#2023 Year of Whump September
Year of Whump: Thrown Against a Wall
Masterpost | Read on Ao3
Someone follows Altair back to his cottage. He doesn’t hesitate to confront them.
Contains: Stalking, manhandling, angst
Someone was following him.
They were subtle about it, at the very least. Alarmingly so. But Altair’s instincts were honed by years of training and paranoia, so he could tell when there was something off about the crunching of snow and flickering of shadows behind him. And based on how adept they were at moving surreptitiously, he only knew of a few people in the Valley that it could be.
He let them follow him all the way back to his cottage, just to see if they would do anything before then. They hadn’t made a move by the time he was easing open his door. He carefully set his bag of supplies from the village down just inside the threshold, being mindful not to fully turn his back to the outside. Closing the door, he moved as if he was going to get firewood from the pile at the side of the house. 
The figure in the shadows moved as if to approach. All of the tension Altair had been building was released as Altair lunged for them, grabbing their arm and throwing them into the cottage wall. They grunted in surprise, and Altair took the opportunity to seize both their arms and shove them more firmly into the brick.
Sure enough, he was met with Ivetta’s displeased expression. He scowled. “What do you want, Ivetta?”
Ivetta huffed. “I was tasked with checking up on you. Making sure you’re recovering from your injury. Which I can see that are.”
“So you stalked me.”
“I don’t need to talk to you to confirm your status.”
That… he couldn’t say she was wrong, but that didn’t make him feel any better about having someone follow him while travelled alone for miles. But that was beside the point. “Why does Lord Denholm care?”
Was it because of Elze’ith? Was Elze’ith worried about him, asking about him, trying to find out if he was alright? 
Ivetta shrugged. “You do good work. It’d be a shame if you were put out of commission early.”
His heart sank. Right. Of course. Lord Denholm just wanted him to keep cleaning up the Valley for him. It could be a lie, or a half-truth, but it was all too believable that Lord Denholm just found him useful and wanted to keep him around. Bastard.
“Well, you can tell him that I’m fine, and that he can mind his own business,” Altair said. Then, softer, “And could you tell Elze’ith that I love him?”
Ivetta’s expression didn’t change. “I’ll see what I can do.”
That was as good as he was going to get, wasn’t it? Altair sighed. He released his grip on Ivetta’s arms and stepped back. If she made any aggressive moves, he wasn’t afraid to defend himself, but it seemed like she had gotten what she came for, and he was more than happy to just let her leave.
She pushed off the wall with a small grunt. Altair stood and watched as she dusted herself off. Their gazes met for a moment, and she gave him a small nod. His mouth twisted, but he returned the gesture. Then she turned and stalked off into the forest, vanishing within moments.
Most of the tension bled straight out of him. He knew he would probably be on edge for the rest of the day, but at least he had made it through that encounter without things escalating. Running a stressed hand through his hair, he circled the cottage to actually pick up some firewood to carry inside. He just hoped his next encounter with Ivetta would go that smoothly.
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hedgiwithapen · 24 days
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Prompts are now OPEN
What is Dammit Hedgi Day?
Dammit Hedgi Day, the 25th of September, marks the 9th anniversary of the first "Dammit Hedgi" tag on one of my angst fics. Every September I accept [angsty, typically] prompts for three weeks, and then post a massive amount of oneshots and ficlets. Prompt fills range from 200-2000 words, and as the Poll dictates, will start being posted on September 25th
What Fandoms can be prompted for?
Dammit Hedgi Day started with the Flash and DCTV, but has grown! Previous years have seen ficlets for: The Flash (up to mid season 6? I make no promises after that) Supergirl (season 1) Legends of tomorrow (first 2 seasons) Stargirl (all three seasons) Leverage+ Leverage Redemption Blue Beetle (2023) Into the Spiderverse (ish) My Adventures With Superman Young Justice Big Hero 6 Avatar the Last Airbender The Librarians Books of Bayern and assorted original RPG character content That said, I'm not strictly limited to these! I've started watching Stargate SG1, and will accept prompts based on that UP TO MID SEASON 4. Do NOT ask me about things beyond the end of s4, I'm trying to be unspoiled. If you've seen me talk positively about a media, you can ask for it, essentially. I may not fill everything, but I'll try.
What kinds of prompts?
Originally an ANGST fest, it can get a bit more broad especially in recent years. Ideally: send me a fandom/ two characters and a line of dialog like one from a promptlist below OR fandom/ characters and a vague concept-- "Sokka in a time loop" is vague! "Leverage, Daemon au for the Big Bang job" is vague. "Stargirl, Rick and Cindy: "I'm never going to trust you" " is vague. Two full paragraphs that detail who says the line and everyone's feelings on the matter and the outcome is not vague. If you're not sure if something is too detailed, you can always send it in and see, though. Crossovers welcome. DHD is a smut-free zone, and it’s my day so  I will write about characters with my viewpoints so prompt with caution if you like a character I do not :)  You may attempt to rig your prompts for fluff but do not count on it. Do not expect shipping, this is a genfic event. A few ships may slip through at my discretion, y'all know who I Like. You can send me a couple characters and an angst prompt from a list like  this one or This one,  Or this ….or  if there’s a whump post out there that grabs at you, you can use that. If we've talked about an AU, you can prompt that! If I've made a post like " hey neat concept for [show]:...." you can ask for some of that! If there was a prompt from past years you liked and want More Of? (roundups for 2020 , 2021, 2022, 2023) hell yeah! Canon suffering!! Aus make everything worse!! Missing moments, what-ifs, alternate perspectives! As always, everything will be tagged with Dammit Hedgi Day and Dammit Hedgi Day 2024 for blocking the tag purposes.
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tonystarchive · 1 year
Last Updated: September 2023
As promised, here is my long overdue Irondad Whump Masterlist! This list took an embarrassing amount of time to compile and over forty pages in my Google Docs (!!!!!).
Due to the sheer amount of fics, I will be posting in parts. Within these posts, each fic will categorized by its most prevalent trope/theme.
I hope the work from these talented contributors brings as much whumpy joy to you as they do to me!
Also, a very special shoutout to my most treasured Irondad authors iron_spider, for_the_night, madasthesea, losingmymindtonight, AdVitemAeternum, MotherKarizma, and so many more! This post is dedicated to you. ♡ 
Adoption/Tony Stark is Peter Parker’s Biological Father
5 Times Tony Acted Like Peter’s Dad by for_the_night
Summary: “And the one time he actually was." *Featuring an award evening, nightmares, a father-son field trip, appendicitis, and a very special gift—oh, and SO many forehead kisses.*
Alive and Healing by Watermeloness
Summary: “‘...bank robbery gone wrong in Queens. We’re receiving live footage from the crime site, where a 15-year-old teenager has been severely injured. Witnesses report a young boy getting shot after trying to stop the perpetrators. The last we’ve heard, his state is critical and he’s being rushed to…’ Statistically, there are a lot of 15-year-old teenagers in Queens. The city is filled with 15-year-old teenagers that are all brave in their own ways. This doesn’t have to be their teenager. But Peter is not picking up his phone.”
Dad Is Just A Word (You Give It Meaning) by madasthesea
Summary: “Father's Day, two years after May dies. Peter has something special to give and something important to say.”
For Want of a Dad (In Need of a Son) by GhostInTheBAU
Summary: “So, have you given the camping trip any more thought?’ Ned asks, and he groans internally at the change in subject.  He'd much rather go back to talking about his non-existent love life, thanks.  The trip is during spring break—a four-day long trek out into the wilderness, camping and hiking and gathering who even knows what, learning all about nature and the great outdoors. But the real kicker?  It's an event specifically designed for fathers and their sons, which is something Peter doesn't have, and something he will never be. Not again." Or: Peter longs to have a deeper relationship with his mentor, a more meaningful connection; but he's managed to convince himself that the only reason Tony Stark spends any time with him at all is purely because of his enhancement. Because of Spider-Man.
Homebound by AdVitamAeternam
Summary: “Shortly after Homecoming, Peter starts having panic attacks. Tony happens to have some experience with those. What do you do when everyone around you has a tendency to die? What do you do when the last person, the most precious, the one you absolutely cannot lose, maybe wants you? Do you give in, or do you run? Do you take what they offer, or do you keep them as far away from the disaster that is your life as you can?”
I Love You More Than Anything Series by iron_spider
Summary: “The highs and lows of Tony unexpectedly becoming a single dad at 31—from Peter’s early baby years, all the way past the defeat of Thanos”
I’ll Always Protect You (Even If You Don’t Want Me To) by JAWorley
Summary: “So much changed with Peter’s body chemistry after the bite that new things are still coming up that surprise him. One day he and Tony are having a fight and Peter is so stressed out he ends up having a seizure. Seizures… great, so that’s a thing now, and Tony has decided that the best thing is for Peter to stop being Spider-Man. The more the seizures happen, the more protective Tony becomes. All Peter wants is to have his life back." Or: May asks Tony to take joint custody of Peter to help with the Spider-Man thing and this new stress seizure issue. Peter learns that sometimes parents do what’s necessary even if it’s not a popular choice with their kids.
Questions of Science, Science and Progress (Do Not Speak As Loud As My Heart) by l_u_c_k_y_c_l_o_v_e_r
Summary: “I had to find you, tell you I need you. Tell you I set you apart." Or: Peter stays with Tony for a few weeks, and the pair get into all kinds of shenanigans. And maybe, just maybe, those few weeks will usher in something more.
These Days I’ll Sit On Cornerstones by Finny3120
Summary: “Tony was ill-prepared to find that the vigilante he'd recruited was a 14-year-old boy. He was even less prepared for Peter Parker to be mute. But Peter hasn't spoken since his uncle died. And the more Tony works with the teen, the less it matters to him. He hears Peter just fine.” 
You’re Stuck With Me by for_the_night
Summary: “I’m adopting you. I don’t care what you have to say.’ Peter gaped. Of all of the entrances he’d expected from Mister Stark after being alone in a hospital room for hours, that wasn’t one of them." Or: Peter gets taken to hospital with a ruptured appendix and Tony comes to a daunting realization of just how little hold he has on the kid outside of Medbay.
Alternate Universe
My Baby, My Baby by SpaceCowboysFromMars
Summary: “Silence falls over them like a warm blanket. Distantly, there’s commotion down on the street as people walk home from clubs. Peter thinks Tony might be his best friend in the whole world. After a long, peaceful moment, Tony says, voice dripping with warmth, ‘Night, kid.’  ‘Goodnight, Mr. Stark." Or: Tony and Peter in the middle of the night, in five alternate universes.
Visiting Hours by Sara (ctrsara)
Summary: “Boss?’ Tony jolted out of his half-asleep state. ‘What’s up, FRI?’ ‘There is a visitor here to see you.’ Tony jumped up. Anyone he knew would usually call or text first, so he was immediately on alert.   ‘Who is it, FRI?’ ‘I need you to have an open mind, and know that I do not believe this person is any threat.’ Oh, yeah, that made him feel better.  ‘Excuse me? How about you let me decide that, Watson?’ He started walking towards the door, activating his watch gauntlet.   ‘Wait, Boss.’ He was annoyed, but he trusted his AI enough to stop and listen. ‘I also need you to know that I have performed biometric scanning, and this person is who they appear to be. However, they insist they’re not from our universe, and that is the part I don’t understand." — In a universe where he never invented time travel, and never brought anyone back, Tony Stark gets a late-night visitor he never could have expected. Prompt taken from @idk-bruh-20 Irondad fic idea #97 on Tumblr. Idea from @derpmallow.
What The Heart Knows by AdVitamAeternam
Summary: “When Peter wakes up, his head is being assaulted by a sledgehammer. He has no idea where he is. He has no idea what happened to him. He has no idea who he is, other than ‘Peter.’ But then, he looks over at the man who is scrutinizing him with worried eyes, and he knows who the man is. That's his dad." Or: The one where Peter gets hit over the head really, really hard and has temporary amnesia, and makes a very reasonable assumption based on the data presented to him.
A Far Green Country by madasthesea
Summary: “He just wanted Peter to be happy. More than anything in the world, he wanted Peter to be happy. Oh, Tony thought as that realization sunk down into the pit of his stomach and took root. I love him.”
A River To Skate Away On by frostysunflowers
Summary: “Peter has survived a spider bite, a building falling on him, turning to dust and being a teenager. He can handle anything. Except being forgotten.”
Agape by canon irondad (tomlinsoul)
Summary: “It's Tony's first date night with Pepper since the Snap, and Peter can't wait to spend some quality time with his little sister. Too bad a pair of hapless intruders, head trauma, and a panicked helicopter ride throw a spanner in the works." Whumptober 2022 Day 8: Head Trauma + Day 7: Seizures + Day 19: Repeatedly Passing Out + BTHB: Big Brother Instinct
Broken Heart Syndrome by iron_spider
Summary: “Tony is clearly really upset, the kind of upset that Peter’s only seen the likes of a couple of times, and it’s too close after everything happening to really talk about it. He can definitely see that now.  ‘I’m sorry,’ Peter says. ‘I’m sorry, I should have answered—’ ‘Yeah, you should have answered!’ Tony yells. His bottom lip is trembling and he shakes his head, his eyes wild. He runs his hand over his forehead. ‘Okay, okay, I’ll know for next time,’ Peter says. He doesn’t know what’s gonna make this better. Probably nothing. ‘There better not be a next time,’ Tony says, dropping his hand from his face. ‘God, like this? Pete, no one knew where he was but you, and you—you kept it that way so nobody knew what the hell was happening, and you—you weren’t answering, kid, and that asshole sent me all that shit plucked directly from my nightmares, and I was trying to be strong for May because she was worried, too, and you—and you, I—I thought I wasn’t gonna ever—I thought—Jesus, Peter, you don’t think, you don’t—’ Tony bends over, clutching at his arm and breathing hard through his mouth.”
Dead In There, You’re Dead In There by iron_spider
Summary: “Peter, you’ve been acting insane for the past however many days and it’s giving me an ulcer, what’s going on, what did I do? Tell me. Tell me and I’ll fix it.’ Peter is still stalking around, and Friday is listing off his injuries, from a concussion to broken ribs to a sprained ankle, and Tony feels sick looking at it all. ‘You’ll fix it,’ Peter says, glancing over at him with pure disdain, the look bookended by matching explosions somewhere behind them. ‘Yeah it’s something you can’t fix, if it happens, nope, can’t fix it, it would just—but you’re just saying—’ Tony starts forward towards him. ‘Pete, explain to me what’s happening, please.’ ‘The protocol, the protocol,’ Peter insists, waving his hands through the air. Tony shakes his head. ‘The protocol?’ ‘The Avalon Protocol, Tony,’ Peter spits out, with venom.”
Dead-Eyed by iron_spider
Summary: “Hey,’ Tony says, fast, into the phone. ‘Everything alr—’ ‘Hey, no, I don’t know where he is,’ MJ says, in a rush of breath. ‘I don’t know where he is, Tony, and I know I have access to that tracking thing, but it feels weird for me to do that, and it doesn’t feel weird for you to do that, so you should do that. And find him and tell me what’s going on.’ ‘Okay, calm down,’ Tony says, getting up and stepping back from his workstation. ‘You know you can’t tell me to calm down, because I’m calm, and I’m always calmer than you because you’re like, inherently, not calm. At all, about anything, but especially about your family—’ ‘Okay, this is not calm,’ Tony says, starting to pace, even though he’s not calm either, she’s right. She sighs loudly in his ear. ‘When was the last time you saw him?”
Earthly Dust From Off Thee Shaken by ExpectoPatronum
Summary: “It had started with leaving his bedroom light on at night before he went to sleep. For a while, that had been enough. But then it wasn't.”
“Forever” by WithACherryOnTop
Summary: “Peter could feel the darkness creeping up on him again, like it had only moments earlier in the Avengers Compound bullpen. ‘‘ony.’ ‘Just go to sleep, bud.’ Tony gently scratched his nails at the nape of Peter’s neck. Peter collapsed bonelessly in Tony’s arms, all evidence of the tears, crying, and sobs hidden except for a stained shirt and the boy’s even, congested breaths. Tony wiped a hand over his face, a bit flustered. ‘Wow. That went way worse than I expected." Disclaimer: All characters belong to Marvel and/or Sony. I do not give permission for this work to be copied and/or posted to any other sites.
Gonna Pick Up The Pieces by orphan_account
Summary: “I don’t want to talk to you,’ Peter says. He’s been hiding for the better part of an hour, sitting in the cabin’s laundry room, wedged between the washer and the dryer. Something about the sounds coming off of them calms him, weirdly. The swish of water, the rumble of the motors, cotton rubbing cotton, the button on a pair of jeans dinging the side of the barrel.  ‘That’s bullshit,’ Tony says. ‘You always want to talk to me.’ As true as that usually is, this time it rings discordant and tense. Peter clenches his jaw. ‘Not really,’ he says. ‘You just sorta assume that.’ ‘Of course I do. I make for lovely conversation.’ ‘Eh.”
Head’s On The Fritz by augustheart
Summary: "Hello?’ ‘Tony?’ ‘The one and only. What’s up, kiddo?’ The answer rises up in Peter's throat. Stops at the back of his tongue and wobbles there, heavy and leaden. He wants to spit it out, to cough it into the unbearable silence, to not be loud—but, to be steady. ‘I—’ he says. He trembles. ‘Can you—come over? Please?" Or: Tony makes things better
Hold Me Together by An_Odd_Idea
Summary: “Peter still doesn’t feel quite solid. Sometimes Tony can’t believe he’s really there either. They cope.”
I Have You by sweetspiderstew
Summary: “Tony has Peter all to himself, and there's nothing else like some good quality time in the workshop, but little mishaps happen, and there's a lot of hugging.”
I’ll Be Right Here by An_Odd_Idea
Summary: “Peter has a nightmare, and Tony goes to be sure he’s okay. It’s not the first one of its kind.” 
It Came At Night by Marvelous_Writer
Summary: “What’s supposed to be a normal weekend visit to the Compound turns into one of disaster when unexpected visitors show up." (Set after Spider-Man: Homecoming) Whumptober Day Five: Gunpoint
It’s Time to Leave (and Turn to Dust) by hopeless_hope
Summary: "We’re going to help you, I promise, but you’ve got to trust me. Do you trust me?’ Peter looks at his mentor, fear written across his face. He raises a shaking hand back to Tony’s chest, and Tony places his hand over the kid’s. Peter closes his eyes and feels the hard surface of the arc reactor against his palm.  Peter doesn’t like soft things, but this isn’t soft. It’s solid and steady and strong and feels like a truth he can believe in. It feels like presence.  ‘Yeah, I trust you." (In which Peter has trouble coping with the events of Infinity War, but a certain Tony Stark is there to help.)
Meltdown by inkinmyheartandonthepage
Summary: “You said two-thirty,’ Peter said, acting as if he hadn’t heard Tony. ‘I forgot that you changed it to two thirty and not three.’ Tony took a step towards Peter. ‘Hey, Pete. It���s fine. You’re not that late kiddo. Hell, I’ve been to board meetings hours late.’ The joke didn’t land, and Peter’s eyes started to well with tears. He took in a hiccupping breath. ‘Oh god. I forgot. I forgot." Or: Peter isn't coping after Titan and has been doing everything to keep busy and not think about it. Everything comes to head when he forgets that a time was changed in his busy schedule leading to a meltdown.
Mine, And Yours by crowkag
Summary: “Is it Peter?’ He was met with loaded silence. The anxiety spark became an anxiety plunge and twist. ‘Happy. Is it Peter?’ ‘It’s… well. Who else would it be, right?’ ‘Hogan.’ He hated this. The spark, the plunge, the twist. The tension creeping from his shoulder blades, clawing down arms both flesh and metal, somehow, someway, and bunching up inside his palms. The hysteria of it all. ‘It’s—alright, I won’t sugarcoat it. The kid’s alive, but he got shot, Tony. Twice." Or: Tony reunites with Peter in a less-than-ideal manner.
Relax, Just Breathe by hailfire_73
Summary: “Tony,’ said Peter, lifting his head from the glass, his stubbornness spent. ‘I don’t feel so—’ ‘Do not,’ said Tony, through gritted teeth, and meeting Peter’s eyes in the rearview mirror. He had just one hand on the steering wheel as he drove them into the night. ‘Finish that sentence.’ Morgan leaned over, hung out of her booster seat, and whispered, ‘It gives dad attacks." Or: The Starks go on a road trip that goes wrong when Peter gets food poisoning from questionable carnival food.
Scars Can Heal And Reveal Just Where You Are by parkrstark
Summary: “Jesus Christ, Pete,’ the voice says again, and it's not just a voice. It's a voice that belongs to the shadow. The shadow is light in the dark. It's warm. ‘What are you doing on the floor? You're lucky you're by your bed or else it would have been you breaking my fall.’ Peter blinks at the shadow and can't tell if he's comforted or irritated by the new company. ‘What? No quip about me breaking a hip?’ There's silence. ‘Peter?" 
Shots Ring Out by itsluckyyou
Summary: “Peter Parker had training. Training to deal with robbers, petty crime, and possible alien invasions. Nothing could have possibly trained him for this, though." Or: There's a shooter wandering the halls of Midtown School of Science and Technology.
The Pills (They Gotta Go) by searchingforstars
Summary: “Tony. What are these?’ Tony glances up. Sees the packs of pills clenched in Peter’s fist. He’s sure some of them must be dust judging by the force that Peter is holding them with. ‘My pills?’ ‘Why are they sitting at the back of the pantry?’ Peter asks, voice dangerously low." Or: Tony decides taking his medication is optional. Peter strongly disagrees.
We All Have A Hunger by MotherKarizma
Summary: “Morgan,’ he croaked, throat afire, and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. ‘Hey—hey, it’s okay, I’m just…’ ‘You’re sick.’ She mustered up something like bravery, using it to straighten her back and plaster a very grown-up look on her face. ‘I’ll get Daddy!’ ‘No!’ Morgan jumped, eyes wide. Peter fought to calm his voice. He offered her a smile that couldn’t have been convincing, not even to a five-year-old. ‘No, you don’t have to. I feel better  now. You don’t have to tell him.’ Morgan’s lips wobbled. Peter knew what her fake pout looked like well enough to know this wasn’t it. ‘Petey…’ Peter had a lot of reasons to feel guilty. He felt guilty for scaring her. He felt guilty for forgetting to lock his bedroom door, for making scaring her a possibility. He kind of, in a way, felt guilty for doing it in the first place, though not nearly enough to stop. But more than anything, he felt guilty for this: ‘Morgan, promise me you won’t tell him. He…he won’t let us swim anymore if you do. And I’m not sick, my tummy just hurt a little bit, but I’m all better now. Promise me you won’t tell him, okay?’ ‘But…’ ‘Morgan. Promise.”
We’re Here by An_Odd_Idea
Summary: “Comfortember prompt 3: Nightmares Peter has nightmares about when Thanos stabbed Tony on Titan”
Who Needs a Happy New Year When You Can Have a Happy Forever? by searchingforstars
Summary: “Peter's already feeling insecure about his place in Stark family holiday traditions, but it turns out it doesn't really matter because New Year’s Eve is significantly less fun when you’re a pair of PTSD-riddled superheroes, anyway." Or: Tony has a panic attack in a Burger King.
Without You (I Was Broken) by parkrstark
Summary: "How did you get shot? You just webbed me up 5 stories from being shot!’ ‘D-Didn’t know it was coming.’  ‘Dammit, Peter! This isn’t the first time your spidey sense hasn’t worked. I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt because Rhodey told me I was being insane. Why didn’t you tell me it wasn’t always working? You shouldn’t go out into battle like this when your powers are being wonky and—’ ‘You’re here.’ ‘What?’ ‘You’re here.’ He takes a deep breath. ‘I don’t...I can’t really feel the danger when you’re around."
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topguncortez · 1 year
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➢It’s that time of year again!!! This year I am taking part in @/ailesswhumptober and I can’t be more excited!
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One topic/day will be assigned to one character for that day (i.e Jake gets Day 1, Rooster Day 2, Floydsin Day 3). I will not be doing more than one character a day.
ABSOLUTELY NO MINORS. As these topics all fall under the WHUMP category, there will be heavy content written and shared. Fics will be tagged accordingly, but no minors are permitted to interact. If I find you are a minor interacting, you will be blocked immediately. 
During this time I will not be posting any other fics/blurbs/one-shots or taking requests, primarily because I’ll be writing a lot and posting a lot and I don’t need that added stress.
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As I said before, one character will be used a day. Therefore, whatever day and character come in first will be assigned. 
Example: “Jake, Day 27 pls!” 
-Jake will be used as the main character on Day 27. 
Example: Rooster Day 18! 
    Iceman day 18!
-Rooster will be used as the main character on Day 18 because the request came in first. 
You can request what prompt you would like
My normal requesting rules still stand: if you are a blank blog, a minor, a character I don’t write for, or exceed the two-three sentence limit, your request will not be fulfilled
I will update the calendar/character list on SUNDAYS, so you know what days are left.
ALL REQUESTS MUST BE DONE BY: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd  (exceptions maybe made if days aren’t all filled)
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THE WHUMPTOBER CALENDAR: (the days are in bold)
Drugging | Sick | Poisoned
Overworked | Insomnia | Exhaustion
Sensory Deprivation | Overstimulation | Isolation
Hiding an injury | betrayal | lying
Hostage | Kidnapping | Held at Gunpoint
Conditioning | Mind Control | Forced to Hurt Someone Else
Flatline | Restrained | CPR
Panice Attacks | Dissociation | Seizure
Scar Reveal | Interrogation | Presumed Dead
Branding | Scarring | Collar
Fainting | Paralyzed | Adrenaline 
Self Harm | Sacrifice | Character Death
Earthquake | Flood | Crushed
Bleeding through the bandage | Field Medicine | No Anesthesia 
Experimentation | Muzzle | Transformation
Amputation | Chronic Pain | Hospital
Hypothermia | Heat Stroke | “You Look a Little Pale?”
Fever | Vomiting | Warm Soup
Taken for Granted | Left Behind | “Why Wasn’t I Enough?” 
Dehumanization | Stockholm Syndrome | Master & Servant
Blood loss | Shock | Near Death Experience
Whipping | punishment | stress position
Begging | “Take Me Instead” | Forced to Watch
Failed Escape | Hunted Down | Too Exhausted to Keep Running
Nightmares | Flashback | “Why Didn’t You Save Me?” 
Magical Exhaustion or Injury | Curse | Came Back Wrong
Forgotten | Locked Away | Immortal
Whumpee hair pulling | Oxygen Deprivation | Sweating
“The Easy Way or The Hard Way? | Bargaining | Forced to Choose
Possession | Mind Games | Coma
31 | A light at the end of the tunnel 
PTSD | Headaches | Crying
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Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin  Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw  Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd Natasha ‘Phoenix’ Trace  Javy ‘Coyote’ Machado Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell  Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky  Nick ‘Goose’ Bradshaw  Henry ‘Wolfman’ Ruth Beau ‘Cyclone’ Simpson  Rhett Abbott
Jake & Shy!Wifey  Dragon & Rooster Coyote & Val Phoenix & Cerberus  Bob & Bea  Hangman & Athena
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chicgeekgirl89 · 9 months
2023 Writing Roundup
Thanks to @liminalmemories21 and @ladytessa74 for the tags!
I guess the next time I'm mad at myself for not writing more I'll just...tell myself to shut up lol. Holy heck this is a lot of fic.
Paper Rings- A 5+1 of Tarlos wedding planning. I adore this one.
Packing a Piece- Early days Tarlos, T.K. taking care of Carlos as his feelings grow stronger.
My Pain Fits in the Palm of Your Freezing Hand- What a labor of love, Carlos' POV during the Ice Storm arc.
I Get it From You- 5+1 of habits the boys have picked up from each other. So fun to write!
Will You Take What's Left of Me?- Me trying to figure out the mess of Carlos having a secret wife 🙄
Like I'm Gonna Lose You- T.K. saving Carlos' life after his abduction and the aftermath.
Glitter and Be Gay- This one is so freaking funny lol. Carlos hates glitter and he suffers because of it. T.K. is amused.
How to Say Goodbye- My last NCIS LA Densi fic. That fandom has meant the world to me and I'm sad the show is over.
Love is Sitting on the Bathroom Floor- T.K. has food poisoning, Carlos takes care of him, it's so sweet!
The Luck O' the Irish- I truly love how this one turned out, my little fic about Tarlos doing a class project with their child in the future and Carlos being a neurotic dad lol.
I Won't Say I'm in Love- Carlos falling in love with T.K., Adriana and Francesca being their best/worst selves. This one has some of the best dialogue, god they're fun.
Mothers and Sons- Andrea caring for T.K. as they wedding plan. Made myself cry with this one.
Shiner- Coda for 4x15, Carlos finding out about T.K.'s black eye and taking care of him.
A Helping Hand- Lololol a fic based on my real life experience with rain and smoke detectors.
Happy Campers- Boys camping trip with whumped Carlos is just what the summer ordered!
We Have Suffered Enough- 4x16 post-ep. God did they really need the Huntington's scare?!
Day Zero- T.K. struggles after being drugged by Sadie.
Saturday Night's All Right for Fighting- This might be the best fic of the year. Mama and Papa Reyes getting into trouble at a bar with T.K. and poor Carlos having to sort it all out is the stuff my dreams are made of.
Rugby King- My sweet, sweet Heartstopper boys. I was so nervous writing this fic and I'm so glad I did. Whumpy Nick and worried Charlie are such perfection and it was so fun to jump into this fandom!
Come Sail Away- My magnum opus for this year lol. The longest thing I've written to date and a love letter to the drama and antics of Below Deck. Also my first AU! (Technically...)
Tío T.K.- T.K. being a freaking badass and helping Carlos' nephew. Adriana and Francesca return. A joy from start to finish.
Phew! What a year! Thanks to everyone who has read my work this year!
Tagging @lemonlyman-dotcom, @bonheur-cafe, @carlos-in-glasses, and @thisbuildinghasfeelings!
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zigraves · 9 months
2023 Zi-writes-fic list
I've put nothing on Ao3 since 2014, when I basically stopped writing fanfic for the better part of a decade. And then Baldur's Gate 3 happened, and suddenly I'm writing again in volume!
So here's what's happened this year, almost all of which is canon-compliant or strongly canon-adjacent unless otherwise stated:
A Soft Caress; As Cold As Death - my return to writing fic, with a multichapter M-rated postgame. Astarion/Halsin dealing with grief and circling back to a relationship with each other after their shared Tav died.
Overhear More In Changing - hopping onto the Bloodweave train with what appears to be the fandom's first body-swap fic! E-rated for a mind-meld activities, and the first of what will turn out to be quite a few bloodweave fics.
Just Leap The Flames - having come from the TF2 fandom back in the day, naturally I could not resist having two sad old warriors find a bit of solace together for a night. E-rated Halsin/ Zevlor, featuring sore bones and bad hips.
Unexpected Terrain - a short bit of E-rated porn with a reasonable amount of feelings attached, featuring a trans Gale and an Astarion who's definitely got some issues around power and autonomy. Astarion's tendency to stay clothed and distant from his partner is at this point becoming a running theme.
Enchanting Silver - Bloodweave again, this time with a magic mirror gift for Astarion, and only M-rated for suggestiveness.
Seen, Seen, Seen - breaking up the smut and suggestiveness with a T-rated character study comparing Halsin and Astarion's responses to trauma and how it's shaped them as characters.
Come To Mind - staying T-rated, a bit of mild whump as Gale loses his mind and has to piece together who, or what, he is - and what relationship he has to these strangers around him.
Rest, Indulge - back to E-ratings with a slow, indulgent, postgame bit of bloodweave consensual somnophilia. Come for the smut, stay for the breakfast sandwiches.
Myrtle, Ozone, Iron - M-rated for canon-expected depictions of violence, this ongoing fic leans into Astarion's reliance on scripts and his struggle with social interactions that fall outside his 200 years of rote experience.
Strigil - E-rated again, as Gale has a miserable time in the Shadowlands and Astarion has a solution to his laundry problems. Readers may notice, once again, Astarion sublimating some Personal Issues via Gale.
Steady, Steady - dropping down to a nice friendly T-rating for what appears to be the first Halsin & Karlach friendfic in the fandom. Halsin teaches Karlach to whittle!
You Into Me - back up to E-rating for tadpole-based psychic codependency and a dose of hurt-comfort, written for a Bloodweave Secret Santa event.
Sherry - a G-rated offering at last, as Wyll ponders how much humanity he has left in the company of one who knows all too well what it's like to made into something monstrous.
Glass - a second dose of Wyllstarion, an as-yet-unrated Cinderella story written for the Wyllstarion server's "Fairy Tale" prompt. More to come on this one, and you can expect canon-typical violence and hurt/comfort to be added to the tags when Chapter 2 comes.
So! That brings my 2023 to an end.
After so long writing little to no fic, and barely even picking at my own original writing, it's been so good finally having something that sets my brain back to words again. I hope you enjoy it, and I promise to finish both Glass and Myrtle, Ozone, Iron in the New Year.
I'd put up a rec list, but good gods - there are so many talented writers in this fandom that I'd hardly know where to start!
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whumpers-monthly · 2 years
Whump calendar 2023
Attention: I will delete the prompts in all the months except December next month to make room for next year. If you want to save the whump calendar 2023 you should do it now. Also check out my new blog @whumpcalendar where I will post the calendar from now on.
So I made a calendar and @thewhumpyprintingpress made a checklist for all whump events. Let us know if you're hosting an event so that we can add you.
All events under the cut.
So far we've got:
Whumpers-monthly by @whumpers-monthly One prompt every month.
2023 Year of Whump by @soheavyaburden A prompt can either be filled each week or each month, runs the whole year.
January: Whumpuary by @whumpuary 10 sets of prompts
February: Febuwhump by @febuwhump
March: March Trope-A-Thon by @amonthofwhump 7 days of prompts
April: Whumpril by @whumpril
May: Whumpay by @whumpay Mediwhump May by @mediwhumpmay
July: Whumpmas in July by @whumpmasinjuly
September: Whumptember by @whumptember Sicktember by @sicktember
October: AI-less whumptober by @ailesswhumptober Angstober by @angstober Whumptober by @whumptober
November: Comfortember by @comfortember
December: Whumpcember by @whumpcember 12 Days of Whumpmas by @whumpmas 12 sets of prompts Winter Whumperland by @amonthofwhump 1 - 12 of December Hurtcember by @hurtcember Merry Whumpmas by @whumpishprompts
We will add all the other blogs as soon as the promptlists are available.
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painonthebrain · 3 months
❄️ • Whumpmas in July Day 1 - (Re)Introduce yourself! • ❄️
Hey there! I’m Electric and I create mainly oc whump! (But I make stuff for fandom too sometimes… I’m all over the place haha) I also run August of Whump, which is happening for the first time ever this year. (Can you tell that I’m excited?)
I’m both a writer and an artist and recently I’ve been posting a bunch of little snippets of writing unrelated to any series. However, I do want to make an actual, cohesive story one day! It’s a little hard for me though, I will admit.
I’m a lover of almost any whump tropes, but a few of my faves are pet whump, lab whump, nonhuman whump, role reversals (whumper-turned-whumpee my beloved), transformations, and
If you wanna get a taste of what I make or find my older intro, then my masterlist is right here!
❤️ Name: Electric (Elec for short)
💚 Pronouns: Any (including neos and it/its)
🤍 Favorite season: Fall 💞
❤️ Average amount of sleep: HAHAHAHA. Whatever keeps me going I guess
💚 Dream job: I’m not too sure! I’d love to have a job working creatively or maybe something like working in a library for fun. I’ve actually never had a job before though, so right now I’m mostly aspiring for good pay and a non-stressful work environment. (And also experience ig… that too)
🤍 Blog established: September 2023
❤️ Username/blog meaning: I’ve got pain on the brainnnn babey
💚 Hobbies: Many creative things, reading, talking with friends, roleplaying, watching ASMR and napping so soo much
🤍 What you love about whump: Oh there’s too much to cover but I’ll name a few reasons why — the way emotional depth and intimacy is handled, how experimental I can get with it and the community!! Also the pain… that too hehe
❤️ Anything else to add: I’ve decided to do this event on a whim so if I end up crashing and burning as the result of doing these prompts so late — well… I have nobody to blame but myself
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majorproblems77 · 11 months
Alright!! Time for a long ramble folks.
It's November! Which means that the tumblr -tober fest is over.
This saddens me, but I've gotta speak about it because it's my first time doing an event like this.
For those who dont know, Or find this post later in the depths of the reblog shenanigans, I'm Major. I joined the Tumblr LU community back in July of this year(2023). I am new to all of it, and I'd had never heard of Whumptober before.
When people started talking about it back in August and September i didn't know what to make of it honestly. I didn't even know what it entailed! I had no idea what a whump story was. But it looked like fun, so the prompt list came down and I started writing.
I spent September writing for it, I had a goal to get something out for every day of the month thinking. Oh, it's My little stories on the internet its fine. Maybe twenty people will see it. It's not my main stuff. It won't be as popular it's fine I'm enjoying myself etc.
Then I started posting.
And people liked it!
And when I tell you I was shocked. I was Shocked. Im still new in the online Writing scene and it still baffles me to see people be excited about work I've posted.
It's just me Writing about my Blorbos. Like. I don't understand!
Some of the stuff people have told me this month has warmed my heart. And made me actually bawl (/pl) because god dammit you are all so lovely and it's just so amazing to have people actually support what I'm doing.
Just oh man I might cry writing this, cause I just can't thank everyone enough for the support and the love and just. Everything.
Thank you.
From the bottom of my heart. Thank you so so so much.
You've no idea what it means to me.
Now it's time for thanking all those creators this month who have been putting out some goddamn amazing pieces every day. People who have been so supportive of what I've been doing for some unbeknownst reason.
There's so many people I could tag for being so supportive. For being amazing and you know who you are. I've got a bad memory and can't remember all of your user names or id tag like everybody on the planet! I don't want to miss anyone outtttt cause I'd feel bad if I missed you.
If you've got anyone you'd like to thank or you think I should go and look at let me know! I'd love to see more creators! And do go and thank those amazing people across the internet that you love. They love to hear from you!
I love (/pl) each and everyone of you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you so so so much.
Thank you so much.
See yous around
Major :D
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A Witcher Wheel of the Year 2023
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A Witcher Wheel of the Year will be a series of events all through the year 2023. 
There will be prompts based on every festival of the Wheel of the Year, and you are invited to create fics or art of whatever strikes your fancy for those. Prompts will be smutty and non-smutty, you can pick one or several. If you feel like creating something not based on the prompts, go ahead! We only ask that there is some connection to the festival, however you choose to interpret it.
All themes and genres are welcome, from G to E and from fluff to whump. This is a kink and darkfic friendly event, as long as you tag/warn accordingly.
No upper or lower word count limit for writers
All canons are welcome - games, TV shows, books
All ships are welcome, as are gen fics
Please be kind to each other - no bashing or kinkshaming ect.
On the date of each festival, there will be an event where you can share your work. Tag with #witcherwheeloftheyear so people can find it! Follow us on @witcherwheeloftheyear and @ us when you post so we can reblog!
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Prompts will be revealed throughout the year, around three months ahead so you have time to create.
There is an AO3 collection here and a canonical tag: A Witcher Wheel of the Year Challenge
Mod: @bookscorpion (if you want to send me an anon message and you have no Tumblr account, please do so via a reply the Dreamwidth post for the event, 'More Options' will let you select anon)
Prompts and Dates
Imbolc February 2nd
Ostara March 20th
Beltane May 1st
Litha June 21st
Lammas August 1st
Mabon September 22nd
Samhain November 1st
Yule December 21st
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well/spring - divination - initiation - turning of the tide
pregnancy - cumplay - fireplay
colour palette here
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maiden - balance - disguise - rebirth - dawn
caning (willow switches) - bloodplay - virginity/first time
colour palette here
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temperature play - milking - aphrodisiac
fire and smoke - protection - make a wish
colour palette here
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the longest day - dragons - dancing - dreams
orgy - fake marriage - semi-public sex
colour palette here
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baking - offering - dolls - brawling
bondage - (riding) crops - cock and ball torture - a roll in the hay
colour palette here
braids - walking in circles - harvest
ploughing - bit and bridle - breath play
colour palette here
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gateway/portal - lost (and found?) - beggar
candles/waxplay - mask/blindfold - taboo
colour palette here
theater - straw - unexpected guest - echoes
chains - suspension - gift wrapped
colour palette here
Graphics for the moodboard by Crimsonherbarium, Sun Cross from Wikipedia, moodboard put together by bookscorpion. All base images free to use.
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satashiiwrites · 2 years
Sleepless in LA, Chapter 7: September
Title: Sleepless in LA, Chapter 6: The Deluge
Fandom: 911
Pairing: Endgame buddie, other canon pairings through the end of season 3
Fic Summary:
Navigating the aftermath of Shannon’s death, Eddie never thought he’d be a widower by age thirty-two and raising a kid on his own without any help. When Christopher calls into one of those late-night talk radio shows asking how to help his Dad, Eddie realizes that he needs to try and move on for Christopher’s sake, so he reluctantly starts dating what everyone tells him is the perfect woman for someone like him.
It turns out Christopher, and he have much different ideas of just who they need.
Buck has had a terrible year.  His physical injuries from the truck bombing were bad enough but having Ali leave him seems like a sign from the universe that he’s always meant to be alone. Listening to the radio at night, he hears the most adorable kid ever talking about how his Dad is sad and needs a new partner—LA kids are pretty progressive, and this Christopher kid isn’t particular if his Dad ends up with a woman or a man. It almost gives him hope, but who would want to date a firefighter who can’t help anyone?
A chance encounter on a pier, a tsunami, and a promise to meet up at the Griffith Park Observatory on Valentine’s Day brings together two soulmates who, in another life, would have met very differently.
Chapter Summary:  
Both Buck and Eddie attempt to move on after the tsunami. They’re both only moderately successful at it.
Other tags/warnings:  alternative first meetings, alternative universe, timeline what timeline, specific warning this chapter for buck being in not a great mental place,  whump, inspired by Sleepless in Seattle and An Affair to Remember, Classic movie references, Valentine’s day fic 2023
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Read Chapter 7 here on AO3
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orphicpoieses · 1 year
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September 27, 2023
WIP: Project Rosary
Status: Active Writing
Percentage: 50%
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Project: Jaeger 437
Status: Active Writing
Percentage: not yet defined
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I am finally done with all my exams this year and I am currently in Spain on vacation.
So, hi ✌🏼😎
The last few weeks were an absolute mess. On September 11, I had my final exam and boy was the two weeks after a rollercoaster. I not only tried to do as many activities I wanted to do for so long, I also wrote a whole pen and paper adventure and tested it with some players. In the end, I’m having an adventure for 3-5 players and probably 2-3 evenings. The whole session took us 10 hours and we didn’t even finish it.
Anyway, Project Rosary is…not continued at the moment. I swear, I will try and finish it by the end of the year, but I somehow don’t have the right ideas at the moment. I am probably putting to much pressure on my shoulders at the moment, so I let it sit for a while until I can continue writing it at my usual writing time.
In the meantime, I started a new project called Pocket Stories. I try to write down my daydreams which will probably never be published, since they are…special. This story (its name is Jaeger 437) is probably the most whump story I’ve ever written down… I don’t believe, anyone would read something like that (including my pure laziness on translating them into English…) 😅
Lucky me, I don’t be as brutal in my soon-to-be-published books as in these Pocket Stories.
But, let me tell you a little secret about me: I am a sucker for good whump scenarios and, oh boy, I do enjoy writing them. They’re like my little secret guilty pleasure 🥰
I don’t know, how do you stand to whump-fiction? Tell me in the comments below. Maybe, if you ask nicely, I will show you some of the less-drastic parts 😏
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From the taglist: @ladyazulina @kaatiba
If you want to be notified every time I post some big news, consider subscribing to my tag list ✌🏼
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baubeautyandthegeek · 9 months
2023 Challenges Wrapped
Year-Long: Year Of Whump - Complete Year Of The OTP - Complete January: Whumpuary  - Complete Fluffbruary In January - Complete Flufftober In January - Complete February: Febuwhump - Complete Fluffbruary - Complete Kinkuary - Complete Flufftober In February - Complete ADARafaelBarba Bday Bingo - Complete March: Fluffbruary In March - Complete Flufftober In March - Complete April: Whumpril - Complete Fluffbruary in April - Complete Flufftober in April - Complete May: DoMayStic - Complete Fluffbruary in May - Complete Flufftober In May - Complete June: Fluffbruary in June - Complete Flufftober in June - Complete July: Fluffbruary in July - Complete Flufftober in July - Complete Fluffuly - Complete July Break Bingo - Complete August: Fluffbruary in August - complete Flufftober in August - complete Yeehawgust - complete AU August - complete September: Soultember - complete Fluffbruary in September - complete October: Katoberfest - complete Trektober - complete Flufftober - complete Fluffbruary in October - complete November: Fluffbruary in November - complete December: StoriesofSVU Holiday Bingo  - complete Fluffbruary in December - complete
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agentcarterbingo · 2 years
Do you know of any other bingos/events going on or happening in 2023? lots of my fave bingos aren't doing rounds anymore
hi! i think 2023 might be a thin year for bingos unfortunately :( here are the ones i know of, but if anyone else knows of any more events that are running this upcoming year, feel free to add on!
as far as new rounds go, blackwidowbingo (for works focused on natasha romanoff) posted a few days ago about another round potentially running in 2023
all of the following events seem (from my quick glance) to still be open, but i would check with the mods of each event before you try to request a card:
there's badthingshappenbingo (for works with an angst/whump/dark focus)
steggy bingo appears to be open all the time if that's your ship of choice
now these next two are ones i know of but have no idea if they're still open:
i participated in peggycarterbingo this year but i don't know if there's going to be another round of that next year
taylorswiftbingo (any fandom, prompts based off tswift songs) appears like it's still open but the last post on the blog was september, so i'm not sure if the mod is still around. also, i have a card and have posted two fics for it in october, neither of which were picked up so i would be cautious of this one, even though the theme/cards are so fun
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whumpitlikeyoumeanit · 3 months
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Heyo. I've never made an intro, because... I don't really do community, I suppose. I don't feel comfortable with people knowing me. So here's me going out of my comfort zone. I had to use the template because I didn't know what to say about myself, and changed it up some.
Fun fact: I actually do like more than Harry Potter. I even have whumpy OCs! But the Malfoy family are my neurodivergent super special interest and this blog, aside from prompts, is All Malfoys, All The Time.
❤️ Name:  Tian (in general online) or Wilymi (specifically here)
💚 Pronouns & Age:  Millennial They/thon
🤍 Been involved in whump since: as an appreciator, since I was about 4; as a purveyor, since I was about 11. I started with Star Trek fanfiction 😅
❤️ Username / blog meaning: so, lol. "Tian" is properly "TiaN" because it stands for "This is a Name", because a Discord server I joined forced me to have a real name, when my Discord name was "._.". But it's stuck for years now. And Wilymi is just "Whump It Like You Mean It". There might be a trend. I mean, I would definitely still go by "._." if I could. All of these completely impersonal names fit me very well. Labels without revealing anything. There's my quota of self-reflection for the day.
My AO3 name is Tianissimus, which is (obviously) based on Tian, mixed with Splendidissimus. (I am also @splendidissimus). "Splendidissimus" is a family motto I decided for the Malfoys some time ago, and is Latin for basically "the brightest it is possible to be".
"Whump it like you mean it" came from me having the Killers song "Smile Like You Mean It" stuck in my head. So deep. It still puts that song in my head every time I read it.
💚 Favourite tropes: It's weird that I always find this question so hard to answer. There are things that I really love to write but don't often because I feel the need to make the story reasonable and believable, and not too obviously torture porn. Even my torture porn accidentally develops plot.
Amputation & other long-term / permanent effects or disability
Impalement / piquerism (don't look that up if you're a minor)
Long-term captivity / enslavement
Carewhumper and/or Yandere Whumper
Vicious Caretakers getting revenge
Walkthrough of the scene with Caretakers / Authorities
Magic whump
🤍 Dislikes:
Electrocution (I almost always write from the Whumpee's perspective and I don't know how to do that)
Whumpee death (see above, Whumpee's perspective: that's just the unsatisfying ending) (unless he becomes a ghost 👀)
Crack Whump (sorry community, I know a lot of people like to go "lol wouldn't it be funny to shove his hand in a meat grinder lol", but I take my whump seriously)
❤️ Whump focus: Whumpee, and having someone see how much they've suffered and been through. Like, I promise, they will freaking suffer, but there's almost always going to be someone there to bear witness to either the suffering or the aftereffects and think of how impressive and precious they are, maybe cry over them, maybe vow to protect them (or have them 👀). To me, Whumper is a plot device, and Whumpee appreciation is the point.
💚 Hurt / Comfort balance: Varies. I'm so onboard for 99% hurt, with the only comfort being Whumpee being discovered at the end and being told they're all right. On the other hand, I am also 100+ pages into a pure recovery story.
I do not think that Comfort or Caretakers are inherently romantic, and in fact I like to use family for that. Just throwing that out there because I've seen so much discussion that automatically seems to assume a relationship. I'm aroace, and, while I can and sometimes like to use romance, a lot of times it's an unnecessary distraction from the whump to me. (I think for a lot of people, the romance may actually be the point.)
🤍 Blog established date: September of 2023. As I did Whumptober with Splendidissimus and I knew I wanted to do more events but couldn't fit everything into that universe.
❤️ Anything else to add: Favourite whumpee in the movie Se7en: Sloth.
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ohanahoku-ao3 · 9 months
Whumptober 2023 Day 25
Still working on getting these out, so enjoy some Stiles whump! :D
Teen & Up - Gen, F/M (Minor) - Teen Wolf
Grave Danger
     Beacon Hills had gotten too weird for Stiles. Werewolves were one thing, and he dealt just fine with the kanima. But he drew the line at zombies. Zombies were a step too far for Stiles, and as far as he was concerned, Beacon Hills could go to hell if it wasn’t there already. Of course, abandoning his hometown would be a lot easier when he wasn’t being marched toward the cemetery by said zombies.
     Stiles glanced around at them, shivering at the cold emanating from their pale corpses. He didn’t know why he was still alive. From what they’d seen, these zombies weren’t like the ones in the movies. They couldn’t transform others with a bite, but that didn’t mean they weren’t dangerous. Undead people who could keep moving even after being shot or mutilated could do a lot of damage with their blunt teeth and long nails. Stiles shuddered at the memory of what those poor people in town had looked like after the first attack. Humans could do such horrible things when their humanity and souls were taken from them.
     Which begs the question: Why is he alive and not in pieces?
     The only answer he could come up with could have been a better one. Because if they weren’t hurting him, that meant they had to be controlled by someone. And that meant that whoever was controlling them wanted Stiles alive. That thought was as relieving as it was terrifying for what it could mean.
     The grass was damp from the night air as Stiles was marched into the cemetery, the dew seeping into his sneakers. The smell of freshly overturned dirt soon reached him as they rounded a few sculpted bushes, and Stiles’ stomach dropped as he saw the slender pit in front of him. It was a newly dug grave, and in the low lighting of the cemetery, Stiles could see a name emblazoned on the headstone above it. ’Mieczyslaw Stlinski.’
     His feet felt rooted to the spot as he stopped short, a zombie bumping into him and grunting before it stilled.
     Beside the grave, a man stood half-turned away from him, his face obscured by shadows. “So nice of you to join me, Miecyzslaw.” The man said, and Stiles started at the sound of his given name being perfectly pronounced.
     “Who are you?” Stiles asked, a slight waver in his voice as his eyes helplessly trailed back to the gravestone and read the rest of the inscription. ‘Born April 8th, 1995, Died September 17th, 2011.’  
     A match flared, catching the stretch of the man’s grin as he lit a cigarette, taking a puff before releasing smoke into the air. “Let’s just say I’m an old friend of your father.”
     “Yeah, I’m not buying that,” Stiles said, glancing at the zombies that flanked him. Their cold hands were gripping his arms, the touch sending shivers up and down his spine from more than just the cool temperature of their fingertips. He didn’t want to think about the rot and mold that composed a significant amount of their bodies.
     The man laughed, shaking his head as he lifted his cigarette to his lips once more, the tip flaring red as he turned to face Stiles, pale light catching on his face.
     Stiles’ eyes slowly widened in recognition of the man, the killer in front of him. “I remember your face. My dad busted you.”
     “Heh, good memory, kid. Yeah, he got me dead to rights, put me behind bars.” Vince Davies, a local known for killing his girlfriend and her brother some nine years previous when Stiles was only six years old, said. “Good old, gold-hearted Deputy Stilinski,” He sneered. “Guess he’s the sheriff now, though, ain’t he?”
     “He is. Busting your sorry mug definitely helped push him up the ladder to that promotion.” Stiles said, never one to play the meek and mild in such situations.
     The man’s eye twitched, and he scowled at the mocking tone. “Yeah, well, while he was profiting from my misfortune, I spent nine years rotting in a stinking cell.” Vince snarled, tossing his cigarette away. “Do you know what maximum security is like, kid? It’s like living in your grave, unable to do anything but sit there and rot.”
     “It’s what you deserve for what you did,” Stiles told him, clenching his fists angrily as he recalled the old police file about the case. He’d only gotten a glimpse of it before his mom found him, but the graphic pictures of mutilated bodies would linger in his mind for years to come, perhaps forever.
     “Don’t preach to me about things that people deserve! They deserved to die!” The murderer shouted, striding forward a few steps and getting right into Stiles’ face. “Just like your father’s going to.”
     Stiles pulled his head back a bit, grimacing at the nicotine-filled breath that blew across his face. “If you want him dead, then where do I fit in on all of this? Answer me that. If you just wanted to kill me for revenge, shouldn’t he be here?”
     Vince grinned, a glint in his eyes that dripped terror down Stiles’ spine. The man pulled back, stepping to the side of the grave, his hands clasped behind his back as he stared into the pit. “I had a cellmate in jail. Crazy guy, he was. Most thought he wasn’t all there mentally, but he taught me things. I learned things about the outside world, this world that’s so much more than the idiot populace thinks it is. You’ve seen it. This world has werewolves and creatures that defy logic. It has mystical and magical elements that most can’t begin to fathom. Few ever learn of these things, but I did. Before he died, my cellmate taught me everything I needed to know about bringing the dead back to life.”
     Necromancy, the word sounded in Stiles’ mind, and he shuddered at the name of the unethical practice.
     “Now that I'm out, I'm going to get my revenge, and you're going to help me, Miecyzslaw. At first, I planned to use your dead mother for this.”
     Stiles’ anger flared at the thought of the man resurrecting his mother as one of the mindless zombies, and he struggled against the cold grip on his arms.
     “Too bad she was cremated.” Vince lamented. “It would have been brilliant to have your father killed by the woman he loved. But I suppose he'll be just as devastated when he sees your corpse come to kill him.”
     With a flick of his fingers, the deranged man called his zombie puppets into action. Stiles cried out as they started shoving him toward his grave. “Hey, wait, hold on! Come on, you don't want to deliver a perfect body like mine to the grave!”
     The undead paid him no mind, and as Vince laughed, Stiles was thrown into the hole. He landed on his stomach, getting a mouthful of dirt as the wind was knocked out of him. Something heavy dropped onto his legs, and as Stiles desperately started pushing himself up, another weight landed on his back, knocking him back down as he shouted in pain.
     His hands scrambled in the loose dirt, searching for purchase, for something to grab for leverage. But the ground was too soft, and the objects on top of him were too heavy, leaving him trapped in the bottom of the grave.
     “Sleep well, Miecyzslaw Stilinski. I’ll be seeing you soon.” Vince intoned above him, and Stiles screamed as dirt started to rain down on top of him.
     The dirt built up swiftly as multiple zombies worked to fill the grave, and soon, Stiles’ screams turned to gasps of air as he struggled to lift his head above the silt, hands trying to push the dirt away from his head. Eventually, he stopped making noise at all as he tilted his head forward and tried with his hands to block the dirt from reaching his mouth, holding his breath as he attempted to form a pocket of air around his face.
     Panic seized his chest, though, making it hard to think clearly and hold his breath for very long. There was no way out of this. No one knew Stiles had been taken, so no one was coming after him.
     He had no idea how long he’d been buried when his meager air supply ran out, and Stiles held his breath like he was drowning, heart pounding in his ears and his head feeling ready to explode. In the utter darkness of his grave, Stiles lost consciousness, surrendering against his will to the inevitable.
     Air forced its way into Stiles’ lungs, and he woke with a gasp of pain, rolling over and curling on his side as he coughed roughly before greedily inhaling oxygen-rich breaths. Beside him, someone let out a sound of relief, and when Stiles calmed slightly, he rolled back onto his back to blink up at Lydia and Peter kneeling next to him.
     “I felt you die,” Lydia whispered, staring at him with wide eyes. “I felt you die, Stiles.”
     “You brought me back.” Stiles rasped, staring up at her in shock, remembering the brief feel of soft lips against his right as he woke up. His chest ached as he breathed in, and his eyes drifted over to Peter and narrowed. “And you broke my ribs.”
     “Cracked, you'll live,” Peter said, extending his hand.
     Stiles grabbed the proffered hand and grunted as he was slowly pulled to his feet. He took in the sight around him as he stood, and his eyes widened. The cemetery was littered with corpses, most of them sans heads, and their puppeteer lay on the ground next to Stiles’ grave with deep slashes across his throat.
     As Stiles’ eyes wandered away from the body, they lit on his grave, noticing the shovels beside a mound of dirt and the tracks formed in the soil where shovels were exchanged for bare hands. He looked back at Peter and Lydia as the former helped the latter to her feet, eyes flicking down to their dirt-stained hands, the former's also stained with blood. “You really saved my life. You killed them and dug me back up, knowing I was already dead. And you brought me back.”
     Lydia straightened her skirt with shaky hands and exhaled before squaring her delicate shoulders. “Well, if there's one thing I know, it's that not all dead people stay dead.” She said, looking back at Peter.
     Peter looked away, huffing a slight laugh. “We got to you before Davies could start the ritual, so you won’t turn into a zombie.”
     Stiles nodded, some residual panic melting away at the reassurance. He gestured to the zombies on the ground. “What happened to them?” He asked, indicating their lack of heads and claw marks.
     “I screamed,” Lydia said, her lips pressing together. A haunted look lingered in her eyes as they met Stiles’ gaze. “I screamed, and their heads exploded.”
     Stiles blinked, glancing between her and Peter, his mouth opening and closing like a fish for a moment before his hands gently gripped her arms. “Oh my God, are you okay?”
     “I don't know.” She admitted, pressing her lips together and shaking her head slowly.
     “She'll be fine,” Peter told them, glancing toward the road. “Police are on their way. We shouldn't be here when they arrive.”
     The two teens nodded and fell into step behind him as he led them out of the cemetery, Stiles’ arm around Lydia.
     “I'm gonna have to tell my dad,” Stiles said as they left in Peter's car. “I'm not keeping this from him anymore.”
     Peter looked back at him but said nothing, and in the silence that followed Stiles’ statement, sirens filled the night air.
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