#-hugs forever-
pokimoko · 1 year
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I can't keep being fundamentally changed as a person by animated movies, it's just not sustainable.
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sunkillerlovechild · 1 month
my favourite dynamic between Tim and Damian is Tim being confident and comfortable with his place in the family and with being Robin (Tim has a smidge of self-esteem) and he's like 15-17 basically like mid teenage years and then Damian comes and he's like between 8-10 and instantly declares Tim his enemy cause he's Robin and that is his birthright
but instead of Tim also beefing with him cause he's kind of insecure and stuff he just finds it funny and honestly kind of adorable
and like yeah Damian is an assassin but Tim is like twice his size and is trained and has years of experience, so Damian can't actually hurt him
Tim decides to indulge him cause again he finds it funny and cute and also genuinely wants to help Damian get use to living at the manor and make the adjustment as easy as possible for him
and Damian is a kid so he doesn't realize what Tim is doing and actually tries to hurt him and stuff and Tim's just so casual about it
like Damian tries to stab him and Tim just sidesteps him and continues doing whatever it was he was doing, or Damian puts poison in his coffee but Tim has either already developed an immunity to it or has an antidote on hand, so he just drinks it and acts like nothing happend
this eventually leads to Damian just confronting him (maybe even in front of the rest of the family, who lowkey had no idea that it was doing on cause Tim never mentioned anything and Damian was technically trying to kill him secretly) and Tim just honestly telling him that he just wanted Damian to feel welcome and if this help he didn't mind and was just excited to have a little brother and at the end of the day it's good training for himself and also Damian and starts giving him pointers and planning training session so that when in a few years Damian actually gets to take over Robin, he is ready
and Damian really doesn't know what to do with any of it because Tim apparently cares about him??? and is planning to give him Robin in the future???
Tim doesn't even notice that Damian is really struggling with all that he's saying until his hands are full of his little brother, who has not given a single hug to anyone yet since he arrived, not Bruce, not Dick, not even Alfred and it's over as fast as it started and Damian bolts instantly and stays in this room till dinner the next day
but than they start training together that week and maybe Tim isn't his enemy after all
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ro5ani · 6 months
I can't stop thinking about the scene where Ivan finds Till and nuzzles his head against his. He was on that banquet for the same reason as Till, most likely went through the same treatment with the only difference being that he doesn't fight it so it will be less painful (but it isn't really)
So i think he not only felt bad about Till but for both of them. I've seen a lot of takes that say he didn't kiss Till because Till was unconscious and he knew that it was wrong after what Till went through, but i think a kiss didn't even occur to him.
He got out of that banquet and immediately looked for Till, perhaps out of just worry but i think he needs that human comfort as well.
His eyes were glassy the moment he looked at Till, he was keeping it together until he saw him.
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And then he just... holds him close
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stefisdoingthings · 4 months
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don't look (please do)
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lulu-draws-stuff · 3 months
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How does that sound?
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ruporas · 10 months
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hugs hugs hugs (ID in alt)
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serenbriar · 2 months
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The first hug, and the last ♡
I will never get over this parallel :')
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hgedits · 5 months
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2016 || 2024
Feelin' a lot of deja vu again...
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sunclown · 1 year
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a wip for u lovely people bc I won’t be active for a little bit during exam time :)
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linderosse · 4 months
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The Founder’s Call — Part 5
Tetra, Sun, and Lullaby pull off a combo move. Dusk gets a well-deserved hug :).
We’ve finally seen all three of Din’s Fire, Nayru’s Love, and Farore’s Wind in action!
Though originally from Ocarina of Time, these skills are part of certain Zeldas’ arsenals in Wisdomverse due to their appearance in another rather well-known game series that I am also particularly fond of :). Special art and detailed discussion here!
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useragarfield · 3 months
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9K MAKE ME CHOOSE:・゚✧:・゚ @annacoleman ASKED: The Salvatore Brothers or The Originals Family?
Whenever you go too far, I’ll be there to pull you back, every second, every day, ‘til you don’t need me. Why? 'Cause right now, you're the only one I've got.
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oldbutchdaniel · 5 months
have you ever seen two people more married in your entire life. please
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chucapybara · 5 months
alright arlecchino hopping around in my head still so soft mornings with your darling knave!
oh, arlecchino being so utterly enamoured with you. she tends to wake up earlier than you do; a harbinger has many things to go about doing in a day, after all, and being one who manages the affairs of different house of the hearths across teyvat, it's no easy feat.
but on the off days, after a long night of making love to you, she finds herself trapped in your orbit, unable to escape. (not that she'd ever want to.) your soft, radiantly divine figure rests curled beside her, your breath tickling her cheek, and she loves it.
in the respite that comes, in this calm between the noise of her nightmares and of her day work, she finds that all the world is still when you are. an absence of howling, the absence of shades are substituted, if only for those few moments, with the gentle sunbeam that kisses your skin.
(she wishes she were the sun, for a brief time. oh, how her blood almost boils with envy for that heavenly star which gets to kiss you every morning before she does; and were it not for the fact that she loathed to wake you in such peaceful sleep, she may have done so already.)
arlecchino shifts, resting her head on her arm, facing you, observing every rise and fall of your unrobed shoulders, chest. her mind is quiet, silenced, lacking of any other thought except for you.
you, who is so precious to her, that she would rend heaven upon earth and bring down cities and crowns in your name if you asked her to. she who would raise armies and queendoms worshipping you—if she did not already dislike the thought of sharing you with another. (the notion of others gazing upon you with reverence to match hers is preposterous in its nature, so she strangles the thought in its crib.)
as she ponders her prayers for you, she notes how the blanket of your shared bed has dipped below your waist. arlecchino almost has the mind to tuck you back in, to preserve your comfort—all the more when she catches how you shiver, ever so slightly, when exposed to the naked air—but she realises doing so may only wake you.
and so she unfurls her wing of balemoon bloodfire, its crimson feathers catching the sun's rays, illuminating it as sunsets are wont to do. she drapes it over you in replacement for the blanket, mentally chiding it for doing a poor job at keeping you warm.
though, perhaps, this in and of itself was a blessing, too.
your expression eases, and so too does arlecchino's scarlet-eyed gaze soften. her wing rests soothingly around you, almost ticklish, exuding the hearthfire's homely coziness.
and it is this same ticklish sensation that rouses you, slow, steady. your lips part in a yawn, and you peek open a bleary eye, finding your sweet one already long having been observing you. your soul sings.
"good morning, lover," arlecchino murmurs fondly, pressing close. now that you're awake, she has no reservations about pulling you close. she loops an arm around your back, blackened hands ever gentle, ever soft.
you smile, still half-asleep, but savouring the affection. your own palm finds its way to arlecchino's spine, tracing delicately up and down, making your darling knave shiver.
(oh, how weak she finds herself at your touch. let all other things to which she be impenetrable, but for you, she spares a key.)
arlecchino is strong, and it shows in the grooves of her muscled form, tensing in the wake of your drowsed touch. she is especially vulnerable in the space just beside her wing, where you pay special attention, massaging lightly there and leaving tender brushes of your lips. fluttering kisses, with all the softness of rainbow rose petals on the gentle wind.
"morning, arle," you mumble in a wispy breath. you graze your fingertips some along the curve of her side, to the cursed ink on her arm (that is no more a curse than it is a part of the woman you love), tracing them as though you didn't already have every inch of arlecchino mapped out in your memory.
your eyes flutter closed, and your hand goes still, relaxed now on arlecchino's back once more as you are quickly returned to sleep's embrace—arlecchino cradling you, bloodfire wing secured around your form.
but this time, sleep itself has no choice but to share you with her.
all the time in the world could not compare to these tender, infinitisemal moments—your limbs tangled like vines, hair strewn across the pillows upon the bed that is only both yours to own, with you in her arms.
arlecchino's lips draw forth like a magnet, pressing tender kisses along your brow. "rest well, my dove."
and when she speaks, she hopes her faithful prayer follows you into your conscious, to warm your heart and remind you always of the devotion only your sweet knave holds, just for you. only for you.
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yennao · 8 months
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So y'all remember how fucked Danny Phantom was? That is a whole dead child, his parents shoot at him on the reg. It's Stellar, I'm a FAN.
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k9emote · 6 months
any angel/wings emotes? maybe like a wing hug if that makes sense? our system has a lot of angels. preferably with black wings if possible. we really like your style :3 no pressure ofc
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Apologies for taking so long, we have been recovering from recent events. Emojis will kick back up and that discord emote server is on its way. For those who are curious about commissions; We are also in the process of setting up a Paypal account. Love you all - Warden
Black Angel (Halo)
White Angel (Halo)
Black Angel
White Angel
Black Wings
Brown Wings
Gold Wings
White Wings
Wing Wordmoji
Black Winged Bird Instinct
Brown Winged Bird Instinct
Gold Winged Bird Instinct
White Winged Bird Instinct
Bird Instinct Template! (feel free to use in order to design your own wings) [with proper credit.]
Angel Wordmoji (White)
Angel Wordmoji (Black)
Winged hug
Winged hug (roles switched)
Winged hug (both)
So tired. Had fun. Enjoy
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