panelshowsource · 1 month
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salsflore · 1 year
dan heng for the ask game!
waving at you. picking you up squeezing you. hi eclipse !! thank you for the ask ♡
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sexuality headcanon: asexual (actually i think i hc all my f/os asexual just bc of how the fandom treats them lol)
gender headcanon: demigender
a ship i have with said character: danmika. it is canon in my head i am crazy
a brotp i have with said character: danmarch ftw
a notp i have with said character: danblade. sorry.
a random headcanon: he has the tendency of humming or singing to himself when he’s alone in the archive .... !!
general opinion over said character: i HATE him. i genuinely wish the worst on him. also he is my wife
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littlbowbub · 6 months
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Available to download on Patreon
Release Dates:
Choco Puds - 05.04 Mini Puds - 12.04 Bow Puds - 19.04 Public - 26.04
base game compatible
vegetarian safe, contains lactose
available in restaurants
ingredients optional - uses prepped vegetables optional (home chef sp)
off the grid compatible!!
sickness remedy relief
Multi serving: max vertices 678/ polygons 830 Single serving: max vertices 311/ polygons 403
any issues let me know...
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danilovefest · 6 months
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just a few days ago I was once again desperately looking for Dani content on here but it was woefully difficult....and since (hopefully) a Dani wildcard in Jerez at the end of april is very likely, I thought it would be fun to organise a little event to dig up as much Dani content as possible so that everybody looking for Dani content in the future can find loads of it here :) and maybe it'll even inspire some new fans!
MAKING POSTS: your post can be anything - videos, pictures, text posts, fics, articles - translated interviews or articles, web weaves - whatever your heart desires! just tag your post with #danilovefest or #danilovefest2024 to be featured on this blog OR you can send it directly as a submission to this blog (re: sources - please if possible include your sources/credits!)
SHARING POSTS: not all posts have to be new!! this event is all about sharing dani content, gathering it all in this neat little pile for us all to play in!! a lot of you definitely have a LOT more insight and archives of all the posts on motogpblr through the years. so please, dig up your favourite posts and let us enjoy them once again!! you can send posts via ask or send me a dm on my main @whoregaylorenzo so I can reblog it here!
ASKS: if you have any suggestions or spontaneous prompts - or you just wanna submit a fun pic without making a post - you can hop into our asks and talk to Dani! try it :)
I will try my best to make this blog SUPER organised so it can exist as a sort of dani archive for years to come <3 this list will be edited/added on to as I add new tags
media type: pictures, gifs, video, text post, links, web weave, art, mixed
others featured: marc, jorge, vale, ....
#rpf content
We will use tw injury/tw crash (re injury day) and #nsfw for explicit posts (re danifucker day)
THEMES (click on the links to access the tag):
this following list includes themes/prompts for all the days BUT of course we only want to give you ideas, you are not limited to these/nor are they limited to these days, you can post anything any day as long as it's Dani!
10.04. baby Dani
11.04. 125cc days
12.04. 250cc days
13.04. random Dani facts day
14.04. team tiny day
15.04. Dani's smile
16.04. injury day (you all made me!! ._.)
17.04. his gray hair streak
18.04. Dani ventures outside of motogp (windsurfing, cycling, his childrens book, car racing etc)
19.04. danifucker day (18+)
20.04. Pedrenzo day
21.04. Danis special riding style/ability to give feedback (gifs/videos/pics of riding, ppl describing his riding style etc)
22.04. Dani's relationship with other riders
23.04. after motogp/ktm days (various wildcards, reception and emotions coming back etc)
24.04. favorite helmet
25.04. favorite podium/win(s)
26.04. Dani at jerez through the years
27-28. give me all you got (ANY fav dani content at all) - also open for the hopefully new content that weekend
I hope you all have SOOO much fun, we certainly had fun planning and scheming and are SO excited to share the dani love with you!! - fran (@racewinnerbatmav) and dante (@marquezian)
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"It's easy to base success on results, but I think that concept is mistaken. Above all, what is most satisfying is how I will remember all of those fans, all of the people who encouraged me, who supported me during my moments, good and bad, and who often kept me from throwing in the towel." - Dani Pedrosa
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dailytomlinson · 5 months
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Streams of LIVE by Louis Tomlinson on Spotify in 24 hours - 26.04
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ana-to-ksywa · 5 months
Mam chujową klasę i w ogóle jest chujowo, bo ostatnio się załamuję i mam ochotę to wszystko rzucić w pizdu... Chociaż dzisiaj dałabym radę gdyby nie to, że mama kazała mi zjeść bajgla (czy jak to się tam odmienia) na kolację... Chciałabym też, robić dla was foodbooki, ale głupio mi, bo jak widzę te wszystkie mealspØ podczas gdy moje jedzenie to jest to co matka kupi i czuję jak jak jakaś biedaczka nie wiem czemu🙃🔫
Limit - 950kcal
Zjedzone - 1 191kcal
Spalone - 194kcal
Bilans - 997kcal
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stylesnews · 1 year
Some footage of Harry on stage at Wembley Stadium - posted 26.04
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l0rd0fcr0ws · 4 months
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❝I treat my heart like a sick child and gratify its every fancy.
— "The Sorrows of Young Werther" by Johann Wolfgang Goethe
wrocław, antique fair (26.04 - 5.05)
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peabah · 9 months
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Rosemary Mayer, PAIN, 1983
Watercolor and pencil on paper, framed.
10 1/4 x 14 1/8 inches (26.04 x 35.88 cm)
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portlicat · 5 months
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26.04 — serpentae ; ass
assinatura entregue pelo @desiresdesigns
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salsflore · 1 year
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his silly expressions. genuinely hope he dies.
ft. my bffs and THEIR silly expressions
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googleinspiration · 5 months
7/42. 26.04, пятница
🍃пережила уроки!
💚переписывалась аж с двумя подругами сегодня (учитывая, что последний раз я с кем-то переписывалась месяц назад - это успех)
🎉залпом досмотрела второй сезон Вампиров средней полосы
🥀вырубилась спать вечером; проснулась, чувствовала тревогу и одиночество, беспокойство
🍃сдала итоговый зачет по курсам повышения квалификации
🥀целый час болтала с мамой; с одной стороны, уделила ей внимание, неплохо пообщались; с другой - чувствовала потом усталость
🥀ничего не читала, магистерской не занималась. По пятницам я всегда очень вымотанная. Но в выходные оживаю.
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nomonki · 6 months
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Monkey & Lion new dates! Illustration course to establish a workflow between analogue and digital processes.
Online via Zoom 4 live sessions at 8pm CET
TU 16.04 / FR 19.04 TU 23.04 / FR 26.04
In this online course we will use analogue drawing processes applied to a graphic piece such as a Poster, Cover or Print taking advantage of the magic of digital edition.
We will work from the creation of the idea with sketches to the final illustration through topics such as handmade lettering, composition, colour, etc...
More info here: https://artnomono.com/Monkey-and-Lio
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blueprint-9376 · 1 year
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26.04 2023 [☺️]
🥩: BEEF 보고 시험 스트레스 완치
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the-world-of-books23 · 4 months
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Приятная новость для всех любителей азиатского фэнтези – скоро выйдет новинка «Портрет многоликого бога».  
Главная героиня романа проклята, она читает судьбы людей, рисуя их портреты. Встреча с божеством и охотником на демонов затягивает Лиён в любовный треугольник и становится настоящим испытанием, потому что от её выбора зависит очень многое.
Оформите предзаказ на новинку и получите эксклюзивную закладку в подарок. 
Акция действует в интернет-магазине.
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melancholictearz · 1 year
26.04 — my first wlw fanfic for the Lesbian Visibility Week!
Lady Fay Zhu x Nellie LaRoy (Babylon, 2022)
Enemies of Women on ao3
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“We’ll show them, my Roy, every single one that did us wrong. We’ll show them all.”
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