#* walked to work a few times like i normally do instead of taking the bus like I've had to do for most of the past few weeks
desperatepleasures · 4 months
aughhhh I flew too close to the sun* and I think the fatigue is returning
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whosblair · 2 months
can you one where james is really angry at reader because him and reader got into an argument so he calls her clingy or annoying and reader starts crying and james feels really bad but shes like overthinking what he said and tries to be less clingy or annoying or embarrassing
thank you so much sorry if this isnt specific enough!!
girl ofc x
heated || james potter x fem!reader
“God, do you ever stop being so fucking clingy?” James groans, his face landing in his hand as he massages the skin on his forehead. You both had gotten into an argument after you had accidentally interrupted one of James’s quidditch team meetings. You didn’t mean to intrude but as the meeting was being held in his dorm, and you hadn’t been notified of this meeting beforehand, you just happened to step into the room at the wrong time. It didn’t help that as you walked in, you proceeded to swear at one of James’s teammates without knowing that he was in the room.
You had tried to explain to James that you didn’t mean to lash out, only doing so because you and the teammate had been assigned partners for a project and so far, he hadn’t been doing any work so far. You didn’t think that James would have been too mad after you apologized profusely to the team and rushed out of the room. But James had recently been selected team captain and it didn’t look too good if his girlfriend had just showed her dislike towards him.
You stopped for a second as the words came out of James’s mouth. You blinked at him, wondering if you had misheard him or anything of the sort. James also seemed to have realized what he had just said and instantly, he’s at your side. He kept saying sorry more times than you could count, cradling your head on his shoulder. You didn’t say anything for the rest of the night.
The next morning rolls around and James felt incredibly guilty for his words. You hadn’t came to his dorm that morning, instead making your way straight to breakfast. As James waits for a few minutes in his dorm, he realized you won’t be showing up and trudges his way to The Great Hall. There, Remus, Sirius, and Peter are sat, laughing about something he couldn’t quite hear. As he made his way closer to the table. He sighs in relief as he sees you sitting at the empty chair next to him. Just like you always did.
“Good morning, love,” he says, his eyes crinkling at the ends. He slips into his seat and takes your hand in his.
“Morning James.” You reply, your smile looking a fit faded and plastered on. You squeeze his hand softly before letting go and starting to eat.
Now James was really confused. You hadn’t came to his dorm, but you said good morning, but you weren’t acting normal, but you squeezed his hand. His head was going back and forth wondering what had happened if you both made up yesterday.
As the rest of the day goes by, you pay little attention to James. His words were still in your head and even though he apologized, you couldn’t help but wonder if he was right. Were you too clingy? Right as you were about to start spiraling again, James walks into the common room where you had been curled up on the couch.
“Hey sweetheart,” he says softly. You respond with a quick ‘hi’ before turning your head to the fire.
James sits himself next to you and his heart breaks as he notices you shuffling a little to give you both a little space.
“Sweetheart, about yesterday,” he starts, and before you can help it, tears start rolling down your cheeks.
“I’m so so sorry Jamie, I didn’t mean to interrupt your meeting, I didn’t mean to rant about your teammate. I didn’t know he was there, promise. And I don’t mean to be clingy, and I know you don’t like it bu-”
You let out in one breath, your cheeks burning as you wipe them harshly. James stops you then.
“No, what?”, he says confused. “No, love, I’m the one who’s supposed to be sorry. I shouldn’t have said that yesterday at all. I was just stressed and worked up. You are never ever too clingy, sweetheart. I love you just the way you are and I’m sorry I made y’feel so bad.” James assures you. You blush a little at his words and he takes your hands off of your cheeks.
“I promise I’ll never say such words to you ever again. And if i do, you don’t ever have to forgive me. But i’m just asking you this once, if you can.”
You think about it for a second before nodding slowly. “You better” you say and giggle when James salutes at you.
“Now come here silly, I missed you,” you admit and open your arms for him. He dives right into them.
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avatar-anna · 1 year
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Assistant! Reader x Harry Styles Masterlist
"Mr. Styles? Mr. Styles, you need to get up. You have a radio interview in an hour."
There was no response, but Y/n expected that. Her boss had a tendency of sleeping like the dead, a side effect of partying too long the night before.
Sighing, Y/n stepped further into the lavish hotel suite. Her first instinct was to check the tour bus, but she should've known better. LA always meant a hotel suite. When she finally made it to her boss's room, she only had to follow the trail of clothes leading to the huge bed and there he was. She also noted a separate head of hair tucked beneath the covers. A headache, seeing as that meant a trip to the legal department and an awkward conversation with said headache. But that was the job. And Y/n was nothing if not exceptional at being Harry Styles's personal assistant.
Walking over to Harry's side of the bed, Y/n shook his shoulder. His skin was warm beneath her hand, but she didn't focus on that or the corded muscle that hadn't been there a few months ago. Those boxing lessons really were paying off.
"Mr. Styles, please don't make me get the bucket," Y/n said, shaking his shoulder one last time. When he didn't move, she stepped away to grab the champagne bucket she knew was in the fridge. Harry always had one in his room, but at Y/n's request, not his. 
Before she could grab it though, a voice sounded from the mountain of pillows and blankets. "Please don't. I hate the bucket."
Shaking her head, Y/n told the voice, "If you woke up when you were supposed to, I wouldn't have to use it."
"Your hands are soft but cruel, Y/n," he said, his voice deeper than it normally was.
"You've got thirty minutes to wash last night off and get dressed," was all she said in reply, but there was a small grin on her face.
As far as bosses went, Harry Styles wasn't the worst. He was sweet and not a total diva, which made Y/n's life a lot easier. He was a young guy with a lot of money and fame, though, and that meant waking him up from deep, hangover-induced sleep was the norm, and getting him to arrive on time anywhere was pretty much impossible. But he didn't make her life miserable, and for that she was thankful.
When she made sure Harry was actually out of bed and getting ready, Y/n went about her usual routine—making sure a car was ready to drive them to the radio station, ordering room service, setting out a bottle of water, three Advil, and a bullet coffee from Harry's favorite coffee house when he was in LA on the dining table in the main room of the suite. Room service arrived as she heard the shower shut off, and after checking her watch, Y/n deigned to believe they might not be that late today. A win in her book.
Ten minutes later, Harry was out of the master bedroom in a pair of black skinny jeans and a Stones t-shirt. His hair was damp and unstyled—an easy fix in the car—and his face was surprisingly fresh looking despite his late night. His eyes landed on the water and Advil first, quickly swiping those off the dining table, then saw the plates of food Y/n was helping herself to.
"Leave some for me?" he asked, throwing the pills back and downing them in one gulp.
Y/n shrugged. "Got you something better."
"What's better than Belgian waffles and bacon?"
"I might've popped over to the Beachwood Cafe this morning," she said, grinning when her words dawned on Harry.
"Breakfast burrito?"
"And the toast with the special jam?"
"What do you take me for?"
"You're the best, Y/n," Harry gushed, coming around the table to squeeze her. 
For a moment, Y/n’s senses could only process Harry's cologne, a scent that wasn't too overwhelming but definitely there. And when her nose pressed against his neck, she had to make a conscious effort to not breathe in deep. Instead, she shifted in his embrace and plucked a slice of bacon off her plate to hand to him.
As difficult as he could be sometimes, Harry Styles really was a sweetheart. Since she'd started working for him a year ago, he'd been nothing but gracious to her. He always went out of his way to talk to her when he didn't have to, he never raised his voice when things that were out of her control went wrong, he hung out with her in his dressing room when she worked on his schedule or answered emails before his shows, and the Christmas bonus he'd given her this year was unlike anything she'd received before. Y/n had been unsure of what to expect when she took this job, but after nearly a year, she and Harry operated like a well-oiled machine, and she liked to believe that even though he was her boss, they were at the very least acquaintances.
"Is the car ready?" Harry asked around a bite of bacon.
"Yeah, head down there. I'll handle…" Y/n's voice trailed off as she nodded in the direction of the master bedroom, where Harry's guest had yet to hear.
"Right, um…"
Y/n pinned him with a stare. "This is a new low, Mr. Styles."
"I know. I swear I know it, it's the alcohol fog," he insisted, but they both knew that didn't make it any better. "And for the last time, it's Harry."
Shaking her head, Y/n motioned to the door. "Go, or you're gonna be late."
He didn't put up much of a fight after that. He grabbed his coffee and breakfast and headed for the door, but not before squeezing Y/n's shoulder affectionately. "You really are the best, Y/n. I'm gonna give you a raise."
"That's my third raise this year!" Y/n said, calling after him as he walked out.
"You deserve it! Just say thank you!" he said with a wave, then he was gone.
Y/n sat in silence for a moment, her cheeks flushing involuntarily. She swore it was that he was uncharacteristically kind for a celebrity. Harry was just charming and endearing, that was why she was blushing.
A voice coming from the bedroom brought Y/n back to earth. Harry might have gone to his interview, but her job was far from done. Sighing, she pulled out a folder where she kept all her legal documents out of her bag, rifling through the color-coded tabs until she landed on the purple one. She slipped a piece of paper out, then snagged a pen from a smaller pocket in her purse.
Readying herself for what would be a less-than-pleasant conversation, Y/n clutched the NDA in her hand and went to greet the woman who would no doubt be disappointed to see her instead of the man she thought she seduced the night before.
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 5 months
hii I JUST LOVE YOUR WORK i stay and read them every day tbh, it's my first time requesting so I'm a lil nervous (also english isn't my first language so if i write too tangled things don't mind please) yandere disease has been corrupting my mind lately like this disease has taken over the world and now people are divided in two types: yanderes and darlings. Every darling is forced to stay with their yanderes by their parents and government when they turn 20 , like goverment has been taking care of yanderes too much, there's territories and special occasions where yanderes can meet darlings, if darling tries to escape people are just gonna drag them to their "soulmate" otherwise they think darling are too weak and fragile to protect themselves.
If you're too busy, just ignore this. I also know how hard it is to write. Hope you're doing good💗💗
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Your English is perfect ❤️ better than some native speakers' ❤️ I'm sorry this took so long, I hope you enjoy!!
Yandere!Fiance x GN!Reader
There were conspiracy theories as to how it happened.
Populations around the globe had declined dramatically, worrying nearly every country in every continent. The most popular theory online was that to combat the rapidly declining birth rate, one (or more) of the suffering countries conspired to create a new kind of biological warfare; an illness directed at their own people to foster relations. Unfortunately, while half of people were naturally immune to the attack, the other half were affected too much.
It was just a theory. Nothing could be proved. No government wanted to get to the bottom of the "attack" because their economies were booming; who would want to rid people of an illness that drove the rate of divorce to an all time low? It didn't matter if there were a few hiccups along the way.. As long as people were pushing out more babies, governments across the planet were more than happy to just create new laws to keep the death rates minimal ensure happiness amongst couples.
(Reader) prayed on their knees like fanatic, begging any God that may be listening, for years that they could be one of the Lovers instead of a Darling. They were terrified of the idea of becoming someone's Darling; becoming a prisoner to a loving murderer. No matter how perfect each family unit seemed to be, the young adult could see it in their father's eyes, the longing for the outside world, away from their mother. The suffocating love their mother drowned him in; the almost unnoticeable quiver to his smile.. (Reader) wished upon every single star in the sky that they could fall madly in love with someone, just so they didn't have to live through the rose tinted hell their father did.
But every crush they had was normal, none of the guys they thought were cute in highschool awakened some kind instinct in them. Eventually (Reader) turned 19 years old, and found out that they were engaged.
"To who??" (Reader) nearly barfed onto the dinner table. Their parents sat across from them, smiling happily from the good news they had just delivered to their child.
"He went to the same elementary school as you! Isn't that romantic?" Their mother cooed, poking her husband while doing so. "Apparently he's known since forever that you two are soul mates, but he's been too shy until recently to approach the Family Planning Bureau about his feelings~"
(Reader) gripped their thighs under the table while their eyes stung from the blossoming tears. ".. Do I have to meet him?" They asked quietly.
Although the building was painted bright blue and was surrounded by a beautiful, flowery landscape, it felt like a prison with it's tall chain link fencing.
The sorrowful expression on their father's sympathetic face burned into their retina so painfully, that every time they blinked while on the bus to their first meeting with their "fiance" they could still see it. He knew just as well as (Reader) did that there was no escape.
Even the walk towards a private meeting room past other Darlings felt like a death march. (Reader) could only hope that the "electric chair" wouldn't be too painful.
The kind guard opened a door, and a young man they did not recognize sitting inside immediately stood up, his face bright red.
His freckled and bespectacled face was almost hidden by his wavy, unbrushed hair. A smile stretched sweetly across his round cheeks, and (Reader) noticed that his blush went down his neck. "Ah- (Reader)! It's nice to- it's nice to meet you!"
It didn't matter that he was incredibly adorable: (Reader) was determined not to let their guard down.
"You said we went to elementary school together?"
"-I'm sorry, but I don't remember you." They interrupted him, curt and to the point.
Instead of looking offended, his eyes softened and his smile became (somehow) warmer. "I'm sorry." He motioned to a seat near the table he was just sitting at. "I can explain everything.. if you give me a chance."
Reluctantly, (Reader) sat across from him. It was hard to deny that he was attractive, really being their ideal man, but they continuously bit the inside of their cheek to prevent themselves from feeling any sort of positive emotion. They knew better than to fall into this trap.
"My name is Anthony." His freckles almost disappeared entirely under his blush. "I'm sorry I never had the confidence to approach you.."
"Huh?" The confused teen forgot to hold their tongue. "Isn't it, like, frowned upon to talk to your Darling before registering with the bureau?"
Anthony rubbed his hands together nervously. "I - I really didn't want you to meet me this way.." He sucked in air between his teeth, looking faint. "I.. Do you believe in true love?"
A pang shot through (Reader's) heart. They remembered every time they would chase a crush, yearning for something true and genuine. Reading love stories from the days before the bureau, and wondering if that was what love was really like once upon a time. "No."
He sighed sadly. "I believe.. or at least, I want to believe in true love." Anthony sat straighter, staring into (Reader's) eyes with a shaky confidence. "I should have asked you out when I first met you in the fifth grade. I'm sorry I was too nervous to talk to you back then."
Vibrating adrenaline shook their system as they tried to make sense of what this stranger was saying.
"I wanted to ask you out, and take you on dates, and get to know you like in the old days."
"Why didn't you?"
His head fell slightly, obscuring his face entirely. "I thought that my feelings for you weren't strong enough.."
(Reader) suddenly felt as though they were connected with Anthony on a spiritual level; as though he was the only person in the whole world to understand them. The need for love, conflicting with the fear of not being a Lover, being destined to be labeled as a Darling. "Are you.." (Reader) dropped their voice to a whisper, "are you a lover?"
Sorrow filled Anthony's figure. Shoulders slumped, and back shuddering under his uneven, heavy breaths. "Would you report me if I wasn't?"
It was as if God had finally answered (Reader's) prayers. Their heart was racing; their head felt lighter than a cloud. Stuttering over their words, the young adult had to avert their gaze. "I don't remember you.. but I wouldn't mind getting to know you." Even though they didn't love him, Anthony felt like their one and only chance to fall in love naturally. To not be trapped like their father.
"Then.. I can see you again?"
(Reader) smiled. "Yeah.."
The second (Reader) left the room, Anthony's head hit the table with a loud bang.
It felt like he was going to vomit with how excited he was, and he couldn't contain his giggles any longer. Being in the same room as his childhood love was almost too much for him, and he almost ruined everything.
Anthony had worked so hard to make (Reader) love him.
He knew they liked shy, nerdy types, so he morphed into that. Destroying his eye sight so he could wear glasses, growing out his hair so he could always look slightly dishevelled, biting his tongue until it bled to force himself to stay in character.
Tears pooled around his nose on the table. He was smarter than the Lovers that made his precious (Reader) scared to be a Darling.
"I'm so happy..~" Anthony sobbed loudly in the empty room. "Please fall in love with me quickly~ Although, I don't mind waiting on you forever.. I want you to love me now..!"
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writer-komaru · 2 years
I know I’ve talked about these guys before, but hear me out once more.
What would these genshin men act like when you haven’t touched them in months?
Scaramouche, Gorou, Tartaglia
Scaramouche -
You calmly sat down at your desk, finishing some work you had to do. But, you couldn’t help but feel the searing feeling of Scara scowling at you from across the room. It had been 5 whole months since you last tried to touch him more intimately and he was seething. Everything that happened to him, no matter how small, made him unbelievably upset. He started to take out his pent out feelings on anything that crossed is path. Hilicurls, shrooms, animals, plants, you name it. But there is no way in HELL he was going to ask you what he needs, let alone say sorry for being such a brat.
So after finally taking a break from your work, you decided it had been long enough.
“I can practically feel your eyes boring into the back of my head, Scara.“
He only growled in response. You flashed him a stern look which immediately made him shut up.
“Here. On my lap. Now.”
He cocked his head for a second before nervously approaching you.
“What do you-“
In one fluid motion, you placed the shorter boy on your lap. Scara’s face instantly flushed, letting out a small stammered gasp. You were so close, he felt so vulnerable while straddling your waist like this, he couldn’t help but look away. He was just so pent up, could you even blame him? Your mouth twisted into a smirk as you saw he was already getting hard, poking out through the loose fabric of his shorts. When he glanced back and saw you looking down, he flushed even more.
“D-Don’t look! You’re so… arrggggg… I can’t with you and your- a-aghh!~”
He couldn’t even manage out a single insult before moaning in surprise as you pressed your palm against his cock. His body shivered, hands now gripping onto your shoulders to help stabilize himself. You smirked down at him.
“Hmm? Cat got your tongue?”
His eyes rolled back as he felt you begin to rub your hand against him. This was more pleasure than he has felt in a very, very long time. Moans poured out of his lips, unable to stop himself from humping desperately against your hand.
“Feel good, baby? You already look so fucked out and I haven’t even done practically anything yet.”
You almost gasped in surprise as you heard Scaramouche…. Whine? He looked like a total night and day compared to his usual arrogant self. It almost made you want to spoil him.
He nuzzled against your neck, locking his legs tightly against your waist to grind harder against your hand.
“P….. p…… please help me….”
Gorou -
You walked nervously through the camp, weaving your way past tent after tent. It had been 3 whole months since you last saw your boyfriend Gorou, which was a bit concerning to you since you normally saw him everyday, if not multiple times a day. He was a very clingy person and hated being away from you, so when he said he needed to go out to Watatsumi to do some military training, you expected him to be visiting you often. But instead, he didn’t even visit you once! Something has to be wrong. That’s why you decided to come all the way out the far away island to hopefully find your fluffy eared boyfriend.
As you passed by the infirmary, you couldn’t help the sinking thought that appeared in your mind. What if… something bad happened to him while training? But you shook your head. Gorou was a very strong and capable general. He knows who he has to protect and he would never throw away his life like that. You began to walk faster towards one of the main buildings on the outskirts of all the tents. After knocking on the door a few times, you heard the scampering of distant feet before the door slowly opened. You saw two blue eyes peak through the door.
“Who’s there? I-I thought I told the camp I would be bu-“
You heard Gorou gasp as he recognized you by your distinct scent. He swung open the door, almost hitting you in the process and dragged you into the room. The door swung shut behind you both.
He hugged you tight against him, his tail wagging unbelievably fast.
“Gorou!! My baby, god, I missed you so much!”
You hugged him back, relishing in the happy reunion you were finally having with your long awaited lover. But… something seemed a little odd. Gorou felt a lot warmer than normal, and why was he in this building all alone? Was he sick? You gasped a bit in surprise as you felt his nails dig harder into your back.
“I…. I missed you too! So… so so so much… I… ”
He let out a small whine as he began to hump against your thigh, nuzzling your neck as if desperate for more of your scent.
“I-I-m sorry, I can’t- Ahh, I can’t help it…”
“Awww, Gorou, I didn’t realize you missed me that much.”
You were about to continue to tease him, but the way he only whimpered in response, his tail swishing back in forth, had you worried. Was he…
“Gorou…. Are you in… heat?”
He slowly nodded against you, tiny moans escaping his mouth as he quickened his pace. It took a great deal of effort to finally push him off of you so you could have a minute to breath. He whined at the loss of stimulation, but nodded shyly in response. After being away from you for so long, and coincidentally going into his heat just a few hours before you came to see him, he coudlnt help himself. He just needed you so so sooo bad.
“Please…. It burns…. Please help me….”
“Awww, my poor needy puppy~ here, let’s sit you down.”
You carefully walked him over to the bedroom and layed him down. He was breathing so quickly, and his tail couldn’t stop wagging. He honestly felt like crying from the burning feelings all over him. And you could tell too as you saw the tears pricking at his eyes.
“Here baby. Just lay down and let me take care of you, okay?”
He nodded his head in response.
“Please, please touch me… it burns… it burns so much- I-“
He choked on his words as he felt the warm feeling of you lapping your tongue against his pants, your hands swiftly pulling both them and his boxers down to reveal his pulsing cock. It was oozing with need, his hips jumping into the air to hopefully chase more of that soothing pleasure you give him.
“I- I’m sorry I can’t help I-it.”
“There’s no need to apologize. I got you.”
He let out a loud moan, back arching off the bed and hands clawing at the sheets as he felt your mouth shove his dick all the way in. And the extra feeling of your hand tugging lightly at his tail had him already seeing stars.
Tartaglia -
(TW-dub con)
You looked over at your boyfriend with loving eyes. He seemed like he had changed a lot over the past 4 months. He was a lot more gentle and over all nicer to others, he tried to find more time to go on more dates with you, he even made it a habit to pick you a single flower whenever he gets back from his work with the fatui. Maybe telling him no sex for 4 months was actually worth it.
Yeah, you missed the sex a lot, but the time without it made you realize all the other parts of your relationship you cherished. Each time you gazed into his deep ocean blue eyes, just like how you are now, it made you think about what color ring would best compliment them. Though, you knew he would love any ring you picked out for him.
He leaned over to you and kissed you on the nose, the slight touch making you giggle.
“Today was the final day. Do you… wanna do anything tonight?”
You asked with a slight smile, cocking your head at him. He laughed lightly in response.
“Hmm…. Want to wait until tomorrow? I’d just like to hold you in my arms right now. We’ve waited all this time, what’s another day going to do?”
“Heheh, okay. Goodnight then, my beloved.”
“Goodnight, my sweetie pie.”
After giving you one more kiss, this time on the cheek, you switched off the lights and went to bed.
Little did you know, he wouldn’t be sleeping that night.
You yawned as your eyes slowly blinked open.
“…. Baby?”
You looked over with blurry eyes at the empty spot next to you. Hmm… maybe he wanted to start his day early. Or! Maybe he was preparing surprised breakfast in bed! He truly was such a sweet boyfriend.
As you tried to stretch out your stiff limbs, you were surprised as you felt them not move. It felt…. Like you were tied up or something. As your eyes finaly adjusted, you looked in confusion at the red rope that practically dug into your skin. You looked around the room for any sight of your boyfriend.
“Rise in shine, my beauty. You like the surprise I planned out for you?~”
“Tartaglia, why did you tie me up?”
Suddenly a rush of warmth surged through your body, causing you to gasp. He only chuckled. He slowly crawled over your helpless body, looking down at your with a menacing smile. Instead of his eyes usually shining with bright warmth, like the feeling of gentle, soothing waves brushing against the sand, they instead seemed to just be dark, black pools of water, like the parts of the ocean that have never been discovered by humans. The kind of ocean that not even the most resilient fish can survive in. You felt as your body began to heat up for some strange reason, an unbearable heat. Like a fucking raging inferno.
“Tartaglia… why do I feel so weird?”
He brushed over your cheek with his thumb, as if amused by your almost panicked state.
“Oh? That must be the aphrodisiacs finally kicking in. Just in time, too.”
“Aphro…. What? What did… did you drug me?!”
You couldn’t believe it…. After all these months you thought your homicidal boyfriend had finally changed. But it had all been a cover up.
“How… how dare yo-“
Before you could scold him, you couldn’t help but moan at the feeling of his skilled hands finally cupping and gently squeezing your breasts. It had your body twitching, thighs rubbing together.
“Nah ah ah~”
He tutted you softy.
“I know you’re needy, but at least show some restraint~”
You scowled at him. If you weren’t so unbelievably turned on your now you would definitely try to kick him in the balls. Just as the thought became more and more appealing, he used his knees to force yours apart.
Before you could even protest, you shivered more as his thumbs pressed hard against your nipples, rubbing small circles against them. Your breathing grew heavy.
“Hmm? Can’t even protest anymore? Don’t tell me you’re into this. Who knew you could be such a whore~”
“A-A whore?! How DARE you! You fucking drugged me and tied m-me up, you’re a damn phycopa- AHH~”
Your thighs trembled as you felt his finger trace over your oozing pussy, the giant touch causing your body to tense and your pussy to only leak out more desperation. Whatever fucking drugs he gave you were making you loose your mind.
“Damn it…. You’re so fucking wet… it’s kind of hot~”
Moans cascaded from your mouth, face twisting into pure shock as you felt him spread your pussy lips apart.
“Let’s see if you taste as good as you look~”
His hot breath fanned over your clenching pussy, unable to stop your hips from humping into the air as he pressed his tongue flat against your clit. You let out a loud wail at the feeling. To make it worse is he didn’t even give you any time to adjust. He immediately dove in, licking up all your delicious slick before shoving his tongue deep into your desperate pussy. You pulled against the restraints, but of course, to no avail. You felt like you were going to cum already, coming apart on just his tongue. You let out one final wail, sneaking in a quick “fuck you” before cumming all over his tongue and face.
Little did you know that wouldn’t be the last time he made you cum that night. He was going to make sure you would not be able to walk for a solid week.
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mebeindelulu · 1 year
He calls you clingy - Im Changkyun
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bf! Changkyun x fem! reader . a little bit of angst, fluff .
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After a whole day spent at the university, finally you could meet your boyfriend Changkyun. So you picked up the take out and rushed to the studio where he was working on his new album.
When you arrived, the door was slightly opened so you quickly noticed that two people were talking inside.
"Uh... I can't go with you bro. Yn will be here in a minute. We spent littleraly the whole day yesterday but she can't live without me." You heard him ironically laughing, "I love her but Jesus... She is so clingy sometimes that it is annoying".
You were so so confused. You've never heard something like that from Changkyun. Yesterday you both had really a good time from coffee date, cooking dinner together to watching your favourite movies and walking around the Han river at night. And the whole idea about spending almost the whole day together was his idea, so hearing that you are "clingy" and that he has enough of you really got the worst insecurities out of you. Tears started to form in your eyes as you turned around and stormed out of the building.
In the bus you texted Changkyun that something in the university came up and you have to stay longer so you won't come to the studio today. When you arrived at your tini apartment you decided to drink the sadness away with wine.
To give Changkyun more space that he "needed", you thought that it will be a good idea to not text with him too much and to not meet with him as well this week. And the word part was that it looked like he is totally fine with that.
After one day that you declined his phone call saying that you have classes, he didn't call you anymore. And after two days instead of replaying to his "Good morning baby, how are you?" as you usually did sending him selfie or describing your day by the voice message, you only replayed "good, I'm just bussy" and he stopped to text you first. So you both were barely texting at all.
After a week of going to university and spending all your free time sitting alone in the apartment, your best friend could tell that there is something that is bothering you, so she told you to get ready because you are going to a party Friday night.
At the party you drink a few drinks and had fun dancing with your friends. You need that kind of distraction from overthinking your relationship and crying every night because your biggest fears came true: he got bored of you. At least that was what you thought.
One of your friends took photo of your group on the dance floor and posted on Instagram with caption "the single ladies", which could get interpreted wrong. Most of the girls in your group were not single. But the song that was played at the time when you were dancing was Beyonce's "Single Ladies" and that's why she added that caption. It had nothing to do with if you are taken or not.
When you were at the party, Changkyun was working at the studio, just like for the last couple weeks, working on his album. And he even wouldn't know that you are at the club if not his friend sent him a screenshot of your friend's "Single Ladies" post.
He suddenly got jealous and betrayed. You said that you will study all night and that's why you can't meet with him, when he asked if you want to spend the evening with him. It hurt him that you avoided him last week, but also he tried to understand you since you were studying so hard for the exams that are coming next week.
He couldn't understand why you didn't even texted him anymore like you used to. A single selfie and "good morning jiagi" would be enough for him. But there was only silence for the past week. And when he texted first you gave him only short replies.
But also deep down he knew that sometimes you need some time alone to isolate yourself from others and be alone with your own thoughts. And he thought that after isolating yourself from people you will come back to normal life and spend a lot of time with him.
But after seeing that you are at the club instead of being with him, he thought that something must be wrong. So he decided that it's enough. Changkyun put on his coat, took his car keys and rushed to the club that you were in (thankfully your friend added a location to her post).
You was standing by the bar with a drink in your hand when some tall guy joined you.
"Hi, what are you doing here?... Alone?"
You could tell that he is handsome, but weren't interested. Your friends were dancing on the dance floor but you were not in the mood to join them do you stayed here, drinking. But you didn't wanted to give such a classy answer so you decided to be a little bit cocky since you had nothing to do.
"And why are you asking, hmm?" He laughed at your question and tried to lean closer to you. But you took a step back. It was too much for you.
"Because a beautiful women like you shouldnt be alone in a place like that." He said putting his hand on your hips, which you immediately shaked off.
And at this moment someone pushed the man away. It was Changkyun. "Don't come close to her, she's mine. Understand?" You could see his jaw clenching.
"Okay, okay. Got it. Chill man." The guy said laughing and walking away.
You were happy that he was here but at the same time you were confused how he knew where you've been.
"Changkyun? What are you doing here?"
"I should ask you the same question!!!" He yelled at you. "What was that? Who was this guy?" He was really mad. And you didn't like that he yelled at you like that... especially when you didn't do anything wrong.
He was angry seeing some guy that close to you, especially that lately you distanced yourself from him.
You suddenly become anxious, tears forming in your eyes, you lowered your head down. When Changkyun saw that you become tense, he shook his head and sadness took over his anger. He hated seeing you crying. And he knew that you really badly endure if someone is yelling at you.
"It's okay, I'm sorry. I didn't wanted to yell at you. I'm sorry." His voice soften as he took a step forward and took your hands in his. You relaxed by his touch.
"Let's go home, Okay?" You nodded your head to his question.
"But first I have to tell girls that I'm leaving" and as you said you quickly swiped of tears and went to the dance floor where girls were dancing and said that you are leaving with your boyfriend. Of course they wanted you to stay and tried to hold you but Changkyun intervened and they let you go.
You were driving in silence for the most of the ride. And it wasn't a comfortable silence. You both could feel the tension.
"Sooo you still didn't answer my question. What you were doing at the party? I thought that you were studying tonight." He asked looking at the road and avoiding an eye contact. You felt so terrible. You didn't want to lie to your boyfriend but you still was sad that he thought that you are clingy. And studying was an excuse to not to spend time with him and give him space. But right now you started to have doubts about it.
"I was but Mia decided that they can't leave me alone so I had to go with them." You answered mirroring Kyuns behaviour, looking ahead on the road.
"Oh, so you have time to go out to drink but you don't have time to give me at least one call, huh?" You could feel that he was hurt. But so you were too.
"I thought that I'm a burden to you so I decided to give you space..." You put your head low and started to play with your fingers.
At that time you arrived at your apartment parking.
"What? I've never said anything like that. Where did you get this from?" Finally he turned to look at you.
"But you did say something like that. About a week ago, when I came to the studio the door to your room was open and I've heard you complaining about me to Soobin. You said that you have enough of spending a lot of time with me and that I'm clingy. So I decided not to come in and instead I went home." Holding his both hands on the wheel he listened to you carefully as you quietly explained your point of view.
"I don't even know what to say right now YN." he looked at you with mixed emotions. You couldn't say if he is angry, sad or just disappointed. "Then don't say anything" that proved that he didn't care about you so you wanted to get out of the car as quick as possible but his hand on your shoulder stopped you.
"Don't. Please. I'm sorry, listen..." When you looked at him with teary eyes he thought that his heart stopped. It really hurt you what he said a week ago. Changkyun took your hand and hold in his both hands.
"Yn, baby. I didn't want to say that. I didn't mean that, really." He hold your chin and put it up so you were looking at him. "I love you and I love spending time with you, please believe me." A tear went down your face and he swiped it with his thumb.
"I just had a hard day. We are finishing my album and everything is just stressing me out. I know that it is not an excuse but I seriously had no idea why I said that, I'm sorry."
"Can I hug you?" You asked shyly and Kyun immediately hugged you caressing slowly his hand on your back and the other hand patting gently your head.
"If I ever say something like that again just punch me in the face" He said, which make you laugh.
"Do you want me to stay with you for the night?" He asked While still hugging you. You pulled out from his embrace. "Yes, if you can..."
"Of course I can baby" he said kissing your lips.
And that's how you both spent the night drinking wine and talking about this whole week. He said sorry to you a couple more times and promised that you are his favourite person and he will never have enough of you.
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lixisere777 · 9 months
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Drabble 02: Amidst the shadows and rain, there's Jungkook who becomes your sun instead
Wc: 2.7k
Mentions of: ocean water, crying, stress, knives and a bulgar (nothing happens), a bit suggestive, kissing and I think that's it?
Note: I've been working on this for months, it feels nice to finally get it done. I wanted to finish it especially now to comfort us after Jungkook left so aaah >.<. Hope you enjoy!
The long, hectic week was finally catching up to you. You were exhausted, anxious, irritated and just in need of a warm cuddle session with your lovely boyfriend. One would think you felt relieved at this moment—now that this hectic week has come to an end—, but it felt like you were just destined for worse. Everything was going wrong, nothing went the way you planned it to. Now that it was finally over you expected to be greeted by the feeling of relief, but alas even on your way home, you were not left alone by the grip of misfortune clinging to you. It suddenly started raining and since the bus you wanted to take decided to be a no-show you had to walk home. Without a jacket. Great.
It wasn't raining that hard so you thought it didn't matter, but you arrived home in soaking wet clothes anyway after a car passing by caused a wave of dirty water to splash your way. You could cry. If you didn't turn out sick the next morning, it'd be a miracle. 
A week full of stress had just ended, but you couldn't seem to get rid of every gnawing feeling that it left behind. You just want to take your mind off of things. When you entered the door to your shared apartment, you wanted nothing more than to be greeted by his beautiful face stretched out into that famous bunny smile you loved so much. But of course —since nothing was in your favor—you arrived to the deafening silence of Jungkook's absence. 
You were planning on dumping your soaked body on top of him and ignoring all of your worries, but even that you can’t get. 
With a heavy sigh you peeled off your clothes and put them in the laundry basket, jumping in the shower right after to try to wash away the weight on your shoulders. 
You jumped awake at the loud clatter coming from the kitchen. Instead of reacting like a normal human being and hiding, you started yelling with your eyelids still stuck together—the drowsiness refusing to escape you. Grabbing the first thing you could find on the couch you fell asleep on, the huge rainbow-colored hello kitty plushie you were cuddling with, you tried forcing your eyes open. You yelled, "Who's there?” pointing the innocent plushie towards the source of the sound. 
A fit of giggles replaced the sound of the echo your voice left behind, probably mocking your messy bed hair and unusual weapon. You frowned, a pout appearing on your face as you realized your lover was the one to awaken you so rudely from the magical dream you had just a few seconds ago. 
“Do you expect a plushie to protect you from a burglar?”, he approached you after picking up the empty bowl he dropped.
“Well what do you expect me to do when the burglar is in the kitchen, where all the knives are, and my boyfriend isn’t there to protect me?”, the pout never left your face. 
His tattooed hand went through your head to try and smooth down the mess your pillow had created. He didn’t mean to but he got so lost in the look in your eyes and the feeling of your hair against his hand, that he forgot to form a response. You didn’t mention it though, the fond smile on his face and his gentle touch on yours fill your heart with warmth in ways you could never have dreamed of before.
You did however miss the sound of his voice, too soon to your liking, so you spoke up anyway, just to hear him speak. 
“When did you get home, anyway?” This time, your hand was the one to reach towards his body. Your fists bawling around his loose shirt, resisting the urge to hug him. 
“Not too long ago, didn’t wanna wake you”, the sweet sound of his voice reached your ears again. The muscles on your face contract, trying to hide the involuntary smile that tried to betray your unsatisfied yearning for Jungkook's attention
You sigh, giving in and pulling his body close to yours. Your arms wrap tightly around his waist, your head rests on his chest and all negative feelings flood from your body. A sound of relief escaped you. You could cry. But this time it’s because your heart is so full of love, so full of love you were afraid it would burst and lose all the love you’ve stored in there just for him. 
“Are you okay, baby?” His voice faltered with concern. Nonetheless he hugged you back as you felt his arms snake around your neck.
“Just a hectic day—”, your stream of words got interrupted by the single tear falling from your eye, you had to stop talking or you knew you’d burst out in tears. You wanted to tell him so badly, tell him; “who am I kidding, this whole week has been holding me by my throat and I still can’t seem to find a way to loosen its grip.” But you didn’t want to break down in tears in front of him. Not when he was probably having a more challenging week than you could ever handle. Truly, could you ever complain about your life knowing his everyday is way harder?
“Oh no, baby don’t cry.” You were a bit shocked, but how could you be? Jungkook knew you better than you knew yourself. Is it scary that he can recognize the slightest change in your tone and behavior so easily? Maybe. But do you love him all the more for it? Definitely. 
He started swaying you both to the side, knowing how you liked to be cradled. It was an unconscious habit of yours whenever you couldn’t sleep or felt uneasy. Over the years, he had also adopted your silly little habit and now he couldn't hold you without swaying you anymore.
“Hmm, you know what? Tomorrow I have a day off. What if we spend it at the beach?” He sighed, placing his head on top of yours, plans for the day filling his mind already. “We could bring a cloth and sit by the shore an—oh!” His excitement got the best of him as another string of ideas flooded his mind. “And we can bring some snacks and some stuff we could do. We can paint, play lego or play board games. I can think of so many things!” 
You just giggled to yourself, the dried-up tears on your face long forgotten. “I’m all in. I just wanna see the sunset,” you croaked out a response.
“Anything for my baby,” he spoke, kissing your forehead when you finally removed your head from his now slightly damp shirt to look him in the eyes. But you weren’t planning on settling for a simple kiss on the head, so you pouted your lips, non-verbally asking for a proper kiss on the lips. And he complied—with the biggest lovesick smile on his face.
The smell of Jungkook's cooking skills flooded your nostrils and your mouth started to water. After the long day you just had, a warm meal is everything else you craved. 
"What are you doing?," his voice was filled with amusement. Since you weren't much of a good cook yourself, you decided that your antics in the kitchen should be entertaining—or distracting—the chef at work. This time that amusement contained sitting so close to him he could barely reach for the spoon to mix the ingredients and your hair almost slipped into the pot he was so desperately trying to steer.
When you decided to sit by the kitchen counter with your laptop, you thought you could continue your schoolwork while being in the detoxing atmosphere that Jungkook provided. But the thought of studying vanished your mind as soon as his sleeves rolled up and his hair got tied into a manbun. 
You tried so hard to stop your teeth from biting down on your bottom lip, but should you even be willing to hide the effect Jungkook has on you? Sure he teases you about it and sure you're a little stubborn, but how can you ignore such a sight. 
“You want to hear a secret?”, you whispered in his ear as his hand reached for your hair, making sure it didn't dip into the food. Yet his heart was beating against his ribcage, what are you planning? 
“I never thought watching you cook for me could get me so turned on,” and as if your comment wasn't wild enough to drive him crazy, you didn't miss the chance to graze your lips against his skin. Not enough to be a kiss, but also not enough to be a mere brush of innocent affection. 
"Fuck–, baby—, you can't say things like that!,” he groaned, aggressively stirring the pot, making you giggle. 
When you didn't say anything and nonchalantly returned to your schoolwork he decided to speak up again. “You're acting like you've never watched me cook before,” he says in a rather mocking way, but you laugh at that, enjoying the reactions you get out of him. 
“Just because I don’t always show it, doesn’t mean I don't feel it,” you wink at him, shrugging your shoulders like you confessed the most normal thing on earth. 
He couldn’t hold in his smile, his expression of amusement quickly turned into a smirk, remembering all the moments you were extra touchy in the kitchen. He took a mental note to always make you watch him cook from now on.
“Baby, did you pack the towels?,” Jungkook asked softly, trying to start up a conversation. The car ride to the beach was awfully quiet. Normally you were very talkative when you were going to the beach, too excited for all the things you would do. It was one of the things you loved most in the world of course, and Jungkook knew that, so he couldn’t help but worry about your silence. 
The pounding in your head however made you unable to think straight. You took an aspirin this morning, hoping to redeem the aches in your body. The last thing you wanted was for Jungkook to notice and spend his day off taking care of you. So you kept it to yourself. You couldn't stay in and sit in your flu, or whatever it decided to be, you needed to get out of your head. 
“Yeah, I put it in my bag,” you sighed as your head came in contact with the cold window of the passenger seat in his car, your shoulders sagging in relief. His hand squeezed your thigh in worry, he knew there was something wrong. 
“Baby, we’re here,” he shook your sleeping body. The ride to the beach wasn't that long, but the never-ending headache made you close your eyes a little too long. 
The sudden excitement that flew through your body at the thought of finally spending a carefree day at the beach got knocked out of you as soon as you looked out of the car window. 
“Are you fucking kidding me,” you almost yelled in annoyance towards the raindrops landing on your face as you got out of the car. You made sure to check the weather report every hour of the day ever since last night and it still managed to rain today. It made you more frustrated than you could imagine. You could cry.
“___, baby...,” he looked at you with pity. Carefully approaching you to avoid you getting even more upset. 
Your teary eyed face faced his sympathetic one. The looks you were exchanging saying it all. You expected him to comfort you, hug you, offer to sit in the backseat instead and rest. But Jungkook always seems to surprise you, even when you know how spontaneous he is. 
“What are you doing?!”, you shrieked as you felt the ground under your feet disappear. Jungkook carried you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and your eyes widened, feeling overly exposed with your ass up in the air.
Like he could sense your discomfort he twisted your body around to carry you bridal style. Your wide eyes gazed into his excited ones. You immediately shook your head when that mischievous glint in his eyes and that childlike smile on his face made you realize what he was planning to do.
Despite your panicked protests he threw caution to the wind and started running towards the beach with you screaming in his arms.
“Jeongguk, if you fucking drop me I will—!,” you yelled at him punching his chest, but he silenced you with a kiss. 
“I won’t,” he reassured you, making you blush.
So you just let him. Let him run into the deserted beach, towards the water, with the biggest smile on your face because Jungkook always knew what to do to make you smile again. He always knew what to do to make you fall deeper in love with him. 
You gasped loudly as Jungkook entered the water—fully clothed. He ran past the shore, his favorite boots getting wet, but he didn't care. He kept running however, so far that his entire lower body had entered the water. He knelt down, you being in his arms getting completely engulfed by the cold water. This way he avoided getting his own upper body wet. You panicked, swimming out of his grip to look at him with an angry expression. But your face didn't match your feelings, or so you thought, the broad smile on your face betraying you.
“Jeongguk! You said you wouldn’t drop me!,” you splashed a bunch of water his way making him duck down to avoid getting his hair wet. 
“I didn’t drop you, I just dipped you in,” he shrugged, making you scoff. Another wave of water was thrown his way, this time he couldn’t dodge it in time, the water hitting him straight in the face. 
“Oh now you're asking for it,” he strides towards you, his arms ready to engulf you and body slam you into the water but you’re too quick.
What was supposed to be a relaxing day at the beach ended up turning into a chaotic water fight. And even though you were sick, the cold water felt rather healing as well as spending time with Jungkook did. You must look like reckless children to onlookers, but you haven’t had this much fun in a while, so you decided to not care. 
“You should've told me you weren't feeling well,” you smoothed the frown between his brows out with your thumb, smiling brightly. You were now in the backseat of his car, both of you covered with the towels you brought earlier to lay down on the sand. You were basically sitting on top of him, having persuaded him with the argument that you needed his body warmth to warm up quicker.
“Then I wouldn't have such a fun day… Besides I think I'm feeling better already,” he pouted at you, not believing your words for a second. After getting out of the water you couldn’t stop shivering and what he thought was only natural turned concerning when he found you coughing and sneezing as well.
He held your hands in his, looking into your eyes, feeling guilty for noticing how bad you were feeling earlier. Blaming him was never in your agenda though, he made you feel healthier than you actually were in his presence. 
“You’re not falling asleep on me are you?” he looked down at your slumped figure leaning on him, your full body weight on top of his.
“Uhuh,” you responded, snuggling further into his embrace. He smiled, not minding it one bit if you decided to sleep for hours on end. He’d stay right there, in the back of his car, thinking about all the things he can do later today to make you feel better. Because that’s what Jungkook did best. Love you unconditionally and brighten up your days. 
He planted one final kiss on the top of your head, telling you goodnight, unaware of your lingering wakefulness. You think you might love him a little too much, you could cry.
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eatabubble · 3 months
Scaredy cat
Reader x Finney Blake
Summary: Finney has a little crush on you and has for awhile but doesn’t want to ask you out because he’s nervous. However Gwen calls it something else, making him want to do something about it.
Disclaimer ?: overuse of words like ‘finally’ and ‘so’ and maybe too many commas x . x
A/n It’s been a long time since I’ve written on here but I was bored so here we are. Pretty sure the fandom is mildly dead but idk sorry y’all. I hope you like it and I do take requests, if anyone wants those, I’ll try my best. This isn’t written well I know so I’m sorry but hopefully you give it a chance 🙏🏽
Word count: 723 (pretty sure)
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Gwen knew almost immediately. Her brother couldn’t even look your way without a rosy pink dusting over his features. In fact, according to her anyone who couldn’t see his interest in you, must be blind. So, as any nice sister would do (according to her, again) she decides it’s a good idea to push and tease her brother until he finally asks you out.
During lunch, Gwen again catches Finney dozing off in your direction, she finds an opportunity.
“Finneyyyy” as she drags out his name he suddenly turns back to his food tray and with a monotone voice says “no” “I’m not going to ask her out” and Gwen suddenly turns to look at him pleadingly. “Oh come on Finney, you know you want to!” Finney rolls his eyes “plus, you know she might feel the same way about you, I’ve caught her looking at you a couple times, she’s also really nice to you, surely that means something” she adds.
“No, that barely says anything about how she feels about me, and if I do have a chance I don’t want to weird her out like that” Finney knows you most likely, wouldn’t ever find anyone weird, but like most, his insecurities blur his confidence in walking up to you. In doubt that you’ll end up finding him weird.
Finally, Gwen gives up, bored with the same lame excuse, but not without a final push. “Fine, you little scaredy cat” she goes back to finish drinking her small carton of orange juice and forgets the conversation.
However, for Finney he seems to have mixed feelings about what his sister called him. Obviously it’s normal behavior from his sister towards him but he starts to wonder that if anything his sister said was true, and you do like him somehow and your just waiting for him to make a move, would you also consider him a “scaredy cat.” So, he wonders and wonders, then finally comes up with a conclusion/ solution.
It’s the last bell of the day and Finney has worked to push away his doubts during his last classes, then finally by telling himself to stop being scared he’s all in with his plan.
Finney finds you rather quick waiting for your bus and he approaches you finding the opportunity to ask what he’s been anticipating and anxious about.
You quickly catch him walking up to you from the corner of your eye and turn to face him as he gets closer, and with a small smile and wave, you greet him.
“Finney, Hi!”
He returns and kindly accepts your greeting with his own shy one “Hey”
And so he figures he didn’t really come up with a plan to do this so you two are just standing there for a good few seconds. He realizes he’s backing down, but you start small talk and he appreciates it, as it gives him some time to recollect himself enough to finally ask you out.
“Do you wanna hangout some time?” And as casual and upfront as he said it, he felt like he was about to die. He didn’t lead up to the question and instead just interrupted you in the middle of your sentence.
Taken aback you take some time to fully comprehend what he just asked, and of course Finney takes it as a bad thing and instantly wants to leave to spare him the embarrassment of your rejection. You finally register what he asked you and you feel like your about to explode. You never made it super obvious but you did like Finney and have for about a little over a year. So you obviously say “Really? Ok! Yes, I’d like to hangout” and you also quickly add “When, Where, what time?”
Finney is shocked and surprised, he didn’t expect such a positive outcome, and he doesn’t really have all the answers but he knows they’ll come soon and so he just gives you his house phone number and asks if you can call him later, that way you guys can decide on a solid answer together.
Gwen peeps from the side of a pillar she was hiding behind and although she can’t hear anything she knows what’s going on as she sees everything play out.
And just like that, Gwen’s match making works like a charm.
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Invisible String
Nanami Kento x Reader
(Song Inspiration: Invisible String by Taylor Swift)
Nanami Kento went on with his day. It went from his office life and back home. He would stay a few hours later to earn extra money. Only for him to start his day all over for him.
He dreaded it. He hated his normal life. He hated living in this monotonous cycle of work and life. It was shitty.
“Excuse me?” Nanami looked up. You stood there right in front of him with your notebook, folders, and books in your arms. It seems as if papers were going to fall out but you held them tightly against your chest. Your backpack was falling off your shoulder. You looked like you were in a rush. “Is this seat taken?” He looked at the empty seat next to him. He shook his head and moved over for you to sit down. “Thank you so much!”
“You’re welcome,” he said softly. He watched your cheeks glow with a faint pink color. He couldn’t help but let out a small smile. He looked at the time. It has been a while since he left work on time. Definitely the highlight of today.
And within that week, he made sure to clock out at the same time. He fast walked to the bus stop, patiently waited, and hoped that you would be there too. To his luck, he was able to obtain the same seats at the back of the bus. He placed his briefcase on the empty seat. After two stops, he saw you outside. The same papers, folders, and books with your backpack falling off your shoulder.
When you entered the bus, you recognized the blonde man in the striped suit and red tie. You smiled. His generosity for the past week made your day everyday after being yelled at constantly by your superiors. You were happy that someone, who seemed as exhausted as you were, was so soft and kind.
“Is the seat taken?” you asked curiously like you had been throughout the week. Nanami shook his head with a small smile. He picked up his briefcase and scooted over by the window. You thanked him happily and sat down. He watched you organize your papers. “You don’t mind holding this?” Nanami shook his head and held the pile of papers you pulled out of your bag. He took a glance at the papers.
“Intern designer?” he asked. He watched you nod in response.
“It’s hell over there,” you said. “I just need to be patient because it’ll get better. At least I’d hope so. How about you? You look like you’re not enjoying life.” Nanami shrugged.
“It’s okay,” he answered.
“Fair enough.” You finally made your things neat. You took the papers from Nanami’s hand and thanked him again. “This is my stop. I’ll see you around.” And you left, before Nanami could ask what your name was. ‘Next time.’ He pulled out his phone, staring at the one contact he never thought of calling.
Gojo Satorou.
He hasn’t been able to run into you for about a month. Assistant managers would drive him to the location of his missions. He would take a different bus route from before. None of them leading to you. He wondered if you were doing well. If you were still disorganized whenever you entered the bus. If you still fix them up while waiting for your stop. If you still ran away on time; away from the hell you had mentioned.
It was past 6. He decided to walk around the city. He was feeling a little nostalgic thinking about the little moments with you.
“Oh! It’s you!” Nanami’s eyes widened. There you were. You wore a brown corduroy dress with a beige turtle neck underneath. You wore stockings to keep your legs warm and brown boots and a brown beanie to match the outfit. Instead of your large and gray backpack that likes to fall off your shoulders, you carried a large sand colored purse. “New uniform?” Nanami smiled a small smile as he removed his glasses. Never would he have thought he would bump into you.
“You have a more clean look,” he said with a small smirk. You blushed.
“Look I made big changes in life,” you said. “And it’s been working out great for me this month.” Nanami smiled.
“Are you free right now?” he asked.
“I’m about to have a lonesome date with myself for dinner,” you answered. “You’re welcome to join.” And he followed you, passing a few stores until you turned at a small ramen shop.
“I made big changes as well,” Nanami said. You were interested and leaned in closer to hear more. “I decided to go back to teaching.”
“That’s amazing! You do seem better….uhh…” you started laughing, realizing that you never got his name. You told him your name.
“Nanami Kento,” he said.
“Well Nanami-san, I’m glad you’re doing something that is making you happier.”
“It’s something that has more meaning in my life and I’m more useful in the profession. What about you?”
“I quit,” you said. “After our last meeting, I contemplated about my life. So I quit the next day and I’m designing and selling my own products.” Nanami chuckled.
“I did the same thing.” You lightly laughed with him. Even returning back as a sorcerer and training young ones felt like a monotonous lifestyle, but it brought him purpose. He thought that if maybe your relationship with him blossoms, he will tell you everything about his life. Because so far, you’ve been the one who has brighten it up; the reason that his life became purposeful. He needed to know you more. “Are you free tomorrow?”
“I’ll be free whenever you are,” you answered. Nanami smiled. He pulled out his cell phone and you mirrored him, and the two of you exchanged numbers.
“I’ll call you.”
You nodded happily, excited to have the opportunity to know more about him. Nanami hopes that you’ll stick around. You gave him purpose and meeting you again, he believed fate wanted him to keep his purposeful life.
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thefairywithboots · 8 months
Depollute Me, Gentle Angel (Robert Plant x Fem!OC)
Hi! So I have been working on this fic all weekend as a request sent to me in my ask box. Smut Prompt #11: "Oh no, there is only one bed, what will we do now?"
Except the anon who requested this specifically asked for me to make it fluff instead of smut. And in all honesty, this was very fun to write. An x reader fic was requested, but I had to create an entirely new OC because fluffy Y/N oneshots are harder for me to write without context and the story just seemed to run away with itself.
Summary: Evanna is a photographer travelling with Led Zeppelin during their North American tour in 1969. She has felt extremely drawn and attracted to the band's lead singer, Robert Plant, but has resisted his charms because she is a faithful girlfriend. But after her boyfriend breaks up with her over the phone, management somehow manages to screw up the room keys and they are assigned to the same room. AND THERE'S ONLY ONE BED!!!!
The title of this fic is a line taken from this song, which I have been listening to on repeat for the past few days, and reminds me a lot of these two...
Warnings: Angst, and lots of it. Lots of sap and fluff especially near the end.
Rating: T+ I guess for cursing idk
I tag @bijouxcarys @ourshadowstallerthanoursoul @elliotironmaidenfan @strsmn @hammill-goes-fogwalking @jimmysdragonsuit13 @callmethehunter @keytothehighway @chauffeurkashmir @m-faithfull @jimmypage7
Evanna had been part of Led Zeppelin's entourage for the past couple of months during their North American tour, taking photos of the band on and offstage. It was her dream job; she had always wanted to travel and be near the music, even if she was hardly ever home.
The one thing that tugged at her heartstrings was the fact that she had to leave behind her boyfriend, Geoffrey. She was away from him for weeks at a time, and missed him tremendously. She called him every night when she could. The past few nights, he had been in a pissy mood, demanding that she answer all of his questions. She had to reassure him, that no, she was not doing drugs at the after parties, and no, she was not sleeping with anyone in the band, nor anyone from the road crew. She once ended up reminding him that he was the one who had cheated on her last year, and not the other way around.
This caused him to hang up on her, and refuse to talk to her for the rest of the week.
The fear of being ghosted by him made her emotionally drained. She focused her energy towards her job and her photography, snapping away from the photographer's pit in front of the stage. Led Zeppelin's music carried a sort of magic to it that healed her when she was feeling like Geoffrey's silence was becoming too much for her. And everyone in the band were all kind enough to her.
Well... perhaps Robert was a little too kind.
Evanna often found herself having to tear her eyes away from the golden-haired lion of a man. He was almost too beautiful to look at directly; like the sun blaring straight into her eyes. And his voice did nothing to extinguish her desire.
While hanging out with the band, crew, as well as the multiple groupies that hung around them after the show, Evanna found Robert extremely easy to talk to. He was polite and friendly to her. He normally kept his nose in a book on the tour bus while chaos ensued around him. But when he spoke to her, he always got down to her eye level, his blue eyes staring deep into hers. This always caused her heart rate to speed up, as if he were staring straight into her soul.
As if trying to seduce her.
She shook these feelings away, feeling a pang of guilt for being tempted. She was a faithful girlfriend, and wasn't going to stoop to Geoffrey's level and prove him right.
None of that mattered in the end. She stood on the side walk one cold evening, gripping the payphone so tight, her knuckles turned white. Tears rolled down her face as she listened to Geoffrey's voice over the crackling telephone line.
"Listen, Evie, this isn't going to work out," he told her. "You're away all the time. I hardly ever see you, and I never know who you're running around with."
Evanna felt like she had a giant fist squeezing at her heart. "We've been together since high school..." she said through barely contained sobs. "I-I was looking forward to seeing you again..."
She had a mental image of Geoffrey rolling his eyes, even though she couldn't see his face. "Right. Well, now you can screw around with as many rock stars as you want to without guilt, yeah? I'm sure they'd like your company, given how easy it is to get you on your — "
Evanna lost her temper, and shouted through the phone: "Do I need to remind you that you are the one who needs to be reminded of faithfulness!? I was not the one who stepped out on this relationship, you asshole!"
Geoffrey's voice cut through the line like a sharp blade. "Do not curse at me, you ungrateful bitch!" Evanna flinched, as if expecting a physical blow through the phone. "Do you have any idea how much I have sacrificed for us!? And you feel the need to constantly bring up my past mistakes!?"
She was shaking now, unable to hold her tongue with this man any more. "How much you have sacrificed!? I'm the one who's away working all the time! And you're constantly accusing me of things that I didn't do!"
Geoffrey let out a sardonic laugh as if he didn't believe her. "Yeah, okay! Enjoy being Page's little whore." Her blood boiled at the assumption that she would even stoop that low. "Though, from what I've heard, you'd probably be too old for his tastes anyway."
"FUCK YOU!" She had screamed this into the receiver, causing several bystanders to shoot her awkward glances. She was too distraught to be embarrassed, though.
The sound of Geoffrey hanging up on her felt like the final nail in the coffin. Her tear-streaked face mirrored her desolation as she set the phone back into the receiver. She wiped her tears away before pushing her hands through her long red hair, trying to compose herself.
Evanna arrived at the venue with her camera. Her mind was slightly clearer after walking all the way there, but she still must have had tears in her eyes because Bonzo was the first to notice when he exited his dressing room.
"Hey, kid. You okay?" She turned to look at him. He had always referred to her as "kid" even though she was just a year younger than him and Robert.
She sniffled. Bonzo was always the kindest to her. And he never seemed to have any ulterior motives behind his kindness. Part of that may have had to do with the fact that he was married. "I'm fine," she lied.
"You don't look fine..." he said with a furrowed brow. He seemed genuinely concerned for her.
"It's nothing really... my boyfriend just... broke up with me. It's fine, it's got nothing to do with my job."
"Sorry to hear that, kid..." he said softly. "But hey, that bloke wasn't worth it, eh? Percy and I were talking about how stressed you seemed after getting off the phone with him..." He trailed off, as if realizing he shouldn't have said that.
Evanna stared up at the drummer with her mouth agape. "You... what?" Christ, were we really that obvious? They had never even seen us together...
Bonzo opened his mouth to speak, but the band's manager, Peter Grant, was already coming down the hallway, yelling at the band members to get on the stage. Bonzo shot her an apologetic smile before turning to leave towards the stage entrance.
Jimmy came out of his dressing room with his current female companion following close behind him, adjusting herself in her dress. Robert came out of his room shortly after. His eyes met with Evanna's as he walked past, and he shot her a wink.
She felt her breath catch in her throat.
She shook her head and made her way to the front of the stage and into the photographer's pit, setting up her camera.
The music as always healed her in a way that nothing else ever could. She focused on getting good shots of the band, zooming her lenses in to capture each individual member before stepping back to get a shot of the entire band. Hyper focusing on her career had always been her way of escaping from the anguish of what Geoffrey put her through on a regular basis.
Admitting that to herself, she felt like she had a weight lifted off her shoulders.
She couldn't help but rest her eyes on Robert as he strutted across the stage, thrusting his hips in time to the music, his luscious blond curls bouncing as he moved. Just seeing him onstage like this, she never would have imagined that he was so easy to talk to. Onstage, he seemed to turn into a sort of deity, the stage lights reflecting off his golden mane, causing it to look as if it were glowing. He looked like a sun god. Bright, radiant. Difficult to look at for too long.
After the concert, Evanna came back to the hotel early. She didn't have the energy or social battery to attend the after party in Jimmy's room. She was tired, and Geoffrey was still heavy on her heart and mind.
Ever since she had been travelling with the band, management had been paying for her room and food. She was given her key when she got back to the hotel, and she entered the musky-smelling room, setting her luggage down by the door. Feeling the silence and loneliness close in on her, Evanna felt like curling up on the bed and crying. She would normally be talking to Geoffrey on the phone by now.
His voice echoed in her head, the memories of him calling her a whore and a liar playing over in her head like a broken record. 
Evanna turned the TV on, browsing the channels until she found some reruns of her favourite show. She turned the volume up as loud as it would go, trying to drown out the sound of her own thoughts.
She stripped down, catching a glimpse of her pale body in the mirror. She made her way into the bathroom, turning the shower on, making the water as hot as she could stand it before washing off the day as the television droned on outside.
By the time she got out of the shower, her skin red and flushed, she felt like a weight had been washed off her. Geoffrey breaking up with her felt like he was finally releasing her from the shackles of constant scrutiny and suspicion. But she had got so used to feeling that weight on her, a feeling that she had always convinced herself was an anchor to keep her grounded to her home, that she didn't know what to do now that it was gone.
She wrung the water out of her long red hair before taking the towel wrapped around her body and putting her hair up into it.
When she exited the bathroom in the nude, the first thing she noticed was how cold it was in the room compared to the steamy bathroom.
The second thing she noticed was that she wasn't alone. Robert was sitting on the bed, still in his stage clothes, his long legs stretched out in front of him as he was watching the TV. He barely had time to turn his head to see a flushed, naked woman exiting the bathroom before she let out a startled scream, quickly taking the towel off of her head to cover herself.
The scream had startled him, causing him to freeze.
"What are you doing in here!?" she screamed while backed against the wall, holding the now damp towel to her chest.
Robert tilted his head to the side in confusion, as if this wasn't the reaction he was used to when walking into a woman's room. "This is my room."
"No, this is my room!" she yelled, her voice irate.
Robert shrugged. "Management must have got the rooms mixed up. It's happened before."
Evanna quickly went over to her luggage to pull out a pair of pyjamas, disappearing into the bathroom to pull them on. She was shaking. She couldn't believe the incompetence of management. How was she supposed to share a room with the man she had felt such an extreme attraction to for the past few weeks? The only thing keeping her from losing it was the fact that she had her own little space each night.
When she exited the bathroom, Robert was standing by the kitchenette, his wild mane of golden hair obscuring his face. He was boiling some water on the stove in a copper teapot.
He turned to look at her, and she saw a mischievous glint in his eyes as the hint of a crooked smirk played across his lips. She was hit by the sudden dilemma of where they were supposed to sleep.
Robert placed the teapot to the side, taking some tea bags out to place in the pot to let seep.
He turned and looked around the room. He pretended to just notice the elephant in the room. "Oh, no," he said with an amused expression. "There's only one bed. What will we do now?"
Evanna rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest. "I guess one of us will have to sleep on the floor..." she said while averting her eyes to the ground.
Robert stepped closer to her, appearing to loom over her. She was short enough as it was, but his height made her feel like a child. He brought his hand under her chin to gently raise her eyes to look into his. His eyes were fixated on her face, as if counting each of her freckles. She felt her breath catch in her throat, and her heart race in her chest.
"Why would we need to sleep on the floor when the bed is big enough to hold both of us?" His thumb ran over her cheek. "Bonzo told me about your breakup..."
She mentally cursed him. "He did?"
"Yeah... that bloke didn't deserve you," he said gently. The mischievous glint came back into his eyes. "Given the circumstances... perhaps a little rebound action could do you some good."
That had done it. She felt like the dam had broken, causing her tears to start falling uncontrollably. Her hand cracked across his face, and his head snapped to the side.
"You are such a pig!" she shrieked at him. "Do you think that every woman wants you!?" Robert opened his mouth to speak, but she cut him off again. "I am not a groupie!"
She sat down at the small table, her hands wound through her hair as she sobbed uncontrollably. Her heart was full of anguish.
She flinched when she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry..." His voice was gentle and sincere, his accented speech as soft as a cloud. "That was... insensitive."
She could feel the warmth radiating off from him from just that single touch, and it was enough to bring forth the tears again.
"It's too cold for either of us to sleep on the floor..." he told her. "But I promise not to touch you without your permission..."
Evanna stared up at him with wet eyes, her tears mirroring the desolation she felt inside. He seemed even more beautiful to her at that moment.
"I-I did everything I could... and he still abandoned me..." More tears spilled forward. She felt like she had been holding it all in for the past four years.
Robert's large hand wrapped around her small, dainty wrist as he took her hand into his. His touch was gentle, light like a feather, as if she were a fragile being who would bruise easily.
The warmth she felt in just that gentle caress of her hand was more than she had ever felt with Geoffrey. Her face scrunched up, and she fell forward, her face burying itself into his shoulder as she continued to cry. Robert's arms encircled around her, wrapping her into a cocoon of warmth. He was so warm, so solid. She could feel the steadiness of his heartbeat underneath her ear.
"It's okay..." he whispered gently to her, his lips pressing against her mass of ginger hair. The sensation filled her with so much warmth, tears continued to fall.
They were silent for several minutes, just holding each other as Evanna cried silently. Robert's hand reached up to gently stroke her hair, the feeling of his hand on her scalp causing her to melt against him.
Evanna at last felt like she could get the tears to stop falling. But she didn't want to leave his arms; it was the warmest, most welcoming place she had ever been. When Robert eventually pulled away to tend to the tea, she suddenly became aware of how cold it was in the room. She rubbed at her now dry eyes, her head feeling as if it were in a clouded daze.
Robert poured some tea into a mug. She could smell the chamomile from across the room. The scent relaxed her.
"Would you like some tea, Evanna?"
He was the only person who ever called her by her full name, rather than Eve or Evie. It was as if he savoured each syllable as it rolled off his tongue. She loved the way her name sounded on his lips. She imagined what it would sound like if he were to moan her name repeatedly while in bed —
She mentally slapped herself as she shook away those thoughts. She quickly nodded.
"Sure..." she said in a soft voice.
He poured some tea into a second mug. "It'll keep you warm..."
She sniffed as he placed the hot mug down in front of her. She placed her hands around it, the heat radiating through her entire being. "Thank you..." She lowered her head, feeling embarrassed about her outburst earlier. "I'm sorry for slapping you..."
He chuckled softly and waved it off. "Don't worry about it, luv. I had that one coming..."
The herbs calmed her down, and heat seeped through her body, warming her on the inside as she took small sips of the tea.
Robert sipped his tea quietly, pretending to focus on the television to not make Evanna feel uncomfortable by staring at her too intensely. But he would occasionally steal glances at her, taking in little details about her. The way her freckles were lightly dusted across her face. The way her lips curled around the edge of the mug as she sipped her tea. Occasionally, her hazel eyes would meet his, and he would avert his eyes back down to his tea or back to the television.
After she finished her tea, she yawned and made her way over to the bed. Even as she slid under the blankets, she could feel the biting winter cold that had made its way into the room. She shivered, pulling the covers up to her chin.
Robert finished his cup of tea before getting up to turn the tele off. The room was filled with silence, but not the crushing kind of loneliness that Evanna had felt when she first arrived. The silence was serene.
Robert slipped under the covers next to her, reaching for the lamp to turn off. Evanna found herself reaching for him, encircling her arms around his waist. He looked down at her as his hand rested on her shoulder.
"Just hold me..." she whispered softly, her head resting against his chest, the sound of his heartbeat steady against her ear.
Robert wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly to him as they both lay in bed. It felt as if he were her only source of heat at that moment; both literally and figuratively. Geoffrey had never held her like this, not once. The warmth and safety she felt in his arms made her feel almost embarrassed. He was just a mere acquaintance.
She became fully relaxed in his embrace, her hands reaching up to gently stroke his sideburns. A dopey smile broke out across his beautiful face, which prompted her own. The artistic side of her made her hands itch for her camera as she desired to capture that moment. But such a thing would be awkward.
He leaned down to press a small kiss on her lips. His lips were so soft, and the kiss felt so natural and sweet, like there were no ulterior motives behind it. Every gentle caress and kiss felt like an antibiotic, draining the toxicity from her veins, from her very heart.
The anguish Evanna had felt all evening became less and less as she lay in Robert's arms, gently running her hands through his long blond hair. His hair was even softer than it looked. She felt herself relaxing in his warm embrace. It was so much more than just a physical warmth. Robert's energy, and his very presence just radiated a warmth like no one else she had ever been around before.
Eventually, the sound of his breathing slowed, and the steady beat of his heart could be felt against her ear. His hand wound through her hair was the last Evanna noted before she slipped off into the warmest, most content sleep she had had in a long time. 
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liesmyth · 3 months
My friend is going to Rome next Feb for her birthday and she's super excited, is there anything you'd recommend that a) she absolutely has to see or do (including food places) or b) she should absolutely NOT do (either because its overrated, underwhelming or just socially bad etiquette)? Unsure if the country of origin helps but she is English and doesn't speak a lick of Italian
a) absolutely should do: walking tour of the city centre. Just book a free half day in your schedule and do some sightseeing! The last time I showed a friend around we walked like Colosseo > Fori Imperiali > Campidoglio > Piazza Venezia > Trevi > Trinità dei Monti > Piazza del Popolo > St Peter Square, took our time and just wandered around it was FUN. Also: make a list in advance of museums / sites she wants to visit and get online tickets to skip the queue. There are way too many museums in Rome to visit comfortably (I live here and legit have a spreadsheet to keep track of museums I want to see when there's an exhibit of whatever.. we're talking like dozens) so just pick a few and enjoy really looking at the art instead of rushing through. If she's in town on a first Sunday of the month, some of them are free. If the weather is nice (and tbh it should be decent in February!) she could visit the Villa Borghese park + IF she likes hiking, I really like the old Appian way for a midday walk when it's sunny.
Gelato places. Also this cemetery if you're a goth.
b) do NOT do: Ok I do joke about tourists a normal amount being someone who lives in a tourist-heavy location but actually! there's no wrong way to be a tourist. Like, no matter what you do some locals are gonna think you're a bit cringe or be annoyed because they're late for work and you're sightseeing on the bus. Who cares!! I think your friend shouldn't worry about faux passes at all. Live her best life! THAT SAID I would avoid tourist traps like plague. The Gelatist near Trevi Fountain? MY GOD GO AWAY.
Also. Lot of people who visit Rome complain about pickpocketers. This is way less of an issue for locals who take public transit more often. tldr, IMO this is less of a "Rome" specific issue and more of a "big city" issue. If your friend is not used to city living just like... watch out where you put your things. Every time I see a tourist with their phone hanging from their back pocket I want to cry. Put your (her) phone and wallet in a zipped up front pocket or in a bag you have on your lap on the metro! Stuff like that idk.
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dual1pa · 2 years
20 years later
Tumblr media
joel miller x reader (use of she/her pronouns)
content warnings: language, terror, smut, p in v sex, oral (f receiving)
A/N: Might not line up with the plot of the series, not proofread, enjoy!!
They felt like the talk of the town. Everyone they knew was encouraging them to get together already.
She spent most of the time with Joel and his daughter, Sarah. When she wasn't working, she picked up Sarah from school and helped make dinner for her and Joel when he had long nights at work.
She made sure to stay with Sarah until she fell asleep, then sat down on the couch to catch up on her reading. Each night around 10 or 11 o'clock, Joel would come huffing and puffing through the front door—soon discussing the events of his day to her.
She loved Joel—not that he would ever know. He treated her well. He would always call to make sure she got home alright, zoom straight over to her house to fix anything that went wrong, and overall cared about her.
However, the two of you have never kissed. She definitely had thoughts of her lips connecting to his, moving in with Sarah and him, marrying him, sleeping with him. She wanted all of that—but was too afraid to tell Joel her feelings, so she kept them to herself.
"Rough night?" she asked.
"Usual," he plopped himself down on the couch next to her, "Thanks for picking Sarah up. I know how much she hates walking home or taking the bus."
"It's no problem, Joel," she said, "I like helping you guys out."
"Don't know what I'd do without you," he smiled.
The two of them stared at each other for a few moments, when she spoke up to break the silence, "I better get going. Got an early day at the hospital tomorrow."
She worked as an ER nurse. Yes, she had weird hours at first but the pay was good. She finally gained the courage to ask her boss for 8-5 or 7-4 positions instead of overnights. It was really getting to her head.
"Okay," he said, getting up from his spot on the couch and opening up the door for her.
While watching her walk towards her car, he noticed that she was shivering due to the cool air.
"Hey, wait a minute," he said, quickly running back into his house and quickly reemerging with a flannel.
"Here, keep it. You need it more than I do," he chuckled.
"Thanks, Joel. I would freeze without you," she joked.
He loved her and he knew it.
They were both so naive.
It was all a nightmare.
After that late night in September of 2003... nothing was the same.
She still remembers that night as if it happened yesterday.
When she got home from Joel's place, she did her normal nightly routine: wash her face, brush her teeth, put pajamas on, and sit in bed to watch some TV. When really focusing on the news, things felt... off.
She thought nothing of it and went to bed.
She was rudely awakened by the noises of people outside. She took a look outside to see chaos. Things were on fire, and people were panicking in the streets. She watched as people ran from other people. However, she backed away from the window in fear after witnessing one person eat another....almost like zombie behavior.
She quickly ran to check to make sure every door and window was locked in the house—they were. She grabbed the phone and began calling everyone she knew: friends, family, and co-workers. None of them picked up the phone. With shaky fingers, she dialed Joel's home phone.
She was in tears. The apocalypse was among her and she was alone.
She jerked herself awake—another nightmare.
She rubbed her eyes and did her best to forget about the horrible dream she had.
After September 2003, she found herself a group of people that ended up calling themselves "The Fireflies," which helped to find a cure for the infected. At first, she was terrified of the future. Now, with the help of the organization she's a part of, she has hope. Hope in finding a cure.
She does think about Joel from time to time. Wondered what could have been if things went right. She did regret not telling Joel how she really felt. To this day, she still loves him. Nothing will ever change that.
However, What if she stayed with Joel that night? Where would she be? Safe? or Dead? She didn't really care... as long as she was with him. If she ever came into contact with him again, she would tell him how much she loves him.
She also wondered how Sarah was—oh how much she would have grown by now... had to be at least 30 years old.
She was located in Detroit, Michigan: the unofficial official headquarters of the fireflies. Her job was pretty simple: keep an eye on her patients. Since she had a medical background, she is able to give people shots and can help with questions that anyone may have.
She put on a pair of her least dirty jeans along with Joel's flannel she kept after all those years. She missed him so much and it was the only thing that had her thinking that he was with her.
The dusty air filled her lungs as she walked out the front doors of her apartment building. While on the way to the firefly tent, she smiled and waved to everyone she knew. Since their little town was so small, everyone knew each other. All of the newcomers were quick to become noticed.
As she walked into the tent, she walked toward her friend, Erica, to tells her what she has to do for the day.
"You got a new kid today, just came in early this morning actually," Erica said, giving her a clipboard of all of the kid's information—which wasn't much. All they really knew about the kid is that her name is Ellie and she was bitten, but hasn't been infected.
"Thanks," she said.
"Careful. She's kind of an asshole," Erica replied.
"Okay who do we have here—" she walked into the room and instantly dropped the clipboard.
"Joel?" she spoke.
The man in front of her was just as shocked as she was. Before he could speak, she jumped into his arms, hugging him at tight as she could, and he did the same.
Even though he was dirty, his familiar scent that she knew all too well was still there.
"I'm- holy fuck," he kept repeating her name over and over again, not believing the woman that he still loved after all those years was right in front of him once again.
He felt on her flannel, "You still have my flannel? After all this time?" he smiled, resting his hands on her cheeks.
"It was the only thing I had left of you. Oh my god! You're alive," she felt herself tearing up just looking at him.
Ellie spoke, "Um... hate to ruin this special moment but can we just get to the point of why I'm locked up in this chair?"
She stared blankly at Joel's face, instantly coming back down to earth. She turned to Ellie and quickly examined her cut.
After the end of Ellie's examination, other doctors took Ellie in for more testing... which lead to Joel and her alone.
"Oh my god. I can't believe it's really you. 20 years later and you still have the same face. It's like you didn't age," she exclaimed.
"What happened to you that night?"
"I tried to call you," she explained, "No one picked up. Hours later of me just sitting in my house not knowing what the hell to do I went outside and snuck around until I found people who weren't infected. I've been with them ever since. Now, I can officially call myself a firefly."
"Everything happened so quickly," Joel said, "I lost Sarah, darling, I fucking lost her," he cried.
She took him into her arms once again and comforted him. She could feel herself crying once again as she realized that Sarah was gone... forever.
"Ellie is going to be here for a while, do you want to come back to my place so we can talk more in private," she asked
"Yes," he breathed.
For a few hours, the two spent the evening discussing what happened over the last twenty years. When she found the right moment, she was going to bring up "them."
"Joel," she scooted closer to him on the couch and grabbed his hand, "I made myself promise that I would tell you this if I ever saw you again."
He looked at her with a concerned face, waiting to hear your next sentence, "I love you. I've loved you since 2003. I was too big of a pussy to actually tell you. When the outbreak happened and throughout all these years, I've been kicking myself as I never got to tell you my true feelings for you. Every time I picked Sarah up and we made dinner together... it made me wish I lived with you guys. I pictured a life together, wanting to get married. Of course, the outbreak fucked that all up."
She began to cry, thinking about what could have been.
He let out a breath of relief, "I honestly thought you were going to tell me to fuck off and that you had a boyfriend."
His statement made her laugh, "No one could come close to you Joel."
"Well, I guess I'm relieved to hear that because I haven't been able to get you out of my mind either. When I lost Sarah, I was alone. I ended up in Boston, I lost Tommy along the way and I've just been so lonely. Thank God you're safe. I was only thinking the worst," he said.
"In all seriousness, I loved you since I laid my eyes on you. After Sarah's mom passed away, you were always there for her and always knew how to cheer her up when she didn't think it was possible to. You were also there for me too. Obviously, those feelings I have for you weren't there yet, but overtime, they hit me like a fucking truck. I love you so much. I love you," he took her cheeks in his hands and leaned in to kiss her.
It was like fireworks were going off all around them. It finally happened.
At first, the kiss felt innocent. Then, he got more into it. His tongue gently slid over your bottom lip as you opened your mouth for him to explore.
"Taste even better than I imagine," he laid her down on the couch and slid himself between her thighs.
Her hands roamed his back, eventually leading to his chest to unbutton his shirt. As quickly as she could, she ripped off his shirt and flew it across the room. He unbuttoned her flannel for your bra to be on full display. He shoved the cups to the side to unveil your breasts.
"Finally and even more gorgeous than what I imagined," he took one of your nipples into your mouth, lightly biting the sensitive skin. Moments later, he did the same motion to the other one. The assault on your body caused you to moan out a long "fuck."
She felt her way down to his groin, already feeling how hard he was for her. She squeezed his bulge and eventually pulled his pants down enough to let his cock spring free. She removed her jeans. She was desperate for him to be inside her.
As she was lining himself up to her entrance, he stopped her.
"Wait," he breathed, "Just feeling your wet pussy on my cock will make me come. I need to taste you first, baby, okay?"
She sunk her teeth into her bottom lip but quickly moaned out profanities as she felt his tongue circle around her clit. He took his time with her. He wanted her to truly have a great few orgasms. He licked her hole and spit on her clit. As soon as he was ready to make her cum, he sucked on her clit. Hard. He could tell he was going a good job as he felt her pull on his hair tightly.
"Joel, fuck," she said with her loud moans. He knew just how to touch her as if he's been doing it for years.
"Come on, baby. Give me a good one," he wrapped his lips around her clit more. Her voice went silent and her body went stiff as she was up high in the clouds. Her thighs tightened around his head, but his grip was stronger as he pushed her thighs back as far as they could go. Her grip on his hair was trying to pull him off as she was so overstimulated.
Once he was finished, he crawled back up her body. Once his cock landed on her oversensitive clit, it caused her to twitch.
She giggled as she was still coming down from her high.
"My God, Joel. You sure know how to make a woman come," he lazily wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Only for you, baby. You're mine and I'm yours," he whispered in her ear, causing her wetness to return.
He looked down at where their bodies were about to connect to watch as he slowly guided his cock inside her.
She hated to admit it, but it's been a while since she's had sex.
As soon as she felt Joel's cock inside her, it was painful at first, but once he was balls deep, she felt her orgasm on the rise once again.
He gave her some time to get used to his length as he kept a close watch on her facial expressions to make sure he wasn't hurting her.
"Fuck Joel, your cock feels so good," she moaned.
"I've been waiting to be inside you for 20 years," he planted kisses on her chest, "You're so beautiful. I love you."
"I love you too, now move baby. I want to come."
He did as he was told, starting off slow but chasing their highs and going as fast as he could. The couch shook as Joel fucked her, she wanted nothing more.
After a few more thrusts, Joel took himself out of her and came all over her chest. She continued to rub her clit as she was at the height of her orgasm. Before she could finish, he replaced her thumb with his and talked her through her second orgasm. They both loved it.
Joel did his best to make room for the both of them on the couch, but she was pretty much on top of him as they cuddled. She looked down to see his come still on her. He watched as she swiped her finger through his spend and placed it between her lips. He could feel himself growing hard once again.
"Come back with me," he said, "I want to be with you through all this. I want you by my side."
"Joel, I-,"
"I know you like it here and love what you're doing with the fireflies but there's people in Boston who need you. We need more experienced and trained nurses."
She definitely loved what she did, but she wanted to be with Joel more.
"Yes, I love you Joel."
"I wish there was a way we could get married," he joked.
"I think I know someone that can help with that, I know a priest around here that owes me a favor anyways. Let's get married, Joel."
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awkwardgtace · 7 months
What If They Met Later?
Hey hey more Melody and Kyrie in the guardian au! This would be what I finally wrote for the ask from @smolcomfycat
Kyrie and Melody didn't meet before he became a guardian. Their paths changed in different ways. So how does it go if they meet now instead? Will Melody still be calm or would Kyrie's size scare her now?
What If They Met Later?
After becoming a guardian Kyrie’s life changed. He’d had plenty of friends before, but the medicine being too painful for him had left him alone. Not many people enjoyed the company of guardians, let alone the tallest Colossus class in years. It was something he’d reluctantly accepted. His parents, other guardians, a lot of people weren’t happy to be around someone like him.
His confidence got worse as the new technicians in his department kept leaving. The government told him this job would make people realize he wasn’t a threat. Instead it made humans see him as more dangerous, especially the ones that worked in the office. From the phone calls Byssal took; each human got scared of Kyrie for carrying in another guardian. He wasn’t going to let it happen with the next one.
That brought him to this morning. He’d tried to get to work early, the new technicians usually did better seeing him before meeting him. If he walked in during their tour the human showing them everything would ensure they met. The technician who met him like that was the quickest to leave.
It was a pain to stay still. He’d rather be outside. The early mornings were the times people would actually stand near him. A natural heat source. He knew it didn’t get rid of the fear the others felt, but he could pretend. He found himself lingering near bus stops and coffee shops while the air was cold. It was nice to think he fit in still.
He sighed just as the normal sized elevator dinged. Easiest way to get a human to the top of a desk. He turned to try and see the new person. At least he could hope they wouldn’t immediately hate him.
“It looks like Kyrie is here already,” the official announced. He never knew if they remembered he could hear or not. It wasn’t the same one each time. “You two will run into each other soon enough.”
The tension in his body died out immediately. A few times the official brought the new technician to meet him even if he arrived early. He froze up each time. There wasn’t a clear way to know how to react. If he should hold out a finger for a handshake, wave, or not move at all. If speaking would be too much for them. He wished he could take the medication to be the size of a normal human. They’d see past his size if he could…
“Your set-up is just over here in the back. Away from any guardians the others bring in. The other one assigned here is named Byssal, he should be in sometime this afternoon. Doing rounds out in the city most likely.”
The technician hadn’t spoken yet. The other ones all rambled with nerves. He couldn’t imagine how terrified this one was. Unable to even speak. He jumped when a small bell jingled.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I’m getting called back early. Will you be ok on your own?”
“I should be,” the new technician’s voice was… sweet. It was the first time he could remember wanting to see the owner of a voice so badly. “I’m just running diagnostics today anyway.”
“Great, feel free to call if you need anything. I’ll check in with you at the end of the week. By the way…” They spoke too quietly for him to hear. He could only assume it was that it was some promise the new technician could be transferred if there were any issues. Another jingle. “Ok, so long!”
Kyrie held his breath once the elevator dinged signally the guide was gone. There was no telling how this technician would act. A few talked about how they hated the assignment, others came to look at him, at least one left because Kyrie stood. All he got was silence. It was just him and the new technician. As much as he knew it was a bad idea, he wanted to go see her. Her voice was different… calm and sweet. All the others were nervous, a squeak at least as they spoke. This woman was so kind. He turned back to the papers on his desk, reading those would help distract him a bit at least…
The silence was excruciating. He thought the new person would say something. Play music, make noise while setting up. It was just eerily quiet. It was almost enough for him to think he imagined her arriving this morning. He started to flex his fingers, worried tapping on the desk would make the new person scared, but he was nervous. After a few more minutes he knew he had to move. He climbed to his feet, the plan to get some water from their kitchen. He’d taken one step when a strange music played from the technician’s area.
“Hey Cap,” he could hear her voice better now. Maybe from the sudden silence of the music. He wanted to see her. “Yeah, one of them is here.”
Kyrie couldn’t help himself, inching forward to where he could see the technician. He tried to keep his feet on the ground so she wouldn’t notice. Too much was in the way for him to get a glimpse.
“No, I haven't met them yet.” Pause. Shuffle. Wait. “It’s the bigger one that’s here right now.”
He took a step. She didn’t seem to react. Another and another. Finally he could see the small spot their new technician would be most days. She was behind something. It was all the more tempting to walk up and talk to her. He was tired of scared humans though. 
Then she laughed. It was loud and contagious. A smile wound up on his face. It was hard not to chuckle a bit or let his curiosity follow to learn why. His body froze when he tried to take a step. Something in her voice made him afraid to scare her.
“Cap I don’t know why you think they’d hurt me. Guardians are still human,” her laughter died out. Kyrie stood up straighter, fully turned towards the technician’s area. She called him human… “Please, I know what I’m doing. They picked me for a reason. Just stop panicking.”
Others were worried. His hands curled into fists. That made sense. She was the only human working here. She’d be alone with him and Byssal and any guardian they had to control. It would never be simple for her here. His curiosity and interest were already wrong, it would be better to just walk off and avoid her. Avoid the voice that sounded like a song to him. The laugh that stunned him.
“I’ll talk to them later. Maybe when the other one shows up. I’m not scared, but-” She walked out to a spot where he could see her. She met his eyes immediately. She was beautiful. “Holy shit his eyes are so fucking blue.”
A hundred things ran through his head. Were his eyes being blue a good thing? How could he talk to her? Would she be afraid? Would she only talk if he were human sized? If she’d let him hold her? Sound reached him again, he tilted his head a bit. He was too focused on her. He wanted to know everything about her. He needed to know her name. 
“You can hear me?” she said. Kyrie blindly nodded. Immediately she disappeared behind her equipment. He had no idea of how to react to it; if he should follow to talk or leave her alone. Nodding had been a mistake. It would have been better to act like he didn’t. She’d find out eventually though. It wasn’t hard to notice when someone like him could hear and see her so easily.
Seconds later she appeared again. Her head was down, he wanted to run. She would leave, be afraid. He’d never get to talk to her. To learn how he could make her laugh. She was the first person to make him feel like this since he became a guardian. The fear of losing this chance was liable to kill him.
The technician walked closer. Each step made him wonder if he should leave. Maybe he was too much. Maybe she thought he was mad and wanted to hurt her. She stopped just close enough she could look up at his face still. That had to be a good sign. At least he hoped it was.
She turned her head up to him. Brown eyes wide and… worried. Worried not scared. Her skin was pale, but her cheeks a rosy red. Her hair was as brown as her eyes, it looked long. Long and soft. “Y-you must be Kyrie, can we just forget about that phone call you heard. Maybe?”
Kyrie stared at her. She wore a red shirt that made her look all the more stunning. He wondered what she wore when she wasn’t working. She asked him something, even said his name. Kyrie couldn’t bring himself to talk. His voice might be too loud. The words wrong. His face stern. He could ruin this.
“I-is that a no?” She put a hand behind her head. Hugged herself with her other arm. “Look, I know I’m not supposed to be on calls. My brother gets worried. Please, can we just forget it happened?”
“Wh-at call?” his voice cracked as he spoke. She was too stunning. He still hadn’t heard her name. “I uh… Hi?”
Kyrie felt like an idiot. He’d never been lost for words like this. Yet now… now he was lucky to remember his own name. She stared at him. Silence. Then she sighed. A smile sent his way. A smile for him. Then she laughed. It calmed him immediately.
“Thanks. I guess introductions then, right?” She held her arm out. “I’m Melody, we’ll be working together for a while at least. Nice to meet you. I wasn’t wrong was I? You are Kyrie… right?”
Kyrie stared at her tiny arm. She held it out, but he knew he’d scare her. Once she realized just how big he was next to her. Despite that, despite his own heart pounding, he moved his arm. It was the first time he was glad he could only use a finger or two. If she had to grab his hand she’d notice the sweat on his palm.
Melody didn’t move… He brought his fingers closer. Eventually his finger was right next to her hand. She hadn’t moved, hadn’t even shuddered. With more care than he thought he was capable of, he grabbed her hand with his index finger and thumb. He bit his tongue as he focused on barely twitching his fingers up and down. As soon as he’d done that he froze again. Reluctant to let this end. He had to say something. Anything…
“I’m Kyrie,” he whispered. As soon as he spoke he felt like crawling in a hole. She knew who he was. She said it twice. Now he just repeated it to her.
“Glad to know I was right,” she laughed. It was awkward, but adorable. He felt lost, he didn’t want to let her walk away yet. “Can I uh, have my arm back?”
Kyrie let go immediately. Melody stumbled away. Words stuck in his throat as he watched her. It made no sense why it was hard to talk to her. Nerves were one thing, but he managed to talk to the other technicians. He managed handshakes with government officials without holding for so long. This time… he just wanted to make sure she wasn’t scared.
“I-I’ll go finish setting up then…” Melody gave an awkward wave and walked off. Kyrie watched as she did. He almost hoped she would look back, that he could try to smile. Instead she ducked behind the equipment. The equipment for him… that proved how small she was.
Kyrie forced himself to turn away. He continued his walk to the kitchen to get water. He walked slower than normal around as he did so, up until he sat back at his desk. The entire time he waited to hear her voice pipe up loud enough for him. Hours passed before he heard anything and it was just Byssal coming in for them to switch off.
Byssal walked in quickly, sparing no nerves that there might be a normal human in the building. He ruffled Kyrie’s hair as he walked by. Before there was even a chance to bring up Melody, Byss went to drop off his equipment. Kyrie turned in worry, but she’d already come out from where she could potentially be trapped. She looked more confident facing Byssal than when she faced him. 
Byssal crouched down to have her at eye level. Kyrie nearly slapped himself, of course he should have done that. There was a heavy silence while the two stared at each other. He was ready to intervene.
“Who are you?” Byssal asked. Kyrie could hear the slight annoyance. His patrol of the city had probably been bothersome. Melody could be scared, it would be even worse if she left because Byssal scared her. Kyrie started to stand.
“I’m Melody, your new technician. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” her voice was different, more professional. More confident. Kyrie relaxed back into his chair. He was just going to make a fool of himself. “I assume you’re Byssal then?”
“Stay where we can see you.” 
“I’ll stay where the tools I need are set up. If you have to see me you can come to me.”
Silence. Kyrie couldn’t keep his eyes from going wide. None of the others ever talked back like that. They just agreed. Byssal stood up to his full height. It blocked Melody from Kyrie’s view. He watched as the shorter guardian brought his hand up and towards her.
“I think you’ll be the first to last here,” Byssal must have been smiling. He heard Melody shout ‘Hey!’ just as Byss turned around. For the small time he could see her she was smoothing down her hair. Byssal must have ruffled her hair like he did Kyrie’s. So she was accepted…
The rest of the day passed in a near blur. Kyrie left for his own patrol. He left early actually. Byssal and Melody were talking. Simple things, about the equipment and how she’s settling in. Byss was friendlier to her than any of the others, Pel would be happy to know that. Probably because she wasn’t scared. He didn’t need to walk on eggshells… Kyrie did. Kyrie had to and he couldn’t stop himself from feeling jealous that he couldn’t talk to Melody the same way Byssal did.
By the time he got back he knew she would be gone. Walking in he was shocked to see Melody standing on a piece of his equipment. One of the tasers that could force a guardian back down to human size. It was open, but the panel she must have removed wasn’t set up where she could put it back in place. She turned around just as he resolved himself to try talking to her.
“Oh good you’re back,” she smiled. She smiled at him. He couldn’t believe it. His entire body filled with warmth as he smiled. “Just after Byssal left the panel fell off the holder. I don’t like leaving something so important exposed overnight. Could you place it back for me?”
Kyrie’s voice was stuck. All he could do was nod. Cautiously he walked over, worried one step could be too heavy and send her falling into the open wires below. How safe was it for someone so small to work on these things? Couldn’t they have a guardian do this so no one would risk getting hurt? He pushed the thoughts away as soon as he towered over her.
Slowly he raised his hand up and reached over her. She looked so small next to him. She’d freeze outside. The air was chilly to him, how could she be comfortable? He wanted to hold her close. Keep her safe and warm through the autumn and winter. He wrapped his fingers around the panel pulling it up to hover over her.
“Great, the smaller end goes right in front of me,” she said. It was funny, others always shouted when talking to him. Melody didn’t. He moved the smaller edge of the panel closer to her. Her small hands grabbed it and pulled down. Seamlessly he put the panel back in place with her guidance. A loud click sounded as he let go and she walked forward on it. Locked in place. “Perfect! Thank you, I wasn’t sure how to deal with this if you went straight home.”
Melody laughed. She laughed talking to him and his heart pounded. Somehow… somehow he’d get a chance with her. To talk to her like normal. He just didn’t know how yet. Kyrie tried to make his voice work, but as had become standard his nerves stopped him. It took far too long for him to finally manage, “No problem.”
“Heh… uh great then I guess I’ll see you in a few days. Still need to get settled after moving and all.”
She laughed again. Awkward and uncomfortable. Kyrie made her feel that way. The warm feeling her smile gave him died quickly. Of course he was making her uncomfortable. He pulled his hands back and left her without a word. A short pause at his desk before he left for the day. By the time he walked by where she’d been she was gone…
Kyrie walked out into the cool, crisp air with a sigh. He would never be able to make himself seem safe to her. It wasn’t even that she was openly afraid. He was scared. Terrified of ruining this. The first person he’d had any interest in since he became a guardian and he’d definitely ruined it by now. He couldn’t even have a normal conversation with her…
That was the first thing he’d fix. The next time they met he’d talk to her. About something, anything. Even if it was just the weather. He’d manage to have a conversation. With that settled in his mind he made his way home. He had the first patrol in the morning.
The next morning Kyrie woke up early. He arrived at a cold and dark office. Somehow he sort of hoped she’d be there even if she was off the next few days. He’d have the chance to try talking to her. To apologize for being stiff and making her uncomfortable. Instead he grabbed his equipment and left. The patrol would give him time to think.
Morning patrols were one of the few things he enjoyed. It was nice to watch as the city slowly woke up. Guardians and humans leaving their homes to start their day. Outdoor seating was always popular, and he got to see all the people just enjoying the morning. Tables had special additions to keep voices blocked from guardians walking by, something inner tables didn’t share. Along with heaters for colder weather and protection from rain or snow they were popular. A treat for humans…
Kyrie let out a heavy sigh as he turned a corner. Melody had said he was still human. He never felt like that. Nothing he’d known matched him anymore, no one he knew looked at him the same. Sometimes he wondered why the government even picked him to be a peacekeeper. They should have sent him off on some dangerous mission. One that might keep him gone for good…
Amidst his darker thoughts he heard something he didn’t expect. Melody’s laugh. He couldn’t help himself from looking for it, finding a coffee shop nearby. There she was walking towards a table. He couldn’t tell if she was alone or not, but she was there. This could be his chance.
A quick check of his phone showed he had time. He’d get a drink and try to figure out a way to talk to her. If he took long enough to pick something he might catch her leaving. As casually as he could he walked towards the shop and stood back just enough other guardians could go up and order. Now he had to decide. Now his plan started to fall apart. He didn’t like coffee.
Kyrie tried to read the menu, but it just left him confused. A lot of names for things he barely understood. Lattes, cappuccinos,  espressos. All caffeine, all things he never quite enjoyed. At this rate he’d miss Melody leaving, miss his chance to show he could be normal, all because he didn’t drink coffee. This was quite possibly one of his worst ideas yet.
“Hey, Kyrie, that is you right?” Melody’s voice caught him off guard. 
He turned to find her standing close to him. Closer than most other humans did near his feet. He wanted to act casual, to seem normal, so he crouched. That just made it worse. She stumbled back when he moved, her smile faltered. A smile aimed at him and he was already about to ruin it again. Maybe it was better if he kept to himself. He was too big… too dangerous. It was better to protect humans and stay on his-
“You looked kind of lost, is everything alright?” she smiled at him again. Kyrie watched her push her long brown hair back behind her ear. An arm wrapped around her middle supporting the other arm while she waited for him to answer.
“I… don’t drink a lot of coffee,” he mumbled. She laughed. He made her laugh. That was good, her smile aimed at him again.
“It is pretty cold out. I can see why you’re here to get something. On patrol right?”
“Yeah, just thought a warm drink would be a good idea.” She was leading the conversation. She was talking to him. That made this perfect.
“Well, there’s the caramel apple latte right now, just sweet enough you don’t notice the coffee. They only have it for a few more weeks.” This time she giggled. If he didn’t know better he’d think she was nervous. Not nervous because of his size, but nervous for the same reasons he was. “My friends think the pumpkin spice cappuccino is the best. Although they have warm apple cider and hot chocolate if you want to skip the coffee entirely.”
“What would you recommend?” Kyrie wanted to try holding her. His nails dug into his palm to keep from reaching out and making her uncomfortable. They were talking and everything was fine. This was a start.
“Probably the caramel apple latte. I have to admit it’s my favorite. One of the many reasons I like cold weather. Well especially autumn actually. Lots of apple things.”
Kyrie smiled at her. The way she fidgeted when she said that. The cute way she played with her hair as she met his eyes. Brown might become his favorite color if Melody stayed around him. He might start to love autumn too. He had to take a risk. To ask her out; To dinner, a movie, anything.
Instead he stood up straight, staring at how small she was. A strange feeling came over him. He sort of liked how small she was next to him. Everyone else felt weird, made him feel weird. She made him feel normal. Normal and maybe even human.
“Guess I’ll try that, thanks Mel-,” his voice caught when she moved. She walked right up to the normal barista and didn’t pause. She turned to smile at him again.
“What size?” she asked. Kyrie just shrugged. He wasn’t even sure she could register his shrug, but she did. Somehow she did.
“Can I get a large caramel latte for me and a colossus medium for my friend?” Kyrie watched the barista lean forward to look at him. The usual fear others had when seeing him came out. They quickly ducked away. He couldn’t tell if they spoke, but Melody turned back to him. Still smiling at him.
“They said it should take a few minutes. You won’t get in trouble standing around right?”
“No, uh they don’t really monitor us. Byss just likes the idea of us being out in town more. He’s been doing this whole thing a lot longer than me.”
“Oh, it seemed like you’d been there a long time. How long-”
“Miss!” The barista’s voice cut their conversation short. Kyrie couldn’t stop himself from wondering if Melody wanted to know how long he’d been a guardian or how long he’d been doing this job. It wasn’t uncommon for people to wonder. He could have been a teenager or it could have been a year ago.
“Your drink should be ready soon.” Kyrie crouched. He didn’t want her to go yet. He didn’t want to lose this chance. ”I should probably get back to my friends. I’ll… I’ll see you at work in a few days.” 
Without thinking he reached out to stop her. Two fingers covered her almost entirely. She was cold, a different cold than the rest of the world. A calming ice on his own skin. He hadn’t noticed it the first time. He did realize how much of a mistake he made when she pushed against his fingers.
“Sorry!” he squeaked, Kyrie had no idea he could squeak. He pulled his fingers apart, but hovered close to her still. “I just, uh, I just wanted to ask if we could go out some… time…”
Kyrie couldn’t look at her. He’d literally just pinched her between two fingers to stop her from leaving. Of course she’d say no. She’d leave, that laugh that caught his attention would be gone. The smile that wasn’t just trying to keep him calm would change. 
Melody tried not to die from embarrassment as soon as he grabbed her. She was trying so hard not to annoy him. Especially after he heard her on the phone. Now he was asking her out. The tallest colossus in years and he wanted to date her!? 
“O-oh, s-sure,” she laughed. Of course she laughed. She was always laughing when she was nervous. His eyes were piercing. She loved that shade of blue. “Maybe this Friday? A-after work?”
Kyrie just stared at her. For once she wished she dressed for the weather. A scarf could hide her embarrassingly wide smile. The fingers around her moved closer, but he pulled his hand back instead of touching her. She couldn’t believe how warm he was and how much she liked it. She’d never liked warmth much before.
“Friday would be amazing,” he breathed. She could smell mint on his breath. “A few hours after work, maybe eight? I can meet you at your place. As long as that’s ok?”
“Yes!" Melody nearly shouted it and she felt like an idiot. He’d back out if she couldn’t play it cool. 
“Sir, y-your coffee is ready!” the barista called. 
Kyrie stood up to his full, dizzying height.  As much as she hated heights, she wanted to be up by him. Play with his hair even. It looked so soft, another strange shade of blue. Just like his eyes. 
She watched him grab the coffee. It was bigger than the building the barista was in. He took a sip of it. Melody felt her cheeks heat up, thank god the cold could be blamed today. She hoped he liked it. Liked her after they went out. He smiled down at her, crouching to be close again.
“I can see why you like this,” he said. “It sort of tastes like autumn. Thanks. Give me your address at work later this week?”
Melody watched as he walked off. One of her friends came up gushing about what just happened. She couldn’t even think about it. She had a date. With Kyrie.
“You know you dropped your coffee when he grabbed you,” her friend said. Melody looked at the cup on the ground.
“It’s ok, I still have the one at our table,” Melody whispered, finally walking back to her seat. 
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rebelspykatie · 1 year
Gymnastics/Olympics AU Part 3
Part 1 | Part 2
For the first time since they arrived at the village, they’re in the same room at the same time, awake and staring at each other, unsure of where to start. The ride back to the village was loud, their teammates celebrating their continued success, how Eddie pulled himself together and nailed his routines. There’s another night of competition to go, so there’s no guarantee things are going to work out in their favor, but it’s a good start. 
When they got off the bus, silence blanketed them on the walk through the building until they were both seated on their beds. Eddie wants to take the longest, hottest shower of his life and ice his arm, but instead he’s left here, wondering where to even begin a conversation with Steve. Both of them on this precipice, knowing that something has shifted in the last few hours.
“Where did you learn first aid?” Eddie asks, and maybe it’s the dumbest thing that could come out of his mouth, but he has no control over the thoughts rolling through his head. There’s this static loop in his brain, the same ten minutes on repeat up there. He keeps coming back to Steve towering over him, blocking the cameras, this unreadable expression on his face and watching over Eddie with the utmost care, gentler on him than the medics on site. 
It seems to surprise Steve that this is the question Eddie goes with, too. His normally impassive face wrinkled in surprise, eyebrows lifting as he says, “This kid at my home gym, Dustin. He’s the most accident prone little shit. He kept trying to copy my sequences before he was ready and I guess I felt a little responsible for him. He almost broke his arm one day and I decided enough was enough. Forced him to go through the first aid courses with me so he could see the damage that he might inflict on himself.”
“Did it help?” Eddie has about a million other questions he wants to ask, but he’s trying to keep his cool about finally having a real conversation with Steve. 
Steve snorts, and it’s the best sound Eddie’s ever heard. It’s a welcome noise that he wants to elicit out of Steve again, if only to break the ever present silence he’s normally greeted by. “A little. You’ve have to meet Dustin to know that there’s truly no stopping that kid, but at least he stopped trying to copy my routines. He’s still a hazard on a good day, though.” 
“Sounds like a fun kid,” Eddie says, grinning at the fond look that’s taken over Steve’s face. There’s a beat of silence before he adds, “You didn’t have to do that, you know.” 
“Do what?” Steve seems confused, his forehead scrunching together. Eddie hates that everything this man does is endearing when just a few hours ago Eddie was convinced Steve hated him more than anyone else in the world. The crush he’s had since he was sixteen rushing back like a wildfire, blazing bright and strong in his chest when Steve turns that quizzical little frown in his direction. 
“Keep the cameras off me.” 
A flush sweeps over Steve’s cheeks as his gaze turns downward. He fidgets with the seam of the jacket he’s still wearing over his leo. “It was the right thing to do.”
“I thought you hated me.” 
Steve’s head snaps up at that. “Why would you think that?” 
“Oh well, the way you scowl at me from across the arena really sealed the deal, I think.” 
A grimace passes over Steve’s face, quick and gone in a flash, but Eddie hasn’t taken his eyes off of Steve. “I don’t hate you,” he admits quietly, shaking his head a bit, “I might have been- well I guess I was jealous at first.”
“Jealous?” Eddie lets out an incredulous little squawk. “You’re telling me that you, Steve Harrington, were jealous of me, Eddie Munson?” 
Steve rolls his eyes. “You don’t have to say it like that.” 
“No, no,” Eddie jabs a finger in his direction, “you don’t understand. I’ve been watching you since I was sixteen. You were my inspiration to keep going. I never thought I would be in the same room as you, let alone on the world stage competing together.” Eddie grabs his hair in two fistfuls, shaking his head. “You’re rocking my whole world here telling me that you’re jealous of anything I’ve done. That is like…some next level shit that I cannot begin to comprehend.” 
“You watched me?” 
“Everyone watches you, Steve. Sixteen year old me wouldn’t shut up about you.” 
And maybe he shouldn’t have said all that, but now there’s a curious tilt to Steve’s head, cheeks still flushed like he’s not used to praise, even after three consecutive Olympics where he’s won several gold medals. 
He’s realizing that the smile he’s seen plastered all over his television is fake. The soft, barely there one he’s witnessing now is foreign to him and it feels real and tangible and he wants to keep saying whatever he can to keep it on Steve’s face because it’s the prettiest thing he’s ever seen. 
Something flashes across Steve’s face, this bashful, sweet thing and he rubs a hand over the back of his neck, muttering something Eddie can’t decipher. He gets up and makes his way to Eddie’s bed, who’s once again caught looking up at him in awe. 
He reaches out for Eddie’s arm and asks, “How does it feel?”
And maybe their meet cute didn’t go so well, but this moment? This is like his dreams. Eddie’s breath is caught in his chest, the life long crush threatening to bubble to the surface where his skin meets Steve’s. He’s barely moving, barely breathing, waiting to see what Steve will do next. 
It takes way too long for Eddie to realize Steve is looking at him for an answer to his question. He chokes out, “Better.”
“It doesn’t look swollen, so I guess that’s good.” Steve’s hand trails up his arm, leaving goosebumps Eddie prays he can’t see. “And your shoulder? Did you twist it when you came off the horse?” Steve’s hand is like an iron brand on his shoulder, fire igniting under his skin as Steve feels around for an injury. 
“It uh-it does hurt a little,” Eddie doesn’t want to lie. Why would he if it means keeping Steve’s hands on his body? Does Steve even feel the tension in the room? Or is he completely oblivious to the direct connection between his hands and Eddie’s dick? “I was going to ice it when I got back here.” He’s not even sure how he manages to get the words out.
“I could help, I’m studying sports medicine.” 
“What exactly are you offering?” He needs a distraction to keep Steve from noticing the way his dick is about to tent the stupid little shorts they’re forced to wear. 
“A massage, if you want?” 
Part 4 | AO3
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augustrambles · 1 year
choose your adventure . gn! reader
[south park dating sim]
this occurs in HIGH SCHOOL. i do not write for 4th graders.
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❝ LOVE IS WAR ❞ . . . loading
insert name here: ____________
you have chosen the name "new kid", is that correct?
yes | no
you have chosen the name "new kid" you can change this in settings in any point of the game
WARNING . . this game is written by a author who's fucked up in the head, and can't focus! please proceed with caution
[they/them pronouns will be used for the reader]
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south park is a land of cold, your parents moved here a few weeks ago, and now you have to go to a new school. the whole situation was quite blurry, you've always had memory issues so remembering stuff has always been a hard task for you. due to this, you don't remember exactly why your parents moved here, or your past school. you remember some of your friends of course, but nobody really liked you at your past school, so in the end you are bound to forget everyone at some point.
waking up is such a pain, you thought to yourself as your phone rang, signaling how it was the first day of school for you. you felt nervous, a new year's party must've been happening in your stomach, because you could not calm down no matter what. of course, you didn't show this in your face. it was neutral, as it normally was, emotions weren't your strong suit.
well, PHYSICAL emotions anyway, obviously you felt emotions, you aren't some kind of mysterious main character. at least, not in someone else's point of view. you stood up as your vision blurred and you fell, clearly meaning you had woken up a bit too fast. so now your head was spinning. ow, you complained in your thoughts.
you got back up, and went to your wardrobe. you could really care less for your sense of fashion so you put on the first thing you saw and left. you now opened the door and started to walk downstairs, cracking your neck as you saw your father, taking care of your little brother. "good morning [name]!" he said to you.
"hey dad, hey charlie" you waved to your brother and dad, starting to make your breakfast. "mom's at work, i guess?" you asked, he let out a muffled yes as he started to feed your brother once again. you sat down at the table, starting to eat as your dad complained because your brother threw up on him and laughed. you let out a small chuckle, and began eating again.
"cmon kiddo, this is the third time!" he rolled his eyes, exhausted as charlie just laughed at him. he went to go and clean his clothes and left charlie with you. charlie then out of nowhere, hugged you. "huh?" you were confused, and then charlie started to eat your food, you just sat there, watching your brother eat your food. "oh"
your dad entered the room, laughing at the site. "seems like the little guy wanted your food instead." he said, resting his arms on top of the chair you were sitting on. "im glad he's eating at least" he said, your brother now finishing your food, and then going to your dad, yelling "up! up!"
so, you just sat there, looking at the plate who was now clean. resisting the urge to throw your brother.
"hey buddy, your school bus is coming soon, right?" your father asked. you looked at your phone, "yeah, im gonna go now" you stood up from your chair, getting your bag which was on the couch and placing it on your back. "bye kiddo! have a good day!" he said as your brother yelled "bye bye" to you.
you unlocked the door, going outside and closing it, you stepped on the cold snow, your boots being there so you wouldnt feel it, the bus stop was a few inches from your house.
walking to it, you realized there was a blonde boy there who seemed to be your age, you COULD use this as an opportunity to make a friend. what should you do?
[A] say hello, and try to be his friend
[B] go to the next bus stop
[C] go to the bus stop and say nothing
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in this game, you have gems.
you obtain gems by getting friends, and you use them to make special choices!
every friend you make, you get gems. depending on who it is, you can get 2, 3, 4 or 5 gems. it all depends on their role in the show, main character, second main character, side character or background character.
currently you have 0 gems! congrats
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to vote for the option you want, you have to write me through an ask, can be anonymous or not! just simply say "A", "B", or "C"
the more votes, the better! so make sure to vote!
i'd also love to hear ideas and suggestions so i can feature them here in this story! so dont be afraid to tell me those either!
bye now, until the next episode of this story!
- august
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theimaginethinker · 9 months
Beyond the Wall (Gally x Female! Reader)
Warnings: Violence, Use of Y/N
Note: I did notice that I spelled Brenda's name incorrectly. I been spelling it with a I instead of an A. I have gone back and corrected the mistake in the last chapter.
Chapter 4: The Bus Ride
Time Skip
“Brenda you ready?” I looked over at her and she nodded to me, I pulled my mask down to look like a guard. We start to move closer and wait for a call from the others. There’s some chatter between Thomes and Frypan over the walkie.
“Brenda. Y/N. What your status?” Thomes asked as we moved around a bus.
“Status is, we’re working on it.” She replies as I take a look around the bus. I found a few guards.
“Copy. Just make sure you’re ready on your end.” I just roll my eyes and duck back behind the bus. Letting them pass before walking out and grabbing the walkie-talkie from Brenda.
“Don’t worry. Trust me, we’ll be there.” I said back to him. And we started to run and search for a bus to use. “Hey, Brenda.” I nod my head towards one. “We can use this one here.” We got the doors open. “Brenda, you’re driving.” I told her and pulled off my mask.
“Okay.” She replied and got it going. I sat right behind her. “Where do I need to go?”
“Go straight, then take the first right. That should put us in a underground tunnel.” I told her. She follows and just has we make the turn. I hear Gally’s voice come from the walkie-talkie.
“Y/N. Brenda, where are you? We’re here.” He speaks. And Brinda hits the breaks as we see him and a group of young teens. Where’s the others? Are they in trouble? Why is an alarm going off? Wait, how long has an alarm been going off?
“Come on, let’s go.” Brinda says when she opens the driver’s window. I open the door and get out.
“All right. Let’s go, let’s go. Quickly, quickly.” “Front and back, front and back. Let’s go” Gally and I say at the sometime getting the teens on to the bus as quick as possible.
“Wait, where’s Thomas?” Brenda asked Gally. I look up to him wondering the same thing. He looks at Brenda then at me, then back to Brenda before speaking.
“I was hoping he was with you.” He says to her before looking back at me. I sigh and look at Brenda as she starts to get off the bus. “Wait! Wait! Stay here with the kids. Wait here….” He looks at me and I climb back onto the bus to grab my mask. “I’ll find him.”
“I’m coming with.” I spoke.
“No. Y/N you stay here with Brenda and the kids okay. I need you to be here with them.” He says giving me a look and I nod to him. I give him a small smile and kiss his cheek. “Just wait for us, okay?” He pulls his mask down and runs away.
“We’re not going anywhere.” I reply before turning to Bernda. And get back on to the bus. We sat and waited, while we did that I went ahead and took my black overlayer off leaving my normal clothing. That’s when I hear the screeching of tires I look up and move so I’m next to Brenda.
“Get down. Get down.” Brenda says to all of us as we move to hide. Me and Brenda sit where we can still see what’s going on. The car stops and a bunch of guards get out and start running into the building. But one notices the bus and starts to come towards it. We look at one another. The rest of the guards come back, and they continue to walk towards the bus with their guns pointed at it.
“Sorry, Thomas.” Brenda says.
“Sorry, Gally.” I say as well. Brenda starts the engine and pops up.
“Hey, someone’s got the bus.” One of them yells as Brenda starts to drive.
“Hold on.” She yells and I look back at the others.
“Watch it!” “Stop!” “No, no, no!” We hear the guards yell as we drive past.
“It’s all right!” I tell them as Brenda keeps driving. We leave the undergrown parking garage and drive into the city with cars following us. We continued to drive, turning every few blocks till we got to the spot we needed to be. Sirens chased after us and more just kept coming. “I need everyone to hold on to something.” I yelled back.
“Shit!” Brenda yells as she drives, and more sirens came from our right than the left. She swerved the bus to the left after one of the cars pulled up beside us. Some of the kids in the back yelled as we made contact with them. The car then hit a concert wall and flipped, Brienda moved the bus to the right so that we would be hit by the debris. Brenda starts to laugh as another car hits it. “Shit.” I look forward to seeing the road blocked.
“Brenda, turn right now.” I yell at her as she quickly turns the steering wheel. We hit the curb and came around the corner to find the road blocked once again and the ones chasing us pull up behind so we can’t back up. Brenda stops the bus, and we look at one another.
“Get out of the vehicle.” Is yelled from one of the men in front of us as they get out with guns pointed at the bus. Me and Brenda got out of our seats and looked at the kids.
“Don’t move.” I tell them has I have started to get out with Brenda behind me she stops and turns back to the kids.
“You’re doing great.” She tells them then gets out. Brenda is holding the flare gun. When we got out, I looked at the group behind us before looking at the one giving orders.
“Now step away from the vehicle.” He orders. Brenda looks behind us and we lock eyes. “I said step away from the vehicle! Put your hands in the air.” We move to the front of the bus and start to put our hands up as more of them show up. “Drop the weapon!” He orders and I look over at Brenda. She puts the flare gun up higher, pointing it at the sky. I took a step back towards the bus slowly so they don’t really noticed as there focused on Brenda. She pulls the trigger setting off the red flare into the sky. Our signal to Frypan to that is time to lower the hook and it falls right in front of me. “Push in! Push in! Go! Go!”  Brenda throws the flare gun away as I grab the hook and hook it on to the front of the bus. “That bus does not leave!” We both quickly get back on the bus and take our seats.
“Come on, hold on to something!” Brenda yells. We started to feel the bus rise. “Here we go.”
“Circle up! Go! Go! Hold fire” we hear yelled as we get raised up. God, I hate this. We started to swing as we got more into the air, and I held on to something for dear life. The kids all started to scream as well, and I don’t blame them. Things start to fall down wares, but I refused to look. It’s not that I don’t like heights, I just don’t like this. Especially when we are about to hit a building.  
“Brace yourself.” Brenda yells just as we start to hit the building. This makes us go spinning around and just get higher. I start to hear the metal creaking and look over at Brenda to find her already looking at me.
“It’s okay. It’s just a little trip.” I yelled back at them as they continued to scream. We got lifted over the wall and stopped on the other side just as we fell the fender give way.
“Hold on to something!” Brenda yells we are falling fast, everyone starts to scream. I think Frypan saw what was happening and dropped us fast because we stopped quickly before we hit the ground. And it broke and we hit the ground back of the bus first. The lights start to flicker on and off more as we feel the bus falling forward. We scream as the bus hits the ground and falls apart. Me and Brenda look at one another before smiling. “Okay. Everybody off.”
“Come on let’s go.” I told them. We get off, checking each of them to make sure that they are okay. I look up to see Frypan sliding down the wire of the crane, he’s yelling something, but I don’t know what. He hits the bus and me and Brenda laugh a little at him.
“Fry, you all right?” Brenda asked him.
“Yeah. Yeah.” He groans and craws to the edge of the bus, we smile up at him. “Did you see that?” He asked us with a laugh.
“Yeah, we did.” And everyone started to laugh, probably something most of us haven’t done in a while. Fry then looked around at the group and stopped smiling.
“Where’s the guys?” He asked and we looked at one another.
“Long story.” I told him. “I’ll tell it to you on the way back, but we got to go now.” We helped him get off the bus and head back to the base. We get to the base, and it looks abandoned. I turned to Brenda and Frypan, and started running towards the area Lawrence normally is everyone else following me.
“Lawrence!” I yell as we run through the building. Nobody was anywhere, we got to the ramp and slowed to a walk.
“Wait, guys. Wait, wait, wait.” Frypan says. Brenda stopped next to me, and I looked around to find anyone. I turned to Brenda before turning the Frypan. “Where is everyone?” I shake my head before turning back around. “Wait here, guys. Wait.” I take off with Brenda behind me. “Thomas!” He yells before him, and the others follow.
“Hey!” Brenda yells louder.
“Lawrence! Gally!” I yell as well. I turned to find all the weapons gone. “Everything’s gone. I tell them to begin to become more frantic. What is going on? Brenda gives me a questionable look. “I don’t know what’s happing or where everyone is. But I definitely know who’s behind it. Cause no one makes a move without Lawrence knowing and something this big. Well, it’s most definitely planned by him.” I tell them getting angrier by the second. Why would he do this? We had a plan. A deal. I started to look around trying to figure out what to do.
“Thomes, are you there?” Brenda says into the walkie walking away and I follow her. We stopped a few feet away, both of us on edge. “Thomes, do you read me? It’s Brenda and Y/N” she says, and we wait for an answer. “Thomes. This is Brinda. Do you copy?” She says again when we don’t get an answer. Oh, please let them be okay.
“Yeah. Brenda, Y/N. Hey I’m here.” He replies and we both let out a breath.
“Where the hell are you guys?” She asked.
“We got Minho. We’re on our way to the tunnels now.” There’s a slight pause. “Y/N, He’s not doing so good.” I grabbed the walkie from Brinda.
“Listen don’t worry about that we got the serum. Okay.” I looked at Brenda before continuing. “Plus, I gave Gally vile. It will put him to sleep, it won’t kill him. It’s only for when it gets bad, okay.” I finished. Handing the walkie back over to Brenda.
“Thomes, somethings up. Lawrence is gone.” She tells him.
“Him, his crew, everything. All cleared out.” I say next. “It’s just weird. I don’t know what’s going on.”
“I think you need to get the hell out of there. Now.” Brenda finishes.
“Okay, yeah. We’re on our way. Just have the serum ready.” He calls back and I nod.
“Over.” Brenda replies turning to me. “You don’t know anything?” she asked me.
“Nothing like this. And trust me I maybe close to the man, but I have no idea what’s going on.” I told her. I then hear a loud explosion and see a bright light from the direction of the city wall. We run towards a lookout facing the wall to see it up in flames. “But I have a feeling that has something to do with it."
@rosesareyellowtoo @i-love-books-and-the-bible
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