#100 percent judge free
hockybish · 10 months
Is It Mine?
West Winds au I dad!Trevor x Reader I masterlist
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Early March 2020
"Why have you been avoiding me?" Trevor practically barged into her dorm room once she opened the door.
No, hi, how are you?" She rolled her eyes, returning to the spot on the couch she had been occupying only moments earlier.
"Nope." He popped the p in the word, plopping down beside one of his best friends. "Now answer me. Why are you avoiding me?"
"I haven't. Don't be silly, Z." Looking at her hands, she contemplates how to go about her next moves.
Does she tell him the truth, or do you hold off a little longer? How does she tell her person that the drunken night they had together a couple of months ago was going to change their lives forever?
"That's bullshit, Bean." The hockey player exclaimed, not believing what he was hearing for one second.
Bean was one of his best friends. Trevor knew her so well he could see she was obviously lying to him and that something more was going on. His stubbornness was getting the best of him, and he was going to get to the bottom of it. He missed her.
"You've been canceling plans; you don't sit by me in class anymore; you've left me on read more times than I can count; and I had to learn from Em-j that you left the country last weekend. What is going on, Bean?"
"I've just been really tired from school and work. It's just a lot. You know how busy it can get."
"You can tell me anything. I won't judge. You know that. Please." He pleaded with her. He wasn't going to let it go until Y/N told him.
"I'm pregnant."
"I'm pregnant. I found out a few weeks ago, and last week I went to Vancouver, and I think I'm gonna keep it." She broke down in his arms. "And I'm scared, Trevor. I'm scared."
"Hey. It's going to be okay, Bean." Trevor reassured her the best he could. Which was as comforting as he thought he was being, considering there was still part of the situation he didn't know about.
"Who's the father? Because if he isn't going to be there for you, I'll kill him. I swear, Bean, I will." After what felt like an eternity, Trevor asked the most important question.
"It's not worth it, Z. It was only one time, and the father doesn't really know it's him. Plus, I don't really expect anything from him. He's got things going for him, and I don't want to get in the way of that." Y/N wiped the few tears that still fell from her eyes.
Trevor listened to Y/N's words carefully. He did some quick math, remembering that night in early January. He was almost 100 percent sure they were careful and took proper precautions to prevent this outcome from happening. But then again.
"Is it mine?" His heartbeat quickened when he came to the realization that y/n never mentioned sleeping with anyone else. Not that she would, because that's not stuff they talk about on a regular basis.
Um, I think I should leave." He hurried out the door. Her hesitance was enough of an answer for him, and there were a few things he needed to think about.
Please feel free to send in thoughts, comments, questions, and ideas!
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tiyoin · 2 months
Tiyoin the voices got to me again. I was scrolling tho tik tok and came across a video ,and it reminded me that you mentioned reader doing a sport before attending twst in the singing au. Wanna give a guess what sport I saw??
It was ✨figure skating✨. Just imagine it for a sec. Do I know anything about skating?? No. But the idea of anxiety reader being one is beautiful. Especially since skating isnt a confrontation sports like soccer and, reader doesn't have to be in contact with someone while performing their act.
I see reader starting the sport when they were young. They may have seen it as a way to put themselves out there while doing something they enjoy and find relaxing. They didn't compete in big contests with thousands of people watching (girlie would not make it). They would only get to county or district level of the contest B4 the nerves got to them. Most likely self sabotages at the end so they wouldn't have to seen and judged by so many. Reader does has a few gold medals tho. Yuu has been their personal cheerleader for a few years now. Going to as many contests as he can to just support reader and know they're not alone.
What if there is a different competition (w/o a overblot hopefully) which a sport is picked randomly. Whether you want it to be a school vs school, dorm vs dorm or maybe grade vs grade you can decide. I think it could work with any of them. Like they pick a few people to represent their side and to complete. The ones that physically compete get prizes (💰) and the others get bragging rights and a 🍕 pizza party or smth like that idk.
Anyways, Yuu is like *puppy eyes* pls reader 👉👈we poor. And reader knows Yuu is only asking cuz they they really need the money and he would never make them do smth that would harm them. Yuus real motive is maybe this will help reader make friends or less be less anxious around their classmates. And he knows Reader is gonna win cuz none of the others skate.
The only ones in NRC that I can see being able to skate to a degree is Rook, Jade or Ortho maybe Epel too. He probably hated it till his grandma said only strong people could skate cuz it's hard. I think his home town is gets snow right? Can't recall rn.
Depending on which VS is picked the outfit and preforment is gonna be a easy choice or the hardest thing in the whole contest. Maybe a duet gets thrown in there. ➖👄👁️
Overall reader is ✨stressed✨ rightfully so. The creeps are recording, admirers admirering, rivals showing up left and right. Reader gonna need a nap after everything that's happened.
Another 3-5 am ask woooo. Sorry if there is any spelling errors. Why do the best ideas always come when I'm tired 😩. I can send u a tik tok I saw that inspired me if u want. Also I don't mean to mention Rook in every ask he just shows up w/o asking. Like my fav is Malleus and I haven't send a single idea with him.
Maybe it's cuz Rooks a Sagittarius and I'm a Gemini. They are sister signs. That's probably why he lives in my head rent free. I hope a good night.
especially with the death of YOI: adolescence... a sad day for anime lovers' everywhere (im on desktop so i can't do any emojis </3)
I actually had a really big skating phase. still do and would love to have prof. lessons. i wanted to do it so. badly. my parents said 'no' and that it was too late for me, so i mourn that. believe it or not, i was in soccer and almost did it in college.
but the ice feeling so freeing whenever reader steps onto it. they're not worried about sweating because of ice, and they can move how the want when they want.
reader would 100 PERCENT self sabotage themselves. filling their head with nonsense and because of all those thoughts (especially) 'dont miss this spin, dont miss this spin' only to miss it because they were focusing on whether they would 'miss the spin or not')
but in their home world, reader is phenomenal!! they're amazing! they got scouted by amazing coaches who wanted to tap into their raw potential, who were impressed by reader's hard work and drive... but reader always finds a away to miss things up for themselves.
ITS LIKE THEIR OWN MINI OLYMPICS HAHAHA (reader: wdym you guys dont have olympics?)
ofc there's a pre sign up and auditions. reader is thinking and mulling it over. because trying out for the boys team is very different than the girl's team, is co-ed even allowed?? this is an all boys school after all!
(yuu brings crowley to their audition to convince him to give them student-ship so they can compete and WRECK those snot-nosed princes.)
maybe there's a partner skate? and you know that the admirers of reader that can skate and sign. the. fuck. up.
I WANT SKATER JADE!! I WANT IT I WANT IT I WANT IT!! but home boy would probably not be able to skate at the level of reader just because he's og a fish and if he started skating when he turned human then he'd only have a year of experience </3
but lets just say there's a sports thing they have... not club but dedicated for this event... then i can see jade being somewhat on reader's level. but there's still a difference unfortunately
ROOK HUNT SKATED OUT OF THE WOMB!! ortho could professionally skate sine... 5 minutes ago? like c'mon guys get on his level.
though i can see rook rather being an observer. he also called it 'ice dancing' because that's what it is to him. but if rook trying out for this instead of his usual sweep of archery, all to stop some... he doesn't have a word for the level of disgust he'd have if he saw you dancing with a slimy no name.
plus he will be able to experience your growth! not just as a skater but as a person! he can also get closer to you!
vil. vil can! ice dance. he needed to learn it for a film and he's always liked the feeling of being on the ice. which makes pomefiore the contenders for being on the team / being reader's partner during partner categories.
epel would want ot learn hockey but was forced into ice skating by his grandma HAHAH she'd say that he can learn to play hockey after he's mastered the ice or something. it's something he's NOT proud of- but (if this is the point where him and reader are on good terms) then he'll happily play up him being a skating pro.
i can also see vil forcing epel into skating for the school. like wdym ice skating is for girls? get your ass on the ice NOW
SILVER AND LILIA WOULD ALSO BE ICE SKATERS AHHH. but it's a bit dangerous for silver to be on the ice but if it means helping support his friend then he's gung ho about it! just... please keep an eye on him in case he starts falling (he's usually good about that. making it to the sides before he was able to face plant on the ice. but lilia is always present in case of such emergencies (and if the designated watchers arent able to get to him in time))
lilia has dabbled in a bit of everything. so if you see him whip out a quad (with only a little bit of stumbling, as he complains about his bones again) he'll act like it's not hard (it's not- for him)
BUT IF MALLEUS WANTS TO GET INTO THAT ICE SKATING ACTION THEN HE'LL SPEND HOURS AT IT. the prince bale to do things a bit differently than everyone since he's.. ya knw, thee malleus draconia.
crowley ; you can barly even skate! why are you at the try outs!
malleus :... give me a week (and the mofo MEANS IT)
and dw i get random spouts of 'rook hunter-itis too. I DONT MIND YOU BRINGING HIM UP CAUSE I LOVE HIM- AND MALLEUS AHHHH)
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anxiouspineapple99 · 1 year
The Best Cake on Coruscant
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Summary: Reader has a complicated living situation that affects her love life, until Fives comes along
Pairing: Fives x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: Fluffiness, mentions of parent death and drug use, we also gettin a little hot n heavy 🥵 suggestive up in this one. Mostly fluff though.
A/N: this one came to me and I decided to work on it while taking a break from my TechxOC fic. I am ALMOST done with chapters 2 and 3 of that one but the Internet has decided to hurt my feelings with the S2 finale all over again so it’s hard for me to write for him right now. Also this is the closest to smut I will ever write. I have no moral objections to smut, I quite enjoy reading it. I just can’t write it lol.
You had never envisioned yourself being a young single parent, let alone a young single parent to your little sister. Your mother had you young, just a teen. It was hard, your mother had a spice addiction which meant you spent most of your life poor. You never knew your father, you found out when you left home at 16 that he’d died in a drug deal gone wrong. You swore up and down you’d do better. You went to school, started a career, and established roots of your own. You didn’t even know your mother had another child until 5 years after your left home. Authorities showed up at your doorstep with the little one telling you your mother had died. You agreed to take her in. You wanted to give her the life you didn’t get. That was a year ago. A few months ago your best friend gifted you a matching necklace set, one that was a small heart that said “mom” for you and one that was just a heart for your sister. When you argued that you’re not, in fact, a mom she said it was going to be a litmus test to determine whether a man was worth your time. Boy was she ever right. When you’d meet a guy and exchange information you never told him about your living situation. You’d save that for the first date. You’d show up in the necklace. So far 100 percent of the time they’d freak out and you’d never hear from them again. It always started the same:
“Wait, does your necklace say mom? You have a kid?”
“Kind of, she’s my sister. Our mom died so I care for her now.”
From there if you were lucky you’d get a free meal and the guy would never speak to you again. Worst case scenario is you being left with a bill when he excused himself to the refresher. Sometimes they bailed before you could order, that wasn’t terrible because at least you didn’t waste more time or credits than necessary. You weren’t terribly bothered by it though. You had a great support system in your friends. You had a great job with Koensayr Manufacturing and a decent apartment. Sure you were lonely sometimes, but it could be worse. Needless to say, when the incredibly charming (and far more handsome than should have ever been allowed) ARC trooper you’d met a few nights prior spotted you in your favorite bakery you didn’t hold out hope that he’d be any different. You’d worn your necklace to work that day and of course that would be the day he’d happened upon you on your lunch break.
“Hey there beautiful! Fancy seeing you here!” His playful eyes sparkled as he approached you.
“Small planet! Fives right?” You smiled warmly, exhilarated by the sight of him.
“That’s me alright. I see I made an impression that night! What brings you here?” He winked and shot you the finger guns.
“On my lunch break. Also finger guns? Really?” You ribbed, rolling your eyes.
“Of course finger guns! They’re slick! You’re eating cake on your lunch break?” He joked in return pointing at the slice of cake on your plate.
“I’d rather you not judge my life choices, thank you. Besides, this is the best cake on Coruscant. I won’t judge the finger guns if you let me have the cake,” you playfully bantered in return.
“Okay okay, deal! I’m glad I ran into you again so soon. I had a lot of fun with you that night at 79s. I was hoping I’d get to see you again,” He gave you a wink and a cheeky smile. Your stomach twisted like a BTL-B Y-wing starfighter in a tailspin. Maker, he was so cute.
“Thanks, me too.” You intentionally fiddled with the necklace to bring his attention to it. Time for the litmus test to begin. He paused, noticing the movement of your hands on the necklace,“That’s really nice, what’s it say?”
“Ahh..it says mom,” you were suddenly hesitant. He was right, the night you’d met at 79’s was a lot of fun. The two of you talked, danced, laughed, and shared awful drinks until the bar closed down. Once you’d stumbled out the door, he called you a cab and with a chivalrous kiss on your hand he sent you home. You weren’t ready to be sorely disappointed but figured it was best to rip the bandage off now. You winced as you braced for what you thought was the inevitable response of shock, then fear, and then making a run for the door.
“Oh you have a littl’un?” His response was curious, not judgemental. It was sincere too, you could see it in his eyes. That was interesting. He won’t want to be romantically involved with you but at least he wasn’t a raging womprat about it.
“Kind of? She’s my little sister. Our mother died so now I take care of her.”
“Wow! That’s incredible! How old is she?” He pulled up the chair next to you, “May I?”
“She…ah…she’s three. And sure? My mom had me young and I left home as a teen. I actually only found out I had a sister last year when the authorities stopped at my apartment with her saying she had no one else.” Now you were stunned. He didn’t go running. The opposite actually, he sat down, started asking questions.
“You have just earned a whole new level of respect from me. You took in your vod, no questions asked even when you hadn’t met her. You have a picture of her?” He asked, now genuinely interested in an aspect of your life that, for the last few months sent men running for the sand dunes of Tatooine.
“N..no. I have a holophoto on my desk at work but nothing on me.”
“Too bad. Hope I get to meet her some time.” He gave you a charming grin and your head was spinning. No one had ever shown this much interest. Was he for real?
“Really?” You asked incredulously. You rested your chin in your hand and cocked an inquisitive eyebrow at him.
“Why are you surprised?” His head tilted in confusion at the expression you were currently pulling.
“I’ve literally never had a man continue to show me interest after finding out about her, let alone show interest in her,” your emphatic confession caused a frown to cross his brow.
“Babe, those were no men. Let me take you to dinner tomorrow. I’ll show you how a true gentleman acts.” That statement threw you for a loop. There went the BTL-B Y-wing starfighter in your stomach again.
Your shoulders then slumped in disappointment, “I can’t. All my sitters are unavailable.”
“That’s okay. What about dinner at your place? I can meet the kid!” He countered with a burning enthusiasm so brilliant you couldn’t decline his offer. You gave him the address, questioning if this was the best idea. You didn’t know him, and you were letting him come into your home? Where your kid sister was. You decided to give all your friends a heads up. You even planned to reach out to one of them at some point during the visit to let them know how it was going and you were safe.
When you arrived home the following evening, you frantically dashed around your apartment cleaning. Your roommate was a three year old and that meant there were crumbs and toys and laundry everywhere. Your power clean was interrupted by a knock at the door. He was right on time. You slid the door open, armful of toys and a sheepish grin. He looked even more handsome than you thought was humanly possible. Standing there in his standard issue GAR fatigues, he held out a white box with a flower resting on top.
You huffed a loose lock of hair out of your face and took the box, “Sorry for the mess. What’s this?”
“Best cake on Coruscant, of course,” he chuckled sweetly. The sound of his laugh made you positively giddy. “I wasn’t sure if you liked flowers but I figured if I got both a cake and a flower I could win with at least one!” You felt your cheeks warm as you blushed a rosy pink. “That’s so thoughtful, thank you! Truth be told, I love both so you nailed it.” Fives pushed his chest out slightly, clearly proud of himself. “Where’s the kiddo? I have something for her too.” You stared in disbelief for a moment and then smiled, “You didn’t have to do that. She’s in her room, I’ll get her.”
Before you could take a single step, your sister came charging out of her room. She was wearing a crudely crafted paper clone trooper helmet, a craft project she’d done with your friend who watched her while you were at work. She was also waving two toy blasters in the air.
“STOP FIEF! I A TWOOPER! I SAVE MY SISSY!” she yelled as she charged at Fives. Without missing a beat, Fives threw his hands in the air in mock surrender, “Easy there trooper! I’m unarmed and I am no thief! Who trained you? Was it Rex? That looks like his chaotic blaster wielding.” You clamped a hand over your mouth to stifle the laugh, “I am SO sorry, Fives.” He grinned from ear to ear, “She’s even cuter than I expected.” Then he knelt down to her level, “Hey little trooper, I have something for you.” Your sister stopped short, “A pwesent? For me!?” “Yep! But first the bucket’s gotta go. At least for a minute,” he said as he gingerly lifted the paper helmet off her head. He’d had one hand behind his back since coming inside and he finally brought what he’d been hiding into view; a clone trooper doll, “The next time I see you I’ll bring some of my kit paint and we can give his armor a custom paint job together. How does that sound?” She squealed as she threw her arms around his neck. Fives was visibly shocked but immediately embraced her back. You couldn’t quite read his expression as he hugged your tiny three year old menace. It was an amalgamation of contentment and melancholy. You watched as he squeezed her a little tighter and then picked her up. That did it, you were a puddle. He was patient and kind and seeing his interactions with your sister had completely won you over.
“What? Is this okay?” he asked, his voice laced with apprehension.
You jumped at his question, “What? Yes! Yes it’s very okay. Why?”
“You were staring,” he waggled his eyebrows comically.
Kriff. You were staring and he caught you.
“Well now it’s obvious that my animal magnetism has entirely beguiled you,” he continued.
“Anyway,” you laughed, “I hope you don’t mind takeaway. I didn’t have time to cook.”
“Anything is better than the slop we get in the mess but I brought cake! We don’t need takeaway.”
“We aren’t having cake for dinner.”
“Why not? You had cake for lunch yesterday.”
“Why you cheeky…” you chortled as you threw a throw pillow at him and he doubled over laughing. He sat down and placed the crude paper bucket back on the tot’s head. She climbed all over him laughing and telling him about her favorite games and toys. He listened and engaged with her as if at only three years old she was the most interesting person he’d ever met.
You quickly became lost in your thoughts as you watched them. This was nice. It was comfortable and easy. You loved how effortless conversation was with Fives. It was something you’d observed when you first met him. You still never anticipated this. It felt natural, like you’d known each other your entire lives. Additionally, seeing him playing on the floor with your sister left you feeling weak in the knees. You wanted to throw him on your sofa and kiss him until he was left breathless. Your ruminations were soon interrupted by the knock on the door. You retrieved the takeaway and tipped the delivery kid.
“Oi! Feral loth-cat!” You chaffed, “Dinner is here!”
“Hey, that's no way to talk to your precious sister.”
“I was talking to you, good sir.”
Fives put a hand over his heart and feigned offense, “You wound me! I may be feral but I am no loth-cat, thank you. What are we having anyway?”
“Noodle Bar. It’s the kid’s favorite.”
“She has good taste. Come on squirt! Let’s eat!” In a single smooth movement, Fives heaved the tot onto his shoulders as she squealed with delight. Her little fingers clutched his hair as he walked toward the table.
You couldn’t help but notice that this felt so domestic in the best way possible. You loved it. You knew that, at least for the foreseeable future it may not be possible to sustain. You recognized that Fives would still be shipped out to battle after battle. He would be stationed on other planets for extended periods of time. But after the war was done… would he want something like this? More than that, would he want something like this with you. You hoped so.
You glanced at the time, “Little lady has a pretty early bedtime. If you want to stay a little longer, we can watch a holofilm after she’s out. Unless you know, you have to get going.” “A holofilm sounds wonderful,” his voice smooth and almost seductive. The buzzing of your comlink jolted you back to reality, “Kriff! I’m sorry! I have to take this.” You hurried to your room and closed the door. Your friend’s panicked voice sharply reprimanded you, “You said you would contact me 30 minutes ago! What the stang happened? Are you safe? Do I need to come over?”
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! No. You don’t have to come. We are safe. He’s…he’s great. Really great. I’ll fill you in later but we are in the middle of dinner now.” You heard your friend chuckle and mutter something about having it bad. When you walked out of your room you noticed Fives staring at his plate forlornly. “So ahh..should I head out then?” He asked not meeting your gaze. You stopped, taken aback, “W-why would you go?” He stood up, still not meeting your eyes, “You know, that emergency you have to attend to.” He vaguely motioned to your comlink. Your eyes widened, “Wait! No no no! It wasn’t anything like that.” You marched to his side and grabbed his arm, “My friends just worry. They wanted me to check in just to tell them I’m okay. When I didn’t they panicked. Please don’t go. I want you to stay…we want you to stay.” He met your eyes and you were suddenly keenly aware of your rapidly pounding heart. If it wasn’t impossible you would have thought he could hear it too. A smile crept across his face and his shoulders relaxed. “We, huh? That true, squirt? You want me to stay too?” He asked, turning to the three year old in the seat next to his. She grinned ear to ear and with a mouth full of noodles exclaimed “Yes! I want Fives to stay!” You laughed, resting your forehead on his chest without thinking. “Alright, guess I have no other choice but to stay,” his voice rumbled softly as he brushed your hair tenderly.
“Alright little miss. That plate is empty. You want more?”
“Nope. My tummy’s full.”
“Then it’s bedtime.”
“Nooooooo! I want to play with Fives more!”
“Hey squirt, I had a great time playing with you! Your sister is right, you need your beauty sleep. I promise I will be back soon,” he placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder and added, “You’re way more fun than my brothers anyway.”
“Okay…” she stood up from the table still tightly clutching her new clone trooper doll.
“She needs me to lay with her until she falls asleep. If you want you can pick the holofilm while I get her down.”
“Absolutely. Take your time. I have all night,” he purred.
You got her into her pajamas with as little resistance as a three year old can possibly give at bedtime. Once dressed she ran back to the sitting room. She wrapped her arms around Fives’ leg and whispered, “Good night Fives! I wuv you! Fank you for my twooper!”
“Love you too, Squirt. Sweet dreams,” he rumpled her hair affectionately and nudged her in the direction of her room.
Once you were confident she was sleeping soundly, you returned to the sitting room. Fives was comfortably reclined on the sofa with the lights dimmed.
“Hey,” your stomach twisted and you wrung your hands realizing you and Fives were properly alone for the first time. No kiddo, no bar patrons, no one. Just the two of you in your sitting room.
“Hey yourself. Come here,” he held out his hand and pulled you into his lap. Your heart did somersaults as a hot flush rose to your cheeks. He gently brushed your chin with a crooked index finger while holding your gaze, his eyes a beautiful burning amber. His other hand grazed your waist, drawing mindless circles on a patch of your exposed skin.
“Thank you, Fives. I’ve had a wonderful time.” Your hands rested on his chest and you could feel his heartbeat. His heart was racing nearly as fast as yours despite that cool and confident facade he had up.
“Good. Mission accomplished then. She’s a great kid. Anyone who doesn’t want to get to know her is missing out.”
“Yeah she’s pretty amazing.”
“So is her sister,” he crooned, running his fingers along your cheek. Your breath hitched, all words lost to you. You closed your eyes and smiled as his hand continued along your jaw, past your ear, tracing your hairline and grasping the back of your neck. He pulled you to him, his lips just a breath away from yours. You were positive he could feel your pulse pounding through your flushed skin now.
“Her sister is also beautiful, funny, kind, and completely bewitching,” he whispered against your lips.
“Fives…” you whined as his other hand roamed your thigh. You didn’t finish your thought as he pressed his lips to yours. He was passionate like a starving man having his first meal in ages. His hand on the back of your neck crept into your hair, gently tugging it using it as an opportunity to pull your head back just enough to trail light kisses down your cheek, jaw, and throat. You gasped when he lightly nipped your collarbone. You wrapped your arms around his neck, your breathing heavy and desperate. His touch set you aflame in a way you’d never known before. He brushed his lips along your ear, sending chills down your spine. “Your eyes are enchanting,” he whispered fervidly, “your smile haunts me. I’ve thought of you every day since the night we met at 79’s. I want to know you, all of you. Body and soul. I want all of you. I need all of you.” You flowed into him and breathed, “Want to skip the holofilm?” He pressed his forehead to your temple, sighing lasciviously, “Maker, please.” You stood and took him by the hand and began to guide him to your room. He stopped and grabbed the cake box. “What are you doing with that?” you giggled fiercely. He looked at you deviously, “I fully intend on having two desserts tonight. I’m convinced I will be having the best cake on Coruscant but I don’t think it’s the one I bought. I just want to compare to make sure.”
“Oh Maker, Fives. Get in my room now!” He leaned into you until you were nose to nose and purred, “My pleasure… and soon to be yours.” You grabbed his hand again and pulled him into your room, closing the door.
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naturalrights-retard · 2 months
The great irony is that, despite all the fear-mongering spewed out about Donald Trump ending democracy, it is mostly the Democrats who are taking shots at its most sacred freedoms: those of the First Amendment.
The House recently passed a bill, HR 7521, seeking to “ban” the popular app TikTok from America's smartphones. The logic works like this: TikTok is owned by a Chinese company. Chinese companies are under the control of the Chinese Communists. Therefore, TikTok is brainwashing American youth while at the same time gathering their personal data for some undefined yet assumed nefarious use. TikTok thus should be banned.
No evidence has been presented for any of the assertions listed—no evidence the Chinese government exerts direct control over TikTok, whose contents are 100 percent user-created, no evidence the app has any purpose other than to make money, and no evidence the app collects data to use it in some way, nefarious or not. It just feels scary and bad, as in any other red scare, so the House moved to ban it. The Senate votes soon, and Joe Biden says he will sign the bill if it reaches him.
This is not the first time the government has tried to ban TikTok. In 2021, President Donald Trump issued an executive order against TikTok that was halted in federal court when a judge found it was “arbitrary and capricious.” Another judge characterized the national security threat posted by TikTok as “phrased in the hypothetical.” When the state of Montana tried to ban the app in 2023, a federal judge said that it “oversteps state power and infringes on the constitutional rights of users,” with a “pervasive undertone of anti-Chinese sentiment.” Candidate Trump now opposes the TikTok ban.
You’d think that was enough for TikTok. Yet note the ban is just on a Chinese company owning the app, and the bill allows for an American company or ally to buy TikTok and go on its merry way. It’s not a ban; it’s a hijacking. And don’t think the Chinese won’t find an American app to retaliate against. Listening, Apple and Android?
But that is not where the true First Amendment challenge lies, though “banning” the app can itself be seen as restricting speech in its raw form. The real challenge lies in the details of the TikTok bill, which proves to be another Patriot Act in hiding.
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f1luver-95 · 5 months
Fate Charles Leclerc Story…
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…Chapter 1…
                 ...January 2022...
Today was the day.... the day that I would be walking down the aisle to my future. It's scary to think that at 26 years old I will be someone's wife.
I can't help but smile as I remember the times when I was five years old dressing up in our mothers wedding dresses with my best friend Lucy. We would dream about how our lives would be as we grew up. 
We would always say that no matter what or no matter where we were in the world we would always be there for each other through the good, the bad and the ugly. Lucy has always been my person, we were inseparable growing up, and too this day we are still inseparable. She is the only person besides my family that I can count on, she loves me unconditionally. 
It's crazy how much has changed since the days when we would dress up in wedding dresses and plan our imaginary weddings. 
Looking at myself in the mirror... my blue eyes starring back at me as I took a deep breath. 
My long brown hair in a low bun with wisps of hair framing my face. My freckles hidden under the layers of makeup that I never usually wore, I looked unrecognizable. 
The nerves of the wedding making me feel nauseous. I felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders and that I could throw up at any minute. 
I could feel a small tear form at the corner of my eye as it slowly rolled down my cheek. I reached up and wiped it away as I contemplated my next move. I had watched enough romantic movies to know, I wasn't supposed to be feeling this way on my wedding day.
Was it cold feet or was it my body telling me that marrying him was not the right decision? 
Before I met Jake I was a different person then the one staring back at me today. 
But now that I'm staring at my reflection in the mirror, I'm starting to hate the person I have become. I have become someone who lets herself be manipulated, treated like crap and never stands up for herself, because I was scared to rock the boat. 
I've become the women who begs to be loved by the person who is treating her horribly.
I have been so focused on making him happy that I have neglected myself, and what I needed to make myself happy. 
Growing up my parents made sure that my sister and I always knew how strong and powerful we are. Somewhere along the way I lost that sense of empowerment, and all I wanted was to get that feeling back.
I  used to love going on adventures. Lucy and I were constantly going on fun adventures, traveling the world and exploring different countries and cultures. 
Heck I even spent my early 20's living in Australia and England, working as a live in nanny. 
Working with children is one of the only things that truly made me feel happy and free.  Like I can be 100 percent myself.... I  feel confident and I'm not afraid of being judged when I am with children. 
I could escape from my head, the part of me that is constantly worried about people judging me. So I made it my mission to make working with children my career. 
Jake always hated that I chose to work with children as my career. I would always hear 'get a real job,' 'your job is so easy anyone could do it... I could even do it if I wanted too.' 
Every single time he would make those comments he made me feel useless and worthless. 
Did I  really want to marry someone who made me feel this way? 
If you asked me six years ago about my wedding day, I would have told you it would have been the best day of my life. 
Things at the beginning were perfect, he swept me off my feet and made me feel so loved and like I was his priority. 
Sadly things have been different ever since Jake proposed to me. His mom moved in with us when she divorced her fifth husband.  The second that she told Jake she was getting a divorce she started making statements that she couldn't be on her own and that she needed her son to take care of her. The next day Jake packed up her stuff and she moved in with us... not that I had much say as I was the one to move in with Jake. 
Over time it became evident that he was slowly choosing her over me, canceling our dates so that he could be there for his mom. 
I absolutely hated it when I was alone with her because she would make comments like, 'why are you on birth control and using condoms? Your supposed to be giving me grand babies...' meaning that she went through our garbage can in our bedroom. 
Every time I would tell Jake what she would say to me he would not believe me. After a while I wouldn't tell him, because what was the point if he wasn't going to believe me anyway. 
It was almost like he had only proposed because his mom forced him. He was not interested in any part of the wedding planning and every time I mentioned it to him he would roll his eyes or not even look at me, to busy playing his video game.
Every time he would get mad at me he would tell me he loved me a little bit less each time. He would make comments that I was stupid or dumb when I didn't understand something.
I couldn't help but wonder if I was making the right decision by marrying him. 
Did I truly love him, or did I love the idea of getting married and starting a family? 
Everything was setup for the wedding. We had booked a hotel venue, that has a gorgeous event room that over looked the Miami waters. 
I heard a knock on the door, breaking me from my thoughts. 
I turned around in the chair I was sitting in and saw my little sister Katie and Lucy walk into the room, a nervous look on both their faces. 
"What's wrong?" I questioned as I quickly jumped up from the seat I was sitting in and rushed over to them. Fearing that something had gone wrong with the venue set up. 
Katie was in charge of making sure the tables were set just the way I had envisioned. And Lucy was the person the vendors were supposed to contact if there was something wrong. 
"We are so worried about you, you have not seemed happy the couple of years but especially the last 6 months. You are supposed to be so happy leading up to your wedding." Lucy said as she pulled me into a big hug.
"Danielle, please don't be mad at us. We did it because we love you, and you deserve to do the things that make you happy." My little sister Katie said as she walked farther into the room I was occupying holding a small white envelope in her hands.
I looked at her, curious. "What are you talking about?" 
"Just read the letter." Lucy said as she looked down, afraid to look me in my eyes. 
My eyes glanced down at the letter that was now in my hands. I looked at the address that the letter came from and it came from Monaco, which confused me even more. I didn't know anyone from Monaco. I quickly opened the letter and began to read. 
Dear Ms. Danielle Andersen, 
Thank you so much for applying for the nanny position. 
We are extremely impressed with your resume, and your experience as a live in nanny in both England and Australia. Your previous employers could not say enough good things about you. 
We look forward to welcoming you into our home and into our busy lifestyle, we believe you are the perfect fit.  
We look forward to getting to know you better, 
Kelly Piquet and Max Verstappen 
I looked up from the letter shocked, what has just happened? What had I just read? 
Max Verstappen... wasn't he the formula 1 racer? 
I didn't know much about the sport just that he was consistently winning races. 
They wanted ME to be their nanny...
Just the thought of traveling to new places made my heart jump in excitement... Something that I hadn't felt in a while. 
"Oh, Katie... Lucy" I started before pausing, trying to find the right words to say as a tear slowly started to roll down my cheek. 
My head spinning as a million different thoughts ran though my head. 
I thought about the letter I just read, and the marriage I was about to jump headfirst into... the marriage that seemed to be already falling apart at the seams. 
"Elle, I have seen you suffering in silence for years. I've seen you slowly lose your light and your beautiful smile." Lucy said as she cupped my face between her hands, using one of her thumbs to gently brush away the tear that was slowly running down my face. 
I could see her take a deep breath as Katie started speaking. 
"We miss your smile; we miss your adventurous spirit. The moment you met Jake, you have been slowly but surely losing yourself to make him shine and be happy. When has he ever put you first? When has he ever established boundaries with his mom? You spent 4 years in a relationship where all you did was put them first. For gods sake you neglected your own happiness to provide and take care of them." 
Katie took another deep breath as she pulled me into her arms for a big hug.
"Last week we were looking for nanny jobs overseas for you, and this one popped up. I quickly called Lucy and we decided that we should apply for you; we hoped you would get it. So, you could leave this place, and start over."
Tears welled in my eyes as I pulled both her and Lucy into a big group  hug. 
My wedding dress suddenly feeling a little bit tighter than when I put it on 10 minutes prior, as the nerves of what I was about to do started to get the better of me. 
"Katie, you're supposed to be the little sister, when did you get so wise?" I said as I gave her a big hug, thankful for the comfort as tears started to roll down my face. 
"I'm going to do it. I have been sacrificing my happiness for way too long. Traveling and being a nanny makes me happy. Now I just need to go tell Jake that I don't want to get married anymore." 
"I love you big sis! Now go tell Jake, I'll go tell mom and dad that the wedding is cancelled." Katie said as she gave me a big hug. "I'm so proud of you for finally choosing you, for finally doing what is going to make you happy." 
"I'll go tell the venue and the vendors that the wedding is cancelled." Added Lucy as she gave me another big hug, before making her way down to the event space. 
I picked up the glass of champagne that was sitting of the table beside me and chugged it before making my way out of the room and down the hall was to where Jake was getting ready for our wedding. 
'That's odd.' I thought as I noticed a pair of red heels right by the door of the suit, that the hotel wedding venue had given us. 
With each step I took I could feel my heart beating faster and faster as I noticed things around the room. 
Looking for any sign or signal that something was not right. 
Every step I took, I could feel my heart sink as the realization started to sink in. 
The further I stepped in the room the more I noticed, there were two glasses of half drank wine sitting beside a box of untouched chocolate covered strawberry, and an opened box of condoms. 
'What the fuck?' I questioned. I could feel my body start to shake in anticipation of what I was about to see next. 
When I got to the door of bathroom, I could hear the sound of the shower running, as well as the sounds of loud moans echoed through the room. 
Instantly my heart dropped, 'how could he do this to me on our wedding day?' I could feel the tears weld up in my blue eyes. 
I was not going to let him see me cry, I was not going to give him the satisfaction of letting him see me hurt. 
I took a deep breath and mustered up all the courage I could, as I reached for the door handle. 
"Elle" screamed Jake as soon as he saw me. Quickly trying to cover up the person he was having an affair with his body. 
To my surprise, the person he was having sex was my childhood friend Alexis. 
"YOU!" I screamed as I pointed at him, "How could you? And with my friend." 
"Elle, let me explain" stuttered Jake as he frantically reached around for a towel as he stepped out of the shower. 
I looked over towards Alexis and I could see her smirking at me. Just the sight of her smirking at me made my anger boiling inside of me come to a head. 
"Elle, babe. It's not my fault that you couldn't satisfy Jake sexually. I'm only giving him what you couldn't." Alexis said as she twirled soaking wet blond hair around her ring finger, the biggest smirk on her face. 
"Alexis, babe" I mimicked " a little word of advice, he's only with you because you made it easy for him. Do yourself a favour and get out now. You don't want to have to deal with him or his mother."
"And YOU, are you fucking kidding me... after everything I have put up with for you. You couldn't do the decent thing and tell me you wanted to end things instead of cheating on me with my friend. I dealt with the constant lies and manipulation from both you and your mother. I had to live with the controlling behaviours, afraid to stand up for myself.  I put up with all of that for you because I loved you. I put your happiness before my own. I stopped doing the things I love because of you. I was losing myself to make you happy. And you didn't even notice, you were too busy fucking my best friend."
Quickly I slipped off the engagement ring that had been on my ring finger for the last for two years, throwing it on the ground as I walked out of the room, my head held high so that they did not have the satisfaction of seeing me cry. 
When I got into my car the tears ran down my cheeks like a waterfall as I desperately tried to wipe them away. 
"Fuck them." I screamed out in frustration as I put my car in dive. 'I deserve better than the way he treated me. I'm going to find someone who treats me better than Jake ever did'
I quickly turned onto the highway and made my way to the apartment I had been living in for the past 3 years. 
In record time I packed up my belongings and put them into the trunk of my vehicle. Thankfully I didn't have much things at the apartment. 
I drove to my parents house to drop off my belongings, as I only planned on bringing my carryon and one suitcase. 
I was going to drive to the airport and hop on the first flight out to Monaco so I could start me new adventure. I was not going to let anything stop me from being myself and happy again. 
I could see my parents standing at the door, waiting for me when I pulled into their driveway.
"Oh Elle," my mother said as she pulled me into a big hug as soon as I stepped out of the car. "I'm so proud of you, what you did takes a lot of courage and strength." 
"Hey, it's my turn to hug her now." My dad teased as he pulled me from my mothers arms and gave me a big hug. I couldn't help but smile as a tear rolled down my cheek, there is something about a fathers embrace that makes you feel safe and loved. "I'm so proud of the women you are today. I will always be here to support you, no matter what." 
"Hey! Is it my turn yet? Elle has a plane to catch" Katie whined as she pulled me into her arms for a big hug. "Love you big sister, amazing things are about to come your way. Please promise me something... If love comes knocking on your door, please don't be afraid to answer it. I have a feeling your person is on his way to you." 
"I promise." I said giggling. 
"Here's your plane ticket." Dad said as he handed me a plane ticket. "As soon as Katie told us about the job opportunity we booked your flight." 
"But how did you know you I was going to take the job?" 
"We had faith that you would finally see what we have been seeing for the last three years. You deserve the world Elle. Fight for what you want and don't settle just because your afraid of the unknown." My father said as he pulled me close for another hug. 
"If you ever need us, please call and we will be on the first flight to you." My mother added as she gave me one last hug. 
I waved goodbye to my sister and parents and hopped into a Uber making my way to the Miami airport to start my new adventure.
Once I got to the airport I thanked the driver and made my way inside the airport my carry one and suitcases wheeled behind me. 
There was only a small crowd of people at the airport, so checking into the flight and going through security was effortless. 
Before making my way to the gate, I stopped by the Starbucks and got myself a grande ice Carmel macchiato. 
I was just about to start walking when I felt something knocking into me, causing the coffee I was holding in my arms to spill all over me. 
"Oof" I gasped out, looking down at my now coffee stained white T-shirt. 
"oh mon dieu." The handsome stranger said, as he looked down at my now stained t-shirt. 
"I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking." 
His thick French accent catching my attention. 
I looked up at the stranger who had bumped into my me and I couldn't help but get lost in his beautiful green eyes. 
I could see a faint blush on his cheeks as he was embarrassed about knocking into me. 
"Please don't worry, it was an accident. I also wasn't paying attention to where I was going." I said smiling at the stranger hoping to make him feel better about the whole situation. 
"Anyways, I  kind of like the new look. I know I usually drink my coffee not wearing it, but I think this could be a new fashion trend." I joked trying to make this beautiful stranger laugh. 
It was music to my ears when his laugher filled the air. 
"Here, please take my sweatshirt. It's the least I can do for ruining your shirt." He said as he pulled the hoodie  over his head and held it out for me to take. 
"Oh no, really it's okay." I said as I tried to hand back the hoodie that was now in my hands. 
"Please." He begged, as he smiled at me. 
"Fine," I huffed admitting defeat as I pulled the hoodie over my head, catching a whiff of the cologne he was wearing. Damn he smelled amazing. "Thank you." 
"It's the least I could do, it looks better on you anyways." He said as he ran his fingers through his hair smiling. The movement, allowed me to see his bicep muscles that were peaking out from his white t-shirt. 
"Calling passengers on flight 130 to Italy. The plane is ready for boarding. Calling all passengers in first class to board first"  Rang through the speakers throughout the airport.
"That's me." The stranger sighed as he gave me a small smile. "Have a safe flight." 
"You too." I said as I watched him walk towards his gate. 
I couldn't help but giggle as I thought about what just happened, as I made my way to my gate. This kind of stuff happens in movies... not to normal people like me. 
                  …Charles's POV…
As I rushed to reach my gate, my mind couldn't help but drift to the beautiful brown hair, blue eyed women. 
I couldn't get the pictures of her wearing my hoodie out of my mind, the way it hung loosely on her petite body. 
The images of her smiling face engraved into my mind the moment I bumped into her spilling all her coffee on her. 
Thankfully she was drinking an ice coffee or the accident would have been more serious. 
The sound of her laugh when she joked with me about me spilling her coffee all over her. I could tell that she was trying to make me feel better about the whole situation.
As I reached the gate, slightly out of breath I could see my little brother Arthur standing at the gate waiting for me to board. 
"Bro, What took you so long?" He questioned as he saw me rush towards him a big smile on my face. "Dude, why are you smiling like that? And what the hell happened to your sweatshirt?" 
"Bro, I think I just ran into my future wife." I sighed as her adorable smile pierced through my mind. "I just wish there was some way, I could find her again." 
I quickly told him what happened as i handed the lady at the gate my passport, and boarding pass. 
"Bro, if it's meant to be you will run into her again, hopefully not making a fool of your self this time." Arthur teased as we walked towards our seats.
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lovepmd · 3 months
An Explorers!Hero who has late night discussions with Partner about their opinions on some things. They are still learning how to be a Pokémon, what being a human meant, and dealing with this jumble of memories they have sometimes. It’s small things that come to them.
Team does a babysitting “request” (were begged) for the oldest sibling of like twelve just so the eldest kid can sleep—heard someone in the guild comment how the Team basically got a free day and did the work for free. Oldest should have stepped up. Later on, Hero is silently fuming until Partner asks what’s wrong—“The worst part about being a teenager, and the eldest, is that you have the responsibilities of an adult while still being treated like a kid. You are expected to be the perfect example, to always be willing to watch the younger siblings. Yeah, the eldest should try to lead by example. But they also shouldn’t be the second or third parent all the time. Everyone needs time yo decompress.”
Someone complained that Partner did most of the talking for Hero while they just stood silent by the side—“Half the time I have too many thoughts in my head to say what I mean. The other half I am judging the current mood and trying to phrase my words in a way that won’t cause more of a fuss. Every first impression always paints you in a specific way.”
After the Perfect Apple Incident:
Hero didn’t say a single thing after being reprimanded by Chatot for failing the assignment. They only speak up once after Skuntank presents the lone perfect apple—“You must love to eat Perfect Apples like Guildmaster Wigglytuff if you happen to have a spare one now of all times.” They rarely ever address Chatot outside the bare minimum after this—always defaulting to a formal “yes, sir” “no, sir” in a completely neutral tone. Keeps their face as blank as the possibly can… Never directly toeing the line of any insubordination.
Now, the Hero might have just been as annoyed as the Partner about the ninety percent cut from any monetary rewards. (It was no secret they kept a log thoroughly tracking any Poke and rewards received from every request.) But for two whole weeks(?), gone are the days of Hero analyzing the guildmembers biological skills and strengths. Gone are the hellos, good morning, could you give us advice about *insert problem encountered on last dungeon crawl*, to Chatot.
Those nighttime discussions with the Partner had evolved into self-critiquing after dinner which included the other apprentices.
this is just me as explorers!hero
but yes, random tidbits of memories and emotions from their past crop up in interesting ways and they like to talk about it with partner late at night cuz it helps them out with sorting their thoughts and partner is interested in hearing all about it
and 100% to the sort of silent treatment they'd give to chatot after the perfect apple incident
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mackjlee9 · 2 years
Upcoming event!
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(almost 2.2k wha-?!)
So, I've recently reached 2.1k followers which is... a little crazy when I think about it, and I wanted to do something special, however, I've never done something like this so... I might fuck it up.
But! Under the cut you would find the details of this event, including the rules, prompts and the quick navigation to the event!
2.1k Followers Event
Don't forget to check my general writing rules before sending in your request (especially the Dont's, they're very important) Only sub/dom!Top!Male!Reader.
Writing Prompts;
Smut Prompts / you can change daddy for; master, sir, or just (M/n)-me/I.
Fluff Prompts / pt.ii
Angst Prompts
You can request any prompt, even mix some of them two (smut&fluff; angst&fluff), and the max is 4-5 per request.
You can only request up to three characters in your request, and they have to be from the same anime/game, however, if you want the same prompts with characters from different "worlds", you can request again. Example; 'smut-fluff prompt with kenma, malleus, langa', you're gonna have to send them separately; 'smut-fluff prompt with kenma/malleous/langa'.
Do not ask me to write one or the other, because I WILL write them both! I don't like choosing what you want me to write, so just tell me what you want. Of course, if one of the characters is from an anime/game I don't know/like or haven't watched/played I won't write and I would make it clear.
Anime/Games Characters;
I'm part of many, many fandoms, so I'll have to narrow the list a bit, however, I'm more focused in bolded titles.
Twisted Wonderland
Jujutsu Kaisen
Punishing Gray Raven
Boku no Hero Academia
Tokyo Revengers
Obey Me!
Genshin Impact
If you need a quick navigation to this event in particular, you'll find every post with this tag; #.mackjlee9's 2k event.
Requests will be open from the 30th (June) -of course, you can still send them before, I'll start publishing them next month-, 'till the end of July, most likely until the 31st, but request may close a little before.
I'm not 100% percent sure I'll be able to write every single request I get, but I will try! After all, I don't go to school nor have a job, so I'm free 24/7!
Let me know if you wanna be tagged in all the posts, or just some in particular, e.i; a certain character, an anime/game in particular, or just in the genre of the post.
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If anyone has any other ideas of what I can add to this event, don't think twice before telling me! I want to understand more about this types of things and you if know or have experience with something like this, I would love the feedbacks and advice ☺!
(Argentina's age of consent is a little weird, so for sexual content the character would be/has to be 16 or above, don't judge me for this)
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cecebookworm07 · 1 year
Okay, so I recently saw a comment on Pinterest saying something along the lines of “Yeah, but everyone in the Lost Cities likes so Sophie—” in a clearly mocking manner (the post was originally from here and was about how OP didn’t get why the fandom blamed Sophie for breaking Keefe and Fitz’s relationship) and I disagree to some degree.
Recently I started rereading and annotating the whole series and I’m halfway through book one, and I’m beginning to put together exactly what all of the guys saw in her. I mean seriously, when you put it together I can kind of understand why each of them fell for her.
Dex was 100% the first one to fall for her and that was because she was the first friend he ever had. Prior to there first meeting, he was a total outcast. Everybody treated him like crap because his parents were a “bad match”. Then this random girl his age shows up and is constantly talking about how she disagrees with the whole system. Of course he was going to fall for her (regardless of the whole being legally cousins thing I guess?). But seriously, I can understand why he fell for her. She was the first person to take him seriously and treat him like a normal person, and she was more then willing to keep his technopathy a secret if it kept him happy. For awhile, in his eyes at least, she was the only person who looked at him as something more. Although I’ll always ship him and Biana because of there enemies to lovers nerd boy x popular girl vibes.
Fitz is slightly harder for me to analyze because I haven’t reread any of the books recently enough to remember any specific moments of him complimenting her except regarding how powerful she is (more on that later). From what I do know with book one at least, is that I don’t think he liked her before Exile. For most of the first book he’s an awkward teenage boy holding her at arms length because he perceives her as more of a “close” friend, I would say what changes this is the infamous camp fire scene from Exile (again, take that with a grain of salt as I don’t remember many specific details). But regardless, what he likes about her isn’t a trait or a moment, it’s simply a mix of convenience and how arguably impressive he is. I mean, unlike the rest of the fandom I kind of just look at him as a mildly spoiled probably traumatized teenage boy so I don’t carry an obscene amount of hatred for him, but that’s still what I assume he liked about her. I mean seriously, his whole mentality in Flashback (again, take this with a grain of salt and feel free to correct me) is that he’s a Vacker and she’s the Moonlark, so they’d obviously be the perfect match cus there both strong. Then like 99.9 percent of the time his compliments involve how powerful he is. I don’t fault him for these feelings as you can’t control your own feelings, but you can control your actions so like -10 points from Fitz for being an ass to Keefe.
Then, finally, Keefe. I’m trying to be unbiased here but it’s SoKeefe sooooooooooo… yeah. Don’t expect this to be entirely neutral because I’m a former SoFitz shipper turned SoKeefe + Fitz Therapy so I definitely have my own opinions. Anyway, judging by what he says in Stellarlune, we can assume that Keefe was vaguely attracted to her in book one. I realize a lot of people will find that unrealistic, but he was also like 13-14 at the time and as a fellow teenager I know people who meet someone for a minute and already attracted to them. Not quite a crush yet, but definitely something. I would say probably one of the moments he started to actually fall for was when she encounters Keefe and his dad talking during midterms. Keefe can feel how worried she is about him and how disgusted she is by his father. Sure other people may care, but Sophie was pretty much about to beat Cassius after encounter one. Anyway, after that we know all the cute moments. The flight with Silveny, the window sleepovers, the betrayal at the end of Neverseen, Keefe coming back for her at the peace summit, blah blah blah. There are so many. But this isn’t a SoKeefe post, so I digress, this is about why they like her. And I think Keefe’s is pretty obvious. She’s the calm to his chaos, the serious to his (not so) comedy. While she has her moments of both, usually when Keefe isn’t, for the most part the two of them are opposites. (Regardless of the whole Lodestar Initiative V.S. Project Moonlark thing). They balance each other out and are always there when one needs the other. I mean seriously, look at how they were in Stellarlune. Sophie was basically on the brink of going full blown impulsive anti hero (something usually left for Keefe), meanwhile (from what we know) Keefe was playing this very cautious stay out of trouble sort of game (usually reserved for Sophie) so there positions basically swapped while still balancing each other out in the end.
Anyway, I don’t know how to end this. I just wanted to say it. As I reread this series I’m gonna be posting a lot more because I already have a lot of thoughts. Mostly on how in retrospect most of book one is a lot of set up.
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Part 20
Ray: You're all thinking it!
(Judge Bumbleton starts banging her gavel)
Judge Bumbleton: Order! Order, I say!
Ray: Say it!
Man: Mr. Liotta, please sit down!
(We see a montage of magazines which feature the court case)
(Flash forward in time and Barry is back home with Vanessa)
Barry: I think it was awfully nice of that bear to pitch in like that.
Vanessa: I think the jury's on our side.
Barry: Are we doing everything right,you know, legally?
Vanessa: I'm a florist.
Barry: Right. Well, here's to a great team.
Vanessa: To a great team!
(Ken walks in from work. He sees Barry and he looks upset when he sees Barry clinking his glass with Vanessa)
Ken: Well, hello.
Vanessa: Oh, Ken!
Barry: Hello!
Vanessa: I didn't think you were coming. No, I was just late. I tried to call, but...
(Ken holds up his phone and flips it open. The phone has no charge)
Vanessa: ...the battery...I didn't want all this to go to waste, so I called Barry. Luckily, he was free.
Ken: Oh, that was lucky.
(Ken sits down at the table across from Barry and Vanessa leaves the room)
Vanessa: There's a little left. I could heat it up.
Ken: (Not taking his eyes off Barry) Yeah, heat it up, sure, whatever.
Barry: So I hear you're quite a tennis player. I'm not much for the game myself. The ball's a little grabby.
Ken: That's where I usually sit. Right...(Points to where Barry is sitting) there.
Vanessa: (Calling from other room) Ken, Barry was looking at your resume, and he agreed with me that eating with chopsticks isn't really a special skill.
Ken: (To Barry) You think I don't see what you're doing?
Barry: I know how hard it is to find the right job. We have that in common.
Ken: Do we?
Barry: Bees have 100 percent employment, but we do jobs like taking the crud out.
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zhuhongs · 1 year
I’ve been wondering for some time since I first started following your blog, what made you choose to study abroad in Taiwan rather than Japan? (Feel free to ignore this ask if this is a weird question)
hey, no worries. I'm super cool with talking abt it. So I decided to go to Taiwan for a lot of reasons, some practical, some personal. For the practical side, it was just easier to go to Taiwan at the time I applied, Japan seemed to have this an iron gate on new arrivals into the country and I had applied so many times, I really just felt like Japan would be one of the last countries to open up to foreign exchange students. In comparison Taiwan was more open to allowing students into Taiwan so it was just way easier to get a visa. Second was cost of living, Taiwan is way more affordable than Japan. Third was my own academic path, like I was almost done with my degree, and going to Japan independently as a student was rlly hard. And the language schools were like, not an option. If I went to Japan I'd have to go on a normal bachelors exchange but I had already finished my units so I'd be taking classes I didn't need. (basically prolong my degree when I was eligible to graduate). And the universities I was able to go to all required students take 7 classes plus Japanese and that just seemed far too much to me. I wanted more free time to enjoy living there, not do assignments for classes I don't need. In contrast, I was going to a language school in Taiwan where I'd only be taking classes I wanted and none of my grades would matter bc it wasn't for my degree. When I decided on going on my own to Taiwan I applied for graduation and now I'm just doing this for the skill of speaking Chinese.So the pressure is wayyy less. Also it just makes more sense.
Now onto personal reasons, I just feel like Chinese is way easier and more practical than Japanese. Sure I've studied Japanese longer but honestly since i studied it by myself w/o a teacher I learned i pretty bad and I'd really need to start from scratch if I wanted to speak it well. SO I decided to go to Taiwan for that. Also, like, part of it was the company. I feel like a lot of exchange students who go to Japan (not all, def not all, I've had so many mutuals who've gone and are great) are just... creeps. Like, ofc every country will have the creeps, but I feel like Japan has a higher proportion of fetishists and just creeps that go bc yk, anime. ANd like, the people who choose to go to taiwan are just better grounded. Like all the alumni I've met that chose to go to taiwan were like, just really cool well rounded people, and I'd rather be surrounded by them and not... well. yk. Also, Japanese society is just, very judgy. Like I just feel like I like Japan but not as a place to live. Like all the Japanese students I've met were nice but just, the way they spoke about things felt so, narrow. Like they didn't feel very accepting of a lot of things. I talked to some Japanese expats and my brothers coworker whos from Japan and moved back and they all said like, its really hard to rlly connect with people. Like a lot of ppl are so nice but it always feels like youre bothering them. Idk just, I didn't want to live there. In contrast all the Taiwanese people I've met seemed more down to earth. I understand all of this is anecdotal and not necessarily true but like, I told my japanese roommates abt this. I had this same conversation with them when i came and they were like.. oh no 100%, like we studied abroad bc we feel judged by japanese ppl. So like, not to say it's 100 percent true, its not!! But it is a factor. ALso I was just, more into Taiwan. It just felt like a better fit. Also I had friends here, like my cousin, my friends mom, like I had ppl to rely on if I needed and it really came in handy my first few weeks and in japan I really had no one. So for all of that, I came to taiwan. and I don't regret it one bit. Ido think someday in like 2 or 3 years I want to go to live in Japan though. Like do this same thing, go to a language school just for me. Live for a few months and come back and resume life. It's just that rn, Taiwan was the better option.
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kabukiwuki · 20 days
Open Letter to the ANTI DIVORCE BILL
The absolute divorce bill has passed the third and final reading in Congress. Many religious people have expressed their disagreement with this, but they should not stop those who need it. Divorce is a legal matter, not a religious one. You are entitled to practice your religion and your faith, but do not deny this option to those who need it.
Divorce is a right that people in toxic and destructive marriages deserve. We need to stop the hypocrisy. How much effort has been made to stop concubinage and adultery? How effective have these measures been? Should we force families to suffer and remain in relationships that destroy them as individuals? Marriages outside Catholicism account for about 70% of married citizens. You are not 100% of the population. Who knows how many percent of these Catholic marriages are wanting divorce? Do your own stats within your congregations. Many people even choose to marry abroad where divorce is available.
We must respect the separation of religion and state. Is it really part of your religion to condemn those who got married and later found themselves suffering? Why prosecute people who are already trapped in toxic marriages? This isn’t just about emotional suffering; it also affects legal matters like assets and other aspects of life within the marriage.
Put yourself in the position of those who need divorce. Think of people you know who are helpless and trapped in failed marriages. Nobody is perfect. Yes, you have to work on a marriage, but after you’ve tried and given it your best, when will you say enough is enough? It’s very toxic. Think of those who need this option. Think of others, not just yourselves.
Consider those suffering from domestic violence, which includes physical, emotional, and financial abuse. These individuals need a way out to protect their safety and well-being. They deserve the chance to rebuild their lives free from fear and harm.
If you are happy in your marriage, this law doesn’t affect you. But don’t force those who are suffering to endure more just because your faith condemns mistakes made during marriage. If necessary, add a clause to exempt those within your religion from availing of divorce, but don’t limit the rights of all citizens based on your preferences.
Don’t judge those who need divorce; they’ve suffered enough. Living a lie is like living in hell. Mental health and emotional well-being are important. Let’s ensure that everyone has the opportunity to live a life free from unnecessary suffering.
Remember, divorce allows you to end a toxic relationship, but it doesn't fix your life. It gives people the freedom to start anew. And if, after the divorce, the couple decides to get married again, then let them. Let those who need to be free just be set free. In the end, the benefits of allowing divorce far outweigh the cons.
We respect your religious beliefs, so respect our rights. We accept we have failed; don't make it worse than it already is.
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speedyposts · 4 months
Argentina’s lower house approves Milei’s ‘omnibus’ reform bill
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Legislators in Argentina have approved President Javier Milei’s divisive “omnibus” reform bill after days of debate, paving the way for a decisive vote in the Senate.
The lower chamber of deputies approved the package in principle by 144 votes to 109 in a vote on Friday. The sweeping bill, meant to start transforming the state and the economy, may undergo changes before heading to the Senate.
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While the vote took place, crowds of demonstrators gathered outside Congress to protest. Critics have said the government will use the bill to increase the exploitation of natural resources, benefit the private sector and cut resources for the environment and culture.
“We have two clear options – become the largest slum in the world, or continue this path towards prosperity and freedom,” said Lorena Villaverde, a lawmaker from Milei’s far-right Freedom Advances party in support of the bill.
Shortly before the vote, Milei said on social media that legislators had “the opportunity to show which side of history” they wanted to be on.
“History will judge them according to their work in favour of the Argentines or for the continued impoverishment of the people,” a presidential statement said.
Milei, 53, won a resounding election victory in October, riding a wave of anger about decades of economic crises in the South American nation, where annual inflation stands at more than 200 percent and poverty levels are at 40 percent.
He began his term by devaluing the peso by more than 50 percent, cutting state subsidies for fuel and transport, reducing the number of ministries by half, and scrapping hundreds of rules to deregulate the economy.
His reform package touches on many areas of public and private life, from privatisations to cultural issues, the penal code, divorce and the status of football clubs.
But opposition deputy Leandro Santoro pointed to the economic and social crisis of 2001 as an example of the risks of free-market reforms.
“We Argentines already know what happens when the economic model focuses on adjustment and deregulation,” he said.
On Friday, police fired tear gas at crowds of demonstrators outside Congress while the vote took place.
Reporting from Buenos Aires, Al Jazeera’s Teresa Bo said that this bill is a big political test for Milei and his hopes to reform Argentina’s economy.
“Thousands of people have gathered outside to express concerns with Milei’s plans for Argentina,” Bo said, adding that people chanted, “The nation is not for sale”, outside Congress.
Vanina Biasi a left-wing Front lawmaker, told Al Jazeera that the rights that Argentians have are at risk.
“The bill touches fundamental issues that affect people,” she said.
These protests come just over a week after tens of thousands of Argentines took to the streets in a major challenge to Milei’s budget-slashing policies.
In a vote of confidence behind Milei’s reforms, however, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Wednesday approved the disbursement of about $4.7bn to Argentina.
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developurweb · 7 months
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boaringoldguy · 8 months
Clown world
Trump Targets Jack Smith After Judge Temporarily Lifts Gag Order
6–7 minutes
(Left) Former President and 2024 presidential hopeful Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally at Windham High School in Windham, N.H., on Aug. 8, 2023. (Joseph Prezioso/AFP via Getty Images); (Right) Special counsel Jack Smith speaks to the press at the U.S. Department of Justice building in Washington on Aug. 1, 2023. (Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images)
Days after a federal judge temporarily lifted a gag order, former President Donald Trump criticized special counsel Jack Smith on social media.
U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan granted President Trump a temporary hold last week on her previous ruling in the 2020 election conspiracy case while the Trump legal team is appealing the order, arguing that it is unconstitutional.
In the meantime, President Trump criticized Mr. Smith on Truth Social as being “deranged” and said his team “leak[ed]” a story to the New York Times about an Australian businessman, Anthony Pratt, claiming the former president told classified secrets to him. He denied those reports.
“With this in mind, there is NO WAY I can get a fair trial on a Biden, Election Interference Indictment, in D.C. Obviously, at the appropriate time, if this ridiculous case should be allowed to proceed forward, which is, according to legal scholars, very doubtful, I will be making a demand for a Venue Change!” he also wrote on the social media platform.
Earlier this month, Judge Chutkan ordered President Trump to not make any posts or statements regarding possible witnesses, Mr. Smith, his family, or court staff, although he can make general statements about the Department of Justice and Washington itself. Prosecutors alleged that the former president’s posts on social media could incite violence or contaminate the jury pool, while Trump’s attorneys argued that such an order would violate his right to free speech—especially as he is a leading candidate for the 2024 presidential election.
“President Trump is the forty-fifth President of the United States and the leading candidate in the upcoming Presidential Election,” his defense attorneys wrote. “He has dominating leads in the race for the Republican nomination, and he leads President Biden.”
However, the federal judge rejected the former president’s arguments regarding the election, saying that “no other criminal defendant would be allowed to do so, and I’m not going to allow it in this case.” She would impose sanctions if the partial gag order is violated, she said without elaborating.
Meanwhile, Mr. Smith’s prosecutors wanted broader restrictions targeting the former president, arguing that his social media comments targeting various individuals could prejudice the proceedings. But the judge denied his bid to restrict his comments about the people of Washington who can be jurors in the trial, and she also declined to restrict his statements criticizing the federal government.
“He does not have the right to say and do exactly what he pleases. Do you agree with that?” she asked Trump attorney John Lauro during a court hearing on Oct. 16, who replied with, “100 percent.”
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In the case, President Trump pleaded not guilty to the four-count indictment, which is one of four separate criminal cases against him while he seeks to become the 2024 Republican nominee for the White House. He also currently is facing a civil fraud trial in New York City over his sprawling real estate business, and he has also denied wrongdoing in the case.
It wasn’t the first time that a judge issued a gag order targeting the former president. New York Judge Arthur Engoron issued a partial gag order that blocks personal criticism of courtroom personnel after President Trump accused his principal clerk of having a cozy relationship with Senate Democrat Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.).
On Friday, he was fined $5,000 by the New York judge after a post about his clerk reportedly stayed up on his campaign website for several weeks, despite the former president having deleted it from social media. His attorneys said that it was an oversight.
It comes as the Trump campaign confirmed the former president will hold a rally in Florida as counter-programming to the third Republican presidential primary debate, which he is once again choosing to skip.
The campaign stated he will hold a rally the evening of Nov. 8th at a stadium in Hialeah, Florida about a half-hour drive from the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts of Miami-Dade County, where his rivals will be meeting. President Trump has repeatedly said he sees no point in participating, given his commanding lead in the race.
NBC will be hosting the November debate, which will require candidates to secure 4 percent of the vote in multiple polls and 70,000 unique donors to qualify.
During he first debate, the former president competed with the first debate with a pre-recorded interview with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson that was posted that night on X, the site formerly known as Twitter. He spent the second in battleground Michigan, where he tried to win over auto workers and blue-collar voters by railing against President Joe Biden’s push for electric cars.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
From The Epoch Times
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 11 months
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"TORONTO MAN APPEALS "PROHIBITIVE" TARIFF," Toronto Star. July 28, 1933. Page 1. ---- Manufacturer Tells Board Import on Collodion "Injustice" to Industry --- Special to The Star Ottawa, July 28. - Engravers Specialties of Toronto, manufacturers of collodion and engravers' supplies applied to the tariff board to-day for cancellation of tariff item "761-collodion."
W. E. Thorne, the applicant,through counsel, stated, "I am engaged in manufacturing collodion in bond, which carries the necessary bond fees, supervision fees and all the rest of the excise duties that go to make up a business of this nature. I am a one-man concern, returned soldier, who has tried to re-establish himself without asking any assistance from the government in any way whatever. It is this that prompts me to speak out for what I call an injustice to the government and to the manufacturers of collodion in Canada. I am prepared to list costs in Canada as compared with costs in the U.S.A. and you can judge for yourself the great Injustice being done to the government and the collodion manufacturers.
"Do you think it proper to charge a Canadian manufacturer a total of 68 cents in duties, excise and bond fees for each and every gallon of collodion sold in Canada, whereas an engraver can import collodion at a lower cost than the price of manufacture in Canada? When such collodions are imported, instead of the government getting 68 cents per gallon they get 24 cents, all included, so I leave it to you, sir, if you do not think that this item should be changed immediately.
"In an interview with the customs branch I was advised that the tariff item outlived itself when collodions first manufactured in this country, as a Canadian manufacturer should not be discriminated against, but protected. Immediately you will want to know what benefit I expect to receive if this revision was made. It is this. I only expect to be put on an equal basis with were other manufacturers. The corporation importing the majority of collodion into this country have a million-dollar plant, but it doesn't pay them to manufacture in this country, as it can be done so much cheaper in the U.S. If this material were imported under the proper tariff item which is item. No. 220 instead of No. 761, immediately you will see the benefits to the government in both excise and customs."
The board concluded the Bathurst Power and Paper Co. hearing, the case standing for further consideration. Suggest 35 P.C. M. J. Patton for engravers specialties said the present duties were 15 per cent. British preference, 17 1/2, intermediate and general. The applicant asked that the item be cancelled and a separate item be made carrying a higher rate of duty, and suggested 35 per cent.
It was pointed out that the duties on the raw material going into Canadian collodion were 35 per cent. of the cost while the protection given on the finished 'product was only 17 per cent. The profit was only 5 percent. Judge Sedgwick: "From these cost figures it looks as though you could make 25 cents a gallon more profit by charging $4." There was no opposition appearing to the application and the case closed, to be taken into consideration by the board. Bowron Bros. Ltd., Hamilton, applied for the re-classification of ripe figs in syrup. All other figs were imported under a special item using the word "figs" while these figs were"pushed" into "fruits preserved in syrup."This fruit was brought in from California in gallon cans and thenre-packed into small containers.
"These figs are not produced in Canada," said Arthur Bowron, "and the high commissioner in London, whom we wrote, has been unable to find any of these ripe figs within the empire." He suggested figs would be a good item to trade in the possible reciprocity pact with the United States. The present tariff was 100 per cent.and he suggested they might be allowed in duty free as a concession. The chain groceries were selling their product but the high duty made the price to the consumer very high. Commissioner Hebert: "Figs of this type are produced in Smyrna." Empire Figs Salty Mr. Bowron: "If we can get empire figs we would rather, but theyare usually packed in salt and unsuitable for what we use them." Chairman: "For lack of imagination we often take figs on the dining car." Mr. Bowron: "Those are the kind we put up but they are imported and cost around 40 cents." He admitted they had only brought in three experimental shipments so far. Chairman: "Well, what good are you going to do the country if you get the duty down. Is it going to make the figs in the train cheaper?" Mr. Bowron: "It should." Chairman: "If you are allowed to bring these figs free in bulk you spend $388 in Canada in wages and material and you reduce the price to the Canadian consumer." Mr. Bowron: "Yes, ten cents a can is cheaper." Chairman: "Then that's the whole story." The case was taken under consideration. The application of the Jones Tent and Awning Co., Ltd., of Vancouver, for a duty on venetian blinds was laid over, the applicants not being ready to proceed. This completed the second session of the tariff board. The next hearing being the woollen hearing, the date of which has not been set.
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warrenlammert · 1 year
How Behavioral Economics Can Affect Financial Decision-Making
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Behavioral economics studies the impact of psychological and social factors on economic decision-making. Traditionally, the assumption has been that individuals make rational decisions that are in their best interest and with a complete understanding of the consequences of their choices. However, research in behavioral economics has shown that people often make decisions inconsistent with rational economic models. Instead, cognitive biases, emotions, choice overload, social norms, and other factors influence decisions.
Behavioral economics has significant implications for financial decision-making. It has been demonstrated that people often make mistakes in their economic decisions that lead to suboptimal outcomes. Understanding certain principles of behavioral economics can help individuals make better decisions and avoid common financial pitfalls.
One example of the impact knowledge of behavioral economics can have on financial decision-making is the concept of availability bias. Availability bias is the human tendency to depend on the information that comes freely to the mind when evaluating or making decisions. In this case, a person can decide based on available or recent events. For instance, excessive news or social media coverage about an occurrence may elicit an emotional response. Based on the information received, investors may judge the quality of an investment while ignoring facts.
Another example of the potential impact of behavioral economics on financial decision-making is the concept of herd behavior. Herd mentality means that there are people whose decisions are influenced by what others are doing. For example, a person may decide that since everyone seems to be making a certain investment, nothing can go wrong. No consideration is made to the facts or best outcome of the investment.
There are several guiding principles that dictate behavioral economics themes. One such principle is framing. Framing is a cognitive bias that refers to how individuals perceive choices. People are more likely to make a particular decision if it is presented positively rather than negatively. For example, people are more likely to buy a product that is described as 90 percent fat-free rather than one that is described as 10 percent fat. Framing leads to suboptimal financial decisions, such as buying a stock because it is presented positively rather than because its profits and growth indicate it is a good investment.
Another guiding principle is the heuristic concept which suggests that people tend to make mental shortcuts in decision-making. This can lead to a bias toward policies that address salient issues rather than those that may be more important but less visible. In the context of macroeconomic policy, this can lead to a bias towards short-term solutions rather than longer-term investments that may be more effective in addressing underlying economic problems.
Loss aversion is another guiding principle in behavioral economics. Loss aversion refers to people's tendency to prefer avoiding losses to acquiring gains. Loss aversion means people are more likely to take risks to avoid losses than achieve profits. A good example is when an individual buys shares at $100, and the price tumbles to $80. In most cases, investors tend to wait for the costs to recover even when indicators point to further price drops or, conversely, selling winning investments too soon.
Understanding the principles of behavioral economics can help individuals make better financial decisions. For example, it helps create investment strategies that will not be swayed by emotions or bias without proper facts analysis.
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