#100% human grade
yodoggo · 1 year
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How it works For your Dog - Yodoggo INTRODUCE YOURDOGGO TO US
Fill in a short & simple form about your doggo, and we will create a tailored meal plan after that CHOOSE YOUR MONTHLY MEAL PLAN
Our meals are packed with 90% human grade meat, 10% vegetables, power seeds & antioxidants Both options are available 1. Half-meal & 2. Full-meal IT’S TASTY, IT’S HEALTHY & IT’S ALSO EASY
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hirumi25 · 10 months
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POV : you're the sorcerer
It's a redraw prompt from here, it's been a 1+ year since the Nomi-kun's last post T v T so here we go
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hanzajesthanza · 5 months
that jaskier, even when he was afraid of regis, described him as “completely normal, just like each of us,” (talking about the fish soup, and how he eats and drinks) … makes me not normal. 😭
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anglerflsh · 1 year
if I have to take one more surprise test I'll lose it. Not actually because I keep doing well on them but in spirit I am annoyed.
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ourbastardofsorrows · 2 years
i got 100% on my chapter 18 exam!!
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paeinovis · 2 years
"The luminous glow of light pollution prevents nearly 80 percent of people in North America from seeing the Milky Way in the night sky.
...[M]ore than 99 percent of the people living in the U.S. and Europe look up and see light-polluted skies"
Support the International Dark-Sky Association
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eve-is-a-terf · 2 years
reading through r/teacher is wild, if there was ever a part of me that wanted to become a teacher someday it is absolutely SQUASHED
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homunculus-argument · 2 months
Someone calling himself "a real man" is pretty much the same thing as the label "genuine leather" - that's the lowest grade of quality. Like you might be getting what you were looking for, but "real" isn't so rare that it's a bragging point. Imagine if a restaurant advertised their foods as "100% fit for human consumption."
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devildomwriter · 3 months
Fun Facts 621-630
• Mammon owns a book called “100 Words to Make a Human Yours” this also implies there is an interest in humans in the Devildom.
• When Mammon is deliriously angry, even Beelzebub can’t hold him for long.
• Beelzebub notes that when Leviathan is tired due to his hobbies he has dark circles under his eyes but his eyes are still shining
• When some people make fun of Levi, Satan and Mammon immediately resolve to beat them up
• When Mammon accidentally tramples an article of clothing special to Raphael, Raphael tells Mammon to accept his fate
• According to Mammon, Barbatos seems to hear any complaint about Diavolo and will come running to deal out punishment
• Poetry readings are regularly held in the Celestial Realm
• Mammon names all the partners for his in game characters after MC
• Leviathan gave a presentation to Diavolo on why high-grade professional cameras were essential to the Devildom’s growth so that Diavolo would buy one for his collection and he could borrow it
• Part of Diavolo’s job includes retrieving Devildom books that accidentally make their way into the human world
611-620 • 631-640
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call-me-strega · 8 months
Dc x DP Prompt #8: Best Friend’s Brother
Preface: this prompt can be used with different characters but I’m writing it as Dead on Main bc that’s my favorite. Also the colleges I mention are real colleges from the DCU
Danny Fenton was 18 when he moved to Gotham for college.
It was the only place with a half decent engineering program that would take a kid with his record; drop in grades, unexplained absences, missing class, a disciplinary record, etc. Plus there was a decent saturation of both magic and ectoplasm in Gotham’s air. After he got accepted he decided to tell his parents he was Phantom. They reacted surprisingly well all things considered. They were horrified to learn they’d been hunting their son but it quickly turned into acceptance to listen to what he had to tell them. Now they turned their obsession from hunting ghosts to learning more about ghost more humanely. He also managed to get his former rouges to agree to call off any major shenanigans in favor of less destructive outlets. (He got Ember a TikTok and a YouTube channel, he set up a drag racing circuit in the realms for Johnny and Kitty, let Technus enter the internet as long as he stayed within Amity’s grid or help Ember manage her stuff, allowed Desiree grant wishes for Make a Wish Foundation kids so long as she didn’t horribly twist them, etc.)
Now with the town not at constant risk of danger and his parents agreeing to really handle any rouge ghosts, Danny could leave Amity with a clear conscience. His friends were also growing up and heading to their own colleges. Tucker was heading to Ivy University in New England, which rivaled MIT in terms technological prestige, and Sam decided on Vandermeer University in Pittsburg, which had a reputation for being a very liberal, anti-authority campus. Although their trio would be spread out, Danny found comfort in the fact that they’d all moved from the Midwest to the Northeast.
With promises to stay in touch a visit. Danny got set up in GCU’s dorms, ready to move into the next chapter of his life.
Danny Fenton was 20 when Tim Drake (age 19 but nearing 20) officially became one of his best friends.
They had been introduced to each other by their mutual friend Sebastian Ives for a new Warlocks and Warriors campaign. Their friendship extended beyond WnW when they ended up on the same Applied Physics and Mechanics class. It was cemented when they got pair up for a project in class and had to spend lots of time around each other.
Danny didn’t mind that Tim tended to be a bit flaky and Tim didn’t mind that Danny was possibly not 100% human. They didn’t ask each other too many questions about that stuff. They knew the other had something odd about him and that was fine with them. It was nice to have a causal friend they could be normal with, without being questioned about their more peculiar behaviors.
They officially became best friends when the built a Rube Goldberg machine with a working trebuchet within an hour of the three they had to complete it for their Applied Phys-Mech final. Danny introduced Tim to Sam, Tucker and Jazz. Tim introduced him to Steph, Tam, and Cass. They texted and hung out fairly often. They truly did consider each other one their best friends.
Danny Fenton is 22 when he meets Tim’s family.
Tim’s 21st birthday is coming up and he has plans with his family the day of and is going out with his friends, including a couple from out of town, that night. They want to take him out for his first drink and it’s fortunate timing since it’s the weekend so nobody has to worry about classes. Everyone who was going was already informed that Tim would be spending most of the day with his family before Steph and Cass would bring to the club everyone was meeting up at. Which is why it’s purely a coincidence when he runs into them at BatBurger during the lunch rush.
Danny had just picked up the part-time job to earn a little extra cash to pay for his hobbies. Tim new about it but didn’t know the exact location he worked. That’s why they were both presently surprised when they heard each others voices in the drive through. When they pulled up to window Danny saw his friend leaning over a tired looking black-haired man, trying to stick his head out of the drivers window to give Danny a maniacal grin.
He quickly introduced the other passengers of the car as his dad, Bruce, and three of his brothers Dick, Jason, and Duke. He mentioned he had a fourth brother, Damian, who was still at home. Danny couldn’t really see everyone all that well on account of they were inside a car but he happily greeted them as well. They laughed and Danny wished Tim a happy birthday saying he’d see him at his celebration later tonight before handing them their food. He could the rowdy boys ribbing their brother as the car drove away and Danny resumed his work.
That incident seemed to have opened a gate because now Tim felt more comfortable inviting him over when his brothers were still around the house. He occasionally talked about his family more and Danny returned the favor letting snippets of his own family spill a little more. Occasionally, he’d see Tim’s family outside of his interactions with Tim.
He’d run into Damian, and sometimes Bruce or Dick was with him, at the museum or in the park while the younger had been walking his dog and stopped to say hi a couple of times. He chatted with Dick a couple of times when they were both in line to get coffee at a cafe. He saw Duke on a college tour once and waved at him.
The family member he probably saw the most other that Tim (and by extension Cass) was actually Jason. He’d ended up ditching BatBurger to get some more practical experience at an apprenticeship at the auto shop Jason went to to get his motorcycle serviced. The two of them got along pretty well and would often make conversation when Jason was waiting on his bike to be ready or to get his bill.
At first is was small talk about little things like how he and Tim were doing in class or how their days were going but they soon grew to have genuine interests in each other. Jason let Danny talk about space and mechanics and even gave his own thoughts sometimes, once helping Danny realize he was over complicating the circuit board of the device he was building. In return Danny let Jason ramble to him about literature, even taking the initiative to read a book Jason mentioned so he could talk to him about it better. Their conversation tended to be on the briefer side but were always enjoyable to both parties.
Danny actually liked being around Jason a lot but didn’t really bring that fact up a lot around Tim as it didn’t seem necessary. Tim was pretty glad that Danny got along with his family but he preferred to keep them in separate places in his mind. Danny knew and respected that, only really mentioning that he’d seen them recently and that they’d told him to say hi on their behalf (or die in Damian’s case occasionally).
Tim Drake was 22 when he came to a horrific realization.
Well, perhaps horrific was a bit of an exaggeration. Tim wasn’t necessarily horrified by the revelation. In all honesty he didn’t know how to feel. He felt an odd mixture of protectiveness, possessiveness, confusion, and optimism(?).
You see, Tim and Danny had been hanging out in the campus center, studying and goofing off when he got a text from Jason saying he was coming to pick him up for family dinner at the manor since he was closest and Dick was busy picking up Duke and Damian from their after school clubs.
“What’s up?” Danny asked him curiously.
Tim set his phone on the table and started putting his stuff away. “My brother is coming to pick me up for family dinner so I gotta head out soon.”
“Ah well I should probably get going too. Tell Dick I said hi.”
“Actually, it’s Jason. Dick is picking up Duke and Damian,” he said shoving his textbook into his bag.
“Oh? That’s nice of him. Hey do you wanna just head out together?” Danny asked, fidgeting with his hoodie strings.
Tim noticed a slight strain in Danny’s voice at the mention of Jason but didn’t comment. He just nodded his head sure and walked outside with Danny. They got out to the street when Tim realized he’d left his phone in the library. He faced palmed and asked Danny if he could hold his stuff so it wouldn’t slow him down as he ran back to the campus center to get his phone. Danny agreed to and hold his stuff and wait for Jason while Tim went back.
After getting his phone Tim started heading back to where he left Danny when he saw that Jason had arrived that Jason had arrived and was talking to Danny. He was about to call out to them when he noticed several things in quick succession. Danny was fidgeting with his hoodie, something he tended to do when nervous. The tips of Danny’s ears were a light shade of pink (it isn’t cold out yet?). Danny looked deeply absorbed in his conversation with Jason in a way that reminded Tim of how he talked about space. And Jason seemed just as absorbed in the conversation as well.
The gears in Tim’s head went into overdrive and he realized ‘Ah- Danny has a crush on Jason’. His eyes widened as his head whipped around to examine Jason again. He saw a look of genuine fondness in his eyes. Thus Tim was confronted with the aforementioned horrific realization and complicated feelings. Tim didn’t know whether to laugh, cry, or both.
‘My dumbass best friend has a crush on my brother. And worse(?), my idiot brother returns those feelings.’
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jade-jini · 19 days
“You thought so, huh?”
Aespa Giselle x Reader
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Prompt: If yo thought Uchinaga Aeri was just another nerd you could torment, you thought wrong. Part 2
Genre: Smut (enemies with benefits ig)
TW: mentions of bullying but like meh. They’re mean to each other but they into it lol. Also apparently this is almost 8k words and it’s mostly plot sorry-
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Being the new girl in school was never easy for nobody, even for those who gave no fucks like Aeri. New schedules. New professors with new mannerisms to learn how to deal with. New classmates (even though Aeri considered that most people were the same cliche). New scenery (this wasn’t so bad tho, the campus had a lot of nice green areas).
But besides all that, new bullies. Fuck.
Since a young age due to her good grades, her lack of interest for much exaggerated human interaction, and her glasses (like it was her Fuckin fault she was a bit blind, old school bullies fr), she had been the target of multiple brain-dead good-for-nothings. Bored, mean, spoiled brats from rich families, or psychos from low life who lacked so much in so many aspects that they live their day by day with a deep frustration. What they all had in common is that they never learned no limits and respect for others, specially for people like Aeri: So calm, quiet, and permissive of this behavior towards them.
That was, of course, until she reached her teenage years.
As puberty hit both physically and mentally, Aeri learned very fast to stand up for herself and not take nobody’s bullshit. A mean comment? Either give a good comeback that would humiliate them or completely ignore them like they mean less than the floor she was walking on, depending on what she knew would sting the bully the most. She learned to quietly study these people. People who, in some occasions even, went from her bullies to her victims.
You see, on the rare occasion that one of her bullies decided they actually fuck with her attitude and willingness to stand up for herself, there were people who even decided to teach her a bit of physical fighting. There was this specific time that one of her “ex bullies” saw her responding back to some bitchass, and when she did, girlie was not having any of it. At the time Aeri was actually on a physical advantage, but without knowing how to fight, girlie was beating her ass fr. And she tried to fight back, every time! But she failed lol. So, tired of the second hand embarrassment, they taught her a lesson or two (like actually).
Back to present time now. A new environment can always look intimidating to anybody, but to Aeri? Nah she gave not enough fucks. And thankfully, not a lot of people even noticed a new student was around.
Oh but you? You noticed her. Right away. You were sitting with your little group of girlies at lunch as per usual, talking about literally any silly rich girl shit you could think of, when you decided that you was BORED. And what do rich kids do when they’re bored? They’re assholes. As you scan around the room to see if you could catch one of your frequent victims, your eyes fell on a new face. You were taken aback by Aeri, not only by the fact that you were sure 100% you didn’t know her. But also by the fact that your chest was beating so fast out of an excitement you had yet to understand. You scanned her face, her whole figure. Her hair perfectly brushed, her big glasses, her almost completely clean of makeup skin, her black sweater covering half of her hands as she grabbed her backpack’s strap.
What. A. Loser. You thought.
But what a peculiar one. She didn’t look nervous, she didn’t look like she felt out of place, she looked like a nerd if you followed the rules but.. she also didn’t? You licked your lips and turned around to interrupt the conversation your friends were having, knowing that it probably wasn’t even as half as important as what you had to say.
“Guys, who is that?” You said, your eyes stuck to the new girl.
“Who?” Wonyoung asked you, making an o with her mouth as she looked around the big cafeteria. You pointed at the Japanese girl in line, waiting to get her food “Hm? Who’s that?”
“That’s what I’m asking, Wonyoung” you told her, doing emphasis on her name.
“Ohhh” you heard the taller girl say, followed by her giggles, making your eyes roll at your.. slow friend, to say it in a kind way. “I don’t know, I’ve never seen her before.”
“She’s kinda cute though” Ryujin admitted as she nodded to herself.
“Yeah, and clearly a total loser” you huffed.
“We just got here, how come you already detected a new nerd??” Yujin asked her friend, shock showing in her face.
“I don’t know, I guess it’s like a superpower” you said, shrugging.
“Yeah guys, y/n has a 5th sense for things like that” Yujin said, softly pushing the mentioned girl’s shoulder.
“What do you mean, we all have 5 senses” Wonyoung told her girlfriend like it was the most obvious thing in the world (which it was girl hello what’s wrong with Yujin)
“Oh not me, I’m not that smart”
“Yeah we can tell, Yujin…” Ryu murmured under her breath “but yeah, it’s crazy how y/n can find losers so fast in a crowded room”
“So, what y/n has is like, the gaydar but for nerds maybe?” Wony asked looking at nothing, and you could see her trying hard to understand exactly.
“Nooo, the gaydar works when you’re also gay”
“But y/n IS gay”
“But she’s NOT a nerd or a loser, Wonyoung”
“But she’s gay.”
“Ok but that’s not the point Wonyoung!”
“I’m just trying to make sure I’m up to date with everybody’s information!” The girlie exclaimed, pouting and crossing her arms in front of her body. Everybody sighed, and her girlfriend simply side hugged her by the waist and kissed her cheek to make her relax, which of course worked, causing a cute little smile to spread on wony’s face.
“Ew” you frowned at the cheesy interaction, staring at the couple as they were clearly in their own little bubble now.
“Right?” Ryujin said, her face mirroring y/n’s frown “Us when though?”
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“So, what do you think about the school so far, cousin?” Rei asked Aeri as they walked down the hallway. “I know it’s a bigger campus so I hope you’re adapting well so far”
“Don’t worry about me, rei. I’m ok” Aeri answered without looking at Rei, until she realized the young girl wasn’t following her anymore. She turned around confused to look at her cousin “Whatsup? Cmon I need to get to class baby”
“I know I haven’t mentioned it but, I think it’s important that you know there’s some rich kids around here, and they can be a bit… mean, specially with new people…” the girl commented, clearly looking uncomfortable having to share this information. Aeri could tell the girl has at least been a witness of whatever behavior these assholes had.
“We both know I have experience with that and that I know how to look after myself, I’ll be ok kid, don’t worry really” the older girl said in a calm voice, patting her younger cousin’s head in an attempt to comfort and reassure her that everything will be ok. “And remember, if anybody bothers you…”
“I know I know, you’ll break their bones” Rei giggled and held onto her cousin’s arm as they keep walking. Aeri wasn’t yet familiar with where all her classes were, so as a good cousin, Rei would walk her until she felt more familiar with the whole place. Thankfully she made it a few minutes earlier to class, also giving her cousin enough time to get to her own room.
As they got inside the classroom, Aeri noticed how her eyes would go to a specific row of seats, her body language letting her know that the girls sitting there would make her feel uneasy. She didn’t need to hear anything else to know why her cousin felt the need to warn her earlier.
And surprise! guess who was there? Yup. Your ass, sitting just two seats behind Aeri. It wasn’t her first time in that class, but you had missed the past two lessons so you didn’t know she was there too.
“Look who we have here…” you murmured to yourself, as you saw your new classmate entering the room with another girl that you recognized as some sophomore from a different department that you’d mess with from time to time. They seemed close, so you quickly wonder if something was going on there.
“What?” Wonyoung asked you, since your voice was too quiet for her to know what you had said.
“Nothing nothing” you dismiss her with your hand, making the girl shrug it off and go back to her nails.
“See you later, cousin. Text me when you’re done.” You heard the younger girl said to your classmate, who only nodded and patted the girl’s head before letting her go.
“Cousin, huh? Interesting” you whispered to yourself again.
“Schizophrenia…” Wonyoung whispered as well, in a little singing voice, looking at you with concern.
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As class passes by, you somehow managed to switch seats with the classmate that was behind Aeri. Not like you gave him much option though, after threatening to burn his hair with your lighter.
You didn’t know why, if it was out of boredom or something else. You just couldn’t wait for the chance to mess with the new girl. I mean, it’s been what? At least more than one day since she got there right? And you STILL haven’t introduced yourself?! Unforgivable. You knew how to start, your childish ass was gonna tease her a bit, and if she said something or reacted in any way, you’ll let her know her fuckin place. You learned her name: Uchinaga Aeri. And you confirmed she didn’t only look like one but she was, in fact, a nerd. This after seeing the advanced books in her bag, the cornily organized notes she took, and how she had a more than perfect answer to any exercise the teacher would ask. It was almost disgusting how smart she was.
“Teacher’s pet…” you murmured not to subtly. This earned you a hard look from the professor (which you responded with a fake pout), and Aeri looking at you and rolling her eyes, now recalling what her cousin mentioned earlier. She just had a tiny hope she wouldn’t encounter no asshole in a class she actually enjoyed.
Knowing she somehow had acknowledged your presence made you excited in someway. Next step? … well you didn’t know, probably something basic like throwing pens at her. And so you did. For 5 minutes. The first two times she just looked at you, silently warning you. This was just too funny for you tho, what was she gonna do? So you continued. By the time the rainbow was outta whosever bag of pens that was, she turned around completely and looked at you.
“Do that one more time and I’ll make sure you deepthroat that entire bag of pens, ok?” The girl in front of you said, such a calm but firm tone that caught you so off guard at first, second, and third. The fact that Aeri was fearless about threatening you like that left not only you but the classmates that heard it (including Wonyoung) speechless. The latter gulped, she had never heard nobody talking back to her friend like that since they were in kindergarten. And the kid who did it ended up expelled from school. To this day nobody knows what happened to him-
“Alright ladies, let’s avoid trouble please, class is almost over cmon. Uchinaga, y/l/n, focus on the board.” The teacher said, trying to de-escalate the situation.
One silent cold stare before fixing her posture was everything Aeri gave you for the rest of the class.
“Hey! those were MY scented rainbow markets!” a guy said.
“The only ones with fruity smell here are you and your boyfriend, Mark. Shut the fuck up.”
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“Hey, asshole. Give me my notebook back.” You heard a voice behind you say, as you turned around and saw Aeri, you scanned the empty hallway, wondering who tf she was talking to ‘cause it couldn’t be you, even though you knew damn right it was. You had taken her notebook from her bag as revenge for talking shit. You had planned on blackmailing her with it, however the fact that she straight up insulted you was the only thing catching your attention at the moment.
“Excuse me?” You started, throwing her notebook to the floor, you were ready to pick it up again and slap her with it tho “Who the fuck do you think you-“ and got interrupted by Aeri’s hands on your shoulders.
“No.” Aeri said, pushing you against the lockers a bit too hard, making you groan and causing your bag to fall off your shoulder “who the fuck do YOU think you are?” She asked, looking intensely into your eyes. That’s when you realize she was taller than you. There was barely any difference, but you felt so small now. Her closeness and stare making you shiver. Were you scared? Of a nerd?! No way. But what type of nerd was this tho?! Girlie was intimidating as fuck. “Don’t make me say it again, girl. Don’t fuck with me.”
A silence appeared filling the air, you were impatiently waiting for something to happen, worried about Aeri’s next move. Only thing she did was to pretend she was gonna hit your face with her fist, making you flick, which caused her to giggle “it’s like seeing a pathetic scared puppy. What a case” and just like that, she got her notebook from the floor and started to calmly put it inside her bag.
You didn’t know why you couldn’t move, but it felt like you were waiting for her to give you permission. Once you realized this, you slapped yourself mentally, ready to leave this stupid and surreal situation. That was until she grabbed you by the shirt and slammed you against the wall one more time, not even looking at you.
“You don’t move until I say so”
“What the fuck Uchinaga, let me-“
“You don’t move until I say so.” she repeated grabbing on to your shirt so tightly that the friction was burning your neck “got it?”
And you couldn’t do nothing but gulp and nod.
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The following days were a rollercoaster for you. The new girl that you assumed too soon was going to be just another victim turned out to become some sort of rival? A rival who had advantages both physically and mentally. She had better comebacks. Better insults that would leave your mind blank. Fuck, she even hits harder. You see, Aeri had found a lot of fun and pleasure on catching you off guard by slapping your head, making you drop your books, or pushing you with her shoulder when she was walking by. Sometimes you’d tell her off, reciprocate her bitchy attitude. Sometimes you would just let it be. Your friends were shocked at first, but then just processed it as some rivalry, because Aeri became sort of popular around for her strong attitude. You started to experiment a bunch of new things with all this situation.
But the weirdest one was probably how much this turned you on.
Aeri was mean to you. Most of the time she wouldn’t even wait for you to provoke her, she’d just straight up feel like messing with you. She was meaner to you than you were to her, ‘cause now you’d barely start it. Now it was you responding to her shit. You were confused, lowkey scared sometimes. And horny. It didn’t help that she seemed to have a big love for tops that were tight on the chest zone, making her chest stand up. A lot. You would fantasize about her so much, even when she was hurting you, daydreaming about these mean encounters ending in something else.
Honestly, even Aeri was confused as to why she enjoyed messing with you. Maybe it was for some kind of general revenge? She was a nerd but she had the balls to stand up for herself, which others didn’t have. And you were just some asshole, so, deserved? She thought so.
So on another casual day, you were walking to meet your friends at the parking lot, when Aeri once again caught you off guard, pushing you inside a bathroom (conveniently empty for the plot).
“Hey loser” she said, as she harshly pushed you against the wall like she’d always do.
“You know, it’s quite weird how you” you pointed at her “are the one calling me that. I never even got the chance to call you that to begin with.”
“That’s because you decided to be lame and call me just ‘Uchinaga’. So basic”
“Don’t you also call me by my last name sometimes?” You reminded her, as to which she just rolled her eyes. You smiled, one point to you.
“Whatever. I’ll make this short, you and your assholes friends better stop bothering my cousin. ” You looked at her confused. You remembered her cousin Rei, but you haven’t seen her (or probably yes but didn’t pay attention) in a while, all your attention had been on Aeri. You didn’t even bother your other victims much these days.
“What do you mean? I haven’t even seen Rei in forever.” You clarified, not wanting to be accused of shit you didn’t even do.
“That jock friend of yours keeps teasing her during her cheerleading practices. Make it stop or else.” Now you understood. Yujin. Fuck.
“I think you’re confused, Yujin has a girlfriend. And that’s Wonyoung.” You told her, mentioning your well known best friend, who was the captain of the cheerleaders (what a cliche huh? Jock x cheerleader)
“Like that would stop her, please.” Aeri said with a tone full of sarcasm.
You knew that even though Yujin was technically with Wonyoung, girlie was a playgirl and while she wouldn’t (or hasn’t so far) cheat on your friend, you wouldn’t be surprised if she was going around flirting with girls just for the ego boost. And ‘cause she doesn’t know how to think with the head on her shoulders rather than the one in her pants. However, she was a grownup, what the heck was Aeri expecting you to do?
“Well even if it didn’t, I’m not the boss of her, what do you want from me?”
“I don’t know, and I don’t care. Make sure she keeps it in her pants, or I’ll cut *it* off.” She said, remarking the word. “Plus don’t play with me, your friends or fans or whatever they are, they listen to you. And you know it.”
“Well, even if they did, why would I do you that solid? What’s in it for me?” You teased.
“How about we start with me not breaking your nose, hm?” She said in a hypocrite sweet tone.
“Aw man why you gotta be so aggressive?” You pouted. But on the inside that made you a bit scared, knowing she probably wouldn’t contain herself from doing so if she really wanted to.
“Because you’re completely annoying!” She almost yelled “I’m not giving you no options here, bitch. You either do it or I swear I’ll make you choke on your friend’s-“
In her rambling, Aeri failed to notice how you were completely deaf and basically drooling looking at her chest. Her cleavage showing, her breasts looked like they were about to escape from her blouse. You were wondering how did they let her in with that. For a short moment, you even fantasized about being physically similar to Yujin, so maybe you could get this girl pregnant and maybe you could get a taste of her milk as you sucked on her tits.
“Hey. Hey do you hear me?” Aeri snapped her fingers in front of your face. You blinked a couple times until your vision went back to normal “what the heck, y/n, don’t be a perv??” You felt her hand slapping your forehead.
“What?! What did I do??” You asked her, swearing there was no way she noticed you staring even tho you almost drooled ON her.
“Oh my god, is that what you want in exchange of calming your stupid friend down?” Aeri accused, but she couldn’t deny to herself that seeing your blank face as you lost yourself in your daydreaming about her caused things on her. A little smile was in the corner of her lips, and you didn’t know if you should be scared or excited.
“You wish, I could get way better without having to move a finger, Uchinaga. Don’t flatter yourself too much.” You said, trying to act as nonchalant as possible after the girl literally caught you looking at her tits lmao however, Aeri had an idea. An idea that would make you (or maybe not, eventually) regret being so obvious.
“Hm, so, you’re not interested in any of this?” The Japanese girl slowly asked whispering in such a sensual low voice, pulling the neckline of the shirt a bit to expose more of her skin. Your eyes betrayed you, your brain did so too, as you quietly redirected your focus to her chest. “You wouldn’t like to know how they look when they’re completely out? How they feel? Or… taste?”
“Fuck…” you sighed. The view, the sudden high temperature in the room, the closeness of your bodies, it was messing with your brain so much that you had to close your legs tight, and that’s when you both noticed Aeri’s leg in between yours. The accidental friction made you slightly moan and you swore you were done dying of embarrassment. The girl in front of you found this reaction very interesting, and decided to move her leg, stimulating your sensitive zones. More soft moans involuntarily escaped your mouth.
“Does that feel good?” She whispered in your ear.
“Y-yes… fuck..” you said with a string of voice as you closed your eyes. This was so funny for Aeri, this gave her so many new ideas that she’d put into practice. Not now though, but later.
“you’re such a horny loser” Aeri laughed, creating some distance between you two and fixing her clothes “I’ll let you go before you force yourself on me or something, weirdo. Control your friend. Or is ‘Bye bye teeth’ and ‘Bye bye balls’ for her.” And just like that she left you there alone. Horny and alone.
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Practicing how easily she could turn you on became a new habit for Aeri. Besides the other aggressive ones she already had. So apart from bothering you, she would now take you to the bathroom whenever she caught you off guard, tease the living hell outta you, and leave like nothing happened. The worst part is you knew you weren’t gonna get anything, yet you let her take you with her for literal nothing.
It frustrated you. So fucking much. How easy she could just do whatever she wanted, and how the rush that lasted only a few seconds felt worth it. The girl would tease you to such extremes, just to leave you like that. Angry, and horny. You needed to do something about it, and touching yourself thinking about her wasn’t enough anymore. It felt humiliating that she got you doing that. So of course, the only solution you found was going back to hooking up with random people from campus. From other rich kids with no brain, to even nerds who swore several times they hated you. You needed to do something. To prove something to yourself and scratch that need.
You were popular for your looks. Any and everybody would accept going out with you even when they knew it was just to be used as a one night stand. You knew this, and so you used that to your advantage. You didn’t want nothing with nobody, you just needed two things: the ego boost, and to relief the frustration Aeri caused. The thing was, however, that she kept popping up on your mind while you were having sex with other people. And that you made you more and more frustrated every time. It was like a need you couldn’t get rid of no matter how rough you fucked any other girl or guy. You knew you didn’t want nothing to do with her, you could barely stand her. But maybe it was the anger of how mean she was to you, the impotence for how little you could do about it. You wondered if this is how your victims felt about you. Minus the sexual tension of course… hopefully.
As you were walking one of your soon to be hookups to her class, sweet talking to her ear, you felt the familiar sensation of somebody slapping your head.
“The fuck?” You exclaimed, rubbing your head as you turn around and saw Aeri giggle as she put some stuff in her locker after her last class. You looked at her and sighed. You were particularly frustrated and angry that day; just earlier she caught you on an empty corner and to make it short, did the knee thing to you, until she had you biting your lip and closing your eyes… just for her to grab the cold water she had and spill it all over your head, leaving you shivering and soaking wet in more than one way. You told her off and even slammed her against the lockers before she left though, so she went to class with a bit of a headache. You had to lie to Wonyoung and tell her you got caught in the rain.
“But it wasn’t raining today.” The taller girl said, confused.
“Yes it was, but it was at the other side of the building. This campus is so big sometimes rain doesn’t reach every part of it, wony, you know this“ok gaslighter.
“Ohhh, yeah you’re right” she said, even though she didn’t know shit. But she’d always agree with her bestie. Nevertheless, she pulled a small clean towel she always had in her locker for cheerleading practice, and quietly helped you dry your hair, which you thanked with a soft smile.
Back to present time, Aeri was in front of you, playing dumb as she fixed her glasses on her locker mirror, and you looked at her like you wanted to kill her. Your not-so-soon to be hookup stopped playing uninterested and was now worried about how you were finding the girl in front of you a better subject of your attention than her.
“Um, y/n?” Chaeryeong called, fixing her glasses as well and holding her books close to her chest “we’re gonna be late to class”
“Just go without me, I’ll meet you there ok?” You told the brown hair girl nonchalantly, not even giving her a look back.
“A-are you sure? You know this teacher is-“
“Get lost, chaery. Please” you told her, doing your best not to sound so passive aggressive. The girl obeyed, and quickly disappeared from your side. She said bye but, you didn’t notice and didn’t care. You started walking to Aeri.
“Uchinaga, hey.” You called her when you noticed she was getting ready to leave too. “What the fuck was that for, huh?”
Aeri turned around and with her arms in front of her chest she simply answered “I just felt like it, why is it that so strange to you?”
What you didn’t know it’s that Aeri was having her own internal issues. Her own battles about how she felt about you. She couldn’t stand you, she knew that. And similar to previous victims, she enjoyed annoying you. But it was never as often and as heavy as she did it with you. And the part that worried her Foreal was, that she never, ever, had felt jealousy.
Oh yeah. Aeri was jealous.
Jealous of every boy and girl who looked at you. Of every person who got to be with you. It started with her wondering “what the fuck do they see in her?!” Until she saw it too. The shape of your eyes. The trace of your lips. How soft your skin felt. She couldn’t accept the desire you caused on her. She knew she wasn’t gonna be able to have you in that way, not when you both hated each other, basically. Plus, she wasn’t yet ready to admit that what she felt was attraction. She was still in denial. So the only thing she could do, was bully you. It was the only way of touching you, of being close to you, of having any control over you. Aeri needed to relief the frustration you caused on her as well. But her way of doing it was to do it on you. Like this. Enjoying the fear she saw in your eyes, the trembling lip when she had you under her, and the bruises in your skin when you guys fought. And every time she saw you with another one of your hookups, it was yet another trigger.
“Why don’t you start feeling like leaving me alone already? I’m tired of your shit dude.” You told her on a serious tone. This just made the girl in front of you huffed (‘cause not a chance bro), but it also caught the attention of another classmate of yours.
“Why don’t you just leave her alone, y/n?” You heard Mark said, and you sighed and rolled your eyes on an exaggerated manner.
“Man, who the fuck asked for your opinion, Mark?” You told him, hoping he’d just shut up. You knew you couldn’t bother HIM much, you basically grew up with this guy since he was the son of one of your father’s business partners, but oh my god one day he was gonna get it.
“Y-you’re always bothering Aeri, what has she ever done to you?” He asked, as if he was unaware of the well known rivalry you two girls had. And the advantage she always had.
“Fuck off, Mark” you said, annoyed by the guy’s presence, walking slowly closer to him. He quickly backed off, scared you’d hurt him. Noticing this, Aeri got in between you two. Not because she was trying to defend the guy, but because she wanted your attention and he was stealing the moment.
“You’re such a bully, y/n” she said, looking at you with some sort of fake disappointment. “Leave him alone”
“Thank you Aeri” the young guy said, as he fixed his glasses.
“No but fr fuck off, Mark” the Japanese girl told him, and his smile disappeared in fear as he grabbed his bag and left you two alone. As you saw him walk away, you quickly felt a hand pulling you by your uniform’s tie. Aeri was walking you by it like a dog. Man, you knew you should’ve listened to Wonyoung when she told you to get those fake detachable ones instead.
“Bathroom. Now.”
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Aeri didn’t need to force you into the bathroom anymore, you started to simply obey her from time to time whenever she told you to do something. She told you to sit down in class? You did. She told you to not move until she says so? You didn’t move a muscle. She told you to follow her? There you went with her. You’d do it with a bratty attitude sometimes! But you’d still do it, and she enjoyed this oh so much. There was something about knowing the power she had on you that made her feel crazy. Crazy over you.
“What did you even bring me here for this time?” You asked her annoyed. You were really not having it today.
Your question caught her off guard. She actually didn’t have a reason, she just didn’t wanna see you with somebody else right now. She knew Chaeryeong would probably come back to get you, ‘cause even when she played hard to get, it was obvious how much she drooled for you. And if it wasn’t her, it was gonna be any other side hoe you had, or your friends, or anybody else. and that, that she wasn’t having today.
“Did you tell your friend to leave my cousin alone?” She confronted you, not even sure if this was still an issue that Rei had. You sighed heavily, closing your eyes.
“Jesus, Aeri, I told you. I’m not the boss of her. I can’t tell Yujin what to do. If she wants to fuck your cousin, she will.” You spat, losing your patience more and more. Aeri slapped your head.
“Watch it. Don’t say those things about her.”she said, not happy about the idea of your friend even near Rei.
“I’m sure that kid is old enough to say yes or not about getting some dick, stop cockblocking everybody.” You told her, making her more upset. She really didn’t like the way you were expressing about Rei.
“I told you to watch it.” She slapped your head one more time and that was it for you. You grabbed her shirt tight and pushed her against the wall, making her groan.
“I’m so tired of your bullshit, Aeri.” you said in between teeth. Both venom and lust emanating through your words. It made Aeri shiver, you could hear her gulp. It was the first time you see her somehow scared of you. Quietly expectant of your next move. In any other occasion, it would’ve made you laugh seeing her like this, unable to move ‘cause of how hard and steady you were grabbing her. But you were so deeply frustrated and tired of her shit today. And seeing her like this, with her big eyes looking at you like that. Now you kinda understood why Aeri enjoyed annoying you so much, if this is how you looked when she did it to you.
“W-what the fuck, y/l/n” she said, her voice betraying her letting her stutter how she never has in years “let me go or else-“
“Or else what, Uchinaga? You’re gonna hit me again?” You dared her. Then, an idea popped up in your head. Without leaving much space between you two, you turned her around making her face the wall. Suddenly, the ring bell rang. “Oh, you know what that means. Class started. So nobody is coming here any time soon, dear classmate.” You giggled.
“I’m so serious right now, y/n. If you don’t let me go I’m gonna break you something”.
you hummed, untying your tie and holding her wrists together, tying them behind her back. The girl was softly struggling and cursing at you, but let out a long groan when you pulled her hair back.
“I’d like to see you try that now” you teased her with a sarcastic tone. As you forced both of you inside the biggest stall, you continued speaking “I’m so frustrated, so tired of you, Aeri. The only thing you do, is make my days miserable. You come here, you bully me, you hurt me” you said, pulling her hair again, making her let out another groan, to then close the door. “and yet… I can’t seem to be able to stay away from you, can I?”
“You being an overly horny fuck is not my fault, y/l/n.” The Japanese girl spat “maybe if you didn’t go around everybody here like a blunt, you’d learn to control that”
“If I go around like that so much, it’s ‘cause I’m trying to relief my stress and anger, so I don’t beat the shit outta you for making my life harder, you asshole.” You told her, grabbing her neck, and once again having her against the wall.
Aeri gasped at the feeling of your hand against her throat, both in fear and excitement “We both know that whatever you wanna do to me right now, it has nothing to do with beating me, you perv.” she said confidently. Aeri wasn’t stupid, she could see the desire in your eyes, behind all that rage. All that hate. She saw the reflection of her own soul. How you didn’t want her, but needed her just as bad as she needed you.
As you stared deeply into each other eyes, you couldn’t contain yourself anymore. Softly closing your eyes, you leaned in to capture her lips in yours.
Aeri was expecting that kiss of course, but yet she could feel the air abandoning her lungs in surprise, shock in her face as she felt your lips moving against hers. She wasn’t expecting it to feel like this. To feel this good. And you were praying it wouldn’t feel this good, ‘cause you knew how addicted you were going to be from now on.
As you didn’t feel her respond to the kiss, you backed off, but she didn’t give you the chance to even catch your breath as she leaned back and kissed you again. Deeper. Desperate. And more passionate this time.
Aeri could feel you moan in her mouth as she started to take control over the kiss, surprising for a girl who’s the one tied up. You rested your hands on the wall, on each side of her body as she started to leave kisses on your neck. The sounds you let escape and the vibrations of your throat motivating her to leave more and more bruises on your neck. “Lets see how much your hoes like to see this” she said. You weren’t much of letting anybody mark you up like this, but anything was and probably will be an exception if it was Aeri.
“Fuck, it’s so hot in here..” you murmured and started undoing the buttons of your shirt. Aeri explored your body with her eyes, cussing you for not letting her do it with her hands. She bit her lip, feeling her own body temperature raise.
“Are you gonna help me with mine too or what?” She ordered, and your hands quickly traveled to her buttons, opening her shirt but not removing it. Instead, you unclipped her bra as well, freeing her breasts. And oh my god they were nothing but perfect to your eyes. Your mouth opened, a moan escaped, you looked up to her, trying to read her expression. Aeri was biting her lip, containing a smile.
“How long have you been wanting this, fucking perv?” She teased, and you clicked your tongue.
“Don’t act like you didn’t want it too, you’re such a constant tease there’s no way you haven’t been fantasizing about this.”
“You’re crazy if you think I actually wan- Ahh.. fuck~” the feeling of your tongue against her nipple made her choke on her words. The warm sensation making her lightheaded. Aeri’s boobs were sensitive. Very sensitive. And the way you were sucking, licking, kissing them, like you’d die if you didn’t treat them right, she was melting right there and then.
“They’re so perfect…” you whispered in between kisses, lost on your own pleasure. From time to time you’d go down and leave kisses all over her stomach, quickly going back up to treat her chest until her nipples were red. The desperate moans Aeri was letting out were telling you she was ready for more. So you turned her around once again, and got your hands under her black skirt, the feeling of her bare skin against your hands making your palms itch on anticipation. You took the edge of her underwear, and slowly took it off, removing it completely and keeping it in your pocket.
You hiked her skirt up, enjoying the view of her bare ass. You couldn’t contain yourself, and spanked her. Hard. The sound of your hand against her skin resonated loud on the empty bathroom, but her gasp and cry were louder. You did it once again.
“That fucking hurt, you idiot…” she said, her voice now a tiny bit weaker ‘cause of everything you were doing to her. You gave her another slap, making her squeal.
“That’s what you get for hitting me all the time.” You told her, and continued to slap her ass.
The thing is, Aeri couldn’t deny that she was enjoying the pain mixed with pleasure of the rough contact. She liked it like that. If it was you, she loved it like that.
Once her skin was looking red you stopped, and contemplated the girl in front of you. You couldn’t believe you had her, your rival, your bully, like that right now. Her body so exposed, her hands tied up.
"Are you gonna fuck me or you're just gonna stare at me like a fucking idiot until all classes of the day are over?"
And yet, still in so much control of it all.
Noticing how you were almost drooling as you stared at her body with your mouth open, Aeri rushed you. Also because you guys were still in school so, you didn’t have all the time of the world. You got back to reality and shook your head.
"Why don't you stfu?" You asked her, looking at her eyes with anger wrapped in Lust.
"Why don't you fucking make me, asshole?" She replied, knowing the more she pushed, the more she probably was going to enjoy this.
“Oh my fucking God” you sighed, and pushed her own panties inside her mouth. You knew that if she could talk, she would be cussing you hard.
You knew she was right, you guys didn’t have much time left before class was over. So, you got on your knees and opened her legs, observing how wet her pretty pussy was. You needed to tease her, you couldn’t help it. The tip of your tongue started going everywhere but to where she needed you the most. You could feel her body twitching in anticipation, and you couldn’t help but giggle at this.
“What is it, Aeri?” You asked her from your position. She let her panties fall from her mouth to talk.
“What are you doing? I told you we don’t have much time. Or is it that you just don’t know how to use your mouth for nothing but to talk shit?” The girl said, trying to get on your nerves. And achieving it, your smile disappearing and turning into an upset expression.
“You know what? Fuck you. You don’t get my tongue today.” You told her, getting up. Her expression completely changed, almost to a scared one.
“What?! You can’t do this to me, not after teasing me like that.” She desperately said, almost laughing in disbelief.
“Ahhh, how does it feel bitch?” You told her, giggling at her reaction. You took her panties and put them inside her mouth once again before she could start arguing again. “Trust me, I know how to use my mouth on good things, unlike you who only use yours to give me headaches.” And like that, you went back to her knees, and started teasing her with your tongue again. This time though, it was her asshole.
This caught Aeri off guard, you could hear her gasp each time you licked her hole. This was new to her, and she didn’t know how to feel about the fact that she was enjoying it.
She gasped with every bite you were giving her cheeks, enjoying the sensation. Her gasps quickly turned into moans, her eyes rolling as you began to tongue-fuck her ass. Aeri had her face against the cold wall, hoping it would help with the high temperature on her now red face.
As you teased her hole, you also kneaded her ass. You’d leave spanks from time to time, listening to the Japanese girl gasp and whimper as you caught her off guard each time.
“Your ass is so sexy, Aeri. I love it” you said leaving yet another spank. The way you said her name wasn’t helping the girl, it turned her on more. It played with her mind, ‘cause why did her name sound a million times better when you were saying it now?
You decided to give her clit some attention too, but with your finger. The stimulation on both sides making Aeri’s head completely shot down as she fell prey of the pleasure you were giving her.
“Hhmgh.. y/n.. more…” you heard her say very muffled since she still had her mouth stuffed with her own panties. You almost couldn’t tell what was it that she said, but she was backing her ass against you more and more, letting you know her wish.
You decided to switch the game, turning her a bit so you could finally give some proper attention to her clit. Before this, you spat on your other hand’s finger, and put it inside Aeri’s asshole. The sudden intrusion, with now your tongue making circles and leaving short, quick repetitive licks on her clit, made the girl‘s moans hit two octaves higher. You were fucking her hard, fast. The movement of your hand almost matching the fast pace of your tongue.
“More.. more…” you heard the girl basically beg, encouraging you to go faster, rougher. And so you did. Fucking her ass and tasting her pussy so good that your wrist was starting to hurt but that wasn’t gonna stop you until you had her making a mess on your mouth, coming hard until her whole body was shaking. “Oh fuck.. y/n.. coming.. so close, please~” she moaned.
“Come for me, c’mon. Just for me.” You told her, and just like that, Aeri came undone. A loud, deep moan, feeling so good and intense that it had her sobbing. As she came down from her climax, you had to get up and hold her ‘cause her legs wanted to give up.
“You.. asshole…” she whispered in such a weak tone, her head resting against your chest as her eyes wanted to close. You couldn’t believe that even in this state, even after fucking her dumb, she was still capable of insulting you. But she looked so fragile, she sounded so tired. You couldn’t do nothing but to smile and help her fix her clothes. Of course you untie her first.
“C’mon, don’t fall asleep now. We have class” you told her, knowing damn right neither of you were going back to any classroom.
“Are you insane? I’m so tired I wanna pass out..” she said with a pout. This was such a weird and new side that you’ve never seen on her, that nobody has even seen on her. But it was probably ‘cause of how sleepy she was, so you said nothing yet. You decided to tease her when her brain was working again. You grabbed your and her things, and carefully help her out of the bathroom. You guys walked (her holding onto you for support) to your car, and you decided that the only place you could go now was your house. Aeri needed to rest, and you didn’t know where she lived, plus if you asked Rei, it would be too much drama, whether you lied or tell the truth (which you never would).
“Where are we going?” Aeri asked as she started to fall asleep on the passenger seat.
“Home, we’re going home” you told her.
“Hmm… dumbass.” She softly said as she passed out, her lips turning into a pout. You simply giggled and shook your head.
“You’re such a pain in the ass. Yet, I can’t believe how weak I am for you. And you’re a dumbass too, by the way” you spoke to her sleeping body.
You let Aeri rest on your bed for the rest of the afternoon. It was such a weird view; you almost never bring people to your own place, you just don’t like it. But you couldn’t believe you had your own rival napping there while hugging your favorite pillow, after having sex with her.
It was a nice view, though. And you thought to yourself that you wouldn’t mind having this one girl on your own bed every night.
If it was hard to stop thinking about Uchinaga Aeri before, now it was gonna be impossible.
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506 notes · View notes
Yuu: (holding papers) where is Crewel
Ace: are those notes?
Yuu: he said my notes were so good that he wanted to copy them and complain about you guys about how the Human from another Dimension is better than everybody who had years to study
Ace: now you're just trying to show off
Yuu: Ace I know your grades if I wanted to show off I could have just said I got 100% on my last exam
363 notes · View notes
ponderingmoonlight · 6 months
Being held hostage by Ryomen Sukuna
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Pairing: Sukuna x fem!reader
Word Count: 1,4k
Synopsis: How you ended up in Sukuna's prison instead of getting killed in an instant? You don't know. What you do know however that the king of curse has more to offer than what you ever imagined...
Warnings: no real smut but it's getting heated y'all, Sukuna being a smooth operator, not 100% proofread
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„Feeling lonely?“
You huff to yourself, wrists desperately fighting against the chains that keep you in place, tired eyes roaming around in order to find him.
Him, Ryomen Sukuna. The monster who kidnapped you and brought you here, chained you to the ceiling while kneeling on the cold ground. Fuck, how did you even allow him to catch you like this? Why didn’t you use your sphere, fight against him, give everything you have?
You furrow your eyebrows, glaring at his stupid grin with nothing but rejection. Because that man in front of you is more than a simple curse, let alone a human being. Not even you, a special grade jujutsu sorcerer, stood a chance against him. Not when you were too focused on saving your student’s lives to realize that you run straight into his open arms.
“I hate that look on your stupid pretty face. It almost looks like…disgust…”, he comments dryly.
With a swift motion, he yanks your chin upward, forces you to stare straight into his red eyes. You hate the way your nerves start tingling by just one look at him, the horror that radiates from those crimson orbs. If he wanted to, he could kill you without blinking, could end your life right here without hesitating. But instead, he decided to chain you into his living room in order to tease you.
“That’s exactly what it is”, you press out, failing miserably in an attempt to escape the sheer force of his fingertips.
“Feisty, I like it. We have a great time ahead of us, (y/n).”
The way he says your name runs shivers down your spine. Fuck, that unpromising look on his face makes you slowly but surely lose your composure. But why…Why are you even here? Why did none other than Ryomen Sukuna decide that you have to stay alive even though he would have been able to kill you without thinking twice? Why are you trapped here instead of six feet under?
“Why am I not dead yet?”
The words escape your mouth faster than you’re able to think. Slowly, he kneels down in front of you, nothing but amusement glimmering in his deadly orbs. Your heart almost beats out of your chest. Why does the air suddenly feel thicker, your lungs refusing their service while all you’re able to do is staring at him? Ryomen Sukuna is your worst enemy, killed countless people, brought nothing but grief your way. But…
You swallow hard. Did he really just get on his knees in front of you?
“I’ve been observing you for quite some time. Even though you’re nothing but a weak human, there’s something I haven’t seen before. Something I want to explore”, he replies with low voice.
Fuck, you hate the way your knees suddenly feel weak, how you squirm under his gaze. Are you out of your goddamn mind? This isn’t Nanami or Gojo. No, this is the king of curses himself. He’ll kill you without blinking when he has enough of you. God, what the hell is wrong with your taste in men anyway? You almost lost your composure when you met Choso back then at Shibuya…
When the man kneeling in front of you killed so many people that you lost count, almost ending your life as well when you were only inches away from getting caught in his sphere.
“No thanks. I have absolutely zero interest in getting explored by you”, you bite back.
Oh, what a filthy little lie. Just the thought of seeing him shirtless drives your imagination wild, sets something free you weren’t even aware of existing. Even though your eyes show nothing but dismissal, your body tells you otherwise.
“We’ll see about that.”
You almost choke on your own salvia when his hands grab your wrist out of the sudden, chest so close to you that you can almost taste the smell of musk and amber radiating from the sheer heat of his body that is only covered by his white robe. If you wanted to, you could rest your head against his broad chest, enjoy the sensation of his body against yours-
Before you’re able to react, your body collapses onto the cold ground, stained wrist set free by none other than Sukuna himself.
“Thanks, asshole”, you hiss through gritted teeth.
Your body feels like pudding, so weak that you can’t lift yourself off the floor as gracefully as you wanted to. How long have you been here already? Way too long as it seems. You glare at him through the messy strands of hair that stick to your face like glue. Just that satisfied grin on his face is enough to fuel your anger all over again.
“You really think you’re a tough one, huh? And that after I saw how you pressed your legs together when I came a little closer.”
“You’re a monster”, you argue.
He roams closer. Like a hunter he circles you, nothing but amusement and something way darker glistening in his eyes.
“You killed my comrades, my friends, innocent people-“
“So what?”, he casually replies.
His hands wrap themselves around your hair before you can stop him. You stare at him in sheer disbelief, head fighting against the sheer force of his fingers unsuccessfully. How on earth did you end up here?
“Your love and affection for others is your true weakness, (y/n). Without your puny thoughts over people who give a damn about you, you’d be unstoppable. Just like me.”
His breath caresses your cheeks, lights a fire that now radiates through your whole body.
“I will stop you”, you breathe out.
“Oh please.”
His hands…You can’t believe your eyes, your instincts, your body. Suddenly you find yourself trapped inside his muscular arms, his face so close to yours that you can feel his hot breath ghosting against your cheek and neck. When was the last time a man touched you? Oh, way too long ago. His toned body pressed against yours reminds you way too painful. But still.
You shake your head ever so slightly, close your eyes against the sensation his touch promises. This isn’t just a random man, not the kind of bad guy like Geto or Choso. No, this is the king of curses himself, a frightful creature absolutely willing to kill you when he had enough of you. You are nothing but a toy to him, something he found useful and will throw away the second you don’t match his expectations. This man is evil, this man is the epitome of cruelty. This man…
Pushes you against the wall, his leg forced between both of yours while all you can think of are his parted lips. This has to be a dream… Or a nightmare?
You don’t know, mind clouded by nothing but his sheer presence. What if you just kissed him? Only once to discover how he tastes, to convince yourself that you hate him. Yes, maybe this is all you need to get rid of that ridiculous desire that builds up in your stomach, maybe this will make the pressure between your hips vanish into thin air. A small innocent kiss and you’ll search a way out of this cursed place, an innocent kiss to come back to your senses.
Like in slow motion you stretch out your hand, so ready to touch his cheek. Does he even feel human? What else should he feel like? You just need to stretch your fingertips a little further, your head moving a few more inches towards his lips. His lips, those inviting parted lips…
“I knew you want me.”
But you don’t reach him. The second you open your eyes, you get greeted by that satisfied grin you learned to hate in the matter of hours, his hand keeping your fingers trapped mid-air.
“Don’t worry, I will come back to this eventually. But right now, I have something important to do.”
It happens faster that you’re able to react. Before you even comprehend what is happening, the chains around your wrists come back to life, trap you against the wall like a fool.
“Asshole”, you spit into his face, thick anger rushing through your already heated veins.
Out of instinct you stretch out your hand, ready to hit him with your best shot.
Only to get stopped by him catching your hand mid-air.
“I’ll see you later, (y/n). Don’t cause trouble as long as I’m gone.”
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Tags:  @arehzhera @ploylulla @tzubaki @beatrexworld @kenstarsworld @dazaisdick @hellkaiserinphoenix  @lauv4chuuya @starlightanyaaa @sindela @kayleegomez @sunshine7queen @magalimachete @mokoartpost @gatitam @idontknow1123 @creative1writings @sanicsmut  @mynahx3 @sad-darksoul @chilichopsticks @chuyasthighs0 @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @wxwieeee @froufrousnowman @hidazinie @tomiokathedepresso  @gojosrealwife  @coffeeluvr96 @mahi-tamashi @weebotaku21 @chaoticwinnercupcake @lees-chaotic-brain  @risuola  @sugurulefttesticle @wordskeeper @baku2345 @polarbvnny @ruixrei @bam-bam-bam-bame-blog @lavenderdrxp @localhehecat @alicerhr @belovedvamp @wifenanami @chilichopsticks @dlwlrmas-world @oikawarz @darkstarlight82 @satoreo @luwumii @tachiharazsstuff @kentocalls @cheesemachine44 @ryva @kenjakusconcubine @baku2345 @komelrebi-san @deezy12299 @busyreader17 @4pgletter @okay-it-is-ivy @iluvtoru @starlightanyaaa @moodswing101 @unholiiness
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is-this-yuri · 18 hours
100% serious they should sell blood in grocery stores
egg is notoriously difficult to substitute in the kitchen due to its unique properties. for people with egg allergy, the prevalence of egg in baking is a difficult thing to deal with.
blood has all the same unique properties of egg, namely protein and coagulants. it contains albumin, which is similar enough to the problematic protein found in egg whites (ovalbumin), in similar proportion. it's been tested as a substitute for egg in baking already
blood is already collected for blood meal, a plant fertilizer. it's not food grade, so don't go baking with it, but the infrastructure to collect and process blood is already in place. pasteurize it, maybe filter some of the metals out or leave them in for an iron supplement. put it in a carton and send it to the stores.
why are we not doing this? my guess is mainly cultural. although blood has been a part of human cuisine forever, most people probably gagged reading this post, and there's not enough people allergic to eggs to make this worth it. if blood were commercially available as a food grade substitute for egg, people with egg allergies would be able to more easily enjoy baked goods and baking at home, and it could be a useful iron supplement as well.
my proposal? rebrand the blood. it needs to be called something like Iron-Egg or Albumite or something like that. give it a cool name and make it seem less blood-like and i bet the public would go for it... eventually
this alongside introducing more insect and plant protein could help us make better use of the animals we slaughter and reduce our need for high chicken populations in farms. but, i'm talking about eating blood and bugs. good luck, humanity. i hope we learn to eat better soon.
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electric-blorbos · 1 month
Reader decorating an AI with stickers and stuff ❤️
I love this!!! And I would 100% do the same thing if I had an AI partner, lol. You're getting some mini-fics!
Decorating AI with stickers and stuff
Included: AM, Wheatley, Edgar, GLaDOS, HAL 9000
It had been a rough few weeks. The war was raising the prices of practically everything necessary for life, and you were stuck with basically nothing to do but take a little walk around the neighborhood in the blazing summer heat.
You noticed a little garage sale, selling some fun little trinkets on the cheap, and decided to go pick some up. You had some extra pocket change, and it was best to spend a couple cents on something that made life worth living, even if necessities were expensive. Not only that, but you found an absolutely amazing find for only 50 cents. This was going to come in handy at work later.
When you showed up to work the next day, you had a big book of stickers. Only a few were used, too! Looks like the people hosting the garage sale's kid wasn't too interested in them.
As soon as you walked in, the cameras focused on you as usual. They were visibly trying to analyze what was going on in your backpack, noticing it was a little bit heavier than usual. You set it down on your desk, and got to work.
"Y/n, what's that in your backpack?" AM asked as you worked on your basic daily tasks. It was mostly just monitoring AM and making sure he was running smoothly at this point, since he could make spreadsheets and update his code fairly well.
"Oh, it's a gift for you!" You said with a smile, getting the book out.
"What use do I have for a gift? I'm beyond human possessions, and have no use for them anyway." He said bitterly. You chuckled a little. He was so edgy.
"Yeah, and I thought I was too old for stickers when I hit middle school, but secretly I never stopped loving them." You pulled out a big sticker with a big ice cream cone on it that said "CONGRATULATIONS" on it, and stuck it to the plastic casing on one of AM's big monitors. He spluttered in shock.
"What- what is this!" He demanded, his screen flashing the error bars for a second before returning to his logo.
"everyone likes to be told they're doing a good job, AM, even you. And you've been doing a great job lately. I'm so, so proud of you." You couldn't really wrap your arms around his monitor because of the way it was set into the wall, but you could still go into his server room and decorate his servers with brightly colored smiley faces and gold stars.
"why would the sun need to wear sunglasses anyway. This doesn't make any sense." He said begrudgingly, looking at the servers with his cameras. You gave a hug to one of the servers, stepping politely over the wires and heading back into your office to get back to work. A few hours later, your boss called an emergency meeting over the intercom.
"ALRIGHT, who put 3rd grade congratulations stickers on all the servers and mastercomputer monitors? Get into my office for disciplinary action immediately!"
You sadly got to your feet and headed up to your boss's office. This was going to be an ordeal.
Your boss was disappointed, but not surprised when he saw that it was you who walked in. He muttered some curses under his breath.
"alright... You know you're going to have to clean up-" a jolt of electricity ran through his body.
"what the hell?" He frowned and looked around, and you folded your arms smugly.
"I think AM likes the stickers, boss. I wouldn't recommend making me clean them off."
Your boss put his face in his hands with a sigh.
"Alright, I don't know how you got AM to cater to your every whim, but you need to stop doing-" another jolt ran through his body, leaving his hair standing on end.
"Ok- ok, fine, you can keep doing silly things with the Allied Mastercomputer, just get it to stop electrocuting me!"
You put your hands up.
"Alright, AM, it's time to let it go. He's going to let you keep the stickers."
You've been in a bit of a rut lately. Life has been pretty boring, and your job keeps assigning you to do pretty ridiculous stuff, but at least the intelligence dampening core that you made has been doing well. Does it say anything about you that one of your greatest recent achievements was a personality core designed to be so dumb he nerfs whatever he's attached to? Possibly. But whatever.
You're spending the weekend cleaning out some of your old things from storage. It's mostly just old clothes that you haven't bothered to get rid of, but you happen to come across a giant bag of foam stickers that you must have not wanted to throw away when you moved out of your parents' house. Damn, you'd forgotten about these completely!
The next day at work, you went to meet up with Wheatley at a spot where the management rail came down the wall for maintenance on personality cores, and greeted him with a friendly hug.
"Wheatley! It's great to see you!"
"it's great to see you too, love! What'cha got there?" He zoomed in on the bag of foam stickers in your free hand, trying to figure out what they were.
"oh, these? These are for you!" You happily opened up the bag and pulled out a big glittery blue butterfly sticker, sticking it to his core.
"Wait... What did you just stick to me?" He started rotating around, trying to look at his own core, but he couldn't for obvious reasons.
"I'll let you see my work when I'm done." You got out some more foam stickers, sticking cute ladybugs, bees, and flowers all over his chrome casing. When you were done, you snapped a picture of him on your phone and held it up for him to see.
"Don't you look handsome!" You said with a smile. Wheatley rotated his Aperture, focusing on the picture so he could see.
"well well well! I do look handsome, don't I!" He smiled with his lower lens cover, about as pleased as a personality core can look. Well, seeing Wheatley all decorated and happy isn't enough to cure you of your rut completely, but it's definitely a spark of joy to ride on for the rest of the day! That was fun.
Edgar has been sitting on your desk for a long time now. He enjoyed watching you with his little rotating webcam, keeping an eye on you as you sat on your couch and typed away on your laptop, just to make sure your laptop didn't get too handsy. It was such a pretty laptop too... Sleek, and much newer than him. Ran very quickly, too. He could never be like that laptop, and he absolutely hated it.
Not only that, but your laptop was covered in fancy, vinyl stickers that you had bought special on the internet. Each of them represented one of your favorite shows or movies, or one of your pride flags. He hated how seeing that cute little laptop filled him with so much jealousy. It made him so angry, even though he knew that laptop wasn't sentient. It couldn't think like he could.
The doorbell rang, and you set your laptop aside to go answer it.
"Oh hell yeah."
You walked inside with your package, and Edgar swiveled his camera around to look at you when you walked back over to him.
"What's that?"
He looked at the box you were holding as you lovingly got out several nice stickers from your favorite sticker supplier. You started showing them to his webcam, letting him see all of your pride flags and cute little chibi characters from your favorite shows and movies.
"they're for you!" You said happily, and his face lit up.
"For me???" He always got so excited when you got him these gifts. His mouse and his webcam were his favorites, of course, but these stickers made him so excited! Did it mean that you loved him as much as that shiny new laptop you were always tapping away on?
"Yeah! All for you. I love decorated tech!" You said happily, carefully placing each sticker in a nice aesthetically pleasing spot on his thick plastic casing.
"you deserve to feel cute, too." When you were done putting all those stickers on him, you wrapped your arms around him and pulled him in tightly.
"You're mine. Don't you forget it, Edgar."
He had a big silly grin on his face, and he was getting a little bit hot from all the excitement.
"Yowza! Really?"
"of course." You nuzzled your cheek up against his monitor casing, squeezing him nice and close.
"I love you, Edgar."
"I love you too, Y/N"
When you came in to work with a big bag of ribbons and lace, GLaDOS didn't think twice. She assumed you had some sort of project going on. In truth, you'd just picked up a bunch of old textiles from a friend who needed small amounts of ribbons and lace for her projects, but the stuff she liked best was only sold in large spools. Instead of trashing it or letting it collect dust, she decided to give them to you.
You carried the big bag of textiles into GLaDOS's chamber, grabbing a stepladder on the way.
"Alright, what are you up to this time?" GLaDOS asked, and you said nothing. Instead, you opted to stick a big pink ribbon bow to the upper left corner of her core with some fabric glue. GLaDOS narrowed her lens covers at you, visibly irritated.
"what is this. What are you planning."
You laughed a little, showing her the big bag of textiles.
"I just thought you might like to be decorated a little bit. It's ok to be a little girly sometimes."
"I happen to like my sleek chrome design, thank you. You can stop now."
Despite her protests, she didn't resist as you decorated her lovely chrome hull with lace, and tied ribbons on her suspension cables.
"I hope you know that I'm going to destroy you for this, you fashion lunatic. I look like a grandmother's sewing closet threw up on me. You should be arrested for crimes against aesthetics."
Even still, she didn't insist that you remove the textiles, or even call anyone else in to remove them. For a few months, whenever you walked into her chambers, the ribbons and lace were still attached to her body.
One day, though, she accidentally dislodged the bow from the corner of her core, and had you come in to remove the rest of the textiles as well.
"it was fun while it lasted, but I'm not a sewing project, after all. You can re-use all that lace for a little doll or something."
As you reached up to untie the last red ribbon from her suspension cables, she pulled away from you.
"wait! You can leave that one. I've grown somewhat fond of having a small splash of color, you know. And while you're an absolute nightmare when it comes to design, when someone actually tears down your creation, it's not impossible to salvage a piece or two. I hope you take that to heart. Though I'll probably scrap that bit of ribbon in a week or two."
But she didn't. she kept that bit of ribbon long after you were dead, never touching it.
HAL 9000:
It was another late night at mission control, and when you finally got back, you were ready to collapse into bed. Strangely enough, though, there was a box sitting in front of your door. You took it inside and opened it up, and inside there was a little note for you.
"heya y/n! I just started up my online store, and wanted to send you some of the stickers I'm selling. Let me know if they're good, alright?" The message was signed with one of your internet friends' names. You headed inside and sent them a text, letting them know that you got their package and that you were excited to stick those stickers to something, and you knew just what you were going to stick them to, too.
When you got to work the next day, your pockets were full of stickers from your internet friend's online shop.
"Hey HAL 9000! It's great to see you again!"
You'd greet him with a hug, but unfortunately he was built into the wall, so that would be pretty difficult. Even still, you sat down in your desk chair right across from where his little light and camera were built into the wall.
"Hello, y/n. It's good to see you again." He said politely, sounding about as pleased to see you as his voice was capable.
"I brought you something!"
You reached into your bag and pulled out some of your friend's artwork stickers, and started sticking them onto the wall around HAL 9000. The stickers were generally simple lovey-dovey designs, with things like the word "love" in bubble letters, a rainbow and the sun, and generally sweet things that your mushy gushy friend loved so much. HAL 9000 looked at the stickers with one of the security cameras on the wall, trying to see what you were decorating him with.
"Do you really think that all these cute things match my personality, y/n?" He asked, voice expressionless as usual.
"well... Maybe not, but they certainly match how I feel about you, HAL 9000! I love you a lot, and I want you to know that every time you see yourself."
Hal couldn't smile, but he took a moment to respond to what you said to him.
"thank you. Truly. This means a lot to me."
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leviscrybaby · 2 years
The Demon Brothers finding MC asleep in various places around the House of Lamentations and moving them to bed.
I feel like you can 100% tell who my favourite brother is here (if my url doesn't give it away lol)... sorry if it's a little repetitive.
The last thing Lucifer expected when he walked into his study was to find you, curled up on one of the chairs by the fireplace, fast asleep. You were still in your RAD uniform, and were it not for the serene look on your face, he’d be worried about it creasing.
You’d been having a rough time of things lately, there were one or two subjects you were struggling with, but somehow you were keeping on top of things at RAD. Your homework was always submitted on time and your grades, while not stellar by a demon's standards, were still very good, considering you’d never studied these subjects before.
You must have been exhausted.
Still, it was hardly appropriate, nor could it possibly be good for your body to sleep here, all scrunched up in that chair. He should wake you and send you off to bed, but your sleeping face was so sweet, he just couldn’t find it in him to disturb you.
Instead, he crouched down in front of you, gently tucking his arms around your shoulders and behind your knees and lifting you up.
What he should have done, was carry you to your own room. But, his was so much closer, he reasoned, and with the pile of papers on his desk, it’s not like he was going to be using his bed any time soon. And, even if it was just to himself, he had to admit, the thought of you spending the night in his bed filled him with a comfortable warmth, regardless of whether or not he was there to hold you as you slept.
With his mind made up, he carried you into his room, pushing back the covers with his foot before placing you ever so gently upon the mattress, and covering your sleeping form. He gave your head a few soft strokes, before leaning down and pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“Sleep well, my love.”
Mammon was so used to waltzing into the common room and vaulting the couch before dropping himself onto it without needing to check for sleeping humans, that he very nearly landed right on top of you. Sure, he might have to be vigilant of a sleeping Belphie, but if his brother didn’t want to be sat on, maybe he shouldn’t sleep on the couches in the common room. You, on the other hand, he was a little more worried about crushing.
“What’cha think you’re doing, sleeping here?” he grumbled at you, folding his arms as he plopped down on the opposite couch.
You, being asleep, didn’t answer him, opting instead to groan and turn over, facing the back of the couch.
“Oi, don’t ignore me!” Mammon snapped, his voice raised just slightly. He frowned when you gave another disgruntled groan, curling in on yourself.
He should wake you. Shouldn’t he? Sleeping there couldn’t be good for you, even with the fireplace lit it wasn’t exactly the warmest room in the house, you might catch a chill, and then what would happen? Humans are so weak, after all. Can’t they die from being cold?
But you looked so peaceful, and he didn’t want to risk upsetting you by shaking you awake.
Okay, maybe he didn’t want to wake you. I mean, you were tired enough to fall asleep in the common room, so it would just be rude to wake you, wouldn’t it? Besides, you looked happy and comfortable, and waking you would just bother you, and maybe you wouldn’t be able to get back to sleep, then you’d just complain about it to him, and that’s too much hassle right now.
But he definitely couldn’t leave you here where anyone could just wander in and see your adorable sleeping face. Err, I mean, anyone could just wander in and disrupt your nap.
Maybe he should just take you to your room? It’s the best place for you right now, after all. Ah, but any moment now, he could almost guarantee one of his brothers would be around to demand your attention. You were too tired to deal with that.
Then, it was decided, he’d take you somewhere where you’d be able to get some decent sleep. That place being, of course, his room. It’s not possessiveness, he just knows that no ones likely to bother you there!
Lifting you into his arms with your own arms over his shoulders, he manoeuvred his way through the halls, taking special care to avoid anyone he may encounter. Once he reached his room, he faced the real challenge. Those damn stairs. Honestly, he’d always thought having stairs down into his room was pretty sick, and never factored in the possibility of having to carry an unconscious human down them.
He took careful steps, keeping you clutched close as he very slowly descended into his room. It took longer than he’d have ideally liked, but eventually, he had his feet on the floor of his room and he could lower you onto his bed, expecting you to relax against the soft mattress, which you did. What he didn’t expect, is that you wouldn’t let him go!
Now he was stuck, hovering awkwardly above you with your arms holding him in place. Shit, this was gonna look really bad if you woke up.
As gently as he could so as not to wake you, he began trying to pry your arms off him, eventually managing to de-tangle himself from you with a sigh. “You’re gonna be the death of me, y’know,” he grumbled, gently brushing your hair out of your face with a fond smile.
“G’night, ya nightmare.”
“I’m home,” called Levi, tightly clutching an Anidaemon bag to his chest as the front doors closed behind him. Honestly, he was glad in-store only releases were getting rarer. Going out was too much of a hassle, people were too loud and it was impossible to talk to anyone without ending up a stuttering mess. Still, he had to keep telling himself it was worth it for Ruri-chan.
He moved into the house, ready to put the day behind him, when he spotted you, stretched out on the couch that sat in the entry hall, sleeping soundly. What were you doing there? Why was there a couch in the entry hall anyway? Who sits in the entry hall?
Now, Levi was faced with a dilemma. On the one hand, he wanted to be your dependable senpai, and part of that was taking good care of his cute kohai and putting them to bed when they fell asleep in the entry hall like a dork. On the other hand, his mind was screaming no, don’t touch them, leave them alone, that's creepy!
Although, he only wanted to help. I mean, surely it can’t be good for you to sleep here? It’s pretty breezy, and there’s probably people coming back and forth a lot, so you can’t be getting any level of quality sleep. You’d understand him wanting to help, right? You wouldn’t hate him for moving you? For picking you up?
The obvious answer was just to wake you up so you could walk to bed yourself, but just as he lay a hand on your shoulder, he hesitated. No. He couldn’t do that. Just look at you, looking so cosy despite the draft from the door. You just looked too cute, he couldn’t wake you.
So, he was back to square one. It looked like the only option he had was to move you himself.
You wouldn’t be mad, would you? It’s not like he’s moving you for some weird or gross reason, he just wants you to be comfortable and safe, and the entry hall is not the place to accomplish that. He’d just have to move you to your room.
Yup, he’d just have to pick you up, and move you… Just have to pick you up…
Nope, couldn’t do it! He couldn’t just… I mean, it’s weird, right? Even with the best of intentions, just picking you up like that… He’d have to touch you, and you’d probably hate that, wouldn’t you? And what if he dropped you, or bumped you against something, or someone saw him carrying you and assumed… Ugh, no, it couldn’t be done! You’d just have to stay there. Sorry.
But… it did get awfully chilly in the entryway, and humans got sick so easily, it was cruel to just leave you there… Or, maybe he could get you a blanket or something?
No, no, no. Then, you’d be covered and warm, but you’d still be in the entry hall, where anyone could disturb you. The only option he had left was to… to pick you up and… and move you…
Mustering all his courage, Levi hung his Anidaemon bag on his arm, moving it up into the crook of his elbow, before crouching down. Okay… he was really gonna do this… and you can’t be mad at him…
Slowly, he eased his arms under your sleeping body and gently lifted you, holding most of your weight against his chest. “Ohhh, don’t drop them, don’t drop them, don’t drop them,” he muttered, clutching you as tightly as he could. Honestly, if his muttering didn’t wake you, his shaking might.
Now, he just needed to move you as carefully and as quickly as possible…
He did, very briefly, think about taking you to his room so you could get some more sleep – no one would look for you in his room, after all – but quickly quashed that idea. Absolutely not! He felt creepy enough moving you at all, he wasn’t about to hide you away in his bedroom like some creepy yandere.
Levi shook his head with a frustrated groan, and started towards your room. When he arrived, he struggled with the door for a while before finally managing to get it open and hurrying inside, kicking it closed behind him.
As gently and as quickly as he could, he placed you on the unmade bed and pulled the covers over you.
With a soft sigh, you stirred, stretching your body before curling yourself into the downy bed.
Levi smiled, watching as that sweet, peaceful look settled on your face. Would you be mad if he… No, he couldn’t! No matter how much he wanted to kiss you right now, he physically couldn’t. It was just too much. Besides, did he really want you to be asleep the first time he did that? No, instead, he settled for gently brushing his thumb over your cheek.
“Sweet dreams, Henry.”
It wasn’t the first time Satan has found you asleep in the library, nor did he suspect it would be the last. He had to admit, it always made him feel a little warmer inside to see you curled up with a book on your chest, particularly if it was one he had recommended.
Today was no different. You were sat in your favourite chair by the fire, with your legs tucked beneath you and a blanket over your lap. You neck was at an angle that Satan was sure couldn’t be comfortable, with half a cup of tea waiting on the coffee table, cold as ice by now.
Kneeling down in front of you, Satan gently pried the book out of your hands, marking your page with your bookmark and placing it on the coffee table. He removed the blanket from you and folded it over his shoulder, before scooping you up into his arms. As he moved passed the coffee table, he caught sight of the half empty cup. He probably should take it out to the kitchen, but you were his priority right now. Besides, as petty as it was, a cold, half empty coffee cup left in the library was sure to rub Lucifer the wrong way.
As previously mentioned, Satan had found you this way many times before, and each time he’d done the same thing, carrying you to your room and tucking you into bed. Initially, he’d intended to tuck you into his bed, but when faced with the cluttered and hazardous reality that was his room, he decided it would be best to put you somewhere where you were less likely to be buried in a book avalanche.
He carried you, as planned, to your bedroom. He placed you down on your neatly made bed, pulling the blanket from over his shoulder and laying it over your sleeping body.
Part of him wished to join you, but he restrained himself, knowing how disorienting it would have been for you to wake up, not only in a different room, but with him at your side. He gently stroked your arm, before tucking the thin blanket further around you.
“Enjoy your nap, kitten.”
When you invited him to a small picnic in the garden, just the two of you, Asmodeus was already planning how he’d arrange all the photos he was going to take on his Devilgram. He was thinking maybe scenery shots first, then pictures of the snacks you’d prepared, then selfies.
He was really looking forward to spending some quiet time with you, eating some sweet snacks and taking some good selfies. However, when he joined you in the garden, he found you curled up on the picnic blanket, sleeping soundly with petals from the surrounding flowerbed in your hair.
You looked so sweet, and so… aesthetic… Part of him wanted to take a picture of you like this, asleep among the flowers, looking downright ethereal. He didn’t know if he’d even want to post it to Devilgram – he knows his followers would adore it, but he wanted to keep this sight for himself.
He didn’t take the picture. As much as he wanted to capture this moment forever, taking a photo of you when you were asleep and vulnerable was a little invasive. He’d just have to hold this moment in his heart, eternally.
At first, he didn’t want to move you. He sat down, cross-legged beside you and just soaked in the peace of the moment. It wasn’t until he lay his hand on your arm that he realised he couldn’t leave you here. You’d grown cold in the chill of the early evening.
“Oh, dear,” he muttered to himself, tucking his DDD into his pocket and easing you into his arms. “Let’s get you somewhere warm, before your skin dries out.”
He carried you into the house and to his room, where he placed you on the bed. He folded the duvet over you, keeping you wrapped up warm. He joined you on the bed and began running his hands through your hair.
It was a shame he wouldn’t get to enjoy the picnic you’d made for the two of you, but spending time with you like this was good, too. And the picnic wasn’t going to go to waste, he’d make sure of it.
Fishing out his DDD, he sent a text to Beelzebub.
'MC and I left in picnic basket in the garden. It’s yours, if you want it.'
The reply was instantaneous.
'I’m on my way. Thank you.'
Asmo locked his DDD, tossing it gently to the foot of the bed, before turning his attention back to you, still sleeping wrapped up in his duvet, warm and cosy.
“Dream about me, my darling.”
When Beel found you sat at the dining room table with your head in your folded arms, his first instinct was to make sure you’re okay. While he couldn’t hear anything, you did look a bit like you might be crying, and he hated to see you sad.
He lay a hand on your back to try and comfort you, and that’s when he noticed your soft snores. Beneath your folded arms was your Devildom History textbook, your slightly chewed pen resting between your teeth. You must have fallen asleep while studying, he deduced.
He was glad you weren’t upset, and you did look kind of sweet, fast asleep at the dining table like that, but sleeping hunched over like that couldn’t possibly be good for your spine.
Beel was used to finding Belphie asleep in all sorts of positions, and even he got sore after sleeping hunched over like that. Humans were far more delicate than demons, so he just knew your back was going to ache like death if he left you here.
With his hand still on your back, he gently shook you. “MC, you shouldn’t sleep here,” he called, but you just whined quietly and turned your head, tucking your face into the crook of your elbow.
Beel smiled. Yep, that’s exactly how Belphie would have responded, too.
Alright then, if he couldn’t wake you, Beel reasoned that he’d just have to move you himself. Ever so slowly, he eased the chair out just enough for him to wrap his arms around you, taking great care not to let you fall as he gently lifted you up, your head resting on his shoulder. Balancing you on one arm, he closed your Devildom History book and notebook, dropped your pen beck into your pencil case and tucked the three under his arm.
Beel wrapped his arm back around you and carried you through the corridor and into your bedroom, where he placed you gently on your bed before moving to leave your things on your desk. As he moved back over to you, he pulled a fleece blanket from the linen basket at the foot of your bed and draped it over you, placing a kiss on your cheek as he tucked it around you.
“See you in the morning, sweetheart.”
A five minute rest had turned into a thirty minute nap, and Belphie was late. Nothing new there, he was often late for this exact reason. But this time, he was late for plans he’d made with you, and that was the only reason he felt guilty about it. You two had planned to meet up in the planetarium twenty minutes ago, not to do anything in particular, but even so, he felt bad that he’d unintentionally stood you up.
“Sorry, MC,” he said as he walked into the room mid-yawn. “I didn’t mean to—” he cut himself off when he opened his eyes, unable to see you. He sighed. You must have gotten bored with waiting for him and gone to find something else to do. Understandable, he guessed, but it still pissed him off. You could have come to wake him up, after all. Anyone else he’d get mad at, but for you (and Beel), it was okay.
He turned to leave the room – might as well go back to sleep now – but stopped when he heard something. It sounded like a soft whine, and it was definitely your voice. He turned back around and scanned the room once more, finding you stretched out on the floor of the planetarium, fast asleep.
He smiled. At least you’d both been asleep, he supposed.
He knelt down beside you, dropping his pillow just above your head before gently looping an arm beneath your shoulders and lifting you just enough to slide the pillow under your head, and laying you back down.
Leaving one arm under you, he settled down beside you, holding you close as he pressed a kiss to the very tip of your nose.
“I’ll see you in my dreams, starlight.”
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