from bloodborne warning)
all hail the undying queen of blood!
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katyagrayce · 5 months
If I had the time, and the resources, I would write an entire PhD about how Taylor Swift’s relationship with her fans has been variably represented through her songs, and how that representation has in turn shaped that relationship. And I have neither of those two things, but I do have the next-best options – a free evening and a Tumblr account. So here we go. As far as I can remember, there are only six songs where Taylor directly addresses her fans: Long Live, mirrorball, Dear Reader, and now But Daddy I Love Him, Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me? and I Can Do It With a Broken Heart. I could be missing a few, because the woman does have a 20-year career. But even so, I think it’s telling that those are the six songs that come to mind: one huge feel-good ballad released when she first made it really big; then nothing for 10 years; then two quiet songs buried in their respective albums; and then, out of the blue, three loud, unforgettable bops released at the same time. From that alone, it’s pretty clear that Taylor has something that she wants to tell her fans – whether consciously or not, something about her relationship with them is increasingly weighing on her mind. And it doesn’t take much to figure out that said relationship is changing.
In Long Live, the fans are addressed mostly as a ‘we’ – a part of a collective that also includes Taylor, her band and her team, all of them with equal status and common goals. ‘Long live the mountains we moved / I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you.’ Later, those dragons are further described, are established as factions of the general public whom the fans stand separate from, in opposition to – ‘The cynics were outraged / Saying “this is absurd”.’ Basically, Taylor’s fans are shown to be fighting for her like an army ‘on the history book page’, which is not an uncommon metaphor in pop culture. But this is where things get interesting. Because, although Taylor creates that image of the army, she doesn’t structure it in the traditional way. Her fans are not footsoldiers defending her throne – they too are ‘the kings and the queens’, the ‘heroes’, hearing their names read out and holding up trophies. And because of that – because they stand equal with Taylor – they don’t look up to her even in victory, and she doesn’t claim to be anything more than a member of their bedraggled mob. Even at her pinnacle, she’s simply part of ‘a band of thieves in ripped-up jeans [who] got to rule the world.’
There’s only one point in Long Live where this total equality fractures – where the ‘we’ splits into a ‘me’ and a ‘you.’ And it’s in the bridge, where, for just a moment, Taylor steps outside of the present – she imagines herself and her fans growing up in the future. ‘Promise me this / That you’ll stand by me forever / But if, God forbid, fate should step in / And force us into a goodbye / If you have children someday / When they point to the pictures / Please tell them my name.’ This is usually the part of the song where you see audiences crying, and it’s easy to understand why – because even when Taylor separates herself from the fans, even when she doesn’t explicitly share her title of ‘queen’ with them, she still portrays them as the ones with the power. She asks them to stand by her, then to remember her. Scratch that, she pleads for them to do it. She’s expressing that she needs her fans, deeply. They’re not looking to her for guidance – it’s the other way around.
Fast forward 12 years, to Dear Reader, and you wonder how the hell did we get here?
Dear Reader is the exact opposite of Long Live. The fans are never part of a ‘we’ – in fact, they don’t play an active role in the song at all. All that they are is an omnipresent but silent entity, the titular ‘readers’, who hover offscreen as Taylor sings verse after verse of advice, then spends the chorus telling them not to follow it. This is Taylor as the long-crowned queen in the history book – the ex-thief, the grown-up revolutionary, who realised at some point that no matter how equally you fought alongside your people, no matter how young and inexperienced you all were, at some point they will need a ruler and then they will all look to you. Inch by inch, you will find yourself climbing up onto the throne, and you will be alone up there. The words you speak will fall down on the subjects sitting by your feet, and their power will be absolute, even when you didn’t mean them that way – even when they don’t have any conscious meaning, are just ‘desperate prayers of a cursed man / spilling out to you for free.’ And in the end – just like before – all you can do to rebalance the power is plead. ‘Darling, darling, please / You wouldn’t take my word for it / If you knew who was talking.’
And of course, this plea is interesting in itself, because it’s also the exact opposite of the plea in Long Live. In Long Live, Taylor is asking her fans to immortalise her in the future, to pass on her memory – the underlying assumption is that they can do this because they were there with her, they know her. But here, Taylor says that her fans wouldn’t listen ‘if they knew who was talking’, which implies – well, they don’t know. They don’t know the person behind the words. Despite all the mountains they moved – all the magic they made. Despite all the games they played together, the secret sessions, the Easter eggs, the friendship bracelets. Despite the songs spilled out like confessions. Despite it, or because of it. They don’t know her. They don’t know Taylor Swift.
In Dear Reader, this concept is portrayed as tragic. There is a lot of sadness in that image of Taylor alone above the crowd, a perceived ‘guiding light’ that is actually so lonely and broken in the way it shines – which is a good segue back to an earlier song on our list, mirrorball. The metaphor there was very similar to in Dear Reader, but the plea Taylor made was more in tune with Long Live – she begged for her fans to keep standing by her, keep listening to her. ‘When they called off the circus, burnt the disco down / When they sent home the horses and the rodeo clowns / I’m still on that tightrope, I’m still trying everything / To keep you looking at me.’ Basically, in mirrorball, she begs her fans to stay with her despite the new gap growing between them; in Dear Reader, she begs them to take a step back, to acknowledge that the situation is becoming toxic. And then, we get to the songs of The Tortured Poets Department. And Taylor isn’t begging anymore. If anything, she is screaming.
TTPD was marketed as Taylor’s saddest album, but to me, it’s more obviously her angriest. Rage is not a new concept in her songs, but it’s previously always been directed at very specific people – Kanye West in Look What You Made Me Do, the online haters in You Need to Calm Down, Jake Gyllenhaal in We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together and I Bet You Think About Me and All Too Well (10 Minute Version). Alternatively, it’s been couched in fiction, like how the story of Rebekah Harkness couches mad woman. But in TTPD, there is no couching – the very marketing leans into how personal each song is for Taylor – and nobody is safe. For the first time, Taylor’s fans are not represented as a separate entity protecting her against the rest of the world – they themselves are a part of that roiling mass whom she needs protection from. That message becomes very pointed in the third line of But Daddy I Love Him, ‘I just learnt these people only raise you / To cage you.’ That line flags the entire song as directed not towards strangers, but towards the people who have surrounded Taylor since she was 16, who have shaped her career, who claim to care about her – the army of Long Live, the audience of mirrorball, the listeners of Dear Reader. Those people are the ‘Sarahs and Hannahs in their Sunday best / Clutching their pearls, sighing “what a mess.”’ And that makes sense when you remember that it was Taylor’s fans who were most critical of her relationship with Matty Healy, and even with Travis Kelce. But it doesn’t make the song any less uncomfortable to listen to. For the first time, the ‘you’ Taylor is yelling at is actually you, and maybe that’s why she’s so unguarded and vicious in her choice of words – ‘I’ll tell you something right now / I’d rather burn my whole life down / Than listen to one more second of all this bitching and moaning.’ It also brings a new dimension to the lyrics ‘Time, doesn’t it give some perspective? / And no, you can’t come to the wedding’. Because of course, when things are going well in Taylor’s relationships, it’s her fans who want to share in that – her fans who want to hear updates from her, like her social media posts, listen out for wedding bells. And with those lyrics, Taylor’s taking that away from them. No, you don’t get to be there for the good parts. You haven’t earnt it. You weren’t there for me when I needed you. You don’t know me that well.
And that leads, of course, to the ultimate song about Taylor’s fans not knowing her – I Can Do It With a Broken Heart. Arguably, the song doesn’t quite belong on this list, because Taylor never directly addresses her fans either as a ‘you’ or as a ‘we’. But that’s telling in itself, because it’s a song where the fans play an active role in the narrative, and yet where they only appear as a foreign, menacing entity – the crowd that sees Taylor’s ‘broken pieces shattered’ and responds by ‘chanting “more.”’ There’s been a lot of debate online about whether this song will ever be performed live, and personally, I think that it’ll be just too uncomfortable an experience. Because this song is mirrorball without the plea in it. This song is so self-reflexive, its light burns your eyes. Every single syllable of this song is designed to say what you see is not who I am, and you don’t know me, and what you think is love is killing me. And how can a crowd cheer during a performance when that’s what their cheering means? I love you, you’re falling apart for me. I love you, it’s ruining your life.
Of course, the song was written about a very specific time in Taylor’s life, and I think that’s worth emphasising for every song on this list – they all capture a specific moment, immortalise a specific emotion like fixing a bug in amber, whereas in the real world, emotions come and go. The fact that Taylor felt like this about her fans at one stage doesn’t mean she always feels Iike this about them. The fact that she was hurt and furious doesn’t mean she can’t also be grateful and warm. But what angry songs do is disrupt the assumption that everything’s okay, form a crack in the glass, introduce doubt behind every smile. You only need to see through someone once to never take them at face value again. And when that experience is immortalised in a song, it’s even harder to forget it. What angry songs do is become self-fulfilling prophecies, echoing in the fans’ heads every time they see Taylor until, eventually, some distrust is inevitable. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing – to be more aware of how the mirrorball turns, the illusion of light, the real person underneath. But it’s a change. It’s a change, and even by singing about it, Taylor is ironically making it happen.
Which brings us, finally, to possibly the angriest song Taylor’s ever written – the last song I’m going to be talking about, Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me? At first glance, this song isn’t necessarily directed at Taylor’s fans. It reuses a lot of imagery from my tears ricochet and mad woman, and it’s easy to write it off as also being about Big Machine Records or her detractors in the general public. But some of the lyrics in the bridge are very, very telling. The most obvious is ‘Put narcotics into all of my songs / And that’s why you’re still singing along.’ Then there are all the veiled references to obsessive people trying to get closer than they should be, closer than any stranger is allowed – ‘So all you kids can sneak into my house with all the cobwebs,’ ‘I’ll sue you if you step on my lawn.’ Elsewhere in the song, we also see the circus imagery of mirrorball turned threatening – ‘I was tame, I was gentle till the circus life made me mean’ – and the opening lines of But Daddy I Love Him come back, ‘You caged me and then you called me crazy / I am what I am because you trained me.’ This song has all the evolving messages about Taylor’s fans rolled into one – you don’t know me, you don’t own me, you’re ruining my life, you have no right to criticise. And then, for the first time, she says it in black-and-white – ‘You hurt me.’ No metaphors. No frills. It’s only three words, but it says volumes – You hurt me. You were meant to be on my side. We were meant to be fighting together. But, somehow, we’ve been split apart. You broke the promise I asked of you when I was 19 years old. You turned on me. And it hurts.
TTPD is an incredibly, incredibly angry album. Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me? is an incredibly, incredibly angry song. But they are also both incredibly, incredibly sad. Taylor sings ‘Who’s afraid of little old me? / You should be’, when, 15 years earlier, she was singing ‘I’m not afraid / We will be remembered.’ And yes, a song is just a moment in time, but a series of songs – that’s a story. It’s a life. You can play through Taylor Swift’s discography, and you’ll hear the story of a 16-year-old girl whose trust was slowly destroyed. Sure, that might be the story of most 16-year-old girls. But most of them don’t go through it in the public eye. Most of them don’t have to balance being honest against perpetuating the cycle. And most of them listen to sad songs to get them through, instead of being the one putting those sad songs out into the world. ‘You don’t get to tell me about sad,’ Taylor sings, because of course she does. We don’t have to tell her about sad. For our generation, she is one of the people who defined what it means.
(Disclaimer: This essay is not intended to deal with the actual content of any criticism Taylor received from her fans, or the question of whether that criticism was justified. I’m leaving that discourse to other people. My aim was just to explore how Taylor’s writing about her fans has changed over time, and what that tells us about their relationship and her career as a whole).
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saintmeghanmarkle · 9 months
Tatler sticks it to Madame in the most delicious way in their tweet about the article on Big Suze by u/Von_und_zu_
Tatler sticks it to Madame in the most delicious way in their tweet about the article on Big Suze This is to follow up on the post below by u/HydeparkUK concerning the article itself.I may have missed it but in that post/comments, I did not see Tatler's most amusing tweet about the cover and article. For me, Tatler's tweet is so good, I think it bears emphasis. I hope you (and the mods) agree.https://twitter.com/Tatlermagazine/status/1740321965879992357I mean, how does Big Suze, married to someone way down in the LoS and therefore of no importance (to Madame), get a cover and bedecked in Dior!? Dazzle in a dramatic role?! Have a direct line to the King?! And and and.... be described as "whip-smart" .... by someone other than herself?!Who is Madame going to blame for this?!Text of Tattler's tweet:Lady Frederick Windsor, the whip-smart actress Sophie Winkleman with a direct line to the King, graces the cover in Dior ahead of dazzling in Julian Fellowes' Belgravia​https://ift.tt/Yzpsr8x post link: https://ift.tt/yjUWpS9 author: Von_und_zu_ submitted: December 29, 2023 at 12:06AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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rei-does-stuff · 1 year
Watched new the little mermaid movie and I have a LOT of thought! Enough for a whole post!!
Little mermaid thoughts LETS GOOOO
-I LOVED IT FIRSTLY but I do have a few nitpicks
-Firstly I don’t like the cgi animals, they look bad, I get they don’t wanna do the cartoony look for all the fish, but I feel like at least for flounder they should’ve so we could’ve connected to him more, Sebastian was fine, so was scuttle but flounder really got the short end of the stick
-The lighting wasn’t that bad, sure there was some scenes that maybe should have been a tad brighter but it really wasn’t as bad as everyone was saying
-Hailey Bailey singing is INCREDIBLE, I was worried that she would be able to sing well, but not be able to sing in CHARACTER, but goddamnit she KILLS it man! You can really FEEL her emotions and she does so well
-Sebastian and King Triton don’t really have as much of a friendly dynamic as I’d like, King -Triton especially doesn’t seem as friendly towards him compared to the original, so Sebastian’s quips seem like ACTUAL complaining instead of something more innocent yk??
-Also because they cut out the song where the daughters sing and Ariel is missing we don’t really get that Sebastian is a conductor/composer so his part during ‘kiss the girl’ doesn’t flow as well imo, bc like how would he know this? He doesn’t know anything about music
-They don’t introduce Eric’s statue, so it’s appearance later on doesn’t make sense unless you’ve watched the original, something I don’t really like about disney remakes
-And Ariel finds it BEFORE under the sea, which brings two issues, one is that the statue is supposed to be a gift from flounder TO Ariel, which strengthens their relationship, and two it makes her leaving at the end of under the sea make no sense, since she left TO see the statue
-OH AND UNDER THE SEA WAS AMAZING, I love how they did their own thing instead of copying the og, makes it way more memorable and it looked rlly good!!!
-OH, and whilst part of your world was amazing, I feel like Sebastian should have seen it. Since he wasn’t there, he doesn’t know much about Ariel’s motive and her desire for going to the surface, they didn’t have to add all the slapstick that was in the original but just having him there instead of him come after would strengthen their relationship a lot more, especially to those who haven’t seen the original
-I like them setting up how Eric and Ariel are two sides or the same coin, both wanting more from their lives and wanting what they can’t have
-when Eric goes to save Max, I think the original does it better, him jumping from the boat and going BACK onto the ship shows his compassion than him about to leave the ship but going back for max
-When Eric sees Ariel with his blurred vision I feel like it was a bit TOO blurry, in the original the og Ariel had this ethereal aura to her from his vision that added to his whole fantasy of her, that the remake doesn’t really capture due to how blurry it was
-When King Triton destroying all of Ariel’s things was good, not as powerful as the original but still amazing, but one nitpick I have is that Triton tells her “never leave again” and doesn’t LOOK at her. In the original he doesn’t say anything, but does look at her crying and you can see the guilt in his eyes.
-Also, the whole, “your mom was killed by humans thats why i forbid you going there” feels a bit??? Unnecessary?? Idk how to describe it, I think because the original had this sort of queer undertone in it, like the original fairytale had, and I feel like the line is removing that a bit?? The whole humans are barbarians thing feels unnecessary too. I feel if they just stuck with the whole “you’re a mermaid he’s a human” thing would’ve been better, no need to over complicate things yk?? Also it gave said human-mermaid line less power imo
-Flotsam and Jetsam aren’t really in the movie, they don’t tell Ariel about Ursula, which is double edge sword I’ll explain later, but them not being in presence makes the ‘kiss the girl’ scene and them dying and Ursula being pissed about it less powerful imo
-How the double edge sword thing does come with a good side, of course, Ursula being the one to tell Ariel gives her more manipulative side strength, and it adds to Ariel’s trust of Ursula, her being related to her adds to that as well, you understand WHY she doesn’t immediately leave yk??
-NOW URSULA’S MAKEUP, im gonna say it, it’s bad, they didn’t go far enough with the drag queen look and it really hinders it imo, she just looks boring and not menacing at all which sucks because the actress really gives it her all
-POOR UNFORTUNATE SOULS, it’s an amazing song of course, but they do change the lyrics to be less about Eric which makes more sense for this movie so I won’t fault it for that
-They did remove the ‘BODY LANGUAGE’ lyric tho so points off,
-And the song is a lot shorter, which isnt good considering PUS was originally a 5 minute song cut to 3 minutes THEN NOW cut to 2, hinders it a lot I feel
-I LOVE THE VISUALS THO, love them doing their own thing and I love how glowy Ursula’s tentacles are, I do wish they kept the lil hologram thing from the original, could’ve added a whole lot to it!
-Them replacing Ursula’s henchmen forcible shutting Sebastian and flounder from telling Ariel to not trust Ursula to just flounder shushing Sebastian isn’t great, makes Ursula less scary imo
-They removed the scroll, and replaced it with her putting her scale in with blood, more intense which I like and removes the question of “if she could sign the scroll then why couldnt she write to Eric” thing the original had
-The transformation sequel isn’t as flashy as the og, the imagery of her tail splitting in two and forming legs was iconic,
-Also Sebastian and flounder not helping her to the surface is something I didn’t like, hinders their relationship
-The whole ‘Forgetting she has to kiss Eric’ thing felt unnecessary? I don’t think the original had it but I could be misremembering
-At first I didn’t like Ariel not immediately meeting Eric but I grew to like it ngl, her seeing the town was really good, and her song is also neat!
-The moment she realizes she cant talk is GOLDEN
-Her bonding with Eric in the little trinket area was SUCH a nice addition, it really strengthens their bond together
-Also the “my little mermaid” thing ADORABLE
-OH OH ALSO, eric and ariel have such autism energy I love it sooo much
-Them going on the town was SOOOO cute, I love them so muchhhhhh, and the dress Ariel wears is really cute, I do wish she had more things to wear it’s really just one outfit and her wedding gown which isn’t that different from her regular outfit, in comparison to the og which had her in a lotta outfits, especially with how pretty hailey bailey is?? She would’ve killed it!!
-OH ERICS SONG IS SO GOOD??? I wasn’t expecting to like it so much but the way it mirrors part of your world is SO good????? And his voice????? Incredible
-Oh i love Sebastian and scuttles friendship it’s really sweet
-also scuttles song wasn’t that annoying?? Idk it was cute and fun and Sebastian joining in was cute!
-They cut out the Poor unfortunate souls reprise which Is a huge let down I really liked it!!!! They use the music for it but she doesn’t SING!!!!
-Vanessa is SO pretty??? Exactly like the og too!!
-I feel like Eric being under control should’ve been hammered in more though, the subtle vibes doesn’t work as well for it imo
-Ariel being the one to stab Ursula wasn’t a good choice imo, the of gave Eric more character, and it would work even better in this movie since theyre so similar. She saved him and now he gets to save her yk?
-Also killing Ursula didnt look that great, you couldnt even tell she was stabbed it had no punch
-When Ursula takes Ariel away she doesn’t say anything to Eric like in the original she just leaves, which is a bit disappointed, they do a lotta things that rob Ursula of her iconic personality
-I think we should’ve seen Ariel get back her legs like in the movie, cutting that I feel like, loses a lot, especially with the bond with her father
-No 80s dress, sad.
-I think that’s everything????? I’m rewatching the original movie tomorrow so I’m sure I’ll have a few more things to add, especially when the 2023 movie goes onto disney plus
-Overall the movie was really good, Haliey Baliey stole the show and the visuals were really nice, special shoutouts to the visuals for Ursula’s tentacles, triton’s triton and the scenes for kiss the girl and under the sea, VERY pretty,
-All the voice actors were great ngl,
-The movie didn’t feel too long either, the stuff they added was good and moved along nicely, didn’t even feel like 2 hours yk???
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piromantic · 4 months
gender rambling
this isn't about how i feel on the inside or trying to sort out any of that stuff. the older i get the less i care about applying the gender dichotomy to my own feelings or trying to describe myself within this framework that doesn't really mean anything, like i'm myself and i'm good with that
however. we live in a society.
ngl for this being the 'burnt out gifted kid transgender' website i've never actually seen any discussions about gender within competitive academic settings. i've seen some mentions of how toxic masculinity presents differently in nerd spaces, but still permeates it just as much as any other space. but it took like, so fucking long to even recognize it in my own life, let alone unravel how it affected me.
i sometimes play video games with a group of guys from my major and for the last year and a half i was The Team Carry because i had a few hundred extra hours of practice on them. they're all nearly caught up to my level now, and even though they're all the pretty typical 'woo feminism' cis men and have never said anything towards me that was weird or discriminatory, i've started to feel afraid that i'm going to be mentally demoted in their minds as soon as i lose the status of 'carry'. which is irrational, but as i started dissecting where this fear came from it started unraveling like years of my life
it sounds absolutely ridiculous when typed out, but when i'm in my own head i keep going in circles of 'am i, personally, going to lead to the downfall of feminism by not being a woman'.
because i am studying in a field where there aren't many women in general, let alone visibly queer people. things have gotten better for sure but i have literally been in a class where i was the only person who wasn't a cis man in the whole room. so i'm viewed as someone setting an example and paving the way just by existing, which feels like i'm just pulling off a giant deception on people who see me as a sign of community, which feels awful.
but also, i think i became aware of this on a subconscious level YEARS before i realized it outright. like i think about this reaction i have to video games and it takes me all the way back to fourth grade, when i realized that girls were never going to accept me, but if i was mean and smart and loud about it, boys might. so i got really into the Act Of Appearing Smart, which manifested as just being... ridiculously competitive. oh i know more digits of pi than you. oh i can recite more of the periodic table faster than you. oh i can do integrals in my head faster than you. etc etc ad infinitum
when i think back, so much of my life was spent trying to like, win scraps of gender euphoria through 'proving' myself in the academic system. and like. ???? playing the misogyny game is still misogyny. i look back and wonder whether i had a missed opportunity to make these spaces better if i had just pushed back on them a bit more, and whether i was just perpetuating them by being like 'hey guys, no need to stop the toxic masculinity! i'm a girl, and i can succeed in here, so girls who don't succeed just aren't trying hard enough!'
or, put slightly differently: was i just perpetuating the idea that the only way to succeed in these systems was to be masculine.
over time i found that the way boys (and men, now) signify that i've succeeded is to allow me to be in their spaces. guys will tell me about the girls they find hot, forgetting that it's not socially acceptable for me to agree. guys will drop the use of female pronouns when i'm in the group, slotting me under 'boys' or 'king' like the rest of their friends instead of making exceptions. and it's like. if i was a woman i wouldn't let this happen, and i know they would respect that.
BUT I'M NOT A WOMAN. and these things are affirming, but i feel terrible for finding affirmation in them, because they weren't meant that way.
(and i can hear my mother's voice in my head like 'you're not trans, you just want male privilege', and no, i really don't think that's it. i had a friend that used to say misogynistic shit to be edgy when we were in like, elementary-middle school, and i always shut that down immediately. but it never felt like i was defending myself as part of that group. i've just always felt a bit of distance there)
i guess the issue i've been trying to articulate is that things are fine on the surface, but the context for them isn't. if people were treating me the exact same way because i came out to them, i wouldn't feel bad. but i'm a coward and i hate coming out because it usually goes badly for me, and i'd also feel bad about coming out in my area of study specifically because i'm already in the minority right now. (and i don't think it would go over very well, despite diversity trainings and whatever getting more popular.) like i don't want to be the SINGLE they/them in my entire department. that's too much stress for me.
and i have this fear that it would just come across as becoming a stereotype, or being misogynistic. like ohhhh you think you're a man because women can't do math or something. <- insane thing to worry about
idk i need to stop stalling and finish my conference presentation already. if you read this far idk why you would but thanks for making it through all that
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dcbbw · 1 year
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This is just a thought that was in my brain, and I finally decided to write it out. It’s not even a full fic; at under 700 words, drabble is the only way to describe it. Not sure if it’s part of an existing AU or something new; for now, it just is.
If you read this, THANK YOU. Your likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated more than you realize. Please excuse any and all typos, missing/extraneous words, and/or grammatical errors. MS Editor rates this 100% error-free.
Contains my version of PB characters
Song Inspo: 4am, soft siren/CASHFORGOLD/Sidewalks and Skeletons
Word Count: 635
Riley Brooks poured herself a cocktail. It was 6:30 am, far too early for alcohol but she justified her actions by telling herself that the orange juice made it breakfast. Besides, day drinking was a thing now. As she mixed her ingredients together, she reflected on how every major milestone of her Cordonian adventure had been punctuated by a drink.
The night of the Coronation, when she returned to Ramsford with her mind and soul filled with confusion and hurt, Maxwell had brought her a whiskey sour filled with cherries and garnished with wedges of lemon and lime. A boozy fruit salad. The sweetness of the cherries blended with the tartness of the citrus to soothe the burn of the sour mash and numb her heart.
The night in France during the Engagement Tour when Drake took her to the billiards hall. He suggested drinks and that she have a mojito: a blend of sweet and minty muddled to allow each ingredient to assault her tastebuds with every swallow. But Riley neither needed nor wanted muddled. Her emotions were enough of a mess. Liam’s words were a complete contradiction to his actions. No, Riley Brooks needed straightforward and blunt. She chose a whiskey neat. And felt the need for another one after Drake leaned her over the pool table, his hardness pressing invitingly through the denim of his jeans and into her ass cleavage.
Sitting along the darkened banks of the Siene River, enjoying rustic bread and aged cheeses with Liam as he waxed poetically about their future, even though the chances of finding Tariq were growing slimmer with each moment that passed. Riley drank deeply of the French red wine, letting it warm her insides and wrap her in a hazy comfort. Perhaps she and Liam weren’t meant for open daylight; maybe he wasn’t protecting his father for the most fucked-up fuckery she had ever been subjected to. Just maybe, Liam was protecting her and their love, keeping them tucked under the cover of night and away from prying eyes and wagging tongues.
The sloe gin fizz the night of the wedding party had tasted of bittersweet victory. Her name had finally been cleared to Cordonia’s satisfaction, but the disingenuity and boot licking towards her by the nobility and elite merely because their King had ordered it, made the victory a hollow one. They were only sorry to be wrong in their assumptions and gossip, which made them dislike and mistrust her even further. 
There was no liquor at the Statue of Liberty the night of the proposal; Riley chose to make her coffee Irish at breakfast the following morning. She knew her answer would hurt people; the announcement before the meal was served confirmed it. While her intended grinned broadly and gushed eagerly over her, Riley sipped the strong beverage, avoiding gazes and offering a wan smile when she did catch someone’s eye.
On her wedding night, tepid champagne sat in a bucket filled with melted ice. The bubbles that had fizzed and hissed in their flutes when she and her husband toasted each other were now flat. Their bodies were slick with sweat, their breathing labored as the bride and groom lay in each other’s arms, whispering promises and sweet nothings to each other.
The sparkling cider when she told her husband they were pregnant; with a loud yell of happiness, he had picked her up and swung her around, prompting her to throw up all over his shirt and the carpet.
And now this morning, vodka and orange juice. A screwdriver. She needed the sharpness of the vodka to strengthen her resolve and solidify her courage. The orange juice would make her tears not as bitter and her words sweeter. Not that it would make a difference. 
Because five years, two children, and a trail of lies, failures, and broken promises later, today Riley Brooks was going to ask her husband for a divorce and sole custody of their children.
Tagging:  @jared2612​​​ @ao719​​​ @marietrinmimi​​​ @queenjilian​​​ @indiacater​​​ @kingliam2019​​​ @bebepac​​​ @liamxs-world​​​ @mom2000aggie​​​ @liamrhysstalker2020​​​ ​ @twinkleallnight​​​ @umccall71​​​ @superharriet​​​ @busywoman​​​ @gabesmommie1130​​​ @tessa-liam​​​ @beezm​​​ @gardeningourmet​​​ @lovingchoices14​​​ @mainstreetreader​​​ @angelasscribbles​​​ @lady-calypso​​​ @emkay512​​​ @princessleac1​​​ @charlotteg234​​​ @queenrileyrose​​​ @alj4890​​​ @yourfavaquarius111​​​ @motorcitymademadame​​​​ @queenmiarys​​ @walkerdrakewalker​
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ao3-oner · 9 days
hello! I know you've been talking about We Keep Falling Apart AU (which I also love) but would you have any more hcs or snippets you can share for Summoner Id (Your Name on My Lips)? I really really love it! It was so funny but also so heartfelt?? And all the characters and sideships were so great!! Zeus' reaction to "babe" had me on the floor laughing (just like Kanavi), Jihoon and Sanghyeok slowly and slowly being more open with their feelings, Kanavi being an overall boss. I loved it!
Hi, and thanks for the ask!
I'm super glad to hear that you liked Summoner Id! I honestly really like that fic, too - shoutout to my friend who gave me the encouragement I needed to go through with writing it when I was uncertain about whether I should! Like you said, I feel like this fic allowed me to combine a lot of the things I really like to incorporate in my writing - humor, angst, romance - all kind of rolled up into one giant mess, and I'm really glad that it turned out to be such a fun story.
With that said, I didn't really plan out a full AU for it - I know a few people initially assumed it was part of the WKFA universe, but it's not - so when it comes to hcs or snippets I guess I can just think about it now?
I mean, several of my WKFA headcanons still apply to this fic's universe, too - RuLehends were exclusive fwbs during '22, Kanavi-Chovy-Lehends have been besties since Griffin days, etc. - so I suppose the most unique part would be the other side relationships featured in the fic, i.e. the Choker, GuKe and OZ. My thoughts on those can best be described as... situationships. Situationships everywhere. Primarily due to the fact that none of these players can communicate about their emotions for shit.
GuKe (as usual) are the ones who are the most together (other than CanMaker, who did get a subtle nod, but I digress) - like Ruler observes in the fic, they definitely have a couple-esque relationship, and everyone knows they've spoken for each other. They haven't quite put an official label on what they have yet, though, mostly because Keria doesn't really feel the need to, and that has been giving our possessive king Guma a smidge of anxiety. For the most part, they're doing everything a committed couple would do, from the pet names to the physicality to the quality time.
I think that Choker is very much still trying to figure out where they stand with each other - I mean we hear from Faker first-hand in the fic how he's trying to navigate how he feels about Chovy (since he's never really felt this way about anyone before), whereas Chovy openly flirts with him but internally is still very starstruck, very "what do you mean I could actually bag the Lee Sanghyuk". I hc that they first met up for lunch 1-on-1 at Worlds '22, and since then they've discovered that they enjoy each other's company and have been going out for "appointments" together throughout the '23 spring split. It's still very new to both of them, which is exciting, but also kind of terrifying, especially for Sanghyuk, since everyone expects him to be a paragon in all things.
OZ... lmao these nerds... Their current status is Zeus constantly googling "my stupid hot jungler keeps calling me his 'girlfriend' and teasing me and now we're sleeping together... help??" and the only response he's getting is missing pings. Oner thinks they're dating. Zeus thinks that Oner's straight and is just being a bro/fucking with him. Not an ounce of communication is going on. It's a time, but isn't it always.
So, yeah, those are some of my thoughts! Feel free to send another message if there's anything more specific you're curious about - I am always happy to chat.
Thanks again for reaching out, and have a good one!
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sonicasura · 1 month
Broken Dreamer and the Seven Stars
One of two Mario/KN8 crossovers that came to mind. This involves Super Mario RPG in particular as the other will revolve around the Fawful Saga of the Mario and Luigi RPGs. Now let's get started.
A mysterious epidemic has slowly began to spread throughout Japan. People falling asleep and never waking up. Every single one stuck in what seems to be an endless nightmare that varies. The only correlation between them were these few words garner by multiple sleep talkers: The stars are breaking.
A few days later, 30 year old Kafka Hibino would mysteriously disappear. There no signs of a break in or the man even leaving his apartment. He simply returned from work and went to bed on the night he would disappear. The only sign that something was a mysterious indent in the mattress, one which eeriely looks something pierced through.
An unconscious Kafka Hibino is soon found by a wandering Shaman and taken to Moleville. Unbeknownst to the unaware populace, this man had been changed if one sees the broken black crystal tattoo etch on his right hand. Well until Kafka freaks out upon waking to a giant talking mole and a seemingly inhuman hooded figure.
The man suddenly transforms into monstrous mole version of himself from sheer fright! It seems that whatever had taken Kafka to this world had grant him the ability to transform and even summon monsters. Taking pity on the man, the Shaman teaches him how to control these powers.
Kafka stays in Moleville for at least a week as he tries to understand what had happened to him. All while helping the townsfolk and learn to control his newfound magic. Believing Kafka is ready the Shaman tells him to seek the Frog Sage at Tadpole Pond for guidance.
The man bids everyone farewell and sets off on his journey. Of course with new gear alongside essentials provided by the townsfolk. The plot of Super Mario RPG truly kicks off once Kafka leaves Moleville. (Can't have him staying there to wait for our heroes.)
Best way to describe Kafka's outfit would be similar to Dynamite Anton's attire from AntonBlast if it was for mining and his starting weapon is a Pickaxe. His starting abilities are: Summon (Shard/Lava Bubble/Cluster), Transform(Buzzer/Mole/Shaman), and Earthshaker(Break the ground around enemies with a Pickaxe.)
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He bumps into Mario and Mallow during their first visit to Tadpole Pond. Kafka joins the group on their journey as maybe he could find out what him here. (Plus he wasn't gonna to abandon someone in need especially if it involves missing family and friends.)
You can bet Kafka gets pulled into a lot of shenanigans as he helps Mario's group. There are slight changes with his inclusion. Here are a few that I've gotten so far.
Monstro Town holds a lot more importance when it comes to Kafka. I'm not just talking about his magic either. Will say collecting the Shiny and Extra Shiny Stones have become mandatory into getting him home.
The destruction of Star Road is partly responsible for the epidemic in Kafka's world aka the Shatter Star Coma. A place connected to people's wishes would honestly have more consequences to its destruction. Though there's another string tying to this mysterious epidemic.
Kafka attempts to reform Bowser! Considering how the Koopa King acts, our himbo has faith he can stop the entire 'Capture Princess Peach' status quo. Also Bowser accidentally kisses Kafka during the whole Booster wedding nonsense. (I failed the minigame so Mario got kissed by both Booster and Bowser but this switch up sounds funnier. Although if people ship the Koopa King with Kafka then go for it.)
Our himbo still has his magic and items from the adventure once he returns home. Kafka does experiment with it for two reasons. One is he rather not fall out of practice(it would be disrespectful to the Shaman who helped him.) The second being he could help others with it.
Kafka essentially becomes a vigilante of sorts for the next few years. Since he aged out, the only other way he can standby Mina is through this path. Luckily his transformation magic makes it easier to keep a secret identity.
The Defense Force are clueless when it comes to who or what their new vigilante is. Only thing everyone can come to agree with being his alias: Proteus. (After the elusive Greek God who uses shapeshifting to slip from people's grasp.)
The mystery would truly unravel when Kaiju No.8 makes his debut. (Whether Kafka joins the Defense Force or not is still up in the air though.)
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By: Adam B. Coleman
Published: Sep 18, 2023
The real measure of an individual’s character isn’t what he portrays to the public but how he treats people in private.
Truly righteous people treat others with respect and dignity when there is no one else around and no social credit to be earned for doing the right thing.
This distinction matters — especially for people who’ve made a career lecturing others on the appropriate way to treat people, especially those perceived as having less power in society.
But when no one was looking and nothing was to be gained, it seems Ibram X. Kendi used his power and privilege as the director of a think tank to exploit and mistreat the people who worked under him as if they were people who are beneath him.
Amid confirmation of layoffs being made at Boston University’s Center for Antiracist Research, former and current faculty have spoken out about Kendi’s mismanagement, “exploitation” and enrichment.
“There are a number of ways it got to this point, it started very early on when the university decided to create a center that rested in the hands of one human being, an individual given millions of dollars and so much authority,” stated Spencer Piston, a BU political science professor. 
A Former assistant director of narrative at the center and a BU associate professor of sociology and African American and black diaspora studies, Saida Grundy, also described a lack of structure, leading to her working additional hours that were unreasonable, especially for the pay she was receiving.
“It became very clear after I started that this was exploitative and other faculty experienced the same and worse,” Grundy lamented.
With tens of millions of dollars flowing in from major donors shortly after the center’s founding in 2020 from Twitter founder Jack Dorsey, the Rockefeller Foundation and biotech company Vertex, Grundy also saw the missed opportunity to directly help black students at Boston University. 
“Those donations could have been going to benefit black students.”
Grundy is correct that much of the donation money could have been utilized in objectively more helpful ways to serve the people Kendi claimed to be advocating for. But the line between rhetoric and action was a line that Kendi never had any intentions of crossing.
Kendi used the dogma of antiracism to project a new moral standard at a time when many Americans momentarily questioned their behavior and culpability.
As he demanded that everyone should check their privilege and feel socially accountable for the exploitation of people, he was simultaneously exploiting the emotions of a nation to solidify his nobility status among the upper class in academia.
Kendi’s boutique moral philosophy on historical events and human interaction has only made him notable among the upper class.
Those elites declare racial enlightenment over the naïve majority who prefer to treat people like they’d want to be treated.
The antiracism think tank operated more like an antiracism piggybank with only one man listed as its financial beneficiary.
Kendi’s interests have become clearer as time has gone on: His “research center” was for the benefit of one black person, not black people.
Remember the $90 million windfall Patrisse Cullors and the Black Lives Matter organization scored and their frivolous spending habits with donation money, buying mansions and funneling cash to board and family members?
Activist Shaun King has also repeatedly been accused of raising money for recipients and causes that never saw it.
This is a similarly disappointing realization after tens of millions of dollars have been placed in the hands of an advocate who has shown little regard to produce a return for his bold aspirations.
Kendi had systemic control over his own research center yet used his position to take advantage of the people whom he was leading and continued to reap the academic clout that legitimizes his profiting in over $32,000 a speech.
Kendi suggests that people should become more race-conscious to be better anti-racists, but I believe it’s more important to be elitist-conscious.
We need to be aware of the behavioral patterns and condescending rhetoric of the people who think they know better than us about everything.
If we were all good anti-elitists, we’d ignore the utopian rhetoric of social progressives and anti-racists and focus on their behavior.
This readjustment would help us quickly realize that race is a tool to distract us from noticing they are getting rich from dividing us into categories of human characteristics.
The only remedy to moral elitism is moral anti-elitism: This is how we have an anti-elitist society.
Adam B. Coleman is the author of “Black Victim to Black Victor” and founder of Wrong Speak Publishing. Follow him on Substack: adambcoleman.substack.com.
It was never about doing anything useful. It was always akin to buying indulgences from the Catholic Church.
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 1 year
𓅨 Fortuna: Chapter Twelve
Fortuna: Born with what seemed to be the worst luck in the world, you have managed to get into, and out of, life-threatening situations all your life. That is until the plague of 1514. You had escaped Mother Death countless times before, but not this time. Mother Death has taken a liking to you, and with your kindling relationship, you become that which historians whisper about. You are the great Fortuna, Goddess Incarnate of luck, and ruler over fortune and fate. No one could have anticipated what your ties with Death would bring you: Pain. Torture. Death. Love.
Warnings: Feels, Mutual Unaddressed Trauma, Morpheus Wondering Why His Babe is Avoiding Him, Morpheus Fucks Up.
To Note: Morpheus/Dream x ImmortalSpanish!Reader, Reader’s nickname is Fortuna. Fortuna is the Roman Goddess of personified luck and ruler over fortune and fate.
Word Count: ~2.2k
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You hated the number of tears that had fled your lashes, you also hated how much you shook and trembled within Morpheus’s arms. You never wanted him to see you like this, so broken down and so distraught. You never wanted him to see you so weak. But at the same time, you were bombarded with the full adoration and comfort his embrace gave you after 95 long years and you couldn’t help but grasp his coat with a white knuckle grip and press yourself closer. You didn’t know how long this secure feeling was going to last, and constantly feared that you would be ripped away from Morpheus once more. It was only when you felt something sliding across your skin and shifting around your body, that you dared to open your eyes. You were no longer within Hob’s flat, if anything, you were no longer in The Waking World, period. 
Morpheus was carrying you across a grand bridge in a world you didn’t recognize and was heading towards a massive castle. You kept your face tucked against his neck, but your eyes flickered around, soaking in the realm of your lover. It was just as inhumanely beautiful as its king. Carved statues, curving architecture, beautiful landscapes… The Dreaming was paradise. Your trembles finally started easing as your mind and body recognized that this was a safe place. A safe place where you could relax… to a point, your mind whispered. You eyed a massive dragon perched atop the grand doors to the palace. 
“You never mentioned you had a dragon,” You croaked out, your lips brushing against Morpheus’s neck as you twisted your head to get a better look. The Endless raised an eyebrow and glanced down at your huddled form in his arms. Out of all the things in his realm, that was what you were focusing on at the moment? 
“Forgive me for failing to tell you that I have a dragon that protects my palace and Ivory Gates,” Morpheus murmured, happy that you were finally drawing yourself from your disparaged state. He hated to see tears in your eyes and loathed the way you shook in his arms. 
“I’ll forgive you if you give me a tour, I want to see that library of yours.” Your soft words brought a chuckle to Morpheus’s lips. You had expressed a great desire to see the library all those decades ago. Had even demanded him to describe it more than once on occasion. Morpheus was eager to show you what he had described to you over and over in your endless hours of captivity. He would show you all that he had described to you, he would show you everything your eyes had sparkled from description and more. Morpheus slowed to a stop. 
“Shall I start with the library then? I am sure you and Lucienne will get along quite well, my beloved.” You shivered at him calling you his beloved, your heart aching in your chest. It had missed that, it had missed him. Your whole being had missed him so terribly. Easing up on your grasp, you were lowered and the moment your borrowed boots hit the floor you were looking up into Morpheus’s face as he gazed down into yours with reverence and endless devotion. 
“The library sounds good,” You agreed softly with a nod. Morpheus reached to take your hand in his, sliding his long fingers through yours and wrapping them firmly and tightly around your own. 
“I do fear, though, that the library may steal you from me,” Morpheus added, his mouth twitching. Your proceeding smile brought warmth to his heart, even if it was just a small one, and Morpheus would have done anything at that moment to keep that smile on your lips. Oh, how he had missed it in the last 95 years. Your warm hand squeezed his and Morpheus had to draw himself from the daze of your small smile. He was to show you the library, extend that beautiful and warming smile of yours, put the light of life back in your eyes. 
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The library was big, so big, and you loved it. Your eyes scoured across the shelves and aisles with excitement. You had so much to catch up on that you thought that you might never do so in the first place. There were just so many books. You were in the middle of gushing about Jane Austen and Charles Dickens, pointing out your favorite books to Morpheus when Lucienne approached you. 
“My lord,” Lucienne greeted with a quick bow of her head. Lucienne looked at you. “And this is, my lord…?” Morpheus stepped closer to you, wrapping his arm around your still far too-thin body. His hand landed on your elbow and he pulled you closer to his body. You would never be close enough to him.
“This, Lucienne,” Morpheus drew out, gazing down at you with adoration clear in his eyes. “Is Fortuna, my Tyche.” You blinked at Lucienne and offered her a small smile. Lucienne knew exactly who you were, no introductions were needed. There was only one being that had Morpheus so smitten and that was you. She knew that you had suffered much like Morpheus, but she hadn’t anticipated you to be so small and frail looking, with the eyes of a prey animal. You looked like you would spook with one wrong move… and yet, there was a glimmer of flames buried deep within you. You had fight in you, it just had been beaten back so much it had been buried. 
“It is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Fortuna, I have heard much of you over the centuries,” Lucienne told you, her eyebrow raised. “You have heralded a great many stories with your wandering, we are fortunate to finally meet, Fortuna of Spain.” You flushed from her words and turned into Morpheus in embarrassment. Morpheus chuckled at your shyness.
“Whatever you’ve heard, I’m sure it's just myths.” You murmured, twisting your hands together in front of you. Lucienne gave you a questioning look. 
“Our books do not lie, my lady, would you care to read some of them?” Yes, you did want to read them. You extracted yourself from Morpheus quickly, relieved to have a chance to breathe. He had been very touchy with you, constantly running his hands along your own, your arms, your back. You were terrified that he would somehow find out what lay beneath your layers of clothing. Lucienne was more than glad to show you the books that had been based on your travels, you and her swiftly left Morpheus behind. 
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You were avoiding him. You, his long-lost beloved who he had desperately wanted to see for nearly a century, were avoiding him. Why?  
That question echoed within Morpheus’s thoughts, over and over. Why, after all these years, were you trying to stay away from him? You had shaken and trembled within his arms only days previous, clutching at his jacket like you feared he would disappear beneath your fingertips. Your tears of absolved agony had been endless as he cradled little emaciated you. You needed comfort, you needed nurturing, you needed him. Just like he needed you.  So why were you avoiding him!?
“Boss?” Matthew asked from where he was perched on Morpheus’s throne. Morpheus’s eyes, which had been glowing with silver, shifted back to blue. 
“What is it, Matthew?” Morpheus questioned. Matthew shuffled his feathers nervously. 
“So, you seem upset, sir,” Matthew started. “Is there something wrong with the missus?” The Dream Lord’s face turned even more broody as he glowered. Oh yes, there was definitely something wrong with the missus, and based on his king’s mood, Matthew guessed that you had yet to tell Morpheus anything about what you had experienced. “Boss?” 
“She is avoiding me, Matthew,” Morpheus growled, his fingers curling around the armrests of his throne. “She had hidden nothing from me in the eleven years that we spent trapped together. But 95 years apart and now she hides from me? Why?” 
Matthew wanted to tell Morpheus that you were within your rights to keep your secrets, because a lot could happen in 95 years. But it was well known that the Endless did not like to be told what he could or could not do. Certainly not when it pertained to his lover, who had obviously been hurt but refused to address her trauma or seek further comfort for what she had suffered. A woman like you did not tremble and shake like you had unless something terrible had happened. But at the same time, Morpheus needed you to heal from his own trauma. Your presence by his side did that quite well, as the Endless feared that you would be taken from him again.
“Well, uh, sir, have you tried asking her about it?” Matthew offered. “I mean, she might not want to talk about it… but if you tell her that you are there for her, maybe she’ll change her mind? She doesn’t seem unreasonable being that she’s the Goddess of fate and fortune. I mean, she already sounds like a kick-ass lady who loves you a lot.” Morpheus considered his raven's words carefully, then decided that rather than sitting around and letting you hurt in silence, he would go and ask you. Rising from his seat, Morpheus strode down the steps and headed in your direction. Morpheus could feel your spark of life in the gardens, so that’s where he went. 
Passing through an archway that led outside the palace, Morpheus strode his way through the winding path of his gardens. As beautiful and vibrant as his gardens were, his only focus at the moment was you, and he found you near one of the many fountains intermittent in the gardens. You were leaning over the fountain with an arm stretched out, your fingers beneath a stream of water. The sight of you stirred something within Morpheus’s chest and he silently moved to you, wrapping his arms around your body and hugging you. Your following reaction was not one he expected. 
You jumped in place with a squeal before spinning around so your back was no longer pressed against his chest. Clear surprise was plastered on your face. Your heart raced in your chest for a few moments as you pressed your hand against your chest. 
“¡Casi me matas del susto, mi amor!” (You scared me half to death, my love) You exclaimed, letting out a nervous chuckle. Morpheus could see the unease in your eyes and feel your genuine surprise. You really hadn’t sensed him, entirely lost in your tumultuous thoughts. Morpheus raised his eyebrow at you. 
“Lost in thought, my beloved?” You blinked and then shrugged, squirming your way out of his embrace lest his hands start to wander beneath your clothes. Morpheus tried to hide his displeasure of you trying to vacate his arms, but still, you caught sight of it, and chewed your lip.
“Sí, absorto.” (Yes, preoccupied.) Your absentminded words slipped from your lips and you flickered your eyes up to his. He was staring down at you with a look you couldn’t read, one that you hadn’t seen before. Discontent. You fidgeted, and managed to remove yourself from his embrace. Morpheus's slight glower at your retreat did not go unnoticed by you and you wrapped your arms around your body. “Did you need me for something?” Morpheus did not need a reason to visit his beloved. 
“I wish to speak with you of a sensitive topic, Y/N,” Morpheus spoke gently, stepping back towards you and reaching to run his fingers along the fringe of the short strands of your hair. He was already missing the intimate opportunity to carefully maintain your previously long locks. You pursed your lips as dread filled you. This was exactly what you wanted to avoid. This was why you were avoiding your lover, your beloved, in the first place!
“I told you that I am fine,” You murmured, trying to placate the argument before it even started. You knew he would not let this go.“I am here and I am well mi Amor, what more do you want?”
“I wish to understand your suffering, Y/N,” Morpheus responded, leaning closer and reaching for your hand. He took it and held it tight, leaning his face onto the top of your head. “My Tyche, I do not wish to see you in needless anguish. We have always relied on each other, why are you not seeking help for your worries, your pain? Why do you not talk to me!?”
“Llueve sobre mojado.” (Rain on the wet. It means it’s pointless.) You told him, trying to pull away from him once more.
“It is not pointless.” He rebutted, his own emotional pain getting to him at your stubborn refusal. “You will talk to me about this, Y/N. You are within my realm and you will obey me. Tell me what happened!” He held your hand in a strong grasp, but you managed to rip your boney one from his as you reared backward. 
“¡Si seguís insistiendo así, estaré a nada de no ir!” (If you keep insisting like this, I will be nowhere near attending.) You spit out in warning. Morpheus’s eyes blazed silver, you returned the look with a flash of your own golden eyes. “Do you not get it!? ¡No quiero hablar contigo!” (I don’t want to talk to you.) You spun around and stormed off, tears burning in your eyes while you fought the sobs that were clawing for freedom within your chest. 
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Date Published: 1/15/23
Last Edit: 1/15/23
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