#25 days of writing challange
salmonight · 1 year
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Switchtober: A fun little kwami swap challange for October!
You may draw it, u may write it.
You may only make a few of it, u may make all them.
U may as well include more than one in the same piece.
Free day can be interpreted both as a break day and as a 'draw whatever you want' day
Feel free to make them however is the most fun for u!
Blame the randomizer for the weird combos i left them up to chance so they will be more varied
Day 1: Marc | Dog
Day 2: Max | Peacock
Day 3: Ms. Bustier | Turtle
Day 4: Free Day
Day 5: Nathalie | Black Cat
Day 6: Rose | Rabbit
Day 7: Sabrina | Bee
Day 8: Juleka | Ladybug
Day 9: Ivan | Horse
Day 10: Nino | Mouse
Day 11: Free Day
Day 12: Adrien | Goat
Day 13: Myléne | Dragon
Day 14: Nathaniel | Butterfly
Day 15: Alya | Snake
Day 16: Claude | Ox
Day 17: Kim | Pig
Day 18: Free Day
Day 19: Aurore | Fox
Day 20: Allan | Monkey
Day 21: Marinette | Tiger
Day 22: Chloe | Rooster
Day 23: Jagged | Black Cat
Day 24: Luka | Peacock
Day 25: Free Day
Day 26: Alix | Dog
Day 27: Kagami | Horse
Day 28: Manon | Fox
Day 29: Allegra | Rabbit
Day 30: Lila | Ladybug
Day 31: Félix | Tiger
Do not forget to tag #switchtober2023 or #switchtober !
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June's writing challange - Day 25
1640 words, I finished the most important sequence in this part, which triggered a huge action scene I gotta write now. But ok. Powering through it.
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Dec 25
Words: 2 086
A/N: Last One, I made it! and I deliberately mixed up the timeline concerning who is married to whom. Also I’m having a skull splitting headache while writing this, so it might make no sense whatsoever…
You pressed the door bell and quickly shoved your hands back into your coat’s pockets. The winter air was freezing, but at least the freshly fallen snow gave the town a beautiful make over for Christmas Day. Behind the door, steps were approaching, and the next moment, your friend Frank pulled it open, a big grin immediately jumping on his face as he saw you standing outside.
“Just in time,” he cheered, pulling you inside and slamming the door shut behind you.
He engulfed you in a quick hug, before helping you take your coat off, and hanging it into the cloak stand, right next to one you recognized as Gerard’s, which immediately caused your heartrate going through the roof, just like every other thought at Gerard.
“Put your scarf there on the dresser,” Frank directed, waiting patiently as you took of your hat and scarf.
“I brought stollen,” you told him, handing him a tin box which you had carried in a fabric bag over your shoulder.
“Ah brilliant,” your friend exclaimed, taking the box from you, “Jamia was so worried because she didn’t have time to make any.”
He bustled off, probably into the kitchen to put the stollen on a plate.
Just when you had taken off your boots, and were about to step into the living room, you heard Frank shout a warning.
“Mind the door to the living room, Jamia put up mistletoe, and she will force the tradition on you, if you’re not careful!”
You chuckled, thinking to yourself, that you definitely would not mind getting stuck under that mistletoe with a certain hazel eyed singer, before you finally entered the living room.
A tall Christmas tree, decorated with lights, red baubles and golden ribbons, stood in front of a window to the garden, and on the corner sofa you were welcomed by more of your friends. Mikey and Kristin were sitting between Ray, Christa and Gerard, all of them jumping up when they saw you entering the room.
After you had greeted everyone, you sat down on the only free space that was left, right next to Gerard, trying to keep a safe distance to him, as well as you pulse steady. He immediately started asking about how your Christmas Eve had been and told you excitedly about the new guitar pedal Mikey had gotten for him. You could not help the smile that etched itself onto your face at his enthusiasm, and carefully listened to his rather amusing imitation of the change the pedal caused to the guitar sound.
After a few minutes, Frank and Jamia emerged from the kitchen, both carrying tablets with cookies, your stollen, as well as tea and non-alcoholic mulled wine. You sighed contently at the delicious smell of baked goods and spices that spread through the room. It was a years- long tradition to meet for a Christmas-y brunch on the morning of the 25th, and this year was no exception.
“Ugh, don’t take up so much space, move,” Frank complained, pushing Gerard a little aside and squeezing between him and Mikey on the sofa before pulling Jamia down into his lap.
Frank’s rather insensible action had cause Gerard to get pushed into your side, and since you were already sitting pressed against the arm rest, you had no way of escaping the shyly at you smiling Gerard. You shrugged with an excusing smile, and tried to suppress the rising blush, which Gerard seemed not to notice since he was relaxing back into the cushions, placing his arm, which had been squeezed between the two of you, over your shoulder.
Ray, who sat diagonally across from you, since the couch was L-shaped, watched the interaction with raised eyebrows, and smiled encouragingly at you as you noticed his look. Then he turned back to his wife as if he had noticed nothing, and continued participating in the conversation he had been having.
You felt yourself blush more, now that Ray obviously had noticed that you were somewhat interested in Gerard, and quickly busied yourself with getting some cookies.
Usually you were able to pride yourself with knowing pretty well what conversations had been made over the course of a meeting, but when Ray and Christa got up, declaring they had to go, since they had to meet her parents for tea, you had absolutely no clue how the time had passed so fast, or what had happened during it. As you realized you had been far too distracted by the handsome man at your side, who had snuggled closer and closer to you over time.  Since it was pretty late already, Mikey and Kristin, Gerard, and you decided to leave the Ieros alone as well.
You helped loading the dishwasher, and then made your way into the hallway, one after the other, careful not to accidently landing under Jamia’s mistletoe with anyone but their own partner.
You were following Mikey into the narrow hallway, when, over the chatter of the others, Gerard exclaimed he had forgotten something in the living room, and pushed back out of the hallway, squeezing past his brother and you with an excusing smile. Politely you stepped aside to let him through, not thinking of the mistletoe that still hungover the door you were standing in as he walked past.
The bustling search for hats, scarfs, gloves and coats got abruptly halted by the excited shout of Jamia.
“I saw that! Don’t look at me like that Gerard; you know exactly what I mean!”
Confused you turned around to see what the excitement was all about. Frank had his lips pressed together, trying to suppress the big grin that threatened to spread across his face. Next to him, his wife accusingly looked at Gerard, while pointing at something over your head; and that was when you remembered the tricky, little branch that had been hung.
Your heart stuttered for a moment, before beating at twice its original speed, hammering against your ribcage. Heat rose in your cheeks, which was not at all comforted by the knowledge that everyone’s eyes were now fixed on you and Gerard.
“Seriously,” Gerard hissed, holding the scarf he had wanted to fetch from the living room, but shuffled over in surrender.
You were too nervous to notice the otherwise very noticeable blush that also had crept on his cheeks as he stepped in front of you.
“Is that okay for you,” he asked, looking at you worriedly, not sure what he wished for you to answer.
You swallowed hard, still very aware of the six pairs of eyes that were fixed on you.
“Do we have a choice,” you whispered, trying to calm your breath, while smiling shyly at Gerard.
He smiled back, and threw his scarf over his shoulder, so he would have both hands free. You almost backed away out of nervousness as Gerard stepped closer. For a moment he just looked at you, with you looking back at him, as if to make sure you were really giving him consent for this. It was obvious that you felt uncomfortable, but so did he. This was not how he had wanted you to kiss you for the first time, not in front of all his friends and their wives. Gently he placed his warm hand at your cheek, brushing his thumb over your delicate skin. Instinctively you melted into the touch, giving Gerard a little more confidence, as he lent in.
His breath calmingly fanned over your skin, and you closed your eyes. This was a lot closer than you had ever imagined being to Gerard, and a chill ran down your spine, making you shiver a little. You felt the warmth that his skin radiated as his face was hovering less than an inch away from yours, and his nose brushed teasingly against yours for a moment. The tension in the air was almost too much to take, but you refused to give in first, even though your heart was beating in your throat, and your lips tickled in anticipation of the feeling of his against yours.
Even though you thought you would be prepared, you were surprised when finally Gerard’s lips connected to yours, melting away the last rest of nervousness. The ‘aww’s and ‘finally’s of the others, who turned back to getting dressed, and the high five between Frank and Jamia, faded away completely as your entire focus was on how soft Gerard’s lips were, even though they were a little chapped from the dry air. You lifted your hand up, and wrapped your finger into the fluffy fabric of his sweater, stepping closer to him. The hand he had placed on your cheek moved to your neck, and his free one to the small of your back, pulling you into him, so your body was pressed to his. The kiss was gentle, full of love, but also hurried, as if both of you had been drowning without the other, and were finally able to breath.
When you pulled away from Gerard, your heart still hammering in your chest, and your cheeks pink, he smiled at you in a way you had never seen him smile before. His eyes were sparkling brightly, and his lips curved upwards softly. You wanted to say something, make a joke, to break the awkward silence that had fallen over the hallway, where, once again, everyone was watching Gerard and you. But before you had the chance to, Gerard leapt forward and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a soft hug, that you immediately returned by wrapping your arms around him as well.
You felt him breath into your hair, down your neck, which once more caused a shiver to run down your spine. Your own nose was pressed into the crook of his neck, allowing you to deeply inhale the delicious smell of cinnamon and orange from his sweater.
“Be mine?”
The words were whispered, barely loud enough for you to hear, even though Gerard had whispered them right into your ear. For a moment you were not sure if you had misunderstood him, so you tightened your embrace for a second, before realizing that you in fact had heard him correctly. Without thinking, without considering the other people present, without worrying about the consequences, which had ruined a lot of fun in the past, you pushed away from Gerard just enough to be able to kiss him again, but this time it was rough and passionate, not nervous or uncertain anymore. He immediately responded to the kiss, grabbing your face with both hands to hold you close, before he started giggling, breaking the kiss again.
“Mission accomplished,” Frank announced to the laughter and cheers of the others, causing you to blush even more than you already had.
Gerard seemed pretty unimpressed by the guitarist’s exclamation, and just shook his head, while the smile on his face never faded. Intertwining his fingers with yours, he squeezed past the others, who were still cheering and laughing, helped you into your coat, and grabbed your scarf and hat, before quickly pulling you out of the crowded hallway into the cold afternoon. Hand in hand you walked down the path from the door to the street, then Gerard stopped and looked at you. His happy expression had given way to a concerned one.
“Really,” he asked.
Confused you raised your eyebrows at him, the frown on his face hurting like a dagger that had been driven into your heart.
“Will you really be mine,” he clarified.
Relieved that this was all that troubled him, you chuckled. This time it was you who placed a hand on the other’s face.
“If you’ll have me,” you answered, watching how the frown on Gerard’s face disappeared, and was replaced with this smile that made your heart beat faster.
He quickly pecked your lips, smiling too widely to do more than that.
“Let’s go home,” he suggested, and you nodded quickly.
So you strolled down the street, hand in hand, speeding up your steps only when you heard the door to Frank’s house open, and the others pooling into the yard. You made sure to have disappeared behind a corner before you slowed down again. White, big snowflakes started falling from the grey clouds that hung in the sky, starting to cover up the tracks you left in last night’s snow, and while Gerard quietly started chatting to you, you realized that this had been an exceptionally good Christmas.
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vetadventure · 5 years
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DAY 2/12 of productivity
The challange continues.
It has been a rough day, ahaha.
Yesterday I managed to go through and learn 10 questions, today I only went through 8. It took soooo long, oh my god. I was writing and writing and writing and it never ended. But I managed to do the minimum amount of questions per day so it’s better than nothing.
The topics I have been through until now are all about enzymes, all types of enzymes and their diagnostics. To be honest I don’t find this part specially hard, the only problem is the amount of information to take in. The understanding is fine, but the learning of all the definitions is a bit worse. It is really interesting tho, and finally it feels like we’re studying for becoming vets.
Tomorrow I’ll start with the next set of questions that are about the metabolism if I remember correct. These also includes the different metabolic pathways and cycles.
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30 days writing challange!
Day 1
Describe my Personality...
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Hmmm, dimulai dari sisi mana ya? hahaha
Franciska Marintan Napitupulu. Nama Franciska yang disarankan oleh kakak sepupu, dia berkeyakinan untuk menjadi seorang gadis yang cantik, pintar dan baik. Kemudian Marintan nama dari Mama, ia mengartikan bahwa aku adalah permata/ harta yang berharga baginya. Sudah 25 tahun 5 bulan dengan nama yang agak kurang filososfi ini haha. Aku sering dipanggil Intan.
Seorang anak tunggal, tentu membuatku mudah untuk mendapatkan banyak kemudahan dalam hidupku.Terkadang ini menyebabkan, sering aku memudahkan banyak hal. Sering aku merasa tidak perlu usaha yang berlebih toh aku akan mendapatkannya. Apalagi dalam hal materi, aku termasuk boros. Merasa ada orang tua yang sudah pasti membantu dan menopang ekonomiku. Namun disisi keegoisanku, kedua orangtuaku sudah membiasakanku untuk berbagi dengan saudaraku. Aku ingat dimasa kecilku aku selalu berbagi dengan sepupuku. Jadi apabila aku dibelikan baju pasti Mama juga akan membeli untuk sepupuku. Sepanjang yang aku ingat tak pernah aku merasa cemburu ketika Mama membelikan barang-barang kepada sepupuku. Semakin besar aku juga semakin terbiasa untuk berbagi, tenggang rasa sesama saudara. 
Aku terbentuk menjadi Intan yang sering merasa Insecure. Sering tidak percaya diri dan kurang nyaman menjadi pusat perhatian. Selalu ingin membantu dari belakang saja. Padahal aku memiliki talenta yang harus ditampilkan dimuka umum. Aku suka bernyanyi. Namun kurang percaya diri jadi aku enggan untuk bernyanyi didepan umum. Sepanjang masa sekolah aku tidak terlalu explore bakatku ini. Setelah aku berkuliah aku mulai sering bernyanyi. Sedikit demi sedikit mulai percaya diri. Namun masih jadi “PR” untukku, agar lebih percaya diri. Mulai menunjukkan kemampuan yang aku bisa. 
Selalu berkeinginan untuk tampil sempurna, mungkin itu yang menyebabkanku selalu menunggu hal-hal besar untuk memulai sesuatu. Padahal banyak hal yang harus dimulai dulu, tanpa dimulai dengan hal besar kan?
Aku sangat keras kepala, sering sekali ingin selalu menjalani seperti yang kuingini dan kuyakini. Agak terlihat bebal, apalagi dalam hal prinsip. Ternyata yang punya diriku bukanlah aku dan kuasaku. Ada yang lebih berkuasa, bukan semua tentang kemauanku yang harus jadi, tapi kemauan-Nya.
Sangat intuitif, seringnya jadi kurang sabar. Selalu menginginkan hal besar terjadi tanpa peduli banyak hal kecil yang bisa mendukung menjadi hal besar. Kurang paham dalam proses. Terkadang menyebabkanku menjadi orang yang gegabah dan menyesal kemudian. 
Lumayan sulit mengungkapkan apa yang terjadi dalam diri. Iya, bukannya mengatasi masalah malah memilih jalan lain dan aman. 
Okey, beberapa hal negatif dalam diriku yaa itu. Tapi aku punya hal positif kok, pasti hahaha. 
Aku mudah bergabung dalam suatu kelompok, selalu bisa menjadi pribadi yang ceria. Kapanpun dan dimanapun hahaha. Dan selalu berusaha membina hubungan baik dengan orang-orang. Jadi punya banyak teman untuk sharing juga.
Aku senang berbagi, latah aja mau bantu orang. Selalu berusaha bisa bantu kalo lihat orang sedang kesusahan. Selalu niat bantu. Semakin hari harus makin dermawan yaaa, Tan hahaha.
Sebenarnya, aku adalah pribadi yang ceria. Senang sekali rasanya bisa buat orang ketawa dengan kekonyolan ataupun hal apa yang aku tawarkan untuk dibicarakan. Rame, aku senang. Apalagi berkumpul dengan teman-teman ataupun orang baru. Aku suka.
Hmm, mungkin agak naif apa gimana. Tapi ya, aku itu susah sekali membenci orang. Jadi sampai umur sekarang aku itu gapernah punya musuh. Dendam juga enggak. Kayaknya aku gadak haters deh, dan gadak yang kepoin juga hahaha.  
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lady-of-lies · 5 years
Writing challange masterlist
Bonus prompts:
Feelings of spring (headcanon)
Small non-dangerous firecracker
Regular prompts:
day 1: Thinking back
day 2: A lot of what ifs
day 3: Finally Friday
day 4: Just a bit of bad luck and late arrivals
day 5: Worst day ever
day 6: At last
day 7: Not all dates are bad
day 8: Wishful thinking
day 9: A hate stronger than Hulk
day 10: Fortunate side effects
day 11: Fears and failure
day 12: Toffee the beagle
day 13: Only darkness
day 14: Bells and broom closets
day 15: Like a weezing walrus
day 16: Why?
day 17: It is all relative
day 18: Only in the movies
day 19: The feeling of home
day 20: Do you remember?
day 21: Doing what you love
day 22: The cherry on top
day 23: The art of getting lost
day 24: Trapped
day 25: The misfortunes of a good heart
day 26: Once upon a death
day 27: His daily sunshine
day 28: The American dream
day 29: From dust til doom
day 30: In sickness or health?
day 31: First, worst and last
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fabianablog · 2 years
I decided that have to write a chapter per day for 25 days with min of 1.5k word.
And then I will upload the chapter for 25days on GN and Libri. And Then Webnovel.
So I will start my 25 day challange today.
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sara-journals · 4 years
1/30 : Personality [30 Days Writing Challange]
Halo. Im in the wave.
Rasanya ingin memulai dengan kalimat “wah terasa aneh ya karena sudah lama ngga nulis.. bla bla bla”. Ternyata menggelikan.
Satu hari yang lalu, saya nggak sengaja lihat challenge’s post melintas di timeline twitter. Dan tanpa pikir panjang lagi, langsung mengajak sahabat dan pacar untuk ikut. Inilah hari pertama saya untuk 30 days writing challenge.
Tema hari ini : Describe your personality.
Secara terminologi, according to Cambridge Dictionary, personality is the type of person you are, shown by the way you behave, feel and think.
Wow. I think I have thousands words to describe my personality, this is my favorite topic kalo lagi PDKT. Tapi sebenernya.. sampai saat ini pun, saya masih berusaha untuk mengenal diri saya sendiri. Mungkin kembali kepada prinsip bahwa segala sesuatu yang hidup itu memiliki sifat dinamis, begitu pula kepribadiankuww. Most of the time, saya adalah orang yang sangat tangguh, keras kepala, ambisius, gigih, visioner dan independen. Tapi dalam waktu berlainan saya bisa menjadi kebalikan dari itu semua.. lunak, pesimis, nggak ada semangat, nggak punya visi dan dependen. Atau bahkan gabungan dari keduanya. Jadi kalau diminta menyebutkan personality-ku dalam one word, its.. mixed. Maybe its what make me UNIQUE or different from others
1. Ekstrovert
Saya sangat ekstrovert, sepertinya hanya butuh waktu 30 menit I can tell my life to a ‘trusted’ stranger. Dengan dasar pemikiran “untuk apa sih ditutupin”, “HARUS JUJUR”, “semua orang peduli”, “semua orang baik”, “hidup ini perlu berbagi pengalaman” dll. Padahal… setelah hidup 25 tahun, saya baru paham ada banyak hal yang ternyata tidak se-naif itu. Manusia tuh manipulatif, kita nggak bisa percaya 100% asumsi kita. Since I realized that I fact, saya mulai memahami pentingnya filter. Jadi saat ini, ketika sudah melewati stratified filter, barulah saya bisa mengeluarkan ke-ekstrovert-an saya sedikit demi sedikit. Im not ambivent, just a filtered-extrovert.
2. Ambisius
Ah padahal saya ini anak yang que sera-sera, jujur saya orang yang nggak suka bersaing. Imma “just do my best and God do the rest” type of person. Waktu ujian, saya kasih lihat seluruh kertas jawaban saya ke orang-orang. Waktu ulangan, orang-orang pilihin saya tempat duduk strategis supaya saya bisa ngasih mereka jawaban. Saya nggak pernah merasa punya rival, dalam hal apapun. Tapi sepertinya, saya baru paham saya ini ambisius saat saya masuk Fakultas Kedokteran (di akhir masa studi) dan mengalami beberapa kegagalan.
“Kok rasanya sakit banget ya menjadi nomer 3?”
“Kok saya tidak bisa mendapat apa yang saya inginkan padahal saya sudah lakukan yang terbaik?”
“Kok dia yang terpilih? Bukannya saya yang terbaik?”
“Oh.. ternyata saya ambisius…”
Eh.. ini memenuhi terminologi ambisius nggak sih? Hahaha.
3. Moody
Sarah “Moody” Ovinitha. Its my middle name. Mood adalah poros saya dan segala sesuatu berputar terhadapnya. Can anybody help?
Dulu saya tuh anaknya pembohong banget, dan satu kebohongan membawa ke kebohongan lainnya. Nggak ada bohong-bohong saya yang ketahuan, tapi Tuhan tegur saya lebih keras dibanding teguran manusia manapun. Emang manusia bisa dibohongi, tapi Tuhan kan engga ya. Sejak saya jatuh cinta sama Tuhan, saya juga jadi nggak mau bohongi manusia. Malu sama Tuhan.
Selain itu, mungkin ajaran ini yang paling dan akan terus saya inget dari Bapak saya “Kejujuran itu menunjukkan integritas dan kualitas diri seseorang. Walaupun nggak ada yang lihat tapi tetap berlaku jujur, dia adalah orang yang sangat berharga.” Sejak saat itu saya nggak pernah bohong, juga nggak suka banget kebohongan.
Mungkin berangkat dari jujur ini, saya juga orang yang sangat loyal.
5. Idealis
Saya nggak bisa jelasin betapa idealisnya saya terhadap hal-hal yang menyangkut peraturan/protokol. Saya paling nggak suka tindakan yang di luar jalur aturan. Saya juga punya beberapa prinsip yang susah saya jelaskan, guys. Yah.. intinya gitu. Saya idealis, tapi masih cukup fleksibel untuk flex kesana dan kemari. Saya hanya selalu kasih certain border untuk prinsip-prinsip yang tidak bisa dilanggar. Contohnya, keep virginity until marriage is my principle, tapi saya sama sekali nggak masalah sama teman yang udah ‘hs’ before marriage. Kalau mereka curhat saya denger, minta pendapat saya kasih pendapat terbaik (dari kacamata medis). Hehehe. Meluas kemana-mana ya penjelasan saya.
Ini 5 hal utama, sisanya mungkin saya jelaskan dalam hari berikutnya.
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laurameliala · 4 years
before 25
Hey, it’s 30 minutes before my birthday. Yay me for surviving another year, though surviving sounds ungracious. 
You know how you always confused about what’s in your heart with what’s in your head? This is that period of time. I usually need to stop everything for a moment, zoned out, write it down or talk it out. So that’s pretty much why i am here, writing. 
I haven’t got the time and the space since i live in a house of 12 person, with 2 roomates, in the middle of a pandemic. I haven’t got the motivation to do anything besides my routine, i haven’t met anyone i can share the same energy with and i always feel lazy and useless. Furthermore, this is a big deal for me, i am not even a morning person anymore and i sleep at 11PM!
So basically i hit the midlife crisis in he middle of a pandemic. Sometimes i know it’s not always about me. Maybe the pandemic made me feel like it. My mind’s exhausted by covid-19 news, by the fact that it only gets closer to your inner circle, by the fact that i left my parents in the red zone, knowing that i can’t control every step or every people they met, scared to death that anything would happen. This pandemic and midlife crisis scares me too much that i forget how to be gratetful and hopefull. I forgot that being healthy nowadays seems to be the best thing ever, both inside and outside. I forgot that i am loved by who i needed the most. 
So bear with me. Here’s to another year of gratitude, another year full of intentions, another year of not taking things for granted, another year of more healthy food recipes, another year of 14 days chloe ting challange, another year of reading, another year of searching from within, another year of letting go. Happy birthday for a fresh starter.
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Advent Calendar 2018
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December 01 - Andy Hurley x Reader
December 02 - Mikey Way x Reader
December 03 - Pete Wentz x Reader
December 04 - Frank Iero x Reader
December 05 - Patrick Stump x Reader
December 06 - Ray Toro x Reader
December 07 - Joe Trohman x Reader
December 08 - Gerard Way x Reader
December 09 - Tyler Joseph x Reader
December 10 - Nicole Row x Reader
December 11 - Josh Dun x Reader
December 12 - Spencer Smith x Reader
December 13 - Ryan Seaman x Reader
December 14 - Brendon Urie x Reader
December 15 - Jon Walker x Reader
December 16 - Dallon Weekes x Reader
December 17 - Ryan Ross x Reader
December 18 - Joe Trohman x Reader
December 19 - Frank Iero x Reader
December 20 - Patrick Stump x Reader
December 21 - Ray Toro x Reader
December 22 - Pete Wentz x Reader
December 23 - Mikey Way x Reader
December 24 - Andy Hurley x Reader
December 25 - Gerard Way x Reader
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Lantern  & Baubles
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Wise words from a mad woman
1. Don’t doubt yourself
2. Don’t judge your own pace based off of how fast others are going.
3. Take time for yourself
4. Find hobbies and practice them frequently
5. Breathe. Don’t forget to breathe. Inhale, longer exhale. Do this 3 times. It will bring you peace.
6. Have an opinion. Be loud. Stand up for what you believe in and don’t ever let others morph your perspectives if they are not benefiting you. 
7. Don’t carry more than you can hold.
8. Sometimes letting go is the best thing you can do. 
9. Perceive your mishaps as learning experiences, rather than mistakes.
10. You either live with him, or you’ll learn from him.
11. Be in this moment, right now. Forget last year, last month, last week, yesterday, even a second ago; let things go. 
12. Forgive yourself. Please forgive yourself. We are all human and we all make mistakes.
13. Feed your soul. Do this by challanging yourself. If you stay in the same place too long you will never be more than what you are in this moment.
14. Money isn’t everything.
15. Never judge a book by its cover.
16. Be a light in the dark.
17. Listen to good ass music. Play vinyls and listen to old blues one day and jazz the next. Change yourself often. Surprise yourself.
18. Don’t let someone else tell you who you are. 
19. You are beautiful. Incredibly beautiful, on the inside and out.
20. Be in nature.Find a spot that no one knows about and go there often.
21. You are loved.
22. Be patient. Patient with your friends, significant other, your family, random people passing by, traffic, but most importantly-be patient with yourself.
23. Take drives a lot and scream your favorite songs at the top of your lungs. It’s the best therapy.
25. During a break up never play sad songs. It does nothing for you.
26. People come and go. Let them. Everything happens for a reason.
27. Question everything.
28. Read and write often.
29. Don’t lose your imagination. The greatest people in this world are insane.
30. Be weird. Be weird and own that shit.
31. A lady does curse. She curses a fucking lot.
32. Don’t let anyone tell you have to live. You’ll have many decisions to make and you’ll often find yourself questioning yourself, where you’re going, and where you’ll end up. Don’t let this discourage you. You are young, though it may not feel that way. You have so much life ahead of you; grab it by the balls.
33. You got this.
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siva3155 · 5 years
300+ TOP TEACHING APTITUDE Objective Questions and Answers
TEACHING APTITUDE Multiple Choice Questions :-
1. Most important work of teacher is (A) to organize teaching work (B) to deliver lecture in class (C) to take care of children (D) to evaluate the students 2. A teacher should be (A) Honest (B) Dilligent (C) Dutiful (D) Punctual 3. Environmental education should be taught in schools because (A) it will affect environmental pollution (B) it is important part of life (C) it will provide job to teachers (D) we cannot escape from environment 4. Navodaya Schools have been established to (A) increase number of school in rural areas (B) provide good education in rural areas (C) complete 'Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan' (D) check wastage of education in rural areas 5. At primary level, it is better to teach in mother language because (A) it develops self-confidence in children (B) it makes learning easy (C) it is helpful in intellectual development (D) it helps children in learning in natural atmosphere 6. Women are better teacher at primary level because (A) they behave more patiently with children (B) they are ready to work with low salary (C) higher qualification is not needed in this profession (D) they have less chances in other profession 7. You have been selected in all the four professions given below. Where would you like to go ? (A) Teacher (B) Police (C) Army (D) Bank 8. What is most important while writing on blackboard ? (A) Good writing (B) Clarity in writing (C) Writing in big letters (D) Writing in small letters 9. Some students send a greeting card to you on teacher's day. What will you do ? You will (A) do nothing (B) say thanks to them (C) ask them to not to waste money (D) reciprocate the good wishes to them 10. A student comes late in your class. Then you will (A) inform to parents (B) punish him (C) try to know the reason (D) not pay attention there
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TEACHING APTITUDE MCQs 11. When the students become failed, it can be understood that (A) The system has failed (B) The teachers failure (C) The text-books failure (D) The individual student's failure 12. It is advantage of giving home work that students (A) remain busy at home (B) study at home (C) may be checked for their progress (D) may develop habit of self study 13. In computers, the length of a word is measured in (A) Bit (B) Byte (C) Millimeter (D) None of these 14. Who is known as 'father of computer' ? (A) B. Pascal (B) H. Hollerith (C) Charles Babbage (D) J. V. Neumann 15. A teacher has serious defect is he/she (A) is physically handicapped (B) belongs to low socio-economic status (C) has weak personality (D) has immature mental development 16. The success of teacher is (A) high achievement of students (B) good traits of his/her personality (C) his/her good teaching (D) his/her good character 17. A Deepawali fair is being organized in your school. What would you like to do ? (A) only to visit the fair (B) to take part in function (C) to take a shop to sell something (D) to distribute free water to visitors 18. The most important trait of a student is (A) sense of responsibility (B) to speak truth (C) co-operation (D) obedience 19. The purpose of basic education scheme is (A) universalization of primary education (B) to vocationalise the eduction (C) to fulfil basic need of persons through education (D) to make education compulsory for all 20. You are teaching a topic in class and a student ask a question unrelated to the topic. What will you do ? (A) you will allow him to ask unrelated question (B) you will not allow him to ask unrealated question (C) you will consider it indiscipline and punish him (D) you will answer the question after the class 21. If you are unable to get a job of teacher, then you will (A) start giving tuition at home (B) remain at home till you get a job (C) take some another job (D) continue applying for teaching 22. A teacher can motivate the students by (A) giving suitable prizes (B) giving proper guidance (C) giving examples (D) delivering speech in class 23. If a student does not pay any respect to you, then you will (A) ignore him (B) award less marks in examination (C) talk to his/her parents (D) rebuke him 24. National Literacy Mission was established in (A) 1996 (B) 1988 (C) 1999 (D) 2000 25. The aim of National Council for teacher education is (A) to open college of education (B) to promote research in education (C) to maintain standards in colleges of education (D) to provide grant to colleges of education 26. Kindergarten system of education was contributed by (A) T. P. Nunn (B) Spencer (C) Froebel (D) Montessori 27. 'National Council of Educational Research and Training' was established in (A) 1961 (B) 1962 (C) 1963 (D) 1964 28. Essay type test are not reliable because (A) their answers are different (B) their results are different (C) their checking is affected by examiner's mood (D) their responding styles are different 29. A guardian never comes to see you in school. You will (A) ignore the child (B) write to the guardian (C) go to meet him youself (D) start punishing the child 30. To maintain interest among students in class, a teacher should (A) use blackboard (B) discuss (C) tell stories (D) ask question 31. The purpose of new education policy is (A) to provide equal opportunity of education to all (B) to improve the whole education system (C) to link the education with employment (D) to delink the degree with education 32. To raise the standard of education, it is necessary (A) to evaluate students continuously (B) to give high salary to teachers (C) to revise curriculum (D) to make good school building 33. What is most important for a teacher ? (A) to maintain discipline in class (B) to be punctual in class (C) to remove difficulties of students (D) to be good orator 34. Why students should play games in school ? (A) It makes them physically strong (B) It makes work easier for teachers (C) It helps in passing time (D) It develops co-operation and physical balance 35. Family is a means of (A) Informal education (B) Formal education (C) Non-formal education (D) Distance education 36. There is tension among villagers and you are teacher there. What will you do ? (A) You will inform "Gram Pradhan" (B) You will try to pacify them (C) You will report to police (D) You will keep distance from them 37. A teacher can develop social values among students by (A) telling them about great people (B) developing sense of discipline (C) behaving ideally (D) telling them good stories 38. What will you do in leisure time in school ? You will (A) take rest in teacher's room (B) read magazines in library (C) talk to clerks in office (D) check home work of students 39. A teacher asks the questions in the class to (A) keep students busy (B) maintain discipline (C) attract student's attention (D) teach 40. You like teaching profession because (A) it has less responsibility (B) you are interested in it (C) it is easy (D) it provide you more holidays 41. How the students should be motivated to get success in life ? (A) Selected study (B) Incidental study (C) Intensive study (D) Learning by recitation 42. In context of the habit of Absenteeism of student (A) The principal and parents should get worried (B) The officials of the schools should take action against them as per school's discipline (C) The teachers should take it as a serious problem (D) They should be given less priority in the class room in relation to regular students 43. To whom the responsibility of organisation of curricular activities should be stored with ? (A) The principal (B) The teacher who is appointed for this work (C) The teachers who take interest in it (D) All the teachers 44. When the students try to solve the questions in some different way as taught by the teacher from prescribed books, then these students should be (A) Discouraged to consult some other books on the subject (B) Encouraged to consult some other books on the subject (C) Suggested to talk with their teacher after the period (D) Suggested to follow the class room notes in order to get good mark in the examination 45. The experienced teachers do not require the detailed lesson plan of a topic because (A) They can teach in a good manner without its help (B) The number of curious students is very poor in the class (C) When they commit some mistake, they do not face any challange from their students (D) They can equip themselves with brief outline as they gain specialisation in it through experience 46. The problem of drop-out in which students leave their schooling in early years can be tackled in a better way through (A) Reduction of the weight of curriculum (B) Sympathy of teachers (C) Attractive environment of the school (D) Encouragement of the students 47. The ideal teacher (A) Teaches the whole curriculum (B) Helps his students in learning (C) Is a friend, philosopher and guide (D) Maintains good discipline 48. The aim of education should be (A) To develop vocational skills in the students (B) To develop social awareness in the students (C) To prepare the students for examination (D) To prepare the students for practical life 49. The best method of checking student's homework is (A) To assign it to intelligent students of the class (B) To check the answers in the class in group manner (C) To check them with the help of specimen answer (D) To check by the teacher himself in a regular way 50. A time bound testing programme for a students should be implemented in Shools so that (A) The progress of the students should be informed to their parents (B) A regular practice can be carried out (C) The students can be trained for final examinations (D) The remedial programme can be adopted on the basis of the feedback from the results 51. The essential element of the syllabus for the children remained out of school should be (A) Literacy competencies (B) Life-skills (C) Numerical competencies (D) Vocational competencies 52. The contribution of taxpayers in Primary education is in the form of (A) Income Tax (B) Tuition Fee (C) Paying money for individual tution (D) Educational cess 53. The priority to girls education should be given because (A) The girls are more intelligent in comparison than the boys (B) The girls are lesser in number than boys (C) The girls were badly discriminated in favour of boys in the past (D) Only girls are capable of leading for social change 54. The success of integrated education depends on (A) The support of community (B) The excellence of text-books (C) The highest quality of teaching-learning material (D) The attitudinal changes in teachers 55. The quality of schools education is exclusively depending upon (A) Infrastructural facilities (B) Financial provisions (C) International support (D) The quality of teacher education 56. The idea of Basic Education is propounded by (A) Dr. Zakir Hussain (B) Dr. Rajendra Prasad (C) Mahatma Gandhi (D) Rabindranath Tagore 57. The most important indicator of quality of education in a school is (A) Infrastructural facilities of a school (B) Classroom system (C) Text-books and Teaching-learning material (D) Student Achievement level 58. The best remedy of the student's problems related with learning is (A) Suggestion for hard work (B) Supervised study in Library (C) Suggestion for private tuition (D) Diagnostic teaching 59. The in-service teacher' training can be made more effective by (A) Using training package which in wellprepared in advance (B) Making it a residential programme (C) Using co-operative approach (D) Practicing training followup procedures 60. Child Labour Prohibition Act (1986) (A) Prohibits all types of child labour upto 14 years of age of child (B) Prohibits child labour in risk-taking works only (C) Prohibits child labour during school hours only (D) Prohibits child labour by imposing the responsibility of children's education on the employers TEACHING APTITUDE Questions and Answers pdf Download Read the full article
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luciferadvent · 5 years
What is Lucifer Advent?
You’ll get a bingo card with 25 prompts. You will have to write twenty five fics or create twenty five works of art. That’s one story a day for each day of Advent. The bingo prompts will be from several categories; Christmas tropes, regular tropes, kinks, shipts and Lucifer prompts
Can I veto a trope?
Fo sur! Just make note of it when you sign up.
Do I need to do the prompts in order?
No, write in any order you want. Though if you like a challange you can write in order.
Can I start posting right away?
No! You can start writing as soon as you get your card but save your posting until December 1st.
Can I do chapters instead of one shots?
Yes! One shots, whole stories or single chapters all count.
I don’t know *** means
I stole my tropes from HERE. If you’re still not clear shoot me an ask
What do I get if I finish the challenge?
You get twenty five Lucifer things. What could I possibly give you that would better?
Okay. I guess you’ll get a banner too. And maybe something else special depending on what I can come up with. Sorry, I’m sort of just coming up with this.
Do all the entries need to be Christmas related?
No but a few would help get us all in the Christmas spirit.
Do all entries need to be Lucifer related?
Yes. That’s the name of the challenge.
Can I write other non-Christmas winter holidays?
Yes! I tried looking for Hanukah tropes but only found one. You can write about any winter theme you like. And if you know of some none-Christmas trope please send me them so I can add it!
What can I submit?
Fics, poetry, art, gifs, pretty much anything.
Can I co-write?
Go for it you beautiful diamond.
What should I tag my entries?
Please tag everything with Lucifer Advent and or Lucifer Advent 2019 so I can find them.
What if I don’t post on time?
Nothing except for being on the receiving end of Lucifer’s disappointment.
I have more questions!
Understandable. I came up with this in only six minutes. Sent me an ask and I’ll answer as fast as I can.
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silentsnow777 · 7 years
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Team Fortress Oc Trapper
Please feel free to give critisism on this and everything just don’t be mean please. I’m saying this because i already had unpleasant experiences before. I’m just having fun, that’s all.
Name: Ana Jade Katich
Age: 29
Date of birth: 15th of February 1946.
Place of birth: Serbia, NS Language spoken: Serbian - Native                              English - Fluently                              German - Beginner                              Russian - Medium knowledge (only because of Katja)
Gender: Female Body Type: Muscular, especially upper body due to the weight she is carrying. As for her breast size, she is almost flat.
Hair Color/Style:
Dirty blonde, medium lenght, messy and usually has her hair set a stray until she is scolded by her teamates to tie it up.
Eye Color: Jade green, that's where the middle name came. :3
Height: 5'9'' or 179.83 cm
Weight: 71 kg
Sexuality: Straight
Team: Red
Class Name:
The Trapper (aaaa idk help me out on this one!) /the point is, her class is related to setting up all sorts of traps, slowing down the enemy wip/
Offensive/Defense/Support or other:
Scars or Birthmarks: In the '
Military Academy' at one of the exercises her right cheek was almost cut open. After that her injury was sewen up badly by an amateur 'Medic' (her c
olleague) and it healed up leaving an 'ugly scar' ,as Ana would explain the patch on her cheek. Other than that, just basic small scars on her body.
Tattoos: None  
Personality: Very curious, asks too much question if i may add. Annoying at times. Ana is o
ptimistic, persistent and adventurous person. But at the same time also sneaky, sarcastic at times, inpatient and self-centered in some of the situations. But she tries to avoid it.
Disabilities: Memory loss caused by a strong hit in the head
Likes: Destruction, action, challange, of course besides loving destruction she enjoys sitting in peaceful surroundings reading a book or something.
Phobias:  Hydrophobia (let's just say she left that out when she was writing her resume, and none of her colleagues know that <-<) /and yes i am aware that maps have ponds in them but that is another story/
Dislikes: Being treated unequally, lying, being wrong, not getting what she wants
For the reason unknown to her, she has a fear of doctors. Also that annoys the shit out of Medic since she never shows up on her checkups and rarely calls him to heal her on the battlefield.           Spiders and anny long legged creature.           Also water, duh.  
Some special items and weapons (i don't know what i tried to do here, i'm trying to be creative :T WIP):  Jar of glue (to slow down the enemies)                Wires connecter to the explosives (yes, i know demoman has similar thing just without wires but this is what i got for now)                Bear traps                More coming when i get inspiration :T
Pets: She used to have a dog. A female Dachshund to be exact called Masha. But the dog is decesed since Ana was 14. (i gave her my beloved dog T-T, i miss you Masha aaaa)
Family: Mother Katarina 52 years old - Status: Alive                                                         Current place of residence: Serbia             Father Fabian 51 years old - Status: Alive                                                       Current place of residence: America
Friends: Katja             Feel free to ask
Bio: Being the only child in the wealthy family, Ana never actually had to take care of anything. Her life was easy, well apart from the argues  she had with her dad who was obsessed with the fact that she wasn't born male. He wanted his child to continue his work as a mercenary but as a woman, that would be really hard if not impossible. But Ana being stubborn , wanted to prove differently. She comfronted her parents about her plan and while mother was being against it, her dad was actually really supportive. He even told her an old friend of his held an 'Military Academy' where she could be send to until she gets enough training. Of course, she was thrilled about it, she could finialy make her father proud and do something with her life. So, when she turned 15, she went there instead of going to the highschool. At the beginnig of a progam everyone was assigned a partner they were sopose to spend all the years at the academy with. Her partner was a girl named Isabella who was an orphan and was taken in by the owner. Over years they became close friends. At the age of 18, Ana's parents divorced for the unknown causes besides their marriage always being at the edge. But Ana never found out what was the reason her parents finally decided to divorce. Her mother flew back to their home town, allowing Ana to stay with her father until she finishes academy. When she was 25 Ana finaly finished her time at the academy and she was ready to be hired by her father or at least somebody else. But right after her first mission, she had a nasty accident where she hit her head and lost her memory. She was sent back to her mother, her hair shaved of do to the fact her head wound needed to be stiched up. Luckily she didn't get any other mental dissorter apart from memory loss. She didn't remember who the employeer who hired her was, what she was doing, not even the last days from the academy. Years passed, her hair grew back and when she turned 29 she decided to try her luck as a merc in Teufort. After 2 times of her resume being declined she finaly got hired. And that's where the comic starts~
Ana is obsessed with cleaning, not to that point where she is a Germophobe but she just likes her stuff clean.
She doesn't know how to swim. (i mean, she is a hydrophobe, what do you expect)
Also she doesn't know how to drive, she never found a reason to.
I didn't add that in the ref sheet, but she is wearing a backpack. I mean, where else would she keep all her traps in. Also that makes her run slower since of the heavy 'luggage'.
She is oftenly mistaken as a guy because of her looks and her behaviour.
Her googles were given to her by her dad and for that reason she wears them most of the time.
Her father is a top surgeon and a very powerful mand.
After killing more then one enemy in 20 seconds: ''Oh wow, i progressed.'' or ''You should've just give up'' Destroying a building: ''They were destroyed as they worked, by being hit.'' Kill assist: ''Hey, we make a pretty good team!'' or ''That was awesome!'' Domination: ''Guess i'm winning then!'' or ''You are pretty weak to be honest.'' Dominating a Scout: ''But i thought you were the fastest one 'ere?!'' or ''I'm sorry kid, better luck next time!'' Dominating a Soldier: ''But you have a granade launcher! Use it!'' or ''And you call yourself a soldier?'' Dominating a Pyro: ''Bruh, you got extinguished.'' or ''Guess i'm to cool for ya, eh?'' Dominating a Demoman: ''Hey, your liver is fallin' out.'' or ''Znas, maybe you could get to my level if you stop drinking.'' Dominating a Heavy: ''Hah! And you call ME small!'' or ''Sasha won't save you now big guy!'' Dominating a Engineer: ''Maybe you should hit your machines harder next time.'' or ''A toaster would show more resistance.'' Dominating a Medic: ''I never even liked doctors.'' or ''Well i guess the one needing healing now is you!'' Dominating a Sniper: ''I don't like Aussies anyways.'' (she honestly has nothing against them, she just likes to annoy the heck outta him) or ''You're skinny as hell, tell me, are you anorexic?'' (<-- that is not me trying to make fun of anorexic people, i'm just trying to get into Ana's personality, she's a douche sometimes) Dominating a Spy: ''But i thought you could get invisible?'' or ''Am good enough now asshole?'' Sudden death: ''Aaah, shit...'' or ''W-what? When?'' Set on fire: ''I'm on fire! Literally!'' or ''I'll rather burn alive then jump into the water!'' Hit by a Jarate, Mad Milk etc: ''Ah! Ewww..." or ''Odvratno!'' /gross/ Teleportation: ''Hey, i didn't know this actually exist!'' or ''Thank you Engie!'' Healed by Medic: ''Thanks, i guess?'' or ''Danke doktore!'' or ''Thanks doctor!'' I'll add more later :T Team Fortress 2 (c) Valve
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1K Followers Writing Challange!
Hello everybody! I’ve decided to go ahead and to do the writing challenge in celebration of 1,000 followers! Here’s a breakdown of what you need to know and how to participate! This starts today!
So basically what’s gonna happen is that I’m going to give you guys a list a prompts and instead of me doing the writing, you are! There’s probably going to be about 25-30 prompts that you guys can choose from.  Here are the rules:
There’s only going to be one writer per prompt. If you wish do to more than one, please let me know and make sure no one else has picked that prompt.
You can do any genre your little heart desires! AUs, smut, platonic, angst, and fluff! If you’d like to write a series, be my guest! Just let me know.
You have to be 18+ to write/submit smut.
The deadline is going to be July, 5th, 2017 at 12AM PST if you need an extension just let me know!
Once you picked a prompt, please send me an ask including the number of the prompt along with a back-up. Also tell me which character you’re writing for. 
Please no ships! Only reader inserts so that everyone may enjoy everything.
You will know that a prompt is taken because it would be crossed out.
There’s no limit on how long you have to write, just write until you’re done! It can literally be as small 300 words up to like 12,000, I’ll still read it!
Everyone is invited. You do not have to follow me, but you may if you want! 
Once you’ve finished writing tag me on this account. There’s no limit on how soon you can post your writing.
Don’t forget to put the prompt in the A/N (authors note) and if there are any warnings that need to be included.
If I haven’t noticed your writing after you tagged me and it’s been a couple days, send me an ask or tag me again!
Once June 5th passes, I’ll add everything to a masterlist.
Here are the prompts!
“Stop looking at me like that, it’s your fault anyway.” 
“I thought I could trust you.”
“That was a perfect example of how not to do things.”
“It’s 8:30, I have a hangover and you’re annoying me.”
“So much for not getting involved.”
“I will if you will.”
“I didn’t intend to kiss you.”
“Prepare to be amazed.
“It’s not like I missed you or anything.”
“Never mind, the moment’s gone.”
“You’re an idiot. I’ve met smarter sandwiches.”
“Why are you/we whispering?”
“If you really loved me there wouldn’t be a choice.“
“Now, just hold on a diddly darn minute.”
“It sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself.“
“If you walk out that door… don’t you ever come back”
“Don’t you die on me”
“I wish I could stop loving you”
“I could hold you forever”
“I’m in love…shit”
"Will you lay with me beneath the night sky?”
“You know what sucks? Realizing everything you believed in is complete and utter bullshit.”
“I’m vulnerable when I’m with you, but you make me feel secure. Is this contradiction of emotions supposed to be love?”
"Is that... lipstick, on your collar?"
"Yeah uh - Yeah no, that sounds awful."
"Dear (name), First of all, I'm so sorry. I really am."
"So what, you're just gonna leave?"
"Did you honestly think I wouldn't figure it out?"
"Hey, can I hold your boobs for a sec?"
"I think I may have found a song that accurately describes how I feel toward you."
Happy writing!
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lt9804-blog · 6 years
How does social media affect our life?
Social media has a very large influence in our life especially in young people's. There are several websites we can use, but the most famous are Facebook and Instagram. Everyone uses them, whatever if we like it,or not, most of us are addictive of it.
Of course it has several advantages too, so at first I mention a few positive aspects of engaging in social media:
Teachers are able to easily collaborate and communicate with students and one another.
Grades improve and absenteeism is reduced.
59% of student users report that they use social networking to discuss educational topics and 50% use the sites to talk about school assignments.
I confirm the last one: most of the times I ask for homework from my friends via social media - maybe for me, it's a positive aspect, but for my classmates...?
Job Opportunities:
   Great for professionals for marketing, connecting, and finding business opportunities.
   Employers find employees and unemployed find work. 89% of job recruiters have hired via LinkedIn, 26% via Facebook, and 15% via Twitter.
   Social media sites have created thousands of jobs and new avenues of income.
On Facebook there are several groups of school cooperatives like MelóDiák and Fürge Diák.  You can join the group and they help to find you a job with flexible working hours. While I was attending in high school I worked through Fürge Diák.
Awareness/Being Informed:
Information spreads faster online than any other media. More than 50% learn about breaking news on social media.
Social networking provides academic research to everyone with online access, allowing people access to previously unavailable resources.
Social media sites inform and empower individuals to change themselves and their communities.
Of course it's important to know what sites do you can believe and what sites main purpose to get more and more like with fake news.
Social Benefits:
   Social media allow people to communicate with friends and this increased online communication strengthens those relationships. 52% of online teens say social media have helped their friendships. 88% say being online helps them stay in touch with friends they don't see regularly.
   People make new friends. 57% online teens report making new friends online.
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The negative aspects of engaging  in social media:
The importance of being liked:
Several teens believe that they aren't pretty , good enough, because they don't get hundreds of likes to their pictures. Teens role models became Instagram stars like the Kardashians. They try to ape them - unfortunatelly many of them succesfully.
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Showing a fake side of yourself
It's important to know that many people doesn't show the real side of themselves on social media, rather than they want to be like. I know several girls who in real life self-conscious and shy, while on their picture they look confident and sometimes a little easy too.  
This point is connected with the 1st one; they do it for likes; if you get many many likes you are cool; and you give likes to cool people because if they give it back to you you become more "famous". It's works back and forth.
Comparing our lives with others is mentally unhealthy
"One study looked at how we make comparisons to others posts, in “upward” or “downward” directions—that is, feeling that we’re either better or worse off than our friends. It turned out that both types of comparisons made people feel worse, which is surprising, since in real life, only upward comparisons (feeling another person has it better than you) makes people feel bad. But in the social network world, it seems that any kind of comparison is linked to depressive symptoms."(forbes.com)
It can lead to jealousy
We all felt jealous while scrolling down social media. One of your friends posted a picture from Rome, the other from Paris, the other just simply looks like a super model- way better than you- and the other just got a new car for his birthday. And you start to feel sorry for yourself becouse you just been on holiday at Lake Balaton and you just got a surprise party from your loved ones for your birthday-but not a car.
So you start to convince yourself that you have a shitty life- but you don't think about that you share your best days on FB, so probably they are too. Everyone has bad days, and everyone feel jealous for something; who knows, maybe the guy with the birthday car jealous for your birthday party and good friends.
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Lack of Privacy:
People, especially the young, are often too open and public with personal information when online. Most don't read privacy policies and may be unaware that their information may be used by third parties, like advertisers, insurance companies, and the IRS. 21% of teens believe it is safe and harmless to post personal information, including photos.
Online advertising policies are an invasion of privacy. If you "like" a brand, you’re giving that company access to your personal information.
Users Vulnerable to Crime:
   Social networking sites allow hate groups to recruit and distribute propaganda online.   
Security attacks such as hacking, identity theft, phishing scams, and viruses are common online.
68% of users share their real birth date, 63% share the name of their high school, 18% share their phone number, 12% share a pet's name: This information might be used in identity theft.  
 Criminals use social media to commit crimes. Robbers know when you're away from your home on vacation and stalkers get information about your whereabouts via social media.   
Sexual predators find, stalk, and assault victims through social media.   
Sexting (texting sexual content) can be a big problem. When teens post sexy photos or comments online, it can lead to criminal charges and child pornography. 88% of "private" sexual images posted to social media are stolen and publicly posted on porn sites without the subject's knowledge.
When we talk about crimes we should mention Blue Whale and Momo too. These are online phenomenones, and nobody knows who started first. The targets are mostly teens, who get  different challanges; if they don’t want to do these, they will be threatened. The last challange is suicide. As a parent it’s important to talk about it with our child and let them know that is just a bluff and if one of them-Blue Whale or Momo- find them online they can inform us and ask for help.
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We all know that online everyone is braver than face to face. 49.5% of students reported victimization by bullying online and 33.7% admitted to online bullying. Cyberbullied teens were almost twice as likely to kill themselves.
I think if you are/were being bullyed the only solution to stand up yourself. You have to believe that you are not less than the others; we are not alike; and its perfectly normal if you are a little different from the others. Many bullyed teens were became victims because they were different from the others; their grade were really good, or they had a different style from the others, but most importantly the main couse is of being bullyed is self concious attitude or naivety.
I really like the people who think everyone in the world is as kind as them, but unfortunatelly they hve the biggest biffes when they realize that is not true.
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The end of friendships
According to one report, 15% of adult users said that something that happened online caused a friendship to end. 12% of adult users said something that happened online caused a face-to-face argument, and for 3% of adults it turned into a physical confrontation.
It happened with me a lot of times that I had a big fight with my friends because we misunderstood each other online. When we write something the other doesn't see our face, hear our voice and we can get the wrong impression if each other.
Less time for face-to-face interaction with loved ones.
47% of 18-34-year-old users reported using social media or texting during meals. 10% of people younger than 25 reported checking their phones and social media during sex.
It has started with TVs - the common program with the family became watching TV together instead of play boardgames together. We can experience everyday that we are talking with someone and we checking our phone during talking. We can't pay attention to the others like this.
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While scrolling down on social media we can see a lot of ads and we can spend our money more easily sometimes for unnecessary products.
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The social media's influence to our romantic relationships
According to several reports when a couple post almost everyday a picture of themselves there is a problem in their relationship what they want to hide from the world-sometimes even from themselves too.
It can couse jeaously in a relationship if our partner likes someone elses picture regulary; it doesn't matter if it's a person who the other knows personally or a social media star who lives from her/his provocative pictures: it can induce a feeling in the other person in the relationship that he or she doesn't good enough for his or her partner.
Social media give an opportunity to get know people from the other gender and an innocent flirt can cause an end of a serious relationship.
For my blog entry I used the following links:
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