#(which btw are more his area of expertise)
badgerhuan · 7 months
Mitsurugi took the bear and went to find Itonokogiri, and they investigated the origins of the bear together.
In Saraba, Gyakuten (Farewell, My Turnabout), Itonokogiri helps Naruhodou and Harumi figure out that Fujimino's hotel room had been planted with a spy camera. And then, he decided to help by investigating the origins of the camera, to see if they can figure out who bought it. It might take all night, but he's determined to do it, and promises Naruhodou that he'll have the answer by morning.
After he leaves the room, fired up about his new task, the following happens:
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Harumi: But. Keiji-san, is such a nice person. Harumi: For Mayoi-sama's sake, pushing himself that hard... ???: ...though the way he's going about it is completely reckless. Naruhodou: (...that voice...!) Mitsurugi: Excuse me. ...I overheard you talking. Naruhodou: ...Mi-Mitsurugi...!
Mitsurugi appears, cutting in at just the right time to comment on Itonokogiri's behavior, with a smile on his face.
After he informs Naruhodou that a taskforce has been assemble to find Mayoi, Mitsurugi then goes to check on the bear, commenting that it's a rare, high-class brand that only a few gets imported to Japan. He checks the time, commenting that it's not too late. He then takes the bear from Naruhodou and leaves.
Naruhodou and Harumi leave as well, furthering their own investigation into Fujimino's murder. It's not until much later that Naruhodou suddenly gets a phonecall from Itonokogiri.
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Itonokogiri: It's not good! Itonokogiri: I'll...I'll be back at the office soon! Naruhodou: Wh-what happened- Itonokogiri: Something unbelievable has happened! Itonokogiri: Mitsurugi-kenji was, uh... Naruhodou: (Mitsurugi...?) Itonokogiri: Anyway, hurry and come back! Itonokogiri: I, don't know what's what anymore! It's bad! It's finished! I am- Phone: ...beep... Naruhodou: ...huh, he got cut off.
Itonokogiri's call gets cut short in the middle of his panicked ramble. It's as if someone had hung up the phone for him before he could spiral too far. Also, he lets slip Mitsurugi's name before seemingly catching himself.
When Naruhodou and Harumi get back to the office, this is what Itonokogiri greets them with:
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Itonokogiri: You're too late! Mitsurugi-kenji already left!
We know from the start of the phone call that when he made the call, he wasn't at the office yet, and there seemed to be someone else with him. And now, he's talking as if Naruhodou would've been able to also meet Mitsurugi if he had come back to to the office sooner. This would imply that up until Itonokogiri got back to the office, the person who had been with him the entire time is Mitsurugi.
And, most decisively, Itonokogiri is not only carrying the camera and transmitter he took from the hotel room, but also the bear and all the items related to its investigation. When Naruhodou asks him about the bear, he says:
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Itonokogiri: I met with the clerk of the department store. Itonokogiri: This is the credit card receipt. Itonokogiri: ...38000 yen. That's exactly the cost of that bear. Naruhodou: ...receipt...? Itonokogiri: Of course, it's not just the receipt. I also got the clerk's testimony. Itonokogiri: "I'm sure I sold it to Outorou"...that's what they testified. Itonokogiri: On top of that, it seems that the clerk also got a signature. Itonokogiri: The one who bought the bear, is definitely Outorou!
Not only does Itonokogiri say that he met the clerk, he was also able to quote the clerk directly. This proves that he definitely has met the clerk in person.
After this, Itonokogiri gives Naruhodou back all three pieces of evidence he had on him: the camera, the transmitter....and, the bear, which he had somehow came in possession of.
In conclusion, what we can infer happened:
Mitsurugi overheard the entire conversation about the spy camera and the transmitter in the bear, and saw Itonokogiri rush out of the hotel room, razor focused on his new task: finding out who bought the camera.
Mitsurugi knew, instantly, that as much as Itonokogiri's determination was in the right place, that that search would be a fruitless one. So he went into the room, commented with a smile that Itonokogiri was being reckless, and immediately went to confirm that the bear was as rare as he thought it was.
Once he was sure, Mitsurugi hauled the giant ass bear with him, and went and found Itonokogiri, somehow. He could've left Itonokogiri running around the city looking into the camera all night...but he didn't. Instead, he looked for him, found him, and gave him the bear and told him to look into it, steering him in the right direction.
Together, they headed to the department store and found out who bought the bear. Upon learning the disturbing truth, Itonokogiri called Naruhodou in a panic, and before he could spiral too far, Mitsurugi intervened and hung up the phone for him.
Then, together, they made it back to Naruhodou Law Office, with the bear and the receipt. After making sure everything was in order, Mitsurugi left before Naruhodou came back.
Even when they're not working together anymore, even when Itonokogiri had been fired, even when Mitsurugi has no obligation to Itonokogiri anymore, they still went and found each other. Still worked together. They fall in step with each other so naturally. I doubt either one of them even thought twice about it.
bonus, when Mitsurugi says that looking into the camera would be fruitless, he says:
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"The camera that the hasty keiji-kun took with him is no clue."
I need everyone who hasn't played the game in Japanese to understand, that Mitsurugi only ever uses "-kun" for people younger than him. And the only other person he's used the "occupation+kun" combination to refer to is Naruhodou, as bengoshi-kun, in the courtroom, whenever he thinks Naruhodou is being naive. This is the only time he's ever referred to Itonokogiri as such, and 1) at this point, Itonokogiri isn't a keiji anymore, and 2) he doesn't say this within Itonokogiri's earshot.
He's unable to stop thinking of Itonokogiri as a keiji (which is, in Japanese, very specifically a police detective), and he doesn't let Itonokogiri hear this half-affectionate nickname that he knows Itonokogiri would understand as an insult.
bonus 2, before Mitsurugi leaves the hotel room with the bear, Naruhodou stops him:
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Naruhodou: Why...? What on earth are you planning! Mitsurugi: ............ Mitsurugi: I'm not interested in explaining myself to someone who can't understand.
He doesn't explain anything to Naruhodou, knowing he wouldn't understand. This would imply that whoever he does tell about the bear and what to do with it is someone he knows can understand him.
Itonokogiri has always been able to understand him.
And he personally saw to it that Itonokogiri is the one to figure this out and deliver Naruhodou the news.
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belphiesreverie · 1 year
Hi hiii if its ok can I request a yandere Malleus, Idia, Leona, and Vil
with a darling that keeps on asking for a sign from god or in this case one of the great sevens if they should continue to have feeling for their current crush (w/c is not them rn btw-) or nah?
And them just doing stuff that's basically like a sign from the sevens that they should give up on their crush (lololol that would be kinda funny haha)
Yes ofc, this is such a fun idea!! Tysm for the request! 💕💕
TW: yandere behaviour, manipulation
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This type of thing really isn’t Leona’s area of expertise. He’s much more of a “get rid of it at the source” type of person
So instead of leaving subtle hints and omens that you should move on, he thinks it’ll be much more effective to hear it directly from your crush
Of course, figuring out how to convince your crush to blatantly admit they don’t like you isn’t hard whatsoever for Leona. It’s a quick and simple solution
However, it’s also quite a harsh way of going about it but Leona is sure he can use your heartbreak in an effective manner as well
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Vil has a lot of strengths, and one of those strengths is knowing a lot about body language and how to read it. It’s a skill he picked up from his acting career and he’s very open about it
So it doesn’t seem that strange to you when Vil slips in little remarks about what some body language reveals about how someone is feeling in conversations with you
He’ll talk about a large variety of people so you don’t notice what he’s trying to do when he brings up that your crushes body language insinuates they’re interested in someone they’re talking to
He might also slip in a little something about disconnect in their body language when you’re talking to them every so often. Surely these snippets of information will count as signs to you
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The internet will be Idia’s best friend on this endeavour, and he’ll use all the hacking tricks in the book to make this work
He tries his best to make the transition seem natural, starting out with one or two ad’s labelled “is he the one for you?” which if clicked will lead you to a rigged quiz that will always tell you it’s destined to fail
Then he’ll take it up a notch, messing with your algorithm a little bit to show you videos of confession horror stories, and more and more ‘signs’ that your current crush isn’t the one for you will start showing up every time you look at your phone
And just as the icing on the cake, he’ll try to give himself a little head start by showing you video’s and ad’s talking about how your destined soulmate is a reclusive computer whizz
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He’ll offhandedly mention that you’re looking for signs to Lilia and suddenly the whole of Diasomnia is on the case to make you give up on your crush
In the halls, all anyone seems to be talking about is romance and quite a few people are mentioning how your crush has a type that’s completely opposite to you or is already in a secret relationship
You’ll be sleeping peacefully and like 7 Diasomnia students will be whispering subliminal messages to you in your sleep that your crush hates you or that Malleus is your soulmate
Even Silver came up to you and told you about a prophetic dream he had about you being rejected and humiliated by your crush. Malleus is obviously not going to be doing anything to stop this any time soon
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allicat0 · 5 months
i loved your poe fic!
could you write a fic with captain rex maybe
one with a female jedi reader who sucks him off in a storage closet while they try not to get found out by the rest of the 501st
and maybe the helmet stays on…
Swear you’ll never tell
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♡ Ans: Thank you so much, that’s so kind! Also, totally! I’ll give it my best shot, thanks so much for requesting btw.
♡ Summary: when you and a certain Clone meet every now and again to help each other out you must commence in secrecy. (Also I made captain Rex a little mean in this one, which I know isn’t exactly him. But I think of his sternness is more job driven)
♡ Content: MDNI, 18+, afab, smut, blowjobs, face-fucking, oral, praise, Hand-job,
♡ A/N: okay because I was kicking my feet giggling while writing this, I love captain Rex! Hope you guys enjoy!
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There was no doubt that Captain Rex's presence brought a sense of reassurance and stability. His years of experience and leadership were evident in the way he could effortlessly fall back into the rhythm of operations without trouble. There was a certain aura of calm competence that surrounded him, a quiet assurance that everything would be handled with precision and expertise now that he was back. His familiar voice, filled with determination and resolve, cut through the air of the corridors of the ship as he caught up on the latest developments and seamlessly integrated himself back into the fold. The camaraderie and trust that had been so easily built between you and the rest of his squadron over countless missions were reaffirmed in that moment, constantly reminding us all of the strength he had over this team.
Rex carried himself with respectable manners, but under all the layers presenting himself as a good soldier, there was a secret he’d been struggling to keep. Rex doesn’t like to lie and the weight of a lie weighs heavily on the soul. Oddly enough there's a strange comfort in the familiarity of a secret, a twisted sense of control in knowing something others do not. But beneath his facade of composure lies a sea of emotions, a constant battle between the desire to confess and the fear of consequences, each day adding another layer to the intricate web of deception.
But despite his fear of getting caught he couldn’t help coming back to you each and every time he needed help dealing with. .unfinished business. When he returned back from his mission it didn't take long for him to get his hands on you, pulling you into the closest private area the two of you could find. As a Jedi, it is said that you must be faithful to the spirit of code, putting one’s selfish desires first is against the way of force. A Jedi must follow in order to stay true to oneself, especially when it comes to romantic relations. Though it was said if it was a pure attachment, there was no harm. So what's the problem in having a little fun?
So there you were, hiding away somewhere throughout the ship, in a cramped storage closet down on your knees for your second in command with his cock in hand. How it was a sight to see. You leaned in and placed a soft kiss against the tip of his cock causing it to jerk from the sensation. “I’ve missed you” You said to him softly. Rex looked down at you, watching as you would specifically choose the next spot to place a kiss on his cock, paying close attention, each time waiting for the impact of your soft lips to meet his sensitive shaft. “Mphm i’ve missed you too” He said through the back of his throat doing his best to keep any unwanted sounds to escape as he spoke back to you, the last thing he wanted was for people to hear the two of you through the door.
These moments that were shared between you and Rex were never rushed, especially if it had been some time since the two of you last saw each other, you made sure to give him whatever it was he possibly wanted. Your lips hollowed around the head of his cock, your tongue sliding against the base, feeling each and every one of the veins running along the base, pulsing with every stroke. You were always so gentle, but sometimes too gentle. . to patient. Don’t get him wrong Rex loved how much care you put into pleasing him but sometimes, all he wanted was to throat fuck you, watching as your tears streamed down you face, drooling like crazy over his cock.
His hands would travel down to the back of your head. Reaching down, his fingers entangling with your hair. Rex was growing impatient and wanted to see just how much control he could have over this situation. He started pushing your head further down the length of his cock, directing your head, forcing it to pick up to pace. The sudden push caused you to choke down on him, but unlike normally he didn’t let you back up for air. He needed to throat fuck you and your pretty face.
Rex’s hips began helping with the process, thrusting himself deeper into the back of your throat, the tears in your eyes began to brim from the constant gagging. “Awh fuck, such a good girl for me” He spoke out to you in a breathy groan, doing his best to keep quiet. Your hands gripped onto his thighs tight, your nails digging into his flesh doing your best to gain some traction. As he continued to pump into the back of your throat, it wasn’t long before you began rapidly patting his thighs, signalling him to let you breathe. Rex pulled his cock out of your mouth, you gasped out for air as strings of saliva broke from the separation. You grabbed the base of his cock, and continued to pump it rapidly as you caught your breath. After a quick breather you were ready to put his cock back in your mouth, he was quick to grab the back of your head, thrusting himself back into the depths of your throat once more.
“Look at me,” he said sternly and that you did. You were obedient, you listened to his command, it drove him insane. “Such a good girl, Look how well you take my cock” Rex said praising you, his words caused your stomach to flutter, his praise was enough to make you cum alone. You looked up at him through your lashes, tears streaming down your face, this was a sight to see and if he was honest he didn’t want it to end not now, not ever. His head rolled back, clenching his jaw as his breathing became hitched. Rex pushed your head back quickly, giving you just enough time for you to get a breath of air before pushing you back down on him once again. His gaze never left the sight of his thick cock getting buried deep into the back of your throat, as he rammed himself into you.
“Ah. thats it baby” he groaned, his thrusts were becoming sloppy, you could feel it, he was growing close, getting ready to shoot his cum down the back of your throat. Muffled moans escaped your mouth, sending vibrations throughout his cock “shit “ he cursed under his breath, he wasn't sure how much longer he could keep going, he was getting closer by the second.
He pulled back, freeing you, allowing you to breathe. His one hand gripped his cock jerking himself off while the other moved up to your face, his thumb placing it against your lips, forcefully opening your mouth. His thumb pressed down on your tongue holding your mouth open. Rex was on the edge getting ready to release, in a few quick movements he placed his cock just above your mouth. “Stick your tongue out for me baby” he asked you softly and that you did. Sticking your tongue out, watching as he gave his cock a few more pumps feeling his hot cum fall onto your tongue. Rex let out a few loose pants before his hands gripped your hair, pulling your head back to get a better view of your face. “swallow” closing your mouth you did what you were told and swallowed his cum. A smirk coming across his face, releasing your hair and gripping your face squishing your cheeks together “good girl” he pushed your face away from his hands.
Rex was swift to clean himself up, putting the bottom half of his armour back on. He looked down at you, still there on your knees. “Get cleaned up, we have a meeting to attend” and just like that, he opened the storage closet door, slipping out and leaving you there in your own thoughts
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@allicat0 signing off . .
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synthleeius · 9 months
august slipped away (into a moment of time)
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taylor swift reference sorry im unoriginal
i am so sorry for this btw this is mt first time writing for tighnari if it doesnt sound like him at all do not continue to read it and hold it against me forever 😁🫶😋😝
(theres not alot of tickling but um. 💔)
Tighnari sighed as he looked at the other, who was currently laid out on the small cot they kept in the infirmary. He thanked the archons that Collei had found the well-known Traveller on the paths of the forest momentarily after he had passed out. He was waiting for him to awake before he did any serious examinations, but from what he saw from glancing along the vital areas he could say with confidence he’ll be fine. (Atleast, that's what he told a worried Collei..)
His ears straightened up immediately when he heard Aether stirr, his eyes fluttering half open with a groan. He moved to sit up, too quickly he may add, pressing a hand to his temple.
Tighnari stood up and moved over to his side, gently placing a hand on his shoulder to steady the fragile figure. “Hey, easy..” he murmured soothingly, his voice filled with concern. “Collei tells me you took quite a fall. Are you dizzy at all?”
Aether paused for a second, processing the recent events. “..um, a bit, I think?"
The fox thought for a moment, before reaching for the cup of water he had prepared when the other was brought in. “Here, take a sip. It’ll help with the lingering dizziness.”
“Thanks..” The blonde spoke, taking the glass with both hands in fear it’ll spill. He took a slow sip, blinking away the blurriness in his eyes. Tighnari nodded, taking the glass back with ease. “Now.. more importantly, do you remember what happened?”
“Yeah, it.. just..- sorry.” He chuckled, trying to speak and form his thoughts into words at the same time. He was still adjusting, after all. “I was looking for materials, these flowers. I think I just stood up too fast, and I started to see black dots.. yknow?”
Tighnari listened attentively, his brows furrowing with concern as he pieced together what happened. “Hm.. I’ve heard that a few times, actually. Well.. that isn’t surprising, because I assure you I’ve heard it all.”
Aether laughed softly, “I’m sure you have, ‘nari.” As he was talking, he shifted himself to sit facing the other.
“But.. It sounds like you're describing a combination of a sudden change of position and low blood sugar. Can I ask the last time you’ve eaten?”
“I-.. huh.” He began to speak before cutting himself off, thinking for a moment. “Yesterday.. midday-ish?”
Tighnari sighed, his ears twitching. “Now, that plays a part of the problem. You have to make sure you're taking care of yourself before you go out on your adventures, or things like this happen.”
“In my defence, I wasn’t ad-.. Okay, okay.” He paused when he looked up to see Tighnari staring at him with a specific look, putting his hands up in defence.
“So, what now? You’ve given me your little lecture, I'm not dizzy anymore.. I can go, right?” He said as he let his arms fall to his sides, leaning forward a bit.
“Hah, funny.” Tighnari half-scoffed, standing up straight before continuing. “I still have to make sure you're completely okay, physically. It's one of the many, many rules here.”
“Is that necessary? I mean.. aren’t you a botanist?” Aether tilted his head in confusion, a part of him trying to convince Tighnari to forget about the technicalities.
“Oh trust me, I know.” He huffed, turning to pick up a piece of paper behind him. “I majored in botany, and helping people grow a brain is not my area of expertise.”
“Rude, but fair.” Is all he replied with, watching as the fox turned back around with the said paper in his hands as he skimmed the information. “So.. You fell, which means I have to check your head, and limbs. Fun, right?”
“I’m ecstatic right now, can’t you tell?” Aether said in a deadpanned tone, glancing off for a second before returning his attention to the other. “Yeah? Well, maybe It’ll convince you to take better care of yourself.”
“Okay.. tilt your head down for me.” Not giving him a chance to reply to his comment, he carded a hand through the other hand in search of any dried blood or cuts. “A headache is to be expected.. but are you experiencing any other sort of pain?”
“Not really.” He shifted slightly, but stayed mostly still. “If you mess my hair up, you're redoing it.”
Tighnari simply laughed at his comment, rolling his eyes. “Uhuh..” However, Aether barely heard him and was more focused on his hand. The soft touch travelled to the back of his head, dangerously close to the back of his neck. In response, his back tensed up as he tilted his head back up. “Sohorry- it just felt weird.”
The other looked at him with a knowing look, a smug smile forming on his face. “Just weird?” He asked, before picking up the paper again and jotting something down. “Mhm.”
“I’m sure.. put your arms out.” Aether did as he was told, holding his arms out with his wrists facing up. “Any pain?”
“No- ow!” He yelped, pulling his arm back as soon as Tighnari began gently squeezing starting from the top. “Okay, a little pain.."
“Hm..” He hummed, inspecting the area. “It’s only a bruise, no need to fret.”
“I wasn’t, you just scared the shit out of me-hah! - Nahari!” He yelped as he felt a hand squeeze his side, jolting back. “Watch your language, I’m not sure where Collei is.”
“Obviously not here- wait! Sorry, I'm sohorry!” he gasped as the hand inched closer again, causing him to giggle in anticipation.
“That's what I thought. Now, stay still. You're squirming a awful lot for somebody who wants this over and done with.” Tighnari said smugly, continuing down his arms before leading them to lay down to his torso.
“Everything seems okay.. Can you stand?” He moved back so the traveller could get up, watching as he stood with ease. “Hm.. No, don't think so.” Aether replied, looking at Tighnari with a faked look of confusion.
“You're hilarious.” All the other said in response, rolling his eyes half-heartedly. “I know, right? Am I as funny as Cyno, Tighnari?”
“hah.. you're just as immature as he can be, Aether.”
“But you still laughed~” Aether teased, crossing his arms over his chest with that stupid, smug smile on his face.
“I can think of a couple of ways to make you join me.” He said in a calm and collected tone, watching as the other stuttered slightly at his words. “Oh, so now you're a comedian?”
“Did you think that I’m joking?” Tighnari looked up with that glint in his eyes, before writing a few more things down that Aether couldn’t be bothered to snoop at.
“Annd.. done. You're free to go.”
“I said you're done. Apologies for holding you up.” He said, folding the paper and setting it on the chair. “But you said that-..”
“What? Were you expecting something, perhaps?” Aether huffed under his breath, glancing away momentarily to collect himself. “Tighnari.”
With a laugh, Tighnari rolled his eyes and took a step closer. “I’m kidding, I'm kidding.. come here."
“..Stop looking at me like that.” He replied but still took a step forward. “Well, you just asked me to tickle you, so I have to look at you some way.”
“I did nohot-!” He yelped softly when he felt sharp nails scratching up his hips, unfortunately Tighnari was careful not to dig into him.. which in response just produced a barely-there tingling sensation.
He flinched forward, deciding if he was gonna end up falling over he’d drag the fox down with him. After jolting into the other’s hold, he pressed his face into hiding. this is his fault after all. Him and his stupid nails, and smug smile.. Aether was gonna get him back, just.. not right now. Convenient, right?
“Don't deny it,” He laughed softly at Aether’s attempt, pressing his thumb into the back of his ribs as his fingers wiggled into the front of the bones. “You definitely did.”
“Thahats- nohot fair! Yohour a liar! Lying!” He wailed, his frantic giggled morphing into intoxicating laughter at the change of spots. “No need to be so defensive.. Laughing is good for you, actually. When you laugh, it relieves your stress re-”
“I dohohon’t cahahare!” Aether cut him off, his hands finding Tighnari’s wrists and holding them in place. Tighnari simply sighed, before moving his nails to spider down his stomach. The movement resulted in a sudden cackle, ceasing any backtalk entirely.
“As I was saying before I was interrupted..” He said with a tone of fake annoyance, before continuing to speak on the matter. It only lasted a minute, maybe two, before Aether pushed at his chest as hard as he could in his position.
“so- oh, hello again. What's so funny?” He asked with a knowing tone, stilling his hands momentarily. “I.. hahahahate yohohou..” He giggles, taking in heavy breaths of air.
“I’m sure you do.” Tighnari chuckled, “but here you are."
“sahahadly, yes.” He sighed happily, his relief cut off before the soft touch started up again and scribbled along his mid-back and up his spine.
The gentle sensation sent shivers through his body, rocking himself left to right slightly to try and rid of them. "yohohour nails ahare hohorible, by the wahay."
"For you, maybe. I can see why, it would be a lot bearable if they were shorter." Tighnari assessed, drawing soft circles with his fingertips.
"noho shihit," Aether replied sassily, but his rapid giggling made sure it came off with no ill intent.
Soon enough the fingers came to a stop, replaced with a palm rubbing the ghost tickles away. "Hm.. Well, I can't let you laugh too hard.. you could get lightheaded. You've had enough, surely?"
"yohour cruehehel.. yes."
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Mew is becoming my favorite character
Only friends is in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM my area of expertise but mAaaan this scene
The Tumblr version of Mew is becoming more canon every day. He literally has TOP held BY THE DICK. I don't think it's unintentional how Mew grabs and pulls him. He's in control. He's using sex to manipulate him even when he realized withholding it might not be useful anymore. He has his hand down his pants and that's the position of power he wants to be in. It's on his own terms, and he's not letting TOP penetrate him, which implies a situation where he's more vulnerable.
Am I reading too much into this dick-grab? Maaaaaybe, but maybe I am nOt.
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Here's the gif version btw
If the staff want to censor ART it's their problem
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ghoulodont · 10 months
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thoughts about these teeth images below
A: you can see how UL4 is a little bit palatal here, also the tiny space between UL3 UL4
B: this is one of the only clear photos i found of his right side for some reason. UR2 looks almost level with UR1 but i think its just the camera angle. his flat canine is interesting, it makes it hard to tell what angle its at and also makes me curious about his occlusion (notice his lower teeth are not visible in any of these pictures). the color of UR4 makes me wonder if theres an amalgam filling in it but thats not my area of expertise. hes smiling at a naked statue btw
C: i cant believe this picture exists and i lost my mind when i found it. his arch shape is tapered, narrow in the front and wider in the back. despite how many teeth appear to be in this image you can only barely see his molars (in part due to the low contrast)
D: here you can again see his arch is fairly narrow in the anterior. U3-3 is well aligned regardless. canines distally rotated because of the arch shape. looks like palatal torque on U4s, more on UR4 than UL4
E: this picture is what inspired me to pursue this entire creepy activity because it totally looks like you can see molars but you cant actually distinguish anything because of the shadow. if you turn up the contrast its just noise. anyway you can see the UL3 UL4 gap
F: UR2 & its relationship with UR1 is clearly visible
G: hehe :3
H: you can see the vertical leveling, UR2 higher than surrounding teeth (though its slightly exaggerated by the angle, compare image B where its diminished by the angle). his premolars are so pointy. on his U1s it could just be how they are and always have been but i think you can see a little bit of wear on the mesioincisal from the infamous lip piercing. its hard to tell but i think his midline is centered if not slightly to his left, which because he has (just a little) crowding on the right and (just a little) spacing on the left makes me curious where his molars are
I: i like his very functional use of the UR2 here. you can see the lip piercing wear like image H
J: based on images C and D we can tell that the visible part of UL5 here is the palatal cusp. you can see the buccal torque on UR2. i feel like this image should help me understand the tip/torque of UR3 (see also image B) but the camera angle is so odd that i actually still have no idea whats going on
K: UR2 buccal torque is very clear as well as the UL3 UL4 gap (i would guess maybe 0.2 or 0.3 mm). his U2s are the same size if not wider than his U3s which is not very common (see also image B). you can maybe see the wear from the lip piercing again
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almrudolfxiv · 3 months
dawntrail, l94-96 questing
mandatory tuliyollal image deployed
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Before I say anything, let me preface this by mentioning that I told Bern: "No matter what happens when we learn of Bakool Ja Ja, I'm going to be thinking about the Sad Backstreet's Back piano."
Anyways, Mamook!
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Lovely place. Tragic place.
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Honestly, I had a sinking feeling about what that dark secret was ever since I saw the jars, but I wasn't sure of the nature of it. Just that it's likely a lot of Bakool Ja Ja's siblings did not make it. How, I was not sure.
Seeing him actually start his arc to be on the straight and narrow was heartening, as was the fact that we all know that while Bakool Ja Ja had his reasons, he still has amends to make. Not just to us as Wuk Lamat's groupies, but the people he harmed in his desperation to win. I think he means to do so, really.
Learning of the plight of Mamook, and what we could do to help them, was neat. The mass amount of species amassed for the exodus finally get to be used in a tangible and helpful way on the star that was saved, which is neat. I want to see what the people there have to say once I'm done with the expansion.
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I think it's significant he apologized tbh.
(Yes, the entire time, even if the whole thing was tragic, I was thinking about sad backstreet's back piano. Sorry Bakool Ja Ja)
I was surprised by Zareel Ja's willingness to accept the offered solution, somewhat, but I think anyone would be a fool to say no to crops that can actually grow in their forest.
And then, the dungeon. I had a bunch of fun. Then accidentaly killed myself on the last boss the first time he did his punch kb. I honestly did not see the indicator on the floor, since I had placed myself where I could barely see anything with the boss model looming over me. Hilarious first death where I could say 'perfect legend btw'. 10/10. Lots of fresh mechanics here.
The reward, then.
I was super uninterested in the city of gold from the get go, but I was also surprised that we got to actually get to it so soon. I was wondering if we would spend some time in the expansion on this actual search for the city of Gold, and maybe travel north for it as the Yok Huy did, but I should have gone with my gut that it had to be in the south. After all, the legend of El Dorado did start and mostly take place in South America, it'd have made little sense to place it north if you really wanted to base it on that. The revelations that came after the events that transpire while we're doing the spaghetti western bit, though, make it at least a little more interesting. A portal to another shard... some huge shit.
I kind of miss the storybeats already of learning and appreciating the cultures of Tural, but said spaghetti western bit was pretty fun. We officially left the area of expertise I had with pronounciation.. but not by much. I don't really have a hard time figuring out how most is said, frankly. The 'cop is actually part of the bandits' storybeat was one I was expecting from go, but I'm familiar with the genre... particularly the mexican brand of westerns and some spaghetti westerns.
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I had fun on this short jaunt where it's just us and Erenville doing some stunts and letting the locals save the day.
And then the shoe dropped. When I saw the quest name as the train was about to depart, I kept telling Bern over call I had a BAD feeling about it. And boy were my expectations not even enough to cover all the shit that went down the toilet once those cutscenes played. With all that tragedy, I was half expecting Source Magnus to lose his wife.
Instead, we got the worse version where the red flags I had been seeing all over Gulool Ja Ja were taken down for a more mournful color. I did not need this so close to my own father's death, honestly. I'm still... taken aback, if anything. Like, I figured it'd happen, but I had hope that we were just getting the rug pulled under us and he'd live a happy and healthy full life (the half of him that was alive, anyway).
PS: I think it's dumb we did not intervene once Zarool Ja cheated death and started to augument himself. We should have. Pride be damned, that's cheating.
Here's where I mentioned I thought Zarool Ja's croney would live long enough to attempt betraying him, but I guess the man's not a fool to keep someone so shady around once his use is up. Kinda satisfying to see him go, but the enabling had gone on long enough and now the guy's a threat to everyone. And cheated to kill his dad. Had popped a damn reraise and all. (aside, I could not give less of a shit about that white bitch standing there watching the people get murdered)
Damn was the aftermath heartbreaking. The First Promise wanted to give a message but he sure was brutal about it. We knew him capable, but I did not think him ready to kill children. Parents. At least, not at this juncture.
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I, for one, was not happy to see G'raha back. Kinda hoped he'd stay gone and instead we got mom and dad Urianger and Thancred back on the saddle. I'll cope about it, just annoyed I had to tolerate his ass in the Alliance Raid and some of the void storyline. I'll get over it.
Anyway, scene at train and getting that sucker running to blast into the dome? Sick. Love to see folks working together after such a fucking tragic attack. I have a feeling the dungeon is coming up next, but maybe it'll be a duty instead...? We'll see. The speech before we left was also good, and I do like Bakool Ja Ja rising to the challenge to both help defend the city and rally the peoples. He may not have become Dawnservant, but he's coming onto his own!
Sidenote, but Ketenramm why did you keep those dumb rocks in your dumb house. Bury them somewhere or something.
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modernbeautyjournal · 8 months
BOTOX® Basics: Discover What It Does, How It Feels, What to Expect, and More
When you're in your 20s, it's easy to dismiss cosmetic procedures like BOTOX for fear of looking like an inflatable Barbie (we're looking at you, the Kardashians!). However, you might have a change of heart when wrinkles start creeping up on your face with age—prompting exploration of your options. When it comes to BOTOX®, NJ’s Dr. Carlos Burnett, a plastic surgeon providing the injectable at his practice, says the treatment offers something for just about everyone.
If you haven't been living under a rock or hibernating like a polar bear for the past decade or so, you've probably heard of BOTOX® and are wondering if it's worth the hype. Here’s the inside scoop on why BOTOX® is the answer to so many patients’ wrinkle woes.
Wrinkles develop for many reasons, many of them related to the fact that your skin loses elasticity and collagen as you age. That's when those pesky lines and wrinkles start to show up. While some creases and crinkles form on their own because of volume loss, others develop and deepen due to repetitive muscle activity: smiling, squinting, furrowing your brow—that sort of thing.
Enter BOTOX®, the brand name for an FDA-approved medication made from botulinum toxin. It was initially developed as a treatment for eyelid spasms, but was accidentally discovered to treat wrinkles as well. From there, it quickly catapulted into the world of aesthetics, becoming a household name over the years [1] since.
The Cost
The price of a BOTOX® treatment is influenced by several factors, such as location, the number of BOTOX® units required for treatment,      the specific facial area or areas being treated, and the experience of the injector.
When receiving BOTOX® from a skilled provider, the cost will be higher than if you opt for a budget medspa. (BTW, we definitely recommend going with the former! Deeply discounted services can do you more harm than good, since you get what you pay for—which is especially important when it comes to your face and health!) Injectors with greater expertise and those working in larger cities will typically charge more for their services.
It's worth noting that BOTOX® providers set their prices based on either the area being treated (for example, just the forehead or only the eye area as a fixed amount) or by the unit (measuring the quantity—Botox is available in 50 or 100 unit vials, and a single injection usually contains three to five units). 
The number of BOTOX® units needed will vary depending on your facial structure and the desired outcome (a higher number of units results in a more pronounced smoothing effect, while fewer units lead to a gentler softening effect).
Generally, you can anticipate paying between $19 and $25 per unit in larger cities, with prices dropping to as low as $10 per unit in smaller urban areas.
Other Uses
BOTOX® is primarily used for reducing and smoothing the appearance of wrinkles, but it also has other uses: It’s an effective treatment for migraines and excessive sweating (shout out to you there, sweaty hands and armpits!). It can also correct a lazy eye, overactive bladders, and neck spasms. It's even been researched as a way [2] to fight depression and significantly improve self-esteem!
How It Feels and the Process
We'll be honest: You will feel some slight pinches during the injection process. That said, if you've ever tried something like Brazilian waxing, BOTOX® is a walk in the park. Heck, Cosmopolitan’s writer and adoring fan of BOTOX® Lauren Balsamo likens BOTOX® to a tranquil spa treatment compared to Brazilian waxes.
While numbing cream is an option, it's not really necessary in terms of time or expense. Also, the entire procedure is incredibly fast. BOTOX® injections are usually completed in less than 15 min—so before you even realize that your face has been near a needle, it's already finished. Remember, the medication takes around five days to start working, so avoid getting BOTOX® done immediately before a big event or occasion! In other words, give yourself a little time for the wrinkles to start relaxing.
Aftercare Advice
Keep upright for the first four hours after having facial injectables, avoid swimming for two to three days, don't fly for 24 hours, avoid strenuous exercise for 12 hours, and avoid saunas for the next two weeks. These precautions can help prevent the spread of the ingredients to other areas of the face and maximize your results. From here, you can expect the effects to last for about three or four months, after which you can come back again for another round of injections to maintain your more youthful look!
Contact Burnett Plastic Surgery at 908-233-0200 or fill in a contact form if you'd like to learn more.
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breithenua · 1 year
So I was just watching an NCHammer23 video and when he was talking about Guy noticing TenTen has some skills in storing and summoning jutsus but was largely useless compared to other ninjas in her age group, I had a lightbulb go off in my head about 2 different ways in which TenTen could have been made stronger. Starting with Flying Raijin.
I know, I know, it's an incredibly chakra-taxing technique, and I don't think she'd be able to do it nearly to the extent that it's inventor and Minato could. Maybe 10 times per fight to make it believable. But think of how well it would complement her kenjutsu-only fighting style. Allow me to explain.
Minato used it largely for killing enemies up-close faster than they can react. Yeah, maybe TenTen could use it that way, but I think it would make more sense for her to use it in tandem with long-range throwing weapons. Think of her as essentially a ninja sniper that could teleport to another place on the battlefield as soon as enemies get close to her. In a 1vs1 fight this might not work out all that well in her favor, and especially not if it's just her fighting multiple enemies since she'd probably use up her chakra teleporting awayfrom enemies in no time. But keep in kind that she was usually teamed up with *3* close-range fighters, basically all 3 of them being monsters (yes even Neji, he was just a more defensively-oriented taijutsu specialist as opposed to Guy and Lee). All 3 of them would be amazing distractions on the battlefield to draw attention away from TenTen so she can concentrate on her throwing-weapon sniping capabilities. And Neji with his nearly 360° of vision and 800 or so meters in range in any direction, he could also be able to keep an eye on her situation and make sure enemies don't get too close to her. At least he could've done that for her until he died in the 4th Great Ninja War (rip).
Now for the other improvement: Medical Ninjutsu. Reminder, thanks to Tsunade, every team is supposed to have 1 medical ninjutsu specialist. Guy and Lee definitely wouldn't fit that role, and maybe Neji could but he's *not the best* for that role on that team, as he's still a close-combat type. Another reminder, Tsunade laid out the rule that medical ninja are not supposed to get up close and personal (unless you have that seal on her forehead thing but I digress). This suits TenTen perfectly, since she's a long-range fighter type. She stays out of sight and attacks from blind spots while the rest are drawing attention away from her, until her medical ninjutsu is needed. Someone on her team gets hurt and needs to be healed? She heads in and heals them, and the other 2 can defend her and the injured during that time.
But I'm not stopping by keeping the 2 improvements separate from each other. If she has both of the added skills I mentioned at once, she'd be able to use Flying Raijin *and* medical ninjutsu in tandem. Imagine not having to rush in and fight through waves of enemies to heal your allies, because you're able to just teleport to your injured teammate's side with a seal you personally placed on them before, saving precious seconds or minutes for treating them that could otherwise possibly cost them their lives.
And just like that, you make TenTen a really useful ninja. Not a powerhouse, and not someone that is made for 1v1 combat like a lot of the others, but she becomes one of the best support ninjas around, combining long-range attacks (and not the flashy kind that might be detected before they hit, btw), unpredictability and maneuverability, and basically being the team's white mage. And she *still* has her main area of skill and expertise in throwing weapons, she just has other skills to complement that.
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grailfinders · 2 years
Fate and Phantasms #13P: Robin Hood
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Today on Fate and Phantasms we’re rebuilding Robin Hood in Pathfinder 2e! Last time I rand into some complications with how to build Gil. I am very grateful for the people in the comments who gave me some tips, but boy am I happy that Robin’s a bit less involved. Making a thieving rogue a Thief Rogue is a snap. We’ll also pop into the Archer, Snarecrafter, and Poisoner archetypes to make him the crossbow-wielding saboteur we all don’t know and love.
Check out his build breakdown below the cut, or his character sheet over here!
Next up: Cat! I’m a kitty cat! And I dance dance dance, and I dance dance dance.
Ancestry and Background
Unless you’re addicted to Disney, Robin Hood is a Human, specifically a skilled human, giving him a boost to Dexterity and Intelligence as well as free training in Thievery, with expertise at level 5. You also gain some General Training off the bat to become a Pickpocket. This means that you can steal closely guarded objects without the usual penalty if it’s something easy to nick- you can even do so against a creature in combat if you’re a master thief, though it comes with a penalty and takes two actions.
At level 5 you become a Clever Improviser, letting you add half your level (or all of it past level 7 to untrained skill checks. You can even use training-required actions! You live out in the forest, you have to be pretty good at just about everything.
At level 9 you can use Group Aid to help out your merry men, using the same aid action to help multiple people do the same thing, like using your hands as a boost to scale a wall.
Speaking of merry men, at level 13 your Advanced General Training makes you one hell of a Hireling Manager, giving your hirelings a bonus to all skill checks without affecting the cost of their services.
Finally at level 17 we’ll get more general training to execute an Expeditious Search, letting you spend half as long to search any given area. Also, once you hit legendary in perception that time gets cut to one fourth.
Robin also fights against illegitimate kings a lot more than your common pickpocket, so I’ve decided to make him an Insurgent. This gives him a boost in Wisdom and Dexterity, training in Deception and Warfare lore, and the Lengthy Diversion feat- critically succeeding in creating a diversion means you’ll still stay hidden for at least one more round. More than enough time to put some distance between you and the sheriff of Nottingham.
Class Levels
1. Yeah, yeah, the man’s name is Robbin, obviously he’d be a Rogue. This gives you training in Stealth, Acrobatics, Nature, Survival, Athletics, Diplomacy, Medicine, and Forest Lore, as well as Performance, Society, Intimidation, and Arcana as your intelligence increases. On top of that, you’re also trained in unarmed and simple weapons, as well as the rapier, the sap, the shortbow, and the shortsword, as well as your Class DC and Fortitude saves. You’re also an expert in Perception, Reflex saves, and Will saves.
You also get an Ability Boost in Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, and Wisdom, and you’re good enough around traps to function as a Trap Finder. This gives you a +1 bonus to find traps, as well as a bonus to your AC and Saves against traps. You’re also able to find traps automatically without searching. You can also disable traps that need a rank higher in thievery, and once you’re a master you get a +2 bonus to boot.
You also pick up your Rogue’s Racket- your subclass, basically. As a Thief, your Key Ability is Dexterity, giving you another boost there, and you can use that dexterity while making melee finesse attacks. You also would get trained in thievery, but we’ll grab Crafting instead. That’s a secret tool for later.
Later is now, btw. You can use Crafting for Snare Crafting, letting you add recipes for four common snares to your formula book. Now You’ve got sabotage ready to go! For example, a trip snare can make a creature flat-footed, which feeds right into your next feature, Sneak Attack. Hit a flat-footed creature with an agile/finesse melee attack or a ranged attack, and you deal an extra 1d6 precision damage. That’ll grow as you level up, but even if you haven’t set up your snares you can always make a Surprise Attack if you used deception or stealth for initiative, since all creatures acting after you are flat-footed as far as you’re concerned.
2. At second level you can use a Quick Draw to attack and draw your weapon with the same action. You’re not exactly Billy the Kid, but playing fair was never your strong suit either. For further sneakiness, you become a Terrain Stalker to move through the Underbrush of Sherwood Forest a lot easier. While undetected, you can sneak without a check as long as you move 5’ per turn and don’t get too close to enemies. You can get up to 15’ without an issue, but more importantly you can use this to sneak away without worrying about a nat 1. We’ll still bump up your Stealth anyway though so we can get No Face May King. Eventually.
Finally, you may have noticed that rogues don’t get proficiency with any sort of crossbow, which puts a crimp in our plans. Or it would, if not for the Archer Dedication giving us proficiency with all Simple and Martial bows, plus the critical specialization with bows we’re an expert with. Unlike D&D, crossbows are the same kind of weapon as regular bows, so now you’ve got your signature weapon, along with any other bow you’d like to try.
3. At level 3 you can Deny Advantage to flanking creatures who are lower level than you are. Those random guards aren’t really a threat to you, conservation of ninjutsu and all. You’re also Streetwise, so you can use your society bonus to gather information, and you can recall knowledge to gather info from settlements you regularly hang out in. One huge benefit to the Merry Men- you have eyes and ears everywhere.
Sometimes you need to figure stuff out for yourself though, and Shadow Mark makes it easier for you to do so by giving people a penalty to notice you’re following them. We’ll also make your Crafting a bit stronger for more impressive sabotage.
4. At level 4, you can finally Poison Weapons, like your crossbow! It takes an action, and then you have until the end of your next turn to use the poisoned weapon, wasting the poison on a critical miss. You can also make your level in injury poisons each long rest. They only last the day, but hey it’s free poison.
You can also Quiet Allies while you sneak, letting you all use the same roll while sneaking. Again, natural ones suck, so the less chance you have to roll them the better. You get better at Deception, and you can make a Point-Blank Shot, adding a +2 bonus to damage against nearby enemies when you use your crossbow. Robin has some crazy damage for a 3-star, so we’re picking up hurt wherever we can this build.
5. At fifth level your Ability Boost bumps up your Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, and Wisdom. You also get a lot better at living in the woods, growing your Nature skill and becoming a Forager. If you use survival to subsist, you always get a success, and you can provide food for yourself and up to four creatures, or twice as much on a success. This’ll also double every time you increase your proficiency in survival, to eight, then 16, then 32. For now it’s just four though.
As far as weapons go, you learn some neat Weapon Tricks, making you an expert with rogue weapons (and bows), and now you can use the critical specialization of all of them! You only get the rogue CS when they’re flat-footed though. That being said, sticking a creature to the wall with an arrow is a classic Robin Hood move.
6. You’ve gotten so good at setting up ambushes that now you can Anticipate Ambushes by moving half your speed while exploring. If you do so, you use your perception for initiative, and any creatures using stealth take a -2 penalty to the roll.
You also learn how to put on a Quick Disguise, spending only 5 minutes to hide yourself, and getting faster each time you level up your deception. We’re leveling up Society right now though, but your deception’s also pretty good.
Finally, you are a Crossbow Terror, giving you another +2 bonus to damage with crossbows, and if you’re using a simple crossbow (like a hand crossbow is) you can bump up the damage die from a d6 to a d8! So even ignoring sneak attack and poison, your bolts are already getting pretty hefty!
7. Seventh level rogues get Evasion regardless of which game you’re playing, though here it makes you a master at reflex saves and your successes are always critical.
You also gain some Criminal Connections from your Merry Men, letting you make a society check to meet up with important criminals and ask for favors if you’re in a settlement you’ve made connections in.
You’re also sometimes a noble? Or maybe you’re just pretending to be one. Either way you have Courtly Graces, letting you use society to make impressions on nobles and impersonate them. Admittedly you still need deception to hide as a specific noble… and also your deception’s good anyway… but still, it’s in character.
We’ll also take a moment to make you a master in Stealth with your skill increase, as well as perception thanks to your Vigilant Senses. Finally, your Weapon Specialization lets you do even more damage with weapons you’re good with. Hey, like crossbows! At this point you’re doing more flat damage with your crossbow than dice damage.
8. At level eight your Improved Poison Weapon doubles the damage of those piddly damage poisons you’ve got knocking around, and critical failures don’t get rid of poison on a weapon. You can also Swift Sneak around at full speed to keep your distance after delivering some of that sweet sweet death juice.
Finally, you’re a master at Crafting now, which will help as we pick up the Snarecrafter Dedication, which lets you make up to 6 snares per day for absolutely free. Now you’ve got a properly impressive number of ways to mess up someone’s day.
9. At level nine you get the Debilitating Strike free action, which you can use while dealing damage to a flat-footed creature, either reducing their speed or enfeebling them for a round. Looks like I spoke too soon last level. Now you have an impressive number of day-messing-up techniques.
You also have Great Fortitude, making you an expert in fortitude saves, and you’re also a master of Thievery. Finally, you can now make Discreet Inquiries, since being obvious about asking around on how to rob a rich guy is liable to get you thrown in jail. When you gather information, people trying to gather information about you gathering information have to beat your deception dc to do so. Don’t worry, we’ll get to deception next level.
10. Tenth level rogues get an Ability Boost in Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom, and Charisma. You also get a lot sneakier this level as a Sneak Savant making you auto-succeed on failed sneaks, and you can Foil Senses while stealthing to auto-take precautions against special senses. No Face May King is nothing to sneeze at. Also don’t actually sneeze, that might give you away.
We promised last level, so you’re a master at Deception now.
Finally, you can use Quick Snares, letting you craft any minute-long snare in only 3 actions. You work good under pressure.
11. At level eleven you become an Incredible Scout, giving your allies a +2 bonus on initiative while scouting ahead. You know, like archers do in actual FGO. You’re also an expert in your Class DC, and your Slippery Secrets means even mind reading can’t figure you out. That’s the power of wearing a piece of cloth over your face baby!
Finally, we’ll make you a little better at Acrobatics so you can swing across gaps on makeshift ropes better. Again it’s an oddly specific thing but I think you do it a lot.
12. At level 12 you learn how to make Bloody Debilitations, packing even more damage into a single shot by dealing persistent bleed damage after making a debilitating strike. You can also use Nimble Crawl to get into position unnoticed, letting you crawl at half speed, and you’re now a master in Society for even more convincing disguises against nobles.
Finally, your Powerful Snares can have stronger DCs, either taking their own or your Class DC, whichever is higher. The big downside of a lot of equipment in D&D is how it doesn’t scale- in pathfinder, it does. Time to break it.
13. Thirteenth level rogues get Improved Evasion, making you a legend in reflex saves, and you don’t get critical failures any more. Instead, regular failures mean you take half damage. You also have Incredible Senses, making you a legend in Perception as well. Also your armor is expert now, but that’s less impressive, and so is being a master in weapons.
We’ll also bump up your Forest Lore to expert, but the only new thing this level is your Underground Network, which you can make over the course of a week normally or a full day of downtime. When you use society to gather info, you can contact one of your network in about an hour, gathering information with less public scrutiny. It also gives you a +1 bonus to your next recall knowledge check if it involves what your merry men were talking about.
14. At level 14 you learn how to use a Defensive Roll to avoid dropping to 0 HP. Once every ten minutes, you can use this free action to halve incoming damage from the attack that would knock you unconscious. Now we… kind of? have May King’s in-game use. I mean really you’d only use evade when you’re about to die anyway, so it’s probably fine.
You can also Quick Unlock locks in only one action now, and your Acrobatics are a little better than before, so you can move at full speed while prone.
Finally, we pick up our final archetype, the Poisoner Dedication, giving you the Infused Reagents class feature to make your own reagents, and the Alchemical Crafting feat to add four alchemical poisons to your crafting book.
15. At level 15 you get an Ability Boost in Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma, and your Double Debilitation means you can add two options to your debilitating strike instead of one.
You also become legendary at Deception, and your Doublespeak lets you speak to your merry men without arousing suspicion from any sheriffs nearby. It’ll also work on any allies who’ve traveled with you for at least a week.
You can Kip Up as a free action to stand from prone without provoking reactions. You might be fast while crawling around, but you’re still flat-footed, which as we’ve found out by now is really bad.
Finally, your Greater Weapon Specialization helps you do even more damage with weapons you’re good with.
16. We’re in the home stretch now! Let’s get silly. At level 16 you become a Blank Slate, so any and all detection, revelation, and scrying effects ignore you entirely unless they can counteract level 10 effects. No Face May King means no face. You’re also legendary in Thievery now, which is why you’re a Legendary Thief, letting you steal items that are actively being worn over the course of a minute. You have to keep hidden the whole time, but that’s not exactly a problem, now is it?
Finally, you’re an Expert Poisoner, so now you can craft poisons up to 3 below your current level. For example, one kind of level 13 poison is Purple Worm Venom, which has a DC 32 save, lasts up to 6 rounds, and deals several d6 per round while enfeebling its prey. You can just. Make that now. It’s yours.
Wild what a game can do when it bothers to actually make rules involving poison, huh?
17. At level seventeen we’re popping back to a low-level feat to make you a Confabulator, completely negating the bonus most creatures would get from you trying to lie or cause a diversion multiple times.
You also have a Slippery Mind, making you a master of Will saves and criticalling all your successes. Finally, you’re now legendary in Crafting so you can make up to 8 snares per long rest for free, and even more terrifying poisons.
18. Did I say eight? I meant 16, thanks to Plentiful Snares. You can also Craft Anything now, so you can get up to level 18 poisons. Unfortunately the only level 18 poison doesn’t work with a crossbow, but we’ll keep you updated.
You’re also legendary in Society now. That’s not quite as flashy, but you use Society a lot so it’s a good skill to have.
19. I don’t think NFMK actually gives you True Perception, but when will I get the chance to use this feat again? Besides, something something “you’re good at deception so you see through others” means you now have a permanent True Seeing spell attached to your eyeballs.
You become a master in rogue armor as well as your Class DC, and you can use a Master Strike as a free action, adding another effect to your sneak attack once per day per creature, which forces a fortitude save. If they succeed, they’re enfeebled for a bit. If they fail, they’re paralyzed for longer. Finally, on a critical fail the target either gets paralyzed, knocked unconscious for 2 hours, or straight up dies. This is it, this is Robin’s NP from before they fixed his damage scaling.
Also, for some out of combat stuff you can make Quick Contacts in a single hour, basically you’re just rolling up with the merry men and they’re taking care of everything. You’re also legendary in Stealth, something we probably should have done earlier but w/e most games don’t hit level 19 anyway.
20. On your last level you get a last Ability Boost in Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, and Wisdom, and you also become a Hidden Paragon. Once per hour as a reaction you can become invisible for a full minute, even while attacking. Spells can’t reveal you (they couldn’t anyway), but people can still find you the old-fashioned way. Theoretically. Because you’re also a Legendary Sneak, letting you hide and sneak without any cover at all, and you avoid notice automatically while traveling.
We’ll also bump up your Survival skills a bit for better hunting, and pop back to Archer real quick for a Mobile Shot Stance. Spend an action, fall into a stance, don’t trigger attacks of opportunity while making ranged attacks. You can also make attacks of opportunity with your own crossbows if you’d like, that’d be fun.
Pros and Cons
You’re great at stealing things, which is not only fun but a great way to get a leg up in the economy game. You can even straight up steal weapons out of your enemy’s hands, which is a funny little trick to pull. And of course, you can always reverse steal stuff to pin one of your many, many crimes on another person, getting them out of the way without ever having to fight them at all.
On a semi-related note, you’re also great at not being seen. You are impossibly stealthy, with several ways to bypass rolling entirely, and even succeeding your stealth rolls on everything but a critical failure. It’s almost like you’re robbing people while wearing some kind of clothing that hides you from viewers. A “robbing hood” if you will. Wait…
Also tying into point number two- poisons. You have a lot of them, and you can make some really nasty shit. Add in using your crossbow as a delivery system, and you become a terrifying force to be reckoned with, using a ranged attack to deliver deadly poison and immediately disappearing into thin air. The only thing stopping you from being even better at offing people is not being an assassin.
If you’re playing to character, you might find fighting someone in close range can be a bit of a pickle, especially since we don’t pick up mobile shot stance until level 20. Rogues aren’t super beefy, so letting enemies get extra attacks on you is not a good move.
Poisons are Expensive, especially if you want the top shelf shit. You do get 20 injury poisons and 20 alchemical reagents a day for free which is nothing to sneeze at, but if you want to hit someone hard you’re going to be spending a lot of that “to the poor” money getting ingredients.
Despite being a lying roguish guy, you’re not that charismatic, so actually disguising yourself might go south if you aren’t careful. Better play it safe and stick with disappearing entirely.
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genuine question, how is 'voting with your money' in a conservative society good but 'cancel culture' bad? Surely if lgbt people don't want to work with people who think they are sinners, they should be allowed to fire them, because that's their right? This strikes me as a contradiction but lmk if i'm wrong
You seem to be bringing two issues at the same time into this, but I’ll try to cover them both.
Surely if lgbt people don't want to work with people who think they are sinners, they should be allowed to fire them, because that's their right?
This can easily lead us into very unpleasant territory if you expand this to its logical conclusions. 
By definition, we Christians believe that everyone who has ever walked this earth (ourselves included BTW) is a sinner. Romans 3 is pretty much a summary exposition of that. It means that we have committed wrongdoings and dwelt in evil or impure thoughts. If, as such, people started firing those who thought they are in sin, Christians would be completely unhirable in zero time.
Furthermore, although I have no formal legal expertise to speak of, even so I have a feeling that, from a legal standpoint, this would also be nothing short of a disaster area. Imagine telling a court of law something amounting to “I decided to fire this person because he believes that I have offended his God in whom I don’t even believe”: it boils down to theological differences and little, if anything, else. If this somehow managed to establish itself as a legit precedent, it would lead to all kinds of religious discrimination overnight.
how is 'voting with your money' in a conservative society good but 'cancel culture' bad?
There are some important differences between the two, and I shall try to explain them to the best of my ability.
1. “Voting with your money” (henceforth VWYM), as I am aware of the term, has more to do with an individual choosing to support or not to support different businesses, either through purchasing their products or deciding to work for them. Cancel culture (henceforth CC), on the other hand, describes situations where societal clout is mobilised in order to mark certain individuals as “problematic” and as such to make it more difficult (if not nigh impossible) for them to make a living or to be respected in polite society.
2. VWYM is mainly concerned with current causes and practices espoused by a business. CC can be triggered by literally anything, even decades-old tweets which the author might even have regretted.
3. Likewise, people who VWtheirM do not seem to mind granting again their patronage to businesses who correct their practices and espoused beliefs. CC has shown again and again that its adherents are not interested in any sort of forgiveness; they alone are right, always; and it’s always one strike and you’re out.
4. Most people who VWtheirM, although usually making their grievances known and trying to convince others to boycott this or that firm, are not fixated on aligning everybody with their causes and preferences. Cancelers, on the other hand, are rarely satisfied with anything short of nationwide (or even international), unanimous outrage against those whom they choose to target. Hence why CC typically leverages social media outrage mobs, and why anybody who does not join them is also added to the “problematic people” list and considered complicit.
5. Whereas slander and half-truths seem to be CC’s bread-and-butter, it is increasingly rarer in the grand scheme of VWYM. In fact, you might have noticed that one of the most oft criticised aspects of cancel culture is how it relies on demonising people and considering them evil, as well as the lack of proportionality between the alleged “crime” and the sought punishment.
6. VWYM rarely has to do with what we call “punching down”. CC rarely has any qualms about “punching down”.
7. Perhaps the best explanation is given by @Wokal_Distance on Twitter:
The most common form of cancel culture is using social media to create mobs that create social and financial consequences for people who hold views the cancelers don’t like. Usually the cancelers seek to get a person fired but sometimes settle for reputation destruction. This is what people are talking about when they talk about cancel culture. 
It’s not that there is a shortage of platforms from which to express an opinion, nor are they upset about garden-variety shunning (“I’m not your friend anymore”, “You can’t come to my birthday” etc) from peers.
Cancel culture means a guy I’ve never met, in a state where I don’t live, can see a video that I didn’t film, of a thing that I didn’t say to him, and get me fired from my job providing a service that he doesn’t use.
Again, that’s as far as I could think about the issue right now. @anscathmarcach @ask-a-baptist @theindependentconservative @siryouarebeingmocked @bransrath and anybody else, please feel free to contribute as you see fit.
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formsofcontinuity · 2 years
So it’s not my area of expertise and it’s been a while since I’ve read it, but I’ve always been a little obsessed with the story of Gilgamesh and Enkidu (I love Stephen Mitchell’s version, btw, it’s incredibly lyrical and I refuse to entertain any debates that Gilgamesh and Enkidu are not lovers).  Gilgamesh is a raging Mesopotamian dictator (c. 26th century BCE) who’s terrorizing his people. The people pray to the gods for salvation from his tyranny, so the gods create Enkidu, who is frequently referred to as his twin, but metaphorically, a soulmate. Gilgamesh’s own mother tells him that Enkidu will be like a brother to him, but one he will love “as a husband loves a wife.” The gods create Enkidu to bring balance to Gilgamesh, to make him whole, a better king and hero. Enkidu, a man born from the wilds of nature, and Gilgamesh, king of a thriving but troubled city-state, fight viciously when they first meet.* Gilgamesh is used to always getting his way, always winning, and Enkidu wants to defend the innocent citizens whose cries he hears from his home in the neighboring forest. But when neither man can best the other (or, in some versions, Enkidu is the first person who is stronger than Gilgamesh), they realize that they belong together and become inseparable companions instead of enemies. They go on adventures, support each other, love each other. With Enkidu, Gilgamesh can be vulnerable. With Gilgamesh, Enkidu can achieve greater things than he ever imagined. When Enkidu dies, after an ill-fated battle, Gilgamesh is so heartbroken he becomes a shell of himself and ventures to the ends of the Earth to try to conquer death. If this isn’t the ultimate enemies to lovers/soulmate story, I don’t know what is. (*There’s more to this story, like a priestess who meets Enkidu in the forest and “civilizes him,” teaching him language and human customs by having sex with him for seven days, which is...quite a feat on multiple levels....but I’m just focusing on Gilgamesh and Enkidu’s bond here.)
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sugar-petals · 4 years
The more I read you Levi HC (which is 😔👌❤️ btw), the more I’m reminded of yoongi somehow (but with less trauma and better circumstances lmao)
yoongi does influence my writing a lot — and their lives resemble each other, they’re deep characters to say the very least. and so tiny 🤗
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levi and suga have both survived poverty and loss of their friends early in life. they wound up broken men with depression and sleepless nights, but backbones strong enough to carry everyone around them. the last thing you’d call them is spineless and avoidant of an endless struggle towards something. their emotions have undergone many a rupture as the price to pay for it. levi is only comforted by a cup of tea and clean tables, yoongi finds his little daily joy in coffee and attending to the household. they both look up to authority figures to navigate them through chaos and their own heavy cross, have a strong sense of duty, but an unmatched resistance to bs. 
they also share insecurity about their height because their profession is competitive to the highest degree, and they speak straightforwardly for that reason as well. they have a way of talking that reflects their origin. they sport heavy brooding sarcasm on top of that. sometimes, it comes from feeling physical pain. levi and yoongi have partially battered bodies that they have been forced by circumstance to quickly recover. they are admirable athletes. of course both are inseparable from swords because blades symbolize the cutting away of the unwanted and the threatening, and they have a lot of unwanted things in their life. 
since they live under extreme pressure, levi often looks tormented, shut-down and exhausted, and yoongi can come across as disappointed, non-reactive, or tired. rarely is it that they fully open their barriers to somebody. they do develop strong bonds. but they both deal with their mysterious sexuality/affection in roundabout ways but are known for mincing no words about it, there’s a strong contradiction. they also behave differently with men vs women, they’re more sceptical towards most guys but genuinely open-hearted and well-meaning with girls. 
in fact, they form connections with women very easily but are selective with men: both their fathers were absent or emotionally distant. they only seem to flock to very charismatic men who have a strong grip on social settings and emotions. otherwise, they both retreat from group gatherings as the hidden listener because attachments pain them because of bad experiences and they associate too much happiness with impending doom. they both deal with topics of being a street thug and fighting for sheer survival. they describe themselves as lunatics verbatim, but come across as controlled and calm outside of their area of expertise. 
actually, they’re actually very humorous, being the most relieving person when the situation is the most grim. when others are upbeat, they are standoffish and look sad. it’s quite extreme how much self-hatred they have compared to how much people love and want to look out for them. they themselves would often call their appearance unattractive, but other people heavily disagree and find them to be the most beautiful. especially their masculine voices are very appealing and their tone is hard to miss, they are both defined by their voice, it contributes a lot to their popularity. 
although they’re widely known and revered in their world, they aren’t fair-weather. both of them have often talked about the giving up on one’s dreams. vice versa, their smiles have great value to those who love them since their bliss is precious. their friends deeply matter to them. but they remain distant, their self-preservation is often too strong to take the full emotional leap. they both appear younger but their environments have aged them by decades and they are usually the most mature-thinking person around. they are pragmatists.
they also seem lithe but have powerful physiques to shield them from their high-stress surroundings. which they have to face daily without ever being able to escape. they would both use any means to achieve their ends but at the same time, their hearts are too vast and vulnerable, and often at their limit. you have to be really strong to bear this, they are heroes. there’s a reason why those who bother to get to know them develop a profound cherishing and unmatched dedication. it’s something that they both really need and deserve to receive.
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dreamertrilogys · 3 years
Hey idk if this is your area of expertise but just started reading l mort de arthur (How Spell Word??) and i have no clue what's going on do you have tips for reading
ooh omg hiii [dances around in excitement] okay soooo uhm i haven't actually read much of it personally (i'm still on like. the first volume/book/whatever etc which is completely my fault for going overboard with buying books btw) but when i DO read it i write down the definitions of every word i don't know on each page (like in the margins or on sticky notes) ALSO you can totally google like. a vague summary of what happens because a lot of the fun is in the reading itself and ngl the overall plot is pretty much common knowledge now . omg one more thing i think one of the reasons i personally can understand it pretty well is bc i really loved this version of it for a children (king arthur and his knights of the round table by roger lancelyn green) when i was a kid <3 anyways hope this helps (non sarcastic 😭 there's really no way of saying this nicely online anymore is there huh) and have fun reading <333
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shapeofinfinity · 4 years
Jack and spot friendship or relationship hcs??
okay okay so we're doing a more modern thing bc my brain immediately went to that
so you know how when you're in like third grade and you know you're gay, you get a crush?
and it's ALWAYS on the same gender bc you're gay and the world hates you
but then you pretend to hate the person you're crushing on to make sure no one knows?
spot conlon. had a crush
on jack fuckin kelly
and so obviously he had to pretend to hate him bc he didn't want to be called gay or be forced to come out before he wanted to
and it turned into a light-hearted rivalry on both sides
and this goes on until about sixth grade
when they both have an art class together
it's a 3d art class, so it's not really jacks area of expertise, but he's still pretty good at it
there are also only like 7 people in this class which is how some of the other newsies met them too but let's not get into that
so obviously they kinda become friends bc they're all stuck with each other for an hour every day
but the light-hearted "rivalry" still continues
i should mention that these are mainly just stupid pranks
moving on to freshman year of high school
jack comes out as bi
all of the people in his friend group accept him, and so does his parent (which is obviously medda cmon guys)
there are obviously some assholes around the school but they keep pretty quiet because they know that spot will murder them if they say anything against jack
sophomore year: spot comes out as gay. it doesn't go as well for him
his parents kick him out
medda offers him a place to stay
spot moves in with them
loving with one of your best friends? best things ever
spot really likes to watch jack paint
it's just Nice
jack isn't really a tactile person, but when they watch movies together he leans against spot
also falls asleep a lot of the time because being an artist is fucking tiring
spot picks him up and carries him to his room most of the times
sometimes he falls asleep with him
spot regularly just. picks up jack and takes him places. bc sometimes jack is a stubborn bastard and sometimes spot just feels like it
yeah :)
oh btw the pranks never stop. it's been 7 years and the prank war is still going. people have put bets on who will win
anyways someone write this i need it now
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alonelysimp · 3 years
dango!!! i don’t even remembering seeing anything about your oc until your reblog a few hours ago 🥺 could i ask; a, h and l for this mysterious character?
I.. I never talk abt them !! I think at best I mentioned them in passing !! there's two of them, both unnamed because that shit hard ;; so they have placeholders for now !! I should make a formal post introducing them eventually...
Ask game
For context, Ash is a traveller from Mondstadt. He's... for lack of a better term, a foxboy. He's (somewhat) modelled after a fennec fox, but with the colour scheme of a fox from Dragonspine, which he should really change bc that's not gonna camouflage him anywhere else :/ Oh, also he's a cryo allogene and knows a bit abt alchemy.
Tortilla is a god that lives in Watatsumi, most commonly found around the Sangonomiya shrine. They were a joke, but alas, here we are. Technically their name is Seiran, but they haven't used that since they started living as a human Zhongli-style. Oh also they're Orobashi's very much alive lover (in comparison to Orobashi, the very much dead snake god), so they're the snakekisser here not me !! (the name Tortilla is in reference to the hurricane tortilla vine btw, I have no idea what their name is nor their pronouns <3)
A. Affection: How does your OC express affection to the people they love?
I'd like to think Ash leaves small trinkets on your doorstep. Ranging from like actual usable things in a neat little box, to bones. Just bones, no box or anything. Perhaps he's really a crow and not a fox. Other than that, his love language is quality time. Which is. Ironic. With him being a traveller and all and is barely home. He loves doing literally anything as long as you're there with him.
Tortilla will run around and do errands for you. Definitely an acts of service person. Their area of expertise is more in commissions, but shopping, cooking (it's usually edible), it's already done <3 They don't have the *best* relationship with cleaning. In their mind, as long as they know where everything is, there's no need to clean? Just don't let it get too bad, they still pick up after themself. Oh speaking of that, they're also really good at finding lost items. Their record for the longest time was about 76 hours, the item was overseas and in Liyue already. The average is around 2 hours though :)
H. Help: When someone your OC loves has a problem, how does your OC try to help them? Do they prefer to comfort, offer advice, or fix the problem? Would your OC go out of their way to help a stranger?
After hearing about it, Ash's first instinct is to work out ways to resolve the issue. He's really... really awkward with comfort. Maybe a hug if you ask for one? But it won't be the first thing coming to his mind. I mean, most of his lore in Dragonspine is him saving people from hypothermia. He has a soft spot for children tho... a good portion of his paycheck from the guild goes to them. He helps Anthony with the medical bills bc Mond's healthcare is like, just as bad as America :)
It depends on how close you are to Tortilla, but if they're your first choice, then I'd assume you to be fairly close. Lowkey outcast of Sangonomiya shrine even though they watched it get built things yk :/ Anyways expect a hug first thing (unless you're really mad abt it then they won't get in the way of that or if you don't want one), and maybe a few comforting words. Overall far better than Ash, but they're still a bit rusty at it ;; They would go out of their way to help someone, as long as it doesn't cause them too much trouble. Now, this *has* gotten them into a bit of a tough spot a few times, but they are a god after all. It may be old and rusty, but power still remains in their form.
L. Loyalty: Is your OC more loyal to their family, their friends, or a mix of both? Why?
...Well I mean.... oh dear this is awkward.. to put it bluntly, Ash was orphaned at 8. He grew up with Bennett and the Adventurer's Guild until he was able to join the Guild himself. Found family... !! He has a few friends outside of whatever family he has currently, namely Lyney, Lynette, Zhongli, kinda Tartaglia, Xingqiu, kinda Chongyun (by association), somewhat Bito (Curse's OC), I mean Albedo too I suppose.... yeah thats about it. His family currently consists of Bennett, the Guild, and Sucrose. I mean I wouldn't say he's besties with anyone but Lyney, Lynette, and Xingqiu? A pretty even split, but would choose his family probably? I mean he also had a pretty good relationship with his biological family if that counts.
Again, Tortilla doesn't have a family !! They're dead !! No found family here this time so friends ig? Mostly the Sangonomiya clan, the resistance. They're vaguely acquainted with people from Narukami. They left Inazuma once, just to see what Teyvat had become since the Archon War. A nervewracking experience, to say the least. Especially because one of the gods might recognize them. They did meet one person they got along with quite well, but it's been hundreds of years since.
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