#(tumblr is also like '>:/ no' about letting me be in the Good Omens Fanfiction searchable tag)
06/09/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR: Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Rachel House; Taika & Samba; Gypsy Taylor; Watch Parties; SOFMD Crew Fibre Arts Auction; AOC: Raffle Update; Articles; Fan Spotlight; Cast Cards; Our Flag Means Fanfiction Podcast; Big Gay Energy Podcast; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
== Rhys Darby ==
More photos of Rhys from To 29 and Beyond!
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Source: The Girl Blogger's Instagram
Also Rhys shared this on his instagram stories-- don't worry Rhys, we're way ahead of you! Round 2 is closed! On to Round 3!
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Source: Rhys Darby's Instagram Stories
== Taika & Samba ==
Taika was found responding to Samba's post yesterday, nice to see him making comments on social media again!
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Source: Samba Schutte's Instagram
Taika was out with Sterlin Harjo! (Creator of Resevoir Dogs)
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Source: Sterlin Harjo's Instagram
== Rachel House ==
Rachel has been out attending the Sydney Film Festival, and was interviewed on TheProjectTV about her movie The Mountain.
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Source: Temaungafilm Instagram
Source: TheProjectTV's Instagram
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Source: SydFilmFestival Instagram
== Gypsy Taylor ==
Some very fun looking outfits with Gypsy Taylor!
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Source: PainterByNumbers / Gypsy Taylor's Instagram
== Watch Parties ==
Good Omens Season 2
Dates: June 10-14, 2024
Times: 3:30 pm PT, 6:30 pm ET, 11:30 pm BST
Episodes: M-Th: 1-4, F: 5-6
Where: RhysDarbyFaction Discord Server
Need access? Reach out to @gentlebeardsbarngrill on tumblr or @aspirantabby42 on twitter.
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== Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week ==
TealOranges & Garlic Soup Week is still coming up on June 23 - 29! Wanna learn more of the prompts? Please visit their Tumblr!
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Source: TealOranges & GarlicSoupWeek Twitter
== SOFMD Crew: Fibre Arts Auction ==
SaveOFMD Crew has announced their auction items! Lots of folks in the fandom have donated fibre-arts prizes to help benefit our Queer Elders at SAGE USA! You can check out the prizes on the saveofmdcrew website. The auction will be opening in a few days!
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Source: SaveOFMD Crew Instagram
== AOC: Our Flag Means Pride Raffle ==
Raffle Update on #OurFlagMeansPride! 40 Charities already benefited! Raffle tickets are still available! You can enter on their page!
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Source: AdoptOurCrew Tumblr
== Articles ==
Heyyyy, Tokyo Vice Also Cancelled on HBO Max :(
After Max Raised Its Subscription Prices, The Streamer Confirmed Another One Of Its Shows Is Canceled
10 Best Period Drama Shows of the Last 5 Years, Ranked
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== Taika 2048 ==
Okay, who was going to tell me there was a Taika Waititi 2048? Thank you to @lisahafey for posting on Twitter so I can finally lose myself in this for the next many many hours.
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Source: Lisa Hafey's Twitter
== Fan Spotlight / News =
= Cast Cards =
First up tonight from @melvisik is another member of the Red Flag Crew, Kathleen S. ! Second is another one of awesome directors - Katie Ellwood!
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Source: @melvisik's Twitter
== Our Flag Means Fanfiction ==
Next up on Our Flag Means Fanfiction is The Dark Episode (hurt/comfort, whump, angst)! Find somewhere to listen on Our Flag Means Fanfiction Linktr.ee.
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Source: Our Flag Means Fanfiction Instagram
== Big Gay Energy Podcast ==
New episode of Big Gay Energy Pod! They're talking These Thems this time around! Check them out on your favorite podcast platform!
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Source: Big Gay Energy Podcast Instagram
== Love Notes ==
Hey there lovelies. Another weekend has come to an end, and we're starting another work week. Whether you got some rest, or just got some stuff done, I hope you are in a place where you feel you can face the next few days-- and if not, I hope you get some rest and get a chance to recoup. I've been hearing several folks running into some struggles--struggles brought on by others. Whether those who cause it intend to or not, I want you to know my friends, you don't deserve to be treated badly. You really don't. Don't let those people make you feel like you deserve that. You deserve to be happy, to feel safe, to feel comfortable, to feel like you, in your own skin, whatever that means for you.
I know you probably already know, but sometimes it's good to hear it from an outside source too-- you are not what other people think you are or expect of you. You are you. The ever wonderful, kind, unique, beautiful you. On hard days I know it's hard to see, but you're still there, and things will look up again. Be kind to yourself lovelies, you deserve the best, no matter what anyone says. Rest Well, I hope the start to your week turns out calm and kind to you <3
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's theme is...thoughtful with glasses. Gifs courtesy of kind @eaion and the fantastic @celluloidbroomcloset!
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orpiknight · 1 year
OrpiKnight's FAQ FAQ
For the Neil Gaiman Tumblr FAQ
GO S3 was announced! Will you be updating the FAQ still? Yep! :)
--- Who? Vel (blog OrpiKnight)
Why? I'm excited about Good Omens 2, I was looking through the Asks on Neil Gaiman's blog anyway, and I like having a constructive outlet when I'm going through so much information. And there were a lot of repeat questions. I mainly made it for me and my friends for reference, but then decided to go ahead and throw it out into the Tumblr void, too.
*Are a lot of these questions really frequently asked? Well, this started out being called a "QnA" doc because I was compiling the Asks. Then everyone kept calling it a "FAQ". So I rolled with it. It keeps up with the current Asks as much as possible, though. (I have no way of knowing how many times he gets asked some questions. That's for his inbox to know.)
Will you be actively updating it with new questions/answers? Yes. I update in batches now, every month or so. For my sanity. *When I update things, I usually put the new questions at the bottom of their section, even if they might fit next to something else in it better. This is just to make new ones easier to find. Later on I might reorganize them.
Can you put it in a Tumblr post? No. It's too much information, it can hang out on docs (which is 30+ pages). I'm pretty sure I would hit a word limit if I put it on here. Or break my dash. Or accidentally delete it. *You don't need a Google account to access it. I have tested this signed out on non-Chrome browsers. (I use Firefox btw)
You missed some Asks. Yeah... there is no way I could get all of them. I had to draw the line somewhere.
Some of the questions are strange. Don't I know it. Edit: But I do like to put in all sorts of questions. Sometimes there are things that don't even occur to me to ask that Neil says he gets constant questions about (like the ice cream/ice lolly). Sometimes there are things that I don't realize need clarifying (like "two consenting bicycle repairmen"). One person can ask a creatively specific question that other people are quietly wondering about. I also like the funny ones.
I found an error (typo/link not going to where it's supposed to/accidentally wrong info/etc.)?
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But seriously, it's okay to message me to let me know. It's very helpful.
Can I have shared editing access to your document? No.
About the fanfiction thing... Please end my suffering. (And Neil Gaiman's) Edit: I should probably clarify that I do like fanfiction.
I have personal opinions. Please be nice to me.
Can you add or change this, that, or whatever? I work irl, am usually tired, and don't have much time to constantly edit every little thing. Unless you're Neil Gaiman himself asking, it's likely I'm just going to leave it how I organized it. And I mean that in the politest way possible. Speaking of, if you would like to help me out at all with things like bills, medical costs, and food— here's my: Venmo: @ajgvel Ko-fi page (It says you're giving me ducks on there! :D)
It's not expected of course. Regardless, much love to everyone, and thanks for making a space where we can all have fun together about something we enjoy. ♡
Find me on Bluesky: OrpiKnight
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bazzybelle · 7 months
Good Omens 2 and Wayward Son - A Fan's Commentary on Fandom Reactions
I’m going to start off by saying apologies for any obvious grammatical errors. I am writing purely from the heart here. 
Also, apologies to my Sandman friends. If you haven’t read The Simon Snow Trilogy, this will go over your heads. However, I have been going back and forth on writing this meta since the release of Good Omens 2, and I just finished reading a spectacular meta on queer ships becoming canon by @avelera, which you can find here (read it, it’s brilliant). Anyway, I feel now’s a good time to let out all of my feelings when it comes to Good Omens 2 and how similar it was to reading Wayward Son. 
Simon Snow friends, you all know that Wayward Son is my favourite book out of the trilogy. You also know that this can be considered a controversial take within the fandom. And I don’t mean that in a toxic way, this fandom is one of the more wholesome fandoms I’ve seen; But in the way of like… Wayward Son is itself a polarizing book. 
I say this, knowing full well what went down when Wayward Son was released. Perhaps I had the advantage of not being completely embroiled within the Simon Snow  fandom until after I’d finished reading the book, but I lived on the periphery. I followed Rainbow on Twitter (fuck you, I am not calling it X), I had saved some artwork on Pinterest (before I found out those were stolen, wherein I immediately unpinned them and deleted my fandom folders), and I was excited to get Wayward Son as soon as it came out. So much so that I asked my husband to go to the Indigo near his office and buy it because I wanted to read it right away. 
Friends, I demolished that book within a DAY. 
Then I read it again. And again. And again. 
Then I wrote my first fanfiction in eight years. 
This book changed me. But you all know that. I’ve talked about it often, and that’s not what this meta (Editorial? Opinion piece? Shouting into the void?) is about. 
What I am going to talk about is the amount of pure vitriol this book got once it was released. There was SO MUCH complaining about the book. It was too short! There was no point to it! Why aren’t Simon and Baz having sexy vampire sex? Why aren’t they living together (never mind that this was briefly discussed at the end of Carry On, but go off I guess)? 
And you know what’s even funnier? Within a couple of weeks (it might have even been days, I’m a little fuzzy on timelines) Rainbow announced the third book. We knew, right away, that Wayward Son was meant to be an in-between book! Rainbow, being a fandom person herself, has said time and time again that she had always considered Wayward Son as an in-between book, structured like The Empire Strikes Back within the Star Wars original trilogy. Like think of the in-between books of any series, they are ALWAYS the darkest ones. In order to fully appreciate the win in the end, you need to go through the tough shit. 
What I loved about Wayward Son was it took that idea and spun it. It went all “ok, yeah we dealt with the win, now let’s deal with the aftermath. Only then can we have the makeouts and sexy times these guys deserved.”  (and damn, did Any Way The Wind Blows deliver on that promise).
But I am getting away from myself again. Point is, it was always meant to be an in-between book. There was always meant to be a resolution at the end of the trilogy. But that sure as hell didn’t stop people from outright demanding Rainbow give them the happy ending NOW. Pestering her on Twitter, (not so much on Tumblr) demanding she do this, or do that, or “you better not kill Baz” (even though she has ALWAYS SAID SHE NEVER WOULD) or “they better not break up” (even though, narratively, it was heading in that direction). The closer the book got to release date, the more people complained about how awful Wayward Son was. 
It was really disheartening to see. 
Which is why I got really upset when the SAME THING happened after the release of Good Omens 2. 
(For clarification purposes, because several of my friends have spoken to me about their own personal issues with Good Omens 2. And you are all super fucking valid. I am strictly referring to the amount of anger I saw online because although Aziraphale and Crowley kissed, they didn’t have an immediate happily ever after. I am also speaking of the anger expressed because the season wasn’t wrapped up in a neat little bow.)
Like with the release of Wayward Son, people seemed to have forgotten that season 2 of Good Omens was meant to be an inbetween season. Neil Gaiman has not been shy to talk about that. He has said over and over again that Season 2 was always meant to be a bridge between the Good Omens he and Terry Pratchett wrote together, and the sequel they had been planning. 
What… did you all just forget about that? Do you not know how narrative writing works? 
It’s like people refused to take a step back and breathe for a second and appreciate the season for what it was. A beautiful romantic story (because, IT WAS! Just like Neil said it would be), as well as a lead up into what will be the epic, dramatic conclusion. No, instead people started demanding the happy ending NOW, and getting angry when Neil wouldn’t budge and offer more information (even though he never has before) (funny how people just… forgot that).
It was Wayward Son all over again.
Yeah, I’m not going to lie, I was crushed with the way Good Omens 2 left off. Just like I was so confused when Wayward Son ended out of the blue. You know what I did about that? I wrote fic, I read the book again, and I happily anticipated the upcoming final part that would tie up all the loose ends.
Know what I’m doing to heal after Good Omens 2? I’m looking at gifs, rewatching episodes, laughing at memes and crack, and hoping to all the gods of story writing that Amazon approves of a third season, so that Neil Gaiman can be allowed to finish the story he and Terry Pratchett built together.
It’s become sad to watch this feral hunger from fans demanding immediate gratification, and getting upset when it isn’t the ending or gratification they were expecting. Wayward Son came out after years of Carry On fans having nothing else but the one book. Like I said, I wasn’t part of the fandom then, so I don’t know how fans from 2015 felt upon learning they’d get more Simon and Baz. Same with Good Omens. I only really got into the fandom a few months before season 2 came out. So I don’t know how OG fans felt waiting and waiting and waiting. So maybe I have that going for me as an advantage, that my hunger wasn’t growing more and more feral. 
Then again, I’m now a part of The Sandman fandom, and we’re essentially waiting on Season 2 to start development. And while I’m hoping a few things are tweaked (like Dream and Hob’s relationship), I’d be more than fine if it stays the same as in the comics. And if they decide to go about that in an entirely different way, I’d be fine with that too. You know why? Because I’ve learned to trust the writers of the stories I love not to lead me astray. 
And if I’m unhappy with something –because nothing is ever 100% perfect, and even my favourite stories end up coming short– there are always fanfictions to write, gifs to laugh at, and fandom friends to discuss plots and meta with. 
I may have lost the point of this meta. I tend to do that, following a train of thought that doesn’t always make sense in the end. 
Fandom friends, can we all just agree to take a breath and be thankful of the stories given to us? Can we learn to appreciate the entire picture, and not just a tiny section of it? And for the love of all that is holy, can we learn to be patient and to listen when our story tellers remind us to wait and see? To trust them when they assure us that our characters will have a happy ending, even if they need to traverse a little in the dark to get there?
I sure as hell am, and I hope you will too. 
Gonna tag @carryonsimoncarryonbaz because she was instrumental in encouraging me to write this.
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headspacedad · 9 months
so you're ready to socialize
You've got your blog set up. You've posted or reblogged something. Your icon isn't a faceless orange shape. You're no longer in danger of being blocked on sight as a bot.
Now what?
I recently got an ask in my inbox for help with this whole 'tumblr' thing. The person that asked me had a lot of the basics down so I focused on expanding your social circle - except it took me so long to write that I saved it in my drafts to add to and only then found out that once its in your drafts you can't reply privately.
so - Imma post it here without the actual ask so if the person didn't want to be mentioned they won't. Let's go!
First off, doing what you're doing right now by sending me an ask is a great way to get the ball rolling. Reaching out to other people and engaging them is a big part of how you can build a circle on tumblr.
You can do that with inbox messages.
You can do that with DM/PMs (the box that pops up to the side where you can have real time text conversations).
You can do that by reblogging other people's posts and leaving notes in the tags commenting about the post (most posters read these, though they're more for your followers to get your thoughts on a matter, like whispering in a movie theater except without the dirty looks)
reblog their post and add your own comments in the body of the post, basically chaining a response to their post, usually used when you've got something that adds to the original post like a continuation of the joke or more facts, etc.
and you can comment on the posts via the little speech bubble next to the reblog button, which is kind of like replying personally to the post (interacting with the poster themselves).
Not everyone will automatically engage in response. Some people are just here to chill and don't want to be social (some days I know I don't have the brainpower for it). A lot of people do want to be social though and so the more you comment outward the higher your chances of finding other people you can jive with. A good way to make your chances better at finding someone that will back and forth with you is over shared interests. We're a very interest based site. So find something you're excited about - maybe its a hobby like knitting, maybe its a streaming series like Good Omens, maybe its hamsters, maybe its Elizabethan neck ruffs! Whatever it is that you're interested in punch the words that will get those kinds of results into tumblr's search bar and look at the posts that come up. I tend to search by 'newest' instead of 'most popular' because it guarantees me people that are currently interested in whatever I am, who are actively putting their posts out there for others to find. Often if you start reblogging someone's posts, they'll see it and check out your blog. If you really want interaction though, the best way to go is one of the above bullet points, especially inbox or speech bubble commenting. It shows you want to talk about something they want to talk about too. A lot of times this is a great way to get more interaction with others and widen your circle (as well as find new stuff about something you enjoy). It might be slow going, I still haven't figured out what the magic is that gets someone a blow up of followers overnight, especially not the all important holy grail of Interactive followers but slow and steady still builds a good group of people you can enjoy sharing things everyone's interested in and it keeps growing over time.
This also works in reverse. A good chunk of my followers (friends honestly) come from my days in the Voltron fandom. I was VERY active making posts while the show was airing. Lots of fanfiction, lots of meta, lots of speculation, just lots of being loud and excited (and then loud and not excited). A lot of other people were interested in VLD too at the time and they found me and bounced off my ideas with ideas of their own and things really ballooned. To this day, a huge hard core of my social group are ex-VLD fans who have moved on to other things (mostly) but still hang around because we built that core and we enjoy seeing what the others in the group have moved onto and found to share with the team. So, again, find your interests and make posts about them so that other people with the same interests can find you. The more popular something is the more attention its going to get - but also the easier it is to get lost in the shuffle of everyone talking about a thing. Not every post is going to get responses. Sometimes I'll post something I think people will enjoy and get crickets. Sometimes everyone and their cousin jumps onboard. Don't get discouraged. DO use the tags. tumblr sucks when it comes to finding things in the tags but its still worth doing because sometimes, randomly and with no pattern, it doesn't suck. The first five tags are the really important ones. Make sure you put the biggest details there. For instance if you're making a post about the One Piece live action from Netflix your first five tags should be something like: one piece, opla, netflix, zoro, swords are cool. You want people looking for One Piece posts about Zoro and his swords to be able to find you easily. And, once they find you, hopefully to engage you about Zoro and his swords.
There are a lot of ways to find other people to interact with on tumblr. One of the pleasures of the site is you get to take things, for the most part, at your own pace and level of comfort. Just remember, the more active you are interacting with other people and their posts, the wider your circle will grow. Its not a 100% success rate, like I said, a lot of people are just here to vibe after a long day of having to be socially 'on' all day, but a lot of people are happy to find other people to get to natter about interests with. Do what you're comfortable with and before you know it, you'll have a group of people that interact with your posts, and you, regularly!
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naturallyteal · 1 month
A dream fanfic by NaturallyTeal ~ 19th Day
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Summary: The Secret Dream Diary of a Good Omens fan (anonymous, he) who contracted a severe case of the fandom-typical brain rot from watching S1 & S2 too often, reading too much fanfic on AO3, and spending altogether too much time engaging on tumblr, digesting gifs, fanart and meta.
He dreams about Good Omens every night.
Short dreams, daily.
19th Day: submitting My Oblations To The Scrutiny Of Seaglass-Coloured Eyes
I dreamed Aziraphale was sitting at his desk, wearing his glasses, he looked just like an English Lit professor. He read all my fanfics, the few finished ones, and the stacks and stacks of works in progress, while I was anxiously, fidgety, waiting at his feet. His cocoa grew cold over it. I was cold and thirsty. Finally he looked down at me, with that severe, appraising, Dominant look, shoved his glasses down his nose a bit, peered over them down at me, and said: “Very nice.”
I must have been falling asleep reading too much fanfiction, again.
[previous day] [next day]
I’m planning to post one _short_ dream daily, for 20 days. If you like, subscribe on AO3!
There’s also a “mailing list” (tagging in the replies) here on tumblr, let me know if you want on it! 😇😎
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thisismorrigan · 6 months
Some of my favorite Good Omens fanfictions from AO3 part 1
So this list is something I've been putting together for awhile and I'm pretty proud of it! As this list grows I will continue to post more parts in the future! The current list I have is so long I think i'm going to need two or three posts! So keep an eye out if you are interested!
 ALSO side note! I know there are pleanty of these authors that I've found on Tumblr and I will do my best to find all of them and tag them as well! It will just take a little bit more time!
Completed works: 
Winged Awakening by AJ_Constance (E)
For all of you out there who wish their wings were out more this fic is for you. This is such a well written wing fic with just a bit (by a bit I mean a lot) of nervous/protective Crowley. The ending had me kicking my feet and giggling. These two idiots always take too long to understand what’s actually going on!
The Corruption Begins With The Mouth by toxic_androgyny (E)
This one made me so emotional! It’s hurt Crowley and hurt Aziraphale with food and smut. The ending had me in a puddle of angsty tears. 
The Soft Animal Of Your Body by focusfixated (E)
This is a great take on how Aziraphale would respond to “hunger” for the first time. This is the scene in s2e2 when Az tries human food for the first time and realizes he has been hungry for something else entirely for a very long time. ` 
Because You’ll Like It by mimsynims (E)
This is a forced proximity, nemesis with benefits one shot and I’m really sad there isn’t more to this story! There is one line in this fic that hurt my soul. I’m sure once you read it you will know exactly what i’,m talking about. 
Just For The Night by mimsynims (E)
Silly ghosts haunting Crowley’s apartment that are tired of watching these idiots not realizing they are in love with each other. 
Vive La Revolution by lineslines (E)
This is one of the best versions of the Bastille scene I’ve read! It’s a lot of pining while *being together* and it’s so well written. I was left wanting so much more from this plot and I’m happy to say that there is a sister fic! Chocolates, Honey!
Chocolates, Honey by lineslines (E)
This is the sister fic to Vive La Revolution by lineslines. This one is a little more soft but don’t let that fool you. The pining is REAL and it hurts my soul. 
The Devil Came To Soho by Zion (artificalmac) (E)
The demon Crowley comes to Earth to tempt the angel Aziraphale. Each chapter is Crowley trying to tempt Az into one of the 7 deadly sins but it’s not going the way he thought it would. Also did I mention Crowley owns a tattoo shop??
Laying Claim by fallenwithoutgrace (E)
Accidental proposal! This fic is so silly to start but it’s so cute and I just love protective Crowley so much.      
Why Is It That I Am Keen To Be Devoured By You? By Maybedreaming (E)
So I beg you to please read the tags on this one. This is a consensual non consent story and if you are at all bothered by any of the warnings in the tags please don’t read this. BUT if you are into this kind of thing, this story is done very well! I felt so many emotions reading this and I appreciate how the author handled Crowley in the aftermath of what happened.
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dennissima · 19 days
How I learn writing in English (even if I'm not native)
After years spent ineffectively studying English, until last September I was only able to read, listen and understand. But then I felt the urge to be fluent and confident in speaking and writing (cheers Good Omens, Neil Gaiman, Michael Sheen and David Tennant job!) During the last eight months, I improved a lot. How? Forgetting fears about mistakes and just keep talking and writing (this is a reminder for me, sorry).
Well, maybe speaking is easier because the words fly away and are forgettable. Written words stay to immortal shame. But, to be honest, I don't give a fork. I claim the right to be wrong and learn from my mistakes.
So, here we are.
Table of Content
(chronological order)
It's like a ballet - Tumblr AO3
Very closed - Tumblr AO3
Spread wings - Tumblr AO3
Scent of Angel - Tumblr AO3 (WIP)
Alpha Centauri can wait - AO3 EXPLICIT (WIP)
Coming soon
Good Omens FF prompt: College AU - Blind Date- "You're not as subtle as you think you are."
Good Omens FF prompt: Royalty AU - semi-public sex - "You're doing so good for me." EXP
Good Omens FF prompt: Aziraphale tease Crowley all day long but the demon can stop time and people around them, right? EXP
Good Omens FF prompt: After a long holiday on Alpha Centauri, Aziraphale and Crowley come back to London in female appearance, pretending to be their daughters.
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These are the plans and my place to feed my motivation to keep learning how to write writing in a language in which I'm not native.
I need a plan, to remember what I already did and what I have to do in the future, on this creative path.
Also, an index of my stories. Fanfiction. About Good Omens. Sometimes smut. And I'm an absolute beginner in writing:
Thanks a bunch for your support. Just reading it's a great encouragement. Let alone leaving comments, suggestions and advice.
One day I'll write something really good and will be thanks to you who are reading now, as well.
Thanks for your time. See ya at the next update.
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breezydaysoflife · 2 months
For the ask game!! 1, 4, 5, 7, 14, 18, 24! (I know it’s a lot lol sorry I couldn’t choose.) Also I will absolutely tag you in stuff!
If you ever want tumblr advice feel free to ask, I’ve been here for three or four years which seems short honestly to me LMAO
A lot is good! I like a lot! It's an excuse to post, and a lot of these really made me think lol
1. when did you first watch/discover good omens, and how did you find out about it?
I started watching somewhere last year, I think in late summer/early fall. As for why? My boyfriend! We're both neurodivergent, and if you think my Good Omens hyperfix is bad, his is worse. I finally let him bully me into watching it and it became a hyperfix that eventually evolved into a SpIn.
4. what is (if you read) your favorite good omens longfic?
Ok, I considered a little white lie here, but I'll be honest; it's you'll never be lonely (you're my only one) by ladydragona and SylWritesStuff. Omegaverse has always fascinated and comforted me, and this is probably one of the best I have read in any fandom, and definitely the best out of Good Omens. I love the ineffables' relationship in it and Warlock's characterization. I could rattle on abt this fic for paragraphs upon paragraphs but I'm not gonna do that to save everyone's sanity lol
5. what is (if you read) your favorite good omens one-shot?
Ok this one was hard because I read far more one-shots then longfics but after digging through my bookmarks, ultimately, it's i am just the (new invention) by littlesnowpea. It's cracky, it's sweet, Crowley is oblivious and Aziraphale's a bastard. I clocked him from the very beginning so the "YouTube comments" were and still are some of the funniest bits of any fanfiction I've read
7. what is your favorite underappreciated quote?
Help my memory is dying. Uh. I do not know that many quotes so it's probably not underappreciated but maybe one would be Crowley's "Lovely knowing you all. May we meet on a better occasion." From the body swap. It kinda gets drowned out by Gabriel's infamous line directly after but it always sends chills down my spine. Crowley's got Aziraphale down to such a science that he knows, without a doubt, that even when being faced by death, he'd fawn. He'd be polite. It's powerful.
14. what is your favorite good omens-coded song?
Take Me To Church, 100%. No questions asked.
18. what is your favorite moment through history, and why?
It's a basic bitch answer and I know it's a basic bitch answer but it's the 1941 church scene, ok? Nothing can beat it for me.
24. what's a theory for season 3 that you NEED to be included?
Crowley's gonna be mean. Like. Really mean. And while I know we all want and need(heh) them to get their happy ending, it's not gonna be right away. I want to see that anger, that frustration, that pain. I also want Aziraphale to snap at some point. I want them to know just how much they've hurt each other so they can actually work on fixing it.
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angst-ideas · 11 months
List of Good Omens Angst/Whump Ideas That Have Been Stuck in my Head (+ bonus fluff/humor section!) —————————————
(Part one : ur here
Part two: TBD)
This first part will be mainly Aziraphale centric! yes I know who doesnt love a good hurt Crowley, but i think there are SO MANY missed opprotunities for hurt Aziraphale, so of course I have taken the liberty of shouting my ideas to the world in hopes some other deranged soul out there hears my pleas and makes these into actual stories. (That sounded way cooler in my head…) If you want me to do a part two for Crowley please let me know! As always my ask box is also open for requests for any other fandoms or scenarios youd like, and if you do use these please tag me on tumblr or my ao3 account "Bangsty"!
•Aziraphale getting injured protecting Crowley
lets start off easy! We all know that our good buddy angel can neglect his own well being for the sake of others, especially for Crowley. Imagine Crowley getting into some sort of trouble, and instead of Crowley getting hit, Aziraphale takes the blow for him, resulting in what can be a small but worrying injury, to maybe full on discorporation (might be a little extreme but hey! we love that stuff here) its then up to Crowley to get Aziraphale out of that situation and make sure he lives to tell the tale.
-little extra point if Crowley blames himself for Aziraphale getting hit, even when it was literally the angel that flung himself infront of crowley, wings fully spread just taking the fucking hit like a champ
•Crowley realizes Aziraphale is in trouble because he feels it spiritually/from his Crowley sense (idk what its called give me a break)
ok I gotta admit, Crowley being able to sense Aziraphale has always made me smile when reading fanfictions, having Crowley be going on with his daily routine and just suddenly sensing Aziraphale distressed or hurt is an amazing concept
-Extra points if you write both Crowley and Aziraphale's POVs (preferrably 3rd person)
•Crowley coming to terms to what he witnessed while body switched/swapped with Aziraphale
when Crowley is pretending to be Aziraphale during the execution event, Gabriel is a fucking ASSHOLE, I would love to see more fanfics where Crowley afterwards thinks back to what he heard and saw, and just SEETHE, maybe he talks to Aziraphale about it but he basically just goes "oh what? pff thats the tamest shit ever Crowley smh" which angers Crowley even more!
•Aziraphale with secret scars/lots of scars
AZIRAPHALE WITH SCARS IS SO UNDERAPPRECIATED, we get so many of aziraphale noticing crowleys scars, why not write it the other way around! Aziraphale is supposed to be this divine entity that is nothing but pure, so what if crowley either notices aziraphales pantleg/shirt sleeve rides up, or maybe crowley walks in on aziraphale changing his outfit and just sees the scars on him, catching crowley off guard
-Extra points if aziraphale explains where some of the scars came from, if aziraphale gets slighty flustered/nervous when called out, and/or if crowley is just infatuated with them and finds them super cool/pretty :)
•Aziraphale getting his wings severely damaged
We love ourselves some wing whump! But one thing I’ve never seen is Aziraphale getting injured while in flight/mid air, but it doesn’t have to be that! Seeing Aziraphale struggle to mend himself while trying not to get overwhelmed at what happened is a very rare treat to see in fanfiction (cuz most of the time it’s also tagged with something like “hardcore sex” or “mpreg” ((NOT TRYING TO JUDGE IM JUST SAYING)) )
-Extra points(?) If Aziraphale doesn’t flinch as much as Crowley thought he would, and he just explains that “heaven prepared him for pain like this” which sets off some THOUGHTS in Crowley
•Aziraphale revealing his “true” angelic form while in a moment of weakness/vulnerability
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE THOUGHT OF AZIRAPHALE HAVING A MORE “BIBLICALLY ACCURATE” OR “ELDRITCH HORROR” FORM OMG!! I was so sad when I only found ONE small comic about it and ITS NOT EVEN FINISHED :((( so I’m definitely adding this!! Maybe Aziraphale gets injured or cornered while in a moment of extreme stress, hell maybe Crowley gets close to being injured in a moment and Aziraphale just gets so incredibly overwhelmed with emotion that he just- let’s loose, of course though it’s incredibly tiring to use that much power at once, so afterwards he would just be EXHAUSED
-Extra points if Crowley had no idea what Aziraphale looked like truthfully! And is either absolutely terrified when he first sees it, or is shocked that Aziraphale was even capable of being that powerful…
•Aziraphale falling unconscious when injured
HEAR ME OUT OKAY I KNOW THIS SOUNDS BORING AND GENERIC!!! Aziraphale is one that is constantly seen being bubbly and full of energy, he’s constantly on the move whether it’s working at the bookstore or doing his angelic duties, it’s all Crowley has ever known! So seeing Aziraphale actually pass out/get knocked out while injured is very jarring for Crowley, some might even say worrying (though he would never admit it). There’s so much writing potential in having Crowley tend to Aziraphales wounds and just having to wait for him to wake, ‘why isn’t he talking? Why isn’t he moving?’ “I miss you….please come back….”
-Extra points for going into insane detail on what Crowley does while he waits, what he’s thinking, how he treats Aziraphale, etc.
•Crowley walking in on Gabriel “punishing” Aziraphale
This one sounds weird I know, because this typically only happens in fanfiction where Gabriel actually comes down to the book shop and beats the hell out of Aziraphale (lmao), and typically it’s just Crowley always walks in after it all happens, what if he walked in while it happened? I like the concept of knowing he probably can’t do anything about it, and maybe shifting into his snake form to not alert Gabriel of his presence, and then immediately after he leaves just BOLTING to Aziraphale, Aziraphale is all apologetic about him having to see that as he’s weakly pushing away Crowley in attempts to look fine (boy you are bleeding a river stop tryna look okay), but the scenario and how Crowley reacts is up to you!
-Bonus Time!-
First one ever on this blog! I normally will do bonus times if I think of a few concept that aren’t e x a c t l y angsty/whumpy, but I like them so much that they just HAVE to be mentioned
•Aziraphale swearing infront of Crowley accidentally
When I heard Aziraphale say “fuck” right as he’s being discorporated, it was by far one of the best timed fucks I’ve ever fucking heard in my life! Ever since then I fell in love of the idea of Aziraphale having another slip up (doesn’t have to be full on discorporation though) but this time, Crowley is in the same room as him, let the endless shock and teasing begin!
•Crowley first realizing he is actually in love with Aziraphale, like, legit legit, not just a tiny crush or “oh he’s cute”
I love the scene in season two between Crowley and Nina, I just wish we got to see what Crowley was exactly thinking/feeling during that, but that’s hard to make in a film so why not write it!
•Crowley just in general, staring at Aziraphale, imagining the things he wants to do to him
Now that we got that out of the way! Whenever I read fanfic and I see Crowley looking at the little details on Aziraphale it makes me so happy, I love seeing those fanfics where Crowley just watches Aziraphale be himself, or while in the moment of a fight/encounter he notices everything he loves about Aziraphale, and he’s just imagining holding him close….holding his hand gently….just in general doing everything he’s ever wanted to do, but never had felt it be appropriate to do because he’s a demon. He’s not supposed to feel love! He’s not supposed to wanna cup someones face and just lightly kiss them….but god does he wanna do it so bad.
-Extra points for DETAILS PEOPLE DETAILS!!!!
-Also extra points for super flustered and nervous Crowley when he realizes what he’s thinking!!! This is a must omg please
Random end note: I notice people seem to HATE writing the nursing back to health part of the fanfic, let me tell you something right now hesitant writers: ITS SO MUCH BETTER WHEN YOU WRITE IT (I get so pissed off when people skip the obvious wound bandaging and moments of panic the other person goes through, especially when its like "it all fades to black" and then we're suddenly in the next scene of them being awake, like COME ON JUST CHANGE THE POV OR SOMETHING AND GIVE ME THOSE JUICY DEETS) If you do use these prompts AND write this part, I WILL KISS YOU ON THE MOUTH, I WILL MARRY YOU (AND TO THOSE ASEXUALS ((which i also am)) I WILL BAKE YOU A 20 FOOT CAKE)
That is all I can think of for now!! please like, reblog, and comment (I love reading comments!) if you have any requests for me to do please put it in my ask box or comment! And if you do end up using these ideas for something please tag me! I would love to see what you do and I would totally reblog it! Thank you!!!
My Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Bangsty/profile
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celestialcrowley · 5 months
Ello, ello, ello!
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I’m late (fashionably) to the party, but…
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I’ll start off by saying how awful I am at tagging my moots when it comes to ask games, but know that I love all of you. Please never hesitate to pop into my inbox anytime for a chat. 💚
For everyone who has become invested in my Good Omens fanfiction, thank you for your patience. I promise I am working on chapter two. I’ve only recently returned to my normal work schedule. I have been getting overtime since October.
Alright, let’s gooo!
I was tagged by: @paperclipbean — thank you so much!
1. Were you named after anyone?
🪐 Not that I’m aware of, and hardly anyone calls me by my actual name. It’s usually either Ginger, Khasper the Spicy Ghost (affectionate) or Pippin.
2. When was the last time you cried?
🪐 I don’t exactly remember, but maybe a month ago. I miss my girl. My dog. She lost her battle with arthritis at 13.5 years old. The anniversary of her death is coming up in February. I can’t believe it’s almost been a year.
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And now you know what the hobbit behind this tumblr looks like.
3. Do you have kids?
🪐 I don’t, but my best friend has two wonderful sons, and I see them as my own. If I actually had a child, just picture Louise from Bob’s Burgers.
4. What sports do you play or have you played?
🪐 I currently don’t play sports, but I used to partake in tennis, badminton, wall ball, basketball, volleyball and gymnastics.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
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🪐 Not really, but it does also depend on if something is said that warrants the use of sarcasm.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
🪐 Personality. I am good at reading people. I may not always talk. I observe. I’m neutral on most everything, but — well, if someone has a bad personality or is mean to animals, that’s a no go for me.
7. What color are your eyes?
🪐 Nothing fancy. Green.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
🪐 I am the spooky connoisseur.
9. Do you have any talents?
🪐 I suppose if reading books, writing fanfiction and reading people count as talents.
10. Where were you born?
🪐 I am a born and raised Florida bean.
11. What are your hobbies?
🪐 Writing, drawing, stand up paddle boarding and listening to true crime podcasts. I can recommend a good one if that’s anyone’s thing.
12. Do you have any pets?
🪐 Thing One Mycroft and Thing Two Patch
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13. How tall are you?
🪐 So tall. I’m 5’5’’.
14. What is or was your favorite subject in school?
🪐 It was history and science.
15. What is your dream job?
🪐 The one I have now. I am a kennel technician responsible for the care of police and military canines.
No obligation tags: @ineffabildaddy @sad-chaos-goblin @skinnyscottishbloke @peregrintook @ritz-writes @bildads-shoes @peachworthy @phoen1xr0se @shadesofdeviant @scarecrowcloud @tragic-cosmic-magic @pretendygood @notagoodlad @ineffablemiscreant @ineffablemoist @azirapalalalala @crowleysgoat @justtofollowgaiman @xxxtosoxxx
[shouts like michael sheen] OPEN TO ALL!
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adverbian · 6 months
If you don't mind me asking: What's your favorite fic you've written this year? And which was the most fun to write?
Hi friend! Thank you so much for the ask! ❤️
My favorite fic I’ve written this year:
It’s the one that started it all for me: one more river (and that’s the river of jordan), an Ineffable wedding night of sorts (with Wimsey vibes). With French folk songs, John Donne, and Shakespeare!
Equal in the running is Set Me as a Seal Upon Your Heart, in which the Ineffable Husbands make it official (because human belief is a very powerful force). And formal contracts between supernatural entities have a way of becoming particularly real. Contains two chapters of unrepentant romantic fluff, and then two chapters of equally unrepentant romantic smut. Also a wedding night fic!
(Listen, the Ineffables are already married and they just need to get on with it, is my position.)
That first one, I wrote because I had to. I was legitimately distraught about the end of S2. I was crying and mainlining Ineffables-posting on Tumblr until 2 AM.
Then I woke up one morning with the opening lines of the fic fully pre-written in my brain. And after that, it wouldn’t let me go. I couldn’t eat. I got very little work done. I could barely sleep. When I tried to sleep, my brain just wrote sentences in my head and tried to memorize them. It was almost physically painful not to write it.
I do not, actually, recommend feeling like that. It sucked. (There was some Other Shit going on at the time, too.) But it did push me past self-consciousness about writing and posting fanfiction. So for that, I am grateful.
Most fun to write:
This has got to be Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea, my first gift fic! My giftee’s prompt sparked a fun idea. And the short turnaround time (one week), combined with having time off for the holiday, made it hit just the right spot for my ADHD brain. There was enough structure for me to focus and not get too wrapped up in my own head, but also enough time to get enjoyably lost in hyperfocus for a few days.
I’m looking forward to having more fun in the new year! I’ve got a couple of WIPs simmering away now, and signed up for another fic exchange that looks like it’ll be tons of fun (the Good Omens Song & Poetry Exchange — the songs & poetry are the prompts!)
In conclusion, fanfiction is the best hobby and y’all are the best people. ❤️
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esthermitchell-author · 6 months
FanFiction vs. Original Fiction
Let me start by saying thank you ever so much! You lovely people are my Tribe. You're all just beautiful, wonderful, absolutely fucking FERAL creatures, just like me, and I love every minute of seeing your beautiful minds create.
I wanted to take the time to thank you all for your open acceptance of my very fluffy Good Omens fanfic (figured there was plenty of angst out there, and I torture my own characters on the regular, so I didn't really feel right torturing Crowley and Aziraphale.). You don't know how validating it is for someone who suffers from my level of crippling anxiety and OTT Imposter Syndrome to have people enjoy something I enjoyed writing so much.
For those who don't know me, yes, I also write original fiction. I write angsty, slightly sarcastic paranormal and science fiction/fantasy romance with a heavy dose of suspense. It's almost 180 degrees from what you'll find of my work over on AO3.
If you want a peek, I have some bits of it up here on tumblr, or go to my website for either written or audio excerpts from some of my books. Or just ask, and I'll post a segment here for you of any of my work. I'm pretty approachable about it, because I'm far more interested in my art connecting with people, and with forming connections with people through my art, than I am with any other aspect of writing or publishing. 😊
(Oh, FYI, yes, I write romance. But no, I don't write smut, sorry... I prefer the emotional side of romance over the heavy sexual side of things).
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I, J, and P
I can also choose violence
Hahaha let's choose violence! You know I have Thoughts about that first one.
I. Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
I honestly feel like I've said everything I have to say about this, but... Good Omens. I heard a lot of people were rejoicing after the kiss because they were "no longer being queerbaited". As if aspec people and QPRs aren't queer. People will take any two men who say five words to each other once and write 100k explicit fanfiction, and canon aspec rep still gets erased. (Not saying Good Omens had confirmed canon aspec rep, but I see canon aspec rep get erased and overlooked all the time.)
Disclaimer: I know aspec people and people in QPRs can kiss. I am all for blurring the lines between types of relationships. It was the fandom's reaction that disappointed me more than anything.
I'm gonna stop because I know you adore Good Omens, but yeah. Not a fan myself.
J. Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)
Supernatural, I guess. I had never heard of it before joining Tumblr, but I joined Tumblr immediately after November 5th (like... literally a month later), so I learned what it was pretty quickly xD
P. Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
Uhhh ruthari arranged marriage friends to QPPs? You cannot convince me Runaan and Ethari didn't like each other from the get-go, or weren't at least friendly. I honestly don't think I could ever believe they hated each other from the start.
From this ask list
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nightshadedawn · 9 months
Shade's Masterpost
About Me
Hello, hello, hello! Please call me Shade! I accept use of all pronouns, but I do have the most fun with fae/faer, they/them, and ve/vir. I identify as queer simply because I could apply too many labels to myself. The one that takes up the largest part of my identity is my asexuality, so that's the only one I'll name. (I prefer sir to ma'am if you're going to use one, or captain if we're trying to be gender neutral, which I also accept, as it makes me feel like a pirate, which I am)
I've been strongly in fandom since 2014, a little late to the game compared to some! Especially since I always seem to be getting into fandoms as they're dying out. 🤣 My main contributing factors to fandom are fanfiction and videos, and occasionally rants and shitposts, but I'm not terribly good at either of those. But I tend to hang onto all my fandoms, revisiting them occasionally just to check on how they're doing, so I can't fully say I've ever left one. Speaking of, let's list some of those out for you.
My Fandoms
Yuri on Ice!!!
Ouran High School Host Club
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Banana Fish
Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia
Sk8: The Infinity
Buddy Daddies
Persona 5
Persona 4
Fire Emblem: 3 Houses
Spy x Family
Obey Me!
Percy Jackson
Studio Ghibli
Good Omens
Mythology (Greek/Roman, Norse, Egyptian, Native American, anything else I can get my hands on)
Fairy Tales (og Grimms, Hans Christian Anderson, etc... not Disney things)
Musicals (Phantom of the Opera, Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, a plethora of more, please ask if you'd like to know!)
Our Flag Means Death
New! House of the Dragon (listening to audiobook of Fire & Blood currently)
Is that it? I think that's it for now. I have only written... for about half of them. Read for many. Most of my fanfiction is composed of anime fandoms, not going to lie about that. But I am always up for being prompted! Speaking of, let's look into the prompts.
Writing Prompts
How it works: You can send in a prompt of your own making, or you can choose one from these lists.
300 Words
Fire Emblem 3 Houses Bingo
More lists will be made regularly, and I'm always looking for pompts, especially around the holidays.
Choose one of the fandoms I know, send me a prompt, and we'll get jiggy with it. You can get more detailed, too, adding in what ship you'd like it to be for (I ship many, many things, and have often been convinced to write for ships I don't particularly care for, so don't hold back), or an AU if that's your thing. (It's certainly mine, I like AUs) If you specifically want it in cannon, might specify that too.
As a side note here, I use my Non-Binary Glossary for when I write nonbinary characters. Feel free to use it, and read through it if you see any words you might not immediately realize what they mean when I'm writing them.
My Tumblr Projects
You can find my fanfiction here at NightshadeDawn, but as I've mentioned, fanfiction isn't all I do. Let's dive into some of the other things I do, hm?
Persona 6: Genesis
A fan concept for Persona 6. An entire blog dedicated to it, with posts going through the entire plot of the game, character art created, maps planned out, and various other little things. It's been sort of put on the back burner, but it's still fun to look at sometimes.
Obsidian Sea DLC
A similar concept to Genesis, but so far faring better in the fact the actual story of it is in the works of being written. It's a hypothetical DLC for Fire Emblem: Three Houses that introduces three brand new units as part of Jeralt's Mercenaries, and makes Jeralt playable to round out as their fourth. The main plot of the DLC sees Jeralt's Mercenaries, Byleth, and their students going to Brigid to uncover the reason why people keep coming back from the dead with white hair and crests, then proceeding to turn into Demonic Beasts.
Verdant Wind: The Musical Twin AU
A series of videos edited in such a way that comes across as a musical retelling the story of the Verdant Wind route of Fire Emblem: Three Houses. With the idea that there's various parts that are incorrect either due to being lost to history or because of... "artistic vision."
The Gemini
A Persona 5 fangame that adds a social link for Shiho Suzui, making her a romanceable character while exploring her trauma and how she's growing as a person. Technically playable, but incomplete in my vision.
Frequently Asked Questions
Technically, I have not had any of those yet. But I see this being updated every so often, so it's fine to leave this here.
In Conclusion...
Sifting through the reblogs, the anime stuff, the mild ramblings... be prepared for what you'll find if you continue down this blog. But you've made it thus far, and for that, I applaud you.
But now that you know all my deepest, darkest parts... is there anything else you'd like to know?
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secretconstellations · 2 months
intro and writing boundaries <3
hello, loves! i'm myrrh james, or mj for short, and i write fanfiction! as i'm a new account (not new to tumblr though, i just decided to make a separate account dedicated to fanfiction), i thought it would be a good idea to let you get to know a little about me. feel free to share some stuff about you all as well, i would love to get to know you!
to begin, i'm a minor and i'm genderfluid but i don't strongly mind what pronouns you use for me as my preferences change so just call me whatever you feel like. i write for multiple fandoms (including the mcu, the marauders, good omens etc) but so far this account has been mainly mcu themed as that seems to be the most popular here. if you have any requests for any other fandoms, just let me know and if i'm comfortable, i'll write it!
for me, i tend to use writing and fanfiction as a sort of escape to deal with hard stuff (e.g. mental illness/sh and things associated) so i'm happy to write pretty angsty stuff if requested/i really feel the need. if any of you need someone to talk/vent to, my dms are open :)
other fun facts include: i adore music/musical theatre, i'm an aspiring actor and writer but i also have science-related interests especially related to human biology.
my writing boundaries: i'm happy to write: - reader insert - non reader insert - fluff - hurt/comfort (my fav as a coping mechanism) - angst - dark themes including topics related to depression, anxiety, s3lf h@rm, su!c!d@l ideation, etc. as it is stuff i do experience on a daily basis and am sure many of you do too. please note all works with dark themes will come with a warning! - swearing - romance (can be sensual not but not sexual) - basically anything not on the "not happy to write" list
i'm not happy to write: - smut - anything kinky of any kind - extreme gore - extreme violence/torture - anything predatory/p3doph!ll!c - anything bigoted/with the intention of harming a minority group - anything i decide i'm not comfortable posting or writing
please note i will use my own discretion in what i choose to write/not write. have the most lovely day!!!
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bustyasianbeautiespod · 6 months
Rubbish and Probably a Podcast Q&A! Transcript
[Garageband Good Omens theme song plays]
C: Hello! My name is Crystal.
G: And my name is Grey.
C: And this is Rubbish and Probably a Podcast, a Good Omens commentary podcast, where I, someone who has seen the show too many times…
G: And I, someone who also has seen Season 1 and 2 of Good Omens, discuss every single episode of- Good Omens. [laughs] I still have no idea how to do that intro.
C: Yes. But for today's episode, we are discussing our predictions and wishlist for Season 3, and answering some of y'all's questions. Or I guess all of your questions. We didn't exclude any of them. So yeah!
G: Yes. Hell yeah!
C: Hell yeah! Alright, so it's been like, two weeks since we last recorded, and you're no longer in active Good Omens mode. So how's it going? What are you thinking? What's your life?
G: You know what? While Good Omens was happening, I rarely had any funny thoughts about it. [laughs] [C: Uh-huh.] You know, I would talk about it in the podcast, and I would, you know, joke about. But like, outside of that, every time I thought about Good Omens, it was always like, thinking about it seriously. I feel like now that it's over and it's like, done with, and I'm not in the podcasting mindset anymore of like, "Oh, I have to talk about this in the podcast, and I have to have something worthwhile to say," [C: Yeah.] I feel like [laughing] I like Season 2 better!
C: What??
G: I'm like, "That's funny!" I mean, okay, maybe not Season 2 specifically. [C: Uh-huh.] Actually, I have not engaged in any content that's like, Season 2-specific. More of like, my anger for the season has like, dissipated. [C: Huh.] You know, like, okay, whatevs. 'Cause it's over. It's done. [C: That's true.] I feel like it's just going to rise back up when Season 3 comes out. God. I hope Season 3 doesn't happen. Let's just end it right here. [both laughing] [C: So true.] But yeah. I still have not involved myself with the Good Omens fandom. I'm like, scared. I'm gonna talk about it later 'cause there is a question in our Q&A that made me look something up on Tumblr, [laughs] and it will be with so much rage and upset, so I just am never doing that again.
C: Yeah, I mean, the tag is a difficult place to be.
G: It is. I mean, I feel like this is so mean to say, like, [laughing] at the first five minutes of our Good Omens recap ep.
C: What, that no one in there's funny?
G: No, because, like, I mean, probably the people who listen to us are like, people who are on Tumblr, blogging about Good Omens and stuff. [C: Mm.] But like, I just mean, like, I feel like when you go to the main tags, it's always the [laughs] worst of the worst that gets filtered to the top. So yeah.
C: Is the thing that you looked up that filled you with rage the coffee theory?
G: The coffee, yes.
C: [laughing] It's so bad! [both laugh] Yeah, we'll get to it.
G: I am so grateful that the person who sent us that question asked it and then said their thoughts. [C: Yeah.] Because I feel like I wouldn't be able to interface with it well if they just asked it with the assumption that they agreed with it. [laughing]
C: Right, I'd be like, "God, [laughing] I need to be nice to you, but I don't agree with that theory!" [G laughing] Yeah.
G: But anyway, yeah. [C: Anyway.] Also, I think I've been more just thinking about Aziraphale and Crowley in the Season 1 context, even until now. I don't know. Season 2 is fine, but- I keep on dillydallying. I just said it's fine, I like it, but also, it's not real to me. Like, I refuse to read fanfiction that is set in Season 2 or even has aspects of Season 2 in it, you know? FUn stuff! How about you?
C: Huh. What about me?
G: 'Cause I mean you, you're like, you watched Good Omens, and [laughs] you didn't exist to create content out of it for a really long time, and then, you know, for a whirlwind three months, it was the only thing on your mind. So how was that? That's not even an exaggeration. [laughs]
C: This is true. I mean, it was wonderful. [G, laughing: Like it literally-] It was wonderful. It's all I've ever wanted. [both laugh] I don't know. It was nice to get to do like, a deep dive into it because I feel like I gained a much better understanding of the characters. Because I think before, it's like, I watched it, I had feelings, and then I relied on like, fic and the occasional post to like, shape my deeper interpretations of things, but then I got to come up with stuff on my own. Congrats to me!
G: I do also quite like that about my experience of watching Good Omens. I mean, in general, I'm not a person who involves myself in fandom. That's a complete lie.
C: Yeah, we went to Supernatural together.
G: I mean, for Supernatural, I obviously involved myself- [laughs] We literally went to- But Supernatural was kind of more of an exception. Like, a lot of other stuff, I either do not involve myself in the fandom-
C: What was the Ace Attorney Twitter?
G: Yeah. And that one I literally hated everybody [laughing] I ever met in that place, so like, [C laughing] you know what I mean? So I'm not fond of that kind of stuff. But it it is miserable sometimes when you're like, "But I do want to talk about it, but also, I feel like every single person available that I can talk about with it doesn't interface with it the way I wish to." I don't know. Having this podcast is like, I think you're generous enough to interface with me the way I want to interface with, like, Good Omens, and also, the people who opt in to listen to us, like, our episodes, are so long and arduous. [C laughs] [C: Yeah.] [laughing] Like, if they're listening in until the very end, it's like, they probably agree. You know what I mean?
C: Yeah. [laughs] I mean, we could have hate-listeners, but if so, hiii!
G: Yeah, if you're a hate-listener, I really do really wanna know. [C laughing] Like, it's my dream that someone listens to an episode of- like, waits for an episode to drop and then texts their friend-
C: Someone, yeah, listens to the six-hour episode that is 12.2.
G: - texts their friend that "Oh my god! In 4 hour 30 minute mark of Rubbish and Probably a Podcast [C laughing] Episode 12, they said that blah blah blah, and I vehemently disagree. Crystal and Grey are the stupidest motherfuckers alive!" And like, that's my dream. If you do do that, thank you so much.
C: I do imagine, like, the time when we called Aziraphale and Neil Gaiman people with like, 15-year-old on Tumblr reading comprehension, I know in my heart that someone was like, "Yeah, and so do you guys." [G laughs]
G: It's important to me. I wish people hate-listened to us. [laughs]
C: So true. None of this is a Season 3 prediction or wish, so.
G: [laughing] The only wish is that people hate-listen to us. God. I want everyone to know that that episode is like, 6 hours long, and the raw footage- "footage"- the raw recording is like, [overlapping] 8 hours and 50 minutes. It's crazy! Almost 9 hours, and it was split through two recording sessions because I couldn't- I couldn't hold out. I couldn't. I cannot.
C: This is true. It's so crazy that our original plan was to have all of Episode 12 be like, in one recording session. That would have totalled to like, what? Like, 14 hours? 15 hours?
G: Yeah. I mean, the moment we ended that one, I was like, "No, I can't do it." [laughing] So I was right. I was right. I mean, the last episode we did a two-parter on, [laughing] I literally fell asleep in the middle of recording of the second one, so like-
C: You did?
G: I literally did.
C: Okay, Season 3 predictions? When do you think they're gonna see each other again? Which episode number? Oh, okay, I don't have predictions, I guess. I was just gonna ask questions, but do you have real predictions?
G: What do you mean "When are we gonna see each other again?" What are you talking about? When are they?
C: When are they gonna see each other again? [G laughs] Which episode out of 6?
G: [laughing] I was like, [both laughing] "Are we gonna completely disappear from each others' lives despite also having another podcast responsibility?" C: Yeah, as soon as this Q&A ends, I'm blocking you. [G laughing]
G: The moment they unblock me, the podcast is back on.
C: Real and correct.
G: That's a very interesting question. I've actually not thought about that. I don't think it's going to be Episode 1.
C: I think the 2 or 3 mark.
G: I think maybe it will be fun if it's like, Episode 3 so we have one episode that's Crowley and then one episode that's Aziraphale.
C: Mm.
G: And then we get the meetup episode on Ep 3.
C: Yeah, though, I mean, I feel like the style of Good Omens is that they loove cutting back and forth so much, so I don't know if either of them would get a solo ep.
G: They can cut back to Anathema or something. [laughs] I don't really give a shit.
C: God, yeah. Pleaaase. Please. [G: Pweaaase. Yeah.] Anathema, pleaase.
G: No, literally, the first thing on my Season 3 wishlist is, "I want Anathema back." I sincerely do. I've been thinking about her a lot, and it does frustrate me because I'm- like, when I read fic, I'm very very very very very- like, I filter out everything, you know? I do not like to see what I do not like to see. My preferences are listed to the tee. So Newt is always out, Anathema x Newt is always out. And so I feel like I just have missed so many fics where like, Aziraphale and Crowley are there and then Anathema is like, also a character. Recently, out of the goodness of my heart [C laughs], and also missing Anathema. I- like, exited those X's on the preference. [C: Wow.] And now I've been reading fics with like, Aziraphale and Crowley and Anathema in it. So yeah, I miss Anathema. Want her back, etc.
C: It would also be nice to see Adam again, but [laughs] I feel like that child actor probably has school to do or something, so, unlikely.
G: I mean, the kids are probably like, 17 now.
C: Oh, yeah, that's true. Well.
G: Like, he's about to graduate high school. He doesn't have to go to college, I think. [both laugh] He can become a full-time actor.
C: [laughing] For the sake of Good Omens Season 3.
G: [laughs] Exactly. I mean, I want to see Adam less than I want to see Anathema because I feel like bringing back those kids would be a little bit like-
C: "We're getting the gang back together"?
G: Yeah, and, I mean, the fics about it are nice, but like, the show does not interface with them, as like, people who even like each other, [laughs] you know? Like-
C: You mean Aziraphale and Crowley and the kids? Yeah.
G: Yeah. So I don't know about that.
C: I mean, she did tell him to shoot, and then he did shoot.
G: [laughs] Recently, I've been thinking about the fact that, like, so many fics have, like, you know, Crowley be nice to Warlock or whatever, [laughing] which is so funny to me because he literally told Aziraphale, "You should just kill that kid" in 1.01. [C laughs] So true!
C: Yeah, it's true. [laughs]
G: He literally sang that kid to sleep like, every single night for years. And [laughing] he's like, "Yeah, we should just probably shoot him. I don't know."
C: He had bad vibes.
G: Exactly. I have no predictions, actually. All of these are like, wishlist stuff. So do you have any other predictions?
C: Predictions? Huh. I mean, the only thing I know properly about Season 3 is that Neil Gaiman was like- he considered Season 2 gentle and romantic [G: Oh yeah, I've seen this.] and Season 3 as decidedly not. I mean, I think he just means there's gonna be plot that happens.
G: [laughs] I thought you were gonna say there's gonna be porn, [C laughs] which is so funny! Well, maybe there is. Maybe they would fuck raw in the street.
C: Maybe they would fuck raw in the street. I don't know. Okay, like, I think Jesus is gonna happen. I think I think the baby Jesus headcanons are cute, but I feel like it would just be sort of hard to do on a set. So I feel like they're just gonna have Jesus be like, full-grown in his 30s or something.
G: Yeah, they're going to create Jack Supernatural, which is wonderful. Wonderful character! I love Jack Supernatural. [C: That's true.] But also, don't recreate Jack Supernatural. [C: Yeah.] That's Jack Supernatural. You will never be Jack Supernatural.
C: I think it's, yeah. I think it's unlikely that Adam's gonna come back because it'll make it too clear that it's like, "So you did the Antichrist in Season 1 and now you're gonna do the Christ in Season 3?"
G: They're gonna fight it out, yeah.
C: Yeah. If Anathema's actress has the time, I think there is a way that they could incorporate more Agnes Nutter.
G: I think so too. I mean, she threw away that that fucking paper, and that's very important to her journey. [C: Mm-hm.] Let's bring her back, though. Like, [laughing] IDGAF.
C: Yeah, let's destroy her journey. I wanna see her again. [G laughs]
G: I feel like it will be interesting for Anathema's character to be like- and even without the you know, even without the Agnes stuff, even without the prophecies, she's still like, a capable person. She's still an occultist, as she says. She can probably sense that something's up, and she knows that there's an angel and a demon in Soho.
C: Though, I mean her memory of that's pretty hazy, but it's still somewhat.
G: She remembers. IDGAF. [both laugh] She remembers somewhat.
C: Yeah, yeah. And I feel like that having a new apocalypse happen and her be prophecyless is a way for her to like, grapple with the decision she made on a larger scale than just like, [G: Exactly!] having to make like, monthly life choices. And then she can drop off Newt, or she can open with like, no Newt already!
G: I mean, I would like her to open up, [laughs] and then we just never acknowledge that guy. Like, he's just never mentioned. That's my dream.
C: Yeah. Well, now, we're back at wishlist. [laughs] We can pingpong between. It's fine.
G: I would like Anathema. I think it is very nice to be like, she threw away that piece of paper, that book, the second set of prophecies, and like, now, they're at a time where like, "It would be real nice if we had that book!" And, you know, like, grappling with that, like, maybe guilt, but also, like, saying that "I don't need it." and being like, "Wait. Actually, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I did do the wrong thing." Again, like, one of our main complaints for Season 2 is they paralleled everything to Aziraphale and Crowley and it got tiring real fast, but like, if they really want to do a parallel to Aziraphale, like, let's bring Anathema in! You know? [C: Yeah. Yeah.] I think her questions of faith with like, Aziraphale being like, "All of the heavenly commands and dictates are very clear, but, like, God, is this nebulous thing. Like, I don't really know what God's asking of me." That could be, you know, applied to Anathema, where, like, all the dictates are so clear, but also like, "I don't really know a lot of the time what Agnes is actually saying," you know? And then, "Now I really don't know, 'cause I threw it away." Which is something that Aziraphale did. You know. You know. I think it's important that we bring back Anathema.
C: Mm-hm. I agree. I agree. [G: Yeah.] Okay, what's Crowley even been doing in between Season 2 and Season 3? First off, I guess I don't know how long the timeskip is, but I feel like it's gonna be like, basically zero.
G: You know, I don't think there's going to be a timeskip at all. I think we're going to pick back where we left off.
C: Ough. Alright. In that case, it doesn't really matter what Crowley's been doing, because it's just been like, a day, and she's just been getting white girl schwasted in her flat.
G: One of my other wishlist is the Crowley mane, of course. [C: Oh, yeah.] But you know what? [C: What?] I'm doubling down. I want to see Aziraphale have a beard.
C: No! No, god, it'll be so bad!
G: I wanna see it. It probably will be very bad. [laughs]
C: You want to look at the screen at your special little guy and be reminded of Michael fucking Sheen?
G: I mean, not particularly, but I think I do wanna- I think I've said this. I do want to see something change in Aziraphale's looks in Season 3.
C: Yeah. His outfit will be different. You did it. It happened.
G: Boo! Well, what if we put like, I don't know, golden tattoos on his face or something? You think that'd be fun?
C: Sure. Yeah. A lot of people have his eyes go purple, but that's a Gabriel-specific thing.
G: No, that's what I'm thinking! No but like, is it? 'Cause like, maybe it's a heavenly host/commander of the heavenly host thing.
C: No, I mean, [sighs] according to Neil Gaiman's Tumblr, I think he just saw purple eyes on a human and then stole them, like, I think that was what the question was.
G: Yeah, and he should steal it again for Aziraphale.
C: Aziraphale should go to Alpha Centauri [both laughing] and steal Gabriel's eyeballs. [G laughs] Yeah, and Crowley will just be like, [fake-teary] "You went to Alpha Centauri without me??" like, not even giving a fuck about the eyeball-stealing
G: Oh, speaking of Gabriel, I'm unsure how much presence him or Beelzebub-
C: I don't want him or Beelzebub in Season 3. They're out. Goodbye. [laughs]
G: Do you think so? Or is that a wish?
C: I don't see why they would be back.
G: They like to employ John Hamm in this show. I feel like John Hamm will be back.
C: I just think if no one from Season 1 came back, [G: Oh, yeah.] I don't see a reason to do like a "And now we have to go consult Gabriel and Beelzebub about the Apocalypse."
G: Okay, they're gone. Okay. Here's my only condition. If we never see Gabriel and Beelzebub again, we should never, ever see Nina and Maggie again. Like, it should not happen.
C: We're gonna see them again, though.
G: Are you sure? [laughing] If you fucking say that "Neil Gaiman said on Tumblr," I will fucking disappear into the void.
C: No, he didn't say anything. [G: Okay.] I think it's just because in the final fifteen, Crowley waves goodbye to both of them [G: Yeah.], it seems like an odd move if they're not gonna come back.
G: Yeah, he said goodbye, because, you know, they're never gonna see each other ever again. [C laughing] That's the final goodbye. It's a big one.
C: Well, if we're talking about side characters, we know that Muriel and Shax are gonna be in Season 3.
G: Of course, yeah. We need to do a Furfur and Shax torrid love affair situation. [C laughs] Why not?
C: Yeah. Why not? Okay for Shax, it's like-
G: Wait, we're already doing a Michael/Shax torrid love affair situation. [C: Polyamory's real.] Well, they can be a throuple, just like House and Cuddy and Wilson.
C: Mm-hm. [laughs] But yeah, obviously, she's very pro-Apocalypse, and she's gonna win that Dark Council seat. I don't really see like a "redemption arc" for Shax, but I also don't see a, like, "They shove her off a cliff as she yells 'noo!'" ending, [laughs] so like.
G: I mean, obviously not. It would be a bit weird if they do like a "And then they die" [C laughs] ending for anyone, 'cause I mean, like, in even in Season 1, right? Like, they don't. hurt Gabriel, they don't hurt Beelzebub, like, no one- Ligur was literally the only casualty.
C: Do you think Heaven and Hell are gonna end reformed at all? Or is it just like, "We've held them off for another century"?
G: Season 1 paints this as like, "the big one," you know, "us versus them." So I think maybe they would lead more into the like, human aspect of the saving the world. Whatever.
C: Mm-hm. Which is why we need Anathema back so hard and so raw?
G: It cannot be a Season 1, "We're gonna go back to the status quo, therefore delaying the inevitable new Apocalypse in the future." I think there will be a big change by the end.
C: Yeah, I mean abolition of Heaven and Hell, Perhaps
G: I don't- do you think Neil Gaiman-? [laughs] I don't think Neil Gaiman-
C: - has the courage to say that? No, he doesn't even have the courage to say that God is bad, so, [laughs] [G: Yeah.] I don't think it's happening. He will never be Philip Pullman.
G: I have only two other things on my wish list, and also predictions, which is "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" [C laughs] plays in this fucking TV show. But also, I want an expansion of Crowley's music tastes. [C: Yeah.] I want to see what other stuff they're into, you know? Can we play some Velvet Underground in this thing? We should.
C: Is the bit that, like, every single CD in their car turns into Queen- that's not canon in the TV show, right? And like, when Aziraphale brings out the Velvet Underground, Crowley's not like, "Oh, that'll be Queen by now." So like, I guess, like- So in the show, Crowley does listen to all the Queen, like, on purpose. In the book, Crowley doesn't even like Queen, I think. [G laughs] That's just what happens to their music.
G: The Bentley likes Queen. That's a very different thing than Crowley liking it. Yeah. I don't know. They're going to be back in the flat. God! It's gonna be so miserable. Or will it be? Who knows?
C: I feel like it's gonna be not that miserable 'cause I feel like Season 3 is gonna focus more on the plot, and like, once, Neil Gaiman's like, "I'm no longer writing a romance primarily," he'll just like, drop a lot of the emotional baggage that we ended Season 2 with.
G: We actually have a question regarding this later. [C: This is true.] So I'm going to talk about that in that question more, but I mean, in Season 2, right? "Write Aziraphale and Crowley with the intention of making it a romance" is like, I feel like it's not as effective as it could have been. Or, I mean, it's not as good, I should say, as it could have been. I don't know. Maybe it will actually help if it's not so romance-centric.
C: Yeah, we can get back to the Season 1, Episode 3, which was the height of romance.
G: Yeah, that shit was crazy. I'm still thinking about that. I'm still there. I'm still in Rome, baby. I'm still in Rome. [C laughs]
C: Okay. I mean, wishlist, like Aziraphale memory-wipe blast 100, go. But yeah, I feel like if this is gonna be a more human-centric apocalypse, I feel like Aziraphale getting his memory wiped would just derail all of that, and we wouldn't get Anathema back or anything so like, maybe not. If there was like, gonna be a Season 4, which, like, luckily, there will not be, please? [knocking] Knock on wood. Then I would allow Aziraphale to get memory wiped, but I think we don't have the time for it. The Book of Life, I don't know if it's gonna come into play in Season 3. Like, it seems like it should, but also it's fully possible that he just made this thing up to create fake consequences and fake stakes in Season 2 and then drop it immediately, so [laughs], I don't know. Aziraphale erases Jesus from the Book of Life, not clickbait, question mark? I don't think it's gonna happen. Would be funny, though.
G: I mean, we've been introduced to the idea of like, removing the angels' memories from like, the time of angelness, but I feel like to implement that on a large scale is incredibly mean, and like, very bad. [laughs] So probably not.
C: Oh, you mean a form of Heaven abolition is just like, wiping every angel's memory and dropping them down to Earth to be humans?
G: Yeah. That's disagreeable.
C: Yeah, that would not be niceys.
I mean, it'd be nice if they talked it out, but I don't think they're gonna talk it out.
G: No one has ever talked.
C: Yeah. Should we get to the Q and the A?
G: Yeah, let's get on the Q&A!
C: Alright. Oh, I guess you should ask the first two, [faux-egotistical] 'cause I'm the one answering them, 'cause they're just for me, 'cause I'm like, special or whatever.
G: [laughs] Okay, fine. [C laughs] Well, so the first set of questions is like, about canon-related stuff, so I mean, if you're like, "Oh, but you asked one of my questions, why not the other one?" It's because the other one's like, on another category, that's why. Well, so our first question is from anonymous. "What are some aspects of Good Omens you preferred in the book, and what are some you preferred in the show?" This is a Crystal-specific question because I still have not finished the book.
C: Yes. Yeah. Okay. I feel like- I think it's mostly stuff that I've talked about during Season 1, where I think that the, you know, the scene where they wrap up everything with Adam is much better in the book because they actually like, give him lines that make sense, and he talks about free will and all that shit, whereas it's "you're not my dad" [laughs] in the show. I guess they just turn it into something interpersonal that wasn't there before that also has no real canon backing. So yeah, I really really prefer Adam's speech to the Metatron and Beelzebub in the book. I also think that book does like, a more- it does like, a better job at like, Heaven and Hell equivalency, I suppose, where like Aziraphale and Crowley both consider their sides sorta meh, especially Crowley. I feel like there's a focus on how like, Heaven and Hell are just as bad as each other in the narration and in like, Crowley's POV. In the show, I feel like sometimes, they try to say that, but it still doesn't come across, really, because of- I don't know if it's like, the visuals or the whatever. You could definitely make the argument that, like, Heaven and Hell and the show, are equally sinister or whatever, but I feel like they're not portrayed as equally sinister. Like, imagine if there was a battle scene where, like, they killed off like, 60 angels. Like, it wouldn't happen 'cause I feel like people would be like, "Oh, no, that's bad!"
G: Yeah. Okay, I get what you mean.
C: But like, it's fine to kill off 60 demons, right? Like, demons are portrayed as "less than" angels in the show, and that's not really an aspect that I get in the book.
G: Also just the visual aspect of it, right? Like, when Aziraphale was being- I keep on thinking "crucified," but that's just just for crucifixion specifically. [laughs] You know what I mean. Aziraphale was being- what's the term? Sent to die? What's the term for that?
C: What, sentenced to death?
G: Annihilated? There's a specific term. Assassinated? It's not that. [laughs]
C: Executed?
G: When he was being executed! Like, when Aziraphale is being executed, it's a very corporate thing where it's like, "You did something bad, so now I'm punishing you. And I am pissed at you, but only because you did something real bad." But with Crowley, it's very vindictive.
C: I mean, Crowley did kill someone. [laughs] I feel like that's a more valid reason to execute someone.
G: Yeah, but like, they have all of those demons watching on the other side of the bathtub window, and it's like, that also adds a layer to what you were saying that like, "If they killed a bunch of angels, it's like, you'll go, 'Oh. Whoa.'" You know, because, like, the demons that we do see in the show, like, we see more of them, but like, as fodder, you know? We more of them, but just shouting in the background-
C: - in the background to have blood on their face and like, be menacing, or whatever. Yeah, demons are treated as a lot more disposable, and Aziraphale has this whole line about "Even demons aren't that stupid!" and also like, apparently, there's like, demons that are "practically the damned" that, like, I guess, are are treated as less than people like, 'cause of- I don't know exactly what it is. Yeah, it seems like it's like- they seem to be acting like there's a group of demons that are less intelligent than other demons, and that makes them more killable. [G: Yeah.] Which is pretty fucked up.
G: Can I also add something?
C: Yeah.
G: 'Cause I have read some of the book. 'Cause in the show, Nanny Ashtoreth is Crowley, and Brother Francis is Aziraphale. I suppose I do like it when it's not them. [C: Hm.] I like it better because then, like, having Crowley and Aziraphale talk about-
C: "Kill that kid."
G: And it's like, there, you have a more understanding version of it, because you're like, "But they're not personally connected to this child. They're, you know, they're just observing this child from the distance. It's their people who are connected to this child." I mean, I joke about it earlier, like, "Maybe Warlock just really had bad vibes because Crowley sang that kid to sleep every night for years and like, is still like, 'Okay, let's kill him.'" But like, it makes it worse from like, Crowley's perspective, that, like, they were with this kid for a long time, and still is like, "No, I don't really give a shit."
C: Yeah, it's unfortunate.
G: Also, the line in the book of like, "They would just meet occasionally in like, theaters and on tops of buses and stuff and giggle over their reports" [C: Yeah, in museum cafes.], it's soo corny! [laughs] Yeah. And it's wonderful. But yeah, I've been thinking about this. Like, we never really see Aziraphale and Crowley, be like, attached to humanity specifically. You mentioned that one line in the book where Aziraphale goes, "I mean, we should do something, 'cause there's people here," but like, even then, it's not like, a personal basis, you know? It's just that general benevolence towards humans. It's never a-
C: Yeah, part of it is him feeling responsible for having messed about and caused a lot of this to happen. But like, yeah, it's not that he likes any of them particularly.
G: You just assume it's because both of them don't interact with people- one person, you know, specifically- that much, so they don't really give a shit. But with, you know, the reveal that actually, Crowley is Nanny Ashtoreth and Aziraphale is Brother Francis, it's like, "Wait, they do interact with people, like, on a prolonged period of time," specifically, this one person, and they still do not GAF. So like, okay, well.
C: This is true. I mean, I guess, back to my Heaven and Hell equivalency point, I really wish that they had somehow kept in the paragraph where Crowley maintains that, like, most demons are fine, and they're just doing an unpleasant job like tax collectors do, and Hastur and Ligur just happen to be like, total assholes [laughs] and not representative of demons as a whole. I feel like that does not at all come across in the show, and it adds to the whole, like, "Hell is worse, and Crowley is an exception to the rule in a way that Aziraphale is but also isn't entirely." Stuff that I preferred in the show... I mean, it's nice to see David Tennant's face. [laughs] [G: That's true.] I mean, I guess, you know, the 1.03 montage/cold open doesn't happen in the book, and in some ways, I think that it's good because it allows people to form their own headcanons on like, what they were doing throughout history, but, like, on the other hand, that thing, like, reinvented cinema for all time forever, so like, [laughs] I think I still do like it better being there.
G: I mean, Good Omens the show, I don't think was ever supposed to get a Season 2. I do appreciate that, like, the book was published, what? '89.
C: 1990, I think.
G: 1990, yeah. And then, like, 2019, TV show comes out about like, the book. And then you just have this, you know, added insight into their life. And it's like, that must have been real nice for the people who like, have like, liked the book for a long time, you know?
C: Yeah, yeah, unless they're like, "This totally ruined all my headcanons and my fanfiction." [G: That's true.] I think I do like that Heaven is more involved directly in Aziraphale’s life and in surveilling him in the show even if it created some new character traits that I wish were more similar to book Aziraphale's, just 'cause I think, you know, in the book and in the show, like, Hastur and Ligur are both there to surveil Crowley, and they have, like, an active hostile presence in their life, so it helps to also have Heaven be more present in Aziraphale's, and I think it makes his faith journey better, more interesting to watch.
G: I mean, I've said it many times, but, like, I really like Aziraphale's journey of faith in Good Omens, so I think they lean more into it in the show than they do specifically in the book. [C: Yeah.] And yeah, I appreciate it. I appreciate it.
C: And I like that Anathema has a little bit more agency in how she chooses to burn the prophecies at the end of Season 1.
G: Yeah. For our second question, [C: Yeas.] this for Crystal again. So "Have you listened to the Radio drama at all, and if so, what do you think of it?" I'll answer first 'cause my answer is very short. No. [both laughing] I asked for a link once and Crystal sent it to me, and then I just never clicked on it. Yeah.
C: Yeah. Oh, you don't even know what Crowley's voice sounds like! Wait, just click on the link and listen to what Crowley's voice sounds like, please!
G: [laughing] Okay. Wait, is it in our pinned messages? God! Our pinned messages are tru- [laughing] [both laughing] Why did I pin, like, every single photo-
C: No one can ever see this.
G: of David Tennant I've ever- [laughing] [C screams] Wait, okay, it's here. I've clicked on the link. Radio Episode 1. Should I start with Episode 1?
C: Yeah, I think Crowley should show up pretty fast.
G: Is this Aziraphale?
C: Talking first?
G: Yeah. Aziraphale!! [C: Yeah.] I like the Aziraphale voice, actually.
C: Yeah, I mean, they really just need to get someone to play a gay man, and they really did.
G: Ew! Ew! Ew! [laughing] Ew!
C: [laughing] Did you get to Crowley's voice?
G: Ew! [laughs] I just heard Crowley speak-
C: How are you doing? How are you feeling? [G laughing]
G: [laughing] Ew! [both laughing]
C: You good?
G: [laughing] Stop this at once! I literally- he goes, [deep voice] "Ssso," and I just paused completely! I can't do it! Okay, I'm going to click okay now.
C: Yeah, your brain can do this.
G: Oh my god, I can't do it! [C laughing] Why is it so deep? Why is it so deep? [laughing] What the fuck? [C: Well.] What a jumpscare! [C: Well.] Jesus Christ!
C: Well, how do you feel? What do you think?
G: Why is he doing ASMR? [laughing] Why is he doing ASMR? [C laughing] I'm like- [laughing] I cannot explain the state that I'm in. I'm in shock. [C laughing] Okay, well.
C: Well, I don't know how you're gonna edit that to have it work, but anyway. [both laugh]
Yes, I have listened to the radio drama. I think it's a good, fun time. I mean, it was a bit of a shock when I first heard his voice [G: Okay.], but I got used to it. And, I mean, it's fun. Like, if there was no TV show, I feel like, and I didn't have an idea of Crowley's voice, I feel like that would make sense. Like, they're just leaning into the snake aspect with the acting, right? Like, that makes sense. Aziraphale's voice, great. They just had someone play a gay man.
G: It's wonderful, yeah.
C: Anathema's VA. Call me. [laughs] I like radio Anathema a lot. I'm not sure-
G: Is radio Anathema British? No.
C: Yeah, radio Anathema is British. [G: Yeah, okay.] I mean, I love Anathema's American accent in the show, and I also love her British thing in the radio. [G: Yeah.] I think the radio play is really fun, 'cause it's like, you can sort of see the seams of like, where they tried hard to like, adapt the narration into a radio format because they don't have God or anything.
G: Oh, yeah, yeah, I mean, that's why I asked, like, "How long will I have to skip?" Because I thought there would be a God thing.
C: Oh, no. No God. In order to like, introduce Crowley, it's like, Ligur and Hastur and hanging around the cemetery, and like, Hastur's like, "Pop quiz. Do you know what Crowley used to call himself?" [laughing] Like, so true. That is how you do exposition.
G: [laughing] You do a pop question about every character that shows on screen.
C: Yeah. I think, right, this is the adaptation that introduced the idea of Crowley being Nanny Ashtoreth and Aziraphale being Brother Francis. Yeah, you said that you didn't really like, but I mean, I think it's fun, most of the time, so.
G: I mean, it is fun. It is fun.
C: Yeah, but it's fun-ish, but also, I don't know. I think it does work better without that. I think that there are some iconic moments. Like, I think, the way that this Crowley delivers, "Nice dress. Suits you," like, good job. They have in fucking raw in the street every day. [G: Yeah.] I don't know. Other fun moments... when the paintball fight happens, and Crowley's like, "Oh my god, Aziraphale, you actually have blue blood?" : So yeah, I don't know. It's a fun time. I enjoyed it. It's been a while since I've listened to it, and I think I've only like, listened to it like, three times, so I should probably revisit it sometime. But yeah. I guess what I think about it is that it is fun.
G: Okay. I've been convinced. I'll listen to it.
C: Alright. Cool! Good luck with Crowley's voice. [laughs]
G: Thank you. [laughs]
C: Okay, the next question is from my friend Ansel, and he asks, "If you could change just one thing about Good Omens Season 2, what would it be?" The difficult part of this question being the "one" part, [laughs] not the rest of it.
G: Yeah. You know what? I'll just change Maggie and Nina. I don't know. Something else.
C: As in remove?
G: Maybe it's still them, but like, just changed. I don't know if I- 'cause the thing is like, changing Maggie and Nina, they're such a big part of this fucking season, so like, if we're talking one thing in the broadest term, I'll say Maggie and Nina. But like, if we're talking like, one specific thing, like, I don't know. The whole thing is a fucking mess.
C: Okay, yeah, I read it as more of like, one specific thing, and I feel like what like, really ended up frustrating me in the end is just like, the lack of stakes in terms of them not giving a fuck about how Shax was gonna raid the bookshop, and then, like, the Book of Life threat just going nowhere, and like, Crowley not even caring about it.
G: After Episode 11, you said one thing to me that I was like, "Yeah! That's true!" Which is that if they just had a throwaway line after the demons like, threw in that rock into the window, where Aziraphale goes, "Oh, I didn't think they'd actually go through with it." and Crowley's like, "Wait. You knew about this?" and Aziraphale's like, "Yeah, they told me." [C laughs] And then Crowley's like, "Yeah, I mean, that's fine. They also told me." And it's like, yeah. They just didn't think it would go this far.
C: Yeah, both of them are just like, "Oh yeah, I didn't think they were gonna actually do anything. I thought Shax was full of shit." That would help a lot. I think on the other end of it, it's like, if they had them be a bit worried- like, I think if it was just like- if we just got a brief scene after, like, Shax came by and threatened to declare war on Aziraphale where like, Crowley was like, checking the protections of the bookshop around the door, or like, was drawing- Oh, yeah, I think I was thinking about, like, Crowley could have hidden like, a sigil thing or something in the bookshop after like, Shax came and told them about how she was going to declare war on Aziraphale, and if that was the thing instead of the halo that, like, set off a bunch of alarms, I feel like it would help with the "Crowley doesn't give a fuck" issue and with the halo, it's such a- Oh god! I forgot how to pronounce it. [both] Deus ex machina. Ex machina? Ex machina? [G: Yeah.] Yeah, I feel like that would solve two issues that I have with the season. [G: Wow.] So that is a possibility. Yeah, another thing that I would also take is the thing that you said during or 12.1 recording- or 12.2? Yeah, 12.2. Where it's just like, if Crowley was standing next to Aziraphale during the Book of Life threat and also looked very scared, and like, they were like, on the verge of action or something before the Metatron came in, that would also help a lot with how frustrated I was with the last two episodes.
G: Okay, our next section of the Q&A is like, stuff about like, Good Omens like, fandom/playing with canon, you know?
C: Headcanons and such.
G: Predictions, even. So our first question is- Oh my god! [both laugh] So this is from anonymous. It goes, "sorry if this has been asked or answered before"- Never be sorry about asking us a question that may or may not have been answered before, because we will probably answer it again and just say the exact same thing with as much enthusiasm.
C: Yeah, we'll come up with new shit.
G: Yeah! [laughs] "- but do you subscribe to any of the theories that there was 'more' going on in the final fifteen? [C laughs] coffee theory, the Metatron was listening so they’re doing elaborate kayfabe, crowley stopped time and they were able to talk before he left the shop? i see why people can see evidence for some of them, but i think i settle on this always being the way the conversation was going to go, in terms of results at least if not the exact words. aziraphale was always eventually going to go where crowley couldn’t follow, he still hasn’t let go of the idea of being part of heaven. and i think maybe the emotional integrity of the conversation depends on there not being a lot of other trickery going on?" You're so correct.
C: Yeah. Correct. Yeah. Yeah.
G: I looked- I mean, I was reading this, and I was like, "I don't even know what the kayfabe means." So I looked that up, and I was like, "Okay, that's weird that people think that." And then I looked up "coffee theory good omens" on Tumblr [C laughing], and I was filled with rage that I had to click out. And then, yeah. I didn't bother searching up the others because I mean, they're pretty easy to figure out.
C: I mean, I don't wanna be mean about it, but also, I do hate it so much.
G: I don't wanna be mean about it, but it seems to be like, it originated from like, one person or one group of people. So I don't want to be like, "And they're all stupid." [both laugh]
C: Yeah, [laughing] but also, what if I do wanna be like that? But I don't. But I don't. I just- okay. If this is- I don't know how mean this is gonna come off. I think that this is what happens when, instead of spending like, a good time on Adam and on actually like, doing your themes in 1.06, you waste a bunch of time on an elaborate fake-out bodyswap thing that doesn't really make sense when you like, look at it very closely and was never in the book. I think you start getting people, like, expecting there to be [G: Fake-outs like that, yeah.] trickery and stuff like, at the end of Season 2 as well, which I just- I don't think is happening. And like, I don't know. This is like, the shit that you get with like, the Sherlock Fandom, and TJLC too, right? Like, the writers like, pull one thing over on you, and you're like, "Oh my god, they must be so smart. They must have stuff up their sleeve like, all the time, and like, there must always be something going on underneath the surface," but it's probably just like, they came up with one idea and thought it would be fun, and like, don't actually intend on doing a plot twist every single time. They've just like, created an expectation for it. And then, like, that's just what happens. I blame Neil Gaiman for this mostly. I think it's- I just don't like the headcanon. I think that anything that lessens the emotional impact of the final fifteen, I'm not particularly a fan of, because I feel like it relies on people being like, "Oh, but like, Aziraphale wouldn't really do that," or "Crowley wouldn't really do that, 'cause they're like, so in love." But it's like, they do have other shit going on, and they do have problems in their lives, and like, that is the point of the final fifteen, is to be like, yeah. Like, they- yeah. Yeah, Aziraphale still hasn't gotten over his connection to Heaven, and it just- I don't know. I just don't subscribe to anything that- yeah, I mean, I already said everything. Just anything that cheapens the emotional impact.
G: Yeah. I think for me, I mean, two things. One is that this made me realize that people- I mean, not made me realize. I knew this already. But like, people really do watch things differently. Like, 'cause for me, the big part of why I love Aziraphale is the, you know, the faith journey of it all. So Aziraphale entangling himself with his faith in this way is like, something that appeals to me. But like, I suppose if it's not something that appeals to you, you'd be like, "Well, I don't like it. Let's make it be not that." And it's like, "Okay, fine." [C laughs] Another one is that I think the reason why- I mean, the way I said it is just like, "I looked it up, and I was just like, so mad." [both laugh] And a big part of it is that you're saying two things with this kind of stuff which is that, 1) You think Aziraphale did the wrong thing, and 2) You don't even think that Aziraphale is capable of doing the wrong thing. Like, there must be a reason why he did the wrong thing that isn't because he's wrong. We know how I feel about the "Aziraphale is wrong" situation which is that I think it remains to be seen. My opinion on whether Aziraphale can do no wrong or not is that well, he should be able to. I mean, isn't the point that, like, I don't know. Free will? Part of having free will is, you know, making mistakes. That's just how it goes. I mean, it's so stupid to say that like, "Oh, agency, blah blah blah." Like, none of these people- none of these characters have agency. They're characters being written in a story. But it does frustrate me because, I mean, I've had experiences in my life where when I tell people how I have dealt with, you know, my faith, and they have reacted in a "Oh, you're like, being brainwashed," [laughs] you know? [C: Aw. Yeah.] And it's like, I think I'm a completely reasonable person when it comes to my faith. It's been a super long journey for me. People tend to hear it and then reduce it instantly to like, "Oh, but like, you know, your religion hates gay people, and you're gay, so like, what's up with that?" And it's like, a lot of things are more complicated than, you know, those very simple statements. I see Aziraphale also as more complicated than the statement "He wouldn't do that because" and whatever comes after that, you know. And I feel like sometimes, you- I mean, there are times when a story is written, and you're like, "Okay, that's written bad." But there are times when you have to also look at the story and go, "Okay, maybe I don't agree initially, but let's interface with it in a way where I'm trying to understand what it's trying to tell me." 'Cause I feel like that's kind of the missing part in a lot of how we look at things now. It's like, what I get from it is different from what it's trying to tell me. And it's like, even if what the story is trying to say, you don't want to hear, well, it's still the thing that it's telling you. [C: Mm-hm.] I feel very fiercely protective of Aziraphale's character and character's decisions. So yea. I mean, it's a big reason, again, why I have mostly stayed out of Tumblr, specifically, circles of Good Omens. Because, I mean, with AO3, you can filter to hell and back. [C: Yeah.] Like, "I don't like this, I don't-" But like, with, you know, those more scrolling-scrolling stuff, it's harder to do.
C: I didn't even bring up coffee theory in the recording. Like, I'll bring up things that other people have like, interpreted, even if I don't agree with them just as talking points, [both laughing] but coffee theory just doesn't deserve the time of day.
G: I mean the "Metatron was listening so they're doing elaborate kayfabe," like, you're insane. [both laugh] I'm sorry. What are you talking about? What are you talking about? What are you doing? Did you really look at Crowley's face in that scene and went, "Oh, yeah, they're doing a very heightened production of this situation."
C: I mean, the Metatron came in, and he expected them to have a giant blowout crying fight ending in a kiss. [G laughs] Like, you're right. They were like, "What would the Metatron want to see? What would he expect?" And they were like, "That one? Let's do that one." [laughs]
G: I mean for the Crowley stopped time, I just- I don't think it's true that they were able to talk before he left the shop, but-
C: I think the reasoning for that is because of, probably, the clock ticking sound. 'Cause like, when it's absent and when it's happening, people are probably like, "Well, why is the sound gone? Does it indicate something about time?" Which I think is like, a reasonable thing to think, but I feel like it was just like, for the effects of it.
G: It's reasonable. And I mean, I've talked about how like, that scene where they were like, looking at each other before Aziraphale steps into that elevator is like, slowed down. It's in slow-mo. [C: Right.] I was thinking of that, and I was thinking of this, and I was like, "But never in a million years would I have been like, 'And that's because Crowley has stopped time so they can talk before Aziraphale steps in that elevator.'"
C: Yeah, I don't think so.
G: I just don't think it's true. Yeah. And like, again, if there is evidence of this, fine. But I feel of this the exact same way I feel about Raphael, which is that, "Okay. There's evidence, okay. If it does happen, okay, I hate it, though. [C laughing] Like, I still hate it. Like, I still think it's stupid." You know? [C: Yeah. Yeah.] I still think it defeats the purpose.
C: Yeah. Oh, also, I feel like in our previous recordings, it seemed like I was like, "Yeah, he probably is doing Raphael!Crowley. Ugh." But actually, I've changed my mind. I don't think he is. [laughs] I don't think it's happening. I think Crowley was just higher-ranking, and that's it.
G: I mean, I really doubt that it would be Raphael specifically, but if it does play that Crowley is a higher-ranking angel, I'm like, okay, fine, fine.
C: Yeah, I don't even think Crowley is an archangel. I think Crowley was just like, bit higher than Aziraphale.
G: Yeah. But also, I feel like Crowley's a bit of a "thinks she's more important than she is." [both laugh] Like, "Oh, I didn't work on the plans, but like, we really worked close for this one!" [C, laughing: That's true!] And then, like, gets fired a year later. [both laugh] Like, okay, go Crowley!
C: For real. For realsies.
G: That shit is so funny.
C: "Yeah, like I worked really closely with upstairs on it," and it was just like, God accidentally, like, cc-ing Crowley on an email.
G: For real. Oh, our next question is actually from poprockringpop, but [laughs] for some reason, I wrote-
C: [laughing] You wrote "popcockringpop."
G: - for our questionnaire. [both laugh] No, but the thing is, every time I read this username- amazing username, by the way. poprockringpop. I read it as popcockringpop, which, you know, if you want to change your username up, spice it up a little bit [C laughs], that's a very viable option for you, poprockringpop. [C: Mm.] But the question is, "I think we all have thoughts about how our ethereal faves, as characters, would or should reconcile." First of all, Crowley is occult. [C laughs] Put respect on Crowley's name [both laughing] as an occult being. "but what’s your best guess for how Neil will have them start out season 3 and make their way back to each other, hug, and then do it in the street?" [C: Real!] Why are you not brave enough to say "fuck it raw in street"? But for fucking real though. "I keep thinking it’ll be more lighthearted than we’re all imagining but tbh I have no idea."
C: I mean, what I want and what I think will happen are quite different. [G: Yeah.] I have difficulty imagining what it will be. I feel like they're gonna be forced together by plot circumstances around Episode 3, and I feel like- I don't know, I think they'll probably form a begrudging ally thing.
G: I don't think they're going to reconcile immediately. Yeah, exactly.
C: I think they're gonna cross their arms and huff at each other and like, snipe at each other. Like, it's gonna be like, like, a divorcees vibe.
G: Yeah, it's going to be Season 15, Episode 9 of Supernatural: "The Trap." Is that what it's called? Or is it "The Rupture"? Is it "The Rupture"?
C: No, it's "The Trap." "The Rupture"'s the one Rowena dies in.
G: [laughing] And then "The Rapture" is in Season 4. Okay, yeah.
C: Yeah. I don't know what you're talking about, [G: Of course you don't.] because I only know about the apology.
G: There's the prayer in that one. Ahhh! The one where Dean kneels.
C: Yeah. But like, what do you mean it's gonna be like Season 15, Episode 9? Oh, do they bitch at each other a lot first?
G: Yes, very much so. They're mad at each other. I mean, the entire season from Episode 3 to Episode 9, they're mad at each other, and they're just like, you know, fighting and bickering and all that. And then Episode 9 is the one where they're actually forced together to like, do something because the other times it's like, they break up, Dean calls, you know, stuff like that. So they're fighting and fighting and fighting and fighting, and then Cas gets like, [laughs] kidnapped by some guy or whatever. I mean, they're in Purgatory for this one. And then, at the Dean, at a moment of fear-
C: Yeah, does the apology prayer.
G: - "maybe Cas is gone for good," just kneels and prays. [C: Uh-huh. Yeah.] Well! [laughs] It's Crover!
C: Okay, right, they're gonna bicker a lot. Every fic where it's like [laughs], "Crowley sells a book out of spite, and that forces Aziraphale down to Earth to yell at her and that's the first time they've talked since the end of Season 2" is wonderful. That should happen. I don't think it's gonna happen, though.
G: I think it's going to be funny, is what it is. Like, that may as well happen. I think- I mean, I think it would be funny. 'Cause, I mean, Good Omens purports to be a funny show.
C: Yeah. [laughs] Purports to be indeed. [G laughs]
G: I mean, Season 1 was funny. Season 2, not so much.
C: Season 1 was sometimes funny. I feel like after the plot stuff ends- I think Neil Gaiman is corny as hell in a bad way. [G laughs] I feel like they're probably just gonna go to the Ritz, and then like, kiss, and like, not talk about anything. That's what I think it is.
G: The thing is, I would like a nice quiet moment between them, just like the bench before the bus ride in Season 1.
C: Yeah, that would be nice.
G: Or you know, something akin to the morning confession. I'm still stuck on the fact that that thing happened in the morning. [C laughs] Like,I think about it sometimes, and I'm like, "Oh my god! It happened in the morning." It would be nice if their reconciliation happened in Crowley's flat. Do you think that's a weird thing to say?
C: [laughing] Why would it be a weird thing to say?
G: I don't know! [laughs] Yeah, they should reconcile in Crowley's flat so they have a bed to fuck in.
C: They should reconcile in Crowley's flat. [laughs] But like- no, yeah, I mean, you mean just because, like, the bookshop was the site of the last divorce, so it's good for them to reconcile it like, a place that isn't-
G: No, I think it depends on what the reconciliation is going to be like, which again, as I've said many times, is still up in the air regarding how Season 3 pans out. But, I don't know. I feel like a lot of the confession, even though we frequently talk about it from, you know, Crowley's terms, like, a lot of it was like, Aziraphale asking for something, and then Crowley denying. Because, I mean, even Crowley's confession, because of how the conversation went, even though it was the initial intention to confess already, it became like, more a response, then, to Aziraphale’s ask. So like, do you understand? Like, we're at Aziraphale’s home base.
C: Yeah, yeah.
G: And like, I think it would be interesting to do a conversation where it's Crowley's home base and therefore, Crowley's conversation. And I think- you know. I mean, I'm not even saying that I want it to happen in Crowley flat. Like, that's just kind of like a- I want it to be like, Crowley's. [C: Yeah.] I don't know what I'm saying. You get it, though. Just like basketball.
C: Yeah. Well, perhaps it can happen in the Bentley.
G: Oh god! [laughs] Yeah, it could! It could happen in the Bentley! Oh god! That's miserable.
C: Yeah. Yeah. Oh, god, do you think Neil Gaiman's gonna make one of them do the fucking apology dance? I don't want it. I don't want it. I hope it's dead and gone.
G: I don't want it. Keep your divorce out of this show, Neil Gaiman. [both laughing] Is that so mean? Should I cut that out? It's funny.
C: No, it's literally- Everyone was thinking it. Or at least everyone, meaning me, was thinking it. [G laughing]
C: Right, another anon asked, "Question for the Q&A: have you guys seen and/or how do you feel about various disabled!Crowley headcanons?" I haven't, really. Sorry, I haven't seen many.
G: I did a quick scroll through AO3, and most of it is alternate universe, which I do have [C: Dislike.] X-ed out most of the time. [C: Yeah.] So that's probably why I haven't seen a lot of it, but I have read a fic where, when they do the bodyswap - so this is like, you know, Good Omens universe - when they do the bodyswap, Aziraphale goes, "Why are your shoulders lopsided?" And Crowley's like, "That's not true. That's a lie, you're lying to me." And Aziraphale’s like, "Yeah, it is." And I don't know. I like that. Go scoliosis queen! Other than that, I don't really- I haven't really seen a lot of it. But, you know. I think it's wonderful. [laughs] I think it's wonderful to be able to project that onto fictional characters. I think it's wonderful specifically for Aziraphale and Crowley who are ethereal and occult being to have to be like, "Yeah, they're, you know, they're immortal, blah blah blah, and they, you know, still experience-" for example, chronic pain, or, you know, other kinds of disabilities. One of my favorite things I have ever done in fandom is write a Cas psoriasis fic. I found that very- I don't know. It was very nice. It was very nice for meto do it. And then, when I put that fic out into the universe, like, so many people, were like, you know, saying like, "Oh, this is so wonderful! I also have some semblance of a skin disease," whether it's psoriasis or otherwise, "and the scenes presented in this fic, like, really touched me." [C: Yeah.] It's, you know, I feel like disabilities still are one of those things where people are uncomfortable to interact with it in a positive way because the implication is always like, "But like, why would I do that when it's a cause of suffering?" or whatever. And it's like, but it's also like, a part of my life, though. You know? [C: Yeah.] So like, for me, I think I have- even though it sucks, and I know it sucks- like, I have to be able to deal with it in some semblance of a positive way of channeling that through headcanons or fanfiction. I'm sure it like, helps a lot of people, so, including, you know, the people making it and the people consuming it. So, wonderful! I think it's wonderful.
C: Yeah. Next question from another anon, "If Crowley and Aziraphale had been played by female actors, how differently do you think the fandom would’ve responded to their characters? For instance, do you think certain character choices would be more harshly scrutinized or that they’d be a less popular pairing?" Yeah.
G: This is such an interesting question.
C: It's a good question.
G: When I read that I was like- I've been thinking about it since it's been sent in, and I still don't really know how to answer it. What do you- I mean, you just said "Yeah," immediately.
C: Yeah, I think so.
G: For both? You think both is true? For me, I think it depends. Harshly scrutinized- If Good Omens book is Aziraphale as it is, and like, Aziraphale and Crowley in the book are seen as men, I think Good Omens the TV show Aziraphale and Crowley would be more harshly scrutinized than the book. For a less popular pairing, perhaps, if it was like, the book Aziraphale and Crowley are seen as men and then played by female actors, I think maybe it would garner some more attraction. To people like me, I mean, [laughs] I don't know to other people, but I would have definitely watched it earlier. [C: That's true.] But I don't know. I think if it was like, they were female-presenting in the books and then female-presenting in the show also, it would be definitely less popular, I think, to the point where there wouldn't even be a TV show at all.
C: Yeah. Yeah. I agree. Which is highly unfortunate.
G: Unfortunate. And also, I mean, we've talked about this- well, in passing, we have like, one line about it in, I think it was like, in 1.06 where I go, "I know Neil Gaiman wrote Aziraphale and Crowley thinking of them as men in his head because he wrote them like people." [C: Yeah.] And you look at all the other women he's written, and they're not written like people. So I don't know.
C: Though I feel like it would mostly be okay with these two characters, because he already like, wrote them out. I think if the script is close enough to the book that I don't think he would add in like, shitty things after he decided he was gonna cast two women
G: No, I'm talking mostly about if the book itself was different. [C: Oh, okay, right.] Like, original way of writing Aziraphale and Crowley in Good Omens book, thinking of them as women. I think it would be completely different than the book as it is right now.
C: Yeah, I think the jokes made would be quite annoying to look at.
G: Definitely.
C: I feel like the fandom reaction, I feel like they were cast as Aziraphale as like, a lot- like, as motherly, which, like, I don't think he is at all as a character.
G: Yeah, definitely not.
C: And that would be pretty irritating to see.
G: You know how like, when there's literally any woman who's hot, [C laughs] and then people don't like, engage with the woman character as a character.
C: Yeah, and they just make fancams? Yeah.
G: Yeah, and they just go like, "Step on me, mommy," or whatever.
C: Yeah, that's what Crowley would become.
G: That's what Crowley would become, definitely. [laughing] Even thinking about it is filling me with so much rage, but yeah.
C: Yeah. I feel like Aziraphale’s faith journey, people would be more predisposed to call him brainwashed, so yeah, I guess that's more harsh scrutinization.
G: They would definitely go like, "Oh, they're like, I don't know, you know, those lesbians who can't talk to each other." Fucking- [laughing]
C: Oh, right, like, "useless lesbians"? That thing? [G: Yes.] Right. The approach to them and like, Adam and Warlock. [G: Hm!]I don't know. There's gonna be posts that are like, "It's so important that Good Omens said that women can want to kill children." [both laughing] That's what I perceive.
G: For fucking real. "It's feminist that they want to shoot that kid." [both laughing] Well, maybe it is!
C: Yeah. Right, I feel like for Aziraphale, they would vary between calling her like, motherly and stuff and calling her like, a girlboss [laughs] because she's a business owner and an entrepreneur. [G laughing] And yeah, I mean- the interpretations of their characters would just be a lot more flat. I feel like people would like- Yeah, I feel like people would still ship them, but like, less people would watch the show at all. [G: Yeah.] Their dynamic is already- like, people already sort of impose weird gender norms on their dynamics in fic already, I feel like it's gonna be worse if they're women because of the flattening of their characters that would occur. It would indeed be worse, and that would be sad. Though, I mean, I guess there's also the fact that you're right that probably a different audience would come in if they were both played by actresses, and that could change how the fandom reacts to them. 'Cause I'm just thinking about the current fandom and not like, the imaginary other fandom that would happen. And like, I don't know. I feel like there's- there's enough- The thing is, we sort of- we have femslash Aziraphale and Crowley.
G: I mean, I don't know what the hell Good Omens fandom is like, first of all, but I don't know why I'm saying "yeah" to all of this, [C laughs] but yeah, go on.
C: We have femslash Aziraphale and Crowley on the AO3. And they're great.
G: Oh yeah, of course. I mean, I've read pretty much all of it, yeah.
C: They're usually great. But it's like, is that- I do wonder if- I feel like for some people, that depth of character for femslash Aziraphale and Crowley was more easily accessible because they were men first, but I feel like not everyone is like that. I feel like people would be better at interpreting them- like, for a few people, and if that is the audience that is being drawn in via this casting like, maybe it would, in fact, be a wonderful place to be, and there would be none of the issues we said. Yeah, but if it was like, at the level of Tumblr popularity that it is now, and they were both women, it would be pretty bad.
G: Yeah, unbearable. Yeah.
C: If it was like, niche as a result of them both being women, I think it could be- it could be nice.
G: Yeah. But isn't it so frustrating to think, "Oh, if they're both women, it would be niche"?
C: Yeah. Yeah. [laughs] It is pretty frustrating.
I mean, I guess I also wonder what their outfits would be if they were both women.
G: Yes, I do also. Like, what would Crowley's look be like?
C: We've seen them style women in Good Omens, and like, it's pretty great. Like, their outfits are all great, so.
G: No, but like, we're talking like, Aziraphale and Crowley.
C: Yeah, if it was Supernatural, I would have like, so much fear about like, how they were just gonna give Crowley a-
G: No, not even thinking of that. Not even thinking of that. The common question too, when you're reading lesbian Aziraphale and Crowley fanfiction,which is like, "How are they going to play with the gender presentation in this one?" And like, I feel like that is a very interesting thing to ask about Aziraphale and Crowley, especially if we are to assume that the book is written as they're both male-presenting.
C: Yeah, that's what I'm assuming.
G: 'Cause like, you know, like, Aziraphale is all often portrayed as like, you know, gay, [C: Mm-hm.] and like, obviously so. And it's like, "Okay, so how do we translate that to a woman?" A female presenting person. How do we do that?
C: I believe in like, butch Aziraphale rights, but I don't know if that is how they would adapt it.
G: For our next question, it's from our wonderful friend Wanni. "for the Q&A"-
C: Yeah. Hii!
G: Hi! "first of all love you both <3."
C: Heart emoji back.
G: "for my question if you could put az ( sorry still can’t spell his name ) [C: Real.] and crowley in any fictional universe what would it be?" Wonderful question. Can I put them in the fictional universe of Manila, Philippines? [both laughing] I think it'd be wonderful.
C: I was literally gonna be like, "the fictional universe of my life." [G laughs]
G: Literally. The fictional universe of the street where I frequent, yeah. [C laughs]
C: I mean, obviously, they should do a Much Ado About Nothing AU at some point, [G: Oh, of course, yeah.] but I don't think that's like, the best answer.
G: I don't think it's a one-to-one thing, though, for Much Ado. Like, who's who? We've had this conversation before? Let's have it again 'cause I forgot what I said.
C: Aziraphale is Benedick.
G: Why did I say that? Did I say that, or did you say that?
C: You said it in 1.04 because I was talking about how, after he hears that from the Metatron, he decides he can't be a part of this any more, and it's similar to Benedick quitting Don Pedro's company after the shaming Hero shit.
G: I think I said at some point to you that I want Crowley to go, "Alas, poor heart." So I want Crowley to be Beatrice.
C: Mm-hm. Though I guess in this case, Hero is like, the Earth, [both laugh] so like, I don't know how that's gonna play out.
G: Yeah, no, I also don't know. The thing about Aziraphale and Crowley is like, they're barely enemies to lovers. Like, they're not. They're not. They're begrudging co-workers to- I mean, I've said this before, but like, Aziraphale and Crowley is not like, "don't fuck your coworker," it's "do not start a business with your love interest." [both laugh] And yeah. We should do a Succession AU [C laughing]. It's literally not Succession at all, they're just two normal people who start a business together. [laughs]
C: I think there are other shows about that, but none that I can think of.
G: I mean, in Fleabag, they start a business together, and then the best friend kills herself, right?
C: That's true, but not for the business-starting reasons. And not on purpose.
G: Not on purpose, yeah.
C: Neither- they can't do Fleabag because I feel like it would be too Crowley-centric to have them be like, the only narrator.
G: Yeah, there's a lot of vampire fics on the AO3s for them. Usually, it's Crowley as the vampire. I think Aziraphale would be the vampire, though. I think that'll be more fun. It's more fun! Or maybe they're both vampires, and they're just, you know, annoyed at each other, which is also possible. You know, when I was first brainstorming about this, I thought to myself initially that like, it's essential that they're in a universe where they're immortal in some way, because, like, I think a big part of their relationship- it's not even the fact that they're an angel and a demon, and have [overlapping] nothing whatsoever in common!
C: "I don't even like you!" [G laughs] Yeah.
G: Yeah. It's about the fact that they always think that there's next time, and I think that's what shapes the relationship the most, the "next time." "One day." And like, I mean, I'm softened up to the idea of them not being immortal, with that in mind, because I feel like I thought I was thinking of it in a like, comparing and contrasting 6000 years versus normal human life span of 60 to 70 or 80 years, but now that I think about it, I feel like it does happen in life, too. Like, you and me. You know? Us people. We do still tend to think, "Okay, maybe next time." Like, we always still tend to think that we have more time than we actually do. [C: Mm-hm.] So I think it's it's reasonable to put them in a timeline where they're bound to die.
C: And then, I mean, I guess the obvious crossover is Supernatural, but like-
G: Booo!
C: - the way Sam and Dean fling holy water around, like, Crowley would be gone like, first episode, so let's keep her out of there.
G: Yeah. I do not want them near Aziraphale and/or Crowley
C: Yeah, I mean, yeah. It would be fun if Aziraphale and Crowley killed them [laughs], but like, I don't think it's gonna happen.
G: The whole time, Dean would be like, "Okay, Cr-ow-ley." [C laughs] And Crowley is like, "It's Crowley!" I also want them to be in the fictional universe of a 7-11. I've been saying this. They need to be like, in a 7-11.
C: They should be in a Costco. The ceilings are really really tall.
G: Yeah, there's like, beams and shit, yeah.
C: They should fly around in the rafters of a Costco. [both laugh]
G: Exactly. There's like, giant like, air stuff in there. You know, those giant like- you know what I mean? It's like, the air conditioning is like, giant pipes. [C: Oh, yeah.] They should fly inside of those pipes. [C: Yeah.] They should sit on the corner of a pipe and just like, look down at the people
C: They should.
G: Ohh! I've been thinking about what it would be like for Aziraphale and Crowley to grocery shop. They would be the most annoying couple in the grocery store. And 'tis be the truth.
C: I mean, neither of them have cooked a day in their life also.
G: Yeah. But like, Aziraphale's like, "What if we make a charcuterie board?" [both laugh] And then they're in the fucking cheese section for six hours, and then a worker comes in and is like, "Um, we're closing." [laughing] And Aziraphale's like, [C laughing] "Crowley stop the time so we can have more time to choose the cheese."
C: For real and actual.
G: Our next question, two-parter. Two-parter. It's a duo. It's a group of the two of them. [both laugh] And the first one is from anonymous, and it goes, "Oh I would LOVE to hear that Destiel vs A/C comparison/debate," which is something we mentioned in, I think, Episode 11. If you don't know, after our episode ends, after the music stuff at the end, we have like, extra stuff. We just talk some more. And we talk about it in there. And, you know, they requested it for the Q&A. And then the other part of this question is from another anon, "Age old question-"
C: Wait, we're doing those together? They're very different.
G: No no no, I'm just connecting them together. [C: Okay. Okay.] So the age-old question for the Q&A is "Aziraphale or Castiel?" So first, let's do the Destiel vs Aziraphale and Crowley.
C: Okay, Aziraphale and Crowley, I'm on their side, and you're on fucking Destiel's side, I'm assuming.
G: [laughing] I'm on Destiel. Well, it's not that-
C: Well, okay, try to defend yourself. Just try.
G: Shhhh! [C laughs] It's not a debate, more like, you insist that-
C: They're not best friends, and they aren't.
G: - [laughing] Okay, maybe it's a debate. Yeah, like, if you were to say, "Oh, Aziraphale and Crowley are better than Destiel," I'm like, "Okay, that's fine." And you're like, "Aziraphale and Crowley is better than Destiel 'cause Destiel aren't even best friends!"
C: And they aren't.
G: - and I will fight you to the death. [C laughs]
C: And they aren't.
G: They literally are best friends, though!
C: Why?
G: "You're my best friend, but I just let you go, but it was easier than admitting that I was wrong."
C: Okay, like, he said that. So what? Does he even know what friendship is? I don't think so. [G laughing]
G: Who cares?
C: People can just say things. It doesn't mean anything.
G: Who cares? Who- Love represents itself in different ways for different people; we all know this; we all like, can we conceptualize this.
C: Do they respect each other?
G: Why cannot we conceptualize this for best friendship? It's different for everyone. It's different for everyone.
C: Do they respect each other? Does Dean respect Castiel? Does the "Your Dog" AMV that you yourself made indicate that Dean respects Castiel? [both laughing]
G: Season 15 changes the deal! That AMV ends- the last scene is from Season 15, Episode 3. But the show does go out of its way to go "But Dean is trying to be better. We will proceed-"
C: Is he trying to be better by pressuring Castiel's son into sacrificing his life to like, do that Adam and Seraphina thing, also by like, saying Jack isn't part of their family? [G laughs] Is that Dean trying for his best friend? [G laughs]
G: That's separate! You have to sequester that shit!
C: They're not separate! They're not separate!
G: No, yeah, I know.
C: A lot of their relationship ruptures because of Jack. Dean was gonna fucking kill that kid!
G: Yeah. [laughs] But that's a different question. The question isn't "Do they treat each other right?" The question is, "Are they best friends?" And you know what? You can have a toxic best friendship with someone.
C: Okay, fine. Okay, you think that they're best friends, but they don't treat each other well, [G laughs] and Dean tries to kill Cas's kid at every opportunity. But you think they are still best friends?
G: Yes.
C: It's different from like, your closest friend! [laughs] It's not the same thing.
G: Of course it's not the same.
C: Yeah, I know. And okay, I guess your point is that their lives are intertwined enough that you would call them best friends? Are their lives that intertwined?
G: Yes.
C: Like, are they? Like, why?
G: [laughing] What do you mean "why"?
C: Or, why do you claim that?
G: Why do I claim that their lives are intertwined? Because it is!
C: Uh-huh. And?
G: They're a family, etc etc! "Lebanon," Season 14, Episode 14, I think.
C: Yeah, I guess "Cas was like our third brother" is what he says. [G laughs] Is that what he says?
G: Which is- Cas is the third brother of the show. [both laugh] Words will come out of those guys' mouths. No, but the thing is- this isn't a discussion of Destiel vs A/C now.
C: Aziraphale and Crowley are better best friends than Destiel. We can do that.
G: No, here's my thing. Here's my thing, right? Aziraphale and Crowley are able to exist in both high-pressure situations and low-pressure situations. Like, they experience those like, harsh highs and lows of life, but they also get to like, just show up into each other's spaces, hang out, not a care in the world, you know, etc etc.
C: Hm-hm. Which is important to best friendship.
G: Yeah. And with Dean and Castiel, you cannot hold it against them that they're never given a break. They make do with what they have. You cannot compare Dean and Castiel's relationship to the normal best friendship of-
C: [laughing] The normal best friendships of the 6000-year-old-
G: - the ones that you have or that I have.
C: - angel and demon in Good Omens?
G: No, yeah! Exactly! You cannot compare them to those relationships because those relationships have room to breathe.
C: Not really in the present-day actual whatever. The only time they've sat together-
G: It does! They have four years! Four years hanging out!
C: Yeah, but we didn't see it. I'm talking about stuff we see. Like, I mean, off-screen, we know that Dean have watched movies together, whatever.
G: Well then, they're not best friends then! [laughing] If we're just talking entirely of the shit we see on screen! What's your proof, then, that Aziraphale and Crowley-
C: We see bookshop drunk scene! Bookshop drunk scene is everything! It's the most important thing that's ever happened!
G: Booo!
C: We see Rome. We see him inviting Crowley to have oysters with him in Rome. That's best friendship, like, budding best friendship.
G: Yeah! And, okay, the Rome scene, I've talked about this in my own personal life, [C laughs] but, like, the whole point of the Rome scene, is like, that's one of the few moments in their life that they're not both in there for a job against each other, and like, Aziraphale is like, literally just hanging out. So they're able to have that fun banter-
C: They don't have jobs against each other on-screen that often. Like, what times in the flashback were they directly opposing each other besides Wessex?
G: No, listen to me first!
C: [laughs] Okay! Okay!
G: [laughing] Listen to me- So in that scene, they're not opposing each other, and also, there's no other issue at hand. And then that scene, like, you see that Aziraphale is so bright and so happy about seeing Crowley, etc etc, 'cause like, it is just an opportunity for them to hang out. And like, do you not think that if Dean and Castiel just had an opportunity to hang out, like, that they wouldn't?
C: No, I don't think they would. [laughs]
G: Well, that's on you. That's not on me. That's on you, [C laughing] and that's not on Destiel; that's on you. Booo!
C: No, it's on Destiel being the worse ship.
G: Boo! Boo!
C: It's about Destiel being the worse one.
G: Boo! Boo!
C: Were they best friends for 6000 years? I don't think so.
G: What, were you best friends with your best friend for 6000 years? Fuck off!
C: I just think that- okay, how long were- First off, Destiel were never best friends. [G laughs] How long do you claim they were best friends?
G: I think they were best friends since...
C: Season 8?
G: Season 12.
C: 12. Okay. [G laughs] Yeah.
G: So three years. Yeah.
C: Okay, that's nothing!
G: Yeah, but it's everything to me.
C: Well, it's nothing to me. And it's nothing to them. [both laughing]
G: It's literally not nothing.
C: I mean, not to just- I know that this is just bad writing, but like, he sure got over it really fast, didn't he?
G: You can't count that in. That's unfair. You can't count that in.
C: I mean, okay. So okay, then, you can't count that in-
G: Crowley was just sitting there watching Aziraphale about to give Booked of Life, but we're not counting that in, are we? We're not counting that in, are we?
C: I am counting that in!
G: Well then, they're not best friends! He's literally just gonna watch that angel die.
C: I mean, he was blurry. Like, we don't know exactly what she's feeling in that moment.
G: Boo! That's not true, that's not true, [C laughs] that's a lie, you're lying to yourself!
C: There was a shot afterwards, right? Like, there wasn't a shot during the threat.
G: No. He literally is just lounging on that thing.
C: Okay. We can keep that [laughs] if I can keep Dean getting over Cas's death so fast at the end of Season 15. I think one of those is more damning. Okay, whatever. We will never agree on whether or not Dean and Cas are best friends [G: Yeah.], so we can argue on other points, I suppose. Like, is there any femslash Destiel out there that's good? I don't think so.
G: No, absolutely none, yeah.
C: [laughs] Yeah. Yeah. Do they get to magically switch genitals and pronouns and like, just gender presentations whenever the fuck they want? I don't think so!
G: Well, you can't either! [laughing] Are you-
C: [laughing] Wait, what does that have to- We're comparing them to Destiel! Why am I here? We're comparing Aziraphale and Crowley to Destiel! What? This isn't about whether or not they're best friends! [laughing] You don't need to be able to swap genitals to be best friends. What are we talking about? What?
G: [laughing] I don't even know! [laughs] Okay, go on. Proceed with your tirade against me, personally. [C laughing]
C: [laughing] You're right. This is against you, personally. I'm going, "Grey, can you swap your genitals? I don't think so. [G laughing] Therefore, Aziraphale and Crowley are better than Destiel." This is logic. [both laughing]
No, okay, like, I think that the possibilities with Aziraphale and Crowley are so much larger than the possibilities with Destiel. Aziraphale and Crowley, like, have lived every historical AUs that you could have and every like, gender combo that you can have, and like, both have powers.
G: This is true.
C: I just think that they're just so much more interesting because of that.
G: Yes, I do agree with that one.
C: Okay.
G: I think a part of it is, like, with Aziraphale and Crowley, like, I would never read an AU. For Destiel, I probably would.
C: Yeah, 'cause they're lacking.
G: It's because the universe of Good Omens is already so full. Like, anything that you can throw in there, you probably can apply. With Destiel, it's a bit different.
C: Yeah. And worse, one might say.
G: I mean, one of those things appeal to people- would like, appeal to different people differently.
C: You can still have AUs for Good Omens, like, you just have less things-
G: Yeah, but they're not.
C: Are Destiel AUs good?
G: [laughs] I have not read a Destiel fic for a long, long, long, long time.
C: Yeah, me neither. I don't think I will again, honestly.
G: Probably me too.
C: But like, yeah, I don't know. Okay, I guess the other avenue- Okay, I'm glad we're agreed on that one. The other avenue is who's more in love, and it's Aziraphale and Crowley, thank you, next! [both laughing]
G: Yeah.
C: Oh, wow! You're not gonna argue that one?
G: I don't know. It depends, I guess, on what we define love as. If it's an emotion, I do think I can make the case for Destiel. If it's an action, Aziraphale and Crowley love each other more.
C: Yeah. And if it's an emotion, you can make a case for Destiel? I just- I truly think that both Dean and Cas could get over it, and I don't think Aziraphale and Crowley could get over it.
G: Yeah, I think Aziraphale and Crowley can get over it.
C: Really?
G: Yeah.
C: How?
G: I think you can get over anything, including the both of them.
C: Okay, I think Destiel could get over it a lot faster and a lot easier.
G: Hmm. I don't think the easiness of moving on or the quickness of it defines anything, so I can't engage with that-
C: Okay, so you mean I'm right? [laughing] So you mean I'm correct?
G: I mean, you're probably right, but I don't see it as relevant.
C: - but you're saying that's not a valuable point.
G: Yes. Yes.
C: Okay. What is a valuable point regarding the strength of the emotion?
G: What you're willing to do for each other? And I do think, like, Dean and Cas are in the more self-sacrificial avenue than Aziraphale and Crowley. When I think about like-
C: Yeah. It's also the fictional universe that they're in, though. [G: Yeah.] Like, people are trying to kill themselves, like, every episode in Supernatural.
G: Yeah. And, I mean, I can say the same thing about Aziraphale and Crowley and their epic highs and lows of their relationship.
C: That what?
G: I mean, like what I said earlier, how like, they're given room to breathe, and they're able to be better friends because of it.
C: Okay, yeah, fictional universe, blah blah blah, yeah.
G: Yes. I think in 12.1, we talked about how- You were like, "Oh, maybe Crowley went up there," like, "According to my friend, they thought Crowley went up there to like, offer themselves up before Heaven so that they wouldn't touch Aziraphale." And I was like, "That's not true. Crowley wouldn't do that." because Crowley isn't self-sacrificing like that. Now, we can talk about whether love is supposed to be self-sacrificing or not, but if we are to define it as such, Destiel is a bit higher in that category.
C: Yeah, I agree with that. Though I still don't- I don't know why you were so fast to say "Crowley wouldn't do that."
G: You think Crowley would?
C: I would not be as fast to say that Crowley wouldn't.
G: Well, I'm quicker. [C laughs]
C: I think there are circumstances under which Crowley would-
G: [laughing] I've suddenly just become the greatest asshole when we reached this question.
C: I mean, we were asked to debate. I think both of us have have leniency to be assholes.
G: [laughing] No, my argument earlier. "Well, you can't, either!" [laughing] That's so fucking petty! [C laughing]
C: Yeah, and you also asked me how long I've been friends with my best friend. Yeah, you were very quick to turn this personal, Grey. Tsk tsk!
G: No, because when we first brought up this argument, it was personal! You name-dropped people.
C: Yeah, I name-dropped Hilson, mostly.
G: Yeah! Yeah.
C: Which is not a person from my life.
G: [laughing] No, actually, you're right! I think I name-dropped Danica [C laughing] in that conversation!
C: Are you looking through our history? Or-
G: No, I'm not. I'm just remembering it in my head. [laughing] I literally said, like- I think I said, "You cannot compare Dean and Castiel to like, someone with a more stable existence like [C laughing] House and Wilson and you and Danica." [both laughing]
C: God. So true.
G: [laughing] I'm literally a fucking asshole. [C laughs] Okay, well-
C: Okay, what were we on? We were on the point that- Oh, right. I think there are circumstances under which Crowley would self-sacrifice. I guess you could definitely argue that the bodyswap was like-
G: But that's equal.
C: Both of them were willing to risk death for each other.
G: Yeah, but that's equal.
C: That's true. I'd say- yeah, and both of them could be trapped in Heaven or Hell. Okay, wait, so you're saying self-sacrifice has to be unequal?
G: Yeah, 'cause it's self sacrifice if like, "Either I die or I don't die, and I'm choosing to die for you."
C: Okay.
G: But like, with Aziraphale and Crowley's bodyswap, it's like, "We're gonna die both ways, so let's try this thing out where we can possibly not die."
C: Yeah, I mean, yeah. They're both going into the unknown depths, though. But you're right, that it's just like- it's an equal exchange or whatever. Though I guess the way that this is being defined is making me want to turn to the like, "Should we even define self-sacrifice as part of love" thing, though, because currently, I feel like it shouldn't be. Anything that you're claiming is one-sided, I don't think should be a main component of love.
G: I mean, that's true. I mean, I'm furiously on the side of "You cannot be in love if it's one-sided." [C: Mm.] Yeah. I just don't think that's being in love.
C: Right, okay, so what are the components that we're actually arguing based off of?
G: Nothing! Love is different for every single person. [both laughing] We've been arguing for like, I don't even fucking know how long, and I'm like, "And there's no argument even going on!" So true.
C: I- I still want to win. [laughs] But if you're like, "Well, there's no true winner or loser here 'cause love is different for every single person, and love is love is love," then I don't know where to go from there, so yeah.
G: [laughs] Yeah. So, I mean, the next question is, of course, "Aziraphale or Castiel?"
C: On this one, we're more agreed, I think. It's Castiel.
G: Castiel, yeah.
C: Sorry Aziraphale! It is Crowley over Castiel, though. But like, yeah.
G: Oh, for you? I think Castiel is-
C: Well, you have to remember that I met both of these people before I met Castiel.
G: Earlier. Before you met Castiel. Yeah. I've known Castiel for forever. Like, Castiel is like a brother for me, for fucking real. But also, I've known Castiel longer than I've had my little sister. You know. Like, Castiel has been in my life. Yeah, so I feel like it will take quite a lot to beat Cas. And Cas is kind of like the- like, characters come and go. Castiel, for me, is like tthe backdrop. And then I get into something real, real, real, real deep, and then I get out of it, and then Castiel's still there. [both laugh] You know what I mean?
C: Yeah.
G: So that's kind of the situation I have with Cas. And also because we just see more of Cas. Like, there's more of Cas. And Cas, throughout the seasons, you can make a case that, like, all those Cas-es are different people going through different stuff, different mindsets, you know. There's no like, one journey for Cas. I don't think it's just for me. I think, for many people, it's easy to relay your experiences on him a bit better because, like, [laughs] he's just been through so much, and you've seen it all. And like, I'm not saying that the only way to love a character is to relay your experiences onto them, but I think it does affect their staying power when you're able to go through something in life and think, "Ah, just like Castiel for real." [C laughing] You know what I mean?
C: Yeah. I mean, why Cas over Aziraphale for me? I mean, I had a period of being deeply, deeply obsessed with Cas that I never really had with Aziraphale, so like, I guess that's still pinging around in my brain.
G: Again, like, you've said it, right? Like, if it's Crowley vs Castiel, like, Crowley is the answer for you. [C: Yeah.] So I feel like this question is really more targeted towards me because it's like, Aziraphale’s my fave [C: That's true.] in Good Omens, so I think that's reasonable.
C: Yeah. Yeah. Also, I just don't think that Aziraphale's gonna, like, Season 3, come into a church, choke a homophobe to death, and then like, turn Jesus into him on stained glass. Like, I just don't see it for him
G: [laughs] He's so funny! Castiel is the funniest guy ever.
C: Yeah. Aziraphale will just never have a Godstiel arc, and I feel like that was- yeah, that pussy cunt slay is quite important to me.
G: So our next question is from [laughs] the frequently name-dropped in our last question, Danica.
C: Hii!
G: And the question is, "pressing question that i want you to answer on air i wanna know like eeeevery thought youve ever had about afterparty!omens like [laughing] i really wanna waste every one of ur listeners time with like afterparty!omens shot by shot descriptions." Again, this is a-
C: [laughs] I'm so glad you asked.
G: - Crystal-specific question. [laughs] I have no idea what any of these words mean.
C: What? No? [laughing] Danica meant this question just for you, Grey! You answer it! [both laughing] No, but-
G: I know about Afterparty solely because of Danica. Like, [laughing] Danica was like, "Grey, you should watch it," and I literally didn't, so. [C: Yeah.] That's the literally the only way that I know it.
C: Yeah, yeah. Afterparty!Omens, okay, I guess the point is that The Afterparty- I've only seen Season 1 'cause apparently, Season 2 is so bad that Danica doesn't want to do that to me or to anyone living [laughs], is that it's a murder mystery set at like, a high school reunion party, and each episode is like, a character being interviewed by the cops about what happened at the party, and like, they give, like, their perspective on what's happening, and they all like, view their life through a different genre. Like, Aniq views his life as a romcom, and Brett as like, this action movie, and Zoe as, like, a cartoon, etc etc. And like, it's all, you know, giving different perspectives on what happened that night, and how like, each of them saw different interactions or like, pieces of interactions, and then, like, you know, some of them are concealing things, including who did the murder. So yeah. But I guess the point of Afterparty!Omens is just that, like, I think Season 2 would be better structured like that where each character gets an episode-
G: Oh, yeah! You've mentioned this to me! The first one is Aziraphale, yeah.
C: Right, so Danica and I were on the phone discussing Afterparty!Omens until 3AM, and then you messaged me and were like, "You know we're recording in like, four hours, right?" [both laugh] And I was like, "Fuck!" So, okay, that was my night. Right,and we made a Google Doc for it, and Danica sent me the link, but like, I'm clicking it right now, [G laughing] and I don't think she added my email, so I can't actually access it to answer this question.
G: Yeah.
C: So okay, I'm gonna go off memory.
G: No, but I think you've mentioned this to me that like, it starts with Aziraphale.
C: Yeah, I put in an ask, I think.
G: And the confession is like, removed, yeah. [pained sounds]
C: Mm-hm. The primary characters, it's gonna have 8 episodes instead of the- Good Omens is 6, 'cause I feel like it's just important. And the POV characters are going to be, I mean, Aziraphale and Crowley, obviously, Maggie and Nina, Gabriel and Beelzebub, and Shax and Muriel. I think I've changed it around so that Muriel is actually the last one because they were standing outside at the window during the whole final fifteen, and I feel like they're someone who would give like, a generally objective account of that. So I feel like that would make sense as the last episode. So like, yeah, okay, Aziraphale’s version, I think, is like, him writing in his diary or whatever, and it's gonna be like- His genre is like, you know, like a Jane Austen romance thing where I think that he's sort of just covering up everything, including a lot of the helping Jim stuff and like, just being like, "And I wanted Maggie and Nina to fall in love, and I made this ball, and it was wonderful, and Crowley was there, and we danced. And that's it. Nothing else happened those weeks. Stop asking me questions." So that would be like, how we open, right? So we just don't really get that much, but there is like, a sense of something wrong underneath it all. And then I think-
G: I love how you just told us that like, you already talked about this Danica. [both laugh]
C: Yeah, and this question is from her, so there's literally no point in me going through all of it. [G laughs]
Okay, Crowley's genre is like, like, a James Bond movie, right? So like, Crowley is like, providing the general action of the last few days. And like, clearly is like, just not saying a lot of stuff about like, her emotions during that time and is just being like, "And I was so cool, and then I was so cool," but like, is definitely crying on the couch every time you cut back to like, present-day Crowley talking. Right. Crowley would also leave out the final fifteen. I think Crowley would end it with like, Hell leaving and like, the battle ending and all that stuff. We'd get some fun stuff with, like, them sneaking into Heaven where they make it seem like it was a lot more difficult than it was.
Okay, Maggie's genre is like, romcom. And that's like, gonna be fun because when we cut to Nina's POV, it's just gonna be like, "And this woman is so annoying." [both laugh] But like, in Maggie's POV, she's like, "And we were trapped together, and it was so nice, and I think Nina's like, really into me." Blah blah blah blah. Okay, right, we'd settle on Nina being like, sort of like the straight man in an Office-style romcom where she's constantly looking at the camera like "Can you believe this shit?" And we would see a lot more of her relationship with Lindsay behind the scenes, and like, what's going on with her there, which I think would help flesh her out a lot. And also, I think it would help Maggie and Nina be less annoying because for Maggie's one, like, you're watching the whole time, and you'd just be like, "Oh, like, she's just making shit up. This is funny." And like, we're not really supposed to like her or find her sympathetic that much. This is just like, an exaggerated version of like, what she thinks is going on with her and Nina.
Okay, Shax I think her part, she's gonna be giving like, a political speech to Hell about like, why she should be on the Dark Council and take over Beelzebub’s seat. A lot of her stuff is gonna just be narrating like, the threatening Crowley, threatening Aziraphale, and then storing the bookshop. Everything's gonna be shot like a war movie, with like, heroic music and all that shit. [G laughs] But it'll have her narration where- well, you know she's not very like, well-spoken and stuff, so there'll be a lot of fun contrast between that and like, the way that the battle is filmed.
Gabriel is mostly just gonna fill in, like, what happens with the Jim story. Like, I think he's talking to Beelzebub, like, while they're on Alpha Centauri- I think Gabriel and Beelzebub are going to be talking to each other. But, like, Gabriel's episode is gonna come earlier, and you don't know who he's talking to, and like, he'll leave off after the battle ends, so like, before he gets his memories back, so like, when Heaven and Hell pop in but before he gets the fly, so like, you don't know until Beelzebub's episode that- and Beelzebub's gonna fill in the flashback love story stuff. Yeah, so you don't know that it's Beelzebub until then. Gabriel's genre- Did we- I don't think we got there. What do you think Gabriel's genre would be? I mean, Sound of Music parody would be hilarious.
G: [laughing] Succession.
C: [laughing] Succession! No, for real, though.
G: Corporate, yeah. [laughs]
C: No, but if he's just narrowing like, Jim stuff- I mean, it would be really funny if it was Succession, but like, as an assistant bookseller.
G: For real.
C: But like, I don't know if that's mindset that he's in while he's Jim.
G: Oh, yeah, 'cause he's just Jim.
C: Well, if he's telling the story afterwards, he could be trying to make himself as Jim seem really cool to Beelzebub 'cause he's like, back to being an asshole, right? So like, he could be trying to Successionify it. But yeah, I don't know. Is Succession the one you're gonna settle on? Because I don't have a better option right now.
G: Huh. I mean, I don't know any genres. I have no idea what the genre is. [C laughs] [C: Fair.] I've never heard of a genre.
C: Yeah. Right, Beelzebub, I think we were thinking, like, horror comedy.
G: I think that would be it, yeah.
C: Which would be fun. I guess Beelzebub's just sort of reminiscing about like, what they were doing before and how they got here. We could probably see the ending of like, the Beelzebub and Gabriel reveal from like, Maggie or Nina's perspective 'cause they were there before Michael threatened to turn them into salt, so like, that would give us like, probably more. I think I think it should be Nina's [laughs] because I want her to look into the camera every time they say something corny.
Muriel, I think it's gonna be mostly in the form of like, a report to Heaven. Or, I think, okay, I think Muriel is gonna be mostly like, documentary-style, like, "Muriel's adventures on Earth," like, discovering bugs and shit.
G: [laughing] A vlogger! Yeah.
C: [laughs] Yeah. And like, stuff that they've written down in their notebook and stuff like that, but like, I think the final fifteen will be relayed fairly just true to what actually happened, just as a report, without that much narration. Yeah. And then, you know, it'll just end with them going into the bookshop. And then that'll be season. And that means that there will be no minisodes, but I feel like that's fine, even though there's not that much present-day plot, because the point of having a bunch of POVs is that you can do the same scene over [G: Yeah.], but like, make it seem very different. And it would be better than Season 2, I think.
G: [laughing] That would be so funny, if we saw the breakup through like, a fucking [both laughing] vlog camera outside of the bookshop. [C: Yeah!] And Muriel- you can see Muriel's thumb covering the lens every once in a while. [C laughing] So true!
C: Yeah. So, so true. Yeah, like, would it lessen the emotional impact? Maybe a little.
G: Probably.
C: But also, I think the emotional impact would be lessened because of the way it's shot, but I feel like the realization that this is what Aziraphale and Crowley were hiding during their episodes would like, make up for it a bit. Like, that would help.
That's the Afterparty!Omens. I'm glad that I was able to waste every one of my listeners' time with Afterparty!Omens shot-by-shot description! [G laughs]
G: Exactly. Well, so our next category is just Crystal and Grey talking about themselves extravaganza.
C: Meaning two questions.
G: [laughs] Yeah. So our first question is from an anonymous person asking, "Finally! Asking again for fanfiction recommendations! I really liked the one about Crowley having a daughter and the one about Aziraphale mysteriously becoming a human with amnesia, do you have any other recommendations that have that similar vibe?" Crystal explained this to me as like, these fanfics are like, kind of less romance-centric and more like, book-ish.
C: Yeah. Well, I'd say the plot is like, as important as the romance. Like, it's not the ones where, like, they just sit around and pine a lot.
G: Yeah. I do not read fanfic for plot, [C laughs] so I have no recommendations.
C: Yeah. Okay, so, first, anon, the fact that you read over 200,000 words of content on my recommendation is very flattering. [laughs] Thanks. And I'm really glad you liked those ones.
G: You don't know that. Maybe they already read it-
C: Maybe.
G: - and they were like, "Oh yeah, I like those ones that Crystal recommended."
C: Maybe. That's true. That's true.
G: You never know. You never know.
C: That's true.
G: They already listened to like, multiple hours of our podcast. [laughing]
C: Yeah, yeah, they don't have the time to also be reading 200,000 words.
G: Yeah. You don't have time to read fanfiction when your number one priority should be [both laugh] listening to Crystal and Grey talk for hours and hours on end.
C: Yeah. For fucking real. Okay, so, I don't really read that many long, plotty things either, so I only really have one that I think like, is actually what you're looking for, if I'm interpreting what you mean by "have that similar vibe." It is a series called "The Place You Need to Reach" by Zetared. First fic is called "The Persephone Clause," and second is called "The Orpheus Cure." Do spoilers matter? Like, how much like, how do I give a plot summary without spoilers? Okay, it's like- okay, I guess part one is sort of like, an Orpheus and Eurydice thing, where Aziraphale's getting Crowley out of Hell, and then part 2 is like, it sort of starts as like, Aziraphale recovering from that time, and then becomes like, an apocalypse part 2 plot thing that gets pretty wacky, but I think that overall, it's like, a fun time, and I really like a lot of the ideas introduced in like, part 1 of part 2- like, the first half of part 2 of the fic a lot, too. This is fully a book fic, which hopefully is what you're looking for. And I also enjoy fully book fics more than show fics a lot of time. And it was published in like, 2019 before Season 2, so it's not like, a Second Coming Apocalypse Part 2. Yeah. I mean, it's a good time. There's plot. There's the characters. I enjoy it. There's like, a Rape/Non-Con warning on part 1, but like, I guess if that scares you off, like, what that scene is is that an apparition of Crowley in Hell kisses Aziraphale, and then- like, sexually assault Aziraphale by kissing him- but like, that's the end of that. So like, nothing worse than what's happened in the show already.
Okay, so that's the main one that I think actually suits what you're looking for. Another book fic that I've read semi-recently that I think you could enjoy just because I think I think the style of it works pretty well with what you've liked in the past is called "By Permission of Heaven" by ImprobableDreams900, and that one's just like- it's just Aziraphale and Crowley during the Great London fire of 1666. It's nice. It's nice to see them in that historical setting and to see them earlier in their relationship like that.
I guess this probably isn't really that vibe, and I've already mentioned this in the podcast, but I would like to push "Before the Water Rises" by Vitreous_Humor one more time, which is the Noah's Ark one where both of them like, find a village and help them build boats in preparation of the flood. I think it's wonderful. I think it's great. [G: Hell yeah!] Yeah, I enjoy the plot elements and the lore elements of it that are sprinkled throughout, as well as the them being so in love and stupid about it.
Last question is from poprockringpop. " For those of us who are new to Crystal & Grey Enterprises, can we get some of your friendship lore and how you decided to start podding together (if you’re comfortable!)." So we went to Supernatural together. [laughs]
G: We literally did. We met in 2021 in Supernatural.
C: Yeah, yeah. We met via Discord and then got closer because we like, both made Supernatural AMVs. So like, we ran in the same circles regarding that.
G: Yeah. If you're unfamiliar, like, AMV culture in Supernatural, especially when it was big when Supernatural was real big-
C: Yeah, that was crazy.
G: Like, 2021 to 2022, I guess. Like, mid 2022s. It's unimaginable what it was like. Like, [laughs] I don't know how to explain it, because, like, Good Omens, if you're like, with us for Good Omens only, Good Omens is so not an AMV fandom. It's really not.
C: Yeah. There's more animatics than AMVs, and it's like, "But you don't have to draw all of that. They already did it! You're doing so much extra work!" [both laugh]
G: Supernatural is a AMV fandom. Like, it is. Like, the AMV circles are big,and you kind of find your specific niches with it within that circle itself. So like, AMV-making isn't a niche in itself, but the types of AMVs people make, you know, you kind of like, group together. [laughing] Crystal and I have never made an AMV that is alike to one another whatsoever. But, like, you know. For some reason, we just kind of like, ran in the specific circles in those areas.
C: Right, yeah, so I guess we started talking because of that. And then we became friends. And then on January 6th, 2022- [laughs] Not 2021-
G: Which is like, less than 6 months since we've known each other, I think. Because we started talking-
C: Yeah, I think we checked, and our first discord message was in [G: September.] September 2021. Yeah, but I thought that we DMed on Tumblr earlier.
G: We knew each other- no no no, we didn't. But like, we kind of knew each other from like, other areas. Like, you know, I see you on my timeline, Discord. But like, that's different. That's different.
C: Yeah, yeah, 'cause your first Discord message to me was like, "I hope it's okay that I'm messaging you here" was how it started, right? So we hadn't talked on Tumblr yet?
G: We were already talking in other places. But like, I feel like Discord DM is like, more personal, so I guess that's why I said-
C: Okay, that's true. 'Cause I feel like we had that conversation about the book of Job via Tumblr.
G: Did we? Oh, that's real fun!
C: I don't know. Did we? I'll look up Book of Job in our regular DMs. In April 2022-
G: Oh, so that's way later.
C: - you mentioned putting Cas into the Book of Job, and then I said, "Isn't Job set in prehistoric times?"
G: Yeah! That's the one.
C: So you're misremembering. You said this was one of our first conversations. No, it happened way later. We'd already had BABPod. But yeah, anyway. We talked about Job a bit-
G: January 6, 2022-
C: January 6, 2022, you sent, "Let's do a podcast." as a joke.
G: No, here's the context. Here's the context. You go, "Oh, I have, like, all of Supernatural on like, a hard drive, because I make AMVs with it. I have never actually like, sat down and watched every single episode. Maybe I should do that." And I was like, "Yeah, you should do it. And like, we should do make- let's do a podcast. And like, let's talk about every single episode of the show." And the thing is, I've been saying this to people all the time. Like, I've invited many people to do a Supernatural podcast with me. It's something I really wanted to do. [C: Yeah.] But, like, every single person like, just rejected me. [C laughs] Like, nobody wanted to do it [laughs] for, like, completely obvious reasons. It's so long and arduous, nobody likes Supernatural in my life, you know?
C: Yeah, I think I think the fact that I hadn't watched Supernatural yet [laughs] is what really allowed me to say yes to that.
G: Really, what I wanted to do was me, someone who knows about everything about the show, and someone who like, knew nothing, just like in our Good Omens podcast. But you were the only one who said yes, and you already knew a lot about it.
C: Yeah, I knew many things due to being in the fandom and making AMVs.
G: Yeah. So yeah, that's what happened. Like, you said, yes, and I was like, "Well, I mean, the opportunity has presented itself. We shall commit to the bit." And you know what? I do think that if it was with anyone else, we would have done like, I don't know, seven episodes and quit. 'Cause like, you and I, I don't think we understood what we were getting ourselves into [C laughs] when we started. Like, definitely not. [C: Yeah.] I don't want to complain about like, being- like, making a podcast. I like doing this. I really do. I like doing the podcast stuff. It is a lot of work, though. [C: Mm-hm.] And like, especially during the first, like, couple of months, it's like, we were doing two podcasts a week 'cause we wanted to get it over with.
C: [laughs] Yeah.
G: And then, like, at some point, we realized that like, "Okay, we can't keep on doing this, because, like, it's actually difficult. Like, this is like, so much work." And like, it was working for me at the time - 'cause I'm the editor - and it was working for me at the time 'cause like, a lot of this stuff was like, you're in your house, you know. Our economy and our schools and everything hasn't opened up yet at the time.
C: It was very fast. We came up with the name and made like, an official email and shit, like the day of that conversation. Like, I think, within an hour. [G: Yeah.] Yeah, we committed very quickly. And yeah, it was pretty insane of us to do given that [laughs] we had never spoken on the phone before.
G: We had never called prior. [laughs] I didn't even know what Crystal sounded like. So- I remember you sent me like, an example of what your audio would sound like, and then I heard it, and my immediate thought was like, "Holy shit! Like, Crystal really sounds like an American! [C laughing] Like, Crystal really sounds like an American." And like, I think I replied to that audio clip like, "Oh my god! You're an American!" [both laughing] Well, I was surprised. I was shocked to my core.
C: Yeah, yeah.
G: I think it is really like, a big luck situation to that.
C: Yeah, it could have been not good.
G: Like, speaking- Yeah. 'Cause like, you can message someone and like, have good rapport in messaging someone, and like, when you talk to each other, it's like, you just don't vibe or you like, you don't understand each other well. I mean, I've had friends who like- I have a British friend. [laughs] I've talked about this so much. [C: Yeah.] I have a British friend, like, the first time we called, we literally could not understand each other. [C laughs] Like, we were on the call, she could see my face, I could see her face, I could see her lips mouthing the words, and I still couldn't understand anything. Like, we had to type shit to each other. [C: Aw.] We had to message each other anyway to be able to understand each other. I don't know. Good thing you have a viciously American accent [C laughing] that I could understand, I suppose. So.
C: For fucking real.
G: Yeah, that shit was crazy, too. I mean for me, specifically, like, I'm I'm fluent in English, obviously, but being fluent in English in a way that people who don't also speak Filipino can understand is different than being fluent in like, English the way I was at the time. When you're thinking, "Oh, I'm speaking English, but if I slip a Filipino word here and there, the person will still understand me," that's different from like, speaking entirely in English. And like, it was very very very like- I was so scared that someone was going to point out my accent, [C: Aww!] and it will like, destroy me completely, which is, you know. [C: Yeah.] I think I've grown out of that insecurity. [C: Mm.] And I think I'm funnier, too, because I'm less nervous about everything.
C: Hell yeah!
G: But yeah. Podcasting- It really was a journey. [C laughs] We were crazy to do this. But you know what?
C: It worked out.
G: It worked out. It will continue to work out, hopefully.
C: Yeah, yeah, I believe it. So yeah.
G: I believe it too.
C: [laughing] We've been talking about ourselves for so long. Maybe- It really is an extravaganza.
G: I love to talk about myself.
C: This is true.
G: Well, that's actually the end of it. We- I love how we like, ranked this- I mean, I ranked the questions, [C: Ordered.] but like, I ordered the questions to be like, most relevant to the show to the least relevant to the show Good Omens, [laughs] but now it just seems like I left the "What are Crystal and Grey's backstory is?" like, for last, because it's the most important. [both laughing] [C: Yeah.] Well, maybe it is.
C: What if it is?
G: What if it is so? So- yeah.
C: Okay. Oh my god, we're not gonna talk to- like, we're not gonna do this for like, four year now.
G: RubbishPod, yeah.
C: Some people like, are only RubbishPod listeners, so we won't see them for four years.
G: Yeah. I know a lot of you guys don't listen to BABPod.
C: Oh my god, that's so sad! Yeah. I will miss the asks.
G: That's so sad. Yeah, because we do get a lot more Tumblr asks and interactions like that with Rubbish.
C: Yeah, just 'cause every episode of Good Omens is important, so there's things to say about them.
G: Yeah, and BABPod is like "whatever" per episode. [C laughs] Even though I think we do have a little more listeners generally in BABPod, like, immediately. But you know, it's a different kind of show. Which is fine. It's completely fine. But it was fun to like, interact with, like, every single ask as if it was like, a [laughing] theological debate that we were having. It was really fun! Like, truthfully, yeah.
C: Yeah. This was like a 24/7 engagement for me. Yeah, 'cause we were like, talking about the episode all the time throughout the week [G: To each other, yeah.] too, and I was reading like, Good Omens fic all the time during the week, too. But, like, it was great. It was great to have like, a honeymoon with Good Omens for 3 months.
G: Yeah, that's what it felt like, yeah.
C: And it was great that all of you audience people were there. 'Cause, yeah. It was very nice to answer the asks and like, think more about character interpretations and shit like that with all of you. So.
G: It's less about like, the actual the doing it and more like, the mental like, [C laughs] [C: Yeah.] state that you have to be in to do it, which is, for me and Crystal, it really was like, I wake up in the morning, [both laughing] I message Crystal about Aziraphale and Crowley. [C: Yeah.] Like, it was that serious for us. It was crazy! This time was crazy!
C: Yeah. Yeah. And I look forward to doing it again in four years, or however long it takes for Season 3.
G: Do you think it will take four years?
C: Um, he's writing it right now.
G: Yeah. If he finishes writing it by- I think maybe it'll take longer, actually.
C: I would rather he take his time to write it, given that [G: It's the last one, yeah.] Season 2 was bad and it was written fast. In some amount of years. [G: Some amount of years.] Unless it gets cancelled, [laughs] which would be really funny.
G: If it gets cancelled- it would be so funny if this is our last like, [laughs] episode, and like, all of it is just like, "Oh my god! See you guys in four or so years!" [C: Yeah.]And it just never happens.
C: Yeah, well, let's hope that that is not the case. [G: Yeah.]
That's it for this week's episode of Rubbish and Probably a Podcast. Next time, in four years, we'll be talking about Season 3, Episode 1, which will probably be titled "Fucking Raw in the Street." [both laugh] Leave us a rating or a review wherever you get your podcasts!
G: Follow us on social media. We interact through the social media set up for our Supernatural podcast, Busty Asian Beauties, so we're on Tumblr at bustyasianbeautiespod@gmail- Ah, bustyasianbeautiespod.tumblr.com, and you can email us at bustyasianbeautiespod.gmail.com. No, it's- [both laugh] bustyasian- No. [laughing] What the fuck is our email? bustyasianbeautiespod@g-
C: bustyasianbeauties@- [email protected].
G: @gmail.com. Well, okay, and I would like to say that just because we have released our final episode, you can still message us. We'll still reply sincerely.
C: Oh, yeah, you should still ask us things about Good Omens. [G: Yes.] Yeah, literally, if it's two years later and you have a thought about Aziraphale and Crowley, [G: Yeah.] and you're like, "I want to hear Crystal and Grey's opinion on this," like, I will be there. [laughs]
G: Yeah. And also like, there are times throughout this recording that, like, our opinions have changed, so probably, like, some of the stuff we say here probably will change also. [C: Yeah.] That's just how thoughts go. [C: Yeah.] And, you know, contact us. We love the interactions. Really. [C: Yeah. Yeah.] Thank you.
C: Thanks to everyone who's donated to our Ko-Fi at ko-fi.com/bustyasianbeautiespod. See you guys next time in four fucking years! [both] Bye!
[Garageband version of Buddy Holly’s “Everyday” plays]
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