#10/10 goals
ink-insomnia · 2 years
Idk about anyone else but that galaxy girl and her demon boyfriend have it figured out
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obsob · 5 months
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once more around the sun!! :3
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adharagranley-writer · 2 months
i'm seeing these posts so i'm gonna do it just for fun (knowing i'll get five notes at most), but writer's version:
100 notes and i'll try to post regularly on instagram.
200 notes and i'll make a routine to write daily.
300 notes and i'll start to exercise, drink more water, eat fruit and study more.
500 notes and i'll FINISH WIPS (works in progress).
1k notes and i'll EDIT MY BOOK.
2k notes and i'll propose marriage to my best friend.
5k notes and i'll go to mexico to see a boy (please don't) (i'll never get 5k (i hope)).
EDIT: Y'ALL ARE CRAZYY. crying bc now i'll have to do the stuff but i love you all.
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basketobread · 5 months
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I JUST REALIZED I NEVER SHARED PALADIN LUNARA LOL (yes i drew her in aylins armor... IT'S SO PRETTY I HAD TO!!! just pretend they're swapping outfits cuz they're besties ^_^ /j)
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findingoblivion · 5 months
There’s a $500 laptop at the phone store across the street that would let me stream and start making money and building my community again, but realistically I can’t afford to spend that much money in one month, that’s more than my rent.
I know this isn’t the best cause or most important thing ever but I’ve had the same shit laptop that barely functions for 5 years now, and it’s probably going to die soon anyways, in which case I will be completely fucked as I am disabled and can’t make it to most in person jobs, I mostly work from home when I’m employed. Plus you know, there’s that whole thing where my entire life is online and all of my relationships are long distance.
So yeah, if you have a few spare bucks I’d really appreciate it if you could throw some my way. I can also do writing commissions for you for any fandom and premise if that’s something you’re interested in.
My PayPal is [email protected]
If you’d prefer to make a payment through wise or interac e transfer if you’re in Canada please DM me for those details. I can also share my AO3 and some other writing examples if you’d like.
Reblogs are also greatly appreciated!
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 8 months
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just-ornstein · 6 months
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🧪 The Beakers + Their Genetically Engineered Twins + Astrid Beaker, an in-game spawn. 🧪
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dashka12 · 4 months
💥Binderary Bind # 3 💥
A collection of 15 stories by @greygerbil.( Highly HIGHLY recommend their fics)
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For the book title, I chose The Shield,The Spear, The Sword and chose another 14 of their stories (it was a struggle not to include all of them but i got tired of typesetting 😅)
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I made individual title pages for all of them (pic doesnt include all)
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I did keep the drop caps the same in every story as well as the same line break image (a cute little shield,spear, sword combo i made on canva) to add continuity.
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I tried a couple new techniques this bind.
Did my first ever rounded spine as well as some (easy and fake) raised bands. This was heavily inspired by those old traditional leather bound books.
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Progess pic before the faux leather.
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intotheelliwoods · 6 months
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Keychain Update! <-
The batch came into me a few days ago, only for the majority, if not all of them to have a printing error! Some have it more prominent and/or in different locations but they all appear to have a faint white outline to them, which the initial batch did not have.
I contacted the company to have the batch remade, here is hoping they can get a new batch to me soon with no errors!
Apologies for the shipping delay this will cause, but I thought it would be better than giving you all anything faulty. In exchange I am also giving you all a little surprise bonus sticker :)
I cannot give an exact ship date at the moment, I will update you all, and send them out as soon as I can!
In the meanwhile... I need to look into options for adopting out all these B-grades..... so.... so many of them.......
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thornescratch · 3 months
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Dylan Strome sassily celebrates his first career shootout goal; smashed goalie sticks fly in the background.
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vynnyal · 4 months
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context: turns out, i have more freetime than i thought i did. in the rw server theres a bunch of extra challenges you can do, and the "spearfishing" one requires you to kill a leviathan using extremely unusual tactics. it was admittedly very fun to do 🤣
You can watch the video under the readmore if you wanna hear me have a heart attack
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Five Ways SentiAdrien is a Retcon
Adrien’s a sentimonster now, but he wasn’t always. Here’s a list of things that wouldn’t have happened if Adrien was a sentimonster:
Chat Blanc
Epehemeral shows us what happens in a world where Gabriel Agreste learns his sentison’s identity. Chat Blanc shows us what happens in a world where Gabriel Agreste learns his human son’s identity. If Adrien was a sentimonster in season 3, then Chat Blanc would have ended with Gabriel winning just like he did in Ephemeral. But it doesn’t because season 3 Adrien was a real boy.
Nooroo: Master, you don't really think Adrien could be Cat Noir?
Gabriel: I don't know. But he's hiding something for sure. Since his bodyguard has failed to keep an eye on Adrien, there's only one way for us to uncover his secret.
Yeah, put on one of the slave collars and say, “Adrien, tell me what you’re hiding from me?” Problem solved! Except Adrien wasn’t a sentimonster yet, so Gabe had to use an akuma instead.
As of season 4, Felix and Amilie know that the Agrete’s wedding rings are amoks, so why were they so obsessed with getting their hands on them back in season 3? What were they planning to do with Adrien? Why did Amilie think that was a reasonable request? There’s no way that she’d hand over her son’s ring! Easy answer: the twins cousins weren’t sentimonster yet and the rings weren’t that special. That’s why that plot goes nowhere and why Felix’s actions don’t match his actions after they decided that the boys were sentimonsters.
Adrien keeps sneaking out of the house to go to school and Gabe just yells at him, never using the slave collars. Plausible, I guess, but still hard to buy given how controlling he is. Why wouldn’t he use one of the rings? He already doesn’t care what Adrien wants and Gabe does not get meaningfully more controlling as the show goes on (it’s part of why season 5 completely fails to make him feel worse in my book).
Cataclysms drive Sentimonsters insane, but kill humans, so Chat Noir probably should have gone insane here. Along similar lines, the fact that akuma powers work on him like a normal human is super weird because Adrien isn’t a true human. Can he break his bones? Does he even need to transform to fight? Do all sentimonsters have the ability to use miraculous? I have questions that this show will never answer because the answers don’t exist. That would require competent, well-thought-out lore.
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ty-bayonet-betteridge · 2 months
ive just done the math! accounting for the fact that we watch at 1.5x speed but NOT accounting for the release of new episodes we only have 36 hours 15 minutes of watchtime left before we're caught up on all 27 hermit povs! (eye twitch)
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lighthouseas · 5 months
it's so fucking sad that preteens are raiding sephora for makeup products meant for adults and not only are said adults bullying them online for views, they are also not addressing the actual issue at hand, which is that there is literally no third space for these kids and they're basically being raised on ipads where they have unrestricted access to the internet at all hours of the day, which is why they are so desperate to imitate what they see online by buying $80 makeup products meant for ADULTS. that's terrifying actually
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annmariethrush · 3 months
Season 10: dean wants to be alive. He wants to retire. He wants to go hang out on a beach with his loved ones. Sam wants to keep hunting. He doesn’t want to “go back” to his “normal life” with a wife and kid and no hunting.
Finale: you’ll never fucking guess what happens
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deoidesign · 6 days
Just a reminder, I have a patreon!!!
I've been working on actually making stuff to post more often for the lower tiers, and have been consistently doing so!
I post at least a few sketches and drawings every month for the $1 and up patrons
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and I've been working on episodes and sharing some updates with my $5 and up patrons
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And I have a merch club for $15 a month, but there's still some $10 slots left! I design and send usually a postcard and some stickers to my patrons every month, but sometimes I'll do some experimental stuff; last month I did foil prints, for instance, and a few months before I made magnets!
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It also gets you access to private channels in my discord server, where I ask for patron input on things like the merch or drawings, and where I sometimes stream while working :)
Buuuut also, even if you don't want any of this stuff, it's a great way to support me directly if you like my work! I'm still on hiatus so I'm not making any money from work at the moment, but I'm working hard and my patreon enables me at least to buy my groceries!
Here's the link one more time, no pressure of course but I need to promote my patreon more so people actually know it exists haha
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