#2 fast 2 furious 4 twitter
undead-potatoes · 1 year
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Been liking on average 20-30 tweets a day, and retweeting a few once in a while, so Twitter decided I had gone mad with power and relinquished my privileges for a few days lmao
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epersonae · 1 year
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @yerbamansa, thanks!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
169 😅 150 of which are for The Adventure Zone (I wrote a LOT of small fic for TAZ, and just a lot of TAZ fic in general)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
604,338, which remains absolutely wild to me. I hit the half-million mark this year.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently Our Flag Means Death, but previously The Adventure Zone, and I have one Star Trek (TOS movies) fic.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Sea of Love (Our Flag Means Death (TV)) (6,697 words)
Phoenix Fire (The Adventure Zone (Podcast)) (2,031 words)
Commit to the Bit (Our Flag Means Death (TV)) (2,471 words)
Dinner & Conversation (The Adventure Zone (Podcast)) (826 words)
I have begun to long for you (Our Flag Means Death (TV)) (4,185 words)
Yeah, ok, some fun reunion porn for the big fandom and a collab with two pretty popular writers for the small fandom make sense for that top two in particular.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to, especially since I don't get that many, and I love getting comments so much that I just want to share my appreciation. Sometimes the spoons are low, sometimes I don't know what to say except "thanks!" and if someone just commented on several chapters I might not do that for all of them.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Well, Phoenix Fire is the Worst Ending, aka the destruction of the entire universe, plus unbearably sad between the main characters, so yeah.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I do have quite a bit of fluffy fic (Commit to the Bit comes to mind, there's also a Fantasy Costco Kravitz/Taako that's very sweet), but I immediately thought of for the benefit of all the broken hearts, just because it takes an incredibly bittersweet ending of the fic it's fixing and says FUCK THAT, how can everyone get a happy ending instead?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've never gotten any, even managed to avoid the twitter wank that WFU got when I wrote fics of it! (long ago, I did get some vagueblogging about some stuff in my TAZ fic, but nothing ever addressed directly at me)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
That is where I started and why I started (my first smutty fic is pretty bad imho but it was popular, relatively speaking, because for a bit there it was the only unlocked smut for that pairing); my original rarepair was M/F bi4bi in a complicated polycule, and so there's some them+others works in there. (readers of for the benefit of all the broken hearts are nodding along like "ok this tracks") beyond that, I'm just going to say go look at my work.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Is for the benefit of all the broken hearts (and the rest of that series) a crossover??????? Like I'm legitimately staring into space thinking about the boundary line between modern AU and RPF and........ HUH.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
183 thousand words in a series: the only life you could save, with my beloved Ryn, when we were "just friends" - started as our attempt to co-write a reconciliation between Taako and Lucretia, and spun out into an entire timeline with themes spanning before the Stolen Century all the way into post-canon. Some pieces we wrote separately, much of it we wrote together. Even the last piece, which I published after Ryn died, includes a section that they wrote, about Taako trying to cope with Lucretia's death.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Probably Mulder/Scully lol, tho I don't know if I've ever read any fic of them????
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
One of my very first TAZ fics was a Hurley/Sloane backstory fic that was going to be basically a beat-for-beat retelling of The Fast and the Furious (oh, I guess that's also sort of a crossover?), but I only ever wrote the first chapter. I would love to write it at some point, because I think it would be fun as hell.
I'd also love to finish my TAZ Amnesty fic, sweetness follows, which is friends-to-lovers post-canon Minerva/Duck.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Character voice, I think. Possibly a stupid depth of canon knowledge for whatever the canon is, and I think I have a knack for figuring out how to reincorporate those details. Honestly, it's hard for me to say "oh these are my strengths and weaknesses", or at least today I'm having trouble pinning that down.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Punctuation Pokemon, or rather, my sentences do get very tangly. I find endings really tricky, I've done a lot of work thinking through how to stick the landing. (This is one of the ways in which Ryn continues to live in my head, because they could always spot when I hadn't quite made it.)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Alas my Spanish (high school and college) is too rusty to even try, and I don't know any other languages.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The Adventure Zone, although I wrote quite a bit of Agatha Christie pastiche in junior high, and a lot of Anne Rice influenced original fiction in high school and college.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I love a lot of my fic, it's fun to go back and look and say "oh that!", and The Reckoning Arrives is up there, of course, because I loved writing it, and it saved my life. ("she's survived the impossible before" got me out of my marriage and 2 years later got me through the hospital. "you're here, so be here" got me through what came after that.)
But it does have to be for the benefit of all the broken hearts - she lives in my head, still, and I feel incredibly proud of all the work I put into it, the technical work, the emotional work.
Not tagging anybody, but PLEASE! if you feel like talking about your writing, do it!
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This post is partly a response, and an alternative pov, to this post by @roo-bastmoon so you might want to read it first!
I don't care if Angel Pt. 1 "flops".
1. Jimin would not give a shit. It's a soundtrack, he probably doesn't even care about how well his solo songs sell, least of all a 30 second collab.
2. The only people who would care are Armys because antis would start calling Jimin a flop and it's all about pride to them.
3. Everyone in Hollywood knows Jimin is popular and that Army will buy literally anything to support BTS, so if the song they expect to sell well actually doesn't, it will clue them in that something's wrong, and they're not dumb enough to think it's Jimin. Even if they are, I guarantee you that Hollywood will neither drop BTS if the song does badly nor rush to hire them if it does well. They already know BTS and their power. This song will never have a huge impact.
4. Nothing is pure and we buy stuff from shitty people all the time, true, but, counterargument, if that's our reply to everything nothing will change, and it's easier to actually do something about one single individual vs. an entire company or industry. You can hardly change Universal Studios by boycotting this song, but, by protesting against it and unleashing the full power of Army against it (with negative hashtags on Twitter or TikToks or something) we might be able to do something about this one man. Of course, Army would consider that an embarrassment to Jimin, so only antis would ever do that.
5. I was less bothered by Dreamers because the issues with the World Cup went beyond that particular edition, and because it seemed like Islamophobia was rampant in people's outrage. It was also the case of the issue going beyond a person and of the exposure it brought to countries in the Middle East (shunning them won't bring change to them either). I was angry at how hypocritical people were being about the World Cup in Qatar so I had a positive reaction to it comparatively. I understand this post will make me seem like a hypocrite, which I am by definition, and anyone who boycotted Dreamers was well within their right. I'm glad the song did well and it flopping definitely would not have impacted FIFA. It would have meant less money to them and Hybe however, and they do not deserve a single penny. But the case with Jimin might be different, because while soccer is loved by billions, this one dude might actually be affected by a full scale campaign against him. He's not famous enough to be above that (but Hollywood probably doesn't care). Jungkook being the first and only Asian to perform at the World Cup, which is a global event that has existed for decades, is a lot more impactful to society than Jimin in a song for The Fast and The Furious, and I mean no disrespect to Jimin. I do think the issue with Angel Pt. 1 is more clearcut than, say, buying clothes from a sweatshop (though I have plenty of alternatives to that as well, DM if you want to know). I'm not saying boycotting the song would ruin Kodak Black's career but it would be the right thing to do. Even better would be donating all the money fans want to spend on Jimin to a women's charity in his name. The press would be all over that and it would bring shame to the franchise. It would be bad press to Jimin though...
My point is, Jimin will not care either way we choose. The fans' pride and competitiveness is honestly the only thing at stake. We're not thinking of Jimin, we're thinking of ourselves. For example, Jimin would be happy if we donated money in his name instead of buying the song, given the reasons. It would be a good lesson to Hybe at least, as well.
Like, it's not that I don't understand or that I condemn everyone who buys this song, but I don't like the argument that we're supporting Jimin and doing a good thing.
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cyarskj1899 · 10 months
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8h ago
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Dear followers :
Many of you are disappointed in the fact that I see the Israel-HAMAS war through the lens of counterterrorism & war but not your misguided ill informed myopia & latent antisemitism. I understand. It’s your first time ever seeing a War … but for many of you just really hate Jews.
But here are the parameters to make sure you Unfollow me properly.
Why have the informed opinion of an expert who worked these MidEast wars for decades? That’s crazy, right? So try this:
1) If you don’t like my opinion on Gaza, Israel or counterterrorism strategies.
-Unfollow me.
2) If you think I’m a war monger who hates the Palestinian people, or a Zionist who loves killing babies, women & hates Arabs. You’re an idiot.
-Unfollow me.
3) If you always followed me & say “Wow I respected him but now he supports the Jews/Zionist/Netanyahu/Genocide/Colonialism/Occupation”please Jesus -Unfollow me.
4) If you think I’m a pig, POS & hate you for your proHAMAS, antisemitic, or patently stupid opinions, and I think you should choke on a flaccid peen because you are justifying antisemitism, antiblackness and rape of innocent women because they’re Jewish, You’re right. -Unfollow me.
5) If you cry over the terrible deaths of Palestinian babies but never once mention the dead Jewish Babies executed on 10-7. Or say dead Jewish Babies are fake. So Help me God, -Unfollow me
6) If you can’t spell Israel (Isreal) or Gaza (Gazza) without spell check & think about lecturing me on the Middle East … that’s right, - Unfollow me.
7) If you have ever chanted “From the River to the Sea…” especially when fauxgressives ruined the credibility and purpose free Palestine movement for their own agendas and not for the Palestine people hence why it fuck the movement and double fuck the fauxgressives who made it this way be advised, the real ending is
- “Karen says Unfollow me”
8) If you completely forgot 10-7 even happened or claim it was fake or don’t even know what happened to start this cycle of violence but but Genocide!
- Unfollow me
9) If you say you will vote for Trump or wont vote or call Biden “Genocide Joe” bc you don’t know the meaning of the word Genocide or if you don’t know the Sykes-Picot treaty did not involve tortillas; the Balfour Declaration was NOT signed by Jefferson: or think that Transjordan was a car featured on Fast and Furious X
- Unfollow me
10) If you are offended by any of the above or are just in doubt about any of the above
- Unfollow me
Let’s see what happens.
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s7evendaysageek · 1 year
Ep 3 Summer Series: Death By Treadmill to The Flash Across The Spider-Verse
Your favorite neighborhood Stream Team returns this week with so much to geek out about! But firstly Grant (A.K.A. The Kilted One) attempts to bring us the Good G'news with Gary G'new and we just aren't having it! 
Speaking of the News!
The Rock announces he's back baby! Back in the Fast and Furious Cinematic Universe! He's announced that he and Vin Deisel have buried the hatchet and he will be returning as Hobb's but it sounds like he will be Hobbless without his Shaw. 
Tom Cruise waves his HUGE Maverick-like clout at the people of IMAX and demands that Christopher Nolan moves his big 600 pound gorilla of a movie... and while he's at it, he can take Barbie's Pink flick with her as well. 
In Geeking Out:
Our Neighbor Cole doesn't wanna close his eyes cuz and he don't wanna miss a thing, when he returns to Micheal Bay's Armaggedon. For his own mental health, he refuses to hold back the floodgate of tears! 
House of Hammer wasn't watched by all so we decide to hold back for another week or so, so everyone can take in this depravity of a documentary that we question "How much of this is a hit piece?" Though we all agree that Armie Hammer is a real piece of Sh**! Not before Angry Ginger asks if anyone at the table would be willing to wear TEAM HAMMER t-shirts. 
Grant gives a fantastic spoiler free review for Spider-Man: Across the Spider-verse and begs us to go see it with him as soon as possible, before all the easter eggs and secrets get out on the internet. Do we agree to be seen in public with him? 
Not Producer Kyle has Crime docuseries brain with Bama Rush. Is it any good? Should we watch it? Did she reveal too much about her own collage years? Did Neighbor Cole have a sexual awakening during this? 
In Trailer Talk:
We geek out about Chris Hemsworth's flaming fistacuffs and the extreamly long takes of action we can't wait to witness once again with Extraction 2. Neighbor Cole calls his bluff on his choice of bullet proof protection, but he's still willing to put eyes on this flick when it hits Netflix. 
Shockingly, Neighbor Cole is blown away by The Flash trailer. He's not much of a superhero movie guy but he wants to see this one. Ginger and TK1 didn't need any convincing. They were sold on this film June 23rd, 1989 when Keaton's Batman first released. Not Producer Kyle is excited for some popcorn. 
Like always, this is just a touch of the things we touch apon. Speaking of touching, Al Pacino is having a kid at 83 and we have some thoughts on that as well. Justified is returning with a new limited series this month and Black Mirror is returning after a 4 year hiatus too! 
Reach us on Twitter:
Angry Ginger @S7evendaysageek
NeighborCole @NeighborCole
Grant @Insta_Grants2
Not Producer Kyle @KyleMarieWrites
Email The Show [email protected]
  Check out this BRAND NEW episode of 7 Days a Geek. Share it with your fellow tumblrs!
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greysjapanese · 2 years
Project cars 3 updates
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Project cars 3 updates update#
Project cars 3 updates simulator#
For instance, despite the fact that four Forza titles have fully released on PC, only two are currently available to purchase - Horizon 4 & 5, the former of which will likely be delisted in another year.Īs it relates to the Project CARS franchise, only the third release will remain on storefronts for now. We’ve seen this happen time and again with other titles and franchises where the digital edition of the games are removed after about three or so years. And before that, Project CARS 2 will be removed on September 21. As a result, the original Project CARS will be removed from all storefronts on October 3. It’s all due to expiring licenses, specifically licenses for vehicles and tracks. The reason for the delisting is not out of the ordinary. The official announcement comes from EA, Codemasters, and Slightly Mad, who posted the announcement on the official Project CARS Twitter.
Project cars 3 updates update#
The next racing game from EA and Codemasters we expect to hear about is the inevitable – but as yet unconfirmed – F1 2022, but after that, a Project CARS 4 update wouldn’t go amiss.In just a matter of weeks, both the first and second entries in Slightly Mad Studio’s Project CARS lineup will be delisted permanently. This then led to the departure of Bell from the company in October 2021, and according to the erstwhile studio head, he’s under a non-compete at present, preventing him from creating video games.Īt the time of his departure, he claimed that the studio’s future was ‘now assured’, despite the shuttering of mobile spin-off Project CARS GO, suggesting that the next Slightly Mad Studios title was to be completed under EA’s stewardship, as opposed to being canned. “Our combined racing games portfolio is the envy of the industry and this new partnership will enable us to learn from each other, share resources and take advantage of emerging platforms and technology,” said Bell at the time.Īs luck would have it, Electronic Arts then purchased Codemasters in February 2021 for an astounding $1.2 billion, including Slightly Mad Studios. Slightly Mad Studios was then sold to British racing game developers Codemasters in November 2019, while Fast & Furious Crossroads and Project CARS 3 were in development. Fast & Furious Crossroads was created by Slightly Mad Studiosįrom there, the company split, with Bell forming Slightly Mad Studios, who then made Need for Speed: Shift, Shift 2: Unleashed, the arguably underrated Test Drive: Ferrari Racing Legends and two Project CARS games. Yes, it’s great that the game exists, but at the same time, this distances Bell from the title changing tack after his departure.įor context, Bell was the former CEO of Blimey! Games, a London-based development studio responsible for the creation of the PC-racer GTR-FIA GT Racing Game and development work on the acclaimed GTR 2 and GT Legends. Today’s posts don’t exactly inspire much confidence.
Project cars 3 updates simulator#
Now under the Electronic Arts umbrella, the American publisher has the accessible racer genre box ticked earlier this year with the release of GRID Legends, the mid-tier with Formula 1 and the upcoming WRC, leaving space for an out-and-out simulator to take on the likes of Assetto Corsa. While 2020’s Project CARS 3 certainly had its fans, switching to a Driveclub-aping arcade racer following the simulator theme of the first two games frustrated community members.įingers crossed, then, that Project CARS 4 (PCARS4) does materialise soon and it returns to the series’ roots. He then immediately posted about how ‘PCars4 is awesome’ and ‘it was all me’, followed by ‘if isn’t. x’ in a Tweet seemingly aimed at Will Smith, who appeared to hit Chris Rock at the 94th Academy Awards. In today’s (29th March 2022) now-deleted post, he first proclaimed ‘Come at me Will. Oh, Ian Bell – the former CEO of racing game developer Slightly Mad Studios has taken to Twitter, expelling the virtues of the mythical Project CARS 4.
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dreamrain589 · 2 years
Go to sleep immediately within 3 minutes with powerful rainstorm and torrential thunder sounds covering inerior room window at dark night. Pure heavy rain sounds for Sleeping and Deep Sleep, dense thunder sounds at late night for Studying and Healing, White noise and rainstorm sounds on a Tin Roof for Relexing, Meditation, loud rain and furious thunder for Insomnia, Yoga, ASRM... 10 hours of nature sounds in the tropical forest at night for Insomnia Symptoms, Sleeping Disorders, Reduce Stress, Fall Asleep, Sleeping Problems, Insomnia Relief, Asleep Fast. #GotoSleepInstantly #RainandThunderSounds #RainSoundsforSleeping Please subscribe my channel : https://bit.ly/3KuPooB Quires solved : 1. rain storm sounds 2. window glass rain 3. lofi music for studying 4. relaxing rain music for stress relief 5. Overcome Nervousness 6. rain white noise Follow Me: facebook: https://ift.tt/tz6pbI3 facebook page: https://ift.tt/NQEnCig LinkedIn: https://ift.tt/L4tzj0e Twitter: https://twitter.com/dreamrain778 Instagram: https://ift.tt/2KUXzt8 Tumblr: https://ift.tt/WJ9UlKv Reddit: https://ift.tt/svDRxru "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for -fair use- for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use." Please subscribe to My channel and stay tuned. Be relaxed and stress-free by enjoying thunderstorm sounds, rainstorm sounds, and Thunder and rain for sleep, study, work, and insomnia. #RainatNight #RainandThunderSounds #RainSoundsforSleeping by Dream Rain
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gallavichthings · 2 years
Gallavich Week 2022
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Hello, everyone! It’s that time of the year again! Are you all ready for Gallavich Week 2022? I’m so excited for this one! We’re doing things a bit differently this year, as you might have noticed. More details about the prompts as well as full guidelines after the Read More. Quick reminder that all kinds of work are welcome, as long as they are original. Please read the guidelines before posting.
Day 1 (June 12) - Theme based (choose 1): Celebration (birthdays, anniversaries, festivals, holidays, random celebrations, anything goes) Trials and Tribulations (problems, big or small, it doesn’t matter; may be between them or something they face together) Day 2 (June 13) - Quote based (choose 1 - anything loosely based in one of these quotes goes): “I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out.” - Elizabeth Barrett Browning. “I love being married. It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.” - Rita Rudner Day 3 (June 14) - Painting based (choose 1 - again, anything loosely based in one of these paintings is enough; may be the general atmosphere of it, the situation in it or even them actually interacting with it somehow):
Stag at Sharkey’s (George Bellows)
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Nighthawks (Edward Hopper)
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  Day 4 (June 15) - Album based (choose 1 - it can be based in the album atmosphere, Ian and Mickey actually interacting with the album or one of the songs, or based on a piece of lyrics from one of the songs) Rumours (Fleetwood Mac) Born This Way (Lady Gaga) Day 5 (June 16) - Film based (choose 1 - again, feel free to use your imagination and do anything from vaguely inspired by to actual crossover): Love, Actually Fast & Furious Day 6 (June 17) - Based on Gallavich fanwork  Here’s your chance to redo one of your old works or to make something inspired by somebody else’s work - just remember to ASK FOR PERMISSION first. If the person says no, if you can’t find the person to ask or if you don’t know who made the original, DON’T DO IT. Also, you have to CREDIT the original when posting.  Day 7 (June 18) - Free Day  Got a fic or fanart or whatever that you’re making and want to post, but don’t think would fit with the other days? Post it here! It’s also a chance to do whatever you want if none of the other prompts appeal to you. Don’t know what to do? Try the Writing Prompt Generator and the Art Prompt Generator.
How do I participate?
You don’t have to subscribe to anything or announce what you’re doing, you just have to post your work on the appropriate day and tag me using @gallavichthings. It’s important that you tag me properly so that I can be sure to see your post and reblog it. For those days with more than one prompt option, please make it clear which one you’ve chosen.
What types of works are accepted?
Any kind of original fan work is accepted, including but not limited to: fanart, fanfiction (no minimum words required), graphics, gifs and gifsets, videos, and fanmixes.
When can I start posting?
I’ll always make one initial post for each day, at 12am GMT (check here to see when that is in your time zone). After that, post away!
Can I still participate even if I don’t have a Tumblr account?
Absolutely! Just submit something here (http://gallavichthings.tumblr.com/submit).
Can I post on Twitter or Instagram?
You can post anywhere you want! On Twitter and IG, we encourage you to use the hashtag #GW2022 and I’ll RT you. You can also mention @gallavichthings if you want. I do not have an IG account though, sorry, but you can post there and send me a link for visibility. That being said, we do encourage you to post here as well, so it can be seen by more people (all gallavichthings reblogs get cross-posted to Twitter automatically anyway).
Can I post something that I’ve already posted before?
No, sorry. The works should have been created specifically for GW. You can, however, create a sequel or a different version of a previous work.
Can I post something that is not in English?
Of course. Just make sure that it is original, or that you have the original author’s permission (and, in that case, link to the original too).
Can I make R-rated works?
Yes, just please give any necessary warnings and tell us the rating at the very beginning of the post. If the post is visual (like a fanart or a gifset), it would be nice for you to also tag it accordingly. It's not mandatory, but if possible put it under a Read More here on Tumblr and under a spoilers mark (so it's not instantly visible) on Twitter. Please remember that Tumblr now has stricter rules regarding that type of content, so if the post is really NSFW I’d suggest hosting it somewhere else and just posting a link to it, maybe along with a safe version of it.
Can I post something that’s AU?
Sure thing! Tag it accordingly though, both for those who want to avoid it and for those who'd like to find it.
Can I post supernatural works, mpreg, or genderbends?
Yes! But if it’s a fic, please include it in the warnings.
Can I post more than one work?
Definitely! The more, the merrier. You can post as many works as you want, on as many days as you want, be it one post per day or ten on the same day. Anything goes!
Can I post on more than one day? Do I have to make something for each day?
Again, the more, the merrier! You can post on only one or all days if you wish!
Can I make one work that fits two or more themes?
Sure thing. I only ask that you post it on the day of the last theme included. For example, if you are posting a work that includes the theme from Day 1 and the theme from Day 4, post it on day 4 (just make sure to tell me that it includes both).
Can I write a multi-chaptered fanfiction?
Yes, and you don’t have to post everything either. When you do, just be sure to include either a masterpost, or the links to the previous chapters in the beginning.
Can I include other characters/pairings in my work?
Yes, as long as Gallavich is still the focus.
What if I can’t finish on time?
The Gallavich fandom is ALWAYS happy to see new fan material, so just post it when you’re done and tag me, ok? The same goes for people who can’t finish a work on the assigned theme day; you can still post it on a different day during GW, just make it clear which day it was made for.
Is there a contest?
No. It was an idea once, but most people didn’t want it, and felt a bit intimidated by it.
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darkpurpledawn · 4 years
Diary of a demon in lockdown
Birds singing outside window. Gross.
Birds now only capable of singing greatest hits of Simon and Garfunkel
Adjacent units erupting in screaming match over who is playing radio so early on a Saturday. Excellent. Slightly annoying for sleep.
If have to hear “Keep the Customer Satisfied” one more time, am going to swallow ice cubes until blessed ectothermic ears become unresponsive.
Upstairs neighbors having morning sex again. Paul still shit at dirty talking. Have said more enticing things to own idiot begonias.
Just to clarify, did not mean that in weird way.
Trying to sleep. Downstairs neighbors having earnest conversation. Can feel sincerity seeping through the floorboards. Suddenly nostalgic for Paul and boring litany of sexual acts.
Still asleep when phone buzzed, email from Demonic Resources denying professional development request. Need to figure out alternative way to pay for whole bitcoin debacle.
Gave up on sleeping. Checked to see which of Twitter accounts cancelled beyond resurrection. Released 4 compromising internal emails, initiated 11 data dumps. 
Call with Aziraphale.
Flagged 300 pictures of sponge cake for explicit content. Not like as an obsessive thing.
Began rewatch of Fast & Furious series, mild desperation reached. Recalled time months ago was wishing for break in temptation obligations for opportunity to rewatch Fast & Furious. 
2:00pm, approx
Nap begun.
Nap ended. Wrote mental list of reasons always hated outdoors anyway.
Decided acceptable time to start drinking, prepared and consumed 2 Death in the Afternoons. Any thematic relevance disregarded.
Reorganized terrarium collection in descending order of gamma diversity. Made several vicious allegations about forebears of Spanish moss. 
Drank 3rd cocktail in bathtub, struck terror into heart of Apsidistra on the windowsill. Tried, failed not to think about phone call. Mistake.
Considered phoning for delivery, remembered already ate quintuple order of Nando’s last Sunday.
Ordered delivery anyway, put in freezer for later. Need to find alternate location for angel feathers have been creepily storing. Preferably bottom of ocean.
Self-esteem lowered sufficiently for attempt at video yoga routine. 
Should always try yoga when snake. Also tipsy. Much easier. Self-esteem bit better.
Opened bottle of wine, rewatched The Fox and the Hound. Mistake. Wrote letter to Aziraphale on back of delivery receipt, afterwards shredded.
Mistakes. Decided to stop disliking videos of sidewinders on fifth page of YouTube results. Not all snakes can do that, and it is OK (repeat as necessary). 
Started watching old infomercial that helped create in 2005.
Experienced regret over hand in creation of infomercials.
Getting ready for sleep. Attempting to prepare for lucid dream, ideal setting Rome, 41 AD.
Aziraphale version
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cyarskj1899 · 10 months
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8h ago
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Dear followers :
Many of you are disappointed in the fact that I see the Israel-HAMAS war through the lens of counterterrorism & war but not your misguided ill informed myopia & latent antisemitism. I understand. It’s your first time ever seeing a War … but for many of you just really hate Jews.
But here are the parameters to make sure you Unfollow me properly.
Why have the informed opinion of an expert who worked these MidEast wars for decades? That’s crazy, right? So try this:
1) If you don’t like my opinion on Gaza, Israel or counterterrorism strategies.
-Unfollow me.
2) If you think I’m a war monger who hates the Palestinian people, or a Zionist who loves killing babies, women & hates Arabs. You’re an idiot.
-Unfollow me.
3) If you always followed me & say “Wow I respected him but now he supports the Jews/Zionist/Netanyahu/Genocide/Colonialism/Occupation”please Jesus -Unfollow me.
4) If you think I’m a pig, POS & hate you for your proHAMAS, antisemitic, or patently stupid opinions, and I think you should choke on a flaccid peen because you are justifying antisemitism, antiblackness and rape of innocent women because they’re Jewish, You’re right. -Unfollow me.
5) If you cry over the terrible deaths of Palestinian babies but never once mention the dead Jewish Babies executed on 10-7. Or say dead Jewish Babies are fake. So Help me God, -Unfollow me
6) If you can’t spell Israel (Isreal) or Gaza (Gazza) without spell check & think about lecturing me on the Middle East … that’s right, - Unfollow me.
7) If you have ever chanted “From the River to the Sea…” especially when fauxgressives ruined the credibility and purpose free Palestine movement for their own agendas and not for the Palestine people hence why it fuck the movement and double fuck the fauxgressives who made it this way be advised, the real ending is
- “Karen says Unfollow me”
8) If you completely forgot 10-7 even happened or claim it was fake or don’t even know what happened to start this cycle of violence but but Genocide!
- Unfollow me
9) If you say you will vote for Trump or wont vote or call Biden “Genocide Joe” bc you don’t know the meaning of the word Genocide or if you don’t know the Sykes-Picot treaty did not involve tortillas; the Balfour Declaration was NOT signed by Jefferson: or think that Transjordan was a car featured on Fast and Furious X
- Unfollow me
10) If you are offended by any of the above or are just in doubt about any of the above
- Unfollow me
Let’s see what happens.
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Chap 6 - Heart
A few days had now passed and there was a real complicity between Tony and Y/N, as if they had always known each other.
He had even made and give a, of course waterproof, phone to the mermaid, so that even when he had to go away for meetings or hero stuff, they could stay in touch.
Y/N was really worried in these moments, so she was happy to hear from him regularly and to hear his voice.
Their favorite moments were when they spent time in the lab talking about anything and everything and enjoying each other's presence.
Tony didn't know when he was going to come home but he didn't want to think about it. He had extended his trip here to continue working on his new projects and especially to stay close to Y/N, and had no desire to leave.
As his main invention was now finished, Tony had to organize a party to present his project to new investors.
It will be in his house, there was plenty of room in the main room.
Tony talked to Y/N about how important it was and explained to her what this kind of evening looks like and how it takes place.
She had so many questions.
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And she would have liked to go so much. Dress up in a beautiful dress and arrive on Tony's arm.
To dance with him, to see his world, to meet his friends, and to support him in the presentation of his work..
But she was stuck here.
A few moments later, Tony was in his dressing room picking out his outfit.
He took a jacket and a pair of shoes and stood in front of the mirror.
"Jarvis, do you think this will do the trick? Not too flashy?" Tony asked.
"Usually, you don't ask yourself that," joked Jarvis before adding, "It's very elegant, sir, it'll look very nice on you."
Tony cuckle. He looked at himself again in the glass and thought of Y/N. She would look so pretty on his arm.
"I hope everything goes well," said Tony as he finished putting on his shirt and then walked to the door. "See you later Jarvis"
"Have a nice evening sir"
It had been a while since Tony had left the lab now and Y/N heard music starting to resound further into the house as well as the voices of the first guests chatting amongst themselves.
Tony must have been in his room getting ready or was already at the party with them, she thought.
But suddenly Tony entered the room and the mermaid smiled.
"Tony? What are you doing here?" Tony walked into his garage as he was adjusting the sleeves of his shirt.
"I was getting ready and thought I couldn't go in until I came back to see if everything was going well for my protégé," smiled Tony as he approached her.
"Everything is going well for me"
"Good," says Tony with a smile on his face.
He stayed there and they looked at each other for a few seconds without a word until Y/N's eyes couldn't help but look at where Tony's half-opened shirt let see the scar on his chest.
He had told him about this object that he had created in Afghanistan that had kept him alive for many years.
Tony noticed the mermaid's gaze and unbuttoned one more button on his shirt before opening it to show her.
"This is the scar from my arc reactor..." he said, wondering how the mermaid would react to the circle on his skin.
"The device that kept you alive..." "Yeah.."
"I'm glad it did," she said smiling as Tony felt his heart warm to the her confession.
She put her hand out and looked at Tony, who didn't seem to object. Then she delicately put it against his chest.
The touch of her hand on his skin gave them shiver. And the two of them thought they would want to feel that every day.
She gently ran her hand over the scar before looking up to see Tony looking at her with his puppy eyes.
And it was as if time had stopped.
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Moonlight lit up the room and illuminated every detail of his face. He was so beautiful, she loved him so much and she just wanted this moment between her and him to last forever.
She then put her hand delicately on his cheek and gently ran it through his soft hair.
They slowly moved closer together and Tony put his forehead on the woman's forehead.
"Can I hold you?" the mermaid asked.
He nodded and she put her arms around his neck and held him close to her.
It was always hard for Tony to open up to others. He had been betrayed and abandoned so many times. And he was also afraid of hurting her. But right now she was in his arms, and he felt at home.
Y/N felt like his heart was going to explode because it was beating so fast. She had never been so close to the man she loves for so long and the feeling of holding him in her arms was the best thing she had ever experienced.
They moved apart and Y/N looked at Tony's mouth for half a second and that was all it took for Tony not to resist anymore and he kiss her.
Their kiss was passionate and sweet at the same time, filled with the love that they hadn't dared to confess with words.
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When they needed to get some air, they reluctantly parted and looked at each other with a smile on their faces.
The moment was interrupted when a voice from the corridor was heard : "Tony, are you there?"
Their eyes turned to where the voice was coming from. It was Rhodey, Tony's best friend, who was looking for him to go to the party with him.
"I have to go before he get here," Tony whispered before he headed for the exit.
"Hey Tony?" Called the woman. He turned around.
"I'm sure you will do great."
"As always" Tony winks, the mermaid laughs and he walks out of the room.
Y/N was now alone in the garage watching moonlight through the window.
"Oh Dum-E what I would like to be at that party right now" said the woman. "If only I had legs..."
There was a way for a mermaid to become human. In ancient times it was said that every mermaid had a soul mate on earth. She could turn into a human for a few days to find them. But if she didn't or if they didn't confess their feelings, she died or remained a mermaid, lonely for life.
But now things had changed. The mermaid was taught that humans are all mean and treacherous. And if her sisters knew she was there they would be furious. But Tony is the opposite of all that. And all that was far behind her now.
"Beep beep" made the robot handing her one of the cookies Tony had left her.
"Oh thanks, that's nice" she said, laughing and taking the cake. "I hope everything goes well for Tony. I know he's under more stress than he lets on..."
Tony was backstage. He was repeating his spitch in his head, because even though he was very good at improvisation, he wanted to make sure he didn't forget anything. This project could help and protect so much people and it was so important to Tony. He looked at the people in the room discreetly and he hoped that they will really see the usefulness of this invention and not just the benefits they could make with it.
Tony took a sip from the glass of expensive alcohol he had in his hand when his phone rang. He frowned wondering who it could be and looked at the message to find a picture of Y/N with dum-e and u, making a funny face, accompanied by the message: "I hope it's all right for you out there :)"
Tony smiled, even like this he thought she was pretty.
He then went on stage, made his speech, talked about everything he created and ended his presentation with the cheers and applause of the audience.
Everything was better than fine and he wa so happy about it.
Now he had to announce the news to Y/N.
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"Can you do me a favor?" Tony asked his friend who had come to meet him at the bar and with whom he was chatting.
"I'm leaving, can you handle the party?" asked Tony.
"Yeah, but what do I tell the guests?" "I'm really sorry. I know you'll think of something, you're the best." Tony took a bottle of alcohol and two glasses and walked away.
"And who's that for?" his friend asked.
"I'll make it up to you!" Tony only replied, with a sincere smile before returning to the garage.
Part 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / masterlist for other chapters
join us on april 24th on twitter, the day of endgame's anniversary, and spread the hashtag #BringBackTonyStarktolife ♡
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chilly-me-softly · 4 years
Every Little Thing’s Gonna Be Alright • Chapter 9
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8
Evelyn sighs locked in her room, the phone in her hands that has already turned off something like three times. Ben has a phone interview and she doesn't want to disturb him by walking around the house so it seemed like the right time. The contact has already been set up, she just doesn't have the courage to press on it a second time to start the call.
She has not heard from her mother for weeks now. Weeks in which she switches between moments of understanding and moments of total anger. Days in which every noise coming from the phone makes her think the time has come, but in the end only makes her feel bad.
She doesn't know what to do, on the one hand she would like to give her time to let her anger or whatever she feels towards her at the moment dissipate. But on the other she feels that the more time she lets pass the harder it will be to recover their relationship.
Evelyn turns the phone over in her hands again before taking a deep breath and unlocking it. A moment later the screen shows the call is on, but she doesn't have time to bring the device to her ear before the call drops.
She frowns and presses on her mother's contact a second time, this time it rings. Evelyn can feel her heart pounding in her chest as she waits for someone on the other end to answer. Then the seconds start ticking away on the screen even though no one is speaking.
"Mum, it's Evelyn" she murmurs with a shaky voice, but still no answer.
"Mum" the signal of the ended call reaches her ears a few seconds later. Her vision blurs as she grits her teeth to prevent herself from crying, her hands shaking slightly. She tries to call back another time, but it goes straight to the voice mail now. The phone falls with a sharp thud as she tries to put it down on the bedside table next to the bed, while tears start to roll down her cheeks and she hides her face in her hands, allowing all her sadness to come out.
This is how Ben finds her when he enters her room, his carefree smile disappearing as he focuses on the view in front of him. He reaches out immediately, holding her in his arms, and Evelyn sobs loudly with her head buried in his chest.
His heart clenches but it was inevitable, he thinks as he silently holds her close. She always tends to downplay things and handle things herself. And no matter how hard he tried to get her to vent during those weeks, ever since she knocked on his door, whatever was inside her never really came out. The trigger had always been there, slowly burning out, and now it had simply come to an end by triggering the bomb.
"You need to calm down though now" Ben leaves a kiss in her hair before bringing a hand to her stomach and stroking it gently. He can clearly feel under his palm the strong kicks the little one is throwing, they must hurt pretty bad.
"Lyn, breathe. Follow me" he lifts her face slightly to make her look into his eyes and starts breathing as slowly and rhythmically as he can, never breaking eye contact and trying not to let on how much the situation is freaking him out.
"It hurts" she croaks, a flurry of emotions inside her. Her head is heavy with crying, spinning at times; an overwhelming sensation in her chest making her feel like she can't breathe; but what worries her the most is her baby. She wants to calm down for her, but she cannot. She doesn't know how.
"Ben" Evelyn says his name frightened, exhausted, a sort of cry for help. And he doesn't know how to help her concretely, the only thing he can do is to help her get up, put her in the car and run to the hospital.
His hands tremble slightly as he sits there on one of the chairs in the waiting room, waiting for someone to come up and give him some news. No one pays any attention to him, all with their own problems on their minds. He didn't take anything except his house keys before leaving so he's on his own. Even if he had memorised a few phone numbers, he doubts he would have been able to remember them under the circumstances. And it's the longest thirty minutes of his life from their arrival at the emergency room to when someone finally brings him to her.
Relief floods through his entire body as soon as he enters the room and sees her awake, alert, and most importantly her belly is still there.
"Oh Lyn" he holds her as tightly as he can, breathing in her scent and enjoying the feeling of her arms around him.
"I'm sorry"
"Hey no, don't say that. What matters is that you're okay. Both of you" he takes her face in his hands reassuring her, leaving a kiss on her forehead when she nods confirming that they're okay.
The doctor gives her the green light to go home, but reminds her to try to stay as far away from stress as possible. At this point in the pregnancy it's necessary to be more careful than usual.
In the car they don't talk, Ben turns to her every now and then as if to make sure she's still there. And she has her eyes closed, her head resting against the window, lost in her mind as always.
"Hey where have you guys been?" Deb asks curiously to the two of them as soon as they set foot in the house, innocently believing Ben has taken his sister for a ride or something.
"Just a little trip to the ER, nothing to worry about though" she reassures her, Ben's eyes could kill her for how badly he's watching her. Deb's eyes go wide, clearly not expecting such a response, getting no further explanation as Evelyn decides to retreat to her room, marked by the last few hours and just wanting to be alone and try to get some rest, while Ben walks over to a stool and lets himself down on it.
"Are you okay?" the girl walks over to her boyfriend, positioning herself between his legs. His hands immediately go around her waist.
"Yeah, just a scary moment. So much stress and nothing more lately" she pulls him close to her at that point, absentmindedly leaving a kiss on his shoulder as he hides his head in her neck. And he feels those little salty drops coming silently as she simply tightens her grip around him. The look on his sister's face, the panic, the waiting, the worry, the sense of worthlessness at her call for help, the relief at knowing it was nothing serious. Everything still spinning in his head.  
"Hey, it's okay. It's okay"
"Sorry, I'm just... blowing off some steam I guess"
"No need to apologize to me knucklehead" she wipes his cheeks as he chuckles, closing his eyes then leaning into her hand enjoying her touch and staying that way for a few seconds.
"I was really scared something might happen to both of them. God you should have seen her face"
"I'm so sorry. What happened?"
Ben shrugged, "I found her crying in her room, I was going to wait until she calmed down to ask her then... it all happened so fast"
"That's okay, we can deal with it tomorrow. Come on, let's go lie down for a bit too" Deb stood up on her toes leaving a kiss on his lips before intertwining one of their hands and leading him towards the bedroom.
"Wait" he stops her in front of Evelyn's closed bedroom door. He opens it slowly without making a noise and approaches slowly seeing the girl lying on the bed on her side. She has her eyes closed but her phone still in her hands so he carefully takes it out of her hand to place it on the bedside table, but when he picks it up he almost subconsciously remembers the noise he heard before opening the door that afternoon.
He knows it's not right, if someone dug through his phone like that he'd be furious even though he has nothing to be worry about on it. A matter of principle. But there's no password or any kind of screen lock, it's too easy to take a quick look, and he doesn't think twice. He presses a button and a row of pages she's used recently come up next to each other. There's Instagram, Twitter, Google, WhatsApp, a few games and the phone record.
With the game out of the way, the phone record is the first on the list so he starts with that. Anger begins to build inside him as he starts to put the pieces together. Hurriedly he puts the phone down on the bedside table and walks out of the room, Deb looking at him confused.
"Ben? What's going on?" she asks, following the boy who has regained possession of his abandoned phone on the kitchen table and ignoring all the notifications that have come in the last few hours, he searches for the number that triggered all that.
Tag: @alexajanecollins @emwritesfootball
Chapter 10
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Have any theories for SM3?
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All of these are practically the same, I’ll answer them all in this one.
Peter: This could go two ways, and remember this is just me guessing lmao. I kinda have the feeling that Peter will isolate himself from his family and friends? Because he’ll feel like he’s going to put them in danger. So I’m thinking he’s on the run refusing the accept help and doing it all on his own. 
This is where I expect the directors to take advantage of Tom Holland’s acting range. This is the perfect time for Peter to start getting some flashbacks (irondad :D), hallucinations, and finally dealing with certain traumas (Ben, Vulture, Titan, Thanos, Death, Tony’s death, his identity, Mysterio, etc). And also, IF Homesick is the real title of the movie, then it’s self-explanatory.
Or. Knowing how goofy this Spider-Man is, Peter might go to Fury, Strange, or Happy panicking (similar to how he did when he came back to life in Endgame or when Ned found out he was Spider-Man) about what happened and asking for help. 
Relationships: Given Tom’s comment and how there’s so much going on (new villains, new storylines, new characters, Peter’s identity, etc) I kinda have the feeling this could also go both ways. One, Peter might cut communication with Michelle (and the rest of his friends and family) to protect them. So, Michelle might try to contact him and he’s going to maybe break-up with her for the same reason. Same with Ned, since he’s his guy in the chair and best friend, he’s going to try and help him and Peter won’t let him. Kinda have the feeling he’s going to tell Happy to take care of May (I really hope they let Marisa Tomei have more creative liberty with her character on this one).
Also, I think how this goes depends on where they’re taking Spider-Man in the MCU. If this is the last spider-man movie in the franchise, we might say good-bye to some characters and expect others to do cameos along with Tom for future movies. I think Ned is going to be the one they’re going to choose to do cameos with Tom given that he’s the one they chose for IW and Endgame:
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(Imagen belongs to MCU direct on twitter)
Or. I didn’t want to make this parallel because it involves a dead actor but, with all of my respect, I feel like Marvel might pull a sentimental phone conversation like the one Mia and Brian from Fast & Furious had in F&F:7. I think Marvel might go this way with Michelle and Peter but I’m not sure. Also, Jon Watts loves to give spideychelle stans fanservice, so you might expect the popular spider-man kiss to happen.
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Family: It would be great to see flashbacks of uncle Ben. Like, Peter remembering stuff about him and more. Also, irondad flashbacks. I think they might add something about this, maybe not a flashback but Peter talking about Tony. Marisa said May might be a community organizer in sm3 so that means we might see May finally getting more screen-time. 
Bringing back Homecoming actors: THEY NEED TO BRING BACK MY GIRL
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I know some of you want her to become a villain but I highly doubt this is going to happen because it’s a little out of character for Liz. Laura has insisted multiple times that Liz is a kind-hearted down to earth girl. She has a good heart and might be able to understand Peter’s actions. Give her more credit, she’s not some dumb cheerleader just like many of you think. You also need to think about the fact that this is not Liz’s movie lmao and a revenge arc might be a big role (and I highly doubt Marvel will respect her and give her the credit/screen-time she deserves) that can take a lot of the movie. Also, some of you are plain disrespectful with Laura’s age, she doesn’t look 30 at all (and I know you all know this) and you want her to be an adult (and I know some of you do it because you don’t want anyone in between spideychelle but mocking her age and calling her old is not ok). If she’s in the movie, let’s respect Laura, please.
I think Liz might be a key role in Peter’s journey in this movie. I think she’s going to help him somehow. By either doing the right thing and going behind her dad’s back to help Spider-Man (yassss, my girl might get some action) or giving him an important piece of information. Or she might give Peter advice or a heartfelt speech.
Villains: Am I being too kind to Marvel if I say something like this might happen?
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Not the same villains but you get the point. But I do think they might have a grand scene like this one for the movie. After all, a lot of people are going after Spider-Man. Mysterio might be alive. 
Post-credits scene: If they give Holland a fourth spider-man movie just like with Thor, I think they might do the Norman & Harry Osborn reveal.
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(Let’s all manifest this Norman Osborn♥)
I kinda have the feeling Tom will get Harrison the role of Harry. I don’t know why, I just have the feeling lmao. Imagine being Matthew’s son in a movie, I can’t relate lmaooo. The second post-credits could be some spider-verse introduction scene. This girl was in HOCO and IW:
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She’s supposed to be Cindy Moon. Let’s see what happens with her.
Scenes: Remember the plane scene in FFH with Happy? I think we might get a similar scene in sm3 but with Strange. Maybe Strange telling Peter that Tony would be proud of him (Am I giving Marvel too much credit? lmao). But I have the feeling that he’s going to be the one to deliver the sentimental speech to Peter. You know, the one he gets in every movie. 
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Not probable but might happen (none of these are facts, calm down): 
1. AI Tony: Downey said he’s done with Marvel but who knows, anything can happen. Maybe Tom can convince him. I’m just putting this out there just in case. 
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2. Multiverse with Tobey and Andrew: I don’t know if this is confirmed yet but knowing how the MCU loves pleasing the dudebros, I’m guessing it’s a big possibility. 
3. Major character dying: I don’t know if the poor kid can take more pain but since they’re doing Peter the same way they did to Tony, I’m saying it’s possible. Might be Michelle, Ned, or who knows, maybe Flash.
4. Avenger: They might make Peter a full permanent member of the Avengers team or might even be the new leader. Or we might see a new Avengers facility. 
That’s all I got. Thank you!♥
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photolover82 · 3 years
The Masked Singer Super 8 Recap: Part 2 The Final Guesses (+ Clues)
Hello fellow Masked Singer lovers! Welcome or welcome back to Ana’s Masked Singer recap, where I, Ana, recap every episode of the Masked Singer. This is part 2 to my Super 8 recap... where I am gonna give you the final guesses of the remaining six contestants with the clues as a little bit of an explanation why I think the way I do but feel free to tell me what you guys think in the comments :).... Alright, so let’s get into this:
So how I am gonna do this is put the name of the mask/character/contestant and then = my guess for them... also I am gonna list all of the clues until this moment so I can have a stronger leg to stand on... So you might have seen these clues repeated if you saw any of my previous blog posts since my guesses haven’t changed, I am also going to add in a voice match video (which means a video of them singing so you can match it to the contestant’s performance) first, since my guesses mostly come from their voices and then the clues are like an add-on.
1. Robopine= Tyrese Gibson
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Voice Match Video: (if you are not convinced after listening to this, I don’t know what to tell you man)
6= he was in 6 Fast and Furious movies and has 6 Grammy noms
Action and superhero clues= he was in a lot of action movies like Fast & Furious and Transformers, but also he is going to be in a movie with Jonah Hill centered around the Spider-Man villain where he plays a superhero
The lie about being 60= he did a GQ cover called 60 is the new 30
Also he was spotted on his Instagram story wearing the Don’t Talk to Me hoodie... so yeah it’s him lol
2. Black Swan = Jojo
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Voice Match Video (also a really entertaining video in general with her in it, she was so fun in this video, but she can SANG baby boos):
Grew up with a single mom in a one bedroom apartment= actually, yeah her parents were divorced and she was raised by her mom in a low income household
Talent made her someone else’s prey/Hollywood deal she couldn’t resist= she talks about how her record label kind of used her and there was this whole legal battle with them (you can Google that whole thing, I don’t wanna go to deep into it but yes it happened)
Faithful flock set her free= her fans started a campaign called #freejojo on Twitter in 2013 to help her out, and it got a lot of traction (like she was the OG before the whole Taylor Swift thing)
X marks the spot= she was a guest judge on celebrity X Factor
Montana= she was considered for Hannah Montana but she turned it down to focus on her music
3. Yeti = Omarion
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Voice Match Video: (I mean bro this is super similar... judge for yourself, I tried to find a video of him singing live so sorry if the quality is not the best compared to the other 2 videos... like the camera is super shaky but this is the best I found)
Berry and Jam= his real last name is Grandberry
Icy core, he came out in a ice cage = one of his most popular hits is called Ice Box
Dog= he collared many times with Bow Wow
ABCD changed to ABDC= America’s Best Dance Crew, he was a judge on season 5 ironically of that show
4. Chameleon= Wiz Khalifa
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Voice Match Video:
Legend he idolized, aka GOAT = he meant Snoop Dogg, who he used to idolize and now he is friends with and has collaborated with a lot
Little one = he has a son
Martial Arts clues= he does love martial arts and has been seen going into dojos and training
Taxi Cab= his hit song Black and Yellow
2 & 3 in the dice = he has a song with Miley Cyrus called 23
History with precious gemstones= he was married to Amber Rose and See You Again was certified diamond
5. Russian Dolls = Hanson
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Voice Match Video: (I thought this one was fitting because they are singing their most popular song)
Around the corner of the Russian tea room, Carnegie Hall = they have played Carnegie Hall
Health issues that almost tore them apart= Issac had a pulmonary embolism
Snow Owls in front of a city = they have a song called Unbelievable with Owl City
Fire truck= Zac also had a motorcycle accident where firefighters had to rescue him
6. Piglet= Nick Lachey
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Voice Match Video: (Come on, this one is too obvious hehe)
Bachelor-esque romance clues= he and his wife Vanessa host a Netflix dating show called Love is Blind
Public breakup/relationship= reference to his ex wife Jessica Simpson and they had a super public breakup and relationship, even having their own reality tv show
Genie Lamp= He did a cover of Aladdin’s A Whole New World with his ex Jessica Simpson on Disney Mania 3
The “spider” who made him a family man= referring to Vanessa Lachey, it was supposed to be this whole Charlotte’s Web thing
Dog Tags= he has been seen wearing 3 dog tags (you can Google those pics) and they represent his 3 kids which his wife gave him before they had their third kid, Phoenix (btw there’s a P on the bottom dog tag shown)
So that’s it y’all! I will see you guys later in the week for our “spicy” or “special” or whatever other s adjective six to perform for us yay! 🤗🤩 Bye everyone!
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lastsonlost · 5 years
Oh gasps, I'm shocked.
Who would have thunk it?
The story:
Updated with Sunday figures: In the wake of Terminator: Dark Fate’s failure at the B.O., and Paramount’s recent decision to make Beverly Cops 4 for Netflix, we have the further breakdown of cinema IP in Sony’s Charlie’s Angels reboot, which is tanking with a God-awful $8.6M domestic opening, $27.9M worldwide (from 26 markets), 3 Stars on Screen Engine-Comscore’s PostTrak, and a B+ Cinemascore.
The Elizabeth Banks-directed-written and produced pic is also opening in 27 offshore markets,
China being one where it’s also bombing,
with a $7.8M 3-day take in third place behind No. 1 local title Somewhere Winter ($13.1M).
All of this is primed to further spur a WTF reaction and anxiety among film development executives in town in regards to what the hell exactly works in this have-and-have-not era of the theatrical marketplace. Many will make the hasty generalization that old, dusty IP doesn’t work, or is now deemed too risky when it’s not a superhero project. However, moviemaking is an art, not a science, and annoying as it might sound, good movies float to the top, and this Charlie’s Angels reboot didn’t have the goods going back to its script.
<Maybe somebody should have been working on a good story instead of pushing an agenda.
We’re going to break down for you what went wrong in another graph, but we don’t want to bury the success of Disney’s release of Fox’s James Mangold-directed Ford v Ferrari, which looks to be coming in at $31.5M, well ahead of the $20M+ many were seeing, with an awesome A+ CinemaScore and 4 1/2 stars and a 68% definite recommend on Screen Engine/Comscore’s PostTrak. After a franchise-laden summer which buried originals, now an original pic is sticking it to the IP.
When it comes to the bombing of Charlie’s Angels, the takeaway is this is what happens when you have IP, but there’s no reason for telling the story.
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In the walk-up to developing Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, and in the wake of its near $1 billion success, a fever broke out at the Culver City lot in the post-Amy Pascal era to reboot former Sony franchises or extend them, i.e. Zombieland: Double Tap (well over $103M at the global B.O. now), the upcoming Bad Boys 3, and, of course, Spider-Man, the latter electrified by Disney’s Marvel. Development studio executives define their being by getting films greenlit, and whenever that happens, it’s 90% of the job.
And the pressure is on to fill a 10-12 picture annual slate in a world where Disney vacuums up all the best IP. A third Charlie’s Angels with McG directing and Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz and Lucy Liu starring, wasn’t made immediately after the second chapter, 2003’s Full Throttle, as the sequel turned out to be 29% more expensive than the 2000 original at $120M, and also made less worldwide, $259.1M to $264.1M. With Elizabeth Banks coming off her hot feature directorial debut with Universal’s Pitch Perfect 2 (which over-indexed in its stateside opening at the B.O., going from $50M projections to $69.2M, and finaled global at $287.1M); after she expressed interest in September 2015 in taking on a Charlie’s Angels reboot with a modern feminist spin, there was no question in Sony’s mind that the project should move forward.
<Yeah Sony, how's that working out for you? You think they would have learned their lesson...
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Guess not.
Back to the story.....
However, there were script problems, I hear, that could never be resolved. A few months after Banks boarded, Evan Spiliotopoulos came on to write. By the time cast was assembled in July 2018, Banks had penned the latest draft off a script by Jay Basu (The Girl in the Spider’s Web), and earlier drafts by Craig Mazin and Semi Chellas. Andrea Giannetti oversaw the project on the lot. However, I hear that the script for Charlie’s Angels didn’t really attract top talent, i.e. Jennifer Lawrence, Emma Stone and Margot Robbie (a trio that would have potentially jazzed up business). Hence, why the production opted to go with largely a fresh face cast outside of Kristen Stewart. While we overwrite that stars mean nothing at the box office, they do, sometimes, when it comes to propping IP, and unfortunately and arguably, no one in Middle America knows who British actress Ella Balinska is, and they’ve only became recently acquainted with Naomi Scott from Disney’s Aladdin and Lionsgate’s Power Rangers. Stewart, who is hysterical in the movie and even needed more funny bits, is in a different place in her career professionally, publicly, and privately. It’s unfair to think that she could delver her Twilight fans now.
Had she done Charlie’s Angels promptly in the swell of the Twilight whirlwind (like Snow White and the Huntsmen) then maybe it would have popped.
But she has largely been dormant from popcorn wide releases for the last seven years since 2012’s Twilight: Breaking Dawn – Part 2, busy excelling and wowing in specialty awards season and festival fare like Clouds of Sils Maria, Still Alice, and this year’s Seberg, to name a few. Stewart needed to be paired with equal or bigger-name actresses.
was a one quadrant movie, eyed at women 13-39, especially given its lack of action scenes, and wisely limited their exposure to what I hear is 50%, with co-finance partners 2.0 Entertainment and Perfect World. Sony claims the budget is $48M net; we’ve heard in the mid $50Ms. Tax incentives were taken in the pic’s Berlin and Hamburg shoots. Perhaps Sony should have spent more, because Charlie’s Angels biggest problem is that it has very low-octane, we’ve-seen-it-all-before action scenes. Heck, there’s more action in a 1980s Chuck Norris movie. After watching Charlie’s Angels earlier this week, I put the first two McG movies on Netflix, and it was like watching Star Wars in comparison to this reboot, with his sharp production design, camera movements, unique action, and comedy set pieces, and, of course, the first movie blasted Sam Rockwell out of a cannon. Understand that the first two movies in the series were able to compete and hold their own in an action space where, yes, Mission: Impossible and Fast & Furious (the first two films came out in 2001 and 2003) also thrived. Mission and Fast sequels distinguish themselves on multiple 10-minute action sequences that we’ve never seen before on screen; it doesn’t matter who the villain is. This Charlie’s Angels doesn’t have that. And not even a super-duper hit song “Don’t Call Me Angel” for the movie from Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus, and Lana Del Ray can trigger lines at the multiplex; the music video clocking over 116M views on YouTube, per entertainment social media monitor RelishMix.
Some will claim that Banks’ version was never intended to emulate the meat and potatoes version of McG’s films; that this version was expected to be more comedic, and more feminist. Unfortunately, after McG set the table here with the franchise as an action film, you can’t reverse it. You can only outdo him. And with a franchise movie like Charlie’s Angels, you can’t make it for a one quadrant audience.
The film arrived on tracking with a $12M-$13M start, and really never budged, but sank. That means marketing didn’t work. I heard that a $100M global P&A was first planned on Charlie’s Angels, with the studio now reducing that overall cost greatly to around $50M and pulling back on expensive ads. Another hurdle in activating the young girl demo is that much of the pic’s cast isn’t on social media. RelishMix says that Banks is the social media star with over 6.6M followers across Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, with Scott counting 3.4M.
Sony kept pushing Charlie’s Angels, which in hindsight means there were development issues. In May 2017, a release date was announced for June 7, 2019. When the cast was locked down in July 2018, Charlie’s got moved to Sept. 27, 2019. In October 2018 when Warners pushed Wonder Woman 1984 from the first weekend in November to summer, Charlie‘s took over the autumn spot, which was the same exact place the original 2000 opened. However, when Terminator: Dark Fate moved onto the same first weekend in November, Charlie‘s relocated to this weekend as they vied for a China release which they ultimately got.
Charlie’s Angels drew a 66% female crowd, split between 36% over 25 and 30% under 25. But both demos respectively graded it low at 68% and 79%, with men at 35% giving it a 68% grade on PostTrak. Diversity breakdown was 52% Caucasian, 21% Hispanic, 14% Asian/Other, & 13% African American. Charlie’s Angels best markets were on the coasts and big cities. But again, nothing to brag about in Friday’s $3.2M gross, which includes $900K from Thursday and Wednesday previews.
Says RelishMix, which also foresaw this disaster approaching on social media chatter, “Angels is the latest example in a ‘woke’ effort to reboot a franchise that many were not all that interested in to start with. In fact, many references to the 2000 version get a call-out as a reason this one doesn’t seem to compare – whether it’s the cast or the action teased from the film.
And, as observed with other recent films, some action/adventure, unfortunately fans say they’re steering clear of this one because of its ‘girl power’ messaging.”
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aion-rsa · 3 years
How F9 Brings Back Justice for Han and Asian Inclusion
This article contains F9 spoilers.
One thing is for certain about the Fast and Furious film franchise—it has been a wild ride. Other aspects of the Fast Saga are less certain. Although the F9 title definitively labels the latest film as the ninth installment, it’s actually the 10th film. Or the 11th. You could even say the 12th if you include the short film. It depends how you want to count it. For a franchise laden with car chase clichés, the Fast Saga makes a lot of long, winding detours.
Consider how these movies treat death. Letty (Michelle Rodriguez) set the precedent by ‘dying’ back in Fast & Furious (aka Fast & Furious 4) only to return in Fast & Furious 6, working for the other side. Coincidentally, at the end of that film, there was a major reveal about Han (Sung Kang). The character was introduced in the third film in the series, The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift, but dies about three quarters of the way through the film. Yet he then reappears in the next three Fast and Furious movies, which were set before Tokyo Drift. The circumstances of his death were clarified in Fast & Furious 6. Jason Statham’s Deckard Shaw killed Han. Now those events have been clarified even more in F9, thanks to returning director Justin Lin. As it turns out, Han didn’t die at all.
F9 is the fifth Fast and Furious film directed by Lin, and by design, Han Jue’s story arc is the central thread for all five Lin installments. Tokyo Drift was Lin’s first Fast film, as well as the franchise’s sharpest turn. It was almost an entirely new cast in a new setting. Lin stayed on to direct the following three installments. To keep Han’s story going, he shifted gears and jumped back in time. Just like with Star Wars, Fast & Furious through Fast & Furious 6 comprised a prequel trilogy, so the order in which the Fast Saga films were released doesn’t match the story’s timeline. The second film, 2 Fast 2 Furious, is followed chronologically by the fourth, Fast & Furious. The next two are in order: Fast Five followed by Fast & Furious 6. Then comes the third release, Tokyo Drift where Han dies. Fast & Furious 6 and Tokyo Drift take place more or less at the same time. Even the beginning of Furious 7 overlaps with the final events of Tokyo Drift.
After stepping away from the franchise for its seventh and eight films, Lin is back in the driver’s seat in F9, which is why Han is also back. However, Han has always been riding with Lin, even predating his involvement in Fast and Furious lore…
High School Han
In 2002, Lin directed the critically-acclaimed Better Luck Tomorrow. That film also starred Sung Kang in the role of Han. It was a story about four overachieving Asian teenagers who start selling cheat sheets and subsequently fall into the gangster lifestyle of drugs and crime. It was loosely based on the murder of Stuart Tay. Tay was an Asian teenager who was killed by his fellow high schoolers when they thought he would betray a computer heist they were planning. The murderers were college-bound with Ivy League potential, and the story was branded as “the honor roll murder” by the Orange County register. In Lin’s interpretation, Han is one of the murderers.
Widely hailed as a benchmark film for Asian-American representation, Better Luck Tomorrow won the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance where it was rigorously celebrated by Roger Ebert, which led to MTV acquiring it. 
When Lin took on Tokyo Drift, he wanted to add a cool Asian character into the mix. He tapped Kang to reprise the role of Han, albeit an incarnation of Han that was tailored to the franchise. The Better Luck Tomorrow Han is young and brash. Han is a teenager, although Kang was 30 he first played him. In Tokyo Drift, Han is older and wiser, a mentor to the film’s protagonist Sean (Lucas Black). Nevertheless, there are connections that make the character whole. The Better Luck Tomorrow Han is a chain smoker. In Fast Five, Han’s girlfriend Gisele (Gal Gadot in her first feature film). She attributes Han’s constant need to occupy his hand to being a former smoker. Tokyo Drift was only four years after Better Luck Tomorrow but the character of Han aged considerably.
Why Han Matters
The Fast Saga currently ranks as the seventh highest grossing film franchise in the world. And unlike the other top-earners,  these movies were arguably the most diverse and inclusive from the onset. While the MCU has Black Panther and the upcoming Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, and Star Wars introduced Finn (John Boyega) in its third trilogy, those casts remain predominantly white. In fact, the top 25 top grossing global franchises are all led by white casts. Fast and Furious is the exception. This makes Han the most prominent Asian character in a Hollywood franchise in the world.
What’s more, Han is cool. Until very recently, most Asian Hollywood roles were stereotypical or tokens. Han a richly developed character, even if Better Luck Tomorrow is disregarded. In Tokyo Drift, he’s a wealthy elite street racer with his own garage packed with awesome cars, attached to a club where he’s surrounded by gorgeous women. That was an unprecedented role for how Asian characters were presented in mainstream Hollywood entertainment in the 2000s.
Han’s relationship with Giselle is also extraordinary. While there is a long cinematic history of white men hooking up with Asian women, it was extremely rare for an Asian man to kiss white woman in Hollywood cinema. Han and Giselle become an item in 2009 with Fast & Furious. The following year, it was a huge deal for Jackie Chan’s interracial kiss with Amber Valletta in The Spy Next Door.
Jackie claimed it was his first onscreen kiss and he was already well past a hundred films to his credit at that time, although most of them were China-made. Han got to snog Wonder Woman onscreen before anyone else, including Chris Pine, and if that’s not cool, what is?
Lin carried another actor over from Better Luck Tomorrow. Jason Tobin played Virgil Hu, Han’s cousin and another one of the murderous teens. Virgil is the biggest punk of the gang. In Tokyo Drift, Tobin plays Earl Hu, one of Han’s friends and a master mechanic. Is the Hu surname a coincidence? Not likely for Lin. Tobin also appears as Young Jun in the Bruce Lee inspired TV series Warrior, where Lin is an executive producer alongside Lee’s daughter Shannon. Again Tobin plays a punk gangster. Tobin reprises Earl in F9. 
Beyond Hollywood inclusion and representation where Han really matters is global box office. Hollywood was another COVID casualty. During the pandemic, the United States was dethroned as the biggest box office in the world. As of right now, China claims that title. Perhaps this is one reason F9 premiered there first, as well as in other Asian regions along with the Middle East.
Read more
Fast and Furious Timeline Explained (Including F9)
By David Crow
Hollywood Execs Are Crediting Fast and Furious with Growing Embrace of Diversity
By David Crow
It’s been out for over a month and has already grossed $203 million in China alone, plus an additional $8.8 million in the other markets at the time of the U.S. premiere. Thanks to this, F9 is already the fourth highest earner in the world in 2021. It is right behind Godzilla v Kong, but both of them are trailing behind two Chinese blockbusters that most American are completely unaware of yet, Detective Chinatown 3 and Hi, Mom. 
The Fast Saga’s rise has a lot to do with its international appeal, culminating with winning over Chinese audiences. It was under Lin’s steady hand that the franchise became a global player. Adding Han brought Asian representation to an already diverse cast. Tokyo Drift passed an international milestone where the film made more outside of the U.S. in the foreign markets—$33.9 million more. This disparity widened with each successive movie, so by the time Fast & Furious 6 rolled around, the international earnings accounts for nearly 70 percent of the total box office, and the door was open to that lucrative Chinese market.
Furious 7 was the first of the franchise to be shown in China and blew up there with a record-setting $390 million take, earning the title as the biggest non-Chinese film in the country at the time. That helped to elevate the worldwide box office past $1.5 billion, with over 76 percent of it coming from international earnings. The Fate of the Furious did even better, breaking its own record as China’s top-earning foreign film with $392 million, and the international box office accounted for 81 percent of the worldwide take. 
Lin is smart to bring Han back. And if he really wants to appeal to that Chinese market, he’ll boost Virgil Hu’s role in F10. Han is Korean. Hu is Chinese. Tobin has appeared in Chinese films previously, including Jackie Chan’s Rob-B-Hood so the Chinese audience is familiar with him. 
Justice for Han
At the end of the previous installment, The Fate of the Furious, Shaw is awkwardly accepted into Dom’s cookout. Fans of Han Jue and the franchise were outraged. How does Han’s murderer become part of the club? This triggered the Twitter movement #justiceforhan. Now that we know Shaw didn’t murder Han, it’s up to Lin to decide what happens in F10, which he is slated to direct next (it still doesn’t resolve Shaw’s acceptance at the barbecue because Dom’s gang still believed Han was dead then).
Perhaps it’s all some grand scheme by Mr. Nobody (Kurt Russell). With the Fast Saga, so much is uncertain, even Han’s name.
For F10, a confrontation between Han and Shaw seems inevitable, especially with F9’s post-credits cameo showing Shaw. Perhaps the next film will finally give enough closure for Shaw to earn his seat at the table, or for Han to banish him from it.
At the end of F9, when the car drives up to fill the empty seat at the barbecue table, it’s uncertain who the driver is. Maybe it’s Jakob (John Cena), Dom’s newly introduced brother in F9. Maybe it’s Shaw coming back for seconds, or maybe Brian O’Conner (although reviving the late Paul Walker digitally again would be tacky now). Maybe it’s even Giselle (sure, Giselle ‘died’ in Fast & Furious 6 but if Gadot came back, just think of how many tickets they’d sell). Fast and Furious is full to twisty turns, like any good car chase. But with Lin in the driver’s seat, Han is sure to get the justice he deserves.
F9: The Fast Saga opened only in theaters on Friday, June 25.
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